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Lesson plan

1.Primery information
Name; Shanza Asghar Arain
School; Model School SALU khairpur
Class; 5Th
Subject; Math
Topic; Multiplication
Resources; Black Board, Multi media, Activity Sheet
Date……………………Time; 45 minuts Unit No………..……………..

2.Learning Out comes “in last student able to explain”

2.1 Introduction (10 minuts)
 1. Call the students together as a group.
 2. Ask them if they know how to Subtract.
 3. Take responses by raised hands
 4. Ask a student to add the two manipulative
 5. Write the equation 2 x 4 = ? on the whiteboard.
 6. Inform students that today they will learn to Subtraction
 2.2 Explicit Instruction/Teacher Modeling (10 minutes)
 Multiplication ;
 The multiplication of whole numbers may be thought as a repeated addition that is, the multiplication of two numbers
is equivalent to adding as many copies of one of them, the multiplicand, as the value of the other one, the multiplier.
Normally, the multiplier is written first and multiplicand second[1] (though this can vary by language.

 For example; 4 multiplied by 3 (often written as 3 x 4 and spoken as "3 times 4") can be calculated by adding
3 copies of 4 together:
 1. 3 x 4 = 4 + 4 + 4 = ?
 2. 8 x 12 = ?

3 Assessment / Review(10 minuts)

Ask Questions About the topic .

Qno1; Ask Students is they understand the Multiplication ?

Q no2; What is Multiplication?

Qno2; 30 x 2 = ? , what answer will comes ?

3.1 Independent Working Time. (Evidence)

“ Give following Equations to the students and give them directions to prepare worksheet ”

1. 12 x 3 = ?
2. 25 x 7= ?
3. 50 x3= ?
4. 5 x 20=?

Review and Closing (5 minut)

Ask students what they learned about topic
Time……………. Brain storming

Activity: Make Different Groups of the Students make a leader of every group and
Give them instructions to Discuss on the topic by each other and solve equations
on their books by the help of their Group mates .

Time……………. Solution
Use some color sticky notes and write some equations on them ang give them
students to solve


Activity collect the data sheets and analyze the work students have done and tell
them once more about the topic

Time……………. FEEDBACK

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