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Islamic Studies

Scheme of Work Rubrics

(Grade 5)
Timeline Topic Trend Learning outcomes Key vocabulary Success criteria
“I can”
To analyze the reward of a scattered ‫انفطرت‬ I can recite the Holy
man on the day of and their system verses, taking into
judgment. is disturbed account the rulings of
To explore the three
‫يوم الدين‬
Themes of the Surah.
the day of I can recount some of
To conclude the general
Judgment. blessings of Allah, Glory
meaning of the Surah. be to Him, on man.
To recite and memorize those who I can describe the major
the Surah, and to think perform signs of the day of
deeply of its meanings. righteous, Judgment.
Week 1 honest and good
Week 2 To value the impact of deeds. I can explain the wisdom
Surat Al - Infitar Divine Revelation believing in the day of behind reminding us of
judgment on believer’s
the day of Judgment.
I can justify the positive
impact of believing in
the day of judgment on
the believer’s manners
to avoid doing
prohibited actions.
Timeline Topic Trend Learning outcomes Key vocabulary Success criteria
“I can”
To read the Hadeeth The ‫المفلس‬ I can recite the Hadith
properly. Bankrupt properly by heart.

To explain the main Belongings ‫متاع‬ I can define concept of

meaning of the the bankrupt with
Hadeeth. To bring ‫قذف‬ reference to the
calumny against hadeeth of prophet.
To compare between others.
the real bankrupt and I can identify the acts
the Truly Rich. to shed the ‫سفك‬ that make the one doing
blood of others. them a bankrupt on the
To discover how people day of Judgment as
will recall their daily Fall short ‫فنيت‬ stated in the Hadith and
Week 3 deeds in the day of Finish those that one make
The Real Bankrupt Divine Revelation
Week 4 Judgment. come to end truly rich.

I can demonstrate the

ways by which one can
keep his credit of good

I can justify how the

people recall their daily
deed by referring to the
relevant verse from
Timeline Topic Trend Learning outcomes Key vocabulary Success criteria
“I can”
To analyze the wisdom ‫الموازين القسط‬ I can explain the
behind making the scales of Justice. importance of believing
knowledge of the hour in the day of judgment.
Unseen. ‫علم الساعة‬
Knowledge of I can explain the result
To infer the Justice of the hour. of the day of judgment.
Allah in establishing a
day of Judgment. ‫الغيب‬ I can recount the signs
Unseen. of the day of judgment.
To value the positive
impact of believing in ‫اآلخرة‬ I can refer to evidences
Week 5 Belief in the day of Islamic belief the day of Judgment on Hereafter. from Qur’an and Sunnah
Week 6 Judgment believer’s life and about the day of
behavior. Judgment.

To extract some I can refute a

evidences from the Holy misconception about
Qur’an and Sunnah claiming knowing the
about the day of date of the day of
Judgment. judgment.

Timeline Topic Trend Learning outcomes Key vocabulary Success criteria

“I can”
To explore the ‫صالة الجماعة‬ I can illustrate where,
conditions of the congregational When and How to pray
congregational prayer. Prayer. Salatul- Jama’ah.

To conclude the benefits ‫صالة الفذ‬ I can demonstrate

of congregational Praying alone. congregational prayer.
‫صالة المسبوق‬ I can apply the steps of
To analyze the one joins the following Imam.
Week 7 The congregational Islamic rulings & provisions of the congregational
Week 8 prayer aims congregational Prayer. prayer late I can criticize some real
( after the first life situation if it’s valid
To discover What is Al Rak’ah) or invalid prayer.
Maspoq Prayer.
I can explain the
To compare between benefits of
the rewards of praying congregational prayer
individual and praying in on society and in the
groups. Hereafter.

Timeline Topic Trend Learning outcomes Key vocabulary Success criteria

“I can”
To conclude the deeds Follow ‫فاتبعوني‬ I can define the concept
by which the Muslims Me. of Obedient.
attain the Love of Allah
‫أطيعوا هللا وأطيعوا‬ I can explain the
Islamic values &
Week 9 Loving Allah SWT To analyze the ‫الرسول وأولي األمر‬ meaning of the term:
manners ‫منكم‬
importance of Loving ‘follow me
Allah, Glory be to Him. Obey Allah, and (Fattabi’oonee) in the
Obey the previous verse
messenger and
To examine how those of you who I can show show their
obeying who are in are in authority love for Allah, glory be
authority achieves the to him
good reward in the day
of Judgment. I can explain the
paternal relationship
between the rulers of
the United Arab
Emirates and its people,
indicating the result of
such a relationship.

Timeline Topic Trend Learning outcomes Key vocabulary Success criteria

“I can”
To explore the story of calling ‫دعوة‬ I can explain the
the prophet with the purpose of calling the
Christian of Nineveh. ‫التسامح‬ people of Ta’if to Islam.
To explore the relation I can enumerate some
between prophet ‫الصبر‬ of the prophet’s
Calling Da’wah the The Prophet’s Muhammed and Patience characteristics with
Week 10
people of Ta’if to Biography and Prophet Younus. reference to his call to
Week 11
Islam personalities the people of Ta’if.
To analyse the goal of .‫إسداء النصيحة بأدب‬
the messengers. giving advice I can refer to a Qur’anic
politely. verse that shows the
To explain the method, value of patience during
the prophet, peace be times of adversity.
upon him, used in
calling the people of I can refer to the
Ta’if. supplication (Duaa)
which Prophet Peace be
upon him said to ask
Allah’s assistance.

Timeline Topic Trend Learning outcomes Key vocabulary Success criteria

“I can”
To examine the Journey ‫اإلسراء‬ I can define Israa and
of Israa and Miraj. the Night Miraj mean.
To deduce some lessons I can locate the Journey
from the incident of the on the map.
Night journey and ‫المعراج‬
ascension to Heaven. ascension to I can recount the events
Heaven. of night of Israa and
I can explain the Miraj by referring to the
significance of Al-masjid conditions of the
The Prophet’s ‫سدرة المنتهي‬
Al Aqsa and Al Masjid Al prophet (PBUH), way of
Week 12 Al-Israa Wa Al-Mi’raj Biography and the lotus-tree
Haram for Muslims. ascension and the
personalities beyond which experience of the
none may pass.
To debate about the Prophet (PBUH) in the
incident of Al- Israa wa places he passed by.
Al- Mi’raj events.
‫فرضية الصالة‬ I can explain the
The Obligation of significance of the
Prayer. miraculous Journey to
the prophet (PBUH) and
to Muslims.
I can determine the
reward of performing
prayers in Masjid Al-
Haram, Masjid Al-Aqsa,
and Al-Masjid

I can refer to evidences

to justify the truth
about Al-Israa Wa Al-
Timeline Topic Trend Learning outcomes Key vocabulary Success criteria
“I can”
To explore the rule of ‫قلقلة‬ I can define the Term
Qalqalah. Qalqalah Qalqalah and mention
its letters.
To extract some verses ‫ د‬- ‫ق – ط – ب – جـ‬
includes Qalqalah. Qaf – Taa – Baa – I can distinguish
Jim – Daal. between the two types
To explore how to apply of Qalqalah.
the rule of Qalqalah I can analyze the verses
Week 13 during recitation. to extract the Hukm
Qalqalah Divine revelation
Week 14 from it
I can identify the
To apply the rule of position of the rule
Qalqalah during reciting Qalqalah in the Qur’anic
the Holy Qur’an. verses.

I can pronounce the

Qalqalah properly when
reciting the verses.
Timeline Topic Trend Learning outcomes Key vocabulary Success criteria
“I can”
Week 15 To read the hadeeth ً ‫شفيعا‬ I can explain the general
properly. the intercessor meaning of the Hadith.

To explain main ‫ألصحابه‬ I can refer to the verses

meaning of the Those who are from Quran to justify
Hadeeth. continuously the importance of
reciting the Holy reciting and teaching the
To analyse the virtue of Qur’an and Qur’an and thinking
reciting and teaching adhering to its deeply about the
the Holy Qur’an. teachings. meaning during
To recite the Hadith
correctly from memory.
I can suggest ways to
The Holy Qur’an is improve the recitation
Divine Revelation
my intercessor of the holy Qur’an.

I can demonstrate the

etiquettes of reciting the
Holy Qur’an.
Timeline Topic Trend Learning outcomes Key vocabulary Success criteria
“I can”
To value the features of The truth I can summarize the
the character of Fatima ‫الحق‬ values learned from the
bint Abdul Malik. biography of Fatima bint
Who have Abdul Malik.
To explain the learned ‫العلماء‬
lessons from her I can list some deeds
biography. People of which women can
understanding contribute to the
‫أولوا األلباب‬ building and
To explain the effect of development of society.
Fatima Bint Abdul acquiring knowledge on
Week 16 the human personality I can Explain how Fatima
in light their increased her
understanding. knowledge.

I can explain the effort

To link between some made by UAE in the field
verses and the attitude of educating and
of Fatima bint Abdul empowering women.
Malik, when her
husband died.

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