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Summer review Name :

Date :

What happened this summer? How well do you remember?

 A- LISTENING Time ! Listen to the News Reports and match them to the pictures below .

Number the pictures from 1 to 8 .

a- b- c-

d- e- f-

g- h-

B- Listen again and tick  the correct box (es) or pick out the information :

News report N° 1 :

 The first piece of news is about : a future event  a past event  a possible event 

a Canadian invention  the commercialization of a new kind of transport 

Justify ( 4 stressed words)  ……………………………………………………………………………….....................................................................................

News report N° 2 :

 main topic :

 name of the 2 leaders mentioned :

 nationality :

 name of a city – state :

 date mentioned :
 Award :  Possibility : Yes  No 
News report N° 3 :

 name of a famous person :  nickname :

 nationality :

 city of origin :

 job :

 birth date :

 date of death :

 cause of death:

News report N° 4 :

 main topic / issue :

 country mentioned :  public place mentioned :

 electronic device(s) mentioned :

 people concerned :

 politicians involved :

 number of people who voted:  number of people who voted in favour of the new law :

 date:

 motivation ( reasons ) :

News report N° 5 :

 name of a famous cultural attraction :

 location :

 characteristics :

 distance from Wales:

 age of the monument:

 height of each stone:  width of each stone:

 origin of the builders :

 about the scientific discovery :

News report N° 6 :

 main topic :

 name of the 2 teams :

 name of Championship :

 name of the Russian city where the match was played :

 match day :

 scoring :

 List all the people mentioned :

 List all the numbers mentioned :

 Overall point of view : Positive  Negative 

Justify ( 4 stressed words)  ……………………………………………………………………………….....................................................................................

News report N° 7 :

 main topic :

 key adjective :

 countries mentioned :

 2 possible consequences :

 Overall tone :

News report N° 8 :

 the event being referred to is set in the present  past  future 

 name of event :  nickname :

 characteristic :  about the phenomenon :

 date :

 duration of the total eclipse : ………… Hour(s ) ……….. minute(s) …………….Second(s)

 Visibility :

Visible on …………………. …………………….. Visible on …………………. ……………………..

- -

- -

- The Middle East

 Listen to the News reports and indicate the correct pronunciation of these regular verbs .
Tick  the corresponding column.

 [d]  [t]  [Id]

 

REGULAR VERBS /d/ /t/ /id/

Recap !
La terminaison "ed" peut se prononcer
authorized de 3 façons :
died  [… ] uniquement après les bases
raised verbales se terminant par le son [t] ou
 [… ] après les bases verbales se
terminant par le son [p], [k], [f], [θ],
called [s] ou [ʃ].
moved  [… ] dans tous les autres cas.
buried Quand tu ne sais pas, essaye d'abord la

helped prononciation [d], c'est la plus fréquente.





Learn more on  https://learningapps.org/watch?v=pyxjqfa3n17

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