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Adolescente Adolescent, Teenager

Adulto/a Adult
Adulto; Mayor Grown-up
Alegre Cheerful
Alto Tall
Amable Friendly, kind
Amable; Dulce Sweet
Ambicioso Ambitious
Anciano; Mayor Elderly
Apuesto/Guapo Handsome
Arrogante Arrogant
Arruga Wrinkle
Aspecto Appearance
Atractivo Attractive
Bajo Short
Barba Beard
Bebé Baby
Bigote Moustache
Bonachón; Afable Good-natured
Bueno; Obediente Well-behaved
Calvo Bald
Carácter Character
Chico/Niño Boy
Chico; Niña Girl
Comportarse/Portarse To behave
Cruel Cruel
De mal carácter/genio Bad-tempered
De mediana edad Middle-aged
Decidido Decisive
Delgado Thin
Distraído Absent-minded
Divertido Amusing
Educado Polite
Encantador Charming
Engreído; Vanidoso Conceited
Entusiasta Enthusiastic
Esbelto; Delgado Slim
Estúpido Stupid
Feo Ugly
Flaco Skinny
Generoso Generous
Gente People
Gordo Fat
Gracioso Funny
Grosero; Maleducado Rude
Guapa/o Beautiful
Guapo Good-looking
Guapo (chicas, bebés); Bonito Pretty
Hombre Man
Inteligente Intelligent
Joven Young, youth
Listo Clever
Loco Crazy
Malo Bad
Malo Nasty
Malo; Malvado Wicked
Modesto Modest
Moreno/Oscuro Dark
Mujer Woman
Nervioso Nervous
Niño/a; Pequeño/a Toddler
Niño/Niña Child
Optimista Optimist
Pecas Freckles
Pelo Hair
Perezoso Lazy
Persona Person
Pesimista Pessimist
Preocupado; Inquieto Anxious
Rubio Blond, fair
Señor; Caballero Gentleman
Señora Lady
Sensato; Razonable Sensible
Sensible Sensitive
Serio Serious
Simpático Nice
Tacaño Mean
Tez/Cutis Complexion
Tierno; dulce Gentle
Tímido Shy
Tío; Tipo Chap
Tonto Silly
Tranquilo Calm, quiet
Travieso; Malo Naughty
Valiente Brave
Viejo Old

Describiendo gente
Describing people
Aburrido Bored ; Weary
Afable Affable ; Pleasant
Agradecido Grateful
Alegre Happy ; Joyful ; Cheerful
Alegría Joy
Ambicioso Ambitious
Amor Love
Angustioso Distressing
Anormal Abnormal
Ansioso ; Inquieto Anxious
Apasionado Extremely ; Passionately fond
Apático Apathetic ; Indifferent
Asombrado ; Atónito Amazed
Asombrado ; Sorprendido Astonished
Astuto Astute
Aterrorizado Terrified
Autoritario Authoritarian
Avergonzado Ashamed
Avergonzado ; En un apuro Embarrassed
Bueno Good
Celoso Jealous
Conformista Conformist ; Orthodox
Contento Glad
Deprimido Depressed
Desdichado Unhappy
Desilusionado , Decepcionado Disappointment
Disgustado ; Afectado Upset
Egoísta Selfish ; Egoistic ; Egoistical
Embaucador Deceptive ; Deceiving
Emotivo Emotional
Encantado Delighted
Enérgico Vigorous
Enfadado Angry
Entusiasmado ; Emocionado ; Nervioso Excited
Envidioso Envious
Esperanza Hope
Felicidad Happiness
Feliz ; Contento Happy
Furioso Furious
Grito Scream
Hipócrita Hypocritical
Humor Mood
Impaciente ; Ansioso , Ilusionado Eager
Impresión ; Shock Shock
Individualista Individualistic
Infeliz Miserable
Inteligente Intelligent ; Clever
Ira Rage
Irritable Irritable
Lástima Pity
Llorar To cry
Malvado Evil ; Wicked ; Villainous
Melancólico Melancholic ; Melancholy ; Gloomy
Miedo Fear
Molesto ; Enfadado Annoyed
Necesidad Need
Nervioso Nervous
Odio Hate
Optimista Optimistic
Orgullo Pride
Orgulloso Proud ; Arrogant ; Haughty
Pesimista Pessimistic
Placer Pleasure
Preocupación Worry
Rabia ; Ira Rage
Rebelde Rebellious
Rencoroso Rancorous
Risa Laughter
Satisfecho Satisfied
Satisfecho ; Contento Pleased
Sentimiento Feeling
Sonrisa Smile
Sorprendido Surprised
Sorpresa Surprise
Suspiro Sigh
Terror Terror
Ruborizarse To Blush
Sonreír To smile
Triste Sad
Tristeza Sadness
Valiente Valiant ; Courageous ; Brave
Vergüenza Shame
Violento Violent
Voluntarioso Willing

Caracteres / Sentimientos
Feelings and Character
Arteria Artery
Articulación Joint
Barbilla ; Mentón Chin
Boca Mouth
Brazo Arm
Cabeza Head
Cadera Hip
Cara Face
Ceja Eyebrow
Cerebro Brain
Cintura Waist
Codo Elbow
Corazón Heart
Costado Side
Costilla Rib
Cráneo Skull
Cuello Neck
Dedo de la mano Finger
Dedo del pie Toe
Diente/dientes Tooth/Teeth
Encías Gums
Espalda Back
Espina dorsal ; Columna vertebral Spine
Estómago Stomach
Frente Forehead
Genitales Genitals
Hígado Liver
Hombro Shoulder
Hueso Bone
Labio Lip
Mandíbula Jaw
Mano Hand
Mejilla Cheek
Miembro ; Extremidad Limb
Muñeca Wrist
Músculo Muscle
Muslo Thigh
Nariz Nose
Nervio Nerve
Nudillo Knuckle
Ojo Eye
Ombligo Navel ; Umbilicus
Oreja Ear
Pantorrilla Calf
Párpado Eyelid
Pecho Chest
Pelo Hair
Pestaña Eyelash
Pie Foot
Piel Skin
Pierna Leg
Pulmón Lung
Puño Fist
Riñones Kidneys
Rodilla Knee
Sangre Blood
Talón Heel
Tobillo Ankle
Trasero Bottom
Uña Nail
Vena Vein

El Cuerpo
The Body
¿Cómo se llama / te llamas? What's your name
¿Cuantos años tiene / tienes? How old are you?
Apellido Family name/Surname
Casado Married
Código postal Postcode
Cumpleaños Birthday
De sexo femenino ; Hembra ; Mujer Female
De sexo masculino ; Varón Male
Dirección Address
Divorciado Divorced
Edad Age
Estado civil Marital status
Fecha de nacimiento Date of birth
Iniciales Initials
Lugar de nacimiento Place of birth
Me llamo… My name is...
Nací en…; Soy de… I was born in…
Nacionalidad Nationality
Nombre Name
Nombre de pila Christian name
Número de telefono Telephone number
Señorita Miss
Señorita o Señora Ms
Separado Separated
Sexo Sex
Soltero Single/Unmarried
Sr (señor) Mr
Sra (Señora) Mrs
Tengo…años I am...(years old)
Viuda Widow
Viudo Widower
Vivir To live

Datos Personales
Personal Information

Barbería Barber’s
Camisería Outfitter’s
Carnicería Butcher’s
Centro comercial Shopping centre (U.K.) / Mall (USA)
Electrodomésticos Domestic Appliances
Farmacia Chemist’s (U.K.) / Drugstore (USA)
Ferretería Ironmonger’s
Floristería Florist’s
Frutería Fruiterer’s
Herboristería Herbalist’s shop
Joyería Jeweller’s
Juguetería Toyshop
Lavandería Launderette
Lechería Creamery
Librería Bookshop
Mercado Market
Optica Optician’s
Pajarería Bird shop
Panadería Baker’s
Papelería Stationer’s
Pastelería Cake shop / Pastry shop
Peletería Furrier’s shop
Peluquería Hairdresser’s
Perfumería Perfumery
Pescadería Fishmonger’s
Quiosco Kiosk / Newsagent's
Ropa de caballero Men’s wear
Ropa de niño Children’s wear
Ropa de señora Ladies' wear
Supermercado Supermarket
Tienda de animales Pet shop
Tienda de discos Record shop
Tienda de golosinas Sweetshop
Tienda de tabaco y sellos Tobacconist's
Tienda de videos Video club
Tiendas Shops
Tintorería Dry cleaner’s
Ultramarinos Grocer’s
Verdulería Greengrocer’s
Zapatería Shoe shop


Aceras Pavement (U.K.) / Sidewalk (USA)

Afueras ; Extrarradio Outskirts / Suburbs
Agencia de viajes Travel agency
Agente de policía Policeman
Alcantarillas Sewers
Arboles Trees
Aseos públicos Public conveniences
Asilo de ancianos Old people's home
Autobús Bus
Avenida Avenue
Ayuntamiento Town Hall
Banco Bank
Bar Bar ; Snack bar
Barrio ; Distrito District
Barrio bajo Slums
Basura Litter
Biblioteca Library
Bicicleta Bicycle
Entrance to the tube (U.K.) / Subway
Boca de estación del metro
Bolsa Stock Exchange
Bordillo Kerb
Pillar box / Post Box (U.K.) / Mail Box
Buzón de correos
Telephone kiosk /
Cabina telefónica
Phone Box/booth
Calle Street
Calle principal High street
Callejón Lane
Calzada Highway
Calzada Road
Camión Lorry (U.K.) / Truck (USA)
Cárcel Prison
Carretera Road
Casa House
Castillo Castle
Catedral Cathedral
Cementerio Cemetery
Shopping centre (U.K.) / Shopping Mall
Centro comercial
Centro de la ciudad Town centre (U.K.) / Downtown (USA)
Cine Cinema
Circo Circus
Ciudad Town / City
Ciudadano; Habitante De la
Club nocturno Night club
Comisaría de policía Police station
Consulado Consulate
Correos y Telégrafos Post and Telegraph Office
Cuerpo de bomberos Fire brigade
Edificios Buildings
Escaparate Shop window
Escuela ; Colegio School
Estación de metro Tube station (U.K.) / Subway Station (USA)
Estadio Stadium
Estanco Tobacconist's
Estatua Statue
Farmacia Chemist's (U.K.) / Drugstore (USA)
Faroles Street lamps
Fuente Fountain
Galerías Terraces
Grandes almacenes Department stores
Guardia urbano, de tráfico Traffic policeman
Habitante Inhabitant
Hospital Hospital
Hotel Hotel
Iglesia Church
Jardines Gardens
Kiosco Bookstall
Letreros luminosos Neon Signs
Local Local
Mercado Market
Monumento Monument
Motocicleta Motor cycle
Museo Museum
Obra Building site
Oficina de información Information office
Oficina de turismo Tourist office
Orfanato Orphanage
Palacio Palace
Papelera Litterbin (U.K.) / Trashcan (USA)
Parque Park
Parque zoológico Zoological garden
Pasaje Passage
Paseo Promenade
Paso cebra Zebra crossing
Paso de peatones Pedestrian crossing
Peatón Pedestrian
Peluquería Hairdresser's
Pensión Boarding house
Plaza Square
Plaza de toros Bullring
Puente Bridge
Puerto Port
Quiosco de periódicos Newspaper stand
Rascacielos Skyscraper
Reloj Clock
Residencial Residential
Restaurante Restaurant
Semáforo Traffic light
Servicios de urgencia Emergency services
Taxi Taxi, taxi cab
Teatro Theatre
Teléfonos Telephones
Tienda Shop
Tráfico Traffic
Transeúnte Passer-by
Turista Tourist
Universidad University
Vagabundo Vagrant ; Tramp
Vecindad Neighbourhood
Zona peatonal Pedestrian zone

La Ciudad
The City
Alfombra Carpet
Almohada Pillow
Almohadón Bolster
Armario Wardrobe ; Cabinet
Butaca Armchair
Cama Bed
Cama de matrimonio Double bed
Cama individual Single bed
Colcha Bedspread ; Quilt
Colchón Mattress
Cómoda Chest of drawers
Cortina Curtain
Edredón Quilt
Espejo Mirror
Funda de almohada Pillow case
Joyero Jewel-case
Lámpara mesilla de noche Reading lamp
Litera Bunk beds
Manta Blanket
Mesita de noche Bedside table
Percha Coat hanger
Reloj despertador Alarm clock
Ropa de cama Bedding
Sábana Sheet
Teléfono Telephone
Tocador Dressing table
La Casa-El Dormitorio
The House-The Bedroom

Alfombra; Estera Bath mat

Armario del cuarto de baño Bathroom cabinet
Bañera Bath
Baño; Lavabo Toilet, bathroom
Bidé Bidet
Botiquín Medicine cabinet
Cepillo de dientes Toothbrush
Cepillo para el cabello Hair brush
Champú Shampoo
Ducha Shower/ Shower Unit
Espejo Mirror
Esponja Sponge
Gel de ducha Shower gel
Grifo Tap (U.K.), Faucet (USA)
Jabón Soap
Lavabo Washbasin, sink
Llave de agua caliente Hot water tap / faucet
Llave de agua fria Cold water tap / faucet
Loción Lotion
Maquinilla de afeitar eléctrica Shaver
Papel higiénico Toilet paper
Pasta de dientes Toothpaste
Peine Comb
Repisa Shelf
Sales de baño Bath salts
Taburete Bathroom stool
Toalla Towel
Toallas para baño Bath towels
La Casa-El Cuarto de Baño
The House-The Bathroom

Accidente Accident
Aceite Oil
Acelerar To accelerate
Andén (de estación) Platform
Aparcamiento Car park (U.K.) / Parking lot (USA)
Aparcar ; Estacionar To park
Arranque Starter
Asiento Seat
Asiento del conductor Driver’s seat
Asiento del pasajero Passenger seat
Asiento trasero Back ; Rear seat
Atasco ; Embotellamiento Traffic jam
Autobús Bus
Automóvil Motorcar
Motorway (U.K.) / Highway or Freeway
Autopista de peaje Toll-paying motorway
Avería Breakdown
Batería Battery
Bici Bike
Bicicleta Bicycle
Billete Ticket
Caja de herramientas Tool-box
Camión Lorry (U.K.) / Truck (USA)
Capó Bonnet (U.K.) / Hood (USA)
Carretera Road
Carretera de peaje Toll road
Cinturón de seguridad Safety belt
Coche Car
Coche cama (tren) Sleeping car
Coche restaurante (tren) Luncheon car
Código de la circulación Highway code
Compartimento Compartment
Conductor/a Driver
Consigna de equipajes Left luggage office
Cuentakilómetros Milo meter
Equipaje Luggage
Estación de autobuses Bus station
Faro Headlight
Ferrocarril Railway
Frenar To brake
Garaje Garage
Gasolina Petrol (U.K.) / Gas (USA)
Grúa Breakdown truck
Guardagujas Points man
Ida y vuelta Return ticket
Jefe de estación Station master
Límite de velocidad Speed limit
Limpiaparabrisas Windscreen wiper
Llenar el deposito de gasolina To fill the tank
Locomotora Engine
Maleta Suitcase
Maletín Briefcase
Manillar Handlebar
Maquinista Engine driver
Mecánico Mechanic
Metro Tube ; Underground (U.K.) / Subway (USA)
Motocicleta Motorcycle
Mozo Porter
Multa Fine
Palanca de cambio de
Gear change
Parabrisas Windscreen
Parachoques Bumper (U.K.) / Fender (USA)
Parada de autobús Bus stop
Parada de taxis Taxi rank
Paso a nivel Level crossing
Pedal de embrague Clutch pedal
Pedal de freno Brake
Permiso de conducción Driving licence
Piezas de recambio Spare parts
Pinchazo Blow-out ; Puncture
Placa de matrícula Number plate (U.K.) / License Plate (USA)
Policía de trafico Traffic police
Portaequipajes de tren Luggage rack
Portaequipajes de una bicicleta Carrier
Portaequipajes en un coche Boot (U.K.) / Trunk (USA)
Raíles Rails
Retrovisor exterior Wing mirror
Revisor Ticket inspector
Rueda de recambio Spare wheel
Sala de espera Waiting room
Seguro contra accidentes Accident insurance
Semáforo Traffic lights
Señal de alarma Emergency signal
Señal de tráfico Road sign
Surtidor de gasolina Petrol pump
Taxi Cab ; Taxi ; Taxicab
Taxista Taxi driver
Transbordo Change ; Transfer
Tranvía Tram
Tren Train
Tren expreso Express train
Túnel Tunnel
Vagón Carriage
Velocímetro Speedometer
Ventanilla Window
Viajero Passenger
Vías Tracks
Volante Steering wheel

Medios de Transporte-Tierra
Transport by Land

A bordo Aboard
Amarras Moorings
Anclaje ; Fondeo Anchorage
Astilleros Shipyard ; Dockyard
Babor Port
Barco Boat
Barco grande ; Buque Ship
Barco recreo Pleasure boat
Barco transbordador Ferry boat
Barcos de guerra Warships
Bote salvavidas Lifeboat
Brújula Compass
Buque mercante Merchant ship
Calma chicha Dead calm
Camarote Cabin
Canoa Canoe
Capitán Captain
Chaleco salvavidas Life jacket
Club náutico Sailing club
Compañía de navegación Shipping company
Con rumbo a Bound for
Crucero Cruise / Cruise ship
Cubierta Deck
Desembarcar(personas) To disembark
Dique Dike
Echar anclas, fondear, anclar To cast anchor ; To drop anchor
Embarcaciones deportivas Sports boats
Embarcar (personas) Embark
Escotilla Scuttle
Estación marítima Marine station ; Maritime station
Estribor Starboard
Faro Lighthouse
Flota Fleet
Guardacostas Coast guard ship
Hacer escala en un puerto To call at a port
Hacerse a la mar To put off
Hélice Propeller ; Screw
Ir a la deriva To drift
Lancha Launch
Mar Sea
Marinero ; Marino Sailor
Muelle Quay
Naufragio Shipwreck
Navegar To navigate
Pasaje clase turística Tourist class ticket
Piloto Mate
Popa Stern
Portaaviones Aircraft carrier
Proa Bow
Puerto Harbour ; Port
Puerto de escala Port of call
Puerto pesquero Fishing harbour
Remo Oar
Remolcador Tug boat
Rompeolas Breakwater
Sala de maquinas Engine room
Salvamento Life saving
Señal de socorro Distress signal
Servicio regular Regular service
Submarino Submarine
Tempestad Storm
Timón Rudder
Transatlántico Passenger liner
Tripulación Crew
Velero Sailing ship
Yate Yacht

Medios de Transporte-Mar
Transport by Sea

Aprendiz Apprentice
Barba Beard
Bigote Moustache
Brocha de afeitar Shaving brush
Caspa Dandruff
Cepillo para el pelo Hairbrush
Cepillo para las uñas Nail brush
Champú Shampoo
Colonia Cologne
Corte de pelo Haircut
Cosméticos Cosmetics
Crema limpiadora ; Desmaquillador Cleansing cream
Crema nutritiva Skin cream
Crema para afeitar Shaving cream
Crema para masaje Massage cream
Cremas Creams
Decoloración Bleaching
Depilación Hair-removal
Depilar las cejas To pluck
Depilatorio/a Hair-remover
Espejo Mirror
Flequillo Fringe
Gomina Hair dressing ; Hair cream
Hojas de afeitar Razor blades
Jabón Soap
Jabón para afeitar Shaving soap; Shaving cream
Laca Lacquer
Lápiz para las cejas Eyebrow pencil
Lápiz para los labios Lipstick
Leche de belleza Beauty milk
Lima para las uñas Nail file
Loción Lotion
Manicura Manicure
Maquilladora/or Makeup assistant
Maquillaje Makeup
Maquinilla de cortar el pelo Hair clipper
Moño Bun
Navaja de afeitar Razor
Ondulación Wave
Peinado Hairstyle
Peine Comb
Peluca Wig
Peluquera/o para señoras Hairdresser
Peluquería para caballeros Barber's shop
Peluquería para señoras Hairdresser's shop
Peluquero/a para señores Barber
Peluquín Toupee
Perfilador de labios Lip outliner
Permanente Perm
Pinzas depilación cejas Eyebrow tweezers
Rulo Roller
Salón de belleza Beauty parlour
Secador Hairdryer
Sillón Barber's chair
Tijeras Scissors
Tinte Dye
Toalla Towel
Tónico facial Face tonic
Trenza Plait; pigtail; ponytail

Peluquería-Salón de Belleza
The Hairdresser-Beauty Salon

Arena Sand
Bañistas Bathers
Barca Boat
Bombona de gas butano Butane cylinder
Bronceador Suntan
Camping Camp-site
Campista Camper
Caseta de baño Bathing hut
Colchón neumático Air-bed
Comida campestre Picnic
Dar un paseo (pasear) To go for a walk
Ducha Shower
Excursión Excursion, trip, outing
Gira campestre A day in the country
Hornillo portátil Camp stove
Mar Sea
Mesa plegable Folding table
Olas Waves
Oleaje Swell
Parasol ; sombrilla Sunshade
Piscina Swimming pool
Playa Beach
Remolque Caravan
Saco de dormir Sleeping bag
Silla de playa Deck chair
Tienda de campaña Tent
Tomar el sol To sunbathe
Traje de baño Bathing costume
Trampolín Diving board
Viaje de recreo Pleasure trip

Excursiones-Aire Libre
Outdoor Activities

Acróbata Acrobat
Animal amaestrado Performing animal
Animales Animals
Circo Circus
Circo ambulante Travelling circus
Coches de choque Bumper cars ; Dodgems
Contorsionista Contortionist
Cuidador de animales Animals keeper
Domador de caballos Horse trainer
Domador de fieras Wild animal trainer
Domador de leones Lion tamer
Equilibrista Tightrope walker
Espectáculo Show
Feria ; Verbena Fair
Fiera Wild animal
Grada Tier
Jaulas Cages
Látigo Whip
Montaña rusa Big dipper ; Scenic railway
Noria Big wheel ; Ferris wheel
Número de circo Circus act
Parque de atracciones Fun fair ; Amusement park
Parque zoológico Zoological park
Payaso Clown
Pista Ring
Pitonisa Fortune teller
Presentador Master of ceremonies
Tienda ; Carpa Tent
Tiovivo ; Caballitos Merry-go-round ; Roundabout
Tobogán Slide
Trapecista Trapeze artist
Tren fantasma Ghost train


Acertijo ; Adivinanza Guessing game

Afición ; Hobby Hobby
Ajedrez Chess
Alternar con los amigos Socializing
Baile Dance
Baile de disfraces Masked ball ; Fancy dress ball
Bar ; Taberna Pub
Billar Billiards
Bolos Tenpins ; Bowling
Conversación Conversation
Crucigrama ; Palabras cruzadas Crossword puzzle
Dados Dice
Damas Draughts (U.K.) ; Checkers (U.S.A.)
Dardos Darts
Deportes Sports
Descansar To have a rest
Discoteca Discotheque, Disco
Filatelia Stamp collecting
Gimnasio Gymnasium
Guateque Party
Jardinería Gardening
Juegos Games
Juegos de cartas Card games
Jugador/a Player
Juguete Toy
Lotería Lotto ; Bingo
Máquina tragaperras One-armed bandit ; Fruit machine
Mirar/ver la tele/un video To watch TV / a video
Parchís Ludo
Pasatiempos Pastimes
Ping-pong ; Tenis de mesa Table tennis
Reunión Meeting
Rompecabezas Riddle
Salón recreativo Amusement arcade
Tres en raya Noughts-and-crosses
Videojuego ; Juego de ordenador Computer game/ Video Game

Juegos y Entretenimiento
Games and Entertainment

Accidente de trabajo Industrial accident

Agencia de colocaciones Employment Bureau; agency
Aprendiz Trainee ; Apprentice
Asalariado Salary earner
Employment exchange (U.K.) ; Employment
Bolsa de Trabajo
Bureau (USA)
Clase obrera Working class
Colocación Situation ; Post
Contratar To employ
Contrato de trabajo Work contract
Derecho laboral Labour law
Despido Dismissal
Día de paga Payday
Día laborable ; Día de
Working day ; Workday
Empleado Employee
Empleo Employment ; Job
Empleo de media jornada Part-time employment: part-time job
Empresario Employer
Especialista Specialist
Formación profesional Vocational training
Horas de trabajo Working hours
Horas extraordinarias Overtime
Huelga Strike
Jornal Daily wages
Jornalero Day labourer
Jubilación ; Retiro Retirement
Legislación laboral Labour legislation
Manifestación Demonstration
Mercado del trabajo Labour market
Ministry of Labour (U.K.) ; Department of
Ministerio de Trabajo
Labour (USA)
Negociación Negotiation
Nómina (de sueldos) Payroll
Obrero Worker
Obrero agrícola Farm worker
Obrero cualificado Skilled worker
Obrero no cualificado Unskilled worker
Oficial Skilled worker
Oficio Trade ; Craft
Parado Unemployed person
Paro; Desempleo ;
Pensión de vejez Old-age pension
Permiso de trabajo Work permit
Personal Personnel ; Staff
Profesión Profession ; Occupation
Puesto de trabajo Job
Reivindicaciones Claims
Remuneración Remuneration
Rescindir un contrato To terminate a contract
Salario ; Sueldo Pay ; Wage ; Salary
Salario mínimo Minimum Wage
Sindicato Trade union (U.K.) ; Labour union (USA)
Solicitar un empleo To apply for a job
Subsidio de paro Unemployment benefit
Sueldo base Basic wage
Taller Workshop
Temporero Seasonal worker
Trabajador ; Productor Worker
Trabajador de plantilla Permanent worker
Trabajar por horas To be paid by the hour
Trabajo Work
Assembly line work (U.K.) ; Serial production
Trabajo en cadena
Trabajo estacional Seasonal work
Vacaciones Holidays (U.K.); Vacation (USA)

Alimentación Feeding; food
Almorzar To have lunch
Almuerzo Lunch
Apetito Appetite
Asar To roast
Asar a la parrilla To grill (U.K.) ; To broil (USA)
Beber To drink
Calentar To heat
Cantina Canteen
Carta de vinos Wine list
Casa de comidas Cafe (U.K.); diner (USA)
Cena Dinner ; Supper
Cenar To have dinner
Cocer al horno To bake
Cocinar ; Cocer To cook
Comedor Dining room
Comer To eat
Cortar To cut; to chop
Desayunar To have breakfast
Desayuno Breakfast
Descongelar To defrost
Entremés Hors d'oeuvre
Estofar ; Guisar To stew
Freír To fry
Glotonería Gluttony
Hambre Hunger
Hervir To boil
Hora de cenar Dinnertime
Hora del almuerzo/de la comida Lunchtime
Hora del té Teatime
Libro de cocina Cookbook
Menú Menu
Merienda Afternoon tea
Merienda cena High tea
Nutrición Nutrition
Pausa para tomar un café Coffee break
Pelar To peel
Plato fuerte Main course
Poner la mesa To lay the table
Postre Sweet ; Dessert
Preparar la comida To make lunch
Quitar la mesa To clear the table
Remover To stir
Sed Thirst
Servir To serve
Servir la mesa To wait at table
Sopa Soup
Tener hambre To be hungry
Tener sed To be thirsty
Tentempié Snack
Alimentos (Generalidades)

Cuajada Curd
Huevos Eggs
Lácteo Milky ; Lacteous
Leche Milk
Leche completa (entera) Full-cream milk ; Whole milk
Leche condensada Condensed milk
Leche cuajada Curdled milk
Leche desnatada Skim milk ; Skimmed milk
Leche en polvo Powdered milk
Leche evaporada Evaporated milk
Leche semidesnatada Semi-skimmed milk
Mantequilla Butter
Nata Fresh cream
Productos lácteos Dairy produce ; Milk products
Queso Cheese
Queso azul Blue cheese
Queso bola Edam
Queso crema Cream cheese
Queso de oveja Sheep’s cheese
Queso de untar Cheese spread
Queso manchego Sheep’s milk cheese made in “La Mancha”
Queso parmesano Parmesan cheese
Requesón Cottage cheese
Yogur Yoghurt
Yogur desnatado Low-fat yoghurt
Alim. Lácteos/Derivados
Food-Milk Products

Beicon Bacon
Carne Meat
Carne blanca White meat
Carne bovina Beef
Carne de carnero Mutton
Carne de cerdo Pork
Carne de cordero Lamb
Carne de gallina Chicken
Carne de ternera Veal
Carne de venado Venison
Carne magra Lean meat
Carne picada Mince ; Ground meat
Carne roja Red meat
Carne sin hueso Boned meat
Chorizo Hard pork sausage
Codorniz Quail
Costilla Cutlet
Embutido Sausage
Fiambre Cold ; Served cold
Hígado Liver
Jamón Ham
Jamón dulce ; Jamón cocido ; Jamón York Boiled ham
Jamón serrano Parma ham
Mortadela Mortadella
Paté Pâté
Pato Duck
Pavo Turkey
Perdiz Partridge
Pollo Chicken
Salami Salami
Salchicha Sausage
Salchichón Salami type sausage

Alimentos Carne
Almendra Almond
Almendra tostada Toasted almond
Alubia ; Habichuela Kidney bean
Avellana Hazelnut
Cacahuete Peanut
Castaña Chestnut
Frutos secos Dry fruits, nuts
Garbanzos Chickpeas
Guisantes secos Dried peas
Habas secas Dried broad beans
Higo seco Dried fig
Kiko Toasted maize
Legumbres Legume
Legumbres secas Dried legumes
Lenteja Lentil
Nuez de Brasil Brazil nut
Nuez de nogal Walnut
Pasa Raisin
Pasa de Corinto Currant
Pipa Sunflower seed
Pistacho Pistachio

Legumbres/Frutos secos
Pulses-Dried Fruit
Aguacate Avocado
Albericoque Apricot
Arándano Bilberry
Caqui Persimmon
Cereza Cherry
Ciruela Plum
Dátil Date
Frambuesa Raspberry
Fresa Strawberry
Granada Pomegranate
Grosella Currant
Grosella negra Black currant
Higo Fig
Higo chumbo Prickly pear
Kiwi Kiwi fruit
Limón Lemon
Mandarina Tangerine
Mango Mango
Manzana Apple
Melocotón Peach
Melón Melon
Membrillo Quince
Mora Mulberry
Naranja Orange
Nectarina Nectarine
Níspero Medlar
Papaya Papaya ; Pawpaw
Pera Pear
Piña Pineapple
Plátano Banana
Pomelo Grapefruit
Sandia Watermelon
Uva Grape
Zarzamora Blackberry
Alimentos Frutas
Agua mineral Mineral water
Agua tónica Tonic water
Batido Milk shake
Batido de fruta Fruit shake
Beber To drink
Bebida sin alcohol Non-alcoholic drink
Bebidas Drinks
Brandy Brandy
Café Coffee
Café americano Large black coffee
White coffee ; Coffee with milk (U.K.) ; Coffee
Café con leche
with cream (USA)
Café cortado Coffee with a dash of milk
Café descafeinado Decaffeinated coffee
Café en grano Coffee beans
Café expreso Espresso coffee
Café instantáneo ; Café
Instant coffee
Café irlandés Irish coffee
Café molido Ground coffee
Café solo Black coffee
Café torrefacto Roasted coffee
Cerveza Beer
Cerveza de barril Draught beer (U.K.) ; Draft beer (USA)
Cerveza de malta Malt beer
Cerveza embotellada Bottled beer
Cerveza negra Stout
Cerveza rubia Lager
Champán Champagne
Chocolate caliente Hot chocolate
Cóctel Cocktail
Gaseosa ; Limonada Lemonade
Ginebra Gin
Infusión de hierbas Herbal tea
Infusión de manzanilla Camomile tea
Jugo ; Zumo Juice
Leche Milk
Licor (bebida dulce) Liqueur
Licores Spirits (U.K.) ; Liquor (USA)
Mosto Grape juice ; Must
Naranjada Orange squash (U.K.) ; Orangeade (USA)
Refresco Soft drink
Refresco de cola Cola
Ron Rum
Sidra Cider
Soda Soda water
Té Tea
Té con leche Tea with milk
Té con limón Tea with lemon
Té de menta Mint tea
Tener sed To be thirsty
Una caña de cerveza A glass of beer ; A pint of beer
Vermut Vermouth
Vino Wine
Vino añejo Mature wine
Vino blanco White wine
Vino corriente Ordinary wine
Vino de aguja ; Vino
Sparkling wine
Vino de Jerez Sherry
Vino de la casa House wine
Vino de Málaga Malaga wine
Vino de mesa Table wine
Vino de Oporto Port
Vino de postre Dessert wine
Vino de reserva Reserve
Vino de solera Vintage wine
Vino del año New wine ; Wine for early drinking
Vino peleón Cheap wine
Vino rosado Rosé wine
Vino tinto Red wine
Vodka Vodka
Whisky ; Güisqui Whisky, whiskey
Zumo de frutas Fruit juice
Zumo de naranja Orange juice

Arroz con leche Rice pudding

Azúcar Sugar
Azúcar blanca ; Azúcar
White sugar
Azúcar de caña Cane sugar
Icing sugar (U.K.) ; Confectioner's sugar
Azúcar en polvo
Azúcar en terrón sugar lumps
Azúcar moreno Brown sugar
Batido Milk shake
Batido de fruta Fruit shake
Bizcocho Sponge cake
Bizcocho borracho Sponge soaked in wine and syrup
Bombón de chocolate Chocolate ; Cocoa
Chocolate blanco White chocolate
Chocolate con leche Milk chocolate
Chocolate negro Plain / Dark chocolate
Chocolate para beber Drinking chocolate
Compota Compote ; Preserve
Compota de manzanas Stewed apples
Crema catalana Dessert similar to crème brùlée
Crema pastelera Crème pâtissière ; Custard
Crema ; Nata Cream
Dulce Sweet (U.K.) ; Candy (USA)
Dulce de almíbar Preserved fruit
Dulce de membrillo Quince jelly
Flan Crème caramel
Fruta Fruit
Galleta Biscuit (U.K.) ; Cookie (USA)
Gelatina Jelly
Helado Ice cream
Macedonia de frutas Fruit salad
Mazapán Marzipan
Mermelada Jam (U.K.) ; Jelly (USA)
Mermelada de albaricoque Apricot jam / jelly
Mermelada de naranja Marmalade
Miel Honey
Nata montada ; Crema batida Whipped cream
Natilla de huevo Egg custard
Natillas ; Crema inglesa Custard
Pasteles Pastry
Postre Dessert ; Pudding ; Sweet
Tarta ; Pastel dulce Cake
Tarta de frutas Fruit cake
Tarta de manzana Apple tart
Tarta de queso Cheesecake
Turrón Nougat

Alim. Dulces y Postres

Food-Deserts. Sweets

Aguacero ; Chaparrón ; Chubasco Downpour ; Shower

Alud Avalanche
Arco iris Rainbow
Atmósfera Atmosphere
Brisa Breeze
Bueno Fine
Calor Heat
Chubasco Shower
Ciclón Cyclone
Clima Climate
Clima templado Mild ; Temperate
Copo de nieve Snowflake
Despejado Bright
Escarcha Frost
Está lloviendo It's raining
Estación Season
Estación meteorológica Weather station
Fresco Cool
Frío Cold
Granizo Hail
Gris Dull
Hace mucho frío It is very cold
Hace sol The sun is shining ; It's sunny
Hacer calor To be hot ; To be warm
Hacer frío To be cold
Helada Freeze
Humedad Humidity
Húmedo Damp
Huracán Hurricane
Impermeable Raincoat
Invierno Winter
Lluvia Rain
Meteorología Meteorology
Neblina ; Bruma ; Niebla Mist ; Fog
Nevada Snowfall
Nieve Snow
Nube Cloud
Nuboso ; Nublado Cloudy
Ola de calor Heat wave
Otoño Autumn (U.K.) ; Fall (USA)
Paraguas Umbrella
Primavera Spring
Relámpago ; Rayo Lightning
Rocío Dew
Seco Dry
Sequía Drought
Soleado Sunny
Sombrilla Sunshade ; Parasol
Temperatura Temperature
Temporal ; Tempestad ; Tormenta Storm ; Tempest
Termómetro Thermometer
Tiempo (meteorológico) Weather
Tifón Typhoon
Trueno Thunder
Verano Summer
Viento Wind

Tiempo Meteorológico
The Weather
¿Como es? What’s it like?
A cuadros Checked
A lunares Spotted
A rayas Striped
Acrílico Acrylic
Afilado ; Puntiagudo Sharp
Algodón Cotton
Alto High/ Tall
Amarillo Yellow
Ancho Wide
Artificial ; Sintético Man-made
Azul Blue
Azul celeste Sky blue
Azul marino Navy blue ; Sea blue
Bajo Low
Blanco White
Blando Soft
Bonito Beautiful
Bronce Bronze
Burdeos ; Rojo oscuro Dark red
Cartón Cardboard
Cartulina Card
Cerámica Ceramic
Cereza (Color) Cherry red
Chisme ; Cosa Thingy
Cilíndrico Cylindrical
Círculo Circle
Claro Light
Clase ; Tipo Kind ; Sort
Color Colour
Corto Short
Cosa Thing
Cuadrado Square
Cuero Leather
Curvo Curved
Delgado ; Fino Thin
Desagradable Disagreeable
Descripción Description
Descripción de objetos Describing things
Diferencia Difference
Diferente Different
Duro Hard
Encantador Lovely
Enrollado (Cosa) Rolled up
Es como… It seems…
Estrecho Narrow
Feo Ugly
Forma Shape
Gigante Giant
Gigantesco Gigantic
Goma ; Caucho Rubber
Grande Big
Gris Grey
Grueso ; Gordo Thick
Habitual Usual
Hecho a mano Handmade
Horrible Horrible
Impermeable Waterproof
Inmenso Huge
Inútil ; Inservible Useless
Lana Wool
Largo Long
Lavable Washable
Limpio Clean
Liso Plain
Liso ; Suave Smooth
Madera Wood
Marrón Brown
Más o menos More or less
Material Material
Mediano Medium
Metal Metal
Mezcla Mixture
Moderno Modern
Morado ; Violeta Purple
Nailon ; Nilon Nylon
Naranja Orange
Negro Black
Normal Normal
Nuevo New
Objeto Object
Ordinario Ordinary
Oro Gold
Oscuro Dark
Ovalado Oval
Pálido Pale
Papel Paper
Parece… It looks…
Parecido Similar
Pasado de moda Old-fashioned
Pequeño Little ; Small
Piedra Stone
Piel Fur
Plano Flat
Plástico Plastic
Plata Silver
Poco común Unusual
Poliéster Polyester
Profundo Deep
Raro ; Extraño Strange
Rectangular Rectangular
Recto Straight
Redondo Round
Resistente Solid
Rojo , Encarnado Red
Romboidal Rhomboid
Rosa Pink
Rugoso ; Áspero Rough
Seda Silk
Sucio Dirty
Tamaño ; Talla Size
Teja (Color) Brick red
Tejido Fabric
Tela vaquera Denim
Terciopelo Velvet
Textura Texture
Tipo Type
Tono ; Matiz Shade
Triangular Triangular
Útil Useful
Variedad Variety
Varios Various
Verde Green
Viejo/a (Cosa) Old
Describiendo Objetos
Desribing Objects

Abeja Bee
Águila Eagle
Alacrán ; Escorpión Scorpion
Almeja Clam
Antílope Antelope
Araña Spider
Ardilla Squirrel
Atún ; Bonito Tuna
Ave del paraíso Bird of paradise
Avestruz Ostrich
Aves Birds
Avispa Wasp
Bacalao Cod
Ballena Whale
Boa Boa
Buey Ox
Búfalo Buffalo
Buitre Vulture
Burro Donkey
Caballo Horse
Cabra Goat
Calamar Squid
Camello Camel
Canario Canary
Cangrejo Crab
Cangrejo de río Crayfish
Canguro Kangaroo
Caracol Snail
Castor Beaver
Cebra Zebra
Centollo Spider crab
Cerdo Pig
Chimpancé Chimpanzee
Ciervo Deer
Cigarra Cicada
Cigüeña Stork
Cisne Swan
Cocodrilo Crocodile
Codorniz Quail
Comadreja Weasel
Conejo Rabbit
Cordero Lamb
Crustáceos Crustaceans
Cucaracha Cockroach
Cuervo Crow
Delfín Dolphin
El mundo de los animales Animal’s world
Elefante Elephant
Erizo Hedgehog
Erizo de mar Sea urchin
Escarabajo Beetle
Faisán Pheasant
Foca Seal
Gacela Gazelle
Gallina Hen
Gallo Cock
Gamba Prawn
Garza Heron
Gato Cat
Gaviota Seagull
Golondrina Swallow
Gorila Gorilla
Gorrión Sparrow
Grillo Cricket
Guacamayo Macaw
Gusanos Worms
Halcón Hawk ; Falcon
Hiena Hyena
Hipopótamo Hippopotamus
Hormiga Ant
Insectos Insects
Jilguero Goldfinch
Jirafa Giraffe
Lagarto Lizard
Langosta Spiny ; Rock lobster
Lechuza Owl
León Lion
Leopardo Leopard
Liebre Hare
Lince Lynx
Lirón Dormouse
Llama Llama
Lobo Wolf
Lombriz de tierra Earthworm
Loro Parrot
Mamíferos Mammals
Mariposa Butterfly
Mariquita Ladybird
Marmota Marmot
Mejillón Mussel
Mirlo Blackbird
Moluscos Molluscs
Mono Monkey
Mosca Fly
Mosquito Mosquito
Murciélago Bat
Nutria Otter
Oca Goose
Oso Bear
Ostra Oyster
Oveja Ewe
Pájaro carpintero Woodpecker
Paloma Dove
Pantera Panther
Pato Duck
Pavo Turkey
Pavo real Peacock
Pelicano Pelican
Perdiz Partridge
Perico Parakeet
Perro Dog
Pingüino ; Pájaro bobo Penguin
Pollo Chicken
Pulpo Octopus
Rana Frog
Rata Rat
Ratón Mouse
Reno Reindeer
Reptiles Reptiles
Rinoceronte Rhinoceros
Ruiseñor Nightingale
Salmón Salmon
Saltamontes Grasshopper
Serpiente Snake
Tarántula Tarantula
Ternera Calf
Tigre Tiger
Toro Bull
Tortuga Tortoise ; Turtle
Trucha Trout
Vaca Cow
Víbora Viper ; Adder
Yegua Mare
Zoología Zoology
Zorro Fox
The Animal World

Agua destilada Distilled water

Agua oxigenada Hydrogen
Agujas y jeringuillas de un solo Disposable hypodermic needles and
uso syringes
Alcohol Alcohol
Cotton wool (U.K.) ; Absorbent cotton
Algodón hidrófilo
Alimentos dietéticos Diet food
Alimentos infantiles Feeding of children
Analgésico Painkiller
Análisis Analysis
Análisis de sangre Blood test
Antiarrugas Anti-wrinkle
Antibiótico Antibiotic
Anti catarro Anti-catarrh
Antídoto Antidote (for/to)
Antifebril Anti-fever
Antigripal (vacuna) Flu vaccine
Antiinflamatorio Anti-inflammatory
Antiparasitario Antiparasitic
Antiséptico Antiseptic
Apósito, vendaje Dressing / Bandage
Automedicarse To treat oneself
Biberón Feeding bottle / Baby bottle
Calienta biberones Bottle warmer
Calmante , sedante Painkiller / Sedative
Cepillo de dientes Toothbrush
Champú anticaspa Anti-dandruff shampoo
Chupete Dummy (U.K.) ; Pacifier (USA)
Complejo vitamínico Vitamin complex
Sanitary towel (U.K.); Sanitary napkin
Compresa (para mujer)
Crema anticelulítica Anti-cellulite cream
Crema bronceadora Suntan lotion, suntan cream
Crema de belleza Beauty cream
Crema de día Day cream
Crema de noche Night cream
Crema hipoalergénica Hypoallergenic cream
Depurativo Blood purification tonic
Desinfectante Disinfectant
Dosis de ataque Onset dose
Dosis de mantenimiento Maintenance dose
Enjuague bucal Mouthwash
Esparadrapo Sticking plaster , adhesive plaster
Estanterías Shelves
Expectorante Cough medicine
Chemist (U.K.) ; Druggist (USA) ;
Pharmacist (uso formal)
Farmacia (ciencia) Pharmacy
Farmacia (tienda) Chemist’s (U.K.) ; Drugstore (USA)
Farmacia de guardia All-night chemist’s
Fármaco , medicina,
Drug , medicine
Gasa Gauze , lint
Gasa esterilizada Sterile gauze dressing
Inyección Injection
Jarabe (medicina) Syrup / medicine
Jarabe para la tos Cough syrup; Cough Mixture
Laboratorio Laboratory
Laxante Laxative
Material de laboratorio Laboratory equipment
Medicinal Medicinal
Medicinar To give medicine to
Mostrador Counter
Ortopedia Orthopaedics (U.K.) ; Orthopedics (USA)
Paciente Patient
Disposable nappy (U.K.) / Disposable
Pañal desechable
diaper (U.S.)
Paquete de primeros auxilios First aid kit
Pasta dental Toothpaste
Pastilla Tablet ; Pill
Pastilla para la tos Cough drop
Pastillas de vitaminas Vitamin pill/ Vitamin tablet
Pesabebés Baby scale
Peso Scales
Peso de corredera Sliding-weight scales
Píldora anticonceptiva Contraceptive pill / "The pill"
Pinzas Forceps / Tweezers
Polvos de talco Talcum powder
Pomada Ointment
Preservativo Condom ; Contraceptive sheath
Primeros auxilios First aid
Protección solar Sun protection cream
Prueba de embarazo Pregnancy test
Seda dental Dental floss
Suero sanguíneo Serum
Suero fisiológico Saline solution
Supositorio Suppository
Talla (listón para medir la talla) Height gauge
Blood pressure gauge
Termómetro Thermometer
Tijeras Scissors
Tintura de yodo Iodine solution
Toma de la presión sanguínea
To take someone's blood pressure
Tomarse la tensión To have one’s blood pressure taken
Tónico, estimulante del apetito,
Tonic, stimulant
Tranquilizante Tranquillizer (U.K.) ; Tranquilliser (USA)
Tratamiento Treatment
Tubo de pomada Tube of ointment
Vacuna Vaccine
Vademécum (libro de
Venda de gasa Bandage
Vitrina Glass case , showcase
Volante de asistencia medica Health insurance certificate
La Farmacia
The Chemist's / Pharmacy / Drug Store
Aspiradora Vacuum cleaner
Barrer To sweep
Bayeta, trapo de cocina Cloth
Betún ( zapatos) Shoe polish
Bricolaje Do-it-yourself (DIY)
Centrifugar To spin-dry
Cepillo Brush
Cepillo para la vajilla Washing-up brush
Cocinar To cook
Colada Laundry
Cubo de ropa blanca Linen bin
Cuerda de la ropa Washing line , clothes line
Cuidar los hijos To look after the children
Desorden (de casa,
Mess, untidiness
Washing powder (U.K.) ; Washing detergent
Detergente, jabón en polvo
Día de colada Washday
Encerar (el suelo) To wax
Escoba Broom
Estropajo Pot scrubber
Fregar con esponja To wash
Fregar con estropajo, cepillo To scrub
Fregar con fregona To mop, to wash
Fregar el suelo con fregona To wash the floor
Fregar los platos To wash the dishes
Fregona Mop
Guantes de goma Rubber gloves
Hacer la cama To make the bed
Hacer la colada To do the washing
Hacer la compra To do the shopping
Hacer la limpieza To do the cleaning
Lavadora automática Automatic washing machine
Lavaplatos Dishwasher
Lavar To wash
Lava secadora Washer-dryer
Washing-up liquid (U.K.) ; Dishwashing
Lavavajillas (detergente)
detergent (USA)
Lejía Bleach
Limpiar To clean
Limpiar la casa To tidy; To tidy up ; To clean
Limpiar los zapatos To polish the shoes
Limpieza general Spring-cleaning
Ordenar To tidy
Ordenar el armario ropero To tidy the wardrobe
Pasar la aspiradora To do the vacuuming
Pasar la aspiradora por la
Run the vacuum cleaner over the carpet
Plancha Iron
Plancha de vapor Steam iron
Planchar To iron
Polvo Dust
Preparar la comida To make the lunch
Productos de limpieza Cleaning products
Quitar el polvo To dust
Recogedor Dustpan
Regar el jardín To water the garden
Reparar, arreglar To repair
Ropa blanca sucia Dirty linen
Sacar la basura To take the rubbish out
Selector de programas Program selector control
Tabla de planchar Ironing board
Tender la colada To hang out the washing
Trapo de polvo, gamuza Duster (U.K.); Dust cloth (USA)
Trapo para secar platos Tea towel (U.K.) ; Dish cloth (USA)
Trabajo Doméstico
Albergue , alojamiento Accommodation ; Lodgings
Albergue de carretera Inn ; Roadhouse
Albergue juvenil Youth hostel
Apartamento Apartment (USA); Flat (U.K.)
Apartamentos turísticos Holiday apartments
Block of flats (U.K.) ; Apartment
Bloque de apartamentos
Building (USA)
Bloque de pisos Tower block
Cabaña Hut ; Cabin
Camping Camp-site
Caravana , remolque Caravan (U.K.); Trailer (USA)
Casa House
Casa ; Hogar Home
Casa adosada Luxury terraced villa
Casa de campo Country house
Casa de campo Villa ; Cottage
Casa de una sola planta Bungalow
Casa de vecindad ; Bloque de viviendas Tenement block
Casa en hilera ; Chalet adosado Terraced house
Casita de campo Cottage
Chalet (casa con jardín independiente) Detached house
Semi-detached house (U.K.) ;
Chalet adosado
Duplex (USA)
Edificio Building
Granja Farmhouse
Habitación alquilada Lodgings
Bed-sit (U.K.) ; Studio apartment
Habitación amueblada
Hostal Cheap hotel ; Boarding house
Hotel Hotel
Mansión Mansion
Morada Dwelling
Pensión , casa de huéspedes , posada Boarding house ; Guest house
Refugio Shelter ; Refuge
Residencia (casa) Residence
Residencia de estudiantes Hall of residence
Residencia para ancianos , residencia Residential home ; Old people’s
para jubilados home
Tienda de campaña Tent
Vivienda Dwelling

Agua Water
Agua mineral Mineral water
Aparato de cerveza a presión Beer pump
Aves y caza Game and poultry
Barra Bar
Bebida Drink
Bebida alcohólica Alcoholic drink
Bebida no alcohólica Non-alcoholic drink
Bebida refrescante Soft drink
Camarera Waitress
Camarero Waiter
Carne asada Roast meat
Carta de vinos Wine list
Champán Champagne
Chef Chef
Cliente/a Customer
Copa de vino Wine glass
Cuchara Spoon
Cuchillo Knife
El cubierto The place-setting
Entremeses Hors d’oeuvres
Especialidad Speciality
Especialidad del chef Chef’s special
Helado Ice cream
La cuenta, la factura The bill
Legumbres y verduras Vegetables and greens
Libro de reclamaciones The complaints book
Mantel Table cloth
Menú de tres platos A three-course meal
Menú, lista de comidas Menu
Mesa Table
Palillero Toothpick holder
Pastas Pastas
Pescado y marisco Fish and shellfish
Pimentero Pepper pot
Pimienta Pepper
Plato Course
Plato (objeto) Dish
Plato combinado Set main course
Plato principal, plato fuerte Main course
Posavasos Beer mat
Postre Dessert
Propina Tip
Reservado Reserved
Reservar mesa To book a table
Restaurante Restaurant
Restaurante autoservicio Self-service restaurant
Salero Salt cellar
Servilleta Serviette, napkin
Servilletero Serviette ring, napkin ring
Servir (en la mesa) To serve
Silla Chair
Sopa Soup
Tenedor Fork
Vaso Glass
Vinagreras Cruet stand
Vino Wine
Vino de la casa House wine
El Restaurante
The Restaurant
Aire acondicionado Air conditioning
Antena parabólica Parabolic antenna
Aparato de radio Radio
Aparato eléctrico Electrical appliance
Aspiradora Vacuum cleaner
Batidora eléctrica Mixer ; Blender
Cadena estereofónica Stereo system ; Stereo equipment
Cafetera automática Coffee machine
Cafetera eléctrica Coffee maker
Cafetera expreso Espresso coffee maker
Calientaplatos eléctrico Electric hotplate
Campana extractora de humos Cooker hood
Cepillo de dientes eléctrico Electric toothbrush
Cocina eléctrica Electric cooker
Cordón eléctrico Electric lead
Cordón eléctrico ; Cable de la corriente Lead
Cortacéspedes eléctrico Electric lawn mower
Cuchillo eléctrico Electric kitchen knife
Despertador eléctrico Electric alarm clock
Electricidad Electricity
Enchufe (hembra, de pared) Socket
Enchufe (macho) Plug
Equipo alta fidelidad Hi-fi system
Equipo de música Stereo system
Escáner Scanner
Estufa eléctrica Electric fire
Exprimidor eléctrico Juice extractor ; Juicer
Freidora eléctrica Deep-fat fryer
Frigorífico Refrigerator
Fusible Fuse
Impresora Printer
Interruptor Switch
Lámpara Lamp
Lavadora automática Automatic washing machine
Lavavajillas Dishwasher ; Dishwashing machine
Mando a distancia Remote control
Máquina de afeitar eléctrica Electric razor ; Electric shaver
Maquina de coser Sewing machine
Microondas Microwave
Molinillo de café eléctrico Electric coffee grinder
Nevera; Refrigerador Fridge
Ordenador personal Personal computer
Picadora de carne Mincer ; mincing machine
Plancha eléctrica Electric iron
Proyector diapositivas Slide projector
Sandwichera Toasted sandwich maker
Secador de pelo Hairdryer
Secadora eléctrica Tumble drier ; Tumble dryer
Teléfono Telephone / Phone
Televisor Television / TV
Tocadiscos Record player
Toma de corriente Plug socket
Tostador de pan Toaster
Tubo fluorescente Fluorescent lamp
Vídeo Video
Videocámara Video camera
Videoconsola Games console
Videoteléfono Video telephone

Electrical appliances
Abuela Grandmother
Abuelita Grandma
Abuelito Grandad
Abuelo Grandfather
Abuelos Grandparents
Adoptado Adopted
Amigo/a Friend
Amistad Friendship
Amor fraternal Brotherly love
Antepasados Ancestors , Forebears , Forefathers
Bisabuela Great-grandmother
Bisabuelo Great-grandfather
Compromiso ; Noviazgo Engagement
Conocido/a Acquaintance
Cuñada Sister-in-law
Cuñado Brother-in-law
De humilde cuna Of humble birth
De noble alcurnia Of noble birth
Descendientes Descendants
Dinastía Dynasty
El benjamín/la benjamina The baby of the family
Familia Family
Fraternidad Fraternity
Gemelos Twins
Generación Generation
Heredero Heir
Hermana Sister
Hermano Brother
Hermano de leche Foster brother
Hermano de madre Uterine brother
Hija Daughter
Hijastra Stepdaughter
Hijastro Stepson
Hijo Son
Hijo ilegítimo Illegitimate child
Hijo legítimo Legitimate child
Hijo mayor Eldest child
Hijo/a único/a Only child
Huérfano/a Orphan
Linaje Lineage
Madrastra Stepmother
Madre Mother
Madrina Godmother
Mamá Mum
Marido ; Esposo Husband
Media naranja Better half
Mujer ; Esposa Wife
Nieta Granddaughter
Nieto Grandson
Nieto/a Grandchild
Novia Girlfriend
Novio Boyfriend
Nuera Daughter-in-law
Padrastro Stepfather
Padre Father
Padre/madre soltero/a Single parent
Padres Parents
Padrino Godfather
Padrino de boda Best man
Papá Dad
Pariente ; Familiar Relation , Relative
Parientes consanguíneos Kinsmen by blood
Primo/Prima Cousin
Primogénito First-born
Prometido Engaged
Sobrina Niece
Sobrino Nephew
Sucesión Succession
Suegra Mother-in-law
Suegro Father-in-law
Tía Aunt
Tío Uncle
Vida familiar Family life
Yerno Son-in-law

Familia / Parentesco
The Family and Parenthood
¡A su/tu salud! Cheers
¡Adiós ! ; ¡Hasta la vista! Goodbye
¡Adiós! Bye-bye!
¡Bienvenido! Welcome!
¡Buena suerte! Good luck!
¡Buenas noches! Good night ; Night-night
¡Buenas tardes! Good afternoon
¡Buenas tardes! ; ¡Buenas noches! Good evening
¡Buenos días! Good morning
¡Cúanto lo siento! How sorry I am!
¡Felicidades! Congratulations
¡Feliz Año Nuevo! Happy New Year!
¡Feliz cumpleaños! Happy Birthday!
¡Feliz Navidad! Merry Christmas!
¡Gracias! Thanks!
¡Hasta la noche! See you tonight
¡Hasta luego! See you later
¡Hasta pronto! See you (soon)
¡Hola! Hello!
¡Hola! Hi (there)!
¡Hola! ¿Qué hay? Hi. What's up?Hi. What's new?
¡Perdón! Excuse me!
¡Perdón! ; ¡Lo siento! Sorry!
¿Cómo está usted? How do you do?
¿Cómo está/estás? How are you?
¿Qué tal? How are things?
¿Y usted/tú? And you?
Adiós definitivo Farewell ; Adieu
Agradecer To thank
Bien ; Vale ; Tirando OK, okay
Bien, gracias Fine, thanks
Buenos deseos Good intentions
De nada ; ¡Faltaría más! Don't mention it
Deseos de felicidad Wishes for happiness
Disculparse To apologize
Encantado de conocerle/te Pleased to meet you
Estrecharle la mano a alguien To shake hands with
Felizmente ; Por fortuna Fortunately
Guardar un feliz recuerdo To have happy memories of
Le presento a… I'd like to introduce you to...
Me alegro de verle/te Nice to see you
Muchos recuerdos Kindest regards
Muy bien Very well
No hay de qué ; De nada Not at all
Por favor Please
Presentar To introduce
Señor Sir
Señora Madam
Sí, por favor Yes please
Cortesía / Social Functions
Social Expressions
Alergia Allergy
Asma Asthma
Ataque al corazón ; Infarto Heart attack
Bien de salud Well, Healthy, In good health
Bronquitis Bronchitis
Cáncer Cancer
Catarro ; Resfriado Cold
Chichón Bump
Cicatriz Scar
Ciego Blind
Cirujano Surgeon
Contagio ; Infección Infection
Contagioso ; Infeccioso Infectious
Dentista ; Odontólogo Dentist
Depresión Depression
Derrame cerebral Stroke
Desmayarse To faint
Disminuido/a psíquico/a Mentally handicapped
Dolor Ache
Dolor Pain
Dolor de cabeza Headache
Dolor de estómago A stomach ache
Dolor de garganta A sore throat
Doloroso Painful
Enfermedad Disease
Enfermedad Illness
Enfermera Nurse
Enfermizo/a Sickly, Poorly, Under the weather
Enfermo Ill
Enfermo Sick
Erupción ; Sarpullido Rash
Esguince ; Torcedura Sprain ; Twist
Estar mareado To feel dizzy
Faringitis Pharyngitis
Fiebre Fever
Gripe Flu
Herida Wound, Injury
Higiene Hygiene
Hospital Hospital
Indispuesto ; Mal Unwell, Sick
Lesión Lesion
Médico de cabecera Family doctor; General practitioner(G.P.)
Minusvalía ; Discapacidad Disability
Oftalmólogo ; Oculista Ophthalmologist ; Oculist
Paciente Patient
Padecer ; sufrir To suffer
Pediatra Paediatrician
Salud Health
Sano Healthy
Sordo Deaf
Tos Cough
Vacunarse To get vaccinated
Vomitar To vomit

La Salud
Antena Aerial
Anuncio en un diario Advertisement
Auricular de teléfono Earpiece ; Receiver
Boletín informativo News bulletin
Pillar box / Post Box (U.K.) / Mail
Buzón en la calle
Box (USA)
Buzón en la puerta Letter box
Call box / booth (U.S.A.)
Cabina telefónica
Phone Box / booth (U.K.)
Cadena ; Canal Channel
Calculadora Calculator
Carta Letter
Carta urgente Express registered
Cartero Postman (U.K.) / Mailman (USA)
Centralita Exchange
Columna de un periódico Column
Correo aéreo Airmail
Correos y telégrafos Post and telegraph office
Emisora Radio station
Entrevista Interview
Fax Fax
Franqueo Postage
Giro postal Postal order
Guión Script
Imagen Picture
Impresora Printer
Impresora láser Laser printer
Magnetófono Tape recorder
Mensajero Messenger
Micrófono Microphone
Módem Modem
Noticias News
Oficina de correos Post office
Ordenador Computer
Ordenador portátil Portable computer / Lap Top
Paquete postal Parcel
PC (ordenador personal) PC (personal computer)
Periódico, diario Newspaper
Prensa Press
Radio Radio
Radiodifusión (por radio) ; Retransmisión
(por televisión)
Repartidor de Telégrafos Telegram boy
Reportaje Report
Satélite de telecomunicación Telecommunication satellite
Sellos para franqueo Postage stamps
Teléfono Telephone
Teléfono móvil Mobile
Teléfono público Public telephone
Telegrama Telegram
Televidente, telespectador Televiewer
Televisión Television
Télex Telex
Video Video
Medios de Comunicación
Abrigo de hombre Overcoat
Abrigo de mujer Coat
Abrigo de pieles Fur coat
Albornoz Bathrobe
Algodón Cotton
Americana ; Chaqueta Jacket
Anorak Anorak
Batín Short dressing gown
Bikini Bikini
Bota Boot
Bragas Knickers / Panties
Calcetines Socks
Calzado ; Zapato Shoe
Calzoncillos Underpants (U.K.) / Shorts (USA)
Camisa Shirt
Camiseta T-shirt
Camisón de hombre Nightshirt
Camisón de mujer Nightdress
Capa Cape ; Cloak
Cazadora Jerkin
Chaleco Waistcoat (U.K.) / Vest (USA)
Chándal Track suit
Chaqué Morning coat ; Tailcoat
Chaquetón Three-quarter coat
Conjunto de chaqueta y blusa de punto Twin-set
Corbata Tie
Corbata de pajarita Bow tie
De punto Knitted
Delantal Apron
Disfraz Fancy dress
Falda Skirt
Falda pantalón Split skirt
Frac Dress coat
Gabardina Raincoat
Gorro Cap
Guante Glove
Hilo Linen
Impermeable Mac ; Mackintosh
Jersey Sweater / Jumper
Lana Wool
Leotardo Leotard
Medias Stockings / Panty hose
Medias de seda Silk stockings
Mocasín Moccasin
Nylon Nylon
Pamela Broad-brimmed hat
Pantalón Trousers (U.K.) / Pants (USA)
Pantalón vaquero Jeans
Pantalones cortos Short trousers
Pijama Pyjamas
Poliéster Polyester
Polo ; Niki Polo shirt ; T-shirt
Prenda de vestir Garment
Rebeca Cardigan
Ropa Clothing
Ropa hecha Ready-to-wear clothes
Sandalia Sandal
Seda natural Natural silk
Smoking Dinner jacket
Sombrero Hat

Sostén, sujetador Brassiere ; Bra

Terciopelo Velvet
Traje de baño Bathing suit
Traje de calle Town clothes
Traje de hombre Suit
Traje de noche ,de etiqueta Evening ; Formal dress
Uniforme Uniform
Vestido de mujer Dress
Vestuario Wardrobe
Zapatillas Slippers
Zueco Clog

Abrelatas Tin opener
Batidora Food mixer
Bol ; Tazón Bowl
Cafetera Coffee pot
Cazo Saucepan
Cazuela Casserole
Cazuela ; Puchero Pan
Cocina Cooker
Congelador Freezer
Cubertería Cutlery
Cubo de la basura Rubbish bin (U.K.) / Garbage Can (USA)
Cuchara Spoon
Cuchara de postre Dessertspoon
Cuchara de servir Tablespoon
Cuchara sopera Soup spoon
Cucharilla Teaspoon
Cucharón ; Cazo de servir Ladle
Cuchillo Knife
Cuchillo del pan Bread knife
Fregadero Sink
Frigorífico ; Nevera Fridge
Gratinador ; Parrilla Grill
Grifo Tap
Horno Oven
Horno microondas Microwave (oven)
Jarra Jug
Lavadora Washing machine
Lavavajillas ; Lavaplatos Dishwasher
Olla Pot
Olla de presión Pressure cooker
Panera Bread bin
Plato ; Fuente Dish
Plato sopero Soup plate
Sacacorchos Corkscrew
Sartén Frying pan
Secadora Tumble-dryer
Servicio de té Tea set
Tabla de planchar Ironing board
Taburete Stool
Tapadera de un cazo Lid of a pot
Taza Cup
Tenedor Fork
Tetera Teapot
Tijeras Scissors
Tostadora Toaster
Vajilla Crockery
Vaso Glass

a Casa-La Cocina
The House-The Kitchen
Adorno Ornament
Alfombra ; Moqueta Carpet
Almohadón ; Cojín Cushion
Aparador Sideboard
Biblioteca ; Librería Bookcase
Chimenea Fireplace
Cortinas Curtains
Cuadro Picture
El comedor Dining room
El salón Living room
Espejo Mirror
Estufa de gas Gas fire
Florero; Jarrón Vase
Lámpara Lamp
Lámpara de pie Standard lamp
Mecedora Rocking chair
Mesa Table
Mesa baja de salón Coffee table
Muebles; Mobiliario Furniture
Planta de interior Pot plant
Radiador Radiator
Reloj de pared Clock
Revistero (para colocar revistas) Magazine rack
Silla Chair
Sillón Armchair
Sofá Couch, sofa, settee
Sofá cama Bed-settee; Sofa bed
Teléfono Telephone
Televisión Television
Tresillo Three-piece suite
Video Video

La Casa-El Salón
The House-The Living Room
Árbol Tree
Aspersor Sprinkler
Banco Bench
Camino ; Sendero Path
Carretilla Wheelbarrow
Césped Lawn
Cobertizo Shed
Cortacésped Lawnmower
Escalera Steps
Estanque Pond
Flores Flowers
Fuente Fountain
Invernadero Hothouse, greenhouse
Jardín Garden
Malas hierbas Weeds
Manguera Hosepipe
Muebles de jardín Garden furniture
Pájaros Birds
Pala Spade
Parasol Tiltable, sunshade
Parterre Flowerbed
Rastrillo Rake
Seto Hedge
Tijeras para podar Pruning-shears

La Casa-El Jardín
The House-The Garden
Aeropuerto Airport
Alas Wings
Aterrizaje Landing
Aterrizaje forzoso Emergency landing
Auxiliar de vuelo Steward; Flight Attendant
Avión Aeroplane ; Plane
Avión de distancias medias,
Medium-haul aircraft
Avión de larga distancia,
Long-range aircraft
Avión de pasajeros Passenger aircraft
Avión de reacción Jet
Avioneta Small plane
Air hostess; Stewardess; Flight
Butacas Seats
Cabina de pasajeros Passenger cabin
Cabina de pasajeros de 1ª clase First class passenger compartment
Cabina del piloto Cockpit
Chaleco salvavidas Life jacket
Cinturón de seguridad Safety belt
Clase turista Tourist class
Despegue Takeoff
Embarque Boarding
Escala Stopover
Estación aérea Air station
Hélices Propellers
Helicóptero Helicopter
Línea aérea Airline
Luces de posición Navigating lights
Mecánico Mechanic
Motores Engines
Piloto Pilot
Pista de aterrizaje o de despegue Runway
Por avión By air ; By plane
Primera clase First class
Salida de emergencia Emergency exit
Salida con destino a… To leave for…
Tarjeta de embarque Boarding card
Terminal Air terminal
Torre de mandos Control tower
Tren de aterrizaje Undercarriage ; Landing gear
Ventanillas Windows
Vuelo Flight
Vuelo charter Charter flight
Vuelo directo Non-stop flight; direct flight
Vuelo número… Flight number...
Vuelo suspendido Flight cancelled
Medios de Transporte-Aire
Transport By Air
Aduana Customs
Agencia de viajes Travel agency
Albergue Hostel
Billete Ticket
Billete de ida Single ticket
Billete de ida y vuelta Return ticket
Bolsa de viaje Travel bag
Carrito de equipajes Luggage trolley
Traveller's cheque (U.K.) / Traveler's check
Cheque de viaje
Consigna (equipaje) Left-luggage office
Destino Destination
Documentación Papers
Documentación del automóvil Car's documents
Equipaje Luggage
Equipaje de mano Hand luggage
Equipaje permitido Baggage allowance
Estancia Stay
Exceso de equipaje Excess baggage
Excursión Excursion ; Outing
Excursionista Tripper
Fonda ; Posada Inn
Frontera Frontier ; Border
Gira Tour
Guía (grupo turistas) Guide ; Courier
Guía (libro) Guidebook
Habitación doble Double room
Habitación individual Single room
Horario Timetable
Hotel de lujo Luxury hotel
Hotel de primera, segunda,
First, second, third class hotel
Itinerario Itinerary
Llegada Arrival
Maleta Suitcase
Mapa Map
Máquina expendedora de billetes Ticket machine
Media pensión Half board
Oficina de información Information office
Oficina de objetos perdidos Lost property office
Parador State-run hotel
Pasajero Passenger
Pasaporte Passport
Pensión Boarding-house
Pensión completa Full board
Permiso internacional de
International driving licence
Polizón Stowaway
Precio del billete Fare
Regreso ; Vuelta Return
Reserva Reservation
Residencia Residential hotel
Retraso Delay
Ruta Route
Sala de espera Waiting room
Salida Departure
Seguro de viajes Travel insurance
Taquilla Ticket office
Tarjeta de identidad Identity card
Tienda de campaña Tent
Turismo Tourism
Turista Tourist
Viajante ; Viajero Traveller
Viaje Journey ; Trip
Viaje de ida Outward journey
Viaje de ida y vuelta Return journey ; Round trip
Viaje de negocios Business trip
Viaje de novios Honeymoon
Viaje de recreo Pleasure trip
Viaje de turismo Holiday
Viaje organizado Organized tour
Visado Visa
Visado de estancia Permit to stay
Anillas Rings
Atletismo Athletics
Balón de fútbol Football
Baloncesto Basketball
Balonmano Handball
Balonvolea Volleyball
Béisbol Baseball
Boxeo Boxing
Campeón/ona Champion
Campeonato Championship
Carrera Race
Carrera de velocidad Race
Coche de carreras Racing car
Deportes Sports
Deportes acuáticos Water sports
Deportes de invierno Winter sports
Entrenador Trainer
Equitación Riding
Esgrima Fencing
Espalderas Wall bars
Esquí (actividad) Skiing
Esquí (plancha) Ski
Esquí náutico Water skiing
Estadio Stadium
Fútbol Football
Gimnasia Gymnastics
Golf Golf
Halterofilia Weight-lifting
Hipódromo Racecourse ; Racetrack
Hockey Hockey
Hockey sobre hielo Ice hockey
Jockey ; Jinete Jockey ; Rider
Judo Judo
Juegos Olimpicos ; Olimpiada Olympic Games ;Olympics
Jugador/ra Player
Manager Manager
Maratón Marathon
Marcha Walk
Motorismo Motoring
Natación Swimming
Patinaje sobre hielo Ice skating
Patinaje sobre ruedas Roller skating
Piloto de carreras Racing driver
Piscina Swimming pool
Pista Track
Rallye Rally
Regata Boat race
Ring ; Cuadrilátero Ring
Rugby Rugby
Salto con pértiga Pole vault
Salto de altura High jump
Salto de longitud Long jump (U.K.) ; Broad jump (USA)
Sprint Sprint (U.K) ; Dash (USA)
Tenis Tennis
Trapecio Trapeze
Velódromo Cycling stadium ; Velodrome
Water-polo Water polo

Acordeón Accordion
Acuarela Watercolour (U.K.) ; Watercolor (USA)
Alta fidelidad High fidelity
Artista Artist
Autobiografía Autobiography
Autor/a Author
Balada Ballad
Barítono Baritone
Basílica Basilica
Bellas artes Art gallery
Canción, canto Song
Cassette ; Cinta Tape
Catedral Cathedral
Clarinete Clarinet
Clasicismo Classicism
Comedia musical Musical comedy
Conceptismo Conceptism
Concierto Concert
Cuento Tale
Dibujo Drawing
Disco compacto CD (compact disc)
Discos Records
Diseño Design
Escritor/a Writer
Escultor Sculptor
Escultura Sculpture
Estatua Statue
Estéreo Stereo
Estilo Style
Exposición Exhibition
Flauta Flute
Frase Sentence
Grabado Engraving
Guitarra Guitar
Hierro forjado Wrought iron
Historia Story
Horas de visita Visiting hours
Impresionismo Impressionism
Jazz Jazz
Libro Book
Lienzo Canvas
Literatura Literature
Melodía Melody
Modelo Model
Monasterio Monastery
Monumento Monument
Museo Museum
Museo de Arte Antiguo Classical Art Museum
Museo de Arte Contemporáneo Contemporary Art Museum
Museo de Arte Moderno Modern Art Museum
Música Music
Música moderna Modern music
Música sinfónica Symphonic music
Naturalismo Naturalism
Novela Novel
Novela de misterio Thriller
Novela policíaca Detective story
Novela rosa Romance
Novelista Novelist
Obertura Overture
Obra de arte Work of art
Opera Opera
Orquesta Orchestra
Piano de cola Grand piano
Pinacoteca Art Gallery
Pintor Painter
Pintura ; Cuadro Picture
Pintura al óleo Oil painting
Poema Poem
Poeta/poetisa Poet
Preludio Prelude
Prohibido hacer fotografías Pictures forbidden
Realismo Realism
Reproducción Reproduction
Retrato Portrait
Romanticismo Romanticism
Sala Hall
Sinfonía Symphony
Solista Soloist
Surrealismo Surrealism
Tambor Drum
Tenor Tenor
Trompeta Trumpet
Violín Violin
Visita con conferencia Lecture tour
Visita con guía Guided tour
Xilófono Xylophone
Zarzuela, opereta Operetta

Música y Cultura
Music and Culture
Acomodador Attendant
Acto Act
Actor Actor
Actriz Actress
Anfiteatro Dress circle
Aplausos Applause
Atracciones Floor show
Bastidores Wings
Butacas de platea Pit stalls
Cabaret Cabaret
Candilejas Foot lights
Cantante Singer
Cine ; Sala de cine Cinema , Pictures
Cine de arte y ensayo Art theatre
Cine de estreno Release; première
Cine de reestreno Re-release
Cine de sesión continua Continuous
Cineclub Film society (U.K) ; Film club (USA)
Comediante/a ; Cómico/a Comedian
Coristas Chorus girls
Coro Chorus
Cortometraje Short film
Decoración (teatro) Scenery
Director de cine Film director
Director de orquesta Conductor
Efectos especiales Special effects
Efectos sonoros Sound effects
Escenario Stage
Espacio del apuntador Prompt box
Espectáculo de variedades Variety show
Estrella de cine Movie star ; Film star
Estreno Première
Festival de cine Film festival
Función de tarde Matinee
Largometraje Full-length film ; Feature film
Localidad, entrada, billete Ticket
Orquesta Orchestra
Palcos Stalls
Pantalla Screen
Película, filme Film, motion picture, picture (U.K.) ; Movie (USA)
Película prohibida Banned film
Películas Films
Proyector ; Foco Spotlight
Público Audience
Reparto Cast
Rodaje Shooting
Sala Auditorium
Sala de fiestas Nightclub
Teatro Theatre
Teatro de variedades Music hall
Telón Curtain
Versión original Original version
Cine y Espectáculos
Cinema and Entertainment
Academia Academy
Alumnado Student body
Alumno ; Discípulo Pupil
Aprender de memoria To learn by heart
Aprobar un examen To pass an examination
Asignatura Subject
Aula ; sala de clase Classroom
Beca Grant ; Scholarship
Biblioteca Library
Bolígrafo Ball-point pen
Carrera (de estudios) Course (of study)
Cartera Satchel
Catedrático Professor
Chuleta Crib (U.K.) ; Trot (U.S.A.)
Clase ; Lección Class ; Lesson
Colegio School
Colegio mayor ; residencia universitaria Hall of residence
Compañero de clase Classmate ; Schoolmate
Convocatoria Assembly notice
Cuaderno Exercise book
Cultura Culture
Curso (año escolar) School year
Deberes Homework
Decano Dean
Despacho del director Headmaster's study
Día lectivo School day
Diccionario Dictionary
Dictado Dictation
Disciplina Discipline
Educación Education
Educación primaria Primary education
Educación secundaria Secondary education
Educación superior Higher education
Ejercicio Exercise
Empollón Swot ; Grind
Enciclopedia Encyclopaedia
Escolaridad Schooling
Escuela primaria Primary school ; Junior school
Escuela secundaria Secondary school
Estudiante Student
Estudiar To study
Examen escrito Written examination
Examen oral Oral examination
Examinarse ; Presentarse a un examen To take an examination
Facultad Faculty
Falta de ortografía Spelling mistake
Goma de borrar Eraser ; Rubber
Hacer novillos To play hooky ; To play truant
Horario Timetable
Instituto High school ; Secondary school
Internado Boarding school
Jardín de infancia Kindergarten
Lápiz Pencil
Libro de texto Text book
Licenciarse To graduate
Matrícula Matriculation
Oposición Competitive examination
Patio Playground
Pedagogo Pedagogue
Pizarra Blackboard
Pregunta Question
Profesor de educación física Gym teacher ; Instructor
Profesor/a de segunda enseñanza Teacher
Profesor/a de universidad Lecturer
Programa Curriculum
Prueba ; Test Test
Pupitre ; Banco Desk
Recreo ; Descanso Playtime ; Break
Rector Rector
Repasar To revise
Repetir curso To repeat a year
Sacapuntas Pencil sharpener
Sala de profesores Staff room
Ser suspendido en un examen To fail an examination
Tribunal de exámenes Board of examiners
Trimestre Term
Universidad University
Vacaciones escolares School holidays

Educación y Enseñanza
Abogado/a Lawyer
Actor/actriz Actor/actress
Agente de policía Policeman/Policewoman
Agricultor Farmer
Albañil Bricklayer
Arqueólogo Archaeologist
Arquitecto Architect
Astronauta Astronaut
Basurero Dustman (U.K.) ; Garbage collector (U.S.A.)
Biólogo Biologist
Bombero Fireman
Cajera Cashier
Camarero/a en un café o
Camionero/a Lorry driver (U.K.) ; Truck driver (U.S.A.)
Cantante Singer
Carnicero/a Butcher
Carpintero/a Carpenter
Cartero Postman (U.K.); mailman (USA)
Cirujano Surgeon
Cocinero Cook
Conductor/a de autobús Bus driver
Conserje de empresa o
Conserje de un hotel Hall porter
Dentista Dentist
Ebanista Cabinetmaker
Economista Economist
Electricista Electrician
Enfermero/a Nurse
Escritor/a Writer
Estanquero/a Tobacconist
Farmacéutico Pharmacist ; chemist
Físico Physicist
Florista Florist
Fontanero/a Plumber
Fotógrafo Photographer
Frutero/a Fruiterer
Hombre de negocios :
Ingeniero Engineer
Jardinero/a Gardener
Jefe de cocina Chef
Limpia cristales Window cleaner
Marinero/a Sailor
Mecánico/a Mechanic
Médico Doctor
Meteorólogo Meteorologist
Minero/a Miner
Modista Dressmaker
Mujer de la limpieza Cleaner
Niñera Nanny ; Nursemaid
Panadero Baker
Pastelero/a ; Repostero/a Pastry cook
Payaso Clown
Peluquero/a Hairdresser
Periodista Journalist
Pescador Fisherman
Político Politician
Profesor/a Teacher
Programador Programmer
Psicólogo/a Psychologist
Psiquiatra ; Siquiatra Psychiatrist
Recepcionista Receptionist
Secretario/a Secretary
Taxista Taxi driver
Telefonista Telephone operator
Vendedor Salesman
Veterinary surgeon; vet (U.K.) ; Veterinarian
Zapatero Shoemaker; cobbler
Arroz Rice
Avena Oats
Canelones Cannelloni
Centeno Rye
Cereales Cereals
Espaguetis Spaghetti
Fideo Noodle
Harina Flour
Harina de arroz Ground rice
Harina de avena Oatmeal
Harina de maíz Corn flour
Harina de trigo Wheat meal
Harina integral Wholemeal flour
Macarrones Macaroni
Pan Bread
Pan blanco White bread
Pan casero Homemade bread
Pan de centeno Rye Bread
Pan de molde Thin-crusted bread
Pan duro Stale bread
Pan moreno Brown bread
Pan rallado Breadcrumbs
Pan tierno Fresh bread
Pan tostado Toast
Pasta Pasta
Trigo Wheat

Alimentos Cereales
Abadejo Cod
Almeja Clam
Anchoa Anchovy
Arenque Herring
Arenque ahumado Kipper
Atún Tuna (fish)
Bacalao Cod
Besugo Sea bream
Bonito Tuna ; Bonito
Boquerón Fresh anchovy
Caballa Mackerel
Calamar Squid
Cangrejo de mar Crab
Cangrejo de río Crayfish
Caracol Winkle
Centollo Spider crab
Cigalas Dublin Bay prawn
Dorada Gilthead
Gamba Prawn
Langosta ; Bogavante Lobster
Langostino Prawn
Lenguado Sole
Lubina Sea bass
Marisco Shellfish ; Seafood
Mejillones Mussel
Merluza Hake
Mero Grouper
Necora Small crab
Ostras Oysters
Percebe Barnacle
Pescadilla Whiting ; Small hake
Pescado Fish
Pulpo Octopus
Rape Angler fish
Rodaballo Turbot
Salmón Salmon
Salmonete Red mullet
Sardina Sardine
Sardina noruega Brisling
Trucha Trout

Alim. Pescados y Mariscos

Food-Fish and Seafood
Aceite Oil
Aceite de girasol Sunflower oil
Aceite de maíz Corn oil
Aceite de oliva Olive oil
Aceite de oliva refinado Refined olive oil
Aceite de oliva virgen Virgin olive oil
Aceite de soja Soya oil
Aceite vegetal Vegetable oil
Grasa Fat
Manteca de cacahuete Peanut butter
Manteca de cacao Cocoa butter
Manteca de cerdo Lard
Manteca vegetal Vegetable fat
Mantequilla Butter
Margarina Margarine

Alimentos Aceites
Ajo Garlic
Alcachofa Artichoke
Apio Celery
Batata ; Moniato Sweet potato
Berenjena Aubergine ; Eggplant
Berro Cress ; Watercress
Brécol Broccoli
Calabacín Marrow
Calabaza Pumpkin
Cebolla Onion
Cebolleta Chive
Col rizada Kale
Col ; berza Cabbage
Coles de Bruselas Brussel sprouts
Coliflor Cauliflower
Endivia Endive
Escarola Curly endive ; Chicory
Espárrago Asparagus
Espinaca Spinach
Guisante Pea
Haba Broad bean
Hortalizas ; Verduras Vegetables
Judía verde French bean
Lechuga Lettuce
Nabo Turnip
Patata Potato
Pepino Cucumber
Perejil Parsley
Pimiento Pepper
Pimiento morrón Sweet pepper
Puerro Leek
Rábano Radish
Rábano picante Horseradish
Remolacha Beet ; Beetroot
Seta ; Hongo Mushroom
Tomate Tomato
Zanahoria Carrot

Alim Vegetales y Hortalizas

A las finas hierbas Cooked with herbs
Aceite aromático Aromatic oil
Aceite de girasol Sunflower oil
Aceite de oliva Olive oil
Aceite para cocinar Cooking oil
Ajo Garlic
Albahaca Basil
Aliño Seasoning
Aliño para la ensalada Salad dressing
Anís Anise ; Aniseed
Aromático Aromatic
To spice; Flavour with herbs (U.K.) ; Flavor with
herbs (USA)
Azafrán Saffron
Canela Cinnamon
Canela en polvo Ground cinnamon
Canela en rama Stick cinnamon
Cardamomo Cardamom
Catsup (salsa de tomate) Ketchup
Cebollino Spring onion (U.K.) ; Green onion (USA)
Cilantro Coriander
Clavo de olor Clove
Comino Cumin ; Cumin seed
Condimentar To season
Condimento Condiment
Curry Curry powder
Especia Spice
Estragón Tarragon
Guindilla Chile
Hierba luisa Lemon verbena
Hierbas aromáticas Aromatic herbs
Hojas de laurel Bay leaves
Jengibre Ginger
Laurel Laurel
Mejorana Marjoram
Mostaza Mustard
Mostaza de Dijon Dijon mustard
Mostaza inglesa English mustard
Nuez moscada Nutmeg
Orégano Oregano
Perejil Parsley
Perifollo Chervil
Pimentón dulce Paprika
Pimentón picante Hot paprika ; Cayenne pepper
Pimienta blanca White pepper
Pimienta de cayena Cayenne pepper
Pimienta inglesa All spice
Pimienta negra Black pepper
Romero Rosemary
Sal Salt
Salsa Sauce
Salsa de carne Meat sauce
Salsa de tomate Tomato sauce
Salsa holandesa Hollandaise sauce
Salsa mahonesa ,salsa
Salsa tártara Tartar sauce
Salsa vinagreta Vinaigrette
Salvia Sage
Sazonar To flavour
Sésamo Sesame
Tomillo Thyme
Tomillo salsero Savoury garden thyme
Vainilla Vanilla
Vinagre Vinegar
Vinagre aromático Aromatic vinegar
Vinagre de sidra Cider vinegar
Vinagre de vino Wine vinegar

Alim. Condimentos y Especias

Food-Herbs and Spices
Rice with banana, tomato sauce and fried
Arroz a la cubana
Arroz blanco White rice
Arroz hervido Boiled rice
Asado Roast
Asado de cordero Roast lamb
Asado de vaca con puré de
Roast beef with mashed potatoes
Bistec con ensalada Beef steak and salad
Bocadillo ; Sándwich Sandwich
Calamares a la romana Squid rings fried in batter
Caldo Broth
Carne asada de vaca ; Rosbif Roast
Carne cocida Cooked meat
Carne de buey cocida y enlatada Corned beef
Carne fría Cold meat
Chuleta de cordero con patatas Lamb chop and potatoes
Cóctel de gambas Prawn cocktail
Conservas alimenticias Tinned food (U.K.) ; Canned food (USA)
Conservas de carne Tinned meat (U.K.) ; Canned meat (USA)
Conservas de pescado Tinned fish (U.K.) ; Canned fish (USA)
Tinned vegetable (U.K.) ; Canned
Conservas de vegetales
vegetable (USA)
Consomé Consommé
Crema de champiñones Cream of mushroom (soup)
Croqueta Croquette
Croqueta de pescado Fish croquette
Croqueta de pollo Chicken croquette
Empanada Meat pie ; Patty
Empanada de ternera Veal pie
Ensalada Salad
Ensalada de col Coleslaw
Ensalada de patata Potato salad
Ensaladilla Diced vegetable salad
Ensaladilla rusa Russian salad
Estofado Stew
Steak and chips (U.K.) ; Steak and French
Filete con patatas fritas
fries (USA)
Filete de pescado Fillet (U.K.) ; Filet (USA)
Filete de ternera o cerdo ; Bistec Steak
Gambas a la gabardina Scampi
Gambas a la plancha Grilled shrimps
Gambas fritas Fried Shrimps
Hamburguesa Hamburger
Huevo crudo Raw egg
Huevo fresco Freshly-laid egg ; New laid egg
Huevo pasado por agua Soft-boiled egg
Fried egg in tomato sauce served with
Huevos al plato
ham and peas
Huevos con bacon Bacon and eggs
Huevos duros ; Huevos cocidos Hard-boiled eggs
Huevos escalfados Poached eggs
Huevos fritos ; Huevos estrellados Fried eggs
Huevos revueltos Scrambled eggs
Judías blancas cocidas en salsa de
Baked beans
Paella Paella
Pastel de carne y riñones Steak and kidney pie
Patata asada al horno Baked potato
Patatas asadas Roast potatoes
Patatas asadas con piel Jacket potatoes
Patatas bravas Spicey fried potatoes
Patatas fritas de bolsa Crisps (U.K.) ; (Potato) chips (USA)
Patatas fritas en tiras Chips (U.K.) ; French fries (USA)
Fish and chips (U.K.) ; Fish and French
Pescado frito con patatas
fries (USA)
Pizza Pizza
Pollo al curry Curried chicken
Pollo asado Roast chicken
Puré de guisantes Pea soup
Puré de patatas Mashed potatoes
Puré de verduras Thick vegetable soup
Sopa Soup
Sopa de cebolla Onion soup
Sopa de fideos Noodle soup
Sopa de sobre Packet soup
Sopa de verduras ; Sopa juliana Vegetable soup
Tortilla Omelette
Tortilla española ; Tortilla de
Spanish potato omelette
Tortilla francesa Plain omelette

Alimentos Platos Cocinados

Food-Manufactured Produce
Abril April
Agosto August
Amanecer ; Salir el sol Sunrise
Anteayer The day before yesterday
Anual Annual
Año Year
Año bisiesto Leap year
Ayer Yesterday
Cada hora Hourly
Calendario Calendar
Cronológico Chronological
Día Day
Día de la semana Weekday
Diario Daily
Diciembre December
Domingo Sunday
Durar To last
Edad Age
El año pasado Last year
El año próximo Next year
El día anterior The previous day
El día siguiente The following day
Enero January
Época Epoch
Era Era
Esta mañana This morning
Esta noche This evening
Esta tarde This afternoon / evening
Febrero February
Fecha Date
Fin de semana Weekend
Futuro Future
Hace un mes A month ago
Hora Hour
Hoy Today
Infinito Infinite
Jueves Thursday
Julio July
Junio June
La mañana Morning
La noche Night
La tarde Afternoon / Evening
La víspera The evening of the day before
Llegar pronto To be early
Llegar puntual To be on time
Llegar tarde To be late
Lunes Monday
Lustro Lustrum ; Five year period
Mañana Tomorrow
Martes Tuesday
Marzo March
Matinal Early morning
Mayo May
Medianoche Midnight
Mediodía Noon ; Midday
Mensual Monthly
Meses Months
Miércoles Wednesday
Minuto Minute
Momento Moment
Mucho tiempo A long time
Noviembre November
Octubre October
Pasado Past
Pasado mañana The day after tomorrow
Presente Present
Puesta de sol ; Crepúsculo Sunset
Quincena Fortnight
Quincenal Fortnightly
Sábado Saturday
Segundo Second
Semana Week
Semanal Weekly
Septiembre September
Siglo Century
Tarde ; De última hora ; Con retraso Late
Tiempo (duración-época) Time
Tiempo cronológico Chronological time
Trimestre Quarter
Un trimestre A term
Viernes Friday

Tiempo Cronológico
Acuario Aquarius
Alba ; Amanecer ; Aurora Dawn ; Daybreak
Anochecer ; Crepúsculo Nightfall ; Dusk
Arco iris Rainbow
Aries Aries
Asteroide Asteroid
Bóveda celeste Celestial vault
Cáncer Cancer
Capricornio Capricorn
Cielo Sky
Cometa Comet
Constelación Constellation
Cosmos Cosmos
Cuerpo celeste ; Astro Heavenly body
Eclipse Eclipse
Escorpión Scorpio
Esfera Sphere
Espacio Space
Estrella Star
Estrella fugaz Shooting star
Estrella polar Polestar
Galaxia Galaxy
Géminis Gemini
Globo Globe
Júpiter Jupiter
Leo Leo
Libra Libra
Lucero del alba Morning star
Lucir el sol To shine
Luna Moon
Luna creciente ; Cuarto creciente First quarter ,Crescent moon
Luna llena ; Plenilunio Full moon
Luna menguante ; Cuarto menguante Last quarter ; Waning moon
Luna nueva New moon
Marte Mars
Mercurio Mercury
Mundo World
Neptuno Neptune
Orbita Orbit
Piscis Pisces
Planeta Planet
Plutón Pluto
Puesta del sol ; Ocaso Sunset
Rayos del sol Sun’s rays
Sagitario Sagittarius
Salida del sol Sunrise
Satélite Satellite
Saturno Saturn
Signos del zodiaco Signs of the zodiac
Sistema solar Solar system
Sol Sun
Tauro Taurus
Tierra Earth
Universo Universe
Urano Uranus
Venus Venus
Vía Láctea Milky Way
Virgo Virgo

El Universo
The Universe
Acantilado Cliff
Afluente Tributary
Altura sobre el nivel del mar Height above sea level
Archipiélago Archipelago
Arroyo Stream ; Brook
Atlas Atlas
Bahía Bay
Cabo Cape
Canal Canal
Cascada Waterfall
Catarata Waterfalls / Falls (Niagara Falls)
Caudal Flow
Cielo Sky
Círculo polar Polar circle
Clima Climate
Colina Hill
Continente Continent
Cordillera ; Cadenas de montañas Mountain range ; Chain
Costa Coast
Delta Delta
Desembocadura Mouth
Desfiladero Narrow pass
Desierto Desert
Duna Dune
Ecuador Equator
Estanque Pond
Estrecho Strait
Estuario Estuary
Fiordo Fiord
Geografía Geography
Geología Geology
Golfo Gulf
Hidrografía Hydrography
Iceberg ; Témpano Iceberg
Isla Island
Jungla Jungle
Ladera Slope
Lago Lake
Latitud Latitude
Litoral Coast ; Shore
Llanura Plain
Longitud Longitude
Manantial Spring
Mapa Map
Mar Sea
Meandro Meander
Meridiano Meridian
Meseta Plateau ; Tableland
Meteorología Meteorology
Montañoso ; Accidentado Hilly
Monte ; Sierra Mountain ; Mount
Mundo World
Oasis Oasis
Océano Ocean
Oceanografía Oceanography
Orografía Orography
Paisaje Landscape
Pantano (natural) Marsh
Paralelo Parallel
Península Peninsula
Peñón ; Roca Rock
Playa Beach ; Shore
Polo Norte North pole
Polo Sur South pole
Pradera (pequeña) Meadow
Pradera (grande) Prairie
Precipicio Precipice
Puerto Port ; Harbour (U.K.) ; Harbor (USA)
Puntos cardinales Cardinal points
Relieve Relief
Ria Estuary
Riachuelo ; Arroyo Stream
Río River
Sabana Savannah
Selva virgen Virgin forest
Tierra Earth
Tierra ; Suelo Soil
Torrente Torrent
Trópico de Cáncer Tropic of Cancer
Trópico de Capricornio Tropic of Capricorn
Valle Valley
Vegetación Vegetation
Volcán Volcano

Abrecartas Paper knife
Agenda (de despacho de
Desk diary
Agenda de bolsillo Pocket diary
Agenda de trabajo Engagement book
Anotación ; Apunte Note
Archivador/a Filing clerk
Archivo (documento) Files
Archivo (sitio) Archive
Bloc Writing pad
Bolígrafo Pen ; Ballpoint pen
Calculadora Calculator
Carpeta (papeles,
Folder ; File
Carpeta de anillas Ring binder
Carpeta de información Information folder ; Briefing kit
Carta Letter
Celo ; Cinta adhesiva Sticky tape
Coger/Contestar el
To answer the phone
Contestador automático Answering machine ; Answer phone
Corrector (líquido), Tippex Correcting fluid, Tipp-ex
Correo Mail
Cuartilla (1/2 folio) A-5 sheet of paper
Diario Journal
Disco Disk
Disco duro Hard disk
Documento Document
Enviar, echar al correo To post (U.K.) ; To mail (USA)
Enviar un fax To fax
Escáner Scanner
Escritorio Desk ; Bureau
Fax Fax
Ficha (de archivo) Index card
Fichero Card index
Fichero de datos
Data file
Fichero informativo Computer file
Fichero (mueble) Filing cabinet
Folio (hoja) Sheet
Fotocopiadora Photocopier ; Photocopying machine
Gráficos por ordenador Computer graphics
Grapa Paper fastener / Staple
Grapadora Stapler ; Stapling gun
Guardar ; Archivar To save
Hoja de cálculo Spreadsheet
Impresora Printer
Impresora láser Laser printer
Imprimir documento ,
To print out
Inventario ; Balance Inventory ; Stocktaking
Lápiz Pencil
Libreta Note book
Libreta de anillas Spiral notebook; bound notebook
Libreta de direcciones Address book
Libro de contabilidad Account book
Listado (Informática) Listing ; Printout
Listín de teléfonos
Telephone directory
Llamar por teléfono To telephone
Máquina de escribir Typewriter
Mecanógrafo/a Typist
Módem Modem
Muebles de oficina Office furniture
Oficina ; Despacho Office
Oficinista Clerk ; Office worker
Ordenador Computer
Ordenador central Mainframe computer
Ordenador de gestión Business computer
Ordenador personal (PC) Personal computer (PC)
Ordenador portátil Portable computer ; Laptop
(pequeño) computer
Pantalla Screen
Papel continuo Continuous feed paper
Papel cuadriculado Squared paper
Papel de cartas Notepaper
Papelera (recipiente) Wastepaper bin
Pasar una llamada To transfer a call
Pegamento Glue ; Adhesive
Pisapapeles Paperweight
Pluma estilográfica Fountain pen
Portadocumentos Document holder
Portafolios Briefcase ; Attaché case
Portalápices para
Pencil holder ; Pen holder
Propelling pencil (UK) ; Mechanical
pencil (USA)
Portapapeles (maletín) Briefcase
Procesador de textos Word processor
Programa Program
Rotulador Felt tip pen
Secretario/a ;
Sello Stamp
Sobre (carta) Envelope
Sujetapapeles Paper clip
Teclado Keyboard
Teléfono Telephone ; Phone
Tijera Scissors
Tinta Ink
Tomar notas To take notes
Trabajo administrativo Paperwork
Una mesa de despacho An office desk
La Oficina
The Office
Aguja Needle
Alicates pela cables Wire stripper and cutter
Alicates sacabocados Revolving punch
Alicates universales Multipurpose, universal pliers
Azada, azadón Hoe
Azadón Mattock
Berbiquí Brace
Broca Drill, bit
Caja de herramientas Toolbox
Carretilla Wheelbarrow
Cartabón Set square, triangle
Cepillo metálico Wire wheel brush
Chincheta Drawing pin (U.K.); Thumbtack
Cinta aislante Sealing tape
Cinta métrica Tape measure
Cizallas Shears
Clavija Pin, peg, dowel
Clavo Nail
Contratuerca Locknut
Corta alambres Wire cutters
Cortacéspedes Lawnmower
Destornillador Screwdriver
Destornillador de
Cross-point screwdriver / Phillips screwdriver
Escalera Stepladder
Escuadra Square
Espátula Spatula
Estaño para soldar Tin-lead solder
Fuelle Bellows
Gato Jack
Gubia Gouge
Herramientas Tools
Horca, horquilla Fork
Hoz Sickle
Imán Magnet
Lima File
Liquido para soldar Soldering flux
Adjustable spanner, monkey wrench, shifting
Llave inglesa
Manguera Garden hose, hosepipe
Martillo Hammer
Mazo Mallet
Metro plegable Folding ruler
Pala Shovel
Paleta Trowel
Papel de lija Sandpaper
Plomada Plumb line
Podadera Pruning shears
Prensa Press
Punzón, sacabocados Punch
Rastrillo Rake
Regadera Watering can
Regla (metro) Ruler
Remachadora Riveter
Rodillo Roller
Sacaclavos Nail puller
Serrucho Handsaw, saw
Sierra Saw
Sierra de metales hacksaw
Soldador Soldering iron
Soplete Blowlamp (U.K.); Blowtorch (USA)
Soplete Soldering gun
Tachuela Tack, stud
Taladradora de mano Hand drill
Taladradora eléctrica Electric drill, power drill
Tenazas Pincers, tongs
Tijeras (jardinería) Garden shears
Tijeras para chapa Metal shears
Tornillo Screw
Torno Lathe
Troquel Die
Tuerca Nut
Yunque Anvil
Disposable hypodermic needles and
Agujas y jeringas de un solo uso
Anaesthesia and respiratory
Anestesia y respirador artificial
Aparato de anestesia y respiración Anaesthesia and breathing apparatus
Armario de las medicinas Medicine cupboard / cabinet
Bandeja de los instrumentos Instrument tray
Botella de oxigeno Oxygen cylinder
Cama del paciente Bed (hospital bed)
Conexión de pared para el tratamiento Wall connection for oxygen
con oxigeno treatment
General practice (U.K.) ; Physician’s
Consultorio de medicina general
office (USA)
Cubeta de los instrumentos Instrument basin
Diccionario médico Medical dictionary
Ficha médica Medical record ,medical card
Fichero de pacientes Patients file
Gasa esterilizada Sterile gauze
Instrumentos quirúrgicos Surgical instruments
Interfono Intercom
Laboratorio Laboratory
Lámpara con haz de luz dirigible Directional lamp
Libro de citas Appointments book
Maletín del médico Doctor’s bag, doctor’s case
Mascarilla Mask
Material de laboratorio Laboratory equipment
Material de vendaje Dressing material
Material quirúrgico de sutura Surgical suture material
Mesa de instrumentos Instrument table
Mesa de operaciones Operating table
Mesa de reconocimiento Examination couch
Mesa de reconocimiento de rayos X-ray examination table
Microscopio binocular de investigación Binocular research microscope
Oftalmoscopio Ophthalmoscope
Paciente Patient
Pacientes citados para un Patients with appointments for a
reconocimiento de rutina o para la routine check-up or renewal of
renovación de recetas prescription
Paño, gasa estéril Sterile
Pulverizador para desinfectar la piel Spray for disinfecting the skin
Receta Prescription
Sala de espera Waiting room
Sello, estampilla del médico Doctor’s stamp
Servicio de radiología (unidad de
X-ray unit
rayos X)
Soporte para el goteo intravenoso Stand for intravenous drips
Soporte para las placas de rayos X Support for X-ray cassettes
Toma de la presión sanguínea (la
Measuring blood pressure
Unidad de cuidados intensivos (UVI) Intensive care unit
Unidad móvil de vigilancia del paciente Mobile monitoring unit
Volante de asistencia médica Health insurance certificate
El Hospital
The hospital
Albañil Bricklayer (U.K.) ; Brick mason (USA)
Ampliación Extension
Andamio de trabajo Work platform
Andamio hecho con tubos de
Tubular steel scaffold ; Scaffolding
Aparejos de construcción Masonry bonds
Balcón Balcony
Baldosas ; Azulejos Tiles
Barandilla Bannister
Barraca de la obra Site hut ; Site office
Carretilla Wheelbarrow
Cizalla de mano Hand shears
Desagüe Drain
Dintel de la ventana Lintel
Edificio en construcción Building site (U.K.); Construction site (USA)
En vía de construcción Under construction
Encofrado Column box
Escalera de mano Ladder
Escombros ; Tierra escavada Rubble / Excavated Herat
Excavación de la obra Excavation
Fachada Front
Grúa de torre giratoria; La
Tower crane ; Tower slewing crane
Herramientas Tools
Bricklayer’s tools (U.K.) ; Brick mason's
Herramientas del albañil
tools (USA)
Hormigonera Gravity mixer;
La construcción de una casa House construction
La llana Laying-on trowel
La maceta Mallet
Lápiz de albañil Thick lead pencil
Manguera de agua Hosepipe
Mezcladora de hormigón Concrete mixer
Montacargas Builder’s hoist
Operador de maquinas Mixer operator
Pala escavadora Mechanical shovel ; Mechanical excavator
Paleta de albañil Trowel
Pared ; Tabique Wall
Pared de ladrillos Brick wall
Pared de ladrillos huecos Hollow-block wall
Pasarela Guard board
Peón zapador Navvy (U.K.) ; Excavator (USA)
Pila de ladrillos Stack of bricks
Planta ; Piso Storey
Planta baja Ground floor
Plataforma de tablones Plank
Plomada Plumb bob
Primera planta Upper floor
Saco de cemento Bag of cement
Tambor mezclador Mixing drum
Techo Ceiling
Trabajos de enlucimiento Plastering
Tubo de desagüe Drainpipe
Valla ; Cerca Fence
Valla de protección Site fence
Zanja de cimentación Foundation trench
La Construcción
Abandono Desertion
Afecto Affection ; Fondness
Alejamiento Distance
Amable Kind ; nice
Amante Lover
Amar ; Querer To love
Amigo/a Friend
Amigo/a intimo/a Very close friend ; Intimate friend
Amigo/a por correspondencia Pen friend
Friendly relationship ; Friendly
Amistad (relación)
Amor Love
Amor a primera vista Love at first sight
Amor fracasado Disappointment in love
Amor interesado Cupboard love
Amor platónico Platonic love
Amorío; Idilio Love affair ; Romance
Amoroso Loving ; Affectionate
Anillo de boda Wedding ring
Anillo de compromiso ; Anillo de
Engagement ring
Añoranza Nostalgia ; Yearning ; Longing
Atracción (física) Attractiveness ; appeal ; Charm
Atracción sexual Sexual attraction
Ausencia Absence
Aventura Brief affair
Beso Kiss
Boda Wedding ; Marriage
Diamond wedding ; Diamond wedding
Bodas de diamante
Golden wedding ; Golden wedding
Bodas de oro
Silver wedding; Silver wedding
Bodas de plata
Bonito ; Bello ; linda Pretty
Caricia Caress
Cariño Affection ; Love
Cariño (apelativo) Darling ; Honey
Cariñoso Affectionate ; Loving
Casado Married
Comprometido Engaged
Conquista Conquest
Conquistador/a Conquering
Convivencia Cohabitation ; Living together
Convivir ; Vivir juntos To live together
Conyugal Married
Coquetear To flirt
Corazón Heart
Desear To want
Despreciar To scorn ; To despise
Desprecio Scorn ; Contempt
Devaneo Flirtation
Enamorado In love
Encanto (Atractivo) Charm
Encanto! (apelativo) Darling
Erótico Erotic
Estar enamorado To be in love
Estima Esteem ; Respect
Fascinación Fascination
Flirtear To flirt
Flirteo Flirting
Galán Handsome
Galanteo Courtship ; Wooing ; Flirting
Indiferencia Indifference
Intimidad Intimacy ; Familiarity
Íntimo Close ; Intimate
Ir de conquista To be dressed to kill
Juntos Together
Ligue Affair, pick-up
Ligue de una noche One-night stand
Los recién casados The newlyweds
Matrimonio Marriage
Matrimonio civil Civil marriage
Matrimonio de conveniencia , por
Marriage of convenience
Matrimonio religioso Church wedding
Melancolía Melancholy ; Sadness
Mujeriego Womanizer
Nostalgia (amigos) Homesickness
Nostalgia (del pasado) Nostalgia
Nostálgico (de amigos) Homesick
Nostálgico (del pasado) Nostalgic
Noviazgo Engagement
Novio/a Boyfriend/girlfriend
Odio Hatred
Olvido Oblivion
Pasión Passion
Poesía amorosa Love poetry
Pretendiente Suitor
Querer ; Apreciar To like
Recuerdo Memory
Relación Connection
Relación amorosa , sentimental Relationship
Relaciones extramatrimoniales Extra-marital relationships
Relaciones prematrimoniales Premarital sex ; Sex before Marriage
Romanticismo Romanticism
Romántico Romantic
Seducción Seduction
Seductor (cautivador) Charming
Seductor/a (Sexualmente) Seductive
Sensación Feeling ; Sensation
Sensibilidad afectiva Emotional sensitivity
Sensual Sensual ; Sensuous
Sensualidad Sensuality ; Sensuousness
Sentimental Sentimental
Sentimental (Mirada) Soulful
Sentimientos Feelings
Separación Separation
Separación de bienes Division of property
Separación matrimonial Legal separation
Separado/a Separated
Sexo Sex
Sinceridad Sincerity
Sincero Sincere
Soledad (Involuntaria) Loneliness (U.K.) ; Lonesomeness (USA)
Soledad (voluntaria) Solitude
Soltero/a Single ; Unmarried
Sueño Dream
Tentación Temptation
Ternura Tenderness ; Affection ; Fondness
Tierno Tender ; Affectionate
Vida Life
Vida conyugal Married life
Vida mía! My love ; My darling

Acción Share
Accionista Shareholder; Stockholder
Acreedor Creditor
Acuerdo Understanding
Aduana Customs
Ahorro Saving
Amortización Amortization; Redemption
Autofinanciación Self-financing
Balance Balance
Banco; Banca Bank
Beneficio Profit
Bienes de consumo Consumer goods
Billete Banknote; Note (U.K); Bill (USA)
Bolsa Stock exchange
Capital Capital
Capital congelado Frozen capital
Capital disponible Available capital
Capital fijo Fixed assets
Capital inicial Initial capital
Cheque Cheque (U.K) ; Check (USA)
Bearer cheque; Cheque payable to
Cheque al portador
Cheque cruzado Crossed cheque
Comercialización Marketing
Comerciante Merchant; Tradesman
Comercio Commerce; Trade; trading
Comercio exterior Foreign
Comercio internacional International Trade
Comercio nacional o interior Domestic
Competencia Competition
Compra Purchase
Comprador Buyer
Consumidor Consumer
Consumo Consumption
Contabilidad Accounting; Bookkeeping
Contable Accountant; Bookkeeper
Contribuyente Taxpayer
Cotización Quotation
Coyuntura Economic trend
Crédito Credit
Current account (U.K) ; Checking
Cuenta corriente
account (USA)
Deflación Deflation
Demanda Demand
Descuento Discount
Deudor Debtor
Devaluación Devaluation
Dinero Money
Dinero efectivo o en
Dinero suelto; Cambio Change
Dividendo Dividend
Domicilio social Registered; Head office
Economía Economic
Economista Economist
Efectivo en caja Cash on hand
En vías de desarrollo Developing
Escasez Scarcity
Especulación Speculation
Estado de cuentas Statement of accounts
Estancamiento Stagnation
Existencias Stocks
Exportación Export; Exportation
Exportador Exporter
Fabricante Manufacturer
Fisco; hacienda Fiscal authorities
Fluctuación Economic fluctuation
Fuga de capitales Capital flight
Ganancias Earnings
Gastos Expenses; Expenditure; Outgoings
Gastos diversos Miscellaneous costs
Gastos fijos Fixed costs
Gastos generales Overhead expenses
Contingent expenses;
Gastos imprevistos
Giro Drawing
Hipoteca Mortgage
Holding Holding company
Importación Import; Importation
Importador Importer
Impuesto Duty
Impuesto sobre la renta Income tax
Índice de crecimiento Rate of growth
Infraestructura Infrastructure
Ingresos; Renta Income
Interés; Rédito Interest
Intermediario Middleman
Inventario Inventory; Stocktaking
Inversión Investment
Inversionista Investor
Libre de impuesto Tax-free
Libro de caja Cashbook
Libro de contabilidad Account book
Marca registrada Trademark
Margen de beneficio Profit margin
Mayorista Wholesaler
Mercado Market
Mercado libre Open market
Mercado negro, estraperlo Black market
Minorista Retailer
Moneda nacional Domestic
Monopolio Monopoly
Nivel de vida Standard of living
Obligación Bond
Oferta Offer
Operación comercial Commercial
Pagar en efectivo To pay in cash
Poder adquisitivo Purchasing power ; Buying power
Precio Price
Precio al contado Cash price
Precio al por mayor Wholesale price
Precio al por menor Retail price
Precio de coste Cost price
Precio de fábrica Factory price; Manufacturer’s price
Precio fijo Fixed price
Prestamista Lender
Préstamo Borrowing
Préstamo; Prestar Loan
Préstamo a corto , largo y
Short, long, medium term loan
medio plazo
Prestatario Borrower
Presupuesto Budget
Producción Output ; Production
Productividad Productivity
Recaudador de impuestos Tax collector
Saldo de caja Cash balance
Seguro Insurance
Situación económica Economic situation
Subdesarrollo Underdevelopment
Subsidio; Subvención Allowance; Grant ; Subsidy
Chequebook (U.K) ; Check book
Talonario de cheques
Tipo de interés Rate of interest
Título; Valor Security; Stock
Transferencia Transfer
Vencimiento Maturity
Vendedor Dealer
Venta Sale
Hire-purchase (U.K) ; Instalment
Venta a plazos
plan USA)
Venta al contado Cash sale
Economía y Comercio
Economy and Commerce


* Si tienes cualquier
problema para escuchar
consulta las FAQ
¡Hola!. ¿Cómo Hello!. How are
estás? you?
Very well, thank
Muy bien, gracias
Buenos días Good morning
Buenas tardes Good afternoon
Buenas noches Good night
Let me introduce
Le presento a...
you to...
Encantado de
Nice to meet you
Hasta mañana See you tomorrow
Hasta la vista See you later
¿Puedo dejar un Can I leave a
mensaje? message?
¿Puedo tomar un Can I take a
mensaje? message?
¿Con quién hablo, Who's speaking,
por favor? please?
No cuelgue, por Hold the line,
favor please
¿Puede hablar más Can you speak up,
alto por favor? please?
¿Puede hablar más Can you speak
despacio por favor? slowly, please?
Tengo una reserva I have booked a
a nombre de... room for...
Deseo una
I'd like a single
habitación con una
¿Cuánto cuesta la How much is the
habitación? room?
Por favor, suba mi Please, have my
equipaje luggage sent up
We are leaving on
Nos vamos el día...
¿Puede hacerme la Could you make
factura? out my bill?
Waiter, could I
Camarero, déjeme
have the menu,
la carta por favor
¿Dónde podemos
Where can we sit?
¿Qué vino me Which wine do you
aconseja? recommend?
Waiter, could I
Camarero, traiga la
have the bill
Excuse me, is the
Disculpe, ¿está
main street far
lejos la calle principal?
from here?
¿Qué autobús he What bus must I
de tomar para ir a...? take to get to...?
¿Qué distancia
About how far is it?
aproximada hay?
¿Dónde está la Where is the bus
parada del autobús / stop / underground
del metro? entrance?
¿Dónde está el
Where is the hotel,
hotel / museo /
museum, police
comisaría de
Dónde hay una Where is there a
farmacia? chemist's?
¿Conoce usted la Do you know the
ciudad? town?
¿Habla usted Do you speak
español? Spanish?
Hablo un poco de I speak some
inglés English
No le entiendo I don't understand
¿Puede Could you write it
escribírmelo? down?
¿Qué has dicho? What did you say?
Por favor, hable Speak slowly,
más despacio please
¿Qué significa... ? What does it mean?
¿Cómo se How do you write...
escribe... ? ?
¿Cómo se How do you
pronuncia ? pronounce it?
Soy extranjero I am a foreigner
Can you give me...
¿Puede darme... ?
¿Puede Can you show
enseñarme... ? me... ?
¿Puede decirme...
Can you tell me... ?
¿Puede ayudarme, Can you help me,
por favor? please... ?
Por favor,
Please, bring me...

Español British English

anorak anorak windbreaker

impermeable mackintosh (mac) raincoat
medias tights panty hose
pantalones trousers pants
canzoncillos pants shorts
peto dungarees overalls
bragas knickers panties
sneakers, tennis/gym
zapatillas de deporte trainers, plimsolls
albornoz dressing gown bathrobe, robe
camisón nightdress nightgown
A cuadros checked plaid
smoking (esmoquin) dinner jacket tuxedo
mono boiler suit coveralls
camiseta interior vest undershirt
chaleco waistcoat vest
sueter de cuello cisne polo neck turtleneck
jersey, sueter jumper, jersey, pullover sweater
bañador swimming costume, swimsuit bathing suit
botas de goma wellies, wellingtons rubber boots
calzoncillos Y-fronts underpants
top sin tirantes boob tube tube tops


alfiler, pin brooch pin

prendedor hair pin bobby pin
bolso handbag purse
monedero purse purse
tirantes braces suspenders
ligero suspenders, suspender belt garters, garter belt
pasamontañas balaclava ski mask
riñonera bum bag fanny pack
pasador hair- slide barette
pinta uñas nail varnish nail polish
cartera wallet billfold

Español British English American


daddy long legs,

típula daddy long legs
crane fly
mariquita ladybird ladybug
pastor aleman alsation (dog) german shepherd
perro lazarillo guide dog seeing eye dog
insectos insects bugs
otoño autumn fall
correa lead leash
habilidad para la jardinería green fingers green thumb

Español British English American


culo bum, buttocks fanny

vagina fanny vagina

bum, homeless
vagabundo tramp
marrana slut tramp

homosexual gay fag

cigarrillo fag butt

culo arse ass

burro ass donkey

borracho pissed drunk

enfadado angry (pissed-off) pissed

esperma spunk sperm

agallas, coraje ‘get up and go’ spunk

cuarto de carne joint pot roast

cigarillo de marihuana marijuana cigarette joint

goma rubber eraser

condón condom rubber

maestra mistress female teacher

amante lover mistress

muchedumbre mob gang, group

mafia the mafia the mob

sencilla a homely girl a pleasant girl

fea, poco atractiva a plain and unattractive girl a homely girl

parque de atracciones fair carnival

carnaval carnival parade

fregar los platos wash up do the dishes

lavarse las manos wash your hands wash up

zapatos de tacón alto high heels pumps

zapatillas, deportivas pumps sneakers

confitura jam jelly

gelatina jelly jell-o

patatas fritas (en bolsa) crisps chips

patatas fritas chips french fries

Español British English


tippex, corrector tippex white out

celo, cinta adhesiva sellotape scotch tape
pasta adesiva blu tac poster putty
bolígrafo biro ballpoint pen
goma elástica elastic band rubber band
rotulador felt-tip pen marker
goma de borrar rubber eraser
fotocopia photocopy xerox
codigo postal post code zip code
paquete parcel package
punto final full-stop period
paréntesis brackets parentheses
recepción reception front desk, lobby
zeta zed zee

Español British English American


matemáticas maths math

señal tick check
chincheta drawing pin thumb tack
zeta zed zee
punto final full stop period
director headmaster, headmistress principal
clase, curso form, year grade
estudiante de post grado postgraduate student graduate student
escuela pública public school private school
exámen de selectividad a-levels SATs
instituto de enseñanza comprehensive school, secondary
high school
secundaria school
curso course (a history course) class (a history class)
revisar, repasar revise study
universidad university university, college
1º año 1st year freshman
2º año 2nd year sophmore
3º año 3rd year junior
4º año 4th year senior
recreo break (playtime) recess
Teacher's assistant
alumno tutor prefect
profesor de universidad lecturer (university) instructor / professor
escula primary school elementary school
sala de profesores staff room teacher’s lounge
escuela pública state school public school
trimestre / semestre term semester
paréntesis brackets parentheses

Español British English

grano spot pimple
patillas sideboards sideburns
trenza plait braid
pintauñas nail varnish nail polish
flequillo fringe bangs

Español British English American


cine cinema, the pictures movie theater

película film movie
programa programme show
baile ball prom
tertulia, programa de
chat show talk show
intermedio interval intermission
locutor de telediario news reader newscaster
bar, pub pub bar
barman barmaid/barman bartender
patron del bar landlord, landlady owner, manager
anuncio advert (ad) commercial
autocue, teleprompter autocue teleprompter
montaña rusa big dipper roller coaster
carnaval carnival parade
parque de atracciones funfair (fair) amusement park
fiesta de disfraces fancy dress party costume party
fiesta fete field day
maquinas traga perras fruit machine slot machine
despedida de soltero stag night bachelor party
despedida de soltera hen night bachelorette party
blackjack, 21 pontoon 21 or blackjack
ir de chateo pub crawl bar hopping
ping pong, tennis de mesa ping pong, table tennis paddle
baraja pack (cards) deck
principal, entresuelo dress circle (theatre) mezzanine (theater)
pasillo gangway, aisle aisle

Escucha el vocabulario:

Español British English American


paso de peatones pedestrian crossing crosswalk

tienda shop store
farmacia chemist drug store
cuenta bill check
billete note (ten pound note) bill (ten dollar bill)
ferretería ironmonger hardware store
centro de la ciudad town centre downtown
policía copper cop
bodega off licence liquor store
bolsa carrier bag shopping bag
carro de la compra trolley cart
una libra esterlina a quid one pound sterling
frutería fruiterer’s fruit store
pescadería fishmonger’s fish store
cheque cheque check
caro dear expensive
cuenta corriente current account checking account
tarjeta de crédito credit card charge card
compra a plazos hire purchase credit
venta de objetos usados jumble sale yard sale
mercadillo (la mercancía se
expone en el maletero del car boot sale garage sale
centro comercial shopping centre (shopping) mall
IVA VAT (value added tax) sales tax
newspaper, magazine
kiosco, tienda de periódicos newsagent
tienda de barrio corner shop grocery store
tienda de dulces sweet shop candy store

Español British English


pañales nappy diaper

chupete dummy pacifier
cochecito de niño pram baby carriage
guardería creche day-care center
cuna cot crib
capazo carry cot Baby buggy
sillita de ruedas pushchair stroller
mama mum mom
Español British English American

gamberrismo aggro thug

discusión argy-bargy face to face
tio, amigo bloke, chap guy
huevos, cojones bollocks balls
paraguas brolly umbrella
nada bugger all nada
gracias cheers right on!
contento, alegre chuffed (right chuffed) psyched
una taza de té a cuppa a cuppa Jo
bobo, tonto daft silly/idiot
dudoso dodgy, iffy not happening!
mucho tiempo donkey’s years, yonks back in the day
disparatado, chiflado dotty, scatty air-head
vender to flog to scam
capataz, jefe gaffer head honcho
bobo, idiota gormless clueless
agotado knackered whipped
borracho legless, pissed, paralytic shit-faced
impermeable mac (mackintosh) raincoat
de mal gusto, inutil naff garbage
vete a paseo naff off beat it!
charlar natter (noun and verb), to rabbit chat
robar to nick, to pinch rip off
carcel nick (noun) disneyland
en buen estado in good nick primo
loco nutter (noun) lunatic
vino barato plonk boones farm
pelmazo, imbécil prat jack ass
una libra esterlina a quid one pound sterling
discusión row a throw down
arruinado skint broke
bestia, bruto sod dick
irse a la porra sod off beat it
perfecto spot on right on
desnudo starkers naked
discutidor stroppy ball buster
de mal humor, mala leche in a strop pissed off
televisión telly the tube
tonto wally nerd
gamberro yob, yobbo hood/hoodlum
americanos yanks a yankee doodle dandy
poco firme, inseguro wonky bimbo
incluido all-in inclusive
memo berk idiot
lavabo, wáter loo, bog john
ropa interior smalls underwear
quejarse to whinge to whine
sausage (also an old
salchicha/coche viejo banger
coche de la policia jam sandwich cop car
amigo, compadre mate, chum buddy
nariz hooter, konk schnaze
sabiondo smart arse wise guy
putilla slapper, slag, tart a slut
estúpido thick dense
dinero dosh cabbage
cigarrillo fag butt
preservativo, condón johnny rubbers
bebida con alcohol bevvy cocktails
comida grub, nosh, nosebag chow
hambriento peckish jones’en for food
a grinder/a submarine
bocadillo sarny, butty
teléfono blower horn
cortejar, ligar to chat (s.o.) up to hit on (s.o.)
bañador cozzy (swimming costume) bathing suit
fantástico, muy bueno the dog’s bollocks bitch’en
despertar a alguien to knock someone up a wake up call
dejar embarazada to get (a girl) pregnant to knock (a girl) up
amigo mate pal
chica bird chick
excitado randy horny

Español British English American


galleta biscuit cookie

confitura jam jelly
gelatina jelly jell-o
papas crisps chips
patatas fritas chips french fries
caramelos sweets candy
chupachup (ice) lolly popsicle
carne picada mince (meat) ground meat
muesli muesli granola
gachas de arena porridge oatmeal
algodón de azúcar candy floss cotton candy
mora blackberry blackberry
tarta de frutas flan fruit pie
almuerzo mid-morning meal brunch
comida para llevar take-away (food) carry-out (food)
burbón whiskey made from corn bourbon
calabacín marrow squash
gamba prawn shrimp
postre sweet, pudding, afters dessert
salmón ahumado smoked salmon lox
calabacín courgette zucchini
berengena aubergine eggplant
patatas asadas con piel jacket potato baked potato
crema de vainilla blancmange custard
la cuenta bill (restaurant) check
reservar una mesa book a table reserve a table
queso gratinado toasted cheese (sandwich) grilled cheese
cocina (los fuegos) cooker range, stove
pasado, podrido it’s off it’s spoiled
hambriento peckish hungry
encurtidos pickle relish
sardinas pilchards sardines
zumo squash juice concentrate
pasas sultanas raisins
jamón gammon ham
pan de las hamburguesas bap hamburger bun
extracto de levadura de
marmite yeast extract
posavasos beer mat coaster
remolacha beetroot beet
pan integral brown bread wheat bread
azúcar extrafino castor sugar fine sugar
entrantes entree appetizer
magdalenas fairy cake cupcake
pepinillo gherkin pickle
cubertería cutlery silverware
servilleta serviette napkin
jarro jug pitcher
cronómetro de cocina egg timer hour glass
film transparente clingfilm plastic wrap
coriandro coriander cilantro
maiz corn corn starch
parrilla grill broil
estofado hot pot stew
confectioner’s sugar,
azúcar glas icing sugar
powdered sugar
arenque ahumado kipper smoked herring
cerveza rubia lager beer
cerveza tostada bitter dark beer
(whiskey) solo neat (neat whiskey) straight up
rollitos primavera pancake roll, spring roll egg roll
filete de cadera rump steak sirloin steak
filete de solomillo sirloin steak porterhouse steak
judias verdes runner beans string beans
Sidra fuerte scrumpy rough cider
leche semidesnatada semi-skimmed milk 2% milk, low fat milk
sémola semolina cream of wheat
clara (cerveza con
shandy shandy
licor spirits liquors
green onions /
cebollas tiernas spring onions
cubitos de caldo stock cube bouillon cube
hueso stone, pip pit
salsa de tomate tomato sauce ketchup
lata de galletas biscuit tin cookie jar
harina de maiz corn flour cornstarch
salchicha de hígado liver sausage liverwurst
bueno sabroso nice tasty
bolsita sachet packet
bizcocho brazo de gitano swiss roll jelly roll
Español British English

las damas draughts checkers

tres en raya noughts and crosses tic tac toe
partido match game
baraja de cartas pack (of cards) deck (of cards)
fútbol football soccer
rugby americano american football football
solitario patience solitaire
campo pitch (soccer) football field
línea lateral sideline sideline
cero nil nothing, zero
campo, cancha pitch playing field
piscina swimming baths swimming pool
cuerda de saltar skipping rope jump rope

Español British English


algodón en rama cotton wool cotton

farmacia chemist drug store
paracetamol paracetamol Tylenol
clínica surgery
úlcera ulcer canker
emergencias casualty emergency room
tirita plaster, elastoplast band-aid
autopsia post mortem autopsy
quirofano operating theatre operating room

Español British English American


teléfono publico (tele)phone box telephone booth

paso de cebra zebra crossing pedestrian crossing
calle principal high street main street
rotonda roundabout traffic circle
parking car park parking lot
circunvalación, bypass bypass bypass
area de descanso lay-by shoulder
la mediana central reservation median
gasolinera petrol station gas station
freeway, highway,
autopista motorway
paso elevado flyover overpass
valla hoarding billboard
buzón pillar box, letter box mailbox
lavandería laundrette laundromat
paso subterráneo subway underpass
asfaltado tarmac asphalt
prostituta prostitute whore
desvío diversion detour
callejón sin salida cul de sac dead end
músico ambulante busker street performer
acera pavement sidewalk
parada de taxis taxi rank taxi stand
calle mayor high street main street
contenedor skip dumpster
centro de la ciudad city centre downtown
callejón alley alleyway
cola (hacer cola) queue (to queue up) line (to stand in line)

Español British English American


vacaciones holiday vacation

mochila rucksack backpack
día de fiesta, no
bank holiday national holiday
quince días fortnight two weeks
papa noel father Christmas Santa Claus
alquilar un coche hire a car rent a car
comidas no incluidas self-catering no meals included
cola (hacer cola) queue (to queue up) line (to stand in line)

Español British English American


un aumento de sueldo a rise a raise

agenda diary appointment book
sociedad anónima (s.a.) public limited company (plc)
recepción reception front desk, lobby
parado redundant unemployed
despedir to sack to fire
desempleo redundancy layoff
despedir a alguien to make (s.o.) redundant to lay (s.o.) off
employees in a
plantilla de una empresa staff
curriculum CV resumé

Español British English American


piso flat apartment

edificio de apartamentos block of flats apartment building
ascensor lift elevator
planta baja ground floor first floor
primer piso first floor second floor
casas pareadas semi-detached house duplex
casas adosadas terraced house town house
jardin garden yard
portero, conserje caretaker janitor
bloque de apartamentos tower block high-rise apartment
urbanización housing estate tenements
inmobilario/a estate agent realtor
huésped lodger room mate
código postal post code zip code
caravana caravan mobile home
compañero de piso flatmate room mate
casa de un solo piso bungalow ranch
autocaravana caravan trailer
viviendas protegidas council house Projects
alquilar to let to rent, to lease
video video VCR
piso floor storey
corte de corriente electrica power cut power failure
In The House
grifo tap faucet
cubo de la basura rubbish bin trash, garbage can
contenedor de la basura dustbin trash, garbage can
televisión the box , the tele (TV) the tube (TV)
linterna torch flashlight
armario cupboard closet
aparador dresser kitchen cupboard
paleta fish slice spatula
manopla flannel washcloth
aspirar to hoover to vacuum
water toilet, loo bathroom, restroom
enchufe (electric) point outlet
escalera de mano steps ladder
paño de cocina tea towel dish towel, dish cloth
bolsa de basura bin liner garbage bag
cubo de basura bin garbage can
edredón duvet comforter
calentador fire heater
salón lounge living room
rodapié skirting-board baseboard, molding
cocina (los fuegos) cooker range, stove
sofá couch, settee sofa
quemador hob burner
lavabo hand basin sink
desván loft attic
pladur plaster board sheet rock, drywall
baño bath bathtub
Llenar la bañera run the bath fill the tub
hedge clippers,
tijeras de podar secateurs
pruning shears
guardarropa wardrobe closet
enchufe power point electrical outlet
persianas blind shade
cortinas curtains drapes, curtains
frigorifico fridge refrigerator
jarro jug pitcher
despensa larder pantry
linóleo lino linoleum
toma de tierra earth (wire) ground
guante para el horno oven gloves pot holders
pinza peg clothes pin

Español British English


Teléfono móvil mobile (phone) cell phone

Español British English American


cola (hacer cola) queue (to queue up) line (to stand in line)
lento slowcoach slowpoke
codigo postal post code zip code
llave inglesa spanner wrench
torre de conducción
pylon high tension tower
eléctrica de alta tensión
6,348 kg. = 14 libras
stone fourteen pounds
cuerpo de bomberos fire brigade fire department
papa noel father christmas santa claus
poliestireno polystyrene styrofoam
viga de madera timber lumber
aluminio aluminium aluminum
parafina, keroseno paraffin kerosene
pensionista de la tercera
o.a.p. (old age pensioner) senior citizen
quince dias fortnight two weeks
superior, de clase superior upmarket classy
inferior, de clase inferior downmarket seedy
inferior mean (adj.) cheap
chico lad boy
aplazamiento postponement raincheck
vater WC restroom
lady’s room, powder
lavabo de señoras ladies
lavabo de caballeros gents men’s room
en direccion contraria a las
anticlockwise counterclockwise
agujas del reloj

Español British English American


coche car automobile

camión lorry truck
camión de mudanzas removal van moving truck
capó bonnet hood
maletero boot trunk
matrícula number plate license plate
antena aerial antenna
parabrisas windscreen windshield
guarda barros mud guard, wing fender
freeway, expressway,
autopista motorway
paso elevado flyover overpass
gasolina petrol gasoline, gas
gas station, filling
gasolinera petrol station
aparcamiento car park parking lot
silenciador car silencer muffler
catadióptricos cats eyes reflectors
restaurante de carretera transport cafe truck stop
caja de cambios gear box transmission
ranchera gear stick gear shift
sedán saloon car sedan
alquilar un coche to hire a car to rent a car
intercity bus
autobus coach
(greyhound bus)
caravana, cola,
tailback traffic jam
pinchazo puncture blowout
camion con remolque articulated lorry (artic) trailer truck
coche patrulla panda car police car
R.A.C.E. A.A. / R.A.C. A.A.A
semáforo traffic lights traffic signals
bombilla bulb lamp
estación de autobuses bus station terminal
taxi cab taxi
desempañador de-mister de-froster
autovia duel carriageway divided highway
furgoneta estate car station wagon
coche de bomberos fire engine fire truck
freno de mano hand brake parking brake
claxon hooter horn
intermitente indicator turn signal
area de descanso lay by rest area, pull-off
camión grande juggernaut 18-wheeler
paso a nivel level crossing grade crossing
adelantar overtake pass
baca, portaequipajes roof rack luggage rack
controlador de
traffic wardens meter maids

Transport (general)
billete single ticket one way ticket
billete de ida y vuelta return ticket round trip ticket
un abono season ticket commuter ticket
metro underground, tube subway
tranvia tram streetcar, trolley car
ferrocarril railway railroad
vagon del tren carriage car
jefe de tren guard conductor
clase turista economy class coach class
aeroplano aeroplane airplane
caravana caravan trailer
paso a nivel level crossing railroad crossing
consigna left luggage office baggage check
objetos perdidos lost property lost and found
cubierta tyre tire
desviación diversion detour
aparcamiento de muchas
multi-storey car park parking structure
dar un bocinazo hoot honk
acera pavement sidewalk
vacaciones holiday vacation

Español British English

cajero cashier teller
accionista shareholder stockholder
one dollar (a
una libra - un dolar a quid (one pound)
cheque cheque check
la cuenta bill bill (check)
billete note (five pound note) bill (ten dollar bill)
cajero automático cash point machine ATM
talón counterfoil stub
electronic funds
pago a la orden direct debit
orden bancaria standing order standing order
IVA VAT (value added tax) sales tax
cartera wallet wallet, bill fold
número de agencia sort code routing number

Español British English American


culo arse** ass*

cara de culo, gilipollas arsehole** asshole*
cojones balls** balls**
bastardo, cabrón bastard** bastard**
zorra, puta, lagarta. bitch** bitch**
hostia blast* Dang!
cojones bollocks** nuts**
mierda, coño bugger* cornhole*
hostia Christ/Christ almighty* Jesus!*
polla cock/prick/dick** cock/prick/dick**
correrse come (noun and verb)** cum**
mierda, cagar crap** shit**
pussy, twat, muff,
coño cunt****
snatch, beaver***
maldito damn* damn*
puta whore** whore**
pedo fart** fart**
joder fuck*** fuck***
dios God* God
vete al infierno / mierda go to hell* go to hell*
jesús Jesus* Jesus*
orinar, meados piss** piss**
gilipollas prick*** prick***
mierda shit** shit**
bruto, cabrón sod* fuck***
tetas tits** tits**
masturbarse wank***( to have a ) jerk off***
tonto, gilipollas wanker***/tosser** jack-off***

* suave * mild
** fuerte ** strong
*** muy fuerte *** very strong
**** mucho cuidado **** be careful!
Audio textos

Carter Druse was born in Virginia. He loved his parents, his home and
the south. But he loved his country, too. And in the autumn of eighteen
sixty-one, when the United States was divided by a terrible civil war, Carter
Druse, a southerner, decided to join the Union Army of the north.

He told his father about his decision one morning at breakfast.

The older man looked at his only son for a moment, too shocked to speak.
Then he said, "As of this moment you are a traitor to the south. Please don't
tell your mother about your decision. She is sick, and we both know she has
only a few weeks to live."

Carter's father paused, again looking deep into his

son's eyes. "Carter," he said, "No matter what
happens -- be sure you always do what you think is
your duty."

Both Carter Druse and his father left the table that
morning with broken hearts. And Carter soon left
his home, and everyone he loved to wear the blue
uniform of the Union soldier.

One sunny afternoon, a few weeks later, Carter

Druse lay with his face in the dirt by the side of a road. He was on his
stomach, his arms still holding his gun. Carter would not receive a medal for
his actions. In fact, if his commanding officer were to see him, he would
order Carter shot immediately.

For Carter was not dead or wounded. He was sleeping while on duty.
Fortunately, no one could see him. He was hidden by some bushes, growing
by the side of the road.

The road Carter Druse had been sent to guard was only a few miles from his
father's house.

It began in a forest, down in the valley, and climbed up the side of a huge
rock. Anyone standing on the top of this high rock would be able to see
down into the valley. And that person would feel very dizzy, looking down. If
he dropped a stone from the edge of this cliff, it would fall for six hundred
meters before disappearing into the forest in the valley below.

Giant cliffs, like the one Carter lay on, surrounded the valley.
Hidden in the valley's forest were five union regiments -- thousands of
Carter's fellow soldiers. They had marched for thirty-six hours. Now they
were resting. But at midnight they would climb that road up the rocky cliff.

Their plan was to attack by surprise an army of southerners, camped on the

other side of the cliff. But if their enemy learned about the Union Army
hiding in the forest, the soldiers would find themselves in a trap with no
escape. That was why Carter Druse had been sent to guard the road.

It was his duty to be sure that no enemy soldier, dressed in gray, spied on
the valley, where the union army was hiding.

But Carter Druse had fallen asleep. Suddenly, as if a messenger

of fate came to touch him on the shoulder, the young man opened his eyes.
As he lifted his head, he saw a man on horseback standing on the huge
rocky cliff that looked down into the valley.

The rider and his horse stood so still that they seemed made of stone. The
man's gray uniform blended with the blue sky and the white clouds behind
him. He held a gun in his right hand, and the horse's reins in the other.

Carter could not see the man's face, because the rider was looking down
into the valley. But the man and his horse seemed to be of heroic, almost
gigantic size, standing there motionless against the sky. Carter discovered
he was very much afraid, even though he knew the enemy soldier could not
see him hiding in the bushes.

Suddenly the horse moved, pulling back its head from the edge of the cliff.
Carter was completely awake now. He raised his gun, pushing its barrel
through the bushes. And he aimed for the horseman's heart. A
small squeeze of the trigger, and Carter Druse would have done his duty.

At that instant, the horseman turned his head and looked in Carter's
direction. He seemed to look at Carter's face, into his eyes, and deep into
his brave, generous heart.

Carter's face became very white. His entire body began shaking. His mind
began to race, and in his fantasy, the horse and rider became black figures,
rising and falling in slow circles against a fiery red

Carter did not pull the trigger. Instead, he let go of

his gun and slowly dropped his face until it rested
again in the dirt.

Brave and strong as he was, Carter almost fainted from the shock of what
he had seen.

Is it so terrible to kill an enemy who might kill you and your friends? Carter
knew that this man must be shot from ambush -- without warning. This man
must die without a moment to prepare his soul; without even the chance to
say a silent prayer.

Slowly, a hope began to form in Carter Druse's mind. Perhaps the southern
soldier had not seen the northern troops.

Perhaps he was only admiring the view. Perhaps he would now turn and
ride carelessly away.

Then Carter looked down into the valley so far below. He saw a line of men
in blue uniforms and their horses, slowly leaving the protection of the forest.
A foolish Union officer had permitted his soldiers to bring their horses to
drink at a small stream near the forest. And there they were -- in plain

Carter Druse looked back to the man and horse standing there against the
sky. Again he took aim. But this time he pointed his gun at the horse. Words
rang in his head -- the last words his father ever spoke to him: "No matter
what happens, be sure you always do what you think is your duty."

Carter Druse was calm as he pulled the trigger of his gun.

At that moment, a Union officer happened to look up from his hiding place
near the edge of the forest. His eyes climbed to the top of the cliff that
looked over the valley. Just looking at the top of the gigantic rock, so far
above him, made the soldier feel dizzy.

And then the officer saw something that filled his heart with horror. A man
on a horse was riding down into the valley through the air!

The rider sat straight in his saddle. His hair streamed back, waving in the
wind. His left hand held his horse's reins while his right hand was hidden in
the cloud of the horse's mane. The horse looked as if it were galloping
across the earth. Its body was proud and noble.

As the frightened Union officer watched this horseman in the sky, he almost
believed he was witnessing a messenger from heaven. A messenger who
had come to announce the end of the world. The officer's legs grew weak,
and he fell. At almost the same instant, he heard a crashing sound in the
trees. The sound died without an echo. And all was silent.

The officer got to his feet, still shaking. He went back to his camp. But he
didn't tell anyone what he had seen. He knew no one would ever believe

Soon after firing his gun, Carter Druse was joined by a Union sergeant.
Carter did not turn his head as the sergeant kneeled beside him.

"Did you fire?" The sergeant whispered.


"At what?"

"A horse. It was on that rock. It's not there now. It went over the cliff."
Carter's face was white. But he showed no other sign of emotion. The
sergeant did not understand.

"See here, Druse," he said, after a moment's silence. "Why are you making
this into a mystery. I order you to report. Was there anyone on the horse?"


"Who? "

"My father."

Escucha la pronunciación y lee el texto de nuevo.


·Southerner: a person who comes from the south of a country

·Sick: ill, not well
·Duty: something that you have to do because it is part of your job, or
something that you feel is the right thing to do
·Dirt: dust, earth or any substance that makes a surface not clean
·Wound: a damaged area of the body, such as a cut or hole in the skin or
flesh made by a weapon: Example: a gunshot wound
·Bush: a low densely branched shrub
·Huge: extremely large in size or amount
·Dizzy, dizzyness: having a whirling sensation in the head with a tendency
to fall
·Cliff: a high area of rock with a very steep side, often on a coast
·Trap: something by which one is caught or stopped unawares / a device for
taking animals
·Fate: the principle or determining cause or will by which things in general
are believed to come to be as they are or events to happen as they do
·Rein: a long thin piece of material, especially leather, which helps you to
control and direct a horse
·To squeeze: to press something firmly
·Trigger: a part of a gun which causes the gun to fire when pressed
·To faint: lacking strength or vigor; performed, offered, or accomplished
weakly or languidly
·Ambush: to suddenly attack a person or a group of people after hiding and
waiting for them
·Careless: free from care
·Foolish: lacking in sense, judgment, or discretion
·Saddle: a girthed usually padded and leather-covered seat for the rider of
an animal (as a horse)
·Witness: a person who sees an event happening
·Shake: to move backwards and forwards or up and down in quick, short
·Kneel: to bend the knee Kneeled (USA) Knelt (UK)
·Whisper: a way of speaking very quietly, using the breath but not the
voice, so that only the person close beside you can hear you

I am an old lawyer, and I have three men working for me. My business
continued to grow and so I decided to get one more man to help write legal

I have met a great many people in my days, but the man who answered my
advertisement was the strangest person I have ever heard of or met.

He stood outside my office and waited for me to speak. He was a small man,
quiet and dressed in a clean but old suit of clothes. I asked him his name. It
was Bartleby.
At first Bartleby almost worked himself too hard writing the legal papers I
gave him. He worked through the day by sunlight, and into the night
bycandlelight. I was happy with his work, but not happy with the way he
worked. He was too quiet. But, he worked well…like a machine, never
looking or speaking.

One day, I asked Bartleby to come to my office to study a legal paper with
me. Without moving from his chair, Bartleby said:
“I do not want to.”

I sat for a short time, too surprised to move.

Then I became excited.

“You do not want to. What do you mean, are you

sick? I want you to help me with this paper.”

“I do not want to.”

His face was calm. His eyes showed no emotion. He was not angry. This is
strange, I thought. What should I do? But, the telephone rang, and I forgot
the problem for the time being.

A few days later, four long documents came into the office. They needed
careful study, and I decided to give one document to each of my men. I
called and all came to my office. But not Bartleby.

“Bartleby, quick, I am waiting.”

He came, and stood in front of me for a moment. “I don’t want to,” he said
then turned and went back to his desk.

I was so surprised, I could not move. There was something about Bartleby
that froze me, yet, at the same time, made me feel sorry for him.

As time passed, I saw that Bartleby never went out to eat dinner. Indeed,
he never went anywhere. At eleven o’clock each morning, one of the men
would bring Bartleby some ginger cakes.

“Umm. He lives on them,” I thought. “Poor fellow!” He is a little foolish at

times, but he is useful to me.

“Bartleby,” I said one afternoon. “Please go to the post office and bring my
“I do not want to.”

I walked back to my office too shocked to think. Let’s see, the problem here
is…one of my workers named Bartleby will not do some of the things I ask
him to do. One important thing about him though, he is always in his office.

One Sunday I walked to my office to do some work. When I placed the key
in the door, I couldn’t open it. I stood a little surprised, then called, thinking
someone might be inside. There was. Bartleby. He came from his office and
told me he did not want to let me in.

The idea of Bartleby living in my law office had a strange effect on me. I
slunk away much like a dog does when it has been shouted at…with its tail
between its legs.

Was anything wrong? I did not for a moment believe Bartleby would keep a
woman in my office. But for some time he must have eaten, dressed and
slept there. How lonely and friendless Bartleby must

I decided to help him. The next morning I called him

to my office.

“Bartleby, will you tell me anything about yourself?”

“I do not want to.”

I sat down with him and said, “You do not have to tell me about your
personal history, but when you finish writing that document…

“I have decided not to write anymore,” he said. And left my office.

What was I to do? Bartleby would not work at all. Then why should he stay
on his job? I decided to tell him to go. I gave him six days to leave the
office and told him I would give him some extra money. If he would not
work, he must leave.

On the sixth day, somewhat hopefully, I looked into the office Bartleby
used. He was still there.

The next morning, I went to the office early. All was still. I tried to open the
door, but it was locked. Bartleby’s voice came from inside. I stood as if hit
by lightening. I walked the streets thinking. “Well, Bartleby, if you will not
leave me, I shall leave you.”

I paid some men to move all the office furniture to another place. Bartleby
just stood there as the men took his chair away.

“Goodbye Bartleby, I am going. Goodbye and God be with you. Here take
this money.” I placed it in his hands. It dropped to the floor; and then,
strange to say, I had difficulty leaving the person I wanted to leave me.

A few days later, a stranger visited me in my new office. “You are

responsible for the man you left in your last office,” he said. The owner of
the building has given me a court order which says you must take him
away. We tried to make him leave, but he returned and troubles the others

I went back to my old office and found Bartleby sitting on the empty floor.

“Bartleby, one of two things must happen. I will get you a different job, or
you can go to work for some other lawyer.”

He said he did not like either choice.

“Bartleby, will you come home with me and stay there until we decide what
you will do?”

He answered softly, “No, I do not want to make any changes.”

I answered nothing more. I fled. I rode around the city and visited places of
historic interest, anything to get Bartleby off my mind.

When I entered my office later, I found a message for me. Bartleby had
been taken to prison.

I found him there, and when he saw me he said: “I know you, and I have
nothing to say to you.”

“But I didn’t put you here, Bartleby.” I was deeply hurt. I told him I gave
the prison guard money to buy him a good dinner.

“I do not want to eat today, he said. I never eat dinner.”

Days passed, and I went to see Bartleby again. I was told he was sleeping in
the prison yard outside.
Sleeping? The thin Bartleby was lying on the cold stones. I stooped to look
at the small man lying on his side with his knees against his chest. I walked
closer and looked down at him. His eyes were open. He seemed to be in a
deep sleep.

“Won’t he eat today, either, or does he live without eating?” the guard

“Lives without eating,” I answered…and closed his eyes.

“Uh…he is asleep isn’t he?” the guard said.

“With kings and lawyers,” I answered.

One little story came to me some days after Bartleby died. I learned he had
worked for many years in the post office. He was in a special office that
opened all the nation’s letters that never reach the person they were written
to. It is called the dead letter office. The letters are not written clearly, so
the mailmen cannot read the addresses.

Well, poor Bartleby had to read the letters, to see if anyone’s name was
written clearly so they could be sent. Think of it. From one letter a wedding
ring fell, the finger it was bought for perhaps lies rotting in the grave.
Another letter has money to help someone long since dead. Letters filled
with hope for those who died without hope.

Poor Bartleby! He himself had lost all hope. His job had killed something
inside him.

Ah, Bartleby! Ah, humanity!

Escucha la pronunciación y lee el texto de nuevo.


·Candlelight: the light that a candle produces when it is burning

·Lightening (lightning): the flashing of light produced by a discharge of
atmospheric electricity
·Hurt: to feel pain in a part of your body, or to injure someone or cause
them pain
·Yard: a piece of land next to and belonging to a house, where flowers and
other plants are grown, and often containing an area of grass
·To rot: To decay
·Grave: a place in the ground where a dead person is buried

Fortunato and I both were members of very old and important Italian
families. We used to play together when we were children.

Fortunato was bigger, richer and more handsome than I was. And he
enjoyed making me look like a fool. He hurt my feelings a thousand times
during the years of my childhood. I never showed my anger, however. So,
he thought we were good friends. But I promised myself that one day I
would punish Fortunato for his insults to me.

Many years passed. Fortunato married a rich and beautiful woman who gave
him sons. Deep in my heart I hated him, but I never said or did anything
that showed him how I really felt. When I smiled at him, he thought it was
because we were friends.

He did not know it was the thought of his death that made me smile.

Everyone in our town respected Fortunato. Some men were afraid of him
because he was so rich and powerful. He had a weak spot, however. He
thought he was an excellent judge of wine. I also was an expert on wine. I
spent a lot of money buying rare and costly wines. I stored the wines in the
dark rooms under my family's palace.

Our palace was one of the oldest

buildings in the town. The Montresor
family had lived in it for hundreds of
years. We had buried our dead in the
rooms under the palace.
These tombs were quiet, dark places
that no one but myself ever visited.

Late one evening during carnival

season, I happened to meet Fortunato on the street. He was going home
alone from a party. Fortunato was beautiful in his silk suit made of many
colors: yellow, green, purple and red. On his head he wore an orange cap,
covered with little silver bells. I could see he had been drinking too much
wine. He threw his arms around me. He said he was glad to see me.

I said I was glad to see him, too because I had a little problem.

"What is it?" he asked, putting his large hand on my shoulder.

"My dear Fortunato," I said, "I'm afraid I have been very stupid. The man
who sells me wine said he had a rare barrel of Amontillado wine. I believed
him and I bought it from him. But now, I am not so sure that the wine is
really Amontillado."

"What!" he said, "A cask of Amontillado at this time of year.

An entire barrel? Impossible!"

"Yes, I was very stupid. I paid the wine man the full price he wanted without
asking you to taste the wine first. But I couldn't find you and I was afraid he
would sell the cask of Amontillado to someone else. So I bought it."

"A cask of Amontillado!" Fortunato repeated. "Where is it?"

I pretended I didn't hear his question. Instead I told him I was going to visit
our friend Lucresi. "He will be able to tell me if the wine is really
Amontillado," I said.

Fortunato laughed in my face. "Lucresi cannot tell Amontillado from


I smiled to myself and said "But some people say that he is as good a judge
of wine as you are."

Fortunato grabbed my arm. "Take me to it," he said. "I'll taste the

Amontillado for you."

"But my friend," I protested, "it is late. The wine is in my wine cellar,

underneath the palace. Those rooms are very damp and cold and the
wallsdrip with water."

"I don't care," he said. "I am the only person who can tell you if your wine
man has cheated you. Lucresi cannot!"

Fortunato turned, and still holding me by the arm, pulled me down the
street to my home. The building was empty. My servants were enjoying
carnival. I knew they would be gone all night.

I took two large candles, lit them and gave one to Fortunato. I started down
the dark, twisting stairway with Fortunato close behind me. At the bottom of
the stairs, the damp air wrapped itself around our bodies.

"Where are we?" Fortunato asked. "I thought you said the cask of
Amontillado was in your wine cellar."

"It is," I said. "The wine cellar is just beyond these tombs where the dead of
my family are kept. Surely, you are not afraid of walking through the

He turned and looked into my eyes. "Tombs?" he said. He began to cough.

The silver bells on his cap jingled.

"My poor friend," I said, "how long have you had that cough?"

"It's nothing," he said, but he couldn't stop coughing.

"Come," I said firmly, "we will go back upstairs. Your health is

important.You are rich, respected, admired, and loved. You have a wife and
children. Many people would miss you if you died. We will go back before
you get seriously ill. I can go to Lucresi for help with the wine."

"No!" he cried. "This cough is nothing. It will not kill me. I won't die from a

"That is true," I said, "but you must be careful." He took my arm and we
began to walk through the cold, dark rooms. We went deeper and deeper
into the cellar.

Finally, we arrived in a small room. Bones were pushed high against one
wall. A doorway in another wall opened to an even smaller room, about one
meter wide and two meters high. Its walls were solid rock.

"Here we are," I said. "I hid the cask of Amontillado in there." I pointed to
the smaller room. Fortunato lifted his candle and stepped into the tiny room.
I immediately followed him. He stood stupidly staring at two iron
handcuffs chained to a wall of the tiny room. I grabbed his arms and locked
them into the metal handcuffs. It took only a moment. He was too surprised
to fight me.

I stepped outside the small room.

"Where is the Amontillado?" he cried.

"Ah yes," I said, "the cask of Amontillado." I leaned

over and began pushing aside the pile of bones against the wall. Under the
bones was a basket of stone blocks, some cement and a small shovel. I had
hidden the materials there earlier. I began to fill the doorway of the tiny
room with stones and cement.

By the time I laid the first row of stones Fortunato was no longer drunk. I
heard him moaning inside the tiny room for ten minutes. Then there was a
long silence.

I finished the second and third rows of stone blocks. As I began the fourth
row, I heard Fortunato begin to shake the chains that held him to the wall.
He was trying to pull them out of the granite wall.

I smiled to myself and stopped working so that I could better enjoy listening
to the noise. After a few minutes, he stopped. I finished the fifth, the sixth
and the seventh rows of stones. The wall I was building in the doorway was
now almost up to my shoulders.

Suddenly, loud screams burst from the throat of the chained man. For a
moment I worried. What if someone heard him? Then I placed my hand on
the solid rock of the walls and felt safe. I looked into the tiny room, where
he was still screaming. And I began to scream, too. My screams grew louder
than his and he stopped.

It was now almost midnight. I finished the eighth, the ninth and the tenth
rows. All that was left was a stone for the last hole in the wall. I was about
to push it in when I heard a low laugh from behind the stones.

The laugh made the hair on my head stand up. Then Fortunato spoke, in a
sad voice that no longer sounded like him.

He said, "Well, you have played a good joke on me. We will laugh about it
soon over a glass of that Amontillado. But isn't it getting late. My wife and
my friends will be waiting for us. Let us go."

"Yes," I replied, "let us go."

I waited for him to say something else. I heard only my own breathing.
"Fortunato!" I called. No answer. I called again. "Fortunato!" Still no

I hurried to put the last stone into the wall and put the cement around it.
Then I pushed the pile of bones in front of the new wall I had built.

That was fifty years ago. For half a century now, no one has touched those
bones. "May he rest in peace!"
Escucha la pronunciación y lee el texto de nuevo.


·Anger: a strong feeling which makes you want to hurt someone or be

unpleasant because of something unfair or hurtful that has happened
·Weak spot: a weak part in something: - Targeting the opponent's weak
spots is a typical technique in politics.
·Cask: a strong, round, wooden container used for storing liquid
·Tomb: an excavation in which a corpse is buried
·Bell: a hollow metallic device that gives off a reverberating sound when
·Glad: experiencing pleasure, joy, or delight
·Entire: whole or complete, with nothing missing
·Grab: to take hold of something or someone suddenly and roughly
·Damp: slightly wet, especially in a way that is not pleasant or comfortable
·Drip: If a liquid drips, it falls in drops, or you make it fall in drops
·Cheat: to behave in a dishonest way in order to get what you want
·To twist: to turn something, especially repeatedly, or to turn or wrap one
thing around another
·To wrap: to cover someone with material in order to protect them
·To jingle: to make a repeated gentle ringing sound, or to make things do
·Cellar: a room under the ground floor of a building, usually used for
·Bone: any of the hard parts inside a human or animal that make up its
·Handcuffs: two metal rings joined by a short chain which lock around a
prisoner's wrists
·Pile: objects positioned one on top of another
·Shovel: a tool consisting of a wide square metal or plastic blade, usually
with slightly raised sides, fixed to a handle, for moving loose material such
as sand, coal or snow
·Moan: to make a long low sound of pain, suffering or another strong
·Scream: to cry or say something loudly and usually on a high note,
especially because of strong emotions such as fear or excitement or anger
·Throat: the front of the neck, or the space inside the neck down which
food and air can go

Keesh lived at the edge of the polar sea. He had seen thirteen suns in the
Eskimo way of keeping time. Among the Eskimos, the sun each winter
leaves the land in darkness. And the next year, a new sun returns, so it
might be warm again.

The father of Keesh had been a brave man. But he had died hunting for
food. Keesh was his only son. Keesh lived along with his mother, Ikeega.

One night, the village council met in the big igloo of Klosh-kwan, the chief.
Keesh was there with the others. He listened, then waited for silence.

He said, “It is true that you give us some meat. But it is often old
and tough meat, and has many bones.”

The hunters were surprised. This was a child

speaking against them. A child talking like a grown

Keesh said, “My father, Bok, was a great hunter. It

is said that Bok brought home more meat than any
of the two best hunters. And that he divided the
meat so that all got an equal share.”

“Naah! Naah!” the hunters cried. “Put the child out!

Send him to bed. He should not talk to gray-beards
this way!”

Keesh waited until the noise stopped. “You have a wife, Ugh-gluk,” he said.
“And you speak for her. My mother has no one but me. So I speak. As I say,
Bok hunted greatly, but is now dead. It is only fair then that my mother,
who was his wife, and I, his son, should have meat when the tribe has
meat. I, Keesh, son of Bok, have spoken.”

Again, there was a great noise in the igloo. The council ordered Keesh to
bed. It even talked of giving him no food.

Keesh jumped to his feet. “Hear me!” he cried. “Never shall I speak in the
council igloo again. I shall go hunt meat like my father, Bok.”

There was much laughter when Keesh spoke of hunting. The laughter
followed Keesh as he left the council meeting.

The next day, Keesh started out for the shore, where the land meets the
ice. Those who watched saw that he carried his bow and many arrows.
Across his shoulder was his father’s big hunting spear. Again there was
One day passed, then a second. On the third day, a great wind blew. There
was no sign of Keesh. His mother, Ikeega, put burned seal oil on her face to
show her sorrow. The women shouted at their men for letting the little boy
go. The men made no answer, but got ready to search for the body of

Early next morning, Keesh walked into the village. Across his shoulders was
fresh meat. “Go you men, with dogs and sleds. Follow my footsteps. Travel
for a day,” he said. “There is much meat on the ice. A she-bear and her two

His mother was very happy. Keesh, trying to be a man, said to her, “Come,
Ikeega, let us eat. And after that, I shall sleep. For I am tired.”

There was much talk after Keesh went to his igloo. The killing of a bear was
dangerous. But it was three times more dangerous to kill a mother bear with
cubs. The men did not believe Keesh had done so. But the women pointed
to the fresh meat. At last, the men agreed to go for the meat that was left.
But they were not very happy.

One said that even if Keesh had killed the bear, he probably had not cut the
meat into pieces. But when the men arrived, they found that Keesh had not
only killed the bear, but had also cut it into pieces, just like a grown hunter.

So began the mystery of Keesh.

On his next trip, he killed a young bear…and on the following trip, a large
male bear and its mate.

Then there was talk of magic and witchcraft in the village. “He hunts with
evil spirits,” said one. “Maybe his father’s spirit hunts with him,” said

Keesh continued to bring meat to the village. Some people thought he was a
great hunter. There was talk of making him chief, after old Klosh-kwan.
They waited, hoping he would come to council meetings. But he never

“I would like to build an igloo.” Keesh said one day, “but I have no time. My
job is hunting. So it would be just if the men and women of the village who
eat my meat, build my igloo.” And the igloo was built. It was even bigger
than the igloo of the Chief Klosh-kwan.
One day, Ugh-gluk talked to Keesh. “It is said that you hunt with evil spirits,
and they help you kill the bear.”

“Is not the meat good?” Keesh answered. “Has anyone in the village yet
become sick after eating it? How do you know evil spirits are with me? Or do
you say it because I am a good hunter?”

Ugh-gluk had no answer.

The council sat up late talking about Keesh and the

meat. They decided to spy on him.

On Keesh’s next trip, two young hunters, Bim and

Bawn, followed him. After five days, they returned.
The council met to hear their story.

“Brothers,” Bim said, “we followed Keesh, and he did not see us. The first
day he came to a great bear. Keesh shouted at the bear, loudly. The bear
saw him and became angry. It rose high on its legs and growled. But Keesh
walked up to it.”

“We saw it,” Bawn, the other hunter, said. “The bear began to run toward
Keesh. Keesh ran away. But as he ran, he dropped a little round ball on the
ice. The bear stopped and smelled the ball, then ate it. Keesh continued to
run, dropping more balls on the ice. The bear followed and ate the balls.”

The council members listened to every word. Bim continued the story. “The
bear suddenly stood up straight and began to shout in pain.

“Evil spirits,” said Ugh-gluk.

I do not know,” said Bawn. “I can tell only what my eyes saw. The bear
grew weak. Then it sat down and pulled at its own fur with its sharp claws.
Keesh watched the bear that whole day.”

“For three more days, Keesh continued to watch the bear. It was getting
weaker and weaker. Keesh moved carefully up to the bear and pushed his
father’s spear into it.”

“And then?” asked Klosh-kwan.

“And then we left.”

That afternoon, the council talked and talked. When Keesh arrived in the
village, the council sent a messenger to ask him to come to the meeting.
But Keesh said he was tired and hungry. He said his igloo was big and could
hold many people, if the council wanted a meeting.

Klosh-kwan led the council to the igloo of Keesh. Keesh was eating, but he
welcomed them. Klosh-kwan told Keesh that two hunters had seen him kill a
bear. And then, in a serious voice to Keesh, he said, “We want to know how
you did it.” Did you use magic and witchcraft?”

Keesh looked up and smiled. “No, Klosh-kwan. I am a boy. I know nothing

of magic or witchcraft. But I have found an easy way to kill the ice-bear. It
is head-craft, not witchcraft.”

“And will you tell us, O Keesh?” Klosh-kwan asked in a shaking voice.

“I will tell you. It is very simple. Watch.”

Keesh picked up a thin piece of whale bone. The ends were pointed and
sharp as a knife. Keesh bent the bone into a circle. Suddenly he let the bone
go, and it became straight with a sharp snap. He picked up a piece
of seal meat.

“So,” he said, “first make a circle with a sharp, thin piece of whale bone. Put
the circle of bone inside some seal meat. Put it in the snow to freeze. The
bear eats the ball of meat with the circle of bone inside. When the meat gets
inside the bear, the meat gets warm, and the bone goes snap! The sharp
points make the bear sick. It is easy to kill then. It is simple.”

Ugh-gluk said, “Ohhh!” Klosh-kwan said “Ahh!” Each said something in his
own way. And all understood.

That is the story of Keesh, who lived long ago on the edge of the polar sea.
Because he used head-craft, instead of witchcraft, he rose from the poorest
igloo to be the chief in the village. And for all the years that followed, his
people were happy. No one cried at night with pains of hunger.

Escucha la pronunciación y lee el texto de nuevo.


·Edge: the outer or furthest point of something

·Tough: strong; not easily broken or weakened or defeated
·Hunt: to chase and try to catch and kill an animal or bird for food, sport or
·Shore: the land along the edge of a sea, lake or wide river
·Bow: a weapon for shooting arrows, made of a long thin piece of wood
bent into a curve by a tightly stretched string
·Sled (USA) Sledge (UK): an object used for travelling over snow and ice
which has long narrow strips of wood or metal under it instead of wheels,
and which is either a low frame
·Claw: one of the sharp curved nails at the end of each of the toes of some
animals and birds
·Spear: a weapon consisting of a pole with a sharp, usually metal, point at
one end, which is either thrown or held in the hand
·Witchcraft: the activity of performing magic to help or harm other people
·Whale: a very large sea mammal that breathes air through a hole at the
top of its head
·Seal: a large fish-eating mammal which lives partly in the sea and partly
on land or ice

The valley known as Sleepy Hollow hides from the world in the high hills of
New York state. There are many stories told about the quiet valley. But the
story that people believe most is about a man who rides a horse at night.
The story says the man died many years ago during the American
revolutionary war. His head was shot off. Every night he rises from
his burial place, jumps on his horse and rides through the valley looking for
his lost head.

Near Sleepy Hollow is a village called Tarry Town. It was settled many years
ago by people from Holland. The village had a small school. And one
teacher, named Ichabod Crane. Ichabod Crane was a good name for him,
because he looked like a tall bird, a crane. He was tall and thin like a crane.
His shoulders were small, joined two long arms. His head was small, too,
and flat on top. He had big ears, large glassy green eyes and a long nose.

Ichabod did not make much money as a teacher. And although he was tall
and thin, he ate like a fat man. To help him pay for his food he earned extra
money teaching young people to sing. Every Sunday after church Ichabod
taught singing.

Among the ladies Ichabod taught was one Katrina

Van Tassel. She was the only daughter of a rich
Dutch farmer. She was a girl in bloom…much like a
round red, rosy apple. Ichabod had a soft
and foolish heart for the ladies, and soon found
himself interested in Miss Van Tassel.

Ichabod's eyes opened wide when he saw the riches

of Katrina's farm: the miles of apple trees
and wheat fields, and hundreds of fat farm animals.
He saw himself as master of the Van Tassel farm
with Katrina as his wife.

But there were many problems blocking the road to Katrina's heart. One
was a strong young man named Brom Van Brunt. Brom was a hero to all the
young ladies. His shoulders were big. His back was wide. And his hair was
short and curly. He always won the horse races in Tarry Town and earned
many prizes. Brom was never seen without a horse.

Sometimes late at night Brom and his friends would rush through town
shouting loudly from the backs of their horses. Tired old ladies would
awaken from their sleep and say: "Why, there goes Brom Van Brunt leading
his wild group again!"

Such was the enemy Ichabod had to defeat for Katrina's heart.

Stronger and wiser men would not have tried. But Ichabod had a plan. He
could not fight his enemy in the open. So he did it silently and secretly. He
made many visits to Katrina's farm and made her think he was helping her
to sing better.

Time passed, and the town people thought Ichabod was winning. Brom's
horse was never seen at Katrina's house on Sunday nights anymore.

One day in autumn Ichabod was asked to come to a big party at the Van
Tassel home. He dressed in his best clothes. A farmer loaned him an old
horse for the long trip to the party.

The house was filled with farmers and their wives, red-faced daughters and
clean, washed sons. The tables were filled with different things to eat. Wine
filled many glasses.
Brom Van Brunt rode to the party on his fastest horse called Daredevil. All
the young ladies smiled happily when they saw him. Soon music filled the
rooms and everyone began to dance and sing.

Ichabod was happy dancing with Katrina as Brom looked at them with a
jealous heart. The night passed. The music stopped, and the young people
sat together to tell stories about the revolutionary war.

Soon stories about Sleepy Hollow were told. The most feared story was
about the rider looking for his lost head. One farmer told how he raced the
headless man on a horse. The farmer ran his horse faster and faster. The
horseman followed over bush and stone until they came to the end of the
valley. There the headless horseman suddenly stopped. Gone were his
clothes and his skin. All that was left was a man with white bones shining in
the moonlight.

The stories ended and time came to leave the party. Ichabod seemed very
happy until he said goodnight to Katrina. Was she ending their romance? He
left feeling very sad. Had Katrina been seeing Ichabod just to make Brom
Van Brunt jealous so he would marry her?

Well, Ichabod began his long ride home on the hills

that surround Tarry Town. He had never felt so
lonely in his life. He began to whistle as he came
close to the tree where a man had been killed years
ago by rebels.

He thought he saw something white move in the tree. But no, it was only
the moonlight shining and moving on the tree. Then he heard a noise. His
body shook. He kicked his horse faster. The old horse tried to run, but
almost fell in the river, instead. Ichabod hit the horse again. The horse ran
fast and then suddenly stopped, almost throwing Ichabod forward to the

There, in the dark woods on the side of the river where the bushes grow
low, stood an ugly thing. Big and black. It did not move, but seemed ready
to jump like a giant monster.

Ichabod's hair stood straight up. It was too late to run, and in his fear, he
did the only thing he could. His shaking voice broke the silent valley.

"Who are you?" The thing did not answer. Ichabod asked again. Still no
answer. Ichabod's old horse began to move forward. The black thing began
to move along the side of Ichabod's horse in the dark. Ichabod made his
horse run faster. The black thing moved with them. Side by side they
moved, slowly at first. And not a word was said.

Ichabod felt his heart sink. Up a hill they moved above the shadow of the
trees. For a moment the moon shown down and to Ichabod's horror he saw
it was a horse. And it had a rider. But the rider's head was not on his body.
It was in front of the rider, resting on the horse.

Ichabod kicked and hit his old horse with all his power. Away they rushed
through bushes and trees across the valley of Sleepy Hollow. Up ahead was
the old church bridge where the headless horseman stops and returns to his
burial place.

"If only I can get there first, I am safe," thought Ichabod. He kicked his
horse again. The horse jumped on to the bridge and raced over it like the
sound of thunder. Ichabod looked back to see if the headless man had
stopped. He saw the man pick up his head and throw it with a powerful
force. The head hit Ichabod in the face and knocked him off his horse to the
dirt below.

They found Ichabod's horse the next day peacefully eating grass. They could
not find Ichabod.

They walked all across the valley. They saw the foot marks of Ichabod's
horse as it had raced through the valley. They even found Ichabod's old hat
in the dust near the bridge. But they did not find Ichabod. The only other
thing they found was lying near Ichabod's hat.

It was the broken pieces of a round orange pumpkin.

The town people talked about Ichabod for many weeks. They remembered
the frightening stories of the valley. And finally they came to believe that
the headless horseman had carried Ichabod away.

Much later an old farmer returned from a visit to New York City. He said he
was sure he saw Ichabod there. He thought Ichabod silently left Sleepy
Hollow because he had lost Katrina.

As for Katrina, her mother and father gave her a big wedding when she
married Brom Van Brunt. Many people who went to the wedding saw that
Brom smiled whenever Ichabod's name was spoken. And they wondered
why he laughed out loud when anyone talked about the broken orange
pumpkin found lying near Ichabod's old dusty hat.
Escucha la pronunciación y lee el texto de nuevo.


·Burial: an area of land where dead bodies are buried

·Crane: a tall bird with long thin legs and a long neck
·Glassy: a person's eyes when they have a fixed expression and seem
unable to see anything
·Bloom: a person who is blooming has a healthy, energetic and attractive
·Fool: a person who behaves in a silly way without thinking
·Wheat: a plant whose yellowish brown grain is used for making flour, or
the grain itself
·Block: something that stops something else passing through, or when
something does this
·Curl: a piece of hair which grows or has been formed into a curving shape,
or something that is the same shape as this
·To rush: go or do something very quickly
·Wise: possessing or showing the ability to make good judgments, based on
a deep understanding and experience of life
·Bush: a low densely branched shrub
·Stone: the hard solid substance found in the ground which is often used for
building, or a piece of this
·Shine: when something is bright from reflected light on its surface
·To whistle: to make a high sound by forcing air through a small hole or
passage, especially through the lips, or through a special device held to the
·Dust: dry dirt in the form of powder that covers surfaces inside a building,
or very small dry pieces of earth, sand or other substances
·Pumpkin: a large round vegetable with hard yellow or orange flesh

Mister Mindon returned home for lunch. His wife Millicent was not at
home. The servants did not know where she was.

Mister Mindon sat alone at the table in the garden. He ate a small piece of
meat and drank some mineral water. Mister Mindon always ate simple
meals, because he had problems with his stomach. Why then did he keep a
cook among his servants? Because his wife Millicent liked to invite her
friends to big dinners and serve them rare and
expensive food and wine.

Mister Mindon did not enjoy his wife's parties.

Millicent complained that he did not know how to
enjoy life. She did a lot of things that he did not

Millicent wasted Mister Mindon's money and was

unpleasant to him. But he never got angry with
his wife.

After eating, Mister Mindon took a walk through his house. He did not stay
long in the living room. It reminded him of all the hours he had spent there
at his wife's parties. The sight of the formal dining room made him feel even
more uncomfortable. He remembered the long dinners where he had to talk
to his wife's friends for hours. They never seemed very interested in what
he was saying.

Mister Mindon walked quickly past the ballroom where his wife danced with
her friends. He would go to bed after dinner. But he could hear the
orchestra playing until three in the morning.

Mister Mindon walked into the library. No one in the house ever read any of
the books. But Mister Mindon was proud to be rich enough to have a
perfectly useless room in his house.

He went into the sunny little room where his wife planned her busy days
and evenings. Her writing table was covered with notes and cards from all
her friends. Her wastepaper basket was full of empty envelopes that had
carried invitations to lunches, dinners, and theater parties.

Mister Mindon saw a letter crushed into a small ball on the floor. He bent to
pick it up. Just as he was about to throw it into the wastepaper basket, he
noticed that the letter was signed by his business partner, Thomas Antrim.
But Antrim's letter to Mister Mindon's wife was not about business.

As Mister Mindon read it, he felt as if his mind was spinning out of control.
He sat down heavily in the chair near his wife's little writing table.

Now the room looked cold and unfamiliar. "Who are you?" the walls seemed
to say. "Who am I?" Mister Mindon said in a loud voice. "I'll tell you who I
am! I am the man who paid for every piece of furniture in this room. If it
were not for me and my money, this room would be empty!" Suddenly,
Mister Mindon felt taller. He marched across his wife's room. It belonged to
him, didn't it? The house belonged to him, too. He felt powerful.

He sat at the table and wrote a letter to Millicent. One of the servants came
into the room. "Did you call, sir?" he asked. "No," Mister Mindon replied.
"But since you are here, please telephone for a taxi cab at once."

The taxi took him to a hotel near his bank. A clerk showed him to his room.
It smelled of cheap soap. The window in the room was open and hot noises
came up from the street. Mister Mindon looked at his watch. Four o'clock.
He wondered if Millicent had come home yet and read his letter.

His head began to ache, and Mister Mindon lay down on the bed. When he
woke up, it was dark. He looked at his watch. Eight o'clock. Millicent must
be dressing for dinner. They were supposed to go to Missus Targe's house
for dinner tonight. Well, Mister Mindon thought, Millicent would have to go
alone. Maybe she would ask Thomas Antrim to take her to the party!

Mister Mindon realized he was hungry. He left his room and walked down
the stairs to the hotel dining room. The air -- smelling of coffee and fried
food -- wrapped itself around his head.

Mister Mindon could not eat much of the food that the hotel waiter brought
him. He went back to his room, feeling sick. He also felt hot and dirty in the
clothing he had worn all day. He had never realized how much he loved his

Someone knocked at his door. Mister Mindon jumped to his feet. "Mindon?"
a voice asked. "Are you there?" Mister Mindon recognized that voice. It
belonged to Laurence Meysy. Thirty years ago, Meysy had been very
popular with women -- especially with other men's wives. As a young man
he had interfered in many marriages. Now, in his old age, Laurence Meysy
had become a kind of "marriage doctor.” He helped husbands and wives
save their marriages.

Mister Mindon began to feel better as soon as Laurence Meysy walked into
his hotel room. Two men followed him. One was Mister Mindon's rich uncle,
Ezra Brownrigg. The other was the Reverend Doctor Bonifant, the minister
of Saint Luke's church where Mister Mindon and his family prayedevery

Mister Mindon looked at the three men and felt very proud that they had
come to help him. For the first time in his married life, Mister Mindon felt as
important as his wife Millicent.

Laurence Meysy sat on the edge of the bed and lit a

cigarette. "Misses Mindon sent for me," he said.
Mister Mindon could not help feeling proud of
Millicent. She had done the right thing. Meysy
continued. "She showed me your letter. She asks
you formercy." Meysy paused, and then said: "The poor woman is very
unhappy. And we have come here to ask you what you plan to do."

Now Mister Mindon began to feel uncomfortable. "To do?" he asked. "To do?
Well…I, I plan to…to leave her."

Meysy stopped smoking his cigarette. "Do you want to divorce her?" he

"Why, yes! Yes!" Mister Mindon replied.

Meysy knocked the ashes from his cigarette. "Are you absolutely sure that
you want to do this?" he asked.

Mister Mindon nodded his head. "I plan to divorce her," he said loudly.

Mister Mindon began to feel very excited. It was the first time he had ever
had so many people sitting and listening to him. He told his audience
everything, beginning with his discovery of his wife's love affair with his
business partner, and ending with his complaints about her expensive
dinner parties.

His uncle looked at his watch. Doctor Bonifant began to stare out of the
hotel window. Meysy stood up. "Do you plan to dishonor yourself then?" he
asked. "No one knows what has happened. You are the only one who can
reveal the secret. You will make yourself look foolish.”

Mister Mindon tried to rise. But he fell back weakly. The three men picked
up their hats. In another moment, they would be gone. When they left,
Mister Mindon would lose his audience, and his belief in himself and his
decision. "I won't leave for New York until tomorrow," he whispered.
Laurence Meysy smiled.

"Tomorrow will be too late," he said. "Tomorrow everyone will know you are
here." Meysy opened the hotel room door. Mister Brownrigg and Doctor
Bonifant walked out of the room.
Meysy turned to follow them, when he felt Mister Mindon's hand grab his
arm. "I…I will come with you," Mister Mindon sighed. "It's…it's…for the
children." Laurence Meysy nodded as Mister Mindon walked out of the room.
He closed the door gently.

Escucha la pronunciación y lee el texto de nuevo.


·Servant: a person who is employed in another person's house, doing jobs

such as cooking and cleaning, especially in the past
·Ballroom: a large room that is used for dancing
·Proud: feeling that you are better and more important than other people
·Waste-paper basket (UK) wastebasket (USA): an open container
which stands on the floor inside buildings and is used for putting rubbish in,
especially paper
·Crush: to press something very hard so that it is broken or its shape is
·Pray: to speak to a god either privately or in a religious ceremony in order
to express love, admiration or thanks or in order to ask for something
·Edge: the outer or furthest point of something
·Mercy: kindness and forgiveness shown towards someone whom you have
authority over
·Ash: the soft grey or black powder that is left after a substance, especially
tobacco, coal or wood, has burnt
·To stare: when you look at something or someone for a long time

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