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Meriam 2/40: The horizontal motion of the plunger and shaft is arrested by the resistance of the

attached disk which moves through the oil bath. If the velocity of the plunger is v0 in the position A
where x=0 and t=0, and if the deceleration is proportional to v so that a = -kv, derive expressions for
the velocity v and position coordinate x in terms of the time t. Also express v in terms of x.

Ans: ‫ݒ = ݒ‬଴ ݁ ି௞௧ , ‫ݒ = ݒ‬଴ − ݇‫ݔ‬

Meriam: 2/45: A subway train travels between two of its station stops with the acceleration
schedule shown. Determine the time interval ∆t during which the train brakes to a stop with a
deceleration of 2 m/s2 and find the distance s between stations.

Ans: ∆t = 10 s, s = 416 m

Meriam 2/112: At the bottom A of the vertical inside loop, the magnitude of the total acceleration of
the airplane is 3g. If the airspeed is 800 km/h and is increasing at the rate of 20 km/h per second,
calculate the radius of curvature ρ of the path at A.

Ans: 1709 m
Hibbeler 12-149: The slotted link is pinned at O, and as a result of the constant angular velocity
ߠሶ = 3 , it drives the peg P for a short distance along the spiral guide ‫ = ݎ‬ሺ0.4ߠሻ ݉ , where θ is in

radians. Determine the velocity and acceleration of the particle at the instant it leaves the slot in the
link when r = 0.5 m

Ans: v = 1.92 m/s, a = 8.49 m/s2

12-171: A double collar C is pin connected together such that one collar slides over a fixed rod and
the other slides over a rotating rod. If the geometry of the fixed rod for a short distance can be
defined by a lemniscate, ‫ ݎ‬ଶ = ሺ4ܿ‫ݏ݋‬2ߠሻ ݉ଶ , determine the collar’s radial and transverse
components of velocity and acceleration at the instant θ = 0⁰ as shown. Rod OA is rotating at a
constant rate of ߠሶ = 6 ‫݀ܽݎ‬/‫ݏ‬

௠ ௠ ௠ ௠
Ans: ‫ݒ‬௥ = 0 ‫ݒ‬ఏ = 12 ܽ௥ = −216 ௦మ ܽఏ = 0 ௦మ
௦ ௦
Meriam 2/118: The design of a camshaft-drive system of a four-cylinder automobile engine is shown.
As the engine is revved up, the belt speed v changes uniformly from 3 m/s to 6 m/s over a two-
second interval. Calculate the magnitudes of the accelerations of points P1 and P2 halfway through
this time interval.

Ans: aP1 = 338 m/s2, aP2 = 1.5 m/s2

Meriam 2/122: A projectile is fired at angle of 30⁰ above the horizontal with a muzzle velocity of 460
m/s. Determine the radius of curvature ρ of the trajectory at the position of the particle 10 seconds
after firing. Neglect atmospheric resistance so that the gravitational attraction is the only force to be

Ans: 18.91 km

Meriam 2/141: Link AB rotates through a limited range of the angle β, and its end A causes the
slotted link AC to rotate also. For the instant represented where β = 60⁰ and ߚሶ = 0.6 rad/s constant,
determine the corresponding values of ‫ݎ‬,ሶ ‫ݎ‬,ሷ ߠ,ሶ and ߠሷ

คําแนะนํา: พิจารณาจุด A จากด้ าน AB ก่อน เพือคํานวณความเร็วและความเร่งของจุด A

௠௠ ௠௠ ௥௔ௗ
Ans: ‫ݎ‬ሶ = 77.9 , ‫ݎ‬ሷ = −13.5 , ߠሶ = −0.3 , ߠሷ =0
௦ ௦మ ௦
Hibbeler 12-196: The roller at A is moving upward with a velocity of vA = 0.9 m/s and has an
acceleration of aA = 1.2 m/s2 when sA = 1.2 m. Determine the velocity and acceleration of block B at
this instant.

Ans: vB = -0.72 m/s aB = -1.15 m/s2

Meriam 2/231: The vertical displacement of cylinder A in meters is given by y=t2/4 where t is in
seconds. Calculate the downward acceleration aB of cylinder B.

Ans: aB = 4 m/s2

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