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Carnicas González is a created meat distribution company 18 years ago by Antonio

Gonzalez. The company started its activities at the beginning of the eighties with a small
business in Terrassa. At the beginning of the 1990s, the company began to grow and gave
input in 1993 in its capital a financial partner. The financial partner of the group is the
company 3i, which is one British society of venture capital, which currently controls 22%
of the shares, While Mr. González controls the rest of the capital. Meat Gonzalez has to its
time shares in six companies, of which two are own training centers, other two are
commercial wholesale and retail enterprises, and the last two are absorbed companies
engaged in the production of sausages and other products related to the meat. Their
settlements act under the meat brands Gonzalez, Selecta, the Manduca, Carnipreu and

Produce and market products of the different meat specialities of the highest quality, to
satisfy he tastes and needs of our clients, always aware of the importance and the respect
that is due to them, to partners, suppliers, environment and society who consumes our

By the year 2005 be one of the companies of higher quality, production, and distribution in
meat products, being the company with major consumers in all Spain and Europe, growing
our franchise.

Now I create a strategic plan with 5 steps for them, The rapid growth of the company is due
to the personal effort of an entrepreneur with great talent for business. Antonio González
has led the company to become one of the leaders of the meat distribution sector in Spain.
In 1996 it had 330 establishments in Catalonia of which 155 were owned and the rest
franchises. In just 15 years Cárnicas González went from being a small family business to
becoming in an innovative group and leader in the meat distribution market. The most
important impulse was registered in the first five years, where a model was launched
only establishment and began to grant franchises.
1. They are successful but they need to increase their market with new strategies
new products for all kinds of people, for example today more people are vegetarian and
vegan that some years ago, they need other natural milk with other ingredients and flavors,
there are almond milk and coconut or nuts and others who replace the animal milk but if
they want to increase they business it will be and excellent strategy. The competence
doesn’t have yet this product and COLANTA would be the first producer of natural milks
in Colombia.
The same happens with cheese the typical cheese is it’s boring for many people and some
of them consider that it has a lot of grasses, but if they star with “Tofu” that is a delicious
natural and healthy it will change and increase their consumers. The classical products are
excellent but world and people are changing every day.

2. It’s important a market study to know if people are satisfied with COLANTA and if
they will buy new products, also the farmers that they have in agreement need better
prices to have more resources to care of their animals without abuse and they will
work harder to produce the most delicious milk and others. There are aspects that
the competition has not taken into account. And it will perfect to transform this
sector better to 2022.

3. The main objects are:

1. Create safe and stable prices for farmers in order to avoid shortages in products.
2. Offer the best affordable market prices to all kinds of people to increase sales and
3. Include a new food catalog for vegetarian and vegan people because the food for
them is mostly imported.
4. Create corner store product in main cities to avoid lose products that are going to be
some weeks before defeated for poor people or restaurants with a big discount so as
not lose products.
5. Invest in environmental technology to reduce costs of production and manufacture
of packaging, facilitating the ecology in homes.

4. The general manager is in charge of carrying out the surveillance of the new
strategies, but in company of whole team. COLANTA is going to be the best if they
think in all kinds of people, if they invest in innovative packaging, products,
recycling process, and new offers for people.

The most important is keep times of each process in the company, to avoid bad process.
Including a virtual sales catalog that allows access to COLANTA products from
anywhere. New ways of presenting and distributing the product in main cities and
Europe will be an excellent place to of making their products known to stock up at all
times of the year. Including all of this document.

. De acuerdo al informe de auditoria se logra percibir que algo grave esta sucediendocon el
recaudo de cartera por parte de las filiales mencionadas, ocasionando un efectodomino que
afecta directamente las utilidades del ejercicio; debido a que se evidencia quelos cobros
pendientes aumentaron en un 29,58%, es un incremento muy considerable, sesugiere que
mejoren las políticas de cartera, para mejorar el tiempo de la rotación decartera, hacer una
planeación y mejorar la provisión de cartera para evitar el colapsofinanciero. Además se
sugieren estrategias inmediatas para la abstención de gastosinnecesarios y tratar de
aumentar el nivel de ventas de contado para estas filiales.2. Puntos fuertes:
• Participación económica en otras
• Modelo de franquicias

• Posicionamiento de la marca

• Inmovilizado financiero de 100 millones

Puntos débiles:
• Alto nivel de endeudamiento (Bancos)

• Disminución de la utilidad anual

• Proveedores a corto plazo y clientes a largo plazo

• Alto nivel de inversión en infraestructura

3. Después de analizar el plan de restructuración financiera es muy riesgoso en el sentidode
que todos los proveedores no accederán fácilmente a reconvertir su deuda en capitalsocial,
ya que ellos cuentan con ese dinero para generar liquidez en su compañía, y comola
inversión de 3i esta condicionada a este hecho se complica un poco mas la situación.Sin
embargo el re direccionamiento estratégico de los puntos de ventas es muy oportunopara
estar de acuerdo a los cambios culturales que se experimentan en los tiemposactuales. Se
sugiere que evalúen considerablemente la participación en filiales quepresentan saldos
negativos, debido a que este hecho debilita la solidez empresarial deCárnicos González.

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