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Robotic Thymectomy for

Myasthenia Gravis
Mahmoud Ismail, MDa, Marc Swierzy, MDa, Ralph I. Rückert, MD, PhDb,
Jens C. Rückert, MD, PhDa,*

 Robotic thymectomy  Myasthenia gravis  Thymoma

 Robotic thymectomy with the da Vinci robotic system is the latest development in the surgery of
thymic gland.
 Thymectomy for myasthenia gravis (MG) is best offered to patients with seropositive acetylcholine
receptor antibodies and who are seronegative for muscle-specific kinase protein.
 The robotic operation technique is indicated in all patients with myasthenia gravis in association
with a resectable thymoma, typically Masaoka-Koga stages I and II.


Preoperative Planning
MG is an autoimmune neuromuscular disease lead-
ing to fluctuating weakness and fatigue of different The evaluation of all patients with MG should be
muscle groups.1 Thymoma is present in 15% of done by a neurologist according to the Myasthenia
cases with MG.2 The thymic gland is located in the Gravis Foundation of America (MGFA), ideally in a
anterior mediastinum between both right and left center specialized for MG. The patients should be
phrenic nerves. In some cases, it is located above divided into age groups and the antibody status for
or below the phrenic nerve. Ectopic thymic tissue acetylcholine receptor and muscle-specific tyro-
can be located at various locations throughout the sine kinase should be evaluated. All patients
anterior mediastinum.3–5 Therefore, the radicality should undergo a contrast-enhanced CT scan
of thymectomy is crucial for tumor resection and of the thoracic cavity to rule out a concomitant
complete remission of MG.6 Thymectomy is most thymic mass. In cases of children and contraindi-
commonly considered a part of the complex treat- cation for a CT scan, MRI of the thoracic cavity
ment of MG and thymoma.7 Robotic thymectomy can be done. Patients with a thymoma should be
is the latest development in the surgery of the discussed by a tumor board. Pulmonary function
thymus gland.8 This is primarily because it tests and arterial blood gas analyses are required.
allows for a complete radical thymectomy, which All patients should have a thorough neurologic
improves the complete remission rate for MG evaluation. For patients with moderate to severely
compared with the conventional thoracoscopic symptomatic MG, the need for preoperative intra-
technique.9 The oncologic outcome in terms of over- venous immunoglobulin therapy or plasmaphe-
all survival and thymoma-related survival is prom- resis should be determined by a neurologist and
ising, but a longer follow-up is needed to consider coordinated in the immediate preoperative period.
robotic thymectomy a standard approach.10 In addition to a neurologic evaluation, all patients

The authors have nothing to disclose.

Bereich Thoraxchirurgie, Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Charitéplatz 1, 10117 Berlin, Germany; b Klinik
für Chirurgie, Franziskus-Krankenhaus Berlin, Akademisches Lehrkrankenhaus der Charité Universitätsmedizin
Berlin, Budapester Strasse 15-19, 10787 Berlin, Germany
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: jens-c.rueckert@charite.de

Thorac Surg Clin 24 (2014) 189–195

1547-4127/14/$ – see front matter Ó 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
190 Ismail et al

have to be checked for operability due to other thymectomy more frequently use the bilateral
diseases. approach to be sure about radical resection.4
Nevertheless, there are enough data for unilateral
nonrobotic technique to be adequate for the suit-
Variations of Robotic Operative Approach:
able anatomic configurations.11 For robotic thy-
Which Side?
mectomy, there seems to be a better mediastinal
There are variations in the operative approach to dissection possible, and therefore more often
thymectomy, with or without the use of the robotic (most centers) a unilateral technique has been
system: transcervical versus transsternal versus described (Table 1).
video-assisted thorascopic surgery (VATS). Some Thus, those who perform a unilateral VATS
thoracic surgeons who perform thymectomy by approach and those thoracic surgeons who
VATS choose a unilateral or a bilateral approach. choose a robotic approach have a similar decision:
The proponents of nonrobotic thoracoscopic which side? The major points of consideration

Table 1
Literature summary of robotic thymectomy series including more than 20 cases

Complete Thymoma
Study Remission Recurrence
Author, Year Country Interval Total MG Thymoma Approach Ports Rate (%) Rate (%)
Ismail et al,8 Germany 2003–2012 317 273 56 Left 3 57 0
Keijzers The 2004–2012 138 NA 37 Right 3 NA 2.7
et al,12 Netherlands
Marulli Italy 2002–2010 100 100 8 Left 3 28.5 0
et al,10
Freeman USA 6-y 75 75 Excluded Left 3 28 NA
et al,13
Schneiter Switzerland 2004–2011 58 25 20 Left 3 NA 11.1
et al,14
Melfi et al,15 Italy 2001–2010 39 19 13 Left 3 NA 0
Seong et al,16 Korea 2008–2012 37 NA 11 NA NA NA NA
Augustin Austria 2001–2007 32 32 9 Right 3 NA 0
et al,17
Cerfolio USA 2009–2010 30 30 NA Right 3 NA NA
et al,18
Castle & USA 2002–2008 26 18 1 Right 4–5 NA NA
Goldstein USA 2003–2008 26 26 5 Right 4 NA NA
et al,20
Tomulescu Romania 2008–2009 22 22 Excluded Left 3 NA NA
et al,21
Ye et al,22 China 2009–2012 21 0 21 Right 3 NA 0

Abbreviation; NA, Not Announced.

Robotic Thymectomy for Myasthenia Gravis 191

include safety of trocar placement and mediastinal the lesion is large, or to insure radicality, there
dissection, anatomic considerations for the distri- should be no hesitation to place an extra trocar
bution of thymic tissue, and education as well as in the contralateral side. The surgical procedure
ergonomic aspects.8,18,23–25 Although there is is performed under general anesthesia with
rarely a surgical manipulation of the right phrenic single-lung ventilation. Communication and coor-
nerve necessary, because there is little if any dination with an anesthesiologist is critically
thymic tissue lateral to or beneath the nerve, important. In a majority of cases, the use of depo-
avoidance of the right phrenic nerve is easier larizing agents can be avoided altogether to mini-
than on the left.26,27 Not infrequently, mobilization mize the risk of postoperative myasthenic crisis.
of the left phrenic nerve is necessary to excise sus- If necessary, however, a 1-time dose of a short-
picious tissue adjacent to the left thymic lobe, acting depolarizing or nondepolarizing agents
which may extend lateral to or under the nerve. may be used.
Continual awareness and visualization are The patient is placed in a supine position on a
required to safely complete this dissection without vacuum mattress with the operating table slightly
nerve injury; thus, a left-sided approach may have tilted to the patient’s right side. The left arm is posi-
benefit with respect to this issue. tioned below the table level with flexion at the
Another modification of the dissection is inevi- elbow. The operation field is always prepared
table in the occasion of the thymic gland having and draped for a conversion or to an additional
descended totally or partially posterior rather trocar from the right side. The 12-mm trocar for
than anterior to the crossing innominate vein.27 the binocular camera is placed in the fourth inter-
An anatomic study showed slight advantages in costal space at the left anterior axillary line. A thor-
the harvest of ectopic thymic tissue from the left acoscopic 10-mm 30 camera is introduced to
versus right side with thoracoscopy.28 Further ar- evaluate the operation field and help position the
guments for a left-sided robotic approach include other two 8-mm trocars. The cranial trocar is intro-
the left thymic portion is usually larger, extends duced in the third intercostal space at the anterior
to the cardiophrenic area, and more frequently is to middle axillary line, whereas the caudal trocar is
affected by neoplastic degeneration. The innomi- located in the fifth intercostal space at the midcla-
nate vein runs mainly in the left part of the upper vicular line. Thus, all 3 trocars are placed exactly
mediastinal area. Also, the aortopulmonary win- along the submammary fold. The special da Vinci
dow as a frequent site of ectopic thymic tissue trocars are connected with the 3 robotic arms of
can be reached better or exclusively from the left the table cart. The Harmonic Shears are placed
side.25 in the upper trocar whereas the Precise Bipolar
The arguments for a right-sided approach Forceps in the lower one.
include better visualization of the venous conflu-
ence from the right side by following the vena SURGICAL PROCEDURE
cava superior, the visualization and dissection of
the aortocaval groove, and better ergonomic posi- Step 1 (Fig. 1): The dissection of the thymic
tion to accomplish dissection from inferiorly work- gland starts caudally in the middle of the peri-
ing cephalad from the right side.29 Cerfolio and cardium parallel to the left phrenic nerve. This
colleagues18 suggested also that early in a sur-
geon’s learning curve, a right-sided approach
may be easier and safer.9
Regardless of the approach, the importance of
thinking about the anatomic constraints of every
case, appropriate robotic surgical training and ed-
ucation, and rigorous credentialing of practitioners
having an optimal chance of radical thymectomy
cannot be stressed enough.30

Preparation and Patient Positioning

The authors’ standard surgical approach for ro-
botic thymectomy in the setting of MG without
an associated mass is from the left side using a
3-trocar thoracoscopic procedure. In the event Fig. 1. Dissection of medastinal tissue along the left
that there is a lesion located mainly in the right phrenic nerve. After incision of the mediastinal pleura
thymic lobe, a right-sided approach is chosen. If the phrenic bundle is mobilized.
192 Ismail et al

area is often completely free of fatty tissue,

and the left phrenic nerve can be well recog-
nized. But in some cases, the thymic gland
extends below or over the phrenic nerve.
These cases are optimal for the robotic proce-
dure because it is necessary to isolate the
phrenic bundle precisely.
Step 2 (Fig. 2): After dissection of the tissue in
the aortopulmonary window, further dissec-
tion is performed cranially along the phrenic
nerve until identifying and opening the cervi-
cal pleura at the entrance of the left innomi- Fig. 3. Mobilization of the left upper thymic pole by
nate vein. The incision of the cervical pleural gentle dissection and traction with two grasping
fold is extended to the median retrosternal
line. The dissection is continued to the right
from the surrounding fatty tissue. Also the tis-
side until the subxiphoid pleural fold is
sue in the aortocaval groove is dissected free
reached. With blunt gentle dissection, the
and the right lung, only covered by the medi-
right lung is made visible and is covered only
astinal pleura, is exposed.
by the right pleura parietalis. Whenever
Step 6 (Fig. 6): Preparation of the right thymic
possible, the right pleural cavity should not
lobe follows mainly under CO2 insufflation.
be opened to prevent insufflation of CO2 into
The right phrenic nerve has to be identified
the right thoracic cavity (see Fig. 2).
in most cases even before opening the
Step 3 (Fig. 3): The next step is to mobilize and
mediastinal pleura of the right lung. The en-
gently pull down the upper poles after careful
bloc resected specimen is placed in a
dissection of their capsule. After that, the thy-
retrieval bag and then removed through the
rothymic ligament becomes clearly visible.
middle trocar incision. The operation field
Under tension of the completely exposed up-
with the venous confluence, the supra-
per thymic pole, this ligament is severed by ul-
aortic arteries, and parts of the anterior
trasonic dissection or between clip ligatures.
tracheal wall are examined for the presence
Step 4 (Fig. 4): Usually there are 2 to 4 thymic
of residual tissue and hemostasis. A chest
veins that originate from the innominate vein.
tube is placed in the left pleural cavity. Rein-
These veins have to be dissected without
flation of both lungs is followed by closure of
tension. The veins are then dissected with ul-
the trocar incisions.
trasonic scalpel or divided between clip liga-
tures, depending on the size of the vein and
experience of the surgeon. Special attention Immediate Postoperative Care
should be taken for the atypically located
Patients are extubated immediately postopera-
thymic veins.
tively in the operating room and put on patient-
Step 5 (Fig. 5): To view the right main thymic
controlled analgesia. Patients can be admitted
lobe, the whole median retrosternal tissue
for 1 night into an ICU or an intermediate care
portion has to be mobilized. In most cases,
unit. The chest drain is removed if a postoperative
the right main thymic lobe may be demarcated
chest radiograph shows normal findings during the
first 24 hours postoperatively.

Fig. 2. Identification of the innominate vein after

incision of the cervical pleural fold entering the Fig. 4. Dissection of the thymic veins either after clip
neck area. ligation or ultrasonic dissection.
Robotic Thymectomy for Myasthenia Gravis 193

after robotic thymectomy for MG patients, accord-

ing to the MGFA postinterventional status, was
observed in 57% of the cases. There were no re-
currences in patients with thymoma. For limited in-
dications (for instance, in small children, obese
patients, and older patients), it seems that robotic
thymectomy has a special technical advantage.
The actual number of robotic thymectomies in
this center from January 2003 to December 2013
is 379.
Keijzers and colleagues12 reported their 8 years’
Fig. 5. Deliberation of the right main lobe of the experience (2004–2012) with robotic thymectomy
thymic gland from the aorta-caval grove together
for thymoma. They retrospectively analyzed the
with the surrounding fatty tissue.
data of 138 robotic procedures for mediastinal tu-
mors and found that the operation indication in
Rehabilitation and Recovery 37 patients was for thymoma. The robotic thymec-
tomy was performed through a 3-trocar right-
Patients are normally dismissed between the sec- sided approach. The histologic analysis revealed
ond and fourth postoperative days after thymec- type A (10.8%), type AB (18.9%), type B1
tomy. All patients are followed-up by the authors’ (18.9%), type B2 (37.8%), and type B3 (10.8%)
team, including a neurologist. thymomas and thymus carcinoma (2.7%). The
Masaoka-Koga stages were as follows: stage I in
CLINICAL RESULTS IN THE LITERATURE 20 patients (54%), stage IIA in 5 patients
(13.5%), stage IIB in 8 patients (21.6%), stage III
Robotic thymectomy may improve cosmetic re-
in 3 patients (8.1%), and stage IVa in 1 patient
sults, reduce postoperative pain, and allow accel-
(2.7%). There were 5 conversions with 3 R1 resec-
erated recovery for patients with MG. Worldwide,
tions due to thymus carcinoma or type B2 or B3
between 2001 and 2012, there were approxi-
thymoma. The median follow-up was 36 months
mately 3500 robotic thymectomies registered by
(range 0–79). A recurrence occurred in 1 patient
Intuitive Surgical, Sunny Vale, CA. But the actual
(2.7%) 27 months post-thymectomy (type B2 thy-
number of these operations may be higher and is
moma, Masaoka-Koga stage IVa). The complete
rising rapidly. Table 1 lists all published articles
stable remission rate for patients with thymoma
with more than 20 robotic thymectomies. Ismail
and MG was 5%. The investigators conclude
and colleagues8 described the largest series,
that robotic thymectomy is safe in patients with
containing 317 thymectomies between 2003
early-stage thymomas and may also be feasible
and 2012. The main indications were MG and
for some selected advanced thymomas.
thymoma in 273 and 56 patients, respectively.
In a retrospective study, Marulli and col-
The operative procedure was performed mainly
leagues10 present the results of a series of 100 ro-
through a left-sided 3-trocar approach, but for
botic thymectomies performed between 2002 and
right side–located thymoma, a right-sided ap-
2010. A left-sided 3-trocar procedure was per-
proach was chosen. In some cases of large thy-
formed. The median patient age was 37 years.
moma, a bilateral 3-trocar approach was used.
Preoperative MGFA class was I in 10% of patients,
The cumulative complete stable remission rate
II in 35% of patients, III in 39% of patients, and IV in
16% of patients. Histologic analysis revealed
76 patients (76%) with hyperplasia, 7 patients
(7%) with atrophy, 8 patients (8%) with small thy-
momas, and 9 patients (9%) with normal thymus.
The complete stable remission rate for patients
with MG was 28.5%. There were no conversions
but in 1 patient a cervicotomy was required to
complete dissection of the thymic upper horns.
The investigators conclude that robotic thymec-
tomy is a technically sound operation, with low
morbidity, short hospitalization, and good neuro-
Fig. 6. Identification of the right phrenic nerve from logic long-term results.
the left side after complete exposure of the venous Freeman and colleagues13 reported on 75 cases
confluence and the aorto-caval groove. of robotic thymectomy over a period of 6 years.
194 Ismail et al

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