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1. Hal terpenting dalam penanganan outbreak ?

A. Risk measurement
B. Risk handling
C. Risk communication
D. Risk adjustment
E. Risk assessment
2. Pola penyebaran outbreak disebut ?
A. The mode of transmission
B. Communicability of the organism
C. Ability of the organism to grow and propagate
D. Level of immunity within the population
E. Intensity of an outbreak
3. Jenis transmisi dengan menggunakan perantara hewan adalah ?
A. Zoonotic transmission
B. Microorganism transmission
C. Virus transmission
D. Herbi transmission
E. Bacteri transmission
4. Ebola adalah kasus outbreak yang merupakan contoh outbreak dengan penyebaran ?
A. Bacteri transmission
B. Microorganism transmission
C. Virus transmission
D. Herbi transmission
E. Zoonotic transmission
5. Ketahanan imun didalam populasi disebut ?
A. Communicability of the organism
B. Level of immunity within the population
C. Ability of the organism to grow and propagate
D. Intensity of an outbreak
E. The mode of transmission
6. Jika suatu outbreak menyebabkan kematian maka pengukuran yang tepat untuk mengetahui
tingkat kematian adalah ?
A. Case fatality rate
B. Disaster rate
C. Mortality rate
D. Attack rate
E. Death toll rate
7. Yang tidak termasuk dalam personal protective equipment (PPE) ?
A. Arms, legs, body protection
B. Breathing, hearing, head protection
C. Eye, head, breathing protection
D. Hands, arms, legs protection
E. Eye, axtremity, breathing protection
8. Pernyataan yang benar mengenai outbreak ?
A. Hanya dialami oleh negara-negara miskin
B. High risk
C. Tergantung pada sifat dan jenis penularan dari penyebab
D. Ada protokol baku
E. Berpola penyebarannya
9. Kemampuan organism pencetus outbreak untuk menular disebut ?
A. The mode of transmission
B. Ability of the organism to grow and propagate
C. Communicability of the organism
D. Intensity of an outbreak
E. Level of immunity within the population
10. Kemampuan organism pencetus outbreak berkembang baik dinamakan ?
A. Ability of the organism to grow and propagate
B. Intensity of an outbreak
C. Communicability of the organism
D. Level of immunity within the population
E. The mode of transmission

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