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Types of pressure relief valves - EnggCyclopedia

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Types of pressure relief valves

 4 Min Read

 Pressure relief valves are commonly used for protection of equipments agains internal over pressure.
Following are the main pressure relief valve types commonly used in the indusry. Before getting into
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the pressure relief valve types, some terms need to be described.

Superimposed back pressure

Superimposed back pressure is the satic backpressure that exiss on the outlet of the pressure relief
valve, when the valve is closed. This pressure can be consant or variable depending on the conditions
in the fare sysem before the relief valve can discharge.

Built-up back pressure

Built-up back pressure is the backpressure generated due to pressure losses at the outlet of an open
relief valve when it is discharging. This pressure depends on the downsream pressure in the fare
header to which the relief valve is discharging and the relieving fowrate which is being discharged.

When the relief valve is discharging, efects of superimposed and built-up back pressure exis together
and felt as the combined back pressure.

Conventonal pressure relief valves (PRVs)

Operational characterisics of this pressure relief valve are directly afected by back pressure changes.
For conventional safety relief valve, only the superimposed back pressure afects the opening
characterisic and set pressure value, but the combined back pressure (superimposed backpressure plus
built up backpressure) afects the blowdown characterisic and re-seat pressure value. A conventional
pressure relief valve is not used when the built-up backpressure is greater than 10% of the set pressure
at 10% overpressure. A higher maximum allowable built-up backpressure may be used for overpressure
greater than 10%.

Advantages of conventional relief valves are reliability and versatility. These relief valves are mos
reliable when sized properly and can be used in a wide range of services.

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hence pressure accumulation in the protected equipment. Also for high built up backpressure values
 
generated by higher pressure loss 

relief 
 line, chattering can occur in these relief

Balanced Bellows relief valve

Efect of back pressure on the operational characterisics of the valve is minimized by incorporating
bellows. The bellows encircle an area equal to the inlet orifce area. This area is maintained free from
the efect of back pressure from the discharge side of the relief valve. The space enclosed by bellows is
freely vented to air. Thus the opposing pressure on the inlet fuid is generated by the spring alone
without contribution from any sort of backpressure. For these relief valves allowable back pressure is 10
- 50% of the set pressure.

Advantage of using balanced bellows relief valves is no efect of back pressure on the relieving pressure
and pressure accumulation. The spring is isolated from discharge fuid from the bellows, hence risk of
corrosion mitigated. These relief valves get special consideration when there is high combined
backpressure on the relief valve.

Disadvantage can be said to be the susceptibility of bellows to fatigue and failure and possibility of
release of fammable or toxic process fuids being discharged to atmosphere through bellows vent.

Pilot operated relief valve

In pilot operated setup, main relief is combined with and controlled by a smaller self actuated pilot
valve. This relief valve valve uses the process fuid itself, circulated through a pilot valve, to apply the
closing force on the safety valve disc. The pilot valve is itself a small safety valve with a spring. The
main valve does not have a spring but is controlled by the process fuid from pilot valve. This
arrangement allows operation of pilot operated valves with a very narrow margin between set pressure
of the relief valve and operating pressure of the protected equipment. Hence these relief valves are
particularly used for services where relief valve inlet line pressure drop is high (typically higher than
3% of set point) or when back pressure is high. Allowable back pressure is typically more than 50% of
the set pressure.

Disadvantage of using pilot operated relief valves can be blockage of the pilot valve inlet outlet tubing
by foreign matter such as hydrate, ice, wax etc.

Vacuum relief
Thi li f l i d d i l f id i i l

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Tags balanced bellows relief valve conventional relief valve pilot operated relief valve

Pressure Relief Valve Pressure Safety Valve PRV PSV vacuum relief valve

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