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MEDINA, Miguel Andrei C.

HS 201 Paz Y Ente

Prior to the start of classes I actually fell sick. I had cough, colds, and chest pain, so I decided to go with
my two classmates Arianne and Abot to a nearby health center (Rosario Health Center). After being
made to wait for about 30-45 minutes, we were allowed to have a check-up. This was lucky for me,
because we had actually arrived after the actual health center consultation hours, and they had just
made a special case for me. After taking my blood pressure and general info, we were led in a room. At
which point, everything quickly turned sour. The doctor assigned began to speak at us in a harsh tone,
for he thought I was faking my sickness. Apparently, he has this vendetta against UPCM students, who
have a tendency to fake their sicknesses in his health center. But my sickness was real. He treated us like
we were liars, before endorsing us to his second-in-command doctor, who was much kinder and more
respectful. The doctor listened to my lungs and prescribed me a generic mucolytic, after which we left
amidst more shouts from the head doctor. The experience all-in-all was a bit scary.

While waiting for transportation, the head doctor was observing me from afar. I guess he figured out that
I wasn’t lying, because even after I had left the indoor premises of the health center, I was still visibility
coughing. I hope he was able to reflect on his actions that day.

What bothers me is that had another, normal, non-UPCM adolescent such as myself were to show up in
the health center, they could have also experienced the same thing I had experienced, all because of the
grudge the head doctor has for UPCM. What he did was terribly uncalled for and he exemplifies the kind
of doctor I do NOT want to become. As someone who a patient entrusts with his or her health and care,
one’s first response shouldn’t be doubt, BUT COMPASSION. Before all else, suspend all disbelief, and just
HELP the patient who is in need! Your personal biases and unnecessary remarks can come later.

While we also had to wait for a while, it was good that the health center still allowed us to get a
consultation outside of the proper hours. It’s good that they didn’t just turn us away. And it’s also
commendable that the other doctor prescribed a generic medicine, which is cheaper. The second doctor
was also nicer, while also ignoring the main doctor’s remarks.

All in all, going to the health center for a check-up was interesting. It saddens me that doctors like the
main doctor exist though, but I am also aware that he is just a victim of all the things he has experienced
in his practice, so my judgment shouldn’t be too swift. What I do know, however, is that patients are at
their most vulnerable when they see doctors – and as much as possible, doctors should maintain an aura
of professionalism and respect at all times.

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