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Milan Vukomanović (born in Belgrade in 1960) is a full professor of sociology at the

Department of Sociology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade. At the same

Faculty he received his B.A. and M.A. degrees in philosophy. He earned his doctorate
in 1993 at the University of Pittsburgh, U.S.A, where he taught religious studies
courses until 1995. He was also a visiting professor of this University (program
Semester at Sea) and a guest lecturer at NTNU, Norway and University of Sarajevo.
Vukomanović has taught courses at the Faculty of Philology and Faculty of Political
Science in Belgrade. He is the co-founder of the Center for Religious Studies
(Belgrade Open School) and the member of the Islam in South East Europe Forum.
He was also the president of the Sociological Association of Serbia and Montenegro
and member of the Kotor Network (an international academic exchange in the field of
Balkans based religious studies). Vukomanović has received several academic
fellowships and grants from the University of Pittsburgh, University of Oslo, the
Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Catholic Relief
Services and other international institutions.

The area of Prof. Vukomanović’s academic interest ranges from sociology of religion
and history of religions to studies of Early Christianity and Islam. In the Department
of Sociology he teaches the following courses: Sociology of Religion (undergraduate
and Ph.D levels); Introduction to World Religions (B.A. level); Islam: Religion,
Culture, Civilization (M.A. level).

Milan Vukomanović has published and edited several books, including: Historical
Jesus before Christ: The Trajectories of Judaism and Christianity in the First Century
(2013), Homo viator: Religion and New Age (2008), The World of the Gospel of
Thomas (2007), Religious Dialogue in the Balkans: The Drama of Understanding
(2005), The Sacred and the Multitude: Challenges of Religious Pluralism (2001),
Inter-Religious Dialogue as a Way of Reconciliation in South Eastern Europe (2001),
Early Christianity from Jesus to Christ (1996, 2003) and Early Christian Myths
(1992, 1997). He has also published about 200 journal articles, chapters in books and
other works in Serbian and international publications (incl. Cambridge University
Press, Palgrave-Macmillan and I. B. Tauris). His citation index comprises over 450
references in books, scholarly journals and other academic publications in Serbia and
abroad (20 countries). This citation index list includes international publishers such as
the University of Cambridge Press, Routledge, T&T Clark, E.J. Brill, Palgrave-
Macmillan, Taylor and Francis, Johns Hopkins U.P., Purdue U.P., CEU Press, I.B.

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