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Organization Science

Vol. 23, No. 5, September–October 2012, pp. 1485–1504

ISSN 1047-7039 (print) — ISSN 1526-5455 (online) http://dx.doi.org/10.1287/orsc.1110.0703
© 2012 INFORMS

The Lure of the Virtual

Diane E. Bailey
School of Information, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas 78701, diane.bailey@ischool.utexas.edu

Paul M. Leonardi
Department of Communication Studies, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences,
Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois 60208, leonardi@northwestern.edu

Stephen R. Barley
Center for Work, Technology, and Organization, Department of Management Science and Engineering,
Huang Engineering Center, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305, sbarley@stanford.edu

lthough organizational scholars have begun to study virtual work, they have yet to fully grapple with its diversity. We
A draw on semiotics to distinguish among three types of virtual work (virtual teams, remote control, and simulations)
based on what it is that a technology makes virtual and whether work is done with or on, through, or within representations.
Of the three types, simulations have been least studied, yet they have the greatest potential to change work’s historically
tight coupling to physical objects. Through a case study of an automobile manufacturer, we show how digital simulation
technologies prompted a shift from symbolic to iconic representation of vehicle performance. The increasing verisimilitude
of iconic simulation models altered workers’ dependence on each other and on physical objects, leading management to
confound operating within representations with operating with or on representations. With this mistaken understanding, and
lured by the virtual, managers organized simulation work in virtual teams, thereby distancing workers from the physical
referents of their models and making it difficult to empirically validate models. From this case study, we draw implications
for the study of virtual work by examining how changes to work organization vary by type of virtual work.
Key words: organizing for innovation; technological change; product design; virtual work; simulation; representation;
digitization; semiotics
History: Published online in Articles in Advance December 2, 2011.

Introduction realm of science fiction to the everyday reality of the

Since the earliest days of the computer revolution, the workplace.
lure of the virtual has seduced thinkers, writers, design- As these examples suggest, exactly what “working
ers, and others with the idea that we might someday virtually” means varies widely. Although students of
accomplish with computers that which we have histor- work and organizing have begun to study virtual work,
ically done only physically, thereby potentially allow- they have yet to grapple with its diversity. The impli-
ing us to dispense with the physical. Although the idea cations of virtual work for organizing are likely to vary
of virtuality still attains its zenith only in science fic- with the physical phenomena that technology digitizes
tion, computer scientists have long sought to program as well as with the relation between those phenom-
virtual worlds, and since the 1990s, they have had con- ena and the representations that technology creates. The
siderable success, especially in video gaming (Tschang latter are particularly important because virtuality typi-
2007). Yet virtuality has moved well beyond games.
cally implies working with a representation of the phys-
Sophisticated graphical simulations are now used to
ical rather than with the physical itself. It is along
train aircraft pilots, soldiers, and emergency responders,
these lines that we distinguish digitization from virtual-
among others (Kincaid et al. 2003, Macedonia 2002,
Longridge et al. 2001). Teams now routinely communi- ity. Digitization involves the creation of computer-based
cate and coordinate via e-mail, instant messaging, and representations of physical phenomena. Because these
Web-conferencing applications without ever meeting in representations can traverse long distances via com-
person (Maznevski and Chudoba 2000). Doctors oper- puter and telecommunications links, digitization facil-
ate on patients and military personnel control drone air- itates separation between people and the represented
craft from as much as a half a world away using digital phenomena (physical objects, physical processes, or
video images and other real-time data collected by sen- other people). Virtuality occurs when digital represen-
sors (Drew 2009, Marescaux and Rubino 2004, Satava tations stand for, and in some cases completely substi-
1995). With continued innovation in digital technologies, tute for, the physical objects, processes, or people they
the possibility of working virtually is moving from the represent.
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1486 Organization Science 23(5), pp. 1485–1504, © 2012 INFORMS

By representation, we mean what semioticians call a instance, you likely delete files by dragging and drop-
sign: something that stands for something else within ping them into an iconic trash can.
the bounds of a particular speech community, culture, Unlike indices and icons, symbols signify entirely by
or community of practice (Eco 1979). According to cultural convention; the link between signifier and signi-
Saussure (1916/1966), signs are composed of two ele- fied is essentially arbitrary. On a flowchart of a produc-
ments: a signifier (such as a word, an image, a number, tion process, for example, a rectangle may represent a
or a sound) and the signified (that which the sign denotes machine, but the machine itself may not be rectangular
or connotes). Frege’s (1892/1980) distinction between in shape. We come to understand that the rectangle rep-
meaning and reference is one useful way to classify resents the machine because a legend on the flowchart
signs. Some signs have both a meaning and a refer- tells us so or because standard practice in an industry is
ent: they enable interpretation among those who know to represent machines by rectangles. The rectangle pro-
how to read them (meaning) and also point to something vides no clue as to the appearance of the machine.
definite in the world, a physical entity (referent). For In this paper, we first draw on semiotics to develop a
example, a blip on a sonar screen signifies the presence taxonomy of virtual work by distinguishing among three
of a submarine, a fish, or another object in the water. types of virtual work—virtual teams, remote control,
If it did not, the blip would be instrumentally useless and simulations—based on aspects of digitization, rep-
because it would have no referent, although it could still resentation, and virtuality. Students of organizing have
have meaning, perhaps as the functional equivalent of a attended to the first two types but have largely ignored
lava lamp. the last (a few notable exceptions include Boland et al.
Other signs have meaning but no referents (Quine 2007, Dodgson et al. 2007, Thomke 2003). Yet simu-
1961). Consider numbers in a spreadsheet signifying the lations are incredibly important because it is with sim-
worth of houses in a local market. As concepts within ulation that virtuality comes closest to substituting for
the context of the spreadsheet, the numbers clearly have reality. Simulation, therefore, has the greatest potential
meaning. Residents of the community might see them to change work’s historically tight coupling to the phys-
as an estimate of the amount of money they can expect ical and, with it, the work relations of people to objects
if they sold their homes. Sociologists might see them and to each other. Through a case study of an automobile
as evidence that a neighborhood is becoming tonier or manufacturer, we show how innovation in digital tech-
less tony. Indeed, numerous meanings are plausible, but nologies and the increasing verisimilitude of iconic rep-
under no circumstances do the numbers refer ostensively resentations in simulation affected workers’ dependence
to houses. One could not pull a number from the spread- on physical objects and on each other. Ultimately, we
sheet, write it on a piece of paper, and know which show how management’s failure to distinguish between
house had that worth, because the number itself could types of virtual work blinded it to new organizational
stand for anything. One could, however, pull the address dependencies, thereby causing problems in the execution
of a house from the spreadsheet, write it on a piece of of work. From this case study, we draw larger implica-
paper, and find the house. This is because an address is tions for the study of virtual work.
a signifier that refers.
A useful way of further differentiating among repre-
sentations that have referents is to consider the nature Types of Virtual Work
of the signifier’s relationship to the signified. Peirce’s
(1932) taxonomy of indices, icons, and symbols takes Virtual Teams: Operating with or on
this approach. Indices are signs that have a physical and Representations
existential relationship to that which they signify. An The first and most widely discussed type of virtual
index usually co-occurs with and is often produced by work in organization studies pertains to geographically
that which it signifies. Classic examples include smoke distributed teams. Although students of “virtual teams”
as a sign of fire, vapor trails as evidence of a passing have used the term to gloss a host of phenomena, rang-
jet, or our ability to identify individuals by the sound of ing from coordinating across time zones to managing
their voice. the cultural diversity of team members, all definitions
Icons are signs that signify because they closely pivot on the idea that teammates are spatially separated
resemble that which they signify. Typically, icons consist from one another; thus, they must work together with-
of visual images such as pictures and portraits. Archi- out face-to-face contact, typically via digital technolo-
tects, engineers, scientists, and members of other occu- gies that mediate communication (Griffith et al. 2003,
pations have long depicted the structure of objects Gibson and Gibbs 2006). For this reason, virtual teams
using iconic representations. Sketches, blueprints, and substantially change how work is organized.
computer-aided design (CAD) drawings are well-known From a semiotic point of view, e-mail, instant messag-
examples. The desktop on your computer is likely to ing, and other digital communication technologies facil-
be full of icons, albeit not very sophisticated ones. For itate new forms of work organization by enabling people
Bailey, Leonardi, and Barley: The Lure of the Virtual
Organization Science 23(5), pp. 1485–1504, © 2012 INFORMS 1487

to interact with indices of each other. Voices on tele- teams because they require the expertise of a distant
phones, the text of an e-mail, or a cursor moving over individual (Boh et al. 2007, Sole and Edmondson 2002).
an image displayed via a Web-conferencing tool stand For example, a team may turn to an individual in a dif-
for the other person because the voice, the typing, or ferent country to acquire expertise with a particular mar-
the moving cursor are indices of a person in precisely ket. In joining the team, the marketer would not usually
the way that a vapor trail signifies the passing of a jet assume new duties outside or inside the realm of mar-
plane. Indexical representations thus render people on keting simply because she was now working virtually.
geographically distributed teams virtual. Team members Rather, she would carry out her role and its associated
operate with these representations; for example, they tasks as before; the only difference would lie in her col-
read e-mails and respond to them as a way of convers- laborating with teammates via indices rather than in per-
ing with distant colleagues whom they cannot engage in son.
face-to-face conversations. Two decades of research on virtual teams tells us
Like many white-collar workers, members of virtual that members experience a variety of problems precisely
teams also operate on representations, in the sense of because digitally mediated contact forces them to inter-
crafting or manipulating them. In these cases, the repre- act via indices. Establishing trust through indices seems
sentations are typically not indices of people but sym- particularly difficult; absent trust, people are less likely
bolic or iconic representations that are themselves the to share information (Kanawattanachai and Yoo 2002,
objects of work. Tasks that involve operating on rep- Jarvenpaa and Leidner 1999). The problem, as Handy
resentations are commonplace—for example, writing a (1995, p. 46) contended, is that “trust needs touch.” Vir-
report in a word processor, calculating a budget with tual teams also often struggle with the mechanics of
a spreadsheet application, or drawing a building using getting work done, especially when tasks are interde-
CAD software. In some occupations, the representations pendent. In general, task interdependence requires fre-
on which people operate have both a meaning and a ref- quent coordination (Faraj and Sproull 2000), which is
erent. Such is the case with CAD, where the drawing difficult for virtual teams because members have trou-
stands for an object that either already exists or that will ble gaining access to the individuals and information
be built using the drawing as a guide. In other occu- on which they depend. Numerous studies show that dis-
pations and tasks, the representations on which people tant others routinely fail to respond to team members’
work have a meaning but no referent. When operating on messages (Cramton 2001) and that sometimes they fail
representations that have no referent, workers may craft to provide access to critical data (Levina and Vaast 2008,
messages or change perceptions, but their manipulations Metiu 2006). Coordination can also be difficult because
do not directly affect physical phenomena. Consider, for team members must work across time zones and cul-
example, a distributed team of real estate analysts work- tures and because the communication technologies they
ing with spreadsheets that document the houses for sale use may foster incomplete messages, misunderstandings,
in local markets. The analysts can manipulate the num- and conflict (Maznevski and Chudoba 2000, Hinds and
bers in the spreadsheets to make the markets look hot- Bailey 2003, Sproull and Kiesler 1991). Yet despite
ter, which in theory should induce some homeowners to these problems, organizations have continued to be lured
sell their homes. But no matter how the analysts change by the idea that people can work just as effectively on
the spreadsheets, they will not directly and immediately virtual teams as on colocated teams.
cause “for sale” signs to appear in neighborhood yards.
Work that involves operating on digital representa- Remote Control: Operating Through
tions without referents is highly portable and, thus, lends Representations
itself to execution by virtual teams: because the rep- A second type of virtual work involves digital tech-
resentations are digital, they can be easily transmitted nologies that mediate our relations with objects rather
from one location to another via e-mail or websites. than people. For example, operators in continuous pro-
Moreover, because the representations are not referen- cess plants, such as paper mills and oil refineries, use
tially tied to a physical entity, their meaning is free of data collected from sensors located throughout the plant
physical (although perhaps not cultural) context. Virtual to issue commands from computer terminals to activate
teams were not, however, the impetus for the creation of effectors that change how the machines are working,
such representations; these exist even when members of all from a control room located away from the actual
colocated teams work with computer applications. The factory floor. Similarly, engineers at the Jet Propulsion
advent of virtual teams, therefore, altered teammates’ Laboratory monitored and operated the rover that NASA
physical access to one another, but it did not change how placed on Mars via digital interfaces and commands.
team members worked with many of the representations Firemen increasingly use robots to search for victims in
generated in the course of everyday tasks. burning buildings.
Nor did the advent of virtual teams necessarily In such cases, people operate with data collected by
change people’s roles. Managers often form virtual a physical system and with digital representations of the
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system’s functioning to change the system’s behavior. As icons of the production process. In documenting oper-
with virtual teams, digitization has enabled spatial sepa- ators’ struggles to come to terms with the demands of
ration, but in this case, people are separated from objects this new “informated work,” Zuboff (1988) reported that
rather than other people. Instead of a digital communi- workers had to resist the temptation to leave the control
cation system as employed by virtual teams, here the room to check production equipment. Operators had to
technology is a complex cybernetic network of digital learn instead to trust the information displayed on the
sensors, digital control algorithms, digital state represen- interfaces as accurate representations of what was hap-
tations, and digitally activated effectors. With this tech- pening on the floor.
nology, workers can remotely manipulate objects that These findings from paper mills resonate with stud-
were formerly amenable to only direct haptic control. ies of nuclear power plants, a second context in which
People whose work entails controlling objects work with virtual objects has attracted scrutiny. Perrow
remotely are best thought of as operating through rather (1983, 1999) and Hirschhorn (1984) argued that work-
than with or on representations. In such work the goal ing virtually with a complex, tightly coupled, technical
is to directly and immediately affect the representation’s system not only increases an operator’s cognitive load,
referent. Historically, the idea that manipulating a signi- but also requires different forms of organizing precisely
fier could affect the signified was tantamount to magic, because complicated representational interfaces change
as in the case of sticking pins in a voodoo doll to inca- the nature of an operator’s work. For this reason, Perrow
pacitate an enemy. Today, remote control is becoming (1983) counseled that organizations should pay more
increasingly prevalent as digital technologies for sens- attention to the work of industrial engineers, psychol-
ing and processing physical properties advance. The rep- ogists, and computer scientists who study the physical,
resentations through which people operate remotely on cognitive, and social demands of working with digi-
physical systems are likely to be either symbolic (if tized control systems. Unfortunately, Perrow’s counsel is
information were displayed as, say, numbers, colors, or rarely heeded when organizations find themselves drawn
shapes) or iconic (if the information were displayed as to the lure of the virtual in the form of remote control.
real-time pictures of processes). Indeed, studies of paper mills indicate that organizations
Even though remote control is far from uncommon, it are rarely willing to consider how operating through rep-
has attracted less attention among students of work and resentations might require further changes in the orga-
organizing than have virtual teams. One reason may be nization of work and patterns of dependency—in part,
that remote control typically occurs in technical or man- because doing so would require managers to abdicate
ufacturing contexts, and organizational studies of such at least some of their power and authority to operators
workplaces have declined since the demise of indus- (Vallas and Beck 1996, Zuboff 1988).
trial sociology. There is some evidence, however, that
manipulating physical objects through digital interfaces Simulations: Operating Within Representations
prompts changes in the organization of work, alters the A third type of virtual work also entails an altered rela-
way people make sense of—and come to trust—the tionship between representations and physical entities,
objects with which they work, and transforms work- but it goes well beyond remote control. Rather than
ers’ roles. merely mediating relationships with objects or people,
Studies of paper mills have documented this transfor- some new digital technologies promise, if only temporar-
mation. Before the introduction of computerized infor- ily, to eliminate the need for a connection altogether.
mation systems, operators relied on their senses when Importantly, most simulation technologies not only rep-
interacting with machines and materials to gain informa- resent physical entities, but they also emulate physical
tion about the production process (Vallas and Beck 1996, processes and, for this reason, move us closer to the
Zuboff 1988). For example, operators judged moisture notion of virtuality envisioned by science fiction writers
content by running their hands over rolls of paper and and computer scientists.
looked for weight variation by banging wooden sticks Advanced simulations, which use computational, visu-
on the finished product. They came to trust that which alization, and modeling software to represent objects or
they could sense directly. people iconically, are often of this sort. Doctors in medi-
With the advent of remote control, workers were relo- cal schools increasingly use computer simulations of the
cated to air-conditioned control rooms away from the body to teach anatomy, dissection, and surgery in lieu
towering, loud machines that had populated their work- of actual cadavers or patients (Prentice 2005, Csordas
place. The isolation was figurative as well as literal: it 2001). Architect Frank Gehry used iconic representations
placed analytical distance between the operators and the in design that were “complete digital prototype[s] of a
objects that had previously served as the source of their building that [act] like the actual building” (Boland et
knowledge and understanding. Now, operators needed al. 2007, p. 636). Fire engineers use simulations to study
to analyze information displayed on digital interfaces as how fire and smoke will move through, and how people
diagrams, maps, and graphs that served as symbols and are likely to evacuate, a building (Dodgson et al. 2007).
Bailey, Leonardi, and Barley: The Lure of the Virtual
Organization Science 23(5), pp. 1485–1504, © 2012 INFORMS 1489

In these cases, virtual no longer means working with dis- simulating how objects respond to kinetic force, friction,
tant objects or people via representations that stand for wind shear, loads, and other types of stress or strain.
them: it means working solely with representations that Thornton’s engineers consistently reported that inade-
substitute for the object or person. quate validation is the most common problem with sim-
When workers substitute digital simulations for ulation analysis. Thornton (2010, p. 42) wrote,
objects or people, they no longer simply operate with, The biggest challenge in FEA is validation, carefully
on, or even through representations. They begin to chosen and closely monitored physical tests that con-
operate within them. Operating within a representation firm whether or not physical reality and virtual reality
means that the worker’s connection to the referent is line up. A consensus among FEA analysts is that vali-
suspended. The presumption is that what we learn from dation ensures there are no hidden disconnects between
simulating is equivalent to what we would have learned the model and the physical testing, that correct physi-
had we experimented with the physical object or per- cal properties are used and that properties are analyzed
accurately based on correct principles of physics.
son being simulated. Another way of putting it is that
we take a model of the phenomenon to be an adequate The two most common reasons cited by Thornton’s
facsimile of the phenomenon itself. engineers for inadequately validated models were engi-
Writing before the widespread diffusion of comput- neers inexperienced with the intricacies of simulation
ers, the philosopher Max Black (1962, p. 222) defined a and managers whose desire to cut costs leads them to
model as a “material object, system or process designed assume that simulations are sufficient evidence. As one
to reproduce as faithfully as possible in some new of Thornton’s informants put it, “Too many engineering
medium the structure or web of relationships in an managers do not understand the vast complexity of the
original.” Because models are referential, Black argued, physical world that FEA addresses 0 0 0 0 Any mechanism
they are useful for helping us develop hypotheses about that allows developers to reduce the cost and time for
the phenomena that the model signifies. Yet precisely product or process development is being seized upon by
because models are referential, working with them car- engineering managers” (2010, p. 41, emphasis added).
ries an inherent danger, a danger that grows as the Trusting simulations to the point of mistaking them
model’s verisimilitude increases: mistaking the behav- as complete substitutes for reality is not limited to engi-
ior of the model for the behavior of its referent. Black neering managers who are under pressure to cut costs.
commented (1962), Turkle (2009) described how students believed too read-
ily in the computer simulations of natural processes
The remarkable fact that the same pattern of relation- and experiments they viewed in physics and chemistry
ships, the same structure, can be embodied in an end-
classes: “When students claimed to be ‘seeing it actually
less variety of different media makes a powerful and a
dangerous thing of the 0 0 0 model. The risks of fallacious happen’ on a screen, their teachers were upset by how a
inference from inevitable irrelevancies and distortions in representation had taken on unjustified authority” (p. 29,
the model are now present in aggravated measure. Any italics in original). The verisimilitude of iconic represen-
would-be scientific use of a 0 0 0 model demands indepen- tations on computer screens prompted one professor to
dent confirmation 0 0 0 0 Models furnish plausible hypothe- constantly remind his students that “simulations are not
ses, not proof 0 0 0 0 The drastic simplifications demanded the real world 0 0 0 0 There is no substitute for knowing
for success of the mathematical analysis entail a seri- what a kilogram feels like or knowing what a centimeter
ous risk of confusing accuracy of the mathematics with is or a one-meter beach ball” (Turkle 2009, p. 30). Such
strength of empirical verification in the original field. reminders were important because students had to learn
Especially important is it to remember that the mathe- that simulations could only match reality if the models
matical treatment furnishes no explanations. Mathematics were consistently validated against data obtained from
can be expected to do no more than draw consequences
the real world.
from the original empirical assumptions. (pp. 222–225,
italics in original)
Table 1 summarizes the three types of virtual work
in terms of digitization, representations, and virtuality.
Engineers who design and use simulations voice sim- Table 2, which shows changes in work that arise in the
ilar warnings when distinguishing between verification context of virtual work for each of the three types, makes
and validation (Cunningham 2007, Kurowski 2008). Ver- clear the gaps in our knowledge about changes in work
ification entails checking the assumptions behind and the organization as well as tasks and roles under simulation.
implementation of the equations, parameters, and algo- In addition, although Table 1 indicates that digitization
rithms that comprise a mathematical model. By valida- in simulation permits spatial separation between people
tion, engineers mean checking a simulation’s predictions and objects or other people, Table 2 points out problems
empirically against reality—namely, the performance of in model validation and excessive trust in models that
the actual objects under the conditions being modeled. speak against the logic of such separation.
Thornton (2010) interviewed numerous mechanical In the remainder of this paper, we explore how the
engineers who specialized in finite element analy- development of increasingly iconic simulations gradu-
sis (FEA), a sophisticated mathematical method for ally altered the organization of engineering in a large
Bailey, Leonardi, and Barley: The Lure of the Virtual
1490 Organization Science 23(5), pp. 1485–1504, © 2012 INFORMS

Table 1 Digitization, Representations, and Virtuality by Type of Virtual Work

Type of virtual work

Virtual team Remote control Simulation

Purpose of digitization Mediated communication Mediated operation Emulated operation
Technology Communication systems Complex cybernetic networks Computational, visualization, and
modeling software
Spatial separation Between team members Between people and objects Between people and objects or
other people
Workers’ relationship to Operating with or on Operating through Operating within
Common types of With referents: Voices on With referents: Flowcharts, With referents: Models,
representations telephone, e-mail, CAD displays, diagrams, maps, animations
drawings graphs
Without referents: Budgets,
Manipulation affects No Yes No
Purpose of virtuality Distant collaboration Distant control Study and experimentation
Physical entity made People Object Object or people
Interaction between People interact with one another People interact with existing People work with primarily iconic
physical and virtual via indexical representations physical objects via symbolic representations that substitute
that stand for the team and iconic representations that for physical entities (existing or
members stand for the objects and their future) and their associated
associated processes processes
Examples Distributed team of real estate Paper mills, oil refineries, nuclear Medical education, building
agents power plants design, new product

automobile company, as well as the tasks and roles of representations was a form of work amenable to virtual
engineers. As the simulations’ representations became teams because they saw little need for access to physical
more iconic and realistic, managers’ failure to appreciate vehicles. By assigning simulation work to virtual teams,
the subtle relationship between the sign and referent led managers organized work and assigned tasks and roles
them to confuse the act of operating within representa- in ways that unwittingly broke the link between icons
tions with the act of operating with or on representations. and referents (and, hence, the ability to validate models),
As a result, they came to believe that operating within thereby creating difficulties.

Table 2 Changes in Work Organization by Type of Virtual Work

Type of virtual work

Changes in work organization Virtual team Remote control Simulation

Work structure Interdependent workers Workers colocated with each ?

placed on teams with other, computers, and
members distributed controls beyond the
geographically immediate vicinity of
production machines
Tasks and roles Few or no changes Increased analytics, ?
“informated” work, workers
equipped for decision
Related problems Lack of trust among team Lack of trust in Excessive trust in models,
members, representations, cognitive difficulty validating models
misunderstanding of overload
indexical communication,
coordination mishaps
Bailey, Leonardi, and Barley: The Lure of the Virtual
Organization Science 23(5), pp. 1485–1504, © 2012 INFORMS 1491

Methods on the research: 2 faculty members, 3 graduate stu-

dents, 3 undergraduate students, and 10 IAC research
Research Design
and development staff. Although single researchers carry
International Automobile Corporation (IAC, a pseu-
out most qualitative field studies, some studies have
donym), headquartered in the United States, was the
used teams and were, therefore, useful as we designed
setting for our study. Although the majority of IAC’s
our research (Barley 1996, Miles 1979). Specifically,
engineering workforce resided at its technical center in
they taught us that we would need to develop specific
Michigan, IAC had long maintained engineering oper-
techniques to ensure consistency in how team members
ations abroad. In 2003, IAC opened a new center in
recorded data.
Bangalore, India to provide digital engineering services
In addition to taking running notes on the engineer’s
to IAC’s other engineering centers. Unlike IAC’s other
interactions with technologies, people, and documents,
centers, Bangalore had no physical testing facilities;
we audiotaped conversations when we could not keep
the workforce only provided math-based analyses and
pace by writing notes or when discussions became very
assisted with setting up simulations. In fact, manage-
ment purposefully created the India center as a step technical. When our informants worked at computers,
toward its goal of completely replacing physical tests we requested screenshots of software interfaces and dig-
with virtual ones. The decision to locate in Bangalore ital copies of the models, e-mail, and documents with
was telling. With its large information technology infras- which they worked. Each day, we photocopied key doc-
tructure, Bangalore was the offshoring, but not the auto- uments that the engineers had used, including drawings,
motive, capital of India (Chaminade and Vang 2008). We sketches, pages from brochures, handwritten calcula-
focused on IAC’s U.S. center and its interactions with tions, and scraps of paper on which they had scribbled
the India center. At the U.S. center, we studied engineers notes.
involved in product design, physical testing, and simula- Collecting so many types of data enabled us to pre-
tion. Because there were no engineers in product design pare field notes that described actions, conversations,
or physical testing in India, we only studied Indian engi- and visual images simultaneously and, thus, to produce
neers who did simulations. a record not only of what engineers did and said but
also of what they worked with and created. The first
Data Collection step in assembling a day’s field notes was to expand the
We collected data between July 2003 and July 2006 running notes taken in the field into full narratives that
primarily through ethnographic observation of, and someone who had not been on-site could understand.
informal interviews with, engineers at work. At the U.S. We transcribed tapes directly into the body of this nar-
center, we observed 10 engineers in physical testing, rative at the point where the talk occurred. Similarly, we
7 engineers in product design, and 17 engineers in sim- indexed screenshots and photocopies of documents at
ulation. In general, we observed each of these engineers the point in the field notes where they were used. Weav-
on four separate occasions. In addition, we conducted 11 ing together actions, conversations, and images allowed
semistructured interviews at the U.S. center with engi- us to capture and better understand an engineer’s ges-
neers, engineering managers, and individuals who man- tures, movements, and, especially, the referents of index-
aged, purchased, or developed the technologies that the ical speech (e.g., “Here, you see 0 0 0 ” or “Right here,
engineers used. Because many of the American engi- we need 0 0 0 ”). We wrote appendices for each day’s field
neers and managers had considerable tenure with IAC, notes that described the documents we collected and, if
our conversations and interviews covered not only on the document was the result of the engineer’s work, how
the way work was currently done but how it was done it evolved. These descriptions also covered how and why
and organized in the past. By combining such recol- the engineer used the document. Completing a full nar-
lections with documents from earlier years, we were rative of a day’s observation took between two and two
able to construct a history of how design and per- and a half days.
formance analysis had evolved at IAC. We observed
11 engineers in Bangalore. Because we observed most Data Analysis
Indian engineers on fewer occasions than we did engi- Whereas the entire research team was engaged in data
neers in the United States (typically twice), we con- collection activities, only the authors performed data
ducted half-hour semistructured interviews with each analysis. Following Yin (1994), we organized our analy-
Indian engineer that we observed. We complemented sis around the motivation for our study—namely, deter-
these interviews with 20 interviews of other Indian engi- mining what happens when new digital technologies
neers and managers. Interviews at both sites were audio- facilitate operating with, on, and within representations
taped and transcribed. Altogether, we observed engineers of physical entities, as well as the transmission of these
at work on 163 occasions. representations across great distances.1 We paid partic-
Data collection spanned two countries and took three ular attention to how engineers understood and man-
years to complete. Over this time, 18 individuals worked aged the relationship between digital representations and
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1492 Organization Science 23(5), pp. 1485–1504, © 2012 INFORMS

their physical referents as well as to the organization of place after IAC used CMC technologies to offshore sim-
work both within and between the two sites we studied ulation work to India (Period 4). For each period we
over time. document how roles, tasks, and engineers’ dependence
Beginning with a within-case analysis (Miles and on and access to objects and people changed.
Huberman 1994), we first examined the U.S. center
and built separate narratives for each engineering role: Period 1: Pre-Digital
product design engineers, physical testing engineers, Before CAD arrived, IAC’s engineering division
and simulation engineers. For each role we documented designed vehicle parts, produced blueprints of those
work tasks and constructed a narrative of its history at parts, and analyzed how vehicles performed using phys-
IAC. We paid attention to how engineers in each role ical tests. Under the division of labor during this period,
interacted with and used physical parts. Because sim- parts engineers designed parts and oversaw the build-
ulation represents the substitution of the representation ing of prototypes. Drafters drew the blueprints for the
for the referent, we particularly noted engineers’ access parts. Test engineers assessed the actual performance of
to, and dependence on, these objects as we considered parts and vehicles. Modelers in the research and devel-
work structure. We paid similar attention to engineers’ opment (R&D) division were responsible for analyzing
interactions with, dependence on, and access to peers in vehicle performance with primitive mathematical mod-
other roles. We conducted multiple readings of our field els. Table 3 summarizes the allocation of tasks, the engi-
notes and interview transcripts, refining our narratives neers’ dependence on and access to physical parts, and
in the face of supporting or disconfirming evidence for interdependencies over time for engineering and R&D.
our developing ideas. We next built the same kind of The top panel of Table 3 (Period 1) reveals that
narrative for the simulation engineers at the India center. before the arrival of CAD, all roles in engineering
Finally, we turned to cross-case analysis, looking for depended heavily on and had good access to vehicle
differences across the engineering centers (Miles and
parts. Test engineers had the best access. They split their
Huberman 1994). Our focus in this step was primar-
time among teardown rooms for inspecting disassem-
ily on the simulation engineers because the India center
bled vehicles and experimental bays for studying vibra-
did not have the other roles. We paid particular atten-
tion and other phenomena. They also test drove vehi-
tion to how, and if, simulation engineers at both sites
cles on a racetrack at IAC’s proving grounds 30 miles
validated their models. We contrasted and compared the
away. Parts engineers and drafters, all of whom oper-
engineers’ access to and dependence on physical objects.
ated on blueprints of physical objects, were separated
For the India center, we specifically explored how engi-
from the test engineers in another building on IAC’s
neers handled their limited access to objects.
main campus. As a result, their access to parts and vehi-
Because the historical narrative of the various occu-
pations was strongly influenced by the adoption of new cles was slightly limited. Nevertheless, parts engineers
digital technologies, we organized our results by the and drafters kept key vehicle parts in their cubicles, and
sequence in which engineering at IAC adopted CAD, when they needed better access, they went to the test
FEA, and computer-mediated communication (CMC) facilities to witness physical tests or to inspect parts
technologies. We explain how work was divided across before or after testing.
engineering roles in each period, how each new tech- The three engineering occupations not only depended
nology offered new representations (symbolic, iconic, on access to parts, but they also depended heavily on
or indexical) of objects or people, how management’s each other and were sufficiently close to each other to
belief that one could separate simulation’s representa- interact face to face. Parts engineers needed drafters’
tions from their referents led to the global distribution drawings to negotiate with suppliers, manufacturing
of this work, and how this change eventually led to an staff, and other engineering groups; they used test engi-
array of problems. neers’ results to modify designs when parts failed.
Drafters relied on parts engineers to set drawing speci-
fications. Test engineers depended on parts engineers to
Changes in Technology, Work Organization, have parts built to specifications to ensure valid tests.
and Representations at IAC Figure 1 illustrates the physical objects and the repre-
Distinct historical periods, each associated with the sentations that IAC engineers used to design parts and
deployment of a new technology, punctuated the pro- study performance over time. The top panel pertains
cess by which the organization of work at IAC changed to designing vehicle parts; the bottom panel pertains
over time. We begin by describing the situation before to analyzing vehicle performance. Said differently, the
the arrival of CAD (Period 1). We then describe what top panel displays representations of structure, whereas
occurred when IAC adopted CAD in engineering design the bottom panel displays representations of functioning
(Period 2), what transpired when FEA was deployed for or process. Before CAD, parts engineers and drafters
engineering analysis (Period 3), and finally what took used physical vehicle parts (such as the actual engine
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Table 3 Work Organization and Technology in Engineering and R&D at IAC by Period

Division Engineering R&D

Period 1: Pre-digital
Role Parts engineer Drafter Test engineer Modeler
Task Design of parts Drawing of parts Performance analysis Performance analysis (math)
Dependence on High High High Low
physical parts
Access to physical Moderate Moderate High Low

Task interdependence High within engineering, low across engineering and R&D
across roles
Access to individuals Moderate
in other roles

Period 2: Computer-aided design arrives

Role Design engineer Test engineer Modeler
Task Design and drawing of parts Performance analysis Performance analysis (math)
Dependence on physical parts High High Low
Access to physical parts Moderate High Low

Task interdependence across roles High within engineering, low across engineering and R&D
Access to individuals in other roles Moderate

Period 3: Simulating performance

Role Design engineer Test engineer Simulation engineer Math tool developer
Task Design and drawing Performance analysis Performance analysis Creation of new
of parts (physical) (math) math tools
Dependence on physical parts High High High (but presumed to Low
be 0 by managers)
Access to physical parts Moderate High Moderate Low

Task interdependence across roles High within engineering, moderate across engineering and R&D
Access to individuals in other roles Moderate

Period 4: Offshoring analysis

Role Design engineer Test engineer Simulation modeler Simulation analyst Math tool
(in India) (in the United developer
Task Design and drawing Performance analysis Construction of Analysis of Creation of new
of parts (physical) performance performance math tools
models (math) models (math)
Dependence on physical High High High (but presumed High (but Low
parts to be 0 by presumed to be
managers and 0 by managers)
Access to physical parts Moderate High Low Moderate Low

Task interdependence High within engineering, moderate across engineering and R&D
across roles
Access to individuals in Low
other roles

in the photograph of Figure 1a) or formal engineer- parts and real vehicles, as shown in Figure 1d, a photo-
ing drawings (such as the two-dimensional (2D) paper graph of a frontal impact test.
drawing of engine components in Figure 1b). Like all Whereas the engineers worked with real vehicle parts
engineering drawings, the drawing of the engine com- and on their iconic representations, the R&D group
ponents in Figure 1b is an iconic representation of its that analyzed vehicle performance worked primarily
referent: the drawing reflects the engine’s size and shape with symbolic representations of parts and vehicles. In
as well as the position of its components. At this point, the mid-1960s, the R&D group began using “lumped-
engineers had no technology that could iconically rep- parameter” models.2 An example of such a model is
resent how vehicles performed or how parts functioned. found in Figure 1e. Lumped-parameter models repre-
Test engineers relied solely on physical tests using real sented vehicles as masses connected by springs. The
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Figure 1 Physical Parts/Tests and Their Representations

Desiging vehicle parts

(a) Physical part (b) 2D pencil drawing (c) 3D CAD rendering

Analyzing vehicle performance

(d) Physical test (e) 2D lumped-parameter model (f) 3D FEA simulation

Bumper Engine


2 3
7 9 6

4 5

representations were symbolic, with parts such as the That lumped-parameter models were of little use for
bumper, engine, and cradle in Figure 1e represented by engineering meant that mathematical analysis of vehi-
quadrilaterals that in no way mirrored the actual form of cle performance played no role in design. Consequently,
the parts. Likewise, one would not find the wiry springs task dependence between the engineering groups and the
of the lumped-parameter model under the hood of a real R&D modelers was very low.
vehicle; the springs represented the parts’ physical prop- Table 4 summarizes the changes in the nature of how
erties and enabled calculations of their performance on vehicle parts, vehicle performance, and people were rep-
impact. Located in a separate building on IAC’s main resented during each of the periods we consider. The
campus, R&D personnel had limited access to physical table indicates whether the representations used during
parts. This was not a problem, however, because R&D a period were symbolic, iconic, or indexical. As the
did not depend on parts for its work. rows for Period 1 indicate, 2D paper drawings were
R&D modelers used mass-and-spring models’ simple iconic representations of the structure of parts, whereas
mathematical relationships to describe a vehicle’s per- lumped-parameter models were symbolic representations
formance. Because lumped-parameter models were sym- of how vehicles performed. Because lumped-parameter
bolic and bore no resemblance to real vehicles, their models were so symbolic and at best vaguely referential,
depiction of a vehicle’s performance was not very real- engineering had no choice but to rely on physical parts
and physical tests to analyze vehicle performance.
istic or accurate. As one simulation engineer who began
working in R&D during the late 1960s recalled, sym-
bolic analyses of this type were of little use for engi- Table 4 Changes in the Nature of Representations by Period
neering work: Referent

The [lumped-parameter] models were of good theoret- Vehicle Vehicle

ical value, but they weren’t too practical. They repre- Period Representation part performance Person
sented some abstract notion of a vehicle, but you couldn’t
1 2D paper drawing Iconic
use them to design a vehicle. They were more like a Lumped-parameter Symbolic
thought experiment to see if we understood what had model
just happened in a [physical] test and if we could do 2 3D CAD rendering Iconic
it in math 0 0 0 0 That’s why we were in R&D and not 3 3D FEA model Iconic
engineering 0 0 0 0 We worked with ideas of vehicles, but 3D FEA simulation Iconic
our models didn’t really represent vehicles, at least the 4 Voice, e-mail, other Indexical
physical manifestations of them.
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Period 2: Computer-Aided Design Arrives represent the system of equations that define the mesh
IAC brought CAD to engineering design in the late as a very large matrix, which they use when simulating
1970s. CAD initially allowed 2D and, eventually, 3D vehicle performance.
representations of parts and vehicles. CAD renderings, Early FEA models were nearly as symbolic as the
like the paper drawings they replaced, iconically repre- lumped-parameter models they challenged because it
sented the vehicle parts they referenced. As Figure 1c was difficult to determine visually whether a simulated
shows, a 3D CAD rendering is a highly detailed and vehicle had performed like a real vehicle in a physi-
accurate representation of an object’s structure (in this cal test from their 2D output. Therefore, throughout the
case, an engine’s). 1970s, IAC experimented with FEA models in R&D but
CAD replaced paper with digital drawings, but it did not engineering. Ultimately, the development of 3D FEA
not change engineers’ relationship with representations. models paved the way for mathematical performance
With CAD, engineers continued to operate on repre- analysis to migrate from R&D to engineering because
sentations. In other words, even though CAD allowed 3D images made the modeling of performance more
engineers to create and manipulate 3D images, it did iconic and more obviously referential. As one simulation
not alter the balance of symbolic and iconic representa- engineer noted,
tion because paper drawings were already iconic. Con- When [a 3D application] came out we knew it wouldn’t
sequently, the row for 3D CAD in Table 4 reiterates the be long before we could move simulation work into the
row for 2D paper drawings. engineering functions. The 3D capabilities let you visu-
CAD renderings did, however, blur the distinction alize the vehicle. So the math you did actually gave
between the work of drafters and parts engineers. As in you a visual representation that corresponded to the
other settings that adopted CAD, managers realized that actual [physical] vehicle. You could see correspondence
with CAD, IAC no longer required the drafters’ skills between what you were doing and what was happening
in the real world.
(Cooley 1980, Susman and Chase 1986). Accordingly,
they combined the work of drafters and parts engineers Nevertheless, as engineers who worked with early ver-
into the new role of design engineer. (See the second sions of FEA observed, the verisimilitude of the repre-
panel of Table 3.) Despite the shift to CAD, design sentations was still far from adequate:
engineers remained highly dependent on physical parts, I started working with simulation tools in the early
as had parts engineers and drafters before them. Sim- ‘90s 0 0 0 0 They were cool because 0 0 0 you could actually
ilarly, task dependence stayed the same (high among look at your screen and see the vehicle and how it
engineering roles, low between engineering and R&D crashed. But they just weren’t that accurate. You had a
roles). There was simply one less player in the game, representation of the vehicle, but it didn’t have the detail
and the work of test engineers and R&D modelers was you’d need to really do things. So you could sort of only
unaffected. use it as a supplement to the physical tests.
[Simulation engineer]
Period 3: Simulating Performance Getting more accurate results required building more
Although CAD did not significantly alter the balance refined FEA models with more and smaller elements.
of iconic and symbolic representation or how engineers Using a finer mesh, however, required considerable com-
worked with representations, the arrival of FEA did. putation. It was not until the mid-1990s, when comput-
Rather than model an entire vehicle as a handful of ers had become sufficiently fast and powerful, that IAC
masses, as in lumped-parameter models, FEA models engineers could refine their FEA models. The results of
require that analysts decompose a vehicle into a large, these new models looked increasing like the results of
finite number of small triangular or rectangular areas physical tests. Indeed, by the early 2000s, FEA’s icons
known as “elements.” Adjacent elements are connected achieved such verisimilitude that they resembled digi-
at their nodes to define a system of connected elements tized animations of physical crash tests. (Compare Fig-
or a structure called a “mesh.” (See Figure 2 for an ure 1d with Figure 1f.) The strong resemblance between
example of a 3D FEA model with a mesh.) Analysts FEA simulations and physical tests convinced IAC man-
agers that mathematical analysis could ultimately replace
Figure 2 3D FEA Vehicle Model with Mesh
physical analysis. They believed that working within
representations would become sufficient and that inti-
mate knowledge of the representations’ referents would
become superfluous:
We want to move toward doing everything in math so we
can have a completely virtual [engineering process] 0 0 0 0
It costs too much to run crash tests and it’s too slow to
build the vehicles and to staff the testing facilities. Ulti-
mately, we want simulations to replace physical testing.
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1496 Organization Science 23(5), pp. 1485–1504, © 2012 INFORMS

We’re not there yet, but we’re pretty close 0 0 0 0 The [sim- airbag’s expansion, the virtual dummy had to travel far-
ulations] are getting to be so good that our engineers ther to reach the airbag. Consequently, it experienced
can rely on them and not have to go to the [physical] more force than it would have if the assist bar had not
hardware. [Director of engineering, emphasis added] snagged the airbag as it expanded. Had the engineer not
As FEA moved into engineering, a new role emerged: noticed the discrepancy between the model and reality
the simulation engineer (see Period 3 in Table 3). Sim- while validating his model, the National Highway Trans-
ulation engineers spent most of their time in front of a portation and Safety Administration would have given
computer screen. They built meshes and models using the vehicle a lower occupant protection rating.
the CAD files created by the design engineers and ana- The airbag incident reveals that simulation engi-
lyzed performance digitally. From management’s per- neers treated FEA models as adequately referential only
spective, simulation engineers appeared to work without because they worked tirelessly to validate their mathe-
the need to touch or see physical objects, but in reality, matical results against the results of physical tests, a pro-
they did not. By moving FEA analysis to engineering, cess that often demanded that they inspect physical parts.
management had provided simulation engineers with Experienced engineers knew that discrepancies between
de facto access to vehicle parts. Such access was crucial reality and simulation usually meant that the simulation
to the simulation engineers’ ability to do their work. was flawed. Note, however, that discrepancies could not
For example, one engineer we observed had spent be discovered and rectified in the absence of the simula-
several hours analyzing a simulated crash of a pickup tion’s physical referent. The verisimilitude of the icons
truck. Visually, the FEA model looked identical to the that FEA produced could only be assessed relative to the
real truck, but the simulated passenger dummy seemed icon’s referent, a point that was largely lost on managers.
to be hit by an expanding airbag with more force than The simulation engineers’ dependence on physical
had the real dummy in the physical test. Frustrated that objects spawned a dependence on the engineers who
his model did not match reality, the engineer went to controlled access to those objects. Test engineers con-
the proving grounds where he sat inside the truck. After trolled access to physical parts and tests that simula-
inspecting the seat anchors and the seat belt, he turned tion engineers used to validate their models and results.
his attention to the dashboard. This excerpt from our Simulation engineers also depended on design engineers
field notes explains his discovery: because the latter created and controlled the CAD files
He lifts up the deflated airbag and inspects its connection from which they built their meshes. In theory, the design
to the instrument panel. He rubs his finger on a black engineers also depended on simulation engineers. Man-
impression that looks like a smudge of shoe polish. He agers had shifted FEA analysis to engineering precisely
rotates the bag looking for other signs of the smudge, because they wanted design engineers to use the results
but sees none other than this one spot. He lets go of the of the simulations to avoid costly redesign later in the
airbag and returns to his exploration of the dash. He runs innovation process. Despite management’s pressure to
his hand up the instrument panel and grabs the passenger treat the simulations as adequate evidence, design engi-
assist bar located on top of the airbag storage unit. He
neers often distrusted the models until they saw the same
says, “Hmm,” and lifts the plastic flap that once covered
the airbag compartment but is still attached, on its top results in physical tests. Regardless, task interdepen-
edge, to the dashboard. When lifted, the flap seems to dence among the occupations in engineering remained
come up about an inch over the top of the bar. He wipes high (see Table 3).
his finger on the inside of the flap and looks at his finger Because they no longer modeled vehicle performance,
to see that there is a black powdery residue on it. “It looks R&D modelers began devoting their energies to cre-
like there is something going on here,” he says out loud. ating better tools for mathematical analysis. To create
Returning to his office, the engineer located a video of new tools, R&D personnel regularly needed access to
the physical test. As he watched the crash on his work- the design engineers’ CAD renderings and the simula-
station, he noticed that the flap that once concealed the tion engineers’ FEA models for test cases. This need,
airbag flipped upwards and covered the passenger assist combined with the fact that R&D now developed tools
bar as the airbag deployed. He then positioned the sim- that engineers would use, reflected increased task inter-
ulation in a window next to the video and watched them dependence, but not enough to make either functional or
simultaneously. At that point he noticed that he had not physical separation problematic on a day-to-day basis.
modeled the flap covering the airbag, which meant that
the virtual airbag became caught underneath the assist Period 4: Offshoring Analysis
bar, delaying its expansion for 30 milliseconds. In the Iconic representations of vehicle performance prompted
physical test, the flap flipped up and covered the bar, managers to tout simulation as the way of the future,
so the airbag did not get caught underneath. (See the envisioning a day when the engineering process would
video still in Figure 3a and the simulation still in Fig- be “completely virtual.” Managers trusted simulations
ure 3b.) Because the bar temporarily inhibited the virtual more than the simulation engineers who produced them
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Figure 3 Comparison of Airbag Deployment Between Physical Test and 3D FEA Simulation

(a) Physical test: flap blocking bar (b) 3D FEA simulation: no flap modeled
(normal airbag deployment) (airbag caught under bar)

did. The engineers recognized that it was only reason- Engineer: Yeah, but we’re not sure about the weld pat-
able for them to work within representations so long as terns there, whether they’re going to hold. We
they could validate the models against the actual parts need to do some [physical] tests of this.
and processes they were simulating. Consider, for exam- Manager: But the model doesn’t show any problems,
ple, the following exchange that occurred during a meet- right?
ing to chart the design for a particular car program. Engineer: Right.
Participants were looking at simulations projected on a Manager: Then do we really need the [physical] test?
IAC’s growing concerns over engineering costs coin-
Engineer: What we keep getting here [pausing the ani- cided with the managers’ belief that simulation could
mation and pointing with his finger to the replace physical tests and prompted senior management
location of the engine mounts] is that the to urge engineering managers to favor simulations over
engine mounts break loose 0 0 0 0 So then what expensive physical testing. The engineering managers
we did was move the location of the mounts decided that the way to do more simulations without
by 12 millimeters 0 0 0 0 [pointing to the new increasing expensive U.S. headcount was to offshore the
location] And we get this—let me show you. work to India, where labor was cheaper:
[He plays a new animation with the engine
When we were thinking about how to scale our simula-
mounts in the new position.] So you can see tion work, we realized that we had high fidelity in our
they stay intact here [pointing to the location], models. So, you didn’t need to go to the proving grounds
which is what we want. each day to map what you were seeing on the screen
Manager: [calling on an engineer from another group] onto reality. We looked around and said, we’ve got lots
Eric, is that location going to affect the curve of bandwidth with our Internet backbone. So, it makes
in the rail you have, because we want the sense that we can take things that we could only do in
front end to be low from a design perspec- Michigan just a couple years ago and do them anywhere
tive for aero, but also for styling? So will this in the world. Maybe even in places where our labor costs
change that? weren’t quite so steep. It seemed obvious to go to India
because all the information anyone needed to do the
Eric: It doesn’t look like it. I don’t really think so.
work was in the model.
Manager: OK, well I say we go with this plan then, if [Senior engineering manager, emphasis added]
that’s the best direction we’ve got.
The idea that models contained all the necessary infor-
Engineer: [hesitantly] But we don’t know exactly if this
mation for analysis was equivalent to saying that one
is going to work because we have trouble
modeling the engine mounts.
could operate within iconic models without recourse
to their referents. Managers, therefore, took what they
Manager: Well, it [the simulation] is showing good per- thought was low dependence on the physical as a warrant
formance, right?
to offshore simulation to the India center. Importantly,
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1498 Organization Science 23(5), pp. 1485–1504, © 2012 INFORMS

Table 5 Nine Tasks in Building and Analyzing a Vehicle high (arguably, higher with the splitting of the simulation
Performance Simulation Model engineer’s role) with no change in engineering’s relation
1. Build an FEA mesh from CAD files of parts supplied by design to R&D.
engineers. As it turned out, the simulation engineers underes-
2. Set the conditions for an FEA model to be run with the mesh. timated the importance of the knowledge they gained
3. Run a simulation using the model. through regular access to vehicles and parts. As a result,
4. Analyze and interpret the simulation results.
they were wrong in assuming that one could build mod-
5. Correlate these results with the physical test to validate the
simulation; modify the FEA model if needed and repeat tasks els without access to their referents. To understand why
2–5. access was important, we can explore what happened
6. Develop improvement ideas for design based on validated each time a simulation engineer began to build an FEA
simulation results. model from design engineers’ CAD files.
7. Create case studies (additional simulations) to test the
Inevitably, whenever a simulation engineer began cre-
improvement ideas.
8. Analyze and interpret the results of the case studies. ating an FEA model from CAD files, some virtual parts
9. Make recommendations to change the design of parts (and, jutted through others. Such overlaps occurred because
ultimately, the CAD files). design engineers frequently altered their part’s design
(and, hence, the CAD files) based on feedback from
physical tests and simulations. Changes in the size
the India center had no teardown facilities where engi- or shape of one part typically had ramifications for
neers could inspect parts and no proving grounds where nearby parts. However, because design engineers often
they could observe physical tests. CMC technologies in neglected to tell each other about changes, the engineers
the form of FTP sites, high-bandwidth Internet connec- responsible for adjacent parts failed to alter their designs,
tions, and e-mail would allow IAC to rapidly transmit resulting in an overlap.
FEA models back and forth between the United States Whenever two parts overlapped in the mesh—what
and India. In short, management thought IAC could do engineers called a “penetration”—the simulation engi-
simulation analysis effectively using virtual teams, thus neer would have to decide how to remedy the problem.
combining two types of virtual work. Because penetrations were numerous, most engineers
Although the simulation engineers argued against opted to correct only those for parts that were impli-
sending work to India, management insisted. Thus, cated in the test they intended to run and ignored those
the engineers divided their work process into the nine that would not meaningfully affect the simulation. Sim-
sequential tasks, displayed in Table 5. They reasoned ulation engineers knew which parts of the vehicle were
that tasks 1–3 (building a mesh and running a simula- implicated from observing teardowns after physical tests.
tion model) could be sent to India, but subsequent tasks A simulation engineer explained how he decided which
(analyzing and validating the results, making recommen- penetrations to correct:
dations) should remain in Michigan. Simulation engi-
neers viewed building a mesh as the least interesting part Well, you just know from seeing the [physical] test. You
go see the vehicle after the test and you look and see
of their work. They also thought that engineers did not
what areas of the vehicle were impacted—you see what
need access to physical referents until they began analyz- was damaged and what wasn’t. You can even touch the
ing and validating a simulation. A simulation engineer parts to get a good sense of it. That gives you a sense of
explained, the basic area of the vehicle that will be your load path.
We do lots of tasks. Most of what we do is analysis, but a That’s the area that you have to focus on. All the other
lot of our time is just model building. That’s routine, sort areas you can leave because they’re not so involved. You
of standard stuff. It’s also not so detailed. What I mean just look at test after test after test, and you eventually
is you’re working to build a mesh and you’re deciding on learn what your model should be like.
how to shape and refine elements and connections. That’s Although the Indian engineers were quite techni-
all abstract stuff. So, you don’t need to look at parts cally competent, they immediately encountered prob-
or see tests because real objects don’t have elements—
lems when fixing penetrations for three reasons. First,
they’re not divided into boxes for computation. It’s just
more removed, at that point, from the actual vehicle.
because automobiles are not nearly as common in India
as they are in the United States, the Indian engineers
Once offshoring commenced, simulation engineers lacked the American engineers’ cultural familiarity with
routinely sent the first three tasks to India, but they automobiles. Second, because they also lacked access
almost never sent later steps in the simulation process. to physical parts and the results of the physical tests
The resulting division of labor effectively parsed the that they were asked to simulate, they could not check
simulation engineer’s job into two new roles: a simula- their models against referents. Finally, the Indian engi-
tion modeler residing in India and a simulation analyst neers confronted the coordination problems associated
residing in the United States (see the bottom panel in with most virtual teams, which, in turn, complicated the
Table 3). Task interdependence in engineering remained other two problems.
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Organization Science 23(5), pp. 1485–1504, © 2012 INFORMS 1499

Most of the Indian engineers had never driven, much modelers vulnerable to the coordination and communi-
less owned, an automobile. In fact, cars were so rare cation problems that students of virtual teams repeat-
that most Indian engineers lacked the kind of everyday edly describe. To build an FEA model, Indian modelers
knowledge of vehicles that Americans take for granted. needed the design engineers’ CAD files. But whereas
For example, when asked to develop a model of a fuel the U.S. analysts had access to the CAD repository, the
system on a truck, an Indian engineer returned a model Indian modelers only had access to the files that the
with a fuel fill pipe and fuel door on both sides of U.S. analysts placed on their FTP site. Getting the most
the vehicle. The engineer who developed the model had recent files required the modelers to ask the simula-
saved time by using the program’s mirror function to tion analyst to locate and upload the files. Further-
reflect the first half of his model to create the second. more, determining which part to alter when correcting
He did so because he failed to recognize that vehicles a penetration required negotiation between the design
have fuel intakes on only one side. The Indian engineers engineers responsible for the parts. Because Indian mod-
realized that they did not have adequate familiarity with elers had no direct contact with design engineers, they
automobiles and that this hampered their ability to fully resorted to the guessing described above or routed their
understand the models they were building and, in par- queries through the simulation analyst. In this manner,
ticular, to deal with penetrations. To provide experience, the discrepancy between the dependence on and access
managers arranged for the engineers to visit local car to objects was amplified by mismatched task interdepen-
dealers, who hoisted vehicles in the air to allow the engi- dence created in part by the shift to virtual teams.
neers to examine underbodies. The few Indian engineers As Table 3 indicates, the distribution of work in
who owned vehicles received constant inquiries from Period 4 created mismatches between the Indian engi-
their colleagues about various aspects of the vehicle. neer’s high dependence on, but low access to, parts.
Furthermore, because Indian modelers had no access Moreover, the organization of work into virtual teams
to physical tests or teardowns, they were unsure which meant that the Indian engineers lacked easy access to
penetrations they should fix. Faced with such uncer- engineers on whom they depended for crucial infor-
tainty, the modelers sometimes resorted to guessing mation. Such large discrepancies had never appeared
which parts might be implicated in a particular analysis. before: in Periods 1–3, when access was low, so
Consider the following interaction between Suresh and was dependence. The large discrepancies faced by the
Vijay, as they examined Suresh’s computer screen on Indian modelers created significant problems in simula-
which an FEA model for a frontal impact simulation was tion work.
Suresh: There are too many penetrations here [pointing Discussion
to an area of the model on the screen] that need By turning to semiotics to analyze the representations
to be cleared up. Richard Danners [the U.S. sim- made possible by digitization, and by tracing how new
ulation analyst who requested the work] wants representations prompted increased virtuality in work,
to run a 216 [a specific type of frontal impact our study demonstrates how simulation can engender
test]. Do you think that the parts in the plenum3 changes in the work structure as well as in tasks and
need to be cleared up? roles. It also speaks to how problems encountered in
Vijay: I think maybe, but I’m not being so sure. I think simulation, particularly with respect to trust, may differ
for the 208 [another frontal impact test] it is from what has been documented in studies of the other
necessary. two types of virtual work—namely, virtual teams and
Suresh: Maybe these parts are involved only for occu- remote control. In so doing, our study helps to specify
pant performance [hence, not the 216 test]. how the organization of work might change under sim-
Vijay: I would say to fix that penetration only [pointing ulation (it begins to fill in, as it were, the empty boxes
to the penetration in the plenum], just if you are in Table 2). More broadly, our study provides the under-
not sure, then it will be covered. pinnings for building theories of virtual work through
a focus on representations. In addition, and more prac-
To compensate for his lack of knowledge of which tically, our study highlights the dangers inherent when
parts are implicated in the test, Vijay recommended fix- managers confuse one type of virtual work with another.
ing the penetration in the plenum, just in case. In other
instances, Indian modelers chose not to fix penetrations. Work Structure
In general, because the choice of which penetrations to On virtual teams, digitization permits separation
fix and which to leave was unguided by examination of between people who use indexical representations of one
parts and physical tests, Indian modelers often left pen- another to carry out mediated communication. In remote
etrations that would later derail analyses. control, digitization enables separation between people
On other occasions, Indian engineers chose to fix and objects; operators use symbolic and iconic repre-
all of the problems. The approach made the simulation sentations of objects and physical processes to monitor,
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1500 Organization Science 23(5), pp. 1485–1504, © 2012 INFORMS

manipulate, and alter the objects and processes from a As our study of automotive engineers shows, this tight
distance. Working across distances (for the purposes of coupling in simulation means that the people who create
collaboration in the first case and control in the second) representations are highly dependent on physical refer-
is a key element of work structure in both cases. ents. Consequently, the creators of representations need
Simulation differs from virtual teams and remote con- a work structure that provides good access to the objects
trol in this respect. Although digitization allows for sep- or people represented. In the case of objects, the cre-
aration between people and objects or other people, the ators also need ready access to the people who control
purpose of virtuality has nothing to do with distance. the objects, a fact that illustrates how dependence on
The purpose of virtuality in the case of simulation is objects can breed task interdependence. Thus, in the case
study and experimentation. The very names of the three of simulation, although digitization permits separation of
types of virtual work make clear this distinction. The people from the referents of representations, virtuality
word “team” is preceded by “virtual,” the word “con- may still demand proximity. Managers, therefore, should
trol” is preceded by “remote,” but the word “simulation” structure simulation work such that people have ready
lacks a modifier: we do not speak of virtual simulation access to the physical entities and processes they model.
or remote simulation. In short, with virtual teams and
remote control, the entire point of organizing work vir- Tasks and Roles
tually is to take advantage of digitization’s affordance of Researchers rarely report that virtual teams alter either
spatial separation. The point of simulation is not to take work roles or the division of labor. Most likely,
advantage of spatial separation but to take advantage of researchers are silent on the matter because such teams
the independence between people and objects or other are often formed to take advantage of distant experts
people, if only for short periods of time. who play their existing work roles in the same skilled
That the period of time is short speaks to the fact manner regardless of where their teammates are located
(Boh et al. 2007, Sole and Edmondson 2002). By
that this independence is bounded. Ultimately, the cre-
contrast, researchers often report that remote control
ators of simulations must return to the objects or people
threatens significant change in the division of labor. In
that they aim to represent to test and validate their mod-
paper mills, for example, digital controls place consid-
els. Each subsequent change in the model requires yet
erable information in the hands of operators, potentially
more validation. Thus, with simulation, physical objects
enabling them to make operational decisions tradition-
or other people become deceptively distant but remain
ally reserved for managers. Although some mills have
absolutely vital, not because workers’ manipulations are
embraced such fundamental changes in the division of
intended to directly affect these entities, but because the labor, most have not, because managers are hesitant
entities are the referents of representations. Simulations to cede authority to operators and operators are hesi-
with high verisimilitude appear to substitute for objects tant to shoulder the responsibility of making decisions
or other people because one can do within representa- (Zuboff 1988).
tions what one could previously do only with physical Like remote control, simulation appears to spawn
entities themselves. The adequacy of such simulations, changes in the division of labor. At IAC, these changes
however, still depends on validating their results against were closely associated with the deployment of increas-
physical objects, people, and their associated processes. ingly sophisticated, iconic simulations. When FEA mod-
Other organizational studies of digital technologies els replaced lumped-parameter models in Period 3,
have noted the tight coupling between representations mathematical performance analysis shifted from R&D
and referents. In the Dodgson et al. (2007) study of sim- to engineering, thereby creating the new role of a sim-
ulation in fire engineering, engineers used fire drills to ulation engineer. Unlike R&D modelers, whose models
validate their models. Real fires were another source for were symbolic, not iconic, simulation engineers required
comparison and validation. One fire engineer remarked, access to vehicle parts and were highly dependent on
“We always try to iterate between real cases of fire other engineering occupations for accomplishing their
and our models”; another commented, “We are contin- work. The move to engineering signified the rise in the
uously interrogating our models 0 0 0 evidence from a fire importance of the modeling role within product develop-
can challenge our ideas” (Dodgson et al. 2007, p. 856). ment; managers now expected modelers to inform design
Similarly, Yoo et al. (2006) observed that Frank Gehry’s decisions.
architectural firm maintained a tight coupling across 3D The story, however, does not end there. When man-
digital representations, 2D paper drawings and sketches, agers became convinced that iconic representations of
physical models, and actual buildings. The architectural performance were so accurate that simulation engineers
team continually translated and validated Gehry’s design did not need access to physical referents, they altered
vision across these disparate media over the course of the division of labor once again. By offshoring model
a design process. Such tight coupling between represen- building to India, managers split the simulation engi-
tations and referents provides clear implications for the neer’s role into two new occupations: simulation mod-
structure of simulation work. elers (in India) and simulation analysts (in the United
Bailey, Leonardi, and Barley: The Lure of the Virtual
Organization Science 23(5), pp. 1485–1504, © 2012 INFORMS 1501

States). This change in tasks and roles reflects an attempt trust in industrial settings (Noble 1984, Shaiken 1984,
at work rationalization that was absent in earlier changes Vallas and Beck 1996).
at IAC: engineers in the United States sent the less More interestingly, studies of remote control fore-
interesting and routine tasks to the Indian modelers, ground an entirely different type of trust and distrust: the
keeping highly analytic tasks for themselves. They also advisability of trusting representations. In paper mills,
thought the tasks they sent to India were ones that could operators were overly suspicious of the representations’
be divorced from physical referents. This presumption accuracy because they were accustomed to gathering
turned out to be untrue, as problems in the models information by seeing, hearing, touching, and smelling
quickly attested. equipment and paper (Zuboff 1988). In fact, some oper-
These changes in tasks and roles at IAC resonate ators distrusted the symbols on their monitors so much
with arguments that digital modeling technologies are that they insisted on walking by the mill’s vats and
apt to bring profound changes to work roles within presses to make sure, as one worker explained, that
and across organizations. The advent of technologies “the machine [control system] ain’t lyin’ to you” (Val-
that permit the simulation of fire, smoke, and human las and Beck 1996, p. 347). As Perrow (1999) and
Hirschhorn (1984) noted in their discussion of remote
evacuation of buildings prompted the creation of a new
control in nuclear power plants, potentially even more
engineering profession: fire engineering (Dodgson et al.
serious problems occur when operators trust representa-
2007). As new actors working amidst insurers, regu-
tions too much.
lators, architects, building authorities, and engineers of Placing too much trust in representations was pre-
various hues (structural, mechanical, electrical, environ- cisely the problem that accompanied the development
mental, and so on), fire engineers carved out a role of FEA simulations at IAC. Lured by the robustness
for themselves in the design process for safe buildings. of FEA’s iconic representations, managers made deci-
Boland et al. (2007) noted how architect Frank Gehry’s sions based on their trust in simulation models, even
adoption of digital 3D technologies disrupted established when engineers desired physical tests as confirmation.
practices among architects, engineers, and contractors on This trust is what prompted managers to order the off-
his projects, allowing them to forge new relationships shoring of model building to India against the advice of
among actors, and, in so doing, to innovate considerably. the American engineers, who understood the importance
A European automaker defied its traditional functional of validating simulations against their referents.
organization to create a new team consisting of sev- Such findings resonate with studies showing that users
eral designers, a simulation engineer, and a physical test of models are often less skeptical of their results than
engineer. By using the rapid feedback that simulation are the models’ creators (Shackley and Wynne 1996,
provided, the team could quickly iterate through design MacKenzie 1990). For example, Boland et al. (2007)
solutions, ultimately improving crash safety by 30% at noted that construction managers encouraged window
a fraction of the cost of the traditional development contractors to forgo taking field measurements of open-
process (Thomke 2003). Subsequently, the automaker ings in concrete walls and to rely instead on simulation
began dramatic changes in work processes and orga- data to determine window size. Similarly, managers in
nization to extend the benefits that this small team the crash division at the European automaker encour-
demonstrated. These examples demonstrate the kinds of aged engineers to use data from simulation models as
sweeping changes in tasks and roles that are likely to opposed to physical test data to redesign the front sec-
emerge as the use of simulation spreads across occupa- tion of a sport utility vehicle (Thomke 2003).
tions and industries. Our study further points to potential The Indian engineers similarly placed too much faith
pitfalls that may arise if these changes fail to take into in their model’s results. In the absence of knowledge
account each role’s relationship to representations. gained from direct contact with physical objects and pro-
cesses, the Indian engineers acted in a manner consistent
with Turkle’s (2009) engineering students: they treated
Related Problems of Trust their representations as if they were “real.” In short, like
One common theme in Table 2’s list of problems asso- managers and engineering students, the Indian engineers
ciated with each type of virtual work is trust. Students succumbed to the lure of the virtual.
of virtual teams report that members have difficulty
trusting distant coworkers, a situation that is trouble- Building Theory, Beginning with Representations
some because a lack of trust undermines team per- Table 1 constitutes a taxonomy of virtual work in orga-
formance (Iacono and Weisband 1997, Jarvenpaa and nization studies. Taxonomies are useful for illuminating
Leidner 1999). Issues related to trusting others also arise descriptive differences and for identifying meaningful
in remote control, but here, they are primarily between constructs. For example, the taxonomy in Table 1 helped
managers and workers. In this sense, remote control us conceptually differentiate digitization from virtual-
reopens the rift between conception and execution that ity. Digitization affords spatial separation, which virtu-
has long underwritten issues of power, authority, and ality may or may not be wise to exploit. Digitization
Bailey, Leonardi, and Barley: The Lure of the Virtual
1502 Organization Science 23(5), pp. 1485–1504, © 2012 INFORMS

gives rise to the divide between the physical and virtual When objects are digitized and then made virtual, ready
through the creation of digital representations; virtuality access to them may no longer be available to work-
specifies what the interaction between the physical and ers. At that point, scholars can no longer take physical
virtual will be. Representations forge the link between objects for granted; rather, objects must jump to the fore-
digitization and virtuality. Students of digitization and front of our analyses. In short, when considering virtual
work ignore virtuality and representations at their peril work, organizational theorists and work systems design-
because it is the combination of digitization, virtual- ers alike ought to pay attention to representations as a
ity, and representations that permits distinctions among first step, and then to workers’ dependence on and access
types of virtual work. to the physical referents of representations as a second.
Generally speaking, the type of representations that
virtual workers use varies by the type of virtual work. Confusing One Type of Virtual Work for Another
Virtual teams often use indexical representations of We conclude by noting that the developments at IAC
members; they are also likely to use symbolic repre- illustrate that the changes in work associated with virtual
sentations that lack physical referents (e.g., budgets, work become more complicated when managers confuse
reports). In remote control, symbolic and low verisimil- one type of virtual work for another. IAC’s managers
itude iconic representations populate the digital inter- failed to appreciate how operating within representa-
faces of computer control systems. High verisimilitude tions differed from operating with or on representations.
iconic representations typify simulation. Associated with They correctly understood that having access to phys-
differences in types of representation are differences in ical objects was relatively unimportant for tasks that
workers’ relationship to the representations. Members involved operating on representations that have no refer-
of virtual teams primarily operate with or on represen- ents. They also understood that such work could be done
tations, people in remote control operate through rep- by virtual teams, although it might be subject to com-
resentations, and creators of simulations operate within munication and coordination problems that arise when
representations. As our study demonstrates in the case people attempt to operate with indexical representations
of simulation, these differences in types of represen- of team members. What they failed to grasp was how
tations and relationships to representations are central important it was for model builders to have access to
to explaining dependencies on objects and people at the physical objects and processes they were simulating.
work. As such, they also set the parameters for access Consequently, they confused operating within represen-
to objects and people. Beyond having implications for tations with operating with or on representations. In fact,
the design of work, as we have discussed, differences in they chose Bangalore as the site for the India technical
the nature of representations point the way for building center precisely because it was known as an offshoring
theories of virtual work. hub, the perfect location for finding people experienced
For example, our case study suggests that, in simu- in working with or on representations. Had they recog-
lation, the fit between dependence on the referents of nized that building adequate simulations requires valida-
representations and access to those referents is predic- tion against physical referents, they may not have sent
tive of performance. That is to say, when simulation at the work to India.
IAC was wholly situated in the United States, simula- IAC’s managers eventually realized that their dream of
tion engineers’ dependence on vehicle parts and other a completely virtual automotive design process still lay
people was paired with ready access to those parts and in the realm of science fiction. When it became clear that
people. When IAC offshored simulation to India, how- problems with offshored FEA models were not declin-
ever, simulation engineers’ high dependence on vehicle ing, they recognized that simulation engineers needed
parts and other people was suddenly paired with low access to the physical referents of iconic representations.
access to those parts and people. Problems in the qual- Accordingly, IAC installed a teardown room in the India
ity of simulation models quickly arose, underscoring the center where engineers could handle and inspect vehicle
criticality of access for performance when dependence parts. The firm also joined other automotive companies
is high. These problems may not be universal to virtual in India to build a proving ground for physical testing.
work. They cannot arise, for example, when individuals Thus, IAC used a strategy similar to that which scholars
work on representations that have no referent, and for advise firms to use to mitigate the problems of virtual
this reason, they may be less prevalent among virtual teams: they removed the distance associated with virtu-
teams than in simulation. ality (Maznevski and Chudoba 2000, Hinds and Bailey
Most discussions of dependence in organization stud- 2003). In the case of virtual teams, eliminating distance
ies focus on dependence among people, or what is is typically temporary and involves face-to-face meet-
called task interdependence (Wageman 1995, Thompson ings or sending distant members to visit the team’s pri-
1967).4 Workers’ dependence on physical objects rarely mary location.5 In the case of simulation, eliminating
attracts scholars’ attention because the objects are distance between simulators and objects is a permanent
always proximate to the workers, making access simple. proposition.
Bailey, Leonardi, and Barley: The Lure of the Virtual
Organization Science 23(5), pp. 1485–1504, © 2012 INFORMS 1503

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employ advanced information technologies to more effectively
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Satava, R. M. 1995. Virtual reality and telepresence for military Stephen R. Barley is the Richard Weiland Professor of
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C. Bally, A. Sechehaye. Translated by R. Harris. McGraw-Hill, ford’s School of Engineering. He received his Ph.D. in orga-
New York. nization studies from the Massachusetts Institute of Tech-
Shackley, S., B. Wynne. 1996. Representing uncertainty in global cli- nology. His research interests include work and occupations,
mate change science and policy: Boundary-ordering devices and technological change, and corporate power in representative
authority. Sci. Tech. Human Values 21(3) 275–302. democracies.

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