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Vol. 5 Port-of-Spain, February, 1907. No. 2

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Let them give glory unto the Lord, and de-
clare His praises in the islands." Isa. 42: 12.

Vol,. 5 PORT-OP-SPAIN, FZBRIJARY, 1907. No. 2

Devoted to the proclamation of the Faith once The Saviour told the Pharisees plainly "For selves also were sometimes foolish, disobedi
delivered to the Saints. had ye believed Moses ye would have believed ent, deceived, serving divers lusts and
me for he wrote of me. But if ye believe not pleasures,•living in malice and envy, hateful
his writings how shall ye believe my words." and hating one another." This inspired pic-
Issued on the 1st day of each month by the Here is a clear statement of an expressed ture of this selfish, sinful world is only too
Watchman Publishing Company. doubt of the possibility of a man believing the true as we all know. But the life there was
one without accepting the other. Our not pleasant.
Saviour did not believe that a man who could
Ebitorfat reject one portion of scripture could in truth
Then the kindness and love of God our
Saviour toward man appeared and our hard
believe other portions which quoted from the stony hearts were broken. We had never
Not Out of Date portion rejected. dreamed of such unmerited favour extended
Again the Master says "Search the Scrip; towards such poor miserable sinners, and at
In conversation recently it was strongly tures and they are they which testify the foot of the Cross we confessed our sins.
emphasized by the parties with whom we were of me." There were then extant only the As we were forgiven so much, we gladly for-
speaking that they did not consider the Old Old Testament portions of the Bible, there- gave all our small debtors.
Testament worth consulting with reference fore Christ was referring the people to the Then the grace of God associated us together
to matters of faith in the present age. And Old Testament as the source of information in the sacred bonds of church-fellowship, and
in view of the fact that they are representations concerning himself. now instead of living in malice and envy, in-.
of many others similarly minded in the world, As a matter of finality we add the Saviour's stead of being hateful and hating one another;
we feel that it would be well to call the atten- testimony concerning the enduring of the Old we dwell together in unity and brotherly love.
tion of our readers briefly to the New Testa- Testament writings from Matt. 5: 17, 18. By this the Saviour convinces the world that
ment testimony of the efficiency of its com- "Think not that I am come to destroy the we are His disciples. Thus we become a light
panion volume. aw, or the prophets: I am not come to de- set on a hill which cannot be hid. "Ye are
The Saviour in proving his own mission lstroy but to fulfil. For verily I say unto you, the light of the world ; " "Ye are the salt of
began "at Moses and all the prophets . . . ex- till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one the earth."
pounded unto them in all the scriptures the tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till Let us read a few texts describing this
things concerning himself." Luke 24: 27 all be fulfi' blessed condition. " They were, all with one
"And he said unto them, these are the words There rs/Et ly one ground upon which the accord in one place." Acts 2: I, 2. " We
which I spake unto you, while I was yet with candid Christian can stand and that is that he then that are strong ought to bear the infirm-
you, that all things must be fulfilled, which shall accept all the scripture, caviling and ities of the weak, and not to please ourselves.
were written in the law of Moses, and in the questioning none, but in faith accepting the Let every one of us please his neighbour for
prophets and in the psalms concerning me." whole that he may stand with the founder of his good to edification. For even Christ
Thus the Saviour made use of words which Christianity upon the safe ground of the pleased not himself, but as it is written, the
must convey the idea to any intelligent mind apostles and prophets and receive thereby reproaches of him that reproached thee fell on
that He had recourse to Moses, the prophets eternal life. Mark to: 28, 3o, Matt. 5: 19. me Now the God of patience and
and the psalms to prove the divinity of His consolation grant you to be likeminded one
mission. In Moses then we will find the testi- toward another according to Christ Jesus, that
mony concerning Jesus, the Christ. Also in The Spirit of Unity ye may with one mind and one mouth glorify
the prophecies and psalms. And tracing the The spirit of love and unity that is one of God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Old Testament there we will find many of the distinguishing marks of the true Christian Wherefore receive ye one another as Christ
hese prophecies in the books of Moses, in the stands out in sharp contrast with the practices also received us to the glory of God." Rom.
Psalms of David, the Proverbs, the prophecies of the world. That this is not more often 15: 1-7. •
of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Joel, Micah, etc. recognized is due to the fact that so little of "Let no corrupt communication proceed out
Surely like Christ, we who profess His name this spirit is seen. This is not proof that the of your mouth, but that which is good to the
can find no better source for our authority principles of Christianity have changed, but use of edifying, that it may minister grace
than did the Master. rather that all is not Christian that passes by unto the hearers. And grieve noit the Holy
The apostles believed likewise, for through. that name. To learn what is the true mean- Spirit whereby ye are sealed unto the day of
out the New Testament writings we find, quo- ing of the term we must turn to the Word of redemption. Let all bitterness and wrath and
tations and references to the Old Testament God. anger and clamour, and evil speaking be put
testimonies and laws. Heb. 3: 7-to; 4: 7; 6: Said Jesus, " A new commandment I give away from you, with all malice, and be ye
13, 14; 11th chapter. Jas. 2: II, 2I, 25; I Pet. unto you, that ye love one another; as I have kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving
2: 6; I John 3: 12; Gal. 4: 24, 25. We might loved you 'that ye also love one another. By one another, even as God for Christ's sake
multiply these references for they are every- this shall all men know that ye are my dis- hath forgiven you." Eph. 5: 29-32. Read
where present, but it is not necessary. The ciples, if ye have love one to another." John 13 : also Col. 3 and r Peter 2.
afore mentioned is sufficient to convince any 34, 35. "Behold how good and how pleasant it is
of the opinion of the apostles concerning the This commandment was not new in the for brethren to dwell together in unity ! It is
Old Testament Scriptures, and we quote the sense that it had never before been given, but, like the precious ointment upon the head, that
following as expressing the apostolic concen- as explained by John in his first epistle, it was ran down upon the beard, even' Aaron's beard,
us of opinion upon the point in question. the same old commandment they had from the that went down to the skirts of his garments;
For whatsoever things were written afore- beginning, it was only new to them because as the dews of Hermon, and as the dew that
time were written for our admonition; that they had not been practising it. descended upon the mountains of Zion: for
we through patience and comforr of the scrip: Paul in Titus 3: 1.3 gives us a good descrip- there the Lord commanded the blessing, even
tures mikht have hope." Rom. 15: 4. tion of the non-Christian world. "iPor we our- life forevermore." Ps. 133.

How happy then might not every church But the night shineth as the day; and was God. " All things were made by Him ;
family be ? But when we look at the reality The darkness and the light are both alike to and without Him was not anything made that
thee." (A. R. V. ) was made." In Him all life centred : in Him
we find many times that ,it comes very far all the worlds endured. "In Him was life,"
short. The reason for this is that there is an David's experiences were not always bright. life sufficient to swallow up the death that was
He knew what it was for the light about him reigning in the fallen world. "The Life was
enemy who hath done this. He is the accuser to be night, as well as for the night to be shin-
of the brethren. He has a large nursery full ing as the day; yet David knew that the all- the Light of men."
of a most noxious root, called in the scripture seeing eye was upon him, and that God John the Baptist was sent to bear witness to
rejoiced in his victories and pitied him in his Christ as the Light of the universe. He did
the "root of bitterness." His plan is through his preparatory work, bearing a loyal and faith-
some careless or unkind speech or criticism God's personal presence is in heaven. The ful testimony to the One who should follow
which he can prompt; spoken to scratch a angel said to Zecharias, " I am Gabriel, that him, who was yet before him, who should lift
sore place in the human heart in which he stand in the presence of God, and I was sent the burden off the universe, and bear away the
may plant this root. From this root grows to speak unto thee, and to bring thee these sin of the world.
many an evil plant that brings jangling and good tidings." The Saviour, speaking of his In the fulness of time the true light appeared,
children here on earth, declared "That in hea- to light every man. He was able to do it, for
discord into the church whereby many are ven their angels do always behold the face of He Himself was light, and He had made man.
defiled. my Father." But that presence of which we "The world was made by Him." Yet He came
Those who yield themselves to this work of are speaking, that of which David so often as a babe, and took the form of a servant,
faultfinding, quarrelling and criticism, are but sang, that without which Moses feared to making Himself of no reputation. As He had
meet his enemies—the Presence whom the. been in heaven a perfect revelation of the
agents in the devil's hands through which he Saviour declared the Father should send in thoughts of God, so on earth, surrounded by
is trying to neutralize the preaching of the his name, is ever near. The greatest blessing sin and temptation, He revealed in mortal flesh
gospel and cause the loss of souls. that can come to an individual is to believe the infinite glory of God. He came not as an
This spirit if allowed to continue in the soul this, and believing it, live in the enjoyment of angel, bnt as a man among men, tempted in
the belief. all points like unto his brethren. In a humble
of any individual is sure to bring in darkness, How different were the experiences of Cain home, and in despised Nazareth, the Light of
unbelief and fintlly despair, for it shuts out and Enoch. heaven shone with steady radiance in Mary's
the sweet presence of the Spirit of God. It is Cain "went out from the presence of the Son. "The Word was made flesh, and dwelt
the Holy Spirit working through and through Lord." God was no longer in his thoughts. among us, (and we beheld His glory, the glory
He went his own way, builded a city, named as of the Only Begotten of the Father,) full of
us as it associates us together in church fel- it after his son, and sought, as did the descend- grace and truth."
owship, that cleanses and regenerates us. ants of Noah, to make his name great. He The powers of darkness made every effort to
"Not by works of righteousness which we have "went out from the presence of the Lord." quench the Light, but in vain. It was inex-
done but according to his mercy he saved us, What an awful step—to turn one's back on tinguishable, for it was the Light of life. It
by the washing of regeneration, and renewing gracious offers of Divine guidance, counsel, shone brightest on the cross, and from that
comfort, and salvation. exalted station, where men set it in cruel mock-
of the Holy,Ghost, which he shed on us abun- Enoch walked with God. For three hun- ery, it illuminated the world. The dominion
dantly through Jesus Christ our Savioul-." dred years all the blessings that walking with of darkness eras scattered. The kingdom of
Titus 3: 5, 6. the Infinite implies were enjpyed by him light was set up, and the sons of light carried
We are still in the workshop. This is yet whom God used not alone as a type of those on the work begun by Jesus.. "As many as
who should be translated without seeing death, received Him, to them gave He power to be-
the church militant. We are not yet perfect, but also as an example of the blessing that may come the sons of God, even to them that
but are pressing on toward the mark of the be enjoyed by every child of God in every believe on His name."
prize of our high calling in Christ Jesus. Let period of earth's history. Our work is, like John's, to bear witness of
us not then criticize and find fault with each Waking with another implies companion. the Light, and we discharge our mission by
ship, confidence, and trust; Altection and becoming lights. Of John, the Saviour said :
other. Let us determine that no unkind word assistance in times of peril ; guiLIWIrce in hours
shall ever pass our lips. We shall speak those of doubt and uncertainty; wisdom in perplex. " he was a burning and a shining light." It
ity. All these, not in a human but in a divine is ours to testify, by the light of the Life that
words which shall build up and edify, none is in us, to the fact that One who was perfectly
others shall ever pass our lips. We shall serve sense, are offered to all who will believe. Read identified with God, and who wielded a uni-
these precious words :— versal sceptre, clothed Himself with mortality,
the Lord Christ and not Satan. " Thou that art upright dost direct the path
E. of the just." Isa. 26: 7, A. R. V. that He might bring to our aid the resources
"Thine ear shall hear a voice behind thee of divinity, and lift us above the power of sin.
saying, This is the way, walk ye in it; when The life of Jesus of Nazareth floods our dark.
God's Presence ye turn to the left." Isa. 3o: 21. ened world with the light of the glorious
I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way promise, that those who believe on Him re-
Paul declared to the Greeks that God is not which thou shalt go; I will counsel thee with ceive power to be like Him. John I: 12.
far from each one of us. The fact that from mine eye." Ps. 32: 8. —Present Truth.
God comes the power to live, to move, and to " He maketh me to lie down in green pas-
exist must impress every thoughtful person tures; He leadeth me beside the still waters."
that the relationship between God and him is Ps. 23 : 2.
very close. Yet the divine Presence means "I will pray the Father, and he shall give
more than the mere matter of existence. It Read This Slowly and Think
you another Comforter, that he may be with
means guidance and protection,. companion- you forever." John 14: 16.
ship in hours of loneliness, encouragement in Does my life please God ?
adversity, comfort in affliction. " Lo, I am with you alway, even unto the
end of the world." Matt. 28 : 20. Am 1 studying my Bible daily ?
God's nearness to his creatures does not im- J. B. TENNEY.
ply their nearness to him. The prayer, " Cast Am I enjoying my Christian life?
me not away from thy presence," was the Is there any one I can forgive?
heart-felt petition of one who had an appre- The Light of the World
ciation of what it means to be near to God. Have I ever won a soul to Christ?
God said to Moses, " My presence shall go John I : 1-14. How much time do I spend in prayer?
with thee," and Moses replied, "If thy pres- The coming of Christ to our world in hu-
ence go not with me, carry us not up hence." man flesh was a stupendous event. As God Am I trying to bring- my friends to Christ?
The Psalmist exclaims,— looked down from heaven He gazed upon a Have I ever had a direct answer to prayer?
"Whither shall I go from thy Spirit? world lying in gross darkness. So accustomed Is there anything I cannot give up for Christ ?
Or whither shall I flee from thy presence ? were men to the gloom that they loved it; it
If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there; became a second nature with them. But God Just where am I making my greatest mis-
If I make my bed in Sheol, behold, thou art purposed to save men from this reign of night, take?
there. which had darkened and perverted their in- How does my life look to those who are not
most being, and He sent the Light of heaven Christians ?
If I take the wings of the morning, to illumine their hearts. How many things do I put before my relig-
And dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, There was but One who could help mankind ious duties ?
Even there shall thy hand lead me, in its appalling need. That One was so per-
And thy right hand shall hold me. fectly an expression of every thought in the Have I ever tried giving one-tenth of my
If I say, Surely the darkness shall overwhelm mind of God that He was called the Word of income to the Lord ?
me, God. He was recognized by the loyal angels Is the world being made better or worse by
as the brightness of the Father's glory, and my living in it ?
And the light about me shall be night, as upholding all things by His powerful word. Am I doing anything I would condemn in
Even the darkness hideth not from thee, Heb I: 3. He was in the beginning with God, others?—Presbyterian Endeavorer.
February, 1907 3
a wise man, which built his house upon
a rock." Matt. 7: 24. It will stand.
Again when disputing with his adver-
The Stone Kingdom saries, he said : "Did ye never read in
the scriptures. The stone which the
builders rejected, the same is become
the head of the corner ; this is the Lord's
doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes?"
ND the stone that smote These scriptures make it very clear Matt. 21: 42.
the image became a great that the stone that dashes all other king- The, reader will have no difficulty in
mountain, and filled the doms to atoms is the kingdom of God, seeing that Christ applied the statement
whole earth." Dan. 2: 35. with Christ as its eternal King. to himself. He is the Rock. He is the
The figure of a mountain That Christ should be represented as chief corner-stone. This is what he
representing a government a stone, and his kingdom as a stone meant when he said to Peter, " Thou
was not entirely new in kingdom, was not new in Daniel's time, art Peter, and upon this Rock I will
Daniel's time. Isaiah, two and later writers used the same figure. build my church." Matt. r6: 18.
hundred years before, used Notice how the term is used in the fol- Peter had just uttered the sublime
the same figure : "It shall lowing scriptures:— truth, "Thou art the Christ, the Son of
come to pass in the last days, that the " He is the Rock, his work is perfect ; the living God." Christ responded,
mountain of the Lord's house shall be for all his ways are judgment; a God of "Thou art Peter," a rolling rock, a little
established in the top of the mountains." truth and without iniquity, just and rock, a pebble stone; but upon this
Isa. 2: 2. That is to say that in the last right is he." "Then he forsook God great Rock, this " Rock of ages," I will
days the professed church of Christ which made him, and lightly esteemed build my church. Peter so understood
would be united with the governments the Rock of his salvation." "Of the it; for when speaking of Jesus of Nazar-
of earth. Rock that begat thee thou are unmind- eth he said, "This is the stone which
Again the same prophet said, speak- ful, and hast forgotten God that formed was set at naught of you builders, which
ing of Babylon: "Lift up a banner thee." "How should one chase a thou- is become the head of the corner.
upon the high mountain; . .. the noise sand, and two put ten thousand to flight, Neither is there salvation in any other;
of a multitude in the mountains, like as except their rock had sold them, and for there is none other name under hea-
of a great people ; a tumultuous noise of the Lord had shut them up ? For their ven given among men, whereby we
the kingdom of nations gathered to- rock is not as our Rock, even our ene- must be saved." Acts 4: I I, 12.
gether." Isa. 13 : 2, 4. mies themselves being judges." Deut. There can be no misunderstanding
Jeremiah used the same illustration of 32 : 15, x8, 3o, 31. Peter's application of Christ's words.
Babylon when he said : "Behold, I am Will the reader note carefully all these He speaks once more on this point just
against thee, 0 destroying mountain, scriptures? In them a great truth is before his .death : If so be ye have
saith the Lord, which destroyest all the taught, and a great error is corrected. tasted that the Lord is gracious. To
earth ; and I will stretch out mine hand "There is none holy as the Lord ; for whom coming, as unto a living stone,
upon thee, and roll thee down from the there is none beside thee; neither is disallowed indeed of men, but chosen of
rocks, and will make thee a burnt moun- there any Rock like our God." I Sam. God and precious." "Unto you there-
tain." Jer. 51 : 25. 2: 2. "The Lord is my Rock." "For fore which believe he is precious,; but
We see in these scriptures that a na- who is God, save the Lord? and who is unto them which be disobedient, the
tion is sometimes represented under the a Rock save our God ?" "The Lord stone which the builders disallowed, the
figure of a great towering mountain. liveth ; and blessed be my Rock; and same is made the head of the corner,
In like manner, we understand ,the exalted be the God of the Rock of my and a stone of stumbling, and a rock of
"stone" cut out without hands becomes salvation." 2 Sam. 22: 2, 32, 47- offence, even to them which stumble at
a great mountain, or a great kingdom, "The God of Israel said, the Rock of the word, being disobedient." I Peter
and fills the whole earth. Other scrip- Israel spake to me." 2 Sam. 23 : 3. 2 : 3, 44 7, 8-
tures add clearness to this thought. "Unto thee will I cry, 0 Lord my Paul, in Rom. 9 : 33, repeats the same
"The kingdom and dominion, and Rock." Ps. 28 : I. " Lead me to the words of Christ and applies them to the
the greatness of the kingdom under the Rock that is higher than I." Ps. 61 : 2. Saviour. In Eph. 2: 20 he states that
whole heaven, shall be given to the peo- "He only is my Rock and my salvation." we "are built upon the foundation of
ple of the saints of the Most High, Ps. 62 : 7. "And they remembered that the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ
whose kingdom is an everlastiug king- God was their Rock." Ps. 78: 35. See himself being the chief corner-stone."
dom, and all dominions shall serve and also Ps. 69 : 26 ; 92: 15 ; 94 : 22 ; 95 : I.
obey him." Dan. 7: 27. Isaiah speaks as follows : "Trust ye When referring to himself Christ
"The Lord God shall give unto him in the Lord forever; for in the Lord said : " Whosoever shall fall on this
the throne of his father David; and he Jehovah is the Rock of ages." Isa. 26: stone shall be. broken ; but on whomso-
shall reign over the house of Jacob for- 4, margin. ever it shall fall, it will grind him to
ever; and of his kingdom there shall be "Behold, I lay in Zion for a founda- powder." Matt. 21 ; 44. Daniel said
no end." Luke I : 32, 33. tion a stone, a tried stone, a preoious the stone "smote the image upon his
Again we read "The field is the corner-stone, a sure foundation ; he feet that were of iron and clay, the brass,
world. . . . The son of man shall send that believeth shall not make haste." the silver, and the gold [representing
forth his angels, and they shall gather Isa. 28 : 16. all nations], broken to pieces together,
out of his kingdom all things that offend, What an array of evidence there is in and became like the chaff of the summer
and them which do iniquity." Matt. these scriptures that Christ is the Rock, threshing-floors; and the wind carried
13 : 3,8, 41. " For the promise, that he or foundation, upon which the whole them away, that no place was found for
should be the heir of the world, was not kingdom rests now and for all eternity ! them." Dan. 2: 34, 35.
to Abraham, nor to his seed, through • When we come to the New Testament, He will burn up the chaff with un-
the law, but through the righteousness the same facts are enlarged upon and quenchable fire." Matt. 3 : 12. 1` The
of faith." Rom. 4: 13. "Blessed are made clearer still. The prominence Son of man shall send forth his angels,
the meek, for they shall inherit the and stability of this foundation are re- and they shall gather out of his kingdom
earth." Matt. 5 : 5. ferred to by Christ when he said, "Who- all things that offend, and them which
"And the Lord shall be king overall soever heareth these sayings of mine, do iniquity; and! shall cast them into a
the earth." Zech. 9 : ro. and doeth them, I will liken him unto furnace of fire: there shall be wailing

and gnashing of teeth." Matt. r3: 41, two heard the murmurings against "everlasting" and "eternal." Christ
24. Moses and against God because the gave his life. The penitent soul (the
With the territory all cleansed by the people had no water, but it never trou- Christian) receives and lives it. Gal. 2 :
destruction of the wicked and of every bled them. They heard the masses 20.
sinful thing, the stone, the kingdom, be- tempt God because the waters were bit- The impenitent soul is alienated from
comes a great mountain, and fills the ter, but it had no effect upon them. the life of God." Eph. 4: 18. He is an
whole earth. " Then shall the King They were in the midst of the people "alien" and a "stranger" "having no
say unto them on his right hand, Come, when the golden calf was made, but hope" " and without God." Pitiable
ye blessed of my Father, inherit the they took no part in its worship. They condition. Men should repent and be
kingdom prepared for you from the saw the whole Jewish church given over converted. "Behold, I stand at the
foundation of the world." Matt. 25 : 34. to idolatry, but they still remained firm. door, and knock: if any man hear my
E. W. FARNSWORTH. They witnessed the cries of the multi- voice, and open the door, I will come
tude craving for flesh and other unto him." "This is the record, that
Egyptian viands to satisfy the cravings God hath given to us,9 (Christians) eter-
The Book that never Fails
of a perverted appetite, but they were nal life, and this life is in His Son. He
Dr. Hastings, the Christian evidence not disturbed. They saw the very lead- that hath the. Son hath life ; and he that
champion, tells how he met a man who ers in the cause rise up against Moses, hath not the Son of God hath not life."
said that the Bible was upset Dr. the servant of the Lord, and carry with The natural life without Christ may
Hastings said that it was the twenty- them in the rebellion hundreds of well be termed a living death. Said
seventh time it had been upset since he princes, rulers, and thousands of the He, "I am the way, the truth, and the'
was a young preacher. "And I notice,',' people, to tear down the testimony God life."
he said, "that every time it comes out had given to His servant for the people, H. W. COTTRELL.
like a cube of granite—just as high, just but it made no bad impression upon
as thick, and just as heavy as ever it them. They beheld Moses' own family
was before. They have only turned up revolt against the chosen instrument of "Where Hast Thou Gleaned To-day?"
another face of it." God, yet they were loyal. They were
It reminded him of an Irishman who members of the investigating committee These words of Naomi to Ruth are
was building a wall in a marshy place, to spy out the land of Canaan, and were applicable to every one of us. Where
who was spoken to by a friend, who the only ones who dared to be true to hast thou gleaned to day? Have you
said, " Mike, you had best have a care ; their convictions : and finally they been busy with hoyehold care, wholly
that wall you are building will fall passed through the crisis when their absorbed in selfish, personal interests?
over," Says, he : Never mind, Pat. I very lives were in jeopardy and they or have you found time to carry the
know what I am about. I am buildin' seemed to be on the verge of being word of God to those who know it not ?
that wall three feet high and four feet stoned for their loyalty, yet they never Have you found time to wrap a marked
thick ; when it topples over it will be a flinched. And finally they had the joy copy of a religious paper and send it to
foot higher than it was before." That and pleasure of seeing the promised either a friend or a stranger, and as
is the way. The last time the skeptics land, and the promise fulfilled, even your hands were busy, breathe a prayer
tipped the Bible over it left it just a though Moses was dead, and they had that God would bless the seed sown ?
little higher than it was before.—Bible waited more than forty years to see its Did you give a tract to the person who
Society Record. fulfillment. chatted so pleasantly with you as you
They had made up their minds by the sat in the car? " Where hast thou
Joshua and Caleb grace of God to go through and see the gleaned to-day? Where wroughtest
fruit of God's seed planting. Whether thou ?—Selected.
It is frequently repeated in the New leaders or laity believed or doubted ;
Testament that the history of Israel was whether princes or peasants accepted
written and recorded for the benefit of or rejected, it made no difference to Union
the church in the last days. Row. r5:
them; they had another Spirit, and that The doctrine of the trinity is true
4; r Cor. ro: I I; Heb. 4: I I. And the
Spirit of Prophecy tells us that Israel's Spirit of Christ carried them through when rightly understood. They are
to Canaan. one in nature, one in purpose, and so
experience in the wilderness is espe-
cially intended to be of benefit for the My brother and sister and friend, perfect is that union, that Christ said,
' people of God to-day. where are you found in God's cause to- " I and My Father are one." " All
There are many things of interest day ? Are you affected by surroundings things that the Father hath are Mine:
and profit that can be learned from the and environments? Or are you fully therefore said I, that He shall take of
lives and characters of Joshua and and firmly trusting in the promise that Mine and show it unto you." "At that
Caleb. Like the rest of the Israelites God has made by the hand of His ser- day ye shall know' that I am in the
who were wandering in the wilderness, vant? Be like Joshua and Caleb, and Father, and ye in Me, and I in you."
they, too, had been in Egypt and had you will surely reap similar results. "That they all may be one, as Thou,
been delivered from its bondage of F. C. GILBERT. Father, art in Me, and I in Thee, that
slavery. But they had gained an ex- they also may be one in Us : that the
perience early in their history which world may believe that Thou hast sent
Natural and Eternal Life Me." "I in them, and Thou in Me,
was not only of great value to them,
but had saved them a great deal of The Master said to a certain class ©f that they may be made perfect in one ;
trouble and misery. They had learned sinners, "Ye will not come to Me that and that the world, may know that Thou
to have implicit faith and confidence in ye might have life." Jesus therefore hast sent Me, and hast loved them, as
God and in the messages He gave to possessed a life which the unbelieving Thou hast loved Me." No human rea-
them by the hand of His servant Moses. did not have, and which for any one to soning can explain this oneness. Cer-
They .heard Moses declare that the obtain, it is necessary to come to Him. tain it is, here is a union that is as
-Lord would deliver them from the bon- This life is not the common life seen much holier, higher, and perfect, as the
dage of Egypt and place them in the in nature, but is the direct gift of God
land of inheritance; and these very through Christ to the penitent soul, by heavens are higher than the earth.
people to whom Moses was delivering the exercise of personal faith in Him as And it is possible for man to attain unto
the message were the ones God intended the source of divine life. This is the it through Christ.
to bring into the goodly land. These life to which are applied the terms —Selected.
February, 1907 5
simple, and concise."— Watson's The-o
logical Dictionary.
" Prophecy is like a light shining in
a dark place, revealing where we are on
the stream of time. 2 Peter I : 19 ; Matt.
24: 15- 20 ; Luke 21 : 70, 2 I ." —.Bible
"Many shall run [turn] to and fro
[through the prophecies of Daniel], and
A Question Answered things that I write unto you are the knowledge shall be increased. . . . The
commandments of the Lord." This is wise shall understand."—Daniel. Chap.
A subscriber asks : How can you 12:4, 10.
harmonize "Let your women keep si- always a test of the true prophet, or
any person wishing to be prominent. " I have also spoken by the prophets,"
lence"in the churches; for it is not per- says the Lord, "and I have multiplied
mitted unto them to speak . . . They will first recognize those who
have borne the burden and the heat of visions, and used similitudes, by the
for it is a shame for women to speak in ministry of the prophets."— 'Hosea.
the church," with the idea that God de- the day in the work of God. When
this principle is ignored, confusion is Chap. f2 : I.O.
signed women to be on the equality "The prophecy came not in old time
with man? 1 Cor. 14: 34. sure to follow. There were certain
women who had husbands that ignored. by the will of man ; but holy men of
The subject in Corinthians is the God spake as they were moved by the
prophesying in the church. The Scrip- this principle in the Corinthian church
and the apostle was correcting this evil. Holy Ghost."—Peter. 2 Peter 1 : 21.
tures recognize four ways of prophesy- "Christ urged upon his disciples the
ing. There are some churches at the pres-
ent day that might be profited by this importance of prophetic study. Re-
First. To teach the prophecies as ferring to the prophecies given to Daniel,
Caiaphas did. John 11 : 49-51. instruction. God never has but one
leading prophet at a time. It was in regard to their time, he said, `whoso
Second. To be a teacher in the or- readeth, let him understand.'"—Desire
linary sense of the inspired Word. Moses, then Joshua, Samuel, David,
Elijah, Elisha, Isaiah, Jeremiah, etc. of Ages, p. 234.
Chron. 25: "The prophecies of Revelation con-
Third. To teach by the prophetic There were other prophets, but they
were subject to the leading prophet, tain a prediction of all the most remark-
gift. able revolutions and events in the
Fourth. By bearing testimony as in upon whom God lays the general bur-
den of the work. There can be no Christian church from the time of the
social meeting. By a song, doctrine, apostles to the final consummation of all
or psalm. 1 Cor. 14 : 24-26. order or harmony where this principle
is ignored. God had honored the th in gs."— Watson's Theological Dic-
There were certain women in the Cor- tionary;
inthian church, that had no regard for church at Corinth by placing in their
midst every gift of the Spirit. 1 Cor. "As we near the close of this world's
church order. They were not subject _ history, the prophecies relating to the
to one another, and therefore each one 1: 5-7. But instead of it humbling
them, they became exalted, and regarded last days especially demand our study.
considered that her testimony was to The last book in the New Testament
be heard first. , Cor. I 4 : 29-33. themselves sufficient without the counsel
and advice of the apostle Paul, who had Scriptures is full of truth that we need
This course brought in confusion, for to understand."— Christ's Object Lessons,
they did not appreciate the church now become advanced in years, and so
order as it existed "in all churches of they reasoned, " Hath not God spoken P. 133.
by us?" Korah, Dathan and Abiram "We have," Peter says, "also a more
the saints." The apostle in reproof to sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye
these spirits, said, "Let your women are set forth as examples of those who
anciently tried it, as did these women in do well that ye take heed, as unto a
keep silence in the churches : for it is light that shineth in a dark place, until
not permitted for them to speak ; but the church at Corinth.
— Selected. the day dawn, and the day star arise in
they are commanded to be under obe- your hearts." 2 Peter r : 19.
dience, as also saith the law. And if
they will learn anything let them ask The book of Daniel "is the first of a
A Bible Study series of apocalyptic -writings, which
their husbands at home, for it is a
shame for women to speak in the culminate in the Revelation of John the
church." Daniel and the Revelation Divine. It has exercised far greater
influence on Christian theology than
He was not giving a command to all "The prophecies [of Daniel] tally
with those of revelation."—Fausset. any other writing of the Old Testa-
women, but his instruction pertained ment."—Encyolopedia of Religious Know-
to those who claimed to prophesy, and "Whoso readeth [the prophecies of
Daniel], let him understand."—Jesus. ledge.
had husbands. In the thirty-sixth and
thirty-seventh verses, the apostle laid Matt. 24: 15. " Blessed is he that readeth and they
down one general principle, that those "The book of Revelation, in connec- that hear the words of this prophecy,
who had built up the work and borne tion with the book of Daniel, especially and keep those things which are written
the responsibility of the work of God demands study."—Education, p. 191. therein ; for the time is at hand." " Be-
—should be first acknowledged, for he "God hath spoken by the mouth of hold, I come quickly ; blessed is he that
said to them : "What ? came the word all his holy prophets since the world keepeth the sayings of the prophecy of
of God out from you? or came it unto began."—Peter. Acts 3 : 21 this book."— Christ. See Rev. 1 : 1-3 ;
you only ?" That is, if they felt such " He who denies Daniel's prophecies 22: 7, ro.
a responsibility of being heard, that undermines Christianity, which is " If the books of Daniel and the Rev-
they could not even wait till the first founded on Daniel's prophecies concern- elation were studied with earnest prayer,
speaker had finished, irrespective of the ing Christ."—Sir Isaac Newton. we should pave a better knowledge of
order that had been established in the "Surely the Lord God will do noth- the perils of the last days, and would he
-church, they should first consider ing, but he revealeth his secret unto better prepared for the work before us.
through whom they had received their his servants the prophets."—Amos. We should be prepared to unite with
light. Did it originate with them, or Chap. 3 : 7. Christ and to work in his lines."—E. G.
was it brought to them? "If any man "This book [Daniel] abounds with W., in WATCHMAN, Jan. 16, 1906.
thinks himself to be a prophet, or spirit- the most exalted sentiments of piety ARTHUR L. MANOUS in the SOUTHERN
ual, let him acknowledge that the and devout gratitude; its style is clear, WATCHMAN.
------' effort of the church to get the state to
enforce the observance of Sunday, and
to introduce the teaching of Christianity
Religious Liberty into state schools is but a revival of the
pagan and papal doctrine of force in re-
MRS. E. G. WERTZ. ligious things, and as such it is anti-
HRIST came to set men free. After having made men free from sin,
He said, " The Spirit of that the internal principle of love The Limit of Civil Authority
the Lord God is upon me, might work itself out in outward acts The civil power is not invested with
because the Lord hath an- of righteousness unhinderd by force,— unlimited authority. This truth is rec-
nointed me . . . to after having made men thus, has God ognized in a republican form of govern-
proclaim liberty to the cap- given to any human authority the right ment. Under the autocratic govern-
tives, and the opening of to take away that freedom, and so ments of other lands and times, it was
the prison to them that are thwart his plans ? He has commanded assumed that the „individual possessed
bound." Isa. 6o 1. Per- all men to worship him and obey his no rights which the government was
fect liberty is found only precepts, and this command applies to bound to respect, and there were laws
in Christ. God's law is called the law each individual personally ; but has he which covered the sphere of religious
of liberty. The inspired word calls ever commanded any man or set of men duties as well as of those civil. But
that law a hedge. It marks out the un- to compel others to worship him, or to act when the American republic was set up'
changeable principles of right between even outwardly as if they worshipped a new order of things was instituted,
man and God, and between man and him ? To ask these questions is to and a system of government was framed
man, which must be recognized, else answer them emphatically in the nega- which excluded both king and pope.
liberty is impossible to intelligent be- tive. It was recognized that all men are pos-
ings. All slavery, physical, moral, and The civil power is the power of arbi- sessed of "certain unalienable rights,"
intellectual, comes from breaking that trary force to compel men who will not and that "to preserve these rights gov-
law. Liberty is found only in obe- be righteous, to- at least be civil, that ernments are instituted among men,
dience •to it. Still there is a sort of men may live together in peace and deriving their just powers from the con-
slavery in the futile attempt to keep it quietness. The true power of the sent of the governed," and church alid
in our own strength. But Christ, church is the power of divine love man- state were left to pursue their ends in
through the new covenant, writes that ifest in the flesh, to win men to lead separate spheres of action, the Constitu-
law in the heart, so that we not only tighteous _lives. The two powers are en- tion providing that "Congress shall
have power to keep it, but his will be- tirely separate, and Jesus so taught make no law respecting an establish-
comes ours, and with Christ we delight when he said, " Render to Cmsar (the ment of religion or prohibiting the free
to do his will, because his law is in our civil power) the things that are Csar's exercise thereof."
hearts. Here is perfect libel ty. The and to God the things that are God's." Man lives and moves and has his
perfectly saved will be perfectly free. When Peter, as a member of the being in two separate spheres of life,
Throughout eternity they will do just Christian church, sought to defend . the one being the sphere of his civil rela-
what they please, because they please to truth by the sword, Jesus, pointing to tions, and the other and higher one
do just what makes liberty and joy his Father as the church's only source being that of conscience and duty to-
possible. of power, said, " Put up again thy sword ward God. Into this higher realm of
Now, as to the relation of the state into its place ; for all they that take the life the state has no right to enter.
to the conscience of man. Christ found sword (i. e., in religious matters) shall The individual, who must give account
men enslaved to kings and to priests. perish with the sword." The tares are of himself to God in the hereafter, must
He taught that all men are brothers, to be allowed to grow with the wheat be allowed to think and act for himself
sons of one Father, and therefore equal until the harvest. Then God will send in religious matters here. No earthly
before the law,—equal in divil rights. forth his angels to gather out the tares government will answer for the acts of
Rulers were, therefore, only their ser- and burn them. No human effort of any individual in the day of judgment.
vants, chosen under God to protect arbitrary force can be used in rooting Sin is an account between God and the
them in the enjoSTment of their rights. them out, lest in the act the wheat shall sinner alone. As, Lowell has said :—
He freed us from the chains of priest- be rooted also. " If you take a sword and dror it,
craft, by teaching the absolute indepen- Again Jesus said, "My kingdom is And go stick a feller thru,
dence of the individual soul in matters not of this world, if my kingdom were Guvment ain't to answer for it,
religious, and by promising the Spirit of this world, then would my servants God'll send the bill to you."
of truth to guide each one into all truth. fight." Every civil law has the power Christians in all ages of the world
It is true that all liberty comes of the sword back of it. If it is right to have recognized this truth and have re-
through keeping God's law, but God make law, then it is right to enforce it. fused obedience to the civil power when
himself, who wrote that law in the Iii denying to the church the power of it encroached upon the sphere of consci-
hearts of men in the beginning, who the sword, Jesus therefore forbade the ence; and often has the Almighty vindi-
spoke it amid the thunders of Sinai, church to ask the state for laws enforc- cated them in their seeming disregard
that all might hear and obey, who waits ing religious beliefs and observances. of civil authority. The three Hebrews
through- the new covenant to rewrite it Paul understood this when he said, in the fiery furnace, and Daniel in the
in every trusting soul,—God himself, "The weapons of our warfare are not den of lions, are familiar examples.
who did all this; still made man as free carnal, but mighty through God • to the When the civil law conflicts with the
to disobey these precepts as to obey them. pulling down of strongholds." law of God, Christians must maintain
Why did God allow all this fearful ini- The early church, strong only in the their allegiance to the latter, even at
quity that man might be made free ? power of God, triumphed grandly, even the cost of being accounted and treated
To this there can be but one answer. over the opposing forces of a false re- as criminals. Between the fear of man
It was because he knew the worthless- ligion, upheld by the state. Only when and the fear of God, the Christian does
ness of all forced obedience, and that, she allied herself with the state, seeking not hesitate in making a choice. Nor
therefore, the freedom of sin was abso- its aid, did she deny her God, lose her does he thereby show real disrespect to
lutely necessary to the possibility of power, and darken the world into a the civil authority. He may be stigma-
righteousness. night of a thousand years. The present tized as a law-breaker and an anarchist,
February, 1907 7
but in reality he gives an example of limited authority. They are directing Some Facts About the Sabbath
respect for and obedience to law,— the their course of action, not by the ques-
higher and perfect law of God. In such tion, What is the law? but by the deeper It is the seventh day of the week.
an instance the truth is emphasized that question, What is right ? The Creator rested on, blessed, and
there are limits to the authority of the Ever since human governments were sanctified the seventh day, and this act
civil power, and that heyond these instituted, there has been occasions made the division of time into periods
limits it can bind nobody to obedience. where human law, human authority, of seven days. This was the origin of
" It is the law," is the expression have come into conflict with the law the week.
often advanced as a final argument when and authority of God. On the part of It was instituted to commemorate
the propriety of a certain course of those in positions of power there has al- creation. Gen. 2 : 2, 3 ; EX. 20 : 8-II.
action is in question. "It is the law, ways been a tendency to usurp author- It must therefore be as enduring as
and the law must be enforced." But ity. Civil governments have not been creation.
there is another question underlying the careful to avoid all interference in mat- It was blessed and sanctified by the
question of what is commanded by the ters of religion and conscience, but Creator and thus became a holy day.
statutes of men. The real ftindamental oftentimes have proceeded as if the in- God alone can impart holiness to any-
question is, What is right ? For right dividual was the property, body and thing, and he has sanctified the Sab-
is law, always, under all circumstances, soul, of the govesnment. Human leg- bath-day, and no other. Therefore the
in all places. No legislative enactment islatures have overlooked their proper Sabbath is the only day that can be
can make wrong right or remove from function of preserving individual rights, kept holy.
an individual the obligation to deal and have assumed the power to create It was set apart from all other days
justly. The idea that a law, of whatever and abolish them. And civil govern- of the week, since it was the seventh
kind, ought to be enforced until it is ments to-day are not beyond the possi- day and no other upon which God
repealed is a dangerous fallacy. That bility of repeating the mistakes of the rested, and which he blessed and sanc-
was the idea advanced by the Jews past. Human nature remains the same, tified. It is therefore a definite day of
when they demanded the life of Jesus and human beings have not yet become the week, a higher and nobler day than
Christ. "We have a law„' they said, perfect, but remains as finite and erring any other, and no other day can be sub-
"and by our law he ought to die." as of old. And therefore the -truth stituted for it. It cannot be "any one
The question whether " we have a law," needs to be emphasized to-day that day in seven."
or not, is not the deciding question in there are natural limitations to the It is to be kept holy, as a day devoted
settling what is right or wrong. authority of the civil power, beyond to worship and rest from secular work,
Every reformation, every advance which good government cannot go, and thus separated from all other days
move in human progress, has been made and that eternal vigilance is required of the week. There cannot be two
in opposition to human law. Had men to preserve the rights and liberties Sabbaths in the week, and to observe
not dared to assert the right in oppo- which have been won by the struggles two days of the week as Sabbath days
sition to the assumed authority of the and sacrifices of the past. is to break down the distinction be-
civil power, the world would still be in L. A. SMITH. tween the Sabbath and the six working
the Dark Ages. Martin Luther; John days. He who attempts to keep two
Bunyan, John Wesley, and others of Exciting Sabbaths in the week fails to keep any.
like character, in leading the way to a
brighter era, all stood in opposition to Yes, something exciting, something It is the sign of sovereignty. Only
the civil authority. Were they anarch- sensational, something tragical,—that is the sovereign Being has power to create,
ists — were they lawless characters what the world is seeking. Trains are and the Sabbath points out the Creator.
becauge they did so ? Not at all ; they too slow even at sixty or eighty miles In keeping the Sabbath men signify
were right, and in condemning them an hour. Telegraphic communications and know that they are worshiping the
the civil power exceeded the limits of true Sovereign,
keep one in suspense too long. A voy- 12, 2o. Sabbath the Creator. Eze, 20:
its authority. age around the world seems tame; a keeping is a safe-
The American republic was set up be- trip to the north pole would be more guard against idolatry.
cause the civil power of Great Britain satisfying. The results of battles and It is the sign of redeeming power as
exceeded its rightful authority in its wars must be the annihilation of armies well as of creative power ; for redemp-
dealings with the American colonists. in order to hold the interest of the tion is a new birth, a new creation.
The justification put forth to the world reader. John 3 : 3 ; 2 Cor. 5 : 17 ; Eph. 2 : 10.
• by the revolting colonists was that the Science is dry and uninteresting, only Only the Creator could be the Redeemer.
proper purpose of civil governments as it extends its researches into the John I : 3 ; Heb. 1 : 2 ; Col. f : 16. The
was to preserve, not- •to infringe, the realms of the supernatural, and en- Sabbath is therefore Christ's day, the
natural, unalienable rights which men deavors to explain modern mysteries. Lord's day, and Sabbath-keeping signi-
possess as created beings, and that the Religion, to keep pace with the times, fies Our relation to Christ.
fulfilment of this purpose marks the must be enforced by civil law, com- It has never been lost. It was pointed
limits of the rightful authority of the pelling men to accept some form of out to the Israelites in the wilderness
civil power. This has been the accepted worship. Preaching—well, it must be (Ex. 16: 23-29), was kept by the holy
doctrine in the American republic, but in the way of "higher criticism," under- women who came to anoint Christ's
it is a doctrine too often admitted in mining faith in the inspiration of the body (Luke 23: 55, 56), and has been
theory and denied in fact. word, in order to be accepted and up to observed by the Jews, throughout their
No one will say that the civil power date. generations down to the present.
in Russia has had the rightful authority The faster the world moves, the more Sabbath-keeping is now, as it has
to enforce upon the people of that land do men wish to hurry on. The greater ever been, an indespensible part of the
the oppressive regime from which so the wickedness abounding, the more in- worship of God. It is a test of loyalty
many there are now struggling to be tense does the spirit of lawlessness be- to him. "Remember the Sabbath day
free. No one will say that the cruelties come. The more wealth a man has, to keep it holy."
inffictet upon the Russian people were the more he wants. The more power L. A. SMITH.
right simply because they were sanc- he possesses, the more cruel he becomes.
tioned by the civil power and in accord- The greater the excitement, the more "How may age be divested of its un_
ance with legislative enactment. The men long for something more exciting, attractive features? By a life of kind_
Russian people no longer accept the What is the world coming to ?—Its end ! ness and sympathy, a life which draws
idea that the civil power possesses un- I. J. HANKINS. blessings on the years as they pass."

If we have time for everything else

under the sun, let us take time to be
holy. If we have time for earthly
things, why not remember that a day is
coming when earth will be of little mo-
ment; and e'er that day arrives, let us
take time for the things of heaven. . . .
A hallowed atmosphere pervades any
home in which family prayer is never
intermitted. 'To the absent children,
perhaps in distant lands the remem-
Temptation takes a nap or makes a call. After that brance, of the daily prayer at home as a
" Deal gently with the erring; she feels better and behaves better, and comfort and help.—Margaret E. Sang-
Ye know not of the power her children perceive the difference. ster, in Christian Herald.
With which the dark temptation came Thus;our Lord took the disciples apart
In some unguarded hour. into a solitary place to rest awhile.
Ye may not know how earnestly What he wished was not that they Little Deeds of Love
He struggled, or how well, should do a certain quantity of work,
Until the -hour of darkness came, "Little acts of kindness, little deeds
And sadly thus he fell. but a certain quality. of love," as the familiar hymn puts it,
Heir of the self-same heritage,
What is the use of working when one " make our earth an Eden, like the hea-
Child of the self-same God, is getting nothing accomplished? A ven above."
He hath but stumbled in the path, woman must be fit and in condition to Among the little acts of kindness
Thou hast in weakness trod." be a good mother, else she is but beating that cost only a little thought, may be
I I the wind or the children. Nobody can numbered the sending a paper that you
be a useful mother without having some have read to some one that will enjoy it,
A Necessity for a Good Mother sort of recreation every day—something or a flower from your garden to the
to relax the strained nerves and to make friend who is ill.
OBODY can be a good the sun shine in the soul. For all the
mother without being "There is very little I can do," said a
domestic discipline comes back at last sweet young girl, "but I sometimes
I cheerful. A sense of hu- to the personality of the mother. Most
mor, a ready fund of laugh- amuse Mrs. E.'s children while she goes
children will be good if they have a good to a missionary meeting. Unless some-
ter, and a merry heart make mother.— Dean George Hodges, in " A
a happy houphold.. body comes o her relief, she can never
Happy Family." go anywhere in these days, with three
But how can these essen-
tial graces go along with babies under four years of age ! "
anxiety and weariness and The tiny acts of thoughtfulness, the
an aching head ? Plainly, Family Prayer sitting with a forlorn old lady in the dusk
they cannot keep company together. and listening to her stories of the past,
It is therefore the duty of the mother to the picking up dropped stitches, and
A correspondent tells a rather mourn- saying
see to it that hei head does not ache— ful story about the weariness of family much in cheering words, are not so very
that is, in order to be a good mother, prayers when they are conducted in a. knowiedged themselves, but they are ac-
she must be herself at her best, and to way that does not appeal to children, "Inasmuch as by ye
the Lord, who says,
have done it'nto one
that end she must understand that a .and that is on the whole, unimpressive of these little ones,
great part of the care of her children and fatiguing to grown people. She de- to ye have done it un-
consists in the care of her own physical, me."—Mrs.
scribes a father opening the Bible any- Christian Herald. Margaret E. Sangster, in
intellectual, and spiritual health. She where, sometimes in Chronicles, and
must be happy if they are to be happy, sonietimes in Ezekiel, plodding in a
and wise if they are to be wise, and colourless voice through a long chapter, We sleep in peace in the arms of God
good if they are to be good. and then making a prayer, in which when we yield ourselves up to his provi-
There is a species of self-sacrifice there are few petitions that have to do dence, in a delightful consciousness of
which sacrifices joy itself. The martyr with the family needs. Although wor- his tender mercies ; no more restless un-
goes on working even after the task has shfp of this kind in some degree -misses certainties, no more anxious desires,
become a burden and a pain to hands the mark, it is much better than none. no more impatience at the place we are
and heart. Sometimes this is a neces- The custom of assembling the family in ; for it is God who has put us there
sity, but commonly it can be averted by at least once a day for a little service of and who holds us in his arms. Can we
prudent management. Anyhow, in prayqr and praise, has fallen into dis- be unsafe where he has placed us and
dealing with human beings, the per- regar4 in many Christian homes. The where he watches over us as a parent
sonal qualities are the active agents. rush and haste of life, the hurry for the watches a child? This confiding re-
When in the mother, or in anybody morning train, or the scatterjng of the pose, in which earthly care sleeps, is
else, these qualities are weakened by family immediately after the evening the true vigilance of the heart; yielding
weariness, there can be no good results. t
meal, prevent many people from having itself up to God, with no other support
The tired mother makes her children family prayers. Even prayer that is than him, it thus watches while we
nervous and fretful and disobedient. wearisome, and Bible reading that is sleep.—Francis Fenelon.
Her spirit is communicated to them like long, are less to be deprecated than the
a contagious disease. omission of all religious forms. How- "We view the world with our own
Accordingly, the wise mother so dis- ever, nothing is easier than to put heart eyes, each of us; and we make from
poses her day as to provide for the re- and life into family prayer. Select a within us the world we see."
freshment of her own spirit. If neces• psalm or a chapter in the Gospels, pro-
sary, she neglects some household duty vide every child with a Bible, and either
in order to do it ; for this is also a house- read responsively or verse about. If message, " If you would have others feel your
hold duty—one of the utmost import- possible sing a hymn. Let the prayer you must first feel it yourself."
ance. In this quiet time she reads a be short and to the point, and conclude
pleasant book or says her prayers or with the Lord's Prayer, recited by " Trust absolutely in God, and your
plays upon an instrument of music or all. . . . life will surpass even your longings."
February, 1907 9
Four young men, clerks and students,
while on a summer vacation tramp
through northern New England, en-
=" . gaged as guide to a certain romantic
waterfall, a boy named• Forrest Graves.
Forrest was a fine Athletic fellow, and
could outwalk and outclimb any ama-
teur in the mountains ; and his moral
courage was quite equal to his physical
The Wooing of Slumber health and strength. •
G. H. HEALD, M. D. After he had guided the young men
to the waterfall, and they had satisfied
themselves with sight-seeing, they in-
vited him to lunch with them.
HE young lover who shows when he really assumes such an attitude, "Thank you, I have my own lunch, "
himself unduly anxious to he will not be long in getting to sleep. and the boy went away by himself.
win his girl's heart may by Nature is saying to him, "Wait till your Later, when full justice had been done
his very anxiety defeat his

hurry is over, dear." to their repast, 'and a flask of brandy
own purpose. Even if he does not get to sleep right had furnished each of the young men
This is the working out away, it's no matter, so long as he is not with a stimulating draught, Graves was
of a principle which mani- worrying. He is getting bodily rest, called.
fests itself in other lines which is an important part of the night's
besides courtship. "You must drink with us, if you will
duties. The way to woo slumber, then, not eat with us," now said the owner of
What we are overanx- is to woo her by indifference.
ious about is what we are pretty apt not the flask, and the most reckless of the
But there are some physical condi- party.
to get. The anxiety acts as a preven- tions which will interfere with sleep ;
tive. for instance, an overloaded bowel. The " No, sir; thank you," was the boy's
Sometimes a little child manifests in- remedy is obvious : an enema before courteous response.
ordinate impatience to gain a certain bedtime, and the' use of more laxative " But I insist upon it," said the young
end, and mother says, "You'll have to foods. Some persons wake in the small man.
wait till your hurry is over, dear." hours of the morning because of gas in "You can do as you please about
So it is with the anxious person who the intestines. This sometimes comes drinking ; but I cannot drink," replied
lies down dreading the night because of eight or ten hours after the last meal ; Graves.
the hours of tossing which he, from past and in some instances at least relief is The young man sprang to his feet and
experience, fears are before him. He obtained by eating the last meal (light, with a bound stood beside the boy, too
hears the clock strike ten, eleven, of course) just before bedtime. This much absorbed in his own purpose to
twelve, one, two ; and each time it may postpone the formation of gas un- heed the quivering lips and flashing eyes
strikes, he gets more• vexed, and seem- til it is time to get up. Another pre- of the other.
ingly wider awake than ever. ventive is the avoidance of those foods "Now you are bound to try my
But finally exhausted nature asserts which cause the formation of gas,—usu- brandy. I always rule," he exclaimed.
herself, and he falls to sleep to awake ally fibrous foods containing a large
unrefreshed, perhaps cursing his luck quantity of cellulose, such as cabbage, "You can't rule me," was the brave
because he is a victim of insomnia. beans, radish, pears, green corn, apples, reply.
In his desperation he may be driven, especially if the skins are eaten. These words were scarcely uttered
notwithstanding he knows the danger, Where one is kept awake by slight when the flask was seized and hurled
to indulge in sleeping powders, and as sounds, the ears can be stuffed with cot- into the stream. Then a clear defiant
his nervous system is wrecked by the ton, or with paraffin, slightly warmed tone rang out :7—
drug, he grows rapidly worse. and molded into the outer ear. "I did it in self-defence! You had
Now we may question whether, in the Overeating and hearty suppers are, of no right to tempt me. My father was
first place, loss of sleep is the cause of course, not favourable to sound sleep. once a rich and honourable man, but
his awaking unrefresb ed. Many a And the use of tea or coffee may take he died a miserable drunkard, and my
young person will be out nearly all away altogether the desire to sleep. mother came here to live to keep me
night and not feel nearly so bad as the Another cause of poor sleep, which is away from liquor till I should be old
person who has tossed on his bed during so patent that it need hardly be men- enough to take care of myself. I have
the same time. tioned,Nis the practise of taking the busi- promised her a hundred times I wouldn't
Many a person habitually restricts ness or household cares to bed, and taste it, and I'd die before I'd break my
himself to four or five hours' sleep, and there nursing them. One can by means promise !"
yet does an immense amount of work. of such a mental state drive away all
hope of slumber. " Bravely said ! Forgive me, and let us
Is it not rather the worry, the fretting, shake hands. My mother would be a
that uses up the person who does not So attending to the mental attitude
that it is one of indifference and calm- happy woman if I were-as brave as you.
sleep ? Is, not the mental condition I wouldn't tempt you to do wrong. I
through which he passes enough to ac- ness, and keeping the digestive system
in good condition, will do very much to shall never forget you, nor the lesson
count for his ill feeling the next day? you have taught me."
restore one to habits of right sleeping.
Let him make up his mind that he The most reckless was the most gen-
does not care whether he sleeps or not. erous, and seeing his errror, apologized
Let him proceed to read in bed (this is .frankly.
not so bad a practise if the light and the Two prime conditions which are con-
book are placed in favourable positions), ducive to the prosperity of a nation How many boys need to be kept from
not with the hope that sleep will come, are,—facilities for the acquisition of strong drink, and alas, how many men
but with the determination to be utterly home and land, and difficulties in ob- and women ! Who dare tempt them ?
indifferent to sleep. It is probable that taining poisonous liquor." —Selected.

and to give him a clear understanding

of what was said if the Sabbath was
The Holy Spirit at Work in the Mission Field right? Brother Keh preached a plain
sermon on the Sabbath question ; the
W. A. SPICER. old man understood every point clearly,
(continued.) and now he is rejoicing with many
others in the truth.
When we heard of the work of one
Calling for Help back more than once, Last year the young Chinese preacher, Brother Tan
new Algeria Mission, in the extreme Hu, we rejoiced. Then he was called
There's a cry in the wind to-night
From thends where the Lord is unknown; north of Africa, reported its first-fruits, home to help his people in a time of
While the Shepherd above, in His pitiful love, four or five new Sabbath-keepers. The pestilence. He took the disease and
Intercedes at His Father's throne. little lig hts representing our missions died. 0, we said, how will the Lord
There's a call from the dark to-night, glow brighter and brighter in darkest cause this to work to his glory, when
That haunts the lighted room, Africa, and we know that angels rejoice witnesses are needed so much in China ?
From His "other
. sheep" on the broken steep to see these jets kindled in the darkness. But Brother Tan Hu died exhorting his
At the edge of eternal doom. We must pray God to help us to do father and family to obey the truth.
There's a pain in my heart to-night,-- more and to do it quickly. Then the next word came from Brother
From the heart of God it came,— Hankins : —
For I can not forget that he loves them yet The Power that Can Move Asia
"Tan Hu's father has begun to keep
And they've never heard of His name. Asia, with half the world's population, the Sabbath. The Sabbath after Tan
There's is a sob in my prayer to-night, witnesses to the working of the Holy Hu died, his father went over to the
When I think of the million homes Spirit with a new power in this message. village, where his son had succeeded in
Where never a word of the Lord is heard, Dr. George writes from Turkey, of new bringing together about twenty people,
Not a message from Jesus comes. baptisms, and adds : — who met each Sabbath to worship God,
" The spirit of revival has been grow- and there, of his own accord, took up
Progress in Africa ing. The Spirit of the Lord is working the work his son laid down."
N Africa our colonial breth- here in Turkey. May nothing hinder A new mission has been opened in
ren have recently opened this work." Honan, on the railway, and the printing
a mission for the Kaffirs in From Syria comes the word that the office removed to. it. More than once
the eastern province of truth has reached the Euphrates Valley, the lives of our missionaries have been
Cape Colony. The Kaffirs an,d a new people, called Assyrians, threatened during the last year, but
have long been calling us remnants of that ancient nation, are now God has protected them.
to come among them. represented in this truth by seven or From Japan, Korea, Singapore, the
The German brethren have 'eight new Sabbath-keepers. Pacific Islands, and Australasia come
just planted a new station, In India and Burma new fields have only encouraging words. There is no
their third, in German East been entered, and new peoples are hear- retreat in this work. The Australasian
Africa. Brother Enns, who is in charge, ing the message. It is a significant Union is moving upon the populous
writes :— word that Brother Hansen sends from East Indies. Java has now a represen-
"The work here is threatening to Burma. Some Baptist missionaries, tative of the truth.
overflow. I now have about one hun- working in far tipper Burma, on the bor- In the West Indies and Central
dred pupils in the school and fifteen in ders of China and Siam, found tribes America, where three thousand Sabbath-
the boarding-school. Thirty have ap- all ready to be taught. The people keepers are with us for the finishing of
plied, but for lack of room they must said : — the work, a union conference was or-
wait. We must enlarge soon. They "Is not this the fulfillment of our tra ganized last summer. Mexico, which
are pressing and begging, asking if they ditions and hopes? Our traditions say for years was a hard and unresponsive
may not stay. To-day one kept on un- that God dwelt among men, that he field, reports a new spirit of inquiry.
til I could not refuse him. The boys ascended to heaven, and that he would The Lord is visiting these 'Catholic
are quite bright, and are doing very come again. Furthermore, the for- fields. Brother Tanner writes from the
well in their studies. Most of them are eigner was to bring us a knowledge of island of Hayti of baptism after baptism,
the sons of chiefs, who will succeed their the true God, and now the foreigner and says: "This progress among Catho-
fathers." has come with the message of salva- lics has been an astonishment to the
tion." Protestants here, who have never made
The British brethren have landed two In less than a year over a thousand
workers to establish our first mission in very much progress among Catholics."
were baptized. Note how these tribes Some have called on ,him to explain it.
Uganda. The young Africans in our were seeking for the knowledge of the
mission training-schools are praying The only explanation is that this third
Saviour who is coming again. The angel's message is the special truth of
the Lord to help them "to learn quick." complete message of Christ's soon com-
The way in which the Lord is answer- God for these last days.
ing is the message they were looking Our South American brethren also
ing that prayer stirs our hearts with for. It is the message for the world.
new hope for the Dark Continent. One thank God that his Spirit is working
We should be giving it everywhere. with new power in dark Catholic fields.
lad in the Solusi school wrote to Elder The Spirit is going before us into the
Hyatt :— When news of the San Francisco dis-
darkest corners of the earth. aster reached South America, people
" My people is in darkness there in In China a new dialect is now prais- stood aghast: Now they have had a
Zululand. I can not have rest day and ing God for this message. Five young similar visitation in Valparaiso. The
night. I long to take truth to my men of the Hakka people, of South message of the approaching end is be-
people. I tell you time is very short. China, have been baptized in Canton. ing punctuated with earthquake and
I ask you send help down to my people. In the Amoy region the truth is spread- tempest. The Lord is warning the
I want to go down there. I want to ing in a marvelous way. Who does not world. The message of hope and salva-
give my life to my people." sympathize with that aged Chinese tion from the things coming upon the
At last we have a foothold established, Christian who, as he went to hear our earth must go swiftly. And we are to
a mission house of our own, in Sierra Brother Keh speak, prayed the Lord to carry it. It will mean all we have and
Leone, on that African West Coast. from confuse his mind so that he could not are on the altar to go to the finish with
which our workers have been turned understand if error was being taught, this message,
February, 1907 11
The Macedonian cry comes from over
every sea. Let us answer it in our
prayers and gifts, first giving our own
selves. This week-of-prayer offering
to missions ought to be the largest ever
given, as our surrender and consecration
ought to be the most determined and
complete. Some parents must give
A split is imminent in the Roman Catholic The Archbishop of Canterbury, Archbishop
children to go to the fields. Confer- Church in France under the leadership of Bourne of Westminister and the Rev. John
ences and institutions must give work- Dex Houx, a professed Catholic but one who Scott Lidgett. President of the National
fi who cannot be spared without sacri- defies the Pope. Council of the Evangelical Free Churches,
fice. God is calling. Not a soul can " A medical expert on leprosy says that fleas
have issued a joint message to the nation in
behalf of their respective Churches, urging a
view • the wondrous working of the and mosquitoes transmit leprosy germs; that stricter observance of the Sabbath, declaring
Lord throughout the world-wide field it requires many years for the disease to be- it is impossible to exaggerate its importance
to-day, without repenting before God come established, when it may burst out in to the national well-being. A weekly rest day,
with awe struck heart ; for to watch the epidemic form." it says, not only heightens industrial efficiency,
not only promotes family social life, but be-
movements in the fields is to see God the City of Panama is believed to have been yond this sacred sanction attaches to a weekly
actually cutting short the work of hu- wrecked near Waddel beach. Life rafts are ppportunity for worship upon which depends
man salvation and bringing eternity coming ashore, but there are no signs of any the promotion of the enduring interests of
survivors, and there is much wreckage along
near. shore to Pescadora. Severe storms are inter-
common life. The message is understood to
be directed towards the higher classes who are
Btft it is a glad truth to the advent rupting communications. increasingly devoted to Sunday pleasures.
believers in all lands. All round this " Dr. S. Knopf, who has worked long and
world are earnest hearts rejoicing in earnestly in the slums of New York and else- The foregoi,pg is proof positive of the
the "blessed hope." They are praying where, in the warfare against tuberculosis, determination of the National Council
for it. One Sabbath day, after weary and who has well earned the right to speak of the Evangelical Free Churches to en-
weeks at sea, I landed in Buenos Ayres, with authority, says that the excessive use of force upon the nation a day which in-
alcohol is responsible for more tuberculosis than
South America, and went directly to a is anything else. He says he is not preaching stead of a blessing will be a curse to
Sabbath-school in our mission rooms in temperance, but he maintains that more alco- society—a day on which Christ himself
the heart of that great city. Their lan- hol is consumed in patent medicines than is worked—Sunday,—the first day of the
guage was strange to my ears, but I sold over the bar." week.
understood their spirit with my heart. "Because she was brave enough to live for
many months in a tent, defying alike the bliz- " Where Romish teachers are in the minor-
It was the spirit of the one old-fash- zards of winter and the heat of the summer ity, they know how to plead for religious
ioned third angel's message. Then we sun, Miss Albertina Zobel, who skilled physi- liberty. In the days when the laws of Eng-
studied the map of our mission fields, cians a year ago said could not live more than land proscribed both Catholics and Dissenters,
and through the interpreter they were a week or two, has survived the ravages of the adherents of Rome were all in favour of
typhus and palsy, and is now on the road to toleration and freedom. In the United States
helped to see how swiftly the work is complete recovery. For weeks and months to-day, the Church of Rome claims to stand
going. As we told them that the ad- it was discouraging work, for improvement for civil and religious liberty: But the follow-
vent people were almost home at last, seemed slow in showing, but finally she be- ing extracts from a letter of the Archbishop of
it touched my heart to see that little came so accustomed to her mode of life that Manila, addressed to his people in the Philip-
she actually seemed to enjoy it. Soon after- pines, show how little Rome knows of tolera-
company all weeping tears of joy. ward the colour began to return to her cheeks, tion, when she feels sure of her position.
Brethren and sisters, this hope is the and her physicians knew that the heroic treat-
dearest hope on earth to the pilgrims ment had saved her life." " DOCTRfNE OF THE HOLY CHURCH
homeward bound. And the Lord Jesus The newspapers still discuss the bearing of Concerning the election of the officers of the
will never disappoint his children, who the Anglo-Japanese treaty upon a war between country.
to-day are praying in many tongues the United States and Japan.
" To THE VOTERS : Catholics must not vote
that last pra'yer of the Scriptures, The Standard declares that 'England will ob- for men to fill responsible positions except
4` Even so, come [quickly], Lord Jesus." serve her plighted faith and abide by the con-
sequences, as not even the advantages of
those who are true and loyal Catholics. It is
not possible and unreasonable, to expect that
friendship with the United States would weigh irreligious men, ( non-Catholic) will put down
against the dishonour of broken national faith, existing evils.'—Leo. XIII.
NOTICE but the necessity for supporting Japan would
depend upon circumstances it would be neces- "' The voter will sin if he does not fulfill his
Churches, Young People's So- sary if the United States should invade Corea, duty at election time. He must choose Chris-
but unnecessary if Japan should invade the tian men who are faithful to the Church, and
cieties, and all interested in Philippines and the exclusion of Japanese from who fear God, men who will not bring dis-
seeing the sacred pages the United States would not be a breach of tliE credit upon it, and not cause it to take a back-
Angio-Japanese treaty. ward step by working against truth and right-
scattered as the _ eousness, but who will rather advance the
leaves of Autumn. interest of the government,'—Ar chbishop of
Never in the history of this world Colon.
We have on hand a large quan- have nations been so anxious to surpass "And because many of you do not know for
tity of the back numbers of the each other in military preparations as, whom you should vote, you must confer with

WATCHMAN, and we will gladly to-day, note what France is doing: your father confessor and other good men of
the holy church who have clean conscience
"The French Admirality have ordered four toward God. If you vote for a man who will
furnish you any amount desired at submarines surpassing anything existing. not advance the interests of the people you
a rate that just pays us for the They are to be of 800 tons with a speed of fif- will commit a mortal sin.
teen knots or ten knots when submerged with
trouble of packing or shipping to a radius of 2,50o knots. These make 20 or- " Never vote for any other than a true Cath-
olic. If you vote for any other than a true
you. We would rather do this dered within a year."
and loyal Catholic, you will be overwhelmed
than Jet them lay here and do no And not only France, but prepara- by the many sins that will be thrust upon you,
good, and we sincerely hope you tions are also being made in Germany: besides, you will be responsible for all he does.
"A Berlin telegram says that Germany will " Therefore we desire that you take these
will be interested and order soon. eclipse the armoured cruisers of the world with two words of instruction: First, it is the duty
a vessel of twenty thousand tons and turbines, of all Catholics to vote when they get a
Only $1.00 per hundred, Post-paid, ranking next to the Dreadnought. Germany's chance; second, the voter has a binding and
Send all Orders to Dreadnought has been building for some weeks heavy duty to induce only Catholics to vote,
CARIBBEAN WATCHMAN, PORT-OF-SPAIN, secretly, and a slip is being enlarged hurriedly and to vote only for Catholics.
TRINIDAD. for another under high pressure."
.11111111111111.11111MIIMMIMIM What do these things mean ? MANILA."
which an old minister delivered a sermon an perfect gift is from above and cometh down
hour long, and after that a prayer was made. from the Father of lights." Who is acquanted
and some verses sung out of the Psalms. In with all our needs and desires, and has already
CARIBBEAN the afternoon three or four hours were con-
sumed with nothing except prayers, three
made liberal, provisions for all. Notwithstand-
ing our waywardness, " He maketh his sun to

WATCHMAN ministers relieving each other alternately.

When one was tired the other went into the
pulpit." Rev. Thos. Clapp a graduate of
rise on the evil and on the good and sendeth
rain on the just and on the unjust. Matt. 5 : 45.
Besides the common every day blessings so
Howard, in the beginning of the eighteenth freely bestowed, there are special gifts offered
century wrote a scheme of prayer containing to the children of men. The Son of God was
24o subheads. In comparison with this we exalted to be a Prince and a Saviour for to give
February I, 1907. surely have little to complain of to-day along repentance unto Israel and forgiveness of sins.
this line. And we are his witnesses of these things and so
is also the Holy Ghost whom God hath given to
S. A. WELLMAN ... ... Editor. The Lord's Day. "What day is it? Many them that obey him." Acts 5:31,32. There is a
GEO. F. ENOCH ... Associate Editor. call Sunday the Lord's Day and others say this "Balm in Gilead" for every trial, difficulty,
Editorial Contributors. is not so." This is a question that is com- or disease liable to afflict the bodies or souls of
monly asked. Now since "the Lord's day" erring mortals. Our help comes from One who
W. G. KNEELAND. J. A. STRICKLAND. means the day which the Lord claims as his, "is able to save unto the uttermost" all who
and as it is in its origin strictly a Bible term, come unto God by him. 4
where should we go but to the Bible to learn In this favoured generation of gospel priv-
The Christian must never lose sight of the what day is the Lord's day? Here is the reply ileges, information concerning our duty is not
fact that he is a pilgrim and stranger here! thrice told. In Isa. 58: 13 the Lord calls the so much needed as strength to do what we
This is not his home. He is not to fix his Sabbath " My Holy day." In Mark 2: 28, we already know is essential to salvation. " But
heart on any place here. The world's wealth read of Jesus, " the Lord of man is Lord also as many as received him, to them gave he
or its honour or its glory are not to attract of the Sabbath." And in Ex. 20: IO is this power to becothe the sons of God, eifen to
him from the straight and narrow path to declaration, " The seventh day is the Sabbath them that believe on his name." " But ye
glory. of the Lord thy God." This is the seventh day shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost
of the week, for the Sabbath come just before is come upon you and ye shall be witnesses
To some this position seems to be a hard the first day of the week. Matt. 28: I Mark unto me . . . unto the uttermost parts of the
one. The enemy has shown them the king- 16: 12. What day is the Lord's day ? It is earth." John I : 12. Acts I: 8. The gift of
doms of this world, and their small glitter has the seventh day of the week. Can a Bible the Holy Spirit is freely offered to all who will
eclipsed the beauties of the world to come. Christian come to any other conclusion ? use its holy influence for the benefit of hu-
They exchange the future for the present. The manity and "this promised blessing claimed by
temporal for the eternal. Nothing seems to be The Bible tells us that "the love of money faith brings all other blessings in its train."
able to convince such of the folly of their is the root of all evil." Some men would have " But the manifestation of the Spirit is given
choice. They will not realize their folly until us believe the Bible an out of date book, but to every man to profit withal." I Cor. 12: 7.
they stand on the borders of the eternal world whoever examines carefully its statements of " By their fruits ye shall know them." Matt..
and see the wonderful and dazzling glory of principles, will find that time only demon- 7: 20. The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy&
the city of gold. strates their truthfulness. The present day peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness,
is perhaps the striking of any of earth's his- faith, meekness temperance." All these valu
Han cannot reverse it. When Balsam had tory, of the absolute truthfulness of the state- able gifts our Father is more willing to give us
tried to curse Israel and failed, he had the ment that "the love of money is the root of all than earthly parents are to give good gifts unto.
candor to say, " He hath blessed and I cannot evil." In other ages men have loved money their children. Gal. 5: 22, 23. Luke II : 13
reverse it." .Now " Gol hath blessed the much, but it has been left to this last genera- Nothing would be more likely to sever the
seventh day, and sanctified it," making it his tion to fully demonstrate the meaning of this bonds of friendship than to despise and scorn-
holy Sabbath, men may try to evade it, to inspired statement. To-day we see men liter- fully reject an offered gift. Yet this is just
curse it, and to trample upon it. Bat God - ally mad in their rush for the gold that perish- what every one is doing to our best Friend
has blessed and no man can reverse it. The eth. The glitter of the gold dazzles their when we refuse to accept the gift of Salvation
blessing is still there every week. This is why sight and benumbs the higher sensibilities of from sin purchased for us at such infinite cost..
God says, " Blessed is the man that doeth this, the soul, until the milk of human kindness is In spite of such base ingratitude, listen to.
and the son of man that layeth }told on it, that not left in our breasts. His gracious invitation. " Only acknowledge
keepeth the Sabbath from polluting it. Isa. And yet gold can be used for the salvation thine iniquity that thou hast transgressed
56: 2. of souls. It can be placed on deposit in the against the Lord thy God," "and I will receive
bank of heaven by investing it in God's work you and will be a Father unto you and ye shall
It has been well said, that "Christians al- in the earth. Jesus said, " Make to yourselves be My sons and daughters saith the Lord
ways part to meet again." We may say fare- friends of the mammon of unrighteousness: Almighty." Jer. 3: 13 ; 2 Cor. 6 : 17, 18.
well here but not " good bye." Should our that when ye fail they may receive you into Are you in possession of this priceless gift?
paths in this present life diverge so far that everlasting habitations." So money may be Delay is dangerous. " My Spirit shall not
they never again meet, yet we will meet on our friend or the love of money may be the always strive with man." "Grieve not the
that other shore where there shall be no more deadly enemy which sinks our soul into perdi- holy Spirit of God whereby ye are sealed unto.
partings. We shall know each other there. tion. Which shall it be ? The poet has said : the day of redemption," lest He depart never
There, the sweet friendships formed here shall "Gold! Gold! Gold ! Gold! more to return. Every converted, baptized
be renewed, unmarred by the failings and Bright and yellow, hard and cold; believer in Christ is entitled to this wonderful
peculiarities of disposition of this mortal life. Molten, graven, hammered, and rolled; gift. " Have ye received the Holy Ghost since
We shall clasp glad hands around his throne, Heavy to get and light to hold; ye believed ? " "What shall we do ? Repent
and bask in the sunshine of his blessed Pres- Hoarded, bartered, bought, and sold, and be baptized every one of you in the name
ence, and in the sweet companionship of the Stolen, borrowed, squandered, doled ; of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye
redeemed. Spurned by the young, hugged by the old shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. Gen,
To the very verge of the churchyard mold; 6: 3 ; Eph. 4: 3o: Acts 19: 2; 2: 37, 38.
But he who walks by faith now, views this Price of many a crime untold. W. G. KNEELAND.
world with a right perspective. He has al- Gold! Gold! Gold! Gold!
ready caught a glimpse of the effulgent glory Good or bad a thousand fold."
of that sinless land, and can see nothing in
this evil world to entice him away from the HELP WANTED!
path that leads thereto. He has no abiding Valuable Gifts
city here but. seeks one to come, that hath To sell the WATCHMAN in your vicinity
foundations whose maker and builder is God. The usual, season for bestowing gifts among WHY ?
No stain of sin, or shadow of darkness ever our friends and acquaintances has passed and
find entrance there. Its wealth and glory so many no doubt although remembered at that It Helps People - They Get the Truth
far exclude that of its present world, that hu- time have been disappointed in the results ob- It Helps You - The Experience You Get
man language fails as it tries to describe it. tained from these customary tokens of affec- It Helps Us - - To Be Self-supporting
We must be there. Let us not allow the tion and good will. Perhaps the presents It Pays - - - Souls Are Saved
enemy of our souls to cheat us out of this " far received did not suit the circumstances or You Can Do It - Write for Prices
more and exceeding weight of glory." fancies of the individual, or the gift itself was Young and Old - All Can Have a Part
not satisfactory, and unpleasant memories are
The people of to-day get weary of long ser- cherished concerning them. The WATCHMAN sells readily
vices. What would they think of the follow- All these varied experiences should teach us Thousands are sold
ing described first-day service of more than to carefully consider how real, lasting happi- ADDRESS
200 years: "We went into the church, where, ness and pleasure can be obtained and thus be
in the first place a minister made a prayer in able to choose "that good part that shall not
Manager, Caribbean Watchman,
the pulpit of full two hours in length, after be taken away." " Every good gift and every Port-of-Spain - - - Trinidad.
February, 1907. iii

Chinese Justice him back into the pouch and made off at the
top of her speed. It is pleasant to know that
THINGS HERE AND THERE The words from one of Bret Harte's poems— the man never shot a kangaroo again.
" For ways that are dark and for tricks'that —The Murray Independent.
are vain, • --
The heathen Chinee is peculiar,"
Vesuvius in Bloom are not belied by the practices of the Chinese He's a_ Brick
in their home country. An English resident
It is strange to read that Vesuvius "is now of China vouches for this incident: A Chinese This is a common saying among the boys.
blooming like a garden, the ashes being made friend of his came to him in great distress, say- It originated with the king of Sparta, who was
into a very rich fertilizer by the addition of ing, "The taotai [governor] demands the eight showing an ambassador from Epirus over his
lime or soda." Only a few months ago it was thousand taels he loaned me. Now, he never capital.
a mountain of death, its inhabitants fleeing loaned me a single cash. Ifear I am ruined."
from it in terror and its vegetation burned or The ambassador was surprised at finding no
The Englishman, meeting him a few weeks walls built for the defense of the town.
buried under hot ashes, so that it was a scene later, asked him how he came out with the
of terrible desolation. But now the rains have "Thou canst not have looked carefully," said
laotai. He replied, "I beat him. I went into the king. " Come with me to-morrow and I
watered the ashes, and man has fertilized them, court, admitted the debt, and proved that I
and they have become rich soil, and the vol- had paid it." will show thee the walls of Sparta."
cano has become a mountain of life, robed in The uncertainty of justice under such a sys- The next day the king showed the visitor
green and decked with blossoms far up its tem, or absence of system of government, led his great army in battle array, and said :—
slope toward its slumbering top. Human life to the establishment by the Catholic Church " Here are the wails of Sparta, and every
is again taking possession of it, the ruined of a court in each of their principal mission man is a brick." —Selected.
villages and villas are 'being rebuilt on "erup- centres in.China, to hear and determine all
tion-proof plans," and soon it will be a scene cases where their members or converts are
of populous and prosperous activity. concerned. This of course is an affront to
Nature has a strong restorative power; it is Chinese sovereignty, and the massacre of mis- The Nepenthe
saturated with curative virtue. Under its sionaries in that country has more than once One of the most extraordinary of tropical
healing touch' the volcano's ash-heap and the been due to the animosity which such a step plants is the nepenthe. The name is from the
earthquake's shattered shore are soon covered and the abuses growing out of it have aroused Greek, meaning removing sorrow. It has
with verdure and fringed with flowers. It in the Chinese mind. been applied to a magic potion, calculated to
turns a grave into a green mound and every- It is stated by those familiar with the facts banish the remembrance of grief and enliven
where hides death under the forms of life. that " the church naturally secures the services the spirits. The word is now used figuratively
All this is nature's parable and prophecy of of men best versed in Chinese law to manage to express any remedy which gives rest and
the healing of sin and death and the domin- these eases. As wild diicks will soon learn the consolation to an afflicted mind. The humor-
ance of life in the spiritual world. God is full line near towns where shooting is prohibited, ist who named the plant mentioned above,
of life, and in him is no death at all. His life and seek shelter within these lines, so the na- "nepenthe," did so because it settles once for
pervades our human world, and has the power tives specially needing immunity from the ex- all the troubles of any living thing that comes
-of curing all the wounds and woes of sin. The ecution of justice soon drift into these refuges, to drink from the pitcher-like structure that
Cross has healing virtue for all human guilt. and conform to the required ceremonies for is suspended alluringly from each leaf. Hav-
Even a life that has been burned out with sin the needed immunity. Thus this imperium ing captured the thirsty one, the plant eats it
and is only an ash-heap can yet be made to in irnperio soon becomes a centre of irritation. at its leisure.
bloom again. "Earth has no sorrow that Officers prevented from punishing criminals
come to regard these asylums for criminals The innocent-looking fluid with which the
Heaven cannot heal." This is the gospel of pitchers of this plant are filled is not water
hope, the great light that shines from the face as menaces to the good order of the state."
—Sel. but a stupefying liquid that numbs the senses
-of God and from the cross of Christ. of the rat, mouse, or roaeh that seeks to as-
—Presbyterian Banner. suage its thirst. Having stupefied the intru-
Utilising Monkeys as Servants der, the plant prevents its escape by closing
the entrance to the pitcher. In the lid of this
In Siam apes are now employed as cashiers. curious receptacle are two spikes, in appear-
A year or two ago much base coin was circulated ance like the fangs of a rattlesnake raised to
The Giant Victories by a clique of coiners, and the tradesmen found strike. These spikes close with deadly effect
that it was a very difficult matter to discrimi- on the neck of the rat who has inserted his
The queen of all the water-lily tribe, if not of nate between good and bad money. One large head in the pitcher. Even if he does not suc-
the whole vegetable world, is the wonderful ,store kept a pet monkey, and one morning he cumb to the effect of the drug he has imbibed,
night-blooming Victoria. Everyone should 'was seen to take a coin from the cashier's desk he is unable to withdraw his head from the
know its gigantic saucer-shaped leaves. They and put it between his teeth. After biting it trap because of the spikes that have penetrated
are often six feet across, perfectly circular in for some moments, he threw it on the floor his neck. In time, according to those who are
outline, with the margin turned up four to with a solemn grimace of dissatisfaction. The familiar with the habits of this strange plant,
eight,inches, at right angles to the water sur- proprietor of the store then handed the mon- the prisoner is drawn into the interior of the
face. Each leaf is a veritable boat, with capac- key another coin, and after testing it with pitcher. Juices are employed to dissolve the
ity to float the weight of a man. The under great deliberation, he laid it on the cashier's body, and in time the creature is absorbed, and
side of a leaf presents a marvellous network of desk. Apparently the creature could tell a goes to nourish the plant at whose cup the
girder-like veins for the support of the giant counterfeit coin from a good one, and in older victim came to drink.
structure. A strong plant should have three to ascertain whether other monkeys had the
or four such leaves in perfect condition at one same extraordinary gift, two apes were given According to the keeper of a certain viva-
time. the test, with satisfactory results. rium, a close study of the habits of this plant
From that day the majority of business shows that it is subject to loss of appetite, just
The flower is no less remarkable. It floats as human beings are. In captivity, so to speak
on the water, and regularly reaches twelve to houses in Siam have kept monkeys as cashiers, it eats less than report says it is accustomed to
eighteen inches in diameter. In appearance it, and the gifted creatures have developed the in its native habitat. The longer it remains in
is a huge and very double water-lily. The nu- faculty of discrimination between good and
merous petals are delicate, almost like chiffon, bad coin so that no human being can compare the artificially heated atmosphere of the viva-
•and spread out widely in every direction. In with them. —"Search-light." rium the less it seems to want to eat, although
spite of its size, there is nothing coarse about there is no sign that it suffers from this volun-
tary deprivation. Food that it has captured
it. Let us watch one open. About four from the live stock that makes its home in the
o'clock in the afternoon, the great brown Spare That Kangaroo vivarium remains undigested in the pitchers
prickly bud look very forbidding. Soon a for a long time. Where once the merest touch
most delicious fragrance assails our nostrils; Up the country, a man who was sitting out- would electrify the plant into life and cause it
it speaks of apples, peaches, pineapples—what side his house on the verandah one evening to close its fangs in search of a victim, the un-
a friend of mine would call a "symphony" of saw a kangaroo lingering about, first drawing canny thing now languidly and leisurely re-
scents. We look and see that the pale petals near the house and then hopping away, as if in sponds.—Selected.
are showing through four crevices in Victoria's fear and doubt what to do. At last she came
bud. As evening advances the great creamy up to some pails of water which were standing 4 •
blossom opens fully, and the odour becomes by, and taking a baby kangaroo from the pouch
almost oppressive. Next morning, about nine below her breast in which she carried him, she King Leopold, it is said, exacts an annual
o'clock, the flower closes. The second even- held him out to the water to drink. While tax equivalent to two hundred and sixty-seven
ing it opens an hour or two earlier than before. her little one was quenching his thirst, the days' work of the natives of the Congo region
It has lost all of its scent, but has assumed a mother was quivering all over with excitement, under his supervision, with the penalty of
pink colour. On the second morning it looks for she was only a few feet off from the balcony losing hands or feet,•or both, if it is not paid.
half wilted, and during the day it descends on which a man, one of her great foes, sat Competent witnesses state that of a population
slowly into the water. The Victoria blooms watching her. But she could not think of of twenty or thirty million many thousands
almost continuously after it once gets started. herself, or even stay to take a drink. When have been beaten, maimed, or put to death by
—The Garden Magazine. the little one bad finished drinking, she put the cruelty of Belgium's monarch.

Port-of-Spain, . . . . Trinidad.

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