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Research Ideas and Outcomes : Research Article Print

Soul an unknown network

Abhijeet Singh‡

‡ A.I.E.T, jaipur, India

Corresponding author: Abhijeet Singh (singhabhijeet4000@gmail.com)

© 2018 Abhijeet Singh

Citation: () . https://doi.org/


What if Rebirth is a truth and we all live in a cycle where we take rebirths after we die and this cycle
goes on forever .What if soul is not something that is inside us , instead it is a network that connects
us with the creator. I wanted to know the answers to all this questions. So I started observing nature
and was trying to collect an appropriate answer. So after observing nature for a long time, reading and
researching on different topics I come to the conclusion that soul is a network that connects us with
the creator that created us and uses some kind of complex connection that is presently not possible
for us to imagine.Let’s take an example to understand this fact more clearly. Assume the creator to be
a huge server and assume humans to be some kind of biological computer having a small antenna
inbuilt in brain , now this antenna is connected to the server so called creator with an unknown
connection we call that connection soul.


soul the unknown network; soul; understanding soul

Before you read:

Points to consider:“Humans are biological machine” we humans are biological machine. We can be
replicated completely in a physical device. The device will be complete replica of our self. Its complete

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nature will be exactly same as the person whose data will be provided to the machine for training. We
will use sensors to collect data from a person and then we will provide this data to an advance and
complex neural network for training. And once our model is completed. It will react and behave exactly
the same way as the human does whose data is used to train the machine. We all humans are born
with a piece of code in our brain, I call it base code. This base code grow itself with time according to
data provided to it and create further conditions for itself .Assume a baby is born with this small piece
of base code and then the base code grow itself with time and absorbing all that data, baby grows
with time and learn new feature and the base code grows with baby too. For sake of simplicity let’s
assume that humans are biological machine.

Now there is one more element I believe that exists, I call it the universal element.This element can
create and control different form of energy and it is responsible for the creation of everything as
everything is a form of energy.Humans are made up of energy as we consist of mass that can be
further converted into energy. Let us call this element as creator.


Existence of soul is always a topic of debate but few hypothesis and experiments assure the existence
of soul in human body. So what does a soul do, it is something that stays with us till we are alive and
once we die it left us. Let’s use a new vision to study the concept of soul. So according to my
observations , soul is a connection or we can call soul as a network that connect us with the creator
and does gives the right to the creator to completely control us.So what if we are not physical body,
instead we are just a connection. A boy named “alpha” is not a boy instead he is a network connected
to the creator , let’s assume it beAbh123@12 and this connection is his identity and now as we know
“alpha “is just a connection , then it can be said that currently his network is connected to a physical
body but later, when body stops functioning his connection left the body and moves to another new
physical body it can be another human body or any other organism.So now we know that a soul exist
and this soul is something that we really are. And We can leave a body and move to another body but
this power of changing body is not under our control, it is control by the creator but in few cases
using meditation we can achieve this power where we can leave a body by our own decision.


Now as we know that soul is just a connection and this connection leaves a body and moves to
another after a period of time when the first body stops functioning. Now as we move from one body
to another that is something we presently call rebirth process, so there is a huge possibility that this
takes place.So one more questions arises that how come there a limited numbers of connection and so
how the population increase , where are this new connections are coming from for all this increasing

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population. Here two concepts come in play:

We got to know that a soul can change bodies and it can transfer itself from a human body to any
living thing too. So let’s take out the number of all the living being at the whole planet at a time. Let’s
say we did the calculation and got a number” x” as the total number of living organisms that are
connected to the creator with this connection called soul. So after a period of time if we check the
number of living organism it will still be “x”. Because if an organism grows it extinct the other organism
presence but the number of connection or soul present remain the same. But as for now, we are
observing that human’s population is growing fast. So we can conclude that all the other soul
connections are passing on to humans.

Now there could also be one more possible condition where the connections (soul) can travel between
parallel universes and the population of other universes is decreasing and our universe is increasing
.And after we start to have start extinction from this universe we might move to other parallel

Presence of supernatural powers

There could be a possible situation where if the number “x” (the no. of living organisms) is not
balanced then there might be free souls present around us and this soul sometime take over the
human body and so do we say” a demon is over that body”. Now we sometime refer this soul
(connection) as either evil or good. And as it is clear form of energy connected to the creator and not
bounded to a physical body. It consists of powers that it might use for or against a person. This is
could be a possible explanation of supernatural powers.


Soul is a connection that connects us with the creator the element that created us. And Re-birth
does take place but it is possible that a human might take rebirth in form of some-other living
organism. It is possible that soul from parallel universes are coming to our universe in order to
maintain the physical body to soul rate and there is also a possibility that few souls are left out and
they are called supernatural powers by common human being and this can take over human body and
this souls have supernatural powers as they are not bounded by any physical body.

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S. Mathew, Essays on the Frontiers of Modern Astrophysics and Cosmology, Springer Praxis Books, 19
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-01887-4_2, © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014

To appear in Science and Ultimate Reality: From Quantum to Cosmos, honoring John Wheeler’s 90th
birthday, J.D. Barrow, P.C.W. Davies, & C.L. Harper eds., Cambridge University Press (2003)


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