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Developmental Checklist age 5,6,7

Social Development

 Asks for help when needed.

 Engages in cooperative play with groups of children.
 Gives attention to stories for 15 minutes.
 Says "please" and "thank you" without reminders.
 Joins in mealtime conversations.
 Initiates friendships with peers.
 Plays interactive games.
 Plays with peers with minimal conflict.
 Showing more independence.
 Wants to please peers and adults.
 Interacts with adults in a cooperative, socially appropriate manner.
 Asks permission to use items belonging to others.

Cognitive Development

 Makes suns, animals, trees, flowers, etc.

 Draws recognizable people.
 Counts to 20 by rote.
 Names picture that has been hidden.
 Comprehends concept of opposites.
 Works a 12-piece (or larger) puzzle.
 Counts ten or more objects.
 Identifies colors and shapes.
 Understands concept of time.

Emotional Development

 Developing sense of humor.

 Displays positive interactions and friendliness in small and large group settings.
 Responds to a specific need/desire when expressed by another child.
 Expresses a variety of emotions.
 Openly and warmly expresses affection to other children most of the time.

Physical Development: Large/Gross Motor Skills

 Balances on one foot for at least 10 seconds.
 Jumps over a stationary rope held 6" above the ground.
 Pedals a tricycle around obstacles and sharp corners.
 Catches a ball in hands, arms flexed.
 Hops around on one foot without support.
 Walks backward with ease.
 Throws a ball with accuracy.
 Can somersault, swing and climb.
 Beginning to learn to skip.

Physical Development: Small/Fine Motor Skills

 Holds paper in place with one hand while writing with the other.
 Uses pincer grasp when holding writing instrument.
 Cuts with scissors.
 Uses a fork, spoon and knife correctly
 Prints own first name.
 Prints other letters.
 Draws or copies shapes.
 Dresses and undresses self.
 Cares for own toileting needs.
 Laces shoes or lacing board.

Communication and Language Development

 Follows 3-step directions without distraction.

 Recalls parts or all of a story.
 Tells longer stories.
 Uses sentences with more than three words consistently.

Creativity Development

 Assigns roles or takes assigned roles during play.

 Takes on characteristics and actions during role play.
 Uses language to create and sustain plots during play.
 Uses elaborate themes, ideas, details during play.
 Helps plan and agrees to rules during play.

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