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The Stone News

Stone Church of Willow Glen, Presbyterian USA August 2008

Stone Church was Well-represented at Zephyr Experience 2008!

Standing (left to right): (unidentified), Pat Magee, Andrew Edwards, Fred Groppuso, (unidentified), Catherine Edwards,
Sally Magee, Bea Groppuso, Bob Fraser, June Tablak, Michael Donald, Maureen Ryan, Alice Thorn, (unidentified), Debo-
rah Crim, Walter Hudson. Kneeling: Charlotte Dickson, Rod Thorn. (The Keifers & Springers weren’t available for photo.)

General Assembly Opens denomination from being ordained. must go to the 173 presbyteries for
Door to Ordination We, of the 218th General Assem- a vote and needs a simple majority
of Gays and Lesbians bly, voted 380 to 325 to delete to take effect. Voting will take place
by The Reverend Marge Palmer G-6.0106b from the Book of Order between now and GA 2010.
Stone Church Parish Associate and to replace it with a new
G.-6.0106b, which would read “Those Editor’s Note: This year’s General
It was a privilege to serve as a Com- who are called to ordained service in Assembly also abolished a group of legal
missioner to General Assembly last the church, by their assent to the con- interpretations of church law, called
month, and I was so proud of our stitutional questions for ordination Authoritative Interpretations, by the Gen-
presbytery and the royal welcome and installation, pledge themselves eral Assembly Permanent Judicial Com-
given all Commissioners and many to live lives obedient to Jesus Christ mission, which had enforced the ban on
others who came to San Jose for this the Head of the Church, striving ordination of homosexuals. This action
important gathering of the PCUSA! to follow where he leads through does not require further ratification.
One of the most contentious issues the witness of Scriptures, and to Since 1998, the Stone Church Session
we had to deal with (and which Gen- understand the Scriptures through has affirmed that all members of Stone
eral Assemblies have debated for many the instruction of the Confessions. Church, regardless of race, ethnic back-
years) was the question of G-6.0106b In so doing, they declare their fidel- ground or sexual orientation, are eligible
in the Book of Order, which requires ity to the standards of the Church. for ordination and installation to church
church officers – Elders, Deacons and Each governing body charged office and has instructed the nominating
Ministers of the Word and Sacrament with examination for ordination committee to disregard the provisions of G-
– to live in “fidelity within the cove- and/or installation establishes the 6.0106b. The Covenant of Dissent and
nant of marriage between a man and a candidates sincere efforts to adhere Support on the Stone Church website pro-
woman or chastity in singleness.” This to these standards.” vides more about Stone’s position. (Thanks
prevents most gays and lesbians in our This, however, is not a done deal. It to Pat Magee for this elucidation.)
Dr. John Dominic Crossan Adult Study Provides Glimpse of
Returns to Lecture at Stone Upcoming Classes to Inspire and Edify
Dr. John Dominic Crossan, eminent New Here is a look at all of the exciting
Consecration Sunday
Testament scholar, returns to Stone Church Adult Study classes to be offered on Oct 26 - Nov 23: Paul and
the weekend of Octo- Sunday mornings (11:15 - 12:15), the Roman Empire as seen by
ber 24 and 25 as Hen- from August through December John Dominic Crossan, with Pat
rietta Perdue Lecturer 2008. Magee.
on the subject, Paul (This series is a follow-up to the
and the Justice of Equal- August 3: Practicing Resurrection Henrietta Perdue Lectures by Dr.
ity: Jesus’ Apostle against (drop-in class) Crossan on Oct. 24 and 25.)
Rome’s Empire. August 10: Reclaiming the World, Nov. 30: No class, Thanksgiving
Many theories exist (drop-in class) weekend
about who Paul was, August 17: No class, All-Church Dec. 7 – 21: Paul and the Roman
what he believed, and what role he played Picnic Empire as seen by John Dominic
in the origins of Christianity. Using archae- August 24: Introduction to Ste- Crossan (continued)
ological and textual evidence and taking phen Ministry Dec. 28: No class, New Year’s
advantage of recent major discoveries, Dr. August 31: No class, Labor Day weekend
Crossan discovers the real Paul as a dedicated weekend
successor of Jesus, carrying on Jesus’ mission Sept. 7 - Oct 12: The Corinthian Please join us in the Fireside
of inaugurating the Kingdom of God on Correspondence, with Dale and Room for an hour of inspiration
earth against the reign of Rome. Barbara Bracey and edification.
The cost will be $20 for the Friday night lecture, Oct. 19: Stewardship, with Rev.
$30 for the Saturday three-lecture series, or $35 Dr. Ken Henry, on Stewardship - Pat Magee, Adult Education
for both programs. - Pat Magee

Church Library Requests Donations of Large-Print Books

The Stone Church Library wel- Additions to our adult side: New to our special sections:
comes your visit even though our Theology for Liberal Pres- So the Woman Went Her
crew is taking a vacation on August byterians and Other Endan- Way: A Personal Journey by
5. Come by after church or any time gered Species by Lynne Bundesen
the office is open. Douglas Ottati (Biog BUNDE-
Also, do you have any interesting (230 Ott) SEN)
large-print books to donate? We This Hebrew A Way out of
have started a special section, and Lord: A Bish- No Way: The
we know some readers are looking op’s Search for the Authentic Spiritual Memoirs of Andrew
for these. Thanks! Jesus by John S. Spong (232 Young (Biog YOUNG)
- Sue Williams, Library Coordinator Spo), given by Meditations
Betty Moran from the Road by M. Scott Peck
New books for younger members: The Homiletical Plot: The (Lg. Print Pec)
Arthur’s Reading Sermon as Narrative Art Form Why a
Race by Marc Brown by Eugene Lowry Daughter
(1st Bks Bro) (251 Low), given Needs a
Respecting Our by Ken Henry Mom: 100
Differ- Composing a Life by Mary Reasons by Gregory Lang
ences: A Catherine Bateson (302.5 (Women 306.8 Lan), given
Guide Bat), given by Sheri Cunningham in honor
to Getting Along in a by Rebecca of Hazel James
Changing World by Lynn Kuiken Virtues and Vices: Stories
Duvall (YA 177 Duv), Fooling with Words: A of the Moral Life by Andrew
given by Celebration of Poets and Greeley, Jacob
Rosaleen Their Craft Neusner & Mary
Zisch by Bill Moyers Greeley Durkin
Earthsearch: A Kid’s (808.1 Moy) (Soc. Iss. 241.3 Gre)
Geography Museum in a Round the World with Matters of Life and Death:
Book by John Cassidy (YA Famous Authors (910.4 The Right to Kill, Die, Live
363.7 Cas) Pan) and Love by John Cobb (Soc.
Iss. 248.4 Cob)
Summer of Sharing
off to a Sweet Start!
by Mary Jo Blazek,
Children’s Ministry Coordinator

Summer of Sharing got off to a good

start as the Hatch-Franklin family
began with a lesson of how God’s
fruit ends up on our morning toast.
The Church School was treated to a
jam-making session using fruit from
our own Stone Church plum tree.
Sundays to come will include car-
tooning, a lesson on recycling, join-
ing God’s rhythm band, and much
There are still opportunities to
share your passions in upcoming
Sundays. Contact me at the church
office (408-269-1593).

A Report from the ence. The staff presented me with an Rainforest

Road: Stone Church enormous bouquet of Scottish flowers, Adventure
Choir on Tour including heather, roses, protea, and at Vacation
greenery, which was a complete and Church School
by Nancy Wait Kromm, moving surprise to receive.
Director of Music Ministry Today we have journeyed through the Are you looking to reach new
Loch Lomond scenery, experienced the heights of fun this summer?
We have now been on the road for Trossachs National Park, and now we Then you’ll want to head to
six days in the glorious lands of Ireland are bound for the mystical island of Stone Church for a canopy of
and Scotland. We have had a beauti- Iona tomorrow morning, which nur- adventures at
ful trip and have sung in St. Patrick’s tured the beginnings of Christianity Rainforest
Cathedral, Glasgow Cathedral, and in the British Isles centuries ago. As Adventure!
along the way. part of our journey, we will sing in the At Rainfor-
Ireland was a delight, with many Abbey at Iona, where Rebecca Kuiken est Adventure,
memories to hold. Last evening we sang did her sabbatical. While on the island, you’ll hear
our concert to a jubilant audience at which we will reach by traveling on stories about
St. Margaret’s Parish in Glasgow. They two ferries and a long bus ride, we will Jesus, make cool crafts, learn
enthusiastically responded to every song distribute the bouquet from Glasgow catchy tunes, play super games,
we performed, welcomed us with over- amongst our group and lay them on the eat great rainforest snacks and
whelming generosity of spirit and with a sacred gravesites at Iona as homage to make lots of new friends. Each
wonderful reception with a home-baked our beginnings and our endings. day offers a new Bible story to
array of enough shortbread, tarts, cook- We feel your support in spirit as we explore through loads of fun
ies, pastries and kettles of tea to feed an make our choral pilgrimage; thank you activities.
army. We were surrounded by loving for caring about us. We will share more This exciting Vacation Church
and warm souls from this beautiful with you, including pictures, in next School is for everyone between
place and had an unforgettable experi- month’s Stone News. the ages of 4 and 11. The fun
begins August 4 and continues
through August 8. Sessions run
from 9 am until noon each day.
MaryWilliams, with Leroy and The fee is $30 per child or $50
NancyWait Kromm at General per family. You can register in the
Assembly. MaryWilliams is a Social Hall after Worship.
gospel recording artist who See you at Rainforest Adven-
sang for one of the GA services, For questions, please contact Kate
with Leroy on the keyboard. Wheatley.
Session Announces New Committee Health Ministry Now
Assignments for Church Year 2008-9 Standing Committee
The Session did not meet in July, so there is no Session Beat, but This year, the Session voted to make Health
the committee assignments for the new church year (July 2008 to Ministry a standing committee and added
June 2009) have been determined, as follows: two Elder positions to head up this com-
mittee. Commendations go to Mary John-
Budget & Finance Nominating son, Stone’s Parish Nurse, for heading up
Elder Mel Goertz (moderator) Elder Suzanne Wolf (mod.) the committee this past year. Mary, with the
Elder Bruce Raby Elder Gail Chaid help of committee member volunteers, laid
Buildings & Grounds Personnel & Administration the foundation for making Health Ministry
Elder Judi Kaiser (moderator) Elder Bob Lowry (moderator) a reality and helped define the direction and
Elder Rick James Elder Ed Tablak vision for the committee. Thank you to Mary
Elder-elect Kendall Searing Stewardship and committee members for your dedication
Christian Education Elder Derk Johnson (mod.) and hard work.
Elder Jonathan Miller (mod.) Elder Michele Chandler Moderator for the committee is Carrie
Elder Catherine Amos Stone Works Giorgianni, and Vice-Moderator is Elder-
Health Ministries Maureen Ryan (moderator) elect, Alice Bailey, with Dr. Mario Giorgianni
Elder Carrie Giorgianni (mod.) Elder Charlotte Pizzo serving as medical advisor to the committee.
Elder-elect Alice Bailey Worship Although Health Ministry includes health
Membership & Evangelism Elder Donald Foster (mod.) care providers (physical therapists, nurses,
Elder Emily Meacham (mod.) Elder Ruth McCreath speech therapists, and mental health profes-
Elder Cathy Marshall sionals), we are looking for additional com-
mittee members from the congregation (espe-

Stone Works Begins Their “Caring

cially parents with young children). Please
contact Carrie or Alice if you have interest in
serving on Health Ministry or want to know
Works” with Focus on Homelessness more about the committee’s activities.
Currently, we are planning to hold a Health
Greetings from the new, form- County, we have approximately Fair this fall that will cover a variety of health-
ing Stone Church Stone Works 7,000 unhoused people. Of those related issues pertinent to all congregation
Committee! All of us are very unhoused, members. We will keep you posted on this
excited to begin our work on the 30% are upcoming exciting event.
committee. Emails have been children. Health Ministry meets the first Tuesday of
circulating at dizzying speeds to Currently in the month at 7:30 pm, at the church.
begin meeting, to be informed of Santa Clara - Carrie Giorgianni,
the events and projects currently County, Health Ministry Moderator
active, and to think of new ways there is a
we can serve God, our church
and our community.
lifetime of waiting for a Section
8 voucher.
Stephen Ministry to
One of our first projects is cen-
tered on August 10, which has
On a national level:
 Each year in the United Give Presentation
been designated as Homelessness/ States, 3.5 million people The Stephen Ministry program was recently
Affordable Housing Sunday by the live in shelters or on the reinstated by the Session of Stone Church.
PCUSA. On that day, congrega- streets. Over one million of Stephen Ministry is a lay caregiving ministry
tions are encouraged to think these are children. for those who would like a trained, caring
about, pray about, and worship  A person working full-time listener committed to confidentiality.
in a way that will make us more at minimum wage lives five The leaders are currently in the planning
sensitive to the crisis in home- thousand dollars below the stages for training new ministers and having
lessness in our communities. poverty level for a family of current Stephen Ministers begin serving the
We will be displaying posters, three. needs of the congregation this fall.
encouraging dialog about this In our response to this infor- You are invited to a presentation by the Ste-
crisis and presenting some ways mation, let us pray with Amos: phen Ministry leaders during the Adult Study
that we can support efforts to But let justice roll down like waters time (11:15 am - 12:15 pm) on Sunday, August
end homelessness in our com- and righteousness like an ever-flow- 24, in the Fireside Room. An overview of the
munities as individuals, and as ing stream. (Amos 5:24) program will be given, and questions will be
a community of faith. - Elder Charlotte Pizzo, answered. Another meeting will be held at a
In our own Santa Clara Stone Works later date for those interested in becoming
Stephen Ministers. - Joan Peckham
Get out the hammock, make a will take place beginning in August.
big pitcher of lemonade (or iced Chocolate is still available up to the
tea), grab a good book and take stock on hand.
it easy during This month we are targeting cou-
the dog days of pons from Chex Mix cereal and
summer. After Pepperidge Farms cookies. Cou-
all, our pets pons will be presented to selected
show us the schools at the Brunch.
way in finding Let us rejoice! Bible Study with
cool spots and the Rev. Marge resumes this month.
resting. It will be, as usual, insightful and
News The PW
August Brunch
meaningful. If you are going to San
Francisco Theological Seminary, it
from PW on August 23
is the big event
will give you a head start for that
for Presbyterian PW Schedule for August:
Women this month. (Please see the Note that there are no circle meetings A child makes jam during
separate article, below.)
An overview of this year’s Bible
this month.
PW August Brunch, August 23,
Church School on a recent
Study (The Gospel of Luke – Good 9:30 am, Social Hall. Sunday (see related story, page 3)
News for the Poor) will be held on Focus Group, August 20, 9:30
September 13, at San Francisco am, Liz Shandera’s home
Theological Seminary, led by Dale
Lindsey Morgan, author of the
Book Group I (call Carolyn Clen-
denning for next meeting) New Pictorial Directory
study. Registration forms are avail- Book Group II meets in Septem- Family pictures for the new Pictorial
able in the PW box in the office. ber reading The Grapes of Wrath by Directory will be taken August 22 and
With gas prices what they are, not John Steinbeck 23 and September 5 and 6. (Please note
to mention parking, we need to car- Prayer Shawl Group, August 28, that the dates given in the July Stone News
pool. Call Janice Goertz or Claudia 4:30 pm, Fireside Room were incorrect.)
Hamm for information. Bible Study, August 28, 9:30 am, Signups for the photo shoots will have
Our coffee sales continue, but we Church Library begun on Sunday, July 27, continuing
need to be aware that price increases - Catherine Amos through August 10, in the Social Hall.
This year, for the first time, you have
PW August Brunch Features Stone’s the option to sign up online for your
family’s photo shoot. Go to www.
signup.olanmills.com and type in Stone
Parish Nurse Mary Johnson as Speaker Church’s telephone number. In addition
to the standard information required to
The PW August Brunch will be a vial of life for each attendee. This register for a photo shoot time, you will
held Saturday, August 23, at 9:30 is a chance to plan your heathcare be asked to provide an email address.
am. Guest speaker will be Stone’s future, let your family and emergen- An immediate confirmation of your
Parish Nurse, Mary Johnson, RN, cy providers know your desires, and appointment will be provided, plus three
BSN, PHN, MBA HCM. examine your drug use. Bring your days prior to your appointment, you will
Mary has been Branch Direc- family and friends so they can also receive an email reminder.
tor of Gentiva Health Services, in benefit from Mary’s knowledge. Family photos should be available in
San Jose, for over five years. Her Please bring requested scarce time to use as Christmas gifts. Please
responsibilities include the general items to share with clients of Sacred note there is no obligation to purchase
management of the agency, includ- Heart Community Service: dispos- any photos. All families, whether or not
ing clinical, operations, and sup- able baby diapers (size 5 or larger), they have pictures taken, will receive a
port functions; accountability for infant formula, toothpaste and directory. The more families who have
financial operational performance toothbrushes. If you prefer, you may their picture taken, the more color pages
and overall business development; make a donations toward bulk pur- of church activities we will have in the
and management of agency person- chase of diapers and formula. directory.
nel to achieve complete delivery of Sign up in the Social Hall on If you run into any problems signing
patient care services in conjunction August 3, 10 or 17 (at the Church up online, have any questions regarding
with agency and company goals and Picnic). Or you can also contact the directory, or are interested in serving
budgetary objectives. Hazel James. Childcare reservations on the ad hoc Pictorial Directory com-
At the brunch, Mary will speak must be made by August 10. A $5 mittee, contact Pat Magee.
about Healthy Choices and will bring donation is requested.
Eleven women answered Jeanette Rapp’s
recent call to help fray-check the commu-
nion tablecloths used at General Assembly
before sending them to Pittsburgh Theologi-
cal Seminary (where they annually host the
Presbytery and serve Communion) and the
Presbytery of San Jose.
Dorothy Stevens, Mary-Ann Hudson,
Lea Lawrence, Carolyn Clendenning, Joyce
Degan, Karen Scott, Dulcie Janzen, Mau-
reen Searing, Sara Holtzapple, Jean Raby,
Nancy McClaren, and Jeanette took about
an hour to accomplish the task, which Jea-
nette said would have taken her a couple of
days. She added, “Many hands make light
work,” and “Ask and you shall receive!”

Yours ... Mine ... God’s House Magic in the Garden

The Buildings and Grounds Com- flower beds surrounding the The Stone Church Garden Gnomes
mittee is blessed with an amazing patio and Sanctuary diligently work their magic every first
group of talented and dedicated  Inside/Outside Space Subcommit- Saturday of the month, and does it ever
church members and friends. All tees, who continue to assess how show! The gardens are healthy and in
have lent their energy and expertise best to use our spaces full bloom. Some of the tasks we do are:
during the past year while making  Energy/Greening Subcommittee, weeding, deadheading plants, clipping
our projects, both large and small, recently formed to focus on our bushes, dividing plants, replanting new
manageable. They use their gifts and church environment areas, spreading out compost and mulch
talents to maintain and preserve our We have other volunteers - you, our on all the borders, and keeping track of
wonderful church and its buildings ongoing church members and friends the sprinkler systems.
and grounds. It’s time to begin a new - who volunteer for our three yearly As you can imagine, there is always more
church year ... and we need a new influx workdays, or lend your support for a work every month than we can manage .
of volunteers to help us do our job. special project. But even our magic is limited because we
Our tasks fall into several major Our committee includes men, only have a few gnomes. If you enjoy our
work areas: women and youth - all serve in provid- gardens and are willing to work with us
 Kitchen Partners, who monitor ing our church the care it deserves. We for a couple of hours a month, we would
and care for our kitchen; hope you’ll look at your busy schedule welcome you with open arms. No experi-
 Garden Gnomes (see article at to carve out time to help this active ence necessary ... only two hands willing
right), who weed, water and committee fulfill its charge. to get dirty on the first Saturday of the
design our lovely Lincoln House For more information, contact month at 8:30 am. Come and work as
natural garden, as well as the Judi Kaiser. long as you’re able - every little moment
of your time will help us.
A Remarkable General Assembly Story We would like to give thanks to some
generous donations, which made it pos-
From Bea Groppuso: About two hours later, she reap- sible to order two Daphne plants. The
On Thursday, before General peared with a remarkable story. She plants will be planted in the fall, as a
Assembly began, I was stationed at had been on the Light Rail heading tribute to the life of Vivian Shimmon.
the Holiday Inn in San Jose greet- south to the San Carlos station when We also received a donation in honor
ing early arrivals. I was privileged to she noticed her handbag was miss- of a wedding anniversary, which allowed
meet Helen Morrison from Grosse ing. She was distraught, and a young us to buy 10 native plants for the front
Ile, Michigan, an exhibitor with the women asked if she could be of help. yard of Lincoln House. Last but not least,
Presbyterian Association of Homes When she explained the situation, in honor of the outgoing Deacons this
and Services for the Aging (PAHSA). this young lady comforted her and year, two ceramic pots with plants will be
She asked directions to the Conven- accompanied her back to the North bought for the front steps of our Sanctu-
tion Center, wishing to get there as First station to look for her handbag. ary, to welcome our community.
soon as possible to set up her booth. Right where she had left it on the We would like to thank everyone who
I explained that the Light Rail sta- bench was her handbag. donated time and money to help us create
tion was directly across First Street She was so grateful and said San and maintain a piece of God’s creation on
and there was no fare that day. She Jose and its people would have a spe- this earth. Hope to see you in the garden!
left with a cheerful, “See you later!” cial place in her GA memories. - Kate Wheatley and Hilleguus Faber
in a
Place ...
With the skies at
Zephyr being rather
clouded by smoke
from many forest fires,
Rod Thorn tried a little
different approach to
photography this year.
The collage above
combines a spectacular
sunset with the Friday
morning communion
table setting.

Harp Recital
You are cordially invited to
the harp recital of
Mary Kate Kane
at 2 PM, Saturday, August 30,
in the Sanctuary of
Stone Church.
Mary Kate, a student of
Karen Thielen, will present
Many thanks to Jan Keifer (top left), Jim Waite (middle a varied repertoire. A
left), and Rod Thorn (all others) for these lovely pictures. Reception Follows.
Stone’s Worship & Stone Church Day
Picnic in the Park at Habitat
The annual Stone Church August 30 has been designated as Stone
Worship and Picnic in the Park is Church Day at Habitat. Up to fifteen
Sunday, August 17, starting at 10 members of Stone Church will work at
am, in History Park (at the south the Santa Clara build site for Habitat for
end of Kelley Park). Humanity Silicon Valley. It is a relatively
An opening Worship service will new site, with two buildings now framed
be immediately followed by a classic in, and preparations underway for a “tri-
summertime picnic. We’ll provide plex.” Hence, persons who work that
tri-tip, chicken, hot dogs, and veggie day may be doing some interior fram-
burgers, and we ask you to bring side ing, building concrete forms, or cutting,
dishes and desserts to share. bending, and tying rebar for the new
Mary Jo Blazek will lead games for foundation.
kids and adults, and there will be The workday will begin at 8 am on
lots of fun for all ages and abilities. the build site and continue until 4 pm.
Signups are taking place in the Clothes must be comfortable; shoes
Social Hall after Worship. Tell us must be closed toe. Lunch will be from
how many are coming, your prefer- noon until 12:30 pm.
ence for grill items, and what you are Some folks may want to contribute
bringing for potluck. Maps will be to the effort, yet feel unable to do con-
available at the sign-up table. Bill and Marge Palmer seem to be struction. There will be an opportunity
For questions, contact Mary-Ann for such folks to help prepare lunch
Hudson. having a good time at last year’s picnic! for the whole crew (Stone volunteers,
some regular volunteers, and partner
Stone Church Annual Golf Tour- Signups will begin a couple of weeks
Save These Dates! nament, Saturday, October 11, ahead of the project day. Once the
Villages Golf and Country Club. “crews” have been selected, more infor-
Ice Cream Social and Hymn Golf for all levels, and dinner after- mation will be available in the Sunday
Sing, tentatively September ward, which is open to non-players bulletin. - David McCreath
7. This is always a fun and (although why would you not want
delicious event! to play?!) in the fabulous Villages
Back-to-Church Sunday, tentative- Clubhouse. Contact Maureen Ryan The Stone Church ofWillow Glen
ly September 14. This is a celebration for questions. Presbyterian Church (USA)
of the return of church school and Henrietta Perdue Lecture, Octo- 1937 Lincoln Avenue
choir, as well as many other activi- ber 24-25, featuring Dr. John Domi- (corner of Clark & Lincoln)
ties, after the summer hiatus. nic Crossan (see article on page 2). San Jose, CA 95125-3499
Church Office:
phone: 408-269-1593
fax: 408-269-8412
The Rev. Dr. Ken Henry, Pastor
Claudia Hoagland, Office Manager
The Stone News Staff:
Emily Moak Meacham, Editor
Pat Magee, Rhonda Lakatos,
Fred Oliver, Lizanne Oliver,
Jody Meacham: Assistant Editors
Stone’s Handbell Choir Rehearsal: Derk Johnson, Carole Brandt, Mary Sylvia Snyder, Chief Photographer
Johnson, Stan Searing, Kendall Searing, Katherine Calhoon, Bill Dan Raby, Rod Thorn, Mary Jo Blazek,
Downes, Jean Raby, Director. (Janice Goertz and Della Smith were Jan Keifer, Fred Groppuso: Add. Photos
unavailable for the picture.) Dan Raby, who took the picture, reports, Catherine Amos, Dulcie Janzen,
Sylvia Snyder, Fred Gardner,
“They work pretty hard but could still use more people.“ Jan Keifer, Jerry Keifer: Production

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