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Lesson plan

1.Primery information
Name; Shanza Asghar Arain
School; Model School SALU khairpur
Class; 6Th
Subject; Science
Topic; Living Things and Non Living Things
Resources; Black Board, Multi media, Charts
Date……………………Time; 45 minuts Unit No………..……………..

2.Learning Out comes “in last student able to explain”

2.1 Introduction (10 minuts)
 1. Ask the class if they are living or nonliving.
 2. Ask students if their pets at home are living or nonliving.
 3. Ask students to identify what they need to survive. Write "food," "water," "shelter," and "air" on the
 4. Explain to students that today they will be learning about living and nonliving things

Guided Practice/Interactive Modeling (10 minutes
 Living and Nonliving
 Things which can grow, move, breathe and reproduce are called living things. Living things can also feel emotions
like anger, fear and happiness. After growing and living for a long time living things ultimately die.
 Examples of living things are human beings, animals and plants. Plants cannot move from one place to another.
However, plants move their stem to face the sun. Hence, they are also living things.

 Things which cannot grow, move, breathe and reproduce are called nonliving things. They do not have any kind of
life in them. Examples of nonliving things are rocks, bucket and water.

3 Assessment / Review(10 minuts)

Ask Questions About the topic .

Qno1; What is Living Things ?

Q no2; What is Non Living Things ?

Qno3; Plant are living or non living ?

Qno4: how we differentiate living and non living ?

3.1 Independent Working Time. (Evidence)(15 minuts)

“ Ask Student to identify living and non living things and separately write the names of living and non living things
by analyzing thing from their school ”

Review and Closing

Ask students what they learned about topic

Ask Students Why plants known as Living Things


Brain storming

Activity: Make Different Groups of the Students make a leader of every group and
Give them instructions to Discuss on the topic by each other .

Time……………. Solution
Activity: Give a Brief Examples of living thing and non living things show some
chart which have pictures of living or non living things .show some video to the
students which differentiate the living and non living thing .



Activity: Collect the work sheets and list which are made by the students . in last
give a short demo of the topic and ask simple Question about the topic.

Time……………. FEEDBACK
Activity(SUMUP. Measure the knowledge of students which they have learned
from topic ask Questions about the topic and checking by their work.

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