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What does the ten virgins represent?

The Parable of the 10 Virgins represents the believers and unbelievers during the great

tribulation. This parable is part of the Olivet Discourse and as with the other parables in the

discourse; its emphasis is on the believer being watchful, obedient, and ready for the Messiah’s

return to earth. In this teaching, Christ is using the background of the Jewish Wedding system.

The bride is not directly mentioned in the parable, but it is obvious that the bride represents the

Church, which has already been raptured at this point. The wise virgins are the believers who

took oil with them to meet the bridegroom. The foolish virgins are the unbelievers, who also

went out to meet the bridegroom; but took no oil with them. The oil represents the Holy Spirit,

which is why the believers had the oil and the unbelievers did not. The wedding feast in the

parable represents the Kingdom, and the bridegroom represents Christ. Only an unbeliever

would not prepare for the Lord’s return, and only an unbeliever would not have the Holy Spirit

indwelling him. If there was enough time to sleep, then there was enough time to come to

repentance and to get to know the Lord on a personal level. In the parable, the fact that the

bridegroom tarried shows that His longsuffering is one of His main attributes, which is also one

of God’s main attributes. 2 Peter 3:9 tells us that God does not want anyone to perish, but that

everyone would come to repentance. Furthermore, God always uses His people as examples to

draw others to Him. If the foolish virgins did not pay attention to the preparedness and readiness

of the wise virgins, who represent Christ, then they were rightfully rejected at the door. This is a

great illustration of how the events will be at the end times, during the great tribulation. The

believers in the tribulation will be ministering to those that are lost; and the unbelievers will

disregard their message and turn a blind eye to their Godly example. Even at the end of the age,

the unbeliever will not be looking for Christ, which is why he will not know the day or the hour

of His return.

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