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Foundation Performance of a 100-year-old Bridge1

531 Ecllo Drive, Ottn,vn, Cntzudrr

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Services, Cotlnclintl Natiotinl Raihtviys, Box 8100, Motlrrecil 101, Q~reOec
Received March 5, 1973
Accepted April 26, 1973

The Miramichi bridges in New Brunswick, each of six 200-ft (61-m) spans, were built as part of the
Intercolonial Railway by Sir Sandford Fleming in 1871-75. When construction of the Northwest Bridge
started, it was found that early borings were incorrect and the layer of gravel and sand on which the piers
were to rest was underlain by deposits of silty sand and clay-silt. The caissons of the piers were therefore
enlarged in order to spread the load better. On observing settlements during construction, Fleming stopped
the work and preloaded each pier in excess of the design load. He resumed construction when he observed
that settlements had stopped.
The level of the bridge piers has been measured periodically since 1914. Recent borings have been made,
giving a basis for analysis of the bridge performance. Calculated primary settlements are compared with
those measured during construction. Surveyed pier movements are adjusted to reduce errors, and com-
pared with calculated secondary settlements. It is deduced that the piers have settled at a rate equal to or
less than that indicated by the theory of secondary compression.
For personal use only.

The bridge is continuing to perform in a predictable and safe manner, providing an outstanding example
of early Canadian engineering.

Les ponts de la Miramichi au Nouveau Brunswick, chacun de six travtes de 200 pi., ont Cte construits
en 1871-75 par Sir Sandford Fleming, faisant partie du Chemin de fer Intercolonial. Au debut des travaux
de construction du pont nord-ouest, on a decouvert que les forages preliminaires Ctaient inexacts et qu'en
realit6 des dCp6ts de sable silteux et d'argile-silt se trouvaient au dessous de la couche de gravier et de sable
sur laquelle devait reposer les piliers. Pour compenser. les caissons de fondation des piliers furent elargis
afin de repartir d'avantage la charge. Observant des tassements, Fleminz devait suspendre les travaux et
appliquer une surcharge depassant la charge de calcul sur chaque pilier. Les travaux devaient reprendre
lorsqu'on observa 1'Ctat stable des piliers.
Le niveau des piliers du pont a CtC mesurt periodiquement depuis 1914. Des forages ont ete effect~lks
recemment permettant ainsi d'analyser la performance du pont. Les tassements primaires calc~llessont
compares ceus mesurCs durant les travaux de construction. Les etudes des mouvements des piliers sont
ajustCes afin de reduire les erreurs et sont comparkes aux tassements secondaires calculCs. Ceci demontre
que les piliers ont subi un tassement d'un degrC de vitesse egale, ou moindre que, celui indique par la thColie
de compression secondaire.
La performance du pont se continue de f a ~ o nprkvisible et s i r e , fournissant un exemple marquant du
genie canadien de I'Cpoque.

A Canadian single track main line railway ords of levels on the piers taken at that time
bridge, opened for use on 26 August 1875, has and since then with calculated primary and
performed satisfactorily for almost a century, secondary consolidation settlement is dis-
despite serious doubts raised about its founda- cussed. This paper contains a summary ac-
tions during its construction which started al- count of the construction and design of the
most exactly 100 years ago. Preliminary studies foundations of this important structure by one
included some pioneer penetration tests on the of Canada's most eminent early engineers, Mr.
underlying clay. During construction, preload- (later Sir) Sandford Fleming.
ing of the piers was carried out to accelerate It seems desirable to thc authors that they
anticipated settlement. Correlation of 'the rec- should, at the outset of the paper, acknowledge
their appreciation of the inadequacy of the
'Presented at the 25th Canadian Geotechnical Con- geotcchnical information which they have been
ference, Ottawa, Canada. December 7-8, 1972. able to assemble for the Miramichi Bridge. The
Can. Gcotcch. .I., 10. jO!4 (1973)
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FIG. 1. Location of Miramichi Bridges, from Fleming 1876.


records do not compare, for example, with the struction, or maintenance. Attention will be
unbroken sixty-year settlement observations at dirccted to thc bridge over the northwest arm
the Emprcss Hotel, Victoria, reported upon by (Fig. 2 ) but since both were constructed at the
Crawford and Sutherland (1971 ). The authors same time, and each has six 2 0 0 4 (61-m)
vcnture to think, however, that the fact that it spans, many general comments apply to both.
has been possible to prepare even a partial The Halifax to Montreal line of the C.N.R.
record of the performance of a major Canadian was built as 'The Intercolonial Railway', a
bridge over a period of 100 years will compen- name still used by sonre who live along its
sate for the gaps in the record now presented. route. It was thc first grcat pionecr railway of
The authors present their considered evalua- Canada, pcnetrating difficult underdeveloped
tion of thc assembled information while regret- country for more than half of its total length.
ting thc impossibility of more rigorous analysis. Connection by rail of the Maritime Provinces
with Montreal was suggested as carly as 1832.
The Intercolonial A numbcr of projects were discussed in the
The bridge is one of the two six-span bridges following 25 years, one almost approaching the
which now carry the main Montreal to Halifax construction stage, but all these attempts
linc of Canadian National Railways over the proved abortive. The Grand Trunk Railway
northwest and southwest branches of the extcnded its lincs eastward as far as Rivikre du
Miramichi River, New Brunswick, about 2 Loup. Thc Nova Scotia Railway built its line
milcs upstrcam of the junction of the two from Halifax to Truro but between Truro and
branches and 3 milcs from Newcastle Station Rivikrc du Loup there still remaincd 500 miles
on the west bank of the combined river (see of relatively unexplored country to be crossed.
Fig. 1 ) . Thc two bridgcs are similar in overall The vital need for this physical transporta-
design but that over the southwest branch gave tion link bctween the separated provinces be-
risc to no unusual problems in design, con- came evident as the possibility of federation
506 CAN. GEOTECH. J . VOL. 10, 1973
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FIG.2. The Northwest Miramichi Bridge.

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approached a reality. Sandford Fleming was neers of recent years have testified to the ex-
therefore appointed in 1862 as Engineer for the cellence of the original masonry work all of
pros~ective railway by the Imperial Govern- which is still in service."
ment and that of the United Province of Major civil engineering works on the line
Canada. He initiated preliminary surveys. Con- consisted of a number of short tunnels, some
struction of the railway was promised through extensive drainage works including tunnels be-
clause 145 of the British North America Act. neath the track to serve as culverts, and a
It now seems entircly probable that Confedera- variety of bridges. That over the Restigouche
tion would not then have been achieved had River at Matapedia, and the twin bridges over
this assurance not been given. Four Railway the Miramichi, would rank as important struc-
Commissioners were appointed in 1868 but tures even today. When built a century ago,
Sandford Fleming's appointment as Chief En- they were truly outstanding examples of ad-
gineer was independently confirmed. Argu- vanced bridge design and construction.
ments soon started, especially between Fleming
and C. J. Brydges, one of the Commissioners The Miramichi Bridges
who was also the general manager of the The sites selected for the Miramichi crossings
Grand Trunk Railway. were 1350 and 1600 ft (41 1 and 487 m ) wide,
The Commissioners had their way in forcing respectively, for the northwest and southwest
Fleming to award lump sum contracts instead branches. The initial surveys and borings sug-
of the more usual type of civil engineering con- gested that bedrock would be reached across
tract based on unit prices, with what doleful both sites between 45 and 50 ft (13.7 and
results he relates in the book that he produced 15.2 m ) below H.W.0.S.T.3 with a tidal range
as his final report to the Minister of Public
Works (Fleming 1876). On the other hand, 'Condon, F. H., 1939, personal communication to
Fleming had his way in having all bridges and Legget, R. F.
H.W.0.S.T.-High Water on Spring Tides, but since
other structures constructed of masonry and some readers may not be familiar with Maritime ter-
iron instead of in timber, as the Commissioners minology, H.W.L. will be used hereafter to denote
wished as a measure of economy. C.N.R. engi- high water level at the bridge.
of 10 ft (3 m ) , the depth of water ranging line and 50 ft (15.2 m) on either side of each
generally between 15 and 33 ft (4.6 and 10.0 pier, showed that the material beneath the
m ) . The original borings showed a bed of silt gravel and sand in the northwest arm was of a
ovcrlying the assumed bedrock. Designs were decidedly weaker character. Fleming therefore
accordingly prepared using standard iron decided to increase the number of spans to six
trusses of 200 ft (61 m ) span, with five for the which would permit both abutments to be
northwest bridge and six for the southwest founded on rock, moving the south one closer
bridge, the effective widths of waterway be- to the natural rivcr bank. This involved an
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tween the masonry abutments being thus, re- extra payment to the contractor which Fleming
spectively, 1000 and 1200 ft (305 and 365 m ) . officially recommended on 13 January 1872.
The bridge piers were all to be founded upon The Commissioners did not support his recom-
open timber caissons, floated into place and mendation but insisted on an independent
filled with tremie concrete to the appropriate opinion bcing obtained. Engineers S. Keefer
level. and C. S. Gzowski prepared a report after care-
When construction work started in 1869 it ful study, advising the use of timber piles to
was quickly found that the material thought to support the piers. Fleming disagreed and car-
be bedrock was actually gravel and sand, be- ried out what would today be called deep pene-
neath which was found 'silt' in the northwest tration tests in the weak material in order to
branch to a depth of 112 ft (34.0 m) and support his view (Peckover and Legget 1973).
'clay' in the southwest branch to a depth of He won the support of thc Chairman of the
90 ft (27.4 m ) , both being average figures. In Commissioners and so proceeded with his re-
his own account, Fleming quite frankly admits vised design, still using open timber caissons
For personal use only.

that the initial borings were made with "only although of increased base area to reduce the
such boring implements . . . as could be extem- unit load on the gravel and so upon the under-
porized in the neighbourhood by a country lying clay (Legget 1972). He also introduced
blacksmith". a fill of quarry rubble stone with alternate
He goes on to explain that "the operator layers of concrete for the lower part of each
saw sandstone rock cropping out on the river- caisson, in place of the weak material in the
bank; and he naturally, but as it afterwards upper part of the river bed. Concrete was then
proved incorrectly, inferred that he had struck ~isedabove the level of the river bed up to low
a continuation of the rock formation underlying watcr level, and thereaftcr solid masonry.
the river" when he encountered the hard mate- Indicative of the speed of construction
rial. achieved, with abundant manpower, was the
"During the winter of 1870-71" Fleming start of building the timber caisson for one pier
goes on to relate, "more perfect boring imple- on 19 June 1872; it had been completed, floated
ments were employed in testing the nature of out, and sunk in position by 6 July; and by
the river bottom before building operations 26 July concrete had been brought up to the
were cornmcnced. It was then that the true required height for masonry to proceed. Exca-
nature of the river bed was discovered" and vation was carried out by buckets and dredge
designs were accordingly reviewed. Even with pumps operated by fixed 'dredging towers' at
the still imperfect equipment then available, each pier. Divers were used as necessary, as
Fleming was able to deduce the surprisingly for the removal of buried logs, many of which
different characteristics of the river bed mate- were encountered. Concrete was made from
rial beneath the gravel and sand stratum in the "broken stone, coarse river sand, and the
two branches. This difference is itself of much celebrated English Portland Cement". Stone for
interest, due at least in part to the significant masonry came from two quarries, one 4 miles
differences between the geology of the two upstream on the Northwest Miramichi and the
catchment areas. No changes were needed in other 17 miles away at the mouth of the River
the pier designs for the southwest bridge, con- Bartibogue. Messrs. Brown, Brooks, and Ryan
struction of which proceeded as planned and were the contractors for both bridges. Mr.
~ was completed without any serious difficulties.
The second set of borings, taken on center
W. B. Smellic was Resident Engineer for both,
under Mr. A. L. Light, the District Engineer.
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FIG. 3. Cross section showing foundation conditions and 1961 test borings, N.W. Miramichi Bridge.

The first train passed over the completed cayed wood frequently jammed his pumps, and
bridges on 26 August 1875 and they have been he indeed had difficulty in removing two birch
in use contin~iouslysince that day. logs 16 and 20 in. (40 and 50 cm) in diameter
from within the caisson of Pier 1, 40 ft ( 1 2 m)
Piers for the N.W. Bridge below H.W.L. Pieces of wood were also fre-
The difficulties that Sandford Fleming had quently found in the 1961 borings. This upper
to contend with in redesigning and constructing stratum has clearly been subject to removal by
the piers for the N.W. Bridge and the degree river scour and redeposition at times during its
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of his success can best be judged by combining history. No organic material was found in the
a detailed account of his approach with an lower layers.
analysis based on the results of a recent study
made by Canadian National Railways. The Foundation Soil Conditions
purpose of the latter was to determine the con- Fleming describes in detail his procedures
dition of the masonry in the piers and to predict and observations during pier construction. A
future performance of the bridge. review of the engineering properties of the
The river bed profile which Fleming records foundation soils will assist in appraising what
from his second set of construction borings is he rclates; the 1961 borings provide this in-
shown in Table 1, compared with the findings formation. Five holes were put down to bed-
of C.N.R. borings made in 1961. Figure 3 rock, one near each pier. Borings were also
shows a section across the river bed, interpreted made down through the entire depth of Piers 1,
from both the 1961 borings and Fleming's 3, and 5 in order to determine thc coildition
findings. of the masonry and to establish on what the
For personal use only.

The most obvious difference between the piers were resting. The location of all borings
1871 and 1961 borings is Fleming's identifica- is shown in Fig. 3.
tion of the thick deposits of fine sand and The borings through Piers 3 and 5 showed
underlying marine clay and silt as 'silt', an them to be founded on the lower part of the
understandable error with the wash boring layer of fine sand instead of on the gravel as
techniques of the day. Although the term 'clay' Fleming had intended. Sand to a depth of 3
is used in his reports, it is reserved for material and 6 ft (0.9 and 1.8 m), respectively, was
such as tough clay till with s~tbstantialcohesion identified under the base of the piers before
which probably still appeared as chunks in the the borings were stopped. In the base of Pier 1
wash water of the borings. All material which the boring passed through a mixture of fine
would have appeared in suspension in the wash sand and gravel-sized picccs of sandstone be-
water, with grains too fine to be seen, appears tween El. -19 and -32 before stopping. It is
to have been called 'silt'. thought that this deposit may be a layer of the
In dredging the sand and mud layer above quarry rubble stone used to fill the caissons,
the gravcl, Fleming reported that pieces of dc- now in a state of disintegration due to long
submergence. The rubble was interlaid with
TABLE 1. Comparison of river bed profile from 1871
and 1961 borings concrete up to river bed level. The 1961 soil
.- -. .- borings were made from a scow, samples being
1871 boring~ 1961 boring~ recovered with a 2-in. (5.1-cm) spoon, 2-in.
(5.1-cm) thin walled tube, or 3-in. (7.6-cm)
Sand and mud, 16 ft Fine sand, pieces 16 ft piston sampler as appropriatc. The latter
organic matter, of wood
logs sampler was used generally in the clay-silt
Gravel 9 ft Gravel and sand 3-18 ft material. General soil test properties are shown

Silt 40ft { Fine sand (a lens-

Silty clay, thicker

near banks 17-41 ft
in Fig. 4, representing a boring log adjacent to
shaped deposit) 0-44 ft Pier 1. Descriptioils and average properties of
the various soil deposits are given in Table 2.
Clay, overlain by 10 ft Gravel and sand, 0-7 ft
gravel on ~ 0 ~ 1 t h missing on north Clay-Silt Materia!
side side The layer of clay and silt is that mainly
Sandstone bedrock Sandstone bedrock influencing the bridge behavior. Although this
C A N . GEOTECH. J . VOL. 10, 1973
TABLE2. Properties of soils and rock as determined in 1961
-- - . - --

Deposit Average properties

SAND, fine to medium, Clay and silt sizes 12%

little silt, pieces of wood Water content 32%
grey, very loose to loose Standard penetration test
5 blows/ft
GRAVEL and SAND, Variable grain size
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grey, dense Standard penetration test

24 blows/ft
SAND, fine, little silt, Silt and clay sizes 12%
uniform, grey, medium Water content 28%
dense Standard penetration test
15 blows/ft
CLAY and SILT, some Sand (and gravel)
sand, layered, grey, sizes 21%
firm, sensitive Clay and silt sizes 79%
Water content 30%
Liquid limit 31
Plastic limit 22
Wet unit weight 121 Ib/ft3
Void ratio 0.8
Undrained shear strength
740 Ib/ft2
For personal use only.

GRAVEL and SAND, Standard penetration test

grey, dense 38 blows/ft
SANDSTONE Fine to coarse grained,
brown, weathered,
weakly cemented

was recognizcd at the time of the 1961 study, CoefJicierzto f Recompression Cr

many of the sample test records have been mis- A value of 0.05 is used from consolidatioil
laid unfortunately, since that time, and so were test results.
not available for the prcparation of this paper.
The clay-silt is not a homogeneous material. Coeficient of Consolidation c,;
Its percentage of silt content is not known but Average value from laboratory tests is 0.4 ft2
the silt occurs mainly in layers and is indicated (0.04 m" per day. It is thought that field
by the average low plasticity index and rela- values will be higher than this since the labora-
tively high unit weight and low void ratio of the tory c, is reduced by sample disturbance; in
deposit. A typical pressure - void ratio curve particular, three-dimensional drainage and mul-
for the material is shown in Fig. 5. From tests tiple drainage layers are present in field con-
on samples from various depths in borings ditions but not in a laboratory sample. For
adjacent to Piers 1 and 5, values of functions these reasons a value of 1.0 ft2 (0.09 m2) per
for settlement analyses have been chosen as day has been used in analyses.
follows, keeping in mind the anisotropic nature
of the material. Preconsolidation Pressure p,.
Average values from consolidation curves
Compression Index Cc range from 1.2 to 1.7 t/ft2 (1.2 to 1.6 kg/cm".
Test values ranged from 0.13 to 0.30. Since These may be considered low if samples are
the low values appear to be due to sample dis- disturbed, or high if samples have been subject
turbance, a value of 0.3 is used in analyses, to the influence of pier loads nearby. The rela-
consistent with water content and liquid limit tionship of the values to effective stresses is
relationships. discussed below.

SAND 100 O/o

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SAND 100 '10



For personal use only.

SENSITIVE, GREY 21 * 134p.d. c.735ps.f.

FIG.4. Log of boring adjacent to Pier 1 and test results, 1961.

Coefficient o f Secordary Conzpressiorl C , able. Dimensions of Pier 1 are shown in Fig.

Value varies as a function of stress level: 6 ( a ) . The pier and its foundation conditions
values used are 0.004 at Piers 2 and 3, 0.005 are shown in ( b ) . The original natural effective
at Pier 4, and 0.008 at Piers 1 and 5. stress y o at mid-depth of the clay-silt layer,
40 ft (12.2 m) below the river bed, is 2400
Loading Conditions Ib/ft2 (11 700 kg/m2), assuming an average
Load distribution under the piers is estimated submerged weight of soil as 60 1b/ft3 (960
as the basis for calculating settlements in each kg/m3). If it is conservatively assumed that no
case. Pier 1 is selected as an example for the load is distributed by friction at the sides of the
procedure since it was built first, Fleming de- caisson, and that pier and riprap are circular
scribes what he did there in particular detail, loads, their weight will increase stresses at mid-
and it has undergone appreciable settlement depth of the Iayer by 1600 lb/ft2 (7800
since that time. kg/m2) due to the pier as shown in Fig. 6(c)
Many assumptions are required in analysis, and an additional 300 lb/ft2 (1460 kg/m2)
since as-buiIt drawings are naturally not avail- due to the riprap, giving a total increase of
CAN. GEOTECH. J . VOL. 10, 1973


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I I 10
FIG.5. Typical pressure - void ratio curve for clay-silt material.
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?COO 4000

S O I L P R E S S U R E I b per sq f t
FIG. 6 . Foundation conditions at Pier 1; ( a ) o u t l ~ n e sof pier; (b) foundation conditions;
(c) increase in soil pressure due to pier; and ( d ) effective stresses and preconsolidation

E o

2500- -
a? -15 I PRELOAD *
-cn 2000-Z-'0
$2- 62;
Can. Geotech. J. Downloaded from www.nrcresearchpress.com by University of P.E.I. on 11/24/14

!5 %I-
zp" 7 0 0 DAYS
a 1000- v,s -
100 400 500 6 00
- I


.25 -

.50 - -
y .75-
I- b,.\ -
w 1.0
For personal use only.

- \
V) &-----

FIG.7 . Measured and calculated primary settlements vs. load at Pier 1 during construction

1900 lb/ft"(9270 k g / m q . This change in 1873. After some dificulties in dewatering the
loading conditions, together with preconsolida- caisson to place concrctc in its upper part, the
tion pressures found in laboratory tests, is work was deferred until the following spring.
plotted against dcpth in Fig. 6 ( d ) . It is ap- Concrete was then completed and masonry
parent that application of the pier load will work started on the pier in May 1874. By the
cause stresses to exceed p,. appreciably only in end of June it was found that thc caisson had
the upper part of the clay-silt layer. Most of settled 6 in. ( I S cm) from its original position.
the consolidation will have taken place there. Fleming instituted regular measurements that
The factor of safety against general shear showed gradual settlement was taking place.
failure of the pier foundation is calculated to When the masonry was nearly to full height in
be nearly four. As the creep strength of the July it was stopped, settlement at that time
clay-silt is unlikely to be exceeded by this load, totalling 10.5 in. (26.7 cm).
the possibility of pier movement due to creep Fleming judged that this settlement was due
failure is not considered. to consolidation of the stone filling in the cais-
son under the weight of the pier. The idea of
foundation consolidation settlement was not
Settlements During Construction then understood. By his penetration tests he
A review of the construction of Pier 1 will had already satisfied himself that the gravel
show the manner in which the loads were ap- layer would support the pier without failure.
plied and the settlements took place. A load - With his usual initiative, he therefore set about
settlement time plot is shown in Fig. 7. Con- solving the problem-by building a platform
crete was placed from river bed level to El. around the masonry and placing a load "greater
-15 within the caisson during June and July than, on completion of the bridge, it would be
514 CAN. GEOTECH. J . VOL. 10, 1973

required to carry, and thus by direct weight E = modulus of elasticity for gravel-
forcing the whole structure to a permanent sand 'and clay-silt layers (2800
bearing". Stones and rails to a weight of 450 t Ib/in.2 ( 195 kg/cm2) ) . This value
(4.6 x 10" kg) were placed. The calculated is interpolated with judgment from
weight of the finished iron trusses and bridge average values given by Leonards.
deck is 400 t (4.1 x 10" kg). Immediate settlement AH^ is thus calculated as
A further settlement of 2.5 in. (6.4 cm) was 0.12 ft (3.7 cm) for Pier 1.
measured under this load up to the beginning Primary settlement is found from conven-
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of October. The load remained in place until tional formulae:

the following spring when another 100 t (1.0 x C H log'
10" kg) were added. Fleming says that "no AH-'
l-1-1-e~ po
further settlement was perceptible" after Oc-
tober. He closely examined the caisson and for consolidation up to the preconsolidation
reported no disturbance to thc piling and no pressure, and
yielding of the supporting gravel stratum. With COH* log -
AHz = -
this confirmation of his opinion of the cause of 1 + eo PC
the settlement, he had the load removed, the
structure complcted, falscwork and sheeting re- for consolidation beyond p,.
moved, and riprap placcd. where H,= thickness of compressible layer
The typical sequence of loading for all other (25 ft (7.6 m ) ), and
piers was caisson, masonry, and preload in pa = total stress at mid-depth of layer
quick succession, followed after a few months (4500 Ib/ft2 (21 960 kg/m2) ).
Values calculated for Pier 1 are AH1 = 0.09
For personal use only.

by the addition of riprap. Removal of preload

and substitution of truss and deck loads are and AH^ = 0.63 ft (0.03 and 0.19 m ) . Total
not detailed by Fleming and are neglected in settlement during construction is therefore cal-
settlement analyses as they are believed to have culated as:
occurred over a relatively short time during the
pcriod of secondary scttlcment.
From present knowlcdge, the settlements ob- If the preconsolidation load is not considered,
served during construction were made up of an primary settlement will be greater than calcu-
immediate settlement due to the elastic com- lated. Using c,, the time to 90% consolidation
pression of the soil under undrained or no is calculated as 186 days.
volume change conditions and primary con- The approximate primary settlement curve
solidation due to the dissipation of pore pres- is plotted in Fig. 7. It is seen that measured
sures. The immediate settlement was naturally settlements are roughly 50% greater than cal-
small in comparison with the primary settle- culated. The difference may be due in part to
ment. the influence of the stone filling within the cais-
Immediate settlement can be calculated from son which under load would have penetrated
the equation (Leonards 1962) : into the zone of soil at its base which was
loosened by excavation. In addition, the value
of compression index may in reality be higher
than that assumed, depending on the degree of
disturbance of the samples tested.
where ~ p = uniform pressure on surface of The construction of the other piers was simi-
loaded area (2500 Ib/ft2 (1 2 200 lar to that of Pier 1 with minor variations. All
kg/m" )-see Fig. 6 (c) , were preloaded when settlement was detected.
b = width of loaded area (32 f t (9.7 In each case the preload applied was more than
m)), the finished weight of the structure. All settled
p = Poisson's ratio (0.5), monolithically and vertically, and their settle-
I, = influence value, depending on foun- ment was observed to stop within a few weeks
dation shape (0.8), or months at the most.
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CAN. GEOTECH. J . VOL. 10, 1973

N 5 4 3 2 I S
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1.5 k I I I I
FIG.9. Measured vs. calculated primary settlements for all piers.

94 9 8
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-2 - -

-3- -

5 - -


( 0 ) 1914-53 SURVEYS

(C) 1961 6 8 SURVEYS


FIG. 10. Results of settlement surveys on Pier 1 and south abutment made in: (a) 1874;
(b) 1914-53; and (c) 1961-68.

From Fleming's text the details of construc- after the last readings shown at about 130 to
tion and preloading can be plotted as in Fig. 8. 150 days. Piers 4 and 5 were built last, which
In Fig. 8 ( a ) the time duration of the masonry probably explains why they were surcharged
construction and preloading as well as 90% only briefly as time was pressing for completion
primary consolidation are shown. In Fig. 8 ( b ) of the bridge.
the time rate of measured settlements is plotted From Fig. 8 (a) it is seen that the preloading
for each pier. For Piers 1, 2, and 3 the sur- time exceeded the approximate duration of
charge loads were left on throughout a winter. primary settlement for Piers 1, 2, and 3. The
It is reported that settlement was not observed effect of the reduced prcloading time for Piers

N 5 4 3 2 I S
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FIG. 1 1 . Adjusted levels of piers vs. calculated secondary settlements.

For personal use only.

4 and 5 is shown most clearly in Fig. 9 where and repointed. Surveys were resumed with new
measured and calculated primary settlements marks in 1961 and were made almost yearly
are compared for each pier. The abutments are to 1968. Although sight distances between
known to be founded on rock. It seems evident piers are 200 f t (61 m ) , all these surveys were
that if preloading on Piers 4 and 5 had been made with a standard level and rod, recording
continued, the same order of relationship with to the nearest 0.001 ft (0.0003 m ) . Bench
calculated values would have been reached. marks used for the first survey are not known
This figure shows another point worthy of but for the latter, steel rails were driven in the
note. The general pattern of pier movement is approach embankments to the bridge.
accounted for by the distribution of soil deposits Taking Pier 1 as an example again, Fig. 10
across the river, as shown in Fig. 1. Piers 1 is plotted showing pier settlement during the
and 5 rest most directly on the layer of clay-silt. course of each survey, as well as during Flem-
At the other piers the load is spread by the ing's original measurements. Interpretation of
deposit of silty sand before reaching the clay- all the surveys is difficult as the relationship
silt. Under these conditions it would be ex- between bench marks is not known. The pat-
pected that Piers 1 and 5 would settle most, and tern is similar for the other piers.
the observations confirm this. There are unknown errors in all the surveys.
An indication of these is shown by the plot in
Settlements Since Construction Fig. 10 of the elevation of the south abutment
There is no evidence that movements of the relative to Pier 1 for the 1914-53 and 1961-68
piers were of concern for many years after surveys. This abutment is founded on rock and
completion of the bridge. Eventually in 1914, should therefore be at a constant elevation.
some 41 years after construction was started, a The magnitude of survey errors in the 1961-68
check on pier movements was made. Survey surveys can readily be seen in the varying
marks were installed and level surveys made difference in elevation between the south abut-
in 1914, 1919, 1950, and 1953. In the latter ment and Pier 1. These surveys do not warrant
year the survey marks were unfortunately dis- any accurate conclusions as to the recent settle-
placed when the bridge masonry was grouted ment of the pier. The apparent downward
518 CAN. GEOTECH. J. VOL 10, 1973

trend in the elevation of the abutment on rock, A comparison of these findings with the
however, raises suspicion that the driven rail calculated secondary compression for all piers
bench mark may have been subject to upward will be of interest. The following formula (U.S.
heave by frost action. Department of Navy 1963) is used for calcula-
The 1914-53 group of surveys shows a more tion:
definite trend of pier settlement while the eleva-
tion of the abutment is relatively constant. If AH, = C,H, log&
plotted against the log of time, these surveys
Can. Geotech. J. Downloaded from www.nrcresearchpress.com by University of P.E.I. on 11/24/14

could be taken to mean that secondary com- Where t,,, = time over which A H , takes place
pression was proceeding, 79 years after con- (1968-1875 = 93 years), and
struction, at the rate of nearly 0.007 f t (0.002 t, = time of 90% primary consolida-
m) per year, or about six times the theoretical tion (186 days;.
rate. If this trend continued to the present time, Using values of C , varying with the stress
secondary compression since construction level in the clay-silt layer as mentioned previ-
would amount to about 2.0 ft (0.6 m). ously, the secondary compression for each pier
There are two practical points to cast doubt is obtained and plotted below the grade line
on such a conclusion. Firstly, the substantial between abutments in Fig. 11, assuming that
granular (silt) content and restraining effect most of the primary consolidation was complete
of the silt layers in the clay-silt deposit make when the piers were finished.
it unlikely that secondary com~~ression is still The plot shows reasonable agreement with
SO active. Secondly, there is no l~hysicalindica- the adjusted survey levels for Piers 1, 4, and
tion that the bridge piers have settled this 5. Piers 4 and 5 show no sign of excess settle-
For personal use only.

amount. AS the present capstoile of Pier 1 is ment due to the unfinished primary consolida-
now about 0.4 ft (0.1 m) below the south tion at the time the piers were finished, as noted
abutment, it would be necessary to assume that in Fig. 8. Piers 2 and 3 are relatively higher in
the masonry at the top of the pier has been elevation. This suggests the faint possibility
raised at some time. There is no sign of this that Fleming, although observing no more
and it is not known to have happened. settlement during the preloading time at his
In past interpretations of the surveys, Fkm- disposal for these piers, perhaps sensed that
ing's assurance that both abutments are there would be some continuing movement and
founded on rock has been apparently ignored built the bridge higher toward the center. He
in favor of the installed bench marks. If it is does not mention such an intention.
assumed that the abutments have not settled- Although individual judgments on the in-
and this seems reasonable-then the results of terpretation of the survey data will vary, it is
each survey can be adjusted by taking the the authors' conclusion that the weight of evi-
averaged surveyed elevation of the abutment dence indicates that secondary compression of
as fixed. Individual survey profiles of pier levels the piers is generally proceeding at a rate close
may then be matched to these assumed abut- to or less than that given by theory, rather than
ment levels by a linear distribution of differ- at a much faster rate as one interpretation of
ences in level. The results are plotted for ap- the data would indicate.
praisal in Fig. 11. The abutments were not Regular annual surveys have been started
built at the same level since the bridge was on to measure pier movements in all directions,
a slight grade. using the most accurate available methods, to
This plot should show the net change in check thesefindings.
elevation of piers relative to abutments over
the whole period 1914 to 1968. With the ex-
ception of the 1914 survey levels for Piers 1, Acknowledgments
4, and 5 , it is indicated that the levels of each The paper has been prepared with the valued
pier have only changed relative to the abut- assistance of Messrs. M. N. Mahendran and
ments by amounts which are within the ex- W. E. Jubien of the C.N.R. geotechnical staff.
pected survey errors. It is published with the interest and approval of
Mr. R. J. Hansen, former Chief Engineer and LEGGET,R. F. 1972. Intercolonial Bridge-A monument to
Mr. R. L. Gray, present Chief Engineer, Cana- Fleming's fine judgment. Can. Consult. Eng. April.
pp. 56-57.
dian National Railways, Montreal. LEONARDS. G. A. (Editor.).1962. Foundation engineering.
McGraw-Hill. Toronto, Ont. pp. 556, 789.
CRAWFORD, C. B., and SUTHERLAND, J. G. 1971. The PECKOVER, F. L.. and LEGGET,R. F. 1973. Canadian soil
Empress Hotel, Victoria, British Columbia. Sixty-five penetration tests of 1872. Can. Geotech. J. 10(3), pp.
years of foundation settlements. Can. Geotech. J. 8, 000-000.
pp. 77-93. U.S. Department of Navy. 1963. Navdocks design manual
F L E M ~ NS.
G ,1876. The Intercolonial-a historical sketch. DM-7. Soil mechanics, foundations and earth struc-
Can. Geotech. J. Downloaded from www.nrcresearchpress.com by University of P.E.I. on 11/24/14

Dawson Brothers, Montreal, Quebec. pp. 200-202. tures. Washington, D.C.

For personal use only.

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