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IELTS Practice Tests 3, General Training: Reading and Writing Test B, Section 3

First Impressions Count

symbolic (of something) containing symbols, or being used as a symbol
The dove is symbolic of peace.
He shook his fist in a symbolic gesture of defiance.
The Channel Tunnel has enormous symbolic significance for a united Europe.
make sense to have a meaning that you can easily understand
This sentence doesn't make sense.
denote something | denote what, when, etc… to mean something
In this example ‘X’ denotes the time taken and ‘Y’ denotes the distance
The red triangle denotes danger.
hierarchy [countable, uncountable] a system, especially in a society or an
organization, in which people are organized into different levels of importance from
highest to lowest
the social/political hierarchy
She's quite high up in the management hierarchy.
supervise to be in charge of somebody/something and make sure that everything is
done correctly, safely, etc.
supervise (somebody/something) to supervise building work
supervise somebody doing something She supervised the children playing
near the pool.
project [transitive] to present somebody/something/yourself to other people in a
particular way, especially one that gives a good impression
project something They sought advice on how to project a more positive
image of their company.
project somebody/something/yourself (as somebody/something) He
projected himself as a man worth listening to.
homogeneous adj (also homogenous) consisting of things or people that are all the
same or all of the same type / đồng nhất, đồng đều, thuần nhất
a homogeneous group/mixture/population
a culturally homogeneous society
Opposite heterogeneous
customer-facing adj [only before noun] (business) dealing directly with customers or
used by customers
customer-facing operations such as call centres
customer-facing software applications
retailing U the business of selling goods to the public, usually through shops/stores
career opportunities in retailing
workwear U special clothes that people wear for particular types of work,
to protectthem, etc.
The company is a supplier of corporate uniforms and workwear.
emerge [intransitive] to start to exist; to appear or become known
After the elections opposition groups began to emerge.
the emerging markets of South Asia
emerge as something He emerged as a key figure in the campaign.
corporate adj [only before noun] connected with a corporation
corporate finance/planning/strategy
corporate identity (= the image of a company, that all its members share)
corporate hospitality (= when companies entertain customers to help develop
good business relationships)
retailer a person or business that sells goods to the public
one of the country’s largest food retailers
terribly adv (especially British English) very
I'm terribly sorry—did I hurt you?
It's terribly important for parents to be consistent.
workwear U special clothes that people wear for particular types of work,
to protectthem, etc.
The company is a supplier of corporate uniforms and workwear.
channel [countable] (also channels [plural]) a method or system that people use to
get information, to communicate, or to send something somewhere
Complaints must be made through the proper channels.
The newsletter is a useful channel of communication between teacher and
truly adv used to emphasize a particular quality
a truly memorable occasion
a truly magnificent performance
marketing U the activity of presenting, advertising and selling a company’s products
or services in the best possible way
a marketing campaign
She works in sales and marketing.
cue an action or event that is a signal for somebody to do something
cue (for something) Jon's arrival was a cue for more champagne.
cue (to do something) I think that's my cue to explain why I'm here.
subtle adj often approving) not very noticeable or obvious
subtle colours/flavours/smells, etc.
There are subtle differences between the two versions.
wittingly adv in a way that shows that you are aware of what you are doing
It was clear that, wittingly or unwittingly, he had offended her.
Opposite unwittingly
subliminal adj affecting your mind even though you are not aware of it
subliminal advertising
music containing subliminal messages
aura (of something) a feeling or particular quality that is very noticeable and seems
to surround a person or place
She always has an aura of confidence.
The mountains have a magical aura.
pastel [countable] a pale delicate colour / màu tùng lam; màu nhạt nhẹ
The whole house was painted in soft pastels.
The white walls were repainted in pastel shades.
shade (of something) C a particular form of a colour, that is, how dark or light it is
a delicate/pale/rich/soft shade of blue
Cool pastel shades are just right for summer.
approachable adj friendly and easy to talk to; easy to understand
Despite being a big star, she's very approachable.
an approachable piece of music
Opposite unapproachable
dress [uncountable] clothes for either men or women
to wear casual/formal dress
He has no dress sense (= no idea of how to dress well).
sense [countable] a feeling about something important
He felt an overwhelming sense of loss.
a strong sense of purpose/identity/duty, etc.
conservatism U the tendency to resist great or sudden change
the innate conservatism of older people
openness U the quality of being able to think about, accept or listen to different ideas
or people
efficiency [uncountable] the quality of doing something well with no waste of time or
improvements in efficiency at the factory
I was impressed by the efficiency with which she handled the crisis.
overdo something to do something too much; to exaggerate something
She really overdid the sympathy (= and so did not seem sincere).
spill over (into sth), spilt or spilled, spilt or spilled to start in one area and then
affect other areas
Unrest has spilt over into areas outside the city.
The effects of stress at work can spill over into home life.
obsession [uncountable] the state in which a person’s mind is completely filled with
thoughts of one particular thing or person in a way that is not normal
Her fear of flying is bordering on obsession.
obsession with somebody/something The media's obsession with the young
prince continues.
stylish adj (approving) fashionable; elegant and attractive
SYNONYM CLASSY his stylish wife
a stylish restaurant
It was a stylish performance by both artists.
innovative adj (also less frequent innovatory) (approving) introducing or using new
ideas, ways of doing something, etc.
There will be a prize for the most innovative design.
subliminally adv in a way that affects your mind even though you are not aware of it
Symbols and motifs tend to work subliminally to give the audience a more
meaningful experience.
house [countable] (in compounds) a company involved in a particular kind of
business; an institution of a particular kind
a fashion/banking/publishing, etc. house
a religious house (= a convent or a monastery)
translate [transitive, intransitive] to change something, or to be changed, into a
different form
translate something (into something) It's time to translate words into action.
translate into something I hope all the hard work will translate into profits.
corporate adj [only before noun] connected with a corporation
corporate finance/planning/strategy
corporate identity (= the image of a company, that all its members share)
corporate hospitality (= when companies entertain customers to help develop
good business relationships)
philosophy [countable] a set of beliefs or an attitude to life that guides somebody’s
Her philosophy of life is to take every opportunity that presents itself.
branding U the activity of giving a particular name and image to goods and services
so that people will be attracted to them and want to buy them
He sees contemporary branding as ‘service with personality’.
This marketing campaign is the most remarkable branding exercise of all
uniformity [uncountable, singular] the fact of not varying and of being the same in all
parts and at all times
They tried to ensure uniformity across the different departments.
the drab uniformity of the houses
fraught adj (especially British English) causing or feeling worry and anxiety
SYNONYM TENSE She looked/sounded fraught.
There was a fraught silence.
workwear U special clothes that people wear for particular types of work,
to protectthem, etc.
The company is a supplier of corporate uniforms and workwear.
corporate adj [only before noun] connected with a corporation
corporate finance/planning/strategy
corporate identity (= the image of a company, that all its members share)
corporate hospitality (= when companies entertain customers to help develop
good business relationships)
account for sth to be a particular amount or part of something
The Japanese market accounts for 35% of the company's revenue.
wearer the person who is wearing something; a person who usually wears the thing
The straps can be adjusted to suit the wearer.
contact lens wearers
pointless adj having no purpose; not worth doing
We searched until we knew it would be pointless to continue.
Trying to foresee the future is a pointless exercise.
look [countable, usually singular] the way somebody/something looks; the appearance
of somebody/something
It's going to rain today by the look of it (= judging by appearances).
Looks can be deceptive.
respect [countable] a particular aspect or detail of something
In this respect we are very fortunate.
There was one respect, however, in which they differed.
come to sth (no passive) to reach a particular situation, especially a bad one
The doctors will operate if necessary—but it may not come to that.
Who'd have thought things would come to this (= become so bad)?
perception [uncountable, countable] (formal) an idea, a belief or an image you have
as a result of how you see or understand something
a campaign to change public perception of the police
perception that… There is a general public perception that standards in
schools are falling.
size somebody/something up (informal) to form a judgement or an opinion about
She knew that he was looking at her, sizing her up.
He sized up the situation very quickly.
colour something to affect something, especially in a negative way
This incident coloured her whole life.
Don't let your judgement be coloured by personal feelings.
from… on starting at the time mentioned and continuously after that
From now on you can work on your own.
She never spoke to him again from that day on.
get (sth) right to do, understand, or answer something accurately and/or correctly.
I sure didn't get ace the exam, but I think I gotquite a few right.
You'll save yourself a bunch of work if you just get it right the first time.
specialization (in something) a particular area of work, study or business which
somebody spends more time on than on other areas
After completing the course, they select a specialization in specific fields such
as metal, woodworking or textiles.
consolidation U the act or process of making a position of power or success stronger
so that it is more likely to continue
the consolidation of power
increasingly adv more and more all the time
increasingly difficult/important/popular
Increasingly, training is taking place in the office rather than outside it.
agent a person whose job is to act for, or manage the affairs of, other people in
business, politics, etc.
an insurance agent
Our agent in New York deals with all US sales.
If you're going to rent out your house while you're abroad, you'll need
someone to act as your agent here.
put sth together to make or prepare something by fitting or collecting parts together
to put together a model plane/an essay/a meal
I think we can put together a very strong case for the defence.
operation [countable] the activity or work done in an area of business or industry
the firm’s banking operations overseas
corporate adj [only before noun] connected with a corporation
corporate finance/planning/strategy
corporate identity (= the image of a company, that all its members share)
corporate hospitality (= when companies entertain customers to help develop
good business relationships)
source something (from…) [often passive] (business) to get something from a
particular place
We source all the meat sold in our stores from British farms.
inventory [uncountable] (North American English) all the goods in a shop
The inventory will be disposed of over the next twelve weeks.
inventory control
budget [countable, uncountable] the money that is available to a person or an
organization and a plan of how it will be spent over a period of time
a monthly/an annual/a family budget
We decorated the house on a tight budget (= without much money to spend).
The work was finished on time and within budget (= did not cost more money
than was planned).
They went over budget (= spent too much money).
amass something to collect something, especially in large quantities / chất đống, tích
luỹ, cóp nhặt
He amassed a fortune from silver mining.
They amassed enough evidence to convict her.
assurance [countable] a statement that something will certainly be true or will
certainly happen, particularly when there has been doubt about it
They called for assurances that the government is committed to its education
Unemployment seems to be rising, despite repeated assurances to the
accreditation U official approval given by an organization stating that
somebody/something has achieved a required standard
a letter of accreditation
The Accreditation of Prior Learning scheme allows work experience to be
added towards qualifications
corporate adj [only before noun] connected with a corporation
corporate finance/planning/strategy
corporate identity (= the image of a company, that all its members share)
corporate hospitality (= when companies entertain customers to help develop
good business relationships)
potential [uncountable] the possibility of something happening or being developed or
potential (for) the potential for change
potential (for doing something) The European marketplace offers excellent
potential for increasing sales.
have yet to if you have yet to do something, you have not done it
They have yet to make a decision.
look [countable, usually singular] the way somebody/something looks; the appearance
of somebody/something
It's going to rain today by the look of it (= judging by appearances).
Looks can be deceptive.
welcome something to be pleased to receive or accept something
I'd welcome any suggestions.
I warmly welcome this decision.
wardrobe [usually singular] the clothes that a person has
everything you need for your summer wardrobe
corporate identity (= the image of a company, that all its members share)
Questions 28-33
corporate adj [only before noun] connected with a corporation
corporate finance/planning/strategy
corporate identity (= the image of a company, that all its members share)
corporate hospitality (= when companies entertain customers to help develop
good business relationships)
28 F 29 A 30 G
popularity U the state of being liked, enjoyed or supported by a large number of
Her novels have gained in popularity over recent years.
popularity with/among somebody to win/lose popularity with the students
rating [countable] a measurement of how good, popular, important, etc.
somebody/something is, especially in relation to other people or things
The poll gave a popular approval rating of 39% for the President.
Education has been given a high-priority rating by the new administration.
31 E
involve to make somebody take part in something
involve somebody (in something/in doing something) We want to involve as
many people as possible in the celebrations.
involve yourself (in something) Parents should involve themselves in their
child's education.
32 B 33 C
perception [uncountable, countable] (formal) an idea, a belief or an image you have
as a result of how you see or understand something
a campaign to change public perception of the police
perception that… There is a general public perception that standards in
schools are falling.
Questions 34-40
35 YES // Y 36 YES // Y 37 YES // Y
smart adj (of people) looking clean and neat; well dressed in fashionable and/or
formal clothes
You look very smart in that suit.
I have to be smart for work.
38 NO // N 39 NOT GIVEN 40 NO // N

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