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The only man who can show the real face of US is Trump..!

Go ahead Trump and expose

all the hypocrites!?
Everyone needs to vote the mid-terms. We can not let the Democrats take over
MAGA,,,MAGA,,,,MAGA!!!!!!.....Fire these traitors,,,Drain the Swamp.....Be
Strong,,,,,And by the way,,,,,Lock her Up!?
CNN for 2 years: conspiracy theories of "Russian Collusion!" very fake news, low
He is a great President!!! He is definitely getting re-elected for sure... Donald
knows how these guys work and they get pissed that he knows these corrupt elite
inside and out?
Great interview, Ainsley..... thank you and God bless you all at FOX TRUMP2020
Trump is a one man show against the swamp. I support him.?
"Dumpsterfire" wow that's a good one. I thought Drumph was creative, but you just
knocked it out of the park. Go upstairs to your mommy and show her the good work
you did.?
Well you can thank Donald later for saving America.?
your President is correct dummy. Cohen is an idiot. Again, another nothing
That old man I would wager could kick your ass 7 days a week.?
What did he say that wasn't true troll??
Dave wants to be a slave to the communist left. What a meatball.?
Trump has saved America !!!?
Go back to CNN . You're in the wrong comment section.?
It's your comment that is disgusting.?
I think you and all other haters are disgusting and evil, to say the least.?
Peanut butter and jealous?
You must have manure for your brains.?
Your head on a stick....?
Demorats everywhere! Full of swamp Rats! Only one way to get rid of Rats!!?
I ?? our President ???? The best we've ever had! Anyone who runs against him, or
succeeds him will fail miserably. Bring it on!?
Those who gave thumbs down are just jealous! Grow up and stop being negative and
focus on the positives ?? I'm Canadian and am cheering on Mr. Trump ....Good bless
him and America
Best President ever. I wish he was our leader in Australia.?
Muellar and his cronies are professional assasins and they have done nothing but
try to character assasinate President Trump and distinguish the will of the
American people. Muellar and his gang of cronies are the enemy of the USA.?
Trump will go down as 1 of the greatest presidents of all time !! Trump2020 ????
Also Cant wait to hear u guys cry for another 4yrs when he wins again !
Trump is fighting a Weaponized Justice Department and a Weaponized Media...Sad.
Close the borders lock up or send back the Illegal's and start to arrest the bad
actors... Please Mr. President it's time.?
Nothing will stick to this President and he will serve two presidential terms,
period, end of story?
Trump is by far the greatest president this country has had in decades!! anything
is better then the last 5 administration setting the country up to bring on the
NWO, and depopulate the world!! if it wasn't for Trump the world would be dead
right now!!?
shut up clueless, go back to sleep, sheep!!?
Trump has so much momentum behind him, that no matter what happens to him , his
vision and duty will be carried on.
WE are here for Americans not foreigners ...America first ...If you were an
American citizen and legal he would be protecting you too?
Mr. President True Americans love you. America will be great again under your
leadership. Please once and for all take down the TRAITORS of this great nation and
put all of your enemies under your feet. God Bless America and President Trump. Yes
Democrats I used the word GOD.?
I wash my balls with liberal tears
These people these criminals need to leave our president Donald Trump alone he has
a lot of hard work he is trying to do and he doesn't need this garbage interrupting
what's important to American.?
and ...you're the intellectual genius, LMAO?
President Trump works in an adult environment, something you cannot deal
with...little child !?
Michael Cohens problems have NOTHING TO DO WITH TRUMP.... Good gawd...?
Love to see the Donald on song, plenty to say for himself, unlike the usual tight
lipped "frightened to say anything" career politicians.?
This is what it sounds like when a "real person" is in the office, instead of a
pre-programmed robotic puppet.?
Bask in the Glory that is President Trump!!! He sustains himself on the tears of
lefty liberals.
This is a huge interview that millions in the internet should be involved in. The
justice dept. are the unelected that allow the crimes of the elected and their own
to go unpunished. Trump has identified the monster and will have to take a sword to
the heart of it for wounds to heal?
Everyone starts off as a Democrat. Our children have been programmed in schools to
follow their teachings, it�s like religion. Unfortunately, even after our children
grow up, they still regurgitate what they�ve been taught. A mind is a terrible
thing to waste. Sad.?
Love to Donald Trump from Scotland. Mentioning South Africa was a special moment.
The west/liberals/globalists are leaving the white farmers to die and refuse to
talk about it.?
I love this President. He's a street fighter taking hits from the DC Swamp and
continues to hit back. Of course President Trump will pardon Manafort, to thumb his
nose at the Mueller investigation. He will wait until he wins a second term to give
him the political cover.?
We hired a successful businessman to fix our country and keep from moving further
into socialism - which is working. We didn't hire him to be the Pope! The Dems,
MSM and some Republicans are trying to disenfranchising 63,000,000 voters.?
they are messing with the wrong man go trump?
super honest interview and he�s own up to it!!! And remember he�s a billionaire he
doesn�t need to use campaign donations to pay off a porn star, and playmate....
COMMEN SENSE VIEWERS!!! The Fake Media and Democrats just want to undermine his
all the libtards heads are exploding teflon president Don is making you all look
like fools. There is no crime, no collusion just alt left wing tin foil hat
conspiracy theories. LOL they are all insane it's pretty funny to watch.?
I don't like or trust Trump, period. But what he is doing, I admire to the point of
Holy Shit I never thought I'd live to see it!!!! He tells the truth on people who
otherwise are above the truth and the law. When the Awans walked with tons of hard
evidence against them, what more proof does a sane person need? We know, via the
IG report, that they stole money and hacked the Dems servers. Wonder what would
happen if we had an AG that would squeeze them the way Mueller is squeezing Cohen??
President Donald Trump took on a very tough and difficult job but he's doing good.
If I were a billionaire or even a millionaire I would definitely retire.?
I love how the leftists cry over trump yet hes making jobs for you people and
actually growing your economy?
I just to think that Trump is a total idiot, a moron, because he is constantly
repeating himself. But now I realize that he is controlling the converation, not
letting the press set the narrative, as well as repeating the point over and over
is he way of talking at the IQ level of the average person. This speech pattern
is irritating, but I see why.?
I tell you I had doubts when I voted for Trump but I knew our government had been
corrupted and he was the candidate that didn�t owe anyone favors and was thick
skinned enough survive what the swamp would throw at him. I�m so glad I helped
elect Trump. I Love our president!?

�Tan mal presidente sera Trump? He visto presidentes malos,inutiles como George W
Bush,Clinton y tantos otros pero nunca el sistema se les tiro en contra como ahora
con Trump �No sera que Trump hace lo que le parece mejor para los Estados Unidos
sin importarle la opini�n de la "elite" ni preocuparse por quedar politicamente
correcto? Al principio me caia mal pero lo estoy empezando a bancar viendo como lo
persiguen aquellos mismos que permitieron que Bush hiciera todas tropelias que hizo
sin que nadie chistara siquiera?
Lo que prometi� en campa�a lo est� cumpliendo. EEEUU avanzando econ�micamente. En
serio, gentes, dejen la envidia y el resentimiento. Son la mejor imagen de la
sociedad que se que queja del �xito ajeno. Verg�enza.?

OMAROSA: Hearing her story about how embarrassed she was being poor explains a lot
of of why she's so Dam ruthless and cunning because she was determined to never be
poverty-stricken again.?

Can we imagine another scene like this now, in which Britain is urged to hold off
against the Arab Muslim menace??
The British were fortunate that they lived on an island otherwise they were
destroyed by the Germans, just like the rest of Europe.?
We shall fight for Londonistan , we shall fight for Sir Mayor Khan, we shall
imprison Tommy Robinson!!?
British people look at this, and take your country back before it is too late! It
is 2018...do something before it is no longer England, your great country and
The great irony is that this is the Britain Churchill was fighting for. the Jews
won the war.?
Churchill supported Nazi eugenics.?
All I can think of is the Eastern Europeans who fell under Soviet rule for half a
century, who fared far worse than those under German occupation. Imagine aligning
yourself with communism.?
Churchill was the Rothchild's puppet! Hitler wanted peace with England.Those are
Churchill has won in Europe, saved island...but what a cost...poor Bengal empire,
Churchill has blood on his hands?
Hitler had no plans for global domination, unlike Churchill.?
The Soviets broke the pact first by invading Bukovina in 1940.
The invasion of Bukovina violated the pact. The Soviets tried to exterminate the
people of Ukraine, and invented gas chambers for the Great Purge.?
It's so funny how Stalin supplied all the fuel the Luftwaffe used to blitz the UK
in 1940-41. I guess Churchill shouldn't have used chemical weapons in Russia.?
This is where I see the British people, in the face of defeat, always when needed
come fighting back, this is how I see it, how the British are at their best, let�s
hope for them Brexit will be another triumph, and not for the bearcats sell them
out, again Germany is trying to do battle, not by bullets but like any war, a chess
game via money ?? and trying to take the British and other European sovereignty. I
hear in the UK more than 15% more want to leave. Churchill once said �if Britain
had to choose between the open sea or Europe, then she should alway choose the open
sea.� And I agree with that analysis. �For without victory then there can be no
survival l.�?
And 70-years later where is Britain, a petty island nation completely relying on
foreign aid and already presenting it's arse for other nationalities to ravage.?
Sorry Sir Winston but i think you have lost this game. Germany is now more than
ever before the most powerful European nation. And most of its former enemies are
shrinking and losing its power. History is full of irony. First they were thinking
to win or loose something. Later the winners are the losers and losers are the
winners. My guess: the real winners of WW2 were USA, China and India.?
all this for nothing as britain has become islamic?
nothing but propaganda, the brits declared war on Germany for the phony reason to
defend precious Poland who in the end got eaten up by the Soviet Union. Hitler made
alot of peace offers to the brits but they refused. I wonder if the british
soldiers would still fight for Churchill if they knew in the future they would be
invaded not by germans but by brown people raping their girls.?
We shall make the world safe for a 65 year coldwar and the constant threat of
nuclear annihilation. ...all the while hating the americans who pay for the bulk of
our defense...even after future president reagan bankrupts the soviet union and its
block...and after we turn completely leftist, we shall surrender our country to the
moslems...(churchills updated speech, 2018)?
This is complete lunacy: here you have Churchill committing the nation to fight
for an unlimited time, at whatever the cost, committing Australia, Canada, South
Africa, India and other nations to fight in a war that has nothing to do with them.
Churchill was the biggest disaster ever to befall Britain and its people, his evil
legacy still lives on today, still killing more people than Hitler ever managed.
The fact that the MPs of the time lapped it up shows just how out of touch with
reality they were then, just as they are today.?
British will surrender itself to it's colonies in upcoming war I gurantee. !!!?
Churchill... Just another white supremacist.?
And Britain never ever shall be slaves. Funny how they didn�t see anything wrong
with enslaving other people.?
Pretty sure slavery was abolished in the UK even before the US. Also the UK had
better relations between Black & White than the United States, that's a little
thing that surprised US troops when they went to England for the first time when
the US entered WW2?
Have you considered the possibility that they joined Britain's enemies because of
the tiny detail of our rape and oppression of millions of Indian citizens? Seems to
me that they would jump at the chance to break free of British tyranny, as would
literally every group of humans in history has enslaved people. who was the first
to make it illegal? Britain. The British government even paid people to free
their slaves, AND financed privateers who stopped slave traders off the coast of
Churchill the great man all about freedom, he liberated the Indian subcontinent
from Nazis... um no it was under his rule, but at least he made sure the people
there were well fed, no he deliberately starved millions to death, called the
Bengal famine. He at least didn't insult them. um he did... he said "I hate
Indians. They are a beastly people with a beastly religion. The famine was their
own fault for breeding like rabbits."?
Winston was a dirty old man with a fetish to war. Hitler wanted peace, he didn't.
Millions upon millions lives lost because of this man.?
How is a land that brought such an extraordinary man into the world capable of
taking a huge shit on his legacy by voting for Brexit? He united Europe by
advocating the creation of the EU against the Russian communism.?
This is the same guy who diverted food supplies from Bengal willing causing famine
and death of millions. Ironic??
Mueller gave up on collusion months ago. As we all thought.?
Trump also told you it may not work (the deal with NK) deaf ears!?
Trump has always says, it may not work out. He's been realistic and honest. Good
for him. Your guest is full of crap and can't tell the truth or has a medical
issue with memory.?
All media stations cover the President 24/7 this is crazy. Donald trump is by far
the most interesting thing in 2018. Keep it up Mr president.?
Some experts need to save their opinion and pay attention to a master negotiator
like Trump.?
President trump never said nk was no threat anymore he said we will see it might
not work?
Has no one ever read a book, studied some history? Diplomacy and business is a back
and forth situation. This is obviously a move to motivate/corner Kim. The tired
argument of, "But no one else does it that way!" is absolutely ridiculous. The
Korean war is going on how long again??
Donald J Trump is a master at playing chess he knows where to move and what is
opponent is going to do before they do it God bless Donald J Trump?
This girl is an idiot trying to make it seem like it's Trumps inadequacy for N.
Korea, as if he could have done anything differently. Trump gave them the best
possible deal they could have gotten. If they aren't going to play ball, then they
never were going to play ball.?
giving the leash a good tug to get kim's attention and remind him not to abuse the
goodwill of the US...President Moon has been given a lot of leeway...better not get
carried away with it...and China and Russia are hanging close. President Trump has
been very clear on the deal...total and verifiable denuclearization. Secretary
Pompeo has reinforced that to the letter...and Mr. Biegun the new special
representative to direct foreign policy with NK is also clear on the requirements.
It is still up to kim to make this work...he either does or does not...but it is up
to him and the US will respond accordingly.?
I put more on the fact that Obama is working against us with North Korea for Trump
not sending Mike Pompeo. The Fact that Fox is mot mentioning the visits of Obama
and others from the Obama Administration is an example of FAKE NEWS from FOX. Fox

The only way any one can be blind to the corruption in DC is because of the hate
they have for President Trump. This is not about Republican or Democrats. It's
about criminals.?
Sessions may say that political crap will not be a part of the JD but he has sat
back and ALLOWED it to fester into nothing but a joke! That ass-clown needs to be
Session is dud, do nothing, Toad that just crokes when stepped on. What has he
done? Back up Big Pharma with their Lies.
Sessions is a miserable little weasel and Trump should drag him out by the ear with
a kick in the ass as he goes out the door. I was against appointing him from day
Sessions is a criminal,Mueller crime operative.?

Los periodistas han cambiado su oficio para transformarse en operadores del

stablishment corporativo medi�tico,, la forma de combatirlos es desminuir su
Bye bye ,chayoteros, ya no hay periodistas ,solo hay comunicadores ,esos tvshows,
se les acabo la mano q les da de comer ahora averiguo c�mo sobreviven ,si t�
noticia es importante para el individuo el la leer� , pero sus fake news, solo
muestra su incompetencia y depenncia d los q les pagan por d decir sus comentarios
q ellos quieren ,lleg� la era de la verdad y el conocimiento ,adi�s mentiras ,adi�s
chayoteros adi�s comunicadores?

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