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- T h e L a w o f A t t r a c t i o n

International Speaker, Entrepreneur, Author & Philanthropist,

© 2017 H Akademy LTD.

Eric Ho
Set It And Forget It- The Law Of Attraction

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Eric Ho
Set It And Forget It -
The Law Of Attraction

A lot of people look and stare at their bank balance. That is

focus and in theory, what we focus on expands…but how come
our bank balance does not expand? This is because we are hold-
ing on, this is an attachment and the laws of the universe doesn’t
work on that principal.

How many times have we let it go? Let go of our attachment to

the outcome and suddenly we see it in our lives. I experienced this
for the first time in my career at the age of 24 in the steel industry
where I put all the hard work in, with no expectation that it was
going to have the monetary outcome that it did. Then all of a sud-
den, BOOM! I checked my bank account in astonishment, counting
the zeroes over and over while rubbing my eyes in total disbelief.

How many times does this happen within relationships? We

hold on so tight needing to find the right one, we keep holding
onto that perfect outcome and nothing comes. The moment we


let go of that thought the person appears in our lives in the most
unexpected places.

This phenomenon recently happened in another project I started

called the MM Revelation (www.mmrevelation.com). From just a
simple thought of wanting to help people with their health and
wealth I had no idea what this revelation would have resulted in.
Low and behold, 8 weeks into starting the project we grew an idea
into a community of over 1000 thought leaders and like minded
individuals which generated over 3.5 MILLION DOLLARS…

While this may sound like a simple principle, the laws that are
in place to allow this phenomenon to happen need to be practiced.
That is the reason why I decided to write this short book so I can
outline the 7 laws of the universe that need to be in your awareness
for this manifestation process to start working for you.

When I speak of laws, I mean laws. These laws are not adapt-
able, changeable, or influenced by opinion or choice. This is how


the universe works and you choosing to not believe in it is fine too.
However, you cannot deny that they are working in every moment
of every day just like The Law of Gravity. We are governed by it and
we can only work with it.

Setting it:

The process of setting a goal, intention, or a desired outcome

consists of the first 4 laws:

Law of Intention

Law of Clarity

Law of Emotion

Law of Focus

Forgetting it:

Forgetting it consists of the remaining 3 laws outlined within

this book.

Law of Detachment

Law of Trust

Law of Allowing




The Law of Intention:

We need to have a goal in mind. As they say, a journey without

a goal is like you getting into a car, driving in an unknown territory,
not setting your GPS and expecting to magically appear at your
desired destination.

How do we go about setting a goal?

1. Think it: Everything starts from thought. Always remember

that there is nothing in this world, no thing that exists without
thought. The chair you are sitting on now the clothes that you are
wearing, the location you are at, everything in existence around
you cannot be there if nobody put thought into it.

2. Write it down: Through Napoleon Hill’s decades of research

into the minds of successful people he found that the act of writing
your goals down, solidify the goal. Almost like taking some thought


that is just up in the air and grounding it. The vibrational frequency
is then set in stone.

3. Speak it: Words and vocalising all hold a vibrational frequency.

When we speak it out it not only holds a vibrational frequency that
runs through all the cells of our body, it also then transcends that
higher vibration out to the Oneness of this universe. This means
that your message is heard and allows the universe to respond to
your vibration amongst all the other vibrations from the trillions
of living cells around us.



The Law of Clarity:

Clarity is power. This process holds two main functions.

1. To solidify the goal, so that every step-by-step can be seen and

felt to create the vibrational path to take us to where we want to be.

2. Without clarity we do not have belief and are unable to activate

the trust process of manifestation. Understand one simple principle,
belief leads to action, and action gives us results. Everything starts
from belief and without belief we would never take action, thus
never attaining our results. So to build this belief we need to use
the process of chunking. To be able to take our big goal and break
it down into bite sized step-by-step goals so we can clearly see the
path in which will take us to our goal.




The Law of Emotion:

The universe does not answer to words but answers to emo-

tions. Emotions are what creates strong vibrational frequencies,
therefore getting the message out there.

That’s why so many people put up vision boards, make declara-

tions and speak out intentions everyday but wonder why they are
not attracting the things they want. It is because the universe is
not responding to the words or pictures but will always respond
to emotions that are attached to the words and pictures. So what
can we do?

Two simple ways for you to practice:

1. Visualise

Take yourself into the desired reality, the ‘as if’ state. As if it is
all happening for you already. By putting yourself into a simple
visualisation, bring in your senses. Smell it, hear it, taste it, feel it


as if it’s happening right now. That will help build the emotional
vibrations towards your goal.

2. Ask ‘WHY?’

Say your goal, ask yourself why you want it and keep asking,
keep digging for that answer until you start building up the root
reason as to why you want it, usually this will be down to fulfilling
one or more of your core needs. This is what Tony Robbins refers to
as the 6 basic human needs. The need for certainty, variety, growth,
love and connection, significance, and contribution.

Then finally, finish of by asking yourself ‘how would this make

me feel?’

Then feel it!

True Example (from my 24 year old self):

I want an Aston Martin.


Because I like it!


Because it makes me feel good to have one!


Because I want to show people that I’ve made it!

Why and how would this make you feel?


Because then I would feel important, feel special, feel like I’ve
achieved in life. (SIGNIFICANCE)

Now feel it, ‘as if’. Allow that emotion to build.

E-motion is Energy in Motion. What does this mean? It means

that when we get emotional about something it creates motion
and drives us to taking action. And on an energetic level, I want you
to see that emotion creates energy in motion. The energy is then
moving and connects with the entire movement of the universe
and becomes one with it. Thus connected and manifests what
you want in life.




The Law of Focus:

Where focus goes, energy flows and results show. What we

focus on expands. This is in every area of our lives and we must
understand this law.

So many people say don’t put all of your eggs in one basket
but yet if you look back in history, every success story came from
focusing on one goal only. Richard Branson may have over 400
businesses today but it all started from putting all of his focus on
just one business ‘Virgin Records’ until it became a huge success
and generating millions, then becoming self-sufficient. Only then
did Branson divert his focus.

So many creative minds today say ‘I am the ideas person’ most

of them don’t have results because all they think about is new ideas.


Understand that by putting more of your time, money and

energy into one thing, the more that energy focuses and expands.
Just like when you take a magnifying glass under the sun to magnify
the rays and focus it on paper, that focused energy expands and
creates fire, the result.

Focus all of your thoughts, energy and action on one thing.



Forgetting it:

Law of detachment:

Now that you have the intentions set, the clarification and
clarity of how to achieve it, the focus, energy and action in place,
it’s time to let go.

How many times have you really wanted something so bad, you
hold onto the outcome, desperate to make sure it happens and it

This happens in business. You are desperate for money, you

keep checking your bank account and you keep seeing little or no
progress. This happens in relationships. You really want the person
you like to respond to you. You keep checking your phone and still
no message. This happens with parenting. You have expectations
for your child and the more you try to hold onto that outcome they
rebel. But the interesting thing is this, it’s always at the times when


you’re not thinking or focusing on the outcome, all of the times you
have let go of expectations, the magic happens.

The money came into your bank account from some other source
that you completely forgotten about. The guy finally messages
you back, your kids get some proud results for you to see. This is
the part of law of attraction that a lot of people miss out on. Most
people believe it’s all about focus and continuous focus on the
goal and thinking about it and visualising the outcome over and
over in desperation and almost fear. These are one of the lowest
vibrational frequencies that exist, whereas on the opposite side
of the spectrum, the most powerful frequencies are that of Love
and Peace. When we are at peace, we are most connecting to the
source and everything around us.

We already know that we have the right strategies in place be-

cause we went through the whole process of setting the goal from
thought into action. So now enjoy just ‘knowing’ that the outcome
will be there, knowing without ego, knowing without ‘needing’ the
outcome. Let go!



The Law of Trust:

The opposite of trust is fear.

On a physical level, fear stops action. On an energetic level, fear

is one of the lowest vibrational frequencies. Both does not work
for us in obtaining our goals.

We can be certain that if we were able to have 100% belief in

the process that there will be a lot more action and therefore much
more likely to get our results. However for most people the 100%
belief isn’t there. Some people say it is there, but I believe that it is
just on a conscious level. However, the other 90% of which belongs
to our subconscious is fearing, and doubting.

Let me give you an example:


Since I was asked to be a Shark on US T.V show Shark Tank 2

years ago, so many people have been coming to hear me speak at
events all around the world wanting to pitch their business idea
to me in need for investment. One common dialogue would sound
like this and you may be able to relate with this on a personal level.

“Hey Eric, I have an amazing multi-million dollar idea and I

think you will love it.”

“Oh really? Why do you want to tell me about it?”

“Because I need an investor for it.”

“Oh, so if I’m hearing right it’s not really a million dollar idea,
because it is lacking the most crucial part of starting a business
which is the investment.”

“No Eric, you don’t understand the idea is amazing and I’m
certain it would work.”

“Wow, that’s great! So my advice is this. If you are certain that

it will work then I don’t think you should include me in the deal,
because if you do you will need to give me a high percentage of
your business. If you know and are 100% certain that it will work
then you should keep the 100% for yourself.”

“But I need the investment for it.”

“Very simple. Go take a loan, go remortgage your house, go sell

your car and all of your belongings, go take out every credit card
loan you can possibly apply for, go borrow from all of your friends
and family. And then when you put all of this in your business and
it generates the millions of dollars you are certain of you get to


keep it all to yourself and I have no doubt you will be able to pay
all debts off.”

Don’t tell me that if you were 100% certain of the outcome you
wouldn’t do that? The biggest problem is that you are certain when
you want to risk my money but when you need to risk your own
money then you are no longer certain about your idea!

Every opportunity that I have dived into myself, until today I

have never been 100% certain. There is always risk. But then again
if we don’t take action we are even more at risk. Risk that we never
even lived or tried. So where does trust come from and how can we
build that trust to be able to be at peace and allow for the universe
to work its magic?

2 main places:

1. Master the form and flow with the formless.

This is one of the key principles I teach at my signature event

Super Power LIVE. People always say just flow in life, be yourself!
But the problem is ‘we only flow with what we know.’

If what we know is fear, by being ourselves, we flow and attract

more fear. The things we don’t know, everything outside of our
awareness, we cannot possibly flow with. For example, if 7 years
ago you were to say to me “Eric, go up and speak on stage, just be
yourself and flow with it.” Number one, being the shy boy growing


up I would have never gone up and would have freaked out with
just the thought of it. If I proceeded, and gone up anyway, I would
have been all over the place.

The reason why I am now able to do 72 shows a year, shar-

ing the stage with great leaders like Richard Branson and James
Caan without fearing, is because I first Mastered the Form! This is
explained in my upcoming book called “Master The Form and Flow
With The Formless”.

Like everything in life we don’t get what we preach we get what

we practice. So, the way to build your trust in a certain situation is
to have played the game a thousand times before. But understand
and accept one thing, that if you have never played the game before,
it will be uncomfortable. Accept that this is part of the process and
the journey of your own personal growth. The magic is outside of
our comfort zone. So feel the fear and do it anyway. Understand
that the more we do, the easier this trust in the process will become
going forward.

To activate peace, just breathe..

(Just Breathe, third book in the series)

2. The question really is, what and who are we to not trust? If
we start understanding creation and that everything that is, and
has been created is by that of an infinite power that is much greater
than you, me, and everything around us then who and what are
we to say that we have control.


Let go of control and just trust. Trust in what? You may ask, trust
in that greater power, the thing that created you me and everything
around us, call it God, call it the universe, call it the Big Bang if you
wish. Whatever you name it there is one thing that we can’t deny,
is that its power is far greater than any human being. We think we
have the power to control…but how? It doesn’t matter how much
we play it safe, we cannot even be certain what is going to happen in
the next moment. Or that our physical being will still be in existence
in the next moment. How many time have you seen people who
hold on and try to control or fight for a situation and the outcome
is opposite to what they wanted? In fact the biggest problem that
most people have with The Law of Attraction is not with not being
able to attract the things they want in life but that they don’t realise
they are attracting everything they don’t want in life. The opposite
of trust is fear. When we fear we think and we apply emotion to
it. That is manifestation in the works. So we don’t really have a
choice but to trust. A great saying by Gabby Bernstein is, “in every
situation we have when we are feeling uneasy or indecisive, ask
yourself one question, if you could choose to listen to the teacher
of fear or the teacher of love right now which one would you listen
to? Take a deep breathe in and listen to what love would tell you
to do or how love would teach you to feel. Just trust.”




And finally..

The Law of Allowing:

Understand and know that everything is exactly the way it is

supposed to be.

Come to acceptance that this is the ultimate reality. We have

no choice over this matter. What is, is. So what does this mean?

Now that we have set our intentions, understand our plan of

action, put our action in progress, let go of our expectation of the
outcome and trust there will be 2 main attractions that will come
our way.

1. The negative: the things we don’t want in life. Allow. Under-

stand yin and yang, the world of duality is what we live in. We can-
not have light if we don’t have darkness. Everything that happens
in life and has happened has happened for a reason. The key is


behind the attitude you have when you respond to it. Do you see
problems as pain, or do you see challenges as a path for you to
grow and become a bigger version of yourself? When negative or
unwanted situations occur in our lives, see the positive light at the
end of it. Focus on the positive not the negative as what we focus
on expands. Practice the power of non-reaction, don’t fight, accept
and allow that this is part of the path that takes us to exactly where
we are supposed to be.

2. The positive: this may seem apparent to what we should do

in the positive situations is to celebrate and enjoy but one of the
biggest problems I see with people and The Law of attraction is
not that they haven’t attracted what they want but is that when
they’ve attracted it they can’t see it to accept it. At Super Power LIVE
I talk about how ‘Selling is Serving’. If you have a great product or
service or something that you really believe can change someone’s
life, the only way for you to change their lives is to sell the thing
to them. If they don’t buy into it, you cannot possible serve them.

Let’s say for example, you had some miracle alkaline water that
could help prevent diseases or recoup someone’s health, even if you
recognise someone in need of it, if you can’t sell the idea to them
they will never be able to drink and benefit from this opportunity.
But the biggest problem is that most people resist against selling,
therefore resisting against being served. Opportunities that come
our way are the result of the attraction sequence that we put out
to the universe. But the way opportunities can be brought to us
through the human form is through another human being selling
to us. Therefore, if we hold negativity behind being sold to, we will


always resist and reject the response of the universe to what you
once asked for.

The final point is to understand that the Law of Attraction will

work for you and will deliver what you ask for but the real question
is, are you open to receiving it? This may sound like an obvious
action but is also the biggest problem I see with people and you
may be able to relate to this.

I was brought up in the UK in a Chinese culture. And the Chinese

have their interesting culture when it comes to paying for food in
restaurants. When I was younger my mum and dad would always
teach me the importance of giving. And so every time we go to eat
they would fight to pay for every auntie and uncles bills around
us. And this fighting for the bill will happen every time. And there’s
something with giving and receiving. The dominant givers would
always win. But the interesting thing is this, the dominant givers
while satisfying their need for contribution a lot of the time start
to see a lack in their lives. I remember in a car journey home one
day when I was 10. I was sat in the back listening to Mum and Dad
talking in frustration about an uncle that never pays for the bills.
Perspective is an interesting thing, because from my perspective
that uncle always tried to give and fight for the bill it’s just Mum and
Dad never allowed that to happen this complaining about the lack.

If you are one who knows that you really enjoy giving but not
such a good receiver, then come to this awareness and be at peace
with this final principle. You cannot give if you do not have, you


cannot have if you do not receive. If whenever you give to someone

and you feel happy then why are you stopping others from satisfy-
ing that need for contribution. But most importantly why are you
stopping energy in flow. What comes in must go out and what goes
out must come in. Allow everything to be the way it is supposed to
be. Allow for creation, allow for manifestation allow for energy in
flow and allow the universe to work its magic.

Thank you for taking your time to read this book. If you have
found this book useful please do share the link with your loved
ones. https://bit.do/SIFIBook


** BONUS **

I believe that energy needs to be in flow and the act of paying it

forward and that is why I would like to gift the FIRST 1000 READERS
a FULLY SPONSORED TICKET (worth £997 each) to my signature
event Super Power LIVE (www.SuperPowerLIVE.com)

To CLAIM this SPONSORSHIP all you need to do is:

1. Help spread the message of this book by SHARING THE LINK

BELOW on Facebook


2. Drop us an email at team@hakademy.com with




(Contact Number)

I look forward to meeting you all on a personal level at the

next event.

- T h e L a w o f A t t r a c t i o n

he message of the law of attraction has been
passed down for thousands of years. I woke up
early one morning, picked up my phone and
started typing; my thumbs wouldn’t stop for three and
a half hours. Then when they stopped, I completed this
book where I will share with you my personal journey
and understanding, where I successfully using the laws
of attraction to create multi-million dollar business,
set up a non-profit organisation that feeds an educates
hundred of orphans out in Kenya and create and live the
life of my dreams. I will also share with you how you can
create the life of your dreams too,start living life on your
terms through practical steps and applications of the
law of attraction.

“This is an absolute must-read if you want to use the law of

attraction effectively, and learning it from someone who has
actually successfully applied it. It is practical, concise, and
straight to the point. Read it, learn it, set it, and forget it. You
will see the magic unfold in your life.”

Tim Han - Founder of Success Insider


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