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They made us believe that real love, the one that’s strong, only happens

once, more likely before your 30ths. They never told us that love is not something
that you can put in motion, neither has time schedule. They made us believe that
each one of us is the half of an orange, and that life only makes sense when you
find that other half. They did not tell us that we were born as whole, and that no-
one in our lives deserve to carry on his back such responsibility of completing
what is missing on us. They made us believe in a formula “two in one”: two
people sharing the same line of thinking, same ideas, and that it is what works.
It’s never been told that it has another name: invalidation. Only two individuals
with their own personality is how you can have a healthy relationship. It has been
made to believe that marriage is an obliged institution and that fantasies out of
hour should be repressed. They made us believe that there’s one way formula to
be happy, the same one to everybody, and the ones that escape from that are
condemned to be delinquents. We have never been told that those formulas go
wrong, they get people frustrated, they are alienating, and that we can try other
alternatives. Oh! Also they did not tell us that no one will tell those things to us.
Each and every one of us will have to learn by ourselves. And, when we get to the
point that you are in love with yourself first, that’s when you can fall in love with
somebody. We live in a world where we hide to make love ... although violence is
practiced in broad daylight.


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