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Homoeopathic Materia Medica.


J. T. KENT, M. D.
Professor of Materia Medica and HouicEopatliics in the Philadelphia Post-
Graduate School of Homoeopathies.



Copyrighted 1897,

Dr. J. T. Kent,
Phii,adei,phia, Pa.

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This work is offered to the profession as a general Repertory of the Homoeopathic Materia
Medica. It is not calculated to take the place of the repertories on special subjects, such as
Bcenninghausen's " Therapeutic Pocket Book," Guernsey on " Haemorrhoids," Allen's "Inter-
mittent Fever," Lee and Clark's "Cough Repertory," and Bell on " Diarrhoea," but rather to
be a connecting link between these special jvorks, answering the requirements of the physician
in a general practice of acute and chronic diseases.
The Repertory has been built from all sources, and is a compilation of all the useful symp-
toms recorded in the fundamental works of our Materia Medica, both ancient and modern, as
well as taken from the notes of our ablest practitioners. Many unverified symptoms have been
omitted, but only when there was a decided doubt about their consistency, and on the other
hand clinical matter has been given a place when it was observed to be consistent with the
nature of the remedy.
The plan Repertory is uniform throughout, and it is one which admits ot the indefi-
of the
nite expansion of each division, so that remedies can be added from time to time as they come
into use or have been confirmed and verified. It has been attempted to proceed in every case
from generals to particulars and in carrying this out the aim has been to give first of all a

general rubric containing all the remedies which have produced the sj'mptom, followed by the
particulars, viz., the time of occurrence, the circumstances, and lastly the extensions. Here it
may be remarked, in regard to extensions, that the point from which a certain symptom ex-
tends is the one under which that symptom will be found, never under the point to which it
As is well known to older practitioners, the method of working out a case from generals to
particulars is the most satisfactory. If a case isworked out merely from particulars it is more
than probable that the remedy will not be seen, and frequent failure will be the result. This
is due to the fact that the /ari^zVw/rtr directions in which the remedies in the general rubric tend
have not yet been observed, and thus to depend upon a small group of remedies relating to
some particular symptom is to shut out other remedies which may have that symptom, although
not yet observed. By working in the other direction, however, i. e., from generals to particu-
lars, the general rubric will include all the remedies that are related to the symptom, and, if
after having done this the particulars are then gone into and the remedy which runs through
the general rubrics is found to have the particular symptoms, this will aid in its choice as the
one to be prescribed. Take, for example, the particular symptom, " blueness of fingers during
chill." If this symptom alone were consulted in a special work, we would be limited to Natr-
m.. Nux-v and Pctr. But if the general rubric " blueness of fingers," regardless of the name
of the disease, be consulted,it will be seen that twelve remedies are to be noted. Even this is
a narrow way of looking at the symptom; to be certain of finding the remedy we may have to
consult the rubric " bluenessof the hands," giving about forty remedies, among which the
sought may be found, whereas it was probably not included in the groups of twelve and three.
One object, then, of this Repertory has been to assist in obtaining good general groups of
remedies. When pathological names are used, only the leading remedies in the condition re-
ferred to will be found in the rubric.
To those who have used Bcenninghausen's " Therapeutic Pocket Book " the working out
of cases from generals is a familiar method. But for the benefit of the younger men the
lowing suggestions are offered which may prove helpful: After taking the case according
down in the " Organon - {U 83-104), write out all the
the lines laid
mental symptoms and all
symptoms and conditions predicated of the patient himself and search
the Repertory for svnin
toms that correspond to these. Then individuali/.e .«till further, using
the symptoms predicated
of the organs, functions and always giving an important place to
the time of occur
rence of every .symptom until every detail has been examined.
Then examine the symptom
picture collectively, comparatively and individually, and lastly
study the Materia Medica of
such remedy or remedies as run through the symptoms of the case
until there is no doubt about
which is the most similar of all remedies.

Cross references have been inserted wherever it was thought

they would be needed but
doubtless more could profitably be added. Many busy men will
find groups of remedies
under headings different from the one they would naturally look for.
If a cross reference be
made at the time it will always help to find that rubric in the future, and if
all such cross refer
ences be sent to the author they will assist in making later editions
more complete Physicians
are requested to send in verified and clinical symptoms, and
to call attention to any errors
which they may discover in the text. Only in this way can we
expect to have a complete and
correct repertory. It is suggested that those who use this
Repertory should first of all read the
headings of the general rubrics from the beginning to the end
and thus become acquainted with
the plan upon which it is formed. Only by constant use can any repertory become a compan-
ion and a helper.

20og IValnut street, Philadelphia, Pa.

Abies-c, Abies Canadensis. Apoc ,

Apocynum cannabinum.
Abies-n., Abies nigra. Aral. , Aralia racemosa.
Abrot., Abrotanum. Aran., Aranea diadema.
Absin, Absinthium. Arg-c, Argentum cyanidum.
Acal. ,
Acalypha Indica. Arg-m Argentum metallicum.

Acet-ac, Acetic acid. Arg-n., Argentum nitricum.

Aeon., Aconitum napellus. Arn., Arnica.
Acon-c, Aconitum cammarum. Ars. Arsenicum album.

Acon-f., Aconitum ferox. Ars-h., Arsenicum hydrogenisatum.

Act-sp., Actsea spicata. Ars-i. Arsenicum iodatum.

^sc, ^sculus hippocastanum. Ars-m., Arsenicum metallicum.

Mth., ^thusa. Ars-s-f., Arsenicum sulphuratum flavum.
Agar-em., Agaricus cmeticus. Ars-s-r. Arsenicum sulphuratum rubrum.

Agar., Agaricus muscarius. Arum-m Arum maculatum. ,

Agar-ph.. Agaricus phalloides. Arum-t., Arum triphyllum.

Agn., Agnus castus. Arund., Arundo mauritanica.
Ailan., Ailanthus. Asaf., Asafoetida.
Alet., Aletris farinosa. Asar Asarum.,

AU-c, Allium cepa. Asc-c, Asclepias cornuti (Syriaca).

All-s., Allium sativum. Asc-t., Asclepias tuberosa.
Aloe, Aloe. Aspar. Asparagus.

Alumn., Alumen. Aster.. Asterias rubens.

Alum,, Alumina. Atro., Atropinum.
Ambr., Ambra. Aur.,*Aurum.
Ammc, Ammoniacum. Aur-m., Aurum muriaticum.
Am-ac, Ammonium aceticum. Aur-s., Aurum sulphuratum.
Am-bro. , Ammonium bromatum.
Am-c, Ammonium^carbonicum. Bad., Badiaga.
Am-m. Ammonium murialicum.
Bapt., Baptisia.
Amyg. Amygdalae amarae aqua.
, Bart., Bartfelder (acid spring).
Aml-n.,. Amyl nitrite. Bar-ac, Baryta acetica.
Anac, Anacardium. Bar-c. Baryta carbonica.
Anag Anagallis.
, Bar-m. Baryta muriatica.,

Anan., Anantherum. Bell., Belladonna.

Ang., Angustura. Bell-p. Bellisperennis.

Anis., Anisum stellatmn. Benz., Benzinum.

Anth-n., Anthemis nobilis. Benz-n., Benzinum nitricum.
Anthr., Anthracine.
Benz-ac, Benzoic acid.
Ant-a., Antimonium arsenitum.
Berb., Berberis.
Ant-cr., Antimonium crudum. Bism , Bismuthum oxidum.
Ant-s., Antimonium sulph. auratum. Bor., Borax.
Ant-t., Antimon. et. potass, tart. Bor-ac, Boracicum acidum.
Apis, Apis.
Both., Bothrops lanceolatus.
Ap-g., Apium graveolens. Bov., Bovista.

Brach. Hrachyj^dotUs.
Cinch., Cinchoninum sulphuricum.
Brom., Broiiiium. Cinnb , Ciniiabaris.
Bruc, Brucea antidyseiiterica. Cinnm,, Cinnaniomum.
Bry., Bryonia.
Cist , Cistus.
Bufo, Bufo. Cit-ac, Citric acid.
Buf-s., Bufo sahytiensis. Cit-1., Citrus limonuni.
Cit-v., Citrus vulgaris.
Cact. , Cactus.
Clem., Clematis.
Cadui., Cadiniuni sulphuratuni.
Cob., Cobaltuni.
Cain., Cainca.
CocH, Coca.
Calad., Caladium.
Cocc, Cocculus.
Calc-c, Calcarea carbonica.
Coc-c, Coccus cacti.
Calc-f., Calcarea fluorata.
Coch., Cochlearia.
Calc-i., Calcarea iodata.
Cod., Codeinuni.
Calc-p., Calcarea phosphorica.
Coff. , Coffea cruda.
Calc-s., Calcarea sulpliurica.
Coff-t., Coffea tosta.
Calo., Calotropis.
Colch., Colchicum.
Camph., Cainphora.
Coll., Collinsonia.
Cann-i., Cannabis indica,
Coloc, Coloc)mthis.
Cann-s., Cannabis sativa.
Com., Comocladia.
Canth., Cantharis.
Con., Conium.
Caps., Capsicum.
Cop., Copaiva.
Carb-an., Carbo animalis.
Cor-r., Corallium rubrum.
Carb-v., Carbo vegetabilis.
Com., Cornus circinata.
Carb-ac, Carbolic acid.
Corn-f. Cornus florida. ,

Carbn-h., Carboneum hydrogenisatum. Corn-s., Cornus sericea.

Carbn-o. Carbouenm oxygenisatum.
Croc, Crocus.
Carbn-s., Carboneum sulphuratum.
Crot-h., Crotalus horridus.
Card-m.; Carduus marianus.
Crot-c, Crotalus cascavella.
Carl., Carlsbad.
Crot-t. , Croton tiglium.
Cub., Cubeba.
Cast-v., Castanea vesca.
Cund., Cundurango.
Cast-eq., Castor equi.
Cupr., Cuprum;
Castor., Castoreum.
Cupr-ac, Cuprum aceticum.
Caul., Caulophyllum.
Cupr-ar., Cuprum arsenicosum.
Caust., Causticum.
Cupr-m., Cuprum muriaticum.
Cedr., Cedron.
Cupr-s., Cuprum sulphuricum.
Cench. , Cenchris contortrix. Cur., Curare.
Cham., Chamomilla.
Cj'cl., Cyclamen.
Chel., Chelidonium majus.
Chen-a., Chenopodium anthelminticum. Daph., Daphne Indica.
Chen-v., Chenopodium vulvaria. Der., Derris pinnata.
Chim., Chimaphila.
Dig., Digitalis.
Chin China.
Dios Dioscorea.

Chin-a., Chininum arsenicosum. Dire, Dirca palustris.

Chin-s., Chininum sulphuricum. Dol., Dolichos pruriens.
Chlol., Chloralum.
Dor Doryphora.

Chlf., Chloroformum. Dros. , Dro.sera.

Chlo., Chlorum.
Dulc, Dulcamara.
Chr-ac, Chromicum acidum.
Cic, Cicuta virosa. Elaps, Elaps.
Cimx., Cimex. Elat., Elaterium.
Cimic, Cimicifuga. Equis., Equisetum.
Cina, Cina. Erig Erigeron.

Inul., Inula,
Ery-a., Eryngium aquaticutn.
lod., lodum.
Eucal., Eucalyptus.
lodof., lodoformum.
Eng., Eugenia jambos.
Ip., Ipecacuanha.
Euon., Euonymus Europaeus.
Ir-fl., Iris florentina.
Eup-per. Eupatorium perf oliatum.

Ir-fce., Iris foetidissima.

Eup-pur., Eupatorium purpureum.
Iris, Iris versicolor.
Euph., Euphorbium.
Euplir., Euphrasia.
Jabor., Jaborandi.
Eupi., Eupion.
Jac, Jacaranda.
Fago., Fagopynam. Jalap. Jalapa. ,

Ferr. , Ferrum. Jatr., Jatropha.

Ferr-i.,Ferrum iodatum. Jug-c, Juglans cinerea.
Ferr-m., Ferrum muriaticum. Jug-r., Juglans regia.
Ferr-p. Ferrum phosphoricum.

Ferr-s. Ferrum sulphuricum.

Kali-ar., Kali arsenicosum.

Fl-ac, Fluoricum acidum. Kali-bi., Kalibichromicum.

Form., Formica. Kali-br., Kalibromatum.
Kali-c, Kali carbonicum.
Gamb., Gambogia. Kali-chl. , Kali chloricum.
Gels., Gelsemium. Kali-cy., Kali cyanatum.
Gent., Gentiana lutea. Kali-i., Kali iodatum.
Ger., Geranium maculatum. Kali-n., Kali nitricum.
Gett., Gettysburg. sulphuricum.
Kali-sul., Kali
Gins., Ginseng. Kalm., Kalmia.
Glon., Glonoin. Kiss., Kissingen.
Gnaph., Gnaphalium. Kou., Kousso.
Goss., Gossypium. Kreas., Kreasote.
Gran., Granatum.
Graph., Graphites. Lac-c. , Lac caninum.
Grat., Gratiola. Lac-d., Lac defloratum.
Grin., Grindelia. Lach., Lachesis.
Guara., Guarana. Lachn., Lachnanthes.
Guare, Guarea. Lac-ac, Lactic acid.
Guai,, Guaiacum. Lact., Lactuca.
Gymn., Gymnocladus. Lam ,
Laur., Laurocerasus.
Hsem., Hjematoxylon. Led., Ledum.
Ham., Hamamelis. Lept., Leptandra.
Hell., Helleborus niger. Lil-t. , Lilium tigrinum.
Helon., Helonias. Lith., Lithium.
Hep. Hepar sulphuris calcareum.
, Lith-m., Lithium muriaticum.
Hipp., Hippomanes. Lob-c, Lobelia cardinalis.
Hura., Hura Braziliensis. Lobel. Lobelia inflata.

Hydr., Hydrastis. Lob-s., Lobelia s)rphilitica.

Hydr-ac, Hydrocyanic acid. Lup. Lupulus.

Hydrc, Hydrocotyle. Lye, Lycopodium.

Hyos., Hyoscyamus. Lycpr., Lycopersicum.
Hyper., Hypericum.
Lycps., Lycopus.
Iber., Iberis. Lyssin., Hydrophobinum.
Ign., Ignatia.
Mag-c, Magnesia carbonica.
111., Illicium.
Mag-m., Magnesia muriatica.
Ind., Indium metallicum. Mag-s., Magnesia sulphurica.
Indg., Indigo.
Mane, Mancinella.

Mang. Manj^amiiii.
Ped., Pediculus.
Med., Medorrhimun.
Pen., Penthorum.
Meli., Melilotus.
Per., Persica.
Ment-pi., Mentha piperita. Peti., Petiveria.
Meny., Meuyauthes.
Petr., Petroleum.
Meph., Mephitis.
Petros., Petroselinum.
Merc, Mercurius.
Phas , Phaseolus.
Merc-c, Mercurius corrosivus.
Phel., Phellandrium.
Merc-cy., Mercurius cyanatus.
Phos., Phosphorus.
Merc-d., Mercurius dulcis.
Ph-ac, Phosphoricum acidum.
Merc-i-fl., Mercurius iodatus flavus.
Phys., Physostigma.
Merc-i-r., Mercurius iodatuslruber.
Phyt., Phytolacca.
Merc-n. Mercurius nitrosus.
Pic-ac , Picricum acidum.
Merc-sul., Mercurius sulphuricus.
Pin-s., Pinus silvestris.
Merl., Mercurialis.
Pip-m., Piper methysticum.
Mezer., Mezereum.
Pip-n., Piper nigrum.
Mill., Millefolium.
Plan., Plantago.
Mit., Mitchella.
Plat , Platinum.
Morph., Morphinum.
Plat-m., Platinum muriaticum.
Mosch., Moschus.
Plect., Plectranthus.
Murx., Murex.
Plmbg., Plumbago littoralis.
Mur-ac, Muriaticum acidum.
Podo., Podophyllum.
Myric, Myrica.
Polyg., Polygonum.
Myris., Myristica.
Pop., Populus.
Nat-ar., iSTatrum arsenicatum. Poth., Pothos foetidus.
Nat-c, Natrum carbonicum. Prun. , Prunus spinosa.
Nat-m. Natrum muriaticum.
Psor. Psorinum.
Nat-n., Natrum nitricum. Ptel., Pteleatrifoliata.

Nat-p., Natrum phosphoricum. Puis., Pulsatilla.

Nat-s., Natrum sulphuricum. Pul n., Pulsatilla nuttalliaua.

Naja, Naja. Pyrog., Pyrogen.

Nice, Niccolum. Pyrth., Pyrethram.
Nit-ac, Nitricum acidum. Pyrus, Pyrus.
Nuph., Nuphar luteum.
Qua., Quassia.
Nux-m., Nux moschata.
Nux-v., Nux vomica. Ran-b., Ranunculus bulbosus.
Ran-sc. Ranunculus sceleratus.

Oci., Ocimum. Raph., Raphauus.

CEna., OSnanthe.
Rat., Ratanhia.
Olnd., Oleander.
Rheum, Rheum.
Ol-an., Oleum animale. Rhode, Rhododendron,
Ol-jec, Oleum jecoris aselli. Rhus, Rhus toxicodendron.
Op., Opium.
Rhus-r. Rhus radicans. ,

Grig., Origanum. Rhus-v. Rhus venenata. ,

Osm., Osmium. Rob Robinia.


Oxal-ac. Oxalicum acidum. Rumx., Rum ex


Paeon., Pseonia. Riita, Ruta.

Pall Palladium.
Sabad., Sabadilla.
Pan., Panacea. Sabin., Sabina.
Par., Paris quadrifolia. Saccharum album.
Pau-p., Paullinia pinnata. Sal-ac, Salicylicum acidum.
Pau-s., Paullinia sorbilis. Salix niger.
Sal-n ,

Plb., Plumbum. Samb., Sambucus.

Sang., Saiiguinaria. Tet., Tetradymite.
Sanic , Sanicula aqua. Teucr., Teucrium marum verum.
Sane, Santoninum. Thai., Thallium
Sap., Sapouinum. Thea, Thea.
Sarr., Sarracenia Ther., Theridion.
Sars., Sarsaparilla. Thuj Thuja. ,

Scut., Scutellaria. Tilia, Tilia.

Secale, Secale cornutum. Trif-p. , Trifolium pratense.
Selen., Selenium. Trif-r., Trifolia repens.
Senec, Senecio. Trill.,Trillium pendulum.
Seneg., Senega. Trio., Triosteum.
Senn., Senna. Trom., Trombidium muscae domesticse.
Sep., Sepia. Tuberc, Tuberculinum.
Serp., Serpentaria. Tus-f. ,
Tussilago fragrans.
Sil., Silicea. Tus-p., Tussilago petasites.
Sin-a., Sinapis alba,
Sin-n., Sinapis nigra. Upa., Upas.
Sol-a., Solanum arrebinta. Uran., Uranium nitricum.
Sol-m., Solanum mammosum. Urea, Urea.
Sol-n., Solanum nigrum. Urt-c, Urtica crenulata.
Sol-o., Solanum oleraceum. Urt-g. Urtica gigas.

Sol-p., Solanum pseudo-capsicum. Urt-u., Urtica urens.

Sol-t-£E. Solanum tuberosum aegrotans.
, U.stil., Ustilago.
Spig., Spigelia. Uva, Uva ursi.
Spig-m., Spigelia marilandica.
Spong., Spongia. Vac, Vaccinninum.
Squil., Squilla. Valer., Valeriana.
Stach. Stachys betonica.
Verat.,Veratrum album.
Stann., Stannum. Verat-v.,Veratrum viride.
Staph., Staphisagria. Verb., Verbascum.
Stict. , Sticta pulmonaria. Vesp., Vespa.
Still., Stillingia sylvatica. Viburn., Viburnum opulus.
Stram., Stramonium. Vine, Vinca.
Stront., Strontium. Viol-od., Viola odorata.
Stry., Strychninum. Viol-tr., Viola tricolor.
Sulph., Sulphur. Vip., Vipera
Sul-i., Sulphur iodatum. Vip-l-f., Vipera lachesis fel.

Sul-ac, Sulphuricum acidum. Vise. , Viscum album.

Sumb., Sumbul.
Wies., Wiesbaden.
Syph., Syphilinum.
Wye., Wyethia.
Tabac, Tabacum. Xanth., Xanthoxylum.
Tanac, Tanacetum.
Tann., Tannin. Yuc, Yucca.
Tarax., Taraxacum.
Zing., Zingiber.
Tarent., Tareiitula.
Ziz. , Zizia.
Tart-ac, Tartaric acid.
Zinc. Zincum.
Taxus, Taxus baccata.
Zinc-m., Zincum muriaticum.
Tell., Tellurium.
Zinc-p., Zincum phosphoratum.
Tap., Teplitz.
Zinc-s., Zincum sulphuricum.
Tereb., Terebinthina.


ABANDONED. (See " Forsaken.") ABUSIVE: Am-c, am-m., anae, bell., bor.,
caust., con., dulc, hyos., ip., lye,
ABRUPT: 'Pl&t, tarent. mosch., nit-ac, nux-v., petr., plb., ran-b.,
stram., verat.,
ABSENT MINDED (Compare "Forgetful"): seneg., sep., spig., spong.,
Aeon., act-s., aesc ,
af{ar., agi/., all-c, alutJi., viol-t.
ani-c, ain-ni..anac SLng.,apis., arg-m., am.,
forenoon: Ran-b.
ars ,
arum-t., asan, aur., bar-c, bell., bov.,
calad., calc, Cann-i,, cann-s., caps., carl., evening: Am-c.
carb-ac, Caust., Cham., chel chin., cic-v., ,
angry, without being: Dulc.
clem., cocc, cofT., colch., coloc, con., croc,
cycl., daph., dire, dulc, pains, with the: Cor-r.
crotli., CHpr-ac,
elaps. ,^7-ff/'/!., guaj., ham., hell., hep., hura., scolds until the lips are blue and eyes stare
hyos., igt., jug-c, kali-bi., kali-br., kali-c, and she falls down fainting: Mosch.
lac-c, lack., led ,
lye, lyssin., mag-c, mane,
mang., mere, mez., mosch., uaja, nat-c, ACUTENESS. (See "Memory.")
nal-in., nit-ac, Nux-m., nux-v., oleand., op.,
peir.,phos ,phos-ac.,plat., plb.. Puis., rhod., AFFECTATION: Stram.
rhus-L, rlius-v. rata, sars. Sep., sil. spong.,
stann., stram.,



AFFECTIONATE: Aeon., anae, bor., carb-an.,
carb-v., croc, hura., igt., nux-v., ox-ac,
thuj., Verat., verb., viol-o., viol-t., zinc.
par ,
phos., plat., puis., seneg., verat.
periodical attacks of, short lasting: Fl-ac,
nux-ni. AIR CASTLES. (See "Theorizing.")

starts when spoken to: Carb-ac. AMBITION, loss of: Apoe, dios., erig., nat-ph.,
petr., robin., sang., scp.
ABSORBED, buried in thought: Aeon., aloe.,
am-m., arn., bell., bov., calc, cann-i., canth.,
afternoon and evening: Erig.
carl., cailst ,
cham., chin., clem., cocc, con., damp weather: Sang.
cycl grat., ham igt., ipec, mere, mosch.,
, ,

AMOROUS: (Compare "Lewdness" and " Las-

mur-ac nat-c, nat-m nit-ac,
, ,
ol-an., phel.,
civious"): Aeon., aloe, ambr., anl-c, apis,
phos puis., rheum, sabad.,
sars., spig.,
arund., bar-ni., bell., berb., borax ,
stann ,
stram., Sulph.
calc, calc ph., Cann-i,, cann-s Canth..,

morning: Nat-c, nux-v. carb-v,, chin ,

coff., coloc, con., croc, dig.,

evening: Am-m. dulc ,.iiraph ,

grat.,Hy08,,?;^A, kali-c, Lach.,
lil-t., Lye,, meny., mere, mosch., nat-c,
alternating with frivolity: Arg-n.
nat-m , nit-ac ,
nux-ni., nux-'o., op., Phos.,
as to what would become of him: Nat-m. Plat., plb., puis., rhus-t ,
robin., rvita,

sabin., sars , selen., sep., sil., s\.a.^\\., stram.,

eating, after: Aloe.
sulph., suinb., tarent., thuj., Verat., verb.,
menses, during: Mur-ac zinc.

ABSTRACTION OF MIND : Amyl-n., camph., fits: aeon., ant-c, Canth., hyos., op.', stram.,
catm-i., carbac, caust., cic-v, con., cycl., Verat.
elaps., hell., hyos., kreas laur
nat-m., Nux-m., oenan., op., phos
phos-ac, AMUSEMENT, averse to: Meny.
sabad., secale, sil., stram., vespa.
desire for: Lach.

ANGER (Irascibility) (See Irritiibility uiul
Quar- ANGER, ailments after, with
relsome): Aeon., aesc act-s., agar., agn., vehemence: Acon., anac,
apis., ars., aur.,
all-c, aloe., ambr., aiii-c, aiiac, apis., arj^-in., bell., bry., cain., Cham,, coff., grat., hep.,
arg-n., am, ars., asar., aster., atrop., aiir., hyos., igt., lye, ^lat-m., Nux-V., pallad.,
bar-c, bell., Bry,, bufc, callad., calc, calc- petr., phos., sep., sulph., verat., zinc.
ph., cann-s ,
canth., caps., carb-an., carb-s.,
convulsions: V,\x{o.,cham.,kali-br, op., plat.
carb-v ,
canst., Cham., cliel., chin., chlor.,
ciniic, cinnab., clem., cocc, coff., coloc, headache: Mez., petr., plat.
COM., cop., croc, crot-t., cimir. cypr., cycl.,
jaundice: Nat-s., Nux-V,
dig., dros.. dulc, elaps., eupion, ferr.,
fl-ac, granat., gels., graph., ham., hell.,
menstrual colic: Cham.
hep., hyos., hydr., Igt., iod., ip., kali-c, paralysis: Nat-m., nux-v., staph.
kali-n., lach., led., Lyc, niag-s., mang.,
alternating with cheerfulness: K\xx., caps.,
meph., mere, merl., mez., mosch.. mur-ac,
croc, igt stram.
myric, nat-c, nat-m., nat-s., nice, iiit-ac, ,

nux-m.i Nux-V., oleand, op., osm., petr., quick repentance: Croc, mez., sulph.
phos.,p\A\.., psor., puis., ran-b rat., ruta,
answer, when obliged to: Coloc.
sabad., sang., seneg , sep., sil., spig., squill.,
stann., causeless: Chel., mez.
Staph., stram ,
stront., Sulph.,
sulph-ac, tarent., tellur., Ihuj., trill., valer consoled, when: Ars chain., nat-m.
, ,

verat., zinc.
contradiction, from: Aloe., anac, Aur., bry.,
morning: Kali-c, nux-v., Petr., Sep., Sulph. ferr Igt., lyc, mere, wzVc, nux-v., oleand.,

op., petr., sil., thuj.

waking, on: Kali-c.
cough, before: Asar.
evening: Am-c ,
bry., caitt.. Croc, kali-c,
nice. op. petr. cough, from the: Acon., ant-t., arn., bell.,
, ,

ailments after anger, vexation, etc.: Acon.,
agar., alum., am-c, drinking coffee and wine, while: Chlor.
am., arj., aur.,
bell., bry., calc, calc-ph., cadm., caust., fever, during: Hipp.
Cham., chin., cimic, Cocc, loff., Coloc, involuntary: Carb-v., sep.
croc, cupr., hyos., ferr , Igt., ip., lyc,
mag-c, mag-m., mane, mez., nat-c, nat-m., mistakes, over his: Nit-ac
nux-m., Nux-v., Op., petr., ///o^.. phos-ac. news unpleasant: Calc-ph.
Plat,, /-w/^., ran-b., rhus-t., samb., secale.,
selen., sep., stann.. noise: Ip.
sil., Staph., stram.,
sulph ,
verat., zinc. sleep, after: Chin-s.

after anger with anxiety: Acon., alum., Ars., stabbed, so that he could have any one: Chin.,
aur., bell., bry., calc, chain., cocc, coff., hep , mere
cupr., hyos., Igt., lyc, nat-c, nat-m.,
suppressed, with: cham., igt., staph.
Nux-v., op., petr., phos plat., puis., rhus-t , ,

samb., Sep., stann., stram., sulph., verat. thinking of absent persons: Aur.
former vexatious: Calc, sep.
after anger with fright: Acon., bell., calc,
cocc, cupr., Igt., nat-c, nux-v., op., petr., thrown things away: Staph.
phos., plat., puis., samb., sep., sulph., zinc.
trifles: Acon., Anac, ars., atrop., bell.,
after anger
with silent grief: Alum, ars., cann-s., caps., carb-v., Cham., croc, hell.,
aur., bell., cocc, coloc, hyos Igt., Lyc, ,
hep., ip., lye, meph., mez., nat-c, nal-m.,
nat-c, nat-m. nux-v., phos., phos. ac, plat.,
nat-s., nit-ac, nux-v., pallad., petr., phos.,
puis.. Staph., verat. phos-ac, plat., psor., rhus-t., sabad., sang.,
seneg sep., squill., sumb., thuj., zinc.
afteranger with indignation: Coloc, ip-, ,

lyc, mere, mur-ac, nat-m., nux-v., plat.. violent: Acon., Anac, ars., Aur., bell., bry.,

Staph. cain., calc, carb-v., Cham., coff., ferr., grat..

: ,

nat-m., nit-ac, Nux-V., incoherently: Bell., cann-i., chlol., coff-t.,
hep., hyos., igt., lyc ,

pallad., petr., phos., sep., sulph., verat., hyos., phos., valer.

zinc. incorrectly: Bell., cham., hyos., mere, 7tux-v,^
phos-ac, phos.
ANGUISH: Acet-ac, Aeon., aeth., aloe.,
irrelevantly: Bell., cimic, hyos., nux-m.,
alum., anibr., ant-t., apis, arg-n., arn.,
phos-ac, sulph-ac, valer.
Ars., aur., bell., bov., bufo., calc. ,
carb-v., cedr., crot h., der., kali-i.
monosyllabic: Carb-h., carb-s., gels., phos-ac.
murex., sep., tarent., thrill., verat. ,
vip. " no " to all questions: Crot-c.
daytime: Murex. Agar am., camp., caust., chin.,
refuses to: ,

afternoon: Cupr. hell., hyos., led., Phos., sabad., secale,

evening: Anibr., carb-v. stram. ,

sulph. , tarent. , verat.

night: Ambr. arn., nat-s., nux-v., plant. reflects long: Anac., cocc, cupr., hell., nux-m.,

chill, during: Am.
eating, while: Sep.
reluctantly: Am,, con., glon., phos-ac,
rhus-t., stann., sulph., viburn.
heat, during: Am.
repeats the question first: Caust., zinc.
menses, during: Bell., calc, coff., igt., mere, shortly, abruptly, curtly: Ars-h., ars., cic,
nit-ac, phos., plat., stann., xanth.
coff., gels., jatr. ,
phos-ac, plb., sin-n.,
open air amel : Cann-i. stann.

perspiration, during: Am. slowly: Agar-ph., anac, ars., carb-h., cocc,

stool, before: Aeon., mere, pothos.

cupr-ac, con., hell.. Mere, nux-m., ox ac,
Phos., Phos-ac, plb., secale, sulph-ac.
during: Merc. sulph., thuj., zinc.

walking in open air: Arg-m. , bell. spoken to, when, yet knows no one: Cic
stupor returns quicklj^ after: Arn bapt.,

aversion to: Agar., alum., ambr., am-c,

unintelligibly: coff-t., hyos, phos.
am-m auac, am.,
, ars., atrop., bell ,
carb-h., caust., chin., chin-s., cimic cocc, violently as if angry: Rhus-t.

coff., coloc, con., euphr., Glon., hyos kali-

ph., lyssin., mag-m., mane, mere, mosch.,

ANTAGONISM with herself: Anac, kali-c.

nux-v., op., Phos-ac, phos., sabad., secale, ANTHROPOPHOBIA. (See "Fear.")

spong., sla7in., sulph-ac, tabac tar-

ent, verat. ANXIETY: Abrot., Aeon., acon-f., acct-ac,

morning: Mag-m. act-s., aeth., agar., agn., ail, all-c, aloe.,
alum., ambr., am-c, am-m., anac, ang.,
loquacious at other times: Cimic. ant-c, aut-i., apis., arg-m., Arg-n., am.,
sings, talks, but will not answer questions: Ars., ars-h., asaf., asar., aspar., Aur.,
Agar. bar-c, bar m., Bell, benz-ac, berb., Bism.,
bor., bov., Bry., bufo., Cact., cadm-s., cain.,
confusedly as though thinking of something
calad., Cale., Calc-ph., camph., Cann-i.,
else: Bar-m., mosch.
cann-s., canth., caps., carb-an., Carb-V.,
difficult: Chlol.,//w^., verat. caust., cham., chel., chin., cic-v., cimcx.,
disconnected: Coff., crot-h., phos., cimic, cina., clem., coc-c, cocc, coff., coloc,
strych. con., croc, crot-h., crot-t., cubeb., cupr.,
foolish: Ars., bell. curar.,cycl.. Dig., dros., dulc, elaps.,
euphor., eup-perf., euon., fei~r.,fl-ac, glon.,
hastily: Ars, bell., bry., cimic, cocc, hep.,
graph.. grsLt hell., hep., hura., hyos., igt.,

lyc, rhus-t., strych.

iod., ip., jatr., kali-br., kali-c, kali-chl.,


kaii-i., kali-n., kali-ph., kreos., lack., lact., amel.: Ani-c ,
chel., verb.
laur., Ifd., lil-t., lye, mag-c, mag-m., bed, in: Ambr., am-c, anac, ant-e, ars.,
ma^-s., mane, nuing., meny., mrrc, merc-c, bar-c, bry., calad., calc, carb-an., carb-v.,
Inez., mil., niosch., niur-ac ,
naja, nal-c, causL, cenchr., cham., cocc, graph., h^^.,
nal-m., nice, nit-ac nux-v., oleand., o/>.,
, kali-e, kali-n., laur., lyc, mag-c, mag-m.,
ox-ac, /<?/r., phel., Phos,, phos-ac, plant., nat-e, nat-ni., nit-ac, nux-v., phos., puis.,
plat., plb., psor., Puis., ran-b., ran-s., raph., sabin., sep., sil., stront.. sulph., tereb.,
rheum, Rhus-t., rula, sabad.,
rhodo., verat.
sabin., sang, samb., sars., Secale, seneg.,
vmea.siness and anxiety, must uncover:
Sep., sil., spi^., spong., squill., statm.,
staph., stram., stroni., Sulph., sulph-ac,
/rt^irtc, //J///, valer., Verat., viol-o., viol-t., twilight, in the: Ambr., ars., ra/c, carb-v.,
zinc. dig., laur., nv.x.-y., phos., rhus-t., s^^.

daytime: Bell ,
nit-ac, puis. 4 to 6 p-m: Carb-v.

morning: Ail., alum., am-c, anac, Ars., night: Aeon., agar., alum., ambr., am-c,
canth., carb-an., carb-v., caust, chin., cocc, am-m., ant-c, arg-m., arn., Ars., bar-c,
con., graph., igt., ip., Lach., led., lye, bell., bor., bov., bry., cact., calc, catnph.,
niag-c, mag-m., niez ,
nat-m., nit-ac, cann-s., canth., carb-an., Carb-v., castor,
nitx-v., Phos., plat., puis., rhus-t ,
sep., caust., cham., chin., chin-s ,
cina., clem.,
sulph., sulph-ac ,
verat., zinc coi'C, coff., con., cycl., dig., dros.,
dulc, ferr., graph., haem., hep., hyos.,
morning, rising, on: Arg-n., carb-an., mag-c, jatr., kali-bi., kali-c, lach., lact.,
rhus-t. liih., lyc, mag-c, mag-m., mang., mere,
amel. : Fl-ac , nux-v. merc-c, nat-c, nat-m., nit-ac, nux-v., petr.,
phos., plant., plat., plb.. Puis., ran-b.,
waking, on: Alum., anac, carb-an., carb-v.,
rhus-t., sabad., samb., sep., sil., spong.,
caust., chel chin., graph., igt., ip., Lach,,
squill., stront., sulph., tabac, thuj., verat.,
lye, mag-s., nat-m., nit-ac, nux-v., phos.,
plat., puis., rhus-t., sep., squill.
agg.: Alum., carb-an., rhus-t.
at 3 a-m.: Ars.
waking, on : Alum. , ars. carb-v. chel.
, , , con.
forenoon: Aeon., am-c, lye, nat-m., pason., dros., gi-aph., nat-m., nit ac, phos., puis.,
plat., ran-b., sars.
Sulph,, zinz.
II a-m. : Arg-n. II p. m.: Borax.
noon till 3 p-m.: Aster. midnight, before: Ambr., am-c, ars., bar-c,
afternoon: 2S,t\\., ara-e, bell., bov., cale, bty., carb-v., caust., cocc, graph., hep., laur.,

carb-an cupr., ganib., mag-c. ,

nat-c, nux-v., lye, mag-c. ,
mag-m., mere, nat-c, nux-v.,

phos puis., sabin., sil., stront., sulph., verat.

phos-ac, puis., rhus t., r^ita, stront., tabac. ,

at, on waking, amel., on rising: Sil.

until evening: Mag-m.
after: Alum., ant-c, Ars., calc, chin., dulc,
evening: Agar., alum., ainbr., anac, ant-t.,
graph., lyc, mag-c, mane, nux-v.,
ara., bar., bell., 6c?r.,bov., bry cact., calad., ,

7-hus-t., squill
Calc, carb-an., carb-v., caust., chel., chin.,
cina, cocc, coff., colch. ,
dig., dros., fl-ac, 3 a. m. : Ars.
graph., hep., hip ,kali-c., kali-i., kali-n., lact.,
acids, after: Sulph.
laur., lyc, mag-c, mag-m., mere, mezer.,
nat-m., nux-m air, in open: Aeon., anac, ant-c, arg-m.,
mur-ae, nat-c, nit-ac,
puis., bar-ac, bell., cina., hep., igt., lach., plat,
nux-v., piEon ,
petr., phos., plat.,

ran-b., rhus-t., ruta, sabin., Sep., sil., spig., tabac.

stann., stront., Sulph., tabac ,

verat. amel.: Arund., Cann-i., carl., grat.,
laur., niag-m., rhus-t., verat.
agg.: Bor., carb-an., dig., dros.

, ,

cough, before attack of whooping cough: Cupr.
alone: Cadm., dros., mez., phos., tabac, zinc,
from coughing: Arund., merc-c, nit-ac,
alternating with indifference: Nat-m.,
mirth: Fl-ac.
crowd, in a. (See " company.")
anger, during: Sep.
dark, in: Rhus-t.
apparition, from horrible, while awake: Zinc,
cellar, as if shut up in a: Nat-m.
apyrexia, during: Aeon., camph.
descending, when: "ZQX.^gel^-
ascending steps, on: Nit-ac.
dinner, during: Mag-m.
bathing the feet, after: Nat-c.
after: Ambr., canth., gins., hyos., nat-m.,
breathing deeply, on: Aeon., spig. phos., sil., verat.
amel.: Agar., rhus-t. (Compare "eating.")
business, about: Anac.
domestic affairs, about: Bar-c, puis. rhus-t.
bed, in: Berb., chant., mag-c, mag-m. Sep., sulph.

beer, after: Pert,

dreams, on waking from frightful (compare
chagrin, after: Lye. dreams): Ars., chin., graph., nat-m., nice,
children, in: Bor., calc, calc-ph., gels., kali-c.
drinking, after: Cimex.
when lifted from the cradle: Calc-ph.
eating, before: Mezer., ran-b.
children, about his: Acet-ac.
while: Carb-v., mag-c, mezer., sabad., sep.
chill, before: Ars-h.
after: Aloe, ambr., arg-n., asaf., bell., canth.,
during: Aeon., arn., ars., ars-h., calc.,
carb-an., carb-v., caust., cham., chin.,
camph., caps., carb-v. ,
chin., cycl., igt.
coc-c, con., ferr-m., hyos., kali-c, lach.,
laur., nat-m., nux-v., phos., plat.. Puis.,
mag-m., mere, nat-c, nat-m., nit-ac,
secale, sep , verat.
mix-v., phel., /Aoj., ph-ac, psor., ran-b.,
after: Chel., kali-c. Sep., sil., thuja., verat., viol-tr.

closing eyes, on: Carb-V.

supper or warm food, when: Mag-c.
cofiFee, after: Bart., cham., igt., nux-v., stram.
amel.: Aur., mezer., sulph.
amel.: Morph.
after breakfast: Kali-c.
coition, after: Sep.
eat, if he do not: lod.
after pollutions: Carb-an., petr.
eructations amel. : Mag-m.
thought of: Kreos.
expected, whenever anything is, of him:
cold drinks amel.: Aeon., agar., sulph. Arsen.
company, when in: Aeon., ambr., bell., lye., evil, of Aeon., agar., alum., am-c, anac, ant-c,

petr., plat, stram. arn., ars., aster., aur., bar., bry., calad.,
conscience, of: {As if guilty of a crime): Calc, carb-an., carb-v., caust., chin ,
Alum., am-c, Ars,, cact, carb-v., caust., cina, cocc,
coff., eye, dig., dros diilc, ,

chel., cina, eocc, cupr., cycl.. Dig., /err., euph., graph., hell., hyos., iod., kali-c,
graph., igl., mag-s., med., mere, nat-m., kali-iod., kalm., lack., laur., lyssin., mag-c,
nit-ac, nux-v., phos., Psor., rheum, ruta, men., mere, mosch., mur-ac, nal-c, nat-m.,
sil., stront., sulph., thuj., verat., zinc. nit-ac, nux-v., pallad., petr., phos., puis.,

continence prolonged from: Con. Psor., rhus, ruta, sabin., sep., spig., spong.^
squil., staph., stront., sulph., sul-ac, thuja.,
conversation, from: Ambr. verat.

: , ,

ANXIETY, evil, of
morning on waking: Mag-s., sulph. gastric complaints, with:
Alum., am-m., ars
evening: Graph, bar-m,calc, cupr., nit-ac, nux-v..
while walking in open air: Ciiia.
health, about: Acet-ac., aeon.,
excitement, from: Asaf. arg-m., arg-n
arn., ars., bry., calc, igt.,
kali-c.', lac-c.]
exercise amel.: Tarent. lach., nat-c, nit-ac, nux-m., nux-v phos.,
exertion of eyes: Sep. phos-ac, psor., puis., sep., sil., staph.
fainting, with: Ars., cic, ign., mag-m ,
op., ran-b. especially during climacteric period:
fearful, timid: Alum., am-c, Am-m., anac, others', about: Cocc.
ant-c, aut-t., ars., aur., bar., bell., bry,,
hot air, as if in: Puis.
calad., calc, canlh., canst., chel., chin., cic,
cina., clem., cocc, coff., cupr., dig., dros., house or room, in:Alum., aster., (Jry.. carls.,
dulc, isiVT., graph., he\\.,hep., liyos ,
ign., chel., kali-c ,
mag-m., Rhus-t., til., valer.
kali-c, kali-iod., kali-n., kreos., lach.. on entering: Rhodo.
mag-c, mancin., mang., men., mere, nat-c,
nice, nii-ac, nux-m., nux-v., phell., psor., amel. in: Igt.
puis., rhus., rata., sabin., samb., Secale, hungry, when: Kali-c.
Sep.,spig spong., staph., stront., sulph.,

hypochondriacal: Am-c, anac, am., ars.,

tabac, thuja., verat.
asaf., calad., canth., cham., dros., grat.,
fever, during prodrome: Ars., chin. kali-ehl., mosch., Nat-m., nit-ac,
heat, during: Acon., alum., ambr., arn., phos-ac, valer.
Ars., asaf., bar., bell., berb., bov., bry., hysterical: Asaf., con., sep.
calc, canth., carb-an., case ,
cham., chin.,
lying down, when: Ars., carb-v., nux-v., sil.,
coff., crotal., eye, dros., ferr., fluor-ac,
spong., stann,
graph., grat., guare., hep., hyper, ign.,
opec, lach., mag-c, mag-m., mere, has to lie down, with anguish: Mezer., phel.
nat-c, nat-m., nice, nux-v., op., phos.,
lying on side: Bar. kali-e phos. puis.
, ,
ph-ac, plan., plat., plb., puis., rheum,
ruta, Sep., spong., stann., stram., sulph., on left side: Bar., Phos.
verat. on right side: Kali-c
fits, with: Alum., bell., canst., cupr., cocc, meditation, from: Aeon., ars., calc, camph.,
ferr., hyos. ,
ign. cham., nux-v., puis., rhus., secale, verat.
flatus, from: Coff., nux-v. menses, before: Aeon., am-c, carb-an., carb-v.,
emission of, amel.: Calc-ac. cocc, con., kali-bi., mags-ar., mang., mere,
nat-m., nit-ac, nux-v., stann., sulph., zinc,
friends at home, about: Phys.
during: Aeon., bell., calc ,
canth., cimic,
fright, after: Aeon., gels., lye., mere, nat-m., cina., coff., con., ign., inul., kali-iod.,
op , robin. , silie
mere, nat-m., nit-ac, nux-v., phos., //a/.,
future, about: Aeon., agar., alum., anac, ant-e, secale, sil., stann., sulph., zinc,
ant-t.,arn., bar-e, calad., Calc, calc-ac, amel.: Stann., zinc,
caust., cham., chel., chin., Chin-S., cic., after: Agar., phos., secale.
con., cycl., dig dros., dulc, euphor., fl-ae,

gels., gins., graph., grat., hipp., kali-c,

which prevents sleep: Agar,

kali-ph., kalm., lach., mang., mur-ac nat-a. , mentallabor, from: Nat.c, plan,
nat-c, nat-m., nux-v., petr., Phos., phos-ac,
micturition, during: Aeon., cham.
psor., pills, ran-b., rlius-t. ,
sabin., spig.,
spang., stann. staph., stram., sulph,, tarent
, ,
motion, from: Aeon., aloe., berb., bor.,

thuj ,
verat., wies. mag-c, nice, rheum.
' ,

ANXIETY, motion, from: ANXIETY.

shuddering, with: Bell., calc, carb-v., nat-c,
aggr : Nat-c.
plat, puis., tabac, verat.
amel.: Puis., sil.
sitting, while: Benz-ac, carb-an., caust., dign.,
music: Nat-c. graph., nit-ac, phos., phos-ac, sil., tarax.

night watching, from: Caust. bent: Rhus.

noise, from: Agar aur., caust., chel., petr.,

, still amel. : lod.

sil. sleep, before: Alum., 'berb., nat-c.

pains, from the: Aco?!., ars., carb-v., caust., evening: Berb.

on going to: Calc, caust, cenchr., lack.,
paroxysms: Nit-ac lyc. pills.

periodical: Arns., ars., cham., cocc. ,

nat-c, during: Aeon., agar., ang., arn., Ars., bell.,

nat-m., phos., plat., sep.. spong., sulph. camph., castor., cham con., cocc, cycl., ,

dig., dulc, ferr., graph., hepar., kali-c,

perspiration, during: Alum., ambr., am-c.
lyc ,
mere, nat-m., nit-ac, nux-v., op.,
ant-c, arn., benz-ac,
ars., bar-c, bell.,
petr., phos., physos., puis., rhus-t., samb.,
berb., bry., calc, calc-ph., cann-s., caust, spong stram., verat.

cham., cic-v. cimex., cocc, ferr

fl-ac, ,

graph., kali-n., mag-c, mang., mere, mez.,

menses, after: Agar., astr. , Cocc, kali-i.,

mur-ac, nat-c, nat-m., nit-ac, nux-v., merc-c, zinc.

phos., phos-ac, plb., puis., rhus-t., samb., on starting from: Clem., samb.
Sep., spong., stann., staph., stram., sulph.,
partial slumbering in the morning, during:
amel. : Agar,
soup, after: Mag-c, ol-an.
piano, playing on: Nat-c.
speaking, when: Alum., ambr., plat., nat-c.
pregnancy, during: Stann.
in company: Plat.
pressure on the chest: Sulph.
standing, while: Aloe, anac, berb., sil.,
pursued when walking, as if: Anac.
railroad, when about to journey by, amel.,
amel: Calc, phos., tai-ax.
while in train: Ars.
start, from a: Sil.
reading, while: Mag-m.
stomach, throbbing in: Ferr.
rest, while at: Aeon., act-sp., puis., seneg.
stool, before: Aeon., ambr., ars., bar-ac, berb.,
restless, driving one about: See "Restless- cadni., canth., caps, caust., cham., crot-t.,
kali-c, mag-m., mere, mez., rhus-t., verat.
riding, while: Bor., lach., psor.
during: Caust., cham., mere, seneg., sulph.,
down hill: Bor. verat.

rising, after: Arg-n., carb-an., chel., mag-c, after: Aeon., carb-v., canst., laur., nit-ac,
rhus-t. rhus-t.

from a seat, on: Berb., verat. while straining at: Caust.

amel.: Mill. stooping, when: Bell., rheum.

salvation, about: Graph., hura, lye, puis, amel.: Bar-m.
sulph., verat.
storm, during a: Gels., ««/-f., nat-m., nit-ac,
sedentary employment, from: Ars., graph, Phos., sep.
shaving, when: Calad. strangers, in the presence of: Stram.
) ,

ANXIETY. ARROGANCE, (See "Haughty.")

sudden: Cocc, plat., labac, thuja. ASKING AND THEN REFUSES. (See " Ca-
suicidal: Rhus., dros., mere, puis. priciousness.")

supper, after: Mng-c, nux-v. ASKS FOR NOTHING: Bry., puis., rheum.
tliinking about it, from: Alum., ambr., bry., ATTENTION, Active: CofF., oxal-ac, thea.
calc, caust., con., nil-ac, staph., tabac. difficult to fix (compare distraction): Aeon.,
acsc, agar., agn.,
alum., ailan., all-c,
thirst, with: Cup-ac
ambr., am-c, anac, ang., apis, arn., ars.,
throat, with dryness of: Rhus-t. bar-c, bar-m., bell., bov., camph.. cann-i.,

tobacco, from smoking: Petr., sep. cann-s canth.. carb-ac, carb-an., carb-v.,

caust., cham., chel., chin-s., cimic cinnb.,

of many people : Petr.
cocc, coff., colch., coloc,

croc, corn.,
tremor, with: Ambr., ant-t., Ars., bell., calc, cup-ac, elaps., ferr., fluor-ac, gels., glon.,
cann-i., carb-v., cham., chel., euph., mag-c, graph, ham., hell., hura hydr., hydr-ac, ,

mez., 7iat-c., plat., puis., rhus-t., samb., hyos., ign., iod., iris., kali-bro., kali-c,
sars. kalm., lach., lam., laur., lil-t ,
lye, lycop.,
mag-c, mang., mere, merc-e, mezer.,
trifles, about: Chin.
mosch., nat-c, nat-m., nux-j., nux-m.,
vexation, after: Aeon., lye, phos., sep., verat. nux-v., olnd., ol-an., op., phos., ph-ac,
voice, on raising the: Cann-s. phys., plat., poth., puis., ran-se, rhod.,
rhus-t., rhus-r., sarr. ,
sars., senec. ,
sep., sil.,
vomiting amel. : Tabac. spig., stann., staph., stram., sulph., sul-ae,
waking, on: Aeon., agar., am-c, am-m., ar«., tabac, tereb., thuja., verb., viol-od., zinc.
bapt., bell., cact., calc, carb-v., caust., chin.,
want of, inattention: Alum., am-c, ang.,
cina, cocc, con., cubeb., dig., dros., graph.,
bar-c, bell., bov., caust.,cham., cimic,
hep., ign., ipec, kali-bi., kali-c, Lach., kali-c, mere, nat-c, nat-m., nux-v., olnd.,
lye, mag-c, nat-c nit-ac, nux-v., plios-ac, ,
ph-ac, plat., puis., rhod., sep., sulph.,
phos. plat. puis rhus, samb. sep. sil ,
, , , , ,
thuja., tilia.
sol-t-ae., squill., sulph., thuj.
when studying, reading, etc.; Agn., alum.,
(See morning and night.)
asar. bar-c, bar-m., bell., caust., cham.,

walking, while: Aeon., aloe, anac, ant-c, coff., hell., kali-c, nat-c, spig ,
arg-m., arg-n., bar-ac, bell., cina, clem., in children: Bar-c.
liepar, ign., nux-v., plat., spong., staph.,
rapidly, when: Nit-ac, staph,
AUTOMATIC. (See "Unconscious.")

amel., in open air: Puis., rhus-t.

AVARICE: Ars., br3^, calc-fl., calc, cina.,

coloc, lye, melil. ,

nat-c. Puis., rheum.,
agg. : Mane. ,
plat. sep.

in open air: Anac, arg-m., arg-n., bell., AVERSION, to coition: Agar., am-c, bov.,
cina, hep. ign. , nux-v. plat. cann-s., carb-an., caust., clem., cofF., cub.,
, ,

ferr-mag., ^-ac, graph., ign., hell., kali-bi.,

in cool air: Nux-m.
kali-c, kali-u., lach, \yc., mag-c, Nat-m.,
warmth, from: Gamb., puis, op. petr. phos. , ,
plb. ,
psor rhodod. rans-c.
, ,

Sep., stann., staph., sulph., tarent., ther.,

weeping, followed by: Aeon., am-m., carb-v.
amel.: Dig., graph., tabac.
after menses: Berb., caust., kali-c, nat-m.,
work, during: Aloe, anac ,
graph , iod. phos., Sep., sul-ac.

APATHY: See " Indifference.


everything: Alumn., am-m., caps., cupr.,
hyos., ipec, mere, mez., puis., sulph., thuj.
APPREHENSIONS. (See " Fear," "Anxiety,")
etc. husband: Glon., nat-c, nat-m., Sep., verat.

, :

BLINDNESS pretended: Verat.

in general. (See name of thing disliked.) BLISS, feeling of (compare " Cheerful "): Coff.,

Calc, crot-h., fl-ac, op.

members of family, to:
nat-c, Sep. BLOOD, cannot look at, on a knife: Alum.

persons, to certain: Ani-m., aur., crot-h., calc.

BRAIN FAG. (See " Prostration,")
religious, to the opposite .sex: Lye, puis.,
BREAK THINGS, desire to: Apis, hura, stram.
Apis, calc-ph.,
BROODING (compare "Sadness"): Alum., am.,
BAD NEWS, ailments from: aur., bell., calc-s., canth., caps, caust.,
gels., nat-m. cham., cycl., euphr hell., igt ip., mez.,
, ,

Bell., canth., stram. mur-ae, naja, nux-v., oleand., o^., phos-ac,

sulph., Verat.
BASHFUL. (See " Timidity.")
cawst., ccd7:,
evening: Verat.
BED, aversion to (shuns): Cann-s.,
cupr., lye, mere, nat-c. BUSINESS, averse to: Agar , am-c. anae, ars-h.,

(See brom., cimie, con., cop., fl-ae, graph.,

great dread of going to: Cann-s., lach.
kali-e, lach., lact-ae, lil-t., mag-s., ph3'to.,
" Fear.")
puis., Sep., sulph.
desires to remain in; Alutnen., con ,
incapacity for: Agn., kali-bi., sulph-iod.
mere, psor., robin., verat-v.

to go to bed, no: Calc. BUSY ( See " Occupied . '

' Compare '
' Deliri urn " )
Bry., calad., calc ,
caps., coce, igt., rlius-t.,
jumps out of; wants to destroy himself but stram., sulph.
lacks courage: Chin.
and runs recklessly about: Sabad.
CALMNESS: Op., verat.
(See "Restlessness.")
CALUMNIATE, desire to. (See "Slander.")
(See, also, under " Delirium ")
Aeon., agar ,
alum., am-e,
BEGGING, entreating: Ars., stram. am., ars., asaf, aur-m., bar-c belL, bry., ,

in sleep: Stann. brom., calc, caps cann-i., canth., carb-an , ,

Cham,, chin., cimie, cina., coff., croc,

BELLOWING: Bell., cariih., cupr. dig ,
dros., dulc, grat., hep., igt., kali-e,
BEMOANING. (See "Lamenting.") kreos., lach., led., lye, mag-m., mere,
nit-ac, nux-m., nux-v., op., par., phos.,
BEWILDERED. (See "Confusion.")
puis., rheum ,
rhodo., sarr., secale, sil.,
BITING: .\nt-t., anthr., aster., bell., bufo., calc ,
spong.. Staph., stram., sulph., thuj., viol-t.,
camph., cann-i., canth., carb-s carb-v. ,
cic-v., croc, cubeb., cupr., curar., bydrae,
morning: Staph.
hyos., hura, lach., lyssin., op., phos., plb-ae,
secale, slrani., verai, CAREFULNESS: Ars., bar-ae, iod., nux-v.,
puis ,
convulsions, with: Lyssin.

fingers: Arum-t plb ,

CARELESS. (See "Heedless.")

CARES, full of : (Compare " Anxiety ") Caust.,

hands: Hura, op.
chin., coff.
himself: Aeon., hura, op ,
plb., tarent., lyssin
domestic affairs, about: Bar-c. puis., sep. ,

pillow: I^yssin ,
trifles, about: Ars.
tumbler: Ars.
CARPHOLOGIA. (See "Gestures.")
spoons, etc.: Ars., hell., cupr., lyssin.
CARRIED, desires to be: Aeon., acet-ae, ars.,
BLACK and sombre, everything that is, aversion brom., carb-v., chain., cina, igt., lye, kali-c,
to: Robin. puis., rhus-t., staph sulph., verat.

: ,

in croup: Broui. evening: Agar., aloe, aster., bell., bisni.,
fast: Bell., brom. cale, carb-ae, chin-s., cist., cupr., eye,
fern, lach., lachn., lyssiu., nierc-i-fl.,
.slowly: Puis.
merc-i-r., nux-m., ol-an., teucr., valer.,
CAUTIOUS: Graph., ip., niag.s-ar. viol-tr., zinc.

night: Cupr., op., verat.

CENSORIOUS, critical: Aeon., ani-c, alum.,
am., ars., aur.bell., benz-ac, bor., calc, air, in open: Merc-i-n., plat., tiirenl.

calc-ph., caps., carl., caust., cliani., chin., walking: Alum., ang., cinnb., plb.,
cic-v., cocc, cycl., derris., gran., guaj., tarent.
helon., h3'os., igt., ip., iris-v., lack., lact-^c alternating, aversion to
work with: Spong.
lye, mere, mez., mosch., nat-m., nux-v.,
par., petr., p/aL, ran-b.,
with ill-humor. (See " Irritability.")
rhus-t.. sep., sil.,
sol t-ae., staph., s/i/p/i., til., vcraL with mania: Bell., cann-s., croc.

dearest friends, with: Derris. with melancholy: Asar., carb-an., chin.,

ferr. zinc.
disposed to find fault or is silent: FeraL ,

CHAGRIN". (See '•

with pain: Plat.

with passion, burst of: Aur, croc,

ign., stram.

everything seems changed, after short absence

with .sadness: Aeon., agar., asar., canth.,
Bar-m. plat.

carb-an., caust ,
chift., cimie, clem croc,

Stram. ferr, fl-ae, gels., hell.,

iod., ign.,
kali-chl., lye, med.,nat-c., nat-m., nit-ac
CHEERFUL, GAY, HAPPY (see "Mirth"):

plat., phos., psor., senec, sep.,

Abrot., aesc,
acou., aeth., agar., aloe,
spig., tarent, zinc, ziz.
auac, ang., ant-c, apis, apoc, arg m., ars.,
asaf,, aur., aur-m., bell., bor., bov., brom., with violence: Aur., croc, stram.
brj'., cact., calc-ph., Cann-i., cann-s., canth.,
with want of sympathy: Merc.
caps., carb-ac, carb-an., carb-v., caust.,
chin., chlor., cic-v., cinnab., cob., coca, cocc, vrith weeping. (See "Weeping.")
Coff,, colch., coloc, Croc, cupr eye, dros., ,
bed, in: Hep.
eucal., i^rx.,fl-ac., gamb., gels., glon hydr.,

Hyos., igt, iod., kali-bi., kali-br., Lach., coition, after: Nat-ni.

laur., lye, mag-s., mane, mere mosch., eating, while: Anae, bell., carb-ae, cist.
Nat-C, nat-ni., nat-s., nit-ac,nux-m.,
nux-v., ol-an., op., oxal-ae, petr., phos
followed by irritability, etc.: Clem., hvos

phos-ac nat-s., ol-an., op., seneg., tarax.

physos., pip-m., plat., plb., psor.,
rhodo., rhus-v.,
ruta, sabad., sarr sars., ,
melancholy: Gels., graph., petr., plat.,
secale, seneg., sep., spig., spong., squill., ziz.
stann., staph., stram., sulph., tab., iarax.,
prostration, etc.: Clem., spong.
tarent., therid ,
teucr., thuj valer., veral.,
verb., viol-o., zinc, zing. sleepiness: Bell., calc.

morning: Bor., caust., fluor-ac

menses, before: Aeon., fl-ac. h3'os.
hura., lach., ,

nat-s., plat., sulph. during: Fl-ac, stram.

rising, on; Hydr. micturition, after: Eugen.
waking, on: Aloe, clem., hydr., tarent. room, in the: Amel., tarent.
forenoon: Bor., caust., camae, nat-s. stools, after: Borax., nat-e, nat-s., oxal-ae
S a-m: Hura. supper, after: Cist,
afternoon: Ang.,calc-s. thunders and lightens, when it: Sep.


CHILDISH BEHAVIOR: Aeon., alum, anac, COMPANY, aversion to:

carb-s., wants to get into the country away

from peo-
apis., arg-n., bar-c, calad., carb-aii ,

carb-v., Cic, croc, ign., kali-brotn., ple: dale.

nux-m., par., puis., rhus-t., seneg stram. practice masturbation:

desires solitude to

(See "Foolish.") Bufo.

to indulge her fancy: Lack.

CHILDREN, aversion to: Plat., raph.
dislikes her own: Plat., glon verat. dreads being alone, yet: Bufo, clem.,

\\yos., puis.
flies fiom his own: Lyc. hot stage of fever, during: Con.,

meeting of friends, whom he imagines he

desires to beat: Chel.
Las offended: Ars.
to have, to beget: Oxal-ac.
menses, during: Plat., sap.
CERCUMSPECTIOlf, lack of: Nat-m.
desires to be let alone: Cic, nux-v.

CLAIRVOYANCE: Aeon., anac., arn., ealc,

perspiration, during: Ars., bell., lach., lyc,
cann-i., crot-c, byos lyss., med., nux-m.,
puis., Sep.
plios., pyrus., sil., stann., stram., tarent.
pregnant, when: Laeh.
CLINGING TO PERSONS OR FURNITURE: presence of strangers, to: Ambr., bar-c,
Coff., gels., stram.
bufo, lyc, petr., sep., stram.
child awakens terrified, knows no one, screams,
desire for: Aeth., ars, asaf.,
apis, ant-t.,
clings to those near: Stram.
aur-m., bell., bism., bov., brom., ealc,

CLOTHED IMPROPERLY: Hell., hyos.,secale, eale-ph., camph., cadm., caust., elem. coloc ,

stram. con., erot-h., derris., dros., elaps., gels.,

hep., hyos., igt., Kali-C, lac-c, lil-t., LyC,

CLOUDINESS, confusion. (See "Stupefac-
mane, mere, mez., phos., pallad., ran-b.,
Sep., stram., strych., tabac, verat., verb.,

COLOR, aversion to blue: Tarent. zinc.

desire for red: Tarent. evening: Plb.

COMPANY, aversion to: Aeon., aloe, alum., night: Tabac

ambr., Anac, ananth., ant-c, ant-t., alone, while agg.: Ambr.,a:;-5., bov., brom.
atrop. , aur-s., bare, bell., bry ,h\xio, con., dros., elaps., kali-c, lyc, mez.,
bufo-s. ,
cacL, ealc., calc-p. calc-s., cann-i., pallad phos sil., stravt., zinc.
, ,

Carb-an., carb-v., Cham., chin., cimic.

friend, of a: Plb.
cinnb., cic, cimie., elem., coloc, con., cupr.,
eurar. ,
eye., dig., dios., elaps., eugen. , ferr ,
menses, during: Stram.
fluor-ae gels., graph., gtat., ham., hell.,

COMPLAINING. (See "Lamenting"): Aeon.,

helon hep., hydr. hyos ign., iod., kali-b.,
alum., ambr., ars., atir., bism., bry., bufo,
, , ,

kali-c, kali-ph., lac-d., lack., led., lyc,

ealc, canlh., cham., ehin., ci7ia., eoec, coff.,
niag-m., maiig mags-aus. men., nat-c,
coloc, cor-r., dig., dulc, hell., igt., kali-i.,
, ,

Nat-m., nice., Nux-V., petr., phos., pic-ae

petr., plat,
lack., lyc, mosch., nux-v., o-p.,
plat., ptel., psor ,
puis., rhus, secale, seleu.,
puis., Sep., sulph., tarent.
Sep., stann., sulph., sul-ae., thuja, tep.,
tarent. , tilia verat alternating with delirium: Bell.

forenoon: Alumen. with crying: Bufo.

when illness, of his: Arg-n., phos.

aniel. alone: Ambr., bar-c, earb-an.,
COD., lye., mag-s., natr c natr-m., petr., ,
oflenees long past: Calc.
plb., Sep., .stram., sulph. sleep, in: Bell. igt.

avoids the sight of people: Aeon., cupr., supposed injury, of: Hyos.
7ial-c. waking, on: Cina.
, ,

COMPREHENSION dinkult. (See " Dullness.")
CONCEALS himself. (See "Hide.") eryng., eug., eup-per., euphr., eupion,
CONCERN. (See "Fear" "Anxiety.") /m-., fl-ac, gels., gent., gin., gran.,
graph., grat., haem.,
CONCENTRATION dimcult: .-lam., ail., a/um., hell, hep, hydr.,
hydr-ac, hyos., hyper., ign indg., iod.,
apis, bapt., broin., ai/i/i-i., canth.,
carb-ac, ipec, jabor., jatr., kali-bi., kali-br., kali-c,

carb-v., cinnab., corn-c, croc, atpr-ac, kali-i., kali-n., kali ph., kalni.,
dros.. dulc, eryng., kreos., lach.,
!>;eh., ham., hell.,
lac-c, lac-ac, lact-v laur., led.,
hycir-ac, iris., kali-br., , lil-t., lob.,
Lach., lac-c, laur., lyc, mag-c, mag-ni., mag-s., med., melil.,
Iil-t.,Lyc, mere, merc-c, merl., nal-c,
nat-m., nux-v., ox-ac, Merc, merc-c, mez., morph., mosch.,
Phos-ac, Phos murx., naja, nat-a nal-c, Nat-m., nat-s.,
Pic-ac, physos., ran-s., rhus-v., sang., sars., ,

nice, nit-ac Nux-m., Nux-V., olean..

selen., senec., Sep., Sil., spig., stict.,
osm., paris., Petr,, phel., phos, phos-ac,
sulph., labac, ihiij., viol-o., zinc.
phys., plant., plat., plb., psor., ptel,, puis.,
calculating or reading, while:
Nux-V. ran-b., raph., rheum, Rhus-t., rhod., ruta,
on attempting to, has a vacant feeling: Asar sabad., sabin., sal-ac, sanib., sang., sars.,

gels., mez., oleand., nit-ac, ran-b., staph, secale, seneg., Sep., Silic, spig., spong.,
squill., stann., staph., stram., strych.,
talking, while: Merc-c.
sulph., syph., tabac, tanac, tarax., tereb.,
CONFIDENCE, want of self: Agn., alum Anac, ,
teucr., th&c., thuja., tromb., valer., verat.,
ananth., ang arg-n., aur., bar-c, bell, verb., viol-od., vip., xanth., zinc
, bry.,
calc, canth., carb-an., carb-v., canst
chin., ,
morning: Aeon., agar., aloe, alum., ambr.,
chlor., dros., gels hyos., igt., iod., kali-c.,
am-m., anac, ant-t., arg ,ani., ars., arum-t.,
kali-n., lac-c., lach., lyc, mere, mur-ac, asaf., asar.,
nat-c, nat-m., nit-ac, nux-v., oleand., aur., bar-c, bell., bism., bov.,
biy., bufo, calc, canth., caps., carb-an.,
pallad., phos., plb., piols., ran-b.,
carb-v caus
cham., chel., chin., chin-s.,
ruta, sil., stram., sulph-ac, sulph.,
, ,

cic, clem., cob., cocc colch., coloc, con.,
therid., verb., viol-tr., zinc. ,

euphr., graph., hyos., hyper., ign., iod.,

and thinks others have none which makes kali-c, kali-n., lyc, mag-c,
her lach., lact.,
unhappy: Aur. mag-m., mag-s., mere, mill., mosch., murx.,
in his own strength: Agn., nat-c, nat-m., nat-s., nice, nux-j nux-v.,
ang, canth.,

nux-v., oleand., sil., viol-t. op., ox-ac, petr., phos., ph-ae, podo.,
ran-b., ran-sc, rhod., rhus, ruta, samb.
CONFIDING: Hydroc, spig. sars., seneg., Sep., sil., squil., stann., strj'ch.,

CONFOUNDING OBJECTS AND IDEAS: staph., sulph., sul-ac, sumb., thuja, tilia,

Calc, cann-s., hyos., nux-v., plat., sulph.

ust., verat., zinc.

CONFUSION OF MIND (compare "Attention," rising, while: Anac, arg-n., asar., aur., bell.,
"Distraction"): Absin., acet-ac, aco7i., bry., calc, carb-v., cham., chel., cic,
act-sp., aesc, aeth., agar., agn., ail., all-c, cina, clem., coc-c, corn., graph., ign.,
aloe., alum., ambr.,am-c., am-m., kali-c. lact., mag-c, mag-m., mag-s.,
anac-oc, ,

a7tac., ang., a7ii-t., apis., apoc, aran., mere, merl., phos., ph-ae, plb., raph.,
arg-m. arg-n, am., ars., asaf. asar., rhod., rhus, sabad., samb., sep., sil.,

aspar., atrop., aur., aur-m., sulph.

bapt., bar-c,
BeU., benz-ac, berb., bism., bor., bov.,
brom., Bry., bufo, calad., Calc, calc-ph.,
after, amel. : Ant-t., mag-s., phos, rhus.
camph., Cann-i.,
cann-s., canth., caps., waking, on: Aeon., esse agar., anac, ant-t.,

carb-ac, carb-an., Carb-V., canth., caust., arg-n., ars., bar-c. bty., calc, calc-p.,

Cham., chel., chin., chin-s., chloral., chr-ac, caun-s., carb-v., ciuiie, clem., coc-c,
cic, cina, cinnab., clem., coca, cocc. crot-t. euphr., ferr., hyper., ign lye,
, ,

coc-c, coff., colch., coloc ,

com., con., cop. mags., mere, merc-i-f., naja, nat-m,
corn., ,
crot-t, cupr., cupr-ars., curar. phos., puis., rhod., ruta, sulph., lilia,
eye, dig., dios., dire, dros., dulc. elat. zinc.



CONFUSION OF MIND, chill,during: Aloe, caps.,
cie, dros hel

afternoon: Agar., alumen., asaf., bry., calc, plb., rhus-t, ruta,

coloc, kali-c, nat-e, nux-m.,
carb-v., chain., chel., chin., clem.,
kali-bi., stram., viol-tr.
crot-t., ferr., graph., hell., hyos., mill-
op, arg-n., calc-p.,
kali-c, lact-ac, laur., uat-m., nux-v., coflee, after: All-c,
phel. sabin., sep., sulph., verat-v., hipp.
petr., ,
amel. after: Coca ,

caust., mez., phos-ac,
coition, after: Bov.,

evening: Aloe., aui-c, aran., ars., bar-c, bell., phos., rhodo., sep.
oanii-s., carb-an., eu^hr., phos.
bor., bov., calc, calc-s
cold bath, amel.: Calc-p.,

carb-v., ced., chani., chin-s., coc-c,

ferr, conversation agg. Silic.
eye, dig., dros., dulc, euphr., :

ipec, kali-c, kali-n., kalm., coc-c, hep., nat-m.

graph., iod., coryza, during: ,^th.,
lye, mezer., mill., mag-s., nat-c, nat-m.,
coloc, con., ol-an.,
ph-ac ptel puis., as if from: Berb., chin.,
««;r-?«., nux-v., phos., , ,

spig., stann., Sep., stkph.

rhus-t., ruta, sars, sep., sil.,

cough, before paroxysm of: Cina.

sulph., sul-ac, thuj., valer., zinc.

night: Anac, arg-n., calc, cedr., corn, covered in bed, amel.: Nat-c.
fi-ac, lye, mur-ac, plios., psor., euphr., mag-m.,
crot-t., dinner, after: Arg-n., carb-v.,
ptel, raph., ruta, secale, sep., sulph., tabac, thuja,
ntix-v., phos., plant.,
tilia. gels.,
disconnected: Cann-i., cupr-ac, dig.,
lying down, on: Brom., lil-t., rhus-r.
nux-v., rhus-v., viol-od., zinc.
waking, on: Chel., glon., merc-i-fl., mez., Calc-ph.
draft of air, from :

phos., plat., psor. cham.,

dream, as if in: Arn., bell., carb-v.,
phos., rhus-t.,
air, in open: Agar., colch., con., crot-t, hyos. chin., grat., guai., Ign., mez.,
sulph., thuj., zinc,
nit-ac, nux-v., rhod., spig., sulph. spig., squill.,
amel.: Am-m., ant-t., bar-c, bell., bry., drinking, after: Bell., cocc, con.,
bell., bufo., calc,
clem., coc-c, croc, dulc, glon., hydr-ac, eating, after: Ambr., arg-n.,
mag-m., mag-s., mang., men., mere, carb-v., cocc, coc-c, coloc, croc,
led., lobel.,
nat-c, par., phos., phyto., ratan., sulph. eye, euphr., ferr., grat., hyos.,
lyc, mag-m., men., mere, mill., nat-e,
arouse himself, compelled to: Carb-v. op., petr.,
na(-m., nit-ac, nux-v., oleand.,
ascending aggr. : Vtel., sulph. phos., ph-ac, plant., Puis., sabad.,
thuja., zinc
Sep., sil., sulph., tabac,
bed, when in: Ambr., calc, phos., rhod. mezer.,
amel.: Agar., apis, caust., laeh.,

beer, from; Bell., calc, chin., coloc, con., nux-j., phos.

cor-r., crot-t., ign.
eructations amel.: Bry., sang,
bread aggr. : Crot-t.
hat, putting on, agg.: Calc-ph.,

breakfast, after. Coc-c. cham.,

heat, during the: Arg., bry., camph.,
before: Calc, fl ac. coc-c. coloc, dros., hyos., ign., ipec,

laur., op., phos., puis., sep., thuj., valer.,

amel.: Bov., tiiag-c.
calculating, when: Nat-m. bapt., cann-s.
identity, as to his: Alum. , ant-c. ,

carousal, after a: Gran., Nux-V. lach., petr., phos., plb., pyrus., stram.,

(See "intoxicated," as from.) thuj., valer.

Aco7t., asar., Bapt., bell.,

catarrh, during: Graph. intoxicated, as if:

bufo, carb-v., chin-s, dig., grat, ign.,

as during: Berb., chin.
kali-n., laur., lye', nux-m., nux-v., phel.,
suppressed, from: Lye rhus-t., sabad., spong., toug.

as after being: Aeon., a«ar., ani-m.. ang. calc, carb-an., caus., cic, colch., kali-c
arg-in., bell., bry., caniph., mang., mere, nat-e, nit-ae, phos.,
carb-v chin.
clem., cocc, coloc, cor-r., croc,
kuli-c. puis., .sabad., sars.sep,, sil., spig.,
lam., laur., mosch., nat-m., nux-v., sul-ac, thuj., valer., verat.
ph-ac, psor, puis., rheum., sabin., .scjuil.
sleeping, after: Ambr., anae,
valer. ars., bry., calc
carb-v., con., graph., hepar., lach., op.!
loses his way in well known streets: Glon. squill.
nux-m., petr.
after a siesta: Calc, carb-v.,
lying down, when: Brom., chani., lil-t.,
smoking, after: Alum.,
mag-m., mere, rhus-r. bell., ferr-i., gels.,
petr., thuja.
menses, before: Sep.
sneezing, amel.: Lyc.
during: Am-c, cocc, lyc., phos.
spirituous liquors, from: Alum., bell., bov.,
after: Graph., nat-m. con., coral., Nux-V., petr., stront.

mental exertion, from: Aug., apis, aran., aur., standing, when: Bov., bry., cic, grat.,
calc, calc-p., canth., caust, cham., plb., staph., thuja, valer., verat.
cocc, euon., gels., hepar., iod., laur., stool amel.; Bor., mag-s., nat-s.
lyc,mag-c, mag-m., nat-c, nat-m., nil-ac,
nux-m. nux-v., olnd., ox-ac, petr., phos., stooping, when: Bov., calc caust coloc,

ph-ac, pic-ac, puis., corn., hell., nat-m., nit-ae, phos.,

ran-b., sep., sil., spig.,
staph., sulph ,
thuja. valer., vine
amel.: Verat.
amel.: Carb-v.
sun, in the: Nat-e, nux-v.
activity, with: Dig.
talking, while: Nat-m., staph,
micturition amel.: Tereb.
vexation, after: Nux-v.
motion, from: Aeon., ambr., bell., bry., cob.,
waking, on: Aeon., (esc, agar, ambr., anae,
indg., lobel., mosch., nux-v., puis..
ant-t., arg-n., ars., bar-c, berb,, bry., calad.,
calc, calc-p., caps., carb-v., cham., chel.,
amel.: Ferr., ferr-ph. chin., clem., coc-c, con., euphr., glon.,
paroxysms of pain graph., grat., hep., hvper., ign., kali-br.,
during: Aeon., apoc,
cham., verat.
lach lyc, mag-s., mere., mere-i-f., mez.,
eoff., ,

nux-m., op., -phos., ph-ac, plat., naja, psor,,

periodic: Staph.
puis., rhod., rhus ,
ruta, sep., squill, stann.,
perspiration, during: Chin., samb. staph., stram., sulph., tilia, sine.

reading, while: Agn., ang., apis, walking, while: Agar., ang., asar., bell., bor.,
calc., cocc,
ferr-i., lyc, nat-m. bry., calc, camph., carb-an., earb-v., cic,
coc-c, coff., coloc, con., dros., ferr., glon.,
rest, while at: Arg., nat-c.
kali-e, lach., nat-e, nat-m., nit-ae, nux-m.,
riding, while: Bry., petr., rhus-t.,
sil. sep., spong., tarax., thea,
rising, after: thuj., viol-tr.
Aur., bell., bov., bry., kali-c,
laur., mere, nat-m., nat-s., amel.: Agar., ferr-ph., sulph.

room, in a: Aeon., am-m., ars., aur-m., bry.,

open air, in: Aeon., agar., carb-v., caust.,
croc mag-m., men mere, COS., glon., kali-chl., lyc, nat-m., nux-m.,
, nat-c, phos.
petr., Sep., spig., sulph.
amel. in: Caust., colch.
amel,: Bry., merc-i-r., merc-i-f., nat-c,
warm room, in; Aeon., bell., lyc, merc-i-f., pans., rhodo,, sulph.
ph-ac phos., puis., sulph.

washing the face, amel.: Ajs., calc-ph., coca,

sitting, while: Am-c, asaf., asar., bar-c, bell.. cycl. ,
euphr. phos.


CONFUSION OF MIND. COUNTING continually: Physos.
will, strong effort of, aniel.: Glon. COURAGEOUS: Aeon., agar., alum., ant-t.,

berb., bov., calad., dros., gins., igt., mere,

wine, after: AU-c, altmi., bov., coloc, con.,
mez., nat-e, o/>.,phos., puis., squill., sulph.,
kali-chl., mil., ox-ac, zinc.
tarax., valer., verat.
wrapping up head amel. : Mag-m.
COVETOUS. (See "Avarice.")
writing, while: Arg-n., croc, ferr-i., laur.,
nat-c. COWARDICE: ^cow., agar., agn., alum., anac,
ang., aur., bar-ac, bar-c, bell., bjy., cale,
yawning amel. : Bry.
calc-s., camph., canth., carb-v., caust., chin.,
CONSOLATION. (See "Kind Words.") cocc, coloc, con., cupr., dig., dros., Gels.,
graph., ign., iod., ipec, kali-c, kali-n.,
CONSCIENTIOUS about trifles: Apis, ars., aur.,
bar-c, bry., cham., chin., cycl. ferr., hep.,
laur., led., lyc, mere, mur-ae, nat-m.,

nit-ac, op., phos., ph-ae, plat., p\h.,puls.,

hyos., igt., iod., lac-d., lye, mez., mu7--ac.,
ran-b., ruta, sabin., secale, sep., sil., spig.,
nsX-c ,
nux-V., puis., sarr., sep., i'z7, ,
stann., sulph., sul-ae, tabac, thuj., verat.,
stram., sulph., thuj., verat.
verb., viol-tr.
CONTEMPTUOUS: Alum., ars., canth., cham.,
chin., Cic-V., cycl., guaj., hyos., igt., ip.,
(Compare " Timid.")
lach., lact-ac, lye, nat-m., nit-ac, nux-v.,
CRAZY. (See "Insanity," and under "Delu-
psir., plat., puis secale, sil.
worse in open air or when sun shines into
room: Plat. CRITICAL MOOD. (See " Censorious.")

of everything: Chin., ciua, vp.,plat. CROAKING: Cina., cupr., cup-ac.

of self: Agn., cop. in sleep: Bell.

in paroxysms against her will: Plat.

CRUELTY. (Compare "Moral feeling," "Ma-
CONTENTED. (See " Cheerfui.") licious:") Abrot., absin., anac, croc,
curar., op., plat.
CONTRADICT, disposition to:
Anac, am.,
aur., camph., canth., canst., ferr., grat, desires to be cruel: Abrot.
hyos., igt., lach., lye, mere, nat-c, nice,
nux-v., oleand., poth., ruta.
CRYING OUT. ( See " Shrieking. '


afternoon: Canth. CURSING: Aloe, am-c, Anac, ars., bell., bor.,

bov., cann-i., canth., cor-r., hyos., ipec,
CONTRADICTION, is intolerant of: Aeon., aloe.,
lac-c, lil-t., Ij'c, lyss., nat-m., nit-ac,
alum., am-c, aster., aur., bry., cact., nux-v., op ,
pallad., petr., plb., puis., stram.,
calc-ph., cann-i., con., cocc, ferr., grat., tuberc, verat.
helon., hura, igt., Lyc, mere, nat-c,
nice, nux-v., oleand., op., plant., stram. all night, and complains of stupid feeling:
has to restrain himself to keep from violence:
Aloe, sil. convulsions, during: Ars.

CONTRARY humor, everything is disagreeable. CUT OTHERS, desires to: Lyssin.

(Compare "111 humor"): Aeon., alum.,
ambr., ananth., ant-e, am., ars., aur.,
DANCING: Aeon., agar., apis, bell., cann-i., cic,
calad., cale, caps., caust., con., cocc, con croc, crot-t., grat., hyos., mere,
croc, hep., ,

Igt., ip., lact., nat-m., ph-ac, plat, robin., stram., tabac,

led., mag-c, mag-m., mere,
nil-ac, nux-v., tarent.
petr., phos., plb., puis.,
samb., .sars., sil., spong., sulph., tromb. alternating with sighing: Bell,

CONVERSATION, aversion to; Ars., atrop.,

grotesque: Cic.
bell., carb-an., ferr., gels.,
murex, plb. unconscious: Ph-ac.
COSMOPOLITAN: Calc-ph. sanic.,
wild: Tarent.

DARK, miiid syinptoiiis fif^gr. in: Aeon., berb., DELIRIUM.
calc-c, carb-:iii., curh-ZK, caust., lye, phos., cliin-a., chiii.,chin-s., cic, cimic, cina, clem.,
plat., puis., rluis-t., .snnic, stratn., valer. coff., colch., coloc, co)i., cop., crot-h., croc,
cupr-ac, cupr., dig., Aq\ .,A\x\q.., gels., glon.,
(See, also, "Fear," in dark.)
hell., hep., hipp., Hyos., hyper., igt., iod.,
DEAFNESS, pretended: Verat. ip., jatr., kali-br., kali-c, kali-n., Lach.,
lachn., lact., lil-t., lyc, lyssin., inelil.,
DEATH, desires (see " Loathing of Life "): Agn.,
meny., mere, nterc-c, merl., mez., mur-ac,
apis, aran., ars-ni. Aur.,bell., carb-v., caust,
mygale, naja, nat-m., nit-ac, nux-m.,
chel., clem., der., hura, hydr., kreas.,
nux-v., oenan.. Op ox-ac, paris-q., petr.,
lack., lil-t, lye, mere, niezer ,
phos., ph-ac, plat., /'/(!'., podo., psor., puis.,
nat-s., nit-ac, op., pliyt, psor., rhus-t.,
phyto., ran-b., ran-sc, rheum, rhod.,
Sep., sU., sulph., verat- v., vip.
rhus-t., sabad., .sabin., sal-ac, samb., sarr.,
evening: AuT. secale, silic, .sol-n., stram., sulph., sul-ac,
chill, during: Kali-chl spig. tabac, tarax., taxus., tereb., the.a, valer.,

Verat., Verat-v., vesp., vip., zinc.

convalescence, during: Absin., a/^;-., lac-can.,
sep. morning at daybreak: Bry., con.

presentiment of: Aeon., agn., aloe, alum., eveuing: Bell., canth., croc, phos., plb.
anac, apis, arg-n., arn ars. bapt., bell., , ,
dark, in the: Calc-ars., cupr.
bry., calc, cann-i., canth., cench., chel.,
nap, during: Nux-v.
cimic, cupr., graph., kali-c, kali-n., lac-d.,
night: Aeon., apis, Ars., Bapt., beli., bry.,
lach., lyc., vied., mere, mosch., nat-m.,
nit-ac., nux-v., petrol., phos., plat., podo., cact., camph., cann-i., canth., carbo-v.,
chin-ars., chin-s., codein., colch., cor-r.,
puis., rhus-t., Sep., staph., stram., verat.,
vip., zinc. crot-h., dig., dulc, ether., graph., hepar.,
jabor., kalic, lach., lyc, mere, merc-c,
believes that she will die soon, and that she rheum,
merc-sul., nux-v., op., plb., puis.,
cannot be helped: Agn.
Sep., silic, stram., verat.
predicts the time: Aeon., arg-n. 1-2 a-m. : Lachn.
thinks of death calmly: Zinc. abandons her relatives: Secale.

sensation of: .i^sc, agn., campb., cann-i., absurd things, does: Secale.
cench., cic, graph., kali-bi., kali-n.,
alternating with colic: Plb.
nux-v., 0'p.,plat., sil., verat.
coma, also with somnolency: Plb., stram.
chill, during: Cann-i.
sorpor: Acet-ac, cocc, plb., vip.
spasm, during: Nux-v.
tetanic convulsions, lies on his back, knees
thoughts Acon., agn., apis, ars., carb-an.,
and thighs flexed, hands joined: Stram.
caust., crot-c, ferr., graph., hura., robin.,
stram., tarent., verat., zinc. angry: Cocc.

DECEITFUL: Arg-n., coca, dros. antics, plays: Lact.

anxious: Aeon., anac, bell., camph., hep.,

DEEDS, feels as if he could do great: Hell.
hyos., nux-v., op., phos., plb., sil., stram.,
DEFIANT: Aeon., anac., am., canth., caust.,
guai., lyc., luix-v. ,
apathetic: Verat.
DEJECTION. (vSee "Sadness.")
arms, throws about: Bell.
DELIRIUM: .Absin., acet-ac, aeon., act-sp.,
aroused, on being: Hep.
aesc, aeth., Agar., ail., am-c, anac., ant-c,
ant-t., ananth., apis, arn., Ars,, AruiH-t., attacks people with knife: Hyos.
aur., bapt.. Bell., bisni., Bry,, bufo, calad.,
bed, attempts to leave. (See " escape." )
cact., camph.,
calc, Cann-i., cann-s.,
canth., caps., carb-ac, carb-v., chain., Chel., creeps about in: Stram.


DELIRIUM. DELIRIUM, escapes, attempts to:

bellows like a calf: Bell., cupr., canth. from her family, children: Lyc.
blames himself for his folly: Op. to run away: Bell., bry., glon., hyos., op.,

blessing, asks a: Bell. stram.

busy: Bell.,bry., camph., hyos., rhus-t., j/raw., to change beds: Ars., hyos.

sulph. springs up suddenly from bed: Bell., chin.,

business, talks of: glon., nux-v.

Ars., bell., Bry., canth.,
cimi., hyos., op., phos., stram., sulph. is restrained with difficulty: Zinc.
catches at flocks in air. (See " Gestures.") window, from: ALsc, bell., glon., valer.

cheerful: Aeon., bell., cact., con., op., sulph., wants to visit his daughter: Ars.
eyes, closing on: Bapt., calc, lach.
chill, during: Arn., bell., chaui., nat-m..,
open, with: Ars., anac, bapt., canth., cham.,
nux-v., sepia, sulph., verat.
coll., coloc, crot-h., hyos., op., stram.,
coldness, with: Verat. tarent., verat.

confused talking: Bell., hyos. fantastic: Bell., cham., con., dulc, graph.,
constant: Bapt. hyos., op., Sep., sil., spong., stram., sulph.

convulsions, during: Ars., crot-h. fatigue, study, etc., from: Lach.

after: Absin., secale. fear of men, with: Plat.

crying: Bell., canst. , cina. feces passed on the floor: Cupr.

for help: Canth. swallows his own: Verat.

dark, in: Calc-a., aipr. licks up cow-dung, mud, saliva: Merc.
depletion, after: China, fierce: Agar., bell., hyos., stram.
disconnected things, says: Op., hyos. fight, wants to: Bell., hyos.
tries to kill people: Hep., hyos., secale,
dogs, talks of: Bell.
and cats: .^th.
foolish, silly: Aeon., seth., bell., hyos., mere,
drunkards, of. ( See " Mania-a-potu. '

' stram.
eating amel. : Bell,
foreign countries, talks of: Cann-i.
embraces the stove: Hyos.
language, talks in a: Stram.
epilepsy, during: Op.
frightful: Aeon., anac, atrop.. Bell,, calc,
after: Plb.
cic, colch., coloc, dig., hyos., nat-m.,
erotic: Camph., cann-i., canth., kali-br., lack., nux-v., op., phos., plb., puis., sil., stram.,
phos., stram. verat., zinc.

escape, attempts to: ^sc, fur, wraps up in, during summer: Hyos.
bell., camph.,
Cham., chlor., crot-h., cupr., dig., mere, gather objects off the wall, tries to: bell.
ph»s., ran-b., -stram., sul-ac, verat.
gay: Agar., aur-m., bell., cann-s., con., hyos.,
attempts to leave the bed: Aeon., esse, lact., stram.
agar., alcoh., ars., atrop., bell.,
bry., chin.,
cic, gal-ac, hyos., mere, merc-c, alternating, with laughing, singing, whist-
phos., ling, crying, etc.: Stram.
plb., ran-b., samb., sol-n., ^/fraw.,
sul-ac, zinc. with melancholy: Agar.
continually leaving and returning
to bed-
gestures, making. (See " Gestures." )

groping, as if in the dark: Plb.

headache, during: Aeon., agar., ars., glon., sleep, in: Ant-t., ars., bry., .sulph.
mag-c, mosch., secale, tarent., verat. naked, strips himself: Bell., Hyos., mere,
hemorrhage, etc., after: China. phos., phyto., secale.

home, prepares to go: Bell., Bry. noisy: Bell., camph., hyos., Stram.

talks of: Bell., bry. nonsense, with eyes open: Hyos.

thinks is not at: Bry., hyos., o]3., rhus-t., pains, with the: Dulc, verat.
paroxysmal: Bell , con.
hysterical, almost: Bell., igu., verat.
periodic: Samb.
knocking against walls: (See "Striking.")
perspiration amel.: Aeth.
Apis, con.
picking at nose or lips, with: Arum-t.
laughing: Aeon., bell., colch., con., hyos.,
ign., lach., lact., op., plumb., secale, sep., quiet: Carb-v., chel., cup-ac, hyos., phos.,
stram., sulph., thea, verat., zinc. phos-ac, plb., secale, tabac
look fixed on one point, staring: art-v., bov.,
raging, raving: Aeon., act-sp., aeth., agar.,
camph., canth., cupr., stram., ran-b.
anac, ant-s., ant-t., arg-ui., arg-n., ars.,
staring, with wrinkled face: Stram. Bell., bry., calc, camph., cann-i., Canth.,
carb-s., chin-s., cic, chel., chin., cimic,
loquacious: Agar., bapt., bell., bry., camph.
cina, colch., coloc, cupr., dig., dulc,
crot-t., cupr., gels., hyos., Lach., lachn.,
ether, glon., graph., hell., hep., Hyos.,
lyssin., naja, op., paris-q., petr. ///o^. ,
Lyc, mere,

hyper., jatr., lobel., merc-cy.,

plb., rhus-t., siram., verat.
mosch., nat-m., Ifit-ac, nux-m., oena.. Op.,
indistinct: Apis, hyos. par., phos., ^Va.,puls., rheum, Secale, sol-n.,

maniacal: Acan., aeth., ailan., ant-cr., ars. Stram., sulph., sulph-ac, tabac, tarent.,
bell., camph., cann-i., canth., chin-s., Verat., vip., zinc.
colch., con., cor-r., crot-h., cupr., hell,
alternating with consciousness: Aeon.
hyos., indg., led., lobel., lye, mere, merc-c.
nat-m.. nux-m., oena., op., plb., rhod.' with religious excitement: Agar,
secale, stram., tarent., tereb., verat. aroused, when: Phos.
menses, before: Ars., bell., hyos., lyc. convulsions, during: Ars.
during: Aeon., apis, bell., hyos., lyc, epilepsy, after: Arg-m.
nux-m., puis., stram., verat.
shining objects, mirrors or water, from:
merry. (See "Gay.") Canth., lyss., stram.
miscarriage, after; Ruta. sleep, in: Cup-ac, mur-ac.
mouth, moves lips as if talking: Bell. tries to kill people: Hep., hyos., secale,
puts stones in: Merc. stram.

murmuring: Arn., rambling: Atrop., bell., hyos., plb.

calad., hyos., lyc, phos.,
phos-ac, rhus-t., stram., tabae. recognizes no one: Bell., calad., hyos., mere,
nux-v., op., stram., tabac, verat. •
slowly: Ph-ac.
repeats the same sentence: Camph.
to himself: Hyos., tabac.
reproachful: Hj-os., lyc.
muttering: Ailan., apis, am., bapt., bell.,
calad., chel., crot-h., dor., gels., hep., Hyos., religious: Aur., lach., verat.
lach., lyc, mere, nat-m., nux-v., op., phos.,
restless: Aeon., atrop., plb.
phos-ac, rhus-t., secale, Stram., tarax.,
tereb., verat roaming in fields, thinks is: Rhus-t.

himself, to: Bell., rhus-t. rocking to and fro: Bell., hyos.

rolls on floor; Op. trembling, with: Valer.

romping with children Agar. :

tremens. (See " Mania-a-potu.")

running about: Bell.^ con., hell., Stram., urinate on the floor, tries to: Plb.
sulph., Verat. urinates outside the pot: Bell.
and knocks head against wall : Con. violent: Apis, alrop., Ars., Bell., con., hyos.,
away: Bell., cupr., dig., nux-v., verat. lach., op., phos., plb., secale., stram.

same subject all the time: Petr. displaying great strength: Agar.
scolding: Hyos., mere, stram. is restrained and calmed with great diffi-

screaming: Atrop., camph., bell., cham., culty: Zhie

hyos., plios., plb., strain., sol-n. (Compare " Raving.")
singing: Bell., cann-i., cocc, cupr., hyos., vivid: Bell., stram.
lach., lact., stram., verat.
vociferous: Camph., Stram.
alternating with laughing, whistling, crying,
etc.: Stram. (See " Loquacious," " Noisy.")

silent: Agar., secale.

water, jumping into: Bell., secale.

sleep, during: Ars.,

wedding, prepares for: Hyos.
Apis, Bell., cad., cham.,
cina., cup-ac. ^^/^. hyper., mere, mur-ac,
, , well, declares she is: Apis, am., ars.
op., rheum, sant., spong., stram., verat.
wild: Bell., camph., canth., chloral., colch.,
amel. after: Bell., cad. cupr., hydr-ae, hyos., plb., Stram.
aroused, on being: Phos., hep., secale. at night: Gal-ae, plb.

falling, on: Bell., bry., cact., calc, camph., wrongs, of fancied: Hyos.
chin., ,^els., guai., ign., mere, phos.,
ph-ac, rhus-t, spong., sulph. DELUSIONS, HALLUCINATIONS, ILLU-
SIONS, etc. (Compare "Imaginations,"
waking, on: Aur., bell., bry., cact., carb-v.,
" Fancies " and " Delirium.")
chel., cofF., colch., curar., dulc, hyos.,
lobel., lach., mere, nat-e, par., sep., afternoon, that it is always: Stann.
abdomen is fallen in, his stomach devoured,
sleepiness, with: Aeon., arn., bry., calc-p., his scrotum swollen : Sabad.
coloc, lach.. Puis.
absurd, ludicrous: Cann-i.
sleeplessness, with: Nux-m. figures are present: Ambr., arg-m., camph.,
soliloquizes much : Rhus-t. cann-i., caust., cic, op., tarent.

sorrowful: Aeon., bell., dulc, lye, puis. abundance, has an: Sulph.
spits at those about him: Bell., cupr., hyos., active: Bell., hyos., stram.
phos., stram., verat. affection of friends, has lost: Aur., hura.
and licks it up or rubs it over the floor: that he
air, is hovering in, like a spirit: Asar.
alone, that she is always: Stram.
stupor, with: Bapt., lye, (See
nux-m. "Strange.")
sudden: Stram.
that she is, in the world: Plat., hura.
talking loud: Bell., hyos., stram.
animals, of: Absin., aeth., ars., bell., calc,
in rhyme: Thea. Cham., cimie, colch., con., crot-h.,
lac-can., med., Op., puis., sant.,
to herself: Merc. stram\
sulph., tarent., valer.
(See " Loquacious.")
are in: Thuja.

SIONS, animals, of : SIONS.
black on walls and fnrniture, sees: Bell, bed, feels as if not lying on, on waking, 4 a.
m.: Hyper.
bed, on: Colch., plb., valer.
evening, as if some one would get into
dancing on the: Con.
and no room in it, or as if some one
beetles, worms, etc.: Ars., bell., stram. had sold it: Nux-v.
creeping of: Lac-can.
as if some one was in, with him: Anac,
in her: Stram. apis, bapt., carb-v., nux-v., op., petr.,
puis., rhus-t., secale, valer.
cup, in a, moving: Hyos.
was bouncing her up and down: Bell.,
dark colored: Bell,
dogs, cats, etc.: Aelh., calc, strain.
were sinking: Bell., bry., calc-ph., chin-s.,
fire, in the: Bell,
dulc, kali-c, lack., rhus-t., sacch-alb.
frightful: Op.
in motion: L,ac c.
grotesque: Absinth,
were raised: Canth.
passing before her: Thuja,
someone over it: Calc.
persons are: H3'os., stram.
under it: am-m., bell., calc, canth.,
jumping at her: Merc. colch.

rats, mice, insects, etc.: Aeth., bell., cimic, knocking under: Canth.
med., stram. someone, stands at the foot, menacing:
start out of the ground: Stram.

unclean: Bell. drives him out: Rhus-t.

surrounded by wolves: Bell., stram. tries to take away the bed clothes: Bell.

about to sink into: Cann-i., naked man is wrapped in the bedclothes

with her: Puis.
bees, sees: Puis.
ants, bed seems full of: Plb.

bells, hears ringing of: Cann-i., ph-ac, thea.

apoplexy, thought he would have: Arg-m.
his funeral: Ether,
argument, making an eloquent: Cann-i.
to her body: Cimic.
numberless sweet toned: Cann-i.
arms are bound
door bell: Thea.
do not belong to her: Agar.

when going to sleep: Pic-ac. bewitched, thinks he is: Cann-i.

reach the clouds
bier, isl3'ingon a: Anac, cann-i.
that she has three : Petrol.
birds, sees: Bell., kali-c.
arrested, is about to be: Bell., kali-br.,

meli-a., plb. that he is picking feathers from: Hyos.

black objects and peope: Stram.
assaulted, is going to be: Tarent.
(See " Images.")
babies, are two in bed: Petr.
blind, that is: Mosch., verat.
ball, that he is sitting on a: Cann-i., chim.
blood rushed through like roar of many
beautiful: Bell., cann-i., coca, sulph. waters: Cann-i.

land.scape: Cofi". body adherent to woolen sack, night, while

micturition after, all things seem: Eugen. half awake: Coc-c.

rags seem even: Sulph. black, as if it were: Sulph.

SIONS, body adherent to woolen sace. SIONS.
child, childish fantasies, has: Lyc.
brittle, is: Thuja.
is with companions of his youth: Ether.
covered the whole earth: Cann-i.
not hers: Anac.
delicate: Thuja.
thinks he is again a: Cic.
divided: Cann-i.
children, thinks he must drive, out of the
erroneous ideas as to the state of his: Sabad.
house: Fl-ac.
greatness of, as to: Cann-i., plat., staph.
chin, too long, is: Glon.
had come in pieces and could not get the
choir, on hearing music thinks is in a cathe-
fragments properly adjusted: Bapt., phos.
dral: Cann-i.
lighter than air: Op.
choked, thinks he is about to be, night on
scattered about bed, tossed about to get the waking: Cann-i.
pieces together: Bapt., phos.
by icy-cold hands: Canth.
shrunken, like the dead: Sabad.
Christ, thinks himself to be: Cann-i.
spotted brown, as if: Bell.
churchyard, visits a: Anac, arn., bell., stram.
sweets, is made of; Merc.
that he is dancing in: Stram.
thin, is: Thuja.
ciphers, sees: Ph-ac, sulph.
threefold, has a: Ars.
clock, hears strike: Ph-ac.
will putrefy: Bell.
clothes, thinks beautiful: ^th., sulph.
would sink down between the thighs: Bell.
is clad in rags: Cann-i.
born, feels as if newly: Cor-r.
would ily away and become wandering stars,
brain, has softening: Abrot., arg-n. on undressing: Cann-i.
brother fell overboard in her sight: Kali-bro. clouds, strange, settled upon patients, or
building stones; appearance of: Thuja. danced about the sun: Cann-i.

business, fancies is doing: Bell., bry., canth., before the fancy: Hep., mag-m., rhus.
cupr. phos. , heavy black enveloped her: Cimic.
thought they were pursuing ordinary: Bell. clouds and rocks above her: Mag-m.
butterflies, of: Cann-i., bell. cockroaches swarmed about the room: Bell.
calls, some one: Anac, ant-c, cann-i., dros., companions seemed half men, half plants:
kali-c, plb., thuja. Cann-i.
for absent persons: Hyos. confusion, imagines others will observe
cancer, has a: Verat. Calc.

castles and palaces, sees: Plb. consciousness, belongs to another; Alum.

cats, sees: Absin., eeth., arn., conspiracies against her father, thought
bell., calc, the
daph., hyos., puis., stram. landlord's bills were: Kali-bro.

black: Puis, against him, there were: Ars., plb.

caught, as he would be: convent, thinks she will have to go

if Bell, to a;
chair is rising up: Phos.
corners of houses seem to project so
chairs, thinks he is repairing old: Cup-ac. that he
fears he svill run against them
changed, thinks everything: Bar-m., when walking
in the street: Arg n.
changing suddenly: Canu-i.
corner, sees something coming out of: Phos.
SIONS. SIONS, (lead persons, sees:

corpses. (See " Dead Persons.") of absent acquaintance on sofa and liBs

cowards, thinks persons leaving him to be; dread: Ars.

Cann-i. of tall yellow, trying to share bed with
crabs, of: Hyos. him and promptly ejected: Bell.

become and no one will take that her child was dead: Kali-br.
crazy, about to
care of him: Lil-t. that he himself was dead: Anac, apis,
declares she will go: Cimic. caniph., lach., stram.

creative power, has: Cann-i. dead, everything is: Mez.

crime, about to commit a: Kali-br. deaf and dumb: Verat.

as if he had committed: Alum., anac, debate, of being in: Hyos.

carb-an., kali-br. delirious, at night, expected to become: Bry.
criminal, that he is a: Cob., cycl., dig., hyos., imagines he was: Cann-i.
sarr., thuj.
deserted, forsaken, thinks to be: Arg-n.,
and others know it: Cob. caniph., cann-i., carb-an., carb-v., - chin.,
criminals, has hallucinations of: Alum., am-c, cycl.,hura, hyos., kali-brom., lil-t., lyssin.,

ars., bell., carb-v., caust., chel., cina, cocc, nat-c, ^2\\aL.^., plat., stram.
coff., dig., /«';'., graph., hyos., mere, nat-c, despised, that is: Arg-n., hura, lac-c.

nit-ac, nux-v., puis., ruta, sil., stront., devils, sees: Ambr., anac, ars., bell., cann-i.,
sulph., verat. cupr., dulc, h^^os., kali-c, lach., nat-c, op.

(Compare "Anxiety," as if a.) plat., puis., stram., sulph., zinc.

cucumbers, sees on the bed: Bell. possessed of a, is: Hyos.

cut through, as if he were: Stram. that every one is: Melil.

cylinder, seemed to be a: Cann-i. present, are: Anac, cann-i., op., phos.

danger, impression of: Fluor-ac, kali-br., that he is a demon: Anac., camph., cann-i.,

strain., valer. stram.

to his life: Plb. that all persons are: Plat,

from his family: Kali-br. devoured, had been by animals: Hyos.

dead persons, sees: Alum., am-c, anac, arn., die, thought he was about to: Aeon., arg-n.,
ars., bar-c, bell., brom., bry., calc, cantb., bar-c, cann-i., chel., kali-c, lac-d., nit-ac,

caust., cocc, con., fl-ac, graph., hep., nux-v., rhus-t., stram.

hura, iod., kali-c, laur., mag-c, mag-m., time has come to: Bell., lach., thuj., .sabad.
nat-c, nat-ni., nit-ac, nux-v., op., phos.,
would, and soon be dissected: Cann-i.
ph-ac, plat., plb., ran-sc, sars., sil., strycli.,

sulph., sulph-ac, thuj., verb., zinc. that all her friends: Lac-d.

morning, on waking, frightened by im- while walking, thinks he will have a fit, or
ages of: Hep. die, which makes him walk faster: Arg-n.
midnight, on waking: Cann-i. diminished: Cann-i., cinuam., grat., lac-can.,
all her friends are dead and she niu.st go to sabad., sulph.
a convent; L,ac-def. abdomen has fallen in: Sabad.
corpse on a bier: Anac, cann-i. everything in room is, while she is tall and
of dead brother and child: Con., plb. elevated: Plat,

of husband: Plb. left side of body is smaller: Cinnam.

of sister: Agar. short: Lac-can.

DELUSION'S, Hallucinations, Illusions, dimin- DELUSIONS, Hallucinations, Illusions, driving:
ished :
peacocks: Hyos.
shrunken: Sabad.
dumb, thinks is: Verat.
small: Grat.
eaten, as if would be: vStram.
thin, is too: Thuj.
elevated, in air: Nit-ox.
whole body, is: Agar,
carried to an elevation : CEJna.
dirt}', that he is: Rhus-t., lac-can.
bed were raised: Canth.
eating dirt: Verat.
emaciation: Sulph.
disabled, that she is: Cit-v.
emperor, thought himself an: Cann-i.
disease, that he has every: Aur-m., stram.
talked of: Carbn-s.
has incurable: Arg-n., cact., chel., plb.,
sabad. enemy, every one is an : Merc.
is deaf, dumb and has cancer: Verat. pursued by: (See "Pursued.")
has an unrecognized disease: Raph. surrounded by: Anac, carbn-s., crot-t.,
disgraced, that she is: Plat., sarrac, sulph.
under the bed, is: Am-m.
dissected, that he will be: Cann-i.
distinguished: Stram., verat. engaged in some occupation, is: Aeon., ars.,
atrop., bell., cann-i., cupr cupr-ac, hyos..
divided into two parts: Bapt., cann-i., petr., ,

lyssin., plb., rhus-t., stram., verat.

puis., sil., stram., thuj.
in ordinary occupation: Ars., atrop.,
or cut in two: Plat. bell.,
plb., stram.
and could not tell of which part he
had possession on waking: Thuj. enlarged: Aeon., alum., bell., cann-i., glon.,
nat-c, nux-v., op., plat., sabad., stram.,
divine, thinks is: Cann-i., stram. zinc.
doctors, thought three were coming:
Sep. body, parts of: Alum., hyos., op.
dogs, sees: Arn., bell., calc, lye, mere, puis, chin
sil., stram., sulph., verat.,
is: Glon.
distances are; Cann-i., nux-m.
attack him: Stram.
eyes are: Bell., op.
biting his chest: Stram.

black: Bell. eye-lashes are: Cann-i.

swarm about him: head is: Aeon., cann-i., kali-ars., zinc.

Bell., stram.
objects are: Cann-i.
dolls, people apj^eared like: Plb.
double, of being: one leg is longer: Cann-i.
Anac, bapt., cann-i., glon.,
lil-t., mosch., /^/r., stram., secale, thuj. persons are: Cann-i., canst.
(See also "Divided.") scrotum is swollen: Sabad.
sensations present themselves tall, very is: Op., pallad., plat., stram.
in a double
form; Cann-i.
entering, fancies some is, night: Con.
dragged from the lowest abyss
of darkness, on epilepsy, fancies
waking: Thea. he has: Atrop.

dreaming when awake, erroneous ideas: Bell., canth., hyos., nux-v.

imagines himself: Bell, stram. verat.

drinking: Bell,
eternity, that he was in: Cann-i.
driving sheep: Aeon.
excited: CofT.

DELUSIONS, Hallucinations, Illusions. DELUSION'S, Hallucinations, Illusions, figures,

executioner, visions of an: Stram.
gigantic: Atrop.
existence, doubt if anything had: Agn.
large black, about to spring on him: Mosch.
doubted his own: Cann-i.
marching in the air, evening, while half
expanding, thought passers-by were: Cann-i. asleep: Nat-c.

filthy: (See " dirty.")

(See also " Enlarged.")
fingers cut olT: Mosch.
experienced before, thought everything had
been: Kali-br.. finger-nails seem as large as plates during
I drowsiness: Cann-i.
eyes, falling out: Crot-c.
fire, visions of: Alum., am-m., anac, ant-t.,
larger, are: Op.
ars., bell., calc, calc-p., clem., croc, daph.,
lashes, longer are: Caun-i. hepar., kali-n., kreos., laur., lyssin., mag-m.,

aur., calc, nat-m., phos., plat., ptUs., rhodo., rhus-t.,

faces, sees: Ambr., apis, arg-n.,
med., op., spig., spong., stann., .stram., sulph., zinc.
cann-i., carban., caust, lac-c,
phos., sulph., tarent. distant home, on: Bell.

closing eyes, ou: Arg-n., ars., bell., bry.,

every noise is a cry of fire, she thinks, and
Calc, carb-v., caust., chin., samb. she trembles: Bar-c.
diabolical, crowd upon him: Ambr. head is surrounded b}': Am-m.
distinguished people, of: Cann-i. house on: Bell., hepar., stram.

distorted, day, on lying down: Ambr.,

neighbor's house on, morning, waking in 'a
arg-n., cupr-ac. fright: Hepar.
elongated, is: Stram. room is on : Stram
grows larger: Aeon., aur. world is on: Hepar.
ridiculous: Cann-i. fishes, flies, etc.: Bell., stram.
ugly faces seem pleasing: Cann-i. fit, thinks she will have a fit and walks faster:

wherever he turns his eyes, or looking out Arg-n.

from corners: A.\\r., phos.
floating in air (see " Vertigo."): Asar., cann-i.,
fail, everything will: Act-sp., arg-n., aur., canth., hura, kali-br., lach., nux-m.
silic. ''

evening: Bell.
fall, as if things would: Hyos., stram.
bed, suspended is: Bell., stram.
falling forward, that she is: Elaps.
bed, is not resting in: Lack., sticta.

inward, walls of room seem, before epileptic

closing eyes, on : Penth.
fit: Carb-v.
leg, floating is: Sticta.
family, does not belong to her own :
walking, when: Asar.
fanciful: Lach., Stram. fluid, ethereal, surrounded by, resisting pass-
in slumber: Ant-c. age: Cann-i.

fault-finding: Bar-ac, plb., rhus-t. flying, sensation of: Asar., caniph., cann-i.,
oena., op.
fight, sees a: Op.
from a rock into dark abj'ss, on going to
figures, sees: Coca., nux-m., plb., sant.,
bed: Cann-i.
at: Chloral. footsteps, hears: Canth., carb-v., rcot-c, ant-p.
hurled bottle

DELUSIONS, Hallucinations, Illusions, foot- DELUSIONS, Hallucinations, Illusions.

steps, hears: great person, is: ^th., bell., cann-i., cupr.,

lyssin., phos., //a;'., sulph., verat.
behind him: Crot-c.
in next room: Nat-p. groans, fancies he hears: Crot-h.

forsaken: (See " deserted.") growling, as of a bear: Mag-m.

fortune, that he was going to lose his: Staph., hall, illusion of a gigantic hall: Cann-i.
halves, left half does not belong to her: Sil.
foul, everything appears: Curar.
hanging, sees persons: Ars.
fowls, sees: Stram.
three feet from the ground, on falling
friend, thinks she is about to lose a: Hura.
asleep: Hura.
has lost the affection of: Aur., hura.
on standing high, seems as if: Phos.
has oiTeuded: Ars.
hand, midnight vision of something taking
frightful: Absin., atrop., bell., camph., coca., her: Canth.
nicot., op., rhod., stram.
visions, of white, outspread, coming toward
(See "images" and "visions.") face in the darkness: Benz.
evening: Calc. happy, that he will never be, in his own house:
night: Camph ,
carb-v., nit-ac, phos., tabac. Arsen.

in bed: Carb-v. harlequin, as if he were a: Hyos.

falling asleep, on: Chin. hat is a pair of trousers which he tries to
on: Stram.
past events, of: Spong.
head belongs to another: Ther.
furniture, imagines it to be persons, night on
waking: Nat-p. can lift it off: Ther.
gallows, vision of, with fear of: Bell. cold breeze blows on: Petr.

geese, threw themselves into water, deceased acquaintances,

thinking of, without bodies,
themselves to be: Con. at night: Nux-v.

sees: Hj'os. heavy, his own seemed too: Bry.

ghosts: (See "spectres.") large, seems too: Aeon.
giants, sees: Bell. large heads, make grimaces, evening on
giraffe, closing eyes: Euphr.
imagines himself to be a: Cann-i.
glass, that monstrous, on distant wall of room:
she is made of: Thuja. Cann-i.
God, is the
pendulum, seems an inverted,
object of God's vengeance: oscillatine-
Kali-bro. Cann-i.

that he sees friends stick, out of a bottle:

is in communication with: Stram., Bell.
Verat. shaking the: Bell., cham.
goitre, imagines he has thinks disease will break out
a: Indg. of: Stram.
has one which he cannot tran.sparent and speckled brown
.see over when sit- : Bell,
ting down: Zinc.
health, he has ruined his: Cliel.
grandeur, magnificent visions
of- Carbn 9 hear, he thinks he cannot:
grasp, has fantasies
he isdeaf and dumb: Verat.
beyond his: Viol-od.
bells. (See " Bells.")
grave, that he is in his: Stram.
footsteps: Canth., carb-v.

) , ,

DELUSIONS, Halluciiuitious, Illusions. DELUSIONS, Hallucinations, Illusions

heart disease, is going to have, and die: L,ac-c. identity, errors of personal: Alum., ant-c,
bapt., cunn-s., lach., petr., phos., plb.,
too large: Lach.
pyrus., strain., thuj., valer.

turning around, is: Aur.

thinks she is .some one else: Can-s., lach.,
heat, has a furious, radiating from epigastrium: phos., valer.

images, phantoms, sees: Amhr., arg-m., ars.,
heaven, is in: Cann-i., op. bell., brom., calc, camph., carb-an., rar^-z/.
caust., cham., cic-v., coca., dros., dulc, hell.,
heavy, is: nat-c, thuja.
hep., hyos., kali-c, lach., mere, nat-c,
hell, at gate of, obliged to confess his sins: nit-ac, nux-v., op., phos., ph-ac, plat.,

agar. puis., rhus-t., Sep., strain., .sulph , verat.

in shadows of, midnight, on waking: Cann-i. afternoon. Lyc.

is in: Camph., cann-i., mere.
evening: Lye, nit-ac.
suffers the torments of, without being able
in bed: Nit-ac.
to explain: Merc.

help, calling for: Plat.

night: Mere, nit-ac.

herbs, gathering: Bell., cupr.

alone, when: Fl-ae, lach.

hide, tries to: Bell., puis.

black: Am., ars., bell., op., plat ,

hogs, mistakes men for: Hyos.
closing the eyes, on: Samb., sulph.
hole, small, appears like a frightful chasm:

in bed: Samb., sulph.

dark, in the: Carb-v.
home, thinks is at, when not: Cann-i., hyos.
everchanging: Carbn-o.
everything at, has changed: Arg-n.
fantastic: Fl-ac.
thinks is away from: Aeon., cic, coff.,
hyos ,
melil-a., o/., rhiis-t., valer., verat. frightful: Anibr., ars., atrop., bar-e, bell.,

wants to go: Bell., bry., calc, lach., op., calc, carb-v., caust., chin., coca, con.,

verat., vip. croc, graph., hep., hyos., kali-bi., kali-c,

laur., lye, mang., mere, mur-ae, nat-c.
horses, sees: Bell., raag-m zinc.
nit-ac, uux-v., op., petr., phos., ph-ac,

is on horseback: Cann-i. puis, rhod., rhus-t., samb., sars ,


spong., stram., sulph.

house is full of people: Ars. ,
cann-i., con.,
lach., lye, mere, nat-m., iiux-v., sil., night: Carb-v., mere
on clo.sing the eyes: Bell., caust.
not in right place, while walking in the
rising out of the earth: Stram
street after headache: Glon.
sees, all over: Merc. , ^il-
on each side would approach and crush
side, at his: Stram.
him: Arg-n.
sleep, before: Carb-an.
seems movable: Cann-i.
during: Lyc.
surrounded, is: Stram.
wall, on the: Lyc, samb.
humility and lowness of others while he is

great: Plat., staph, (See "faces," "figures," '

spectres, " " visions.
' '

hunter, thinks he is a: Canu-i., verat. '


husband, thinks is not her: Aiiac. inanimate objects are persons: Bell., tiat-p.



DELUSIONS, Hallucinations, Illusions. DELUSIONS, Hallucinations, Illusions,

inferior, on entering house after a walk, peo- laughed at, imagines she is: Bar-ac.
ple seem mentally and physically: Plat.
leg, tin case filled with stair rods, is: Cann-i.
influence, is under a powerful: Cer-b., lack.
legs, conversing are: Bapt.
injury, is about to receive: Ars., cann-i.
cut off, are: Bar-c, stram., tarent.
carb-s., con., lach., lye, mere, nux-v., si! ,

stram., sulph. don't belong to her: Agar,

is being injured: Br}^., cact ,

canth., elaps , three has: Petrol,
kali-b. ,
lyssin., phos , rhus-t. ,
sulph. too long, is: Cann-i.

lie, thinks all she says is a: Lac-c. (See " Un-

his fingers and toes are being cut off: Mosch.
inkstand, fancied he saw one on bed: Lact.
lies crosswise: Stram.
fancied he was one: Cann-i.
life,symbols of, all past events, revolve rapidly
insane, that people think her: Calc.
on wheels: Cann-i.
declares she will become: Cimic, chel.
is threatened: Kali-bro.
/^ insects, sees: Ars., Bell., hyos ,
lac-c, phos , light, on falling asleep, thinks there is too
' puis., stram., tarent.
much in room: Ambr.
shining: Bell.
limb, one is double: Petr.
insulted, thinks he is: Bell.,ign., kali-brc, lip, lower is swollen: Glon.
nux-v., puis., tarent.
living under ordinary relations, thinks is not:
iodine, illusions of fumes of: lod.
island, is on a distant: Phos.
locomotive, imagines himself to be: Cann-i.
journey, as if on a: Bell., brom., cann-i., longer, things seem: Berb., camph., dros.,
crot-h., hyos., lach., mag-m., nat-c, op.,
kreos., nit-ac', sulph.
sang., sil.

chin seems too long: Glon.

juggler, thinks himself a: Bell.
looking at her, that everyone is: Mill,
jumped up on the ground before her, all sorts
of things: Brom. lost, fancies herself: Aur., hura, plb.

killed, roasted and eaten : Stram. on waking: .^sc.

knees, that he walks on: Bar-c. lunatic, as if a: Anac, hyos.
knocking under the bed: Calc, canth. lying near him, fancies some one is: Petr.
(See "Noise.") crosswise: Stram.
knowledge, thought he possessed infinite: (See also "Bed.")
ludicrous: Cann-i.
pretends to be in, or thinks she has
pains: Verat. machine, thinks he is working a: Plb.
lady, fancied herself a
noble: Phos. maelstrom, seemed carried down a psychical:
large, people seemed too, during vertigo: Caust. Cann-i.
parts of body seem too:
Alum., hyos., op. magician, is a: Bell.
self seemed too: Stram.
man in the room intending to perforate his
on entering the house after walking-
^" throat with a gimlet: Merc-i-fl.

(See "enlarged.")
old men with long beard and distorted
faces, sees: Laur.


DELUSIONS, Hallucinations, Illusions. DELUSIONS, Hallucinations, Illusions.

muffled, starts from the wall when walking murdered, as if he would be: Am-m., bell.,
in the streets: Ciuin-i. hyos., ign., kali-c, lact, lye, mag-c, mere,
op., phos., strani., verat, zinc.
naked man in bed: Puis.
conspiring to murder him, are: Plb.
thinks men are on the bed at night: Merc.
sees some one: Calc.
the same man walking after him that
he sees walking before him : Euph. that every one around him is a murderer:
who hung himself, saw: Ars. Plb.

that he was killed, roasted and eaten:

mandarin, mistook friend for a Chinese:

marble statue, felt as if he were: Cann-i. thinks persons were bribed to murder him:
marriage, must dissolve: Fl-ac.
thought her mother had been: Nux-v.
married, that he is: Ign.
mushroom, fancies he is commanded to fall on
is going to be: Hyos.
his knees and confess his sins and rip up his
masks, sees: Bell., kali-c, op. bowels by a: Agar.

melancholy: Alum.- music, fancies he hears: Cann-i., croc, lach.,

sal-ac, strain., thuj.
while half awake, at night: Nux-v.
delightful: Plb.
thoughts of himself or a friend lying on a
bier: Anac. evening, hears the music heard in the day:
melted away, sensation of, worse from change,
better in recumbent position: Sumb. sweetest and sublimest melody: Cann-i.,
mesmerized, that she is, by her absent pastor:
melil. unearthly: Ether.

mice, sees: Bell., cole, civiic, colch., lac-c, mutilated bodies, sees: Ant-c, arn., con.,
mag-s., op. mag-m., mere, nux-v., sep.
mind and body separated: Anac. mystery, everything around seemed a terrify-
ing: Caun-i.
misfortune, inconsolable over fancied: Verat.
naked, thinks is: Stram.
money, as if counting: Alum., bell ,
mag-c, zinc. narrow, everything seems too: Plat.

sewed up in clothing, is: Kali-bro. neck is too large: Kali-c.

talks of: Calc, carbn-s. needles, sees: Merc, sil.

monsters, visions of horrible. (,See " visions " neglected or despised, is: Arg-n., aur., Pallad.
and " spectres." Stram.
new, everything is:

mountain, thought himself to be on the ridge Atrop.

newspapers, thinks lie sees:
of a: Cann-i.
noble, thinks he is a: Phos.
mouth, fancied living things were creeping
into: Merc. noise, hears: Bell., calc, carb-v., cham., colch.,
con., hyos., mag-m.
move, hears things that are high up near him
clattering about bed Calc.
out of sight: Ph-ac. :

murder, thinks she is about to, her husband

knocking under bed: Canth.
and child : Kali-br. of shouts, vehicles: Cann-i.

that he has to, some one : Ars. steps in room: Canth.

DELUSIONS, Hallucinations, Illusions, DELUSIONS, Hallucinations, Illusions, people:

nose, has a transparent: Bell. Sees: Bell., bry., hyos., mag-c, op., puis.,
rheum, sep., stram.
has some one else's: Lac-can
(See "bed," "room," etc.)
takes people by : Merc.
persecution, fancies himself to be subjected to:
numeral, appeared nine inches long, night on
China., cycl., Dros., hyos., kali-br., stram.
waking, better lying on other side: Sulph.
person, that something hanging over chair is
nursing her child, imagines she was: Atrop. a, sitting there: Calc.

nuts, as if cracking: Hyos. thinks she is some other: Cann-s., lach.,

objects, brilliantly colored: Bell.

appear different: Nat-m. pieces. (See under " body," "divided," etc.)

pins, about: Sil., spig.

are present: Cann-i.
places, of being in different: Cann-i., lye,
crooked: Glon.
plb., raph.
flight from : Stram.
at night on waking thought to find him-
glittering: Bell.
self in strange and solitary: Par.
numerous, too, in room: Phys. of being in two at the same time:
open air, in: Atrop. Cench., sil.

sometimes thick, sometimes thin, on wrong, in: Hyos.

closing eyes in slumber: Camph. pleasing: Atrop., canu-i.,op., stram.
tries to seize: Ars., atrop., bell., hyos., morning after sleep: Bell.
poisoned, thought he had been: Hyos., plat-m.
obscene: Stram.
that he was about to be: Plb.,
actions of which she had not been 'guilty, rhus-t.
accuses herself: Phos.
medicine being: Lach.
officer, thinks he is an: Agar., bell., caun-i.,
(See under " Fear of")
policeman come into house, thought he saw:
old men, sees: Laur.
Hyos., kali-br.
ox, as if riding on: Bell.
that physician is a: Bell.
paradise, thought he saw: Coff. poor, thinks he is: Bell., calc-fi., hep., nux-v.,
is in: Cann-i., op. Sep., stram., valer.

past, of events long; Atrop. (See "want.")

peacocks, as if chasing: Hyos. family will starve: Ars., kali-chl., sep.,
people, persons are looking at staph.
him: Rhus-t.
possessed, as if: Anac ,
bell., hyos.
him, some one is: Anac, brom.,
case, cench., crot-h., staph. pregnant, thought herself: Ign., sabad., thuj.,
when walking in the dark:
Ferr. , sanic. present, some one is: Hyos., h^c, thuj.
beside him, are: Anac, (See "people.")
apis, ars., bell., calc,
camph., carb-v., cench.,
nux-v., petr prince, is a: Verat.
valer. ^ *

proud: Plat., stram., verat.

doing as he does: Ars.
pulling one's hair: Bell.

DELUSIONS, Halluciuations, Illusions. DELUSIONS, Hallucinations, Illusions, room:
pursued, thought he was: Absin., anac, bell., like the foam of a troubled sea, is:
kali-br., plb., staph. Secale.

enemies, by; Absin., anac, bell., chin., sees people in, at bedside: Atrop.
crot-h., dros., lach, on entering: Lyc.

fiends, by: Plb. that the walls will crush him: Arg-n.

ghosts, by: Lept, stram.

walls of, seem gliding together: Cann-i.
sees horrible things on the:
murderers, robbers, by: Alcoh.
Bell., cann-i., hyos., samb.
police, by: Bell., cupr., kali-br.,
saw, thought he was a huge, darting u.p and
meli. , zinc.
down: Cann-i.
soldiers, by: Absin., plb.
scorpions, sees: Op.
some horrid thing: Anac.
(See, also, "persecuted.")
scratching on linen or similar substance,
thought some one was: Asar.
queen, thinks she is: Cann-i.
scrotum, thinks his, is swollen: Sabad.
rabbits, sees: Stram.

sees, thinks some one else sees for him: Alum,

railway train, thought he was obliged to go off
by: Atrop. seized, as if : Canth.

rain, from having wet cloth on head, thought selected for divine vengeance, thinks he is:

he had been out in: Atrop. Kali-br.

sensations, misrepresents his: Bell.

rank, thinks himself a person of: Phos.
serpent, a crimson, fastening on his neck:
rats, sees: ^th., ars., bell., calc, cimic, crud.
of all colors, Absin.
servants, thinks he must get rid of: Fl-ac.
running across the room: ^th.,
sewing, imagines herself to be : Atrop.
ailan., ars., cimic, med.
ship, thinks they are on board of, in a storm:
reading after him, some one is, which makes
him read the faster: Mag-m.
shoot, tries to, with a cane: Merc.
reason, is losing: Aeon., calc, cann-i., chel.,
mere, nat-m., tabac. shopping with her sister: Atrop.

worse walking in open air: Aeon. shoulder, thinks people are looking over his:
reproach, has neglected duty and deserves:
Aur. shouting, fancied himself to be: Cann-i.

repudiated by sick, imagines himself to be: Bell., calc,

relatives, thinks is: Arg-n.,
hura. podo., Sabad.

rich, felt himself unusually: Bell., Calc, that he was going to be: Nat-p.
cann-i., sulph.
two sick people were in bed, one of
riding, on an ox: Bell. whom got well and the other did
not: Secale.
a horse: Cann-i.
he is not: Apis, arn., ars., cinnb.,
roasted, as if would be: Stram.
hyos., kreas.
robbing, of: Kali-br.
members of the family are: Hep.
room, another, is in: Cann-i. and dying:
a beloved friend is sick
garden, is a: ChIc. Bar-c.

DELUSIONS, Hallucinations, Illusions. DELTISIONS, Hallucinations, Illusions, .spectres,
ghosts, phantoms, sees:
side, imagined himself alive on one side and
buried on the other: Stram. black forms when dreaming: Arn., ars.,

that she did not own her left: Sil.
arg-n., bell., bry.,
closing eyes on: Apis,
singing, fancied himself to be: Cann-i. calc, chin., ign., lach., led., nat-m.,
samb., spong., stram., sulph., thuj.
skeletons, sees: Crot-h., op.
clutches at: Hyos.
sleeping, while awake, insists that he was:
death, of, as a gigantic black skeleton:
small, things appear: Aur., plai., stram.
feel as if spectre would appear in evening:
sensation of being smaller: Aeon., Brom.
carb-v., tarent.
fire, in: Bell.
before epileptic fit: Carb-v.
pursued by, is: Stram., lepid.
(See, also, "diminished.")
which continues to enlarge until it disap-
things grow smaller: Camph., carb-v., pears, morning on waking: Dulc.
speeches, makes: Arn., cham., lach.
f^snakes in and around her: Arg-n., calc.,
sphere, thought himself a: Cann-i.
spiders: Lac-c,
soda-water, thinks he is a bottle of: Cann-i. ^
spinal column a barometer: Cann-i.
softening of the brain, thinks he has: Arg-n.
spinning, is: Hyos., stram.
sold, as if would be: Hyos.
dreams he is: Sars.
soldiers, sees: Bar-c, bell., bry., op.

on his bed: Lact. spirits, sees hovering in the air: Aur.

cutting him down, better on getting spotted brown, is: Bell.

cool: Bry.
square, fancies of a colossal, surrounded by
march silently past: Cann-i.
houses a hundred stories high: Cann-i.
soot, shower of, fell on him: Cann-i.
stabbed, that he had, a person who passed him
sorrow, thinks every one he meets has a secret: on the street. Bell.
stamps with the feet: Ant-c, verat.
soul, fanciedbody was too small for, or that it
was separated from: Anac, cann-i., thuja. stars, saw in his plate: Cann-i.

sounds, listens to imaginary: Hyos.

starve, family will: Ars., kali-ehl., sep., staph.
space, fancied he was carried into, while lying: (See also " poor.")
Coca., lack.

expansion of: Cann-i.

stomach, thinks has corrosion of: Ign., sabad.
that there is empty, between brain and skull- stones, taking into mouth: Merc.
stove for a tree, mistakes: Hyos.
spectres, ghosts, phantoms, etc., sees: Alum.,
ambr., am-c, ant-t., ars., atrop., strange, everything is: Cic, nux-m., plat.,
aur., belL,
bov., camph., carb-v., cocc., staph., stram.
cupr-ac, dulc,
hell., hyper., ign., kali-c., lach., mere] familiar things seem: Atrop., bar-ni., bell.,
nat-c., nat-m., nit-ac, o/., phys., plat., calc., cann-s., cic, croc, glon., hyos.,
puis., sars., sep., sil., spig., siram., sn\^\i., lyssin., mag-m., mosch., op., plat., rhus.,
tarent., thuj.
stram., verat.

DELUSIONS, Hallucinations, Illusions, strange, DELUSIONS, Hallucinations, Illusions, thieves:
familiar things:
after a dream, and will not believe the
horrible, are: Plal. contrary until search is made: Nat-m.
ludicrous, are: Caiin-i., hyos.,
dreams of robbers, is frightened on wak-
ing, and thinks dream is true: Verat.
places seemed : Rhus-r.
headache house, in: Cann-i., lack., mere, nat-m.,
after: Glon.
sil., sol-t-iE.
land, as if in a: Bry., par., plat., verat.
that house and space under bed are full of:
strangers .seemed to be in the room: Tarent.
about her while knitting: Mag-s.
thin, is getting: Sulph.
looking over shoulder: Brom.
body is: Thuja.
friends appear as: Stram.
throat,some one with ice cold hands took her
voice, her own seemed: Cann-s. by the: Canth.
succeed, that he cannot, does everything time, exaggeration of duration of: Cann-j.
wrong: Arg-u., aur.
seems earlier: Sulph.
superhuman, is: Cann-i.
too short: Cocc, coca., thea,
under control, is: Agar., anac, lack., thuja.
ther., thuj.
superiority: Plat.
too long: Cann-i., nux-m.
surroundings, capacious, are: Ferr. *
(See "Ennui" and "Time ")
surrounded by friends, is: Bell., cann-i.
toes cut off: Mosch.
swimming, is: Cann-i.
tongue made of wood: Apis
swine, thinks men are: Hyos. pulling out: Bell.
swollen, is: Cann-i., carb-s.
seems to reach the clouds when going
(See, also, "enlarged.") to sleep: Pic-ac.

sword, hanging over head: Am-m. too long: JS,\h.

talking, fancies herself: Raph. tormented, thinks is: Chin.

imagines he hears: Elaps, stram. touching everything: Bell.

inanimate objects, to: Stram. toys, fancied himself plaj'ing with: Atrop.
irrationally: Nit-ac.
object seemed as attractive as: Cic.
loudly and incoherently, to imaginary per-
transferred to another room: Coloc.
sons: Bell.
to another world: Cann-i.
of persons as though near, about midnight:
Sep. transparent, seemed to be: Cann-i.'

of with dead people: Bell., nat-m., stram head and nose are: Bell,

travelling, of: Cann-i.

tall, as if he were: Stram.
through worlds: Ether.
fancies herself very: Stram.
trees seem to be people in fantastic costume,
had grown while walking: Pallad.
afternoon, while riding: Bell,
things grow taller: Camph., dros., kreos.,
trembling, of everything on him, at night,
nit-ac, sulph.
when only half awake: Sulph.
thieves, sees: Alum., ars., aur., bell., cupr-ac,
troubles, broods over imaginary : Naja.
kali-c, mag-c, niag-m., mere, nat-c, «a^-W2.,
petr., phos., sil., verat., zinc. turtles, sees large, in room: Bell.

Hallucinations, Illusions. DELUSION'S, Hallucinations, Illusions, visions:
typhoid fever, thought he would have : Nat-ph. imaginary power, of: Cann-i.

monsters: Bell., camph., cann-i.,

unfortunate, that he is: Chin., sepia.
cic-v., lac-c, samb., strain., tarent.
unpleasant: Bell. on falling asleep and on
walking: Igt.
distinct from surrounding objects:
Bell. rats and strange objects:
unreal, everything seems: Alum., caun-i.,
lac-c, lil-t. med., staph.
vivid: Cham., op., spong., strain.

unseen, thing: Tarent. voices, hears: Abrot., anac, aster., benz-ac,

cann-i., carb-s., cench., cham., chlol., coca.,
vagina, living things creep into, at night:
crot-c, crot-h., coif., elaps, lac-c, lyc,
mane, petr., phos., plb., sol-n., stram.
vanish, seems as if everything would: Lyc.
night: Cham.
vegetable existence, thinks he is leading a:
Cann-i. bed, in, ceases, when listening intently:
thinks he is selling green: Cup-ac.
confused, agg. swallowing or walking in
vengeance, thinks he is singled out for Divine:
open air: Benz-ac, petr., phos.
distant: Bell., cham.
vermin, sees crawl about: Alum., am-c, ars.,
bov., kali-c ,
mur-ac, 7iux-v., phos ran-sc ,
his own, sounds strange and seems to rever-
sil. berate like thunder: Cann-s.

his bed is covered with: Ars. hears, that he must follow: Crot-h.

vexations and offenses, of: Cham., chin., dros. in his abdomen, are: Thuj.

violence, allusions about: Kali-br. walk, cannot walk must run or hop: Apis,
Virgin Mary, thinks she is: Cann-i.
fancies he cannot: Igt.
visions (see "images," "spectres")
Absinth., alum., ambr., arg-n., bell., calc. that he walks on his knees: Bar-c.
Cann-i., cench., cham., chloral., cimic
that some one walks beside him : Calc.
con., crot-c, graph., hep., hyos., lyc.
nat-m., nit-ac, nux-m., op., plat., puis.
that he sees the same one walking
rhodo., rhus-t., sep., sil., spong., strum.
after him that he sees walking
sulph. before him: Euphor.

night: Cham., spong. walls, is surrounded by high: Cann-i.

beautiful: Bell cann-i., coca., want, fancied that he would come to: Calc-fl.

closing the eyes, on: Apis., arg-n.,

that they had come to: Cann-i.
bell., bry., Calc, caust., chin., (See "poor.")
ign., lack., led., nat-m., puis., warts, thinks has: Mezer.
samb., secale, spong., stram., siilph.,
thuj. washing, of: Bell.

fantastic: Ars., hyos., op. water, illusion of blue: Cann-i.

fire: See fire.
of disasters by: Cann-i.
horrible: Absinth., bell., ra/r., sees flowing: Merc.
caust., kali-br., lac-c, mere, op., spoonful, a, seems like a lake: Agar.
puis., samb., strain., tarent.
when drinking, thought it delicious
in the dark: Carb-v.
nectar: Cann-i.


DELUSIONS, Hallucinations, Illusions. DESPAIR.
wealth, imaginations of: Bell., cann-i. lye, mere, morph., naja,. nal-c,
kali-br., verat. nal-in., nat-s.,
nil-ac, nux-v., orig., petr.,
plat., plb., Psor,, puis., rhus-t., secale,
weight, has no: Cann-i., op.
sil., stann., strain., sulph., sumb.,
well, thinks he thuja, valer., verat., verb,
is Apis, arn., ars. , cinnab.
hyos., kreos. chill, during: Aeon., ant-t., Ars., ««r., bell.,
bry., calc, cham., cupr., graph., hepar.,
where he is, knows not Atrop., bov., mere. Ign., mere, nnx-v., rhus-t., Sep., verat.
on waking: Puis. health, of: Calc, staph.

from a dream: Cann-s. heat, during: Aeon., ars., bell., carb-v., cham.,
wife is faithless: Stram. chel., con., graph., ign., puis., rhus-t., sep.,
spong., stann., stram., sulph., verat.
will run away from him: Staph.
on account of sad thoughts which she cannot
wind sighing in chimney sounded like the get rid of : Rhus-t.
hum of a vast wheel, and reverberated like
a peal of thunder on a grand organ: Cann-i. others, about: Aur.
wires, is caught in: Cimic. pains, with the: Ars., aur., carb-v., cham.,
coff., colch., lil-t., nux-v.
wolves, of: Bell., stram.
in the stomach: Ant-cr., coff.
women, fancies his mother's house is invaded
by lewd: Kali-br. perspiration, during: Ars., calc, carb-v.,
cham., graph., lye, sep., stann., verat.
evil, are, and will injure his soul: Puis.
recovery-: Aeon., Ars., bapt., bar-c, bry.,
illusions of old and wrinkled: Cann-i.,
Calc, cann-i., cham., chloral., hell., hura,
ign., kali-c, kreos., nat-s., nux-v., psor.,
wood, is made of: Kali-n.
Sep., sil., therid., zinc.
work, is hard at: Rlius-t., verat.
convalescence, during: Psor.
is hindered at: Chin.
religious (of salvation, etc.): Ars., aur., calc,
will do him harm: Arg-n. camph., chel., hura, ign., kali-ph., Lach.,
worms, imagined vomitus to be a bunch Lil-t., h'C-, med., mez., nat-m., plat.,
Cann-i. psor., p7ils., stram., sulph., thuj., Verat.

wretched, thinks she looks, social position, of: Verat.

when looking in a
mirror: Nat-m.
DESPISES: (See "Contempt")
wrong, fancies he has done: Dig., mere.
DESPONDENCY: (See "Sadness.")
has suffered: Lach., naja.

DESERTED. (See " Forsaken," etc.) Ananth., apis, bell., bufo., camph., canth.,
carb-s., cupr., curar., hura, hj-os., lach.,
DESIRES. See the things desired. (Also laur., merc-i-f., mosch., op., phos., plat.,
" Longing."
plb., staph., stram., stront., sulph., verat.

DESPAIR: Aeon., agar., agn., all-c, aloe, alum., of clothes: Bell ,

camph., sulph ,

amhr., am-c, ant-t., am., Ars,, arg-n., verat.

aster., Aur., bad., bell., bov., brom., bry., cuts them up: Verat.
calc.,canu-i.,ca.\\th.., carb-an., carb-v., cau.';.,

cham., chel., chin., Coff., cocc, colch., con., DICTATORIAL: Camph , canst ,
cham., con.,
crot-t., cupr., cupr-ac, curar., der., dig.,
ferr., lach., lyc, mere
eup-per., ganib., graph.. Hell, helon., DIPSOMANIA: Ars., calc, caust., con., hep.,
hepar., hura, hydr-ac, hyos., Ign., iod., lach ,
mag-c, mere, nux-v op , ,
petr., puis.,
kali-bi., kali-br., kali-n., lach., lil-t., Hth., staph., sulph.

, ) )

DISAGREEABLE: (See "irritable.") DISCOURAGED: Aeon., agar., agn., aloe, alum.,
ambr., anac, ang., ant-c, ant-t., apis, arg-m.,
DISCONCERTED: Brom., igt. arn., ars., aur., bar-c, bell., bry., bufo-s.,

DISCONSOLATE: (See "Sad.") calad., calc, camph., canth., carb-an.,

carb-s., carb-v., caust., cham., chin., chin-s.,
DISCONTENTED, DISPLEASED, DISSAT- cocc. ,coS., colch., coloc, con., conv-d., cupr.,
ISFIED, Aeon., teth., agar., agn.,
der., dig., dros., gran., graph., hell., hep.,
all-c, aloe, alum., a.m-c., ani-m., anac, ang.,
hydr-ac, hyos., ign., iod., ipec, iris-v.,
ant-t., apis, flri asar. ,
aur-m., bar-c,

kali-b., kali-c, kali-n., lach., lact-ac, laur.,

bell., berb., bism., bor., bov., bry., calc,
lye, mere, merc-c, mur-ac, nat-c, uat-m.,
calc-ph., canth., cann-s., caps., carb-an.,
nat-s., nit-ac, nux-v., olnd., op., petr., phos.,
caust., chant., chcl., chin., cic-v., cina,
ph-ac, plb., podo., psor., puis., pyrus,
cinna., clem., cocc. ,
coff., colch., coloc,
ran-b., rhus, sabin., secale, sep., spig., sil.,
con., crot-t ,
cupr., diilc, ferr., fl-ac, grat.
stann., stram., sulph., sul-ac, tabac, tarent.',
ham., hell., hep., hipp., hura, ign. ,
therid., thuja, valer., veral., verb., viol-tr.
iod., ip., kali-a., kali-c, kali-n., kreos.,,
lach., laur., led., mag-c, mag-m.,
lil-t., lye,
mag-s., mane, mang., meuy., mere, mez., evening: Calc, ferr-p., T&n-sc, puis., rhus-t.
mur-ac, nat-c, nat-m., nit-ac, nux-v,
eating, while, amel.: Tarent.
ol-an., op., orig., par., petr., phos. ,
plat., plb., prun,, puis., ran-b., rhodo.^ alternating with haughtiness: Agn.
rhus-t., robin., ruta, samb., sars. sep., sil.,
coition, after: Sep.
sin-n., spong., stann., staph., stram ., Sulph
tarent., therid., ihuj., til., viol-t. menses, before: Carl,

morning: Hipp., plb., puis. walking, while: Am-c, ph-ac.

stool, before: Bor. DISGUST: Cimx., Merc, ptds., Sulph.

afternoon: Mur-ac, op. (See, also, "Loathing.")
evening: Calc, fl-ac, hipp., ign., rsLU-h., puis,
DISHEARTENED. (See "Discouraged.")

amel. : Aloe, DISOBEDIENCE: Aeon., agn., am-c, am-m.,

arn., canth., caps., caust., chin., dig.,
air, in open: Mur-ac. guai.,
lyc, nit-ac, nux-v., phos., spig., sulph.,
coition, after: Calc. viol-tr.

eating, after: Bov., fl-ac.

DISPLEASED. (See "Discontented.")
everything, with: Atn-c, apis, arn bism.
cann-s., cham., coff., colch., eugen., grat,

DISPUTING. (See "Contradict.")

hep., hipp., ign., iod., nat-c, puis., samb , DISSATISFIED. (See " Discontent.
Sep., spong., sulph., thea.

himself, with:
DISTANCE, inaccurate judge of: Catin-i., stram.
Ag7i., aloe, ars., aur., bell.,
bry., calc-ph cham., cinnab., cob.,
caust., exaggerated, is: Catm-i., glon.

cocc, hep., kali-c,

lye, mang., meny., ( Compare with " Size. "
mere, mez., mur-ac, nit-ac, phos-ac, puis.,
ruta, sulph., tarent., viol-t. DISTRACTION: Aeon., agar., ambr., am-c,
atiac, ant-c, ars., asaf., asar., bell.,
inanimate objects: Caps.
bry., canth., carb-ac, carb-v., canst., cham.,
menses, during: Cast., tarent. chin., chin-s., cocc, colch., coloc, croc,
eye, euphr., furr., gels., graph., grat., hell',
people: Par.
hyos., ign., kali-c, lact., led., lil-t., lyc,
rainy weather, during: Aloe, mag-m., mere, mezer., mosch.. nat-c,
sorry for himself, nat-m., nux-m., 7iux-v., ol-an., orig., phos.,
is: Agar., nit-ac
ph-ac, plect., puis., raph., rhod., sabad.,
stool, before: Bor.
secale, seneg., sil., spig., spong.,
weeping, amel.: Nit-ac, ziz. stann., staph., sulph., thuja, verat,



thinking and conijneliending: Abies-n.,
alternating with uterine pains: Gels.
abrot., !icet-ac., aeon., lesc, a;th., agar.,
conversation, during: L/yc. agn., alum., ambr., am-c, anac. ,-6.\\\.-z., apis,
arg-vi., arg-n., ars., asar., aur Bapt., bar-c.,
crazy feeling on top of head, wild feeling in ,

Bell., berb., bov., Bry., bufo, cact., calc-ars.,

head, with confusion of ideas: Lil-t.
Calc, calc-ph., camph., cann-i., cann-s..
reading, while: Aeon., lach. canth., caps., carb-ac, carb-v., caust, chain.,
studying, while: Hell. chel., chin., chin-ar.s., cic-v., cimic, cimex.,
clem., cocc, coc-c, colch., con corn., croc,
talking, while: iVal-m.

erol-h crot-t.,
, cupr., cycl.. dig., dros.,
writing, while: Aeon., niag-c. dulc, Gels., gins., glon., graph., hell..
helon., hep., hydr-ae., hyos., ign., indg., iod.,
(Compare with "Absence of Mind," "Con-
ip., iris-v., kali-c, kali-i., kali-sul., kreos.,
fusion of Mind," also "Attention.")
lac-c, Lach., lact.,Laur., led., lil-t., Lyc,
DISTRUSTFUL. (See "Suspicious.") mag-m., mere, merc-c, merl., mez., niosch.,
mur-ac, naja, nat-ars., Nat-C, Nat-m.,
DIJ^TURBED, averse to being: Bry., gels.
nal-std., nice, nit-ac, Nux-m., nux-v.,
DOGMATIC. (See "Dictatorial.") olnd.. Op., paris., petr., Phos., Phos-ac,
phys., Pic-ac, pipm.. Plb., psor.. Puis.,
DOLEFUL. (See "Sad.")
ran-b., rheum, rhodo., rhus-t., rhus-v., ruta,
DOMINEER, desires to (see "Dictatorial"): sabad., sal-ac, sang., sars ,
secale, seneg..
Con., lyc. Sep., sil., spig., spong.. Staph., still.,

DOUBTFUL. ( See " Suspicious. '

slram., sulph ,
sul-ac, tabac., tarax., tarent.,

teucr., therid.,^Az(;'., til., valer., verb., verat.,

(Compare with '
' Despair, " " Fear, " "Anx- viol-o , Zinc.
iety," etc.)

Aeon., agn., bry., calc, ign.,

morning: Agar., ambr., anac bar-c, bor.,
recovery, of: ,

canth., carb-an., guai., kali-c, nat-ars.,

kali-c, lach., uux-v., phos., ph-ac, psor.,
nat-c, ox-ac, ph-ac, phos., phys., sil.,
puis., Sep., sulph.
soul's welfare, of: Ars., fl?<r., bell., calc, chel.,
croc, dig., hyos., lach., lil-t., lyc, nux-v., rising, on: Stram.

puis., selen., stram., verat.

waking, on: Anac, carb-v., stann.
DREAD. (See "Fear.")
afternoon: AU-c, anac, ang., atrop ,
DREAM, always as if in a (Dreamy Mood): dios., ham., h}'OB., laur., lil-t., nat-m.,
Absin., aeon., ailan., alum., ambr., amyl-n., pip-m., plant., puis., rhus-r., Sep., sil.

anac, ang., apis, arn., ars., atrop., bell.,

evening: Anac, cann-s., dig., hipp., ign ,

calc, cann-i., cann-s., carb-ac, carb-an ,

lach., lyc, mill., nat-m, pip-m., rhus-t.,
carb-v., cham., con., cupr., glon., hep.,
hyos., kreos., lach., lil-t., med ,
nat-ni., nux-m., oena., ol-an., op., phos., night, on waking: Phos., plat., verat.

ph-ac, phys., sil., squill., stram., sulph.,

air, in open: Hyos., plat.
thuj , ziz.

daytime: Ars. amel.: Cinnb., meny.

night: Nat-c. alone, when: Ph-ac.

future, about the, poetical: Olnd. beer, after: Coloc.

DRINKING ON THE SLY: Sulph. company, in: Plat,

copious flow of urine amel. Gels.

DROWN HIMSELF, disposition to. (See "Sui-

cide") could not think of her condition: Chel.

DRUNKEN, seems as if. (See " vStupefaction.") dinner, agg. after: Carb-an.


DULLNESS, Sluggishness, DUPLICITY Bufo. :

eyes, on shutting the: Zinc. DUTY, feels as if he has neglected: Cycl ,

lyc, puis.
amel.: Kali-c.
headache, during: Naja.
food, after: Calc-s., graph., rhus-t., tabac.
DWELLS on past disagreeable occurrences:
amel.: Sil. Am-c, benz-ac, cham., chin., cocc, kreos.,

gas light, after injurious effects of: Caust., meny., mez., Nat-m., plat., rhus-t., sep.

Glon. night: Qh\VL., plat., Rhus-t.

headache, with: Am c, apis., ars., bell., cann-i., after midnight: Rhus-t.

cann-s., carb-v., cupr., lept., lye, mez.,
recalls old grievances: Glon.
mosch., plios., ptel., rhus-t., stram., viol-o.
EARNESTNESS. (See " Serious. "
from: dios., dulc, glon., plat,
heat, after: Sep.
ECSTACY: Aeon., agar., agn., am-c, ang.,
lying, while: Bry. ant-c, arn., bell., bry., camph., cann-i.,
amel: Zinc, carb-h., cham., cic-v., cocc, coff., crot-h.,
cupr., curar., hyos., jatr., lach., nux-m.,
menses, during: Calc, lyc.
oleand., op., Phos., phos-ac, plat., plb.,
mental exertion, from: Hep., hura, ign., lyc, stram., thea, valer.
nux-v., oleand., ran-b ,
sulph. night: Curar.
motion amel. : Rhus-t. walking in moonlight: Ant-C.
news, from disagreeable: Calc-ph. amorous: Op., pic-ac.
old people: Ambr., Bor-C. sleep, during: Phos.

reading, while: Aeon., agn., alum., coff., (See " Exhilaration.")

con., dros., glon., hipp., lac-c, lach., lyc,
mez., nat-c, nux-m., nux-v.,
EGOTISM: Calc, lach., med., mere, pallad.,
Plato sulph., sil.
ailments, from: Calc, mere, sil.
rising from bed: Ox-ac.
room, in a: Meny. ELATED. (Compare " Cheerful," " Contented,"
"Ecstacy"): Coca., iod.
sleep, after sound: Mez.
alternating with sadness: Senec.
smoking, from: Aeon.
ELEVATION, mental: Op.
speaking, on: Am-c, kali-c, lyc, mez.
morning, on walking in the open air: Cinnb.
think long, unable to: cham., cinnab., con.,
ery-a., phos-ac, pic-ac, stram. EMBARRASSED, company, {n:Ambr., carb-v.,
understands questions only after repetition: chin., hyos., mere, sulph.

PausL, zinc. EMBRACES companions: Agar., plat.

waking, on: Anac, bar-c, berb., con., curar., anything, in morning, worse in open air: Plat.
clem., op., phos., pic-ac plat.,
psor., stann.,

stram., verat. EMOTIONS, predominated by the intellect:

Valer., viol-od.
walking, on: Physos., phos-ac.
affections after: Acet-ac, am., aster.,
in open air amel.: Plant. aut.,
calc., Caps., caust., Qoff., gels., ign., kreos.',
warm room, on entering: Xcon. lyss., Phos-ac, psor., sep.
wine, after: Aeon., :ill-c, millef. easily excited: Morph., sumb.
writing, while: Aeon., cann-s., slightest, causes palpitation:
cliin-s., glon., Calc-ars., lith.
niag-c, nux-m., rluis-t.
trembling after: Psorin.


ENNUI. (See "Loathing of Life"): A/nm., EXCITEMENT.

aluinn., bar-c, borax., amiph., chin., con.,
evening: Am-c, carb.v., chel., daph.,
cupr., curar., ehips., ferr., hura, hydrc ,
fl-ac, lye, mez., nux-v.,
hydrs., kali-n ,
lach., lye, niag-ni., mane, ox-ac, phel., phos.,
sumb., zinc.
niezer., iiat-c, iiux-v., petr. ,
phit., plb.,
rhus-t., tareiit., zinc. thinking of the things others have
done to displease her: Am-e
ENVY: Ars., bry., calc, cub., curar., hell., lach.,
lil-t., lye, n&i-c, puis., sars., Sep., staph. night: Am-c, apis, berb., coff., dig., ferr.,
graph., hura, nit-ac, sep., sulph.,
sleep, during: Lyc.
ESCAPING, ileeing from house: Aeon., all-s.,
waking, on: Coc-c, thuj.
aru:n-t., ars., ars-m., bar-c, belL, bry.,
camph., chlor., cocc, coloc, cupr., crot-h., alternating with convulsions: Stram.
dig., glon.,hQ\\.,'S.Y05., lach., lil-t., meli.,
delirium: Agar,
mere, nux-v., oena., op., phos., puis,
stram., sulph., verat. duluess: Anae
(See under " Delirium.") beer, after: Coc-c.

ESTRANGED, family, from her: Anae, con.,

company, in: Pall., sep.

hep., nat-c, nat-m., phos., plat., sep. confusion, as from: Nux-m.

flies from her own children: Lyc. convulsive: Canth.
society: Anae chill, during: Nat-m.
wife, from his: Plat., staph. emotional, ailments from: Acet-ac, am.,
aster., aur., calc. Caps caust.,
EXALTATION. (Compare "Excitement," , Coff., con.,
gels., ign., kreos., lyss., Ph-ac, psor.
"Cheerful," "Mirth," "Exhilaration.")
feverish: Ant-t., chlor., colch., cub., mere,
EXCITEMENT: Abrot., acet-ac, Acon., £eth.,
merc-c, phos., secale, seneg., sulph-iod.
agar., agn., alum., alumn., ambr., am-c.,
anae, ang., ant-c. , ant-t apis, arg-n., am., evening, in: Merc-c.

ars., ars-h., asa/., Aur., aur-m.. Bell., bry., night, at: Sulph.
calad. ,
calc-ph., camph., cann-i., carl.,
dinner, after: Sep.
caust., Cham., chel., chin., cic-v ,
cob., coce, CoflF., coloc, cou., croc, crot-h., menses, during: Rhod.
cubeb., cupr., cycl., daph., dig., elaps.,
heat, during: Sulph., tareut.
eucal., eup-perf., ferr., fl-ac, form., geh.,
glon., gran., graph., hell., hura, Uyos., heat of head, with: Meph.
ign., iod., kali-bi. ,
kali-c, kali-:., kreos., menses, before: Kreos., lye, mag-c, mag-m.,
lac-e, Lach.., laur., lachn., lil-t., lyc, robin., thuj.
mag-s., meph., mere, merc-e, merl., mill.,
during: Cimic, cop., ferr., inag-m., puis.,
Mosch., mur-ac, nat-c, naja, Nat-m.,
rhod., senec, tarent.
nat-ph., Nit-ac, nux-j., Nux-V., ol-j.,Op.,
ox-ac, pall., ^AT., petr., phos., Ph-ac, plat
after: Ferr.
^sor., puis., raph., rheum, rhus-t., sabad.,
micturition, during: Aloe.
sal-ae, samb., sang., secale, selen., seneg.,
sep. ,
sil. ,
spong. , stram. sulph. sulph-ac. music, from: Sumb., tarent.
, ,

, tabae, tarent., teucr., thea, thuj., trill., nervous: Acon., arg-n., cinnb., phos., strych.,
tubere, valer., verat., verb., viol-o., vip.,
stil-ac, tarent., thea, valer.
zinc, ziz.

sadness, after: Spig.

morning: Ar.s., teth., chin-s., cop., lach., lyc,
mang., nat-m., sep. sleep, after: Sep.

afternoon: Aloe, ang., cann-i., iod., lyc. stammers when talking to strangers: Dig.


EXCITEMENT. FANCIES, exaltation of: Absin., aeon., agar.,
agn., alum., ambr., am-c, anac, ang., ant-c,
stomach, with paiu in pit of: Mill.
apoc, arg-n., am., ars., asaf., aur.. Bell.,
swallows continually when talking: Staph. bry., calc, Cann-i,, canlh., carb-v., caust.,
talking, when: Ambr., am-c, am-m., graph., cham., chel., chm., coca, coff., con., conv-d.,
mere. croc, cycl., dig., elaps., fl-ac, graph., Hyos,,
kali-c, lack., lact., lyc, mag-m., meph.,
tea, after: Sulph.
mere, mur-ac, nit-ac, nux-m., nux-v.,
walking, after: Caust., fl-ac, nat-m. op., olnd. ,
oxal-ac, pelr., phos., ph-ac,
^\&n.,plb., puis., sabad., Sep., sil., spong.,
wine, as from: Lye, mosch.
Stram., sulph., valer., verb-, viol-od., zinc,
EXCLAMATION. (See " Crying Out") ziz.

EXERCISE, mental symptoms amel. by physi- afternoon: Lyc.

cal: Calc.
evening: Am-c, anac, chel ,
cycl., phos..
EXERTION OF MIND, agg. from: Abrot., sulph.
agar., aloe., ambr., am-c, anac, ang.,
night: Ars., aur., calc, canth., cham., hipp.,
arg-m., arn., ars., ars-iod., asar., Aur., bell.,
hydr., ign., nil-ac, petr., plb., sep., sil.
bot., calad., Calc, carb-v., caust., cham.,
chin., cina., cocc, coff. colth., cupr., dig., closing the eyes in bed : Calc. ,

gels., hell., Ign., iod., kali-c, lach., laur., confused: Hyos., phos., Stram.
lyc.,mag-c, mag-m., mang., meny., Nat-C,
nal-m., nit-ac., nux-m., Nux-V., oleand.,op., frightful: Hydr-ac, hydr., mere, sil , Stram.
psor., paris., petr., phos., phos-ac., pic-ac, going to bed, after: Hell., phos.
plat., psor., pills., ran-b., sabad., selen.,
lascivious: Ambr., am-c, anac, aur., calc,
Sep., sil., stann., staph., sulph., tarax.,
Q.2.rh-v.,A\^., graph., hipp., /yc, o/., .sang.,
vip., zinc.
thuj., verb.
amel.: Calc, croc, ferr., helon., nat-c.
periodically returning: Ars.
difficult breathing, from: Phos.
reading, on: Mag-m.
EXHILARATION: Aeon., anag., ars-h., asar.,
bell., camph., Cann-i., carb-ac, carb-s.,
repulsive, when alone: Fl-ac.

cinnab., clem., cob., coca., cocc, CofF., vivid: Cyc, hell., hyos., lach., lact-v., meph.,
colch., cupr., /orw?., gels., Lach., med.. Op., naja, Stram.
ox-ac. pip-m., myxic. SQca\e., sir am., tarent.,
, ,
falling asleep, when: Nat-m.
followed by heat: Phos.
night: Med.
can recall things long forgotten: Gels.

(See "testacy.")
FAULT-FINDING. (See " Censoriou.s.")


FEAR (compare with "Anxiety" and " Frio-ht-
lessness," ened "): Absin., acet-ac,
"Lewdness.") Acon.. agn., aloe,
alum., am-c, anac, ang.,
ant-c, ant-t.,
EXPRESSION. (See under " Face.")
Arg-n., ars., asaf., aur., bapt., bar-c, bell
EXTRAVAGANCE : Am-c, bell., caust., chin., bor., bry., caci ,
calad., camph , cann-i.
con., croc, iod., petr., phel., ph-ac, cann-s., caps., carb-an.,
plat., carb-v., canst.,
strain., verat. cham., chin., cic, cimic, coca,
cocc, coc-c'
coff., coloc, con., croc,
FACETIOUSNESS. (See "Je.sting.") crot-h., ^r;//);-., daph.,' '

dig., dros., elaps., euph.,/orw., ^cls o-ent

FACES, sees. (vSee "Faces, Images," etc., under glon., graph., hell., hep., hy^s.,
" Delusions.") hyper' '

ign., ipec, kali-c, kali-i.,

kali-n., kali-ph
lach., lobel., lyc,
FAINTING. (See "Unconsciousness.") Lyssin., niag-c, mag-m
mane, merc-i-r.,
mez., mosch.

FALL, fancies objects around him would: niurex ^

Hyos. mur-ac, nat-c, nal-m., nat-ph., '

nat-s., nice

4 49

FEAR. FEAR, approaching him, of others;

nit-ac, /iii.v-v., op., petr., phos., pliyl., children cannot bear to have anyone come
Plat., Psor,, puis., rau-b., raph., rheum, near them: Cina, cupr-ac.
rhod., r/iiis, rhus-v., rutu, secale, sep., sil.,
delirium, in: Cupr., Ihuj.
spig., J/owiT-. squill., staph., sir&m ,
sul-ac, /abac, tarent., tilia, valer., verat., lest he be touched :
zinc. of vehicles: Hydr-ac.

morning: Arg-n., CAWst., graph., mag-s., nice, arising from stomach: Bry., calc, dig., kali-c,
sul-ac. lye, mez., phos.

afternoon: iEth., berb., cai-b-an., castor, nat-c, abdomen: Asaf.

nice, stront., tabac.
bad news, of hearing: Dros., lyssin., nat-p.
4 p-m: Tabac.
bed, of: Cann-s., canth., ced., lye, mere,
evening: Alum., ant-t, ars., bar-c, brom., nat-c.
calad., Calc, carb-an., caust., coc-c, dros.,
to go to: Aeon., Bapt camph., cann-i.,
form., hipp., kali-c, lach., lye, mag-m., ,

caust., cench., lach., lye, nat-c.

mere, nat-c, nat m., nux-v., phos., plat.,

ptds., ran-b., rhus, stront., tabac, valer., bitten, of being: Hyos.

brain, of softening of: Abrot., asaf.
night, at: Am-c, ars., bell., camph.,
brilliant objects, looking-glass, etc., of, or
carb-an., carb-v., caust., chin., cocc, con.,
cannot endure (see "mirrors"): Stram.
dros., graph., hep., igu., ip., lach., lye,
mane, mere, nat-c, nat-m., nit-ac, phos., burden, of becoming a: Raph.
ptds., robin., Rhus-t., sil., spong., stram., censure: Caps.
sulph., tabac, zinc.
cholera, of the: Lach., Ifit-ac.
midnight: Mane
church or opera when ready to go: Arg"-!!.,
amel., in bed, at: Mag-c. Gels.

waking, after: Con. coal-scuttle, of the: Cann-i.

abdomen, arising from: Asaf. coition, at thought of: Kreos.

accidents, of: Aeon., cupr-ac, gins, cold, of taking: Nat-c. ,


air, in open, amel. : Plat, confusion, that people would observe her:
alone, of being. (See "solitude.") Calc.

consumption, of: Calc, lac-can., paul-p., sep

lest he injure himself: Ars. ,

animals, of: Bufo, caust., chin., hyos., stram.
contagion, of: Bor., calc.
apoplexy, of: Apis, arg-ni. arn. aster. carb-v.
, , ,

cench., elaps., /err., fl-ac, lach., corners, to walk past pointed : Arg-n.
nat-c, phos., tereb., thuj. creeping out of every corner, of something:
night, at, with feeling as if head would Phos.

burst: Aster-r. crime, as he had committed a.

if (See " Anx-
Arg-m. iety"): Alum., mere, nux-v.
palpitation, with:

stool, during: Verat.

crowd, of going into a: Acon,, aloe, am-m.,
ars., aur., bar-c, bufo, calc, carb-an.,
waking, on: Glon. caust., cic, con., dios., ferr., graph., hepar.,

appearing in public, of: Gels. hydr-ac, kali-bi., kali-c, led., lye, nat-c,
nul-in., nux-v., phos., plb., puis., rhus-t,
approaching him, of others: Acet-ac, ambr.,
selen., stann., sulph., tabac, tilia.
anac, Am,, bell., cadm-s., cann-i., con.,
cupr-ac, cupr., ign., iod., lye, op., thuj. pubhc places, of: Arg-n.


cutting himself when shaving: Calad. destination, of being unable to reach his: Lyc.

danger, impending, of: Cimic. , ether. devil, being taken by the, of: Mane.
going to sleep, on: Coft. dinner, after: Mag-m., phel.
(See also "misfortune.") disaster, of : Elat. , lil-t. puis. , tabac.

dark: Aeon., bapt., calc, calc-s., camph., disease, of impending: Acon., agar., alum.,
cann-i., carb-an., carb-v ,
caust., lye, rned., &xa.-Q.., arg-n., axs., bor., bry., bufo, calad.,
puis., sanic, Stram., valer. calc, carb-ac, carb-an., cic, elaps., ether,
dawn, of the return of: Kali-iod. hep., hydr., ign., iris, kali-c, kreos., lac-can.,
lach., lil-t., mere, nat-c, nat-m., nit-ac,
death, of: Acon., act-sp., agn., all-s aloe, ,
nux-v., paul-p., ph-ac, Phos., sep., sulph.,
alum., am-c, anac, anan., apis, ant-cr
tarent., thuj., tril.
am., Ars., ^saf., aur., bapt., bar-c, bell.,
worse walking in open air: Hep.
bry., bufo, cacL, Calc, calad ,
cann-i., canth. ,
caps., caiisi., chel., Cimic, dogs, of: Bell., canst., chin., strain., tuberc.
cocc, coff., con., cop., croc, cupr., cur., cycl.,
downward motion, of: Bor., gels,
dig., ftri., fl-ac. Gels., glon., graph., hell.,
hepar., hyos., ign., ipec, iris., kali-c.,kali-i., drawn upward, of being: Camph
kali-n., lac-c, lack., led., lobel ,
lye, mag-s., drink, of: Plb.
med., mosch., mygal., nat-m., Nit-ac,
nausea, during: Jatr.
mx-^-m nux-v., op., oxal-ac, petr., Phos.,

ph-ac, phyt.. Plat., podo psor., puis.,

thirst, during: Tarent.

raph., rheum, rhus-t ,

robin., secale, sep., driving him from place to place: Meny.
spong., stram., squill., sulph., tabac, tarent.,
drowned, of being: Cann-i.
tril., verat., verat-v., vine, zinc.
eating, of: Caust, op., puis., tarent.
morning: Con., lyc.
when hungry : Grat.
evening: Calc, phos.
emission, after an: Aloe, carb-an.
night: Chel.
epilepsy: Alum., arg-n.
alone, when: Arg., Ars., ars-h.
everything around, of: Acet-ac, bell.
going to bed, on: Ars.
exertion, of: Calad., guaj., mez., phos., ph-ac,
die, fears he will, if he go to sleep after
phyt., sul-iod., tabac, thea.
night-mare: Ledum.

heart symptoms, during: Asaf.

exposure, night in bed, of: Mag-c.

heat, during: Calc, cocc,

extravagance, of: Op.
ipec, mosch.,
nit-ac., Ruta. eyes, of closing, lest he might never awake-
jealousy and tearfulness, with: Apis, ^th.
failure, of, in business: Psor.
labor, during: Acon., coff.

menses, during: Acon., fainting, of: Aster.

plat., verat.
falling, of: Acon., alum., alumen., hor., cupr.,
perspiration, during: Kali-n.
cupr-ac, cur., gels., lac-can., lil-t., nux-v.,
predicts the time: Acon., arg-n.
pregnancy, during: Acon.
afternoon: Nux-v.
soon, after a while: Agn.
evening: Lyssin.
sudden, of: Am., ars.
going to sleep, when : Coff.
vomiting: Ars.
letting things fall, of: Coca,
waking, on: Alum,
room, in, agg. : Lil-t.
walking, on: Dig.
turning head, on: Der.


fasting, of: Kreos. infection, of: Bor., bufo, colod., lach.

fever, while chilly: Sulph. insanity, of: Aeon., agar., alum., ambr.:
arg-n., bov., bry., Calc, Cann-i., carb-an.,
on going to bed: Hura.
chel., chlor., cimic., cupr., dig., gels.,
typhus, of: Tarent. graph., iod., kali-bi., lac-can., laur., lil-t.,

fit, of having a: Agar., alum., arg-m., cann-i., mag-c. mane,

, mere., merl., mosch.,
nat-m., nux-v., phos., phys., plat., puis.,
nux-m. ,
rhod., Sep., stram., sulph., syph., tarent.,
fluids, of: Gels., hyos., nux-v. thuja.

food, after: Canth., caust., mag-m., phel., at night: Mere., phys.

jealousy and tearfulness with fear of death:
of: Grat., op. Apis.

friends, of: Cedr. joints are weak, that: Sep.

future, of the (about the.) (See " Anxiety.") jumps out of bed from: Ars.

weeping, amel. Dig. :

on touch: Bell.

gallows, of the: Bell. out of the window: Ars.

ghosts, of: Aeon., ars., bell., brom., canu-i., kill herself, that she may: Alum., arsen.,
carb-v., cocc, dros., lye, mane, phos., mere., nat-s.
plat., puis., rhus-t., spong., stram., sulph.,
killing, of: Absin., arj., nux-v., rhus-t., sulph.
with a knife: Ars., der., nux-v.
evening: "Puis., ran-b.
labor, after: Iod.
at night: Aeon. ,s.rs., earb-v., ch-va.., lye., puis.,

ran-b. ,
sulph. looking before her, when: Sulph,

grieving, as if : Phos. medicine, of taking too much: All-s., iber.

happen, as something would: Ars., cact.

if men, of: Aloe, aur., bar-ae, bar-m., lye
eale., elaps., gels., lye, lyssin., mag-c, nat-e, nat-m., phos., plat., puis., sep
nat-ars ,
nice, phos., pyrus. stann., sulph.
when alone relieved by conversation: Ratan. (See "people")
headache, during: Glon. menses, before: Aeon., bor., calc, hep
heart, from pain at: Daph. kali-bi., plat., secale, sulph., xanth.

heart disease, of: Aur., bapt., cact., calc, during: Aeon., mag-c. 7iat-m., phos., plat

lac-can., lach. , lil-t. secale.

will cease to beat unless constantly on the menstrual colic: Ant-t.

move: Gels. mirrors in room, of: Bufo, camph., eanth

health, that she has ruined: Chel. lyssin., stram.

house, on entering the: Plat., tilia. mischief, he might do, night on waking: Phy

hurt, of being: Calad., cann-i., Stram, misfortune, of; Aeon., agar., alum., am-c
anac., ant-e, arn., aster., atrop., bufo, calad
husband, that he would never return, that
cact., cale., calc-fl., Chin-S., cie,
something would happen him: Plat.
colch., cj'C, cupr., dig., dros., ferr., fluor-ac
imaginary things: Ars., Bell,, iod.,]aur., lye, gins., glon., graph., hura, hydr-ae, iod
kali-iod., lach., lil-t., lyssin., mag-e, mag-s
mere, phos.
meny., merc-e, mezer., nat-m., nat-p., nat-s
animals: Bell. nice, nux-v., phelL, Psor., rhus-t., rumex
imbecile: Stram. stram., sulph., tabac, valer., vine


FEAR, misfortune, of FEAR.

daytime: phell. piano, when at: Phos.

morning: Am-c, mag-s. pins, of: Spig.

forenoon: Am-c. pneumonia, of: Chel.

afternoon: Castor., hura. pointed things, of: Spig.

evening: Ferr., nat-m. delirium, in: Sil.

in bed, better: Mag-c. dreams, in: Merc.

chilliness, during: Cycl. poisoned, of being: All-s., ars-m., bell., bry.,

cimic, glon., hyos., kali-bi., lack., plb.,
heat, during: Atrop.
rhus-t., verat-v.
moral obliquity alternating with sexual excite-
has been: Glon.
ment: Lil-t.
poverty: Bry., calc-a., calc-f., chlor., nux-v.,
murdered, of being: Cimic, op., phos., stram. psor ,

committing murder, of: Absin., ars., nux-v., pregnancy, during: Cimic., lyssin., stann.
rhiis-i., sulph.
public places, of: Arg-n.
music, from: Dig.
(See "crowd, Fear of," etc.)
narrow place, in: Arg-n.^ valer.
putrefy, body will: Bell.
nausea, after: Tabac.
rain, of: Elaps.
near, of those standing: Bell.
reason, of losing. (See "insanity, Fear of.")
noise, from: Aloe, alum., ant-c, aur., bar-ac,
recover, will not: All-s. ,
ant-t., calc, glon.,
cann-s., chel., cic, cocc, coff., hipp.,
kali-c, tarax.
hura, mosch., nat-c, nux-v., sabad., tabac.
respiration: Osm.
at door: Aur-met., lyc.
painful, during: Viol-od.
sudden, of: Cocc.
riding, when in a carriage: Lach., sep.
objects, bright, of (see "mirrors"): Cann-i.
rise, fears to, as if exhausted after a long walk,
observed, of her condition being: Atrop.,
better after rising: Nux-v.
calc, chel.
robbers, of: Alum., ars., aur., bell., con.,
occupation, of: Selen.
elaps., ign., lach., mag-c, mag-n., mere,
others, for: Sulph. nat-c, nat-m., phos., sil., sulph., verat.,
pain, of: Cori-r., der., pip-m. zinc.

(See " suffering, Fear of.") midnight on waking: Ign., sulph.

paralysis, of: Anac, arn., asaf., bell., syph.

(Compare with "thieves" under "De-
people, of: Acet-ac, aeon., aloe, alum.,
am-m anac, ars., aur., bar-c, bar-ac, bell., room, in: Alum., valer.

bufo-s., calc, carb-an., china., cic, con., ruin, financial, of: Ambr., calc-fl., sep., sulph.
croton., crot-h., cupr., dios., ferr.,
graph.[ run over, of being, on going out:
hep., hydroc, hyos., ign., Anth-n.,
iod., kali-bi.,
kah-c, lach., led.,
/j/c.merc, nat-e., nat-m
phos., plat., puis.,
rhus-t, selen., sep., sad: Dig., nat-m.
staun., sulph., tabac, tilia.
worse from music : Dig.
children: Bar-e lyc.
salvation, of his: Calc, canu-i.. ign., sulph.,
physician, will not see her, he verat.
seems to ter-
rify her: Iod., verat-v.
(See under "Despair," "Anxiety," etc.)


FEAR. FEAR, suffocation, of :

say something wrong, fear he should:

lest fears to go to sleep: Bapt.
lying, while: Carb-an.
self-control, losing: Gels. '
suicide: Alum., ars., mere, nat-s.
serious thoughts: Crot-h., plat.
superstitious: Rhus-t.
shining, objects: Bufo., strain. (See '
supper, after: Caust.
rors. '

surprises, from pleasant: Cojf.

sitting, amel. when: lod.
talking loud, as it would kill her: Meli.
sleep, before going to: Arg-n. calad., gels
rhus-t. thinking of disagreeable things, when: Phos.

during: Merc-i-r. sad things, of: Rhus-t.

sobbing: Ip. throat, from sensation of swelling of: Glon.

thunder, of: Gels., nat-c, nat-m., nit-ac,

after. (See " waking.")
Phos., rhodo., Sep., sulph.
he will never sleep again: Ign.
touch, of: Am., coff., lach.
to close the eyes lest he never wake: ^th.
tread lightly, must, or will injure himself;
to go to: Bapt., lack., led., mere, nux-m. Cupr.
sobbing, during sleep: Ip. tremulous: Aur., rat.

society, of his position in: Verat. trifles, of: Ign.

sold, of being: Hyos. troubles, of imaginary: Hydr-ac.

solitude, of: Act-sp., all-s., ant-t., arg-n., ars., unaccountable: Alco., ars.
asaf., bell., bism., brom., bry., bufo, cadm.,
upward, of being drawn: Camph.
calc, camph., clem., cott., dros., elaps., gels.,
hep., Hyos., kali-c, lye, mere, mez., vague: Samb-c.
Phos., ^\h.,puls., ran-b., sep., stram., tabac, vehicle approaching: Hydr-ac.
tarent., verat.
vertigo, of: Sumb.
evening: Dros., ran-b., tabac.
voice, of using: Cann-i.
night: Camph.
waking, on: Am-c, aster., bell., bism., bor.^
spectres, of. (See "ghosts.") bufo, cact., cd.rb-an., con., ign., iris-v., lept.,

speak, to or being spoken to: Sep. nat-m., nat-p., nnx-v., puis., rat., spong.,
starving, of: Calc, sulph.
from a dream: Bov., frax., lyc, ph-ac ,
stomach, arising from: Asaf., bry., calc,
cann-s., dig., kali-c, lye, mez., phos. walking, of: Nat-m.

of ulcer in: Ign. across busy streets : Acoti.

storm, of: Bty., sep. while: Alum., anac, bar-ac, cina, hep., lyc.i

strangers, of: Ambr., bar-ac, caust., cupr.,
stram. water, of: Bell., cann-i., canth., hyos., lyssin,
phel., Stram.
suffering, of: Bry., calc, eup-perf., lil-t.

weeping amel. : Dig., graph., tabac.

suffocation, of: y7<:o«., carb-an., m&xc, phos.,
robin., spong., stram. wet his bed, fears he will: Alum,
night: Agar. wind, of: Cham.
closing eyes: Carb an. women, of: Raph.


work, of: Arg-n., calc, charn., hyos., kali-c, mil., morph., mosch., naja, nat-ars.,

nat-m., petr., puis., rau-b., sauic, sil., nat-c, nat-m., uit-ac, nux-m., nux-v olnd., ,

sulp/t., tabac, tarax., tong. o^., petr., phos., ^\-Z,fi., pic-ac, plant. plat. ,

plb., psor., ptel., puis., ran-b., raph., rheum.,

heaclactie, during: Gran.
rhod., rhus-t., rhus-v., ruta, sabin., sal-ac,
literar}^ of: Nux-v., sil., sulpli. sanic, sars., secale, selen., sep., sil., spig.,

stann., staph., scram., stront sulph., tabac,

FEARFTILNESS. (See "Anxiety," '
tarax, tell., thuja., tromb., verat., verat-v.,
verb., viol-od., zing., zinc.
FEIGNING SICK: Arg-n., tarent.
(See " Absentminded," " Confusion," " Mis-
FICKLE. (See " Inconstant, " "Irresolute," " Ca- takes.")
pricious," etc.) morning, in: Anac, phos., phos-ac, stram.,
FIDGETY. (See "Restlessness.")

FIRE, wants to set things on: Hep. waking, on: Stann., thuja.
amel.: Fl-ac.
a flame of, seemed passing through him: Phos.
afternoon: Graph., sep.
throws things into: Staph.
evening, in: Fl-ac, form., laur., lye, naja,
FITFTJL. (See "Capricious.")
nat-m., rhus-t., sep.
FIXED NOTIONS. (See " Delusions.")
night: Chin., sil., sulph.
FOND. (See "Affectionate.")
coition, after: Secale.
FOOLISH BEHAVIOUR (see also "Childish"]:
Absin,, aeon.,
eating, after: ferr mag-e, nat-m., rhus-t.
agar., all-c, anac, anan., ,

a.nt-c., apis ,
SLXg-n., bell., cann-i., carb-an., amel.: Sil.

carb-v., chin., cic, con., croc.,cupr., Hyos., exertion, from: Nat-m.

ign.,lach., mere, nux-m., nux-v, op., par.,
phos., phys., secale, seneg., Stram., tanac, headache, during: Apis., calc, glon.
verat. menses, during: Raph.
morning, on waking: Aur.
motion, on: Laur.
night: Cic.
name, his own: Kali-br., med., sulph.
spasms, during: Secale. his personal indentity is confused:
FOREBODINGS. (Compare "Fear," "Anxiety" Alum., valer.
and "Sadness.") old people, of: Bar-c, lye, phos-ac.

FORGETFUL ("Compare Memory"): Abrot., purchases, of, goes off and leaves them : Agn.
acet-ac, aeon., seth., agar., agn., alum., bell., iod., lac-c.
ambr., am-c, ««ac., apis., arg., arn., ars., shaving or dressing, of: Chel.
arum-t ,
ajir., Bar-C, bell., bov.,
bry., cainc, calad., calc calc-ph., camph.,
sleep, during, he remembers all he had forgot-

cann-i cann-s., canth., ten: Calad., selen.

, caps., carb-ac,
carb-an carb-v., card-m., cham.,
, caust., streets, of well-known: Glon., petr., nux-m.
chel., chin., cic, cimic, cinnb., clem., <:£>£•£•.,
coff., time and place: Merc.
Colch., coloc, con corn-c, croc,

crotal., cupr., eye, dig., walking, on: Chin., kali-br.,

elaps., ferr., ptel., sil., stann.,
Jluor-ac, form ,
gels., glon., graph., guaj., thuja.
gymn., ham., hell., hep., hipp., hydr., walking, while, after eating: rhus-t.
hydr-ac, hyos ,
ign., ipec, kali-bi., kali-br.,
kali-c, kali-i., kali-n., kalm., kreos.,
which side of the street her house was on:
lac-can., lach., laur., led
lil-t, lye, lyssin, Glon., nux-m.
inag-c, mane, melil., Mere, mezer.. wind watch, to: Fl-ac.

words, of, while speaking: Agar., arg-ii., «;-«., sleep, in: Hcpar., ign., mere, puis..
bar-c, beuz-ac, cact., cann-i., carb-v., dulc, rheum, stann., tabac.
ham., hydr., kali-br., lack., lil-t.,lyc., nied.,
starting from, as in a fright. (See
nat-m., nux-v., podo., phos-ac, rhod.
FORGOTTEN SOMETHING, feels constantly
sneezing, at: Bor.
as if he bad: lod.
touching the body, on: Kali-c. ruta.
things, come to mind in sleep: Calad., selen.
trifles, at: Am-c, am-m., ang., ant-t., am.,
FORSAKEN FEELING: Alum., aur., bar-c,
bor., bufo, calend., caust., hyper.,
camph., carb-an., chin., cycl., hura, kali-c,
Kali-c, kali-i lach., lyc, mere, mez.,
lact., lac-d., lam., lyssin., mag-m., ,

nit-ac, nux-v., phos., rhus-t., sep.,

magn-aus., nat-c, //a;?., psor.,puls., rhus-t.,
stram., valer., verat.

morning: Carb-an day before menses: Calc.

, Lach.
waking, on: Bell., cact., caps., eupi hep
waking, on: Lach. , ,

lach., led, lyc, nit-ac, nux-v., sul-iod.,

sensation of isolation: Anac, cann-i., coca, verat zinc.

wakens in a fright from least noise:
FRANTIC, frenzy. (See "Rage.") terrified, knows no one, screams,
FRIGHTENED EASILY: ^^o«.,alumen.,alum., clings to those near: Stram.
ang., ant-c, ant-t., Arg-n., am., ars., aur., wakening one from sleep '
(see ' Start-
bar-c, bell., berb., Bor., bry., bufo, calad., ing"): Cact., cina, con., euphr., sep.,
calc, cann-i., canth., caps., carb-an., carb-v., spong., stram.
cawjif.,cham., cic, clem., cocc, cofF., con.,
from a dream: Abrot, Bor.,
cupr., dig., graph., guaj., hjos.,ign., kali-c,
chin., cina, con., graph.,
kali-iod., kali-ph., lack., led., lye, mere,
mag-m., tarent.
mosch., nat-c, nat-m., nit-ac, nux-v., op.,
petr., phos., ph-ac, plat., puis., rhus-t., weeping amel. : Phos.
sabad., samb., sarr., sep., sil., spong.,
Stram., sulph., sul-ac, therid., verat. FRIVOLOUS: Am., bar-c, mere, par., spong.

night: Nat-m. FROWN, disposed to: Hell., lyc, stram.

wakens at 3 a. m. : Ars. FUN, full of. (See "Mirth.")

complaints from fright: Acon., apis, FURY. (See "Rage")
arg-n., arn., art-v., aur., bell., bry.,
caust.,cham., coff., cupr., gels., glon., GAYETY. (See "Cheerfulness," "Vivacity,"
graph., hyos., hyper., Ign., lach., lye, etc.)
mere, nat-m., nux-v., Op,, phos.,
phos-ac, plat.. Puis., rhus-t., sabad.,
GENTLENESS. (See " Mildness.")

samb., secale, sep., stram., verat., zinc. GESTURES, makes: Ars., camph., cocc, hj'os.,

dark. (See " Fear.") mosch., nux-m., nux-v., plat., plb., puis.,
stram., tarent.
falling asleep: Aitr-m., nux-v., phos.
vocations, of usual: Ars., bell., stram.
nocturnal emission, after: Aloe.
convulsive: Apis, bell., cann-s ,
noise, at a: Bor., cann-s., chel., hipp.,
lyc. at sight of drink: Bell,

at least: Aloe., nux-v. furious: Cann-i., sep.

every sound: Bar., calc, chel., hands, of the, as if brushing the face, or as if
kali-c, lyc. brushing something away: H3'os.


GESTURES, hands, of the: GESTURES.
clapping, of the: Bell., cic, verat. plays with his fingers: Bell., calc ,

grasping or reaching at something: pouring from hand to hand, as if: Bell.

Am., bor., calc-p., cham., cina, cocc, pulls hair of bystanders: Bell.
hyos., lye, niosch., cena., op., phos.,
ph-ac, stram., ridiculous or foolish: Bell., cic, croc, cupr.,
plat., psor., rhus-t.,
sulph., zittc. hyos ,
ign., lach., mere, mosch., nux-m.,
op., Sep., stram., verat.
bystanders, at: Phos.
spinning, imitates: Hyos.
genitals, at, during spasms:
Secale, stram. around on the foot: Com-s.

mother, at: Bor. violent: Agar., bell., camph., hyos.

quickly: Stram. wringing of hands: Phos., psor., puis., stram.,

. sulph.
sides of the bed, at: Nux-v.
GIGGLING (see "Laughing"): Cann-i.
motions, involuntary, of the: Ars., bell.,
cann-i., cic, coca, hyos., kali-br., GLOOMY. (See " Melancholy," " Sad," etc.)
mere, mosch., nat-m., puis., sil.,
GODLESS, want of religious feeling: Anac,
stram., sulph verat.,
coloc, croc.
face, to the: Strych.
GOING OUT, aversion to: Am-c, clem., cycl.,
folding hands: Puis. hydr.

and unfolding cover- GOOD HUMOR. (See " Cheerful.")

ings: Plb. GOSSIPING: Hyos., stram., verat.
head, to the: Plb., stram., GRAVITY: Cann-s., cycl., euph., grat., led.,
verat. mur-ac, nux-m., sul-ac.
knitting, as Tarent.
if: ludicrous, at the: Anac
lifting up of hands: Ars. GRIEF. (Compare with "Anxiety," "Weeping,"
rubbing together: Cann-i. etc.): Acet-ac, aeon., agar., alum., am-c,
am-m., ars., Aur., bar-c, calc, carb-an.,
throwing about: Atrop., bell.,
cans., coloc, eye, graph., hyos , ign., lach.,
bry., carb-an., mosch., nat-c,
lact., lyc, Nat-m., nux-v., op., ph-ac,
phos., sil , stram.
Puis., Sep., staph., sul-ac, verat.
over head: Ars., bell.,
ailments from: Am-m., anac, ant-c, ars.,
hydr-ac, mosch. stram ,
Aur., calc-ph., caust., clem., Cocc, coloc,
v?aving in the air: Op., stram. con., eye, gels., graph., hyos., Ign., Lach.,

wild: Aeon.
lob-c, lyc, nat-m., nsi]s., nux-v., Phos-ac,
puis.. Staph., tarent., verat.
winding a ball, as if: Agar.,
cannot cry: Gels., Nat-m.
condition, about his: Staph,
intoxicated, as if: Hyos,
future, for the: Nat-c, nat-m.
ludicrous: Hyos. hunting for something to grieve one: Lil-t.
picks at bed-clothes: Aeon., ant-c, undemonstrative: Cyc, ign.
am., ars., '

atrop., bell., cham., chin.,

cocc, cokh., con GRIMACES: Cupr., plat., stram., verat-v.
dulc, hell., hep.,
Hyos., kali-br., iod., lyc.,
mur-ac, nat-m., op., phos., ph-ac, psor.
GROANING. (See "Moaning," and "Howl-
rhus-t.,_ sol-n., Stram.,
ing"): Aeon., alum., am-c, ang., ant-t.,
sulph., verat-v.,'
zinc, zinc-m. apis, ars., bar-c, bell., bry., calc,
carb-an., cham., chin., cina, cocc, colch.,
nose or lips: Arum-t., cina, con., hell. coff., crotal., cupr., dig., dulc, gran., graph..


GROANING. HEADSTRONG. (See "Obstinate.") I
hell., /;>-«., ipcc, kali-br., kali-c, lach., HEEDLESS: Abies-c, ailan., agn., alum., ambr.,
mag-c, mang., mere, merc-c, mur-ac, am-c am-m., anac, asaf aur-m., bell., bov.,

naja, iiat-c, iiit-ac, nnx-v., pho.s., plb., cann-s., canth., caust., cham.,
cic, clem.,
podo., puis., rluis-t ,
sars., secale, squil., coff., croc, cupr., daph., euon., gels., guaj.,
stram., verat. hell., hep., hyos., ign kali-c, kreos., lach.,

alternating with laughter, song. (See " Laugh- lyc, mere, mez., nat-c nat-m., nit-ac,

ing.") nux-m., op., olnd., phos., ph-ac, rhodo.',

rhu.s-t., ruta, sep., fspig., valer., verat., zinc.
chill, during. Arn., nat-ni.

menses, during: Ars. HELPLESSNESS, feeling of: Hell, kali-br.,

phos., taxus, stram.
old age, in: Bar-c.
afternoon: Kali-br.
sleep, during: Alum., am-c, bry., bufo, calad.,
cliam., clem., coc-c, coff., graph., ign., HIDE, desire to: Bell., camph., chlor., cupr.,
ipec, lach hell., lach., puts., stram., tarent.
lye, mur-ac, op., plect., puis.,
Sep., sulph. on account of fear: Ars.
waking, when: Cina. child thinks all visitors laugh at it and hides
GROWLING like a dog: Alum., bell hell., lyc
behind furniture: Bar-c.

(see "Howling.") HIDES THINGS: Bell.

GRUMBLING: Alum., arn., aur., bism., bry., HIGH-SPIRITED: Hydr., hyos., op., spig.,
canth cham., chin., phos. spong., verat., verb.

GRITNTING: Bell., hell., ign., puis, HILARITY. (See " Mirth.")

sleep, during: Ign. HOME, desires to go: Bell., 6rj/., calc, calc-ph.,
cic, cupr-ac, lach., op., verat., vip.
HALLUCliTATIONS. (vSee "Delusions" and

' Illusions of Fancy. ' leave home: Elat.


HAPPY. (See "Cheerful.") (See under " Delirium.")

HARD-HEARTED. (See " Cruel tJ^") HOME-SICKNESS: Aur., bell., calc-p., caps.,
carb-an., caust., clem., dros., elaps., eup-per.,
HASTINESS. (See "Hurry.")
hell.,hyos., ign., kali-ph., lach., mag-c,
HATRED. (Compare
"Malice," "Misan- mag-m., mane, mere, nat-m., nit-ac, petr.,
thropy"): Aeon., agar., a oe, am-c anac, ,
ph-ac, plan., puis., sac-1., seuee, sep., sil.,
aur., calc, cic, cupr., kali-iod., lac-c lach., staph., verat.

led.,mang., nat-m., uit-ac, phos rhus-t.,

ailments from: Caps., clem.
stann sulph.,

with red cheeks: Caps.

absent persons, of, better on seeing them:
Fl-ac. HONOR, effects of wounded: Ign., nux-v, staph.

bitter feelings for slight offenses, has: Ang. HOPEFUL: Aeon., ferr-ma., hydr., seneg.

men, of: Phos. alternating with sadness: Aeon., raph.

persons, of, who have offended: Aur ,

mang., HOPELESS. (See "Sadness ")
nal-m., nit-ac, sulph. HORROR. (Compare with "Anxiety," "Fear,"
women, of: Puis.

HAUGHTY: Alum, anac, arn., aur., cann-i.,

HOWLING: Acetac, aeon, alum., arn., ars.,

caus., chin.,
aur., bell, brom., bufo, calad., camph.,
cic, con., cupr., dulc, ferr.,
canth., caps., cham., cic-v., coff., cupr-ac,
ferr-m., guai., ham., /lyos., ign., ipec.,
ign., ip., lye, morph., nux-v., op., stann.,
lach., Lyc, mere, nux-v., pallad., par.,
stram., tarent., verat., Verat-V., viol t.
phos., Plat., rob., sabad., squill ,
Strain ,
stront., Sulph., Verat. evening, agg. in: Verat.


HYSTERICAL: Abrot., absin., acet-ac, aeon.,

agnus., affai:, aloe, ambr., am-c, anac,
uight: Strain., ve7-ai.
apis, arg-n., ars., arund., asaf., asar., aster.,

future troubles, about: L5'C. aur., bar-c, bell., benz-ac, brom., hry., cact.,
calc, camph., canth., ca.nn-s., caul., caust.,
heat, during: Tilia. cic, cimic,
cedr., chain., chen., chin-s.,

HUMOR. (See "Mood.") chloral., cocc, coff., con., cop., cor-r., crot-t.,
croc, cyprip., elaps., eup-per., ferr., gels ,

HUMOROUS. (See "Jesting," "Mirth.") graph., grat., hyos., Ign., iod., ipec, kali-c,
kali-ph., lach., lact., lil-t., lye, mag-c,
HURRY: Acoti., alum., aloe, ambr., anau., apis,
moiph., mosch.,
arg-n., ars., aur., bar-c, bell benz-ac, ,
Mag-m., mere, mill.,

bov., bry., cact, calc, camph., calad., niygale, nat-c, Nat-m., Nit-ac, Nux-m.,

cann-i., canth., caps., carb-an., carb-v., nux-v., o^., p&Wa.A., phos., phos-ac. Plat.,
plb.. Puis., raph., rhus-t., sabin., sang.,
coco., con., dig., dulc, graph., grat., hep.,
secale, Sep., senec, SiL, stann., staph.,
hyos., ign., iod., kali-c., lach., laur., Lil-t.,
lye, Med., meny:, mere, niorph., mosch., slid., str&m., sulph., sunib., Tarent., therid.,
nat-c, nat-vi., nux-v., op ox-ac., phos., Valer., ust., verat., viol-od., zinc.

ph-ac, ptel., puis., sep., stram., Sulph., morning, agg., sighing amel. : Tarent.
sul-ac, sumb., thuj., verat., viol-t.
fainting:Cham., Cocc Ign., loc-d., mosch.,

chill, during: Cann-s. nat-m., nux-m., mix-v., tereb.

drinking: Hep. lascivious: Mosch., tarent.
duties, as if by: Lil-t. menses, before: Cocc, con elaps.; hyos.,

eating, while: Lach., pip-m. mosch ,

mx-K-m... plat.

mental work, in: Ambr., aur., ign., kali-c, first day of: Raph.
laur., op.
IDEAS abundant, clearness of mind: Aeon.,
movements, in: Aeon., bell., camph., cann-i., aesc, agar., alum., ambr., am-c, anac, ang.,
coca, coff., con., gins., hyos., men., mere, ars., asar., aur., bell., bor., biy., calc,
merl., Stram., sulph , viol-t. ca.lc-ph., cann-i., cann-s., canth., caust.,
cham., chin., chin-sul., cimic, cob., coca,
cannot do things fast enough: Aur.
coc-c, Coff., coloc ,
eup. ,
gels., glou.,
occupation in : Aeon., aur., camph., carb-v., graph., hell., hep., hyos ign., kali-c,

kali-c, op., puis., sep., sul-ac, viol-tr.

kali-n., lach., laur., lye, lyssin, mere,
desires to do several things at once: mez., morph., mur ac, nat-c, nit-ac ,

Plan. oleand.. Op., phos., phos-ac, plat., puis.,

rhus-t., sabad., sep., sil., spig., spong.,
pace, in: Aeon., canth., iod., mosch., prun.,
staph., stram., sulph., tabac, tereb ,
stram., sulph.
thuj., valer., verb., verat., viol-o., viol-t.,
speech. (See " Speech. " zinc.

time, for the appointed, to arrive: Arg-n.

evening, before going to sleep: Arg-u.,
writing, in: Ptel.
chin., lye, nux-v., puis., sabad., sil.,

HUSBAND, aversion to: (See "Aversion.") staph'., viol-t,

HYDROPHOBIA; Acet-ac, arg-n., ars., bell., night: Aloe, hov., calc, chin., coca, ro^.,
calc, cann-i., canth., chlor., crot-h., cupr., colch., graph., hep., kali-c, lye, nux-v.,

cur., hyos., iod.,

pic-ae, puis., sabad., sep., sil., staph.,
lach., Lyssin, mere,
phil., phos., ran sulph., tab., viol-t.
sc., sabad., Stram., tereb.,
verat. deficiency of: Acet-ac, aeon., agn., alum.,
HYPOCHONDRIACAL HUMOR. am-c, anac, arg-n., asaf., asar., atrop.,
(See "Sad,"
etc.) aur., bell., bov., calc, camph., calc-ph,,
cann-s., canth., carb-v., caust., cham., chin.,
cic-v., clem., cocc, coff., corn-e, croc.

) ,

cupr., cycl., dig., gloii., guaj., hell., liyos., plal., psor., puis., rhus-t., Sabad., samb..
ign., iod., ip., kali-br., kreos., lach.^ lil-t., secals, Sep., sil., spong., stann., staph.,
lye, meny., mere, merc-c, mez., nat-c, Stram., Sulph,, therid., thuj., valer., verat.,
nat-m., nit-ac, nux-m., oleaiid., op., petr., verb., viol-o.
pfios-ac, p/ios., plb., rhu.s-t., sep., .sil.,

Staph., sulph., tarent., thuj., valer., verat. IMBECILITY: Aeon., agar., Aloe, alum., ambr.,
zinc. am-c, anac, ant-c, ant-t., apis, arg-n.,
ars., art-v., a.sar., atir., bar-c, bar-m Bell.,
extra exertion, on: Oleand. ,

bov., bufo, calc, camph., cann-s., caps.,

interruption, from any: Colch. rarb-an., earb-s., carb-v., causl., cham.,
chel., chin., cocc, con., croc, cupr., cycl.,
vomiting, amel. : Asar.
dig., dios., dulc hell.,
Hyos., ign., kali-bi.,

ridiculous: Lack. kali-br., kali-c, Lach., laur., Lyc, mere,

merc-c.,mez., moseh., mm-ac, nat-c, nat-m.,
IDIOCY: Absin., (Tlh., agar., anac, ananth.,
ant-c, bar-c, bar-m.,
Nux-m,, Nux-v,, oleand., op., oxyt.,par.,
bell., bufo, caps.,
petr., phos.,Phos-ac, Pic-ac, plat., plb.,
carb-s., cham., chlol., hell., hyos., mere,
puis., ran-b., rheum, rhus-t., ruta, sabad.,
nux-m., />to., plb sars., tabac. ,

sabin., secale, selen., seneg., sep., Sil., spig.,

idiotic actions: Ant-c. spong., stann., staph., Stram., stdph.,
IDLENESS. (See "Indolence.") sulph-ae, ther., thuj., Verat,, verb., viol-o.,
complaints agg. when idle: Con.

ILLUSION of fancy.
IMPATIENCE: Aeon., aet-sp., all-s., ambr.,
(See "Delusions"):
apis, ars., ars-h., aster., aur.. aur-m-n.,
Aeon., ceUi.. agar., ambr., anac, ang.,
bar-c, bell., bufo, calc, carb-v., Cham.,
ant-c, ant-t., apis, arn., ars., aur., bar-c,
chin., cimic, colch., coloc, cubeb., dros.,
bell., berb., bism., bry., bufo, calc, calc-ph.,
dulc, gels., hell., hep., hura, hyos., Ign.,
camph., cann-s., canth., carb-an., carb-v.,
iod., ip., kali-bi., kali-c, kali-ph., lach.,
caust., cham., chin., chin-s., cic-v., cina.,
lil-t., lyc, med., mere, nat-c, nat-m.., nice,
cocc, coff, ,
colch., coloc, con., croc, cupr.,
nit-ac, Nux-v., op., pallad., phos-ac.
dig., dros., dulc, euphr.. graph., hell.,
plat., psor., puis., rheum, rhus-t., sars., sep.,
hep., hyos., ign., indg., iod., kali-c, lach.,
sil., spig.,spong., staph., Sulph., sulph-ae,
led, lye, mag-m., mag-s mere, nat-e, ,
tarent., taxus, thuj., vace, viol-tr zinc. ,
nit-ac, nux-m., nux-v., op., par., phos.,
phos-ac, plat,
plb, puis., rheum, rhod., morning: Dulc, sulph.
rhus-t., sabad.,
samb., secale, sep., sil.,
II a m.: Sulph.
spong., stann., staph strant., sulph., thuj , ,

valer., verat., verb., viol-o., zinc. afternoon: Nit-ae, sang.

discerning objects, in: Calc, cann-s., hyos.,
dinner, during: Sulph.
nux-v., plat., sulph.
headache, during: Mane, pallad., lyssin.
feeling, of: Anac. ant-t., bell., canth., ign.,
indg., iod., mag-m., nux-v., op., petr., phos., house, in: Aster,
plat., rhus-t., sabad., stram., sulph., valer. itching, from: Osm.
IMAGES. ( See " Delusions. '

pain, from: Hura.

IMAGINATIONS. (See " Delusions "): Aeon., playing of children; Anac.

agar, anac, ananth., ant-c, arg-n., reading, while: Nat-c.
ars., aur.,aur-m., bapt., Bell,, bry., calc,
sitting, while: Sep.
Cann-i., cann-s., canth., carb-an carb-v., ,

caust, chin., cic-v., Cocc, coff.. con., croc, supper, after: Nit-ac.
crot-h., glon., hell., Hyos., Ign., kali-bi., talk of others, during: Zinc.
lach., led., lyc ,
mag-m., mere, mur-ae,
nit-ae, nux-v., op., 'Seir., p/ws., Phos-ac, trifles, about: Kali-ph., mere, sulph-ac.

urinating, before: Sulph. afternoon: Cou.

walking, while: Lye evening: Aloe, dig., kali-chl., tarent.

IMPERIOUS. (See "Haughty.") agreeable things, to: Ambr., anac, cina, com.,
IMPERTINENCE: Canth., graph., pallad., op., rhod., staph., stram.
phos. verat.
air, in open: Con., plat.
IMPETUOUS (compare "Hastiness," "Hurry," alternating with anxiety and restlessness:
"Impatience"): Aeon., anac, bry., carb-v., Nat-m.
cham., croc, ferr-ph., hep., kali-i., laur.,
led., nat-c, nat-m., nit-ac, nux-v., oleand.,
cheerfulness: Tarent.
phos., rheum, sep., stront., sulph., zinc. irritability. (See "Irrita-
evening: Ferr-ph. bility.")

IMPULSIVE: Arg-n., ars., camph., cic, gins., vexation: Cham.

mere. , rhus-t. weeping: Phos.
INATTENTION. (See under "Attention," business affairs, to: Agar., arg-n., fl-ac, j^;^.,
" Memory," etc.") stram.
INCITING OTHERS : Hyos. complain, does not: Hyos., op.

INCONSOLABLE: Aeon., ambr., ars., chant., unless questioned, then

chin. ,co^., nat-c, na.t-m., nux-v.,petr., puis., says nothing of his con-
spong., stram., sulph., verat. dition: Colch.

alone and darkness agg. : Stram. desire, has no, no action of the will: Hell.
over fancied misfortune: Verat. everything, to: Aeon., acet-ac, agar., ailan.,

INCONSTANCY: Act-sp., agar., asaf, bism.,

anac, arn., bell., bov., canth., caps., carb-v.,

canth., cimic, coff., dros., Ign., lach., led., croc, cyprip., dig., hydr., ign., lept.]
op., sil., spig., thuja, zinc. merl ,
mezer., nux-m., phos., secale, staph.,
sulph., ziz.
(Compare with " Irresolute.")
exposure of her person: Hyos., phos., phyic,
INDIFFERENCE, APATHY, etc.: Absin. secale.
aeon., agar., a^m., ail ,
alum., ambr., am-m.
external things, to: Agn., cann-i., cham.,
aiiac, ant-t., apis, arg-n., am., ars., asaf. cic,
lyc, meri., op., rumex, stann., staph.',
asar., aster., bapt., bar-c, bell., berb., bism.
tarent., verat.
bov., brom., biifo, calc, calc-p., camph.
cann-i., caps., carb-an.,
Carb-V-, cans. fever, during: Arn., chin., con., op., phos.,
cham., ehel., chin., cic, cimic, cina, clem. phos-ac, puis., Sep.
coee., con., croc, crotal., cupr., eye, cyprip.
important things, to: Fluor-ac, calc-ac.
dig., elaps., euphr., ferr., fluor-ac, gels.
glon., graph., guaj., gymn., hell., hyos.
insensibility, with, and pale face: Chin.
ign., iod.,ipec.,jatr., kali-b., kali c.,kali-ph.
rubs forehead: Verat.
l^c-can., lach., laur.,
Lil-t., lye, mane.
irritating, disagreeable things,
nielil.,ra^n.,merc., Mezer., mur-ac, naja to: Ambr.,
nat-c, nat-m., nit-ac, nux-m., nux-v., anac, borax, cina, coff., op., rhod.
op.,phos.,Ys^-^Q.,phyt., pic-ac, plat., plb. lies with eyes closed: Cocc.
pnin., psor.. Puis., raph.,
rheum, rhod. loved ones,
rhus-t., ruta,
to: Aeon., fl-ac, mere, Phos
rumex., .sabad., s?.h\n., secale ''

selen., Sep. '

Sep., sil., spong., squill,
stann., staph., stram., sulph.,
tarent., thuja
onanism, after: Staph.

vet at., verb., viol-t., xanih.,

zinc, ziz. others, toward: Sulph.
morning, on waking: Mane, phyt.
recovery, about his: Calc.
relations, to: Fluor-ac, liell., liepar., iiat-c, ran-sc, rhus-t, runiex., sabin., squill.,
phos., plat., Sep. sulph., tarax., verb.

her children: Kali-iod., nat-c, on rising: Dig., nat-c, op., verb,

Phos., Sep. on waking: Chiii-s.

societj', when in: Kali-c, nat-c, plat. forenoon: Alum., anac, mag-c, nat-m.

amel.: Bov. noon: Aloe.

solitude, during: Bov. afternoon: Aloe, borax., bufo, chel., gels.,

hyos., lye, mag-c. mag-s., nat-m., petr.,
typhoid, in: Am., z\m\., phos-ac. ,

Sep., sil., viol-t.

walking, when: Con.
2 p. m.: Chel.
\\jell, says he is: Apis, am., ars.
evening: Agar., calc-p., cann-s., carb-v., coca,
dios., ferr-iod,, mag-c, pallad., plb., ran-sc,
INDIGNATION: h.vahx.,ars., aur., calc-p., caps.,
chin., cocc, coloc, croc, ign., nat-c, staph. spig., sulph., viol-tr.

morning: Ars. amel. in: Aloe, bism., clem,

bad effects following: Coloc, ip., nux-v., plat.,

air, in open: Am.
Staph. amel.: Calc.

discomfort, from general: Op. amused, when not: Carb-s.

dreams, at unpleasant: Calc-p. breakfast, after: Nat-s.

pregnant, while: Nat-m. business, doing: Nux-v.

INDISCEETION: Aeon., bry., calad., camph., chill, during: Camph.

caps.,hyos., ign., laur., meuy., nux-v., puis., dinner, after: Agar., aut-c, bar-c, chin.,
stram. mag-c.

INDOLENCE: Abrot., aeon., sesc, agar., all., aloe, emission, after an: Sep,
alum., am-c, am-m., anac, ant-c, aht-t.,
meals, aftei; Agar,, asar., ant-c, bar-c, bov.,
apis, arg-m., arg-n., am., ars., ars-h., asaf.,
cann-i. ,
chel., chin., lach. ,
mag-c, nux-v.
asar., aur., aur-ni., bapt. ,
bar-c, bell., bor.,
phos., plb., thuj., tong., zinc.
brom., bry., bufo, caic, calc-ph., camph.,
caps., carb-ac, caust., cham., Chel., Chin., siesta, after: Anac, borax.
chin-s., cinnab., cocc, coc-c, coca, con., sitting, while: Nat-c, nit-ac, ruta.
croc, crot-h., cycl., dig., dire, dulc euphr., ,

sleep, after: Chin-s., mezer,, piper-m.

ferr-ph., gamb., graph guaj., hell., helon.,

hep., hura, hyos., ign., indg., iod., ip,, stool, after: Colch.
kali-br., kali-c, kali-pli., lac-c, lack., lac-d.,
before: Borax.
mag-c, mag-m., mag-s.,
lact-ac, laur., lye,
rsi&nc ineph., mere, mez., melil., millef.,
walking, when: Arn., chin-s., nit-ac, sabin.
nat-c, Nat-m., nit-ac, nux-j., Nux-V.,
Arn., aur., bell,, bry., calc,
oleand., op., osm., petr., PhoS-, phos-ac, hyos,,
caps., chin., dig., ign., ip., lack,
plat., plb., puis., ran-sc, rheum, rhus-t.,
mag-c, mosch., nat-c, plb., stann,,
ruta, sabad., sabin., secale, seneg., Sep.,
sulph-ac, verat,
spig., spoiig., squill., stann., stram., stront.,

Sulph., tabac, tarent., teucr., therid., thuj., INHUMANITY. (See " Cruelty.")
verb., zinc, zing. INJURE, fears to be left alone, lest he should
do himself bodily harm. (Compare "Sui-
morning: All-c, aloe, alum., anac, ant-t.,
cide") : Ars.
carb-an., cai-b-v., chel., clem., hepar., hipp.,
indg., kali-n., mag-c, nat-c, nat-m., nat-s., feels as if she could easily injure herself:
nux-v., ox-ac, pallad., phyt., plat., ran-b., Sep.

satiety, must use self control to prevent climacteric period, during: Aster., lack.,

shooting himself: Nats. puis., Sep., therid.

INSANITY, madness. (See "Delirium," mental symptoms alternate with physical

"Mania"): Absinth., aeon., setli., agar., symptoms: Yiyos., lil-t., plai.

all-c, am-c. anac, ant-c, antrt. apis,

disappearance Cimic,
, ,
neuralgia, with of:
arg-n.,am., ars., aur.. bar-c, Bell., cactus.,
calc, camph., cann-s. canth. carb-an.,

cans., chin-s., chloral., etc., cimic, cocc, periodical: Con.

coloc, con., croc, crotal., cupr., curar.,
perspiration, with, following: Cupr.
dig., dulc, euphor., glon., hep., Hyos.)
ign., kali-b., kali-c, kali-iod., lack., led., puerperal. (See "Mania.")
lil-t., Lyc, mere, mezer., naja, nat-m.,
pulse, with quick: Ars., crot-h., cupr.
7iux-m., nux-v., olnd., op., oxal-ac, par.,
phos., ph-ac, phys., plai., plb., psor., puis., secretive: Dig,

rhod., rhus-t., sabad., secale, seneg., sep., sexual desire, with: Bar-m., plat.
sil., squil., Stram., sulph., tarent., Verat.,
sight, with obscuration of: Croc, cupr.
verat-v., zinc.
sleep, with: Phos-ac.
alternating with stupor: Op.
strikes himself: Ars., curar., tarent.
with other mental symptoms: Con., sabad.
trembling, with: Ars.
mental with physical symptoms: Hyos.,
lil-t, plat. useless purchases, makes: Con.

appetite, with loss of: Verat. wantonness, with: Hyos., stram., verat.

blood, with discharge of: Merc. INSOLENT: Canth., graph., pallad., phos.. Plat.,
break pins, she will sit and: Bell.
busy: Apis, kali-b. INTOXICATION: (See "Stupefaction," also
under 'Confusion of Mind.")
chilliness, with: Calc.

coldness of skin: Crot-h.

IRASCIBILITY: (See "Anger," Quarrel-
some," " Irritability.")
drunkards, in: Ars., bell., calc, cann-i.,
carb-v., chin., cofF., crot-h, dig, hell.,
IRRESOLTJTE: Act-sp., alum., alumen., am-c,
hepar.hyos., ang., apis, arn., ars., asaf., aur.,
lach., mere, nat-c, nux-v., Bar-C,
op., puis., stram., sulph. bism ,
bry., bufo-s., cact., calc, calc-fl.,
calc-ph., cann-i., canth. caust. , , cham chel.,
eats only refuse: Melil-a. ,

chin., coca, cocc, coff., cupr, cur., daph.,

emaciation, with: Sulph. dig., dros., ferr., ferr-mag., graph., grat.,
guar., hell., hyos., Ign., ip., iod., kali-br.,
eruptions suppressed, after: Bell., stram.,
kali-c, kali-ph., lach., lac-d., led., lyc,
sulph. lyssin.,mag-m., mang., mez., mur-ac, ««ya,
feet, with a stamping of: Verat. nat-c, nai-m., nux-m., nux^v., op., pallad.,
petr., phos., plat., plb., ^sor., puis., rhu.s-r.[
fright or anger, caused by: Plat.
ruta, sanic, seneg., sil., spig., sulph,, tab.,
heat, with: Bell., stram., verat. tarax., tarent., thuj., zinc.

insists upon saying his prayers at the tail of afternoon: Hyos.

his horse: Euphor.
evening: Calc, puis.
knocks head against the wall: Apis, con.
acts, in: Bar-c, chin., lyc, nat-c, nux-m.,
menses, with profuse: Sep.
with suppressed: Puis.
ideas, in: Nat-m., sulph., tarent.


projects, in: Bar-ac, bufo-s., cact., chain., phos ,
plat., psor., sang., sars., seneg., sep.,
rhus-r. sil.. Staph., stram., sulph., tarax., verat.
rising, after: Calc, canth., coff., hep.,
trifles, about: Bar-c, lyssiu.
mag-m ,
nat-s., phos., sulph.
waking, on: Agar., ant-t., arg-n., ars.,
IREITABILITY (See "Anger"): Abies-c,
bell., bov., bry., camph., carb-an., cham.,
abrot., acei-ac, Acon., act-sp., cesc-h., ccth.^
coca, cupr-ac, gamb., iris, jatrop., kali-e,
agar., ail., aloe, alum., ambr., am-c, am-nt.,
anac, ananth., ang., Ant-C, ant-L, apis,
lil-t., Lyc, mag-m., mezer., merc-i-r.,
nat-m., nat-s., nit-ae, nux-v., petr., ph-ac,
arg-m., arg-n.^ am., ars., ar.i-i., aruni-t.,
plat., plb., puis., rhus-t, sulph., sul-ac,
asaf., asar., aspar., aster. Aur., aur-m.,
bar-c. Bell., berb., bism., borax, bov.,
brom., Bry., bufo, cact, calad., cadm., 7 a-m. : Pallad. ,

Calc, calc-p., calc-s., calend., camph., forenoon: Am-c, am-m., ant-t, grat, hipp.,
cann-s., canth., caps., carb-ac, carban., mag-c, mang., nat-m., nat-ph., nice, phos.,
carb-v., carl., caul., Caus,, Cham., chel., seneg., silic, verat.
chin., chin-a, chin-s., cic, cimic, cimx.,
noon: ^th., zinc.
cina, cinnb., clem., coca, cocc, coc-c, caff.,
afternoon: ^th., alum., ant-t., bar., bov.,
colch., coloc, con., cop ,
cor-r., corn., croc,
cann-s., cast., eye, elaps.,
chel., con.,
crot-t., crot-h., cupr., cupr-s., eye, daph.,
hydr ac. mang., merc-e, mur-ac, nat-m.,
dig., der., dios., dros., dulc, elaps., euphr. ,

op., ox-ac, ruta, sang., sars., zinc.

eupion., euon.,y^rr., ?m.or-&c.., gavib ., gels.,
gran., graph., grat., guaj., ham, hell., evening: ^sc-h., aloe, am-c, am-m., ant-c,
helon., hepar., hipp., hydrs., hydr-ac, ant-t., bare, bov., cain., calc, canth.,
byper., ign., indg., iod., ipec ,
iris, jatr., cast., con., eye, dios., fago., ign., indg.,
kali-bi., kali-c, Kali-iod., kali-n., kali-ph., kali-c, kalm., lil-t., lye, lyssin., mag-c,
kalm., kreos., lac-c, lac-d. ,
lach., lachn., mag-m., mur-ac, nat-e, nat-m., nice,
lact., laur., led., Lil-t., lye, lyssin., mag-c, nux-j., ox-ac, pallad., phos., puis., ran-b.
mag-m., mane ,
mang., med., meph., mere,
sil., spig., Sulph., zinc.
merc-c, merc-i-r., merl., mezer., mosch.,
amel. in: Aloe, am-c, bism., mag-c,
mur-ac, murex, naja, nat-c, nat-m., nat-ph.,
nat-m., nice, verb., zinc.
nat-s., nice, Nit-ac, nux-m., KTux-V., ol-an.,
olnd., op., osm., pallad., paris., />i?/r., phel ,
night: Anthrae, camph., phos., Rhus,
phos ph-ac, phyto., pic-ac, plan.. Plat.,
retiring, after: Ciuuab.
plect, prun., psor., ptel.. Puis., Ean-b., waking, on: hyc.. psor.
ran-sc, ratan, rheum, rliod., Rhus-t.,
absent persons, with: Aur., kali-cy. ,
rhus-v., rumex., ruta, sabad., sabin., sainb.,
air, in open: ^th., plat, rhus, sabin.
sang., sanic, sars., selen., seueg., Sep.,
sinap., Spig., spong., squill., stann., amel.: Coff., mag-c, rhus, staun.
staph., stram., stront., Sulph,, Sul-ac, alternating with cheerfulness: Ant-t., ars.,

tabac, iarent., tarax., tepl. ,

teucr., thea, rt«r., borax, caust., chin., cocc, croc, C3'C.,

tilia, Thuja, tong. ,

tril., vacc, valer., verat., lyc ,
mere, merc-e, nat-e, nat-m., plat.,

Verat-V., verb., ust., vib., viol-o., viol-t., sauie, spig., spong., zinc.
vine, zinc. hypochondriacal mood during
day, merry in evening:
daytime: Ipec, iris, kreos., lyc, mere, nierc-c,
Sulph., viol-t.
nat-m., phel., phos., plat., staph., sul-ac,
indifference: Asaf., bell.,
sul., viol-t.
carb-an., sep.
morning: Am-c, am-m., ant-c, ant-t., bov., melancholy: Zinc,
calad., calc, carb-an., carb-v., cast, cliam.,
sadness: Ambr.
chin., cocc, con., graph., grat., hipp.,
mang., tenderness: Plat,
kalm., kreos., lach., mag-c,
merc-i-r., nat-m., nat-p., nat-s., nice, nux-v.. weeping: Bell.


alone, when: Phos. emission, after: Coff., dig., lil-t., nat-c.

answer, at every word he is obliged to: Arfi. nux-v., selen.. Staph,, ust.
coloc, nat-m., ph-ac. epilepsy, before: Aster., lach.

aroused, when: Op., nux-m. excited, when: Chin.

business, about: Ipec, nat-m. fly on the wall, by: Sars.
children, in: Abrot., ant-c, ant.t-, ars.
headache, during: Acet-ae, aeon., seth., aw-c,
benz-ac, bor., Cina., graph., iod., lye, am-m., ant-e, anac, ars., bell., bov., bry.,
puis., sanic, sep., zinc.
calc, calc-ph., chin-s., coca, con., eye,
chill, during: Aeon., alum., anac, arn., ars., dule, graph., helon., hipp., ind., iod.,

aur., bell., bor., bry., kali-c, kreos., lac-c, lach., lach-n., laur.,
Calc, calend.. Caps.,
carb-v., castor., causi., chani., chin., cocc, lyssin., mag-m., niag-ph., mang., meph.,
coff..Con., gels., hep., hyos., ign., Lyc,
mere, mezer., nat-m., nux-v., nice, op.,

magn-aus., mere, mez., nat-c, pallad., plat., phos., sil., spong., stann.,
nit-ac, nux-v., petr., plant., phos.. Plat,,
Syph,, thuj., vip., zinc.

fiuls., Hheum., rhus-t., sabad., Sep., sil.,

heat, during: Aeon., anac, ars., bry., cham.,
spig., staph., sulph., teucr., thuj., verat.
ferr., lach., mosch., Nat-C, phos.,
coffee, after: Calc-ph. phos-ac, plant., psor., rheum, staph.
coition, after: Agar., bov., calad., Calc, chin., after: Am-c, hipp.
dig., graph., kali-c, mag-m., nat-c, nat-m.,
menses, before: Berb., calc, caust., cham.,
nit-ac, wccK-M ., peir., phos., phos-ac, selen.,
kali-c, kreos., lyc, mag-m., nat-m., nux-v.,
Sep,, Si],, staph.
Sep., zinc.
consolation agg. : Cad., calc, Calc-ph.,
chin., hell.,
during: .^th., am-c, aran., asaf., bell.,
Ign,, kali-c, lil-t., lyc, mere,
berb., bry., calc, cast., caus., cham.^
Nat-m., nit-ac, nux-v., plat., Sep., Sil.,
staph. cimie, cina, con., eupi., ferr.,
ind., kali-c, kreos., lye, mag-c,
contradiction, from: Am-c, ars., aur., bry., mag-m., mag-s., nat-c, nat-m.,
cact., calc-ph., cocc, ferr., grat., helon., ««;f-<y., phos-ac, petr., plat., puis.,
hura,"!^!!., lyc, mere, nat-c, nice, nux-v., sars., Sep., stram., sulph., tarent.,
oleand., sil., stram., tarent. zinc, zing.
cough, before: Asar., bell., cina.
after: Berb., bufo, ferr., nat-m.
dentition, during: Calc, calc-ph., cham., cina,
during an intermission of: Eupion.
music, during: Caust., mang.
diarrhoea, after: Guaj.
noise, from: Ant-t., ars., caust, cocc
digestion, during: Iod. , ferr.,
iod., pip-m., plect., puls-n.
dinner, before: Phos.
such as even crackling of news-
during: Teucr. paper drives him to despair:
after: Am-c, coc-c, hydr., mill.,
nat-c, teucr., tilia. perspiration, during: Ang., bry., calc,
disturbance, caused
cham., clem., hepar., inag-c.
by any: Cupr-ae, graph., , mere.
op., puis. Rheum., sep., sulph.

eating, after:
questioned, when: Apis, arn ., cham., coloc,
^th., am-e, arn., ars., bor.,
bry., carb-v., cham., chlor.,
nat-m., ph-ac.
con., graph
lod., kali-c,
kali-i., mere, merc-sulph., reading, while: Med., nat-c.
nat-c, nat-m., mix-v., puis.,
teucr. riding, while: Tep.
amel.: Am-c, nat-s.
rocking fast, amel.: Cina.

) ,

IRRITABILITY. JESTING, jokes, etc: ^th., aloe, arg-ni., ars.,
room, house, in: Ign., rhus-l.
bar-c, bell., bry., cann-i., caps., carb-v.,
cic, cocc, croc, cupr., glon., hyos., ign., ip.,
amel.: ^th.
kali-iod., lach., lyc, mere, merl., nat-m.,
sends the doctor home says he is not sick: nux-vi., op., plat., rhus-r., sars., secale,
Apis., Am., Cham. spong., stram., sulph-ac, tabac, tarent.
and nurse out of the room: Cham,
averse to: Aeon., am-c, ang., apis, ars., bor.,
sitting, while: JQXi^., mang., nat-m. bov., caps., carb-an., cina., cocc, cycl.,
sleep, during, by noise: Calad. mere, nat-m., nux-v., puis., sabin., sil.,
spig., sulph., thuj.
after: Anac, bell., brom., bry., caust.,
cham., chin., clem., cycL, jatr., mez. gravity, after: Plat,
amel.: Caps. indifference, after: Meny.
(See also " morning on Waking.") malicious: Ars.

spoken to, when: Ars., aur., cham., elaps, ridiculous or foolish: Bell., cic, croc, hyos.,
ge:\s., graph., hyos., kali-ph., nat-m., nat-s., stram., tanac, verat.
nux-v., rhus-t., sil., staph., stram., sulph.,
JOY, ailments from excessive: Aeon., caust.,
tep., verat.
coff., croc, op., puis.
stool, before: Aloe, bor., calc.
JOYOUS. (See " Cheerfulness.")
after: Graph., nat-c, nit-ac. JUMPING : Arg-m., croc
supper, after: Arn., nat-c. bed, out of: Aeon., ars.. Bell., Chin., chin-s.,
chlor., cupr-a., glon., lyssin., mere. Op.,
suppressed anger: Sep.
puis., Stram.
takes everything in bad part: Caust., croc.
height, from a: Aur.
talking, while: Alum., ambr., cham., mang.,
nice, psor., staph., sulph-ac, teucr., zinc. impulse to: Anac, Arg-fi., Aur., gels.

trembling, with: Ambr., arg-n., aur., chel., impulse into the river: Arg-n., secale.
cop., daph., nit-ac, phos., sep. window, from: ^th., ars., aur., camph., gels.,
glon., thuj., verat.
trifles, about: Acon., anac, bell., Bry., caps.,
carb-v., caust., cimic, cocc,
Cham., chel., KICKS: Bell., carb-v., lyc, stram., strj'ch.,,
con., cycl., hep., kreos., lye, med., merc-i-r., tarent., verat-v.
meph., mez., nat-c, nat-m., nat-s., nit-ac,
carried, when: Cham.
Nux-v., phos., phos-ac, sabad., sauic, sars., I
sumb. child is cross, kicks and scolds on wakiug
waking, on: Ant-t bell., berb., bufo, caust.,

cham., chel., chin-s., clem., cupr-ac, cycl sleep, in: Bell., cina, sulph.

iris., Lyc, magn-aus., nat-m., tarent. KILL, desire to: Ars., calc., camph., chin., curar.,

(See '
' morning. ' hep., iod., lach., mere, nux-v., phos., plat.,

walking in open air, amel.: Mag-c, Rhus-t.
barber wants to kill his customer: Ars., hep.
water, hearing or seeing, on: LysS.
desire to kill the person that contradicts her:
weather, in rainy or cloudy: Aloe, am-c. Merc.
IRRITATED easily. (See "Irritability.") impulse to: Ars., hep., iod., nux-v.
ISOLATION, feeling of. (See " Forsaken.") something urges her to, her husband, of whom
JEALOUSY: Ananth., apis, calc-ph., camph., she is very fond: Merc, nux-v.
coff., gal-ac, Hyos., ign., lack., nux-v., op., sudden impulse to, herself: Natr-s.
phos-ac. /^^/^ rapli., staph., stram.
slight Hep., mere,
, ,
for a offense:
as foolish as it is irresistible: Lach. nux-v.


throw her child into the iire: Lyss. , nux-v. con., cor-r. ,
croc, c\v^r.,ferr., graph., hell.,
'hura, hyos., Ign., kali-b., kreos., lach.,
wants to, somebody: Hyos.
lil-tig. ,
lye, nierl., nat-e, nat-m., nux-m.,
wants to, when in open air: Camph. nux-v., op., phos., plat., plb., puis, ran-se,
robin., sabad., sarr., secale, sep., silie,
KILLED, desires to be: Ars., bell., stram.
spong., Stram., sulph., tabac ,
KIND WORDS, friendly persuasion, etc., agg.:
tarent., valer., verat., verb., zinc, zinc-s.
Bell., cact., calc, calc-ph., cham., chin.,
bell., Igt., kali-c, lil-t., \yc., mere, Nat-m., morning: Graph., hura, plat.

nit-ac, nux-v., plat, Sep., SiL, staph, evening: Cupn , nat-m.

tarent., thuj
night: Cic, kreos., sil.

KISSES every one: Croc, phos., stram., verat.

actions, at his own: Iris, stram.
his companions hands: Agar.
air, in open: Nux-m.
menses, before: Verat., zinc.
alternating with frenzy: Stram.
KLEPTOMANIA: Absin., ars., art-v., bry.,
groaning: Bell., stram.. verat.
caust., curar. ,
kali-c, lye, nux-v., puis.,
Sep., sulph., staph., stram., tarent.
sadness: Canth., caus ,
nat-c, phos..,
stram. zinc. ,

steals money: Calc.

seriousness: Nux-m., plat.
verat. vexation, ill-humor: Croc, sanie,
unable to kneel down : Tarent.
violence: Croc., stram.
LAMENTING, bemoaning, wailing, etc.: (Com-
pare "Weeping"): Aeon., act-sp., alum., weeping. (See "Weeping.")
am-c, anac, arg-n., arn., ars.., asaf., bell., whining, moaning: Verat.
bism., brom., bry., bufo, calc, campli.,
canth., cham., chin., c\c-y., cina, cocc,
annoying: Bell.
cupr., hell., hyos., ign., ip., kali-br., lach., anxiety, during: Lyc.
lye, mere, mosch., nat.c, nit-ac, nux-m.,
aversion to: Ambr.
71UX-V., op., phos., phos-ac, plb., puis.,
ran-b., rheum, rhus-t., robin., secale, sil.,
constant: Cann-i., verat.
stann., stram., sulph., tarent., verat, viol-t.,
convulsions, before, during or after: Caust.
convulsive: (See " spasmodic."
asleep, while: Alum., arn., cham., cina, phos.,
stram., sulph. delirious: Stram.

convulsions, during: Ars. everj'thing seems ludicrous: Nux-m.

others, about: Merc. forced: Hyos.

immoderately: Am-e, Cann-i., ferr., nat-m.

trifles, over: Coff.
involuntarily: Agar., bell., canji-i., carb-s.,
LASCIVIOTJSNESS, LUSTFUL: Aloe, arund., con., Ign., nat-m., nit-ac, phos.,
bov., calad., calc, canth., carb-v., chin.,

coc-e, con., cop., dig., fl-ae, hyos., hyper., after eating: Puis,
ign., lach., lye, lil-t., lyssin., mere, loudly: Bell., cann-s., croc, hyos., op.
nat-m., o^.,phos., pic-ac, plat., selcn., sil,
stram., staph., selen., menses, before: Hyos., nux-m.
.spig., tarent.
misfortune, at: Apis,
LAUGHING: Aeon., agar., aloe, alum., am-e,
anac, anan., apis, arg-m arn., ars., arund., mocking: Tarent.

asaf., aur., bell., bufo, calc, cann-i.,

cann-s.^ pain, every paroxysm of, excites a nervous
caps., carb-v., castor-eq., caust., cic, coff., laugh: Hura.

: ) :

paroxysmal: Stram.
life: Agu., act-sp., alum., ambr.,
* am-c,
reprimands, at, etc. : Graph. Ant-cr., ant-t., ats., Aur., aur-m., bell.|
berb., bov., ealc., carb-an.,
sad, when: Phos. caus.. Chin.'
cop., dros., grat., hepar., hyos., kali-bi!'
sadness, followed by: Plat. kali-ph., kreos., lack., led., lyc., mere.!
serious thoughts, when occupied by; Anac, mezer., nat-c, Nat-m., nat-s., nit-ac'.,
cann-i., cast., lil-t., lye, nai-m., nux-m., nux-v., op., Phos., plat., plb., podo., puls'.^
plat., sulph. rhus-t., rhus-v., ruta, secale, .sep., sil',
spig., spong., staph., stram., sulph., sul-ac^
silly: Bell., crot-c, ether., hyos., stram.
iereb.. Thuja, zinc, ziz.
sleep, during: Alum, caast., croc, hyos.,
kreos., lye, phos-ac,
morning: Laeh., Lyc.
sil., stram., sulph.
evening: Aur.
spasmodic: Aeon., alum., alumen., am-c,
anac, menses, before: Cer-b.
asaf., aur., bell., calc, cic, con.,
croc, cupr., ether., z§-w.,lyc., nat-m., nux-m., must restrain herself to prevent doing her-
phos., plat., secale, sil., stram., thuj., valer., self injury: Nat-s.
verat., zinc. (See "Death, desires.")

before, during or after epilepsy: Caust. speaking: Anac , dios.

speaking, when: Bell. work: Arn

LEWDNESS ( See " Shameless " and " Mania " ) LOCALITY, errors of (see "Mistakes"): Bry.,
Camph., canth., cubeb., hyos., lach., lyssin., glon., hura, lach., nux-m., par., Petr.,
op., -plsit., phos., pic-ac, robin., stram. sulph., valer., verat.

lewd talk: Aur., bell., cubeb., hyos., lil-t., loses way in well-known places: Glon.,
nux-v., plat., stram., verat. nux-m., petr.

fancies (Compare "Fancies"): Ambr., LONELINESS, a feeling of (See " Forsaken ")
dig., sang. Calc, cann-i., kali-c, mag-m., nat-c.

songs: Hyos., stram. LONGING for things which are rejected when
offered. ( See '
' Capriciousness. '

Plat., staph. '

good opinion of others, for: Pallad.

LIE, never speaks the truth, does not know what
she is saying: Op., verat. repose, lor, tranquillity: Nux-v.

believes all she says is a: I^ac-can.

sunshine, light and society, for: Grind-r.,
LIGHT, desire for: Aeon., am-m.. Bell., Gels.,
ruta, Stram., valer.
LOOKED at, children cannot bear to be: Ant-cr.,
ant-t., ars., cham., cina, iod., nat-m., rhus.,
LISTLESS. (See "Indifference.") stram., sulph.

LIVELY. (See "Mirth.") LOaUACITY. (See also "Speech"): Abrot.

aeon., aeth., agar., agu., aloe, ambr., anac.
LOATHING, general: Aeon., ang., ant-t., arg-n.,
arn., asar. bell., benz-ac, bufo, calc, ant-t., apis, arg-m., arn., ars., ars-h., aur.

canth., cham., chel., hyos., jatr., kali-bi., bapt, bar-c, bell., bor., bov., calad., calc.
kali-c, mere, myric, phel., plat., puis., camph., canu-i., canth., carl., caust., chel.
ratan., secale, seneg., stram., siunb., tarent., cimic, cocc, coc-c, coff., cra^:., cupr., dulc.
eugen., eup-pur., ferr-m., ferr-ph., gamb.
gels., glon., grat., guar., hydroc, hyos., iod.
morning on waking: Phyt. ip.,kali-iod., Lach., lachn., lil-t., mag-c

evening: Alum., hepar., raph. meph., merc-i-f., nat-c, nat-m., nice

nux-m., nux-v., cenan. ^a.r., phos., plb.,
business, his: Ars-h. podo., psor., rlius-t., secale, selen., stann.

eruption, before: Cop. staph., stram., tab., tarax., tarent., teucr.


thea, therid., thuj., tromb., verat., viol-o., Ars., arum-L, aur., bar-c bar-m.. Bell,, ,

zinc. brom., bufo, cact., calad., calc, camph.,

cann-i., canth., chel., chin-s., cic, cimic,
daytime: Arg-m.
coca, cocc, coff., colch., con., crot-h., cupr.,
forenoon: Caust. cupr-ac, eye, dig., glon., hell., hep., Hyos.,
evening: Calc, Lach., nux-v., selen., sol-t-se.
ign., indg., tod., kali-br., Kali-bi., kali-iod.,
lach., led., Lyc, Merc, merc-c, mane,
night: Plb. ox-ac, phos.,
nux-m., Nux-v., oena., op.,

alternating with laughing: Bell. plb., psor., puis., raph., rhod., sabad.,
secale, Stram., sulph., tarent., tereb.,
answers no questions, during which: Agar.
Verat., verat-v., zinc.
changing quickly from one subject to another:
(See "Speech"): Agar., cimic, Lach., capricious: Raph.
lye, par.
crawls on floor, spits often, hides, laughs, or is

chill, during: Podo., teucr. angry with spasms: Lach.

menses, during: Lach., stram, crazy, declares she will go : Cimic.
agg. : Bar-c. erotic: Apis, bar-m., Hyos., kali-b., orig.,
sleep, during: Ambr., cupr-ac, ign., op. phos., Tlsit., puis., sulph., Verat.

LOSES HIS WAY. (See "Locality.") laughing and gayety with Aeon , :
. ,
bell. , caust.
LOVE, ailments from disappointed : Anc-t., aur.,
calc-p., caust, cimic, coff., hell., Hyos., alternating with metrorrhagia: Crot-c.
Ign., kali-c, lach., Nat-m., nux-v., Pi-ac, groaning, with: Crot-c.
sepia., slaph., tarent.
neuralgia, after sudden disappearance of
love-sick: Ant-cr., tilia.
with one of her own sex: Nat-m., phos., paroxysmal: Dig., nat-c.
plat., sulph.
coming on during sleep: Phos.
with jealousy, anger, and incoherent talk:
Hyos. puerperal: Aur., bell., camph., cimic, cupr.,

hyos., kali-bi., kali-c, lyc, puis., stram.,

I with silent grief: Ign., nat-m., phos.. phos-ac.
verat., verat-v.

LOW-SPIRITS. (See "Sadness.") quarrelsome: Cupr., hyos., lyc.

LUDICROUS, things seem: Cann-s., nat-m., runs away: Bell., cupr., dig., nux-v., verat.
nux-m., stram.
about: Bell., bufo, con., chin., cupr-ac,
MAGNETIZED, desires to be: Calc, Phos., silic. hell., stram., sulph., verat.

MALICIOUS: Abrot., a,ro«., agar., aloe, ambr., naked: Bell., hyos.

am-c, am-m., anac, arn., ars., aur., bar-c, study, from over: Lach.
bell., berb., .borax, bufo, calc, cann-s.,
tearful: Aeon., cann-s.
canth., caps., carb-an., cans., chin., cic,
cocc, coloc, con., croc, ctipr., glon., guaj., washing head in cold water, am el. by: Sabad.
hepar., hydr., hyos., ign., kali-iod.,
lach., led., lye, mang., mere, mosch.,
uat-c, MANIA-A-POTU : Aeon., Agar., ant-cr., am.,
nat-m., nice, nit-ac, Ars., bell., bism., calc, cann-i., carb-v.,
Nux-v., op., par.,
petr., phos., plat., secale, squil.,
chin., chloral., cimic, coff., crot-h., dig.,
slram., stront., sulph., verat., zinc. gels., grat., hell., hyos., ign., LacL, led.,
lyc, mere, nat-c, Nat-m., Nux-m., Nux-v.,
MANIA, madness. (Compare with "Delirium,"
cena., op., phos., puis., ran-b., rhod.,
"Insanity," etc.): Absin., aeon., £Eth.,aiIan.,
rhus-t., rata, selen., sep., spig.,
alum., anac, ant-cr., apis, am.,
sil., Stram.,
arg-m.. sulph., sul-ac, verat., zinc.


MARRIAGE, the idea of, seemed unendurable: MEMORY, weakness of :

Lack., pic-ac.
kali-c, kreos., phos., sabin., selen.,
MEDITATION. (See "Absorbed"): Ani-c, sulph., tellur., tep.
aur., cann-s., canth., Carb-an., chin., cic

clem., cocc, con., eye, eugen., ham., hell., dates, for: Aeon., con., crot-h., fl-ac,
hyos., ign., ipec, kali-n., lach., mane, kali-bi., syph.
mezer., nat-c, phel., phos., plb., ran-b., done, for what has just: Aeon., agar.,
rhus-t., sabad., sep., spig., staph., sulph., aster., ab.sinth., bar-c, bor., bufo., bov.,
calad., calc-p., camph., chel., fl-ac,
hyos., lach.,
MELANCHOLY. (See "Despair," "Grief"
lac-can., lyc, nux-m.,
" Sadness.") rhus., sabin.

MEMORY active (Compare

do, for what was about to: Agn., bar-c,
bell., calc-p., calc-s.,
carb-ac, card-m.,
"Ideas"): Aeon., agar., aloe, alum., anac,
ang., ant-c, arn., ars., asaf., awr., bad.. cann-s., chel., cinnb., fluor-ac, gran.,
bov., brom., calc-p., camph., cann-i., cann-s.,
hydr., jug-c, kreos., mane, sulph.

caps., carb-v., chin., cimic, cob., coca, expressing one's self, for: Bell., cann-s.,
coc-c, cocc, Coff., croc, cub., cupr., eye, lac-can., lach., Ij'c, nux-v., puis., thuja.
dig., ether., fluor-ac, glon., grat., hipp., happened, for what has: Graph., nat-m.,
Hyos,, Lach., lyssiu mauc, meph., nat-p.,
nux-m., rhus-t., sulph.
nux-m., nux-v., Op., oxal-ac, phos., phys.,
pip-m., plat., plb., puis., raph.,
heard, for what has: Agar., calc, cann-i.,
seueg., spig., sulph., carb-v., hell., hyos., lach., mezer.,
sil., sulph-ac, tereb.,
thuj., valer., verat., verb., viol-od., nux-m., plat., psor., sulph.
zinc ,

ziz. labor, for mental (Compare " Stupefac-

evening: Lach. tion"): Aeon., aloe, asar., con., eye,

gels., graph., laur., lyc, naja, nat-c,
midnight, until: Coff. nsX-m., ph-ac, pic-ac, selen., sep., sil.,

alternating with dullness: Rhus. sol-m., spig., spong., staph., therid.,

with lassitude: Aloe.
fatigue, from: Calc, colch., gels.,
weakness of (See also "Mistakes"): Abrot.,
nat-c, nux-v., phos-ac, plat., puis.,
aeon., act-sp., sesc ,
agar., agii., ailan.,
Sep., sil.
alum., anibr., am-c, am-m., Anac, apis.,
arg., arg-n., ananth., am., ars., aur., bar-c.. letters, for the names of the: Lyc
Bell., berb., bor., bov., bry., bufo, calad., names, for proper: Anac, bell., cann-i.,
calc., calc-ph., camph., cann-s., carb-an., chlor., chin-s., crot-h., croc, fi-ac,.
carb-v., caust., chel., chin., chloral., chlor.
glon., guaj., kali-br., lach., lith., lyc.
clem., cocc, coff., Colch., co7i croc, crot-h., , med., mere, olnd., puis., rhus-t., secale,
cupr., eye., dig., euphr., fl-ae., gels., Glon., stram., sulph., syph.
graph., guaj., hell., helon., hepar., Hyos,,
ign., ipec, kali-c.,kali-bi.,kali-iod., kali-ph.,
occurrences of the day: Phos-ac, plb.,

kreos., lac-ac, lac-c, lac-d., Lach., laur.,
Lyc, mag-c. mang., med., melil., Merc,
persons, for: Acet-ac, agar., ail., anac,
merc-c, mezer., mosch., murx., nat-c, bell., cedr., cham., chlor., croc, h}'os.,

nat-m., nit-ac., Nux-m., nux-v., olnd., op., mere, nux-v., op., stram., thuj., verat.
petr., Phos., Ph-ac, pic-ac., plat, Plb., read, for what has: Ambr., anac, am.,
puis., rhod., rhus-t., ruta, sabad., sabin.,
ars-m., bell., cann-i., carb-ac, coff.,
sanic, sars., selen., seueg., Sep., sil., spig.,
colch., chlor. com-e, guaj., ham., hell.,
sj^ong., slann., staph., stram., stront., sulph.,
hipp., hydr., hyos., jug-e, lac-can.,
sul-ac, syphl., thuj., valer., Verat,, verb.,
lac-d.,Lach., lyc, med., mere, nat-m.,
viol-od., viol-tr., zinc.
olnd., op., phos., ph-ac, staph., lep.,
business, for: Agn., chel., fli-ac, hyos.. viol-od.

: )

MEMORY, weakness of MIRTH.
brom., calc. calc-s., camph., Cann-i.,
said, for what has: Arn., bar-c, caun-i.,
cann-s., caps., carb-an., carb-v., caust.,
carb-au., carb-v., colch., croc, hell.,
cham., chin., chin-s., chlor., cic-v., cimic,
hepar., kali-n., mere, mezer., imir-ac,
nux-ni., rhod., stram., sulph., tep., clem., cob., cocc, coc-c, Coff., con., croc,
cupr., cycl., dros., eupi., ferr., fl-ac,
form., gamb., gels., graph.,
HyoS., ign.,
say, for what is about to: Am-c, arg-n.,
iod., ip., kali-c, kali-ph., kreos., Lach.,
am., atrop., bar-c, cann-i., cann-s., lachn., laur., led., lyc, mag-e, niag-s.,
carb-an., colch., hell., hydr., hyper., meny., mere, merc-c, merc-i-f., merc-i-r.,
lil-t., mere, mez., nat-m., nux-m:, merl., mez., Nat-C, nat-m., nit-ac, nux-m..
podo., rhod., stram., sulph., verat. ox-ae, par., petr., phos, phos-ac,
sudden and periodical: Carb-v. plat., plb., psor., puis., rhus-t., sabad., sars.,
seneg., sep., spig., spong., squill., stann.,
things, for names of,: Lye, rhus-t.
staph., stram., sulph., sulph-ac, tab., tarax.,
thought, for what has just: Aeon., agar., tarent., therid., thuj., valer., verb., zinc.
alum., anac, bell., cann-i., cocc, colch.,
morning: Qon., fl-ac, graph., mag-m., sulph.
fluor-ac, hyos., nat-m., ran-sc, rob.,
staph., stram., verb. waking, on: Chin.

words, for: Agar., arg-n., am., bar-c, afternoon: Aug., arg-m., cann-s., lye,
cact., cann-i., cimic, dulc, ham., merc-i-f., phos., verb.
kali-br., lack., lil-t., lye, lyssin., med.,
evening: Aster., am-c, bufo-s., carb-v., chin.,
phos-ac, Plb,
coc-e, cycl., ferr., Lach., laur., nat-m.,
write, for what is about to: Cann-i., colch., phell., pip-m., sulph., valer., viol-t., zinc.
croc, dire, nat-m., mix-in., rhus.
ill-humor during the day: Sulph., viol-t.
written, for what he has: Calad., cann-i.,
noon, low spirited, lively in evening or vice
versa: Zi7ic
MEN, dread of ( Compare '
' Company " ) : Aloe,
night: Chin., naja.
aur., bar-c, bar-m., dios., lye, nat-e,
nat-m., phos., plat., puis., raph., Sep., until2a-m. : Chin.
stann., sulph.
air, in open: Phel.
MENTAL effort, inability to sustain. (See
alternating lachrymose mood, with: Plb.,
" Prostration of Mind.")
psor., spong., sep.

MESMEEIZED, desires to be: Calc, Phos., palpitation, vyith: Spig.

sadness, with: Croc, hell., nat-c, tarent.
seems as if: CEna.
emission, after an: Pip-m.
MILDNESS (See "Quiet"): Aeon., ambr.,
anac, Am., Ars., asar., aur., bell.,
foolish: Aeon., bell , calc carb-v., mere,
Bor., ,

bov., cad., calad., par., seneg.

calc, cann-i., caps.,
carb-an., caust., cedr., chel., cic-v., cina, stool, after: Bor., nat-s.
clem., cocc, croc, cupr., cycl., euphor.,
euphr., hell.,
weeping, after. ( See '
' Weepi ng. '

igti., indg., iod., kali-e, lil-t.,


lye, mang., mosch., mur-ac, nat-c,

Nat-m-, MISANTHROPY (Compare " Hatred "): Aeon.,
nit-ac, op., phos., phos-ae, plb.,
Puis., am-m., anac, aur., bar-c, calc, cic-v., cop.,
Rhus-t, i^-A, Sil, spong., stann., slravi., hj'os ,
hydrocot., iod., kali-bi., led., lyc,
sulph., thuj., verat., viol-o., zinc. na.t-c., phos., plat., puis., statin., tab.

MIRTH, hilarity, liveliness, etc.: Aeon., a;th.,

MISCHIEVOUS : Agar., aloe, Anac, am., ars.,
agar., aloe, alum., am-c, bar-c, calc, Cann-i., cupr., hyos., lach.,
anac, anag.,
ananth., ang., ant-t,, apis, arg-m., arn., ars.,
mere, Nux-V., strain., tarent., verat.
arund., asaf., asar., asc-t., aur., bar-c, bell.. MISERLY. (See "Avarice.")


MISTAKES in calculating: Ail., am-c, cliin-s., MISTAKES,
cou., crot-h., lye, mere, nux-v., rluis-t.,
sumb., syph. work, in: Acet-ae, all-e, bell., chin-s., nat-e.
plios. ,
localities: ^sc, bell., bov., bry., cann-i.,
writing, in: Am-e, benz-ae.
cbam., cic, glon., Imra, lacb., mere, bov., calc-ph.,
cann-i., ca^m-s., carb-an.,
nat-m., nux-m., par., Petr., pbos ,
psor., cham., chin.,
stram., sulph., valer., verat.
chin-s., chrom-ae, croc, crot-h., dios., fl-ae'
graph., hep., hydr., hyper., ign,,
measure and weight and gives wrong answers: kali-br., kali-ph., lac-e, lack.,
lact-ae, lil-t,
Nux-v. lyc, mag-e, nat-e, nat-m., 7iux-m., nux-v.i
names, calls things by wrong: Dios., stram. ptel., puis., rhod., rhu.s-t, sep., sil., sulph.]
sumb., thuj.
reading: Cham., liyos., lye, mere, sil., stann.
adding: Chin-s., lyc
speaking: Acet-ae, agar., alum., am-e, arg-n.,
arn., bov., bufo, calc, cann-s., canth., caust., omitting letters: Hyper., . kali-br. lac-e,
chhi., chin-s., coca, cocc, con., crot-h., lyc, melil., nux-m nux-v., puis.,
cupr., cycl., dies., graph., haem., ham., stram., thuj.
hep., hyos., ign., kali-br., kali-e, lac-c, syllables: Bov., nux-v,
lach., lil-t., lye, mang., mere, murex.,
nat-m., nux-m., words: Benz-ae, cann-s cham.,
nux-v., osm., phos-ae, ,

p^ds., rhus-r., secale, selen., sep., kali-br ,

lac-ae, lyc, melil., nux-v.,
sil., stram.,
sulph., sulph-ae, thuj. rhod., thuj.

exertion, worse after: Agar. repeating words: Calc-ph., cann-s., kali-br.,

lac-e, sulph.
intend, what he does not: Nat-m.
wrong syllables: Lyc, selen. transposing letters: Chin., lyc, stram.

wrong answers, gives: Nat-m., wrong words, using: Agar., alum., am-e, am.,
phos. calc, calc-ph., cann-s.. Chin., cocc, dir.,

spelling, in: All-e, crot-h., fl-ae, hyper., lach., Lyc, Nux-m., sep., thuj.

lact-ae, lyc, med., nux-m., nux-v., stram., opposite, hot for cold: Kali-br., nux-m.
putting "right" for "left" or vice
time, in: Aeon., alum., anae, atrop., bad., versa: Chin-s., dios., fl-ae, hyper.,
bor., camph., cann-i., cer-b., cic, cocc, con., iris-foet.
croc, dir., elaps, fl-ae, glon., hura, lach.,
says plums when he means pears: Dios.,
med., nux-m., nux-v., op., pall., petr.,
lye, stram.
plb., sulph., therid.

afternoon, always imagines it is: Lach.

MOANING (Compare "Groaning"):
ant-t., apis, camph., cann-i.,
ars., Bell.,
confounds present with future: Anae canth., carb-ac, caust., cham., chin., cic-v.,
cina, cocc, coS., colch., crot-h., eup-per.,
past: Cic, croc,
med., nux-m., staph. gels., graph., hell., hydr-ae, hyos., ign., ip.,
kreos., lach., laur., mang., mere, mur-ac,
words, misplacing: Alum., all-e, am-e, am.,
naja, nux-v., op., o:s.-a.c., phos., phyto., psor.,
bov., bufo, calc, cann-s., caust., cham.,
rheum, sars., secale, squill., stram., sulph.,
chin., cocc, con., crot-h., cycl., fl-ae, sulph-ae, tab., tanae, tarent., verat., zinc.
graph., hep., hyos., hyper., kali-bi., kali-e,
kali-ph., lac-c, lack., lyc, mere nat-c,, afternoon : Cina.

nat-m., nux-m., nux-v., osm., puis., rhod.,

evening: Ars.
Sep., sil., stram., sulph., thvij.
sleep, during: Ars.
name of object seen instead of one de-
sired: Lac-c. night: Ars., cujDr., hep., tarent., zinc.

reverses: Calc, chill, during: Cupr-ac. eup-per., nat-m.

caust, chin., cycl., ,

kali-br., osm., stram., sulph. constant and gasping for air: Phyto.

^th., agar., aloe, alum., am-c, anac,
arn., art-v., bell ,
bism., bry., canth.,
contradicted, when: Tarent.
carb-ac, carb-s., carb-v., cina, clem., cocc,
cough, during: Bell., cina, podo. colch., coloc, con., cop., crot-t., cycl., dig.,
ferr., form., guaj., ip., kreos. ,
led., lye,
heat, during: Aeon., cham., eup-per., ip.,
lyssin. mane, mere,
merl., mez., mur-ac,
lach., Puis.
Nux-v., phos-ac, plant., plat., plb.. Puis.,
hemicrania, with: Cop. rheum., ruta, sang., stann., sulph., thuj.,
sleep, during: Ail., aloe, alum., ars., dell., uran-n., valer ,
verb., zinc.

bry., cadm., calad., cham., con., hyos., ign., menses, before: Lyc.
ip., lach., lye, inur-ac, nat-m., nux-v., op.,
after: Ferr.
phos-ac. podo.,
, stann. sulph.

MOCKING: Ars., chin., ip., lach., plat, par., MORTIFICATION, ailments after: Aur.,
aur-m., bell., bry., cham., Coloc, Igt., LyC,
lyssin., Nat-m., nux-v., Phos-aC, plat.,
his relatives: Secale. puis., seneg.. Staph., stram., sulph., verat.

MONOMANIA: Aeon., ananth., carb-v., hell.,

MOTIONS. (See "Gestures.")
ign., nux-m., puis., sil., stram., sulph.,
thuj. MURDER, desire to. (See " Kill.")

MOODY. ( See " Brooding, " " Mood. '

MUSIC, averse to. (See " Sensitive.")

MOOD, agreeable: Abrot., ant-t., croc, ign., MUTTERING (Compare "Delirium"): Ail.,

lach., meny., plat., stilph-ac, zing. apis, am., ars., bell., calad., cann-s., cham.,
chel., cocc, colch., crot-h., dulc, hep.,
alternating: ^c£i«., agn., Alum., ant-t, arn.,
Hyos., iris-v., Lach., lyc, mere, nat-m.,
asaf., asar., aur., bar-c, bell., bism., bov.,
nux-v., op., phos., phos-ac. plb., rhus-t.,
cann-s., caps., carb-an., caust., con., croc,
secale, sil., stann., Stram., sulph-ac, tabac,
cupr., cycl., dros., Ferr., graph., hyos.,
tarax., verat., vip.
Ign., iod., kali-c, lye, med., mere, naja,
nat-c, nat-m., nux-m., op., phos., Plat., evening: ^^\\., phos., plb.

puis., sars., stann., s'w^h.., sulph., in bed: Sil.

tarent., valer.. Zinc night on waking: Sil.

changeable, variable, etc. Aeon., agn., aloe,:

himself, to: Hyos., tabac.
alum., ambr., anac, ant-t., apis, arg-m.,
arn., ars., asaf.,
sleep, in: Alum., ars., camph., con., hyos.,
asar., aur., bar-c, bell.,
bism., bov., bor., bry indg., mere, rhus-t.
bufo, calc, cann-s.,
caps., carb-an., carl., caust., chin., cocc, NAKED, wants to be: Bell., hyos., phos., phyt.,
con., croc, cupr., cycl., dig., dros., ferr., secale.
gels., graph., hyos., Ign., iod., kali-c, lach.,
in delirium: Merc, secale.
lachn., lye, mag-c, meny., mere, mez.,
morph., nat-c, nat-m., nit-ac, Nux-m., op., NERVOUS. (See "Anxiety," "Restlessness,"
petr., phel., phos., plat., puis., ran-b., rat., etc)
sabad., sanic, sars., seneg., sep., sil., spig., NOISE, averse to. (See under "Sensitive,"
spong., staph., stram., sulph., sulph-ac, "Frightened Easily," "Starting.")
tarent., thuj., valer., verat., verb.,
evening: Aur., croc. NYMPHOMANIA: Ambr., agar., ant-e, apis,
bar-m., bell., calad., calc, calc-ph., cann-i.,
dinner, after: Aloe.
cann-s., cedr., coff., dig., dulc, Jl-ac, grat.,
(For the various alternations of Hyos., kali-br., Lach., Hl-t., lyc, mere
"Mood" see special names as murex., nat-m., nux-v., Orig., phos..
"Anger," "Laughter," etc.) Plat, plb., puis., raph., robin., sabad.,
MOPING. (See "Sadness.") Stram., sulph., tarent., verat.
MORAL FEELING, want of: Anac, bism., con., menses, before: Calc-ph., phos., stram., verat.
curar., hyos., kali-br., laur.,
op., sabad. during. Hyos., kali-br., verat.


NYMPHOMANIA, menses: PERTINACITY : Caps., dros., stram.
suppressed: Ant-c.
PETULANT. ( See " Irritability. '


pregnanc v
during: Zinc.
PHLEGMATIC. (See "indifference.")
puerperal: Kali-br.

OBSCENE. (See "Uwdness.") PHYSICAL exertion amel. mental symptoms:

OBSTACLES, wants Ihem to be removed, in
sleep: Cham. PICKING. (vSee "Gestures.")

OBSTINATE: Aeon., act-sp., agar., alum., PIETY, nocturnal: Stram.

alumen., am-c, anac, ant-t., apis, arn., ars.,
PITIES herself: Agar.
aur., bell., bry., Calc, campli.. cantli.,
caps., carb-an., carb-v., cans., Cham., chel., PLANS, making many: Anac, ang., chin ,
chin., ci7ia, croc, eye, dig., dros., fern, nux-v., olnd., sulph.
guaj., hepar., hura, ign., ipec, kali-c,
evening: Chin.
kali-iod., kalm ,
kreos., lach., lye, mere,
mur-ac, nil-ac, gigantic: Op.
Nux-V., phos., ph-ac,
pall., psor., sanic, secale, sil., spong., revengeful: Agar.
stram., sulph., timj., viol-od , zinc.
PLAYFUL: Aloe, cimic, cocc, elaps., lach.,
appearance of menses, upon: Chain.
men., naja, oxal-ac, seneg., tarent.
declares there is nothing the matter with him: alternating with melancholy: Psor.
Apis., Arn.
desires to play in the grass: Elaps.
children, yet cry when kindly spoken to: Sil.
indisposition to play, in children: Bar-e.,
inclined to grow fat: Calc.
bar-m., cina, hep., lyc, Rheum, sulph.
OCCUPIED, or busy, amel. while: Agar., bar-c,
plays with the buttons of his clothes: Mosch.
chin., croc, cupr ,
ferr., helon., nat-c,
pip m., Sep., stram., thuja. PLEASURE: Aug., cann-i., tilia.

OFFENDED, easily: Aeon., agar., alum., arn., nothing, in: Hura, ip., mezer ,
staph., sulph.,
ars., aur., bov., calc, camph., cann-s. ,
caps., therid.
carb-v., cans., cham., chel., chin., cina., (See " Discontented.")
cinnb., cocc, coloc ,
eye, dros., graph., lye,
mere, nat-m., Ifux-V., petr., phos., plat.,
own talking, in his: Par., nat-m., stram.

puis., rau-b., sars., Sep., spig., stram., sulph., voluptuous ideas, only, in: Bell,
wakefulness, during: Secale.
(Compare "Sensitive.")
waking, on, from a dream of murder: Thea.
OPPRESSION, mental: Cann-i., psor., ran-b.,
POOR, thinks is. (See under " Delusions.")
ran-sc, til.

POSITIVENESS (Compare with "Obstinate"):

OVER-SENSITIVE. (See " Sensitive.")
Camph., caust, ferr., lach., mere
PASSIONATE (See "Anger" and "Irritabil-
PRAYING: Arn., ars., bell., euph., hyos.,
ity"): Ars., aur., cann-i., canth., chin-s.,
op., plat., puis., strain., sul-ac , Verat.
(off., con., hep., hyos., kali-c., kali-iod.,
laur., lyc, nat-m., nat-s., nux-v., olnd., nights: Stram.
petr., phos., psor., Sep., .stram., sulph., PRECISION of mind, increased: Ferr-p.
trifle, at every: Nat-m nat-s., phos., ph-ac.
PRE-OCCUPIED. (See " Ab.sence of Mind.")
PRIDE. (See " Haughty.")
PEEVISH. (See "Irritability.")

PERSONAL identity, errors of. (See " Confu.sion

PROPHESYING: Aeon., agar., stram.

of Mind.") predicts the time of death: Acon., arg-n.

QUIET disposition: Abics-c, aloe, alum., asar.,
PROSTRATION of mind; Abrot., agar., ambr.,
anr., hell., caps., cic, clem., cocc, euph.,^^/5.,
anac, apis, arg-m., arg-n., ars., ast-t.,
cham., hyos., ign., lach., lyc, mang., mur-ac,
bar-c.y try., calc, cann-i., carb-v.,
nux-v., petr., Phos-ac, plat., plb., puis.,
cic, cocc, colch., Con., cupr., dig., gels.,
sars., Sep., sil., stann., viol-tr., zinc.
graph., hep., iod., kali-ph., Lach., laur.,
led., mere, aa.]a.,nal-c.,nal-m.,
meli., (Compare " Mildness.")
Nit-ac, nnx-m., Nux-V., op., petr.,
cannot be quieted: Cina.
Phos-ac, Phos., Pic-ac, plant., plat.,
podo., puis., rhus-t, sars., selen., seneg., carried, only by being: Cham.
Sep., Silic, spig., spong., stann., staph.,
heat, during: Bry., gels.
Sulph., sul-ac, teucr., valer., zinc.
wants to be: Bell., bry., cann-i., coca, cupr-s.,
eating, after: Lach.
dios., euph.. Gels., sal-ac.

reading, from: Silic. chill, during: Ars., kali-c

writing, after: Silic. desires repose and tranquillity: Nux-v.

PULLS, desires to pull one's hair: Bell., lil-t., RAGE, fury (See "Anger" and "Delirium"):
tarent. Aeon., aeth., agar., alumen., anac, ant-t.,

arg-n., ars., bar-c. Bell., bufo., camph.,

one's nose in the street: Merc. cann-i., cann-s., Canth., cham., chel., colch.,

one's teeth: Bell. croc, crot-h., cupr., dig., dros., dulc, fl-ac,
Hyos., kali-c, lach., lyc, mere, mosch.,
PUNS, disposed to make: Cann-i. nat-m., nit-ac, op., phos., plb., puis., ruta,
saheLd.., secale, seneg., Stram., verat.
(lUARRELSOME : agar., alum., ambr.,
am-c, anac, ananth., ant-t., arn., ar^. aster. , alternating, affectionate disposition, with:
aur., bar-c, bell., bov., brovi., bry., calc, Croc.
caviph., canth., c^-^s., canst., cenchr., cham., convulsions, with: Stram.
chel., chin., con., croc, crot-h., dig., diilc,
alone, while: Bufo.
elaps, ferr., fl-ac, hyos., Ign., kali-iod.,
kali-ph., lach., lyc, mere, merl., mezer., bright objects agg. : Canth.
mosch., uat-c, nat-m., nat-s., nice, nit-ac, cold applications to head amel. : Sabad.
Nux-V., olnd., petr., plat., psor., ran-b.,
ratan., rheum, ruta, seneg
conviilsive: Bell., stram.
sep., spong., ,

staph., strain., stront., Sulph,, tarent., does not know his relatives: Bell,
thea, thuja., tilia, verat., verat-v., viol-tr.,
drinking, while: Stram.
epilepsy, after: Arg-m.
morning: Petr., psor., ran-b.
insults, after: Sang., stram.
afternoon: Dulc.
menses, during: Aeon ,
bell., hyos.
evening: Am-c, nat-m., nice, psor., sil.
pulls hair of bystanders: Bell.
alternating with gayety and laughter: Croc, staring looks, with: Bell.
trying to drink, when, or touching larynx:
care and discontent: Ran-b. Canth.
silent depression: Con. trifles, about: Cann-s.
singing: Croc, violent: Bell., hyos.
desires to quarrel: Atrop., hyos., sul-ac.
RASHNESS : Aur., caps., meny., puis.
jealousy, from: Cench., lach., nux-v.
READING, averse to: Aeon., bar-c, brom.,
sleep, in: Ars., cupr-ac, bell., rheum. carb-ac, carl., clem., coca, corn., cycl.,
hydr., kali-bi., lact-ac, lil-t,, nat-a., nux-v.,
QUICK TO ACT: Cojf., lach. ox-ac, phys., -pyr-as, sil.

) ' )

READIIfG, averse to,
walking in the open air amel. : Ox-ac. I'iiHseli: Aeon., calc-p., dig., hura, hyos.,
desires to be read to: Chin., sarr.
ailments after: Coloc, ign..
REASON. (See "Confusion of mind.") Op.,
^ phos-ac,
loss of. (See " Insanity," " Mania," etc.)
REPULSIVE mood: Aeon., alum., ambr.,
RECOGNIZE, does not, his relatives: Acet-ac, ant-c, am., ars., aur., bell., camph., caps.]
anac., bell., cic, cupr., caus., con., croc, hepar., ign.,
g/o,i., Hyos.,' ipec.kali-c,
kali-bi., melil., mere, verat. lact., laur., led., lyc., mag-c, mag-m.,
mere, nit-ac, nux-v., petr., phos.,
own house: Melil. plb.,
puis., samb., sars., sil., spong., sulph., thuja.
everything, but cannot move: Cocc., sang.
RESENTMENT. (See " Malicious.")
EECOLLECT. (See " Forgetful," "Memory.") RESERVED: ^th., alum., arg-n., ars., aur.,
REFLECTIVE. bell., bism., calc, caps., carb-an.,
(See " Meditation.") caus.,
cham., chin., clem., coloc, eye, dros.,
REFUSES things asked for. (See " Capricious- euph., euphr., grat., hell., hyos., ign., indg.,
ness. '
ipec, lach., lyc, mag-c, mang., mur-ac,
RELIGIOUS afJections
(See "Anxiety," "De- nat-m., nit-ac, nux-v., olean., op., petr.,
spair"): Alum., am-c, ars., aur., bar-c, phos., plat., plb., puis., rheum, sabad.,
bell., calc, camph., carb-v., canst., cham., sabin., spong., stann., verat.
chel., cina, coff.,
con., croc, cycl., dig., RESISTANCE (See "Obstinate"): Caps.,
ferr., graph., hura, Hyos., ign., kali-br.i nux-v.
kali-ph., Lach., Lil-t., lyc, med.,
melil., everything done for him, to: Bell,
mere, mez., nat-m., nux-v., plat, psoK,
feeling of, a, to be overcome on moving:
puis, robin., rhus-t., ruta, sabad., selen.,
Sep., sil., stann., stram., Sulph., thuj.,
Verat., zinc. RESOLUTE. (See " Courageous.")
children, in: Ars., calc, lack., sulph. RESOLVE, difficult to. (See " Irresolute "
feeling, want of: Anac, coloc. REST, cannot, when things are not in proper
place (Compare "Quiet ") Anac, ars.
horror of the opposite sex: Lyc, puis., :

RESTLESSNESS: Abies-c, abies-n., abrot..
REMORSE: Alum., am-c, ars., aur., bell., Aeon., acon-c, act-sp., aeth., agar., agar-ph.,
carb-v., caust., cham., chel., cina, cocc, ailan., all-c, aloe, alum., alirnin., ambr.,
Coffi, con., cupr., cycL, dig., ferr., graph., am-c, amme, aml-n., anac, ananth., anthr.,
hyos., ign., lach., mere, nat-c, nat-m., ant-cr., ant-s., ant-t., apis, apoc, arg.,
nit-ac, nux-v., plat., puis., ruta, sabad., Arg-n., arn., Ars., ars-h., ars-i., arum-t,
selen., sil., stram., stront., sulph., veral., asaf., asar., asc-t., aster., atro., a^ir., bad.,
Bapt., bar-e. Bell., bism., bor., bov., bry.,
afternoon: Am-c, carb-v. cadm., calad., calc, Calc-p., calc-s., calo.,
Camph., cann-i., cann-s., cauth., caps.,
evening: Puis. '

carb-an., carb-v., castor., caul. caust., cedr., ,

night: Puis. cham., chel., chim., chin., chin-s., chlo.,

repents quickly: Croc, olnd. cimie, cina cinnb., cist., Cit-V., clem.,

cob., coca, cocc, coc-c, coflt., co£F-t., colch.,

trifles, about: Sil. coloc, coll., com., con., cop., cor-r. corn.,

waking, on: Puis. croc, crot-c, croton., cub., cupr., cupr-ac,

cupr-ar., cupr-s., cur., eye, dig., dios.,
REPROACHES others: Aeon., alum., ars., aur., dire, dor., dros., dulc ,
elaps, erig ,
cala-ph ,
caps., cham., Chin., cic, gran., euphr., eupi., ery-a., ferr., ferr-i ferr-m.,

hyos., ign., lach., lyc, mere, mezer., nat-m., fluor-ae, gels., gent., gins., graph., guaj.,
nux-v., par., ph-ac ,
sep ,
staph., verat. guara., hoemat., ham., hell., helon., hipp..


i ,


hydr-ac, Hyos., hyper., ign., indg., iod., .

anthr., ant-ox., ant-t., apis, apoe, arg.,
ipec, iris., jabor., jatr., kali-b., kali-br., arg-n., ars., ars-i., asaf., asc-t., aster., atrc,
kali-c, kali-chl., kali-i., kali-n., kali-ph., aur., aur-s., bad., bapt., bell., bism., bov.,
kali-s., kalm., kreos., lac-c, lack., lachn., bry., cact., cain., calc., calc-cau., camp.,
lac-ac, lact, laiir., led., lepi., lil-t, lobel., canth., carb-ac, carb-an., carb-v., card-m.,
lye, lyssin. ,
mag-c, mag-m., mag-s., cast-v., castor., caul., Caus., cedr., cham.,
mane, mand., mang., meph.. Mere, chin., cic, cimic, cina, cinnb., cist ,
twifrr-t., nierc-d. ,
merc-i-r., merc-s., merl. clem., coca, coc-c, coloc, com., cor-r.,
mezer., mill., inorph., mosch., mur-ac, corn., crot-t., cupr-s., eye, dig., dios.,
myric, naja, nat-ar., tiat-c, nat-m., nat-s., dire, dulc, erig., eupi., euphr., fago., ferr-i.,
nice, nicot., 'nit-ac, nit-m-ac, uit-ox., fluor-ac, foi-m., gels., glon., gnap., graph.,
nux-m., nux-v., oena., olnd.,
osm., op., guaj., hell., hura, hydrs., hyper., iber.,
oxal-ac, petr., phos., ph-ac, phys., phyt., ign., indg., indm., iris., jac, jatr., jug-c,
plan., plat., Plb., prun., psor., ptel.. Puis., kali-ars., kali-b., kreos., lach., led., Lyc,
puls-n., ran-b., rat., rheum, rhod. E.hus-t., , lyssin., mag-c. mag-m., mang., 7tied.,

rhus-v., rumx., ruta, sabad., sabin., sanib., mere, merc-c, merc-cy., morph., mosch.,
sanic, sarr., scut, secale, Sep., sil., sol-u., mur-ac. myric, nat-c, nat-m., nat-s., nice,

spig., stann., staph., Stram., Sulph., sul-ac, nit-ac, nux-m., nux-v., op., osm., oxal-ac,
sumb., tabac, tarax., tarent., tax., tell., par., petr., phos., ph-ae, phys., phyt.,
ihuj., trom., upa., vac, valer., verat., pip-m., plan., plb., podo., ptel..
vine, Puis.,
viol-o., vip., zinc, zing. ran-b., ran-sc., Rhus-t., rhus-v., rumex.,
daytime: Ambr., nat-c, nat-m., plan., rhus-t., ruta, sang., senee, sep., sil., spong.,
staph. stram., stry., sulph., sul-i., sul-ac, tabac,
tarax., thea., teucr., thuj., ustil., valer.,
morning: Ailan., dulc, fago., gamb., gels., verat., verat-v., verb., vesp., ^dp., yue,
hyper., iod., iris-foe., kali-br., lye, nat-m., zinc.
myric, phos-ac, phys., sulph thuj., upa. ,

midnight, at: Nat-m.

bed, in: Ph-ac.
waking, on: Plat.
waking, on: Dulc, hyper,
before: Alum., cot., mag-m., sars., senee
forenoon: Calad., cimic, fago., lyssin., thuja,
after: Ars., dios., lye, merc-i-r., rhus-v.,
noon: Bell., lyssin.
sil., sulph., zinc.
afternoon: Anac, apis, aur., calc-s., carb-v.,
1 a. m.: Gett., nat-ar., phos.
caul., cimic, coloc, dios., fago.,
mere, naja, nice, staph., tabac, thuj., upa. 2 a. m.: Ambr., com., ferr., graph., mag-m.,
myric, zing.
evening: Aeon., agar., alum., am-c, ars.,
bov., calc, calc-s., 3 a. m.: Agar., cimic, coci-c kreos., nat-ar.,
carb-v., caul., cans., ,

chin-s.,clem., dios., equ., eth., fago., nat-m.

hepar., jabor., lach., laur., lye, everything feels sore, must
lycps.^ move about:
mag-c. ,
meph., mere, mur-ac. Nice.
nat-e, nice, nux-v., phos., ph-ae,
phys-i a. m.: Clem., kreos., nit-ac, trom.
rumx., ruta, sabin., scut., sep., 4
thuja., zinc. 5 a. m. : Tarent.
bed, in: I,yc., mag-m., uux-v., air, in open, amel.: Aur-m., laur., lyc.
phos., sabin '
Sep., thuja.
alone, when: All-s., mezer.,
4-6 p. m.: 'Carb-v., lyc.
alternating with sleepiness and stupor, during
8p.m.: Calc, Merc. fever: Ars.
night: Abies-c, abies-n., abrot.,
aeon., acon-c anxiety, from.
alum., am-cau., am-m., (See "anxious," "Restless-
anac, ang., anil., ness.")


anxious, with anxiety, etc.: Aeon., alum., dinner, after: Ani-ni., nat-c, ruta, thuja.
ambr., aiiac, arg-n., Ars., asaf., aspar., amel. after: Thuja.
aur., bell., bov., biy.., calc, calc-p., caniph.,
carb-an., carb-v., canst, c/iam.,
dreams, from: Ph-ac.
canth., caps ,

chin., chin-s., cimic, clem., cofT., croc, drink, at the sight of: Bell.
crot-h., Rraph., hell., liepar., iod.,
eating, when: Bor., petr.
lact., men., mere, nat-c, nat-m., nit-ac,

nux-v., op., phos., ph-ac, plat., puis., after: Am-m., bar-c, chin., cinnb., lach.,
plumb., rhus-L, ruta, sabad., sanic, ,sep., nux-m., nux-v., petr., phos., ph-ac
sil., spig., spong., staph., tabac, veler., rhod., rhus-t., sulph.
verat., zinc. eye, on closing at night, aggr. : Sep.
during intervals of epilepsy: Arg-n. fainting, followed by: Calc.
compelling rapid walking: Arg-n., ars.,
fit, after a: CE)na.
lil-t., sul-ac.
headache, during: Anac, arg-n., ars., bry.,
back, during tired aching in: Calc-fl. cadm., calad., canth., cham., chin., daph.,
bed, driving out of: Ars., bry., carb-v., caust., gent., ign., kali-i., lach., lye, morp., naja,

Cham., chin., chin-s., con., graph., hepar., nux-m., ran-b., ruta, sil., vip-t.
hyos., lye, mag-c, nat-m., nit-ac, nux-v., from pain in forehead, at night: Cyc.
puis., rhus-t., Sep., sil., therid.
heat, during the: Aeon., am-c, ant-t., am.,
heat of, from: Op.
Ars., atro., bapt., bar., bell., caps., cham.,
wants to go from one bed to another: Ars., china., cina, con., cub., gels., hyper., ipec,
bell., calc, cham., cina, hyos., mezer., lachn., mag-c, mag-m., mosch., mur-ac, op.,
plb., rhus-t., Sep., verat. plant.. Puis., rheum., Rhus., sabin., secale,
spong., staph., sulph., thuj., valer.
tossing aboiit in: Aeon., alum., apis, ars.,
asaf., bapt., bell., bor., bry., calc, after: Ph-ac ,
puis., sep.
campli., canth., carb-an., castor., caust.,
hysterical: Asaf., aur.
cham., cic, cina, cist., clem., cocc,
cor-h., crot-t., curar., dulc, ferr., internal: Aeon., agar., atro., Ars., carb an.,
ferr-m., guaj., hell., ign., lach., led., carl., chel., eupi., gins., lobel.,lyc., mag-c,
lye, mag-m., mere, mur-ac, uat-c, mag-m., mag-s., raeph., nat-m., op., par.,

nat-m., op., par., phos., puis., ran-sc, plb., phos., ph-ac, ran-b., rheiun., Rhus-t.,
seun., sep., squill.,
rheum, Rhus-t,, Sep., Sil.

staph., sulph., valer., verat. morning, on waking: Sep.

from congestion in: Sep.
chest, evening, in bed: Eupi
from heat rising up into mouth from: on waking, with headache: Par.
as if would beat about herself with hands
in: Ant-t., bor., chain., jalap.,
children, and feet: L,yc.
head, with stupefied feeling in: Ars.
by being carried about: Ant-t.,
lying while: Aur., cit-v., mag-m., nux-v.
ars., cham., cina., kali-c.
on back, aggr., on side amel.: Calc-p.
chill, during the: Acou., anac, Ars., asaf.,
bell., bor., cann-s., caps.,
carb-v., eup-pvir., menses, before: Aeon., coloc, con.,
rhus-t., spig. kreos., lye, mag-c, magn-aus., mang.
kreos., mez., plant., plat.,
nux-v., sulph.
at beginning of : Lach., phos.
during: Aeon., am-c, ant-t., apis, ars.

coffee, after: Bart. bell., bor., calc, cham., cocc cojf., croc,

gels hyos., ign., ipec, kali-c, mag-m.

Calc, cop., dig., petr. ,

coition, after:


mere, nat-c, iiit-ac, nux-v., op., phos. waking, on: Ambr., ani-c, bell., canth.,

plat., puis., r/ius-t., secale, scp., sulph., cedron., chin., cina, dulc, hyper., phos.,
thuja. phos-ac, Sep., sil., squill., stann., tarax.

suppressed, during: Ars., cimic, kali-c, walking, while: Ambr., caust., paeon., ran-b.,
nice, nux-v., rhus., sep., zinc. thuja.

metrorrhagia, during: Aeon., apis, cham., amel.: Dios., nat-m., nice.

hyos , stram. in open air, amel. : Graph.

after: Mag-c. wandering, night, from pain: Ferr.

mental labor, during: Borax. whining: Cham.

amel.: Nat-c. working, while: Cit-v., Graph.

music, from: Tarent. REVEALS SECRETS: Agar., hyos.

pacing back and forwards: Plan, in sleep: Am-c, ars.

paroxysms, during: Plb. REVERENCE for those around him: Ham.

periodical: Ars. REVENGEFUL. (See " Malicious.")

every third day: Anac. RIDICULE, mania to: Acori., hyos., lach., nux-v.,
perspiration, during: Bry., graph., lachn.,
samb. RIDING IN A CARRIAGE, averse to: Psor.
amel.: Sulph. RISUS SARDONICUS. (See "Face.")
pregnancy, during: Aeon., verat. ROCKING, amel.: Aeon., cham., cina, puis.,
rage, ending in a: Canth. rhus-t.

reading, while: Sumb. ROVING about naked: Hyos.

rising, on: Atro., fago., ptel. wrapped in fur in the summer: Hj'os.

from a seat: Caust. senseless, insane: Bell., canth., coff., hyos.,

nux-v., sabad., stram., verat.
room, in: Lyc.
RUDENESS: Ambr., arn., aur., eugen., hell.,
sitting, while: Alum., cact., causi., lyc, hyos., Ij-c, nux-m., nux-v., op., par., phos.,
mag-c, nat-m., plan., sil., sulph.
stram., verat.
sitting at work, while : Graph.. ailments from rudeness of others: Calc,
sleep, before: Thuja. Staph.
during. (See "Sleep.") RUN, desire to (See "Escape"): Calc, con.,
glon., hell., Stram., sulph., Verat.
smoking, after: Calad.


Abies-n., abrot., acal., acet-ac, ACGJI., act-s.,
storm, during a: Gels., nat-c, nat-m., phos., ccsc, agar., agn., ailau., all-c.,' aloe[
psor. alumen., alum., ambr., am-c, am-ni., anac,
ananth., ant-c, apis, apoc, aran., arg-m.,
stretching backward, amel. : Borax.
arg-n., arn., Ars., arum-t., asaf., asar.[
study, when attempting to: Ind. aster., Aur., Aur-m., bapt., baa-c, bell.,
berb., bov., brom., bry., biifo., eaet.,
talking, after: Ambr., borax. calad.,
Calc, Calc-ars., calc-fl., calc-ph., camph.,
tosses about cann-i., cann-s., canth., caps.,
greatly, rises up in delirium: Carb-an
Cham., cina., hell., stram. carb-v., card-m., Caust., Cham., cheL,
Chin., chin-s., cic, Cimic, cina, cinub.,
tremulous: Arn., plat.
clem., cob., coca, cocc, colch., coloc.


con., corn., croc, crot-h., crot-t., ctipr., amel.: Agar., cann-s.
eye, dig., dros., dulc, eugen., eu]>perf., evening: Agar., am-c, ant-cr., ant t., ars.,
eiip-pur., euph., euphr., Ferr., fluor-ac.,
Aur., bar-c, bov., calc, carb-an., carb-v.,
gaiiib., Gels., glon., Graph., grat., guaj., cast., eye, dig., ferr., fl-ae, graph.,
liEeniat., ham., Hell., hclon., hepar., hura,
hyper., ign., kali-bi., kali-e, kreos., lact.,
hydroc, //_r<//'. hyos., hyper., Ign., i'ldg.,
lyc, mag-e, mu'rx., naja, nat-m., nat-p.,
ind-m., iod., ipec, iris., kali-b., kali-br.,
nit-ac, phos., plat., puis., ran-.se, rhus.,
kali-chl., kali-iod.,\s\\-T\., kali-ph.,
ruta, senec, seneg., sep., stram., sulp/i.,
kreos., lac-can., lac-d., Lach., lachn., lact.,
ther., verat., zinc
lam., laur., lept., Lil-t., Lyc, lyc-v., niag-c,
mag-iu., mag-s., mane, mang., med., meny., amel.: Aloe, cann-s., carb-v., coca, ham..

Merc, werc-c, rnerc-i-r., merl., zinc.

mosch., murx., mur-ac, mygale, myric, night: Am-c, carb-an., dulc, kali-ph.,
naja, Nat-C, Nat-m., nat-s., uicc, Nit-ac. plat., rhus-t.
nux-m.,' nux-v., olnd., op., ol-an., petr.,
phel., phos., ph-ac, phyt., pic-ac, plant.,
amel.: Am-c, tarent.

Plat, />/i5., podo., prun., Psor., ptel., Puis., and day, during weeping: Caust.
ran-sc, raph., rheum, rhod., Rhus-t.
bed, in: Ars., graph., lil-t, stram., sulph.
rhus-v., robin.) rtimex., riita, sabin., sanic.
sars., sarr., secale., senec, seneg., sep., sil.,
twilight, in: Phos.

spig., spong., Stann., staph., still., strain., midnight: Plat.

stront., Sulph., sul-ac, tabac, thea,
air, in open: ]£Xa.., con., cupr., hep., kali-c,
Thuj., tilia, tong., trill., ustil., valer.,
mur-ac, petr., phos-ac, sabin., sulph.,
verat-v., Verat., verb., vib., viol-tr., xanth.,
zinc, zing., ziz.

amel.: Plat., rhus., tarent.

morning: Agar., aloe, alum., alumen., am-c,
anac, ant-c, apis, arg-m., arg-n., calad.,
alone, when: ^th., all-s., ars., aur., bov.,
calc, cann-i., canth., carb-an., caust., con., lyc, stram.
dulc, graph., hep., hura, hyper., kali-c, alternating with cheerfulness. (See "Cheer-
kreos., lach., mag-m., mag-ph., mag-s., ful.")
mane, mur-ac, naja, nat-s., nice, nit-ac,
with hilarity. ( See " Mirth. '

nux-v., ol-an., op., petr., phos., plat., plb., '

puis., rhus-t., sarr., sars., sep., sil., sulph-ac, anger, after: Apis., plat,
sulph., zinc.
annoyance, after: Kali-bi.

on waking: Alum., ars., carb-an., cop., anxious: Cop.

ign., kali-c, Lach., phos., ph-ac, sep.,
business, when thinking of, in morning:
tarent., tarax., xan.
after waking: Anac, ant-cr., cop., hipp.,
causeless: Phos., tarent.
nit-ac, nux-m., phel., ptel., thuja.
children: Ars., calc, lach., sulph.
amel: Carb-an.
chill,during: Acon., am-c, apis, ars., calc,
forenoon: Arg-m., cann-s.
caun-s.,cham., Chin., cocc, Con., cycl.,
noon: Caust., sarr., zinc. graph., Ign., lach., lyc, mere, Nat-m.,
at, lively, in evening sad, or vice versa: nit-ac, nvix-v., phos., plat., puis., rhus-t.,
selen., sep., spig., staph.
coition, after: Calc, con., staph.
afternoon: .^th., alum., ant-t., calc-s.,
carb-an., cast., chin-s., cocc, con., graph., cloudy weather: Am-c.
grat., hydr-ac, ign., mang., mur-ac, myric,
complaining amel. : Tab.
nice, op., phos., plat., puls-n., ruta, sulph.,
thuj., zinc. consolation agg. (See " Kind Words.")


coughing, after: lod., sep. amel.: Cyc, lack., stann.

criminal, as if he were: Cycl., sabad. the first menses: Hell,

dinner, after: Ars. after: Alum., chin.,7^m, ust.

eating, before: Mag-m. misfortune, as if from: Chin-s., phel., phos.

after: Alum., anac, arg-n., ars., asaf., music, from: Aeon., cham., dig., graph.,
bar-ac, canth., cham., chin., con., hyos., kreos., lye, nat-c, nat-s., nux-v., phos.,
iod., nat-c, Nux-V., ol-an., podo., puis., sabin., sep., tarent., thuja.
nausea, with: Sang.
amel.: Clem., mag-m., tarent.
noise, from: Ant-c, phos.
evening: Clem., tarent.
pain, from: Carb-v. sars. ,

emissions, from: Aur., dig., dios., ham.,

palpitation, with: Dig., nat-nt.. nux-m.
nat-ph., Nux-V., phos-ac, puis., sang., ust.
exertion, after: Agar., ars., calc.
periodical: Aur., con., cop.
amel.: Ferr.
perspiration, during: Aco7i., apis., ars., aur.,
future, about the. (See "Anxiety.")
bell., bry., calc, chin.. Con., graph., ign.,
girls, before puberty : Ars., hell., lack. lye, nat-tn., nit-ac, nux-v., puis., rhus-t.,
selen, sep., sulph.
headache, during: Crot-h., naja, phos.

health, about. (See "Anxiety"): Alum., pregnancy, in: Cimic, lach., nat-m.

mag-m., sep. pressure about chest, from: Graph.

great tiredness and laziness with a feeling of quiet: Ign., nux-v.
deep-seated inward trouble, which makes
respiration, with impeded: Ant-cr., lach.,
him sad: Sabin.
laur., Sep., tabac.
heat, during the: Acon., £esc., apis, arg-n., room, in: Calc, plat., puis., rhus-t., tarent.
ars., bell., bry., calc, chin., coca, cocc,
con., dig., eup-per., graph., hipp.,ign., lye, smell of flowers, from: Hyos.
nat-c., Nat-m., nat-s., nux-m., petr., phos., sexual excitement, after: Tarent.
ph-ac, plat., puis., rhus., sep., sil., spong.,
society, in, aggr. : Euphr.
staph., stram., sulph., tarent., viper.
amel.: Bov.
house, in: Calc, p/al., puis., rhus., tarent.

insult, as if from: Cocc.

stories, from sad: Cic.

suicidal: Op., psor.

masturbation, from: Agar., calad., con., gels.,
ham., nat-m., nat-ph., Phos-ac, sil., sars., sunshine, in: Stram.
amel.: Plat,
menses, before: Am-c, bell., berb., brom., supper, after, aggr. : Nux-v.
calc, caus., con., cyc, ferr., hell., lac-c,
lac-d., /)/«7., mane, 7iat-m., nit-ac, murex., amel.: Am-c.
phos., puis., Sep., stann., stram., vesp., thunder and lightning amel. : Sep.
trifles, about: Agar., har-ac, graph.
during: Am-c, aur., berb., brom., cact., twilight: Ars., phos.
calc, caiist., cimic, cop., curare, ferr.,
graph., ign., lac-d., mag-m., mur-ac, waking, on: Alum., bell., bufo,
r^eX-z., nat-m., nxt-ac., petr., plat., plb., kah-c, lach., nit-ae, op., phos-ac,
puis., senec, sep., sil., thuj., plb., raph., tarent.
(See also under " morning.")

. )

walking, when: Aeon., con., tabac, tlier., bell., bov., bry., calc, cam ph., canth., caps.,
thuja. cans., cedr., chel., cic, con., eye, dig.,
dulc, hell., hyos., ign., iod., kali-c, lach.,
amel.: Cop.
lact., laur., led., lye, mag-c, mang., men.,
in open air: Ant-cr., calc, coIT., con., mere, mezer., mo.sch., nat-m., nit-ac, .

ciipr., kali-c, nux-v., petr., ^A-ac, sep., nux-m., nux-v., olnd., ol-an., op., petr.,
sulph., tabac. phos., ph-ac, plb., ran-b., ran-sc, rhod.,
rhus., sabad., secale, selen., sil., stann.,
only when, the longer he walks the
staph., stram., sulph., tabac, therid., verat.,
worse he gets: Ph-ac.
amel.: Rhus-t.
vanishing, of: Anac, ant-t., asar., ars., bell.,
weather, in cloudy: Am-c. borax., bov., bry., bufo, calc, camph.,
weeping, atnel.: Dig., med., phos. canth., carb-an., cham., chel., cic, coff.,
cupr., glon., graph., liepar., hyos., kali-c,
SCOLDING. (See "'Quarrelsome.") kreos., lach., laur., mere, mezer., mosch.,
nit-ac, nux-m., nux-v., puis., ran-b., rhod.,
SCORN. (See " Contempt.")
stann., staph., stram.
ailments from: Aeon., aur., bell., Bry.,
Cham., cofT., coloc, ferr., hyos., ip., lye., SENSITIVE, over-sensitive, etc. (See "Of-
nat-in., Nux-V., oleand., phos., plat., sep.,
fended"): Aeon., aeth., alum., am-c, anac,
stront., sulph., verat. ang., ant-cr., apis, arg-n., am., ars., asaf.,
asar., aur., bar-c, bell., Bor., bov.. bry.,
SCRATCHES with hands: Stram., tarent. calc, calc-p., camph., cann-s., canth.,

the lime off the walls: Canth. carb-an., carb-v., cast., cans., cham., Chin.,
cic, cina, clem., cocc, Coff., colch., coloc,
SCREAM. (See, " Shrieking," " Weeping.")
con., crot-h., cupr., daph., dig., dros., ferr..
SCRUPULOUS. (See "Conscientious.") Gels., hepar., hyos., Ign,, iod., kali-c,
kali-n., kreos., lach., laur., lye, Ij'ssin.,
SEARCHING on floor: Plb.
mag-m., meph., mere, mezer., nat-c,
at night, for thieves: Ars. nat-m., nat-s., nit-ac, l^fvLX-V,, phos., ph-ac,
plat., Plb., psor., puis., rau-b., sabad.,
after having dreamt of them Nat-m. :

samb., sanic, sars., seneg., sep., sil., spig.,

stann., staph., sulph., tabac, teucr., valer.,
SECRETS, divulges. (See "Reveals Secrets.") verat., viol-od., zinc.

SELF-CONFIDENCE, want ot. (See "Confi- agreeable impressions, to: Am.

ailments, to the most trifling: Nux-v.
self-accusation : Cy c
anxious: Ars.
self-contradiction: Anac.
bright light, to: Aeon., ars., bell., colch., nux-v.
self-control, want of: Lack.
conversation: Ars., aur., cow., kali-c, "^ws.-"^.,
self-possession: Mosch., nat-c. silic, zinc.
' '
self-willed. (See ' Obstinate. ' crying of children: Phos.
SELFISHNESS: Agar., med., puis., pyrus., disagreeable: Am., sulph.
external impressions, to all: Arn., clem., cocc,
SENSES, acute: Anac, am., ars., bar-c, bell., colch., iod., nux-v., phos-ac, staph.
cann-i., caps., chin., clem., coff., hydr-ac,
" jests: Aeon., ang., spig., viol-tr.
ign., lyssin., nux-v., op., thea.
light: Aeon., ars., bell., colch., Nux-V.
confused: Arg-n., bell., glon., lil-t., mang.
looked at or touched: Ant-cr., ant-t., ars.,
dullness of: Aeon., agar., agn., alum., ambr.,
am-c, anac, ant-t., ant., ars., asar., aur.. cham., chin.

) '

mental impressions to: Phos., zinc. bry., camph., Cham., cina, cocc, colch.,
kali-c, lack., mezer., nux-v., sil., thuj.
moral impressions to: All-s., dig., ign., psor.
want of sensitiveness: Bell., chin., con.,
music, to: Aeon., ambr., cau.st., cham., dig.,
cupr., eye, daph., euphr., phos., ph-ac,
graph., kreos., lye, mere, nat-c, nai-m.,
ran-b., rheum, rhod., sabad., sabin., staph.,
iiat-s., Ifux-V., phos-ac, sabin.. sep., tarcnt., stram.
thuj., viol-od.
wind, to the: Caust., cha^n., lach., sulph.
noise, to: Aeon., aloe, alum., ambr., am-c,
wine, to: All-e, alum., coloc, con., cor-r.,
ant-c, apis, am., ars., aur., bar-c, bapt..
kali-chl., kali-n., lye, ox-ac, zinc
Bell., bor., bufo, calc, camph., cann-s.,
carb-v., card-m., cati,st., chel., Chin,, cic, SENTIMENTAL: Aeon., anl-er., ars., calc,
cinnab., cocc. Coff., colch., con., /err., cast., coff., hydr-ac, ign., lach., mane,
hura, ign., iod., ip., kali-c, kali-iod., psor., sulph.
kali-ph., lack., lye., mane, mang., mere.,
menses before: Ant-e.
nai-e., nat-m., nat-ph., nit-ac.,
NllX-V., op., ox-ac, phos., phos-ac, ptel., moonlight, in: Ant-c.
rhus-t., sabad., sep., tanac, therid..
Sil., SERENE. (See " Tranquillity."
SERIOUS (See "Sad"): ^th., ahim., ambr.,
chill, during: Bell., Caps., gels., hyos.
arm-c, am-m., anac, ang., ant-cr., arg-m.,
menses, before: Nux-v. ars., aur., bar-c, bell., bov., calc,
cans., Cham., chin., cina, cocc, coff.,
slighte.st: Aeon., aloe, bor., cinnab., ferr.,
eye, euph., ferr., grat., ign., iod., led., lye.',
mere, naja, nat-c, nux-m., olnd., op.,
stepping, of: Coff., nit-ac., nux-v., sang. ph-ac, plat., plb., puis., rhus-t., seneg.,
spig., staph., sulph., sul-ac, thuj..
voices: Ars., aur., con., kali-c, til.,'
Uux-V., verat.
sil., Zinc.
water splashing: Ifit-ac. evening: Senec.

odors, to: Colch., Nux-V., op., phos.,

when seeing ludicrous things: Anac.

pain to: Aeon., agar., arn.,

SHAMELESS: Bell., calc, canth., cubeb., cupr.,
ars., anr., bra-c, hell., hyoi., mosch., nat-m., nux-m., nux-v.'
bell., <rarf., canth.. Cham,, chin., cina, cocc,
oi^.,phos., pliyto., secalc, stram.,
eojf., colch., eon., cupr., hep.. verat.
Lye, mag-c,
nat-c, Ifux-V,, petr., phylo., phos., bed, in: Nat-m.
during lying-in : Verat.
reading, to: Crot-h., lach., mere.
exposes the person: Hyos., phos., phyto., '
rudeness, to: Cocc, colch., phos-ac, seealc.
scratching on linen, to: Asar. SHRIEKING (Compare "Weeping "): Aeon.,

alum., ant-c. Apis, arn.,

sensual impressions, to: Am-c, ars., arum-t
ars., aur., aur., aur-m., bell., bor., hry.,
bar-c, calc, chin., dig., graph., ealad., calc.,
ealc-ph.,Camph., canth., earb-ae, carb-an
lod., lye, mag-c, nat-c., 7iit-ae., nux-v., carb-v., canst., cedr., cham.,

phos., Sep., sil., zinc. chin., Cic-V

cina, cocc, coff., croc, cupr.,
steel cupr-ars!',
points directed toward her: dulc, gels., glon.,
Apis silic hell., hyos., ign.,
spig. ip.,
kali-bi., Kali-c, laur.,
lye.,'mag-c!, mere]
step and jar on floor, to nit-ac, nux-v., oleand., phos.,
every: Bell., Coff plat., plb.'
nit-ac, nux-v. '
puis., ran-sc, rheum, samb..
seneg., sep.,'
sil., sol-n., stram., sulph.,
talk, to. (See "Talk.") tanac. Parent. ,
tuberc, verat., zinc.
touch, to: Aeon., agar., ant-er.,
ant-t., bell.. aid, for: Plat.


SHRIEKING. SILENT (vSee "Talking, aversion to.")
brain cry: Apis, arn., ars., carb-ac, cic-v.,
dig., dulc, glon., hell., hyos., kali-i., lye,
SILLY. (See "Foolish.")
nierc-v., phos., rhus-L, sol-n., strain., sulpli.
SINGING: Acon., agar., apis, bell., cann-i
children, in: Anac, apis, bell., Bor., calc-pli., cann-s., caps., carb-s., chloral., cic, cocc,
cham., cma, coff., cupr-ac, dor., dnlc, croc, cupr., derr., hipp., hydr.,
hyos., kali-c,
ign., jalap., kreos., lye, rheum, lach., lobel-s., lyc, lyssin.,
liell., ip., mag-c, mane,
senn., stram. merc-i-f., merl., mezer., nat-c, nat-m.]
nux-m., op., phos., phos-ac, plal.,
when touched : Ant-t. sars.,
Sep., spong., stram., sulph-ac,
convulsions, during, Amyl., apis, art-v.,
tarent., tcucr., therid., verai.
camph., cina, crot-t, cupr., op., stram.
puerperal, during: Hyos., iod. alternating with anger: Croc.

cramps in abdomen, during: Cupr. distraction: Spong.

epilepsy, with: Bufo, Cic-V., kali-br., lye, groaning: Bell.
cenan., sil.
hatred of work : Spong.
feels as tho' she must: Anac, apis, aiu:. ,
calc-ph., cic-v., cina, elaps, hell., lil-t., vexation: Agar., croc.
nux-v., sap., sil., stann. weeping: Acon., bell., stram.
had to hold on to something to prevent: Sep. involuntarily: Croc, lyssin, teucr.
pain, with the: Acon., Bell., Cact., Cham., joyously, at night: Verat.
Coff., coloc, plat.
obscene songs: Hyos., stram.
sleep, during: Am-c ,
apis, aur., bell., carb-ac,
sleep, in: Bell., croc, phos-ac.
cham., chel., cocc, dulc, euphor., fl-ac.,
hep., lye, mag-c, mag-m., nit-ac. Puis., SIT, inclination to: Agar., am-c, am-m., am.,
stram., sulph., zinc. ars., asar., bell., bor., brom., calc, caim-s.,
carb-v., cham., chel..Chin., chin-a., cocc,
menses, before: Carbo-v.
Con., cupr., euphr.. Graph., Guaj., hell.,
spasms, on going into: Bufo, camph., phos., hep., Hipp., iod., lach., nat-m., nit-ac,
verat-v., zinc.
Nux-v., Phos ,
/Aoj-ac, plat, Puis., ran-s.,
trifles, at: secale, sep., spong.. Squill., stdph., verat.,
urinating, before: Bor., lach., Lye, nux-v.,
sars. SITS quite stifF: Cham., hyos., puis., sep., stram.

waking, on: Apis, chain., cina, con., gels., and breaks pins: Bell.
guaj., hyos., ign., lye, sulph.
in one place for 3 or 4 days during headache:
SHY. (See "Timid.") Con.

(See " Respiration " ) Acon. act-sp. still: Arn., aur., brom., cham., chin-a., hell.,

agar., ail., alum., am-c, anac, aug., arg-n., hep., "Kv^^.y plat., pids., sep., strsLtn., verat.

atrop., bell., bry., calc-ph., camph., carb-ac, weeping: Ambr.

cenchris., cham., chin., Cimic, cocc,
with head on hands and elbows on knees:
colch., cupr., curar., dig., eup-perf., graph., '

hura, Ign,, ip., lach., mil., mur-ac, nat-c,
nit-ac, op., plat., plb., puis., ran-s., rhus-t., wrapped in deep, sad thoughts, as if, and
stram., sulph., tab. notices nothing: Cocc, puis., verat.

heat, during: Ign., ip., puis, SITTING, aversion to: Iod., lach.
menses, before: Ign., lyc.
SIZE, incorrect judge of: Agar., stram.
during: Ars., cimic, cocc, graph., ign.,
frame, of, seems lessened: Phys.

after: Stram. (See under " Delusions," " Distance," etc.)

SLANDER, disposition to: Am-c, anac, ars., SOMNAMBULISM: Aeon., agar., alum., anac,
bell., bor., hyos., ipec, lye, nh-ac, ni*x-v., ant-c, art-v., bell.,bry., cic, croc, cycl.,

petr., Sep., strani., verat. hyos., ign., kali-br., kali-c. ,

kalm., lach.,
lyc, meph., mosch., Nat-m., Op., petr.,
SLOWNESS: Ars., ammc, anac, asar., bell., spig., spang.,
Phos., plat., rheum, sep., sil.,
cact., carb-v., chin., caust., cupr., ign., ip.,
Stann., stram., sulph., teucr., verat., zinc.
niag-ar., nux-m., ox-ac, op., plios., puis.,
rhKs-t., ruta, sep., thuj., verat. SORROWFUL. (See "Sadness.")

motion, in: Anac.

SPEECH, babbling: Plb.
purpose, of: Graph. childish: Aeon., arg-n.
work, in: Cact., mag-ar. confused: Bell., calc, cann-s., caust., crot-h.^
hyos., lyc, mosch., nat-m., stram.
SLUGGISHNESS. (See " Dulness.")
at night: Cham,
SMALLER, things appear: Carb-v., phys., Plat.,
stram. delirious. (See " Delirium.")

(Compare "Distance," "Size," etc., and see disconnected: Bell., coca, cupr., hydr-ac,
under " Delusions.") hyos., mere, phos., plb., sal-ac, stram.

seems to be getting: Calc. waking, on: Cact., ign., op.

SMILING, foolish: Bell., mere. embarra.ssed : Atrop., mere, pallad.

involuntarily: Aut., bell., lyc. extravagant: Cann-i., ether, plb., stram.

when speaking: Aur. fine: Hyos.

never: Alimi. foolish: Aur., bell., lack., merl., par., phos.

stram., tabac.
sardonic: Bell.
foreign tongue, in a: Stram.
sleep, in: Cadm.
future, about: Hyos.
SNEERS AT EVERYONE. (See " Contempt.")
hasty: Aeon., ambr., arnic, ars., bell., bry.,
SOBBING (compare "Sighing" and "Weep- camph., cann-i., cann-s., chloral., cimic,
ing"): Am-c, ars.. aur., carb-an., caus.,
cina, cocc, Hepar., Hyos., ign., Lach.,
cic, cocc, coff., con., cycl., hell., ig-n., led.,
lyc, Merc, mosch., nux-v., ph-ac, plb.,
lobel., lyc, lyss., mag ph., morph., nux-v.,
Sep., stram., thuja, verat.
phos ,
Sep., stram., tarent.
hesitating: Absin., kali-br., mere, morph.,
convulsive: Strych.
phos-ac, vip.
lonesome condition, over his: Lith.
incoherent: Absin., a^ar., anac, arg-fi., ars.,
lying down, on: Euphr. bapt., bell., Bry., calad., cact., camph.,
menses, after: Stram. Cann-i., cham., chel., crot-h., cub., cupr.,
eye, dulc, ether, gels., hepar, hyos., kali-br.,
paroxysmal: Phos. morph., nux-m., o^., paris-q., phos.,

sleep, in: Alum., bufo, ipec, mag-c, nat-m., phos-ac, plb., rhus-t., stram., tanac, vip.
nit-ac, op. night: Plb.
vexation, after: Zi7ic. dozing, after: Op.
violent: Hydr-ac. sleep, during: Cub., kali-bi., phos.

waking, on: Am-c, carb-an., cina. intoxicated, asif: Carb-an., hyos., lyc meph.,

nat-m., nux-v., vip.

SOCIETY. (See "Company.")
loud: Arn., ars., atrop., aur., nux-m.,
SOLEMN. (vSee "Serious.") bell.,
SOLICITUDE. (See " Anxiety.")
merry: Agar., mur-ac.
SOLITUDE. (See "Company. ')
sleep, in: Mur-ac.

, ) .

SPEECH. STARTING: Aeon., alum., anibr., ang. ant-e,
mistakes, makes. (See "Mistakes.") a'"., Ars., ars-h., aur-m., bar-ac. bar-e,
Bell., ben/.-ae, herb., bism., boi broni.,
monosyllabic: Ars., mere, fu/A--?:, ph-ac, Bry., Inifo, calad., calc, cann-s, caps.,
sid-ac, thuja.
carb-ae, carb-an., carb-v card-m. , caust.,
nonsense: Aeon., atrop., aur., cham., cie,
cocc, con., cupr-ac, curar.,
bell., cann-i.,
ferr-iod., graph., hep., Hyos., ign., inul.]
canth., clilorof., ether, hyos., kali-b., mere,
kali-c. ,\?X\-\., lac-e,lach., led.,
plb., straw., sulph., tuberc. %\-x.., lyc.^
nied., mere, nat-c, nat-m., nit-ac,
night, in .sleep: Bell., cact. nux.v., op., petr., phos., plat., psor.,
rhus t.,

springing up while asleep, on: Kali-c. sabad., .sami)., sep., sit., .sol-n., spong.,
Stram., Stront., strych., sulph., sulph-ae,
reverie, in: Aur.
iherid., verat.
obscene. (See " L,ewdness.")
morning, from .sleep: Chin-s., clem., sabad.,
prattHng: Aloe, Bry., calad., Hyos., nux-v., spong.
strain., tarax.
evening, on falling asleep: Anibr., am-m.,
lies naked in bed: Hyos. am., Ars., bar-e, bell., bry dule, kaH-b., ,

in sleep: Nux-v. merc-e, nat-c. sars., stront, sulph.


random, at, at night: Plb. jerking or twitching, ceasing on falling

asleep: Agar., hell.
rapid. (See " Hasty.")
sleep, in: Cale, kali-iod.
slow: ^th., ant-c, aro--;/., atrop., bell chin-s.,

cocc, kali-br., Lach., mere, morph., op., night: Am-e, carb-v., euph., indg., lye,
phos., physo., plb., secale, sep., thuja. mag-c, merc-e, morph., sil., staph., stram.,
strange: Cham., ether, gall-ac.
anxious: Aloe, apis, lye, sulph.

unintelligible: Aeon., ars ,

bell., calen., euph., downward motion, from: Bor.
hyos., lye, mere, uaja, nux-v., phos-ac
bed, in: Cie, hura, tabae
secale, sil., Stram., tabae
while lying awake: Anac, bry., euph.
in sleep: Arn., atrop., cast., cham., mur-ac.
convulsive: Ars., calc-p ,
hyos., strych.
wandering: Aeon., seth., arn., ars., aur., bell.,
dreams. (See " Sleep."
bry cale, camph., canth., cham., chin., cie,

cina, coloe, cupr., dule, hyos., ign., easily: Aut-t., bar-e, borax., bufo, cale,
lach., lyc., mere, nux-m., nux-v., op., phos.,
camph., carb-v., cic ,
cocc, hura, kali-e,
plat., plb., puis., rheum, rhus-t., sabin.,
kali-iod., mere, nat-m., nat-p.. nit-ae,
secale, spong., strain., sulph., verat. nux-m., nux-v., op., phos., phys., sep., sil.,
sulph., tabae, therid., verat zinc. ,

night, at: Aur., bell., bry., coloe, dig op.,


rheum, sep., sulph. electric, as if: Agar., cann-s., euph.

wakening her: Arg-ni., ars., nat-m., nux-m.

SPELLING, mistakes in. (See " Mistakes.")
electric shocks throiigh the bodj' while wak-
SPOKEIf to, averse to being: Ant-t., arn., ars., ing: mag-m.
aur., camph , Cham., elaps., gels., graph.,
ham., helon., hyos., during sleep: Nux-m.
ign., kali-ph ,
nat-m., uat-s nux-v ,
plat., puls-n., rhus-t ,
falling, as if: Bell., bism., niezer.
sil., staph., stram., sulph., tarent., tep ,
feet, as if coming from the: Lye
fright, from: Aeon., am-c, anac, apis, am..
morning: Ars.
Bell., bor., bry., bufo, cact., calc-p., carb-v.,
wants to be let alone: Aur., hell., helon., cans ,
chin., coff., con., dig., euphr., HyoS.,
sulph. hyper., kali-br., kreos., \yc., mag-s., mere.

, )

merc-c, niosch., nat-ars., iiat-c, nat-tn., eye, dig., dros., ferr-iod., gins., graph.,

nat-s., nit-ac, op., plb., psor., sabad., sars., guaj., hep., hyos., kali-iod., led., lup.,

Sep., sil., spong ,

staph., Stram., stront., lye, mag-e, menis., mere, merc-c,
sulp/i., verat. murx., mur-ae, nat-a., nat-c. nit-ac, ,

nux-v., phos., plb., puis., ruta, sabad.,

lying, while: Lyc.
samb., sang., sars., scut., sil., spong.,
on back: Calc-p., mag-c. stram., siilph., sul-ac, tarent, thea.,

menses, during: Zinc. zinc. (See " Respiration.")

noise, at any: Alum., ant-cr., apis, ars., bar-ac, suffocated, as if: Aur-m.
bor., bufo, calc, camph., cann-s., carb-v., tossing of arms, from : Merc.
card-m., cic, cocc, cub., hura, kali-c,
touched, when: Kali-e
kali-iod., kali-p., lach., lye, mere, nai-c,
nat-m., nat-ph., nit-ac, op., rhus-t., sabad., tremulous: Cham.
» sabiu., sil., tabac.
trifles at: Am., bor., calc, cham., cocc.,*
when a door opened: Bor., hura, lye,
is hura, lyc, nat-m., nux-m., nux-v., psor.,
mere, ruosch nat-m. , sabad., sil., spong., sul-ac, sulph., zinc.

slams: Bor., nat-m., oxal-ac. twitching: Con.

fall, on hearing anything: Alum., Bor., unconscious, in sleep: Zinc.

lye, 7iat-m.
uneasiness, from: Mur-ac.
paroxysmal: Ars., rhus.
waking, on: Anae, aur-m., bell., pallad.
prick of a needle, at the: Calc.
STORIES, exciting, aggr.: Calc, teucr.
sleep, before: Alum.
on falling: Agar., alum., ambr,, am-m., STRANGE THINGS, impulse to do: Cact.
am., Ars., bar-c, Bell., bry., carb-an., STRANGER, sensation as if one were a: Valer.
carb-v., caiist., chin., cojf., cor-r., daph.,
presence of, aggr: Ambr., bar-c. lyc, petr.,
dule, hep., ign., ip., kali-bi., kali-c, ,

kreos., lach.,
Sep., stram.
mag-c, mere, merc-c,
nat-e, nat-m., nat-s., nil-ae, nux-v., STRIKING: Arg-m., bell., canth., carb-v., cupr.
op., paeon., plb., sars., sep., sil., derris., elaps., glon., hell., hydr., Hyos.,
stront, strych., SulpL, tabae lil-t., lye, Ij'ss., mosch., nat-c, phos., plb.,
staph., Ji?ra;«., stront, strych., tarent., verat.
during: Aeon., agu., alum., ant-c apis,

arn., ars.,ars-h., arum-t., atrop., bell., abdomen, his: Bell.

bism., brom., bry., calad., calc, calc-p.! about him: Bell., canth., cupr., hyos., lyc,
camph canth., cast
, caust., cham., , mosch., nat-c, nux-v., plat., phos., stram.,
colch., crot-h., curar., eye, guaj., stront.
graph., iod., ipee, iris, hura, hyos.,
hyper ,
kali-b., kali-e, kali-iod., kreos.,
chest, his: Camph.
laur., lye, mag-c, mag-m., mere, children, in: Cham., Cina.
merc-c, mezer., fuofph., myris-s., nat-c,
desires to strike: Bell., bufo, carb-s., elaps.,
nat-m., niix-m., nux-v., op., oxal-ac. hydr., hyos., lil-t., nat-c, slap/i.
petr.,/>/wi-., phos-ac.,/>«/j., sars.,
sen eg.,
Sep., spig., stann,, stram.,
.sil., face, his: Bell,
thuja., zinc.
head, his: Ars., tarent.
from, waking: Acoh., agn.,
am-e, ant-e, himself: Curar., camph., bell., tarent.
ant-t., apis., ars., aur-m.,
fieU., benz-ac'
bism., bor., bry., knocking his head against wall: Apis, con.
cact., caps., carb-s.,
chel., chin., chin-s., wall, the: Canth.
cimic, cina, cinnb.
clem., r<7rc,rt7^, con.,
conv-d., cor-r. STUBBORN. " Obstinate."

STUDY, aversion to: ^sc,
bufo-s., carb-ac, STUPEFACTION.
carb-aii., chin., coca,
coloc, /err., gels.,
rouses with difficulty: Hell., lyc,
ham., hipp., hydr., hyos., kali-bi., kalm., Op., selen.,
lach., nat-a., Phos., pic-ac plant., scut,

sol-n., Sep. stooping, on: Nice , valer.

afternoon: Hyos. sun, aggr. in: Nux-v.

vertigo, during: Aeon., a;th., agar., arn.,
desire to: Cob., gels., nat-ph.
bar-c, bell., bov., calc, clem., gels., graph.,
difficult, is: Nat-ph., sep. hydr-ac, kreos., laur., mill.,
hell., hydrs.,
mosch., mur-ac, op., phos., phyt., psor.,
impossible: Calc, cbin-s., cop., dig., ferr., sabin., secale, stann., staph., sulph., zinc.
glon., gymnoc, ham., hyos., kalm., lye,
morph., nux-v., pic-ac, walking, when: Alumen., Ars., ipec.
ptel., sumb., vib.
open air: Ars., cina.
STUPEFACTIOH": Absin., acet -ac, sesc, aeon.,
^th., agar.,
warm room, in: Phos.
ananth., ant-t., arg-n., Apis,
ars., asaf., asar., bapt., Bell., bov., Bry., vnne, after: Cop-r. ^
calc, caniph., caust., cham., chel., chin., writing, while; Arg-n.
cina, clem., cob., Cocc, coc-c, coloc, con.,
croc, crot-h., cupr., cycl., dulc, ferr.,
STUPOR. (See "Unconsciousness.")
graph., Hell., helon., Hyos., jatr., ip., SUCCEEDS, never: Am-c, asar., nat-s., nux-v.
kali-n., kreos., laur., lye, mag-m., nat-c,
believes everything will fail. (See "Delu-
nat-m ,
nat-s., nice, nux-nt., Nux-V.,
oleand., Op., petr., Phos-ac, Phos.,
phys., plant., plat., psor., puis., raph., SUGGESTIONS, will not receive: Helon.
rheum, rhodo., rhus-v., Rhus-t., sars.,
SUICIDE, disposition to commit: Alum., ambr.,
secale, selen., seneg., sep., sil., spig., squill.,
am-c, anac, ananth., ant-cr., arg-n., ars.,
stann., staph., Stram., sulph., tab., thuj.,
asaf., Aur., Aur-m., bell., calc, caps.,
valer., Verat., verb., vip., zinc.
carb-v., canst., chin., cimic, clem., crot-h.,

morning: Acet-ac, cur., der., dros., gels., grat., hell., hepar.,

agar., chin., cob., graph.,
sars., squil., thuja. hipp., hyos., kreos., lach., lil-t., melil.,
mere, mezer., morph., naja, nai-s., nit-ac,
rising, after: Rhod., sabad., thuj. nux-v., orig., phos., plat., ^^Vo., psor., puis.,
waking, on: Cham., phos. rhus-t., sarr., secale, sep., sil., spig., stram.
tabac, tarent., tereb., thea, verat., zinc.
afternoon: Calc, phys., lyc.
evening: Chin., dros., hep.
II a. m. to 6 p. m.: Ars.
night, at: Ant-cr., chin., nux-v.
evening: Bov.
twilight, in: Rhus-t.
night: Calc.
midnight, after: Ars., nux-v.
on waking, must rise: Psor.
dread of an open window or a knife, with:
air, in open: Cina, nux-v. Arg-n., camph., chin., mere

alternating with violence: Absin. drowning, by: Ant-cr., arg-n., bell., dros.,
hell., hyos., lack., puis., rhus-t., secale,
dinner, after: Coloc, nat-m., nux-v., plan,
sil., verat.
eating, aggr. after: Cocc, morph.
hanging, by: Ars., bell., tereb.
exertion, mental, aggr.: Petr.
intermittent, during: Ars., bell., chin.,
motion, from: Staph., thuja, lach., spong., stram., valer.

reading, on: Lyc.

knife, with: Alum., ars., bell., mere, stram.
rising, on: Sil.
lacks courage, but: Chin., Nux-V., phos.,
amel. after: Phos. tabac

, ,,

SUICIDE. SYMPATHY, excessive: Caust., croc, ign., iod.

menses, during: Merc, lye, mane, mane, nat-c, nat-m., nuph.,

nux-v., phos.
perspiration, during: Alum., ars., aur.,
Calc, hepar, mere, agg. (See " Kind Words.")
poison, by: Lil-t. SYPHILOPHOBIA: Hyos.

seeing blood or a knife, she has horrid TACITURN. (See "Talking.")
thoughts ;of killing herself, though she
abhors the idea: Alum. TALK, desires to, to some one: Arg-n., lil-t.

cutting instruments, on : Merc. am-e, Ars., cad., chin.,

of others agg.: Agar.,
Hyos., kali-c,
colch.,cow., elaps.,ferr., hell.,
shooting, by: Ant-cr., aur., carb-v., hepar,
kalm.,mag-m., mang., nat-c, nat-s., Nux-V.,
med., nat-s., nux-v., puis.
rhus-t., Sep., sil., strain., teucr., verat.,
thoughts of: Alum., ant-c ,
arg-n., hep., zinc.
ign., mere., Psor., rhus.
slow to learn to: Agar., calc-ph., Nat-m.,
drive him out of bed: Ant-c. nux-m., sanic.
throwing himself from a height: Anac, unpleasant things, of, agg.: Calc, cic-v., ign.,
arg-n., ars., aur., camph., crot-h gels., teucr.

nux-v., orig., stram.

TALKED TO, aversion to being: Agar., am-e,
walking in open air, while: Bell. con
Ars., ham., hell.,
, elaps., kalm.,

SULKY: mag-c, rayrie, nat-m., nat-s. tarent. teucr.

Ant-c, ars., aur., canth., carb-an., carl., , ,

caust., chel., hura, kaH-br., nux-v., op.,
TALKS to himself: Ant-t., apis, bell., chlol.,

(See " Morose.") hyos., kali-bi., mag-ph., mere, mosch.,

mur-ac. uux-m., op., phos-ae, plb., rhus-t.,

SUPERSTITIOUS IDEAS: Con., zing. stram., tabac, tarax., vip.

SURPRISES, pleasant, affections after: CoflF. of nothing but murder, fire and rats: Calc.

SUSPICIOUS: of one subject: Cann-i., lye, petr., stram.

Aeon., ambr., anac., ananth.,
ang., ant e, am., Ars., aur., bapt., Bar-C.,' TALKING, aversion to: Abrot., aeon., ^th.,
bell., bor., Bry., cad., calc-ph., Cann-i!, agar., aloe, alum., ambr., am-e, am-m.,
canth., Caust, Cench., cham., chin.,
Cic-V., anac, ant-c, arg-m., arg-n., am., ars.,
cimic, coca, cocc, con., crot-h cupr..
Dig".' , aster., atrop., aiir., bapt., bar-e, bell.,h&x\,.,
dros., graph., hell., hyos., ipec, kali-bi.'i bism., bor., bov., brom., bry., bufo, cact.,
lack Lye, melil., meny., mere,
mez., calc, calc-ph., calc-s., camph., cann-i..
mur-ac, nat-c, nit-ac, nux-v., op., phos., cann-s., canth., caps., carb-ac catb-an.,
plb.. Puis., Rhus-t., ruta,

sanic, sarr.,' carb-v., carls., chem.,

caust., chel., chin.,
Secale, selen., Sep., sil., sta7m.,
Stram., cie, cimic, cina, clem., cocc, cofT., colch.,
staph., sulph-ac, sulph-iod.,
Sulph., thuj.', coloc, con., crot-h., crot-t.,
verai., viol-t. cycl., cupr.,
dig., dire, euphr., ferr., gels., glon., graph.^
d?|j^time: Mere. grat., guaj., hell., helon., hep., hipp.,
hyos., ign., ipec, jatr., kali-bi., kali-c.
afternoon: Lack.
kali-ph., lac-d., lach., led., lil-t., lyc, mag-c.
m: Cench. mag-m., mag-s., mane, mang., meny.,
3 to 8 p.
mere, mez., murex., mur-ac, myrie, nat-e,
evening: Cench., lach. 7ial-m., nat-s., nice, nit-ac, nux-j.,
nux-v., o\&&nA., op., ox-ae, petr.,
future, of the: Anac, caust., viol-tr.
Phos-ac, plat., plb.. Puis., rheum, j-htis-t.,
walking, while: Anac. sabad., sabin., sars., sep., silie, spig.,
spong., squill., stann.,
SWEARING. (See "Cursing.") staph., stram.,
stront., Sulph., sulph-ab., tabac, tarent]


TALKING, aversion lo.
THINKING, aversion to: Agar., hapt., bry.,
tarax., Ihuj., usl., Verat., caps., carb-v., chin.,
viol-o(l., viol-t, corn-c, ferr., hyos.^
zinc. lye, nat-ni., Phos., ptel., plant., runi-c.i
squill., stram., verat.
nioruiug: Cocc, hep., mag-m., iiat-s., sabin.
morning: Kali-n.
waking on: Cocc.
walking, while: Sabin., thuj. afternoon: Lyc.

afternoon: Fago., grat., hell., niag-s., nat-a.,

after walking in open air: Arn.
nat-ni., sep. evening: Lyc.
I I*. M.: Grat.
complaints, of, aggr.: Agar., alum., ambr.,
evening: Ani-ni. am-c, bapL, bar-c, bry., calc, calc-ph.,
causl., con., dros., gels., hell., helon., lach.,
amel. : Clem,
nil-ac, nux-v., olnd., oxal-ac, plb., ran-b.,
air, in open: Plat. sabad., spig., spong., staph.

alternating with quarrelsomenes.s: Con. amel.: Camph., cic, hell., mag-c, prun.
conversation, to: Ars., atrop., bell., carb-an., beating of his heart, of the, agg. : Arg-n.
ferr., gels., niiirex., plb thea. ,

difficulty of. (See " Dullness.")

eating, after: Aloe, arg-n., fen-., mez., plb.

headache, during: Con., nat-a. headache, of the, amel. : Pallad.

menses, during: Am-c, castor., elaps., THOUGHTS of death. (See "Death.")

mur-ac, senec. frightful: Calc, <raz«/., phos., physos., rhus-i.

walking in open air, when: Arn. evening: Caust.

pleasure in his own talking: Par.,nat-m stram. on seeing blood or a knife: Alum.

sleep, in: Aeon., alum., ambr., future, of the: Cj'cl., senec, sep.
ant-t., apis,
am., arg-n., ars., bar-c. Bell., bry., bufo, intrude and crowd upon each other: Aeon.,
cad., camph.,
calc, cann-i., carb-an., ars., canth
carb-v., caust., cham., qinnab., coff., con.,
cupr., graph.,
hyos., ign., indg., kalm., l)ersistent (compare "Delusions"): Aeon.,
lye, mag-c, mag-m., mere.
kali-bi., kali-c, teth., ambr, anac, ai-g-n.^ ars., benz-ac,
mur-ac, nat-m nit-ac, nux-v., op., phos., calc, cann-i., carb-v., caust., cham., chel.,

phos-ac, plb., raph., rhus-t., sabin., chin., graph., hell., ign., iod., kali-i , melil.,
selen., ^c/., ^z7., .stann., jf?^//>//., thuj., zinc. Nat-m., nit-ac, nux-m., nux-v ,
op., petr.,
phcs-ac, phos., ph3's., plat., psor., puis.,
biisiness, of: Conioc, rhus-t., sulph.
rhus-t., Sep., stann., strain., sulph., tarent.,
excited: Alum., graph., nux-v., sulph. thea, thuj.

reveals secrets in sleep: Am-c, ars. evening: Caust.

thought when awake, what he: Am c. evil, of: Lach.

TALKATIVE. (vSee " Loquacity.") garment made the previous da}', about a:

TEARS THINGS: Bell., camph., cupr., hyos.,
homicide: Calc, iod., op., phos., straui.
iod., kali-ph., op., strain., suIidIi., verat.
ideas, of, which first appeared in his dreams:
genitals, her: Secale.
hair, her: Bell., lil-t., tarent.
nuisic, about in evening: Ign.
himself: Ars., bell., cur., plb., secale, stram.
thinks mind and bod}- are .separated: Anac,
pillow, with teeth: Phos. thuj.

THEORIZING: Ang., w;/«-z'., coff., chin., lach., thinks of nothing but murder, fire and rats:

sep ,
sulph. Calc.

) , ,

unpleasant subjects, haunted by: Nat-m. menses, during: Calc.

profound: Bell ,
cycl., grat., nuir-ac. studying, when: Ham., phys.

about his future: Cycl., spig. talking, when: Merc-c.

rapid, quick, etc.: Aeon., tesc-h., ang., cann-i., writing, while: Iris., mix-m.
caus., cob., hyos., kalm., lack., op.,
ox-ac, sabad.,
THROWS things away. (Compare "Capricious
valer., verat., viol-od. Ars., bry., camph., cham., cina
reflect or think, desires to. (See "Medita- cofF., dule, kreos.. Staph., tarent.
morning: Staph.
repetition of: Stram. at persons: Agar., bell.

thoughtful: Aeon., am-m., arn., bar-c, bell., THUNDER storm, before: Bry., hyper., Rhodo.
brom., calc. , cann-s. ,
canth., carb-an., cham.,
during: Bry, caust., lach., Nat-c, nat-m.,
chin., cic, clem., cocc, eye, eupli., euphr.,
nit-ac, ^^\.r.,phos., rhodo., sep., sil.
grat., hyos., ign., ipec, lack., lye, mag-m.,
nianc, niang. mezer., nat-c, nit-ac, nux-v.,
TIME, confounds present with past: Cic.
phos. ,
plb. , ran-b. , rhus-t. , sabad ,
sep ,

fritters awa3-his: Cocc nux-v.

spig., staph., stront., sulph., thea, thuj., ,

tilia, viol-od. passes too slowly: Aloe., alum., arg-n., bar-c.

camph., cann-i., cann-s., con., dire, Glon.,
unpleasant. (See '
' Dwells. '

lach., lyc, mag-m., med., mere, nat-c,
vanishing of: Anac, apis, apoc, asar., bapt., nux-m., nux-v., pallad petr., plb. ,

borax, bry., calc, camph., cann-s., canth., a few seconds seem ages: Cann-i.
carb-an., cham., chel., coff., cupr., euon.,
gels., passes too quickly: Atrop., coca, CoCC, elaps.,
guaj., hell, hepar., iod., kali-b.,
op., sulph., thea, therid.
kali-c, kreos., lack., lac-c, laur, lye,
med., mere, mezer., nsX-ra.., nit-ac,
TIMIDITY: Aeon., aloe., alum., ambr., anac,
Nux-m., nux-v., ol-an., op., plant., psor., ang., ars, aur., bar-c, bell., borax, bry..
puis., ran-b., rhod., rhus-t., staph., viol-od.,
Calc, canth., carb-an., caus, chin., coco
croc, crot-h., cupr., daph.. Gels.,
coff., con.,

headache, during: Bell. graph., hyos., ign., iod., ipec, kali-b., kali-c,
kali-n., laur., lil-t., lyc, mag-e, mane,
mental exertion, on: Asar., gels., mezer.,
mere, niur-ac, nat-c, nat-m., nit-ac,
mt-ac, oleand., ran-b., staph.
nux-v., op., phos., plat., plumb ,
overliftiug, after; Psor. ran-b., rhus-t., secale., Sep., sil., spig.,
reading, on: Bry., nnx-m. spong., staT^h., stram., sulph., sul-ac, tabac,
verat., zinc.
speaking, when: Mezer., nu.v-in., staph.
about going to bed: Causl.
when spoken to: Sep.
about appearing in public: Gels.
writing, when: Nux-m., rhus-t.
alternating with assurance: Alum.
wandering: Aeon., all-s., aloe., am-c,
anac, bashful:
ang, apoc, arn., atrop, bapi., bell., Aloe., ambr.,
aur., bar-c, bell.,
cann-s., carb-an., chin., con., coff., ign., iod., kali-bi.!
caus., colch., cic, coloc, corn.',
crot-h., cupr-ac, dig., mane, mere, nit-ac, nux-v., phos..
ferr., glou., ^raph],
ign., lod., kali-br., lach., Puis., Stram sidph., tab.
lyc ,
mane, mere ,

merc-c, naja, nat-c.

nat-m., nit-ac, olnd TORPOR: Apis., berb., cic, crot-h.. gels., kaW-hr.,
op., ph-ac, phys.,
pic-ac, plb., plect., lye., Nat-m., Nux-m., Op., plb., sang.
sanie, staph., tabae, valer., stram.
viol-od '

night: Bell.
TOUCHED, aversion to being: Aeon., agar.,
ant-c, ant-t, arn., ars., bell., bry., calc.',

cainpli., Cham., chin., cina cocc,
coff., morning: Agar., Bry., bov., carb-an., chel.
colch., lack., mez mix-v., sanic, sil.,
, glon., lye, nat-e, nat-m., Nux-V., phos.
strain., tliuj.
ph-ac, psor., strych., sulph.

TRANaUILLITY: ^sc-h., aloe, arg-ni., arn., rising, on: Bry.

ars., aur., bell., caps., caus., chain., chel.,
chin., chiii-s., cic, clem., coca, cocc, coff.,
on waking: Chel., nat-c.

croc, cycl., dros., eucal., euph., ferr., fl-ac, evening: Aeon., ars., cale, canst., coloe, lye
gins., gran., hydr-ac, hyos., ign., ipec, merl., nux-ni., ol-an., puis., strych., zinc.
kali-br., lach., laun, led., lil-t, lye, mag s.,
mane, men., mez., merl., mosch., mur-ac,
when lying down: Mag-e, mag-m.

naja, nat-c, nat-m., op., petr., phos., night: Arg-n., bell., cann-i., chel., nat-m.
Ph-ac, plat., plb., seneg., sil., spig., stann.,
staph., tarax., tellur., verat., viol-tr., zinc.
on waking: Canth., con., hep., niag-c
morning, on waking: Chel., mane
air, in open: Mosch., nux-v.
anger, after: Ipec.
amel.: Tarax.
incomprehensible: Morph.
alone, when: Ph-ac
stool, after: Bor.
alternating with convulsions: Agar,
TRAVEL, desire Ananth
to: calc-ph., curar.,
elaps., lach., mere, sanic. dangerous violence: Absinth,

restlessness during fever: Ars.

TRIFLES, seem important: Ferr., ip.

with everything: Agar. answers correctly when spoken to, but de

lirium and unconsciousness return at once
TRUTH. (See " Untruthful. " Am., bapt., hyos.

UNATTRACTIVE, things seem: Chin. blood, sight of: Nux-m.

UNCONSCIOUSNESS: Absin acet-ae, Acon., candle-light, from : Cann-i.


alum., ambr., am-e,

sesc-h., aeth., agar., ail.,
chill, before: Ars.
am-m ajiac, ant-cr., ant-t., apis, apoe,

arg-n., am., ars., ars-h., arum-t., asar.,

during: Ars., bell., camph ,
hep., Nat-m,
aster., bapt Bar-C., Bell,, bism., bov., bry.,
nux-v., op., puis., stram., valer.

bufo, cact., calad., cad-s., cale, camph., coition, after: Agar., asaf dig. ,

Cann-i., cann-s., canih., carb-ae, carb-v.,

cold water poured over head amel. : Tab.
causi., cham., chel., chin., chin-s., chloral.,
cic, cimie, cina, Cocc-, coff., colch., con., cold, after taking: Sil.
croc, crot-h., cupr., cupr-ae, eye, dig.,^w\c., conduct, automatic: Camph., cann-i., canst
elaps, ether, euph., ferr., gels., glon., con., elaps., hyos., lye, iiat-m., nux-m.
graph., guaj., ham.. Hell,, hepar, Hydr-ac, cenan., sil., vespa.
Hyos., Ign., ipec, kali-b,, kali-br., kali-c,
kali-iod., kali-n.,
(See "mental insensibility.")
Lach., lac-d., laur., lact.,
led., lye, mag-m., mane, mere, merc-c, convulsions, with: Absin., aeon., ath., ars.
mezer., Mosch., mur-ac, naja, nat-e, bell., cupr., glon., hydr-ac. ,
mosch., stram.
nat-m., nit-ac Nux-m., nux-v.,
cenan., tanae, verat
ol-an., olnd. Op., ox-ac petr., phos.,
, ,
after: Canth., carb-ae, secale.
Ph-ac, plat., plb.. Puis., ran-b., rheum,
rliod ,
rhtis-t., ruta, babad., sabin., sars., cough, between attacks of: Ant-t.
secale, selen., sep., sil., sol-n., spig., .squill., delirium, after: Atrop., bry., phos.
stann., staph., stram., sulph., sui-ac tabae,

diarrhoea, after: Ars.

tanae, tarax., taxus, tereb., valer., verb,
verat., verat-v., vesp., viol-iod., vip., zinc. dinner, after: Cast , til.

dream, as in a:Ambr., anac, carb-an., cann-i., mental insensibility: Con., cycl., "ix^iX., hyos..
con., phos., rheum, stram., valer., verat. laur., nux-m., oena., op., phos., phos-ac,
sabad., secale, stram.
does not know where he is: G/on, mere,
nux-m., petr., ran-b. motion, on least: Ars., verat.

on waking: ^sc. music, from: Cann-i.

eating, after: Caust, mag-m., nux-v., odors, from: Nux-v., phos.
pain, from: Hep., 7iux-m., phyto., valer.
emotion, after: Aeon., am-c, camph., canst.,
parturition, during: Cimie., eoff., Nux-V.,
Cham., Coff., Ign., Lach., op., nux-m.,
puis., Secale.
phos-ac, verat.
pregnancy, during: Nux-m., nux-v., secale.
epilepsy, after: Plb.
raising arms above head, on: Lac-d.
erect, if he remained: Chin.
reading, from: Asaf., tarax.
excitement, after: Nux-m.
remains fixied in one spot: Nux-m.
exertion, after: Ars., calc, calc-ars., catist.,
motionless like a statue: Hyos., stram.
cocc, hyper., senec, therid., vei-at.
riding, while: Grat., sep., sil.
eyes, with fixed: ^th., ars., bov., camph.,
canth., cupr., stram. rising up, on: Arn., Bry., carb-v.,

cannot open: Gels. rubbing soles of feet amel. : Chel.

with pressure in, and obstruction of sight: sitting, while: Asaf., bell., carb-an., mosch.,
Seneg. nat-ni., silic, tarax.

fever during: Aeon., am., seth., bell., calc, somnolency with, without snoring, eyes being
eup-prf., nai-m., op., phos., sol-n. closed: Ph-ac.
frequent spells:
Ars., bapt., hyos., ign., standing, while: Ant-t., aur., bov., lyc,
merc-cy., nat-m., phos. nux-m., rhus-r., sars.
headache, with. (See "Head.") having dress fitted: Nux-m.
on moving: Calc, carb-an., nat-m., rhus-t. stool, before: Ars., dig.

incomplete: Ars., chlor., crot-h., carb-ac, during: Aloe, ox-ac, sulph.

cupr-ac, cupr-ars., morph., secale,
after: Calc, cocc, phos., tereb.

interrupted by screaming: Bell. stooping, when: Calc, hell,

kneeling in church, while: sudden: Absinth., cann-i., caitth., kali-c, plb.

knows no one but answers suppression of eruptions, after: Zinc
correctly when
touched or spoken to: Cic-v. talking, when: Lyc.
looking downward, on: trance, as in a: Lach., laur.,
Salamandra. tabac.
upwards: Lach.
transient: Asaf., bov., bufo, calad., calc.
.lying, while: Carb-v., cann-i., canth., carb-an., chel.,
colch., mag-c, mag-m. hepar., ign.[
lyss., uied., morch., nat-m., ol-an.,
with ourstretched arms, puis.,'
screaming and toss- rhus-r., secale,
ing: Canth. sil., zinc

menses, before: Nux-m., morning on rising drowsiness in

murex. head-
during: Cocc, lach.,
nux-v., sars., sep.
afternoon, in warm room: Puis,
after: Lyc.
trifles, at: Sep.

) , ,

vertigo, during: Acoii., ;utli., agar., arg-ii., phos., plat., ran-b., .sabad., seneg., sep.,
am., ars., bell., hov., canth., carh-aii., chel., Stan., stram., stront., sulph., verat.
chin-s., cocc, ferr., grat., iod., jatr., kreos.,
morning, in: Carb-v., gamb., graph.
lach., laiir., lye, inag-c, niezer., mill.,
mosch., mere, nat-m., mix-m., mix-v op., ,
evening: Mill.
raii-s., secale, Sep., sil., strani., tabac, zinc.
dinner, after: Mill.
vomiting amel.; Aeon., tabac, tanac. siesta, after: Caust.

waking, on: ^Usc-h., aster., cliel., chin., trifles, at: Hepar, nat-m.
mag-c, mezer. nat-c, phos.

deeds, rage leading to: Anac, bar-c, hell.,

after: Con., kali-br., selen., stram. chin., cocc, con., hepar, hyos., ign., lach.,
walking, while: Calc, carb-an., grat. lye, mosch., nat-c ,
nux-v., plat., stram.,
stront., zinc.
in open air: Canth., catist., hepar., sulph.

warm room: Aco7t., lach., lye, Puis., tabac. VISIONS. (See "Delusions.")

VIVACIOUS: Aloe, alum., ang., cact., cann-s.,

UNDERTAKES, lacks will power to undertake
chin., cob., coff., crot-h., cupr, eye, gels.,
anything: Pic-ac.
glon., hipp., hyos.,\2.(z\\., nat-c, nux-v., par.,
many things, perseveres in nothing: Lach. petr., pli-ac ,
sabad., sul-ae, valer., verat.

nothing, lest he fail: Arg-n., silic. alternating with sorrow: Tarent.

things opposed to his intentions: Sep. "WAILING. (See "Lamenting.")

UNFEELING. (Compare "Cruelty " and " Moral WALK, slow in learning to: Agar., bell., Calc,
Feeling.") nux-v., silic.; sulph.

UNFORTUNATE, feels: Bry., chin., cub., ipec,

WALKING rapidly from anxiety: Arg-n.

hura, lye, sepia, verat. WANDER, desires to. (See "Restlessness"):

Calc-p., cimic, mere
plat. WASHING, bathing, averse to: Phys., sulph.

desire for: Tarent.

dwell on past. (See "Dwells. '

in cold water: Meph., ph3't.

UNREAL, everything seems: Ail., alum., cann i. alwa3's, her hand: Syph.
lac-c, lil-t., med., staph.
WEAKNESS. (See "Prostration.")
UNTRUTHFUL: Alcoh., op., verat. WEARINESS OF LIFE: Agu., ambr., am-e,
UNWORTHY, objects seem: Chin. ant-cr. ,
rtri'., Aur., bell., berb., bov. , calc,
carb-v., catist., chin., grat., hepar, h3-os.,
VENERATION: Coff. kreos., lach., led., lye, mere, mezer., nat-c,
VERSES, makes: Agar., ani~cr., cann-i., stram. nat-m., nit-ac, nux-v., phos., plb., puis.,
rhus, rata, Sep., spong., staph., stram.,
after falling asleep: Nat-m.
sulph., sul-ac, thuja, valer., verat.
VEXATION. (See " Irritability " and "Anger.")
morning, in bed: Lye
VIOLENT, vehement, etc. (compare with
" Anger," " Rage," "Wildness"): Abrot., (See "Ennui," "Loathing," etc.)

aeon., ambr., ani-c, anac, ang,, apis, arn., WEEPING, tearful mood, etc. (Compare
Aur., bar-c, bell., borax, biy., calc, calc-p., "Moaning," "Sad," etc.): Aeon., ail.,
camph., canth., carb-v., cans., chani., Cic, alum., ambr., am-e, am-m., ananth.,
coloc, corn., croc, cupr., dros., dulc, ferr., ang., ant-cr., ant-t., Apis, arg-m., arg-n.,
graph., hepar, Hyos., kali-c, lach., led., arn., ars., arum-m., asar. ,
aster., aur.,

lye, mang., mere, nierl., mezer., mosch., aur-m., bar-c, ,

benz-ac. bor., bry., bufo,

nat-e, nat-m., nit-ac, Nux-V., olnd., pctr., cact., calc, camph., caun-i., cann-s., canth.,


caps., carb-an., carb-v., carls., cast., Caust., air, in open: Carb-v., hura.
Cham., chel., chin., chin-s., cic, ciniic, cina,
amel. in: Q.o^., plat.
clem., cocc, coff., calch., coloc, con., croc,
cupr., cupr-ac, curar., crot-li., eye, dig., alone, when: Coti., nat-m.
dros., dulc, eup-per., eup-pur., /err., gels.,
aloud: CofF., byos , nux-v ,
phos., plat, plect..
glon., Graph., bell., hepar., bura, byos., sabin., staph., sulph.
ign., iod., ipec, kali-bi., kali-br., kali-c,
kali-iod., kali-n., kali-p., lac-can., lacb., alternating with cheerfulness: Aeon., arg-m.,
lacbn., lact., laur., led., lil-t., Lyc, mag-m., bell., borax., cann-s., carb-an., ign., iod.,

mag-s., mang., med., men., mere, melil., plat., spong.

merc-i-r., merl., mezer., moscb. naja, ,
ill-humor: Bell.
nat-c, Nat-m., nat-s., nice, nit-ac, nux-m.,
nu.v-v., op., Pallad., peir., pbel., phos.,
irritability and laughter at trifles: Graph.
ph-ac, plat., plb., psor.. Puis., ran-b.,
laughter: ^cdw., alum., aur., bell., borax.,
rbeum, Ehust., ruta, sabin., sars., secale,
calc, cann-s., caps., coff., con., graph.,
Sep., sil., sol-n., spig., spong., squill., stann.,
hyos., ign., lyc. Mere, nat-m., Nux-m.,
staph., stram., Sulph., sul-ac, tabac,
nux-v., phos., plat., puis., samb., sep.,'
tarent., tbuj., tilia., Verat, viol-o., viol-tr.,
strain., sulph., ziz.
zinc, ziz.
queer antics: Cupr.
morning: Alumn., am-c, bell., borax., cantb.,
carb-an., dulc, kreos., ameliorates symptoms: Anac, colch., cycl.,
phos., plat., prun.,
puis., rhus-t., dig., graph., ign., lyc, mere, nit-ac,
sars., sil., spong., stram., phos.,
sulph., tarent. plat , tabac.

anger, after: Arn., nux-v., plat.

inclined to, at ii a. m. :
from: Bell.
waking, after: Phos., puis.
breathing, from: Bell.
afternoon: Carb-v., cast., cop., dig., phos.,
sil., tarent. carried, when: Chel.

4 to 8 M. child cries piteously if taken hold of or car-

p. : Lyc.
ried: Cina.
evening: Aeon., am-c, calc, carb-an., clem.,
coca, graph., hyper., mez., plat., ran-b., is quiet only when carried: Cham., cina.
rhus-t., sil., stram., sulph. causeless: Apis, ars., bell., camph., cina,
graph., hura, kreos., lyc, nat-m.,
amel. in: Am-c, castor. nit-ac.'.
Puis., staph., sulph., tarent., viol-od., zinc.
•night: Alum., am-c, anac, arn., ars., aur.,
bar-c, bell., borax., without knowing why: Kali-c, rhus,
bry., calc, carb-an.,' sep.
caust., Cham., chel., chin., chin-s., cina., chill,during the: Aeon., ars., aur..
con., hipp., byos., ign., indg., ipec, Bell
kali-c, Calc, cann-s., carb-v., Cham., con., hep.']
kali-iod., lac-can., lach., lyc,
mag-c.,merc., ign., kali-c,
nat-m., nit-ac, nux-v., op
Lyc, mere, nat-m., petr.,
phos., ph-ac. , plat.. Puis., .selen.,
phyto., psor., puis., rheum,
sil., stram., sulph.!
sil., spong. verat., Viol-o.
stann., stram., sulph., tabac,
tarent., thuj.''
verat. consolation agg.: Bell., cact., calc,
chin., hell., ign., kali-c, lil-t,
sleep, in: Alum., carb-an., caust, cham. lyc, mere!
Nat-m., nit-ac, nux-v., plat., Sep
con., ign., lach., lyc, nit-ac, 7iux-v., Sil ''

staph., tarent., thuj.
contradiction, from: Ign..
waking, on- Chin-s., nu.x-v., stram
.admonitions cause: Bell., calc,
chin., ign convulsions, during: Absin., cham.,
kalt-c. lyc, nat-m., nit-ac, plb.
plat., staph. after: Caust.


ID. ^

coughing, before: Am., bell. meeting people, when: Aur.
during: Ant-t., arn., cainc, cham.,
ars., bell., menses, before: Cact, con., lye, phos.,
chin., cina, Hepar., ipec, lye, osm., Sep., zinc.
samb. ,
Sep., sil., spong., sulph., verat.
during: Ars., cact., calc, cans., cocc,
after: Arn., bell., caps,, cina, hepar., op. coff.,
con., eye, graph., hyo.s., ign., ind.,
dark, in: Strani. lye, petr., phylo., phos., plat.,
secale, sep., stram., thuj., verat., zinc
delirium, after: Nat-s.

disturbed at work, when: Puis.

which does her good: Cyc.

dreaming, when: Phos.

after: Alum., con., lye, phos., stram.

eating, after: Arg-n., arn., puis. micturition, before: Bor., lye, sars.

emission, after an: Hipp. during: Erig., sars.

emotion, after slight: Kreos, naja. music, from: Dig., Graph,, kreos., kali-n.,.
nat-n., nat-s., nux-v., thuja.
future, about the: Lye
bells, of: Ant-cr.
goes oil alone and weeps as if she had no
friends: Bar-c. piano, of: Cop., nat-c.

hallucinations, after: Dulc. need, about a fancied : Chin., nat-m.

headache, with: Coff., coloc, kali-c, kreos.,
nervous, feels so, she would scream unless she-
lyssin., phos., plat., ran-b., sep.
held on to something: Sep.
heat, during the: Acon., apis, Bell., calc, all day: Bry., cans., lac-can., lye, stram.
caps., cham., coff., cupr., graph., ign., lye,
feels like crying all the time, but it makes
petr., plat. Puis., spig., Spong.. stram.,
sulph., tilia.
her worse: Stann.

illness, during: Calad. nightmare, after: Guaj.

inclination to: Aeon., seth., ail., alum., arg-n., noise, at: CEth., ign., kreos., lach.

ars., aur., bell., bry., cact., camph., canth., nursing, while: Lac-c, Puis.
carb-v., cast., cans., cham., chel., cic,
opposition, at least: Nux-v.
cimic, cina, cocc, coff., colch., croc, cupr.,
eye, ferr., gins., graph., haemat., hell, pains, with the: Coff., m^z., plat., puis.
hura, hyos., ign., iod., ipec, kali-c, kali-n.,
during intermissions of: Glon.
lact., laur., lil-t., mere, merl., merc-i-r.,
mezer., naja, nat-e, Nat-m., nat-s., 7iit-ac.,
palpitation, during: Phos.

nux-m., op., phos., phos-ae, plat., puis., past events: Nat-m.

ran-b., rheum, rhus-t. ruta, sabin., samb.,

spong., squil. staph., stram., perspiration, during the: Aeon., aur.. Bell.,
Sep., sil., ,

sulph., sul-ae, tarent., thea, thuja, verat.,

bry., calc, camph., cham., chin., cupr.,
graph., Lyc, nux-v., op., petr., puis.,
rheum, rhus-t., sep., sp07ig., strain., sulph.,
involuntarily: Alum., aur., bell., cann-i.,
caust., cina, cupr., ign., lach., mere,
» mosch., Nat-m., plat., plb.. Puis., Rhus-t., pitied, if believes he is: Nat-m.
Sep., stram., verat., viol-od. poetry, at soothing: Lach.
amel. by vinegar: Stram. pregnancy, during: Apis., ign., nat-ui.,

joy, from: Coff., \ach., plat. puis., stann.

looked at, when: Nat-m. reading, while: Crot-h., lach.

mania, during: Ars. refused anything, when: Bell., cham., ign. j

' ,

remonstrated with, when: calc, ign.
WHISTLING, inclination to: Bell., cann-i.
kali-c, uit-ac, plat.
cann-s., caps., carb-an., croc, lach., lyc,
rising, after: Am-c. merc-i-f . ,
plat. , stram.
sad thoughts, at: Alum., carb-v., cina, kali-c, involuntary: Carb-an., lyc.
phel., plat., stram.
WILD feeling in head: lji\-\..,med.
though sad, is impossible to weep: Nux-v.
singing, when: Hura.
WILDNESS: Aeon., ant-t., bapt, bell., calc-p.,
camph., canth., croc, cupr., hyos., mosch.,
sleep, in: All-s., alum., ant-t., ars., aur., bell., op., petr., phos., ph-ac, stram., verat.
bufo., calc, carb-an., caiis., cham., chin.,
evening: Croc.
chin-s., con., curar., fluor-ac glon., graph.,

bright light, odors, etc. Colch.
ign., ipec, kali-c, kali-iod., kreos.,

lach., lye, mag-c ,

mag-m., mere, nat-m. headache, during: Bapt.
nice, tiit-ac, nux-v., op., phos., puis., trifles, at: Ign.
rheum, rhus-t., robin,
samb., sarr., sil.,
spong., stann., sulph., tabac, tarent., thuja. unpleasant news: Calc-p.

good during the day, screaming and restless vexation, from: Ph-ac.
all night: Jalap.
(Seealso" Anger," "Rage," " Violent," etc)
spasms, after: Caust.
WILL, contradiction of: Aeon., anac, caps.,
spoken to, when: Ign., nat-m., plat, sil., naja, sep.
staph,, thuja.
control of, want of: Apis, lach., nat-m., nit-ac.
kindly, soothing words, etc: Bell., cact.,
calc, calc-ph-, chin., ign., kali-c, lil-t.] deficient: Anac, alum., arg-n., apis, ars.,
lye, Nat-m., nit-ac, nux-v., plat., asaf., bar-c, bry., calc, camph., chin-s.,
cina, clem., cocc, coff., coloc, con.,
silic, staph., thuja. croc,
curar., dulc, hell., ign., ipec,
kali-c, lach.,
stool, before: Phos., puis., rhus.
laur., lyc, mere, nat-c, nat-m., nit-ac,
during: ^M., borax., cham., cina., phos., op., petr.,/«V-ac., puis., rheum, sil., sulph.
rhus-t., sil., sulph. strong: Aloe, calc, camph., chin-s.,
telling of her sicknes, when: Kali-c, Puis. two, feels as if he had two wills: Anac, naja.
thanked, when: Lyc
touched, when: Ant-cr., ant-t., cina.
WITTY: Caps., cocc, coff., croc, lach., op..,*
spong., thea.
trifles, at:Ant-cr., bufo, calc,
cocc.,petr., puis., stram.
caust., cina, WOMEN, aversion to: Am-c, bapt., dios.,
nat-m., puis., raph., sulph.
at the least worry, children: Lyc, nit-ac. WORK, aversion to mental: Acet-ac,
aeon '
vertigo, with: Phos. sesc, agar.. Aloe, alumen, anac, atrop
vexation, from: aur, bapt., bar-c, bell., brom., cad-s.'
Calad., cham., ign., nux-v.,
sulph., tarent., zinc cainc, calc-ph., carb-ac, carl., chel chin ,
cmnb., clem., colch., coloc, con., eye, dulc
wakens, arouses from sleep: '
Alum., cina '
fago., ferr., grat., ham., hep hydr., hyper
kali-iod. ,

lod., ipec.,» kali-bi., kali-n., HU. lyc'

waking, on: Am-m., bell.,
mag-m., mag-ph., med., meph.,
carb-an bufo, 'merl''
chin-s., cina, hyos., ign.,
lach., lyc, mere.,'
mur-ae, nat-m., nit-ac, Nux-v., op'
nice, nux-v., op., phos., pallad., par., petr.,
plan., puis., raph., Phos., ph-ac, phvh
^ pic-ac, plat., plb., ptel., puis., ran-se"
raph rhus-t., rumex, sanic,
walking in open air, when: Bell., calc
sep., sil., spig
coff.' squill., staph., sulph.,
sep. thea, thuja, valer
viol-od., viol-tr.

WORK, mental. WRITING, aversion to: Hydr., squil., thea.
couiplaints from: Lye, nat-m., nux-v., phos. "desire for: Chin., spig.

desire for mental: Antli., aloe, aur. arn., bad., difficulty in expressing ideas
when: Cact.,
brom., carb-ac, clem., cob., coca, naja, carb-an.
rlius, seneg., sulph., therid.
inability for: Ign., lyc.
mental occupation seems to drive him crazy,
writing disconnectedly: Colch.
owing to the impotency of his mind:
Kali-ph. WRONG, everything seems: Coloc., eugen.,
hepar, naja, nux-v.
(Compare "Study.")

VERTIGO: Abies-c, abies-n.. absin., acet-ac, MORNIlfG : Aeon., agar., ail., alum., am-c,
Aeon., act-sp., cesc, asth., agar., agn., Ail., am-m., arg-7i., bell., bism., bov., bry., bufo,
alet., all-c, aloe, alst., almn., &\\xm.., ambr.,
calad., calc, Carb-an., cast-eq., caust.,
aw-c,am-m., amyl-n., anac, aw/-^:., ant-t, cham., chel., chin.,
chin-s., cinnb., coc-c,
Apis, apoc, arg-m., arg-n., am., ars., dig., dios., dulc, eup-per., eup-pur., form.,
ars-h., arum-t., arund., asaf., asc-c, asc-t., gels., glon., graph., hep., hyper., iod.,
aspar., aster., atrop., atir., aicr-m., bad., kali-bi., kali-c, kali-n., kreos.,
lach., lact.,
Bapt., bar-c, bar-m., berb., Bell., benz-ac, Lyc, lyssin., mag-c, mag-m., mag-s.,
bism., bor., both., bov., brach., brom.,
Bry., mane, nat-m., nat-ph., nice, nit-ac, nux-v.,
bufo, cact., cain., calad., calc-a., Calc.,' olnd., ox-ac, phos-ac, psor puis., ,
calc-fl., calc-ph., camph., Cann-i., cami-s., ran-b., rhus-t., ruta, sabin., sang., sars.,
canth.^ caps., carb-ac, carb-an., carb-h., selen., seneg., sep., sit., sin-n., squil.,
carb-o., carb-s., car6-z/.
carl. cast-eq ,
, caul., stront, sulph., tell., verat.,
causL, cedr., cham., CheL, chim.,
verat-v., zinc
chins., chlol., chlf., chlor., cic, bed, in:Alum., bor., carb-v., calc, con.,
cina, cinnb., cist, clem., coca, chel., form., gels.,
graph., lach., lyc,
Cocc, coc-c,
coff., colch.,
coloc, comoc. Con., cop., nat-m., ol-an., phos., phos-ac,
sep., sil.,
corn-c, croc, crot-h., crot-t., cupr., zinc
cupr-a Cycl., daph., Dig., dios., dire,
dulc, elaps, equis., euon., eup-perf.,eup-pur., breakfast, before, worse: Alum,
euphor., euphr., eupi., i&go., ferr., during: Sil.
ferr-ph., ferr-mag., fl-ac, form., gamb., after: Calc, gels., lye, phos.
Gels., glon., graph., grat., gjt,are., ham.,'
hell., helon., hep., hura, livdr-ac, amel.: Alum,
hyos., hyper., ign., ill.,
i„dg., iod., ip.| bread, after: Mane
ms-f., ins, jab., jat., jug-c
jiig-r., kali-bi.,
closing eyes: Cham.
kali-c, kali-i., kali-n., kalm., '
kreos., lach lachn., lact, laur., amel.: Verat-v.
/^a'., lept
Hl-t., lob-i.,
Lye, lycps., lyssin.i
dressing: Tell,
mag-c, mag-m., mag-s., mane, mang.,
meny., mere, merc-c, merc-i-f., epistaxis: Sulph.
mez., mill., mosch.,i,Mr-ac.,
murQK.,mygalJ '
fasting, during: Sil.
myric, naja, nat-c, Nat-m., nat-ph.,
nice, mi-ac, nux-m., ' flickering before the eyes:
Ifux-V., olnd., Am-c.
Op., ox-ac par.,/^/r phell.,;^/wj-«c., gazing long at one object: Sars.
Phyl pic-ac, plant, ^\h., podo.,psor!, headache, after: Bov.
Ptel., Puis., ran-b.,
ran-s., raph., rheimi,
Mo., Rhus-t., rhus-v., rumx., ruta, sabad house, in: Am-m.
sabtn sal-ac, samb.,
Sang., sanic, sars.i amel.: Kreos.
Secale, senec, seneg., sop.,
SH., spig.
spang squil., stann., lie down, compelled to:
staph., \trafn\ Nit-ac, Puis,
stront.,Sulph., sulph-ac, sumb.,
Tabac motion, on: Euphr.
tanac, tarent, tarax.,
tell., tereb., teucr'
ther Umj., ust., valer., '
amel.: Mag-m.
verat., verat-v
vesp., zinc. '

rising, on: Aeon., am-c, amyl-n., asar

atrop., Bell., bov., Bry., calc, caul.'l

MORNING, rising, on. FORENOON.
canst., chain., cimic, cow., diilc, fl-ac, lectures, during: Myric.
gamb., glon., gran., graph., hell., iod.,
moving, on: Lact.
lach., Lyc, niag-c. ,
nuig-s.,Nat-m., nice, nit-ac phos-ac, ,
riding, on: Aeon.
Phos., Puis., Rhus-t., ruta, sabad., samb.,
on horseback: Cop.
Sep., sil ,
spig., squil.. siilph., thuj., tril.,
verat., verat-v. stooping, on: Nat-m., ///o^.

amel. : Caust. rhus-t. ,

turning head on pillow: Ind.

from a seat: Bov. walking, on: Aeon., p/ios.

quickly from stooping: Sang. in open air: Ambr., camph., Phos.

9 a. m.: Hyper., sulph.

after: Ain-c, bar-c, calc, chel ,
lach., Lyc, mag-c, mag-m., uat-m., 10 a. m. : Camph., nat-m.
nit-ac, Phos., sabad., sil., stram.
11 a. m.: Caust., sulph., ther.
sulph. , tell.
NOON: iBth., arn., calc-ph., caust., chin., dulc,
sitting, while: Am-c, fl-ac, sabad., sil
ham., kalm., lyc, mag-m., mag-s., mane,
amel.: Hell., nit-ac. mere, nat-s. ,
nux-v., phos., stram., stront.,
sulph., zinc.
standing: Am-c, lach., phos-ac.
eating, while: Sil.
stooping, on: Alum., caust., kali-bi., sil.
soup: Mag-c.
streets, in: Kreos.
after: Phos.
sunlight, from: Agar.
amel. : Dulc.
turning the head quickly: Calc, sang.
menses, before: Verat.
vomiting, with: Calc, mag-c
rising from sitting: Pic-ac.
waking, on: Aeon., atrop., brom., bry.,
calc, cap-s., carb-v., chin., dulc, from stooping: Pic-ac.

euphr., fago., fl-ac, graph., hell.,

sitting: Sulph.
hyper., iris,kali-bi., Lach., merc-i-f.,
myrist., nat-m., rhus-t., stann., til., at a desk writing: Merc
tarent. walking, while: Dulc.
after: Phos., tell. in open air: Stram.
amel.: Am-c, kali-bi., mag-c. AFTERNOON: ^sc, agar., alum., ambr.,
benz-ac, bty., chel., chin., crot-t., cupr.,
walking, on: Dios.
cycl., dios., eupi., ferr., glon., hura, kali-c,
in open air: Kreos., sil.
lyc, mere, nat-m., nice, nux-v., phos.,

writing, while: Form. phos-ac, puis., rhus-t., sabad., sars., sep.,

sil., staph., stront., sulph., sulph-ae, thuj.

5 a. m.: Agar., dios., nat-m.
closing eyes: Thuj.
7 a. m. : Cin., cham., dios.
rising after sleep: Ferr.
8 a. m.: Indg.
from bed: Sep.
FORENOON: Aeon., agar., ambr., atrop., bry.,
calc, camph carb-v., caust., cham., chin-s.,
sewing, while: Sulph-ae
eup-pur., fl-ac, lach., lact, lyc, lycps., sitting: Carb-s., sep., thuj.
nat-m., phos., samb., .sars., stann., sulph.,
at a desk writing: Merc.
viol-t., zinc.

sleep, after: Sep.

closing eyes, on: Lach.
standing: Phos-ac.
kneeling: Stram.

stooping, on: Ham. sewing, while: Mag-c.

turning the body: Glon., sang, sitting: Coloc, lycps., sil., zinc.

wakened, on being: Tliuj. after sleep: Carb-v.

walking, while: Phos., sep. sleep, after: Apis, carb-v.

in open air: Ambr., chin., ferr., nice. smoking: Zinc,

after: Anac. staggering: Calc.
1 p. m. : Phel. standing: Phos-ac, plat., sil., sulph.
2 p. m.: Hura. amel.: Phos-ac.
3 to 6 p. ni. : Sep. stooping: Dig., Sulph., sumb.
4 p. m. : Alum. turning in bed: Phos.
5 p. m.: Dios., ptel. •

vanishing of sight, with: Ars., asaf.

5 to 6 p. m. : Nat-m. walking, while: Bor., graph., kali-n.

EVENING: Alumn., alum., am-c, phos-ac, phos., Puis., sep.

apis, arn.,
ars., ^asaf., bor., calc, carb-an., carb-v., in open air: Phos., Puis,
caust., Cham., chel., chin., coloc, cycl.,
washing in warm water: Samb.
dios ,
eug., graph., hep., hydr,, iris, kali-bi .

kali-c, lach., laur., lye, lycps., mag-c, writing, while: vStram.

meph., mere, nat-m., nat-s., nice, nit-ac,
6 p. m.: Nat-s., sumb.
nux-m. nux-v. petr. phos-ac. phos. pic-ac.
, , , ,

phys., plat., Puis., raph., rhus-t., rhus-v., 7 p. m. : Carb-an., lycps., nat-m.

sabad., selen., sep., sil., spong., staph.,
stront., sulph
NIGHT: Am-c, bar-c, bell., calc, caust., chin,
tarent., thuj., til.
clem., croc, cycl., dig., f ago., ham., h3rper.
air, open, on going into: Phos., thuj. lac-c, lach., nat-c, nux-v., phos., phys.

amel.: Caust. pic-ac, rhodo., sang., sarr., sil., spong.

stram., sulph., tarent., ther., zinc.
bed, in: Lach., mag-c, nit-ac, nux-m..
nux-v., petr., phos., rhus-t., sep., staph., bed, in: Am-c, bar-c, catisi., ind.
on going to, amel.: Aur-m., carb-an.
compelled to sit up: Phos. beer, after: Sulph.
changing position Phys.
cramps in the neck, with: Sarr.
eating, after: Chel. phos.,
Sulph. ,
lying down, on: Con., phos-ac, sang,
looking out of windows: Ox-ac.
on back: Sulph.
lying down, on: Brom., 7iit-ac.
while: Dig.
with head low: Petr.
on side: Stram.
amel.: Alumn., carb-an.
side, left: Sil.
on the back: Alumn.
motion: Nat-c, spong., ther.
moving, on: Laur.
moving the head: Am-c.
orgasm of blood, during: Arn.
perspiration, during: Sulph.
raising the head: Carb-an.
rising up in bed: Croc, nit-ac, op., sep.
riding in a carriage: Selen.
after: Croc
rising, on: Dig.
and lying down again: Caust.
from a seat: Nit-ac
sleep, half asleep: Arg-ni., sil.

NIGHT. BEER, after: Kali-n., mere, .sulph.
talking: iVat-c.
BENDING heod backwards, on: Glon., seneg.
turning in bed: Bell.
forwards: Clem. mag-ni., mere, pic-ac.
waking, on: Cliin., dig., lac-c, lye, phos.,
spong., stront., sulph., thuj. BLOWING the no.se: Culix, sep.

him from sleep: Ifux-V. BREAD, after eating: Mane, secale.

3 to 4 a. m. : Ind. BREAKFAST, during: Con.

5 p. ni. until 5 a. m.: Tarent. after: Bufo, gels., lye, phos., selen., tarent.

9 p. m. : Pic-ac. amel.: Alum., calc, cinnb., cocc.

10 p. m.: Phos. walking rapidly, after: Coloc.

AIR, open, in: Aeon., act-sp., £eth., agar., ambr., BREATH, deep, amel.: Aeon.
anac, anag., ars., aur., bry., calc ,
causL, agg.: Cad.
cocc, crot-t., dros., euph., gin.,
glon., grat., kali-c, kreos., lach., laur., BURNING in back of neck, with: Alum.
mane, merc-c, mur-ac, nice, ol-an phell.,
in vertex: Agar., alumn.
podo., psor., ran-b., rata, sars., seneg ,
sil., sulph., tarax., thea. CATARACT, with: Secale.

amel.: ^th., agar., am-m., aur-m., bell., CEREBRAL pressure, with: Spig.
caviph., carl., caust., clem., croc, hell.,
CHILD grasps the nurse when carried: Bor., gels.
hydr-ac, hyos., grat., kali-bi ,
lil-t., mag-m., mag-s., mane, mosch., CHILL, before: Ars., bry., hipp.

nice, <^n&., phell. phos., phos-ac, plb.,

during: Alum., ant-t., Calc, chin., cocc,
puis., sanic, sin-n., staph., sulph., ferr., glon., kali-bi., laur., lyssin., nat-m.,
sulph-ac, Tabac. Nux-v., phos., plb., puis., rhus-t., sulph.,
verat., viol-t.
AIB., strong, in: Amyg.
after: Colch., secale.
amel.: Carb-ac.

ALCOHOLIC liquors: Caust., Coloc, Nat-m.,

CHILLINESS during: Gels., merc-e, rhus-t.

Nux-V., verat. CHOKING, with: Sil.

AXCrER, after: Acou., calc. CHRONIC: Nat-m., petr., Phos,, secale.

ANXIETY, during: Aeon., aloe, alum., am., with one-sided headache: Nat-m.
asar., bell., cacL, caust., coff., dig., ign.,
CLOSING eyes, on: Alum., alumn., amyl-n.,
mere, nux-m., nux-v., op., rhodo., rhus-t.,
ant-t., apis, arg-n.. Am., ars., calad.,
cham., Chel,, cycl., ferr., grat., hep., Lach-,
ASCENDING: Bor., dire, sulph. mag-s., petr., phos., phos-ac, rhus-t., sabad.,
sil stram., ther., thuj., vib.
an eminence: Bor., Calc, dig., phos., sulph. ,

nausea with : Ther.

stairs: Aloe, ant-e, apoe, ars-h., bor., cain.,
Calc, carb-ac. coca, glon., ,
kali-bi., m^rc, I. sitting, while: Thuj.
par., pic-ac, sumb.
amel.: Con., dig., ferr., gent., phell.,

BACK, comes up the: Sil. piper-m., selen., sulph., verat-v.

BALANCING sensation: Calad., ferr., lact., CLOSED eyes, cannot walk with: Alum., arg-n.,
mere, thuj., zinc. ars., sham., thuj.

BATHING, after: Phys., samb., sol-n. COFFEE, after: Arg-n., cham., mosch., Nat-m.,/
BED, on going to. (See "Lying"): Nat-m.,
sabad., stram. amel.: Cann-i.

seems as if bouncing up and down in: Bell. I

with longing for: Nux-ni.

COITION, after: Phos-ac, sep. DROWSINESS. (See "Sleepiness.")

COLDNESS, icy of forehead: Ivachn., verat. EATING, while: Am-c, arn., calc, chel., con.,
dios., form., Grat., hep., mag-c, mag-m.,
COLD applications amel. : Nat-m.
mere, nat-c, nux-v., olnd., phos., selen.,
COLD water when overheated: Ars., kali-c. sil.

COLD weather, during: Sang.

after: Aloe, ambr., aran., bell., bry., bufo,
COLIC, with: Coloc, stram. cham., chel., chin., cocc, coc-c, cor-r.,

after: ^th. cycl.jgels., Grat., kali-bi., kali-c, kali-i.,

lach., lyc, mag-s., mere, nat-m., 7iat-s.,
alternating with : Verati
Hux-Y., petr., phos-ac, phos., plb.. Puis.,
COLORED glass, light shining thro', from: Art-v. rhus-t., sanic, scut, selen., sep., sulph.,
tarent., zinc.
CONCUSSION of brain, from: Aeon.
CONSTIPATION, during: Aloe, calc-ph., chin., an hour after: Selen.

crot-h. amel.: Alum., arg-n., cinnb., cocc, dulc,

CONTINUOUS: Bor., olnd., phos., sil. sabad.

COR YZA, after, amel.: Aloe. plums: Mag-c.

COUGHING, on: Aeon., ant-t., calc, coff., cupr., ELEVATED, as if: Aloe, calc, cann-i., hyper.,
kali-bi., led., mosch., naja, nux-v. mosch., phos., rhus-t., sil.

CROSSING a little bridge: Bar-c, brom. evening: Phos.

running water: Aug., arg-m., brom., ferr.,

eating, after: Aloe.
EMISSION, after: Caust.
, DARK room, on entering: Agar., arg-n.^ stram EPILEPTIC : Art-v., h\xio, calc-a., caust., crot-h.,
. DAMP weather: Brom., sars. ign., plb., sil., thuj.

DEAFNESS, with: Merc-c, nux-v., puis. EPILEPSY, before: Ars., caust., Hyos., lack.,
plb., sulph.
DELIRIUM, with: Jatr., nux-m.
with: Calc.
DESCENDING, on: Bor., coff., con., Ferr., gels.,
mag-m., merl., sanic, stann. EPISTAXIS, with: Aeon., ant-c, brom., camph.,

stairs: Bor., carb-ac, chi-ac, con., carb-an., crot-h., sulph., tep.

merl mere. phys. plat. tarent.
j . ,
, , , ERECTIONS, during: Tarent.
:DIARRH(EA, with: Cham., hell., mane, phos., ERUCTATIONS, during: Gym., nat-m., nux-v.,
puis., sars.
DILATED pupils: Bell., hell., teucr. sour: Sars.
-DINNER, during: Arn., calc-ph., chel., hep., after: Hep., nux-v.
mag-c, mag-m., mag-s., olnd., sil.
ERUPTIONS, preceding: Cop.
after: Aeon., aloe, bell., bufo, coloc, erj^-a.,
ferr., hep., mag-s., suppressed: Bell., bry., calc, carb-v., cham.,
nat-s., Nux-V., petr.,'
V^\os.. puis., selen., sulph., thuj., hep., ip., lach., phos., rhus-t., stilph.
amel.: A^-g-n., dulc, sabad. EXERCISING, on: Ars., berb., bism., cact.,
chin., cycl., kali-c, nat-c, sol-n.
on rising from: Phos., phys.
amel.: Phos.
while walking after: Cocc.
the arms: Berb., sep.
DIPLOPIA, with: Gels., olnd.
in open air: Coff., nat-c.
when looking down: Olnd.
DRINKING, while: Lyc., mang., sep.
EXERTION, on: Ars., cact., cop., nit-ac, sol-n.

eyes: graph., mag-ph.,

water amel.: Op. Nat-m„ Phos.,

EXERTION. FALL, to left.
mental: Agar., am-c, am., bor., cham , sitting, while:
cupr., grat., gran., merc-i-f.,
nat-c, Nat-m., walking in open air: Aur.
Nux-v., pic-ac, p/ios-ac, sep.
right: Aeon., ars.,
FAINT-LIKE Arg-n., bty., inag-c, niez., nat-c,
calc-a., camph., carb-v.,
canst., euphor., eup-pur., ferr.,
nat-iu., nux-ni., nux-v., sep. kali-n.',
lycps., lyssin, mill., nat-s., rhus-t.,
ruta, siL,
FAINTNESS, before: Lach. zinc
after: Zinc. sideways: Aeon., am-m., arg-n., ars., benz-ac,
with: Alum., bov., Calc.,cann.s., canst.,
c/iiii., cocc, crot-h., gloii., jugl., Cocc ,
con., dros.,
raag-c, Nat-m., nux-m., zmc. euphor., led., mez., Nux-v., phell., puis.,
rheum, silic, squil., staph., sulph., valer.,
PAINTING (see "Syncope"): Acet-ac, aeon , zinc.
Carb-V., uit-ac, phos., plat.
as if everything would fall on him: Arn.
while standing to urinate: Aeon.
FEAR of death, with: Rhus-t.
FALLING, sensation of, from a height: Causl.,
gels., mosch. FLICKERING before the eyes: Am-c, ant-L,
bell., calc, ign., mere, mez., olnd., stram.
FALL, tendency to: Acott., agar., alum., am-c,
ang., arn., ars., bell., berb.,
calc, bov., FLOATING, as if: Bell., camph., hyper., lach.,
carb-an., carb-s., carb-v., caust., chin., cic, lact., mosch., nux-tn., op., phos., sep., valer.
cocc, coloc, con., crot-h., dros., euphor.,
FRIGHT, after: Aeon., crot-h., op.
ferr., gels., glo7i., graph., ham., kali-c,
kreos., lact., led., lye,
mag-m., mag-c,
FULNESS and aching in vertex: Cimic.
mag-s., mez., nat-m., nat-ph., nux-m., /A,?//., GARGLING, while: Carb-v.
phos-ac, plb., puis., ran-b., rheum, rhodc,
rhus-l., ruta, sabad., sabin., sarr., sil., spig.,
GASLIGHT, from: Caust.

spong., squill., sulph., tereb., zinc. GAZING. (See "lyooking steadily.")

morning, while waking: Graph. HEADACHE, during: Acet-ac, aeon., aeth., agar.,
ail,, alumn., anac, anthrae, ant-t.. Apis,
fever, during: Sep.
arg-n., am., ars., asaf., aur., bar-c, Bell.,
looking down, on. Spig. brom., bry., bov., Calc, calc-ph., carb-s.,
carb-v., caust., chel., cimic, coca, cocc,
rising from bed: Rhus-t.
coff., con., crot-h., cycl., eugen., ferr., fi-ac,
stooping, on: Merl. form., gels., glon., grat., hep., kali-bi.,

backwards: Agar., bell., bov., brom.,

kali-c, kalm., lach., laur., lob., mag-c,
calc, carb-an., causl., chin., dios., kali-c, mag-m., mere, nat-c, nat-m., nat-s.,

kali-n., led., mil., nux-v., phell., phos-ac, nux-m., Nux-v., os.-s.c, phos., pic-ac, plb.,
psor., puis., sang., secale, sep., Sil., spig.,
Rhus-t., sars., sil., spong., stram., sulph.
stram., sulph., tab., vcrat-v., xanth., zi7ic.
when stooping: Caust.
HEART, rush of blood to, with: Ars.
forward: Agar., alum., arn., camph., caust.,
disease: Dig., spig.
chel., cic, cupr., elaps., ferr., ferr-ph,,
graph., hell., iod., kali-n., lach., led., lye, HEAT, from: Con., ptel.
lycps., mag-c, mag-m., mag-s., mang., of room: Grat., lye, pa2on., phos. //^/j. ,

Nat-m., nux-v., petr., phell., phos-ac,

of sun: Agar., cast-v., nat-c. gels.
podo., puis., ran-b., Rhus-t., sars., sabin., ,

senec, sil., spig., sulph., tarax. during the: Aeon., arg-m., bry., chin., cocc,,

to left: Anac, aur., bell., bor., calc, caust.,

croc, ign., kali-c, laur., led., merer
mosch., nux-v., phos., puis., sep., stram.
cic, dire, dros., eup-perf., eup-purp.,
euphor., iris-f., "lach., lycps., merl., mez.,
nat-c, Nat-m., nux-m., spig., stram., with sensation of heat in chest and aboul
sulph., vip., zinc. heart: Lachn.


HOUSE, in: Agar., am-m., arg-m., bell., croc, LOOKING.
crot-t., lye, mag-m., merc-s., niur-ac, iiat-c,
ox-ae, petr., Phos., puis., rhodo., rhus-t.,
phos.,/«/5., stann., sil., staph., sulpli-ac.
salaman., sep., Spig., staph., Sulph., thuj.
on entering: Aeon., ars., carb-ac, mere, as if: Phos.
pall., //w^., •^l&t., puis., ran-b., sil., tabac.
either way, right or left: Con., olnd., op.,
after walking: Arg-m., plat., tabac.
sulph., sumb., thuj.
amel.: Agar., canst., cycL, grat. kreos. , mere, large plain, at a: Sep.

mirror, into a: Kali-c
INJURIES ot head, after: Cic.
moving objects, at: Anac, laur., mosch.,
INSENSIBILITY of limbs: Aster. nat-m., olnd., sep. sulph.

INSPIEATION, deep, on: Cad. revolving objects, at: Lyc.

INTOXICATED, as if: Acet-ac, aeon., act-s.,

steadily: All-s., am-e, ars., canst., colch.,
ail., agar,, alum., am-c, anac, anan., kali-c, lach., mane, Nat-m., olnd., phos.,
arg-m. arg-71., asar., aiir., bell., berb., bry., sars., sil., Spig., sulph., tarent.

camph., canu-i., caust, cham., chel., chin., amel : Dig.

cic, clem., Cocc, con., cor-r., croc, crot-h.,
straight ahead amel. : Olnd.
curar. dig. ferr. gels. glon.,
, , , , graph. grat.

ham., hyos., kali-c, kreos., lact-v., laur., upwards: Calc, caust., crot-t., cupr., dig.,
lye, med., mere, merl., mez., mosch.,
led., graph., iod., kali-s., lach., mur-ae, nux-v.,
nat-m., nux-m., Nux-V., oena, op., petr., petr., Phos., plat., plb.. Puis., sang., sep.,
^'h&W., phos-ac phos.. Puis., rhodo., rhus-t.,
sil., stram., Jabac, thuj.
sars., secale,s.&\^\\., sep., sil., spang., spig., at high buildings: Arg-n.
stram., labac, tarax., tep ,
til., valer.
at a light: Cupr., plb., thuj., zinc.
KNEADING bread or making similar motions:
Sanic. walking in open air, while: Arg-n. ,
KNEELING, when: Mag-c, Sep., stram.
window, out of a: Camph., carb-v., Nat-m.,
LEANING against anything: Cycl., dig.
left cheek against hand: Verb,
LOSS of fluids: Chin., Phos., sep.
head: Verb.
LYING down, on (in the act of): Bell., brom.,
LEFT, swaying toward: Anac, aur., bell., bor., ferr., kalm., nit-ae, nux-v., olnd., ox-ae,
calc, cic, dire, dros., eup-per/., rhus-t. sabad. sang.
eup-purp.| ,

euphor., iris-f., lycps., merl., mez.,

nat-c, nux-m., spig., sulph., zinc. necessary: Ambr., ant-t., aran., asaf., aur.,
chel., Cocc, crot-h, cup., graph., kali-c,
morning on waking: Myrist. mere, mosch., nat-e, nal-m.,
kreos., laur.,
evening: Nux-m. nit-ac, op., Phos., Puis., sabin., secale,
sil., sulph-ac, zinc.
lying, while: Merl., ox-ae
while: Alumn., am-e, apis, ars., aur., bar-c,
sitting, while: Anac, merl. brom., calad., carb-v., caust., cham., coca.
standing: Merl. Con., cycl., ham., iod., lac-d., lach., lact.,
walking mag-c. mere, merl., nux-v., ox-ac petr.,
in open air: Aur., nux-m., sulph.

phell., phos., pic-ac.,/.7</j., rhodo.,

jIFTING a weight: Ant-t.,
Puis. sang., sil., spig., staph strych., sulph., ,

.IGHTNING from: Crot-h. sumb., thuj.

iOOKING with eyes turned: Spig-. amel.: Aeon., alumn., alum., am., aur-m.,
carb-an., cic, cina, chin., cocc,
downward: Alumn., ars., calad.,
calc, camph cupr., grat., ham., lach., nat-ra.,
Cham., cina, con., ferr., nit-ac'
graph., kalm.', olnd., op., petr., phell.,
mang., mere, nat-e, nit-ae, phos., rhus-t.,
nux-v., olnd sil., stann., sulph-ac,
tell., thuj.


with head high, amel.: Nat-iii., pdr. merc-i-f., nat-c, nai-m.,
nux-v., phos-ac
as if feet were going up: Phos-ac, puis., Sep., sil.

as if he did not touch the amel.: Phos.

bed: Lac-C
as if sinking down thro' or with the bed: .symptoms, with: Cimic, cocc,
Bell., benz-ac, Bry., ca/c-p/i.,
chin-s., MICTURITION, during: Aeon.
dulc, /iu/i., niosch., rluis-t., sacch.
copious, amel. after: Gels.
back on: A/iimii., ananth.,. ?w^;-f., nierc-suL,
nmr-ac, nux-v., puis., silic, sulph. during urging for: Hyper.

amel.: Stram. MIEROE, after looking into: Kali-c.

in a cool room amel.: Cast-v MOTION from: Agar., ail., aloe, am-c, am-m.,
arn., aur., aur-m., bar-ac, bar-c, bell.,
face, on, while: Phos.
calc-ph., carb-ac, carb-v., chin., cocc,
amel.: Coca. con., crot-h., cupr, ferr-i., fl-ac, glon.,
grat., hep., hydr ac, kalm., laur., lycps.,
side agg. : Stram.
uiag-c, med., nat-a., nat-m., nux-v., paeon.,
amel.: Merc, phell., phos., phys., puis., sabad., sang.,
-secale, selen., sil., sin-n., sol-n., staph.,
side, right, agg. : Mur-ac.
sumb., tabac, tell., ther.
amel.: Alumn.
amel.: Coff., cycl., mag-m., rhodo.
side, left, agg.: Alumn., />/zoj-., sil.
arms, of: Bar-c, 'berb., sep.
MEDITATING, on: Arg-m., coff., gran., eyes: Chel., con., mur-ac, plat.
phos-ac, puis., sil.
eyelids: Alum , mosch.
while walking in open air: Agar.
sudden: Gels., lact., ptel., sumb.
amel. : Phos.
vomiting and nausea: Selen., ther.
when thinking of something else amel.
Agar., pip-m., sep. MOVING the head: Aeon., aloe, am-c, am.,
atrop., aur., Bry., calc, calc-a.,
MENSES, before: Aeon., bor., bry., bov., calc,
carb-an., carb-v., canst, clem., cocc. Con.,
calc-ph., caul., chel., con., lack., nux-m., cupr ,
glon., hep., ign., ip., kali-c, kali-bi.,
phos. puis. verat. zinc.
, , ,
mepli., mosch., nat-m., pason ,
phos., ptel.,
during: Aeon ,
am-c, ant-t., arg-n., bor., bov., rhus-t., samb., sang., sep., selen., spig., tell.,

brom., cact.,
calc, calc-ph., carb-v., caul., ther., thuj.

causL, con., croc, cub., cycl., elaps, fern, quickly: Am-c, atrop., bar-c, biy., Calc,
gels., graph., iod kali-bi., lack., lye, carb-v., coloc, gels., kali-c, lact-ac,
mosch., •sms.-v., phos., phos-ac, plat.. Puis., sang., spig., staph., sulph.. verat.
stilph., thuj., tril., ust.
amel. : Agar.
stoopiug and rising again, when: Calc.
NAUSEA, with: Aeon., agar., ail., alum., alumn.,
stooping, on: Calc, cause. am-c, amyg., amyl-n., ant-c, aut-t., apis,
walking, while: Phos. arg-n., am., ars., bapt., bar-c, bell., bor.,
brom., bry., calad., cain., calc, calc-ph.,
amel. : All-s lach.
calc-s., camph., carb-an., carb-v., caust.,
after: Agar ,
ant-t., con., nat-m., puis., ust. chain., chel ,
ch.m., Chin-S., cxmic, cinriab.,
coca, Cocc, coloc, con., cycl., crot-li., crot-t.,
suppres.sed: Acoii ,
bry., calc, cimic, con.,
Ferr., fl-ac, gels., glon., graph., gymii.,
Cycl., gels., lach., nux-v., pho.s., plat..
ham., hell., hep., ind., kali-bi., kali-br.,
Puis., sabin ,
sep., sil., .sulph., verat., zinc.
kali-c, kalm., lac-c, lach., lobcL, lyssin.,
MENTAL exertion: Agar., agn., am-c, arg-m., lyc, mag-c, mere, mill., mosch., mur-ac,
arn , bar-c, calc, coff., cupr. grat. ,
uij'ric, nat-m., nat-s., nice, ni-c

1 06
nux-v., op., -phos-SLC, psor., rhvis-t., sabad.,
Petr,, />AoJ., pic-ac, puis., rhus-t.

ramx., sabad., sang'., sanic, sars., selen., selen., sep., sil., sin-n., sulph-ac.
senec, sep., si'l., spig., spong., squil., staph., on looking at running water: Ferr.
strain., stront., sulph., tabac, tarent., tell.,
room whirls: Calc, cann-s., cod dub., ,
teieb., ther., verat., verai-v., vip., zinc.
grat., kali-bi., Nux-V., tabac. ,

morning: Calc, sabad., squil., stront.

OCCIPITAL : Gels., Silic, ^inc
after: Calc, cimic, gran., zitic.
OLD PEOPLE, in: Ambr., bar-c, calc-ph ,

looking long at one object: Sars.

rhus-t., sin-n.
lying, while: Ars.
OPENING EYES, on: Alum., phell.
on right side or back: Mur-ac.
while lying: Lac-d.
with the head low: Petr.
amel : Alum., alumn., apis.
middle of chest: Bry., phos.
PAINFUL: Phos., tabac, tarent.
motion, on: Selen.

periodic: Nat-m. PAIN in eyes, with: Seneg., tabac.

raising the head: Merc.

nape of neck: Alum.

rising in bed, on: Bry., Cocc, verat. PALE face, with: Crot-t., lach., led., mag-c,
mere ,
ptUs. , tabac.
seasickness, as in: Staph.

stooping amel. : Peir. PALPITATION, with: M'Oa., alumn., bov., cact.,

chin-s., cocc, cycl., plat., sep.
waking, on: Spong.
after: Cocc, nit-ox.
NOISE, from: Ther.
PARALYSIS, with: Arg-n., arn., caust., con..
NOISES in ears, with. (See "Ear.") Graph., ign., nux-v , olnd.

ODOR of flowers: Hyos., Nux-V., Phos. of left arm Arg-n.:

right arm: Ign.

OBJECTS seem to be too far off: Anac, stann.,
Puis. ptosis: Bapt.

inveited: Bufo. PAROXYSMAL: Agar., aloe, ant-t., arg-m.,

calc, caul cupr., kali-bi., morph., nat-m.,
large: Canst. ,

nux-v., plat., ptel., tabac, til.

move: Cocc, hydr-ac, kali-cy., mosch.,sep.,
thuj. PERIODICAL: Agar., ang., arg-m., camph.,
cocc, cycl., ign., kali-c, Nat-m., Phos.,
to the right: Nat-s., sal-ac.
tabac, ust.
to the left and downward: Tabac. every two weeks: Cocc.
the seat on which he sat: Zinc,
PERSPIRATION, cold, with: Am-c, carb-ac,
reel: Anac, bell., bry., glon. u meic-c, tabac, ther., verat.

run into each other: Iris-f. on forehead amel : Nat-s.

vibrate: Carb-v. PREGNANCY, during. .\rs., gels., Nat-m.

OBJECTS seem to turn in a circle: Agar., agn.,
RAISING head: Aeon., aeth., ant-t., arn., bar-c,
alum., am-c, anac, arn., bar-c, bar-m., Bry,, cact., calc, carb-an., carb-v., chin.,
bov., bry., cadm-s., Chel., cic, coca., clem., coloc, croc, hell., jatr., laur., mag-s.,
colch., con., Cycl., hell., kali-c, laur., mere, merc-c, nux-v., op., phos., pic-ac,
mag-c, mere, merc-i-r., morph., mosch., selen., stann., stram.
mur-ac, Nat-m., nat-ph., nat-s., olnd amel.: Aur.

from bending forward: Bry.,
hell., sep. carb-o., caust., cedr., chel., chin., chin-s.
pillow: Ant-t., Bry., mere., cic, cina, cocc,
.strain, colch., con., cupr.. dig.
arms, when: Bar-c, lack. fen:, form., gent., glon., grat, gtiaj., ham.
hell., hep., hyos., ind., kali-bi., kali-c
REACHING xip with arms: Lach. lac-d., lact-ac, lach., laur., lyssin, mane,
meny., morph., Nat-m., nat-s., nux-v.
READING, while: A7n-c., ang., arg-m., ars.,
olnd., oi^., pcir., Phos., pic-ac, ptel., puis.
cupr., gran., grat., ham., merl.,
merc-i-f., Rhus-t., sabin., sil., sulph., sulph-ac.
par., phys., stann.
Tabac, thuj., tromb., verat-v., zinc
night: Am-c.
after: Apoc, bar-c, bell., bry., calc, cocc,
aloud: Mane, par. dig., eugen., form., lyc, lyssin, mag-c,
too. long: Am. phos., phos-ac, sabad., stann.

after: Kali-c, phos-ac. amel.: Ars., anr., hell., mosch., nat-m., phos.,
aloud, after: Par.

from bed, on: Bar-c,

RED face, with: Cact. bell., bry., cact., caust.,
cham , Chel., chin., chin-s., cic, cimic,
REELING: Aeon., agar., almn., anac., ars., bell., cinnb., Cocc, con., cupr.,dulc., ItxT., glon.,
bry., camph., caps., canst., cic, cimic., croc, graph., iud., iod kali-bi., kali-s., lach., lyc,

cupr., ferr., crion., hydr-ac, mag-m., mag-s., mere, Nat-m., nal-s., nice,
kali-i., lach.,
lye, mag-c, mag-m., nat-c, nat-m., nux-m., nit-ac Nux-v., olnd., op., petr., Phos.,

nux-v.,o\-a.n., paeon phos-ac, puis., sanic, phos-ac, Phyto., puis., rhus-t., xvAs.,

secale, seneg ,
spong., stram., sulph., tabac, sabin., sep., sil., stram., sulph., sulph-ac,
tarax., tereb., thuj., verat., viol-t. verat-v.

RELAXATION, after; Calc, lach. from kneeling, on: Cer-b.

REST agg.: Aeon., bell., calc, cycl., lach., mane, from a seat, on: Aeon., gesc, aeth., all-s ,
nat-c, puis., rhus-t., sil. bov., Bry., calc.,calc-ph., carb-an., cham.,

amel. coca, con., dig., grat., hell., ind., iod.,

Cann-i., coca, con., eupi., nat-c, nat-m.,
nux-m., nux-v. kali-bi., kali-c, kali-s., kalm., laur., lyc,
lyssin, merc-i-f., nice, nit-ac, Nux-V.,
RESTING head on the table amel.: Sabad. ^ ox-ac, petr., Phos., phos-ac, pic-ac,
RETCHING, with: Sil. ptel., Puis., RhuS"t., sabad., sang., selen.,
Sep., spig., staph sulph., sumb., thuj.,
RIDING, while: Ant-t., grat.
verat., verat-v.

in a carriage, while: Aeon., calc, hep., lyc, after: Apoc, bry., cocc, dig., phos.
selen., sil.
• sitting bent: Merc.
amel.: Glon., sil.
long: Cham., laur., phos-ac
horseback, while: Caps., rhus-t.
from stooping: Aeon., a7iac., apoc, am.,
horseback,, amel. : Tarent. ars., bar-c, Bell., berb., bov., bry., calc,
as from, in a carriage: Cycl., carb-an., cic, con., graph., ham., laur.,
ferr., grat., hep.
lyssin., men}-., mere, nat-m., nice, nit-ac.y
RIGHT, swaying toward: Aeon., ars., berb., nux-v., phos., pic-ac, puis., sang., sanic,
calc-a., carb-an., canst dios., euphor., ferr.,
, sep., sil., sulph., zinc.
grat., kali-n., lycps., lyssin., mill., nat-s.,
ruta, sars.,
quickly: Sang.
sil., zinc.
after: Laur., zinc.
in a circle: Berb., canst.
amel. Aur., hell.
RISING, on: Aeon., acon-c, teth., ail., amyl-u.,

apoc, am
ars., arund., atrop., bar-c, bell.,
supine po.sition: Croc, mere, olnd., petr.,

berb., bov., Bry., calc, cann-i., carb-an.. t)uls., selen., sil.

1 08
ROCKING, as if: Bell., calad. SLEEP.
from: Bor., coff. mere, nat-m., Nux-V., op., sep., spong.,
stann., stict., stram., tarent., thuj., Iher.,
aniel. : Secale.
RUBBING the eyes amel.: Alum.
SLEEPINESS, with: ^th., arg-m., crot-t., laur.,
SALIVATION, with: Mag-c. nit-ac, nux-m., puis., sarr., sil., stram.

SEWING, while: Lact., mag-c, phil., sulph-ac. alternating, with: Ant-t.

SHAKING the head: Aeon ,

corn., glon., hep., SMOKING, from: Asc-t., bor., brom., clem.,
Sep., spig. gels., Nat-m., op., sil., Nux-V., tabac],
quickly: Sep. zinc.

SHAVING, after: Carb-an. SNEEZING, during: Bar-e, nux-v., seneg.

SHUDDERING, with: Chel. SOUNDS agg.: Ther.

SINKING as if: Nat-m., phos-ac. SPARKS before the eyes: Alum., bell., ign.,
SITTING, while: ^th., aloe, alum. am-c, anac, ,
apis, arg-m., ars., bell., calc, camph.,
carb-ac, carb-an.,
SPEECH difficult: Par.
carb-s., carb-v., caust.,
cham., chin., cic, coca, cocc, colch., coloc, SPIRITUOUS liquors. (See "Alcoholic")
cop., crot-h crot-t., cupr.,
, dig., eugen., SPRING, in, spells of: Apis.
euon., fl-ac, glofi., hell., grat., ind., kali-bi.,
kali-c, lach., lycps., mang., meph., merc-cy., STAGGERING with: Aeon., ail., agar., am-c
mere, nat-c, nit-ac, anan., arg-n., atrop., aur.,
Phos., phell., bry., calc.
phos-ac, pic-ac.,//«if., Puls., ran-s., rhodo., camph., caps., carb-ac, carb-an.,
rhus-t., ruta, sabad., sabin., sauic, Cham., chin., cic, coloc,
sars., ferr., fl-ac. Gels
Sep., sil., spig., spong., stann., staph., hydr-ac, ign., ip., kali-br.,
stram., kali-c, kreos."
sulph-ac, Iil-t., lye, lyssin, med., mere,
siilph., tabac, tell., thuj., viol-o., mur-ac
zinc rnzcnux-m., Nux-V., olnd., p^on.,
Phos., phyto., sars., secale, sep.,
amel.: bry., cycl., form., lach., stram
puis., sulph., tarax.,
til., thuj.

bed,up in: Ars., 3rv., caust.,

STANDING, while: Aeon., ^th., aloe, am-c
Chel., chin-s., apis, arg-m., arn., aur.,
bar-e, bor., bov
Cocc, cupr., euphor., eupi., ind., kali-b., bry., calc, canji-s., caust.,
mere, nat-m., nit-ac, op., phos., cham., cocc coflF
phyto., cop., crot-t., cycl.,
ptils., Sep., siL, thuj., euph., euphr.; 'fl-ac
gels., glon., kali-bi.,
kali-br., kali-c, kali-n"
amel.: Hell., lac-d., phos. lach., laur., led., lye.
mag-c, mang., mere
eating before: Kali-c. __merc-sulph., merl., nux-m., olnd., petr
phos., phos-ac, phyto.,
erect: Cham., hydr. plat, rheum
rhus-t, sabin., sars.,
secale, selen sil.
amel.: Hell. sol-n., sptg., stram..

sulph., tereb.,

high, as zinc.
if too: Aloe, phos.

walk, after air in open: 'Enph., podo.

a: Colch., lach.
writing, while: Kali-bi., against something: Dig.
SLEEP, on going amel,: Nux-v.. phos.
to: Arg-n., nat-m., tell.
during: ^th., crot-h.. on a height: Zi7tc.
sang., sil., thea!
amel.: Bell., ferr., grat., pall.
room, in: Cupr.. stram.

walking, after: Calc.

calc, carb-v., chtn.,
dmic, dulc., graph, STARS, white, before eyes:
hep- kali-i.,
Lach., STARTING, with: Ake, arg-n,.

) ,

STOMACH, proceeding from: Kali-c.
SWIMMING, like: Bell., calc-a., calc-ph., cann-s '

pain in, willi: Aeon., anibr., kali-hi. cinnc, cofF., ferr-ph., ham., hyos'
kah-bi., nat-s., nnx-m., ox-ac, pip-m.,
STOOL, before: Alnni., Inch., cenan.
in bed: I^act.
during: Cattst., chani., cob., cocc, colch., ptel.,
stram., zinc. SWINGING, like: Calad., ferr., mere, sulph '
thuj., zinc.
after: Apoc, caust., gran., lach., nat-m., petr.,
phos. , zinc. SYNCOPE, with: Alum., ars., herb., bry., canth.
carb-v., Cham., croc, glon., hep., hipp'
amel. : Cupr.
lach., mag-c, mosch.,
Nux-V., paeon., phos.'
STOOPING, on: Aeon., aet-s., ail., a/um., aiiac, sabad., sulph.

aran., arg-n., aur. . aur-ni., bapt. bar-c,

Bell., berb., bry.,
cad., calc, calc-ph.,
catnph., cann-i., carb-v., caust., cham., chin., TALKING, while: Bor., cham., par.
chin-s., cic, cimic, cinnb., coff., con.,
after animated: Bor., cham., lye,
corn-c, dig., glon., graph., guare., ham., nat-c.,
par., thuj.
helon. ,
hell. ,
ign. ind.
, , iod. , kali-bi. kali-c.,

kali-n., kalm., lach., lact-ac, led., lye, long: Thuj.

mang-m., med., meny., mepli., merc-c,
TEA, after: Nat-m., Sep.
mere, rnerl., mill., mosch., myric, nat-m.,
nice., nit-ac, Nux-V., ol-an., op., pelr., amel.: Glon.
phos-ac, phos., pic-ac, plb., ptel., Puis., TEMPLE, with pain in: Gels.
rhus-t, sant., sep., sil., sin-n., sol-n., staph.,
Sulph,, sumb., ther., thuj., valer., verat.
THINKING amel.: Phos.

of something else amel.: Agar., piper-m., sep

long stooping, after: Cham.
supper, after: Sep.
TOUCH agg. Cupr. :

TREMBLING: Ars., camph., carb-v., crot-h.

STRAINING eyes. See (
" Exertion. '

' dig., dulc, glon., nat-m.

STRETCHING, on: Apoc. of feet. Am-c.

STUDYING, while: Nat-m„ nat-ph. hands: Bell., puis.

STUPEFACTION, with: ^th., agar., aur., bov., TURNED, as if bed turned about: Con., uux-v.,
plb., sin-n.
calc, dulc, laur., mosch., psor., sil., stann.,
staph. and whirled, as if, renewed by thinking about
it: Plb.
as if therewere a barrier between his organs
of sense and external objects: uljth. TURNING as if in a circle: Aeon., alum., aloe,
am-c, anac, arg-n., arn., asaf., aur., bell.,
SUDDEN ^th : apoc, arg-m., aster.,
agar., bov., bar-m., berb.. bism., Bry., camph., calad.,
bry., calc-a., camph., carb-s., coloc. iris,
calc, chel., chin-s., cic, cocc. Con., cupr.,
kali-bi., meph., mosch., secale, senec, sep.,
Cycl., euphor., eup-perf., euon., ferr., grat
stann., stram., sulph., tarent., thuj., verb.
hell., hep., hydr-ac, kali-bi., kreos., laur.
lact., lye, mosch., mur-ac, nat-m
SUMMER, spells of, in: V^^os., psor. ,
nux-v olnd., op., ^a.r., phos.. Puis., rau-b.

SUNLIGHT and heat: Aeon., agar., brom ,glon., rhodo., rhus-t., mta, sabad., spig., staph,
nat-c, nux-v. tabac, til., valer., verat., viol-o.

SUPPORTING head amel. : Sabad. he turns in a circle: Bell., berb., calc, caust

to right: Berb., caust.

SUSPENSION of the senses: Ant-t., camph.,
nat-m., nux-m., stram., verat. left: Bell.

as if there were a barrier between his organs of on: Agar., am-c, coti., gent, glon., ind., ip.
sense and external objects: ^th. kali-c ,
nat-m., phos., rhus-t., tell., ther.

I lO

iu bed, on: Bell., cad., carb-v., C07i., ind., hyper., ign., iod., ip., kali-bi., kali-br.,
lac-d., meph., phos., rhus-t., sulph. kali-c, kali-n., lac-c, laur., led., Hl-t.,
lycps., mag-c, mere, marl., mur-ac, mil.,
to left, on: Bor., calc-ph.
nat-c, Nat-m,, nit-ac, nux-nt., Nux-V.,
on right side, amel. : Alurnn. op., pseon., petr., phell., Phos., phos-ac,
on looking at revolving objects: Lyc. phys., phyto., pic-ac, psor., ptel.. Puis.,
ran-b., ran-s., rhus-t., ruta, sars., selen.,
suddenly: Aloe, Calc, kali-c, kreos., mere,
Sep., sil., spig., stann., staph., stram.,
phos., sang.
sulph., sulph-ac, sumb., tabac, tarax.,
and moving the head: Aeon., aloe, am-c, tarent., tell., thuj., valer., verat., viol-t.,
ar«., atrop., aur., 6^//., Bry., calc, calc-a., zinc.
carb-an., carb-v., caust., clem., cocc, con.,
after: Aeon., arg-m., bry., calad., calc, canst.,
cupr. ,
glon., hep., ign., ip., kali-c, nat-m.,
colch., laur., lyssin, phos.
meph., mosch., nat-c, peeon., phos., ptel.,
rhus-t., samb., sang., sep., spig., selen ,
tell., long: Merl., nat-m.
ther., thuj.
amel.: Aeon., am-c, bry., kali-bi., lil-t.,
quickly: Agar., am-c, atrop., bar-c, mag-c, silic, staph., sulph , 2i?ic.
bry., Calc, carb-v., coloc, con.,
across an open place: A7's.
gels., kali-c, lact-ac, sang., spig.,
slaph., verat. eating, after: Nux-v.
amel.: Agar. near a declivity: Sulph.

VERTEX, from: Calc. on an elevation in the open air: Sulph.

over a high bridge: Puis., sulph.
VEXATION, after: Calc.
rapidly: Gent. /^rr. , ,
grat sulph.
VISION,obscurationof,with:y?co«., act-sp., agar.,
amyg., anac, ant-t., apis, arg-m., arg-n., room, in a: Iris, mag-m., mane, mere, nat-c,
ars., asaf, bell, calc, caniph.,
nit-ac, pgeon.
carb-an., cham., cic, cimic, aipr., Cycl., slowly, but not when taking violent exercise-
dulc, euon., Ferr., graph., Mill.
Gels., gin."'
glon., gran., gymnoc, hell., hep., hyos.,
water, near: Ang.
kali-bi., kalm., lach., lact., laur., mere,
mosch., nit-ac, Nux-V., olnd., par., water, over: Aug., arg-m., hxom.,
phos\ ferr., sulph.
phyto., puis., raph., sabad., sabin.,
seneg.,' water, overrunning: ^xoxa.,ferr.,
stram., stront., siilph., tep., tereb., sulph.
til., zinc'.

in the open air, while: Aeon., agar.,

VOMITING, before: Nat-s. ambr
ang., arn., ars., aur., bry., calc, calc-a
after, amel.: Op. calc-ph., canth., chin., clem.,

coff., crot-t'
with: Ail., ars., calc,
cycl., dros., euphor., gels., graph., ip!,
canth., cimic,
chel., kali-c
crot-h., kreos., lach., laur., led., lyc,
crot-t., glon ,
gran., graph., hell., mere, mur-ac
kah-bi., kali-c, lack., nux-m., nux-v., olnd., phell., phos.,
mere, mosch., nat-s., phys.i '

nux-v., oenan., petr., puis., Puis., rhodo., rhus-t., ruta, sars., seuec
sang., selen
sars., Sep., tell., ther., Sep., spig., stann., stram.,
Verat., verat-v., vip. Sulph., tabac"
tarax., thea, tell., thuj., til.
WALKING, while: Aeon., agar., agn.,
alum., am-m., anac, on an elevation : Sulph.
ant-t, apis, arg-n.
am ars., asar., aster.,
atrop., bar-c, bell., amel.: Carb-ac, crot-h., kali-c
berb., bism., bor., bry., mag-c, mag-m., nat-c,
calad., calc, calc-ph. par., rhodo.!
camph., cann-i., cann-s., puis.
y carb-an., carb-v.]
caust., cic, coca, cocc, coff.,
colch.. while, sensation of gliding in
con., cop., cycl., daph., the air as if feet
dire, dulc,dig., did not touch the ground:
ferr., ^-^z.,gels., graph., Agar., asar
hell., hura, hyos. '

Calc-a., camph., chin., cofl'., hura.,

WALKING. WATCHING and loss of sleep: Cocc, Nux-V.
nat-ni., luix-m., op., rluis-t., spig., strain.,
thuj., valer.
WATER, crossing running: Ang., arg-m., brom
ferr., sulph.

WANDERING talk, with: Nux-m. WEIGHT on vertex: Alumn., ambr.

WARM bed amel. Cocc. :
WILL, exerting the, amel.: Piper-m.
WARM room: Aeon., croc.,^^>'al.,li\-t., lye, mere, WINDY weather: Calc-ph.
phos., phos-ac, ptel., puis., sanic, sars.,
tabac. WINE, after: Alum., bell., bov., cocc, con.,
nat-c, nat-m., nux-v., petr., sumb., zinc.
on entering: Phos.
amel.: Arg-n., coca, gels., phos.
WARM soup amel. : Kali-bi,

WARMTH rose from chest to throat, sensation WIPING eyes amel. : Alum.
as if: Merc.
WRITING, while: Kali-bi., kali-c, mere.,
WASHING feet: Merc-s. phos-ac, ptel., rhodo., sep., stram., thuj.

in warm water: Samb.

YAWNING, when: Agar., apoc.

[ 12

AIR OB, WIND, passing through head, sensa- BALL.
tion as of: Aur., benz-ac, colch., cor-r.,
fast in brain : Staph.
mill., nat-m., petr., puis., sanic.
rolling in brain: Anan., bufo, hura, lyssin.
extending to abdomen: Aloe.
Forehead, in: Lac-d., staph.
rocking, on: Cor-r.

sensitive to: Squill., thuj.

BAND. (See "Constriction.")

sensation of a current of, above the eyes: Bor. BEATS against the bed (compare vrith "Pulsa-
tion," "Striking," "Throwing," etc):
vertex: Carb-an.
Apis, con., hyos., mill., rhus-t.

ALIVE, sensation as if something, were in head: wall in sleep: Mag-c.

Ant-t., asar., croc, crot-h., hyper., petr.,
sil., sulph.
feels as if he could beat head to pieces: Nit-ac.

night: Hyper. BEATEN. (See " Bruised," under "Pain.")

in bed: Hyper. BEATING against the skull. (Compare " Pulsa-

tion," "Striking" and "Throwing," etc
brain were an ant-hill, as if: Agar.
crawling in forehead, as of a worm: Alum. BEND head backward, must: Cham., kali-n.

everything in head were, as (See " Drawn back.")

if: Petr.

pressing, crawling pain, spreading out BOARD OR BAR before, sensation as of: Aeon.,
centre, as of something alive: Tarax. aesc, calc, carb-an., cocc, dulc, eug.,
helon., kreos., lyc., olnd., op., plat.,
walking, while: Sil. rhus-t., sulph., zinc.

ASIEEP, sensation as if: Apis, carb-an., con., II a. m. : Zinc.

cupr., mere, mur-ac, nat-m., nit-ac, op.,
BOILING sensation ( compare Bubbling " )

Aeon., alum., cann-i., caust, chin.,

debauch, after a: Op. dig., graph., grat, hell., kali-c,
laur., lyc,
eating, after: Con. mag-m., mang., mere, sars., sil., sulph.

lying, while: Merc. boiling water, as of: Aeon., indg.,

seething in left side of vertex: Laeh.
Forehead, in: Mur-ac.

left half of: Calad.
BORES head in pillow: Apis, bell., bry., camph.,
dig., hell., hyper., strani.
BALANCING sensation in: ^sc, bell., glon sleep, during:

difficult to keep the head

BUBBLING sensation in: Aeon., asaf., bell.,
erect: Glon.
berb., bry., indg., kali-c, kreos., nux-v.,'
motion, on: Crot-h., fl-ac, par.,/«/j., rob., spig., sulph.
lyc, rhus-t.

pendulum-like: Cann-i. night: Par., puis.
BALDNESS. (See "Hair.") leaning back when sitting amel. : Spig.
BALL, sensation as of a, rising up:
Aeon., cimic walking, while: Nux-v., spig.
laci., plat, plb., Sep.,
Occiput, in: Indg.
CARIES Arg-in., asaf., Aur., caps.,

fl-ac, hep., COLDNESS.
Nit-ac, Phos., p/ios-ac, Sil..
earache, with: Sep.

mastoid process, headache, during: Sulph.

of: Aur., caps.,fl-ac.
heat, with: Chin., puis.
CEPHAL^MATOMA: Cak-JI., mere, sil.
icy: Agar., bar-c, calc.,
COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. of: Aeon., agar.,
laur., valer.
agn., alunin., ambr., internally: Arn., bell
ant-t., apis, am., , calc.
ars., ars-i., asaf., asar., bar-c. Bell.' menses, during: Ant-t.,
benz-ac, Calc, calc-p., caps., carb-v., chel."! calc, mag-s., sep.,
sulph., veral.
chlor., cimic, cist., coca, cocc, colch.,
dios., dulc, eup-per., feit:, gels., gins.i motion, on: Alumn., chel., sep.
glon., graph., grat., ham., hura, ind., pain, with: Gels.
kali-fc., kreos., lact, laur., lye, mag-m.'
mag-s., perspiration, with: Merc-c.
mang., mere, Merc-C, merc-i-r.',
morph., niosch., naja, nat-m., uit-ac, pressure of hat, from: Valer.
nux-v., olnd., phel., phos., phos-ac,
phyt.,' rest amel.: Chel., sep.
raph., Rhus-t, riita, sabad., sanic,
sil., Stann., staph.,
Stront,, strych., sulphi
riding, after: Lyc
sumb., tarent., thea, til., valer., verat., room, in warm: Merc-i-r., tarent.
verb., vip., zing.
sitting, while: Mezer.
morning: Cedr., dios., lact., sumb., tarent.
spot, as of a cold: Sulph.
afternoon: Arum-t., gamb., gels., ol-an.,
stool, after: Plat,
stooping agg.: Alum., sep.
evening: Alum., ars-i., dulc, hyper., kreos.,
merc-c, strych., sulph., zinc. vertigo, with: Lact., verat.

night: Cimic, lye, mang., sep., stront. walking amel. : Gins.

air, as from cold: Aeon., arg-n., laur., nat-m., water, as from cold: Cann-s., croc, cupr.,
petr. glon., sabad., tarent.

as if cold air passed over brain: Anan., Forehead: Aeon., agar., arn., ars., bell.,
meny., petr., sanic. camph., cedr. cham., chin., cimic, cinnb.,
cist., coff., colch., gels., glon., graph., hep.,
in open: Phos.
hydr-ac, h3'-per., /a£-/2., later., lyc, mag-m.,
amel.: Sep. mere, mez., mosch., oena., phel., phos-ac,
alternating puis., ran-s., staph., sulph-ac, -v&ceX., zinc.
with heat: Bell., calc, mere,
verat. morning: Cedr.
arteries, vsdth throbbing of: Aloe, afternoon: Nat-a.
begins in head: Bar-c., nat-m., stann. evening: Hyper., sulph., zinc,
spreads from the: Mosch , valer. night: lyyc.

brain, as from a cloth spread over: Glon., sanic. air, as from a draft: Laur.

cold, creeping along convolutions: Abrot. cold, penetrates painfully: Zinc,

breakfast, after: Arn. externally: Cist., cinnb., gels., laur., sulph.

burning, after: Sulph. hand, as if cold, touched: Hyper,

Goldcloth around the brain, as if: Glon., sanic. heat, during: Chin., puis,

congestion of, with: Glon. ice, as from: Agar,

covered, when: Mang. metal, cold, as from: Cinnb.

amel.: Grat., sanic. spots, in small, as of cold finger: Am.

COITION, complaints of head after: Agar., bov.,
COLDNESS. dig., puis., lye, sil.
warm room, iu: Cist.
COMMOTION, painless, in: Caust.
water, as from cold: Tarent.
CONCUSSION of brain: Am., bell., Cic, hell.,

Occiput: Aeon., agar., aloe,alum., berb.,

hep., hyos., hyper., led., mere., nat-s., ph-ae.,
calc, Calc-ph., cann-i., chel., chin-s., coc-c,
rhus-t., Sep., sul-ac, zinc.
dulc, gels., gins., kali-ti., nux-m., phos.
COMPRESSION. (See "Constriction," " Press-
plat, podo., sil., tarent., tbea, verat.
evening: Alum., dulc.
CONGESTION, hypera?mia, etc. (compare
air, cool like: Aeon. " Fulness," "Pulsation"): Acet-ac., acoti.,

as if frozen: Gels., nux-v. aese. agar.

aloe, alum ,
ambr. am-c. , ,

am-m., amyl., anac, ant-c, apis, arg-m.,

rising from neck like cold air: Cbel., sep.
arg-n., am., ars., ars-h asaf., aster., aur., ,

Side of head: Asar., bar-c, calc, cann-s., bar-c. Bell., bor., bov., brom., Bry., bufo,
con., croe., kali-bi., lach., lob., phos., Cact., Calc, camph., cann-i., otmm-j., canth.,
tarent., verat. carb-ac, carb-an., carb-v., caust., cham.,
chel chin., ehlor., cic, ciniic, cinnb.,
right: Calc, verat. ,

clem., coc-c, coff., eolch., coloe.,eon., cop.,

but feels burning hot: Calc. croc, crot-h., erot-t. cupr.,
cor-r., corn., ,

left: Lach., phos. cycl., dig., dulc, elaps, eueal., eug.,

eup-per., yd'm, fl-ac, form., gamb.,
one-sided: Lach.
Glon., gran., %xz.'^h..,grat ,hell., hura, hydr.,
spots in: Croc. hydr-ac, hyos., ign., indg., iod., jatr.,

above the ear: Asar. kali-b., kali-br., kali-c, kali-chl., kali-i.,

kalm., kali-n., kreos., lack., lac-ac, lact.,
warmth atnel. Lach.

laur., lil-t., lye, mag-m.,

lyssin, mag-c,
Temples: Bell., berb., gamb., merc-e., ol-an., mag-s., mang., Meli., merc-c, mere,
phos-ac., plat., rhodo., tarent. mere-i-f., wi'/^. mosch. naja, nat-c, nat-7n.,

nat-s., iiit-ac, niix-m., nux-v., ol-an., op.,

right: Berb., tarent.
pseon., petr., phel., Phos., ph-ac. pie-ac,
Vertex: Agar., am-c, arn., arum-t., aur-iu., plb., plat., psor., puis., ran-b., rhus-t., sabin.,
bry., calc., kali-e., kali-i., laur., mang., Sang., secale, seneg., sep., sil., spang.,
mj'ric., nai-m., plat., Sep., sil., sulph., staph., siram., strych., .
sulph., sul-ac,
tarent., valer., Verat. tabac, tarax., tarent., tell., thea, thuj.,
urt-u., valer., verat., verat-v., viol-c, zinc,
afternoon: Arum-t.
zing., ziz.
as if without covering upper part: Arum-t.
morning: Calc, cham., chiu-s., glon., lach.,
covered, when: Mang. lac-ac, lye, mag-c, mag-s., naja, raph.,
icy coldness: Agar., arn., laur., valer.,
verat. walking, on: Calc, lyc.

menses, during: Sep., sulph., verat. rising, on: Eugen., Ij^e.

spots, in: Mang., sulph. agg. toward noon, gradually ceasing toward
evening, with terrible pain, would press
a small: Mang.
head against w-all ; fears going mad: Stram.
water, as from cold: Tarent.
forenoon: Mag-s.
extending to sacrum: Aeon.
noon: Cham. naja.
COLD, head sensitive to: Ant-c, bar-c, bell., afternoon: Am-c, cham., chin-s., lach.,
carb-v., eup-per., ^m//^., grat.,Hep., hyos.,
kali-c, mere, nat-m., phos., rhus-t., sep., nat-m., paeon., ran-b., sil.

Sil. m.
5 p. to midnight: Glon.


evening: Calc, canst., chin-s., fl-ac, indg., excitement, during: Asaf.
mag-m., mill., nat-c, mix-v., phos., puis ,

rhus-t., tromb.
after a pleasant surprise:

exercise, on taking: Sulph.

night: Am-c, anac, berb., calc, carb-v., cycl.,
kali-c, mill., Psor., puis., sil., sulph. eyes, with congestion of: Canth., lac-ac,
a stream from chest to head like a gust of nit-ac, seneg.

wind with epistaxis: Blill. dim vision: Alum., cycl., grat., hydr-ac,
abdomen, during pain lac-ac, nit-ac.
in: Coloc, sang.
air, in open: Lil-t., nat-c, ran-b., sulph.
face,with congestion of: Cop., cor-r., corn.,
merc-c, mill., ziz.
amel.: Camph., caust., hell., mag-m.,
mosch. heat of, with: Aeon., asaf., canth., cham.,
chin-s., coflP., cop., ferr., hell., kalm.,
alcoholic liquors agg. : Calc, glon., lack.
mang., phos., rhus-t., sil., sulph., valer.
alternating with congestions to heart: Glon.
redness of, with: Aeon., bell., canth., coff.,
with icy cold sensation : Calc. glon., phos., sil., sol-n.
anger, after: Bry., cham., staph,
pale: Ferr., glon.
anxiety, with: Aeon., aur., cycl.
fright or grief, from : Ph-ac.
bandage, amel. by a tight: Arg-n.
head, on raising: I,yc.
bed, while in: Anac, kali-c, lye, mill.,
on bending back: Bell.
on shaking: Nit-ac, nux-v.
chest, during shocks in: Tabac.
heart, at every throb of: Cimic, glon.
chronic, caused by fright, or grief: Ph-ac.
as if blood rushed from heart to head:
coffee, from: Am-c, mill., rumx
constipation, during: Aster., crot-h., imx-v.
lifting, after: Nat-c.
convulsions, before: Glon.
lochia, from suppressed: Aeon., bell., br)^,
during: canth., crot-h. cimic.

coryza, with sensation as of: Carb-v. lying, while: Cycl., lac-c, lyssin., mang.,
coughing, on: Aeon., ambr., anac, bell., calc,
carb-v., caust., cham., chin., dulc, hyos., on temple: Mur-ac. (r)
iod., kali-c, lach., laur., lye, mag-c,,
amel. : Nat-c.
mag-m., mere, mosch., nit-ac, nux-v.,
phos., rhus-t., samb., seneg., sep., sil., menses, before: Aeon., apis, bell., bry., cupr.,
spong., stram., sulph. gels.,^/o«., hep., hipp., hyper., iod., lye,
mane, mere, trill.
dentition, during: Verat-v.
during: Aeon., apis, bell., brv., cact calc,
diarrhoea, during: Rhus-t. ,

calc-ph., caust., cham., chin., cinnb., con.,

dinner, after: Cycl., nux-m., psor. elaps, gels., glon., iod., mag-c mag-m.,

eating, before: Uran. mane ,

mere, mosch ,
nat-m., nux-m.,
nux-v., phos., sang., Sulph., verat.,
after: Cinnb., cop., cycl., glon., nux-m.,
petr., sulph.
after: Chin., ign., nat-m., sulph., thuj.
high living, from : Verat-v.
suppressed, from: Aeon., apis, arn., bell.t
epistaxis, with: Ant-c, bell., carb-v., croc,
bry., calc, cham., chin., eimie, coec,
lach., lil-t., meli., nux-v., pic-ac. />^or. ,
coc-c, ferr., gels., graph., lach., mere,

feels as if, were coming on: Ign., lac-ac. op., stram., sulph.

mental exertion, from: Agar. aur. calc, waking, on: Am-c, bell., calc, carb-v.
cham., psor.
walking, while: Caust., lach., mang., ran-b.
motion, from: Glon., grat., kali-chl., mang,
in open air: Caust., ran-b.
nux-v., petr., sulph.
amel.: Cham,
music, from: Ambr.
wet, from getting the feet: Dulc.
nose, on blowing: Nit-ac.
wine, after: Sil.
(See also " Epistaxis.")
working, while: Tell,
pains, when, suddenly cease: Cimic.
writing, while: Cann-s.
parturition, in: Aur.
extending to, from abdomen : Crot-t.
perspiration, during: Thuj.
from chest: Glon., lyssin., mill., sulph.
pressure amel. : Camph., glon.
riding, from: Grat., sulph.
from back Phos. :

rising, on: Eng., mag-s., nat-c, sil., sulph. Forehead, in: Aloe, bad., bell., cimic,
cinnb fl-ac
. ,
glon., lac-ac, mag-s., nat-c,
. ,
amel.: Aur., mill,
ran-b., sil., spong., stann., viol.
room, on entering: 01-an.
Occiput: Aloe, bor., chel., dulc, gels., glon.,
in a hot: Apis, carb-v., coc-c, sulph.
ol-an., pip-m., staph., thuj.
sitting in, amel.: Sulph.
Temples: Chel., glon., sil., zing.
sitting, while: I,ac-ac., mag-c, mang., nat-c,
phos., thuj. Vertex: Absin., cann-i., cinnb., phos., ran-b.,
must sit up: Aloe,

sleep, during: Glon., sil.

CONSTRICTION, tension (see also "Draw-
ing," "Pressing"): Aeon., aesc, ceth.,
amel., after: Grat. agar., agn., aloe, alum., am-br., am-c,
smoking, from: Mag-c. anae., ang., ant-t., apis, arg-m., arg-n.,
am., ars., asaf., asar., bapt., bar-c, bell.,
speaking, when: Coff., sulph.
berb., bov., bry., bufo, cad-m., calc,
when spoken to harshly: Ign. camph., cann-i., cann-s., carb-ac, carb-an.,
carb-v., caust., cham., chel., chin., cimic,
standing, from: Kali-c, mang.
cic, cina, clem., cocc, coc-c, coff., colch.,
stepping heavily, from: Bar-c. coloc, con., croc, crot-h., cycl.,daph., dig.,
stool, before: Aloe. dios., dulc, eugen., ferr., fl-ac, gamb.,
gels., gent., glon., graph., grat, guare.,
during: Aloe, bry., 7mx-v., sulph.
hell., helon., hep., hipp., hyos., hyper.,
after: Lach., sulph. ign., indg., ip., iris, kali-bi., kali-c, kali-i.,

stooping, kali-n., kreos., lach., lact., laur., lobel.,

when: Aeon., am-c, aur., bell.,
calc-p., canth.,
lye,mag-c, mag-m., mag-s., mane mang.,
cor-r., elaps, lach., lyc.[

meny., mere, merc-i-f., merl., mosch.,

mill., myric, nat-c, nit-ac, puis., rhus-t.,'
seneg., sep., stilph., mur-ac, nat-c, nat-m., nat-s., nit-ac,
tell., verat.
nux-m., nux-v., olnd., op., par., petr.,
streamed, as if blood from below
upwards or phell., phos-ac, phys., pip-m., plaL, plb.,
within outwards: Ox-ac.
prun., psor., puis., ran-b., rhodo., rhus-t.,
sun, from exposure to: ruta, sabad., sabin., samb., selen., sep.,
Aeon., bell., cad. sil.,
gels., glon., verat-v. spig., spong., stann., staph., stront.,
sulph-ac, tabac, tarax., tarent., then,
suppressed discharges or suddenly ceasing thuj., valer., verat.,
pains: Cimic. verb., viol-o., vip.,
morning: Agar., hry., cham., con., ganib., lying on back, while: Mez.
graph., kali-bi., nat-ni., nux-ni., sulph.,
menses, before: Hep., nat-c,
sumb., tarax. sil.

after rising: Lyc. during: Gels., helon., iod., lyc, mere, plat.,
amel.: Glon. sulph.

afternoon: Graph., mag-c, naja, nit-ac, mental exertion, from: Iris, par., sulph.
motion, from: Asar., carb-v., mez., par.,
evening: Anac, asaf., hyper., kali-bi., nuirx., valer.
mur-ac, phos., rhus-t., sep., stront., sulph.,
amel.: Op., sulph., valer.
tabac, tareut. , valer.
in open air amel.: Aeon.
in bed: Asaf., mere, ol-an.
changing position amel.: Valer.
night: Merc, mez., nux-v.
net, as if in a: Nat-m.
air, open, agg.: Lach., mang., mere, valer.
periodic: Phos.
amel.: Berb., coloc, kali-i., lyc.

alternating with relaxation: Calc, lac-c. pressure amel.: ^th., anac, lach., meny.,
armor, as if in: Cann-i., clem., crot-t.
reading, while: Agn.
band or hoop: Aeon., agth., all-c, am-br.,
anac, ant-t., arg-m.,
rest, while at, agg.: Sulph., valer.
arg-n., asaf., bapt.,
bell., brom., camph.,
cann-s., Carb-ac, amel.: Hipp., iris-foet.
carb-an., carb-v., chel., clem., cocc, crot-h.,
rising amel.: Dig., laur., mere
cycl., Gels., glon ,
^ra//;., guaj., hep., hyos.,
indg., iod., ip., iris, kali-c, laur., med.) room, on entering: Bov.
mere, nat-ra., Nit-ac, op., osm., petr., warm: Aeon., cann-i., plat.
phy., plat., rhus-v., sabin., sang., sars.,
amel.: Hep., valer., verb,
spig., stann., Sulph., sulph-ac, tereb.,
teucr., ther., verat., ziz. running amel. Hipp,
^ ;

after dinner: Kali-c. sitting agg. : Fl-ac.

bending backward amel : Thuj .


amel.: Asar., hipp.

breakfast amel. : Bov. bent forward agg. : Asaf.

chill, during: Tarent. sleeping agg. : Graph., mere.

closing eyes amel. : Chel. on affected side, while: Caust.

coldness all over: Camph., stann. standing agg. : Mag-c.

cord, as from (see "string:") Bell., merc-i-r., stool, during: Coloc.
nat-c, Sulph.
stooping agg.: Berb., coloc, dig., med.,
coughing, on: Iris, petr.
drinking agg. : Merc.
string, as if by: Anac, asaf., bell., cycl.,
eating, after: Con., dios., kali-c, lyc, nat-m., graph., hell., iod., mere, merc-i-r., mosch.,
sep. nat-c, nat-m., psor., Sulph.
hat, as of a tight: Phys. from nape to ears: Anac.
laughing, when: Iris, swallowing, on: Mag-c.
light from candle: Cann-i. thread were stretched from nape to ej'es, as^

if: Lach.
looking steadily agg : Par. puis.

sideways: Dig. vomiting amel. : Stann.


waking, on: Anac, anl-t., brj'., naja, nux-v., euphr., ^/dw., iod., merl., nux-m., puis.,
tarent. sang., sil., sulph-i.

walking, while: Ang., asar., chin., Wpp-, left: Bor.

looking intently: Puis.
in open air aniel. Ox-rac. orbits to temples: Cann-s.
from margin of
washing, after: Ant-t.
pressure amel. : JSiih.
wet weather agg. Sulph. See " Pressing Pain.

nose, over root of.

( '

writing, while: Lyc.

Occiput: Agar., alum., anac, bar-c, berb.,
extending to eyes and nose: Nit-ac. calc, cann-s., chel., coloc, dulc, euph.,
glon.. Graph., hyos., ip., kali-i., lach.,
Forehead: Aeon., cesc, aeth ,
agn., ail., aloe,
lact., laur., lyc, mag-c, mane,
alumn., am-br., anac, ant-t., apis, arg-n.,
mez., mosch., mur-ac, murx., nat-c, par.,
arn., ars., asaf., bar-c, bapt., bell., berb.,
psor., ruta, staph., sulph., thuj., viol-o.,
bism., bry., calc, calc-ph., camph., cann-s.,
verat., ziz.
carb-an., caust., chain., chel., chin., clem.,
coff.,cocc, colch., coloc, crot-t. cycl., dig., forenoon: Agar,

dros., dulc, elat., fl-ac, gels glon., graph., , evening: Mur-ac, murx.
grat., haem., ham., hell., helon., hep.,
hyos., ign., ip., iris, kali-c, kali-n., lac-c,
night, lying on back: Mez.
laur., lepi., mag-m., mane, mang., med., side: Staph,
meny., mere, mosch., naja, nat-c, nat-m., alternating with tension of face: Viol-o.
nit-ac, nux-m., nux-v., olnd., osm., par.,
coughing, on: Mag-c, mosch.
phos., phys.. phyto., plat ,
plb., psor., puis.,
rheum, rhus-t., ruta, sabad., sabin., sep., standing, on: Mag-c.
sil., spig., stann., staph., sulph., sulph-ac, swallowing: Mag-c.
tarax., ther., valer., verat., verb., zinc.
waking, on: Anac, graph.
afternoon: Naja.
writing, while: Lyc.
rising, on: Sumb.
extending to finger joints: Plect.
across: Arn ,
bar-c, cann-i., iris, laur., lepi.,
naja, op., par., phys., sabin., sep.,
into nape of neck: Nat-s.
alternating with expansion: Tarax. upward, downward and toward ears:
band, as from: .^th., ant-t., bar-c,
cedr., chel., coca, helon., indg., iod., Side of head: Ant-t., apis, asaf., bar-c, calc,
lil-t, mane, med., mere, merc-c, caust., chin-s., clem., coloc, dig., fl-ac.
merc-i-r., mill., phos., tarent.
extending into orbits and teeth: Crot-h.
noon: Chel.
to leftupper teeth, stitch-like in spots,
closing eyes amel. : Chel. on stooping; amel. on rising: Dig.
laughing, from: Iod. Temples: Aeon., ail., alum., am-br., ant-t.,
coughing, on: arn., ars., bar-c, berb., bov., calc, cann-s.,
Iris, mosch., verb,
caust., carb-an., cinnb., clem., coloc, elaps,
eating, after: Bar-c.
elat., glon., hell., hyper., lith., lyc, mag-m.,
intermittent: Am., hyos., plat
merl., mur-ac, naja, nat-m., ol-au., pall.,
plat., plb., puis, rheum., squil., tabac,
narrow, as if too: Gels,
thuj., verat., verb., zinc.
above: Sumb.
morning: Sulph.
over the eyes: ^th., anag.,
apis, ars., asaf., band from
temple to temple, like a:
bry., bor., chel., colch., dulc, Carb-ac.


CONSTRICTION. DANDRUFF: All-s., alum., am-m., ars., bad
cough, during: Lach., inag-c, mere. bry., calc, Canth., dulc.
Graph., kali-c.'
mosch., verb. kah-chl.. lac-c, lyc, med., me/..,
olnd., Phos., psor., sanic, sep., staph
Vertex: Ant-t., apis, cact., calc, chel., gent.,
Sulph., thuj.
kali i., lye, nieny., mosch., naja, nat-m.,
phos., rheum, stront., verat., verb. white: Kali-chl., mez.,
Nat-m., phos., Thuj.
yellow: Kali-s.
menses, during: Lye, uat-m., phos.

extending to jaw: Stront.

DILATED. (See " Expanded.")

CONTRACTION of scalp, sensation of: Carb-v.,

DISTENTION. (See "Enlarged," "Swollen,"
" Fullness," etc.)

forehead: Sanic.
bloodvessels: Ars., ferr., glon., xanth.
during menses: Croc.
CORD, sensation of across forehead (see "Con-
strictton"): Merc-i-r., nat-c. DRAGGING sensation in: Ant-t., calc, canth.,
crot-h., gels., laur., merl., nat-m., rhus-t.
CORRUGATED forehead. (See " Wrinkled.")
sitting and leaning against high pillow amel.
COVERS bead (see "Coldness"): Rumx. Gels.

nights: Rumx. extending to shoulders: Gels.

CRACKLING sensation in: Aeon., ars., calc,

DRAWN backward (compare "Falling"): Aeon.,
carb-v., cham., aeet-ac, ant-t., apis, bell., camph., cann-i.,
con., dig., glon., kalm.,
puis., Sep., spig. cedr., chain., chin., Cic, cimic, cina,
cupr-ac, eup-per., gels., glon., hell., hep.,
evening agg. Aeon.
ip ,
kreos., lyc, mag-c, mur-ac, nat-c,
as if something broke: Sep. nat-m., nit-ac, nux-v., op., phel., samb.,
stram., verat-v., viol-t., zinc.
motion agg. : Aeon.
convulsions, in: Mosch., nux-v., op., tabac.
nose, after blowing: Hep.
menses, during: Zinc
shivering, with: Kalm.
sleep, during: Hep.
siesta, during: Dig.
forwards: Bar-m., hydr-ac, mere, mur-ac,
sitting, while: Carb-v., coff.
par., plb., sang.
amel: Aeon.
sideways: Bar-c ,
bell., camph., caul., caust.,
turning the head, when: Sep. chel., cic, eup-ac, gels., lach., Lyc, mere,
nux-v., plb., puis., sabad., sil., stram.,
Forehead: Aeon., spig.
Side of: Aeon., arn., calc, cham., eoff.,
first right then left: Ang., nux-m.
first left then right: Stram.
Occiput: Calc., earb-v..
upon shoulders: Agar., hydr-ac.
Vertex: Coff., eon.
DROPSY of brain. (See " Hydrocephalus.")
CRAWLING, creeping sensation: Agar., alum.,
Arg-m., arg-n., arn., bar-c., calc-ph., cann-s., ELONGATED sensation: Hyper.
eoc-c, colch., cupr., dulc, hyos., kali-bi., EMPTY, hollow sensation: Alum., am-c, anac,
laeh., fiats., plat., psor., puis., ran-b., ant-c, arg-m., am., ars., asaf., bar-ac,
rhus-t., sabad., sulph. bell., berb., bov., cact., calc, camph., caps.,

brain, in: Alum., apis, laur., puis. carb-v., caust., chin-s., cina, clem., cocc,
cor-r., cupr., cycl., dulc, euplir.. ferr.,
Forehead: Colch.
glon., gran., graph., hipp., hyos., ign.,

Vertex on: Calc-ph., eann-i., cupr., lil-t. jab., Ij'c, mane, mang., mj'ric, naja, nat-c.

1 20
nat-m., nat-p., nux-v., ox-ac, Phos., fever, with intermittent: Cimic.
pic-ac, plant., puis., secale, se7ieg., sep.,
headache, with: Gels,
spig., stram., sulph., zing.
lying, while; rising agg. : Rhus-r.
morning: Anac, bov., chin-s., euphr., sulph.,
verat. amel.: Dulc.

afternoon: Niix-m. menses, during: Arg-n., glon.

night agg. lying on occiput; amel. by pres- pregnancy, during: Arg-n.

sure of hand: Sep. pulling on boots agg. : Coll.

aching of brain, with : Arg-m. stool, during: Cob.

air, in open, agg.: Cocc, sulph. walking in open air, after: Ant-t.

bed, amel. on getting warm in: Cocc. weather, agg. in cold, damp: Dulc.

catarrh, as from: Ars. widened, sensation as if: Aloe,

corj'za, during: Hell, extended upward, the vertex seems: Lachn.

eating, after: Cocc, graph., meny. and as open by a wedge from the
if split

head feels like a lantern: Ars., puis, outside; body icy cold, skin moist and
sticky; cannot get warm, even under a
house amel.: Sulph.
a feather bed, face yellow; whines with the
intoxication, as after: Aeon., agar., ambr., pain; head burns like fire, with thirst:
spig. Lachn.
pressure of hand amel.: Mang., sep. ERUPTION: Agar., ars., arund., dar-c, har-m.,
riding amel. : Euphr. bov., cadm-s., calc, calc-s., card-an., cic,
clem., crot-t., cupr., cycl., dulc, Graph.,
sitting, while: Spig.
hep., jug-c, kali-bi., kali-br., kali-c, lye,
sleep, after restless: Hipp. mag-c, mere, mez., naja, nat-m.,
talking, while: petr., phos., phyto., plant., psor., rhus-v.,
Lye, spig., sulph.
Sep., sil., staph., Sul-ac, Sulph., tell., zinc.
Forehead, in: Alum., Caust., croc, spig.,
sulph., sul-ac boils: Anac, am., ars., calc, hep., kali-bi.,
kali-c, Kali-i., mez., mi-a.c. psor. sulph.
as if between forehead and brain: , ,


Occiput: Mang.,nat-c, sep., staph., sulph.

Forehead (See "Face.")
while brain in front seems too large: Occiput: Nat-c, lyc

Temples: Cycl. burning: Ars., cic, graph., kali-bi., sars.,

ENLARGED sensation (compare "Expanded,"
"Swollen"): carbuncles: Avthr., ars., hep., lach., sil.,
Agar., ant-c, ant-t, api's,
apoc, sulph.
Arg-n., am., ars-i., bapt., Bell.,
berb., Bov., cact., caj.,
caps., cimic, cob.' copper-colored: Carb-an., lyc, sulph.
coll., comoc, daph.,
dulc, gels., gent., gins.,
cracks: Petr.
Glon., hell., hyper., indg., kali-i., lac-d
lach., lachn., lact., laur., lith., ma^ig., crusts, scabs: Agar., ant-c, ant-t., Ars.,
tneph., mere, merc-c, nat-c, nat-m., arum-t., aster., a?^r., bar-c, bar-in.,
Nux-m., Nux-v., par., phel., caps., calc-s., carb-ac, caust., chel., chim.,
ran-sc, rhus-t., sil., spig., sulph., tarax.. cic, Clem., Crot-t., Dulc, eup-per., fl-ac.
ther., til., verat., zing.
Graph., hell., hep., iod., iris, kali-a., kali-b.,
bandaging amel. : Arg-n. kali-c, kali-chl., kali-s., kreos., lith.,
elongated: Hyper.
Merc, merc-i-f., Mez., Nat-m., nat-s],
nit-ac, ol-j., petr., phos., phyto., Psor.,
ERUPTION, crusts.
rhits-t., ruta, sars., scp., si/.,
slap/i., Sulph., that eats the hair: Rhus-t.
sulph-ac, list., vinca, viol-t.
Occiput : Olnd., Sil.
brown: Dulc.
nodes: Caust., chin., hep., kali-i., niag-c,
greenish: Petr., sulph.
nsit-s., phyto., rhus-t, Sil,, thuj.
malignant: Brom., phos.
oflFensive: Brom., Hep., mere, psor., sep.,
ulcerated: Ars., niez. staph., Sulph., vine
vemiin, with; Lye, vine.
painful: Cann-s., ferr-mag., Graph., Hep.,
white: Alum., calc, mez., Nat-m., tell., sulph.
pimples: Agar., ars., aur., bov., calc-s., crot-c,
yellow: Calc-s., dulc, kali-bi., mere, petr., cund., cycl., hep., kali-bi., kali-e, merc-i-r.,
spong., staph., sulph. mez., mtir-ae, nat-e, nux-v., petr., phos.,
Occiput, on: Caust., lye sil., spig., Sulph., tarent., zinc.

desquamating: Lach., mere, mez., Olnd. margin of hair, in front: Nit-ae

dirty: Psor., sulph., syph. Occiput, on: Bufo-s., clem., cycl., kali-bi.,

kali-n., lye, mere, Sulph.

dry: Ars., calc, mere, mez., Psor., sep.,
sulph. pustules: Amme, ars., calc, hep., iris,

kali-br., mere, merc-i-r., psor., sep., sil.,

oflFensive: Merc, Sep., sulph.
eczema: Brom.. Calc, coco., dulc, Graph.,
Occiput: Puis., Sil.
Hep., kali-bi., Lyc, mez., Petr., phyto.,
Psor., sil., Sulph. scales: Alum., arund., bell ,
cie,fl-ac.. Graph.,
kili-bi., kali-n., kali-s., kreos., lye, mere,
margin of hair from ear to ear poster-
mez., naja, nat-m., olnd., phos., phyto.,
iorly: Petr,. sulph.
Sep., sil., staph., sulph.
Occiput: Petr., Sil., sulph.
bleeding after scratching: Lyc.
herpes: Agar., anan., bad., caps., lyc mag-c,
bloody: Calc.
psor., ran-b., rhus-t., thuj.
dry: Ars., mez.
circinatus: Calc, Dulc, phyto., Sep., tell.,
tuberc. fine: Clem., par.

Occiput : Arg-n., petr. fish scales, like: Mez.

Temples: Alum., c^.Ava.., psor. moist: Calc.

impetigo: Bar-c, calc-ph., canst., con.. Mere, offensive: Nit-ac.

petr., rhus-t., rhus-v., sil., sulph., viol-t. Alum., calc, mez., Nat-m,, tell.,
itching: Cic, ferr-m., graph., hipp., led., thuja.
mag-c, Merc, mez., nat-m., nit-ac, olnd., winter agg. : Sil.
Sep., Sulph., zinc.
scurfy: Ars., calc, comoc. Graph., mere,
night agg. : Mag-m., vine.
psor., staph., viol-t.
menses, before: Mag-m. dry: Bar-c.
rainy weather, in: Mag-c. moist: Bar-c ,
calc, graph.

warm room agg.: Clem., niag-m. serpiginous: Calc, clem ,

psor., sars.

moist: Ars., Bar-C, cham., cic. Graph., smarting. (See " Burning.")
Hep., hydr., mere, mez., petr, Psor.,
sore: Hep.
rhus-t., sars., sep., Sil., staph., Sulph.,
vine, viol-t. suppurating: Bar-m., lye, mez.

tubercles on scalp: Ant-c. forward, sensation of, in brain (see " Loose-
ness "): am-c, bar-c, berb., bry.,
vesicles: Ars., bov., crot-t, psor., sep., tell.,
carb-an., cham., coff., dig., grat., hipp.,
kali-c, kreos., laur., niag-s., nux-v., rhus-t.,
ERYSIPELAS: Apis, apoc, ant-t., ars., chel., sabad., sul-ac.
chin., cupr., dor., euph.. Graph, lack.,
pain, as if fell forward and came up again:
phos-ac, phyto., rlius t., ruta, sulph., tereb.,

left to right:
raising head amel: Alum.
stooping, on: Bar-c, carb-an., chel., coff.,
Forehead: Apis, kali-i., ruta, sulph.
kali-c, laur., mag-s., nat-m., nat-s.,
spots: Kali-i., sulph. 7tux-v., rhus-t.

Occiput: Phos-ac, rhus-t. hither and thither: Bar-c, bell., phel.

EXOSTOSES: Arg-m., Aur., calc, Calc-fl., pieces, sensation as if head would fall in,
kali-i., mez., Phos. when stooping: Glon.
painful: Aur. sideways of head: Am-c., ang., arn., ars->

EXPANDED, sensation (compare " Swollen ") :^

cann-s., etna, dies., eup-per., ferr., fi-ac,
Bell., cann-i., carb-ac, dulc, euph., nux-nl., hyos., kali-i., mygale., nux-m., op., prun.,
sol-n., stront. stram., sulph., tarax.

inflated, feels: Kali-i. child leans head, all time: Cina

shaking head agg. : Carb-ac. left side, to: Nux-m.

stool, during: Cob. right side, to: Am-c, ferr.

Forehead: Nux-m. waking, on: Sulph.

FALLING backward of head (compare walking, while: Dios., ferr.

"Heaviness"): ^th., agar., camph., side to side in brain: Nice, sul-ac.
Cham., chin., cic, colch., dig., dios glon.,

ign., kali-c, led., oena., op., phel., samb., to side to which stoops: Am-c.
spig., tarent.
to left temple on stooping: Nat-s.
sitting, while: Chin., dig., oena., op.
Forehead, everything would fall out
as if

vertigo, during: Spig. (compare "Pressure"):

Aeon., all-c,
bar-c, bell., brom., br>'., canth., carb-an.,
walking, while: Chin., dig., phel.
caust., cham., chel., colch., coloc, hell.,
forward: Agn., calc, cham., clem., cupr., hep., kali-c, kreos., mag-m., mag-s., mez.,
elaps, gels., glon., hipp., hydr-ac, hyos., nux-v., phos., plat., puis., rat., rhodo.,
ign., kali-c, laur., lye, mere, sabad.,
nat-m., sep., spig., spong., stann., staph.,
nux-m., op., par., phos., phys., stront., tabac, thuj., verb.
plat., plb., puis., ran-b., sars., secale, sil.,
sulph., verat.
coughing, while: Hep.

looking at anything, when, sinking moving the eyes, on: Puis,

of head
forward: Cic. stool, during: Rat.
rising, on: Hipp. -
stooping, on: Hell., mag-s.
sitting, while: Nux-m., cEna., staph, FLAPPING sensation in: rhus-t.
stooping, when: Qic, puis. walking, while: Rhus-t.
walking, while: Hipp. FLATTENING sensation in forehead: Cor-r.
wrinkling of forehead and as if pressed
open air amel flat: Verat.
FLUCTUATION. (See " Waves.")

, ,

FORMICATION: Aeon., resc, alum., ain-m., afternoon: Arg-n., coca, ferr., gels., guare
ant-c, arg-n., arund., bar-c, calc, calc-ph., lac-ac, lact, lith., mil., nat-p., osm., phys.,
cann-s., chel., cycl.,ferr., fago., hyos., laur., sang., sulph.
nit-ac, nux-v., pic-ac, psor., puis., rau-b.,
rhns-t., sulph., thuj. waking, on: Carb-v.

evening: Bar-c, calc. tonight: Sil.

in bed: Ran-b. evening: Arg-n., cimic, ferr., guare., ham.,

naja, nat-m., nat-p., thuj.
heat amel. : Acoti.

scratching until parts bleed: Alum, night: Arg-n., chr-ac.

walking, on: Coc-c. air, in open: Grat.

open amel.: Cinnb., carls., jac.

in air: Lye, rhus-t.

Forehead : Arn., arund., benz-ac, chel., cic, walking in, amel.: Bor., hydr.
colch., glon., laur., mane, nux-v., rhus-t., breakfast, after: Con., hydr.
rhus-v., tarax.
burst, as if would: Am-c, cann-i., daph., ip.,
above the: Kali-c. lil-t., mere, nit-ac.

FRINGE, as if, were falling over eyes: Con. causing head to hang down: Clem., phel.

chilliness, during: Eupi.

FULLNESS (compare "Enlarged"): Abrot.,
Aeon., iESC, agar., ail., all-c, am-c, am-m., thick speech, double vision, with: Gels.
ang., apis, apoc, arg-71., arn., arum-t asaf., ,
descending, on: Bor.
aster., aur., bapt bell., barb., bar., bov.,

bry., calc, calc-p., cann-i., canth., caps., dinner, after: Gins,

carb-ac, carb-an., carb-v., card-m., carls., eating, before: Uran.
cast., cham., chin., chin-s., chr-ac, cimic,
during: Con.
cinnb., clem., cob., coc-c, coflF. ,
C071., corn.,
crot-h., crot-t., cupr., cycl., daph., ^fz]?-., dios., after: Con., gins., hydr.
dulc, elaps., fl-ac, iorm., gels., gent,
hat, pressure of, agg. : Calc-p.
gins., Glon., graph., grat guaj., gym.,

ham., hell., hydr., hyos., hyper., ign., iris, head, aching, during: Calc-p.
jac jug-c
kali-b., kali-c, kali-i., kalm.,
, bending back, on, agg. : Osm.
kreos., lact-ac, lac-d., lach., lact.. laur.,
leaning to left: Chin-s.
lil-t., lye, meli., meph., mere, merc-i-r.,
merc-s., mil., naja, nat-a., nat-c, nat-m., raising, on, agg.: Sulph.
nat-p., nice, nit-ac, nux-m., nux-v., op.,
shaking, agg.: Carl., glon.
osm. pseon. petr. phel. phos. phys. phy t.
, , , , , ,

pic-ac, plan., psor., puis., ran-b., ran-sc, heat, during: Glon., lach.

raph., rhus-t., rumx., samb., sang., senec, intermittent: Asaf.

Sep., sil., sol-n., spong., stram., Sulph.,
lying, while: Naja.
sul-ac, tabac, tanac, tell., tereb., thuj., til.,
urt-u., valer., verat-v., xanth., ziz. menses, on appearance of: Gent., glon.

morning: Ani-m., arg-n., am., bor., carls., before: Broni.

cann-i., chin-s., chr-ac, cinnb., cob., con., during: Arg-n., bell., calc, eupi., glon.
dulc, hydr., indg., lac/i., mag-m., nat-ph., puis.
nice, petr. pic-ac, rhus-t., sul-ac, tell.
mental exertion, from: Helon., indg., meph
waking, on: Con., glon., kalm., lil-t, til. nat-p. psor.

10 a. m. to 10 p. m.: Lac-ac. amel. when mind is employed: Helon.

noon to 2 p.m.: Pic-ac. micturition, copious, amel.: Gels.


motion agg. : Calc-p. room enough, as if there were not; a forcing
out, washing and eating amel.: Psor.
pressure of hat agg. : Calc-p.
stool amel. : Fago.
amel.: Agar., arg-n., hydr.
stooping, on: Aeon.
reading, while: Helen., indg.
walking, while: Dig.
rising, on: Am-m., cinnab., glon., sil.
eyes, over: Hydr., lil-t., nat-p., ox-ac.
sewing agg.: Petr.
with vertigo: Podo.
siesta, after; Mil.
nose, over, evening: Naja.
sitting, while: Bor., glon.

Occiput: Aeon., agar., all-c, apis, bapt.,

"P agg. : Calc-p.
caj., cann-i., cham., cinnb., con., glon.,
sleep, agg. after: Sulph. helon., kreos., osm., puis., sulph., sumb.,
sneezing, on: Hydr. ther., thuj.

stool, when straining at: Ham. evening, in: Sumb.

amel. after: Corn, walking in open air: Thuj.
stooping, when: Aeon., lac-ac, merl., nice, coughing, on: All-c.

petr., pic-ac, rhus-t., spong. Side of head: Arg-n., asaf., cimic, cycl.,
fl-ac, glon.
talking, after, agg.: Sulph.
Temple: Apis, bell., dc, cinnb., cob. f glon.,
vertigo, during: Am-m., bor., bry., chr-ac, gnap., guarc, jac, lil-t., lith., plan., rumx.[
con., crot-t., cycl., gymu., helon., lac-ac,
Sep., sumb.
lact., mere, nat-m., nat-p., podo., sol-n.,
til., urt-u. first right, then left, then to nape where it
disappears: Jac.
waking, on: Agar., asaf., carb-v., guare.
Vertex: ^sc, am-c, apis, calc-p., chin-s.,
wine, after: Ail. chr-ac, cimic, eup-per.,
Glon., gymn.[
writing, while: Chin-s. ham., helon., hyper., kali-bi., lac-ac,
osm., pic-ac, psor.
Forehead: Aeon., aesc, agar., am-c, am-m.,
ang., apis, apoc, arg-n., bapt., bell., evening: Cimic.
bor., bry., cain., calc., cann-i., carb-an., reading, while: Hell.
chr-ac, cimic, cinnb., clem., coca,
con.,' sitting up agg. : Calc-p.
euph., eupi., gels.,^/o«., gymn., ham.,
helon., hydr., hyos., indg., ind., stooping: Pic-ac.
laur., lil-t., mag-s., meph., naja, nat-a., FUNGUS : Apis, phos.
nat-p., nice, ox-ac, pall., phys., phyt.|
podo., ran-sc, rhus-t., rumx.,
sang., sep.^ GURGLING (see Bubbling"): Asaf., bry.,
staph., stict., sulph., sul-ac, Sep.
thea, til.

morning: Arg-n., carl., bor., fago,

Temples : Bry.
HAIR, baldness: Anac, apis, Rar-c fl ac
walking: Glon., til. graph.,\xQ'p.,\yc., phos., s^^.,

forenoon: Rhus-t., sul-ac. patches: Graph., hep., lye,

phos., sep.
afternoon: Phys., sang, young people: Bar-c, sil.

evening: Bry., naja, nat-m., bristling: Aeon., am-c, arn., carl.,

sumb. carb-v
chel., coc-e, lye, mag-m.,
closing eyes amel.: Bry. mang., nit-^c',
nux-v., sil., tarent.
reading, while: Indg.
brittleness: Ars., bell.

color changes: Kali-i. arg-n., am., ars., asaf., asar., aster., aur.
bad., bapt., bar-c, bell., benz-ac, herb,
curly, becomes: Mez.
bi.sm., bor., brom., bry., calad., Calc.
dryness: Aloe, alum., ambr., bad., calc, chel., calc-a., calc-p., camph., cann-i., cann-s.
Jl-ac, kali-c, p/ios., psor., secale, sii/p/i.,
canth., carb-an., carb-v., caust., chara.
Thuj. chel., chin., chin-s., cimic, cinnb., clem.,
falling:Alum., amdr., ani-c, ant-t., apis, ars., cocc, cofF., colch., coloc, con., corn., croc,

arund., asc-t, Aur., bar-c, bell., bov., bufo, crot-l. ,

cupr., curar., cycl., daph., dig., dios.,

calc, calc-p., cani/i., carb-an., carb-v., carl., dros., dulc, euph., euphr., eupi., fl-ac.

caust., chel., chlol., chin., colch., con., cop., gamb., gels., gins., glon., gran., graph.,

Fl-aC, form., glon.. grat., gymn., hsem., hell., hura, hydr.,

elaps, ferr., ferr-m.,
hell., hep., hyper., iod., kali-bi., hydr-ac, hyos., hyper., ign., ind., indg.,
kali-c, kali-i., kali-n., kalis., kreos., Lye, iod., ip., iris., jatr., kali-bi., kali-br., kali-c,

mag-c, mane, mere, merc-c, mez., naja, kali-chl., kali-i., kali-n., kalm., lac-d.,

nat-c, nat-m., Nit-ac, nuph., cena., op., Lach., lact., laur., led., lyc, lyssin, mag-c,
os,n\., peir., phos., phos-dc, rhus-v., sanic, mag-m., mag-s., mane, mang., men.,
sars., secale, selen., sep., ^Tl.,staph., Sulph.) mere, merc-c, merl., mez., morph., mosch.,
sul-ac, syph., tabac, tep., Thuj., ust., naja, nat-a., nat-m., nice, nit-ac,
nux-j., nux-m., nux-v., ol-an., op., pson.,
vesp., zinc.
petr., phel., phos., ph-ae, phys., phyto.,
handfuls, in: Lye, mez., Phos., sulph.
pic-ae, plat., plb., podo., puis., ran-b.,

parturition, during: Calc, canih., carb-v , ran-sc, rat., rheum, rhus-t., ruta, sabad.,

Lyc, nat-m. sabin., sars., secale, senee, Sep., sit., spig.,

spong., squil., stann., staph., stram.,
pregnancy, during: Lach.
stront., 5?*///.!., tabac, tarent., taxus, ther.,
spots, in: Pl-ac, hep.,^/zo^. tell., thuj., til., valer., verat., verb., vine,

viol-o., xanth., zinc.

Occiput on: Chel.
gray, becomes: Ars., graph., hipp., kali-n., morning: Alum., alumn., am-m., ant-e, ant-t.,

phos-ac, secale, sul-ac. bry., calc, carb-an., chin., clem., cycl.,

Lyc, o-p.,

dios., euphr., hipp., hyper., indg., kalm..

greasy: Bry., lyssm, phos-ac
kali-n., lyc, merc-i-r., mez., nat-c, Nux-V.
lustreless: K.&\\-n., psor. petr., phos., podo., sep., sulph., til.,

Am-c, carb-v., carl., zing.

painful when touched:
chel. rising, on: Agar., am-m., bar-c. ,
calc, corn.
psor. dulc.
sticks together: Bor., Mez., nat-m., c}'cl.,

ends at: Bor. amel.: Sulph.

tangles easily: Bor., graph., fl-ac, vine. waking, on: Berb., calc, lyc, nat-m., sil.

stann., Sulph.
HANDS, holds head with ( compare " Grasping "):
Glon., hyos. forenoon: Bry., lyc.

noon: Ant-e, bell., jatr.

on coughing: Bry., nice, nux-v., sulph.
afternoon: Anac, ant-t., arg-n., arum-t., bad.
leans on: Iod.
chin-s., dios.
berb., bry., cann-s., carb-an.,
puts to: Camph., verat. lyc, mag-c.
fago., graph., hyper., ip.,
mag-m., mag-s„ mang., nat-a., nat-m., nice.
rubs with: Verat.
ol-an., phos., ^\\ys.,puls ,
sant., sep., sp^
Asar., calc-i.
HEADLESS, sensation of being:
stront., sulph.
am-m., bor., calc.
evening: Aeon., alum.,
acet-ac, Acon., zesc, £Eth.,
HEAT: Abies-n.
canth., chel., coc-e, cycl., grat.,mdg.
agar. all-c. aloe., alum., ambr., am-c. lyc, mag-c

laur., lil-t., lobel.,

anac, ang., ant-c, ant-t., Apis.,



mag-in., merc-i-r., nat-c, nux-j., nux-v. cold extremities, with: Am., aur., Bell.,
ol-an., ph-ac, phys., puis., ran-b., rhus-t. bufo, cad., camph., cann-i., cann-s., chel.,
Sep., sil., sulph., thuj., zinc. comoc, nux-j.
night: Am-m., ang., arg-n., camph., cann-s. cold feet, with: Alum., am-c, anac, am., ars.,
lye, meph., nat-c, rhus-r., ruta, sil., staph, bar-c, bell.,caci., calc, con., ferr., gels.,
laur., nat-c, sep., squil., sulph., thuj.
bed, in: Carb-an., lye, nat-m., Sulph.
fingers, with: Hell.
waking, on: Til.
hands, with : Asaf., asar., bar-c, bell., calo.,
midnight: Aur-m., lyc. hell., iod., lact., lyc, nat-c, sep., sumb.
abdomen, from pain in: Grat. contradiction, from: Cop.
agreeable: Camph., cann-s., nice, thuj. coryza, during: Aurum-t., calc, jatr., lach.,
air, in open, agg. : Verat. mag-m.

amel.: Clem., grat., as from: Berb., nux-v.

kali-i., laur., mag-m.,
mang., nat-c. phel., phos. cough,
during: Am-c, ant-t., arn., ars.,
surrounded by hot, as if: Aster, carb-v., ip., sulph.

alternating with chilliness: Asaf., sep. diarrhoea, during: Apis, arjt..

Bell., bor., bry.,
hell., kali-br., ox-ac, rhus-t.
with diarrhoea: Bell.
dinner, during: Grat., nat-c, nux-v.
with rigor in back: Spong.

anus, from pain at: Ox-ac. after: Alum., alumn., berb., caust., cycl.
graph., mag-m., phel.
anxiety, with: Canth., coff., stront.
eating, after: Alum., bell.,
back, with coldness of: Thuj. berb., canth
carb-v., caust, clem., cycl., graph., hyos.,'
bed, in: Aug., arg-n., carb-an., kah-c,
cycl., lyc. laur., lyc, mag-m.,
nat-c, nux-v., staph. fietr., phel '
amel. in: Kali-c. hot food: Mag-c.
beer, after: Chel., sulph. exertion, from: Berb.

bones, with pains in : Merc-c. face, with coldness of: Thuja.

breakfast, after: I^aur. with heat of: ^th., arg-n., berb., bry
calc-p., cann-s., canth.,
burning: Ail., bry., camph., clem., corn"
hell., phos. glon.,
' hura, jatr., iris,
plant., verat. kali-c., kali-i''
kah-n., nat-m., op., phos., sabad., sep"
chest, after heat in: Grat. stront., sulph. ' P''

chill during: Aeon., with pale: Ambr., puis.

alum., Arn., asar.,
berb., bry., cedr., cina, chin.,
eup-perf during redness
gels., lachn., nat-s.,
' of: ^th., bry., cact.,
nux-v., Op., rhodo cann-s
stram., verat.
kali-i., mag-c, mag-m., mag-s.,
nat-c, phel., plb., stront., sulph.
chilliness, during: Ant-c, asaf., i /tareniL.,
bor Brv zinc .


colch., hell., mag-m.,

flashes of: ^sc, seth., alumn., am-m.
cold bath amel.: Euphr., ant-t
ind., mez., nat-m arn., ars., aur., calc-p.,
' dc, cocc, colch"
corn., d,g., glon., hell., hep.,
kali-c, lact"
coldness of body, with: laur., led., mag-c, mag-s., nat-m.,
Aeon., Am.,
bufo, calc chm., chin-s..
ptel., .Sep., sulph.,
tabac, xanth.,
clem., gels., hipp. ziz.
hyo.s lachn., n,ag-s., nux-v.,
plb., stram after chillness:
Sang., Sil.
sulph., verat. '

grief, after: Phos.

hands, with heat of: Caiith., lach., laur. room, while in: Caust., clem., coc-c, indg.
niag-c, ol-aii., phel., phos. mag-m., nat-c, nice, ran-sc, sulph.
pahns: Bor., tarent.
in hot: Coc-c, phos., sulph.
heart, during oppression of: Glon.
sewing, while: Petr.
with palpitation of: Coloc, iod.
shivering, with: Arn., ars., ran-b.
hot body, as if, fell forwards: Kali-c.

from Aeon. siesta, after: Clem., cycl., rhus-t.

iron around, as if a:
sitting, while: Canth., mere, nat-c, phos-ac.,
water; All-c, indg.
water thrown on scalp and penetrating to
sleep, before: Alumn., coc-c, sulph.
brain, as from: Petiv.
amel.: Laur.
lying down, while: Arn., ars., nux-j.
with sleepiness: Kreos., stann., stront.
amel.: Kali-c, nat.c, rhus-t.
sneezing amel. : Lil-t.
menses, before: Apis, bell., calc, com., crot-h.,
ign., iod., ip., lye, petr., ihuj. soup, on taking: Phos.

during: Apis, am., bell., calc, carb-au., speaking, by: Phos., phos-ac.
caust., cham., ign., ip., kali-i., lye,
spot, in small: Carb-v., mez.
mag-c, mag-m., mag-s., nat-m., nat-s.,
standing amel. : Phos.
stool, during urging to: Clem., mag-m.
after: Ferr-i., iod.
mental exertion, from: anac, aur.
after: Lye
motion, on: Ant-t., spong.
stooping, when: Kali-c, petr., valer.
amel.: Phos.
storm, on approach of: Nat-c.
moving eyes, on: Chin,
stove agg. : Glon., phos.
periodical: Calad.
tormenting sensation of heat with dullness
perspiration, as if, would break out: Caust.,
phos., plat., ran-b.
transient: Agar., am., cann-i., mag-m.,
pressure amel.: Arg-n ,
hydr., nux-v. sulph., tabac, valer.

of hands amel. : Nux-v. urinating, while: Sep.

when touched: Berb. vapor, as from warm: Ol-an.

reading, while: nat-s. waking, on: Calc, chel., lye, nat-m., phos.
sil., stann., Sulph., tarent, til.
riding, while: Lye
mag-s. before: Hyper.
rising, on: Bar-c, calc,

nat-c. walking, while: Bor., glon., indg., m

from stooping: Grat.,
nit-ac, //205., sep., stront.
amel.: Carb-an., kali-c, sulph.
in open air amel.: Sulph.
^th., calad., canth., cycl., gamb.,
rising up:
wine, after: Lye, nux-v., petr.
nat-s., plb., rheum, rhus-t.

Alum., indg., mag-m., as from: Rhus-r., sabad.

abdomen, from:
plb. writing, on: Kali-c, ran-b.

back, from: Phos. Forehead: Aeon., eeth., alum., am-m., an

mill., ant-t., apis, ars., asaf., asar., bad., bap
from: Aeon., glon., lyssin.,
bell., brom., calc, camph., canth., carb-a
phos., sulph.

carb-v., caust., chel., chin., cimic cinnb,. in flashes: Kali-bi.

clem., cocc. colch., coloc, croc, crot-h.,

Temples : Berb., euph., glon., hura, ign., lye,
cup-ac, cycl., euph., euphr., eupi., fl-ac,
merl., ol-an., phel., podo.
gels., gins., gloji., gran., graph., grat.,
gymn., hell., hep., hydr., hyos., indg., ind., with cold cheeks: Berb.
jatr., kali-bi., kali-c, kali-n., kreos., lack., Vertex: Aeon., aur., benz-ac, cale, camph.,
lact., laur., led.,
lye, mag-m., mag-s., mane, carb-an., cham., chel., coc-e, corn., croi-h.,
mere, merc-c, 7nez., nat-c, nat-m., nice, daph., eupi., eup-per., glon., graph., grat.,
nux-ni., Nux-V., ol-an., op., petr., phel., hep., hyper., Lach-, laur., lept., mag-s.,
phos., phos-ae, phys., pic-ae, puis., ran-b., med., merc-i-r., mez., mur-ac, nat-c, nat-p.,
rat., rhus-r., sabad., senee, sep sil., spong.,
nat-s., nux-m., phos., podo., rhus-r.,
stann., staph., siram.,su[-ph.., tarax., tarent., tarent., thea. -
taxus, tell., thuj., til., verat., viol-o., zinc.
morning: PoJo.
morning: Am-m., ant-e, ant-t, cycl., indg.
II p. m.: Merc-i-r.
forenoon: Cale, carb-an., nat-c. thuj ,

grief, after: Cale, phos.

noon: Zinc.
menses, during: Nat-s., sulph.
afternoon: Chin-s., ip., nice, sep., spong.
menopause, during: Lach.
evening: Canth., lye, mag-m nat-e, ran-b.

pressure amel.: Eup-per.

while writing: Ran-b.
spots, in: Am., graph., mez.
night: Phos-ae, staph., til.
thinking, while: Nat-s.
air, cool, amel.: Alum.., phos.
warm applications amel.: Kali-i.
alternately in either protuberance:
chilliness, during: Asaf., sep.
HEAVINESS (compare "Pressure"): Acet-ac,
acon.,^sQ., aeth., agar., agn., ail.,
dinner, after: Alum. aloe, alum., ambr., am-e,
am-m., anae,
ang., ant-t., apis, apoe, arg-n., am\
walking, while: Mez.
arum-t., asaf., asar., aur., aur-m-n.,
warm water trickled down inside, as bar-e, bar-ae, bar-m.,
if- bell., berb., bism.]
Glon. bor., bov., brom., bry., bufo, cad., cale,
warmth in middle of forehead, feeling of, calc-a., camph., cann-i., canth., carb-ac
then coolness as from draught of carb-afi., Carb-v., card-m.,
air: cast., caust',
Laur. cedr., Cham., chel.. Chin., chin-s., cic
cimie, cinnb., clem., coca,
writing, while: Kali-e cocc, coc-c.,' '
coff., colch., coloc, con.,
corn., cop., croc
Occiput: ^se, aur-m-n., crot-h., crot-t., cupr-ac,
bell., brom. cycl., dig, dios"'
camph., cann-i., cann-s., '

dros., dulc, elaps, ^n^hr.,


cie, cinnb., coc-c eupi., ferr. ferr-i

con. dig., fl-ae, glon., indg., fl-ac, form., gatnb., gels.,
jatr., kalm.i gins.,glon., gran.','
lobel., mane, merc-i-f., nat-m., graph., grat., guare., gymn.,

nat-s., haemat. hell

nux-m., puis., rhus-r., hep., hipp., hura, hydr.,
sulpk., tarent., thuj hydr-ac, hyos'
verat-v., zinc. ^ '

hyper., tgn., indg., iod., ip.,

irfs., jatr.,'
morning: Sulph. kah-e, kali-i., kali-n., kreos.,
lac-c '
Lach., lachn., lact., laur., led.,
diarrhoea, during: Bell., , lobel '
zinc. lye, mag-c, mag-m., mag-s., mane,
flashes of: ^se, lach. men., meph., mere, merc-c,
merc-i-r merl., tnez.,
walking in open air amel. morph., mosch!,'
: Sulph. murx., Mur-ac, naja, nat-c,
nal-m., nat-p
warm room, in: Sulph. nat-s., mce, nit-ae,
nux-m., Nux-V., olnd.',
ol-an., op., osm.,
Sides: Am-m., cale, caust., paeon., par., Petr., phel.,
cinnb., cycl..
kali-bi., petr., phel., Phos phos-ae, phys., phyt.,
pic-ac.', tarent.','
Pic-ac, plant.,
plat.,//6., prun.,
ptel., ran-b., ran-sc

rat., rheum, rhns-t., ruta, sabad., salmi., back and limbs, with pain in: Apoc.
sang., sars., secale., seneg., sep., si/., sol-n.,
with drowsiness and pain in: Gamb.
spig., spoiig.; squil., stann., strain., stront.,
staph., Sulph., sul-ac, lahac, tarax., bed, while lying in: Ani-e
tarent., tell., tereb., thea., tlier., Ihtij., til.,
beer, after: Chel.
iistil., valer. , verat. ,
verat-v., verb., viol-o.,
viol-t., vip., zinc, zing. blood, as if too full of: Glon., ign., lil-t.

morning: Aeon., agar., alum., am-ni., ars., candle-light, from: Bov.

arum-t., berb., bov., bry., calc, carb-an., chill, during: Sulph.
cast., chel., chin., ciniic, clem., coca,
after: Dros.
comoc, con., croc, eupi. ,
gamb., hell.,
hydr., hyper., indg., kali-c, kali-i., kali-n., coffee, strong, amel.: Corn,
kalm., lach., lye, mag;-m.,mang., mez.
cold, after taking: Dulc.
nat-m., nat-s., nice, Nux-V., op., ox-ac,
paeou., pall., petr., phos., phys., phyt., amel.: Chin-s.
pic-ac, plb., ruta, sabin., sars., sep., sil.,
coryza, as if from: Berb., laur.
spig., sulph., sul-ac, tarent., verat., zinc.
coughing, on: Euphr., taxus.
rising, on: Am-m., anac, ang. ,
ars., aur.,
daily: Nat-m., sil.
bell., clem ,
coc-c, coff., hell., hipp.,
hura, kali-bi., kali-i., mag-c, mag-m.. darkness amel. : Brom.
nat-m., nice, phos., rhodo., sep., stront.,
descending, on: Meny.
dinner, amel. after: Am-c, carb-an.
amel. after: Kali-i., mag-s., nat-m., nice.
dizzy: Bry., camph., nat-m., nux-v.
waking, on: Ant-t, bar-c, bell., bry., calc,
calc-p., cann-i., cham., chin., croc, crot-t., drawn backward, as if: Phel., zinc.

euphr., ferr., fl-ac, lach., lil-t., lye, forward, as if : Olnd. , viol-t.

mag-s., nat-m., nice, nit-ae, phos.,
to one side, as if: Sil.
rhus-t., sol-n., squil., tarent., verat.
drinking, as if had been: Aeon., agar., coco.,
afternoon: All-c, alum., am-e, arg-n., bry.,
dulc, ferr., kali-n., lach., laur., sabiii.
bufo, cham., chel., chin-s., ferr., gamb.,
gels., hyper., indg., kali-i., lact., mag-e, dull: Apoc, caj., calc, fl-ac, glon., nat-s.,

mag-m., mang., murx., nice, nux-j., pall., phys., rums., verb.

puis., sil.
eating, while: J^'Ca.
evening: Ambr., apoc, arg-n., ars., bar-c ,
after: Am-e, bry., cast., cedr., euphr., gins.,
bov., bufo, cedr., chin-s., coloe, ferr., fl-ae, mag-e, mag-s.,
graph., grat., kali-i.,
hydr-ae, kali-i., kalm., laur., lith., lyc ,
nat-e, nat-m., nux-j., nux-v., op., tabac.
phos., plant., rumx., sep., stann., sulph.,
epistaxis amel.: Dig.

Arg-n., carb-an., kali-i., lil-t, mez., erect, on becoming, agg. : Con.

nit-ae, sil., tarent., til.
exercise agg. : Calc.

waking, on: Chel., cie, nat-e, til.

exertion of eyes agg. : Mur-ac.

air, in cold: Carb-an. falls, backward, head: Camph., chin., kali-c,

in open: Laur., lil-t.

down, as if brain would: Alum., bell., berb.

amel. Ant-t, Ars., caust., clem.,
ferr-i., gamb., hell., hydr., mang.,
• hipp.

mosch., nice. phos. forward, as if brain would: Carb-an., laur.,

rhus-t., sul-ac.
alternating with clearness of mind: Murx.
Agn., alum., bar-c.
as if head would:
ascending, on: Meny., rhu.s-v.

3EAVINESS, falls.
berb., chel., hipp., nat-m op., par., mental exertion, from: Calc, crot-h., ferr-i.
phos., plb., rhus-t., sulph., sul-ac, lye, nat-m., -phos., phos-ac.
tabac, viol-t., zinc.
motion, from: Aeon., arg-n., bism., bov.
side, to one, as if head would: Bry., fl-ac.
calc, canth., colch., fl-ac Ij'c, phys., plat.
sars., stann., sulph., thuj.
head, bending back, amel.: Cocc, phos-ac.
amel.: Mag-e, mosch.
forward, on: Nat-m., plios-ac.
of eyes, on: Chin., nux-v., rhus-t.
holding erect, on: Dros., tarax.
oppressive: Ars., ip., sabin., ther.
lying with head high amel. : Sulph.
painful: Gran., hell., nice,
moving, on: Asar., calc, indg., sars., spig. olnd., sabad.,
raising, on: Dros., ign., op., spong., sulph.
perspiration, during: Ars., caust.,
amel. : Bry.
pressed forward, as if brain
shaking were: Bry. '
the, partially amel. Gels.
canth., laur., thuj.
stupid feeling in, with: Canth., cic, coloc, brain feels compressed: Hyper.
crot-h., ferr., hell., hep., indg., kali-i.,
kali-n., laur., mag-m., mez., nice, nux-v., weight on brain, like a: Chel., nux-v., sil.
op., plb., puis., sars., sol-n., sulph., tabac. on head, like a: Cocc, phel.
supporting amel. : Staph, pressure amel.: Ail., Cact, camph., cop.,
heat, from: Comoc, hell, mur-ae, nat-m., sabin.

of sun: Brom. , nat-c. raise from pillow, as if he could not: led.,

phos-ac. puis., sabad.
during the: Sep., thuj. ,

reading, while: Bry., calc,

after the: Tarent. crot-t.

rest, during: Stann.

lean on to something, desires to: Bell.,
amel.: Arg-n.
legs, with tingling in: Secale.
riding, while: Phyt.
light, agg. from strong: Cact.
looking steadily amel. : Sabad.
rising, on: Am-m ,
ang., aur., bapt, calc
hura, lod., olnd., sulph.,
sideways, while: Agn. tarax., viol-t.
amel. on: Calc, con., laur.,
lying, while: Am-c, nice
bov., glon., mag-c,
mere, nice. iiux-m., from stooping, on: Grat.,
puis., Sep., sulph mag-s., sulph '
tarax. viol-t.

amel.: Mane, nat-m., olnd., rhus-t, room, while in: Ars., laur.
tell, mere, phos.,
back, on: Cact, mez.
warm, while in: Chin-s., hydr.,
head high, with, amel.: Sulph. pson.
sewing, while: Petr.
head too low, as if had been: Phos.
siesta, after a: Bov., bry.,
side, on, while:
Meny. mag-e, rhus-t.
sitting, while: ^th., alum., ang., ars.,
amel.: Cact. caust.
chin cie, mane, mere,
menses, before: Cimic, crot olnd., squil
sulph. ^
h., ign.
during: Calc., carb-an.,
ign., kali-c, mag-c. bent over, while: Cow.
mags., nat-m., nux-v., zinc.

amel.: Sulph.
after: All-s., nat-m.
sleep amel. : Laur.
menstrual colic: Ant-t.
as if had not had enough:
Mag-c, zine

sleepiness, with: Apoc, asaf., bar-c, bell., asaf., asar., aspar., bapt.,
bar-c, bell., berb,
canth., coca, corn., gamb., grat., hydr., ip. bism., bov., brom., Bry., bufo, eale.,czm^\\
laur., nit-ac, op., rhus-r. cann-i., canth., carb-an., carb-v., eham.,

smoking chel., chin-s., cic., cinnb., cist, clem., co/oc.

agg.: Ferr-i., gels.
con., conv., crot-h., crot-t., dulc, elaps
sneezing, on: Seneg.
ferr., ferr-i., fl-ac, gels., gins.,gloii.
soup, after taking: Phos. gran., grat., haem., ham., hell., hep., hipp.
hura, hydr., hyos., indg., ip., jatr., kali-bi.
standing, on: Alum., ars., bov., caust., kali-c,
kali-c, kali-i., kali-n., krecs., lac-c, lach,
mag-c, mane, nice, plb.
laur., led., lil-t., lith., mag-c, mag-m,,
stone, as if from a: Bell., cann-s., chel., con. mag-s,, mang,, mere, merc-i-r., mur-ac.
dig., kali-n. naja, nat-c, nat-m., nice, nux-m., nux-v.
olnd,, op., oar-ac., pall., phos., phyt., j>lb.
stool, after: Apoc.
xhadiO., rhus-t., ruta, sabin., sars., sep., sil.
stooping, on: Aeon., alum., berb., bov., bry., sol-n., stann., staph., stront., tarent.
camph., carb-an., colch., con., fl-ac, grat., taxus, tell., thea, verat., zinc.
hell., hyos., indg., kali-bi., kali-i., laur.,
nat-m., nice, nit-ac, nux-v., petr., phos.,
morning: Arum-t., chin., nat-m., nice,

ph-ac, ox-ac, pall., sulph., verat.

plat., Puis,, rhus-t., senn., spong.,
sulph., sul-ac, tabac. waking, on: Nat-m.
amel. : Dros., ign., tarax., viol-t. forenoon: Carb-an., gamb., nice, sarr.

after: Viol-t. noon: Sulph.

sun, heat of, in: Brom., nat-c. afternoon: Am-c, chel., chin-s., kali-i.,

nice, pall., sil.

swallowing agg. : Kali-c.

talking, from: Cact., nat-m., sulph. evening: Coloc, lith., mag-m., nat-m.,
urine, profuse discharge, amel.: Gels., fl-ac.
menses during: Zinc.
vexation, after: Mag-c.
all would come out, as if: Aeon., kreos,,
waking, on: Bar-c, bell., bry., calc, calc-ph.,
cann-i., cham., chel., chin., cic, con.,
crot-t., euphr., ferr., fl-ac, ign., lach., lil-t., eating, after: .^th., am-c, mag-c.
mag-s., nat-c, nat-m., nice, nit-ac, rhus-t., full of lead, as if: Clem., lye
Sep., sol-n., squil., sulph., tarent., til.,
mental exertion: Calc.
motion agg.: Bism., fl-ac.
walking, while: Hell., hipp., kaU-bi., laur.,
puis., rheum, rhus-t., spong., sulph., thea. standing, while: Mag-c.

amel.: Kali-bi., mag-c. stone lay there, as if : Ruta.

open air amel. : Hydr. stooping, when: Aeon., carb-an., rhus-t,

after: Bov.
sun, heat of, in: Brom.
washing amel. : Mag-c. phos. ,

waking, on: Bell., sulph.

work, from fatiguing: Nat-c.
walking, while: Camph., con., sulph.
wrinkling forehead amel. : Phos.
weight pressed forward in, as if a, must
writing, while: Calc, gent., lye
hold head upright: Aeon., rhus-i.
yawning, with: Mag-c.
sank down in it: Nux-v.
Eorehead: Aeon., esse, seth., agar., ail., all-c, writing agg. : Calc.
am-e, ani-m., ang., ant-e., ant-t., apis,
apoc, arg-m., arg-n., arn., ars., arum-t.. Occiput: ^sc, seth,, agar., ant-t., apis, aur.,



aur-m-n., bapt., bar-ac, bell., bism., bov., extending downward: Sep., sulph.
bry., cact., cain., caj., calc cann-i., cann-s ear to ear: Ferr.

canth., carb-afi., Carb-V., carl., cham., nape, into: Sulph.

Chel., chin, «V.,,clem., colch., con., cop,
shoulders, to, after waking, while lying on
dtdc, eup-per.,/f/r., gels., gins., hell., ign.,
back: Bry.
indg., kali-c, kali-i., kali-n., kreos., lack.,
lac-ac, lact., laur., lye, mag-m., mang Sides: ..Eth., am-c, arg-n., bov., cact., cedr.,
meph., mez., mur-ac, myric, nat-m., elaps, eugen., grat., hydr., kalm., kali-c,
nat-s., nice, nux-v., op., paeon., Petr., kali-i., lyc, mag-m., sabad., sabin., stann.,
phos., phos-ac, pic-ac, plb., prun., psor. sul-ac, tarent.
ptel., ruta, sabin., secale, selen., sep., spig.
Temples Agar., bell., bism., bov., cact.,

spong. stann.
, sulph., s^xaHo., tarax., thuj.
carb-an., cimic, cinnb., clem., ferr., glon.,
til., trill., zinc.
kali-i., led., nit-ac, phyto., rhus-t., sabad.,
morning: Lach., sep., sulph. sars., Sep., stann., tell.

menses, during: Mag-m. as if a weight hung at both sides: Agar.,

forenoon: Indg.

afternoon: Ferr., lact. Vertex (weight): Aeon., agar., all-c, aloe,

alum., alumen, ambr., apis, bry., bufo,
evening: Bov., kali-i.
Cact., calc, camph., cann-s., canth., cast.,
night: Chel., mez. chel., chin-s., con., dig., eup-per., Glon.,
hell., hipp., hydr., indg., kali-bi., kali-i.,
could not be raised from pillow, as if-
Lach., laur., mag-c, merc-i-r., mosch.,
naja, ox-ac, phel., phys., phyt., pic-ac,
lying on back Mez. rhus-t., squil., stann., sulph.,
bending head forward: Colch., phos-ac. ( Compare '
' Pressure. '


draws eyes together: Nat-m. morning: Chel., ox-ac, rhus-t, squil.

heat of sun: Brom. forenoon, ii a. m.: Kali-bi.

evening: Chin-s.
lead, as if full of: Kali-c, lach mur-ac.
op., petr., spong. menses, during: Ferr-ph.
pressure amel. Alumen., Cact.
lying down, after: Tarax. :

stone or weight, as from a: Cact., cann-s.,

back, on, while, agg. Cact.
indg., mosch., nux-v., phel.
side, on, amel. Cact. stooping,
when: Indg.
motion agg.: Bar-ac, colch., lyc thuj HEAVING up and down sensation:
, Bell., con.,'
raise, difficult to: Chel. 13'c.

pain in occiput like a weight,

must raise
HOLD up head, unable to: Ant-t., atro., bapt.,
head with hands: Eup-per. Cham., con., croc, cupr-s., gels.,'
hipp., hl-t., lyc, mang.,
rising, on: Aur. mez., nux-v.,
olnd., op., petr., phel.,/K/j.,
rhus-t., sabad.,
sink, as head would, backward:
if sil.,tabac. zinc.
Ign ,

kali-c, mur-ac, op.

steady, unable to: Squil.
sitting bent, while:
Con. HOLLOW. (See "Empty.")
step, at every, a jolt
as if a
occiput: Bell.
weight were on HYDROCEPHALUS: Aeon., am-c, apis, apoc,
aur., bell., bry.,
Calc, calc-p., hell., indg.,
swallowing agg. : Kali-c lod., lach., lyc, mag-m., mere,
waking, on: Hell., lach. phos-ac, plat., puis., samb., SU., stram.,
sulph., zinc.
walking, while: Spong.
with sweat: Merc.


HYSTERICAL headache (See under " Pain '

in general.
burning: Calc, kali-c.
INFLAMMATION of brain: Aeon., apis, dell.,
dry., cadni., cadm-s., eatnph., canth.,
corrosive: Berb., caps., vine
cina, con., crot-h., cupr., glon., hell., hyos., crawling: Lach., sil.
lach ,
mere, nux-v., par., phos., phys., rainy weather: Mag-c.
plb., puis., rhus-t, stram., sulph., verat-v.
rubbing amel.: Nat-m.
with sopor: Bor.
scratching, after, agg. :
meninges: Aeon., apis, arg-n., am.. Bell.,
bry., calc, canth., cum, cocc., cupr., gels., scratching amel.: Agar., bar-c, caps., mag-c,
glon.. Hell., hyos., kali-br., lach., mere, mez., nat-m., olnd., phos-ac, ran-s., sars.,
nat-m., rhns-t., thuj.
sil., Stram., sulph.. Zinc
INTOXICATION, as from (compare " Con- changes place after: Mez., sars.

fusion of Mind"): yBsc, agar., am-c, ars., sudden: Phos-ac.

berb., bry., carb-au., carb-v., caust., chel.,
wandering: Bar-c, mag-c.
croc, crot-t, cycl., euphr., eupi., glon.,
graph hydr-ac, iod., kali-n., kreos.,
, laur., warmth of bed agg.: Bov., carb-v., lye, sil.

mag-m., mez., nat-m., uit-ac, nux-v., par.,

warm from exercise, when: Lyc.
phos-ac, ptel., puis., rhod., rhus-t., samb.,
spig., taras., sul-ac, valer. when head becomes: Sanic.

ITCHING of scalp: Abrot., aeon ,

agar., alum., Foreh.ead: Agar., am-m., anac, ars., aur-m.,
am-c, a^ii-m., anac, ant-c, apis, arg-n., bell., berb., bov., canth caps., caust., cham.,

ars., aur., bad., bar-c, benz-ac ,

bov., bry., clem., con., fl-ac, gamb., gran., hura,
calc, caps., carb-ac, carb-an., carb-s., hyper., kali-bi., lach., laur., led., lyc,
carb-v., caust., clem., cob., cofT., coloc, mag-c, mere, nat-m., olnd., ol-an., pall.,
comoc, con., corn-c, crot-h., cupr-a., cycl., petr., rhus-t., samb., sars., sil., spig., squil.,

daph., dig., dros., elaps, eup-pur., fago, sulph., tabac, verat.

ferr.,fl-ac.,form.. Graph,, hura, ind., iod.,
evening: Sulph., zinc.
jug-c, jug-r., kali-bi., kali-c ,
kali-n., lach., laur., lye, mag-c, mag-m., air, amel. in open: Gamb.
mane, meph., mere, merc-c, merc-i-f.,
dinner, during: Hepar., mag-c, sulph.
merc-sul., Mez., Nat-m., nux-v., olnd.,
pseon., par., petr., phos-ac, phos., ran-s.,
menses, before, itching eruption on: Sars.
rat., rhodo., rhus-t., sabad., sars., sep., sil., rubbing amel. : Ol-an. , samb. tabac ,

spong., staph., strych., Sulph.., sulph-ac,

scratching amel. : Bov., mag-c, squil.
tabac, tarax., tarent., tell., til., verat.,
vine, zing. Occiput: Am-c, calc, chel., cinnb., fago,

kali-c, mez., sars., sep., Sil., staph., SulpL,

daytime: Hydr., Olnd.
tell., thuj.
morning: Kali-c, \yc., lyssin., mag-e, meph.,
plant., seneg., staph., sulph., zing.
morning: Sulph.
evening: Sep., staph., stront.
forenoon: Mag-c, sabad.
scratching agg. : Staph.
afternoon: Sep.
amel.: Chel., ruta.
p. m. : Chel.

mag-c, staph.,
warm room agg. : Fago, sulph.
evening: Calc-ph., chin-s.,
JERKING of the head: Alum., caust., cic, cina,

night: Agar., ars., calc, cob., cupr-ar., hyper., hyos., ign., nat-m., nux-m., Sep., stram.,

Olnd. sumb., verat-v.

biting: Puis., rhus-t. daytime: Sep.

behind forward, from: Kali-c. phos-ac.

bleeds, must scratch until: Carb-an. ,


JERKING. LOOSENESS of brain, sensation of (compare
here and there: Chel., stront. "Motion," "Shaking," "Vibration,"
"Falling," "Striking"): Aeon., am-c,
involuntary, back and forward, while sitting: cic, con.,
bar-c, carb-an., caust.. Chin.,
Sep. glon., graph.,
cocc, croc, dig., elaps,
lying on the back, while: Hyper. guaj., hyos., kali-c, kali-u., kalm., lach.,
lact., laur., mag-s., mur-ac, nat-m., nat-s.,
one side to another, from: Kalic. nat-s.,
nice, nux-m., ph3's., rhus-t., robin., sep.,
sol-n., staph., sul-ac, tell., verat, xanth.
sleep, during: Am. morning: Cic, guaj.
talking, while: Cic.
on waking: Cic.
walking quickly or ascending staiis, on; Bell.
carrying a weight, while: Mur-ac.
KNITTING the brow: Hell., lye, stram.
coughing, on: Aeon., bry., carb-an., sep.,
KNOCKS head against things: Apis, ars., bell., sulph-ac.
con., hyos., mag-c, mil., rhus-t.
diagonally across top, when turning: Kalm.
pain as if knocked in the head: Mosch.
feels as if brain fell to side on which leans:
KNOCKING in head (compare "Pulsation"): Am-c.
Am-c, ang.
motion, on: Carb-an., caust. croc, mag-s..
ball striking skull, like a: Plat.

brain against skull, as of: Ars., chin., daph., rising from stooping: Phos.
glon., hydr-ac, laur., mez., nat-m., nux-m.,
rheum, stann., sulph., shaking the head: Bar-c, con., glon., nat-m
nux-ni., rhus-t., xanth.
motion, on: Nux-m., rhus-t.
stepping, on: Guaj., Rhus-t., spig.
LARGE (see "Enlarged"): Calc, calc-ph.,
mere, silic.
stooping, on: Bry., laur.

brain straining at stool: Spig.

feels: Chin., chimic, clem., form.,
glon., hell. turning the head: Kali-c, kalm., spig.
LEAN on something, desire to: Bell., gymn. waking, on: Cic

LIFTING up of the skull, sensation of: Cann-i., walking, while: Aeon., carb-an., cob croc.
lac-d. mag-s., nux-m., nux-v., rhus-t., spig.,
staph., verat.
LIGHTNESS, sense of (compare "Vertigo")
Acet-ac, am-c, arum-t., bar-c, bry. in open air, while: Caust., sul-ac.
camph., canu-i., chin-s., chr-ac, cinnb.
Forehead, in: Chel., con., laur., nat-m.,
coflf., con., corn., crot-h., eup-pur., gels, sul-ac.
grat., hipp iris, kali-bi., kali-c, lach.

lac-ac, lyssin, naja, op., ox-ac, phos., sars. Temples : Sul-ac.

secale, sol-n., straw.., tromb., ziz. when stooping feels as if brain fell toward
air were in head, as left: Nat-s.
if: Benz-ac.
borne by air, as if: Op. Occiput: Staph.
giddiness, after: Iris, LUMP, sensation as of : Ant-t, am., cham., chel.,
motion agg staph.
: Gels,

nausea, after: Lyssin. Forehead, in: Cham ,

pip-m., staph.

sitting, while: Carb-an. LYING on something hard, as if : Phos-ac.

sneezing, when: Benz-ac.
in an uncomfortable position, as if: Cimx.,
walking, while: Ox-ac. clem., lyc.
Occiput, in: .Secale.
nuLstlie: Kali-bi., rhus t.
too low, as if from: Plios. moved, as if something, from back of neck up
wants to lie low: Absiii., niosch. to head: Glon.

MARBLE, brain feels as if changed to: Cann-i. moving the head, by: Am-c, ars., bar-c, calc
cocc, con., croc, glon., kali-c, lach.,
MOTIONS, movements, etc., in head (compare mang., mez., nat-m., nux-m., rhus-t
"Knocking," "Looseness," "Shaking," sol-n., spig.,

squil stann., sulph., sul-ac,

" Waving," etc.): Aeon., aloe, almn., am-c, ,

ang., ant-t., ars., bar-c, bell., bry., calc.,
carb-an., caust., chin., cic, cob., croc:, pressure amel. : Bell,
crot-h., cycl., dig., eugen., glon., graph., rest, from: Lach., staph,
guaj., hyos., indg., kali-c, kali-n., lach.,
lact., laur., mag-s.,
mez., mosch., nat-m
rising up, when: Cham., indg., lye, phos.

nux-m., nux-v., phel., phos., plat, rheum, amel.: Alum., laur., mil.
rhus-t., Sep., sol-n., spig., staph., stront.,
room, while in: Indg., mag-m.
sulph., sul-ac, tabac, verat.
in warm: Lact.
morning: Grat., guaj ,
hyos., indg., lact.,
nat-s., spig., tabac. sitting, while: Grat., sil.

rising, on: Bar-c. amel.: Spig.

waking, on: Cic. speaking, while: Aeon., cocc, zinc,

afternoon: Graph., Mag-m., mez., nat-m. standing, while: Mang.

step, making a false: Led., thuj.
amel. in: Bar-c.
stool, while at: Spig.
evening: Eugen., mag-m., nat-m., plat. stooping, on: Ant-t., alum., berb., bry.,
stront., sulph.
carb-an., coff., dig., hydr-ac, kali-c, laur.,
night: Hyper., puis. mag-s., mil., nat-s., nux-v., rheum, rhiis-t.

waking, on: Par. stumbling, from: Bar-c, led., sep., sil., thuj.

air, in open: Laur. sunlight, from: Aeon.

amel. in: Indg., mag-m. thinking about it amel. : Cic.

ascending stairs, while: Bell., crot-h., lye, turning head, when: Cham., glon., kalm.,
nat-m., par. spig.

bending the head, by: Asar., dig. quickly, when: Nat-ars.

amel.: Spig. vomiting, from: Eugen.

coughing, when: Bry., lact., mag-s. waking, on: Cic, paris., phos.

drawing load, while: Mur-ac. walking, while: Bell., carb-an., cic, cob.,

drinking, when: Aeon., bry. cocc, crot-h., guaj., hyos., indg., Ij-c,
mag-c, mag-s., nuph., nux-v., rhodo.,
eating, after: Alum., mag-s.
rhus-t., spig ,
sulph., verb., viol-t.
amel. after: Aloe,
in open air, while: Aloe, caust., plat., rhus-t.
leaning, when: Cycl.
worm. (See " Crawling.")
menses, during: Mag-m.

motion, from: Aeon., ars., bry., calc, carb-an.,

MOTIONS of head (shaking, nodding, waving,
etc.) (compare "Drawn," "Falling,"
cic, cob., croc, led., mag-c, mag-s., mang.,
"Trembling," etc): Aloe, ars., aur-m.,
nat-m., nux-ni., nux-v., spig., staph.,
bell., benz-ac ,
bry., bufo, calc-ph., cann-i.,
sulph., tabac.
caust, cic, crot-h., mez., nux-m., secale,
amel.: Petr. Sep., stram., tarent.


backward and forward: Aur., cham., citia, sitting, while (see " turning"): Nux-m.
lam., lye, nnx-m.., phos-ac, sep., verat-v.
when too weak to move body: Ars.
constant: Ars., cocc, op.
rubs against something: Tarent.
convulsive: Agar., calc, camph., cocc,
shaking the head, involuntarily, which makes
nux-m., stram., tarent.
him dizzy: l,yc.
so that talking and swallowing are impossi-
sideways: Aur., bell., clem., hell., lye, nat-s_
ble: Nux-m.
rocks head from side to side to relieve pain:
difficult: Colch., hipp., kali-i., stann.
forward: Merc, Nat-m., sep., strych.
throwing head about: Bell., mere, phos.,
hither and thither: Ars., op., stram. tarent.

impossible: Spig, tarent., zinc. backward: Acet-ac, camph., cina, glon.,

involuntary: Hell., lye, mere, nat-m., zinc hell., kali-n., mere, mygale,
phyto., stram., tabae, tanac.
jerking. { Compare " Shocks, " "Jerking.")
tosses: Aeon., cocc, cupr., ign., phos-ac.
backwards: Alumn., atrop., bov., cic, cina,
mere, sep., strych. turning backward, of: Laur.

and forward: Ars., sep. side, to: Op.

right: Plb.
while sitting: Sep.
left: Lye, tarent.
sleep, during: Hyper.
side to side (see "rolling"): Agar.,
behind forward, from: Kali-c, phos-ac. colch., hyos., nux-m., phos., phys.,
forward: Mere, sep., strych. secale, tarent.

here and there: Chel., stront. sitting, while: Nux-m.

side to side: Kali-c, plb., samb. wrong side, when spoken to: Atrop.

to right: Nat-s. to and fro: Agar.

left: Kali-e wagging: Bell., cham.

walking quickly or ascending stairs, on-

NODDING. (See "Motions.")
Bell. NUMBNESS, sensation of (compare "Asleep"):
nodding Aur-m., calc, canst., kali-bi., lye,
of: Aeon. ,
all-c, ant-t., apis, bapt ,
bell., bry.,
mosch., nat-m., phos-ac, verat-v. calc, carb-an., chel., coff., colch., coloc,
con., dig., dios., fl-ac, glon..Graph., ham.,
writing, while: Caust., phos-ac.
hura, jatr., lach., meph.,
lil-t, mag-ui.,
pains, moves head to relieve: Chin., kali-i.,
mere, merc-i-f., merl., mez., mur-ac, nit-ac,
secale. olnd., ol-an., petr., phos., phys Plat., sil., ,

stram., thuj.
pendulum-like: Cann-i., secale.
raising brain: Apis, bufo, con., kali-br., mag-c, plat.
from the pillow, spasmodic: Bell.,

stram. electric shocks, as after: Fl-ac.

rolling head: Agar., apis, am., ars., menses, during: Plat.

bry.,cic., clem., colch.,
crOt-t., dig., hell, wood, as if of: Mez., petr.
//J'^^5.,kali-br., /jr., mere, naja, oeua., op.,
nux-m., phos., phos-ac, Forehead: Bapt, bar-c, brom., coll., dig.,
podo., secale, sil.,
spong., stram., sulph., fl-ac, ham., mag-in., mere, mur-ac.
tarent., verat.,
verat-v., zinc. Plat., sil., valer.

day and night, with moaning: morning, on waking and while lying;
Hell., lyc.
amel. exercise and wrapping head
in paroxysms: Merc.
warmly: Mag-m.

NUMBNESS, forhead: PAIN.
blow, as if from a: Plat. nux-m., Nux-V., oena., osm., ox-ac, pall.,
par., petr., phel., phos., phos-ac, phys.,
board lay there, as if a: Aeon.
phyto., picac, plan., plat., plb., podo.,
warm room: Plat. poth., prun., p.sor., ptel., Puis., ran-b.,
ran-sc, raph., rheum, rhodo rhus-t.,
extending to nasal bone: Plat. ,

rhus-v., rumx., sabad ,

sang., secale, selen.,
Occiput: Bry., calc-ph., caust., fl-ac ,
gels., seneg., Sep., Sil., spig., spong., stann.,
lack., mere i-f., merl., plat., raph., tell. staph., stram., strych., Sulph., sul-ac,

too tightly boxmd, as if: Plat. tabac, tanac, tarax tarent., taxus., tell., ,

thea, ther., thuj., til., tril., troni., urt-u.,

Sides: Cale., chel., cina., con., hura, lack.,
ustil., valer., verat., viol-o., viol-t., vip.,
lyssin, ol-an., tarax., thuj.
xauth., zinc, zinc-s., zing., ziz.

Temples: Myric., phys., Plat., zing.

daytime: Agar., am-c, bry., calc, cann-s.,
Vertex: Mez.^-p&W., plat. caust., chel., chin-s., cina, cist., cob., coca,
crOt-t., eup-per., ferr., fl-ac, ham., jac,
preeeded by feeling as if sealp and brain
kali-c, lye, lyssin., merc-i-r. ,
nat-m., nice,
were contraeted; amel. motion and open
petr., phos., rumx., sep., stann., staph.
air: Plat.
morning: Aeon., Agar., all-s., alum., ambr.,
OILY forehead: Hydr.,psor.
am-c, am-m., anac, ang., ant-t., arg-m.,
OPEN fontanelles: Apis, Calc, Calc-ph., mere, arg-n., am., ars., asaf., asar., aur., bar-c,
Sep., Sil., syph., sulph. bell.,benz-ac, berb., bor., bov., bry., cact.,
cadm., calc, calc-p., camph., cann-s., canth.,
sunken: Apis., ealc.
carb-an., earb-v., east-eq., caust., cham.,
OPENING and shutting. (See " Pain.") chel., chin., chin-s., cic, cina, clem., cob.,
coca, cofF., coloc, eon., croc, crot-t., cund.,
PAIN, headache in general : Abrot., absin.,acet-ac., eupr., cycl., dios., dulc, euphr., eup-pur.,
aeon., aet-sp., ss.sc., aeth., agar., ail., all-e.,
fl-ac, form., glon.,^ra;!'/i., grat., guaj.,
aloe, alum., ambr., ani-c, am-m., ammc., hcW., hep., hipp., ign.,mA., iod., ip., iris,
anae., ang., ant-c, ant-t., apis, apoe., jatr., kali bi., kali-c, kali-i., kali-n., kalm.,
arg-nt., arg-n., am., Ars., aium-t., asaf., kreos., lae-c, lach., lachn., lact., led.,
asar., aur., bad., bapt., bar-e.. Bell., benz-ae., lil-t., lith ,
mag-c, mag-m., mane, mang.,
berb., bism., bor., bov., brom., bry., bufo, mere, merc-i-f., merc-s., mez., murx.,
cact., ealad., calc, calc-ph., camph., eann-i., mur-ac, nat-e nat-m., nice, nit-ac, uux-j.,

cann-s., cinth., carb-an., carb-v., east., caul., nux-m., nux-v., ol-an., pseon pall., petr., ,

catist., chant., ehel., chin., chin-s., cimic, phos phos-ac, phyt., podo., psor., puis.,

cina, cinnb., clem., cob., coca, Cocc, coc-c., ran-b., rheum, rhodo., rhus-t., rumx., ruta,
cofF., colch., coloc, comoc ,
con., con v., sabad., samb., sang., sars., scut., seneg.,
corn., croc, crot-h., crot-t., cund., cupr., Sep., sil., spig., squil., stann., staph., stram.,
cupr-ac, curar. ,
cycl., daph., dig., dios., stront, 5?^//'//., sul-ac, tabac, thuj., verat.,
dros., dulc, elaps, elat., eugen., eup-par., zinc.
euph., euphr., eupi., ferr., ferr-ph., ferr-i.,
amel.: Bov., caust., kreos., nat-m., verat.
fl-ac, gamb., Gels., gent., gins., glon.,
gran., graph., grat., guaj., gymn., ham., bed, in: Agar., alum., am-c, anac, ant-t.,
hell., hep., hipp., hura, hydr., hydr-ac, aur., bar-c, bell., berb., bov., bry., calc,

hyos., hyper., ign., indg., ind., iod., ip.. eale-p ,

carb-an., cham, chin., chin-s.,

kali-chl., cic, coft con., dig., dulc, ferr graph.,

Iris., jalap., jatr., kali-bi., ,

kali-i., kali-n., kalm., kreos., lac-d., lack., hell., hep., ign., ip., jug-c, kali-c, kali-i.,
kreos., lach., lact., laur., lye, mag-c,
lachn., lac-ac, lact., laur., led., lil-t.,

lobel., lye, lyssin., mag-c, inag-in., mag-s., mag-m., mag-s., mang., mere, mez.,
nat-m., nit-ac, Nux-V., petr.,
mane, mang., meli., meph., mere, merc-c, murx.,
merc-i-f., nierc-i-r., merl., mez., mil., phos., ptel., ran-b., rheum, rhodo., rhus-t.,
morph mosch., murx., mur-ac, Jiaja, ruta, squil., .staph., sulph., sul-ac, thuj.,

nat-c, Nat-m., nat-p., nat-s., nice, Nit-ac, verat., zinc.


PAIN, morning. PAIN, morning.
first motion, on: Bry. until lo a. m.: L,achn., mag-e
nausea, with: Calc, cob., graph., nat-m., Mang.
5 p. m.:
nux-v., Sep., sil., sulph.
lo p. m.: Phys.
ceases toward evening: Bry., kali-bi., nat-m.,
plat., sang., spig.
forenoon: ^th., alum ,
ant-e, bry., calc ,

canth., carb-s. chin-s. cimic. cinnb., clem.,

, ,

comes and goes with the sun: Kali-bi., cob., coce, coc-e, cop., cupr-ar., gamb.,
lac-d., nat-m. jae,
gen., ham., hydr., indg., iod., jab.,

increases and decreases with the sun: Aeon., kali-e, kalm., lach., lachn., lact., merc-i-f.,
glon., kalm., nat-m., p ho s., spig. nat-m., nice, phel., phyt., polyg., ptel.,
rhodo., rhus-t., rumx., j^/., sulph., tromb.
increasing during day: Cact.
9 a. m. to I p. m.: Mur-ac.
increases until noon, or a little later, then
gradually decreases: Phos., sulph. 10 a. m.: Apis., bor., gels., nat-m.

rising, on: Am-c, am-m., apis, arg-n. lo a. m. to 3 p. m. : Nat-m.

aur-m. bar-c. Bry., camph., chel., chin-s.,
lo a. m. to 6 p. m. : Apis.
cob., colch., Cycl., dig., dulc,
fago., glon., ham., hep., hydr., ind., iod., noon: Ant-c, arg-m., arg-n., bov., calc-ar.,

ip., jug-c, kalm., lack., lye, mag-c, calc-ph., cann-i., carb-v., cham., chel., cie,

mag-m., mere, mur-ac, nice, nux-v., cob., con., graph., gymn., ign., indg., jab.,

petr., phos., psor., ptel., puis., rhus-t., kali-bi., kali-n., kalm., lye, lycps. ,
rumx., ruta, Sep., squil., staph., stront., mag-e, mang., mere, mur-ae, naja, nat-e,
sulph., tarent. nat-m., phos., puis., rhus-t., spong., sulph.,
zinc, zing.
amel. : Alum., ars., cham., crot-h., hep.,
ign-, jug-c, Kali-i., merc-i-r., murx., until evening: Sil.
nat-m., nit-ac, Nux-V., phos-ac. , r/ioa'd. midnight: Caul.
same hour, at: Kali-bi.
afternoon: Aeon., seth., agar., alum., ambr.,
until noon: Ars., conv-d ,
ip., nai-m., nice, am-e, am-m., anae, ant-t., arn., ars., asar.,
Sep. aur., bad., bar-e, Bell., barb., bov., bry.,
bufo, calad., calc, calc-a., calc-p. canth.,
waking, on: Agar., ail., alum., arg-n., am., ,

carb-an., carb-v., caust., chel., chin., chin-s.,

ars., benz-ae, bov., Bry., bufo, calc,
cie, cimic, cob., coca, coce, colch., coloe,
cann-i., carb-an., caust., cham., chel.,
con., cupr., cycl., dig., dios., dros., euphr.,
chin., cie, cob., coff., colch., con., croc,
fago., ferr., form., gamb., gels., gen., glon.,
crot-h., crot-t., cupr-ar., dig., elaps, eng.,
graph., grat., ham., hell., iber., ign., ind.,
euphr., eup-per., fago, form., graph., hell.,
indg., iod., kali-e, kali-n., kalm., kreos.,
hep., hipp., ign., ind., jug-e, kali-bi.,
lae-c., lach., lact., laur., lyc., lycps., lyssin.,
kali-e, kali-n., kalm., kreos., Lach, mag-e, mag-m., mag-s., mang., merc-i-r.,
lil-t., lobel., lye, merc-i-f., morph., murx.,
mez., mur-ac, nat-e, nat-m., nit-ac,
mur-ae, myrie, naja, Nat-m., nice,
nux-m., nux-v., op., pall., petr., phos.,
nit-ac, nux-v., o\-3M., op., petiv., phos.,
phos-ac, phyty., pic-ae, plat., plb.,
phos-ac phys., pip-m., plan., plat, puis.,

polyg., ptel., puis., ran-b., rlius-r., ruta,

rhus-r., rumx., sep., squil., stann., staph.,
sabin., sars., secale, selen., seneg., sep sil.,
sul-ae, larent., thuj. ,

spong., stram., stront., siilph., sul-ae,

first opening the eyes, ou: Bry., ign., tabac,, tell., valer., verat., zinc.
amel.: Ip., ol-an.
preceded by disagreeable dreams: Murx.
lasting all night: Colch.
until lo a. m.: Arn.
until next evening: Ci.st., kali-n.
5 a. m. : Kali-bi.
I p. m.: Ail., coca, lye, phys., pic-ae,
6 a. m. until evening: Crot-t. ptel.


1-3 P- ni.: Chin-s., plant.
amel.: Bry., ham., kali-bi., lach., mang.,
1-5 p. m. : Lac-ac, mag-c. nat-a., nat-m., phys., pic-ac, sang.,
i-io p. ni.: Mag-c, plat., spig. tereb.

2 p. m.: Grat., laur., lyssin, pliys., ptel. bed, in: Ars., carb-v., cycl., hipp., laur.,
lyc, mag-c, pho.s. />«/j. sep., sulph.
2 p. m.-7 a. m., Bad. , ,

amel.: Mag-c, nux-v., sulph.

2 p. m. until late in the evening: Bad.
twilight, at: Aug., puis.
3 p. m.; Bell., fago, guaj., hura, iber.,
lycps., lyssin., nat-ar., sep., sil., thuj., 6 p. m. : Cob., gels., nat-s., paeon., ptel.
7.p. m.: Chin-s., cocc, elaps., lyc, mag-c,
3-4 p. m.: Brom., clem. nat-m., rhodo., sep., sulph,, verat-v.

3- 9 p. m.: Arn., lyssin., nat-a., larent. 8 p. m.: Gymn., lac-ac, merc-i-r., phys.,
sol-n., strych., sulph.
4 p. m.: Arg-n., cliin-s., dios., helon., meli.,
nat-m., phys., pic-ac, strych., sulph., S-9 p. m.: Helon., indg.
9 p. m.: Coca, dios., eupi., gels., lyssin,
4- S p. m.: Hell., lyc. osm., pic-ac, ptel.

4 p. m.-3 a. m.: Bell, 10 p. m. Dios.,

: ham., laur., mag-ph.,
myric, phys.
5 p. m.: Bufo, equis., helon., nat-m., paeon.,
pic-ac, ptel., />m/^., sulph. 11 p. m.: Dios., indg., merc-i-r., pip-m._,
stram., valer.
5- 6 p. m.: Chin-s., lil-t.

5-9 p. m.: Plat. night: Act-sp., alum., alumn., ambr., am-c,

am-m., anac, ang., ani-t., arg-n., arn., ars.,
5-10 p. m. : Puis,
arum-t., aster., bell ,
berb., bor., bov., bufo,
evening: Aeon., agar., AU-C., alum., ambr., cact., calc, camph., canth., carb-an., carb-v.,
am-c, anac, ang ,
ant-t., apis, arg-m., ars., caiist., cedr., cham., chel., chin., chin-s.,
asaf., aur., bad., bar-c, bell., bor., bov., cic, cist., cocc, con., colch., cupr-ar., cycl.,
brom., bry., calc, camph., canth., caps., dig., dulc, elaps, eugen., glon., graph.,
carb-an., carb-v., caust., cedr., cham., chel., grat., guaj., ham., hep., hydr-ac, hyos.,
chin., cic, cimic, cina, cist., clem., cob ign., ind., kali-c, kali-i., kali-n., kreos.,

cocc, coc-c, colch., coloc, croc, crot-t., lach., lac-c, lact., lact-ac, /(7?<r. , led., lobel.,
cycl., cupr., cupr-ar., dig ,
dios., dulc, elat, lyc, mag-c, mag-m., Mere, merc-c, mez.,
eugen., euphr., ferr., form., glon., graph., mill., nat-c, nat-m., Nit-ac, nux-m.,
hell., hep., hipp.
hydr., hyper., indg., ind., nux-v., op., par., phos., phos-ac, phyt.,
jug-c, kali-bi., kali-c, kali-chl., kali-n.,
iris, plat., puis., raph., rhus-t., rhus-r., sars.,

kalm., lach., lachn., lac-ac, laur., led., Sep., sil., spig., stram., stront., sulph.,
lept., lil-t., lobel., lyc, lycps lyssin, mag-c, Syph,, tarent., thuj., verat., zinc.

mag-m., mag-s., mang., meny., meph.

agg.: Ars., bov., calc ,
clem., puis., sil.,
mere, merc-i-f., merc-i-r., Mez., mosch.> tarent., thuj.
murx., mtir-ac, u^t-c, nat-m., nit-ac.>
uux-j., nux-v., par., petr., phos., phos-ac, amel.: Bufo, ham., mag-c, sol-t-se., spire.

phys., plant., plat plb., psor.. Puis., ran-b., alumn., fago, hipp.,
, bed, in: Aloe, alum.,
rat., rhodo., rhus-t., ruta, sabad., sabin., hyper., merc-i-f., sulph., thuj.
sang., sars., selen., seneg., sep sil., spig.
stann., staph., stram., stront sulph., sul-ac,

drives him out of : Thuj.


tell., tereb., teucr., ther., thuj., valer., zinc. lighting the gas: Lac-c, sil.

agg. : All-c, ant-c, asaf., bell., cham., waking, on: Alumn., ambr., ant-t ,
chin-s., cist., cycl., elaps, fern, hipp., bufo, canth., cinnb., coloc, ferr., gels.,
kali-i., kalm., mag-c, mez., nat-m., par., gins., glon, hyper., lac-ac, mang.,
puis., Sep., til. nierc-i-f, mez., phos-ac, rumx.

PAIN. PAIN, air.

midnight, before: Am-m., anac, caust., chin., fago., ferr., ferr-i glon., grat., ham.,

d^ilc, lack., puis., rhus-t., sep. hell., hydr., hydr-ac, hyos., iod., jatr.,

about: All-s., arn., ars., elaps, hep., kali-c, kali-bi., kali-c, kali-i., kali-n ,

mag-s., myric, plat., puis., sep. lach., laur., lil-t, lith., Lyc, lyssin,
mag-m., mag-s., mang., meny., merc-i-f.,
till morning: Hep.
mez., mosch., nat-c, nat-m., nice, olnd.,
after: Ars., carb-an., cham., ferr., hep., op., petr., phel., phos., phos-ac, pic-ac,
ign., kali-c, phos-ac, rhus-t., sep., sil., plat. Puis., ran-b., rhodo., sang., sars.,
spig., thuj. selen., seneg., sep., sin-n., sol-n., spong.
stann., sulph., sul-ac, tabae, tarent,
I a. m.: Pall.
thuj., viol-t., zinc.
I a. m.-io a. m.: Elaps.
vaults, cellars, churches, etc.: Ars., bry.,
3 a. m.: Agar., bov., nat-m., thuj.
carb-an., sep., stram.
4 a. m.: Chel., raph., stram.
warm, from: Aeon., am-c, arg-n., arn.,
5 a. m.: Dios., Kali-i. ars-h., bar-c, bell., bry., bufo, caps.,
acids, from: Bell., morph., selen. carb-v., euphor., ign., iod., ip., laur., led.,
mosch., nat-m., phos., puis., sang., seneg.,
air, cold, from: Ars., Aur., bov., biy., calc,
Sep., spong.
camph., carb-an., carb-v., Caust., cocc,
coff., Dulc, ferr., grat., ign., iris, kali-bi., alcoholics. ( See '

' spirituous liquors. '


Kali-c, lac-c, lye, nat-m., Nux-m., alternating with abdominal and uterine symp-
Nux-v., p/ios., plat, puis., Rhodo., Rhus-t.,
toms: Aloe.
ruta, Sep., sil., sulp/i., verat.
cough: Lach.
amel. Aloe,
: ars., bufo, croc, dros., euphr.,
iod., lye, lyssin., phos., sin-n. diarrhoea: Podo.

walking, in, while: Caps. frightful dreams: Chin.

draught, of, from: Aco7i., ars., bell., beuz-ac, haemorrhoids: Abrot., aloe.
cadm., calc, caps., caust., chin., coloc,
lumbago: Aloe.
hep., kali-c, kali-n. , mere, nux-m.,
nux-v., phos., sanic, selen., pain in abdomen: Msc, cina, gels., plb.,
Sil., sulph.,
valer., verb. rhus-r.

back: Aloe, brom., meli.

air, open:
Aug., arg-n., bar-c, bell., bov.,
bry., cadm., calc, calc-a., calc-p., caust, joints: Sulph.
cedr., cham., chel., chin., cimic, cina, loins: Aloe, lycps.
cocc, cofif., colch., con., cycl., eup-per.,
euphr., ferr., glon., grat, hep., hipp., ign., neck: Hyos.
iod., ip., kali-c, kalm., lach., laur.,
lye, pelvis: Gels.
mang., meny., Mere, mez., mur-ac, nat-m.,
nux-v., petr., phos., ran-b., rhus-t., spig., stomach: Bism.
staph., sulph., valer., zinc. teeth: Lycps., psor.

(See " Walking in open air.") prolapsus uteri : Arn.

agg.: Arg-n., bell., calc-ph., stitches in
eup-per., grat, hypochoudrium: .^sc.
kalm., lil-t., meny., mez., spig., sulph.
anger, from: Aeon., bry., cham., cofT.,
amel.: Aeon., all-c, aloe, alum., ambr., dulc, ign., lyc, mag-c, mez., nat-m.,'
am-c, ang., ant-c, ant-t, apis, aran.,
mix-v. ,
petr. phos. plat.
, , ran-b., staph.

arn., ars., asar., aur., bar-c,

bell., berb., animal fluids, from loss of: Ars., calc, carb-v.,
bov., calc,
camph., cann-i., cann-s., chin., cina,
cocc, con., kali-c, lach., mere,'
carb-v., caust, cimic, clem.,
cob., coc-c, nat-m., nux-v., phos., phos-ac, puis.,
coloc, sep',
coff., comoc. con., croc, dulci sil., staph., sulph., verat.

PAIN. PAIN, bed.
profuse uterine liteniorrhages, after: Glon. heat of, agg.: Lye, nux-m.
( Compare '
' sexual excess. '

' must leave the: Coloc, thuj.

arms, froui moving: Caust., iiat-s., ptel (Compare "morning," "evening" and
rhus-t., spong. " night.")

arthritic: Aeon., am-c, am., ars., asar., beer, from: AU-c, bell., calc, caust, coc-c,
aur., benz-ac, bry., camph., caps.,
bell., coloc, ferr., mere, rhus-t., verat.
caust., cbam., chin., cic, ciua, coloc, con.,
and bread, agg. from: Crot-t.
eng., graph., ^w^y., hyos., ign., ip., mag-c,
mang., mosch., nat-c, nat-ni., nit-ac, bending. (See "stooping," and "head,
nux-v., petr., phos., plat., puis., Rhus-t., bending.")
sabin. Sep., spig., verat., zinc.
binding or bandaging head, from (compare
afternoon: Aur., coloc. "pressure"): Calc, cham., lach., rhus-t,
evening: Eugen.
amel.: Arg-n., bell., bry., calc, hepar.,
periodical: Bell.
lac-d., mag-m., nux-v., pic-ac, psor.,
ascending: Q\m\c.,gels., lack., vcL^-^')a..,phos-ac., puis., rhodo., Sil., spig.
rhus-t., sang., sep., Sil., staph.
hair up amel. : Kali-n.
ascending steps, Alum., ant-c, arn.,
blinding: Aster., bell., caust., gels., Iris,
aster., Bell., Bry., cadm., Calc, carb-v., nat-m., phos., psor., stram.
cimic, crot-h., cupr., ferr., gels., glon.,
hydr., ign., kahn., lack., lobel., lye, meny., blindness, followedby violent headache; sight
mosch., nat-a., nux-v., ^a.r., phos., phos-ac, returns as headache becomes worse: Kali-bi.
ptel., rhus-t. ,
sep., sil., Spong., staph.,
followed by violent headache: Gels., nat-m.
sulph., tabac, thuj., zinc.
pain begins with blurred vision: Gels.,
attention, from too eager: Anac, ign., nux-v.,
iris, kali-bi., sep.
blowing nose agg.: Ambr., aster., aur., bell.,
(See "mental exertion.")
calc, chel., ferr.. Hep., mur-ac, nit-ac,
attention being called to the pain agg.: Cham., Pids., Sulph.
chin., ferr-ph., helon., ign.
blows, from: Am., hyper., nat-m., nat-s.
(See "thinking of pain.")
(Compare "injuries.")
awake, when trying to keep: Phys.
boat, from riding in a: Cocc, colch., ferr.,
back, pressing up against something hard, tabac.
amel. : Sang.
bread, from eating: Mane, zing.
bandaging. (See " binding.")
and beer agg. : Crot-t.
bathing, after (compare "washing"):
breakfast, before: Calc, cimic, ind., rumx.
Atit-c, bell., calc, canth., caust., kreos.,
nit-ac, rhus-t., puis., sep., sil. after: Agar., bufo, cham., hydr., hyper.,
ind., iris, lyc, uaja, nat-m., nit-ac,
amel. : Lac-ac.
nux-m., nux-v., par., petr., phos.,
cold: Ant-c, bell., caps., nit-ac, phos., phos-ac, plb., sul-ac.
rhus-t., sars., sep.
amel.: Am-m., arum-t., bov., canth.,
sea: Ars., rhtcs-i., sep. carb-ac, cimic, con., croc, eup-per., ind.,

bed, on going to: Alum., ars., lye, mag-m.,
puis., sabad., sep., sulph., zinc. breathing deeply, on: Anac, rat.

amel.: Colch., rhus-t., sep. holding the breath, when: Agar.,

beating of the heart agg. : Biifo. carriage. (See " riding.")


PAIN, PAIN, cold.

catarrhal: Aeon., sesc, all-c, alum., ambr., agg. : Meny.

am-ni., ais., bell., bry., calc, carb-v., caul., Aeon., agar., ant-c, ars.,
becoming, from:
chain., chin., chlor., cic, cimic, cina,
Bell., Bry., cadm., calc, carb-an., carb-v.,
Dulc, euphr., ferr., gels., Graph., gymn.,
Cham., chin., clem., colch., con., Dulc,
hell., hep., hydr., ign., iod., kali-bi., kali-c,
grat, hep., lach., lye, mere, mez., mosch.,
kali-i.,kalm., lack., laur., lye, mere, mez.,
nat-m., nit-ae, Nux-v., petr., Phos.,
nat-a., nat-m., Nux-V., puis., ran-b., rumx.,
ptds., rhus-t., spig., stram., strojit.,
sabad., samb., sang., staph., stict., still.,
jtm/^/z., sulph-ac, verat., verb.
chewing, while: Ind., kali-c, olnd., phos., feet: Cham., kali-c, phos Sil.

head getting cold, on: Bell., carb-v.,
chill, before the: ^sc, ars., bell., bry., calc,
hep., hyos., kali-c, led., nux-v., puis.,
carb-v., cedr., chin., corn-f., elat., ip.,
Sep., Sil.
kali-n., lach., nat-c, nat-m., plant., puis.,
rhus-t., spong., thuj.
sudden change to cold, on: Carb-v., dulc.

during the: Aeon., agar., am-e. anac. ang., ,

cold, from taking: Aeon., ant-c, am.,
ant-t., aran., arg-ii., arn., ars., bapt.. bell., bty., calc, carb-v., caust., cham.,
Bell., bor., bry., camph.,
Cact., calc, chin., cofT., coloc ,
con., dulc, graph., hep.,
caps., carb-an., cham., chin.,
carb-v., hyos., kali-e, lach., mere, nat-m., nit-ac,
chin-s., cimic, cina, coca, cofiF., coloc, nux-v., petr., phos., puis., rhus-t., samb.,
cor-r., crot-h., cupr., daph., dros., dulc, Sep., sil., sulph., verat.
elat., eup-per., eup-pur.,&x^\ ferr. gels., , ,
suppressed cold, from having a: Aeon.,
graph., hell., hep., hipp., ign., ip.,
am-c, ars., bell., bry., calc, carb-v.,
kali-c, kreos., lach., lact., led., mag-c,
cham., chin., cina, kali-bi., kali-c ,
mang., mez., Nat-m., lSi\a.-V.,petr., phos.,
lyc, tiux-v., puis., sil., sep.
podo., puis., rhodo., rhus-t., ruta, sang.,
seneg., Sep., spig., spong., stram., sulph., combing the hair: Bty., chin., ign., kreos.,
tarax., thiy., verat. selen.
after the: Ant-t., cedr., dros., Nat-m. backward: Puis., rhus-t.
choreic persons, in: Agar.
amel.: Form.
chronic: Am-c, ars., causL, con., sil., sulph.
company or crowd, while iu: Mag-c, plat.
old people, of: Iod.
compress. (Compare "pressure.")
(Compare " constant.")
concussion, from (compare "jar," etc.): Arn.,
climaxis, during the: carb-v., croc, glon., bell., cocc, ferr-p., hep., phos.
Lach., sang., sep., then, ustil.
confusion, mental, with: Aur., glon., nat-a.,
coffee, from abuse of: Acet-ac, arg-n., am., petr., stram.
arum-t., bell., bry., calc-p., caust., cham.,
lose senses or go mad, as if would: Aeon.,
cocc, form., glon., hep., ign., kali-n., lach
agar., chin., stram., tarent., verat.
lye, mere ,
mill., nux-v., puis.
unable to collect one's senses: Carb-v., chin.,
amel.: Cann-i., chin., coloc, glon., hyos.,
crot-h., cycl., kreos., mang., mez., nit-ac,
rhus-t., sars., staun., sulph.
smell of, from: Lach.
constant, continued: Arg-m cann-s., carb-v.,
coition.(See " sexual. " ,

cimic, cupr., dulc, gels., hep., hydr., indg.,

cold applications amel.: Aeon., aloe, ant-t., lobel ,
lept ,
nat-m. ,
phos., rhodo,, rhus-r.,
ars., asar., aur-m ,
bell., bry., bufo, calc, sep., still., tereb.
calc-ph., caust., cham., chin-s., cinnb., cycl.,
euph., euphr., ferr., glon., ind., iod., lac-c,
weeks, months, even years,
fixed, lasts for

lach., merc-c, merl., niyric, nat-m., phos with rare intermissions: Tereb.

plant., seneg., spig stram., zinc

, two or three days: Croc.


PAIN. PAIN, covering.
constipated, while: Aloe, alum., Bry., coff warm wraps agg.: bor., bry, calc
con., crot-h., igu., lac-d., lach., mag-c, carb-v., Cham., ferr., ign.. Iod., lach!
mere, nat-m., nux-v., op., petr., puis., led , Lye, .mere, mur-ac, nit-ac, op
verat., zinc. phos., plat., ptds., secale, seneg.,
spig., staph., sulph., thuj.,
contradiction, after: Aiir ,
biy., lye, mag-c, verat.
iiat-m., petr., plios., rlius-t. wrapping, in some neuralgias of scalp,
Ars., phos.,
copper, abuse of: Hep.
cry out, pains compel one
coryza, with: Acon., esse, agar.,
to: Anac, ars.,
AU-C, bov., cact., coloc, cupr., kali-c., lyssin,'
anan., ant-c, arg-n., arn., ars., bad.. Bell.,
mag-m., petr., sep., sil., stann.,
bov., Bry., calc, carb-v., caust., cham., stram.',
chin., chlor., cic, cimic, ciua, co£f., coloc,
con., cor-r., croc, dios., dulc, euphr.,/^;-r., damp houses,^ living in, from: Ars., calc,
graph., hell., hep., hyos., ign., iod., carb-v., dulc, nat-s., phys., puis., rhodo.,'
jac, kali-bi., kali-c, kali-i., kalm., lach., rhus-t., sil., verat.
Xyc, mag-m.. Mere, merc-i-r., naja, (Compare "air." "weather.")
nat-c, nit-ac, Nux-V., petr., phos., phyto.,
psor.,/«/5., rhodo., rhus-t., sabad., samb., dark agg.: Aloe, carb-v., lac-c, sil.
sang., senec, sep., sil., spig., sulph., thuj.,
darkness amel. : Aeon., brom, hipp., sang.,
Sep., sil.
dry, with: Croc.
(Compare " light.")
suppressed, with: Chin., kali-bi., kali-c. debauch, after a: Bry., carb-v., chin., cocc,
(Compare "cold.") ip., kreos., laur., led., nux-v., puis., sabin.,
coughing, on: Aeon., alum., ambr., am-c,
anac, ang., delirium with: Chin-s., sil., stram.
ant-t., apis, am., ars., aur.,
bad., Bell., brom., Bry., cact., calc. Caps., dentition, during: Aeon., ftell., calc, cham. ',

carb-v., caust., chel., €ti\n.,cina, coloc, Con., hep., hyos., ign., mere, nit-ac, rhus-t., sil.
eup-per., ferr., ham., hep., hydr., hyos.,
descending, on: Bell., ferr., meny., merc-i-f.,
ign., ip., iris, kali-bi., kali-c, kali-n., lac-d.,
lach., led., lye, mag-s., mang., med., mere,
mez., Nat-m., nice, nit-ac, nux-v., oena., diarrhoea, with: ^th., agar., aloe, ambr.,
ol-an., ol-j., petr., Phos., phos-ac, puis., apis, con., glon., graph., ind., jatr., kali-n.,

rhus-t., rumx., ruta, sabad., sang., sars., stram., verat.

seneg., sep., spig., spong., Squil., stann., alternating with: Podo.
stict., Sulph., sul-ac, tarent., tril., verat.,
amel : Agar., alum., apis, lachn.

dinner, before: Ind., nux-v.

covering head, from: Calc, carb-v., chin.,
crot-t., gels., glon., kali-n., laur., led., lobel., after: Am-e, bell., calc-ph., castor., chin-s.,
lye, sulph., valer., zing. cimic, con., dios ,
gins., gen., glon.,
hyper., jug-r., kali-bi., kali-n., lob-s.,
amel. : Agar., aur., bell., benz-ac, bry.,
mag-m., merc-i-f., nat-m., nat-p., nux-v.,
colch., con., cupr..
Hep., hyos., kali-c, phel., phos., phyto., raph., stram., sulph.,
lach., mag-c, mag-m., meny., mur-ac,
thuj., valer., zinc.
nux-m., Nux-v., phos., pic-ac, psor.^
rhodo., Rhus-t., sanic, sep., Sil., amel. after: Arg-n., arum-t., phos., ptel.,
stront., thuj. zing.

wears a fur cap even in hot weather: Psor. delayed, from: Cact., cist, lyc.

uncovering amel.: Carb-v., crot-t.,

dreams, after unpleasant: Cob.
kali-n., lobel., lye, sulph., zing. drinking, from: Aeon., cimx., cocc, mere.


PAIBT, drinking PAIN.
cold drinks, from: Con. lach., lyc, Ifat-m., Nux-v., op., ^&r.,phos.,

amel. Alumn., Phos-ac, pic-ac. Puis., rhus-t., scut.,

: kali-c.
Staph., verat.
quickly, after: Nat-ni.
depressing or sad news, after: Cocc, ign.,
tea, from abuse of: Carb-ac, selen., thuj. uux-v., op., staph.

drugs, after abuse of: Nux-v. exertion of body, etc.: Acet-ac, anac, berb.,
eating, before: Cann-s., cact., Calc, calc-ph., gins., glon., lact,
carb-an., uux-v.,
ran-b., sabad., sil. mere, mez., nat-c, nat-m., rhus-r., spong.,
during: Am-c, chel., cocc, con., dulc,
gels., graph., ind., mag-m., mane, nat-m., amel.: Agar., apis, mag-m., merc-i-f,
nit-ac, m.ix-v., puis., ran-b., rhus-t., rhus-g., Sep.
sabin., secale, sul-ac, tabac, verb., zinc. (Compare "motion.")
amel.: Alum., bov., chel., coca, iod., lye, eyes, close, compelled to: Agar., arn., bell.,
phel., phos ,
psor., sep., sil., sin-n., calc-ac, carb-v., mez., sil.
sulph., zinc.
closed, as if something: Cocc,
but agg. after: Anac, ign., lith.
closing, on: Agar., all-c, bry.,
after: Agar., alum., ambr., am-c, anac, op., sabin.
ant-c, arn., ars., bar-c.,bell., bov., bry.,
amel.: Aeon., agar., bell., bry.,
bufo, calc.,calc-ph., canth., caps., carb-an., calc,
chel., con., hell., hyos., iod., ip., sep.,
carb-v., castor., caust., chain., chel., chin.,
sil., spig., sulph.
chin-s., cina, cinnb., cocc, crot-t., coff.,
dios., euon., ferr.,
contracted, as if: Carb-v.
gels., gen., glon.,
graph., grat., hyos., ign., ind., kali-c, moving, on: Aeon., agn., am-c, am.,
kali-n., lach., lobel., lyc, bar-c,
mag-c, mag-m., Bell., caps., chel., chin., chin-s.,
meny., mere, merc-i-f., colch.,
mur-ac, nat c, con., crot-t., cupr., dig., dros.,
nat-m., nat-s., nit-ac, nux-j., nux-m., gels., hep.,
Ign., ind., mag-s.,
Nux-v., paeon.,
mur-ac, nat-m.,
petr., phel., phos., Nux-v., op., puis., rhus-t., Sep., spig.,
phos-ac, plat., prun., puis., ran-b., rhus-i., *
sulph., valer.
rumx., ruta, sars., seneg.,sep., sil., staph.,
sulph., valer., verat., zhic. opening; on: Bry., chin., coff.,
con., gent.,
Ign., mag-c, mix-v.,
amel.: rhus-t., sil., spio-.'
Aloe, arg-n., arum-t., carb-ac, '

card-m., caust., coca, con., gels.,
gen., ind., iod., kali-bi., lachn., amel.: Chin.
lyc, petr., phos., phyto., psor., scut., straining, from: Agar., arg-n., aur., bell
Sep., tell.
cact., calc, carb-v., canst., cimx., cina
emotions. ( See " excitement. '
gels., ham., jab., Kali-c, Lyc, nat-c^

Nat-m., par., phos., phos-ac,

epileptic attacks, after: Cina, cupr. phys
Ehodo., rhus-t., Ruta, Sep., Sil., spong]
epistaxis amel.: Ant-c, bufo, staph., sulph., valer., zinc.
dig., ferr-p.,
hyos., kali-bi., meli., mill.,
psor., tabac. turning, on: a/«.,dig., rlius-t.,
eructations amel. Gent-c, lach.
(See " looking.")
eruption, suppressed, after:
Ant-c, brv., lyc, eyebrows, as if pressing upon: Carb-an.
nux-m., sulph.
causes contraction of: Aster,
excitement of the emotions, after: Aeon., '
face, on moving the: Apis,
arg-m., arg-n., am., aur., bell., bry
benz-ac, bry., cad., cham., fainting, after: Mosch.
chin., chin-s'
cocc, coff., con., cycl., gels., ign., kreos., fall, after a: Arn., hyper., rhus-t.

) ,

fasting, from: Caust., cist., elaps, iiid., iod., ferr., hep., indg., iris, kali-i., lach., mag-s.,
kali-c, lye, nux-v., phos., ptel., ran-b., mane, mez., nat-nt., nice, nit-ac, phos-ac,
sang., sil., spig., siilpli., thuj., uran. p.'ior., puis., rhus-t., rheum, sil., Sulph.,
if hunger is not appeased at once: Cast.,
cist., lyc. morning: Nat-m.

(Compare with "amel. after eating.") vivacious talking, from: Sulph.

hand, from pressure of: Teucr.
fat food, from: Carb-v., colch., cycl., ign.,
nat-c, nat-ni., /«/^., sep. thuj. cold, amel.: Calc.

feet cold, from getting: Cham., kali-c, phos., pressure of, amel Aran., cinnb.,
: con.,
puis., Sil. dros., glon., meny., mere, olnd., par.,
rhus-t., sabad., spig.
fire. (See " heat.")
(Compare " pressure.")
flatulency, as if from: Carb-v., chin-s., mag-c,
nit-ac, sulph. hat, from pressure of: Agar., alum, arg-ni.,
calc-ph., carb-an., carb-v., caust., crot-t.,
flatus, emission of, amel.: ^th., cic.
glon., hep., lach.,laur., led., lyc, mere,
food. (See "eating.") nit-ac, Sep., sil ,
sulph., valer,

foreign body in, pains as from a: Con., fl-ac. head, bending backward, while: Anac, aur.,
rhodo. bell., bry., caust., chin., clem., cic, colch.,
cupr., cycl., dig., dros elaps., glon., ign.,
fright, after: Acon., arg-n., calc, coff., cupr., ,

kali-c, kali-s., lyc, mang., osm.., puis., sep.,

hipp., hyos., Ign., nux-v., op., phos-ac.
spig., spong., stann., valer., viol-o.
plat.. Puis., samb.
amel.: Apis, bell., cac-t., chain., gels.,
frowning, from: Ars., mang., nat-m.
hep., glon., phos-ac, rhus-t., thuj.,
amel.: Calc-caust. verat.

gaslight, (See "light.") walks with head bent backwards: Ars.

gastric: Acet-ac, aeon., assc, ail., alum., bending forward (see "stooping"): Carb-an.,

«r«., ars., asar cimic, rhus-t., viol-o.

am-c, anac, Ant-C, apis,
atro., bell., berb., bism., Bry., calc, calc-ph.., to painful side, while: Mez., tabac.
caps., caul., caicst., carb-v.,cham., cic,
to one side: Chin., kali-s., men}'., spong.,
cina, cocc, coff., eup-per., form., gamb.,
gels., glon., hydr., ign., indg., ip., iris,
kali-bi., kali-c, lach., lept., lyc, naja, amel.: Meny., />«/j., sep.

Nux-v., op., ^&x.,phos., phyt., plat. Puis., holding erect, while: Bar-c.
rob., sang., sep., sil., stict., Sulph., ^abac,
must hold head and eyes down : Apis.
tarent., verat.
leaning against something, while: Aug., bell.,
girls, in young: Aeon., bell., calc, calc-ph.,
cycl., nat-m.
nat-m., Phos-ac, puis.
' '
amel.: Anac, aral., aran., arn., bell.,
gradually. (See increasing.
brom. caun-s., con., dros., gels., gymn.,

grief, from: Ign., op., phos-ac, puis.. Staph, kali-bi., meny., mere, nux-v., rhodo.,
sabad., sabin., sang., seneg., spig.:
hair. (See "combing.")
cutting, after: Bell., glon., led ,
puis., sep.
lies with head low: Absin., arn., cadm.,
touching, from: Agar., carb-v. mosch., nux-v., phys., spong.

tying up, amel.: Kali-n. high: Arg-m., Ars., con., gels., nat-m.
phos.. Puis., spig., spong., stront.J
hammering: Am-c, ars., aur., cadm-m., calc,
chel., chin-s., cic, cimic, clem., coff , dros.

) , : )

PAIN, head. PAIN, heat.

moving, while: Aeon., am-c, arn., ars., corn-f., erot-t., cupr., dros., dulc, elat.,
bar-c, bell., berb., bry., calc, camph., Eup-per,, graph., hep., hipp., hyos.,
cann-s., canth., caps., caust chin., ign., kali-bi., kali-c, lach., lobel., lye,

Clinic, cic, clem., cocc, coc-c, colch., Nat-m,, nux-v., op., plant., podo., puis.,
con., cor-r., corn., cupr., dros., euph., rhus-t., ruta, sabad., sep., spig.,
ferr-i., fl-ac, gels., gen., gent., glon., sulph., thuJ., valer., verat.
graph., hell., hep., ip., kali-c, lach ,

lact., lye, mag-c, mang., mez mosch., after the: Ars., calc, carb-v., Eup-per.,

nat-c, nat-m., niix-j., nux-m., nux-v., Nat-m.

phos-ac, plat., puis., rhodo., samb., amel.: Ars., aur., bell., caps., caust., chin.,
sang., sars secale, sep., sil., spig., spong.,
cinnb., cocc, colch., \\yos., ign., iris,
staph., sulph., ther., verat., viburn., kali-c, kali-i., viag-ni., Mag-ph., niix-m.,
nux-v., rhodo., rhus-t., sil., staph., stram.,
amel: Agar., chin., stront., sulph sumb. •
ciiia, plant. ,

(Compare "shaking.") of hand: Cinnab., iris.

raising head, while: Ang., bar-ac, bov., hot applications: Cinnab., colch., iris,
cact., calc, caps., chin-s., cinnb., coca, kaU-i., mag-m., mag-ph., sil.
dros., ign., lach., mix-m., seneg., spong.,
squil., sulph., tarax., thuj., verat., viol-t. heated, from becoming: Aeon., aloe, am-e,
ant-c, arg-n., arn., bar-c, bell., bry., calc,
amel.: Ang., carb-v., ign., kali-c, mag-c,
camph., caps., carb-v., con., dig., dros.,
nat-m., rhus-t spig. ,
glon., grat., ign., ip., kalm., lye, nat-a.,
resting on arm, while: Nat-m. nat-m., nux-m., op., ptel., sep., sil., staph.,
thuj., zinc.
amel.: Dros., seneg., staph.

on hand, while: by a fire or stove: Ant-c, am., bar-c,

Bell., chin.
bry., cimie, euph., lac-d., mane,
rocking the head from side to side amel. mere, mxs.-v., phos., puis., sanic, zinc,
from bed: I^yc, nux-m.
shaking head, when: Aeon., am., ars.,
walking, agg. head, but amel. pain of
bar-c, Bell., bor., bry., calad., carb-an.,
carb-v., colch., caust.,
limbs: Lye
chin., coloc, con.,
cor-r., Glon., hep., kali-n., kali-s., lact., house . (See " room " .

led.,lye, mang., mere, nat-m., nit-ac, hunger, from. (See "eating," "fasting,"
nux-m., Nux-v., phos., phos-ac, rhus-t., etc.)
ruta, Sep., sil., spig., squil., stann., staph.,
stram., sul-ac, sulph. hypochondriacs, in: Nux-v., staph.
hysterical headache: Arg-n., am., asaf., aur.,
partially amel: Cina, gels.
bell., bry., cann-s., caps., cham., cimie,
turning head, on: Canth., clem., coloc, cocc, coff., gels., hell., hep., hyos., ign.,
gen., glon., graph., hyos., ign., kali-n.[ iris, kali-bi., lach., lact., mag-c, mag-m.,
lye, nat-c, nat-m., phos., phos-ac mosch., nit-ac,
phys. ,
nux-v., phos., phos-ac,
pie-ae, spoug. plat., rhus-t., ruta, scut., sep., stict, stram.,

wrapping up. tarent., valer., verat.

( See " covering. '


heat, before the: Bry., chin., puis., ill-humor, with: Bov., kali-e, kreos., plat.,
spong. sil.

during the: Aeon., tesc, agar., inability to collect one's self, with: Carb-v.,
am-c, a;/^.,
ant-t.. Apis, am., ars., chin., crot-h., cycl., kreos., mang., mez..
asaf.. Bell., berb.,
bor., bry., cact., calc, nit-ac, rhus-t., sars.,
camph., caps., sil., stann., sulph.
carb-v., Chin., ehiu-.s.,
ciua, cocc, color., ice cream, after: Ars., Puis.


increasing gradually: Aeon., bry., lact., lobel., petr., phos-ac, puis., rhus-t., .sang., sars.,
sars. selen., sep., .sil., stann., stict., sulph., zinc

and decreasing gradually: Arn., bar-c, bufo, (Compare " lying amel.")
crot-h., jab., kali-bi., op., pic-ac, plat.,
from: Ambr., am., bar-c, bry., calc.,
sabin., sars., Stann., stront., verb.
cocc, graph., lye, nat-c, nux-v., phos-ac.,
and decreasing rapidly : Arg-ti., Bell., coca, E.hus-t., sil., sulph., valer.
merc-c, sul-ac.
light in general, from: Aeon., agar., aloe,
gradually, but ceasing suddenly: Arg-m.,
anan, anl-c, ars.. Bell., bor., bry., bufo,
caust. , sul-ac.
cact., Calc, chin., cocc, coff., euphr., ign.,

injuries, mechanical, after: Am., bell., calc, lac-d., /j/c., 7iat-c., nat-m., mxx-v phos-ac., ,

cic, con., dulc, hep., hyper., lach., mere, phos., sang., sanic, sep., sil., stict., stram.,
nat-tn., nat-s., nit-ac, petr., phos., puis., sulph., tabac, ziz.

rhus-t., staph., sulph., sul-ac.

artificial, from: Bufo, croc, glon., mang.,
inspiration, during an: Anac, brom., carb-v. nat-c, sang., Sep., stram.
daylight: Calc, hep., nat-m., Phos., Sil.
intermittent pains: Agar., alumn., anac,
gas, working under: Bell., Glon., nat-c,
arg-m., cann-i., caul., cina, cupr-ac, ign.,
iod., iris, kalm., mil., nit-ac, plant., plat.,
psor., sang., sep., stann ,
tereb., valer., amel.: I,ac-c., silic.

verat. pain as from

load, a: Bell., led., meny.
intoxication, after: Ant-c, bell., bry., carb-v.,
mosch., phos-ac, plat., rhus-t., sars., sil.,

spig., squil., sulph., thuj.

cocc, coff., glon., laur., nux-v., puis.,
spong, stram., sulph., tarax. (Compare " Heaviness," " Pressure," etc.)

(Compare "spirituous liquors.") looking iixedly at anything, from: Anac, aur.,

from abuse of: Puis., zinc.
cadm., cina, gent., glon., helon., ign., lith.,
mur-ac, nat-m., nux-v., par., puts., ruta,
jar, from any: Am-m., arn., bar-c. Bell., sabad., spig., spong., sulph., tarent.

Bry-, calc, carb-v., chel., chin., cina, cob., amel.: Agn., sabad.
cocc, ferr-p., glon., grat., hep., kali-c,
lac-d., Led., lye, nat-a., nat-m., nit-ac,
downward, from: Nat-m., phyto.
nux-v., phos., phos-ac, phyto., rhus-t., out of window causes vertigo, anxiety
sabad., sang., sep., sit., spig., sulph., ther., headache and sweat: Ox-ac.
upward, from: Aeon., seth., arn., arum-t.
( Compare '
" coughing,
' sensitive, "

bell., calc, caps., coca, colch., glon.

"laughing," "stepping," "riding.") gran., ign.. Puis., stram., sulph., thuj.

jaw moving. (See "chewing.") sideways, from: Aeon.

joy, from excessive: Coff., cycl., op., puis., amel.: Olud.

lying, while: Agar., alum., ambr., am-c.
laughing, from: Ars., cocc, iris, mang., anac.,' aut-t., ars., asaf., aur., bar-c, bell.

nat-vi., phos., zinc, zing. bov., cadm., calc, camph., carb-v., chaE
chel., cimic, clem., coloc, con., cupc
lemonade, from: Selen.
dios., dulc, euph. euphr., eupi., gel

Alum., am-c, anac, glon., hep., ign., kali-c, lac-c, lach., le

lie down, must: bell.,

bry., calc, calc-p., chin., C07i., croc, crot-h., lith., lyc, mag-c, mag-m., mang., men
euphr., ferr., ferr-ac, gels., graph., iod., mere, mez., mur-ac, nit-ac, nux-v., op

kali-bi., kali-c, lach., lye, mag-ni., mcsch., ox-ac, petr., phos., phos-ac, phys., pla
ran-b., rhodo., rhns-t., sanic, sep
nat-c, nat-m., nit-ac, nux-v., olnd., op., puis.,


PAIN, lying. PAIN.
spig., spong., Stan 11., staph., stront., sulph., meat, after: Caust., /w/i-. ,
then, thuj., zinc. menses, before: Aeon., alum., asar:, bell.,

must stand or walk: Chin. bor., bov., brom., bry., calc, calc-ph.,
carb-an., carb-v., ciniic, cinnb., cupr., ferr.,
amel.: Alum., ambr., ani-m., anac, arn., gels., glon., hep., hyper., iod., Kreos.,
asar., bell.,benz-ac, bry., bufo, cad., calc, lach., lye, mere, nal-c, nat-m., nit-ac,
calc-p., calc-s., camph., canth., chel., nux-m., nux-v., petr., plat., puis., sil.,
chin., chin-s., coc-c, colch., con., dig., sulph., thuj., verat., viburn., xanth., zinc.
dulc, ferr-i., fl-ac, ham., hell., hipp.,
ign., kali-bi., kali-c,
commencement of, at: Hyos.
lach., lye, mag-c,
mere, mur-ac, nat-c, nat-m^ amel. when flow begins: All-s., alum.,
nux-v., olnd.,
petr., phos-ac, sabad., lach., verat.

sang., spig., sulph., tabac, zinc, ziz. during: Aeon., agar., aloe, alum., am-c,
am-m., ant-c, apis, arg-n., ars., asar.,
in a dark room amel.: Aeon., Bell.,
bell., berb., bor., bov., brom., bry., bufo,
brom. podo. sang. sep.
, , , , si/.
calc, calc-s., canth., carb-an., carb-v.,
abdomen, on, amel. occipital pain : Grat. cast., cham., chin., cic, cimic,
back, on, while: Ail., bry., cact., cinnb., cocc, coE., coloc, con., cub., cupr., cur.,
cocc, coloc, ign., nux-v., petr., phos., cycl., dulc, eupi., ferr., gels., gent.,
plect., se/>., spig. glon., graph., hep., hyos., hyper., ign.,
kali-bi., kali-c, kali-n., kalm., Kreos.,
of head agg.: Cact., phos.
lac-d., lach., latir., mag-c, mag-m.,
amel. :
Brj'., ign., nux-v., par., petr., puis., mag-s., nied., murx., nat-c, Nat-m.,
verat. nit-ac, nux-m., nux-v., phos., plat., puis.,

side, on, while: Cact., calad., rhodo., sang., sep., sil., stann., sulph.,
cocc, graph.,
ign., kreos., nux-v. verat., xanth., zinc

amel.: Ign., meny., sep. amel.: Bell., verat.

right: Brom. Mag--m., phos., staph. when flow becomes checked : Aeon., alum.

amel.: Brom., cinnb., nux-v. after: Agar., calc-ph., carb-ac, carb-an.,

chin., ferr., glon., kali-bi., lach., lye,
left: Cinnb., cycl., nux-v.
nat-m., ol-an., plat. , ,
painful side, on: Ars., calad., calc, morning, on awaking, after sudden cessa-
carb-v., graph., mag-c, mag-m., tion of: Ijith.
««jir-z/., phos-ac, puis., spong., stann., cessation, on: Glon.
top would fly off, as if: Ustil.
amel.: Arn., hipp., ign., nux-v., puis., mental emotion, after. (See "excitement.")
labor, from: Aeon., agar., agn., ambr., am-c,
(Compare "Sides.") anac, apis, aran., arg-n., am., ars-i.,
maddening pains: Aeon., ambr., bell.,
asaf.,asar., Aur., bell., benz-ac, bry.,
calc, chin., ign., ind., cadm., Calc, Calc-ph., cain., carb-an.,
cham., chin., cimic, cina, cinnb., cocc,
feeling in brain: Plant.
coc-c, coff., colch., con., daph., dig.,
sensation as of madness: Bell. elaps, fago, gels., gins., Glon., graph.,
hell., hipp,, ign., lac-c, lach., lact.,
pain, extending into teeth
and face: Puis. Lyc,
mag-c, morph., naja, nat-c, nat-m.,
masticating. (See "chewing.")
nat-s., nit-ac, nux-m., nux-v., olnd., op.,
meals. (See "eating," ox-ac. par., petr. phos. Phos-ac, pic-ac.
"breakfast.") , , ,

plat., pso7'., ptel., Puis., sabad, selen.,

measles, after: Bell., carb-v., dulc, hell ^ep., Sil., spig., staph., stram., sttlph.,
hyos., puis., rhus-t., sulph.
tereb., zinc .

j ,,

PAIN, mental labor, from: PAIN.
amel. : Calc-ac, ham., lielon., merc-i-f. music, from: Aeon., ambr., cact., Coff,,
phys., pip-m., sabad. mi^-s., phos., phos-ac, podo., viol-o.

(Compare " reading.") narcotics, after abuse of: Bell., cham., coft.,

mercury, from: Arg-n., asaf., aur., carb-v., dig., graph., hyos., lach., lye, nux-v., op.,
chin., clem., fl-ac, hep., iod., kali-i., led., puis., Sep., valer.

mez., nit-ac, podo., puis., sars., staph.,

nervous: Acet-ac, aeon., agar., agn., ail.,
still., sulph.
anac, apis, arg-m., arg-n., am., ars., asaf.,
metallic substances, from abuse of: Sulph. asar., ase-t., atrop., aur., bell., bry., cact.,
calad., calc, camph., cann-s., caul., caust.,
milk, after drinking: Brom., phys.
cedr., cham., chin., chlor., cic, cimic,
motion, from: Aeon., agn., aloe, ambr.,am-c., cina, coca, cocc, cofT., coloc, croc, crot-t.,
am-m., anac, anan. ant-t., apis, arg-n. ,
form., gels., glon., graph., hydr., ign., ip.,
arn., ars-i., aur bapt.. Bell., benz-ac,
iris, lact., nat-m., nux-v., op., petr., phos.,
berb., bism., bov., Bry., bufo, cact., calc, phos-ac, plat., puis., rhus-r., rhus-t., sang.,
calc-ph., camph., cann-s., canth., caps., scut ,
Sep., sil., spig., stict., stram., sulph.,
carb-v., caust., chel., cimi., chin-s., chlor., tarent., tereb., ther., thuj., ustiL, valer.,
cimic, cinnb., cob., cocc, coff., colch., verat., verat-v., zinc.
coloc, con., croc, cupr., cj'cl., dulc ,
night watching. (See "sleep, loss of.")
gels., gent., g/ori., graph., grat., hep.,
ign., ind., iris, kali-c, kali-n., kalm., kreos., nodding the head, on: Sulph.
lac-d., lack., laur., led., lobel., lye, lyssin,
noise, from: Aeon., anac, anan., ang., am.,
mag-c, mag-m., mang., mere, merc-s.,
rtr5.,bapt., bar-c. Bell., bor., cact.,
Mez., mosch., naja, iiat-a., nat-c, nat-m., calad., calc, cann-s., caps., carb-an.,
nice, nit-ac nux-j., 7iux-m., nux-v petr.,
carb-v., cic, cocc, coff., colch., con., hell.,
, ,

phos., phos-ac, phys., pic-ac plat, podo.. mere,

, ,
hyos., ign., iod., lac-c, lac-d., lach.,
ptel., rat., rheum, rumx., sabad., samb., phos.,
merc-i-f., nat-c, nit-ac, 7iux-v.,
sang., sars., sep., sil., sol-n., spig., spong.,
phos-ac, ptel., sang., sanic. sil., spig.,
stann., staph., sulph., thea, ther., thuj.,
stann., stict., tabac, Ther., yuc, zinc.
verat., verat-v. ,
distant talking, of: Mur-ac
amel.: Alum., am-m., ant-t., asar., calc,
falling water, of: Nit-ac.
caps., cham., cic, cina, coloc, comoc,
con., dros., euph., guaj., hell., hipp., hammer on anvil, of: Mane
hyos., ign., indg., iod., kali-i., kali-ph., rattling of vehicles, of: Nit-ac, ther.
mag-c, mag-m., meny., merc-i-f., mosch.,
mur-ac, nux-m., op., petr., phos., puis., voices especially: Bar-c.

rhodo., Rhus-t., ruta, seneg., sulph., nursing infants, after: Bell., bry., calc, cham.,
tarax., valer.,verb. chin., dulc, ^hos., puis., sep., sil., staph.

quick, from: Cor-r., nat-c, petr. odors, from strong: Aeon., anac, arg-n., aur.,
dell., cham., chin., coff., colch., graph.,
violent, from: Calc, dros., mez.
lye, nux-v., phos., selen., sulph.
amel.: Sep.
alcohol, of: Sol-t-se.
(Compare "motion of arms, eyes, head,"
coffee, of: I^ach.
"exertion," " walking," etc

Fago, spig. dirty clothes, of: Carb-an.

mouth, opening, agg. :

strong and agreeable: Arg-n.

move, on beginning to: Iris, ther.

amel.: Valer. old people, of: Ambr., am-c, iod.

opium, from abuse of: Acet-ac, cham.

moving in bed, on: Colch.
overheating. (See " heated.")
pains compel one to: Chin., phos-ac.


PAIN. PAIN, periodical

pains in back, with: Ail., benz-ac, cina, cob., 9 a. m.-i p. m Mur-ac.

daph., fl-ac, graph., hydr., meni., mere, noon to lo p. m. : Form.
myric, ol-an., op., sabad., sabiu., siL, verat.,
ziz. afternoon, increasing until midnight; every
third attack alternately more or less
in small of: Apoc, cob., lac-c, sil.
violent: Lobel.
pain in tjeck, with: Aeon., ail., alum., anac, 2 p. m. to bed time: Sep.
arg-n., am., asar., bar-c, bell., bor., bry.
4 p. m.-3 a. m.: Bell,
bufo., calc-ph., cann-i., cann-s., canth.,
carb-v., caust., chel., chin., clem., con., night: Bor., caust., kreos., led., rhus-t.,
elaps, gal-ac, gels., glon.,
eiiph., fago,
sul-ac, viol-t.
graph., hiira, hydr-ac, hyos., iac, kali-c,
kali-i., kalm., lach., laur., lil-t., lye, lyssin, agg. periodically: Cupr., lach.
mag-c, mag-s., mane, mere, merc-i-f. certain hours, at: Nat-c
mosch., myric, nat-m., peti., plb., ptel.,
ran-b., rhus-r., sars. serp. sulpli., spong., first waking, on: Eup-per.

tep., ziz.
every day: Ars., bell., calc, cedr., coloc,
nape of: j^th., alum., ambr., am-c, anac, con., eup-per., form., hep., lach., lye,
asar., bar-c, bell., berb., bor., bry., mag-c, mag-m., mang., merc-i-r., mur-ac,
cann-s., carb-an., carb-v., caust., chel., nat-m., nux-m., nux-v., petr. phos., ,

cinnb., cocc, con., corn., crot-t.,

clem., sabad., seneg., sep., sil., stann., sulph.,
glon., graph., hell., hyos., hydr-ac, iod., zinc.

ip., kali-c, kali-n., kalm., lil-t., lye, at same hour: Ars., cimic, gels., kali-bi.
mag-c, mane, mere, mez., mosch.,
mur-ac, nat-c, nat-m., op., paeon., plect., continues two or three days: Croc.
plb., puis., ran-b., rhus-t., .sabin., sars., earlier each day: Form.
sil., .spong., sulph ,
tarax., tareut., verat.
every other day: Alum., ambr., chin., cimic,
paroxysmal pains: Aeon., agar., arn., asaf.. eup-per., merc-c, nat-m., nux-v., phos.,
bufo, dig., ign., kali-c, lye, mur-ac, psor., sang.
plat.. Sang., sil., spig., spong., stann.,
every three or four daj-s: Aur.
stront. ,
thuj., valer., verat.
seven days: Calc-a., iris, lac-d., nux-m.,
parturition, during, lying-in, etc.: Am., bell.,
phos., phyt., sang., sil., sulph.
bry., calc, carb-an., cham., coff., ferr.,
hyos., kali-c, nux-v., plat., puis., rhus-t., ten days: Lach.
Sep., sulph. fourteen days: Ai-s., calc, chel., chin.,
ign., nice, phyt., puis., sulph.
periodical headache: Act-sp., ceth., aloe,
Alum., ambr., ammc, anac, apis, aran., lasting two or three days: Ferr-ac.
arn., ars., asaf., bell., benz-ac, cact., calc.,
six weeks: Mag-m.
carb-v., Cedr., cham., Chin., chin-s., cupr.,
ferr., ign., kali-bi., kreos., lac-d., lack., perspiration, with: Ant-c, apis, arg.m., arn.,
laur., lobel., lye, murac,
nat-c, Nat-m., ars., canth., caust, chin-s., glon., hyos.,
nat-s., nice, Nit-ac, nux-v., phos., plat., lachn., lye,
kali-u., mag-s., nat-s., op.,
ptds., rhus-l., sang., selen., Sep., ox-ac,
Sil., spig., plat., puis., tarent.
sulph., tuberc, zinc.
during: Arn., ars., eup-per., nat-m., rhus-t.,
moming, every: Hep. thuj.

every other, on awaking: Eup-per. alter: Calc, chin., mere, puis., sep., staph.,
on waking, with vertigo and nausea, sulph.
also in evening, often amel. by pres-
amel.: Bov., clem., graph., mag-m., nat-m
sure, in open air, or by eating: Kali-bi.
psor., sulph., tarent, thuj.
, ),

PAIN, perspiration.
preceded by headache: Ferr. helon., ign., lach., lye, lyssin, mere, mez.,
suppressed, from: Ars., bell., bry. calc, Nat-m., nat-s., nux-v., olnd., op., par.,
chain., chin., lye, mere, nux-v., phos., plat., ptel., ruta, sabad., sil., sulph.
puis., rhus-t., Sep., sulph.
amel.: Ham., ign.
pregnancy, during: Bell., bry., calc, caps.,
(Compare " mental labor," " writing," etc.
caust., chain., cocc, hyos., nux-m., plat.,
puis., rhus-t., Sep., sulph. rest agg. : Arg-m. , asar. , benz-ac caps. cham.
, ,

cie, coff., euph., ferr., indg., iod., iris.,

pressure, external, agg.: Agar., am-c, ant-c,
kali-n., lach., lye, mang., meny., nat-e,
arg-m., bar-c, bell., bism., bov., calc,
puis., rhodo., rhus-t., ruta, .samb., stann.,
camph., castor., chin., cina, cinnb., cupr.,
staph., valer.
glon., kali-c, lach., lact., lye, niag-c,
mag-m., merc-i-f., mez., mur-ac, nat-a., amel.: Aeon., ant-c, arg-m., arg-n., arn., bry.,
nat-c, phos-ac, sabin., sars., sulph., chel., cie, cimic, cocc, colch., con.,
teucr., valer., verb. crot-t., cupr., eupi., gent., glon., hell., hep.,
hipp., ign., iod., kali-bi., kali-c, kali-n.,
cannot bear pressure though it does not agg.,
lac-e, laur., lyc, nat-m., nux-m., nux-v.,
olnd., phos., pic-ae, rhodo., sang., sanic,
amel.: Agar., alum., alumn., am-c, anac, sars., Sep., spig., squil., staph.*
ant-c, apis, arg-n., bell., bry., cacc, calc,
camph., carb-an., carb-v., chel., chin., (Compare "lying," "sitting," etc.)
cimic. cinnb. clem. con
, , ,
,guaj .
, hell. resting head quietly on a cushion amel.:
hep., hydr., Lach.,
ip., kali-bi., kali-n., Alum.
laur. lil-t. lyc. mag-c mag-m. mag-ph.
, , , ,

meny., mere, merc-i-f., mez., mur-ac, rheumatic: Aeon., am-m., asc-t., bell., berb..
nat-c Nat-m,, nat-p., nice, nux-v.,
Bry., cact., calc-ph., caul., caust., cham.,
olnd., par., phos., podo.. rau-se, chin., cimic, coloc, cycl., Lulc, guaj., ign.,
sabad., sabin., sang., sep., sil., spig., kali-bi., kalin., lach., led., lyc, mag-m.,
stan7i., staph., sulph., sul-ac, tarent, mere, nit-ac ,
nux-v., phos., phyt., podo.,
thuj., verat. puis., ran-b., rhus-r ,
rhus-t., sang., sep.,
sil., spig., stict., stram., sulph.
cold hand amel. : Calc.
riding in a carriage: Asaf., ars., Cocc, colch..
hard, amel.: Anac, arg-n., bell., carb-an.,
ferr., graph., hep., ign., iod., kali-c, lach.,
chin., mag-m., meny., nux-m., sang.
meph., naja, nux-m., phos., raph., Sep.,
pulsating: Aeon., aeth., am-c, am-m., anac, sil., sulph., thuj.
ang., ars., asar., aur-m., bell., bor., bufo,
bry., calc, calc-p., calc-s., camph., canth., after: Nat-m., nit-ac, plat., Silic.

caps., carb-v., coMst., chain., chel., clem., cob.,

amel.: Brom., graph., kali-n., mere., nit-ac,
cupr., cupr-s., eugen., ferr., ferr-m., sanic.
ham., hep., hydr., hyos., hyper., ign., indg.,
kali-bi., kali-e, kali-i., lach., mane, meli., noise and jarring of, agg. Nit-ac.
morph., nat-m. nat-ph., nat-s., nice, nit-ac,
, riding on the cars agg.: Coloc, kali-e,
nux-m., nux-v., op., petr., phos-ae, psor., sulph.
ptel., Puis., rhodo., rhus-t., ruta, sang.,
amel.: Nit-ac.
Sep., sil., Sulph.., tarent., tipa., verat.,
xanth. rising. (See " morning," " noon," " uight,"
etc., "on rising;" also " head, raising.")
rain amel. : Cham.
after: Arn., glon., laur., nat-m., ox-ae,
reading agg.: Agn., apis, arg-m., arn.,
phos., stram ,
asaf., aur., bor., bov., bry., calc, calc-ac,
carb-v., caust., chin-s., cimic, cina, cinnb., amel.: Asaf., hep., ign., kali-i., mere,
clem., coca, cocc, coff., crot-t., ferr-i., glon., nat-c, nat-s ,
nit-ac, rhus-r.

) )

PAIN", rising. PAIN room.

sabad., seneg., sep., sulph., tabac, til.,

from lying, agg. : JBsc, am-m., anac, ang.,
apis, arn., ars., asar., aur-m., bapt., bell., verat., verb., zinc.

bov., hry., calc, camph., caps., carb-an., chin.,

amel.: Bell., bry., bov., cham., chel.,
chani., cinnb., clem., coca, coloc, mag-c,
cocc, coff., eup-per., ferr., hep

con., cor-r., dulc, fago, glon., hep., ip., rhus-t.,

mang., mere, nux-m., nux-v.,
kali-n., mur-ac, nat-c, nux-v., olnd., valer.,
spig., staph., sulph., .sul-ac, thuj.,
p/ios., phos-ac, puis., rliodo., rata, sep.,
sil., squil., sulph., staph., ustil.

crowded: Lye, mag-c, Plat., plb.

amel. : Aloe, ambr., am-c, ars., aur ,

calad., carb-an., carb-v., cham., chin., entering a, on, agg.: Chel., mez., nat-m.,
cic, cup-ac, ferr., gels., hep., ign., nice, ran-b., rau-s., rhus-t., sabad., spong.
kali-c, kali-n., laur., lith., mag-c,
from cold air: Colch., con., puis.
nat-m., nit-ac, niix-v., phos., phos ac,
ph3's., plb., puis., ran-b., rhodo., pains coming on in room are amel. out doors
rhus-t., sabiu., spig., verat. and vice versa: Mang., ran-b.

from silting, agg.: ^sc.apis, bell., chin., warm, agg.: Aeon., All-C, aloe, alum.,
cob., ferr., grat., lam., laur., lye, mang., ant-c, apis, am., bar-c, bell., bov., bry.,
mur-ac, ox-ac, puis., sil., spoug., cann-i., carb-v., caust., coc-c, colch., croc,
verat. ferr-i., hydr., iod kali-n., kali-s., lact.,

amel.: Arg-m., phys., spig., spong. laur., led., lil-t., lye, merc-i-f., mez.,
nat-c, nat-m ,
phos., phos-ac. Plat., plb.,
from stooping, agg. : Aeon., asar., cor-r.,
Puis., sang., selen., seneg., sep., sin-n.,
daph.,hep., kali-c, laur., lye, mag-m., sol-u., spong., sulph., zinc.
mag-s., mang., mur-ac, nux-v., sul-ac,
amel.: Am-e, kali-c, lac-e, nux-v., sil.

amel.: Calc-ac, con., ign., indg. rubbing agg. : Alum., calc-ph., caust., dios.

standing position, to, amel.: Alum., ang., amel.: Ars., canth., carb-ac, ham., indg,
aur., bar-c, bry., calc, canth., carb-v., laur., ol-an., op., phos., phys.

chin., con dig., kali-c, laur., mag-c,

running, from: Bry., ign., nat-m., nux-v.,
nat-c, olnd., puis., rhus-t., spig.,
puis., tarent.
stann., teucr.

upright, erect agg.: Aeon., ang., arn.,

scarlatina, after: Am-c, bell., bry., cham.,
dulc, hell., hep., lach., mere, rhus-t.
ars., asar., bell., bov., bry., caps.,
caust., cham., cic, dros., hell., hep., school -girls. ( See '
' girls.


ign., kali-c, lac-d., laur., Ij'c, niag-m..

scratching amel. : Mang.
mang., mur-ac, spong., sul-ac, tarax.,
verat., viol-t. screwed together, as if . (See " Pressing," "as
if in a vise."
amel.: Ant-t., cic, mag-c, rhus-t.,
sabin. sewing: Lac-c.

rocking head from side to side amel. : Kali-i. sexual desire, with : Sep.

rolling head from side to side amel. : Phos-ac. repression of, after: Con., puis.

room agg.: ^th., AU-C, am-m., am., ans., excesses, after: Agar., arn., bov., calc,
asaf, bov., bry., bufo, calc-ac, caust., carb-v., chin., con., kali-c, lach., mere,
cham., chel., cimic-., cob., coca, coff., colch., nat-c, nux-v, phos., phos-ac, pip-m.,
croc, euphr., ham., hep., hipp ,
hyos., iod., puis., sep ,
sil., spig., staph ,
sulph., thuj.
jatr., laur., mag-c, mag-m., mang., many.,
after excessive pollutions: Alum,, calc,
mez mosch., nat-c, nice, nux-v., phos.,
con., ham., kali-c, lye, nux-v., sep.,
phos-ac, phys., plat., puis., ran-sc, rhodo.,
staph., viol-o.


PAIN, sexual excesses.
PAIN, sleep.
after onanism: Calc, carlj-v., diin., con., during: Agn., ars., camph.. cham., colch.,
lye, mere, nat-ni., nux-v., plios., puis., dig., ferr., graph., led., mag-c, petr.
Sep., spig., staph., sulpli.
morning, second sleep, agg.: Ham.
shaking head agg. (See " head.")
falling asleep, on, amel.: Anac,
shame, from: Op. ang.,
shattered sensation: ^th., Arg-m., calc, amel.: Aeon ,
bad., colch., glon., hell.,
COCC, coff., hyos., Ign., kali-c, mang., ign., pall., Sep., sil.
nux-v., Phos., sil., stront., sul-ac, verat.
after, agg.: ^se, teth., agar., ail., alum.,
morning on waking: Sul-ac. ambr., anac, ant-t., arg-n., arn., ars.,
coughing, on: Calc, lact., led lye, rhus-t. aur., bad., bar-e, bell., bov., bry., cadm.,

calad., calc, carb-an., carb-v., caust.,

motion, on: Mang., nux-v.
cham., chel., chin., chin-s ,
cic, cimic,
shaking the head, on: Mang. cina, cinnb., clem cocc, coff.,
, con., croc,
stepping heavily, on: Calc, dig., dros., erig.,euphr., eup-per., gels.,
led., sil.
graph., ham., hell., hep., ign., ip., kali-bi.,
toothache, with: Euph.
kali-c, kali-n., lach., lact., lye, mag-c,
walking, while: Hyos., nux-v., phos-ac. mag-m., meny., mere, mill., morph.,
naja, nat-c. Nat-m., nat-s., nit-ac,
as if a ballwas beating against the skull,

nux-m., nux-v., op., ox-ac pall., par.,

on beginning to walk: Plat. ,

peti., petr., phos-ac, plb., psor., ptel.,

(Compare "Bruised.") puis., raph., rheum, rhus-r., rhus-t.,

siesta. (See " sleep.")

rumx., ruta, sabad., selen., sep., sil.,
squil., staph., stram., sulph., .sul-ac,
singing, from: Alum. tarent., thuj.

sitting agg.: Agar., alum., am-m., ang., (Compare "morning," "night," on wak-
aral., arn., ars., asaf., asar., bism., bor., ing-)
bry., bufo, calc, canth., carb-an., caust.,
amel.: Bell., camph., chel, ferr., gels.,
cha.va.., chin., cic, coff., con, cycl., dros.,
glon., graph., ham., hyos., kali-n.,
euph., gent, grat., guaj., indg., ferr.,
lac-c, laur., pall., phos., pic-ac, puis.,
lac-d., lach., led., lye, mag-c, meuy., sang., sep.
mere, merc-i-r., mez., mosch., mur-ac,
nat-c, phos.,
by a good sleep: Phos., sep.
plat., puis., ran-b., rat.,
rhodo., rhus-t ruta, sabad., seneg., sil., restless sleep: Crot-c, stram.

spong., squil., staph., sulph., sul-ac, tarax., loss of, from late hours, agg.: Ant-e,
verat., zing. arg-m., carb-v., cocc, coff., colch., laiir.,
nux-v., rhus-t., sulph.
up or erect. ( See '
' rising.


from night watching: Ambr., br}-., carb-v.,

amel.: Ant-t., ars., asar., calc, calad., cic, cocc, colch., nux-v., puis., sulph.
COCC, cofiF., con., gels., glon guaj., ,
roused, on being, from: Am., cocc, phos.
hipp., igu., kali-c, kreos., lith., mag-m.,
mere, nux-v., rhust., sep., sulph., verat. siesta, after a: Bov., calad , calc-s ,
coff., ign., merc-i-r., nux-m., rhus-t., sep.,
sleepiness, with: Aeon., sesc, agar., ail., ars., sulph.
asar., brue, camph., cliam., chin-s., con.,
amel.: Kali-n., pall.
corn., equis., gels., gins., grat., hipp., hydr.,
ign., indg., ip., kali u., kreos., lack., laur., smell. (See "odors.")
lobel., merc-i-r., nmr-ae, myrie, uat-s., smoking. (See " tobacco.")
nux-j., nux-m., op., phos., puis., ran-b.,
sneezing, when: Am-m., arn., bar-c, bell.,
siann., stront., sul-ac, tauac, vip., zinc.
bry., carb-v., cina, grat., kali-c, nat-m.,
sleep, before going to: Agar., nux-m. Phos., sabad., spig., sulph.

. ) ,

PAIN, sneezing PAIN.
amel. : Calc, lil-t., mur-ac. stimulants. (See " spirituous liquors.")
soup, from warm: Kali-bi. stool, from urging, at: Bell., bry., calc-ph.,
spasmodic pain: Aeon., ambr., ang., am., ars., ham., hell., ign., ind.,
coloc, con., glon.,
calc, carb-v., chin., colch., coloc, crot-t., \odL., lye, nux-v., ox-ac, ^\ios., puis., rat,
ign., kali-n., mosch., murx ,
nat-c, nice, sil., spig., sulph., thuj., viburn.
nit-ac ,
nux-m., petr., plios-ac, plat., ran-b.,
before: Ox-ac, puis.
rheum, sars., squil., stanu., strain., stront.
after: Aloe, ambr., apoc, bufo, chel., ign.,
speaking. (See " talking.")
podo., sabad., sep., spig.
spinning, from: Carb-an. amel: ^th., agar., aloe, apis, corn.,

spirituous liquors, from: Acet-ac, agar., lachn., ptel., ox-ac, verat-v.

ant-c, ars., asaf., bell., bry., bufo., calc, insufficient, from: Aloe, con.
cann-i., carb-v., chel., chin., chlor., cimic,
stooping, from: Acet-ac, aeon., sesc, aloe,
coff., gels., hell., hydr., ign ,
ip., LacL..,
alum., am-ni., ang., ant-t., apis., arg-m.,
led., lob., lye, mere, nat-m., nit-ac,
arn., asar., bapt., bar-c. Bell., berb., bor.,
nux-m., Nux-V., op., phos.,puls., Ran-b.,
bov., '&f^.,calc., calc-ph., camph., canth.,
rhodo., rhus-t., ruta, sabad., selen., sil.,
caps carb-ac, carb-v., caust., cham., chel.,
spig.. spoug., stram., sulph., verat., zinc. ,

chin., chin-s. ,
cic, cob., cocc, coff., colch.,
(Compare "beer," "wine," etc.) coloc, comoc, corn., eupr., eycl., dig.,

amel.: Arg-n., bufo, castor., hell., ign., dros., dulc, /drr.. ferr-i., form., gels.,^/c«.,
kreas., naja, phos., sep. ham., hell., helon., hep., hj^dr., hj'dr-ac,
hyos., ign., kali-bi., kali-c, kali-7t., kreos.,
spot, pain in small: Bor., carb-v., cavist.,
lach., laur., led., lyc, lyssin, mag-m., mane,
colch., eupi., ferr-m., graph., helon., hep.,
hydr-ac, kali-bi., kalm., lach., lact, lith.,
Mang-., med., meny.. Mere, merc-i-r.,
mill.,mur-ac, nat-a., nat-c, nat-m., nice,
nux-m., ox-ac, phos., plant., psor., ran-sc,
nit-ac, nux-m., nux-v., par., petr., phos.,
rat., sang., sol-n., spig., sulph., sul-ac, tell.,
phys., phyto., pic-ac, plat., plect., ptel..
thuj., vine, zinc.
Puis., rheum, rhus-t., rhus-r., samb., sang.,
standing agg.: Agar., alum., arg-m., am., seneg., senn., Sep., sil., Spig:, spong.,
ars., calc-ac, canth., chin., dig., guaj., stann., staph., Sulph., sul-ac, teucr., thuj.,
mag-c, mang., puis., ran-b., rheum, rhus-t, Valer., verat., viburn., zing.
staph., sulph., tarax., verat., zinc.
after. (See "rising, from.")
amel.: Calc, camph., ran-b.
amel.: Ang., bar-ac, caust., ciiia, con., dig.,
stepping. (See "walking.") elaps, fago., hyos., ign., indg., laur.,
at each step: Aloe, alum., ambr., bell., Bry., mang., mez., nux-v., phos., tarax., verat.,
calc-p., chel., coc-c, coloc verb., viol-t.
Con., dros., ,

glon., h)'dr., lach., lye, mez., nat-m. heavy pressure on brain forcing to stoop:
nit-ac, nuph., nux-v., phos-ac, phos., Cann-i.
Rhus-t., Sep., Sil,, spig., spong., iulph.,
stove, from heat of. (See "heat.")
studying. (See " mental labor.")
( Compare " jar, " " sensitiveness. '

stupefaction, with: Aeon., aeth., agar., ant-t.,
false step, from a: Anac, bry., cob., hep, arn., bar-ac, carb-v., chin-s., cina, con.,
led., puis., sol-n., spig., thuj., vibum. eye, dulc, glon., hydr., kali-bi., laiir., lyc,
heavily agg.: Alum., ambr., ant-c. Bell., mag-c, mang., meny., morph-ac, mosch.,
Bry., calc, calc-ph. caust., chin., cocc, mur-ac, nux-m., Nux-V., op. ///oj. ,

dro.s., hell., kali-c, lach., led., lyc. ,n\&ny.,

phos-ac, sabin., sil., tarax.
nat-a., nal-m., nit-ac, nux-v., phos., sudden pains: Agar., arg-n., aster., bell.,
phos-ac, phyto., rhus-t, set)., sil., spig., camph., eroc, fern, mez morph., ph}-s.,

sabin., tabac, valer.

) ,

PAIN, sudden
and go, suddenly: Bell., nierc-c.
temperature, from a cliange of: Carb-v.,
decreasing gradual^-: Asaf., calc-ac, ran-b
fl-ac, verb.
puis., ran-sc, sabin.
(Compare "weather.")
(Compare " increasing.")

during micturition: Tabac. thinking of pain agg.: Cham.,

chin., ferr-p
hell., helon., ign., nat-s.,
summer, pip-m., sabad !
in, agg.: bar-c, Bell, <^;:)'.,
.\nt-c., sin-n., staph.
Carb-v., graph., lyc, Nat-c, nat-m..
Puis amel.: Agar., camph.,
thuj. cic., prun.

sun, from exposure to: (Compare " mental labor.")

act-sp., agar.,
aloe, Ant-C, bar-c, bell., hxom.., bn:c., thunder-storms, air just before, agg
Bry.| ' Bry.,
cadm., calc.,camph., cann-i., ca7'b-v., castor. lach., nat-c, phos., rhodo.,
sep., sil.
chin-s., cocc, euphr., gels., gen., Glon.,' during, agg.
hipp., hyos.,
: Nat-p.
ign., Lach,, mane, Nat-C,
nat-m., nux-v.. Puis., selen., straw., tobacco, smoking, from: Acet-ac,
syph.' aeon.,
sulpli., ther., valer., zinc. calad,, calc, canst., clem., cocc.
coc-c, fen-., ferr-i., ^^/j., glon., ign.,
amel. in: Graph., stront.
nat-a., nat-m., nux-v., op., par., puis.,
in shade: Brom. thuj.

supper amel. after: Am-c, lach n. amel.: Am-c, aran., calc-p., earb-ac.,
(Compare "eating.") naja.

suppuration, pain as if from: Aut-t., bov.,

touch agg.: agar., agn., all-c, alum.,
bufo, carb-v., nux-v., petr., rhodo., stann. arg-m., bar-c, bell., bor., bov., bry., calc,
camph., case, cast, carb-an., chel., chin.,
swallowing, when: Mag-c.
cinnb., con., cupr., daph., grat., ign., i-p.,
(Compare "chewing.") kali-bi., kali-c, kali-n., kalm., lact, laur.,
led., Ij'c, lyssin, mag-s., mere, mez.,
syphilitic: Asaf., aici:, fl-ac, hep., kali-i.,
mur-ac, nat-m., nit-ac, nux-m., par., phos.,
led., mere, mez., nit-ac, phyto., syph.,
phos-ac, rhodo., sabin., sars., sep., sil.,
spig., staph., tarent.
talking, while, agg.: Aeon., agar., ara7i.,
aur., bry.,
on vertex, from: Sabin.
cact., calc, canth.,chin ,
cocc, ooflF., con., dros., dulc, euphr., fl-ac. amel.: Ars., asaf., bell., bry., calc, coloc,
glon., hyos., ign., iod., lac-c, led., mag-m. con., cycl., kali-n., mang., meny.,
mere, mez., TTat-in., nux-j., nux-v., par. mur-ac, phos., sars., thuj., viol-t.
phos-ac, puis., rhus-t., sang., sars., sil.
(Compare "pressure.")
spig., spong., sulph., zinc.
turning body, when: Cham., glon., graph.,
amel.: Eup-per., ham.
lyc, merc-i-f., nat-m., plant., sil.
distant: Mur-ac.
in bed, when: Meph.
others, of: Aran., bar-c, ign., mere.
(Compare '
' head turning. '


(See " noise.") twilight agg.: Aug., caj., puis.

tea, from: Chin., lach., selen. Sep., thuj. amel.: Coca.

twitching: Arn., Bell., bry., carb-v., chin.,
amel: Ferr-p. ign., kali-c, lyc, sil., Sulph.
strong: Carb-ac, glon. I p. m.: Mag-c.

teeth, on compressing the: Ind. stooping: Arn.

(Compare "chewing.") walking: Bell.


unconsciousness, with: Aeon., teth., agar., waking, on: (See "sleep," "morning, wak-
ambr., arg-n., arn., aur., bell., bov., cann-i., ing," "night.")
carb-v., cast., cocc, crot-h., cycl., ferr.
glon., hep., iod., kali-c, laur., mag-c, walking, while: Aeon., act-sp., aloe, alum.,
mang., mosch., Jfat-m., nux-m., nux-v., anae, ang., ant-t., arn., ars., aster., bar-c,
petr., phos., pruu., puis., rhus-t., sabiu., bell., bry., cadm., calc, caps., carb-an.,
sil., stann., stram., tarax., verat. caust., chin., cie, clem., cob., cocc, coloc,
con., corn., dig., dros., ferr., glon., gran.,
and after: Bov.
gauj., hell., hipp., hyos., hura, ign., iod.,
on moving: Calc, carb-an., rhus-t. kali-c, kali-n., lach., laur., led., lye, mag-c,
uncovering body, from: Benz-ac. mang., meny., mere, merc-i-f., mur-ac,
nat-c, nit-ae., nux-v., olnd., par., petr.,
amel.: Cor-r.
phos., phos-ac, phyt., plat., ptel., puis.,
(Compare "covering.") ran-b., raph., rheum, rhodo., rhus-t., sabad.,
urination, before, if the call be not attended sars., Sep., sil., spig., spong., staph., stront.,
to: Fl-ac. sulph., tabac, tarax., tarent., thea., ther.,
during: Coloc, tabac. ustil., verat., verb., viol-t., zinc.

amel. by urinating: Fl-ac. (Compare " motion," stepping," etc.)

profuse, amel.: Aeon., gels., ign., kalm.,
meli., sang., sil.
amel.: Am-c, ant-c, aran., asar., bor.,
calc, canth., caps., cham., chin., coca,
veal, from eating: Kali-n. coloc, cycl., dros., fago, glon., guaj.,
vertigo, after: Calc. ham., hyos., lye, mag-c, mang., mur-ac,
nat-c. ,
nat-m., phos., puis., ran-b., rhus-t.,
vexation, after: Aeon., bry., castor., cham.,
seneg., sep., sin-n., spig., staph., sulph.,
cocc, ign., lye, mag-c, mez., nat-m.,
nux-v., /^i^r., phos., ran-b., rhus-t., staph.,
walking in open air, while: Aeon., alum.,
(Compare "anger.") am-e, ant-e, arn., atrop., ,5^//., bor., bov.!
vinegar, swallow of, agg. bry., calc, caust., chin., chin-s., cina,
: Teucr. cofT.,
con., dule, euphr., ferr., grat, hell.,
applying, amel.: Meli., op.
ign., iris, kali-c, lam., laur., lil-t., lye.,
violent pains: Acon.,aeth., apis., ars.. Bell., mang., mere, mur-ac, nat-m., nice,'
cann-s., canth., cimx., cina, cinnb., coloc, nux-m., nux-v., par., petr., plat., puis.',
croc, crot-h., cupr., euphr., grat., hell., ran-b., rhus-t., sabad., sars.,
sep., selen.,
hyos., kali-bi., kali-c, kali-i., spig., spong., staph., stront.,
Lach., laur., sulph., sul-ac',
led., lye, mag-c, mane, mere, mez., tarax., thuj., zinc
morph., mosch., nat-m., op., phos., plb.,
after: Am-c, bell., bov., calc, caust., ehel.,
sang., sep., Sil., sol-n., stram., '

chin., coca, coff., ferr., hep.,

stilph., tarax., ther., thuj. kali-bi., mez
mur-ac, nice, nux-v., pall,, petr., puis.!
during the climateric: Ther. ran-b., rau-sc, rhus-t., sabad., spig'
voice, male, affects brain: Bar-c. spong., Sulph., zinc

vomiting, when, agg.: Ars., asar., bar-m., amel.: .Eth., ambr, am-c, ang., ant-c.
con., eugen., glon., lach., lye, mez., uux-v.,
aral., aran., ars., asar.,
bar-e, bov., canth.
phyt., secale' sep., verat.
carb-an., caust., chin-s., cina,
coff., coloc
after, agg.: Cham., ^or-r., croc, crot-t., eup-pur.. fago,
cocc, ferr., uat-c, gen"
nux-v. glon., hep., hyos., lach., laur.,
lith., lyc
mag-c, mag-m.., mang., mere-i-f.,
amel.: Asar., calc,
cycl., glon., hipp., nai-m., olnd., phel.. phos.,
kali-bi., lach., lac-d.,
puis., ran-b.
mane, op., raph., rhus-t., sars., seneg., sep., sulph., viol-t
sang., stann., sul-ac.


PAIN. PAIN, weather.
walking rapidly, while: Bell., bry., calc, warm, begins with the: Glon., nat-s.
chel., ferr-i., iod.,' maiig., tabac.
windy, stormy, from: Asar., aur., bry.,
in the wind, from: Chin., inur-ac, uiix-v.
cham,, chin., lach., mur-ac, nux-m.,
slowly, while: Hipp. nux-v., phos ,
puis., rhodo., rhus-t.
amel.: Agar., eup-pur. Puis,
wet, from getting: Ars., bell., bry., calc,
wandering pains: Alnnm., ani-c, chin., dulc, hep., kali-e, led.,
colch., lyc., nat-m.,
kali-b., led., lye, nat-s., plant., podo., puis. nux-m., puis., rhus-t., sep.
mist before eyes; then fleeting pains, agg. while sweating: Aeon., calc, colch., dulc,
at occipital protiiberance, down neck and rhus-t., sep.
shoulders, amel. lying in a dark, quiet
feet, from wetting: Gels., phos., puis.,
place, and from sleep: Podo.
rhus-t., Sep., sil.
warm. (See "air," "room," etc.)
head, from wetting: Bar-c, bell., led., phos.,
warmth. (See "heat," " fever," etc.) puis.

washing, from: Ain-c, ant-c, bell., bry., wind, from exposure to: Aeon., cham., chin.,
calc, canth., carb-v.,cham., glon., lye, ham., mur-ac, nux-v., sanic.
mere, nit-ac, nux-tn., phos., puis., rhus-t.,
cold: Aur., lac-c, mur-ac, nux-v., rhus-t.,
Sep., spig., stront., sulph.
cold water, amel. Aeon., aloe, ant-t., ars.,

riding in: Ars-i., calc-i., glon., lyc,

asar. aur-m., bry., cham., cinnb.
cycl., ,

euphor., ind., kalm., lac-ac, myric.
nsX-s., phos., plant., psor., zinc. east: Psor.

feet, amel.: Nat-c. rough: Aur., mur-ac, sanic.

hands, from: Rhus-r. wine, from: Ant-c, arn., ars., cact., calc,
carb-an., carb-v., coff.. Gels., glon., ign.,
watching. (See " sleep, loss of.")
lach., lye, nat-c, nat-m., nux-m., nux-v.,
waves of pain (see "spasmodic"): Ant-t., ox-ac, ran-b., rhodo., rhus-t., sabad., selen.,
asaf., chin., cocc, ferr., plat., Sep., spig., sil., verat., zinc.
viol-t., zinc.
amel.: Arg-n.
weather, from changes of: Bry., calc-ph.,
lead, containing: Bell., nux-v., plat., sulph.
carb-v., lach., nux-m., phos., psor., ran-b.,
rhodo., rhus-t., sil., verb., vip. sour: Ant-c, ars., ferr., sulph.

cloudy: Bry., calc, cham., chin., dulc, sulphurous: Ars., merc.,/«/5., sep.
mang., mere, nux-m., Rhus-t., scp.,
(Compare " beer," "spirituous liquors.")
vdnking agg.: All-c.
cold: Aeon., agar., am-c, ai's., aur., bell.,
bry., calc, camph., caps., carb-v., canst. Avinter headaches: Bism.
cocc, colch., con., dulc, hell., hep., work, from: Anac, bufo.
hyos., ign., kali-c, lyc, mere, mosch.,
amel.: Merc-i-f.
nat-m., nux-m., niix-v., phos., rhodo.,
rhus-t., sabad., sep., stront., verat. carrying a weight on shoulders: Mag-s.

damp, cold: Am-c, ars., brom., bry., calc, while doing some disagreeable: Chin.
carb-an., carb-v., cimie, colch., Dulc,
worm complaints, from: Calc, chin., cina,
glon., lach., lyc, mang., mere, mosch., sabad., spig.,
graph., nux-v., plat., sil.,

Nux-m., nux-v., rhodo., Rhus-t., sil.,

spig., stront., sulph., verat., zing.
wrapping up. (See " covering.")
dry, cold: Aeon., asar., bry., catisl., hep.,
wrinkling forehead, agg. Nat-m.
nux-v., sabad., spong.

PAIN. PAIN, extending to

writing, from: Ars., asaf., aur., bor., calc, right side: Anac, asaf., cast., eupi., hell,

clem., dros ,7^rr., scapula: Puis.

ferr-i., geut., glon., ign.,
kali-c, lye, mane, meph., nat-m., phos., shoulder: Glon., graph.
ran-b. ,
rhus-r., rhus-t., sil.
spine, down: Cocc.
yawning, when: Agar., bar-c, chin., cycl ,

teeth: Chin., crot-h., graph., ign., kalm.,

mag-c, mur-ac, nux-v., phyto.
kreos., lach., lye, lycps., lyssiu, mere,
amel.: Nat-m., staph. mez., puis., Sep., sil., staph.

Extending to back : Aloe, anac, bell., lace, temples: Asar.

caust., dig., kali-n., lye, mag-c, moscli.,
throat: Anac, mere, tarent.
nat-m., nit-ac, petr., phos., prun., puis.,
rhodo., rhus-t., samb., sep. ,
sil., spig., tongue: Ip.
spong., stann. , stront. sul-ac, thuj.
vertex: Glon., par., sep., spig., staph.
base of brain: Ambr., cina, laur., mang., I
Brain, aching deep in: Aeon., aloe, alum.,
phos. senna.
am-c, anac, arg-m., arg-n., asaf., asar.,
cheek: Hep., indg., rhus-t. bar-c, bell., bov.,
calc, camph., canth.,
carb-v., cham., chiti., cina, coloc,
chest: Con., nat-m.
coc-e, con., corn., croc, daph., dros., dulc,
ears: Lach., mere, nux-v., puis., rhus-t. glon.. graph., hyos., ign., kali-n lach., ,

eyes: Asaf., brom., calc, caust., croc

laur., lye, mag-e, mang., mere, mosch.,

crot-h., ign., kali-c, lach., mag-ni., tuere, mur-ac, nat-m., nux-v., olnd., petr., phos.,
nat-m., nice, Ifit-ac, puis., rhus-t.,
phos-ac, phys., prun., ran-b., rhodo., ruta,
seneg., spig., Sulph. sabad., sars., sil,, spig., stann., staph.,
sulph., sul-ac, then, thuj., zinc
face: Am-m., auae, ant-t., aran., arg-n.,
graph., gauj., indg., lye, mag-m.,
(irj/., morning: Kali-bi., lach., ruta, spig.
nat-m., phos., puis., rhus-t., sars., seneg., rising, after: Ruta.
sil., spig., tarent, thuj.
forenoon: Fl-ae, indg., ran-b.
finger tips: Camph.
afternoon: Bar-ae, hell., iris, lact., mag-s.,
forehead: Aloe, bar-e. Bell., bor., bry., merc-i-f., uran.
carb-v., chin., cupr., dios., ferr., gran.,
kali-c. lact-v.,
evening: Agn ,
all-c, nat-m., par., phos.,
, olnd., phos-ae, prun., ran-b., zinc
stann., staph., sulph., til., viol-t.
eating, after: Canth., ign., ran-b.
jaws: Bell., calc-p., kali-chl mez., spig.

exercise agg. : Merc.

leftside: Camph., cann-s., spig., staph.
lying agg. : Ther.
limbs, through : Acet-ac.

neck: Anac, bar-c, berb., bry., chel.,

motion of upper lids agg. : Coloc.
guaj., jae, kali-c, kali-n.,
lach., lye,
rising after stooping: Laur.
mere, mosch., nat-m., nux-m., sabin.
shaking the head, on: Caust., spig.
nose: Agar., ant-t., ars., bism.,
bor., colch., thinking, on: Daph.
lye, nat-c, nux-v., phos.
touch, from:All-e, arg-m., bry., chin.,
root of nose: Kali-c,
kali-n., lach. cinnb., grat., kali-bi., lact.,
laur., mag-s.,
occiput: Bell., calc, carb-v., chel., mere, merc-i-f.,
glon mez., mur-ac, nat-m.,
par., sabin., sars., staph., sulph., viol-t.
P'P-"^- P"l^-. Prun-s.,'
!^ep., Thuj., til.
• '

amel.: Sars.
right side: Phos.,
Prun. waking, on: Chin., mang., phys.
left side: Calc-a.
walking, while: Gran.

PAIN, brain. PAIN, forehead.

wandering: Ani-c , chin. Sep., sil., .spig., spong., squil , stann.

staph., .stram., .sulph., sul-ac,
extending out through forehead: Viol-t. tarent.
teucr., thuj., urt-u., valer., verb., zinc
Forehead, Acet-ac, aeon., cesc, cellt.,
agar., ail., all-c, aloe, alum., alunm., ani-c,
morning, on waking: Colch., phyto.
am-ra., animc, anac, ang., ant-c, ant-t., forenoon: Dig., fl-ac
apis, apoc, aran., arg-m., arg-n., arn., ars.,
afternoon: Agar., str.am.
arum-t., arund., asaf., asar. aster., aur.,
bapt., bar-c, hell., berb., bism., bor., bov., evening: Ant-t ,
apis, nat-ni., sang,
brom., bry., bufo, cact., caj., calad., calc, merc-i-r.
calc-p., camph ,
cann-s., canth., caps., night: vSulph.
carb-ac, carb-an., carb-v., card-m., caul.,
chain., chel., chin., chin-s.,
extending to leftside: Acet-ac, sesc, teth.
canst., cic,
cycl., ign., iris, nat-a., sabad., sanic.
cimic, cina, cinnb., ci.st., clem., cob., coca,
cocc, coc-c, coloc, con., corn., croc, crot-li., cheek: Lachn.
crot-t., cupr., curar., cycl., dig., dios., dros.,
occiput, through head: Prun.
dulc, elaps, elat., euph., euphr., feri'.,
ferr-ph., fl-ac, form., gels., gins., glon., leftside: Acet-ac, aeon., seth., agar., ant-e

gran., graph., grat., gymn., guaj., ham., ant-t., apis, arg-m., arg-n., arn., asaf
hell., helon., hep., hipp., hura, hydr., asar., aur., aur-m., bell., bov., bry., cact

hydr-ac, hyos., ign., ind., iod., ip., iris, camph., carb-au., caust., chel., chin
kali-bi ,
kali-c, kali-chl., kali-i., kali-n., ehin-s., cic, cina, clem., coca, cocc
kalm., kreos., lac-c, lac-d., lach., lachn., colch., coloc, cund., cupr., dulc ,
lac-ac, lact., laur., led., lept lil-t., lith., euon., fl-ac, glon., gran., grat., haera

mag-c, mag-m., mag-s.,

lye, lycps., lyssin, ham., hipp., hyos., iod., ip., kali-b

mane, mang., med., meli., meny., mere, kali-n., kalm., kreos., lac-c, laur., lil-t

merc-c. ,
merc-i-f., merc-i-r., merl., mez., lith., Ij'C, lyssin, mag-c, mag-m., meny
mosch., mur-ac, mygale, naja, nat-c, mere, mez., mur-ac, nat-c, nat-m
nat-m., nat-ph., nat-s., nit-ac, nux-m., nat-s., ol-an., op., par., phel., plios-ac

nux-v., olnd., ol j., op., osm., ox-ac, par.-, phys., plant., plat., prun., psor., ptel

petr., phel., phos., phos-ac, phys., phyto.,

rhodo., rhus-t., sabin., sars., seneg., sep

pic-ac, -plant., plat, plb., podo., psor., ptel.. sil., spig., spong., stann., staph., sulph
sul-ac, tabac, tarax., Thuj., valer
Puis., ran-b., raph., rheum, rhodo., rhus-t.,
verb., zinc.
nmix., ruta, samb., sang., sars., seneg.,
Sep., sil., spig., spong., stann., staph., extending to right side: Agkr., hsem
stram., stront., Sulph., sul-ac, syph., tabac, iris, lycps., rhus-r., squil.
tarax., tarent., tell., thea, iher., thuj., til.,
occiput: Nat-c
tril., trom., ustil., valer., verat., verat-v.,
verb., vib., viol-t., xanth., zinc, zing. daytime: Caust., chel., con., cund., kali-c
lach., lil-t., lye, mag-c, nat-m., uuph
right side: Acet-ac, aeon., agar., aloe, anac,
petr., phos., ptel., ran-b., sep., sil
ant-t., apis, arg-n., arn., ars., arum-t.,
sol-t-se., tarent., zinc.
asaf., bar-c, bell., berb., bov., brom.,
bufo, cauth., cast., chel., chin., cimx., morning: Agar., alumn., am-m., aster,

cinnb., cocc, coc-c, colch., crot-h., cycl., aur-m., bapt., bell., bor., bov., brom,

dig., dios., dros., euphr., ferr., ferr-i., bry., cale-s., canth., chel., chin-s., cimic.
fl-ac, glon., grat., hell., hep., ign., indg., coca, crot-t., cycl., dios., equis., euphr.

iod., kali-bi., kalm., kreos., lach., laur., ferr., form., hydr., junc, kali-bi., kali-c.
lyssin, meny., mere, merc-i-f,, mez., kreos., lach., lact., lil-t., h-e, lyssin

mosch., nat-m., nat-s., nice, ol-an., op., mag-c, med.,

mag-s., nierl., mez.
osm., phel., phos., pic-ac, ^if'/y'/o., Prun., murx., naja, nat-c, nice, nit-ac, nux-m.
psor., ran-b., rat., rhodo., rhus-r., rumx.. nux-v., ol-an., ox-ac. pseon., phos., psor.

ruta, sabad., sabin., sang., sars., seneg., raph., rhus-r., scut., seneg., sep., sil.

1 60
, , ,

PAIN, forehead, morning. PAIN", forehead, afternoon.
strani., tarent., thuj., nstil., zinc, 3 p. m.: Hura, lycop., sep., verat-v.
amel.: IMag-s., ox-ac, petr. m. Tarent.
3-7 p. :

bed, in: Anac, dulc, graph., inul., niez., 3-S p. m. : Arn.

nux-v., raii-b.
4 p. m.: Arg-m., chin-s., phys., pic-ac,
rising, on: Am-m., asar., bar-c, bry., sulph.
carb-an., cob., con., dulc, ferr. graph.

ham., 5 p. m.: Pason., strarn.

iber., kali-bi., kali-n., kalm.,
lac-d., lil-t., I3'C., mag-c, nat-c, nat-m., evening: Aeon., agar., alum., alumn.,
psor., raph., sep., sil. anac.ang., ant-t, aran., arg-m., arg-n.,
ars., arum-t., bad., bapt., bar-e, bism.,
amel.: Nux-v., phos., ran-b.
bor., bov., brom., bry., cact., calc-s.,
waking, on: Aeon., agar., alum., alumn., camph., castor., caust., chel., chin.,
anac, ant-t., arg-ni., arg-n., arn., bell., chin-s., cimic, cina, cinnb., cocc, crot-h.,
berb., biy., calc, carb-an., cycl., dig., dios., dulc, erig.,
chin-s., fago, ferr.,'
cina, cinnb., coff., colch., coloc, dig., fl-ac, graph., ham., hell.,
hipp., hura,
erig., euphr, fago, ferr., fl-ac, gels.,'
iber., indg., ind., iod., iris,
ir-foe., kali-c.
glon., graph., hep., hydr., ign., ind., kali-i., kali-n., kalm., lach.,
lac-ac, lepi.,
kali-bi., kalm., kreos., lac-ac,
lil-t., lye, lycpr., lyssin, mag-c, mag-m.,'
lye, lyssin, mag-c, mag-m., morph., mag-s., mere, merc-i-f., merc-i-r., myric,
myric, naja, nat-a., ol-an., ox-ac, petr., nat-m., nit-ac, nuph., nux-j ,
phos., phos-ac, raph., rhus-t., osm., paeon., ped., peti., phos.,
rumx.,' phos-ac,
ruta, sang., sol-n., staph., physos., pic-ac, plat., plb., podo.,
sulph., tell.^ psor.,
then, thuj. ptds., ran-b., ran-se, rat., rhus-r.,
sars., selen., seneg., serp., sil., sin-n.,
forenoon: Ars-i., brora., bry., calc-s.,
chin., staph., sulph., sul-ac, tabac,
clem., cocc, coloc, con., dig., thuj., uran.,
euphr., ustil., valer., zinc.
fi-ac, gamb., gels., ign., kali-c, lach.,
lye, mag-c, mag-s., rneli., amel.: Chin., clem., coca,
merc-i-r., kali-bi., naja,
myric, nat-a., peti., rhu.s-t., sars., op.
seneg., sep., sulph., ustil.,
zinc bed, in: Fl-ac, mag-s., sep.
amel.: Ind., lact.
singing, after: Rum-c.
noon: Qiel., dire, fago., ign., puls-n.,
7 p. m.: Chin-s., nat-m., sulph., verat.
Sulph., verat., zinc.
7-S p. m. : Sep.
afternoon: Ail., aloe, alum.,
ambr., anac,
arg-n., bad., bor., bov., bry., 7-9 P- m.: Cocc.
bufo, calc-s.,'
cann-i., castor., caust., chin.,
chin-s.,'' night: Anac, arg-n., ars., camph., caust
cic, cimic, coca, colch., '
con., cycl., dios chin-s., cinnb., croc, crot-h., cycl., fago
dire, fago, form., gels.,
glon., graph.'i ham., hep., hura, kali-e,
lachn., lac-ac]
IIIPP-, Ign., ind., ir-foe., jabor., kali-c lye, mag-s., merc-i-r., naja,
kah-cy., kali-n., kreos., pip-m., ptel.,
l^ct, laur., lil-t. puls-n., raph., sang., sil., sin-n., spig
lye. lyssin, mag-c, mag-s., mang., ^ ^ '
tarent., til.
merc-i-r., mur-ae, myric, naja, nat-a.,
nat-m., mt-ac, op., amel.: Clem., phys.
peti., phos., phos-ac.
pip-m., puis., ran-b.,
rhus-r., sang., senec waking, on: Cinnb., merc-i-f., puls-n.
serp. sil.,sol-t.a,.,stront., sulph., tabac!! midnight: Hep., mag-s.,
tarent., valer. petr.

riding in a carriage, until morning: Hep.

while: Lye
waking, on: Sulph. after, 2 a. m.: Cimic.

walking, while: Kali-c. air, cold: Calc., carb-an., caust., ferr

kali-bi., nux-v., rhus-t.,
PAIN, forehead, air, cold. PAIN, forehead, eating.
amel.: Lye, Phos. amel.: Carb-an ,
chel., cist., gent., phyto.,
psor., Sep.
air, open: Bell., calc., chel., euphr., kali-bi.,
lachn., iiiang., ««.r-z'. ,
rnuix., staph. exerci.se, from slight: Sang.

agg. : Agar., chel., sil.

hammering in: Am-m., cic, Ferr., kreos.,
nice, lye, verb.
amel.: Aeon., alum., ang., arg-m., aur.,
heat amel. : Cinnb.
aur-m., herb., calc, camph., carb-an.,
castor., ciniic, colch., coloc, cor-r., during: Apis., sep., sulph.
crot-t., euphr., ferr., ferr-i., ham., intermittent: Ant-c.
hell., hydr-ac, jac, kali-bi., lach.,
mag-s., nuph., nux-j., phos., sanic,
laughing agg. : Nat-m.
sars., Sep., sulph., tabac, tarax., viol-t. looking steadily: Glon.

alternating with pain in small of back: lying, while: Alum., arg-m., bov., bry.,
Brom. calc, camph., cinnb., fl-ae, lachn., mag-s.,
mere, nat-s., ran-b.
crampy pain in chest at last tearing in
nose and shoulders: I^achn.
amel.: Anac, bell., calc, con., glon.,
ham., kali-bi., meli., pip-m., rhus-t.,
from side to side: Iris, lac-c, lil-t. sep., spig., tabac.

ascending steps: Alum., ant-c, arn., cimic, on back agg.: Calc, cinnb.
ign., meny., sulph.
amel. : Dig.
bending the head backward : Chin., stann.
on side amel. : Nat-m.
amel.: Bell., sanic, thuj., verat.
left agg. : Cinnb.
business men: Arg-m.
right amel. : Cinnb.
chill during: Eup-pur., Ifat-m,
menses, before: Aeon., brom., sil.

closing eyes amel.: Bry., calc.

during: .^^Esc, am-e, apis, bell., brom.,
cold applications amel. : Sulph. bry., cact., cast., cycl., gels., helon.,
iod., kali-bi., l}^c. mag-c, mere,
hand amel .
, Carb-ac. ,

nat-c, nat-m., nux-v., phos., plat., rat.,

cold forehead, with: Cimic, cinnb. sang., Sep., sil., sulph.

company agg. : Plb. after: Ferr.

coughing, on: Aeon., ant-t., apis, arn., at close of : Crot-h.

asc-t., bell., brom., calc, chel., coca, ferr.,
mental labor: Arn., asar., calc-ae, cofiF.,
form., hep., hyos., iod., kali-bi., kreos.,
cop., dig., fago., hydr., kalm., lact.,
lye, mosch., nat-m., ol-j., phos., rumx.,
lyssin, mane, meli., mez., nat-m., nat-s.,
Tuta, seneg., sep., spong., staph., stict.,
ol-an., ox-ae, phos-ae, pip-m., plb., psor.,
sulph., verb.
puis., rhus-r., sil., tereb.
amel.: Arg-m.
motion agg. : Aeon., agn., ang., ant-t., ars.,
dinner, after: Calc-s., chin-s., cimic, con., atrop., aur., aur-m., bell., bism., bov.,
phyto., sulph., thuj. bry., calc, calc-ac. ,
canth., cimic, cinnb.,
cupr., cycl., dig., dule, fago., glon.,
eating: Alum., am-c, aran., bov., brom.,
graph., ign., iod., kali-bi., lye, mag-c,
bry., calc-s., calen., carb-v., cham., chel.,
meli., men)^, mosch., nat-c. nux-j., ,
chin., chin-s., clem., colch., con., graph.,
phos-ae, phys., rhodo., rumx., sabad.,
hydr. ,
invil., kali-bi., kali-br., kali-c,
sang., Sep., sil., sol-n., spig., staph.,
kali-n., lye, mag-c, nat-m., nat-s., op.,
sulph., tabac.
phos., phyto., plat., sars. ,
sulph., tabac,
valer., zinc. amel.: Hydr., lach., pip-m.


forehead, motion.
PAIN", forehead.
rubbing amel.: Ars ham. ol-an., op,
rapid: Dros., nat-m.

cimic., phos., phys.

eyes, of the: Bad., chel., chin-s.,
dros., gels., hep., ign., mur-ac, nux-j., shaking the head agg.: Glon., merc-c.
puis., rhus-t., spig., valer.
sitting, while: ^th., agar., alum., am-m.,
eyelids, of: Bry., coloc. bism., calc-ac, castor., caust., chin., eon.,
iioiseagg.: Aeon., agar., cact., cit-v., colch., glon., ham., lach., mere, mez., phos.,
con., iod., spig. rata, seneg., spig., spong., staph., tarax.

tereb., verat.
paroxysmal: Laur.
amel.: Aeon., ars., bell.
periodical: Lac-d., laur., mag-m., merc-c,
nat-s., sil., sulph., teucr. sleep, after: Ant-e, ant-t., calc, eham.,
cinnb., erig., euphr., fago., hell., lye.,
on alternate days: Merc-c.
myrie, nat-a., sol-n., stram., thuj.
pressure agg. Calc, camph.,:
dios., mag-m.,
amel.: Kali-bi.
mur-ac, phos-ac, teucr.
am-m., anac, aral., Bell., smoking, from: Calad., caust., ferr.
amel.: Ail.,
calc-ac, carb-ac, castor., chel., chin., sneezing agg: Nat-m.
cimic, clem., colch., croc, f err., gels.,
standing, while, agg.: Agar., alum,, ars.,
glon., ham., hell., hydr., ip., kali-i.,
calc-ac, canth., ham., kali-c,
lac-d., lil-t., mang., meny., mere,
mere, phel., ran-b., rheum, sang., spig.,
merl., mur-ac, nat-c, nat-m., nat-s.,
stann., staph., tabae, tarax.

olnd op., phys., sabad., spig.,


sulph., sul-ac, tarent. amel.: Calc-ac, teucr.

pulsating: Alum., am-c, am-m., asar., stepping agg. : Alum.

Bell., bry., calc, cann-i., caps., cimic,
stool, during: Apis.
coloc, dig., Glon., kalm., kreos., laur.,
lye, naja, nat-m., nux-m., puis., secale, after: Bufo, chel., podo., sep.

Sil., stravi., ther. stooping, from: Aeon., am-e, am-m., ang.,

reading agg.: Arn., bor., bry., calc-ac, arg-n., arn., asar., atrop., aur-m., bar-e,

caust., chin-s. ,
cocc, cofl., ferr-i., lob-s., bell., berb., bor., bov., brom., Bry.,
lye, lyssin, op., phys., pip-m., tarax. ra/c-ac. , camph. ,
canth., earb-an., carb-v.,
caust., chel., cob., coS.. coloc, cupr., cycl.,
riding in a carriage: Aeon., glon., lyc,
dros., dulc, elaps ,
fago., fl-ac, gels.,
gran., guaj., heem., hep., hyos., ign.,
in cold wind: Ars-i., calc-i., glon., lyc. ind., ip., junc, kali-bi., kali-i., kali-n.,

amel.: Kali-n. kreos., lact., laur., lyc, Ij'ssin, mag-m.,

mane, mang., mere, merc-e, murx..
dulc, glon.,
rising, after: Cob., iber., kalm.,
mur-ac, myrie, nux-v., phos., pic-ac,
mur-ac, phys., sang., verat. plat., ptel., puis., rat., rhiis-v., sanic, sil.,

amel.: Chin-s., cinnb., spong. sol-n., spig., Stan., staph., sulph., tarent.,
teuer., valer., verat., zing.
from stooping: Asar., mag-s.
amel.: Bar-ac, bell., caust., verb.
room agg. : Aeon., bry., cact., eaust., coca,
colch., con., lach., nux-j., plat., ran-b., sunlight agg. : Ign
rhodo. rhus-t., sep.
touch agg.: Am-m., chin., cupr., ip., lyc,
amel.: Bell., mang. mur-ac, nat-m.
warm, agg.: Aeon., apis, bov., earb-an., amel.: Bell., calc-ac, chin., eye, mur-ac,
caust., laQ-ac, lil-t, mez., phos., plat., viol-t.
selen., sanic, seneg., sin-n., verb.
turning: Canth., chin-s., coe-e, gels., glon.,
amel.: Lae-c, sil. nat-c, phos., phos-ac, rhodo.

PAIN, forehead, turiiiiij^. PAIN, forehead, extending,

quickly: Igii., iial-c. neck, to: Chel., kali-n., kalm., lil-t., lye,
mo.sch., viol-t.
to right: iEUi.
nose, to: Agar., calc, calc-ph., cina.,
using eyes agg. : rial.
croc, dios., dule, glon., kali-bi., kali-c,
walking, while: Aeon., anac, am., ars.. Lach., mang., mosch., nat-e, nux-v..
Bell., hry., calc, calc-ac., chin., clem ,
op., phos., phos-ac psor., sep. ,

coca, cocc, coloc, euphr., gran., ind.,

root of: Aeon., aloe, bapt., glon.,
kali-bi., kali-n., lac-d., lept., niag-c,
kali-bi., kalis., lack., nux v.,plios.
naja, peti., phys., puis., rat., rhus-v.,
sars., spong., sulph., ustil., viol-t. occiput, to: Bell., bism., bry., calc,
camph., cann-s., canth., carb-ac,
amel.: Calc-ac, chin., coca, dros., puis, chain., chel., chin-s., Cimic, coc-c,
ran-b., rliodo. ,
sang., staph. colch. con., cupr., dios., eup-per.,

kali-bi., kali-n., kalm., kreos., lac-d.,

walking in open air, while: Aeon., ant-c,
lil-t., lycps., merc-i-r., nat-c, nat-m.
asim.. Bell., calc-ac, canst., chin., cina,
mcx-v., par., phos., pliyto., plat., Prun.,
coca, hell., kali-cy., lyssin, mere, nat-m ,

sabad., sabin., sep., sulph., ther., Thuj.,

plat., sars., spong., tarax.
amel.: Bor., camph., cor-r., crot-li., ham.,
orbits, to: Chel., gins,
hydr., hyos., lye, mag-m., -^hys., plat.,
scut., Sep., thuj.
outward: Bar-c, olnd.

parietal bone, to: Chel.

wandering: ^sc.

warmth, in: Calc. shoulder, to: Kalm.

weight of the hat: Hep. temples, to: Arn., bor., canth., cimic,
dios ,
hell., hydr., ign., phys., thuj.
wine, after: Ran-b.
vertex: Cimic, glon., hell., ip., kreos.,
wrinkling forehead: Nat-m.
mere, ruta, sep., sil., valer.
writing, while: Bor., dros., ferr-i., kali-c,
whole head. (See " backwards.")
lye, op., sanic
above the: Aeon., calc-ph., kalm., merc-i-f.

extending backward: Agar., am., bry., naja, olnd., psor., sep., thuj.
cupr., eup-per., kali-bi., lach.,\\\-\..,pliyto.,
mental exertion, on: Psor.
Prun., ran-s., spong., tabac, ther., Thuj.
eminence, frontal: Aeon., agar., ambr.
over whole head: Anac, lach., mur-ac, arg-n., bell., berb., canst., cina, clem,
selen., valer. coc-c. ,
colch., croc, dule, ferr., gran,
grat., hell., hyos., kali-bi., kali-c, lach.
cheeks, to: Brom., lachn., mosch., puis.,
laur., lycps., merc-c, mez., naja, nit-ac.
nux-m., op., pip-m., plant., polj-g.
ears, to: Aur-m., glon., osm., squil. puls-n., sin-a., spong., squil., stann., //ny.

apis, asar., bad., verat., verb., xanth., zinc.

eyes, to: Agar., ant-t.,

calc-ph., cann-i., cliam., chel., gins.,

right: Aeon., caust., colch., hell., merc-
glon., grat., hep., igu., kali-bi., kali-c,
mez., sin-a., xanth., zinc.
lac-c, lach., lact-ac, lil-t., mur-ac,
puis., sabin., left:Agar., ambr., arg-n., aur-m., coc-c
nit-ac, nux-m., phos.,
dule, gran., lach., lycps., puls-n
seneg., spig., thuj.
squil., Thuj.
eye teeth, to: Kalm.
morning: Agar,
face, to:Brom., chin., lachn., nieny.,
waking, on: Agar.
mere, mosch., puis., sang., sep., tabac.
3:30 a. m. : Thuj.
lower jaw, to: Nat-m.

PAIN, forehead, eminence, frontal. PAIN", forehead, eyes, above.

ID a. m.: Thuj. lyssin, mag-c, mang., meph., mere,

merc-i-r., merl., mez., mosch., naja,
afternoon: Mag-s., nat-m.
nat-a., nat-c, nat-m., nat-p., nit-ac,
4 p. m. : Ferr. nux-j., nux-m., nux-v., ol-an., op., osm.,
evening: Fl-ac, lycps., sin-a. 0-S.-&C., petr., phos., phos-ac, /.^j/j., phyto.,

pic-ac, plant, plat., plb., ptel., puis.,

5 p. m.: Thxij.
ran-b., rheum., rhus-t., rhus-r.,
air, open, amel.: Ferr. sabad., sang., sanic, selen., seneg., sep.,
sil., sol-n., spig., spong., slann., staph.,
draft of, in: Verb.
sulph., sul-i., tabac. ,
taxus, tell., tereb.,
alternating with pain in cervical region: teucr. ,
ther., thuj., urt-u., valer., verat.,
Thuj. viol-t., zing.

descending steps agg. : Ferr. above right: Aeon., sesc, agar., all-c,
dinner, after: Kali-bi. am-c, am-m., anac. ant-c, arg-n., ars.,

aur-m., bapt., bar-ac, bell., bism.,bov.,

looking steadily agg. : Spong.
brj'., carb-an., canst., chel., chin.,
pressure amel. : Lycps. cimic, cinnb., cist,, coca, cocc, colch.,
rest, during: Thuj. comoc, crot-t., cycl., daph., dig., dios.,
dros., dulc, euon., ferr., fl-ac, gins.,
shaking head, on: Sul-ac.
glon., ham., hyos., ign., ind., iris,
sitting, while: Hell, kali-bi., kali-n., lac-c, lach., lyc,
mang., merc-i-f., mez., mur-ac, nat-m.,
waking, on: Thuj.
nux-v., op., phos., phys., phyto., plat.,
warm bed agg.: Arg-n. ran-b., rhust., rumx., sang., spig.,
warm room agg. : Spong. staph., stront., sulph., tabac, tarent.,
viol-t., xanth., zinc, zing., ziz.
extending to ears: Bov., nat-c, zinc,

eyes: Calc-a., thuj. then left: Calc, lac-c, ptel., sep.,

jaw: Bell.

nose: Cina, croc, dulc, op., squil. left: Aeon., sesc, aeth., all-c, ambr.,
outward: Verb. am-c, ant-c, ant-t ,
arn., arj., arum-t.,
asaf., bar-c, berb., bov., brom., Bry.,
supra-orbital foramen: Aur-m.
caj., calc-ph., camph., cann-i., caust.,
temple: Thuj. cedr., chel., cimic, colch., dios.,
euph., ferr., glon., ham., hell., hydr.,
vertex: Ferr.
ign., ind., ip., kali-bi., kali-c, kalm.,

eyes, above: Aeon., lac-c, lach., lil-t., lobel., lyc, Ij'ssin,

aeth., agar., ail., aloe,
alum, ambr., am-c, mag-c, mag-s., meny., merc-c,
ang., ant-c, apis,
arg-m., arg-n., arn., ars.,
merc-i-r., mosch., miir-ac, naja.
asaf., aspar.,
aur-m., bapt., nat-p., nit-ac, nux-j.,
nux-m., nux-v.,
bar-ac, bell., berb., bor.,
bov., brom., ox-ac, phos., phos-ac, plat., puis.,
bry., cadm., calc, cann-i.,
canth., caps., ptel., rhus-r., sep., sol-n., spig.,
carb-an., carb-v., canst
cedr., chel., chin., stann., stram., sulph., sul-ac, tell.,
chin-s., cimic, cina^
cinnb., cist., coca, tereb., verat., verat-v., verb., zinc,
colch., con., croc
crot-h., crot-t., dig., zing.
dios., dros., ferr.,
ferr-i., fl-ac, gels., glo7i.,
gymn., ham., then right: Lach., psor., zing.
hell., hep., hipp., hura, hydr., hyos
hyper., ign., ind., iod., coition, after: Cedr.
ip., kali-bi.,
kali-c, kali-n., kalm., lac-d., Lach., extending to occiput, and finally over
lac-ac, lact., laur., lil-t., Hth.,
lobel., lyc whole body: Biy.

PAIN, forehead, eyes, above, left. PAIN, forehead, eyes, above.
extending over whole forehead, increasing motion, during: Plb.
and decreasing gradually: Stann.
amel.: Dios.
eyes, above, daytime: Phos., pic-ac, sulph.
narrow line, in a: Bry.
morning: Alumn., chin-s., dios., dros., pulsating: Lack.
nat-a., nux-m., nux-v., phj's.
reading: Phos-ac.
in bed: Nux-v.
sitting, while: Tereb.
forenoon: Chin,, rhus-t., thuj.
sleep amel. : Kali-bi.
walking, while: Thuj.
standing amel. : Ran-b.
8 a. ni. : Hydr.
stooping, when: Dros., ign., petr., sin-n.,
9 a. ni.: Lyssin., petr. sol-n.
ID a. m.: Crot-c, stram., tell.
supper, during: Chlor.
II a. m.: Merc-i-r., tnyric, verat.
waking, on: Bry., nat-a., sol-n.
noon: Form., ham.
walking, while: Agar,
afternoon: Carb-v., cinnb., kali-bi., lyssin,
amel.: Ran-b.
sang., sulph.
in open air, amel.: Bor., hydr.
motion: Cinnb.
warm room agg. : Puls-n.
I p. m., Dios., phys.
extending to ear: Aur-ni., glon., osm.
3 p. m. : Hura.
eyes: Con., lil-t.

4 p. m. : Comoc.
head: G}''mn.
evening: Chel., ferr., iod., kalm., lyssin,
nose: All-c, bov., Lach., phys.
plant., strych.
occiput: Bism., chel., cimic, dios.,
reading, while: Chel.
kalm., kreos., lyc, naja., sep., zing.
6 p.m.: Colch., dios., lil-t. outward: Nat-c, secale.
9 p. m. : lyyssin.
temples: Am., bor., dios., hell.,
midnight: Ambr. physos.
air, open, in: Calc, ham. vertex: Arg-n., gymn., phos., phys.
cold, in: Kali-bi.
eyes behind: Aeon., bad., herb., bism.,
bed, on going to: Ferr. cann-i., chel., cimic, daph., dig., gels.,

breakfast, after: Hyper., lyc. kali-n., lach., poth., rhus-t., seneg., ther.,
coition, after: Cast., cedr.
between: Cupr., lach., lyc, poth.
eating, after: Bry., colch., nit-ac.

looking at bright objects: Sol-n. middle: Agar., ail., atrop., carb-an., colch.,
crot-c, fl-ac, Kali-i., lyc, Merc, mez.,
intently at anything: Puis.
phys., pic-ac, psor., sabad., selen., Sil.,
lying down, after: Ran-b., tell. verb.
menses, before: Bell., hyper., nat-ph.,
football, during: Nat-s.
sil., xanth.

frontal sinuses from chronic coryza: Sil.

during: Cimic, graph., nat-ph., lack.,
sang. hat agg. : Selen.

mental exertion, during: Phos-ac. straining at stool: Rat.

1 66

PAIN, forehead, middle. PAIN, occiput.

walking agg. : Sil gels., helon., jug-c, junc, lach., lobel.,

lye, mag-c, mag-s., morph., nit-ac,
in open air: Tarax.
petr., puis., raph., rhodo. , rhus-t. , rhus-r.,
nose, above root of: Aeon., agar., am-c. sabin., sanic, sil., spig., sulph.
ant-t., ars., ast. ,
bapt., bar-c, bisnt., bor.,
bed, in: Agar., eupi., jug-c.
brom ,
calc, calc-pb., camph., canth.,
caps., coc-c, coloc, cupr., dig., glon., lying on back: All-s., bry.
guaj., ham., hep., ign., kali-bi., kali-chl.,
rising, on: Cimic, cinnb., gels., kali-bi.,
Kali-i., kreos., lach., merc-i-f., mosch.,
mag-m., nux-v.
nux-v., plat., prun., puis., raph., staph.,
stict., viol-t.,xanth. amel.: Jug-c, spig.

left half: Mur-ac. room, in, amel.: Bov.

menses, during: Am., hep., ign., kali-bi., waking, on: Am., bry., con., fl-ac, grat.,

lach. ^ kali-bi., mill., morph., ox-ac, petr.,

rhus-t., sanic, sulph., uran.
Occiput: Aeon., cese., celh., agar., ail., alls.,
alumn., ambr., am-c anac, amel. at noon: Bry.
alum., ,
ars., arund., asaf., asar., aur-m-n., bapt., until 2 p. m.: Clem.
bar-c, bell., benz-ac, bism., bov., brom ,

3 p. m. : Cob.
bry., cact., calc, calad., camph., cann-i.,
caps., carb-ac, carb-an., Carb-V., Caust., forenoon: Agar., all-c, alum., chel., cob.,
cedr., cham., chel., ehin., chin-s ,
cic, dios., gels., indg., lact., lye, nat-e,
cimic, cinnb., clem., cob., coca, coc-c, phys., phyto., psor., spong., sulph.
colch., coloc, con., conv., cop., corn.,
mental labor, after: Rhus-t.
crot-h., crot-t., cupr-ar., cycl., daph., dig.,
dios., dulc, elaps, euph., eup-per., ferr., shaking head agg.: Cann-i.
ferr-ph., fl-ac, form., gels., glon., gnap., sitting, while: Rhodo.
graph., grat., ham., hell., helon., hydr.,
hydr-ac, hyos., hyper., hura, ign., indg., II a. m.: Gels.
ind., iod., ip., iris , kali-bi., kali-br., kali-c, noon: Cob., murx., nat-c, sulph.
kali-chl., kali-i., kali-n., kali-ph., kreos.,
lac-c, lach., lachn., lac-ac, afternoon: ^th., agar., ang., bov., canth.,
lact, laur.,
lil-t., lith., lobel., lye, lyssin, mag-c, castor., chel., chin-s., cimic, clem., coca,
mag-m., mag-s., mane, mang., med., mere, dios., dire, fago., hydrs., ind., iod., iris,

merc-i-f., merc-i-r., mez., mill., morph., kali-n., mang., ol-an., osm., phos.,
mosch., murx., mur-ac, myric, nat-c phos-ac, rhus-t., rhus-r., rumx., sars.,

nat-ph nat-s., nice nat-ac, Nux-V., op., Sep., sulph.

, ,

ox-ac, osm., pall., p^on Petr., phos., I m. Ptel.

, p. :

phos-ac, phys., phyto., Pic-ac, pip-m.,

plant., plat., plb., prun., psor., ptel., puis., 3-6 p. m.: Phos.

ran-b., ran-sc, raph. rhodo. rhus-r.,

4 p. m. : Gels.
rumx., sabad., sabin., sang., sanic, sars.,
secale, seneg.,
evening: Alum., ambr., bar-c, bell., bov.,
sep., sil., spig., spong.,
squil., stann.,
brom., canth., carb-an., chin-s., colch.,
staph., stram ,
strych., sulph., dios., form., gels., graph., hyper., indg.,
tabac, tarent., thuj., til.,
trom., urt-u., verat., verat-v., verb., jab., kali-br., kali-chl., kali-n., lobel.,
zinc, zinc-m. lye, mag-e, mez., mur-ac, nit-ae, ol-an.,
op., ptel., ran-b., ran-s., rhus-r., seneg.,
daytime: Carb-v., ign., mag-c, Sep., stauu., staph., stront., sulph., tliuj>,
phos-ac, plant., seneg., strych. uran., zinc.

morning: Agar., all-s., arum-t., bov., bry., amel. in: Coca., serp.
cedr., chin-s., cob., colch., cop., dios.'. bed, in: Dulc, kali-n., sarr.

PAIN, occiput.
PAIN, occiput.
night: Bor., carh-v., cedr., chel., clem., fanning amel. Carb-v.
liipp., kali-n., lye, osm., sep., stront,
fever, during: Nux-V., veral-v.

miduight: Sep. foreign body, as if: Arg-m.

1 a. 111. : Bry., rlnis-t.

hammering: Act-sp.
heat of stove agg.; Carb-v., puis.
2 a. m.: Sulph.
heated, over: Carb-v., lac-c.
3 a. ni. : Chin-s.
hot applications amel. Gels.
3-4 a. ni.: spig. :

air, opeu: Bov., cob., hydr-ac, iod.,

jarring agg.: Anac, bell., carb-v., ferr-ph.,
nux-m. Glon., mag-s., Nit-ac, then

amel.: leaning head back Tarent.

Carb-an., cimic, glon., hydr.,

kali-c, mag-m., luag-s., pic-ac, sep. amel.: Spig.

alternating with pain in forehead: Mosch. light amel. : I^ac-c

pain in joints: Sulph. lightning-like: Secale.

pain in sacrum: Carb-v. lying, while: Camph., canth., chel., euph.,

lachn., mag-s., nux-v., pip-m., puis.,
ascending steps: Bell., carls., pic-ac. £>/!>.,

Sep., spig., staph.

bandaging the head agg. : Calc.
amel.: Alum., graph., iod., nit-ac, spig.,
bending head backward agg.: Anac, tabac.
colch., osm.
abdomen, on, amel.: Grat.
amel.: ^th., bar-ac, cact., chin., fago.,
back of head, on: Cact., sep.
murx., raph., r/ms-t., spig.
amel.: Phos-ac.
binding up hair agg. : Carb-v.
head high, with, amel. : Gels.
amel.: Kali-n.
side of head, on, amel.: Cact sep,
breakfast, after: Aster., gels. ,

side, either side agg. : Carb-v.

chagrin, after: Ran-b.
right: Carb-v.
closing eyes agg.: Agar., bry., chin., nux-v.,
op. sabin. menses, during: Carb-an., carb-v., kali-n.,
lac-c, mag-c, mag-m., nux-v.
amel.: Sep.
contracting the eyes: Carb-v.
cold air amel.: Carb-v., lac-c.
mental labor: Anac, aster., coc-c, colch.,
coughing, anac, carb-an.,
on: Alum.,
ign., lobel nit-ac, par., rhus-r.
carb-v., ferr., ferr-m., mag-c, mere, ,

mosch., sang., sep., sil., sulph., tarent. amel.: Cact., calc-ac.

dark agg. : Carb-v. , lac-c. motion: Aur., bism., bry., carb-v., chin.,
colch., cupr., elaps, gels., glon., hyper.,
dark room amel. : Sep.
iod., ip., lac-c, lact-ac, mane, mez.,
damp weather: Dulc, bar-c, brom., Calc, ox-ac, plios-ac, sep., spig., spong., thuj.
amel : Carls., pip-ni., stann.
eating, after: Agar., alum., canth., carb-v.,
eyelids agg. : Bry., carb-v.
dios., gels., kali-bi., mil., nat-ni., ol-an.,
pip-m. head, of, agg.: Cact., carb-v.

exercise amel. : Cact. noise agg.: Phos-ac, spig.

exertion, after: Nit-ac. opening and shutting like a door: Cocc.


PAIN, occiput. PAIN, occiput.

paroxysmal: Cimic. sun, heat of: Acon., brom., camph., carb-v.,

Bell., Bry., gels., Glon., ther.
perspiration amel. : Clem.
suppurating, as if: Mang.
pressure of hat agg. : Carb-V.
swallowing agg : Kali-c.
pressure agg. : Calc. ,
campli. dios. phos-ac.

sulpli. thinking agg.: Ign., uit-ac.

throwing head back agg. Carb-v. o.sm.

amel.: Bry., calc, carb-v., cast., colcli., : ,

dios., grat., hydr., hyos., mag-c, touch agg.: Bor., cupr., kali-n., nit-ac.
mag-ph., mane, mang., imx-m., nux-v.,
plb., sabin., sep., spig., tarent.
amel.: Mang.

pulsating: Act-sp., carb-v., cimic, kali-n., the hair agg. : Ca'^b-v.

puis., Sep., valer. turning head: Card-z/., mang.

rest amel.: Bry., sep. eyes, agg.: Sep.

riding agg. : Phyto. walking: Asar., bell., bry., calc, carb-v.,

mur-ac. chill., con., graph., kali-c, mur-ac, phys.,

rising, after: Gels.,
spig., sulph., tarax.
amel.: Chin-s., eup-per., grat., jug-c,
puis. in open air: Bov., caust., cina, ferr-p.,
mang., spig., staph., zinc.
from bed, agg.: Mur-ac.
amel.: Cimic, mang., seneg., sulph.,
room, in: Bry., cimic, mag-m mez. ,
amel.: Bov.
wandering: Nat-s.
warm, agg.: Bov., carb-v., seneg., sulph.
warm wrapping up amel. : Sil.
rubbing amel.: Canth., carb-v., laur., ol-an.,
wine agg.: Zinc.
phos-ac, tarent.
writing, from: Carb-an., cocc, gels.
screwed together, as if: Grat., mag-c, mere
extending down back: j53th., cimic, crot-h.,
sexual excesses, after: Chin.
graph., lil-t., nat-m., pic-ac, podo., sang.,
shaking head agg.: Apis, Carb-V-, kali-br., Sep., strych., thuj.

petr. chest, to: Graph.

amel.: Gels. ears, to: ^sc ,
bar-c, cann-s., chel.,
colch., plant plb., puis., strych.
sitting, while: Agar., castor., chin., indg., ,

meny., ran-b., spig., squil zinc. , eyes, to: Atrop., chin., erj'-a., gels.,^/o«.,
Lach.., nat-s., pelr., pic-ac, sang.,
amel.: Asar. ,
ign. ,
mag-c, mag-m.
sanic, sars., sil , Spig,, strych., zinc.
sleep amel. : Nit-ac.
forehead, to: Ambr., arg-n., aur., bov.,
standing, while: Carb-v., castor., kali-c, brom., carb-v., chel., chin., clem., con.,
lac-c, mag-c, tabac. dios., dire, fl-ac,
ferr., Gels., glon.,
amel.: Nux-v., plb., tarax. kali-bi., kali-c, mere, mosch., mur-ac,
nat-m., nat-s., ol-j., op., petr., phos-ac,
in one position: Cham.
plb., ptel., rhus-t., sanic, sars.. Sang.,
stool, while pressing at: Ign. sil., sulph., tarent.
stooping: Aeon., assc, aloe, camph., forward: ^53th., ambr., anac, aur., chin.,
carb-ac, carb-v., chin., colch elaps, mag-m., mere, rat., sanic, sil.

fago., gels., hell., helon., kali-c, mang.,

head, to: Canth., caust.. Gels., kalm.,
phos-ac, prvin., rhus-r., spig., sulph.
mag-ph., mere, pic-ac, puis., sabad.,
amel.: Ign.. ol-an., verat. sang., sil.


PAIN, occiput, exteiidiiijij. PAIN, occiput, sides of.

over whole head : Chin, left: Cham., clicL, guaj., led., ol-an.
nuph., phys., ptel., puis,
jaw, to: Bar-c. ,
kali-chl., nit-ac.
to right: Squil.
lower, to: Cham,
daytime: Phos-ac.
left to right: Squil.
morning: Dios., puis.
neck, to: Ainbr., bell., bry., glon., hell.,
hep., kali-c, laur., lil-t., phyto., podo.,
forenoon: All-c, dios.
sulph. evening, 8 p. m.: vStram.
down back of neck: Arg-n., bell., berb., bending backward: Colch.
bry., cimic, comoc, graph., hydr-ac,
pressure amel. : Hyos.
kali-c, kali-n., laur., lil-t., lobel.,
mang,, mere, mur-ac, nat-c, shaking head: Glon.
Nux-m., Ifux-V., pic-ac, podo., waking, after: Sulph.
ran-b., sabin., sep., sulph., tarent.
walking, on: Aster.
nose, to: Corn.
Occiput and Forehead: iEth., alum., ambr.,
right to left: Dig., staph.
anac, aphis, arn., asaf. aur. bell., bry.,

shoulders, to: Bry., dios., gels., hep., calc, camph., cann-i., canth., caps., carb v.,

ip., kali-c, kali-n., podo. chel., chin., chin-s., cimic, cina, clem.,
colch., con., corn., dig., dios., eup-per.,
while lying on back : Bry.
ferr., gels., glon., graph., grat., guaj.,
spine, down. (See "back" and "neck ") hydr-ac, hyos., ign., iod., iris, kali-bi.,

temples, to: Anac, kali-c, kali-n., lach., lachn., laur., lye,

arn., cann-i., coca,
gloji., plb., seneg., spig.
mag-c, mag-m., mang., mere, mez., mosch.,
mur-ac, nat-m., ol-j., op., petr., phos-ac,
throat, to: Laur.
prun., ptel., raph., rhus-t., sabad., sabin.,
upward: AU-c, berb.. Gels., glon ol-au., sars., seneg., sep., serp., spig., spong.,

phos-SiC., puis., sang., sars., sep., Sil, squil., sulph., sul-ac, tabae, thuj.

vertex, to: Ambr ,

bov., calc, canu-i., morning, on waking: Kali-bi., lach.

Cimic, dulc, glon., hura, lac-ac,

Sides, both: All-c, asar., bov., calc-ph.,
lye, mag-m., nat-c, phel., rat., sep., carb-an. chin., ctipr., cycl., dig., dies.,

Sil. euphr., glon., kaU-bi., Kali-i., lye, mag-c,

occipital protuberance: Bry., calc-ph., mag-m., merc-c, merc-i-f., mez., ol-an.,
colch., mur-ac., rhus-t., sil. phos., plat., squil., til.

afternoon: Chin-s. One side: Aeon., csih., agar., agn., alum.,

ambr., am-c, am-m., anac, ang., ant-c,
motion agg. Bry. ant-t., apis, Arg-n., am
ars., arund, asaf.,

pressure of hat agg. : Sil. asar., aur., bar-c, bell., bism., bor., bov.,
bry., cact., calc, calc-ph., camph., cann-s.,
walking in wind: Mur-ac.
canth., caps., carb-an., carb-v., caust., chain.,
sides of: .<^sc., all-c, aster., cann-s., cham., chel., chin., cic, cina, clem., cocc, coff.,
chel., colch., elaps, glon., gauj., hyos. colch., coloc, con., cop., corn., croc, cupr.,
ign., ind., kali-bi., kali-n., led., mag-c, cycl., dig., dios., dros., dulc, elat., eng.,
mag-s., meph., mez., ol-an., phos-ac, euph., euphr., eup-per., feiT., gels., glon.,
phys., ptel., Sep., sil., stram ,
sulph. graph., guaj., heW., hep., 113-08., j'^'^w., iod.,
ip., kali-bi., kali-c, Kali-i., kali-n., kreos.,
right: J3sc., ast., cann-s., colch., ign.,
lac-d., lach., lact., laur., led., lye, mag-c,
ind., kali-bi., myric, sep., stram.
niag-m., mang., uieny., mere, mez., mil.,
to left: Dig., staph. mosch., murx., mur-ac, nat-c, nat-m.,
to left eye: led. nice, nit-ac, nnx-m., nux-v., olnd., par.,

: ,,

PAIN, one side. PAIN, side, right.

petr., phos., phos-ac, phyto., plat., plb., sabin., sang., sars., seneg., sep., sil., spig.,
psor., puis., ran-b., ran-sc, rheum, rhod., spong., squil., stann., staph., stront. sulph., ,

sul-ac. tarax., tarent., teucr., thuj., valer.,

r/ius-t., ruta, rob., sabad., sabiu., sanib., ,

sang., sars., selen., seneg., sep., sil., spig., verat., verb., zinc
spong., squil., stann., staph., sLict., strain.,
morning, left side, evening: Bov.
stront., sulph., sul-ac, syph., tarax., tarent.,
dimness of left eye, with: Arg-n.
teucr., thui., ustil ,
valer., verat., verb.,
viol-o., viol-t., zinc, zing. foreign body, as of a: Con.

alternating from one to the other: Agar., stroke of an anvil, as of: Mane
bell., calc-a., chin., colch., cupr., euon.,
then left: Arn., bry., colch., cupr., dig.,
hell., hydr., lac-c, lil-t, plan., sep.,
valer. merc-i-r., staph., taxus.

with pain in left arm: Ptel. warm room, entering: Spig.

ceases on one side, becomes more violent on Side, Left: Aeon., aese, agar., agn., aloe,

the other: Lac-c, nat-m. alum., ambr., am-c, am-m., anac, ang.,
ant-e, ant-t., apis, arg-m., arg-n., arn., ars.,
coffee, from excessive use of: Nux-v.
asaf., asar., aur., bar-c, bell., bism., bor.,
ears, behind the: Asar., calc-ph., chel.,
bov., brom., bry., calad., calc, calc-ph.,
sang. camph., cann-i., cann-s., canth., caps.,

behind the left: Ambr., sang. carb-v., caust., cham., chel., chin., chin-s.
cic, cimic, cina, cinnb., clem., cocc,
side on which one lies, on. (See "Sides,
colch., coloc ,
croc, crot-h.,
con., conv.,
cupr., cycl., dig., dios., dros., dulc, elaps,
spots, in: Kali-bi., kalm. eup-pur., euph., euphr. fl-ae, gent.,

extending to eye: Asa/., brom., caust., graph., guaj., gymn., ham., hell., hydr.,
hyos., ign., ind., iod., kali-bi., kali-c.
croc, mag-m., nat-m.
kali-n., kalm., kreos., lac-e, lach., lac-ac ,

neck: Guaj., lack., lye, r^erc.

laur., led., lil-t. , .lith., lye, mag-e, mag-m.,
neck and shoulders, neck stiff: Lach. mane, mang., mere, merc-i-f., merc-i-r.,
mez., mur-ac, murx., nat-e, nat-m.-, nit-ac,
side to side, from, through temples:
nux-m., nux-v., olnd., pall., par., petr.,
Alum., chin., phos., plant., sang.
phel., phos., phos-ac, plant., plat., plb ,

waist: Lyssin. ptel., puis., ran-b., ran-sc, rhodo., rhus-t.,

Side, Right: Aeon., sesc, agar., agn., alum., sabad., sabin., samb., sang., sars., secale,

am-c, am-m., anac, ang., ant-t., apis, selen., seneg., sep., spig., spong., squil.,

arg-m., arg-n., arn., ars., asaf., aur., bar-c, stann., staph., stront., sulph., sul-ac, tabac,
bell., bism., bor., bov., bry., bufo, cad., tarax ,
teucr., thuj ,
trom., valer., verat-v.,
calc, camph., cann-i., caps., carb-an., verb., viol-o., viol-t, xauth ,
zinc, zing.,
carb-v., caust., chara., chel., chin., ziz.
cimic, cina, cinnb., cist., clem., coca, cocc, head and face, of, extending to neck: Guaj.
coc-c, coff., colch., coloc,
croc, con.,
crot-h., cycl., dig., dros., dulc, elaps, euph., lying on right side amel. : Brom.
euphr., gels., gins., gran., graph., grat, then right: Arn., eup-per., glon., nux-m.,
gauj., hell., hep., hyos., ign„ ind., iod., squil.
iris, jac, kali-bi., kali-c, kali-n., kalm.,
kreos., lach.,
laur., led., mag-c,
mag-m., mane, mang., daytime: Cact., ferr., hydr., mag-m.
meny., mere,
merc-i-r., mez., mil., mosch., mur-ac, nat-c, morning: Aloe, alum., bell ,
bov., chin-s.,
nat-m., nit-ac, nux-m nux-v., ol-an chr-ae, dios., euphr., fl-ae, gels., graph.,
, ,

petr., phos., phos-ac, plat., plb., puis., ham., hipp., hydr., jug-e, mag-c, mang.,
ran-b., rheum., rhodo., rhws-t., rula, sabad.. sars., Spig., tabac.

PAIN, sides.
PAIN, sides.
bed, in: Graph., nice, mix-v., scut., eating, after: Har-e, bell., calc-s, coc-e,
form., ham., kali-c.
lach., mag-c, nux-v.,
rising, on: Ars., cact., calc, gels., inag-s., pason., phos., zinc.
puis., spig.
amel.: Calc-ph., colch form., liat-m.

amel.: Merc-i-r.
hammering: Iris,
waking, on: Arum-t., aur., cina, nierc-i-r.,
mur-ac, phos., puis., tabac. jarring: Spig.

forenoon: Alum., cact.,

leaning on the affected side: Chin.
carb-an., castor.,
euphr., fl-ac, hydr., indg., jug-c, kalm., looking intently: Thuj.
lack., nat-m nux-j peti., plb,, sars.,
, ,
lying, while: Carb-v.. petr., rhodo., sep.,
stront., verat.
noon: Calc-ph.
amel. : Dig.
afternoon: JEth., alum., bry., canth.,
castor., chin-s., coca, colch., ferr., graph.,
on the other side amel.: Hipp ,
indg., lach., laur., mag-s., merc-i-r., on right side with hands over head amel.:
nat-m., nice, nit-ac, nux-m., ol-an., sej>., Brom.
valer. , zinc.
side lain on: Ars., calad., calc, chin.,
evening: Aloe, arg-m., bar-c calc-s., canth.,
graph., hipp., mag-c, nit-ac, phos-ac,

caust., chin., dios., elaps, staph.

fl-ac, graph.,
ham., indg., ind., kali-c, kali-n., lye, not lain on: Calc-a., puis.
lyssin, mag-c, mag-m., merc-i-r,, mez.,
menses, before: Calc-ph., cinnb., puis.
nice, nux-v., pall., phos., puis., Sep.,
sil., spig., sulph., tabac, zinc, zing. during: Am-m.,ars. ,
calc-c, cast., chin.,
cic, colch., cycl., lobel., lye, nat-c,
amel.: Phos., ptel., sep.
nux-v., puis., saiig., sep., verat.
bed, in: Arg-m., con., plat.
mentallabbr, from: Hyper., ign., phos.
night: Cact., graph., kali-n., mag-c, mez.,
milk, after: Brom.
nat-m., nice, ol-an., plb., staph., tarent.
motion, on: Agn., arg-n., bell., calc-ph.,
amel.: Mag-c
chin dire, glon., hipp., iris, mang.,

air,open, in: Fago., fl-ac, mang., mez., Sep., phos., pho.s-ac, prun., sabad., sil., Spig.
noise, from: Cact., mane, ph3's.
amel.: Am-c. carb-an., fago., kali-c,
paroxysmal: Kali-c.
mang., nat-m., phos., rat., sep.,
sulph. pressure agg. : Agar., strani.

ascending steps : Hydr. amel.: Mez., sulph.

pulsating: Arg-n., bell., brom., cad.,
bed, in: lod.
calc-ph., carb-ae, hura, laur., nit-ac,
amel.: Tabac. zinc.

breakfast, at: Gels. raising head: Cact.

bright light: Cact. resting on that side: Ars.

cold applications amel. : Aeon. riding, while: Naja.

combing hair: Merc-i-f. rising, after: Chiu-s., graph., spig.

coughing, on: Apis, aur., ciniic, dire, amel.: Carb-v ,

dig., graph., indg., ol-an.,
mang., vibur. rhodo., tabac.

dinner, after: Form., nit-ac ,

ptEon. from stooping: Kali-c, mang., sul-ac.


PAIN, sides. PAIN, sides.

room: Ani-m., bov., euphr., fl-ac, phos., forward Ant-c, con., guaj., kali-c.

sabad. mang.

amel.: Mag-s. nape: Elaps, sars.

shaking the head: Tromb. neck: Chel., cupr., lack., h'c

sitting: Ara-ni., canth., chin-s., fago., indg., occiput: Lach., nux-m., phos , tabac.

mag-c, nice, phos., rat., rhodo., sulph. one side to the other: Carb-v., clem.,
amel.: Ars., calad., con. nat-m., plant., rhus-t.

sound of talking: Cact. shoulders: Lach.

standing, while: Calc, canth ,

dig., kali-c, teeth: Crot-h., graph.
mag c ,
mang., plb., zinc.
temples: Bell., kali-bi,
stepping, on: Calc-ph., Spig, waist: Lyssin.
stool, during: Spig.
Temples: Aeon., act-sp., sesc, aeth., agar.,
stooping agg. : Alum., ang., calc-ac, caps., ail., aloe, all-c, ambr., apis, apoc, arg-m.,
chin-s., cor-r., dig., euphr., glon., hipp., am., arum-t., ars., ars-i., asar., aspar.,
indg., laur., phos. aster., atrop., aur., bad., bapt., bar-c,
Bell., benz-ac. berb., bor., brom., bry..
amel. : Dig., iris.

calc-ph., camph ,
cann-i., cann-s., caps.,
supper, after, amel. : Sialph. carb-an., carb-s., caust., cedr., chain., chel.,

talking: Igu. chin., chin-s., cic cina, cinnb., clem., cob.,


coc-c, coloc, con ,

cor-r., crot-h., crot-t.,
touch agg. : Agar., agn., bor,, cupr., dire,
cupr-ar., cycl., daph., dios., dros., elaps,
laur., merc-i-f., nit-ac.
elat., euphr., eup-per., e:\x^\..,ferr., ferr-in.,
amel.: Bry., tliuj. fl-ac, form gels., gent-1., glon., graph.,

gymn., ham., hell., hipp., hura, hydr.,

turning eye outward: Raph.
hydr-ac, hyos., hyper., ign., iod., ip., iris,
walking: Arg-m., arg-n ,
ars., bell., calc, jair., kali-bi., kali-c, kali-chl., kalm.,
clem., con., kali-c, mez., nat-m., plb., kreos., lach., lachn., laur., led., lith., lobel.,
spig., tromb. lye, lycps., lyssin, mag-m., mane, meli.,
merc-c, merc-i-f., merc-s., merl., mez.,
in open air: Alum., chin-s., grat. ,
mosch., mufe., mur-ac, mj'ric, naja, nat-a.,
nat-c, nat-m., nit-ac, nuph., nux-m., ol-j.,
amel.: Mang., merc-i-r. phos. osm.,
, op., ox-ac, pall., phos., phos-ac,
wandering: Nat-s. phys., phyto., pic-ac, plant., plb., podo.,
psor., ptel., pals., ran-b., raph., rheum,
writing, while: Gels.
rhodo., rhus-t., rob., rumx., ruta, sabad.,
with head inclined to left: Chin-s. sang., Sep., sil., stann., staph., stram.,
strych., sumb., tabac, Tarax., tareut., thuj.,
extending to arm : Cimx., fago.
verat-v., verb., viol-t., xauth., zinc
backward: Mag-c, mag-s., verat-v.
right: Aloe, apis, ars., ars-i., bell.,
brow: Chin-s. caust.,
chel., coloc, dros., ferr-m.. Jug., mosch.,
ear: Ars-m., chin-s., grat. nux-v., pall., puls-n., rhus-t., tarax.,
thuj., tromb., verb., ziz.
behind: Pic-ac.
to left: Glon., lil-t., pall., plat., ptel., sep.
eye: Ars., asaf., brom., calc, caust.
crot-h., mag-m., nat-m. left: ^sc, agar., am., asar., aspar., aur-m.,
face: Kali-bi. bar-ac, cimic, dig., kali-chl., mere!,
mur-ac, nuph., nux-m., ox-ac, rhodo.[
forehead: lod., sil.
sang., sil., spig., staph., sumb., viol-t.

, )

PAIN, temples, left.
PAIN, tempi es.
to right: Aur-m., calc, hipp., merc-i-f.,
night: Arn., ars., arum-t.,
ol-j., ptel. bry., cact., cop.,
dig., ferr., grat., kali-c,
lye, mag-s..
alternating with pain in right knee: merc-i-f., rhus-r., .sang.,
air, cold: Hyos., kali-bi.
periodical: Spig.
open: Aur., coloc. equis., hyos.,
pulsating: Spig. kali-bi., niang., naja, ol-an.

daytime: Ars., calc, hell., hep., hydr amel.: Asar., atrop.,

, camph., castor.,
jatr. kali-n., lyssin, mez., staiin. coloc, comoc,
crot-t, glon., hell.,
hydr., hyos., jatr., lith., nuph.,
morning: All-c, am-c, apis, bar-c, camph., olnd.,
clem., cob., coloc, phos.
cop., cund., dios.,
dire, equis., graph., ham., alternating with heat of face: Coc-c.
ign., jac,
kali-n., lith., lil-t., lyssin, nat-a., nat-ph., ascending steps: Glon., kalm., sulph.
phos., psor, rhus-t., rhus-r., rumx.,
bending backwards, on: Chin.
sang., Sep., sulph., tareut., thuj.
forwards. ( See '
stooping. '

amel. : Mag-s. '


chewing, while: Am-c. am-m., kali-c.

rising, on: Aur-m., coca, lil-t., nat-a.
olnd., thuj.
nit-ac, sulph.
cold water amel. Kalm.
waking, on: Ail., anac, asim., atrop., :

calad., calc, camph., cast-eq., coff., coughing, on: Alum., ambr., ant-t, bry.,
graph., ind., lach.,
med., naja lith., caust., cine, coca, kali-c, kreos., Lyc,
nat-a., nat-ph., nit-ac, tabac, zinc. mang., puis., rhus-t., sulph., tarent.,
taxus, verb.
forenoon: Alum., ars., asar., chani., clem.,
cob., dios., fago., gen., hipp., hydr., dinner, after: Dios., kali-bi., pall., sulph.
indg., jug-c, kali-c, lach., Hl-t., lycps., getting dinner too late: Cact.
mag-s., nat-a., peti., phyto., podo., rhus-t,
seneg., sulph. driving or riding in a carriage: Lith., lyc.

eating, after: Alum., aran., canth., castor.,

noon: Dios., dire, fago., pall., ptel., sulph.
clem., con., dios., hydr., indg., kali-bi.,
afternoon: Aloe, alum., bell., bov., bry., kali-n., mag-c, ol-an., phos., zing.
canth., caust., chin-s^_, coca, cod., coloc,
exertion, after: Hell., psor.
corn., dios., dire, dulc, equis., fago.,
gamb., grat., guaj., hipp., iber., iod., eyes, on moving the: Bad., chin, coloc,
kali-bi., laur., lye, mag-s., myric, nat-a., sulph.
nit-ac, ol-an., peti., plat., ptel., rumx.,
on turning the, out: Raph.
sang., sil., stront., sulph., zing.
hammering: Ars., benz-ac, chel., chin.,
5 p. m. : Bry.
evening: Aeon., aloe, alum., am-c, ang.,
head, bending backward: Anac, thuj.
apis, aran., calc-s., camph., castor., caust.,
chin., cinnb., colch., cop., crot-h., dig., heat amel.: Mur-ac, syph.
dios., equis., fl-ac, hydr., hyper., inul., intermitting: Atrop., bad., clem., murx.,
jac, kali-c, kali-i., kali-n., kreos., lach., nat-m., nat-ph., pic-ac, stann., stict.,
lac-ac, led., lith., mag-m., mez., nat-m., sulph.
nit-ac, nux-m., nux-v., phos-ac, psor.,
lying, while: Camph., clem., graph., lith.,
ran-b., rhus-r., sep., stram., stront.,
sulph., sul-ac, tabac, tarent. ,
zing. amel.: Asar., benz-ac, chel., chin-s.,
colch., ferr., mag-c, nux-v.
bed, in; Chel., glon., mag-m. ,
phos-ac, rhus-t. I
menses, during: Arn., cast., Lyc, nat-c.

. . ,

PAIN, temples. PAIN, temples.

Anac, dig, gent, hell., stepping, on: Coloc, lyc. .

mental labor:
nat-c, nux-v., phos-ac, pip-m., psor., stool, straining, during: Thuj.
stooping, from: Am-m., bov., broni., calc-ac,
amel. : Calc-ac.
chin., coff., coloc, Sios., fago., fl-ac,
motion: Agn., canst, chin., cinnb., cob., glon., guaj., mur-ac, nat-a., phos., sol-n.,
cupr., dire, glon., hipp., hydr., kali-bi., thuj., verat.
mez., phos., phos-ac, phj'S., rhodo.,
amel.: Aug., mang., verat.
thuj., zinc.
touch agg. Aur. berb. castor. chel. con.
: , , , ,

amel.: Carl., comoc, lil-t., 7?iez.

cupr., daph., led., nux-m., peti., staph.
opera, from attending: Cact.
amel.: Ars., calc-ac, chin., eye
paroxysmal: Lil-t.
walking, from: Ars., asar., bufo, castor.,
pressure agg. Aspar., bism., castor., cina,
chin., coloc, con., dios., gen., glon.,
cop., daph., kali-n., lil-t., mur-ac, nat-a., hell., kali-bi., lil-t., mang., phos., ran-b.,
nat-m. pi tm ,
, verb. sulph.
amel.: ^th., alum., ant-c, aral., cact, amel.: Chin., guaj., staph., tarax.
calad., calc-ac, chin., coc-c, cop.,
walking in open air: Arn., bry., coff., hyos.,
dios., dire, glon., guaj., hydr., iod.,
mag-c, Mag-m., meny., mang., nat-m., rhodo., spig., tarax., zing.
kali-i., lil-t.,

nat-c, par., phos., plant., podo., stann., amel.: Psor., rhodo.

thuj., verat.
wandering: Aeon., cbsc, carb-s., cham.,
on opposite side amel. Jac. : merl., plant., spig., verat-v. •

pulsating: Alum., apis., arg-n., am., aur-m., wedge, as if a: Thuj.

bell., bor., camph., caps., chel., coc-c,
wind, riding against the: Calc-i.
coloc, glon., jug-r., kali-n. /Aos. stann., , ,

sulph. wine, from: Cact.

mastoid processes: Iris. winking agg.: AU-c

reading agg.: Calc-ac, clem., coca, mez., wrapping up amel. : Mur-ac.
nat-m., phys., pip-m., sulph.
extending backward over ears: Cedr.,
rising, after: Fago., lycps., verat. gymn., nat-ph.
amel.: Calc-ac, rhus-t., stann. to centre of head: Dire
room, in: Jatr., laur., phos., ran-b., rhodo., ear: Aur-m., bov.

sabad eye: Aloe, ant-c. ,

asim., berb., cedr.,
coc-c, nat-ph., pip-m.
amel.: Coff., hyos., ol-an., zing.
eyebrows: Pic-ac.
rubbing amel. : Canth., ol-an., phos., plat.
face: Am-m., ant-t., arg-n., bty., kali-c,
shaking the head: Glon. lachn., seneg.
sitting, while: Am-m., arg-m., chin., lil-t., over forehead: All-c., anac, berb., bor.,
mang., mez., nice, phos., staph., sul-ac, ferr., glon., hep., lil-t., lye, mez.',
tarax., verat.
phos-ac, sil., squil., tabac.
amel.: Ars., asar., calc-ac, coff., coloc, to jaw: Arg-n., calc-ph., glon., kali-c.
lith., mang.
neck: Bry., kali-i., pic-ac.
sleep, during: Mag-c.
nose: Glon.
standing, while: Ars., castor., chin., coloc,
occiput: Cham., cinnb., iris, iod.,
glon., guaj., staph., verat
kali-bi., kalm., lil-t., lycps., pic-ac'
amel.: Tarax., zing.
PAIN, temples, extending to. PAIN, vertex.
shoulder, face distorted: Graph,
staph., stram., sutph., sul-i.,
syph., tabac,
teeth: Dry., carb-v., lachn., sars., Z'crb. tell., thuj., ustil., valer verat., verb., ,

xanth., zinc.
last molar: Ilydr.

temple to temple: Alumn., daytime: Sep., stilph., tabac.

Bell., cliel.,
chin., con., glon., ham., hydr., lac-c, morning: Agar., ambr., aster., bar-c, bov.,
lil-t., lobel., lyssin, mez., naja, phos., carl>ac., graph., hydr., hyper., iris, lac-c,'
plant., Sep., siilph.
mere, nat-c, ox-ac, pall., ran-b., staph.,
and back again: Hydr., lac-c, lil-t. sulph., thuj.

upwards: Am-ni., laur., rhus-v. amel. : Laur.

to vertex: Aiir-m., coc-c, cycl., kali-bi., bed, in: Carb-v., hell.

laur. rising, on: Bar-ac, caust., cimic, kali-n.,
zygoma: Coc-c, kali-c. nice, podo., sep., sulph.

amel.: 01-an.
Temples and Forehead: Agar., agn., ant-c,
ant-t., aran., arn., ars., arum-t., atrop., aur., waking, on: Alum., bar-ac, bry., bufo.,
bar-ac, bell., berb., bov ,
bry., cainph., calc, carb-an., caust.,
croc, cedr.,
cantli., cedr., cliel., . chin., chin-s., clem., hyper., kali-bi., nat-ph., puis., sulph.,
coloc, cor-r., crot-t., cycl., dig., dios., dulc, tabac, verat.
elat., ferr., fl-ac, gels., glon., gran., hell.,
forenoon: Alum., bar-c, bov., bry., calc,
hipp., hydr-ac, ind., iris, kali-bi.,
kalm., lachn., lil-t., lye, lycps., mag-m.,
fl-ac, gamb , glon., kali-cy., mag-s.,
nat-a., nice, nux-m., pic-ac, rhus-t.,
mag-s., mang., merc-i-f., marl., mez.,
mur-ac, myric, naja, nat-a., nat-m.,
nat-ph., op., phos., phos-ac, phys., phyto., noon: Puls-n., sulph., thuj.
pip-m., psor., rhodo., sabad., sabin., selen.,
afternoon: Alum., alumn., ambr., ars.,
seneg., spig., stann., stilph., tabac, tanac,
bufo, calc-s., carb-v., cimic, crot-h.,
verat., zinc.
graph., lielon., hura, hyper., ind., ir-foe.,
Temples and Occiput: Aeon., sesc ,
bov., kali-n., lac-ac, lye, lyssin, mang.,
cann-s., nux-v., rhus-r., spig. merc-i-r., mur-ac. ,
nat-a., nit-ac, osm.,
phel., phos., phys., sulph.
Vertex: Acet-ac, aeon., seth., agar., agn.,
ambr., am-c, aiiac, ant-c, ant-t., apis, arn., evening: Aeon., ambr., apis, bor., canth.,
ars., arum-t., aur-m-n., bad., bell., benz-ac, carb-an., cimic, crot-h., cycl., dulc, fago,
bor., bov., Brom., bry., btifo, cacL, cadm-s., form., gent., glon., hep., hyper., kali-e,
calc, calc-ph., cann-s., carb-an., carb-v., kali-i., lach., lith., lye, mere, mur-ac,
cast., canst., cedr., cham., chel., chin., nit-ac, ol-an., petr., ran-b., rhus-t., sep.,
Cimic, cinnb., cob., coca, cocc, coc-c, sil., stront., sulph., thuj., zinc.

coff., colch., con., conv., corn., croth.,

bed, in: Carb-v., stann.
cupr., curar., daph., dig., dios., dros., dulc,
night: Aeon., agar., aster., carb-an., ferr.,
elaps, euph., eup-per., ferr., form., gels.,
glon., hipp., ir-foe., kali-n., laur., Ij'c,
glon., gran., graph., hell., hep., hura, hydr.,
kali-bi., kalm., kreos., ol-an., rat., sulj)h.
hyper., iod., iris,

lac-c:, lac-d., lack., lac-ac, lact., laur., amel.: Mag-c.

lil-t., lith., lye, meny., mere,
on going to sleep, amel. : Phyto.
merc-c, merc-i-f., mez., mosch., mur-ac,
naja., nat-m., nit-ac, nux-m., nux-v., ol-j., air, cold, amel. : Ind.
ox-ac, pall., par., phos., phos-ac, phys., air open: Ferr., iris, sulph.
phyto., pic-ac, podo., ptel., puis., rau-sc,
amel.: Carb-an., cimic, ferr., gamb.,
rheum, rhodo., rumx., sabad., sang., sanic,
glon., ind., kali-n., rat., tarent.
Sep., sit., sol-n., .spig., spong., squil., stann..

PAIN, vertex. PAIN, vertex.

ascending steps: Aut-c, cimic, ferr., lobel., rubbing amel. : Carb-ac.

sitting, while: Castor., lyc, peti., phos.j
cold applications amel. : Aeon. verat., viol-t.

coughing, on: Alum., anac, caust., con., amel. : Con., gels.

cupr., kali-c, sabad., squil., sulph.
sneezing, on: Sulph.
deep inspiration, on: Anac. spots, in: Nux-v., psor., spig.
dinner, after: Con., nat-m., thuj. standing, while: Ran-b., sul-ac, verat.
driving or riding in a carriage: Lyc. stool, during: Lyc
eating, after: Bad., calc-s., castor., dire, stooping, from: Aeon., alumn am-m., berb.,
kali-bi., lyc, mag-c, nat-c, phel., rhus-t.,
calc, calc-ph., coloc, glon., helon.,
sulph., tabac.
lyssin, meny., nux-m.
eyes, on moving the: Sep. amel.: Laur., verat.
hammering: Hyper., phos. touch agg.: Bov., chel., cinnb., kali-bi.,
heat, during: Graph. peti., phos.

jarring agg.: Cob. by laying hand on it, amel.: Kali-n.

lying, while: Chel., hipp. waking, on: Kali-bi., thuj.
amel.: Calc-ph., phos., spig. walking, from: Carb-an., calc, cedr.,
glon., hura, peti., phyto., spong.,
on left side: Cinub. sulph.

meditating, while: Lyssin. amel.: Peti., sang,

menses, rapidly agg.: Chel.

during: Calc, carb-an., cast.,
ferr-ph., lach., laur., lyc, walking in open
mag-c, nux-v., air amel.: Aeon., aster
ol-an., phos., rat., sulph. thuj.

mental labor: Aster., g^nt., pic-ac, writing, from: Gels., nat-m., ran-b.
extending backward: Chel., kali-bi., kali-n.
motion, on: Alumn., aur., bell., calc-ph., to ear: Agar., phos.
canth., chin., ferr., glon., ip. ,
iris, lobel.,'
lyssin, mez., o..r-rt^., phos-ac, phyto., sep.,
ear, from one to other: Pall.
spig., thuj., verat.
eyes: Ign., nux-m.
noise, from: Cad., iod., spig.
forehead, Caps., caust., cham., led.,
paroxysmal: Chel., cimic. mez., nice, nux-m.

periodic: Sil. malar bones: Tarent.

pressure agg.: Bell., neck: Calc-ph., chel., glon

castor., cJiin cina, , kalm.
kah-c, kali-n lack., nat-c
, nose, while eating: Dulc.
amel.: Alumn.. arg-n., cact., dire, occiput: Calc-ph., chel.,
gels., indg.
eup-per., ferr., meny.,
phos-ac, i-
phys., palate: Nat-m.
stann., verat. ' .

pulsating: Agar., shoulder: Lyc.

ars., bell., bry., canth
temples: Carb-v., caust.,
cham., chel
hipp., kalm., phos.
reading, while: throat:
Carb-v. helon., lyc.
lyssin, nat-m.
zygoma: Phos.
rising from a seat: Cob.
Vertex and Forehead: Acet-ac, acou.,

PAIN, vertex and forehead. PAIN, boring.
all-c, aloe, anibr. ,
anac, aiit-c, ant-t.,
bed, in: Mag-s.
arg-n., bar-ac, bell., berb., bor., bry., bufo,
calc, cann-i., carb-aii., cast., caust., cinnb., night: Am-e, arg-n., carb-v., clem., dulc.,
corn., crot-t., dig., dies., glon., graph., sulph.
grat., hydr-ac, ign., indg.,
helon., liura,
midnight: Dulc.
mang., meny.,
kali-bi., laur., lyssin, niag-c,
air, cold, amel.: Phos., thuj.
mere, mez., mosch., inur-ac, myric, naja,
nat-c. ,
nat-ni., nat-ph., nux-v., ol-an., ol-j., bed, in warm, agg.: Arg-n.
ox-ac, phel., ptel., puis., rhus-r., sep., sil.,
bending back agg. : Aur., mang.
sol-n., stann., valer., zinc.
chilliness, during: Sang.
biting: Arg-m., bar-c, carb-v., cham., grat.,
kali-bi., kali-i., lye, mez. phel., ran-sc, coffee, after: Nux-v.
rhodo., secale. cooling of head agg. : Carb-an.
rubbing agg. : Staph. coughing agg. : Aur.
scratching amel. : Grat. dinner, after: Zinc.
blows, as from: ^th., alum., ant-t, arn., bov., during: Am-c.
caust., chel., hell., indg., led., mang.,
eating, after: Nux-v.
uat-m., nux-v., olnd., phos-ac, plat., ran-b.
ruta, sabad., spig., sul-ac, valer., zinc. eyes, closing the, amel. : Sep.

back of head and neck, on: Cann-i. heat and cold agg. : Grat.

Forehead, on, avrakens at i a. m.: Psor. of the face, with: Puis,

Occiput, on: Hell. laying forehead on table amel. : Ang.

Vertex, stupefying pain, as from a blow light agg.: Nux-v.

on: Valer.
menses, during: Calc, mag-c, sep.
boring, digging, screwing: Act-sp., agar.,
mental exertion, from: Nux-v.
am-c, am-m., anac, ang., arg-n., ant-c,
ant-t., aur., bar-c, bell., bism., bor., bov., motion agg. : Hepar, sep.
bry., cadm., calc, camph., cann-s., canth., even of talking: Dulc.
carb-an., caust., cham., chin., chin-s., cimic ,
amel. : Calc-ac.
clem., cocc, colch., coloc, dros., dulc,
graph., hell., hep., hipp., hyper., ign., indg., n oise agg. : Nux-v.
ip., kali-c, kali-i., lach., laur., led., lye,
pressure agg. : Bell.
mag-c, niag-m., mang., mere, mez.,
mosch., mur-ac, nat-m., nat-s., nit-ae, amel.: Hell., ip., sep.

nux-v., olnd., ol-an., op., pseon., petr., rest amel. : Sep.

phel., phos., phos-ac. ,
plat., puis., ran-sc.
Thodo., rhus-t., ruta, sabad., sabin., samb., rising up agg: Mang.
seneg., sep., sil., spig., squil., stann., staph.,
rubbing, on: Ol-an.
stram., sulph., tabac, thuj., valer., zinc.
sitting, while: Agar.
morning: Arg-n., camph., cham., dios.,
hep., hyper., lyssin, nice, nux-v. stooping, on: Hep., mere, sep.
waking, after: Apis, arg-m., arum-t., aur.,
amel.; rising up or bending backward
mez. agg.: Mang.
afternoon: Aloe, niag-s., nice, sang., sep.
twisting, screwing pain from right side of
evening: Aloe, arg-n., coloc, hipp., mag-c, head to both temples; after going to bed,
mag-m., nat-s., plant., puis., sep., zin^. spreading over whole head; returns daily;
amel.: Nux-v. after a walk, on entering a room: Sabad.

PAIN, boring. Pain, bonng, forehead.

waking, on: Cham. eyes, over: Arg-n., asaf., aster.. Bell.,

cimic, colch., cup-ar., dulc, ip., laur.,
amel. by sleep when sufficient: Sep.
led., lyc, mag-s., ol-an.
walking, while: Bufo, coloc.
right: Colch.
writing, while: Dros.
left: Arg-n., cimic, cupr-ar., lyc.
extending to nose: Phos.
forenoon, lo a. m.: Cimic.
from within out: Dulc, puis., sep.,
afternoon: Sang.

anac, evening in bed: Mag-s.

Poreh.ead: Agar., am-m. ,
ant-t., apis, arg-m., arg-n., aur., aur-m-n., walking, while: Aur-m-n.
bar-c, bell.., bism., brom., bry., calad.,
nose, above: Bism., coloc, hep., nat-m.,
calc, carb-v., chel., chin., chin-s., cimic,
colcli., cycl., dios., dros., dulc,
hell., hep., hydr-ac, ign., ip., iris, kali-c, sides of: Arg-m., arg-n., aur., aur-m-n.,
laur., led., mag-m., mang., mere, mez., brom., cimic, colch., coloc, led., mez..
mosch., nat-m., nat-s., nice, ol-an., phel., nat-s., pttls., spong.

phos., plat., psor., puis., ruta, sabad.,

right: Puis.
sabin., sang., sep., sit., spig., squil.,
sulph., zinc. left: Arg-m., brom.

morning: Bell., calc, dios. ,

sulph. morning: Bell., staph.

waking, on: Bell., bry. 8 a. m. : Bor.

evening: Calc, nat-s. evening: Arg-m.

night: Carb-v., sulph. motion agg. : Arg-n.

air, open, agg. : Calc. walking in open air, after: Calc.
chilliness, during: Sang, extending to nape: Arg-n.
eating, after, agg.: Bism.
Occiput: Agar., gels., hell., mere, mez.
intermittent: Arg-m. mosch., nat-m., nal-s., nice, ol-an
phos-ac, plant., ran-sc, sabin.,
motion agg. : Dulc. spig!' '
.stann., stront., zinc.

outward: Ant-c, bell., bism., bov., dros., afternoon: Nice.

dulc, ip., Sep., spig., spong., staph.
evening: Zinc.
pressure agg. : Calc.
intense pain, as if a bolt
had been driven
reading, while: Led. from neck to vertex, agg. each
throb of
stooping agg. : Calc. heart: Cimic.

walking, while: Coloc. spot: Stront.

in open air, after: sides of: Arg-m., aur-m-n.,

Calc. ol-an.. sabin
agg.: Sul-ac.
night: Stront.
writing, while: Dros.
Sides: Agar., ang., arg-n.,
extending to nose: Mang. ariim-t. aur
aur-m-n., bov., bry.,
chin., coloc,
inward: Bell., calc, cocc, kali-c. eup-pur., hep., iris,
kali-i., laur
mag-c, mag-m., mag-s., '

eminence, frontal: Ara-c, ant-t.,

mang-m. mez"
arg-m., nat-m., nat-s., puis.,
bell., led., 6\.-a.n., stann., zinc
plant., sabad.
left: Arg-n. coloc.

PAIN, boring, sides.
PAIN, boring, temples,
left: Chill., cop., niag-s., iiat-s. tearing: Rhodo.
morning: Aruni-t., aur. extending to head: Hep.
S a. ni. : Arg-n. outwards: Ant-c.
afternoon: Mag-s. to zygoma: Carb-an.
evening: Mag-ni., zinc.
Vertex: Agar., ang., arg-n., bar-c, bell.,
changing to stitching: Bell, caust., chel., chin., cimic, colch ,
lach led., mag-s., mosch., mur-ac,
bending head backward: Aur. ,

nit-ac, olnd., phos., phos-ac, puis.,

coughing agg. : Aur. samb., spig., sulph.
dinner, after: Zinc, outward: Spig., staph.
outward: Bell, spots, in: Bor., colch., sulph.

spots, in: Hep. bruised: Aeon., agar., alum., alumn ,

violent: Arg-n. aiiac, ang., arg-m., am., ars., aur., bapl.,
bell., benz-ac, bov., camph., cauth., caps.,
Temples Aeon., agar., aloe, alum., alumn.,
caust, cham., chin., cimic, cob., cofT.,
ang., ant-c, apis, arg-n., ars., aur-m-n., con., cupr., euph., euphr., gels., glon.,
bar-c, bell., bov., bufo, calad., calc, graph., gymn., hell., hipp., ign., ind., iod.,
camph., carb-an., carb-v., cham., clem,
Ip,, kali-n., lac-d., lach., led., mane, mere,
coloc, cycl., dulc, grat., hep.,
dios., mur-ac, nat-c, nice, nttx-v., op., phos.,
ip., kali-i., led., mag-m., mang., mez., plant., plat., puis., rat., rhodo., rhus-t.,
mur-ac, nat-s., ol-an., ^dton., phos., phos- ruta, staph., sulph., sul-ac, tarent., tereb.,
ac, psor., ptel., rhodo., sep., sil., stann., thuj., verat., zinc.
stram., sulph., thuj.
daytime: Phys.
right: Bell., coloc, hep., ptel.
morning: Aur., cob., con., gymn. hyper.
left: Arg-n., calc, rhodo. ind., mere, nice, nux-v., plg.nt.

daytime: Stann. rising, on: Ars.

morning: Apis, camph. cham., lyssin. waking on: Ign., plant., tarent.
mez. noon: Plant,
waking, on: Apis, afternoon: Nice, phos.
forenoon: Alumn. evening: Bov., euphr., graph., mag-c.
noon: Afg-n. night: Cob.
afternoon: Aloe, nat-s. air, cold, agg.: Thuj.

5 p. m. : Nat-s. open, amel.: Aug., ip.

evening: Aloe, alum., coloc, plant. bed, on going to: Plant,

ID p. m.: Arg-n. in: Aur.
bending backward agg. : Mang. brain would be dashed to pieces, as if, morn-
cold agg. : Grat. ing on waking, on rising pain goes off
and is converted into toothache, after-
coughing, on: Kali-bi.
wards passes into small of back Ign. :

heat agg. : Grat.

coughing, while: Mur-ac, spig., sulph
menses, before: Ant-c. tarent., verat., zinc.

pressure amel.: Calad., ip.

crushed, as if, shattered, beaten to pieces

during: Dulc. Aeon seth., ars., aur., bov., camph

rest, ,

1 80
PAIN, bruised. PAIIT, bruised.
Cham., chiu., coff., eiiphr., graph., hell., Forehead: Ang., ant-t, arn., ars., bapt.,
ign., ip., mere, mur-ac, mix-v., phos., carb-an., cob., coff., euph., gels., glon.,
puis., rhus-t., Sep., stront, sul-ac, verat. hep., hipp., indg., iod., lach., lil-t.,

mag-s., nierc-i-f.. nat-m., plant., plat.,

dinner amel. : Rumx.
Puis., ran-b., rumx., sol-n., stann., sul-ac,
eyes, on moving to affected side: Con. thuj.

or opening: Chin. morning: Cob., hep.

shutting, amel. : Plant. waking, on: Hep.
turning, on: Cupr., mur-ac. forenoon jMag-s.

heat in head, with: Hell, midnight, till morning: Hep.

lying down agg. : Aur., crot-h. breaking sensation after dinner: Nat-s.
amel. : Alum. motion agg.: Hep.
painless side, on, amel.: Nnx-V., plant,
sleep amel.: Thuj.
menses, during: Gels., mag-c. surface of brain, as if on: Phos-ac.
mental effort, from: Anac, aur., chin.
violent blow, as after: Arn., chel., sol-n.,
reading, etc., agg.: Aur. sul-ac.

motion agg.: Caps., chin., rumx., tell. waking, on: Hep., thuj.
moderate exercise amel. : Mur-ac. eminence, frontal, in: Arn., lach., plant.

paroxysmal : Verat. eyes, above: Canu-i., gels., plant., sil.

pressure agg. : Cop., hell, opening eyes agg. : Sil.

rest agg. : Aur. nose, above: Carb-an.

rising amel. Nux-v.


Occiput: JEsc-h., agar., alum., bapt.,

rubbing amel. temporarily: Ars. calc-ac, cann-i., chel., cic, coff., crot-h.,
euph., gins., grat., hell., indg., merc-i-f.,
sitting up in bed agg. : Mur-ac.
mez., nice, nit-ac, Nux-V., phyto., plant.,
spots: Rat. Sep., spig., tarent., zinc.

stepping or jarring, from: Phyto. coughing, on: Tarent.

stooping, when: Aug., hell., nice, rumx. crushed! as if: Graph.
sun, from exposure to: Mane, stooping: Hell.
talking, while: Aur. extending to temples: Tarent.
touch, on: Caust. occipital protuberance: Dig.
waking, when: Ind., plant., tarent. side of: Caust., grat.
walking, while: Caps.
Sides : Ars., benz-ae, bo v., chin., con.,
writing, while: Aur. crot-h., grat., kali-i., laur., mang-c,
merc-i-f., nit-ae, nux-v., plant.,
extending to root of tongue: plat.,
Ip. rat., sil., sulph.
Brain, in: Anac, am., aur., Chin., coff., right: Merc-i-f., nit-ae, plat.
Gels., glon., )x^\\.,ign., ind., iod.,
ip., mere, mur-ac, nat-m., nux-v., left: Laur., sulph.
phys., phyto., plant., rnmx., morning: Ars.
stann., tell!

paroxysmal: Verat. forenoon: Bov., mag-c.

lying on painful side amel. : Plant.

PAIN, bruised, sides.
PAIN, Inirning.
motion agg.: Chin. phel., Phos., pho,s-ac., phys., plat., plb.,
spots, in: Tlat. psor., rhodo., rhus-t., robin., sabad., sang.,
seeale, sep., sil., spig., stann., staph.,
turning eyes toward painful side: Con.
stront., sulph., sul-ac, tabac, tarax.,
wandering: Ind. tarent., taxus, verat., verat-v., zinc-s.

extending to ear: Grat. (Compare " Heat.")

eyes: Crot-h. morning: Arn., canth., ^Qi\\.,mix-v., phos.,
teeth: Crot-h. phys.

waking, on: Coc-c.

Temple: Atrop., cob., grat., hasm., nice,
phos-ac, phys., plant., rhus-(., tarenl.. noon: Sulph.
Verb. afternoon: Canth., fago.
right: Cop., nice,
evening: Am-c., mere-i-r., phys.
daytime: Phys.
bed, in: Carb-v., mere, nat-e.
morning: Cob., plant, night: Arn., lye, mere, sil.

forenoon: Nice,
air, open, in, amel.: Mang., myric.
evening: Rhus-t. alternating with pain: Brom.
night: Cop.
brain were on fire, as if: Hydr-ac.
coughing, on: Tarent. chilliness, with: Ant-t., kali-c, sil.

Vertex: Bov., bry., chel., gamb., glon., climacteric, during the: Lach.
hell., hyper., ind., iod., lach., mag-c, contracting: Bism.
nice, olnd., petr., phos-ac, phyto., sep.,
sil., thuj. dinner, after: Alum., grat.

morning: Hyper, hot iron around head, as from; or hot water

in: Acon.
forenoon: Nice,
light agg. : Glon.
afternoon: Nice,
lying on back, while: Agar.
air, cold, amel. : Thuj.
amel. : Canth.
open, amel.: Gamb.
in bed agg. : Merc.
cough, during: Kali-c.
menses, during: Nat-m.
menses, during: Mag-c.
mental eiForts, from: Sil.
pressure amel-. : Hell,
employment amel. : Helon.
pulsating: Caust.
motion agg.: Apis, arn.
spots, in: Caust., vine.
amel.: Helon.
burning: Acon., agar., ail., am-c, ant-t.,
pressing: Mang.
apis, arg-m., arg-n., am., ars., arum-t.,
aur., aur-s., bar-c, bell., berb., bism. ,
bov., pressure of hand amel. : Apis,

bry., calc, cale-a., canth., carb-an., carb-v., rest amel. : Arn.

canst., ehel., chin., cocc, coff., coloe.,
crot-t., eupr. dig., dros., dulc, eugen., rest of body cool: Am.

glon., graph., hell., helon., ip., kali-bi., room, on entering from air: Caust.
kali-c., krcos., lacliu., lact. lil-t., lith.,
rubbing amel. : Phos.
mane., mang., med., mere, Mez., mur-ac.,
nat-s., nit-ac, nux-j., nux-v., par., petr.. scratching, after: 01-an., par.


PAIN, burning. PAIN, burning, forehead.

sitting, while: Canth., phos. touched, when: Ip., nat-m.

upright amel.: Merc, waking, on: Nux-v.

sneezing amel. : Lil-t. eyes, over: Aeon., agar., chel., meny.,

nux-m., sil., sulpli.

spots, in: Ars. ,
glou., graph., nit-ac, raph.
afternoon: Sulph.
standing, while: Canth.
evening: Chel.
stooping agg. : Apis,
sides of: Aur., caust, coloc, fl-ac, mere,
tearing: Merc,
phos-ac, Spig.
touched, when: Ip., nat-m.
Occiput: ^sc, agar., apis, aur., aur-m.,
vomiting, after: Nat-s. cupr., gels., indg., kali-c. ,
kali-n., lye,
mag-m., med., nat-c. phos., pic-ae,
amel.: Eugen. ,

rhus-t., Sep., spong., staph., sulph.

walking, while: Rhus-t.
Sides of head: Bapt., bar-e, bell., cale,
amel.: Canth.
canth., mang., Phos.
wrapping head up warmly amel. : SU.
Temples: Alum., am-m., apis, aur., bar-c,
Brain: Aeon., arn., bell., canth., glon., cale, cann-i., carb-an., caust., chel",
phos., verat. cimic. ,
cinnb., coloe., con., crot-t., cupr.,
mere., nit-ae, phel., phos., phyto., plat.,
Forehead: Aeon., alum., am-c, ant-t.,
rhus-t., sabad., sars., spig., staph., verb.,
ars., aur., aur-m., bell., bism., bry.,
carb-an., carb-v., caust., cham. ,
chin., coloc, conv., crot-t., cupr., dulc. right: Alum., aur., bar-e, carb-an.,
eup-per., glon., grat., hyos., ip., kali-c, caust., cimic. ,
con., rhus-t., viol-t.
Kali-i., lil-t., lye, lyssin, mag-m., mang.,
left: Am-m., chel., cupr., mere, nit-ae,
meny., mere, merc-i-r., mez., mur-ac,
plat., sabad., sars., spig., staph., verb.
nat-c, nat-m., nux-m., nux-v., ox-ac,
phos., phys., podo., psor., rhus-t., rhus-v., extending to cheek: Mez.
sabad., secale, spig., stann., staph., Vertex: Agar., arn., ars., aur., bapt., bry.,
stront., sul-ac, tarent., teucr., ther., ealc., cale-ph., earb-v., caust., chin-s.,
coc-e, con., cupr., dulc, glon., graph.,
right: Coloc, Spig. helon., hyper., lach., merl., nat-m., nat-s.,
phos., phos-ac, podo., rau-sc, raph.,
left: Spig.
sabad., sep., stann., sulph., viol-t., zinc.
morning: Phos., phys.
morning: Coc-c.
evening: Nat-c.
waking, on: Coc-c.
bed, in: Nat-c.
noon: Sulph.
night: Lye, mere.
chilly, when: Caust.
air, open amel.: Alum., stann.
menopause, during: Lach.
cold hand amel. : Carb-ac.
menses, during: Lach., nat-m., phos.,
dinner, after: Alum., grat. sulph.
eating, after: Nux-v. rubbing amel. : Phos.
room, on entering: Caust. spots, in: Am., ars., graph., raph.
scratching, after: Laur. transient: Nat-c.
sitting, while: Alum, extending to temples: Phos.
.standing, while: Alum. burrowing: Agar., ant-t., bar-ac. cham.

PAIN, bursting.
clem., coc-c, colcli., eupi., hep.,
mag-m., /err., gent., Glon., graph.,
phos., rat., samb., spig., scjuil., til. gymn., ham.,
hep., hydr., ign., kali-bi.,
kali-c, kali-n.,
morning: Agar., hepar. kalm., kreos., lach., lachu., lac-ac, lye,
lyssin, mag-m., mere, mez., mil mcsch,,'
rising, after: Bar-ac, junc, squil.

naja, nat-c, Nat-m., uat-s.,

nice, nit-ac,
afternoon: Ant t. nux-m., olnd., op., petr., phos.,
phys., pic-ac, prun., psor., ptel.,
night: Agar. puis., rat.,
rhus-t., sabad., sang., sep., sil.,
sol-n., spig.,
air, in open: Agar., rat. sPong., stann., stront., sulph., sul-ac, thuj.,
bending head amel. : Hep. verat., zinc

dinner, after: Agar. (Compare "Enlarged," " Fullness," " Pres-

sure," " Pulsation.")
lying amel.: June, spig.
daytime: Sulph.
motion and noise agg. : Spig.
morning: Am-m., dios., ham., lach., lac-c,
walking in open air: Agar.
extending to nose: Phos.
beginning in and gradually increasing till
Forehead: Agar., bar-ac, Cham., coc-c, evening:. Bry., sang., sep.
dulc, eupi., mag-m., plat., spig. first opening the eyes, on : Bry.
left: Agar. waking, on: Cham., con., hydr., nux-v.
morning: Bar-ac, squil. evening: Caps., clem., haem., rat.
rising, on: Bar-ac, squil.
night: Hep.
above the: Dulc. agg.: Cact., carb-an., cedr.
eye, over, while walking: Plat. waking him: Hep.-
sides of: Agar., clem., ol-an. air, open, in: Bell.,
extending to mouth: Eupi. amel.: Kali-b.
Occiput: A.ga.T., spig. binding up head amel. : Lac-d., mag-m.
left: Agar. calvarium were being lifted, as if: Cann-i.
lying amel.: Spig.
coughing, on: Bell., Bry., calc, cact., Caps.,
Sides: Agar., carls., clem., phos., rat. chin., coc-c, dios., hep., hydr., kali-bi.,
forenoon: Agar. lac-ac, mere, nat-m., nus-v., phos.,
phos-ac., puis., rumx., sep., sil., spig.,
air, open: Rat.
spong., staph., sulph.
walking in open air: Agar. day, every: Sulph.
extending to occiput: Clem. eating, after: Graph., nat-s. , nux-v.

Temples: Agar., bar-ac, cham., clem, dinner, after: Kali-bi.

midnight: Agar, eyes, on moving, agg.: Chin., ptel.,/?</^.

dinner, after: Agar. on opening, amel. : Chin.

bursting: ^sc, alum., am-c, am-in., ant-c, fever, with: .<Esc., bell.
apis, arg-n., ars-m., asaf., asar., aster., bapt., fly to pieces, as would:
if Arg-n., asaf.,
bar-c, Bell., berb., bov., brom., Bry., bar-c, carb-an., caust., graph., hep.
calad., Calc, cann-s., caps., carb-an., caust.,
influenza, during: Naja.
cham ,
chel.. Chin., cimic, clem., cob.,
coc-c, cofF., con., dig., dios., dol., euph., jar, from any: Bell, chin., sil.

PAIN, bursting. PAIN, bursting, forehead.

l3'ing down aniel.: Kali-bi., lac/i., mag-m., bandaging amel.: Lac-d.

coughing, on: Nat-m., staph., stict.

or resting ahead amel. Kali-bi.

eating, after: Am-c, graph,
menses, during: Berb., bry., calc, glon., menses, during: Lye, nat-m.
lye, nat-m., sang., sep.
extending to nose: Diilc.
instead of: Nux-m.
eyes, over: Kali-bi., mag-m.
mental labor, from: Arg-n., ptel.
Occiput: Aloe, calc, carb-v., gels., lack.,
reading or writing amel. : Ign.
nux-m., op., spig., spong., staph., zinc.
motion, from: Caps., chin., coff., kali-bi.,
extending to top of head, is so severe she
lyssin, mag-m., rhus-t., sep., sol-n.
thinks head will burst and she will go
continued hard motion amel. : Sep. crazy: Calc.
press with hands, must: Carb-an., glon., over head, beginning in upper cervical
mag-m. region, causing bursting pain in fore-
resting head amel. : Kali-bi. head and eyeballs; agg. lo a. m.
while lying, nausea, cold sweat and
rubbing amel. : Phos.
cold feet: Gels.
sitting, while: Phos.
Sides: Asar., brom., nice, puis., zinc.
bent over, while: Rat.
menses, during: Glon., lach.
sleep amel. : Sang.
standing, while: Zinc.
split open with a wedge, as if: L,achn.
Temples: Apis, Bell., brom., cact., chin-s.,
stool, after: Rat. cimic, cina. glon., hell., ign., ind., ip.,
kalm., lach., lil-t., sang sol-u., staph.
stooping, while: Ham., hep., hydr. kali-bi. ,

lyssin, nat-m., ptel., sep., strych, right: Bell.

talking aloud, while: Ign. coughing, on: Cina.

turning, after: I,y.ssin. walking in open air, while: Sang.

waking, on: Cham., chin., con., ham., hydr., Vertex: Am-m., bapt, calc, carb-au.,
nux-v. cimic, ferr., gra.^h.., lac-ae, nal-s., nit-ac,
walking, while: Caps., kali-bi., stront. sil., spig., spong., stront., xanth.

in open air amel. : Sang. morning: Am-m.

weather, wet, agg. : Carb-an. afternoon, while walking: Stront.

weeks, every six: Mag-m. blown off, as if: Cham.

Brain would burst coughing, on: Sanic.

out, as if: Alum., con.,
glon., sol-n., verat. fly off, as if would : Cimic.

Forehead: Am-c, ant-c.,arj., bar-c, bell., forced asunder, as if: Kali-i., lac-d.,
calad., calc, caps., chin-s., dulc, ferr., nux-v.
gels., glon., graph., hell., hydr., indg., waking, while: Stront.
kali-c.,kali-n., lac-c, lac-d., lye, mag-m.,
mere, nat-c, nat-m., nat-s., nux-v. o/wrf.
cleaving. (See "cutting " and "darting.")

Puis., rat.,
ruta, sang., sep., sil., sol-n., come off, pain as if top of head would: Bapt.,
spig., spong., staph., sulph., ustil.,
zinc, cham., cob., cupr-s., sang.
morning: Sulph. jar, at every: Cob.
evening: Ruta.
(Compare "bursting," "pressure.")


PAIN. PAIN, cutting.
cratiiping: Aeon., anibr., am-jii., aiiac, ang.,
ant-t., ars., asaf., chIc., carb-v., cina, colch., closing eyes amel.: Til.

coloc, croc, eugeii., gels., ign., kali-c, cold applications amel.: Til.
mag-m., niez., uit-ac ,
nux-v., olnd., petr.,
coughing, when: Bell., ziz,
phos-ac, plat., p.sor., raii-sc, rheiJiii, sep.,
squil., stann., teiicr., lluij., verb., zinc. exertion, on: Ambr., til.

morning, early, after rising: Mag-c. heat amel. : Lack.

nibbing forehead aniel.: Thuj. knife, as with a: Alum., arg-n., arn., bell.,
cocc, kali-bi., lach., mag-c, mag-s.,
suppressed catarrh, from: Aeon.
study and exertion, from, after ague: Gels.
followed by sensation of coldness: Am.
vexation, after: Mag-c.
lying amel. : Ambj
extending to malar bone: Bell.
menses, after: Nat-m.
Forehead: ^th., bell., croc, ign., plat.
motion agg.: Chin ,

above root of nose: Arn., bell.

of eyes agg.: Dros.
as if would lose senses: Aco7i., ign.
nose, after blowing: Sep.
Occiput: Ani-m., dios.
rest agg. : Cupr.
small spot, in: Am-m.
amel.: Til.
Sides: Bell., phos., sars., thuj.
sleep amel. : Stram.
right: Bell.
split by a wedge, as if, body icy cold, thirst:
left: Phos., thuj. Lachn.
cold, crampy: Phos. standing, while: Agar.

Temples : Agar ,
calc, cann-s., cina, indg., stepping agg. : Ambr.
kali-c, nat-m., petr., plat., sil., verb., stooping, on: Chin., dros., nice.
storm, before: Sil.
right: Nat-m.
supporting head on hands amel.: Dios.,
left: Agar., indg., kali-c, silic.
tickling, with: Cann-s.
thinking of it amel. : Cic.
extending into teeth: Nat-m.
vexation, after: Mag-c.
cutting, darting, stabbing: Agar., ail., alum., walking agg. : Calc.
ambr., apis, arg-m., am., aur., bell., bism.,
cadm-s., calc, camph., cann-s., canth., caps., amel. : Caps ,

carb-an., carb-v., caust., chel., chin., cina, Forehead: Aeon., assc, agar., arg-n., bell.,
cinnb., con., croc, dros., ferr., glon., hell., bism., calc, camph caust., cinnb., coc-c, ,

hep., iris, kali-bi., kali-chl., kali-i., kreos., con., cycl., dios., dros ,
kali-bi., lack.,
lack., lye, mag-c ,
mere, mosch., mur-ac, mag-c, mang., nat-m., podo., sabin.,
nat-m., nit-ac, par., petr., psor., puis., sep., seneg., sep., stann., tereb., Valer.
sil., staph., til., verat.
air, open, agg. : Kali-bi.

afternoon: Nat-ph., ptel. blowing nose, on: Sep.

evening: Bell. coughing, on: Hyos,, ziz.

air, open, agg. : Nat-m. knife, as with: Lack., mang., nat-m.,

sabin., tereb.
brain were cat to pieces, on stooping, as if:

Nice menses, during: Apis.

PAIN, cutting, forehead. PAIN.
motion agg. Aeon.,: arn., lacli. digging. (See " boring ")

pulsating: Aeon. seth., agar., ail., ang., alum.,

drawing: Acoji.,
apis, aran., arg-m.,
ambr., am-c, ant-t.,
standing, while: Agar.
arg-n., ars., asar., aur., aur-m., bapt.,
stooping, when: Caust. bell., berb., bism., bor., bov., bry., calc,

camph., canth., caps., carb-an.,

walking agg. : Calc. calc-ph.,
carb-v., causL, Cham., Chin., cimx.,
extending to occiput: Bell-, bism. cupr.,
cina, coff., coloc, con., croc,
right to left: ^sc. cycl., dulc, eugen., eupi., ferr., gels., glon.,
gran., graph., guaj., hell., hipp., hydr., ip.,
eye, above right: Bism.
kali-c, kali-i., kreos., lach., lil-t., lyc,
nose, above root of: Led. mag-c, mang., meny., Mere, mez., mosch.,
Occiput: Ail., bell., calc, caps.,c\m\.., con., nat c, nat-m., nit-ac, Nux-V., ol-an., petr.,
glon., mur-ac., nat-m., sars. phos., plat., plb., puis., ran-sc, rheum,
rhodo., rhus-t., ruta., sabad., sabin., seneg.,
knife, as with a: Con., nat-m. stront.,
Sep., sil., squil., staun., staph.,
motion agg. : Chin. Sulph., sul-ac, thuj., til., valer., verat.,

pulsating: Con. zinc, zing.

stooping agg.: Chin. morning: Agar., ang., dros., hell., kali-bi.,

mag-c, mez., petr., sulph., zinc.

extending to eyes: Chin.
rising, on: Nat-m.
Sides of head: Arg-n., am., aur., bell.,

cic, eoc-c, iris, kali-bi., lach., mang., waking, on, passes off on rising: Am-c.
nat-m., nat-ph., rumx. noon amel. : Bry.
coughing on: Mang. afternoon: Agar., ant-t., dulc, gins.,

knife, as with a: Arn. verat-v., zing.

pressure, on: .^sc. evening: All-c, aloe, ang., bov., cast.,

erot-h., graph., hipp., kali-n., ol-an.,

Temples: Aeon., agar., ail., alum., apoc.,
phos., ran-b., stront., valer., zinc.
arg-n. ,
arum-t., bapt., bar-ac, bell., calc,
camph., canth., chel., chin., eimic., coc-c., amel. in: Coloc.
coloc, croc., cycl., dios., eup-per., euphr., night: Kali-c, nat-m., phos., rhus-t.
glon., graph., guaj., hydr., iris, kali-bi.,
air, cold, agg. : Caust.
kali-i., lae-e., laeh., lye, mag-c, nat-ph.,
nit-ac, phos., phos-ac, ptel.,/?^/.?., rhus-t., open, in: Con., grat., mang., plect.
sang., stram., stront., sulph., verb.,
amel.: Asar., hell., olnd.
bed, in: Agar., hell hipp.
right: Apoc, ptel., stram., verb,

warm amel. : Caust.

left: Bar-ac, coloc, guaj., kali-i.

knife, as with a: Cycl., ferr., lach., stram.

breath, when holding, agg.: Agar,

chewing, while: Sulph.

during difficult stool: Lyc.
pressure agg.
chilliness, during: Eupi glon.
: Verb, ,

extending to eyes: Berb. church, while in: Zinc,

jaw: Glon. cold applications amel. : Til.

temple to temple: Bell., chin., sulph. damp weather amel.: Caust.

dinner, after: Bell., nat-c, phos.

Vertex: Aeon., bell., con., lach., nat-m.,
senec, Thuj., verat. draught of air, from: Til , valer.

PAIN, drawing.
PAIN, drawing.
eating, during: Dulc.
walking, while, Chel., coloc.
after: Ant-t., bell., cina, crot-h., mill., warmth amel.: vSlront.
nat-c, phos.
of bed amel.: Caust.
amel.: Con., sulph.
extending to eyes: Nit-ac.
eyes, on closing: Sabad.
face: Ant-t., aran., graph.,
amel : Til.
forward: Carb-v.
liat, pressure of: Carb-v.
here and there: Anibr.,
head, on moving: Cact., staph. ip., mosch.,
resting high on pillows, amel.:
Gels, nose: Ant-t.
heat of sun amel.: Stront.
occiput: Gran.
heated, when: Carb-v.
spine: Kali-n., 7nosch., thuj.
house, on entering, amel.: Mang.,
plect. temples: Asar.
lying down amel. : Asar.
Forehead: Aeon., Agar., all-c, am-c,
menses, during; Berb., mag-c, sang.
anac, ang., ant-c, ant-t., arg-n., ars\
asaf., asar., aur-m., aur-m-n., bad.,
mental exertion, from: Calc-ac, cina, coff.,
bell., benz-ac, bor., bry., calc, cann-i.,
cann-s., canth., ca/j. , carb-v. cast., caust.,
motion agg. Arg-u., bism., tabac, chel., chin.,
til. cic, cina, clem., colch.,
nausea during: Croc, coloc, con., croc, cycL, dulc, eupi.,
ferr., gins., graph., guaj., hell., hipp.,
paroxysms: Thuj.
ign., kali-c, kali-n., lact., laur., led.,
periosteum, as if in: Me}'c., merc-c.
lil-t., lye, mag-c, mang., meny., Merc,
mez., mosch., 7iat-c, nat-m., nat-s., nit-ac,
preceded by drawing in armpit: Petr.
Nux-V., petr., phos., plat., psor.. puis.,
pressure agg. : Cina. ran-b., rat., rheum, rhodo., ruta, sabad.,
sabin., selen., seneg., sep., sil., squil.,
amel.: Chin,
stann., staph., stront., sulph., tarax.,
rest, while at: Arg-m., bell., eupi. tereb., thuj., valer., verb., viol-o., zinc,

amel.: Arg-u., zing.


rising, when: Bry., coloc, nat-m. right: Caps., meny., nit-ac, ruta, sabin.,
round the head: Bov., carb-v.
left: Asaf., bar-c, cina, clem., colch.,
sitting, while: Arg-m., chin., meny., coloc, cycl., dulc, rhodo., verb.,
mur-ac, squil. viol-o.

sneezing, frequent, amel. : I^il-t. morning: Agar., am-c, mez., nat-m.

standing, while: Agar., mag-c. waking on: Agar., am-c.
amel.: Tarax. forenoon: Kali-c, mag-c, sulph., thuj.
stooping low, on: Ign. noon: Petr., zing,
stretching agg. : Agar. afternoon, 2 p. m.: Verat.
stripes, as if, in: Arg-n. evening: Graph., kali-n.
swallowing, on; Mag-c. night: Nat m.
touch, on: Con. midnight: Kali-c.
waking, when: Agar. alternating with pain in wrist: Sulph.

PAIN, drawing, forehead. PAIN, drawing, occiput.

dinner, after: Phos. noon aniel. : Bry.

exertion, during: Zinc. afternoon: Agar,

lying, while: Nat-m. evening in bed: Graph,

menses, during: Mag-c. bed, in: Agar., graph,

rising, after: Coloc. bending head backward amel. : Cact.

sitting, while: Aur-m-n. chewing, while: Sulph.

standing, while: Agar. , eating, after: Ant-t.

walking, while: Arg-n. mental exertion: Calc-ar.

wandering: Chel. motion of head: Cact., staph,

wine agg. : Rhodo. pressure amel. : Chin,

worm, as if a, crept through: Sulph. rest, during: Arg-m.

extending to eyes: Agar., cann-i., glon., sitting, while: Chin., meny., squil.
hep., kali-c, lil-t.
swallowing: Mag-c.
lower jaw: Nat-m.
walking amel. : Chin,
neck: Kali-n., moscli., viol-t.
wandering: Mez.
no.se: Agar., glon., kali-c, nux-v.
extending to ears: Bar-c, cann-s.
occiput: Sep.
forehead: Chel., chin,
eyes, above: Agar., asaf., bry., calc-ac,
cami-i., carb-an.,
neck, before going to sleep: Bry.
chel., colch., con.,
ign., nat-m., nit-ac, puis., seneg., nape of: Merc, nat-c, plect., sulph.
sulph., thuj., zinc.
nose: Corn.
right: Ign.
upper cervical region and shoulders,
left: Nat-m., thuj. amel. resting head high on pillow,
feel as if projecting, with sensation as with eyes half closed; sleepy: Gels.
if a thread
were tightly drawn upward from nape: Ambr., carb-v.,
through eyeball and backward into ferr.
middle of brain, sight weak: Par.
sides of: Alum., aur-m-n carb-v., chel., ,

nose, above root of: Aeon., agar., asar., chin., fl-ac, kali-s., kali-n., laur., mez.,
carb-v., hep., mere, nat-m., rheum, nat-s., phos sep., thuj., zinc.

left: Carb-v., chel.
Occiput: Agar., ambr., anac, ant., arg-m.,
forenoon: Ahim., sulph.
arg-n., Am., asaf., aur-m-n., bell., Bry.,
cact., calad., calc., calc-ac, calc-ph., alternating with similar sensation in the
cann-s., carb-v., caust., chel., cocc, coc-c, ball of thumb: Arg-m.
coloc. corn cycl dros ferr. gels.
, . , . ,
bending head backward amel.: Chin,
glon., graph., guaj., kali-bi., kali-c,
mag-c, niang., meny., mere, mill., cramp like: Kali-n., sulph.
mosch., mur-ac, nat-c, nat-s., nux-v.,
phos., phos-ac, plat., plect., puis.,
drawn back, as if head would be: Nat-c.
raph., rhod., rhus-t., sabin., selen., paroxysmal: Rhodo.
spig., squil., staph., sulph.,
valer., zinc. pressive: Chin., spig.
morning: Kali-bi.
rheumatic: Coflf.
forenoon: Sulph.
warm room: Zing.

PAIN, drawing, occiput.
PAIN", drawing, temples.
extending from left to right: Squil. ran-b., raph., rhodo., rhus-t.,
ruta, sabad.,
Sides: .-Iron., alum., anac, ang., ant-t., sabin.,sars, seneg., spig., squil.,
apis, aro-m., arg-u., arn., asaf., l)ar-c., stront., .sulph., sul-ac, tabac, tarax.,
bar-ac, bell., broui., bry., calc, cauipli., thuj., til., zinc, zing.
canth., caps., carb-v., c/iam., chin., cinix., right: Bell., calc, caust., coff., nit-ac,
cina, clem., cocc, colch., coloc, dig., sabad., .sars., squil.
dros., fl-ac, gran., hell., indg., iod., ip ,
left:Ant-c, arg-m., colch., caps., cycl.,
kali-c, kali-n., lach., led., lye, meny.,
dulc, plat., spig., tarax., thuj., zinc
nat-s., nit-ac ,
nux-v., phos., phos-ac,
plat., rhus-t., sars., sep., spong., sul-ac, afternoon: Dulc.
thuj., valer.
evening: Alumn., dig., ran-b., zinc.
right: Alum., arg-n., asaf., dell., calc, air, open, amel. : Olnd.
camph., cocc, fl-ac, lach., lyc., phos.,
chilliness, during: Eupi.
phos-ac, spong., sulph-ac, thuj., valer.
closing eyes: Sabad.
left: Anac, ant-t., apis, arg-m., arn ,

bar-c, brom., colch., iod., kali-c, nit-ac, eating, while: Calc-ar.

rhus-t., sars., sep.
motion, on: Tabac.
evening: Phos. periodical, every two days: Cact.
air, open: Grat. sitting, while: Arg-m.
increases gradually and ceases suddenly, spots: Sul-ac.
feeling as if a nerve had been torn:
Arg-m. standing amel. : Tarax.
touch, on: Con.
motion agg. : Arg-n.
extending to eye: Aloe.
rest amel. : Arg-n.
face: Ant-t., arg-m., bry., seneg.
rheumatic: Sep.
forehead, across: Chin-s., lach., lact.,
side lain on: Phos-ac.
lyc, sabin.
spots: Phos.
head: Dulc.
tearing: Thuj.
jaw, upper: Arg-n.
twitching: Plat.
vertex: Aur-m., cycl.
extending to clavicle: Ind.
zygoma: Bry.
face: Cupr-ac.
Vertex: Anac, ant-t, arg-m., am., ars.,
forehead: Bry. bov., calc, calc-ph., caust., chel., cinnb.,

neck: C/iel., cupr-ac, lyc. crot-h., dulc, grat., hell., indg., iod.,
kali-c, led., nux-m., nux-v., ol-an., phos.,
orbits: Crot-h. phos-ac, ran-b., ran-sc, ruta, sars., spig.,

teeth: Crot-h., iod. spong., stann., til., zinc.

morning: Hell.
Temples: Aeon., agar., ang., ant-c, a7!l-l.,
arg-tn., asar., aur-m., bar-c, bell., bry., evening: Bov., crot-h., ol-an.
cact., calc. cann-i., canth., case, canst.,
before going to bed: Cinnb.
chel., chin-s., cina, coc-c, cofF., colch.,
coloc., con., croc, cupr., cycl., dulc, extending to eyes: Nux-m.
eupi., guaj., hep., hipp., indg., kali-bi., forehead: Led.
kreos., lach., laur., lyc, mang., mere,
neck agg. walking: Chel.
mez., mosch., nit-ac, mix-v., ol-an.,
olnd., petr., phos., phos-ac, phyto., plat.. nose while eating: Dulc.

, )

PAIN, drawing, vertex. PAIN, dull.

temple: Chel. Temples: ^sc, agar., chin., ind., laur.,

phos-ac, stront , verat.
drawing, tightening: Asaf., bar-c, coloc, from temple to temple: Lobel.
cann-i., carb-v., clem., dig., graph. gynin., ^

Vertex: ^th., agn., ant-c, cimic, gels.,

hep., kali-cbl., lye, mag-c, mag-m., mang.,
nieny. nat-c, nit-ac lach., mez.
mosch., nat-m., ,

nux-v., olud., op., par., petr., rhodo., flyingpains. (See " wandering " under "Pain"
sabad., samb., stram., sulpli., tlier., verb. in general.

dull pain: ALsc, agar., ail., all-c, alum., foreign body, as if. (See " Pain" in general.)
anac, ant-c, apis., arg-m., arg-n., arum-t., .
gnawing: Calc, canth., led., lyc. nat-m.,
bapt., bar-c, bism., bov., calc, camph paeon., par., phos., ran-sc, zinc.
cann-i., canth., carb-an., carb-v., caust.,
cham., chel., chin., ciniic, cina, clem., con., night: Merc-i-r.
croc, crot-h., crot-t., cupr., dios., dulc, when stepping heavily: Lyc
eup-pur., ferr., glon., graph., ham., hell,
otalgia, with: Ran-sc.
hep., hyos., ign., ind., kalm., lach., lachn.,
lact., laur., led., lye, mag-m., mang., Forehead: Con., merc-i-r., nat-s., sulph.,
meny., meph., mere, mosch., nat-c, nat-m., zinc.
nat-s., nit-ac, Nux-v., o/.ipetr., phos-ac,
eminence frontal : Bell.
plat., Puis,, ran-sc, rheum, rhodo., rhus-t.,
sabad., sars., secale, seneg. ,
sep., sil., spig., eye, above right, morning: Dros.
spong., squil., sulph., sul-ac, teucr., tereb.,
nose, above: Calc-ac, mere, phos., raph.
thuj., verat., verb., viol-o., viol-t.
Occiput: Calc, dros., glon., led., nat-s.,
morning: Agar., ind., lach.
nice, ol-an., raph.
afternoon: Bapt.
Sides : Phos., thtij.

evening: Ind., pall.

Temples : Ran-sc, sol-n.
eating amel. : Ind.
right: Sol-n.
move head, must, and close eyes: Agar,
occiput and ears: Led.
pressure amel.: Apis, cimic.
Vertex: Meny., ran-sc.
Porehead: Agar., ant-c, ant-t., arn.,
grasping: Ars., con., mag-m., nat-s.
asar., bapt, calc, camph., cann-i., chel.,
cimic, cocc, coff., coloc, dulc, euph., grabbing sensation, during confusion of
form., hell ,
hyos., ign., ind., iris, laur.,
head: Hell.
lept., mygale., nat-m., phos., phos-ac, Forehead ;
cold foot bath amel. : Nat-s.
plat., plb., puis., rheum, sabad., sars.,
verat., zinc. grinding: Agar., anac, aur., myric.

eye, over: Apis, cann-i., zinc. coughing agg. : Aur.

right frontal eminence, in, then in left: pressure amel. : Anac.

Acet-ac. Forehead: Agar.
Occiput: ^5<;., alum., ambr., asar.. bry., frontal eminence, left: Agar.
calc, carb-v., chin., cic, cimic,
griping: Con., mag-s., sep.
cycl., fl-ac, gels., indg., lach., med.,
nat-c nat-s.,
, ran-sc, rhodo., rumx., grumbling: Hep., indg., sul-ac.
samb., secale, stram., stront., thuj.
(See " Pain " in general.)
extending to vertex: Cimic.
hacking: Am-c, ars, aur., kali-n., Ivc, '

Sides: Canth., croc, dros., laur., spong., phos-ac. '


(See "cutting.")
hammering. (See "hammering," under lancinating: Aeon., a..sc., ambr., am-c,
"Pain " in general.) arn
bell., cadm., cupr-ac, dros., gins.,
jerking: Aeon., ceth., agar.,
ambr., am-c, hep., hura, ip.. kali-i., mag-c, mane, sang
auac, ant-t, apis, ar/i., asaf., bar-c, squil., tarent.

bism., bor., dr)'-, calc, cann-i., canth.'
(See " cutting.")
carb-an., carb-v., canst., c/im., crot-t.,
dulc., eupi,, glon., graph., morning: Mag-c.
kreos., lach., lyc., mag-c, mag-m., meny., rising, after: Mag-c
mere., mill., niur-ac., nat-c., nat-m., nit-ac,
evening: Kali-i.
nnx-v., paeon., petr., plios., phos-ac., plb.,
prun., pu/s., rat., sabad., se/>., sil., spig., air, cold, agg.: Kali-i.
spong., squil., stann., Sulph., teucr., thuj.'
heat agg.: Kali-i.
ascending steps, on:
motion amel.: Kali-i.
drinking cold water amel. Kali-c.
stooping, on: Arn.
menses, during: Eupi.
vertigo, with: Nat-m.
raising the eyes agg. /^n.
walking in open air amel. : Hep.
rest agg., motion amel.: Stann.
brain, base of: ^sc.
walking in open air: Spi£:
Forehead: Am-c, cupt., ferr., gins., jug-r.,
Forehead: Apis, arn., bor., cann-i., canst., tarent.
cham., chin., op., prun., sep., sil., stann., morning: Viol-t.
sulph., snl-ac, thuj.
afternoon: Sol-t-ae.
across: Sabad.
pressure agg. : Cupr-ac.
alternating with dull aching: Stann.
walking, while:
extending backward: Pnm.
eminence, frontal: Thuj.
Occiput: Aeon., bell., cedr., fl-ac, glon.,
kali-c, prun., rhus-t., spig., stann., sulph., left: Thuj.
thuj. Occiput: ^sc, aster., bufo, canth., con.,
cupr-ac, cupr., sang.
intermitting: Canth.
night: Syph.
extending forward: Arg-n.
pulsation, with every: Con.
Sides: ^th., alum., caust, chin., nat-m.,
nice, nit-ac, sabin. Sides: Bell., hura, kali-bi., spig., tarent.
right; Sabin. morning: Tarent.
left: ^th. expending to eye, ear, temples and lower
jaw: Hura.
Temples: Aeon., apis, arn., calc, cast.,
chin., glon., kali-c, lact., lil-t., ox-ac, Temples: Ail., aster., blat., cupr., form.,
plb., spig., stann., sulph., valer. ham., hura, Kali-i., mane, plb., senec,
left: Stann.
nail, as from a: Agar., arn., asaf., carb-v.,
extending downward: Anac.
CofF., euon., graph., hell., hep., ign., lach.,
upward: Am-m., spong. nat-m., nux-v., ptel., puis., ruta, sang.,
Sep., staph., thea, Thuj.
Vertex: Anac, kali-i., meny., mur-ac,
ran-sc, spong. morning, rising, on: Ptel.

here and there: Kali-i. air, open, agg. : Coff.

lacerating. (See " tearing.") alcoholics, after: Ruta.

PAIN, nail. PAIN, pinching, forehead.
menses, during: Am., ign., niix-v. extending to root of nose: Op.
walking in open air: Thuj. Occiput: Am-m., carb-v., chel., hipp.,

Forehead: Hell., igu., lyc.,sabin., Thuj., petr.

left side: Thuj. Sides: Calc, crot-h., sep., squil.

extending from occiput to forehead: Temples: Crot-h., kali-c, mere, mez.,

Mosch. olnd., iiilph.. Verb.

eminence, frontal, left: Thuj. right: Crot-h., mere, olnd.

Occiput: Hep., mosch., puis., tarent. left: Kali-c, nat-ph.

in one side: Puis. forceps, as with: Phos-ac, verb.

extending to vertex: Cimic. extending to ear: Nat-p.

Sides: Aeon., agar., chel., coff.. Hep., plug, peg or wedge, as from a: Anac, arg-m.,
igii., nat-m., ntix-v., ruta, staph., Thuj. asaf., bov., cocc, con.,' dulc, hep., jac,
kreos., olnd., plat., prun., ran-sc, rhodo.,
dinner after: Thuj.
rhus-t., ruta, sul-ac.
driven outward, were, amel. lying on it:
(Compare "nail.")
plug were thrust suddenly in by increasingly
pressure amel.: Thuj.
severe blows: Sul-ac.
walking about amel. : Agar.
split wide open by a wedge, body cold, head
Temples: Am-br., arti., cocc, hep., ign., burns, cannot get warm; whines: Lachn.
kali-i., sang.
Forehead: Anac, asaf., jac, sul-ac.
morning: Sang.
Occiput: Arg-m., hep., rhodo.
temple to: Ham.
Sides: Asaf., hep.,
Vertex: Euon., form., hell, hura, mane,
nice, nux-v., staph., Thuj. Templfes: Atiac.,asaf., cocc, hep., sul-ac
walking in open air, amel. : Thuj. Vertex :
intense pain as if a bolt were
opening and shutting:
driven from neck to vertex, agg. each
Cann-i., . cann-s.,
cimic, cocc. throb of heart: Cimic.

moving head or turning eyes, on: Cimic. pressing. (Compare "bursting," "draw-
ing," "heaviness"): Aeon., cBsc, csth.,
Occiput : Cocc ,
agar., agn., all-c, aloe, alumn., am-c,
air, open, amel. : Sep. ambr., am-br., am-m., anac, ang., ant-t.,
cold application amel: Sep. apis, aran., arg-m., arg-n., am., ars.,
arum-t., asaf., asar., aster., aur., bapt.,
open, as if: Carb-an., guare., sil.
bar-c, benz-ac, berb., bism., bov.,
pecking: Carb-an., mosch., nux-v., brom., bry., cadm., calad., calc, calc-ph.'
ruta. camph., cann-i., cann-s., canth., caps.,
Forehead: Carb-an. carb-ac, carb-an., carb-v., caust., cham.','
chel., chin., chin-s., cic, cimic, cina,
pinching: Bar-c, caust, colch., lye, mez., cinnb., clem., cocc, cojff., coloc, con.,
nux-v., peir., phos., cor-r.,'
sil., teucr., verb, croc, crot-h., cub., cupr., cycl., daph., dig ',

sleep, after: Rheum, dros., dulc, eugen., euph., euphr., eupi.[

waking, on: Sil. enon., ferr., fl-ac, gamb., gels., Glon.^
graph ,
grat ,
guaj., hell., helon., hep],
Forehead: Aeon., anac, calc, eugen hydr-ac, hyos., hyper., ign., indg., iod.,'
mez., nit-ac, nux-m., psor.,' rheumii ip., iris, kali-bi., kali-c, kali-i.,
staph., verat. kali-n.,
kalm., kreos., lac-c, lach., lam., lact., laur.'

PAIN, pressing. FAIN, pressing.
led., lob., lye, lycps., lyssin, mai^-r.,
air, in open: Agar., caust., chel., chin.,
inag-m., mag-s., inaiig., meny., mere, ferr., glon., hep., laur., mere, nux-v.,
inerc-c, merc-i-f., merc-i-r., merl., iiiez.,
rhus-t., valer.
moscli., viur-ac, niyric, nat-c, nat-ni.,
:iat-s., nice, Nit-ac, nux-m., njix-v., amel: Alum., arg-m., bov., cinnb.,
olnd., ol-an., op., osm., par., pdr., plios., coloc, hell., hydr-ae, jatr., lye,
plws-ac, pip-ni., plat., plb., prun., psor. mag-m., mang., phos., sabin., seneg.

Puis., rati-b., ran-sc, rlieum, rhodo 7-/iu.<;-t., ,

cold, agg. : Sil.
rhus-v., riila, sabad., sabin., samb., snrs.,
armor, as if in Cann-i., clem. crot-t.,
seiieg., Sep., serp., sil., spig spong., squil., ,

stann., staph., stront.,

Sulph., sul-ac, Nit-ac, spig.
tabac, tanac, tar ax., tarent., tereb., ther., ascending steps, on: Arn., Meny., phos-ac.
thuj., valer., verat., verb, viol-t., xanth.,
asunder: Aeon., gese, aloe, ant-c, arn.,
zinc, zing.
bar-c, bell., bov., bry., calc-ph., caps.,
morning; Aeon., agar., alunin., ambr.,
chel., chin., coce, daph., euph., gels.,
arg-n., asaf., benz-ac, bov., bry., cann-s., hell., hyper., ign., kali-bi., kali-i., kali-n.,
caust., cedr., chain., chin., cimic, coloc, lach., lil-t., lye, mere, mez., nat-m.
croc, cycl., gamb., glon., graph., kali-bi., nux-m., nux-v., par., prun-s., puis.,
kali-n., lach., lye, mez., myric, nat-c, ran-b., rhus-t., sabad., sabin., samb., sep.y
nat-m., nat-s., nice, nux-v., ^xon., petr., sil., spig., stann., staph., stront., tarax.,
phos., phos-ae, pip-m., psor., puis.,
thuj., zinc.
rhus-t., sil., sulph., thuj.
band, as if by: Clem., glon.
rising, on: Cinnb., graph., lye, mag-e,
bed, while in: Kalm., nat-s., ol-an., pip-m,,
ox-ac, psor., sabin., squil., Sulph.
ran-b., rhus-t., sulph.
waking, on: Agar., anae, arg-n., coc-c,
bending backward agg. Mang.
ferr., gels., hep., mez., ol-an., phos-ae,

zinc. amel.: Bell., phos-ae, thuj.

3-4 a. m. : Thuj. head forward, on: Bell., ferr-ph., nat-m.,

noon: Agar., mane, sil., sulph., zinc.
blowing nose agg. : Chel.
sleep, after: Calad.
boards, as if compressed by two: Ip.
toward, amel.: Bry.
cann-i., carb-v., breakfast, after: Chel., hydr.
afternoon: Altimn., ang.,
cham., coloc graph., hell., kali-c, amel. : Bov., psor.

mag-e, naja, nat-c. nit-ae, op., phos.,


burning: Aloe, alum., lact-v., mang.

phos-ae, senec, sep., stram. Sep., sul-ac, tarax.
evening: Aeon., alumn., ambr., aiiac,
changeable: Bell., gins., ign.
arg-n., ars., cast cham., chel., colch.,

coloc, dig., dios., ferr., fl-ae, hell., chill, during: Sep., tarent.
hydr-ae, hyper., kali-bi., kalm., lyssin, with coldness all over: Camph., stann.
mag-s, nat-m., nat-s., ol-an.,
coffee, after: Arum-t, nat-s.
phos., rhodo., rhus-t., sep., staph ,
tabac, tarent., thuj., valer., zinc. company, while in: Lye, mag-e

amel.: Ran-b. congestion, as from: Apis, chin., merl.

nux-m., rhus-v.
lying down, after: Stann.
constipation, during: Jatr.
sunset, after: Nat-s.
sulph. constricting: Graph.
night: Hepar., lye, nux-v., sil.,

coughing, while: Aeon., alunm., am. Br

waking, on: Canth.

PAIN, pressing, coughing, while. PAIN, pressing.
forward: Asar., bry., nit-ac ,
sil., sulph.
chel., coc-c, con., hep., kreos., iiit-ac,
petr., phos., ruta, sars., sep., spig., verb. gnawing: Ran-sc.
covered, pressing with distress, while: Led. hat, pressure of, agg.: Calc-ph., nit-ac,

cramplike: Ars., colch., phos-ac, plat., phj's.

ran-sc, zinc. as from a tight hat: Sulph.

darkness, in: Sil. heated, when: Am-c.
deepseated: Agar., arg-n., bell., caust., cic, hiccough, during: Bry.
con., gins., indg., lach., nat-m., nat-s.
house. (See "room.")
descending, on: Menj^.
increasing and decreasing slowly: Stann.
desire for pressure. (See " pressure amel.")
inward: Anac, asar., bov., cham., cocc,
digging: Bry., clem.
coff., dulc, hell., ign., nit-ac, olnd.,
dinner, during: Pall. plat., ran-s., sabad., sep., spig., staph.,
after: Alunin., calc, carb-an., ol-an.,
ruta, seneg., tabac, thuj., zinc. sharp corners, as if by: Cham.
downward: Agar., ambr. ,
ant-t., asar., cic, light agg. : Cann-i.
cina, con., cupr., hura, laur., mang.,
looking steadily agg.:: Hell., puis.
meny., mere, merc-i-f., mur-ac, nit-ac,
nux-v., phos., phos-ac., plat., rhus-t., lying, while: Glon., lach., lyc, nat-s.,
senna., sil., spig., spong., sulph., verat. Tarax.

drawing: Agar., ang., ant-c, ant-t., arg-m., amel.: Bell., nit-ac.

ars., asaf., aur., carb-v., caust., coff., hell., head high, with, amel. : Spig.
hep., ign., iod., kali-c, nioseh., nat-c,
side, on, while: Bar-c, calad.
nit-ac, olnd., ran-b., rau-sc, rhodo.,
rhus-t., sabad., sars., spig., stann., staph., menses, before: Cimic, hep., nat-m., petr.,
tarax., thuj. sep.

drinking agg. : Cocc, mere during: Aeon., bell., bry., cast., cimic,
dull: Aloe, apis, canth.,
cycl., m^i., gels., graph., iod., Kreos.,
cimic, con., ferr.,
lyc, mere, nat-m., nux-v., plat., sep.,
hydr-ac, lith., op., phys.
stann., sulph.
eating, after: Alumn., calc, carb-an.,
after: Ust.
carb-v., chel ,
clem., cocc, con., graph.,
hydr., hyos., kali-c, lyc, nat-m., nat-s., mental exertion, from: Arg-n., arn., asar.,
ol-an., pip-m., rau-b., ruta, sep., tabac, cact, carb-an., cham.. cocc, colch., dig.,
thuj., zinc. helon., lyc, mag-c, nat-s., nux-v.,
phos-ac, pic-ac, sep., sulph.
amel.: Psor.
reading, while: Bell., cocc, helon., lyc.
excitement, after: Chin-s.
while attention is concentrated: Helon.
exertion agg. : Bell,

eyes, closing, on, amel.: Chel.

motion on: Aeon., agn., arg-n., bism., calc,
carb-v., cupr., dulc, glon., hell., hyper.,
moving, on: Bell., chel., hep. lach., mez., phos., phos-ac, pic-ac,
opening after sleep: Rhus-t. sulph., thuj.

turning, toward affected side agg.: Con. amel.: Agar., ferr., op., pip-m., valer.

using: Gent., hell, arms, of: Rhus-t.

fever, during: Sep. head, of the: Glon., nat-s.

hay-fever, with: Sabad. while walking: Ars.

PAIN, pressing, on motion. PAIN, i)ressing, sitting, while,
open air, in, aniel.: Aeon, erect, while: Mang.
noise agg.: Nit-ac, phos-ac, spig.
up in bed amel.: Canth.
nosebleed, before: Carb-an.
sleep agg.: Atg-n., bry., calad., cocc,
outward: Aeon., am-c, anac, rtrw., ars., Lach., mere, nat-m., rhus-t., thuj.,
asa/., asar., bell., berb., bry., caniph., tarent., veral.
chel., ciniic. ,
cob., coloc, con., cor-r.,
dros., dulc, euph., ferr., fl-ac, hell., hep.,
amel.: Thuj.
hyper., ign., kreos., laur., lil-t., lye, siesta, after, agg. : Calad.
meny., mere, Nat-m., nux-m., olnd.,
sleeping on the affected side (left), while
par., phos-ac, phys., phyto., pic-ac,
prim., psor., ptel., ran-s., rhodo., sabad.,
sabin., samb., sep., sil., spig., spong., smoking, from: Calad., mag-c.
stann., staph., sulph., tarax., thuj., zinc.
sneezing, after: Apis, cina.
contents would be forced out, as if:
spots, in: Asar., bell., cie, dig., dulc, glon.,
meph., nux-v., ox-ae, phos-ac, psor.,
sharp instrument, as if by a: Prun. thuj., zinc.

paroxysmal: Carb-v., cham. stepping agg. : Coc-c, glon.

perspiration amel.: Thuj. stool, before: Merc.
pressure amel.: Arg-n., asaf., cacl., chin., during: Coloc, gran., mere
dios., meny., nat-s., op., puis., sang.,
after: Lye, sil., spig.
stann., thuj.

upon the floor, desires: Sang. stooping, on: Bell., bry., calc, canth.,
carb-v., chani., chel., coloc, fl-ac, hep.,
pulsating: Bry., ruta.
lye, mag-m., mere, merc-c, par., petr.
reading, while: Agn. ^\iQs., puis., spig., stann., thuj., zing.

rest agg. : Sulph., valer. amel.: Caust., mang.

amel.: Arg-n., cocc, nat-s., pic-ac, compelled to stoop: Cann-i., ign.

rhodo., spig.
sun, in, passes off in shade: Brom.
in one position, agg.: Pip-m.
supper, after: Carb-v., ran-b.
riding in a carriage agg.: Cocc, nit-ac.
talking loudly, from: Spig.
rising, on: Apis, asaf., bell., cinnb., glon.,
tea, after warm, amel. : Glon.
mag-s., nit-ac, spig.
thinking of it agg.: Cham., cocc, dig.
after, amel.: Laur., ran-b., stann.
room, in: Am-m., coc-c, laur., lye, mag-c,
upward: Fl-ac, guaj., meph., phos-ac.
nat-m., nat-s., phos.
amel.: Chin., hep., mere, valer.
vise, as if in a: ^^Ith., agar., alum., am-m.
entering, on: Bov. ant-t., arg-n., aster., atrop., bar-c, bov.
bry., cact.,cadm., carb-v., caust., chel.
warm: Aeon., apis, cann-i., coc-c.
cina, clem., cocc, daph., euph., glon
rubbing amel. : Op., phos-ac. graph., grat., mag-c, mag-s., mer
running amel. : Hipp, nat-m. ,
nice, Nit-ac, olnd., op., pe"
Plat., puis., ran-b., ran-s., rat., rhus-t
shaking head, on: Chin., glon.
sabad., sars., spig., stann., sulph., sul-a
sitting, while: Agar., alum., bry., benz-ac,
vomiting amel. : Stann.

amel.: Asar., bell., calad., pic-ac. walking, while: Arn., asar., bell., bry

PAIN, pressing, walking, while. PAIN, pressing, forehead.

calc, caust., chin., clem., cocc, kali-c, arg-n., am., ars., Asaf., asar., aster.,

aur., bapt., bar-c. Bell., berb., bism.,

bor., bov., brom., Bry., cact., calad.,
in open air, while: Agar., Bell., ferr.,
calc-ac, camph., canu-i., cann-s.,
glon., lil-t., staph., thuj. carb-v., cast.,
canth., caps., carb-an.,
after: Bell., sep., zinc. caust., cham., ehel., chin., cic, cimic,
cina, cinnb., clem., cocc, coff., colch.,
washing, after, amel.: Ferr., ^hos., psor.
coloc, con., cop., cor-r., croc, cupr.,
cold amel. : Euphr. cycl., dig., dros., dulc, elaps, euph.,

wedge-like, body icy cold: Lach. euphr., eupi., ferr., fl-ac, gels,, gent,
gins., glon., gran., graph., grat., guaj.,
weight, as from: Agar., alum., alumn., ars.,
ham., hell., hydr-ac, hyos ,
hura, ign.,
bism., cact., cann-s., carb-v., cina, cupr.,
indg., iod. ,
ip., iris, jatr., kali-bi., kali-c.,
laur., led., Meny., merc-i-r., nit-ac,
kali-i., kali-n., kalm., kreos., \a.c-c., lach.,
nux-v., phos-ac, plat., rhus-i., sars.,
lachn., lact., laur., led., lept., lil-t., lye,
sulph., thuj., verat.
lycps., lyssin, inag-e., mag-m., mane,
wet weather agg. : Sulph. maug., men}-., mere., mez., mosch.,
wrapping up head amel. Kali-c.
murac, naja, nat-c, nat-m., nat-s.,

nit-ac nux-m., Nux-V., ol-an., olnd., op.,


writing, while: Kali-c, nat-c. osm., ox-ac, par., petr., phos., phos-ac,
Brain, as if bound up: Aeon., asth., am-br., phyto., plat., plb., plect., prun., psor.,
ant-t, arg-m., asar., Bry calc, carb-v., ptel., /"^^/j., ran-b., raph., rh^Mva., rhodo.,

Cham., cimic, cocc, colch., cycl., graph., rhus-t., ruta, sabad., sabin., samb., sang.,
h)'per., indg., laur., led., mag-s., mane, sars., seneg., sep., sil., spig., spong.,
meny., mere, morph., mosch., nat-m., squil., stann., stapli., stram., stront.,
Nit-ac, olnd., op., petr., phos-ic, plat., sulph., sul-ac, tarax., tarent. teucr. ,
prun., psor., puis., rhus-t., sars., sil.,
ther., thuj., til., ust., valer., verat., verb.,
spig., staph. vine, viol-t., zinc.

cloth, by a: Cycl. daj'time: Op., phos., sil., Stict.

iron helmet, by an: Crot-c. morning: Agar., ambr., am-m., ant-t.,

calc-ac, caust., lye, mez., nat-m.,
membranes were too tight: Aeon., op.,
par., psor.
nat-s., nux-v., pic-ae, psor., ran-b.,
sulph., zinc.
skull too small, as if: Glon., morph.,
rising, after: Calc-ac.
amel. : Ran-b.
forward: Aeon., asar., bell., bry., ip.,
kali-c. waking, on: Agar., anac, ant-t.,
arg-n., gels., mez., nat-m., ol-an.,
inward: Asar., glon.
phos-ac, sulph., zinc.
on the: Ars., cann-i., glon., ign., mane, forenoon: Nat-c, nat-m., nat-s., nice,
meny., ruta, sep.
outward: Agar., bell., bry., glon., hep.,
menses, during: Sulph.
hydr., indg., laur., lil-t., nat-m., phys.,
stann. ID a. m.: Nat-m.
sharp corners, against, as if: Sabad. noon: Gent, sulph., zinc,
skull again,st the, as afternoon: Aloe, kali-e, senec.
if: Mez., rhodo.,
I p. m.: Fl-ac.
Forehead: Aeon., cesc, csth., agar., agn.,
evening: ^co;/., anac, castor., coloc, dig.,
Aloe, alum., alumn., ambr., am-c., am-m.|
kalm., kali-c, nat-m., sulph., tabae,
ammon., anac, ang., ant-t., apis, arg-m].
thuj., zinc.


PAIU', pressing, forehead. PAIN, pressing, forehead.
night, waking, on: Canth. inward: Agar., aloe, alum., ant-c, bapt.,
air, open: Bell., caust., glon., laur., bell., brom., calc, cocc, croc, ferr.'

rhus-t. hell., hep., kali-c, laur., mosch., nux-v.,

olnd., plat., ran-s., rhodo., rhus-t,,
amel.: Alum., seneg.
spig., Stann., staph., sulph., verb.,
alternating with expan.sion: Tarax. zinc.

with stitching: Valer. jarring agg.: Aeon., bry., bell., glon.

ascending steps: Arn., meny. light agg. : Cact.

backward: Dios., spong., tabac. lying amel. : Bell.

ball, as from: Bell., con., mag-s. lying on back, from: Coloc.

band, as from: ALth., ant-t., carb-ac, menses, before: Sil.

cedr., Chel., coca, helou., indg., iod., during: Ca.stor., lye, nux-v., sep.^
iris, Hl-t., mere, mill., tarent. sulph.
closing eyes amel. : Chel. after: Ferr.

laughing, when: Iris. mental labor, from: Anac, arn., asar.

bed, in: Ran-b. dig. , nat-s. psor. ,

bending head, on: Nat-m. motion, on: Ant-t., Bell., bism., bry.

chill, during: Ars., sep. of e)'e: Chel., dulc, phos-ac, />«/j.

close the eyes, compelled him to: Bell.

narrow, as if too: Gels.

closing eyes amel. : Chel. noise agg. : Cact.

cold applications amel. : Ant-t.

outward: Acon., aloe, alum am-c, anac. ,

ang., arg-n., am., Asaf., bar-c, bell.

coughing, on: Aeon., alum., arn., bell., benz-ac, berb., brom., bry., calc.
brom., bry., chel., con., hep., kreos., camph., cann-i., canu-s. canth., caps.

nit-ac, phos., ruta, sars., sep., spong.,

cast., chel., chin., cic. cimx., cina

verb. cupr., dros., dulc.

coloc, con., cor-r.,

cramp-like: Plat, graph., hell., hep., ip., kali-c, kreos.

lact., lil-t., lye, lyssin, mag-m., mag-s.
descending steps: Meny.
mang., med., meny., mere, mez.
dinner, after: Alum ,
calc, kali-bi., mur-ac, nat-m., nux-m., olnd., op.
seneg., zinc. phos., phos-ae, plat., prun., psor.
ptel., puis., ran-b., rhodo., rhus-t
downward: Aloe, ambr., am-m., ant-t.,
sabad., senee, sep., sil., Spig., spong.
asar., bell., bry., cina, glon., mur-ac,
stann., staph., stront., sulph., tarax
teucr., thea, thuj., verb., viol-t.
eating, after: Am-c, carl., clem., con.,
graph., lye, nat-s. brain would come out as though:" ,

Aeon., all-e, am-c, ang., arn., bell.,

fever, during: Glon., thuj.
brom., bry., canth carb-v., caust., ,

finger, as from a: 01-an., stront. chel., colch., coloc, kali-c kreos., ,

mag-m., mag-s., mang., mez., nat-c,

forward: Hydr., laur., mag-s., nux-m.
nux-v., phos., plat., puis., rat., rhodo.,
sabad., sep.,sil., spig., spong., stann.,

hat, as from a: Alumn. staph., stront., sul-ac, thuj., verb.

hiccough, from: Bry. raising the head: Bar-ac.

house, in, agg. : Cact. reading, while: Am., calc-ac., cocc,

intermittent: Arn., hyos., plat. nat-m.


PAIN, pressing, forehead. PAIN, pressing, forehead, extending.

rest, during, agg. : Cic. occiput, to: Bry., cann-s., chel., lyc.

rising, on: Asaf., bell., mag-s., spig., outward: Aloe, bar-ac, lact/., prun.,
siram. psor., slann., staph.

room: Aeon., brom. side of head: Indg.

sitting, while: Alum. temples, to: Carb-s., chel., gran.

amel. : Bell. vertex, to: Glon., kreos., lyc, puis.

smoking: Calad., coloc, mag-c. above: Aloe, arg-n., coloc, dig., dulc,

sneezing, after: Apis. nat-m., olnd., sil.

eminence, frontal: Agar., ambr., anac,

spots: Nux-m.
asaf., bar-ac, bell., brom., cham., chin.,
standing, while: Alum, cimx., croc, ferr., gins., guaj., olnd.,
stool, during: Coloc, rat. op., osm., par., raph., sabad., sars.,
spig., stann., sumb., thuj.
after: Spig.
left: Agar., ambr., nux-m.
stooping, while: Aeon., arg-n., bell., bor.,
Bry., calc, canth., carb-v., chel., morning: Ferr.
coloc, kreos., merc.,^ar., spig.,
rising, alter: Ferr.
afternoon, 3 p. ni. : Bry.
amel.: Bar-ac.
evening: Dulc.
supper, after: Ran-b.
midnight: Sulph.
upward: Glon., valer.
air, open, in: Ran-b.
waking, on: Agar., anac, ant-t., arg-n.,
gels, mez., 7tat-m., ol-an., phos-ac, amel. : Ferr.
rhus-t., sulph., thuj., zinc. descending steps agg. : Ferr.
walking, while: Arg-n., am., bry., calc, pressure amel. : Op.
caust., chin., kali-c, nat-m.
rubbing amel. : Op.
in open air: Am-c, arg-n.. Bell,, calc,
studying agg. : Cham.

warm room touch agg. : Chin.

agg. : Aeon., am-c.

stove agg. : Am. warm room, on entering: Verb.

weight or stone, as if: Aeon., am-m., aur. extending to eye : Thuj

bell., Cham., dig.,^/i3«., kali-c, nat-m., outward: Phos-ac, prun., spig.,
rhus-t., Sep., spig., tarax. spong.

weight of hat: Carb-v. vertex: Ferr.

writing, while: Lyc. eyes, over: Aeon., seth., agar., Aloe,

alumn., am-c, ang., apis, arg-n., am. ,ars.,
extending downward: Bry., chin-s.,
h&x-c, bell., hox., bov.,brom.,
asaf., aster.,
Bry., cann-i., carb-v., chel., chin., cist.,
eyes, to: Asar., bell., chel., kali-bi., con., euph., eupi., euon., fl-ac, glon.,
kali-c, kali-n., laur., nux-m., op., grat., gymn., haem., hep., 7;^«., indg.,
pho.<;. iod., kali-c, kali-n., kalm., kreos.,
inward: Agar., laur. lach., lil-t., lith., mag-c, mere, merc-c,
neck, to: Chel.
merc-i-r., merl., morph., Nat-m.,
nat-ph., nat-s ,
nux-m., op., pseon.,
nose, to: Agar.,
am-m., aloe, calc, petr., phos., phyt., pic-ac, plant., plect.,
kali-c, msz., pAos., phos-ac
Puis., rhus-i., ruta, sabad., sant.,

PAIN, pressing, forehead, eyes, over.
PAIN, pressing, sides of forehead.
seneg,, sep., .v/7., sol-t-it>., staph., par., phos., plat., rhus-t., ruta,
stront., sabin.,
tabac, teucr., thuj., valcr., sars., staph., teucr., valer., verb.[
zinc, zing. '
right: Ign. to left: Colch.

iipward and inward: Bisni. left: Agn.,ambr., ant-t ,

arg-ni., asaf.,
aur., camph., cann-s., cic, caust.,
left: Br}'., tiux-v.
cina, coloc, euph., ign., rod., kali-n.,
eyes would be forced out, as Cocc,
mag e mere, mur-ae, nat-e, nat-m.,

gymn., ign., lachn., nat-m., plios., nuTi-m., nux-v., phos-ac, plat., ran-b.,
sabin., seneg., sep., tarent. rhodo., sabin., .sars,, seneg, squil.,
margin of orbits to temples, from:
Cann-s. extending to back: Spong.

pressive pain above left eye, followed Occiput: Aeon., agar., all-c, aloe, alum.,
by a dull, pressive pain in occipital ambr., animon., am-m., anac, ant-t.,
protuberances, thence spreading over apis, arg-m., arn., ars., asaf., asar., aur.,

whole body; on quick motion and bapt., bar-e, bell., berb., bhm., bor., bov.,
after eating pain so severe that bry., cact calc, calc-ph., camph., cann-i.,
it ,

seemed a distinct pulsation in head: cann-s., canth., carb-an., Carb-V., card-m.,

Bry. caust., cedr., cham., chel., chin., cic,
cinnb., cocc, coc-e, eoleh., coloc, con.,
pressure so severe, when rising, could
croc, cupr., dig., dulc, euph., fl-ae,
only half open eyes, could not look
gent-1., gins., glon., gran.. Graph., grat.,
up: Stram.
guaj., hell., hep., hydr-ac, hyper., ign.,
daytime: Sep. iod., ip., iatr., kali-bi., kali-c., kali-n,,
lach., lact.,laur., lil-t., lobel., lye, mag-m.,
morning: Alumn., kali-n., lach., petr.
mag-s., mane, mang., meny., meph.,
waking, on: Alumn. mere, mez., mosch,, nat-e, nat-m.,
afternoon: Aeon., cann-i. nat-s., nit-ae, nux-m., Nux-V., ol-an.,
op., ox-ac, paeon., par., Petr., phel.,
motion agg. : Bry, phos., phos-ac, pip-m., plb., puis., ran-b.,
stooping agg. : Merc-c. ran-s., rhodo., rhus-L, ruta, sabad., sabin.,
sars., Secale, selen., seneg., sep., Sil.,
extending, eyes, into: Con.
spig., spong., squil., statin., staph., stram.^
nose, to: Bo v. stront., sulph., sul-ac, tabac, tarax.,
outward: Secale. tarent, teucr., thuj., til., valer., verb.,
zinc, zing.
nose, above: Aeon., sesc, asth., ambr.,
am-m., ant-t., asar., bapt., bar-c, bism., morning: Caust., cedr., kali-bi., mag-s.,

bov., camph., cann-s., carb-v., chin., mix-v., ps&on., petr., sil.

eoloc, euphr., glon., helon., hep., hydr., waking, on: Kali-bi.

ign., iod., kali-u., mane, mere, mez., forenoon: Caust., kali-bi.
mosch., phos-ac, raph., sil., spong.,
afternoon: Ang.
stiet., tarax., til., viol-t., zinc, zing.
evening: Coc-c, rhodo., thuj.
morning: Sil.
walking in open air: Thuj.
cold amel. : Euphr.
warm room: Coc-c.
sides: Agar., alum., chin., cina, ign.,
lye, spig. night: Sulph.

air, open, agg: Nu.x-in,, plect.

right: Anac, arn., asaf., bell., caust.,
Chel., ehin., guaj., hell., ign., kali-c, amel.: All-c, kali-e, mag-m., mag-s.,
meny., mere, mez., mosch., nux-v.. mez., puis.


PAIN, pressing, occiput. PAIN, pressing, occiput,

asuuder: Aloe, calc, staph, supper, after: Carb-v.

band, as from: Psor., sulph. tight hat, as from: Alum.

bending head backward amel. : Phos. touch agg.: Kali-n.
downward: Hydr-ac, merl. walking, after: Zinc,

eating, after: Carb-v. while: Chin.

erect, holding head, amel.: Spong. in open air amel.: Staph,

exercise, mental or physical, amel.: Cact. warm room agg.: All-c, mez.

fever, during: Rhus-t. weight or stone: Anac, asar. ,


cann-s., carb-v., caust., ciua, cocc,

forward: Chel., mang., nux-v., ol-an.,
cupr., graph., hell., kali-n., laur., led.,
phos-ac, plb., sabad.
meny., uux-v., phos-ac, plat., sulph.
intermittent: Carb-an., phel.
writing, while: Carb-an.
inward: Bar-c, calc, ign., meph., olnd.,
ox-ac, phos-ac, sep., spig. extending into back and chest at noon:
between vertex and occiput: Ox-ac
downward: Hydr-ac.
looking up agg. : Graph.
lying on back agg. forward: Ant-t., bov ''chel., h3'dr-ac.,
: Plect. ,

mang., phos-ac, sabad.

down, after: Tarax.
neck, to: Hep., laur.
mental exertion: Colch.
outward: Mez., phos-ac.
motion: Bism., Bry,, cupr., hyper.,
nat-s., phos-ac. right to left: Dig.

noise agg.: Carb-v., nit-ac, phos-ac, shoulders, to: Hep.

upward: All-c, puis,

outward: Berb., bry., carb-v., chin., gels., vertex, to: Bov., dig., glon.
mez., phos-ac, prun., stann., staph.,
strout., til.
sides of: Anac, asar., aur., bov., bry.,
camph., carb-an., castor., caust., chel.,
plug, nail, etc., as from: Bov., canth., colch., con crot-t., dig., Fl-ac, glon.,

con., hep., puis., rhodo., tarent. ign., hydr-ac, laur., mag-s., mez.,
pressure amel. nat-c, nat-s., nux-v., phos-ac, psor.,
: Nux-V.
sabin., sil., spig., spong., stann., sul-ac,
pulsating: Kali-n., mosch.
reading: Carb-ac.
right: Dig.
rising from bed: Cinnb.
extending to left: Dig.
rubbing amel. : Phos-ac.
left: Chel.
sitting, while: Fl-ac.
evening: Nat-s., zing,
spots, in: Glon., olnd., ol-an.
lying down amel. : Mag-s.
as with a button: Aeon., thuj.
pulsating: Bell., zing,
standing, on: Selen.
sitting, while: Fl-ac.
amel.: Plb.
walking in open air: Caust.
stool, during: Gran,
extending to neck: Chel., laur.
stooping, on: Carb-v., nux-m.
outward: Phos-ac, stann.


PAIN, pressing. r, pressing, sides.

Sides: Aeon., seth., agar., agn., alum., left: Asaf., bell.

ani-m., anac, ang., arg-m., arn., arum-t. screw behind each ear, as from: Ox-ac.
asa/., asar., bar-c. Bell,, bov., bry., cact.,
screwed in, as if, amel. in open air:
calc, cann-s., caps., carb-an., canst., cedr.,
Kali- iod.
chel., chin., clem., coca, coloc, con.,
crot-h., dig., dios.. dros., eupb., fl-ac, side lain on : Phos-ac.
g/on., grat., bydr-ac, bell., Hep., ign.,
skull feels smaller: Grat.
iod., kali-bi., kali-i., kali-n., kalm., kreos.,
laur., lil-t., lye, raag-m., rnang., meny., stupefying, as with blunt instrument:
mez., mur-ac, nat-m., nat-s., nux-m., Oleand., ruta.
olnd., paeon., pbos., phos-ac, pip-m., sudden, as from blunt tool, pressed in:
psor., rhenm, rbus-t., sabad., sabin., Asaf.
samb., sars., sep., Spig., spong., squil.,
stann., stapb.,
tool, as from a blunt: Asaf., dule., hep.,
strout., sulph., tabac,
olnd., ruta.
' thuj., verat., verb., viol-t, zinc.
walking in open air amel. : Kali-i.
both sides: Aeon., alum., arg-m., asar.,
bell., bov., bry., camph., chm., cic, extending, eyes, to: Lyssin.
comoc., gamb., glon., hell., lam., forehead, to: Hydr-ac.
mag-c, mag-m ,
mag-s., meny., nat-m.,
temple, toward: Kali-n.
prun., sabad., tarax.
Temples: Aeon., aesc., agar., agn., aloe,
right: Agar., agn., arg-m., asar., bar-c.,
alum. ambr., am-br anae.,
, ,
ang., ant-t,
bry., cact, dros., grat, hep., ign., kalm.,
apis, arg-m., arg-n., arn., ars., asaf.,
lil-t., mez., olnd., sabad., spong., tab.,
asar., aur., bar-ac, bell., benz-ac., berb.,
bism., bov., brom., bry., bufo, ealad.,

left: Bov., erot-h., hell., iod., phos-ae., calc, eamph. ,

cann-i., cann-s., canth.,
rhus-t., sars., stront., sulph. caps., carb-an., carb-v., cast., caust., cedr.,
cham., chel., chin., cimie., cina, cinnb.,
all sides, from: Aeon., tarax.
coca, clem., coc-c, cocc, eoff., eoleh.,
asunder: Cor-r., spig. coloc, con., cupr., cycl., dios., dros., dule.,
elaps, elat., euon., euph., ferr., fl-ac,
band tied around, like a: Dios.
gent., gins., Glon., gran., graph., guaj.,
behind and before, from: Nux-m., spong. hell., hep., hipp., hura, hydr-ac, hyos ,

board, like a heavy: Eugen. hyper., ign., ind., iod., ip., jatr., kali-bi.,

kali-c, kali-n., kalm., kreos., lach.,

brain, as if, against the bone: Mez. laehn., lac-c, laur., led., lith., lobel.,

as if something were lying on the: lye, mang., meny., mere, merl., mez.,
Grat. mosch., naja, nat-c, nat-m., nat-s.,

nux-m., nux-v., olnd., ol-an., op., osm.,

downward: Cale., con.
par., petr., phos., phos-ac, phys., plat.,
hoop, like a: Ther. plb., prun., psor., ptel., puis., ran-b.,
ran-s., rheum, rhodc, rhus-t., sabad.,
internal, while leaning head against wall:
sabin., samb., squil., stann., staph.,
stront., sulph., sul-ac, tabac, tarax.,
inward: Asaf., cale., croc., dule., kali-c., taxus., teucr., ther., thuj., verat., verb.,
lyssin, nat-s., olnd., plat. viol-t., zinc

outward: Asaf., asar., bell., cina, dros., right: Bell., cedr., cham., chel., par.,

kreos., mere, phos-ac., spig., spong., verb.

stann., verb., viol-t. to left: Apis.

right: Cina, dros., phos-ac, spig., left: Asar., chin., coloc, lith., puis.,

spong., stann ,
verb., viol-t. zinc.

PAIN, pressing, temples.
PAIN, pressing, temples.

daytime: Carl., stanu. outward: Aeon., aloe, anac, asaf, berb.,

bism., bry., calc, canth., carb-v.,
morning: Apis, bov., cycl., mez., phos., caust., chin., dros., fl-ac, glon., ign.,
ruta, Sulph. indg., ip., kali-c, kreos., lach., lact.,

lil-t., lobel., mez., mur-ac, nat-c,

rising, after: Sulph.
nat-m., nux-ni.,op., par., phos-ac, phys.,
waking, on: Apis, ferr., nux-v. phyto., prim., ran-s., rhodo., sabad.,
sabin., samb., senec, spig., spong.,
forenoon: Cham., thuj.
stann., stront., sulph., teucr., valer.,
noon: Agar., sil.
verb., viol-t.
afternoon: Coloc, nat-c, nat-m.
right: Dros., kali-c, mur-ac, nat-c,
evening: Cham., chel., colch., dig., dios., nux-m., sabad., spong.
hell., nat-s., rhus-t., thuj.
left: Asaf, carb-v., mez., sabin., verb.
amel. : Anac.
heat of face and flickering before eyes,
night: Sep. with: Aloe.
air, open, amel.: Phos. pressure amel. : Dios., stann.
alternating with drawing in occiput: Bry. pulsating: Grat., nux-v.
breakfast, after: Hyper.
reading: Carb-an.
coughing, when: Verb.
rising, after: Nit-ac.
crushed, as if: Caul.
up amel.: Stann.
cutting: Bell. lye,
screws, as with: Aeon., arg-n.,
digital: Ambr., ant-t., arn., asaf., cham., sabad.
cocc, dulc. hell., rhus-t., sep.
shaking head: Asar.
dinner: Agar., alum., ol-an., thuj.
sleep, after: Rhus-t.
drawing in eyes, as from strabismus: Podo.
sneezing, after: Cina.
eating, after: Con., hyos.
spots, in: Helon ,
ox-ac, psor.
fever: Sep.
stool, before: Merc.
forward: Verb.
during: Merc.
house, in: Phos.
after: Sil.
increasing and decreasing gradually:
stooping, on: Phos.
urinate, if the desire be not soon attended
inwards: Aeon., alum., a^iac, ante, to: Fl-ac.
ant-t., asaf., asar., bell., calc, cocc,
dulc, fl-ac, vise, as if in: Cocc, dios., nux-m.
hell., jatr., kali-c, lith,,
mez., nat-c, nit-ac, ol-an., phos-ac, waking, on: Calad., calc, ferr., nux-v.
plat., ran-s., rhodo., sabad., sabin.,
walking, while: Asar., nat-m.
seneg ,
sol-n., spig., stann., staph.,
sulph., thuj., valer., zinc. wedge, as if: Thuj.

meditating, extending, brain, to: Glon.

while: Cham., phos-ac,
sulph. downward: Sabad.
menses, during: Bry. ears, to: Lach.
motion, on: Cupr., phos., phos-ac. forehead, across: Bry., seneg., sol-n.
amel.: Ferr. forward: Verb.


PAIN, pressing, temples, extending,

PAIN, pressing, vertex.
head, to: Psor.
bound, as if: Aeon., cycl., kalm.
neck, to: Chel.
coughing, on: Anac.
occiput, to: Lil-t., sabad.
dark, in, while: Sil.
vertex, to: Cliel., k;ili-bi.
down and 011. (Compare " heaviness,
zygoma, to: Bry. weight on vertex "): Acon., aloe, alum.',
alumn., ambr., anac ant-t., bov.,
Vertex: Aeon., act-.sp., iesc, agar., agn. ,

brom., bry., Cact,, cak.^ csinih., carb-v!,

aioe, alum., alunin., anibr., ain-c.^
anac. Cham., chel., cliin-s., ciiia, con., croc,
ant-t., apis, arg-n., arn., asaf.,
aur., bar-c.
crot-t., cupr., dros., eui)hr., ferr., hell.,
Bell., benz-ac, bov., bry., cad., calc.
hydr., kali-bi., kali-n., lach.,
camph ,
axnn-s., carb-v., caust., cedr.
lyssin, meny., mosch., myric, naja,
chel., chin., cic, cinix., Cimic, nat-c, nat-m., nat-ph., nice, nit-ae,
cina, clem., cocc, coc-c, colch., coloc' nux-m., ol-an., ox-ae, phel.,
con., sars., sep.,
croc, crot-h., cupr., cycL, dig.,
stann., staph., sol-n., Sulph., tabac,
dulc, eugen.,
eup-perf., ferr., ferr-ph.'
thuj., verat.
fl-ac, gels., glon., graph., hell.,
hep., hipp., hydr-ac, hyos., hyper., finger, as from: Nit-ae, thuj.
iod., ip., kali-bi kali-c, kali-i., kali-n.,
, hard body, as from: Ign., nux-v., thuj.
kalm., kreos., lac-c, laur., led., lil-t.,
lith., lye, lyssin, mag-ni., increasing and decreasing slowly: Sars.
mane, mang.,
meny., med., mez., mosch naja, nat-c, inspiration, deep, on: Anac.

nat-m., nice, nux-m., mix-v., olnd., intermitting: Chel., cina.

ol-an., op., pall., petr., phell., phos.',
Phos-ac, phys.,phyto., plat., puis., ran-b., inward: Anac, asaf., caust., dulc, ferr.,
ran-sc, rheum, rhodo., rumx., sabad., glou., hell., nit-ae, nux-v., ox-ae,
sabin., sars., Sep., sil., spig., spong., Phos-ac, plat, ran-sc, sil., staph.,
Stann., staph., stram., sulph., sul-ac, sulph., zinc.
syph., tabac, Ihuj., valer., vei-at., verb., menses, during: Castor., calc, nat-s.,
viol-t., zinc. nux-v.
daytime: Crol-h. mental labor, after: Cham., nat-s., nux-v.,
morning: Agar., ambr., coc-c, sulph. sep.

waking, on: Coc-c. noise agg. : Cact.

5 a. m.: Calc. outward: Calc, calc-ph cham., Cimic, ,

glon., lach., op., phos-ac, ph5's., spig.

forenoon: Aeon., glon.
paroxysmal: Chel.
noon: Mane
plug, as if: Anac.
afternoon: Alumn., op.
pressure agg. : Bell., cina, kali-n.
evening: Aeon., ambr., coloc, kali-c,
sulph amel.: Cact.

5 p. m. : Stram. riding in a carriage, while: Lye

6 p. m. : Hyper. screwed up in a vise, as if: Daph.

night: Aeon., agar., lye, sulph. small spot: Spig.

open, amel stooping, when: Calc, cham., lyc.

air, : Aeon.
ascending steps: sun, while standing in: Bar-c.
talking, hearing: Cact.
asunder: Carb-an., hyper., nux-v., ran-b.

band drawn tightly over, from ear to ear:

thinking about it agg. : Cham,
Ip. upward: Cimic, ferr., helon.

PAIN, pressing, vertex. PAIN, shooting.

urinate, if the desire to, be not soon at- evening: Bell., tarent.
tended to: Fl-ac.
amel. toward: Kali-bi.
walking, while: Hep. night: Tarent.
in open air, while: Calc. air, cold: Iris.
rapidl}': Chel. open, in, amel.: Naja.
wrinkling forehead, compels: Sulph.
coughing, on: Arn., br}^, calc, carb-v.
extending, eye, to: Calc. con., mang.
forehead, to: Cham., hydr-ac, ign., cramps, during: Hell.
cries, extorting: Sep.
occiput, to: phos-ac.
eating agg. : Sulph.
shoulder, to: Gels.
eyes, on turning up: Arum-t.
spine, to, no pain : Benz-ac.
head, bending back, agg. : Anac
pulled, sensation as if hair were: yEih., alum.,
moving, amel.: Snlph.
arg-n., arn., canth., carb-an ,
chin., kali-n.,
laur., mag-c, mag-m., mur-ac, phos., psor., increasing and declining: Bar-c.
rhus-t., staun.
Ijdng down agg.: Cimic, kali-bi.
out: Ars., bell.
menses, before: Ferr.
Vertex, from the: Aeon., ferr., indg.,
during: Apis,
kali-n., mag-m.
pressure amel. : Bell.', cupr-s., mag-ph.
pulling, like: Canth., lack., petr.
pulsating: ^th., bell., ferr., nux-v.
extending into teeth : Staph.
rising and walking agg. : Physos.
Forehead: Plb.
singing, while: Ptel.
scraped feeling amel. on motion while lying ;

the pain shifts to side lain on: Phos-ac. sitting up, while: Lye.

shooting. (Compare "cutting," "lancinat- amel.: Aeon.

ing," "shocks," "stitches," etc.): Acet-ac,
stooping, on: Bell., kreos., nit-ac, sulph.
aeon., geth., agar., alum., ambr., am-c, sul-iod.
ant-t., apis, arg-m., bar-c, bell., bry., calc,
caps., carb-v., caust, teeth, clenching, amel.: Sulph.
cham., cimic, colch.,
eon., corn., eup-perf., ferr., gels., gran., vexation, after: Mag-c.
hell., hep., hura, hyos., ign., indg., iod.,
walking, while: Bell., physos.
ip., kali-bi., kali-c, kali-n., lach., lact.,
laur.,raag-c, mag-ph., mane, mang., mere, extending downward into teeth: Kalni.
mur-ac, uaja, nat-m., nit-ac, nux-v., petr., sep.
plant., ptel., puis., rhus-r., sep., sil., staph.,
from behind forward: Nat-m.
sulph., tereb., teucr., thuj., valer.
from vrithin outward: Alum., cinnb.,
morning: Arum-t., ptel.
nat-c, rhus-t., sulph.
begins in, increa.ses till noon and ceases
toward evening: Kali-bi. here and there: Am-c, bapt., calc,
hydr-ac, mag-c, raag-s., nice, plb.|
rising, after: Mag-c. rat., sul-ac.

before, agg. Nat-liyp.

flying: Asar., calc, stront.
noon: Calc-p., sep.
upward: Guaj., sil.

afternoon: Ferr., plant, sulph., tarent.

vertex, to: Sep.


PAIN, shooting. PAIN, shooting, occiput.
Forehead: Aeon., cesc, agar., aiit-t., apis, mur-ac, naja, n.at-ni., nit-ac, ol-an.,
arn.^ Bell., berb., chin., cinnb., coloc, phos., sil., teucr., zinc.
con., cycl., dig., euph., ferr., fl-ac, f/-w,
diagonally across: Agar.
kali-bi., kali-c, kreos., mere, merc-i-f.,
mosch., naja, plb., Prun., puis., rhodo. forward: Chel., cinnb.
rhus-t., rumx., sabad., senec, Sep., sil.,
upward: Ambr., sep., sil.
spig., strani., sulph., tarent., til.
extending back, down: Cimic.
right: Bell, Prun.
spine and arms, down: Crol-h.
left: Sep.
temples, to: Cann-i.
morning: Iris.
vertex, to, like a bolt: Citnic, cann-i.
night in bed: Sulph.
Sides: Aeon., a^th., agar., aloe, alum.,
diagonally: Chel.
am-c, am-m., anac, arg-n., bar-c, calc,
flying: Asar., jatr., sep. camph., cham., ferr., fi-ac, iris,
kali-c, lach., mang., meny., nat-m.,
inward: Canth., coloc, gels., lach.
phos., phys., plant., rumx., sabin., sars.,
menses, during: Rat. stann., tarent.

motion, quick: Iris. right: Lil-t., plant., stann.

outward: Senec. left: Ferr.

stooping, on: Kreos. night: Tarent.
walking, whil^: Kali-bi. cough, during: Mang.
extending, occiput, to: Bell, Prun., Sep. extending to half of right hand: Phos.
over eyes: Agar., ani-c, ant-c, berb., root of nose: Phos.
bov., bry., caust., kali-bi., nat-a.,
nat-m., nit-ac, phos-ac, pmn., sep., Temples: Acet-ac, aeon., aesc, 8eth.,agar.,

alumn., anac, arum-t., bapt., bell., calc-p.,
chel., cimic, coca, comoc, cup-s. gels., ,

right: Bry., PrUEL.

glon., iris, kali-bi., kalm., lil-t.. lye,
extending occiput, to: Prun. merc-i-f., naja, phos., phys., phyto.,
pic-ae, pip-m., rhus-t., sep., sulph., sul-i.,
left: Nat-a., sep.
tarent., thea.
extending occiput, to: Sep.
right: Bell., calc-ph., sulph., tarent.
vertex, to: Phyt.
extending to left side of occiput. to:
outward: Bar-ac, bell., con., ferr., Iris.
glon., gran., lye, phos-ac, puis.,
senec, sep., sulph., verb. left: .33th., anac, cimic, rhus-t., sep.

upward: Phos-ac, scut.

forenoon, 10-30 a. m. : Kalm.

violent shooting pains from root of nose

noon: Calc-ph., sep.
along left orbital arch to external afternoon: Sep., sulph.
angle of eye, with dim sight; begins
evening: Tarent.
in morning, increases till uoon, and
ceases toward evening: Kali-bi. night: Tarent.

air open, amel.: Naja.

Occiput: Aeon., seth., agar., ail., alum.,
anac, arum-t., asaf bell., bov., calc-ac,
, bending head backward agg. : Anac.
caps., cedr., chel., ciinic., cinnb., glon.,
cough, during: Mang.
gra-t., jug-c, hep., hyper., indg., iod.,

kali-c, kali-n., laur., lye, mag-c, meny., heat agg. : Rhus-t.

, )

PAIN, shooting, temples. PAIN, soreness.

calc, calc-ph., e&niph., cann-i., canth.,

lying agg.: Kali-bi.
card-v., ch^l, Chin., cinnb., cop., corn-e,,
pressure amel. Calc.
cupr., cupr-a., daph., eup-pur., euphr., /err.,

pulsating: Aeon. gels., glon., graph., ham., hQ.p.,ign., iod.,

kali-bi., kali-n., kreos., laeh., laehn., lact-ae.,
spreading out in a circle: Causi.
lact-v., lye, lyssin, mag-c, mag-m.. Mere,
stool, during: Lye Mez., mosch., ol-an., naja, nat-a., nit-ae.,

transient: Iris, tarent. nux-ni., nux-v., ol-an., par., petr., phos.,

phos-ac., phyto., pic-ac., plat., prun., raph.,
extending from temple to temple: Alum.,
rhodc, rhus-t., sabad., sang., secale, sep.,
bell., chel., chin., phos., sang.
sil., sol-n., sol-t-ffi., spig ,
stann., sulph.,
inward: Arn., berb., canth. ,
dire, sulph-i., syph., tep., thuj., verat., zinc,
rhus-t. zing.
occiput, to: Kalm. morning: Bov., hep., mez.
outward: Bell., dulc, rhus-t. waking, on: Cupr-ar.
out and in: Staph, afternoon: Bufo, sang.
upward: Chin-s. evening: Aeon., cast., chel., mag-c, nit-ae.,
up and down: Aug. p\io&., puis., zinc.

zygoma, to: Phos. in bed: Plant,

Vertex: Aeon., seth., agar., alum., am-m., night: Coca, phos.

bar-c, bell., berb., bov., bry., eale., caps,,
breakfast, after: Merc,
earb-an., carb-v., eaust., eham., eliel.,

chin., cimic., ciipr., dig., hura, iod., ip., combing hair: Chin., nat-s., sars.

iris, kali-bi., kalm., laeh., laur., lye., coughing. (See " Pain " in general.
mag-c, mez., mil., nat-m., nit-ae ,
phos. phos-ac phy to spig. stram.
dinner, after: Mag-m.
, , ,

sulph., tabac., valer. , zinc. leaning head to right amel. : Stram.

across: Lac-ae. lying on part agg. : Nux-m., spig.

air, cold: Iris. mental labor, after: Chin ,

daph., prun.
boring through: Sil. motion, on: Cimic, glon., mere, nat-ar.

deep: Caps., indg., lye, staph., tabac. pressure, from: Pip-m.

drawing head backward: Phel. of hat: Carb-v.

inward: Aloe, lach.,lyc. on pillow: Cupr-ar.

transient: Indg., mill. rest agg. : Puis.

extending forehead, to: eham., nice. riding on ears agg. : Glon.

temples, to: Kalm. room, in warm, agg. : Puis.
smarting (compare "Soreness"): Bapt, shaking head: Glon.
caniph., canth., chin., euphr., glon., ham.,
speaking, while: Chin., spig.
rhus-t., sabin.
stooping, on: Bapt., coloc, lye., nice,
Forehead: Bapt., canth., carb-au., gels.,
graph., hydr., laeh. vexation, after: Mez,
on touch: Graph. walking, while: Raph., stram.

soreness, sensitive to pressure : Abrot.,

in open air, amel.: Puis.
aeon., agar., aloe, am-c., ant-t., apis, am.,
Forehead: Aeon., apis, ars., bapt., bufo,
ars., bad bapt., bar-c., Bell., bor., bry.,
canth., earb-an., coloc, gels., glon., hep..


PAIN, soreness, forehead.
hydr., lach., lye, iiiag-s., mere,
splitting. (See "bnr.sting.")
miir-ac, nat-c, nat-m., par., plant., podc,
prun., sang., sarr., spig., spong., sulph., stabbing. (See " cutting.")
tell., zinc, ziz.
stitching: Aeon., ajth., agn. aloe,
every morning from 9-1; begins over left ambr., am-c, am-m., amnion
anac, anl-l.,
eye, then over nose, temple to back of apis, arg-m., arg-n., am.,
ars., asaf., aur"
head: Mur-ac. bapt., bar-c, bell., berb., bov., hov., bry' '

calc, caniph.,.cann-i., cann-s.,

canth., caps
spots in: Par. carb-an., carb-v.,

castor., cau.?/., cham '

Occiput: B>y., carb-ac, chel.,

c/iel., chin., etc, cina, coc-c,
Cimic, cocc, con '

dire, Elip-per,, euph., ferr., .i^/ow., hyos.,' • croc ,

crot-t., cupr.; eye, daph., dig., dire
mag-s., mez., mur-ac, nice, nux-v., dulc, elaps, eug., euphr., eupi., euon.
pip-m., sabad., spig.. Staph. ferr., gels., glon., grat., guaj., hell.,
hipp., hydr-ac, kyos., ign., indg., iod., ip.,
broken loose from rest of skull, as if:
kali-bi., kali-c, kali-n., lach., lachn., lact.^
laur., lobel., lye, mag-c, mag-m., mag-ph.,'
motion, on: Cimic, crot-h. mag-s ,
mane, mang., mere, merc-c.,'
amel. : J?/ius-i. .
merc-i-f., merL, mill., mosch., mur-ac '.,

nal-c, nal-m., nat-s., nice, nil-ac,

pressure, on: Sanic, tabac. nux-v., ol-an., op., par., petr., phos.,'
Wound were pressed, as if : Sabad. phos-ae, plant., plat., plb., puis., raph.,
rat., rhodo., rhus-t., sabad., sabin., sars.,
Sides :
Ambr., eup-perf., lil-t., mez., nat-m., selea., seneg., sep., serp., sil., spig.,
petr., phyto., staph., sulph.
spong., squil., stann., staph., stront,
right: Ambr., mez. Sulph., sul-ac, tabac, tarax., tarent.,
teucr.. tbuj., til., valer., verat., verb., viol-t,
left: Lil-t.
spots in: Sulph.
morning: Agar., alum., am-m., arg-n., bry.,
suppurating, as if : Petr.
canth., cham., con., glon., grat, hep.,
touch, on: Ant-c, staph indg., lye, mag-c, mag-s., mang., nice,
petr., plb, sars., sil., stront, thuj., til.,
Temples: ^sc, calc-ph cast. cham
coca, cupr-a., daph., dire. glon., gymn..
merl., mez., nux-m., plant., plb., puis ,
rising, after: Bar-c. ,
mag-c, plb., stront.
waking, on:*Petr.
right: Calc-ph.
3 a. m. : Ferr.
left: Cham.
noon: Con., elaps,
touch, to, and from lying on them,
until goes to sleep: Mur-ac.
warmth amel.: Nux-m.
afternoon: ^th., alum., bov., canth., cham.,
Vertex: Alum., ant-t., apis, bov., bry.,
grat, indg., lye, mag-c, nat-c, nice,
bufo, cast., chel., cimic, cinnb., ferr.,
ol-an., phel., sars., sep., stront.
kali-bi., kali-c, kali-n., lack., lac-ac,
mag-c, mag-m., olnd., phos., rhodo., 4 p. m. every day, with coldness and
rhus-t., sabin., sep., spig., Sulph., sul-i., trembling: Asaf.
evening: Ambr., bar-c, bov., calc, canth.,
morning: Bov. carb-an., carb-v., caust., chel., dig.,

evening: Mag-c, zific. graph., hyper., indg., kali-i., mag-c,

mang., mur-ac, nat-c, nat-ni., nit-ac,
bruised, as if: Glon., Sulph.
petr., phos., plat., sep., sil ., strani., stront.,
sprained sensation, back of head: Psor. sulph., valer., thuj.

PAIN, stitching. PAIN", stitching, lying, while.

night: Am-c, arum-t., ciig., lye, nat-m., amel.: Calc, nat-m., nit-ac, sep.
Sep., spig., sulpli.
on affected side amel.: Arn., chel., sep.
waking, on: Hep.
on well side amel. : Mag-c.
air, in open: Mang., sil. '

menses, before: Calc-ph. Jerr. ,

amel.: Am-c, nice, sars., Sep., tabac.

during: Aeon., berb. calc, lye, mang.,
arms, on moving: Nat-s. rat.

bed, while in: Nat-c, plat., thuj. appearance of, amel.: Cycl,

blowing nose, on: Mur-ac. after: Berb., lye, nat-pi., ol-an., plat,

boring, stitching: Am-c. nrental exertion, after: Lye, pimp.

breakfast, after: Bry. motion agg. : Agn., ant-t., caps., cham.,
burning: Phos-ac, rhodo. hyper., kali-c, kali-n., nat-m., rat., sil.,
chilliness, during: Eupi.

cold hand, touch of, amel. : Euphr. amel.: Caps., sulph.

coryza, during: Coc-c, kali-c. continued amel. : Calc-ac.

during stopped : Croc. moving the jaw agg. : Kali-c.

coughing, when: Alum., anac, ant-t am., the eyes, on: Caps., hyper., kali-c.

ars., bry., calc, carb-v., caust., chel., odors, from strong: Selen.
cina, con., hyos^, kali-c, mez., nit-ac,
periodic: Calc, mur-ac.
phos., plios-ac, ruta, sabad., stann.,
sulph., sul-ac, thuj., verb., zinc. pressure, amel. ^th., calad., guaj.,
sil., sulph.
deep7seated: AlUc^, lach., tabac.
pulsating: Calc.
descending, on: Merc-i-f.
reading, while: Carb-v., caust., lye
dinner, during: Zinc.

after: Ant-t., bav-c, mag-c, phos., puis.,

respiration, on deep: Rat.
zinc. rest amel.: Calc.

drawing: Kreos., mang , sil. rising, on: Agar., calc.

dull: Mag-m., sep., sil. .

amel.: 01- an., puis.
eating, after: Alum., ant-t., bar-c, lye, seat, from: Mur-ac.
mag-c, phel., phos., sep., sulph.
stooping, from: Hepar.
fright, from least: Cic.
room, in: Am-m ,
bar-c, bov., con., selen.
head, on moving: Caps., hyper, kali-c.
nat-m. amel. in: Mang.

raising, amel. rubbing amel.: Canth., phos.

: Kali-c.

heat, after, in face: Puis, scratching amel. : Plat.

amel.: Kali-c. sitting, while: Caust, chin., indg., mag-c

phos., rat., squil., tarax.
during the: Asaf ,
mi.v-v., puis.
standing, while: Mag-c,
of stove, from plb.
: Rar-c.
still, amel. while: Mang.
house, while in: Nat-m., nice, sep.
stepping heavily, when:
jerking: Nat-m., nux-v., puis, Aloe, alum., Bry.

stooping, when: Alum.,

lying, while: Canth., nat-c, puis., am-m., berb., bry
sep. calc, caps., eye, glon.,
hep., kali-c.';

14 209

PAIN, stitching, stooping, when. PAIN, stitching, forehead.

mag-m., nuir-ac, nice, puis., staph., ferr., gels., gins., gran., grat, guaj.,
sulph., thuj. hep., hyos., ign., ip., kali-c, kali-n., lacli.

after: Aloe, rhus-t. lact.,laur., led., lil-t.,lye, mag-e, mag-ni.

Viang., nieny., mere, merc-c, niez.
sun, from exposure to: Bar-c, selen.
mosch., mur-ac, nat-e, nat-ni., nit-ui
talking, after: Agar., nat-m. nux-v., op., petr., phos., pho.s-ac, plant.
plat., plb., puis., rhodo., rhus-t., ruta
loudly: Sulph.
sabad., sabin., sars., selen., Sep., , sil.^
tearing: Berb., coloc, kali-bi., mere, spig., spong., squil., stann., staph., stram.
niur-ac, phos. stront., sulph., sul-ae, tarax., til., valer.

touch, from: Hep., ip., spig., staph. verat., verb., viol-t.,zinc.

amel.: Ars., coloc. left: Coloc.

vexation, after: Mag-c. daytime: Sulph.

waking, on: Canth., hep., petr., thuj. morning: Arg-n., con., grat, lye, pe
walking, while: Alum., bry., carb-an.,
crot-t., mere, plb sep., sulph., thuj. waking, on: Am., petr.

forenoon: Mang., sars.

about, amel. : Staph.
noon: Con., mur-ac.
after: Bry., tarax., tell,

washing face, on: Cop.

afternoon: J£ith.., alumn., grat., mag
mur-ac, nat-c.
amel. during, but agg. after: Spig.
2 p. m. : Alumn.
weather, on change of: Vip.
evening: Bov., dig., mang., nat-e, nat-
extending backwards: B')'y.
chest, or neck, to: Nat-m.
bed, in: Nat-c.
eyes, to: Calc, kali-c, spig., Sulph..
6 p. m. : Mag-e
face, to: Rhus-t., sars. 8-1 1 p. m. : Sil.

malar bone, to: Indg., rhus-t.

night: Nat-m., spig.
occiput, to: Puis.
midnight, on coughing: Hep.
outward: Sil.
air, open: Mang., sil.

root of nose, to: Kali-c. amel. Sars. sep. , tabac.


teeth, ears and neck, to: Merc.

burning: Thuj.
upward: Thuj. chill, during: Arn.

Brain: Agn., alum., am-c, bar-c, bell.,

cough, during: Anac, am., hep., hy
bry., calc, cham., cina, colch., eye, dulc,
mez., sulph.
euphr., granat., guaj., hyper., kali-c,
laur., lye, mill., nat-m., petr., ^\h.,puls., dinner, after: Ant-t.
sabin., sil., thuj. lye
eating, after: Alum.,

Torehead: Aeon., sesc, agar., agn., alum., externally: Aug., dig., hell., hep., tarax.
am-c, am-m., anac, ant-t., apis, arg-n.,
lying amel.: Calc, lye, sep.
am., asaf., aur., bar-c, bell., berb., bov.,
bry., calc, camph., canth., caps., carb-v., meditation, on: Lye ,

caust., cham., chel., chin., cic, cina, menses, after: Plat.

cocc, coc-c;, coloc, con., cupr., cycl.,
dros., dulc, elaps, euph., euphr.. motion, on: Kali-c, spong.

PAIN, stitching, forehead.
AIN", stitching, forehead.
waking, on: Thuj.
pressure agg. : Mur-ac.
washing, when: Bar-c.
reading: Lye, 7-uta.
extending, brain, into: Sul-ac.
rising, after: Agar,
ear, into: Nat-c.
room, in: Con.
nose, to: Squil.
sitting, while: Chin,
outward: Verb,
sleep, on going to: Alum, eyes over: Agar., aloe, alum., am-c,
standing still amel. : Mang. anac, arum-t., berb., bry., bov., caps.,
chel., coc-c, colch., ferr., kali-c,
stooping, on: Berb., bry., mag-m., mane, mez.,
kali-i., lach., lye, mag-s.,
mur-ac, staph. nat-m., ol-an., paeon., phos., phos-ae,
talking loud: Sulph. rhus-t., selen., sep., spig., valer.

touch, on: Ip. morning: Alum., sep.

walking, while: Crot-t., mere, sep., evening: Hep., inul., kali-bi.

sulph. coughing: Hyos.
extending, ear, to: Rhus-t., squil.
dinner: Amme, bor.
eye, to: Ant-t.
walking in open air, amel. : Sep.
lower jaw, to: Brom.
middle of Aur., : chel., gels., indg., sars.,
nose, to: Psor. stann., valer.

occiput, to: Bell., cham., phos. noon: Gels.

outward: Colch. sep., sulph. ,
afternoon: Gels.

above: Aloe, nat-m., ol-an., ruta, sulph. evening: Bov.

eminence frontal: Agar., aloe, arg-n., stooping, when: Gels., rat.

am., asaf., bar-c, bor., calc, canth., walking in open air: Laur.
cham., chel., chin., cocc, croc, euon.,
grat., guaj., lact., laur., lye, mag-m.,
extending outward: Kali-c. phos. ,

meny., mez., mur-ac, nat-c, nit-ac, nose, over: Agar., berb., camph., chin.,
plb., raph., ruta, sabad., sars., Spig.,
kali-bi., kali-c, nat-m., nit-ac, psor.,
stann., sul-ac, thuj., verb.
ran-b ,
rhus-t., sars., sep., sil.

right: Bell., squil.

sides of: Agar., anac, asaf., ant-c.
left: Arn., arg-n., croc, mang., nat-c, berb., bov., bry., calc, calc-a., canth.,
sars. cocc, cycl., dig., dros., euphr., grat.,
afternoon: Arg-n. hyos., kali-n., kali-s., kreos'., lach.,
mag-m., mang., nat-m., nat-s., tarax.,
2 p. m.: L,aur. thuj., verat., verb., zinc.

4 p. m. : Nit-ac.
morning: Carb-an., mez., nice, sars.
evening: Alum., lye, sars.
rising, after: Carb-an.
6 p. m.: Lye 9 a. m.: Sil.

7 p. m. : Sars.
10 a. m. : Nat-s.
noise, from: Agar,
11 a. m.: Calc.
pulsating: Spig.
afternoon: Am-m., phos.
standing, while: Canth.
evening: Chel., lye, nat-m., phos.,
stooping, when: Bar-c, lact. sulph.


PAIN, stitching, forehead, sides of.

PAIN, stitching, occiput.
air, open, ainel.: Carb-a. stepping agg. : Kali-c.
dinner, after: Nat-m.
stooping, after: Aloe, kali-c, rhus-t.
laughing, on: Glon.
tearing: ^th.
opening eyes: Si7.
turning the head: Spong.
sitting, while: Calc-a., mere, ruta. warm room: Bov.
stooping: Kali-n.
extending across: Agar,
extending brain, into: Sul-ac. back of chest: Eupi.
eye, into: Psor. ears, through: Puis,
face, to: Cyc.
eye, to: Sanic.
jaw, to: All-c. forehead, to: Bov., chel., sanic.
left to right: Squil.
forward: Nat-m., sars.
outward: Spong. frontal eminence, to : Bar-c.
teeth, to: All-c. nape of neck, to: Mur-ac.

Occiput: Aeon., sesc, seth., aloe, ambr., upper jaw, leftside: Cham.
ant-t., arn., bell., bov., bry., calc,
vertex, to: Sep.
canth., carb-an., carb-v., caust., cliam.,
c//el., cimic, con., dig., dulc, euphr., sides of: Aeon., bov., calc, chel., gr-

gels., glou., grat., hell., hep., hyper., ign., guaj., indg., kali-bi., kali-n., laur., I\

indg., iod., iris, kali-bi., kali-c, kali-i., mag-m., nat-c, phos., sars., spi
kali-n., lac-c, laur., mag-c, mag-m., sulph., sul-ac, verb., viol-t.
mane, mere, mur-ac, nat-c, nat-m., right: Sanic.
nit-ac, nux-m., petr., Phos., puis., ran-b.,
rhus-t., samb.,
extending to forehead: Sanic.
sars., sep., spig., spong.,
squil., staph., stront., sulph., sul-ac, left: Chel.
tarax., teucr., thuj., verat., verb., viol-t.,
morning: Bov., eupi.
7 a. m. : Bov.
morning: Kali-c, verat. afternoon: Euphr., petr.
waking, on: Arn. evening: Carb-an., nat-c, nit-ac.
forenoon: Lyc. sleep aniel. : Nit-ac.

evening: Alum., ambr., carb-v., hyper., breakfast, during: Nit-ac.

lyc, mur-ac, sep., thuj.
dinner, after: Canth., ol-an.
night: Lyc.
twitching: Cham., mag-m.
burning: Carb-v., staph.
extending forehead, to: Chel.

coughing, on: Coloc, sulph. side to side: Agar.

deep seated: Canth., cap. ^Eth., alum., am-c, am-m., ana<
dinner, after: Ant-t. ant-t., asaf , aur. , bar-c, bell., berb., bti

bov., brom., bry., calc, calc-ph., camp:

eating, after: Alum.
canu-s. ,
canth., caps., cast., caust., char
lying down, on : Puis. chel., cic, cinnb., cocc, coc-c, co:

crot-h., cupr., cycl., dig., eup-pur., eupi

motion, on: Kali-c, kali-n., spong.
euphr., eupi., ferr., gamn., graph., gm
pulsating: .Car/;-^;;., con., cop., hep. guaj., h}'os., hyper., indg., iod., kali-1'

sitting, while: Indg., squil. kali-c, lach., laur., mag-c, liiag-i)

. ,

IN, stitching, sides, PAIN, stitching, sides.

mag-s., mang., meny., merc-c, mez., deep into brain: Anac, indg.
mill., mur-ac, nat-c, nat-m., nat-s., nice, down arm: Cimx.
nit-ac, nux-v., ol-an., par., petr., phos., eye, to: Calc.
phos-ac, plat., plb., puis., rat., rhodo.,
face, to: Kali-bi.
• sars., Sep., sil., spig., staph., sulph.,
tarax., thiij., verb., zinc. forehead, to: Sil.

daytime: Nice. forward: Ant-t., kali-c, mang.

frontal bone, to: Con., guaj.

morning: Alum., mag-s., nat-m., nice,
sars. nape of neck, to: Sars.

until evening: Nat-m. occiput, to: Phos., tabac.

forenoon: Alum., nice, plb. outward: Mag-m. *

standing: Plb. side to side, from: Carb-v.

walking: Plb.
Temples: Acou., aesc, Eeth., agar., aloe,
noon: Alimi., canth., nice, sep. ambr., am-c, am-Si., anac, ang., ant-t.,
apis, apoc, am., arum-t., asaf., ars., bapt.,
3 p. m. : Mag-c.
bar-c, bell., berb., bor., bov., bry., cadm.,
evening: Bar-c, canth., carb-v. , caust calad., calc, camph., cann-i., canth.,
nat-m. carb-an., carb-v., caust., chant., chel.,
chin., cimic ,
cina, cocc, coc-c, coff.,
night: Nat-m.
coloc, cop., crot-h., cupr., cycL, daph.,
menses, after: Ol-an. dig., dulc, euphr., eupi., fcrr., gamb.,
glon., gran., graph., grat., guaj., hell.,
bowing, on : Thuj
hep., hydr., hyper., igu., iod., iris,
burning: Staph. kali-bi., kali-c, kali-i., k*li-n., kreos.,

coughing, on: Bry., cimx., mang., sulph.

laur., lyc,mag-c, mag-m., mag-s., mane,
mang., meny., mere, merc-i-f., merl.,
dinner, after: Mag-c, zinc, mez., mur-ac, nat-c, -nat-m., nit-ac,
exerting arms: Nat-s. nux-m., nux-v., ol-an., par., phos.,
phos-ac, plat., plb., psor., puis., ran-b.,
eyes and head: Hyper,
ran-s., rheum, rhodo., rhus-t., ruta, sabad.,
fright, from: Cic. sang., sars., selen., sep., sil., sol-n., spig.,

looking up: Caps, spong., squil., stann., staph., stram.,

stront., sulph., sul-ae, tabac, tarax.,
menses before: Calc-ph. tarent., ther., thuj., verb., viol-t., zinc.
during: Calc-ph. right: Agar., coff., grat., lyc, squil.
motion agg. : Sil.
left: Asaf., calc, chel., cocc, crot-h., plat.,
pulsating: Calc-ac. Sep., spig., staph.

reading, while: Lyc. morning: Cham.

room, in: Am-m. forenoon: Am-m., hep., indg., lyc,
sitting down, on: Rat.
stooping, on: Alum., caps., hep.
ID a. m. : Hep.

talking: Canth.
II a. m.: I,yc.

tearing: Sars., spig.

afternoon: Canth., cham., stront.
I p. ni. : Sars., sep.
waking, on: Thuj.
evening: Dig., graph., hyper., nat-c,
extending backward: Mag-c.
nit ac, phos., sep., sil., stront.
PAIN, stitching, temples, evening. PAIN, stitching, temples.

bed, in: Nat-c, sep. warm room, in: Selen.

6 p. in. : Kali-i., sep. extending brain, into: Aloe, croc,

8 p. ni.: Strani. downward: Ang.
night: Dig., ferr. eyes, to: Ant-c, berb.

sleep, during: Dig.

forehead, across: Anac, berb., bor.,

3 a. m.: Ferr. ferr., sil., squil,, tabac.

air, open, in: Maiig. inward: Aeon., arg-m., arn., lach.,

rhus-t., til.
alternating with heat and coldness: Bor
occiput, to: Carb-s., t/mw.
with pressure: Tabac.

benUing head forward: Thuj. outward: Bar-ac, berb., calc, nux-m.,

rhus-t., sulph.
boring, amel, on touch: Coloc.
teeth, to: Sars.
burning: Ars., bar-c, staph.

chewing, on: Am-c, am-m. temple to temple: Chin,

cough, during: Caust., cina, kali-c. zygoma, to: Kali-c.

descending stairs: Merc-i-f. Vertex: Aeon., aesc, seth., alum., alumn.,

am-m., anac, bar-c, bell., bor., bov.,
dinner, after: Mag-c.
bry.^ calc, caps., carb-an., carb-v., caust.,
light, looking at a bright: Ifat-m. chel., chin., cimx., cimic, con., cop.,
cupr. cycl., dig., eupi., ferr., hell., hyper.,
lying, while, on the painful part amel.; ,

guaj., indg., iod., ip., kali-i., kali-n.,

lach., laur., lith., lyc, mag-c, meny.,^
motioir, during: Agn. mez., mill., nat-c, nat-m., nice, nit-ac,

needles like, burning: Ars., staph. olnd., ol-an., petr., phel., phos., phos-ac,
puis., raph., rat., ruta, sabad., sars., sep.,
paroxysmal: Berb. spig., stann., staph., stront., sulph.,

pressure amel.: je,sc., seth., guaj. tabac, thuj., valer., verb., zinc.

rest amel. : Calc. morning: Am-m., phos.

rheumatic: Lyc. forenoon: Nice

rhythmical: Bor. 10:30 a. m.: Mag-c.

shaking head: Nat-m., nux-v. noon: Mur-ac.

singing, while: Alumn. afternoon: Alum., bov., indg., mur-ac.

sitting, while: Tarax. 3 a. m.: Am-m.

stepping agg. : Aloe. evening: Carb-an., nit-ac.

stool, during: Lyc. night: Chel., lyc.

talking, after: Agar. coughing, on: Con., sabad.

tearing: Dig., viol-t. menses, after: Ol-an.

touch agg. : Staph. paroxysmal: Caust., chel.

amel.: Ars., coloc. reading, while: Carb-v., lyc.

walking, while: Ptel., sep. spots: Chel., kali-bi.

amel.: Staph. stooping, on: Alumn., am-ui.

after: Bry., tarax., tell. walking, while: Carb-an.

PAIN, stunning.
PAIN, stitching, vertex.
rest, while at, agg.: Meny., puis., rhus-t.
extending, forehead, to: Caps., rnez.,

nice. and motion, during: Calc.

head, to: Lach. room agg.: Nat-c, puis,

through whole head, from exposure sitting: Cina.

to sun: Bar-c.
smoking, while: Ant-c.
outward: Staph,
stinging: Verb,
palate, into: Nat-tn.
sunshine, from: Nux-v.
pharynx, to: Cham,
throbbing: Sabin.
temples, to: Carb-v., phos.
tightening: Asaf., olud.

within, outward, amel. while washing, arg-m.,

Forehead: Agar„ anac, ant-c,
but agg. after: Spig. bapt., bell., calc,
arn., ars., asaf., asar.,
agar., cann-s., carb-an., cic, cina, cycl., dros.,
stunning, stupefying: Aeon., seth.,

am-c, anac, ant-c, arg-m., arn., ars., euph., fl-ac, gran., hyos., kali-n., laur.,
asaf asar., aur., bapt., bar-c, bell., bov.,
led., mag-c, mang., meny., mur-ac,
bry., calc, calc-a., cflrd-z/., chin., cic, cimx., nat-c, olnd., par., phos., phos-ac, plat.,
cina, cinnb., con., crot-t., cupr., cycl., dros., ruta, sabad., sep., stann., staph., tarax.,

dulc, fl-ac, gran., hell., hyos., iod., iris., thuj., valer., verb.
kali-c, kali-ii., lac-c, lye,laur., led.,
so violent; sweats from anxiety; while
mag-c, meny., mez., mosch., nat-c, nux-m., walking in open air: Ant-c.
nux-v., oliid., op., phos., phos-ac., puis.,
rheum, rhodo., rhus-t., ruta, sabad., sabin., eyes, over: Euon.
samb., stann., staph., sulph.,
Sep., sil.,
nose, above: Aeon., ant-t. asar. mosch. , ,

tarax., thtvj., valer., verb., zinc.

Occiput: Cann-i., cina., seneg., sulph.
morning: Agar., arn., nat-m., nux-v., rhus-t.,
euph., mez.,
Sides: Asaf., daph., dulc,
olnd., sul-ac, verb.
waking, on, as from liquor: Kali-u.
Temple : Aeon., ars., asar., cina, iod.,
afternoon: Cham., hell, podo., rheum, sabad., verb.
evening: Puis,
Vertex: Bov., dulc, phos., rheum, valer.

night: Arg-n.
tearing, rending: .ajsc, aeth., agar., agn., ail.,

cold amel. : Puis. alum., ambr., am-c, am-m., anac, ant-c,

agg.: Puis., rhus-t.

ant-t., arg-m., am., ars., asar., aur., bell.,

berb., bor., bov., bry., calad., calc, calc-ph.,

chilliness, with: Puis,
camph., cann-s., canth., caps., carb-an.,
compressing: Mosch. carb-v., cast., caust., cham., chel., chin.,
cina, cinnb., cocc, coff., colch., coloc, con.,
coughing, on: .^th., kali-n.
croc, crot-t., cupr., cycl., dig., dros., eupi.,
drawing: Asar. ferr., graph., guaj., hell., hyos., hyper.,
eating, after: Nux-v. ign., indg., iod., ip., kali-bi., kali-c,
kali-n., kalm., kreos., lach., laur., led.,
motion amel.: Puis., rhus-t.
lil-t., mag-c, mag-m., mag-ph., mag-s.,

pressing: Ant-i., arg-m., arn., ars., asar.,

mane, merc-c, Mere, mez., mill., mur-ac,
calc, cic, cina, croi-t., cupr., dros.,
nat-c, nat-m., nat-s., nice, nux-v., ol-an.,
euon., hell., petr., phos., phos-ac, plat., plb., psor.,
hyos., mez., ruta, sabad.,
stann., sulph., verb. puts., ran-b., rat., rheum, rhodo., rhus-t.,
ruta, samb., sars., selen., sep., sil., spig.,
pressure amel.: Iod., podo. squil., stann., staph., stram., stront., Sulph.,

PAIN, tearing.
PAIN, tearing.
sul-ac, tarax., tereb., teiicr., thuj., til., crazy feeling runs up back:
viol-t., vip., zinc. Lil-t.

cutting: Bell,
morning: Alum., arg-n., bor., bov., coloc,
con., indg., digging: Coloc, spig.
mez., nice, nux-v., ran-,s.,'
rhodo., sars., sil., verat. dinner, during: Zinc.
bed, in. Arg-n.
after: Carb-an., mag-c, ol-an., zinc.
rising, on: Ip., staph., stram.,
stront. drawing: Am-c, calad., canth., caps.,
until noon; Ip. guaj., lach., nux-v., ol-an., rhus-t,

waking, on: Graph., phos., puis., verat.

boring, drawing, tearing: Carb-an.

noon: Cham., graph., zinc. eating, while: Con., sul-ac, zinc.

every da)', at; pressure agg.;'open after: Carb-an., mag-c, nux-v., ol-an.,
amel.: Arg-m. phel., Sep., zinc.

afternoon: .^th., calc, cast., canst., eyes, on moving, agg.: Dros., mur-ac.
graph., grat., guaj., kali-i., kreos.,
laur.', head, bending back, agg.
lye, mag-c, mag-s., nat-c, nice, : Anac.
sil., sulph., zinc. forward amel. : Ign.

until evening: Lyc. burning, tearing in, on: Cupr.

evening: alumn., ambr., am-c, coloc,

Ail., moving agg. : Coloc.
grat., hyper., kali-n., lachn.,
lyc, mag-c.', resting on hands amel. : Dros.
mag-m., mere, nice, olnd., petr., puis.,'
sars., sil., staph., sulph., sul-ac.
on table amel. : Sulph.

bed heat, during the: Puis.

in: lyaur., sil., thuj.

until midnight: Laur. amel.: Mag-ph., staph., stram.

night: intermittent: Coloc, nice, rheum.

Caust., cham., hep., laur., lyc,
mag-c, mere, sil. jerking: Agar., anac, chin., kali-c, mag-c,

waking, on: Arg-n. mur-ac, paeon., puis., rat, teucr., thuj.

knitting, while: Mag-s.
aching, tearing, jerking: Phos.

air, from cold: Ign. labor, from hard: Anac

lacerated, as if. (See "Torn.")
in open: Alum., ant-t mag-s., mang.,

ol-an. morning on rising, rest and warmth amel.;

amel.: Arg-m., aur., sulph.
passes ofiF with much yawning: Staph.
brain were clasped by a hand, as if, and
asunder (compare "bursting"): Agar.,
am-m., cofT., mur-ac, nat-s., op., puis., being torn and twisted: Mur-ac.
staph., sul-ac, verat. lying, while: Mag-c.

bed amel. : Aur. amel.: Calc-s., chin., lyc.

warmth of. agg.: Mere, thuj. back, on, amel.: Ign.

breakfast, during: Sul-ac. must lie down : Colch.

bruised, tearing: Bov., mere. quietly, towards morning, amel.: Merc,

chill, during: Eupi., hyper. menses, before: Ars., cinnb.

cold agg.: Bov., grat., stram. during: Calc, cast., mag-c, nat-c , rat.

cough, during: Alum., arn., calc, cupr-ae, mental exertion, from: Anac.
mur-ac. puis., sep., verat.
, amel. : Calc-ac.

PAIN, tearing. PAIN, tearing.

motion agg. : Agn.,aur., calc, canth., chin., twitching: Chin., kali-c, sil.

cocc, coff., lith., phos., rat., sil., Spig.,

vomiting, after: Thuj.
waking, on: Arg-n., graph., phos., thuj.,
amel. : Mur-ac, sulph.
noise agg.: Coff., Spig.
overheated, after being: Kali-c. walking, while: Cast ,
chin., con., sars.,

parox3'smal: Nice. Spig., tarax.

periodic: Anac, mur-ac. in air, amel. : Ant-c.

pressive: Camph., chel., squil. wandering: Ambr., con., nat-s., selen.

pressure agg. : Arg-m., bism. water, cold, agg.: Sulph.

amel.: Calc-ac, carb-an., mag-c, mag-m., wrapping head up amel.: Rhodo.

mag-ph., nat-c, sulph.
writing, while. Ran-b.
pulsating: Ars., carb-an., mag-m., nat-c,
yawning, passes off with much: Mur-ac.
rhus-t., sil., spong. , zinc.
extending ear, to: Nux-v.
respiration, on deep: Rat.
eye, left, in paroxysms: Nice
rest amel.: I/ith., staph.
face, to: Am-m., anac, bry., guaj., Ij-c,
rising, on: Am-m., kalm.
sil., squil., thuj.
from stooping: Ant-t., mang.
neck, to: Anac, chin., mere.
up in bed, agg. : Mur-ac.
nose, to: Lyc, nat-c, nux-v.
room, on entering: Mag-m.
scapulas, to: Puis.
amel. in: 01-an.
teeth, to: Chin., lyc, mere, staph.
rubbing amel. : Ivaur.
throat, to: Anac, mere.
saw, as if with a: Sulph.
shooting: Arg-m., berb., caust., chel., chin.,
Forehead: Act-sp., seth., agar., agn.,
alum., ambr., am-c, am-m., anac, aut-c,
cic, hyos., hyper., phos., sil., sulph., vip.,
ant-t., arg-m., arg-n., arum-t., ars., asaf.,
asar., aur., aur-m-n., bell., berb., bism.,
sitting while: Indg., lith., mag-c, mez., bov., brom., bry., cact., calc, calc-ph.,
nice, phos., spig. camph., canth., caps., carb-an., carb-v.,
cast., caust., cham., chel., chin., cina,
amel.: Mag-m.
cocc, coc-c, coloc, con., cupr., cycl.,
upright agg.: Ign., mur-ac. dros., euphr., gran., graph., grat., guaj.,
spots, in: Aloe, lye, phos-ac. hell., hep., hyos., ign., indg., ip., kali-bi.,
kali-c, kali-n., kalm., lach., lachn., laur.,
standing, while: Lith., ranb., Spig.
led., lyc, mag-c, mag-m., mag-s., mang.,
still, amel. Tarax.
Merc, merc-i-r., merl., mez., mur-ac,
step, a false, agg. :
Spig. nat-c, nat-m., nat-s., nit-ac, nux-v., op.,
phel., phos., plb., puis., rat, rhodo.,
stinging: Caps., cocc, hyper., zg^w.,
mag-m., sabad., samb.,
nat-m., nice, phos-ac, puis. sars., sep., sil., Spig.,
siann., staph., stront., sulph., sul-ac,
stooping, on: Asar., bov., thuj.,
carb-an., ip til., zinc.
rhus-t., sil.
morning: Coloc, graph., mez.
talking, on: Sard.
sitting, while: Mez.
touch agg.: Arg-m., chel., ip.
waking, on: Graph,
amel.: Mur-ac.
forenoon: Alum., sars.

PAIN, tearing, forehead.
PAIN, tearing, forehead, extending,
uoon: Graph., zinc,
nose, to: Nat-c.
afternoon: Chel., graph., huir., snlph.
occiput, to: Bov., kali-n.
2 p. ni. : hauv.
temple, to: Canst., gran,
2-4 p. ni. : Mag-s.
vertex, to: Alum., mere, sil.
evening: Agn., alum., coloc, hell., lye,
mag-m., mere, puis., sars., sil., staph.
eminence frontal: Agn., alum., ambr.,
ant-t., arg-mur., bell., bov., calc, chin.,
sitting, while: Staph.
cina, cocc, hell., kaH-c, lyc, mang.,
6 p. ni.: Broni. mil., nat-c, sabad., sep., sil., Spig.,
thuj., verb., zinc.
night: Hep., mere, plb., thuj.

across: Bry., kalm., lachn.

right: Ambr., Spig.
left: Sep.
air, open: Alumn., mag-s.
under: Spig.
amel.: Alum., aur.

alternating with pain in arms:

extending to eyes: Spig.
afternoon, 2 p. m.: Lyc.
coffee agg. : Kali-n.
evening: Alum.
dinner, after: Mag e,
air, open in: Verb.
eating, after: Sep., sulph.
dinner, after: Zinc.
flying pain: Rat., seneg.
speaking, while: Ant-t., mang.
heat, during: Ars.
extending ear, to: Bov., nat-c, zinc.
lying amel. : Lyc.
temple, to: Arg-mur.
menses, during: Cast., cinnb.
eyes, over: Agar., agn., aur., calc, chel.,
mental exertion : Anac.
ferr-i., iod., kali-c, kali-i., lach., lyc,
motion, during: Agn. mang., mere, mez., phos., sang., sil.

periodic: Cham., plb. right: Agn., anac, mang.

radiating: Lyc. left: Iod.

riding in a carriage, amel. : Kali-n. afternoon: Sang.

rising, on: Kalm. evening : Agn.

sitting, while: Spig. night: Lyc.

standing, while: Spig". air, open, amel. : Aur.

stooping, when: Asar., bov., stann., sulph. motion agg.: Agn.

touch, on: Ip. pressure amel. : Anac.

waking, on: Thuj. middle of: Bov., glon., laur., stront.,

extending to cervical muscles, then to
right arm Bry. : morning: Bov.

chest, to: Chan. afternoon: Mag-c.

eyes, to: Kali-c, mur-ac, nat-c, nat-m., dinner, after: Chel.

spig. above: ^th., agar., ambr., Ij'C,
nape to: Berb. nat-c, nat-m.

neck, down, into face and teeth; agg. Agn., arg-n., arum-t, aur., bov.,
sides of:
rising, amel. lying: Lyc. camph., carb-an., canst., coloc, grat.

PAIN, tearing, occiput.
FAIN, tearing, forehead, sides of.

lye, lyssin, mag-m., sitting erect agg.: Ign.

kali-i., lacbn.,
mang., >neny., mere, mez., nat-s., while, amel.: Mag-m.
nuph., ol-an., puis., seneg., siami.,
standing still amel. : Tarax.
staph., til., zinc.
vomiting: Thuj.
right: Carb-an., lye, meny., puis.,

slann., zinc. walking, while: Con., tarax.

left: Aur. extending forehead, to: Ambr., aur..

carb-v., chin., mere
morning: Ol-an.
forward: ^th., anac aur., chin.,
evening: Sul-ac.
mere, Sil.
4 p. m. : Mag-c.
nape of neck, to Berb., Nux-m.,
menses, during: Nat-c.
NUX-V., ran-b.
motion agg. : Aur.
temple, to: Anac, arn.
sitting, while: Cast,
throat, to, amel. on rubbing: Laur.
extending, cheek, to: Lachn.
upward: Berb., ol-an., sars., sil.
eyebrow, to: Lyc.
and forward: Ambr., mag-m., rat.
root of nose, to: Lyc.
vertex, to: Mag-m., rat.
temples, to: Kalm., mez.
sides of: Agar., aur., bar-c, berb., bov.,
Occiput: Aeon., aeth., agar., ail., ambr., camph., carb-an., carb-v., carl., colch.,
am-m.,anac., arg-m., ars., aur.. bar-c,
guaj., kali-bi., kali-c, led, mag-c,
bell., berb., bism., bov., calc, camph.,
mur-ac, nat-s., puis.,, ran-b., rhus-v.,
canth., carb-an., carb-v., chel., colch.,
stann., stront., zinc.
con., cupr., form., grat., gauj., hyos.,
hyper., ign., indg., kali-bi., kali-c, kali-n., right: Aur.
laur., led., lyc, mag-c, mag-m., mang., morning: Puis.
mere, merc-c, merl., mur-ac, nat-s.,
evening: Carb-an nat-s.
nit-ac, Nux-m., Nux-V., phel ,
phos-ac, ,

puis., ran-b., sabad., sep., sil., spig., bending head backward amel. : Bar-c.
squil., stann., stront., sulph. , /ara.jr thuj.,
laughing, when: Zinc

verat., zinc.

morning: Agar., verat.

motion agg. : A ur.
waking, on: Verat.
moving head to left: Mag-c.

paroxysmal: Mur-ac.
afternoon, 2 p. m.: Grat.
rest, during: Nat-s.
evening: Hyper., sil.

shooting back and forth: Carb-an.

bending head backward agg. : Anac.
burning: Cupr. twitching: Bism., mag-m.

coughing: Cupr. extending forehead, to: Aur., mur-ac

exertion of mind amel. head, to: Canth., sabad sil.

: Calc-a. ,

heat, during: Puis. neck, to: Ambr.

house, on entering: Mag-m. behind left ear: Ambr.

motion agg.: Aur., sil., spig. Sides: .-Esc, seth., agar., alum., ambr.,
noise agg.
am-c, am-m., amnion., anac, ant-t.
: Spig.
arg-m., arg-u., ars., aur., aur-m-n., bar-c,
pulsating: Mag-m. bov., brom., bry., canlh., caps., carb-an.,

PAIN, tearing, sides.
PAIN, tearing, sides, extending,
carb-v., cast., canst, cJnun., chin., cic, forward: Indg.
cina, coc-c, colch., coloc, croc, dig., inward: Mag-c.
gran., graph., grat., guaj., hell., ign.,'
indg., side to side: Clem., rhu.s-t.
kali-c, laur., led., lith., lye,
mag-c, niag-in., niang., mere, merl., teeth and glands of throat: Graph,
Inez., mill., miir-ac, nat-c, nat-s., nice, upward: Phos.
luix-v., ol-an., phel., phos., plb puis.,,

rat, rhodo., ruta, sars., selen., sep.,

Temples: Aeon., teth., agar., agn., ail.,
.stauu., stront., alum., alumn., ambr., am-e, ani-m.,
.sulph., sul-ac,
tencr., thuj., til tong., verb., zinc. anac, ant-c, ant-t., arg-m., arg-n., am.,

arum-t, asaf., asar., aur., aur-m., bell.,

right: Alum., anac, carb-an., mag-c, berb., bism., bov., bry., cale, calc-ae,
puis., sul-ac verb.
calc-ph., camph., canth., carb-v., cast,
left: Aur., caps., cina, coloc, caust., c/iam., chel., chin., chin-s., cic,
kali-c, laur., \QA.,spig., thuj. cina, cocc, colch., coloc, con., cop.,
cycl., dig., dulc, gran., grat, guaj.,
morning: Thuj.
ham., hell., hyper., indg., iod., kali-bi.,
afternoon: Nice, ol-an., zinc. kali-c, kali-i., kali-n., kalm., kreos.,
2 p. ni.: Grat., laur. lach., lachn., lact., laur., led., lye,
mag-c, mag-m., mag-s., mang., mere,
evening: Grat., nice, thuj.
merl., mez., mur-ac, nat-c, nat-m.,
amel.: Ruta. nat-s., nice, nux-in., nux-v., olnd., ol-an.,
par., phos., phos-ae, plb., puis.,
sitting, while: Phos.
ran-b., rat., rhodo., rhus-t., ruta, sabad.,
night: Arg-n. sabin., samb., seneg., sep., sil., spig.,
spong., stann., sulph., sul-ac, thuj., til.,
air, cold: Bov., ign.
verb., viol-t., zinc
bed, in: Thuj.
right: Agar., arum-t., asaf., camph., lact.,
cold water agg. Sulph. laur., mur-ac, nat-s., i-an-b
, rhus-t.
dinner, after: Ol-an., zinc, left: Aeon., agn., anac, arg-m., arn.,
dravsdng: ^ov.,caps., zinc. asar., grat., guaj., kali-bi., kali-c,
mag-m., Sep., spig., sulph.
intermittent: Ant-t.
to right: Aur-m., iod.
menses, during: Mag-c, nat-c.
morning: Con.
pulsating: Ars.
forenoon: Alum., arg-n., indg., nice
reading,' while (in mastoid): ^sc.
sitting, while: Nice
rising from stooping: Ant-t, mang.
afternoon: ^th., cast, guaj., mag-c
spots, in: Bar-c. mag-s., sil., sulph.
stepping: Spig". I p. m.: Sil.

stinging: Sars.
4 p. m. : Caust., lyc.
stooping, on: Sil. evening: Am-e, kali-n., lachn., led.

twitching: Teucr. mag-c, olnd., sul-ac, sulph.

walking, while: Cast. lying down, on: Mag-c.

extending down neck into face and teeth, 6 p. m. : Kali-i.

agg. rising, amel. lying: Lye night agg.: Thuj.

ear, to: Lyc. air, open in: Ant-t., mang., ol-an.

eye, to: Mag-m. amel. : Aur., puis.

PAIN, tearing, temples. PAIN, tearing, vertex.

breakfast, during: Sul-ac. kali-c, kalm., kreos., lach., lachn., laur.,

lye, mag-c, mag-s., mang., mere, mez.,
chill, during: Hyper,
mur-ac, naja, nat-c, nit-ac, nux-v.,
cold agg. : Grat. phel., phos., phos-ac, ran-b., ran-sc, rat.,
rhus-t., ruta, sars., sil., spig., stann.,
cough, during: Alum., puis,
thuj., vine, zinc.
dinner, during: Am-c. , zinc,
morning: Bov., ran-s.
eating while: Con.
forenoon: Bor.
heat agg.: Grat.
afternoon: Kreos.
menses, during: Am-m.
evening: Calc, hyper., l)'c.
amel. : Nat-c. v
7 p. m. : Lyc.
motion, during:
night: Laur., mere, thuj.
pressure: Bism.
dinner, after: Mag-c.
spots, in: Carb-v., rat.
eating, after: Intil ,
stooping, when: Carb-s.
lying, while, amel.: Lyc.
touch: Chel.
menses, during: Laur., mag-c, rat.
twitching tearing temple lain on,
pressure agg. : Bell.
moves to the other side on turning:
Puis. sitting, while: Phos.
walking, while: Cast., sulph. standing, while: Ran-b.

in open air: Arn. writing, while: Ran-b.

warmth of bed agg. : Puis, extending, ear, to: Agar., phos.

yawning amel. : Mur-ac. occiput, to: Indg.

extending, brain, into: Anac. over temples: Ang.

downward: Bry., laur. shoulder, to : L,yc.

ear, to: Aur-m., bov. zygoma, to: Phos.

face, to: Am-m., arg-n., bry., kali-c, torn, as if(compare " bruised," "tearing"
lachn., seneg. etc.): Agar., alum., am-m., ang., ars., aur
bell., bov., camph., carb-an.,
forehead, across: Cast., lye, mez., caust., cham '
chtu., con., euphr., ferr.,
phos-ac. graph., hell
hep., hyper., ign., ip.,
iod., kali-n., lach'
jaw, to: Arg-n., kali-c.
mag-c, mere, mosch., mur-ac, niu
neck, to: Bry., kali-i. mt-ac. nux-v., op.,
phos., phos-ac, plat"

puis rhus-t., Sep., stann.,

occiput, to: Kali-bi., rhus-v. staph., stront"
sulph., thuj., verat., zinc.
teeth, to: Bry., carb-v., lachn.,
verb. brain aches as if torn to
upward: Am-m.,
pieces, mominc on
laur., rhus-v. nsing, agg. motion,
amel. rest and
vertex, to: Laur. "^'^^ ^''''^ yawning:.
zygoma, to: Coc-c.
as if torn or beaten
to pieces, agg.
Vertex: Act-sp., agar., agn., ambr., moving
am-c eyes or sitting up in bed,
anac, ant-c, arg-m., aur., amel., moder-
bar-c, belL, ate exercise: Mur-ac.
benz-ac, bor., bov., canth.,
cast., chel as if clasped
colch., con., dulc, by a hand and were
hyper., i„dg., iod" beine
torn and twisted:

PAIN, torn, as if. PERSPIRATION.
Am-m., graph., cold: Aeon., aut-t., benz-ac bry., bufo, calc,
Forehead: asar., cofF., ,

luez., iiux-v. camph., cina, cocc, eon., dig., hep., lob-i.,

mere, merc-c, op., petr., phos., podo.,
Occiput: Con. verat.

Sides Nux-v., sulph. coughing, on: Ant-t., calc,

ip., mere, sil.,

Temples: Mur-ac. tarent.

Vertex: Carb-an., caust. ,

mur-ac, thuj., eating, while: Nux-v., petr.
except the head: Bell., mere, nux-v., Rhus-t.,
ulcerative: Aeon., am-c, bor., bov., carb-v., Samb., Sep., thuj.

cast., caust., hep kali-c, kreos., mag-c,

fetid: Calc, mere, puis.
mang., mere, nux-v., puis., sep., stront.,
sulph. ^ on one half: Nux-v., puis.
headache, with: Physos.
Forehead: Hep., mur-ac, nux-v.
hot: Cham., cimic, glon., op., podo.
periodical, with constipation: Nux-v.
menses during: Cham., mere, phos., verat.
Occiput: Am-c, mang., nux-v., sep.
motion in open air: Phos.
Temples: mxx-&c., puis.
mush-like odor: Apis, sulph.
Vertex: Cast., zinc
oily: Merc.
PARALYSIS of brain, incipient: Atn-c, ars.,
Ambr., bar-e, nux-v.. Puis.,
carb-v., hyos., lye, op., phos., plb., zinc. Sulph.

PERSPIRATION scalp: ^sc, agar., Anac, only on the head: Aeon., calc, cham., phos.,
ant-t., bar-c, bell., bor., bov., bufo, Calc, puis., sabad., sep., sil., spig., stann.
calc-ph., camph., carb-v., caust., Cham.,
reading, while: Nat-s.
chin., cimx., clem., cycl., dig., eup-pur.,
sleep, during: Calc, calc-ph., cic, lye, mere,
gamb., glon., grat, Guaj., hep., iod., ip.,
kali-c, laur., lye, mag-c, mag-m., Mere. podo., sanic, sep., sil.

mez., mosch., Mur-ac, nat-m., nit-ac,

on falling a: Graph.
nux-v., ol-an., olnd., op., /'^'i^r., phel., Phos.,
soup, after: Phos.
phos-ac, plb., Puis., Rheum., sabad., sep.,
Sil., spig., staph.,
siram., strych., sulph., sour: Merc, Sil.

tabac, tarent., valer., verat-v., zinc.

stool, during: Ptel.

daytime: Ol-an., stram. waking, on: Phos-ac.

morning: Cann-s., dulc, hep., mez., nat-m.,
walking, after:
nux-v., Sep.
in open air: Chin., guaj.
rising, on: Nat-m.
washing, after: Graph.
forenoon: Mag-c. Aeet-ae, aeon., seth., agar.,
ant-t, asaf., bapt.,
wening: Anac. amyl-n., anag., ars.,

down Petr. brom., bry., cacL, calc, camph., Caun-i.,

after lying :
chel., chin.,
caps., carb-o., carb-v., cham.,
Bov., bry., calc, carb-an., chin., dig., dros.,
night: cic, cina, coleh., crot-t., cupr.,
nat-m., rhus-t., sil. guaj., hell., hep.,
elaps, eup-per., glon.,
kali-c, lachn., laur..
midnight: Rhus-t. iod., 7>., jab., kali-bi.,
Led., lye, Merc-c,
mosch. Nat-c, nat-m ,

bed, in: Bry. phyto., ran-a.,

nit-ac, nux-v., Op., Phos.,
sin-n., stann., staph.,
breakfast, after: Par. sabad., Sars.,
stram., tabac, Verat., vespa,
clammy: Cham., mere, nux-v.

morning: Ambr., dios. kali-c, nux-v., motion, during: Valer.

phys., stann., staph. offensive: L,ed.

bed, in: Staph. rising up in bed, when: Mag-s.

stool, during: Phys. rising from a seat: Verat.

6 a. m. : Nux-v. , sitting, while: Camph., iris-f.

S a. m. : Dios. sour: Led.

noon: Nat-m., valer. sticky: Cocc.
afternoon: Ferr-i. stool, during: Crot-t., Verat.
evening: Carb-v., chin., ol-an., ran-b., sars., after: Crot-t., ip., mere, Verat.
storm, during approach of: Nat-c.
lying, after: Carb-v.
walking in open air, while: Merc, nux-v.
walking, while: Chin,
warm: Aeon., camph., cham., glon., phys.,
writing: Ran-b.
6:30 p. m. Ol-an.
Occiput: Anac, ars., calc, chin., ferr.,

night: Bry., cann-s., chin., crot-t. mag-m., mosch., nit-ac, nux-v., Phos-ac,
sanic, sep., sil., spig., stann., Sulph.
pain in abdomen, during: Crot-t.
during sleep: Sanic.
anxiety, as from: Nux-v., verat.
while walking: Sulph.
chill, during: Aeon., bry., calc, chin., cina,
dig., led., iiat-s.
PITHY feeling. (See " Numbness.")
clammy: Acet-ac, carb-an., cina, colch.,
PRICKLING: Am-m., apis, arg-n., aur., bar-c,
op. cham., chin-s., hydr-ac, lachn., phos-ac,
sabad., tarent., thuj., verb., viol-o.
cold: Aeon., acet-ac, ant-t., ars., asaf.,
bapt., bry., bufo, cact., calc, camph., needles, as from: Con., eugen., rhus-t., thuj.
caps., Carb-v., chin., cina, cocc, colch.,
croc, cupr., dros., gels., glon., hell., ip.,
Forehead: Apis, aur., chin-s, ferr., lil-t.,

sabad., sep., thuj., verat., viol-o.

kali-bi., kali-c, lach., laur., mere,
merc-c, Op., ox-ac, pelr., ph.os., phyto., intermittent: Verb.
plb., s&hsid., secale, staph., sul-a.c., tabac,
like needles: Agar., all-c, am-c, asaf., caul.,
Verat,, vip., zinc.
hep., kali-c, mang., nat-m., sep.
chill, during: Chin., cina. spots, in: Apis.
cough, during: Ant-t., chlor., ip., verat.
above root of nose : Kali-bi.

diarrhoea, during: Sulph.

Temple : Ail., ant-c, apis, cupr., cocc, euphr.,
dinner, after: Nat-s., par., sars., sulph. rhus-r., tarax., tarent., thuj., verb.

easy: Rheum. evening: l,achn.

eating, while: Carb-v., nit-ac», nux-v., needles, as with: Nice, zinc.

sulph., sul-ac.
PULSATING, beating, throbbing (compare
fever, during: Ant-t., ip., mag-s., sars.,

Bursting, " " Congestion, " " Hammer-
staph., Verat. ing."): Aeon., teth., agar., ail., aloe,
greasy: Coloc, psor. alum., am-c, am-m., aniyl., anac, ant-t.,
apis., am., ars., asaf., asar., aster., aur.,,
headache, during: Glon.
Bell., bor., bov., brach., bry., cact.,
menses, during: Phos., verat. cadm., calc, calc-a., calc-ph., camph..
. ) ,

canii-i., caun-s., canlh., ccifis., carl)-an. comes on during the, with nausea and vom-
card-v., cast., canst., cedr., chain., chel. iting: Sil.
chill., Chin-S., ciniic, ciniib., c'eni., cob.
driving out of bed: Arg-n.
cocc. ,
cofT., colch., coll., croc, crot-h., crot-t.
cupr., curar., cycl., daph ,
dig., dros. waking, on: Carb-v., sulph.
eugen., eup-per., cuphr., eiipi.,/«r., f^els air, in open, agg.: Carb-an., cocc, eup-pur.,
Glon., graph., grat., guaj., hell., hep., liipp. iris.
hyos., ign., iiidg., iiid., iod., ip., kali-bi.
amel.: Ant-t, kali-bi., kali-iod., mang.,
kalt-c, kali-i., kaii-ii., kalm., krcos., lack,
nice, phos., pic-ac
lact., lam., laur., led., lith., Lye, nuig-c.
mag-ui., niag-s., mane, mang., mere, niez. alternating between head and chest: Bell.
mill., mur-ac, niyric, nat-c, nat-m.
ascending agg. : Alum., aster., glon., nat-ph.
nat-ph., nice, nit-ac, ««a'-w«., niix-v., olnd.
ol-an., op., -p&r., petr., phel., ///oj., phos-ac. fast: Glon.
pic-ac, plb., psor., puis., rheum, rhodo bathing, after: Cast.
rhus-t., ruta, sabad., sabin.. Sang., sars.
cold, amel.: Ars., ind., phos.
secale, seneg., Sep., sil. ,so\-n., spong., .squil.

stann., strain., Sulph., tabac, tereb., ther. bed, while in: Chel., con., cycl., graph., sep.
thuj., til., verat., verat-v., zinc.
bending backward agg.: Aur., lyc.

morning: Aur., bov., calc, canth., cedr., cob. amel.: Bell., nat-m., sit.
gamb., glon., graph., grat., indg., kali-bi.,
forward. (See '
' Stooping. '

lact., lye, nat-c, nat-m., nice, nit-ac, '

nnx-v., plb., podo., sars., sep., sil., spig., binding up head amel. : Pic-ac.
blood, after loss of: Chin,

comes on gradually and goes off about breakfast, amel. after: Nat-m., nit-ac.
breakfast: Nit-ac.
« burning, throbbing: Apis, coff., rhus-t.

ever}', lasts all day: Calc.

chewing, while: Phos.
increases until evening: Eup-pur., sang., chill, during: Cann-i., eup-per.
with chilliness: Sil.
rising, on: Asar., caust., nat-m.
cold, preceding a: I,ach.
waking, on: Bry., kreos., lach., nat-m.,
coughing, from: Aur., dire, ferr., hep.,
phos., ruta.
hipp., ip., iris, kali-c, led., Lyc, nat-m.,-
afternoon: alum., cast., caust., coca, uit-ac, phos., phos-ac, seneg., sep., sil.,

glon., graph., grat., hura, ind., Ij'C, iiiag-s., spong., sulph

merc-i-r., nat-m., phel., phys. , sil.
debauch, after a: Carb-v.

evening: Aeon., am-m., bov., calc, canth., deep-seated: Cie

carb-v., cie, clem., cocc, con., cycl., fl-ae,
dinner, after: Ani-c, carb-an., kali-bi. mag-c. ,
glon., indg., iris, kali-i., lac-ae, mag-s.,
nat-c, ol-an., plb., zinc.
nat-m., nit-ac, ox-ac, puis., ruta, strani.,
zinc. draying: Ars.

agg. in, until gets to sleep: Cast. drinking, agg. while: Aeon.

bed, in: Cycl. eating, before: Cocc.

night: Aloe, ars., cact., chel., glon., hura, lye, after: Am-c, ars., carb-v., clem., cocc,
sars., sil., snlph. selen.

agg. after 12 p. m.: Ferr. epistaxis, after: Bor.

bed, in, before sleep: Chel. exertion, from: Gins., glon.

motion agg.: Aeon., anac, apis., ars., bell.,
eyes, close involuntarily from sheer prostra-
bry., calc-ph., cimic, cocc, colch., dire,
tion: Cliin-s.
ferr., glon., grat., iod., kali-bi., lach., lyc,
lies senseless, eyes closed: Arg-n. nat-m., sep., sulph.
turning or closing, agg. : Sep. moderate, amel.: Iris, vib.

fever, during the: Bell., eup-per. sudden, from: Ferr.

gnawing: Par. painless, with fear of going to sleep: Nux-m.

hammers, as if from little, awakens every paroxysmal: Caust., glon.

morning: Nat-ni., psor.
periodic: Ars., ferr.

head, high, lying with, aniel.: Nat-ra. perspiration amel. : Nat-m.

moving, on: Sulph. pressing, throbbing, in spots, agg. left supra-
resting, amel.: Kali-bi. orbital ridge: Nux-m.

raising it suddenly, agg.: Nat-p., squil. pressure amel. : ^th., am-c, bell., bry., ferr.,

glon., kali-bi., kali-n., naX-m., puis.

shaking, agg.: Glon.
upon forehead causes beating: Mag-m.
heat, during: Eup-per., glon., rhus-t.
with hands amel. temporarily: Apis, guaj.
here and there: Aeon., teth., indg.
reading, while sitting: Lyc, nat-m.
house amel. : Cocc.
respiration, during difficult: Carb-v., glon.
inspiration, during: Carb-v.
rest, during: Aloe, lact.
intermittent: Ferr-m., verat.
amel.: Eupi., sep., stram.
jar, from any: Bell., glon., ther.
riding, while, agg.: Q.occ., glon., grat.
jerking: Bry., ign.. phos.
rising, agg. on: Chin-s., dire., glon., phos.
laughing, from: Phos.
amel.: Nat-c.
leaning head backward, on: Lyc.
from stooping, on: Mag-m.
lying, while: Aloe, glon., naja, phos.
up in bed, when: Ars.
amel.: Anac, kali-bi.
room, on entering: ^th., mag-m., mang.
back, on: Sep.
dark, in, amel.: Sep.
must lie down: Bell., sang.

part, on the: Petr. warm, in: Am-c, iod., sulph.

rubbing amel. : ^th.

side, on, amel.: Nat-m., sep.
sitting, while: Am-m., cast., guaj., indg., lyc,
men-ses, before: Bell., bor., crot-h. ?els., mag-m., ol-an.
glon., lach., petr., sulph.
sleep amel.: Sang.
during: Aeon., bell., i^or., bry., cact., calc,
standing, while: Cast., guaj., plb.
calc-p., chin., croc, glon., ign., lac-d.,
' lach., mag-c, nai-c., puis., sang., verat-v. amel. : Camph.

painless throbbing: Eupi. stool, while straining at: Ign.

stooping, on: Apis, asar.. Bell., colch., ferr.,

after: Calc-ph., carb-an., ferr., glon.
glon., hydr-ac, kali-bi., lach., laur., nat-c,
suppressed: Puis. nat-m., nux-v., -phos., puis., sul-i.

mental exertion, from: Nat-m., pic-ac, stretching limbs out, on : Phos.

puis., raph., sil., vib. sunlight agg. : Aeon., sulph.

15 225

talking agg,: A.con. locc, nal-m.,
sil., su/fi/i. dig., dulc, euph., eupi.,/^m, ganib., Glon,
tea, warm, amel.: Glon. graph., grat., hell., ign., iod.. Iris, kali-c.
kali-i., kalm., kreos., Lac-d., laur., lyc
thinking of it amel. : Ant-c.
lyssin, mag-c, mag-m., mag-s, mer(
transient, in one-half of: Chanu vterc-i-f., mez., meli., nat-c, nal-m., nat-ph.,
nit-ac, nux-m., olnd., op., ox-ac, par.,
turning around agg. : Glon.
petr., phos.. Puis., ran-b., rheum, rhodo.,
ulcerative: Bov., cast., mang. rhus-t, ruta, sabad., .sars., seneg., sep., sil.,

vertigo, during: Glon., secale spig., spong., stann., slram., then, thuj.,
verb., vib., zinc.
waking, on: Aur., carb-v., ciniib., lach., lye,
nat-m., phos., podo., ruta, sulph. right side : Ant-t.

walking, while: Aster., dell., calc, glon., left: Aeon., arg-n., cimic, cocc, kali-c,
kali-bi., nat-s., nux-v., plb., sars., sil.,
kreos., nux-m., par., spig., verat.

sulph. morning: Asar., canth., grat., nat-m., sil.

open air, in: Am-c, mag-s. rising, on: Asar., nat-m.

amel.: Ars., eup-pur., guaj. waking, on: Nat-m., ruta.
quickly, while: Ferr., nux-v.
forenoon: Gamb., lyc.
stepping heavily, when Alum. :
noon: Lyc.
warm food agg. : Sulph.
afternoon: Alumn., caust., lyc, mag-s., sil.

washing, cold. ( See '

' bathing. '

2 p. m.: Nat-m.
wine, after: Ox-ac.
3 p. m.: Lyc.
wrapping head up warmly amel. : Sil.
evening: Am-m., cic, cocc, l)'c., mag-s..
writing, while: Kali-c, mane, ruta, stram.

yawning, after: Calc. 9 p. m. : Calc.

extending, neck or chest, to: Nat-m. night: Fago, hura, mere, nat-m.

teeth, to: Mez. air, open, amel.: Kali-i.

Brain, seems to be in: Bell., cycl., dig., glon., ascending stairs: Nat-ph., par.
hyos., lye, op., rhus-t.
bending head forward: Nat-m.
beating of, against skull: yirs., bell., daph.,
cough, during: Hep., phos., spong.
hydr-ac, psor., sulph.
dinner, after: Am-c, zinc
hammers, like little: Nat-m., psor.
eating, after: Am-c, cocc.
throbbing pain in middle of brain, every
morning, lasts all day: Calc. house amel.: Cocc.

waves, as of: Chin., dig. menses, during: Aeon., bell., bor., bry.,
cact., calc, calc-ph., chin., glon., ign.^
deep-seated: Cic.
lach., mag-c, nat-c, puis., sang., tarent
shooting, ending in: Bell.
motion, during: Ars., pic-ac.
transient, in one half of : Cham.
one-sided: Aur., kali-bi., ptel.
Forehead: Aeon., seth., aloe, alum., am-c,
pressure amel. : Am-m. , nat-m.
am-m., ang., ant-t., apis, apoc, arg-m., ars.,

asaf., asar., aur., aur-m., bapt., bar-c. Bell., riding, while: Glon., grat.
bor., brach., bry., calc., calc-ph., caniph.,
in cold ail : Cocc.
cann-i., cann-s., canth., caps., carb-v., cast.,
caust., cic, ciunb., clem., cocc, corn., croc. rising up in bed: Ars., glon.

. ,

'ULSATING, forehead. PULSATING, occiput.

stooping, on: Asar., bar-c. paroxysmal: Glon.

talking agg.: Cocc. pressure amel. : Alum., cast., kali-n.

walking on : Sars. rest, during: Aloe.

in open air agg.: j^th., am-m. rising, on: Gels., phos.

warm room am el.: Am-m. from stooping: Mag-m.

extending occiput, to: Bry., coti., ther. shaking head agg. : Kali-br.

eminence frontal: ^sc, arg-n., calc, cocc, sitting, while: Kali-br., mag-m., ran-b.
hyos. iris, lye, niez., nit-ac, ran-b.
standing amel. : Camph.
right: ^sc, calc, lye, uiez. stool, during: Ign.
left: Arg-ji., cocc.
stooping, on: Ferr.
afternoon, 4 p. m. : Nit-ac.
walking agg.: Kali-br.
evening: Iris, lyc
in open air amel. : Dig.
6 p. m. : Lyc.
extending to forehead: Carb-v., sil., spig.
8 p. m. : Iris-f
forward: Bar-c, lac-c, op., sulph.
eyes, over: Bell., glon., gymno., igu.,
kali-b., lac-c, lack., lyssin, nat-m.,
sides and forehead, to, gradually, agg.
nux-m., stooping or moving: Ferr.
ptel. ,
spig., stram., then, vib.
vertex: Hura.
root of nose, above: Ars., camph., gamb.,
mez. whole head, over: Mag-m.
forenoon: Gamb. sides of: Am-c, cast., caust., eup-pur.,
indg., kali-n.,- laur., plb., ran-b., stram.,
Occiput: ^th., agar., ail., aloe, alum., am-c,
anac, asar., bar-c, bell., berb., bor., bry.,
calc, camph., cami-i., cann-s., carb-an., evening, in bed : Kali-n.
carb-v., caust., chel., con crot-h., dros.,
rising, on: Gels.
etip-pur., l&cx., gels., glon., hep., hura, ign.,
indg., kali-c, kali-n., lac-c, laur ,
lyc, Sides: ^th., agar., alum., am-c, ant-t.,
lyssin, mag-m., mang., nat-m., nit-ac, arg-n., ars., aur., bar-c, bell., bov., bry.,
petr., Phos., phys., pic-ac, plb., psor., calc, calc-ph., canth., cham., chin., coca,
puis., ran-b., rhus-t., ruta, sep., spig., con., croc, dire, eup-per., glon., graph.,
stram., sulph. hura, indg., iris, kali-c, kali-i., kalm.,

daytime: Petr. laur., lyc, mag-c, mag-m., mag-s., nat-c,

nit-ac, ol-an., petr., phos., plb., rhodo.,
morning, after rising during menses: rhus-t., sars., sep., spong., sul-ac , verat
Mag-m. zinc.
afternoon: Nat-m.
right: ^th., agar., alum., aur. ,
con., graph.,
evening: Kali-n. kali-c, mag-c.

night: Aloe, lyc. to left: Bov.

cough, during: Sep. left: Calc, hura, nat-c, nit-ac, phos.

hammer, like beats of, in to right: Nux-m.
morning: Aur., bov.
house, in: Mag-m.
forenoon: Plb., sars.
lying on back, while: Petr.
afternoon: Alum., graph., lyc
moving, on: Ferr.
3 p. m. : Hura.
PULSATING, sides. PULSATING, temples.

evening: Canth., con., phos. cough, during: Hep.

lieat, during: Glon.
bending head backward agg. : Aur.
lying, while: Naja.
coughing agg. : Avir. , dire.
menses, before: Lach.
deep seated: Sars.
motion, on: Caust., Chin., glon.
dinner, after: 01-an.
paroxysmal: Glon.
house, in, ainel. : Mag-s.
stooping, while: Sul-i.
lying on side, while: Sep.
waking, on: Carb-v.
menses, during: Nat-c.
walking, while: .^th., bar-c, glon., nat-s.
motion agg. : Calc-ph.
rising, after: Glou.
Vertex; ^th., agar., alum., anac, ars ,

shaking head: Glon. calc, cann-i., carb-an., caust., cham., chel.

chin-s., cinnb., cocc, corn., ferr., glon
stooping, on: Glon., laur.
grat., ham., hura, hyper., kali-c, kreos.
walking in open air: Mag-s. lac-d., lach., lye, lyssin, mane, merc-i-r.
nat-a., nat-c, nat-m., nux-v., petr., phel,
Temples: Aeon., eesc, seth., agar., all-s.,
phos., pic-ac, plant., puis., sars., Sep., sil.
alum., am-c, am-m., ant-c, ant-t., arg-n.,
stram., sulph., tereb., thea., verat.
ars., asaf., aur-m-n., bar-c. Bell., bor., bry., ,

cact., cadm., calc ,

calc-ph., camph., caps., morning: Alum., bry., caust, nat-c, sep.
carb-v., cast., cedr., cham., chel., chin.,
forenoon: Alum ,
cic, cocc, coloc, daph., ferr ,
ascending steps agg.: Carl., ferr.
gins., Glon., gymno., grat., hell., hep.,
hyper., hura, iod., kali-c, kali-i., kali-n., attention, from fixing: Nux-v.
kreos., lac-c, lac-d., lack., lac-ac, laur.,
bending head amel. : Sil.
lyssin, nat-c, nat-m ,
nat-s., mt-&c., phos,.
phys., plb., podo., rhus-t., sabad., sang., dinner, after: Nat-c
sars., spig., spong., staph., stann., stram., menses, after: Ferr., lach.
sulph., sul-i., tabac, thea, thuj., verat.,
motion, on: Bry., calc, cocc, glon., lach
Sep., verat.
right: JSsc, cupr-a., hep.
waking, on: Bry.
left: Coloc.
walking, while: Carb-an., jar^.
morning: Bov., X&oh., podo., strych.
rapidly, while: Ferr.
waking, on: Lach.
PUSHED forward, as if: Canth., grat.,
forenoon: Carl, nux-m., nux-v., rhus-t.
noon: Ars., thuj. to forehead from occiput, sensation as if a loa

afternoon: Alum., glon. were: Pallad.

kali-i., PUSHING sensation (compare "Pressure"

evening: Am-m., bry., fl-ac, glon.,
Croc, nat-ni., phos., phos-ac.

sitting, on: An^|-m. pressure, amel.: Arg-n.

walking: Glon. QUIVERING sensation: Cann-s., lact.

night: Cact., chel. were shaking while walking, as i
midnight: Sars. Rhodo.

ascending stairs: Glon. shaking head, on: Xanth.

chill, before: Carb-v.

running and walking, while: Nux-v.


i RAISE THE HEAD, difficult to, night: Chel SENSITIVENESS.
Mez., nal-in.,
lack., lact., led., lye, mag-ni.,
^unable to: Bell., chel., puis., nux-v.
^ Nit-ac, phos., phyio., raph., sil., spig.,
lying on back, while: Nux-v. staph., stram., zinc.
stooping, after: Bell., rhus-t. to cold: Ars., brom., Chin., hep., mez.

frequently from pillow: Stram. draught of, to: Naja, til.

REDNESS of forehead: Calc, hura, laur lil-t.,

brushing hair, from: Bell., bry., cina, coff.,
merc-i-r. mez. rhus-v., stram.. vacc,
kreos., rhus-t., sep., Sil., sulph.

candle-light: Calc.
spots, in: ^sc, berb., caps., cycl., mosch.,
sulph., (ell. cold, to: Grat.

RESTLESSNESS: Ambr., bell., caust., jab., dinner, after: Gent.

mere, merc-c, phos., pip-m., ruta, secale, hat, to pressure of: Crot-t., glon., sulph.
jar, to the least (compare "stepping" and
forenoon: Phos., sil.
"Pain " in general): Bell., cob., ^/ow., hep.,

when too weak to move body, will roll head lac-d., l3'C., mang., nat-a., nit-ac, phos-ac,
from side to side: Ars. phyto., raph., sil., spig., stram., sulph.,
ther., vib.
RIGID feeling: Canst., phos., rheum.
menses, before: Calc, carb-v., con., hyos.,
RISING sensation, in: Glon., lac-d., nat-c,
nat-m., phos., sil., zinc.
nux-v., rhus-t.
during: Bell., calc, carb-v., con., gels.,
brain raised several times in succession, as if:
hyos., kali-c, mag-in., phos., sil., zinc.
motion of head, to: Gent., mang.
drinking beer, while: Rhus-t.
noise, to: Bar-c, bell., bry., calc, con., Ijc,
sinking, and: Bell., cob.
phos-ac, stram., ther.
vertex to forehead, from, sensation of some-
especially of male voices: Bar-c.
thing: Glon.,
reading, of: Mag-m.
walking rapidly, while: Nux-v.
shrill sounds: Calc.
ROLLING, in: Cup-a., eugen., graph., hura,
phys., Sep. speaking, of: Con.

brain were rolled into small bulk, as if: Coc-c. wagons on street, of: JSlit-ac.

lead ball rolled about, as if (See "Ball"): stepping, to: Bell., calc-ph., carb-v., chin.,
Lyssin. dros., gels., led., lyc nat-m., nit-ac, raph.,

rhus-t., spig., stann., sulph.

study, after: Cup-a.
ascending, when: Rhus-t.
vertigo, during: Sep.
touch, to gentlest, after anger: Mez.
vomiting agg. : Eugen.
ROLLING of the. (See "Motion.")
SEPARATED from body, were, night: Daph.
brain from skull, were: Staph.
RUBBING: Camph. ,
con., hyos., tarent.
SHAKING sensation (compare "Looseness,"
against something: Tarent.
"Motion," "Waves," etc): Aeon., aloe,
hand, with the: Verat. am-c, auac, arn., ars., asar., aur., bar-c,
bell., benz-ac, bufo, calc, cann-i., carb-v.,
inclination to rub forehead: Glon.
caust., cic, cocc, crot-h., elaps, eupi., fl-ac,
SENSITIVENESS of brain: BeU., bov., brom., glon., grat., hyos., indg., kali-c, lact., led.,
bry., calc, carb-v..
Chin., con., crot-t., lyc, mag-c, mag-s., mez., nit-ac, nux-m.,
dros.. Gels., gent., Glon., hyos., iod., kali-c, nux-v., pall., phos., phos-ac, plat., rhodo..

SHAKING sensation.
sars., Sep., sil., sol-n., i//^'-.,
stann., stront. morning, bed, in: Nux-v., sul-ac.
sulph., verat., verb., viol-t., zinc.
every: Sul-ac.
against frontal bone: Aur.
rising, on: Tarent.
air agg.: Aloe.
amel.: Nux-v.
chills, during: Ars.
night, I a. ni., waking him: Psor.
cold agg.: Nux-m.
ascending, on: Ant-c, arn.,
cough, during: Chin., hep., lad., uiag-s. bell., meny., par.,
eating, agg. after: Nux-m.
consciousness, on regaining: Cann-i.
heat, except that of bed, amel.: Nux-ui.
coughing, when: Ars., calc, ip., lach.,
motion of head, on: Am., cocc, lact., mag-c. mag-s., mang., nat-m., rhus-t., seneg.,
laying head down, on: Aloe,
drinking cold water, on: Thea.
rest amel. : Nux-v.
eating, after: I^yc.
room, warm, amel. : Nux-v.
electric, like: Ail., all-c arn., carb-v., lobel.,
speaking, on: Cocc. nat-s., nux-m.
stamping, on: Bar-c.
hawking, on: Raph.
steel spring, as of a: Grat.
here and there: Zinc,
stepping heavily, when: I,ed.,/y<:., nux-v., sil,
lying, while: Nit-ac.
striking foot against anything: Sep.
menses, during: Bor.
stooping, on: Berb.
motion, from: Am-c, lyc, mere, prun.
talking, while: Phos., verat.
pressure amel.: Bell., thuj.
walking, while: Cic, cocc, hyos., led., lye,
pulse, at each beat of: Cimic, Glon.
mang., nux-v., sep., sil., spig., verb., viol-t.
reading, from: Carb-v.
open air, in: Caust., nux-v.
shaking head, when: Mang.
wrapping up warmly amel. : Nux-v.
siesta, after a: Sep.
Forehead: Merc
sitting after a full meal, while: L}'c.
Temple: Cocc, kali-c, stront.
sleep, on going to: Nat-c.
Occiput: Sulph.
sneezing, when: Bar-c.
SHOCKS, blows, etc. (compare "Jerking," "Pul-
stool, during: Phos.
sation," "plug," "nail"): Aeon., seth.,
all-c, alum., ars., asaf., aster., bapt., bar-c, stooping, on: Mere, nit-ac. ,
bell., benz-ac, bov., calc, camph., Cann-i., sudden: Cic, kali-i.
carb-v., caust., etc., clem., croc, crot-h.,
talking, while: Nat-m.
ferr., fl-ac, glon., graph., hell., hydr-ac,
indg., ip., kali-c, lach., laur., led., lobel., waking him: Psor.
lye, lyssin, ma^-s mang., mere, mill.,
walking, while: Bell., mang.
mur-ac, nat-c, nal-m., nat-s., nit-ac,
nux-v., olnd., phos., phos-ac, plb., psor., open air, in: Spig.
puis., ran-b., raph., rhus-t., sabad., samb , rapidly: Ant-c, arn., bell., par., phos-ac.
sang., seneg., sep., spig., stann., sulph.,
writing, while: Raph.
sul-ac, tarent., thea, thuj., valer., verat-v.,
zinc. extending cheek, to: Puis.


SHOCKS, extending. STIFFNESS, sensation of: Canth., ferr., glon.,

nat-m., nat-s.
extremities, to: Ail.
evening, bed, in: Sil.
from elbow to head: Agar.
motion, on: Nat-s.
here and there: Zinc.
of head agg. : Colch.
Forehead : Aeon., am-c, ang., camph., caust.,
croc, glon., hipp., kali-c, laur., mag-s., must bend head back: Kali-n.
nat-m., olnd., plat, psor., rhus-t., sang., waking, on: Auac
seneg., spig., stann., sul-ac, thuj., zinc.
Brain, in, in open air: Phos.
axe, as with an: Nux-v.
Occiput, in: Anac, calc, ferr., gins., kali-n.,
finger, as with a: Nat-m. phos., sil.

sleep, during: Dig. extending, nose, to: Lachn.

Occiput: Arn., cann-i., hell., lye, mang.,
STIRS.ED with a spoon, as if, brain feels: Arg-n.,
phos., plb., ran-b., sabad.
dull, heavy, throbbing pain through head,
with sensation like a heavy blow on back
STOMACH, as if rising from: Alum., carb-v.,
con., mag-m.
of head and neck: Cann-i.
STONE, as it from. (See " Heaviness.")
just as he was losing himself in sleep, like a
loud report: Phos. STRIKING against the skull, sensation as though
brain were (compare "Knocks," "Loose-
extending, forehead, to: Sabad.
ness"): Ars., Chin., laur., nux-m., plat.,
Sides: Alum., am-c, bov., chel., graph., rhus-t., rob., sep., stann., sulph., sul-ac.
kali-c, laur., plat., mag-m., nat-s., phos.,
nodding the head, on: Sulph.
plb., puis., sars., spig., sulph.
strikes the head against the wall or bed;
*^eniples: Agn., am-c, bar-c, camph., croc,
twitching of eyelids and frontal muscles:
iris, lach., Lyc, olnd., phos-ac. /"/a^., ,
sul-ac, thuj.

peg were struck in deep, as if: Sul-ac.

SUNSTROKE: Camph., glon., stram ,
sudden, deep in, causes starting: Croc.
from having slept in sun: Aeon., bell.
Vertex: Calc, lyc, mang., nat-c, phos.
SURGING sensation, lying, while: Ox-ac.
bolt, as from a, from neck to vertex, agg. at
each throb of heart: Cimic. becoming erect, amel.: Alum.

electric like: Nat-s. Forehead like waves rolling up and down:

SINKING sensation: Glon.
Occiput, extending to forehead: Canu-i.,
something were sinking from occiput, on lach.
stooping, as if: Kali-c.

SLEEP. (vSee "Asleep.")

SWASHING sensation (see "Waving"):
Aeon., ars., asaf., bell., carb-an., chin.,
SMALLER, feels: Aeon., coS., g-rat, pic-ac. cimic, dig., hep., hyos., indg., mag-m.
brain feels smaller than skull: Glon. nux-v., phos-ac, rhus-t, samb., spig.,
squil., viol-t.
too far from skull: Staph.
shaking head, on: Spig., squil.
SOFTENING of brain: Ambr., lach., nux-m.,
phos. walking, while: Nux-v., spig.

SPLASHING: Asaf., bell., carb-an., hep., hyos., SWOLLEN, distended, feeling: ^th., agar.,
nux-v., rhus-t., spig., squill. am-c, amyl., anac, ant-t, apis, arg-n],
arn., bapt., bar-c. Bell, berb., bism., bov.,
walking rapidly, while: Carb-an.
cann-i., caps., cedr., chiu-s., cimic, cina,'


SWOLLEN. TINGLING: Acet-ac, aeon., am-c, apis, arg-m.,
am., bar-c, cadni., caust., chel., cic, cocc,
cob., coc-c, coUiii., cor-r., cupr-ac, dapli.,
colch., cupr., hyos., laur., nux-m., phos.,
c%., diilc, gels., gins., Glon., inflg.,
phos-ac, plat., puis., rheum, rhus-l., secale,
kali-i., lacli., lacliii., lact., laur., lil-t., lith.,
sulph., tarax., thuj., verb.
mang., meph., luerc.merl ,
nat-m., nux-m.,
uux-v., op., par., plant., ran-b., ran-sc, large bell were struck, as though a: Sars.
rhus-t., samb., sep., spig., stront, sulph.,
speaking aloud, on: Zinc.
tarax., tlier.
walking, while: Verb.
waking, on: Ars ,
Forehead : Arn., aur., chel., cic, colch.,
walking, open air, in: ^th., mang. indg., phos-ac, puis., sabad., strani., tarax.,

head, face and hands verat., viol-o., viol-t zinc.

washing, sensation as if ,

were swollen agg. after washing; amel. Occiput: Rhus-t.

going into room
stupefying, on stepping: Sulph.
Forehead: Aeon., agar., ars., cic, dulc,
Temples: Bon, plat, rheum, stront, sulph.
hep., indg., lyc ,
mere, mez., ntix-v., phos.,
coldness of spot, with: Plat.
pip-m., rhus-v., ruta, sep.

expanding, alternating with contracting: Vertex: .^sc, calc, colch., cupr., hyos.,

Tarax. lac-c, sulph.

feels broad and high: Cund. menses omitting: Cupr.

Occiput: Bry., dulc, pip-m., puis. TIRED feeling: Apis, con., iris, lach., nat-m.
nux-m., psor.
Sides: Caust., nux-m., par.
Temples: Bufo, calc, cham., euph., par. TREMBLING sensation: Anan., ant-c, ant-t
bell.,bufo, calc, carb-v., chel., cic, ciqjpb.
right: Bufo, calc, par.
cocc, cop., cubeb., graph., ign., indg., lith.
left: Cham., euphor. mag-ph., mere, op., petr., plat., plb., sulph.
Vertex : All-c.
cough, during: Ant-t.
glands of head: Bar-c calc, mere,

epilepsy, in: Caust.

psor., Sil., sulph.
menses, during: Ant-c, cic, cinnb., cubeb.
Occiput; Bar-c.
Ars. moving agg. : Cic.
SWOLLEN scalp (oedema) :

extending pit of stomach, to:
TENSION. (See " Constriction.")
and twisting, sensation of: uEth.
Bell., calc-ph.
THIN, cranium seemed quite thin :

bell., bry., calc, indg., iris, kali-c, petr.

puis. rhus-t., sabad., sil.

THEOBBING. (See " Pulsating.") (See "Motions of head.")

THROWING head about. (See -"Motion of

TWITCHING of muscles of the head: Agar
bell., bry.
head.") •
aloe, ambr., apis, am., bar-c,
calc, cann-s., carb-v., caust., cham.,

TICKLING in: Ferr., phos.

chin., cic, crot-t cycl. eupi.,glon.,

kali-c, laur., lyc, mag-c, mere,

Brain: Laur., phos. ign.,
mygale, nat-c, nat-s., nit-ac, nux-v.,
night: Hyper. rhus-t., sabad.,
petr., phos., phos-ac, rat.,
Forehead: Brom., ferr.
Sep., sil., stann., staph.,

phos., sep.
TIED, feels as though: Colch. morning: Cham., glon., nux-v.,
noon: Glon.
TIGHTNESS. (See "Constriction.")

extending from side to side, Merc,
aftenioou: ^-Bth., bor., rhus-t. :

evening: Fl-ac, mur-ac ,

nit-ac, rlms-t., sil. throat, to: Chin.

vertex, to, when jerking anus and on

night: Chel., rluis-t., sil.
stepping: Spong.
amis, when jerking the: Spong.
Temples: Aeon., agar., am-c, am-m., anac,
moving, on: Chel. apis, arg-m., bar-c, berb., bov., bry.,

carb-an., chel, chin., crot-h., cycl., glon.,

ascending steps, on: Glon.
mere, ox-ac, phos., plb.,
kali-c, lil-t.,
blowing nose: Aster.
spig., squil., stann., sul-ac, valer.
cough, during: Lye, puis.
right: Merc, squil ,
sul-ac, valer.
eating, after: Cham. bov., chel.,
left: Am-m., anac, bar-c,
lying down, while: Nit-ac. kali-c, phos., .stann.

motion agg.: Phos. spots, in: Rat.

of the arms: Chel.
twitching-tearing in temple lain on; moves
rest amel. : Eupi. to other side on turning; agg on raising
eyes: Puis.
standing, after: Fl-ac.
walking, while: Spig.
stepping, when: Spong.
extending brain, into: Camph.
stool, during, agg. : Phos.
jaws or teeth, to: Rhus-t.
stooping, on: Serb., nit-ac, petr.
vertex, to: Cycl.
touch agg. : Chel.
Vertex: Chel., gent., mag-c, meny., mur-ac,
-walking, while: Petr., spig.
ran-sc, sil.
Brain, in, as if: Aster., bar-c, bov., bry.
calc, catin-s., rat. TWITCHING. (See " Motions of head.")

Forehead: Aeon., agar., ant-t., arn., berb. ULCERS: A>iau., a7's., bar-in ,
calc-ph., "'chel.,

bor., bry., caust., cham., chin., kali-chl. phos., ruta, sil., thuj.

lach., mag-m., mez., phos., pruti., rhodo. Occiput, on: Sil.

sabad., Sep., sil., spong., stann., sulph.
thuj. "UNCOVERING agg. complaints: Aeon., agar.,
ant-c, arg-m., arn., ars., ajf^., Bell., camph.,
afternoon: Bor.
canth., cham., chin cic.clem., cocc, coflf.,

evening: Fl-ac. colch., con., graph.. Hep., hyos., ign.,

kreos lach., led., mag-c., mag-m., mere,
stooping: Berb.
nat-e, nat-m., inix-m., Nux-V., phos-ac,
extending, brain, into: Camph. puis., rhodo., Rhus-t., sabad., samb., sep.,
Occiput: Aeon, bism., Sil., squil., staph., stram., stront.
canth., mag-c.
mag-m., mere, phos-ac, rhus-t., sars.
UNSTEADY feeling: Bell., clem., phos., rhus-t.,
.tpig., thuj.
Sep., sulph.
extending forehead, to: Anac. study, after, agg.: Cupr-a.
Sides: /lith., agar., anac, ang., bar-c, calc
cann-i., caust., cupr., glon., graph., nit-ac.
VACANT feeling: vSecale, sulph.

ox-ac, plb., valer., verb. Forehead, morning, waking, after: Sulph.

right: ^th., agar., bar-c, caust., ox-ac. VIBRATING. (See "Shaking.")

plb., valer.
WARM coverings on head agg.: Aeon., asar.,
left: Anac, calc, cann-i., cupr., nit-ac. aur., bor., bry., calc,
carb-v., cham., chin.,
verb. fcrr., ign., led., lach., led , Lyc, mere,

WARM coveriiifijs.
mur-ac, nit-ac, op., Phos., plat Puis., cough, after: Hep.
secale, seiieg., sep., spi^., staph, sulph.,
thuj., verat. dinner, during: Sulph.

WATER, sensation as of: disabling: lod.

boiling water, in. (See "Boiling.") exertion, after: Hydr-ac.

cold, poured on head: Cupr., tarent. headache were coming on, as though: kmhr.
iod., lac-c, phos .stram., thuj.
dripping on head: Cann-s.
heat, after: Sep.
in the head: Bufo.
lying on back, while: Puis.
wami water, in: Ani-c, petiv., sant.
mental exertion, after: Cinnb.
wrapped up in: All-c.
causes mental weakness: Spong.
WAVING sensation (see "Shaking"): Aeon.,
pain, after: Thea.
alum., apis, bell., canst., cliel., chin.,
ciniic, cina, coff., cupr-s., dig., dulc, ferr., respiration, on deep: Carb-v.
fl-ac, gels., Glon., graph /;^/>. hyos. indg.,
, , ,
side lain on: Mag-m.
lach., laur., lye, mag-m., niang., mere,
mill., par., petr., sars., selen., seneg., Sep.,
standing, while: Rhus-t.
sulph., thuj. stomach, during weakness in: Ars.

motion amel.: Petr. walking, while: Sulph.

rising from stooping: Lye in the sun: Nat-m.
standing agg. : Dig. working in hot room, as from: Glon.

stooping, after: Hyos., lyc. extending to lower extremities, as though

turning head paral3'zed: Phys.
i.^g. : Glon.
water in, as from: Asaf. bell., cina, dig., ferr.,
throat, to: Graph.

WEIGHT. (See " Heaviness," " Pressing," etc.
wave-like motion upward: Glon., lach.
WENS: Bar-c., calc. Graph., hep., kali-c, sil.

Forehead: Asaf., Bell., mere, petr., Sep.

WHIRLING in: Arg-m., ars., chins., eup-per.,
right to left, from: Glon. fl-ac, glon., lach., nux-v., petr sabad.,

like a heavj' bod)' swaying back and forth: Sep., sil., sulph., tarax.

Op. morning, early: Eup-per.

Occiput: Gels., sil. like a mill wheel : Chin-S.

WEAKNESS: Alum., ambr ,

ant-t., asaf., aur., Forehead: Agar.
bell., bry., canth., carb-v., caust., cham.,
WHIZZING: Kali-c, lact.
chin., cinnb., hep., hyper ,
kali-c, kreos.,
mere, nat-m., nit-ac, nux-m., op., phos., WRAPPED, wants head: Ars., Hep., lach.,

phos-ac, plant., psor., ran-b raph., rhus-t., psor., Sil., thuj. I

Sep., spong., squil ,

stann., stram., sulph , aversion to having hat on: Led., lyc.
sul-ac, tabac, tanac, tarent., thuj., zinc.

morning: Cham., phos., ran-b.

WRINKLING forehead: Acet-ac, broni., graph.,
hell., lyc, mang., mere, strain.
rising, after: Phos-ac. stiani.,
headache with: Canst., grat ,
noon: Ars. sulph., viol-o.

evening: Plant., raph. pain with: Causl.

coffee, after: Cham. sen.sation of: Graph ,



AGGLUTINATION': Agar., alls., alum., apis, ATROPHY of optic nerve: Nux-v., Phos.
arg-m., Arg-n., bar-c, bell., bry., calc,
AVERSION to bringing objects near the eyes:
carb-au., carb-v., Caust., Cham., chel.,
coc-c, colch., C3'cl. ,
dig., dros., euph.,
graph., hydr., ign., kali-c, kali-n , Kreos., BAND around the eyeballs, sensation as if : Lac-d. ,

lac-c, laur., lept., \\\A..,lyc., mag-c, mez., laur.

nai-s., nice, nux-m., nux-v., op.,

nat-a., BLEAR-EYED : Aeon., ant-t., asar.,bry., calc-s.,
phos., phos-ac, plb., phyt., plat., puis., canth., elaps, euphr, mere, ox-ac. par.,

rhodo., rhus-t., sil., spig., spong., staph.,

Puis., rhus-t., Sep., spig., stram., teucr.
stilph., thuj., valer.
in tetanus: Phyt.
morning: ^th., ail., alum., ambr., am-c,
am-m., ang., arg-vi., Arg-n., ars., aur., BLEEDING from: Aloe, am-c, am., bell., calc,
aur-m., bell., berb., bor., bov., bry., Calc, camph., carb-v., cham., cor-r., crot-h., dig.,
carb-v., carl., caust., chain., chel., Clem., elaps, kali-chl., Lach., nit-ac, Nux-V.,
con., cop., dig., dios., euphr., graph., hep., Phos., plb ,
raph., sulph.
hydr., kali-bi., kali-c, kali-n., led., lye, blowing nose, whe;n: Nit-ac.
mag-c, mag-ni., mang., mere, mill.,
mur-ac. naja, nat-a., nat-c. nat-ni., nat-s.,
burning, with: Carb-v.
, ,

nice, nit-ac, nux-v., petr., phos., plb., coughing, from: Carb-v., cham., nux-v.
/>jor.,^M/^;,E,}lUS-t., sanic.,sars., seneg.,sep.,
retinal hemorrhage. Vrn., bell.
sil., stanu., Sulph., sulph-ac, iarent., thuj.,
vip. , zinc. whooping cough, in: Nux-v.
evening: Plb., sep. lids: Arn., bell., hep., nat-m., nux-v.,
night: Alum., am-c, ang., ant-c, apis, ars., Sulph.
bar-c, bell., 6(5?-., bov. ,hry., calc, carb-v,
BLINKING. (See "Winking.")
Cham., chel., cic, croc, dig., etiph., euphr.,
^err., gamb., graph hep., ign., kali-c, led.,
BLISTERS on cornea: Agar., calc, nat-s., zinc.
Lyc, mag-c, mag-m., merc-n., nat-m., on eyelids: Cimic.
nit-ac, nux-v., ol-an., phos., plb., puis.,
rat.,rhodo., rhus-t.. sars., Sep., sil., spong., BLOATED lids: Bapt., hura, psor., spong.
stann., staph., stram., sulph., syph., tarax., BLOODSHOT eyes. (See " Ecchymosis."
thuj., verat.
BLUENESS of lids: Dig., dros., kali-c, naja,
air, in open: Thuj. zinc.
menses, during: Calc
margins: Bad., bov., phyt., verat.
AMAUROSIS. (See "Paralysis of Optic
Nerve.") canthi: Aur., ham., sars.

ANEMIA of Conjunctiva: Dig., plb. conjunctiva: Bell., carb-o., plb., stram.

ANXIOUS look: Aloe, am., calc, nux-v. BOILS on lids: Sil.

APOPLEXIA of the retina: Arn., bell., crot-h., canthi, in: Bell., bry., calc,
lach., nat-c,
glon., ham., lach., phos. petr., puis., sil.

/^ECUS SENILIS (cornea): Acon., ars., cocc, BRILLIANT: Absin., csth., ars., atro., bapt.,'
coloc, kali-bi., mere, m^rc-c, Puis. Bell., benz., Camph., cann-i.,
Sulph., zinc. cedr., coca, coff., coloc, cupr., eup-per.
su'ph., gels., hyos., lachn., lye, lyssin, mill., left: Bell.

op., plb., puis., sant., slram., tanac, zinc.

operation for cataract, after: Guare., phyt.
during sweat: Op. yellow: Am-caust., merc-i-r.
objects, aversion to: Bell., bufo, canth.,
cornea: Hep,
lyssin, stram.
evening while at work: Mez.
CANCER: Aur-m-n., thuj.
chill, during: Bry.
epithelioma: Cund., lacff.
CLOSE, desire to: Ant-t., calc, caust., chel., con.,
cornea, of: Hep. dios., elaps, gels., lac-ac, med., ox-ac.
lids of: Hydr., lach., phyt., thuj. evening while at work: Mez.
lower: Apis, cund.
chill, during: Bry.
fungus: Bell., Calc, lyc, Phos., Sep., sil.,
difficult: Aur-m., euph., Nux-V., Par., phos.,
medullaris: Calc, sil.
must: Calc, canth., chel., kali-c, lyc, spig.
lachrymal glands: Carb-au.
involuntary: Aeon., alum., bov., Causft., chin.,
CATARACT: Am-c, am-m., ant-t., apis, bar-c,
Chin-S., chlor., cic. Con., euph., eupi.,
bell., Calc, cann-s., caust., chel., chim.,
gels., grat., hura, mag-s., mere, nat-c,
chin., colch., con., dig., euph., euphr., hep.,
rhus-t., spong., Sulph., viol-t.
hyos., jab., kali-c, kali-s., lac-c, lyc,
Mag-C, mere, nat-m., nit-ac, op., phos., spasmodic closure: Aeon., alum., apis, Ars,,
puis., rhus-t., ruta, secale, Sil., spig., sulph., bell., brom. calc, cham., Coloc, con.,

tell., zinc. Merc, merc-c, Nat-m., nux-m., cena., op.,

osva.., psor., rhus-t., sep., spong.
can see better on a dark day: EJuph.
evening: Con., hep.
capsular: Am-m., colch.
night: Alum., hep.
contusion: Arn., con.
headache, with: Nat-m.
cortical: Sulph..
walking in open air, while: Calad.
footsweat suppressed, after: Sil.
weak feeling: Cupr.
incipient: Caust., />?</5., sep. (Compare " Heaviness of lids.")

lenticular: Mag-C. CLOSED (see "Open, unable to"): Calc, cocc,

grat., hyos., lachn., Rhus-t., sep., stram.,
operation, after: Arn.
perpendicular half -sight, in: Caust.
in melancholia: Arg-n.
reticularis: Caust., plb. Apis, asar., bry., nux-v., puis., sep.
right eye: Am-c. agg. : Cob., clem., Mere, thuj.

senile: Carb-an., secale. Msc, ambr., am-c,

COLDNESS in: alum.,

soft: Colch. amyg., arg-n., asaf., asar., berb., bufo, calc,

calc-ph., chlor., con., croc, euphr., eupi.,

viridis: Colch., phos puis.
lachn., lith., lyc, par., phyto., plat., raph.,

women, in: Sep. spong., squil., stram., sulph., syph.

CHEMOSIS: Aeon., Apis, Arg-n., am-caust., evening: Lyc.

bell., cadm-s., dulc, euphr.,
con., crot-h., cinnb., croc,
cold air blew in, as if: Berb.,
guare., hep., ip., kali-bi., kali-i., lach.,
med., Sep., sulph., syph., thuj.
mere, merc-i-r., nat-ni., phys., rhus-t., sil.,
Alum., con., squil.
tereb., vesp. walking in open air: sil.,

cold wind: Squil.

right: Syph., vesp.

wind blowing under lids, as if: Fl-ac. morning: Arg-n., ars. kali-bi., mag-c, plb.
staph., sil., sulph.
back of eyes: Calc-ph.
night: Alum.
canthi: Asaf., euphr., lith.
acrid: Calc, cham., coloc, graph., hep.,
lids: Brom., hura, kali-c.
mere, sulph.
edges of: Kali-c, phos-ac.
water: Clem.
CONDYLOMATA: Cinnb., mere, wzV-ac, staph.,
bloody: Cham.
purulent: Ail., alumn., arg-m., Arg-n., caust,
eyebrows: Thuj.
cham., chlor., euph., graph., grind., Hep.,
eyelids: Cinnb., nit-ac, thuj. kali-i., lach., led., lye, mere, nit-ac, petr.,
Sep., spong., tell.
right, lower: Nii-ac.
daytime: Phos.
iris: Cinnb., Mere, staph., thuj.
morning: Bapt.
CONGESTION. (See "Redness.")
sensation ofa, hanging over eyes which
CONICAL cornea: Euphr., puis. must
be wiped away: Croc, puis.
CONTORTED. (See "Distorted.")
thick: Arg-n., euphr., hydr., kali-bi., nat-tn.,
CONVULSIVE. (See "Movement.") puis.
GORHUGATED eyebrows: Ox-ac, stram. white: Hydr., lachn., petr., plb.
CRACKS, canthi, in: Graph., nat-m., sulph., yellow: Euphr., kali-chl.
canthi: Ant-c, bell., berb., bism., dig.,
outer: Sulph., zinc. euph.,
kali-bi., nat-c, nat-m., nux-v., pic-ac.
CRAWLING: Bell, chin., cina, colch., nat-c, psor.

nat-s., spig., sulph.

morning: Ant-c, calc-ph., cham., ruta.
canthi: Plat.
dry, in: Calc-a., calc, caust., cham.,
CRUSTS, yellowish: Clem. grat., hell., nit-ac, viol-t.

canthi, inner: Clem. morning: Lyc.

lids: Ant-c, arg-n., aur., bufo, dig., sanic. hard, in: Dig., hep., guaj., ip., nux-v., /^^n,
CRUSTY margins of sabad.
Arg-n., aur., berb.,
bufo, calc, graph., hep sanic, sulph.
, forenoon: Coff.

DARK around. (See "Face.") night: Seneg.

DEGENERATED cornea: Ars. pus: Qham., graph., kali-bi., kali-c,

led., Nux-v., phos-ae, ran-b., zinc
DETACHMENT of retina: Dig. canthi, inner: Agar., mag-s., nice,
DISCHARGES of mucus or pus: Agar., am-c, Puis., staph., stram., verat-v., zinc
ant-c, apis„&rg-n., ars., aur., bar-m., bism.,
morning: Nice, phos.,
bry., cadm-s., calc, calc-s., Pulg., staph.,
caust., cham., zinc.
cheL, chlor., con., dig., dulc, ery-a., euph.,
euphr., ferr., menses, during: Mag-c.
graph., hep., ip., kali-bi.,
kali-c., kali-i., kreos., lach., lachn., canthi, outer: Ant-c, bar-c, bry.,
lact., lyc, mez.
lith lye, merc-n.. '
Mere, mez., mil., nux-v., rhus-t., sep.
nat-m., n&i-s., nai-a., nux-v., petr., phos.,
morning: Nux-v., rhus-t., sep.
physos., pic-ac, plb., puis., rhus-t.,'
sanic, seneg., sep., sil., staph., night: Bar-c, lyc.
siram., sulph., IqM., thuj.
hard, in: Euph., hep., ip., nux-v.. sabad


DISCHARGES, canthi, outer. DRYNESS.
purulent: Nux-v. reading: Aur., cina., hyos., nat-m.

lachrymal sac, from: Con., mere, nal-m., room, in: Stilph.

Petr., sil., stanu., snlph.
waking, on: Arg-m., elaps., phos., puis.,
DISCOLORATION around eyes. (See " Face.") .sanic, staph., verat.

DISCOLORED, iris: Anr., coloc, eiip/ir., sensation of: Asaf., asar., bar-c, bell., berb.,
kali-iod., merc-i-f., nat-m., spig., syph. cocc, crot-h., euph., graph., lachn.,
lith., mane, nux-m., nux-v., paeon.,
DISTORTED: Aeon., agar., ars., bell., cadm-s., pall.,
verat., zinc.
calc-ph., camph., canth., carb-ac, carb-v.,
chain., chcl., chin., eic., cocc, colch., con., in canthi: Arg-m., nux-v., thuj.
crot-li., ctipr., dig., hydr-ac., hyos., kali-s.,
canthi: Alum., berb., nat-m., Nux-V., thuj.
lack., laur., were, mosch., olnd., op., petr.,
phos-ac, plat., plb., puis., ran-s., sant., evening: Nat-m.
sec-c, strain., sulph-ac, tarent.,
DULLNESS : Aeon., sese, seth., All-c, Ant-t,
verat., verat-v. arn., ars., asar., atrop., bell., berb., bov.,
evening: Bry., caust. bry., bufo, calc, calc-a., camph., carb-v.,
cedr., chin., cimic, coloc, com., con.,
sleep, during: jUtli., chin., cocc, cupr.,
cupr., cycl., daph., ferr., gels., glon., hyos.,
iod., kali-bi., kali-c, kalm., kreos., lach.,
iris: Apis, mere, rhus-t. lye, mere, •ai&rc.-c.., mez., mosch., nit-ae,
op., phos., phos-ac, plb., rheum, rhus-t.,
DRYNESS : Aeon., Alum., arg-n., am., Ars.,
sabin., spig., spong., stann., valer., verat.,
aur-m., asaf., asar., bar-c, Bell., berb., bry.,
carb-v., caust., cedr., cham., chin., clem.,
cocc, croc, crot-h., cycl., dros., elaps, iris: Kali-bi., kali-i., sulph., syph.
euphr., gamb., graph., grat., kali-bi.,
lach., laur., lye, mag-e,
ECCHYMOSIS: Aeon., aeth., am-e, arg-u..
kali-c, kali-n.,
Am., Cact., cham., con., crot-h.,
mag-m., mang., med., mere, merc-c, merl., cupr-ae, erig.,glon., ham., kali-bi., i^a/z-cA/.,
Mez., nat-a., nat-c, nat-m., nat-ph., nat-s.,
kreos., lach., led., lye, lyssin, nux-v., phos.,
nice, Nux-m., nux-v.. Op., pseon., pall., plb., sulph-ae, tereb.
petr., phos., pic-ac, plb.. Puis., rhodo.,
rhus-t., rumx., sang., sars., seneg., sep., coughing, from: Arti., bell.

spig., staph., Sulph., thuj., Verat., zinc lids: Am., led.

morning: Aeon., berb., caust., lye, mag-c, ENLARGEMENT, sensation of: Acon., ant-c,
nux-v., puis., sil.. Zinc. ars., benz-n., calad., calc-ph., caust., chel.,

lachrymation, after: Sulph. chloral., cimic, colch., com., con., daph.,

lye, mez., Nat-m., op.. Par., phos., phos-ac,
reading, while: Graph. plb., rhus-t., seneg., Spig,, stram., trill.

waking, on: Arg-m., elaps., phos., sanic,

right feels larger than left: Com.
morning: Nat-a.
afternoon: Nat-s.
evening: Am-br.
evening: Alum., caust., cina, coloc. ,

nat-s., nice, pall ,

puis., .sang. sil., staph.. night: Chrom-ac.

Zinc gaslight agg. : Sulph.

on going to bed: Op.
ENLARGED, lens: Colch.

night: Lyc ERUPTIONS about the eyes: Agn., arn., ars.,

light, in: Ars., pic-ac. con., crot-li., hep., staph., sulph., syph.

looking at bright light: Mang. boils: Sil.

menses, during: Mag-c. excrescences: Phos.


canthi: Calc. lower: Apis.

sclerotics: Arund. after nitrate of silver: Nat-m.

fine: Euphr. EXCORIATED lids:Apis, Arg-n., Ars., calc,

fissures: Graph, hep., merc-c. Mere, nat-m., sulph.

herpes of the cornea: Ign. canthi: Alum., apis, Ars., euph.

pimples: Merc-c. EXCRESCENCES. (See "Eruptions.")

rash: Sulph. EXOPHTHALMUS. (See "Protrusion.")

above the eyes: Ran-b. EXPRESSIONLESS. (See "Dullness.")

below eyes: Dulc, guaj., selen., thuj. EYE GUM: Am-c, ant-c, arg-n., bism., calc,
graph., ip., nux-v., psor., [sen eg., staph.,
canthi: Lact., syph.
eyebrows, about: Caust., kali-c, par., selen.
on lids: Agar., am-c ,
graph., seneg.
morning: Berb., phos., seneg.
crusty: Fl-ac, nat-m.
canthi: ^th., agar., ant-c, bism., nat-m.,
pimples: Kali-c.
nux-v., staph., sulph.
spongy: Fl-ac, nat-m.
outer: Chin., kali-c, nat-a.
yellow: Fl-ac, nat-m., rhus-t.
FALLING of lids: Aeon., ant-t., apoc, am., bell.,
lids, on: Ant-t., biy., crot-t.,
graph., guaj., cann-i., con., croc. Gels., graph., kali-br.,
hep., kreos., mag-m., mez., nat-m., psor., lye, mere, naja, nat-c, nux-m., op., phell.,
sars., sil., Thuj., rhus-t., sulph. Sep., spig., spong., sulph., viol-o., viol-t.,

dry, burning, itching tetters: Bry. zinc.

eczema: Graph., mez., upper: Aeon., alum., apis, bell., caust.,

tell., Thuj.
cham., chel., crot-h., Gels., graph., nux-v.,
herpes: Bry., corn., graph., kreos., psor., Sep., sil., sulph-ac, tax., vip.
during headache: Sep.
pimples: Guaj., seneg.
in evening: Am-br.
pustules on: Arg-m., lye, mere, sep., su/M
Tell. FILMY: Lyc.

margins: Arg-m., sep. FIRE, looking into, agg. : Merc.

scaly herpes: Chel., kreos.,
FISSURED canthi: Graph., nat-m.
margins: Apis, aur-m., dulc. Graph., FISTULA of the cornea: Sil.
kali-chl., kali-s., mere. lachrymalis: Agar., apis, arg-n., aur-m.,
scales: Ars., psor. brom., Calc, chel., Fl-ac, lach., lyc, mill.,
nat-c, nat-m., nit-ac, Petr., phyt..
scurfy: Mez., Petr., Puis.,
Sep. Sil,, stann., sulph.
vesicles: Ch?nc., crot-t.,
mez., pall., psor., discharging pus on pressure: Puis,
rhus-t., rhus-v., sars.,
suppurating: Calc, Puis.
on margins: Aur.; pall., urt-u.

yellow: Dulc., psor., rhus-t. FIXED look: Aeon., aeth., am-c, anac, ang.,
ant-t., am., ars., art-v., asar., bar-m.. Bell.,'
ESOPHORIA: Rhodo., ruta. bov., camph., carb-ac, caust., cic, cina,
cocc, croc, cupr.,
EVEETED lids: Apis, Arg-m.,
Arg-n., bell.,
glon., hell., hydr-ae,
hyos., hyper., ign., iod., ip., kali-br.,
calc., ham., lye, merc-c, mere, kali-c,
nit-ac lach., lachn., latir.,
staph., sulph. Lyc, Mere, mosch.,
naja, ««,r-z/., oena, op., phos.,
plat., plb..

puis., rhus-t., ruta, secale, seneg., sil., as if hair hung over eyes, must be wiped
squil., strain., suIidIi., tab., verat., zinc. away: Ars-h., euphr., sang., staph.
evening in bed: Sil.
pain in forehead, with: Spig. Aeon.,
lids, of: calc, con., med., merc-c,
sunstroke: Glon. nit-ac, phyt., sil., spig., thuj.

unconsciousness: Caust. meibomian glands, of: Bad., lith.

FRIGHTFUL look: Canth., strain. sense of marble: Cann-i.

FULLNESS, sensation of: Apis, arg-n., bell., cub., HEAT in: Aeon., sesc, agar., anan., ang , aran.
euph., gels., ger., gj'mn., lact., lye, morph., arg-n., ars., ast-r., aur., Bell., benz-ac.
nat-m., nux-7n., olnd., phys., plb., sep., berb., canth., carb-v., Cham., chel.. Chin.
sulph ,
verat. chlol., clem., cor-r., cycl., dig., glon., graph,
ign., kali-bi., kteos., lach., lil-t., Lyc.
GLARING. (See "Stariug.")
mang., med., meph., mere, mez., nat-s.
nice, nit-ac, op., petr., phos., plat., psor.
GLASSY appearance of: Aeon., am-m., arn.,
bell., bry., camph., cedr., cic, chlor., cocc, ran-b., rhus-t., Ruta, sabin., sep., sil., spig.

coc-c, com., Sulph., tab., tell, thuj., verat., verb,

croc, cupr., daph., elaps.,
eup-per. ^/o«„ viol-o., zinc.
hell., hyos., kali-a., lack.,
lye, mosch.. Op., ox-ac petr., , Phos-ac, morning: Apoc hep., mez.

plat., sang. secale, sep., strain.

evening: Dios., nice, psor., puis.
morning: Sep.
as if hot air streamed out: Dios.
GLAZED: Cupr., hyos., op., podo.
with candlelight: Graph,
GLISTENING eyes. (See "Brilliant,'
night: Crot-t., zinc,
air, cold, agg.: Zinc,
GRANULAR lids: Alum., ant-t., apis, arg-n
closing eyes, on: Cor-r., ust.
Ars., aur., bell., bor., caust., fago., Graph.,
kali-bi., Lyc, nierc-c, merc-i-f., nierc-i-r. exertion, during: Aur.
nat-a., nat-m., nat-s., petr., phyt., pids. flushes: Gels.
rheum, rhus-t., sang., sep., sil., sulph.
streaming out, sensation of: Clem., dios.
thuj., zinc.
canthi: Carb-v., phos., psor., thuj.
cold applications amel. : Puis.
outer: Cann-s., glon., thuj.
water agg. : Sulph.
choroiditis: Coloc.
conjunctiva: Ars., caust., ery-a.
iritis, in: Am., puis,
outer canthi: Ant-t.
lids: Aeon., benz-ac, calc, calc-ph., chel
GREEN color: Canth., cupr-ac.
cimic, gels., glon., graph., lil-t., med., sep
ring around: Verat. syph., upa.

margins: Par., phyt., sep., sulph.

Ars., bell., cupr., op., secale, stram
HEAT agg.: Apis, arg-n., coff., Mere, puis
Alum., plb., selen.
HAIR falling from brows: zinc.

apis, ars., aur., euphr. sensitive to: Apis, arg-n., caust., clem.,
eyelashes: Alum.,
med., mere, rhus-t., selen., sep., staph ap
HEAVINESS: ^sc. Aloe, all-s.,
arn., ars-m., arum-t., carb-v., com., he
of, in eye: Plant., puis., tab. lach., lyc, mane, plb., podo
HAIR, sensation hipp.,
rumx., stram., sulph., vib.
afternoon: Sang.

HEAVINESS. HYPERTROPHY of conjunctiva: Apis.

menses, before: Nat-m. INFILTRATION of conjunctiva: Arg-n.

lids: Abs., aeon., agar., anan., apis, arum-t., IMMOBILITY. (See " Fixed Look," " Staring,"
asaf., arund., brom., bufo,
bell., berb., etc)
cann-i., calc, caul., Caust., cham., chel.,
INDURATION. (See " Hardness.")
chlol., cimic, cina, ciiiiib. Con., cocc, ,

corn., crot-c, cupr., ferr., form., Gels., INFANTS, eye complaints: Aeon., Arg-n., bell.,
graph., hell., hydr., kali-bi., lac-c, lac-d., bor., bry., calc, cham., euphr., mere,
lachn., lye, merl., naja, natr-a:, nal-c, nux-v., pjils., rhus-t., sulph.
nat-ni., nat-ph., nal-s., nux-m., nux-v.,o'p.,
\ phell., pic-ac, phos., phos-ac, phys.,
INFLAMMATION Aeon., act-sp., all-c, alum.,

ambr., am-c, ant-c, ant-L, Apis, arg-m.,

Rhus-t., Sep., sil., spong., sulph:, thuj.,

arg-n.. Am., Ars., asaf., asar., aur.,

viol-o., verat-v., zinc.
aur-m., bad., bar-c, bell., benz-ac, bor.,
1 morning: Daph., ferr., myric, phos., sep., brom., bry., cadm., cain., calad., calc,
upa. camph., cann-s. canth., caps., caust., cham.,

could not be held open: Nit-ac, sep.

chin., cimic, cinnb., clem., coiT., colch.,
as if
coloc, con., cop., croc, crot-t., cupr., daph.,
on awaking: Kali-bi. dig., dulc, elaps., ery-a., eng., eup-perf.,
evening: Bufo, cinnb., dig., pic-ac, sulph. euph., euphr., ferr., gels., glon., graph.,
grind., hep., hyos., ign., iod., ip., iris,
reading by lamplight, while: Nat-c.
kali-bi., kali-c, kali-chl., kalm., kreos.,
frontal headache, with: Sep. lach., led., lith.. Lye., lyssin, mag-c,
using the eyes, while: Nal-m. mag-m., meph., merl., mere, merc-c, mez.,
morph., nat-c, Nat-m., 7tat-s., nit-ac,
EOEDEOLA : Alum., am-c, apis, aur., bry., nux-v., op., petr., phos., phos-ac, phyto.,
cain., caust., chel., con., elaps., ferr., plb., Psor., IPuls., Iran-b., rat., Rhus-t.,
ferr-ph., graph., Lyc, magn-aust., meny., sa7ig., Sep., sil., spig., staph., stram.,
mere, nat-m., phos., phos-ac, psor., Puis., Sulph., sulph-ac, syph., tarax., tereb.,
rhus-t. ,
seneg., Sep., sil ,
stann.. Staph., teucr., thuj., verat., zinc.
sulph., thuj., valer.
acute: Aeon., li.-^i^,\ars., aur-m., bell., bry.,
canthi, toward inner: Lyc, nat-m. Calc., cham., euphr., ferr-ph., hydr., mere,
inner: Bar-c, nat-m., stann. nux-v.. Puis., Sep., Sulph.

outer: Aur-s. injuries, after: Aeon., am.

upper lid: Am-c, bell., ferr., mere., phos-ac, alternating with sore throat: Par.
Puis., staph.
arthritic (gouty and rheumatic): Ant-e,
right: Am-c. Ant-t,, apis, ars., arum-m., bell., bor., bry.,
Calc., cact., cham., chin., cocc, colch.,
left: Staph.
coloc, dig., euphr., Fom., graph., hep.,
lower lid: Ferr-ph., graph., phos., puis,, led., Lyc, mere, mez., nux-v., Phyt.,
rhus-t., seneg., sol-o.
psor., puis., Rhus-t., Sep., spig., staph.,
right: Cupr., ferr-ph. sulph.

left: Colch., elaps., hyper. burns, from: Canth.

right eye: Am-c, nat-m, catarrhal from cold: Acon., act-s., All-C,
alum., alumn., ant-c, ant-t., apis, arg-m!,
left eye: Bar-c, colch., elaps., hydr., hyper. ars.,armid., aur., bapt.. Bell., bry., calc,
internal corner: Bar-c. cham., chel., chlor., comoc, con., dig.,
recurrent: Graph., psor., sulph. dulc, euphr., gamb., graph., hep., hydr!, '

iod., ip., iris,

induration from: Calc,
kali-bi., Merc, merc-c,
con., Sep., sil., nux-v., Psor., Puis., sang., sep., staph.,
staph., thuf.
INFLAMMATION, catarrhal from cold, INFLAMMATION.
night: All-s. vaccination, after: Thuj.
when trying to read: All-s. wind, dry cold: Acon,
cold amel.: Apis, Arg-n., bry., Puis., Sep.
wounds from: Calad., Staph.
croupous: Kali-bi.
canthi: Ara-c, bor., calc, calc-s., clem.,
erysipelatous: Aeon., anac, Apis, bell., com., graph., mag-c, mere, nat-c, sulph., zinc.
graph., hep., led., mere, merc-c, Rhus-t.,
morning, agg.: Nux-v.
with ulceration: Apis, bufo, kali-c zinc.
from bites of insects: Led. ,

fireagg. : Ant-c, arg-n., mere. inner: Clem.

being over; cold air and cold applications outer: Bar., Graph,
amel: Arg-n. with ulceration : Calc-a. , upa.

foreign bodies: Acon., Am., calc.,puls., Sil., carunculse: Bell., berb., cann-i.
choroid: Ars., aur., bell., bry., cedr., eoloc.,
gonorrhoeal: Anl-t., chin., cor-r., cub., med., gels., ip., kali-ehl., mere, merc-e., nux-v.,
mere., Nit-ac, Puis., spig., sulph., thuj. prun., psor., puis., ruta, sil., spig., sulph.

headache, with: Apis, led., verat. conjunctiva: Acon., act-sp., ail., Alum.,
heat agg.: Bad., Bell., bry., kali-i., ant-c, ant-t., apis, Arg-n., Ars., asc-t.,
med., still. Bell., brom., bry., Calc, calc-fl., cann-i.,
cedr., chain., chin., chlor., coc-c, crot-h.,
infants: Aeon., alumn., Apis, arg-m., Arg-n., hep., iod.,
dig., Euphr., ferr-ph., ip.,
arn., arund., bell., bor., bry., Calc, eham., kali-bi., led., lye, mere., nat-a., nat-s.,
dule., euphr., hep., ign., lye, mere., mere-c, nit-ae., nux-v., petr., pic-ac, puts., Rhus-t.,
Nit-ac, nux-v.. Puis,, rhus-t., sulph., staph., Sulph., sumb., tep., thuj., zinc.

Thuj., zinc. granular: Arg-n., ery-aq., mere, nat-s.,

measles, after: Carb-v., crot-h., euphr., petr., psor., thuj.

cold applications amel.: Asar., puis.

menses, during: Zinc.
pustular (includes cornea:) ^th., apis,
mercurial: Asa/., hep., mez. euphr.
Calc, eham., Clem., crot-t.,

recurrent: Bry., Calc, sulph. graph., ip., kali-bi., Kali-chl,, kali-i.,

laeh., mere, mere-c. merc-i-f., nat-m.,

sand and dust, from: Sulph. ,

Petr., Psor., Puis,, rhus-t., sep., sil.,

scrofulous: Alumn., anl-e., apis, Ars., arg-m. Sulph., tell., thuj., zinc
arund., Aur., Aur-m-n., bad., bar-c,
ulceration, with: Alum., caust., coloc,
Bar-m,, bell., eadm., Calc, cann-s., Caust.,
crot-t., hydr., nit-ac.
eham., chin., chin-a cist., con., dig., dulc,

euphr., ferr., Jl-ac, Graph., Hep., hyos., cornea: Ars., aur-m., bell., Calc, eon.,

iod., ip., kali-bi., kali-h., lith., mag-e., crot-h., crot-t, euphr., hep., kali-chl., kalm.,
Merc, merc-i-f., plat., plb., psor.,
Merc, merc-c, nat-m., nat-ph., nat-s., lye,
Nit-ac, nux-v., 'Setr., phyla., Psor., Puis., puis., rhus-t., Sep., spig., Sulph., Thuj.
rhus-t., sars., Sep., Sil., spig., Sulph,, tell.,
ulceration with: Apis, arg-n., ars.,
viol-t., zinc.
asaf., aur., bar-e, Q^\c., eale-ph., cale-s.,
worse after i a. m. : Chin-a. can-s., chin., chlol., cimic, clem., con.,
suggilation after injuries: Arn. crot-t., cund., euphr., form., graph., hep.,
ip., kali-bi., kali-c. kreos., lach.,mere,
summer, in: Sep.

merc-e, merc-i-f., nat-c, nat-m., nit-ae,

syphilitic: Arg-n., ars., Asaf., aur., aur-m., podo., psor., puis., rhus-t., ruta, sang.,
aur-m-n., cinnb., clem., crot., graph., hep., sanie, sil., sulph., thuj.
Kali-i., Merc, Merc-c, merc-i-f., Nit-ac,
scars, from: Cadm-s., euphr., sil.
phyt., staph., syph., thuj.


iris: Apis, arg-n.. Am., ars., asaf., aur., graph., hep., hydr., lach., mere, merc-c,
bell., calc, cedr., chin., cinnb., clem., nat-m., nat-s., nux-v., puis., Sanic,
colch., coloc, com., crot-h., crot-t., dulc, staph., stram.
etiphr., hep., kali-bi., kali-i., merc.,'M.eiC-C,,
ulceration, with: Anan., apis, bufo, Clem.,
merc-i-f., mez., nat-m., nil-ac, petr.,
cole, crot-t., euphr., graph., lye, mere,
plb., piUs., Rhus-t., se7ieg., sil., spig., spig.,
nat-m., phos., puis., Sanic, sil.,
staph., sulph., syph., tereb., thuj., zinc.
staph., sulph.

night, agg. : Dulc, Kali-i., Mere, Merc-c, meibomian glands: Cham., colch., dig., euphr.,
zinc. hep., indg., kreos., phos., puis., staph.,

pain agg. at night: Staph., sulph. stram., sulph.

suppurative: Phos.
adhesions, with: Clem., merc-c, nil-ac, sil.,

spig., staph., sulph., tereb. optic nerve: Bell., phos., Tp\h.,puls., tabac.

sclerotics: Aeon., hura, psor., rhus-t., spig.,

iris, rheumatic: Arn., ars., bry., colch., coloc,
dulc, eiiphr., kali-bi., kali-i., Rhus-t., spig.,
syph., tereb. with stitches and aversion to sunlight:
syphilitic: Ars., arg-n., aur., aur-m., asaf.,
ciimb., hep., Kali-i., mere, Merc-C, INJECTED: All-c, ant-t., astae, ' 6^//., bufo,

camph., cedr., clem., con., ferr., ferr-m.,
merc-i-f., petr., staph., syph.,
thuj., zinc. Glon., hep., kali-bi., mere
canthus, inner: Laur., nat-ph.
bursting pain in eyeball, temple and side of
face: Staph. conjunctiva full of dark vessels: Apis, arg-n.,
ars-h., ars., bell., calc., camph., cann-i.,
lachrymal canal: Petr.
chins., chlor., clem., con ,
euphr., ferr.,
glands: Ant-c, cupr. graph., ham., hep., ip., kali-e, kali-i.,

with ulceration: Anan. lach., lyssin, mere , mez., morph.,

merc-c. ,

Nat-m., nux-v., op., phos., podo., sang.,

sac: Apis, arum-t., graph., mere, Petr., secale, sep., sil., spig., stvam., sulph., tereb.,
lids:Aeon., act-sp., anac, Ant-C, Arg-m., menses, before: Puis.
Arg-n., Apis, ars., arund., bar-c, bell.,
cornea: Aur., graph., hep., igfi., ip., mere,
berb. carb-an., cinnb., cocc, com., con.,
crot-t., dig., euphr.. Graph., hep., hyos.,
iris, kali-bi., kalirC, kreos., lach., lil-t., INSENSIBILITY: Carb-o., crot-h., hyos.,
lyc, meph., Mere, mez., nat-c, nat-m., kali-br., op., stram.
nit-ac, 'Sett.; -phos psor., puis., Rhus-t,
INTOXICATED appearance: Cann-i., eng., merl.,
sang., sanic, sarr., sars., seneg., sep., sil., op., stram.
spig., stann.. Staph., stram., Sulph., Tell.,
tereb., thuj., uran., verat., zinc. INVERTED lids: Anan., bor., calc, graph.,
mere, nat-m., nit-ac, sulph., zinc.
ulceration, with: Anan., apis, ars., bar-m.,
graph., hep., kali-bi., kali-i., Lyc, mere,
IRRITATION: Apis, ars., caust., con., fagc,
ign., iod., merc-i-f., nat-a., puis., ran-s.
merc-c, nat-m., sep., spig., stram., sulph.,
rhus-t., sang.
day: Iod.
under surfaces: Ars., bell., mere, nux-v.,
phos., puis., rhus-t., sil., sulph. morning: Apoe
malignant: Phyt. afternoon: Bad.

edges: ^th., arg-m., arg-n., ars., aur-m., evening: Iod., ruta.

bell., bov., Cham., Clem., dig., euphr.. from candle-light: Lyc.


IRRITATION, evening.
ITCHING, canthi.
reading by lamp-light: Apis.
evening: Mag-c, puis,
eyelids, amel. in cold air:
air, open, agg.: Staph,
optic nerve: Phos.
amel.: Gamb.
ITCHING: Absin ,
aeon., agar., all-c, alum., inner:
am-m., anan., ant-c, Alum., apis, aur., bor., calc.
apis, arg-m., arg-n., carb-v., eaust., chel., einnb.,
arund., asc-t., asp., clem.,
aur., aur-m., bar-c, cycl., fl-ac,
bell., berb., bor., bry.,
gamb., graph., grat., hyos.',
bufo, calc, calc-pli., lach., laur., mag-c., mag-m., mez.,
cann-s., canth., case, caust., nat-m., nit-ac, osm., phos.,
clem., coloc, cop., cycl., elaps, psor., ruta,
eng., euphr., stann., staph.,
fagcgels., hep., hura, syph., tab., zinc
kali-bi., kali-n.,
kahn., kreos., lach., lachn.,
morning: Sep.
lob., lye,
mag-m., meph., mere, niez., mosch.,
evening: Dios., fl-ac, ////j.
mur-ac, nat-c, nat-m., nat-s., nice, uit-ac,
outer: Ant-c, aur-m.,
nux-v., ol-an., osm., pteon., benz-ac, bry.,
pall., petr.,
carb-v., cinnb.,
com., euph., fago.,
Phel., phos.. Puis., ran-b., rhodo.,
ruta, sars., sep., sil.,
form., mez., nat-m., prun., rhus-t.,
spig., stann., stram., sep.,
sulph., tax., tarent, upa.
stront.. Sulph., tarent.,
vesp., viol-t., zhic.
eyebrows: Agar., agn., alum., ars., arund.,
morning: Agar., am-c, dios., fago., meph., berb., bry., caust, com., con., ferr.,
nat-s., sulph. fl-ac,
laur., mane, mez., pall., par., rhodo.,
after rising: Nat-m. selen., sil., spig., Sulph., verat., viol-t

forenoon: Sulph. morning: Nat-m.

night: Ars., sulph. evening: AIl-c.

evening: Aeon., calc, calc-ph., cupr., dios., eyes, about: Agn., apis, berb., carb-v., con.,
eng., eug., euph., ferr., gamb., meph., lach., lyc, pall., sars., til.

mere-e., pall., phos., Puis., sil., Sulph., lids: Alum., ambr., anag.,
vesp. apis, Arg-m.,
asaf., asc-t., aur., aur-m., bell., bry., bufo,
not amel. by rubbing: Pall. calc, caust., con., croc, crot-t., cycl.,
air, open, amel.: Puis. dros., euph., euphr., graph., hep., kali-bi.,
lob., mez., nux-v., pason., petr., phos-ac,
cold application amel. Puis.
phos.. Puis., Rhus-t., Sep., sin-n., spong.,
coryza, during: Caps. Sulph.., Tell., vespa., vine, zinc.

exertion of vision: Rhus-t. edges of: Am-c, asaf., bry., calc, carb-v.,
con., euphr., fago., grat., jatr., kali-bi.,
gas-light agg.: Phyt.
kali-c, kreos., mez., nat-s., nux-v., prun.,
house, in: Ran-b. Sep., staph., sulph., zinc.

light produces: Anan. daytime: Phos., sulph.

rubbing agg.: Kalm., kreos., sulph. morning: Carb-v., nux-v.
amel.: Caust., nat-c nux-v., ol-an., spong., evening: Mez., Puis.

stram., sulph., zinc.

JERKING of the muscles of eyes. (See " Move-
warm bathing : Mez. ments."
canthi: Agar., Alum., ant-e., Arg-m., am., LACHRYMATION : Absin., acet-ac, acoti.,
asc-t., auf., bell., benz-ac, berb., bor., act-sp., aesc, agar., ail., All-C, all-s., aloe,
cale., carb-v., caust., cina, cinnb., clem, alum., ambr., am-c, am-m., anac, apis,
con., euphr., ferr-m., fl-ac., gamb., led., arg-n., am., ars., art-v., arum-t., arund.,
lyc.,mosch., mur-ac., nat-m., ruix-v., prun., asar., aur., bell., berb., brom., bry., cadm.,
ruta, staph., stront., sulph., tromb., zinc.
calc, calc-ph., caps., carb-an., carb-ac.


gazing at anything, while: Cinnb.
caul., canst., cham., chel., chin.,
cimic, cinnb., cina, clem., colch., bright: Chel., mag m., sabad.
croi-t., asar., bell.,
coloc, com., con., croc, crot-h.,
headache, during: Agar., arg-n.,
cupr-a., daph., dig., elaps., eug., eup-per., carb-an., carb-v., chel., com., con.,
eup/i.,Euphr., ferr., fl-ac, gamb., gels., ign., ind., kali-i., lac-e, lil-t.,
eug., hep.,
graph., grat., ham., hep., liydr., ign., iod., plat., puis., rhus-r., spong.,
mere, osm.,
kali-bi., kali-c, kali-i., kreos., lach
ip., ,
stram., tax.
lachn., led., lye, mag-c, mag-s , Mere,
laughing: Nat-m.
inerl., mez., mill., mosch., naja, nat-a.,

Nat-m., nat-ph., nal-s., nice, Nit-ac, light, from: Dig., kreos., puis,
nux-m., nux-v., olnd., ol-an.. Op, osm., mag-m., sabad.
brilliant: Ail., chel., kreos.,
par., petr., phos., plios-ac, phyt., psor.,
puis., ran-b., ran-sc, rheum, Rhus-t., ruta, of sun: Bry., ign., graph., staph,
sang., selen., seneg., sep.,
sabad., sabin.,
looking steadily: Apis, chel., einnb., euph.,
spig., spoiig., staph., siram.,
sil., sin-n., ign., kali-c, osm., seneg., tabac.
sulph-ac, tar ax., teucr., thuj.,
menses, during: Calc, zinc.

open air: Ail., alum., am., bar-c, bell., bry.,

right: Brom., hyos., verb., vesp.
calc, camph., canth., caust., chel., chlor.,
left: Carb-ac, coloc, dios., ign., sin-n., dulc, euph.,
clem, cob., colch., dios.,
uran-n. graph., hyos., mere, nat-a., nat-m., nit-ac,
daytime: Alum., lye, sars., zinc. phell., phos., puis., phyt., rheum, rhus-t.,
ruta, sabad., senee, sen^g., sep., sil., staph.,
morning: Calc, kali-n., kreos., lachn., mag-c,
Sulph., thuj., ust., verat., zinc,
mere, nat-c, nat-m., nice, phell., phos.,
rat., sep., staph., sulph. relieved: Chin-s., croc, phyt.

while walking: Nat-a., sep. opening eyes, on: Kali-bi.

forenoon: Nat-c.
forcibly: Apis, con., merc-c, ip., rhus-t.
evening: Aeon., asar., eugen., mac-m., mere,
pain, with the: Ferr., sabad.
nice, phos., rhus., ruta, sep., tereb.
in the eye: Ferr.
night: Aeon., all-s.
throat: Sep.
chill, during: Elat.
reading, while: Am-e, carb-s., croc, grat.,
air, in cold: Cob., dig., euphr., kreos., l3-c.,
ign., nit-ae. olnd., phos., sep., still.,
phos., puis., sil., thuj.
coryza, with: Aeon., agar., All-C, alum.,
room, in a: Asar., eaust., croc, dig., phos.
anac, anan., arg-n., carb-an., Carb-V.,
carb-ac, chin., dulc., Euph.r., jab., iod., warm room : All-c.
kali-c, lach., lye, Nux-V., phos., phyt., wind in: Euphr., nat-m., ^h.os.. Puis., rhus-t.,
puis., ran-sc, sabad., sang., sin-n., spig, sulph.
sanic, sil.,
staph.. Tell,, verb.
writing, while: calc, ol-an.
cough, with: Aeon., aloe, a^ar., brom., bry.
after: Ferr.
calc, carb-ac, carb-v., eenchr., chel., eina,
eup-per., euph., Euphr., graph. yawning, when: Ant-t., calc-ph., kali-c,
,\y&Y>-> ip-
nux-v., rhus-t., sabad., sars., staph., viol-o.
kali-c, kreos., mere, Nat-m., op., phyt.
puis., rhus-t., sabad. ,sqn\\., staph., sulph. LOOKING steadily at an object agg. eye symp-

whooping cough: Caps., graph., nat-m.

toms (compare "Exertion of Vision"):
Apis, cadm-s., croc, mere, ruta, spong.
fever, during: Aeon., apis, bell., calc, cham.,
eup-per., ign., lye, petr., into distance agg. : Dig.
spig., spong.,
sulph. upward agg.: Carb-v., bell., chel., sulph.

ITJMPS ill the lids: Stapli., sulph., tluij.
NUMBNESS around eyes: Asaf.
ITJPUS, eyebrows: Alum., aluimi., anau.
ONYX: Hep., mere, rhus-t.
lids: Alunm., phyt.
OPACITY of cornea: Agn.. apis, Arg-n., aur.,
lid: Apis.
aur-m. bar-c, Cadm., Calc^ calc-fl.
XTJSTRELESS eyes: Act-r., Ant-t, arg-n., arn., calc-ph., cavn-s., caust.,
diet., chin., cinnb
ars., asar., bapt., bell., bov., cocc colch, Con., crot-t.,
bry., carb-v., euph., euphr.,
<:/««-5., cup-ac, cupr., daph., euphr., hep., hydr., kali-bi., kali-s., lach., lyc
kali-bi., kali-br., were, mag-c., merc.i-f., mere,
Nux-V., op., nit-ac, op., puls.i
phos-ac, rumx., sabin., stann., stram.,
rhus-t., seneg., sil., sulph.,
iarent., zinc.
sulph., sulph-ac, verat., zinc-s.
smallpox, after: Sil.
sexual excesses, after: Staph.
wounds, from: Euphr.
OPENING the lids, difficult: Ambr., anan.,
MEMBRAIfE, sensation as if, drawn over eyes: arg-m., arg-n., Ars., bar., caust.,
chel., con.,
Apis, caust, daph., puis., rat. cupr., elaps, ferr.,
fl-ac. Gels., hydr-ac.,
MOONLIGHT amel. eye symptoms: Aur. kali-c, mere, nat-e, lyc, nat-m.,
mix-m., phos., spig., samb., sul-ac.
MOVEMENT, eyeballs, constant: Agar., bell.,
morning: Ambr., bar-c,
iod., sil., hor., how., caust.,
lyc, mag-m., nice, nit-ac, pelt.,
convulsive: Aeon., agar., BeU., bufo, phos-ac, psor., rhus-t.,
canth., sep., sul-ac.
chin-s., coff., ign., kali-cy., sulph., verat., on waking: Cocc,
zinc. kali-c.

light agg. night: Chel., cocc, mag-m., nat-m.,

: Bell.
rhus-t., Sep.
sleep, during: Hell., op., phos-ac.
drawing them together amel.: Phos.,
waking, when: CofiF.
sang., sulph., viol-t.
involuntary: Agar., calc, canth., cupr. causes sneezing: Graph.
nux-v., sulph.

when staring ahead: Phos-ac.

OPEN lids: Ant-t., apis, caust., cocc, cupr., dot.,
Guaj., hydr-ac, hyos., Iod., laur., Lyc,
pendulum like, from side to side: Agar., naja, nux-v., olnd., op., squil., stram.
amyg., a7-s., cupr.,gels.. sulph.
and close in quick succession: Agar.
trembling: Bell.
attack, before an : Laur.
rolling: ^th., agar., amyg., arg-n bell.. delirium, with: Crot-h., Stram.
bufo, camph., caust., cham cic, , cocc,
colch., cupr., euphr., gels., hell., hyos.,
difficult to keep open: Ars., bapt., bor.,
kali-br., bufo, caust.. Gels., hyos., naja, nat-a.,
kali-i., lyssin, mere, merc-c,
nat-a., op., petr., sant., secale,
phos-ac, pic-ac.
strych., tafent., tereb., tuberc, ust.,
verat., dislike to open, fears it will agg. headache:
drink, at sight of: Bell.
half open: Agar., amyg., ant-t., apis, ars.,
sleep, during: Apis, ol-an. art-v., bapt.. Bell., bry., cadm., cann-i.,
upward canth., caps., cham., coff., colch., coloe,
(compare "turned"): Aeon.,
anan., amyg., apis, crot-h., Cupr., dig., ferr., ferr-m., gels.,
bufo, camph., cina,
cupr., laur., lact., plat., tereb., verat. hell., hydr-ac, ip., kreos., lach., laur.,
lye, mere, morph., nat-m.. Op., phell.,
MUSCULAR exertion amel. symptoms: Ati,r. phos., phos-ac, plb., podo., rhus-t.,

NARROWING of intervals between eyelids (see samb., strain., sulph., tereb., verat.,
"Open") Agar., euphr., nat-m., nux-v.,
insensibility, during: Op.

must keep them open and look into the morning: Ambr., arg-n., ars-m., aur., kali-c,
light: Puis. nat-a., nat-c, nux-v., paeon., Spig., tarent.,

sleep, during: Ant-t., ars., bell., bry., valer.

cadm-s., chin., cocc, cupr., ferr., ip., /jKC, begins in and increases till noon and ceases
op., phos-ac, samb., stram., sulph. in evening: Kalm.
unable to: Abrot., am-c, anan., ars., aur., on opening: Form., phos-ac.
bufo, chain., chel., con., gels., hell., hyos.,
lach., merl., nat-a.,
with congestion, amel. by cold bathing:
Nux-m., nux-v., oena.,
Asar., form.
op., petr., sil., sul-ac, tarent.
morning: Lye, mag-m., petr., staph., waking: Ferr., form., Nux-V., Sep., lach.
thuj. walking, while: Puis.
from pressure in forehead : Phos-ac.
working amel. : Form.
night: Ars., carb-v., cocc.
4 a. m. , waking with: Nux-v.
menses, during: Citnic.
forenoon: Phyt., rumx., zinc
OPENNESS, spasmodic: ^th., ang., apis, arn.,
Bell., camph., catisl., cocc, dol., guaj.,
10 a. m. till noon: Chin., stann.
hyos., lod., laur., lye, lyssin, naja, Nux-V., noon, daily: Chin-s.
op., Stram., strych.
afternoon: Ars-m., cimic, petr., rhus-t., sang.,
during delirium: Op., stram. seneg., sep.

Khs.,acon., seth., agar., all-c, aloe, alum., 1 p. m. : Ars.
ambr., am-m., anac, ant-t., apis, arg-n.,
2 p. m.: Dios., phys., sep.
am., ars., asar., asc-t., asp., ali'o., Aur.,
aur-m., bad., bar-c ,
bell., berb., brom., 3 or 4 p. m. : Co7n.
bufo, bry., calc-ph., carb-v., carl, chcl.,
4 p. m. : Gent, hura.
chin., chlor., cinnb., citnic, coloc, colch.,
com., con., cor-r., croc, 5 p. ni. : Nat-a.
crot-h., crot-t.,
cupr., daph., dig., elaps, eup-per., ferr., 6 p. m. : Euph.
fl-ac,gamb., gels., glon., guar, gymn.,
on closing lids: Cimic.
ham., hell., hep., hydr., hydrc, hyos.,
hyper., iod., ign., ip., jab., kali-bi., kali-c, rolling upwards or outwards agg. : Sang,
kali-i., kalm., kreos., lach., lacac, led., evening: Ars-m., calc, carb-v., daph.,
lil-t., lith., lob-i.,
lye, lyssin, mag-c, ind., kali-chl., lyc, op., phys., p^ds\
mag-ph., med., meph., mere, merc-c, strych., tarent., zinc.
merc-i-f., merc-i-r., mez., naja, nat-a.,
nat-m., nat-ph., nit-ac, nux-v., osm., ox-ac, 8 p. m.: Ham., lac-ac, strych.
pall., phell., phos., phys., phyt., pic-ac, on reading and writing: Nat-a.
plb., podo., ptel., ran-b., rhus-t., rhus-v.,
gaslight, by: Calc, petr.
rumx., Ruta, sabad., sang., sant., secale,
Sep., sil., Spig., stann., strych., sulph., looking at light: Amph.,
tab., plat.
tarax., tereb., ther., thuj., urt-u., ust., lying down: Fl-ac, zinc.
verat., vesp., zinc. zing.
reading, while: Calc, phys.
right: Apis, calc-a.,
card-m., Com., crot-h.,
dol., erig., med., ran-b. sewing, while: Apis, mez.

extending to left: Bad. sitting, while: Chin-s.

left: Agar., anac, asar., asc-t., am:, walking and driving: Plant.
aur-ra., '

elaps., lac-f.
writing, while: Selen., wild.
daytime: Am-c, caust., cob., hep., Kalm. night: Ars., cimic, cob.,
lyc , Sang. Merc, merc-i-f.
thuj., ziz.

PAIN, nielli. PAIN, exertion of vision.

agg.: Aur., dry., canth., coloc, crol-l., hep., agg.: Calc, ign., naja, nux-m., phyt., ruta,
kali-i., led.. Mere, plb., Prun., spig., sil., spig.

syph., vesp., zinc. over

fine, work; Carb-v., coloc, mere,
retiring, after: Cimic. Ruta.
throbbing: Asaf. fire, glare of, agg.: Mere.
midnight: Merc. gaslight, by: Asc-t., calc, chel., nat-a., Petr.

after: Ars. glaucoma, in: Phos.

air agg. : Hep. , sil. head, motion of, agg.: Phos.

cold, agg.: Cinnb., clem., cob. shaking agg. : Lyc.

aniel.: Arg-n., asar. headache, during: Agar., apis, Bell., sep.,

open air agg.: Aur-m., benz-ac, berb.,
clem., spig. in occiput: Nux-V.
amel.: Arg-n., ars., Asaf., lil-t.,puls. heart, at each beat of: Atro.

alternates with pain in abdomen: E)uphr. heat agg. : Merc.

during: Guar., stram.
left arm: Plb.
intermitting: Bad., chin.
ovary: Sulph.
increasing until noon: Kalm.
bed, after being in, a short time agg. : Sil.

bending forward agg. : Coloc. light, when coming to: Apis, ars., atro.,

Bar-C., calc, chel., cob., con., lac-d., mang.,

blowing nose amel. : Aur.
7nerc., nat-m., nux-m., nux-v., phyt., thuj.
blow, from a: Am., Symph. . lamplight: Nat-m., nux-v.
bright light amel. (See "dim light agg.")
agg.: Com., nat-a., pic-ac,
strong, petr.,

candlelight agg.: Calc, calc-ph., cina, ip., thuj.

nth., mang., seneg. looking, when: Apis, sars., sulph., tab.

centre of eyeballs: Cimic. steadily: Arund ,

carb-v., citia, chel.,

closing, compelling: Aur. Nat-m., psor.

at near objects: Matig.
closing agg.: Canth., clem., fago., lac-ac,
sumb. upward: Carb-v., chel., sulph.

amel.: Chel., nit-ac, pic-ac, sinap. lying, while: Carb-v.

coryza, during: Cimic. amel.: Cimic.

on left side amel. Nat-a.

cold water amel.: Aeon., apis, asar., aur.,

form., nat-a., nit-ac ^\c.-&q.., puis.

motion, on: Agar., apis, arg-n., arn., ars.,
coughing, on: Sul-ac. astac, bad., berb., carb-v., caust., clem.,
cor-r., cupr., kalm., kali-c, mang., med.,
damp weather agg. : Merc.
phyt., pic-ac,
nat-a., nat-m., phos., phys.,
dark amel.: Nux-m. Prun., ran-s., Rhus-t., sep., sil., spig.,

sulph., sumb.
daylight, from: Hell., lac-ac, sars.

Am-m., quick: Ran-s., stram.

dim light agg.: apis, sarr., stram.

nausea, with: Ip., thuj.

dryness of eyeballs, with: Sulph.
onanism, after: Cina.
.exertion of vision, dviring: Canth., chel.,

carb-v., Nat-m., ^\'sX.,psor. opening lids, on: Hydr., led.

periodical: Cedr., chin., coloc, euphr., gels., warmth amel.: Eryng., hep., sil.
nat-m., Prun.
warm room agg. : Apis, Arg-n., con.
pressure agg. : Dros., ham., plant., sars.
warm stove agg. : Com.
after: Bar-ac.
applications amel. : Gels.
amel.: Asa/., bapt., caust., chin-s., coloc,
weeping, after: Tab.
mur-ac, pic-ac.
wet weather agg. : Merc.
raising lids: Nat-m.
wine, after a glass: Zinc,
reading: Agar., alum., arg-n., arn., ars-m.,
asar., aur., bapt., calc, calc-ph., cann-i., wind agg.: Ars-m., asar.
cic, con., dulc, kali-c, lack., lac-ac, writing, while: Calc-fl., coff., con., euph.,
laclin., lith., mang., mere, merl., nat-a.,
merl., nat-a., phyt.
nat-c, nit-ac, nux-v., ol-j., phell., phos.,
phyt., pic-ac, /z^/^f., ruia, sars. Extending around eyeball: Cinnb., phyt.

by candle light: Mang. arm, to:. Rumx.

rest agg.: Coloc, dulc, merc-i-f. backward: Colch., com., crot-t., lach., lil-t.,
par., phos., rhus-t.
rheumatic: Apis, clem., "kaMx-c, phyt.
downward: Gels.
ring, as from a: Sep.
ear, to: Fago.
rising, when: Ars., cer-b., fago.
face, over side of : Op.
sewing, while: Ars-met., cina, dig.
forehead, across: Lac-ac.
on fine work: Carb-v., coloc, mere, ruta.
to: Hura.
sleep, before: Con.
head, back into: Cimic, com.,
spark, as from : Tarent. lil-t., par.,
rhus-t., syph., tarent.
step, at each; Hep.
inward: Aur.
stool, during: Crot-t.
outward: Aster., hydr-ac.
stooping, when: Berb., coloc, fl-ac, mere, temples, to: Bad.
around the eyes: Cmnb.,gels., ign.,
storm, before and during, agg.: Maff-m
Rhodo., sil.
mere, merc-e, nit-ac, pall.,
puis., Sma."'
strained, as if: Mez., ruta. sulph., tereb. ^ °"
sunlight, when in: Amyl-n., calc, nat-a., behind the eyes: Asc-t., bad., bell., cob.
nat-m. fago
fl-ac. glon., led., merc-c, pall., podo'
sunrise until sunset: rhus-t., Sep., sulph., ther.
thinking of the pain agg.: Lach., spig. extending to upper jaw: Fl-ac.

touch agg.: Arg-n., bry., dig., hep. between: Asc-c, carb-h., caust.,
dios., gymn.
turning sideways, when: Bad., canthi: Euphr., lach., plb.
crot-t, Kalm "'
med., rhus-L, sil.,
Spig-., tarent., ust. inner :^/«,«., asc-t., ^f-a^,
graph., lach.
using (see "reading"): Arg-n., am., calc, staph., syph.
lach., nux-v. extendin^r around eyebrows:
walking, after: Con., euphr., pall.
outer: Ign., sulph.

in open air: Zinc. on closing the eye: Ign.

amel.: Arn., carb-v. eyebrows: Aeon., aeth., chel., con., cupr

dros., elap.s, ferr., fi-ac,
in warm room amel. : Coloc. hyper, lith"'
lyssiii, naja, rhus-t., thuj.

PAIN, e3'ebrows.
night agg.: Hyper., lyssin.
moving eyes agg.: Bad., Brj^gels.,
reading, while: Ferr-ph.
nau.sea, with: Thuj.
walking, after: Lyssin.
onanism, after: Ciiia.
eyelids: Caust ,
chel., chin., ign., /yc, mez.,
pressure, after: Bar-ac.
sulph., vesp., xanth.
amel.: Pic-ac.
afternoon, on closing them: Cimic.
reading, while: Cann-i., dulc, jab., nat-a.,
I p. ni.: Ars.
ol*-j., puis., Ruta.
eye and nose, between, in the afternoon:
sleep, before: Con.
sunlight agg. : Nat-a.
aching: Acon., fesc, agar., ail., ant-t., apis,
arg-m ,
arn., ars., aur., bad., bapt., bar-ac, touching, when: Dig.
bell, bov., brom., bry., calc-ph., calc-s., walking in open air, while: Zinc.
carb-v., carl., caul., cham., chel., chin.,
cimic cina, coca, coc-c, colch., cop., cupr.,
warmth amel.: Ery-a., hep.

dig., dios., ery-a., ferr., glon., graph., grat., writing, while: Calc-fl.
hell., hep hydr-ac, ip., kali-bi., kali-n.,
canthi: Mag-m.
lach., laur., led., lept., lob., lye, lyssiu,
mag-m., med., mere, merc-i-r., mez., inner: Aeon., mosch., pjils., rhus-t., stann.
myric, naja, nat-a., nat-m., nat-ph., outer: Chin., dios., lyc.
nit-ac, nux-v., osm., par., phos., phos-ac,
biting: Agar., All-C, alum., ambr., am-c,
^\c-&c., plant., podo., psor., Puis., rhus-t.,
arg-n., berb., bry., calc, canih., carb-v.,
rhus-v., rumx., riita, sang., sep., Spig., sil.,
caust., chen., chin., clem., euphr., graph.,
staph., stront., strych., sulph., syph., tep.,
hell., ip., kali-bi., kali-c, kali-i., kali-n.,
thuj., til., ust., valer., verat, verat-v.,
kreos., lact, lyc, mag-c, mere, merc-c,
wies. , xanth.
merc-i-f., mez., mosch., nat-c, nit-ac,
morning: Graph., podo., spig., strych., nux-v., ol-an., olnd., par., petr., phel.,
sulph. phos., Puis., ran-b., rhus-t., rhus-v., sep.,

after breakfast amel. : Naja. sil., stann., staph., stront., Sulph., sulph-ac,
tab., teucr., thuj., valer., viol-t., zinc.
night: Bry., cob., mere, merc-i-f.
morning: Alum., am-c, carb-an., hep., ruta,
closing lids: Bell.

amel.: Nit-ac pic-ac.

evening: Alum., eug., phos., Puis., rheum
coition, after: Bart. Sep., sulph., zinc.

evening: Dios., ferr., mere, myric, petr., while looking at bright light: Mag-m.
Puis., rhus-t., mta, Sulph., verat-v. m.: Thuj.
5 p.
light, from: Carb-au., petr., ruta.
acid, as from: Graph., rhus-t.
lying down, after: Carb-v.
air, open: Merc-c.
amel. Chel.

closing agg. : Clem,

light, bright, agg.: Petr., thuj.
dust, as from: Ambr.
looking sharply, when: Caj-b-v., chel., Nat-m., horseradish, as from: Merc.
menstruation, during: Castor,
at near objects: Mang.
reading, while: Phos.
straining sight: Carb-v., coloc, mere,
Ruta. rubbing, after: Carb-v.

up: Chel. amel.: Zinc.

PAIN, biting. PAIN, burning.

salt, as from: Alum., canth., caust., chin., brom., bry., bufo, cain., calc, calad., camph.,
mere, sulph. canth., caps., carb-an., Carb-v., card-m.,
carl., caust., ced., cham., chel.,
scratching amel. : Euphr. , kali. chloral.,
chin., clem., cofif., colch., coloc. Con., croc,
smoke, as from: Mosch., petr. crot-h., crot-t., cupr., eye, dig., dros., elaps,

soap, as from; Alum. eug., Euphr., eupi., ferr., fl-ac, form.,

gamb., gels., glon., gran., graph., gymn.,
sweat, as if, in: Viol-t.
hell., hep., hydr., hyos., ign., jugl-r.,
wind, as if in: Merc. kali-bi., kali-c, kali-i., kali-n., kalm.,
canthi: Alum., ant-t., berb., bry., kreos., lach., laur., lil-t., lyc., lyssin, mag-c,
con., kali-c, mez., mur-ac ran-b., ran-sc, mag-m., meph., mere, merc-e, merc-i-f.,

ruta, sil., staph., sulph., teucr., zinc. merc-i-r., mez., nat-c, Nat-m., nat-s\
nice, nit-ae, nux-m., nux-v., ol-an.,
inner: Ant-t., carb-v., con., lact., ox-ac,
osm., paeon., par., petr., phos.,
mez., nice, puis., sulph., zinc,
phys., phyt., pic-ac, plb., psor., Puis.,
outer: Arg-n., aur-m., bry., camph., ign., ran-b., raph., rhodo., rhus-t.,
rhus-v., ruia,
lye, mang., mur-ac, nux-v., phos., sabad., sars., sang., seneg.,
sep., spig.,
zinc. spong., stann., staph., stict.,
strych., Sulph
tab., tarent., tep., til., thui.,
conjunctiva: Phys verat, vib."',
viol-o., zittc.
margins of lids: Brom., calc, crot-h., gin.,
hell., lach., mez., sol-n. daytime: Am-c, mang., phos.

morning while reading: Ign, reading, while: Sulph-ac.

on waking: Agar. morning: Alum.,

am-m., chel., ferr.,
graph., kali-bi., kali-n., mag-m.,
"boring: Apis, arg-n., aur., aur-m., bism., meph.,'
chin-s., crot-h.,
mur-ae, nat-a Nat-m., nat-s., nit-ad,
coflF., elaps., hell., kali-c, ,

phell., phys., rat, rhodo.,

mere, nat-m., 7iux-m., puis., spig., thuj. seneg., sep.,
sil., stront., Sulph., thuj., zine
Tjruised: Agn., ant-t., Am., aur., calc-ph.,
chel., cimic, cocc, cupr., eup-per., hep., breakfast, after: Sulph.
gels., lye, nat-ph., nux-v., plant., Prun.,
rising, on: Ars-m., nat-c, fago., sulph.,
rula, sars., sep., sulph., urt-u.
afternoon: Nat-m.
twilight, in: Am-m.
4 p. m. : Lyc.
waking, on: Alum., chel., elaps,
night: Cocc. nice, rat., sars.

air agg. : Chel. washing, while, amel.: Mur-ae,

blow, from: Symph. forenoon: Gels., kali-bi., nat-c,
crushing: Bry, sulph. ^ ^ '

light agg.: Chel. noon: Gymn., sulph.

motion, diiring: Carb-s., cupr. 12:30 p. m.: Nat-m.

pressure amel. Chel. afternoon: Bov., cast., corn.,

gamb., jug-c
kalm.. merc-prot., tiat-e,
touch agg.: Ant-t., hep. nat-s., nice'
rhodo., strych., sulph., thuj..
extending into the head: Hep.
menses, during: Nice.
turning: Aeon., eesc, agar., ail.,
AU-c, aloe. reading, while: Thuj.
Alum., alumn., am-c, ambr., ang
aran., arn., arund., Ars., sleep, when aroused from:
asaf., asar., aur.! Gels.
aur-m., bapt., bar-c, Bell., berb., bor m.
4 p. : Caust.

, ^

PAIN, burning. r, burning, light.
evening: Aeon., agar., alum., ani-c, am-m., looking at the: Mag-m., nux-v.
ant-t., ars., cann-s., caust., con., eng.,
fago., gamb., graph., hura, kali-bi., laur.,
twilight: Am-m., stram.
nmg-c., uiag-s., tiat-in., nal-s., nice, disappears when candle is lighted: Am-m.
pic-ac, psor..
Puis., rat., rata, seneg.,
looking sharply, when: Bar-e, castor.,
sil., thuj., viol-o. zinc. ,
nat-in., rhodo.

air, in open: Kali-bi. or at anything bright: Mag-m.

bed, after going to: Op. lying down agg, : Nux-v.
candlelight, by: Calc, ol-an.
menses, during: Mag-e, nice, nit-ac.
fire, on looking at: Mag-m., nai-s. motion agg. : Berb.
lying down, on: Nat-c. opening the eyes, on: Ars., kali-bi.
reading, while: Agn., graph., rnta. pressure amel. : Pic-ac.
writing, while: Nat-m. reading, while: Asar., calc, croc, graph.,
kali-c, Vi\-t., myric.,«a/-OT.,olnd., rhodo.,
night: Am-m., Ars., asaf., C07i., crot-l., eng.,
seneg., sulph., zinc.
kali-c. ,
sanic, strych.
fine print: Ind.
reading in bed, while: Cycl.
rub, must: All-C, chin.. Puis.
like balls of fire : B.uta.
rubbing, on: Carb-an., con., puis.
air, in open: Graph., kali-bi., mere , ol-an.,
verat. sand, as if, in: Agar., Caust., con., ign.,iod.

amel.: Gamb., phyto.. Puis.

mag-m., mere
sleep amel. : Chel.
around the eye: Canth., chlor., cic. ,
phos., spong. smoke, as from: JEth.., nat-a.

scool, during: Nat-c.

back of the eyes: Form,
stooping, on: Bov.
bathing amel. : Mur-ac.
touch agg. : Caust., thuj.
candlelight: Calc, cor-r., mag-s., ol-an.,
phos-ac. warm room, in a: Con., Puis.

closing lids: Agar., calc, carb-v., ham., walking, in a, amel. : Coloc.

lye, mane. work, during: Graph., nat-c.

cold bathing arnel. : Aur., nice, thuj. writing, while: Lact., lil-t., rhodo., seneg.
cough, with: Agar., chin-bol. yawning: Agar.

dinner, after: Kali-bi., mag-m., nat-c. canthi: JBse, agar., alum., am-m., ant-t.,
thuj. asaf., aur., bar-e, bell., Bry., calc, coloc,
exertion, on least: Staph. carb-v. cawjA
QSxmb.,clem., euphr., fl-ae,
gels., gran., ^ra/i/i!., h)'per., iris, kali-bi.,
fire, near a, agg. : Nats. kali-c, kali-n., nat-m., par., petr., phos-ac,
headache, during: Ail., aran., coff., hep. rhodo., rhus-t., ruta, sep., spig., sulph.
lab., therid., thuj., tril.
heat, during: Chin., rhodo., sulph-ac.

itching: Lyc. morning: Am-m., rhodo., stront., sulph.

evening: Aug., sulph., thuj.

light.bright, while in: Ery-a., kreos., mag-m.,
rhodo. by candle light: Phos-ac.

exposure to: Ery-a. 5 p. m. : Mag-c.

PAIlf, burning, cantlii. PAIN", cutting.
night: Bry.
night agg. : Merc.
itching: Alum., euphr.
candlelight: Calc.
washing, after: Am-m.
exerting them: Merc,
writing: Kali-bi.
moving, on: Ind.
margins of lids: Alum., apis, arum-d., Ars.,
asaf., aur-ni-n., bry.,bufo, camph., cann-i., pressure amel. : Coloc.
card-m., coc-c, colch., dig., Euphr., fago., reading, while: Calc, mere, petros., phyt,
gin., kali-bi., led., mane, meph., merc-c,
rest, during: Mur-ac.
nai-s., ran-s., sanic, sulph.
stooping on, agg.: Coloc.
daytime: Nat-m.
sunlight: Graph.
morning: Gamb., nai-s., nit-ac, nux-v.,
seneg., Sulph., zinc. touching, from: Asaf.

on waking: Euphr., kali-bi. walking in a warm room amel. : Coloc.

forenoon: Sulph. writing, from: Canth., phyt.

afternoon: Kali-bi., sang., sulph. extending inward: Aeon., act-sp., bry.,

evening: Thuj., zinc. coloc.

bursting: Daph., glon., juni., lac-ac, outward: Cadm-s., lach., sulph.

Prun., seneg., stram. canthi: Bell., brom.
bubble, as if a : Puis. outer: Brom., hep., kali-i.
reading, while: Asar. darting. (See " shooting.")
stooping agg. : Spig. digging: Bell., bism., colch., sep.,
turning head agg. : Lac-ac. canthi: Ananth.
using eyes: Staph. dragging: Apis, caust.
clawing in: Am-m. drawing: Agar., apis, arn., ars.,
constricting: Aeon, amph., chlor., camph., cann-s., caust., cham.,
elaps, chel., cic,
lye, naja, nit-ac. colch., con., crot-c, graph.,\^\\
bep., hyos., jug-c, kali-bi.,
evening: Rat. kali-c, Kalm
kreos., lyssin,
lil-t., lith., med., Nat-m"'
Agar., bor., crot-c, euphr. C£na.,phys., podo., r&n-s., '

seneg., sep., spig

kali-n., nat-c, plb., verat.
sulph., tab., til., zinc, zing.
morning: Strych.
morning, breakfast, after: Grat.
evening: Agar., euphr., glon., rhus-t.
rising, after: Sep.
crushing: Bry.
forenoon: Podo.
cutting: Act-sp., am-c, apis, asaf., asar before dinner: Agar., canth.
atrop., aur., bell., bor.,
bufo, bry., cadm-s.^
calc, chel., chin., cic, II a. m.: Jac-c, phys.
cimic, colch., coloc
con., cund., dros., euphr., ferr-i., ind' afternoon: Phys.
lach., lac-f., mere, nat-ph., nu:^.v., ol-an.!
puis., rhus-t., sang.,
evening: Bov., phys.
sil., sulph., tarent '
verat., viol-t.
night: Lyc.
left: .Asar.
backward, in the back part
of the eyeball-
morning: Hura. Aster aur-m., bov., cham.,
cn^r., graph.',
hep., lach mez.,Tar., plh., puis., rhodo.
evening: Calc, chrom-ac.
sil., strych., sulph.,


PAIN, drawing. PAIN.
dinner, after: Agar, pressing, pressure, etc.: Aeon., £eth., agar.,
lamplight agg.: Sypli. aloe, alum., ambr., am-c, anac, ang.,
motion, on: Kalm., puis. ant-t., apis, arg-n., arn., ars., asaf., asar.,
aur., bapt., bar-ac, bar-c, bell., berb.,
open airamel.: Sep.
benz-ac, bism., bor., bov., Bry., cain.,
sitting, while: Merc, calad., calc, camph., cann-i., cann-s., canth.,
standing, while: Merc-sul. caps., carb-an., carb-s., carb-v., card-m.,
carl., caul., caust., Cham., chel..
sticking: Lack.
cic-v., cimic, cina, cinnb., clem., coca,
stiff sensation, in m^iscles: Nat-m. coc-c, cocc, colch., coloc, comoc, con.,
croc, crot-t., cupr.^ cycl., daph., dig., dulc,
string, as with a, to back of head or into the
euphr., fago., ferr-m., fl-ac, glon., graph.,
brain: Crot-t., lack., Par., sil.
grat., gymn., hell., hep., hydr., ign., ind.,
together: Nat-m., sep., sulph. kali-bi., kali-c, kali-chl., kali-i., kali-n.,

walking, while: Merc-sulph. kalm., kreos., lach., lachn., laur., led.,

lil-t., lye, mag-c, mane, mang., meny.,
extending to ear: Petr. meph., mere, merc-c, merc-i-r., mez.,
head: Graph., lach. mosch., nat-c, Nat-m., nat-s., nice, nit-ac,
nux-v., olnd., ol-an., op., paeon., petr.,
into forehead: Agar.
phos., phos-ac, phys., phyt., plat., plb.,
vertex: Lach- psor., puis., Ran-b., raph., rhodo., rAwj-/.,

Aur., Sep. ruta, sang., sant., sars., secale, selen.,

canthi, in:
Seneg., sep., sil., spig., spong., stann.,
foreign body, as from: Aeon., Apis, arn., bor., staph., stram., strych., stront., sulph., tab.,
calc, Calc-ph., calc-s., caps., caust., caul., thuj., verat., viol-o., vip., zinc, zing.
coc-c, euphr., fl-ac, gels., hep., ign.,
kali-bi., lye, med., meph., nat-m., plb., right: Apoc, coc-c, ferr., kalm., spig.
psor., rhus-t., ruta, sil., sulph., thuj., upa.
left: Agar., calc-s., coc-c, coloc, puis.,
hairs: Sang. zing.

little grains: Lith., sars., sep. daytime: Caust., lyc.

under conjunctiva: Tab. morning: Bor., calc, euphr., graph., meph.,

Merc, stann., staph. nux-v., rhus-t., seneg., sep., thuj., Zinc.
back behind lids:
rising, after: Val.
canthi, in: Alum,
inner: Agar., berb. sitting, while: Phos.

outer: Apis, con., euphr. ^ ign., phos., waking, on: Bry., nat-m., sep., upa.
sulph-ac. 5 a. m. : Stann.
gnawing: Agn., berb., ox-ac, plat, forenoon: Lach., lyc, plat.
grinding: Xanth. noon: Cham., ign., valer., verat.
jerking: Agar., asar., lac-f. afternoon: Cham., chin., grat., lachn.,

left: Agar., lac-f. phyt., sil.

lancinating. (See " cutting.

2 p. m., after a nap: Euphr.

nail, as if: Hell, 4 p. m. : Sil.

piercing: Apis, cist., con. evening: Aloe, ang., ant-t., calc, camph.,
coloc, con., croc, euphr., graph., hep.,
forenoon: Apis.
kalm., lycps., mag-m., mur-ac, nat-c,
sudden: Sil. nat-m., nit-ac, petr., rhus-t., sars., j^^i?^.,

pinching: Arn., kali-c, nit-ac. staph., Sulph., zinc.


PAIN', pressing, evening. •
PAIN, pressing.

air, in open: Glon., kali-bi.^ outward: Agar., asar., aur., berb., bry.,
bed, after going to: Upa. camph., cann-s., caul., cham., cimic,
daph., eupi., fago., fi-ac, guare., ign.,j
candlelight, in: Seneg.
ip., led., lycps., mere, merl., Nux-V., op.,
reading, while: Mil., nat-s. par. phos. phyt. psor. , ,
puis. ,
sang. , sil.
, ,

twilight, in: Nat-m. Spig., thuj.

night: Cocc, croc, sep. plug, as from: Anac, ran-b.

open air, in: Anr-m. pressing amel. : CausL, ham., mur-ac.

on waking: Chel., cycl. reading, while: Agar., alum., asar., cic,

con., ign., kali-c, mang., nat-s., nux-v.,
II p. m.: Euphr., nat-m.
pic-ac, ruta, sars.
air, in open: Aur-m., clem., glon., kali-bi.,
seneg. agg.: Dulc, mere
amel.: Phos. by candlelight, while: Mang.
rest amel.: Berb., pic-ac.
bed, in with warm covers amel. : Nat-c.

burning, alternating with : Sars.

rubbing amel. : Caiist., ran-b.

candlelight: Croc, mang., seneg. sleep, as from loss of: Chin.

closing eyes, when: Bell., staph, smoking, while: Calad.

dark amel.: Euphr., bell.

stooping agg: Coloc, fi-ac, mere, seneg.

dinner, during: Agar., mez., phos. straining eyes: Ruta.

after: Seneg. stye on lid, as from: Stann.

eating, after: Sulph. throbbing in temples, after: Glon.

fever, during: Kali-c, sep., thuj. touching agg. : Caust., -^^or.

fine work, during: Con., ruta. turning agg. : Spig.

bard substance in, as from a: Olnd. walking, after: Con., euphr.

headache, during: Seneg. while, in open air: Sulph., zinc.

inward: Anac, bapt., bell., zinc,

in open air amel. : Arn.

light agg.: Con. warmth amel.: Nat-c, seneg.

looking, when: Aeon., anac, washing in cold water amel. : Phos.

'SbX-XQ.., phos.,
phos-ac, rheum. weakness, causing: Glon., staph.
at one point agg.: Bar-ac, nat-m. writing, while: Con.
at candlelight: Euphr. extending downward: Aur., bry., cain.
as from looking at sun: Nit-ac. carb-v., coloc.

up: Bar-c, sabad. to forehead: Agar., croc, ran-b.

menses, during: Carb-an., croc. into head: Hep., nat-m.

moving, when (eyes): Agar., brom., canthi, in: Calc-a., carb-v., cycl., grat.,
camph., carb-v., crot-h., mang., lach., sil.
inner: Anac, cic, cycl., Euphr., gamb.,
agg.: Agar., bry., g\on., hep., hell.,hydr-ac., iod., lach., laur., lye,
lack., stann.
nat-m., petr., phos-ac, rhodo., stann.,
amel.: Op.
staph., zinc.
opening eyes: Croc, upa.
outer: Carb-an., lachn., mez., op., sul-ac.

PAIN. PAIN, shooting.
sand, as from: Alum., ambr., am-br., apis, light, from: Cob., iod., mere.
Ars., asaf., asc-t., aur., bar-c, bell., berb.,
motion agg. Acon., gels.
bry., calc, cann-s., caps., carb-v., caust.,

chel.. Chin., cina, cob., cocc, con., cor-r., am el.: Phys.

dig., elaps, euphr., /err., form., Fl-ac, pressure amel. : Phys.
graph., gmt., hep., ign., kali-bi., kali-chl.,
kreos., lac-d., lach., lachn., led., lith., lye, reading, while: Phyt., rhodo., sulph.
med., mere, myric, Nat-m,, nat-ph., sleep, on going to: Phos.
uit-ac, ol-an ,
op., pteou., petr., plios-ac,
storm agg,, before: Cedr., rhodo., sil.
phyt., pic-ac, plat., psor., puis.,
rhus-t., sars., sil., spig., stram., stront., sunlight, from: Graph.
sulph., syph., tarent, thuj., upa., urt-u., swallowing, when: Tarent.
viol-t., zing.
ulceration of cornea, with: Cimic.
morning: Apoc, lye, Nat-m., sil., thuj.
warmth agg. : Arn.
waking, on: Sulph.
amel.: Thuj.
forenoon: Chel., con.
writing, while: Cob., \yz.,phyt.
afternoon; Bry.
extending backward: Bell., berb., cinnb.,
evening: Ars., ferr., kali-bi., ox-ac, petr.. graph., hyper., lac-f., sep.
forward: Spig.
by candlelight: Petr.
head, to top of: Cimic, lach., phyt.
night: Kali-bi., Zinc.
inward: Asaf., caust., cimic, cinnb., coloc,
canthi, in: Aeon., dig., sumb., thuj.
phos., phyt., Prun., Ehus-t., Spig.,
outer: Bar-c, con., crot-c, nit-ac, staph., stram., syph.
occiput: Bell., dios., lach.

shooting, darting: Aeon., assc, Apis, aran., outward: Asaf., bell., cadm-s., camph.,
arg-ni., arg-n., am., asaf., berb., brom., cocc, kali-bi., rhodo., senec.
bry., canth., chel., cimic., cinnb., cist., cob.,
canthi: Agar., ant-t., sulph.
cocc, crot-h., eup-per., fago., ferr., form.,
gels., gnaph., hyos., ip., kali bi., kali-c, inner: Agar., bell., cinnb., cott., nat-ph.,
kali-n., lach., lyssin, mere., naja, nux-m., sang., sulph.
nux-v., pic-ac, phos., plb., Prun., puis., outer: Sulph.
rhus-t., sang., senec., sep., sil., spig., staph.,
stram., strych., sulph., tarent., tereb., verat.
lachrymal duct: All-c

right: Dios., phys. smarting: Aeon., sesc, a''l., All-C, Alum.,

ambr., am-c, apis, ars., arum-t., aur.,
left: Cimic, lac-f.
bapt., bell., bufo-s., calc, canth., carb-v.,
morning: Arg-n., ery-a., nux-v., tarent. caust., cedr., chin., clem., coc-c, colch.,
coloc, croc, cup-ac. dios., erig., euphr.,
forenoon: Ery-a. ,

fago., gamb., graph., hep., hydr., iod.,

evening: Merc., stann., upa. kali-bi., kali-c, kreos., lach., lep., lil-t.,

night: Euphr., lye, mere, mez., myric, nat-a., nat-m.,

Mere, thuj.
nit-ac, nux-v., paeon., petr., phos., phys.,
air, draft of, agg. : Sil.
phyt., pic-ac, plat., podo., Ran-b., raph.,
bed agg. : Arn. rhodo. rhus-v., sabad., sabin., seneg., sep.,

sil., sin-n., stann., staph., Sulph., sulph-ae,

closing eyes agg.: Clem., cimic.
syph., tab., tarent., teucr., thuj., ust.,
headache, after: Gels. valer., viol-t., zinc, zing.

iritis, with: Asa/., Mere, Rhus-t., thuj. morning: Calc-s., dios., fago., lyc, nux-v.

PAIN, smarting, morning. PAIN.
rising, after: Nat-m. soreness: iEsc, agar., alum., am-br., ant-c,
waking, on: lod., sep. apis, arg-m., arg-u., am., ars., bad., bapt.,
forenoon: Dios., ust., val. bar-c, bell., bry., cain., calad., calc, camph.,
canth., carb-an., caust., cham., colch., com.,
afternoon, 3 p. m.: Val.
cor-r., corn., croc, cupr., dios., dire, dor.,
evening: Aeon ,
am-br., arayl-n., ant-t, Eup-per., isigo., gels., glon., gymn.. Ham.,
bapt., dies., erig., sulph. hep., hura, hyos., hyper., iod., kali-bi.,

gaslight agg.: Phyt. lach., lil-t., lith., lyc, lyssin, mane, mere,
night: Fago., stilph. nux-v.,
nat-a., nat-c, nat-m., naph., nit-ac,
ox-ac, phys., phyt., pic-ac, plant., podo.,
midnight, after: Sulph.
psor., ran-b., rhus-t., rob., rumx., sang.,
air, while in the open: Nat-a.
sars., Sep., sil., sin-n., spig., stann., sulph.,
candlelight: Calc, pic-ac. sulph-ac, urt-u., vib., zinc.

closing eyes agg. : Clem. daytime: Sulph.

corj'za, before: Ars-i., mere, morning: Dios., myric, sars.
fever, during: Cedr.
when rising: Fago., nat-a.
hay fever, in : Ran-b. afternoon: Dios., fago.
light, in: Cob., iod.
evening: Am-br., calc-s., cinnb., com., dios.,
one and then in the other: Chin, gels., strych., zinc.
reading, while: Cot., nat-a. reading, while: Nat-ph.
by candlelight: Calc, pic-ac.
walk, after a: Sep.
sleeping, after: Canth.
night: Dios., gels,
writing, while: Cob., lyc.
cold air: Zinc.
canthi: Alum., ant-t., apis, carb-an,, con.,
kali-bi., mez., applications amel. Puis., sulph.
lact., mur-ac, nux-v.,

phos., ran-b., ran-sc, ruta, sanic, sil., foreign body, as from: Gels., hura.
staph., Sep., sulph., teucr., zinc.
menses, during: Zinc.
morning on waking: Sep.
moving the lids: Bry., glon., nat-a.
inner: Bry., calc-s., dios., petr.,
Sep., staph.
eyes: Agar., bapt., Bry., com.; gels.,
nat-m., phos., pic-ac.
morning: Calc-s., Nux-V.
from side to side: Phys.
outer: Ant-C, dig., hep., kali-bi., tan-b.,
ran-s., ruta, sulph. pressing amel. : Hyos.

lids: reading, while: Croc, nat-ph.

Apis, arum-d., aur., calc, camph.,
canth., caust., cob., coloc, fago., hep., touched, when: Aeon., arg-n., aur., bry.,
liyper., lyc, nil-ac, sil., sulph., tarent., calad., cedr., clem., hep.,
mere, nat-m.,
nux-v., puis., sang., sil., tereb., ust., vacc.
day?ime: Sulph.
turning eyeballs, when: Bry., crot-t., stict
morning: Calc., lyc, nux-v., sulph.
canthi: Apis, arg-n., carb v., c-//aw.,Graph.,
on waking: Sulph.
nat-m., nux-v.
using eyes, when: Cob.
inner: Bry., nux-v., podo.,/«/j.,
margins Apis, ferr-ph., hura,
kreos., merc-c
jatr., when reading: Sep.
nted., Sulph.

outer: Ant-t., bor., calc-a., cham., fago.,

in open air: Puis.
form., kali-c, ran-b., rhus-t., sep.,

PAIN, soreness.
PAIN, stitching,
lids: Bell., chim.. cob., dios., euphr., form.,
kali-a., kali-bi., kaltn., lith.,
air, open: Phel.
lye, mere!
myric, nat-ph., phys., pic-ac, plb., amel.: A.BZ.t,puls.

cold air, in: Rhus-t.

around the eyes: Aeon., aeth., cinnb., hura.
closing, on: Phyt., rhus-t. candlelight, by: Sep., colch.

denuded, as coughing, when: Seneg.

if: Cham.,/i-or.
rubbed, as if : Verat. dinner, after: Nat-c, ol-an.

margins of: Aeon., apis,

downward: Hell,
bor., kalm.,
nux-v., spig. eating, after: Dig.
morning: Sulph., valer. encircles the eye: Cinnb.
stitching: Ac07i., agar., all-c,
alum., am-c, exertion, after: Staph,
anac, ananth., ang., ant-c, apis, arn., ars.,
asaf., asp., aur., aur-m., bapt., bell., heat, during: Kali-c.
bor., brom., bry., calad., calc, canth
headache, during: Hipp., thuj.
carb-s., caust, cham., chel., cist., crot-t.,
cycl., dig., dios., dros., euphr.,
house, in: Phel.
eupi., fago.,
form., gin., glon., graph., hell., light, bright, in: Amph.,
hep., hyper., calc, euphr.,
ign., iod., kali-bi., kali-c, puts., thuj.
Kali-c, kali-chl., kali-i.,
kali-n., kalm., lach., laur., led., lith., lye, lying down: Dig.
mag-c, mag-m., mane, meph., mere,
merc-i-r., merl., mur-ac, nat-a., nat-c, moving, while: Brom., spig., sulph.,
nat-m., nat-s., nit-ac, nux-v., viol-t.
ol-an., par.,
pelf., phos., phys., pic-ac,
plant., psor., opening the eyes, on: Ars.
^uls., rhus-v., secale, seuec, j^/.., sil., sin-a.,
pannus, in: Apis.
Spig., spong., stann., stront., Sulph.,
tabac, tarax., til., thuj., verat., zinc. pressure agg. : Brom.
morning: Crot-h., croc, fago., ign., nit-ac, amel.: Coloc.
sil., thuj.
pulsating: Ars.
waking, after: Hell.
reading, while: Apis, c&rh-s., kali-c, pic-a.c,
6 a. m.: Arg-m. selen.

afternoon: Dig., sin-n. rest, during: Dros., Dulc., thuj.

sitting, while: Phos. amel.: Asaf.

walking, while: Bell.

shaking the head, on: Puis,

evening: Bor., crot-h., stooping agg. : Brom., coloc.

Lye, pic-ac, spong.,
thuj. sunlight: Calc.

bed, in: Hipp. walking in a warm room amel. : Coloc

coryza, during: Sep. warmth amel.: Hep., thuj.

light, when looking at : Lyc. warm weather agg. : Sulph.

reading, while: Caust., mill., pic-ac. extending, head, into: Asaf , Spig".

night: Aeon., coloc., con., inward: Spig.

Merc, til., spig.,
thuj. outward: Asaf., cocc, dros., mur-ac,
lo p. m. : Arg-m.
canthi: Alum., arg-m., berb., brom., calc,
midnight: Ars.
chel., con., laur., nat-m., phos-ac,
with pulsations: Ars. rata, verat.


PAIN, stitching canthi. PAIN, tearing.
inner: Ant-t., arg-m., arg-n., arn., aur., damp weather: Merc.
aur-m-n., bar-c, brom., calc, cann-i.,
light, on looking at the: Ars.
carb-an., chel.,««H^., clem., con.,elaps,
elat, eng., fl-ac, grat., graph., indg., paroxysmal: Nice, sil.

led.,mag-m.,mag-s., nat-m., n^t-s. ,peir., warmth agg. : Am.

phos., plant., pais., sol-n., spig., staph ,

thuj., Zinc.
extending to brain: Thuj.

morning: Eng. forehead and cheeks: Lyc.

after rising: Carb-an.

occiput: Colch.

evening: Puis., sulph. temples: Chel., ip.

outer: Aur-m-n., cinnb., canthi: Chin., nat-m.

euphr., kali-c,
laur., mur-ac, nat-m., nice, ol-an.,op., inner: Calc-caust., kali-n., nat-e, nice,
petr., spong., staph., sulph., thuj. rat.

stitching, stinging: Apis, calc, causi., crot-t., PANNUS: Apis, Arg-n., aur., bar-c, calc, caust.,
mag-s., meph., nit-ac., puis., thuj. euphr., graph., hip., kali-bi., kali-c, mere,
about the eyes: ^sc, spong. merc-i-f., merc-i-r., nit-ac, petr., rhus-t.,
sil., sulph.
canthi: Apts, asar., ran-s., spong.

lids: Aur.
PARALYSIS of iris: Arn., kali-br., paris.

tearing: .^th.,
PARALYSIS of lids: Alum., ars., bapt., bar-m.,
agar., all-c, ambr., am-m., bell.cadm. cocc. con. gels. graph. guare.
, , ,
ant-t., apis, am., ars., asar., aur., bar-c,
, ,

hydr-ac, merc-i-f., nat-a., nit-ac, op., plb.,

bell.,berb., bor., bov., bry., cadm., calc,
puis., rhus-t., Sep., Spig., stram., verat.,
canth., caust., chel., cic-v., cob., cocc, vip., zinc
colch., coloc, croc, dros., gran., grat.,
hyos., hyper., ip., kali-c, kali-n.,
upper: Alum., apis, arn., bufo, Caust, chlol.,
led., lye, mag-c, med., mere, cina, con., crot-h., cur., dulc, euph., Gels.,
mez., nat-s., nice, nux-v., led., mag-ph., med., merl., morph.,
paeon., par., Nit-ac,
phos., plh., prun., Puis., rhus-t., ruta,
nux-m., op., phos., plb., Rhus-t., secale,
sil., spong., squil., sulph., taxus, thuj., Sep., spig., stann., syph., verat., zinc.
valer., verat., zinc.
right: Alum., apis, cur., phys., rhus-t.,
morning: Crot-h. sulph.

bed, in: Mag-c, mag-s. left: Nux-v., plb.

walking, while: Anac. morning: Nit-ac.

forenoon: Kreos. PARALYSIS of muscles of eyeball: Caust., con.,
gels., rhus-t., seneg.
afternoon: Bor., calc.
internal recti: Agar., con., jab.,
sitting, while: Phos. lil-t.,
merc-i-f., Nat-m., phos., ruta, seneg.
2 p. m. : Lye, sep.
evening: Calc, coloc,
superior oblique: Am., seneg., syph.
hyper., kali-c,
nat-m., thuj. ciliary: Par., seneg.

after lying down: Coc-c, optic nerve,

chel. amaurosis: Anac, anan.,
night: Coloc, arg-m., arg-n., ars., aur.,
kali-c, mere, nux-v., pib aur-7nur.,
aur-m-n., bar-c, ReU., bov., bry., bufo,
calc, caps., caust., chel.,
around eyes agg.: Aeon., chin., chin-s.,
coloc. cic, cocc. Con., croc, dig.,
dros., dulc,
waking him: Nux-v. elaps.,euphr., ferr., fl-ac, gels.,
bed, in, agg.: Arn. Hyos., kali-c, kali-i., laur., lyc, meny.,
mere, nat-c, Nat-m., nit-ac, nux-v.,

PARALYSIS, optic nerve.
op., petr., Phos., phos-ac, plh., psor., daylight: Aeon., ant-c, bell., bry., camph.,
Puis., r/ius-t., rii/a, Secale, stp., Sil., spig., cic, con., euphr., graph., hell., hep., ign.,
staph., Stram., Sulph., syph., (huj., verat., kali-c, lyc, mere, nat-c, nit-ac, nux-v.,
vib., zinc. petr., phos., phos-ac, psor., sars., sep.,ij7.,
stram., sulph.
PHOTOMANIA: Aeon., ani-in. Bell., Gels.,
riita, Stram., valer. more than gas light: Gi-aph.

only: Kali-bi., nit-ac.

PHOTOPHOBIA: Aeon., feth.. agar., agn., ail.,
all-c, a/um., am-c, am-m.. anac, aiit-c, desires lamplight: Stram.
afit-t.,apis, Arg-n., am.. Ars., arum-L, light of:
fire, Merc.
arund., asar., ast., aur., aur-m., bapt.,
foggy weather, in: Cic.
Bar-C., bar-m.. Bell., berb., bor., broni.,
try., cact., calc, calc-ph., caniph., cann-i., gaslight: Asc-t., calc-ph., graph., sulph.
carb-ac, cast., caust., cedr., ckam chel.,
inflammation, without: Con., hell.
Chin., chin-ac, chins., cic, cimic, cina,
cinnb., clem., coloc, lamplight: Bor., calc, chel., coff., crot-h.,
caff., Con., croc,
crot-h., crot-t., dig., dros., elaps., eup-per., cupr., euphr., lith., nat-m., phos., puis.

Euphr., gamb., gels., glon.. Graph., hell., onanism, after: Cina.

hep., hyos., ign., ip., kali-bi.^ kali-c., kali-i.,
shining objects: Bell., bufo, canth., lyssin,
kali-n., lac-d., lach., lact-ac, led., lil-t.,
nth., lyssin, Lyc., mag-ph., mag-s.. Mere.,
merc-c, merl., mosch., mur-ac, nat-a., snow, from: Ant-c, Ars.
nat-c, Nat-m., nat-s., nice, nit-ac, nux-m., straining the eyes, after: Arg-n.
Nux-V., Op., phos., phos-ac, phyt., psor.,
sweat, during, shuns light: Sulph.
puis., Rhus-t., sanic, seneg., Sep., sil.,
spig., staph., stram., Sulph., sulph-ac, sunlight: Acon., ars., asar., berb., bry.
tab., tarax., ther., verat., zinc, tat.. camph., cast.. Chin,, cic, clem., euphr..
Graph., ign., lith., merc-c, merc-sulph.,
morning: Am-c, am-m., ant-c, calc, kali-n., phos-ac, sulph., zinc,
nat-s., Nux-V., phyt., sil., verat.
causes headache: Ign.
rising, on: Calc.
walking in open air: Clem., psor.
waking, on: Rhus-v. amel. Gamb.

afternoon: Zing.
warm room agg. : Arg-n.
evening: Arund., bor., Calc., carb-an., caust., warm weather: Sulph.
eng., euphr., phos-ac, sil., stram., sunib.,
POLYPUS. (See "Tumors.")

6 to 8: Caust. PROTRUSION Acet-ac, aeon., esth., aloe, am.,


ars., aur., brom., cact., calc,

bar-c. Bell.,
candlelight: Bor., calc. calc-ph., camph., caps., cedr., cham.,

lamplight: Bor., euphr. chin., chlor., cic, clem., cocc, colch., Com.,
con., coloc, crot-h., cupr., dig., dor., dros.,
night: Gels,
dulc, ferr., ferr-ac, ferr-i., fl-ac, glon.,
blue light: Tab. Guaj., gymn., hep., hydr-ac, hyos., ign.,
iW., kali-i., kreos., lac-ac, lac-c, lach., laur.,
candlelight: Arg-n., bor., calc, cast., con.,
lyc, lycps., mags., mere, merc-c, morph.,
dros., euphr., gels., ipec, lac-d., mere, mosch., Nat-m., nux-v., oena., op., phos.,
phos., stram.
plat., puis., rhus-t., sang.,saut., spig., spong.,

chill, during: Hep. stann., Stram., sulph-ac, sulph., tabac.

thuj., verat., vip.
chronic: JBX\\., nat-s„ sil.
right eye more than left: Com.

) |

PROTRUSION. PUPILS, alternately contracted.
exophthalmus: Amyl-n., ars., aur., bad., cann-s., carb-ac, cic, cycl., dig., dros.,
bar-c, bell., cact., calc, con., crot-h., dig., dulc, hell., lach., csna.., phys., zinc.
Ferr., ferr-i., igTi.^ lod., lycps., nat-m.,
angular: Cocc, hyos., merc-c.
phos., spong.
contract, difficult to: Nit-ac.
sensation of: Bell., daph med.. Par.

canthi, in: Euphr. dilated: Acet-ac, aeon., sesc, c^th., agar., agn.,
ail., alumn., anac, apis, Arg-n., ar«., ars.,
PTERYGIUM: Ani-br., arg-n., ars., ars-m., arund., astac, bar-c, bar-m.. Bell., brom.,
calc, chim., euphr., form., lack., niix-m., bufo, cadm-s., cain., Calc, camph., caps.,
psor., raL.'spig., sulph., tell., zinc.
carb-an., caust., cedr., chifi., chin-s., cic,
of a pink color: Arg-n. cimic, cina, coca, cocc, coff., colch., coloc,
PUCKERED conjunctiva: Arg-n.
con cor-r., croc, crot-h., cycl., dig., dros.,

dulc, Gels., glon., guaj., hell., hep.,

PULLING sensation: Crot-c, mur-ac, raph., hydr-ac, Hyos., hyper., igu., iod., ip.,
Sep. kali-hr., kali-i., kali-n., lach., lachn.,
PULSATION in: Apis, ars.,
lac-ac, lact., laur^,
mang., led., lyssin,
asaf., asar., aur-s.,
Bell., benz-ac, berb., brom., bry.,
mere, merl., mosch., nal-c, nit-ac, nux-m.,
cact, calc, chel., clem., coloc, gels., hep., mix-v., op., phos., phos-ac, phys., phyt.,'
hyos., pic-ac, puis., ran-b., raph., rhodo., samb.,
lil-t., lith., mere, merc-i-f.,
««.r-z/.,petr., phys., pic-ac, rheum, seneg.' sang., sars., Secale, spig., squil., staph.,
sil., strani., tarent., tereb., ther. stram., sulph verat., vib., zinc.

morning: Nux-v. left more than right: Urt-u.

lying down: Nux-v. epilepsy, before: Bufo.

evening: Cycl., kreos. menses, before: L,yc.

night: Asaf., Merc, merc-i-f. stupor, during: Secale.

midnight, after: Ars. toothache, during: Mang.

paroxysmal: Sil. insensible to light: ^th., arg-n., ars., aur-m.,

about the eyes: Ars. bar-c, bar-m., bell., bufo, cain., camph.,
carb-ac, carb-an., carb-v., cedr chel., chin.,
PUPILS contracted: Aeon., aesc, anac,
ant-t., cic, colch., Cupr,, dig., dub., euphr.,

arg-m., apis, am., ars., aur., hep
bell., calc., /«^//., ,
hydrc, hydr-ac, Hyos., kali-bi.
camph., canth., caps., carb-ac, kah-br., kali-i., laur., mere, merc-e,
cham., chel., naja,
chi7i-s., cic, cocc, crot-t., daph., nit-ac, nux-m.,
dros., Qp,, ox-ac, plat., ran-b.,
euphr., fl-ac, gamb., gels., rhus-t., st7-am
gin., ham., sulph-ac, tabac.

hell., hyos., ign., kali-bi.,

kali-i., led., mang irregular: Bar-c, dub., hyos.
mere, merc-c, mez., mur-ac, nal-m'
nux-m., nux-v., ol-an., motionless. (See '
insensible to light.
Qp., phos., phos-ac.,
Phys., phyt., pib., podo.,
puis., rheum, sluggish: Bell., carb-s., cham., dig
sabad ,samb.,secale, seneg., hell., ip., ,
sep., sil., squil jatr., mere, naja, nit-ac, phos.. rumx.',
stann., stram., sulph.,
sulph-ac., tabac, secale, seneg., sulph-ac, tabac,
thuj., veral., zinc. taxus.
unequal: Dig., merc-c, morph.,
right: Arg-n., verat-v. sulph.
weak: Spig
left: Arg-m.
right dilated: Tarent. PUSTULES on the cornea. (See "Inflamma-
one, the other dilated:
Cadm-s., rhodo.
alternately contracted and aUIVERING: Am-m., apis, aran., con. fi-ac
dilated in the same glon.,
hght: Acet-ac, aeon., hyos., petr., rat., rhus-t.,
am-c, anac, bar-c, senegl

night: Apis, berb.
headache during: Bell., cimic, glon.
candlelight, while reading by : Berb. injuries, after: Acon., am., cuphr., hep., sil.
brows: 01-an., ruta.
menses, before: Glon.
canthi: Phos.
during: Glon.
lids: ^c, agar., asaf., Bell., Calc, carb-s.,-
reading, while: Arg-n., lact.
carb-v., carl., Cic, cocc, croc, crot-h., grat.,
ind., nat-ph., ol-an., par., petr., phell.,
sewing, while: Arg-n., ruta.
phos., plat., rat., rhodo., rhus-t., sabin., sexual excesses after: Staph,
sars., Sep., stront., sulph., verat.
canthi: Agar., Arg-n., bell., brach., bov., bry.,
right: Bell., sars. crot-h., gran., iris, kali-bi., kali-n., mag-c,

left, upper: Arum-t., croc. nat-m., nux-v., sil., sulph., tabac, teucr.,
upa., zinc.
while reading by candlelight: Berb.
inner: Arg-n., calc-ph., c\xeL\., graph., nat-a.,
REDNESS Absin., abrot., acet-ac, Acon,, «th.,
podo., rhus-t.
Agar., ail., All-C, aloe, alum., ambr.,
outer: Ant-C, carb-s., nux-v., ran-b., sulph.
am-c, amyl-n., anac, ant-c, Apis, apoc,
Arg-n., am., Ars., ars-h., asaf., asar., lids: Acon., Ant-C, Apis, arg-m., Arg-n.,
aster., aur., aur-m., bad., bar-c, bar-m., ars aur., aur-m., bar-c, bell., berb., bry.,

bell., berb., bism., bov., bry., bufo, calad., calc, cann-s., caust., cham., chel., chin-s.,
calc, calc-ph., camph., Cann-i., caps., cinnb., cocc, colch., com., crot-t., cupr.,
carb-an., carb-h., caust., cham., chel., chin., elaps, Euphr., ferr., Gels., graph., hep.,
chin-s., chlol., chlor., cimic, cinnb., clem., iod., kali-bi., Kali-i., lac-d., Lyc, Here,
cob., coff., colch., coloc, con., cop., crot-h., merc-i-f, mur-ac, nat-m., nice, nux-v.,
crot-t., cupr., cupr-ac, cycl., der., dig., Petr., plb., podo., psor., puis., rhodo.,
dor., dros., elaps,
Euphr., fago., ferr., rhus-t., rhus-v., sep., sil., sulph.. Tell.,

Glon., gran., graph., ham., hell., hep., teucr., upa., vine, zinc.
hura, hyos., iod., ign., ip., iris, jab., jug., morning: Bry., Sulph.
kali-bi., kali-br., kali-c, kali-chl., kali-i.,
night: Mere.
kreos., lach., lact., led., lye, lyssin, mane,
mag-c, mag-m., meph., mere, merc-c, menses, before: Aur.
merl., mez., mur-ac, Nat-m.,
edges of: Arg-m., arg-n., Ats., aster., calc,
nat-ph., nai-s., nice, nit-ac, Nux-V., cena.,
chel., bufo, cofF., coloc, colch.. con.,
olnd. op., osm., paeon., phos., phos-ap.,
Euphr., Eup-per.,/^^-w., gels., Graph.,
pic-ac, plb., podo., psor., puis., rhus-t.,
hura, ip., kali-bi., kali-s., kreos., lil-t.,
rhus-v., ruta, sant., secale, seneg., Sep., sil.,
merc-c, nat-7n., nux-m., nux-v., par.,
sol-n., spig., sp07ig ., staph. Stram., strych.,
phos-ac, puts., rhus-t., sabad., stram.,
Sulph., sulph-ac, syph., tabac, tarent.,
Sulph., syph., upa., zinc.
teller., thuj., verat., vesp., vip., xanth.,
zinc, ziz. veins: Acon., aeth., alumn., ambr., ant-t.,
apis, arg-n., ars., bell., calc-ph., camph.,
morning: Ambr., apoc, bry., caps ,
caust., clem., con., crot-t., elaps, euphr.,
fago., nat-a., raph., rhus-t., sang., sep.,
graph., hep., ign., kali-bi., kali-c, kali-i.,
Sulph., valer.
kali-s., lach., lyc, mere, merc-c, Nat-m.,
4 a. m. : Hyper. nat-ph., phos-ae, sang., sil., spig., stram.,

9 a. m. to 3 p. m.: Meny. sulph., tereb.

evening. Apoc, dig., hyos., kali-chl., lyc. RESTLESS eyes: Bell., chin-s., lyssin, stram.,

using agg. : Apis. valer., verat.

air, open, aniel.: Arg-n. ROLLING. (See "Movement.")

exposure to cold wind: Nat-a. ROUGH cornea: Sil.


RUB, desire to: Apis, carb-ac, croc, fl-ac, STARING: Aeon., csih., agar., ani-t., am., ars.,
gymn., kali-bi., morph., nat-c, c^., plb., rat., art-v., asar., atrop., aur., bell., benz-n., bor.,
sulph. bov., brom., camph., cann-i., canth., carb-s.,
cham., chin., chin-s., chlor., cic, cina, clem.,
RUBBIlfGr improves vision: Puis.
coca, cocc, colch., cupr., dor., eup-pur.,
SARCOMA: \o^.,phos. gels.,^/o«., grat., guaj., hell., hipp., Hyos.,
hyper., \gn., lod., kali-c, kali-cy., kali-i.,
SCROFTILOTJS affections: ^th., am-br., ars.,
kali-n., kreos., laur., lye, lyssin, mane,
rt«n, bell., Calc, cann-s., Caust., cham., med., mere, w.?. morph. mosch. mur-ae,
, ,
chin-a., cist., con., dulc, Euphr., ferr.,
naja, nat-e, nux-m., nux-v., oena., olnd..
Graph., hep., mag-c, mere, nat-m., nux-v..
Op., pseon., ^evr., phos-ac, phyt., plb., puis.,
Puis., rlms-t., Sulph., zinc.
ran-b., sang., sant., Secale, sil., sol-n.,
SENSITIVE to bathing: Clem. spong., squill., Stram., strych., tab., tarent.,
tereb., verat., vip., zinc.
cold air: Acon., cinnb., clem., hep.
morning, in open air: Nux-v.
lids: Aeon.
water: Elaps., hep.
evening: Chin.
convulsions, during: Ars.
heat, to: Caust., clem,
waking, on: Ipec.
light. ( See " Photophobia. '


night: Corn.
SHINIUG eyes. (See." Brilliant," "Glassy.")
sleep, during: Ant-t., corn., op.
SICKLY look around the eyes: Cina, guare,
coldness, after: Cic.

SPARKLING. (See "Brilliant") menses, before: Puis,

SPASMODIC. (See "Movement.") music, on listening to: Tarent.

SPASMS of lids: Bell., calc, calc-ph., camph.,

sleeplessness, with: Eup-pur.
cupr., croc, euphr., mag-ph., merc-c., stupor, during: Ars.
nat-m., nux-v., plat., puis., ruta, sep.
waking, on: Arti., bell., stram.
night: Croc, merc-c.
suddenly: Secale, zinc.
SPOTS, specks, etc, on the cornea: Alumn.,
wide open: lod., laur., spong.
Apis, ars., aur., bell., cadm-s., Calc.^
calc-fl., calc-ph., cann-s., caust., chel., cina' STARTLED look when aroused: Ail.
colch., Con., cupr., etiPhr., form., hep],
kali-c, lye, mere, ?iat-m., ttit-ac,
STIFFNESS of eyeballs: Bar-m., camph.,
nux-v., cupr-s., phos., spig.
phos.,/>«/^., rhus-t., ruta, setieg.,
sep., j?7.]
spong., stdph., syph., thuj. muscles about the eyes: Kalm.

bluish: Calc. lids: Apis, arum-d., camph , Kalm., nux-m.,

rhus-t., spig,, verat.
scars: Apis, ars., cadm, con., euphr.,

kali-chl., mere, sil. STRABISMUS: Agar., alum.,alumn. ant-t

humid, Apis, ars..Bell., bufo, calc, 'calc-ph"'
in external canthi, painful
if sweat canth., cann-i., chel.,
touches them: Ant-c. Cic, cina, con., cycF
gels., hell., hyos., kali-br.,
kali-i., kali-ph
yellow in white of eyes: Phos-ac. lyc, lyssin, mag-ph., many.,
mere, merc-c
marked by a network of bloodvessels on morph., nat-a., nat-m., nux-v., op
cornea: Aur. puis., spig., stram., tab.,
tuberc, zi^ie
white in canthi: Colch. alternate days, on : Chin-s.

STAPHYLOMA: Alumn., apis, aur-m. bar-m mental emotion or fear agg. : Stram.
caust., chel., euphr., hep., reading, while: Tabac.
lye, nit-ac, sil''
right eye squints toward
nose: Alumn.
STRICTURE of lachrymal duct: Arg-m., nal-m., SWOLLEN, around the eyes.
r/ius-L, Sil.
erysipelatous: Aeon., anac,
STYES. (See "Plordeola.") Apis, ars.,
bell., hep., Rhus-t.
SUFFUSED. (See " t,achryniation.") puffy :
Bell. guar. kali-c. phos.
, ,

SUGGILATIONS. (See "Bloodshot") morning: Nit-ac.

SUNKEN: Acet-ac, celh., agar., ani-c, anac, between lids and brow: Kali-c.
ant-c, Ant-t., arg-n., am., ars., aster., canthi: Bell., calc, sars., stann.
bar-ni., bell., berb., bu/o, cadm-s., calc,
campk., canth., carb-v., cedr., chel., Chin., inner: Calc-ph., petr., sars., sep.

chin-s., chlor., cic, ciniic, Cina, coca, carunculce: Arg-n., kali-c, zinc.
coc-c, colch., coloc, crot-h., cupr., cur.,
conjunctiva: Apis, arg-n., ars., bell., bry.,
cycl., dros., itrr.,
glon., graph., haem., hell.,
cadm., cedr., cham., chel., chlol.,
iod., kali-br., kaii-c, kali-i., kreos., lach., euph.[
graph., ip., led., nat-a., nat-m., nux-v.,
lith., lye, mere, mercc, morph., naja,
uit-ac, nux-v., oena, olnd., op., ox-ac, petr.,
phos., phos-ac, phyt., plal., plb., podo.. dermoid: Nat-c, nat-m., thuj.
Puis., raph., rob., sang., secale, sep., spong., lachrymal canal: Apis, bell., brom., calc,
stann., staph., stram., sulph., tab., tereb.,
nat-m., Petr., sil.
teucr., thuj., til., upa., verat., vip., zinc.
gland: Agar., a.nan., graph., sil.
morning: Elaps.
sac: Puis., Sil.
on waking: Zinc,
lids: Absin., aeon., all-c, alum., anac, Apis,
forenoon: L/yc, ox-al.
arg-m., Arg-n., arn., Ars., aur., bar-c,
afternoon: agg. : Iod. bar-m., bell., berb., bry., calc, card-m.,
SWOLLEN": Aeon., Anac, Apis, ars., atro., carl., caust., cham., chin-s., cinnb., colch.,
bapt, bar-c, bry., bufo, cann i., carb-v., comoc, con., crot-t., cupr., cycl., dig.,
card-m., cedr., ChloL, coloc, croc, ery-aq., euph., Euphr., /^rr., gels., graph., ha-sii.,
fago ferr., gels., Guaj., hep., hura, ign., hep., hyos., ign., iod., ip., kali-bi., kali-c,

ip-, jug-c, kali-c, lye, mag-c,

kali-i., lach., mag-m., mane,
Kali-i., kreos., lach., lyc,
mang., mere, nat-a., nii-ac, nux-v., cena, mang., Mere, merc-c, merc-i-f., mez.,
ol-j., par., phos., phys., plb., psor., puis.,
mur-ac, nat-ars., Nat-C, nat-m., nat-s.,
pyr., raph., Rhus-t., Sep., spig., stram., Nit-ac, nux-m., nux-v., op., petr., phos.,
strych., til., vespa. phyto., plb., psor., puis., Rhus-t., rhus-v.,
ruta, sanic, secale, seneg., sep., sil., spong.,
morning: Bar-c, bry., Cham., cocc, crot-h.,
squil., stram., sul-ac, sulph., syph., tell.,
cupr-a., myric, naja, sar., Sep., sil., Sulph.,
tereb., thuj., urt-u., valer., verat., vesp.,
headache, after: Coc-c.
hard and red: Aeon., thuj.
waking, on: Chel., kali-bi., mag-c, nat-a., menses, during: Apis, cycl., kali-c.
suppressed: Aeon., arg-n., ars., calc, cycl.,
forenoon: Bry., euphr., myric.
kali-c, mere, nux-v., rhus-t., sulph.
evening: Hep., sep. oedematous: Anac, Apis, arg-n., am.,
night: Hep. Ars., colch., crot-t., cycl., graph., iod.,
kali-bi., Kali-c, kali-i., merc-c, nat-a.,
sensation of: Bapt., calc, calc-ph., cann-i.,
phyt., phos., psor., puis., raph., Rhus-t,
caust., Guaj., ham., mag-c, phys., rhus-t.,
Tell., urt-u., vesp., zinc.
sarr., thuj.

above the eyes: Kali-C. purple color: Phyto.

around the eyes: All-c, Apis, ars.,

lower lids: Cain., dig., op., raph.
cupr., elaps., Jerr., phos., Rhus-t., sang., under the lids: Apis, Ars., hep., Kali-C,
stram. med., phos.

upper lids:
Apis, bry., ign
con., cycl., around the eyes: Alum., nux-m., nux-v., par.,
kali-c, med., nat-c, petr., squil., syph spong.
fixing eyes agg. : Aur.
left: Asar., cain.
canthus, internal: Kali-cy.
sensation of: Caust., chel., cimic, coc-c,
lids: Aeon., hyper., merl., nit-ac, nux-m.
croc, cycl., guaj., psor., tarax., thuj.

closing, on: Phys.

watery, while: lod.
reading, on: Olnd.
margins: Arum-t., chel., coc-c, con.,
Euphr., graph., hep., kali-c, kreos., lower: Arum-t.
merc-c, nux-m., phos., phos-ac, puis.,
THICKENING of cornea: Apis, asar., bell.,
sulph., syph., valer.
nit-ac, sil.

meibomian glands: ^th., bor., cletn., hep., lids: Alum., apis, Arg--m., Arg-n., coloc,
nice, phyt., sulph.
euphr., graph.. Mere, 7iat-m., psor., iuls '
sulph.. Tell.
TEARS, acrid: All-s. ars., bell., bry., calc, caust.,

cedr., clem., colch., coloc, dig., Euphr., TINGLING : Clem., /Ay^-o., pic-ac
gamb., ham., ign., kreos., led., lye, mere,
merc-c, tiai-m., nit-ac, pic-ac, plb., puis.,
TIRED: Ats., graph., psor., sep.,
rhus-t., spig., staph., sulph., syph. TREMULOUS. (See " Quivering.")
during day, agglutination at night: Ign. TUMORS on Calc, caust.. con., hep., hydrc,

biting: Clem., dig., eugen., euph., euphr., kali-bi lyc, nat-m., nit-ac, phos.,
kreos., led., nat-m., sabin., .spig.,
stl., staph sulph teucr., thtij.
Sulph., , ,

right upper: Zinc.
bland: All-C.
lower: Zinc
burning: Apis, am., ars aur., bell., cadm.,
, cystic: Graph., mere, sil.
calc. Chin., eug., etiphr., kreos., lyc.,
nat-s., nit-ac, phyt., meibomian glands: Bad.,
stront., SulpL, Staph., thuj.
verb. nodules in the
lids: Sil., Staph., thuj.
cold: I.ach. polypus under surface of upper
lid: Kali-bi.
greasy: Sulph. outer canthus: Lye
hot: Ars-m., Apis, bell., chin-a., dios., of conjunctiva: Kali-bi.,
staph., thuj.
euphr mere, nux-v., plb.,
, psor., Rhus-t.,
sang., sarcoma of conjunctiva: lod.
sil., spig., staph., stict., verb., zinc.

looking at the sun, on: Staph. tarsal tumors: Bar-c,

caust., ptds., sep.,
staph., thuj.. Zinc.
pain, during: Spig.
recurrent: Puis., staph.
salty: Bell., kreos.
repeated styes, after:
sensation as from: Eupi., hyos., lil-t., mere, wens: Graph.
nit-ac, pyr., sep.
TURNED: Bell., con,, hipp.,
meph., nice, Spig.
TENSION: Apis, agar., asaf., aur., berb.,
camph., carl., caust., coloc, croc, downward: ^th., canth., cham.
euphr., glon., hyper., ip., kreos., inwards: Benz.
led., lith.,
mere, nat-m., ntix-v., par., phos.,
phys., outward: Bell., camph.,
plat, sabad., seneg., sep., dig., morph., strych
«7., sol-n., spig.! zmc J -y

tab., til.
upward: Ac-ac., aeon., am-e,
morning: Ang., mere. anan., ant-t
arn., ars., art-v., bell.,
bu/o, camph., carb-an.'

TURNED, upward. ULCERS. (See "Inflammation.")

chin., cic, cina, chlol., coc-c, aipr., euph., UNSTEADY look: Aloe, cedr., lach., Morph:,
glon.y hell., hyos., jatr., kali-cy., morpb., par.
mosch., nux-v., oliid., op., strych., lab.,
VACANT look: ananth., bell., hell., hyos., mez.,
falling asleep, when; Mez.
VACILLATE : Cupr-s., stram.
fever, during: Hell.
VEINS. (See "Redness.")
TWITCHING: Aeon., a;sc., agar., alum., am-m.,
apis, ars., calc, carb-an., carb-ac, cedr., VESICLES on the cornea: Agar., aur., bar-c,
kalm., calc, cann-s., euphr., hep., ip., kali-bi.,
chin., crot-t., gels., glon., kali-u.,

lack., lith., nat-m., nice, petr., phyt., rat.,

kali-chl., merc-c, mere, nat-c, nat-m.,
nil-ac, -p&or., puis.
rhvis-t., selen., stann., ust., vesp.

right: Rat.
WANDERING: Anau., bell ,
camph., par.

left: Apis, selen.

WARTS, eyebrows, on: Anan., caust.

lids: Caust., cinnb., nit-ac, thuj.

daytime: Aloe, nat-m.

reading, while: Agar,

WATERY. (See "Lachrymation.")
canthi: Agar., kali-chl., lachn., rhus-t.
WEAKNESS: Agar., anac, ant-t., apis, ars.
asc-t., aur., bapt., bar-ae, bar-e, bov., calc,
inner: Carl., chel., kali-chl., rat., stann.,
cann-i., cann-s., caps., carb-an., carb-v.,
carb-o., cham., chel., chin., chlo.,
outer: Am-c, camph., cann-i., mez., nat-m., cic, cina, cinnb., cob., Con., croc, crot-t.,
nice, phos., seneg. cupr., cycl., daph., dig., dios., dor., dros.,

eyebrows: Caust., cic, cina, grat., kali-c, euphr., ^vc^\.,ferr., gels., gt'aph., ham., hep.,
ol-an., puis., ruta, sin-n., zinc. hura, hyos., hyper., iod., kali-bi., kali-c,
kalm., kreos ,
lach., lact., lil-t., lye, lycps.,
lids: ^sc, Agar., anac, ant-c, apis, ars.,
lyss-u., mang., meph., mere, merc-i-r.,
arund., asar., ast-r., bad., bell., calc, camph.,
mere, morph., naja, nat-a., nat-m., nat-s.,
canth., carb-v., causL, chant.,
chel., Cic,
nice, nit-ac, nux-m., op., osm. ,
cocc, croc, crot-L, dulc, euphr.,
par., petr., phos., phys., ,lat., plb., raph.,
grat., hell., hydr-ac, indg., ind., iod ip., ,

rhodo., rhus-t., Ruta., sabad., secale,

kali-bi., kreos., lye, mag-c, mag-ph., m.Qny.,
seneg., sep., sil., sin-n., spig., staph., stram.,
mere, mez., nit-ac, nux-v., ol-an., par.,
stront., strych., sulph., tab., tarent., thuj.,
petr., phos., plai., puis. ,'P'h.ys., rat., Rheum, urt-u., ust., verat., zinc,
rhodo., rhus-t., sabin., selen ,
seneg., sep.,
daytime: Stann.
sil., spig., stront., snlph., verat-v.
morning: Ars., bry., cina, dig., dios., phos.,
right: Chin., coloc, form., lach., par.,
sang., upa.
forenoon: Phos-ac, squil., sulph., valer.
left: Aloe, bad., croc, mez., puis., stront.
noon: Cinnb.
lower: Am-c, graph., iod., kali-i., seneg.,
afternoon: Sin-n.
sulph., zinc.

Aur., calc, lachn., merl., vtez., evening: Csrh-an., nice, psor.

nat-m., rat., stram., stront. after going to bed: Op.

air, cold: Dulc.

by the light: Lye
night; after reading: Am-m.
closed, when: Cupr-s., lachn., mere
coition, after: Kali-C.
eating, while: Meny.
dinner, after: Valer.
menses, before: Nat-m. «

reading, while: Agar., kali-bi., puis, light: Aster., gin., mere, nat-ph.
sleep, during: Rheum. candlelight: Bell.

looking, while: Lyc. reading, while: Calc, croc, merl.
menses, during: Cinnb. sunlight: Merl.
reading, while: Agar., writing, after:
bell., kali-i., lyc, Hep.
myric, nat-m., phys., Huta, seneg., sep.
WIPE, inclination to: Croc, kreos., lac-c, lyc.
sexual excesses, after: Calc, chin., nat-c, plb.,;>«/j., rat.
gels., upa.
writing, while: Bell., carl.
WRINKLED conjunctiva: Brom., nat-a.
WILD look: Ail.,alumn., anac, anan., arg-m.,
YELLOWNESS of whites of eyes: Aeon., agar.,
Bell., camph., cann-i., cimic, con.,
anan., ars., ars-h., astac, aur-m., bell.,
cupr.,^/o«., hyos., iod., lack., lyssin., bry.,
nit-ac, calc-s., canlh., carb-an.,
nux-v., op., plb., secale, stram., valer.
card-m., caust.,
chant., chel.. Chin., chion., clem.,
WOEagg.: Gels., Zinc com-c, Crot-h cupr-ac, ,
curar., dig., dios'.,
eup-per., ferr., gels., graph., hep.,
WINKING: Agar., am-c, anan., apis, arg-n., ^od., ip., kali-bt.,
ast., Bell., caust., chel.,
Lach., lyc, mag-m.,
chin., con., croc, myric, nat-c, nat-s., nit-ac, Nux-V., op.,
cycl., Euphr., ferr-m., fl-ac, glon., ig7i\ phel., phos., phos-ac, pic-ac, plb., podo.,
mez., nit-ac, nux-v., op., petr., plat.,
spig., sang., secale, Sep., verat.,
sulph., sumb. vip.
of lower part: Nux-v.
air, open, in: Merl.
brown rings around: Nit-ac.
looking at bright objects, when:
Aeon., apis. spots on: Phos-ac.


ACCOMMODATION defective: Arg-n., aur-m., BRIGHT before eyes after micturition: Eugen.
morph., mt-&c., phys., spig. very: Anan.,bell., chlol.
action too great: Phys.
CANDLELIGHT seems to alternately darken
diminished: Morph., phys., tab. and brighten; amel. looking steadily: Anac.
headaches: Mag-ph. CIPHERS : Phos-ac.

slow: Aur., con., gels., nat-m.

CIRCLES: Carb-v., hell., iod., plb., psor., zinc,
tension: Jab. about candlelight: Cycl.
over-exertion: Nux-v. around an internal brighter field: Carb-v.

ACUTE: Aeon., ang., asp., Bell., bufo, chin., colored, around white objects: Hyos.
colch., cycl., fl-ac, hyos., nux-v., phos-ac,
bands: Con.
heat, during: Dig.
at night, in hysteric persons: Ferr.
reading, while: Kali-c.
AMAUROSIS. (See "Paralysis.")
zigzags: Viol-o.
APPROACH, objects seem to approach: Cic.
of colors: Sep.
and then recede: Cic. flickering: Ign.

BALLS: Verat-v. objects move in a, on closing eyes: Hep.

fire, of: Stram. CLOUDY: Atro., cain., camph., castor., caust.,

con., dig., hydr-ac, jab., kalm., mere,

floating: Kali-c.
mill., nat-m., sabad., sang., stram.
luminous: Cycl.
daytime: Bar-c.
crot-c, dios.,
BLURRED: Ars., calc-fl., cact., lo a. m. to 3 p. m. : Nat-m.
fago., Gels., jab., lil-t., med., waif-w., nat-a.,
morning: Nice,
phys. psor.
, ,
secale, tril.
evening: Rhus-t.
morning: Nat-s.
lying on left side: Merc-i-f.
closing eyes amel. : Calc-fl.
tremulous: Kali-c.
emissions, after: Calc, chin., lil-t., Phos.
COBWEBS before eyes: Agar., merl., tarent.
figures: Ail.
morning: Lye, uit-ac.
irritated, when: Con.
incipient cataract: Sep.
Ail., arg-m., arg-n., carb-an., chel.,
COLORS before the eyes: Agar., am-c, anac,
cob., ox-ac, stram., sulph.
arn., arund., aur., bar-c, bell., bry., calc,
looking a short time: Nat-a. camph., caust., chin., chiu-s., cic, cina,
pressure amel. : Calc-fl. cocc. Con., cycl., dig., euph., hep., ip., iod.,
kali-bi., kali-c, kali-n., mag-c,
sick headache, before: Iris. mere, nat-c, nat-m., nit-ac, phos., phos-ac,
puis., ruta, sars., sep., sil., stram.,
turning eyes: Gels. psor.,
stront., sulph., thuj.
writing, while: Calc-fl.


evening: Agar., kali-n., sars. rising, on, after stooping: Mez.

blindness, color: Chlol., cina, sant. serpents: Cund.
candle, around: Alum., anac, calc, kali-n., sparks: Strych.
spots: Agar., arg-n., asc-t., aur., bar-c, bell.,
fast motions, when making: Stram.
calc, camph., chel., chlor., cimic, con.,
reading, while: Cic, croc, cupr-a., cur., hell.,
Glon., lil-t., lye,
room, in the: Con. mag-c, med., Nat-m., nit-ac, petr., phos.,
psor., Sep., sil., stront, syph., tabac,
rubbing, after: Stront.
black: Agar., am., clem., lack., ITat-m.
morning, waking, on: Dulc.
eating, after: I^yc.
animals: Nat-a.
exertion, during physical : Calc.
balls: Bell., cund., kali-c.
eyes are closed, when: Con., elaps.
circles: Psor.
headache, before: Psor.
disk: Elaps.
during: Glon., Meli.
figures: Cocc, petr.

float before eyes

moving in all directions: Chin-s., sep.,
: Cocc.
flickerings: Lach.
reading, after: Cocc, cur.
flies floating: Sulph.
rising from a seat, on: Verat.
horns: Cund.
sewing, while: Am-c.
lightning: Staph,
turning quickly: Glon.
looking down, when: Kalin.
vertigo, with: Con., glon.
objects: Caps., cic, sol-n., stram., sulph-ac.
writing, while: Nat-c.
turning as she turns: Cocc, sarr.
floating (muscae volitantes): Aeon., £esc.,
plate: Kali-bi.
agar., arg-n., am-c, anan., ant-t., am.,
points: Anan., caust., chin., con., elaps, asaf., aur., bar-c, bell., calc, carb-v.,
gels., jatr., mere, mosch., nux-v., phos., carl., caust., chel., Chin., chlol., cob.,
sol-n., tab.
Cocc, coff., con., crot-h., cupr-ar.,
morning: Bell. cycl., daph., dig., gels., glon., hyos.,
by candlelight: Carb-an. kali-c, lact., mag-c, mere,
lil-t., lye,
mez., morph., Nat-m., nit-ac, nux-m.,
dinner, before: Thuj.
nux-v., par., Phos., Phys., psor.,
floating: Chel., chin., chlf., rhus-t.,
cop., daph., Sep., sil., sol-n., stram.,
gin., led., Phos. Sulph., tab., thuj., verat., zinc
letters change to: Calc-ph. eating, after: Lye, phos.
moving: Thuj. reading, while: Kali-c.
reading, while: Cic, kali-c, sol-n.
sewing, after: Am-c.
accompanying letter: Calc.
walking in open air: Tereb.
rings, circles: Sol-n.
writing, while: Nat-c.
floating: Dig.
stripes: Con., phos-ac, sol-n., sulph.
heat, during: Dig.
morning: Bell.
waving: Dig.
reading, while: Kali-c, sol-n.


COLORS, black. COLORS, dark circles.

veil: Aur. with points of light: Caust.
before the right eye: Phos. clouds: Coca, lac-ac, ol-an., tarent.
blue: Aeon., act-sp., aur., bell., Cinai crot-c, objects: Ant-t., ign., nal-m., phos., sulph.
cycl., kali-c, lach., lye, nice, strani.,
stront., trill., zinc. moving: Carb-h.
right eye: Nice. seem dark: Bell., berb., hep., nit-ac.
evening: Am-br. thuj.

circles: Zinc. points: Chlf., cic, con., Sulph.

closed, when eyes are: Thuj. floating: Aur., hyos.

dark blue: Cyc, kreos. serpent-like waves: Phys.

distance in the: lod. specks: Cupr-ar.

halo around candle : Ip., lach. spots: Asc-t., cact., carb-ac, chlol., cimic,
cocc, elaps, fl-ac, hell., jatr., med., merc.^
haze: Bry.
phos., thuj., Sulph.
light, around: Lach.
floating: Agar., cocc, Sulph.
reading: Bell.
with white margin: Con.
rubbing, on: Stront.
reading agg. : Fl-ac.
points: Secale.
stripes: Cic, Sulph., zinc,
sparks: Ars.
worms: Phys.
spots: Aeon., kali-c.
golden, everything looks: Hyos.
morning on rising: Thuj.
letters seem: Bell.
night, whenlying on right side in a dark
room: Stram. gray, objects seem: Camph., guare., nit-ac,
nux-v., -phel., phos., sep., sil., slram.
in a dark room: Hep.
stars: Psor. black objects seem: Slram.

bright: Aloe, alum., am-c, ani-t., ars., aur., bluish-gray circle around light: Lach.
bar-c, bell., bor., camph., cann-s.,
circles: I,achn.
caust. chel., cic, Cina, coloc, con., croc,

dig., dros., dulc, euphr., fl-ac, graph., covering before eyes: Phos.
hyos., ign., iod., ip., kali-bi., lye, mang., fog: Cic.
many., mez., uat-m., Nux-V., olnd., op.,
letters: Stram.
phos., plat., puis., rhus-t., sabin., secale,
seneg., spig., stram., stront., valer., verat., change to round gray spots: Calc-ph.
viol-o., zinc. Nux-v.

dark: Aeon., agar., ambr., am-m., anac, arn., point before right ej'e moving with ey
ars., asaf., bell., calc, carb-v., caust., cham., Brom.
chin., cocc, con., cupr., dig., dros., euphr.,
ferr., hep., kali-c, laur., lye, mag-c. reddish Jgray border around white things
mang., meny., mere., mosch., mur-ac, Strain.

nat-c, nat-m., nil-ac, nux-v. ,

olnd., op., serpent-like bodies: Arg-n.
petr., phos., phos-ac. plb., ruta, sabad.,
spots: Arg-n., calc-ph., chlf., cic, lachn.

secale, sep., sil., squil., staph., slram.,

Sulph., thuj., verat., verb. at a distance: Nit-ac.

circles: Iod. veil: Apis., elaps.

green: Ars., cann-i., canth., Cina, cycl., dig., objects seem: Atro., Bell., Con., dig., hep..
kali-c, lac-c, mere, Phos., ruta, Sant., hyos., iodof., nux-m., Phos.
Sep., stram., stront., strych., sulph.,
obstructions on looking at the light: Cund.
dinner, during: Mag-m.
paper, the, looks red: Croc,
amel. by eructations: Mag-m.
points: Elaps.
circles: Zinc,
sparks: Fl-ac, strych.
around light: Verat-v.
spots: Elaps.
halo around light: Canst., mag-m., Phos,,
ruta, Sep., sil., sidph., zinc. striped: Am-c, bell., Con., nat-m., puis., j^/.
letters: Canth. variegated: BelL, bry., cic. Con., dig., kali-c,
kali-n., mag-ph., nice, phos-ac, phos., sep.,
pea green, saw herself on looking in the
glass: Cina.
violet: Cina.
spots: Caust., kali-c, nit-ac, stram., stront.
white: Am-c, bell., dig., elaps, grat, kali-c
vertigo, during: Merc,
candlelight seems: Dig.
vomiting: Tab.
drops falling on looking at snow: Kali-c.
yellow: Sant.
flames: Chlf.
halo of colors around candle: Alum., anac.
Bell., bry., calad., calc, carb-v., cham., flickering: Sep.
chim., cic, cycl., dig., hep., gauze: Apis, ars.
kali-c, lack., marl., nat-ph., nice,
nit-ac, bluish white: Elaps.
Osm., phos-ac, Phos., Puis.,'
ran-b., ruia, sars., sep., stann., globules: Upas,
Sulph., zinc.
green objects look: Grat.
reading, while: Alum.
margin around letters: Chin.
red: BeU., cact., cedr., dig., elaps, kali-bi., pale faces appear: Dig., ind.
lac-c, phos., spong.
points: Ars., rat., ust.
at night: Cedr., chin., elaps, mag-m. '
spong. rays, flaming: Cann-s.

and yellow during day: Cedr. sparks: Strych.

circles: Cact. spots: Aeon., ars., caust., coca, con.,

on rubbing: mez., sol-u., sulph., ust.

candlelight seems a: Sulph. then green : Caust.

around waving: Dig.

candlelight during vertigo:
Verat-v. stars: Alum., nat-c.
closing eyes: Elaps.
writing, while: Kali-c.
disk on closing eyes: stripes: Sol-n.
fiery spots: Elaps.
veil over objects: Staph,
halo: Bell., ip., sii., verat-v. zigzags in a circle: Ign.
around the lamplight: Com.
yellow: Agar., aloe, alum., ars.,
bell., cann-i
luminous appearances: Phos. canth., Cina, crot-h., cycl., dig., ind
masses: Spig. kah-bi lac-c, plb.,sant., Sep.,
stront, sulph.
, ^

COLORS, yellow. DIM: kh^\n., agar., ail., alum., alumn., ambr.,

am-c, anac, anl-t., apis, arg-m arg-n.,
day: Cedr. ,

ars., arum-t., arnnd., asaf., asar., astac,

and red at night: Cedr.
atrop., Aur., aur-m., baf-c, Bell, berb.,
border around all objects: Bell. bry., bufo, cad., Calc, calc-Jl., camph.,
Cann-S., canth., caps., carb-an., carb-v.,
circle around candlelight: Os^it., zinc.
carb-ac, Caust., cedr., cliam., chel.. Chin.,
moving: Aloe. chin-s., chlol., cimic, cina, clem ,
cloud: Kali-c.
coloc, comoc. Con., colch., croc, crot-t.,
cupr-ar.,Cycl., dig., dulc, elaps, EupL,
crescent shaped bodies floating obliquely euphr., fago, form., Gels., glon., graph.,
upwards: Aur. ham., hell., helon., Hep., hura, hyos., ign.,
flames: Sant., thuj. iod., ip., jab., kali-a., kali-bi., kali-br.,
kali-c, kali-cy., kali-i., kalm., kreos.,
halo around candle: Alum., sarr.
Lach., lachn., laur., lil-t., Lyc, lyssin,
letters: Canth niag-c, mag-m., mang., niur-ac. Mere.,,
nat-a., nal-c, nal-m., nat-ph., nat-s., nice,
nausea during: Ars.
Nit-ac, nux-m., nux-v., cena., olnd., op.^
points: Carb-an. osm., par., petr., phel., Phos., phos-ac,
spots: Am-c, am-m ,
plb. phys., phyto., pic-ac, plb.. Puis., rhodo.,
rhtis-t., rhus-v., ruta, sabad., sang., sars.,
vomiting, while: Tabac.
secale, selen., setieg., sep., Sil., sol-n., spig.,
spots before left eye: Agar. staph., stram., strych., Sulph., sumb.,tab.,
tarent., tax., til., upa., z/^ra/., verat-v.
looking at white objects, when: Am-c.
verb., viol-o., viol-t., vip., zinc.
reading, while: Phos.
daytime: Apis.
veil: Kali-bi.
morning: Asar., carb-an., cham., chel., cycl.,
CONFUSED (vision): Aeon., seth., atrop., aur., elaps, hell., kali-c, mag-s., nat-m., nux-v.,
bapt., bell., cann-i., cedr., con., croc, dig., puis., stram., sulph-ac, valer.
eug.. Gels., glon., kali-bi., lil-t, lye,
waking, on: Caust., dulc, mag-c, raph.,
Nat-m., pbys., pic-ac, plat., psor., rhus-t.,
secale, stram., strych.
amel. : Phos.
reading: Bell., kali-c, naja.
washing amel. : Caust.
lines appear crooked: Bell.
forenoon: Carb^v., sulph., tarent.
CROOKED, objects appear: Bell.
reading, while: Op.
lines, while reading: Bell.
II a. m.: Sulph.
DANCING: All-c, calc, cic, bell., glon., psor.,
sant. noon: Nat-a.
on rising from a seat: Nat-a.
DAZZLING: Aeon., am-m., Bar-C, calc, camph..
Con., crot-c, Dros., euphr., Kali-c, lach., afternoon, while reading: 01-an.
lye, phos-ac, /Ao^., -^Xo., psor., seneg., Sil., evening: Alum., asar., bor., euphr., ind
stram., valer., verat-v. lachn., merl., nice, puis., ruta, sulph.

distant objects: All-c. lying down amel. : Sep.

looking long: Sulph. menses, during: Sep.

reading, while: Seneg. reading: Croc, mez.. rhodo., ruta.

snow: Ant-c, ars., olnd. vomiting with: Puis.

spots before eyes: Chel. walking while: Kali-bi.

sunlight: Stram. walking, after, on entering a room: Dros.

DIM, evening. DIM.
momentary spells: Euphr.
walking fast: Puis.
wami, when, from exertion: Puis. motion, from uneven: Con.

moving objects: Con.

9 p. m. : Strain,
occiput, from pain in, extending to eye:
night: Puis., siram.
better at night than in daytime: Apis.
overheating: Nux-v.
menses, during: Puis.
reading: Agar., apis, asar., atrc, calc,
left eye: Bor. croc, daph., hep., ign., merl., nat-m.,

air, open: Alum., asar., con., merl.. Puis., Nit-ac, phos-ac, rhodo., rhus-v., ruta, Sil.,

upa. Sulph., vine

fresh, amel.: Asar., nat-s. recurrent: Cact.

rheumatism, during: Puis,
anxiety, during: Chel.
rising from bed: Ars., secale.
blowing nose: Caust.
a seat: Con., laur.
candlelight: All-c, aur-m., euphr., hep.
stooping: Nat-m.
coition, excess: Chin.

cold bathing amel.

room, in, amel.. Alum., con.
: Asar., glon., nice.
cough, during: Coff. rubbing agg. : Caust.

damp weather: Calc. amel. : Cina, puis., sulph.

dark day amel. : Euph. seminal emission, after: Lil-t.

descending stairs: Phys. smoking: Asc-t.

dinner: Peti. standing: Dig.

diphtheria, after: Apis, gels., Lach., Phyto., straining eyes: Calc, Ruta.
nux-v., sil. sunlight agg. : Asar. , cic.

distant objects: Cact., euphr., mang., nat-c,

suppressed foot sweat, after: Sil.
nat-m., ol-an., phos., phos-ac, phys., rat.,
thinking, from: Arg-n.
Strain., sulph.

drunkards: Nux-V. twilight amel. : Phos.

eating, while: Bufo, nat-s. vertigo, during. (See " Vertigo.")

after: Bell,
erect, on becoming: Verat-v.
exertion of eyes, on: Qalc, petr. waking, on: Cjcl., puis.

on fine work: Calc, Ruta. walking: Dor., puis., sanic, sin-a.

body: Calc, Puis, in open air. Til.

about, amel. : I,achn.

fire, near a, agg. : Nat-s.
warmth from exertion Puis, :

headache, during: Ars., asar.,

Cycl., gels.,
Solph., verat-v. agg.: Calc

before: Kali-bi., lac-c. white objects, when fixing eyes upon: Cham,
heat, in, agg.: Asar. winking amel. : Anan., euphr.
looking steadily amel.: Aur. wiping eyes amel.: Alum., arg-n., carl.,
euphr., nat-a., nat-c, puis., sil.
menses, during: Graph., cycl.,
puis., sep.
writing: Aloe, calc-fl., chel.,
micturition amel. con., lye,
: Gels.
Nat-m., ol-an., rhodo., sep., thuj., zinc.


DIPLOPIA: JHih., agar.,
art- v., atrop.,
alunifi., atn-c, apis, FEATHERY Alum., calc, kreos., lyc, mag-c

Aur., arn., bar-c, dell., mere, nat-c, nat-m,, spig.

cann-i., carb-s., cnust., c/iel., chlf., cic,
clem., con., cupr-ac, cycl., daph.,
FIRE, a sea of, on closing the eyes:
dig., Phos,, spig.
eiigen., euph.. Gels., ger., Hyos., iod., FIERY: Bell., bry., dig., iod., stram.,
kali-bi., kali-cy., kali-i., lye, lyssin, Iiyos., Kali-c, lach., nux-v., phos., psor.,
mag-ph., med., merc-c, viorph., Nat-m., Sep., Spig-., zinc.
nice, Nit-ac, nux-v., olnd., op., petr.,
balls: Stram.
phyt., pib., puis., raph., rhus-t.,
secale, j/>o«^., stram., sulph., tab., tereb., body: Arg-n.
tlmj., ust verat., zinc.
circles: Anan., calc-ph., camph., carb-v., ip.,'
evening: Agar., con., phyt. piUs.

horizontal objects, of: Nil-ac, olnd. disk: Thuj.

looking downward: Am. points: Ayn-c, aur., merl., mere, nat-m.,

petr., secale, zinc.
sideways: Gels.
rays about the light: Kali-c, Lach.
upward: Canst.
rising from seat: Verat.
lying down amel. : Spong.
overwork at the desk: Agar. shimmerings: Calc-ph.

showers: Plb.
pregnancy, during- Gels.

reading: Camph., graph. spots: Alum., coca, elaps.

zigzags: Q.on., graph., Nat-m., sep.

sleep, after: Chlol.

standing erect and looking down: Olnd. FLAMES: Bell., calc, cann-s., carb -V. , chin-s. ,

cinch-bol., dulc, />«/i-., spong., staph., ther.

vertigo, after: Bell,
night in bed: Spong., staph.
writing: Coca, graph. '.6-

various colored flames: Crot-h., phos., thuj.

DISTANT, objects seem: All-c, anac. atro.
aur., bell.,
FLASHES: Bell., benz-n., brom., calc, caust,
calc, carb-an.. Gels,, merc-c, cedr., chlf., coca, croc, dig., fl-ac, glon.,
nat-m., nux-m., ox-ac, phos., plb., stann.,
merc-i-f., nat-c, op., Phos., Phys., ptds.,
stram , Sulph. secale, spong., stram., tabac, tarent., valer.
on waking: Anac.
morning in dark : Arg-n.
EXERTION of vision agg. (compare " Look-
waking, on: Nat-c.
ing "): Agar., alum., am-c, am-m., anac,
apis, arg-m., asaf., asar., aur., bar-c, bell., night, on closing lids: Ail., sep., spong.,
bor., bry., Calc, canth., carb-v., caust., cic, sulph.

Cina, cocc, cofT., con., Croc, cupr., dros., coughing, on: Kali-c, kali-chl.
dulc, ferr., graph., hep., ign., Kali-C,
dark, in: Arg-n., Phos., stram.
kreos., led., Lyc., mag-c, mag-m., mang.,
mere, mez., taur-ac, naja, nat-c, Nat-m., electric shocks, like: Croc.
nit-ac, nux-m., nux-v., olnd., par., petr.,
nausea: Dig.
phos., phos-ac, phys., //^jj/i^c., puis., ran-b.,
Ehodo., rhus-t., Ruta, sabad., sars., selen., streaks, in : Nat-c , nux-v.
Seneg., sep., Sil., spig., spong., staph ,
FLICKERING: Aeon., esse, o^ar., all-c, aloe,
stram., stront, sulph., sulph-ac, thuj., am-e, anac, ant-t., aran., ars., Bell,, bry., .

valer., verb., viol-o., zinc. calc, camph., cann-s., caps., carb-v.,


physical amel. : Aur. carb-o., carl., caust., cham., chel., chin-a.,

chlf., clem., coca, coff., con., cup-ac, CycL,
FADE away then reappear, objects: Gels.
dig.. Graph., hell., hep., hyos., ign., iod.,

FAR-SIGHTED. (See " Hypermetropia.") kalm., Lach., led., lye, med.,nieny., mere.

merl., mez., mur-ac, Ifat-m., nux-v., op., sewing, while: lod.
j>ieoii.,peir., Phos., pliys., pib., psor.,puls.,
sant., sars., secale,
vertigo, diiring: Alum., dell., calc, A\g.,glon.,
jz7.,sol-n., staph.,
stram., stront.,
stram., thuj., vine
SulpL, sumb., tabac, then,
thuj., zinc. wiping eyes agg. : Seneg.
right: Bry., lach. writing, while: Agar., aran., am., bor., nat-m.,
left: Chin-a, nat-ph.

daytime: Anac. FOGGY: Aeon., agar., alum., ambr., am-m.,

apis, aran., arg-n., arg-m., asaf., aur.,
morning: Am-c, bor., kali-c. bar-c, bell., bism., bruc, bry., cain.,
headache, with: Cycl. Calc, calc-ph., camph., cann-i., carb-an.,
Caust., cedr., Cham., chel., chin-s., cilia,
rising, on: Carb-v., Cycl.
clem., cofl-t., coloc, con., Croc, crot-t.,
waking: Calc, dulc. cund., cycl., dig., euphr., form., Gels.,
writing: Bor. glon., graph., hsem., hydr-ac, ip., jab.,
kali-i., lach., lyc,
afternoon after nap: Lyc.
Mere, merl., mill.,
morph., nat-a., 7iat-m., nat-ph nit-ac,

evening: Merc, til. nux-m., ol-an., op., osm., petr., Phos.,

phos-ac, pic-ac, plant.,
puis., podo.,
on attempting to read: Cycl.
ran-b., ncta,saha.±, sars., secale,
sep., sil.,
night agg.: Cycl. sol-n., spig., stram., strych.,
Sulph., tab.,
reading in bed: Cycl. thuj., til upa., Zinc.

stairs, ascending: Dig. morning: Am-m., lyc, nice, zinc.

ascending afternoon: Cycl., mag-c.

stairs: Dig.

breakfast, after: Sulph. 4 p. m. after sleep: Cain.

colors, various: evening: Ind., phos.

dinner, during: Thuj. bright light agg.: Am-m.
after: Bry. colors caused by: Tarent.

eating amel. fever: Sep.

: Phos.
entering from open headache, during: Cycl., sulph.
air: Dig.
exercise, after: Dig. motion, during: Con.

headache at beginning open air agg. : Am-m.

of: Sars.
reading, while: Arn., camph., cina,
with: Chin-a., chin-s., grat.,
coloc, con., cycl
graph., lach., ^^X-m., phos.,
^ah-c, nat-m., phos-ac, sulph.,
precedes: Aran.,
rising from a seat: Puis,
xtls, psor., sars., sulph.
seminal emissions agg.
light, when looking into: Sep.
: Sars.

looking long: Caust., sewing: Phos-ac.

intently: Led., tab. sitting, after long: Sars.

lying, while: standing: Nat-m

paroxysms: walking: Phys.,- puis., vine,

reading, writing: Grat., phos-ac

while: Aran. am., cob., cycl.,
mere, phos-ac, seneg- GAUZE: Ars., calc,
caust., clem., dros.,
rising, on: gamb., hydr-ac, hreos.,
Aeon. nat-m., pib., rhodo.
rhus-t., sars., sep., sil., stram., sulph.

GATJZE. HYPERMETROPIA : Aeon., asc, alum., ang.,
morning: Bar-c, strain,
Arg-n., bell., calc, calc-a., carb-an.,

caust., chel., coloc, con., dros., grat., hyos.,

evening: Alum., cina. lil-t., lyc, mag-m., mez., morph., nat-m.,
eating after: Bar-c. nux-v., pet}., phos., phys phyt., raph.,

Sep., SiL, spig., stram., sulph., tab., valer.

sleep, after: Stram.
evening: Hyper.
GLIMMEEIN&: Aran., cann-i., cupr-ac, gels.,
over-use of eyes in fine work: Arg-n.
kalm., lach., nat-m., zinc.
Agar., tesc, bell., camph., carb-s.,
candlelight, by: Bar-c.
chel., dig., eup-per., hyos., kali-bi., lact.,
circles: Calc-ph. mere, Phos., plb., sang., stram., sulph.,

headache, with: Lach., nat-m. thuj.

sudden: Zing. night, on closing eyes, images: Graph,

writing or reading, when: Aran. falling asleep, on: Phos.

objects passing: Glon.
GLITTERING objects: Aran., arund., calc-ph.,
caniph., nux-v., iher. INVERTED, lines seem, when writing: Kali-c.

bright, luminous appearances: Calc, hep., objects seem: Bell.

vertigo, during: Guare.

bodies on blowing nose: Alum., nat-s.

JUMP, words when reading: Lyssin.
candlelight, in: Anag.
LARGE, field enlarged: Fl-ac, strych.
circles: Calc-ph.
flame of light: Dig., osm.
needles: Cycl.
objects: ]BXa.., apis, atro., berb., cann-i.,
points: Chel. cann-s., con.,euph., Hyos., laur., nat-m.,
nice, Nux-m., op., ox-ac, phys., verb.
reading while: Aran.
high in stepping
raises his foot unnecessarily
stars: Con.
over small objects when walking: Euph.
vertigo with: Calc.
elongated: Zinc.
zigzags: Ign.
rising from a seat, on : Staph.
HAIK, sensation as if a hair hung before the
twilight, in: Berb.
sight and must be wiped away: Ars-h.,
euphr., sang. LIGHTS: Ca\c., chin-s.,phos.

Ars., aur., calc, calc-s., cocc, cycl., insensibility to: Agar., kali-br.
dig., gels., glon., lobel., Hth., lye, morph., points: Nat-m.
mur-ac, nai-m., plb ,
rhus-t., sep., stram.,
in a dark circle: Caust.
spots: Con.
evening: Calc-s., dig.
streaks of : Nat-m.
right half lost: Calc, cocc, cycl., Lith., lyc.
pass downward, seen to one side of eye in
horizontal: Ars., aur.
dark: Thuj.
lower lost: Aur.
LIGHTNINGS: Bcll.,hTom., croc, cycl., dig.,
upper lost: Ars., aur., camph., dig. fl-ac, glon., kali-c, nat-c, nux-v., olnd.,
vertical: Bov., caust., Lith., lyc, morph., op., phos., phys., puis., sant., secale,
sil., spig., staph., stram., zinc.
mur-ac, nat-m.
walking, while: Dig. noon: Dig.

night, distant, sheet lightnings in the dark, night: Bell., cadm., chel., Chin., hyos.,
like, II p. m.: Coca. lyc, meph., mere, nit ac, puis., stram.,
on falling asleep: Nat-c, Phos., sulph.
flickering before eyes in daytime; blind
on waking: Nai-c.
at night: Anac.
LOST, blindness: Acon., agar., all-c, alum., abdomen, during pain in: Crot-t., plb.
ant-c, ant-t., apis, arg-m., arg-n., arn., ars.,
air, open: Nit-ac.
aster., aur., aur-m., bell., berb., both., bufo,
cact., calc, camph., cann-i caps., carb-a., ,
amel. : Merc, phos.
carb-o. , carb-s
caust., cham., chel., chin.,
ascending stairs: Coca,
chins., chlf., chlol., cic, clem., con., croc,
crot-h., crot-t, cup-ac, cycl., dig., elaps, bowing: Com.
eng., eupi., euphr., eup-per., ferr., gels., bright objects, by: Grat.
glon., hell., hura, hydr-ac, Hyos., ip.,
near: Phos-ac.
kali-br., kali-cy., kali-n., kalm.,
kreos., lach., lac-ac, lact., lam., led., lith., chill, during: Cann-i.
lye, meny., meph., Mere, morph., mosch.,
cold, after catching: Acon.
naja, nat-m., nit-ac nux-m., nux-v., olnd.,

op., Tp&tT.,phos., ^h.os-&c., plb.,

Puis., raph., convulsions, after: Secale.
rhus-t., rhus-v., sars., secale, sep., Sil., delirium, during: Phos.
sol-n., spig., Strain., sulph., tab., ther.,
thuj., verat., verat-v., vip., dinner, after: Calc, zinc,
zinc, zinc-m.
eating, after: Calc, crot-t., sil.
daytime: Con., sil., Stram., sulph.
by emotion, sudden during: Jug-c.
light: Merl ,
nit-ac, phos.
exertion: Chin., helon., lyc.
morning: Bell., sulph.
in sewing: Berb.
fasting: Calc.
fainting, as from: Agar., aur., bell., calc,
light by: Ign.
caust., chel., cic, dros., ferr., hep., hyos.,
rising: Puis, kali-n., mang., mere, nat-m., olnd., phos.,
forenoon: Thuj. puis., spig., stram.

noon: Am-c. fixing eyes: Ant-t., euphr., kali-bi., mag-c,

nit-ac, spig.
before eating: Dulc.
headache, at beginning: Kali-bi., sars.
afternoon: Indg.
after: Sil.
after pains in head and eyes: Con.
head, rush of blood to, during: Grat.
rising after sleep, on: Ferr.
on turning: Secale.
stooping, on: Apis.
suddenly: Helon.
4 p. m. , Lyc.
injury to eye, after: Arn.
evening: Bell., calc. camph., ferr., nat-c. light, by: Qa.\c., graph., mang., phos.
phos., til.

candlelight: Aur-m., chin., phos.

light by: Lyc, mang., thuj.
entering from dark: Dig.
menses, during: Sep.
of sun: Lith.
reading, while: Brom.
lightning stroke, after: Phos.
sitting down during vertigo, on: Coloc.
looking downward: Kalm.
sunset, at: Bell.
at near objects: Mag-m.

LOST, looking.
sideways; Olnd. waking, on: Bell., cena.

upwards: Cupr. walking, while: Dor., ferr., hell., lachn.,

lying down amel.: Cina, phos., sep. sulph., verat-v.

menses, during: Graph., lye, Puis.,

in open air: Merc,

warm room agg. : Merc,
: Sep.
motion agg. : Grat. white objects, looking at: Graph., tab.

nausea, during: Sep. writing: Arg-n.. grat., kali-e, phys., zinc,

paroxysmal: Aeon., con., kali-n., meny MIST. (See " Foggy.")

nux-v., phos., sil., stram., sulph. MOONLIGHT amel.. Aur.
parturition, during: Aur-m., cocc, cupr, MOVING: Agar., aloe, Arg-n., bor., calc-ph.,
caust. cann-i., cic., con., euphr., lack., laur., lye,

periodical: Ant-t., chel., chin., dig., euphr., meny., mere, mosch., nux-v., olnd., par.,
hyos., mere, nal-m., phos., puis., sep., sil., petr., sabad., sep., stram.

sulph. evening, reading, while: Merc.

reading, while: Agar., arg-n., aur-m., caust, letters: Agar., phys.

clem., crot-h., dros., hsem., lachu., lye,
towards noon: Am-c.
nsit-c., phos., staph.
objects seem: Bapt., carb-ae, con., euphr.,
in a standing posture: Glon.
hydr-ae, ign., nux-m.
reflecting while reading: Meny. backward: Bell.
rising: Ced.,glon., olnd.
backward and forward: Carb-ae, cic.

from bed: Bell., cina, com., secale. fine motion : Petr.

after eating: Merc,
floating: Nux-m.
shuddering, while: Sabin.
from one side to the other: Cic.
sitting, while: Kalm., mere, phos. revolving: Bell.
bent over, after: Hep. to and fro, towards noon: Elaps.
sleeping in the sun, after: Con.
to float: Anag.
sleep amel. Grat.
up and down: Cocc, sil., spong.
snow, by: Cic. something moving: Lyssin, psor.
soup, while eating: Nat-s.
MULTIPLIED, objects seem: Bell., iod., phys.,
standing, on: Colch. phyt., stram. v

amel.: Merc. MTISCiE volitantes. (See " Color black.")

stooping: Bell., coff., phos., upa. MYOPIA: Agar., am-c, anac, apis, arg-n.,
ars., calc, carb-v., cimie, coff-t.,
sudden: Aur-m., cale, chin., cupr., mosch.,
con., cycl., dig., euphr ., gels., graph., grat.,
phos., psor., secale.
hyos., jab., lach., lye, mang., meph., mez.,
sunlight, sleeping in: Con. nat-c. nat-ni., nit-ac, petr .,"^^0^., phos-ac,

Phys., pic-ac, plb., Puis., raph., ruta,

vanishing of sight: Ant-t., arg-m., arg-n.,
selen., spong., stram., sulph., sulph-ac,
carb-s., kali-e, laur., lyssin, nat-m., nux-ni.,
syph., thuj., viol-o., valer., verb., viol-t.
Nux-v., Sep., spig.
exerting the eyes, after: Carb-v.
vertigo, during: Anae, apis, arg-n., bell.,
zxo\.-\.., gels., hep, mere, morph., ITux-V., candlelight, sight worse by, than by daylight:
rhus-t., tereb., thea. Arg-n.

looking away from work amel. : Phos. of objects: Berb., sil.

reading, while: Agar., grat., lyc. sewing, while: Berb., calc.

KfEARER, objects seem: Bov., phys., rhus-t., stitches while sewing: Nat-m.
SCINTILLATIONS. (See " Sparks," "Flicker-
to each other: Nux-tn. ings.")

NET before eyes: Chiti-s., hyos. SHADOWS : Ruta, seneg.

swimming: Carb-an. on one side of objects: Calc.
OBLiaUITY : Nux-m., stram. look shaded: Seneg.

GUIVERING. (See "Trembling.") SMALL, objects seem: All-c, aur.,glon., hyos..

kali-chl., lyc, med., mere, merc-c, op.,
KAIIf, seems looking through rain: Nat-m.
plat.,plb., stram., thuj.
RAINBOW, appearance of all the colors: Bell., objects near her become narrower and smaller:
bry., con., puis.
around candlelight: Bar-c, fer-mag., osm.,
SMOKY: Aur., bell., Chin., crot-t., Cycl., Gels.,
lact-ac, pic-ac, phos., plat., sil., stram.,
around the letters when reading: Cic. sulph.
beaming light, of: Bell. candlelight around: Osm., tell,

rings of: Dig., ip. circles: Merl.

stripe on closing eye: Bry. distant objects: Phos.

RAYS, light seems broken up into: Bell. hemiopia, in: Aur.

curved, shooting from visual axis: lod. room: Lac-ac, osm.

READING difficult by artificial light: Nux-tn. vision of smoke rising: Gels.

impossible: Merc, SNOW falling: Plb.

small type: Cadm. morning, on waking, objects seem

with: Dig.
RECEDING, objects seem to: Bell., calc, cic.
flakes: Bell., jab.
slowly: Sep.

ROUND objects passing before eyes while

SPARKS: Aeon., ant-t, arn., ars., aur.,
bufo, calc, calc-fi., camph., causi
Caust. ,
chel!, '

Chin-S., chlf., con., cupr-ac. cupr-ar

RUNNING together of letters, reading,
while- cycl., dulc, glon., hyos.. iod., kali-bL,

Art-v.,^ atrop., bell., bry., calc-a., catnph. kah-c, lach., lyc, lyssiu, mag-ph., mere,
Cann-i., chel., chin., clem., coca, mez.,
co?i nat-c, nit-ac, nuph., nux-v.,
elaps, euphr.,/^rr., gels., op '
gin., graph, petr., pic-ac.,/w., secale, sep., sil., sol-n
lyc, meph., merl., '
Nat-m., osm., Ruta sptg., staph., stram.,
stront., sulph., thui
^eneg., Sil., Staph.,
Stram., viol-o. valer., verat.
morning: Bry.
during day: Croc.
evening: Merl.
morning: Calc, ferr-i.
reading in bed, while:
Bell, breakfast, after: Ferr-i.
after a^j^ittle while: Con.
on waking: Calc.
mental labor, after: Arg-n. noon: Dig., verat.
writing, while: Carb-ac, chel. clem.. evening: Animc.
/err., gels., lyc, merl.,
like rays: Mang,

night: Am-c, staph. waking, on: Cycl.
on falling asleep: Phos. writing: Kali-bi.
on waking: Am-c, calc.
: atrop., aur., calc, ca.st., hyos.,
air, on going into: Con., lyc. secale, tarent., verat-v.
closing eyes, on: Hydr. candlelight, in: Puis.
coughing, when: Bell., kali-c, nuph., par. dancing: Croc.
dark, in: Bar-c, calc, lyc, phos. right side of field of vision: Calc.
dinner, during: Thuj. white. (See under "White.")
epileptic fit, before: Hyos. STRIPES (See " Color"): Con., scp., sulph.
exertion of mind: Aur.
SWIMMING of letters: Bell., coca.
hacking, from: Par. objects: Carb-ac, carl., coloc ,
merl., mez.,
headache, before: Chin-s., coca, cycl., eugen., Nat-m., par., sumb., thuj., til., zinc.
lach., phos., plat., psor., sars., spong.,
5 p. m.: Thuj.
TREMBLING objects: Camph., cann-i., carb-s.,
during: Ars.; chel., Mag-ph. con., phos.,^\\y^., plat., plb., /5or., sabad.,

nose, on blowing the: Cadm. viol-o.

rest, during, agg. : Dulc. morning on waking: Phos.

sewing, while: lod. evening by light: Lyc.

sitting, while: Hura. in artificial light: Lyc.

streaks, in, after writing: Carl. of letters: Bell., carb-s.

syncope, before: Nux-v. VANISHING of sight. (See " Lost.")

tearing in eyes, during: Bar-c. VARIEGATED colors. (See " Colors:')

vertigo, during: Ars., camph., psor. VEIL, as through: Aeon., agar., am-c, ant-t.,
arum-t., bell., berb., bufo, calc, calc-ph.,
walking, while: Hura.
camph., carb-s., carl., caust., cham., clem.,
winking, on: Caust. cocc, croc, crot-t., Cycl., dig., dros., dulc,
elaps, eupi., GeiB,, glon., haem., hep., hyos.,
writing: Kali-bi.
iod., kreos., laur., lil-t., lith., lyc, merl.,
SPOTS: Act-sp., caust., con., Cycl., elaps., nat-m., nat-ph., nit-ac, op., petr., phos.,
Kali-C, kali-bi., Ph.OS., sil., sol-n., SulpL, pic-ac, plat., puis., raph., rat., rhus-t.,
verat-v. secale, sep., sil., stram., Sulph., tarent.,
closing eyes, on: Hydr. ther., thuj., til., stram.

colored: Astac. morning, rising, on: Bov.

floating: Am-m. cann-i., dig., hell., phos. waking, on: Bry.


headache, with: Cycl. lo a. m. : Nat-m.

before: Psor. after midday nap: Ign.

jumping tip and down: Croc. afternoon: Nat-m.

looking steadily: Act-sp. nap, after: Lyc. f

luminous: Hyos. 3 to 4 p. m. : Bufo.

reading: Astac, kali-c. evening: Euphr., lyc, Sulph., tab.

round: Dig. by candlelight: Sulph.

sulph-ac, tab., tarent., thuj., til., verat.,
air, open, in: Thuj.
dinner, after: L,yc.
morning, as if the eyes were strained: Ruta.
light seems dim as if obscured by a: Croc,
evening: Euphr., tarent.
looking long at one object: Carl.
candlelight, by: Bar-c, hep.
up: Cupr.
twilight: Arg-n.
objects seem to be veiled: Arund.
using agg. : Apis.
reading, on: Croc, lyc.
alcoholics, from: Kali-br., Nux-V.
rubbing amel : Puis,
bright light agg. : Bell,
standing: Caust.
coition, after: Chin., Kali-C, Phos., sep.
writing, on: Asaf., lyc.
long distance, for: Nat-a.
Vision's, sees, on closing the eyes (compare
Delusions " measles, after: Caust., euphr., Kali-C, puis.
' ) : Calc. ,
menses, before: Bell., cinnb.
WAVERING: Con., lyc, mane, na(-m., sant,
sumb., verat-v. misty: Agar.

"WAVING luminous openings appear where he old people: Bar-c.

looks: Arund.
using eyes agg.: Carb-v., par., Ruta.
WEAK: Acet-ac, aeon., agar., alum., anac,
vertigo, during: Glon.
apis, arg-m., arg-n., ars., aur-m., bar-c,
bell., cact., cann i., cann-s., Chin., etc., WHIRLING: Apis, atrop., eug., glon. pic-ac,
cina, coc-c, Con., crot-h., dig., gels., ham., ust, verat.
hura, hyos ,
hyper., iod., kali-bi., kali-br.,
kali-c, kali-i., kalm., lach.,
ZIGZAGS: Ign., Nat-m., sep.
lact., led.,
lil-t., nth., lyc, meph ,
mere, merl., flickering: Ign., lach., phos.
morph., nat-a., nat-ni., nat-s., nice. Op., writing, while: Thuj.
par., petr., Phos.. phos-ac, plb., puis.,
raph., rhus-t., Ruta, sal-ac, secale, seneg., fluttering: Thuj.
sil., sol-n., spig., stann., stram., sulph.. wavy: Thuj.


ABSCESS behind: Anan., bar-m. BUBBLING: Bell., con., dulc, euphr., hura,
kali-c, kali-n., lye, petr., rheum., sil.,
every two weeks ear gathers and discharges
left: Con., dulc.
in meatus: Crot-h., mag-c.
bursting in: Card-b., graph., nat-m.
AGGLUTINATION of auricle to head: Olnd.
CALCAREOUS deposit on tympanum: Calc-fl.,
AIR, sensation of, in: Graph., w^^".
bubble of, in: Nat-m.
CARIES, threatening: Asaf., Aur., calc, calc-fl.,
cold: Dulc, mez., plat.,- staph., vine. nat-m., Sil., sulph.

distension, meatus in evening: Mez. mastoid process: Aur., Caps., nil-ac, Sil.

draught of, as from: Mang. petrous portion temporal bone: Caps.

fanning before, sensation of: Calc, nit-ac. CATARRH. (See "Discharge.")

forced into, when blowing nose: Sulph. CHILDREN: Cham., puis., zinc.
rushing in of cold: Lachn., mang., staph. CLOSED sensation. (See "Stopped.")
during eructations: Canst. COLDNESS: ^S.'Ca.., amyg., ars., berb., calc,
calc-ph., chel., cic, ip., kali-c, lach., lye,
out, as if: Chel.
mang., nieny., paeon., pair., plat., psor.,
as of cold air: Mil.
ran-s., seneg., stram., tereb., thea, verat.,
streaming into, on drawing jaw to other side: verat-v.
right and burning of left: Nat-n.
open, sensitive to, about ears: Caust., Cham.,
evening: Mez.
in warm bed: Merc.
BALD spot above: Phos.
5 p. m.: Paeon,
BLOWING sensation in: Ail., rhus-t.
alternating with heat: Verat.
right: Ail., rhus-t.
draft, as from a: Mang.
pulsative, at night: Sep.
extending thro' : Seneg.
sound: Hydrc, ox-ac.
fever, during: Ip., lack.
BOAHI) before, sensation of : Arg-m.
hot and burn yet cold to touch: Bapt.
left: Arg-m.
ice, sensation of, within, in a warm bed:
BORING fingers in: Chel., mill., ruta, sal-ac. Merc.
child: Arund., sil. one cold the other warm: Chel., nit-ac.

sleep, during: Sil. sensation of, in external ear: Lachn.

amel. : Chel., lach., par., rheum, spig. water, as if cold, had got in: Meny.
BREATH, sensation as if the, came from it:
about the ear: J3th. bry. ,

above the ear: Indg., lac-ac.
left: Psor.
below the ear:
meatus, in: Caust., mere, niez., staph, cic, con., a-oi-h., elaps, ery-a., graph.,
as from wind: Caust., sanic, staph. ham., hep., kali-c, lach., lyc, Merc.'
merc-i., mosch., nit-ac, pelr., phos., Psor.,
COMPRESSION in: Sars. puis., rhus-t., Sep., Sil, sulph., icll., zinc.
CONSTRICTION of: Thuj. brownish: Anac, carb-v., kali-s., psor.,
CONTRACTION Anac, catist., :
lach., sars. tarent.

spasmodic, afternoon on sitting; JB,ih.. caries threatening: Asaf., Aur., calc, calc-fl.,
uat-m., Sil., sulph.
sensation of, evening after lying down, agg.
sleeping on that side: Caust. cheesy: Hep., Sil.

meatus, in: Anac, bry. clear: Bry.

CRACK behind ear. (See " Eruptions.") ear-wax: Am-m., anac, hep., kali-c, lyc,
mere, mosch., nat-m., nit-ac, phos., puis.
DILATATION of meatus, sensation of: Mez.
excoriating: Ars-i., calc-ph., hep., lyc, mere,
evening: Mez.
nat-m., rhus-t., Sulph., Tell.
DISCHARGE: Abs., ceth., all-c, alum., alumn.,
fetid: Ars., ars-i., Aur., bov., calc, carb-ac,
am-c, am-m., anac, anan., ant-c, arund.,
carb-v., Cist., cub., elaps, hep., kali-bi.,
ars., ars-i., asaf., aur., bar-c, Bar-m.,
kali-c, meph.. Mere., merc-c, nit-ac,
bell., bor., bov., brom., bry., bufo, Calc,
Psor., sal-ac, Sep., Sulph., TeU., thuj.,
calc-f., calc-ph., caps., carb-an., Carb-V.,
castor., Caust., chain., chin., cic, Cist.,
colch., coc-c, Con., cop., crot-h., crot-t., gluey, sticky: Graph.
cur., elaps, ery-a., ferr., fl-ac, Graph., green: Elaps, hep., lac-c, lyc, mere
Hep., hipp., hydr., iod., jug., kali-bi.,
kali-c, kalis., kreos., lach., lachn., Lyc, morning: Elaps.
meny., meph.. Mere, merc-c, nat-m., odorless: Lac-c.
nat-s., nit-ac, pelr., phos., Psor., Puls.,
ichorous: Am-c, Ars., calc-ph., carb-an.,
rhus-t., sacch., sal-ac, sang., selen., sep.,
Lyc., nit-ac, Psor., sep., sil., tell.
Sil., spig., Sulph., syph., tarent., Tell.,
tep., thuj., vesp., zinc. measles, after: Cact., carb-v., colch., crot-h.,
lyc, meny., nit-ac. Puis., sulph.
right: ^th., elaps.
mucus: Alum., bell., bor., calc, ferr-ph.,
left: Ferr.
graph., hydr., Kali-bi., lyc. Mere, phos.,
night: Sep, Puis., sulph.

in warm bed: Merc.

offensive: Ars., asaf., Aur., bar-m., bov.,
every seven days: Sulph. calc, carb-v., caust., chin., Cist., crot-h.,
elaps, ery-a., graph., hep., hydr., kali-bi.,
acrid: Syph., tell.
kali-c, kali-ph., ^a/z-j., kreos., Lyc, meph.,
blood: Am-c, am., arund., bell., bry, bufo, Merc, merc-c, nit-ac, ol-j., Psor., puis.,
chin., cic, con., Crot-h., elaps, ery-a., ham., sul-ac, Sep., Sil.. sulph., thuj., zinc.
mere, niosch., op., pelr., Phos., puis.,
cadaverous smelling: Ars.
rhus-L, tell.
fish-brine, like: Tell.
morning: Merc.
putrid meat, like: Thuj.
cough, dm'ing: Bell.
rotten cheese, like: Bar-m., hep.
menses, instead of: Bry., phos.
sour: Sulph.
prolonged suppuration, after: Chin.
periodical every 7th day: Sulph.
bloody: Am-c, ars., arund., bar-c, bell., bry.,
purulent: -^th., alutn., alumn., am-c.
calc, calc-s., can'n-s., carb-v., caust., chin.,


DISCHARGE, purulent. DISCOLORATION, redness.

am-m., anan., arn., asaf., arund., atir., evening: Alum., carb-v., elaps, oena., raph.,
bar-m., bell., bor., bov., bufo, Calc, caps., rhus-t., Sep., tabac, tarent., tromb., vesp.

carb-an., carb-v., caust., cham., chin., cist.,

chilblains: Agar,
con., cop., cur., ferr-ph., gels., graph..
erysipelatous: Ars., bell., rhus-t.
Hep., hydr., kali-bi., Kali-C, kali-s., kino.,
lach., Lyc, Merc, merc-c, nat-m., nit-ac, menses, during:^Agar.
petr., phos., Psor., Puis., rhus-t., sacch.,
one-sided: Alum., carb-v., ign., ind.
sal-ac, .?(?/>., Sil., sulph., syph., tep., thuj.,
zi7ic. touched or scratched, when: Ail.

with eczema: Calc, hep., lyc, mere, sulph. about the ear: Arn.

mercury, after abuse of: Asaf., aur.. Hep., behind ear: Acon-1., ant-s., hydr., nit-ac,

Wit-ac, sil., sulph. petr., ptel., rhus-v., tabac.

sulphur, after abuse of: Calc, mere, puis. lobes: Cham., chin.
meatus: Aco7i., cham., mag-c. pic-ac,
scarlet fever, after: Asar., bar-m., crot-h., ,

graph., hep., kali-bi., Lyc, mere, nit-ac,
Psor., puis., sulph. DISTENSION, sensation of, in (see "Fulness"):
sequelae: Aur., bar-m., cad., calc, Carb-V-,
Bell., kali-i., laur., mez., nit-ac, puis.
colch., crot-h., hep., lach., lyc, meny., on blowing nose Puis. :

7iit-ac, Puis., Psor,, sulph.

DIVING, sensation aswhen, while writing: Raph.
serous: Elaps, tareut., tell.

thick: Calc-s., carb-v., ery-a., hydr., Kali-bi.,

DRAGGING downward: Berb.

kali-chl.. Puis., tarent. outward: Caust., euphr.

thin: Ars., cham., elaps, g7-aph., mere, petr ,

DRYNESS in: ^th., arn., aur., berb., calc,
psor., Sep., sil., sulph. carb-v., c&st-eq., colch.., graph., iod., lack.,
nit-ac, nux-v.,petr., ]^h.os., puis., sulph.
-watery: Calc, cist., elaps, graph., kali-s.,
mere, Sil., syph.. Tell., thuj. sensation of: Petr., phos.

white: Ery-a., hep., kali-chl. meatus: Sil.

yellow: ^th., ars., kali-bi., kali-c, kali-s.,

ECHOES in. (See "Noises.")
lyc, mere, nat-s., petr., phos.. Puis. ERUPTIONS: Alum., am-m., ant-c, apis., ars.,
yellowish green Elaps, kali-chl., mere. Bar-C, bov., bry., calad., calc, calc-ph.,
Puis. cann-s., carb-v., caust., chin., cic, cist., com.,
cop., elaps, hep., kali-bi., kali-c, kreos.,
DISCOLORATION, blue: Sant., Tell, lyc, mosch., mur-ac, nat-ph., olnd., petr.,
brown spots: Cop. phos., Psor., plel., puis., rhus-t., rhus-v.,
Sep., spong., sulph., tell., teucr., thuj.,
livid: Carb-o., op.
redness: Aeon., Agar., ail., alum., ant-c,
blisters. Camph., kreos., meph.
apis, arn., asaf., astac, aur., aur-m., bell.,
bry., calc-ph., camph., caps., carb-v., caust., boils: Kali-c, sil., spong., sulph., syph.
cham.. Chin., cit-v., elaps, glon., graph., burning: Anan., cic, mosch., puis., sars.
hep., hydr., ign., ind., jab., jug-r., kali-bi.,
kah-c, kali-n., kreos., lyc, mag-c, mane, confluent: Cop.,/jor.
meph., mere, nat-m., nit-ac, op., phos., cracked and desquamating a substance like
plat., plant., psor., Puis., rhus-t., samb., powdered starch: Com.
sang., sulph., tab., tell., trom.
desquamating: Anac, bry., com., cop., graph.,
afternoon: Nat-m. mere, psor., phos.


excoriating: Kali-bi., mere, sulph.
burning and itching agg. at night: Viol-t.
itching: Kali-bi., mez., mosch., pall., psor.,
cracks: Chel., Graph., hep., hydr.,
sars., staph. lye,
petr., Sep., sulph.
moist: Ant-c, bov., calc, Graph., kali-bi.,
kreos., lye, mere, mez., eczema: Calc, Lyc, Olnd.,
petr., psor., ptel., Pgor '
sulph., tell.

pimples: Berb., calc-ph., calad., cann-s., cic, excoriating: Graph., kali-c, nit-ac. /J^/n

coff., kali-c, >^r^£»5., mere, merc-c, mur-ac, Psor., sanic, .sulph.

petr., phos., psor., sabad., spong., sulph.
herpes: Caust., cist., con. graph.,
purulent: Cic, cycl., kreos., Psor., sep., mag-m., olnd., sep., teucr.
itching: Graph., mag-m., mag-s., staph.,
scabby: Anan., elaps, hydr., lach., mur-ac, viol-t.
nat-ph., s&rs., psor., pills.
after scratching: Mag-m.
scaly: Co-p., peir., psor., teucr.
moisture: Am-m., ant-c, aur., calc.
scurfy: Aur-m., bov., calc, com., graph., hep.,
Graph., kali-c, lyc, mez., nit-ac,
tod., lach., Lyc, mur-ac, Psor., puis., sars., olnd., petr., Psor., ptel.,VA«j-A, rhus-v.,
right ear: Cinnb.
after scratching: Graph.
vesicles on: Alum., ars., meph., olnd., phos.,
pimples: Alum., calad., calc, cann-s.,
ptel., Sep., tell.
canth., caust., dros., graph., ham.,
coalescing: Ars. mez., nat-m., nice, pall., puis., rhus-t.,
discharging water: Ptel. sabad., selen., sulph.

gangrenous: Ars. burning on touch: Canth.

purulent: Ptel. itching: Rhus-t.

with pustules: Berb., cann-s., carb-v., cast-eq.,

serum, filled : Rhus-v.
crot-h., ph.yt., psor., ptel., Puis., spong.,
surrounded by inflamed base: Ars. sumb.
transparent: Alum. rash: Ant-c, nat-m.
white: Ptel. rawness: Petr.
on red base: Ptel.
scabby: Aur-m., bar-e. Graph., kali-c,
about the ears: Cic, cist., hyper., lach., mez., lach., Lyc, Sil.. tell., thuj.
nat-ph., sulph.
exuding a glutinous moistmre, sore on
herpetic: Olnd. touch: Thuj.
moist: Kreos. herpes: Kali-i.
rash: Ars.
scurfy: Hep., Psor., sil., staph.
above the ears, pimples: Cop., mur-ac.
sore: Psor.
behind ears: Ant-c, ars., arund.,Bar-C,
cocc, Graph.,
vesicles: Am-m., calc, caust., chin.,
calc, carb-v., caust., cic,
nat-m., phos., psor., rhus-t., rhus-v.
guare., hep., jug., kali-i., kali-s., lach., Lyc,
mag-m., mag-s., mere, mez., nat-m., olnd., below ears, boils: Calc,
petr., psor., sanic, Sep., staph., Sulph.,
vesicles: Ptel.
teucr., tell., viol-t.
discbarge water: Ptel.
boils: Ang., bry., calc, con., nat-c,
phyt., sulph., thvij. edges of, moisture on: Sil.

Agar., colch., crot-h., Petr.

iu front of: Berb., cic, olnd., tereb. FULNESS, sensation of: ^sc, arg-n., arum-d.,
bell., berb., Cann-i., carb-v., chel.,
boils: Bry., laur., sulph.
com., crot-h., cur., eup-pur., ferr., glon.,
herpes: Olnd. hep., iod., jug., kali-i., lac-c, laur.,
mere, Mez., nat-c, nat-ph., nat-s., nit-ac,
pustules: Mag-c.
pen.,/?//^., phys., strych., thuj., verat-v.
vesicles: Cic.

tell., morning: Ham., thuj.

lobes, on: Bar-c, caust., puis., sars.,

teucr. afternoon: Strych. .

boils: Nat-m. I p. m. : Com.

herpes: Caust., cist., sep., teucr. evening: Mez., nat-ph.
menses, during: Mag-c. blowing nose, when: M.2M%., ptds.
pimples: Lach., mere, boring in, amel. : Mez.
scabs: Sars. eating, while: Nat-c.

vesicles, caused by the discharge: Tell, excitement, from: Dig.

meatus, in: Kreos. stitching pains, after: Iod.
boils: Bov., crot-h., Mere, Pic-ac, swallowing, from: Arum-d., mang.
rhus-t., Sulph.
herpes: Merc.
FUNGUS excrescences: Merc.

pimples: Jug. HARDNESS, glands about ear. (See "FACE.")

pustules: Cast-eq. HEAT: Aeon,, alum., alumn.,

seth., agn., aloe,
amyl-n., anan., ang., ant-c, ant-t., arg-m.,
scurfy: AU-s.
am., ars., arund., asaf., asar., aur-m-n.,
vesicles: Nice. bell., berb., bor., bov., brom., bry., calc,

tympanum, scurfy: Graph. calc-ph., camph., cann-s., canth., caps.,

carb-v., carl., case, cham., chel., chin.,«^.,
clem., coc-c, coloc, com., crot-h., elaps,
FLAPPING in: Calc. fago., gran., graph., hep., hyos., hyper.,
ign., iod., jac, jatr., kali-bi., kali-c, kali-n.,
like butterflies' wings: Jac-c.
kreos., lach., lye, lyssin, mag-m., mane,
during eructations: Graph, mang., meny., meph., mere, mur-ac,
FORMICATION: Ambr., am-c, ant-c, arg-m., nat-m., nat-n., nat-s., nit-ac, nux-m., cena.,
ars., arund., bar-c, calc, caust., chin., olnd., op., paeon., par., petr.,/>Aoj., phos-ac,
coloc, colch., cop., dros., grat., kali-c, phys., piper-m., plat., psor., puis., raph.,
lachn., laur., mere, mill., nat-m., nux-v., sabin., sang., seneg., sep., sil., spong.,
osm.,plat., phys., rat., samb., Sep., spig., strych., sul-ac, sulph., tabac, tarent.,

sul-ac, sulph., zinc. tereb., thuj., til., verat, zing.

morning: Zinc. right: Nat-s., com., kali-c, lyssin, samb.,

eating, while: Lachn. tereb.

extending to lower jaw: Am-c. red and hot, left pale and cold: Kali-c.

about the ear: Calad. left: Jac-c.

behind the ear: Bry. morning, in bed: Cocc.

meatus, in: Ambr., aut-c, calc, caust., afternoon: Cann-s.

kali-n., plat, puis., samb., sulph. after cofiFee: Nat-m.
FREEZING in slight cold: Zinc. I p. m. : Com.


evening: Alum., bry., caps., carb-v., nat-m., eustachian tube: Am-ni., Calc, ery-a., iod.,
nat-n., nat-s., sabiu., sanic, sil. kali-chl., Kali-s., mang., mere, nat-m.,
nit-ac, petr., phyt., Puis., sang.,
on going to bed: Hyper. Sil,
sulph., teucr.
lo p. m.: Strych.
inside: Aeon., arund., bar-c, bar-m.. Bell.,
night: Alumn., sulph.
bor., bov., bry., Calc, canth., caps.,
midnight: AUimn. carb-v., causl., Cham., cur., con.. Graph.,
sleep aniel. : Alumn. hep., kali-bi., kali-c, kali-chl., kali-i. ,\i\no.,

chill, during: Puis.

lach., led., Lyc, mag-c, mag-m.. Mere,
merc-c, mez., nat-s., nit-ac, petr., phos.,
in back: Asaf. pic-ac, psor., puis rhus-t., sang., sil., spig.,

cold alternating with: Berb., verat. Sulph., tereb., ther., thuj., verb., verat-v.,
coldness body, during: Aeon.
media: Am., bar-c, bell., Calc, caps.,
lying, while: Ars.
carb-v., caust., Cham., cur., dulc.,/err-ph.,
to touch: Bapt. gels., hep., hydr., Kali-bi., kali-c, kali-chl.,

eating, after: Asaf.

kali-i., Lyc, Merc, nat-c, nat-m., psor.,
Puis., rhus-t., Sil., Sulph., tell., thuj.,
escaping, sensation of: ^th., calc, canth., zinc.
clem., kali-c, ol-an., par.
petrous portion temporal bone : Caps.
as if hot water were running out of right:
Cham. ITCHING in: Aeon., aeth.. Agar., alum., ambr.,
am-c, am-m., anac, a^iag., ant-c, apis,
flushes: Arg-m., lyc.
arg-m., ars., asc-t., arund.,
Aur., berb.,
inside: Aeon., asar., calc, calc-ph., canth., bar-c, benz-ac, bor., bov., bry., calad., ra/c,
case, chel., com., lyc, puis. calc-ph., canth., caps., carb-ac, carb-s.,
carb-v., carl., caust., chel., chin., cinnb.,
one-sided: Alum., asar., carb-v., ign.
cist., coc-c, coloc, con., crot-h., crot-t.,
passing in, as if hot water were: Euphr. cupr., cycl., elaps, fago, ferr-m., ferr-mag.,

pressure in occiput, during: Gran. fl-ac, form., graph., grat., guare., ham.,
hep., h3rper., ign., kali-bi., kali-c, kali-i.,
redness of one ear, and: Alum., tabac.
kali-n., kalm., kreos'., lach., lachn., laur.,
swallowing, from: Arund. lept., lyc, lyssin, mag-c, mag-m., mane,
mang., med., meph., merc-i-f.,
extending over half of head: Chel.
merc-i-r., mere, mez., mill., mosch., mmr-ac,
occiput to nape of neck: Spong. nat-c, nat-m., nat-ph., nat-s., nit-ac, nux-v.
ol-an., peeon., petr., phel., phos., phos-ac,
to pharynx, evening while riding:^Nux-m.
pic-ac, ;>jr<?r.,ptel.. Puis., rat., rath., rheiun,
HOLLOWNESS, sensation of: Aur-m., nux-v. rhodo., Rhus-t., rumx., ruta, sabad., samb.,
in morning amel. after dinner: Nux-v. sars., Sep., sil., spig., spong., stann., strych.,
sul-ac, Sulph., sul-i., tabac, tarax., tarent.,
INFLAMMATION: Apis, bell., bor., bov., bry.,
Tell., tromb., verat-v., wyeth., zinc.
cad., cadm., calc, canth., fl-ac, kali-bi.,
kali-c, kali-i., kreos., mag-c, Mere, right: Carb-ac, chel., cinnb., meny., merc-i-r.,
pic-ac. Puis,, fhus-l., tereb., verat. mez., nat-m., psor., rat., rumx., tarent.
erysipelatous: Apis, ars., bell., calc-ph., left: Anag., benz-ac, calc, caust., cist.,

carb-v., kali-bi., meph., mere, peir.. Puis., coc-c, form., ham., mang., mur-ac, nat-s.,

stann., sulph., tell.,

rhus-t., rhus-v., samb., sep., sulph., tell., phel., rhus-t., sars.,

tep. verat-v., zinc

suppurative: Arn., caps, morning: Am-c, nat-c, kali-n.

edges of : Sil. rising, after: Arg-m.

which spreads over whole body: Amc behind ear: Agar., alum., aur., aur-m., brom.,
calc, carb-v., fago., Graph., hura, lyc,
afternoon: Agar., laur., ol-an., puis.
mag-c, mag-m., merc-i-f., mez., Nat-m.
evening: Aeon., bor., calad., calc-ph., elaps, nit-ac, petr., rhus-v., sulph., ther., til.,

graph., grat., mag-c, nat-m., psor., ptils. verat., verat-v.

walking, while: Bor. noon: Fago.

9 p. m.: Phel. evening in bed: Merc-i-f., sulph.
night: Merc-i-r., sep., strych.
night: Aur-m., mag-c, mag-m., merc-i-f.,

air, open, amel. : Aeon. # ruta.

boring with finger amel.: j^th., agar., bov., in bed: Merc-i-f.

coc-c., coloc, fl-ac., lachn., laur., mag-m., mag-m..
scratching amel.: Mag-c,
mill., ol-an., zinc.
does not amel.: Agar., carb-v., laur., mang.
scratching amel.: Brom., mag-c, mag-m.,
burning: Agar., arund., calc, calc-ph., com., ruta.
below: Ars., caust., mag-c, ol-an., verat.
after scratching: Fl-ac.
scratching amel. : Mag-c.
warm room: Calc-ph.
in front of: Ol-an.
cough, from: Lach.
inside (in meatus and deep in): Agar., alum.,
eating, while: Lachn. ambr., ant-c, ars., bar-c, cist., caps., carb-v.

frozen, as caust., chel., coc-c, colch., coloc, crot-h.,

if: Agar., hipp.
cycl., fl-ac, graph., A^/>., ign., kali-c, kali-n.,
menses, during: Agar,
laur., lyc, mag-c, mang., mere, merc-i-r.,
moving jaws, when: Phos-ac. mez., nat-c, nat-m., nat-ph., nat-s., nit-ac,
"SvCL-Y., pctr., phos., phos-ac. ,
riding, after: Calc-ph. ,

rumx., ruta, sep., sars., sil., sulph., Tell.,

rising, soon after: Tromb. zinc.

rubbing agg. : Alum. eustachian tubes, in: Agar., arg-m., caust.,

does not amel. : Zinc. coc-c, coloc, Nux-v., Sil.

amel.: Ol-an., phel. compels swallowing: Nux-V.

scratching amel. : Caust. ,

mag-c. nat-c.
moving jaws, on: Phos-ac.

not amel. by: Am-m., arg-m.^ ii-ac.

scratching amel. : Mag-c. , nat-c.

must scratch until it bleeds: Nat-p. lobes: Agar., alum., arg-m., caust., graph.,
kali-bi., laur., nat-m., nux-v., sabad., sulph.
sleep, during: Lyc.
at night: Nux-v.
stitching: Lach.

swallowing, while: Sil.

LUMPS, hard, behind ear: Cinnb.

compelling: Carb-v., nux-v. MOISTURE behind the ears: Graph., lyc, petr.

touch amel.: Hyper., nat-m. NODES on ears, copper-colored: Graph.

warm, going from cold air into, agg. : Coc-c. NOISES in: Aeon., act-sp., ezsc, agar., agn., ail,,
all-c, aloe, alum., ambr., am-c, am-m.,
warm room: Calc-p,
anac, anag., ang., ant-c, ant-t., arg-n.,
walking, while: Bor. am., ars., arund., asar., asaf., aster., atro.,
yawning, while: Aeon, aur., bar-c, bar-m.. Bell., berb., bism.,
bor., bov., brom., bry., cact., cadm., cain.,
about the ear, evening: Phel.
calad., Calc, calc-ph., camph., Cann-i.,

NOISES, morning.
caun-s., caiith., carb-ac, carb-aii., carb-h., waking, on: Hyper., naja, nat-m., rhodo.
carb-o., carb-s., carb-v., carls., castor.,
after: Bell.
Caust., cedr., Cham., chel., Chin., Chin-s.^
chlof., cic, ciniic, cit-v., clem., coca, forenoon: Carb-v.,
cocc, fl-ac. , hura.
coc-c, coff., colch., coloc, com., con., cop.,
during coldness: Chin-s.
croc, crot-t., cupr., cupr-ac, cur., cycl.,
daph., dig., dios., dire, dros., dulc, elap.s, 9 a. m.: Euphr., hura.
ery-a., euon., eup-per., eup-pur., ferr., II a. m.: Mag-e, nat-m.
ferr-i., fl-ac, form., gamb.,^/o«., Graph.,
guare., hell., hep., hura, hydr., hydr-ac
noon: Cedr., fago., glon.

hyos., hyper., ign., ill., indg., iod., afternoon: All-c, ambr., ant-c, carb-v.,
kali-bi., kali-br., kali-c, kali-chl., Cham., gamb., kalm., mag-e, ptel., puis.,
kali-n., kalm., kreos., lac-c, lack., spig.
lact, lac-ac, laur., led., lye, lyssin,
mag-c, air, open, coming from: Thuj.
mag-m., mag-s., manc.,mang., meny., mere,
merc-c, mez., morph., mosch., mur-ac, while walking in: Lachn.
myric, maja, nat-c, nai-m., nat-s., nice, house, in: Mag-c.
nii-ac, nux-m., 7iux-v., olnd., op., osm.,
pseon.,/ar., petr., phell., Phos-ac, phos\ rising, on: Lac-ac.

pic-ac, pin-s., plant. //a;f. plb., psor.,-ptQl., writing, while: Carl.

, ,

Puis., rheum, rhodo., rhus-t., ruta, sabad.,

2 p. m.: Hydr., verat.
sabin., sal-ac, Sang., sarr., sars.,
seneg., sep., stl., Spig., spong., stann., 3 p. m. : Elaps, fago., mag-c.
staph., stram., stront., strych., sul-ac, 4 p. m. : Dios.
Sulph., tabac, tarax., tarent., tep., teucr.,
thea, ther., thuj., til., valer., verat., xanth., 5 p. m.: 01-an., sulph.
zinc. 6 p. m. : 01-an.

right: ^sc, ail., ang., bor.,

brom., castor. evening: Alum., bar-e, cinnb., calc, caust.,
Cham., chlor., colch., con., lye, meny. ferr., croc, gamb., glon., grap/i., hydr., kaU-n.,
mere, merc-c. mez., mill., mur-ac. nat-s.
, ,
lach., lact., mag-e, merc-i-r., mere, murx.,
rheum, rhus-v., sep spong., stront.
nat-a., nat-m., petr., phos-ac, plb., ptel.,
rhodo., selen., sep., sil., spig., stann., sumb.,
left: Agar., anae, bov., bry., carb-s., chel.
tabac, thuj., zinc.
cie, cob., coc-c. ,
ery-a., graph., mag-s.
myric, uat-m., sars., stann., staph., zinc. in bed: Croc, graph., lact., mere, phos.,
selen., Sulph., valer.
daytime: Phos-ac, sulph.
eating, while: Graph., petr.
morning: Alum., bell., calc, clem., dros.
dulc, lach., mere, nat-c, phell., phos-ac. after: Canth.
plat., puis.
l}dng: Plat., puis., sulph.
bed, in: Arg-u., aur., graph., mag-e, nat-m.
reading, while: Glon.
puis., sulph.
sitting still, while: Op.
on moving the jaw: Graph,
sleep, after going to: Calc, sulph-ac.
breakfast, before: Ant-c.
waking, on: Hydr.
during: Carb-v.
writing, while: Sep.
after: Zinc,
7 p. m. : Phys.
rising, on: Mez.
8 p. m. : Ham.
after: Alum., ars., calc, nux-v., sil.

9 p. m. Hydr. :

snuiBng and eructations, from: Teucr.

10 p. m. : Nat-a.


night: Am-c, ani-m., bar-c, carb-aii., cham fever, during: Lach.
chin., chin-s., cycl., dtilc, euph., graph head, heaviness of, with: Ars.
l3'ssin, mur-ac, nice, nux-v., phos-ac, rat
ther., zinc.
inspiration, during: Bar-c.

intermittent, during: Ars.

headache, with, agg. : Cycl.
leaning on head amel. : Ferr. , kali-c.
twitching, with: Nice.
lying, while: Agar., all-c, cann-i., cupr.,
waking, on: Con.
mag-c, mere, phos., sil., sulph., tarent.
midnight: Am-c, rat.
long agg. : Nat-c.
lying on the ear: Am-c.
upon the ear: Am-c, bar-c, mez., rhus-r.,
waking, on: Rat.
2 a. m.: Chin-s.
amel.: Bell., nat-c, phos-ac.
air, in open: Agar., graph., tabac.
menses, before: Bor., bry., ferr., kreos.

amel. : Ars., cic.

during: Ars., bor., chin., kreos., petr.,
bagpipe, as from distant: Nat-c. verat.

bed, in: Con., mere, tarent. after: Chin.

blowing nose, when: Bar-c, calc, carb-an., suppressed: Calc, graph., puis.
hep., mang., meny., phos-ac, stann., teucr.
mental anxiety agg. ; Act-sp.

boring into ear amel.: Cast., lach., nice motion, during: Nat-c, nux-v., puis., staph.,
breakfast, during: Zinc
breathing, when: Bar-c. moving head, when: Graph., puis., staph.

cataract of the eye, with: Secale. jaw, when: Ant-c, carb-v ., graph
music amel.: Aur., aur-m.
chewing, while: Aloe, alum., calc, carb-v.,
graph., mang., meny., nat-m., nit-ac, loud: Coloc, ol-an., tabac.
nux-v., sulph.
noise agg.: Coloc, ol-an., kali-ph., plat,
chill, during: Glon. phos., tabac.
closing eyes: Chel. opening the mouth : Dulc.
coition, during: Graph. perspiration, with: Ars.
after: Carb-v., dig. rest amel.: Staph., nux-v.

cold drink, after: Kali-c. rising, on: Kcon-c, phos.

coryza, with: Sep. amel.: Nat-c, tarent.
coughing, on: Nux-v., sil. from a seat: Verat.
dinner, during: Cou. stooping: Mang ,
after: Agar., mag-c. room, in: Cic, mag-c.
eating, while: Qon.,grap/i., sulph.
rubbing amel. : Meny.
after: Canth., cinnb., con., mag-c, op. sitting, while: Am-m., ars., bell., con., mag-s.
eructations, from: Caust., graph., teucr. merc-cy., nat-c, sulph.

excitement, during: Sulph. sneezing, on: Bar-c, euph., graph.

falling asleep, on, waking with a spasm, after: Ars.

start: Dig.,
of stomach: Atro.


standing, while, aniel.: Bell,
blowing a horn: /Calm.
stool, during: Lyc.
bubbling: Con., graph., na(-c.
after: Apoc.
buzzing sounds: Abrot., aeon.,
agar., all-c,
stooping, when: Croc.
aloe, alum., ambr., am-c,
am-in., arg-m!,
swallowing, when: Agar., Arg--!!., arfi., ars., aur., aur-ni.,
alum., bar-c, bar-c.,
bell., berb., bor., cacl.,
benz-ac, calc, cic, coca, coc-c, elaps, cain., calad., calc.,
eup-pur., graph., camph., Cann-i., carb-an.,
kali-i., mag-c, mang., carb-v., cari.,
nat-m., rhodo., castor., cedr., chel., Chin.,
sil., thuj. Chin-S.,
amel. Rheum. chlof.,cimic, cocc, coc-c, cojf., con., cop.,

croc, dig., dios., A.T:o%.,dulc., elaps, eup-per.,

synchronous with pulse: Coff., coloc, kali-bi., euph., ferr-ph.,form., gamb., glon., ham.,
kali-br., merc-c, nux-v., puls.,rh\\s-t., sep.,
hep., hydr-ac, hyos., iod., kali-c, kali-i.,
kalm., krcos., lach., lact., laur., lyssin,
talking, while: Nat-c, op., spig., teucr. mag-c, mag-m., merl., mere, mur-ac,
nat-m., nice, nit-ac, nux-m.,
turning the head: Caust., r\a.t-c.
olnd., op., petr., pic-ac, phos., plb., psor.,
vertigo, with: Alum., arg-m., ars., bell., calc, puis., rhodo., sabad., sabin., sal-ac, secale,
carb-v., camph., caust., CMn-s., cic, cocc, selen., sep., spig., stront., sulph., sul-ac,
colch., com., crot-h., crot-t., dig., glon., sul-i., tarent., ther., thuj., zinc.

gran., hell., kali-c, kalm., laur., mag-c,

right ear: Elaps, mag-c, mag-m., sulph.
myric, nat-c, nat m., nat-s., nux-v., petr.,
Phos., phos-ac, pic-ac, psor., puis., sang., left: Berb., coff.
seneg., sep., sil., stann., zinc. morning: Dios.
before: Lachn., sep.
on waking: Nat-m.
waking, on: Tarent.
forenoon, during: Rhodo.
walking, while: Bar-c, chel., colch., cycl., noon: Cedr., fago.
ferr., luanc, mang., many., nat-m., nice,
afternoon: Gamb.
rhus-t., spig.
evening: Bar-c, gamb., murx., spig.,
amel.: Bell.
fast: Bar-c.
in bed: L,act.
in the open air: Agar., carb-an., lachn.
night: Am-m., Bulc, euph.
warm room agg. : Ars.
chill, during: Glon.
whistling, while: Op.
headache, with: Dios.
writing, while: Sep.
intermittents, in: Ars.
yawning, when: Cocc, mang., mez., verat.
leaning ou head amel. : Kali-c.
bat, sounds as from: Mill.
menses, before: Kreos.
night: Phos-ac.
perspiration, during: Ars.
beating, sounds of distant, on rising amel.:
sitting, while: Am-m.
stool, after: Calc-ph.
as of beating against door: Ant-c.
swallowing, during: Rhodo.
bees, sound of . ( See " buzzing. "
vertigo, during: Ars., Chin-S., cic, glon.,
bell of a clock : Mang,
laur., nat-s., zinc.
bells (see "ringing"): Ars., chin., clem.,
crot-h., sars., spig., valer. whistling, most distinct when: Rhodo.


NOISES. NOISES, cracking.

cannonading: Bad., chel., mosch. opening the mouth: Dulc.

reading aloud: Aloe,
distant: Plat.
sneezing, when: Bar-c, hry., graph.
cascade, sound as of. (See "rushing.")
stroking cheek with fingers: Sang.
cat, sound like the spitting of a, in afternoon;
Nit-ac. swallowing: Agar., alum., bar-c, calc,
cic, coca, coc-c, der., elaps, kali-chl.,
chirping: Agar., bry., calad., carb-v., caust.,
euph., ferr., lach., lye, mur-ac, nice, mang., nat-m., sil.

nux-v., puis., rat., sil., sulph., tarax. turning the head: Canst.
morning in bed: Puis. walking fast: Bar-c.
night: Mur-ac. yawning, when: Cocc.
crickets, as of: Carb-v., caust., cedr., euph.,
crackling in: Aeon., agar., alum., ambr., ars.,
meny., nice.,' nux-v., sil., tarax.
aur., bar-c, bor. calc, cann-i., carb-v.,

grasshoppers, as of: Tarax. coc-c, con., dulc, elaps, eup-pur., glon.,

Nux-v. graph., hep., kali-c, kali-i., lach., meny.,
locusts, as of, at night:
mosch., nit-ac, puis., rheum, sabin., sep.,
clashing: Majig., sabad., sil.
spig., sulph., teucr.
clucking: Agar., Bar-c, cadm., elaps, graph.,
morning during breakfast: Carb-v.
evening: Aeon., bor.
when rising from stooping: Sep.
blowing nose: Hep., teucr.
cracking: Agar., bar-c, cocc, coc-c,
comoc, dulc, ery-a., form., glon., graph., chewing, when: Alum., carb-v.
hep., kali-c, kali-chl., kalm., lack., mang.,
lying upon ear: Bar-c.
meny., mosch., mur-ac, nat-c, nat-m.,
nit-ac, ol-an., Petr., psor., puis., rhodo., motion of jaws: Carb-v.
strych., sulph., tarent., thuj., zinc. sneezing, when: Bar-c
morning: Nat-c. synchronous with pulse : CofT. puis.

bed, in: Graph. swallowing, when: Alum., bar-c, elaps,

breakfast, during: Nit-ac. eup-pur., graph., hep., kali-i.

after: Zinc walking, while: Bar-c, meny.

moving jaw: Graph. crashing in: Aloe, bar-c, con., dig., zinc.

evening: Petr. night: Bar-c.

eating, while: Graph., petr. on falling asleep: Dig., zinc.

night: Mur-ac. as from breaking of a pane of glass : Aloe,

blowing nose: Hep., kali-chl., mang.
on falling asleep: Zinc.
burst, as if drum had, during sleep: Lach.
chewing, when: Aloe, alum., bar-c, calc, creaking in: Agar., ambr., graph., mosch.,
graph., meny. ,nal-m., nii-ac, sil., sulph., stann., thuj.
petr. morning in bed on moving jaws: Graph,
coughing, while: Nux-v. evening: Stann.
intermittent: Petr. while eating: Graph,
moving head: Graph., swallowing, when: Agar., graph., thuj.
the jaw: Alo&, graph. crickets. ( See '
' chirping. '



NOISES, hissing.
croaking as from frogs, while sitting: Mag-s.
mag-m., med., nat-s., nux-v., pic-ac, sil.,
while walking: Mang. sulph., sumb., teucr., thuj., valer.

cymbals and drums, sounds of: Lob. morning from snuffing and eructation:
drumming in: Bell., bor., canth., cupr., dros.,
dulc, lack., mane. evening: Calc.

morning: I^ach. boiling water, as from: Bar-e., cami-i.,

waking, on: I^ach.
ringing: Nux-v.
distant: Cupr., dros., mez.
synchronous with pulse: Benz-ac.
dull: Bor.
talking, while: Teucr.
while lying on the ear, amel. rising up:
Cupr. humming: Abrot., aeon., act-sp., agar., all-c.,
walking, while: Mane, all-s., alum., am-c, am-m., amyl-n.,
anac, anag., ant-c, arg-n., am., ars., aur.,
explosion, like an: Cann-i., dig., phos.
bell., bry., ealc, cajilh., carb-ac, earb-an.,
as from breaking glass: Aloe, zinc. carb-s., carb-v., card., carl., case, cast.,
caust., Cham., chel., Chin., chi^i-s., cob.,
fluttering sounds: Aeon., agar., alum., ant-t,
con., cop., croc, crot-t., cycl., daph., dire,
aur., bar-e., bell., berb., bor., calc, carl., dros., dulc, /err., gels., glon., graph., hep.,
caust., eham., chin., coee., con., cupr., hyos., iod., kali-c, kalm., kreos., lact.,
dros., dulc, graph., hep., kali-c., lach., laur., Lyc, mag-m., meny., mere, merc-c,
laur., mag-c, wag-in., mang., meny., mez., mur-ac, nat-c, nat-m., nice, nit-ac,
mere, mosch., nat-m., nit-ac, olnd., petr., nux-v. petr. ,op., phos. psor. puis. rhodo.
, , ,

phos-ac, plat, ptds., rheum, rhodo, sabad., sabad., sang., secale, seneg., sep., sil., spig.,
selen., sep., sil., Spig,, spong., stann., strych., sulph., tabac, verat., verat-v., zing,
sulph., zinc.
morning: Alum.
morning: Bell.
after rising: Ars., sil.
waking, after: Bell,
waking, on: Nat-m., rhodo.
evening: Mag-c., tabac.
II a. m. : Zing,
5 p. m. : Sulph.
evening: Alum., nice, sep., spig.
bird, as from: Ant-t, cham., mag-c.,
supper, after: Canth.
night: Agar,
butterfly, as from, during dinner: Nat-m.
air, open, agg. : Tabac.
dinner, during: Nat-m.
amel.: Ars.
eructation, with: Graph,
laying head on table amel. : Ferr.
rhythmical: Sil.
lying: All-c.
gong, like, while lying: Sars.
on the ear, while: Mez.
guns, sound of: Am-c., cann-i., graph., spong.
menses, during: Kreos.
night: Spong.
mental anxiety agg. : Act-sp.
swallowing, when: Graph,
motion, on: Puis.
hammering, sounds of: Spig.
noise, loud, agg.: Ol-an., tabac.
hissing: Aeon., agar., alum., bar-c., benz-ac,
bry., cain., calc, cann-i., chin.. Dig., dros.,
room, in, agg. : Tabac
glon., graph.-, ill., kali-n., kreos., lach., lye., sitting, while, agg.: Bell.


NOISES, humming. NOISES, reverberations.

sleep, after: Act-sp. phos-ac, plat., puis., rhodo., sars., secale,

synchronous with pulse: Carl., puis,
morning: Caust., phos.
talking, while: Op.
before breakfast: Ant-c.
vertigo, with: Sep.
blowing nose: Bar-c, hep.
warm room agg. : Ars.
every sound: Caust., lyc, phos.
machinery, soimd of: Hydr. with difficult hearing: Caust.
2 p. m.: Hydr.
own voice: Caust., nit-ac, phos., phos-ac.
mice, sound of: Rhus-t.
painful: Cop., nit-ac.
mill, sound of: Bry., cit-v. iod., mez., naja
swallowing, when: Cic.
waking, on: Puis,
morning on waking: Naja.
walking amel.: Cop.
distance, at a: Bry., mez.
words: Caust., nit-ac, phos., phos-ac.
music, sounds like: Ail., calc, cann-i., mere.
nat-c, phos., plb., puis., sal-ac, sarr. ringing: Acon., esse, agar., agn., ail., all-c,
stram. aloe, alum., alumn., ambr., am-c, ang.,
anan., ant-c, apis, arg-n., arn.,arj., arund.,
evening on lying down. Puis,
asaf., atro.,
aur., aur-m., bar-c. Bell,
piping: Bar. berb., bor., brom., bry., Cact., Calc, calc-i.,
shrill: Coff. camph., Cann-i., cann-s., canth., carb-an.,
carb-o., carb-s., carb-v., carl., Caust., cham.,
whimpering tune: Ant-c.
chel.. Chin., Chin-s., chlof., chlol., chlor.,
nail driven into a board at a distance, sound cic, cit-v., clem., cocc, coc-c, coca, coff.,
of: Agar. colch., coloc, com., con., croc, crot-h.,
ca^x.,cycl.,dig., dios., dulc, elaps, ery-a.
rain, sound of : Kali-i., rhodo., rhus-r
euph., euphr., ferr., fl-ac, form., gamb.,
reports in: Aloe, am-c, aster., bad., glon., gran., graph., guare., ham., hep.,
Calc, chin., chel., cic, eup-pur., graph., hell., hura, hydr., hydr-ac, hydrc, hyos.,
kali-c, mosch., nit-ac, plat., rhus-t., ign., ill., iod., ip., kali-bi., kali-c, kali-cy.|
staph., zinc. kali-i., kali-n., kalm., kreos., lach.,
morning after breakfast: Zinc,
led.,lyc, mag-c, mag-s., mane, mang.,
meny., mere, merc-cy., mez., mill., morph.'
afternoon on going to sleep: Rhus-t.
rnur-ac, myric, nat-c, nat-m., nat-s\
night: Bar-c, spong. nit-ac, nux-m., 7iux-v., olnd., op., asm]
paeon., /ar., phell.,
^Qir., phos., phos-ac.,
breaking of glass, like the: Aloe., zinc, plant., plat., plb., Psor., ptel..
Puis., rhodo.,
distant shots, as of: Am-c, bad., chel. rumx., rhus-v., ruta, sabad., sal-ac,
drops of blood, with: Mosch. sars., Sep., selen., 5z7., sol-t-ae.,
spig., spong.,'
stann., stram., staph., Sulph., sulph-ac!',
menses, during: Mosch.
tabac, tarent., tereb., teucr., thnj.,
sleep, on going to: Rhus-t. valer., verat, vine, viol-o., xanth.,
swallowing, when: Cic. right: ^sc, ail., ang., bor., brom., cham.,
chlor., colch., coloc, con., ferr., \yz.,
violent in ears: Aster.
meny., mill., nat-s.,osm., rhus-v.,
reverberations: (includes " Echoes and thuj., xanth.
echoes "): ^ar-^., cad-m.,
Caust,, cic, cop., left: Agar., arn., caust., cic, coc-c,
graph., hep., hydr-ac, kali-c, ery-a
lach., lyc gamb., graph.,
mere, mosch., nat-c, nit-ac, '
mag-s., myric., nux-v.,
nux-v., Phos par., sars., stann., staph.

NOISES, ringing. NOISES, ringing.
daytime: Sulpli. epileptic before;
lit, Hyos.
morning: Clem., phel. headache, during: Acon-c, carb-s.. Chin.,
in bed: Arg-n., uiag-c, sulph. cycl., dios., euphr., naja., puis.

on rising: Mez. lying dow'i agg.: Sulph.

forenoon: Carb-v., fl-ac. after: Croc,

coldness, during: Chin-s. menses, before: Ferr.

9 a. m.: Euphr.
during: Ferr., verat.

II a. m. : Nat-m. motion, during: Nux-v.

noon: Glon. moving the head: Staph,

afternoon: Carb-v., kali-n., kalm. rest amel. : Nux-v., staph,

when writing : Carl. rising amel. : Tarent.

2 p. m. : Verat-v. rubbing amel. : Meny.

m.: Fago. sitting, while: Ars., merc-cy,, sulph.

3 p.

m. Dios. sneezing, on: Euph.

4 p. :

stool, during: Lyc.

6 p. m. : 01-an.

evening: Bar-c, caust., croc. kali-n , mere, after: Apoc.

. ,

rhodo., sil., valer. stopping up ear with finger does not amel:
Merc, phos., rhodo., valer. Croc.
in bed: Croc,
talking, while: Spig.
7 p. m. : Phys.
turning head Nat-c.
8 p. m. : Ham. :

vertigo, with: Alum., carb-v., cocc, com.,

night: Carb-an., cycL, phos-ac, zinc.
dig., mj^ric, nat-m.
with headache agg. : Cycl.
waking, on: Tarent.
after lying agg. : Sulph.
walking, while: Chel., mane, nice, rhus-t.
forcing him to rise and walk about: Sil.
in open air: Agar., carb-an.
midnight, on waking: Rat.
yawning, with: Aeon.
2 a. m. : Chin-s.
roaring: Aeon., agar., agn., all-c, alum.,
air, open: Carb-an. ambr., a.m-c., am-m., anae., ant-c, ant-t.,

blowing nose: Carb-an., teucr. arg-n., arn., ars., asar., atro., aur., aur-m.,
bapt., bar-c., bar-m.. Bell., berb., bism.,
boring amel.: Meny., nice,
bor., bov., brom., bry., cact., cain., calad.
chill, during: Cedr., CMn-S. calc., camph., cann-s., canth., carb-ac.

carb-an., carb-h., carb-v., earl., cast., Caust,

closing eyes: Chel.
Cham., cedr., chel., CMn., Chin-s., chlo.,
coitus, after: Dig. cic, cinnb., cimic, clem., coca, cocc.,

coc-c, co^.,colch. coloc., con., cop., croc,

coldness, during: Graph, ,

crot-t., cupr., cycl., daph., dig., dire, dros.,

cold water amel. : Euph. euph., euou., ferr., ferr-t.,
dulc, elaps,
cough, with: Sil. gels.. Graph., hell., hep., hydr., hydr-ac,
indg., iod., jatr., kali-bi.,
hyos., igu., ill.,
dinner, during: Sulph. kreos.,
kali-c, kali-chl., kali-i., kali-n.,

after: Mag-c, cinnb. lac-c, lach., lact., laur., led., Lyc, mag-e.,
mag-m., mane, mang., merl., meny.,
distant: All-c, arg-n., coca, spig.
NOISES, roaring. NOISES, roaring, night.

mere, merc-c, mez., morph., mosch., wind, as of a soft: Sep.

mur-ac, nat-c, nat-m., nice, nit-ac,
air, open, amel. : Cic, puis,
Uux-V,, olnd., ol-an., op., paeon., pelr.,
Phos-ac, phos., plat., plb., psor., ptel.. bed, in: Con., mere
Puis., rheum, rhodo., lus-t., rumx., blowing nose: Meny.
sal-ac, sang., secale, seneg., scp., sil., Spig",,
spoug., staph., stram.,
boring finger in ear amel.: Castor., lach.
stront., strych.,
sul-ac, Sulph., tabac, tep., tereb., teucr., cataract, with: Secale.
tbea, ther., thuj., til., verat-a., verat-v.,
coition, after: Dig., carb-v.
viol-o., zinc.
coryza, with: Aeon., sep.
right: Am-m., cast., canst., con., mag-c,
merc-c, mur-ac, rheum, stront. dinner, after: cinnb., con.

left: Agar., bor., bo v., bry., coc-c coloc. distant tornado, like: Asar.
graph., nat-m., thuj. eating, while: Con., sil.

daytime: Phos-ac, sulph. after: Cinnb., op., sil.

morning: Alum., calc., mag-m., mere. fever, during: I^ach.

phos-ac, plat., tabac.
full moon: Graph,
bed, in: Aur., nat-m.
headache, with: Gels., sil.
lying on the ear: Mag-m.
holding hand over eyes, amel. : Spig.
rising, after: Alum., calc, nux-v.
inspiration, during: Bar-c.
lasting all day: Phos-ac.
lying in bed, while: Mag-c, mere,
waking, on: Hyper.
on the ear: Mag-m., spong.
II a. m.: Mag-c.
amel. : Phos.
afternoon: All-c, ambr., ant-c, cham.
menses, before: Bor.
coming from open air: Thuj. during: Ars., bor., kreos., petr., verai.
rising, on : Ivac-ac._
suppressed: Graph,
3 p. ni. : Elaps, mag-c.
motion agg. : Nat-c.
evening: Alum., caust., cinnb., hydr., nausea: Calc.
mag-c, plb., ptel., petr,, phos-ac, spig.,
thuj. pain, with every attack of: Ars., lach.

after lying down : Plat, perspiration, during: Ars., ign.

after going to sleep: Calc, sul-ac.

pulsation, with: Lach., mere, zinc,
bed, in: Sulph. reading agg.. Aeon,

while sitting still: Op. rising, on: Aeon., p/ios.

waking, on: Hydr. from a seat: Verat.

7 P- m. : Mag-c. room, in, agg.: Cic, mag-c.

9 P- m.: Hydr. rhythmical: Coloc, kali-br., sep.,

night: Am-c, chin., coc-c, elaps, euph.. sitting, while: Con., nat-m.
Graph., kali-bi., nice, nux-v., sep., zinc sitting up amel. : Mag-c.
synchronous with pulse: Kali-bi.
sneezing, on: Mag-c.
twitching, with: Nice,
sound, on every: Coloc, ol-an.
waking, on: Con.
spasms, after: Ars.

NOISES, roaring. NOISES, rushing.
speaking agg. : Nat-c. bed, in: L,il-t., mere, nat-m.
stillness, dnring, agg.: Ant-c. coition, during: Graph.
stool, straining at: Lyc. distant: Brom.
stooping after: Mang. lying, while: Agar.

when: Croc, on the ear: Am-c.

supper, after: Canth. menses, before: Bor.
swallowing, on: Mag-c. during: Kreos.
synchronous with pulse: Kali-bi., sep. rising from a seat: Verat.

on walking: Acon-c. steam escaping, like: Glon.

vertigo, with: Bell., calc, carb-v., cocc. synchronous with pulse: Puis.
crot-t., gran., hell., nat-c, op., petr.,
water, as of: Aster.,
Cham., cocc, kali-n.
phos. psor.

mag-c, mag-s., nit-ac, petr., puis.

walking, while: Colch., cj'cl., ferr., nat-m.
after 4 p. m. : Puis.
waterfall, as from, on opening mouth dur-
waterfall, like a: Ars., aster., aur., bry., caust.,
ing dinner: Sul-ac.
cann-i., chel., chin-s., con., lyssin, mag-c,
whistling, alternating with: Mag-c. nat-ph., petr., rhus-t., sul-ac, ther.
yawning with: Verat.
wind rushing out of, as if: Abrot., mosch.,
rolling: Graph., plat. sulph.

rumbling: Apis, bry., equis., plat., selen., rustling: Aloe, bell., bor., brom., carb-v.,
sep. caust., mang., mere, phos., puis., sil.,

ther., viol-o.
right: Sep.
during motion of jaws: Aloe, carb-v.
left: Ekips.
shrieking in, on blowing nose: Stann.
evening in bed: Selen.
tornado, like a distant: Asar. singing: Aeon., am-m., arg-m., arn., ars.,
asar., atro., bell., bry., cact., calc, calc-ph.,
rushing: Abrot., agar., am-c, am., ars.,
calc-s., camph., cann-i., cann-s., curb-o.,
aster., aur., bor., bov., brom., caust., chins., carb-s., caust., cedr., chel., Chin., chlof.,
cinnb., cocc, coloc, con., d^Xz., gels., glon., chlor., cimic, cofF., coloc, con., croc,
graph., hyos., kali-c, kali-cy., kali-n., cupr-ac, ery-a., ferr., ferr-m., fl-ac, glon.,
lach., lil-t., Lyc, lyssin, mag-c, mag-s., graph., hyos., hali-hi., kali-c, kali-i., lac-ac,
mang., mere, mez., mosch., nat-a., nat-c, lach., lachn., lyc, merc-i-r., mur-ac, nat-c,
nat-m., nux-v., petr., phos., phyt., puis., nat-m., nux-v., olnd., ol-an., op., petr.,
rhus-t., stann., sulph., tab., ther., verat., phell., phos., phos-ac, phys., psor., rhus-t.,
viol-o. sang., secale, sep., strain., sulph-i., sumb.,
tereb., verb.
morning: Dulc, mere,
evening: Petr. right: Asar., calc-ph., nat-c.

left: Bry., tareut.

4 p. m.: Puis.
m. Mag-c. morning: Phel.
7 p. :

9:40 p. m. : Nat-a. afternoon, while walking in open air:

night: Am-c, nux-v., ther.

after going to bed: Lil-t. 5 p. m.: Ol-an.

evening: Merc-i-r., sumb.

midnight, when lying on the ear: Am-c.


NOISES, singing. NOISES, tinkling.

night: Mur-ac, nux-v. nux-v., olnd., ol-an., op., par., petr., puis.,

lying down after: Phys. sars., stann., staph., sulph., tereb., valer.,
closing eyes, on: Chel.
trumpets, a din like: Bell,
locust, like: Nux-v., rhus-t.

lying, while: Cann-i., phos., phos-ac.

twanging, as upon a harp string: Lyc
a loose wire: Phel.
menses, before: Ferr.

during: Petr. twittering in : Calad., puis., rhus t.

after: Chin., ferr. as from a cricket, morning in bed: Puis.

periodically: Cann-i. warbling, as of birds: Bell., bry.

resting head on table amel.: Ferr. watch, sound as of, when winding: Ambr.
sitting, while: Ars. water, sounds as if, were in ear: Nit-ac.

spasm of stomach, with: Atro. boiling, sounds like: Bry., cann-i., dig.,
sulph., thuj.
steam escaping: Phys.
waterfall, sound of . {See " rushing."
teakettle, like a: Lack., tarent.
whirring: Kali-c, lact., lyc, merc-c, puis.
vertigo, with: Camph., sang., stram.
walking in open evening in bed: Lact.
air, while: I,achn.

snapping: Ambr., dulc, graph., lac-ac, puis., rhythmical with pulse : Merc-c.
bor. whispering: Am-c, dulc, rhodo.
electric sparks, like: Ambr., calc, dulc, morning: Dulc.
hep., rheum, sabad.
evening: Rhodo.
eructation, after every: Graph.
whistling: ^th., alum., airidr., aur., bell.,
opening the mouth, when: Dulc.
carb-an., caust., chel., cur., elaps, ferr.,
synchronous with the pulse: Ars-s-r. graph., hep., hura,
lyc, mag-c,kreos.,

turning the head, on mane, mere, mur-ac, mix-v., puis., sars.,

: Caust.
Sep., sil., teucr., verat., zinc.
squeaking: Eup-pur.
forenoon: Hura.
swashing in: Sarr., sulph.
9 a. m. : Hura.
when moving jaws: Ant-c.
afternoon: Ambr.
thundering in: Am-m., calc, carb-o., chel.,
graph., lach., ol-an., petr., plat., evening: Lyc, sep.
sil. blowing the nose: Carb-an., hep., lyc,
night: Am-m. phos-ac.

sitting: Am-m. roaring alternately with: Mag-c.

ticking in: Chi,i., graph., mag-s.,

walking, while: Mane
petr., tereb.
writing, while: Sep.
evening: Nat-m.
whizzing: Agar., alum., am-c, arg-n.,
tick-tack sound in: Calad., berb., brom., calc, caust., chel., hep.,
gad. hura]
kali-c, lach., laur.,
tinkling in: Agn., aloe, am-c,
am-m., atro.
led., Lyc, mag-c,
mang^, mere, mur-ac, naja, nat-e, nice,
bar-c, bell., berb., carb-v.,
canst., cham., olnd., Petr., phos.,
chin., con., ferr.,
phos-ac, plat., plb.^
graph., kali-c., lyc rhus-t, sang., sep., sulph., sulph-ae,
mag-c, meny., mur-ac, nat-m.,
nat-s tabae, tarent., thuj., zinc.

NOISES, whizzing. PAIN.
daytime: Phos-ac. ganilj., gels., glon., graph., guaj., ham.,

inorniiig: Plat.
hell., hura, hydr., hyos., hyper., ign., indg.,
iod., ip., jat., kali-bi., kali-c, kali-chl.,
forenoon, ii a. m.: Mag-c. kali-i., kali-n., kalni., lac-ac, Lach., lac-c,
evening: Phos-ac, snlph-ac, zinc. lact., laur., lil-t., lith., lob., lob-s., lye,
lyssin, mag-c, mag-m., mag-s., mag-ph.,
lying down, after: Plat.
mang., med., meph., merc-c, merc-i-f.,
writing, while: Sep. Mere, merl., mez., mil., morph.,
mosch., mtir-ac, nat-c, nal-m., nat-s.,
night: Ani-c.
nice, nit-ac, nux-m., nux-v., olnd., ol-j.,
while in bed amel. : Plios., plat. op., osra., ox-ac, par., pelr., phell., phos.,

wind, sound of: Am-c, calc, carb-s., chel., phos-ac, phys., phyt., plant., plat., plb.,
ign., led., mag-c, plat., /!>«/^., spig., vine prun., psor., ptel., Puis., raph., rhodo.,
rhus-t., rumx., ruta, sabad., sabin., sarab.,
afternoon: Mag-c, puis.
sang., sarr., sars., seneg., Sep., sil., spig.,
noise agg.: Plat. spong., squil. ,
stann., staph. stram,
sulph., sul-ac, syph., tabac, tarax., tarent.,
whirlwind: Croc.
tell., teucr., til., thuj., tromb., ust., valer.,

NUMBNESS: Calc-i., lach., m&-a.c., plat ,

sulph., verat.. Verb., xanth., zinc, zing.
thuj., verb.
right: .<33th. ambr., am-in., arg-n., aur-m.,
left: Thuj., tarax., verd. bar-c, bar-m., bell., brom., bry., caust.,
colch., coloc, cupr-ac, elaps, fl-ac, gels.,
about ear: Fl-ac, lach.
hura, jug., kalm., lye, mag-c, mag-m.,
in front of: Sulph. mere, nit-ac, petr., puis., rhodo., sep.

in meatus: Lach., mur-ac.

stront., sulph., tabac, thuj.. Til.

left: Aeon., calend., camph., coch. ery-a.,

OBSTRUCTION. (See " Stopped.") ,

dulc, form., guaj., lac-c, lach., mag-s.,

OPEN, seems more open, meatus: Aur-m., mez. mang., mez., mur-ac, petr., rhodo., spong.,
morning: Mez. stram., verb., zinc.

OPENING, sensation of an, thro' which the air then right: ^sc, brom., mere
could penetrate on opening and closing the day and night: Hell.
mouth: Thuj.
daytime: Nat-m., rhodo.
and closing, sensation as of a valve, on every
morning: AU-c, alum., ant-t., ars., ferr.,
step: Graph.
form., lyssin, mang., nat-c, nux-m., nux-v.,
PAIN: Aeon., act-sp., aesc, seth., agar., ail., rumx., sars., sep., tarent., tromb., verat.
all-c, aloe, alum., ambr., am-c, am-m.,
bed, in: Carb-v., ferr., mere, nux-v.
anac, ang., ant-c, ant-t., apis, aran.,
arg-m., arg-n., arn., ars., ars-i., arum-t., coughing, from: Dios.
arund., asaf., asar. ,
aur., aur-m., aur-m-n., rising, on: Ferr.,ybr;«.
bar-c, bar-m.. Bell., berb., bor., bov.,
waking, on: Sep.
brach., brom., bry. ,
cact., calad., calc,
calc-fl., calc-ph., calc-s., cadm., camph., washing in cold water: Bor.
cann-i., cann-s., canth., caps., carb-an.,
8 a. m. : Dios., nat-c.
carb-s., carb-v., carl., castor., catist., Cham,,
forenoon: Chin-s., hydr., mag-c, nat-m.,
chel., chin., chin-s., chlf., cic, cimic,
cinnb., clem., cob., coc-c. colch., coloc,
nux-m., plb., sars.

com., con., croc, crot-h., crot-t., cupr., sitting, while: Phos.

cupr-ar., cur., der., dig., dios., dros.,
standing, while: Plb.
dale, elaps, ery-a., euph. ,
euphr., eupi.,
fago., ferr., fen i., ferr-m., fl-ac, form., 9 a. m. : Elaps., nat-s.

PAIN", forenoon. PAIN, night.

9 a. m., after going out: Tell. 10 p. m. : Form,

10 a. in. : Mag-s. midnight: Kali-c.
11 a. m. : Dios., hydr. after: Sep.

noon: Aloe, chin-s., gels., psor., sulph. walking in wind: Sep.

afternoon: .^th., alum., aran. ,
bov., brom., driving her out of bed : Mygale.
bry., carb-s., chel.^ chin-s., form., euphr.. air, cold, in: Agar., bry., colch., hep,, mere,
gels., lyssin,merc-c, nat-a., rumx., strych
sulph., tarent., tromb. amel.: Phos.

blowing nose: Dios. draft: Camph., hep.

1 p. m. : Graph. open, in: Aeon., bry., con., euph., euphr.,

hep., lachn., lye, mang., sep., tabac.
2 p. m. : Chin-s.
amel.: Cic, puis,
3 p. m. : Phys.
alternating with eyes: Bell,
4 p. m.: Kalm., nat-c.
bell, during stroke of: Mag-m., phos-ac
5 p. m. : Berb.
blowing nose, when: Aet-sp., alum., bar-c,
evening: Aeon., aloe, alum., ars., berb., bor.,
calc, canst., con., dios., hep., lye,
brom., carb-v., caust., chin-s., cob., dios., phos-ac,
puis., sil., spig., stann., teucr., tromb.
graph., ham., hyos., hyper., indg., kali-bi.,
kali-c, lach., lye, mang.. mere, nat-c, amel.: Mang., stann.
nat-m., nux-v., ox-ac, par., psor., ran-b., biting teeth together, when: Aloe, anac.
rhus-r., sap., staph., sulph., tarent., thuj.,
zinc. boring with finger agg. : Anac, zinc.

air, open, in: Aeon., sep. amel.; Agar., coloc, fl-ac, lach.,
mur-ac, phos-ac, psor.
bed, in: Kali-i., nux-v., thuj.
breathing, when: Mang.
eating, after: Graph.
centering at the ear, hard pains: Mang.
sitting, while: I^ach.
changing weather: Mang., rhodo.. rhus-t
walking in the cool air: Nat-c, par. sil.

7 p. m. : Phys., zing.
chewing, when: Aloe, anac, apis, arg-m.,
7:30 p. m.: Fago. bell., cann-s., hep., lach., nux-m., nux-v!'

8 p. m.: Nat-s. seneg., verb.

8 to 10 p. m.: Phel. chill, during: Gamb., graph.

9 p. m.: Carb-s., dios. cold extremities, with: Thuj.

night: Alum., bar-c, bry., cycl., cold, from taking: Dulc, gels., kalm.,
Dulc, hell., mere,
hep., kali-bi., kali-c, kali-n., lach., puis., sep.
nux-v.. Puis., rhus-t., sep., sil., in head: Bell., gels., led., puis,
tell., vib.
cold applications agg. : Calc, bufo.
bed, in: Merc, nux-v., sil.
amel.: Puis.
on gojng to: Ferr-ph.
copious urination, with: Thuj.
headache, with: Cycl.
cough, during: Calc, caps., dios.,
lying upon the ear: kali-bi '
Bar-c, hep., kali-n., nux-v., thuj.

cry out, compelled to: Chaw., nux-v., puis
'warm in bed, when: Merc., merc-i-f. '*
sanic '

damp weather: Dulc.^ nat-s., sil. pressure, on: Alum., cina, hyos., raph.,
descending steps: Bad., chin-s.
amel.: Alum., bism. carb-an., caust.,
dinner, after: Agar., plb.
drinking, while: Com., con.
reason, pain which almost deprived him of:
eating: Apis, carb-an,, carb-s., cinnb., phel. Merc, puis.
rest, during: Psor.
amel.: Aeon., mag e.
rising from stooping: Mang.
eructations, during: Sulph., tarent.
amel.: Carb-v.
exertion, after: Sil.
room, on entering a: Nux-v.
face-ache, with: Bell., mere, phos-ac.
rubbing amel. : Mang., ol-an., phos.
fainting with pain in ear: Cur., hep., mere.
sore throat, with: Apis, Lach., mere, Nit-ac,
fever, during: Calad., calc, chin-s. par.

full moon, during: Sil. sound, sharp: Cop.

hammer, from sound of : Sang. singing, while: Phos-ac

headache, diiring: Ham., lach., mere, phos. sipping cold water: Bar-m.
psor., puis., ran-s., sang.
sitting, while: Berb., gels., indg., lach.,

hiccough, from: Bell. nat-c, phos.

leaning on head: Am., lac-c, lach., kali-n. after long: Sil.

laughing agg. : Mang. sleep amel.: Sep.

lie down, compelled to: Cur. sneezing, while: Act-sp., calc, sulph.

lying, while: Sang., sulph. amel.: Mag-m.

on right side: Ptel. standing, while: Mag-s., nat-c, plb.

stool, during: Sep.

on ear: Agar.,am-m., bar-c, bar-m., chin.,
hep., kali-n., lach., med. stooping, while: Bry., cham., graph., mang.,
mag-c, mag-arct., mere, phos., rheum.
menses, during: Agar., aloe, kali-c.,

mere. suppression of ague, after: Puis.

suppressed: Am-c., puis., sulph. swallowing, on: Ail., anac, Apis, benz-ac,
bov., calc, carb-an., carb-s., coc-c, con.\
mercury, abuse of : Asaf., nit-ac, staph,
dros., elaps, fago ,
ferr-mag., ferr-m., jug-c.,j
motion, on: Sil.,
Lach., lye, mang., mere, nat-m., Nit-aCjj
of head: Am-c. Nux-v., par., petr., phyt., plb., sulph^
thuj., tromb.
lower jaw: Nux-m., phos-ac, stann.,
right ear: Brom.
left ear: Kali-bi., mang.
music, from: Ambr., eham., kreos., phos-ac.,
tabac. amel.: Rhus-t.

nausea, with: Dtdc. tobacco, from: Raph.

Am., gad., sang, teucr.

noise, from: bell., cop., talking, while: Mang., nux-v., spig.,
opening the mouth amel.: Nat-c. toothache, with: Glon., meph., merl.,
plant., Rliodo.
perspiration, during: Ign.
touch, on: Chin., cop., lach.,
pressing forehead, when: Nit-ac.

PAIN. PAIN, extending to.

traumatic causes: Arn. jaw: Bov., merl., phel., spig.

turning ej'e outward, on: Raph. lower: Am-c, asar., com., kali-bi.

head, on: Carb-v., coc-c, chin-s., Mag-ph., upper: Agar,

meph. left to right: Calc-ph.
urine profuse: Thuj.
legs, to: Cur.
vertigo, during: Tep.
lobule: Phos.
vexation, after: Sulph.
malar bone: Spig.
waking, on: Tarent.
mouth, roof of: Kali-bi.
walking, while: Am-c, bor., bry., con.,
neck: Bell., lith., sil., tarax.
kali-bi., lack., mang., nimx.
side of: Carb-v., coc-c, kali-bi viag-ph.,
in open air: Am-m., benz-ac, bry., chin., ,

meph., nat-m.
con., mang., nat-c. ,
par., Sep., spong.

amel. : Am-m. nose: Sil.

warmth of bed agg. : Mere, nux-v., phos., occiput: Ambr., fago.

side of : Coc-c.
and wrapping up amel.: Chain., Hep.,
other ear: Chel., hep., laur.
lach., mag-ph., mur-ac, rhus-t., sep.
stram. outward: ^th., am-c, am-m., ars.,
dry: Bry. bar-c, berb., calc-ph., cann-s., carb-v.,
warm room, in: Nux-v., phos. con., dulc, glon., gran., kali-c.,
kali-i., lye, merc-i-f., nat-m., nat-s.,
amel.: Sep.
nice, puis., Sep., sil., thuj., til.
going from cold air into, agg. : Nats.
parietal bone: Indg., ran-b.
wind, riding in cold, agg.: Ars-i., spong.
parotid gland and mastoid process:
and rain: Nux-v. Kali-bi., sep.
writing, while: Phys.
shoulder: Cann-s., nat-m., rumx.
yawning, while: Aeon., cocc, hep., rhus-r. left: Nat-m.
side of neck and clavicular region and to
extending to chest: Stram, last back teeth and side of occiput:
chin: Bell. Coc-c.

downward: Bell., cur., verb. spine: Ptel.

eustachian tube: Ant-c. teeth: Chel., lyssin, mosch., ol-an., spig.,

eye: Glon., hnxsi, ptds., spig. xanth.

left: Hura. temples: Eupi., form., indg., lach., lac-ac,

nux-v., puis., sars.
face: Anac, bell., cann-s., mere., nux-v.,
stram., thea. throat: Carb-an., chel., fago., merc-i-f.,
finger ends: Ham.
vertex: Arn., Chel.
forehead: Dig., nux-v., ptel.
zygoma: Hyper.
head: Sulph.
about the ear: Am-m., arg-n., asar., bell., bry.,
inwards: Arn., arg-m., bry., calc., carb-v., coc-c, glon., grat., kali-c, merc-i-f.,
dros., hyos., kali-bi., pelr., rhodo.
kali-i., lobel.,
lyssin, med., nat-s., nux-v., rhus-t, morning after rising: Arg-n.
thuj., verb.
after a walk: Pall.

above the ear: Arg-n., asaf., aur-ni-n., camph., below theear: Aeon., aloe, alum., am-c, asar.,
cedr., chel., caun-i., carb-v., chin-s., coloc, bar-c, caps., chel., caust, mere, olnd.,
dios., dulc, hura, lacli., luerc, mez., ol-an., phos., sep., sil.
nux-m., ox-ac, plb., rhodo., sabin., tell.,
moving head agg. : Am-c.
rubbing amel. : Phos.
evening: Chin-s., dios.
sitting, while: Phos,
extending to upper back teeth: Chel.
extending to lower jaw: Merc.
behind ear: Aeon., agar., alet., all-c, aloe,
in front of ear: Ang., arg-n., aur-m-n., bar-c,
alum., ambr., am-c, anac, arg-n., ars.,
bov., calc-ph., colch., dios., indg., kali-i.,
arum-d., asar., asaf., aur., aru-m-n., bar-c,
mag-c, mag-m., nat-ph., ol-an., rat., stront.,
bell., bor., cadm., calc-ph., cann-s., canth.,
sul-ac, tabac, zinc.
caps., carb-v., castor., caust., chel., chin.,
cic, coc-c, colch., coloc, con., croc, inside (in meatus): Abs., agar., aloe, alum.,
crot-h., cupr-ac, dig., dios., fl-ac, glon., anac, ang., ant-c, apis, apoc, arg-m., arn.,
ham., hep., hura, ign., indg., kali-bi., arund., asaf., asar., aur., aur-m-n., bar-c.
kali-c, kali-i., kali-n., kalm., lach., laur., Bell., berb., bism., bor., bov., brom., bry.,
led., lith., lye, mane,
mang., mere.', calc, canth., caps ,
carb-an., carb-v., caust.,
merc-i-f., merl., mez., mur-ac, myric, Cham., chel., chin., cic, coc-c, colch.,
nat-c, nat-m., nat-s., nice, nit-ac, nux-v., croc, dig., dros., diilc, i^rr., fl-ac, gamb.,
paeon., par., phell., phos., pic-ac, ptel., graph., ham., hell.. Hep., ign., indg.,
rhus-t., sabin., sars., sil., stann. ,
strych., kali-c, kali-n., kreos., Lach., lye, mang.,
sulph., tabac, thea, thuj., verb., xanth., mere, merc-i-f., mez., mur-ac, nat-m.,
zinc. nat-ph., nat-s., nit-ac, nux-v., olnd., op.,
ox-ac, par., petr. ,
phell., phos., phos-ac,
morning: Dios., ptel.
phys., plat., plb., psor.. Puis., rau-b.,
II a. m.: Ham. ran-s., rheum, rhodo., rumx., samb., sars.,
sil., spig., spong., stann., sulph., sul-ac,
afternoon: Ham., ptel.
sumb., tabac, tarax., tell., thuj., upa.,
on waking: Ptel. valer., verat., viol-t., zinc
I p. m. : Nat-c, sil.
aching: AU-c, aloe, asaf., bell., brom., cann-i.,
m. Phel. caps., caust., Cham,, chlof., cimic, clem.,
3 p. :

colch., coloc, con., Dulc, ery-a., euphr.,

4p m.: Caust., grat.
form., guaj., ham., hyos., iod., ip., jat.,

evening: Ham., nat-m., ran-s. jug-r., kali-c, lach., lact., laur., lye, mang.,
merc-i-r., meph., mez., mosch. nat-m., ,

moving the head Am-c. :

nit-ac, nux-m., nux-v., olnd., osra..,

reading, while: Spig. psor.. Puis., ran-b., rhus-t.,

sep., seneg.,
sil., spong., Sulph., tabac, tarent., thuj.,
sitting amel. : Asar.
up in bed amel. : Alum,
right: Berb., brom., ham., psor.
touch agg. : Sil.
left: Bell., ery-a., guaj., mez., nat-m., sil,,

waking, agg., on: Asar. sulph.

walk bent, must: Lye then right: Brom, ,

walking in open air: Mang. morning, in bed: Merc-i-r.

wind, on going into: Ham. rising, on: Ferr.

writing, while: Spig. afternoon: Euphr.

extending down neck: Lith. evening: Berb., brom., kali-bi., lyc, nat-m,,

to eye: Prun. sep.

PAIN, aching, evening PAIN, boring.

in open air: Sep. right: Am-m., bar-c, cann-i., carb-an.,

carb-s., caust., chel., coloc, cupr-ar.,
5 p. m.: Dios., ham., sep.
mag-m., mez., nice, plb., stann., stront.
night: Dulc, lack.
left: Agar., canth., mag-s., med., merc-i-f.
midnight, after: Sep.
morning: Alum,
after walking in the wind: Sep.
forenoon: Mag-c.
air, in open: Euph., lyc.
afternoon: Alum., indg.
blowing the nose: Sil.
dinner, after: Plb.
cough, at every: Calc, caps.
evening: Phys.
lying down, after: Sang,
acute: Merc-i-f.
menses, during: Aloe,
bore in ear, desire to, with finger: Agar.,
pressure amel. : Ham. mez., phys.
swallowing, on: Con., fago.
pressure on : Alum,
thunderstorm, before: Rhodo. sticking: Mag.m.
warm room, on eating: Sep. tickling: Nice
above ear: Dulc, mez., tell.
walking in open air, while: Am-m.
behind ear: Arum-d., cedr., glon., lyc,
warmth of bed, during: Mere,
mang., mosch., nat-m., strych., viol-o. about the ear: Am-m., bell., rhodo.
open air: Mang. above the ear: Arg-n., cann-i., rhodo.

shaking head: Glon. behind ear: Am-m., aur., aur-m-n., cann-i?,

touch agg. : Mang. caust., coloc, cupr., mez., mosch., nat-s.,
ran-s., rumx., spig.
extending to temples: Cedr.
left: Aur,, lack.
in front of ear: Anac, cupr., dios., merc-i-f.
evening: Ran-s.
3 p. m. : Dios.
reading: Spig.
meatus, in: Nat-ph., Tel., thuj., verat.
walking, while: Mez.
biting: Caust., phel., psor. vmting, while: Spig.

left: Psor. below the ear: Caust.

evening, electric sparks, like: Phel. in front of ear: Arg-n., aur-m-n., bar-c,
itching: Caust., phel.
on bending head to right: Mag-m.
boring into ear with finger agg: Phel.
inside (meatus, in): Aur-m-n., euphr., indg.,
8 to 10 p. m.: Phel.
merc-i-f., phel. //zoj. plb., ran-s.,
, ,sulph.'
behind the ear: Lyc, ol-an. upa.
blow, as of: Arn., nat-m., nux-v.,
paeon., plat. evening: Ran-s.
boring: Alum., am-m., bar-c, intermittent: Merc-i-f.
bell., cann-i.,
canth., carb-an., carb-s., caust.,
chel., cina., bruised: A111., caust., cic, ery-a., ruta.,
coloc, aipr., cupr-ar., euph.,
euphr., hell ' strych., zinc.
hydr-ac, indg., kali-c, kali-i.,
lact., laur
mag-c, mag-m., mag-s., Merc, about: Coc-c.
mill., nat-m., ol-a7i., phel., plb., ran-b '
behind ear: Chel., cic, lachn.
rhodo., sil., spig, stann., stront., sulph lobes: Crot-h.

PAIN. PAIN, burning.
burning: Aeon., eesc, Agar., all-c, alum., about the ear: Calc.
alumn., am-c, am-m., aniyl-n., ang., ant-c,
behind ears: Aur., aur-ra., calc-ph., grat.,
ant-t., apis, :irg-in., arn., ars., aruni-t.,
nat-m., rhus-v., spong., thuj.
arund asiif., Aur., bell., berb., brom., bry.,

camph., cann-i., caps., carb-an., carb-v., night: Aur-m.

Caust., chel., chin., cic, clem., con., cop., below: Mag-c.
cycl., daph., dig., dros., fago., ign., jac-c,
kali-bi., kali-n.,
menses, during: Mag-c.
jat., kreos., laur., lob-s.,
lye, lycps., lyssin, mag-c, mag-m., niang., lobe: Carb-an., chel., kali-n., sabad.
Merc, merc-s., merl., miir-ac, naja,
nat-m., nat-ph., ol-an.,
meatus, in: Anan., arund., aur-s., bor.,
op., phel., phos.,
phos-ac, brom., canth., caust., crot-t., jatr., mere,
pic-ac, plat., rhus-t., sabad..
olnd., Sep., spong.
Sang., spig., spong., staph., strych., sulph.,
tabac. Tell,, til., upa., zinc. right: Brom.
right: Am-c, arimi-t., bov., calc-ph., burrowing in: Am-c, am-m., ant-c, coe-c,
carb-an., carb-v., chel., cycl., dros., ham., hell.
lycps., lyssin, mag-c, nat-m., nat-ph.,
right: Am-m., hell.
ear lain on: Am-m.
left: Aeon., am-c, ant-c, bry., cop., fago.,
Tell., strych. bursting sensation in: Calc, caust., hell., lye,
nit-ae., psor.
noon: Strych.
coughing, on: Caps.
afternoon: Strych.
with each heart beat: Amyl-n.
evening: Ars., brom., ham., ol-an., zinc.
sneezing, on: Puis.
in bed: Caust.
in front of: Dros.
open air agg.: Aeon.
cramp: Agar., aloe, anac, anan., ars., bry.,
pressure amel. : Ham.
calc, carb-an., cina, eoleh., eroc, crot-t,
rubbing, after: Grat. dig., graph., kali-c, kali-n., kreos., merc.t
8 to lo p. m., like electric sparks: Phel. mur-ac, nat-m., nit-ac, olnd., petr.,
phos-ac, plat., ran-b., samb., sars., sil.,
night: Strych.
spig., spong., stann., staph., thuj., valer.,
before sleep: Stil. zinc
air, open, agg.: Aeon.
right: Samb., stann., thuj.
dry warmth, from: Bry.
left: Agar., mur-ac, nat-m., spong., zinc,
eating, after, amel.: Aeon.
evening: Ran-b., thuj.
heat, during: Ran-b.
walking in open air: Spong.
itching: Agar.
behind: Mang., murx.
menses, during: Agar.
while walking in open air: Mang.
perspiring: Aeon.
meatus: Anac, ferr-m., thuj.
scratching, after: Ol-an.
cutting: Anac, arg-m., cadm., caust., coloc,
spots, in: Calc-ph.
dros., form., kal-i., laeh., mang., nux-m.,
touch, on : Cop. petr., syph., zinc.

walking in open air: Am-m. left: Petr.

warm room, coming from cold air: Kali-n. evening: I^ach.

boring with finger amel. Coloc.

yawning, while: Aeon. :

PAIN, cutting. PAIN, drawing.
motion ofjawagg.: Nux-m. right: Ant-c. aur-m., bry., canst., croc,
open air, on going into: Mang. dros gamb., glon., mosch., nat-m,,

above the ear: Carb-v. nit-ac, Sep., sil.

eustachian tubes when chewing: Arg-m. left: Arn., .ch el., con., dig., hyper., mez.,
in front: Arg-m. mill., plat spig., spong., til., valer.,

mastoid process: Con., raur-ac.
evening: Coc-c, ran-s.
darting: Aeon., ant-c, bry., caust., dol., gsls.,
glon., hel., hep., kali-c, kali-i., kalm., lye, night: Alum., bar-c, sil.

mag-m., mang., mill., mur-ac, nit-ac.,

from taking cold: Glon.
nux-v., pseon., petr., phos.. Puis., rhodo.,
spig., strych. dinner, after: Ant-c.

left: Rhodo. eructations, during: Sulph.

forenoon: Tseon. lying down, after: Sulph.

evening agg.: Aeon., dios. motion of lower jaw: Stann., verb.

air, open, agg.: Aeon. after being long seated, from: Sil.

blowing nose, when : Calc. outwards: Cow.

deep in: Mur-ac. pressing on ear, during: Raph.

sitting, while: Phos. sneezing, after, amel.: Mag-m.

walking in open air, while: Bry. spasmodic Alum :
. ,

yawning, while: Aeon. swallowing, during: Alum., ferr-mag.

behind: Dios., kali-c., strych., xanth. extending to neck and shoulders: Nat-m.
below: Crot-t., xanth. about the ear: Asaf., grat., nit-ac.
meatus, in: Nit-ac. afternoon: Clem.

digging in: Am-m., anan., colch., gels., pressure amel. : Grat.

kali-i., mang., merc-c, nat-m., plat, ruia,
above the ear: Asaf., chel., coloc, lach.,
mez., verat.
right: Am-m., colch., gels.
in bed: Chel.
left: Merc-c, strych.
in an old scar: Lach.
afternoon: Gels., merc-c.
extending to crown: Lach.
night: Am-m., mang.
behind the ear: Aloe, anac, arg-m., ars.,
as if an insect had got into them: Kali-i. asaf., bar-c, cauth., chel., chin., coloc,
extending to left nostril: Lac-c.
crot-h., dig., kali-bi., kali-c, kali-n.,
laur., mang., mere, murae, sil., sulph.,
drawing: Aeon., aloe, anac, ang., ant-c, arn.,
thuj., zinc.
ars., asaf., asar.,
aur-m., da7'-c., bell., berb.,
bov.,bry., calc, c/iam., con., croc, crot-h., daytime: Kali-n.
cycL, dros., dulc, ferr-mag., hell., kali-bi., rest, during: Arg-m.
kali-c, kali-n.,
kalm., kreos., lact, lye,
mag-m., mag-s., touch agg. : Sil.
mez., mill., mosch.,
mur-ac, nai-m., nice, nil-ac., olnd., ol-an., extending to jaw: Zinc.
op., petr., p/ios., phos-ac, plat., puis., downward: Arg-m.
ran-s., rhodo., sars., sep., sil., spig.,
stann., staph., sul-ac., sulph., tai-ax., valer., to mastoid process: Chin.
verb., zing. *
in front: Bar-c, sulph.

PAIN, drawiug.
inside: Aloe, anac, ant-c, arg-m., asaf., lancinating in: Alum., anac, arg-m., aster.,
bar-c, bov., carb-aii., cliel., coc-c, colch., aur-s., bell., berb., cadm., caust., cit-v.',
con., cycL, dulc, ferr., hell., cur., der., ferr-i., gamb., hura,
kreos.i kali-i.,'
mere, mez., nit-ac, petr., phos-ac, si/., meny., nux-v., plb., raph., tarent., teucr.,
spong., •
stann., sul-ac, sulph., valer., zinc.
verb. morning: Tarent.

extending into eustachian tube: Ant-c. evening: Nux-v-

below ear: Tarent.
lobule: Cham., dros., phos.
piercing: Berb., calc, canch., con., glon.,
under: Arg-m. kali-i., nat-c., nat-s.

excoriating. (See '

' burning. '
right: Glon., nat-s.

forcing out: Lye, mere, nat-m., Puis. inward: Nat-s.

foreign body in, as if: Calc-a. phos.
outward: Berb., glon.

eustachian tubes: Niix-m. pinching: Am-c, ang., aran., asar., bell., bry.,
carb-an., carb-v., caust., colch., con., crot-t,
gnawing: Dros., kali-c, kali-i., led., mang., der., dulc, ferr., kali-c, kreos., laur.,
sulph., tabac.
meny., mere., mur-ac, nat-c, nit-ac, nux-v.,
right: Mur-ac, tabac. sabin., spig., stann., staph., teucr., thuj.

left then right: Indg. right: Nat-c, thuj.

afternoon: Indg. then left: Bell.

rubbing amel. : Indg. left: Carb-an., carb-v., dulc, staph.

evening: Mur-ac. morning: Nat-c.

night: Mang. afternoon: Aran.

rubbing amel. : Indg. evening: Am-c.

behind ear: night: Bry.


griping: Carb-s. hiccoughing, when: Bell.

left: Carb-s.
about the: Glon.

night: Carb-s.
behind the: Merc, pseon., sabin.
inside: Asar., carb-an., dulc, mur-ac.
on waking: Carb-s.
pressing out, as if something must be torn
jerking in: AU-c, ang., calc, calc-ph., cann-s.,
from within: Con., lil-t., nat-s.
dig., fi-ac, hep., mag-aust., mang., mur-ac,
paeon., petr., plat., puis., rhodo., sabad., sil.,
pressure and pressing pain: Aeon., ksc, anac.,
spig., valer., zinc. aran., arn., asaf., asar., aur., bell., berb.,
bism., bry., calc, calc-ph., camph., cann-s.,
morning: Mang. caps., carb-v., carl., caust., Cham., chel.,

evening: Mang. chin., coc-c, con., crot-t., cupr., dig., dros.,

eupi., fi-ac, form., glon., graph., hell.,
on lying down: Mang. hydr-ac, hyper., indg., ip., kali-c, kali-n.,
after lying in bed amel. : Mang. kreos., lach., laur., lye, Ij'ssin, mang.,

behind: Merc, sil.

Merc, merc-i-r., merl., mosch., mur-ac,
nat-c, nat-m., nat-s., nit-ac, nux-m.,
in front: Dros. nux-v., olnd., par., petr., phos., prun..
Puis., rheum, rhodo., ruta, sabad., sars.,
lacerating in : Bell.,cadm., Sulph., tarent.
seneg., sep., spig., spong., sulph., tarax.,
nght: Tarent. |
thuj., verat.

PAIN, pressure. PAIN, pressure.

behind: Asar., bell., bor., cadm., cann-s.,

right: Serb., chel., eupi., hyper., mur-ac,
canth., crot-h., coloc, kali-bi., led., mane,
nat-s., pnm., rhodo., seneg., verat.
merl., mez., nat-m., nat-s., stanu., ther.,
then left: Bar-c. thiij., verb., viol-o.

left: Asaf., dig., sep., spig., tarax. evening: Nat-m.

then right: Arn. sitting amel. : Asar.

morning: Nat-s., nux-m., verat. walking agg. : Asar.

on waking: Sep., verb. below ear: Asar., sep., zinc.

9 a. m. : Nat-s. in front of: Aur-m-n., cupr., dios., sep.,

Hydr. zinc.
10:30 a. m. :

evening: Berb., hyper., kali-bi., verb.

inside (meatus): Anac, asaf., asar., aur.,
bell., bism., bry., '
calc, caps., chel.,
boring in, with finger amel.: Bell., fl-ac. coc-c, dig., fl-ac, graph., lye, nux-v.,
op.. Puis., rheum, sars., sil., spig., tarax.
agg. : Ruta.
intermittent: Arn.
chewing: Seneg.
pricking: Aur., brach., dulc, mere, sil.
cold air: Asar., phos.
itching: Spig.
coughing, when: Caps.
scraping in: Ruta.
forward in ear: Cann-s., caust., nat-s.,
nux-v., par.,/«^j., spong. screwing in: Bell., daph.

morning on waking: Daph.

intermittent: Arn.
twisting, evening: Nux-v.
lain on, in the ear: Bar-c.

menses, during: Kreos. shooting in: Aeon., sesc, aeth., am-m., apis,
apoc, arum-d., be/l., benz-ac, calc, calc-ph.,
motion of jaw: Nux-m. carb-an., chain., cintic. con., eupi., ferr-m.,

outward: Astac, calc, canst., chel., form., gels., hyper., iod., kali-bi., kali-i.,
guare., hydt., iris, kali-n., kreos., lye,
lob., mere, nat-a., />/;.oj., /i/yA, plant., ptel.,
mere, mur-ac, nat-s., nux-v., prun.. Puis., rhus-t., Sep., sil., stann., stram.,

Puis., sep. sulph., tep., tromb., thuj., valer.

plug like: Anac, spig. right: Iod., nat-a., sep., tromb.

rhythtaical: Mur-ac! left: ^sc, carb-an., eupi., form., ptel., sil,

sneezing, on: Phos., sulph. afternoon: Nat-a., tromb.

stool, during: Sep. 3 p. m.: Phys., tromb.

stooping, when: Cham., kreos. evening, in open air: Sulph.

swallowing, on: Nux-v., phos., sulph. 6 p. m. : Phys.

walking in the open 10 p. m. Form,

air, while: Mang. :

warm room: Phos. blovdng nose: Calc, tromb.

above the cold amel.: Merc,

ear: Arg-m., aur-m-n., brom.,
camph ,
cedr., dulc, hura, mez., nux-m., descending stairs: Iod.
ox-ac, puts., sabin.
lying on right side: Ptel.
morning: Brom. leftside agg.: Merc,
during stool: Ox-ac. sneezing, when: Calc.

PAIN, shooting in.
PAIN, stitching.
swallowing agg.: Con., gels., Phyt., tromb. graph., hell., hep., hura, byos., hyper., ign.
wannth agg. : Merc, indg.,^ iod., iris-f., jatr., kali-bi., kali-c.,
about the Kali-i., kali-n., kalnt., kreos., lach.,
ear. : Fago. lact.,
laur., lob.,
lyc, ly.ssin, mag-c, mag-m.[
behind ear: Aur-ni., berb., bell., calc-ph., niag-s., Viang., nieny., merc-c,
Prun, mere, mill., mur-ac, nat-c, nat-m., nat-s\
right: Berb. nicQ., nit-ac, nux-m., nux-v., olnd., ol-an.,

petr., phos., phos-ac, phyto.,

left: Ani-ni. -pic-Ac, plat.,
plb., psor.. Puis., ran-b., ran-s., raph.,
evening, agg.: Berb. rat,
rhodo., rhus-v., ruta, sabad., samb., sang.,
extending to ej'e: Prun. sarr., sars., sep., j//., spig., spong.,
stront., sul-ac, Sulph,, tabac, tarax.,
soreness in: Bry., calc-ph., causL, chin., fago.,
tarent., teucr., thuj., til., verat., verb.,
jug-r., kali-bi.. Arr-r., mag-s., mere, phos.,
vesp., viol-o., zinc.
ptel., selen., sep., stdph.

evening: Bor. right: Aeon., ceth., agar., all-c, brom.,

carb-s., caust., dros., ferr., ferr-ph., glon.,
touch on: Bor., caust., chin., cina, ery-a., hell., hyper., kalm., kreos., lyc, nat-c,
fago., mag-c, mang., merc-i-f., mur-ac, nat-m., nat-s., nit-ac, nux-m., phyt,
nat-m., phos., sep., spong., zinc.
raph., rhus-t., sars., staph., tarent, thuj.,
about the ear: Calc-ph. vesp., zinc.

behind: Anac, bor., biy., calc-ph.. cic, then left: Arg-n., laur., sulph.
cupr., Graph., kali-c, lye, mere, left: Bar-c, bor., bry., calad., coc-c, colch.,
mur-ac, nit-a.c. , petr., psor., ruta, verat.
cop., dros., form., graph., kali-bi., mag-c,
cough, with: Phos. mag-m., mag-s., merc-c, merc-i-f., mill.,

to touch: Merc.
nice, psor., puis., sabad., samb., sang.,
Sep., staph., Sulph., verat., verb.
below ear, on touch: Bar-C, sars., ptel.,
then right: Aloe, bor.

external ear: morning: All-c. ars., bor., ferr., form.,

Aeon., bry., calc-ph., form., ,

kali-c, nux-v., sars.

mang., mur-ac, vib.

in front of: Senec.

in bed: Nux-v.
washing in cold water, when: Bor.
on touch: Calc, ptel., zinc.
waking, on: Bor.
spasmodic: Chin., mere ,
murx., ol-an., ran-b.,
spig., thuj. forenoon: Chin-s., kali-bi., kali-i., mag-c,
inside ear: Ang., caust. croc, ferr., kreos., mag-s., nat-m., nux-m., sars.

mere, mur-ac, petr., phos-ac, plat., ID a. m. : Mag-s.

puis., ran-b., samb., thuj., valer.
noon: Chin-s., gels., psor.
behind the ear: Murx.
afternoon: ^th., bry., carb-s., chin-s.,
stitching: Aeon., sesc, csth., agar., all-c, clem., form., merc-c.
aloe, alum., am-c, am-m., anac, anan.,
I p. m. : Graph.
ang, ant-c, apis, arg-n., am., ars., aur.,
aur-m., aur-m-n., bar-c, bell., berb., bor., 4 p.m.: Kalm., nat-c.
bov., brom., bry., calad., calc, camph..
5 p. m. : Berb.
canth., caps., carb-an., carb-s., carb-v.,
caust., Cham., chel., Chin., ehin-s., cinnb., evening: Alum., ars., berb., bor., chin-s.,
coc-c, colch., coloc, com., con., crot-t., cupr., clem., daph., hyper., kali-c, kali-i.,

cycl., dros.,dulc, euph., ferr., ferr-ph., kali-n., mere, nat-m., ox-ac, psor., ran-b.,

fl-ac, form., gamb., gels., glon., gran., staph., tarent., thuj.


PAIN, stitching, evening. PAIN, stitching.

bed, in: Caust, kali-c, kali-i., spong., opening mouth, when: Petr.
thuj. amel.: Nat-c.
bed, on going to: Ferr-ph. outward: Astac.
eating, after: Graph, paroxysmal: Caust.
lying on it agg. : Kali-u. pressing forehead, when : Nit-ac.

rest, during: Phos. rest, during: Phos.

8 p. m. : Nat-s. rising from bed, after, amel. : Coc-c.
8 to ID p. ni: Phel. rubbing amel. : Mang.
9 p. m. : Carb-s. singing, while: Phos-ac.

night: Alum., ars., cop., cycl., hell., sitting, while: Gels,

kali-bi., kalm., phos., thuj.
sneezing, when: Calc.
toothache, during: Hell.
standing, while: Mag-s.
waking, on: Carb-s.
stool, after: Carb-s.
air, from draft of: Camph.
stooping, when: Cham., merc-c, mere.
open, agg.: Tabac.
swallowing, when: Anac, lyc, mang.^
going into : Bry. nat-m., Nux-V., petr., thuj.

bell, during stroke of: Mag-m., phos-ac. talking, while: Mang.

blowing nose, when: Hep., lyc. turning head, when: Chin-s.

boring into ear with finger amel. : .lElth., waking, on: Form., spong.
coloc, mur-ac. phos-ac, psor. ,

walking, while: Arg-n., bor., kali-bi.,

chewing, while: Cann-s., nux-v. mang., merl.
chilliness, on beginning of: Gamb. in open air: Am-m., con.
closing eyes amel: Calc. warm room, on entering: Nat-s., nux-v.
cold stitches: Ferr-mag. warmth of bed agg. : Merc.
as if ice cold needles: Agar. extending to shoulder: Nat-m.
cough, with: Nux-v. to roof of mouth: Kali-bi.
damp weather: Nat-s. about the ear: Asaf., clem., con., nat-m.,
descending stairs: Chin-s. viol-o.

drinking, while: Com., con. above the ear: Ars., asaf., coc-C, indg.,
eating, while: "Verb. kali-c, mag-c, mere, mur-ac, plant,
ear to ear: Hep.
4 p. m. : Merc,
headache, with: Kali-n.
walking, while: Ars.
heat, during: Calc.
behind the ear: ^th., agar., am., aur.,
inward: Arg-n., carb-v., kali-bi.
bell., berb., brom., calc, cann-s., carb-an.,
laughing, when: Mang. caust., cina, con., cop., dig., gels., kali-c,
kali-n., kalm., lyc, mag-c, meny. nat-c.
menses, during: Kali-c. ,

phos., phos-ac, ptel., sabad., sabin., sars.,

moving lower jaw, when: Phos-ac. sulph., tabac, tarax., verat., verb., viol-o.
music, from: Phos-ac, tabac morning: Calc.

PAIN, stitching, behind the ear. PAIN, tearing.
afternoon: Nat-c, pho.s-ac. ars., aruni-t., bar-c, Bell, berb., bism.,
I m. Nat-c. bor., broni., calc, calc-ph., camph., cann-i.,
p. :

canth., caps., carb-an., carb-v.,

3 p. ni. : Mag-c. caust.,
Cham,, chcL, Chin., coc-c, colch., con.,
evening: Carb-an., sulph. cupr., dulc, elaps, ery-a.. eupi., gamb.,
pressure amel. : Mag-c. gran., graph., grat., gjiaj., hyos., indg., iod.,
kali-bi., kali-c, kali-i kalm., lach., lachn.,

rest, during: Sabin.

mag-c, inag-m., mang., meph.,
laur., lyc,
extending into jaws: Kali-n., lyc. Merc, merl., mez., mur-ac, nat-c, nice,
nux-m., nux-v., ol-an., par., petr., phell.,
below the ear: Apis, bar-c, bry., coc-c,
phos., phos-ac, plat. ,/>/<!.. Puis., raph., rat.,
crot-t. ,
mag-s. ,
sars., viol-o. ,

rhodo., sabin., sars., sep., sil., spig., squil.,

eustachian tube: Agar. stann., stram., stront., sul-ac, sulph., tabac,
tarax., tarent., teucr., thuj., til., verb., zinc,
in front of ear: Arg-m., aur-m-n., chant.,
laur., uiag-c, niag-ni., plant., ran-s., sars.,

stront., thuj., verb., zinc.

right: ^th., agar., ambr., am-m., ant-t.,
in evening: Con., mag-c, ran-s. arg-n., bov., cann-i., canth., carb-v., con.,
cupr., eupi., kali-i., lyc, lyssin, mang.,
inside ear (meatus, in): Aeon., agar., alum.,
plb., rat., rhodo., sars., spig., stram.,
ang., arg-n., arund., ars., aur., aur-m-n.,
stront., tabac, tarent., til., zing.
bar-c, bell., bov., bry., calad., calc,
cann-s., carb-s., carb-v., caust., chant., to left: Laur., sulph.
chel., chin-s., coc-c, dros., dulc, gels.,
left: Aeon., anac, apis, bar-c, bov., calc,
hep., kali-bi., kalm., kreos., mang., camph., carb-an., caust., coc-c, elaps,
mere, merc-c, mez., .nat-m., nat-s.,
grat., mag-c, merl., mez., puis., sabin.,
nux-v., phos., phos-ac, plat., puis., psor.
sulph., sul-ac, teucr.
ran-b., ran-s., rhodo., sars., staph.,
tarent., thuj., vesp., zinc. to right: Aloe.

noon, when sitting: Gels. morning: Ant-t., mang., sars., zinc.

afternoon: Chin-s. in bed: Carb-v.

descending stairs, after: Chin-s. 8 a. m. : Nat-c.

evening: Ars., psor. forenoon: Elaps, kali-i., mag-c, phos., plb.

during rest: Psor. 9 a. m. ; Elaps.

while chewing: Cann-s. noon: Sulph.

afternoon: ^th., bov., chel., castor., indg.,
boring with finger amel.: Phos-ac, psor.
chewing, while: Canu-s.
evening: Alum., ars., indg., kali-i., mag-c,
walking, while: Arg-n., kali-bi. nat-s., thuj., zinc, zing.

warmth of bed agg. : Mere. in bed: Thuj.

extending inward: Arg-m., carb-v., m.: Mag-c, zing,

7 p.
boring with finger agg. : Anac.
outwards: Ars., calc, con., kali-c,, sil.
cold air agg. : Agar,
to throat: Sulph.
dinner, after: Bov., carb-an., phel.
lobes: Phos., phos-ac, plb., sabad., tabac,
eating, while: Verb,
inclining body to the right: Mag-m.
tearing: Aeon., JEth., agar., alum., ambr.,
am-c, ani-m., anac, ant-t., arg-n., arn., intermitting: Nat-c.


Pi tearing, behind ear, extending.
PAIN, tearing.

lying on the ear agg. : Agar, upward in afternoon : Sars.

menses, during: Merc, vertex, occiput, nape and shoulder

agg. moving head: Am-c.
moving lower jaw agg.: Nux-m., stann.

noises agg.
below theear: Aeon., alum., am-c, caust.,
: Sulph.
ol-an., phos., sil., tabac, zinc.
pressure of the hand amel.: Alum., bism.,
carb-an. hyos.
moving head agg. : Am-c.

rising from stooping: Mang. rubbing amel. : Phos.

rubbing amel. : ^th., phos. sitting, while: Phos.

sitting, while: Indg., nat-c, phos. in front of ear: Aug., bar-c, bov. ,
colch., grat., indg., kali-i., mag-c,
standing, while: Nat-c, plb.
mag-m., nat-ph., ol-an., rat., stront.,
swallowing agg. : Anac. sul-ac, tabac, zinc.

warm room agg. : Nux-v. extending into cheek: Sul-ac.

extending downwards: Bell., verb. temples: Kali-i., sul-ac.

to temples: lyach., nux-v. inside the ear (meatus, in): Agar., alum.,
ars., aur.. Bell., berb., bov., brom.,
about the ear: ^th., am-c, canth., con.,
t-flwM., carb-v., caust., chel., colch., con.,
ery-a., grat., kali-c, nat-s ,
plb., rhodo.
cycl., dulc, gamb., guaj., indg., kali-c,
above the ear: Arg-m., camph., chel.,
kali-i., kali-n.,lyc, mere, mez., nux-v.,
petr., phel., phos., phos-ac, pic-ac, plb.,

right: Chel. psor., ptds., sars., sil., stann., sul-ac,

tarax., verb., zinc
left: Arg-m.
cold air agg. : Agar.
evening: Chel.
intermittent: Psor.
behind ear: Agar., alum., ainbr., am-c,
anan., arg-n., ars., bar-c, bell., brom., menses, on appearance of : Merc.
calc, canth., caul., caps., carb-v., caust., extending to upper jaw, agg. by cold air:
chel., coc-c, colch., dig., indg., kali-c, Agar.
kali-n., laur., lye, mang., mur-ac, nat-c,
lobe: Ambr., ars,, carb-an., carb-v., cham.,
nux-v., par., phel., rhus-t., sars., sep.,
chin., mur-ac, zinc.
sil., squil., tabac, zinc.
left. Ars.
afternoon: Caust., nat-c, phel., sars., sil.

I p. m.: Nat-c, sil. twinging: Aloe, anac, anag., aran., arg-n.,

asaf., bar-c, carb-v., caust., coc-c, coloc,
3p. m.: Phel.
crot-t., dulc, ferr., graph., kali-n., kreos.,

4 p. m. : Caust. mere, mez., par., plant, prun., staph.

evening: Canth. right: Anag., arg-n., coloc, dulc, kreos.

sitting up in bed amel. : Alum. left: Coc-c, crot-t., prun., staph.

9 p. m. : Alum. morning in bed : Ferr.

moving head: Am-c. afternoon: Aran.
extending to nape of neck: Mur-ac. evening: Aloe, carb-v., mez.
clavicle: Par.
spasmodic: Crot-t.
neck: Chel., tarax.
shoulder: Ars.
behind ears: Cimic.


POLYPUS: AnacCalc, calc-i., canst., kali-bi.,
kali-chl., kalis., huh., lye, mere, petr.,
phos., sang., staph., sulph., teucr., thuj. stooping, on: Graph., rheum,

aniel. Cann-s.
bleeding: Calc, mere, thuj. :

soft, easily bleeding: Calc, mere, Thuj.

synchronous with pulse: Am-m., benz-ac,
coc-c, rumx., kali-n.
PUFFIlfG in, from pulsation of temporal arter-
walking, after: Phos.
ies: Beuz-ac.
writing, while: Rheum, zinc.
PULSATION in: Aloe, alum., alumn., am-c,
am-m., amyl-n., anac, auan., ars-s-r., bar-c, behind ear: Amyl-n., anan., calc-ph.,
glon., kali-c, lach., mez., pic-ac,
Bell., benz-ac, berb., brom., cad., calad., rhus-t.
calc, calc-ph., Cann-i., cann-s., carb-ac, cold air amel. : Rhus-t.
carb-au., carb-o., carb-v., causi., chel., chin.,
lying on affected side agg. : Rhus-t.
coca, cob., coc-c, coloc, coti., dig., ferr-m.,
gamb., glon., graph., hep., hydrc, ign.,
moving head, when: Kali-c.
kali-bi., kali-c, kali-n., lack., lye, mag-m., walking amel. : Rhus-t.
med., mere, merc-c, merc-i-f., mez.,
mur-ae, nat-c, nat-m., nil-ae, ol-an., op., warmth agg. : Rhus-t.
phos., phys., plant., ptel., ptUs., rheum, below ear: Sang.
rhodo., rhus-t., rumx., sang., selen., sep.,
in front of ear: Bar-c, calad., hep., lyc.
5z7.,spig., spong., sulph., iell., thuj., zinc.
morning: Lyc.
right: Am-m., cact., calad., glon., hydrc,
mag-m., ol-an., phos., ptel., selen., sil.
evening: Lyc
lying down, after: Hep.
left: Am-c, bar-e, berb., carb-o., cob., gamb.,
merc-c, nat-c, plant., rhodo., spig. on the ear: Bar-c.

morning: Graph. lobes: Ferr-m.

after breakfast: Zinc. RAWNESS behind (see Eruptions " ) : Petr.

forenoon: Coca.

evening: Cob., ind., phys., zinc.

REDNESS. (See "Discoloration.")

on falling asleep : Sil. REVERBERATIONS. (See under "Noises.")

in bed: Hep., thuj. RETRACTION, sense of: Verb.

night: Am-m., dig., kali-bi.. Puis., rhus-t., ROLLING, as if something were, to and fro in
sep. ear on shaking head : Ruta.
lying on the ear, when: Am-c, bar-c, kali-c, ROUGH epidermis in ears: Olnd.
SCRATCHING sensation in: Ruta.
warm in bed, when becoming: Merc.
SENSIBILITY increased: Kali-i., lach., mere,
air, exposure to, agg. : Ptel. valer.

dinner, after: Carb-an., indg. to wind : Lach.

eating agg. : Graph. of deaf ear increased, painful: Am-c.

lying on the side: Bar-c diminished: Mur-ac.

on the ear: Am-c, bar-c, kali-c, sil., STEATOMA. (See " Tumors.")
STENCH from ears: Graph.
pressure am el. : Carb-an.
behind ears: Olnd.

sitting, while: Am-m., indg.

STOPPED sensation: Aeon., Eeth., agar., alet.,
standing, while: Cann-s. alum., anac, anag., ant-c, arg-m., arg-n..

ars., Asar., aur-m., herb., bism., bor., brom., loud report, ears open with: Sil.
bry., calad., calc, cann-i., carb-s., carb-v.^ lying, while, agg.: Coc-c.
canst., cham., chin., chin-s., chel., chlof.,
cinnb., coc-c, cocc, colch., coloc, Con.,
on it, after: Selen.

crot-h., cycL, dig., dros., fflon., graph., menses, during: Mag-m.

gtiaj., guare., hura, hydr., hydrc, indg.,
moon, fuUd: Graph.
iod., jac, kali-bi., kali-c, lack., lachn.,
led., lob., Lyc, mag-m., mane, mang., reading aloud, while: Verb.
vieny., Merc, merc-c, merc-i-f., merl., rising, on, amel.: Stann.
mez., mill., nat-c, nat-m., iiat-s ,
petr., phos., phys., roaring, during: Hell. .

nu.T-rn., ol-an., op.,

psor.. Puis., phyt., raph., rhus-t., rumx., rhythmical: Coloc.
sabad., sanic, secale, selen., seneg., sep.,
swallowing, during: Ars.
Sil., spig., spong., stann., sul-ac, sulph.,
symph., tabac, tell., tep., teucr., thuj.,till., amel.: Alum., calc-, mere, sil.

upa., verat., verb. talking, while: Meny.

right: ^th., ant-c, arg-m., cann-i., caust., yawning amel. : Nat-m., sil.
colch., crot-h., cycl., rhus-t., tel., til., thuj.
walking, while: Colch.
left: Aeon., agar., aur-m. berb. coc-c. hydr.
, ,
STE,OKES, blows in ears: Arn., nat-m., nux-v.
hydrc, jac, kali-bi., nat-c, rumx., selen.,
pseon., plat.
spig., stann.

morning: Ant-c, brom.,

SUPPURATION: Am-c, bar-c, calc, caps.
caust., sil., teucr.,
carb-v., caust., hydr.,
Kali-bi., kali-ph.
lyc, Merc, olnd., Sil., spong., stann.
breakfast, after, amel.: Ant-c.
behind ear: Kali-c, nit-ac, phyt.
forenoon: Nat-m., psor., tel.
in front of ear: Merc.
afternoon: Mill., nat-m.
SWELLING: Aeon., alum,, anac, ant-c, ars.
amel.: Nat-m. Apis, arn., bor.. Bell., bry., calc, calc-ph.
carb-v., caust., chlol., cist., ery-a., glon.
3 p.m.: Jac
graph., jug-r., kali-bi., kali-c, kreos mere ,

evening: Ant-c, ham., kali-c, spig., thuj. nat-m., nit-ac, petr., phos., phos-ac.
in bed: Selen. pic-ac, psor ,
ptel.. Puis., rhus-t., rhus-v.
samb., Sep., sil., spong., tel., tep., urt-u.
sitting, while: Kali-c.
8 p. m. : Dios.
right: Calc, glon., jug-r., ptel.
air, open: Spig.
left: Ant-c ery-a., graph., nit-ac, rhus-t..
blowing the nose: Alum., calc, con., mang.;

spig., sulph.
about the ear: Arn., iorm., phyt.
amel.: iJffr^:., stann. of glands: Bar-c, bar-m., calc, mere,
boring with finger amel.: Lob.,
selen., spig.
behind: Ant-s., bar-c, bar-m., benz-ac,
berb., ,'

cough, after: Chel. bry., calc. Caps., carb-an.,

cist., colch
dig., graph., hura, kali-c,
dinner, after: Mill. lyc, nit-ac',
puis., rhus-t., rhus-v., tabac
eating, while: Sulph.
hard and red: Tabac.
excitement agg. : Dig.
knotty swelling: Bar-c.
hawking, when: Hyos.
lymphatic gland: Apis.

SWELLING, luhiiul. TUMORS, cystic: Nil-ac.

periosteum: C;i])s., carb-aii.
behind ears, small: Berb ,
bry., caust., con.
shiny: Con., lye, rhus-v.
in front of: Bry., calc.
warmth of bed amel.: Nil-ac.
lobe, on: Merc, 7iit-ac.
below: All-c, Bar-C, berb., caps., cist, ptel..
under: Calc.
samb. sars.

steatonia: Calc, nit-ac.

glands: Am-c, Bar-C, cist., graph., nit-ac.
wen, behind ears: Merc-i-r., verb.
in front of ear: Anthr., bry., calc, cist, iod.,
mere. TWITCHING: Act-sp., £eth.,agar., am-c, anac
inside (meatus):
ant-t., bar-e, bor., bov., calc, calc-a.
Aeon., bry., calc., calc-ph.,
calc-ph., cann-i., caust., chin., clem., dig.
cann-s., cist., cnpr., graph., lach., niag-c,
niez., nat-m., nit-ac, pett.,
fl-ac, hep., kali-c, mag-m., mane, mere
phos-ac. Puis.,
mez., nat-m., nice, nit-ac, nux-v., petr.
Sep., zinc.
phos., phos-ac, plat., puis., rhodo., sars.
evening: Mez. sil., spig., sul-ac, thuj., zinc.

lobe: Cic, kali-n., puis., rhus-t. right: Ant-t., calc, mag-m., mang., nat-m.
parotid gland. (See " FACE.") nit-ac, sul-ac, thuj.

TICKLING. (See "Itching.") left: Am-c, bar-c ,

bov., sil.

TENSION: Alum., ambr., apis, graph., kreos., morning: Ant-t., mang., nux-v.
lach., lye, nux-v. waking, on: Nixx-v.
inside: Asar., aur., cham., dig., euphr., lact., 6 a. m.: Nat-m.
evening: Nux-v., mez.
behind: Con., kali-n., lye, nit-ac.
blowing nose: Act-sp.
TINGLING in: ambr., am-c, am-m.,
Agar., rising, on: Kali-c.
anac, ant-c, arn., ars., asaf., aur-m-n.
bar-c, bell., brach., cale., camph., cann-s. sneezing, when: Act-sp.

carb-au., carb-v., caust., cham., chel. ehin-s., , extending to eye and lower jaw: Spig.
cic, colch., con., dig., dulc,
ferr-mag ,
to lower jaw: Nit-ac.
graph., ign., kali-c, kali-n., kalm., lach.,
laur., lye, mill., mag-c, mur-ac, nat-m., outward. Caust.
nux-v., plat., puis., rhus-t., sars., sep., stann.,
to mouth: Thuj.
strych., sulph., sul-ae, sul-i., thuj., verat.
to throat: Spig.
morning in bed: Sulph.
below ear: Elaps.
noon: Strych.
in front: Mag-m.
night: Carb-an.
lobe, in: Phos-ac, sars.
sitting, while: Sulph.
visible: Sars.
sneezing, when: Euph.
meatus: Anac, carb-v., nit-ac, valer.
turning head : Nat-c.
ULCERATION: Anac, bov., bry., bufo, calc,
walking, while: Rhus-t camph., graph., hep., kali-bi., mere,
in open air: Carb-an. mur-ac, olnd., petr., sars., sep., sulph.

meatus: Alum. right: Bov.

TUBERCLE, hard behind right ear: Graph. left: Camph., graph., mur-ac, sars.

left ear: Nice swallowing, painful: Anac, bov., sulph.

on the lobe: Merc, phos-ac. about the ear: Calc-ph.

purulent: Con., sep-
inside: Bov., calc, camph., carb-v., hep..
kali-bi., kali-c, lye, mere, puis., sep., sil., red: Con., mur-ac, ^^or.
sulph., tell. reddish: Psor.
in front of ear: Carb-v., mere. rotten paper, like: Con.

fistulous opening: Calc. soft: vSil.

lobe, in hole for earrings: Lach,, med., stann. thick: Chel., petr.
tympanum: Calc, iod., kali-bi., kali-ph.,
thin: Am-m., con., hep., kali-c, lach., mere,
Merc, psor., sil.
mosch., pelr., selen., sil., sulph., tel.
WAE.T-LIKE growth behind ear, inflamed and wanting: Anac, calc, carb-v., cham., lach.,
ulcerated: Calc.

WATER, sensation of, iu ear: Graph, » whitish: Chel., con., Lach,, sep.
left ear: Graph. like mush: Chel.
cold, running out of ears: Merc. yellow: Carbo-v., kali-c.
hot, running out of right ear: Cham.
Wen, behind: Merc-i-r., verb,
in left ear: Aeon.
on lobe: Nit-ac.
passing out of: Calc ,
spig., sulph.
Wind, intolerance of: Canst., Cham., Lach.
rushing into ears: Rhode.
sensation of, in: Bell., c:^irb-s., caust., chel.,
warm, in: Calad.
eupi., mag-c,
led., niez., mosch., plat.,
WAX increased: Agar., anan., bell., calc, Caust., puis., stann., stram., vine
coc-c, con. cycl., dios., elaps, hep., lye, left: Carb-s., mag-c, mosch., stann.
merc-i-r., merl., mosch., mur-ac, petr.,
•selen., sil., sulph., tarent., thuj., zinc. cold, as if blowing against meatus of right
ear: Caust.
black: Elaps, Puis.
passing out of ears: Abrot., bell., canth.,
brown: Calc-s.
chel., meli-a., stram.
red or dark : Miir-ac.
putting finger in, amel. : Chel.
dry: Elaps., lac-c, lach., mur-ac, plat.
passing into or blowing upon: Caust., maug.,
and peeling off in scales: Mur-ac. meny., mosch., plat., staph.
hardened: All-s., con., elaps, lach.. Puis,, puffing from ears: Meli.
Worms, sensation of, in: Aeon., calc, coloc,
pale: Lach. guare., med., pic-ac, puis., rhodo., ruta.

: ,

Aeon., aj^ar., aloe, alum., am-c, anac, ACUTE.
aiig., apis, aril., ars., asar., atrop ,
sleep, during: Aluinn., calad.
Bell., ^or., bry., cact., calad., calc, calc-a.,
cann-i., carb-v., cham., Chin,, cic, cimic, step, every: Cofp., nux-v.
cocc, CofF., colch., con., cop., cupr., graph., sounds of a hammer: Sang.
hep., tod., kali-c., lack., lye., mag-c, mere,
vehicles, tho' deafness to voice: Chen-a.
mur-ac, nat-c, nit-ac, nux-tn., Ifux-V., Op.,
petr., phos., phos-ac, pliys., pliyt., plant., affect the teeth: Lach., ther.
plb., ptel., puis., sang., secale, seneg., scp.,
violin playing: Viol-o.
Sil., spig., stram., strych., sulph., Tabac,
ther., thuj., verat., viol-o., zing. voices and talking: Agar., am-c, ars., cact.,
carb-v.,. cocc, coff., con., ign., kali-c,
morning: Fl-ac.
mur-ac, op ,
phos-ac, ptel., verat.. Zinc.
evening: Coca, rhodo.
her own: Op.
bed, in: Kali-c.
waking, on: Carb-v., puis.
on falling asleep : Calc-a., calad.
water running: Lyssin.
night: Atro.
DISTANT, sounds seem: All-c, cann-i., cham.,
bed in: Kali-c.
coca, eupi., lac-c, nit-ac, uux-m., petiv.,
cracking in ears, preceded by: Graph. sol-n.

labor, during spasmodic labor pains: Cimic. voices seem; Cann-i., coca, nit-ox.

menses, during: Hyper., mag-c, nux-v. his own voice: Arn., caun-i.

music: Acon., aloe, ambr., bufo, chant am-c.

ILLUSIONS: Abs., atro., carb-o., carb-s.,
coff., lye, nat-c, Nux-v., phos-ac, sep., carb-v., con., croL-h., elaps, eup-pur., hyos.,
sulph., tabac, viol-o. kali-br., med., stram., thea.
during menses: Nat-c. as if tone came from another world: Carb-an.
of organ: Lye sounds appear to come from left side when
piano: Sabina. they really come from the right: Nat-c.

violin: Viol-o. IMl'AIRED: -^th., agar., agn., alet., all-c,

ambr., am-c, am m., anac, ang., ant-c,
amel.: Aur.
apis, arg-m arg-n., am., ars., asar., asaf

noise, for: Acon., aloe, apis, arn., ars., aur., aster., attr., aur-m., bapt., bar-c. Bell., bor.,

bar-c, Bell., bor., bry., bufo, calad., calc, bov., bufo, bry., cact., calad., Calc, calc-ph.,

chin., cic, eocc, coff., con., crot-h ,ferr., canu-i., Carb-an., carb-o., carb-s.,
gels., ign iod., ip., kali-c, Lach., lye.,
carb-v., canst., cedr., cham., chel.. Chin.,
mag-c, mag-m., mil ,
mur-ac, nat-c, chin-s., chlof ,
cist., clem., cic, coc, coc-c,
nux-m., Nux-v., ol-an., Op., phos-ac, coff., colch., coloc, com., con., cor-r., croc,
plb., secale, Sep., sil., spig., siaun., sulph., crot-h., C7-ot-t., Cupr., cycl ,
dig., dros.,

tabac, ther.. Zinc. dulc claps, /err., ff-ac, form., gad., gauib.,

gels., glon., Graph., grat., guare., guaj.,

causes nausea: Cocc, ther. iod., ip.,
hep., hydr., hydr-ac, Hyos., ign.,

rumpling of paper: Bor., calad., ferr. kali-bi., kali-c, kali-chl., kali-br.,


kali-i., kali-n kali-s., kalm., kreos., lach.,

scratching on linen or silk uisupportable ,

lachn., lacL, laur., led., Lyc, mag-c.

mag-m., mag-ph., mang., nied., menj'., bending head backward: Fl-ac
meph., mere merc-i-r., merl., mez., mosch.,
blowing nose amel.: Hep., mang., mere, sil.,
mur-ac, nat-a., nat-c, nat-m., nice, nit-ac, stann.
nux-m., nux-v oltid., op., par., Petr.,

burning and stinging, after: Caps.

Phos., Phos-ac, pbys., plat, pld., psor.,
Puis., rheum, rliodo, rkus-L, ruta, sabad., catarrh of eustachian tube: Calc, caps., gels.,
seleu., sep
sabin., sal-ac, sars., Secale, ,
iod., Kali-S., mang., nit-ac, Petr., Puis.
Sil., spig., sp07ig., squil., stanu., staph.,
changes of weather agg. : Mang.
strani., sul-ac, Sulph., tabac, tarax.,

tarent., tell., tep., ther., thuj., valer., verat., cold, after a: Ars., bell., elaps., lach., led.,

verb., viol-o., zinc. mere, Puis., :il.

right: Arn ,
calc, cocc, cycl., kalis., Led., sensation in abdomen, with: Ambr.
mere, phys.
concussions, from: Am., chin-s.
then left: Elaps.
confusion of sounds: Carb-an., plat., secale.
left: Anac, arg-n., bor., bry., chel., coc-c,
cough, during: Chel., puis.
jac-c, mag-m., nat-c, op.
amel: sil.
then right: Sulph.
damp weather agg.: Anan., mang.
morning: Calc, clem., gamb., merc-i-r., sil.,
dinner, after: Sulph.
direction of sound, cannot tell: Carb-an.
forenoon: Asaf., clem ,
mag-c, phys.
distance, at a: Phos-ac.
II a. ra.: Mag-c.
amel. : Gamb.
lasting until 8 p. m. : Phys.
all sounds seem far off: Cann-i., lac-e.
afternoon: Elaps, sil.
with pain in the ear: Ign.
earwax, after removing: Con.
evening: Anan , cham ,
kali-c, mag-c, nice,
eating agg.: Sil., spig., Sulph.
plb., tarax.

Phys. enlarged tonsils, from: Aur., kali-bi., mere,

9 p. m. :

nil-ac., staph.
night: Cedr., elaps.
eructations, during: Petr.
by buzzing in ears: Phos.
false understanding: Bov., phos.
sensation of something falling before the
ears: Cocc, kali-i. full moon, during: Sil.

lying before the ear: Chel., mag-m., in the house agg. : Mag-c.
intermittent: Sil.

ringing, with: Phos.

leaf or membrane, like a, before the ear
roaring, with: Petr., Phos-ac, sil. Aeon., agar., alum., am-c, ant-e, arg-n.
asaf., asar., bell., calad., ealc., cann-s.
stopped sensation: Ars., asar., coc-c, puis.,
chel., chin., cycl., graph., led., mag-m.
mang., med., nit-ac. ,
par., phos., sabad.,
tingling: Sulph. selen., sul-ac, tabac, verat., verb.

abscesses and swellings in ears: Mag-c. shaking head and boring in ear amel.
open, agg. Selen.
air, : Calc.
loud noise, painfully sensitive: Am-c.
alternating with eye symptoms: Guare.
obscuration of sight: Cic.
measles, after: Arg-n., asar., carb-v., mere.
otorrhcea: Puis. Puis., sil., spig., sulph.
mechanical injuries, after: Arn. voice, human, sounds of: Ars., bufo, fl-ac.
inenses, before: Fer., kreos. mur-ac, onosm., Phos., rhus-t., «/
during: Cak., mag-m., kreos.
except, for: Ign.
mercury, abuse of: Asa/., carh-v., nil-ac,
pelr., staph., sulph.
walking, while: Chin-s.

nitric acid, abuse of: Petr.

in the wind: Phos.

noise, in, amel.: Graph. warm from walking, on becoming: Merc-i-r.

old people: Bar-c, tie, petr. i-ooni, in, amel.: Puis.

paralysis of the auditory nerve, from: Bar-c,

washing agg. : Sil.

bell., calc , canst ,

chel., dulc ,
glon., watch, sounds of : Phos-ac.
graph., hyos., kali -ph., lye, mere, nit-ac,
wind and rain, before: Nux-m.
nux-v., op., petr., phos-ac, puis., secale,
sil. working in water: Calc.

periodical: Secale, spig.

yawning agg.: Sil.

pregnancy, during: Caps, LOST: Aeon., a^ar., alum., ambr., am-c, anac.
ant-c, ant-t., arg-7i., arn., ars., ars-i., asar.,
pressing on the ear amel. : Phos.
aur., aur-m., bar-c, har-m., Bell., bor.,
quinine, after abuse of: Calc. bry., calc, cann-s., caps., carb-s., carb v.,

carl., Caust., Cham., chin-s., chlor., cic,

reading aloud, while: Verb.
coca, cocc, con., croc, crot-t., cupr. ,
report, relieved after: Graph., hep., mur-ac , dulc, elaps, gels., glon., graph.. Hep.,
sil., tarent. hydr-ac, hyos., jat., kali-a., kali-c, kali-n.,
lach., lachn., laur., led., LyC, mag-c,
loud, followed by deafness: Sepia. med., meny., mere,
mag-m., mang.,
riding in a carriage amel.: Graph., Ifit-ac, merc-c, mosch., nat-c, nat-m., nat-s., nice,
puis. nit-ac, ol-au., olnd., petr., phos., phos-ac,
plat., plb., ^&ox., puis., raph., rheum, rhodo.,
on the cars amel. : Fuls.
rhus-t., sabad., secale,
sil., Spig.,

room, in: Mag-c. spong., stann., stram., Sulph., syph., verat.,

vip., zinc.
scarlet fever from: Carb-V., crot-h., graph.,
hep., lach., 'Lye, puis., sil , Sulph. left: AU-s.

morning, after rising: Stann.

sexual excesses: Petr.
afternoon: Sil.
singing, after: Apoc.
evening, 9 p. m., on lying down agg.:
. slow to understand: Carb-an., ioA.
stooping agg. : Croc.
blowing nose: Spig.
sudden: Dig., elaps., gels., nice, plb., secale,
boring finger amel. :_
Sep., sil.
buzzing in ears: Psor.
suppressed intermittents: Calc, chin-s.
catarrh, with: Asar., lach.
eruptions about the head: Mez.
convulsions, after: Secale.
swallowing, on: Phos., ars., aur.
dinner, during: Sulph.
amel.: Alum., mere.
leaflet before, sensation of: Ant-c.
typhoid, after: Apis., arg-n., ars., nit-ac,
menses, during: Lye

stopped sensation, with: Calad., mang.,
riding in a wagon amel. Graph,

Sep., spig.

ringing, with: Chin-s. vertigo, during: Crot-t.

roaring, after: Sep. vomiting, with: Bar-m.

scarlet fever, after: Lyc. waking, on: OSna.

EXTERNAL: Aeon., alum., ambr., aut-c, apis, ROOT.
ferr., hell.,
am., ariim-t., AuT., bar-c, bell., bor., cina, eolch., eoloc, con., elaps,
bry., calc, cann-s., canth., caps., ign., iod., kali-bi., kali-c,
bov., hep., Hyos.,
carb-an., carb-v., Caust., cedr., cham., chel., kali-i., lach., laur., meny., mere, merc-c,
chin., cic, clem., cofF., colch., con., dros., merc-i-f., mez., mosch., nat-a., nat-m.,
dulc, euphr., graph., hell., hep., hyos., iod ,
nit-ac olnd., petr., puis., ran-b., rheum,

Kali-C, laur., lye, mag-c, mag-m., meny., rhodo., ruta, sang., sang-n., sil., staph.,

Merc, mez., Uat-C, nat-m., nit-ac, petr., stict., thuj., viol-t., zinc.
phos., Phos-ac, plb.. Puis., rheum, rhod.,
SEPTUM: Aur., bry., caust., cina, colch., con.,
Rhus-t., ruta, samb., sars., sep., sil., Spig.,
hydr, iod., kali-bi., lye, mere,
spong., staph., sulph., sul-ac, tarax., thuj ,
petr., ruta, sil., sulph., staph.
verat., viol-o., viol-t., zinc.

Aeon., sesc, agar., ail., all-c, calc, canth.,

INTERNAL: TIP: Apis, aur., bell., bor., bry.,

alum., ambr., am-c, am-m., anac., Ant-C, Carb-an„ Carb-v., Caust., cedr., chel.,

ant-t, apis, arg-m., arg-n., am., ars., clem., eolch., con., kali-n., meny., mere,
Aurum-t., asar., Aur., bar-c, belL, mosch., nit-ac, phos-ac, rheum, rhtis-t.,

bor., bov., brom., bry., Calc, caniph., samb., Sep., sil., spong., sulph., sul-ac,
canth., caps., caust., cham., chel., chin., viol-o.
cic., cimic, cina, ciunb., clem., coca, cocc,
coc-e., cofF., colch., coloc., eon., cor-r., WINGS : Alum., ambr., arg-m., aur., brom.,
canth., earb-v., caust., coe-e, con., dulc,
crot-t., eycl., dios ,
dros., elaps, euph ,

euph., hell., hep., hippoz., kali-bi., kali-c,

euphr., fl-ac, gamb.. Graph., guaj., hep.,
kali-i., mag-m., mere, mez., nat-c, nat-m.,
* hydr., hyos., ign., iod., ip., Kali-bi.,
nii,x-v., phos., plb., psor., puis., rhus-t.,
kali-c, Kali-i., kali-n., kreos., lach., laur.,
sil., spig., squil., staph., sulph., Thuj.,
led., lye., mag-c., mag-m., mang., meny.,
mez., mur-ac, viol-t., zinc
Merc, merc-c, merc-i-r., .

naja, nat-a., uat-c, nat-m., Nit-ac, nux-v., mere,

ABSCESS: Calc, hep., lac-c, lach., sil.,
osiva.., petr., phos., phos-ac, phyto., plant.,
plb., podo.. Puis., ran-b., ran-sc, rhus-t.,
mmx., ruta, sabad., sang., sars., secale, at root: Puis.

selen., seneg., sep., Sil., sinap., Spig.,

AGGLUTINATION of nostrils: Aur., bar-c,
squil., stann., staph., Stict,, Sulph., teucr ,
ther., thuj., verat., wyeth., zinc.
morning: Lye
DORSUM: Alum., calc, canth., chin., cinnb.,
eon., ham., kali-bi., olnd., Phos-ac, ruta, sneezing, on: Carb-an.
samb., spig., spong., thuj. sensation of : Phos.
BONES: Anac, arn., 2x^.,asaf., Aur., calc,
AIR, sensitive to inhaled: ^sc, ani-c, brach.,
carb-n., cinnb., clem., coleh., con., hep., bufo, gins., hep., hydr., mag-s., osm., phos.,
hyos., kali-bi., lach.. Mere, mez., nat-m., psor., Sep., thuj.
petr., phos., phyt., plat., puis., sil., thuj.,
as of a light current passing over the dor
sum: Spig.
ROOT: Aeon., agar., agn., am-m., ant-t., arn.,
arum-t. ,
asar., bar-c, bell., bism., calc, ANOSMIA. (See "Smell.")
camph., cann-s., earb-v., caust., cinnb., BLEEDING. (See " EJpistaxis.")


BLOOD, congestion of, to the: Ani-c, cupr., CATARRH.

samb., sulph. open, an^cl. Aur.,

air, : bry., carb-v., mag-m
on stooping: Am-c. Puis.

BLOW the, constant inclination to: Bor., bov., aged persons, of: ^/w«.,ara-c., bar-c, eup-per.,
hep., hydr., kali-bi., nat-m., phos., psor., kali-s., kreos., potli.

Stict,, sulph., Teucr., then cool room amel.: All-c.


but no discharge. (See

' Dryness. '
dry chronic catarrh: Carb-v., dulc, 7iat-m.,

compelled to, in the evening: Lith. Sil., spong., Stict., sulph.

by sensation as though a large body in the measles, scarlatina and variola, after: Thuj.
nose: Teucr.
nitrate of silver, abuse of: Nat-m.
BORING in with fingers (see "Picks the
retrocession of eruption, from: Sep.
nose"): Arum-t., aur., Cina, con., phos.,
phos-ac, psor., selen., stict., verat., zinc. seaside agg. : Nat-m.
extends to frontal sinuses: Berb., bry., calc,
BUBBLING sensation: Sulph.
cupr., kali-chl., kali-i., Lyc, merc-i-f.,
CANCER: Alumn., ars., Aur., aur-m., calc,
nux-v., Sil., stict., verb.
carb-ac, carb-an., cund., kreos., mere,
phyt., Sep., sulph. to chest: Bry.

flat, on right side: Euphr. post nasal: Aeon., sesc, alumn., ant-s-a.,
arg-n., aur., aur-m., bar-c, bry., calc,
epithelioma: Carb-ac, cund., kalis., kreos. calc-s., caust., cinnb., cor-r., euphr.,

CARIES (see " Ozcena "): Asaf., Aur., aur-vi., Ferr-ph., Hep., hydr., iod., Kali-bi.,
aur-m-n., cadm., hekla, hep., hippoz., kali-c, kali-i., kreos., lith., lyc, mag-s.,
m&TC-i-T., phos., sil., stilling-. mane, med., merl., merc-i-f., merc-i-r.,
mez., nat-a., nat-c, Nat-m., nit-ac, petr.,
of septum: Kali-bi.
phyt., phos., plb., Psor., rhus-t., sang.,
syphilitic: Kali-bi.
selen., Sep., sil., spig., staph., ther., thuj.,
CATARRH: Aeon., sesc, agar., aloe, alum., zinc
alumn., ambr., am-c, am-m., ant-c., ant-s.,
COBWEBS, sensation of. (See " Tickling.") ,
ant-t., apis, arg-m., arg-n., Ars., ars-i.,
asaf., asar., arum-t., Aur., aur-m., bar-c., COLDNESS Aloe, anan.,
arn., arj.,ars-h., bell.,
bar-m.. Bell., bor., bov., Brom., bry., calc-ph., Camph., cann-i., Carb-V., chin.,
calad., Calc, calc-ph., camph., canth., caps., cist.,cocc, colch., crot-h., cycl., dros., ign.,
carb-ac., carb-an., carb-v., castor., caust., iod., Lac-C, mang., murx., 7iux-v., op.,
cham., chel., chin., cic, cimic, cina, cist., phos-ac, plb., polyg., puis., sep., sil.,
clem., cocc, cofif., colch., coloc, con., cop., spong., stram., sulph., tabac, tarax., Verat,,
cor-r., crot-t., cupr., cycl., dros., elaps, verat-v., zinc.
eup-perf., euph., euphr., ferr., fl-ac.,form., during: Apis, ant-c, cedr., chel., colch.,
gels.. Graph., guaj., hell., Hep., hydr.,
iod., m&ny., polyp., sil., sulph., tarax.
ign., iod., jal., Kali-bi., kali-c, kali-chl.,

kali-i., kreos., lack., laur., led., Lyc, icy coldness: Cedr., vei'at.

mag-c, mag-m., mang., med., meny., inside when inhaling: ^sc, anan., ant-c,

Merc, Merc-C,, merc-i-f., merc-i-r., mez., cimic, cist., Cor-r., hipp., hydr., kali-bi.,

mosch., mur-ac, naja, nat-a., nat-c, lith.

Nat-m., nat-s., nice, nit-ac, Nux-v., while walking in room: Camph.

nux-m., asm., par., petr., phos., phos-ac,
tip of: .Uoe, Apis, ars., calc-ph., cedr.,
plat., plb., Psor., Puis., ran-b., ran-sc ,

samb., crot-h., lach., lob., med.,

rhodo., Rhus-t., rmnx., sabad.,

sang., sars., Selen., seneg., Sep., Sil., with sore throat: Apis.
spig., spong., squil., stann., staph., stict.,
wings, both: .^aur.
stront., Sulph., sul-ac, tabac, teucr., ther.,
with internal h it: Arn.
thuj., uran., verat., zinc.

arJ., apis, COLOR, redness, inside.
COLOR, redness: Alum., anan., anthr.
bar., calc, septum: Alum., bov., bor., lil-l.
frund., anr., aur-m.. bar-c,
.^.//. ,

cycl., fl-ac,
cann-s canth., carb-v., Chin.,
tip: Alum., aur., bell., bor., calc, caps.,
kali-bi., kah-c.
graph., hep., bipp., iod., carb-an., carb-s., carb-v., chel., clem., con.,
lith., mag-c, mag-m.,
kali-i., lack., led ,
crot-h., kali-c, lach., led.,mag-p-a.,nat-m.,
mag-pb., magn-pol-arc, mang., mere, rhus-t., sep., sil.,
nice, nit-ac, phos.,
psor., ran-b.
merc-c, nat-c, plb., Phos., sulph.
rhus-t., sarr., stami., Sulph.,
evening: Caps,
rigbt side of: Litb., ox-ac.
anger, from: Vine,
extending to cheek: Anthr.
begins at, and spreads: Ox-ac.
left side of: Aur-m.
menses, during: Carb-an.
air, in the cold open: Aloe.
pain when touched : Carb-an.
drunkards, in: Lack.
stooping, when: Am-c
erysipelatous: Apis, rhus-v.
wings: Calc, kali-bi., kali-c, Mag-m., phos.,
left side: Lac-ac.
phos-ac, sabin., Sin-n.
freezing: Zinc.
right: Canth., gins,
mercury, abuse of: Lacb.
edges: Q.oc-c., gels., phos-ac.
painful to touch: Bell., carb-an. corners: Benz-ac, plb.

saddle, like a: Poth. yellow saddle: Carb-an., sanic, Sep.

shining: Canth., mere, ox-ac, phos. COMEDONES. (See "FACE, Eruptions.")

tip: Be\\.,phos. CONDYLOMATA: Nit-ac.

wing, right: Canth. inside; Nit-ac.

spots, in: Iod., pbos-ac, rhodo., sars., sil

CONVULSIVE motion. (See "twitching.")
CORYZA: Acon.,a;sc., ^eih.., agar., ail., All-C,

right side of: Euphr. all-s., alum., Ambr., am-c, am-m., anac,
anan.,ant-c., ant-t., apis, apoc.,2LXSM.,arg-m.,
tender to touch: Aur., rhodo.
arg-n., Ars., ars-i., armn-t., arund., asaf.,
septum: Berb., lil-t., sars.
asar.,aspar, asc-t.,astac., aur., aur-m., bad.,

tip: Calc bar-c, bell., benz-ac, berb., bor., hov., brom.,

bry., bufo. cad., cain., calad., calc-a., calc,
wing, left: Calc.
calc-fi., calc-ph., calc-s., camph., caps.,
tender to touch: Calc. carb-an., carb-ac, Carb-V., cast-eq., caust.,
ceanoth., cham., Chel., chen., chin., chlor.,
sudden: Bell,
dc, cimic, cimx., cina., cinnb., clem., cocc,
in warm weather: Bell.
coc-c, coff., colch., coloc, con., corn., cor-r.,
young women: Bor. croc, crot-h., crot-t., cupr., cycl., daph., dig.,
dros.jdulc, eucal., eup-perf, eup-purp,euph.,
inside: Aeon., act-sp., ail., apis, ars., bar-c,
carb-an., cocc, gels., kali-bi Euphr., /^rr., ferr-i , Ferr-ph., fl-ac, gels.,
bell., bry.,
glou., graph., guaj., hep., hydr., ign., ill.,
kali-c, kali-i., lach.. Mere, nux-v., petros
iod., ip., jab., jac-c, kali-bi., kali-c, kali-
phel., phos., polyg., stann., sulph.
chl., Kali-i., kali-n., kali-s., kalm., kreos.,
right: Aur. n lac-c, lach., laur., lyc, mag-c, mag-m.,
left: Nal-m., stann. mag-s., mang., med., meph.. Mere, merc-c,
merc-i-r., merc-sul., viez., mur-ac, myric,
bloody: Kali-c.
naja., nat-c, nat-m., nat-s, nice, nit-ac,
inflammatory: Merc. Nux-v., ol-an., ol-j., osm., ^a.r.,peir., phell,

posterior nares: Arg- ., phys. phos., phos-ac, phyt., plat, plb., Puis.,



rhodo., Rhus-t,, rhus-r^ rumx., sabad., open: Calc-ph., calc-s.,carb-ac, coloc,

sang. sars., selen., ^d'w^T., seneg., scp., Sil,, dulc, euphr., graph., hydr.
sin-n., spiy., spoi^s^., sqiiiL, Staph., ^^^V/., kali-bi., lith., mere, plat., phos., Puis,,
still., Sulph., sulph-ac, tell., tereb., teucr., sulph., teucr., thuj.
thiij., til., verat., verb., zinc.
amel.: Aeon., all-c, bry., cycl., mag-m.,
right: Ars., calc-s., carb-v., kali-bi., sang. merc-i-r., Nux-V., phos., puis., stict.,
to left: Carb-v. tell.

after a bath: Calc-s. after a while: Tell,

left: Agar, all-c, bad., euphr., jug-c, mang., dry, cold: Hyos.

thlaspi, zinc. fluent, dry in warm room: Ars., coloc,

to right: Agar, all-c. hydr., iod,, nux-v., plat., puis., thuj.,
sulph., zing.
daytime: Carb-v., canst. cimic, nux-v., stann.

conunencing to run : Thuj.

every other day : Nat-c.
warm: Apis, Mere.
morning: Alum., ant-c, armn-t., asc-t., bar-c,
calc-a,, calc-ph., carb-v., con., corn, agg., yet dreads cold: Apis.
cvcl., dig., euphr., iod., kali-bi, lach., posterior nares sensitive to: Kreos.
mag-c, myric, nat-m., Nux-V., puis., sars.,
annual (hay fever): Ail., All-C, ars., ars-i.,
Sep., squil., sumb.
bad., bfom., carb-v., cycl., dale, euphr.,
dry, fluent in evening: Apis. gels., iod., kali-bi., kali-i., kali-ph., Nat-m.,
Ars., aster., dulc. naja, Psor., ra7i-b., Sabad., sang., Sin-n.,
sil., slid., teucr., wyeth. .

noon: Cina.
spring, in: All-c, gels.
afternoon: Alum., lach., lyc.
August, in: All-C, dulc, gels.
4 p. m. : Apis,
asthmatic breathing: Bad., Iod,, kali-i.,
evening: All-c, anac., apis, carb-an., carb-v., •
naja, sin-n., sil.

chlor., dulc, euphr., iod., kali-bi., lach.,

ther., tromb., rose cold: All-c, sabad., sang., tuberc,
lith., mag-c, rumx., selen.,
zinc. ^

with terrific pain over root of nose: Arum-t.

fluent, dry in morning: Apis,

chest next morning on anxiety about the heart, with: Anac, spig.
with catarrh of
waking: Arn. back, with aching in: Cinnb., eup-per.,

.Bry., calc, carb-an., caust., cham., kali-c.

euphr., ferr., mag-m.. Mere, naja.
breathing obstructed. (See " Obstruction "
nat-s., nice, ni't-ac, nux-v.,
phos., rumx., also Dryness.


cheeks cold: Nat-c.
air, in open: ^th., calc-ph., calc-s., nat-c. tearing in the left: Am-c.
3 a. m., agg.: Am-c. chest, pains in: Am-c, bell., mag-s., mez.,

acrid, corroding lip. (See " Discharges.") ol-an., phos-ac, sang., sulph., zinc,

fluent in open air: Hydr. oppression: Calc, graph.

dry in warm room,
nat-c, at night: Berb.
air, from a draft of: Dulc, elaps,
rawness in: Meph.
scraping roughness under sternum: Kreos.
coff., didc, graph.,
agg. in cold: Calc-ph.,
soreness: Meph.
Merc, hyos-
tickling in middle of : Iod.
amel. in cool: All-c, cycl.

CORYZA, discharge, with.
CORYZA. crot-t.,
colch., coloc, cofF., con., cor-r.,
chill',' during: Calad., elat. ,

cupr., daph., dros.,

elaps., dulc,
Aeon., arg-n., -ars., bry., ferr-i.,
chilliness, with: eup-per., eup-pur., euph., Euphr.,
chenop., Mere, nat-c, nit-ac, graph., guaj., hep.,
calc-ph., fl-ac, gels., glon.,
puis., sarr., sil., spig., spong., jac-c, kali-bi., kali-c,
Nux-V., hydr., Ign., ^od.,
sulph. kali-s., kalm., kreos.,
kali-chl., Kali-i.,
lac-c, lach., Hl-t., lye, mag-c, mag-m.,
in back: Chenop.
mag-s., mang., meph., med., meny.. Mere,
chilled, from becoming, while overheated: Ars. merc-i-r., merc-sul., w<?^., mur-ac,
chronic, long-continued: Ail., alum., am-c, nat-c, Nat-m., nat-s., Nit-ac, Nux-v.,
anac, brom., bry., calc,
afs-i., berb., 0S7n., par., petr., phell., phos., phos-ac,
calc-ph., fflwM., coeh., colch., cist., cofoc, plat., plb.. Puis., rhus-t., rhus-r., rumx.,
cycl., eucal., fl-ac, graph., hydr., kreos., Sabad., sang., sarr., selen., sep., sil., sin-n.,

lye, mang., nat-a., nat-c, nat-m., ol-j.,

spig., spong., squil., staph., sulph., syph..
psor., puis.; saiig., sil., spig., spong., sulph., Tell., thuj., xanth., zinc.
tuberc, teucr.
morning: Aeon., calc-ph., carb-v., caust.,
left side: Berb.
coloc, cycl., dros., euphr. ,va&g-c., Nux-V.,
in evening, agg. : Ma&g. puis., sars., sep., squil., sulph., thuj.

posterior nares: Merc-i-f. with cough and expectoration: Euphr.

cold, on becoming: Benz-ac, graph.
in bed : Carb-v.
after a: Nat-c, spig.
lo a. m. : Med.
constant: Calc, nat-c, sil.

dry in afternoon: Mag-c.

cough, with: Aeon., all-c, alum., ambr.,
am-c, ars., bad., bar-c. Bell., calc, canth., rising, after: Caust., Nux-V.
carb-an., carb-v., caust., cham., cimx.,
graph., discharge, with, morning, pain in chest
colch., con., YiyiL^\iX.,ferr-ph., gels.,
soon after: Carb-v., caust.
hep., ign., iod., kali-bi. '^B.M-c, kali-chl.,
lach., lye, niag-c,* mag-s., meph., .mere, forenoon: Merc-i-r. /

nat-c, nat-m., nit-ac, phos., phos-ac,

noon: Cina.
rumx., rhus-t., sang., sarr., seneg., sep.,
sil., spig., spong., squil., staph., sulph., » afternoon: Arum-t., calc-ph., kali-c, mag-s.,
sul-ac, tell., thuj. plb., tromb.

croup, with: Aon., ars., cub., hep., nit-ac, evening: Agar., All-C, apis, hnio,^7-b-an:,
spong. carb-v., chen., cofF., fl-ac, kali-c, mez.,
,nat-a., rumx., selen., ther., thuj., tromb.,
diarrhoea, followed by: Sang., selen.
diphtheria, during: Am-c, ars., Arum-t.,
in the room, agg. : All-C.
carb-ac, chlor.,' ,frot-h., ign., Kali-bi.,
kali-ma., lac-c, lach., lye, merc-c, tnerc-cy., night: Fl-ac, rumx.
merc-i-f., mtir-ac, Nit-ac.
in sleep: Fl-ac.
discharge, with (fluent): Aeon., esse, ^th.,
air, in open: Ars., coloc, hydr., iod., Nit-ac,
agar., All-C, alum., am-c, am-m.,
nux-v., plat., Puis., sulph., thuj., tromb.,
anac, anan., ant-c, ant-t., apis, arg-m.,
zinc, zing.
Ars., arum-t., asaf., asc-t., aspar., aur., bad.,
bar.c, bell., berb., bor., bov., brom., bry., draft agg. : Merc
bufo, calad., calc, calc-a., calc-fl., calc-ph.,
colc^room: Carb-ac, calc-ph.
cain., camph., carb-ac, carb-an., carb-v.,
cast-eq., canst., cham., chel., chenop., chin., stooping, on: Agar.
chlor., cimx., cina, cinnb., clem., coc-c, warm room agg. : All-C,


discharge, without (dry coryza): Aeon., agar., frontal sinuses, pressure in: Cimx., kali-i.
all-c, all-s., ahun., aiiibr., am-c, am-m.,
fever, with: Aeon., all-c, anac, bar-m., chlor.,
anac, ant-c, apis., ars., asc-t., aur., bov.,
gels., iod., jab., lach., mere, nat-c, spig.,
bry., cact., calc, camph., caps., carb-an.,
carb-v., Caust., chain., chel., chin., coff.,
cor-r., croccycl., dig.,dros., dvXc, g7-apJi., hay-fever. (See "annual.")
hep., ign., iod., ip., kaH-c.,\L&\i-c\i\., kreos.,
hunger, with: Sulph-ac.
lach., lye, mag-c, mag-m., mang., mere,
mosch., nal-tn., nat-s., nil-ac. ,'JS-ax-v,,o\-an., hypogastrium, pain in: Calc.

ol-j., op., par., Phos., plat., psor., ptils hysterical excitement: Ign.

rat., sabin., sacch., Samb., sars., sep., sil.,

incomplete: l,ach.
spig., spong., squil., stann., Stict., sulph.,
sul-ac, teller., l/iuj., verb., zmc. especially when he attempts to speak in
public: Lach.
morning: Apis, calc, carb-an., carb-v, con.,
dig., iod., kali-c, lach., laur., mag-s., lasting one day in a week, frequent: Lach.
nat-m., nux-v., sil.
intermittent: Nat-c.
after rising: Bov.
lying down, compelled: Graph.
amel. : Carb-an. agg.: Euphr., mag-m., sin-n., spig.
fluent in evening: Apis. fluent when : Spig.
afternoon: Mag-c. flows into fauces and rattles from breath-
evening: Calc, cimic, carb-v., euphr., lach., ing: Phos.
mang., nice, nux-v., puis., sulph. menses, before: Mag-c.
in bed: Kali-c. with cough and hoarseness: Graph.
with discharge during the day: Dig., during: Alum., am-c, am-m., graph.,
eupb.r., nux-v. kali-c, mag-c, tarent.

night : Am-c calc, caust., dig., euphr., motion amel.: Dule, phos.
mag-c, mag-m., nat-c, nice, Nux-V., obstinate, with soreness beneath nose and on
lach. margin of nose: Brom., iod.

only: Alum. one-sided: Alum., hep., kali-e, Phos., phyt.,

fluent during the day: rhodo., staph., stann.
Caust., dig.,
euphr., nat-c , Nux-V. peaches, from the odor of : All-C.

air, open, in: Nux-v. periodical attacks (.see also "annual"):

alternating with fluent: Alum., ant-c, ant-t Graph., sil.

apis, ars., bell., cund., euphr., lach., alternate days: Nat-c.

mag-c, mag-m., mang., nat-c, nat-m.,
perspiration, with: Eup-per., jab.
Nux-v., par., phos.. Puis., sang, sil.,

sulph., sulph-ac, zinc. amel. after: Nat-c, nat-m.

followed by fluent: Asc-t., cor-r., plat, rest agg. : Dulc , rhus-t.

dyspnoea, with: Iod., kali-i., sin-n. room, fluent in cold room: Calc-ph.
eating agg. : Carb-an. , tromb. worse on entering a warm: AU-C,
after: Nux-V.
epistaxis, with: Ars., graph., ip., kali-bi,. better in a warm: Coloc, dulc.
puis., senec.
stopped up in : Plat,
excitement amel. : Fl-ac.
tuber c.
flowers and peaches: All-c. rose cold: All-c, sabad., sang.,

CRACKLING in: Aeon., sulph.
CORYZA. aur-tn..
Ant-c, aur.,
scarlatina, during: Ail., all-c, am-c, Arum-t., CRACKS in nostrils:

mur-ac, nit-ac, phos., phyt., rhus-t. graph., peir.


sitting upaniel. : Sin-n. chronic: Anthrok.

sleep, fluent in: Fl-ac. corners: Graph., mere,

sleeplessness, with: Ars., calc-ar.
septum: Merc,
smell, loss of. (See " Smell.")
on Alum., carb-an.
sore throat, with: Carb-an., calc-ph., cimic,
wings: Aur-m., hep., mere,
lack., Merc, Nit-ac, Nux-v., Phos.
stooping agg. : Laur. CRAWLING in: Arn., bar-c, bor.,
cycl., fl-ac, iod., merl., thuj.
sudden attacks: Apis,
ars-h., aur-m.,
thuj., zinc. inside: Agar., am-c, arg-m.,
carb-v., cham., colch.,
evening after lying down: Zinc. berb., bor.,
gran., mere, nat-m., Nux-V.,
suppressed: Aeon., ambr., ars.. Bell., sabad.,
phos-ac, ran-b., ran-sc, rhodo.,
chin., graph., Lach., lye, par., puis,
sil., spig., stdph., tabac, teucr.,
from least contact of cold air: Dulc.
right side: All-c, nat-m., teucr.
swallowing agg. Carb-an. med., ol-an.,

left side: Carb-v., mang.,

talking agg. : Aeon. spong.

taste, loss of Alum., ant-t, calc, cyc\., hep.,

root: Con., inul.
mag-m., Nat-m., nux-v., Puis., psor.,
almost to tip: Camph.
rhodo., Sep., sil., sulph., sulph-ac.
side of: Calc.
(See "MOUTH, taste.")
septum: Bry.
thirst, with: Aeon., aran., nat-c.
tip: Colch., moseh., piEon., rheum, sil.
tendency to: Alum.
wing, left: Laur.
uncovering the head, from: Nat-m.
worm, like a: Nat-m.
violent attacks: Arum-t.
warm room, coming into. (See " Sneezing." ]
an insect, not removed by rubbing: Am.,
becoming, when walking, amel. by:
CREEPING in bones: Cinnb.
water, cold, produces: Fl-ac.
CRUSTS. (See "Discharges.")
washing, after: Calc-s., fl-ac.

amel.: Phos.
DEADNESS of skin: Nat-m.
weather, in changeable: Gels., hep. DENTED in. (See "Sunken.")
wet, during: All-c. dulc, hep., mang., DESaUAMATION Ars., aur., :
aur-m., canth.

mere, sin-n. earb-an., crot-t. ,

nat-c, nat-m.

windy, in: Euphr. of the septum: Crot-t, kali-bi.

wet, after being: Sep.

of tip: Nat-c.
weep, disposition to: Spig.
DILATED nostrils: Ant-t., ar5.,hell., /yc, ox-ac,
wheezing, with: Iod,
phos., phys., spong.
wind, caused by cold, dry: Acon., spong.
expiration, during: Ferr.
N. E., after: All-c.
inspiration, each: Merc-i-f.
cold west: Kali-bi.
women, hysterical, in: Am-c. sensation of: Iod.

yawning, with: Carb-an., cupr., lyc. posterior nares feel, after a walk: Fl-ac.

DIPHTHERIA in: Am-c, hydr., kali-bi., lye, DISCHARGE, copious.
iod., kali-c, lac-ac, lyc, nat-c, Nat-m
begins in: Lye, nierc-c. nat-s., nit-ac, nux-v.,
Phos., plant., puis'.,
extends to lips: Am-c. rhodo., sabad., senec, spig slid.,
sulph., ,

verat-v., zinc.
posterior nares: Lac-c, lach.
in open air: Hydr.
DISCHARGE acrid. (See " excoriating.")
from post-nares: Cor-r.
albuminous: Aur., hippoz.
with stuffing of head: Aeon., agSLT., arum-t.,
biting. (See " excoriating.") calc, 71UX-V., nit-ac.

bland: Euphr., plant., Puis. morning: Arum-t.

bloody: Aeon., act-sp., agar., Ail., All-C, crusts, scabs, inside: Agar., ail., alum.,
Alum., ambr., am-c, am-m., ant-t., apis, alumn., ant-c, apis., arg-n., ars., arund.,
arg-ni., arg-n., Ars., ars-h., ars-iod., aur., aur-m., bar-c, bor., brom.,
arum-t., asar., aur., aur-in., aur-m-n., bry., calc, carb-an., caust., cic, coc-c.
bar-c, Bell., bor., bry., calc, Calc-S., canth., con., crot-t., culex., daph., ferr., ferr-i.,
caps., carb-ac, carb-v., caust., Chin., cimic, graph., hep., hippoz., hydr., hyper.,
cinnb., clem., cocc, con., croc, crot-h., Kali-bi., kaol., lach., lith., lyc, mag-c,
cupr., daph., euphr., ferr., gels.,
dros., mag-m., mere, vierc-i-f., merc-i-r., mez.,
graph., Hep., hippoz., hydr., ind., iod., ip., nat-a., nat-c, nat-m., nat-s., nit-ac, nux-v.,
kali-bi., kali-c, Kali-i., kaolin., kreos., petr., phos., phyt, ran-b., rhodo., rat.,
lac-c, lach., laur., led., lyc, mag-c, mag-m., rhus-r., sanic, sars., Sep., sil., staph.,
matig., Merc, merc-i-r., mez., myric, Stict., stront., sulph., teucr., Thuj.
nat-m., Nit-ac, nux-m., nux-v., op., par.,
right: Aur., hep., iod., sars., uran., xanth.
petr., phos., phos-ac, phyt., psor., puis.,
ran-b., rhus-t., sabad., sabin., sanic, sarr., left: Cob., nat-ph.
selen., sep., sil., sin-n., spig., spong., squil.,
adhere tightly: Phos.
slid., sulph., sul-ac, thuj., zinc.
black: Rhodo.
morning: Arum-t., lyc, sulph.
bloody: Ambr., am-c, am-m., phos., stront.
on blowing the nose: Chel.
brown crusts: Kali-c, thuj.
coughing, when: Caps.
detached, re-form if: Ars., bor.
one side, from: Asc-t.
detach, hard to, and leave rawness, sore:
blue: Am-m., arund, kali-bi, natr-a.
brownish: Thuj.
detached easily, but if pulled away too soon
burning: Agar., All-C, alum ,
am-c, am-m., cause soreness at root and intolerance of
ars., ars-i., ars-m., arum-t., brom., calad., light: Kali-bi.
calc, canth., carb-an, caust., chen., cina,
detached, when, leaving nostrils raw and
cinnb., con., euph., ham., iod., kali-bi.,
bleeding until others form: Ars.
kali-c, kali-i., kreos., mere, mez., mosch..
Puis., sulph., sul-ac. cause bleeding: Arg-n., kali-bi.

clear: Aeon., agar., asar., aur., calc, castor., detached, when, cause pain and soreness:

cedr., hydr., iod., lac-ac, mang., nat-m. Kali-bi., teucr.

hot water: Aeon. elastic plugs: Kali-bi., lyc.

constant: Hydr., kali-bi. gray: Kali-c.

copious: Acou., seth., All-C, ail., alum., green, every morning: Nit-ac.
agar., anac, anan., Ars., aspar., bar-c, masses: Kali-bi., /Ao^., Sep.i ''^«'^''-

berb., bry., chlor., coff., cor-r., cupr.,

greenish, seem to come from an ulcer: Nat-s.
cycl., ery-a., euphr., ferr-i., graph., hydr..

DISCHARGE, crusts.
led., lyc, mag-m., tnerc, myric, nat-c,
high up: Arum-t., crot-t., staph.
tell., iher.,
nii-ac, p&tr., puis., rhus-t., sil.,

large, must discharge through post-

nares: Alunin., sep. puis.,
flocculent: Am-c, ars., carb-v., ferr.,

painful: Thuj. sep., sil., sulph.

shining: Lith. gelatinous: Selen.

whitish: Kali-bi. glue-like: Merc-c, selen., sulph.
mag-m., rhod.
yellow: Aur., kali-c, kali-bi., from posterior nares: Merc-c, sumb.
in coryza: Bar-c, brom., kali-c. glai ry : Alum . ,

thick, heavy, high up: Crot-t. glassy: Cedr., iod.

septum, on: Anac, kali-bi., lac-c, sil., psor., anac, ars., asim., carb-an.,
gray: Ambr.,
selen., Thuj. chin., hippoz., kali-c, kreos., Lyc, mang.,
posterior nares: Alumn., bar-c, calc-a., nux-v., rhus-t., sang., seneg., sep, thuj.
culex., elaps, hydr., sep. grayish- white : Sang.
dries quickly, forming scabs: Psor, slid. ars-iod.,
greenish: Alum., anan., arn., ars.,

dry: Mth.., alum., agar. arund., asaf., aur., berb., bor., bov., bry.,
bufo, calc, cann-s., carb-an., carb-v., colch.,
excoriating: Agar., AU-C, ail., alum., am-c,
cop., culex., dros., ferr., ferr-i., graph.,
Arn-m., anac, ant-c, ant-t., apis, Ars.,
hep., hippoz., hydr-ac, hyos., ind., iod.,
ars-h., Ars-i., ars-m., Arum-t-, aur-m.,
kali-bi., kali-c, kali-i., kreos., lac-c, led.,
bor., brom., cact., cain., calc, calc-s.,
cann-s., canth. carb-an., carb-v., cast.,
lyc, lyssin, mang.. Mere, nat-c, nit-ac,

nux-v., par., phos., plb.. Puis., rhus-t.,

caust., cedr., cham., chin., chlor., con.,
sanic, Sep., sil spig., stann., slid., sulph.,
euphr., ^\x^--^ViX.,ferr., gels., Graph., ham., ,

syphil., teucr., ther., thuj.

hep., hippoz., hydr., ign., iod., kali-bi.,
kali-c, kali-i., Kreos., lac-c, lack., lye, on exposure to light: Nat-s.
mag-c, mag-m., mag-s., mang. Mere, ,
greenish-black : KaU-i.
merc-c, merc-i-f., mez., mur-ac, nat-m.,
Nit-ac, Nux-V., phos. iphos-ac, phyl. puis.
, ,
greenish-brown : Hydr-ac.
ran-b., rhus-t., sang., sep., sil., sin-n., spig.,
greenish-yellow. (See "yellowish-green.")
sguil., stann., staph., stict., siilph., sul-ac,
thuj., zinc at night, staining pillow: L,ac-c.

left nostril, from: AU-C. gummy: Sumb.

daytime: Cain, hot: Aeon., lyc.

morning: Ars-m., squil. ichorous: AU., all-c. ,

aur-m-n., lyc, nit-ac,
II a. m. : Ars-m.
singing, while: All-c.
night: Nit-ac.
indurated, dry, hard: Agar., alum., Alumn.,
menses, during; Am-c.
ant-c, arund., Aur., aur-vi., bar-c,
bland discharge from eyes, with: AU-C. bar., brom., bry., con., graph., guar.,
hydr-ac, iod., KaU-bi., lacli lyc, mere,
ophthalmia, with: Graph, ,

mez., nat-a., nat-c, nat-s., petr., phos., Sep.,

corners of nose: Chin-a. sil., staph., Stict., stront., sulph., thuj.
fatty: Lyc.
morning: Asim.
fetid: Agar., apis, asaf., Aur., aur-m-n. offensive: Alum., anan., ars., Asaf., asim.,
berb., calc, carb-ac, caust., cop., cur., Aur., aur-m., bar-c, bell., berb., Calc,
eucal., graph., hep., iod., kali-c, kreos.. carb-ac, caust., chin., con., cub., elaps,

) ,

graph., guaj., Hep., kali-bi., kali-c, kali-i., thick: Aeon.,
agar., all-c, alum., ambr.,
kali-s., kreos., (ach., led., lye, inag-m., am-m., ant-c, ant-t., apis, arg-n Ars., ,

Merc, merc-i-f., iiat-c, nat-s., nil-ac, ars-ni., ariim-t arund., SL%\n\., aur., bad.,

nux-v., Nat-C, petr., phos-ac, Puis., bar-c, bapt., bor., bov., ca/c, calc-fl., calc-s.,
rhus-t., sarr., sabin., sep ,
sil., spig., stanii.,. carb-v., caust., cinnb., coc-c, colch., cor-r.,
stram., sulph., tell., teucr., ther., thuj. croc, dig., ery-a., euphr., ferr-i., graph.,
menses, during: Graph. hep., hippoz., Hydr., iod., ip., Kali-bi.,
kali-br., kali-c, kali-i., kali-s., kreos.,
profuse. (See ' copious. '

Lac-C, lact-ac, lye, lyssin, mag-c, mag-ni.,
purulent: Ail., alum., am-c, anan., arg-m., mang., mere, mur-ac, nat-c, nat-m.,
arg-n., ars., ars-iod., asa/., asar., Aur., nat-ph., Nat-8., nit-ac, nux-v., op., par.,
aur-m., aur-ni-n., bell., berb., Calc, calc-s., phos., phos-ac, plb., Puis., rhus-t. ran-b., ,

chani., chin., cic, cina, cocc, coloc. Con., sabad., sanic, sang., sars., selen., Sep., sil.,
cur., dros., eucal., eupli., euphr., /err., sin-n., spong., stann ,
staph., sulph., sul-ac,
graph., guaj., Hep., hippoz., hydr., ign., ip., syph., ther., teucr., thuj., zinc.
ipom., Kali-bi., kali-c, kali-i., kali-n.,
daytime: Arum-t.
kalis., kreos., lac-c, lach., led., lye,
mag-c, mag-m., Merc, mur-ac, nat-c, clear, headache if it ceases: Kali-bi.
nat-ni., nit-ac, nux-v., petr., phos.,
from posterior nares: Nat-s., petr.
phos-ac psor., puis., rhus-l., sabin., samb
, ,

sang., Sep., sil., stann., staph., slid., sulph., thin: Bov., chen., colch., daph., graph., hep.,
thuj., uran., zinc. hippoz., hydr., ind., iod., lac-c, lach., lil-t.,
right: Kali-c, puis. mez., mur-ac, nat-c, phyt., rhodo., sabad.,
sin-n., sulph.
morning, early, on blowing the nose: Am-c.
relieving the burning: Psor.
forenoon: Ail.

sudden: Aur-m. tough, viscid: Agar., alum., arg-n., ars., Bov.,

cann-s., canth., caust, Cham., cinn-m.
weekly: Kali-s.
colch., croc, daph., dros., granat., graph.,
putrid: Agar., aruiid., asaf., bufo, graph, hippoz., Hydr., Kali-bi., kali-i., kali-s.,
lac-ac, mur-ac, nat-a., nat-c, par.,
reddish: Par.
phos., plb., psor., ran-b., sabad., samb.,
reddish-yellow: Calc. sanic, selen., sep., spig., spottg., Stann.,

scanty: Kali-bi., kaolin., sin-n. sil., sulph., sul-ac.

in room: Hydr. from posterior nares: Calc, canth., caps.,

phyt.., psor., staph., sumb.

slimy: Arund., con., ferr., graph., hep.
watery: Abrot., aeon., sesc, agar., ail., All-C,
smells bad: Anan.
aloe, alum., ambr., am-c, am-caust., am-m.,
burnt: Berb. ant-c, ant-t., apis, aral., arg-m., Ars., ars-i.,
ars-s-r., Arum-t., asar. awr-w., bad., bell.,
pungent: Berb. ,

berb bov., brom., bry., cain., calc, calc-ph.,

sour: Alum,
carb-an., carb-v., cast., Cham., chel., chen.,
stooping agg. : Am-c. chin., chin-a ,
cinnb., clem., cob., coca,
stringy: Croc, hydr., kali-bi., sanic. coff., coloc colch., con., cub., cupr.,

cupr-ar., cycl., dios., dros., dulc, elaps,

starch, like boiled: Arg-n., nat-ni.
euph., Euphr., eup-pur., ferr.,
elat., eucal.,
sudden: Apis, calc, coff., chlor., plant,
fl-ac, gels., Graph., guaj., ham.,
suppressed: Ail.
ill., ind., ign., iod., kali-bi., kali-i., kali-n.,
in morning, causing headache: Calc. kreos., lac-c, lach., Hl-t ,
lyssin, mag-c,
mag-m., mag-s., Mere, "lez., mur-ac,
tallow, like, leaving grease spots on linen:
nat-a., nat-m., nat-s., Nit-ac, Nux-V.,


DISCHARGE, aur-m.,hnio,
vellowish-green: Alum., arnud.,
osm., ox-ac, pall., par., petr., phyt., Plant., hep., JLyir., Kali-bi.,
sang., calc-Jl., calc-s., cop.,
plb., puis., ran-sc, rumx., sabad., nat-c, nat-s., par., phos.,
sidph., sv\.-&c., Jkali-c, Merc,
seneg., sin-n., spig., squil., sars.,Sep.,
psor.,Puls., rhus-t., sabad.,
Tell., tereb., teucr.
right, cUiriug day: Calc-s.
yellow, saffron: Plant,
left: Am-br., chlor.
yellowish-white: Calc, merc-i-r.
at night: Calc-s. ant-c, arg-n.,
posterior nares: Aluinn., anac,
Ars., carb-ac, hydr., cinnb., euph.,
air, in the open: bry calc-s.. carb-v.,1ihin ,

nat-m., phos. hep., hydr., merc-c,

euphr., gal-ac, gran.,
nat-a., Nat-m., nat-ph.,
Agar. merc-i-f., mez.,
chorea, with: rhus-t.,
phos-a.c., phyt.,
nit-ac, osm., paeon.,
cold room, in a: Carb-ac. rumx., sin-n., spig., thuj., zinc, zing.

epistaxis, after: Agar,

morning: Nat-m.
inflammation, without: Agar. had two noses: Merl.
DOUBLE, feels as if she
thick green later: Arund. sesc, agar.,
DRYNESS inside: Abrot., aeon.,
yellow later: Chlor. ail., all-c, aloe, alum., ambr., am-c, am-m.,

amel. in: Carb-ac. anac, ant-t., apis, ar5., ars-i., arum-t., atrop-s.,
warm room, brom.,
aur., Bar-C, bell., berb., bism., bor.,
whey- like: Ferr. bry., cact., calc, calc-s., cann-s., Carb-V.,
chin., chlor., cimic,
white: Apis, arg-n., ars-s-r., arund., a^/ar , caust., Cham., chel.,
clem., coc-c, colch., con., cor-r.,
berb., elaps, graph., hydr., kali-c/il., LSiC-C, cimx.,
lye, mere, Nat-m., nux-v., sabad., sanic, crot-t., cund., cycL, daph., dig., dios., dros.,
sin-n., spig. dulc, euphr., eup-per., ferr-i., gamb., gran.,
Graph., Wpp hydr-ac, hydrs., hyos.,

daytime: Cimic.
hyper., ign., iod., iodf., ip., ipom., Kali-bi.,
likewhiteof egg: kali-c, kali-n., lac-c, lach., lact., laur., lil-t.,

yellow: Aeon., alum., am-m., anag., ant-c, lith., mag-m., mane, mang., melil.,
arg-n., ars., ars-i., ars-m., Arum-t., Aur., meph., merl., mere, merc-i-r., merc-i-f.,
aur-m., bad., bar-c, berb., bov., Calc, mez., nat-ars., nat-m., nat-s., nice, nit-ac,
Nux-m., nux-v., ol-an., op., petr., phos.,
Calc-s., chin-a., chlor., cic, cinnb., coc-c,
daph., ery-a., ferr-i., graph., phos-ac, />5or puis., rat., rhodo,, rhus-t.,
cop., cupr., ,

iod., Kali-bi., kali-c, rhus-v., sabad. Samb., senee, seneg.,

Hep., Hydr., ind., ,

Kali-i., Kali-s., lack., lac-ac, lil-t.. Lye, Sep., Sil., sin-n, spig., Spong., Stict., stram.,
mur-ac, Sulph., tabae, tell., ther., thuj., till., trom.,
mag-m., mag-s., mez., nat-a.,

nat-c, nat-m., nat-ph., nat-s., Nit-ac, ust., verat., wyeth., xanth., zinc, zing.
phos., plant, Puis., rhus-t, sabin., sanic, right: Gamb., kali-bi., petr.
sang., selen., seneg., Sep.,-?2^., sin-n., spig.,
left: Calc-s., cob., chel., sinap., merl., sep.
stann., strain., Sulph,, ther., thuj.
morning: Mag-c, apis, ferr-i., lye, mag-e,
daytime: Arum-t.
morning: Phos., Puis., sulph.
bed, in: Aloe,pEeon.
afternoon: Bad. waking, on : Am-c. carbo-an
, ., kali-bi. , mag-c.
evening: Calc-s., Puis. sulph., thuj.
walking, while: Hj'dr.
from posterior nares: Calc-s., kali-bi.,
better toward noon: Ferr-i.
meny., nat-s., rumx., sumb.
forenoon in open air: Sulph.
dirty: Teucr.
evening: Apis, cur., dulc, graph., kali-bi.,
from posterior nares: Cinnb. peeon ,
tell., thuj., tromb.

night: Ani-ni., bor., cact, calc, lye, mag-c, ruta, sabad., Sabin., samb., sang.,
nux-v., phos., sil., tluij. sars., Secale, seneg., Sep., sil., sin-n., spig.,
moist during day: Calc. spong., squil., s'tann., staph., stict., strain.',
stront., sulph., sul-ac, tarax., tereb., teucr.,
prevents sleep: Bor.
thuj., til., IHll., ust., valer., verat., viol-o.,
wakes her: Mag-c. vip., zinc.

air, on walking in the open: Ant-c, lyc. righti Am-c, calc, con., cupr. gamb.,
in warm: Calc-ph. kali-bi., kali-chl ,
mag-c, verat.

to left: Coca, cor-r.

alternating with'dlscharge. (See "Coryza.")
left: Anj-c, am-m., amyl-n., berb., caust.,
blowing nose, compelled, but no discharge:
dios., hydr., rhodo
Cimic, Kali-bi., lac-c, lack., mag-c, ps or.,
Stict., Teucr. after a bath: Calc-s.

sensation of, when: Bar-c. to right: Hani.

chronic: Ambr., am-c, caust. morning: Aeon., agar., Ambr., am-c, ant-c,
am., arum-t bell., berb., bor., Bov., bry.,

heat in it, with: Cann-s., clem.

calc, canth., caps., Carb-an,, carb-v.,
painful: Calc, Graph ,
//io^., sep., sil., stict. caust., chi7i., coff., colch., croc, Aros.,ferr.,
graph.. Ham., hep., hipp., hyos., kali-bi.,
swallowing amel.: Sin-n.
kali-c, kreos., lac-ac, lack., mag-c, mere,
posterior nares: Aeon., cbsc, alum., calc-ph., nat-c, nat-m., Nit-ac, nux-v., phos., puis.,
carb-ac, carb-v., cinnh., coc-c, fago., Lyc, rhus-r. ,
rhus-t., sabin., sep., stann., sulph.,
merc-c, nat-ni., nux-m., rumx., sep., sil., thuj.
sin-n., stram., wyeth., zinc.
bed, in: Baf-c, caps., carb-v.
morning: Carb-an.
sleep, during: Bov.

night: Cinnb. waking, on: Aster., bell., bfy., mag-c,

stann. >.
EPISTAXIS: Abrot., acet-ac, Acon., agar., ail.

.all-c, aloe, alum., alumn., Ambr,, am-c. waking, after: Aloe, bry.

anac, anag., Ant-C, ant-s., ant-t., apis after: Agar., berb.,

rising, Bry., Chin.,
aran., arg-m., arg-n.. Am., ars., asaf. coff., ferr., sep., stann.
asar. ,
astac, aster., aur., bapt., bar-c. Bell.
stooping, on: Ferr.
benz-ac. berb., bism., bor., Bov., brom.

bry., bufo, Cact., Calc, calc-ph., calc-s. 9 a. m. : Kali-c.

camph., cann-s., canth., caps., carb-an.
noon: Kali-bi.
Carb-V., carb-s., card-m., caust., cham.
Chin., chin-s., cic, cina, cinnb., cinnm. afternoon: Calc-ph., carb-an., cham., ind.,
clem., cocc, coff., colch., coloc, con., cop. lyc, magn-p-arct., nat-s., tabac, thuj.,

cor-r.. Croc, Crot-h., cupr., dig., dros. tromb.

dulc, elaps. erig., enphr., /err., ferr-m. m. Sulph.
3 p.

ferr-ph., gamb., glon., graph.. Ham,

hekla., hep., hydr., Hyos., ign., iod., Ip. 4 p. m.: Lac-c, lyc.
kali-bi., kali-c, kali-chl., kali-i., kali-n. evening: Ant-c, bor.,. colch., dros., ferr.,
kali-ph., kreos., lact-ac, Lach., lachn., led. gamb., graph., kali-bi., lach., lyc, mez.,
lob., lyc, lyssin, mag-c, mag-s., Med, phos., puts., Sep., snlph., sul-ac, thuj., til.

Meli., meph., Merc, merc-c, mez., Mill. '

6 p. m.: Coff.
mosch., mur-ac, nat-c, nat-ni., nat-ph.
nux-m., nux-v., oena., op.
menses, during: Sep. .

nat-s., ITit-ac,
night: Aut-c, arg-m., arn., bell., calc,
par., Phos., phos-ac, plat.,
petr., plb.
rumx. carb-au., carb-v., con., cor-r., croc, graph..
Puis., ran-b., rat., rhodo., Rhus-t.,

EPISTAXIS, blood, pale.

kali-chl., mag-m., niag-s., mere, and thin: Arn., carb-v., crot-h.

. mill., nat-m., naX-s., nii-ac, puis., rhus-t., and thin, but soon coagulates: Chin., dig.,
sahm.yVerat. dulc, kreos., til.
toward morning: Apia. 4 does ijot coagulate: Crot-h., ham.,
with orgasm df bl6od: Carb-v. tereb.

10 p. m.: Graph. stringy: CroC, cupr., mag-c, mere, secale.

aged persons: Agar., carb-v., sacale. viscid: Croc, cupr., kali-bi., secale.

alternating with spitting of blood: Ferr. warm: Dulc.

amenotrhoea, with: Bry., cad., con., ham., watery. (See "pale.")

lach o\-]., phos., puis.

, blow, from a: Acet-ac, Am., elaps, ham.,
anger: Ars.

blood acrid: Kali-n., nit-ac, sil. blowing the nose, when: Agar.; alum., ambr.,
am-c, am-m., ant-c, arg-m., arg-n.. Am.,
bright: Aeon., am-c, ant-t., arn., ars., bar-c,
aur-m., bapt., bar-c, bor.,
asar., asc-t., aur.,
Bell., l^or., bry., calc, canth., carb-ac, brom., bufo, calad., calc, calc-ph.,
carb-an., carb-v., chin., cic, dig., dios ,
canth., caps., carb-ac, carb-an.,^ carb-v.,
dros., dulc, elaps, eng., ferr., ferr-ph.,
caust., crot-h., cupr., dros., elaps, ferr.,
graph., Hyos., Ip., kali-n., kreos., lach.,
graph., hep., ind., kali-c, Lach., led., lyc,
laur fed., mag-m., mere, mez mill.,
, ,

mag-c, mag-m., meny., mere, mez., nat-c,

nat-c. ,
nat-s., nux-m., phos., puis., rhus-t.,
nat-m., nit-ac, nux-v., par., Phos., phos-ac,
sabad., sabin., secale, sep.,' sil., stram.,
puis., ran-b., rhus-t ,
ruta, sabad., sep., sil.,
stront., sulph., zinc.
spig., spong., stront., Sulph., thuj., zinc.
clottedj coagulated: Aeon., arg-n., bapt.,
right: Arg-n.
bell., bry., cann-i., canth., carb-an., caust.,

Cham.-, chin.., con., croc, dios, ferr., morning: Agar., arn., bov., caust., Lach.,
ferr-rtt., hep., hyos., ign., ip., lye, 13'ssin, puis., thuj.
mag-m., mete, nai-ni., nit-ac, nux-v.,
evening: Graph.
phos., pho|f-ac., Plat., puis., Rhus-t.,
sabiu., Secale, sep., stram., stront., night: Arg-n., graph., nit-ac.
sulph., tarent.
after: Agar., anae, arg-m., arn., bar-c, bry.,
quickly: Merc, nit-ac. chin., cinnb., nat-a., nat-c, nit-ac, nux-v.,
spong., sulph.
nose continually full of: Ferr.
bubbles bursting, sensation as of: Sars.
dark, black: Aeon., am-c, ant-c, ar«.,
asar., bell., bism., bry., calc, canth., chest, during oppression of: Act-sp., bfom.
carb-v., chain:, chin., cina, cinnb., cocc,
con., Croc, frot-h., cupr., dig., dros., children: Chin-s., ferr-ph., ham., mere
elaps, ferr., graph, ham., ign, kali-bi.,
kali-n., kreos., L'ach., led.,
boys: Abrot., cop., mere
lye, mag-c,
mag-m., mere, mur-ac, nit-ac, nux-m., girls, tall, slim, approaching puberty: Phos.
Nux-v,, phos-ac, phos., plat., /m/j., secale,
selen., sep., stram., sulph., sul-ac, tarent. chill, during: Kreos.

and thin: Crot-h., ham., lach., nit-ac, after: Hep.

t Secale, sul-ac.
in place of: Nat-m.
dried: Ambr., bell., lyssin.
climaxis: Arg-n., Lach., sulph., sul-ac
pale: Arn., bar-c, bell., carb-ac, crot-h.,
dig.,^ dulc, graph., hyos., lach., lachn., congestion to head, from: Ant-c, alum., bell.,
led., phos., rhus-t., sabin., secale, tereb. graph., nux-v.


continuing two weeks, partly pale, partly typhoid: Am., Bapt., bry., chins.,

clotted, worse going into a warm room from Crot-h., gels., Lach.,/Aoj-a^., rhus-t.
the open air, worse lying down, ceasing on
zymotic: Am., Crot-h., ham., phos-ac,
rising up, half pint at last hemorrhage:
rhus-l., lereb.
at onset: Crot-h.
cold, from taking: Con.
after: Carb-v.

convulsions: Plb. girls tall and slim, approaching puberty:

cough, with: Aeon., arn., bell., bry., carb-an., Phos.

carb-v., cina, cupr., Dros., dulc, fern, hyos., rapidly growing: Phos-ac.
indg., iod., ip., kreos., led., mere, mosch.,
hawking, after: Rhus-t.
mur-ac, nat-m., nit-ac, uux-v., phos.,
puls.,rh.vs-i., sabad., sep., sil., spong., stUph. headache, during: Acon,, Agar., alum.,
sul-ac. ambr., asaf., bell., carb-an., cinnb., dulc,
night: Nat-m.
after: Ant-c, lach., meli., sabin.
whooping cough: Am., bry., cor-r., crot-h.,
dros., Ip,, mere, mur-ac, nux-v., spong., amel.: Bufo, ham., meli., petr.
head, heaviness of: Coff.

dinner, during: Kali-bi., spong. congestion to, from: Alum., ant-c, bell.,

after: Am-c, arg-m., zinc. croc, graph., meli., nux-v., pic-ac.

diphtheria, in: Ars., carb-v., chin., crot-h., pressure in forehead, with: Alum,
hydr.,ign.,kali-chl., lach., merc-cy., nit-ac. hemorrhoids, with: Sep.
flow of, suppressed: Nux-v.
after detachment of membrane: Phos.
itching, preceded by: Am-m.
debauch, after a: Carb-v., lach.
jarring, from: Carb-v.
drawing pain, with: Agar,
lying, when: Hura.
drunkards, in: Lach., Secale.
mechanical causes, from: Am.
dry, hot nose: Cann-s. snlph.,
menses, before: i?a^-f., Lach., nat-s.,

emotion, from: Carb-v. verat.

eyes, congestion to: Alum. during: Ambr., tiat-s., sep., sulph.

pains in, amel. by: Brom. profuse: Aeon., ambr.

exertion, from: Am., carb-v., rhus-t. Sulph.


face changing color: Ferr. instead of: Ham., bry., lach.

heat of, with: Crot-h., graph, suppressed: Aeon., bell., Bry., cad., calc,
pale: Carb-v., Chin. con., croc, gels., ham., hyos.,
Lach., nit-ac, ol-j., phos ,
Puis., rhus-t.,
before the attack: Carb-v.
sabin., sep.
after attack: Carb-v. Con., kali-i.
mercury, after abuse of:

intensely red before the attack: Meli. carb-v., ham.,

old debilitated people: Agar.,
fainting, before: Carb-v. Secale, sul-ac. ,

with: Calc, cann-s., croc, crot-h.,

lach. one-sided: Cor-r., croc, crot-b.

from a: Acet-ac, arn. oozing: Crot-h., ham.

overheating, from: Sep., thuj.
fever, during: Meli.


weeping, after: Nit-ac.
periodical: Carb-v., kali-c.

Carb-v., crot-h., mur-ac, Phos., while: Nit-ac.

sulph. wet, after being: Bulc, puis., rhus-t.

perspiration, with: Phos. whooping cough, in. (See " cough.")

plethoric patients: Aeon., nux-v. wine, from: Ars.

pregnancy, during: Cocc, sep. wounds, after: Cop.

purpura hemorrhagica, with: Croi-h., ham., young women: Phos., Secale.

lack., Phos., rhus-t.
EXHALATIONS fetid, putrid: A^^ar., alum.,
sensation as if nose would bleed: Lac-ac, anthr., asaf., ars., Aur., bell., calc, caust.,
phys. dig., dios., elaps, fl-ac, graph., kali-bi.,

with loss of: Ind., ox-ac.

lye, mag-m.. Mere, nat-c, nit-ac, nux-v.,
phos., phos-ac. Puis., rhus-t., sep., sil.,
singing, after: Hep.
Sulph., thuj.
sleep, during: Bov., bry., graph.. Mere, sickly, sweetish: Nit-ac.
nat-s., nit-ac, nux-v., puis., sulph., verat.
urine, like: Graph.
sneezing, when: Bapt., bov., con., rumx.
EXOSTOSES : Merc, phos.
after: Con.
EXPANSION, sensation of, in nasal passage
followed by: Indg.
while walking in open air: Carb-an., carb-ac.
sore nostrils, followed by: Bry.
FAN-LIKE motion. (See '
' Motion. '


speaking, while: I^ac-c.

FLUIDS. (See "Liquids.")
Spring, in the: Con.
FOOD, sensation of, in posterior nares: Nit-ac,
stool, during: Carb-v., coff., phos., rhus-t. petr., sil.

while straining at: Coff., rhus-t., phos. on swallowing: Nit-ac.

after straining at: Carb-v. FORMICATION on: ^sc, sulph.

stooping, when: Dros., ferr., nai-m., nux-v., inside: Carb-v.

ol-j., rhus-t., sil.
at root: Teucr.
after: Carb-v.
FRECKLES: Phos., Sulph.
swallowing, when: I^ac-c.
talking, while: Lac-c. easily: Zinc
tingling, preceded by: Am. FULNESS, sense of: ^sc, agar., asaf., Bapt,
touch, from slight: Cic, ind. chant., Kali-i., lac-ac, lac-c, laur., par.,
phos., senec
vertigo, with: Ant-c, bov., carb-an., crot-h.,
around the: Calc.
left nostril, high up: Phos.
vicarious: Bry., Ham., lach., Th.os., puis.
at root: ^sc, cann-i., cvmd., gels., kali-bi.,
vomiting, after: Ars., sars. lac-c, nat-p.,/>ar., phos., sang., Stict.

washing, after: Ani-c, dros., kali-bi., kali-c. extending to neck and clavicle: Gels,
frontal sinuses, from inflammation of: Kali-bi.
the face, after: Am., dros.
FURUNCLES: Alum., am-c, cadm., carb-au.,
wheii: Am-c, ant-s., Arn., hali-c, mag-m., sars., sil.
inside, left upper toward tip: Bor.
watery discharge, after: Agar. on tip: Aeon., am-c, anan., bor., carb-an.


GANGRENE: ^/x, hippoz.
GREASY: Calc, hydr. drunkards, in: Ars., bell., calc, hep., lack,

HAIR of nostrils falls out: Caust. m^rc, puis., sulph.

HARDNESS Canth., Kali-c.:

erysipelatous: Apis, aur-m., cadni., calc,

graph., hippo/.., hydr., plb., rhus-t., stram.

of wings: Aur-m., thuj.
of dorsum, extends to cheeks: Ca7tth.
left: Alum., thuj.
of mucous surface: lod. border and tip: Lach.

to touch: Calc. mostly of wings: Plb.

HEAT in:Apis, am., bell., calad., cann-i., canth., inside: Agar ,

bell., bry., canth., calc, chel.,
Cham., Chin., clem., colch., cor-r., crot-h cham., cist., cocc, con., goss., hep.,

daph., euphr., graph., hell., hep., hyos., kali-bi., kali-i., mang., mere, , Phos.,
kali-bi., kali-c, mag-m., polyg., ran-b., rhus-t., sil., stann., sulph.,
merc-i-r., nux-v.,
psor., rhus-r., sang., thuj., vine. verat.

right: Merc-i-r. bones: Anan., asaf., Aur., aur-m.. Hep.,

left: Coff.. nat-m. r

margins: Mez.
air expired feels hot: Kali-bi.
septum: Psor.
breath seems hot: Kali-bi., ptel., rhus-t.
tip: Aur., bell., bor., bry., carb-an., Caust.,
bleed, as if would: Cann-s. crot-h., kali-c, kali-n., lach ,
lye, mere,
cold to touch: Arn. nice, nit-ac, phos., sep., sulph., rhus-t.

without redness: Kali-bi. ITCHING: Agar., ail., alum., am-e, am-m.,

apis, arg-n., arn., ars-m., Arum-t., arund.,
root: Kali-bi.
asc-t., aur., aur-m., aur-s., berb., bor.,
tip: Bell., caps., con., mag-p-arc, nat-m. brach., calc, calc-ph., camph., caps.,
carb-ac, carb-v., caust., chel., chin., cinnb.,
evenings: Caps , sin-n.
Cina, coc-e, colch., com., con., felix,
in warm weather: Bell. ferr-m., fl-ac, grat., hell., hydr., ign., ip.,

HEAVINESS: Am-c, carb-v., caust., cham., jatr., kali-c, lac-e, lye, lyssin, mag-m.,
colch., crot-h., euphr., mere, samb., sang., med., mere, merc-sulph,, mez., nit-ac,
sil., stann. nux-v., olnd., phos., phos-ac, puis., rat.,
samb., sanie, sep., spig., squil., Sulph.,
as of a weight hanging down : Kali-bi.
ther., tubere, uran., urt-u., vine, zinc.
in bones: Colch.
right: Gins., merl., sars.
at root: Bism., cinnb., sang., stann., ther.
left: Bad., chel., hell., laur., pallad., rhus-r.,
when stooping: Am-m., sil. staph.

INFLAMMATION: Alum., am., asaf., aur., evening: Coloe, lach., puis., sil.

aur-m., bell., bor., bry., cadm., calc,

eating, while: Jatr., lach.
cann-s., canth., caust., coch., cist, con.,
crot-t., hep., Lach., mang., med., rub constantly, must: Arg-n., Cina.
mere, merc-i-r., nat-c, nat-m., nux-v., phel., child starts out of sleep and: Lyc.
Phos., plb., puis., ran-b., rat., rhus-t., sep.,
tip: Agn., ars-m ,
calc-ph., carb-an., Caust.,
Sulph., verat. chel., con., laur., mere, mur-ae, o\-a.n., petr.
right: Aur., merc-i-r. rat., Sep., sil.

left: Cist., goss., nat-m. wings: Agar., Caust., calc, cann-s., mere,
chronic: Fl-ac. nat-s., selen. ,

external: Agar. right: Fl-ac, laur., spig.

internal: Phos. left: Mag-e, sars.

NECROSIS. (See "Caries.")
NODOSITIES: Ars., bar-m., merc-i-r.
ethmoid bone, in: Kali-bi.
surrounded by red swelling like acne rosacea:
inside: A^ar., am-m., arg-m., aig-n., aruml.,
aur., aur-m., benz-ac, berb., brach.,

calc, canipli., caps., carb-v., canst., cham., NUMBNESS: Ars-h., ars-m., asaf., cadm., fern,
chel.,c?«rt, colch., con., corn., cupr., eng., lyc, med., olnd., phys., plat.
euphr., gauib., gran., graph., At^^., hyper.,
one-sided: Nat-m.
ign., kali-c, lac-c, laur., lye, lyssin,
mag-c, merl., mere, nat-m., uit-ac, of nasal bones: Amyl-n.

NllX-V., ol-an., phos.,

phos-ac, ran-b., rat,
right: Plat.
siL, sin-n.,
rhodo., sabad., selen., seneg.,
Sulph., syph.,
stront., of tip: Viol-o.
spig ,
stid., stram.,
ust., zinc, zing,
tabac, teucr.. ther., urt-u.,
OBSTRUCTION: Aeon., iEth., agar., ail., all-c,
am-c, kali-c, kali-n., nat-m., alum., ambr., am-br., am-c, am-caust.,
right: All-c,
am-m., auac, an'.-c, apoc, arg-m
apis, ,
teucr., zinc,
arg-n., ArS., ars-i., ars-m., Arum-t., Aur.,
.eft: benz-ac, calc, camph., carb-v.,
Asc-t bar-c, bov., bry.,
aur-m., bad., bapt.,
cob., coloc, grat., hydr., mang.,
cact., cadin., calad., calc, calc-s., cann-s..
ol-an., spong., sars., syph.
carb-ac, carb-an., carb-v., cast.,
agreeable: Sabad. canst., chain., chel., chin., chlor., cic,
cimic, cina, cob., coc-c, cofif., coloc, con.,
posterior nares: Ran-b., ivyeth.
cor-r., crot-t., cupr., dig., dios., dros.,
septum: Benz-ac, iod., kali-bi.
dulc, elaps, eup-per., ferr-i., fi-ac, gels.,
KNOBBY tip: Atcr. graph., grat., hep., hydr., ign., iod., ip.,
Kali-bi., kali-c, kali-i., kali-n., kalm.,
kreos., lac-c, lac-ac, lack., laur., Lyc,
LIPOMA: Sulph. mag-c, mang., med
mag-m., mere, ,

attempting to swallow, come out merc-c, mez., mill., mur-ac, nat-a., nat-c,
LIQUIDS, on nux-m.,
nat-m., nat-s., nice, Nit-ac,
through the nose: Anan., Arum-t., aur.,
Nux-V., ol-an., op., par., /^-/r., t^\v^\\., phos.,
bar-c, bell., bism., canth., carb-ac, caust.,
phos-ac, phyt., pic-ac, plat., plb., psor..
cupr., cur., ign., kali-bi., kali-ma., lac-c,
Puis., ran-b., raph., rat., rhodo., rhus-t.,
LacL.., Lye, mere, merc-c, merc-cy.,
rumx., sabad., Samb., sang., sars., secale,
nat-m., petr., phyt., plb., puis., sil., sul-ac.
selen., sep.,sil., spig., spong., stann., staph.,
Alumn., aur-m., canst., kali-bi., kreos.,
slid., stram., sulph., sul-ac, sumb., syph.,
phyto., thuj.
tab., tell., Teucr., thuj., verb., zinc, zing.
leftside: Caust., kreos. camph.,
right: Alum., bapt., bor. ,hov., brom,,
exedens: Cist., thuj. croc, gels., lac-c, lil-t., nice, phyt., sars.,
Sep., stict., Teucr., xanth.
on wing: Aur-m., hydro.
then left: Bor., brom.
MEMBRANE, mucous, destroyed: Am-m.
left: Alum., anac, asar., chin-a., cimic,
detached: Elaps.
carb-an., carb-v., chlor., mag-m., mag-s.,
MOTION of wings constant: Ammc. nux-ni., rhodo., secale, sin-n., stram.
fan-like: Ant-t., brom., chel., Lyc, phos., with water dropping out: Bov.
morning: .^th., apoc, arn., arum-t., calc,
in pneumonia: Ani-t., kreos., Lyc, phos., carb-an., con., dig., hep., kali-bi., kali-i.,
sulph. lach.,lith., lyc, mag-m., nat-a., "par., phos.,
in a child: Ant-L rhodo., sil., tromb.
in diphtheria: Lyc, merc-i-f. 3 a. m., wakes him: Phyt.
rapid: Ant-t., brom., iod., lyc, sulph-ac. fluent during day : 6x7.

23 339
on waking: iEth., apoc, carb-an., kali-bi pus, from: Calc, chin-a., lach., led., lyc.,
kali-i. nat-c, puis., sep.

evening: Ant-c, card-v., ciraic, ciiia, euphr., night: Lyc.

io(/., kali-c, kalm., lye, mag-m.. Puis,,
reading aloud, while: Verb.
ran-b., sep , tciicr.
riding in a carriage: Asaf., phyl.
night: Agar., Am-C, am-m., arg-n., ars,,
bov., calc, causL, fe>~r-i., glon., Lyc, ri.singfrom bed amel.: Nux-ni.
mag-c, mag-m., nal-a., nat-c, nice, nit-ac,
room, in a: Arg-n., kali-c, nu.v-v., puis.,
nux-v., phell., sep.
ran-b., sulph.
from uncovering head during day: Nal-in.
fluent in open air: Nux-v.
wakes him: Mag-c, nit-ac.
warm: Op.
sensation of: Ferr-i., secale.
sensation of: Agar., arum-t., Aur., aur-m.,
air, in the open, amel. : Arg-n., phos., rhodo., bar-c, cann-s., chain., cob., cupr., eucal.,
sulph. ferr-i., ham., hydr., kali-bi., laur., mag-m.,

walking in: Kali-c. meny., merc-c, nat-a., nat-c, nat-s.,

Nux-v., stann., stram., zinc, zing.
bridge, at: Ars,, lith., lyc, sin-n.
right nostril: Aur., teucr.
with pain: Kali-bi.
posterior nares: Hydr., lac-ac.
children: Am-c, asc-t. (See "Snuffles.")

nursing infants: Aur., kali-bi., Nux-V., with watery discharge: Ars., arum-t., bov.,
savib. brom., chin., cupr., graph., kali-i.,

merff-c ,
nux-v., secale, sin-n.
sleep, during: Am-c, ars., Lyc.
sneezing, when, nostrils stick together:
chronic: Bry., con., fl-ac, sars., selen., sil.,
stool, during: Hep.
cold, every fresh: Sil.
stooping, when: Agar,
diphtheria, in: Am-c, kali-m., lyc, merc-cy.
swelling, from: Cadm.
by diphtheritic membrane; Hydr.
syphilitic: Phjrt.
duct, nasal: Nat-m.
talking almost impossible: Sil.
eating, after: Nat-c.
warm damp weather: Kali-bi.
ears, buzzing in : Ivach.
wet weather agg. : Dulc. elaps, mang.

eruption on septum, from: Crot-t.

posterior nares: Anac, calc-s., hydr., iris,
foot sweat suppressed, from: Sil.
kali-i., nat-a., petr., staph., zing.
healache, with: Calc, lach., phos., sang.,
thuj. ODORS, acid: Alum., bell,

lachrymation, with: Bor. agreeable: Agn., puis,

leaflet, as from a: Ign., kali-i.
almonds, bitter: Laur.
lying, while: Caust., chin-a., nux-m.
animals, of, in back part of: Con.
menses, before: Mag-c
ign., lac-c, bad in the morning: Kreos., puis,
one-sided: Alum., bell., chel.,
^M^^tr-z/., phyto., rhodo., sah&d.., staph., sulph., beer, sour: Bell., thuj.
sul-ac, teucr., vine
blood, as of : Nux-v., psor., sil.

alternately: Lac-c, rhodo.

brandy, of: Aur.
side lain on: Chin-a., teucr.
manure, of: Anac, bry., calc, mag-c, verat
brimstone. (See "sulphurous.")
musk, of: Agn.
broth, odor of, causes nausea: Colch.
musty, discharge smells: Nat-c.
burning tinder in the morning: Anac.
nux-v., nauseous: Canth., meny.
burnt substances: Anac, aur., graph.,
offensive: Agar., ars., asaf.,benz-ac, calc,
chel., cina, dios., elaps, ham., nat-p.,
burnt horn, of: Sulph.
nit-ac, Sep., Sulph..
burnt hair, of: Graph,
morning: Kreos., nat-ph., puis,
burnt sponge, of: Anac.
evenings: Nit-ac
cabbage, as of: Benz-ac.
blovdngthe nose, on: Sulph.
cancerous: Cadm., sulph.
lying down: Nit-ac.
candle snuffs, as of: Nux-v.
sensitive to: Par.
cheese, of: Nux-v.
old catarrh: Krs., graph., puis., Sulph.
discharge smells like: Merc,
onions, of: Cor-r., mane.
chicken dung: Anac.
roasted, of: Sang,
coffee, of: Puis.
peaches, sensitive to odor of the skin of:
cold, as of an old cold: Graph., mere, puis, All-c.
peas, of soaked: Sulph.
cooking, very sensitive to: Ars., Calad.,
pigeon dung: Anac.
Colch., eup-per., sep.
pine smoke, of: Bar-c.
drinks smell putrid: Nux-v.
pitch and sulphur alternately: Ars., con.
dust, of: Benz-ac.

fermented beer, of: Agn., bell., thuj. pus, of: Arg-n., gamb., seneg., sulph.

night: Arg-n.
fresh eggs nearly cause fainting: Colch.
putrid: Anthr., asaf., aur., bell., calc, cob.,
fetid: Asaf., aur.. Bell., calc, chlor., crot-t.,

iod., kali-bi., kreos., lac-c, graph., kali-bi., kreos., mag-p-arct., meny.,

elaps, graph.,
meny., nit-ac, nux-v., Par., Phos., phos-ac, mere, nit-ac, par., phos.. Puis., seneg.,
plb.,puls., sarr., sep., sil., Sulph.., verat. Sep., verat.

anorexia, with: Kreos. morning on waking: Kreos.

breathing through nose, when : Nit-ac. blowing the nose, on: Aur., kali-bi.

expiration, during: Chrom-ac. bread and milk smell: Par.

fish-brine, of: Agn., bell., thuj. eggs, of: Aur., bell., calc., kjali-bi.,

mag-p-arct., meny., mere, nux-v.,

foul: Par., phos.
phos., Sep., sulph.
garlic, sensitive to: Sabad.
food and milk smell: Nux-v.
gunpowder: Calc.
herring pickle, discharge smells of: Elaps.
herring, of: Agn., bell., colch.
sickly: Aur., cob., nit-ac, nux-v., sil.

horse-radish, of: Raph.

smoke, of: Bar-c, cor-r., sulph., verat.
leaves, of decayed, in a swamp: lodf.
smoked ham Colch. :

lobster, of, when expectorating: Lyc. soot, as of: Graph.

lime, fresh whitewash, of: Magn-p-arct. intolerable: Bell.

sour: Alum., bell.
cor-r., cfol-h., cycl., euphr., glon..
morning, early: Alum. Graph
g"aj., hell.. Hep., ign., iod., Kali-bi".'
sensitive to: Dros. Kali-i., kah-n., lach., lye, mere, merc-i-f.',
uat-a., nat-m., nat-s., nit-ac, petr.,
strong odors make him sick: Colch. phos.^
Phyt., Puis., ruta, sang., sars., sep.,
exc7te spasms: Lj'ssin. sulph., teucr., Ihuj., verat.

cause fainting; Nux-v. right: Brom.

agg. from: Cocc, Colch., Sulph, left: Ars-m., arum-m.
sulphurous: Anac, ars., calc, graph., nicx'-v evening: Alum., ars-m., cycl.
plb., sulph.
night: Aur., bell., cor-r., lach.
and pitch alternately: Ars., con.
with sleeplessness: Cor-r.
sweetish: Aur.
air, on inhaling: yEsc, aut-c, brach., bufo,
syrup, dislikes: Sang, gins., hep., hydr., mag-s., osm., phos.,
psor., Sep., thuj.
tallow, of: Valer.

candle-wick burning: Nux-v.

blowing the nose: Aur., hep., iod., kali-c,
kali-i., nat-m., sil., teucr.
tar, of: Ars., con.
breathing strongly, while: Am-c.
tinder, of: Anac, nux-v.
while: Op., ox-ac.
tobacco, of: Puis.
panting, agg. when: Bor.
intolerable: Bell., lyssin, nux-v.
coughing, when: Nit-ac.
ulcerous: Cadm.
flea-bites, like: Asc-t.
vinegar, odor of, unbearable: Agar,
lying down agg. : Bor.
whiskey, of: Aur.
amel.: Cupr.
wine, almost intolerable: Tabac.
menses, before: Con.
(ELEMA: Apis., bapt.
motion agg. : Cupr.
OPEN, sensation of, on walking in open air: Fl-ac.
pressure agg. : Chin., con., cupr-ars.
OZCENA: AU-s., alum.,am-c, arg-n., ars., Asaf.,
amel'. : Agn.
Aur., Aur-m., aur-m-n., Calc, calc-fl.,
Calc-ph., carb-ac, carb-an., chrom-ac, con., rubbing amel. : Bell,
crot-h., cur., elaps, fi-ac, graph.. Hep.,
sneezing, on: Nit-ac.
hippoz., hydr., Kali-bi., Kali-i., kali-ph.,
kalis., lack., mag-m.. Mere, merc-c, touch, on: Alum., aiir., bar-m., bell., bry.,
canth., carb-an., caust., colch., hep., kali-bi.,
merc-i-f., mez., myric, nat-c, nat-m., nat-s.,
nit-ac, ol-j., phos., phos-ac. Puis.,
kali-n., led., lye, mag-m., mag-s.. Mere,
nat-c, nat-m., nit-ac, -p^tT., phos., phos-ac,
sang., Sep., Sil,, slid., sulph., syph., teucr.,
ther. rhus-t., sabin., sil.

suppressed itch, after: Calc. extending from above downward: Arn.

syphilitic: Aur., aur-m., asaf., crot-h.. Hep., to ears on swallowing: Elaps.

kali-i., mere, Ifit-ac, Sil., syph. eyes: Hep., lyc.

(Compare " Exhalations.") brain like rays: Sil.

PAIN in:Aeon., sesc, alum., ant-t., arg-n., ars., eyebrows: Inul.

ars-m., armn-t.,ax\mA., aspar., Aur., bar-c,
forehead: Kali-i., nat-s., sil.
bell., benz-ac, bor., brom., calc, cann-i.,
carb-an., carb-v., chin., cinnb., coff., colch., head: Kali-bi., kali-i.


PAIN, extending to PAIN, aching.

occiput: Kali-c. root: Agn., bapt., kali-bi., nat-a., sulph.

posterior nares: Bapt. above: Asar., hep.

temples: Kali-bi., mag-c. pressure: Agn.

See " pulsating.


from root along orbital arch to external beating. ( '

angle of left eye: Kali-bi. biting: Ambr., ang., aur., bar-m., berb., bry.,
calc-ph., carb-v., euph., kali-c, lach.,
bones: ^sc, arg-n., ars., Aur., benz-ac,
mezer., rz.n-^Q.., sabad., spig.
card-an., cast-eq., colch., cycl., guaj., hep.,
Kali-bi., kali-i., kali-n., ind., mere, nat-m., left nostril, in evening: Chin.
Tphos., finis., sil., sulfih., thuj., verat.
skin, on: Mez.
right side: ^sc, aur.
wings, on: Aphis,
daytime: Sulfih.
boil, as from a: Hep.
cartilage, junction of: Kali-bi.
body, as from a foreign: Calc-ph., con.
from pressure: Calc.
boring: Aur., kali-i., nat-m., ruta, spig., sulph.
dorsum: Agn., canth., chin., hep., kali-bi.,
right side, momentary: Camph., psor.
kalm., fihos.
night: Aur., phos.
interior angle of left nostril: Coff.
nasal bones: Aur., ^aur-m-n., led., mez.,
internally: Graph- nat-m., phos.

posterior nares: Elafis., kali-ma. night: Phos.

as if streamed in on coughing or talk-

air extending to forehead: Kali-i.
ing: Mag-s.
root: Agar., bism., nat-m., phos., sulph.
root: Aeon., agn., alum., ant-t., arg-n., ars., morning: Hep.
arum-t., arund., aspar., bafit., cann-i.,
chin., cinnb., crot-t., dig.,
bruised, beaten (see "sore"): Act-sp., arg-n.,
carb-v., elafis,
euphr., feiT., glon., hell.. Hep., ign., am., ars-m., bell., cic, cina, coloc, hep.,
* mere, nat-a., nat-m., lyssin, puis., sil., viol-o.
Kali-bi., merc-i-f.,
nat-s., petr., fihos., phyto., fiuls., sang., sil., touch, from: Bell.
sulph., ther., thuj.
bones, in: Arg-n., sil.

with headache: Ag'ar., ferr., glon., hep.,

left: Anac. ,
mere, mez.
root, at: Ant-t., carb-an., nice
septum: Alum., caust., plb., kali-bi., sil.
tip, in: Hep.
tip: Bar-c, bell., carb-an., cist., lye, plb.
wing, right: Cic.
wings: Bar-c, calc.

right: Arg-n.
burning, inside: ^sc, seth., agar., all-c, aloe,
am-c, anan., apis, arg-n., Ars., arund., aur.,
from motion: Calc. aur-ra., bell., berb., bor., bov., brach., bufo,
left: Zinc. caXsid.., canth., caps., carb-an., card-m., caust.,
chen., chlor., cimic, cina., cist., clem.,
in a spot close above: Lach.
coloc, con., crot-t., daph., gamb., gran., hep.,
aching: Cimic, elaps, merc-i-f. hydr., kali-bi., kali-c, Kali-i., kali-n., led.,

bones: Bell., castor., cycl., mosch., sulph. mag-m., med., merc-c, merl., mez., nat-m.,
nat-s., nice, nit-ac, ol-an., petr., phell.,
dorsum: Agn., canth.
phos., phos-ae, phys., psor., rat., sabad.,
morning: Canth. stann., sil., sin-n., syph., Sulph., tabac.

in bed: Canth. right: Card., crot-t. hydr. , kali-bi., kali-n.


PAIN, burning. PAIN.
left: Caps., cina., cist., coil., kali-c, grat. corrosive: Ang., berb., calad., hydr., lyc.
evening: Pall. plat.

blowing the, on: Kali-n., sars.

cold air, from: Bufo.

coryza, during: ^sc, all-c, aloe, am-c, motion of nostril, from: Lyc.

Ars., caust., gels., sulph., senec. corners: Chlor.

drop of hot grease, at a small place, as margin of: Brom.
from a Bar-c. :

upper part: Sil.

menses, during, agg.: Carb-an.
cramping: Nux-m., plat.
pepper, as from: Seneg.
nasal bone, right: Laur., plat.
spots: Graph., iod.
root: Aeon., am., bapt., bell., colch., kali-c,
bones of: Kali-iod., niez., nat-m., phos. hyos., mang., plat., 'zinc.
dorsum: Coloc. right side: Kali-c.
posterior nares: ^sc. tip: Stront.

root, inside: Carbo-sulph., kali-bi., nat-m. wings: Plat., zinc,

right side of: I,achn. right: Ambr.
septum: Aphis., kali-bi., mez., sulph. crushing in root: Ananth.
morning: Sulph, cutting: Arn., kali-bi., kali-i.

side of : ^th. right nostril: Lyc

tip: Bell., caps., carb-an., carb-s., nice, evening: Lyc.
ol-an., sil.
in bed: Lyc.
menses, during, agg.: Carb-an.
bones, in: Iod., kali-i., merc-i.
wings: All-c. ,
aphis., chel., clem., coc-c,
root: Kali-c., teucr.
kali-c, kali-n., nit-ac, sulph., syph.
septum: Lyc, merc-i-f.
right: Sulph.

evening: Alum. left, on inspiration: Agar,

left: Hell., sulph. in upper part of: Lyc.

burrowing: Coloc. wing: Stram., zinc,

bursting: Asaf., bar-c, kali-bi. left: Zinc,

in right wing: Asaf. darting in root: Phos.

clawing: Arg-n. digging: Coloc, kali-n.

compressing: Aeon., verat. tensive in right nostril: Lach.

as from a claw: Arg-n., kali-n. from left side to root: Coloc.

if nostrils were pinched: Lachn., spong, distending pain: Bar-c.

root: Aeon, all-c, ant-t., hyos., kali-bi., dragging in bones : Merl.

mere, nat-a., puis., spong., zinc.
drawing: Agar., ant-c, bapt., bell., camph.,
canth., caul., caust., clem., colch., crot-h.,
amel. by hard pressure: Kali-bi.
crot-t., hep., lach., laur., mez., uat-s.
contracting: Anac, caps., hell., hep., sabad.
right: .^sc, lyc, nat-c, zinc,
left: Caps.
blowing it, on: Kali-c. left: Bell., camph.
above root: Spong. night: Crot-h.

drawing. PAIN, pressing.
all-c, all-s.,
root: Aeon., sesc, agar., agn.,
rubbing amel. Nat-c. bism.,

anan., aspar., bapL, bax-c, benz-ac,

from below up: Irid. cann-s. carb-v. chin., cimx.,
brom., calc, , ,

Rheum, cinnb., coloc, cund., cycL, dulc, grat,

extending to tip from root:
hipp., hyos., iod., Kali-bi.,
kalm., lac-d.,
bones: Clem., colch., lacb., mez. mane, mez., nat-a., iiat-m., olnd.,
root: Calc, tar^-t'., kali-clil., nat-m., //'J'A, phos., prun., ptils., ran-b., raph.,
thuj., zinc.
rhevim., sil. ruta, sarr., sep., stict.. ther.,

wings: Caust. stupefying: Aeon., canu-s.

electric sparks, sensation of, at left wing with followed by vertigo: Zinc.
desire to rub: Carb-ac.
tip: Lact.

gnawing: Merc, Sil. wing from within out: Asaf.

in nasal bones: Kali-i. right, as if it would burst: Asaf.

outer part, as of something acrid: Plat.

prickling: Agar., arg-m., calc, corn., dros.,
mag-c, nat-ph., ol-an., rhus-r.,
root: Calc, merc-s., raph. lach.,
tip: Berb.
right: Agar., mag-c, sul-ac.
jerking: Con.

right side: Zinc. left: Arg-m., dros.

left side: Caps. inside, upper part: Hydr-ac

sudden in root: Hyos. bones: Com-c.

from above down: Hyos. tip: Berb., ran-sc, sars.

lacerating (see "rending"): Cadm. as from a needle: Sars.

lancinating in bones: Kali-bi., kali-i., teucr. wings: Carb-ac.

pinching. (See " compressing.") pulling, sensation in left side as if a hair were
pulled: Plat,
pressing: Agn., asaf., aur-m., calc, colch.,
coloc, cor-r., grat., kalm., laur., mag-c, pulsating: Ars., bor., coloc, kali-bi., phos-ac.
mere, olnd., phos., prun., puis., ran-b., left: Arg-m., coloc.
sulph., teucr.
swollen, as if: Canth.
as if brain were forcing its way out: Ani-c,
bones: Anan., kali-i.
root, inside: Kali-bi., sarr.
agg. lying: Bor.
rawness: ALsc, ail., Arum-t., hydr., lack.,
downward: Mag-s.
merc-c, sep.
thro' right side: Bor.
morning: Mag-m.
over the, changing to tearing, followed by
blown, when: Hep.
dulness in back of head: Ambr., cupr.
coryza, during: iBsc, ail., ant-c, uva.
and sticking alternately: Laur.
nostrils: Arum-t., brom., iod., mag-m.,
asunder, in bones: Colch., cor-r., laur., prun., merc-c.,. phos., sep.
posterior nares: Aeon., arum-t., carb-v.,
lying agg.: Bor. chlor., hydr., iris, kali-n., lac-ac,
extending to side: Chin. merc-i-r., sep.

dorsum like a stone: Agn., coloc, kalm. morning: Chlor.

PAIN, rawness, jDOSterior ntires.
PAIN, soreness, inside.
afternoon: Nat-a.
brom., calc, caniph., carb-an., caust.,
inspiration agg. : Ferr-ph. Cham., chel., chen., cic, cocc,
con., daph., dios., euplir.,
septum: Mag-m. Graph., hep.,'
hyper., ign., jab., Kali-bi., kali-c
tip: Carb-s. kali-n., kaolin., lac-c, lach., lact , lith.i
wings, inner surface of: Mag-tn. mag-m., mag-s., mang., med., merc\
merc-c, mcz., mur-ac, nat-m., nat-s.,
scraping: Nux-v.
nice, Nit-ac, nux-v., o\-sm., petr., podo.,
sensitive, tender: Agar., ani-ni., benz-ac, psor., piel., puis., ran-b., rhus-t., rhodo.,
calc, kali-bi., mag-m., woX-xw., phos. sars., Sep., Sil., squil., stann staph.,

syph., thuj., tubcrc, uran., zinc.

evening: Alum.
right side: Alum., am-c, ant-c, aur.,
to inhaled air: ^Esc, ant-c, brach., bufo, calc, colch., kali-bi., kali-n., lac-c,
gins., hep., hydr., mag-s., osm., phos., mag-c, .?z7., thuj.
psor., Sep., thuj.
left side: Agn., Arum-t., coff., fl-ac,
in posteriornares: Kreos.
nat-ph., poth., staph.

to touch or pressure: Alum., ani-m., aur., posterior nares: Bapt., mag-c, ox-ac,
crot-t., cupr-ars., hep., lyssin, sil., sin-u. phos-ac. par.

inside: .^Esc, agar., am-m., cic, crot-t., ign., morning: Dig.

Kali-i., nux-v.
coughing, on: Carb-v.
tip: Carb-an., rhus-t.
root: Kali-bi., nice, nit-ac, raph.
soreness, externally: ^^^..bell., brach., brom.,
septum: Alum., bor., bov., calc, caust.,
calc, hep., \o^., petr.. phos., puis.
colch., con., hep., hydr., Kali-bi., lac-c,
blowing it, on: Aur., Graph., led., mag-s., mag-m., merc-i-f., mur-ac, nat-m., sep.,
nat-m. , sil. sil., staph., sulph., thuj.

compressing wings, when: Arg-n., colch., right side: Merc-i-f.

upper part: Led., zinc
inspiration, during: ^sc, agar., a^it-c, sep.
tip: Bell., bor., calc, cist., con., kali-bi.,
pressure, to: Con., cupr-ar., kali-n., lac-c, nth., lye, merc-sul., op., rhus-t., sil.,
led., nat-m. tax.

spots, in: Merc-i-f. wings: Am-m., brom., calc-c, calc-ph.,

calc-s gels., iod., kali-bi., nit-ac,
touch: Alum., anac, Aur., bell., bry., calc, ,

caust., colch., graph., hep., mang., kali-bi.,
mag-m., mere, nat-m., nit-ac, Phos., right: Daph., hydr., mez.
poth., sil., thuj. left: Med.
bones, in: Aur., cupr-ac, hep., jab., lac-c, spasmodic: Plat., zinc.
mere, nat-m.
at root: Arn., hyos., zinc
right: Aur. splinter-like : Nit-ac.
left: ^sc.
on touch: Nit-ac.
dorsum: Hep., Phos., sil., pctr., kali-bi.,
sticking, septum when touched: Zinc.
stitches: .^Esc, anan., Apis, asc-t., aur.,
edges: Am-m., calc-ph.
bar-m., bell., berb., calc, calc-ph., caps.,

inside: ^sc, agar., alum., ambr., am-m., con., euphor., ill., iponi., kah-c,
anac, ang., ant-c, aphis, mur-ac Nit-ac, nux-m., olnd., puis., jaw^.,
ars., Arum-t., ,

Aur., bapt., bar-c, bar-m., bor., bov.. spig., teucr., thuj.

PAIN, stitches. PAIN, tearing.

niag-m., mang., nat-s., nice, sep., sil.,

right side: Psor., sulph.
spong., sulph., zinc,
on breathing: Op., ox-ac.
right: Alum., zinc,
on blowing the nose as if bones rubbed
left: Am-c, aur-m., mang., ol-an.
together: Kali-bi.

leftside: Arg-m., calc, carb-ac, chin., bones: Aur-m., con., gamb., indg., kalm.,
grat., spong. mez.

during inspiration: Chin, with nausea: Kalm,

alternate with pressure: Laur. posterior nares: Zinc.

blowing the nose: Kali-c, nit-ac. root: Ant-t., castor., chin., coloc, kalm.,
mang., merc-c, nice, phos.
coughing: Nit-ac.
to forehead: Nat-m.
sneezing: Nit-ac.
septum: Plb.
touching: Nit-ac.
side: Carb-an.
bones: Ars., calc,, cham., cina., lach., led., wings: Caust., sil., stram.
right: Caust.
left: Spong.
left: Sil.

comers: Camph. throbbing. (See "pulsating.")

dorsum, right side: Con., inul.
tingling: Msc, all-c, ambr., am-c, am.,
inside: Calc, C07i., merc-c, mur-ac, hydr., arg-m., berb., canth., caps., colch., granat.
inside: All-c, arg-m.. Am., berb. bor., caps.,
posterior nares: ^sc. carb-v., colch., con., daph., gels., hep.,

root: Aeon., inul., merc-i-f., mill., nice, laur., ol-an., ran-b., ran-sc, rat., sabad.,

nat-m., nit-ac, phos., sil., rhus-t. spig., tabac, teucr.

leftside: Agar. right: All-c, ars-s-r., mag-c, slid.

alternating with stitching in occiput: left: Carb-v., hep.

in evening: Carb-v.
before he falls with vertigo: Kali-c.
blowing the nose, on: Hep.
to tip: Camph.
sudden, sharp, followed by sneezing:
septum: Aur., chin., con., iod., cinnm. Rumx.
side: .^th., sil. posterior nares: Arg-n.
tip: Bell., con., ill., kali-c, kali-n., sep., septum when blowing the nose : Bry.
tip: ^sc, bell., con., kali-n., lach., mosch.,
extending to forehead: Sil. paeon., rheum.

upper part: Teucr. amel. by friction: Bell.

wings: Kali-c. ulcerative: JEth., arn. hep., ign., kali-c,


junction of, with face: AU-s. mag-s., puis., staph.

left side: All-s. touch, on: Am-m., bry.. petr., sil.

stupefying: Aeon., olnd., rheum, inside: Am-m., ars., aur., bell., bor., bry.,
hep.,\gTi., nit-ac, nux-v., puis., sil., verat.
root: Ant-t.

tearing: Cadm., right side: Graph., kali-c.

calc, chin., colch., euphr.,
itid., kali-bi., kali-i., lach., lye, mag-c, left side: Am-m., cocc puis., staph.

, ,

PAIN, ulcerative.
aUIVERING (see Twitching ") Chel., mosch.

corners: Camph., nux-v. .stront.

wings: Nux-v. left side: Am-c.

left: Laur. root, extending to cheek : Calc-s.

evening: Nux-v. visible: Mez.

motion, on: Nux-v. RED. (See " Color," and "Spots.")

PARCHMENT, sensation as if nose were made ROUGHNESS inside: Daph.

of: Kali-bi.
posterior nares: Gal-ac, hyper.

PERSPIRATION on: Bell., cimx., cina, laur., SCABS. (See " Discharges.")
nat-ni., rheum., ruta, tuberc.
SCHNEIDERIAN membrane, violent irritation
morning: Cimx. resembling coryza: Apoc.
cold, around the: Chin. mortified: Ars.

PICKS the: Arum-t., Cina, hyper., lac-c, nat-ph., SCURFY. (See " Discharges.")
SENSITIVE. (See "Pain.")
until it bleeds: Arum-t., Cina, con., lack.

constant desire: Lil-t., rumx., stict. symph.

SHINING : Canth., mere, ox-ac, Phos.

tereb. tip: Bell., bor., sulph., phos.

in brain affections of children: wing, right: Canth.

Cina, Sulph. SKIN feels as if covered with oil: Calc.
the affected parts: Mag-m.
wrinkled: Cham,
PINCHED: Camph., kali-bi., lye, spig-., v&rat.,
SMELL acute: Aeon., agar., alum., amm-c
aiiac.,ant-c, am., ars., Aur., asar., bar-c.
POINTED: Anan., anl-l., ars., Camph., card-z/., Bell., bry., calc, canth., carb-ac, chani..
cocc, cupr., hell., lach., myos., nux-v., Chin., cina, cocc., Coff., colch., con., cycl.,

phos-ac, plb., rhus-t., spong., staph., Verat. cupr.. Graph., ham., hep., hyos., hyper.,
ign., ip., kali-c, halm., lac-ac, Lyc, lyssin,
POLYPUS in: All-c, alumn., apis, arum-m., mag-c, mez., nat-c, nux-m., Nux-V., Op.,
aur., bell., Calc, calc-i., calc-p., con., petr., Phos., phos-ac, plal., plb., puis.,
graph., hekla., hep., hydr., kali-bi., kali-n., sabad., selen., Sep., sil., stann., sulph.,
lye, mere, merc-c, merc-i-r., aSX-ac, phos., tabac, thuj., valer., viol-o., zinc.
puis., Sang., Sep., sil., staph., sulph.,
everything smells too strong: Aur.
Teucr., thtcj.

headache, during: Phos.

right: Kali-n.
pregnancy, during: Stann.
left: Alumn., apis, calc, merc-i-r.

bleeds easily: Calc, c&\c-^., phos., thuj. odor of breath causes nausea and faintness:
posterior nares: Teucr.
coffee: Sul-ac.
lod., syph., nit-ac.
cooking food nauseates: Colch., dig,,
PUEFINESS (see "Swelling"): Bell., caust.,
eup-per., sep.
kali-c, mere, nat-c, phos-ac. ,
puis., rhus-t.,
sep. causes vomiting: Stann.

PULSATION: Agar., arg-m., Ars., coloc, cor-r., eggs causes nausea and vomiting: Colch.
Kali-i., mag-m., sil. fish causes nausea and faintness: Colch.
root: Kali-bi., sarr., bor. flowers: All-c, Graph., b'c-, Nux-v.,
tip: Phos-ac. Phos., sang.


SMELL, odor of flowers.
cochl., colch., con., crot-t., crot-h., cupr.,
causes fainting: Phos. euph., euphr.,
cycl., dig., dros., dulc,
hyacinths causes nausea: Lye. Eup-per., eup-pur., ferr., form., gamb.,
gels., graph., grat., ham., hell., hep., hydr.,
food: Ars., Colch., Sep.
hyper., ill., ipom., jac-c, hah-bt.,
iod., ip.,
gas causes vertigo: Nux-V., Vhos. kreos., lac-c,
kali-c, kali-chl., kali-i., kalm.,
mice: Sabad. lach., lact-ac, lil-t., lye, mag-m., meph.,
merc-sul., mez., mur-ac, nat-c,
soot: Bell. Merc,
nat-s., nice, 7iit-ac, nux-m.,
strong, ailments from: Aur., cocc coflf, osm., petr.,
Nux-v., ol-an., ol-j., ox-ac,
plant., prun., ptel.,
causes cough : Phos. phos., phos-ac, phys.,
rhus-r., Rhus-t., ^ww^-.
Puis., ran-sc, rat.,
makes him beside himself: Colch.
sanic, sars.,
Sabad., sal-ac, sacch.. Sang.,
causes fainting: Nux-v. sil., spong., sqtiU.,
tarax., teuer., verat., zinc,
sour. Dros.
stict., Sulph.,
tobacco: Bell., ign., nux-v.
daytime: Gamb.
unpleasant, especially for: Aeon., all-c
morning: Agar., all-c, am-c, aspar., benz-ac,
vinegar: Agar. bov., bry., calc, caust., chlor., cimx.,

kreos., laur.,
(See "Odors.") fl-ac, gels., hell., kali-bi.,
lye, lyssin, mag-c, mez., nat-m., nux-v.,
diminished: Alum.,anae., ai-g-n., asaf.. Bell., phos., puis., sars., sep., sin-n., stict., Sulph.
benz-ac, Calc, eaps., eoee., coloc, con.,
daph., helL, hep., Hyos., kali-br., bed, in: Agar., am-c, aspar., Nux-V., pti^s.,
kali-c, laur., lye, mez., nat-a., Nat-m.,
nit-ac, 7mx-v.,o\Tidi., op., plb.,/>?</5., rhodo., prevents talking: Rhus-t.
rhus-t., ruta, secale, Sep., Sil., tabac, zinc.
rising, after: All-c, hell., nux-v., rhodo.
from sensation of leaflet at root: Kali-i.
waking, on: Aster., calc, chin., graph..
hallucinations of. (See under "Odors." m. Nice
5 a. :

wanting, loss of: Ail.,' alum., am-m., anac, 6 a. m. Sep.


ant-c, ant-t., ars., arund., aspar., aur.. Bell.,

forenoon: Cimx.
bry., bufo, Calc., camph., caps., carb-an.,
card-m., caust., cham., chlor., cod., cupr., afternoon: I,aur., bad., fl-ac.

cycl., elaps, graph., Hep., hyos., ign., iod., bar-c, cist., iod., Ij^ssin,
evening: All-c,
ip., kali-bi., kali-i., kali-s., lye., mag-m.,
Tphos., puis., rumx., Sulph.
mag-ph., mang., med., mez., Merc-C,
bed, on going to: Bufo.
natr-a., nat-c., Nat-m., nux-m., op., phell.,

Phos., Plb., psor., Puis., rhodo., rhus-t., sleep, during: Puis.

sang., sarr., secale, Sep., Sil., sulph.,
night: Arum-t., carb-v., elaps, petr., rhus-t.,
sul-ac., stram., ieucr., verat., zinc
rumx., sin-n.
SNEEZING: Aeon., esse, seth., agar., ail., all-c,
all night: Rhus-t.
aloe, alum., alumn., ambr., am m.,
ammc, anac, ani-L, apis, arg-m., arg-n., lying down, while: Sin-n.
arn., Ars., ars-i., ars-s-r., arum-d., air, from icy coldness of : Ananth.
arum-t., arund., aspar., aur., bad., bapt.,
bar-c, amel. in the: Calc, phos.
bell., benz-ac, berb., bor., brach.,
brom., Bry,, bufo, calc, calc-ph., calc-s., going into: Alumn., kali-bi., sabad.
camph., caps., carb-an., Carb-V., carb-s.,
prevented in the: Cocc.
caust., chel., chen., chin., chin-s., chlor.,
cic, cimic, Cina, cist., cob., cocc, coc-c. walking in: Tarax.



bright things, from looking at: I^yssin.
left side: JEi\\.
concussive: Castor., sulph.
high up in the nose: Gymn.
constant: All-c, anac, dulc, gamb., indg.,
increases after: Dros.

forenoon: Cinix. looking at shining objects: Lyssin.

night, during: Carb-v. opening the eyes: Graph.
coryza, with. (See under " Coryza.")
paroxysms last 4 to 6 hours with rapid sinking
without: Aeon., ebsc, agar., calc, carb-v., of strength: Petr.
cic, cist con., dig., hell., iod., kali-c,
raising the arms to brush the hair: Sil.
nat-c, nice, lye, sep., sil., staph.,
sulph. sleep, during: Bar-m., Nit-ac, puis.

coughing, after: Agar., hep., squil. wakes him from: Am-m.

sneezing twice when: Agar., bry. snufiF, as from: Osm.
between the: Bry. spasmodic: Agar., arn., bell., calc, con.,
crawling in nose: Ars-h., bor., carb-ac, gels., glon., ham., hell., ip., kali-i., lach.,
zinc. lyssin, nat-m., nux-v., phos., rhus-t., sabad.,
sil., staph., stram., sulph.
desire. ( See '
' irritation. '


prolonged paroxysms until he is depressed:

dinner, after: Agar., zinc.
dust, every little, causes: l^j'ssin.
sudden: Rumx.
eating, after: Grat.
sunshine, in: Agar., merc-sulph.
epistaxis, with: Con., indg.
talking prevented: Rhus-t.
frequent: Aeon., agar., all-c. alum., ambr.,
tingling in nose: Bor., carb-v., ferr., kali-bi.,
am-c, am-m., arg-m., arn., Ars., asaf.,
pseon., plat., rumx., stict., teucr.
aspar., aur., bell., brom., bry., Carb-v.,
castor., caust., chin-s., cic, con cor-r., uncovering, from: Hep., mere, rhus t.

crot-h., cupr., cycl., daph., dros., dulc,

violent: All-c, am-c, anag., aphis, ars., asaf.,
euphor., gymn., gins., hep., kali-c, kali-i.,
asar., aspar., bar-c, brom., canth., carb-v.,
kalm., krebs., lact., laur., lil-t., lye, mag-m.,
chin., chlor., cina, cist., coc-c, con., carb-v.,
mag-s., Merc, mosch., mur-ac, nat-c,
croc, crot-h., dig., fl-ac, gamb., gymn.,
nit-ac, nux-m., Nux-V., -p^tr., phos., plant.,
ind.,\nAg., ip., kali-c, laur., lye, mag-e,
prun ran-sc, sang., sep., squill., staph.,
mosch., nat-c, nice, nux-v., poth., rumx.,
slid., strout., Sulph.., verat., zinc
sabad., seneg., sil., squill.
without coryza: Agar., staph.
lasting 5 minutes: Seneg.
hay asthma: Ars., carb-v., dulc, euphr., lach.,
naja, nat-s.,nux-v., sinap., sticta.
expelling a lump of viscid, yellow mucus:
ineffectual efforts: Aeon., teth., alum., asar.,
benz-ac, hard greenish mucus: Arund.
calc, Calc-fl,, canth., Carb-V.,
caust., cocc, colch., euph., guar., hell., warm room, in: All-c
ind., kali-i., laur., lye, mez., mur-ac, yawning, with: Astae, bry.
nat-m., nit-ac, osm., phos., plat., plb., sars.,
Sil., sulph., sul-ac, zinc. SNUFFLES: Am-c, asc-t., aur., elaps, Lyc,
inhaling, from: Brom. Nux-v., puis., Samb.
(See also " Obstruction.")
irritation to: ^th., agar., ambr., amyl-n.,
anac, benz-ac, berb., calad., cham., coc-c, in new born infants: Dulc, Nux-V., puis.,
kali-chl., mur-ac, sal-ac. Samb.


SNUFFLING constant, but no discharge: lodf. SWELLING.
red, shining, commences on right side to tip:
speaking, while: Kali-bi.
warm damp weather, in: KaH-bi.
room, in a, after walking in the air: Aur.
SOOTY nostrils: Ant-t., chlor., colch., hell., hyos.,
shining: Aur-m-n., bor., lith., ox-ac, sulph.
lye, zinc.
spongy, vascular, distending it: Kali-bi.
SORENESS. (See "Pain.")
spot, in, on right lachrymal bone which
SUNKEN nose: Aiir., hep ,
throbs: Kali-bi.
in infants: Aur-m.
throbbing, hot: Cor-r.
SPASM in wings: Ambr.
touch, painful to: Calc, hippoz., nat-m.
muscles: Lyc.
bones: Ananth., asaf.. Hep., hydr., Kali-iod.,
SPOTS on, red: /od., phos-ac, rhodo., sai-s., sil.,
mere, merc-i-r., Phos., pathos., sulph.
posterior nares: Bry., phos-ac.
yellow: Sep.
ridge: Calc, 'ka.M-hi., phos-ac, rat.
SaUEAKING sensation in Nat-c. :

root: Calc, kali-bi., mere, nit-ac, petr., sarr.

SWELLING of: Ahtm., am-c, am-m., anan.,
anthr., Apis, Am,, Ars„ asaf., aur., dapL, coming and going: Calc.

Bar-C, l>ell., bor., bov., brom., bry., cadm., septum: Alum., caust., elaps, ham., mere,
Calc, calc-ph., cann-s., canth., carb-an.,
caust., cham., cist., cocc, Coc-C, cor-r.,
tip: Bell., bor., bry., calc, Caust., chel.,
crot-h., /f^r-z'., fl-ac, graph., guaj.. Hep.,
hippoz., ign., iod., kali-bi., kali-c, kali-chl.,
clem., crot-h., kali-c, lyc, mere, merc-suL,
nice, ox-ac, sep., sulph.
kali-i., kali-n., lach., Lyc, mag-c,

mag-m., med., meph., Mere, merc-c, in warm weather: Bell.

merc-i-r., nat-m., nice, nit-ac, petr., Phos.,
wings of: Brom., cann-s., hydr-ac, kali-bi.,
phos-ac, poth., puis., ran-b., rat., rhus-t.,
kali-c, lach., mag-m., nat-m., nit-ac, ox-ac,
rhus-v., sarr., Sep., sil., sin-n., Sulph..,
phos., phell., stann., sulph., thuj.
thuj., iuberc, urt-u., zinc.
right: Arg-n., calc, mag-m., mez.
right: Aur., cocc, cor-r., kali-bi., lith., mez.,
merc-i-f., merc-i-r., ox-ac, zinc. left: Alum., zinc.

sensation of: Kali-n., rat. TENDERNESS. (See under "Pain.")

left: Alum., am-m., aur-m., brom., calc, TENSION in: Aeon., asaf., bor., j^cadm., carb-an.,
cist., hydr., lach., nat-m., stann., thuj. kali-bi., mere, ran-b.

when pressed: Brom. painless over nasal bones: Asaf.

evening: Puis. skin: Aeon., arg-m., petr.

amel. in: Canst, above: Glon., hep.

air, after walking in : Aur. inside: Cadm., canth., graph., lac-d.

hard: Alum., aur-m-n. bones, in: Thuj.

inside: Aeon., am-c, asper., bell., calc, root: AU-c, ant-t., cadm., carb-ac, cupr.,
canth., carb-ac, cist., cocc, euphr., ign., ham., kali-bi., kali-i., lac-d., meny., mere,
kali-bi., kali-c, kali-n., lach., mere, nat-m., petr.
rhus-t., Sep., sil., tencr., zinc.
over, as from a band: Ant-t.
knotty: i!irs., Aur, tip: Carb-an.
on ridge: Calc. wings: Thiij.
one-sided: Cocc, croc, phos., zinc. THROBBING. (See " Pulsation. "
THICK. (See "Swelling.") Ferr-i. TWITCHING.
TICKLING in: Anag., arg-in., ars.,asar., bar-ni., tip: Bry., chel.
broni., calc-pli., caps., carb-v., card-ni.,
wing, right: Lyc.
hydr-ac, ign., kali-bi., kaliu., lyssiu, niag-c,
uiag-m., niur-ac, phos., ol-an., polyg.,/«/j., left: Plat., kali-bi.

sang., sin-n., spig.

ULCERS: Anan ,
anlhrok.,^ bry., caust., cocc,
right: Ars-h., card-m. cor-r.,Jl-ac., kali-bi., kali-c, nat-c.

then left: Card-m. right: Cor-r., gamb.

left: Arg-m., bell., brom., card-m., caust., inside:Alum., ang., arg-n., ars., Aur.,
rhus-r. Aur-m,, Aur-m-n., bry., cadm., calc,
calc-ph. carb-an .,
, ., f err-i ., T?-^^:. j^ry^i^/}.
then right: Brom. ,

hippoz., ign., iod., jatr., Kali-bi., kali-i.

relieved by pressure: Caust. lye, mag-m., mere, merc-c, Nit-ac.
cobwebs, as from, on moving nose: Brom. nat-c, petr., phos., puis., sang., Sep., Sil.
squil., staph., sulph., S3'ph., tabac, Thuj.
feather, as from a stiff: Phyt.
right: Bry., gamb., kali-n., sil., thuj.
hair, as from a, right nostril: Hydr.
high up: Nat-c, sil., thuj.
left nostril, high up: Kali-bi.
left: Aur-m., bell., bor., calc, lyc.
snuff, as from: Puis,
burning: Ars., sil.
sneezing, causes: Ars-h., lyssin, puis,
covered with yellow crusts: Arg-n.
septum: Bry.
malignant: Carb-an., kali-bi.
tip: Anag., brom., carb-s., rlius-v.
perforating: Fl-ac, kali-bi., mere.
TINGLING. (See " Pain, tingling.")
under: Amnd.
TORPOR, sense of: Asaf'., plat., samb., viol-o.
posterior nares: Arg-n., arum-t.

TREMULOUS sensation at tip: Chel. septum, on, round ulcers: Calc-ph., fl-ac,
hippoz., Kali-bi., kali-i., sars., sil., syph.,
TUBERCLE on wing: Hippoz.
TUMOR inside: Kali-bi.
tip: Bor., bry., Caust.
leftside: Merc-i-r. wings: Kali-c, Puis., sanic.
hard: Ars. right: Ars., cor-r.

tip: Ananth., carb-an., sulph. left: Dulc, fl-ac.

TWITCHING: Bry.,phys. borders of: Kali-bi., mag-m.

right side: Brom. VEINS, varicose, on: Carb-v., crot-h.

left side, seems to draw up the wing: Am-c. Rheum.

WARMTH, sensation of (see " Heat "):
creeping under the skin, left side: Arg-n.
WARTS on the: Caust., nit-ac, Tbuj,
muscles, spasmodic: Calc, carb-v., mosch.
mez. WRINKLED skin: Cham.
root, visible: Con., glon., hyos.,
YELLOW. (See "Color" and "Spots.")
left side: Nat-m.
bell.. Hep., kalU., Merc, BLOATED.
phos., sil. between lids and eyebrows: Cenchr., kali-c.

antrum: Kali-i., mere, mez., Sil. lower lip: Mur-ae.

lip: Anthr. BLOOD vessels distended: Chin., ferr., glon.,

Lach., op., sang., sars., thuj.
upper: Bell.
rhus-L, sil.
parotid glands: Ars., lack., phos., of lips: Crot-h., dig.
submaxillary glands: Calc, hipp., lack., BROAD, sensation of becoming: Coll.

seems blowing upon: Coloc, mez.

CACHECTIC : Ars., carb-an., chin., cupr.,
AIR, cool,
ferr., lach., lye, plb., sil., sulph., tab., zinc.

ANEMIC. (See "Pale")

CANCER: Ars., aur., carb-an., con., kali-c,
APHTHA on lips : Anl-L, cadm., hydr., ip.
kali-i., lach., nit-ac, phos., sil., sulph.,
BATHING, desire for: Apis, asar.

carb-an., nal-ni., lips: Ars., aur., aur-m., camph., carb-an.,

BEARD falling off: Anan.,
clem.. cund.,
phos-ac, sanic.
eaust., cic, cist., Con.,
kali-chl., kali-s., kreos., lach., lye, phyt,
shaving agg. complaints: Carb-an. sep., sil., sulph.

BLEEDING Hps: Aloe, am-c, ars., Arum-t,

lower: Ars ,
cist., clem., lye, sep., sil.
brom., bry., carb-an., cham., chlor., cob.,
kali-c, /rtc//., nat-m., stram. upper: Ant-chlor.

apoc, arn., pressure of a pipe: Con., sep.

BLOATED: Aeon., agar., ant-l., apis,

Ars., ati7'., bar-c, bell., biy., bu/o, cacL,

epithelioma: Ars., hydr., kali-s., lach., phos.,
calc, camph., cedr., cham., chin., chlor.,
cina, cocc, colch., con., cop., crot-h., dig.,
lips: Hydr., sep.
dire, dor., dros., dulc, elaps, ferr., glon.,
guare., hell., hipp., hura., hydr-ac, hyos., lower: Ars., clem., sep,, sil.

hyper., ip., kali-bi., kali-c, hack., laur., led.,

near the wing of nose: Aur.
nat-m.,n-\XK.-v., cen&n., op., phos., plb., puis.,
samb., sang., senec, sep., sol-n., spig., lupoid: Hep.
spong., stram., sulph., thuj., vesp., vine. lupus: Alumn., arg-n., Ars,, aur-m., carb-ac,
morning: Crot-li., dire. carb-v., cist., Hydr., kali-bi., kreos., sil.

on waking: Agar., hura. noli me tangere on nose: Cist., jug-c. ,

glossy, and: Aur.
scirrhus: Carb-an., sil.
lying, while: Apoc.

about the eyes: Apis, ars., colch., ferr., elaps,

CARBUNCLES on the chin: Lye
mere., nit-ac, phos., rhus-t. CARIES of bone: Aur., aur-m., kali-s., //wj.

between the eyes: Lye mastoid process : Caps., nit-ac.

over the eyes: Lye., rata, sep.

lower jaw: Asaf., aur., aur-ni., aur-m-n.,
under the eyes: Apis, ars., aur., bry., kali-c., cist., con., fl-ae, kali-i., mere, mez.,
mere, nux-v., olnd., phos., puis. nit-ac. ,phos., phyt., sil., staph.

CHAPPED : Armn-L, lach.. peir., si/.
lips: Agar., alum., ant-l., apis, arii., Arum-t., forenoon: Phos.
bov., Calc, Cham,, cliel., co/cJi., cor-r!,
graph., giiare., kali-bi., lo a. m.: Petr.
kali-c, kali-i.|
mag-m., ol-aii., Sulph. afternoon: Ars.
CHEWING motion of the jaws (see "Grinding 2 p. m. : Grat.
Teeth"): Aeon., asal"., delL, Bry., calc,
Cham., cic, gels., 5 p. m.: .^rs.
/le//., ign., lach., mere.',
mosch., nat-m., p/ios., sep., sol-n., strain., night: Lye.
alternating witli heat: Chel., lye,
chill, during: Nat-m.
chill, with: Chel., cina, dros., pelr.,
sleep, during: puis.,
Calc, sep. rhus-t. ,
secale, stram., Verat.
epilepsy, before an attack: Calc.
cholera: Ant-t., Camph., acpr., iris. Verat.
CHILLINESS : Brach., berb., Caust, rhodo.
cold feet, with: Chel.
CHLOROTIC: Acei-ae., ars., bar-c, (^^-Z/., Calc, dinner, after: Cann-i.
carb-an., earb-v., caust., chin., Cocc, con.,
dig., Ferr., drops, sensation as were spurting
Graph., helon., hell., ign., if, in face
Kali-c, Lye, mang., mere, Nat-m., when going into open air: Berb.
Nit-ac, nux-v., olnd., phos., phos-ac, headache, during: Ars.
Plat., plb., Puis., sabin., Sep., spig., staph.,
heatof body, with: Spong.
Sulph., sul-ac, valer., zinc.
hydrocephalus, in: Agar.,
CHOREA. (See " Twitching " and " Distorted.") arg-n., Camph.,
hell., verat.
COBWEBS, sensation of: Alum., bar-c, bor.,
one-sided: Puis,
brom., bry., calad., calc, carl., con.,
Graph., laur., mez., morph., phos-ac, plb., painful: L,yc.
palpitation, during: Camph.
evening: Ran-s.
sense of : Merc, plat., ran-s.
lo p. m. in bed: Sumb.
on one side: Phos-ac.
tension as from: Bar-c.
sleep, during: Ign.
tickling as from: Alum., bar-c, bor., brom.,
extending to back: Berb.
calad., graph., mag-c, phos-ac, ran-s.,
sulph., sul-ac. chin: Mth., chin-s., stram., verat.

COLDNESS: Abrot., aeon., agar., amy 1-n., sense of : Plat,

apts, ars., bar-c, bell., berb., bism., bry.,
forehead: Anac, calc, cimic, cinnb., mere
cact., calc, cann-i., camph., canth., carb-v.,
cedr., cham., chel., cic, Cina, cimic, coloc, nose. (See "NOSE.")
crot-t., cupr., dig., dros., graph., ham., hep., lips: Apis, ars., cedr., cupr., verat.
hrydiT., hyos., ign., iod., iris, kali-bi., kreos.,
menses, during: Cedr.
lil-t., lye, mere, mez., morph., naja,
mix-v., cena., op., ox-ac, petr., Plat., plb., COMEDONES. (See " Eruptions.")
puis., ran-s., rhus-t., sabin., seeale, sep.,
stram., sulph., sul-ac, tereb., til., Verat., CONGESTION: Aeon., agar., Amyl-n.,ant-t.,<7//i-,
arg-n., bar-c, Bell., bry., calc, cann-s., caust.,
verat-v., zinc.
chin., coc-c, coloc, cop., equis., eup-per.,
right: Gels. ,
^/a^ polyg.
, gels., Glon., hydr-ac, hyos., igu., ind., iod.,

when pain is most severe in left: Polyg. lac-ac, lach., lil-t., meli., merc-c, mit.,
morph., oena., op., pseon., phos.. Puis.,
left: Dros., Graph., lob.
sabin., Stram., strych., tanac. thuj., ust.,
morning: Cedr., petr. ziz.

) )


nux-v., par., phos., pho-s-ac, plat., plb.,

afternoon, 3 p. m.: Sulpli.
puis., rhus-t., .sabad., sil., spig., squil.,
air, open: Phos. selen., stram., Sulph., tab., tarax., verat.,
eating, during: Cop. zinc.

flushes, like: Coc-c, cham. lower lip: Apis, cham., cimic, nat-c, nit-ac,
phos., Sep.
hurrying, during: Ign.
middle: Am-c, cham. ,^ros., hep., nat-m.,
rubbing, after: ^sc.
stool, during : Aloe.
upper lip: Hell., kali-c, nat-c, nat-m., tarax.
walking, after: Caust.
middle: Hep., nal-m.
CONTRACTIONS: Aeon., ars., bell. laur.,
plb., rhus-t.,
corners of mouth: Ambr., am-c, ant-c, apis,.
mere, morph., phos., phys.,
Arum-t., cinnb., cund., eup-per.. Graph.,
sars., secale, tab., zinc-s.
ind mere, mez., nat-a., nat-m., nit-ac,

right: Eup-per. Sep. , sil. , zinc.

CONVULSIONS, spasms: Aeon, agar., ambr.,

CRACKING in jaw, when chewing: Am-c,
amyg., anan., ant-t., arg-n., ars., atro.,
brom., lac-c, lach., meny., mez., Nit-ac,
bar-c, Bell., bism,, bov., brom., bufo,
Rhus-t., sabad., spong., thuj.
calc, camph., canth., carb-s., causl., cham.,
Cic, con., Cupr., dig., glon., hep., hydr-ac, when opening mouth wide: Sabad.
hyos., ign., ip., kali-n., laur., lyc., merc-c.,
morph., nat-c., nit-ac, nux-v., eena., ol-an.,
' Formication. '


op., ^\ios., phys., plb., ran-b., ran-s., rhus-t., CREEPING.


' Formication. '

Stram., strych., sul-ac., sulph., tabac,

verat., vip., zinc., ziz. DISCOLORATION, ashy: Ars., bad., chlor.,
cic, ferr., kali-bi., morph., phos., plb.,
right: Agar.
secale, sulph., verat.
beginning in Dulc.
black: Caniph., Chin,, cor-r., crot-h., hydr-ac

menses, before: Puis. lach., cena., op., strych., tarent.

one-sided: Dig., plb. and blue spots: Arn., crot-h., lack., phos.,

extending to limbs: Sant.

rhus-t., Sul-ac, tarent.

coloc, mang., lips: Aeon., ant-t., Ars., bry., bufo, carb-ac,

jaws: Agar., asaf., kali-c,
carb-v., chin., chlor., colch., con., hyos.,
kali-c, lach., mere, merc-c, merc-sul.,
joints of: Colch., kali-c, nice, ol-an.,
phos., phos-ac. /i'or. rhus-t., squil., verat.
, ,

rhus-t., sil., spong., stann.

nose: Merc.
lips: Ambr., caust., kali-c, ran-b.
blanched. (See " pale.")
masseters: Ambr., ang., cocc, cupr., mang.,
nux-v. bhiish: Aeon., agar., ant-t., apis, arg-n., ars.,
asim., atir., bad., bell., bor., both., brom.,
mouth: Bell., cham., dulc, ign.,' ip., lyc,
bry., bufo, cacl., calc, calc-ph., Camph.,
mere, olud., op., stram.
canth., Carb-v,, carl., caust., cedr., cham.,
CRACKED lips: Agar., ail., aloe, alum., ani-c, chlor., cic,cimic, cina, cocc, colch., Con.,
am-m., ant-t., am., ars., Arum-t., aur., croc, crot-h.,
crot-t., Cupr., Dig., dros.,
bar-c, bell., bov., Bry., Gdlc, caps., dulc, glon., hep., hydr-ac, Hyos., ign., Ip.,
carb-ac, carb-an., carb-v., cham., chin., kali-c, kali-cy., kali-i., kreos., lach., lachn.,
cimic, colch., con., cor-r., croc, cupr., laur., lye, mag-ph., meph., mere, merc-c,
dros., Graph., ham., /§«., iris, jatr., kali-c, merc-cy., morph., mosch., nat-m.,
kalm., kreos., Lach., mag-m., mere,
kali-i., nat-ph., nux-v.. Op., ox-ae, petr., phos.,
merc-c, mez., nat-c, nal-m., nice, nit-ac, phyt., psor., puis., rhus-t., samb., sang.,

24 355

secale, sil., spig., spoiig., stapfi., stram , chill, during: Chin-s., eup-pur., ip.^
strych., std/>/i., sul-ac, /a(>., Verat., Nat-m., nux-v., secale.
Verat-V., vesp., vip., zinc,
convulsions, during: Nux-V.
anger, during: Slaph. menses, during: Cedr.
asthma, in: Strain. , tab. scalding, from: Mosch.
cardiac: Apis, cad.
whooping cough: Cupr., dros., ip., nux-v.
chill, during: Cact., uat-m., Nux-V., petr.,
mouth, about the: Ars., Cina, cupr., phos-ac,
Stram., sulph. stram., sulph., verat.
cholera, in: Camph., Cupr., Verat.
nose: Agar., aur., crot-h., lack., verat-v.
convulsions: Cupr., phys., strych.
root of : Calc.
cough, during: Apis, bell., Dros., Ip., tip of: Agar., crot-h.
mag-ph., verat.
wings of Hydr-ac.:

whooping cough: Ars., crot-h., dros., ip.,

bronzed: Ars-h.
brown: Arg-n., ars., bapt., bry., carb-ac,
croup, in: Brom., carb-v.
caust., con., crot-h., gels., hyos., iod.,
dyspnoea: Bry., op., stram. lyssin, mag-m., nit-ac, op., puis., rhus-t.,
samb sars., sep., staph., stram., sulph.
menses, at close of: Verat. ,

angry, when: Staph.

pregnancy, dviring: Phos.
sleep, during: Stram.
spasms of' glottis: Bell., coff., Lach.
spots: Benz-ac, calc, carb-an., kali-c, lyc,
spots: Ail., ars., aur., bapt., crot-h., ferr.,
nat-s., nit-ac, phos., sep., sulph., thuj.
hura, lach., led., mur-ac.
reddish: Bry., hyos., nit-ac, op., puis.,
urinating, when: Aspar.
samb., Sep., stram., sulph.
eyes, circles around: Abrot., acet-ac, aeon.,
yellowish: Phos., vac.
agar., ail., anac, ant-t., aran., Ars., bad.,
bell., Berb., bism., cadm., calc, calc-ar., forehead: Phos.
calc-ph., camph., canth., carb-an., cham., Ant-t., ars., ars-h., bry., carb-v.,
chel., CMn., cic, cimic, ciunb., cina, olnd., op., phos., psor.,
chlor., hyos.,
cocc, corn-c, crot-h., cupr., cycl., fago., squil., staph., sul-ac, verat.
ferr., graph., ham., hell., hep., hura,
indg., iod., Ip., iris, jatr., kali-bi., kali-c, streak along upper lip: Ars.
kali-i., kreos., lach., Lyc, mag-c, mere, nose: Aur.
mez naja., Nat-C, nat-m., Nux-m.,
red in spots: Aur.

Nux-v., Olnd., op., pall., petr., phos.,

phos-ac, phyt., plat., plb., psor., puis., changing color: Aeon., alum., ars.. Bell.,
raph., B,hus-t., rhus-v., sabad., sabin., bor., bov., camph., caps., cham., chin,
Secale, sep., stann., jte/A., stram., sulph., cina, croc, ferr., hyos., Ign,, kali-c, laur,
tab., tarent., tereb., upa., verat., zinc. led., mag-c, mag-s., nux-v., olnd., op.
Phos., phos-ac. Plat., puis., secale, spig.,
cheeks: Cham.
squil., sul-ac, verat., zinc.
lips: Aeon., agar., alumn., am-c, amyg.,
coffee colored spots: Benz-ac.
Ant-t., apis, apoc, arg-n., ars., aur.
colored: Alum., ars., ars-h., calc,
herb., Camph., caust., cedr., chin., chin-s., copper
chlor., colch., cupr., cur., dig., dros., calc-ph., carb-an., cupr., kreos., led.,

eup-pur., hep., Hydr-ac, iod., ip., kali-i. ruta, stram., verat.

lach., lachn., Lyc, merc-cy., mosch.
spots: Benz-ac.
nat-m., Nux-v., phos., plant., psor.
nose: Ars., cann-s.
samb., secale, stram., verat.

Anantli., Ars., a'lr., cad., cupr., med., mere, merc-c, morph., naja, nat-m.,
merc-cy., Nat-m., vesp. nit-ac, (Ena., op., ox-ac, phel., phos.,^Vn.,
hydr-ac, lyssiii,
puis., ran-s., raph., sang., secale, spong.,
dark: Ail., apis, Bapt., bath., carb-v.,
strych., sul-ac, tabac, tarent., verat., vesp.,
cupr., dub., hura, hydr-ac,
elaps, gels.,
vip., zinc.
kali-i., lach., morph., Nit-ac, op., ox-ac,
7 to 8 p. m.: Phel.
plb., Sidph., verat.

dirty looking: Arg-n., card-m., chel., cupr., .spots after eruptions: Ferr., lach., thuj.

iod., Lyc, mag-c, mere, phos., secale, mahogany-colored. (See "red.")

mottled: Ail., bell., dor., lach., rhus-t.
dusky. (See "dark.")
pale: hh^xrx., acet-ac, aeon., a.ga.r., esse, czth.,
earthy: Ant-t., am., ars., ars-h., ars-m.,
ail., alumn., ambr.,ammc.,
aloe, a]l-s.,alum.,
aster., aur., bell., berb., bism., bor., broni.,
am-c, am-m., amyg., amyl-n., anac, anan.,
bry., calc, calc-ph., carb-an., Chin., cic, ant-c, Ant-t., apis, apoc, Arg-m., arg-n.,
cimic, cocc, con., croc, der., Ferr., gran., am., Ars., ars-h., asp., aster., atro., aur.,
hydr-ac, ign., iod., ip., kali-bi., kali-chl., aur-m-n., aur-s., bad., bar-c, bar-m., bell.,
kreos., lach., laiir., lyc, mag-c, mag-m., benz-n.,
benz., Berb., bism., bor., bov.,
mag-s., med.. Mere, mez., mosch., nat-c,
brom., bry., bu/o, cact., cadm., calc-ar.,
nat-m., nit-ac, nux-v., ol-an.. Op., pall.,
Calc., Calc-ph., Camph., cann-i., cann-s.,
phos., phos-ac, plb., psor., pids ,
canth., caps., carb-ac, carb-an., carb-h.,
secale, Sep., sil., sulph., tarent., tereb.,
carb-o., carb-s., Carb-V,, caust., cedr., cham.,
thuj., vip., zinc.
chel..Chin., Chin-S., chlol., chlof., chlor.,
and then red: Tabac. cic, cimic, Cina, Clem., cocc, cod., coff.,
colch., coloc, con., cop., croc, crot-h., crot-t.,
vertigo, during: Crot-h.
cupr., cupr-ar., cycl., der., Dig., dire, dor.,
ghastly: Aeon., Ars., hydr-ac, mez., oena., dros., dulc, eup-per., euph., euphr., fago.,
op., plb., sulph-ac. ferr-m.,
Ferr., fl-ac, gels., glon., gran.,
grayish: Ars., berb., brom., bu/o, cadtn., Graph., grat., ham., hell., hydr-ac, hydrs.,
carb-v., Chin., chlor., colch., cupr.,
chel.. hyos., hura, ign., iod., ip., jab., jatr.,

gels., hydr-ac, kali-c, kreos., lach., laur., kali-a., kali-bi., kali-br., kali-c, kali-chl.,

Lyc, mez., cena., phos., tarent., tab. kali-i., kali-ph., kali-n., kalm., kreos.,
lac-d., lach., lachn., lact., laur., led., lept.,
yellow: Carb-v., chel., kali-c, kreos., Lyc.
Lyc, lyssin, mag-c, mag-m., mag-s., mane,
greenish (See " Chlorotic " ) : Ars., berb., Mang., Med., meli., mere, merc-c,
Carb-v., CheL, cupr., dig., ferr., iod., merc-cy., merc-sul., mez., morph., mosch.,
kreos., med., mere, merc-c, nux-v., puis., mur-ae, naja, Nat-C, Nat-m., nat-n.,
verat. nat-ph., nat-s., nice, nit-ac, nuph., nux-m.,
spots: Ars. nux-v., oena., ol-an., olnd., Qp., ox-ac,
par., petr., phos., Phos-ac, phys., phyt.,
about the eyes: Verat.
plat., Plb., podo. />5or., ,
ptel., puis., raph.,
lead-colored: Arg-n., ars., benz-n., carb-an., rheum, rhus-t., rhus-v., sabad., sabin.,
carb-o., coca, cocc, crot-h., kali-i., lach., samb., sang., sant., Secale, selen., senee,
mere, nat-m., nit-ac, tswa., o^., plb., thuj., Sep., sil., spig., sp07ig., stann., stram.,
verat. strych., Sulph,, sul-ac, sumb., Tabac,
tarent., tax., tep., tereb., teucr., thea, then,
liver spots. (See " yellow.")
thuj., til., valer., Verat., verat-v., verb.,
livid: Aeon., ant-t., amyl-n., apis, Ars., amyg.. vesp., vine, vip., zi7ic.
Bell, benz-n., bry., camph., carb-h., carb-o.,
carb-v., chlor.. Chin., cic, cimic, cina, croc,
daytime: Lyc.
crot-h., dig., dros fcrr.,ferr-m.,g^\s., glon., morning:
., Aloe, bov., cod., lye, mag-c,
hyos., Ip., kali-chl., kali-i., liali-ph., kreos.. nat-m., op., Secale, sep.


rising, after: h'oi'., graph., phcs-ac. lying, while: Bell., petr., tliea.

waking, on: Nat-s. leucorrhoea, with: Sep.

noon: Ox-ac, phos., .sulph., vcnxl. menses, before: Ani-c.
afternoon: Hura, mag-c, nal-ni. during: Am-c, apis, ars., castor., cedr.,
waking, on: Spig. ferr., Ign., ip., lyc, mag-c, mag-m.,
puis., stann., verat.
2 p. in. : Verat-v.
after: Nal-m.
evening: Caust., lye, mere, olnd., phos.,
sep. nausea: Glon., sang., Tabac,

chill, during: Sulph. one-sided: Aeon., arn., bell., cham., coloc,

walking: Phos. ign., ip., mosch., nux-v., tabac, verat.

7 p. ni. : Phos. pain, after: Ferr.

night: Carb-v., merc-c. perspiration, during: Mosch., sep.

menses, before: Mang. red spots, with: Aur-m.,ferr., sulph.

air, on going into cold: Niix-m. rising up, on: Aeon., verat.

damp agg.: Nux-m. sleep, during: Rheum.

fresh amel.: Cann-i., caust. ,
^^/i'. spots, in: Bell., calc, sil.

alternating with redness. (See " red, alter- standing: Chin., petr., rumx.
nating with paleness. '

stool, during: Calc, crot-t., ip., kali-c,
anger, after: Con. rheum, verat.

ascending, on: Dire. after: Coloc, crot-t., ferr.

chill, during: Arg-n., bell., camph., canth., sudden: Cimic.

chin., chin-s., cina, co£f., croc, dros., hep.,
warm room: Nux-m.
\gn., nux-7n., nusi-v., puis., rhus-i., secale,
Sep., sulph., Verat., zinc. wine, the pale face became red after: Carb-v.

circumscribed red cheeks: Dulc, Lyc, lips: Ant-t., apis, aran., Ars., calc, carb-ac,
phos. canst., coca, colch., cupr., cycl., dig.,

Ferr.,Hydr-ac, ip., kali-c, lac-d., lyc,

cloudy weather, in: Aloe,
mane, Med., merc-c, £>/!>., phos-ac, pic-ac,

cough, during: ^th. puis., secale, senec, spig., sulph., thuj.,

valer., verat., verat-v., xanth.
after: Cina.
menses, during: Cycl., ferr.
damp weather: Nux-m.
suppressed: Ars., chin., cycl., ferr.,
dinner: Mag-m., nat-m., nit-ac, phel.
phos-ac, rhus-t., Sep., sulph.
eating, after: Kali-c, mag-c., thuj.
mouth, around the: Carb-ac, Cina.
emotion, after: Ferr.
rest of face dusky red: Carb-ac
epistaxis, with: Carb-V.
pink spots: Carb-an.
eructations, after, amel.: Mag-m. bell.,
purple: Ail., ant-t., apis, ars., Bapt.,
excitement, mental, after: Ferr., graph, cact., camph., Cann-i., carb-o., carb-v.,

chlol., colch., coloc, con., cor-n, glon.,

flushes easily: Ferr. lach.,
hydr-ac, hydro. hyos., iod., kali-c,

headache, with: Aeon., teth., akim., ambr., puis.,

morph., nat-a., Op., phys.,plb., pnni.,
anac, canth., chin-s., hell., hydr., lach., tabac, vip.
rhus-t., saut., stram., strych.,
mag-c, phos., sep., spig., stram., valer.,
coughing, when: Coc-c, cor-r., crot-h.
verat., zinc.



left waxy-yellow: Cantli.

laughing, from: Cann-i.
left: Acet-ac, sesc alumn., chel., lye,
spots: Apis, kali-br., kali-i.

stool, during: Rhus-t.
right pale: Cann-s.
after: Rhus-t.
morning: Ail., dire, kali-c, \yc., podo.
whooping cough, in: Cor-r.
until 3 p. m. : Stront.
cheek, spot on: Ferr.
waking, on: Nat-m.
chin: Plat,
forenoon: Lyc.
forehead: Apis.
8 a. m.: Myric.
lips (see "blue"): Acet-ac, ars., bar-c,
cad., colch., croi-h., lack., prun., verat. 9 a. m. : Lyc.

red: Acet-ac, Acon,, seth., agar., ail., aloe, II a. m.: Nat-c, sol-n., zing,

alum., am-c, amyl-n., anac, ani-c, ant-i.. noon: Lyc, mag-c.

Apis, arg-m., arg-n., am., ars., ars-h.,
chill, during: Apis.
arum-t., asaf., astac, aster., atrop aur., ,

aur-m., bad., Bapt., bar-c, bar-m., Bell,, cold feet, with: Calc, cann-s., canth.,
berb., bor., bov., brach., brom., Bry., lyc, mag-c, phos., phys., sep., thuj.,
cact., calad., calc, caniph., cann-i., cann-s., zinc.
canth.. Caps., carb-ac, carb-h., carb-o.,
fever, during: Sil.
carb-s., carb-v., carl., castor., caust., cedr.,

Cham., Chel., Chin., chin-s., chlor., Cic, house, on entering: Nat-m.

cimic, Cina, clem., coc-c, cocc, cod., coff., sitting: Phos.
coloc, com., con., cop., a'oc, croi-h.,
afternoon: Meli., phys., sang., senec.
crot-t., cub., cupr., cur., dig., dor., dros.,
dub., dulc, elaps, eup-per., eup-pur., euphr., 2 p. m. : Nat-m.
fago, Ferr,, ferr-i., ferr-mag., ferr-m.,
3 p. m. : CofF., meli.
gels., Glon., graph., grat., guaj., hell.,
hep., Hyos,, hura, hyper., ign., ind., indg., 4 p. m. : Agar., sil., puls-n.

•iod., ip., iris, jab., jug-c, jug-r., kali-a., mag-c.

5 p. m.: Chel.,
kali-bi., kali-c, kali-chl., kali-i., kali-n.,
kalm., kreos., 5 to 7 p. m. : Mag-c.
kali-s., Lach., laur., led.,
lil-t., lob-i., lye, lyssin, mag-c, mag-m., 5 to 9 p. m. : Plat.
mag-s., mang., Meli., TsiQny.,merc., merc-c,
6 p. m.: Cann-s., sarr.
merc-i-r., merl., Mez., mil., morph.,
mygale., mur-ac, naja, nat-a., 7iat-c., evening: Bar-c, croc, elaps, Ign., iod., lyc,
nat-m., nat-s., nice, nit-ac, nux-m., naja, nat-m., mix-v., oena., ox-ac, plant.,
Nux-V., oena., olnd.. Op., ox-ac, paeon., puis., rumx., scut., sep., sulph., tromb.
phel., Phos., phos-ac, phys., phyt., plant.,
9 p. m. : Phos.
plb., podo., psor., ptel., puis.,
ran-b., raph., Rhus-t., rhus-v., rumx., night: Aloe, cedr., cic.
ruta, sabad., sabin., samb.. Sang., sant.,
alternating with paleness: Acon., alum.,
sarr., secale, senec, sep., sil., sol-t-se.,
am-c, ars., bell., bor., bov., brom.,
spig., spong., squil., sta7in., staph., Stram., camph., caps., cham., chin., cina, croc.
stront., strych., sulph., sul-ac, tabac,
cub., Ferr., gins., glon., hell., hyos.,
tarax., tep., ther., thuj., til., uva., valer.,
ign., kali-c, led., lyc, mag-c, mere,
verat., Verat-V-, vesp., vib., zinc, zing.
mur-ac. , nat-c. ,
nit-ac, nux-v., olnd., op.,
right: Elaps., puis. phos., phos-ac, plat., puis., rhus-t.,
without heat, paleness of squil., sul-ac. tabac, verat., zinc.
left with heat: ,

Mosch. anger, after: Bry., staph.


blood red : Strain. Graph,, Hep., lach., lyc, mere, nat-c,
chill, during: Aeon., phos., phos-ac, RhU8-t., ruta, samb.,
aeth., all-s., alum.,
am-m., apis, am., ars., dell., bry., chain., Sep., sil., .stram., sulph., thuj.

chin., coc-c, Ferr., glon., hyos., ign., exertion: Ferr., squil.

kali-n., kreos., led., lye, mere, merl.,
fever, during: Bell., carb-aii., chel., chin.,
nux-v., ol-an., ox-ac., plb., puis., rhus-l.,
cina, cocc, eoff., dig., Eup-per., ferr.,
stram., sulpli.
hura, lye, nux-v., phos., rhus-t., sang.,
circumscribed: Aeon., ant-l., arg-n., ars., sil., Sep ,
bar-c, bry., henz-ac, calc, carb-v., chel.,
glowing red: Aeon., apis, Astac, aur.,
Chin., colch., con., croc, dol., dros., bell., calc, camph., cina, cocc, croc,
diilc, Ferr., hep., iod., kali-c, kali-u., ferr., glon., hep., lyc, mur-ac, plat.,
kreos., lack., lachn., laur., led., Lyc, sabad., sil., stram., tabac, thuj.
mere, nat-m., nit-ac, nux-v., op., Phos.,
phos-ac, puis., headache, during: Aeon., agar., ail., aur.,
pyrog., sabad., sanib.,
sang., seneg., sep., sil., spong., siann., Bell., bufo, bov., bry., cact., calc, camph.,
cann-s., canth., cic, caff., croc, cycl.,
stram., Sulph., thuj.
ferr., ferr-ph., Glon,, ign., ind., indg.,
climaxis: Graph., kali-bi., Lach., lyc, ip., kali-i., kalm., kreos., lach., led., lyc,
Sul-ac, tereb. lyssin, mag-e, mag-m., Meli., morph-ac,
nat-c. nat-m., nux-v., op., phos., plat.,
cold and: Ol-an. ,

plb., ptel., puis., rhus-t., sil., spong.,

coma, with: Mur-ac. stront sulph., tarax., thuj., zinc.

contraction, from: Ign. heat, during: Chin., hell., mere, sep.,

convulsion, during: Bufo, Glon., Op. sulph.

cough, during: Aeon., bell., bry., cadm., of fire, during: Nat-m.

caps., chrom-ac, con., cor-r., cupr-ac, without: Caps., ol-an.
eup-per., ferr., graph., hep., hyos., ip.,
lying, while: Aeon., verat., lob-c.
kali-c, lyc, mag-ph., mur-ac, nit-ac,
sabad., samb., Sang., sil., squil., staph., on the back : Chlol.
stram., sulph.
on left side, while: Calc.
dark red Bar-c, eor-r., kali-c, squil.
mahogany red: Ail., arii., eup-per., gels.
menses, during: Ind.,
otherwise pale: Kali-c.
one-sided: Aeon., aut-t., am., bell., cann-s.,
dark red: Alum., ant-t., Bapt., bar-c, cham., chel., coloc, ign., ip., mosch.,
bell., bry., camph., chel., coloc., gels.,
nux-v. puis. rheum, verat.
, ,

hyos., kreos., op., secale, stann., sulph.,

one pale the other red: Acet-ae, aeon.,
Cham,, cina, Ip., lach., mosch., nux-v.,
dinner, after: Cedr., grat., hell., nat-c, puis., rheum., sulph.
par. pains, with the: Bell., caps., cham.
dysmenorrhoea, during: Xanth. palpitation, during: Glon.
eating, while: Sep. riding, while: Ferr.
after: Arum-t., carl., eaust., cycl., lyc,
rising, on: Naja.
mere, nit-ac, nux-v., puis., sil., vesp.
up in bed: Mag-s.
epilepsy, during: Caust.
from sitting: Phys.
erysipelatous: Acon., am-c, apis, ars.,
scratching, after: Sulph.
bar-c, Bell., bor., bry., calc, camph.,
canth., carb-an., chain., clem., Euph., shivering, while: Am,



bluish: Aeon., agar., ant-t., apis, ars.,

sitting up, while: Bell.
asar., aur. Bell., Bry., camph., Cann-i.,
sleep, during: Arum-m.^ bell., chlol.,
carb-ac, cham., cic. cina, con., corr.,
meny., viol-t. dig., dros., grind., hep., hydr-ac,
hyos., ign., ip., kali-chl., lach., lye, meli.,
spots: .^th., ail., alum., ambr., am-c,
mere, morph., op ox-ac, petr., phel.,
ars., aur., bell., berb., bry., canth.,
hura, phos., puis., sang., samb., spong., staph.,
caps., carb-an., croc, cycl., ferr.,
mere, nat-m., stram., verat., verat-v.
kali-bi., lach., lac-c, lye,
ox-ac, phos., poth., rhus-v.,
sallow: Ail., alumn., ahim., apis, Arg-n., am.,
ce7ia., op.,
sabin., samb., sil., Sulph., sumb., tabac,
ars., ars-h bapt., berb., calc, calc-ph.,

carb-ac, Carb-V., carl., Chel., coc-c, cocc,
burning: Chcl., croc, tabac. coloc, con., corn., croc, eup-per., ferr.,
helon., hydr., Ii5'dr-ac., ind., iod., kali-c,
circumscribed. (See "circumscribed.")
kalm., lac-d., lach.. lept., Med., mere,
hot: Bry. myric, napth ,
Nat-m., nai-s., nux-v., op.,

washing, after: ^sc, am-c, kali-c, phos. pall., plant., Plb., podo.. puis., sep., Sulph.

stool, before: Mane sickly color: Acet-ac, eesc, aloe, alum.,

alumn., am-c, arg-n., Ars,, ars-h.,
stooping, on: Bell., canth.
bapt., bism., bor., hr2.c\\., canst., chel., chin.,
sudden: Bell., clem., mur-ac, thuj. cina, clem., con., dig., eup-per., iod., kali-c,
tea, after: Plant. kali-chl., kali-n., kreos., lachn., Lyc,
* mag-e, mag-n., mang., med., mere, nat-s.,
unconsciousness, after: Glon.
nit-ac, nux-v., phos., phos-ac.,^od.o. ,
vertigo, during: Ananth., bell., cacL, cocc, rhus-t., sil., spig., staph., sulph., tabac,
siram, teucr., thuj., til., zinc.

waking, on: Cimic, Cina, hura. white (see "pale") spots: Ars., nat-c
walking, on: Stront. yellow: Aeon., aese, agar., ail., alumn.,
in open air: Mur-ac, sulph. ambr., anan., ant-a., apis, Arg-m., Arg-n.,
am., Ars., ars-h., asc-t., bapt., bell., blatta.,
warmth, during: Grat.
bry., Calc, Calc-ph., canth., carb-an.,
washing, after: Phos. carb-v., card-m., canst., cedr., cham., Chel.,
chin., chin-s., chion., chlor., cimic, cina,
wine, the pale face becomes red after:
Ca7'b-v. coc-c, Con., corn-c, croc, crot-h., cupr.,
dig., dol., elaps, Ferr,, gels.,graph., hell
chin: Ail., canth., colch., mere, nat-m., hep,, hura, hydrs., iod., kali-bi., kali-br.,
kali-c, Lach., lachn., laur., Lyc, lyssin,
spots: Anac, crot-t., dig., sulph., sumb., mag-c, mag-m., mane, med.. Mere,
zinc merc-c, mez., myric, naja, nat-c. nat-m., ,

nat-s., nit-ac, Nux-v., op., ox-ac, petr.,

forehead: Calc, hura, laur., lil-t., merc-i-r.,
phos., phyt., Plb., podo., psor., ptel., puis.,
mez., rhus-v., stram., vacc, verat.
raph., rhus-t., samb., sars., secale, Sep.,
spots, in: ^sc, berb., caps., cycl., mosch., sil., spig., stram., sul-ac, Sulph., upa.,
sulph., tell. verat., yac
lips: All-c, aloe, apis, arum-t., aur-7n., morning: Raph.
bar-c, bell., bry., carb-v., chlol., lac-c,
lack., lachn., merc-c, afternoon: Gels.
puis., sang., spig.,
stram., Sulph., verat. night: Plb.
dark: Bar-c, bell., gins., mez. anger, after: Nat-s.
mouth, around: Ip. heat, during: Ferr., lach., nux-v.

intermittent, in: Ani-c, liiiii-s., con ferr., carb-v., canst., chant., chel, cic, cocc,
nat-c, nat-ni., niix-v., sep.
colch., crot-h., cupr., dig., dulc, gels.'
menses, dnring: Canst. gran., graph., guaj., hell., hep., hydr-ac,
hyos., ign., iod., ip., kali-bi., kali-c, lach.,
saddle across cheeks: Sep.
laur., Lyc, iiirrc, merc-c, mez., nio.sch.,
spots, liver spots: Ambr., anan., aiit-c, nat-c, nit-ac, nux-m., nux-v., olnd.. Op.,
cadm., calc, canst., colch., con phos., phos-ac, plat., plb., puis., ran-b.,
hyos;, kali-i., /am:, lye, uat-c, vit-ac, ran-s., rheum, rhus-t., sanib., Secale. sep.,
petr., phos., Sep., snliDli., snnil). sil., .spii^., spong., stann., staph., squil.,

partiirition, after: Crot-h. Stram,, snlph., Tabac, Verat., vip.

lines in: Ars., lyc.
on forehead: Caul.
sleep, during: Tabac.
streaks on iipper lip: Stram.

syphilis: Lach., mcrc-c

upper lip drawn up, exposing teeth: Camph.
, nit-ac.

eyes, around the: Nit-ac, nu.K-v., spig.

DROPPING of jaw {compare "Mouth, open"):
Apis, am., ars., bapt., carb-v., chel., cimic,
forehead: Chel., phos. colch., hell., hyos.. kali-i., Lach., Lyc,
mouth, around the: Act-sp., hj-drc, nux-v., merc-cy., mur-ac. Op., nux-v., /i/soj., podo.,
sep. secale, stram., Sulph,, variol., verat -v.,
nose, around the: Nux-v,, sep.
stupor, during: Zj'if., Mur-ac ,
Op,, sulph.
temples: Canst.
DRYNESS : Ars,, cimic ,
eup-per., hydr-ac, iod.,
DISTORTIOH" and contortion: Abs., aeon., jug-c, kali-c, merc-c, sulph.
am-m., ant-t., apis, ars., bell., bism., bufo.,
lips: Aeon., tesc, all-s aloe, alum., am-c,
camph., cann-i., caust., cham., cic., cina, ,

am-m., amyl-n., anan., ang., ant-c, ant-t.,

cocc, coloc, crol-h., cupr., dulc, graph.,
apis, apoc, arg-n., ars., ars-m., asar.,
hell., hydr-ac, Hyos., Ign., ip., kali-i.,
bar-c, bell berb., Bry,, hra.ch., coJc.,calc-a.,
kali-s lach., lact.,
lam:, lye, lyssin, ,

cann-i., cann-s., carb-s., card-m., chel.,

merc-c, mill., nux-m., Jfux-V., Op., petr.,
chin., chrom-ac, cimic ,
cocc, con., crot-t.,
phos., phyt., plat., plb., rhus-t ,
secale, sil.,
cub., cycl ,
dig., dios., dros., ferr., gels.,
sol-n., squil. , Stram,, str3'ch., sul-ac, tabac,
graph., ham., hell., helon., hydrs., Hyos.,
tarent., verat., vip.
hyper., ign., iodof., iris, jalap., kali-bi.,
morning: Olnd., inygale, spig. kali-c, kali-i., kulm., kreos., lach ,

chill, during: Cann-s. lyc, mag-s., ma.ng.,merc, merc-c, merc-cy.,

merc-i-f., mez., mur-ac, nat-m., nat-s.,
sleep, during: Til. nux-v., olnd., phos.,
vit-ac, Nux-m.,
after: Cic. phos-ac, phyt., plat, psor., ptel., Puis.,
rhodo., Rhus-t., ruta, sabad., sang., senec.,-
swallowing, when: Nit-ac.
Sep., sil, sinnap., spig., stram., Sulph.,
toothache: Tarent. tabac, verat., verat-v., vib., vine, zinc.

vomiting, while: Verat. evening: Mag-s.

mouth: Agar., bell., bry. ,

cocc, con ,
cupr., night: Ant-c, cham.
dulc, graph., lach., laur., lye, mere,
air, open: Mang.
Nux-v., op., phos-ac, plat., puis., secale,
stram. thirst, without: Canth., cycl.

one-sided: Dulc, graph. waking, on: Ambr., coca.

EMACIATION: Acet-ac agar., anac, ars.,

DRAWN: Aeon., Mfh.., ambr., am-c, Ant-C, ,

hura, iod.,
arg-n., Ars., ars-h., bar-c. Bell., bism., bar-c, calc, chin-s., cupr.,
kali-i., lac-d., merc-c, mez. naja,
bry., calc, camph., cann-s., canlh., carb-h.. kali-bi.,
psor., scleii., whiskers: Ambr., calc, graph., lach., nit-ac.
nat-c, iiat-ph., nux-ni ,

Sep., sil., sulph., sumb., tabac. eyes, about the: Agn., arn., ars., calc, con.,
crot-h., euph., hep., ign., mere, merc-c,
of face and hands: Selen.
olnd., petr., sil., spong., staph., sulph.,
ENLARGED parotid gland: Ail., kali-bi., nit ac,
above: Ran-b.
right: Nit-ac.

left: Rhus-t. brows, about: Caust., kali-e, nat-m., par.,

selen., sep., staph., sulph., thuj.
submaxillary: Asim., kali-c, Kali-i., merc-c,
merc-i-f., Rh.us-t., sil. forehead: Agar., alum., ambr., am-c, Ant-C,
ambr., am-c, arg-m., ars., aur., bad., bar-e, bell., bov.,
EETJPTIONS: Agar., ail.,
caps., carb-an.,
bry., cadm., calc, calc-ph.,
am-m., Ant-C, ant-s-a., ant-t., apis, arg-m.,
carb-v., caul, caust., cham., cic, clem.,
arg-n., arn., ars., asc-t., aur., aur-m., drtr-^:.,
cycl., dulc, hep., hura, Kreos., Led., lye,
bell., berb., bor., bov., brom., bry., cadm.,
calc-ph., calc-s., canth., caps.,
mag-m., mur-ac, nat-c, Nat-m., nit-ac,
calc, calc-fl .

Nux-v,, •^a.x., phos., phos-ac, psor., Rhus-t,,

carb-an.,c«r5-z/., caust., cham., chel., cbin-s.,
rhus-v., sars., Sep., sil., staph., Sulph.,
cic, cinnb., cist., clem., coloc, com., con.
euph., fago., viol-t.
crot-h., crot-t., Dulc, eng.,
fl-ac, Qe:\s., graph., guaj ,
hell., hep. ,hyA.r., lips: Agar., ail., alum., am-c, am-m., ant-c,
ign., iod., ip., kali-a., kali-bi., Kali-br., ant-t., apis, arg-n., arn., ars., asc-t., aur-m.,
kali-c, kali-chl., kali-i., kali-s., Kreos., bell., berb., bar., bov., brom ,
bry., cadm.,
lac-c, lach., Led,, h'c, mag-c,
lac-ac, calc, calc-fl., calc-s., canth,, caps., carb-an.,
mag-m., mang., med., mere., merc-c, Mez., carb-v., caust., cham., chel., chin-s., cic,
morph., mur-ac., nat-c, Nat-m., nat-s., cinnb., clem ,
co*n.., con., crot-t., dig.,
nice, nit-ac., nux-v., pall., par., petr.,phos., graph., ^\x&\., hell., hep., hydr ,
ign., ip.,

phos-ac, phyt., pic-ac, plant., Psor., Puls., kali-c, kali-chl., kali-s., lac-e, lach., lac-ac,
Rhus-t., rhus-v., ruta, sang., sars., seneg., lye, mag-c, mag-m., mang., med., mere,
Sep., selen., sil., spong. staph., Sulph., ,
merc-c, mur-ac, nat-c, Nat-m., nat-s.,
tarent., tereb., thuj., nrt-u., valer., verat.,
nice, nit-ac, nux-v., pall., par., petr., phos.,
viol-t., zinc.
phos-ac, plat., rhodo., Rhus-t., ruta, sang.,
night agg.: Ars., mag-m. sars., seneg., squil., Sep., sil., spong., staph.,
sulph., tarent., tereb., thuj., valer., viol-t.,
warm room agg. : Mag-m.
cheeks: Agar., alum., am-c, anac, Ant-C,
bell., bov., bry., calc, carb-an., caust.,
lower: Bor.,Bry.,ra/r., caust., nat-c, nat-m.,

cham., cic, dig., dulc, Euph.,

con., phos., phos-ac, Sep., sulph.

kali-chl., kali-i., Kreos., lach., laur., lye, upper: Ars., bar-c, bell., carb-v., cic,
mag-m., mere, merc-i-r., mez., nat-c, cinnb., graph., Kali-c, Kreos., lye,
nat-rn., nit-ac, phos., Rhus-t., sep., sil., mag-c mag-m., mang., nat-c, nat-m.,

spong.. Staph,, stront., verat., verb., nit-ac, par., phyt., rhus-t., sil., squil..
Staph., Sulph., thuj., viol-t.
chin: Alum ,
ambr., am-c, anac, a?it-c.,
mouth, about: Agar., am-c, anac, Ant-t.,
arg-n., calc, carb-v., caust., chel., cic,
Ars., bell., bor., bov., cadm., calc, calc-fl.,
i clem., cob., con., crot-h., crot-t, dig.,
canst., cic, cocc, crot-h., dulc. Graph.,
dulc, graph., hep., hj'dr., kali-bi., kali-c,
hell., hep., hydr., hyper., ign., kali-bi.,
kali-i., kreos., lye, mane, mere, merc-i-r.,
^a/j-f., Kali-chl., kali-i., Kreos., lach., laur.,
mez., nat-c, Nat-m,, nat-s., nit-ac,
led., lye, mag-c, mag-m., mang., mere,
nux-m., nux-v., par., phos., phos-ac,
merc-c, mez., mur-ac, nat-c, Nat-m.,
psor., Rhus-t, Sep., sil., spig., sulph.,
nat-s., Nit-ac, nux-v., par., petr., phos.,
syph., thuj., verat., viol-t., zinc.
Rhus-t., rhus-v., Sep., sil., staph., Sulph.,
painful: Merc, rhus-t., sars., sulph. tarax., zinc.

corners: Ant-c, bell., bov., calc, calc-fl.,
rosacea: Ars., aur., aur-nt., cnlc-ph., canth.,
carb-v., cic, cuml., \t,rp.\)\\., hep., ign.,
caps., carb-ac, Carb-an., Carb-v., Caust.^
kreos., lye, mafig., Merc, me/,., nat-c,
chel cic, clem., Eug., hydr-ac, iris.,
nat-m., Nit-ac, nux-v., petr., phos.,

kuli-br., krcos., Lach., led mez., petr.,

phos-ac, psor., rhus-t ,
seneg., Sep., sil.,
plb., Psor., Rliu8-t., rula, sep., sil.,
tabac, verat.
sulph., sul-ac, verat., viol-o., viol-t.
nose: Agar., agn., alum., am-c, am-m ,
am., ars., arum-t., aur., bar-c, bell., bor., groups in: Caust.
bov., brom., bry., cadm., calc, canth., on nose: Calc-ph., cann-s., Caust.
caps., carb-an., carb-s, carb-v., Caust.,chani,,
cbel., chin., cina, dcin., con., dulc, elaps, chin, on: Hydr., viol-l., verat.
euphr., graph., guaj., hep ,
ign., iod.,
kali-c, kali-n., lach., laur., led., lye, forehead, on: Ant-c, ars., aur., bar-c, bell.,

mag-c, mag-m., meny., mere, mez., niur-ac, calc, caps, Carb-an., Carb-v., Caust.,
uat (•.,nat-m.,nicc., « z7-ac., nux-v., olnd., par., cic, clem., Hep., kreos., led., nat-m.,
petr., phos., Phos-ac, plat., T^Vo.,puls., ran-b., nit-ac, TSvl^-y., phos-ac, Psor., Rhus-t,
rhits-t., sars., selen., Sep., Sil., spig., Sep., Sil., Sulph., viol-t.
staph., stront., Sulph., sul-ac, syph., tarax.,
lips, on: Cadm., caps., hydr.
thuj., verat., viol-t., zinc.
nose, on: Calc-ph., caps., cann-s., caust.
inside: Am-m., mag-c, phell., podo., sars.,
selen., sil. biting: Bry., mere, nat-m., plat., sil.

right: Calc, carb-an., dulc, gamb., blackish: Spig.

kali-n., lach.
bleeding when scratched: Merc, par., petr.,
left: Bell., bor., calc, cob., sars.
around: Alum., am-c, ant-c., bar-c, bov.,
calc, caust., dulc, elaps, mag-m., nat-c, bleeding when touched, on nose: Brom., mere.
par., Rhus-t., Sep., sil., sulph., sul-ac,
blotches: Arg-n., apis, cop., elaps, fl-ac,
tarax., zinc.
graph., kali-i., led., lyc, mag-m., phos.,
corners, at: Dulc, led., mill., plb., rhus-t. phyt., rhus-t., sabin.

septum, on: Calad., crot-t., ol-an., psor., night agg. : Mag-m.

thuj., vine
menses, before, agg. : Mag-m.
tip, on: Aeon., tzth., am-c, anan., asaf.,
warmth of bed agg. : Mag-m.
carb-an., carb-v., caust., clem., lyc,
nit-ac, pall., phos-ac, sep., sil., spong. washing, after: Am-c, phyt.

under the: Am., bor., bov., sars., squil. forehead: Nat-c.

wings, on: Ars., aur-m., carb-v., chin.,
lips, on: Arg-m., nat-c.
cor-r., euphr., fl-ac, hipp., merc-i-r.,
nat-m., nit-ac, rhus-t., sep., sil., spig.,
boils: Alum., am-c, anan., ant-c, arn., bar-c,
thuj. bell., bry., calc, carb-v., chin., cina, coloc,

temple: Alum., ant-c, arg-m., bell., bry., hep., hyos., iod., iris, kali-br., Kali-i., lappa,

calc, carb-v., caust., dulc, lach., lyc, led., mez., mur-ac, nat-c, nat-m., nit-ac,
mur-ac, nat-m., nit-ac, sabin., spig., sulph., rhus-v., sars., sil., sulph.

blood boils, small: Alum., iris., sil.

acne: Ant-c, ars., ars-i., bar-c, bell., calc,

painful: Hep.
Carb-an., Carb-v., Caust., chel., con., cop.,
crot-h., eng., Hep., iod., kali-br., kreos., chin: Am-c, cob., hep., nit-ac, sil.

lack., led., med., nat-m., nit-ac, Nux-v.,

under: Carb-v.
phos-ac, psor., puis., sabin., sanic, selen.,
Sep., Sil., sulph., sul-i., uran-n. right side of: Cob.

ERUPTIONS, boils. E. TPTIONS, crusty.

lappa, led., lith., mere, Mez., mur-ac,

forehead: Led., sep.
petr., -phos-a-c, psor., rhus-t., sars.,
above the eyes: Calc-s., nat-m. thuj., vacc, zinc.
sulph., syph.,
lips: Hep.^ lach., nat-c, petr.
black: Ars.
mouth, comer of Ani-c. :
hyper., phos-ac
yellow: Ant-c, calc, Dulc,
nose: Aeon., alum., am-c, anan., cadm.,
• cheek: Ant-c.
carb-an. ,
mag-m. , sars. , sil.

Aeon., am-c, anan., bor., chin: Cic, Dulc, graph., mez., sep., sil.,
tip of:

temples: Mur-ac. forehead: Ars., calc.

brownish: Dulc. lips:Apis, ars., berb., bry., cinnb., con.,

mere, m&rc-c, mur-ac. nux-v., Phos-aC,
burning: Alum., am-m., ant-c, apis, ars.,
rhus-t., Sil, squil., tereb., valer.
calc, caust., chin-s., euphr., graph., led.,
mag-m., mere, nat-m., phos., rat., rhus-t., mouth, corners of: Ant-c, Graph., guare.,
seneg., scp., staph., sulph. nat-m., uit-ac, rhus-t., rhus-v., sars.
cannot sleep without cold applications: mez.,
around: Graph., hyper., led.,
Am-m. nat-7H., Nit-ac, rhus-v.
open air, when in: Led.
aur-m-n., calc,
nose: Ail., alum., aur.,
scratched, when: Nat-s.,sars. carb-an., carb-v., caust., chin., cic,
graph., h3'per., iod., led., lye, mag-m.,
wet, when: Euphr.
mang.. Mere, merc-i-r., nat-m., nit-ac,
nose, on: Alum., apis, caust., graph.,
phos-ac, ran-b., rat., sars., Sep., sil.,
nat-m., ol-an., phos.
spong., staph., sulph.
cold air agg.: Ars., dulc.
around: Led.
comedones: Abrot., ars., aur., bell., bry., calc,
inside and on: Ant-c, aur., bor., Bov.,
carb-v., chel., dig., dros., eng.. Graph.,
hydr., nat-c, nat-m., nit-ac, sabad., sabin.,
chel., cic, crot-t., Graph., hep., kali-c,
Lach., lye, mag-m., mere, merc-c,
selen., sep., sil., Sulph., sumb., thuj.
nat-s., phos.. Puis., rat., sars., Sep.
ulcerating: Dig.
margins: Calc-s., phos.
chin, on: Dros.
of nostrils, bloody on: Phos.
and upper lip: Sulph.
septum, yellow: Kali-bi.
nose: Dros., graph., sabin., selen., sulph.,
tip, on: Carb-an., carb-v., Caust., nit-ac,
Sep., sil.
confluent: Carb-v., cic.
under: Bar-c, rhus-t.
coppery: Ars., aur., benz-ac, calc, Carb-an.,
hydro., lye, mere, psor., rhus-t., ruta,
wing of, near the : Aur.
verat. extend down lip with deep fissure, very
chin, about: Verat. sore and sensitive to touch: Hep.

forehead, on: Lye. desquamating: Apis, ars., bell., canth., chin-s.,

nose, on: Carb-an.

hydr., kali-a., lach., mere, ol-an., phos.,
psor., puis., rhus-t., rhus-v., sulph., thuj.
corrosive: Dig.
on dorsum of nose: Nat-m.
crusty, scabby: Anan., ant-c, Ars., bar-c,
calc, caust., chel., dry: Ars., kali-i., led., lye, psor.
cist., clem., con., Dulc,
elaps, fl-ac, hep., graph., hyper., kali-bi., excoriating (see " raw "): Mez.

eczema: .'\luiii., anac, anl-c, Ars., bar-c, cheeks: Am-c, anac, bov., canst., dulc.,
I'or., Calc, carb-v., canst., Cic, clem., kali-i., kreos., mere, nice, phos-ac.,
Crot-t., cur., cycl., Dulc, ferr-i., fl-ac, sars.
Graph., Hep., iris, lye, mere, nierc-i-r.,
mez., mur-ac,
chin, on: Am-c, bov., carb-v., chel., dulc.,
nat-in., petr., phos., Psor.,
nux-v., phos-ac, sars., sil.
ran-b., Rhus-t., sars., sep., sil., staph.,
Sulph ,
syph., vine, viol4. eyes, about: Bry., kreos., sulph.

fetid: Lye. forehead: Caps., dulc.

honey, like dried: Ant-c, Cic, mez. lips, about: Agar., ars., asc-t., bor., brom.,
calc-Jl., canth., caust., chel., crot-t.
margins of hair: Sulph.
graph., hep., ip., lac-c, med., nat-c,
moist: Graph., petr. Nat-m,, nice, par., phos-ac , Rhus-t.,
nursing, during: Sep. sars., Sep., sil., spong., urt-u.

chin, on: Bor., cic, graph., merc-i-r., phos., upper: Sars.

rhus-t., sep. mouth, about: Am-c, anac, ars., bar., cic,
ear, spreading from: Ars.
hep., kreos., mag-e, med., nat-c,
Nat-m., par., phos., rhus-t.^ Sep., sulph.
occiput, spreading from: Lye, sil.
corners of: Carb-v., med., phos-ac,
mouth, about: Mez., mur-ac, nat-m. sulph.
corners of: Arund., graph., hep., lye, below: Calc-fl., nat-m.
rhus-t., sil.
nose: ^th., calc, chel., graph., gins.,
nose: Ant-c, caust., cist., rhus-t., sep.,
nat-c, nat-m., 7iit-ac., rhus-t., sil., spig.,
elevations: Bell., cic, cop., nat-a., pic-ac.
across: Sep., sulph.
indurated: Rhus-v.
whiskers: Agar., calc, lach., nat-m. nit-ac, ,

reddish: Pic-ac, rhus-v.

erythema: Aeon., arn., ars., bell., chin-s.,
impetigo: Ant-c, ars., calc, cic, con., crot-t.,
chlor., crot-t gels., hydrc, nux-v., rhus-t.
dulc, graph., hep., kali-bi., kreos., lye,
fissures: Calc, Graph., mere, nice, nit-ac, mere, mez., nit-ac, rhus-t., sep., viol-t.
petr. psor. sil. sulph.
, , ,
forehead, on: Ant-c, kreos., led., rhus-t.,

bleeding: Petr. Sep., sulph.

herpes: Agar., auac, anan., am-c, am-m., lips, around: Tarent.

ars., bar-e, bell., bov., bry., calc, calc-fl., am-c, anac, ars., calc, caps.,
itching: Agar.,
calc-s., caps., carb-an., carb-v., caust., chel., chin-s., con., dig., euphr.,
caust., chel.,
cic, coloc, con., crot-t., dulc, elaps, mere,
graph., jugl., kali-i., lye, mag-m.,
graph., hep., kali-bi., kali-e, kali-i., kreos., mez., nat-c, nat-m., nice, nit-ac, ol-an.,
lach., led., lye, mere, nat-c, Nat-m., petr., phos., psor., rhus-t., sanic, sars.,
nat-s., nice, nit-ac. petr., phos., phos-ae, stram., sulph., teucr., thuj.,
Sep., staph.,
psor., rhus-t.., sabad., sarr., Sep., sil., spong.,
sulph., tarent., thuj.
night agg. : Mez.
circinatus: Anag., bar-c, calc, cinnb.,
warmth agg.: Euphr., mez., psor., sulph
clem., dulc, hell., kali-chl., lith., lye,
nat-c. nat-m., phos., sep., sulph., tell.

nose, on: Apis, carb-v., nit-ac, pall., phel

mealy: Ars., bry., cic, kreos., lye, mere,
nit-ac, sulph., thuj.
leprous spots: Ant-t., graph., phos., Secal
scurfy: Anac, anan., calc, graph., kreos,,
led., lye, sep., sulph. chin, on: Calc.

ERUPTIONS, pimples,
cold air agg. : Ars.
uienses, before: Mag-ni., sars.
confluent: Cic, tarent.
during: Dulc, eug., graph,
copper colored: Kali-i.
miliary: Ail., anan., ars., bell., cliam., euphr.,
niauc, par., sars., tabac, elevated margin: Verat.
hep., hura, ip.,
tareut., verat.
greenish: Cupr.
moist: Ant-c, ars., calc, carb-v., cavist., cham.,
'inflamed: Bry., chel., stann., sulph.
cic, clem., con., Dulc, Graph., hep.. Lye,
mez., nat-c, nit-ac, ol-an., petr., insects, as from: Ant-c.
sil., squil.,
phos-ac, psor., rhus-t., sep., isolated: Lye
sulph., thuj., vine, viol-t.
itching: Aut-e, asc-t., catist., con., graph.,
fetid: Cic, mere. ol-an., Y>^\\.,psor., sep.
hep., mur-ac,
3-ellow: Rhus-t, viol-t.
when warm: Cocc.
nodular: Bry., chcL, cic, kali-a.,
moist after scratching: Graph,
nose, on: Nat-m. Mag-m.
menses, before, agg.:
calc, cic,
painful: Alum., apis, bell., berb.,
plat, staph., during: Dulc, eng., graph,
clem., eugen., led., phos.,

sulph. warm room agg.: Mag-m.

night: Viol-t. washing causes smarting: Nux-v.

touch, to: Ant-c, bell., hep., lach., led., chin, on: Aster., clem., crot-h., 'ferr-m., hep.,
nit-ac, par., sabad., stann., valer. kali-chl., mere, nat-s., par., phos-ac,
nose, on: Calad., caps. cor-r. ,
mag-c, phos., rhus-t., sars., thuj.
selen., sep.
forehead, on: Agar., alum., ambr., ars., aur.,
to touch: Chin., clem., kali-c. bell., bov., bry., calc, calc-ph., canth.,

stinging, on: Apis, squil. carb-v., cheln, clem., con., cycl. ,

gran., hep., hura, ind., kali-bi., kali-br.,
papular: Aur., bor., calc., croi-h., gels.,
kreos., lach., led., mag-m., meph., mez.,
hydr-ac, kali-c., kali-i., lye, ol-&n., petr.,
mur-ac, nat-e, nat-m., nit-ac, olnd.,
pic-ac, Sep., sil., syph.
par., phos., phos-ac, puis., rhus-v., Sep.,
painful: Calc. sol-n., sulph., tabac, tarent., zinc ziz. ,

patches: Q.a\c., graph., lac-c, kali-bi.,nux-m., burning: Bell., canth.

phos., puis., secale, sep., stram.
itching: Alum., calc, sulph., ziz.
pimples: Alum., ambr., anan., ant-c, apis,
ars., arum-t., aster. a?<r., bar-c, bell., berb., painful: Ind., staph,

bor., calc, calc-ph., calc-s., carb-an., carb-v., red: Bell., carb-v., nat-m., sol-n.
caust., chel., cic, clem., coloc, con., crot-h.,
sore to touch: Phos-ac.
dros.,Eug., gels., glon., graph., hep., hura,
hydr., hydrc, ind., iod., kali-a., kali-c, washed, smarting when: Nux-v.
kali-chl., kali n., kreos., lach., led., lye,
white: Carb-v., kali-br., sulph., zinc,
lyssin,mag-m., meny., meph.. Mere,
mosch., mur-ac, nat-c, nai-m., nat-s., wine, after drinking: Zinc.
nit-ac, Nux-V., ol-an., pall., par., petr.,
lips: Agar., am-m., arn., berb., bufo, calc,
'phos., phos-ac. psor., puis., rhus-t., sabin.,
carb-v., ferr-m., graph., guaj., hep.,
sanic, sars., sep., sol-t-£E., staph., sulph.,
kali-chl., mere, mur-ac, nat-c, nux-v.,
syph., tarax., tarent., thuj., vine, zinc.
pall., par., petr., phos-ac, ruta, sep.,
night agg. : Mag-m. thuj.

burning when touched: Nat-s. upper: Ant-e, arn., bufo, carb-v., spig.

ERUPTIONS, pimples,
lower jaw: Pur.
pustules: Am-c.,
Ant-t, arn., ars..
mouth, about: Ditlc, mur-ac, phos., bell.,calc, calc-s., carh-v., caust.,
' chel
rhus-t. clem., con., crot-t., cund.,
dros., dulc eug''
comers, of: Petr., tarax.
eup-per., graph., grat.. hep.,
hydr., \^o^\
ind.. ms, jug-c, kali-bi.,
kali-br., kali-i
nose: Am-c, arum-d., brom., caps., cann-s., kreos., lach., lyc, vierc,
carb-an., mez., nat-ph''
carb-v., caust.,
clem., dulc.i mt-ac, nux-m., pall., phos-ac, psor.,
euphr.,^-ac., graph., guaj., kali-c, lach.,' puis'.,
rhus-t., sars., sulph., thuj.,
lye, magn-p-arc, merf., nat-ni.,
ox-ac,, pall., petr.,/)//o^., phos-ac, confluent: Cic.
plant., plb., rhus-r., selen., sep.. ulcers, terminating in:
sil., Crot-t.
Syph., (eucr.
cheeks: Am-c.
burning: Alum., aphis, canth.
chin: Am-c, hyos., kali-bi., kali-i., viez.,
when touched: Canth. nux-m., psor., viol-t.

oozing: Ol-an. forehead: Anac, ars., carb-an., chel.,

eup-per., kali-br., kali-c, mur-ac,
red: Calc-ph., plant. rhodo.,
• white: Carb-v., nai-c, kali-c.
lips: Aur., bell., berb., calc,
cinnb., clem.,
about: Par., tarax. hep., viol-t.

dorsum, on, with inflamed base: Fl-ac. upper: Calc.

inside: Arn., calad., carb-an., graph., nose: Am-c, asc-t, bell., clem., euphr.,
guaj., kali-c, ox-ac.
hipp., iris, petr., phos., plb., pbdo., sars.
right nostril: Aphis, ox-ac, phos., rat.
right: Con., cund., fl-ac, mang.
painful only when muscles of face and left: Kali-n., nat-c.
nose are moved: Calc.
inside: Arn., hipp.
left nostril: Calc, dulc, graph.
septum of, on: Am-c, anac, hipp., lycps.,
root, on: Caust., led.
septum, on: Arg-n., asc-t., calad., chin.,
right: Anac, sars., tarax.
nat-m., (eucr.
with perforation : Hipp,
oozing: Ol-an.
tip of: Kali-br., lyc, mag-c.
side, on: Aster.
under the nose: Bor., bov., squil.
small and hard: Agar.
wings of, on : Euphr.
right: Alum., euphr., lach.
rash: Acoti., ail., ant-c, ant-t., ars..
tip, on: Am-c, asaf., Caust, coc-c, Bell.,
bry., caust., cham., coff., euphr., graph.,
cund., fyc, pall., phos-ac, spong.
hep., hydr., jab., lach., mere, mez., nat-m.,
sore: Lyc. nit-ac, phos., Puis,, Rhus-t., stram.,
bleed when sulph., teucr., verat,
pressed : Pall.

wings, on: Chin., nat-m., tarax., zing. burning: Teucr.

left: Fl-ac. itching: Teucr.

perforation size of a pea: Fl-ac. purple: Hyos., sep.

temples^ Arg-m., mur-ac, nit-ac. syphilitic: Syph.

whiskers, in: Agar., ambr., calc, calc-s.,

warmth agg. : Teucr.
graph., lach., nit-ac washing, after: Glon.

) )

ERUPTIONS, i-asli.
arn., indg., lil-t, rheum, sore. (See "raw.")
forehead: Ail.,
teucr. stinging, painful: Clem., led., plat., staph,
raw, excoriated: Graph., petr., phos., psor.,
suppurating: Ant-C, cic, lye, psor., rhus-t.
syphilitic: Aur., cinnb., fl-ac, hep., kali-bi.,
red: Ant-c, aur., calc-ph., caust., diam., cic,
euphr.,' fago, hyper., lac-c, led., nit-ac, Kali-i., kreos., lach., lyc. Mere, Merc-c,

par., /t'/r., phos., psor., sep., sulph.

nit-ac, phyt., s^-^., sil., sulph., Syph.

Aur., crot-t., lach., phos-ac, tubercles: Alum., a.sa.i., fl-ac, kali-bi., kali-i.,
nose: bell.,
mag-m., nat-c, olnd., phyt., sil.

graph., suppurating: Fl-ac

rhus poisoning: Anac, bry., crot-t.,

rhus-t., rhus-v., sep., sulph. forehead: Fl-ac, led.

rough: Alum., anac, kali-c, kalm., led urticaria: Anan., ant-c, Apis, Ars., calc,
puis., rhus-t., rhus-v. Sep., strain. sulph.
, cop., hep., lach., led., mez., nat-tn., rhus-t.,
Sep., sil., Sulph., urt-u.
red: Sep., sulph.
morning: Chin.
summer: Kalm.
on; Pall., rhus-t., sars., disappearing in open air: Calc.
forehead, spots
Sep., sulph. vesicles: ^th., agar., anac, aut-c, ars.,
lips, on: Merc, sulph., tabac. benz-ac, caust., cic, cist., clem., crot-t.,
dulc, euph., graph., hep., kali-a., kali-bi.,
mouth, about: Anac, ars.
kali-i., kali-n., lach., mag-c, mane, mere,
scabby. (See " crusty." mez., nat-a., nat-c, nat-m., nat-s., nit-ac,
See '
' ol-an., plb., psor., ran-b., rhus-t., rhus-v.,
scaly. ( '

samb., sulph., stram., syph., valer.

scurfy: Alum., anac, ant-c, ant-t., Ars.,
acrid: Caust., rhus-t.
aur., bell., calc, carb-s., caust., chin-s., cic,
coloc, dulc, graph., hep., kreos.,
crot-t., burning: Caust.
lach., led., lye, mere, merc-i-f., mez.,
cold air, come out in: Dulc.
mur-ac, nit-ac, nux-v., petr., phos-ac,
phyt., plat., Psor., rhus-t., rhus-v., sars., confluent: Crot-t., rhus-t., sulph.

Sep., sit., sulph., thuj., verat., viol-t. itching: Aut-c, mez., sep.

cheeks: Bell., calc, cic, kreos., lach. varioloid, like: Ant-c.

chin: Cic, AmIc, graph., kreos., mere, sep. white: Clem., hell., valer.

eyelids. (See "EYE.") yellow: Ant-c, ars., cic, com., crot-t.,

forehead: Calc, dulc, mur-ac. dulc, euph., kreos., mane, mere, nat-c,
phos-ac, Rhus-t., rhus-v., sep.
and temples: Dulc, mur-ac.
chin, on: Anac, cic, crot-t., hep., mane,
lips: Ant-t., bell., berb., bor., calc, cham.,
nai-c, Nat-m., nat-s., nit-ac, sanie, sars.
cic, hep., ign., kali-c, mere, mur-ac,
nat-a., nux-v., ,
petr., phos., phos-ac, forehead on: Am-e, arn., canth., kali-i.,
plant., Sep., sil., squil., staph., sulph. mez., nat-m., plb., psor., rhus-v., stront.

mouth about: Calc, cic, graph., petr., lips: Ail., alum., am-m., ant-t., asc-t., berb.,
bov., calc-s., carb-an., chel., chin-s., cic,
corners of: Ign., petr. clem., com., con., hell., hep., kali-s.',
lac-ae, lac-e, mag-c, mag-m., mang.,
whiskers, in: Calc, lach.
mere, nat-c, Nat-m., nat-s., nit-ac,
smarting (compare "burning"): Cic, ip., par., plat., rhodo., sanie, sang., seneg.,
rhodo., verat. sil., valer.

ERUPTIONS, vesicles, Hps.
lower: Ail., corn., tnag-m., nat-s., par.
periodical: Apis.
upper: Alum., uiaj^-ph., inang., rat., phlegmonous: .-Icon., apis, am., l>cll.,
seneg., valer. bry.,
bufo, carb-an., cham., crol-L, hep.,
bloocl blisters: Nat-in. .Vaph., Lach,, mere, phos,, puis.,
Rhus-t '*
Sep., sil., sulph.
niouth, about: llor., hell., Nat-m,, nat-s.
pregnancy, during: Bor.
corners of: Cic, seneg., senna.
rays, spreading in: Graph.
nose: Clem., lack., lac-ac, mag-c, mag-m.,
)ncz., nat-c, nat-ni., nit-ac, phell., phos., re-current: Apis, crol-h.
plb. Rhus-t., sil.
scalp, and: Lach.
centre of, on: Carb-ac. spots on face: Apis.
inside, right: Carb-an., lach.
vesicular: Ars., bell., camph., ci.st., euph.,
septum, on: Ani-c, crot-h., thtij. hep., graph., lach., puis., ran-b., rhus-t.,
rhus-v., Sep., sulph., tep.
tip: Nit-ac.

wing extending to head : Op.

of: Chel., Nat-m,, thuj.
to ear: Jug-c.
warm room agg. : Mag-m.
wamith agg.:
ear, right, beginning in: Sulph.
Euphr., mez., psor., sulph.,
teucr. lip, lower, extending from: Anthr., apis.

amel : Ars. nose, beginning in: Apis, canth., hipp.,

rhus-t., stram.
ERYSIPELAS: Ail., anac-occ, anan., anthr.,
Apis, arn., ars.,asiac, aur., aur-m., Bell,, EVERTED lips: Apis, camph., phyt.
bor., bufo, calc, camph., canth., carb-a.,
swollen Merc-c,:

caust., chain., chel., chin., cinnb., cist., com.,

crot-h., cupr., dor., euph., gels., Graph., EXCORIATED. (See "Discharge excoriating"
gymn., hep., jug-c, kali-c, kali-i., Lach., under "Nose"; also see "raw" under
led., meph., mez., uaja, nat-s., nit-ac, "Eruption").
phos., plb., pills., Rhus-t., rhus-v., sarr.,
lips: Ant-t., Arum-t., mur-ac.
Sep., sol-t-ae., stram., sul-ac, sulph., tep.,
tereb., thuj. EXOSTOSIS: Aur-m., heckla, phyt.

right: Arund., stram. right cheek bone: Aur-m.

to left: Apis, arund., lower jaw: Aug., Calc-fl., hep.

Graph., lye, sulph.
left: Agn., bor., chain., lach. EXPRESSION, anxious: Acon., ^th,, agar.,
all-c , aloe, am-e, am-m., ant-t., apis, Ars.,
to right: I,ach., Rhus-t.
ars-h., bapt., bar-m., bell., Bor., cad.,
bites of insects, from: Led. carbo., carb-s.,
Camph., cann-i., canth.,
chronic: Apis, tereb. chel., Chin-S., chlol., cie, coff., colch.,
crot-h., cupr., cupr-ar., cur., dig., dule,
erratic: Am., bell., mang.. Puis., sabin.,
eup-per., ferr-mag., iris., kali-bi.,
lye, mere, merc-c. ,
morph., mygale., naja,
gangrenous: Ars., camph., carb-v., chin., nit-ac, nux-v., plb., spong., spig., stram.,
Lach., mur-ac, rhus-t., secale, sil. sulph., sul-ac, Verat., vesp., vip., zinc.

nursing, while: Bor. cradle, when child is lifted from: Calc.

oedeniatous: Ars., Apis, chin., hell., lye, downward motion, during: Bor.
mere, rhus-t., sulph., thuj.
bell., cann-s., carb-s., plb.,
astonished: Aeon.,
one side: Apis, bor., nux-v., sep. , stram. stram.
besotted: Ail., Bapt., cocc, crot-h., gels., pinched: Aeon., ceth., carb-an., cina, cocc,
lack., nux-in., op., slram. cupf., ferr. ,
iod., kali-n., merc-c, phos.,
secale, staph., tab., verat., verat-v., zinc.
bewildered: ^sc, carb-s., glon., lye, nux-ni.,
plb., strain., zinc. sickly: Aeon., aesc, aloe, alumn., auac, apis,
arg-n.. ars., ars-h., berb., bism., bor., cann-i.,
changed: ^^Ith., ars., bufo, camph., caust.,
carl., caust., chel., chin., chin-s.,«wa, clem.,
cham., colch., cupr., hell., ign., lye, op.,
colch., con., cop., corn-c ,
crot-h., dig.,
secale, squil., siram., verat.
eup-per., glon., gran., hura, iod., kali-bi.,
childish: Anac, nux-m. kali-c, kali-chl., kali-n., kreos., lact., Lyc,
cold: Puis. mag-m., mere, naja, nat-m., nat-s., nux-m.,
nux-v., op., phos., phos-ac, phyt., psor.,
confused: Ars., cupr-ac, hyos., nat-m., phos., ptel., Sep., spig., statin., staph.,
sulph., tab., tuberc, thuj., til.

distressed: Ail., ars., aspar., crot-t., cupr-n.,

sleepy: Cann-i., laur., nux-m.. Op., phos.,
iod., nux-m., nux-v., phos., strych., stram.
doubt, of: All-c.
stupid: Arg-n., am., ars., ars-h., aster.,
dulness: Ais-h., asc-c, aster., cod., corn-c,
bell., benz-ac, camph., Cann-i., cann-s,.
gels., gnaph., hura, hydr.. hyos.. kali-br.,
chin-s., cupr., ferr., hell., hyos., kali-br.,
lil-t., mere, op., ox-ac, plb., rhus-v., sulph.
mere, nux-m., o^g., ox-ac, phos., phyt, plb.,
ecstasy: Plb. secale, stram., tab.

excitement: Crot-h., glon., hyos., iod., kali-i., suffering: Aeon., sth., am-c, ant-t., arg-n.,
nux-v. hx%.,bor., canth., caust., chel., chin-s., coloc,
fatigued: Aeon., ars., cimic, dtrani. colch., cupr., helon., hyper., kali-br., kali-c,
kreos., lach., mag-c, mag-m., Mang., mez.,
fear: Acon,, apis, ars., atrop., canth., cimic,
nat-m., nux-m., phos., -phos-SiC., phyt., plat.,
cocc, sol-n., Stram., tab., tarent., vip.,
ip\h.,puls., raph., secale, Sil., strych., stram.,
Sulph., sul-ac.
iierce: Bell., hydr-ac, merc-i-r., op.
suUenness: Alum., nux-v.
fixed look: Ant-c, camph., cocc, kali-bi.,
timid: Stram.
kali-i., merc-c, op., phos., stram., sul-ac
unchastity: Nux-v.
foolish: Absin., aeon., arg-n., bar-c, kali-br.,
lye, nux-m., stram. vacant: Anac, bell., camph., cic. , cocc. /^rr,,

kali-br., op., stram., zinc.

haggard: Ars., bell., camph., canth., caps.,
colch., cupr., hydr., hyos., kali-c, kali-ph., wandering: Plb., stram., zinc.
lack., mere, morph., naja, nat-m., op.,
wild: Acet-ac, atiac, apis, ars., atro.. Bell.,
ox-ae, j(!>/wj., plb., sang., secale, staph., tab.,
cimic, con., cupr., hydr-ac, hyos., kali-i.,
nux-v., op., plb., secale, stram., strych.
happy: Apis, op. tab., vip.

idiotic: Agar., calc, kali-br., lack., laur., lye,

plb., secale, stram., tarent., thuj.
FALLING of whiskers: Anan., graph., kali-c.
nat-m., phos-ac, plb.
intoxicated: Cann-i., chlof., cocc, dor., hydr.,
mustache: Plb., selen.
hyos., kali-i., mere, ruta.
eyebrows: Alum., kali-c, plb., selen.
morose: Mag-c.

old, aged: AbroL, Arg-n., ais., ar.s-/i., aur-m., eyelashes: Alum., apis, ars., aur., calc,
bar-e, Calc, chlor., fl-ac., Guaj., hydr-ac, euphr., med., mere, phos-ac, rhus-t., selen.,
iod., krcos., mere, Sep., staph., sulph.
Nat-m., ol-j.. Op., plb.,
sars., staph., sulph.
FLUSHED. (See "Redness.")

FORMICATION: ^co>/., acon-f., agn., apis, HEAT.
aster., bar-c, berb,, cadiii., calacL, calc,
nianc, inang., ineiiy., mere, inerc-c, mcz.,
cainph., coc-c, con., crol-c, crol-i., grat.,
"lorph., iiiosch., inur-ac, myric,
lact., lachii., laur., lyssin, mag-m., niyric, narcot.'.i
naja, nat-a., nal-c, nat-m., nit-ac,
mix- v., ol-an., pho.s-ac, plat., Secale, nux-m!,
sulpb., tab., tbuj., til., urt-u.
Nux-V., olnd. op. ox-ac. paeon. par. ,pctr. , ,
, ,
phell. phos. phos-ac ,pliyt. pinus
s. plant.,
, ,
chin, on: Strain, />/«/., pll). ,
psor., ptel., Puis,,
ran-b., rat.[
lipy: Berb., graph. rhodo. ,,hus-v., rumx., ruta, sabad., ,

s&mh.,<;ang., sars seiieg., sil., .spig., spong.,

FRECKLES: Am-c, anl-c, calc, dulc, graph.,
squil., stroiit.,

Stram., sulph., sul-ac, tab.,

ka/i-c, lye, nuir-ac, iiai-c, iiil-ac, nux-m,,
tarent., tarax., thuj., til., urt-u., verat.,
Phos., puis., Sep., sil., Sulph,, thuj. xanth. zinc ,

FULNESS : AJth., api.s, cub., ferr., glon., kreos.,

right: L,yssin, nat-ni. nice, puis.
lac-ac, merc-c, nat-m., ox-ac, phos., plant.,
sang. then left: Broni.

mental exeition, after: Phos. left: Alumn., arg-n., bor., inul., olnd., raph.,
GANGRENE (see " Erysipelas "): Merc, sul-ac.
daytime: Petr.
morning: Ail., bar-c, chel., croc, cycl., ferr,,
GLOSSY: Aur., op. hep., kali-c, nux-v., phos., sep., til.

GLOWING. (See "Red.") bed, in: Verat.

GREASY: Agar., arg-n., aur., bry., caust., chin.,
rising, on: Coloc, lyc, nux-v., rhodo.
mag-c, med., mere, nat-m., plb., psor.,
rhus-t., selen., stram., thuj. waking, on: Nit-ac, sulph.

lips: Am-m. walking, while: Nux-v.

until 3 p. m. Stront.
HAGGARD. (See "Expression.") :

forenoon: Lact., Ij'c, nux-m., ox-ac, zinc.

HAIR, growth of: Nat-m., ol-j.

8 a. m. Asaf., myric.
HAIRS on, sensation of: Carl., cWol., graph., :

laur. 9 a. m.: Asaf., lyc.

HANGING down. (See " Dropping of jaw.") 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. : Lyc.

HARDNESS. (See " Induration.") II a. m. : Equis., sol-n.

HEAT: Acet-ac, aeon., ceth., agar., agn., ail., noon: Lyc, mag-c, sep., spig.
all-c, aloe, alum., am-c, am-m., amyl-n.,
afternoon: Agar., anac, Arum-t., berb.
anac, ant-c, ant-t., apis, aran., arg-n., am.,
cann-s., carb-an., carb-s., chel., chiu-s., com.
ars., asaf., asar., atro., aur., bapt., bar-c,
dig., gels., graph., grat., hyper., kali-bi.
Bell., benz-ac, berb., bov., Brom., Bry.,
lyc, mag-c, mag-m., mag-s., nit-ac, petr,
calc, calc-a. ,
calc-ph., calad. ,
phos-ac. phys. rhus-t. ruta, zing.

cann-s., canth., caps., cai'b-an., carb-v.

card-m., cedr. , Cham., chel., chin. ,
c^cXoX., walking, while: Stront.
cimic. Cina, cinnb., cist., clem., coc-c,
1 p. m. : Equis.
cocc, coff., colch. , coloc. ,
con., cor-r.,

corn-c. , croc. , crot-t. ,

cupr. ,
cycl. dig. ,
, dros. 2 p. m.: Chel., grat., lyc, phys.
dulc, elaps, equis., euph., euphr. ,
2:30 p. ni : Gels.
fago. , ferr-m ,
ferr-ph., fl-ac, iorm.., gels.,

glon., gran., graph., grat., guaj., gymn., 3 p. m.: Chin., sol-n.

hell. hep. hipp. hydr. hyos. hyper. hura,

, , , , , ,
4 p. m.: Agar., sol-t-se.

ign., ind., inul., indg., ipec, jab., jatr.,

5 p. m. : Kali-bi., rhus-t., zing.
kali-bi., kali-c, kali-i., VzXx-n., kreos., lach.,
lact., laur., led., lil-t., lyc, lyssin, mag-c, 6 p. m.: Cann-i., cedr., ferr-ph.


evening: Aeon., agar., rt;/^. , ant-t. ,
arii.^hry. chilliness, during: Alum., a.sar., bor., ferr.,

calc-ph., chin-s. ,
con., dig., euphr. ,
fago. gels., hcU., kali-c, Mere, iiux-v., ol-an.,
fl-ac. ,
graph. gran. ,
guaj. hep. hura, lob-i.
, ,

l3'c., niag-c. , niez. naja, nat-c. , nat-m.

chill, during: Aeon., agar., ambr.,alura., anac,
nit-ac. , cena. phos. phos-ac, plat., puis,
ran-.s. , rhus-t


sabad., sep., sil.

apis, Am., bell., bry., calc, calc-ph., cedr.,
, ,

cham., chin., cina, coloc, dross., ferr.,

siilph., thuj., verat., zinc-s.
gels., hell., Iiyos., jatr., kreos., lach., lye,
bed, in: Nux-v. mez., mur-ac, nat-c, nux-v., olnd., puis.,
chilliness, during: Apis, graph, ran-b., ruta, rhus-t., sabad., samb., seneg.,
staph., siram., sulph.
chill, after: Graph,
coffee, after: Lyssin.
conversation, after: Bl-ac.
cold one side, the other hot: Aeon., aeei-ac,
eating, while: Nat-c.
Cham., Ip., kali-c, laeh., mosch., nux-~
l3-ing, after: Am-m., asar., nux-v.
body, with: Am., calc-ph., chain., ehin.^
menses, during: Nat-m. led., siram., tromb.

sitting, while: Con. limbs: Arn., siram.

wine, after: Fl-ac. cold, when in: Nat-c.

writing, while: Chin-s. feet, with: Aeon., gels., ign., samb.,

6 p. m.: Cann-i., cedr., chin-s., ferr-ph. Stram.

m. Hep. hands: Asaf., con., Stram., sumb., thuj.

7 p. :

8 p. m. : Ars. limbs: Cham., chin.

9 p. m.: Ars., hura. nose, with: Arn.

10 p. m. : Chr-ac. coldness, during: Tab.
night: Aloe, hep mez., phos-ac, rhus-v.
coryza, during: Ars-m., croc, Nux-V.
bed, in: Sars.
cough, during: Bell., «>!>., sulph.
waking, on: Am-c.
diarrhoea, during: Gran.
midnight: Nat-m., sulph.
dinner, afier: Am-c, am-m., carb-an., coi-r.
air, in open: Dig., hep., mur-ac, valer. grat.,

hell., hura, mag-m., phyt., ran-b

amel.: Am-m., stann. tell.

side exposed to: Phos-ac, viol-t. during: Am-c, am-m.

alternating with cold body: Stram. drinking, after: Cham., coc-c.

anxiety, during: Carb-V., graph, drinks, after warm: Sabad.

bed, in: Nux-v., sep. eating, while: Am-c, nat-c.

amel.: Alum. after: Am-c, am-m., anac, asaf., calc,

burning: Aeon., am-m., ant-t., apis, aran.,
carl., caust, Cham., coff., cor-r.,
bapi., Bell., bry., camph.,
mere, nit-ac, nux-v., petr., phos.,
caps., chel phyt.'
Cina, cist., sil., Sep., sulph., viol-t.
c/sOT., cocc, croc, grat., ign.,
iod., nai-c, nux-v., paeon., plat., rhus-t., exertion, during: Am-c, spig., spong., squil.
ptel., sabad., sang., stront., sulph., tab., of mind: Am-c.
thuj., verat.
flashes: Aco7i., esse, alum., ambr.,
and redness ars., asaf.,'
of left side: Alumn., asaf., bufo, cacL, carb-ac, carb-an.,
lac-c, murx., camph.', carl
nat-m., ol-an., phos-ac.[ cedr.,c/,W., cic, cimic, cht.,
spig. clem., ''coc-c' '
eocc, coff., colch., crot-h., cub.,
dig., dros

HEAT, nashes.
feir., gloii.,
Graph., hep., hydrs., imil., shivering, while: Am., calc, calc-ph.,
kali-bi., kali-c, kali-chl., Lach., lol)-s., hyos., rnur-ac, ihua-i., sulph.
Lyc, petr., phos., phos-ac, pU)., podo.,
shuddering, during: Ars., thuj.
raii-s., riius-t., sabad., sabin., seneg., Sep.,
spoiig., siann., stront., Sulph., siil-ac. side on which he is not lying: Phos-ac, viol-t.
tarent., tell., iereb., teticr., thuj., til., valer.
sitting, while: Calc, ferr-ph,, phos., viol-t.,
afternoon: Cedr., seneg.
evening: Alum., arn., cedr., nux-v., petr. sleep, during: Meny.
6 p. m. : Cedr.
smoking: Calad.
alternating with chills: Cedr.
standing, while: Mang.
climaxis, during: Graph., kali-bi., Lach.,
stool, during: Gran., hep. mere
lyc, Sul-ac, tereh.
motion, on: Siann. stooping, after: Rhus-t.

shivering, with: Sulph. supper, after: Anac, carb-v., chin-s.

sudden: Mang. talking, after: Sep., squil.
thorax, from: Sulph.
thinking: Am-c, lyssin.
headache, with: Agar., aloe, aran., Chin-S.,
toothache, during: Graph.
cop., g-/on.. grat, lith., rumx., sp07ig.,
viol-t., zing. waking, on: Alum.

heart, constriction, with: Hydrc. walking, while: Nux-v., mang.-, sulph., tarax.

house, in the. (See " room.") after: Sep.

amel.: Sabad.
labor, during: Am., bell., coff., fen-., gels., op.
wash in cold water, desire to: Fl-ac.
lying, while: Maug., phos., petr., plb.
washing with cold water, after: Phos., sil.
after lying down: Cham.
wine, after: Fl-ac.
menses, before: Alum,
yawning, after: Calc.
motion, after: Spong".
chin: Canth., euphr., nat-m.
during: Chin.
lips: Aeon., sesc. aloe, ambr., ang., am.,
one-sided: Arn., benz-ac, cimic, ign., kali-c, ars-m., gels., hyper., kali-chl., mere, 7iit-ac.,
murx., spong. stann. , sabad.

palpitation, during: Arg-m., glon. upper: Apis, carb-v., kali-bi.

burning heat: Arn.
periodic: Aloe, phos,
parotid gland, in: Brom.
reading, while: Arg-m.

redness, without: Thuj.

HEAVY feeling: Alum., nice
lower lip: Graph., mur-ac-
rising from a seat: Nat-c.
upper lip: Caust.
room, while in: Am-m.
cold, while in: Coc-c. HIPPOCRATIC (see "Sunken"): Aeon., seth.,
agar., ant-c, ani-t., Ars., asc-t., tamph.,
entering room, from open air, on: Chin. canth., carb-li., carb-v., chin., chlor., cic,
warm, while in: Hyos. colch., cupr., dig., ferr., iod., kali-bi.,

kali-n., lach., lyc, mere merc-c, mez.,


sensation of: Aug., euphr., hyper., tarax.

niix-m., op., ox-ac. ,
phos., phos-ac, phyt.,
sensation of, when cold to the hand: Chi plb., rhus-v., secale, stann., staph., strj'ch.,
grat. sul-ac. Tab., vcrat., vijD., zinc.

INDURATIOIfS: Ars., bry., clem., coh., graph., ITCHING: Aeon., agar., agn., alum., ambr.,
led., mag-c, olud., puis., rhus-t., sep., Sil., am-c, anac, anac-occ, anan., ant-c, apis,

sulph. apoc-a., am., ars., bell., berb., brach.,

red, hard lumps: Cob. bufo-s., calc, cann-s., caps., carb-ac, caust.,
chel., chin-s., cod., colch., com., con.,
cheeks: Cham., mere.
cycl., dol., ferr-m., fl-ac, gels., glon.,
forehead: Cic, con., led., olnd. gr&n., graph., grat., hydr., indg., kali-bi.,
kali-br., kali-c, kali-i., kali-n., lach., lachn.,
lips: Aur-m., bell., calc-ph., chin., con., sil.
laur., lyc. meph., mere, morph., nat-c,
upper: Calc-ph.
nat-m., nat-ph., nat-s., nice, nux-v., op.,
sense of: Cycl. ^ par., petr., phos., phos-ac, plant., rhus-t.,
lower jaw, periosteal: Aur-m-n., graph. Rhus-V., ruta, sars., Sep., sil., stram.,
stront., str}'ch., sulph., sul-ac, tarent., til.,
mouth, corner of: Sil.
urt-u ,
verat., zinc.
parotid gland: Am-c, bar-m., calc, carb-an.,
cletn., con., ign., kali-c, merc-c, merc-i-f., forenoon, lo a. m.: Mag-c.
7iat-m., phyt., Ehus-t., Sil. I r a. m : lod.

right: Ign., kali-c. afternoon: Chel., fago.

submaxillary gland: Bar-C, Bar-m,, carb-v., evening: Rhus-v., sabad., sulph., zinc.
cocc, con., graph., kali-n., mcrc-i-f., nat-m.,;
7 p. m.: Fago.
night: Kalm., lach., mez., rhus-v., strych.
temples: Thuj.
changes place on scratching: Sars.
INFLAMMATION, bone, of: Aur., calc, fl-ac,
Inez., nil-ac, phos-ac, rjita, sil., s'aph., frost bitten, as if: Agar,
still., symph.
rubbing amel. : Rhus-v.
lips: Aeon., anan., Bell,, mere.
scratching amel. : Grat.
parotid gland: Am-c, ars., arum-t., aur.,
touched, when: Psor.
Bar-C, Bell., calc, carb-an., Carb-v.,
Cham., Cist., coc, con., crot-h., dor.,, warm, when becoming: TJ/if^". , :ptils, .

ferr-ph., /^f/>., hippoz., kali-bi., kali-c,

writing, when: Chin-s.
lach., lyc; Mere, nat-m., phos., phyt.
Puis., rhus-t., sars. cheeks: Agar., agn., anan., ang , ant-c, asaf.,
bell., berb., h3'per., niag-m., nat-m., puis.,
right: Calc ,
kali-bi., kali-c, "SILe-rc.
rhus-t ,
ruta, spong., sulph., thuj., viol-t.
left: Brom., lach., Rhus-t.
chin: Benz-ac, carb-an., chlor., gamb., kali-c,
metastasis to mammae: Puis. Sulph., tromb., zinc.
testes: Ars., carb-v., jab., nat-m., Puis.,
forehead: Alum., ambr., caps., chel., led.,
nat-m., sulph.
suppuration, with: Ars., Brom,, bry.,
lips:] f Ars., arum-t., asc-t. aur-m., berb.,
Calc. con., Hep., lach., Merc, nat-m.,
phos., Rhus-t., Sil., sul-ac. ol-an... sabad., tuberc.

periosteum: Aur., calc, fl-ac, mere, raerc-c, lower: Sil.

^nez., Nit-ac, Phos,, Phos-ac, phyt., upper: Bar-c, calc-a. , vine. nc.
rtita, sil., staph., still.,
symph. lower jaw, biting, burning: Arg-m., par.
lower jaw: Merc, phos., phos ac, ruta.
mouth, around: Anac, hep., rhus-t., zinc.
submaxillary gland: Ars., bell., chin.,
whi.skers, in: Agar., ambr., arg-m., calc cob.,
dulc, graph., kali-c, kalm., lyc, ,

mag-c.,' kali-bi., nat-c, nat-m., sil.

Merc, nit-ac, phyt.^ psor., puis.,
Sep., sil., spong., stram.,
sulph., sul-ac, JAUNDICE. (See "Yellow.")
JERKING. (See "Twitching.")


LARGE, sensation of being: Acon., alum., PAIN.
arg-in., gloii.,
anac, anan., apis, arg-ni., arg-n., am.,
after dinner: Glon.
Ars., ars-m., aruiid., a.saf., a.sar., Aur.
LINEA nasalis: ^th. aur-m., bar-c. Bell., benz-ac, tu-rl) hhm
. ,

bor., bov., brach., /;rj/., cact., cadm

LOCKJAW: Absin., acoii., reth., agar., alum., calc-ph., calc-s., caniph., caps.,

amyg.. aiig:, anthr., ant-t., aiff-n.. arn., carb-v., ca.sc., Caust, Cedr., cham., chel.,
art-v,. aster., aur., aur-m-n.,bapt.,
Bell., bry., chin., chin-s., chlol., civiic, civ a, cist.,
Ciilc, camph., canlh., ca.st-eq., canst., ccdr., clem., cocc, coc-c, colch., Coloc, con.,
chin s., chlof., chlor., chrom-ac,
Cic, cob., cor-r., crot-h., cupr., cupr-ac, dig., dros.,
con., crot-h., cnpr., flics., gel.'i., g/ou., hep., dulc' euph., euphr., euon., ferr-m.,
hydr-ac, hyos.,
Hyper., ign., ip lach., ferr-ph.. Gels., glon.,
, graph., grat., guaj.,
laur., lye, mag-pli., mere, mosch., nu.v-vi., hep., hura, hyos., hydrc, hyper., ign., iod.,
Nux-V., oenan., Op., phos., phos-ac, phys., iris, kali-bi., kali-c, kali-i., kali-s., kalm.,
podo., puis., rhus-t., secale, sil
plat.,/>/(J., kreos., lach., lac-c, led., lilh., lob, lye,

spong., strain., sulph., tereb., tlier., verat., mag-c, mag-in. , Mag-ph., mang., mere,
verat-v. merc-e, merc-i-f., mez., morph., naja,
morning, on waking: Ther. nat-e, nat-m., nat-s ,
nit-ac, nux-v., ol-an.,
pCBon., phos., phos-ac, phyt., "SldiX.^ plant.,
menses, during: Hyos.
plb., psor., puis., ran-b., ran-s., rhodc,
LONG, sensation as if elongated: Stram. rhus-t., rhus-v., ruta, sabad., sabin., sanic,
sang., sars., secale, sep., sil., sol-t-ae.,
of chin: Glon.
Spig., spong., Stann., Staph,, Stram.,
LUMPS. (See " Indurations.") stront., sulph., sul-ac, tereb., th^ij., verat.,
verb., viol-o., zinc.
MEMBRANE on lips: Arum-t., ars-i., bry.

corners of mouth: Arum-t., ars-i., bry., iod.,

right: Agar., am-m., anac, arg-n., arn., aur..
kali-bi. Bell., bry., cact., camph., carb-v., caust.,
cedr., Chel., chin., chin-s ,cist., clem., cocc,
NECROSIS of lower jaw: Phos., sil.
cur., dor., ferr., horn., indg., iris, kali-i.,

NODOSITIES: Ars., cic, cund., merc-i-r. kalm., lil-t., lye, lyssin, mag-ph., mere,
nux-v., psor.. Puis., sep., rhodo., sanic,
lower jaw: Graph.
spig., spong., stront., sulph., syph., tereb.,
mouth, corner of: Mag-c, sil. verb., zinc.

NUMBNESS: Aeon., asaf., asar., bapt., bell., to left: Lyc.

benz-ac, caust., gels., plat., samb., thuj.
left: Arg-n., arund., asar., chel., chin-s.,
right: Chel., gels.,
coloc, cor-r., dulc, glon., hell., kali-bi.,
left: Graph. Lob-i., mag-c, merc-c, osm., phos., plant.,
polyg., puis., sabad., sep., Spig"., staph.,
cheek: Asaf., caps., mez., olnd., plat.
stann., thuj., vesp.
chin: h.sai., plat., spong.
daytime: Cimie, kalm., Spig.
lips: Aeon., ambr., cic, crot-h., glon., nat-m.,
plat. morning: Chin., chin-s., mez., sars. thuj..

morning on waking: Ambr.
breakfast, after: Iris.
lower: Glon.
increases, till noon then subsides: Mag-c.
upper: Cycl. , olnd.
waking, on: Agar sars., sep.
mouth, about: Plat.

forenoon: Chin-s.
(EDEMA. ( See " Swelling '


7 a. m. to 12: Chin-s.
PAIN (aching, prosopalgia, etc.): Abrot., Aoon.,
agar., all-c, alum., ambr., am-c, am-m., 10 a. m. : Chin-s.

PAIN. PAIN, cold applications,

afternoon until midnight: Spig. after: Ferr., hep.

3 p. m. : Chins. cold, exposure to, from: Aeon., arn., calc.

caust., dulc, gels., graph., kalm., phos.,
4 p. m. lasting all night: Merc-c.
rhodo., rhus-t.
evening: Caps., chins., cist., cocc, kali-s.,
cold, on becoming: Mag-ph.
mag-s., mez., phos., plat., puis., rhus-t.,
Sep., stram., sulph., thuj., zinc. concussion agg.: Am., bell., spig.

lying down, after: Stram. cough, during: Kali-bi.

6 p. m. until morning: Guaj. damp weather agg. : Dulc, verat.

night: Aran., caust., calc-ph., chel., con., led., draft agg.: Mag-c.
mag-c, Merc, merc-c, phyt., puis., Sep.,
eating, while: Mez.
sil., spong., staph., sulph.
amel: Caj., rhodo.
bed, driving him out of: Mag-c, mag-ph.
after: Mang., /Acs., zinc.
lying, while: Phos.
amel: Chin., kalm., spig.
rest, during: Mag-c, mag-ph.

m. to 3 a. m. Sulph. eruption, after disappearance of: Dulc, kalm.,

9 p. :

mez., thuj.
10 p. m. : Chin-s.
exertion agg. : Cact. , lac-c.
air, open, agg. : Alum., ars., carb-an., chin.,
cocc, guaj., hep., kali-c, laur., mere, falling asleep, on : Caps. , lach.
merc-c, phos., plat., puis., rhus-t., sars.,
fasting, from: Cact.
sulph., thuj., valer.
flying: Gels.
amel.: Am-m., hep.,/M/j., rhus-t.
gradually increasing and decreasing: Stann.
alternating with pain in limbs: Kali-bi.
heat agg.: Glon.,/>/toj., rhodo.
in shoulder: Mag-ph.
amel.: Dulc, mag-ph., ^\ios.
arthritic: Caust., colch., coloc, ign., lith.,
mere, nux-v., rhus-t., spig. after over-heating: Ferr.

bed, in, agg.: Puis., sil., spong., verb., viol-t. inflammatory: Aeon., arn., bar-c, bell., bry.,

blowing nose agg. : Merc. cact., ferr-ph., glon., lach., mere, phos.,
plat., thuj., verat.
chewing, when: Aeon., alum., am-m., anac,
bell., bry., calc, euphr., graph., lach., intermittent: Cedr., sep.
nat-m., nit-ac, osm., phos., plat., puis.,
jar agg.: Bell., mag-c.
Sep., sil., spig., verb., verat.
jerking: Bry., gels.,^/o«., sep., stram.
amel.: Cupr-ac.
chill, during: Caust. lameness: Sabin., seneg.

coffee agg. laughing, when: Bor., mang., tab.

: Spig.

after abuse of: light agg.: Ars., bell., cacL, chel., con.,
mag-ph., spig.
cold air agg.: Aeon., agar., colch., mere,
mag-ph., rhus-t., sulph. strong agg. : Cact.

amel.: All-c, kali-s. lying, while: Ail., ambr., arn., chel., chin.,

cold applications
ferr., graph., hep., ign., mag-c, plat., puis.,
agg.: .^sc, con., phos.,
sil., spig., sulph.
rhodo., sanic, sil., stann.

amel.: Arg-n., asar., bism., amel.: Cact., spig.

bry., caust.,
chin., coff., fl-ac, puis., sabad., sep. with head low agg. : Puis.

PAIN, lying, while.
on the affected sideagg.: Aeon., arn., chin., pulsating: Aeon., arg-m., am.,
licDi., puis., spig. cupr-ar
fcrr-ph., mag-c, puis., sabad., sep., spig'
on the face amel. : Spig. staph,

quiet amel. : Bry. sep. quinine, after: Hep., Nat-m., nux-v.,

meditation, after: Am-c, ign., nux-v. rest agg.: Ang., lye, mag-c, puis., Rhus-t.
menses, before: Stann., zinc. amel.: Mez., sep., spig.

during: Nat-m., sep. in a dark room amel.: Mez.

after: Spig. rheumatic: Acon,, act-sp., Ars., Bry.,
calc-ph., Caust., cimic, gels., /t^/A
mental exertion agg. : Kalm. ,
kalm., lach., niag-c, mere, mez.,
mercury, after: Aur-m., carb-v., chin., Hep., V^os., phyl., puis., rhodo.,
j«7., spig., verat.
nit-ac, sulph.
rising from bed agg.: Chin., olnd., rhus-t.,
motion agg.: Bell., bisni., bry., cacL, chin.,
ferr-ph., lac-c, mag-c, Nux-v., phos., up agg. : Chin.
rhodo., Spig ,
amel.: Hep.
amel.: Meny., valer.
room, in: Am-m., chin., hell., mag-aust,
of eyes: Bry. puis., ran-s.

of lower jaw agg.: Alum., am-c, bor., bry., rubbing amel.: Ant-c, phos., plat, plb.,
cocc, cor-r., ign., valer.
mag-act., mang.,
nat-m., phos., rhus-t., spig., verb.
sitting agg.: Am-m., canth., graph., phos.
music, from: Cad., phos-ac.
sitting up agg. : Rhus-t.
noise agg.: Am., chin., coff., nux-v., sep.,
sitting up in bed amel. : Ferr., hep.
sleep, from: Mez., verb,
numbness: Kalm., mez.
smoking amel.: Clem.
one-sided: Aeon., am-c, caust., cham., colch., .•J,

euon., grat., kali-bi., kalm kreos., mez.,

sneezing: Chm.

nux-v., ol-j., phos., verat. speaking agg. : Phos.

opening the mouth (see " motion "): Aug., splinter, as from: Agar.
cham., cocc, dros., mag-ph., mere, sabad., standing agg.: Chin.
spong., thuj., verat.
stool, diaring, agg. : Spig.
paralysis, with: Caust., cur., gels., kali-chl.,
stooping agg.: Bry., canth., ferr-ph., nux-v.,1
petr., spig.
paroxysmal: Cedr., sep.
stormy weather, during: Caust.
periodical: Ars., cedr., chin., chin-s., glon.,
stunning: Mez., plat., verb.
guaj., mag-ph., Nat-m., Spig., thuj.
sudden: Ign., kalm., valer.
pillow feels hard: Arn., phos;
suppressed ague, after: Nat-m.
pregnancy, during: Ign., sep., stram.
swallowing agg. : Kali-n., phos., staph.
pressure agg.: Bell., cina, coloc, cupr., dros.,
gels., mag-c, merc-i-f., nux-v., verb. talking agg. ;
Bry., euphr., mez., phos., puis.,

amel.: Ail., bry.,

rhodo., spig., squil.
dig., cupr-ac, mag-ph.,
sep. tea drinking agg. : Spig.
hard, amel.: Bell., bry., chin., chin-s., spig. tobacco, from : Sep.

touch agg.: Arn., bell., caps., chin., cina, lips: Am-c, anan., ars-m., bry., cic, cor-r.,
coloc, cor-r., cupr., cupr-ac, dig., dros., hep., kali-c, mag-s., mere, mez., mur-ac,
hep., mag-c, nat-ni., nux-v., par., phos., plb., psor., sep.
puis., Sep., spig., spong., zinc.
splinter, as from a: Nit-ac, sep.
amel: Am-c, am-m., asaf., chin., euphr.,
touch agg: Bry., hep., mere, mez.
olnd., thuj.
lower jaw: Aloe, ambr., arg-m., ars., caust.,
waking, on: Croc, hell., hep., nux-v.. puis.,
cham., dulc, lach., lyssin, merc-i-r., mez.,
sabad., spig., verb.
pall., phos., phos-ac, rhus-t., sil., spig.,
walking agg.: Guaj., laur., uiang., mere, stram., sulph., tarent., zinc.
mur-ac, petr., sulph., thuj.
as of a splinter: Agar.
in open air: Nux-v.
as if it would break: Phos-ac.
amel.: Asar. , coloc.

after: Ran-sc. articulation: Acet-ac, alumn., caust., cor-r.,

slowly amel. : Chin., puis.
chewing, when: Am-c, bell., cor-r.
warmth amel.: Calc, coloc, dulc, Mag-ph.,
rhodo., sanic, spig., sulph. opening mouth, when: Am-c, cor-r., hep.,
warm bed agg.: Glon., mere, puis.
shutting mouth, when: Bar-c.
food, after, agg. : M&z., puis., sep.

room rheumatic: Rhus-t.

agg.: Am-c, hep.; kali-s., mez., puis.

amel.: Calc laur., sep.

mental foramen: Mez.

washing in cold agg. : Con. parotid gland: Apis, aran., arg-m., aur., aur-s.,
bapt., bell., calc-ph., cham., coc-c, dios.,
amel.: Asar., arg-n., fl-ac.
elaps, fago., lac-ac, lycps.,mang., mere,
wind agg. : Rhodo. ,
sep. merc-i-r., nat-m., phyt., plb., rhus-t., sabad.,

wine agg. : Cact. sulph.

wrapping up amel.: Hep., mdg-ph., mez.';- right: Bell., cocc.

left: Rhus-t.
vmting, while: Chin-s. :

yawning: Arn., ign., op., rhus-t., sabad.,; dinner, after: Sulph.
staph. I' .

evening, 8.30 p. m.: Merc-i-r.

extending to ear: Bell., calc, caust., hep.;
Lach., plant.. Puis., Sep., spig. 10 p. m. : Dios.

neck : Bell. guaj. puis.

swallowing, when: Chi^i.

bones: ^th., anan., caps., cimic, hell., submaxillary gland: Ambr., ar5., atir., aur-m.,
kali-n.,merc-i-r nat-m., nux-v., phyt., zinc.
, Bar-c, Bar-m., brom., bry.. Chin., cina,
cheek: Aug., caust., chin-s., chel., cimic, clem., coc-c, cor-r., crot-t., dulc., graph.,
etna, cocc, dig., dulc, hep., kali-n., led., lye, nat-m., nit-ac, phos.,
hyos„ kali-bi.,
mag-c, mag-m., mez., nat-m., plb., puis., rhus-t., sabad., sep., sil., staph.,
plat., psor.,
ruta, Sep., valer. stram., sulph., sul-ac; verat.

daytime: Cimic. night: Nat.m.

when coughing: Kali-bi. chewing, when: Calc.

eye, below, infra-orbital: Arg-n., swallowing, when: Cor-r., stram.
bell., chin.,
iris, nux-v., plat., spig.,
verb., zinc swelling, without: Staph.

PAIN. PAIN, burning.
boring: Arg-n., Aur., bar-c, bell., bov., calc, kal-bi., kali-i., kali-n., Iireos., lach.,
caniph carb-v., diilc, ign., mag-c, mez.,
, laur., Lyc, mere, merc-c, merc-sulph.|
Plat., sil ,
tJinJ. mez., mur-ac, myrit., mosch., nat-ph.,
right: Aur., camph., piai., stront. olnd., pall.,phos-ac, plat, psor., puis.,
raph., RhU8-t,, rhus-v., sil., stann.,
night agg.: Mag-c, plat., sil.
thuj., til., ust, verat.

rest agg. : Mag-c.

right: Arund., chin., ham., mere, nux-v.,
cheek bones: Bov., ind., mag-c, stront. pall., psor., puis.

lower jaw: Bov., brom., cocc, coloc, ind., left: Arg-n., asar., bapt, Coloc, hydr.,
kali-bi., lack., led., mag-c, mez., plb., murx., rhus-t., spig.
sabad. daytime: Mane, sulph.
right: Coloc, elaps. morning: Corn., lyc.

left: Sabad. to 3 p. m.: Stront

zygomatic process: Aur. 9 to 4 p. m.: Lyc.

parotid gland : Sabad. afternoon: Fago., phos.

submaxillary gland: Led., lye, nat-m., puis., evening: Cham., com.

night: Chin., lach., mez.
bruised: Ar7i., caust., con., cor-r., graph., air, open, amel. : Kali-i.
ign., kali-bi., merc-i-f., plant., puis.,
rula, sars., stann., sulph., zinc. caries, in: Aur.

morning: Sars. chilliness, during: Caust., mur-ac.

after: Merc-sul.
on waking: Sars.
coldness, during: Grat., nat-m.
chewing, when: Nat-m.
cold water amel. : Ats-m.
menses, during: Stann.
dinner, after: Grat.
bones of face: Carb-v., kali-bi., nat-m.
eating amel. : Chin.
malar bones: Nat-m.
exertion agg. : Kreos.
right: Merc-i-r.
headache, during: Stront.
left: Cor-r., sulph., sul-ac, zinc.
lying, when: Plb.
parotid gland: Aur-m.
on painful side amel : Kreos.
soreness: Ail., arum-t., aur., bry., calc-ph.,
needles, like: Ars., spig.
cop., dros., kali-n., merc-i-r., nat-c,
phos. rising from bed, after: Nat-m.

left: Arum-t. shaving, after: Aur-m.

submaxillary gland: Cop., sep., nat-m., talking agg. : Kreos.

chin: Anac, ant-t ,
apis., berb., bov.,canth.,

zygoma: Cor-r., sul-ac, zinc. caust., mang., mere, mez., nat-c, ol-an.,

rhus-t., spong.
burning( compare "Heat"): Aeon., seth., agar.,
anac, anac-occ, apis, aran., arg-m., arg-n., as from hot sparks: Ant-c.

arti., Ars., asar., aspar., astac, bapt, bell., scratching, after: Sulph.
berb., bry., camph., caps., caust., ceAr.,cham.,
jaws: Anac, daph.
chel., chin., cist., clem., coloc, com., cop.,
corn-c, dulc, elaps, euph.,
crot-t., dig., malar bone: Caust, cist, grat, ol-an., par.,

euphr., graph., guar., ind., jac-c, jug-c, spig., staph., thuj.


PAIN, burning PAIN.
lips: --/row., all-c, ani-c, ani-iii., anac, aiit-t., digging: Aur-m., bov., cupr., kali-bi., mag-c,
apis, arg-n., arn ars., ArUDl-t., aur-m., plat., Sep., ihuj.

asaf. berb., bor., bry., caps.,

bell., cheek bones: Mag-c, psor., thuj.
carb-ac, carb-an., carb-s., cliel., chin.,
chlof.,aV., con., crot-t., gloti., ham., lac-c.
rami of lower jaw: Kali-bi.
lack., lyssin, mag-s ,
mere, mcz.,inu)'-ac., pnrotid gland: Sulph.
nal-s., nux-m.,psor., rhodo., sabad., spig., after dinner: Sulph.^
sulph., tabac.
drawing: Abrot., aeon., ^.cow-z., agar., aloe,
lower: Am-c, anac, clem., coloc, alum., am-c, ant-t., arg-m., Ars., asar.,
mur-ac, sang., sep. aur., aur-m-n., bar-c, bell., bry., cadm.,
calc., carb-v., caust., cham., chel., cit-v.,
upper: Ars., bar-c, brom., calc-ph., mez.,
sulph. colch., coloc, con., dig., dros., euon., euphr.,
graph., hep., hyper., ign., kali-bi., kali-c,
mouth, corner of: Dros,, mez., nat-s.
kali-chl., kreos., lach., led., lob-c, lye,
parotid gland: Apis, mere, phos. mag-m., mang.. Mere, mez., nat-m.,
nux-v., ol-an., phos., phos-ac, plat., puis.,
cold air amel. : Merc.
ran-s., rhodo., rhus-t., rhus-v., sars., Sep.,
clawing parotid gland: Sabad. sil., spig., stann., staph., sulph., tep., tereb.,
thui., valer., verat., verb., zing.
•cramp-like: Cocc, hyos., mag-m., mag-ph.,
plat. right: Agar., arg-m., caust., lyssin, tereb.

malar bone: Ang., ciua, cocc, coloc, dig., left: Chel,, zing.
hyos., mag-m., mez., ruta, sep., valer. morning: Kali-bi.
left: Q\-&.xi., plat.
afternoon: Lyc.

cutting: Arg-n., bell., chin., clem., rhus-t., evening: Cist.

staph., til.
cold air amel. : All-c.
right: Bell.
lying, while: Chel.
left: Bell., senec.
music, from: Phos-ac.
lip, upper: Sep.
rheumatic: Caust.
nose, root of, to ear: Elaps.
stooping, on: Nux-v.
parotid gland: Arg-m.
tighter and tighter and then suddenly let
when chewing: Arg-m. loose: Puis.

darting: Bell., chin., kali-i., lyssin, mag-ph., warmth amel. : Coloc.

phos., plant., senec, spig., stict., still., extending into ear: Canst.
cheek bones: Caust., 'chel., kali-chl., plat.,
right: Kali-i., lyssin, spig. verb.
chin: Agar., aur-m-n., caust., chin-s.,
left: All-c, cl.el, mang., puis., senec, stict.,
cupr., hyper., olnd., stront.

jaws: Aur., caust., cham., mez., phos-ac,

eating, while: Phos.
puis., sil.
mercury, after abuse of: Kali-i.
joints: Am-m., bell., daph., sars., verb,
motion, during: Chin. lips: Sep., spig.

noise: Chin.
masseter: Sars., verb.
speaking: Phos. parotid gland: Ago., arg-m., mang.
touch: Chin., phos.
left: Agn.

PAIN, (hawing.
PAIN, pressing.
submaxillary glands: Ain-ni., .lri>-in., col), chin: Agar,, anac., asaf., bov., fl-ac., plat,
ign., lye, j//.
lower jaw: Anibr., herb., cupr., spig.
eating, after: Lyc.
shooting: Apis, bell., carb-a., clem.,
gnawing: Arg-m.,aur.,bar-c.,berb., eug.,euph. cist.,
fo/w<r., cupr-ar., eryng., gels., ham., ign'.,
g-lon., ind., lyc, lyssin, pho.s-ac, stann.
kuli-bi., kali-chl., ly.ssin, mag-c, mag-ph.,
merc-c, phos., plant., sulph., valer., verb.
right: Aur.,**lyc.
right: Am:, bell., cist., clem., eryng., ham.
lower jaw: Ind.
phos., verb.
mouth, about: Puis. left: Coloc, kali-bi., mag-c, plant., sulph.
jerking: Carb-v., chain., cina, colch., mang. valer.
spig., stront.
upwards: Clem.
right: Carb-v.
extending to ear when chewing: Bell.
cheekbones:. Cina, colch., mang., spig.,

nape of neck : Bell.
tearing zygoma : Carb-v., chel. lips: Con.
right: Chel. lower jaw: Bell., gels.
left, in front of ear: Carb-v. extending to ears: Bell.
evening in bed: Carb-v. parotid gland: Bell., kalm.

lancinating: Agar., acet-ac., alum., chin., smarting: All-s., am., brom., cimic, hyper.,
guaj., kalm., plant., senec, sil., sulph., mane, mere, rhus-t.,.sil., vesp.
rubbing agg. : Berb.
right: Agar., hr&.€a.., guaj ., verb,
salt, as if caused by: Cann-s.
left: Chin-s., sulph.
lips: Caps., zinc.
morning: Verb,
stinging: AU-s., Apis, arn., Ars., asar., berb.,
malar bone: h.hm\.,guaj. caust., chin., cinnb., clein., Coloc, con.,
dros., euph.,ferr-ph., gi-aph., iiid., kali-c.y
parotid gland: Carb-an.
kalm., merc-i-f. sars., spong., vesp., zing.

pinching in parol^id gland: Aran., nat-m.

right: Sars.
pressing: Arg-m., arg-n., asaf. ,
bry., cina, lips: Krs., graph.
coca, dros., ferr^ph., rhus-t., 5^/.,' tarax.,
verb. parotid gland: Apis, mere '

submaxillary glands: Kali-i.

right: Chel., iris, kalm., psor., spong.,
verb. on swallowing:. Niix-v.

opening jaw agg. : Cocc. stitching: ^sc, seth., alum., am-e, ang.,
ant-e, ars., arund., asar., Aur., aur-m.,
pressure agg. : Cina.
bar-e, bell., berb., calad., cale, caniph.,
warm room amel.: Sep. caps., carb-an., cast-eq., caust-, cham., cocc,
coloc, con., euphr,., ferr-mag., ferr-ph.,
cheek bones: Anac, ant-t., arg-m., bell.,
fi-ae, graph., guaj., ind., kali-c, kali chl.,
herb., bism., caps., cina, colch., hyos.,
kalm., lach., mane, mang., mere, merc-i-f.,
kali-chl., mere, mez., olnd., plat., sabin.,
phos., psor., Puis.,
nat-m., nit-ae, par.,
samb., spig., stann., staph., sulph'., teucr.,
rhus-t., sabin., sang., Sep.,
verb., viol-o.
spong., stann., stront., staph., tarent., verb.,
blowing nose, on: Merc. vesp. , zinc.

?AIN, stitching. PAIN, tearing.

right: Agar., am-m., anac, anag., arg-m.,

right: Giiaj., Sep., spong., zinc.
bell., carb-v., Chel,, chin., kalm., lye,
left: .-Ksc, apis, asar., camph., Coloc-, (oii.,
mag-c, plat., -g^or., spig., .spong., stram.,
ind., kali-i., merc-i-f., nat-in., par., sang., sulph., thuj.
left: Ars., carb-v., caust., Coloc, graph.,
evening: Lach. mag-s., mez., plant., sars., spong., staph.,
chill, during: Dros. zinc.

waim room agg. : Mez. morning: Mez., thuj.

extending to ear: Carb-an. evening: Cist.

cheek bones: ^sc, ceth., alum., ars., berb., night: Cocc, con., mag-c.
carb-an., euon., guaj., mere, par., phos.,
cold amel. : Puis.
psor., sabin.,sil., staph., verb.
damp weather agg.: Verat.
chin: Agar., euphr., lact.
eating agg. : Phos.
jaws: Aeon., berb., carb-an.
amel.: Chin,
lower: Aeon., berb., carb-an., caust.,
jerking: Carb-v.
cham., cocc, coloc, dros., euphr.,
kali-chl., kalm., lact., Mang., sabin., lying agg. : Chin., -phos., puis.
Sep., thuj., zinc.
on the face amel.: Spig.
joint of: Bell., hep , tabac.
menses, after: Spig.
extending to ear: Sep,
motion agg.: Bell., colch., coloc.
neck: Zinc.
pressure amel. : Mag-C.
lips: Asaf. bell., bov., nit-ac, sabad. sep.,
, ,
rest, during, agg.: Mag-c.
spong., zinc.
amel.: Coloc.
parotid gland: Asaf., bell., bry., calc,
swallovcing agg. : Phos.
cham., chin., dulc, ign., kali-bi., lye,
mere, nat-c, phos., puis., sep., sil., touch agg.; Coloc.
spong., sulph.
wandering: Colch., puis,
when swallowing: Ign.
warmth agg. : Puis.
submaxillary gland: Am-m., arg-m., bell.,
amel.: Coloc, Mag-ph,
calc, mere, mez., nux-v., phos-ae, sil.,
sulph., snl-ac. extending to ear: Lach., Puls.

swallowing, when: Nux-v., rhus-t. neck: Puis.

tearing: Act-sp., asth., agar., alum., ambr., cheek bones: ^th., agar., alum., am-m.,
am-e, am-m., anac, anl-i., arg-m., ars., ant-t., arg-m., aur., berb., bor., bry.,
Aur., Bell,, berb., bor., bry., calc, calc-a., calc, carb-v., chel., cina, coloc, graph.,
carb-v., canst., chel., chin., cina, cist., ind., kali-e, kali-u., lye, mag-c, mag-s.,
cocc, colch., Coloc, con., euon., graph., mere, mur-ae, nat-s., nit-ac, nux-v.,
grat., hep., ind., kali-e, kali-chl., kali-n., phos., ruta, sep., spig., staph., stront.,
kalm., Lach,, lachn., led.. Lye, lyssin, sul-ac, tabac, teucr., zinc.
mag-c, Mag-ph,, mag-s., Mere, mez., chin: Agar.
mur-ae, nat-s., nit-ac, Nux-V., phos.,
plat., plb.. Puis., rhoclo., rhus-t.,
lip upper: Caust.
sars., Sep., sil., spig., spong., staph., stront., lower jaw: Agar., agn., anthr., arg-m.,
sulph., sul-ae, tabac, teucr., verat., vine, aur., bell., berb., bov., bry., calc-a.,
viol-o., zinc.
catist., cham., colch., dros., ind., kalm..

PAIN, tearing, lower jaw.
lack., lyssiii, mere, niix-v., phos., plb., morning: I'uls., verat.
puis., ral., spig., stront., sulp/i., viol-o.
bed, in: Sulph.
nose and eyes, between: Mang.
rising, on: Chin,
parotid gland: Bell.
after: Puis.
PARALYSIS: Agar., all-c, anac, bar-c, sunri.se: Ars.
cadni., Caust., core, crot-h., cupr., cur.,
dale, form., graph., kali-clil., nux-v., op., waking, after: Puis,

petr., puis., ruta, sypli., zinc. forenoon: Phos.

right: Am., caust., hep., kali-chl., phos., sil. noon: Cic.

left: All-c, cur., form., graph., nux-v., spig., afternoon: Com., ign., samb.
.evening: Hura, psor., puis., sars.
cold, from: Caust., dulc, ruta.
house, in: Mez.
corners of mouth drop and saliva runs out:
sitting, while: Spong.
Agar., op., zinc.
night: Puis.
hemiplegia: Caust,, graph.
midnight: Rhus-t.
one-sided: Bar-c, cadm., caust., cocc, graph.,
2 a. m. : Ars.
cold: Aeon., agar., ant-c, a7it-t., am., Ars.,
pain, aftei : Kali-chl.
aur., bell., benz-ac ,
bry., Cact., cadm.,
urine profuse, with: A.11-C. calc, calc-ph., Camph., caps., carb-ac,
carb-an., Carb-V., chin., Cina, cocc, coc-c,
lip, upper: Cadm., graph.
crot-h., cupr., dig., dros., elaps, i&rc, glon.,
lower jaw: Ars., dulc, lach. hell., hep., hura, ip., kali-bi., lach., lachn.,
lob-i., lyc, mere, Merc-C, morph., nat-m.,
PEELING, lips: Aeon., aloe, alum., am-m.,
nux-v., op., ox-ac, plat., puts., rheum,
arum-t., berb., camph., canth., cham., cob.,
rhus-t., ruta, sabad., samb., secale, sep.,
con., iod., kali-c, kali-chl., kreos., lac-c,
spig-,Spong., staph., sulph., sul-ac.
mez., mosch., nat-m., nat-s. ,
nux-v., plb.,
tabac, Verat., verat-v.
puis., Sep., stram., sul-ac, thuj.
mouth, about the: Chin., rheum,
PERSPIRATION: Aeon., eesc, seth., agar.,
convulsions, during: Bufo.
alum., ambr., am-m., amyg., ant-t., arg-m.,
arg-n., am., ars., ars-h., aur., bapt., Bell., coughing, when: Tarent.
benz-ac. bor., bry., bufo, Calc, calc-ph.,
dinner, during: Carb-an.
Camph., caps., carb-ac, carb-an., Carb-V.,
cham., chin., cic, Cina, cocc, coff., colch., after: Sulph.
coloc, con., crot-h., cupr., cupr-s., dig., eating, while: Cham., ign., nat-m., sul-ac
dros., dulc, elaps, ferr., fl-ac, glon., guaj.,
after: Alum., cham., nsX-s., psor., viol-t.
A^Z/., hep., hydr-ac, hyos., Ign., ip., jab.,
kali-bi., kali-c, kali-i., kreos., lach., warm food: Sep.
lachn., laur., Lyc, mag-c, med.. Mere, face only: Ign.
mez., morph., mosch., mur-ac.,nat-c.,
nat-s., nit-ac, Nux-V., ol-an.. Op., ox-ac, fetid: Puis.

par., petr., phos., psor.. Puis., rheum, heat, during: Cham., chel., dros., dulc, lack.,
rhus-t., sabad., Samb., sars., secale, sep., ps>r.. Puis., rhodo., spong., valer.
Sil., spig., Spong., stann., staph., strain.,
sul-ac, tab., tarent., tell.,
motion, during: Valer.
strych., sulph.,
thuj.., til., Valer., Verat., verat-v., vip. palpitation: Ars.

right: Alum., puis. scalp and: Puis., valer., verat.

PERSPIRATION. REDNESS. (See "Discoloration.")
Alum., ambr., bar-c, Nux-V., Puls., RISUS sardonicus: Bell., caust., colch., con.,
side, one:
sulpli. hyos., ign., nux-m., wna., plb., ran-s.,
secalc, sol-n., ^/raw., strych., verat., zinc.
lain on: Aeon., act-sp.

not lain on: Thuj., sil. SADDLE across the npse: Carb-an., Sep.

sitting, while: Calc. SENSITIVE: Aeon., carb-an., chins., cod.,

kali-chl., lack., \\\x^-v ., puis.
sleep, during: Med., prun., sep., tabac.
on falling asleep: Sil. air, to: Colch., kali-i.

standing: Eupi. shaving, when: Carb-an., ox-ac.

stool, after: Com. bones: Carb-v., kali-bi., mere, merc-i-/.,

supper, during: Calc. sulph.

submaxillary glands: Ars., lye, merc-cy.,
walking, while: Valer.
warm food and drink: Sep., sul-ac.
SHINING: Aeon., Apis, arg-n., aur., caust.,
forehead. (See "HEAD.") coff., cupr., der., eup-per., hyos., /yr.,med.,
lower lip: Rheum. nat-m., op., plb., psor., rheum, rhus-t.,
selen., thuj.
upper lip: Aeon., coff., kali-c, nux-v., rheum,
sin-n. as if oily: Nat-m., plb., thvij.

PICKING: Lach. lips: Am-m.

lips: Apis, Arum-t., Bry., cina, cob., hell., SHIVERING in and spreading from: Caust.
nit-ac, nttx-v., zinc.
upper: Acori., kali-bi.
SHORTENED, lower jaw seems: Alum.

mouth, about, and nose: Rheum. SHRIVELED: Apis, ant-t., crot-t, mere, op,
plb., rob., sin-n., tereb., zinc-s.
PRICKLING: Aeon., apis, arund., calc, caust.,
lips: Am-m., chin.
crot-h., cycl., ferr-m., hep., ind., lye,
nux-m., olnd., stront. SICKLY. (See "Expression" and "Discolora-
below eyes: Dros. tion.")

lips: Apis, ferr-m., sabad. SLIMY lips: Kali-i., stram., zinc.

PUFFED: Agar., anan., ant-t., apis, arn., SMUTTY: Ant-t.

Ars., bar-c, bry., Calc, canih., cham., chel.,
SORDES on the lips: Ars., colch., hyos., phos.,
chlor., cic, cocc, crot-h., cupr., cupr-s.,
Aar., dros., ^&xx., gels., ip., Kali-c, lack.,
mere, nat-m., mix-m., op., phos., puis., SORE. (See "Eruption.")

Rhus-t., Sep., strain. lips: Am-m., ant-t., Ars., Arum-t., canth.,

caust., cham., cop., cupr., graph., ham.,
PULSATION: Aeon., agar., arg-m., arn., ars.,
hell., iod., Lach., lac-c, lyc mang., mez.,
bell., bry., calc, cann-s., caust., cham., ,

mur-ac, nat-m., nit-ac. sep., stram.

clem., croc, ferr-ph., kreos., mag-c, myric,
rumx., sabad., spong., staph., sulph. from acrid saliva: Nit-ac.

cheek bones: Mag-c, sulph. mouth, corners of: Ant-c. ai's., Arum-t.
lower jaw: Lack., plat. bell., bov.,brach., caust., cocc. cund., dios..
eup-per., form., hell., ind., ip., lyc.
submaxillary gland: Am-m., cham.,
lye, mez., nat-m., pall., psor., sulph.
stram., tarent.
SPIDER-WEB sensation. (See "Cobwebs.")
QUIVERING : Agar., lyssin, phel., plb.

lips: Ars., berb., carb-v., castor., crot-h., lact.,

SPOTS (see "Discoloration"): All-s., benz-ac,
calc, Carb-an., dor., guaj., kali-chl., lyc.,
nat-c, nux-m., Rhus-t., sabad., Sil., sul-ac.',
upper: Carb-v. sypli., verb.

painful sensation: Verb,
sep.,fi\->on^., stram., strych., tabac, tarax.,
ulcerating: Nat-c, staph. tax., tereb., thuj., vaccin., verat., vesp],
vine, vip., zinc-s.
STIFFNESS, muscles: Agar., anac, arn., ip.,
plant., sang., verat. right: Elaps, mere, nice
cough, during: Ip. left: Anac, arg-n., com., kali-c, Lach.,
lyssin, phyt., zinc.
lips: Amyl., Apis, crot-li., ciiphr., kalni.,
morning: Kali-c. mane, mere,

upper: Euphr. on waking: Spig.

lowerjaw: Anthr., ars-m., bad., he.\\. caust., afternoon: Ars., phos.

chin., cocc, crot-h., daph., dios., euphr.,

evening: Rhus-t.
glon., graph., hyos., lack., lyssin,
m&A.^merc, nierc-c, merc-i-f., mez., nat-s., night: Lach.
nux-m., nux-v., petr., Rhus-t, sars., sep., beestings, from: Carb-ac, lach., led.
sulph., ther., thuj,
erysipelatous, [See "Erysipelas.")
morning: Ther.
hard: Am-e, am., ars., bell., bor., Hep., mere,
SUNKEN: Aeon., (Blh., aloe, ant-c, Ant-t., sit.
apis, arg-7t., am., Ars., ars-h., bell., Berb.,
calc, intermittents, in: Ars., chin., lye, nat-m.
Camph., canth., Carb-V., chain., chel.,
Chin,, chlor., cina, colch., con., mb., cupr., menses, before: 'Q&t-c, graph., kali-c, mere
Dig., dire, dros., eup-per.,/^m,/^;'r-wag-.,
during: Sulph.
gels., gran., hell., hydr-ac, hyos., iod.,
Ign., ip., kali-c, kali-n., lack., laur., lye, mercury, afler: Kali-i.
Mang., mere, merc-c, mez., morph., nodular swellings: Alum.
mur-ac., nat-s., nit-ac., nux-v., olnd., ol-an..
Op, ox-ac, petr., phos., phos-ac, phyt., oedematous: ^th., ant-ars., ant-e, Apis,
Hat., rhus-t., sabad., samb., Secale, sep., apoc, ars-h., Ars., ars-m., cact., chel., colch.,
sin-n.. squil., stann., staph., stilph., sul-ac, crot-h., cupr-ar., dulc, euph..,/err.. Graph.,
tab., tereb., Verat., zinc. ham., hell., Lyc, mere, merc-c, nat-c,
. nat-m., phos., plb., rhus-t., thuj., vesp.,
morning: L}'c., Nat-m., ol-an.
dinner, after: Nat-m.
one-sided: Arn., ars., bell., bry., canth.,
stool, after: Ferr-m. cham., meix., nux-v., plb., puis., sep., staph.

SWELLING: Aeon., aesc, aeth., agar., aloe pregnancy, during: Merc-c, phos.
alum., am-c, am-m., amyg., anac-occ.
red: Am., ars., bell., bor., cie, coloc, euph.,
anac, Apis, am., Ars., arum-t., aur.
kali-c, lach., mere, nat-c, nux-v., olnd.,
aur-m., bar-c, Bell., bor., Bov., Bry. rhus-t., sulph.
cact., calc, camph., canth., carb-h.
carb-v., Cham., chel., chlor., cic, colch. scarlet fever: Apis, Arum-t., calc, lye, hell.,
coloc, com., crot-h., crot-t., cub., cupr. zinc.
der., dol., dor., fago ferr., ferr-m.
gels., glon., graph., guaj., guare., gymn.
sensation of: ^th., alum., aran., ars-ni ,

helon., Hep., hydr-ac, hydrc, hyos.

bar-c. ,
calc, chel., ferr., g rat., gymn., nice ,

kali-a., kali-bi.,
nux-m., phos., pip-m., puis., staph., strani
kali-c, kali-chl., kali-i.
lach., lachn., lac-c, Lyc, mag-c, mane.
Merc, merc-c, mez., nat-c, Nat-m., nice cheeks: Aeon., samb.
nit-ac, nux-m., nux-v., ana., Op., ox-ac.
phos., plant, plat., plb. psor., Rhus-t.
when entering house: JEth .

rhus-v., sabin., samb., secale, selen., senec shining: Apis, arn., spig.


calc, rales., lower: Alum., Asaf., calc, caust., com.,

toothache, in: All-c ,
Lach., kali-bi., kali-c, kali-s lyc, merc-c, mez.,
Cham., colch., euph., hep., kali-c, ,

spig., mur-ac, Nat-m., puis., Sep., sil., stram.,

mag-c, Merc, nux-v., samb., Sep.,
stront., verat.

washing, after: ^sc. upper: Apis, arg-m., ars., Bar-C, Bell.,

bov., bry.,Calc, calc-ph., canth., carb-v.,
cheeks: Am-c, am-m., apis, am., ars., aur.,
graph., grat., guare.. Hep., kali-c, lyc,
bell., bov., bry., carb-v., caust., chain., dig.,
mere, merc-e, merc-i-f., mez., nat-c,
euphr., kali-c, kali-i., mag-c, mere,
Nat-m., phos., psor., rhus-t.. Staph.,
merc-c, nat-c, nit-ac, nux-v., puis sep.,
Sulph., vine

sil., spong., stann., staph., sulph.

sense of: Lact.
sense of swelling: Aeon., samb.
mouth, about: Carb-an , nux-v.
chin: Caust.
corner of: Clem., vine
eyes, under: Apis, apoc, Ars., aur., bry.,
cinnb., Kali-C, kali-i., nied., mere, nit-ac, nasal bones. (See "NOSE.")
nux-v., olnd., phos. parotid gland: Ail., am-c, anth., apis, am.,
over: Kali-C, lye ars., cirum-t., aur., aur-m., bar-c, bar vi..
Bell., Brom., bry., bufo, calc, carb-an.,
between and eyebrows: Kali-c. carb-v , Cham,, Chin., chin-a\, chlol.,
jaw, upper: Alum., stann. cinnb., cist., cocc, coc-c, con., crot-h., dig.,
dulc, fago, ferr-ph., graph., hep., hippoz.,
lower: Aeon., anthr., aur., calc, calc-fl.,
hyos., ign., iris, kali-bi., kali-c, lach.,
. calc-s., caust., cvot-h., fl-ac, kali-c, lach.,
mang. mere, i>icrc-cy., merc-i-r.,
lac-c, lyc,
mere, petr., /Aoj., sil ,
sulph. ,

Nit-ac, nux-v., phos phyt., plb., puis , ,

glands of, in general: Ajn-c, am-m., Rhus-t., sarr., sep., Sil., frtaph., stram.,
am., a7-s., Arum-t., asaf ,
aur., aur-m., sulph sul-ac, sumb., vip.

bad., bar-c, barm., Bell., bov., brom.,

right: Am-c, bar-m.. Bell., graph., kali-c,
bry., calad., Calc, camph., catb-au.,
mere, plb., sep., stram.
cham., chin., cic, clem., cocc, con.,
eor-r., crot-t., dulc, graph.. Hep,, lod,, left: Brom., con., kali-bi., Rhus-t., sul-ac.
jab., kali-c, kali-i., lack., led., lyc^ air, cold, amel.: Mere
Merc, nat-c, nat-m., nit-ac, nux-v.
petr., phos., plb., puis.,
exanthemata, after: Anthr., am., bar-c,
Rhus-t., sep\
Sil., spig, .spong., stann, staph., Brom., carb-v., dulc, iod., kali-bi.,
mag-c. sulph.
Sulph., snl-ac, thuj., verat. ,

painful, hard: Bar-c, bell., calc, hell., hard: Am-e, Bar-m., Brom., mere, sul-ac.

iod., mur-ac, nat-m., petr., rhiis-t ,

.submaxillary glands: Ambr., am-m., anan.,
Sil., staph., sulph.
anthr., arg-m ars., Arum-t., aur., aur-m.,

lips:Aeon., ail., alum., anan., ant-t., Apis^ Bar-c, Bar-m., bell., bov., Brom., bufo,
arg-m., arg-n., arn., ars., Arum-t., asaf., Calc, calc-ph., carb-an., Cham., chlol..
aur., aur-m., bar-c. Bell., bov., brach., Chin., ehin-s., clem., cocc, con., cor-r.,
cadm., crot-h., crot-t., fei-r-i., graph., hep., hipp.,
Bry,, calad., calc, canth., caps.,
carh-an., carb-v., chin., clem., cor-r., crot-h., ictod., ign., iod., kali-c, kali-i., kali-n.,
dig., gels., glon., lach., lac-c, led., Lyc, med>, mere, merc-c,
hell., hep., kali-c,
kali-chl., lach., lachn., lye, mere,
merc-i-r., merc-cy., mur-ac, nat-c. ,
merc-c, mez., nat-c, Nat-m., Nit-ac, Nit-ac, nux-v., petr., phyt., plb., psor.,
nux-m., op., par., phos-ae, phos.,
phel., Rhus-t,, Sep., Sil,, spong., staph., stram.,
^\h.,psor., puis., rhus-t., sang., Sep., sil., sulph sul-ac, syph., tabae, verat., zinc.

staph., stram., .?«//>//., thuj., tuhere, urt-u.,

right: Bufo, kali-br., sep., .spong., stram.,

SWELLING, sul.ii,
left: Armii-t., Brom., cor-r., vi-sp.
parotid yland; Plios.
liard: Brom., Calc, Mmp/i., kali-c, mere,
Whiskers: Ambr.
Rhus-t, sypli.
painful: Am-in.,
TREMBLING: Ambr., op., nx^rc, plb., sabad
aur aur-iii., Bar-c
bar-m., bufo, Calc, graph., mere i-r''
Sil., sulph. spasmodic: Ambr., .seeale.

TENSION of skin: Aeon., alum., anibr., ant-t., talking, when: Merc.

asa/., bar-c, bar-m., benz-ac., berb.,
bov.[ jaw: Agar., eadm., carb-v., op., phos.,
eann-i., graph., grat., hep., hyper., kali-c.,'
kaU-chl., kali-n.,
lips: Agar., aloe, arg-n., arn., bell., benz-ac.,
tach., lye., mag-c.,
mag-m., mere, merl., mez cann-i ,
crot-h., iod., laeh., lact., op., ran-s.',
, moseh., phel.,'
stram., sulph.
phos.,phos-ac., puis., rheum, rhus-t., samb.|
squil., viol-o., viol-t. lower: Am., bry., con., plb., sulph.

night: Apis. upper: Bell., ars., hep., ox-ac.

I to 4 a. m. : Apis, TRISMUS. (See "Lockjaw.")

one-sided: Phos.
TUMOR, cystic on cheek: Graph.
as if muscles were drawn to one side: Cist. lips: Con., kreos., sep.
white of egg were dried on the faee, as if (see lower: Phos.
"cobwebs"): Alum., bar-c, mag-c,
phos-ae., sulph., sul-ae. parotid gland, right: Calc.

chin, on: Verb. TWITCHING: Aeon., Agar., ambr., ant-c,

ant-t., arn., ars., atrop., bar-c, bell., brom.,
eyes, below: Nux-v., viol-o.
bufo, calc, camph., cann-s., carb-ac,
forehead: Nit-ac. earb-v., cham., chel., chlol., eic, cina,
cocc, colch., con., cupr-ar., glon., graph.,
lips: Apis, lachn., spig.
hell., hyos., ign., iod., ip., kali-c, kali-chl.,
lower: Phos-ac, plant, puis., sep. kali-n., nat-a., oena., olnd.,
Op., ox-ac,
phos., plb., puis., ran-s., sang., sant., secale,
upper: Apis, Bell., hep., mag-c, mur-ae.,
rhus-t., sabad., spig., thuj. Selen., spig., stram. stront., strych.,
sulph., sul-ac, syph., thuj., valer., verat.,
lower jaw: Alum., aur., bar-e., bell., caust., verat-v., zinc.
phos., sars., stram.
right: Puis.
mouth and nose, around: Nux-v.
left: Agar.
THICK skin: Bell., viol-t.
morning: Nux-v., sulph.
spots: Carb-an.
evening after lying down: KvcCax., nux-v.
TINGLING: Aeon., alum., ambr., bar-c., bell.,
night, during sleep: Nat-c.
cann-i., colch., grat, hyper., lach., lachn.,
lact., laur., nux-v., ol-an., pseon., plat., coughing, when: Ant-t.
ran-b., rhus-t., sabad., secale, sul-ac, thuj.
pregnancy, during: Hyos.
right: Elaps., gymn.
sleep, during: Bry., nat-c.
left: Euon.
lips: Bell., carb-v., cham., dulc, ip., lact.,
cheeks and lips: Agn., am., ars., berb. squil., sulph., Thuj.
chin and nose: Ran-b., verat. lower: Hipp.
forehead: Ambr., stram. upper: Carb-v., graph., nice, zinc.
lips: Aeon., nai-m., pic-ac. morning, in sleep: Ol-an.
upper: Pseon. cold air, in: Dulc.


splinter, with sensation of: Bov., nit-ac.

oil falling asleep: Ars.

sleep, during: Anac. mouth, about the: Nat-c, nit-ac.

lower jaw: Alum. corners of: Ail., am-m., anan., ant-c,

mouth, about the: Bry., chel., guare., ign., aur-m-n., bell., bov., cale, carb-v., chin.,
mag-ph., mosch., Op., pliys., plat., rheum. Graph., hep., ign., ip., matig., Merc,
mez., nat-m., Nit-ac, nusL-v., phos., psor.,
in sleep: Anac. staph., sulph thuj., zinc.
Rhus-t., sil., ,

corners of: Anhc, bor., bry., chel., ign.,

rheum. parotid gland: Bar-e, rhus-t., sars., sil.
mag-ph., olnd., op.,

aur-m-n., con.. VEINS distended: Bapt., Chin., ferr., op sang.

ULCERS: Anan., ant-t., Ars., ,

cund., hep., iod.. kali-bi., kali-chl., kali-i., nets as if marbled: Calc, carb-v., crot-h.,
lach., mere, nat-m., nit-ac, phos., phyt., lach., lye, thuj.
psor., thuj., vesp.
on the chin : Plat.
burning: Nux-v.

gnawing, spreading: Ars., con., nux-v.

WARTS: Calc, Caust, Dulc, kali-c, lye,
nit-ac, Sep., sulph., thuj.
hard edges: Kali-bi.
chin, on: Lye, Thuj.
putrid: Merc,
lips: Caust., Nit-ac, thuj.
serpiginous: Caust., staph.
mouth, about the: Cund., psor.
wart-like: Ars.

cheek: Ant-t., iod., nat-m., phos. WASH in cold water, desire to: Apis, fl-ac.

chin, on: Cund., mere, nat-m., nit-ac. WAXY: Acet-ac, Apis, Ars., aspar., carb-v.,
calc, con., med., nat-m., phos., phos-ac,
lips: Am-m., anan., ars.,aur-m., bell., bov.,
sil., zinc.
bry., caps., caust ,
cham., chin cic, clem.,

con., graph., hep., kali-bi., kali-c, kali-chl., WEAKNESS of lower jaw after eating: Bar-c.
lye, mag-c, mere, mez., nat-c, nat-m.,
Nit-ac, nux-v., phos-ac, phyt., psor., sep.,
WHITE of egg, sensation of (see "Cobwebs"):
Sil., staph., Stram., sulph., zinc.
Alum., bar-c, calad. ,
graph., mag-c,
phos-ac, sul-ac, sulph.
lower: Canst., clem., lye, sil.

upper: Mez.
WRINKLED: Abrot., seth., ars., bar-c, bell.,
calc, carb-h., hell., lye, mere, nat-m., op.,
acrid saliva from Nit-ac.
plb., sars., stram., zinc.

burning: Caust., cic nux-v.

forehead: Cham., hell., lye, rheum, rhus-t.,
cancerous: Ars., aur-m., clem., kali-bi., Sep., stram.
lye, phyt.
in brain symptoms: Hell., Stram.
phagedenic: Ars.
with chest symptoms: Lyc.
, ,

AILMENTS of the mouth: Abrot., acet-ac, APHTH.ffi.
rtcow., seth., agar., agn., aloe, alum., ambr., jug-c, kali-bi., kali-br., kali-c, Kali-cM.,
am-c, am-m., amyl., anac, anan., ant-c, kreos., lac-d., lach., lye, mag-c. Mere,
ant-t., anthrok., arg-m.,am., Ars., arum-L, Merc-c, Mur-ac, myric, nat-m., nit-ac,
asaf., asar., aur., aur-m., dafiL, dar-c, Bell., nux-m., Nux-v,, ox-ac, phos., phyt., plb.,
bism., Bor., bov., Bry,, calad., ca/c, ran-sc, sanic, sars, secale, sil., staph.,
camph., cann-s., canth., caps., carb-ac, Sulph., Sul-ac, thuj., vine.
carb-an., carb-s., carb-v., caust., chain.,
bleeding easily: Bor.
chel., chin., cic, cina, coff., colch., coloc,
corn., croc, croi-h., crot-t., cupr bloody, offensive ichor: Sul-ac.
cycl., dig., dios., dros., dulc, euph., ferr., bluish: Ars.
Jl-ac., graph., guaj., hell., hep., hydr.,
burning: Nat-m.
Hyos., ig>i-, iod., ip., iris, kali-bi., kali-c,
kali-i., kali-u., kreos., lach., children, in: Bor., case, kali-chl.. Mere.
laur., led., lye, mag-c, mag-m., mang., mur-ac, nux-v., plant., sacch., sulph.,
meny., Mere, merc-c, mez., mosch., Sul-a c.
inur-ac, nat-c, nat-in., nit-ac, Nux-m., gangrenous: Ars., carb-ac, cocc, lach.,
Nux-V., olnd., op., par., petr., Phos., merc-d., plb.
phos-ac, phyt., plat., plb., podo.. Puis.,
livid: Ars.
ran-b., rheum, rhod., rhus-t., ruta, sabaci.,
sabin., samb., sars., secale, selen., seneg ,
yellowish base: Staph.
Sep., sil., spig., spong., squil., stann., staph.,
white: Ars., bor., sul-ac
stram., stront., sulph., Sul-ac, tabac,
tarax., teucr., Umj., valer., verat., viol-o., extending through intestinal tract: Tereb.
Gums: Hep., Nat-m., sul-ac.
ABSCESS, Gums "Fistula," "Boils,"
Palate: Agar., calc, hep.,
" Suppioration " ) nux-m., phos.,
"Ulcers," "Pustules,"
Am-c, euph., hekla, lach., nux-j., phos., plb.
mercurial: Agar., aur., sulph.
frequently recurring: Bar-c, calc, ornxst. ,
hep .

lye, nux-v., sil., sulph. Tongue: ^th., agar., arum-d., aur., Bor.
camph., hydr., ill., jug., lack., mere
sensation of: Am-c.
merc-cy., mur-ac, nat-m., nux-v., ox-ac.,
ADHERES, Tongue, roof of mouth (see
to phos., plb., sars., sulph., sul-ac, tarent.,
"Dryness"): Alum., arg-m., bry., caust., thuj.
nit-ac, Nux-m., sanic. sensitive and bleeding: Bor.
AIR, as if filled with: Aeon. spots, in: Sul-ac.

sensation of cold, passing over tongue: Aeon. tip: Agar., bry., ham., lach.

APHTH.ffi: Acet-ac, anan., apis,

iZ'//i.,agar.,all-s., ASLEEP, Tongue : Bor.
arg-m., Ars., arum-t., asim., aur., aur-m.,
ATROPHY, Gums: Kali-c, mere, plb.
Bapt, berb., Bor., brom., bry., calc, canth.,
caps., carb-ac, carb-an., carb-v., caul., Tongue: Mur-ac
cean., cham., chin., cic, corn., cub., dig.,
BITING sensation in: Aeon., ambr., am-m.,
ihx\z.,^a.n\h., hell., hep., hipp., hydr.,
iod., asar., aur-m., cupr-s.


cheek when talking' or chewing: Carb-au., Ijlack blood spurts out when teeth are ex-
canst., Ign., Nit-ac. tracted: Ars.
Tongue: Abs., acet-ac, agar., Bufo, carb-ac, oozes out: Bov., kreos.
c«//^/.,«V.,colch.,dig.,dios., glon.,//_y<;i"., ign.,
cleaning them, when: Calc-s., carb-v.,
iod., hich., nierl., niez., nat-m., puis.,
kali-chl., lye, ruta, sep., staph., tereb.
phos-ac, secale, sulph., thuj., verat.
easily: Alum., ani-c, anac, ant-c, apis,
morning: Art-v. arg-n., ars., arum-m., asc-t., aur., berb.,
night in sleep: Alum., apis, cic-, ind., nied., bov., carb-an., Carb-V., t"/., con., gran.,
m^z., phos-ac, then, zinc. ham.. Hep., iod., kali-chl., kaU-p., Kreos.,
Lach., lye, mag-m., mere, Merc-c,
chewing or talking, when: Caust., /lyos.,
Nat-m., Phos., phos-ac, rob., ruta, sep.,
Ign., nit-ac, ^^ir., phos-ac.
sul-ac, tell., zinc
spasm in: Art-v., bufo, camph., caust.,
extraction of teeth, profuse after: Alumn.,
cocc, oena., op., secale, tarent., valer.
Am., kreos., ham., lach., Phos.
BLEEDING: Aeon., alumn., am., ars., am-c, menses, during: Cedr.
arum-t., bell., canth., carb-v.. Chin,, cina,
after suppressed: Calc.
cor-r., Crot-h., cupr., dros., /err., ham.,
Hep., ip-, kreos., lach., led., lye, mane, around decayed tooth: Bell,
mere, merc-c, nux-m., nux-v., phos.,
pain, with: Agar.
rhus-t., secale, sul-ac, tereb., trill., variol.
pressing with finger, large quantity oozes
black blood: Carb-v., crot-h., lach.
out: Graph,
clotted: Canth., caust., coch. rubbing, from slightest: Anac, graph.
ox-ac, phos-ac.
continuous, does not coagulate: Anthr.
crot-h. scurvy: Ant-t., Ars., carb-an'., mur-ac,
nat-m., nux-v., sulph.
easily: Hep., lach., Phos.
sucking them, while: Am-c, bov., carb-v.,
oozing from the: Ail., anthr., chel., crot-h.,
kali-bi., nit-ac rat., zinc.

lach., tsi&rc-c., phos., rhus-t., tereb.

touch, on: Lye, Mere, nat-c, Phos.,
scarlet fever, in: Arum-t, phos-ac, plb., Sep., sul-ac.

whooping cough, in: Dros., nux-v., ip. Palate oozing, purpura: Crot-h., lach., phos.,
Gums: Agar., ail., a/«w.,ambr., am-c, anac,
ant-c, ant-t., apis, arg-m., arg-n., ars., Tongue: Ananth., arg-m., ars., Arum-t.,
arum-m., arum-t., arund., aur., bar-c, bell., Bor., calc, caps., cham., chlol., clem., cur.,
berb., bor., bov., calc, carb-an., Carb-V., guare., kali-bi., kali-chl., lac-ac, lach.,
catist., cedr., chel., chin-s., cist., colch., con., lye, med., mere, nat-m., nat-p., nit-ac,

Crot-h., crot-t., erig., euphr., ferr., ferr-i., nux-v., phos.,/iOi/o., sars., secale., sep., spig.,
graph., ham., hep., hippoz., iod., kali-c, tereb.
kali-chl., kali-n., kreos., lac-c, Lach., lye, on tip: Lach., phos.
mag-c, mag-m.. Mere, Merc-c, mez.,
mur-ac, myric, nat-c, Nat-m,, Nit-ac, BLISTERS Anac, :
Calc, canth., carb-an., med.,
nux-m., fiux-v., o-K-ac.,-petr., 'Ph.OS., phos-ac, nat-c, nit-ac, cena.
plant., plb., psor., ran-sc, rat., rob., ruta,
burning: Ambr., ars., caps., carb-an., nat-c,
sang., secale, sep., siL, sin-n., spig., staph.,
sulph., sulph-ac, tarax., tell., tereb., trill.,

zinc inner surface of cheek: Calc.

night: Graph. blood-blisters: Agar.

blood coagulates quickly: Kreos. inner side upper lips: Nat-n..


) , ,

gels., hell., ign., lach., mere, mosch.
Gums: lod., mere, iiat-s., sil.
nat-m., phos ,
sep., sol-n., strain., verat.
Palate : Mane. , nat-s.
chill, during: Nat-m.
Tongue: Arg-m., bor., calc, cham.,
lac-ac, lye, med., epilepsy, before an attack of: Calc.
chlol., clem., kali-chl.,
mere, nat-m., nat-ph., nit-ac, nux-v., sars., sleep, during: Calc, sep.
Sep., .spig.
CLAMMY: Bufo, dios., gamb., gels., glon.,
burning: Caps., graph., kali-chl., nit-ac, jac-c, lac-d., lach., merc-sul., naja, plb.,
sep. sang.
red, pain if anything .salt or spiced touches: on waking: Cycl puis. ,

CLOSED: Amyg., ant-t., cic.
stinging: Cham., kali-chl.
COATED white: Ant-t., arg-n., iod., mur-ae,
edges: Carb-an., ham. Nit-ac, sul-ae
tip: Am-m., bar-c, berb., calc-p., cheesy: L,ac-c., merc-i-f.
carb-an., cycl., graph lach. , merc-i-r.
milky: Kali-i., merc-cy.
nat-s., puis.

burning: Bar-c, calc-p., carb-an., nat-s. Palate, grayish: Lac-c, rhus-t.

under the: Graph. Tongue: Aeon., agar., alum., ambr., am-c,

anac, Ant-C, ant-t., arg-n., am., ars., asar.,
BLOTCHES, Palate: Elaps,fl-ac., syph., zinc bapt., bar-c. Bell., bism., bor., bov., Bry.,
calc-c, cann-i., cann-s., canth., carb-v.,
under the tongue, like vegetable growths:
Ambr. carb-s., caust, cham., chel.,
cina, chin.,
coce, colch., coloc, croc, cupr., cycl., dig.,
BOILS, Gums: Agn., anan., arn., carb-an., dios., eup-per., euph., gels., graph., guaj.,
carb-v., caust., chel., euph., kali-chl.,
liydr., ign., iod., ip., Kali-bi., kali-n., lach.,
kali-i., lac-c, lye, mere, mill., nal-ni.,
laur.,lye, mag-c, mag-m., mang., Mere,
nat-ph., nat-s., nux-j., imx-v., peir., phos., merc-e, merc-i-f., mez., mur-ac, nat-c,
phos-ac, plant., plb., Sil., staph. nat-m., nat-s., Nit-ac., nux-m., nux-v.,
small, near left upper canine, painful to olnd., osm., ox-ac, par., petr., phos.,
touch: Agn. phos-ac, /i/^.. Puis., ran-b., ran-s., rheum,
rhus-t., rumx., ruta, sabad., sabin., sars.,
BREATH. (See "Odor.") secale, selen., seneg., sep., sil., spig., stann.,
BROAD, Tongue seems too: Kali-bi., Nat-m,, staph., Sulph., Tarax., thuj., verb., viol-t.,
^&r.,podo., plb., Puis., vib., ziz. zinc.

BURNS of Tongue and lips: Ham. COLDNESS, sensation of: Aeon., ars., camph.,
carb-an., carb-v., chlf. elem., lyssin, plat.,
CANCER, Palate :
polyg., verat.
Tongue: Alumn., apis, ars., aur-m., benz-ac,
calc, carb-an., caust., con., convulsions, after: Eupi.
crot-h., cund.,
hydr., kali-chl., kali-cy., kali-i., lach., hot tea seems eold: Camph.
mtir-ac, nit-ac, phyt., sep., sil., sulph.,
icy: Coccin.
thuj. ,

peppermint, as from: Camph.,

CANCRUM oris. (See " Stomacace."
rhus-t., tell.,

CANKER sores. (See "Aphthze.")

extending to stomach: Kali-n.
CARIES, Gums : Calc.
Gums, upper: Sil.
Palate: Aur., guarc, hippoz.. mere, nit-ac.
Tongue: Aeon., anag., ant-t., ars-h., bell.,
CHEWING motion (compare "TEETH Grind- Carb-v., cist., guare., hydr-ac, kali-chl.'
ing"): Aeon., asaf., bell., bry., calc, cham.. laur., verat., zinc

COLDNESS, tongue, CRAWLING: Meri., nux-m.
right half: Gels. Gums, in: Arn., Secale.
on tip: Bell., cupr.
Tongue, in. (vSee "Tingling.")
near freenum: Anag. CRUSTS, dry, scaly: MyHc.
like after peppermint: Lyssin. ulcerated: Arg-n.

COLD Tongue : Acet-ac, aeon., am-c, ars., bar-c, Palate, dry, scaly: Myric, plb., secale, sul-ac.
bell., calc, G^ira.^^]x„ carb-v., colch., cupr-ar.,
beliind the base of the uvula: Bar-c.
cupr-s.y iris, kali-br., laur., mere, nat-m.,
naja, op., ox-ac, phos-ac, secale, Verat., white: Ox-ae.
CUT, Tongue, as if, on edges: Anan.
morning: Zinc.
DARTING out, Tongue. (See "Protruded.")
icy: Ars., zinc.
DENUDED in spots, Tongue (see " Mucous Mem-
CONDYLOMATA Tongue : Aur. brane "): Ran-sc.
CONSTRICTION: Lach., lob-s., nit-ac, phos.,
plb., sulph.
DETACHED from teeth, Gums : Ant-c, arg-m.,
arg-n., aur-m-n., bapl., bar-c, bov., caps.,
CONTRACTED Tongue: Carb-v., merc-c. calc, carb-v., camph., cist., cupr., dulc,
gran., iod., kali-c, kali-i., Kali-ph., kreos.,
CONTRACTION, spasmodic: Aeon., ars., bell.,
calc, eupr., hyos., moseh., sep. lac-c, lach., Mere, merc-c, nat-c, nai-s.,
phos., phos-ac, rhus-t., plb., sep., staph.,
sensation: ^se., asar., alum., fl-ac, seneg.
sulph., tereb., zinc.

CONTRACTION, cylindrical. Tongue Cina. :

and bleed easily: Ant-c, C&xh-'V., phos.
CONVULSION, Tongue. (See "Spasm.")
DIRTY Tongue. (See "Discoloration.")
CORRODING sensation: Asim.
DISCHARGE of stinking brown ichor on making
CORROSIONS: Carb-ac, caust, mere. incision near second molar: Anthr.

CRACKED: Ambr., bism., lach.

DISCOLORATION, blueness: Merc
Gums: Plat.
paleness: Acet-ac, chiii-s., eup-per., ferr.,
Tongue fissured: Ail., ananth., apis, Ars., mang., mere, nat-m.
arum-l., aur., atro. ,
bar-c., bapt., bell.,
purple blotches in: Plb.
benz-ac, bor., bry., bufo, calc, calc-ph.,
calc-s., camph., carb-ac., carb-v., chain., redness: Am-c, apis, ars., bell., bor., calad.,
chel., chin., cic, crot-h., cupr., cur., fl-ac, canth., chlol., cupr-ac, cycl.,i^rr-i.,hydr.,
Hyos., iod., kali-bi., lach., lye, mag-m., hyos., ign., kali-bi., kali-chl., kreos.,
mere, mez., mur-ac, nat-a., nit-ac, nux-v., mere, merc-c, merc-ey., merc-i-r.,
Phos., phos-ac, plb., podo., puis., ran-sc, merc-sul., nat-c, nit-ac, rhus-v., sal-ac.
raph., Rhus-t., rhus-v., saech., Spig.,
spots: Plb.
stram., sulph., verat., zinc.
reddish blue: Ars.
centre: Babt., bufo, cob., cub., lept., mez.,
raph., rhus-v., sin-u. spots: Berb.

across: Cob. slate colored: Plb.

edges: Clem., lach., nux-v. white patches: Sal-ac

left : Bar-c. yellow patches: Nit-ac.

painful with hard margins: Clem, spots: Lae-c ,

lach., lye.

tip: Lach. Gums, black: Merc, plb.

(See "Spasms.") sooty: Hippoz.


bhiish: Aur-m., lack. olnd., sabad., lye velum: iEtli., agn., alum., apis, arg-n.,
mere. bell., cedr., cham., chenop., cupr-ac.,
kali-bi., mere, mur-c, nux-m., petr.,
bluish-red: Con., Kreos., lach.
bluish-white: Olnd.
spots in forepart as if ulcers would form:
blue line on margin: Plb. Kali-bi.

brown: Chel., colch., plb. ,

phos. white: Am-eaust., Nat-p.
dirty: Alum., mere, roof: Ferr.

gray, dirty: Alum. pale: Sil.

greenish tint along free border: Cupr-s yellow, creamy: Nat-ph.

Tongue, black: .<5;th arg-n., bar-c.,

lead colored line: Plb. ,

bufo, cadm., Carb-V.^ carb-ac, Chin.,

livid: Merc., camph.
chlor., cupr. ,
elaps, hyos., lach., lyCjIiLeTC.,
pale: Asc-t., chel.., cycl., Ferr., med., merc-c, merc-cy., merc-sul., nux-v., op.,

Merc-C, nit-ac, nux-v., phos., Plb., Phos., plb., secale, sin-n., stram., verat.,
seuec., staph. viper., kali-c, hippoz.

purple: Bapi., Plb., Merc-C, lach. centre: Chlol., lept., mere, Phos., secale.

thin border nearest teeth: Plb. streak like ink: Chlol., lept.

redness: Am-c, ant-t., apis, arund., aur., cracked: lye, nux-v.

bell., berb., calc, eanth., dulc, carb-an.,
crusts: Phos.
cham., crot-h., dol., eup-pur., ferr-ph.,
hydr., iod., lack., kali-c, kali-ch.,kali-ph., posterior part: Verat.
Kreos., mag-c, Merc, merc-c, mur-ac., purple-black: Op.
nal-s., nit-ac, nux-v., phel., rau-sc, sep.
red edges: Nux-v., Mere.
dark: Aur., Bapt., bor., hydr., sep.
blue: Agar., Ant-t., Ars., benz-ac, bufo.
dirty: Berb.
carb-v., colch., cupr-s.. Dig'., iris, mur-ac,
margins bright red: Crot-h., mere. op., plat., podc, sabad., spig., tabac,
pale: Bar-c, kali-chl. thuja.
slime, brown or black: Ars. in spots: Arg-n.
violet border: Merc-cy. bluish -black: Bufo.

white: Acet-ac., ars., anr-m., crot-h., ferr., bluish-white: Ars-h., gymn.

kali-bi., Merc, nit-ac., nux-v., phos-ac,
bluish under whitish gray : Lac-c.
spong., staph., zinc.
brown: .^sc. Ail., ant-t., anthr., apis, am.,
yellow: Ase-t., carb-v., mere.
Ars., atrop., aur., Bapt., bell., Bry.,
Palate, bluish: Merc-sul., />AjV^. cadm., carb-ac, carb-v., chel., chin.,
red: Phos., sulph. Chin-a., coc-c, colch., crot-h., cupr., dig.,
coppery: Kali-bi., mere. dios., dor., elat., gels., guaj., hep., Hyos.,
iod., kali-bi., Kali-ph., lac-c,
grayish: Lac-c, rhus-t.
Lach., lye, med., mere, merc-i-f., nux-v.,
purple: Phyt. op., ox-ac, Phos., phyt., Plb., ptel.,
red: Acon., asth., ant-t., Rhus-t., rumx., sabin., Secale, sep., sil.,
Apis, arg-n., bapt., spong., sulph., tarent., tereb., verb.
bell., berb., caps., caust.,
Cham., cimic,
coc-c., colch., daph.,fl.ac.,
graph., kali-bi., morning: Bapt., Rhus-t.
kah-i., lach., mere., merl., morph., centre: Am., ars., bry., canth., colch.,
mur--ac, nil-ac, op., phyt.. puis., sul-ac..
crot-h., eup-pur., hyos., iod., nat-p.,
phos., plb., \ih.


DISCOLORATION, tongue, brown, centre, DISCOLORATION, tongue, red.
morning, on rising: Rhus-t. lac-c, lack., lyc.,ma^-m.,J/Lerc.,merc-c,
sides moist: Apis. mur-ac, nat-a., nat-m., nat-s., Nit-ac,
71UX-V., ox-ac, pall., Phos., poth., plb.',
white: Arn., nat-p.
podo., ran-sc, Rhus., rluus-v., sang., sars.,
red tijD and edges: Lye, rhus-t. spong., stann., sulph., syph., tarent.,
tereb., verat., verb.
sides: Kali-bi.
fiery-red: Apis, bell., canth calc-s.
reddish-brown : Rumx ,sul-ac , zinc.

tip: Fl-ac, phyt.

j'ellowish: Ant-t., bapt., carb-v., cina
crot-h., dios., nierc-i-f., rumx., verb. glistening (.see " vSn:ooth " ) : Apis, com.,
crot-t., glon., Kali-bi., lach.,phos.
with shining edges: Bapt.
spots: Apis, hipp., vierc, raph., verat.
clay, like dry: Hep.
streaks: Ant-t., arg-m.
dirty: AU-c, anthrok., arg-n., calc, camph.,
carb-v., Chin., croc, kali-chl., lac-c, stripe down center: Ant-t., arg-m., arg-n.,
Nat-S., syph., zinc. ars., bell., cham., kali-bi., merc-c,
osra., pall., phos., phos-ac, sang.,
gray: Ambr., anan., ant-t., ars-h., bry.,
verat., Verat-v.
chel., cupr-ac, kali-c, lac-c, merc-cy.,
phos., phos-ac, phyto., puis. sore: Osm.

centre: Phos. anterior half: Lach.

grayish-yellow: Avibr., ph}'t. centre: Cham., kali-bi., phos., rhus-t.,
green: Ars-m., calc, caust., cupr-ac, sulph.
Nat-S., nit-ac, plb., rhodo. edges: Aeon., ant-c, ant-t., Ars., bapt.,
greenish-brown: Nat-s. bar-c, bell., bry., canth., carb-an.,
card-m., Chel., colch., conv., cop.,
gray: Nat-S.
crot-h., cupr., fl-ac, gels., helon., iris,
yellow: Calc, caust., guar., merc-sul. kali-bi., lac-c, lach., lye. Mere,
merc-c, merc-cy., merc-i-f., mur-ac,
lead-colored: Ars., carb-v., der.
nit-ac, nux-v., op., ox-ac, phos., plb.,
leather, looks like burnt: Hyos. poth., raph., rhus-t., rhus-v., ruta,

livid: Acet-ac, ail., secale. stram., secale, sep., sulph., sul-ac.

verat-v., vip.
tip: Ail.
tip: Apis, Ars., Arg-n., card-m., chel.,
pale: Ail., ant-t., ars., chel., ferr., hydr., com., conv., crot-h., cycl.,
ip., kali-br., kali-c, lyssin. Mere, nat-c, eupi., ferr., fl-ac, helon., hipp., lach.,
nal-m., phos., raph ,
sep., verat., s.a.-ath..
lye, merc-i-f., mez., morph., nit-ac,
and flabby: Acet-ac. cena., ox-ac, Phyt., plb., poth.,
Rhus-t., Rhus-V., rob., sars., secale,
edges: Chin-s.
stram., siilph., sul-ac, sul-i., verat-v.,
purple: CacL, hydr., kali-chl., lack., -
op., vip.
pelr., raph., strych.
painful: Arg-n., cycl.
black: Op.
triangular: Rhus-t.
red: Acet-ac, «<:£»«., aloe, ant-c, ant-t., apis.
reddish-blue: Ars., raph.
arg-n., ArS., arum-t., aur. ,
aur-m., bap!.
Bell., bism., bry., cain., calc, calc-s white: Aeon., cesc, agar., agn., ail., all-s.,
alum., ambr., am-m. anac, ang.,
calend., camph canth., carb-ac, carb-v.

Ant-c, a7it-t., apis, arg-n., am., Ars.,

cham., colch., coloc, crot-h., crot-t.

cupr-ac, cur., &\a.^s.,ferr-ph., fl-ac.,^^/.v. ars-m. asaf., asar., asc-s., atro., aur-m-n.,

glon., hydr., hyos., kali-bi., kali-c, lac-ac bar-c, bell., herb., bism. ,hor., Bry., cact.,

DISCOLORATION, tongue, white, centre.
DISCOLORATION, tongue white. ,

calc, calc-p., cann-s., carb-ac, dark streaks along edges: Petr.

carb-v., caul., caust., cham., chel., chin.,
red stripe down centre: Caust., cham.,
chin-s., cic, ciinx., cina, cinub., clem., verat-v.
cob., cocc, coch., colch., coUin., coloc,
root: Med., sep.
cop., corn-c, cor-r., croc, crot-t., cupr.,
cupr-ar., cycl., dig., dios., elaps, eup-per., sides, both: Caust., cham., iod ,

ferr., fl-ac, gels., glon., guaj., gnaph.,

hydr., one: Rhus-t.
graph., ham., hell., hydr-ac,
Hyos., hypir., ign., ip., iris, kali-br., patches on: Sang.
kali-c, kali-chl., kali-i., kali-n., kalm.,
laur., tip: Canth.
kreos., lac-ac, lac-c, lack., lact.,

lye, mag-c, mag-m., mane. Mere, yellow: ^sc, aloe, Ant-C, ant-t., apis, am.,
merc-c, merc-sul., mez., naja, nai-ni asc-t., aur-m., bapt., bell.,
ars., ars-h.,
nai-s., nit-ac, nuphar., nux-j., nux-m ,
bov., bry., camph., cann-s., carb-v., Chel.,
nux-v., olnd., op., ox-ac, par., peir.,
cham., chin., chin-a., chin-s., cocc, colch.,
phos., phos-ac. podo. polyp. psor. ptel.
com., corn-c, crot-h., cupr.,
, , , ,
collin., coloc,
Puis., ran-sc, raph., rhus-t., rumx., gels., hell., hep.,
dios, eup-per., ferr-i.,
sabiu., sang., sars., selen., Sep., Spig., hyper., ip., kali-bi., kali-s., lac-ac, lach.,
stUph., syph., tarax., tell., verat., verb., merc-c,
lept., lye, mag-m.. Mere,
viol-t., zinc. myric, nat-a.,
merc-i-f., merc-i-r., mez.,

morning: Agar., benz-ac, calc-ph.. Chin., nat-m., nat-ph., nit-ac, Nux-m., nux-v.,
elaps, hell., mag-m., phos., phyt., plb., podo., polyp., psor.,
cinnb., dig.,
nit-ac. Puis., ran-sc, selen., seneg. ptel., puis., Rhus-t., rumx., sabad., sabin.,
sanic, secale, sep., Spig., stann., sulph.,
evening: Bism.
thuj., verat., verat-v., verb., vip., xanth.
border moist and red: Vip.
base: Agar., ars., calc-s. ,
chin., chin-s.,
•dirty: Cain., chin., dig., nat-ph., olnd., kali-bi., mere, merc-cy., Merc-i-f.,
podo., rhus-t. merc-sul., nat-ph., nux-v., polyp.,
with elevated papillae: Olnd. sanic, sin-n., tereb.

milk white without coating: Glon. golden yellow: Nat-ph.

milky: Aut-C, glon. looks like half dried clay: Calc-s.

moist: Arg-n. bright: Merc-i-f.

not mucus: Kali-chl. shining: Apis.

painted, as if: Ars. centre: Bry., carb-an., chin-s., fl-ac, hell.,

pale: Aloe, ambr., anac, ang., ars., berb., lept., puis., stram., verat-v.
kreos., olnd., phos. edges red: Hell., merc-i-f.
patches: Cham.
dirty: Ars., com., kali-chl., lach., mag-c,
silvery, all over: Arg-n., carb-ac, glon., Merc, Merc-c, Merc-i-f., myric, op.,
lac-c. Sep., verat-v.

spots, with clean: Am-m., nianc, tarax. edges, centre gray : Phos.
red: Hip.
greenish: Merc-sul.
stripes: Bell., phel.
gray: Ambr., arg-n., phyt.
centre: Arg-n., bell., dry., canth., card-m.,
white: Aloe, alum., arg-n., ars., bell.,
chin-s., gels., helon., kali-chl., nat-a.,
cocc, cupr., cycl., dios., gels., hydr.,
petr., phos., rhus-v., sabad., sin-n.
kali-bi., lac-c, lyssin, merc-c, Rhus-t.,
dark brown: Ail., nat-ph. secale, seneg., zinc.

DISCOLORATION, tongue, yellow-white.
thick: Aeon, ars., ars-s-f., bapt.,
forenoon: Caust., sars., seneg.
carb-s., gels.

base: Rhus-t.
evening: Aloe, am-c, bov., bry., cann-s.,
cycl., lye, nierc-c, naja, nux-v. senec. ^
DISTORTION: Bell., camph., con. cupr. verat.
cur., hydr-ac, ign., kali-n., Nux-V., op. night: Aeon., am-c, anl-c, arum-t., calc,
Plb., secale, strych., sulph., tarent.
caust., cinnb., cocc, coff., glon., jatr., lye,
alternate sides, on: Cham., nit-ac. mag-c, mag-m., nux-m., nux-v., phel.[
sleep, during: Bry., cupr. phos., rumx., r/fMi-/., sfcnec, selen., sil.

talking, while: Caust. alternating with salivation. (See "SaHva-

Tongue, tip of: Caust., cocc, con., cur.
menses, during: Cedr., Nux-m.
DRYNESS: Aeon., sesc, teth., agar., agn.
all-c, aloe, alum., alumn., ambr., moisten food, could not: Ars., merl.
anac., ang., a7U-c., ani-L, posterior part only: Mez.
aphis, apis, arg-m., arg-n., ar>i., Ars., sand in as
it, if: Bov.
ars-m., ars-s-f., artim-t., asaf.,
airo., aur-m., bapt., bar-c, bar-m., bell.,
sensation of: Aeon., asaf., bell., caul., cina,
berb., Ror., bov., brom., Rry., calc., colch., dios., dros., kali-c, lye, Nux-m.,
calc-p., calc-s., camph., Cann-i., cann-s., stront., sul-ac, viol-o., viol-t.
caiUh., Caps., carb-an., carb-s., Carb-V., morning: Asaf., stront.
caul., catist., cedr., Cham., chel.,
cimic, chlo., cina, cinnb., cist., cocc, coff., with moist mouth: Aeon., sulph., viol-t.

colch., coloc, com., con., cor-r., crot-h., coated with mucus: Aeon., bell., dios.,
cupr., cur., dios., dulc, euph., /^-r., ferr-i., kali-c.
gels., gamb., graph., ham., hell., hippoz.,
thirst, with: Aeon., aloe, arg-n., arn., ars.,
hipp., Hyos., hyper., Ign., jac-c, jatr.,
bar-c, berb., Bry., camph., canth., cham.,
Kali-bi., kali-c, kali-chl., kali-i., lac-c,
chel., chin., cinnb., coc-c, eycl., kreos.,
lac-d., Lach., lac-c, lact., Laur., led., lil-t.,
lach., laur., lyssin, merc-c, mill., nat-c,
Lye, lyssin, mag-c, mag-s., mane,
Nat-m., nat-s., nit-ac, nux-m., op., petr.,
Merc, merc-c, merc-i-f., merl., mez., mill.,
phos., rhus-t., secale, stram., sulph., tabac,
mosch., Mur-ac, myric, Naja, nat-c,
Nat-m., Nat-s., nit-ac, Nux-m., Nux-v.,
olnd., ol-an., op., par., petr., phell., Phos., relieved a short time by cold water: Kali-bi.
phos-ac, pic-ac, phyto., plb., psor., ptel.,
thirstless: Aeon., all-c, alumn., ang., apis,
puis., ran-sc, Rhus-t., rumx., ruta, sabad.,
asaf., bell., Bry., camph., cann-i., cann-s.,
sabin., sal-ac, samb., sanic, sarr., sars.,
carb-v., cocc, dios., dulc, euph., euphr.,
secale, senec, seneg., sap., Sil., sin-n., guare., jatr., kali-c, lac-c, lye, mag-m.,
squil., stram., Sulph., tabac, tarent, tell., nit-ac, Nux-m., nux-v., op., par., phos-ac.
thea, ther., thuj., Verat., zinc.
Puis., sabad., samb., sabin., sanic, sars.,
morning: Ambr., am-c, arg-n., arn., Bar-C, sil., stram.

berb., bry., cann-s., caps., carb-an., carb-v.,

Palate: Aeon., sesc, agar., all-c, ang., arg-n.,
chant., cimic, dios., ferr., graph., jac-c,
arn., apis, atro., bell., bry., bufo, calc,
lye, mag-c, mur-ac, nat-s., nit-ac, nux-v.,
camph., carb-an., card-m., cina, cist., chel.,
ol-an., op., par., petr., plb., podo.. Puis.,
chin., chlor., coc-c, coloc, cycl., dros.,
sabad., sang., sars., seneg., sep., spig.,
glon., grat., hell., hyos., lae-ac, lach., led.,
Sulph., thuj., verat., zing.
mag-c, mang., meny., merl., mere,
waking, on: Alum., ammc, apoc, calc, mere-sulph., mez., myric, nat-m., nux-m.,
clem., cob., coca, graph., kali-c, lac-c, op., par., phos., phos-ac, samb., seneg.,
ol-an., par., podo., sep., spig., stront., Sep., staph., slid., stram., Sulph., thuj.,
tarax. Verat., viol-o., zing.


DRYNESS, palate. DRYNESS, tongue, center,
sides moist: Apis.
morning: Phyt., cann-s.
root: All-c, camph.
on waking: Mez., ptils., sulp/i.
tip: Arn., carb-v., nux-m., psor., puis.,
forenoon: Phos.
evening: Chlor:, .cycl., fl-ac. moist: Bry.
Ars., arg-m., arn., bell.,
night: Nux-tn. sensation of:

brom., calc, cimic, cocc, colch., ,

air, open, agg. : Mang.
nat-m., Nux-m., puis.
eating, after: Bry.
dark bloody Anthr.,
nausea, with: Dig. tereb.

soft palate, like leather: Slid. P/ios., pib.

thirst, with: Coc-c.,. cycl., secale,
ELONGATION, Gums, sensation of : Nit-ac

Tongue: Acet-ac, Aeon., £eth.,

Ail. aloe. ENLARGED, sensation as if Bell. :

Agar., alumu., ambr., ant-t., Apis, apoc. Tongue (see "Swelling"): Aeon., ars.,

arg-m., arg-n., am., Ars., ars-h., ars-s-f. ars-h., colch., crot-h., cupr., dig., glon.,

art-v., arum-i., atro., aur., aur-m., bapt. graph., hydr., iod., kali-bi., kali-br., kali-i.,
bar-c, bar-in., Bell., Bry., bufo, cact. lac-c, lyssin, merc-c, nat-a., nat-m., nit-ac,
cain., calc, calc-a., calc-ph., Camph. ox-ac, par., phos., petr., plb., sep.
carb-an., carb-v.. Caust., Cham,, chel.
Aeon., colch., crot-t.,
sensation as if : ars.,
chen.. Chin,, chlor., cic, cist., Cocc, coc-c.
cupr., dig., glon., hydr., kali-bi., kali-i,,
comoc, con., cop., croc, crot-t., Cupr.
lac-ac, merc-c, nat-a., ox-ac, par., petr.,
daph., dios., dulc, fl-ac, gels., guare.
phos., plb., puis., sep.
Hell.,helon., /»y^^r.,Hyos., iod., ip., kali-bi.

kali-br., kali-i., kalm., kreos., lac-ac, Lach. EPULIS: Calc, nat-m.

laur., lye, mag-m., mane. Mere, merc-c. soft and painless: Calc.
merc-i-f., merc-i-r., merc-sul., merl., mez.
EROSION, Tongue. (See " Mucous Membrane.")
Mur-ac, nat-c, nat-m., nit-ac, nux-v.
Nux-m.,, op., ox-ac, par., phos., phos-ac. EXCRESCENCES, painful: Staph.
phyt.,plb.,podo., Psor,, ptel., Puls.,Rhus-t.
rumx., sarr., secale, sep., sin-n., stram.
Gums: Staph.

spong.,sulph., sul-ac, tabac, tarent., tereb. EXFOLIATION, Palate, in spots: Am-c, par.
vacc, verat., Verat-V., vib. (See " Membrane.")
morning: Arg-n., bar-c, bapt., calc, canth. diphtheritic: Arum-t., hippoz., lac-c, merc-cy.y
cist., clem., graph., kali-c, naja, nit-ac. sul-ac.
Op., puts., Sep., sulph.
lymphatic, extending to tonsils: Merc-c.
on waking: Arg-n., calc, clem., coc-c.
Palate. (See "Membrane.")
mez ,
ol-an., Op., par., podo.. Puis.
Rhus-t., Sep., Sulph. FILTHY Tongue. (See "Discoloration.")
evening: Aloe, arg-n., iod., Nux-m., senec. FINGERS in the, children put: Calc, cham.
FISSURES Ambr., bism.

night: AU-s., ang., calc, Nux-m., nux-v.

FISSURED Tongue. (See "Cracked.")

menses, during: Cedr., sul-ac.

FISTULA Gums: Aur-m., ba^'-c, calc, canth.,
Caust., coch., Fl-ac, kali-ckl., lye, mag-c,
thirst, without: Caps., nat-m.. Puis. nat-m., nit-ac, petr., phos., Sil., staph.
center: Aeon., ant-c, ant-t., arg-m., anmi-t.,
bapt., colch., crot-k., hyos., lach.,
Phos., near upper right canine: Fl-ac.
seneg., stram., sulph-ac, verat. upper incisors: Canth.


FLABBY Tongue: Camph., chin-s., ciniic, cub., GLUED u]), sensation as if: Mur-ac
hydr., ign., kreos., lyssin, lycps., mag-m.,
Merc, ivAi-a. ,
pJios-ac, rhus-t., sanic, ii?/.,
GLUTINOUS. (See "Mucus" and "Saliva.")
stram., tereb., xanth. GRASPING at: vSil.

FOAM, froth from: Absin., acet-ac, aeon., teth., GRAYISH coat on roof. See " Coated.") {

agar., alet., am-m., aphis, ars., art-v.,

GREASY sensation (see " Taste "): 01-an.
asaf., bell., broni., camph., cann-i., caiith.,
carb-ac, carb-v., caust., cedr., chain., cic, Gums : Iris.

cina, cocc, colch., con., crot-h., cupr., Palate: Ol-an.

glon., hydr-ac, Hyos., ign., kreos., lac-c,
lac-d., lach., lact., laur., lye, lyssin, mag-rn..
Tongue : Iris.

niosch., naja, niix-m., oena., olnd., op., HAEMORRHAGE from. (vSee " Bleeding.")
par., phos., phos-ac, plb., rhiis-t., sccalc,
sil., staun., stram.,
HAIRY .sensation in: Ther.
sul-ac ,
labac, tart-ac,
tber., verat., zing. HAIR, Palate, sensation of, on: Kali-bi.

bloody: Canth., ign., merc-c, CEna., secale, Tongue, on: AU-s., kali-bi., nat-m., nat-ph.,
stram sil.

convulsions, during: Ars., art-v., bell., bufo, anterior part. Sil.

cham., cocc, colch., cupr., gels., glon., tip of: Nat-ph.
lyssin, op., staph., strych., sulph., tax.
HARD, glazed palate: Hyos.
milky: ^tli.
spot: Caust.
odor of rotten eggs: Bell.
HARDNESS, Tongue, of: Arg-n., ars., atrop.,
reddish: Bell., canth., hyos, lach., secale, aur., aur-m., bar-c, carb-an., carb-v., cupr.,
stram. gamb., mere,
Hyos., kali-i., mur-ac,
shaking chill, during: Ther. Nux-m., sil., sul-i.

sleep, during: Sil., stram. center: Bar-c.

talking, while: Lac-d., plb.
places in tongue: Kali-chl., sulph.
white: Mag-m.
center: Bar-c, bry.
yellow-green: Secale. '

knotty (see "Lumps"): Aur., Carb-an.,

FOLDED like little bags on edges, Tongue : 111.
in lead colic: Alumn.
HEAT in: Aeon., seth., anan., at^., ars-h ,

FORMICATION: Aeon., acon-f. bad.. Bell., Bor., bov., brach., brom., calc,
camph., carb-v., Cham., chel., chin.,
Gums: Secale.
cimic, einnb., clem., colch., croc, crot-t.,
Palate: Aeon., atro., grat., sabad. cupr-s., dor., fl-ac, hyper., jatr., kali-chl.,

(See "Tingling. ")

kali-i., kali-s., lye, mag-c, mez., naja,
nat-m., nat-s., psor., rhus-t., sal-ac, senec,
FURRED Tongue. (See " Coated.") Sep., sil., stront., sulph., verat.

GANGRENOUS: Crot-h., hydr., Lach., merc-c, morning: Abrot., nat-c.

merc-d., sil., sulph., sul-ac
night: Am-c, cinnb., phos., sulph.
in children: Ars., case
Gums, in: Aeon., bell., caps., cham., dulc,
Gums :
Lach., Merc-c, secale.
eup-per., kreos.
Tongue: Ars., kali-c, lach., mere., secale.
with sensation of cold in teeth: Anan.
GLANDULAR swelling: lod.
Palate, in: Camph., canth., dulc, led, mez.,
GLAZED Palate: Atro., hyos., lac-c. polyg.
velum: Carb-ac. Tongue, iu: Aeon., am-c, apis, ars., Bell.,

Tongue. (See " Smooth.") caps., caust., cimic, crot-t., mane, merc-c.

mez., phyl., plb., puis., secale, strain., Tongue: Aeon., anan., ang., apis, arg-n.,
strych., sulph., tax.
am., ars., aur-m., bell., benz-ac, brom.,
calc, calc-s., carb-v., canth., caust., cocc,
edges and tip: Sin-n.
con., crot-h., cupr-ac, hep., kali-chl.,
HEAVINESS Tongue : Anac, a.xs.,beU., carb-v., Lach., lye, mang., mere,, merc-c,
nux-v., ox-ac, petr., phyt.,
co/c/t., guare., hyos., fyc, merl., mur-ac, nat-m., nit-ac,
plb., ran-s., sep., sil., staph., sulph
nat-c, Nat-m., nux-v., plb., secale, stram ,

centre: Gels,
difficulty in moving (see "Motion."): Msc,
chronic: Cupr.
ars ,
calc, carb-v., cic, con., Lach., lye,
with: Aur-m., carb-v., con.,
mere, op., sl-^am. induration,
lye, mez
HEEPES, Tongue, on: Nat-m., zinc.
mercury, after abuse of Calc, hep., nit-ac, :

phyt., staph., sulph.
Tongue: Ant-t., Ars., ars-m., atro., carb-v.,
kali-i., papillae: Bell.
Chel., dulc, glon., hydr., ign., iod.,
Merc, plb., podo., Rhus-t., scp., stram., one sided: Nux-v.
sumb., syph., tell., vib.
side, left: Ars-s-r.-
INDURATION inside of cheeks: Caust.
sublingual glands: Kalm., Mere, psor.
Gums : Brom.
ITCHING: Am-c, anac, apis., aur-m., hep.,
Palate: Calc, mez.,phyi. merc-p-r., psor.

Aeon., aloe, alum., am-c, in scarlatina: Arum-t.
apis, arn., ars., aur-m., bell., bism., brom.,
Gums: Am-c, bell., calc, camph., caust.,
calc, canth., caps ,
carb-ac, colch., crot-t.,
cinix., graph., mere, nit-ac.., phos., rhodo.,
dig., guaj., ip.,-im,
hippoz., hydr., ign.,
kali-p., lach mane. Mere, merc-c,

merc-cy., mur-ac, nat-c, nit-ac, nux-v.. between the teeth : Caust.

cena., ox-ac, petr., psor ran-sc, rhus-t., ,
bleeding when scratched: Am-c.
sacch., sal-ac, sul-ac, sulph., staph., tereb.,
verat., vesp. with pain after scratching: Cimx.

follicular, ulcerative: Kali-chl., myric. Palate: Apis, arund., canth., crot-h., fern,
glon., kali-c, phos., sil., upa., wyeth.
nursing women: Bapt ,
caul., helon., hydr.
burning: Arund.
sore spots inside cheek : Aloe.
lying, after: Carb-s.
Gums: Aeon., aluinn., am
c, arg-n., ars.,
aur-m., bell., bor., caps., cham., chin-s., must scratch with base of tongue: Lyssin,
com., eng., hep., iod., kali-c, kali-chl.. puis ,
kali-n Kreos,, lach., lyssin, merc-c.
Tongue: Alum., apis, cedr., dulc, sulph.
mur-ac, Nat-m., naja, nux-v., phos., phyt ,

plb., Sil., sulph ,

thuj. tip of: Dulc
left upper side: Kreos. LACERATED Tongue: Anan., art-v., hyper.

Palate: Aeon., apis, bell., calc, canth, LAME Tongue: Calc, dulc, euphr., hydr-ac.
cham., cimic, coc-c, colch., gels., lach.,
mere, nux-v., ran-b., seneg., zinc.
as if : .<5Jsc-g. , mur-ac.

suppurating spots after fright: Hydr., hyos.

: Sars.

arch: Bell., berb., kali-n. LEATHER, Tongue feels like: Aeon.

velum: Aeon., apis, bell.,

looks like burnt : Hyos.
coff., kali-c,
lac-c, lach., lyssin. LIVID Tongue. (See " Discoloration.")


LONG, Tong-ue feels too: Aeon., teth., uiar-ac, MUCUS.
selen., .sep., stl., .spig., squil.,
LUMPS: Mag-c, merc-i-r. staph., .stram
sulph., sul-ac, ther., teucr.,
bleeding and burning when touched: Mag-s.
morning: Agar., Bell., calc, cupr., dios.
Tongue, on (see " Nodule."): Mang., niur-ac. fl-ac, graph., ig„., iod., lyc,
under: Anibr. uiag-m., mane, mere, mur-ac, nice,
nux-v., phos-ac,
MAPPED Tongue: Ant-c, ars., kali-bi., lach., rheum,
plb., Puis., podo.,
sars., sep., sil., spig.,
lye, 7iat-m., uit-ac, ran-sc, slro7it.,
Tarax,, sulph., thuj., til., zing.
MEMBRANE, false: Anmt-L, bry., lac-c, evening: Alum., ang., am-c, calc.
acid (see "Taste"): Benz-ac
whitish yellow: Nit-ac.
eating, after: Hyper., lac-c, plat., verat.
Palate covered with a false: lod., i^., lac-c

lach., mere, merc-cy.,

merc-i-f., mur-ac.,
flies from mouth when coughing: Bad
nit-ac, saug., sulph. chel.

white: Zinc-m. frothy. (See "Foam.")

yellowish gray: Nit-ac. greenish expelled while sneezing: Colch.

velum: Apis, iod., lach., merc-cy., merc-i-f., offensive (see "Odor," "Taste"): Bry.
mur-ac, sang., seneg. ropy (see also "Saliva"): ^sc, ail., chel.,
Tongue, ou, tough and yellow: Nit-ac. ferr-m., Kali-bi., kali-br., lye, med.,
phyto., sul-ac.
MERCITRIAL affections of Gums: Carb-v., chin.,
hep., hydr., mere, nit-ac, phyt., tenacious: Ant-c, bell., carb-v., cinnb., cop.,
crot-h ery-a., hydr., lyssin, mane, med.,
MOTION, Tongue, of, difficult (compare " Pro-

truded") myric, nat-s., nit-ac, pall., phos-ac,

: ^sc, anac, ars., bell., bufo, calc,
carb-v., cic,
E,hus-t., selen., staun., sul-ac, sumb.^
colch., con., Hyos., kali-br.,
tabac, verat.
Lach., lyc, mere, mygale, mur-ac, nat-c,
op-, Phos., phys.,/«/5., stram. thick: JSiSc, aloe, apis, atro., bar-e, bell.,

on account of crusty coat: Myric. ery-a., ip., myrle., nux-m., verat., verat-v.

constant: Aeon., clem., op., stram. tough: Apis, arum-t., bar-c, bry., caps.,.

lapping: Bufo. mag-c, psor., rhus-t.

lolling: Lach., viscid. Agn., ang., arg-n., carb-ae, cycl.,

hell., hydr., Kali-bi., mur-ac, myric.,.
oscillating: Hell., lach., lyc.
phos-ac, plat., psor., puis., rhus-v., ruta.
to and fro: Hyos., cupr., lach., sulph. squil., stram.

pain, agg.: Aloe,

yellowish: j^se, hyos., plb., spig., tabac.
ant-t., berb., chin., spig ,

sulph on " Coated,

Tongue, collection of, (see

wanting, immovable: Ars-s-f., aur.,

"Stick}^"): AU-e, alum., almnen. a.Tg-n.,
carb-v., ,

cic, con., o-p.,phos., stram. ars-h.' ars-m., arum-d., bar-c, bar-m., bell.,
berb., calc, canth., carb-ae, carb-an., chel.,
MUCUS, slime, etc. (see " Saliva") Aloe, alum., :
chin-a., coce, colch., cupr., dulc, fl-ac, grat.,
am-c, ang., aphis, apoc, arg-n., arn., ars.,
hydr., kali-n., kali-s., kreos., lach.,
asar., bar-ni., bell., brom., bry., calc, lact., mere, merc-e, Nat-m,, nat-s.,
caps., caust., cedr.,
Chel., chin., chlor., nux-j., nux-m., -peir., phos., phos-ac, phj'to.,
crot-h., cupr., fl-ac, graph., hep., hydr.,
Puis., rhus-t., secale, Sep., sulph ,
ign. ,ioA., ip., kali-c, kali-chl., lac-c, lach.,
viol-t., zinc.
laur., lyc, mag-c, mere, merc-e, Nat-m.,
morning: Agar., sang., verb,
Nux-m., nux-v., oena., op., ox-ac, petr.,
phos., phos-ac, plb., psor., puts., rhus-t.. after meals. Verb.


MUCUS, tongue. NODULE.
on tip, hard, forming vesicle, resulting in un-
strings, cau be pulled off in: Bell.
clean ulcer with hard edges: Phos-ac.
tough: Bell., cupr., dulc, lach., mere,
nux-v., phos-ac, puis., sulph. NUMBNESS: Aeon., ambr., bar-c, bov., colch.,
kali-bi., kali-c, kali-i., lye,

indg., jatr.,
MUCOUS membrane, bitten, gets between teeth.
mag-s., nat-p., nat-s., nit-ac, ther.
(See "Biting.")
morning: Ambr., bar-c, bov., kali-i., stront.
blood oozes from : Ars-h.
menses, during: Mag-m.
corrugated: Carb-ac.
one-sided: Nat-m.
discolored, some places blue others pale,
covered with tough mucus which lies in Gums: Aeon., apis, ign.
brown crusts on lips: Ars.
Palate: Verat.
inflamed (see "redness"): Canth., colcli.,
morning on waking: Mag-c.
dulc, ign., merc-i-r.
Tongue: Aeon., agar., ambr., ars., bapt.,
milky: Kali-i.
brach., cale-p., camph.,
bell., bor., :bov.,
pale: Acet-ac, chin-s., eup-per., ferr , eolch., crot-h., eup-per., ferr., fl-ae., gels.,
mang., mere, nai-m. glon., hell., hyos., ign., jatr., kali-a., laur.,

off interior of cheek: Med., mur-ac, lye, mang., mere, merc-c, merl., nat-m.,
nat-p., Nux-m., poth., puis., rheum., sep.,
sil., ther., vip., zinc.
roof of: Par.
morning on waking: Am-c, bov., mag-c.
spots: Lach.
one-sided: Nat-m., nux-v.
sensation as if would: Asaf.
purple: Lach.
ODOR, acrid: Agar,

alkaline: Kali-c.
scalded (see " Pain "): Ham.
cadaverous: Caps., hyos., Nit-ac, phos.
shriveled as if burnt: Bor.
worse morning and evening: Hyos.
spongy: Camph.
cheese, like: Aur., kali-c, mez.
thickened: Sul-ac.
cresses, like: Par.
yellowish gray: Nit-ac.

Palate, of, peeling off: Canth., par.

earthy, morning: Mang.

sensation as
eating, after: Arn., aur., carb-v., cham.,
if: Lach., par.
mere, nux-v., sil., sulph., zinc.
shrivelled, as if burnt: Bor.
fetid. (See "putrid.")
Tongue, of, peeling off: Mur-ac, ox-ac,
garlic, like: Petr., tell., sinap.
ran-sc, sul-ac, tarax.

excoriation: Ars., canth., merc-c, nit-ac, horseradish, like: Agar.

ox-ac, sulph., tax. mercury, as from: Ant-c, bar-m., sil.

centre: Am-c. metallic: Berb., mez., merc-i-f.

MUCOUS PATCHES. (See "Patches.") musty: Alum., crot-h., eup-per., nat-c, rhus-t.

NODOSITIES, Gums, of: Berb., nat-s., phos-ac, offensive: Acet-ac, aeon., agar., all-c, aloe,
plb., staph. alum., ambr., am-c, anac, auan., anthr.,
apis., arg-m., arg-n.. Am., ars., aur., bapt.,
NODULAR Tongue: Eupi., iod., kali-i., mang.,
bar-c, bar-m., bell., berb., bov., bry., bufo,
cact, calc, caps., carb-ac, carb-an., Carb-V.
NODULE, Tongue, right side, coming to a point: carl., castor., caust., Cham., Chel., chiri.,
Ars-h. chin-a., cimic, ciua, cist., clem., coc-c.


ODOR, offensive.
OPEN: Ant-t., apis, bell., calad.,
coch., cop., croc, cupr-ar.,
daph., dro.s., carb-ac, caust., colch., cupr., '

gels., /y!^,
(iuk.,Jl-ac., gels., graph., hep.,hyos., iod., hydr-ae, /ac/,., laur., mere,
x-n^y.., morpi,'
kali-bi., kali-c, kaii-i., kali-n., "aja, "
nux-v.. Op., ox-ae, phos., puis
Kali-ph., Kreos., lac-c, lac-d., Lach,, led., sanib., .squil., strain., strych. *

lye, mane. Mere, Merc-C, merc-if., mez.,

difficult to: Anthr., ant-t.,
mur-ac, Nat-m., nat-s., nice, Nit-ac, ars., causl., chin-s
coce, colch., dig., Lach., nux-v.,
nux-m., nux-v.,pelr., phos-ac.,phyt. plant.', mere-/
mosch., nit-ae, nux v., /.//o^., psor., strych.,
Plb., podo., puis., rhus-t., sabin., sal-ac,
sul-ae, upa.
sanic, sars., seneg., sep., sil., spig., slami.,
staph., stront., sulph., siil-ac, thea, verb., sleep, during: Brom., cham., chim., dulc,
zinc. ign., lye, mere, nux-v., Op., plant, i

rhus-t., sul-i., sumb., variol.

morning: Acet-ac, agar., auibr., am-c, apis,
arg-n., arn., wide, before an attack: Bufo.
aur., bapt., bell., cact,
camph., castor., chin., cimic, cop., fago, after yawning remains: Ant-l.
grat., hyos.,lye, nux-v., phys.. Puis.,
sang., j//., sulph.,
PAIN: Aeon., alum., alumn., caust., coloc,
cop., ferr-i., fi-ac, ip.,
mere, mez., mur-ac.
night: Fodo. myric, nat-m., nii-ac, par., sul-ae, verat.
menses, before: Sep. Gums : Agar., aluui., ambr., apis, arg-n., am..,
ars., bell., bism., bov., bry., calc, canth.,
during: Bar-m., cedr., mere.
carb-an., carb-v., caust., cham., chel.,
onions, like: Kali-i., petr., sin-n., tell, crot-h., dot., graph., ham., hep., hyos., iod.,
pitch, like: Canth. kali-br., kali-i., lack., lye, lyssin. Mere,
merc-c, phos., plb., ruta, sep., sil., spong..
putrid: Act-sp., alum.,
ambr., anac., apis, Staph., zinc.
arg-m., arg-n.. Am., Ars., arum-t., aur.,
morning: Brom.
aur-m-n.i bapt., bar-c, bov., brom., bry.,
bufo, calc, camph., caps., card-ac, carh-an., chewing, while: Arn., lach., spong.
carb-v., cedr., chain., chlo., cina, cist, coca,
cold air agg. : Hyos., mez., phos., sil.
crot-h., dig., dulc., gels., graph., hell., ign.,
iod., kali-bi., kali-br., kali-chl., drinks agg.: Sars., staph., sulph.
lac-c, lach., lye. Mere, merc-c, mur-ac, amel.: Bov.
Nat-m., Nit-ac, nux-v., ol-j., petr.,
water amel. : Laur.
phos-ac, Phyt., plant., plb., puis., rhus-t.,
ruta, sabin., sang., secale, seneg., Spig., extraction of teeth, after: Canth., hyos.,
stann., stram., staph., sulph. hyper., Nux-V.
morning: Ambr., arg-n., cact., camph., scratched, when: Cimx.
crot-h., grat., lye, med., puis.
spots, in: Aur-m., ox-ac.
and night: Aur ,
touched, when: Arg-n., ars-m., bar-c, bell.,
eating, while: Chrom-ac. cast., Hep., iod., Merc, phos-ac, sil.,

staph., tereb.
after: Cham., nux-v.
Palate, in: Alum., arum-t., bufo, canth.,
sickening: Agar., aloe, ars-h., berb., canth.,
carb-v., cham., chel., chin-s., cofT., eupi.,
carb-h., chlol., croc, gins., kali-br., mere,
hydr., kali-bi., kali-c, mere, mez., morph.,
nit-ae, phos., ran-sc, ruta, sars., ther., thuj.,
sour: Agar., cham., coc-e, crot-h., eup-per., zinc.
graph., mag-e, nice, nux-v., sep., sulph.,
chewing, while: Zinc.
Tongue: All-c, alumn., ambr., am-caust.,
sweetish: Carb-an., mere, uran.
apis, arg-m., ars., arum-t., bell., brach.,
urine, like: Graph. calc, carb-an., con., cund., eupi., hura, iod.,


PAIN, loiiKue. PAIN, boring.

jatr., kali-c, kali-bi., lye, mere, mur-ac, Tongue: Clem,

ox-ac, phos., plb., ran-s., sabad.,
iiit-ac, in right border: Ars.
sang., sulph., vesp., vip.
night: Con.
motion agg. : Aloe, ant-t, berb., kalm.,
burning, rawness and smarting: Acet-ac,
aeon., sesc, jeth., agar., ail., alum., am-c,
pressure with teeth agg.: Arum-ni., croc. ant-t., apis, Ars., Arum-t., anmd.,

swallowing, on: Ca!c. calc-p. asaf., asar., aur-m., bad., Bell., berb., bov.,

brom., bufo., calad., calc, camph., canth.,

talking, when: Acet-ac, kalm., lyc.
caps., carb-an., carb-v., caust., cedr., cham.,
extending to palate: All-c. chel., chlol., clem., cob., cocc, coc-c,
colch., coloc, crot-t., cupr., cupr-s., dios.,
root of: Kali-i., phyt., rhus-v.
ferr-i., gels., glon., gymn., hell., hydr.^
putting out the tongue: Cocc, phyt. hyper., ign., ip.. Iris, iris-f, jatr., kali-bi.
kali-chl., kali-i., kreos., lach., lyc, mag-m.,
swallowing, on: Ars., bapt., calc-p., cinnb.,
colch., gels., phyt.
mane, mang., mere, merc-c, merc-i-r.>
merc-sul.,merl., Mez., mur-ac, nat-e, nat-m.,
yawning, when:%ach. nat-s., nit-ac, nux^m., nux-v., CEua., op.,
tip: Arg-n., hep., jiii^or., sil., stront. ox-ac, petr., phos., plat., plb., psor., rhus-v.,
sabad., sal-ae, sang., secale seneg., sep.y
aching, in Gums: Crot-c, nit-ac.
spig., spong., squil., stict., stram., sulph.,
morning: Brom. sul-ac, tabac, tarax., tereb., verat., vesp.,
in teething children: Bry. xanth.,zing.

Palate: Alum., bufo, chel., chin-s., morning: Arum-t., cupr-s., kali-s., sulph.
eupi., hydr., kali-bi., mere, morph., night: Merc, nit-ac, sulph.
nit-ac, phos., sars., ther.
acid, as from: Bufo., rhus-t.,' vesp.
chewing food, on: Aloe.
air, in breathing: M^z., phos., raph.
swallowing amel. : Ruta.
chewing, while: Phos-ac.
yawning, on: Zinc.
cold water agg. : Ars. bufo.

Tongue: AU-c, sulph., vesp.

amel.: Berb., dros., dulc, merc-c.
evening: Sulph.
pepper, as from: Coca., dros., mez., 7iai-s.
like lumps at root: All-c.
touched, when: Nat-c.
biting, in Gums : Asar., zinc.
extending to bronchi : Ip.
Palate: Carb-v., canth., kali-c, mez.,
stomach: ^sc, am-e, brom., chel., gels.,
iris., iris-f., merc-c, mez., nit-ac, sin-n.,
Tongue: Absin., am., asar., carb-ac, sul-ac.
Cham., coch., dios., ign., jalap., mez.,
ol-an., teucr. corners: Ambr., cob., ip., kali-chl., phos-ac

pepper, as from: Indg., teucr. Gu^s: Ars., asar., bell., bufo., caps., cast.,
cham., con., Mere, merc-c, mez.,
anterior part: Ars.
mur-ac, nat-s., nux-v., petr., puls.y
tip, in: Puis, rhus-t., Sep., stront., tereb., ther.

bitten, Tongue, as if : Caust., chin-b., plb. eating, while: Nat-m.

blisters, as from : Bar-c. Palate: Atsc, all-c, ambr., ant-c, am.,
arum-t., arund., benz-ac, bor.,
boring in Gums : Calc. bell.,
camph., canth., carb-v., caust., cimx..,
Palate: Aur. cina, cinnb., cocc, coc-c, coloc, dulc,

PAIN, burning, palate.
PAIN, burning, tongue.
glon., grat., gymn., ign., iris, lach,, laur., anterior half: Gamb.
mag-c, mane, nierc-c, mez., naj.i,
nat-s., nii-ac, nux-m., niix-v.,par., phos.,
centre of: Bry.

phos-ac, podo., ran-b., rheum, sabad., toward tip, spot: Kah-a.

sang., sanic, seneg., spig., squiL, stapli.,
edge of: Aeon., agar., apis, camph.,
tlier., tliuj., zinc.
cycl., kali-i., mur-ac, nat-s., plat.
morning: Coca, lyc.
root: Am-caust., Arum-t., bapt., benz-ac,
coughing, on: Dig. mane.
menses, during: Nat-s. tip: Aeon., a.ga.r., am-c, am-m., arg-m., '

pepper, as from: Coca, crot-t., mez. arg-n., bar-c, bell., bov., calc-a.,
calc, Calc-ph., carb-an., carb-ac,
warm drinks agg. : Sanic.
carb-v., cast-eq., caust., coloc, croc,
spots, in: Mur-ac. cycl., dros., gamb., glon., hep., hydrc,
iod., kali-c, kali-i., kali-n., led., mere,
velum: Ambr., arg-n., calc, lach.,
merc-sul., mez., 7iat-c, nat-m., Nat-S.,
iiux-m., phos-ac.
ox-ac, phos., phyt., plb., psor., rat.,
Tongue, in: Acet-ac, Acon., sesc, all-c, sabad., sang., seneg., sulph., sul-ac,
alum. ,alumu.,am-caust. apis, ang., tereb., thuj.
am., Ars., aur-ni., Arum-t., asar., bad., pepper, as from: Agar., ang., camph.,
bapt., bar-c, bell., benz-ac, berb., bov.,
chin., con., mez., nat-s., teucr.
calc, canth., carb-ac, carb-v., cast., cedr.,
cham., chel., chim.. Chin., chlor., cimx., touch, agg. by: Am-c, bar-c, bell.,
cocc, coch., coiJ., colch., coloc, con.,
crot-t., cupr., dros., ferr., ferr-i., gamb., under surface: Brom.
gels., glon., graph., ham., hydr., hyos.,
extending to Palate: Phos.
ind., iod., ip.. Iris, jac-c, jatr., kali-a.,
kali-bi., kali-c, kali-chl., lac-ac, lach., stomach: Apis, ars., brom., gels., mez.,
laur., led., lyc, mag-m., mane, mang., puis.
merl., mere, merc-c, merc-sul., murac, burnt, as if: All-c. alum., ambr., apis, bad..

mez., naja, nat-s., ol-an., op., ox-ac, pall., Bell., berb., bov., camph., chin., dros.,
petr., phel., phos., phos-ac, phyt., plat., ferr-m., glon., hyos., jac-c, jatr.,
plb., podo., prun.,/^or.,ran-sc., raph., rat., laur., lyc, mag-m., med., merc-c, plat.,
rhodo., rhus-t., rumx., jawg"., sanic, sars., psor., rhus-v., rumx., sabad., sal-ac, seneg.,
secale, seneg., sep., sin-n., spig., sulph., Sep., stict., thuj., verat., zinc.
sul-ac, tarax., thuj., verat., Verat-V.,
morning: Ambr., dros., med.
vesp., xanth., zinc.
menses, during: Mag-m.
left side: Jac-c.
waking, on: Bov.
morning: Mag-m., stann., sulph.
dinner, after: Alum.
evening: Alum., cycl.
Gums: Ars-m., cimx., ign., sep.
night: Nat-m., phos., />Aoj-a(r.
Palate: Cimx., ferr m., lac-ac, sep.
eating, while: Ign., nat-m.

after: Graph. Tongue: ^sc, all-c, alum., apis, arg-n.,

Ars., bad., bapt., caust., chin., chlor.,
pepper, as from: Lach., merl., mez., op., cimx., coloc, cupr-s., da^jh., dios., ferr.,
sanic, sep., teucr. glon., //aw., hydr., hyos., ign., iris, kreos.,

protrudes it to cool it: Sanic. laur., lyc, mag-m., mere, mez., phos.,
phyt., plat., pjdo., prun., puts., psor..
spots, in: Ran-s. rumx., sabad., sang., sep..
across: Asar. sinap., sul-ac, then, Verat-V.

PAIN", burnt, tongue. PAIN.
eating, while: Ign. jerking in Gums :
Ars., hep., lyc.

or drinking, while not: Ferr. Tongue : Aster. , cast.

center: Hyos., plat, psor., puis., sabad., pinching, Palate: Ant-c.

Sep., tereb. swallowing agg. : Ant-c.
edges: Apis, caust., puis. pinching in Tongue: Nux-v.
spots, in. Aloe,'a;-j. pressing in Gums: Arn., aur., hep.
tip: Calc-p., caust., lact., merc-sul., mez., gums: Arn.
as of a leaden bullet, lower
phos., psor., sang., vip.
Palate: Arum-t., aur., carb-v., eham., sars.,

constrictive, Tongue, in, low down in region thuj.
of hyoid bone: All-c.
swallowing, on: Caps.
contracting: .iEsc. ,
asar., nit-ac.
on velum: Ruta.
spasmodic: Calc.
Tongue: Astac, ham., mere, ustil.
Palate: Arn., ciunb., glon.
pricking Palate :
Arg-n., calc, caust., cob.
Tongue : Arum-t.
pulsating, Gums : Arn., bell., calc, daph.
anterior half, right side: Ars-h.
menses, during: Sep.
root, at: Hydrc, lach.
rasping: Ambr., asar.
corroding: Asim.
eating solids, while: Phos-ac.
cramp-like, in Tougue: Bor.
Palate: Carb-v., chen., mez., mur-ac,
at root: Aeon., bell., carb-v. ran-sc.
cutting, in Gums : Nit-ac. scalded, as if. (See "burnt, as if.")

Palate, on attempting to swallow: Hell. scraping: Arn., dig., gymn.

Tongue: Aran., bov., euon., guare.
Palate :
Camph., hell.
edge of: Mag-s. Bapt., camph., caust., graph.
cut, Tongue, as if, on edges: Anan.
scratching, Palate :
Ambr., ant-c, aphis, hell.,
cut off, Tongue, as if: Anan. mez.
•drawing: Gymn., nux-v. shooting. Gums :
Camph., puis.
Gums : Con., lyssin. Tongue: ^/"W, ast-r., ran-sc.

Palate: Hydr., sars., then sore, tender, soreness: Abrot., agar., ail.,

convulsive, extending to fauces: Cham., aloe, alum., am-c, apis, ars., ars-m.,
mere. arum-t., asaf., bell., bism., calc, carb-ac,
caust., chin., chlor., cinnb., coc-c. ,
Tongue : Aster., cast.
croi-h., cupr., dig., dios., glon., helon.,
dull, in Gums, with very hard stool: Anag. hep., hyos., ign., ip., kali-c, lac-ac, lach.,

excoriated, as
lachn., lyc, lyssin, mag-c, mag-s., med.,
if: ^sc, ambr., asim., bism.,
cena. Merc, Merc-C, merc-i-r., merc-sul., naja,
nat-c, Nat-m., nit-ac, nux-v., ox-ac, petr.,
Tongue, in: Arum-m., aur-m. Phos., plb., podo., rhus-v., sabad., samb.,
at tip: Bar-c. secale, sin-n., strani., verat.

fishbone. Tongue, in root morning: Arum-t., dios.

of, sensation, on
swallowing: Ars. eating, while: Alum.
gnawing in Gums: Euph., puis. inside of cheek: Bell., carb-ac.

28 407

PAIN, sore.
PAIN, sore, tongue.
spots, in: Phos.
lacerated wounds, from: Hyper,
spot inside right cheek: Calc-p.
swallowing agg. : Benz-ac.
Gums: Agar., alum., ambr., ani-c, arg-ni.,
touch, on: Aloe, bell., berb.
(ifX-n., am., Ars., ars-m., aruncL, asaf.,
aur., aur-m., bapt., bar-c, bell., berb., center: Sanib.
bism., brom., bry., calc, calc-s., caps.,
frjjenum: All-c, kali-c.
carb-an., Carb-V., causl., chain., clem.,
cob ,
cupr-a., dig., dios., dol., ganib., posterior part: Benz-ac, form
form., lye,
gels., glon., graph., ham., hep., iod., nux-v.
kali-bi., kali-chl., kali-i., lach , Mere, sides: Ant-c, carb-v., dios., lach., laur.,
merc-c, mur-ac, viyric, naja, nat-a., poth.,^M/j., rumx., sep.
nat-m., nit-ac, nux-v., petr., phos.,
left: Graph., kalm., lach.^ phys.
phos-ac, plb., polyg., ptel., puis., rhodo.,
rhus-t., ruta, szx^.,sep., Sil., sin-n., staph., on putting out tongue: Graph.
tereb., thuj., zinc. near tip: Aruni-t., calc-ph., chin., dios,

chewing, while: Carb-V., nit-ac. hep., kali-c, sep.

spots: Aloe, nit-ac, nux-v.

cold air, agg. : Cob.

water agg. : Sil.

tip: ^sc, arum-t., calc, calc-p.,
carb-an., dios., hep., kali-c, merc-sul.,
and warmth agg. : Nat-m. phys., poth., Rhus-t., sabad., sang.,
dentition, during: Berb. Sep., sil., sin-n., tereb,, zinc.

eating, while: Aur., clem., phos., spong., splinter, like: Nit-ac.

Tongue: Staph.
after, if food remains in cavity of tooth: stitching, Gums : ^th., ars., asar., calc, con.,
Staph. lyc, nit-ac, puis., sars., stront.

liquids, from: Kali-bi.

right, upper: Am-c.
between gums and cheek: Rhodo. left, lower: Am-m.
Palate: Agar., all-c, alum., arpis, arum-t.,
morning: Ars.
benz-ac, brom., calc-s., caps., caust.,
cinnb., eupi., ferr-s., gamb., glon., extending to left temple: Am-m.
graph., ign., iris, lach., mang., mez., ^sc, bar-c, calc, camph., caust,
Palate :

mur-ac, nat-m., nat-s., Nit-ac, nux-v., cob., coc-c, ign., kali-c, lach., mag-m.,
par., ^\^os., phyt., sang., sil. thuj. nit-ac, phos-ac, ran-sc, sabad., staph.

menses, during: Nat-s. stram., zinc.

touch, on: Iris, mere, nat-s. swallowing, when: Meny.

spot: Caust., mur-ac.

extending to ear: Cob., ign.

brain: Staph.
veliun: Phos-ac, rhus-t.

Abrot., acet-ac, agar., aloe, chin: Bov.

alum., ant-c, apis, arn., ars., arum-t., right parotid gland: Agar.
bapt., bar-c, bell., benz-ac, brach., calc,
velum, in: Coloc.
canth., carb-v., caust., chel., chim.,
chin-a., cic, cist., crot-h., cupr-a., dig., Tongue :
Aeon., aloe, alum., alumn., ant-c,
fl-ac, gamb., gels., glon., graph., ip., apis, aran. ,
anim-m., arum-t., asar.

kali-c, lach., laur., lye, mere, merc-c, aspar., aster., bell., berb., brach., brom.,
mur-ac, nat-m., nit-ac, nux-v., osm., calc, chim., chin., clem., colch., cjxl.,
ox-ac, poth., rhus-t., rumx., sabad., dros,, elaps, eup-pur., gamb.,^/o«., guare.,
sin-n., staph., thuj., zinc. ip., jalap., kali-bi., kali-c, kali-chl.,
sang., Sep., sil.,

PAIN, stitching, tongue. i
PARALYSIS, Palate: Gels., lach., plb., sil.

kalm., LacL, led., uiaug., merl., Tongue: Absin., a^tow., anac, am., apis, ars.,
merc-sul., murx., nit-ac, phos-ac, pliys., bapt., bar-c, bell., brom., bufo, caps.,

prun., ran-sc, sabad., sars., sep., Spig"., carb-s., Caust., cocc, con., dulc, cupr.,
staph., sulph. euph., Gels., graph., guare., hydr-ac, hell.,

hyos., ip., lac-c, lach., Lyc., meph., merc-c,

right side: Dros., spig. mur-ac, tiux-ni., nux-v., op., Plb., rheum,
morning: Cedr. rhiis-l., secale, stram., syph., verat., vesp.
night: Phos-ac.
damp, cold weather: Dulc.
motion, during: Sulph.
drawn to right: Cur., nux-m., Op.
frsenum: Ign.
left: Bell.,glon., op., plb.
root: Ars.,arn., ferr-i., nal-s., nit-ac.

swallowing, when: Ars. old people: Bar-c.

tip: Agar., alumn., ang., brom., cycl., sensation of: Cocc, ip., merl.
dros., eup-pur., form., ign., merc-sul., during menses: Cedr.
nat-ph., nux-v., phos., phos-ac, ran-b.,
sabad., sabin., staph, PASTY (see " Saliva " and " Mucus "): Nuph.

tearing: Calc. Tongue: Am-m., bufo, nux-m.

Gums: ^th., alum., ars., berb., calc,
PATCHES, syphilitic: Hydrc, kali-i., mere,
canth., colch., gamb., hyos., kali-c, laur., merc-c, merc-i-r., nit-ac, sang.
lye, mere, cabin., sars., sulph., teucr.

Palate : Ambr., lach. PICKS Gums and teeth till they bleed: Selen.

extending to left ear: Ambr. PIMPLES: Dulc.

guare., inner cheeks and lips; Berb.

Tongue: Colch., puis., rhus-v.,
sep. red and painful: Berb.
torn, as if Gums : Berb. and lower lips: Nice.

ulcerative, Gums Aeon :

bell., graph. Gums: Berb.
pressing them, on: Phel. Bapt dulc, nux-v., rum-x.
Palate : ,

Palate : Am-c. , caust. , rhus-t.

Tongue: Bell., berb., brom., calc-p., lyc,
Tongue :
Arg-n. mane, nux-v., plb., tarax.

tip: ^sc, calc. painful: Bell., arg-n., graph., Nit-ac,

nux-v., sulph.
PAPILLA, Tongue, erect: Agar., Arg-n., apis,
ars., arum-L, arum-m.. Bell,, caust., chel., bleeding: Graph.
croc, cupr., ham., hydr., kali-bi., lach., edges: Apis, arg-n., hura, nat-c, Nit-ac,
lye, mere, nierc-c, merc-i-f., merc-sul., osm., sulph.
mez., nux-m., olnd., podo., phos., plb.,
tip: Bell., caps., hell., kali-c, nat-c.
poth., ptel., Sep., stram., strych., tabac,
tereb., zinc. POINTED Tongue: Calc, chel., eimie, lach.,
back part of : Agar. , kali-bi. , nat-a. petr., plb., podo., spig-m.

enlarged: Agar., bell., cupr., ig7i., kali-bi.,

PRESSING Gums together. (See under
phos., tuberc. " TEETH Clenched " and " Biting.")
at root of: Ham.
PRESSURE, Gums, causes crackling, as if air
at tip: Sulph., Ars. had collected in: Daph.
reddened: Ant-t., ars.. Bell, ign., mez., PRICKLING: Anac, cedr., uat-p., psor., spig.,
niix-m., ptel. zinc.

soreness: Arg-n.
Palate: Arg-n., sang.


Tongue: Aeon., apis, ars-h., arum-in., brach., Palate: Ambr., ant-t., coc-c ,
bry., cedr., chrom-ac, dros., eup-pur.,
Jl-ac, glon., hell., kali-bi., hich.,
Tongue: Ant-t., cund., Hep., med., mur-ac,
Sep., variol.
mane, mere, inerl., nat-p., plios., ptel.,
rhodo., sang., secale, thuj., ttsL burning and stinging: Am-c.
menses, during: Cedr. tip: Cund., med., thuj.
tip: Ars-h., cact., crot-t., elaps, eup-pur., under the: Med., nat-c.
PUTRID Gums (see "Scorbutic"): Am-c, cist.,
as of a hundred needles: Aruiu-m., nal-in., nux-v.
carb-ac, nux-v.
under: Lyssin.
RANULA : Ambr., calc, canlh., cham., fl-ac,
hippoz., lac-c, lach., mere, mez., nat-m.,
PROTRUDED, Tong^ue: Absin., acet-ac, aeon., nit-ae, plb., psor., sac-alb., staph., thuj.,
apis, brom., cina, cocc, Crot-h.,
bell., verat.
ferr-m., hydr-ac, /lell., hyos., lack., lye,
gelatinous: Mez., nit-ac, staph.
merc-c, nux-v., oena., op., Phyt., plb.,
secale, stram., strych., sumb., syph., tabac, bluish-red: Thuj.
vip. periodical: Chr-ac, lyssin.

cannot be: Apis, broni., carb-ac, dulc, hyos., RATTLING: Lac-c.

lye, merc-c, nux-v., plb., sabad., vesp.
RECEDING, Gums, from teeth (See "De-
difficulty, with: Colch., hyos., Lach.., lyc. tached.")
can hardly draw it in: Hyos., variol. RETRACTED, Gums, from teeth, (See " De-
catches on the teeth: Apis, Lach., lyc tached.")

oscillating: Hell., lach., lyc. RINGWORM, Tongue, right side: Nat-m.

rapidly, darting forth and back like a snake's: ROUGHNESS: Am-c, berb., bov., calc,
Cupr., Ivach. carb-an., carb-v., caust. ,
cina, cycl., dig.,

sleep, during: "Variol. nat-s., phos., sep.

spasmodically: Cina, cocc. Palate Aug., ant-c,

apis, calc, Card-m., cina,
dros., guare., iris, mag-c, mez., naja, sep.,
PROTRUDING Gums (see " Detached ") : Kreos.,
stram., thuj.
Tongue: Alum., anac, ang., arg-n., bar-c,
PROUD flesh. Gums, surrounding teeth: Alumu. bell., bry., calc, carb-v., case, cocc, coc-c,
PUCKERED sensation Palate Arn. :
coloc, cupr., dulc. graph., grat., kali-bi.,
laur., olnd., par., phos., />/y^., podo., ptel.,
PULSATING Gums: Ambr., am., bell., calc, sars.,sep. sulph.. sul-ac.
daph., mere, phos., puis., sep., staph.,
sulph. morning: Sars., sep.

menses, during: Sep. erection of papillae, from: Croc, cupr..

Palate: Glon., rhus-t.
streaks, in: Calc.
Tongue: Vesp.
edges: Osm.
PURPURA : Crot-h., lach., phos., psor., tereb.
RUBBED, wants Gums: Dol.
Ant-t., ars-s-f , berb., caps., crot-t.,
hep., hydr. SACCULATED Gums : Apis.

Gums : Aur., calc, carb-an., carb-v., nat-s., SALIVA, acid. (See "sour.")
petr., puis.
acrid: Agar., arum-t., asaf., ign., kalni., lac-c,
near diseased molar: Aloe. lact., mere, merc-i-f., nit-ac, verat.


albuminous: Am-caust., calad., strain. during nausea: Sabad., tax.

alkaline: Jab., plb., sin-n. insipid: Bapt., lyc, mur-ac.

aromatic: Coca, night: Thuj.

astringent: Par. iron, tastes like: Cinix.

bitter: Ars., bapt., Chel., coca, kali-bi., jelly, like: Sabad.

kalm., lye, mang ,
phos., stilpli., thnj., ust.
cham., cimx.,
metallic tasting: Bism., cedr.',
bloody: Aeon., am-c, arg-m., aru., ars., bad., cimic, jatr., kali-bi., kali-chl., lyc, mere,
bry., Bufo, calad camph., canth., carb-v.,
phyt., ran-b., thuj., zinc
cic, clem., crot-h., dros., eng., gels., hyos.,
musty: Kali-bi., led.
ind., jatr ,
kali-i., mag-c, mere, merc-c,
nat-m., Ifit-ac, nux-v., op., Phos., rhus-t, ofiFensive: Alumn., ars., atro., bry., caps., dig.,
secale, staph., stram., sulph., thuj., ^^p., dutc, lach., mane, mere, merc-c, petr.,
zinc. plb., valer.

menses, before: Nat-m. morning: Glou., petr.

blood, as if mixed with: Aspar. night: Merc,

bluish: Plb. oily: ^sc, cub.

white: Carb-ac. onions, odor of : Kali-i.

brassy: Kali-chl. pasty. (See "gluey.")

brownish: Bell., bism., plant, reddish: Sabin., sul-ac.

burning: Hipp. ropy: Ferr., iris, lyssin, phyt., sanic.

clammy: Arg-m., bell., berb., camph., cann-s., saltish: Am-c, ang., ant-c, carb-an., colch.,
eug., lobel. elaps, euph., hyos., kali-bi.,
CycL, dig.,

•cold: Chenop-v. kali-i., lac-ac, lyc, mag-m., mere, merc-c,

mez., nat-c, 7iai-m., phos., rhus-t., sep.,
cool: Asar., bor., cist., merc-c, phj-t.
sin-a., stram., sulph., tax., verat., verb.
coppery: Merc, ran-b.
morning: Rhus-t., sulph., sul-ac.
cotton, like: Berb., nux-m., Puis.
scanty: Arn., ars., asaf., asp., berb., calad.,
diminished. (See "scanty.") coca, cycl., hyos., '-^si^o., merc-c, nux-m., op.,
dries on palate and lips, becomes rough: Lyc. petr., plb., spong., tax., thea., verat.

fetid: Ars., dig., iod., mane, Mere, merc-i-f., slimy (see "Taste") : Bell., camph., glon.,
Nit-ac, peir. lach., mere, petr., plb., rhus-t., sars.

flat tasting: Bapi., kali-bi., lyc, rhus-t. soapy (see "frothy" also "Taste"): Berb.,
bry., dulc, mere, phos.
frothy: Aeon., apis, berb., brom., bry., bufo,
cann-i., canth., carb-an., cham., cina, morning: Apis.
cinnb., cocc, crot-h., cupr., dig., eng., sour (see "Taste"): Agar., alum., ang.,
hyos., ign., kali-bi., kreos., lac-c, lyssin, atro., cale, calc-p., carb-s., crot-t., Ign.,
morph., phel., phos-ac, phys., pic-ac, plb.,
kali-bi., kali-chl., lact., laur., lyc,
ran-sc, sabin., spig., stram., sulph.
mane, mere, nat-m., nat-s., par., petr.,
while talking: Nat-c, sabin. phos., phos-ac, podo., secale, sulph,,
tarax., tax., upa., uran.
gluey: Bad., bell., cimic, cinnb., nux-m.
sticky: Apis, ars., arg-m., bapt., berb.,
green: Gins., graph., secale.
cann-i., carb-s., cimic, crot-c, dig., elaps,
hot: Asar., daph., mane, mosch., sabad., kali-bi., lyssin, merl., nat-c, phyt., seneg.,
tax. tax., thea.

) ,

SALIVA. SALIVATION: Acet-ac, aeon., act-sp., aisc,
stringy. (vSee"ropy," "tenacious.") a-'lh., agar., alet ,
all-s., aloe, alumn.|
ambr., ain-c, anac, anag., ang., ant-c.',
suppressed: Bell., cain., cann-.s., merc-c, op ant-t., anthr., aphis, apis, apoc, arg-ni.,
phyU, strain.
arg-n., arn., ars., ars-h., ars-m., arum-ni.,
in teething children: Kali-br. rt;7/;«-/., arund., vlwaI., asar., aspar., aster.,
aur-m., bapt., bar-c, bar-m., bell., bisni.,
swallow, compelled to: Ip.
bor., bov., brovi., bry., bufo, cadni., cain.,
sweet (see ."Taste"): aluni.. aUnun., calad., calc, calc-ph., camph., catith., caps.,
aspar., aur., cant/i., carb-an., Cham., chin., carb-ac, carb-v., card-m., caust., chani.,
cop., cnpr., dig., hyos., kali-i., lobel., chel., chen., chin., chlor., aV., cimic, cina,
nit-ac, pic-ac, p/ios., plb.. Puis., sahad., cinnb., cinnni., clem.,
coc-c, colch., cob.,
Sep., sul-ac, syph., thuj. con., cop., croc, crot-t., CHpr., cycl., daph.,
dig., dros., dulc, eng., euph., eup-pur.,
night: Sulph.
ferr., ferr-i., Jl-ac, ganib., glon., graph.,
tenacious: Asar., bell., cainph., caps., carb-v., grat., hell., helon., hep., hippoz., hydr-ac,
Chel., crot-c, aipr., dale, eugen kali-bi., hyos., ign., lod., ip., iris, jab., jatr.,

lack., lobel., Merc, Merc-C, merl., nit-ac, kali-bi., kali-br., kali-c, kali-chl., kali-i.,
phyt., puis., spig., siravt., sul-ac, tarax., kalm., kreos., lac-ac, lac-c, lach., lachn..
verat. lact., led., lob., lye, lyssin, mag-m., mane,
med., Merc, merc-c. merc-cy., merc-i-r.,
night: Merc. ,

mez., mur-ae, nat-e, nat-m., nat-s., nice,

thick (see "viscid"): Anan., ars., bell.,
Nit-ac, nux-m., Nux-V., oenan., ol-an.,
bism., cain., calad., cann-i., carb-ac, cedr. op., ox-ac, par., peir., phell., phos., phyt.,
cimic, cocc, crot-c, nux-m, op., phyt., plant., plb., podo., polyg., ptel., puis.,
rhus-t., rhus-v., tax. ran-b., ran-sc, rat., rhod., rhus-t., sabad.,
morning: Glon. sang., secale, seneg., sep., sit., sin-n., spig.,
spong., stann., staph., stram., sulph.,
thin (see "watery"): Jatr., lyssin.
sul-ac, tarax., tell., teucr., thea, thuj.,
thready. (See " stringy. '

verat., verb., viol-t., zinc.

tough "tenacious"): Acon.,acet-ac.,agn.,

(see morning: Aur., graph., iod., lac-ac, lye,
am-br., apis, arg-m., ars., bell., camph., mag-c, mag-m., rhus-t., sars., stann.,
carb-v., chel., cinnb., con., cupr., dulc, sulph., verat.

eug., ign., iris, jat., lachu., l3fssin, rued., bed, in: Rhus-t.
mere, phyt., pic-ac, wye.
menses, during. Mag-c.
viscid: Agn., arg-m., anag., anan., apis, bapt.,
waking, ou: Stann.
calc, caps., cann-s., cycl., fl-ac, Kali-bi,,
kali-i., lac-c, lyssin. afternoon: Alum., grat ,• mag-c, mag-m.,
drawing out in strings: Agn.
evening: Bry., ox-ac, sulph.
watery: Asar., aur-m., calc, calc-a., camph.,
carb-an., cob., cycl., dros., jatr., kreos., in bed: Alum., nat-m.
led., lob., lyssin, mag-m,, nat-m., ox-ac,
night: Arg-n., canth., dig., mere, nat-m.,
phos., puis., thea.
nux-v., ptel., puis., rhus-t., ruta, sulph.
white: Ars ,
bell., cann-i., ol-an., ran-l\, lying down agg. : Bell,
sabin., spig.
sleep, runs out during: Bar-c, puis.
bluish: Carb-ac. I a. m. Merc.

of egg, like: Calad. alternating with dry mouth: Calc, carb-v. ,j

yellow: Cycl., gels., lye, lyssin, mane, con., verat.

merc-c, phyt., rhus-t., secale. colic about the navel : Ign.

as from blood : Gels. thirst: Carb-v.

chill, during: Caps. thirst, with: Dulc, nat-m.

colic, with: Rheum. alternating with: Carb-v.

cough: Ambr., avi-ni., cycl., lach., mere. without: Cinnb., mere,

dryness, with sense of: Alum., colch., kali-c, vomiting, causes: Anac.
mag-m., plb., rhodo.
walking, during: Caust., petr.
expectorating frequently: Am-c, cadm.,
gangrenous, Gums Chin., sulph.

graph., lyssin, puis., rhus-t., sabad., spig.

SCORBUTIC Gums (compare "Detached"):
febrile paroxysms, in: Arund., hell., hep.,
All-s., alum., am-c, am-m., anan., ant-t.,
nit-ac, strain., stUph. bov., canth., carb-an.,
Ars., Astac,
headache, with: Am-c, hipp., ign., verat. Carb-v., chin-s., chr-ac, cist., coch., dulc,

hep., Kali-chl., kali-n., Kreos,, lach.,

hungry, when: Sep. nux-m.,
Merc, Mur-ac, nat-m., nit-ac,
lying, while: Ip., ptel. nux-v., phos., phyt., sac-alb., sep., staph.,
meals, after: All-s., cast-eq., caust., mag-c, sulph., sul-ac, tereb.

nat-s., nux-v., sulph. in salt eaters: Coch.

menses, before: Puis. SCRAPING Palate :
Cact., camph., chin., coc-c,
during: Agar., mag-c, mere, nux-v., puis. coloc, dig., dros., fago., hyos., lyssin,
after: Cedr. meph., mez., phos., staph., ran-b.
mental work, during: Nit-ac.
SENSATION, Tongue, loss of: Acon-f., ars.,

mercury, from: Alumn., anan., asaf., bell., colch., hell., meph., mere, merl., rheum,
CMn., ,
dig.,dulc, .^<?/., lod., lach., sul-ac.
nat-m., nit-ac, phyi., sulph. lye, naja, Phyt.,
SENSITIVE: Apis, coc-c, ip.,

nausea, with: Ars., calc, camph., chel., chin., sin-n., sul-ac.

colch., euph., Ip., lach., ?iux-v., puis., sep.,
air, to: Agar.
sulph., verat., zinc.
food and drink unbearable: Sin-n.
and vomiting, with Sulph. :

touch, to: Hep., nat-s.

retching, with: Euph., puis.
Gums. (See "Pain, sore.")
pregnancy, during: Acet-ac, ant-t., coff.,
helon., kali-i., Kreos., lac-ac. Tongue : Carb-v., crot-L, fl-ac, gamb., graph.,
kali-i., mere, merc-c, merc-i-r., nit-ac,
rage, during: Canth.
osm., ox-ac, petr., phyt., Tarax.
shuddering, with: Arg-n., euph.
even to soft food: Nit-ac, osm.
sleep, during: Bar-c, kali-c, lac-c, Mere,
rhus-t. tip: Crot-t., phyt.

smoking, while: Bry., kali-bi., mere, rhus-t., SEPARATION, Gums, of. (See "Detached.")
SHINING Tongue. (See "Smooth.")
sneezing, with: Fl-ac.
SHRIVELLED Gums: Carb-v., mere, par.
stool, before: Fl-ac.
Palate: Bor., cycl.
during: Colch., rheum.
Tongue: Ars., mur-ac. , sul-ac.
after: Mag-m.
stooping, on: Graph., nux-v.
SLIMY Tongue. (See " Mucus " and " Taste")

sudden attacks: Ign. SMOOTH, shining, glazed, glistening, glossy

tongue: Apis, arg-n., ars ,
atro., carb-ae,
talking, while: Graph., lach., iris, nat-c, crot-h., crot-t., cupr-a., eucal., gamb.,^/o«.,
sabin. ip., Kali-bi., kali-br., mur-ac.

SMOOTH, shining, tongue.

SPEECH, difficult.
nat-m., nux-v., phos., pib., rob., secale, viscid saliva, from: Arg-m.
stram., sul-ac, samb., /ered.
weakness, from: Am-c, mane
edges: Bapt.
of organs of speech: Nat-m.
SOFT, Tong-ue: Merc, rhus-t., stram.
of chest: Stann.
sensation as if: Daph.
of throat: Stann.
SOFTENING Gums Arg-m., cupr., iod., Kreos.,

words, can utter single, with great exertion:

Merc, phos., phos-ac, plb., /ered.
Art-v., cocc, stram.
SORLES under left cheek: Carb-ac.
certain: Lach.
SPASMS, Tongue Afg-n., bor., cocc.,con., glou.,

lye, ruta, secale, syph. drawling: Carb-an., tabac.

in reading: Tabac.
SPEECH, broken: Camph.

crying, hoarse like a child: Cupr. feeble. (See "weak.")

high: Lach.
difficult: Aeon., sesc, agar., ani-c, anac,
anan., ant-t., arg-n., ars., aster., aur., bapt., hoarse: Camph., crot-t., cupr.
bar-c, bell., cact., cadm., calc, camph., indistinct: Apis, bar-e, bry., calc, caust.,
cann-s., carb-an., carb-v., caust., cedr.,
cocc, lach., lye, nit-ac, secale, verat.
cench., chel., chin., cic, cimic, cocc,
colch., con., cop., crot-h., crot-t., cupr., morning: Lyc.
cycl., dulc, dig., euphr., gels., glon., dryness in throat, from: Bry., seneg.
graph., hep., hippoz., hyos., kali-br., lac-c,
lisping: Aeon., ars., con., lach., nux-v.
Lach., laur., lye, lyssin, mere, mez.,
morph., mosch., mur-ac, nat-c, nat-m.,
nat-ph., nice, 7iux-m., nux-v.. Op., murmuring, whispering: Stram.
phos., phos-ac, plb., ruta, secale, selen.,
slow: ^th., ars., carb-an., kali-br., Lach.,
seneg., sep., sil., spong., stann., Stram., phos., plb., petr., nat-c, secale, sep., rhus-t.,
sulph., sulph-ac, tabac.
syph., thuj.
chorea, from: Agar., art-v., asaf., bufo,
stammering: Aeon., anan., arg-n., ars.. Bell.,
Caust., cic, cupr., cupr-ac, mag-p.,
bov., bufo, cann-i., cann-s., carb-s., caust.,
morph., mygale, sep., stram., tarent.
cham., cupr., dig., dulc, euphr., hell.,
enlarged tonsils. (See " Tonsils. '

hyos, iod., kali-br., lac-c, lach., mug-c,
mag-ph., Merc., nat-c, Nux-v., op., phos.,
heaviness of tongue: Anac, ars., carb-v.,
plat., plb., secale, selen., sep., spig., Stram.,
nat-c, nice
sulph., verat.
inarticulate sounds: Anac, bell., dulc,
coition, after: Cedr.
dentition, during: Stram.
menses, during: Cedr.
last words of the sentence: I,yc.
names, cannot pronounce: Chin-s.
painful: Am-c.
quick, and: Merc
typhoid: Arg-n., lyc, verat.
spasm in throat, from: Cupr., lyssin.

tongue, from: Agar., arg-n., cupr., lye,

subdued and quick: Tabac.
ruta, secale, stram. swallows his words: Cic, staph.

swelling of tongue, from: Anan., ant-t., thick: ^sc-g., gels., Lach., nat-c, Nux-V.,
bapt., dulc, gels., morph. plat., syph., tuberc, verat-v.

trembling, from: Mere. trembling: Aeon., agar., canth., ign., mere

typhoid, in: Agar., ars., lach. uncertain: Camph.


chel., Tongue (see "Mucus"): Am-m., ars., berb.,
unintelligible: Ars., art-v., asaf., bell..,
bry., carb-v., con., lac-ac, merc-i-f.,
phos-ac, rhus-t.,
fl-ac, hyos., lye, naja,
lSi\i3ys&., phos-ac, puis.,
Stram., thuj., verat., zinc.
Aloe, ars., ars-s-f., arum-t.,
wanting: Alum., ant-t., arg-n., ars., bar-c, STIFF Tongue:
aur-m., berb.. Bell., bor., calc-ph., carb-v.,
bell.,calc, caust., chin., cimic, etc., colch.,
coc-c, colch., con., crot-h., dulc, euphr.,
con., crot-h., cupr., glon., hep., hydr-ac,
fi-ac, hell., hyos., hydr-ac, lach., laur.,
hyos. kali-br. kali-chl. kali-ph. lack laur.
, , , . ,

merl., nat-c, nat-m., nice,


lye, merc-c,
mag-c, mere, mosch., Nit-ac, nux-m.,
nit-ac, nux-m., phys., secale, sep., stram.,
mix-v., cena. ,
olnd., o^.,plb., strain., thuj.,
verat., zinc.

Alum., arund., asar.,

apoplexy, after: Bar-c, crot-h., ip., laur., STOMACACE: ars.,

bapt., bor., calc, canth., caps.,

Nux-V. Astac,
carb-ac, carb-v., chin., chlor., crot-h., dig.,
cannot speak a syllable though she makes
dtdc, ferr., hell., hep., iod., kali-bi.,
the effort: Cimic. mere,
kali-chl., Kali-i., lac-ac, lach.,
exerts himself a long time before he can merc-c, mill., mur-ac, myric, nat-m.,
utter a word: Stram. nit-ac, nux-v., phos-ac, podo., sep., sit.,

fright, after: Hyos. staph., sulph., sul-ac, trill.

paralysis of the organs, from: Anac, cadm., cold, after a: Dulc.

canth., Caust., crot-h., gels., staph.

canth., carb-an.,
soreness of lacerated tongue, from: Hyper. carb-v., caust., lach., mere, mez., nat-s.,

petr. phos. puis. , sit.

spasms in throat, from; Cupr. , ,

Tongue: Canth., carb-ac, lach., mere,

typhus, in: Agar., apis, ars., op., Stront.
uterine displacement: Nit-ac.

violent pain in stomach, with: L,aur.

SWELLING: Aeon., am-c, anthr.. ant-t., bell.,

bism., calad., calc, camph., canth., carb-ac,

weak: camph. , caiith. ,
chin., ign., op., carb-v., caust., cop., dulc, glon., hydr.,
/Aoj. , secale ,
spong., Stann., verat., staph. ign., Kali-chl., lach., lye. Mere, merc-e,
Nit-ac, nux-v., op., par., sep., sil., sul-ac,
from debility of organs of: Am-c, Bell.,
verat., vesp., vip.
canth., nat-m., staph.

whistling voice: Bell. erysipelatous after extraction of teeth: Sil.

whizzing: Bell., caust. sensation of: Am-c, camph., samb.

cheeks, inside of: Am-c, calc, caust.
SPONGY Gums: Alumn., ant-t., ars., bry.,
canth., caps., carb-v., chlol., cupr., dulc, Gums: Agar., all-s., alum., ambr., am-c,
ham., kali-br., kali-chl., Kali-ph., KreOS., am-m., anac, anan. a/>z5, arg-n.,3.r\i., Ars.,

Lach., Merc, Merc-c, myric, plb., rob., arand., aur. bar-c. bell., bism., Bor., brom.,

sang., staph., tereb., zinc. \)ry.',calc., calc-s., camph., caps., canth.,

carb-an., cast., caust., cham.. Chin., cist.,
Tongue: Benz-ac, camph.
cob., cocc, coc-c, con., conval., crot-h.,
STICKS, Tongue, to roof of mouth. (See " Ad- crot-t., daph., dot., ferr., gels., glon.,
heres.") graph., ham., hep., hydr., iod., kali-bi.,
kali-br., kali-c, kali-i., kali-n., kalm.,
STICKY, viscid (see "Saliva" and "Mucus"): lac-c, Lach,, lye, lyssin, mag-e,
Berb., calad., nat-m., rata, squil., verat.
mag-m.. Mere, Merc-c, metc-cy.,
morning: Berb., crot-h., sabad. metc-i-f., merc-i-r., mur-ac, naja.,

eating amel.: Berb. Nat-m., nice, nit-ac, nux-j., nux-v.,

osm., petr., phel.,
phos-ac, Plb., phos.,
feverish feelings: Gels. puis., rhodo., sabad., sabin., sal ae, sars.,
Sep., si/., sin-n., spong., s/afi/t., stront, Palate: Aloe, apis, arg-n., bar-c, bar-m.,
sulpA., sjU-ac, thuj., zinc. bell., calc, carb-an., chin., cimic, coflr.|

ght: Cast., mere. crot-t.,Lach., mere, nat-s., nux-v., par.,

phyt., rumx., seneg., sil., staph.,
between and cheeks: Rhodo. Sulph.,'
sul-ac, zinc.
teeth: Nit-ac.
suppuration, with: Bar-c, mere, nux-v.
bluish-red, spongy, sil., sulph.
between lower incisors,
begins on left and extends to right, bleeds tight, almost painless, size of pigeon's egg
often: Nat-m. Par.

ecchymosed, as if: Con. arch: Bell., berb., canst. ,

chin., cocc.
convulsions, with: Kreos., stann.
velum: Aeon., cclh., bell., calc, carb-v.
decayed toolh, around a: Auag., bar-c,
cimic, coff., mere, Merc-C, spong.
calc-s., sabin.
extraction, after: Sil.
sensation of: Arg-n., arum-t., camph. cyoX. ,

hard, painful, as if in socket of a tooth that glon., ign., nux-v., puis.

has been out for four years: Med.
Tongue: Acet-ac, Aeon., am-m., anac.
headache, with: Cast. anan., ant-t., Apis, arg-n., ars., ar.s-s-f.

arum-m., asaf. aster., atcr., bapt., bell.

incisors, over the upper, with swelling of berb., calad., calc, calc-ph., camph.
upper lip : Lye canth., cast., chin., cic, cimic, coc-c.
inflammation, with: Alumn. C071-, crot-h., dig., dulc, dros., elaps
ferr-m., ferr-ph., fl-ac, glon., guare.
menses, before: Bar-c, kali-c.
hell., hippoz., hydr., iod., kali-a., kali-c
during: Nit-ac. kali-chl., kali-i., lach., lye, lyssin
Merc., merc-c. merc-cy., merc-sul., mez.
painfvil: Agar., bell., bor., bry., calc,
mill., naja, nat-m., oena., op., ox-ac.
carb-an. crot-t., graph., kali-c, kali-chl.,
phos., phos-ac, phyt., plb., podo., puis,
kali-i., lyssin, mag-in. nux-v., par.,petr.,
ptel., secale, sil., stram., tereb., thuj,
phel., ran-sc, rhodo., sabin., sars., sil.,
vesp., verat.
staph., sidph., thuj., zinc.
fills up whole mouth: Arum-m. calad.
chewing, while: Phos., spong. crot-h., kali-chl-

extraction tooth, after: Hyos. one-sided: Calc, bism., sil.

touch, to: Agn., hep., mere, stront. right: Am-benz., mez., thuj.

near to upper canine: Agn. left: Laur. , zinc,

mercury, after: Kali-i.

pale red: Bar-c.
painless: Mez.
warmth amel. : Kali-i.
pains when touched: Con., phos-ac, thuj.
white: Nit-ac, nux-v., sabin., crot-h.
talking: Phos-ac
dirty: Kali-n.
stings of insects, after: Aeon., arn., bell.
side, lower left, with stitches up to left
carb-ac, crot-h., mere, nat-m.
temple: Am-m.
sensation of: Anac, bapt., camph., cimx.
inner: Ambr.
cocc, crot-h., gels., glon., kali-a merl. ,

upper: Dios mur-ac. nux-v. par. petr. puis.

, , ,

right: Aur., bell. centre: Phos.

sensation of: Am-c, puis., chant. small, round swelling: Dros.


SWELLING, tongue. TASTE, bad.

and internally: Ars., bapt. base of tongue, on: Agar.

base, externally
eating, after: Agar., ars. cann-i., cann-s.,
root of: Cimic, cocc, ferr-i., merc-c, phos.
con., ign., lyc
tip: Phos., nai-ni.
meat, after: Puis., zinc.
under: Nal-m. milk, after: Aran.
with stinging pain: Nat-m. water tastes: Arund.,/w., nat-m., sil.

agar., agn., ail.,

TASTE, acid. (See "sonr.") bitter: Aeon., ksc, seth.,

aloe, alum., alumn., am-c, am-m.,

acrid: All-c, alum., anthrok., apoc, asaf.,
anac, anan., ang., ant-c, ant-t., apis, apoc,
brom., cact., calc-s., caps., crot-t.,
lac-ac, laur., lob., aran., arg-n., am., ars., ars-h., ars-s-f.,
hydr-ac, kali-chl.,
asaf., asar., aur., aur-m-u., bapt., bar-c,
mur-ac, osm., rhus-t., verat.
bell.,benz-ac, berb., bor., bov., brom., Bry.,
from roots of teeth: Fl-ac. calc, calc-s., camph., canth.,
bufo, cain.,
saliva tastes: Agar, carb-an., carb-v., carb-s., card., case, caust.,
Cham., Chel., chin., chin-a., chin-s., cinnb.,
acute: Bell., calc, camph., Chin., Coff.,
cinnm., cocc, colch., colliu., Coloc, con.,
kali-bi., lye, lyssin.
C£ir«., croc, crot-t., crot-h., cupr. cupr-ar. ,

Am-c, calc-a., iud., kali-chl., kalm.,

alkaline: cupr-s., cycl., daph., dig., dios., dros., dulc,
niez., zinc-m. elat., elaps, euph., eup-per., eup-pur., ferr.,

almonds, like sweet: Coff., crot-t., dig. ferr-i., glon., gamb., graph., grat., helL,

hep., hipp., hydr., ign., iod., ip., iris, jab.,

after smoking: Dig. lact., led.',-
^a/z-r., kali-i , kalm.. kreos.,
bitter: Laiir. lepL, lob., lyc, mag-c, mag-m., viag-ph.,

aromatic: Glou.
mag-s., mane, Merc, merc-c. ,
merl., mez., mosch., mur-ac, myric, naja,
astringent: Agar., alum., alumn., arg-n., ars., nal-e, nat-m., Nat-s., nice, nit-ac, nux-m.,
bar-c, brom., calc-i., iod., kali-bi., kali-i.,
Nux-V., op., par., petr., phos., phyt., pic-ac,
lach., merc-c, mur-ac, ox-ac. plb. , plb., podo., -polyg., polyp., prun., psor., ptel.,
Puis., ran-b., raph., rheum, rhus-t., sabad.,
bad: Aeon., agar., all-c, all-s., alumn., ang.,
sabin., sal-ac, sars., sep., sil., spang.,
anthr., anthrok., ant-t., ars., asaf., atro..
stann., staph,, stram., Sulphi, tabac,
aur-m., bad., bapt., bar-c, bar-m., bov ,

tarax., tart., verat., viol-o., zinc

brom., bry., calc, camph., caust., cann-s ,

cedr., chel., chin., cimic, cinnb., cob., morning: Am-c, am-m., arn., bar-c, bry.,
coc-c, con., crot-t ,
ferr-i., fl-ac, gels., calc, calc-ph., carb-an., carb-v., Cham.,
graph., ham., hydr., hyper., ign., iod., iris, chin., cinnb., dros., euphr., hep., hyos.,
kali-bi., kali-c, kali-chl., kreos., lac-ac, ip., kali-bi., kali-c. ,
kali-i., kreos., lach.,

led., lye, med., Mere, merc-i-f., rayric, lye, l3'ssin, mag-c. ,

mag-m., mag-s.,
nat-m., nat-ph., Nat-S.jnux-m., Nux-V., op., mere, nat-c, nat-m ,
nice, mix-v., phos..
petr., ^\^o^.,phyt., pic-ac.,podo.,psor Puis., , Puis,, rhus-t., rumx., sars., secale, Sep.,
raph., sabad., sang., selen., seneg., sep., sil., sil., stront., sulph., thuj., zinc

sin-n., squil., stann., Sulph., tabac. tarent.,

on waking: Ambr., ars-s-r., arund., dios.,
thuj., vib.
hclon., kali-i., lyssin., sulph., zinc.
morning: Am-c, arum-d., bry., calc, better after rising: Carb-an.
camph., cann-i., hydr., jac, lye, mag-m.,
med., mere, nat-m., nat-s.,
evenings: Am-e, arn., bry., kreos., lyc,
phos.. Puis., rhus-t., stann.
Puis., sang., Sep., sulph., tabac, zing.

on waking: Guaj., mere, night: Ant-t., lach., Lyc, rhus-t.

merc-i-f., nat-c,
nat-ph., nice, sang., sul-ac. apyrexia, during: Am., polyp.
evening: Bad. beer, after: Puis.

. )

TASTE, bitter.
TASTE, bitter.
bread tastes: Asar., calc-p., camph., chin., milk tastes: Sabin.
chilis., ciua, daph., dig., dros., ferr..
mere, iiierl., nux-v., phos-ac, rhus-t.,
sleep, after: Mane
puis., squil., sulph., thuj. smoking, while: A.sar., case, chin.. Puis.
breakfast, amel. after: Kali-i. after: Anae, ang., cocc, euphr.. Puis.
butter tastes: Chin., puis. relieved after: Aran,
chill, before: Cina. soup: lod.
during: Spong. sugar tastes: Sang,
after: Hep. sweet things taste: Rheum, sang.
dinner, remains after: Bry. plums taste: lod.

chewing, when: Dros., puis. tobacco tastes: Anae, camph., Chin., cocc,
coffee tastes: euph., nat-m., spong.
Chin., mere. ]du1s., sabin.,
spong. water tastes: Ars.

after: Cham., puis. wine tastes: Puis., iod.

drinking, after: Ars., bry., chin., gin., bitterish-sour: Aloe, carb-an.,kali-c., kali-chl.,
petr., ran-b., rhus-t., sabad., sep., sulph.
amel: Bry., psor.
bitterish-sweet: Aspar., chim., kali-i., mag-e,
eating, before: Carb-v., tarax. mag-s., meny.

during: Aeon., ang., ars., asar., bor., bloody: Aeon., alum., am-e, anan., asc-t.,
bry., camph., cham., chin., coloc, ars., bell., berb., benz-ae, bism., bov.,
dig., dros., ferr., hell., hep., ign., canth., carb-v., chel., dol., elaps, ferr.,
kreos., lye, mere, nat-m., nit-ae, hyper., ip., jatr., kali-e, kalm., lil-t., mane,
nux-v., phos-ae. Puis., ran-b., rheum, nat-c, osm., rhus-t., sabin., sil., sulph.,
rhus-t., sabin., sars., stann., staph., thuj., zinc.
sir am., sulph., teucr. , valer.
morning: Sil.
after: Am-e, ang., ars., berb., bry.,
coition, during: Hura.
dros., hell., hep., lye, hiere,
nat-m., nit-ac, kreo.s, phos., Puis., coughing, before: Elaps.
ran-b., stann., staph., sulph., teucr.,
while: Bell., del., elaps, kali-bi., nit-ae,
everything, even saliva: Bor., kreos.
pregnancy, during: Zinc.
except water: Acon., Stann.
sleep, after, agg. : Mane.
food tastes (see " eating "): Camph., chin., burning: All-e, daph., kali-chl., osm.
graph., hep., ign., lach., nat-m., puis.,
after every meal: Daph.
rhus-t., sabin., sars., squil.
burnt. (See " empyreumatic.

intermittents, in: Ant-c, ars., ferr.,


nat-m. carrot tops, like: Nux-v.

only when swallowing: Chin., kreos., chalky: Ign., nux-ni.

rheum cheese, like: ^th., lye, phel., phos., zinc.
after swallowing: Ars., Puis,, sil., sulph.
clammy: Berb., chin-s.. crot-t., gels., grat.

liquids taste: Aeon., ars., chin., ign., puis, nux-m., plant., prun.. Puis., zinc.

meat tastes: Camph., puis, morning: Nice.

menses, at beginning of: Calc-p. during sweat : Gels.


phos., garlic, like: Asaf., calc-a., merl.
clay-like: Aloe, caps., chin., hep., ign.,
Puis., stann. glycerine, like: Spong.

food tastes like: Chin., sil. gummy: Agar., lach.

clover, like: Osm. hazel nuts, like : CoflF.

contracting: Alum, herby: Calad., nux-v ,

phos-ac, puis., sars.,
stann., verat.
coppery. (See " metallic."

her gold plate tastes: Cauth. beer tastes: Nux-v.

delicate: Bar-c, coff. herring pickle, like: Anac.

dough-like: Hep. as after: Agar.

bread tastes: Phos. horseradish, like: Raph.

dry, food tastes: Ars., ferr., ruta, stront. hot, as from throat causing increase of saliva:

rhus-t., thuj.
bread tastes: Ferr., phos-ac,
hot: Glon.
dulness of: Rhod., secale, seneg., spong.
ink, like: Aloe, arg-n., calc, fl-ac.
earthy: Aloe, cann-s., china, ferr., hep., ip.,
iron, like: Aloe, calc.
nux-m., phos., puis., stront., tell.
eggs, like rotten: Aeon., ant-t., Am., ferr ,
saliva tastes like : Cimx.
goss., hep., kali-bi.. Mere, Mur-ac, sil., insipid: Aeon., agar., ail., alum., ambr.,
thuj. ammc, Anac, ang., anan., ant-c, ant-t.,

morning: Aeon., am-c, ant-t., Am., goss.. ars., arund., asaf., asar., aspar. aur.,
aur-m., bapt., bell., benz-ac, bor., bry.,
Graph.., hep., phos., phos-ac, sil., thuj.
cain., calad., calc, calc-a., calc-ph., caps.,
better after breakfast: Goss.
chel., chin., cob., cocc, colch., corn., cor-r.,
cough, -with: Sep. crot-t, cycl., dig., dios., dulc, eup-per.,
euph., euphr.,/(?m, ferr-i., ferr-m., gnaph.,
empyreumatic, burnt: Bry., calad., chin-s.,
guaj., ham., hydr., hyper., ign., ip., iris,
cycl ,
kali-chl., nux-v., phos-ac, Puis.,
jac-c, kali-c, kali-s., kalm., kreos., laur.,
ran-b., sars., sal-ac, squil., sulph.
lyc, lyssin, mag-m.,mang., Mere,
during meals: Squil. merc-sul., nat-c, nux-m., olnd.,

after dry food: Ran-b. ol-an., par., petr., phos., phos-ac, psor.,
Puis., ran-b., rat., rheum, rhus-t., ruta,
fatty, greasy (see "rancid":) ^sc, agar.,
sabin., sanic, stann., staph., sul-ac, sulph.,
alum., asaf, cain., catist., cham., cycl.,
tabac, thuj., verb., valer., verat., vine,
euph., glon., ip., kali-i., lyc mang.,
mur-ac, ol-an., petr., phos., psor., puis.,
rhus-t., sabin., sang., sil., thuj., valer., morning: Puis., rat., sanic, Sulph., valer.,
verat. verb.

fishy: Aeon., astac. evening: Thuj.

flabby: Anthr., aur., calc-s. beer tastes: Ars. anac, nux-v.

flat. (See "insipid.") after: Chin.

flour, like, in morning: Nice, lach. food tastes: Am-c, anac, arund., calc,
chin., colch., cycl., ferr., ferr-m., jac-c,
especially bread : Zing,
olnd., ruta, stram., vine
food, of: Agar., am-c, Anac, benz-ac, tell.
meals, after; Thuj.
eaten several hours before, of: Am-br.
soup tastes, although it is salted as usual:
foul. (See " putrid.") Card-m., cocc, lyssin, thuj.


TASTE, insipid.
TASTE, nauseous.
water, after drinking: Ail., benz-ac,
variol. stool, during: Crol-t.
lead, like: Calc.
sweet, with painless nmshy stools: Agar,
linen, old, food tastes like: Colch.
nuts, like: Coff., phyt., spong.
loss of. (See " wanlin.tc.")
offensive: Agar., am-c, Anac, asar., bar-c,
loamy: Cliin-s. bell., canth., ehani., cocc, coc-c, coloc,
cyl., ferr-i., form., hydr-ac
manure, like: Calc, carb-an., mere, plb., scp.,
puis., sep!,

spig.. Stann., valer.


mealy: Nice. after breakfast; Agar.

food and drink: Coloc.

metallic: ^sc, £eth., agn., aloe, alum., am-c,
an/-)/., ars., asp., aur., aur-m., bism., milk, after: Aran.
cadm., calc, calc-a., cann-i., canlh., tobacco tastes: Camph.
carb-ac, carb-s., card-m., chel chin-a.,

chrom-ac, cimic, cimx., cinnb.,

oily. (See " greasy.")
coc-c, coch., coloc, conval. cupt-., cupr-ar., onions, like: ^th., meph.
cupr-s., ferr-i., ham., hep., indg., iodf.,
pap: y (see "insipid "): Am-m., astac, atro.,
jatr., kali-bi., kali-chl., kali-n., lac-ac,
bell., bruc, calc, carb-s., chel., cocc, dios.,
lack., lye, med., meph., Merc, merc-c,
eup-pur., graph., kali-s., laur., mag-m.,
merc-i-r., merc-sul., naja, nat-c, nat-m.,
nux-m., petr., puis., raph., sanic.
nat-p., nux-v., phyt., plb., polyp., puis.,
ran-b., Rhus-t., sars., seneg., j^/., sulph., pasty : Bry. cycL, mere, raph., sulph..
tell., zinc. verat.

food tastes: Am-c. tobacco tastes: Staph.

dinner, before: Chrom-ac, peach kernels, like: Aug.

pregnancy, during: Zinc. peas, like raw: Zinc.

stool, before: Kali-bi. peppermint, like: Ferr-i., verat.

milky: Aur. peppery: Daph., hydr., xanth.

milk, like burnt: Tabac. pitch, like: Cadm. canth.


mint, like: Veral. plums, like wild: Cain.

mouldy: Kali-bi., led., lyc. pungent: Chim., corn-c, cupr-ac, hydr.

puis., verat.
after hawking up mucus: Teucr.
purulent: Dros., mere, nat-c, puis.
throat, in: Bor.
putrid: Aeon., agar., am-c, ang., Anac.
nauseous: Aeon., agar., all-c, anthrok., aran.,
ant-t., am., ars., asc-t., aur., bapt., bar-m.
bapt., bism., bov. ,
bry., carb-an., cocc,
bell bov., bry., calc, calc-p.. Caps., carb-s.
coc-c, gnaph., ip., lach. ,
lyc, myric, polyp..
Carb-V,, causL, chain., cinnb., cocc, con.
Puis., rheum, sabad., secale, selen., sulph.,
cupr., C3^cl., dros euph., ferr., gels. ,glon.
thuj., verb., zinc.
graph ,
hep., hydr-ac ,
hyos., ign., iod., iris
morning: Bry., Puis. kali-bi., kali-c, lac-ac , /ac-c, laur., mere.
merc-c, mosch., inuf-ac, nai-m., Uux-V.,
compels hawking of tough mucus which he
petr., phos., phos-ac, plant., /oo'o., Psor.,
swallows: Aeon,
Puis., rhod., rhus-t., Sep., s\\., s^\^., stict
eating, after agg. : Psor.
sulph., sul-ac, valer., verat., zinc.
food and meat taste: Chin-s., olnd., squil.
morning: Ars., chin., iod., merc-c, nux-v.,
and flat, in evening: Olnd. rhus-t., sulph.

smoking tobacco from: Puis. night: Cham.


TASTE, putrid. TASTE, salt.

beer tastes: Ign. food only tastes natural: Lac-c.

after drinking: Euphr. saw-dust, food tastes like: Cor-r., nux-m.

coition, after: Dig. slimy: Abrot, aeon., am., ars-h., bell.,

carb-an., chain., chel., chim., chin., dig.,

cough, with: Caps.
hell., hep., kali-c, laur., lye. Mere,
eating, while: Bell, merc-c, merc-i-r., nat-c, iial-s., nux-m.,
epileptic fit, before: Syph. nux-v., pall., ^zx.,pelr., phel., phos., plat.,
prun.. Puis., rheum, rhus-t., sabin., sang.,
food tastes: Anac, bar-m., ign., mosch.,
sars., seueg., sep., sil., tabac, ust., zing.
morning: Lyc, merc-i-r., seneg., valer.,
drinking, when: Bell.
hawking often Nux-V. :
valer., zinc.
on waking: Merc-i-r.,
intermittent fever, in: Am., ars.,puls.
beer tastes: Asaf.
meals, after: Rhus-t. drinking, after: Chin,
meat tastes: Puis. smoky: Phos-ac.
menses, during: Kali-c. bread tastes: Benz-ac, nux-v.

mucous coating on tongue tastes: Arum-d. soapy: Cact., calc-s., dulc, iod., sil., merl.
water, after drinking: Benz-ac.
mouthful, after the first: Rhus-t.
sour: Abrot, acet-ac, aloe, alumn., am-c,
water tastes: Aur., nat-m. am-m., ant-c, ant-t., Arg-n., ars., asar.,
?.ur., bar-c.,, bell., berb., bism., brom.,
pharynx, low down in when hawking up calc, calc-a., calc-s., canth., caps-, carb-s.,
mucus: Nux-v. carb-an., caust., chain., chin., chel., cocc,
rancid: Agar., ambr., asaf., chain., euph., ip., con., croc, crot-h., crot-t., cupr., daph.,
kali-i., lach., miir-ac, petr., valer. graph., hep., Ign., iod., jac-c, kali-bi.,
kali-c, kali-chl., kali-n., kalm., lach., Lyc,
when swallowing: Ip.
mag-c, mag-in. mang., ,
mere, merl.,
after food or drink: Kali-i. mur-ac, nat-c, nat-m., nai-ph., nit-ac.,,
spoiled game: Aur. nux-m., Nux-v,, ol-an., op., ox-ac, pall.,
petr.,. Phos., phos-ac, pic-ac, -p^diO., puis.,
saltish: Agar., alumn., am-c, ant-c, ant-t.,
rheum, rhodo., rhus-t., sars., sep., sil.,
ars., bell., benz-ac, brom., bry., calc,
stann., sulph., tabac, tarax., verat.
carb-v., carls., chin., coff., croc, cupr.,
cycl., elaps, fl-ac, graph., hydr., hyos., iod., morning: Am-m., berb., lyc, mang.,
kali-bi., kali-br., kali-chl., lach., lye, Nux-v., ol-an., -ptQl., puis., Sep., sulplt.

mag-m.. Mere, Merc-c, nat-c, Nat-m., after breakfast: Sars.

nit-ac, nux-m., nux-v., a^., phos., phos-ac,
puis., rhetim, rhod., rhus-t., rhus-v., Sep.,
beer tastes: Merc, puis.
spig., sulph., larax., ther., verat., zinc. bread tastes: Ang., bell., cham., chin., cocc,

food tastes: merl., nit-ac, nux-v., puis., staph.

Ars., bell., benz-ac, cadm.,
carb-v., chin., Cycl., puis., sep., sulph.,
larax. broth tastes: Caps,

water tastes: Brom., mere, nit-ac.

butter tastes: Puis., tarax.

saltish sour: Cupr., lach. coffee tastes: Chin., vacc.

saltish sweet: Croc, phos. constipation, with: I,yc.

saltenough, food does not taste: Ars., calc, coughing, when: Cocc.
canth., card-ra., cocc, lyssin, thuj. drinking, after: Berb., Nux-V.. phos., sulph.

TASTE, sour.
TASTE, sweetish.
eating, before: Bar-c, nai-m.
evening and after meals: Thuj.
after: Berb., carb-v., chlor., cocc, graph, bread tastes: Merc,
lye, nat-m., mix-v., phos., puis., sabin.
secale, sep., sil. beer tastes: Cor-r., mur-ac, puis.

food tastes: Am-c, broth tastes: Indg.

ars., calc, caps., chiu.,
jac-c, lye, nux-v., podo., puis., tabac, butter tastes: Puis., ran-b., sang,
coughing, after: Astac, chiu-a.
gout, during: Calc.
eating, while, bitter after: Phos.
intermittent fever, in: Cocc.
after: Thui.
liquids taste: Chin.
food tastes: Mur-ac, puis., squil., thuj.
meat tastes: Caps., puis., tarax.
gonorrhoea, during: Thuj.
milk tastes: Nux-v.
intermittent fever, in: Ferr., lyc.
after: Am-c, ambr., carb-v., calad., lye,
meat tastes: Puis., squil.
p/ios., rhus-t., sulph.
milk tastes: Puis.
pregnancy, during: Lac-ac, mag-c, ox-ac.
smoking, when: Agar.
tobacco: Staph,
after: Selen.
sour-bitter: Asar., kali-chl., samb., sep.
soup tastes: Squil.
sour-sweet: Croc.
sweets taste too sweet: Ars-h.
stale: Bry., chin., petr., puis., staph., thuj.
tobacco tastes: Selen.
sticky after-taste: Ars-h., Ptlls., psor.
water tastes, after drinking: liyc., phel.
straw, like: Chin., cor-r., kali-i., kreos ,
rhodo., strani. sulph.
sweetish-bitter: Arg-u., crot-t., Aspar., chim.
dishes made of flour: Cor-r.
tobacco tastes: Daph.
when smoking: Agar.
sulphur, like: Cocc, nux-v., ham.
sweetish-sour: Bism., crot-t., kali-i. mag-s.
sulphuric-acid, like: Plb. meny.

sweetish: Aeon., aesc, seth., agar., all-c, sweet-salt: Daph.

alum., alunin., am-c, anan., arg-m., ars., tallow, like: Valer.
arund., asar., aspar., astac, aur., bell.,
tar, like: Con.
bism., bry., calc, calc-ph., carb-s., chin.,
chlof., coc-c, coff., croc, cupr., cupr-s., tastelessness. (See " wanting.")
dig., dios., Dulc, ferr., glon., gnaph.,
unsalted, food tastes. (See " salt.")
hydr-ac, iod. ip., kali-bi., kali-c, kali-i.,

lach., laur., lye, mag-c, Mere, inur-ac, urine, like: Seneg.

nat-c, nit-ac, nuph., nux-v., op., osm., smell of: Calc.

phel., phos., plat., plb., Puis., ran-b.,
viscous: Calad., plat.
rhus-t-, sabad., sars., squil., seneg., sep ,

spong., stann., Sulph., sul-ac, sumb., thuj., wanting, loss of taste: Mth.., all-c, alum.,
. zinc. am-m., aiiac, ant-c, ant-L, ars , aur.

morning: J2th., alum ars., bufo, nit-ac, aur-m., bell., bor., bry., cact., calc, calc-»

ran-sc, sulph. cann-s., canth., cocc, coflf., crot-h., cyrU

dros., hep., hyos., ip., kali-bi., kali-br.
on waking: .<5Bth., cupr-s., kali-c. sulph.
kali-s., kreos., lyc, mag-c, mag-m., nierl.

after breakfast: Agar., sulph. mere, nat-m., uat-s., nnx-m., uux-i'., op.


TASTE, wanting. TREMBLING, tongue.

ox-ac , Phos., plant., podo., psor.,

par., when protruding it: Apis, bell., gels., hell.,

ptel., Puis., rheum, rhodo., sabad., sang., ign., Lach., mere, plb., stram.

secale, Sep., Sil., stram., sulph., sul-ac,

syph., veraL, (her., thuj.
TUBERCLE, Gum, painful: Phos-ac, Plb.

Tongue: Graph., lyc, mang.

morning: Coca, kali-c, nal-s.

wanting, tastelessness of food: Alum., ant-t., TUMORS: Benz-ac, calc, lyc, nit-ac.

apis, arg-n., ars., aster., aur., aur-m., bell., malignant: Calc.

bor. bry., cact.
, ,
calc, camph ,
colch., cor-r.,
painless: Calc, nit-ac.
cyci., dros., eup-per. ,
ferr-m., Hell., ign.,
kali-bi., kali-i., mere, Nat-m., nux-v., small: L/yc.
plant., ptel.. Puis., rhod., ruta, sal-ac,
spongy: Calc.
sars., seneg. ,
sil., squil., staph., stict.
stram verat., viol-t.
ulcerated: Benz-ac

beer: Puis. left side behind last molar: Benz-ac.

butter: Puis. right lip, inner side: Calc.

coffee: Nux v. Gums, inflamed: Canth.

meat: Alum., nux-v., puis. painless, movable, lower Gum : Nat-s.

milk: Nux-v., puis. size of a walnut: Nit-ac ,


salt: Calc, canth. in place of two bicuspids: Sil.

things which formerly had strong taste Palate, hard: Canth., hydr.
Aeon. Tongue, rounded elevation in centre size of
tobacco: Ant-t., anac, chin., puis, pea, sensitive to touch, with drawing sen-
sation as if a string were pulling centre of
watery: Calc, caps., chin., staph.
tongue toward hyoid bone: Castor.
food tastes: Cupr.
wine, like: Seneg. TWITCHING Tongue : Glon.

water tastes like: Tabac. ULCERS: Agn., alum., anac, anau., arum-t.,
wood-like: Ars., chin. Ars., bapt., bor., calc, canth., carb-an.,
canst., chlor., cic, corn-c, cupr-s., dulc,
food tastes: Ruta.
fl-ac, gamb., gran., graph., hep., hell.,
THICK, Tongue, sensation: Bapi., bell., camph., hippoz., lod., iris, jatr., kali-bi., kali-chl.,
gels., hyos., lach., laur., lyc, merl., mur-ac.,
Kali-i., mere, rnerc-c, merc-cy., mez
op. phyt. plat., rhus-t. stram. syph. ,
, , ,
Mur-ac, nat-c, nat-m., Nit-ac. ,

TINGLING, Gums: Arn. nux-v., ox-ac, petr., phyt., pic-ac,

plb., rumx., sanic, sin-n., staph.,
Tongue: Aeon., agar., cact., carb-ac,
sulph-ac, tabac, tereb., thuj., zinc.
elaps, fl-ac, kali-n., mere, nat-ni.,
plat., puis., secale, spig., verat. base black: Mur-ac.
as if gone to sleep: Bor., nux-m. lardaceous: Ant-t hep., Merc, Nit-ac,
tip: Dulc, phys. phos., syph.

ascending from throat milky: Kali-i.

to: Nat-m.
TREMBLING, Tongue: Absin.,
spongy: Ars.
agar., apis
arn., ars., 6^//., bry., Camph., canth., swollen: Hell,
carb-ac, Clinic, crot-h., cupr., cupr-ar biting: Nat-m.
gels., hell., hyos.,
Lach., /yc.Merc'
mur-ac, cena., op., phos., plumb., bleeding: Merc.,, sul-ac.
secale, sil., stram., tabac,
tarax.,v\'^. bluish: Ars., aur., mtcr-ac

burning: Ahuii., ins., caps., carb-v., canst., syphilitic: Aur., aur-m., Jl-ac, Hep., Iiydr.,
chin., cic, kali-i., mere, nal-c, nat-ni., Kali-bi., Kali-i., hu/i., merc-i-r., p/iyt.,
phos-ac, siii-H. Syph.

deep: Carb-v., ganib., nierc-d. while: Cic, snl-ac.

dirty looking: Nit-ac, filb. as if coated with milk: Kali-i.

edges elevated: Hell. left lower lip, inside: Ars-in.

gray: Hell. yellow: Aloe, calc, hell., plb., sul-ac, zinc.

hard: Kali-hi., phos. orifice of salivary glands, at: Aeon., bell.,

irregular: Ars., Kali-i., mere,
extending from throat to roof of Ars. :

jagged: Ars., mere,

Gums: Agn., alum., aloe, anan., ars, aur.,
fetid: BapL, nux v., nit-ac., plb., mere.
aur-m., berb., calc, caps., carb-v., canst.,

flat: Gr/i., «(?/-("., nat-m., mere, mez., sul-ac. corn-c, cupr., hep., liippoz., iod., kali-bi.,
kali-chl., kali-i., Kreos., lac-c, lack., lye,
forming rapidly : Bor.
HL&rG., merc-c, mill., mur-ac, Nat-m., nice,
gangrenous: Ars., bapt., bor., /(7rA.,syph. nux-v., ox-ac, Phos., /AoJ-flt"., phyt., Psor.,
sang., Sep., sil., stann., sul-ac, staph., zinc.
grayish: Carb-v., hell., merc-c.
base lardaceous: Hep.
herpetic: Ars-s-f.
discharging blood which tastes salt: Alum.
itching: Chin. ,

exuding blood on pressure: Bov.

malignant: Ars.
sensation of at root of tooth: .Am-c.
mercurial: Bor., hep., iod., kali-i., nit-ac.
scorbutic: Acet-ac, mur-ac.
painful: Ars.,fl-ac., kali-bi., mere, mur-ac,
sloughing: Merc-c, merc-p-r., op., staph.
nat-m., Nit-ac, petr.
yellowish: Hell., sulph.
biting teeth together, when: Petr.
Palate: .Am-c ,
apis, Aur., cinnb., dulc,
food, to: Nat-m. kali-bi., lack., lye. Mere, nit-ac, uux-v.,

liquids, to: Nat-m. phos., phos-ac, phyt., sang., sauic, sil.

sore, smarting: Ars-m. bov., nat-a.

edges hard: Kali-bi.

splinter, like: Nit-ac. perforating: Kali-bi., sil.

stinging stitches: Nit-ac. punched out, looking: Kali-bi.

touch, to: Cic, natc, nat-m. sloughing: Kali-bi., lack., merc-c, nit-ac,
phos., syph.
painless: Bapt, hell., phos.
syphilitic: Aur-m., kali-i., syph.
lower lip, inner surface: Phos.
on velum: Dros., kali-i., mere, merc-cy.,
after suppressed brown herpetic eruption on nit-ac, phos-ae, syph.
face: Phos.
Tongue: Agar., aloe, ant-t., apis, ars., ars-h
perforating: Kali-chl. bov
arum-t., aur., aur-m., Bapt., bar-e,
phagadenic: Ars., ars-s-f., caps., merc-c, benz-ac, caps., calc, chin., chlol., cic

Nit-ac. cinnb., clem., corn., dig., dros., fl-ac.

graph., hyAr., kali-bi., kali-chl.,

, Kali-i
purple: Plb.
lack., lye, merl., Merc, merc-i-r., mur-ac
small: Alum., caps., chlor., mere, zinc,
nat-m., nit-ac, op., plb., phyL, Psor., sil

sin-n., staph., sulph., tarent., vera

spreading: Alum., lack., mere, merc-p-r.

bleeding: Me.rc.
painful: Anac, apis, berb., caust., kali-c,
blue: .-Irs., mur-ac.
raw: Apis, lyc.
indurated: Merc, merc-i-r., thuj.
scalded: Apis, lyc.
painful: Agar., bov., ca/c.
sore, smarting: Arg-m., sulph.
to touch: Bov., cic, thuj.
stinging, stitches: Apis, cham., hell.,
phagedenic: Agar., beuz-ac, caps., fl-ac,
kali-chl.. spong.

Fl-ac, kali-bi., kali-i.. Mere, touched by food or liquid, when : Nat-m.

Nit-ac, phyl. suppurating: Phos.

yellow: Aloe, cupr-ac. ,

hell., plb. ulcers, soon becoming: Carb-an ., Q\em. , mere.

centre: Cupr-s. whitish: Berb., canth., phos.

edges: Agar., ars., calc, caust., cic, yellow: Agar., cycl., zinc.
cupr-ac, lack., mere, merc-cy., kali-bi.,
Gums: Bell., canth., iod., kali-c, mag-c,
kali-chl., Nit-ac, thuj.
mere, mez., nat-s., rlius-v. ,
daph., petr.,
right side: Bov., cinnb., sil.
Sep., Sil., zing.
frsenum: Agar., kali-c, naja, sep.
bleeding from least contact: Mag-c.
tip: Cinnb., cupr-ac, dros., lyc mere, plb.
burning: Mez.
under: Fl-ac, graph., Lyc, plb., Sanic.
Tongue: Aeon., aw^-c, am-m., ant-c. Apis,
VARICOSE, veins. Tongue!: Dig.., fl-ac, ham., aig-m., Ars., bar-c, bell., berb., brom.,
puis., thuj. bor., hry., canth., caps., carban.,
cham., chen., chim., chin.,
carb-v., caust.,
VARNISHEL, Tongue looks as if (see
cupr., daph., graph., ham., hell., indg.,
" Smooth " ): Apis.
kali-c, kali-chl., kali-i., lach., lac-ac, Lyc,
VELVET, sensation as if covered with: Coc-c, mag-c. mag-m., mauc, mang., med.,
dig., nux-m. merl., mere, mur-ac, nat-a., nat-c,
Nat-m,, nat-s., Nit-ac, nux-v., phell.,
VESICLES: Agar., ambr., am-c, am-m., atiac
phos., ph3rt., puis., rhodo Rhus-t., rhus-v.,

ant-t., Ars., aur., bar-c, calc, canih., caps. sal-ac, sarr. Sep., spig., spong., squil.,

carb-an., cham., chel., chim., cinnb., crot-t.

staph., stram., thuj., verat., vip., zinc,
cupr. gamb., hell., kali-c, mag-c, mane.
mere, mez., iiat-c, iiat-m., nat-s., nux-v.
oena., ox-ac, phos., rhod., rhus-t., spig. bleeding from slightest touch: Mag-c.
spong., staph., sulph., sial-ac. tereb., thuj.
burning: Aeon., am-c, Apis, arg-m., ars,
blood vesicles: Led., secale. bry., calc, caps., carb-an ., A&^h., graph.,

gangrenous: Secale.
kali-chl., Lyc, mag-c, mang., mez.,
mur-ac, nit-ac, sep., Spig., spong.,
biting: Nat-m., rhod. sulph., sul-ac, thuj.
burning: Ambr., ani-c, am-m., apis, arg-ui., like fire, right side : Phel.
bar-c, bry., caps., carb-an., cycl., gamb.,
painful: Ars., canth., Caust., graph., kali-c,
kali-c, kali-chl., Kali-i., kali-n., mag-c,
mang., merl., mez., mur-ac, nat-m., mag-c, sal-ac, zinc
phel., psor., seneg., spong., sulph. scalded, as if : Lyc
cold things in mouth amel.: Nat-s. raw: Lyc.
cutting: Mag-s. red: Bor.

menses, before: Mag-c. stinging: Cham., kali-chl.

VESICLES, tongue.
WARM, feels. (See " Heat.")
suppurating: Mag-c.
WARTS: Phos-ac
ulcers, becoming: Calc, clem lack. Tongue: Aur., aur-m-n., lye,
mang ,
edges: Am-c, calc, carb-an., niang., WART-LIKE excrescences. Palate: Arg-n.
merc-cy., sep spong., sulph.

WATERY-LOOK Gums Apis. :

which become ulcers: Calc.

frEenum: Plb.
WITHERED Tongue: Verat.
WOOD, sensation as if Tongue made of: Apis
tip : Am-c, am-m., aphis, apis, bar-c, bell., ars., hyos.
berb., calc-p., Caust., cycl.. Graph.,
hydr., indg., kali-i.,
WORM, sensation as if a worm were crawling at
kali-n., lack., Lye, root of tooth: Kali-i.
Nat-m., nat-ph., puis., sal-ac.

sensation as if: Bell., sin-n.

WRINKLED Palate : Bor., phos.

under the: Am-c, bar-c, bell, Tongue : Calc-ph., nat-a., phos., sul-ac.
ham., lack., rhodo., rhus-v. morning: Calc-ph.


ADHERE together: Arg-m., psor., zinc-ox. CHATTERING: Bar-ac, calc.ip., kali-p., phos.

AIR, sensation as from cold air blowing on : Coc-c. with inward trembling: Ant-t.

if forced into them: Ambr., coccin. CLINCH together, constant inclination to: Aeon.,

anan., bufo, camph., cann-i., caust., cob.,


BETWEEN, sensation of tenacious body: Cor-r.

cocc, hyos., iod., laur., lye, merc-i-f.,
BITE, together, desire to. (See " Clinch.") nux-v., Phyt., podo.

afraid to, for fear they would fall out: Nit-ac. CLINCHED firmly: Alum., bell., camph., cic,
hyos., podo., stram.
cannot, at night: Chim.

sudden, involuntary: Apis. COATED. (See " Mucus" and "Sordes.")

sends a shock through head, ears and nose: COLDNESS :
Aeon., alum., alumn., anag., anan.,
Am-c. aran., asar., astac, carb-v., cocc, coccin.,
wants to, on something hard which relieves cop., dros., gamb., grat., kali-chl.,mez.,
pains, dentition: Phyt. nit-ac, ol-an., par., petr., phos-ac, rat.,
rheum, sep., spig.
BITES tumbler when drinking: Ars.
CRACKING when rubbing: Selen.
BREAKING off: Euph., lach., plb., sulph-ac.
CRUMBLING: Anan., calc, calc-Jl., calc-p.,
CARIES, decayed, hollow: Abrot., aeon., aloe, &\xph.,Jl-ac, med., plb., staph., thuj., sul-ac.
alum., ambr., am-c, anac, anan., ang.,
Ant-C, ars., asar., aur., bar-c. Bell., Bor., CRUSTS, black. (See "Mucus.")
bov., bry., calc, calc-s., carb-an., carb-s.,
carb-v., caust, cham., chin., clem., cocc,
CUPPED in children: Syph.

co£f., con., euph., fl-ac, graph., glon., hep., DARK spots. (See "Discoloration.")
hyos., ip. kali-bi., kali-c, kali-i., kali-n.,
DECAYED. (See " Caries.")
kreos., mag-c, mag-m., med.,
lach., lye,
mang., meph., Mere, Mez., Nat-C, nat-m., DENTITION difficult: Calc, Cham., cic, cupr.,
nat-s., nit-ac, nux-v., ox-ac, par., petr.,
hyos., ign., kreos., phyt., podo., rheum,
phos., phos-ac, plat., Plb., puis., rheum, secale, sep., sil., stann.
rhodo., rhus-t., ruta, sabin., sabad., sang., slow: Calc, calc-p., mag-c, mag-m., sil.
selen., Sep., sil., spig.. Staph., sulph.,
sul-ac, tabac, tarax., thuj., verat., zinc. DIRTY look: ^ll-c, aur-m-n., caps.

appear, as soon as they: Kreos., staph. DISCOLORED, black: Arg-n., Chin., chlor.,
con., ign., kreos., merl.. Mere, nit-ac,
gums, at edge of: Syph., thuj. phos., plb., puis., Sep., squil., Staph., syph.,
internal: Selen. thuj.

premature in children: Calc, after aching: Sep.

calc-fl., calc-ph.,
cofr.,7?-a<:.,Kre(Ts., Staph, in streaks: Staph,
prevented: Coca.
brown, sooty: Chlor.
rapid: Ars., bar-c, calc, calc-p., carb-v.,
'¥1-2^.0., dark: Chin., Fl-ac, sabin.
med., mez., phos., plant Sep.

spots: Kreos
at root: Am-c, mez., thuj.
gray: Mere, phos., plb.
roots, at: Am-c, mez., Thuj.
yellow: All-c, ars., asc-t., iod., lyc, med.,
sensation of: Asar.
mere, nit-ac, phos-ac, plb., thuj.

" )

DULL, feel (see " Edge "): Ani-c, ars., asaf., aur., GRINDING.
berb., broiii., caps., caust., dapli., dulc,
colch., fl-ac, iod.,
morning .soon as awake: Ant-c, conval.
kali-chl., Lach., Hth.,
Mez., nal-m., phos., phos-ac, sep., spong., chill, as in a ( see " Chewing"): Cak.
sul-ac, tarax.
. convulsive: Ars., bell., caust., coff., ferr.,
as if covered with lime: Niix-m. lye, phos., zinc.
left side: Cor-r. epilepsy: Bu/o, Hyos., sulph., tarent.
with sour vomiting: Sacch. menses, toward close of: Verat.
DWARFED : Syph. sitting, while: Ant-c, ars.

EDGE, feel as if on (see " Dull"): Aeon., bell.,

.sleep, during: Aeon., agar., anl-e, Ars.,
caiu., chin., cop., cor-r., ferr-m., lyssin,
asaf.. Bell., caust., Cina, coff.,
ox-ac, ran-s., sep., sil., stront, sulph., colch., con., crol-h., hell., hyos ign., ,

sul-ac, (ara.r., zinc.

kali-br., kali-e, lac-d., mere, mygal.,
menses, during: Merc. nat-ph., plant., plb., podo., sant., sep.,
stram., thuj., tuberc, verat.
EDGES feel sharp and hurt gums: Aloe.
(vSee under " Pain.")
ELONGATION of: Am-c, arg-n., arn., ars., calc, HEAT.
caust., cocc, crot-li., mur-ac, nat-ni., sulph., HEAVINESS: Cocc, sabin., sep.
HOLLOW. (See under "Caries.")
sensation of: Agar., all-c, alum., am-c,
Ant-C, arn., ars., aur., bell., berb., bor., INCRUSTATIONS: Plumb.
bry., calc, caniph., calad., caps., carb-an.,
carb-v., caul., cham., chin-s.,
INFLAMED dentine: Mere.
chrom-ac, cinnb clem., cocc, colch., daph..,
, IRREGULAR formation of lower teeth in a scrof-
gamb.,^/o«., gran., hell., hep., hyos., iod., ulous child with mesenteric disease: Phos.
kali-i., kreos,, Lach.., lachu., laur., lye,
mag-c, mag-m., mere, merc-c, merc-i-f.,
ITCHING in: Anac, cham., clem., kali-c,
kali-n., mur-ac, puis., spong.
Mez., nat-m., nat-s., nice, nit-ac, nux-m.,
mix-v., pall., petr., phyt., plant., ptel., rat., open air agg. : Anac.
rhiis-t., sanic, sep., sil., spig., spong.,
supper, after: Kali-c.
stann., sulph., vip., zinc.
LONG, feel too. (See " Elongatiou."
incisors: Agar., bell., gamb., mag-m., pall.,
LOOSENESS of: Alumn., am-e, arn., ars.

air, open, agg. : Alum., cob. aur-m., aur-m-n., bar-c, bar-m., bufo, bry.,
calc, camph., carb-an., Carb-V., caust.,
chewing, when: Alum., brom. hyos.
cham., chel., chin., cocc, con., crot-h.
decayed teeth: Hep.,plb. dros., elaps, gels., gran., hep., Hyos., ign.,
kali-bi., kali-e, lac-c, lach., lye, mag-c,
sour vomiting, after: Calad.
mag-s., Merc, Merc-C, mur-ac, naja,
ENAMEL deficient: Calc-fl. nat-c, nat-m., nat-s., Nit-ac, nux-m.,
nux-v., olnd., op., phos, phos-ae, phyt.,
EXFOLIATION. (See " Looseness, falling out,
" Elongation.") plb., psor., puis., rhodo., rhus-t., sang.,
secale, sep., Sil., spong., stann., staph.,
GRINDING: Aco7i., ant-c. Apis, am., ars.,
sulph., thuj., verat.. Zing'.
arl-v., asaf., atro., aur., bar-c, Bell,, biy.,
calc, camph., canth., carb-ac, caust cham., moruing: Ars., naja, puis., thuj.

etc., cina, Q.o'S. ,

colch., con., crol-h., cupr., falling out: Am-e, ars., bufo, ;««r., nux-v?
grat., hell ,'S.JO&., ign., laur., lye, lyssin, plb., secale.
mere, morph., nux-v., op., phos., plb.,
sound teeth: Am-c, nux-v.
podo., secale, sep., stram., sulph., syph.,
tabac, thuj., veral., zinc sensation of: A.cow.,con., nit-ac, stram.

grat., guaj., hell., hep., hyos., hyper., ign.,
painful: Bar-c, camph., caust., gels.,
iW., ip., kali-c.,kali-i., kali-n., kreos.,'L2iC\L.,
puis. lyc, mag-c, mag-m., mag-p.,
laur., led.,
sensation: Aeon., alum., am-c, arn., ars., mag-s., m-arct., m-austr., mang.. Mere,
bry., com., con., Iiyos., ign., lachn., Htli ,
merc-c, mez., mur-ac.,Nat-c., nat-m., nat-s.,
lye, mere, nat-m., nice, iiux-ni., nux-v., nice, iiit-ac, nux-m., nux-v., olnd., par.,
olnd., rhus-L, spig., spong., stann., sulph., petr., phos., phos-ac, phyl., plat,
syph. plb., prun., puis., ran-sc, raph., rat.,

rheum, rhod., rhus-L, ruta, sabad., sars.,

when masticating: Alum., con., hyos ,

selen., seneg., Sep., sil., spig., spong.,

spong. sul-ac,
squil.. Staph., strout., sulph.,
sound teeth: Bar-c, Mere. tabac, tarax., teucr., ther., thuj., vakr.,

sudden paroxysm: Aur. verat., verb., vine, ZinC.

MUCUS on (see "Sordes"): Ail., alum., ant-t., incisors: Agar., alum., ambr., am-c, am-m.,
cimic, hyos., iod.,. arg-m., asaf., asar., aur., bell.,
arg-ra., arn., bov., ang.,
canth., carb-v., caust.,
mag-c, plb., psor., selen., sulph., syph. bor., bov., calc,
cham., chel., chin., cocc, coff., colch., dros.,
morning: Iod., mag-c.
ign., iod., kali-c, kreos., 1}'C., mag-c,
black: Apis, ars., chin., con. mag-m., m-arct., mere, mez., mur-ac,
crusts: Con. nat-c, nat-m., nit-ac, nux-m.., nux-v.,
petr., phos., phos-ac, plat., ran:sc., rhodo.,
brown: Apis, ars., chel., chlo., colch., fl-ac,
rhus-L, sars., seneg., Sep., sil., spig., spong.,
hyos., kali-p., sulph.
staph., stronL, sulph., sul-ac, tarax., thuj.,

offensive: Alum., mez. zinc.

sticky: Phos., verat. canines: Am-c, anac, calc, calc-ph,, carb-an.,

laur., mag-m., mur-ac, nat-c, petr., rhus-L,
thick: Alum., cain., cimic, dulc, variol.
Sep., staph., stront., sul-ac, zinc.
yellow: Apis, asc-t, hyos., iod.., plb., sul-ac.
molars: ^sc, agar., all-c, alum., ambr.,
NERVES, injuries to dental nerves: Hyper.
a w-c, anac, ang., ant-t., arg-n., arn., asar.,
NUMBNESS: Ars., asaf., aur-s., bell., dulc, asc-t., aur., bar-c, bell., bism., bor., bov.,

chin., ign., lith., nat-m., petr., phos., plat., Bry., calad., calc, camph., canth., carb-an.,
rhus-L, ruta. carb-v., cast., caust., chem.. Chin., clem.,
cocc, coff., colch., coloc, croc, cycl., dios.,
morning, after rising: Plat.
euph., graph., guaj., hell., hj^os., ign., iod.,
NOTCHING of: Lach., med., plb ,
syph., tuberc kali-c, kali-n., Kreos., laur., lyc, m-arct.,

ODOE. from, offensive (see under " Mouth, odor "): mag-c, mag-m., mang., mere, mez.,
Calc, caust. mur-ac, nat-c, nil-ac, nux-m., nux-v.,
olnd., par., petr.,/Ao^., phos-ac, plat., plb.,
OIL, feel as if covered with: .^Esc.
puis., ran-sc, rheum, rhodo., rhus-t.. sabad.,
PERIOSTEUM swollen: Sil. sabin., sars., seneg., Sep., sil., spig., spong.,
staph., stront., sulph., sul-ac, teucr., thuj.,
PAIN, toothache in general: Acel-ac, Acon.,
a^ar., ail., alum., ainbr., am-c, am-m.,
verat., verb.. Zinc, zing,
right: Cinnb.
anac, anag., ang., ani-c, ant-t., apis, aran.,
arg-m., arg-ri., arn., ars., ar.s-h., asar., left: Arg-n., cast., chel.
a«c-t., aspar., aur., aur-m., bar-c. Bell., upper teeth: Agar., alum., ambr., Am-C,
herb., benz-ac, bism., bor., bov., Bry., bjifo, am-m., ang., arn., asar., aur., bell., bor.,
calad., calc, calc-fl-, calc-p., cahth., carb-ac, bov., calc, canth., carb-an., carb-ac,
carb-an., carb-s., carb-v., caust., Cham., Carb-v., caust, cham., chel., Chin., clem,
chel., Chen., Chin., clem., coch., Coff., cocc, coff., colch., con., cycl., dios., euph.,
colch., coloc, con., croc, cycl., dios., dros graph., guaj., hell., hyos., kali-c, kali-n.,
dulc, euph., ferr., Jl-ac, Glon., graph. Kreos., lyc, m-arct., m-austr., mag-c,

PAIN, upper teeth.
PAIN, morning.
mag-m., jimng., mere,
mez., mur-ac, hyos., kreos.,lach mere, nat-m.,
nat-c, nat-m., nit-ac, nux-m., mix-v., phos., ,
phos., phos-ac, plat., puis., rhodo
phos-ac, plat., puis., ran-sc, rheum, rhodo., , rhtis-t'.
rhus-t., sabad., sars., seneg., sep., sil., spig.,
staph., sulph., 5«/-a^-., teucr., i/iuj., bed, in: Kal-e, kreos., lach., mang.,
verat., verb.. Zinc. nux-v., ran-b., staph.

right bi-cuspid: Cinnb. wakes him: Calad.

molar: Dios. waking, on: Bell., carb-v., coc-c ign.,


kali-c, Lach., nux-v., sil.

left: Arn.
rising, after: Mag-c, plat., sep.
2nd bi-cuspid: Olnd.
when washing: Arg-n.
lower teeth: ^sc, agar., alum., ambr., aiu-c,
3 a. m. : Bry.
am-m., anac, ang., am., arum-t., asaf.,
asar., asc-t., astac, aur., bar-c, forenoon: All-s., carb-v., caust., nat-m.,
Bell., bor.,
bov.. bry., calc, camph.. Canth., carb-au., nux-v., puis., staph., sulph.
carb-v., Caust., Cham., chel., chin., clem., noon: Cocc, rhus-t.
cocc, coff., colch ,
coloc, con., dros., euph.,
graph., guaj., bell., hep., hyos.,ign., kali-c, afternoon: Anan., calc, caust ,
/orw., ip.,

kali-n., kreos., lack., Laur., mag-c, mere, nux-v., phos, sulph., ther.,
lye, m-arct.,
mag-c, thuj.
mag-m., inang., mere, mez.,
mur-ac, Nat-C, nat-m., nit-ac, nux-m., after dinner: Berb., lach., nux-v. puis.
nux-v., olnd., par, petr., phos., phos-ac„
evening: Ail., alum., ambr., am-e, anac,
plat., plb., puis., ran-sc, rheum, rhodo.,
ant-c, arum-t., apis, bar-c, bell., bov., bry.,
rhus-t., ruta, sabad., sabin., sars., selen.,
calad., caust., cham., chel., ferr., graph.,
seneg., Sep., sil., spig., spong., squil,,
hep., hyos., ign., kali-c, kali-i., kali-s.,
Staph., stront., sulph., sul-ac, thuj., teucr.,
kahn., lye, mag-s., mang., mere, meph.,
verat., verb., Zinc.
mez., nice, nit-ac, nux-m., nux-v., phos..
2nd molar: ^sc. Puis., rat., rhus-t., sabin., staph., sulph,
sul-ac, tabac, ther., thuj.
one incisor: Anac.
in bed: Alum., am-c, Ant-C, aran., bar-c,
1st bi-cuspid: Ars.
bell., bov., bry., calc, carb-an., cham.,
right: Astac, Bell., brach., bry., calc, cann-s., chr-ac, graph., ign., kali-c, led., mag-c,
carb-ac, caust., chr-ac, cinnb., coff., com., mag-m., mere, nat-e, nit-ac, phos., />z/./j.,
cycl., dios., dol., Fl-ac, lach., lyssin, Sulph., sul-ac, zinc.
mag-c, nat-m., nit-ac, nux-v., petr., phos., amel.: Alum.
psor., spig.. Staph., verb.
smoking amel. Spig. :

to left: Aeon., lye

6 p. m., lasting till i or 2 a. m. : Sep.
left:Aeon., agar., apis, arg-n., am., arum-t.,
night: Ambr., am-e, anac, ant-c, aran., ars.,
aur., bar-c, brom., carb-v., castor., Caust,,
aur., bar-c, bell., berb., bov., br}'., calc,
Cham., chel., chin., Clem., form., guaj.,
calc- ph., carb-an., carb-v., cedr., Cham.,
hyos., laur., mere, Mez., 7iux-m., obid.,
chel., chin., clem., coff., colch., cycl., glon.,
phos., rhus-t., Sep., sil., Sulph., syph.,
graph., grat., hell., hep., hyper., ip., kali-i.,
Thuj., zinc.
kali-n., lye, mag-c, mag-m., Mere,
to right: AU-c, gamb. merc-c ,
mez., naja, nat-c, nat-m., uat-s.,
nice, nit-ac, nux-ni., tiux-v., olnd., petr.,

daytime: Bar-c, bell., calc, carb-an., coccin., phos., phos-ac, psor., puis., rhodo., rhus-t.,
rob., sabin., sabad., sep., sil., spig., staph.,
morning: Ant-t., arg-n., ars., bry., calad., Sulph.
camph., carb-v., caust., chin., clem., ferr., chilliness as it disappears: Merc.
PAIN, nigbt. PAIN, alternating.

tearing in limbs: Merc.

lying, wlien: Aran., graph., phos.
anxiety, with: Aeon., toff., merc-c.
9 p. m.: Merc.
autumn, in the: Bry., chin., mere, nux-m.,
10 p. m.: Rhus-t.
nux-v., rhodo., rhus-t.
midnight, before: Alum am-c,
bov., bry.,
chant., chin., graph., nat-m., petr., puis., bed, on going to (see "evening" and "night"):

rhus-t., Sep., sulph., sul-ac, thuj., zinc.

Carb-an., kali-c.

after: Alum., am-c, ars., bell., bry., in: Ant-c, bell., bry., cham., clem., com.,
carb-v., cham., chin., mere, puis., kali-c, mag-c, mag-p.. Mere, nux-v.,

rhus-t., staph., sulph. olnd.,phos., phos-ac, />«/.?., rhus-t., sabin.,

Sulph., sul-ac.
air,cold: All-c, anan., agar., ant-c, bell., bor.,
beer amel.: Camph., nux-v., rhus, sulph.,
bry., calc., camph., Cham., Caust., chin.,
cina, hep., hyos., mag-c., mag-ph., mere, bending forward with forehead on table
nat-m., nux-m., nux-v., phos., plat., puis., agg. : Nit-ac.
plant., rhus-t., sabad., sais., seneg., sep., amel.: Mang.'
sil., spig., staph., sulph., thuj., tromb.
to either side, from: Calc.
amel. : Clem., mez., nat-s., nux-v.. Puis.,
sars., selen.
backward, from: Calc.

draft of, slightest: Gymn. biting teeth together, when: .liisc, alum.,
am-c, ars., bell., bry., calc, carb-an., caust.,
damp: Am-c, aran., bor., mere., nat-c,
chin., coc-c, colch fi-ac, graph., guaj.,

nux-m., rhodo., seneg.

hell., hep., hyos., ip., lach., lye, lith.,
draft, from a: Bell., Calc, calc-ph., cham ,
mag-m., mang., mere, Mez., nux-v., petr.,
chin., mag-c, sars., sep., Sulph. phos., phos-ac puis., rhus-t., Sep.,

spong. staph., sulph., tabac, zinc-ox.


drawn in, from: Aeon., alum., am-c, ant-c,

arn., aur., bell., berb., bry., Calc,
afraid for fear would fall out: Nit-ac.
calc-ph., caust., chin., cina, cic, mere, menses, during: Am-c.
mez., nat-m., nux-m., nux-v., petr.,
desire to: Merc-i-f.
r/zorfo. , rhus-t ,
sabin., selen., sil., spig.,
staph., sulph. amel.: .'^rs., bell., brom., bry., chin., cocc,
amel.: Clem., mez., nat-s., nux-v., puis.,
coff., euph., ign., mag-m., nat-m ,
sars., selen.
Phyto.,puls., rhus-t., sanic.

biting on elastic substance amel.: Mang.

open, in the: Alum., ambr., am-c, anac,
ant-c ,
bell., carb-an., carb-v., cast, caust., bleeding of gums amel.: Bell., caust., sanic.
cham., chin., con., hyos., mez., nat-c, sars. , selen.
uat-m., nux-m., nux-v., petr., phos., bread, from eating: Carb-an.
rhus-t., Sep., spig., staph., sulph.
breathing deep agg. : Nux-v.
amel.: All-c, ant-c, bry., bov., mag-m.,
puis., Sep., stann., sulph. brushing teeth agg.: Bry., Lach.

sensation as from cold air: Cedr.,

catarrh, when catarrh is better toothache is
par. worse and vice versa: All-c.

rushed out of: Nat-c. chewing. (See " masticating.")

were forced into: Ambr., coccin. tobacco agg.: Bry.

alternating with catarrh: All-c. chamomile, from: Alum., puis.

dizziness: Merc, children: Aeon., ant-c, bell., calc, Cham.,

CoflF., ign., mere, uux-m., puis., rheum,
itching in ear: Agar.
rhodo., sil.
PAIN. PAIN, cold, water aiiiel.

chill, (luriiitf: Carb-v., graph., kali-c, nux-v., phos., Puis., rhus-t., selen., sep.,
rluis-l. sulph.
chilliness, with: Daph., eiiph., hell., kich., and ice amel. : Coff.
puis., rhodo., rhus-t.
applied by finger amel.: Cham.
chronic: Caust.
weather: Ars., v\n\-m., phos.
coffee, from: Anan., bell., caniph., carb-v.,
congestion of head, with: Aur., bell., Calc,
Cham., cocc, ie^n., lachn., mere, nux-v.,
chin., hyos., lach., puis.
puis., rhus-t., sil.

coition, after: Daph.

concussion, from: Am., nux-m.
coughing agg. : Bry., lye, sep.
relieved after: Camph.
crumbs of bread, from: Clem., nux-v., staph.
cold, from a: Aeon., camph., bar-c, bell.,
carb-v., canst., cham., chin., colch., dulc, damp places, from working in: Ars., Calc.
gels., glon., grat., hyos., ign., kali-c, mere, dulc, Rhus-t.
mez., nit-ac, nux-m., nux-v., puis., rhus-t.,
diarrhoea, with: Cham., coff., dulc, rhus-t.
staph., sul-ac, zinc.
dizziness, alternating with: Merc.
after overheating: Cham., glon., kali-c,
drinking, from: Bar-e, canst., cham., con.,
mag-p., sabin., sil.
from a, in the Spring: Puis,
amel.: Selen., spig.
air. (See "air.")
eating, before dinner: Nux-v., sulph.
anything: Agar., anan., ant-c, arg-n., ars.,
bar-c, bov., calc., calc-ph., carb-v., cast.,
during: Am-e, anan., ant-c. ,
aur., bry.
calc, canth., carb-an., cast., caust., cham.
colch., con., hell., kali-c, kali-i., lye,
cocc, con., crot-h., euph., graph., hep.
mag-c, mag-ni mang., mete, nat-m.,

ign., kali-c, lye,mag-m., mag-s., mere.

nit-ac, nux m., par., phos., phos-ac,
nat-c, nux-m., psor., puis., sabin., sil.
plant., plb., psor., puis., Ehus-t., rob.,
staph., sulph., thuj., tromb.
Sep., sil., spig., staph., sulph., syph.,
thuj. amel.: Am-c, bell., chin., coff., ip.

phos-ac, selen., sil., spig.

amel.: Bell., bry., calc. cham., chin.,
coff., ferr-ph., mere, nux-v., phos., on\y: Calc, kali-c.
puis., staph., sulph.
after:Am-c Ant-C, bar-c, bell., bor., bry.

drinks, from: Agar., anan., Ant-C, arg-n., cham chel., chim., china, coff., ferr-p.

ars., bar-c, bry., calc, carb-an., OTrb-v., graph., hep., ign., iod., kali-c, lach., lyc.

cast., cham., cina, clem., fl-ac,

canst., mag-c, mag-s ,
mere, nat-c, 7iat-m.
nux-in nux-v., puis., rhus-t., sabin.
graph., gymn
Hep., kali-c,
lac-c, ,

mag-ph., mang., mere, mui-ac, .sil., spig., stann., Staph., sulph., zinc.
nat-m., nux-m., nux-v., phos., plant., amel.: Ambr., am-c, arn., calc, carb-
puis rhodo., E,htlS-t., rumx., sabad.,
, cham., ip., phos-ac, Rhodo., rhus-
sai-s., sil., spig.. Staph.., sulph., til., thuj. sil.

excitement, from: Aeon., bell., cham., co

food, from: Agar., bov., bry., calc, carb-v.,
gels., hyos.
con., hell., mere, nux-v., par., plb.,
rhus-t., rob., sabad., sulph. amel.: Thuj.
exertion agg. Chim.
hand applied amel. : Ang., rhus-t. :

mental agg. (See " mental.")

water amel.: A£sc., all-c, ambr., ap-g.,
bell., bism., Bry., camph., canst., cham., face, red and hot, with: Aeon., bell., chat

chel., chim., clem., CofF., ferr., ferr-p., coff., ferr-p ,

mere, nux-m., phos., pul

laur., mag-c, niag-m., mere, nal-s.. rhus-t., sulph.

PAIN, lying.
right side, on: Spig.
filled tooth, in a: Cic, dios., merc-i-f.
masticating, from: Alum., am-c, ant-c,
filling, after: Am., Nux-V., mere, merc-i-f.,
anan., arg-m., arg-n., am., ars., aur., bell.,
bry., calc, carb-an., carbo-v., caust.,
fruit, after eating: Nat-s. chel chin., cocc, con., euph.,
Cham., , coff.,

graph., hyos., hura, ign., kali-c,

gradually increasing and decreasing: Stann. ferr-m.,
lach., lye, mag-c, mag-m., mere, Nat-m.,
heated, when: Phos.
nit-ac, nux-m., nux-v, olnd., phos.,
heat of stove agg. (see " warmth ") :
Graph. phos-ac, puis., rhus, sabin., sang., sil.,

spig., spong., staph., sulph., sulph-ac,

amel.: Ars.
syph., thuj., verat., zinc.
hot drinks, from: ^sc, agn., all-c ,
ani-c, bry.,
only when. Calc, lye, olnd.
carb-v., Cham., Coff., dros., lach., lachn.,

mere, mill., nat-s., nit-ac, nux-m., uux-v., food, only when, not from empty chewing:
phos-ac, puis., rhus-t., sabad., Sep., sil., Cocc.
syph., tromb.
after: Nat-m., sabin., staph.
amel.: Lye, mag-ph., nux-v., nux-m., puis.,
amel. by: Bry., rhod.
rhus-t., sulph.
menses, at beginning: Nat-m., puis.
hot food, from (see "warm"): Carb-v.,
phos-ac, sabad., sep. and end: Puis.

inspiration, on: Nux-v. before: Agar., am-c, ant-c, ars., bar-c,

nat-m., puis., sulph., thuj.
intermittent (see "paroxysmal"): Ant-t.,
ars-i., astac, bell., bor., bry., calc, chhi., during: Am-c, ars., bar-c, cale, carb-v.,
chani., coff., mere, nux-v., puis., rhodo., cedr., cham., coff., graph., kali-c. lach.,
rhus-t., sabad., sil., staph., sulph. laur., niag-c, nat-m., nit-ac, phos, puis.,
Sep., Staph.
lachrymation. (See " weeping.")
if the flow diminishes: Lach.
leaning head on cushion, from: Nit-ac.
menorrhagia: Ferr-s.
on table amel. : Mang.
after: Am-e, calc, cham., mag-ph., phos.,
Ij'ing, while: Aran., ars., bell., bry., chain.,
graph., hyos.. ign., mere, nux-v., phos.,
puis., rhus-t , sep. staph., sulph., sul-ac, mental exertion, from: Bell., ign., mix-v.
mercury, from: Colch., hep., nit-ac, staph.
amel.: Alum., am-ni., bry., lye, mere,
motion agg.: Bry., chel., chin., daph., hyper.,
nat-c, nux-v., sanic, spig.
mere mez., nux-v., sabin., staph.

immediately after: Aran., bell., canth.,

amel.: Mag-c, -ghos., puis., rhus.
hell., ign., puis., rat., sanic.
music agg. : Phos-ac.
amel.: Am-m., nux-v., spig.
nervous patients: Aeon., ars., bell., Cham,,
back, on the: Benz-ac, clem.
QqS,, gels., mag-ph., puis., staph.
head low, with, agg. : Puis.
noise agg.: Calc, tarent., ther.
high, agg. : Spig.
nursing mothers, in: Aeon., ars., bell., calc,
painful side, agg.: Ars, ign., nux-v., puis. dule, mere, nux-v., phos., staph., sulph.
amel.: Bry., chin-s., hyper., ign., mag-c, nurses, while the infant: Chin.
opening mouth, from: Bry., caust., nux-v.,
painless side agg.: Bry., cham., ign., puis, phos., puis., sabin.

amel.: Nux-v, operation, after dental. (vSee " filling.")

PAIN, room.
paroxysmal (see "intermittent"): All-s,
calc, ^//rt;«.,gels., hyper., amel. in: Phel.
ip., lac c mere,
petr., plat., rumx., sep. on entering, agg.: Mags., phos.
pears, after eating: Nat-c. rubbing cheek amel.: Merc, phos.
periodical: Aran., ars., cham., coloc. saliva,with involuntary flow of: Rell., cham.,
every other day: Cham., nat-m. daph., dulc, Merc, nat-m,

every seven days: Ars., calc-a., phos., sulph. salt fo)d, from: Carb-v.

perspiration amel amel.: Carb-an.

: All-c, carb-ac, carb-an.,
chen. salt amel.: Mag-c.
from suppressed: Cham. sitting agg.: Am-m., ant-c, coccin., graph.,
during: All-c. msTC, puis., rhus-t.
, Chin., hyos.
tendency to perspire: erect agg Mang.
Daph. :

picking teeth, excited by: quiet amel. : Spig.

'iL^W-z., puis., sang.
compelled to: Cast-eq., selen.
up in bed amel: Alum., ars., mere, petr.,
amel. by: All-c, bell., phos-ac, sanic.
sleep, on going to: Ant-c, ars., mere, sulph.
pregnancy, during: Aeon., alum., apis, bell.,
bry., calc, cham., hyos., Lyssin, mag-c, after: Bar-m., bell ,
bry., calc, carb-v.,
mere, nux-m., mx^-v., puis., rat., rhus-t, caust., con., graph., kali-c, lach., nux-v.,

Sep., staph., tabac phos., sabin., sil., spig., sulph., zinc.

pressure increases: Hyos., kali-bi., nat-m., amel.: Nux-v. puis. sanic. ,


phos., spig., sulph-ac. preventing: Ham., olnd.

amel.: Ail., alum., am-c, ars., bell., brom., wakes from, with pain (see "morning"):
bry., chin., clem., cocc, coloc, com., A^rs., carb-an. chel., mag-c. ,

euph., grat., igu., indg., kali-c, laur.,

mag-m., mag-p., mur-ac, nat-c, nat-m.,
smoke agg. (See " tobacco ").

ol-an., phos., puis., rhus-t., staph., tabac. sneezing agg. : Thnj.

of cold hand amel. Rhus-t. :

sound teeth, in: Acon,, alum., am-c, ars.,
of finger amel.: Am-m , merc-i-f. bell., bry., carb-v., caust., cham.,coff.. con.,

pain in decayed root: Am-m. ham., hyos., mag-c, nux-v., plant., rhus-t.,
rhod., sulph., zinc.
pricking gums until blood comes amel. : Bell.,
sanic. sour things, from: Arg-n.

quinine, from abuse of: Hep. amel. : Puis.

, Puis.
reading, when: Ign., nux-v., thuj. Spring, in the: .Aeon., bell., bry., calc, carb-v.,
diilc , Lach., nat-m., nux-v., puis., rhodo.,
rest, intolerable pain when at: Bry., mag-c, rhus-t , sil.
standing up, after: Ign., plat., sep.
amel.: Bry., clem., hyper ,
nux-v., staph.
rheumatic patients: Ant-t., cimic. amel.: Alum., nux-v., olnd., phos., sabin.,
riding in a carriage, while: Calc, mag-c
stooping agg. : Sep. ,
rising from bed amel.: Clem., olud., phos.,
sabin. amel. : Arnic.

room agg.Ant-c, apis, cham., hep., mag-c,

sucking teeth agg.: Bell., carb-v ,
cast., kali-c,

mag-arct., nice, nux-v., puis., rliodo., sep., nux-m., nux-v., sil., zinc.
spig., sulph. amel.: All-c, caust., clem., mang., sep.

PAIN, touch, of tongue.
Bell., sanic.
which causes stitch like jerk in tooth:
suddenly begins and goes:
ceases, begins slowly: Sul-ac.
traveling, while: Ars., bry., cham.. puis.,
summer, in the: Ant-c, bell., bry., calc,
rhus-t., staph., sulph.
carb-v., cham., lach., nat-m., nux-v., puis.
uncovering amel.: Puis.
suppressed foot sweat, after: Sil.
urination frequent, with; Olud.
swallowing agg. : Chin-s., plios., staph.
vexation, after: Rhus-t., staph.
sweets, after: Nat-c, phos.. sep.
vinegar amel. : Puis.
swelling of cheek, with: Arn., ars., bell., bry.,
vomiting, after: Puis.
calc, caps., Lach., lye, Merc, nal-m.,
nux-v., petr., phos., phos-ac, puis., staph., walking, while: Camph., nux-v. ///o^. ,

sulph. must walk about: Mag-c, puis., rat., rhus-t.,

talking, from: Ars., bry., chain.. cheL, spig.

nux-v., sep., tromb. open air, in: Agn., cham., con., dros.,

of others agg. : Ars. graph., kali-c, mag-s.. nat-c, nux-v.,

phos., sabad., sabin., staph.
tea drinking agg.: Chin., coff., ferr., ign.,
lach., selen., sep., thuj. in the wind: Graph.

tearing in limbs, alternating with: Merc. amel.: Ant-C, bov., bry., clem., hep.,
kali-s., lye, mag-aust., mag-m., nux-v.,
thinking about it agg.: Bar-c, nux-v., spig.,
paris.. Puis., rhus-t., sep.
warm drinks, from: ^sc, agn., all-c, am-m.,
other things amel. : Bar-c^
bism., carb-v., dros., ferr-ph., Lach., Puls.,
thunderstorm, before: Rhod. sabad., sep.

tobacco smoking agg.: Bry., caust., cham., amel.: Ars ,

bry., cast., lye, mag-ph., .sang.,
chin., clem., ign., mere, nux-v., sabin., staph., tromb.
sars., Spig,, thuj.
food, from: Agn., ambr., ba7--c., bell., bry.,
amel : Aran., bor., mere, nat-c, nat-s ,
calc, ca?'b-s., carh-v., cham., graph., hell.,
selen., spig.
mag-arct., mag-aust., mag-s., nat-m.,
chewing agg.: Bry. nux-v., ^ar., phos., phos-ac. Puis., rhodo.,
sabad., sep., sil.
touch agg.: Alum., am-c, anac, anag., ant-c,
arn., ars., aur bell., bor., bry., calc,
, things: Agn., ambr., am-c,
anac, bar-e,
camph., carb-an., carb-v., cast., caust., chel., bry., calc, calc-ph., carb-v., cham., chel.,
chin., clem., coc-c, coff., daph., euph., clem., colch., Q.q'S.., ferr-ph., graph. ,h€[\.,
graph., hep., ign.,mag-c, kali-n., lye, kali-c, lach., lachn., mag-m., mag-s.,
mag-m., mag-s., mere, merc-c, mez., nat-m mere, nat-m., vit-ae, phos., phos-ac,

nux-m., nux-v., phos., plant., psor., ptUs., plant., Puis., prun., sep., sil., staph.,'
rat., rhod., rhus-t, sabin., Sep., staph., sulph.
amel.: Bov., calc, com., kali-i., mag-ph
amel.: Bry., nux-v. mur-ac 7tux-m., nux-v., psor., rhus-t',

of cold finger amel.: Aug., sul-ac.

of food, from: Bell., camph.,
water, when water becomes warm in mouth-
mag-m., mag-s., Fl-ac.
nit-ac., rob., sang,
soft: Bell., ign., nux-v., staph. warmth, external, agg.: Arn., all-c, bry., chel.,
corr., ferr-ph., gray^h^ hell., hep.,
of tongue: Ant-c, carb-v., cast., chin., ign., mag-c.i
nux-m., phos, phos-ac.
mere, mez., nat-c, phos Puis., sabin.]
rhus-t., sep. sulph.


PAIN, waniilh, external.
aniel.: Ani-c, ais., ars-//., hov., calc, casl., extending to arms: Mang., .sep.
chin., com., kali-c, lach., /jr., Mag-p,,
bones, cheek: Alum., caust,, chen., con.,
niag-ni., mere, mur-ac, nat-c, Nux-m„ ham., hyos., kali-c, mag-c, mag-m.,
Nux-v., phos., puis., psor., Rhodo.,
mang., mez., nux-v., phos., rob., sil.
E,hu8-t., sabad., staph., j/^Z-rtr.

wrapping up head amel.: maxillary: Calc, cupr-ar., gels., selen.

Niix-v., plios., sil.

loAer: Hyos.
of bedagg.: Ant-c, bell., bry., Cham,, chel.,
clem., graph., led., mag-c, cheeks: Bry., cham.
Merc, phos.,
phos-ac. Puis., rhodo., sabiii., sulph. chest: Kali-c
amel.: Lye, mag-s., nux-v., spig., vine. downward: Ant-c, calad., caust.
room, agg. : All-c, bry., cham., ham., hep., ear: Alum., ammc, am-c, anac, am., ars.,
iris, kali-s., mag-s., nux-v., phos-ac. bar-c, bell., bor., brach.. bry., calc.
Puis. calc-a., caust., cham., chel., chrom-ac,
amel.: Ars., imx-v., phos., sulph. chin., coccion ,
coloc, con., hep., ind.,
kali-c, Kreos., lach., lyssin, mag-c,
washerwomen, in: Phos.
mang Mere, meph.,
, mez., nat-m., nice,
washing, after: Ant-c, bry., caic, cham., nux-m ,
nux-v., ol -an., petr., puis.,
mere, nu.r-m., nux-v., phos., rkits-l ,
sil., ran-s., rat., Rhodo-,
rhus-t., sabad., Sep.,
staph., Sulph. Staph,, Sulph,, thuj., viol-0.

with cold water, from: Calc, cham., graph., right: Glon., nice, spig.

kali-c, mere, nux-m., nux-v., puis., sep., eyes: Bar-c, bell., calc, calc-ph., caust.,
tpig., staph., Sulph. cham., chel., chim., con., h3'os., kali-c,
amel : All-c., asar., bell., bry., cham.,
kreos., lach., mag-c, mere, nat-m., nice,
nux-v., puis., rob., selen., staph., sulph.,
clem., kali-c, laur., puis.
water held in mouth, agg. : Camph.
on going into cold air: Camph.
from having hands in, warm or cold: Phos.
face: Alum., am-e, bry., caust., cham.,
weather, from changes of: Anan. coloc, gels., glon., hyos., kali-c, kreos.,

damp: All-c, dulc. Mere, nai-s., nux-m.

lyssin, mag-c, Mere., nux-v., phos., puis.,
rhus-t., sabad., sil., staph., sulph., tarax.
left side: Plant.
in wet: Aeon ,
bor., calc, nux-m., phos.,
rhodo., seneg. during menses: Sep.

weeping, with iu voluntary: Cham., coff., fingers to: Sep.

nat-m., puis., ther.
forehead: Chrom-ac, hyos., kali-c, phos.,
wet, from getting: Bell., calc, Lach., rlius-t. zinc.

wind, in raw: Acon., all-c, graph., puis., head: Alum., Ant-C, apis, ars., bar-c, bor.,

rhodo., rhus-t., sil. bry., calc, caust., cham., clem., cupr.,

glon., grat., hyos., kali-c, kreos., mag-c,
in dry, cold: Acon.
mere, mez., nux-m., nux-v., phos.,
amel.: Calc. phos-ac, psor., puis., rhus-t., sang.,

ign., nux-v.
staph., sulph.
wine agg.: Acon., anan., camph.,
larynx: Alum., com., nit-ac.
winter: Acon., ars., bell., bry., calc, carb-v.,
cavist., cham., dulc, hep., hyos., ign., mere, neck: Alum., bry., mang., spig. thuji
nux-m., nvx-v., phos., phos-ac, puis., zinc.

rhus-t., sil., sulph. nose: Bar-c. calc, caust., cham. hyos..


wrapping up, (See " warmth.") rhus-t.


'AIN, extending to.
clawing: Stront.
cEsophagas: Nat-ni.
contracting: Bor., cann-s ,
carb-an., carb-v.
occiput: Coccin.
other parts: Maiig.
corrosive: Calc, carb-v., cham., con., kali-c,
shoulders: Alum. nice, phos., puis., staph., sul-ac, thuj.
side, entire left: Sep. cramp-like: Bor., cann-s., carb-an ,

bar-c, calc, syph.

temple: Act-sp., alum., ars.,

Cham., chel., con., cupr., daph., gels.,

crawling: Cast., cham., mur-ac, ol-an.,
gloii., iod., kali-c, Kreos., mag-c, rhus-t.
iiat-m., nux-m., phos., puis., rob.,
crushed, as if: Lyc
spig., zinc.
molars: Ign.
tooth, to another, from one: Bry., mang.,
cutting: Alum., arn. aiir., benz-ac, calc,
nux-m., pnm., rhodo.
cainph., daph., graph., ham., kali-c, lach.,
throat: Mang., nat-vi.
olnd., ran-b., rhodo., rob.
tongue: Cic.
evening when l3'ing in bed: Alum.
upward: Caust.
open air, in the: Alum.
zygoma: Caust.
shooting through gums to roots of incisors
beating. (See " pulsating." and canines: Camph.
biting: Calc, cocc, phel. swollen sub-maxillary gland, seems to origi-
blows, sensation of: Calc, nux-v., tarax. nate in Camph.:

bor., bov., bufo, thunderstorm, before: Rhodo.

boring: Alum., bar-c, bell.,

calad., calc, calc-p., camph., cast, causl., roots, in: Camph.

chel., chin., con., cycL, daph., euph., grat,
darting: Bry., con., gels., iris.
ign., indg., kali-c, lack., mag-c, mez.,
nat-c, nal-m., nit-ac, nux-v., petr. phos., ,
digging: Ambr., anan., ant-c, arg-n., bell.,

phos-ac, plant., selen., sil., sulph., rhodo. berb., bor., bov., bry., calc, cast., caust.,
cham., chin., fl-ac, ign., kali-c, nat-c,
evening, with tearing and digging: Ahim. nux-v., plant., plat. /w/^., rat., rheum, ruta,

while lying: Phos. seneg., sil., spig., sul-ac.

in roots: Cham. evening: Alum.

sound teeth: Alum., plant. with pressure, sensation as if pain were felt
below left lower molars: Ambr.
break off, as if would: Bell.

broken, as if: Nat-m. drawing: Abrot., agar., all-c, all-s., alum.,

ambr., am-c, anac, anan., ang., ant-c,
bruised, as if (see "sore"): Crot-t., ign.
astac, aur., bad., bar-c, bell., bism., bor.,
right upper molar: Alum. bov., bry., calad., calc, calc-ph., camph.,
canth., caps., carb-an carb-v., card-m.,
better from pressure: Alum. ,

caust., Cham., chel., chim., chin., clem.,

bubbling: Carb-v., nit-ac. coc-c, coc-c, coccin., coloc, con., cycl.,
burning: Bar-c, caust., cham ,
coloc, dulc, daph., fl-ac, glon., graph., guaj., hep.,
graph., mag-c, mere, mez., nal-m., nit-ac, hyos., iod., kali-bi., kali-c, kahn., kreos.,
««;r-L'.. phel., phos., />/?ojf-rtc. ,
puis., rhus-t, lach., lyc, lyssin, mag-c, mag-m., meph.,
rob., sil ,
spig., spong ,
sulph., ther., zinc. mere, nierc-c, merc-i-f., mez., naja, nat-m.,
nat-s., nit-ac, nux-m., nux-v., ol-an., olnd.,
buzzing: Hyos.
par., petr., phos., phos-ac, plat., puis.,
burst, as if would: Sabin. ran-b., ran-sc, rhodo., rhus-t., sabad.,

PAIN, drawing.
PAIN, drawing, eating.
sabiii., sars., sep., sil., staph., sulph., tahac,
amel. by: Ambr., am-c, chavi.
tarax., tereb., thiij., verat., zinc.
only during: Am-c, con.
morning: Ran-s., staph., sulph.
after: Bry., chain., hep.
10 a. ni. : Anac.
noon, toward: Aphis. exertion of mind agg.: Nux-v.

afternoon: Carb-an., coloc. menses, during: Am-c, sep.

5 p. m. : Zing, micturition, with frequent: Olnd.

evening: Alum., bov., bry., hep., puis. music, from: Phos-ac.

in bed agg. : Kali-c. reading agg. : All-s.

right side, going off after lying down: sudden: Coc-c.

sweat, amel. by warm: Aphis,
night: Ambr., am-c, bell., carb-an., thunderstorm, before: Rhodo.
mag-c, nat-c, nat-m., nit-ac.
walking, while: Camph.
when lying down: Canth., olnd.
warmth agg.: Ambr.
incisors, lower: Agar., asaf., kreos.
warm fluids agg.: Am-c, nux-v., Sep.
upper: Ang., camph., grat., kreos.
room agg. : Puis
one of: Ambr.
extending from lower incisors to malar
molars: Bry., olnd.
bone and temple: Alum.
right: Ambr., bell.
to cheek: Am-c, sep.
left: Calad., carb-an., kreos.
to ear: Am-c, anac, alum., aphis, bar-c,
lower: Anac, camph. coccin., Kreos., nat-m.
upper: Ambr., ang., bell., Sep.
from ear: Bell,
upper teeth: Aug., bell.
head, to side of: Alum., aphis,
amel. by cold finger: Ang.
malar bone: Alum., aphis,
right side, all night: Bell,
neck: Alum.
lower teeth: Fl-ac.
larynx: Alum., nit-ac.
canine: Crot-t.
shoulders: Alum,
in roots: Anac, staph. other teeth, right side: Aphis.
now in one, again in another: Ambr., hyos,
parts: Alum,
air, in open: Chin., nux-v., sep., sulph.
temple, right: Bar-c.
amel.: Chin., puis,
drawing-bubbling: Berb.
biting, only when: Am-c.
drawing-lancinating, as if a current of air
borders of, fine drawing: Cocc. rushed into: Ambr.
bed, agg. in: Aphis, kah-c. drawing-pressure: Ars.

cold, from: Nux-v., Sep. drawing-tearing: Abrot.

amel. from: Ambr. dull: Aur., chin., clem., coccin., daph., dol^

finger, amel. by: Ang. hj'os., kali-i., kalm., lob., lyssin, zinc.

eating, while: Bry., sep., verat. griping: Bor.

cold food: Con. as if soft and became bent on che^ving: Cochl

PAIN, (lull, PAIN, Krui"t)ling.

upper molars, with tearing pain in cheek lower teeth, left side: Arg-n.
bone: A nag. am-c, anac, ant-c,
jerking: AU-c, all-s.,

(luring mastication: Aur. apis, ars., aur-m., bar-c, bar-m., bell., berb.,

with trembling of heart: Anng. bry., Calc, carb-an., carb-v., causl., Cham.,
chin., clem., coe-c, cocci n., coff., con., cycl.,
edge, as if set on: Am-c, ars., aur., bell.,
Euph., hep., hyos., kali-c, kreos lack., ,

berb., cain., caps., cor-r., ferr-m.,

lye, mag-m., meph., mere, mez., nit-ac,
kali-chl., lach., lye, lyssin, mere, mez ,
nux-m., nux-v., phos., plat., plb., prun.,
nat-ni., nit-ac, nux-in phos., phos-ac,
pills., ran-sc, rhtis-t., sep., sil., spig., stann.,
Sep., sil., spong., sulph., sul-ac. tarax.,
stront., sulph., zinc.
evening in bed: Bry., zinc.
fly t i pieces, as if wjuld, on biting together:
Cinnb. now in upper, now in lower molars, when
in upper and they are pressed by tip of
forced out, as if would be: ."^rn., bell., berb.,
finger, suddenly changes to lower: Bry.
puis., zinc.

foreign body in them: Canst.

night: Cycl., Mere, rhus-t

canines, upper: Carb-an.

fulness, sensation of: Cham., chlor.

gnawing: Agar., Ant-C, bar-c, berb., calc, molars: Crotal-h.

camph., canth., carb-v., cast., chain., con., upper, right side: All-s.
daph., euph., kali-i., lac-c, naja, nice,
drinking cold water agg. : Agar,
nnx-v., op., phos.. Puis., rhus-t., secale,
Staph,, sul-ac, thnj. eating, after: Stann.

morning in bed: Phos. sitting up in bed amel.: Ars.

evening: Calc, phos.. Puis. smoking, while: Bry.

9 p. m.: Alum. amel.: Spig.

night: Cham., cofif. stretch and let loose, as if nerve were put on:
molars, lower: Cast., nice.
. stroking head amel. : Ars.
right: Cast., nice.
torn out, as if tooth would be: Berb., cocc,
alternating with itching in ear: Agar.
ind., ipec.
with violent tearing behind ear: Alum.
extending to temples: Ars.
in right ear: Nice.
head: Rhus-t.
upper: Agar., calc.
in roots: Bell., lach.
air, cold, inhaling agg. : J^hiis-l.
knocking: Ars., carb-an., kali-c.
amel.: Nux-v.
lancinating. (See "tearing."}
eating, after: Ant-c.
neuralgic: Bell., bor., carb-s., cham., chel.,
sitting up in bed amel. : Alum.
chlol., cimic, Coff., coloc, gels., iris,
warm room Nux-v. :
kali-ph., Mag-ph., 7iux-m., plant., phyt.,
grumbling (see "dull"): rhodo. , sil.
Aur., bar-c,
cann-s., carb-an., cham., mag-s., meny., piercing: Aeon., ant-c, bell., bry., calc,
nit-ac, phos-ac, sep. caust., cham., chin., lach., mere, nux-m.,
right side, one lower molar, with sensation nux-v., phos-ac, puis., rhus-t., sil., staph.
as if headache came from that side: J5,th..
pinching: Aran.
left .side, upper: Agar. from cold drinks: Carb-an.

pressing; Aeon., a/l-c, am-c, iuiac. ,
aran., com., ip.. niang., mcr:., iiux-ni., nux-v.,
bi.sni., bor., bov., bry., calf, carb-v., pho.s-ae., prun., puis.. selen., stront.i
caust., chain., chel., chin., co/uc ,
cor-r., zinc.
euph., graph., guare., guaj., hyos., ign.,
and left in their .sockets, as if: Sanic.
iod., kali-c, kalm., lol)., Mere, iiat-c,
nal-iH., nu.x-m., nux-v., olnd., petr., phos., pulsating: Aeon., agar., agn., all-c, aloe,,
rhus-i., sil., spig., staph., siilph., tarax., am-c, ang., apis, arn., «r.v., bar-c, bar-m.,
verat. calc, carb-v , Caust., cham, China,
coc-c, coccin., coff., coloc, daph cuph.,
as if blood were forced into Iheni: Arn., ,

gloii., hep., hyos., kali-c, kali-n., Lach.,

lyc, viag-c, mag-s., mere, mur-ac,
as if close, too: Aeon., arn., liell., calc., nat-c, nal-m., nat-s., nit-ac, nux-m., par.,
cham., chin., coff., hep., hyos., tiux-v., phos., plat., psor.,/>«/i-., rat., rhus-t., sabad.,
puis. sabin., Sep., sit., spig., staph., stram.
as if held in a grip: Nux-m. Sulph., tarent., thuj., verat., zinc.

as if pressed into sockets: Ahun., ani-c.

left side, first in one then in another: Coloc.

morning: Hyos.
old stumps: Alum.
eveninji, in bed: Aug., nit-ac.
as if a shred of meat were between the
teeth: Caust., cor-r., lach. night: Cham., inag-c, Merc, nit-ac.

as if wedged: Ananth., canst., ror-;-., lach., after midnight: Bar-m., nat-m.

breathing, when: Carb-v.
asunder, expansive: Anan., kalm., niur-ac,
chronic: Sep.
phos-ac, ran-b., sabin., spig ,
thuj. cold drinks: Carb-an., mur-ac.

dlling, of the: Chlol. eating: Carb-an., ^:ar<J-&., hep., kali-c, lyc,

mag-c, zinc.
inward: Rhus-t., staph,
headache, with: Coloc, glon.
outward: Phos., spig.
sit up, compelled to: Bar-m.
swallowing, when: Alum,
sleep, worse after: Bar-m.
touch, worse from: Arn.
warm drinks agg. : Nat-s.
transitory jerking in upper molars and jaws,
warmth of bed agg.: Cham., sabin., sulph.
right side, in afternoon: AU-s.
applied amel. : Chiti., nux-m.
warm room, on entering: AU-c.
extending to ear: Hep. sulph. ,

incisor, in one: Alum.

to eyes: Sulph.
in roots: Alum., caust., kali-c, staph., zing,
molars: Nux-m.
upper teeth: Aeon., aran., calc. upper, leftside: Agar., nux-m.

pricking: Am-c ,
ant-c, bar-m., calc, caust., incisors, one of, only when eating: Calc.

hell., mag-s., nux-m., phos., prun. roots, at: Daph., ol-an.

night, waking him: Calc. pulsating-drawing: Hyos., sep.

pulsaling-tearing, left upper canine: Agn.

molars, especially: Am-c.
during pregnane}': Bell.
masticating agg. : Am-c.
rheumatic: Aeon., Ant-t., bell., calc-p
touching decayed teeth agg.: Am-c. chain., cimic, coch., indg., mag
pulled out, feel as if were being: Anan., arn., viag-ph., mill., nux-v., phyi., rhodo., si

astac, bell., berb., caust., coc-e., coccin.. staph.

PAIN, rheumatic. PAIN, stitching.

night agg.: Cham., colch., mere, rhodo. right: ^sc, bar-c, <ra7«/., cycl., gamb.,
teucr., zinc.
during pregnancy: Bell.

sensitive persons, in: Aeon. upper: Arn.

stimulants agg.: Aeon, left: Ail., anac, bell., iod., phos., samb.,
sul-ac, sulph.
scraping: Berb., chain.
roots, as if scraped with a knife: Arn. upper and lower, worse lying down,
screwing: Bry., Euph. compelling him to walk, better from
external pressvtre: Ail.
screwed in and then pulled out, as if: Bry.
morning: Camph., dros.
better momentarily from cold water: Bry.
on waking: Bell,
shocks. (See "jerking.")
evening: Bell., zinc,
shooting. (See " stitching.")
night: Clem.
soft, as if: Nit-ac, zinc.
prevents sleep: Sil.
spongy, as if: Nit-ac.

Alum., apis, am., ars., bapt bar-c, after midnight: Alum., bar-m.
sore: ,

bell., bry., calc, carb-v., caul., canst., arousing from sleep: Alum., bar-m.
Cham., cina, cinnb., colch., crot-t., graph.,
better after rising: Alum,
ign., kali-c, lye, mang., med., mere,
Merc, nat-m., nux-v., phos., phyt., air, when drawing in: Ant-c.
plant., psor., puis., rhodo rhus-t., sep.,
biting, while: Am-c, caust.
staph., tabac, zinc.
must use incisors only: Am-c
air, from drawing in: Bell.
cold, touched by anything: Nit-ac.
cold drink, from: Ars., bry.
dinner, after: Ambr., calc
masticating, when: Ars.
eating, while: Psor.
meals, between: Ign.
amel.: Calc.
molars, right upper: Alum.
food, when touched by warm: Bar-c,
pressure amel.: Alum.
spasmodic (see also "paroxysmal"): Anac,
suppressed menses, with: Puis,
bor., glon., lye, nux-m., plat.
incisors: Lach.
splintered, as if: Sabin.
upper: Am-m.
sprained, as if: Arn.
lower teeth: ^sc, carb-an., euphr.
stitching, stinging: Aeon., aesc, agar., all-c,
alum., ambr., am-c, am-m., ant-c, apis, right side: Agar.
aur., bar-c ,
bar-ni., bell., berb., bor., Bry., molars: Am-c, calc, kali-c
calc, calc-ph., carb-an.. Canst., cham.,
lower: Msc.
chin., cist, clem., cofF., colch., con., cycL,
. daph., dros., euph., euphr., gels., graph., root: Sars.
grat., giiaj., hsem.,hell., hep., iris, kali-c,
later only in right: --Esc
kali-chl., kali-u.,
Lach., laur., Lyc, lyssin,
mag-c, mag-ph., mang., mere, niez., nat-c, upper: Bell., cycl.

nat-m., nit-ac, nux-m., mix-v., ol-an., left: Alum,

phel., phos., prun., psor., puis., ran-sc,
raph., rat., rhodo., rhus-t., sabad., sabin.,
extending to ear: Bor., nat-m., rhodo.
samb., sars., Sep., sil., spong., squil.,
Sep., sulph,, Thuj.
staph., sulph., tabac, valer., zinc. right side of head : Aga7:


PAIN, stitching.
PAIN, tearing incisors,
in spells. (See "periodical," also parox- lower: Alum., Icucr., zinc.
as if current of air rushed into
one of:
single stitches: Aur.
rasping: Sang. during pregnancy: Nux-m.
tearing: Abrot., Aeon., act-sp., tesc, agar. extendmg to malar bone: Alum.
agn., alum., ail., ambr., am-m., anac.
anag., anan., ang., ant-t., apis, arg-n., arn.
temple: Alum.

ars., arum-t., aur., bar-c, bar-m., bell molars: Am-c, anag., apis, bar-e, benz-ac,
berb., benz-ac, bor., bry., calc, calc-ph. carb-v., gamb., grat., rhodo., zinc.
camph., carb-v., cast-eq., Caust., cham.
lower: ^sc, agar, bell., zinc.
chel., chenop., chin., coc-c, coff., colch.
coloc, con., aipr., cupr-a., cyd., right: Canth., verb.
gamb., gels., graph., grat., guaj., hell. upper right: Aur., phos-ac.
hyos., hyper., ind., iod., ip , kali-bi.
left: Am-c, arn., berb., cupr-ar., guaj.,
/cali-c, lack., lye, mag-c, mang.
nieph., Merc, mez., nat-m., nat-s.
nice, nii-ac, nux-m., nux-v., olnd., ol-an. left, alternating with itching in left ear:
phel., phos., phos-ac, plb., prun., psor. Agar.
puis., rau-b., 7-ai., rhodo., rhus-t,, samb. after getting wet: Aeon,
Sars., Sep., sil.,Staph, stront.
siilph., sul-ac, tabac, tarent., teucr., verb, extending to right side of head: Alum,
viol-o., vine, zinc. temples: Alum.

morning: Arg-n., caust., mang., h3'per. from right ear to right teeth: Chel.

after walking: Mez. roots: Am-m., ant-t., camph., graph., lach.,

washing: Arg-n. meph., mere, ol-an., sabin., staph.,
stront., teucr., zinc.
evening: Ail., am-m., bell., cain., mag-s.,
Sep., tabac, zinc. as if being torn out: Calc.

night: Ars., calc, calc-ph., carb-an., mere, eating, after: Ant-t., sep.

mag-c, nat-c, nat-m., nice, nux-m., sep., during: Sep.

dinner, during: Arn.
Ijdng on painful side agg. : Ars.
amel. after: Arn.
midnight, before: Am-c, mere
left side posteriorly: Ant-t., cycl.
after: Bell., sulph.
pressure of finger amel: Am-m.
biting together, when: Am-c.
extending out through left ear: Sep.
bed, worse after going to: Aeon.
to ears: Am-c, anac, lach.
from warmth of: Graph., /'/2£»j-«c.
to temple: Calc.
cold water agg.: Arg-n., mix-v., phos.
tension: H3'per. , nat-m. , Mere,
sars., staph.
as if nerve were stretched: Anac, coloc,
eating, while Bry., carb-an., sep., sil.,
tingling: Bor., calc. cast., indg., lach.,
menses: during: Ars., mag-e, nat-m.
mur-ac, rhus-t.
motion amel. : Am-c.
in points of crowns in evening: Bar-c.
opening mouth, when: Caust.
twitching: AU-c, ant-c, apis, ars., bell., bry.,

incisors: Carb-v. calc, caust., cham., cist., coff., coloc.

PAIN, t\\'itching. SENSITIVE, cold water,
filled tooth: Sin-n.
cupr-ar., hep., hyos., Inch., mere, mez,,
nux-v., phos., puis. hollow tooth: Aloe, caps., card., cham., staph.
right side: Spig. painful, in decayed lower molars: ^th.

left: Calc. points of: Sulph.

warmth of bed amel. : Spig. pressure, to: Agar., ars., hekla, kali-bi.

ulcerative: Ani-c, bell., caust., coc-c, kali-i., sounds reverberate painfully in: Ther.
mag-c mang., phos.
berb., coc-c, Lach.,
touch, to: Agar., aloe,
at roots; Am-c, alum. lye, mag-c, Nat-m., staph.
from touch : Mang. warmth, to: Nat-m.
worse when chewing: Alum. incisors: Agar., aur-m., mag-m., pall., sars.

wandering, shifting, in all the teeth: Mag-ph., molars, decayed: Aloe, seth.
mang., puis., til.
worse from eating: Aloe.
wedged, as if. (See " Pressing.")
SERRATED. (See " Notched.")
worm, sensation of Syph.
SHARP, edges seem, and hurt tongue:
wrenching: Nux-v., prun.
SLIME on. (See " Mucus.")
PERIOSTITIS: Agar., phos., sil.
SOFT, feel: Caust.. cinnb., coch., lepi.,
PROXri) flesh, surrounded by: Alumn. mere, nit-ac, nux-m.
PRESSING together sends a shock through head, SORDES, (see " Mucus"): Ail., alum., apis, Ars.,
ears and nose: Am-c. Bapt., cad., camph., carb-ac. Chin., dig.,
(See " Pain, pulsating.") gels., Hyos., iris, mere, merc-c. mur-ae,

ox-ac, Phos., Phos-ac, plb., Rhus-t.,

painless: Ars., sanic.
secale, stram., sulph., tabac.
ROUGHNESS, sensation of: Fl-ac.
brown: Apis, cact., colch., kali-ph., variol.
from tartar: Mez.
black: Chin., con.
SENSITIVE, tender: Agar., alum., arg-n.,
bloody: Plant., secale.
aur-ra., bar-c, bolet., bry., card-m., caust.,
cham., coc-c, colch., ferr., fl-ac, gymn., dark: Chin., Fl-ac, tabac.
kali-bi., kalm., Lach., lyssin, mag-c,
mag-ph., mang., mere, merc-c, nat-c,
SPONGY, feel: Nit-ac.

nai-m., pall., sars., senec, seneg., staph., STICKY: Arg-m., iod., sang.

STICK together, as if glued: Arg-m., psor.,
cannot bear dental operation: Fl-ac, staph. zinc-ox.

to air: Aeon., aran., bell., beib., bry., calc, TENSION in: Anac, coloc, hyper., puis., ther.
calc-ph., calc-s., cina, mag-ph., Nat-m., right side: Bar-c.
ox-ac, sin-n.
TORPOR, sense of: Chin., petr.
and touch: Barb., nat-m.
TWISTED, feeling as if: I.ach.
brushing: Nat-m.

chewing, when:
WARM, teeth feel, left upper jaw: Fl-ac
Agar., calc-ph., carb-an.,
clem., olnd., sil. WATER sour, fetid, coming from: Nice
cold water, to: Aeon., arg-n., ars., brom., WEDGEL-SHAPED Kreos. :

bry., calc-s., cina, gym., hell., mere, sep., WISDOM teeth, ailments from eruption of:
sil., staph., Iher. Calc, fl-ac, mag-c, sil.

the least: Carb-an., coc-c.

YELLOW. (See "Discoloration.")


ABSCESS. (See "Suppuration.") CHOKING.
carh-ac, carb-an., carb-v., castor., Caust.,
ANESTHESIA: Aeon., arg-m., kali-br., kali-c,
cimic, cocc,
cedr., Cham., chel., chin-s ,
mag-s., olnd., verat-v.
coc-c, coff., colch., con., crot-h., cupr., cur.,
ANGINA. (See "Pain.") cycl., dig., dios., elaps., eup-per., ferr.,

APHTHA: ^Ih., ars., arum-t., bell., bry., Jl-ac., gamb., gels., gent-c, glon., graph.,
cauth., Ign., kali-chl., plb., sulph. hell., /^^'/.,Hy0S.,Ign., indg., iod.,ip.,]&c-c.,
kali-a., kali c, kali-chl., kali-i., kali-n.,
tonsils, on: Bell., calc.
kali-s., kreos., Lach., Laur., lyc,
APPLE core had lodged, sensation as if: Phyt. lyssin, mag-p., mane, mere, merc-c, merl.,
mez., mosch., myric, naja, nat-a., nat-m.,
ASTRINGENT sensation: Ail., naja, phyt.
nat-s., nice, nux-v., oena., op., ox-ac,
BLACK. (See "Discoloration.")
petr., phos., phos-ac, phys., phyt., Plb.,

BLISTERED: Canth. ptel., puis., sabad., sabin., sars.,

seiieg., sep Spong., stram., strj-ch., sul-ac,
BLOOD oozing: Acon., am., ars., canth., carb-v., ,

verat., zinc.
chin., crot-h., cur., ferr., ferr-p., ham., ip., Sulph., tabac thuj., ,

lach., merc-cy., mill., phos., sang., secale. morning: Aster., cham. ,

7?-ar, ,
naja, ol-an.

pharynx: Merc-c. 5 a. m.: Raph.

tonsils: Crot-h., lach., phos., secale, tereb. forenoon: Fl-ac.
uvula: I,ac-c. afternoon: Nat-a., nice., sang.

BONE in, sensation of (see " Pain, as of a 3 p. m. : Lyssin.

splinter"): Calc, Hep., ign., \sLch., nit-ac,
evening: Alum., phys.
night: Arg-n., arum-t., glon., nit-ac, ran-s.,
pharynx: Calc.
BREAD crumbs, sensation of: Coc-c, dros.. Lach.,
bending the neck: Phos-ac. -

hawking amel. Lach. :

bowing the head: Con.

CALCAREOUS deposit: Calc. clearing the throat, when (see "Retching"):

Ambr., anac, bor., bry., calc-p., kali-c.
CANCEROUS: Crtr<^-a«., tarent. Nux-v., siann.
CATARRHAL: Alumn., aur-m., bad., brom., clothing agg. : Agar., ambr., apis, bell., cact.,
calc, graph., hippoz., hydr., kali-bi., chel., elaps, kali-bi., kali-c, Lach., sep.
kali-chl., mere, Nat-m., nux-v., phyt.,
puis., rumx., sulph. convulsive: Ars., carb-v., sars.

CHEESY looking dinner, after: Bar-c.

spots: Bell., bry ,
psor. drinking, while: lod.

CHOKING, constricting: Abs., aeon., ccsc, ^th., eat, on attempting to: Lach.
agar., aloe, alum., ambr., am-c, am-m., eating, while: Nit-ac.
apis, arg-n., ars., ars-h.. arum-t., asar.,
asc-t., bapL, bar-c. Bell., benz-ac, brom., bread: Ran-s.
bry., bufo, Cact, calc, canth., caps., headache, with: Glon.


CHOKING, CONTRACTION: Alse., agar., alum., apis,

b'iiig aiiiel. : Apis, arg-ni., arg-n., ars., arum-l., bapt.. Bell,

benz-ac, hxy., cale., canth., earb-v., caust

menses, before: Puis,
chel., chin., cic, cinnb., coff., crol-h.,
paroxysmal: Verat. crot-t., cupr., cur., cycl., dros.,
gran., hyos
on ign., iod., ip., jac-c,
sleep, going to: Cench., Lach., naja, lach., Lyc, mane,
Nux-v., sfp. mere, nat-m., nux-v., plat., puis., raph rat.

rhus-t., sabad., sars., sep., stram., sulph.

speaking, when: Mane.
sul-ac, strych., tliuj., verat., zinc.
swallowing, on (compare "Retching," under
daytime, while walking: Nat-s.
"STOMACH"): Aeon., bell.,
cupr-ac, gent-c.,^?-rrt/!.//.,kali-c., morning: Agar., strych.
nuig-p., meph., vierc, >iat-m., par., on waking: Agar.
rhus-t., strych., tarent., verat., zinc.
afternoon: Strych.
compelling: Bor., cact., lach.
evening: Chin-s.
liquids: Lyssin, mag-p., nat-s.
convulsive: Aeon., bell., caps.
prevents swallowing: Hyos.
coughing, on: Ars., coc-c, lach.
solids: Puis., lach.
smoking, while: Sep.
walking, while, Nat-s.
oesophagus: Alum., arg-m., bell., cact.
amel. : Dros. carb-ac, cham., chel., chin., Kali-C, lac-ac.
lyc, nat-m., zinc,
writing, while: Bar-c.
morning: Alum.
oesophagus: Aeon., <^^^:., agar., alum., anac,
ars., cact., cadm., calc, canth., carb-an., on waking: Alum,
chel., cocc, colch., cupr-ac, dig., dros., noon, after eating: Sulph.
Ign., iod., kali-chl., lob-i., naja, nit-ac, spasmodic (see " Spasms "): ^r^-w., ars.
ox-ac, stram., sul-ac. bell., calc, carb-ac, elaps, hyos., lach.
swallowing: Alum., zinc. Laur., lyssin, nat-c, stram.

oshyoides, region
swallow water, can only : Bapt.
of: All-c.

COATED. Ars., lil-t., petr., sep. CRAMP: Aeon., ars., <±.^\., gels., graph., kali-i.
tonsils: Merc-c.
on swallowing food, compelling him to retch
COLD, sensitive to. (See " Sensitive.") Graph
COLDNESS, sensation of: AU-s ,
caj., carb-v.,
CRAWLING: Aeon., bry., carb-v., colch., dros.
caust., cist., cor-r., cur., kali-bi. kali-chl.,
hyper., ign., kali-c, lach., mez., petr., plb.
lact., lye, plant., raph., sanic, sep., tereb.,
prun., puis., sabad., samb., secale, sep.
spong., stann., tabac.
evening: Sep.
morning: Lach.
cold air, from: Atsc, coca, cor-r., ol-an.
in bed; Iod., lach.
cold wind, in: Lyc.
evening: Nux-v.
expiration, on: Rhus-t.
causing cough: Bry., carb-v., euph., kali-c,
icy coldness: Cur. lach., prun., stann.

inspiration, on: Sulph. menses, during: Nux-v.

peppermint, as from: Form., tell., verat. nausea, during: L3'C.
swallowing, on: Nat-m. swallowing, on: Tabac.
oesophagus: Anan., cain., lact., meny. worm, as if, were squirming in: Hyper., puis.
icy: Anan. oesophagus, in: Anan.

CUTICLE. (See " Membrane.") DISTENSION of oesophagus, sensation of:

Hyper., op., verat.

DENUDED. (See " Erosion.")
DRYNESS: Aeon., cese, agar., ail., all-c.,alum.,
DIPHTHERIA. (See " Membrane.") ambr., am-c, am-m., anac, Anag., anthr.,
DISCOLORATION, black: Merc-snl. ant-c, ant-t., apis, arg-n., ars asaf., atro., ,

aur-m-n., bapt, bare, Bell., berb., both.,

copper-colored: Kali-bi., Mere.
brom Bry., bufo, cadm., caiu., calad., calc,

dark: ^sc, bapt., Phyt. calc-ph., Cann-i., cann-s., canth., carb-s.,

livid: Ail.,7?-«c. ,
kali-bi., kali-chl., ox-ac. carb-v., caust., cham., chel., chin., chin-s.,
cie, cimic, cinnb. ,
cist., clem., cob., cocc.y
mottled: Bapt., lack.
coc-c, coca, colch., coloc ,
con., cor-r.,
pale: Bar-c.
crot-h., crot-t., cupr., cycl., dig., dies., dros.,

purple: Ail., bapt kali-bi., Lach., mere, dulc, eug ,

eup-per., eupi., fago., gels.,

nu.v-v., puis., snlph. glon., graph., ham ,

hell., hep., hydr., hyos.,

tonsils: Lach., phyt. ign., iod., ip., iris, jac-c, jatr., kali-bi.,
kali-c ,
kali-chl., kali-i, kali-ma., kali-p.,
redness: Absin., AcOD.., cesc, setli., ail.,
kali-s.,kalm., kreos., lac-ac, lach., Lac-C.
am-br., ant-t., apis, Arg-n., ars., atro.,
laur., lob-c, lota-i., lye, mag-c, mag-m.,
aur-m., bapt., Bell., berb., brom., bry.,
mag-s., mane, mang., meny.. Mere,
calc, calc-p., calc-s., canth., Caps., carb-ac,
merc-c. ,
merc-sul., Mez., morph., mosch.,
carb-an., carb-v canst., cist., clem., chlor.,

mur-ae, myric, naja, nat-e, ?iat-m., nat-s.,

coc-c, colch., cop., crot-t., cupr-ac, cycl.,
gels., gent-c, gins., hyos., ign.,
«z7-ac. , Nux-m ,
ntix-v., o\-a.n., o/>., ox-ac,
ind., iris,
par., petr., phel., Phos., phos-ac, phyt.,
kali-bi., kali-chl., kali-i., kali-n., lack.,
plant., plat., p\h., podo., psor.. Puis., raph.,
lac-ac , Lyc, mere, merc-c, merc-i-f.,
rhus-t., rhus-v., rumx., Sabad., sabin.,ssLrah.,
mur-ac, nat-c, 7iit-ac., nux-m , mix v.,
sang., sauic, sars., secale, selen., senec,
op., ox-ac, petr., phos , Phyt., pic-ac,
seneg., sep., Sil., squil., Stict., Stram.,
rhus-t., rhus-v., secale, sep., sil., Stram.,
strych., sulph., sul-ac, sumb., tabac, tarax.,
sulph., sul-ac, tabac, tarent., verat.
tell., thuj., ust., valer., verat., verat-v.,
in spots: Kali-chl.
verb., wyeth., zinc, zing.
dark red: k.cow., cbsc, ail., Arg-n., Bapt,
daytime: Mez.
caps., Cham., crot-h., kali-bi., kali-i.,
kali-s., lach., merc-cy., merc-i-r., mez., morning: Ail., all-c, alum., ambr., am-c,
naja, phyt., puis., rhus-t. ant-c, ant-t., arg-n., berb., bufo, calc,
network . Brom. cann-s., caust., hyos., lach., lyc, mag-c,
pharynx: Aeon., mag-m., mag-s., mez., ol-an., petr., phyt.,
ant-t., Apis, ars., bell.,
plant., plb., puis., ran-s sars., stann.,
bry., calc-p ,
calc-s., coc-c, gent-c, iod., ,

stram., stront., sulph., tell., ust., zinc.

kali-n., mere, merc-c, merc-i-f., merl.,
nat-a., nat-m., ox-ac, phos., stram., waking, on: Alum., ambr., bov., coc-c,
sul-ac. ust., verat. mag-c, ol-an., phos., sars., sep.
• back part: Hep., kali-bi., merc-i-f., walking, while: Zinc.
forenoon: Anac.
tonsils: Aeon., apis, aur., bapt.. Bell.,
ferr-p., gymn., noon: Mag-m.
kali-bi., lach., mere,
merc-i-f., phyt. puis., sulph. afternoon: Am-c,
, canth., phyt, sang., sep,,
uvula: Aeon., apis, Arg-n., ars., Bapt., sulph.
Baf-m., Bell, calc, calc-ph., caust.,
waking, on: Selen.
cimic, colch., crot-t., cupr-ac, fl-ac,
gent-c, kali-bi., lach., mere, 5 p. m.: Phyt., sulph., tell.
nat-m., petr., sulph.
evening: Alum., bar-c, brom., dulc, 13'c.,
dark red: Arg-n., Bapt., cale, caust., ox-ac, phos., senec, sep., stram., tell.,
cupr-ac, lach. zinc.


DEYNESS, evening.
ELONGATED uvula: Aeon., alumn., apis, aur.,
bapt., Bar-m., brom., calc, caps., coff.,
lying, while: Lyc.
croc Crot-t., hep., hydr., Hyos., ind., iod],

sleep, before: Sep., staph. kali-c, Kali-i., lac-c, lac-ac, Lach., lyssin,
viatic, mere, niere-i-r., mill., val-m.,
6 p. ni. : Mang.
nux-v., Phos., .sil., Sulph., thuj.
night: Aeon., alumn., arg-n., ars., calc-p., EMPTINESS: Calc-ph., lyc, nat-a.
cinnb., cist., glon., graph., Lach., uiag-ni.,
on swallowing: Lye.
phel., puis., rhus-t., senec, sep., sulpli.
ENLARGEMENT of tonsils: Alumn., Bar-c,
coughing, when: Puis. bar-i., Bar-m,, calc-p., /err., hep., kali-bi.,
lying down, while: Caust. Lach., Lyc, mere, nat-m., nit-ac, peir.,
Y>\^os., phyt., Sep., sil., staph., sulph., syph.,
thirst, without: Lach., nat-c.
waking, on: Coc-c, Lach., sil.
EROSION: ^sc, apis, ars., brom., sumb.
midnight: Arum-i., kali-bi., puis., sul-ac. spots: Brom.
after: Puis, EXCORIATION: y^sc, ant-c, ars., canth.,
air, open, in: Gins., mang. fago., hell., mur-ac, nit-ac, phyt, sul-ac.

bed, in: Phyt., rhus-t. extending to stomach, sensation of: Apis.

chill, during: Thuj. FISHBONE. (See "Pain, as of a splinter."

coughing, when: Dros., eng., mez., phyt.,

FISSURED pharynx: Elaps.
Puis., rhus-t. ,
squil., sulph., verat. FOOD lodges in throat: Bry., caust., chin., croc,
crot-t., ferr., ign., iris, Lach., lyc, Nit-ac,
dinner, after: Zinc.
petr., sil., sulph., zinc.
drinking does not am el.: Sang. sensation of: Arg-n., arn.
eating, after: iEsc, natrm. passes into choanse (see also "Liquids" ) : Lyc,
nit-ac, petr., sil.
heat, during: Asar., olnd., op., sulph,
oesophagus, sensation as if food lodged in:
inspiration, on: Ham., nat-a.
Ars., bar-c, calc, caust., 6.\g., gels., puis.
painful: Lach.
food turned like a corkscrew on swallowing:
rest, during: Con, Elaps.

rising, when: Cob., ham. passed over raw places: Bar-c.

FOREIGN body, sensation of (see "Lump"):
sleep, during: Ifux-m, .(Esc. ,
agar. ail.
, ambr., am-c, ant-c, apis,

after: Bov., morph., naja, nat-a., sulph. arg-n., arn., brom., bry., bufo, calc ,

chel., chin-s., cic, cob., con., crot-t., graph.,

speaking very difi&cult: Bry., mere, seneg.
kreos., led., mag-c, mere, mez.
talking, from: Alumn., graph. niyric, nat-c, nux-m., ol-an., phos., plant.,

plb. , sabin. , sol-t-se. ,

sulph. , zinc.
thirst, withovit: Apis, asaf., calad., caust.,
meny., nux-m. ,
pall., phos-ac, psor. , samb. morning: Am-c, cob.
afternoon: Phos.
waking, Alum., anibr.,
on: bov., coc-c,
Lach., lyc, mag-c, mane, naja, nux-m., evening: Am-c
ol-an., phos., sars., selen., sep., sil., zing. apple core: Phyt.

oesophagus: Aeon., ant-t. ,

ars., bell., bufo, bone (See " Bone.")
kali-br., lach., merc-i-f., nat-m., op., sep.,
bread crumbs. (See " Bread.")
sulph., sumb.
skin hanging loose in, and he must swallov
posterior part: Cimic, kali-c, mez. over it: Sabad.


FOREIGN body, HAWK, disposition to.

cycl., dulc, eug., euplir., fl-ac.,^ gent-c,

smoking, while: Plb., sep.
graph., grat, gymn.. Hep., Kali-bi., kali-c,
string, as if a: Sabad., valer. kali-ma., LacL, laur., lil-L, lob., lye,

merc-i-f., merc-i-r.. naj, Nat-C, Nat-m.,

stone: Bufo.
Nux-V., pteon., par., petr..
nat-s., nit-ac,
. swallowing: Graph., ust. phos-ac, phyt., plat., plb., psor.,
does not aniel.: Agar., kali-bi. rhus-t., ruvix., sabad., sars., selen., senec,
seneg., sep., sil., spig., stann., stram.,
oesophagus: Anac, bell., gels., lye, nit-ac,
sulph., teucr., thuj., xanth., zinc.
plios., verat-v.
ambr., calc, cob., grat.,
morning: Ail.,
Aeon., tesc, carb-v.,
nal-m.,phos., phyt., rhus-t., sars., sep.
colch., crot-c, glon., grat., lob., pall., samb.,
secale, sul-i. forenoon: Arg-n.

.FULNESS: -Esc, ail., aloe, am-m., a/>z'J, bapt., night: Aur.

bell., brom., carb-an., carb-v., chin-s., cimic, ineffectual: Phos.
cinnb., C07i., eup-per., glon., iod., lack.,
sleep, during: Calc-p.

lac-c, lac-ac, phys., phyl., puis., raph.,

sang., sil., sulph., syph., thuj. talking, while: Calc-p.

afternoon: Bapt.
HEAT: Aeon., sesc.,*£eth., alumn., ant-c, arg-n.,
lying down agg. : Apis. ars., aster., bell., benz-ac, brom., cain.,
camph., canth., caps., carb-an., carb-v.,
swallowing, on: Sang.
cham., chin., cist., clem., cob., coca, cocc,
turning head to left: Phyt. colch. crot-t. euph. dulc. ferr. fl-ac. gels.

glon., hell., hep., hydr-ac, hyos., hyper.,

writing: Phyt.

hura, ir-fl.,iris, jatr., kali-c. ,kali-chl.,kali-n.

^GANGRENE: Ail., am-c, anlhr., arn., Ars., kali-s., laur., led., lye, lyssin, mane, mere,
Arum-t ,
bapt., bell., canth., carb-ac, merc-c, merc-sul., Mez., mosch., nat-m.,
carb-v., chin., con., crol-h., euph., kali-p., nat-s., nit-ac, Nux-v., oenan., ox-ac, paeon.,
kreos., mere, mur-ac, nit-ac. ,
phyt., secale, phos., plb., pic-ac, polyg., raph., rhus-t.,
sil., sulph., sul-ac, tarent. samb., sang., senec, sep., squil., strych.,

uvula: Chin-a., lach., lac-c. ust., verat., sulph., tabac, tarent., tereb.,
teucr., sul-ac, sumb., verat-v., vesp., vip.,
GLAZES appearance: Apis, carb-ac, cist.,
kali-bi., Lac-c, nat-m., ^peti. ,phos., phyt.
morning: Fl-ac, sulph.
pharynx: Apis, carb-ac.
forenoon: Carb-v.
GLOBUS hystericus. (See "Lump.")
afternoon: Sep.
GRANULATED : Kali-bi., phyt.
2. p m.: Nat-c.
|GURGLING, drinking, when: Cupr., hydr-ac.
evening: Nux-m., ox-ac, sumb.
sleeping, while: L,yc.
6 to 7 p. m. : Sang,
oesophagus: Arn., Ars., cina, cupr., elaps,
hell., Hydr-ac, /awn, thuj. night: Cinnb.

HAIR, sensation of: Ars., carb-s., coc-c, kali-bi., cough, after: Aur-m.
respiration, on: Mang.
afternoon: Sulph.
swallowing, on: Ferr., tabac.
HAWK, disposition to: Ail., all-c, alum., anac,
arg-n., arum-t., bar-c, bell., berb., bry.,
walking in open air, while: Led.
bufo, calc-f., calc-p., caust., carb-an., carb-v.,
extending to stomach: Anthr., all-c, crot-t.,
cimic, cimx., coc-c, colch., Cor-r., crot-t.. mane, naja, tabac.


oesophagus: .^sc, oeth., aniyl-n., arg-n., ars., waking, on, agg.: Kali-bi., lach.
bell., beuz., broni., camp/i., cauth., carb-ac,
colch., crot-t., guare., hydr-ac,,iod., kali-clil.,
oesophagus: Arn., Ars., asaf., bell., bufo,
merc-c, nat-s., phos.,
carb-v., cocc, euph., gels., iod., laur., mere,
plb., ptel., rhus-t.
sul-ac, wyeth. mez., nit-ac, c&nau.., phos., Rhus-t., .sabad.,
secale, vesp.
INDURATION of toasils: Agar., Bar-c,
pharynx (chronic): Bar-m., fl-ac, kali-i.,
Bar-m., con , nit-ac, -p^tT:., plb., staph.
lac-c, \a.c\\., naja, nat-m,, petr., sep Sil.,
INFLAMMATION : Aeon., tesc, ail., all-s., aloe, sulph.

alum., am-c, am-ni., aiian., aut-c, apis,

follicular: Hj'dr., kali-chl., phyt., secale.
arg-m., Arg-n., ars., arum-t., aiir., aitr-m.,
bad., bapt., Bar-C, Bell., berb., bisni., tonsils: Aeon., sesc, ail., Alumn., amyl n.,
brom., bty., bufo., cain., calc, calc-p., ant-t., anthr., apis, ars., bad., bapt., Bar-c,
calc-s., canth..
Caps., carb-v., caust., cAaw., bar-m., Bell., benz-ac berb., hufo, canth.,

cimic, cifinb., cist., coc-c, coff., colch., caps., cedr., cham., colch., crot-h., cupr.,
com., con., cop.,^:^^., crot-t, cupr., dulc, cupr-ae, cur., dulc, gels., guaj., ham., Hep.,
elaps, fago., Ferr-p., fl-ac, gels., graph., ign., kali-chl., Lac-c, Lach., lyc, Merc,
ham., Hep., ign., ip., kali-bi., kali-c, merc-cy., merc-i-f., merc-i-r., naja, nat-s.,
kali-i., kali-ma., kali-n., /ac-i:.,Lach., lob-c, Nit-ac, phyt., plb., psor., puis., sang.,
Lyc, lyssin, mag-c, mang., Mere, merc-c, Sep., Sil., staph., sulph., ust, verat., vesp.,
merc-cy., merc-i-r., mez., mur-ac, nat-c, zinc.
nai-m., nat-s., nice, Nit-ac, nux-m., cold weather, every spell of: Dulc, hep.
nux-v., cenan., ol-an., pall., petr., phos.,
phos-ac, /i/2j//f., plb., psor., ptel., painless: Bapt,
rhus-t., sabad., sang., seneg., sol-t-ae.,stront., recurrent: Alum., bar-m., hep.,
sulph., sul-ac, tell., thuj., vip., zinc. lach., lyc, sang., sep., sit., sulph.

right: Ars., lac-c, lyssin, lyc, mere, merc-i-f., uvula: Alum., Apis, ars., berb., brom.,
phyt., sars., stront., xanth. calc, carb-v., chin-s., cimic, colch., cupr-ac,
gels., kali-bi., kali-n., lac-c, nat-s., nux-v.,
left:' Crot-h., elaps, form., lac-c, lach.,
plb., puis., seneg., sulph.
merc-i-r., naja, nice, secale, Sep., thuj.

forenoon agg. Jab. : IRRITATION: Ail., aster.. Bell., bov., carb-ac,

carb-v., chin-s., cimic. Con., crot-t., gels.,
night agg.: Citinb.,'iS.QTC.
glon., hep., hura, ip., iod., kali-br., kali-i.,
children: Cham. lach., morph., nat-a., nux-v., puis., rhus-t.,
rhus-v., sang., sars., secale, sil., sul-ac,
chronic: Alum., arg-n., bar-c, calc, carb-v.,
tabac, ust.
hep., kali-chl., lack., lyc, mang., mere,
nat-m., nit-ac, phos., phyt., seneg., Sep., morning: Chel., nat-c, sulph.
sulph., thtij.
evening: Chel.
cold, after: Bar-c, bell., cham., dulc.
night: Tabac.
erysipelatous: Apis, bapt., bell., lach., lyc,
causing cough: Carb-an., dios., lach., lyc,
mere, phyt., rhus-t.
plant., sil., sqiiil., sulph., sumb., tabac,
follicular: Ail., bell.. Hep., lod., kali-chl., tromb., thuj.
kali-i., lac-c, mere. ,7iat-m., phyt., secale.
extending to eustachian tube: Phyt.
menses, before: Mag-c.
oesophagus: Cocc, crot-t.
mercury, after: Arg-m., Hep., nit-ac
pharynx: .i^sc, bov., olnd., verat.
painless: Bapt.
phlegmonous: Aeon., alumn., bar-c, bell.,
ITCHING: ^th., apis, arg-m., calc-s., cist.,

colch., con., glon., kali-c, kali-i., samb.

calc ,
hep., lach., mere, nux-v., sulph.,
thuj. periodical: Cist.
oesophagus: ^-Eth., cain.
swallowing, on: Bar-c, calc, gels., graph.,
lach., mere, nat-ni., nat-s. ,
nux-v., pic-ac,
pharynx: Cain., spig. puis Sep., ust.

swallowing, when: Lachn., stront.

amel.: Kali-bi.

LEAF, sensation in pharynx as if a fine leaf laj^ not amel. by: Agar., kali-bi.
before posterior nares, morning after wak-
empty: Nux-v.
ing: Bar-c.
returns after: Ign., lac-c ,
LIftUIDS taken are forced into nose (see also
"Food"): Anan., Arum-t., aur., bar-c, when not: Ferr., ig7i., nat-m., sulph.

bell., bisni., cantli., carb-ac, caust., cupr., oesophagus: All-c, anac. ,

ars., bar-c, bell.,
cur., ign., kali-bi kali-ma., lac-c, Lach., calc, caust., con., dig.,
der. ,
gels., lyc,
Lyc, mere, merc-c, merc-cy., nai-vi., petr., merc-c, nit-ac, phos., puis., tabac, verat.,
pliyl., plb., puis ,
sil., sul-ac. verat-v.

LUMP, plug, etc., sensation of: ^sc ,

agar., ail., eating, after: Elaps.
all-c, alum., ambr., am-c, anan., ant-c,
periodical: Tabac.
apis, arg-n., am., ars., aur., aur-m., bar-c,
bell., benz-ac, berb., brom.,bry., huio, calc, swallowing amel. : Phos.
carb-v., caust., cham., chel., chin-s., cic,
cocc, coc-c, con., croc, crot-h., crot-t., cur.,
MEMBRANE, exudation, diphtheria, etc.:
Acet-ac, ail., avi-c, ant-t.. Apis, arg-n.,
ferr., gels., graph., hep., hyos., Ign.,
kali-bi., kali-c, kali-n., kreos., lac-ac, lac-c
Ars., ars-i., arum-t ,
bapt., bar-c, bell.,

mag-c, med.,
Brom., bry., calc-p canth., caps.i carb-ac,
Lach., led., lob., mere, ,

crot-h., cupr-ac, elaps, hep., igu.,

merc-i-f. ,
merc-i-r., mez., myric, nat-c, iod.,

nux-m., nux-v., ol-an., Kali-bi., Kali-chl., kali-ma., kali-p., kreos.,

Nat-m., nit-ac ,

par., phos-ac, phyt., plant., plb., Psor., Lac-c, Lach., lachn., Lyc, mere, merc-c,
rumx., ruta, sabad., sabin., sep.,
merc-cy., mere i-f., merc-i-r., mur-ac,
sol-t-ae., sulph., tabac., thuj., zinc.
nat-m., nit-ac, phos, Phyt., Rhus-t.,'
sa.h&d., sa.\-a.c., sang., secale, sul-ac, sulph.,
morning: Am-c, cob. thuj.

forenoon: Phos., phyt. right: Apis, ign., lac-c,

Lyc, mere, merc-i-f.,
riding, while: Phyt. phyt. , rhus-t.

afternoon: Bar-c. extending to left: Lac-c, Lyc, sulph.

evening: Am-c, sep.

left: Bell., brom., crot-h., lac-c, Lach mane,,
swallowing, on: Sep.
alternating sides: Lac-C
night: Graph., nat-ni.
extending to right: Lac-c,
coughing amel.: Kali-c. Lach., petr.
blood-streaked: Kali-bi.
painful: Lach.
bluish: Carb-ac, lach., merc-cy.,
ri.sing, sensation:
Ars., Asaf., cham., chel.,
coloc, con., gels., Ign., kalm., lac-d., lach., brownish: Iod.
lob., Lyc, mag-c, mag-m Mosch., ,
curdy: Lac-c.
Nat-m., nux-ni., Nux-v., phys. /(/a/. plb., , , dark: Bapt., phyt.
puis, Sep., stram., sulph., tarent., valer.,
verat. deep-seated: Ail., apis, kali-bi.,
sleep, during: Lach., Nux-V., sep. dirty-looking: Apis, lac-c.

smoking, while Plb., sep. dry and shriveled: Ars.

stone: Bufo.
elastic: Kali-bi.

MEMBRANE. MUCUS: Aeon., SESC, ail., all-c,a\xm\., alumn.,
entire throat: Ain-c. ars., kali-tiia. inerc-cy.
ambr., am-m., anac, ant-t., Arg-m., Arg-n.,
arn., ars., aruin-d., arum-L, asar., aur.
gray: Apis, carb-ac, iod., kali-bi., lac-c, bapt., bar-c, benz-ae, bism
bell., bor.
lach., lye, mere, inerc-cy., merc-i-f., bov., bry., bufo, cact., calc, calc-p., calc-s.

inur-ac, nit-ac, Phyt., sanic, sul-ac.

calo., carb-ac, carb-an., carb-v., causL, chel.
greenish: Elaps, kali-bi., merc-cy. chen., cimic, colch., con., croc, crot-h.
crot-t., cupr cur., cycl., dros.,dulc., ery-a.
irregular: Lac-c, nierc-i-f. ,

eupi., euphr., ferr-i., Jl-ac, glon., graph,

leathery: Merc-cy. grat., guaj., gymn., hep., hydr., iod., ind.

loose: Lac-c, merc-i-f., merc-i-r. jug-r., kali-c, kali-i., kalm., kiss., kreos.
Lach., lact., laur., lob., lob-s., lyc, lyssin
migratory: I ac-c.
mag-c mag-m., mag-s., mere, merc-c.

patches: Canth., merc-i-r. merc-i-f., mez., mur-ac, myric, nat-a.

Nat-C, Nat-m., nat-p., nal-s., nit-ac.
isolated: Kali-bi.
Nux-V., ol-an., op., osm., ox-ac, par.,petr.
small (specks): Ail., apis, canth., iod., phel.,;>/zoj.,phos-ac., phys., phyt., plant.
kali-bi., lac-c, merc-i-r. plat ,
plb., podo., puis., ran-b., raph.

pearly: Lac-c, kali-bi., sang.

rhus-t., rumx., sahad., samb., sars., seneg
Sep., sil., sol-t-ae., spig., stann., stram.
profuse: Carb-ac , lach., lye, merc-c , sul-ac. sulph., sul-ac, sumb., tabac, tarax., teucr.

putrid: Bapt. carb-ac, merc-cy. thuj., til., verat., wild., zinc, zing.

scanty: Merc-i-f., merc-i-r. morning: All-s., ambr., am-m., apis, Arg-m.

bad., bar-c, bor., bov., calc, caust., cimx.
thick: Ars., iod., sul-ac.
cob., cupr., eupi., graph., hep , Kali-bi.
thin: Lac-c, merc-cy. kali-c, kreos., lact., laur., 13'C., mag-m.
nat-c, nat-m., nat-s., nux-v., petr., phos.
transparent: Merc i-f., merc-i-r.
plat., Puis., rbus-t., sabad., sars., seneg.
varnished, shining: Lac-c. Sep., sil., spig., stram., sulph., sumb., tarax.
wash leather: Bapt., Phjrt.
waking, on: Carb-an.
white: Am-caust. ,
rt/!>z5', «ri'., iod., Kali-chl.,
kreos., Lac-C, lach., lye, mere, merc-c, evening, Alum.,ang., bry., calc-p., merl.
merc-cy., merc-i-f., mut-ac, Nit-ac,
4 p. m.: Nat-e
nux-m., ox-ac, Phyt., stram., sul-ac, zinc.
6 p. m. : Phys.
wrinkled: Ars.
night: Alum., nat-s., puis., sep.
yellow: Kali-bi., lac-c, lach., merc-cy., mere,
nit-ac, rhus-t., sulph., sul-ac, zinc. on waking: Alum.

extending to nose: Kali-bi., mere, merc-c, midnight: Arum-t.

mt-ac. albuminous: Am-m., bor., merc-c, nat-m.,

fauces: Caps., merc-cy. sulph.

pharynx, posterior wall: Ara-caust., canth,, bed, in: Iod.

merc-i-f., mur-ac, sulph. bitter: Arn., ars., cist., grat., mere, tarax.

tonsils: Ail., am-caust., «/>/^, cupr-ae, iod., bloody: Alum., am-br., bad., bism., bor., chel.,
ign., kali-bi., kali-i., lac-c, Lach., Lyc, fl-ac, hep., kali-a., kali-ma., lyc, mag-c,
mere, merc-i-f., Nit-ac, Phyt. mag-m., sars., sep., stann., thuj.

right: Ign., lac-c, lyc, merc-i-f., rhus-t.

breakfast, before: Sabad.
left: Lac-c, Lach., merc-i-r. drawn from posterior uares: Alnvin ,
uvula: carb-ac, kali-bi., lac-c, merc-c, aiit-c, arg-n., bry., calc-5., carb-v., chin.,

merc-i-f., nit-ac, Phyt. cinnb., eupli., euphr., gran., hep., hydr..


MUCUS, drawn from posterior nares. MUCUS, thick

mere, merc-c, merc-i-f., mez., nat-a., kali-i., mag-c, mag-m., mere, Nat-C,
Nat-m., nit-ac, osm., pason ph >s-ac.,
nat-ni. nice., nux-m., phyt., psor., sil.
phyt., rhus-t., rumx., sin-n., spig., thuj., stann., sumb.
zinc, zing.
morning: Mag-m., sil.

easily' discharsfed: Arg-m., carh-v.

tough: All-c, aloe, alum., ambr., am-m.
eating, while: Canst., thuj., verat. anac, ang., ant-e. ,
apis, asar., bor., bry.
calc-a., caps., carb-v chin-s., cimx.
false membrane, like; Bill., puis. ,

cist., clem., cycl., dulc, iod., kali-bi., lye.

foul: Curb v., phyt. lyssin, mag-c, mag-m., mere, naja, ol-an.
frothy: Brom., bry., chen., plat. pall ,
phos., phos-ac, plb., psor., puis
ran-b., rhus-t., rumx., sars. ,
seneg., Sil.
gelatinous: Kali-bi.
sul-ac, tabac
gluey: Bad.
morning: Sars.
grayish: Ambr., Arg-m,, ars., phos stann.
viscid: ^sc, agn., alum., am-m., ang., ant-e.
greenish: Ail., ars., bor., colc/i., dros., lye, apis, Arg-m., arg-n., arn., asar., bar-c.
sil., stann., sumb. bor., bry., bufo, caps., chin-s., cimic, lact.

hanging down: Carb-an., lach., merc-c, phos.,

lob., mag-c, nat-c , ol-an., phos., phos-ac
thuj. plb., puis., ran-b., raph., rhus-t., sars., sep.
stann., tabac, verat.
lumps: Agar., seneg.
morning: Apis, Arg-m., bar-c
oflFensive: Carb-v.
evening: Alum,
qualmishness, during: Graph.
waterj': ^sc, chel., laur., thuj.
red as blood: Thuj.
morning: Thuj.
ropy: ^sc, agar., myric, lach., lith., ox-ac,
white: Ara-br., bell., bor., cob., lach., mag-c
phyt., seneg
nat-m., nux-v., raph., seneg spig.

saltish: Alum., am-m., ars., calc, mere

nat-m., nat-s., phos.,
morning: Spig.
sil., sulph., ther.

sensation of: Grat., mez.,

yellow: ^sc, ant-c, berb., calc, calc-s.
castor., dros., eug., hydr., kali-bi., lach.
sour: Crot t., laur., mag-s., phos., teucr.
nux-v., rumx., sil., spig., sumb.
sweetish: JEsc, all-c, sumb.
morning: Spig.
tenacious: All-c, alum., ambr., am-m.,
anac, forenoon: Lye.
apis, Arg-n., arum-t., asar., bar-c,
bor., carb-ac , carb-v., cinnb., cist., cop.,

MUCOUS patches: Ars-i., kali-chl., mere, nit-ac

cycl., ferr-m., phyt., syph.
graph., grat., ind., Kali-bi.,'
kah-c, lach., lact., laur., lyssin, mag-c, NARROW sensation: Aeon., alumn., arum-t.
mag-s. mere, mere c, merc-i-f., myric, Bell., bry., calc, caust., chin., tiux-v.
ol-an., pjeon., Phyt., plant, plb., pids\ rhus-t., sulph.
raph., r/wj-A, r?««,r., sars.,
seneg., sumb.,
tabac., thuj., verat., zinc
coughing, when : Coe e.

morning: swallowing, when: Bell., calc.

Apis, cupr., Kali-bi., lact.,
mag-m.. Puis,, seneg., sumb. NAUSEA in the throat: Aeon., anac, ant-t.
evening: Ran-b. arsj-m arn., ars., asar., aur.,
bell., 'cann-s^
chin, coec, coff., croc,
night: Puis. cupr.,
ferr., mere, nit-ac, olnd., Phos-ac, puis.
thick: ^se., aloe, alum., rhus-t., sars., spig., squil.,
anac, ant-e apis , ' Stann.
arg-m., Arg-n., bell., berb.,
bry carb-ac ,
NUMBNESS (see " Ansesthesia ")
c.m.c, cist, cur., glon.,
: Aeon., all-c
grat., Kali-bi' arg-m.

OBSTRUCTION: Calc, con., kuli-i., inerc-c, PAIN.
pyrus, puis., sunib.
coughing, on: Aeon., anibr. Arg-m., arum-l.,

morning: Mag-c. calc, camph.. Caps., carb-an., carb-v.,

chin., chin-s., coc-c, cycl., fl-ac, hep.,
swallowing, when: Arund., calc, elaps, iod.^
kali-bi., kalni., lach., lyc, mag-s., nat-m.,
waking, on: Led. nnx-v., pho.<;., psor., ran-s., sep., sil., spong.,
sulph., tarent.
PAIN: Aeon., ^jr., aloe, alum., aluniii. ani-c,
ant-c, anthr., apis, arg-m., arg-n., ars., after: Coc-c, naja.
Arum-t., aur-ni., Bapt., Bell., bov., bry., dinner, after: Sulph.
calc, calc-ph., calc-s., canu-s., cantli.,
carb-s ,
carb-v., caul., caiL<;L, chel., chin-s., draft of air: Ambr., chin.
colcli., con., crot-h., cupr., cycl., dulc, fago.,
drinking amel. : Bry.
graph., ham., hep., ign., iris-f., jatr.,
kali-bi., kali-c ,
kali-c/il., kali-i ,
kali-ma., eating, while: Carb-v., ferr., phos.
kali-n., kreos., lac-c,
Lach., laur. lye, ,

lyssin, mag-s., mere, merc-c, merc-i-r., amel.: Aeon., apis, benz-ac. carb-an., lach.,
mez., naja, nice, nit-ac, ox-ac, pall., pic-ac.

phos., phos-ac p/iyl., plat., psor.,

expectoration agg. : Bell.
]lhus-t., rhus-v runix ruta. sabad.,
, ,

Sil., snlph., sul-ac, tarent., teucr., verat., hawking, on: Bell., Lach.
vip., zinc.
he^t, during: vSep.
right: Am-c. carb-v
, iod., lye, meph., phyt. inspiration,
on: Ail., apis, arg-n., arum-t.,
left: Brom., crot-h., lach., naja, sep., teucr. hep.

daj-time: Lyssin.
cold air: Mez.
lifting, on: Calc.
morning: Alum., am-c, berb., calc-p., chin-s.,
cist., graph., kali-bi., lach., lye, naja, lying, while, agg.: Bell.
nice, ox-ac, phos., rhus-t. in bed amel. : Spong.
waking, on: Kali-bi., lach., rhus-t.
menses, before: Mag-c.
noon: Phos. during: Calc.
afternoon: Chin-s., naja. motion, on: Bell., mere
evening: Alum., ars., kali-i., lact., mag-m., moving the tongue: Ambr.
nice, puis., raph., sul-ac, viol-t.
paroxysmal: Phos., sep.
night: Alum., am-m., arg-n., camph., canth.,
cycl., graph., kali-n., mag-m., mag-s., putting out the tongue: Cocc, kali-bi.
mere. quiet, while: Puor.

air, cold, agg. : Chin., cist., mez, mere, rheumatic: Gran., mez.
rising, on: Calc.
amel.: Kali-bi., sang,
sharp, as from something: Glon., rhus-t.
apple core, as from: Mere, phyt.
sleep, after, agg.: Kali-bi., lac-c, lach.,
bending head agg. : Brom., merc-i-r.

blowing nose agg. : Carb-v. smoking, after: Coc-c.

chill, during: Thuj. sneezing, on: Hyper., Phos.

clearing the throat, on: Alum, speaking, on: Aeon., bell., berb., calc, dros.,
cold, from a: Aeon., bar-c, bell., cham., dulc. mag-c, mere, nice, rhus-t., staph.

cold drinks agg.: Canth., lyc. stooping, on: Caust.

, ,


swallowing, on: Aeon., eesc, ail., alum ,

talking: Fl-ac, merl., nice, par., staph.
ambr., am-c, am-m., ant-c, ant-t., apis, when:
1^ touched, Apis, bell., brom., bry.,
Arg'-m., arg-n., Ars., Arum-t,, Aur., bad., chin-s., cie, gamb., ign., lac-c, Lach.,
bai-c. Bell., brom., bry., bufo, calc, calc-ph.,
niez., nice, phyt., spong teucr., zinc.

canipli., cautli., caps., carb-ac. , carb-an

carb-v., castor., canst., chant., chel., Chin., turning the head: Bell., brom., bry., hep.,
cimic, cinnb., lach.
cofF., colch., con., cor-r.,
cupr-ac, cycl., dig., dire ,
dios., dros., ulcerative: Arg-n., ca.rh-an., graph., hep.
elaps, ferr., fl-ac, form., gels., gins., glon.,
waking, on: Kali-bi-, lach., myric, plant.,
graph., ham., hell.. Hep., hydr-ac, ign.,
ind ,
inul., ip., jug-c., kali-bi., kali-c,
kali-chl., kali-i., kali-n., kreos., Lac-C, warm bed agg. : Coc-c, mere
lae-d ,
lack., laur., led., lye, lyssin, mag-c. drinks agg.: Apis,
canth.. Lack, lyc,
mag-s., Mere, nierc-c ,
merc-i-f., merc-i-r., merl., niez., mil.,
mur ac, myric , nat-c ,
nat-nit., nal-s., nice, amel.: Alum., cham ,^.6^., Lyc, nux-v.,
nil-ac, nux-v., oena., op., ox-ac, par.,
sabad., sulph.
pelr., p/ios., phos-ac, phyf., podo., puis., room: £?y.
rhiis-t., rumx., ruta, sabad., sang., sars.,
Sep., staph.,
warmth in general agg. : Coc-c Lach., phyt.
sil., sulph., sul-ac , tabac, ,

tarent., thuj., verat., zinc. amel.: Ars., hep.

empty, on: Ail., alum., ambr., yawning, when: Arg-m., mag-c, nice
bell., bry., calc-ph., carb-ac, cinnb., cob., amel.: Mane
cocc, crot-h., ferr., glon., gi-aph., ham.,
hep., extending to ear: All-e, ambr., bell., calc,
kali-bi., Lach., mang., mere,
merc-c, carb-ac, cham., elaps, hep., igu., iris,
nu.x-v., puis, rhus-t., sulph.
variol., vesp.
kali-ma., kali-n., lach., lith., mere, nit-ac,
, zinc.
nux-v., par., phyt., podo., sars., secale,
food: Bad., bar-c, bry., dros., hep., lach., sul-ac.
nit-ac, nux-v ,
petr., phos., phos-ac,
swallowing, on: Ail., elaps, gels., kali-c,
rhus-t., Sep., sulph.
kali-ma., kali-n., mere, Nit-ac,
liquids: Bell., canth ,
ign., lach., lye, Nux-v., par., phyt.
Merc-c, sul-ac
glands of neck: Sep.
saliva only: Bar-c,
bry., calc-ph., cinnb.,
submaxillary: Merc.
coc-c, hep., kali-c, lac-c, lach., mang.,
mere, merc-i-f., larynx: Lach.
merc-i-r., phel ,
psor., puis., rat, rhus-t. ruta, stomach: Sul-ac.
, sulph.,
thuj., zinc.
oesophagus: Alum., alumn., ant-t., caust.,
after: Ambr., bry., 7iux-v., phos., colch.,
puis., crot-t., hydr-ac, kali-bi., kali-chl.'
rhus-t., sulph., zinc. nit-ac, mere, mur-ac, phos., raph., sul-ac'
amel.: Bapt., bell., caps., cist., ign., swallowing, on:
kali-bi., lach., lac-c,
Alum., ox-ac. nat-m.,
mere, sulph. nit-ac

when not: ^th., arn., Caps., cina,

grat, extending to stomach: Ars., crot-e,
Ign., iod., lac-c, lach., laur., led., merc-c.
mag-s mur-ac, sul-ac.
mang., nux-v., phel., plat., puis.,
sulph., thuj., zi7ic. pharynx: Alumn., apis, ars., canth., cop.,
cupr-ac, kali-chl., kali-n., merc-c,
behind hyoid bone, when: mur-ac,
Calc. ox-ac, phos-ac, rau-s.
sweets agg.: Sang., spong.
cough, during: Mag-m.
amel.: Ars.
sneezing: Ant-t.


PAIN, pharynx. PAIN, burning.
turning head: Bell. cough, after: Castor., coc-c, hep., mag-ni.,

swallowing. (See " Pain " in general.) mur-ac., phos., phos-ac, sulph,

dinner, after: Dros., lyc.

tonsils: .A.in-c., calc-p., aiusl., crot-t., graph.,
hep ,
kali-bi., lach., nierc-i-f., naja, raph., drinking agg.: Canth., par.
eating, after: Ant-t., calc, lyc, nil-ac, par.
morning: Bry.
amel.: Mez.
on waking: Bry.
eructations, after: Aluran.
8 a. ui. : Naja. expiration agg. : Mez.
uvula: Colch., kali-bi. hawking, when: Lyc, sep.

burning: Absin., Acon., (ssc, ccth., agar, in-spiration, on: Cann-i., iris, mez., ran-b.

alum., alumu., atn-c, am-m., anan., anthr., amel.: Crot-t, mez.

aut-c, ant-t., apis, arg-m., arg-n., ai~ii.,
itching, smarting: Bar-c, carb-v., cist.,
Ars., ars-h., amvi-t., asaf., asc-c , ast. , aur.,
bapt., bar-c. bell., berb., bism bor., bov.,
kali-bi., mere, mez., mur-ac, phos.,
, ,

phos-ac, puis., teucr., zinc.

brom., cain., calc, calc-p., caniph., canu-i.>
Canth., Caps., carb-ac, carb-an., carb-v lying down, on: Puis.
Caust., cedr., cham., chel., chin., chin-s., menses, during: Calc, sulph.
clem., coc-c ,
cocc, colch., coloc, con.,
crot-t. cupr. cur., cycl dig., dios., dros., peppery: Mez.
, , ,

eup-per., euph., ferr., ferr-m., fl-ac, gels., pressure, on: Merc-C.

glon., graph., ^?<ay., hell., hep., hiira, hyos.,
seashore, at: Iod.
iod. ,
ip., iris, jatr., jug-c, kali-bi., kali-c,
kali-chl., kali-i., kali-ma., kali-n. ,
kali-s., smoking: Coc-c, tarax.
kreos., lac-ac. ,
lack., laur., lye, mane, supper, after: Nit-ac.
mang., mere, Merc-C, merc-i-f., merl.,
Mez., miir-ac myric, nat-c, Nat-m.,
swallowing, when: ^sc ,
am., ars., aur.,

nit-ac., nux-v., olnd op., ox-ac., pseon., ,

Bar-C, canth., carb-s., hep., kali-bi.,

par., petr., phos., phos-ac, phyt., plb., kali-c, l)'c., mag-c, mez., sil.

podo., psor., puis., ran-b., ran-s ,

raph., empty, on: Bar-C.
rhodo., rhus-t., rhus-v., sabad., sal-ac,
sweets, after: Sang.
Sang., secale, seneg., sep., sil., spong.,
squil., siram., Sulph., sul-ac, syph., iabac., vomiting, after: Agar., phos., puis., sul-ac.|.j

tarax., tarent., tep., thuj., upa., urt-u.,

waking, on: Puls-n.
verat ,
verat-v., vesp., vip., zinc.
extending to abdomen: Iod.
daytime: Ivys.sin.
chest: Agar., sang.
morning: Arum-t., carb-an., coc-c, kali-bi.,

lye, mur-ac, sulph. lips: Mez.

forenoon: Cic, spong. oesophagus: Aeon., agar., am-c., anan..

noon: Rhus-t.
stomach: Aeon., ant-c, apis, am., ars..
evening: Alum., ox-ac, rhus-t ,
carb-ac, carb-s., dor., euph.,
night: Bar-C, nux-v. psor., secale, sul-ac.

cold drinks, from: Calc-s. oesophagus: Aeon., sesc, jeth., agar,

alumn., ammc, am-c, ant-t, am., ars..
midnight: Arum-t., kali-bi.
arund., asa/., aster., bell., brom., cadm
bread, after: Rhodo. cain., camph., cann-i., canth., carb-ac

cold drinks, after: Galc-s. carb-s., cedr., chel., chin-s., coc-c, coi'

PAIN, burning, cesopbagus. PAIN.
cupr-ar., cycl ,
dig., euph., gels., gymn., pressing: Aeon., alum., alumn., am-c.,am-m.,
hep., bydr., iod., kali-i., kreos., lac-ac, ant-t., arum-t., asaf., bar-e, bell., berb.,
laur., mane, mere, Merc-C, rnez., brom., bry., calc, canth., Caps., carb-v.,
mur-ac, nat-m., nit-ac, nux-v., ol-an., caust., cham., cinnb., clem., coc-c, cop.,

ox-ac, petr., phos., phyt., ran-s., raph., crot-t., dule, ferr., ferr-m., gent-e, grat.,
sars., Sang., seneg., strych., sul-ac, ust., hell., hyos., ign., iod., kali-bi ,
verat., verat-v., zinc. kali-chl., kali-i., kali-n., kalm., kreos.,
lac-ac. ,
lach., lye, mang., mere, merc-c,
morning: Cupr-s.
merc-i-r., merl., mez., naja, nat-m., nit-ac,
forenoon: Carb-s. nux-v., par., phel., phos., plat., rat., rhus-t.,

noon: Rbus-t. ruta, sabad., sabin., seneg.. sep., sulph.,

tabae, tarax., teucr., thuj., verat., zinc.
afternoon: Nux-m.
daytime: Nit-ac.
evening: Sin-a.
morning: Aloe, am-c, canst., graph., lach ,

drinking, wbile: Calc-caust., cantb., mez.

naja, phos.
earing, after: Con., tarent.
rising, on: Graph.
some bours after: Plb.
waking, on: Caust.
eructations, from: .33th., ol-an.
8 to 9 a. m. : Aloe,
pressure, on: Merc-C.
evening: Hep., nit-ac.
swallowing, when: Ars., carb-s., ox-ac.
night: Arg-n ,
water: Calc-caust., mez.
in bed: Arg-n.
extending to stomach: Aeon., ars., iris.,
speaking, while: Kali-i.
kali-bi., nit-ac , sul-ac.
swallowing, on: Bar-c, calc, carb-an.,
upward: Crot-t., mez.
Kali-i., Nit-ac, nux-v., par., sabad.,
tonsils: Bell., dios., iris, mere, phys., rapb. sep.

cold air amel. : Iris. extending to ear: Bry., carb-an., nat-m.

uvula: Apis, colch ,
lact., mez sang.
, abdomen: Zinc.
cutring: Bufo, cbin-s., kali-n., mang., plant, oesophagus: Cain., cimx., ferr-m., kali-e,
plb., puis., Sep., staph., sulph., sul-ac. lob-i., mere, nat-c, ol-an., tabac, verat.
coughing, on: Calc, lye, sulph. eating, while: Ars.
hawking, on: Sep. ball, as if: Anac.
swallowing, on: Stann., sul-ac. as if piessed on by the larynx: Chel.
extending to stomach: Plb. tonsils: Bell., cann-i., cham., nux-v., par.,
drawing: Apis, «r^-«., aur calc-p., caps., merl., tell.

croc, cupr., kali-bi., laur, merc-c, nat-m.,

rawness: Aeon., esse, aloe, almn., alumn.,
plat., plb., sabad., stann., slram., sulph., ambr., am-m., anac, apis, Arg-m.,
teucr., verat., zinc. Arg-n.,
ars., arum-t., bapt., bell., berb., brom.,
sitting up amel.: vSpong. bufo, cain., calc, carb-an., carb-v.,
swallowing, when not: Caps. chel chin., cimie, coc-c, crot-h., dig., dor.'

extending to ear: All-c, bry. dros., dule, euph., ferr., gamb., gent-e,
tonsils: Con., gymn., nat-m. graph., grat, hep., hydr., ign., ip., iris|
kali-e, kali-chl., kali-i., kali-ma.,
lancinaring: Am-caust., ars., aur-s., bufo, kali-n., kalm., kreos., lac-ac, lach.,
mane, ust. laur.,
lyc, mag-c, 7nag-ni mere, Merc-c, merl.[,
tonsils: Ust.
mez., mur-ac, 7iaja, nat-a., nat-m., uux-m.,

PAIN, rawness. PAIN, shooting.

Nux-V., "ti-ac, ol-an., op., phos., phos-ac, tonsils: Kali-bi., naja, tarent., sulph.
^\\^\ ,
phyl., puis., sang., seneg., sep., gil.,
swallowing, on: Sulph.
spon^., slann.. Still., sulph., sul-ac, tabac,
tfnij., zinc. aniel.: Kali-bi.

morning: AU-c, aloe, am-m., bov., caust., extending to ear: Iris, kali-bi.

mez., mur-ac, puis., stann., stront., zinc. soreness: Aeon., c£sc., ail., alum., am-br.,
rising, after: Bov. atn-c, am-m., anac, ant-c, apis, Arg-m,,
Arg-n., ars., arum-t., asaf., Bapt., Bell.,
walking, while: Zinc.
benz-a., brom., biifo, caj., Calc, calc-p.,
forenoon: Mag-c. cann-s., caps., carb-ac, carb-an., carb-v.,
causL, chain., chlor. cimic, cisl., coc-c,
evening: Bov., brach., ham., kali-bi., mang., ,

coff., con., cop., crot-h., crot-t., cupr.,

nat-c, sulph., zinc.
cupr-ar., cycl., dios., dor., eup-per., fago.,
night: Anac, Bar-C, sumb. ferr., fl-ac, form., ^'if/i^., glon., ham., haem.,
hell., hydr., hydr-ac ign ind., ip., jab
clearing throat, when: Seneg. , , ,

jac-c, jatr., jug-c, kali-a., kali-c, kali-chl.,

cold air, drawing: Nux-V. kali-i., kali-ma., lac-ac, Lach.., lachn., led.,
coryza, during: Coc-c. lyc, lyssin, mag-c, mag-s.. Mere,
merc-c, merc-i-f., merc-i-r., mez., myric,
coughing, when: Arg-ni., carb-v., caust.,
naja, nat-a., uat-m., nat-s., nice, Nit-ac,
chin., cob., nat-m., phos., rurax., sep sil.,
nux-m., nux-v., oena., ox-ac, petr.,
Spong., stront. phos., phos-ac, phys., //iy/., pic-ac, plant.,
damp weather: Phos. psor., ptel., puis., ran-s., rhus-t., rhus-v.,
samb., seneg., sep., sil., stann., sulph.,
dinner, after: Dros.
sul-ac, tep., upa., verat., vesp., vine,
eating, after: Anac. xanth., zinc, zing.
expiration, on: Phos-ac. right: Ars., calc-p., carb-ac, ham., ind.,
hawking, when: Cob., mang. lac-c, lith., Lyc, lyssin, mag-c, mere,
merc-i-f., nice, phyt., ptel., sars., tereb.,
hiccough, during: Bor.
sleep, after: Lach. Arum-t.. bar-c, lyc,
extending to left:

swallowing, when: Arg-m,, bar-c, bry., podo., sulph.

fago., hep., nat-c, nux-v., petr., Stann., left: Form., kali-bi., lac-c, Lach., mane,
sumb., zinc. merc-i-r., naja., phos-ac, rumx. sabad.,

waking, on: Plant. secale, std-ac.

walking, while: Lyc. extending into ear: Secale.

in open air: Stann. to right: Lach., sabad.

extending to stomach: Calc, carb-an. daytime: Lach., lyssin.

oesophagus: Am-c, calc, carb-an., mere, morning: Alum., arg-n., bov., bry., calc-p.,
carb-an., chel., cinub., cist., cob., dios.,
form., myric, nat-m., phos., phos-ac,
tonsils: Phyt.
phyt., puis., sil., sul-i., ust.

uvula: Ambr. when not: Puis.

shooting: ^sc, bell., hyos., sulph. waking, on: Arg-n., aster., bov., calc-p.,

evening: Sulph. chel., hydr.

swallowing, on: Apis, bell., sulph. 7 a. m.: Sep.

into eustachian tube: Con., gels, forenoon: ^sc, jug-c.

root of tongue: Phyt. lo a. m. : Lyssin.

PAIN", soreness. PAIN, soreness.

afternoon: Canth., dios., op., phys., ptel. extending to chest: Nat-c, Stann.
ears: Bell., carb-o., form., lith., phos-ac,
4 p. m. : Ar7(f/i-i.
5 p. m-: Caust.
larynx: Fl-ac.
evening: Am-c, brach bov., calc-p.,

cdrb-v., dios., ham., ind., lith., mez., nape: Lach.

nat-m., podo ,
stann., sul-ac, tell., viol-t., stomach: Lach.
cesophagus: Alum., ars ,
calc, caj., dig.,
night: Caniph., canth., crot-h., erig., mere, kali-n., nit-ac, sul-ac.
feels food whole length of oesophagus:
air, cold, from: Cist., co5..,fl-ac., hep., mez. Alum.
draft of: Ambr., hep. swallowing, as if, over a sore spot: Bar-c,
open: Mez. nat-m.

amel.: Kali-bi. splinter, as from a: Alum., apis, Arg-n.,

berb., calc, chel., Dol., Hep., ign., KaU-C,
clearing the throat, on: Alum.
mag-c, mere, nat-m., nit-ac, phys., sol-n.
coughing, on: Ambr., Arg-m., carb-v.,
as from awns of barley in the pharynx:
fl-ac, lach., lye, phos., ran-s., sep.,
Berb., mag-c.
spong., tarent.
cold, from becoming: Kali-c
damp weather, in: Dulc, hep.
swallowing, on: Hep.
eating, while: Carb-v., ferr.,phos.
extending to ear on yawning: Hep.
amel.: Apis, carb-an., pic-ac.
on turning head: Hep.
expiration, during: Arg-m.
cesophagus: Ars.
hawking, after: Cob., thuj.

inhaling open air: Mez. stinging: Aeon., aesc. Apis, arum-t., bell.,
mag-c, spong.
tiit-ac, par.,
lump: Calc, canst., cham., ign., laur.,
nux-v. , sil. menses, before: Mag-c
menses, before: Lac-c, mag-c.
swallowing, on: Alum., arum-t., aur-m.,
dros., Kali-i., mag-c, mere, puis.
during: Arn., calc, Lac-C, sulph.
when not: ^th., Apis, dig., ign.
onions, after: Alum. talking, while: Kali-i.
opening mouth, difficult, with: Kali-c. cesophagus, in: Ars.

painless: Bapt. stitching: Acon., asc, czth., alum., am-c,

am-m., apis, arn., ars., asar., aur.,
pressure, on: Lach.
ba7'-c, Bell., berb., bov., brom., bry., calc,
singers: Alum., am., canth., caps., carb-ac, carb-an., carb-v.,
Arum-t., arg-n.,
caps., cupr., ferr-p., lach., carl., caust., cham., chel., chin., cist., cupr.,
Rhus-t., zinc.
dig., dros., ferr-m., gamb., glon., graph-!
sneezing: Hyper.
gymn., hell., Hep., igft., ip., kali-bi.,
speaking, from : Act-sp. kali-c, kali-i., kali-n., lach., laur., led.,
stooping, after: Nat-c. mag-c, mag-s., mang., meny., mere,
straining throat, after: merc-c, merc-i-r., mez., nat-c, fiat-m.,
swallowing. (See " Pain " in general.) nice, Nit-ac, nux-m., nux-v., par.,
phel., phos-ac, podo., psor.,
waking, on: Arg-n., Puis., ran-s.!
aster., bov., calc-p rat., rhus-t., sabin., sars., s^n^g sep.,
chel., hydr., sil.,
kali-bi., myric, plant! spig., spong., stann., staph.,
raph. stram., sulph.,
sul-ac, tarax., teucr., thuj., verat.

PAIN, stitching. PAIN, stitching, tonsils.

right: Am-c, g'amf)., iod. extending to ear: Kali-bi. •

left: Arimi-t., kali-bi., mag-c , nat-c. swallowing amel.: Kali-bi,

morning: Ahimn., hep., kali-n., nat-c, extending to ears: Hep.
nice, ptel.
uvula: Nat-m., rhodo., seneg., sep.
on rising: Kali-n., ptel.
tearing: Act-sp., csUi., agar., ambr., ars..
afternoon: Nat-c. bisni., camph., canst., cham., cist, colch.,
crot-h., hura, nat-s., sol-t-a;., staph., teucr.,
evening: Bar-c, mrb-an., chin., sil., svil-ac
night: Mag-s., nat-m.
coughing, on: Chin-s., cist.
ascending steps: Nux-v.
inspiration, on: Hura.
coughing, on: Bry., hep., kali-c, lach.,
cold air: Act-sp., crot-h.
lye, nit-ac, nux-v., phos., sil.
lifting, on: Caust.
deep breathing, on: Hep.
eating, while: Sulph.
swallowing, on. (See " Pain " in general.)

saliva: Agar,
exertion, on: Mane.
oesophagus: Kali-c.
hawking, on: Plat.
tonsils: Bell.
inspiration, on: Hep.
swallowing, on: Bell.
mental excitement, after: Cist.

sneezing, on: Lye, mag-c.

Ail., armn-t., 6ar-^., crot-h., ox-ac,
plb., sulph.
swallowing, on: ^th., alum., alumn.,
am-m., bar-c, bov., calc,
PARALYSIS: Apis, ars., bapt., bell., caps.,
bell., Bry.,
caust., cocc, cur., gels., lac-c, Lach.., lact.,
caust., cham., chel., chin., con., gamb.,
lyc, nat-m., nux-m., op.,phyt., plb., rhus-t.,
graph Hep., kali-c, lach., led., lob-i.,
secale, sil., Stram.
lyc mang., Mere, mez., nat-m., Nit-ac,

petr., phos-ac, rhus-t ,

sabad., sep., Sil., oesophagus: Alumn., ars., bapt., bell., calc,
spig., stram., Sulph., sul-ac, thuj. caps., caust,, chlol., gels., hydr-ac, kali-c,
lach., nux-m., op., petr., plb., stram.,
empty, on: Alum., mag-c, sep., sulph.
tabac, verat.
when not: ^th., graph., Ign ,
puis., sensation of: Ars., cocc, ip., kali-c, lach.
zinc. lact., puis., sil.

talking, while: Nit-ac. pharynx: Ars., ca.-ps., cocc, morph., nux-m.,

touched externally, when: Agar. rhus-t., stram.

yawning, when: Am-m., mag-c. rhus-t. post diphtheritic: Ars., caust., cocc, gels,
lac-c, Lach., nat-m., plb., secale, sil.

extending to ear: Berb., bry., calc. Hep., PIMPLES on uvula: Kali-bi., rumx.

ign., ip. ,
iris, kali bi., mag-m., mere, PRICKLY: Aeon., alumn., calc-f., carb-an.,
nux-v., sars. cedr., lach., mane , verat.

when swallowing: Ign., mere, Nux-v., extending down oesophagus: Cedr.

PULSATING: Am-m., arg-n., bell., bufo, chel.,
oesophagus: Hydr-ac, kali-c. coc-c, euphr., glon..Hep., ind., kalm.
lach., nit-ac, phos-ac, rhus-t., tarent.
tonsils: Bell., mere, ran-s., raph.
right: Lyc. after cough: Coc-c.

left: Grat., kali-bi., lach. tonsils, in: Am-m., kalui., nit-ac.

, ,

-iV//., ant-t., psor., Sep. SCRAPING.
carb-an., carb-v.. caust., chel.. Chin,,
tonsils, on; Sr/>.
chin-s., cic, cimic, cocc, coc-c, coloc,
RELAXATION, sensation of: .-//«w.
con., croc, crot-h., cycl., dig., dros., euphr.,
uvula: Canth., ham., kali-bi. gent-c, graph., hell., hep ,
hura, hydr-ac,
hyos., iod., kali-bi., kali-c. kali-ch.l,
REVERSED peristaltic action of cesopliagus:
kali-n., kalvi., kreos., lach., lact., laur.,
lyc, niag-c, mang., mere , Mez., naja,
nat-c, nit-ac, nux-ni., Nux-V., ol-an., op.,
RIGILITY: Chel., lach.
ox-ac, par., petr., phos., phos-ac ,
ROUGHNESS: ^sc, agar., ail., aloe, alum.,
pic-ac, plat., ^oAo.,' psor., puis., ran-b.,
alumn., ambr., am-c, anac, ant-c, ant-t., ran-s., raph., rat., rhodo., rumx sabad.,

apis, Arg-m., ars., aspar., bar-c, bell., bor., stann., staph.,

sars., seneg., sep., squil.,
cain., calc calc-a., calc-p.,' cann-i., canth.,
stront., Sulph., sumb., tabac, teucr., thuj.,
carb-s., carb-v., caust. chel., cimic, cist.,
valer., Vcrat., zinc.
clem., cob., cocc, coloc, com., dig., dros.,
eup-per. ,
gloii., graph., grat., hep., hyos ,
morning: lAil., berb., bov., caiist., chin-s.,
ip., iris, kali-bi., kali-c, kali-n., kreos., l3'C., mur-ac, sars., stann.

lac-ac, lach., laur., lyssin, mag-c, niag-m.,

forenoon: Sep., sil.
mang., meu}'., mere, merc-c, mez., nat-a.,
nat-c, tial-s., Nux-V., phos., phyt., plb., afternoon: Phos., tabac.
ran-b., rat., rhodo rhus-t., rob., sabad.,
evening: Alum., brom., nat-c, stann., zinc.
* sars., seneg., scp., spong., squil., stann.,
staph., stront., sulpb ., sul-ac, stimb., tabac, night: Calc, naja, nat-m., ph}'!., sil.

tell ,
thuj., ust., verat., verb., zinc. lying on side, while: Sil.

daytime: Mez. beer, after: Merc, staph.

morning: Agar ail., alumn., ant-c, ars.,

, bread, after: Lach., phos-ac, rhus-t.'
bor, mang., rhodo., sars., seneg., sep.,
sulph., thuj.
causing cough: ^sc, aloe, alumn., am-c,
bor., bov., cain., camph., coc-c, cycl.,
rising, on: Mang., sulph. graph., kalui., laur., petr., phyt., prun.,
waking, on: Alumn., sars., seneg., sulph. puis., sabad., seneg., thuj.

evening: Alum., seneg., stann. eating, after: Plat.

night: Arg-n., sil.

ices, after: Thuj.

coughing, from: Am., reading aloud, after: Nit-ac.

carb-v., caust., cob.,
cop., dig., gels., hep., kali-c, kali-n. sleep, after long: Hep.
kreos., laur., merc-c, nat-s., nice, phos.,
swallowing, after: Bar-c, fago., jab., hep.,
rhodo., sars., seneg., sep., spong.
hydr.j lach., laur., nux-m., pic-ac, stram.
hawking agg. : Sep.
empty, agg. : Ars.
swallowing, on: Calc-p., cocc, lyc, pic-ac,
staph sulph.
tobacco, from: Osm. .

talking, from: Staph. SCRATCHING Agar., agn., alum. arn. arum-t.

: , ,

aur-m., benz., bor., calc-ph.-, caun-s., carb-s.,

oesophagus: Hydrc, iod., nat-c, sulph.
carb-v., chel , cist., graph., kali-bi., kali-c,
pharynx: Apis, coloc, phyt. kreos., nit-ac, nux-vi., Nux-V., petr., phos.,
uvula: Sulph. puis., rhodo., rob, sil., spong., sulph.,
t-ibac, tell.
SCRAPING: Abrot.,acon.,<^jc,aloe,«/«;« ambr.,
morning: Cob.
am-c, anac, Anag., ant-c arg-m., arg-n

ars., a.sar., aur ,

aur-ni-n., bapt.,bell., berb." evening: Led.
bo v., b^'om., brach., bry., calc-ph., camph.i
crumbs of bread, like: Dros ,
lach., pall.

, ,

SCRATCHING. SUFFOCATIVE sensation: Anau., apis, calc-f.,
causing cough: Ani-c, mag-ni., phos., psor. caust., Lach., lact., lyssin, nux-v., phyt.,
sand, as from: Cist.
night: Calc-f.
SENSITIVE: Am-c, apis, cocc, crot-h., fl-ac,
lack., luerc-c, naja, sul-ac, zinc. cold drinks agg. : Calc-f.

to air: Ail., crot-h. warm drinks amel.: Calc-f.

cold: Fl-ac. SULPHUR vapor in throat, sensation of, on

coughing: Puis.
oesophagus: Kali-c.
SUPPURATION, tonsils: ^sc, alumn., ani-m.,
uvula: Cleui., sulph. anac, anan., apis, aur., Bar-C, Bar-m.,
SHRIVELED uvula: Carb-ac. bell., calc, talc-s., canth.,cham., cupr., cur.,
daph., guaj., Hep., ign., kali-bi., lac-c,
SPASMS, spasmodic constriction, convulsions,
lach., lye, mane, Merc, merc-c, merc-i-f.,
etc.: Aeon., ant-c, arg-ii ,
ars., bell., brom.,
merc-i-r., phyt., plb., sabad., sang., sep.,
calc, Cham., chel., chlol., etc., cofF., co7i.,
Sil., sulph.
cupr-ac, gels., graph., hyos., iris, kali-i.,
lack., Laur., lyssin, naja, right: Bar-c, lye
op., Stram.,
strych., sulph., sul-ac, zinc. left: Lach.
auger, after: Cham. SWALLOW, constant disposition to: ySse,
swallowing, on: Itis, Stram., strych., sulph. aeth., apis, arum-t., bapt., bell., bry., calc.^
cact., Caust., cimic, cinnb., cist cob.', ,
compelling him to retch: Graph., Merc-C.
coc-c, cow., crot-h., culx., cur., euph.,^^/j.,
water, at sight or thought of: Anau., lyssin. glon., grat., haem., hell., hep., ip., lac-c.

lach., lye, lyssin, mere, merc-i-f., nat-m.,

oesophagus: Alum., alumn., arg-n., ars.,
nat-s., nux-m., phyt., plb., sabad., seneg.,
asaf., Bapt., Bar-c, Bell., calc, carb-v.,
Sep., staph., stram sulph., thuj., til.
cham., cic, cimx., cocc, coloc, con., ,

verat., verat-v.
crot-h., cup., elaps, gels., graph., hydr-ac,
hyos., ign., iris, kali-bi., kali-c, Lach., night: Cimic, glon., naja.
Laur,, lyssin, mane, merc-c, naja., nat-m., choking, from: Lye
nice, nit-ac, nux-v., phos., plat., plb.,
ran-b., sars., stram., sulph., verat., verat-v., contraction in larynx, from: Coloc, plat.
zinc. eating amel. ; Caust.

evening: Ars.. cham. fulness in throat, from; Cinnb., lac-ac.

night: Lach., nux-v. lump in throat, from : ^.^c, coc c., coff., ign.,

eructations, during: Coloc lac-ac, Lach., lyssin, nat-m., sabad., sulph.

old people can only swallow liquids: Bar-c. speaking, while: Staph.

periodical: Lyssin. walking in wind, while: Con.

swallow liquids, can only: Bapt., bar-c. SWALLOWING, Acet-ac, aeon., cesc,

Eeth., agar., alum., alumn., ambr., am-c,

swallowing, on: Bapt., Bar-C, hyos.,
ant-c, ant-t., anthr., apis, arg-m., arg-n.,
merc-c, sulph., zinc.
ars., arum-t., aur., bapt., Bar-C, bar-m.;
liquids: Bell., elaps, graph., mane, bufo,
bell., benz-ac, bism., brom., bry.,
cact., calc, Cdlc-p., caniph., cann-s., canth.,
STIFFNESS: ^sc, bell., caust., hydr., lach., caps., carb-s., carb-v., caust., cedr., cham.,
lyssin, mag-c, meny., nux-m., spong., chel., chin., cimic, cimx., cina,
chlor., cic,

Rhus-t. coc-c, cocc, colch., coloc, con., crot-h.,

crot-t., cupr., cur., dig., dios., dros., dulc,
STRICTURE, oesophagus: Aeon., Ars., Bapt.,
cacL, calc, gels., kali-c. elaps, fago, ferr., fl-ac, form., gent-c gels.,
Bar-c, bell., ,

lyssin, naja, Nat-m., nux-v., phos. glon., graph., grat., hell., hep., Hyos., ign.,

SWALLOWING, difficult. SWALLOWING, impeded,

ind iod., ip., iris, jac-c, kali-bi., Kali-C, night: Alumn.


kali-chl., kali-ma., kali-n., kalm., lac-c,

food. (See "solids.")
Lach., lact., lye, lyssin, nianc, meny.,
liquids only, can swallow, least food gags:
mere, merc-c, merc-cy., merc-i-f., nieli.,
mez., mur-ac, myric, naja, nat-c, nat-m.,
nice, Nit-ac, nux-m., nux-v., op., ox-ac, solids reach a certain point and are vio-

ptEOii.,phas., phyt., pic ac, plb., psor., lently ejected: Nat-m,

puis., raph., Ehus-t, rhus-v., rumx., Sep., lying, while: Cham.
si!., Stram., strycb., sulph., sul-ac, sumb.,
tabac, tarax., thuj., ust., vesp., vip., wyelh., solids: Apis, bry., cur., dros., ign., lyc,
zinc. nit-ac, rhus-t., zinc.

morning: Am-c, arum-t., canth., cliam. must drink at every mouthful to wash
down the food: Bell., cact., cur., elaps.
forenoon: Fl-ac.

noon: Ferr-i., phos.

SWALLOW, inability to: Acet-ac, aeon., aeth.,
ant-t., apis, arum-t., bapt., bar-c, bell.,

evening: Coc-c, fl-ac, lyc. bism., camph., cann-i., carb-ac carb-v., ,

cham., chlor., cic cina, cupr-ac, dulc,

night: Naja. ,

gels., hydr-ac, Hyos,, ign., ip., iris, kali-bi.,

breakfast: Merc-c. kreos., Lac-C, lach., laur., lyc, lys.sin,
chorea, from: Agar. mane, merc-c, mur-ac, nux-v., naja,
Nit-ac, oenan., op., phos., phys., psor.,
drink, must, in order to swallow: Bell., cact.,
sabin., spong., Stram., sulph., tabac, thuj.,
cur., elaps.
fluids only, can swallow, but solid food gags:
cold things: Kali-c.
constriction of oesophagus: Bapt., Bar-C,
liquids: Alumn., anan., anth-n., bell., bism.,
cact., cic.
canth., cic, cina, coc-c, con., cupr., hyos.,
ign., iod., Lach., lyc, Lyssin, mag-ph., liquids, anything but: Bapt., bar-c.
wi?rc merc-c, mez., nat-m., nux-v., phos.,
even a teaspoonful of: Lyc, Nit-ac.
sil., Stram., sul-ac, upa, zinc.
lying, while: Cham., secale.
more difficult than solids: Brom., coc-c,
crot-h., hyos., ign., lach. menses, during: Petr.

regurgitate through the nose.

paralysis, from: Alumn., apis, ars., bapt.,
"Liquids.") caust., cocc, cur., lac-c, lach., lact.,
lyc, nat-m., nux-m., nux-v., op., phyt.,
paralysis, from. (See " Paralysis," "Liquids.")
plb., Stram., tabac.
saliva: Haem., Lach., meny., myris., spig.
swelling of the tongue: Apis.
solids: Alum., apis, arg-n., atro., bapt., bar-c,
typhus, in : Bapt. camph,
bell., bry., carb-v., cham., crot-h., hep.,

kali-c, lac-ac, lac-c, lyc, nat-m., nux-v., SWALLOWING incomplete: Benz-ac

plb., rhus-t., stram.
involuntary: Con., mere, staph.
morning: Stram.
waking, on: Sulph., zing.
SWELLING: Aeon., Eesc, Ail., am-c, am-m.,
anan., ant-t., apis, am., ars., aur.. Bell.,
impeded: Anibr., am-c, ang., ant-c, am., benz-ac, brom., bufo, calc, calc-ph., canth.,
ars., bapt., bell., bufo, cact., cadm., catith., carb-v., caust., chlor., cic, coc-c, crot-h.,
carb-v., chlor., cic, ci?ia, con., crot-h.,
cupr., crot-t., cuprac, dios., gamb., ^\on., graph..
elaps, hep., Hyos., iod., kali-bi.,
kali-c, Hep., iod., jug-c, kali-c, kali-ma., kali-n.,
kali-n., lach., laur., lob., lyc, meny., naja', kalm., Lach., led., lyc. Mere, Merc-c,
nat-s., nux-v., op., plb., stram., sulph., merc-cy., mur-ac, nat-m., nit-ac, nux-v.,
op., ox-ac, petr., phos., Phyt., plb., psor.,


puis., rinis-l., rluis-v., niiiix., sab.nl., sainb., afternoon: Tabac.
sars., secale, sciieg., sffi., sil., spig., Spongy.,
menses, before: Iod.
staiui., strain., strych ,
sulph., siil-ar., sul-i.,
thiij., verat., vesp., 7vyeth , xanth , zinc. swallowing, when: Asaf., lyc, nat-m., puis.

morning Bry. :
yawning, when: Arg-m.

evening: -3isc., tnez. CESophagns: Cham ,


night: Merc. THICK sensation: .Ail., kali-n., sep.

oedematons: W/7., anthr., <7/>«, crot-t., kali-bi., THREAD hanging in, sensntion of: Coc-c.
iiit-ac, phos. rlius-t., snl-ac.

TICKLING: Ambr., arum-ni,, aur-ni., bare.,

tonsils: Aeon., alnni., alunin., aiii-c, ant-l., belt., calc, carb-ac, c&Th-im., carb-v., caust.,
apis, arum-t., aiir., Bapt.. Bar-C, bar-ni.. chin-s., cisl., coc-c, colch., con., crot-t.,

Bell., berb., brom., bufo, cafe, cantli., crot-h., dros., ferr-i., gels., glon., hep.,
carb-ac, cedr., Cham., chel coc-c, colch., ,
hydr-ac, hyos., ind., kali-n., lach., Lact.,
cop., crot-t., dale, fago, graph., guare., merc-c, nat-a., nit-ac, ol-j., petr., phos.,
ham., Hep., ign., kali-bi., kali-c. kali-chl., phys., plb., psor., puis., rumx., sang.,
selen., seneg., sil., stann., still., sumb.,
kali-i., Lac-c, Lach., led., Lye, tnanc,
mere merc-c, merc-cy.,
, merc-i-f., inerc-i-r., tabac, verat.
mur-ac, nat-s., nic ., Nit-ac, nux-v., morning: AU-c, coc-c, glon., nat-c, ox-ae.
Phos., Phyt,, plat., plh., puis., vans.,
in bed: Coc-c.
raph , sabad ,
sep., ^/A, sol-n., .stann., staph.,
Sulph., tarent. , tep., thuj., verat., zinc. afternoon: Bor., nat-c.
right: Bell., lac-c, lye, merc-i-f., phyt., m. Bov.
5 p. :

sabad., spong.
evening: Chin., lach., nice, ox-ac, zing.
left; Apis, bar-c, iod., lac-c, Lach,,
merc-i-r., sulph. 6 p. m : Sumb.
uvula: Aeon.,, alumn., Apis, bar-m., bell., night: Ars., phyt., sil.

calad., calc, calc-ph., carb-v., chel., chin.,

cough, causins^: Alum., ambr. ^ ars., bor., bry.,
coff., crot-i. ,fl-ac., hep., ind., iod., kali-bi.,
earb-ac, coc-c, ferr. gels iod., kali-bi ,
, ,

Kali-i,, lac-c, lach., mere, Merc-C, kali-c, lac-c, Lach., nal-m., nux-v., phos.,
mur-ac., na-t-s., nit-ac, nux-v., par., Phos., spong.
phyt. psor., Rumx., Sep., sil.,
phyt., rhus-t., rumx., Sil., spong., sul-ac,
sulph. dinner, before: Arg-m.

oedematons: Apis, Kali-bi,, kali-br.

crot-t., inspiration, during: Mag-s.
kali-ma., lach., mm-ac, nit-ac, phos., lying, while: Nice
sul-ac, tabac.
rising, after: Alum.
SWOLLEN" sensation: yir^-w., ars., bapt., bell.,

benz-ac bry., .calc, carb-v., ease, canst., sitting, while. Con.

chin., eoff., eoleh., glon., hep., ign., ip.,
TINGLING. (See "Formication.")
kalm ,
lac-c, lach., mere, nit-ac, nux-v.,
puis sabad., sabin., sang., in oesophagus: Aeon.
plb., , rhiis-t ,

stann ,
sulph., tarax., verat., wyeth. TURNING about in: Lach.
SYPHILITIC affections: Ars-i., asaf., am:,
TWITCHING: Aig-n., chel., crot-t., cyel., sep.
Aur-m., Hep,, kalm., kali-bi., Kali-i.,
extending to pit of stomach: Sep.
lach., Merc, Mez., Nit-ac, /"/'X, syph.
ULCERS: Acet-ac, alum., alumn., apis,
TENSION: Aeon., asaf., arg-m., bov., brom., all-s.,

caust., chel., chin., gloti., kali-n., l.yc, arg-n., Ars., arum-l., aur., aur-m., bapt.,

mez., naja, nat-m nux-m., bdl., bor., calc, carb-v., chlor., clem.,
Merc, mere-c, ,

fl-ac. Hep., ig"-, iod., kali-bi.,

nux-v., phos., phos-ac, piils., sabad., secale, dro.s.,

kali-chl., kali-i., kali-ma., kreos., lac-c.

Sep., stann., tabac, Z'erb.

oesophagus: Iod.
lach., lye, mane, Merc, Merc-c, merc-cy.,
Nit-ac, nux-v., pharynx: Kali-bi., merc-c, mez., nit-ac, sulph.,
mil., mur-ac, nat-m ,

ptel., sal-ac, sang., zinc.

petr., pJtyL, psor.,
sulph., thuj., vine, viol-t., tonsils: Ail., am-c, apis, aur., aur-m., bar-c,
sanic, sars., sil.,
bell., calc, hep., ign., kali-bi., lyc, mere,
merc-e, nat-s., lSi\X-^G., phyt., Sep., zinc,
right: Lyc,, ptel.
yellow: Calc ,
left: Elaps, lach.
uvula: Aur., fl-ac, ind., kali-bi.,
menses, before: Mag-c. mere, merc-c, nit-ac, phos., phyt., sulph.

Aur., iod., kali-i., lyc, nii-ac. syphilitic: Aur., fl-ac, kali-bi., mere,
mercury, after':
merc-c, nit-ac, phyt.
offensive: Alum.
VARICOSIS: Alumn., bar-m., brom., fl-ac,
scarlet fever does not come out. when: Apis. puis., thuj.
spreading: Apis, ars., Merc-C. pharynx: carb-v., fl-ac, 'S.2i.-m.,, kali-bi.,

lach., lye, mang., puis., vesp.

stinging in: Kali-bi., lac-c, mere, nit-ac.
tonsils: Bar-e, bar-m., ham., lach.
fauces: Ail., arum-t., Bapt., canth., caps.,
carb-v., chlor., fl-ac, Kali-bi., Kali-i., VESICLES :
Ant-t., apis, ars., rhus-t., sep.

Lach., Merc, Merc-c, Nit-ac, phyt., sars., pharynx: Ant-t., canth.

sol-t-as. tonsils: Aur-m-n ,
iris, nit-ac.

with burning: Caps. WART like excrescences: Arg-n.

CLOTHING agg.: Agar., amyl-n., apis, bell., GRASPING, sen.sation of: Aeon., ars., lach.,
c-act., c\\&\. Qrot-h.,, elaps, kali-bi., kali-c,
naja, Stram., strych.
Lach., Sep.
sleep, during: Lach.
COLDNESS: Berb., nat-s., phos.
thyroid gland: Crot-c, elaps.
CONSTRICTION: Fl-ac, lach., puis., rat.
throat pit: Apis, ign., rhus-t., zinc.
DISCOLORATION: Kali-bi., kali-s., podo.,
eating amel.: Rhus-t.

brown: Kali-s. ITCHING: Alum., am-m., anac, apis, aur., bov.,

canth., carb-v., caust., chel., cist., con.,
in spots: Kali-bi. fl-ac, form glon., kali-i., kali-n.,
, mag-c,
lividity: Ars. mez., nat-c, plant, rhus-v., samb., sep.,
stront., tarent., thuj.
redness: Am-c, rhus-v.
morning: Ant-t., mag-c.
in spots: Bell., stann.
dressing, while: Mag-c.
yellow: Chel.
ERUPTION: Berb., bry., bov.,
evening: Mez.
canth., clem.,
hep., kali-n., lye, mere, raph., sars., sep. before going to sleep: Mag-c.
boils, side of neck: Colbc, phyt. night: Kalm.
herpes: Sars., sep.
scratching amel. : Mag-c.
pimples: Agar., ant-c, berb., bov., canth.,
swallowing agg. : Aur., con.
cinnb., hep., kali-n., mez., mur-ac, nat-m.,
raph., puis., spong., sulph., thuj., zinc. extending to chest: Fl-ac.

pustules: Qh&X., psor. eustachian tubes: Caust.

rash: Am-c. throat pit: Agn., phos., sil.

urticaria: Bry. NUMBNESS : Chel.

vesicles: Clem., phos-ac, sep. OPENINGS, fistulous, sides of: Phos., Sil.

side of: Alum. PAIN: Bar-c, caps., fago, kreos., mere, op.,

from ear discharge: Tell. phos ,puls., sul-ac

FORMICATION: Rhus-v. morning: Phos.

throat pit, causing cough: Sang. cervical glands: Arn., Bell., calc, carb-v.,
PULLNESS in throat pit: Cham. hell., hura, kali-c, mere, psor., sil., thuj.

GOITRE: Ail., aloe, antbr., aur., bad., broni., night: Merc, thuj.
Calc, calc-fl., carb-an., carb-s., cist., con.,
coughing, when: Nat-m.
ferr-i., fl-ac, form., lod., kali-i., lach.,
lycps., lye, merc-i-f., merc-i-r. nat-c, sides: Abrot., bell., chin-s., coloc, jac-c,

nat-s., phos., plat., podo., sil., Spong., kali-c, kali-i., kali-n., kalm., lyssin,

stram., tabac. merc-i-f., nat-s., phys., sars., tarent., verat-v.,

right sided: Lyc.
exophthalmic: Cact.,fefr., lycps., nat-m. morning: Sars., tarent., zinc.

PAIN, sides. PAIN, drawing, sides.

forenoon: Fl-ac. holding head erect: Zinc,

afternoon: Chel., iris-f. motion, on: Asaf., cj'cl., nux-v.

night: Vesp. turning head: Clem,

bending head to right: Sulph. twitching: Plat,

blowing nose: Merc, walking in open air: Camph.

motion, on: Coloc, phys. extending to clavicle: Ind.

cramping: Ciniic. ear, behind: Rhodo.

pulsating: Mane, limbs, into: Stram.

theumatic: Calc-s., phys., rhus-t. shoulder: Led., rhodo.

turning head to right: Tarent. upward: Lyc., thuj.

painful side: Vesp. pressing, sides: Arg-m asaf., bism.. cocc,


waking, on: Phys. crot-t., form., kalm., lach., led., Ij'C, nat-s.,
phos., phos-ac, sabin., staph., zinc
extending to behind ear: Rhodo.
intermittent: Spong.
pectoral muscles: Ars.
motion amel, : Led.
shoulder: Zinc.
talking, while: Zinc.
wrist: Chel.
walking in open air: Arg-m.
thyroid gland: Am-c, carb-v., cupr., spig.
rapidly in open air amel. : Caust.
burning, sides: Alumn., berb., caust., coloc,
form., grat, ign., merc-i-f., nat-s., tabac, extending behind ear: Nat-s.
throat pit: ^sc, anac, graph., phos., sarr.
right: Alum., caust., merc-i-f., vesp.
inspiration, on: Caust.
left: Berb., coloc, form., nat-s.
thyroid gland : Bar-c.
dinner, after: Grat.
shooting, sides: Kalm., tep.
motion: Stront.
extending to ear: Tep.
throat pit: Chel., elaps, lach.
soreness: Bell., chel., chin-s., clem., cob.,
morning: Elaps. kali-bi., Lach., merc-i-f ,
nice, sul-ac.
cutting, sides: Thuj.
forenoon: lod.
left: Thuj. motion, on: Bry.
drawing, sides: Asaf., bry., chel., cic, clem
touch, on: Calc.
coloc, dulc, grat, hell., indg., kali-c, lyc.,
nat-s., nux-v., phos-ac, sep., spong., staph., turning head: Calc.
sulph teucr., zinc.
, cervical glands: ^sc, ail., bell., canth.,
right: Grat., kali-c, nux-v., plat., spong., clem., kali-bi.. mere , mur-ac, nat-m.,
staph., thuj., zinc. psoi'., rhus-t., vesp.

left: Chel., cic, coloc, nat-s. th3'roid gland: Ail., kali-i., nice.

morning: Thuj. spots: Ars., bell., bry., carb-v., cinnb.,

on waking: Thuj. iod., lach., lyc, sep., stann., vip.

afternoon: Fl-ac, kalm.

stitching: Anac, ant-c, chin., eolch., rhus-v
bending head backward: Cycl. thuj.
forward: Staph.
extenSing to ear: Phos,


PAIN, stilchiiij;.
SENSITIVE to .slightest touch: Lach., nice.

sides: Alum., aur., herb., bor,, clem., form., STIFFNESS of sides: ^sc, anac, asc-t., bell.,
graph., kali-bi., kalm., phos., rat., spig., benz-ac, bry., calc, causl., chel., coloc^
spoiig staph., tluij. dig., hura, kreos.,
lac/in., laur., lye,
morning: Tlmj. merc-i-f., nat-m., nat-s., petr phos-ac,

phys., phyt., puis., secale, sil., spong'.,

afternoon: Canth.
squil., thuj., zinc, zing.
evening: Clem. right: Causl. lat-m., petr.
night: Kahn. Bell.
left: chel., coloc, hura, laur., kreos.
swallowing aniel. : Spong. thuj.

turning head: Coc-c. morning: Zinc.

throat pit: Ran-s., spong., thuj. SWELLING: ^sc, ail., am-m., anan., bell.,
cann-s., caust., chel., ferr., hjrper., iod.,
inspiration, on: Thuj.
kali-i., mere, op., Rhus-t., rhus-v., spong.,
thyroid gland: Am-c, nat-c. ,
spong. sulph., tarent., zinc.
tearing: .^th., bov., carb-v ,
-psir., tep., thuj. speaking loud, when: Iod.
sides: .^th., anac, berb., bry., calc, carb-v., cervical glands: .^sc, alum., am-c, am-m.,
grat., indg., iod., kali-bi., nat-c, phos., ant-c, ant-t., apis, arn., Arum-t., Bar-C,
rat., sabin., selen., tarax. Bell., bov., calc., camph., canth., carb-a7i.,

morning: Zinc, carb-v., cham., cinnb., cist., cupr., ferr.,

graph., hep., ign., kali-bi., kali-c, kali-i.,
evening: Olnd. lye, Merc, merc-c, mur-ac, nat-c, nat-m.,
night: Olnd. nit-ac, phos., psor., puis Rhus-t., sep., ,

sil., spig., spong.. Staph., sulph, tarent.,

motion, on: Carb-v., verat.
tep., thuj., vesp.
pressure amel. : Zinc,
evening agg. : Kali-c.
rheumatic: Berb.
hard: Calc, lye, mere
walking, ou: Canth.
suppurative: Calc, cist., Sil.

extending to ear: Mez., zinc,

extending to shoulder: Graph.
occiput: Berb.
sides: Ail., alum., apis. Bell., calc, chel.,
PARALYSIS Gels., spig.
kali-ma., lack., mere, merc-c, nat-c,
nit-ac, Rhus-t., sars., spig., vesp.
bell., cann-s ,
cham., sil.,

clem., coff., euph., ip., kali-c, Mang., thyroid gland: Ail., ars., aur-s., carb-an.,
nux-v., par., petr., Rhus-t., spig., Stann., canst., kali-i., nit-ac.., ol-j.
veins: Hyos., nat-m., op., thuj
evening: Chel.
6 to 9 p. m.: Chel.
TENSION: Caust., mag-e, nux-v., sep.

sides: Bar-ac, berb., caust.. chel., iod.,

midnight: Rhus-t
kali-bi., kreos ,
laur., mag-m., meph.,
on waking: Mang., nit-ac.
phos-ac, plb., rhodo., sars., sulph., zinc.
PULSATION, carotids: Arg-n., aur., Bell., cacL,
morning: Coc-c.
calc, calc-p., chin., cupr., gels., glon., hep.,
hyos., hyper., lac-ac, phos., rumx., spig., evening: Rat.
spong., stram., verat- V.
while standing: Rat.
glands: Am-in., bell., lach.
night: Staph.
sides: Cycl., genl-c, hura, lac-ac, nat-m.,
sumb. lying on side agg. : Thuj

evening: Cycl. moving head, on: Bov., graph., .sars., verat.

rheumatic: lod. drawn to right: Ciipr., lyc.

swallowiug, on: Colch. to left: Lyc.

waking, on: Coc-c. i

TWITCHING; Agar., asaf., bism., crot-c, mez.

TICKLING in throat pit: Crot-h., iuul., phos-ac,
from left side of the neck to the left side of
Rumx., tarax.
calc, cina, colch., dulc the throat: Agar.

eup-pur., hura, lac-c.', <lachn., l^-c, uux-v.,

rhus-t., sulph.


ALIVE, sensation as if something, in: Chel., APPETITE, diminished.
coloc, Croc, tarent.
grat., hell, hura, hydr., hyos., ign., iod.,
ANXIETY: Aco7i., ain-m., ant-t., arg-m., arg-n., kali-bi., kali-c, kali-chl., kali-n., kreos.]
Ars., bry., calc, calc-a., calc-p., cann-s., lac-ac, lac-d., lack., lyc., mag-s., mere,'
carb-v., caust., cham., chel., cic, cocc, coff., merc-c, merc-i-f., mez., murx., myric]
crot-t., f
cupr., dig., err., guaj haetn., hydr.,
nat-c, nat-m., nat-ph., naja, nux-v.,
iatr., kali-bi., kali-br., kali-c, lact, laur., op., plb., petr., phos., Pic-ac, pin-s.,'
lye, merc-c.,mosch.,mur-ac., nat-m., nux-v., pip-m., plant, /w., puis., rheum,
j^.,pcEon., plh.,pu/s., rhus-t, sang., seca/e, ruta, rumx., sabad., sabin.,
sang., sant.]
Sep., sil., squil., strain., sul-ac, sulph., sars., seneg., sep., sil.,spoDg„
stram., sulph
sumb., tab., tarent., tereb., teucr., thuj., tab., tell., tereb., til., ust., verat.,
verat., vesp.
morning: Aloe, asc-t., calc-ph., cinnb.,
morning, on waking, in drunkards: Asar. myric, narcot., selen., sulph.
night, on rising up: Ars. noon: Ant-t, calc, clem., coloc,
diarrhoea, before: Mez. mez., nat-m., ox-ac, sulph.

eating, after: Chin., osm., petr. evening: Bor., chlor., dig., nux-m.

small quantity: Osui. eating, when time for: Chin., ign.

menses, during, agg : Sil. menses, during: Mag-c.

people, on approach of
easy satiety: Agar., am-c,
: Lye. ant-t., arg-m.,'
arg-n., arn., ars., bar-c,
bry., calad., carb-s
rising up, on: Ars.
caust.. Chin., cic, clem.,
coc-c, colch., con
standing, while: Teucr. ^roc, cycl., dig., dulc, ferr-i., fl-ac gels '
guare., hydr., ign., kali-bi.,
waking, on: Asar., ferr. kali-i.', led '
Lyc, mag-c, mag-m., mag-s., mang.,
mere '
PPETITE, capricious (hunger, but knows not mez., nat-m., nit-ac, mix-m.,
nux-v., ol-nd
for what, or refuses things when op., petr., phos., plant.,
offered): plat, podo., prun''
Ail, ars., aster., bell., psor., ptel., rheum,
Bry., bufo, carb-s., rhodo., rhus-t., ruta'
CMn., Cina, coca, fago, hep., ign., kali-bi., Sep., serpen., sil., spong., sulph., thea.!'
kreos., mag-c, mag-m., merc-i-f.,
thuj., vine
phos., puis., sang., sumb., tep.,
then, zinc' morning: Cycl.
changeable: Alum., anac,
Cina, cur., lach., evening: Phos.
mag-m., nit-ac, phos., podo.
eat, with inability to: Chin., elaps,
constant: Bov., fl-ac, gran., kali-bi., sulph., tab.
kali-ph., emptiness, with. (See
mere, myric, nai-c, nat-m., rat., tab. "Emptiness.-)
gnawing: Abrot.. arg-m.,
diminished: Acet-ac.,agar., agn., all-c, chin., colch., kreos.
alumn '
aloe, ant-t., aran., arg-n., ars.,
aur., bad increased (hunger in general)
bar-ac, bar-m., bell., berb., Abies-c. abrot :
bor., brom acal., aeon., agar.,
canth., carb-s., carb-v., cedr.,
ail., all-c, aloe, alum!''
chin., cina, alumn., am-c, anac,
cop., rq^., coloc, con., crot-t, cupr. anan., ang ant-c
cycl ant-t, arg-m., arn., ,

dig., dire, fago, ferr., Ars., asaf., aur

fl-ac, gamb.,' gels' bar e
bar-m., bell., berb.,
bov.,'bry., ^alad',
APPETITE, increased. APPETITE, increased.

calc-p., caniph., Cann-i,, caiith., caps., evening: Agar., aloe, arn., l)ov., calad., calc,
carb-ac, carb-an., carb-s., carb-v., caul., cann-s., cham., chin., chin-s.,
caust.. Chin., chins., Cina, Cinnb., cocc, colch., cop., crot-c, cycl., fl-ac, guaj.,
coc-c, cofF., colch., coloc. ,
con., cop., crot-c, iod., kali-n., lyc, mez., nat-m., puis.,
cub., cupr., cycl., dig., dies., dros ,
dulc, psor., sabad., sep., sil., teucr., thuj., zinc.
elaps, equis., eug.,/err.,_/I-ac., gamb., gels.,

gent-c, gran., Graph., grat., guaj., ffuare., 6 p. m. : Sumb.

hell., hep., hura, hydr-ac, hyos., i^n., lod.,
9 p. m. : Form.
ind ,
jug-c, jug-r., kali-bi., kali-c, kali-chl.,
kali-i., kali-n., kreos., lac-c, lach., lact., night: Abies-n., anan., bry., canth.. Chin.,
laur., led., lept., lil-t., Lyc, lyssin, mag-c, Lyc, Phos., phos-ac, psor., selen., sil.,

mag-m., mag-ph., mere, merc-c, mez., sulph., tarent., tell.

tnur-ac, myric, vai-c, Nat-m., nat-s.,

II p. m.: Ox-ac.
nit-ac, nux-m., Nux-V., Olnd., op ox-ac, ,

petr.. Phos., phos-ac, phys., plat., plb., air, open, amel. : Ant-t.
podo.. Puis., ran-b., raph., rat., rheum,
sars., secale, selen., alternating with loss of appetite: Am-m.,
rhus-t., ruta, Sabad.,
berb., calc, Ferr., iod., phos.
seneg., sep., sil.,spig., spong., squil., stann.,
staph., stram., stront., sul-ac, Sulph., sumb.,
beer, after: Nux-v.
tab., tarent., tep.,tereb., teucr., ther., thuj.,
ust, valer., Verat., zinc, cardiac anxiety, with: Phos.

daytime: Murx., nat-m. chill, during: Ail., Ars., Cina, nux-v.,

phos., Sil., staph.
morning: Acon-s., ant-c, arg-m., as&r., aur.,

bor., bry., calad., calc, chel., hyper., cold water amel. : Kali-chl.
lyssin, murx., myric, nat-c, nat-m., psor.,
convulsion, after: Coc-c.
sabad., sang., sep., sil., teucr.
coryza, diu-ing: All-c, hep., sul-ac.
breakfast, after: Aloe, tax.
diarrhoea, during: Aloe, calc, fl-ac, iod.,
stool, after: Aloe.
olnd., petr., strain., sulph., verat., zinc
7 a. m. : Aloe.
dysentery, in : Nux-V.
8 a. m.: Chin.
eating increases the: Lyc.
forenoon: Aloe, arg-m., hell., hep., ind.,
returns only while: Chin,
kali-n., nat-c, nux-m.
eating, after: Aeon., agar., alum.,
loa. m.: lod., kali-n., lyc, nat-rn., thuj. calc, cast-eq., chin-s.,
asc-s., aur., bov.,
ign., iod., lach., cocc, corn-c, fago, grat., hura,
II a.m.: Euphr., hura, cic, cina,
Sulph. kali-chl., lac-c, lach., Lyc, mere, myric,
pbyt., plat., plb.,
nat-m., par., Phos.,
with faintness: Sulph. zinc
psor., ran-s., raph., staph., stront.,
noon: Abies., Aeon., clem., coc-c, colch.,
does not amel. (Compare "Emptiness."
coloc, hyper., lact., lyc, mag-c, mez.,
with: Abrot., calc, Iod.,
nat-c, nat-m., nux-m., sulph. emaciation,
Nat-m., petr., phos., psor., sulph.
after eating: Dig., stront.
lyc, epilepsy, before: Hyos.
afternoon: Arg-m., chifl., colch., guaj.,
nat-c, nux-v., psor., zinc. faint and weak if not soon satisfied: Phos.

after drinking: Nat-m. fever, during: Chin., cina, cur., eup-pur.,

2 p. m. : Chin-s., clem.
after: Cimj:., eup-per., ign.
4 p. m.: Calc-ph.
gastralgia, in: Lyc, sil.

5 p. m.:


APPETITE, increased. APPETITE, ravenous, canine, excessive
headache, with: Ars. crot-h., elaps, kali-c,
, coc-c, coff., colch., coloc, con., cop., crot-c.
lac-c, lye, phos., psor., sang., sep., sil. cupr., dros., elaps,
equis., ferr., fl-ac,
sulph., thuj. gamb., gran.. Graph., guaj., guare.,
hell., hep., hyos., hura, ign., Jod,, ind.,
before: Psor.
jug-c, kali-bi., kali-c, kali-chl., kali-n.,
after: lod. kreos., lac-c, lac-ac, lach. ,lanr., lil-t.,Lyc.,
lyssin, mag-c, mag-m., mag-pli., mere,
intermittent, in (see "chill"): Phos.
merc-c, mez., mur-ac, myric, nal-c,
mara-omus, with: Abrot., bar-c, Calc,
ars-i., Nat-m., nai-s., nit-ac, nux-nt., Nux-v.
calc-p.,Q.3x&\.., chin., cina.Iod., lyc.,mag-c., Olnd., op., ox-ac, pelr., Phos., phos-ac,
Nat-m., nux-v., petr., sil., sulph. phys., plat, podo., psor., Puis., rat., rhus-t.,
ruta, Sabad., secale, seneg., sep., sil., spig.,
menses, before: Mag-c, spong.
spong., squil., stann., staph., stront.,
nausea, with. (See "Nausea.") sul-ac, Sulph., tabac, tarent., tep., tereb.,

after: Bry. thuj., ust., valer., Verat., zinc.

pain in stomach, with: Lach., lye, puis.,

morning: Acon-s., ant-c, arg-m., bry.,
sil. calc, hyper., myric, nat-c, sabad., sang.,
perspiration, during: Sanic.
stool, after: Aloe.
sitting, after: Rhus-t.
forenoon: Aloe, kali-n., nat-c, sulph.
sleep, prevents: Ig7i., phos., sanic, teucr.
ID a. m.: lod., kali-n., nat-m.
stool, after: Aloe, fl-ac, petr.
II a. m.: Ign., Sulph.
tormenting: Arg-m., bell., crot-h., olnd.,
seneg. noon: Aeon., abies-n., coloc, lyc, mez.,
nat-m., nux-m.
unusual time: Chin., coc-c, Cina, gins,
vanishes at sight of food: Sulph.
afternoon: Lyc, nat-c, nux-v.

vomiting, after: Olnd., tabac.

2 p. m. : Clem.

with: Chin., hell, 5 p. m.: Myric.

waking, on: Chin., dig., ptel. evening: Agar., aloe, calc, cann-s., cham.,
chin-s., crot-c, fl-ac, gent., iod.,
walk, after: Psor. lyc,
mez., sabad., sil., teucr., zinc.
walking, while: Ant-t., hell., lyc, phos.
6 p. m.: Sumb.
weakness, with: Lach., mere, phos., sulph.
8 p. m.: Pip.m.
wine, after: Nat-m.
night: Abies-n.,anan., bry.. Chin., petr,
insatiable: Ant-c, arg-m., arg-n., arum-t., Phos., pbos-ac,/>w., selen., sil., sulph.,
asc-t., aur., bar-c, /err., petr., tarent.
secale, spong., squil stann., staph., zinc
air, open, amel.: Ant-t.
morning: Arg-n.
alternating with loss of appetite:
noon: Asc-t., zinc. berb., calc, "EeXT., iod., phos.

evening: Arg-n. beer, after: Nux-v.

ravenous, canine, excessive: Abies-c, cold water amel.
abrot., : Kali-chl.
agar., all-c, alum., am-c, anac,
convulsion, after: Coc-c.
Arg-m., arn., Ars., a.saf., aur., bar-c.^
bar-ui., bell., berb:, bov., bry., coryza, during: All-c, hep., sul-ac.
calad., Calc.,'
camph., Cann-i., caps., carb-ac,
carb-an., diarrhoea, with: Aloe, calc, fl-ac,
carb-v., caul., caust.. iod.,
Chin., Cina, cocc. olnd., petr., stram., sulph., verat.,

: ,

APPETITE, ravenous.
APPETITE, wanting.
diarrhoea, preceding: Psor.
gels., glon., gran., graph., gymn., hep.,
dysentery, in: Nux-V. hydr., hydrc, hyos., hyper., ign., ind.,
indg., iod., ip., iris, jatr., jug-c.,
eating increases the hunger: Lyc. jug-r.,
kali-a., Kali-bi,, kali-c, kali-chl., kali-
after: Aeon., agar., arg-m., asc-s., bov., kali-n., kreos., lach., lact., laur., led.,
calc, Chin-S,, cic, cina, cocc, corn-c, Lyc, lyssin, mag-c, mag-m., mag-s.,
f'igo. grat., lach., Lyc, mere, niyric, mane, mang., med mcph., mere, merc-c,

Phos., phyt.. plb., psor., sarr., staph., mez., mur-ac, nmrx., myric, naja, nat-c,
stront., zinc. Nat-m., nat-ph., nat-s., nice, uit-ac,
nux-m., Nux-v., olnd., op., osm., ox-ac,
emaciation, with: Abrot., calc, lod.,
petr., phos., phos-ac, phyt., pic-ac pip-m.,
Nat-m., petr., phos., psor., sulph. ,

plat., pib., psor., ptel.,

Puis., raph., rat,
epilepssy, before: Hyos. Rhus-t., sabad., sabin., sang., .sarr., secale,
in: Calc, canst. senee, seneg., Sep., Sil., sol-t-Ee., spig.,
squil., stann.. stram., stront., sul-ac,
gastralgia, in: Lyc, sil.
sumb., syph., tab., tarent., tep., tereb., thuj.,
marasmus, with: AbroL, bar-c, Calc,
ars-i., tromb., upa, urt-u., verat., vip., xanth.,
calc-ph., canst., chin., Cina, lod., lyc, zinc, zing.
mag-c, Nat-m., nux-v., petr., sil., morning: Abies-n., bell., benz-ac, carb-v.,
sulph. caust., chin., con., cycl., ferr-m., gymn.,
menses, before: Mag-c. ign., lach., nit-ac, phos., selen., seneg.,
sulph., tabac
sleep, prevents: Ign.
for breakfast: Agar., ail., ant-t., arg-n.,
stool, after: Aloe, petr.
bov., cic, coc-c, cycl., dios., euphr.,
walking, while: Ant-t, hell., lyc, phos. hydr., ind., myric, phos., ptel., sars.,
seneg., stram., sulph.
without (compare " Aversion to food")
Agar., alum., ant-c, ars bar-c, bell.,bor., ,
noon: Agar., ang., anac, arg-n., chel., chin.,
bry., calad., calc, carb-v. ,
caust., cham., clem., cic, cycl., grat., mang., murx ,

chin., cic, clem ,

cocc, cofT., colch., nat-c, nit-c, ox-ae, phos., pic-ac, rhus-t
cycl., dig., dulc, euphr., fern, hell., hep., ruta, sulph., sumb., zinc.
ign., iod., kali-n., lach., lyc, mag-c, evening: ^th., am-m., arn., bor., cinnb.,
rnag-m., mere, mez., nat-c Nat-m., nice,
coloc, cupr., cycl., graph., hj-per., mere,
nux-v., Olnd., Op., phos., plat., pnls., nat-m., ox-ae, ran-s., senee
Rheum, rhodo., Rhus-t., rata, sabad., sil.,
staph., sul-ac, sulph thuj., valer., verat.,
supper, for: Arn., clem., coc-c, sulph.

verb. coition, after: Agar.

until begins to eat: Chin., sabad. food, at sight of: Merc-i-f., sulph.

wanting: Abrot., absin., acet-ac, aeon., tesc, smell of: Carb-an., colch.

seth., agar., ail., all-c, aloe, alnni., ambr., fulness, from sense of: Chin., phos., rhus-t.
am-c, am-m., anac, anthr., ant-c, aut-t,,
hunger, with: Act-sp., agar., alum., ars.,
apis, arg-m., arg-n., am., Ars., ars-h., ars-i.,
bar-c, bry., chin., cocc, dulc, hell., lach.,
aram-t., ast-r., aur., aur-m., bapt., bar-c,
nat-m., op., rhus-t., sil., sul-ac, sulph.
bar-m., bell., berb ,
benz., bor., bov., brach.
bry.. cact., Calc, calc-a'., calc-p., camph., menses, before: Am-e, bell., calc-p., ign.

canth., caps., carb-ac, carb-an., carb-v., during: Amme, brom calc-p., cupr.,

card-m., caust., Cham., Chel., Chin., cycl., goss., ign., \yc., mag-c, puis.
chin-s., cina, cinnb., cic, cimic, cocc,
returns after eating a mouthful: Calc, chin.y
coff., colch., coloc, con., cop., cor-r., crot-t.,
cupr., cupr-ac. , CycL, daph., Dig., dros.,
dulc, elat., eup-per., Ferr., ferr-i., fl-ac. sadness, from: Plat.

thirst, with: Am-c, ant-t, ars., bor., calc, coffee: Bell., bry., Calc, carb-v., cham
coloc, kali-n., kreos., uux-v., ox-ac, chel., chm., coc-c,
dulc, ii-ac,
phos., rhus-t., seneg., sep., sil., spig. kali-bi., kali-n., lil-t., lyc, mag-ph.,
Sulph., zinc. nat-c, nat-m., Nux-V., osm., ox-ac phos.,

phos-ac, phys., rheum., rhus-t., sabad.,

APPREHENSIOIf in: Calc, cauu-s., lye, spig., S7U-ac.
kali-c, MeZ-./Aoj., thuj.

mounting to head and back again: Thuj. cold drinks (See "water, cold"): Calad..

AURA EPILEPTICA, felt at solar plexus (See

dinner: Carb-an., coc-c, verat.
" Epileptic aura.")
drinks: Agar., agn., aloe, ang., apis, arn.,
bell berb., bufo, canth.,
A.VERSION to acids: .^.bies-c, bell., cocc, ferr.,
, carb-an., chin.,
cocc, coff., con., cupr., Ferr., Hyos., ign..
ign., nux-v., phos-ac, sabad.,
lac-c, lach., lyssin, mere,
nit-ac, Ifux-V.,
phys., ^Vo.,puls., rat, samb., secale, strarn.
alcoholic stimulants: Ant-t., ars., bell. headache, during: Ferr.
hyos., ign., mane, mere, nux-v., phos-ac..'
rhus-i., stram. heat, during: Con.

ale: Ferr., Ifux-V. hot: Ferr.

bananas: Elaps. warm: Cham,

eggs: Ferr.
beef: Merc., ptel.
to the odor of: Colch.
beer: Alum., asaf., atro., bell., bry., calc
Cham., Chin., clem., cocc, crot-t., cycl'
everything: Alumn am-m., , bov., caps., cupr.,
ferr., nat-m., nat-s., grat., hyos ,
ip., lyc, mere, mez., nux-v.,'
Ifux-V., V^W., phos'.,
phos-ac, plat., ptds., rheum, rhodo., sars., sep.,'
rhus-t., sep., spig., spong., sulph., thea, ther., thuj.
stann., sulph.

morning: Nux-v. daytime: Sep.

evening: Bry., nat-m., sulph. morning: Lyc, plb.

brandy: Ign., mere, rhus-t., forenoon: Sars.

in brandy drinkers: afternoon m.: Grat.
Am. i p.

bread: Agar., farinaceous food: Ars., phos.

Chin., con., cycl., elaps,
Ign., kali-c, lach., lact.,
Hl-t., lye, mag-c fats and rich food: Aug., ars.,h€i\., bry.,
mane, calc,
Jfat-m., nat-s., carb-an., carb-v.. Chin., colch.,

nit-ac., croc, cycl

nux-v., o\-^n., phos., '

phos-ac, puis., rhus-t dros., grat., guare.,hell., hep.,

lyssin, i^eny
Sep., sulph., tarent.
mere, nat-c, nat-m., Pgtr., phos.,
Ptel' '
brown: Kali-c, nux-v., puis.
puis.,rheum, rhus-t., sang., secale,
/y.., sulph. sep
sulph. ^ '

and butter: Cycl., mag-c, meny., nat-ph.

fish: Colch., Graph., guare., nat-m., sulph.,
breakfast: Con., lyc,
mag-s. zmc.

'Tus-f kali-i., salt: Phos.

flour: Ars., phos., phos-ac.

butter: Ars., carb-v.. Chin., cycl., mag-c "
meny.,^^^^.,petr.,;>/^/.,Pulg__^^„g food: Acet-ac, aeon., agar., all-c, alum
cereals: Ars., Phos.
auac, ang., ant-c, ant-t.,

apis, arg-m
arg-n. ar«,., Ars., asar., aur., bapt., bar-c.,'
cheese: Chel., olnd. bell., bry., bufo, calc, canth.,
chocolate: Osm., tarent. cast-eq., Cham., chel., chin., chins.,
cinnb., Cocc, coc-c, Colch., coloc, con"


cyd., ifiiT., dios., ifu/r., elaps, eup-per., sabad., secale, Sep., Sil., stront,. Sulph.,
Ferr., gainb., sion., graph., £ral., guaj., .sunib., syph., tarent., lep., tereb., thuj., til.,
hell., hep., hyper., ign., iod., Ip,, kali-bi., I'pa., zinc
kali-c.y kali-i., lach., hiur., Lil-t., lye,
noon: Ol-an., sulph.
mag-c, mag-s., mang., mere, merc-c,
nicrc-i-/., iiiosch., mur-ac. ,
nat-ui., nat-p., evening: Sulph.
nat-s., Nux-V., ol-an., olnd., op., phos boiled: Chel., nit-ac
phos-ac, />/«/., plb., prun., ptel., puis.,
dinner, during: Nat-c.
raph., rat., rheum, r/ius-t., sabad., secale,
sep ,
sil., staph., stront., sul-ac, sulph., fat meat: Carb-v., hell., phos.
tarent. thea, thuj., til., verat., zinc.
fresh meat: Thuj.

daytime: Mag-s. menses, during: Plat.

morning: Con., lyc. ,

niag-s. thinking, while: Graph.

noon: Verat. milk: ^th., am-c, ant-t., am., bell., bry.,

calad., calc, carb-v., ci^ia, ferr-p., guaj.,
evening: Ars., niag-c, sil.
ign., mag-c. ,
nat-c, nux-v., phos., puis.,

cold: Acet-ac, chel., cycl. rheum, sep., sil., stann., sulph.

cooked: Bell., bov., calc, chel., cupr., morning: Puis.

graph., guare., ign., lach., lyc, niag-c, boiled: Phos.
mere, petr., phos., sil., verat., zinc.
smell of: Bell.
dinner, during: Carb-an., coc-c, ol-an.
mother's: Ant-c, cina, lach., mere, SU.,
stann., stram.
eating a little, after: Cycl., rheum, sil.
onions: Sabad.
hot: Chin., ferr., petr.
pickles: Abies-c.
smell of: Coc-C, Colch., 1^., podo.
plums: Bar-c.
supper, during: Sulph. pork: Aug., colch., dros., psor., puis.

thinking of eating, when: Mag-s. potatoes: Alum., thuj.

warm: Bell., calc, chin., cupr., graph, puddings: Ars., phos., ptel.
guare., ign., lach., lyc, mag-c, mag-s.
rich food (see "fats"): Puis.
mere, merc-c ,
petr., sil., verat., zinc.
salt food: Acet-ac, carb-v., card-m., Cor-r,,
fruit: Bar-c, ign.
Graph., nat-m., selen., sep., sil.

garlic: Sabad.
sauerkraut: Hell.
gruel: Ars., calc.
sohd food: Mt^.,ferr., lyc, mere, staph.
herring: Phos. cham., graph.,
soup: Am., ars., bell.,

hot food. (vSee "food.") rhus-t.

meat: Abies-c, agar., alum., alumn., am-c, sweets: Ars., bar-c, caust.. Graph., hipp.,
ang., aim., ars., ast-r., aur., bell., bry., mere, nit-ac, phos., sin-n., sulph., zinc
cad. y calc, calc-s., cann-s cqrb-v., caust., ,

tea: Carb-ac. //zoJ. , thea.

chani., chel., chen-a., Chin., coc-c, cycl., ,

tobacco: Aeon., ant-t., arn., bov., broni.,
elaps. ferr., ferr-p., graph., hell., hydr., chlor.,
kreos., lachn., calc, camph., canth., carb-an.,
ign., kali-bi., kali-c,
lyc, mag-s..
mane, mere, cimie, cocc, con., ign., lach.,
lact., lyc, mag-c, mag-s., psor.
nat-c, nat-m., nat-s., nice,
meph., nat-m., Nux-V., op., phos.,
mez., Mur-ac, til., valer.,
puis., spig., sulph., tarax., thuj.,
nit-ac, Nux-V., ol-an., op., Petr., phos.,
rhus-t., ruta. zing.
plant., plal., ptel.. Puis.,


AVERSION, tobacco, COLDNESS: Abrot., absin., aeon., agar., alum.,
am-br., am-e, arg-n., ars., arund., bar-c,
morning: Meph.
bell., berb., bov., cadm., cain., calc,
smoking (his accustomed cigar): Alum., Camph., cann-s.. Caps., carb-an., carb-s.,
arg-m., am., asar., bor., brom., bry., carb-v., castor., cham., chel., Chin., clem.,
calc, calc-p., camph., carb-an.,clem., cofF., coc-e, colch., coloc, con., elaps, graph.,
euphr., grat., Ign., kali-bi., kali-u., lach., grat., helon., ign., kali-bi., kali-c, kali-i.,
lye, mag-s., nat-s., nice, olnd., op., ox-ac, kali-n., kreos., lach., lad., laur. ,
phos., psor., pills., Sep., spig., sulph., mag-s., nat-m., nit-ae, ol-an., op., phos.,
tarax., tell. phos-ac, polyg., rhus-t., sabad., secale, sep.,
morning: Ox-ac. sil., spig., spong., sul-ac, sulph., tabac,
tarax., verat ,
forenoon: Kali-bi.
morning, in bed: Bov., con., mag-s.
veal: Pliel., zinc.
forenoon: Nat-m.
vegetables: Bell., hell., hydr., mag-c, mag-th.,
ruta. eructations, during and after: Alum,

water: Apis, riding, while: Puis,

bell., brom., bry.,calad., cann-i.,
canth., canst., cedr., chin, coc-c,
carl., noon: Zinc.
coloc, elaps,
ham., hell, HyOS., kali-bi.,
evening: Alum., nat-m.
lye, lyssin, mane, merc-c, nai-m., Ifux-V.,
ox-ac, phel., phys., puis., Stram., thea, chilliness in pit of: Bell., calc, cist., hipp.
cold drinks, after: Elaps.
cold: Bell., bry., calad., canth., caust.,
diarrhoea, during: Nat-m., ptel.
chel., chin., lyssin, nat-m., wx^-v ., phel.,
stram., tabac. drink, unless mixed with spirit, from: Sul-ac.
during thirst: Merc-c, nux-v. eating, before: Cist.

wine: Agar., ars-m., fl-ac, ign., jatr., lach., after: Carb-an., cist., crot-c, nit-ac.
mane, mere, nat-m., nux-j., phos-ac, fruit, after: Ars.
rhus-t., Sabad., sulph., zinc.
heat, after: Grat.
BALANCED up and down, as if stomach were:
Phos-ac ice, like, with pain, Bow., colch.

BALL, sensation of: Bell., coc-c. after cold drinks: Elaps.

lach., senec.

burning: Bell. icy: Caps., lact.

rising up into ice cream, after: Chin-s.

throat: Lach., senec.

BLOWS in pit of stomach, sensation of: Nat-e,

loosening clothing amel. : Chin-s.
nux-v., plat. nausea, during: Grat.
BUBBLING: Caust., Ij'ssin. pain, during: Phyt.

CANCER: Acet-ac, Ars., ars-i., bar-e, bell., stone, as from a: Aeon., colch.
Bism., caps., carb-ac,
Carb-an., carb-v., extending to body: Secale.
Con., crot-h.,
Cund,, hydr., kreos., lack..
Lye, merc-c, mez., nux-v., Phos., plat., COLIC, with spasms in chest: Cupr., sep., verat.
Sep., stl., staph., sulph.
CONSTRICTION: Agar., alum., am-c, arg-n.,
3L AWING in. (See "Pain, clawing.") ars., bor., cact, calc, calc-s.,
carb-s., Chel.i
chin-s., clem., cocc, colch.,
3L0THING disturbs: Am-e, Bov., calc.
coloc, crot-h.*]
crot-t, elat., euph., ferr., gent..
carb-v., caust., chin., cofT.,
crot-h., cupr gitaj., Guare., ign., hyos., kali-bi., kali-c,
E^ns., graph., hep., kali-bi., kreos.,
Lach.,' lach., lact, laur.,
I'th., Lye, nux-v.,
lye, mag-c, mag-m.]
petr., puis., spong"' ' mane, meny., mere, merc-c, merc-i-f.]
mez., morph., mur-ac, nat-c, nat-m.,

nux-v., ol-aii., oliid., op., petr., plios., night: Merc.
pip-iu,, plat., plb., raii-s., rhodo., sang.,
coughing, after: Ars.
secale, spig., stronl., sul-ac, sulph.,
thea, thuj., zinc. dinner, after: Mag-c.

morning: Kali-bi., nat-ui. eating, after: Bry., osm.

rising, after: Mang. sitting, while: Castor.

forenoon: Nice, osm. stimulants, after: Osm.

before eructations: Thuj. vomiting, while: Crot-t, dig.

afternoon: Bar-c. walking, while: Castor.

4 p. m.: Bry. CORROSION, sense of: Arg-n,, iod., nux-v.

evening: Nat-ni., rat., zinc,

CROAKING like frogs: Nat-m.
night: Mag-c, rat. on turning in bed: Nat-m.
before midnight: Nat-m.
CRAWLING: Agar., alum., ars., bry., cocc.,

convulsive: Apoc-c, cham., kali-c, nat-m., colch., lact. ,

lye, nat-c, nux-\., puis.
nit-ac, secale. nausea, during: L,yc.
dinner, after: Gamb., nat-c. worm, like a: Nat-c.

eating, after: Tabac. yawning, with: Lyc.

amel. : Rat., Sep., thuj.
DEATH-LIKE sensation: Ars., cupr., pic-ac.
fasting, when: Carl,
DESIRES alcoholic drinks: Aeon., aloe, am-c,
inspiration, on: Viol-t. ant-t., am., Ars., Asar,, aster., a7ir., bov.,
bry., bufo, calc, calc-a., Caps., carb-an.,
deep, agg.: Bry.
chin., cic, Crot-h., cub., cupr., fl-ac, gins.,
menses, before: Sulph. hell., /lep., iod., kreos., lac-c, Lach., lye,

periodic: Arg-n. med., mere, nmr-ac, naja, nat-ph.,

Nux-v., op., phos., plb., puis., selen., sep.,
press the stomach with the hand, must: Dros.
sol-t-SE, spig., staph., sul-ac, Sulph., syph.,
vomiting, during: Bry. tabac, tereb., ther.

extending to chest: Alum. ale: Ferr-ph., med., sulph.

pharynx: Plb. beer: Acon., agar., aloe, am-c, ant-c ,

am., ars., asar., bell., bry., calad., calc,
spine: Bor.
caniph., carb-s., caust., chel., chin., cocc,
throat: Alum., kali-c. coc-c, coloc, cupr., dig., graph., kali-bi.,'

pylorus, of: Bry., phos. lach., mang., mere, mosch., nat-c, nat-p.,i

nat-m., Nux-v., op., petr., phelL, phos.,i

CONTRACTION: ^th., agar., alum., am-c, phos-ac, psor., puis., rhus-t., sabad., sep.,
anac, arg-n., am., Ars., atro., calc, caust., spig., spong., staph., s\.rz.\n..,stront., SulpL,
chel., coca, cocc, coloc, con., Cupr., tell., zinc.
cupr-ac, euph., eup-per., gamb., gran.,
brandy: Aeon., ail., arg-n., ars., ars-m., aster.,
hydrc, iod., kali-bi., kali-c, kali-i., laur.,
bov., bry., bufo, calc, chin., cic, coca
merc-c, mez., ol-an., op., osm., phos., plb.,
cub., ferr-p., hep., lach., mosch., mur-ac
psor., ptel., rheum., sep., sul-ac, sulph.,
Nux-v., olnd.. Op., petr., phos., puis
tril., thuj.
seleti., Sep., spig., staph., stram., stront
morning: Ferr. sul-ac, sulph., ther.

evening: Ars., hyper., rhus-t. whisky: Aeon., am., ars., calc, carb-ac.

during a walk after supper: Coloc. carb-an., chin., cub., fl-ac, hep., Lac-C

, ,

DESIRES, alcoholic drinks, whisky. DESIRES, coffee.

lacli., mere, uux-v., op., p/ios., puis., Cham., chel., chin., colch., con., gran.,
selen., spig., staph., sulph., then lach., lob., mez., mosch., nat-m., nux-m.,
nux-v., phos-ac, sabin., selen., sol-t-se.,
wine: Aeon., ceth., arg-ru., ars., asaf., bov.,
<Jrv., rrt/^:., calc-a., calc-s., chel., chin., cic sulph.
cub., fl-ac, hep., h3'per., kali-bi., kali-br.,
which nauseates: Caps.
kali-i., lack., mere, inez., nat-m., Phos.,
puis., secale, selen., sep., spig., staph., burnt: Alum., chin.
Sulph., ther.
cold drinks: Acon., agar., ail., alumn., am-c,
claret: Calc-s., staph., sulph., ther. ang., ant-t., arg-n., arn., Ars., a.sim.,
almonds: Cub. asaf., ast-r., aur., bell., bism., b'->v., Bry.,
calc, calc-a., cann-i., caps., caust., cedr.,
apples: Aloe, ant-t., guaj., sulph., tell,
Cham., chel.. Chin., cimic, Cina, cinnb.,
aromatic drinks: Anan. clem., cocc, coc-c, colch., croc, cub.,
cupr., cupr-ac, dig., dulc, euph., Eup-per.,
ashes: Tarent.
fl-ac, glon., kali-bi., kali-n., led., lye,
bananas: Ther. mag-c, mere, merc-c, mez., nat-c, nat-m.,
bitter drinks: Aeon., dig., nat-m. Nat-S., olnd., Phos., phos-ac, pic-ac, plat.,
plb., podo., psor., puis., rhus-t., ruta., sabad.
food: Dig., nat-m.
sars. ,
secale, sep., spig., spong. ,
bread: Abrot, aloe, am-c, ats., arir., bell., sulph., t/iJij., Verat., vip., zinc.
bov., con.,-dna, coloc, cvib., ferr., grat.,
hell., hydr., ign., mag-c, mere, nat-c, cold food: Am-c, ant-t., cupr., cupr-ar.,

-nat-m., o^.,plb., puis., secale, sil., staph., merc-c, nat-m., Phos., puis., sil., tliuj.,

stront., sumb. verat.

and butter: Agar., bell., feii'., grat., hell., during menses: Am-c.
hydr., ign., mag-c. Mere, puis.
(See " milk.")

dry: Bar-m.
cold things. (See above. J
rye bread: Ars., carl., ign., plb.

boiled in milk: Abrot. cucumbers: Abies-c, ant-c, verat.

only: Bov. delicacies: Aur., bufo, calc, Chin., cub.,

cupr., Ip., petr., psor., rhus-t., sang, spong.
broth: Caps.
earth, lime, chalk, etc.: Alum., calc, cic,
butter: All-s., mere,
Nit-ac, nux-v.
cakes: Plb.
eggs: C«/c.,hydr., nat-p., ol-an.
chalk: Alum., calc, nat-m.. nit-ac., nux-v.
fried: Nat-p.
charcoal: Alum., cic, con., nit-ac, nux-v.
boiled: Calc.
cheese: Arg-n., ast-r., cist., ign., mosch.
soft: Calc, ol-an.
strong: Arg-n., ast-r.
farinaceous food: Lach., nat-m., sabad ,

cherries: Chin, sumb.

chocolate: Lepi., lyssin. fat: Ars., hep., Nit-ac, nux-v.
cider: Benz., sulph. fat ham: Mez., sanic
cloves: Alum., chlor. iish: Nat-m., phos.
coal: Alum., calc, cic. flour: Calc, lach., sabad.

coffee: Alum., Aug., arg-m., arg-n.,

and raw potatoes; Calc.
ast-r., aur., bry., calc-p., caps., carb-v.. fried food: Plb.

DESIRES, milk.
fruit: Aloe, alum., alumii., aiil-t., ars., calc-s.,
hot: Calc, chel., graph.,
chin., cist cub., gran., hep., hyper,
nsA-m., phos-ac, puis., sul-ac, sour: Ant t.
acid: Ars., calc, calc-s., chin.,
warm: Bry.
cist., cub.,
ign., thuj.
nm,stard: Ars., colch., hep., niez., mil.,
green: Calc-s., nied. nice.

ham fat: Mez., sanic. nuts: Cub.

herring: Nit-ac, /w/j., verai. onions: Cub.

highly seasoned food: Chin., fl-ac, raw: All-c.

lac-c, Phos., sang., Sulph., tarenl. oranges: Cub., elaps, med., sol-t-te., ther.
honey: Sabad. oysters: Apis, brom., bry., calc, lack., lyc,
hot drinks. nat-m., rhus-t.
(See "warm drinks.")
ice: E/aps, med pastry: Bufo, calc, chin., plb.
uierc-c, nat-s., Verat.
ice cream: Calc, eup-per., Phos., verat. pepper, cayenne: Lac-c, merc-c.

indigestible pickles: Abies-c, ant-c, ham., hep., hyper.,

things: Alum., alumn., bell.,
bry., calc, calc-p., cycl. lach., nat-a., sul-i., sulph., verat.

indistinct, knows not what: Bry., plums: Sul-ac.

chin., Ign.,
ip., lack., mag-m , Puis., sang., sil., ther. sauce: Arg-n.
juicy things: Aloe, gran., nat-a., pork: Crot-h.
sabad., sars., verat.
potatoes: 01-an.
lard: Ars.
raw: Calc
lemons: Ars., benz., nabal.
puddings: Sabad.
lemonade: Bell., cjilc, cycl., eup-pur., yaz-r.,
pungent things: Ars., ast-r., fi-ac, hep.,
nit-ac, puis., sabin., secale.
nat-ph., phos-ac, sang.
lime, slate pencils, earth, chalk, clay, etc.: rags, clean: Alum.
Alum., calc, cic, Nit-ac, nux-v.
raw food: Ail., Sulph., tarent.
liquid food: Aug., bell., br}'., caps.,/m'.,
mei-c, staph., sulph. ,vQra.t. potatoes: Calc

many things: Cina, kreos., phos. refreshing things: Ars., carb-an., caust., rocc,
fl-ac, phos., Phos-ac, puis., rheum, sabin.,
meal and flour: I,ach sabad.
sang., til., valer., verat.
meat: Abies-c, aloe, aur., canth., cycl., ferr.,
rice, dry: Alum., tereb.
ferr-m., gra.^h..,):ie\\., kreos., lil-L, mag-c,
meny mere, nat-m., sabad., sanic, Sulph. rue: Tereb.

salads: Elaps.
smoked: Caust., kreos.
salt: Calc, Carb-V., caust, cow., lac-c, lyssin,
milk: Anac, apis, ars., aur., bapt., bor., bov.,
mane, med., Ifat-m., nit-ac, Phos., sanic,
bry., calc, chel., elaps, kali-i., mag-c, thuj., Verat.
mang., mere, nat-m., nux-v., ^hei., phos-ac,
Rhus-t., sabad., sabin., sil., staph., stront., salt things: Aloe, Arg-n., atro., calc,
sulph. carb-v., caust., cocc, con., cor-r., lac-c,
lyssin, mane, med., meph., merc-i-f.,
boiled: Abrot, nat-s, merc-i-r., nat-m., nit-ac, Phos., selen.,
sulph., thuj., Verat.
cold: Phel., phos., phos-ac, rhiis-t., sabad.,
staph. sand: Tarent.

warm drinks: Aug., ars., bell., Bry.,
sardines: CycL, verat. cedr., chel., cupr., eup-per.,
carb-v., case,
eup-pur., graph., hyper., kreos., Lac-C,
sauerkraut: Carb-an., chain.
lyc, merc-c, pyrus., sabad., sulph.
smoked things: Canst., kreos.
chill, during: Ars ,cedr., eup-per.
snuff: Bell.
fever, during: Cedr., case, eup-per.
soup. (See "liquid food.") warm Aug., ars., chel., cocc, cupr.,

etc.: Alum., alumn., ani-c, cycl.,/^rr., lyc, phos-ac sil. ,

sour, acids,
am-m., ant-c, anl-t., apis, arg-n., am., nat-m., phel.
warm .soups: Bry., calc-a., ferr.,
ars., arund., bell., bor., brom., bry., calc,
DISORDERED: Ant-c., Arg-n., Ars.,
carb-an., carb-v., chant., chel., chin., cist.,
Asaf., Bry., caps., Carb-v., cham., chin..
conv., Cor-r,, corn-c, cub., cupr-ac,
Chin., coff., hep., ip., Kali-bi., kali-c, lac-c,
dig., elaps, ferr., ferr-m., gran., Hep.,
lob., Lyc, Merc, wez., nat-c, Nat-m.,
hipp., ign., kali-bi., kali-c, kreos., lac/i.,
Nat-s., Nux-v., Puis., rob., sars., sep.,
mag-c, mang., med., merc-i-f., nat-m.,
phel., plb., podo., psor., ptel., puis.,
thuj., Verat.
rhus-t., sabad., sabiti., secale, sep., squil., acids, after: Ant-c, canst., sep.
siram., sulph., thea, ther., thuj., ust.,
beer, after: Aloe, ferr., kali-bi., sulph.
Verat., ziz.
bread, after: Lyc, sep.
starch: Alum., calc, cic, nit-ac, nux-v.
coition, after: Dig.
strange things: Bry., calc, calc-ph., cycl.,hep.,
mane. cold, after a: Ant-c.

fat food, after: Puis., sep.

during pregnancy: Chel., Lyssin, mag-c.
fruit after: Act-sp.
sweets: Am-c., arg-m., Arg-n., ars., bar-c,
headache, from: Ant-C, Ip iris, kali-bi.,
Chin., ip., kali-c,
bry., bufo, calc., carb-v.. ,

Lyc., viag-m., med., mere, nai-c, nat-m., lyc, nux-m., Nux-v-., Puis., Sang.
nux-v., op., petr., plb., rheum., rhus-t., milk, after: Sep.
sabad., secale, sep., Sulph.
oysters: Lyc.
sugar: Am-c, Arg-n.
DISTENTION: Abrot., aeon., eesc, aloe, alum.,
tea: Ast-r., calc-s., hep., hydr., pyrus. alumn ,
ant-c, ant-t., apis, ars., Arg-n.,
asaf., aur., bar-ni., bell., bor., bry., Calc,
grounds: Alum.
calc-a ,
caps., carb-an., Carb-V., carl., cham.,
tobacco: Bell., carb-ac con., daph., eug.,
cedr., chel., chins., Cic, cimic, clem.,
kreos., mane, nat-c, nux-v., ox-ac, plat.,
cocc, coc-c, coff., colch., con., croc, cupr.,
plb., staph., Tabac, then, thuj. dulc, elaps, eup-pur.,
cycl.,daph., dig., xlios.,

smoking: Calad., carb-an., card-m., eng., ferr., ferr-m., gels., gent., graph., gins.,
glon., ham., led., lyc. hell., hep., hydr., hydr-ac, ign., iod., ip.,

tomatoes: Ferr.
kali-bi.,Kali-c, lach., laur., led., lil-t.,Lyc.,
mag-c, mane, merc-c, merl mez., mosch., ,

tonics: Aloe, carb-ac, carb-an., caust., cocc, nat-c, nat-7n nai-s., nux-m., nux-v., ol-an.,
nux-v., rhus-t., phos-ac, puis., rheum., op., petr., phos ph5's phyt., plb., prun.,
, ,

sul-ac, valer. psor., puis., raph., rat., rob., sabad., sabin.,

unusual things: Chel. sang., secale, sep., strain., sul-ac, sulph.,

tarent., thuj.
vegetables: Alum., alumn., ars., calc-s.,
carb-an., cham. mag-c, mag-m.
morning: Nux-v., /Aoi.

vinegar: Apis, arn., ars., chel., Hep., sep., forenoon: Myric.

sulph. afternoon: Nat-m., petr., sulph.


evening: Dios
eupi., kali-bi., osni.
gent., glon., graph.,
9 P 111. until niidniglit: Phos. grat., hell., hep
hydr hydr-ac, hyos.. i„,g.,
night, on waking: kah-b,., kalUc,
chill, during: Cocc.

contradiction, after: Nnx-7H.

m-t., lob., lyc, lyssin,
kalm., lacc, lac-ac,
mag-c, mane meph
Merc, merc-i-f,, merc-i-r,

merl., mez
dinner, before: Rat. ^mcr-ac, nu,rx., myric., nat-a., nai-c,
nat.m.,nat.s., nice, mt-^^.,
after: Ant-c nux-v., olnd
dig., kalm , zinc, op pelr., Phos., phel.,
phys., phyt!:
drinking, after: Mane, Plb, Podo., ptel.,
tabac. puis., raph., rhus-L,
rumx., ruta, sabad.,
eating, while: Con. sang., sarr., sars..
seneg., Sep., sil., squill., stann., staph
after: Agar., alunin., antbr., stram.. Sulph., sumb.,
anac, apoc Tabac, tell., teucr.,'
arg-n., aur-m. thea, thuj., tril.,
, bar-c, bor., bry., calc
valer., verat., verb., vine
cann-i.,carb-an., Carb-V.. caust.,
Chin., cinuc, coc-c, daytime: Nat-ph.,
Colch., dig., dies., .stann.
dulc, lerr., graph., grat.,
hep., lack.,
morning: ^sc, anac, apoc, bufo, castor
Lyc, uux-m., vux-v., op., phos., rumx.,
same, sars., sin-a., statm., sul-ac ' cmnc, coloc, hell., kali-bi., lac-c, lyc,
sulph '
mag-c, mag-m., mez., nat-m.,
tabac. " nat-p., nice,
op., sang.
amel.: Cedr., rat.
anxiety, with: Lyc, nat-m.
eructations amel.: Arg-n.,
Carb-V., mag-c. menses, during: Castor.
exertion, during mental: Hep.
rising, on: Nat-ph., phos.
lying on it amel. : Con. sinking, before breakfast
^sc, alumn.,
flatus, passing, amel.: Rat. apoc, calc-p., cimic, kali-bi., lac-c,
menses, before: Zinc, murx., sulph.

milk, after: Con. waking, on: Apoc, mil.

rising, after: Coc-c. 2 a. m.: Podo., tell.

forenoon: Mag-c, 7iat-c., nat-m., nice, puis

restagg.: Cedr.

10 a. m. until evening: Mur-ac
amel. after: Corn-c.

supper, after: Zinc, 11 a. m.: Alumn., asaf., hydr., lach., nat-p.,

o^.,phos., Sep., Sulph., zhic.
walking amel.: Cedr.
with dull pain: Hydr.
EMPTINESS, weak feeling, goneness, hungry noon: Fago., nat-m.
feeling: Abrot., aeon., esse, agar., ail.,
afternoon: Ambr., fago., lach., puis., sulph.
all-c, all-s., aloe, alum., alumn., ambr.,
am-c, am-m., anac, ang., 1 p. m.: Fago.
Ant-C, ant-t.,'
apoc, ara7t., arg-n., arn., ars., asaf., ast-r.,
2 p.m.: Grat.
atro., am-., aur-m., bapt., bar-c, bar-m.,
bell., brom., bry., bufo, cact, calad., calc, 3 p. m.: Phys.
calc-p., camph., cann-s., evening: Ambr., calc-ph., lac-e, olnd.
canth., caps.,
carl)-ac., carb-an., carb-s.,. carb-v., card-m., eating, after: Sep.
carl., caust., chel., chin., chin-s., chlol.,
cimic, cina, cinnb., coca, coc-c, cocc, coff., sleep, before: Dig.
colch., coloc, con., cop., corn-c, croc,
crot-h., 8 p. ni.: Kali-e, kalm.
crol-t., cupr-ac, cupr-ar.. Dig.,
elates, ery-a., euphr., fago, gamb., gels.. midnight: Mag-c. rhus-t. ,


aversion to food: Bar-c, carb-s., chin., grat., stool, after: Petr., puis,
hell., nux-v., rhus-t., stann. sulph.
talking agg. : Rumx.
breakfast, after: Am-m., coca, colch., lye,
throbbing, with: Ant-t., asaf., calad., hydr.,
kali-c, mag-m., nat-c, nat-m., sep., sulph.
chill, during: Ail., ars.
trembling: Am-c, cimic, lyc.
climacteric period : Crot-h., lack., tabac.
vomiting, after: Ther.
cough, with: Croc, ign., mur-ac, stann.
walking, vphile: Chel., chin-s., rat.
dinner, before: Lye, nux-v., phos., Sulph.
after: Coca.
after: Lye, ptel., thea, zinc,
about the room agg. : Lyc.
drowsiness, during: Corn-c.
EPILEPTIC aura: Calc., Cic, cupr., indg.,
eating, before: Crot-t. Nux-v,, sil.

while: Croc-c, zinc. ERUCTATIONS: Abies-c, absin., acet-ac,

not relieved by: Agar., alum., ant-c, arg-m., Aeon., agar., &^n., esse, seth., all-c &\o&, ,

alumn., Ambr., am-c, anac, a7it-c., ant-t.,

asc-t., aur. ,
calc, cann-i., carb-an., cic,
apis, apoc, ars-h., Arg-n., Arn., ars.,
Cina, coc-c, dig., kali-bi., kali-i., lac-c,
lye, mag-m., mur-ac, nux-m., -par., Phos.. Asaf.,^ Asar., asc-t., aur., bapt., bar-e.

phyt, sang., sars., sep., staph., stront. Bell., benz-ac, berb., bism., bov., brach

brom., Bry., bufo, cale, calc-s., camph],

after: Agar., arn., bov., carb-v., chlol., cann-i., cann-s., canlh.,
caps., carb-ae.
Cina, dig., grat., lach., lam-., lye, olnd., carb-an. carb-s.,
, Carb-V., carl., caust.,
op., ptel., puis., raph., sang., sars., thuj., Cham., chel., Chin., chin-s., cimx., clem.,
Verat, zinc.
cimic, cina, cist, Cocc., coc-c,
agg. : Alum., alunin., dig., hydr., kali-bi., coloc, com.. Con., cop., croc, crot-t. ciipr.,
lye, nat-ph. cupr-ar., cycl.,A\^., dios., dule, eup-per],
eup-pur., eupi., fago., ferr., ferr-p., fl-ae,
eructations, after: Ambr.
gels., gent., gins., glon., gran., graph.,
fever, during: Zinc. grat, Guaj., gymu., ham., hell., helon.,
headache, during: Phos., sang., Sep. hep., hydr., hydrc, hyos., hyper., ign.,
iod., indg., ip.,'s&\.x.,jug.r., kali-bi.,
hunger, without: Alum., am-m., chiu-s., cocc, Kali-c
kali-chl., kali-i., kali-u.,
lach., nice, phos., tax. kahn., kreos.]
lac-ac, lac-d., lack., lact., laiir.,
led., lil-t.|
intermittent: Mur-ac. lith., lob., Lyc, lyssin, Mag-c, mag-m'
mang., meph., merl
lying down amel.: Ambr., ign. Mere., merc-c,'

merc-i-r., tnez., mosch., mur-ac,

meeting a friend, when: Cimic. Nat-C
Nat-m., nat-s., nice, nit-ac, nux-m!'
menses, before: Ign., sep., sulph. Nux-v., ol-an., olnd.,
osm., ox-ae, pall'
par., petr., Phos,, phos-ae,
during: Spong., tabac. phys., phyt '

plat, pic-ac, pib.,

Psor., Puis., ran-b^,
nausea, during: Agar., arg-m., arg-n., ran-s., raph., rat, rheum,
asaf., rhodo., Rhus-t
bry., calc-p., caust.. cimic, cocc, cycl.i rhus-v., rob., rumx., ruta,
sabad., sabin''
hell., hydr., ign., kali-bi., sang., sars., secale, selen.,
kali-c, lach., lyc,' seneg., Sep sil
mag-m., nieph., mosch., olnd., spig., sol-t-is., spong.,
phel.,Phos s^uil., stann., staph
rheum, rhus-t., sep., sil., spig., s\.XB.m.,sul.ae, Sulph., sumb.,
tabac.'| tabac.,
valer , verat. tarent., tep., tereb., thuj., valer., Verat
verb., vesp., zinc, zing.
rising, after: Coca.
daytime: Bry., Iod., petr.
sighing: Ign.

sleep, before: Dig.

morning: All-c, anac, ant-t,
arg-n., arn
aster., bar-c, bry., calc., calc-s.,
cob., coloc.'i


con., croc, diilc, hep hyper., kali-c, ni. until midnight: Phos.
9 p.
A-ii/in., lye, tnag-c, inang., nat-ni., Petr.,
II p. m.: Gels., sumb.
plat., pti/s., sars., sil., stann. ,
sii//>/i ., sul-ac,
tabac, thuj., valer., verat. midnight on awaking: Ferr.

breakfast, before: Bov., rafts. acids, after: Phos-ae, staph.-

fasting, while: Bov., cina. croc, plat. aggravate: Cham., Chin., phos., stann.

rising, on: Cedr., nice, rata, sep., sin-a., air, in open: Nat-m.
alternating with hiccough: Agar., herb., sep.,
stool, after: Cob. wyeth.

waking, on: Bar-c, calc. yawning: Berb.

walking, after: Nux-v. ameliorate: Acet-ac, aeon., agar., aloe, alum.,

all-e, ambr., am-m., Ant-t., Arg-n., aur.,
forenoon: Agar., am-ni., calc-p., carl., colch.,
bar-c. berb., bry., cann-s., canth., carb-s.,
mag-c, niag-m., myric,

hep., ign., naja,

Carb-v., chel., cocc, coc-e, colch., coloc,
nat-c, nice, par., sars., sulph., zinc.
dig., dios.. Graph., Ign., iod., kali-bi.,
noon: Indg., ox-ac, ran-b. Kali-c, lach., Lyc, mag-c, mag-m.,
mosch., nat-c, nat-m., nit-ac, nux-v., op.,
eating, while: Olnd.
par., petr., phos., Sang., seneg., sep.,
afternoon: .^th., agar., am-m., ars., ars-i., sil., sul-ac, sulph., tereb., zinc.
bar-c, calc, carb-v., caust., chel., chin-s.,
cic, con., crot-t., cupr., fago., fl-ac, hydr., apyrexia, during: Ant-c.
lyc, mag-m., mere, nat-c, op., ox-ac, sang., beer, after: Ferr.
bread, after: Bry., chin., crot-h., mere
eating, after: Petr. nat-m.

4 p. m., after: CofF., nat-m., valer. and milk, after: Zinc,

evening: Abrot., alum., ambr., am-e, bell., breakfast, before: Bov., ran-s.
calc, caust., coc-c, con., crot-h., cupr.,
during: Ox-ac, zinc,
cycl., dros., eupi., fl-ac, grat., ham., hyper ,

kali-bi., mag-c. mez., phos., Puis., ran-s.,

, after: Ars., calc-p., carb-ae, cham. cycl.

rhus-t, rumx., sars., sep., sil., sin-n., grat, hell., hyper., kali-br., phos., pic-ae
sol-t-£e., stram., sulph., verat., zinc, zing. plat., sars., sep., sulph., verat.

air, open, in: Carb-v. soup, after: Alum.

bed, in: Alum. comes up with: Sulph.

eating, after: Alum. butter, after eating: Carb-V., Puis,

lying, while: Verat. cabbage, after: Mag-C.

sitting, while: Gels. chill, during: Nux-v.

night: Ant-t., calc-s., canth., carb-v., chel., after: Zinc,

crot-h., ham., kali-c, lye, mere, mur-ae, chilliness, with: Sil.

nux-v., ox-ac, pip-m.. Puis., sulph., tanae,
choking, after: Op.

coffee, after: Canst., coca, cycl., puis.

first half of: Nit-ac.

coldness: Gamb.
lying, while: Calc.
constant: Con., cupr., sars., sulph.
menses, before: Mang.
waking, on: Calc, mur-ae convulsive: Ars., coc-e, ham., kali-bi., nux-v.
Phos. phos sang., til.
•walking in open air: ,



cough, during: Ambr., arn., bar-c, lob., plat., fever, during: Cub., lach., ran-b.

sang., sul-ac, staph., verat. headache: Apis, calc, camph., Mag-m,

after: Ambr., arn raph., san^., sul-ac. and incomplete: Aeon., agar.,

with: Ambr., an^-., arg-n., ars., cimx., alum., ambr., am-e, arg-n., arn., arund.,
lac/i. ars., bell., calad., canth., carb-an., carb-s.,
carl., caust., cliel. , Chin., cocc, eon., cycl.,
difficult: Arg-m., coji., graph., nux-v.
ferr., ferr-m., graph., grat., hyos., indg.,
dinner, before: Ran-b. kali-c, lach., laur., lyc, mane, mez.,
mur-ac, nat-m., nux-v., petr., phel phos.,
during: Grat., mag-m., ol-an., sars. ,

phos-ac, phyt., pic-ae, plat., plb., puis.,

after: Agar., aloe, am-c, ang., apis, ars.,
rhus-t., sabad. sars., spig., sul-ae, sulph.,

bar-c, carl., coca, cycl., dig., fl-ac, ham.,

zinc, zing.
kreos., lach., lye, ruag-m., mere, nat-ni.,
nice, petr., rat., sars., sul-ac, sulph., morning: Ol-an.
zinc. after breakfast: Con.

when rising from stooping: Castor. forenoon: Sil.

while walking: Mag-m. evening: Dios.

drinking, after: ^th., aloe, anac, apis, arg-n. night: Caust.
ars., bism., canth., carb-v., coloc, crot-t.
hyper., kali-c, lye, mere, mez.,
before menses, Mang.
rhus-t., Sep., tarax., zinc. on going to bed: Sulph.
cold water: Phos. dinner, after: Sars.

amel.: Carl. milk, after: Chin.

water: Aloe, apis, bism., hyper., mez. wine, after: Lyc.

liquid food, after: Anac
drunkards, in: Ran-b., siil-ac.
lying amel.: ^th., rhus-t.
eating, while: Dulc, grat., mere, nat-c.i
meat, after: Ruta.
nit-ac, olnd., phos., sars.
menses, before: Bry., chiu., kali-c, kreos.,
after: Aeon., cbsc, agar., all-s., am-ni.,
lach., mag-c, nat-m., nux-m., phos puis.
anac, Arg-n., ars., asaf ,
bar-c, bell'.,

berb., bry., bufo, cale, camph., carB-an., during: Ant-t., Graph., Lach., lyc, nit-ac.
carb-s., Carb-V., card-m., canst., cham., micturition, during: Rhus-t.
chin., cie, cina, coloc, com., con., cycl.,
daph., dig., dulc, Ferr., grat., gymn., milk, after: Alum., am-c, aut-t., calc,
ham., kali-bi., kali-c, kreos., carb-ac, carb-v., chin., cupr., iris, lye,
>%^/>., lach.,
lyc, mere, mur-ae, nat-a., nat-c,
mag-c, nat-m., petr., phos., sulph., zinc
nat-p., nat-s., nit-ac, nux-ni., nux-v motion, on: Canu-i., kreos.

ox-ac, -pe^tr., phos., phos-ac, ^\a,t., podo.,

Puis., ran-s., rat., rhus-t., ruta, sang.,
nausea, during: ^sc, arn., calc, carb-v.,
sars., Sep., sil., spig., stann., staph.,
caust., coc-c, crot-t. cycl., gamb., lyc,
Sulph., tarax., thuj., verat., zinc. mag-m., mag-s., nat-m., Petr., sep., sil ,

spong., sulph.
faintness, causing: Arg-71.
oysters, after: Bry.
farinaceous food, after: Sulph.
painful: Bry., carb-an., caust.,
fasting, while: Aeon., nit-ac, 7iux-v., plat.,
Cham., con.,
nat-c. nux-v., ox-ac. par., phos.,
, plb.,
sabad., sep.

fats, after: Ferr., ferr-m.,

Puis., Sep., thuj. paroxysmal: Sep., sulph.

potatoes, after: Alum., gran.
waking, on: Bar-c, calc,
con., ferr., mur-ac
periodical: ^^sc, ip. rumx., sil.
pork, after: Ham. walking, while: Caps, graph., lyc., lycps
viag.in., sulph. ^ ^ '

pressing on stomach, from: Sulph.

painful parts, when: Bor. amel.: Lyc.

rich food, after: Bry., Carb-V., in open air, while: Grat.. stanu.,
ferr., nat-m sul-ac,
Puis., Sep., staph., thuj.

rising from lying,

wine, after: Lyc.
when: Rhus-t.
acrid: Aloe, Ambr., apis, arg-m., ars., asaf.,
up, on: Coloc.
bell., bufo, cale, cann-s., carb-an., caps
sardines, after: ^Eupi. eausL, cham., crot-t., cupr., dig. ,d{os.,
shooting pain, with: Bry. fago., fl-ae.,
graph., lae-ac, lach., lact.,
lob., Lyc, mang., mere, mez., nil-ac'
sitting, while: Phos.
nuph., nux-v., ol-an., ox-ac,
petr., phos.'
bent, while: Rob., sabin. phyt., raph., rhus-t., sang., sep., sul-ac.,
ther., thuj., verat zinc.
sleep, after: Hep. ,

afternoon: Caust., chin.

amel. : Chel., chin.
evening: Ambr., caust.
smoking, while: Thuj.
night: Merc.
soup, after: Carb-v., mag e.
bread, after: Crot-h.
spasmodic: Bell., coff., lyssin, petr., phos.
sang. dinner, after: Aloe.

stool, before: Sumb. drunkards, in: Sul-ae.

during: Cham., eating, after: All-s., anac,

con ,
dulc, kali-c, mere, carb-s., spig.
puis., ruta. fever, during: Cub.
after: je.sc., anac, ats., bar-c, calc-s. sweets, after: Raph., zinc,
coloe., mere, sil.
almonds, tasting like: Caust., laur.
stooping, on: Cic ip., phos. apples, tasting of
: Agar,
sudden: Carb-an. audible. (See "loud.")
sugar, after: Raph. bitter: ^sc,aloe, alum., ambr., ain-c,
supper, after: Alum., carb-v., chin-s., ferr. am-m., ant-c, ant-t., apis, arg-m., Arn.
ham., lye, sars., sep., sil., zinc. ars., aur., bar-c, bell., berb., bism.,
calc, cann-s., carb-v., carl., caul., chel..
suppressed: Cale., eon.
Chin, chin-s., cob., cocc, coloc, corn-c,
followed by pain in stomach: Con. crot-t., cupr., dios., dros., eup-per., ferr.,
ferr-m., grat., graph., hell., hep.,
swallowing, when: Agar,
hyos., hyper., ign., indg., kali-c, kali-i.,
sweets, after: Raph., zinc, kali-n., laur., lyc, mag-m., mag-s., mere.,
merc-i-r, mur-ac, nice, Nux-V., op., petr.,
tobacco, from: Selen.
phos., phos-ac, phys., plb., Podo., ptel.,
violent: Arn., bism., bor., earb-v., eoloc., Puis., raph., rhodo., sabad., sars., sep., sil.,
ferr-i., iris, jug-r., lach., mere, mosch., spong., squil., stann., staph., strych., sul-ac,
plb., sil., sulph., verat. , verb. sulph., tarent., tarax., teucr., thuj., upa.,
verat., verat-v., verb., zinc,
after milk: Sulph.
morning: Calc-s., hyper., lyc, sars., sil.

vomiting, when: Phyt. breakfast, after: Pic-ac, sep.


ERUCTATIONS, bitter. ERUCTATIONS, eggs, spoiled, like.

coughing, after: Sul-ac. on wakings Valer.

rising, on: Cedr., sep. evening: Carl.

forenoon: Am-m., igu., nat-c, nice, night: Ant-t., phos.

afternoon: Am-ni. pregnancy, during: Mag-c.

evening: Bell., castor., dios., ptds., sars. smelling like: Cham., elaps, elat., ferr.,

potatoes, after: Alum. podo., psor., sulph.

night: Mag-c.
milk soup, after: Alum.
night: Calc-s., castor., ch.e[.,merc., nux-v.,
egg, tasting like yolk of: Apis.

ox-ac, Puis. empty: Abies-n., aeon., cesc, ceth.. Agar.,

bread and butter, after: Chin. all-c, aloe, alum., ambr., am-br., am-c,
am-m., anac., anan., Ant-C, ant-i., Arg-n.,
dinner, during: Sars.
Am., Ars,, arund., asaf., asar., bapt.,
after: Bar-c, fl-ac, sul-ac. bar-ac., bell., berb., Bism., bov., brom.,
b7y., calad., calc., camph., cann-i., Cann-s.,
amel.: Ferr.
canth., carb-an., carb-ac, earb-s., Carb-V.,
drinking water, after: Aloe. eard-m., carl., case, castor., caul., caust.,
eating, after: Bell., bry., chin., cina, kreos. cham., chel., chin., chin-s., chlol., cimx.,
lach., Lyc
Lyc, nai-m., nat-s., sars., sep., cinnb., cist., clem., cob., cocc, coc-c,
stann., thuj., verat. colch., coloc, con., corn-c., crot-t., daph.,
dios., dulc, elat., erig., eup-per., eupi
amel.: Am-m., sars. ,

fago., ferr., ferr-p., fi-ac, gamb., gent-c.,

fat food, after: Ferr-m. gins., glon., gran., grat, gtiaj., gymn.,
food comes up: Lyc, ham., hell., helon., hep., hydr., hyos., ign.,
indg., Iod., Ip., iris, jatr., kali-bi., kali-c,
fasting, while: Nux-v. kali-chl., kali-i., kalm., kreos., lac-c., lach.,
menses, during: Sep., sulph. lac-c, lact., laur., led., lob., Lyc, mag-c,
mag-m., mag-s., mane, mang., metty.,
potatoes, after: A him. mere, mere-i-f., mez., mil., mosch., mj'ric,
rich food, after: V^xx., ferr-7H. nat-c, nat-m., nice, nit-ac, nux-m., olnd.,
ol-an., ox-ac, pall., petr., phos-ac,
stool, during: Cham. phos.,
phys., phyt., pic-ac, plant., plb., podo.,
stooping, when: Castor.
ptel.. Puis., ran-s., raph., rhodo., rhus-t.,
sour food, after: Phos-ac. rumx., ruta, sabad., sabin., sang., sars.,
secale, senec, sep., sil., sin-a., sol-n., spig.i
.sour: Ani-c, cann-s., cast-eq., sul-ac.
spong., squil., stann., strout, staph.,
supper, after: Zinc. sul-ac, Sulph., sumb., tabac, tarax.,
walking in open til., valer., verat., verat-v., verb.,
air, while: Grat. vine.,'
viol-t., xanth., zinc, zing.
bloody: Merc-c, nux-v., phos raph., sep.

morning: Anac, bar-c, bov., bry.,

burning: (see " Heartburn ") calc,
: Catist., coff., cedr., cina, cob., coloc, croc, dios.,'
ferr., iod., lyc.
mag-c ,
nat-m., plat., sul-ac. sulph.
disgusting, (see "foul.")
fasting, after: Bov., cina, cxoc,
eggs, spoiled, like: Aeon., agar., plat.
brom., bufo, coff., dios.,
ant-t., Am rising, on: Cedr.
elaps, kali-c"'
mag-m., mag-s.,petr., phos., podo.,
ptel., Sep., stann., sulph., valer.
after: Nat-m.

morning, on ri.sing: Am., graph.,

waking, on: Bar-c, calc.
mag-s., petr., sulph., valer.
7 a. m.: Dios.


forenoon: Castor., colch., com., con., eating, after: Acoti., ars., bry., calc, canipk.,
hydr., ign., myric, 'naja, par., sars., carb-an., card-ni., coloc, cycl., grat.,
zinc. nat-c, nal-vi., ox-ac, phos., phos-ac,
a. m. Com. plal., ran-s., rhus-t., sep., spig., Sulph.^
9 :

10 a. m. : Castor., iyn.
exertion, mental, during: Hep.
1 1 a. m. : Hydr.
fasting, while: Plat., valer.
noon: Olnd., ox-ac.
headache, during: Apis, calc.
eating, wiiile: Olnd.
hysteria, during: Tarent.
afternoon: .-T3th., ars., carb-v., crot-t., dios.,
menses, before: Mang.
hydr., hyper., iris, lye, mag-m., nat-m.,
op., ox-ac. menstrual colic, during: Ant-t.
coffee, after: Nat-m. mental exertion. (See " exertion.")
while stomach is empty: Op. nausea, during: Arn., coc-c.

5 p. m.: Dios., hyper., ox-ac. rising up: Coloc.

6 p. m. : Iris. soup, after: Carb-v., mag-c.

evening: Abrot ,
am-c, coc-c, dios., hyper., stool, after: Bar-c.
rumx., sars., sulph., verat., zinc.
sugar, from: Raph.
hiccough, during: Sulph.
supper, after: Alum., lyc, sep.
lying, while: Verat.
vomiting, while: Phyt.
night: Dios., dire, mang., mur-ac, phys.
after: Osm.
phos., sumb., tanac.
waking, on: Bar. c, calc, rumx.
menses, before: Mang.
fluid: Abies-n., agar., all-c, alum., anac.
7 p. m.: Dios., phys.
ant-c, ant-t., ars., aur-s., calc, cann-s.

9 p. m. until midnight: Phos. carb-s. ,

carl., caul., cham., chlol., coc-c.
crot-h., cycl., dig., fago., form., gent-c,
while walking in open air: Phos.
graph., gran., gynin., ham., hell., lac-ac.
9:30 p. m. : Dire. lyc, mez., mosch., nice, nux-v., plat.
plb., ptel.. Puis., raph., rhodo., rob.
II p. m.: Sumb.
sulph., ust., verat., verb.
air, open, in: Nat-m.
morning: All-c, verat., verb.
alternating with hiccough : Agar,
breakfast, after: Phos.
beer, after: Vine,
forenoon: Carl.
breakfast, before: Bov., ran-s.
afternoon: Valer.
after: Ars., grat., hell., sulph.
4 p. m. : Valer.

coldness, during: Gamb. night: Nux-v.

white bread, after: Crot-h.
cough, after: Sang. •

coffee, after: Puis,

dinner, after: Am-c, ars., cact., C3'cl. lyc, cold water amel. : Carl,
mag-m., sulph.
dinner, after: Castor,

drinking, after: Bism., carb-v., coloc. eating, after: Cina, staph,

nat-m., tarax., vine. greenish: Ars., graph,

cold water: Phos. yellow: Cic.


ERUCTATIONS. ERUCTATIONS, food, tasting like.

food (regurgitation): ^^sc, eetli., am-m., canst., chain., chel., chin., cic, cocc,
arg-n., ars., aniin-L, asaf., bell., bry., calc, colch., con., cop., croc, crot-h., cycl.,
camph., canth., carb-v., canst., Chin., coff., zyx^\y[., graph., grat., h.&m.., hep., ign., ip.,
con., C3'cl., dig., Ferr., glon., graph., hep., kali-bi., kali-c, kali-i., lac-ac, lach., laur.,
ign., iris, kali-bi., kali-c, lack., lob., lye, lyc, mag-m., nat-c, nat-m., nux-v., olnd.,
mag-m., niag-ph., mere, mez., niur-ac., phel., phos., phyt., plb.. Puis., ran-s., rat.,
nal-m., nit-ac, nux-v., Phos., Phos-ac, rhus-t., rumx., ruta, sars., Sep., sil., sin-a.,
pic-ac, plat., plb., podo. Puis., ran-b., rob., spig., staph., stil., sulph., sumb., tabac,
rhus-t., sars., seneg., spig., sul-ac, sulph., thuj., til., tromb., verat., zinc.
tabac, teucr., thuj., ust., valer., verat.
morning: Agar.
noon Ferr.
afternoon: CofT., euphr.
afternoon : Euphr. ferr., lye, nat ph.,
sulph. I p. m. : Chel.

evening: Sulph. after dinner: Canth., cina, sars., squil.

night: Phos., zinc. drinking water agg. : Apis.

what was eaten at noon Phos.
smoking, while: Thuj.

midnight, after: Sil. foul: Acet-ac, anan., ant-c, ant-t.. Am,,

ars., Asaf,, asar., aur-m.,
bufo, bism.,
bitter tasting: Lyc, nat-c., phos-ac.
calc, calc-a., carb-an., carb-v., caust., cina,
coughing, after: Raph., sul-ac. cocc, con., cop., cub., dig., /err., fl-ac,
dinner, after: Lyc, nat-ph., sars., sulph. graph., hep., hydr., kali-bi., lact., mere,
mosch., mur-ac, naja, nat-m., nat-s.,
while walking: Mag-m.
nit-ac, nux-v., olnd., phos., plb., psor.,
eating, while: Cupr-s., grat., mag-p. puis., raph., sang., secale, sep., sul-ac,
mere, phos., sars. sulph., thuj., valer.

after: ^sc, bry., Ferr., mag-p., med.^ morning: Nux-v.

nat-m phos., podo.
forenoon: Cocc.
immediately after: Ferr., mag-p., phos.
evening: Nat-s., phos., stram.
one hour after: J^sc, aeth.
night agg.: Merc.
two hours after: Lyc, sulph.
drunkards, in: Sul-ac.
menses, suppressed, with: Con.
fat or rich food, after: Asaf., caust., nat-m.,
mouthful, by the: ^sc, arg-n., dig., /err., puis.
hyos., lach., lyc, Phos., sul-ac, sulph.
feces, odor of: Asaf., plb., sep.
rancid: Puis.
milk, after: Nat-m.
sour: Ars., carb-v., dig., /err., graph., iris,
kali-c, lob., lyc., mang., nat-m., nux-v., gastry or pork, after: Puis.
P>ios.,^hos-&c., podo.,-pvls., sars., sulph.,
urine, odor of: Agn.
thuj., ust.

after coughing:
frothy: AU-c, ca7ith., kreos. lach., lyc,
Raph. ,
stooping, when: Cic.
morning: All-c.
supper, after. Phos.
walking, while: Mag-m. garlic, like: ^sc, Asaf., mag-m., mosch.,
sul-ac, si)lph.
food, tasting like: ^sc, jeth., agar., aloe,
ambr., am-c, am-m., anan., after a spasm: Mag-m.
apis, arn., ars., arg-n., aur-s., bell., Bry greasy: ^sc, carb-v., cycl., ferr-i.,
calc, camph., carb-a?i., carb-v., carl., ]yc.
castor"! Mag-c, puis.

hiccough, like: Ant-t., calc, cycl. , mez nose, through: Lye, merc-e, phos.
plat., sars., sulph.
offensive. (See "foul.")
after dinner: Carb-an., plat.
pungent: Sabad.
hot: Acet-ac ,ars. ,
aur., canth., hep., lac-ac,
putrid: Acet-ac, am., asar., aur-m., bell.,
naja, petr., phos., phys. ,
podo., puis., sil.,
cocc, graph., mag-s., mere mur-ac, nux-v., ,
sin-a., zinc.
olnd., psor., puis., sep., .sulph., tabac, thuj.,
morning: Tabac. til.

eating, after: Podo., sinnap. rancid: ^th., alum., Asaf., bar-e, cadm.,
calc, carb-v., croc, cycl., graph., grat.,
large quantities of wind: Arg'-n., bapt.,
carb-v., hep., lye, phos.
kali-bi., laur., mere, mez., nux-m., phos.,
psor., puis., ran-s., rhodo., sabad., sanic,
lime water, tasting like: Kali-c. sulph., tereb., thuj., valer.
liquid. (See "fluid.") morning, after soup; Alum.
long continued: Glon. afternoon: Crot-h.
loud: Aeon., ambr., ant-c, Arg-n,, calc-p., evening: Ran-s.
carb-s., carb-v., caust., coca, com., con,
after eating: Mez.
gran., jug-r., kali-n., lact., mauc, mere,
merc-i-r., nux-j., petr., phos.. Plat., puis., 4 p. ni.: Valer.
sil., sin-n., sulph., tabac, til., zinc.
dinner, during: Alum,
afternoon: Carb-s.
eating, after: Graph.
eating, after: Calc, tabac.
nausea, during: Sulph.
fasting, while: Plat.
rich food, after: Thuj.
stooping, when: Mane repugnant (See "foul.")
uncontrollable: Sil.
salty: Agar., ant-t., arn., cadm., carb-an.,

meat, tasting of: Mez., zinc. caust., cham., kali-c, lye, nux-v., sep.,
staph., sul-ac.
bad meat: Puis.
scratching: Ant-c, nat-m., nux-m., stann.,
milk, of: Ant-t., calc, carb-ac, carb-v., lye,
sulph., zinc.
sobbing: Ant-t, bell., chin., coloc, cj'cl.,
afternoon: Zinc
meph., staph.
while walking, agg. : Mag-m.
sour: K\,ro\.., acet-ac, ^sz., agar., ail., aloe,
mouldy: Ign. alum., ambr., am-c, am-m., ant-t., aran-s.

mucus: ^sc, alum ,

am., bry., canth., cupr., arg-n., ars., asar., bar-c, bell., bry., cact.
kali-c, lach., lye, mag-s., phos., raph., calc. calc-a., calc-p., canth., carb-ac, carb-an.,

sabad., sul-ac. carb-s., Carb-V., caul., caiist., cham., chel.

chlol., Chin., cimx., cob., cofF., coloc,

morning: All-c, bry., graph., hyper,
com., con., cop., crot h ,
cub., cupr-ac,
coughing, after: Sul-ac. cycl., dig., dios., dros., elaps, ferr., ferr-i.,
ferr-m., fl-ac, form., gels., gent-c, gins.,
evening: Bry., hyper,
^ra/A., guare., gymn., hep., hydr., hydrc,
musk, tasting of: Caust., mosch. hyos., Ign.., indg., iod., iris, kali-bi.,
nauseous: Am-m., ant-t., calc; carb-s., carb-v., kali-chl., kali-n., kreos., lac-ac, lac-d.,
chin., fl-ac, ^ra/-/!., grat., helon., kali-br., lach., laur., lept., Lith., lob., Lyc, Mag-C,
nat-m., ol-an., par., ptel., Puis., sep., verat., mang., mez., Nat-C, nat-m., nat-ph. Nat-S., ,

verb., zinc ,
zing. nice, nit-ac, Nux-V., op., ox-ac, pall.,
after rich food: Nat-m., sep. petr., Phos., phos-ac, phyt., pic-ac, plb..



podo., psor., ptel., puis., ran-s., Rob.) menses, before: Kali-c

sabad., sabin., saiiic, sars., secale, sep.,
during: Mag-c.
senec, siL, sol-t-ee., spig., spong., squil.,
stann., stram ,
sul-ac, Sulph,, tabac, thuj., milk, after: Am-c, calc carb-v., chin.,.

list., verat., verat-v., zinc, zing. iris, lyc, mag-c, nux-v., phos., sulph.

daytime: Nux-v., Sulph. nausea, during: Gamb.

morning: Calc, puis., sil., tabac, tarent. pregnancy, during: Nux-v.

after walking: Nux-v. rich food, after: Chin., sulph., zinc.

forenoon: Agar., nice. sitting bent, while: Rob., sabin.

afternoon: Ammc, carb-s., fi-ac, lyssin, sugar, after: Causi.

nat-c, podo. supper, after: Sep.
after dinner: Nat-m. vertigo, during: Sars.
evening: Calc, chin-s., con., dios., ox-ac, waking, on: Rimix.
phos., ran-s., sars.
walking, while: Carb-v.
open air, in: Carb-v.
in open air: Stann., sul-ac, sulph.
bed, in: Alum.
sulphuretted hydrogen, like: Rhus-t., sulph.
eating, after: Stann.
sweetish: Aeon., alumn., carb-v., grat., ind.,
night: Calc-s., lye, nux-v., tanac.
lachn., mere, plat., plb., sul-ac, sulph.,
bread, after: Crot-h., mere, zinc, zinc
breakfast, during: Ox-ac. morning: Alum., sul-ac, sulph.
after: Sars. fluid: Aeon., iris, lachn., /Z^.
cabbage, after: Mag-C. menses, before: Nat-m.
coS&e, siii^x: Cycl., puis. pregnancy, during: Nat-m., zinc.
cough, after: Raph., sul-ac. water: Plb.
dinner, after: Ars., fl-ac, lye, mag-m., tallow, tasting of rancid: Puis.
petr., rumx., sulph., sumb., zinc.
tasteless: Aloe, arg-n., brom., bry., calc.
drinking, after: Canth., zinc colch., croc, dios., eup-per., helon., hep.,
water, after: Psor. hyper., iris, Lyc, med., nat-m.. pall.,
drunkards, in: Sul-ac.
water, of: Aeon., ant-c, ant-t,
eating, after: arn.,
Bar-c, bry., caps., carb-v., bar-c, bry., cann-i., carl castor.,
Cham., chin., cina, , caust.,
co7t., dig., dios., /err.',
cob., colch., crot-t, graph.,
ferr-m., hydr., kali-c, kreos., grat., kali-n.,
lye, nat-a.,' mag-s., merc-c, nat-s., ol-an., phos., plb.,
Nat-m., petr., phos., phos-ac, podo.,' sil., stann., sul-ac, verat.
puls-n., sabin., sars., sil.,
sulph., zinc morning: Graph.
2 hours after: Com.
nausea, during: Mag-m., mag-s.
farinaceous food, after: Causi.
rising, after: Carb-an.

fat food: Nit-ac, rob. forenoon: Nice

fruit, after: Chin. afternoon: Am-m.

intermittents, in: Lyc. evening: Sars.
night: Mang.
lying on the back, while:
Carb-v. before menses: Mang.


ERUPTATIONS, water, of. ERUCTATIONS, waterbrash.

motion, on: Mez. pregnancy, during: Acet-ac, dios., lac-ac,

lob-i., iiai-vt., nux-m., tabac.
nausea, during: Gamb.
riding in a carriage: Ntix-m.
potatoes, after: Mag-s.
stool, after: Canst.
sitting, while: Phos.
strong food, after: Mag-c.
waterbrash: Acet-ac, aeon sesc, alum., ,

aluinn., ambr., am-c, am-iii.^ anac, a'nt-c, supper, after: Am-m.

ant-t., apis, am.,
ars., asar.,Bar-c, bell.,
swallowing, frequent: Cob., Mere.
bism., Bry., Calc, calc-a., calc-p.,
caun-s. ca.nth.,cafis. carb-an ,C3i,T\)-'V.,causl.
, . ,
FAINTNESS (see "Emptiness"): ^sc, agar.,

cina, cocc, colch., con., alum., alumn., brom., bufo, carb-ac, cimic,
chel., chin., cic,
clem., cop., crot-h., dig., dios.,elaps, gent.,
croc, cup-., cur., cycl., daph., dig., dros.,
glon., hep., hydr., kali-bi., kali-n., lac-ac,
dulc, euph., i^xx., graph., grat., hell., hep.,
ign., iod., ip., kali-c, lacli., lac-ac, laur.,
laur., mere, nat-m., op., phel., pic-ac,

led.,\\\-\.., Lyc, niag-c, viagnt., mang.,

ptel., puis., sulph., Tabac, tell ,
thea., til.

meny., mere, Mez., mosch., mur-ac, morning: Dios.

nat-c, nat-m., nat-s., nit-ac., nux-m.,
forenoon: Nat-m.
Nux-v., olnd.. Par., Petr., phos-ac ,

phys., pic-ac, plat., plb., psor.. Puis., afternoon: Fago.

ran-b., ran-s., rat., rhodo., rhus-t., Sabad., night: Dios., tareut.
sabin., Sang., sars., secale, SQn&g.,sep., Sil.,
breakfast, after: Colch.
spig., Sulph., spong., squil., stann.. Staph..,
sul-ac, Sulph., tarax., thea., thuj., valer., dinner, after: Ail.
Verat., verb., zinc. meeting a friend, when: Cimic.
morning: Sulph. pressure, from: Mere.
noon, after eating: Sulph. Dios.
stool, after:
afternoon, while walking: Nat-s. (See " Emptiness.")
FASTING, sensation of.

evening: Anac, cycl., nat-s podo., stil.,

FERMENTATION: Acet-ac, apoc, causi.,
chin., croc, graph.
night: Carh-v., gent., graph. mere, spong.,
FLABBINESS: Euph., ip.,

menses, during: Puis. tabac, thea.

acids, after: Phos. FLATULENCE. (See "Eructations.")

FLUTTERING .<Esc., seth., brach., cacL, cadm.,

chronic : Sil. :

crot-h ,
lyc, Nux-V., rhus-t., xanth.
dinner, before: Sixlph.
morning until afternoon: Calad.
after: Am-m.
coughing, when: ^Esc, nux-v.
drinking, after: Nit-ac, sep.
nausea, with: ^th., calad.
eating, after: Am-c, am-m ,
bry., calc,
chin., con., croc, ferr., ind., kali-c, FOREIGN tody: Cupr., grat., nat-m., raph.
phos., sang.,
mere, nat-m., nux-v., sep.,
FORMICATION: Aloe, ant-t., apis, colch.,
sil., sulph. kaU-c, laur., plat,, rhus-t., sulph., verat.

fasting agg. Grat. Aeon., aesc, agar.,

FULNESS, sensation of:
aloe, alum., alunin., am-c, am-m.,
lying, while: Psor.
awAr., aut-t., apis, ar^-«., ant., ars.,
menses, before: Nux-m., puis. asaf., bapt., bar-c, bell., bov.,
brach., brom.,
milk, after: Calc, cupr., phos. bry., calc, calc-p., camph., canth.,
canst., cedr., cham.,
periodical, every other day : Lyc. Carb-V., case, cast-eq.,

FULNESS, sensation of. FULNESS, eating, after.

chill., chin-s., cob., cocc. ,

coc-c, cofF., ever .so little, after: Bar-c, carb-an., chin.,
colch., coloc, con., corn-c, crot-t., cycl., croc, crot-t., cycl., dig., elaps, feiT.,
daph., dig., euphr., eup-per., eup-pur.,/^;^-., ferr-i., kali-c, Lyc, mane, nat-a ,
ferr-i., fl-ac, gent., graph., grat., gymn., ^eXx., ptel., rhus-t., sep., sulph., tliuj.
//^//., hyos., hyper., ign.; ind., iod.,
amel.: Arg-n., fern, mang.
iris, jac-c, kali-bi., kali-c, kali-n., kali-s.,
kreos., lach., lachii., laur., lith., lob-i., Lyc, eructations amel.: Carb-v., euphr., iris, mag-c,
mag-c, mane, mang., mere, luerl., mez., nux-v., phos., sil.

mil., mosch., mur-ac, inyric, nat-c, hunger, during: Am-m., asaf.

nat-m., nat-p., nat-s., nice, Nux-m.,
nux-v., ol-an., op., par., petr., phel., phos., menses, during: Am-c, kali-c.
plat., plb., prun., puis., ran-s., rapli., rat., oppression of breathing, with: Nat-s., nux-m.,
rheum, rhus-t., rob., rumx., sabad., sabin ,
nux-v., prun.
secale, sil., spong., squil., stann., staph.,
sleep amel.: Phos.
sul-ac, Sulph., tarent., tap., tril., valer.,
zinc. soup, after a little: Prun.

morning: Am-m,, asaf., ran-s., rhodo., sulph. supper, after: Carb-v., chin-s.

fasting, when: Plat. vomiting, after: Brj'.

waking, on: Sulph. waking, on: Myric, sulph.

noon: Ox-ac, sep., sulph. walking, after: Colch., ferr.

eating, after: Ox-ac. in open air amel.: Sulph.

bread and milk, after: Arg-n. water, after: Aloe.

afternoon: Am-m., calc, chin-s., coca, sulph. wine, after: Rhus-t.

evening: Ars., dios., eupi., nat-c, phos. GAGGING (compare "Nausea"): Agar.,
bed, in: Nat-s. benz-ac, bry., carb-v., chin., chin-s., cop.,
kali-c, "kaW-chl., lyc, podo.
eating, after: Kali-bi.
morning: Corn-c. , kali-c.
night, on going to bed: Rumx.
night: Arg-n.
midnight; Crot-t.
coughing, from (compare "Retching"): Bry.,
breakfast, after: Alum., phos., ptel.,
sulph. calc, carb-v., caust., cench., cimx., cina,
with sensation of hunger: Am-m. coc-c, cupr., ferr., hell., kali-c, lach.,

clothing agg,
lyssin., merc-c, sanic, sep.
: Gels.
eating, after: Agar., ambr., kali-c, lach.
coffee, after: Canth.
expectoration, during: Coc-c.
after: Agar., ant-c, castor., grat,
nat-m., petr. mucus in fauces, from : Anac , carb-v lyc.

drinking, after: Aloe, aspar.,

mane, nat-m '
GANGRENE : Ars., secale.
GONENESS. (See "Emptiness.")
eating, after: ^sc, agar., anac, ant-c, arn., GOUT, metastasis:
ars., aspar.,
Ant-C, nux-m.
aur., aur-m., bar-c, bor.,
earb-ac-., carb-an., carb-v., cham chiri.,
Agar., am-c, anac, am., ars., hoy.,

cimic, colch., cop., dig., carb-an., chel., cina, croc,

fc-r., grat.', hydr\ crot-t., Cunr
kalt-c., lacac, fl-ac, hydr-ac, kali-c, kali-i., lact., laur.,
Lyc, mez., mosch.,
mync, nat-c, mzz.,nit.ac.,
lob., meny., sacch., teucr., thuj.,
Xux-V verb.' '
petr., phos-ac, plb., ptel., puis.,
rhus-i., Sep., sil., spong., sulph., verat.' morning: Bov.
zmc. '

while walking: Carb-an.

drinking, when: Arn., ats., cina, Cupr., night: Coc-c, kali-bi., mere, ptel
, rob.
elaps, Hydr-ac, laur., thuj.
lying down, on: Rob.
eating, while: Bov.
pregnancy, during: Merc
nausea, with: JEth.
midnight: Calc-a.
HANGING down, sensation
of, relaxed: Abrot., acids, after: Nux-v.
alum., arg-n., bar-c, calc, calc-p., carb-v.,
beer, after: Phos.
enph., hep., Jp., lob., lye, mez., raph.,
rhus-t., staph., sul-ac. and cigar, after: Phos.

while walking: Hep. coffee, after: Calc-p., ferr-p.

sensation of, as by a thread: Nat-ni. continual: Lob.

HARDNESS: Ars., bar-c, bar-m., carb-v.,

dinner, after: Aeon., calc-p., crot-t., ham.,
chini., cob., lept., merc-i-f., puis. kali-bi., lyc, merc-i-r., sol-n., sulph.

eructations aniel. : Carb-v. drinking, after: Laur.

sensation of, in the pylorus: Kreos. drunkards, in: Nux-v.

HEARTBURN: ^sc., &g2LT., all-s., alum.,

eating, after: ALsc., agar., am-c, anac, calc,
alunm., ambr., am-c, anac, calc-p., carl., chin., coc-c, con., croc,
ant-c, apis,
arg-m., arg-n., arn., ars., asaf., asar., bar-c, graph., iod., lyc, mere, nat-m., nit-aCy
bell., berb., bor., bry., nux-v., Sep., sU.
Calc, calc-p., cafiih.,
caps., carb-an., Carb-V., carb-s., caust., eggs, boiled, after: Sulph.
cham., chel., chin., chin-s.. Cic, cocc,
eructations, after: Bar-ac, calc, con., mang.,
coc-c, cofT., colch.. Con., corn-c, Croc,
crot-t., dig., dulc, euph., ferr , Ferr-p.,
fl-ac, graph., guaj., hell., hep., hyos ,
ign., eyes, from using: Sulph.
iod., iris, kali-c, kali-n., lach., lob Lyc,
fat food, after: Nat-c, nux-v., phos.
Mag'-C, mang. ,
mere, mosch., mur-ac,
ual-c, nat-ni., herring, after: Ferr-p.
nat-s., nit-ac ,
Nux-V., op., ox-ac. ,
par., petr., phos., meat, after: A.ga.T., ferr-p.
phos-ac, plat., podo., Puis., ran-s., rob.,
menses, before: Sulph.
sabad., sabin., secale, sep., sil., sinnap.,
squil., staph., sul-ac, sulph., syph., tabac, milk, after: Ambr., chin.
tarax., thuj., valer., verat-v., zinc.
nausea, with: Calc, puis., sang.
daytime: Crot-h. pregnancy, during: Apis, caps., con., mere,
morning: Petr., phos., sulph. nat-m., ox-ac, zinc.

before breakfast: Niix-v. rancid: Con., nat-m., petr.

smoking, while: Lyc. sitting bent, while: Sabin.

forenoon: Coc-c, coloc, sep. smoking, while: Bell., lach., lyc, staph.

afternoon: Bry., chel., crot-h., cupr., hydr., after: Lach., lyc.

phos., Sep., sol-n., sulph. soup, after: Anac.

evening: Ambr., bell., crot-h., con. dig., sour things, after: Ferr-p.
nat-m., ox-ac, pelr., sulph., tereb.
stool, after: Merc.
bed, after going to: Sol-n.
stooping, on: Thuj.
smoking, after: L,ach.
sugar, after: Zinc.
tea, after: Kali-bi. supper, after: Alum., caust., crot-h., puis,

wine, after:. Bry. tobacco, from: Chel., staph., tarax.


HEARTBURN. HEAT, extending.

Ambr., over chest: Bar-m., chin., nat-m., ol-an.,

walking in open air, while: coc-c.
water, after drinking: Alum.
to ej'es: Stram.
wine, after: Brj-., coc-c, zinc.
fauces: Caps.

HEAT, flushes: Abrot., acet-ac, aeon., eesc,

head: Alum., calc, chin., glon., hell.,
seth., agar., aloe, alum., alumn., am-c,
mag-m., mang., sumb.
aiilh-n., anthr., apis, arg-n., Ars., ars-h.,
beuz-ac, brom., throat: Nit-ac, sumb., tarent,
aur-s., bapt., bar-c, bell.,

Bry., calc, camp/i. c&nn-i., canth., carb-ac,

, upwards: Asaf., ars., carb-ac, ferr., iris,

carb-au., carb-s caust., cedr., cham., chel

, , kali-bi., laur., valer.
chin-s. chlf cic, cimic, cina, coca, cocc,
, ,

coc-c, cod., colch., coloc, con., corn-f.,

HEAVINESS, weight, oppression: Abies-n.,
aeon., sesc, Eeth., agar., all-s., aloe, alum.,
crot-t., cupr., dig., eup-per., fago., ferr.,
am-c, am-m., ant-c, ani-L, apis, apoc.,
fl-ac, gels., glon., grat., gymn., hell.,
ar?!., arg-m., arg-n., arn., asc-t., ars., bapt.,
helon., hydr-ac, hydrc, hyos., iod., ip.,
bar-c, bar-ni., bell., bor., brom., bry., cact.,
iris, jatr., kalm., kali-bi., kali-c, kali-chl.,
calad., calc-s., cann-i., carb-ac, carb-an.y
kali-n., kali-s., lac-ac, lac-c, lach., laur.,
carb-s., carb-v., carl., castor., cham., chel.,
led., lob-i., mag-m., mang., meny., mere,
Chin., chin-s., cimic, cit-v., clem., coca,
mez., vayric, nat-c, nat-m., nat-s., nii-ac,
cocc, coc-c, cofT., colcli., com., crot-h.,
iiux-m., Nux-V., ol-j., olnd., op., ox-ac,
cycl., dig., fago., ferr-i., fl-ac, form., gels.,
par., petr., phos., phyt., plat., plb., podo.,
gent., gent-c ,
grat., hura, hydr., hj'os., ign.,
ptel., puis., raph., rat., rob., ruta, sabin.,
iod., kali-bi., kali-c, kali-chl., kali-i.
sang., sars. ,
secale, seneg., sep., squil.,
kali-n., kreos., lac-ac, lach., led., lil-t.,
strych., sul-ac, sumb., tabac, tarent.,
tere.b., thuj., valer., verat., verat-v., vesp.,
lob-i., Lyc, mane, mag-m., mere, mur-ac,
zinc-m. nat-c, nat-m., nat-s., nit-ac, Nux-V., op.,
osm., ox-ac, par., petr., phel., /'//oi'., phys.
morning: Am-m., apis, lith-m. plat., plb., prun., psor., puis., rat ,
rob., rumx., sabad., sang., secale, seneg.,
noon: Fago.
Sep., sil., sol-t-se., stann., stram., strych.,
afternoon: Fago. sul-ac, Sulph., tabac, teucr., thea, upa.,
valer., wyeth., xanth., zinc, zing.
evening: Coloc, ferr-i., hyper,
morning: Am-c, calc-s., dios., sang., sulph.
bread, after: Sars.
on waking: Carb-an ., puis.
dinner, after: Hyper,
forenoon: Sulph.
eating, before: Fl-ac.
noon: Alum., fago., lyc, mur-ac.
after: Q.on., ferr .,
eating, after: Lyc
amel. : Arg-n., ferr.
afternoon: Aui-m., fago., Lyc, sang., stront.
empty, when: Naja.
eating, after: Lyc.
eructations, after: Sumb.
evening: Alum., hell., kali-bi., rhus-t., sulph.
amel.: Fago.
night: ^sc, chin., colch., crot-t., tarent.
waking, on: Acon-f.
waking, on: Sulph.
water, cold, after: Alum.
ascending stairs: Nux-m.
amel.: Alumn., hyper.
beer, after: Aeon.
extending to abdomen: Am-c, carl., chin., bread, after: Kali-c, mere.
breakfast, after: Agar., crot-h., fago., gels.,
over body: Ars., camph., op. lyc, petr., sang.

• cold drinks, after: Acet-ac, ars.,
"ieny.,Merc, merc-c, mez.,
damp weather m\\.,mosch.,
agg.: Kali-c, nat-s., sil. mur-ac, na/-r., nal-m., nat-s..
Nice, nit-ac,
dinner, after: Grat., lyc., nat-a., Nux-m., Nux-v., op., ox-ac, par.,
ptel. phos.,
Pliys., phyt.,
plb.,;>w.,/«/5., ran-b., rat
eating, while: Cann-i.
ru>a, sabad., sabin.,
samb., sars., Secale,'
after: Abies-u ,
absin., agar., alim,., alu.nn. selen., sep., sil., spong., stann., .staph.!
am-c, arg-n., apis, ars., bar-c, bar-:n. stran,., stront., sul-ac, sulph., sumb.,
bry., cact., carb-ac, cham tabac, tarax., tarent.,
, Chin., chins, Teucr., verat.,
elaps, ferr., fl-ac hep., hydr., iod., kali-a. veral-v., verb., zinc.

Kall-bi., iac/i., lob-i., Lyc, nit-ac. daytime: Nit-ac, petr phos.

nux-v., ostn., phos., phos-ac, ,

phys., plb., psor., puis.,
morning: All-c, apoc, cann-s.,
rumx., rhus-t kali-s.
sang sil., Sulph. hawking up mucus:
a little, after: Bar-c, Chin., rising, after: Gamb., graph., mag-c.
Lyc, verat.
empty, while: Fl-ac. smoking, while: Verat.
erect, on becoming: Bar-c. forenoon, eating, after: Bar-c, nat-s.

eructations ainel. : Aloe, chel., fago., par. II a. m.: Ox-ac.

meat, after: Kali-bi. noon: Kali-c, sil., sulph.

menses, before: Tarent. eating, after: Alum., coca,

during: Nat-p., zinc, afternoon: Agar., canth., ign.

nausea, during: Lj^c. eating, after: Nat-c.

potatoes, after: Alum, 1 p. m. : Bov., ver'at-v.

pressure agg. : Phos., ptel. 2 p. m.: Tarent., verat-v.

sleep, after: Lach. evening: ^th., graph., kali-bi., kali-i., lob.,

nat-c, nat-s., Nice, petr., rhus-t., sil.,
standing long, from: Hura.
stooping, on: Bar-c.
bed, in: Nat-m., nice, sil.

supper, after: Chin-s., plant. drinking, after: Ign.

waking, on: Carb-an., ptel., puis., sulph. eating, after: Alum,
walking in open air: Bor. fasting, while: Sulph.

water, after: Chel. 5 to 8 p. m.: Ph)'S.

HICCOUGH: Acet-ac, aeon., agar., agn., all-c, 6 p. m.: Ham., nat-c, sars.

alum., am-c, Am-m., anac, ang., ante, m. Mag-c.

6:30 p. :

ant-t., am., Ars., asar., arund., aur., bar-c,

night: Apoc, ars., bell., Hyos., mere, merc-c,
bell., benz-ac, berb., bism., bor., bov.,
puis., sul-ac.
brom., bufo, bry., calc, calc-a., calc-f.,
calc-i., canth., carb-an., carb-v., carl., castor., rising, when: Ars.
' caust., cham., chel., chin., chins., chlf., sleep, during: Puis.
Cic, cina, cimx., cob., cocc, coff., colch.,
coloc, con., crot-t., cupr., cur., Cycl., dios.,
midnight: bell,

dig., dros., dulc, euphr., ferr-p., gels., alcoholic drinks, after: Ran-b.
graph., grat., ham., hell., Hyos., hep.,
bed, in: Lachn., nat-m., nice, sil., sulph.
Ign., indg., lod., ip., jab., jug-r., kali-bi.,
kali-c, kali-i., kali-s., kreos., lach., laur., blow in pit of stomach, from: Teucr.
led., lob-i., Lyc, mag-c, mag-in. Mag-p., ,
bread and butter, after: Nat-s.

breakfast, after: Tarent., zinc, pregnancy, during: Cycl., op.

chill, after: Am-c. quinine, after: Nat-m.

cold taken, after: Phos. reading aloud, while: Cycl.

convulsions, with: Bell., cupr., Cic, Hyos., sleep, during: Cina, merc-c.
smoking, while: Ambr., ant-c, arg-m., calad.,
conviilsive: ^th ,
ars., bell., mag-p., nux-v., lach., -psor., puis., ruta, sang., selen., sep.,

rati-b., stram., tabac. stann., staph., sul-ac.

cough, during: Tabac. before eating: Selen.

after: Tabac. after: Ant-c, calc, ign.

dinner, before: Mag-m., mur-ac, nux-v. spasmodic (See "convulsive.")

during: C5'cl., grat., mag-m., iiat-c. spasms, before: Cupr.

after: Alum., am-m., arn., bov., carb-ac, supper, after: Cob., con., lyc ,
sep., staph.
carb-v., cob., graph., grat., hyos.,
thinking about it, on: Ox-ac.
indg., mag-in., mur-ac, phos., sars.,
teucr. tobacco, from: Ambr., ant-c, arg-ni., ign.,
lach., puis., ruta, selen.
drinking, after: Ign., lach., merc-c, nux-v.,
puis., sul-ac. tj'phoid, in: Phos.

cold water, after: Thuj. unconscious, when: Cupr-ac.

hot drinks: Verat. violent: Am-m., chin-s., cic, cycl., lob., lyc,
merc-c, nat-m., nice ,
nux-v., rat., stront.,
drunkards, in: Ran-b.
teucr., verat.
eating, before: 'Rov., phos., sil.
vomiting, while: Cupr., merc-c.
while: Cycl., eng., mag-m., mere, teucr.
after: Bry., Verat.
after: Aeon., alum., ars., bell., bor., bov.,
bry., carb-a., carb-v., carl., cob., cop., HUNGER. (See "Appetite," "ravenous appe-
cycl.,graph., hep., hura, Hyos., ign., tite.")

lye, mag-m., mere, nat-c, nat-m., nat-s.,

nux-v., par., phos., psor., rat., samb., sep.,
INACTIVITY: Ail., aloe, bell., mane, ran-s.,
sil., stann., staph., teucr., thuj., sulph.,
verat. zinc.
INDIGESTION (includes complaints after sub-

eructations, after: Bry., cycl.,

stances not otherwise described): Abrot.,
Alum., ambr., anae, ars., bar-c, Bar-m.,
exercise, after: Carb-v.
Calc, carb-an., Carb-V., Chel., chin., coff.,
fever, during: Crot-h. graph., hep., ign., iod., Ip., lach., Lyc,
mag-m., mere, nat-e.', nat-m., nux-m.,
at the hour when the fever ought to come:
Nux-v., op., par petr.. Puis., sep., spong.,
Ars. ,

squil., stann., Sulph., valer., zing.

intermittent: Caust.
evening: Ambr.
after: Hyos.
bad water, after: Alls.
loud: Cic.

motion, on: Carb-v., merc-c.

cofifee, after: ^th., cham., cycl., nux-v.

painful: Aeon., cimx., cold food, after: Alum.

mag-m., nice, phos.,
rat., sul-ac, tabac, teucr., verat-v. after taking: Ant-c.
pain in stomach, with: iEth., mag-m., rat. farinaceous food, from: Sulph.

pork, after: Ham. fish, after: Chin.

fruit, after: Act-sp., chin.
inag-s.,mang., meny., mere, mosch. '
milk, after: ^th., ambr., anl-c, mur-ac, nat-c, nat-m., nux-v., ol-an.,
Chin., iris. op
petr.,//,o^., phel., plat., plb.,
pork, after: Cycl. prun., psor.',
pals., rat., rheum., rhodo.,
rhus-t., ruta,'
potatoes, after: Alum, sabad., sars., secale, seneg.,
Sep., sil., spig.'
salt meat, after: Act-sp. stann., stram., sul-ac, sulph., thuj.,

sour food, after: Aloe, morning on waking: Phyt.

warm drinks, after: Ambr. noon: Pic-ac.

food, after: Am-c. evening: Alumn., hep., raph.

night: Rat.
INDURATION of the walls:
Acci-ac, Ars.,
bar-c, con., kreos., lyc.,me2.,7mx.v. beer, after: Mur-ac, nux-v.
thuj., verat.
eating, after: Alum., cycl., ip., kali-c, ol-an.,
INFLAMMATION: Aeon., a;th., all-c, ahim.,

a)ii-c., Ant-t., apis, arg-n., pain, during: Aloe.

Ars., asar., aur.,
aur-m., bar-c, bar-m., Bell., bism., brom.,
pregnancy, during: Laur.
Bry., cact., camph., canth., carb-an., chel.,
cic, cocc, colch., cund., cupr., dig., hell., LUMP, sensation of (see "Stone"): Agar.,
hydr-ac, hyos., indg., iod., ip., kali-a., bar-c, dire, graph., hep., hydr-ac,
kali-i., kali-n., kali-s., lach., kali-bi., kali-c, lob., mane, naja, nat-c,
laur., Lyc,
mez., Nux-V., phos., pib., puis., ran-b., nux-m., nux-v., plb., thus-t., rumx.,
ran-s., sabad., sang., secale, squil., stram., Sanic, sil., spig., sulph.
tereb., verat verat-v.
midnight, after: Arg-n.
cold, after taking: Coloc.
as if a, had fallen to back on rising from seat:
things, after: Acon. Laur.

when over-heated: Aeon., kali-c. cold drinks, after: Acet-ac.

lying on back, while: Sulph.

IRRITATION: Aeon., all-c, ant-t., arg-n., ars.,
aur-m., bism., carb-ac, cob., kali-a., kali-n., MOVEMENT in, sensation of: Arn., colch.,
mere, merc-c, ox-ac, plb., podo., secale, croc, kali-n., laur., nat-m., nice, ol-an.,
stram., verat-v. phos., sul-ac.

JERKING.: Nat-c, nat-m., nux-v.,plat. NARROW, pylorus feels too: Calc, chin., lyc,
nux-v., phos., sulph.
JUMPING, sensation of: Croc.
LAXITY: ^sc, calc-p., crot-t., Ig-n,, ip.,
NAUSEA: Absin., acet-ac, aco7i., cesc, ath.,
™ag-c., petr., spong., sul-ac, (abae. agar., agn., ail., all-s., alum., ambr., am-c,
am-m., anac., anan., Ant-C, Ant-t., apis.,
morning: Sulph..
apoe, apom., aran., arg-m., Arg-n., arn.,
LIME burning in, sensation of : Canst. Ars., ars-h., arund., asaf., asar., aster.,
aur., aur-m-n., bapt., bar-c, bar-m., Bell.,
LIVING in, asif something were. (See "Alive."}
benz-a., berb., bism., bor., both., bov.,
LOATHING: Aeon., act-sp., alumn., am-c, brach., brom., bry., bufo, cact., cadm.,
anac , Ant-C, ant-t,, arg-m., arg-n., am., calc, calc-p., cain., camph., cann-s., canth.,
Ars., asaf., asar., bar-c, bar-m., bell., bor., caps., carb-ac, carb-an., carb-v., card-in.,
bry., calc, canth., carb-v., caust., cham., carl., castor., caul., caust., Cham., chel.,
chel., chin., chin-s., Cocc, Colch., con., chin., chin-s., chrom-ac, cimic, cina, cist.,
crot-t., cupr., cycl ,
dig., dios., dulc, euph., clem., CocCi, cod., cofF., colch., coloc, com.,
/err., gamb., grat., guaj., hell., hep., hydr., con., cop., corn., cor-r., crot-h., cub., cund.,
hyos., ign., iod., ip., kali-bi., Kali-C, cupr., cupr-a., ciipr-s., cycl., daph., Dig".,
kali-i., lach., laur., lyc, mag-c, mag-m.. dios., dros., Dulc, elaps, elat., eug., euon..


NAUSEA: NAUSEA, morning.

euph., euphr., eup-per., eupi., euphr. /^rr. ,

mouth, when washing: Sep.
Jl-ac, form., gamb., gels., gent gent-c,
perspiration, during: Nux-v.
glon., gran., graph., grat., guaj., ham.,
riding in a carriage, while: Sep.
Hell., Hep., /lydr., hydrc, hyos., liyper.,
hura, ign., indg., iod., Ip., Iris, Iris-f., rising, on: Bry., calc, carb-an., dios., ferr-p..
jatr., jug-r., kali-a., kali-bi., kali-c, graph., hydr., iod., lac-ac, lac-d., lye,
kali-chl., kali-i., kali-n., kalm., kreos., lach , mag-e, mag-m., mang., nat-m., nice,
lachu., lac-ac ,
lact., laur., led., lil-t, lith., nux-v., podo., rlius-t., sep., ther., valer.
Lob-i., lye, lyssin, mag-c.,vtag-m., mag-p., verat-v.
mag-s., mane, mang., med., meph., mere,
merl., mez.,
sitting, while: Hep.
tnerc-c, merc-i-f., merc-i-r.,
tnosch., mur-ac, mygale., naja, nat-a., smoking, while: Cycl., lyc.
iiat-c,Uat-m., nat-s., nice, nii-ac, nux-m., sore throat, during: Nice
Uux-V., ol-an., olnd., op., ox-ac, paeon.,
par., Petr., phos., phos-ac, phys., phyt., swallowing saliva, from: Dios., rhodo.
'pla.nt., plat., plb., podo., pvun., psor., ptel.. vertigo, after: Fl-ac.
Puis., raii-b., ran-s., raph., rheum, rhodo.,
walking, while: Sep.
UllUS-t., rhus-v., rumx., ruta, sabad., sabin ,

satnb.. Sang., sars., secale, seleu., seneg., forenoon: Agar., arn., bell., bov., bry., calc,
Sep., Sil., spig., spong., squil., stann., cauth., carb-v., fago, ferr., hep., ign.,
staph., stram., stront., sul-ac, Sulph., jug-e, kali-e, lach., l)^c., mag-e, mag-m.,
sumb., syph., Tabac, tarax., tarent., tax., naja, nat-m., nat-s., nice, nux-m., op.,
tereb., ther., thuj,, upa., ust., Valer., plat., puis., sars., sulph.
Verat., verat-v., vesp., vine, viol-t., vip.,
motion, during: Nat-s.
wyeth., xanth., Zinc, zing.
riding in the cold: Aster.
daytime: Ars., aur., mez., mosch., nii-ac,
pic-ac, phos., sulph. sitting, while: Phos.

morning: Absin., aeon., agar alum., alumn., ,

waking, on: Squil.
am-c, anac, ant-t., apoc-c, aim., ars-m.,
walking, while: Am-m., sep.
bar-c, benz-ac., herb., bor., boi' bry., bufo,

cacL, calad., calc, camph., carb-ac, carb-v., ID a. m.: Bor., cor-r., sep.

caust., Cham., cic, crot-h., cupr-ac., cur.,

II a. m.: Ais., calc, clem., hura, ign.,
dig., dios., elaps, euph., fago., form., jug-e, lac-ac, puis.
graph., hep., hyper., inul., kali-bi., kalm.,
lac-c, lac-d., lach., laur., lob., lye, noon: Agar., arg-n., coloc, graph., grat.,
mag-m., mang., mere, mez., mosch., nat-e, hyper., ign., mang., phos., sulph., strych.[

7iat-m., zinc.
Nux-V., nice, ox-ac, pdr., phos.,
plat., podo., psor., Puis., ran-s., rhus-t., eating, after: Ant-t., phos.
rumx., sabad., sars., Sep., sil., spig., staph.,
sulph., tereb., thuj., verat., zinc,
food, when looking at: Ant-t.
hed, in:
at the thought of Bor. :

Arg-m., graph ,
kali-n., mag-s.,
Nux-V., sabin., zinc. walking, while: Euph.

chilliness, during: Bov., con. afternoon: ^sc arg-m., bor., caust., chin.,

coffee, after: Cham., nat-m.

COCC, con., cycl., dros., fago., graph.,
indg., kali-n., lye, mag-e, merl.,
fasting, while: Cale, lye, sil. nat-a., phos., podo., ran-b., rob.,
sang., sars.',
looking steadily at an object: Sars. sil.

menses, during: Graph., mag-c, air, in open: Ol-an.

verat. drinking, after: Bry., Cocc.
milk, after: Calc-a., nat-m.
headache, during: Fago., ferr.

NAUSEA, afternoon.
NAUSEA, night.
walking, after: Graph., uat-s.
perspiration, during: .Sulph.
1 p. ni.: Corn-c, grat., hura, pliys.
rising from sleep, on: Op.
2 p. m.: Grat., hura, nux-ni., phys., sulph
stool, during: Guaj.
4 p. m.: Anac, calc-p., lachn., phys. I
waking, on; Alum., benz-n.,
hyper., lye.
evening: Alum., anac, arg-n., asar., bapt., phyt., sulph.
brach., bry calc, calc-s., canth., chel.,
midn ^ht: Ambr., bry., calc, crot-t., eupi,,
coloc, con., cycl., eng., fl-ac, gent, glon.,
phel., ran-s., sil.
grat., hell., hep., ind., kali-bi., kali-n.,
kahn., lycps., niag-c, mere, merc-i-r., naja, after: Ran-s.

nat-c, nat-m., nux-m., nux-v., pall., petr., rising, on: Nat-m.

phos., plant., plb.,/)«/^., ran-b., senec.,sep.,
sil., siu-n., sulph.
until morning: Dros.
2 a. m. : Indg., sep.
bed, before going to: Sang.
3 a. m. : Mur-ac.
in: Chel., dig., ind., naja, nat-m., nit-ac,
phos., pic-ac, tarent., sang. 4 a. m. : Alumn.
after a drink of water: Nat-m. 5 a. m.: Dios., nat-m.

drinking, after: Nux-v. abdomen, on compressing: Asar.

eating, while: Caust., phos. during pain in: Ant-c, am., ars., crot-t.,
gran., grat., ham., Nux-V., plb., sep.,
headache, during: Eng., gels.
house, in the: Vesp.
in: Agar., agn., ail., ant-t, asar., bell.,
lying down, on: Rhus-t. bry., cadm., cic, cocc, croc, cupr.,
cycl., fago., gels., graph., hell hep.,
sitting, while: Mag-c. ,

ip, ,
iris, lact., mang., mur-ac, nit-ac,
sleep, during: Seneg. mix- v., par., phyt., pic-ac, plant., phel.,
before: Bry. puis., rheum,, ruta, samb., sep., spong.,
stanu., staph., sumb., teucr., thuj.,
stool, during: Sulph.
valer., zing.
supper, after: Alum.
air, in open: Aeon., ang., arg-m., ars., bell.,
waking, on: Caust. crot-t., grat., \yc., puis.

walking in the open air: L5'cps ,

phos.. amel. : Anth-n., ant-t., bar-ac, croc, dig.,,
sep. glon ,
grat., kali-bi., lye, naja, Tabac. I

night. Alum., alumn., am-c. ,

apis, arg-m., amorous caresses, from: Sabad.
calc carb-aii., carb-v., cham., chel., con.,
anxiety, after: Caust , nux-v. |

dig., dulc, elaps, eupi., form., glon., graph.,

guaj., hell., hep., iod., jiig-c, kali-bi., apyrexia: Ant-c, chin-s., puis.

kali-n., lye, mag-s., mere, merc-c, naja, ascending stairs rapidly : Glon.
nat-a., nit-ac, phos., puis., rat., rhus-t., sil.,
backache, during: Coloc, phys., zing.
sulph., tarent., ther.
beer, after: Bry., lach,, mur-ac.
bed, in: Chel., con., kali-c, nit-ac.
odor of, agg. : Phos.
chill, before: Eup-per.
bed, after going to. (See " retiring.")
diarrhoea, during: Ferr.
in, amel.: Nat-c.
drinking, after: Phos. brandy amel. : Ars.

menses, during: Ma.ng., puis. bread, black, after: Phos-ac.

motion, on: Spong. after: Ant-C, zinc.

NAUSEA. NAUSEA, cold drinks, after,

breakfast, before: Ahini., arg-n., berb., bov., when heated: Kali-c.

eupi, fago., lye, nil-ac, Sep., spig., tubcrc.
amel.: Bism., phos.
during: Agar., carb-au., iiid., naja, plant.,
sang., zinc. constant: Ant-c, ant-t., arg-n., ars., carb-v.,
coloc, dig., graph., hep., ip ,
jatr., lac-c,
after: Agar., alum., ambr., auf-m., bell.,
lyc, mag-ni., nat-c, nat-m., Nux-V., petr.,
calc-p. ,
chatn., coca, dig., dios., gamb.,
plat., sil., stront., verat.
indg ,
kali-bi., mez., par., ^jiabiu., sars.,
spig., zinc. cough, during: Ant-t, ars., aspar., bry., calc,
caps., coc-c, coloc, cupr., dros., elaps, hep.,
in jaundice, with clay colored stool: Dig".
hydr., ign., ip., kali-bi., kali-c, lach.,
broth, from: Aeon., carb-v., chel. mere, nat-c, nat-m., nit-ac, nux-v., petr.,
at the odor and thought of: Colch. phos-ac. Puis., ruta, sars., Sep., squil., thuj.,
chest, in: Aeon., anac, arg-n., asaf., bry.,
cadm., calc, croc, glon., lach., mang., deathly: All-c, arg-n., cadm., camph.,
mere, nux-v., par., phos-ac, rhus-t., secale, Crot-L, dig., Ip,, Tabac.
dinner, before: Carb-v., nux-v., sabad.
from pain iu : Croc.
during: Bry., colch., grat, hyper., lyc,
chilliness, with: Alum.
mag-m., merc-i-f., nux-v., ol-an., ox-ac,
after: Camph., corn., enp-per., kali-bi., thuj.
kreos., lack., i nags., puis., sabad., sal-ac,
verat-v., xanth. after: Agar., am-c, ant-t., arg-m., arg-n.,
ars., berb., calc, castor., colch., coloc,
chill, before: Ars., carb-v., ip., puis. cycl., con., grat., ham., kali-c, lach.,
(luring: Arg-n., ars., bell., bov., bry., calc,
nat-m., Nux-V., ol-an., phos., ptel., sars.,
chain., chel., cina, cob.,
seneg., squil., spig., verat., zinc.
cocc, con.,
Eup-per,, hyper., ign., ip., kali-c, dreams, from: Arg-m.
kreos., lach., lye, nat-m., nit-ac, petr.,
puis., raph., rhus-t., rumx., sabad., sang., drinking, while: Bry.
secale, sep., sul-ac, verat., zinc
after: Agar., anac, ant-t., arn., ars.,
after: Elat., eup-per., ip., kali-c.
carb-an., chin., cimx., Cocc, crot-t.,
lasting until next chill: Chin-s. cycl., dig., eup-per., gamb., kali-bi.,
lach., lyc, nat-a., nat-m., nit-ac, nux-v.,
close of: Eup-per.
phos.. Puis., rhus-t., teucr.
closing the eyes: Lach., ther.
anrel.: Bry., euplir., lob-i., pa-on., phos.,
amel. : Con.
coffee, after: Bry., calc-p., caps.,
canst., chain.,
cycl., rhus-t., vine
drunkards, in: Ars., nux-v., Kali-bi. '
smell of: Arg-n.
dryness in pharynx, from: Cocc.
coition, during: Sil.
eating, before: Anac, ars., berb., carb-v.,
after: Kali-i., mosch. caust., chin., fern, graph., lyc, nat-s],
cold, when: Cocc, crot-t.,
nux-v., phos-ac, ^?i\>s.A., sulph., tell.
hep., kali-bi.,
while: Agar., am-c, aur., bar-c, bell.,
cold drinks, after: Agar., bor., brom., calc, canth.,
anac, ars., calc, carb-v., caust.,
carb-ac, kali-c, /yc., nat-m., nux-v., puis. chiu-s., cic, cocc, cofF., colch.,
rhus-t., teucr. " f err., hell.,
jac-c, kali-c., mag-c, merc-i-r.,
morph., nux-v., plnd., puis., ptel.,
not after warm: Lyc. rat.,'
sabad., sil., thuj., verat.


eating, after: Aeon., lusc, agar., agn., all-c., food, on looking at: Colch., kali-bi., kali-c.,
alum., anibr., ain-c, ani-ui., anac., anthr., lyc. mosch., sabad., spig., xanth.
ant-t., apis, aran., arg-n., ars., asar., aur-m.,
smell of: A^rii., cocc, Co\c\i., dig., eup-per,,
bism., bor., bov., bry., Inifo, calc, cann-i.,
ip., sep.
carb-an., carb-v., castor., canst., chain.,
chin., chins., cic, clem., Cocc, colch., thought of: Ars., bry., chin., Colch., graph.,
coloc, con., cur., cycl., dig., dies., dros., mag-c, mosch., sars., sep., suljjh., thuj.,
elaps, euphr., /(?;-/-., ferr-ph., gent., graph., zinc.
grat., gymn., ham., hell., hep., hyper., ign.,
food eaten: Sars.
ind., iod., ip., jatr., kali-a., kali-bi., kali-c,
kali-i., lac-ac, lack., lye, niag-c, mere, with relish for: Dig.

mosch., nat-m., nat-s Nux-V.,nit-ac, rich, from: Carb-an.,

cycl., dros., nil-ac,
ol-an., op., ox-ac, petr., phos., phos-ac, puis., Sep., larax.
plb., podc, Puis., rheum, rhm-t., rumx.,
fruit, after: Nat-c.
ruta, sabin., sang., sars., Sep., sil., stann.,
sulph., tareut., thea, verat., zinc. hawking, when: Ambr., anac, hipp ,
amel.: Aeon., alum., arg-u., aur-m., brom.,
bry., cham., fagc, grat., kali-bi., lob., headache, during: Aeon., aesc, ail., almn.,
mag-c, mez., nat-c, phos., phyt., sabad., alumn., am-c, Ant-C, ant-t, apis, arg-m.,
sang., Sep., spig., verat. arg-n., arn., ars., asar., aur., benz ac, bor.,
bry., calc, calc-p., calc-s., camph., cann-s.,
eggs, smell of: Colch.
caps., crtr6-z'.,Caust.,chel., chin. ,chin-s., cic,
emotion, after: Kali-c. ciraicjcob., Cocc, coloc, con., cor-r., croc,

erect, on becoming: Aeon., colch., eupi. crot-h., cupr., cycl., dros., dulc, eug.,
eup-per., eup-pur., fl-ac, form., gels.,^/o«.,
eructations, during: Coloc, crot-t.. grat.,
.graph., grat., hep., hipp., ind., ign.,Ip,,Iris,
kali-c, ptel.
kali-bi., kali-c, kalm., kreos., lac-c, lac-d.,
amel.: All-c, aut-t., camph., chel., cinnb., lach., lith., lye, mag-c, mere, mez., mill.,
fago., glon., grat., lye, nice, osm., phos., mosch., nat-c, nal-vi., nat-s., nit-ac,
rhodo., rumx., sabad., sul-ac, verat-v. nux-in., nux-v., op., petr., phos., phyt.,
plat., puis., ran-b., rhus-t., ruta, Sang'.,
exertion, after: Aspar., spong.
sars., seneg., sep., sil., spig., stann., stram.,
which warms up the body, after: Sil. stront., sulph., tabac, tarax., tep., tereb.,
ther., verat., zinc, zing.
exercising, from: Aloe, ars., colch., spong.,
tabac, ther. hunger. (See " Emptiness."

eyes, on motion of: Con., sep. hyacinths, from the odor of: Lyc.

during sleep: Aru. ice cream, after: Ars., ip., puis.

closing, amel.: Con. intermittent: ^se, anl-c, Ant-t., cina,dros.,

faint-like: Alumn., arg-n., calc, cham., chel., elat., eup-per., hep., iod., mosch., sabad.,

Cocc, fago., glon., graph., Lach., nat-m., Sep., Tabac,

Nux-V., op., sul-ac, sulph., verat. after eating: Grat., nat-m.

fever, during: Arg-n., ars., bry., carb-v.,

night before paroxysm of: Eup-per.
cham., cinix., cocc, eup-per., guare., ip.,
lyc, Nat-m., nit-ac, nux-v., op., phos., labor, during: Ant-t., caul., cham.. cocc,
ptel., sang., selen., sep., thuj., vine, zinc. Ipec, mag-m., puis.

after: Ars., carb-v., dros., fl-ac. lemonade, when taking anything but: Cycl.

fish, after: Nat-m. liquids, from: Merc-c.

smell of: Colch. looking steadily: Sars., ther.

. ,

lying down, on: Ars., phos., phj's., sin-a. odors, from: Colch., dig., eup-per. sep.

aniel. : Alumn., arn., phos., rhus-t. ,

sep., beer: Phos.
breath: Colch.
on side: Bry.
broth: Colch.
on back: Merc. coffee: Arg-n.

meat, after: Catb-an., canst., cupr., lyssin, eggs: Colch.

fish: Colch.
smell of: Colch., eup-per.
food: Ars., cocc, Colch., dig., eup-per., ip.
fresh: Caust.
meditating, while: Bor. cooking: Colch., dig., eup-per., sep.
menses, before: Ant-t, aur-s., berb., bufo, hyacinths: Lyc.
caul., cocc, croi-h., cupr., hyos., ip., kreos.,
meat: Colch., eup-per.
lye, mag-c, nat-m., nice, nux-v., phos.,
puis., Sep., verat., vib. oranges: Cit-v.

during: Am-c, am-m., ant-c, strong: Colch.

arn., ars.,
bell., bor., bry., calc, canth., caps., tobacco: Phos.
carb-v., caul., cham., chel., cocc, colch.,
operation on abdomen, after: Bism,
con., cupr., eupi., fagc, gels., graph.,
hyos., hyper., ip., kali-bi., kali-c, lob., oranges, odor of : Cit-v.
lye, mag-c, mosch., nat-c, nat-m., organ, from sound of: Phys.
nux-v., phos., puis., sep., tarent., verat.,
vib. overheated, after being: Ant-c

after: Chin-s. pain, during: Crot-t., sep., spig.

suppressed, with: Alum., ars., caust., cocc, palpitation, after: Nux-v.

croc, cupr., cycl., «>., lob., lyc, nat-m., pastry, after: Ant-c
nlt-ac, nux-v., -pQiT., phos., Puis., rhus-t.,
p^iriodical: Ign., ip., nat-m., nux-v., phos.,
sang., sulph., verat, zinc.
mental labor, from: Aiir., bor., cupr-ar., perspiration, during: Corn., ferr., graph.,
lob., mere, Nux-V., sep., zinc.
troubles, from: Kali-c.
cold, with: Calc, camph., lach., Petr.,
emotions: Kali-i. Tabac, Verat,, verat-v.

micturition, after. (See "urinating.") pharynx, in: Ant-c, ars., stann., tarax.
milk, after: Calc, crot-t., lach., puis. piano playing, from: Sulph.

motion, on: Am., bov., bry., bufo, calc-ph.,

plums, after: Mag-c.
Cocc, crot-h., eup-per., euph., dig.,
pork, after: Ham.
hep., ip., Kali-c, kali-bi., lac-ac, op', potatoes, after: Alumn.
pic-ac, Sep., sulph., tabac, then,
zinc, pregnancy, during: Aeon., ail., alet., anac,
of eyes agg.: Con., sep. ant-c, atit-t., ars.,
Asar., bry., carb-ac]
mouth, carb-an., castor., cimic, cod., colch.,
in: ^th., agar., cadm., mag-m puis con'.,
. , .
ferr., hell., ip., iris,jatr.,
rhodo., sul-ac. kali-br., kali-c\
Kreos., lac-c, lach., lac-ac, lil-t., lob-i',
from rinsing: Bry., sul-ac lyc, mag-c, mag-m., nat-m., nux-m]
noise, from: Cocc, ther. Nux-v., ox-ac, petr., phos., plat., plb!',
psor.,puis., Sep., sil., sul-ac, sulph
nose, from a plug: Psor.
symphorocarpus, Tabac, tarent., verat

34 503
pressure on painful s])()t, I'roni: Nat-ni after: Apoc, arund., bor., caust., cupr.,
cupr-a., dig., ham.,
stomach, from: Anl t., ars., eupli., gamb., lach., mur-ac, op.,
spong., scjuil., sulph.,
gent., grat., hell., hyos,, kali-c, phys., tarent., Verat '*
ptel., sulph.
amel.: Rhus-t.
reading, while: Arn., glon lye, phos-ac.
smoking, while: Bry., caj., calad., carb-an.,
clem., euphr., kali-c, lye, nat-m.,
rest, during: Kali-c, sin- a. phos., ran-b., rat, spong., sil,, tabac.

retiring, after: CLel., dig., ind., naja., nat-m., after: Agar., brom., calc, calc-p., clem.,
nit-ac, phos ,
pic-ac, sang., larent. euphr., ign., Ip.. kali-bi., lach., lob\
Nux-V., op., puis., sars., Sep., thuj.,
rich food. (See " food.")
riding in a carriage, while: Bor, COCC, calc,
sneezing, when: Hell.
cycL, hep., iris, lye, mag-c, nux-m., nux-v.,
Petr., selen., Sep,, sulph. soup amel.: Castor., kali-bi., mag-c.
sour things amel. : Arg-n.
before breakfast: Hura.
spitting, from: L,ed.
ameliorated: AUt-ac.
standing, while: Agn., alum., colch., ign.,
rising, on: Aeon., «;•«., arg-n., asar., bry., petr.
carb-au., chel., cocc, coloc, cor-r., ferr.,
stool, before: Aeon., ant-t., bry., calc, chel.,
glon., ind., nat-s., nit-ac, olnd., phos., plat.,
cimic, cycl., dulc, grat., hell., hydr., ip.,
senec, verat., zing.
mere, oena., podo., rhus-t. ,
rumx., ruta,
up in bed: Ars., asar., Bry., Sep., staph., verat.
CocC, colch.,
cor-r., nux-m. during: Agar., ant-t, apis, bell.,cham.,
chel., coloc, crot-h., crot-t., ferr., guaj.,
after: Graph., sabin., zinc.
glon., gnaph., grat., hell., ip., jatr.,
room, warm, in: Agar., euphr., lye, mez., kali-c, mere, merc-i-f., nit-ac, podo.,
Nat-C, pteon ,puls., zing. puis., rhus-t., sang., sil., sulph^ verat.
on entering, after being in open air: Alum., after: Ant-t, apoc, bufo, cain., caust.,
calc-s., puis. crot-t., kali-bi., kalm., mag-c, mag-m.,
mur-ac, nat-m., nit-ac, ox-ac, petr.,
sacrum, pain in, from: Glon.
sil., tereb., verat., zing.
salivation, with: Crot-t., ip., puis.
amel.: Con., ferr., raph., sang.
salt, on thinking of salt: .Nat-m.
stooping, on: Bar-c, calc-p., carb-s., lach.,
seasickness: Carb-ac, Cocc, colch., glon., olnd., petr., rhodo., rhus-t., ruta, sang.
hyos., kali-bi., kreos., lac-ac, Nux-V.,
stove, on approaching: Law.
Petr., Sep., Tabae., ther.
sudden: Agar., coloc, cupr., ind., kali-bi.,
closing eyes amel. : Ther. mosch., sul-ac, sulph.
shuddering, when: Hyper., mez., nat-m.,
sun, heat of: Carb-v.
stann., zinc.
supper, after: Alumn., aur-m., castor., cycl.,
sitting, while: Aeon., ars., bry., calc, carb-an.,
ferr-i., graph., nat-m., psor.
cor-r., phos., rhus-t., rob., tarax.
swallowing saliva : Ant-t. ,
colch., dig., lach.,
bent over amel. : Zinc.
lye, spig., sulph.
up in bed: Bry., Cocc, cor-r., zinc.
swinging, from: CofF., cocc, petr.
sleep, before: Apoc, nat-m., sol-n. talking, while: Alum., bor.

during: Puis. tea, after: Alsc


acon.,czsc., ceth.,
PAIN- Abies-n., abroL, actt-ac,
NAUSEA. agar., ail., all-c, aloe, alum.,
alnmn., ambr.,
thinking of it agg. :
Lach. am-c, aml-n., anac, anan., ant-c,
am., Ars., ars-h.,
arg-n., ars., apis, arg-m., Arg-n.,
throat, in: Aeon., anac, ant-t., aur.,
arund., asa/., asar., asc-t.,
bell., carb-ac, cann-s., chin., ars-i.,
asar., aur.,
aur-m-n., bapt., bar-c, bar-m.. Bell.,
croc, cupr., Cycl.,
cocc, coc-c, coff., colch.,
nit-ac, olnd., benz-ac, bism., bor., braeh., brom., Bry.,
ferr., lyc, mere, mez., calc-s.,
sars., sil., spig., caet., eadm., calad., calc, calc-p.,
Phos-ac, puis., rhus-L, canih., caps., carb-ac,
tarax., valer. caniph., cann-s.,
squil., Stann., staph., sulph.,
carb-an., Carb-v., Card-m., carl., caul.,
from spasms in throat: Graph. Caust., Cham., Chel., chin.,
chin-s., cic,
cocc, coc-c, coff., colch.,
by tight fitting collar: Lach. cimic, cina, clem.,
con., cop., corn., cor-r., croc, crot-h.,
tobacco, from: Bry. Cupr-ac, cupr-ar.,cwc.,cyc\.,
erot-t., cupr.,

odor of: Phos. dig., dios., Anlcfei^., gels., graph., glon..

grat., ham., hell., hep., hura, hydr.,
thought of: Kali-br. kali-bi., kah-c,
ign., iris, iod., ip., kali-a.,
unconsciousness, after: Carb-v., kali-chl., kali-i., kali-n., kali-s., kalm.,

uncovering amel. :
Tabac. kreos., lach., laur., led., lob-i., Lyc, mag-c,
parier mag-m., mag-p., mag-s., mane, mang.,
Ant-c, castor., mere,
urinating, after:
mere, merc-c, mere-i-f., mez., moseh.,
vaccination, after: Sil. mur-ac, naja, nat-c, nat-m., nat-s., nice,
" VERTIGO.") nit-ac, nujc-m., IXviX-Y,, ol-an., olnd., op.,
vertigo, during. (See
ox-ac, petr., phos., phys., phyt., plant.,
vomiting does not amel.: Dig., sang. podo., ptel., prun.. Puis., ran-b.,
waking, on. (See sleep, after. " rau-s., rhodo., rhus-t., rob., rumx., ruta,

Aeon., bell., bry., calc, sabin., sang., secale, senec, seneg., sep.,
walking, while:
gamb., kali-bi., kali-c, sil., sol-t-£e., spig., squil., Stann.. staph.,
chin-s., con., ferr.,
op., phos., phyt., stram., stront., sul-ac, Sulph., sumb.,
led., lyc, mere, mez.,
tereb., teucr., thuj., ust.,
plat., rhodo., sil., sulph., thuj. Tabac, tarent.,
valer., Verat., zinc, zing.
after: Alum., graph., puis., sep.
morning: .^sc, anac, ant-c, caust., chin.,
amel.: Aeon., am-c, grat. eolch., cupr., dig., dios., graph., hyper.,

open air, while: Aeon., ang., gamb., kali-c, lach., lyc, mag-c, mag-s., nat-c,
nat-m., Nux-V., petr., phos., plat., puis.,
lach., lycps.
ran-s., staph., sulph., tarent., zinc.
walnuts, after eating: Naja.
bed, in: Con., phos., plb.
water, after drinking. (See "drinking.")
eating, after: Nux-v., tarent.
thinking of: Ars-h.
carb-an., phos., fasting, while: Caust., petr.
wine, after: Ant-c, bry.,

Zinc. stool, after: Con.

amel.: Coc-c waking, on: Agar., cycl., nat-m., nice,

nit ac, phyt., staph.
sour, from: Ant-C.
walking, while: Mag-c, nice, phos , sil.
yawning, when: Arn., nat-m.
until I p. m. : Sep.
pylorus, sensation of (see
Graph., lyc, mag-m., nat-m.,
" Narrow"): Lach., nux-v., phos.
nice, stann., sep., spong., thuj.
OPEN, as if stomach were, sensation: Spong.
stool, after: Calc.

OVERLOADED, sensation as if: Am-c, ant-c,

8 to 9 a. m. :

ars., carb-ac, cimic, eycl., ign., kali-bi ,

noon: Seneg., zinc.

Puis., sulph.

afternoon: Am-m., arg-n., ars., calc, calc-s., bread, after: Aeon., anl-c, bry.,
canth., Lyc, merc-c, nice, nux-v., petr., cofT., kali-c,
puis., sang., spong., sulph., tarent., ust.
mere, phos., puis., rhus-t'
rnta, sars., staph., sul-ac,
zinc, zing,
evening: Alum., ars., calc-s., c&vh-sin., carb-v., ameliorate: Nat-c.
cast-eq., chel., dig., dies., euphr., kali-bi.,'
breakfast, before: Arg-n., iris.
kali-n., lob., lyc, nat-m., phos., plant.,
puis., rhus-t., sang., sep., after: Aloe, all-c,
sil., sul-ac, anac, ars., calc-s., carb-s
tarent., thuj., zinc. caust., crot-h., cycl., kali-bi., myric '
bed, in: Lyc.
puis., sulph. I
breathing, on: Anac, ars., caps., coc-c, lyc
chill, during: Sulph. mang., puis.
menses, before: Mag-c. deep, on: Caust.

singing, while: Sars. chill, during: Ars., eup-per., lob., lyc,

. sil., sulph.
night: Abrot., alum., ani-c, arg-n., ars.,
clothing, from: Am-c.
bapt., calc, carb-v., cham., con., graph.,
ign., kali-c, lach., nit-ac, nux-v., phos., coffee, after: Cham., cocc, ign., nux-v.
podo., puis., rhodo., rhus-t., seneg., sep., coition, after: Phos-ac.
sil., sulph., tarent., thuj.
cold drinks, after: Acon., aloe, arg-n.,
bed, in: Cocc, nat-s. bry., calc-a., caust., ferr., graph., iris,
kali-c, lyc, nat-c, nit-ac, nux-v.,
lying on the back, while: Lyc. ol-an.,
rhodo., Ehus-t., sil., sul-ac, tep.
sleep.'during: Nit-ac.
when over heated: Aeon., kali-c.
waking, on: Caust., hyper. amel.: Alumn., arg-n., calc-s., Phos.,
m. until midnight: Phos. puis., tep.
9 p.

midnight: Ambr., chin. food amel. : Phos.

after taking: Carb-v., caust., lyc, sul-ac.

after: Puis., sulph.
contradiction, from: Carb-v.
acids, after: Ant-c, kreos., sulph.
cough, an attack of, before: Ant-t., arn., bell.,
air, open: Lyc, nux-v., ol-an., phos.
amel.: Naja.
coughing, from: Am-c, apoc, am., ars.,
cold, blowing on abdomen: Caust. arund., bell., Bry., cadm., calc, camph.,
alternating with pain in limbs: Kali-bi. chin., chlor., cor-r., dios., hell., hyos., ip.,
kali-bi., lach., lob., Lyc, mang., nit-ac,
apples, sour, after: Merc-c.
nux-v., phos., puis., rhus-t., umx., ruta,
apyrexia, during: Ant-c. sabad., sep., sil., squil., Stann.
ascending steps, on: Phos-ac. damp weather, in: Kali-c.

bed covers, from: Sulph. dinner, before: Lyc, nat-m.

beer, after: Carb-s., nux-m. during: Coru-c.

bending double, on: Kalni. Aeon.,

after: agar., alum., am-c, ars.,
amel.: Cham., colch., coloc, lach., ptel. calc-p., cast-eq., chin., clem., cob., coc-c,
coloc, crot-h., dig., elaps, hyper., laur.,
backward amel. : Caust.
mag-c, mez., petr., phos., rhodo.,
blowing nose, on: Hep. Sep., sulph., verat.

brandy amel.: Ign. amel. : Mang.


excitement, after: Zinc.
disappointment, after: Carb-v.
cann-s., caust.,
apis, ApoC, exercising, while: Ang., bry.,
after: Aeon., aloe,
arn., bell., canth., chel.,
coloc, daph., ferr.,

iris, kali-c, lac-ac, lac-c, mane, mere, fainting, with: Nux-v., ran-sc.

nat-c, nat-m., nit-ac, nux-v., ol-an., plb.,

false step, after: Aloe.
sil., sul-ac, sulph.
rhus-t., rhodo., secale,
caust., cocc, ign.,
fasting, while: Bar-c, calc,
quickly agg. Sil.
lob., nit-ac, petr., sep.

drvmkards, in: Calc, carb-v., lack., fat food, after: Ars., Puis,
flatulent food, after: Carb-v.
arn., ars., bry.,
eating, while: Aeon., ant-t.,
erot-c, mang., op., phos., flatus, passing, amel.: Chel., dig., lact.
calc-p,, cie., con.,
plb., puis., Sep., thuj., verat. fluids, after: Ars., merc-s.
agar., alum.,
after: Abies-n., aeon., ffisc,
fright, from: Carb-v., ign.
a7n-c., anac, ant-c, ant-t., apis, Arg-n.
fruit, after: Bor.
am., Ars., asaf., aur-m., Bar-C, bell.
nux-v., sil.
berb bism., bry., caet., calc, Calc-p.,
, heat amel.: Bry., caust., mag-ph.,
caps., carb-ae., carb-v., causL, cham.,
during: Eup-per.
chin., ehin-s., cic., cist., cob., cocc,

colch., coloc, eon., cur., cycl., daph., hiccough, with: Rat.

dig., eup-per., ferr., ferr-m., ferr-p., psor
hunger, during: 'Rxl^s.,
glon., graph., grat., gymn., ham., hep.
kali-bi., kali-c. ice cream, after: Arg-n., Ars., calc-p.
hura, hydr., iod., iris*,

lac-c, lach., led., lob-i., Lyc, mag-m. amel.: Phos.

mang., mere, merc-c, mez., mosch. asar., bry.,
inspiration, deep, agg.: Arg-n.,
nat-c, uat-m., nit-ac, nux-m., Nux-V. puis.
cor-r., ign., kali-n., nat-m., op.,
osm., ox-ac., petr., phos., phos-ac, plat,
plb., ptel., Puis., rob., rhodo., rhus-t. on: Kali-n., puis., zinc,
rumx., Sep., sil., staph., stront., sul-ac
intermittent: Guaj.
Sulph., tabac, tarent., tereb., thuj., verat.
zinc. walking agg.
jar of : Aloe, anac, Bell., hell.,
mag-m., sep.
an hour after: Carb-v.
jolting in a carrigge, from: Bell., lob-s.
2 or 3 hours after: Con.
lactation, from: Carb-v.
amel. : ^sc, agar., anac., aur., brom
cham., chel., dios., fago.. Graph., iris, lifting, after. Bor., lyc.
kali-bi., kalm., lach., lith., mang., chin,
loss of animal fluids: Carb-v.,
med., mez., nat-c, nat-s., nice, ox-ac,
petr., raph., verat. lying, while: Lach., stann.

on abdomen agg. : Ambr.

emotion, after: Cham., Coloc,, nux-v..
staph. amel.: Elaps.

empty, agg. when: Fago., graph., lach., petr. back: Alumn.

eructations, during: Ant-c., cocc, nice. side: Bry., cupr.

suppressed, after: Bar-c, con. amel.: Lyc.

left: Kali-br.
loud, uncontrollable, with: Sil.
with legs drawn up amel. : Chel.
amel.: Aloe, bry., calc-p., chel., chin.,
chin-s., cimic, dig., glon., graph., hep., amel: Am-c, bell., caust ,
chin., graph.,
lyc, nice, paeon., plb., sep. kali-i., lach., stann.

PAIN, sitting.
meat, after: Calc, ferr., kali-bi.
bent over: Agn., kalm.,
boiled, after: Graph.
amel.: Bry., coloc.
menses, before: Aur., bor., ladi.,
niag-c, soup, after: Ars., indg.
nux-m., sulph., tarent.
speaking, from: Caps., nat-c,
during: Am-c, bor., caps., caul.,
cocc, graph., kali-h., standing, while: Aeon., carb-v.,
lac-c, nux-m., mere.
nux.v.,'phos.,puls., sars., Sulph., thuj., stool, before: Alum., rhus-t.
during: Dios., lyc., puis., ran-b.,
after: Bell., bor., kali-c, lach., rhodo.,
sulph. -sars.

instead of: Lach.

after: Calc, calc-s., con., sulph.
profuse, with: Ca/c, lyc.
stooping agg.: Alum., aur-m., glon.,
micturition, during: Ip., laur. kalm., rhus-t.

milk, after: Ars., ferr., hyper.,

strain, from: Arn., bry., rhus-t.
Mag-m., nat-c, petr., sumb., sulph. sudden: Cupr., elaps.
sweet milk amel. Ars. supper,
after: Bry., calc, lyc, ptel., puis.,
misstep, from: Aloe, bry., puis., sep.
motion, on: Aloe, bty., caust., mang., amel. after: Am-c, sep.
phos-ac, rhus-t, thuj., zinc. swallowing, on: Bar-c, calc-p., cor-r., nit-ac,
amel.: Chin., cycl., nat-c. sep.

nausea, during: Glo7i. at cardiac end of stomach: Alum., bry.,

nit-ac, phos.
paroxysmal: Ars., carl., cupr., mez.
vaccination, after: Thuj.
pears, after: Bor.
violent: Aeon., arg-n., am., ars., anthr., aur.,
periodical: Calc, cupr., hyos., ign.,
lyc. bell., camph., cupr., cupr a., cocc, coloc,
potatoes, after: Alum., coloc. hell., hydr-ac, hyos., iod., ip., iris, lac-d.,
lach., mere, nux-v., phos., plb., podo.,
pregnancy, during: Dios., ip.
ran-b., ran-s., secale, stann., verat.
pressure agg. Agar., arn., ars.. brom., bry.

going to the back : Bad. cupr.

calc, canth., caps., chel., dig., guaj., ,

mag-m., merc-c, mez., nit-ac, op., ox-ac,
waking, on: Agar., ambr., caust., cycl., hyper.,
phos., ran-s., tarent., vip. nat-m., nice, nit-ac, phyt., rumx., sil., staph.

amel.: Mag-p., mang., stann. amel.: Nit-ac

rest amel.: Bell., bry., calc-p., cham., colch. walking, while: Aeon., am-c, anac, Bell.,
bry., calc, carb-v., hell.,ictod., mag-m.,
rich food, after: Ars., ptel., puis,
myric, nz-t-o.., phos., phyt., sep.
riding in a carriage, after: Phos.
amel.: Bor., bov., op.
while : I,yc puis,
in open air: Anac.', bell., nit-ac, sil.
rising, after: Caust., graph., sulph., zinc.
amel.: Ambr.
from bed, on: Graph.
walnuts, after: Naja.
amel.: Phyt. warm drinks amel.: Alum., ars., bry., mang.,
rubbing amel. : Lyc. nux-m., Nux-v., rhus-t., sulph., verat.
sitting down, when: Ambr., nat-s. milk amel.: Graph.
-while: Aeon., ambr., caust., elaps, hep., warmth of bed amel.: Graph., lyc, nux-v.
nat-s., phos., puis., sulph. water, after. (See "drinking.")

PAIN, burning.
PAIN. cheL, chin ch^n-s.,
causL, cedr., cham.,
cocc, coc-c
wine,' after: Bry. chlof., chrom-ac, Cic, cimxc,
cop., cor^.-c
Nat-m. coloc, con
yawning aniel. : cofif., Colch.,
c^oi-t., cub., cund., cupr.,
croc crot-h.,
left side of abdomen: Colcb.
extending to dig., dulc, elaps^^n^-.
cupr., puis. gels., gent-c
over abdomen: Calc, colcb., euph., ferr., fi-ac, form.,
gymn., ham., helL,
graph., grat., guaj.,
to arm: Indg. mdg.,
helon., hep.,hura, hydr.,\^yos., tgn
bladder and testes: Kali-c. iod., iris,ish.,jatr., i^g"^--
cycl., kah-n., ^f':
bell., bor., con., kali-br., kali-c,
back: Absin., aloe, lept
mag-m., nat-m., lach., lact., laur.,
ferr., ign., indg., kreos., lac-ac,
r>terc, merc-c
phos., pbos-ac, puis., sulph. lob-i., lye, mane, mang.,
tnerc-i-f., mez., mill., mosch.,
between shoulders: Bell, nat-s., nice,
grat., hyos., paeon., par., petr..
chest, into: Aloe, alum., dulc, nux-v., ol-an., ox-ac,
nat-m par.,
kali-c, lach., mag-c, merl., ,

Phos,, Phos-ac, phyt., Plf' Pf-

phos., raph. ptel., puis., ran-b., ran-s., raph.,
sabad., sabin., sang,,
when coughing: Raph. rob., rumx., ruta,
sep., sil., sxn-n
sars., Secale, seneg.,
after dinner: Nat-m. tabac, tarent.,
sol-n., stram., sul-ac, Sulph.,
valer., verat., verat-v.,
downward: Sep. tereb., thuj., til., ust.,
heart, to: Lach.
hyper., kali-bi., nat-s.,
morning: Dios.,
hypochondria, to: Msc, phos., verat.
sulph., zinc.
limbs, to: Plb. nat-s.
breakfast amel.: Kali-bi.,
navel, to: Brom.
rising, after: Nat-s.
oesophagus, to: Brom.
waking, on: Sulph.
pharynx: Aloe, nat-m.
forenoon: Carb-s.
scapula, left: Arg-n.
noon: Nice.
sternum: Nat-m., rheum.
kali-bi., lyc.
afternoon: Am-m., bar-c, iris,

throat: Cupr-ac ,
grat., mag-m.
after stool: Fago.
transversely: Am., cina, ip.
dios., ferr-i., iris, sang.,
evening: Abrot.,
boring: Agar., am-c, ar5., carb-an., kali-n.,
sulph., verat.
nat-s., plb., sep.
eating fish, on: Thuj.
morning after rising: Nat-s.
pressing, on: Zinc.
breakfast amel. : Nat-s.
8 p. m.: Calc-p.
flexing on thighs amel.: Plb.
9 p. m.: Lyc.
sitting bent agg. Caps.
night: Abrot., ars., paeon., podo., sulph.

burning: Abies-c, abrot., acet-ac, 3.cor\., esse, waking, on: Hyper.

seth., agar., ail., all-s., alumn., ambr.,
am-c, am-m., anthr., ante, ant-t., apis, midnight, after: Sil.

apoc, arg-m., arg-n., arn., Ars., ars-h.,

bread, after: Sars.
asaf., asc-t., aur., aur-m., bapt., bell.,

benz-ac, berb., bism., brom., bry., bufo, breakfast, during: Apoc.

cact., cadm., calad., calc, calc-p., calc-s.,
after: Agar., caps., dig., lyc, podo.,
camph., cann-i., canih.. Caps., carb-ac,
sabad., sol-n.
carb-an., carb-s., Carb-V., card-m., caul.,

PAIN, burning.
PAIN, burning.
chilliness, during: Sang,
vomiting, when: Bar-m.,
circumscribed: Gym. jatr., sul-ac.

cough, during: Hep. after: Tarent.

digestion, during: Kali-i. amel.: Ars., tarent.

dinner, after: I,yc., podo., waking, after: Hyper., sabad., sulph.

amel.: .-Esc. walking, while: Sulph.

drinking, after: Kali-c, water amel.: Merc-c.

lack., led., rhus-t.
not relieved by: Calad. extending up the oesophagus:
Dig. hell *
drunkards, in: Sul-ac.
back, to: Carb-v.
eating, after: Ars., caps., calc., carb-an.
carb-v., dap,,., dies., chest: Arg-m., asth., mang.,
graph., laC,.] mill., ol-an.,
tarent. '

some hours after: Agar., nai-m., larj'nx: Kali-c.

after, amel.: Msc, graph., mouth: Aeon., cupr-ar., gels.,
mez., nat-s. kali-bi.,
eructations, after: Calc-p., sol-n.
pharynx: Am-m., berb., sang.
amel.: Ambr., ferr.

fasting, while: Graph., throat: Anac, ars., cupr-ac, hep., kali-bi.,

zinc, '
kali-c., lac-ac, lye., nal-m., phos., tep.
fever, during: Lack.
after eating: Kali-c.
fright, after: Aeon.
upward: Arg-u., cale., dig.,
headache, during: Sang. mang.,
nux-m., nux-v., sep., secale, sol-n.,
hunger, causing: Graph. sulph., tril., verat.

lying down, on: Puis, clawing: Arn., calc, carb-an., zs.x\,-\.,

cocc., graph., lye, nat-m.,
menses, during: Tarent. nit-ac, Nux-V.'
petr., puis., rhodo., sil., stann.,
motion, on: Bry., thuj. sulph., tabac, zinc.
of child in utero: Sang, morning: Petr.

paroxysmal: Bry., nat-m., plb. on waking: Sulph.

periodical: Sulph. evening: Petr., sul-ac.
pork, after: Ham. eating, after: Tabac.

pressure agg.: Kali-c, kali-n.,

phos., zinc amel.: Puis.
reading, while: Arg-m.
rising from bed : Puis.
rising amel.: Sulph.
cramping, griping, constricting: Abrot., aeon.,
sitting, while: Calc.
act-sp ,
agar., alum., alumn., ambr.,
standing, while: Arg-m., sulph. am-c, anac, anan., ant-e., ant-t., apis,
aran., arg-n., am., Ars., arum-m., arum-t.,
stool, before: Fl-ac.
asc-t., asa£, aur-m., bapt., bar-c., bar-m.,
after: Calc-p., sol-n. bell., Bism., bor., brom., bry., bufo, cadm.,
calad., calc, calc-p., camph., cann-i.,
amel.: Sulph.
cann-s., canth., carb-an., carb-h., curbs.,
sudden: Nit-ac. Carb-V., card-m., caul., Caust., cham.,
Chel., ehin., cocc, coc-c, cofT., co/ch., Coloc,
supper, after; Carl.
<r(?«.,crot-t.,Cupr., cupr-ar., daph.,dig., dios..

PAIN, cramping.
PAIN, cramping. cupr., stann.
disposition to: Bell., chin.,
dros., dulc, cuph., eup-pur., ferr., ffels.,

grat., guaj., ham., helon.,

Graph., drinking, after: Bell., nat-c.
hydrc, hyos., ign., iod., n-ts,jair.,
eating, before: Lyc.
W kali-c, kali-n., kalm., lac-d., lach.,

laur., lob., LyC, ntag-c, Mag-p., mang., after: Bism., bry., calc, chel.,
chin., cic,

meny.,merc.,merc-i-f., mill.,mur-ac.,
nal-c, ham.
cocc, coloc, croi-h., daph., ferr.,
nat-m., nat-p., nicc.,nit-ac nux-m., Nux-V.,
iod., kali-c, nat-m., Nux-V.,
ox-ac, /an, petr., phos., phos-ac,
ol-an., op., sulph., tabac.
psor., ptel.,
phys., phyt., plat.,//6., Podo., ign., iod.
rhus-t., sang., sais., amel.: Brom., chel., graph.,
puis., ran-s., rat,
stann., chin-s.
secale, selen., seneg., sep., sil.,
erect, amel. standing: Bry.,
thiij., valer.,
sul-ac, sulph., tabac, tarent.,
sitting: Gels.
Verat., verat-v., zinc. par.,
eructations amel.: Bar-c, calc, coloc,
puis., rat.
morning: Gran., hyper., nux-v.,
bed, in: Phys. Lyc
fruit, after:
waking, on: Caust., lyc.
intermitting: Phos.
forenoon: Graph., podo. fluids, after: Chin.
loss of animal
noon: Agar.
lying down, on: Chel.
afternoon: Calc, calc-s., par.
amel : Graph., lyc, sil.

1 to 2 p. m. : Con.
menses, before: Bell., cupr., lach., puis.,

5 p. m. : Nat-m. sep.

6 p. m.: Lach. during: Cupr., sars.

evening: Coloc, dulc, form., mere, thuj. after: Bell., bor.

bed, in: Alum., phos. motion, on: Nux-v.

night: Abrot., calc, camph., coloc, kali-c, nausea, before: Tarent.
nat-m., nit-ac, phos., seneg., sulph.
paroxysms: Nit-ac.
bed, in: Ptel.
periodical: Arg-n., cupr., hyos.
2 a. m.: Ars., nat-c.
pork, after: Ham.
3 a. m. : Podo.
pregnancy: Con.
midnight: Lyc.
rising amel.: Gels., phys.
ascending stairs: Chin-s.
rye bread, after: Merc-c.
bed, after going to: Dios.
salad, after: Til.
bending forward amel.: Coloc, lyc, verat-v.
spasmodic: Anac, arg-n., bar-c, calc, chel.,
breakfast, after: Bufo, verat.
cocc, con., cupr., dulc, ferr., ign., zinc.
clothing, tight, amel.: Lyc, nat-m.
standing erect amel. : Bry., chin-s.
coffee drinkers, in: Cham., nux-v.
stool, before: Coloc, kali-c.
cold drinks, after: Calc, ferr., kali-c.
during: Bell., kali-c.
cold, from a: Dulc, nit-ac
after: Ferr.

deathly feeling below sternum: Cupr. causing urging to: Nnx-V.

dinner, before: Sulph. stooping, on: Jatr.

after: Ham., nux-m. vomiting, before: Apis, hyos.


PAIN, cutting.
walking, while: Cocc, nat-c.
inspiration, on: Rat.
warmth amel.: Mag.p., nux-v.
intermittent fever: Aran.
ofbedamel.: Graph,
menses, during: Ars.
wine, from: Lyc.
paroxysmal: Ant-c, asa/., kali-c, //ioi.
cutting: Abrot., aesc, aloe, alum., ambr riding in the open air: Rumx.
am-br., ant-c, arg-n., ars.,
ars-h., asar., aur.',
aur-m., delL,
bry., cadm., calad., sitting, while: Dios., sul-ac.
calc '
calc-p., cann-s., canth..
^-//aw., chel., cimic soup, after: Indg.
colch., co/oc, dig.,
Dios., crot-t, gamb.,'
glon., grat., Aydr., ign., iod., stool, before: Calc-s.
jatr., kali-bi
kah-c, kali-chl., laur., lyc., mag-m., niang.| stooping, on: Dios.
mere, nat-c, nux-m., nice, mix-v
op sudden: Chin-s.
paeon., V^tv., phos., phyi.,
plb., psor., ptel.^
puis., raph., rat., rob.,
rumx., seneg., sep., vomiting, when: Ars.
stL, sol-n., stann., stront.,
sul-ac, sulph.,' walking, while: Sul-ac.
tereb., thuj., ust., valer.,
extending to spine: Sep.
morning: Dios.
to chest: Coloc.
rising, on: Kali-c.
darting. ( See " shooting. "
waking, on: Merc-i-f.
digging: Arn ,
chel., chin., graph., grat.,
forenoon: Nat-c. kali-c, nice, phos, sabad., seneg., staph.
afternoon: Ptel., stront., sulph. sulph.

I p. m. while yawning: Chel. forenoon: Nice.

m. Puis, afternoon: Kali-c.

5 p. :

evening: Indg., kali-c, mang., nat-m. evening: Seneg.

night: Abrot, lyc. eating amel. : Chel.

midnight, after: Calad. distress: Aeon., tzsc, Ars., bapt., bell., canth.,
carb-ac, caul., chin-s., colch., cupr-ac,
I a. m. : Mag-m. cupr-ar., dios., fago., goss., ham., iod.,
bending backward, compelling: Bell. indg., ip., iris, kali-bi., lept., Lyc, mag-c,
mang., merc-c, nit-ac, nux-m., Nux-V.,
double amel. : Coloc. op., Phos., phyt., ptel., Puis., rhus-v.,
breakfast, after: Kali-c. secale, stram., sul-ac, sulph., tax., ust.,
breathing agg. : Bell.

cold drinks, after: Calc-p.

morning: Dios., tarent.

forenoon: Bapt., helon., ust.

taken in open air, from : Phos.
noon: Fago.
coughing, on: Verat.
afternoon: h-is, Sep., ust.
convulsive before stool: Calc-s.
evening: Dios., hj'per., puis,
dinner, after: Hydr.
night: Merc-sul.
eating, while: Cupr-ar.
acids, from: Sulph.
after: Bry., caust., chel., con., cupr-ar.,
apples, sour: Merc-c.
hydr., kali-c, rhodo.
cold, from anything: Am-br.
eructations amel.: Ambr.
dinner, after: Elaps, myric, nux-in.
flatus, emission of, amel. : Asar. amel.: Mang.

PAIN, gnawing.
PAIN, distress

drinking, after: Nat-c, nat-m., secale, dinner, before: Graph.

sulph. after: Alum., trontb.
eating, after: Aeon., alet., apis, asar.,
drinking agg. : Bell.
aur-m., cact., carb-ac, carb-an., carb-v.,
eating, before: Graph., rhodo., seneg.
cub., cur., dios., iod., lack., Lyc, nat-s.,

n\ix-v., op., rumx., spong., sul-ac, zinc. after: Qocc, gr at., kali-bi.

menses, during: Thuj. amel.: Chel., graph., hep. ign., iod.,

kali-bi., lach., lith., lyc, mez., nat-c.

milk, after: Sulph.
lying, while: Sil.
drawing: Agar., all-c, alum., am-m., anac,
apis, arg-m., arg-n., aur., bar-c, bufo, pain in stomach, during: Lyc.
canth., cham., chel., con., cupr., dig., elaps,
sudden: Chin-s.
ferr., gins., bell., hep., ign., iod., jatr.,

kali-c, kali-i., lach., lyc, mane, mere, supper amel. : Sep.

nat-c, nit-ac, phos., plb., puis., ran-s.,
griping. (See " cramping.")
rhodo., Sep., siram., verat., zinc, zing.
lancinating: All-s., aur-s., bad., canth.,
morning; Dig., puis..
carb-v., plb., tarent., thai.
after stool: Con.
after midnight: Kali-c.
chills, after: Gins,
inspiration, deep, agg.: Bad.
dinner, after: Alum., sep.
pinching: Agar., agn., am-c, ant-c, ant-t.,
eating, while: Led., merc-c. arg-n., am., asaf., asar., bell., bry., calc,
motion agg. Aloe, cann-s., Caust, chel., cocc, coloc, con.,

dios., fl-ac, graph., ip ,

iris, kali-br., kali-c,
riding in a carriage, after: Phos. petr., phyt.,
merc-c, naja, nat-s., Nux-V.,
stooping agg. : Aur-m. plat., puis., rat., rhodo., sarr., staph., teucr.,
thuj., verat., zinc.
walking in open air, while: Anac.
morning: Dig.
extending into chest: Phos.
bed, in: Carb-an.
to small of back: Phos-ac.
rising, after: Nat-s.
pharynx: Alum.
forenoon: Thuj.
throat: Con.
afternoon: KVam., puis.
gnawing: Abies-c. ,
abrot., acet-ac, sesc,
alum., am-m., apis, apoc, arg-n., ars., evening: Agar,
aur-m., bar-c, calad., calc, cann-i., chel.,
night: Graph.
Cina, colch., cupr., eup-pur., gamb., glon.,
hep., iod., kali-bi., kali-n., kalm., kreos., coffee, after: Dig.
lach., lith., lyc, mag-m., merc-c, mill., convulsive: Con.
nat-c, nii-ac, nux-v., op., ox-ac, phos.,
ptel.,/?//^., ruta,
dinner, during: Thuj.
sabad ,
seneg., Sep., sil.,
sulph., zinc. eating, after: Puis., tabac.

left side: Arg-n. inspiration, deep: Dros.

morning: ^sc, plat. paroxysmal: Nit-ac.

while fasting: Carb-v., nit-ac. sitting bent: Agn.
noon, after eating: Euph. amel.: Stapih.
night: Abrot. supper, after: Rhodo.
chill, during: Ars. transversely, across: Arg-m.
PAIN", pinching.
PAIN, pressing.
walking, while: Verat.
afternoon: Am-m., arg-n.,
extending to throat: Kali-c. canth., dig., lyc
nice, petr., spong.
pressing:^r„«., act-sp., agar., all-c, alls riding in a carriage:
aloe, alun.., Lyc.
alumn., „mbr., am-c.,
am-m" m.
anac, a„U., apis, arg-nv,
2 p. : Ferr.
arg-n., am':,
Ars., ars-h.. asaf., asar., aur., aur-m-n 4 to 5 p. ni.: Bry.
bad bapt., /,ar-c.. bar-in., bell., hcnz-ac.
berb., bts,n., bor.,
evening: Carb-v., chel.,
bov., brom., b^y., dig., euphr
calad. kah-bi., nat-m., phos., sep.,
^a/r calc-p., cann-i., sil., spong.
cann-s., canth., caps.
carb-an carb-s., carb-v., bed, in: Lyc.
Card-m., carl.
Caust., Cham., chel., chin., chill,
chin-s during: Sulph.
chrom-ac, a... clem., coc-c, coff.,
coloc., con., cop., cor-r., crot-h., eating, after: Zinc.
cub., Cupr.,
Cupr-ac, cupr-s., dig., dulc" fish and roast meat: Thuj.
e at euphr., ferr.,
fl.ac, ^...."^gent-c ,'

lying down, before: Calc.

tell.,helon., /i./., hyos., after: Carb-an.
hydr-ac, hyper
singing, while: Sars.
kah-bx.. ^a,,.,, kali-chl., kali-i. ' .lij; night: Am-c, calc, cina,
^«/«^. kreos., lac-ac. lach., lad., graph., kali-c.
Jed., lob-i., lach., nit-ac, sep., sulph.
lye, lyssin, mag-c,
mag-m., maug., nieph., mere,

lying on back, while: Lyc.

mere, men., meny., meph.,
mez., mosch., waking, on: Caust., hyper.
mur-ac, myric, nat-c, nat-m.,
nat-s., nice
mt-ac, nux-m., midnight, after: Sulph.
ol-an., op., asm'
ox-ac, paeon., par., '

petr., phell., air, in open: Ol-an.

Pbys., plat., pib., prun., p„ls., ran-b.",'
ran-s., raph., rheum., cold, if, touches abdomen: Caust.
r/^^rf^., rhus-t., rob
sabin., beer, after: Carb-s.,
3^^^ 3^^^^ nux-m.
-^^«^.r., Sep., sil., sol-n., spig.,
. sguil., bread, after: Bar-c, bry.,
stann staph., Caust., phos.,
stram.. std-ac, sul-ac, zing.
sulph., sumb., tabac,
tarent., tereb., teucr
thuj., valer., verat., breakfast, after: Agar., aloe, anac, ars.,
verb., xanth., zinc,
carb-s., caust., cycl., kali-bi., myric,
morning: Ant-c, chtn., graph., hyper.,
nat-c, puis., sulph.
lach., nat-c, 7tat-m.,
nux-v., puis., rau-s.,
Sep., sulph. chill, during: Ars.

bed, in: Phos. clothing, from: Am-c.

eating, after: Nux-v. coition, after: Phos-ac.

fasting, while: Caust.,

cold food, after: Mang.
rising, after: Caust, zinc. coughing, on: Qot-t., phos.

waking, on: Agar., cycl dinner, before: Lyc, nat-m., phos.

nice, nit-ac,
phyt. after: am-c, ars., carb-s., chin.,
clem., coc-c, hyper., mez., nat-c, petr.,
after: Staph.
phos., rbodo., sulph., verat.
forenoon: Graph., lye, mag-m., drinking, from: Ant-t., chel., chins., hyos.,
nice, spong., stann., thuj. phos-ac.

stool, after: Calc., sulph. cold drink: Acet-ac, ol-an., rhodo.

eating, while: Aeon., bry., coflF., con.,
noon: Aur., mez., zinc. mang., rhodo., verat.

PAIN, pressing, eating. PAIN, pressing.

after: Agar., ambr., am-c, anac, ant-t., rising from bed, on: Graph.
ars., asaf., bar-c, bar-m., bell., berb., sitting, while: Ambr., caust., nat-s., phos.
bism., bov., bry., calc, cantfi., caps.,
carb-a., carb-s., carb-v., cham., Chin.,
bent: Kalm.
chins., cic, cina, cocc, coc-c, colch., amel.: Bry.
con., euph., equis., fl-ac, ferr., grat.,
erect amel.: Kalm.
hep., hura, hyper., kali-bi.,

Lach., led., lob., Lyc, lyssin, mere, soup, after: Ars., indg. <

mez., nat-c, nat-m., nit-ac, Nux-V., standing, while: Merc,

op , Phos., phos-ac, plat., plb., puis ,

rhodo., rurax., saiig., secale, Sep., sil., step, at every: Hell,

staph., stront., sulph., tereb., thuj.,

stone, as if. (See " Stone.")
stool, during: Sars.
little, after: Cham., Chin., chin-s., ferr.,
after: Calc, carb-s., cxot-t., ptils.
hep., h)T)er., laur., Lyc.
straightening out, after: Dig.
amel.: Anac, chin., hep., nit-ac, petr.,
verat. supper, after: Calc, carl., lyc, puis.,
tructations amel. : Aloe, ambr. ,
bar-c, bry.,
carb-v., chel., chin-s., cycl., euph., graph., swallowing agg. : Cor-r.
helon., hep., kali-n., nice, ol-an., par.,
waking, on: Agar., ant-s., caust., cycl.,
hyper., nice, nit-ac, pht., sil.
•exertion, on: Carl.
walking, while: Bell., bry., nat-c.
mental: Anac.
in open air: Anac, bry., nit-ac, sil.
expiration, agg, during: Aur-tn.
amel.: Ambr.
fasting, while: Caust., nit-ac. , ,
amel. : Bor., bov.
fat food, after: Puis.
warmth of bed amel.: Graph,
heart, as if, were
being crushed: Ars.,
water, from: Chel.
carb-v., cham., nux-v.

heat, after: Grat.

cold: Rhodo.

inspiration agg.: Asar., cor-r.,

weight, as from: Abies-n., acow., am., ars.,
igu., uat-m.
bar-c brom., biy., cact., calc, carb-au.,

lifting, after: Lyc. chain., elaps, fl-ac, grat., hep., kali-bi.,

lying, while: Sulph. lob., mere, nux-v., par., phos-ac, puis.,
rhus-t., secale, sep., sil., squil., spig.,
on back, while: Calc.
spong., staph., zinc
menses, before: Nux-m.
scraping: Ars., bry., carl., cic, crot-t, hell.,
during: Am-c, caps., caust., Sulph ,
nat-m., 7iux-v., plat.. Puis., tereb.
stool, after: Alum.
milk, after, Ferr., hyper., petr., samb.
shooting: Agar., anac, bell., cimic, cur.,
motion agg. : Bry., calc, phos-ac, rhus-t., gamb., kali-bi., lye, stram., sulph.
during vexations: Lyc.
amel.: Nat-c.
I p. m.: Rhus-t.
pressure agg. (see "soreness"): Agar.,
brom., calc, chel., indg., mang., mez., extending inward: Stram.
nit-ac, ran-s. to back: Ran-b.

riding, while: Puis.

chest: Rumx.


PAIN, soreness.
soreness, as bruised, as if beaten,
tender- fasting, on: Bar-c.
ness, sensitiveness: Abies-n.,
acet-ac. aeon '
tesc, agar., all-s., aloe, inspiration, on: Ars.
alum., alumn
am-br., aui-c, am-ni., anac,
ant-c, ant-t motion amel.: Fago.
apis, arg-n, Arn.,
, Ars., arund., asaf
(>ar-c., BeU., bov., sitting still, on: Fago.
brach., brom.,
calad., ca/c, calc-p., calc-s.,
camph., caun-s" stepping, on: ^/oe, bar-c.,
bell., hell,
canth., caps., carb-ac,
carb-an., carb-s.i stooping agg.: Glon.
Carb-v., card-m., carl., caust., cliam.
Chin., c/n>;.s., chlor., cinnb., cocc, talking, on: Nat-c,
'coc-c.,'' nat-m.
coff., Colch., co/oc, con., crot-h., ciot-t walking, while: Anac, calc,
cupr., cupr-a., daph., dig.,
dios., elat"
euph., eupi., fago., stitching: Abrot., aeon., ^th.,
/^m, ferr-i. 1 ,
' ' agar.,
"s"'-! ail
fl-ac, gamb., glon., grat, guare., alum., ambr., am-c. am-m..
hep\ anac, anan '
fiyos., ign., ind., iod., ant-t.. arg-n., am.,
ip., kali-hi., Kali-c Ars., arund., aur
kalm., kreos., Lach., aur-m., bar-c, bell., berh.,
Lyc, maK-c.",' bism., bor., bov''
brjr., bufo-s.,
Magf-m., mane, maug., mere, calad., calc, calc-a..
Merc-c cann-i., canth., caps.,
merc-sul., mosch., mur-ac, carb-an., carb-s"
myric, nat-a.' '

nat-c, nat-m., earb-v., card-m., caust.,

7iat-.';., nit-ac, IJ-UX-V., ol-an.i cham., chel., chin
op., ox-ac, pseon., petr., cic, cocc, coff., colch.,
Phos., phos-ae., coloc, con., croc
p/iyt., T^l&nt., plb., crot-h., crot-t., cupr.,
podo..ptel.,/«/^., ran-b., cycl., dig., dros..'
raph., ruta, sabad., sang., seeale, dulc, eng., euon., euph.,
sep., siL, gamb., gran,
sinnap., spig., graph., grat., hydr-ac, hyper.,
spong., stann., stram.' ign., iod.,'
strych., sul-ae., sulph., iPm jac-c, kali-bi., kali-c, kali-n.,
tabac, tarent., kreos.'
tereb., ther., thuj., verat., lach., laur., lyc, mag-c,
zinc, zing. mag-m., merc-c.,'
mur.ac, nat-c, nat-m., nice, nit-ac,
morning: Chin., dies., fago., ol-an
Phos., sang. phos., phos-ac, phyt., podo.,
psor., puis.',
on rising: Crot-h. ran-s., raph., rheum, rhodo.,
rhus-t., ruta'
sabiu., samb., senec, 5-^2!..,
afternoon: Alum. sil., spig., staph.! '
strych., stront., sul-ac, sulph.,
tabac thui
evening: Abrot., alum., dig., dios., zinc.

phos., thuj.
da3rtime: Nat-m.
night: Sep.
morning: Calad., merc-c, nat-m.
bed, in: Mag-c.
standing, while: Sulph.
bending, from: Mag-m.
forenoon: Indg., nice,
clothing agg.: Bell., bry., calc., eoloc, afternoon: Am-m., nice, petr., sep.
crot-h., hep.,
Lach., Lye, 7iat-in.,
TSnx-y., phos-ae., spong. on lying down: Coc-c.

coughing, on: Agar., alum., ambr.,

am-c, 3 p. m.: Nice, sulph.
arum-t., arund., ars., asc-t, bell., evening: Cocc, con., grat., nux-v., zinc.
cob., dios., Lros., hell., hyos., ip.,
bed, in: Thuj.
mang., Ifux-V., phos., sep., sil., squil.,'
Stann., thuj. night: Con.

dinner, during: Mag-m. bending to the right: Bry.

after: Calc-p., breathing, on: Anac, calc, caps., sulph.

mosch., phos.

eating, after: Calc-p., cocc, crot-h., sang

between: Caps, I
cold, on taking: Phos.
amel.: Nux-v.
coughing, on: Am-c, ars., bry., phos.,
eructating, on: Cocc.
. podo., Sep., tabac

stitching. PAIN.
tearing: ^th., agar., aloe, alumn., chin.,
descending, on: Carl.
cocc, colch., coloc, con., cupr., daph., dig.,
after: Calc, dig., kali-bi., mez.,
dinner, dios., iod., kalm., lye, mere, merc-c,
naja. uux-v., petr. ,
plat., plb., rhus-t., ruta, sep.,
eructations, during: Bry., coco ,
sep. tarent., thuj.,zinc.

ameliorate: Phos. evening, in bed: Thuj. >

expiring, on: Coc-c, spig. anger, after: Coloc.

false step, on a : Puis. bending body to right: Thuj.

inspiring: Anac, bry., chin., coc-c, con., amel. : Merc-c.

intermittent: Ruta.
intermitting: Arg-m.
motion agg. : Kalm.
jarring: Zinc,
paroxysmal: Plb.
lifting, ou: Sil.
pressure agg. : Iod.
lying down, after: Nux-v., sil., spig.
sudden: Cic.
motion agg. : Bry. puis.,
walking, while: Ars.
paroxysmal: Cop., chin., mane, plb.
ulcerative: Acet-ac, anan., arg-n., cann-s.,
periodical: Paeon, cast-eq., gamb., hell., lack., ynag-c, mag-m.,
pressure, on: Calc, merc-c merc-c, nat-m., rat., rhus-t., spong., stann.

amel.: Podo. dinner, after: Arg-n.

sitting: Calad. eating amel.: Gamb.

up amel. : Coc-c. PERSPIRATION on pit of: Bell., nux-v.,
soup, after: Merc-c

standing: while. Sulph.

PULSATION, beating, throbbing: Aeon., agar.,
alumn., ant-c, ant-t., arg-n., ars., asaf.,
stepping, on; Puis. bell., bov., cacl., calad., calc, cann-s.,
carb-v., chel..
Chin., cic, coloc, cop.,
stool, after: Calc.
corn-c, croc, crot-h., cupr., dros., ferr.,
swallowing fuod quickly: Sep. gamb., gins., glon., graph., ham., hura,
talking, while: Caps, hydr., hydr-ac hyos., iod., ip., jac-e,

kali-c, kali-i., lac-c, lach., lachn., laur.,

uncovering, on: Coc-c.
lye, mag-m., meny., mosch., naja, nat-e,
walking, while: Bry., grat., myric, puis, nat-m., nat-s., nil-ac, Nux-V., olnd., op.,
extending to abdomen: Ant-t. plat, plb.. Puis., rheum, rhus-t., sep., sil.,
stann., sulph., tabac, thuj.
ankle: Kreos.
morning; Asaf., sep.
axilla, left, and back: Kali-c.
noon: Sulph.
back: Bar-c, Bor., Chel,, kali-c, laur.,
nice, plb., sabin., tabac. evening: Alumn.

breasts: Lach. night: Eup-per ,

air, open, amel.: Naja.
chest: Calc, lack., nat-m., rum.x.
cough, with: Aeon. asaf., bell., cact.,
downward: Calc, nat-m.
carb-v., cic, coloc dros., fern, graph.,
hip joint: Sil.
iod., kali-c, lye, nat-m., puis., sulph
spine: Tabac.
eating, while: Nat-m., sep.
sternum: Chin., nat-m.
after: Alumn., asaf., cop., nat-m., sep

eructations atnel. : Sep,
noon, after soup: Ant-t.,
headache, with: Kali-c.
afternoon: Raph.
leaning against anything amel.: Gamb.
evening: Dig., hyper.,
lying on back, while: Aluirin., op. kali-c, nat-m., phos
stann., stram.
meditation, during: Raph.
cough, from: Carb-v.
menses, after: Ferr.
walking, while: Raph.
nausea, with: Nat-c.
night: Am., gamb., mere, nat-m., nux-v
rising aniel. : Op. ran-s., rat., sulph., ther.
supper, after: Nux-v.
cough, during: Tarent.
trembling: Arg-n.
menses, during: Puis.
walking, after: Calad.
open air, in: Graph,
amel.: Op.
air, in open: Graph,
worm, as from a: Nat-c.
coflfee, after: Caps., cham.
RELAXED. (See " Hanging down.") '

convulsive: Dig., mag-c, merc-c,

REPUGNANCE to food. (See "Loathing.")
cough, with: Agar., ambr., ant-t,
a/w, ars.,
HETCHING: Acet-ac, aeon., esse, ail., agar., aspar., bell., bor., brom., bry.,
alum., alumn., ani-c, anac, ant-c, Carb-v,,'
ant-t\ canst., chin., cimx., cina,
coc-c, cupr
arg-m., arg-n., am., ars., ars-h., asar., daph., Dros., dulc, hell.,
Hep., hyos., iod\
aur-m., bapt., bar-c, bar-m., Bell., bism., ip., kali-bi., kali-c., kali-s., kreos., lach.,
bor., brom., bry., cact, cadm., calad., lye, mag-m., mag-p., mere, mez.,
camph., canth., cann-i., caps., carb-ac Nit-ac, niix-v., plant., Pids., sabad., sang.,

carb-c, carb-v., card-m., cham., chin., seneg., sep., squil., stann., sulph.,
chin-s., chlor., chrom-ac, cimic, cimx., thuj., verat.
cocc, coc-c, coch., coiT., colch., con.,'
cramp-like: Calc.
crot-h., crot-t., atpr., dig., dros., dn\c',
Eup-per., fl-ac, gels., glon., graph. hep., diarrhoea, during: Arg-n., crot-t., cupr.

hyos., hyper., ign., indg., iod., Ip., iris, drinking, after: Anac, ars-h., gamb
jab., kali-b., kali-c,
kali-i., kali-n., kali-s., plb.
kalm., kreos., lac-ac, lach., led., lob-i.,lye.,
mag-c, mag-m., meny., mere, cold drinks, after: Anac, ip., nux-v., puis.,
merl., mez.,
morph., mosch., myric, naja, rhus-t., teucr.
nat-a., nat-e.,
nat-m., nat-p., nat-s., nit-ac, nux-m., drunkards, in: Ars., nux-v.
Nux-v., oena., olnd., ox-ac, petr., phos., eating, after: Agar., am-c,bism., bry., cann-i.,
phys., phyt., Y>\&r\t., pib., podo. , psor., ptel., chain., chin., cop., cycl., graph., kali-c.,'
puis., raph., rhus-t., sabad., secale, seueg., lac-ac, lye, mag-c, nat-s., plb., puis.,
Sep., sil., sin-a., sol-n., squil., stann., stram.,
stront., strych., sul-ac, su/ph., tabac,
amel.: Ign.
tarent., tax., tell., tereb., ther.,thuj., verat.,
viol-t., vip., zinc. fasting, while: Berb., kali-c.

hawking mucus from fauces: Ambr., anac,

daytime: Stann.
bor., bry., calc-p., kali-c,
morning: Alum., Nux-V., stann.
dig., hep., kreos., 7iat-c.,
increasing: Ars.
nux-v., sulph.
cough, during: Plant. ineffectual: Ant-t., am., ars., asar., bar-m.,
bell., brom., bry., chin., crot-t., dig., grat.,
rising, on: Mosch.
hyos., ip., kreos., nat-a., nux-v., op., plb.,
warm drink, after: Nat-m.
podo., puis., sabin., sil., sul-ac, sulph.,
waking, on: Coc-c. ther., verat., verat-v.

loud: Gran. paroxysmal: Glon.

liquids, after: Petr., sulpb. sitting, while: Aeon.

menses, during: Puis., thuj. waking, on: Apoc.

milk, after: Calc. walking amel. : Aeon.

motion, during: Cod. SLACKING lime, sensation of: Caust.

mucus in larynx: Osm. STONE, sensation of: Abies-n., acon.,sesc., agar,

all-s.,arn., Ars., bar-c, brom., Bry., cact.
painful: Card-m., merc-c, secale, tabac.
calc, carb-an., cedr., chain., coc-c, colch.
pharynx, in: Chin, coloc, elaps, fl-ac, gent-c, grat, ign.
salivation, with: Ant-t., hep. kali-bi., kali-c, mere, raez, naja, nat-c.
nat-m., nux-v., op., osm., par., phos-ac
smoking, after: Ip., tabac.
ptel., puis., rhus-t., secale, sep., sil.
soup, after: Ars. spong., squil., staph., sul-ac, zing.

spasmodic: Merc-c. morning: Par.

swallowing, on: Graph., kali-c, lack., bed, in: Kali-c.
merc-c, tabac.
waking, on. Puis.
empty, agg. : Graph.
cold, after vomiting: Aeon.
violent: Ars., asar., brom., cadm., dig.
dinner, after: Ptel.
vomiting, after: Ant-t., apis, sep., stram.
eating, after: Bry., naja, rhus-t., sil.
walking, after: Sil.
eructations amel.: Bar-c.
lETRACTIOM", sense of: Calad., dig, dulc, hawking amel. : Kali-c.
hell., kali-i., lach., lact., mur-ac, op.
motion agg. : Bry. , nux-v.
lATIETY. (See "Appetite.")
SWASHING: Arn., mez.
SHUDDERING: Bell, caust.
morning: Mez.
SINKING (compare "Emptiness"): Abrot.,
aeon., tesc, agar.,
SWELLING. (See "Distension.")
ail., alum., alumn.,
ant-t, apoc, arum-d., bapt., calad., cann-i., TENSION: Aeon., aesc, agar., ambr., anac.
chlol., croc, crot-t., cupr.. ant-t., arg-n., ars., asaf., bar-c, bell., bry
Dig"., glon.,
hydr.,\^n.,\?iix kali-a., calc, caps., carl., carb-s.,
, kali-bi., kali-chl., Carb-V., castor,
kali-i.,lye, mag-c merc-i-r., mosch., caust, Cham., chel., cic, clem., cocc,
, coff.
murx., myric naja, nat-a., colch., coloc, crot-t., dros.,
, Nux-V., phos., ferr., gent
phys., plant., sabad., secale, sulph.,
grat, guare., helon., hep., hura,
sil., iod ip
Tabac, thea, teucr., verai., zinc. kali-c, kreos., lact., lob., lyc, mag-m'
mere, mez., mur-ac, nat-a., nat-m., nit-ac
morning: Apoc, hydr., kali-bi.
Nux-v., op., phos., v^^^.,plb.,puls.,
before breakfast: Kali-bi. Ruta, sabad, selen., sep., sil., stanii
waking, on: Apoc. staph., stram., sul-ac, sumb., tarax.,
verat., zinc.
forenoon: Jatr.
morning: Arn., kali-n.
after acids: Zinc.
in bed: Arn.
eating, before: Alumn., sulph.
forenoon: Puis,
after: Dig.
noon: Euphr.
amel.: Alumn.
evening: Hura, sulph.
inspiration agg. : Calad.
night, 2 p. ni.: Ars.


clothing agg. : Hep., krcos. morning: Apoc, ars., bor., bry., calc.
dinner, after: Nit-ac, phos., sep. carb-an., chin-s., coc-c, dros., eng., fago.]
graph., grat., mag-m., mag-s., [nat-c.
drinking amel. : Ruta.
Nit-ac, nux-m., nux-v., ox-ac, phos-ac.
eating, before: Mez. phyt., plb., rhus-t., .sabad., sars., sep.[
after: Anac, iod., sul-ac.
spong., j/raw., sulph., thuj., vip.

chill, during: Carb-v., Verat.

menses, during; Zinc,
fever, after: Sep.
milk amel.: Ruta.
milk, after: Nat-m.
motion agg. : Caps.
respiration, on: Merc.
amel.: Puts.
rising, before: Nat-c, nat-s.
riding in a carriage, while: Phos.
when: Bry., glon., kreos., mag-s., nat-m.,
thuj., tabac.
stool, after: Sep.
after: Mag-s., nat-c, phos., verat-v.
walking agg. : Coco., colch.
waking, on: Am-c, arund., hyper., jab.,
THIRST: Acet-ac, Aeon., tesc, jeth., agar., mag-s., nit-ac, thuj.
agn., ail., all-c, all-s., aloe, alumn., am-c,
after: Mag-s., sep.
atn-m., anac, anan., atit-c, ant-t., anthr.
apoc, apis, arg-n., am., Ars., ars-h., aur. forenoon: Agar., apis, calc-s., elaps, kali-c,
aur-m., bapt bar-c, bar-m., bell., berb. kali-n., mag-c, mag-m., mag-s.,
bism., bor., bov., brom., Bry., cact., cadm nat-s., zinc.
cain., caj., Calc, calc-a., calc-s., camph. ro a. m.: Nat-a., nat-m.
cann-i., canth.. Caps., carbac., carb-an.
carb-s., carb-v., carl., castor., caul., caust. noon: Lyc, mag-c, mag-m., nat-c, phos.
cedr., Cham., chel.. Chin., chins., cic. afternoon: Aloe, am-c, am-m., berb., bov.,
cimic., cina, cinnb., clem., coc-c., colch brom., calc, carl., chin., clem., colch., con.,
coloc, con., cop., cor-r., crot-h., cupr. ham., ign., kali-u., mag-c, mag-m., mag-s.,
cupr-ac, cycl., daph., Dig., dor., dros. nat-c., nat-m., nat-s., nice, nux-v., petr.,
dulc, elaps, eug., Eup-per., euph., eupi. phos., phos-ac, phys., ran-b., rhus-t., ruta,
fago. ,
ferr-i.,7?-^^., form., gamb., gent-c. senec, sil., verat., zinc.
gins., glon., graph., grat, guaj., ham.
chill, before: Puis.
'K&W.,, hep., hydr-ac //,w^.,Iod., ind., ip. ,

jug-r., kali-a., kali-bi., kali-c, kali-chl. during: Coloc, rhus-t

kali-i., kali-n., kali-s., kalm., kreos., lac/i.
after: Ferr., sars., sulph.
lachn., lact ,
laur., led., lil-t., lye, mag-c.
mane, mang.. heat, during: Clem., cop., stann.
mag-s., Mere, merc-c.
merci-f merl., mez.,
mill., mur-ac, naja menses, dtiring: Castor., zinc.
nat-a., nat-c, Nat-ni., nat-s.,nice, nit-ac.
2 p. m. : Puis.
nux-m., nux-v., ol-j., olnd. Op., ox-ac

pEeon., petr., Phos., phos-ac, ph}'s., pic-ac. 3 p. m., Ferr., lyc, nice, staph.
plant., plat,, /orfi;., psor., ptel., puis.
4 p. m. : Chel., lyc, sulph.
ran-b., raph., rat., rhodo., rhus-l., rob.
4 p. m. during chill: Sulph.
ruta, sabad., samb., .sang., sant., sars.

Secaie, selen., seneg., .sep., Sil., sol-n. 6 p. m.: Bar-c, ham,, tabac.
sol-t-SE., spig ,
stann., staph., Stram. evening: Aeon., all-c, am-c, am-m., anac
stront, sul ac, Sulph., tabac, tarent., tax. arg-m., ars., bar-c. bell., benz-ae, bis'

tep., tereb., Ihea, Ihcr., Ihuj., npa., ust.

bor., bov., bry., carl., cham., chin., chin-
Verat., verat-v., verb., zinc, zing. clem., croc, cur., Cycl., elaps, euphr., fag
daytime: Hep. ferr., ^r?)///'., gran., grat., ham., /W., ja

) ,

THIRST, evening. THIRST, burning.

kali-bi., kali-c, laur., lye, mag-c, mae:-m., hep., hyos., iod., jatr., kali-bi., kali-n.,
niag-s., merc-i-f., inez., nat-c, nal-m., kali-s., laur., lye, lycps., mag-m., mere,
nat-s., nice, ol-an., phos., phys., plb., merc-c, merc-i., mur-ac, nat-c, nice,
podo., rat., rumx., seneg., selen Sep., nit-ac, op., Phos., phos-ac, plb., puis.,
sin-a., spig., squil., sulph., tabac. thuj., raph., rhus-t., secale, sil., spong., squil.,
zinc, zing. stann., stram., sul-ac, sulph., tarent., thuj.,
veral., verb., vip., zinc.
chill, during: Canth., mag-m.
without desire to drink: Ars.
after: Ferr., kali-i., nat-m., sulph.

coldness, during: Calad.

chill, before: Am-c, am-m., caps., Eup-pet.,
hep., lach., nux-v., o\-&n., puis., sep.
exercise, after: Nat-s.
during: Aeon., alum., am-m., Apis, aran.,
heat, during: All-c, calad., chin., croc, am., ars., asar., bar-c, bov., bry.,
ferr., graph., /7</j. camph., cann-s., Caps., carb-v., cham.,
lying down, after: Puis. chin-s., cimx., Cina, croc, eupi.,
Eup-per., eup-pur., ferr., gamb., Ign.,
menses, during: Mag-s.
kali-c, kali-i., lach., mag-m., mez.,
8 p. m. during chill: Canth., mag-m., mur-ac, nat-e, Nat-m., nat-s., Nux-V.,
sulph. ol-an., op., psor., ran-s., rhus-t., sabad.
secale, Sep., Sil., sulph., tarent., thuj.,
night: Aeon., aloe, ani-c, ant-t., apis, arn.,
ars., bry., calc, cadm., canth., carb-an.,
carb-h. , cedr. , cham. ,
chin-s., cinnb., coff., after: All-c, Ars., canth.. Chin., cimx.,
cur., cycl., elaps, eup-per., fago., fl-ac, Bros., ferr., hep., kali-bi., kreos., mag-s.,
gamb., glon., hep., lach., lye, mag-c, nat-m., nat-s., psor., puis., sabad., sars.,
mag-m., mere, mur-ac, nat-c, nat-s., nice, Sep., Bulph., thuj.
nit-ac, nux-v., op., phos., plant., puis.,
yet cannot drink, makes headache un-
rhus-L, Sil., spong., sulph., tabac, thuj.,
bearable: Cimx.
choking sensation when drinking, with: Squil.
bed, in: Cadm.
coition, after: Bug.
menses, before: Mag-c, mang., nat-m.
cold drinks. (See '
' Desire. '

perspiration, during: Chin. '

constant. (See "unquenchable.")

waking, on: Aloe, apoc, berb., calad.,
carb-an., coff., nat-s., strain. dinner, after: Aloe, anac, canth., castor.,
cycl., ferr., gamb., mag-c, mag-m., nat-c,
midnight: Cann-i., mag-m., mere, plat.,
nat-ui., plb., psor., thuj., zinc.
sul-ac, sulph.
dread of liquids, with: Agn., am-c, arn.,
3 a. m. : Mag-m.
bell., cann-i., canth., caust., cocc, hell.,
anger, after: Nux-v. hyos., lac-c, lach., lye, lyssin, mere]
appetite, lost. nat-m., nux-v., rhus-t, samb.,
(See "Appetite.") selen.,
apyrexia, during: Citnx., ip.
eating, while: Ail., aloe, am-c, bufo, cocc,
aversion to drink, with. (See "dread of lach., nat-c, psor.
after: Aloe, anac, bell., bry.,
beer, agg. after: Bry. caust.,
coc-c, cycl., elaps, graph guare,
, lye,
burning, vehement: Acet-ac, aeon., agar., nat-e, nit-ac, phel., phos., sil.
anac, anan., anthr., apis, ars., aur.,
bell., extreme: Acet-ac, Acon., esse, teth.,
Bry., bufo, calc, camph., canth., agar., '
Lrb-v], all-c, all-s., alum., am-m.,
caU., caust., cham., chin., colch.,
anac, anan
coloc., authr., ant-c, ant-t., apis, Arg-n., am^,
crot-h., cub., cupr., elaps, ferr., graph.. Ars,, ars-h., asar., aspar., aur., aur-ni.

THIRST, extreme.
bar-c, bell., bism., bor., bov., Bry., bufo, menses, before: Mag-c, mang..
cadtii., calad., Calc, nat-m..
calc-s., camph\
cann-s., caiitli., caps., carb-ac, during: Bell., castor., cedr.,
carb-an., cham., cocc.
carb-v., canst., dig., mag-s., sep., verat.,
Cham., chel., chlor., Chin.,' zitic.
cic, cina, cocc, coiT., colch., coloc, con!! nausea, after: Nux-v.
croc, crot-h., aoi-L, cub., cupr., cupr-a.\
perspiration, during: Aeon.,
cur., cycl., Dig., dros., dtdc, elaps, eup-per], anac; Ars ,
cact., cedr., Chin., chin-s.,
eup-pur., /err., ferr-i., ferr-ni., garni)., coff., eup-per'
gels., tod., ip., kali-n.,
graph., grat., guaj., ham.. Hell., helon.,
mag-m., Nat-m., op.i
hep., hydr-ac, hyos., hyper., ign., phos-ac, puis., rhus-t., secale, sep.,
iod., ip., Stram ''
tarax., thuj., verat.
jab., jatr., ka4i-bi., kali-c, kali-chl.,
kali i.,
kali-n., kali-p., kaliii., kreos., lac-ac, after: Ant-c,
lac d.i ant-t., bell., bov., Lye.
lach., lachn., lanr., led., lil-t., lye, lycps., nux-v., sabad.
lyssin, mag-c, mag-m., nianc, med.,
Merc.,' rising from bed, on: Nat-a.
Merc-C, merc-i-f., mez., mil., mosch.!
mur-ac, mygale., nai-c, Nat-m., nat s., sleep, after: Ambr., apoc, bell., bor., ther.
nit-ac, nux-m., nux-v., olnd., op., ox-ac,
prevents: Ars.
par., peir., Phos., phos-ac., plant.,
small quantities, for: Ant-t.,
'^\\>.,podo., ptel., puis., ran-b., ran-s., raph apis, Ars.,
rheum, rhodo.,
arum-t., bell., cact., chin., cupr.,
rhus-i., Rob., ruta, sabad.,' hell'.',

samb., hyos., lac-c, lach., lyc, merc-i-r., phos.,

sa7ig., secale, selen., seneg., sep.,
rhus-t., squil., sulph., tabac.
Sil., spig., spong., squil., stann., staph.,
strain., stront., sul-ac, often: Aeon., ant-t., apis, Ars., bell.,
Sulph., syph., chin.,
tarent., tarax., tell., tereb., ther., thuj., coloc, corn., eup-per., hyos., lac-c,
mran-n., valer., Verat., verb., zinc. rhus-t., sulph., verat.

headache, with: ^th., camph., chin-s., lac-d., stool, before: Ars., bry., cham., chin., dulc,
Mag--m., nat-m., stram., tereb., verat., hell., mag-c, podo., sulph.
during: Ars., bry., cham., chin., dulc,
heat, during: Aeon., all-c, aloe, am-m., hell., lil-t., mag-c, sulph.
anac, ang., anthr., ant-c, arn., Ars., after: Alum., aut-t., caps., chin., dulc,
arum-t. Bell., berb., Bry., cact., calc, lyc, ox-ac, sulph , tromb.
calad., canth., caps., cedr., chavi., chin.,
chin-s., cina, cist., (i\&ra.,coff., colch., ro/oc, supper, after: Aloe, phos., plat.
con., cop., cor-r., croc, crot-h., cur., elat., unquenchable: Acet-ac, aeon., ^th., agar.,
Eup-per., ferr., gels., graph., hep., hyos., aloe, am-c, anan., apis, Ars., bar-c, bell.,
ign., ip., kali-c, lach., lye, mag-c, mag-m., bry., calc, camph ,
cham., crot-t., cupr-ac,
Nat-m., Nux-v., op., phos., podo., psor., cycl., dig., dulc, eup-per., ferr., hj^os.,
puis., ran-s., rhodo., rhus-t., secale, sep., iod., kali-n., lach., mere, merc-c, merc-i-r.,
sil., spong., stann., staph., stram., sulph., nat-c, nat-m., nice, op., petr., Phos.,
tax., thuj., valer., verat. phos-ac, rhus-t., stram., sol-n., sulph.,
heat, after: Anac, am-m., tarent., verat., zing.
cact., chin., coff.,
cycl., nux-v., op., puis., sep., stann., stram. vomiting, before: Eup-per.
inability to swallow, with: Bell., cic, hyos., while: Ars.
ign., lyssin.
after: Olnd., sul-ac.
large quantities, for: Aeon., ars., bad., Bry.,
waking, on: Apoc, camph., dros., ferr.,
camph., chin., cocc, eup-pcr., ferr-p., ham.,
hyper ,
mag-m., nat-m., rat., stram.
lac-d., lycps., merc-c, Nat-m., Phos.,
pic-ac, sol-n., stram., Sulph., Verat. walking, after: Ferr-m., nat-c, nat-m.

often, for: Bry., lac-c, nat-m. without desire to drink: Aug., mez.
long intervals, at: Bry. drinking: Graph.


ars., bry.,
Agar., alum., arg-n.,
agn., all-c, TWISTING:
THIRSTLESS: Acet-ac, ccsc, agar., crot-c, dios. gran.,
ApiS, calc, chin., cic, cocc,
ambr ani-c, am-m., ant-c, Ant-t., grat., iris, kali-bi.,
kali-c, kali-chl., lye,
bov., brom.,
nux-m., nux-v., ol-an., ox-ac,
asa/., bell.,
arg-n., mez., nat-m.,
calad., camph., canth., strych..
bry., bufo, sars.,
cocc, phos., phos-ac, plat., plb.,
caust., chel., Chin., cimic,
dios., sulph., zinc.
con., crot-t., cycl.,
colch., cor-r.,
bam.. Plat,
euph., /err., ferr-m., gamb., Gels., morning:
liydr., ign., indg., ip., ms,
Hell., liep.,
forenoon: Nat-c.
kali-c, led., lye, ma?ig., Meny., merc-c,
nat-m., nat-s., night: Phos.
mez., mur-ac, nat-a., nat-c,
uux-v., olnd., op., ox-ac,
nit-ac. Nux-m.,
, breakfast, after: Agar., sol-t-se.
phos., phos-ac, plat., ptel., Puls.,
dinner, after: Sol-t-ffi.
sars., sep., spig., slaph.,
Sabad., samd.,
valer., verat. Grat.
stram., sulph., tabac, thuj., eating agg. :

desire to drink, with: ^th., afS., calad.,

lying on it, while: Hydr.
cimx., cocc, coloc, graph.,
camph., paroxysmal: Plb.
nux-m., phos.
sudden: Chin.
heat, during: ^th ,
alum., ant-t., Apis,
arg-m., ars-h., asaf., bar-c, bov., calc, extending into abdomen; Arg-n.
carb-an., carb-v., caust.,
camph., caps., chest: Alum.
chin., cimx., cocc, dros ferr
cycl dig., . , .

alumn., bry.,
gels., hell., ign., ip., kali-c, led., lye, TWITCHING: ^sc, aloe, ars.,
cann-s., chin-s., hydr., ign.,
phos-ac, puis., coloc,
meny., mur-ac, nux-m.. op.,
sil., strych.,
petros., phos., plat., puis., rat.,
rhus-t., samb., Sep., spig.
TICKLING: Anac, bry., crot-t., nat-m., sang.,
convulsive: Ars.
thea., tarent.

TINGLING: Ant-t., colch., \n^.,puls., rhus-t. sitting, while: Phos.

TREMBLING: Agar., am-c, arg-m., arg-n.,

walking about amel.: Alumn.
ars., calad., calc, carb-v.,cimic, chin-s ,

extending to larynx: Puis,

crot-h., elaps, ferr., ham., ign., lye, mag-s.,
med., nat-m., nat-s., phos., phys., sulph., throat: Phos.
verat. calc, calc-a., Kali-bL,
ULCERS: Arg-n., ars.,

morning, on waking: Agar, kreos., Merc-C, mez., nit-ac, nux-v.,

noon: Sulph. Phos., sil., sul-ac, syph.

alumn., ars., bell., canth.,
breakfast, after: Cimic UNEASINESS :

carb-ac, cimic, cinnb., colch., crot-t., cycl.,

chilly, when: Phos.
dig., dios., fago., glon.. grat., gymn., iris,
eating, on: Elaps. kalm., kali-bi., kali-i., lith,, lob-i., mur-ac,

lying down, on: Agar, naja, osm., phos., ptel., ruta, sabad., secale,
Sep., sol-t-se., tarent., verat-v., zinc.
menses, during: Am-c, arg-n., ferr.
VOMITING: Absin., acet-ac, Acon., cesc,
noise, from: Agar.
.ffith., cigcir., alet., all-c, alumn., ambr.,
TURNING: ^th., am-m., hydr., kali-n., nat-m.,
am-c, am-m., anac, authr., Ant-C, Ant-t.,
ol-an., plb., sulph.
Apis, apoc, Apom., aran., arg-cy., Arg-n.,
morning, after rising: Kali-n. am., Ars., ars-h., arum-m., asar., asc-t.,
aur., aur-m., bapt., bar-c, bar-m., bell.,
lying on it, while: Hydr.
bism., bar., both., Bry., bufo, cadm., calc,
motion, on: Bell. catnph., cann-i., cann-s., canth., carb-ac,
over, seems to, on coughing: Puis., rat , carb-s., caust., Cham., chel., chin., chin-s ,

tabac. chlol.,cic, cimic, cina, cocc, coc-c, coff.,

swallowing liquids, after: Plb. Colch., coloc, con., cop., crot-h., crot-t,

^-ub., Cupr., cupr-a., Cupr-ac, cupr^s. evening: Agar., anac.,
^yc\., dig., dor., dros., dulc, bell., bry., crot-h.,
elaps, eup.per dig
' elaps, eug., kali-chl.,
ei'ph., Ferr., Gamb., gels.,
mere, merc-c
glon., gran morph., nat-s., nux-v.. phos.,
graph., grat., hell., hep., hydr., phyt., psor
hyos., ign pills., .secale, stram., sulph.
^P^; Ip., Iris, kalt-bi., kali-c,
Aali-t' '
kah-s., kalm., Kreos., lach., coffee, after: Verat.
laur., Lob-i
lyr., mere, merc-c, mez., mosch.,
„aja' cough, from: Carb-v., coc-c.
7iat-m., nit-ac, nux-m.,
Nux-V„ olnd., op
ox-ac, paeon., petr., headache, during: Eug.
Phos phos-ac. ,
piiyt., Plb., podo., psor., ptei.. Puis smoking, after: Nat-s.
rhodo., rhus-t., ruta, sabin.,
sal-ac, sanib sunset, after: Stram.
sang., secale, seneg.,
selen., ,ep., Sil
sqml., sol-n., sul-ac, night: Agar., ant-t arg-n., ars., bell., bry.
Sulph., Tabac." ,

tarent.. tep., tereb., ther., Calc, chin., crot-t, cupr-ac,

thuj., tuberc. dig., dros.
valer., Verat.,
Verat-V., elat, Ferr., hell., hep.,
wyeth , zinc. kali-c, /ac/i'.
lyc., lyssin, mere, merc-c, mur-ac, nat-m,
morning: Absin., ambr., ant-t, ars.,
bar-c nice, nit-ac, nux-v., ox-ac, phos.,
bar-m.. bry., calc, camph., phos-ac.
Caps., colch., plb., podo., puis., rat secale,
con., cycl., dig., dros., , seneg., sep.
dulc., ferr., ferr-p sil., stram., sulph., tabac, thea, ther.
graph., guaj., hep., ign.,
kali-bi., kali-c.' valer., verat.
kreos., lyc., merc-c, mosch., nat-m., nux-v.
phos., phyt., psor., secale, sep., colic, during: Colch.
sil., sul-ac.
sulph. tabac. tarent. thuj. cough, from: Arg-n.
, ,
, , verat. , zinc.

coffee, after: Cham. headache, during: Sep.

coughing, on: Kali-c, thuj. lifting, from: Sil.

waking, on: Nit-ac.

drunkards, in: Ars., caps.
midnight: Acet-ac, agar., arg-n., lyc,
eating, before: Eupi., psor.
rising, on: Mosch., verat. after: Ferr., nat-m.

stool, after: Phos. acids, after: Ferr.

waking, on: Bry., form., graph., thuj. aggravation after: Cupr., dros., olnd.

forenoon: Chin., anger, after: Cham., Coloc, Nux-V.

elat., nat-s., nux-v., op.
psor., sang. apyrexia, during: Ant-c, ip.

7 a. m.: Elat. bed, after going to: Tarent.

9 a. m., during headache: Form. beer, after: Fern, mez., sulph.

10 a. m. : Psor. bread, after: Bry., nit-ac.

11 a. m.: Chin, black, after: Nit-ac, phos-ac.
noon: Mag-c, mag-s., phos., verat. breakfast, before: Eupi., kreos., nux-v., psor.,

after soup: Mag-c. Tabac.

afternoon: Bell., chin-s., con., graph., after: Agar., bor., carb-v., colch., cj'cl.,
kali-chl., mag-s., phyt., ^«///^. daph., /err., sars., tromb.

stool, during: brushing teeth, on: Coc-c.

walking, after: Graph. chill, before: Apis, aran., ars., chin., cina,
eup-per.,ferr., nat-m., puis., secale.
2 to 3 p. m.: Plb.
during: Ail., alum., arn., asar., bor., caps.,
4 p. m.: Sulph. cina, dros., Eup-per., ferr., gamb., ign..


VOMITING, drinking, after.
VOMITING, chill, during.
colch., con.,
nux-v., puis., calc, Cham., chin., cina, cocc,
lach., lye, nat-m., eup-per.,
crot-t., dig., dros., dulc,
rhus-t., Sep., thuj., verat. V^W-c, kreos., lye,
ferr., hep., iod., ip.,
Eup-per., nat-m., nit-ac,
after: Ant-t., aran., bry., carb-v., merc-c, merc-cy., mez.,
rhus-t. puis., rhodo.,
ip., kali-c, lye, Nat-m,, 71UX-V., op., Phos., plb.,

sars., secale, sil., sul-ac, sulph.,

Thcr. rhus-t.,
closing eyes, on :

Verat., zinc.
coffee, after: Camph., cann-s., glon.
See " cold water.

cold water. ( '

coition, after: Moscli.

immediately after: Apoc, ars., bism., bry.,
cold, on becoming: Cocc. zinc.
crot-t., eup-per., nux-v., sep.,
afler taking: Cupr. ars-h., bism.,
smallest quantity: Ars.,
water, after: Anac, apoc, arn., ars., bry.,
Phos., plb.
bufo, cina, cocc, crot-t., dulc., eup-per.,
not after eating: Sil.
ferr., ip., kali-c, lye, mez., nux-v., podo.,
rhodo., sil., verat., Verat-V. soon as becomes warm in stomach: Chlf.,

convulsions, before: Op.

after: Alum., ant-t., Ars., bar-c,
during: Op.
cauth., colch., dros., mere, olnd., phos.,
after: Aeon., ars., colch., glon.
sars., selen., Tahac.
convulsive: Hep., lach., merc-c, sul-ac,
amel.: Cupr.
tabac, vip.
drunkards, of: Almnn., ars., cadm., calc,
coughing, on: Alum., anac, Ant-t., arg-u., caps., carb-ac, crot-h., Kali-bi., kali-br.,
arn., ars., ars-i., bell., Bry., bufo, calc, lack., nux-v., op., sang., sul-ac, sulph.,
cann-s., caps., carb-v., chin., cimx., coc-c,
con., cupr., cur., daph., di^., Droa., /err.,
Agar., alumn., ant-t., ars., calc-p.,
ferr-p.,/(3>-w., gels., hep., Iiyos., indg., iod., easy:
kali-c, meph.,
lach., lob-i., Cham., chel., colch., dig.,/^m, ign., jatr.,
Ip., kali-bi.,
mere, merc-c, mez., mill., myos., nat-c, kali-bi., m^z., nux-v., phos., phyt., rafi-s.,

nat-m., nit-ac, nux-v., ^\io^., phos-ac, plb., secale, tabac, zinc.

puis., rhodo., rhus-t., sabad., sang., sarr.,

eating, while, sudden: Am-c, ars., dig., iod.,
Sep., sil., sul-ac, sulph., syph., tarent., stann., verat.
puis., rhus-t, Sep., sil.,

thuj., verat.
after: Acet-ae, alumn ,
am-c, anac, ant-c,
diarrhoea, before: Ars., colch., crot-t., lach., ant-t., Ars., bell., Bry., calc, carb-an.,
phos., phyt. carb-s., carb-v., cham.. Chin., chin-s., cina,
coloc, crot-h., crot-t., cupr., dig., dros.,
during: ^th., ant-c, apis, arg-m., Arg-n.,
ferr., i&cT-m..,jer7--p., gamb., graph., hyos.,
Ars., asar., bell., bism., chin., colch.,
ign., iod., Ip., iris, kali-c, kreos., lach.,
coloc, crot-t., cupr., cupr-ar., cycl., dulc,
kali-n., kreos., lob-i., lye, mag-c, Meph., mere, nai-m.,
elaps, indg., iod., ip.,
nat-s., nit-ac, mix-v., olud., op., Phos.,
lach., mere, merc-c, phos., plb., podo.,
phos-ae, plb., psor., puis., ruta, sanic,
puis., rob., sang., seneg., sep., stann.,
secale, Sep., Sil., stann., stram., sul-ac,
stram., sulph., tabac, Verat.
Sulph., tab., tarent., Verat., zinc.
difficult: Ant-t., ars., asar., bry., cic, clem.,
coff.., cupr., elat., grat., plb., raph.
only after: Ferr.

amel.: Ferr.
dinner, before: Dros., sulph.
egg, after: Ferr., ferr-m ,
after; Aeon., agar., anac ,
ant-t., graph.,
lach., ol-an. erect, on becoming: Colch.
drinking, after: Aeon., Ant-C, a7it-t., apoc, exercising, after: Colch., stram., tabac, ther.
am., Ars., bell., bism., bor., bry., bufo, verat., zinc

exertion, on: Crot-h.,
VOMITING, lying on.
side agg. : Ferr.
"coughing,., -hawk,
'ng ). Coc-c,
d:g., kali-c, lach.
right in liver affections:
fat food, after:
Pu/s., sin-n. amel, : Ant-t.

fever during (see "heat"): after: Olnd., puis,

All-s., carl
n»a, don, eup-per., meats, from fresh: Caust.
claL, ferr-p., Nat-m.
fish, after fried: Kali-c. meat, after: Kreos.
forcible: Con., g,o„ iod., jatr.. menses, before: Calc, caul.,
„,a„c cham., chin
cupr., gels., kreos., nux-v.,
puis., verat.
during: Am-c, am-m., ant-c,
shortly after eating: Apoc, calc
carb-v., Cham., cocc, coff., con.,
frequent: gels., graph., ign., kali-c, kali-i.,
Ars., bar-c cantb., lyc
, colch.,
hyos, lyc, nux-v., phos puis., sars.,
uiez., phos., phos-ac. ,
sep., sulph
tarent., verat.
hawking up mucus, when:
Ambr., calc-6 after:
coc-c, stram. Bor., canth., gels;, kreos., nux-v.
headache, with:
anan., agn., ant-t., suppressed:
Ars., bell., bry., cupr.,
«/".arg-n., arn., «r.r., asar.,
bar-m., bell nux-v., plb., puis., verat.
cadm., cacL, calc caps., caust, chin.,
chlf milk, after: ^th., ant-c,
cimic., cimx., cocc., ant-t.,
r^^., coloc, con., corn. ars., atro.
«-^/-/.., crot-t, bar-c, bell., calc, carb-v., iod.,
dulc, eng., ferr., form., iris, kali-bi
S^el^yj\on., graph., grat., lach., merc-c, morph., phos., podo.,
Ip., iris, jatr* sep.
kah-bu, kali-c, kali-chl, Sll., samb., sanic, spong., sulph.,
kreos., lac-d], Valer
lack med., Meli., mez.. mosch., vip.
ntl-ac, 7iux-m., nux-v., mother.s:
op., phos., plat., Acet-ac, ant-c, calc, sariic,
Puls.,//^., rhus-r., Sang-., sarr., Sil.
sars., sep.,
stl., spig., slatm., stram.,
sulph., tabac motion, on: Ant-t., Ars., bry., bufo,
tner., verat-v., vip., colch.,
xanth., zinc.
cupr., ferr., iod., kali-bi., lac-d., lack.,
heat, during: Aeon., nux-v., petr., stram.,
all-s., alston., anl-c. Tabac, then, verat.,
Ant-t., ar^., bell., zinc.
cact, cham., cina
cocc, con., crot-h., elat,
Eup-per., eup-pur., moving from right side: Ant-t.
ferr., hep., ign., ip.,
lach., lyc., Nat-m.,
nux-v puis., slram., thuj., verat.
opium, after: Cham.

after: Calc, overheated, after: Ant-c.


ice cream, after: paroxysmal: Ars., bry., osm., phos.

Ars., calc-p., ip., puis.
periodical: Ars., chel., cupr.,
incessant: Aeon., iris, nux-v.,
ant-c, ant-t., a7g-n., ars., sang., sulph.
ars-h., bar-m., carb-v., colch.,
crot-t., cupr.,
dig., grat, ind., iod., ip., perspiration, during: Ars., camph., chin.,
kali-bi., lac-d,'
mag-p., 7nerc-c., meph cina, dros., eup-per., ip., mere, sulph.
mez., tiil-ac, op.,

phos., plb., ruta, sabin, secale, squil., when perspiration fails: Cact.
plums, after: Ham.
• intermittent, in: Ant-C, Ant-t, Cina, elat.,
pregnancy, during: Acet-ac, aeon., alet.,
ferr., lyc.
anac, ant-c, apis, ars., Asar., bry., calc,
intoxication, during: Crot-h., cadm., canth.,
Ifux-V. caps., carb-ac, card-m.,
larynx, from: Tabac. castor., Chel., cic, cinnm., cod., con.,
cupr-ar., ddos., ferr., ferr-p., ip., iris,
lying on the back, while: Merc-c. Jatr.,
kali-br., kali-c, Kreos., Lac-ac, lac-c,

pregnancy, diiriug. VOMITING.
unconsciousness, during: Ars., benz-n.
lach., ///-/., lob., mag-m., nierc-i-f.,
uncovering amel. Tab.
Nux-m., Nux-V., op., ox-ac,

petr.,p}ws., plat., plb., podu., psor., puis., urticaria, during: Cina.
snl-ac, sulph., symphoro.,
Sep., sil.,
vertigo, during. (See
Tabac, tareut., verat., verat-v., zinc,
ant-t., apoc, Ars., bell.,
violent: .^th.,
raising the head: Ars., bry., colch., cupr-ac,
bism., cina, Colch., Crot-t., cupr.,
ip., jatr., lach., lob-i., mere,
lice, after: Tell. ferr., iod.,
mosch., nux-v,, Phos., plb., raph.
puis., samb., mez.,
rich food, after: igth., ip.,

spong., sulph.
Tabac, Verat.
Aeon., seth., ant-t., apis, apoc,
carriage, while: Ars., bell., waking, on:
riding in a thuj.
bry., form., graph., lach., nit-ac ,
colch., ferr., glon., hyos.,
Carb-ac, Cocc,
staph., Am-c, crot-h.
nux-m., Petr., pbos., secale, sil.,
walking, while:
sulph., Tabac. Am-m.
in open air:
rinsing mouth, when (see "brushing teeth "):
wine arael.: Ant-c, kalm.
acrid: Arg-m., ars., bufo, calad., coloc,
rising up in bed: Aeon-, ars., colch., stram.
con., crot-t., dor., ferr., gentc, hep., ip.,
from bed: Lac-d., sang., verat-v.
iris, pbys., phyt., Sang., ther.,
after: Ambr., ars. thuj., zinc.

saliva running down the throat while sitting,

morning, while coughing: Thuj.
from: Am-m.
night: Ther.
smoking, from: Agar., bufo, calad., clem., merc-c, plb.,
albuminous: Ars., ip., jatr.,
cocc, ip., nat-s., tabac.
soup, after: Ars. anthr.,
bile: Aeon., alum., amyg., anan.,
sour wine, after: Ant-C. ant-c, ant-t., apis, arg-n., arn., apoc, Ars.,
ars-h., asar., asc-t., aspar., aur., bar-c,
speaking loud: Coc-c.
bell., bism Bry., bufo, cadm.,
spitting, after: Dig.
camph., canth., cann-s., carb-s., carb-v.,
standing up, on: Colch. castor., Cham., Chel., chin., cic, cina, cocc,
coch., coiT., Colch., coloc, con., crot-h.,
stool, before: Ars., dig., glon., ip., ox-ac,
crot-t., cupr., cupr-ac, cupr-ars., cur., dig.,
podo., verat.
dros., dulc, elaps, Eup-pcr,, fago., fl-ac,
during: Apis, arg-n., ars., bry., colch.
grat., hep., hyos., ign., iod., Ip., iris, jab.,
crot-t., dulc, ip., mere, ox-ac, stram. jatr., kali-bi., kali-c, kali-i., lach., lept.,
verat. lye, lyssin, mag-c. Mere, Merc-c,
ineffectual, during: Sang. Merc-cy., mez., morph., mur-ac, nat-c,
nat-m., nat-s., nit-ac , Nux-V., olnd.. Op.,
straining, after: Ther.
ox-ac. ,
petr., Phos., phyt., plb., podo..
stooping, after: Cic, ip. Puis., raph., rhus-t., sabad ,
sabin.. Sang.,
sars., secale, Sep., sil., stann., stram.,
stupor, during: Hep.
sul-ac, sulph., sumb., tareut., tax., tereb.,
sudden: Agar. thuj., valer., Verat., verat-v., zinc.
supper, after: Guaj., jab., rob. morning: Aspar., dros., hep., merc-c, Sep.,
swallow, on trying to: Merc-c. tarent.. ther., zinc.

saliva, on: Colch. on waking: Stann.

swoon, after: Ars. afternoon: Phyt.

teething children, in: Calc, bism., hyos. evening: Phos , stram.


VOMITING, hitter.
night: Chin., cur., lyc., mere, i^hos., podo. mage, mere, merc-e, me/
9 P- Tax. nat c

anger, after: Cham., mix-v.

aph. rhodo., samb.,
blood, then: Agar., carb-v., gang., sars' sep
verat. ^^\.. stann., ,

sulph., tabae. thuj., z;.^^^

chill, during: A>,l.c., vine,
arn., ars., c/mm., vip., zinc
ciua, chin
, ^Aas-.,Eup-per.,ign., ip., lyc, morning:
nw:iL-y.,puls., verat.
Brv., cham., colch form.
thuj., tabac.
after: Eup-per., kali-c, Nat-m.
coffee, after: Cham.
cold water, after: Eup-per.
cough, during: Thuj.
colic, with: arin., coloc, iod., nux-v.
waking, on: Form., sil.. thuj.
cough, during: Cadm., carb-v.. chani., noon, while eating soup:
Chin., puis., sabad., sars., Mag-c.
sep., stram. '
sulph. afternoon: Sulph.

eating, after: Ant-c, evening, after coffee: Hell., verat.

crot-h., mere, stann.
exertion, after: Strani. during cough: Sep.

fever, during the: Ars., bry., cham., night: Crot-t., hell., phyt.
cina. crot-h., cupr., dros..
Eup-per., ign., breakfast, before: Tabac.
ip., mere, nat-m.. nux-v., op., phos.,
psor., puis.,
chill, during: Cham.
secale, sep., sulph., thui.'
verat. at close of: Eup-per.

food, then: Bry. coffee, after: Cham., hell., verat.

headache, with: Arg-n., coughing, on: Sep., thuj.

aur., bry., calc,
Chel., crot-h., Ip., Iris, lob-i.. nat-m., drinking, after: Bor., bufo.
nat-s., nice, plb., puis., Sane., sulph.,
cold water: Podo.

eating, after: Mag-c. nit-ac, stann.

intermittent, in: Cina, nat-m. ,

heat, during: Eup-per., thuj.

lying on right side or back: Crot-h.

motion, on headache, during: Form., nit-ac, sang.

least: Crot-h., stram.
perspiration, during: Ant-c, ars., bry.,
menses, during: Sars.
Cham., Chin., ign., ip., mere, nux-v,,
puis., Sep., verat. soup, from taking: Mag-c.

rising, on: Ars. standing up, on: Colch.

sitting up in bed: Stram. waking, on: Sil.

tea, after: Selen. black: Aeon., alum., ant-t., anthr., arg-n.,

Ars., Cadm., calc, camph.. carb-ac, chin.,
trembling and great nausea, causing
pros- crot-h, cur., dor., hell.,
tration: Eup-per.
hydr-ac, hyos., ip.,
kali-i., kali-n., kali-ox., lach., laur., lyc,
vertigo, with: Chel, /^/r., sabad. mane, merc-e, nat-s., nit-ac, Nux-V., op.,
ox-ae, petr., Phos., phyt., plb., puis., raph.,
bitter: Aeon., agar., ant-c, ant-t., apis, secale, sil., sul-ac, sulph., Verat., zinc.
arn., ars., benz-ac, bor., bry., bufo,
cadm., calc, cann-s., carb-s., castor.,
menses, on appearance of: Sulph.
Cham., clem., cocc, coc-c, colch., coloc, blood: Acet-ac, aeon., agar., seth., aloe,
con., crot-h., crot-t, cupr., eup-per., form., alum., alumn., am-c, ant-c. ant-t., arg-n..
gent-c, grat., hipp., hydr., kali-bi., lyc.
Am., ars., ars-h., aur-m., bar-m., bell..

VOMITING, cupr., dor., merc-c,
calc, cainph., dark: Am-c. ant-t.,
brom., bry., bufo, Cact., phos., raph secale,
nil-ac, op., ox-ac, .

cann-s., canth., carb-ac, Carb-V., card-m.,

stann., sul-ac.
canst.. Cham., Chin., cic, colch., coloc,
dig., dros., eng., after drinking: Mur-ac
con., Crot-h., cupr., cycL,
guaj., Ham., hep., hyos., bar-m., crot-h.,
Ferr., fi-rr-p., everything: Ars., ars-h.,
kali-chl., kali-i.,
ign., iod., Ip., kali-bi.,
eup-per., ip., merc-c, op., secale, sul-ac.
lob-i., lye, mere,
kali-n., kreos., lack., led., mix-v.,
fecal: Ars., bell., bry.,
colch., cupr.,
nat-m., nat-s., nit-ac,
op., ox-ac, pelr., Phos., 0-^.,plb., raph., sulph., thuj.
nux-v., olnd.,
rhus-t., ruta, phos., sul-ac
phyt.,plb., podo., puis rat, ,
filamentous: led., ox-a.c.,
sang., secale, sep., siL,
Sabin., samb.,
tabac, tereb., fluids, all: Phos., sul-ac, sulph.
stann., stram., sul-ac, sidph., am-c,
Aeon, seth., agar., ail., alum.,
verai., vip., zinc.
anac, auan., ant-c, ant-t., apis, am., Ars.,
evening: Guaj., merc-c. bism., bor., Bry., bufo, cadm., calc,
caust., cham.,
calc-p., canth., caps., carb-v.,
night: Canst., phyt., podo.
cocc, COS., colch., coloc, con.,
chin., cina,
Am., ars., caust., lye, nux-v., cimd., cupr., cycl., dig.,
clotted: crot-h., crot-t.,
secale. dros., elaps, Eup-per., Ferr., ferr-p.,
drinking, after: Merc-c. graph., grat., hydr-ac, hyos., Ign,,
kali-c, kreos.,
iod., ip., iris, jatr., kali-bi.,
drunkards, in: Alunm. lob-i, Lyc, niag-c,
lach., laur., led.,

eating, after: Stram. mag-s., mane, mere, merc-c, mill ,

mur-ac, nat-m., nit-ac, Nux-V., olnd., op.,
lying on the back: Merc-c. podo.,
phel., Phos., phos-ac, phyt., plb.,
menses, during: Sulph. psor., Puis., raph., rat., rhus-t., ruta,

samb.. secale, sep., sil., squiL,

suppressed, during: Bell., bry., ham. Sang.,
stann., sul-ac, sulph., tabac, tell., thuj.,
nat-m., phos., puis., sulph.
Verat., vetat-v., zinc
pregnancy, during: Sep.
morning: Q.xQ\.-h. ,
plb. , Sep., sil., sulph.
summer evenings: Guaj.
waking, on: Aspar.
brownish: Arg-n., ars., bar-c, bism. colch.,
ox-ac. afternoon: Mag-s.
cupr., kali-bi., nat-s., nit-ac, op.

phos., phyt., plb., secale, sul-ac, sulph evening: Carb-v., ^"0.0%., puis., sulph.

tabac, zinc
sunset, after: Stram.
evening, after coflFee: Verat.
night: Crot-t., phyt., rat.
after milk: Mur-ac.
midnight: Agar., Ferr., nat-m.
chocolate colored: Bry., secale. animal food, all: Phos.

bor., graph., nux-v., osm., bile, then: Ant-t., bell., bry., dig., nat-m.,
chronic: Ars.,
puis., sil., sulph. samb.

fl-ac, petr.,
blood, then: Nux-v.
clear: Colch., crot-t., elat., ferr.,
phyt., sabad., sul-ac, sulph. breakfast, after: Ferr., sil.

coffee grounds, like: Arg-n., ars., ars-h., chill, before: Ars., cina.
colch., cupr., lyssin,, merc-c, mur-ac, during: Ail., ign ,
nat-m., Phos., plb., strych., sul-ac after: Phos.

curdled milk: JEth., ant-c, ant-t., Calc, cough, from: Anac, ant-t., Bry., coc-c,
merc-c, nat-m., sabin., Sil., sul-ac, sulph., dig., dros., ferr., kali-c, laur.,mez.,
Valer. nat-m., nit-ac, plms-ac, puis.


VOMITING, green.
dinner, after: Anac., selen.
coloc, crot-h., cupr.,
drink, not of: Bry. • cupr-ac.
'-V"-"'-., cupr-ar.
cycl d,g., dulc, elaps.
elat., ferr-p., guare.
eating, immediately ''ell., hep., Ip..
after: Ant-c, ant-t '
nianc, mere, merc-c, mez.,
jatr., kali-bi., Lc^ lyc
apts, ars., ars-h., dry., carb-an., carb-v morph., nat-s
cupr., chg.,/er,-.,/er,-/,., nux-v., olnd., op.,
graph., mosch.,' ox-ac, petr., phos\
olnd., plb., sanic, sulph., Phyt., pib., puis., raph.,
verat., zinc. rhodo., rhus-t "
sabad., secale, stram.,
5 or 6 hours after: Atro., puis, Verat., vip., zinc.
evening: Stram.
one day after: Cimx.
night: Ars.
intervals of days after food
has filled the
stomach: Bism. blackish: Cupr-ac, dulc,
osm., petr., phos
plb., sol-n.
some hours after: Meph., puis.
dark: Crot-h., op., secale,
stann., verat.
undigested food 2 or hours after:
3 Kreos
sulph. fluid: Aeon., asar.. card-m., coloc, cupr.,
cycl., hep., lach., nat-s.,
heat, stram.
during: Cina, eup-per., ferr., ign '
nux-v., thuj. yellowish: Ars., colch., crot-h., cupr-ac
nat-s., olnd., phos., plb.,
hot food: Lob-i. sabin., verat.

liquids: Aeon., ant-t., aran.,

intermittents, in: Ferr.,ferr-p., arn., ars., bism.,
bry.. Cham., chin., dulc, ip.,
kreos., nux-v.
lying down, after: Olnd.
phos., sil., spong., sul-ac
lying on the back: Rhus-t.
as soon as warm in stomach: Chlf.,
mucus, then: Bros., mag-c, cold water only:
nux-v., puis., Sil.
membrane: Canth., merc-c, nat-s., nit-ac,
solid food only: Bry., cupr.,
verat. ox-ac, phos., secale, sul-ac.
sour: Calc, hep., kali-bi., milk:
podo., sulph. .ffith., arn., ars., calc, carb-v., iod.,
supper, after: Cupr-s. iris, kali-bi., lach, merc-c, podo., samb.,
Sep., spong., sil., sulph.
undigested: ^th., ant-c, bell., calc., /err.,
curdled: ^th., a7it-c., ant-t.,
ip., kali-bi.,
Kreos., lye, nat-m., nux-v.,' Calc, merc-c,
nat-m., sAhin., Sil., sul-ac, sulph.,
phos., puis., sabin. Valer.
milky: ^th., arn., ars., ox-ac, Sep.
eaten previous day: Sabin.
during pregnancy: Sep.
waking, on: Jug-r.

water, then: Puis. mucus: Aeon., agar., seth., alum., alumn.,

am-c, anthr., a7it-c., ant-t., apis, Arg-n.,
frothy: Acet-ac., aeon., (sih., ars., bar-c, bar-m.,
all-c, ant-t., bell., bor., bov., brom.,
apis, ars., arund., canth., bry., cact., cadm., calad., calc, cann-s.,
con., crot-t.^
cupr-ac, ferr., glon., ip., kali-br., canth., carl., carb-s., carb-v., castor., cham.,
Kreos., lyc., merc-c, mur-ac., nux-v., podo., chel., chin., chin-s., cina, cinnb., cocc,
puis., urt u., Verat., verat-v., zinc. coc-c, coff., colch., con., cop., crot-t., cor-r.,
cupr., cupr-ac, cupr-ar., cupr-s., cycl., dig.,
glairy: Alumn., arg-n., ars., canth., carb-s., Dros., dulc, elat., elaps, form., glon.,
crot-t., cupr-ac, dig., ins, jalr., kali-bi.,
grat, guaj., hell., hep., hydr-ac, hyos.,
kali-n., mur-ac, phos., sil., sul-ac, verat-v. ign., ip., indg., iris, kali-bi., kali-c,
greasy: Ars., iod., mez., nux-v., thuj. kali-chl., kali-n., kreos., lach., lil-t., lyc,
mag-c, mag-s., mere, merc-c, mez.,
green: Acon.,a:th., ant-t., arn., arg-n., AxB., mosch., mur-ac, nat-c, nat-m., nat-s.,
asar., bry., cadm., cann-s., canth., carb-ac, nit-ac, Nux-v., olud., op., osm., ox-ac,
carb-s., card-m., cimic, cocc, colch., Phos., phyt., plb., podo., psor., Puis.,



VOMITING, mucus. kali-bi., verat.
rice water: Colch., cupr.,
raoh rat., rbus-1., sabad., secah, nai-s., puis., sil.,
stram., salty: Benz-ac, iod., mag-c,
sin-a., sol-n., stann.
seneg'., sil.,
tabac, tax., tereb., tber.,
verat-v., vip., zmc. solids, only: Bry., cupr.,
thuj., valer., Verat.,
kali-bi., soup: Mag-c.
morning: camph., dulc,

secale, sulph., tabac, thuj.

Acet-ac, act-sp., ^sc, am-c, ant t.,
arg-n., «r5.,asar., bar-c,
after coffee: Cham.
bry cact., cadm., calad., Calc, camph.,
waking, on: Form., thuj. caps', carb-v.,z^.xA-nx., Caust.,
cham., chel..

cocc, con., crot-t.,

forenoon: Nux-v., psor. Chin., cimic, cimx.,
daph.,ferr.,ferr-p, gels., gent-c, graph.,
10 a. m.: Psor. iris, kali-bt., kah-c,
grat., hep., ign., ip.,

afternoon: Bell., con., mag-s. lac-ac. Lye, Mag-c, mez., mane, nat-c,
evening: Bry., elaps., psor.,
nat-s., stram. nat-m., nat-p., nat-s., nit-ac. Nux-V., ,

phos-ac. plb., podo.,

op., osm., petr., ,

coffee, after: Verat. Bob., sabin., sang., sars.

Psor., Puis.,
6 p. m.: Nat-s. secale,selen., sep., stann., stram.,

Sulph., Tabac, thuj., Verat., zinc,

night: Phos.. stram., ther., verat.
kali-bi., nux-v.
hep., hyos., morning: Camph., graph.,
bloody: Aeon., brom., dro5=.,
phos., tabac.
kali-bi., kali-n., lach., nit-ac,

zinc. breakfast, before: Psor.

Cham., cann-i., verat. stool, after: Psor.

coffee, after:
puis., sil., forenoon: Nux-v.
cough, from: Con., dros., nit-ac,
thuj. afternoon: Hep., sulph.

diarrhoea, during: Arg-n. 4 p. m.: Sulph.

drinking, after: Aloe. evening: Nux-v., puis,

eating, after: Crot-t., ferr., sul-ac. night: Calc, crot-t.

heat, during: Thuj. bitterish: Ant-t., grat., ip., puis,

headache, during: Glon. breakfast, before: Psor.

jelly like: Jatr, ip. after: Bor., selen.

pregnancy, in: Sul-ac. chill, during: Lye, rob.

rinsing mouth, when: Coc-c. coffee, after: Cann-s.

Cimx., nat-c, phos.,

^ stool, on going to: Aloe. coughing,

waking, on: Sil.

drinking, after: Bufo.

offensive smelling: Ant-L, arn., Ars., bar-m.,
bism., bry., calc canlh., cocc, coff., eating, after: Nat-s., nit-ac, selen., sul-ac.
bell., ,

zrot-t cupr., guaj., 7)!>., led., mere, nat-c,

fever, during: Hep., Lyc, rob.
Nux-v., op., phos., phos-ac, plb., podo.,
fluid: Card-m., caust., ip., nat-m., nat-p.,
secale, Sep., siann., sulph., thuj., valer.,

nux-v., phos.

morning: Bry. headache, during: Apis, nux-v., op., sars.

painful: Ant-t., arn., cupr-s., dig., kali-i., menses, before: Calc, nux-v., puis., sulph.
kali-n., phos., ruta, sul-ac, verat-v. during: Am-c, calc, lyc, nux-v., phos.,

purulent: Kali-s., merc-c, nil-ac. puis., tarent.

VOMITING, watery.
motion, on: Kali-bi.
niglit: Calc, crot-t., ox-ac, sul-ac., ther.
smoking, after: Calarl.
breakfast, after: Tabac.
stringy: Alum., arg-n., ars., bar-m., chel., coughing, on: Dros., nat-c.
Cor-r., dros., dulc, kali-bi., kreos., lac-ac, dinner, before: Sulph.
merc-c, nat m., nit-ac, plb., siL,
verat. eating, on: Ferr., nat-a.
sudden: ^tb., ars., crot-b., crot-t, cupr-ac,
after: Crot-t., ferr.
food, then: Ip., nux-v., sep., .sil., sul-ac
sweetisb: Cupr-ac, kali-bi., sulph.
Kreos., plb.,
heat, during: Hep.
mucus: Calc, iris, psor.
menses, during: Am-c, sulph.
tenacious: Alumn., ant-t, arg-n., ars.,
bor., pregnancy, during: Sep.
canth., chel., colch., cupr-ac,
dulc, hep.,'
hyos., kali-bi., -ksiM-c., lach.,
soup, after: Mag-c.
merc-c, nit-ac,'
osm., phos., rhus-t., secale, verat. standing, on: Colch.
thick: Acet-ac, colch., merc-c, ox-ac, podo., walking in open air: Kali-bi.
white: Ars., bell., carb-ac., castor., colch.,
morning: Colch. crot-t., cupr-ar., dig., fl-ac, kali-bi., kali-s-i
rinsing the mouth, on: Coc-c. merc-c, nat-s., ox-ac, stram., sul-ac, tabac,'
verat., verat-v.
stool, on going to: Aloe,

water, after a glass of: Aloe, morning: Ars., colch.

water drunk then food: Nux-v. noon : Verat. ^

watery: Aeon., ceih., agar., all-c, alum., night: Verat.

anac, ant-t., apis, arg-m., am., Ars,, asar., worm, sensation of: Cocc, lach.
aur-m., bar-c, bar-m., bell., bism., bor.,
Bry., calc caviph., cann-s., carb-ac, carb-s.,
worms: Aeon., anac, ars., bar-m., aVw, cofiF.,
card-m., carl Caust., chin., cina, clem., ferr., hyos., mere, nat-m., phyt., sabad'..

cocc, coc-c, colch., coloc, con., Sang-., secale, sil., spig., verat.
crot-t., cupr., cupr-ac, cupr-s., cycl., dig., lumbrici: Aeon., cina, sabad., secale.
dulc, elat., euph ,
fl-ac, graph., ^ra^., hell.,
hep., hyos., hydr-ac, iod., ip., iris, jatr., yellow: Acet-ac, seth., apis, arn., ars.,
kali-bi., kali-i., kali-n., kreos., cadm., camph., cina, colch., coloc, con\
Xyo.., mag-c,
mane, mere, merc-c, mez. dulc, iorva.., grat., iod., ip., kah-bi.,
nat-m., nat-s., uit-ac, nux-v., olnd., op.,
kali-i., lil-t., mere, merc-c, olnd., osm.,
osm., ox-ac, petr., phos., phys., plb ox-ac, Phos., phyt, plb., sin-a., tereb.,
raph., rat., rhus-t., Rob., sabad., sang.,
Verat., vip., zinc.
secale, seleu., seueg., sil., sin-a., sol-n., daytime: Merc-c.
slann., strain., strych., sul-ac, sulph.,
morning: Form.
tabac, then, thuj., Verat., verat-v., vine,
vip., zinc. night: Ox-ac
morning: Ars., bry., elaps, sulph. green: Olnd., verat.

waking, on: Eupi., thuj. headache, with: Form., glon., verat.

5 a. m. : Phyt. walking in open air, while: Kali-bi.

forenoon: Nat-s. WATER, sensation as if full of: Mill., ol-an.,
noon, soup, after: Mag-c. phel.

afternoon, 4 p. m.: Sulph. WATERBRASH. (See "Eructations.")

evening: Merc-c. "WINE, unable to bear any: Ars.

sil., sulph. BORBORYGMI. (See " Rumbling.")
ABSCESS in walls: Hep., rhus-t.,
syph. BUBBLING (see "Rumbling"): Hell., Lyc,
inguinal region: Hep., sil.,
nat-m., phos-ac, puis., stann.,
kali-c, lack., 6'^-
liver: H-ac, Hep.,
inguinal region: Berb., lyc.
Merc-c, nux-v., Sil.,
cann-s., liver, in: Laur., lil-t.
ALIVE sensation of something: Calc-p.,
kali-i., lye, mere., sides: Arg-m., cupr., nux-v., squil., sul-ac.
Croc, cur., cycl.,
stront., sulph.,
nux-v., sabad., sang., stram. aur-m., aur-m-n.,
Alum., ars., ars-i., aur.,
Thuj. bar-m., bell., bufo., carb-an., chel.,
iod., kali-chl., kali-i., lac-c,
h}'pogastrium: Sabad., thuj. clem., Hep.,
mere ?iit-ac., phyt., sil., sulph.,
lach., lyc, ,

inguinal region : Kali-i.

tarent-c., zinc,
side: Rat. bell., carb-an.,
burning, with: Ars., ars-i.,
ANXIETY in: Agar., aloe, am-m., Ars., tarent-c.
uit-ac., plat., sep., stram., sul-ac,
Cham., bufo, carb-an., chel.,
suppurating: Aur.,
Hep., iod., kali-chl., kali-i., Lach., mere,
morning: Sul-ac. merc-i-r., nit-ac, siL, sulph., tarent-c
in bed: Sul-ac.
refuses to heal, old: Carb-an., sulph.
evening: Cham. suppressed gonorrhoea, after: Aur., aur-m.,
night: Nit-ac. bar-m., bufo, hep., med., mere, zinc.

flatus am el.: Mur-ac. CLOTHING, sensitive to: Apis, benz-ac, Calc,

carb-v., canst., cofiF., graph., hep., krcos.,
stool, before: Calc, mere.
lac-c, Lach., Lyc, merc-c, Nux-v., puis.,
extending into head: Laur. raph., sa7-s., sep., spoiig., stann., sulph.

hypochondria: Aeon., anac, am., cham., Graph.

after eating:
dig ,
dros., grat, nux-v., phos-ac staph. ,

wants to uncover: Tabac.

sensation Merc-c,

rhus-t. CLUCKING: Sars.

COLDNESS: Aeon., seth., agar., aloe, alum.,

lower abdomen: Merc-c.
Ambr., amyg., arg-n., a7's., asaf., bell.,

ATROPHY of liver: Ars., arg-n., Aur., bry., bov., camph., caust., cham.,
carh-v., card-m., chel., chin., chion.,
Calc, chel., chin., cic, cist, colch., coloc, crot-i.,
cupr., iod., lach., lept., mag-m., mere,
cupr-s., dulc, eug., grat., hell., hydr-ac,
mur-ac., nal-m., nat-s., nit-ac, nux-v.,
'^&tr., kali-bi., kali-c, kali-n.. kreos ,
Phos., plb., puis., Sep., sulph. mang., mcny., meph., mere, raerc-sul.,

BALL, as if, ascending to throat: Arg-n., raph. merl., mez., nat-m., nit-ac, olnd., op.,/'ar.,
petr., phel., phos., phos-ac, plant., plb.,
rolling in: Aur-s.
podo., />«/^., rat., ruta, sabad., sars., sccale,
hypochondrium, left: Broni., cupr. staph., sulph., tabac, tcreb.,
seneg., sep.,
verat., zinc.
BAND around: Crot-c.

down sensation. (See " dragging.") morning: Meny., plect.


COLIC. (See "Pain.")
afternoon: Alum., chel., lyc.

on drinking water: Chel.

COMMOTION: coloc. iris, kali-bi ••
podo. sumb.

evening: Ars., zinc,

morning: Chin-s.
night: Sulph.
afternoon: Coloc.
in bed : Sulph.
menses, during: Croc,
midnight: Calad. cycl., nux-m.

air, as from a draft: Sulph. CONSTRICTION ^sc, aUcm-met., arg-n

-r-m., bell.,
berb.. cact., calc,
chill, during: JPAh., apis, ars., cham., camph."
chel carb-an., carb-v., carl.,
chel., chin., clem.,
chin., Meny., phos-ac, puis.,
secale. cocc Coloc, cupr-ac. dig., euph.. hydrc,
cold wind, in: Lyc. kah-bi.. kali-n., laur.. lyc, n:erl., mez.
mosch.. nat-m.. nat-s.,
dashed with water, as nit-ac, nux-m
if : Mez. nux-v., petr., phos., plat., plb.,
sars., sil"
drinking, after: Asaf., chel., cAin. sul-ac, sulph., thuj.

spirituous drinks, after: Phel. morning: Calc.

eating, after: C/iel., chin., night: Phos., sulph.
Puis., sulph.
external: Med., mere, Verat. 4 a. m.: Nat-m.

heat, during: Zinc, cough, during: Lach.

inspiration, on every: C/im. fasting: Carb-an.

menses, after: Kali-c. flatus, passing, amel.: Sil.

one sided only: Ambr. lying, while: Zinc

stool, before: Cop., graph. menses, during: Cact., cocc, croc,
after: Graph., phel. rising agg.: Zinc,
uncovered, as if: Tereb. rhythmical: Caust.
walkingin open air amel.: Dulc. stool, dining: Sulph.
warmth of stove amel. : Meph. desire for, during: Ars., nat-m., nat-s.
water, as if cold, ruuning through: Cann-s. diarrhoeic, before: Laur.
extending across: Sep. string, as by a: Canst., Chel.
to back: Puis.
walking agg. : Nat-m
chest: Camph.
in open air. while: Nux-v.
rising up into mouth: Carb-an.
extending to the bladder: Puis,
hypochondria: Cadm., nux-v.
chest before stool: Nat-s.
hypogastrium : Plb.

inguinal region: Plb. hypochondria: Aeon., arg-71., chel., con., dig..

divs., kreos., lyc, nux-v., puis., staph.,
becoming burning: Berb, sulph., tarent.
liver, region of: Bar-c.
morning: Ign.
sides: All-c, ambr., merl., olnd,, sulph.
bandaged, as if: Alum., cact., chel.. con.,
umbilicus: Apis, coloc, ran-b., rat. graph., lyc.
walking, while: Coloc. cough, during: Dros.
region of: Coloc, kreos., rat., ruta, tereb laced, as if: Calc.

stool, after: Coloc. extending to umbilicus: Mag-c.


CONTRACTION, inguinal region,
chel., clem., walking, while: Kali-n.
hypogastriuiu: Bar-c, bell.,

coloc, euon., sars., thuj., verb. extending downward: I,aur.

nat-m., sabad., squil.

forenoon: Sars. muscles: Arg-m., ferr.,

evening: Sars. walking, while: Arg-m.

gamb mag-c umbilicus: Chel., cocc, Coloc, gamb., kreos.,
inguinal region: Bov cact., ,

rat. nat-c, phos., plb.

stretching out: Bov. as of a hard twisted ball. Kreos.

extending around pelvis: Cad. COVERING agg : Camph., secale, tabac.

umbilicus: Bell., Coloc, plb., puis., sil., amel. (See " Coldness."
verb. CRAMP. (See "Pain.")
region Coloc, mag-m., nat-m., nit-ac, " Rumbling.")
CROAKING. (Compare
petr., plat., plb., thuj., verb.
DISCHARGE from umbilicus: Abrol., calc-p.,
am-c, ant-t., apis
CONTRACTION: Aeon., nai-ni., stann.
bell, caust., cham., chel.
arg-m., ars.,

colch., con., cupr-ac, dig., dros.,ferr.,

hep. DISCOLORATION, blackness: Vip.
hydrc, ign., kali-i., lach., laur., mere,
in spots: Vip.
merc-c, mur-ac, naja, nit-ac, nux-v.
phos., phos-ac, plb., rhus-t., sabad., sars.
blotches: Aloe,

Sep., sil., sul-ac, sulph., tabac, tarent. blue spots: Ars., mosch.

morning: Phos-ac. brown spots: Ars., carb-v., hydr-ac, kali-c,

lach., Lyc, nit-ac, phos., sabad., sep., thuj.
stool, during: Phos-ac.
greenish: Rob.
after: Arg-m.
redness: Anac, plb., rhus-t.
waking, on: Colch.
spots: Bell., kali-bi., lach., led., mane,
forenoon: Am-c.
mere, rhus-t., sabad., sep.
walking in open air: Am-c.
yellow: Phos.
night: Sil.
brown: Cob., lyc.
bed, on going to: Naja.
spots: Ars., canth., carb-v., kali-c, lach.,
coughing, on: Chel., dros., squil. phos., sabad., sep., thuj.

lying on abdomen: Am-c.

DISTENSION: Aeon., acon-c,
Abrot., &cQt-SiC.,

menses, before: Am-c, enpi., nai-m. Eesc, Eeth., Agar., all-c. Aloe, alum.,
alumn., ambr., am-c, anac, ant-c, ant-t ,

after: Con., nat-m.

apis, apoc, arg-m., Arg-n., am., Ars.,
stool, after: Sulph. ars-i., asaf., asar., aur., aur-ni., bapt., bar-c ,

walking, while: Apis, arg-m. bar-m., bell., bism., bor., bov., brom., bry ,

bufo, cact., calad., Calc, calc-p., canth.,

ill open air amel.: Con. caps., carb-ac, carb-an., Carb-v., carl.,

hypochondria, during menses: Bufo. castor., canst., cedr., chatn., chel.. Chin.,
chin-s., ClC, cimic, cina, cinnb. ,
inguinal region: Arg-n. ,
laur., rat., rhus-t.
clem ,
coc-c, Cocc, cofF., colch., Coloc,
dinner, after: Laur. con., cop., croc, crot-h., crot-t., cupr., cycl.,
menses, during: Arg-n. dig., dulc, fago., gamb., gins., gran.,

Graph., grat., hell., Hep., hyos., hyper.,

micturition, during: Ars.
ign., iod., ip., /aifr., jug-r., kali-bi., Kali-c,
stretching out leg, on : Carb-an. kali-chl., kali-i., kali-n., kreos., lac-c, lach..

36 535
lact., laur., led., ///-/;., lob., Lyc, Mag-C, beer, after: Nat-m.
maff-in., mag-s., niaiic, miing.,men v., breakfast, during: Alum.
Merc, nierc-c, mez., iiiosch., imir-ac ,

mur.v., nat-c, na/-in., nal-s., nice, nit-ac, after: Agar., nat-m.

nux-m., tiux-v., ol-aii., up., ox-ac., pclr!, children, in: Caust cina,
Phos., Phos-ac, , sil., staph,
plat., plb,, podo., poth.,
prun psor., ptel., puis.,
chill, during: Ars-h., cina, kali-c.
, rap/i., rhuwm,
rhodo., rhiis-t., rhus-v., rob., sabin., sanib., colic, during: Thuj.
sang., sars., sccale, sep., siL, spig., spong.,
confinement, after: Lyc, Sep.
sqnil., stann., siapJi ,stram., .stront., .sul.ac,

Sulph., sumb., tabac, tarent., Tereb., constipation, during: Mag-m., tereb.

t/iuj., til., valer., verb., verai., vip., zinc, dinner, before: All-c.
after:Alum., anac, calc, Carb-v., euphr.,
morning: Aloe, ars., asaf., chain., chin., grat.,
mag-c, mag-m., nat-m., nice,
grat., lyc,
nat-s., nit-ac, ol-an., rhodo., sulph.
nux-m., phos., sep., sulph., thuj., till.
fasting, while: Dulc.
drinking, after: Ambr., ars., carb-v.. Chin.,
waking, on: Mur-ac, nat-c, nit-ac, plant., hep., petr., nux-v.
eating, while: Dulc, graph.
forenoon: Croc, lil-t.
after: Agar., aloe., rmbr., anac, ant-c, ars.,
noon: Sulph, asaf., bor., bry., calc, caps., carb-ac,
sleep, after: Con. carb-an., carb-v.', carb-s., caust., cham..
Chin., colch., dulc, graph., ign., jug-r.,
soup, after: Mag-c.
Kali-C, kreos., lil-t., LjC, niag-c,
walking, while: Coloc. mag-s., mur-ac, uat-c, nat-m.., Nux-V.,
petr., phos., plb., psor., puis., raph.,
afternoon: Calc, calc-s., carb-v., castor., canst., rheum, rhus-t., sep., sil., Sulph., tarent ,
cham., chin-s., con., fago., kali-n., nat-c, tereb., thuj'., zinc.
osm., petr., rat., sep., stann., stront., sulph.
epileptic attack, before: Cupr., lach.
eating, after: Bry.
eructations amel. : Carb-v., sep., thuj.
4 p. m.: Lyc.
fever, during: Sil.
evening: Aeon., ant-c bry., carb-v., caust.,
flatus, passing, amel.: AU-c, ant-t., bov., bry.,
cedr., cham., con., crot-t., hell., hj^per., lyc,
carb-v., kali-i., Lyc, mag-c, mang., nat-c,
lyssin, mag-c, mag-s., mur-ac, nat-c, nat-m., phos-ac, sulph.
nat-m., nux-m., osm., petr., plat., rhodo.,
ruta, Sep., stram., sulph., zinc. heat, during the: Ars., sil.

eating, while: Ign. labor, during: Kali-c.

after: Con. menses, before: Arn., berb., carb-an., carb-v.,

chin., cycl., hep., kreos., lach., lyc, puis.,
lying, while: Hyos.
6 p. m. : Sulph.
during: Aloe, alum., berb., brom., carb-an.,
7 p. m. : Caust. chin., Cocc, coff., croc, cycl., graph.,

night: Alum., hsem., hyper.,

ham., hep., ign., kali-c, kreos., lac-c,
mag-c, merc-c,
laciin., lyc, mag-c, nat-c, nice, nit-ac,
ptel., sulph., valer.
nux-v., Sulph., zinc.
painful: Alum.
after: Kreos., lil-t.

midnight: Bo v. suppressed, during: Rat.

after: Ambr., phos. mental exertion, from; Hep.

sides: Caust., nat-m., zinc.
micturition, before: Chin-s.

umbilical region: Coloc, ign., kali-i.,

milk, after: Con.
merc-i-r., nit-ac, op., rhus-t.
mothers, in: lod., nat-c, sep.
bar-c, bell., DROPSY, ascites: Acet-ac, aeon., agn., Apis,
painful: Acon., alum., ant-t., ars.,
calad., canth., caust., cham., hell., Apoc, arg-n., Ars., asaf, aur., aur-m.,
hyos.. kali-i., mere, merc-c, nat-c, nat-m. aur-m-n., bry., calc, cann-s., canth., caust.,
chel., chim., chin., colch., coloc, crot-h.,
nux-v., rhus-t., sulph., verat.
cur., dig., dulc, fl-ac, graph., hell., helon.,
rising, on: Sep.
hep., iris, kali-br., kali-c, kali-chl., kalm.,
sitting, while: Nat-s. lact., led., Lyc, mag-m., med., merc.,m{\\.,
nux-v., phos., prun., puis., sabin., senec,
soup, after: Sep.
sep sil., spong., squil., sulph., Tereb.

spots, in: Mag-m., mane.

with chronic diarrhoea: Apoc, oena.
stool, before: Arn., fl-ac, phyt.
induration of liver: Aur. , lact.
during: Stram.
oedema: Anan., apis, ars., tarent., thuj.
after: Ars., asaf., card-v., £^}-aph.,he^., Lyc,
nat-m., petr., sulph. of muscles of abdomen: Plb.
amel.: Alum., asaf., calc-p., corn-c, hyper.,
EMPTINESS: Agar., ant-c, arg-n., arn., arum-t.,
calc-p., carb-v., caust., cham., cina, cob.,
sudden: Kali-i., nat-m. cocc, coloc, croc, crot-t., dig., dulc, euph.,

supper, after: Alum., arg-n., arn., bor., chin., euphr., ?L-a.c., gamb., gels.,guaj., hep., jab.,
kali-c, lachj^ lil-t., mere, mez., mur-ac,
naja, nat-p., nice, olnd., petr., Phos., phys.,
tympanitic: Mth.., agar., ail., anan., ant-c, sars., seneg.,
plant.', />.?or., ptel., puis., rat.,
a7it-t., arg-n., arn., Ars., bell., brom., bry.,
Sep., squil., stann., sul-ac.
calc, calc a., calc-p., C(T«;!A.,Carb-V.,Ch.am ,

Chin., Cocc, Colch ,

^-o^f^-., crot-h., crot-t., morning: Euph., mez.
cupr., euph., fago., Hyos,, iod.,
eating, after: Aur-m., sars.
kali-bi., kreos., laur., Lach., Lyc, mang.,
mere, merc-c, mez., morph., mur-ac, op., rising, after: Mag-c.
TYlOS. phos-ac, podo., rhus-t., secale, sep.,
stool, after: Mur-ac.
strain., svi\-^V.,sumb., Tereb., thuj., til.

noon: Dios.
walking in open air: Calc.
eating, after: Nat-p., stann., zinc,
hypochondria: Aloe, bell., calc, cham., chel.,

ign., laur., nux-m., nux-v.

night: Puis,

breakfast, after: Sars.

right: Chel., laur., nat-m., phos., podo.

left: Chin-a., mere. burning between shoulders: Phos.

hypogastrium: Aloe, bell., brom., cann-s., dinner, before: Nux-v.

caust., chel., grat., ign., kali-i., lact., laur., after: Nat-p., zinc,
mur-ac, nat-m., nat-s., nit-ac, phos., plb.,
amel.: Dios.
ptel., raph., sil., sul-ac, tarent.
eating, after: Aur-m., sars., stann., zinc.
morning: Aloe.
amel.: Ant-c.
stool, before: Ars.

ilio-caecal region : Fago. lying on abdomen amel. : Puis,

inguinal region: Am-c, am-m., kali-c, nat-s., menses, during: Phos., sulph.

sitting: Am-m., kali-c. pressure amel. : Caust., naja, puis.

stool, after: Apoc, carb-v., coloc, jab. pimples: Agar., aloe, arn., ars.,
imir-ac, Petr., phos., Podo., ars-h., bar-m
rhorlo., sep., bry., dulc, fl-ac,
mere, nat-c, nat-m'
Sul-ac, veral. petr., rhus-t., staph.
amel.: Mur-ac.
itching; Aloe, bry., dulc,
nat-c, staph.
tightening clothing amel. : Fl-ac. pustular: Crot-t., kali-bi., mere, puls.,squil
walking agg. : Carb-v.
inguinal region: Puis., sep.
wrapping up the abdomen amel. Puis.
rash before menses: Apis.
extending to vulva: Puis.
scales, scabs, crusts, etc.: Arn.,
umbilicus, region of: Fl-ac.
inguinal region: Merc.
ENLARGED: Bar-c, Calc, chel., coloc, iod., urticaria: Mere, nat-c.
it-is, lye, ol-j., podo., Sanic, secale, Sep.,
vesicles: Arn., kali-bi., mere, merc-c,
Sulph., thuj. rhus-t.

children: Bar-C, Calc, cupr., mag-m., sanic, iuguinal region: Nat-c.

sars., Sil., sulph. ERYSIPELAS : Graph.
marasmus: Calc, sanic, sars.
EXCORIATIONS, inguinal region: Bov.
fat: Am-m., calc menses, during: Bov.
mothers: Iod., nat-c, Sep.
FAINT feeling in. (See " Emptiness.")
liver: Agar., ant-t., aur., aur-m., bar-m.,
bufo, card-m., chel.,
FALLING down, sensation of: Laur., nux-v
Chin., chion., con.,
ferr., hydr., iod., kali-c, fact., laur., lye,
Mag-m., mere, nal-m., nal-s., nii-ac, out, sensation of: Alum., fern, nat-m.,
nux-m., phos., plb., ;!>orfo., ptel., sil., sulph., nux-v., ran-b.
tabac, thuj., tuberc, zinc. dinner, after: Ran-b.
mesenteries: Ars., ars-i., aur., bar-c, bar-m., walk, obliging him to: Nux-v.
Calc, carb-an., con., hep., iod., ol-j.
walking, while: Ferr.
spleen: Anth., aran., a-^s., caps., carb-v.,
from side to side, sensation as if intestines
ceati.. Chin., chins., cil-v., ferr., ferr-m.,
were, on turning in bed: Bar-c, mere
hydr., ign., iod., lack., laur., merc-i-r.,
nat-m., nit-ac, nux-m ,
ntix-v., op., phos., FASTING sensation. (See "STOMACH,"
plb., ran-sc ,
ruta, sul-ac, sulph., tabac. "Emptiness.")

ERUPTIONS: Agar., anac, a.pis, ars., bar-m., FERMENTATION (compare "Rumbling"):

bry., calc, kali-bi., kali-c, mere, merc-c, Agar., ambr., aran., brom., bry., calc,
nat-c, nat-m., phos., rhus-t., sulph. carb-an., carb-v.. Chin., coif., croc, gran.,

inguinal region: Cupr-ar., mere

hell., hep., Lyc, mag-m., merl., mur-ac,
nat-m., nat-s., phos., plb., rhus-t., sars.,
boils: Phos., rhus-t., secale, zinc. seneg., stram., sulph.

inguinal region: Ars., mere, nit-ac, phos., fruit, after: Chin.

rhus-t., stram.
menses, during: Lachn., "LjC, phos.
desquamating: Merc, vesp.
FLATULENCE (compare "Rumbling"): JEsc,
herpes: Sep. seth., agar., agn., all-e, aloe, ambr., am-e,
ringworm: Nat-m., tell. amme, anl-c, ant-t., apis, apoc, Arg"-n.,
arn., ars., asaf., asar., aur., bapt.,
zona: Graph., mere, rhus-t., thuj.
bar-c, ^ bell., bor., bov., brom., bufo,
warmth of bed agg. : Merc. calc, calc-f., calc-p., caps., carb-an.,
iliac region : Tell. Carb-v., caust., Cham., chel., Chin., chins.,


FLATULENCE. calc-s myric, naja,
dinner, after: Agar.,
ciunb., clem., cocc, coff, Colch.,
dig., dios., nit-ac, verat.
coioc, con.^ cop., crot-t., cycl.,
dire, elaps, eup-per., eupb.,fago.,ferr., drinking, after: Nux-v.
gins., glon., graph., gran., guaj.,
form., eating, Arg-n., aster., bufo, calc,
hell., helon., hep., hyper., ign., iod., indg., dios., ferr-m.,
carb-au., caust., coc-c,
kali-c, kali-chl., kali-i.,
jug-r., kali-bi., puis., rumx.,
kali-n., Lyc, wrt^-w., Nux-v.,
kali-ti.. kalm., lac-ac, lac-d., lack., lil-t.,
thuj., zinc
Lyc, Mag-C, mag-m., mag-p., mang.,
meny., nieph., 7nerc., mez., mosch., mur-ac, eructations amel. (See "Eructations"
myric, 7iat-c., nai-m., Nat-S., nit-ac, naja, "STOMACH.")
Nux-m., nux-v., Op., ox-ac, phel., menses, during: Kali-c, vesp.
phos-ac, plat., plb., podo., prun., /5or.,
raph., rheum, rhodo., rhus-t., micturition, during: Merc,
rumx., sabad., sang., seneg., senna., sep., milk, after: Carb-v., mere, sul-ac
sil.,squil., stann., staph., stront., Sulph.,
Verat,, verat-v., obstructed: Agar., aloe, ambr., ant-c,
syph., tabac, teucr., til.,
arn., asar., aur., calc, canth.,
vesp., vine, xanth., zinc, zing.
carb-an., carb-v., caust, cham.,chin.,
morning: Arg-n., cedr., cist., euph., hep., graph., guaj.,
coff., Colch., coloc, con.,
lyc, mere, uat-c, nit-ac, nux-v., podo., hep., ign., iod., kali-c, kali-n., kalm.,

tarent. /:)/c.,'mosch., nat-c, nat-m., nat-s., nit-ac,

bed, in: Nux-v.

nux-v., ox-ac, phel., phos., phos-ac, plat.,
plb., prun.. Puis., rheum, rhodo., sep.,
waking, on: Arg-n., cist., con., rumx. teucr., til.,
squil., stann., staph., sulph.,
forenoon: Guaj., hipp., nat-m., puis., zinc, Verat.
noon: Nat-s. with hard stool: Caust.
afternoon: Aur-m., calc-s., carb-v., kali-n., op. riding in a carriage, while: Ferr.

eating, after: Fago. rising, after: Mur-ac.

stool, during: Fago. rumbling. (See " Rumbling."

4 p. m. : Lyc. siesta, after a : Cycl.

evening: Aloe, alum., am-c, apoc, cist., glon., sitting, while: Phos.
ham., hyper., lyc, mere, nat-m., nit-ac,
sleep, during: Kali-n.
nux-v., pic-ac, plant., puis., sang., sep.,
sol-t-se., verat., zinc. stool, before: Apoc, castor. , ,
gels., hep.,

Lyc, op., phel., sumb., viol-t.

night: Agar., ambr.,ammc., arn., aiir., carb-v.,
calc-s., cocc, com., cist., ferr., hyper., ign., during: Apoc, arum-d., crot-t., dig., fago.,

op., kali-c. lye, mere, nat-m., nux-m nat-m., phel., staph.


puis., strych., thuj., zinc. after: Calc, Lyc, pic-ac, plb.

midnight: Cocc. supper, after: Coc-c, hyos., psor., zinc.
acids, after: Phos-ac.
walking, while: Lyc.
air, open: Plant,
in open air: Sep.
bath, after a: Calc-s.
hypochondria: Aeon., aur., cham., chin., cist.,
bed, rising from: Zinc,
cycl., hyos., Lyc, podo., sil., sul-ac, sulph.,
breakfast, before: Agar. tarent.

after: Caust., nat-p., lfat-8. FLATTENED. (See " Retraction.")

children: Cham. FLUTTERING. (See " Trembling.")

FORMICATION: Aloe, ars., calad., camph., FULNESS.
colch., coloc, crot-t., cycl., dulc, mag-in.,
piEoii., pall., pic-ac, Plat. eating, while: Chin.

voluptuous: Plat. after: Agar., arn., calc, carb-v.,

chXvi.^cob., colch., hep., kali-bi.,
FULNESS, sensation of: Agar., all-c.,Aloe, alum., lach.,
lyc, mag-m., mag-s., mur-ac.,
alumn., ambr., am-c, am-m., auac, ant-c,
myric, nat-a., nit-ac, par., phos.,
ant-t., apis, arn., ans., arum-t., asaf, asar., phos-ac, puis., rhodo., sars., sep.,
aur., &\\.,
bapt., bar-c, bell., calad., calc, spig., spong., stann., sulph., zinc.
camph., cann-s., canth., caps., carb-ac,
carb-s., amel.: Rhus-t.
Carb-V., carl., castor., caust., chel..
Chin., cimic, cinnb., clem., cocc, coc-c, flatus, passing, amel.: Grat., hell., rhodo.,
coff., colch., coloc, com., con., corn-c, sulph.
croc, crot-L, cycl.. Dig., dor., dulc, food, at sight of: Sulph.
eup-pur., fago., ferr., gels., glon..
grat., hfem., hell., hep., hyper., indg.,
hunger, during: Asar.
jug-r., Kali-C, kali-i., kali-n., lack., lact, lying, while: Rumx., spig.
laur., led., lil-t., Lyc, mag-c, mag-m.,
mag-s., sitting amel. Plant,
meny., merc-c, mez., mur-ac,

myric, naja, nat-c, nat-m., nat-s., nux-m., smoking, from: Meny.

Nux-V., olnd., ol-an., op., petr., phos., stool amel.: Colch.
phos-ac, phys., phyt., pic-ac, plant., plb.,
puis., raph rhodo., rhus-t., rutnx., sarr.,
supper, after: Agar., arg-n., coff., colch..
sars., Sep., sil., spig., stann., stram., stront., coloc, tell.

Sulph., sumb., tabac, tereb., valer., verb., waking, on: Ferr., myric, sulph.
walking amel: Mag-c.
daytime: Nux-m.
hypochondria: Aeon., sesc, ant-c, aran.,
morning: Dios., phos., plat., sulph. arg-n., aur., brom., card-m., chant., chel.,
on waking: Sulph. coc-c, colch., con., eup-per., ferr., glon.,
grat., ign., mere, merc-i-r., podo., Sep.,
forenoon: Sulph.
sulph., tell.
II a. m., after stools: Gels,
right: ALsc, podo., thuj.
afternoon: Clem., con., phyt., plb.
left: Stict.

while walking in open air: Plant. morning: Con.

evening: Bry., calc, caust., dios., graph, stool amel. : Ferr.
hypogastrium: Bar-c, bell., sulph.
after eating: Ign.
10 a. m. until evening: Sulph.
after soup: Castor.
evening: Bell.
from smoking: Meny.
inguinal region: Cocc, nat-s ,

night: Graph., nat-m., phos. liver: Ferr., kreos., nux-v., podo., sep., sulph.,
breakfast, after: Carb-v ,
GALL stone colic. (See " Pain in liver.")
cofifee, after: Canth.
GANGRENE: Ars., canth., plb., secale.
constipation, during: Dios., hyos., nux-v.
liver: Secale.
diarrhoea, during: Nat-s.
GONENESS. (See " Emptiness ")
dinner, after: Alum., cob., thuj.
GOUTY metastasis: Ant-c.

drinking, after: Caust., nux-v., sars. GRIPING. (See "Pain.")

BURGLING: Aeon., agar., aloe, ang., ant-t., HEMORRHAGE. (See " STOOL.")
arg-n., ars., bov., bry., dig.,
HAMMERING. (See "Pulsating.")
carb-an., chel., coc-c, coloc, con.,
dros., eupi., ferr., graph., hyos., ign., HANGING down, as if intestines were: Ign.,
kali-bi., kali-i.,mag-c, mere,
lacb., lye,
nux-v op., par., HARD: Alum., anac, arn., ar^., ars-i., Bar-C,
mur-ac, nat-c, nat-m., ,

plat., psor., Puis., bell., calad., Calc, caps., caust.,

phos., phos-ac, pbys., Bar-m,,
rhodo., rhus-t., ruta, sil., spig., squil., staph., Cham ,
chcl., chin., cina, clem., coff., colch.,

stront., sul-ac, SulpL, tabac, tereb ,

thuj., con., cupr.,cupr-ac, cupr-ar., dig., dire,
valer., verb., zinc. dulc, eup-pur., ferr., gels., graph., grat.,
ign., jug-r., kali-c, lac-c, laeh.,
morning: Nux-v., plb., tereb.
laur., mag-m., mag-s., Mere, mere c,
merc-i-f., merc-i-r., nat-c, nat-m.,
forenoon: Ferr., mag-c.
nit-ac, nux-j., nux-m., nux-v., op., paeon.,
secale, sars., sep.,
noon: Ox-ac. phos., plb., puis., raph.,
sol-t-£e., spig., spong., stram., sulph.,
afternoon: Lye, ox-ac.
sumb., tabac, valer.
3 p. m. : Bry.
evening: Caust., eedr., cham., con., hyper.,
evening: Lyc.

night: Sulph. night: Graph., mez.

breakfast, after: Agar, children: Calc, sil.

dinner, after: Grat. eating, after: Con., phos.

drinking, after: Phos. menses, before: Ant-t., mang.

eating, while: Nit-ac. during: Ign., nat-m., puis ,


amel. : Sul-ac. hypochondria: Bor., brom., bry.,. chin-s.,

lod., mag-c, phos.

fluid, as from : Carl. , croi-t. ,
left: lod.
inspiration, on: Mag-m., sul-ac, tabac.
iu intermittents: Ars., iod.
motion, on: Bar-c.
hypogastrium : Clem., graph., sep.
pressure, on: Plb.
inguinal region: Ant-c, dulc.
rest, during: Nat-m.
liver, in: Ars., aur-m., calc, cann-s., chel.,
stool, before: Aeon., eoloe., mere, olnd.
Chin., Dig., Graph., Iod., kali-i ,
podo., rat.
laur., lyc, mag-c, Mag-m., mere, nit-ac,
during: Calc-a. nux-v., Phos., podo., Rat., sil., sulph.

after: Bry. side, right: Mag-m.

"walking, while: Lyc. spleen: Agn., ars., brom., caps.. Chin., ign.,
hip, near the: Sep. iod., mez., psor., ran-b., sulph.

left: Sep. umbilicus: Bry., plb., rhus-t.

hypochondria: Kali-c, lyc, puis. HARD body, sensation of, moving in: Bor.

left: Lyc HARDNESS (induration) mesenteric glands:

Ars., atir., bar-ni., calc, con.
sides: Calc, con., crot-i., graph., kali-c, lyc,
meny., nat-m.
HEAT: Abrot., aeon., agar., Aloe, all-c, am-c,
left: Lyc. ant-t., ars., ars-h., Asaf., aur., bell., bov.,
brom., bry., cact., cainph., cann-i., canth.,
pressure, on: Kali-c
caps., carb-an., caust., chin., cic, cina,
spleen: Verb. cocc, coc-c ,
cofif., coloc, crot-h., crot-t.,

Cupr., cycl., dig., dios,, euph., fern, fl-ac,
hypogastriuni: Aur-m., bry., ferr.,
form., graph., gymiic, hell., hep., hydro
hydr., kali-i., lil-t.
hyos., iod., iri.s, jatr., kali-bi., Kali-C.^
kah-i., kali-s., lac-c, lach.,
menses, during, must have
lachn., lact., it uncovered-
laur., lye, mane, mang., Kali-i.
meny., mez.,
nat-m., ox-ac, par., phos., phys., plb., inguinal region: Arund., aur., calc-p.,
podo., sulph.
ptel., puis., raph., rheum, ruta,
liver, in, sensation of: Aloe, kali-c, sabad.
sabad., sang., sars., sccalc, Sil,, sponc-.,
squil stram. strych., spleen: Asaf.
sumb., tarent,
tabac, thuj., zinc.
umbilicus: Aur-m., canth., hyos., mang.,
morning: Nux-v., phos.
extending to chest: Mang.
forenoon: Am-c, kali-c, phys.
HEAVINESS, as from a load, etc.: Agar.,
afternoon: All-c. alum., ambr., am-c, am-m., ars., asaf.,
night: Fl-ac. apis, aur., bell., bov., bry., calc, carb-v.,
carl., chel., chain., chin., cimic, cop., croc,
alternating with coldness: CofT.
crot-t., cupr-s., dor., dios., ferr., gels..
constipation, during: Plb. Graph., hell., kali-bi., kali-c, lack., lact.,

dinner, during: Hyper.

lil-t., Lyc.i mag-c, mag-s., mez., murx.,
nat-c, nat-m., nux-v., op., phos., plb.,
after: Grat. podo., ptel., rhodo., rhus-t., ruta, sabin.,
eating, after: Kali-C. Sep., sil., staph., sulph., sumb., tabac, tep.,
tereb., til., tromb., zinc.
fever, during: Apis, cact., calad., canth.,
chin., cic, ferr., lach., selen., spig., stann. morning: Ambr., dios., Sep.

flashes of: Cact., cinnb., ptel., sumb. forenoon: Tromb.

toward chest: Alum., afternoon: Alum., carl., dios.


to head: Carb-ox., kali-c, nat-s.

evening: Bry.

menses, before: Cycl., graph. night: Mag-m., nat-m., zing.

during: Graph. breakfast, after: Agar.

smoking, while: Spong. dinner, after: Agar.

soup, after: Ol-an. drinking, after: Asaf.

eating, after: Sulph.

stool, during urging to: Podo., raph.
inspiration, on: Spig.
after: Raph.
lying on left side amel. : Pall.
uncovering amel.: Camph., secale, tabac
menses, before: Puis.
extending to chest: Coloc, ip., lact., lyc,
during: Apis, graph., -a^t-m., ptds.
motion, during: Nat-m., Sep.
head: Carb-ox., lyc, nat-s., plb., sumb.
rising, on: Sep.
shoulders: L,aur.
sitting, while: Bry., rhus-t.
hypochondria: Aloe, aur., bapt, kali-c, plb., stone, as from a: O'p., puis.
podo., sabad., thuj.
stool, after: Mur-ac, sep.
right: Aur., kali-c.
supper, after: Arg-n., coloc.
left: Glon.
walking, while: Alum., bell., ferr., kali-c,
flushes rise from : Glon. nat-m.

,, .

INFLAMMATION (peritonitis, enteritis, etc.):
Acet-ac, Aeon., aloe, Ant-t., Apis,
hj'pochondria: Aeon., bell., coc-c, kali-c, Ars., atro., bapt.. Bell., Bry.,
bufo, cad.,
merc-i-r., nux-m., phos-ac. podo.
lact., calc, canth carb-v., chain., cocc, coff.,

ptel., sulph., zinc.

Colch.., coloc, crot-h., cupr.,
ferr., ferr-p.,
iod., ip., kali-c,
night: Kali-c. gamb., gels., Hyos.,
kali-chl., kali-n.,
kali-i.. Lach., Laur.,
walking, while: Ptel. merc-c, mez., nux-v., op.,
Lyc., me^c,
hypogastrium : Agar., aloe, all-s., ammc. ,
ox-ac, Phos., plb., pids., Rhus-t., sU-,
bar-c, coloc, crot-c crot-t. thuj., verat.
aran ,
ars., ,
spong., staph., Tereb.,
ferr., lil-t., pall., podo., Secale, sulph carb-an., dulc,
inguinal region, glands: Bell ,

eating, after: All-s. graph., mere, sil.

menses, during: Bar-c. liver: Acon., anan., apis, Ars., Bell., 6;t.,
calc, camph., cham., CheL, chin.,
stool, after: Agar.
cupr., ign., iod., kalic, lach., Lyc.,
inguinal region: Bor., calc, carb-an., croc. nat-m.
nat-m., Nat-S.,
mag-m., mere, nat-c
nai.-c ,

nit-ac, Nux-v., phos., phyt., podo., psor.,
liver, in: Ars., carb-v., kali-c, lack., lact., ptel., puis., secale, staph., tabac.

mag-m., nux-v., phos ac, plb., ptel., tabac.

chronic: Am., crot-h., lack., Lyc, mag-m.,
sides: Asaf., lil-t., Lyc, nat-s., rhus-t. uat-c, nat-m., nux-v., ran-s., selen., 5Z<//A.

left: Lyc. pancreas: Con., iod., if is, Spong.

spleen: Sulph. spleen: Aeon., apis, am., ars., asaf., bufo,
bry., cean.. Chin., chin-s., con., cupr., ign.,
HERNIA, femoral: Nux-v.
nux-v., sulph.
iod., nat-c, nat-m.,
inguinal: iBsc, all-c, alum., am-c, asar.,
atir., berb., calc-a., carb-an., carb-v., chant.,
typhlitis: Apis, Bell., Bry., calad., card-m.,
chin., colch., crot-h., gins., Lach., lyc.,
chin., clem., cocc, guaj., lach., LyC,
Merc, nat-s.. Op., phos., plb., Rhus-t,
mag-c, mur-ac, nit-ac, Nux-V,, op., petr.,
phos., prun., psor., rhus-t., sars., sil., spig.,
samb., Sep., stram., sulph., Thuj.
staph., sul-ac.^ sulph., tereb., thuj., verat., umbilicus: Kali-n.
INTUSSUSCEPTION: Aeon., am., Ars., bell.,

strangulated: Aeon., all-c, alum., ars.. bry., coloc, cupr., kali-bi., kreos., /acA., lob.,
Bell., carb-v., cocc, coff., lach., mill., lyc, mere, nux-v.. Op., Plb., rhus-t.,
Nux-v., O'p.jplb., rhus-t., sulph., verat. sulph., tabac, thuj., tarent., Verat.
painful: Cic, cocc, sil.
ITCHING: Agar., ambr., anac, am., ars., aur.,
children, in: Aur., lyc, nit-ac, nux-v. bell., bov., carb-ac, chel., cist., coc-c,
com., con., ferr-mag., form., graph., jug-r.,
right: Lyc.
kali-bi., kali-c, lac-ac, lach., mere,
left: Nux-v. merc-i-f. ,
mez., nat-c, nat-m., nit-ac,
ol-an., petr., phos., puis., rhus-t., rhus-v.,
inflammation: Aeon., nux-v., op., sulph.
sars., Sep., sulph., thuj., zinc.
with vomiting: Aeon., ars., bell., lach.,
daj'time: Nat-c.
morning: Rat.
sensitive: Bell., Lach., nux-v.

umbilical: Lach., nux-m., Nux-v., op.

while dressing: Nux-v.

evening: Caet., mere, stront thuj.

HOLLOW. (See "Emptiness.")

undressing, while: Cact., nux-v.

night: Agar., crot-t., nux-v., phos., Sulph.,
IMPACTION: Canst., gels., lac-d., lach., Op.,
plb. on going to bed : Thuj

dinner, after: Sulph.
'^"pr.,dig., dros.. flulc, ferr., ^-rt^., gels
scratching amel.: Arn. ferr-mag., mez., sars, ^raph.,
, grind,, hefi., hydr., lod., iris,
steam, after exposure to: kali-bu, Kali-c, Lach., laur.,
Kali-bi. Lept., lyc,
mag-c, Mag-m., Merc, merc-c, mur-ac
washing in cold water, after:
Carb-s. nat-c, nat-m., Nat-8., Nit-ac,
hip, region of: Mag-c. Nux-V., petr., Phos., phos-ac, plat pib.,

Podo., prim., psor., puis., ran-b., ran-s.,'

hypochondria: Agar., tabac.
rhus-t., ruta, .sabad., sang., selen., Sep.,
night: Agar. sil., spig., sul-ac, Sulph., tabac, verat.!
hypogastrium: zinc.
Anac, elaps, indg., kali-c,
mere, nat-c. nat-m., phos-ac. LOOSE, as if intestines were: Ail., coloc,
rhus-t., mag-m.,
rhus-v., zinc. nat-m., nux-v.

scratching amel. : Phos-ac. LUMP in abdomen, sensation of: Ant-t., bry.,

walking agg.: Elaps. uux-m., plb., rhus-t., sulph.

iliac region:
liver: Tabac.
Osm., sulph., tell.

inguinal region: Agar., ammc, spleen: Sulph.

cycl., laur.,
lye, mag-c, mag-m., mere, umbilicus: Spig.
rhus-t., rumx.,
spig., tereb.
MENSES would appear, sensation as if. (See
right: Ammc, mag-c, mag-m., rhus-t.,
" Pain as if," etc.)
METEORISM. (See "Distension.")
left: Cycl., pall., spig.
MOVEMENTS in: ^sc, aloe, am-c, am-m., arn.,
evening: Pall., sep. asaf., berb , bo v., bry., calc, calc-p., cann-s.,
canth., caps., carb-an., carb-v., caust.,
bed, in: Sep., verat-v
cham., chel., cina, coff., colch., coloc.
scratching amel : Laur., mag-c, mag-s. Croc, crot-t, cycl., dig., dulc, euph.,
does not amel. gran., grat., ign., iod jatr., kali-bi., kali-c,
: Mag-m. ,

kali-chl., kali-i., kali-n.,lact., laur., led., lob.,

extending to knee: Ars.
lyc, mag-c, mag-m., mag-s., mang., mere,
sides: Alum., berb., coloc, hura, nat-c, nat-m., nat-s., nice, nux-v., ol-an.,
led., nat-c,
phos., sars. op., osm., par., phel., phos., plb., puis.,
ran-b., rat., rhus-t., sabad., sars seneg.,
scratching, after: Olnd. ,

Sep., sil., stram., sulph., tarax., tereb.,

amel : Phos., sars. Thuj., til., zinc.

umbilicus: Aloe, aur-m., carb-v., cist., ign., morning: Nat-c, nux-v., rat., rumx.
kali-c, phos., puis., sulph.
in bed: Nat-c.
evening: Aloe,
on waking: Rumx.
scratching, after: Puis.
forenoon: Cast-eq., castor., grat., mag-m.,
stool, before: Mang.
JERKING. (See "Twitching.")
afternoon: Camph., chel., grat., laur., mag-c.
LIVER and region Abies-c, abrot, Acon.,
CESC, agar., all-c, aloe, alum., am-m., ant-t., I p. m.: Grat ,
apoc, arg-n., am., ars., asaf., a7«-., aur-m., evening: Plb., puis., ran-b., zitic.
bapt., bar-c, Bell., B .rb., Bry.,Calc.,calc-f.,
while lying: Puis., ran-b.
calc-p., camph., carb-v., Card-m., cham.,
Chel,, chin cimx., cinnb., clem., cocc,
night: Merc-i-r.
colch., coloc, con., corn-c, croc, crot-h.. arm of a child, like: Thuj.



cic, cina, civiic, clem., coc-c, COCC, coff.,
breakfast, after: Cycl.
Colch., Coloc, con., cop., crot-t., cub.,
dinner, after: Coloc. dor.,
Cupr., Cupr-ac, cycl., dig., dios.,
dros., Dulc, elaps, eng., euon., eup-pur.,
eating, while: Ferr-mag.
euph., eupi
euphr., fago., fen-., gels.,

after: Nat-ni., sil. gran., graph., grat., gymnc,

gins ,
fist of a foetus, like: Sulph., thiij. hell., hep., hydrc, hyos., ign., ind., indg.,
iod., Ip., iris, jac-c, jatr., jug-r., kali-bi.,
herring, after: Nat-m. kali-n.,
kali-br., Kali-C, kali-chl., kali-i.,

jumping: Croc, cycl. kali-s., kreos., lach., laur., led ,

lept., lil-t.,

Calc-p., croc, cycl., ferr., lith., lobel., lye, lycps., lyssin, mag-m.,
menses, before:
sabiu. mag-s., mane, mang., meph., mere, merc-c,
merc-i-f., merc-i-r., merl., mez., morph.,
during: Croc, nice. myric, naja,
mosch., murx.,
stool, before: ^th., colch., grat., kali-i., nat-c, nat-m., Nat-S., nice, nit-ae, nux-m.,
mag-c, nat-c, nat-s., ol-an., phos. ,
plb.. nux-v., olnd.. Op., ox-ac, pseou., pall.,
Puis., sil., thuj. par., petr., Phos., phos-ac, phyt., pic-ac,
plant., plat., plb., podo., prun.,^w., ptel.,
after: Chel., colch., ol-an.
Puis., raii-b., ran-s., raph., rat., rheum,
walking, while: Castor. rhus-L, rhus-v., rob., runix., ruta, sabad.,
water, as from: Hell., phos-ac. sang., sars., Secale, senee, seneg., senn.,
Sep., sil., spig., spong., squil., stann.,
hypochondria: Bad.
staph., stram., strych., sul-ac, sulph.,
hypogastrium, after dinner, after stool: Coloc. sumb. ,
tabae, tarax., tarent., tereb . ,
thuj .

til., urt-u., ust., valer., Verat., verat-v.,

umbilical region: Aloe, cham., coloc, crot-t.,
hyos., plb., sul-ac. zinc, zing.

daytime: Plant., sulph.

MOVEMENTS of the fcetus cause nausea and
vomiting: Arn. morning: Agar ,
all-c, aloe, alum., ambr.,
apis, bar-c, berb., bor., bov., calc, calc-s.,
disturb sleep: Con.
caust., cedr., cham., cob., coloc, con.,
painful: Arn., puis., sil. crot-t., dor., dios., ferr., gels., glon., graph.,

produce rawness: Sep. ham., hell., hep., hyos., kali-i., kali-n.,

kreos., lye, mag-m., mur-ac. nat-c. nat-m., ,

tympanitic abdomen, with: Psor,

nat-s., nit-ae, nux-m., nux-v., op., ox-ac,
urinate, with desire to, pain in bladder and petr., />/z£ij., plat., plb., podo., ptel., puis.,
cutting pain: Thuj. ran-b., ran-s., sars., Sep., , sil., spong.,
stann., sulph., tabae, tarent., verat., zinc.
violent: Calc-p., podo.
bed, in: Aeon., ambr., berb., cham., dios.,
NUMBNESS : Calc-p., podo.
lye, mang., mur-ac, nat-c, phos., plat,
PAIN, aching, dull pain (see "boring," " draw- ptel., sep.

ing," " distress," "digging," "gnawing," breakfast, before: Nat-s.

"pressing," etc.): Acet-ac, aeon., cbsc,
daybreak: Podo.
ccth., agn., ail., all-c, aloe, alum.,
alumn., ambr., am-c, am-m., anac, anthr., eating, after: Con.
ant-c, ant-t., apis, arg-n., arn., Ars., asa/.,
fasting: Gran., hell.
asar., asc-t., aster., aur., aur-m., bapt.,
bar-c, bar-m., bell., berb., bism., bor., boy., menses, during: Sulph.
brom., Bry., bufo, cact, calad., calc,
rising, on: Calc-s., caust., nat-s., phos.,
calc-p., calc-s., camph., cann-s., Canth.,
caps., carb-ac, carb-an., carb-v., caust.,
cedr., cham., chel., chin., chin-s., chlor.. after: Crot-t., ferr., nit-ae, ox-ac.

PAIN, tnorning.
PAIN, afternoon.
stool, before: Glon., graph.,
2 p. m.: Chin-s., dire.
during: Uios.
3 p. m.: Hura, tell.
after: Agar.
4 p. m.: Mag-m., phys.
tliarrhoeic, before: Bar-c, nux--v., ox-ac.
5p. m.: Elaps, fago., hura, nat-m., snirr
during: Bov., hura, op. ^'
sulph. ^

urging to, during: Apis, uiag-ni evening: Aeon., agar., aloe, alumn., ambr
sunrise: Cham. am-c, ant-c, aran., bell., bor., bry., calc.
calc-p., chin., coloc, com., con.,
waking, on: crot-t.
Bry., calc, cast-eq., dig., dios.,
coloc dire, diilc, ferr., fl-ac.
dios., hep., gels,
kali-i., lye, nat-m., nux-m., ham., hep., hura, hyper., ign., iris, kalm.
pic-ac, /m/j.
lach., led., lyc, mag-c,
mag-m., mang.-
6 a. m. : Ox-ac. meph., mere, merc-i-r., mez., murx.,
myrie, naja, nat-s., nice, nit-ae, nux-m.,
7 a. m.: Am-c, guaph.
nux-v., par., petr., phos., phys., phyt,
S a. lu.: Dire. plat.,plant, plb., psor., ptel., Puis., rhus-i.,
forenoon: rumx., senee, sep., stann., stram., stront.,
Am-c, asc-t., bapt., bry., dios.,
lach., sul-ae, tarent., tereb., thuj.,
hth., lye, mag-c, nat-m., valer.,
pic-ac, ptel., thuj. verat., zinc.

menses, during: Mag-c. air, in: Merc.

walking in open bed, in: Ign., par., valer., zinc,

air: Thuj.
9 a. m : Dios., pip-m.
coffee, after: Hyper,

10 drinking, after: Puis.

a. m.r Ptel.
eating, after: Ant-t., coloc, ^ra«.
noon: Calc-s., chin., coloc, lye, nat-s.,
ran-b., thuj. ice-cream, after: Calc-p.

eating, before: Chin. l)dng, while: Puis., zinc.

after: Coloc, lyc. amel.: Kali-i.

walking, while: Coloc, nat-s., ran-b. menses, before: Calc.

afternoon: Agar., all-c, alum., am-c, micturition, after: Fago.

am-m., bov., canth., castor., caust, cham., stool, before: Stann., tabac,
chel,, chin-s., coloc, dios., dire, fago.,
grat., hura, iris, kali-n., laur., lyc, during: Bor., rhus-t.
m3'ric., nat-c, nux-v., phos., stooping, on: Plant.
rat., sang.,
Sep., tell.
night: Abrot., aeon., ambr., am-c, am-m.,
cold and wet, from: Am-c. arg-n., ars., asc-t., aur., bor., bov., bry.,
eating, after: Puls-n. calc, carb-s., carb-v., cedr., cist., cob.,
cocc, colch., coloc, cycl., dulc, fei-r.,
stool, diarrhceic, before: Canth. gnaph., graph., hell., ign., iris, kali-e,
during: Ars., carb-s. kreos., lach., lye,mag-e, mag-s., Merc,
merc-i-r., mez., mur-ac, naja, nat-c. nat-m., ,
after: Ars.
Nit-ac, nux-m., petr., phos., plant., plb.,
urging to, during: Bov. prun., ptel., puis., rhus-t., sang., sep., sil.,
sol-t-se., sul-ac, sulph., tabac, tarent.,
walking, while: Lyc. thuj., verat., zing.

I p. m. : Dios., nux-v. bed, in: Kali-c, naja, ptel., sulph.

1 :30 p. m. : Dire. lying on back: Sulph.

PAIN, night. PAIN.
menses, during: Inul. bend double, compels him to: Ars., bell.,

bor., bov., calad., caust., cham., chel.,

motion, on: Bar-c, kali-c. eupi., grat., iris. Puis., plb.,
Coloc, crot-t,
stool, during: Graph. rhus-t., sabad., sep., sulph., tereb., thuj.

diarrhceic, before: Arg-n., sol-t-ae. bending double agg.: Bell., dios.

during: Bov., carb-s. amel.: Bell., bov., castor., chin., Coloc,

colch cupr., euphr., enpi., iris, Kali-C,
vomiting, af.er: Lach. ,

lach., lyc, mag-p., mang., merc-c,

waking, on: Mag-m., nat-c, zinc. nux-v., petr., phos., podo., puis., senec ,

ID p. m.: Dire, ferr-i. stann., staph., sulph., verb.

midnight: Arg-n., aur., chin., Cocc, coloc, while lying on side amel. : Podo.
gels., nux-v., phos. sulph.
blowing nose, on: Canth., eupi.
stool, before: Ferr. brandy, after: Ign.
after: Ambr., rhus-t.
breakfast, during: Apoc.
1 a. m., had to lie crooked and uncovered: after: Am-c, cycl. nux-v.,
calc-s., phos.,
Mag-m. thuj.
2 a. m.: Fl-ac, sep., rhus-v.
cherries, after: Merc-c.
2 to 3 a. m.: Lyc.
chill, during: Aran., ars., bov., bry., calad.,
3 a. m. : Am-c. calc, chin., coff., eup-per., ign., lach.,
meph., mere, nit-ac, nux-v., phos., podo.,
4 a. m.: Cob., phos., /oifo.
puis., rhus-t., rumx., sep.
5 a. m.: Bov., cob.,
with, and suppressed menses: Puis.
acids, from: Dros., phos-ac.
clutching with nails, as if: Bell., ip.
air, cool, amel.: Lyc.
coffee, after: Canth., cham., Coloc, Ign.
every draft: Sulph.' nat-m , nux-v.
open, agg. : Nux-v. cold drinks, after (ice water, etc.): Calc,
amel.: Kali-i. calc-p., calc-s., dulc, nux-v., riius-t. .

touches abdomen, if: Caust., sulph. food: Sep.

alternating with pain in chest: ^sc. coldness, from: Ars., hell., mere, nux-v.,
phos., i^lb.
affections of eyes: Euphr.
cold, from taking: Alum., Cham., Chin.,
headache: Cina, plb.
coloc, Dulc, Ij'c, mere, nat-c, nit-ac,
pain in joints: Plb. nux-v., Verat.
limbs: Vip. taking hold of cold things: Merc.
anger, from: Cham., cocc.
colic: Abrot., ath Aloe, alum., alumn.,

after: Cham., coloc, nux-v., slaph., sulph. am-c, am-m., anac, anan., ani-c, ant-L,
atg-n., ars., asar., aur., bar-c.
ascending stairs: Asc-t. Bell., bov.,
brom., bufo, Calc, cann-s., canth., caps.,
as if squeezed between stones: Coloc. carb-v., carl., cedr., Cham., chin., CocC,
bed, in: Cedr., dios., mag-c. coflf., colch., Coloc, con., cop., croc, crot-t.,
Cupr., dios., Dulc, elaps, eng., euph.,
on going to: Dios., nat-m.
euphr., /^m, gels., hyos., ign., iod., ip.,
warmth of, amel.: Coloc. zVw, kali-bi., /fea/f-c, kali-i., kali-n., kreos.,
lach., laur., led., Lyc, mag-m., Mag-p.,
bending backward, on: Anac. mere, merc-c, mez., mur-ac, nat-c,

PAIN, colic
PAIIT, diarrhoea, during.
iiat-m., nat-s., iiit-ac, nux-ni.,
Nux-V., op., puis., rheum, rhus-t., rumx., sanic.,
ox-ac, p.x-on., pdr., phos., phos-ac, Plb., secale, sep., stram., stront, sulph.,
podo.. Puis., lan-h., rheum, rhus-t., minx., tereb., thuj., tromb., verat., zing.
sars., secale,senec, Senn., sil., spig., squil.,
stann., sulph., Verat., Zing. digestion, during: Chin., cupr-ac.

chill, during; Cocc, led. dinner, during: Bry., cedr., seneg.

fever, during: Caps., carb-v.,

after: Alum., a.sc-t., bry., cob., cocc con.,
elat., rhus-t., ,

grat., kali-bi., lye, nat-m., nux-v., sulph.,

comes gradually and goes gradually: Plat.,
doubling up. (See "bending.")
drawing in abdomen: Valer.
quickly and goes quickly: Bell., vib.
drinking, after: Ars., bell., caust., con.,
constipation, from: Ars., bell., con., cupr.,
kali-c, plb sil., sul-ac, thuj.
croc, dor., ferr., mane, nat-m., nux-m.,

rm^-v., podo., pills.. Staph., sulph., teucr.

cough, during: Aloe, ambr., am-c, am-m.,
when overheated: Ars., Coloc, kali-c.
apis, am., ars., asc-t., aur., Bell.,
Bry., calc, camph., canth., caps., carb-an., eating, while: Calc-p., colch.., mur-ac, plant.
cench., cham., cocc, colch., coloc, con.,
on every attempt to: Calc-p.
croc, crot-t., Dros,, eupi.,/^rr., hell., hep.,
after: Agar., all-c, alum., ant-t., arn., ars.,
hyos.s ip., kali-bi., kali-c, kali-n., kreos.,
lach., lact., lye, nat-m., nit-ac, Nux-V.,
asc-t., aur., bar-c, bor., bry., bufo,
phos., phos-ac, psor., puis., ran-b., rhus-t.,
carb-v., caust, cham., chin., cic, cob.,
cocc, colch., coloc, crot-t., dor., euon.,
Sep., sil., Squil., sulph., verat.
ferr., ferr-i., gran., graph., ign., iod.,
daily attacks: Aran., am., nat-m. kali-bi., kali-c, lach., lye, mag-c,
mur-ac, nat-c, nat-m., nit-ac, nux-m.,
dampness, from: Ars., dulc.
nux-v., par., petr., phos., plb., podo.,
despair, driving to: Coff. psor., puis., raph., rhodo ,
rhus-t., secale,
Sep., sil., spong.. Staph,, sul-ac, sulph.,
diarrhoea, as if, would come on: Act-sp., thuj., Verat., zinc.
seth., agar., ail., aloe, am-c, am-m., apis,
amel. : Bov., iod., mang., mez., plant., />5or.
apoc, asaf., bar-c, bell., bar., Bry.,
calc, calc-a., camph., carb-an., caust., emotion, after: Aeon., cham., Ign., staph.
cham., cimic, cob., colch., coloc, crot-t.,
eructations amel.: Bar-c, carb-v., jug-r.,
dig.,Dulc, eupi., ferr., form., graph., hell.,
kali-n., lach., sil.
helon., hydr kali-bi., kali-c, lack.,
led., lil-t., lith., lob., mag-m., mag-s., exercise, from: Aloe, am., berb., cocc, cj^cl.,

meny., meph., merc-i-f., naja, nat-s., dig., ip., kali-n., kreos., nat-ni., nux-v.,
ol-an., plb., puis sep., stram.
Nux-v., olnd., ox-ac, phos., phys., phyt., ,

plant., prun., ptel., puis., ran-s., rhus-t., amel.: Coloc.

rumx., sabin., seneg., tereb., verat., zinc.
expiration, on: Brom., dig.
during (colic): Agar., aloe, alum., am-c, flatus, passing, before: Calc-p., Chin., nit-ac.
am-m., ant-t., apoc, aran., arg-n., ars.,
agg. : Fl-ac.
asaf., bapt., bell., bov., bry cact., calc, ,

canth., caps., carb-s., carb-v., cenchr., amel.: All-c, aloe, am-c, arn., calc-p., carb-v.,
cham., cimx., crot-t., dulc, ferr., grat.,
Cham., chin., cob., colch., Coloc, com._
cupr., cycl., dulc, guaj., iris, jatr., kali-n., nat-m., nat-s.,
cop., crot-t., Dios.,
graph., hell., hep., phyt., -plh., psor., rumx., sil., sulph.
fl-ac, Gamb., gels.,

ip., kali-c, kali-i., lye, lycps., mag-c, flexing limbs amel. : Bell., bry., chel., Coloc,
med., mere, mez., xn\ir-a.c., iiat-s., nit-ac, grat., nit-ac, phos-ac, podo., puis., rheum,
nux-v., ox-ac, petr., phos., plb., Podo., Sep., sulph.


PAIN. PAIN, menses, during.

merc-c, puis., Verat. inul., iod., ip., kali-c, kali-n., kreos.,

fruit, after: Chin.,
lach., lye, mag-c, mag-m., mag-s., niang.,
heat, during the: Ars., caps., carb-v., cina,
mere, mil., mosch., nat-m., nat-s., nice,
elat., ign., nux-v., rhus-t.
nit-ac, nux-m., nux-v., ol-an., petr.,
hemorrhoids, from: ^sc, carb-v., coloc, phos., phyt., plat., plb., Puis., rat.,
lach., nux-v., puis., sulph,, valer. Sabin., sars., secale, sep., sil., stram.,

sul-ac, Sulph., thuj., ust., verat., Vib.,

ice cream, after: Ars., calc-p., />«/^.
xanth., zinc.
inspiration, during: Agar., caust., nux-v.,
exercise amel. : Sulph.
rumx., sulph.,
flov^f becomes free^ amel. when: Bell.,
intermittent: Chel., Cupr.
lach., mere, sep., sulph.
jarring. (See " soreness.") .

hard, steady: Ust.

labor pain, during: Sep.
heat amel.: Ars., coloc, nux-m., nux-v.,
laughing, from: Ars., con., nux-v. pall., puis., rhus-t, sil.

lead, from: Alum., Alumn., ars., Coloc, Op., after: Bor., cham., graph iod., kali-c,

plal.,plb., podo., sul-ac, zinc. kreos., lach., lye, mag-c, nat-m., nit-ac,
leaning on the side: Raph. ^aX., puis., ust.

lying, while: Bell., coloc, dios. phos. ,

appear, as if, would: Act-sp., aloe, ambr.,
am-m., apis, aur., bry., cina, cocc, croc,
amel.: Am-c, bry., canth., dios., gran.,
ferr., inul., kali-c, kreos., laur., lil-t.,
mere, nux-v.
lye, mag-c, mosch., murx., mur-ac,
on abdomen, amel.: Aloe, Bell., bry., coloc, nat-c, nat-m., phos ,
plat., puis., sang.,
phos., plb., rhus-t., slann. Sep., stann., sul-ac, til., vib.

on back agg. : Podo., ptel. morning: Ferr.

amel.: Kalm., mez. midnight: Canth.
on side: Kalm., par., phos.
suppression of, from: Aeon., agn., cham.^

amel.: Nat-s. cocc, coloc, graph., />?</j.

micturition, before: Puis.

right: Aeon., stann.
during: Bry., chin., plb.
amel.: Nux-v., phos.
after: Chin.
left amel.: Pall.
amel.: Carb-an.
menses, before: Alum., am-c, bar-c,, bell.,
chain., cocc,
prevents: Cham.
brora., carb-v., canst., coloc,
croc, cupr., cycl., eupi ,
graph., hyper ,
milk, after: Ang., bry., bufo, carb-v., con.,
ign., iod., Kali-C, lach., lye, 7nag-c, sul-ac.
mag-p., mere, mosch., nux-v., petr.,
motion, on: Alum., ant-t., bar-c, bell.,
phos., plat.. Puis., sang., sep ,
sil., spong., Bry.,
dig., eupi., graph., ip kali-c,
sul-ac, sulph., tarent., thuj., ust., zinc. , 'kreos.'
mag-m., mang., mere, nat-m., nux-v.,
extending to chest: Cupr., graph. ox-ae, raph., sulph.
amel.: Phos., ptel., rhus-t.
during: Aeon., agar., alet., aloe, am-c,
am-m., apis, arg-n., ars., aur., bapt., nausea, causing: Arg-n., arund., bism.,
bar-c, bell., tor., brotn., bry., bufo, cact., Coloc, ip., kali-c, kreos., ox-ac,
phos-ac., '

calc, Calc-p,, canth., carb-v., cast., caul., sulph., tereb.

caust., cham., chin., Cimic, cina, cocc, paroxysmal: Ant-t., ars., asaf., bell., carb-v
coff., coloc, con., crot-h., cupr., cycl., Cham., cocc, coff., colch.,
Coloc, cupr.,
eupi., fago., ferr.. Graph., hyos., ign., cycl., dig, dios., ferr., graph.,
is;n., ip

PAIN, paroxysmal. PAIN, sitting.

kali-c, kaliii., lye, niag-c, mag-m., mag-p., erect amel. : Gels.

nat-c, -nitx-v., ol-aii., ox-ac, phos-ac, />/6.,
sleep, before going to: Sulph.
puis., ran-sc, samb., sang., sars., secale,
stann., staph., teucr. ,
thuj., verb. during: Cina.

periodical: Ars., cain., calc, Cham., chin., amel.: Alum., nat-m.

ciniic, coloc, Clipr., cupr-ar., gels., ign.,
interrupting sleep: Mez., tabac.
ill., ip., iris, lac-c, Ifux-V., sulph.
. sneezing, on: Bell., canth cham., eupi., ind
plums, after: Rheum. ,

potatoes, after: Alum., coloc, mag-c, merc-c.
standing, while: Aloe, bell., chin-s., ptel.,
pregnancy, during: Arn., ars., bell., bry., sulph.
cham., con., hyos., ip., kali-c, lach.,
stones, like sharp, rubbing together: Apis,
Nux-V., puis., Sep., verat.
cocc, coloc.
pressure agg. : Aeon., aloe, anac, bell.,
stool, before: Agar., ail., aloe, ant-t., apoc,
carb-v., cina, cofF., con., cycl., eup-per.,
bar-c, bell., bry., cann-s., carb-an., carb-v.,
jac-c, kali-bi., lac-c, lach., mez., nit-ac,
chin., cimx., coc-c, colch., coloc, crot-t.,
nux-v., puis., ran-b., samb., sars sulph.,
cupr-ac, dig., fago., ferr., ferr-i., glon.,
grat, hell, hep., ind., kali-c, kali-i.,
amel.: Agar., alumn., am-c, asaf., bell., kali-n., lyc, mag-c, mag-m., merc-i-r.,
bov., cast., chin-s., cina,Coloc, dulc, mez., mur-ac, uaja, nat-c, nat-s., nice,
graph., grat ,
kali-c, kali-n., mag-p., nit-ac, nuph., op., ox-ac, petr., phos.,
meny., nat-c, nat-m., plb., podo., ptel., plant., plb., podo., pran.. Puis., ran-b.,
slann., sul-ac, tarent. raph., rat., rheum., rhus-v., rumx., sabad.,
Sep., stann., sulph., tax., tromb., verat.,
radiating to all parts of body: Plb.
respiration, on: Anac, arg-m., ars., berb.,
diarrhoeic, before: Alum., aut-t., arg-n.,
bry., dig., hyos., kreos., lye, mag e ,
bry., cact., canth., cham., chiii., colch.,
mosch., seneg., sulph.
coloc, cycl., dulc, fl-ac, gran., jug-r.,
rest agg. : Bov. nat-s., olnd., op., plb., podo., psor.,

amel.: Bry., ip., nux-v., ox-ac, puis. rumx., sang., stram., thuj., verat.

the umbilicus, wiih: during: ^5jth., aran., arn., asc-t., bell., bor.,
retraction of Bar-c,
Bry., bufo, carb-v., cham., cob., con.,
crot-t., dulc, grat., guare., indg., iod.,
riding in* a carriage: Carb-v., cocc, nat-m., ip., jug-c, kali-bi., kali-c, kalm., laur.,
psor., sep. lyc, mag-c, mur-ac, naja, nat-m., osm.,

rising, on: Bry., senec. petr., phys., plb., podo., ptel., rheum,
rhus-v ,
senec, sep., sil., stram., tabac,
after: Chin., lyc.
tarent., thuj , zinc.
from lying amel.: Arg-m.
diarrhoeic, during: .^^/A. agar., aloe, alum.,

room, in, agg.: Kali-i. ang., arg-u., arn., ars., asaf., bapt., canth.,
caps., carb-s., cham., cimic, cocc, colch.,
sexual excitement, during: Graph,
coloc, cop., crot-t., cupr., cupr-ar., euph.,
shattered sensation: Carb-an., kreos., squil. gamb., gran., ham., iod., iris, jug-r,

singing agg. : Puis. kali-bi., kali-c, kali-n., ISct. w^^a'. ,

merc-c, merc-i-r., nux-v., plb., podo.,
sitting, while: AU-c, bar-c, dios., ferr., op ,
rhus-t., rhus-v., sars., senec, tabac,
phos-ac, rhus-t., rata, sulph.
Thuj., zinc-s.
amel.: Apis, ferr. after: Agar., ambr., am-c, am-m., arg-m.,
bent: Alum., ant-t., sulph. bov., carb-an., chin., colch ,

amel.: Sulph. cupr-ar., dig., dios., dros., fago., grat., ip ,

stool, after.
PAIN, warm food.
lept mere, inerc-c, food, after: Kali-c, ol-an.
kali-bi., kali-c, ,

mez, Nit-ac, op., osm., pall., phos., milk amel.: Chel., croi-t.
podo., puis., rheum, sil., staph.,
soup amel.: Aeon.
tromb. zinc.

warmth amel.: ^th., alum., am-c, ars.,

amel.: Aloe, apoc, ars., bapt., bov., bry.,
bar-c, canth., cast., Cham., coloc, Mag-p.,
calc-p., <:«r*-z/., chin-s.. Colch., coloc,
meph., nux-m., nux-v., pall., plb., podo.,
dig., dios., ferr., gels., grat., helon.,
puis., rhus-t., Sil.
nat-c, nat-s., Nux-V., rheum, rhus-t.,
seuec, sil., sulph., thuj., tromb. moist, amel.: Nux-m.
Aeon., aloe, bell., bry., winding, wringing, whirling: Berb., caps.,
straining, while:
podo. ran-b., rhus-t., sul-ac.

urging, during: Elaps, hydr., mag-m., extending across: Aloe, alum., am-c, arg-m.,
nit-ac, mix-v., plb. am., canth., carb-v., canst., cham., Chel.,
chin., colch., cupr-ac, euphr., guaj., ip.,
stretching out: Mag-s., rhus-t. stann.,
kalm., phos., phys., prun., sep.,
amel.: Dios. staph., zinc.

sugar, after: Ign., ox-ac, sulph. ilium to ilium: Asar., cimic, lil-t.

supper, after: Bry., chi7t., ferr., kali-n., puis.

all parts of body : Plb.
tobacco, after: Bor., ign. anus: Aloe, ro/of., Crot-t., hydr., ip., led.,
amel.: Coloc. mag-m., nat-m., nux-v., ox-ac, rhus-t.,
sang., sulph.
turning the body: Ambr.
axilla: Com.
ulcerative: Cham., cocc, kreos., rau-b., rhus-t.
back, Calc, canth., cocc, coc-c, kali-bi.
vexation, after: Coloc.
small of: ^sc, agar., carb-v., chel.,
violent: Aloe, ant-t., apis, ars ,
bell., cact.,
fago., iod., laur., lye, naja, plb.,
canth., cast., cham., colch., coloc, cupr.,
ptel., sil.
cyd., dig., euph., kali-c, kali-n., inag-c,
merc-c, nux-v., phos., Plb., sil., sul-ac. bladder: Brora., carb-v., cham., cic, plb.

vomiting, after: Aul-t. breast, to: Ferr-m.

waking, on: J£,t\\., ferr., lye, merc-i-f., chest, to: Aeon., cham., chel., con., cupr.,
morph., nat-a., nat-c, pic-ac, ptel., sol-t-ae. ign., lach., mang., nat-p., nux-v., plb.,
spig., spong., tarent.
walking, while: Alum., asaf., bell., bry., chin.,
coloc, con crot-t ferr., graph., grat., hyos.,
, ,
menses, during: Chin-s., cupr., mang.
lac-c, lach., lobi., lye, nat-c, ?tux-v., phos., during: Acon.
phyt., ptel., puis., ran-b., squil., sulph.,
tarent., verat. clavicle, to: L,aur.

amel.: Chin., dios., ferr., />m/5. downward: Aloe, alumu., bar-c, brom.,
chin., crot-h., crot-t., elaps, ferr-i., guaj.,
after: Bar-c.
ip., kali-c, kali-i., nux-v., plat., plb.,

bent, compels: Coloc, nit-ac, rhus t.

puis., ran-s., samb., til., verb., zing.

wandering: Aeon., cesc, alum., am-m., arn., feet, to: Plb.

arund., calc-s., cimic., colch., dulc, fl-ac ,

genitals, to: Alumn., calc. crot-t.
, dig., lye,
iris, mane, mur-ac, nat-s., phyt., plb., ,

plb.. Puis., rhus-t., tep., teucr., verat.

podo., puis., sang.
head, to: Ars., mang.
warm drinks amel.: Aeon., chel., mag-ph.,
spong. hips, to: Kali-c, lyc.

37 551
PAIN, extending.
inguinal region, to: Arg-n., bar-c, tarent.
hypochondria: Abrot., aeon.,
thiij. jesc, asth.
agar., aloe,
kidney, to: Nux-m.,
anibr., am-c, am-m ,
am., «;x, asaf., asc-t., aur., bapt., bar ,

leg, to: Carb-v., tereb., tliuj. bell.,berb., bov., brom., bty.,


bufo, cal,
loins, to: Kali-bi., kali-i. camph.. canth., carb-ac, carb-an.,
carh i\ '

lower limbs: Bar-c, caul., chel., chin., ciniic,

kali-i., />/6., sang., sep. cist., ck-m
coc-c, coff., coloc, cop.,
niamniie: Ferr-ni. crot-t., cupr.^

dig.,dios., dros.. elap.s, ferr., gels., glon.

right: Coloc. graph., grat., hep., hyos., ign., iod.,
oesophagus: Plb. jatr., jug-c, kali-bi., kali-c,
kalm., kreos.'
laet., laur.,
penis: Alum., puis, lil-t, Lyc, lyssin, mag-c
mag-m., mane, meph., Merc, merc-i-f.^'
perineum: Phos.
merc-i-r., mur-ac, nat-c, nat-m., Nat-8.,
pubic region: Coloc, sep. nit-ac, nux-v., op., ox-ac, petr., phos.',
when coughing: Sep. phyt., plant., plb., prun., fitd., puis.,
rectum: Aloe, brom., eupi., mag-m., nat-m., Ran-b., sang., seneg., sep., sil, stann.,
stram., sulph., tarent., thuj., tromb.,
nux-v., sang. verat.,
scrotum: Verat.

shoulder: Lach.
right: ^sc, agar., ambr., am-e arn., ars., ,

bapt, bov., bry., carb-an., carb-v., cedr.,

sides to: Ars., coca, ip., lach., lye, tarent.
Chel., Chen., chim., chins., cinnb., clem.,
right: Ip., lach. crot-h., fago., hydr., iod., kali-bi., kalm.,

Lyc, mag-m., mere, nat-m., phos., phyt.,

left: Ars., coca, lyc.
ptel., sang., sep., sil., stram., strych.,
spermatic cord: Brom., verat. sulph., thuj., tromb.

when coughing: Verat. coughing, on: Bor., caps., chin-s., cimx.,

eocc, kali-bi., lach., psor.
spine: lod., lyc, sil.

lying on painful side amel.: Crot-h., sep.

stomach: Carb-v., crot-t., lyc, nux-m.,
ol-an., sulph. extending to back: ^Esc, Chel., euphr.,
kali-c, Mag-m., nat-m.
testicles: Dig., plb., Ptils., secale., teucr.
to left: Brom., mix-m.
when coughing: Secale.
left: Agar., brom., calc, cimic, coc-c,
thigh: Aloe, bar-c, cham., coloc, con.,
glon., mag-c, meph., merc-i-f., pall.,
kali-i., nat-m., nux-v., sep., stram., tereb.,
rhus-t, sang., tarent.
coughing, on: Chin-s., grat., sang., sulph.,
throat: Caust., kali-bi., kreos., mere,
umbilicus: Crot-c.
lying on left side agg. : Mag-c.
upward: Aloe, anac, ars., canth., chel.,
extending to right: Alum.
com., ferr-m., gels., mere, naja, plb.,
ruta, spong sulph.
morning: Bov., dios., lact. ,
sars., staph.,
uterus: Elaps, ip.

forenoon: Alumn., fago., ptel.

vagina: Ars., calc-p., kreos.
noon: Plant.
hip, region of: Arum-t., calc, chel., con.,
fl-ac, phos. afternoon: Bov., calc, Lyc.

walking, while: Con. 3 p. m.: Dios., ptel., tarent.

extending from hip to hip before menses: evening: Chin-s., coloc, dios., lact., mag-c, >

Thuj., ust. mang., phyt., plant., ptel., Ran-b., sep

PAIN, hypochondria. PAIN, hypochondria.

night: Calc-s., cedr., fagc, kali-c, mag-c. rising, on: Cedr., hydr., ptel.

bed, in: Calc-s., cedr., cham., coc-c, running, after: Tabac.

mag-c. sitting bent forward: Agar.
waking, on: Coc-c.
while: Mur-ac., phos-ac, rhus-t.
midnight; Phyt.
standing, on: Chin,
while lying on side: Phyt.
stool, after, amel. : Grat.
3 a. m. : Sulph.
stooping, on: Alum., clem., fago., rhodo.
bed, in: Cedr., cham., chin-s., coc-c, dios.,
waking, on: Cist., coc-c.
walking, while: ^sc, aur., bapt., calc,
bending to that side amel.: Nat-m.
iris, kali-bi., lyssin, mane, nat-m., phyt.,
breakfast, after: Graph. rumx., sars., zinc
breathing, prevents full: Asaf., bry., ign., writing, while: Chim.
kali-c, ran-s., staph.
extending to abdomen : Euphr.
coughing, from: Bor., caps., chin-s., cimx.,
backward: .^sc, agar., berb., calc,
cocc, dros., grat., kali-bi., lach., lye,
camph., carb-v., Chel., dios., euphr.,
nit-ac, psor., sang., spong., sul-ac, sulph.,
graph., kali-c, lact., laur., naja, nat-m.,
til., zinc.
plb., puis., ran-b., sil.
which impedes: Dros.
back, across the: Sil.
dancing, after: Anac. , aur. ,
cham., Lyc,
chest: Aloe, chin-s.
ptel., sulph., zinc.
downward: Ars., bapt., chel., hell., lil-t.,
exercising, on: Sep., zinc
nat-m., nux-v.
inspiration: IB,2,c..,agar., bar-c, con., kali-bi.,
to genitals: Carl.
lyc.^ rumx.
forward: Laur.
intermittent: Am-m.
ilium, to: Alum., lil-t.
jarring agg.: Bell., calc, Lyc.

lying on painful side amel.

outward: Lyc., merl., sulph.
: Sep., tarent.
sacrum: Thuj.
right side agg.: Lyc, nat-m.
scapula: ^sc, Chel, bov., hydr.,
left side agg.: Arn., colch., mag-c,
mag -in.
mag-tn., nat-s., ptel.
shoulder, to: Cupr-ac, laur.
amel. : Sang.
stomach, to: Cupr., nat-c
menses, during: Nit-ac.
thighs, to: Nux-v.
motion, from: Bar-c, dios., iris, ptel., sil.
umbilicus, to: Carl., kali-chl.
rapid: Ptel.
upward: Agar., apis, mur-ac, rhus-t.
paroxysmal: Alum., mur-ac, phos-ac, hypogastrium: Aeon., eesc, agar., ail., ammc,
rhodo., slann., zinc. apis, arg-m., arn., Ars., arund., bapt., bell.,

pressure, from: Brom., clem., phos., zinc, bry., calc-p., canth., chel, chin., clem.,
coc-c, coUin., coloc, con., crot-t., cupr-ar.,
amel.: Dros.
dios., dor., ferr., gins., ham., hell., iod.,
clothing agg. Am-m., kali-c, lept., til-t., lith., mere, murx.,
: bry., calc, carb-v.,
caust., chin., coff., hep., nat-m., nux-v., plb., ptel., ran-b., rhus-t,
nat-s., nux-v.,
spong., sulph. rhus-v., sabad., secale, Sep., sol-t-a.,
sulph., tell., tereb., thuj., valer.,
riding, from: Sep.

PAIN, hypogastrium. PAIN, hypogastrium, extending.
morning: Bell., sol-t-ae.
thighs, to: Con., nux-v.
forenoon: Com.
umbilicus, to: Lach., lye, phos., sep.
afternoon: Dios., rhus-t.
vagina, to: Ars.
2 p. m. : Rhus-t. ileo-csecal region: Bry., chin., cocc, con.,
evening: Sumb. dule, Merc-c, nil-ac, phos., plb., tereb,,
night: A£sc.
iliac region: Agar., cale, carb-v., cimie,
breathing, on: Asaf., bell., spong.
cupr., dios., dule, euphr. gels. iris, kreos.,
, ,

cold drinks, after: Crot-c. lil-t.. nat-a., ox-ae, phos., plant, plb., ptel.,
stann., zinc, zing.
coughing, on: Caps., dros., ip., lye, nux-v.,
phos., phos-ac, sil., squil., verat. right: Ptel., sumb.
dinner, after: Cham. left: Cimic, crot-h., cupr., euphr., dios.,

eating, after, amel.: Tereb.

gels., nat-a., ox-ae, puls-n.

morning: Dros., sumb.

inspiration, on: Bry.
stool, before: Sumb.
menses, before: Aloe, carb-v., com., crot-h.,
lach., lye, mere, nat-m., phos., raph., noon: Thuj.
Sep., tep., vib. evening: Bor., dios., hydr., rhus-t., zinc.
extending to back: Carb-v., vib.
supper, after: Zinc.
umbilicus: L,ach., lye, phos., sep.
walking, while: Hydr.
during: Bry., cimic, con., crot-h., lac-ac, night: Dios., pic-ac.
lac-d., lil-t., nat-m., nux-m., sars.,
senec, sulph., verat., xanth. ascending stairs: Pic-ac.

after: Cham., iod., mag-c, mere, nat-m., bending, on: Puls-n.

plat., puis. breakfast, after: Zinc,

paroxysmal: Am-c, bry., camph., carb-v., breathing, deep, during: Mere, mez.
cham., cocc, con., dig., ferr., hyos., ign.,
coition, after: Ther.
iod., ip., mur-ac, nux-v., puis., stann.
coughing, on: Euphr.
sitting erect: All-c, glon.
dinner, after: Phos.
standing, while: Chin.
lying on left side: Com.
stool, before: Hsem.
motion, on: Ptel., puls-n.
during: Ptel., rhus-v.
raising arm: Euphr.
after: Coloc.
sitting, while: Agar,
stooping, on: Kali-c.
stool, before: Sumb.
ulcerative: Nit-ac.
supper, after: Zinc,
walking amel. : Sep.
walking, while: Euphr.
extending to back: Carb-v., sabin., vip. in room: Thuj.

epigastrium, to: Elaps. extending ilium to ilium: Asar., cimic,

groin, to: Gin.s. , nat-m.
thighs, down: Thuj.
sides, to: Carb-v. plant,
ilium, crest of: Brom., cham., iris, led.,

to: Ars. rhus-t., sang., tell., tereb.



inguinal region, hernia, as if, would appear,
ilium, crest of. PAIN,
stooping amel.: Graph,
night: Sang,
lying, while: Mere.
motion: Tereb.
before: Ant-t., bor., carb-an.,
am el.: Sabad. menses,
chin., sars., sul-ac, tabac.
walking amel.: Sabad. arg-n.,
during: Am-m., ant-t., apis,
inguinal region: ^sc, £eth., agar., all-c,
arn., bor., bov., carb-an., cast., iod.,
aloe, am-m., apis, ars., aur., bapt., bar-c, kali-n., lye, mag-s.,
kali-c, kali-i.,
bor., brach., brom., bry., calc,
berb., nat-m., ^hos., plai., senec, sep.
calc-p., cann-s., canth., carb-v., cast.,
coloc, croc, crot-t., after: Bor., plat.
cbel., clem., cob., coc-c,
dulc, fl-ac, gamb., gins., graph.,
dios., motion, on: Ther.
ham., hura, hydr., iod., indg., jatr., kali-bi.,
kreos., lept., lye, parturition, during: Cimic.
kali-c, kali-i., kali-n.,

lycps., mag-m., mag-s., mane, mere, mez., paroxysmal: Bell., dig., ign.

murx., naja, nat-s., nux-v., petr., phos.,

pressure agg. : Caust, mag-m.
phys., phyt., psor., raph., secale, sil., spig.,
spong., sul-ac, sulph., tarent., ihuj., rising from a seat: Cocc, lye, nat-m.
verat-v., zinc, zing.
sitting, while: Mag-s., spong., thuj., zinc,
right: ^sc, am-m., ars., bar-c, cast.,
sprain, as from: Euph., hydr., nat-m.
gent-c, helon., kali-bi., lyssin. Mere,
sil. standing, while: Mag-s., thuj.

then left: Calc-p., hydr., lye, phys. stepping, on: Pall,

left: Arg-m., ars., brach., calc, c/iel., cob., stool, before: Nat-s., tromb.
crot-t., sep. Nice
to axilla: Nat-s., thuj. stooping, on: Ars.
micturition, during: Ars. Am-m.,
ulcerous: cic.

then right: Dios., lach. urinating, while: Agar., ars.

extending into testicle: Sep.
after: Lye
after-pains: Cimic.
walking, while: Agar., am-m., brom., caust.,
coughing: Alumn., bor., brom., nat-m., chel., helon., lye, lycps., mere, nat-m.,
petr. pic-ae, thuj., ust.

drawing up knee amel.: Coloc, mez. yawning, when: Bor.

hernia, as from a: All-c, guaj., lycps., extending to axilla (left): Nat-s.
nit-ac, tarent.
back: Am-m., sep ,
walking agg. : Lycps.
calf: Secale.
amel.: Nit-ac.
down leg: Aloe, caust., dios ,
as if a, would appear: Arn., aur., berb.,
cann-s., cham., genitals: Alum., plat.
chin., clem., Cocc,
fo/o^:., con., cupr., dig., gent-c, gran., hip: Am-m., murx.
ign., kali-bi., lye, nit-ac, Nux-V., petr.,
knee: Aloe,
phos., phos-ac, phyt., prun., rhus-t.,
sil., spong., stann., sul-ac, sulph., nipple, right: Crot-t.
pelvis: Chel.
coughing, on: Carb-an., cocc, nat-m.,
around: Coloc.
nux-v., petr., sil., squil., sulph ,

tarent., verai. pubis: Lil-t.

PAIN, inguinal region, extending to.
PAIN, liver.
shoulder blade, right: Bor.
fever, during: Ars., chin.,
elat., nux-v.
spermatic cord, along: All-c, nat-m.
lying on back amel.: Mag-m.,
testicles: nat-s.
Arg-m., dios., ham., hydr,, lept.,
nal-m., sep.
right side, on: Bell., dios., mag-m.,
psor., sep.
thigh: Aloe, arg-ni., aur., berb., coloc,
amel.: Mag-m., nat-s., ptel.
laur., lil-t., lye, plat., rhodo., secale,
leftside, on: Arn., mag-m., nal-s.,ptel.

glands: painful side, on: Calc-f.

Am-m., ars., berb., bov., brom.,
calc, clem., cop., dig., dulc, painless side, on, amel.
graph., : Calc-f.
gymn., hell., kreos., lyssin, mag-m., menses, before: Con., nux-m., podo., puis.
mere ,
merc-c, mez., nit-ac. ran-b.,
rhus-t., sil., stann., sumb., tereb., thuj. during: Bufo, nux-m., phos-ac.

ring, coughing, on: Arn., mental labor, after: Mang., mere, Nat-s.,
cocc, nat-m.,
nux-v., sil., sulph., verat. nux-v., sulph.

liver: Aeon., motion, after: Sep.

JEsc, aeth.. agar., aloe, alum.,
ambr., am-c, arg-n., arn., ars., bapL, paroxysmal: Phos-ac. zinc.
Bell.,' ,

berb., brom., bry., bufo, calc, camph.,

pressure agg.: Bell., berb., clem., psor.,
carb-an., carb-v., Chel., Chin., chins., sabad., selen., tabac.
cimic, con., crot-h., dios., euphr., fago.,
ferr., hell., hyos,, ign., iod., iris, kali-c, riding in a carriage: Sep.
kalm., Lach., lact., laur., led., LjC, sneezing, on: Psor.
mag-m., mere, merc-c, merc-i-f., merl.,
mill., nai-m., stooping, on: Alum., calc, clem., cocc,
Ifat-s., Nit-ac, nux-m.,
nujv-v., pall., pAos., kali-c, lye
plb., Podo., prun.,
psoT.,ptel., ruta, sabad., secale, j^/>., stram., touched, when: ^th., agar., bry., carb-an.,
sulph., iarax., ust. carb-v., chin., clem., lyc, mag-m., mere,

morning: Agar., bry. nat-s., uux-v., sep., valer.

evening: All-c, chel. ulcerative: I,aur., sil.

night: Bufo, calc, ind. walking, while: Con., hep., kali-e, mag-m.,
nat-s., psor., sep., thuj.
air, open: Ars., carb-v.
warm drinks amel. : Graph.
breathing, on: Nat-s.
extending, back, to: JEsc, Chel., euphr.,
cheese, after: Ptel.
iod., kali-c, mag-m., nat-m.
chill, during: Ars., bry., chin., nux-v., epigastrium, to: Bell., kali-i.
Podo., verat.
right to left, from : Merc-i-f.
colic, gall-stone: Ars., bapt.. Bell., Berb.,
bry., cham., chel., chin., chlf., cupr., dig.,
sides: Aeon., agar., all-c, aloe, ant-t., ars.,

bor., brom., carb-an., carb-v., cast., com.,
kali-bi., kali-c, laur., lept., mere,
con., elaps, eup-pur., ferr., fl-ac, grat,,
Nat-S., podo., puis., rhus-t., sep., Verat.
hsem., hep., iris, kalm., kali-n., laur., lye,
coughing: Brom., cocc, psor. mane, murx., naja, nat-m., par., phos.,plb.,
prun., rhus-t., rhus-v., sars., sep., tarent.
eating, after: Mag-m., ptel.
right: Bor., nat-m., sep.
amel. : Chel.
left: Brom., cast., eup-pur., ferr., grat.,
to satiety: Lyc. naja.

exercising, on: Aug., iris, mere, nit-ac. morning: Am-c, merc-c, sulph.
nux-v. waking, on: Sulph.

PAIN, sides.
^sc, agar., aloe, arund.,
noon: Ptel. caul., chel.,
bar-c, bry., calc, calc-p.,
afternoon: Nit-ac, ox-ac. con., crot-t.,
chin., cimic, cina, coc-c, coloc,
kali-bi., kalm., kreos.,
evening: Cliin-s. dios., ferr-i., gels.,
laur., lye, mag-c, mang., merc-c,
night: Nat-s., prun. phos-ac, plb.,
nit-ac, nux-m., ox-ac, phos.,
midnight: Snlph. ptel., rhus-v., sep., sil., sul-ac,

breathing, on: 'Raph. morning: Aloe, dios., nat-m., verat-v.

coughing, on: Bor., con., lye, squil. forenoon: Gymn.

dinner, during: Am-c. afternoon: Chel., sil.

eating, after: Alum., kali-n. evening: Nux-m., ptel.

inspiration, on: Con. bending double amel. :

motion, on: Stront. breakfast, after: Gels., raph.

pressure amel. : Bor. cough, during: Ip., lyc.

riding, while: Rumx. diarrhoea, before: Rhus-v.

stool, during: Nice. during: Calc-p., rhus-v.

after: Rhus-t. eating, after: Calc-p., cina.
supper, after: Sulph. flatus, passing, amel.: Caul., coloc.
ulcerous: Valer. inspiration, deep, on: Lyc.
walking, while: Nat-c, squil. ip., ruta.
menses, before: Chin-s.,
yawning, when: Spig. during: Nux-m.
spleen: ^sc ,
agar., am-m., anac. ,
paroxysmal: Bell., calad., phos-ac, verb.,
arn., bapt., berb., bor., carb-v., cean., chel..
Chin., cob., coc-c, colch., cupr., fern,
Jl-ac, helon., ign., iod., lack., mez., nat-m., pregnancy, during: Plb.
pall., petr., phos., sang., stann., sulph. pressure amel. : Ptel.

morning: Am-m., sang. radiating from: Dios.

evening: Agar., mag-s. rising, after: Coloc.

breathing agg. : Agar., am-m. stool, before: Aloe, bry., mag-m., plb., ust.

chill, during: Bry., Chin-S., eup-per., during: Kali-bi., ox-ac.

after: Puls-n.
coughing, on: Chins., sul-ac.
stooping, on: Verb.
exercising, on: Kali-bi., ran-b.
supper, after: Zinc,
inspiration agg.: Mez.
walking, while: Bry.
lying on leftside, while: Agar., Colch.
extending to lower abdomen: Plb.
menses, during: Apis, pall.
across the abdomen Chel. :

pressure of clothing agg.: Calad., fl-ac.,

kali-bi., nat-m., puis. anus: Aloe, Crot-t., ip., led., nat-m..
riding in a carriage: Bor., lach.

.stool, during: Kali-bi. back: Lyc, ptel., sil.

walking, while: Am., hep., igu., lach., bladder: Cic.

rhodo., selen. chest: Chin-s.

PAIN, unibiliciis, extendin}^.
PAIN, umbilicus, region of, evening.
downward: Aloe, crot-h., Crot-t., ferr-i.,
5-6 p. m. : Spig.
nux-v., plat., plb., sep.
night: Aeon., esse, arn., bar-c, bry.
ileum: Coc-c.
calc, chain., chin., coc-c, coloc,
inguinal region: Thuj. hep., mag-m., mere, ox-ac,
lumbar region: Plb. puis., rhus-t., Sep., sil., sulph.,

mammarj'region: Kreos. midnight: Chin., fl-ac

pudendum: stool, during: Fl-ac.


coughing, when: Sep. after: Ars.

rectum: Nat-ni. bending backward: Lyc.

spine: cold drinks, from: Calc-p.

Lye, sil.

stomach, pit
wet weather, in: Dulc.
of: Carb-v., crot-t., lye,
ol-an., sulph. coughing, on: Ip., sep.

throat: Kali-bi., kreos. diarrhoea, during: Fl-ac, iris, lach.

uterus: Elaps, ip. dinner, after: All-e, bry., carb-s., coloc.

vagina: Calc-p. eating: Bov., bry., cob., ox-ac.

region of: ^sc ,

agar., all-c, aloe, am-m., ice cream, after: Calc-p.
ant-t., apis, arg-n., ars., bapt., bar-c, inspiration, deep: Bapt.
bell., berb., bov., bry., calc-p., carb-v.,
Cham., chel., chin., cina,
menses, as if, would appear: Sang.
clem., coc-c,
colch., coloc, crot-h., crot-t., cupr., dig., before: /p., kreos.
dulc, erig., fl-ac, gels, graph.,
gymn.,hell., hydr., indg., ip., iris, jatr.,
motion agg. : Phyt, ,

jug-c, kali-bi., kreos., lac-ac, lept., pressure agg. Mang.

lye, :

mang., merc-c, merc-i-f., mez.,

nat-a., rising, after: Plat.
nat-m., nit-ac nux-m., nux-v.,
, op.,
ox-ac, petr., phel., phos., sitting, while: Nat-s., sulph.
phys., phyt.,
Plb., ptel rat., rhodo., rhus-v., sabin., stool, before: Aloe, am-m.,
caps., crot-t.,
sarr.,senec, seneg., spig., stann., stront.i dulc, fl-ac, gamb., grat, nux-v.,
sulph., sumb., tabac, tarent., teucr., ox-ac.
verat., verat-v.! zinc.
during: Fl-ac, gamb., kali-bi., nat-c,
morning: Aloe, ant-t., bar-m., bov., bry., nat-m.
dios., lach., mang., nux-v.
after: ^sc.
waking, on: Bov.
transversely across: Chel., lach., paeon.,
6 a. m. : Bry. prim.

forenoon: Verat. violent: Aloe, bell., crot-t., dios., ip.,

lo a. m. Verat.

walking, while: Coloc.

noon: Colch., dios.
extending into thighs: Bar-c
afternoon: Ox-ac, seneg.
to uterus: Calc, elaps, Ip., ind.
2 p. m.: Lye, verat-v.

3-4 p. ni.: Chel. bruised: Alum., am-e, arg-m am., ars., ,

asaf., aur.,cadm., cann-s., carb-ac, carb-an.,

5 p. m. : Ptel.
carb-v., canst., cham., chin., cocc, coloc,
evening: Calc-p., coloc, ox-ac, pic-ac, con., fago., ferr., hep., ign., kali-e, kali-i.,
spig. I led., mag-m., mane. Mere, Merc-C, nat-s.,

PAIN, bruised. PAIN, bruised.

sabad., inguinal region: Arg-ni., Am., caust.,

tiux-v., op., phos., plb., ran-b., ruta,
Sep., staph., stram., sulph., valer.,
mag-m., spig., valer.
verat. menses, during: Kali-i.
morning: Asaf. pressure agg. : Caust., mag-m.
in bed: Ign., Nux-V. walk bent, must: Arn.
evening: Fago., sabin. walking, while:. Caust.
night: Sep. sides: Arg-m., arn., camph., caust., colch.,

bending double amel. : Mag-c. ferr., nux-v.

coughing, on: Ars., carb-an., fetr., hyos. right: Camph.

nux-v.,^Vo., puLs., stann. left: Arg-m.
inspiration agg. : Camph. spleen: Sars.
lying on right side agg. : Merc. umbilical region : Coloc, con., form., ox-ac.
menses, during: Ham. burning: Acet-ac, Acon., agar., ail., aloe,
motion, on: Bov., uux-v. alum., alumn., am-c, am-m., anac, anan.,
anthr., ant-t., apis, arn., Ars., asaf., asc-t.,
pressure amel. : Kali-c.
bar-m., bell. berb., bov., bry., cact., calad.,

riding horseback: Nat-c. calc, camph., cann-s., f««//?.,Caps., carb-an.,

sitting, while: Hyos. Carb-v., caust., Cham., chel., cocc, colch.,

coloc, cott., cop., crot-h., crot-t., cub., cupr.,
stool, during: Apis, arg-n., arn.
cupr-ar., cur., dios., dor., dulc, euphr.,
after: Carl., sulph. gamb., gels., glon., ^^-ff/A., grat., hydr-ac,
iod., ign., jatr. jug-r., kali-bi., kali-c,
diarrhceic, after: Am-m. ,

kali-i., kali-n., kreos., lach., laur., lil-t.,

walking, on: Coloc, hep. lyc, lyssin, mag-s., matte, mere, merc-c,
hypochondria: Am., bell., dry., carb-v., merc-sul., merl., mez., nat-c, nai-m.,
chel., clem., cocc, corn., cupr., kali-n., nat-s.,nux-v., ol-an., ox-ac, phel., Phos.,
kreos. ,
lach., lact., Lyc, mar-ac, ox-ac, phos-ac, phyt. plat., plb., ran-b., raph.,

Ran-b., stront. rat., rhus-t., rumx., ruta, sabad., sars.,

Secale, selen., seneg., sep., sil., spig.,

right: Arn., carb-v.
stann., stront., stram., sulph., tabac,
left: Apis. tarent., Tereb., thuj., Verat., vip.

morning: Cist., lact. morning: Canth., rat.

evening: Ran-b. noon: Ars.

night: Cist. afternoon: Alum., ars.

coughing, on: Bry., carb-v., lach., nux-v. evening: Dire, rhus-t.

jarring agg.: Bell., Bry., colch., lach., breakfast, after: Agar,
chilliness, during: Nat-c.
lying, after: Ox-ac.
eating, while: Phos.
motion, on: Ran-b.
after: Hydr-ac.
pressure amel. : Bry.
lying amel.: Podo.
respiration, on: Aeon,
menses, during: Ars., bry., canth., carb-v.,
touch, on: Lyc.
caust., mere, mix-v., phos., phos-ac,
extending to shoulders: Laur. rhus-t., Sep., sulph., tarent.
hypogastrium: Valer. motion agg. : Kali-n.


PAIN, buniiiijr.
PAIN, burning.
paroxysmal: Plb.
inguinal region: Ant., ars., aur., berb.,\yxy.,
sitting, while: Calc-a., sep. canth., fl-ac, grat, kali-c, kali-i., lil-t".,'

standing, while: Sulph. mag-c, phos., stront.

right: Bry., fl-ac, kali-c, kali-n., stront.

stool, before: Aloe.
left: Pall.
during: Eng., sul-ac.
menses, during: Kali-n., nat-m.
after: Cupr-ar ,
jivg-c, kali-bi., sabad.
micturition, during: Nat-m., mere
walking, while: Carb-an., sulph.
sitting bent over, while: Kali-n.
in open air: Agar., sep.
stooping amel.: Graph.
extending down leg: Lil-t.
glands: Ars., ars-i., bell., carb-an.,
hypochondria: Aeon., aeth., am-c, apis,
aur., aur-m., bell., bov., bry., bufo,
cann-s., carb-s., caust,
Chel., euphr.,
liver: Aeon., agar., aloe, am-c, bry.,
gamb.,^7-«/)/!., grat., ign., kali-c,
carb-v., gamb., kali-c, plb., stann.
kali-n., lack., laur., lept., mere, nmr-ac, sides: AU-c, am-c, ars., carb-v., graph.,
nat-m., ox-ar., plat., seneg spig., stann.,
, grat., olnd., petr., rat., ruta, sep.
slap/i., sul-ac, tabac, tereb., thuj.,
afternoon: Am-m.
right: Am-m., ars., aur., aur-m., bry.,
chel., gamb cough, during: Sul-ac.
kali-c, lach., laur.,
mag-m., mur-ac, plb., sang., stann., dinner, after: Bov.
sulph., tereb., thuj.
sitting, on: Am-m.
left: Bov., caust., chel coc-c, graph.,
spots, in: Graph., hyos., ox-ac, plat.
grat., kali-i., tabac, verat.
walking, while: Sep.
deep breathing, on: Bov.
left side of pelvis: Am-c, graph., lac-c,
lying on painful side agg.: Coc-c, plat., ruta, sep.
spleen: Anan., bell., carb-an., coc-c, ign.,
morning: Dros., sang.
. forenoon: Tell.
umbilicus: iGsc, carb-v., kali-i., lach.,
afternoon: Alumn., am-m. nux-m.
I p. m. : Sars. sleep amel.: Nux-m.
evening: Nat-m. region of: Acon., ars., berb., bov., calc,
calc-p., camph., canth., carb-v., cham.,
eating, after: Stann.
chel., clem., cocc, crot-h., cub., dios.,
motion amel.: Graph. dor., fl-ac ,
iod., kali-c, kali-i., lach.,

sitting, while: Graph., sul-ac,

lye, mag-s., mere, merc-i-f., nat-c,
nat-m., phos-ac, phyt., plat., plb.,
walking, while: Am-m. raph., sabad., sang., sul-ac, til.

hypogastrium: All-c, alumn., arund., bar-c, evening: Fl-ac.

calad., camph., crot-h., grat., helon.,
dinner, after: Lyc.
kali-n., lac-c, phos-ac, stann., stram.
micturition, during: Til.
evening: Kali-n.
night: Crot-h. stool, before: Ars.

cough, after: Arund. walking, while: Phos-ac.

motion amel. : Bar-c. burrowing; Agar., dig., dulc, graph., hell.,

rest, during: Kali-n mag-m., spig., sulph.

PAIN, cramping.
PAIN, burrowing.
bending forward agg. : Grat. merl., mez., mosch., mur-ac, naja, nat-c,
nat-m. ^
nat-s., nit-ac, nux-m., Nux-V.,
rest amel. Grat.
olnd., ol-j., op., ox-ac, paeon., petr., phell.,
hypogastrium: Coc-c. phos., phos-ac, phyi., plant., plat., plb.,

Dulc. Podo., prun., psor., ptel., Puls., ran-b.,

iliac region:
ran-s., raph., rat., rheum., rhodo., rhus-t.,
inguinal region: Coc-c. rhus-v., ?7^w.ar., sabad., sabiu., samb., sars.,

umbilical region: Grat. secec, seneg., sep., sil., spig., Spong.,

squil., stann., straph., strain., sul-ac,
bursting: Caust., cofiF., hyos., lye, pbos.,
Sulph., sumb., tabac, tarax., tarent., tereb.,
puis., sulph.
teucr., thuj., tromb., valer., verat., verb.,
coughing, on: A.nac. vib., viol-t., vip., zinc.

drinking, after: Carb-v. morning: Am-c calc, coc-c, coloc, colch.,


eating, after: Carb-v., dulc. cupr., Lios., dulc, graph., hep., kali-bi.,
kali-c, lact., lob-i., lyc, mag-m., mang.,
rigor, during: Sulph.
nat-c nat-m.,
nit-ac, Nux-V., phos.,
stool, before: Spig. plant., psor., rat., ruta, sabin., Sep.,
staph., sulph., tarent., xanth., zinc.
clawing: Alum., ars., bell., carb-an., coloc,
hep., ip., mosch., Sep., zinc. bed, in: Lact., nat-m., Nux-V., psor.'

menses, before: Bell. sabin.

hypochondrium: Bell,, uat-m., rhodo. coiTee, after: Nat-m.

extending to back: Nat-m. eating, after: Grat., nux-m.

hypogastrium: Bell., lyc., puis. fasting, from: Dulc.

inguinal region: Kali-i. menses, before: Am-c, carb-v.

sides: Petr. milk, after: Cupr.

umbilical region: Aeon bell., hep., kreos., rising, on: Nat-m., ruta.

petr., stann. after: Mag-m ,

mang., nat-m.

menses, before: Kreos. stool, before: Calc, sulph.

paroxysmal: Petr. during: Corn.

after: Nat-m., nit-ac.

cramping, griping: Abrot., acet-ac, aeon.,
sesc. ,
seth., agar., ail., aloe, alum., ambr., diarrhoeic, before: Coc-c, kali-bi.
am-c, arn-in., anac, ant-c.,ant-t., apis, aran.,
during: Hep.
arg-m., arg-ti., arn., ars., asaf., aur., bar-c,
bell., herb., bism., bor., brom., bry., bufo, waking, on: Colch., Ij'c, uat-m., xanth.
cact., calc, calc-p., calc-s., camph., cann-s., forenoon: Agar., am-c, am-m., coloc,
canth., carb-au., Carb-V., canst., cedr., mag-c, nat-c, pseon.,
Dios., kali-bi., lyc,
chain., chel., chin., cic, cina, cinnb., clem.,
sars., sulph., tell., xanth.
coc-c, COCC, coff., colch., Coloc, con.,
cop., corn., croc, crot-t., cub., Cupr., cycl.,
chill, during: Bov.
dig., Dios., dros., dulc, elaps, elai., euph., menses, during: Nice.
euphr., eupi., ferr., gamb., gels., glon.,
walking, while: Kali-bi.
gran., graph., grat., guaj hell., hep.,

hydr., hyos., hyper., ign., iod., ip., iris, in open air: Am-c, sulph.
jab., jatr., jug-r., kali-bi., kali-c, kali-i., after: Xanth.
kali-n., kreos., lach., lact., laur., lob-i.,
lyc, mag-c, mag-m., niag-p., 9 a. m. : Mag-c.
mane, mang., meny., mere, merc-c. II a. m. : Corn.


PAIN, craiuping.
PAIN, cramping.
noon: Alunui., kali-c, siilpli.
cold, after: Alum.
evening, until: vSulph.
constipation, during: Mere, op., plb.
standing: Verat.
coughing, when: Plb., tarent.
walking, while: Verat.
dinner, during: Mag-s., zinc
afternoon: Agar., bism., bry., carb-v., after: Agar., coce, crot-t., kali-c
coloc, corn., grat., kali-n., laur., lye,
Mag--C., naja, phos., ran-b., thuj
mag-c, nat-c, nat-m., nat-s., nice, op.,
tromb., zinc.
par., pliyt., sil., senec, sulph., verat.
doubling. (See " bending."
I p. m.: Mag-m.
drinking water, after: Cham., Coloc
evening: Alum., am-c, bism., calc, carb-v.,
nat-m., nit-ac, rhus-t.
cast., chin., cj'cl., grat, iris, mag-s.,
mere, petr., phos-ac, plant., plb., sars., eating, while: Carb-v., dule, nux-v.

senec, sulph., thuj., valer., zinc. after: Ant-t., bell., carb-v., canst., cic
bed, in: Alum., valer. coc-c, coloc, con., cupr., gamb., grat
lye, nat-c, nux-m., rhus-t., sars., vera
eating, after: Alum., grat.
eructations amel.: Carb-v., sep.
menses, before: 01-an.
flatus, from passing: Canth., squil.
milk, after: Mag-s.
amel.: Aeon., lye, mag-c, merc-c
stool, during: Grat. nux-m., ol-an., sil., spong., squil
diarrhceic, before: Bell., mag-c. sulph.

walking: Chin., phos-ac. fruit, after: Calc-p.

night: Bry., calc, calc-s., cupr., cycl., dig., hysterical: Ars., bell., bry., cocc, ip
euphr., graph., kali-c, mez., myric, mag-m., mosch., nux-v., stann., stram
nit-ac, osm., rhus-t., senec, stront., valer.
stil-ac, sulph., valer.
inspiration, on: ^sc, am-m., brom., sulph
bed, in: Dig., rhus-t. intermittent: Chel.
uncovering, on; Bry. kneading abdomen amel. : Nat-s.
waking, on : Euphr. mez.
, , stront. lying, while: Spig.
midnight: Lye, rhus-t. amel. : Cupr.
air, cold, in: Am-c. on abdomen amel. : Am-c.
open, in: Ign. back, on, from: Phys.
alternating with pain in chest: Ran-b.
right side, on, amel.: Phys.
ascending steps: Hell.
menses before: Aloe, alum., am-c, bar-c
bell., brom., calc-p., carb-v., canst
bed, in: Alum., dig., dios., kali-c. ,
nat-m., cham., chin., cinnb., cocc, coloc, croc
Nux-V., psor., rhus-t., sabin.,
valer. cupr., cycl., hyper., ign., kali-c, lach
mag-c. ,
mane, nux-v., phos-ac, plat
bending forward amel.: Chin., Coloc, puis., sep.
mag-p., prun., senec, stram., zinc.
from hip to hip: Thuj.
breakfast, after: Agar., eupi., grat., ham.,
during: Aeon., alum., bar-c, bell., bor.
kali-bi., nux-m., stront., zinc.
brom., calc, caul., canst., cham., chel,
chilliness, during: Sep. chin., cimic, cinnb., clem., cocc, coff.

Graph. coloc con., cupr., form., gran., graph,

coition, during: ,

, ,

PAIN, cramping, stool, during.
PAIN, cramping, menses, during.

ign., kali-c, kali-n., mag-m mosch. lil-t., mere, nux-v., op phel., phos.,

nat-m., nat-s vit-ac, nux-v., podo., puis., rhus-t., secale, senn.,

nat-c, ,

plat., puis., sabin ,

sars., sep., stront., sul-ac, Sulph., zinc.

Sulph., vib., zinc, diarrhoeic, during: Apis, bor., colch.,

after: Am-c, cocc, kreos., merl., puis, cupr-s., hydr., iris, kali-c, ,
Sep., sulph.
micturition, ou: Bar-c, mere, sul-ac.
after: Agar., aloe, carb-an., carb-v.,
milk, after: Mag-s.
coloc, cupr-ac, glon., graph., grat.,
mortification, from: Cocc. kali-bi., kali-c, lyc, tiat-m., <?/!>., plb.,
rhodo., sul-ac, Sulph.
motion, on: Brom., corn-f., mur-ac, ran-b.,
rhus-t., zinc. after, amel.: Agar., carb-s., cinnb., coc-c,

amel.: Rhus-t. Coloc, ferr., indg., mag-c, nux-v.

diarrhoeic, after: Ars., lil-t.
paroxysmal: Merl., olnd., plat.

pressure amel.: Am-c, brom., Coloc, mang., amel.: Gamb., naja., nux-v., puis.,
seneg., sulph.

riding, while: Psor. stooping agg. : Sulph.

rising from a seat amel. : Chin . ,

spong. supper, after: Alum., calc, coff., gels.,
grat., ol-an.
sitting, while: Chin., spong.
tea, after: Hyper.
bent, while: Carb-v., dulc
waking, on: Alum., coc-c, colch euphr., ,

sleep, during: Kali-n. ferr.,lyc, mez., nat-m., stann., stront.,

xanth., zinc.
amel.: Mag-m.
walking, while: Phos-ac, prun., zinc.
smoking, after: Brom.
amel.: Coloc, ferr., sulph.
soup, after: Zinc,
in open air: Agar., am-c, bry., rhus-t.,
standing, while: Zinc. sil.

stool, before: ^^sc, agar., aloe, arg-n., ars., warm milk amel.: Op.

bell., camph., cann-s., canth., carb-s., room amel. : Am-c.

chin-s., cina, coc-c, colch., cupr-ac, dig.,
warmth amel.: Alum., am-c, cupr-s.
fern, gamb., glon., gran., guaj., hep.,
hyper., ign., kali-c, kali-n., lact., wine, after: Lyc.
mag-c, mag-ni., mang., meny., mere, hypochondria: ^sc, aloe, am-m., arg-m.,
merc-i-r., mur-ac, nat-c, nit-ac, nux-v..
bell., bry., bufo, calc, calc-s., camph.,
Op., phel., phos., phys., puis rat., ,
cupr., dios., ign., iod., ip., kali-bi., kali-i.,
rhodo., rhus-t., rlius-v., Sulph., tromb.,
lad., lyc, nat-m., phos., sep., sil., stann.,
sulph., zific.
diarrhoeic, before: Aloe, am-m., ars., morning: Teucr.
bry., camph., cann-s., carb-an., coloc,
evening: Calc-s., dios.
cupr-s., cycl., grat., Mag-C. mag-m.,
nat-m., Podo., sep., spig., stram., night: Calc-s.
sulph., tromb., verat., zinc.
alternating with oppression of chest: Zinc,
liard, before: Op.
coughing, on: Lyc.
during: Agar., aloe, anac, asc-c, bapt.,
eructations amel. : Sep.
canth., coc-c, colch., crot-t., cycl.,
dig., dulc, ferr., grat., kali-bi., kali-c. menses, before: Sulph.

PAIN, cramping, hypochondria.
PAIN, cramping, inguinal region.
respiration, deep: Croc.
nibbing, on: Sulph.
rubbing auiel.: Phos.
sitting, while: Petr.,
stooping, on: Lyc.
stool, during: Nice.
turning the body: I^yc.
stretching, on: Am-c.
walking, while: Sulph.
walking, while: Kali-n., sulph.
extending across back : Sil.
extending to knee: Aloe.
downward: Hell.
sides: Aeon., alum., bell., bry.,
hypogastrium: Acoti., aloe, am-c, aur., canth., carb-v., caust., chin.,
coloc, cupr.|
bell., carb-v., cimic, coloc, con., ign., lach., laur., lyc,
dios., mag-c, mane!
helon., prnn., psor., ran-b., ruta, mur-ac, naja, nat-c,
sil., nat-m., nat-s.,
stann., Sulph. mix-v., phos., rat., rhodo., ruta, sars.,
seneg., sul-ac, sulph., thuj.,
daytime: Stram. zinc
right: Aeon., bell., carb-v.,
morning: Ambr., dios., fago. caust., lach.,
mag-c, mane.
night: Chel.
left: Bry., calc-p., canth., chin., coloc,
menses, before: Ant-t., mang. cupr., naja, nux-v., sars., seneg., sul-ac,

bending double, compelling: Pru?i. sulph., thuj.

eating, after: Ran-b. to right: Asar., Carb-v.

lying on back agg. : Ambr. evening: Nice

menses, before: inspiration agg. Mur-ac.

Cimic, mane, nat-m., :

nit-ac, sars., Sulph., vib., zinc. sitting, while: Carb-an.

pressure amel. : Fago. bent, while: Carb-v.

stool, before: Stram. stool, before: Mag-c.

stooping, on: Am-c. during: Nice
supper, after: Ran-b. umbilicus: Aloe, camph., cimic, coloc,
inguinal region : Aloe, am-c, am-m., bov.,
crot-t., dies., dulc, fl-ac, ign., iod.,
kali-n., kreos., lact., laur., mur-ac,
calc-a., carb-v., chel., cimic, gamb.,
nat-m., nice, phos., phos ac, plat., plb.,
indg., kali-c, kali-i., mag-c, nat-s., petr.,
raph., sil., squil., stann., verb.
rat., stann., sul-ac, sulph., zinc.
morning, rising, on: Nat-m.
right: Aloe, bov., carb-v., gamb., indg.,
mag-c, sul-ac, zinc. afternoon: Plb.

left: Chel., sars., kali-n., stann. evening, in bed: Nux-m.

morning: Rat. dinner, during: Calc.

forenoon, ir m.: Mag-c.

stool, before: Ham., mag-m., plb.

extending over abdomen : Calc.

afternoon, 3 p. m. : Mag-c.
throat, to: Kreos.
4 p. m. : Nice,
region of: Aeon., agar., aloe, ani-m.,
ascending stairs: Alum, ant-c. ,
ant-t., arn., aspar., bar-c, bell.,
berb., bry., calc, camph., carb-an.,
menses, during: Kali-c. chel., chin.,Coloc, crot-t. cycl., Dios., ,

after: Bor., kreos., plant,

dulc, euphr., gamb., gran., graph.,
grat., ham., hj'os., iod., jug-c, kali-bi.,
paroxysmal: Nat-m. kali-i., kali-n., kreos., laur., lye.


umbilicus, region of. PAIN, cramping, extending to
PAIN, cramping,
groin: Thuj.
mag-c, merc-c, mez., mur-ac, myric,
nat-m., nit-ac, nux-m., nux-v.,
naja, rectum: Nat-m.
•p\\os-&c., p/iyi., plat., plb., piel., raph.,
stomach: Carb-v. sulph.
rheum, rhus-t., sabad., samb., sang.,
senec, sil., stann., stront., sulph., throat: Kreos.
tabac, thuj., sine. cutting: agar., aloe, alum.,
Acon., £Eth.,

morning: ^th., bov., lye, mag-c. ainbr., am-c, anac, ant-c, ant-t., apis,
arg-m., arg-n., arn., ars., ars-i., arum-t.,
bed, in: Lyc.
asaf., aur., bapt., bar-c, bell., berb., bor.,
rising, after: JB,t)a..
bov., bty., bufo, cact, calc, calc-p., calc-s.,

waking, on: Bov. cain., calad., camph., cann-s., G^-qXIo.., caps.,

carb-an., carb-v., card-m. car/. , , cast. , caust.
forenoon: Lyc, nat-c. cic, cimic,
cham., chel., Chin., chin-s.,
noon: Sulph. cina, clem., cocc, coc-c, colch., Coloc,
con., crot-t., cub., aipr., cupr-ac, cycl.,
afternoon: Euphr., nat-c, Sulph.
dig., Dios., dros., dtdc, elaps, elat., euon.,
4 p. m. : Sulph. eupi., glon., graph., grat., hell., hep., hydr.,

5 p. m.: Mag-c, sang, Hyos., hyper., ign., indg., iod., ip., iris,

jug., kali-bi., Kali-C,

jatr., kali-i., kali-n.,
evening: Plat., Sulph,
kreos., lack., lact., laur., led., lept., lil-t.,

stool, during: Inul. lobel., lyc, Mag-C, mag-m., mane., mang.,

mere., merc-e., merc-i-f., merc-p-r., mez
night: Bry., cycl., nux-m.
mur-ac, murx., naja, nat-c, nat-m., Nat^S.,
bed, in: Nux-m. nice, nit-ac., nux-m., Nux-V., ol-an.. Op.,
waking, on: Cycl. ox-ac., pEeon., par., petr., phel., phos.,
phos-ac, phyt., plat., plb., psor., ptel..
bending body: Nit-ac.
Puis., ran-s., rheum, rhus-t., rob., rumx.,
forward amel. : Aloe^ coloc, senec. ruta, sabad., sabin., sars., secale, sep., sil.,

breakfast, after: Agar., kali-bi. Spig., squil., stann., staph., stront., strych.,
sul-ac, sulph., sumb., tereb., thuj., valer.,
cold, after taking: Bry.
Verat., verat-v., verb., viol-t., vip., zinc.

diarrhoea, before: Coloc. plat.

daytime: Nat-m.
dinner, after: Ant-t., bry., Coloc, morning: Bov., calc, caust., con., dios.,
ham. dulc, graph., kali-n., lyc, mag-m., nat-c,
eating, after: Bell., carb-v., graph., nat-m., nice, nit-ac, nux-v., ox-ac,
kali-n., tmx-v., plat., sulph. petr., puis., Sep., spong., strych.

fruit, after: Coloc. bed, in: Nit-ac.

menses, before: Kreos. coffee, from: Nat-m.

sitting, while: Phos-ac. eating, after: Bov., spong.

soup, after: Kali-n. fasting: Dulc.

sour food, after: Asaf. rising, after: Nat-m.

stool, before: Kali-n., psor. stool, before: Nat-m., staph.
during: Cocc, corn., indg., iod., •during: Ambr., Sulph., verat.
waking, on: Calc
supper, after: Gels,
forenoon: Agar., carb-an., lyc, nat-ni.,
extending to anus: Nat-m. rhus-t.

downward: Plat. stool, during: Rhus-t.

PAIN, cutting, forenoon, stool,
PAIN, cutting.
after: Ox-ac.
air, open, in: Merc-c.
noon: Mag-c, sang.
amel.: Aloe, kali-i.
soup, after: Mag-c.
ascending, on : Merc.
afternoon: Agar., berb., chel., coloc, grat,
bending double amel.
laur., mag-ni., nat-c, nat-m.,
sep., stront
Coloc, Kali-c,
menses, before: Nat-c.
backward: vSulph.
stool, before: Calc-s.
breakfast, after: Bov., cain.,
hydr., mag-m..
walking, while: Laur., naja. spong., thuj., Zinc,

I p. ni : Grat. cold, from a: Camph.

2-4 p. m. : Laur. water, drinking, after: Calc-p.

5 p. m.: Sars. amel.: Cann-s.

evening: Agar., aloe, ambr., ant-t., bar-c, coughing, on: Cham., chin., valer., Verat.
bell., calc-a., carb-v dios., fago.,
, hep., dinner, before: Hydr., lyc.
kali-n., led., mag-c, mang., mere, mez.,
nat-m., nice, peir., during: Lact., zinc.
phos., puis., rat.,
rhus-t., selen., staph., stront., sulph.,thuj. after: Cain., cham., coloc, grat., hydr.,
eating, before: Puis, lact., lyc, mag-m., nat-m., par., rheum,
sil., sulph.. Zinc.
after: Ox-ac.
drawing up abdomen, on: Valer.
heat, during: Rhus-t.
feet amel. : Coloc.
sitting still agg. : Puis.
drinking, after: Ars., calc-p., nat-m., staph.
sleep, before: Phos.
eating, while: Aloe, grat., zinc.
stool, before: Ign., rumx.
after: Ant-t., ars., bov., cain., calc-p.,
walking, while: Dios. chel., Coloc, ign., kali-bi., nat-m.,
5 p. m., lasting all night: Canth. o\nA., petr., spong., staph., zinc.

7 p. m.: Elaps, sulph. electric shock darting through the anus,

like: Coloc
night: Ambr., bar-c, calc-a., camph.,
canth., fago, lyc, mere, nat-c, nat-m., eructations amel. : Rat.
nit-ac, phos-ac, ran-s., sep., sul-ac, false labor pains, like: Kali-c.
sulph., zinc.
flatus, passing, amel.: Anac, ars-i., bapt.,
bed, in: Fago, zinc. bov., calc-p., con., eupi., gamb., hydr.,
pressing to urinate, when Graph. laur., plb., psor., selen., sulph., viol-t.

waking, on: Mag-m., sars., sulph.

heat amel. : Sulph.

midnight: Ambr., lyc, bar-c, inspiration, ou: Lyc.

Sep., sulph. intermittent: Grat.
after: Ambr., elaps. labor, during: Phos., puis,

1 a. m.: Phos.
lead colic: Coloc,
2 a. m.: Am-m., mag-m
menses, before: Alum., chain., lach. ,
3 a. m.: Phos. mag-c, nat-m., ol-an.

4 a. m.: Petr., sulph. from hip to hip: Thuj., ust.

5 a. m.: Nat-m., ox-ac. on appearance of: Canst.

cutting, meuses, before. P. cutting, stool, after.
AIN, r,

stool, during: Alum. amel.: Bry., caust., dig., hell., mur-ac,

nat-m., Ifux-V., plb., rhus-t., sulph.
during: Am-c, bar-c, calc, carb-v., cmist.,
cocc, eupi., ferr., graph., iod., ip., causing urging to: Dig., lept., nux-v,.,

Kali-c, Lach., lye, mag-c,

kreos., sulph.
ol-an., phos., senec, sulph., zinc. stooping amel. : Puis.
after: Graph., kali-c. stretching, on: Aloe.
as if, would appear: Laur. supper, after: Coloc.
micturition, before: Mag-c, sulph. vinegar, after: Aloe.
during: Chin., eupi., mag-c, mere.
walking, while: Asaf., coloc, dios., lyc,
after: Chin, mur-ac, phos-ac

milk, after: Zinc. open air, in: Graph.

motion, on: Aloe, cocc, merc-c, puis., wandering: Bell., card-m., dulc, led.,
rhus-t. stront.

paroxysmal: Lyc, phos-ac, sep., sil. warmth of bed: Ars., coloc.

pork, after: Acon-1. extending to anus: Coloc.

rest amel. : Bry. , rhus-t. backwards and upwards during labor:
rising, after: Nit-ac.
chest; Phos.
sitting, while: Asaf., mur-ac, nice
right to left, from: Lyc.
standing, on: Mur-ac
left to right, from: Ip.
step, on every: Sil.
thighs: Coloc, tereb.
stool, before: Aeon., aesc, seth., agar.,
Aloe, am-c, ant-c, Ant-t., ars., asar., hypochondria: Arg-m., arg-n., ars., awr.,
bar-c, brom. bry., cain., caps., carb-v.,
bor., brom., calc-f., chel., coc-c, colch.,
chel., cina, cob., Coloc, con., crot-t., dig., coloc, crot-h., dios., graph., hydr., iod.,
Dulc, gamb., gels., graph., grat., hell., kali-bi., kali-c, lyc, mag-c, meny.,
hep., hydr., ign., kali-n., kalm., lact., merc-i-r., nat-m., nat-p., nice, ptel.,
laur., lyc, mag-c, mane, mere, merc-c. puis., ran-b., stann., strych., tromb.
merc-i-f., nat-c, nat-m., nice, nit-ac.^
right: Aur., ptel.
nux-m., nux-v., petr., puis., rheum,
sang., secale,
left: Arg-m., arg-n., bor.
rhus-t., sep., sulph., thuj.,
valer., verat., viol-t., zinc morning: Cast.

during: Aeon., agar., Aloe, alum., ant-c, afternoon: Chin-s.

am., ars. ,
asar., calc-s. ,
canih., caps., sitting, while: Tereb., viol-t.
caust.,cham., chel., cob., coloc, dulc,
ferr., iod., iris, kali-n., kalm., laur.,
bent, while: Stann.

mag-m., mere, merc-c, nit-ac, plb., stretching agg. : L,yc.

rheum, rhus-t., sars., secale, staph.,
walking rapidlj^: Bor.
extending to back: Ran-b.
menseSj before: Alum.
downward: Bor.
diarrhceic, during: Bov., ferr., gamb.,
jug-c, mag-m., mere, Sulph. umbilicus: Bor.

alter: Am-c, ars., canth., Coloc, gels., hypogastrium: Am-c, ang., ar^. Bell.,
kali-n., lept., mere, merc-c, podo. bry.. cact., cimic, coloc, elaps, euon.,
rheum, staph., sulph. Hyos., hydr., iris, kali-bi., laur., lept.,

38 567
PAIN, cnttiii}^, hypo)j;astriuiii. PAIN, cutting, sides.

iiuig-s., nat-c, nice, ol-aii.. Puis., Sep., stool amel. ; Calc.

si/., tereb., i/iuj., verai.
walking amel. : Carb-an.
coughing, on: Bry., chin., verat.
spleen: Cean., chin., crot-h., ptel., verb,
eating, after: Verat.
umbilicus: Ant-t., bov ,
cact., calad., casst.,
menses, before: Senec. chin-s., cimic, coc-c, crot-t., dios., indg.,

during: Senec, sulph.

laur., nuxm., plb., puls-n., rhus-t.
rhus-v., sil., tereb.
after: Xali-c, plat., puis.
forenoon: Rhus-t., sil.
as though menses would reappear:
afternoon: Cimic.
Kreos., lye, plat., puis.
evening: Nux-m.
stool, after, amel.: Pall.

iliac region: Agn., nat-p., thuj.

night: Nux-m.
bend double, compelled to: Bov., calad.
extending into testicle : Hydr.
bending body amel.: Rhus-t.
fossa, right to left: Sang.
extending to back: Sil.
ilium, anterior superior spinous process:
Sulph. stomach: Crot-t.

inguinal region: ^sc, all-c, am-m., aur., region of: ^sc, agar., aloe, ammcj
calc, calc-p., canlh., carb-an., coloc., cycl., am-m., ant-t., arn., bell., bov., brom..
gamb., iod., kali-bi., lye, mag-c, phos-ac, cact., calad., calc-p., camph., canth..
spig., tell., tereb., valer. cast., cham., chin., cocc, Coloc, con.,
crot-t., cupr., Dios., dulc., grat., hell.,
right: Tereb.
hyos., hyper., ign., iod., ip., kali-bi.,
extending to left: Lye kali-c, kali-i., kali-n., kreos., led., lyc,

left: ^sc, tell, mag-c, niang., merc-c, merl., mur-ac,

naja, nat-m., Nux-V., ol-an., op.,
evening: Dios., lyc. pseou., petr., plant., plat., psor., ptel.,
menses, during: Arg-n., nat-m., senec. puis., raph., rheum, rhus-v., sars.,

senec, sil., sol-n., spig., stann., staph.,

walking, while: Canth., par.
sul-ac, tabac, ust., valer., verat., verb.,
extending to back: Am-m. zinc. ,

through urethra to glans penis: Asar. daytime: Stann.

liver: Aug., aur., berb., calc-f., carh-a7t., morning: Hell., mang., sars., sulph.
dios., iiHs, lack., ptel.
forenoon: Sars.
sides: Arn., ars., calc, carb-an., canst.,
menses, during: Mag-c.
clem., con., dulc, ign.,
crot-t., lack.,

kali-bi., mag-c, mur-ac, par., ruta, sars., lo a. m. : Verat.

stront., thuj., zinc. afternoon: Lyc, naja, ptel.

right: Con., stront. m.: Lyc.

4 p.

left: Calc, Kali-C, mag-c, sars., thuj.

evening: Bar-c, bry., nat-m., staph,
evening: Nice, midnight: Sulph.
night: Sulph. bed, when going to: Nat-m.
lying on the back, while: Sulph. cold drinks, after: Calc-p.
menses, during: Ars.
cold wet weather: Dulc.
paroxysmal: Kali-bi.
diarrhoea, after: Cupr., nat-m.
sitting, while: Carb-an.

*AIN, cutting, umbilicus, region of. PAIN, dragging.

Cham, meuses, before: Alum., apis, bell., cina,

dinner, after:
chin., eupi., gels., iod., lac-c, mosch.,
eating, after: Coloc. phos., plat., sabad. secale, sep., sulph.,

expiration, during: Rhus-t. tarent., ust., vib., zinc.

ice cream, after: Calc-p. during: Am-c, bell., cham., con., ferr.,

mang. graph., lil-t., mag-c, mag-m., nat-c,

inspiration, during: Arn.,
nat-m., nit-ac, nux-m., nux-v., plat.,
labor, during: Ip., Nux-V. podo., Puis., Sep., sulph., vib., zinc.

lying bent amel. : Hell, after: Kreos.

menses, during: Mag-c. motion agg. : Kreos.
as if, would appear: Ip.
spermatic cords, through: Puis,
motion, during: Caps, stool, before: Nit-ac.

pressure agg. : Chel. during: Arg-n., lil-t.

amel.: Nat-m. after: Carb-v., graph.

rising, after: Sulph. urging to, with: Corn., Nux-V.
sitting, while: Rhus-t. thighs, into: Nit-ac, nux-v.
step, at every: Arn. urinate, with urging to: 1<! uk-v., pall.
stool, before: Aloe, ganib., Nux-V.
walking agg.: Calc, kali-i., rhus-t., Sep.,
after: Cact., Coloc. TriU.

stooping agg. : Sulph. extending toward anus: Crot-t., sulph.

waking, on: Sulph. to thighs: Vib.

walking, while: Arn., dios., sul-ac. hypochondria: Calc, cham., coc-c, podo.,
yawning, on: Sars.
night when Ijdng on left side: Mag-m.,
dragging, bearing down: ^sc, agn., aloe,
nat-s. ptel.
alet., ant-c, apis, arg-m., arg-n., asaf., ,

Bell., bry., calc, carb-ac, carb-v., cham., inguinal region: Brom., bry., calc, carb-an.,
chin., coc-c, con., crot-i., cycl., dig., ferr., cham., chel., clem., coc-c, gran., kali-c,
gran., graph., hedeom., hyos., ip., kali-i., kali-i., lac-d., mag-c, mag-s., merl.,
lac-ac, lac-c, Lil-t., lye, lyssin, mag-m., nat-c, phos., plat., rat., tereb., teucr.
mag-s., mang., mere, merl., mur-ac,
afternoon: Mag-c, mag-m., nice
murx., nat-c, nat-m., nat-s., nice, nit-ac,
nux-m., nux-v., op., ox-ac, pall., phos., evening: Teucr.
pkyL, plat., plb., psor.. Puis., rbus-t., alternating sides: Tereb.
sabin., sars., secale, Sep., Sulph., tarent.,
teucr., thuj., irill., ust., vib., xanth., zinc.
menses, before: Coc-c.

morning: Bell. during: Bor.

forenoon: Sep. micturition, during: Sul-ac.

afternoon: Mag-m. sitting, while: Caust.

night, in bed: Sulph. stool, during: Kali-c, rat.

crossing limbs amel.: Lil-t., murx., Sep. extending forward: Caust.

dinner, after: Sulph. outward: Cou., kali-c.

eating, after: Thuj. to testicles: Hydr., teucr.

fever, in low: Cacl. sides: Phos.

PAIN. PAIN, drawing, hypochondria.
drawing: Abrot., acet-ac, aeon agar., agn., , right: Agar., aur., calc, cham.,
ahim., ahimn., ani-c, ani-m., anac, ant-t., nat-m., sulph., zinc
arg-n., ars., aur., aur-ni., bar-c, bell., berb.,
calc, calad..
left: Ars., coloc, gels.
Caps., carb-v., caust., cham.,
chel., chin., clem., cocc, colch., coloc, morning: Merc-i-r.
con., cupr., cupr-ac, dig., dros., gels.,
forenoon: Sulph.
gran., hell., hep., hyos., ign., iod., jug-r.,
kali-c, kali-n., kreos., lach., laur., led., evening: Carb-v.
lye, lyssiu, mag-c, mag-m., mag-s., niaug., night: Coc-c.
mere, niez., mosch., murx., nat-c, nat-m.,
nat-s., nit-ac, nu.x-v., op., par., phos., plat.,
bed, in: Cham.
podo., ptel., rhus-t., sabin., sars., secale, walking: Bapt.
seneg., Sep., spig., squil., staph., stram.,
extending downward: Nat-m.
sulph., sumb., tarax., thuj., valer., verat.,
verat-v., zing. to small of back: Carb-v., plb.

morning: Calc. to spine: Sil.

afternoon: Grat. to thighs: Nux-v.

evening: Bry. upward: Rhus-t.

night: Graph., mag-m., zing. hypogastrium: Bell., canth., chin, coc-c,

coloc, plb., sabad., thuj., valer.
chill, during: Bov.

dinner, after: Con. inguinal region: ..^;th., aloe, alum., ammc.

aur., bapt., bov., bry., cact., calc, calc-p.
drinking, after: Caust., con. chel., clem., coc-c, gamb.,gran., kali-c.
eating, after: Caust. kali-i., lil-t., lye, mere, mez., plat.
rat., rhodo., sil., stann., tereb., thuj.
inspiration, during: Rhus-t.
valer., zinc.
labor pain, like: Puis,, Sep.
right: Aloe, bapt., bov., gran., sil., thuj
menses, before: Carb-v., ign.
left: ^th., alum., ammc, gamb., lyc.
at beginning of: Mag-c. stann.

during: Calc, carb-v., croc, kreos., micturition, during: Ars.

mosch., plat., plb., staph., stram.,
noon: Thuj.
evening: Bor.
after: Puis,
alternating wdth prickling: Zinc.
motion, on: Bry., jug-r., mag-m.
convulsive: Chel.
sitting, after: Con.
dancing, while: Alum.
stool, before: Cact., nit-ac, zing.
menses would come on, as if: Cocc, lyc
during: Arg-n. plat.
supper, after: Kali-n. micturition, on: Agar., ars., caust.

walking, while: Con., squil. periodical: Aloe.

warmth amel.: Mag-p. sitting, while: Caust., thuj., zinc,

hypochondria: Agar., all-c, aur., bapt., standing: Thuj.

berb., calc., carb-v., caul., cham., coc-c, stretching: Coc-c, merc-c, nat-m.
coloc, gels ,
lact., mag-m., merc-i-r.,
amel. : Bov.
nat-m., petr., puis., rhus-t., sil., squil.,

sulph., teucr., zinc. walking: Alum., chel., thuj.

) )

lancinating, hypochondria, extending

PAIN", drawing, inguinal region.
right side: Stann.
extending around pelvis: Coloc.
hypogastrium: Elaps, plb.
to pubis: Lil-t.
inguinal region: Elaps, mag-c, mane,
testicles: Arg-m., ham.
thighs: Aur., rhodo.
menses, during: Bor.
umbilicus: Aeon., aloe, bar-c, bell., calc-p.,
after: Bor.
chel., eupi., gamb., grat, ign., kali-c,
mosch., nat-c, nux-m., nux-v., phos., sides: Ign.
plb., rat., tabac, zinc.
spleen: Bufo.
morning: Nat-c.
umbilicus: Elaps, plb.
anus to umbilicus: Lack.
extending to uterus: Elaps.
menses, during: Nux-m.
piercing. (See " shooting."
stool, before: Nat-c.
pinching. (See "cramping.")
extending to vagina: Calc-p.
pressing: Aeon., aloe, alum., ambr., anac,
region of: Chel., clem., con., mez., nit-ac,
ant-c, apis, arg-m., arg-n., arn.,
ruta, Sep., sulph.
asar., aur., bar-c, bell., bism., bry., bufo,
gnawing: Am-c, ars., aur-m., calc, canth., calc, calc-p., caps., carb-an., carb-v., carl.,
colch., coloc, cupr., cycl., dig., dulc, elat., cast., caust., chel., chhi., cimic, coff.,

gels., olnd., plat., plb., ruta, sulph. colch., coloc, con., croc, crot-t., cupr.,
dig., elaps, euph., euphr., ferr., grat.,
bend forward, obliging to: Coloc.
hyper., ign., kali-c, kali-i., kali-n., lack.,
dinner, after, agg.: Coloc.
lye, mag-c, mang., meny., meph., mere,
colon, transverse: Gels. mez., tiat-m., nat-n., nux-m., Nux-V., op.,
^iEon., par., petr., plat., plb., -prMn., puis.,
hypochondrium: Bufo, ruta.
rhus-t., ruta, sabin., samb., secale, Sep.,
hypogastrium Gamb., seneg.
sil., spig., stann., staph., Sulph., tabac,
liver: Bufo, ruta. tarax., tarent., tereb., thuj., verat., zinc.

umbilicus, region of: Ruta. morning: Mag-c, nat-m ,


grasping. (See " clutching." 9 a. m. : Sep.

griping. (See " cramping.") forenoon: Lye, phos.

lacerating. (See " tearing.") afternoon: Caust., chel.

lancinating: Anan., ars., bufo, cadm., carb-an., 5 p. m. : Sulph.

carb-v., clem., con., cur., elaps, gels., kali-i.,
evening: Bar-c, coloc, ferr., phos., zinc.
mane, murx., plat., plb., raph., zinc.
eating, after: Phos.
hypochondria: ^th., bad., bufo, cadm.,
calc-f.,coloc, lach., mane, phys., stann.,
stool, during: Zinc.
sulph., tabac, tarent. night: Ign., mez., phos., sep., sulph.
right: ^th. breakfast, after: Calc-s.

left: Cadm., calc-f. dinner, before: Lyc.

doubling up amel. after: Cast-v., grat., sulph.

: Calc-f.
drinking, after: Ars., ferr.
lying on side agg. : Calc-f.
eating, after: Agar., ars., coloc, ferr., lyc,
motion agg. : Bufo.
nux-v., phos., Sep., sil., thuj., zinc.

extending to ilium: Lil-t. amel.: Mag-c.

PAIN, pressing, eating.
PAIN, pressing hypochondria.
anything cold: Sep.
lye, lyssin, mang., mere,
niur-ac, nat-c
exertion, on: Calc, pall. "at-m., nit-ac, petr., phos-ac, plb
lying, while: Bar-c. podo., rhodo.. rhus-t., sep., sil.,
sulph., verat., zinc.
on back aniel.: Mez.
on left side aniel.: Pall.
right: Aeon ,
agar., all-c, aloe, anac.
arn., bar-c, brom., calc., chel., chin,
menses, before: Nux-ni., sep. elaps, ferr.. hep., iod., lil-t., Lyc
during: Calc., nit-ac, plat. mere, nat-m., nit-ac, plb., rhus-t
Puis., Sep.,
sulph. sars., Sep., sit., sulph.

as if contents left: yElh., arg-u., bor., bov.,

would be forced ont at the crot-t
dig., nat-c.
vulva: Ant-c, bell., lack lil-L,

nit-ac, plal., puis., sep., sulph. morning: Agar., sars.

after: Nat-ni. forenoon: Alum.

micturition, during: Chin., nat-ni. afternoon: Bov.
after: Chin., phos-ac.
evening: All-c, lact., mang., sep.
at the close of, pressing toward genitals: night: Calc.
3 a. m. : Sulph.
motion, on: Bar-c.
bending body for^vard amel.: Chin.
sitting, on: lod., op., rhus-t.,
breathing, on: Lyc.
amel. : Bar-c.
dinner, after: Sulph.
stone, as from: Bell., ciipr., mere, op.
drinking, after: Aur.
stool, before: Grat., zinc.
eating: Anac, aur., cham., nux-v., zinc
during: Arn., brom., hep., nat-m.
expiration, on: Tarax.
after: Grat., iod., kali-c, ol-an.,
menses, during: Nit-ac
amel.: Spig.
after: Bor.
walking, while: Bar-c.
motion, from: Aur., bar-c.
after: Grat.
riding, while: Bor.
warm drinks agg. : Elaps.
sitting, while: Phos-ac, rhus-t.
extending toward anus: Crot-t., sulph.
standing, on: Chin.
genitals: Tep.
amel.: Prun.
pit of stomach: Nux-m. step, on every: Calc.

rectum: Mag-m., nat-m. stool, after, amel.: Zinc.

throat: Caust. walking, while: Aur., calc, nat-m., sars.,

umbilicus: Crot-c.
open air, in: Ars
hypochondria: Aeon., aeth., agar.,' aloe, amel.: Sars.
alum., ambr., am-c, anac, ant-t., arg-n.,
arn., ars., aur-m., bar-c, berb.,
aur., extending to abdomen : Petr.
bar., brom., bry., calc, calc-p.,
outward: Cast., lyc.; merl.
camph., carl., cham., chel., chin., cocc,
con., crot-t., dig., dios., elaps, fern, when lying on that (right) side:
graph., hep., ign., iod., kali-chl., lil-t. Calc-f.

PAIN, pressing, hypogastrium.
AIN, pressing, hypochondria, extending to.
touched, when: Thuj.
scapula: Bov.
walking, while: Lil-t.
upwards: Agar.
ambr., ani-c, bent, compelled to: Lyc
hypogastrlum: Agar., agn ,

ant-t., apis, aran., arg-m., asaf., aur.,

open air, in, while: Nux-v.
bar-c. Bell., bry., calc, calc-p., canth.,
inguinal region: Agar., alum., am-c,
cham., chel., chin., cina,
carb-v., caust.,
berb., bor., calc, cann-s.,
ars., bell.,
cocc, colch., coloc, con., croc, elaps,
hell., iod., kali-bi.,
kali-c, kali-i., euph., graph.,
gins., heloii., ign iod.,

mere, mez., petr., plat.,

kali-i., lyc,
kreos., Lil-t., Lyc, mag-m., merc-i-f.,
pall., phos., sul-ac, sulph., thuj., zinc.
nat-c, tial-in., Nux-V.,
phos-ac. Plat., Puis., nita, secale, seneg., right: Hell., iod., lyc.
Sep., spig., squil., sulph., tarax., thuj.,
left: Berb., calc, sulph., zinc.
til., valer., verb., zinc,

morniug: Bar-c. morning: Sul-ac.

lying on the back : Bar-c. afternoon: All-c.

9 a. m.: Sep. coffee, after: All-c.

forenoon: Phos. evening: Alum.

noon: Merc-i-f. Mez.
bending the knee amel. :

evening: Secale.
downward: Plat.
night: Sulph. carb-an., cast.,
menses, during: Bor.,
colic, during: Thuj. kali-c. //rt^
, ,

dinner, during: Am-c. after: Plat.

downward: Lil-t., mere, pall., psor.,

outward: Alum., bell., camph., cocc,
Puis., sars., Sep., sulph. gran., ign., kali-c, lyc, nux-m.,
exertion, on: Calc. phos-ac, rhus-t., sul-ac, tereb., teucr.,
genitals, toward: Bell., caust., dig.,
Lil-t., nat-c, nit-ac, Xux-V., plat., standing, while: Camph.
Puis., Sep., sulph. Tromb.
stool, before:
groin, toward: Plat., sars., teucr.
stretching out, on: Am-c.
lying, while: Sulph.
touch agg. : Arg-n.
on the back: Bar-c.
extending to genitals: Alum., plat.
menses, before: Plat., sep.
liver:Aeon., i&sc, agar, agn., allc, aloe,
during: Calc-p., kali-c, kali-i., mag-c, ambr., am-c, anac, am., ars., asaf.,
tnurx., nat-c, nal-m., plat.. Puis., berb., bry., calc, carb-an., carb-v.,
Secale, Sep. card-m., Chel., chin., cocc, con., dig.,
micturition, during: Lil-t., nux-v. graph., kali-c, kreos., lact., laur., lith.,

lyc, mag-ni., mere, nat-m., nux-m.,

after: Phos-ac.
Nux-v., ol-an., petr., phos., phos-ac,
outwards: Catb-an., kali-c, lil-t., nat-c, plb. ,
prun., ran-sc ,
raph., ruta, sabad.,
nat-m., plat.. Puis., Sep. sabin., Sep., sil., stann., sulph., tabac,
tereb., thuj., zinc.
pelvis, into. (See "GENITALIA.")
stool, before: Nat-m. sides: Alum., am-c, am-m., anac, ars.,
asaf., asar., berb., chin., dios., ign.,
during: Lil-t., nat-m., nux-m., podo.
kali-c, kalm., lyc, mag-m., mere,
after: Ambr., iod. nit-ac, nux-v., sep., tarax., thuj., zinc.

PAIN, pressing, sides.
PAIN, pressing, umbilicus, region
right: Ars., lye, mere, prun., thui
extending to anus: Ox-ac.

epigastrium: Crot-t.
left: Am-c, anac, berb., caniph., mag-m
nat-ni., nit-ac, sulph.,
shooting: Aeon., alum., anac, arg-n.,
bapt., bell.,chin., cimic, cinnb.,
morning: Merc.' 'cupr'
fl-ac, kali-c, lac-c, lach.,
lyssin, mere'
evening: Fl-ac. naja, op., fihos.,pib., .stram.,

sulph., tarent

drawing: Laur., iereb., tromb.

nat-ui., sulph.

inspiration, deep: Thuj. noon: Rhus-t.

menses, during: Nux-v. coughing, on: Bell. chin., lach., sep.

motion, on: Asar.
menses, before: Kali-c.
outward: Coloc, nux-v.,
step, on every: Mur-ac.
riding, while: Card-m.,
extending across: Cupr.
sitting, while: Am-c, calc.
to anus: Rhus-t., sulph.
walking, while: Cast,
body, into, on every step: Mur-ac.
extending to navel: Aloe.
lower limbs: Sang.
spleen: Ars., bor., carb-v.,
chin., chin-s.,
crot-t., fl-ac, graph., ign.,
right side, toward: Fl-ac.
kreos., nat-m
mt-ac, ol-an., polym., stann., sulph. right to left: Nux-m.
umbilicus, region of: Aeon., alum., upward: Naja, spong.
am-c, Anac, am., bry., camph., chel.', hypochondria: Aeon., agar., calc-p., cupr.,
chin., chin-s., cina,
cocc, colch., coloc, ferr., glon., kali-bi., kali-c, lack., ptel.,
crot-h., crot-t., cupr., dies.,
dulc, grat., ran-b., sulph., sumb., tarent., tep.
hell., ign., lack., lact., lyc, meny.,
nat-m., nit-ac, right: Aeon., agar., calc-p., rhus-t,
olnd., ran-sc, raph.,
rheum, samb., seneg., tarent., tep.
s&^., spig., sulph.,
tabac, teucr., verb., zinc. left: Alum., ferr.

afternoon: Alum. to right: Alum.

standing, while: Alum. morning: Strych., tarent.
evening: Sumb.
4 p. m. : Sulph.

evening, bed, in: Chin., valer. night: Kali-c.

button, as from: inspiration, on: Calc-p.

Am-c, anac.
coughing, on: Ambr. standing, while: Glon.
extending to back: Ran-b.
eating, after: Coloc.

eructations, during:
downward: Ptel.
right shoulder, to: Rhus-t.
hernia, as if, would protrude: Dulc.
stomach, to: Cupr.
paroxysmal: Nat-m.
hypogastrium: Cimic, ptel.
periodical: Chel.
inguinal region: Bell., bor., calc-s., sulph.,
plug, like a: Anac.
tarent., vib.
stool, after: Crot-t., nit-ac.
right: Murx.
stooping, on: Verb,
extending to left mamma: Murx.
walking in open air, while: Bry. to thigh: Podo.

shooting, inguinal region.
PAIN, soreness.
PAIN, lyc.
afternoon: Coloc, fago., osm.,
left: Bell., calc-s., nat-s., tarent.
I p. m. : Nux-V.
extending to axilla: Nat-s.
evening: Cast, ferr., ham., sep.
4_5 p. m.: Sulph.
menses, during: Cast,
menses, during: Bor.
night: Mang., nai-m., tabac.
stool, during: Calc-s.
testicles: Phys. clothing agg.: Apis, ars., benz-ac,
extending into lac-c, lach.
carb-v., coff., graph kreos., ,

to axilla: Nat-s. raph., sp07ig.,

lyc, merc-c, nux-v.,^x3ls.,

to left mamma: Murx. zinc.

lil-t. nux-v.,'S)lO^.,
liver: Calc-p., Chel., chin-, crot-h., Lept., jarring, on: BeU., bry., ,

phyt., prun., raph.

Nux-V., ox-ac.
lyssin, naja, plat lying on abdomen amel. Phos.
sides: Alum., bell., :

stram., sulph., tarent. on the right side agg. :


extending to groin Naja. Bell., bry., lac-c, lach.,
menses, before:
downward: Plat, mang., sep.

spleen: Alum., arn., lack., sulph. during: Brom., cast., cocc, ham., lac-d.
nat-m., nux-v., pic-ac, sulph.
walking, while: Lack.
pressing amel . : Cast.
umbilicus, region of: Am-m., bell., pic-ac,
Plb., rhus-t., sulph. after: Cham., cycl., lil-t., pall.

soreness (to touch; pressure; sensitiveness, motion, on: Bell., Bry., Phos., podo., rob.
sore pain, tenderness, etc.): Acet-ac, Acon., Nux-m.
pregnancy, during:
esse, seth., alumn., ambr., am-m.,
riding in a carriage agg. Arg-m.
ant-t., Apis, arg-m., arg-n., Arn., Ars.,

arund., atro., aur., aur-m., Bapt., bar-c. stool, before: Nat-m., sulph., tabac.
Bell., bism., bov., Bry., bufo, cact., calad.,
during: Am., sulph.
calc, cann-s., canth., carb-ac, carb-an.,
carb-v., caust., Cham., chin., cimic, dna, after: Am-m., crot-t., natm., puis.,

cinnb., cocc, Colch., coloc, con., croi-h., sulph., tabac.

crot-t., Cupr., cupr-ar., cycl., dios., euph.,
eup-pur., fago., /^rr gels., gnaph., gran., amel.: Podo.-

graph., grat., gymn., hell., hep., hydr.,

straining at, from: Sil.
hyos., ip., iris, jatr., kali-bi., kali-c,
kali-chl., kali-n., kreos., lac-d., Lach., lil-t., walking, while: Bell., carb-ac, ferr., hep.,
lob., Lyc, mag-ni., mane, meny., mere, phos., phyt., puis., ran-b., sulph.
merc-c, merc-i-r., mez., murx., nat-a.,
hypochondria: Act-sp., tesc, agar., ail.,
nat-c, nat-m Nit-ac, nux-m., Nux-V.,
alum., ambr., am-c, ant-t., Apis, ars.,

op., ox-ac, /a//., pseon., petr., Phos., phys ,

bapt., brom., Bry., bufo, Calc, cann-s.,

phyt., plb., podo., ptel., puis., pyrog.,
carb-an., carb-v., chel., cupr-ac, cupr-s.,
ran-b., raph., Rhus-t., rhus-v., sabin., sars.,
dros., eup-per.. iod., kali-bi., kali-c, lact.,
secale, Sep., sol-t-ae., squil., stann., stram.,
lyc, lycps., nat-a., nat-m., nat-s., ol-j.,
sul-ac, Sulph., tabac, tarent., Tereb., til.,
ox-ac, phos., phyt., plb., ptel., B,an-b,,
ust., veraL, xanth., zinc.
secale, sulph., tabac, tarent., vip., zinc
morning: Apis, dios., lil-t., lyc, raph., Sep.,
right: Act-sp., (esc, ambr., ars., bapt.,
Bry., carb-ac, carb-v., chel., chin.,
forenoon: Nat-m., sulph. phos.,
eup-per., fago., lact., Lyc, ol-j.,

every step, on: Sulph. secale, sulph., tarent.

PAIN, soreness, hypochondria.
PAIN, soreness, inguinal
left: Brom., cak., cupr-ac., iocL, lycps., bed, in: Dios.
nat-c, nat-in., zinc.

morning: Dios., sulph. menses, during: Sars.

walking, while: Arg-m.
a. m. : Fago.
glands: Clem., caps.,
afternoon: Phyt. gels, hep., mere,
sumb., thuj.
night, lying on painful side:
Fago. liver, in: Aeon.,
ae.sc, am-c. ant-t.,
apis '
chill, during: Phos. arg-n., arn., BeU., calc.,
carb-an., carb-v
coughing, on: Cimx. chel., chin., clem.,
dig., eup-per., ferr
lach., Lye, mere, nal-s., Ifux-v., pall.,
diarrhoea, during: Arg-n.
phos., podo., ptel., r2.^\,.^ Sep., sil., sulph.
eating, after: Agar.
sides: Arn., bad., chin., colch.,
jarring, on: Bell., biy hep.
lil-t., ran-b., stront., zing.

lying on painful side agg.: Fago., right: Zing,

on left side: Ptel. left: Colch.

motion agg.: Bry., carb-an. spleen: Agn., arn., asar., calc,

caps.. Chin
amel.: Phys. ferr., kreos. //wj. ptel.,
Rhus-t. ,

side lain on agg.: Rhus-t. umbilicus: ^sc, seth., aloe, anac, calc,
calc-p., chin., cina, cinnb., crot-t., dulc,'
spots, in: Kali-c.
fago., kali-c, nat-m., phys., plant.,
step, on every: Beil., hep. rhus-t., stront., thuj., verat.

stooping, on: Alum, region of: Agar., carb-v., eaust, eina,

cinnb., eoloc, gent-c, hydr., ip.,
walking, while: Nat-S- jatr.,
kali-bi., kali-c, lye, mag-c, mere,
extending into stomach: Nat-c. merc-i-f. , mix -v. , ox-ac. plb. puis.
, ,

hypogastrium: Aeon., asc-t., stitching (sticking, etc.): Aeon., £eth.,

arg-71., ars., agar.,
aur., Calc, canth., caust., aloe, alum., am-c, ant-t., apis, arg-m.,
cycl., fago.|
ferr-mag., arg-n., ars., asaf., bell., berb., bov., Bry.,
jac-c, hyos., kali-n., Lach-,'
mag-m., mang., mere, nat-m., ealc., canth., carb-an., carb-s., carb-v.,
op., phos], caust.,
phys., pic-ac, prun., psor., puis., rhus-t., cedr., Cham., chel., chin., cocc, colch.,
sabin., sars., sep., stann., sulph., coloc, con., cupr., cycl., dig., fl-ac, grat.,
Tereb. '
hell., hep., kali-bi., kali-c, kali-n., kreos.,
Verat., verb.
laur., led., lye, mag-m., mag-s.,
walking, while: Prun.
mez., nat-c, nat-m., nat-n., nit-ae, nux-v.,
pall., phos., phos-ae, phys., pic-ac, plb.,
ileo-c£ecal region: Ars., bapt.. Bell., Bry.,
^sor., puis., rhodo., rata, samb., sep.,
carb-ac, gamb., kali-bi., lach., lye, mere., sil.,

mtre-c., nit-ae., plb., tereb. spig., stann., Sulph., tarax., thuj. verb.,
verat., viol-t., zinc.
inguinal region: Alum., bar-m., calc, calc-a.,
morning: Dig., plat., ran-b., sulph.
calc-p., carl., chin., elem., cocc, dig.,
dios., elaps. ^ra/Zi., iod., kali-c, walking, while: Ran-b.
mez., mur-ac, nice, ran-b., rhus-t., sars.,
forenoon, potatoes, after: Mag-s.
ther., zing.

right: Calc-p., noon: Lye, phos.

ic^d., sars., sulph.
left: Dios., elaps, lach. afternoon: Sep.

afternoon: Mag-s. evening: Caust., plb.

evening: Dios. 6 p. m.: Mag-s.


PAIN, stitching, extending.
•AIN, stitching, chen., chin.,
downward: Alumn., brom.,
night: Sulph. kali-c, puis., ran-sc,
samb., til.

midnight: Sulph. hypochondriac region: Coc-c.

waking, on: Sulph. pelvis: Alumn., puis,
bed, in: Nat-m. perineum: Phos.
burning: Zinc. rectum: Brom.
ars., bry., lye,
coughing, on: Aeon., am-m., shoulders: Lach.
phos., sabad., samb., sul-ac,
nit-ac, Verat.
spermatic cord, when coughing:

dinner, after: Sars. along: Brom.

when coughing: Secale.

eating, after: Alum., thuj.
Cham., colch., ip., phos.,
electric shocks, like: Arg-n. transversely:
expiration, on: Coff.
upward: Aloe, ruta.
flexible thighs amel : Podo.
vagina: Ars., kreos.
inspiration, on: Agar., calc, tabac.
hip, region of: Ambr., bry., calc, kali-c,
lying crooked amel. : Brom. sep., sulph.
mag-c, nat-c, samb.,
while: Caust.
extending to small of back when cough-
menses, before: Brom., con. ing: Sulph.
aesc, agar.,
during: Bor., brom., calc, kali-c, mosch., hypochondria: Aco?i., ccth.,

Nux-V., sul-ac. aloe, alum., alumn., ammc.,am-c, am-m.,

anac, arg-n., arn., ars., asaf., aur., aur-m.,
motion, on: Cycl.
bar-c, herb., brom., biy., calc, cann-s.,
periodic: Caust.
caps., carb-s., carb-v., caust., cedr.,

potatoes, after: Mag-s. cheL, chin., chins., cist., clem., colch,,

con., cop., dig.,euphr., fago., form.,goss.,
pressure, on: Aur., nit-ac.
graph., guaj hep., hyper., hyos., iod.,

sitting, while: Bry., cina, Nux-V., phos. ip., kali-bi., kali-c, kali i., kali-n., kreos.,

lach., lact., laur., lob-c, lye, mag-c,

stinging: Apis, ign., lack., sep., thuj.
mag-m., mag-s., mang., mere, merc-c,
stool, before: Aloe, calc-s., kali-n., mang.
mosch., mur-ac, naja., 7iat-c., nat-m.,
after: Zinc. nat-s., nice, nit-ac, nux-v., ol-an., ox-ac,
par, petr., phos., phos-ac, plan., plb.,
driving to: Nux-v. raph.,
podo., psor., ptel., puis., ra7t-s.,

stooping: Bov., cocc. rat.,rhodo., rhus-t., rumx. sabad., senec, ,

waking, on: Nat-m., podo. Sep., sil., sul-ac, sulph., tabac, thuj.,
walking, while: Arg-n., cham., olnd., thuj.,
zinc. right: ^sc, agar., am-m., bry., calc,
carb-v., cham., chel., chin., euphr.,
after eating: Zinc. fago., form., graph., hyper., kali-c,
kreos., lact., laur., lye, mere ,
extending to back: Calc, canth., cocc,
naja, nat-c, nat-m., nai-s., nit-ac,
coc-c, kali-bi.
nux-v., phos., phos-ac, podo., psor.,

bladder: Brom. ptel., ran-s., sulph., tabac, zinc.

chest: Cham., ign. to left: Brom.

clavicle, right: Laur. extending to back: Euphr.

577 V
PAIN, stitching, hypochondria.
PAIN, stitching, hypochondria,
left: Mth., arn., aur., cann-s., chel., on back amel.: Mag-s.
colch dig., gran., guaj.. ip.,
kahn., mag-c, mag-m., uiag-s., side, on: Bell.
nat-c, nat-s., puis., rat., .sep., sul-ac. menses, before: Puis.
morning: Agar., ammc, con., graph., during: Mag-m.
hep., nat-ni., nat-s.
motion, on: Alum., graph., niag-s.,
bed, in: Con. nil-ac.
pressure agg. : Berd.
8 a. nu : Kalm.
amel.: Mag-s., sul-ac.
forenoon: Calc, nat-s., sars., thuj.
rest, during: Mag-s.
afternoon: .?;th., alumn., am-m.,
laur., niag-c, niag-m., nat-m., riding in a carriage, while: Caust.
plb., sil.,
valer. rising from stooping: Alum,
walking, while: Mag-m. sitting, while: Bry., con., mag-s.,
2 p. m.: Mag-c, valer. bent, while: Alumn., bov., sulpA.

3 p. in.: Lyc. amel.: Mag-m.

evening: Kali-bi., lyc, mag-m., sneezing, on: Grat.
rat., rhodo., sep., thuj., zinc.
spinning, while: Am-m.
coughing, while: Sep.
standing, while: Alum,
walking, vs'hile: Zinc. stool, during: Calc.
night: Coloc, con., zinc.
stooping, on: Mur-ac.
air, open: Ol-an., sulph.
after: Calc.
alternating sides: Thuj.
supper, after: Zinc.
bending forward: Agar., lyc, sars. walking, while: Arg-n., cham., hep.,
cold drink, after: A'ai-c. mag-m., nat-s., sep., spig., thuj.

cough, during: Aeon., de/L, dry., cann-s., amel.: Mag-c, plb.

caps., chin., nat-s puis., rhus-t.,
, rumx. extending to abdomen: Euphr.
dinner, after: Coloc, grat., kali-bi., lact., back: Agar., derd., calc, camph.,
mag-c, nat-m., thuj.
euphr., graph., lact, laur., naja, plb.
eating, while: Podo.
chest: Aloe, chin-s.
after: Lact.
forward: Laur.
exertion, on: Petr.
front: Fago.
expiration, on: Chin.
outward: Sulph.
inspiration, on: Aeon., agar., anac, dell., sacrum: Thuj.
calc, calc-p., cann-i., carb-v., con., stomach: Nat-c.
mang., mere, mosch., jial-s., tabac.
hypogastrium: Aeon., all-c, aloe, ambr.,
deep: Bell., calc-p., form., nat-s. am-c, ammc, aut-t., arg-m., arund., aur.,

jumping, on: Spig. bell., cann-i., cham., chel., chin., coloc,

elaps, jug-r., kali-c, lyc, mez., nat-m.,
laughing, on: Aeon., aesc. nit-ac, nux-v., phos., phos-ac, plb.,
podo., ran-b., sabad., samb., sep., spig.,
leaning to right: Sul-ac.
tarax., tarent., thuj., verb.

lying down, after: Mag-s. morning: Phos., sep.


PAIN, stitching, inguinal region, left.
PAIN, stitching, hypogastrium.
to axilla: Nat-s.
forenoon: Thuj.
forenoon: Thuj.
afternoon: Lye, plb.
afternoon: Chin., laur., rat.
evening: Sabad.
walking in open air: Nat-s.
coughing, on: Ars., sep., verat.
Ambr. evening: Cast,
drawing in abdomen, when :

ascending steps: Alum,

menses, after: Ars.
bending toward painful side: Ptel.
micturition, during: Nit-ac.
cough, during: Lach., thuj.
motion, on: Jug-r., phos-ac.
Ambr. dinner, during: Mur-ac.
pressure, on:

standing, while: Am-c. eating, after: Kali-bi.

extending to epigastrium: Elaps. emission, after: Petr.

groin: Nat-m. hernia, in: Lyc.

hypochondrium Ran-b. : inspiration, on: Bry., mere,

ilium: Mez. intermittent: Sabad.

vagina: Ars. menses, during: Bor., brom., goss.

iliac region: Alumn., berb., cham., kali-chl., after: Ars., bor., brom.
laur., led.,lye, mere, mez., sil., spig.,
moving, on: Kali-c.
paroxysmal: Berb.
morning: Berb.
pressure amel.: Caust., prun.
extending down leg: Kreos.
pulsating: Berb., sabad.
ileo-csecal region: Agar., ammc.
rising, on: Con., euphr.
ilium, crest of: Kreos., mane, nat-m., spig.,
stront. amel.: Stann.

inspiration, on: Mil. sitting, while: Chin-s., mag-s.

inguinal region: Agn., alum., am-m standing amel.: Thuj.

ammc, ars., aiund., bar-e, bell., berb.,
stool, before: Kali-n.
bor., bov., bry., calc. ,
canifi., carb-ae,
carb-an., cast-eq., caust., cham., chin-s., during: Kali-c, nice,
coce, coc-e, cycl., dros., euphr., gamb., after: Gamb.
graph., grat., hell., indg., kali-c, kali-i.,
stooping, on: I^aur., plb., stann.
kali-n., laur., lil-t., lyc, mag-m., mang.,
mere, merl., mez., mur-ae, nat-c, stretching out, on: Am-e, kali-c.
nat-m., nat-s., nice, pall., prun., psor.,
walking: Kali-u., merl.
rat., sabad., senee, sep., spig., staph.,
stront., strych., sul-ac, sulph., tell., thuj., open air, in: Merc, nat-s., thuj.

viol-t., zinc.
amel.: Mag-s., thuj.

right: Ammc, am-m., bar-c, bov., Bry., extending to abdomen: Bar-c.

cham., coce, dros., hell., kali-i.,
kali-n., laur., lye, mang., mez., nat-e, axilla, left: Nat-s.

nat-m., prun sabad., sulph., thuj.

back, small of: Am-m.
left: Cast-eq., coc-c, cycl., euphr.,
downward: Caust.
graph ,
mag-m., mere, nat-s., nice,
plb., tell. hip, behind: Am-ni.

PAIN, stitching, inguinal region, extending PAIN, stitching, sides.
outward through ilium: Kali-n.
forenoon: Nat-s., ran-b.
testicle: Euphr.
evening: Caust., sil., sulph.
thighs: I^aur., lye, thuj.
blowing nose, on: Stront.
vagina: Ars.
coughing, on: Arn., ars., bell., bor.,
glands: Psor., thuj. carb-an., sep., stann., sulph.

liver: Aeon., cesc, agar.,

hiccoughing, on: Bar-c.
aloe, alum.,
am-m., asar., Berb., Bry., calc, camph., inspiration, on: Carb-v.. mez., Ran-b.,
canth., catb-v., card-ni., caust., cedr., stront., sul-ac, sulph.
chel., chin., cocc, coloc, con., crot-h.,
lying on side: Thiij.
cupr. cycl., fago., form., graph., hep.,
kali-bi., kali-e., kreos., lact., laur., left side, on, amel.: Nice.
mag-c, mag-m., mere., merc-c, merc-i-f., while: Sul-ac.
mosch., nat-e., nal-m., nal-s., nit-ae.,
nux-m., nux-v., ol-an., ox-ac, phos., motion, on: Nat-s., nux-v.
phos-ac, plb., podo., psor., Ran-b., pressure amel.: Thuj.
ran-sc., sabad., selen., sep., sil., spig.,
respiration: Bar-c, caps., carb-v., nux-v.,
stann., sul-ac., sulph., tabac., zinc.
stann., sulph.
breathing, on: Aeon., agar., aloe, berb.,
rest amel. : Nat-s.
Bry., con., crot-h., mere., nat-s.,
Ran-b. sitting, while: Carb-an., dros., grat., laur.
nice, phos., sabad., sars.
coughing, from: Bry., carb-v., eup-per.,
kali-c, mere, nat-m. standing, while: Nice
lying on it amel. : Card-m. stool, during: Nice, zinc-s.

menses, before: Con. stooping, on: Am-c.

walking rapidly: Kali-bi. stretching out: Kali-c.

extending from right to left: Card-m. supper, after: Raji-b.

turning body: Bar-c.

sides: Agar., all-c, aloe, alum., am-m.,
arg-n., bar-c, berb., bov., bry., calc, walking, on: Asaf., cham., nat-s., sil.,
calc-p., carb-an., carb-s ,
carb-v., caust., spig.
Cham., cocc, coloc, con., crot-t., graph., amel.: Sars.
hyos., ign., iod., ip., kali-c, kali-n., laur.,
mez., nat-c, nux-m., nux-v., op., petr.,
open air, in: Sulph., thuj.
phos., phos-ac, phys., plat., plb., psor., washing in cold water amel.: Bor.
puis., ran-b., rhus-t., sabad., sars., sep.,
wine agg. : Bor.
sil., spig., spong., stann., stront, sul-ac,
sulph., tabac, tarax., thuj., zinc. yawning: Bar-c.

right: Agar., bar-c, berb., bov., cham., extending to small of back : Calc.
kali-c, nux-m., petr., spig., spong., outward: Asaf., cann-s., lach.
sacrum: Canst.
left: Aloe, am-m., bell., bry., caust., chin.,
spermatic cords: Lac-ac.
coloc, hep., hyos., lach., laur., mez.,
op., plb., samb., sars., sep., staph.. spleen: Aeon., agar., alum., am-m., anac.
sulph., tarax., thuj. arn., Ars., bell., berb., bry., cain., calad.,
camph., carb-an., earb-v., cean., cedr.,
daytime: Sulph.
chel., chin., cocc, con., euphr., hep.,
morning: Sars. kali-bi., kali-n., niag-s., nat-a., tiat-c,

stitching, spleen.
PAIN, tearing,
cop., crot-t cupr., cupr-ar..
nat-s., nit-ac, nux-m., ol-an., colch., Coloc, ,

rhodo., ruta, sang., cycl., dig., dulc, vaph., kali-i., kali-n.,
psor., puis., rau-sc,
sil., spig., stann., lach., lye, mag-m., mere, mez., naja,
sars.. selen., sep.,
verb., zinc. nat-ra., nux-m., mix-v., phos., plb., puis.,
siil-ac, su/p/i., tahac, verat.,
rhus-t., secale, sil., squil., stram., sulph.,
breathing deeply, on: Bry., chin., mosch., tabac, tarent., verb., zinc.
nat-c, ran-s., sabad., sulp/i.
morning: Alum., dig., naja.
coughing, on: Bell., carb-v., con., sulph.,
forenoon: Mag-ni.
afternoon: Nux-v.
menses, during: Bufo.
evening: Alum., bry., mag-m.
walking, while: Aeon., arn., chin., hep.,
psor., rhodo., selen. night: Mag-m., mere, tabac.

umbilicus: Aeon., agar., aloe, alum., ammc, eating, while: Crot-t.

anac, ant-t., asaf., cocc, colch., dig.,
heat amel.: Alum.
dulc, grat., gymn., hyos., kreos.,
mag-s., merc-i-f., nux-v., plat., plb., raph., hiccough, on: Plb.
Sep., sil., verb.
hunger, during: Stram.
left side of: Jac-c.
inspiration, on: Calc.
afternoon: Alum.
menses, before: Cinnb., nat-m., tep.
inspiration, deep, on: Hyos., sil.
during: Agar., bov., causl.,
motion, on: Mag-s. cinnb.. Graph., Lach., mere, secale,
standing, while: Alum.
motion, during: Rhus-t.
extending to back : Ptel.
pressure amel. : Plb.
bladder: Cic.

mammary region: Kreos.

sleep amel.: Mag-m.
step, at every: All-s.
pudendum when coughing: Sep.

above: Aur., bell., chel., dig., grat., stool, before: Hep., stram.
kali-c. during: Aloe, cop.

below: Bar-c, chel., chin., coloc, kali-bi., after: Mag-m.

olnd., plb.
driving to: Nux-v.
region of: jEsc, ambr., anac, am., asaf.,
extending downward: Kali-i.
bov., bry., coloc, cycl., dulc, eupi.,
gels., grat., merc-c, mur-ac, nat-m., genitals, to: Calc.
nux-v., olnd., phos., plb., sep., spong.,
loins: Kali-i.
staph., zinc.
right mamma: Coloc.
eating, after: Bov.
hypochondria: Alum., canth., carb-v.
extending to uterus: Ip.
colch., con., cupr-s., kali-bi., kali-c.
sides: Crot-t., dulc, grat, kali-c, kali-i», lyssin, nux-v., plb., teucr., thuj., zinc.
lye, psor., raph., spig.
right: Alumn., con., nux-m. , zinc.
right: Dulc, grat., kali-c, lye, nat-m.
left: Canth., colch., lyssin, plb.
left: Crot-t., dulc, kali-i.
forenoon: Alum.
tearing: Aloe, alum., aw-c, ant-t., ars., bar-c,
evening: Caust.
benz-ac, berb., bry., cact., calc, canth.,
carb-an., carb-s., Cham., chin-s., cocc. coughing, on: Ambr.

PAIJf, tearing, hypochondria.
PAIN, tearing, umbilicus,
region of.
inspiration, on: Cupr-s.
paroxysmal: Plb.
extending to hip: Alnni.
pressure amel. : Plb.
hypogastriuni : Canth., chin con., iod., twinging: Cast., crot-t., grat.,
lach., zinc. mag-c., merl.
hypochondria: Uur., nux-v.
menses, during: I^ach., mane,
right: Nux-v.
iliac region : Crot-t.
left: Laur.
ilium, crest of: Berb., zinc.
inguinal region: Cast., indg.,
inguinal region: Am-m., lyc.
ars., berb., chin.,
crot-t., cycl., euph.. lach., lye, mez.' extending to chest: Indg.
plat., Sep., sil., stront., sul-ac, thuj. twisting: Anac, ant-t., ars., aur., bov., cact., '

evening: Sil. calad., calc, caps., caust., chin-s., dig "

dtos., dros., elaps, eupi.,

bending back amel. eup-pur., grat
: Chin. hura, lyc, mag-s., mere,
mez., pall., plb.'
coughing agg. : Tarent. prun., rhus-t., sil., staph.,
stram., sul-ac!
inspiration agg. : Plat.
sumb., Verat.

rising from a seat: Stront. hypochondria: Dios., nat-m., podo.

sitting, while: Sul-ac. right: Podo.

standing, while: Euph. left: Dios.

walking, while: Am-m. evening: Dios.

extending to right nipple: stool, during: Nat-m.


thighs: Plat. umbilical region: All-s., aloe, berb.,

calc, caps., cina, coloc, crot-t.,
liver: Canst., clem., con., kreos.
hell., mez., naja, nat-c, nux-m., ox-ac,'
evening: Caust. plat., plb., ran-b., ruta.

sides: Alum, aur., bry., calc, crot-t.,

morning: Hell.
kali-c, lack., \yz., mag-c, plb. night: Ruta.
right: Aur., lach. extending downward: Nux-m.
left: Bry., mag-c.
PENDirLOirS abdomen: Bell., croc, plat., podo.,
evening: Kali-c. Sep., zinc.

walking agg. : Mag-c. of mothers: Iod., nat-c, sep.

extending to bladder: Plb. PEEFORATION, region of navel, sensation of:

spleen: Ambr., con. Aloe.

umbilicus: Chin., crot-t., cycl., laur., PERSPIRATION: Ambr., Anac, arg-n , ra/w/.,
nux-v., plb. Cic, dros., mere, phos., plb., rhus-t.,
selen., staph.
2 p. m. : Laur.
forenoon: Arg-m.
region of: Agar., arn. ,
chain., crot-t.,
cupr., dig., grat., jatr., nat-s., plb.,
night: Anac, sulph.

psor., stram., tep., verb. coition, after: Agar,

morning: Dig. cold: Dros.

breakfast, before: Nat-S. walking, after: Caust.

dinner, after: Crot-t. hypochondria: Iris.

sep., sides: Hura, kali-c, nat-s.
hypogastriuni, sitting, while: Sde7i.,

thuj. walking, while: Nat-s.

seleu., lyssin, ran-b.,
inguinal region: Ambr., caiith., iris,
spleen: Anan., crot-t., grat.,

Sep., thuj. ruta.

umbilicus, spreading from : Rlius-t. umbilicus: Aeon., aloe, ars., dulc, ptel.

'LUG, sensation of, behind navel: Ran-sc. (See "Rumbling.")

pressed in intestines: Anac.
RELAXED: Alum., am-m., carb-v., ign., lob.,
here and there, as if a hernia phos., psor.,
'ROTRUSION mag-m., mang., mere, op.,
would form: Carb-au., ign. ptel., rhus-t., sumb.

umbilicus: Calc, con., lye, nat-m., sul ac, feeling of: Agar., alum., phos., psor.,

sulph. rumx.
*ROUD flesh, umbilicus: Calc. stool, after: Mag-m., sep., sulph.

'ULSATION: Aeon., tesc, seth., aloe, alum., walking, while: Nai-vi., rhus-t.
aut-t., ars., cact., cadm., calad., ra/^:., cann-s.,
colch., coloc, fl-ac, gels., RESTLESSNESS, uneasiness, etc.: Agar.,a«W.
caps., caust.,
apis, apoc, arg-n., ars., asaf., asc-t., aur
ign., tod., kali-c, kreos., lac-c, lach lye, ,

bell., bry,, calc., carb-an., cinnb., cist,

naja, nat-s., nux-v., op., plb., ptel., sang.,
sumb., tarent. colch., com., corn., crot-t., cycl., dire
seleu., Sep., stront., sul-ac,
dulc, euph., fago., ferr-mag., gran., grat.
morning, 5 a. m., during menses: Kreos.
gymn., hell., iod., ip.,jatr., kali-c merc-i-r. ,

eveuing: Ferr-i., ptel. mur-ac, nat-c, nat-ra., nat-s., iiit-ac., mez.

par., phos., plan., podo., puis., sep., vesp.
night: Aloe.
lying, while: Aloe.
morning: Calc, nit-ac, sep.
heat, during: Kali-C.
waking, on: Calc.
lying, while: Aloe, coloc, plb
forenoon: Cimic.
menses, during: ^sc.
afternoon: Grat.
hypochondria: Aeon., act-sp., anan., asc-t.,
bell., brach., calc, calc-p., chel., cimic, eveuing: Am-br.
cinnb., graph., kali-i., laur., lyssin, nux-v., night: Caust., kali-i.
puis., ran-b., sars., Sep., sil., sulph.
breakfast, during: Plan.
right: Act~sp., bell., brach., calc-p., kali-i.,
after: Grat.
sarr., sil., sulph.
drinking, after: Caust., sul-ac.
left: Asc-t., calc, caun-s., cinnb., gels.,
sars. eating, after: Caust., sul-ac.

morning: Strych. rest, during: Ars.

evening: Apoc, brom. sleep, after: Sulph.

hypoga.strium: Aug., ciua. stool, before: Ind.

female: ^sc, calc-p. during: Ind., kali-c.

inguinal region: Alum., brach., lyc, stann., after: Ars., graph,

stront., sul-ac.
hypochondria: Aloe, chin ,
equis., mane.
morning: Brach.
stool, before: Aloe.
evening: L,yc.
RETRACTION: Agar., alum., am-c, apis, ars.
deep in: Stann. bell., bry., camph., canth., cocc, colch

39 583
crot-t., cHpr., (liy., dros., elat eupli., daytime: Nit-ac,
gaiiib., hydr., iod., jatr., laur., led., lob.,
lye, mere, merc-c, inez., mur-ac, iiat-m., morning: Agar., all-c, all-s., an.-ni., apig
arg-u., ars., bov., bufo,
iiat-ii., op., ptEon., phos., plat., Plb., podo.^ coloc, dios.i
puis., sil., staph., graph., myric, nat-m., nux-v.,
.strain ,
sul-ac, labac, plant!'
thuj., vera I., zinc. plb., stront., tereb., zittc.

sensation of: Abrot., carb-ac, phos., snlph. coffee, after: Nat-m., ox-ac

umbilicus: Aeon., alum., bar-c, calc-p., c/u-L, rising, after: Plb.

grat, kali-c, mosch., nat-c, plb., podo., stool, before: Hell., nux-v.
ran-b., tabac, tereb., zinc-s.
waking, on: All-s., arg-n., ars., form.
morning: Aeon,
6 a. m.: Asc-t., niez.
lying, while: tereb.
7 a. m. : Dios., nat-m., zing.
sitting: Kali-e.
forenoon: Agar., am-c, ant-c, bry., coloc

stool, before: Crot-t. fl-ac, nat-m., stryeh., tarent.

stooping, on: Tabae. 9 a. m.: Coloc, dire, mag-c.

II a. ui.: Corn., euphr., nat-m.

ROLLING. (See "Rumbling.")
noon: Graph., ox-ac, phos.
RUMBLING: Acet-ac., aeon., tesc., anar., ail.,
eating, while: Graph.
all-c., aloe, alum., ambr., aninic ,
am-ui., anac, ant-e., aiii-t., apis, ai^oc, after: Phos.
arg-m., arg-n., am., ars., asar., arund., afternoon: Agar., am-c, ani-m., anmic,
asaf., asc-t., aur., aur-m., bar-c., bapt., bell.,
carb-v., grat., ign ,
iris, lyc, mag-s., naja,
berb., bism., bor., bov., brom bry., bufo,
nat-s., nux-v., ox-ac, sulph., tabae.
eact., calc, calc-a., calc-p., cann-s., canih.,
caps., carb-ac, carb-au., carb-s., carb-v.,
walking, while: Tabac.
carl., cast, cast-v., Caust., cedr., cham., m.: Glon., mag-c, ptel.
1 p.
chel., Chin., chin-s., cic, ciniic, cinnb.,
clem., cob., cocc, coc-c, colch., coloc, con.,
2 p. m. : Ptel.

cop., croc, crot-c, ctot-t., cupr-ar., cycl., 4p. m.: Dire ,

ir-foe., phys.
dig., Dios., dire, dor dulc, elaps, elat., ,

5 p. m.: Fago.
erig., eup-pur., euph., euphr., eupi., ferr.,
ferr-i., fl-ac, form., Gamb., gels., glon., evening: Bov., chin., ferr., ferr-i., kali-n., 13'c.,
graph., grat., guaj., Hell., hep., hydrc, mere, mez., nat-m., nat-s., ox-ac,, petr.,
hydr-ac, liyos ign., ind., iudg., iod ip
plb., plan.. Puis., rumx., sabad., sep.,
, ,

iris, Jatr., ivLg-T., kali-bi., kali-br., kali-c, sul-ac, sulph., tarent., zinc.
kali-i., kali-n., lach., lachn., lact., laur., bed, in: Bry., grat.
led., lobel., lil-t., Lyc, mag-c, niag-ni.,
eating, after: Naja, phos.
mag-s., mere. ,
merc-c, merc-i-f ,
mez., mur-ac, naja, nat-c, nat-vt., Nat-S,, lying, while: Ran-b.
nii-ac, nicx-m., Nux-V., olnd., op., osm.,
stool, during: Zinc.
ox-ac, paeon., par., petr., pliel., Phos.,
Phos-ac, pliyt., pic-ac, plan., plat., plb., 6 p. m. : Nat-c.
podo., psor., ptel.. Puis., ran-sc, rapb., Dire, mag-c, nice, stryeh.
7 p. nr.:
rhodo ,
rhus-t., rhus-v., rob., rumx., ruta,
sabad , samb sang., sarr., sars., secale, night: Aeon., arg-m , bor ,
cann-i., coc-c,

.senec, seneg,, sep., Sil, ^pig., spong., euphr., jatr., merc-c, Sulph., tareut.
squil., stann., staph., Ar&\\\., sul-ac, Sulph.,
stool, before: Sulph.
tabac, tarent., tereb., thuj., valer., verat.,
viol-t., xanth., zinc. midnight: Alum.


lUMBLING, night, midnight, RUMBLING.
stool, before: Anlhr., ars., asc-L, brom ,

after: Rhiis-t.
cact., card-m., colch., dulc. ferr-i. ,
form ,

I a. m.: Caul., ferr.

grat., hell., indg., y«/;-., kali-c, Mag-C,
Asc-t. mag-m., mere, mur-ac, nat-m., nat-s.,
3 a. 111. :

olnd., ox-ac, phos., ptel., rat., rhodo.,

4 a. 111.: Ferr. .sulph.,
sabad., spig., spong., stront.,

5 a. 111.: Ferr-i., petr., sulpli. tarax.

bed, in: Bry., glon., grat. diarrhoeic, before: Ant-t., bry., cycl., iris,

Nat-m plan. kali-n., mag-m., mag-s., nat-m., sulph.

breakfast, during: ,

during: Arn., chel., cycl, elaps, form.,

after: All-c, cycl., grat., sulph., thuj.
gamb., hep., iris, kali-bi., mez., ptel.,
diarrhoea, as would come on: Apis, colch.,
rat., seneg., sul-ac, thuj.
graph., hydr., kali-bi., mag-s., myric, naja,
diarrhoeic, during: Crot t., glon., hyos.,
nat-a., phos., ptel.
iris, kali-c.
dinner, after: Alum., ant-c, bor., coloc,
after: Agar., coloc, crot-t., dulc, ferr-mag
grat, naja., nat-m,, ox-ac, staph., sulph.,

tereb. Jatr., kali-bi., lyc, mez., nat-c, nat-m.,

ox-ac, plb., ptel., sul-ac, sulph., thuj.
diinking, after: Cham., graph., mere, rhodo.
diarrhoeic, after: Cain., nat-c
eating, before: Mag-m., selen.
stretching, on: Stann.
while: Calc, ferr-mag.
supper, after: Aloe, ol-an., phos.
after: Abies-c, aeon., alum., aut-t., bry.,
carb-v., caust., cJiin., coc-c, cycL, grat., swallowing, after: Am-c.
ign., meny., mez., mur-ac, nat-m ,
waking, on: Ferr.
nit-ac, phos., plan ,
puis., rhodo., sars.,
stann., sulph.
walking, on: Lyc

amel.: Graph., mosch., sul-ac.

open air, in: Am-c, gamb., ptel.

fasting, while: Tax. yawning: Croc.

hypogastriuni Aloe, carl., coloc, iris, tax.
flatus, passing, amel.: Aeon., ant-t.,ars., bov. :

caust., coc-c, hell., Lyc, ol-an. morning: Ambr.

inspiration, on: Mag-m., tabac. night: Com.
lying, on: Cann-i., coloc, phos-ac, plan., 4 a. m. : Iris,
Sep., stann.
ileo-csecal region: Plb.
abdomen, on, amel.: Ani-c
right side, on, while: Coc-c.
cough, from: Carb-an., lact., sil.
left side, on, while: Glon.
walking, while: Rhus-t.
menses, before: Aloe, bell., bry., calc-p., ferr.
kali-c, lac-c, lyc ,
tarent. SHIVERING. (See "Coldness.")

during: Aloe, kali-c, kreos., lyc, puis., SHOCKS: Arg-n., bell., calc, caust., kali-c,
sep. nat-m., puis., squil., tabac.

motion, on: Lyc. electric, extending to fingers : Caust.

pressure agg. : Agar. tingling: Mag-m.
rising, on: Bry., crot-t., ferr. hypogastriuni: Cann-s.
sitting, while: Canth.. caust., mur-ac. coughing, when: Nat-m., squil.

sleep, (luring: Agn., cupr. SHRIVELED or wilted appearance; Bor,


SHUDDERING in: Caim-s., coloc. SWELLING, inguinal region, glands of.
SPASMS muscles: Cupr, crot-h., cujir., dulc, elaps, eupi., j/els

in hysterical women: Coco. .?rap/i., Hep., iod., kali-i., lac-c, Lach

lye, lyxsin, Merc, Merc-c, mcn-i./'
SPLEEN, complaints of: Abies-c, abrot., ai{ar.,
mcrc-i-r., nat-c, nat-ni Nit-ac, phos.^
alum., am-f., ani-m., anac, urn., Ars.,

phos-ac, phyt., rhns-L, .sep sil., sin-„.',

Asaf., dor., calc-p., camph., aiiiii-s., caps.,

spong., stann., staph., .stram.. sitlph]^

carb-an., carb-v., caust., cean., cedr., c-ham.,
sumb., syph., larent., tep thuj., zinc.
Chin., coc-c, colcli., con., d>os., dulc, gran.,

Ig-n., iod., mag-c, nuig-m.,

kali-n., laur., suppressed gonorrhoea, after. (See"GRNI-
mang., mere, mez., i)iur-ac.,nat-c.,nat-m., TAIJA.")
nit-ac, nux-v., phos., phos-ac, plat., plb., liver: Aeon., ant-t., ars., aur., bar-m., Ijell.,
psor.,Ran-b., rhodo., rhus-t., ;'«/«, sars., sil.. bufo, bry., calc, cann-s., chel., chin',
stann., Sul-ac, siilph., thuj., valer., verat, chin-s., cupr., cur., iod., lach., lact., laur.,
verb., zinc. lye, mere, nux-m., n\iK-v., phos ,

SPONGE, sensation of, in hypochondria,

sil., sulph.
nating sides: Lac-c. abuse of quinine, after: Nux-v.
SPRING, sensation as if a, were unrolled in left spleen: Agn.,anan., ars., brom., caps., chin.,
hypochondrium: Sol-t-ae. chin-s., cocc, ign., iod., nux-v., ruta.

STONE in, sensation of: Aloe, ant-t.. Puis. quinine, after: Aran.
lying on abdomen : Aloe. umbilicus: Bry., caust., plb., prun., ptel.,

seems puis., sep.

full of stones: Ant-t., Calc, cocc.

after long sitting: Ant-t.

TENSION: Aeon., agar, aloe, ambr., ant-t.,
arg-m., arg-n., ars., Bar-C, bell., bov.,
umbilicus, about: Cocc. bry., calc, calc-a., canth., caps., carb-an.,
SUNKEN. (See " Retracted " . carb-v., caust., chain., chel., chin., clem.,
cocc, colch., coloc, com., crot-h., crot-t.,
SUPPURATION of glands, inguinal glands:
Cupr,, dig., ferr., gamb., gins., gj'apli..
Ars., aur., bar-m., crot-h hep., mere,
Hep,, hyos., hyper., jatr., jug-r., kali-bi.,
nit-ac, phos., sulph.
kali-c, kali-n., kreos., lach., lact., laur.,
SWASHING: Aeon., aloe, Crot-t., kali-c, Lyc, mag-c, mag-m mag-s., ,
nat-m. meny., mere merl., mez., mosch.,
naja, nat-c, nat-m., nat-s., nit-ac, nux-v.,
SWELLING, mesenteric glands: Ars., aur.,
op., par., petr., phos., phos-ac, plat., plb.,
bar-m., calc, con., iod.
ptel., puis., rheum, rhodo., sabin., samb.,
inguinal region: Am-c, ant-c, ars., clem., secale, Sep,, Sil., .spong., squil., staph..
con., gran., graph., jac-c, kali-c, lye, stram., stront., sul-ac, Sulph., tabac, tep.,
puis., rhus-t., sil., thuj. tereb., thuj., verat., vip., zinc.

right: Ars., clem., con., lyssin. morning: Cinnb., sep., sulph.

left: Am-c, sil. forenoon: Nat-m.

2 p. m. : Lyssin. afternoon. Bry., calc, petr., stront., sulph.

8 p. m.: Phys. eating, after: Bry.

elastic: Am-c. evening: Arg-n., hyos., lyc, mag-c.

hard: Clem., dulc, puis. night: Chin., nat-c.
painful: Clem., puis.
dinner, after: Cycl., nit-ac, plat., sulph.
glands of (see ';Bubo"): Alum., am-c, drinking, after: Ambr., cocc.
ant-c, ars ,
aur.. Bad., bapt., bar-m.,
bell., brom., bufo, eating, on: Phos.
Calc, calc-a.,
carb-an., carb-v., Clem., cocc, cop.. after: Ambr., asaf., bry., ign., lyc.

hypogastrium: Agar., ars., aur., bell., chin.,
roast latnb, after: Lyc.
coc-c, gins., mere, op ,
phos., sumb.
emission, after: Sep.
morning: Bell.
exertion, during: Calc.
eating, after: Phel.
flatus, passing, amel. : Ant-t. , mez.
inspiration, deep, agg.: Sumb., thuj.
menses, during: Cocc, graph., nice, Nux-m.
rising, on: Dulc.
motion, on: Clem., phos.
stool, before: Hsem.
reaching liigh, from: Alum,
iliac region: Arg-m., gr^t.
respiration, deep, on: Con.
left: Arg-m., grat.
sitting, while: Calc, crot-t., kali-c, spong.
inguinal region: Agar., am-c, am-m arg-m., ,

stool, during: Grat. benz-ac, berb., calc-a., canth., carb-an.,

clem., coc-c, coloc, crot-t., cycl., dig.,
amel.: Gent-c, sulph.
dulc, gamb., graph., jatr., kali-i., kreos.,
waking, on: Ferr. mag-s., mere, nat-m., nat-s., nit-ac, sars.,

walking agg.: Arg-m., spong. spig., stront.

amel.: Bry., ferr., kali-c. ,

lye, nat-c. right: Am-m., sars., stront.

hypochondria: Aeon., aloe, ant-c, ant-t ,

ars., left: Arg-m., calc-a., mere, merc-e, nat-m.
bell., bry., calc, carb-v., canst., chani.,
morning: Coloc.
chins., cimx., clem., coc-c, coflF., colch.,
con., dig., eup-per., graph., hyper., lact., 5 a. m. : Merc-c.
lyc ,
mag-m., mosch., murx., mur-ac, nat-c, afternoon: Cj-cl.
nal-m., nat-s., nit-ac, nux-v., puis., sep.,
sleep, after: Cycl.
staph., strych., stdph., verat., vip.
evening: Nat-m.
right: Aloe, ant-t., bry., calc, carb-v.,
hyper., lact., lyc, mur-ac, nat-m., nat-s., ascending stairs: Coloc.
nit-ac, sulph.
bending over: Coloc.
left: Bup-per., rhodo.
motion, on: Nat-m.
forenoon: Nat-m.
pressure: Coloc.
afternoon: Ars., nat-m.
raising arms: Apis.
2 p. m. : Ars.
rising from a seat: Dulc.
evening: Mur-ac.
standing, while: Gamb.
breathing, from: Led.
stool amel.: Nat-m.
fruit, after: Nat-c.
stretching out limb : Carb-an.
heat, during: Ars.
touched, when: Spig.
lying on back, while : Caust.
walking, while: Am-m., clem., graph,
sitting, while: Mur-ac. kreos., nat-m.

stool, after: Plat. sides: Aeon., caust., crot-t.. cycl., lach.,

mere, nat-m., rhus-t., zinc.
stooping, on : Rhodo.
eructation amel. : Zinc.
waking, on: Carb-v.
spleen: Nit-ac, rhodo., sulph.
walking in open air, while: Nat-s.
umbilicus: Anac, crot-t., nat-m., verat.
extending to back: Nat-m.
region of: Cham., crot-t., mang., Sulph.,
upwards: Mur-ac. thuj., zinc.

TENSION, umbilicus, region of.
TWITCHING, inguinal region, extending to.
midnight: Sulph. penis: Zinc.
lying, while: Crot-t.
sides: Chin., fl-ae, graph., nat-e nice
TINGLING. (vSee Shocks.") sul-ac.

TREMBLING: Ant-t., arg-n., hov ,

chel., colch., walking, while: Sul-ac.
con., croc, grat., hydr., iod., kali-c, lil-t, TYMPANITIC. (See Distension.") •'

mosch., Nux-V., phos., raph., Sul-ac.

ULCERS: Avfr-u., Ars., bar-m., rafc, Carb-v
morning: Colch. chin., coloc, cupr., hep., kali-bi., lach., lyc
night: Raph. mere Nit-ac, phos., plb., sil., sulph

eating, after: Arg-n.
spreading: Ars.
menses, during: Arg-u.
inguinal region: Bad., bar-m., hep., mere.
hypogastrium : Calc-p.

inguinal region: Agar,, chel., mere,

umbilicus, about: ^sc, apis, ars., cale
lach., lye, nux-m., petr., rhus-t., sep., .sil,

left: Agar. sulph., thuj.

TUBERCULOSIS: Nat-s. UNEASINESS. (See " Restlessness.")

TURNING sensation: Caps., ign., lact., sabad., VEINS distended: Sep.

sep. varicose: Ham., sulph.

TWITCHING and jerking: Agar., alumn., inguinal region: Berb.

ambr., ars., bry., cann-s., canst, chel., con.,
cupr., dros., graph., guaj., hyos., kali-c,
WATER, as if full of: Case, crot-t, hell,
lye, mane, mere, murx., nat-m., nux-v.,
op ,
phos., plat., ran-sc, rhus-t., sul-ac, WEAKNESS, sense of: Alum., alumn., apoc.
verat. bor., colch., gels., Ign., kali-c, led., Hl-t.
mag-m., nat-m., olnd., ox-ae, petr., Phos.
night: Caust.
podo., phyt., plat., psor., rhodo., spong.
stool, during: Calc. staph., Sul-ac, verat., zinc.

hypochondria: Aeon., berb., carb-s., croc, morning: Chel., hell.

lact., mag-c, mere, nat-e, nux-v., puis.,
evening: Anac.
stann., thuj., valer.
diarrhoea, as if, would come on: Aloe.
right: Aeon., mag-c, mere, nat-c, valer.
menses, before: Phos-ac.
left: Thuj.
as if, would come on: Sul-ac.
evening: Nat-c. stool, diiring: Form., ip.
hypogastrium: Arn., sul-ac. after: Chin., dios., lept. /Aoj. plat., Podo.
, ,

inguinal region: Abrot., amme, calc, cann-s., Sep., sul-ac, verat.

clem., cycl., phos-ac ,
psor., sulph., zinc, inguinal region: Aloe, aur., calc, raph.
extending to back: Abrot, tabac.

ABSCESS: Calc.,calc-s., hep., mere, sil., syph., CONSTIPATION.
thuj. Alumn., ambr., am-c, am-m., ammc,
just below the coccyx: Peson. anac, ang., ant-c, Apis, arg-m., arg-7i.,

arn., Ars., arund., asaf., asc-s., asc-t., aster.,

APHTHOTTS condition of anus: BapL, bor., bry.,
aur., aur-m., bad., bapt., bar-c, bar-m.,
kali-chl., mere, merc-c, mur-ac, nit-ac,
berb., bor., bov., brach., Bry., cact., calad.,
sulph., Sul-ac.
Calc, calc-ph., carb-ac, carb-an., carb-v.,
BALL in rectum, sensation of. (See " Lump.") card-m., case, caul., Caust., chel., chin.,
chin-s., chr-ac, cimx., cina, clem., Cocc,
BLACK: Merc-c.
Coff., Coll., colch., con., cop., cor-r., crot-h.,
BOILS in anus: Calc-p., carb-an., canst., petr. crot-t., cub., cupr-ac, daph., dig., dios.,

near anus: Canst. dale, elaps, ery-a., Q\s.on.,ferr.,fl-ac.,/orm.,

gamb., Graph., guaj., hell., hep., hydr.,
CANCER: Alum., nit-ac, sep.
hydrc, hyos., ign., iod., iris, jab., jac-c,
CATARRH of the rectum (see "Mucus," jatr., kali-bi., kali-c, kali-chl., kali-i.,
"Moisture"): Arg n., aur., nit-ac. kreos., Lach., lac-d., laur., led., lept., lil-t.,

Lyc, lycps., mag-c, Mag-m., mag-s.,

CHOLERA: Aeon., ars., Camph., carb-v., cic,
meny., mere,
majic, '"\ang., med., nieli.,
colch., Cupr., jatr., laur., phos., phos-ac,
merc-c, merc-i-f., mez., mosch., murx.,
podo., secale, sulph., tabac., thuj., Verat.
mu7--ac., myric, naja, Nat-m., nat-s.,
infantum: Aeon., ceth., ant-c, ant-t., ars.,
nice, Nit-ac, nux-m., Nux-V., olnd.. Op.,
bell., bism., calc, camph., carb-v., colch., osm., ox-ac, paeon., pall., petr., Ph.OS.,
coloc, colost., crot-i., elat., grat., ip., iris,
phos-ac, phyt.. Plat., Plb., podo., polyp.,
jatr., kali-bi., kali-br., kreos., laur., med.,
psor., -ptel., puis., raph., rhus-t., rob., sabad.,
phos ,
podo., raph., sars., secale, sil., sulph.,
sang., sars., secale, selen., seneg., Sep., Sil.,
tabac, thuj., verat. spong., squill., stann.. Staph., Stram.,
morbus: Ant-c, ars., camph., colch., coloc, Sulph., sul-ac, tabac, iarent., tell., ther.,
crot-t., elat., grat., ip., iris, jatr., kali-bi., Thuj., tril., tuberc, urt-u., ust., variol.,
phos., phos-ac, Podo., raph., secale, tabac, verb., Verat., vib., viol-o., vesp., ZinC.
thuj., verat.
alteruating with diarrhoea: Abrot., acet-ac,
COLDNESS in anus: All-c, kali-bi., nat-m., sil.,
agar., aloe, am-m., Ant-C, ant-t., arg-n.,
ars., aur., aur-m-n. ,
berb., bry.,
afternoon: Kali-bi. carb-s., card-m., case, Chel., cimic, cina,
drops, cold: Cann-s. cob., cofif., coll., con., cop., crot-h., cupr.,
waking, after: Nat-m., sulph. dig., dios., ferr-i., gamb., gnaph., grat.,
walking in open hep., homarus, hydr., igft., iod., kali-bi.,
air, after: Sil.
kali-c, lach., lac-d., lacL, lil-t., mag-s.,
CONDYLOMATA: Aur., aur-m., benz-ac, mane, mere, mez., nat-c, nat-m., nat-s.,
euphr., jac-c, lye, rials.,
Nit-ac, petr., Nit-ac, nux-m., Nux-V., Op., phos., plb.,
sabin., sep., staph., sulph., Thuj.
Podo., polyg., ptcl., puis., rhus-t., ruta,
sore: Thuj. sang., sars., sep., stram., sulph., sumb.,
tabac, zinc.
CONSTIPATION (see "Inactivity"): Abies,
iEsc, ceth., agar., agn., alet., aloe. Alum., aged people, in: Ant-c, bry., nux-v.. op.

40 589
difficult stool (sec " Inactivity "): ^T^sc, agar., menses, before: Am-c, bry., graph.,
all-c, aloe, Alum., Alumn., am-c, Am-m., lach., niag-c, nat-s,, nux-v., Sil., sulph.'
anac, Ant-C, apis, am:, bapt., bar-c, vesp.
Bar-m., berb., bov., Bry., calc, calc-p.,
during: Alum., am-c, am-m.. ant-c.
camp/i., canth., carb-v., Caust., chain., Apis,
aur., bov., bry., chel., cycl.,
chel., chin., cimx., cocc, colcli., coll., coloc, Graph.,
Kali-c, kreos., Nat-m., nux-v., nal-s.,
Con., crot-t., dulc, /err., gels.. Graph.,
phos., Plat., plb., Sep., Sil., sulph., thuj.
grat., hell.. Hep., tff)i.,\oA., kali-bi., kali-c,
kalm., kreos., Lac-d., lact., \sLur ,lyc., after: Dire, graph,
lyssin, mag-c, Mag-m., mag-s., mang., instead of: Graph.
mere, merc-c, mcz., mnr-ac, na.ja, nat-c ,
suppressed, during: Graph., ham.
Nat-m., nat-s., Nit-ac, Nux-m., Nux-v,,
old people: Aloe, alumn., ant-c, bar-c, bry.,
ol-an., Op., phos., phos-ac. Plat.,
p\h., podo., psor., puis., ral., rhodo., ruta, calc-p., con., lach., op., phos.,phyt., rhus-t.,
Sanic, sars., selen., senec , Sep., Sil.,
siann., staph., stront., Sulph., tarent., painful: Nat-m., Nit-aC.
Thuj., valer., verb., \\)a.,zinc. periodical: Kali-bi.

natural stool : Psor., Sil. portal stasis, from: JEsc, aloe, Nux-V.,
soft stool: Agn., Alum., anac, calad.,
calc-ph., carb-v., chin., colch., hell.. Hep., pregnancy, during: Agar., alum., ant-t.,
ign., kali-c, lach., lob-i., lye, mag-m., apis, bry., coll., coloc, con., Dol., hydr.,
nat-c, nat-s., Nux-m., phos-ac, psor., lye, Nat-s., Nux-V., op., Plb., Plat.,
ruta, Sep., sil., stann., staph., sulph., podo., Sep., sulph.
tarax., verb., zinc. sedentary habits, from: Aloe, bry., lye,
Nux-V., op., Plat.,/oa'o., sulph.
standing, can pass stool only while: Caust.
back: slips back, stool. (See under " diflScult ")
stool slips Agn., eng., mag-m.,
mur-ac, nat-vi.. Op., sanic, Sil., sulph., standing, passes stool easier when: Caust.
stool remains long in the rectum with no urg-
urinating, can pass stool only when: Aloe, ing. (See "Inactivity.";
with general amel. : Psor.

drugs, after abuse of: Agar., ant-c, bry., with awful anxiety : Tarent.
chin., Coloc, hydr., lach., Nux-V., op.,
wine, after: Zinc.
ruta, sulph.

dryness of rectum, from: Alum. CONSTRICTION, contraction, closure, etc :

Aeon., sesc, seth., alum., am-c, ars., bell.,

fruitless urging, with. (See "Urging, inef- berb., bor., cact., calc, calc-s., camph.,
fectual.") cann-s., carb-an., carb-v., caust., chel., chin.,
cic, cimx., cocc, colch., coloc, crot-t., der.,
hard stool, from. (See "Stool.")
ferr., ferr-i., Jt-ac, form., graph., grat.,

insufficient, incomplete, unsatisfactory stools: guare., hipp., hura, hyos., ign., kali-bi.,

Aloe, alum., ang., apis, am., bai'-c, bell., kali-c, Lach., laur., Lyc, mang., mez.,
benz-ac, bty., calc-s., carb-ac, carb-v., nat-c, nal-m., Nit-ac, Nux-V., op., phos.,
Card-m., cham., colch., coloc, euplir., plb., rat., sars., secale, sep., sil., sol-t-as.,

gamb., gels., glon., graph., hep., hyos., staph., stront., sunib., syph., ther., thuj.
ign., iod., Kali-c, lact., lye, mag-m., mez., morning: Nux-v.
naja, Nat-c, Nat-m., Nit-ac, nux-m.,
rising, after: Nux-v.
Nux-V., Op., par., petr., rliodo., sabad.,
spong., squil., afternoon: Coloc.
sars., seneg., sep., sil.,

stann., staph., Sulph., thuj., zinc evening: Ign.

CONSTRICTION, evening, CRAWLING, evening.

walking, while: Ign. bed, in: Plat., teucr.

night: Secale. sitting, while: Sulph.

alternating with itching: Cliel. stool, during: Phos.

breakfast, after; Calc-s. after: Berb., teucr.

flatus, passing: Fl-ac. DIARRH(EA: Acet-ac, aeon., esse, aeth., agar.,

menses, during: Cocc, thuj.

alet., all-s., Aloe, alum., am-m., ammc,
ang., anthr., ant-a.,Ant-C, Ant-t., Apis,
mental exertion, after: Nux-v. apoc, aran., arg-m., Arg-n., am., Ars.,
motion amel. : Coloc. arum-m., asaf., asar., asc-t. astac, aster., ,

Bapt., Bar-C, bell., benz-ac, h^xh., bism.,

painful: Brach., calc, cocc, coloc, Lach.,
bor., bov., brach., brom., Bry., cact., Calc,
lye, 7nang., mez.,'Sux.-v., Plb,, si/.
calc-a., calc-p., Canth., caps., carb-ac,
sitting, while: Cocc, mang, csxh-s,., carb-v., csist., caust., cean., Cham.,
chel., chim., China, chin-s., cic, ci?ia,
amel. : Ign.
cinnm., cist., clem., cocc, coff., coll.,
spasmodic: Chel., grat. ,
lack., nat-m., Nit-ac, colch., coloc, con., cop., corn., crot-h.,
Nux-v., Op., verb. Crot-t., cub., cupr-ar., cycl., dig., dios.,

standing agg. : Ign. Dulc, Ferr., Fl-ac, Gamb., gels.,

graph., grat., ham.. Hell., Hep., hydr.,
stool, before: t,ach., nat-m., nux-v., phos.,
hyos., ign., ill., ind., lod., Ip., Iris, jab.,
plb., Sep.
jatr., jug-c, Kali-bi., kali-c,
during: Almn., ars., chel., chin-s., coloc, kali-chl.,'_kali-n., kreos., lach., lac-ac, lac-d.,
ferr., glon., kreos., mang. , Nat-m., laur. ,lept., lil-t., lith., Lyc., lyssin, mag-c,
nux-m., ntix-v., phos., sep., Sil., thuj. mag-m., mane, meli.. Mere, Merc-C,
after: ^sc, chel., colch., elaps, form., merc-sul., mez., morph.,
naja, mur-ac,
nat-c, Nat-m., Nat-S., nice, nit-ac, nuph.,
grat., ign., kali-b., Lach., mez., Nit-ac,
VMSL-va.., phos., plat., Ji?/. stront., sulph.,
nux-m., nux-v., ol-an., olnd., op., ox-ac,

thuj. petr., phel., Phos., Phos-ac, phyt., pic-ac,

plant, plb., Podo., psor., puis., raph., rat.,
preventing: All-c, berb., chel., Lyc, nat-m.,
Rheum, rhodo., rhus-t., rumx., sabad.,
nit-ac. nux-v.
samb., sang., Secale, seneg., sep., squil.,
urging to, during: Caust. staph., stram., Sulph., sul-ac, tabac,
tarax., tarent., tereb., Thuj., tromb., uran.,
urinating, on: Carb-s., nat-m.
Verat., xanth., zinc, zing.
walking, on: Caust., crot-t.
daytime only: Am-m., ang., arg-n., bapt.,
extending into recttim: Sil.
canth., ciua, cocc, con., crot-t., elaps, fl-ac,
upward: I^aur., sil. form., gamb., glon., hep., jab., kali-c,
kali-n., mag-c, Nat-m., nat-s., nux-v.,
testes, to: Chin., sil.
Petr., squil.
vagina, to: Sep.
and night: Kali-c, merc-c, sil.
CRAMP. (See " Constriction.")
morning: Acet-ac, seth., agar., all-c, aloe,
CRAWLING in: ^sc, agar., all-c, alum., alum., am-c, am-m., ang., ant-c, apis,
arabr., arg-m., bar-c, benz-ac, calc, canth., arg-n., ars., aur., balet., bor.,
carb-v., caust., chel.,
Bov., brom.,
chin., cinnb., coc-c,
Bry., cact., calc-s., carb-an., chin., chlor.,
croc, der.,ferr-i.,ferr-mag., hep.,
cimic, cist., cop., corn., dig., dios., dulc!,
kali-c, kreos., mosch., nat-c, nux-v., plat.,
eup-per., /^m, fl-ac, gamb., grai., gua/.,
plb., rhus-t., sabad., sep., spig., spong.,
hep., hura, iod., iris, Kali-bi., kali-c,
Sulph., tereb., teucr., zinc.
kali-i., kali-n., kalm., lach., lil-t., lith., lyc.,
evening: Plat., spong., sulph., teucr. lyssin, Mag-c, mag-.^, mane, mere.'

mur-ac, nat-c, nat-in., Nat-8., nice, nit-ac, evening: Aloe, d\\x\\\., bor., bov., bry., calc,
nux-m., tiux-v., ol-j., olud., osm., ox-ac, calc-ph., canth., carb-an., caust., colch.,
Petr., Phos., phos-ac, phyt., plant., Podo., cycl., dig., dulc, gels., ign., iod., ip.
psor., />«/j., rhodo., rhus-t., Rumx., sang., kali-c, kali-n., lach., lept., lil-t., mang.
sarr.,senec, sil., squil., staph., Sulph., mere, mez., mur-ac, nat-m., nat-s ,
sumb., tabac, ihuj., tromb., valer., veral., phel., phos., pic-ae, puis., sang., senec.
zing. stann., sulph., tereb., thuj., valer., verat.
afternoon, until: Nat-ni.
cold air, in: Colch., mere, nat-s.
bed, driving out of: Aloe, bell., bov., chin.,
3 a. m.: Merc, rhus-t.
cic, dios., hep., hyper., kali-bi., nat-s.,
nuph ,
petr., phos., phyt., podo., psor., night: Abrot., aeon., aeth., aloe, ang., ant-c
rumx ,
sil., Sulph., syph. ant-i., Arg-n., am., Ars., arum-t., asaf.
asc-t., aur.,bar-c, bov., brom., bry., canth.
as soon as he rises from: I<yc., sulph.
caps., carb-s., caust., cham., chel.. Chin,
coffee, after: Nat-m. chin-s., cinnb., cist., colch., crot-t., cub.
dulc, fert., fl-ac. ,
gamb., graph., grat
rising, after: .i^th., agar., aloe, ars., bry.,
hep., hyos., ign., ip., iris, jalap., kali-bi.
cain., calc, cocc, fl-ac, lept., lye, mag-s., mag-c
kali-c, kreos., Lach., lith., lyssin,
nat-m., Nat-s., nux-v., ox-ac, phos., mane, mere, merc-c, mosch., nat-c.
plant., sulph., verat. nat-m., Nux-m., phos-ac, Podo., Psor

and moving about: Ars-i., Bry., lept., Puis., rhus-t., selen., senec, sil., stront
stilph., iabac, ther., verat.
nat-m., Nat-S.

stands up, as soon as he: Aloe, cocc, lye, lying agg. : Lach.
nat-s., sulph. midnight, before: Mag-c. nux-m., puis

vcaking with urging: Cench., form., graph.,
kali-bi., kali-i., lye, petr. after: Aloe, arg-n., Ars., arum-t., asc-t
bry., chin., cic, cist., dros., ferr-p
6 a. m.: Aloe, arg-n., lach., ox-ac, petr.,
fl-ac, iris, kali-e, lye, mane, merc-c
nat-m., 7iux-v., secale, squil., staph
7 a. m. : Xanth.
stront., Sulph.
forenoon: Aloe, apis, cact., carb-an., gamb., noon, to: Ars., cist.
kali-e, lil-t., mag-c, mur-ac, nat-m., nat-s.,
2 a. m. Aran.,
: ars., cic. phos., rhus-v
plant., Podo., sabad., stann., sulph., thuj.
8-10 a. m.: Plant.
2- 3 a. m.: Iris, phos.
ID a. m. to 10 p. m. : Aloe.
3-4 a. m.: Kali-c, lyc.

noon: Alum., ant-c. ,

bor., crot-t., jab., mag-m., 3- 1 1 a. m. : Nat-m.
sulph. 4 a. m. : Fl-ac, form., petr., phos
Podo., rhus-t., s&calQ.
afternoon: Aloe, alum., am-e, ars., bell.,
4- 6 a. m. All-c.
bor., calc, carb-an.. Chin., dulc, fern,

gent., hell., kali-c, laur., lept., lye, mag-c, 4- 7 a. m. : Nuph.

mag-s., merc-c, mur-ac, phos., phyt., 5- 6 a. m. : Nuph.
stann., sulph., tereb., zinc.
acids, after: Aloe, ant-c, apis, ars., brom
regularly: Ferr. bry., coloc, lach., n-a:s.-\., phos-ac, sulph.

4-6 p. m. : Carb-v. acid food amel. : Arg-n.

4- 8 p. m.: Hell., lyc. acute diseases, after: Carb-v., chin., psor.

5- 6 p. m.: Dig.

DIARRHCEA, breakfast.

coff., con., amel.: Bov., nat-s., tromb.

aged people: Ant-C, Ars., carb-v.,
nat-s., nit-ac,
fl-ac, Gamb., iod., kreos., burns, after: Ars.
nux-v., op., phos., secale, sulph.
cabbage, after: Bry., petr.
prematurely, with syphilitic mercurial dys-
castor oil, after: Bry.
crasia: Fl-ac.
catarrh or coryza, after: Sang.
women: Kreos., nat-s.
cathartics, after: Carb-v., chin., hep., nit-ac,
air, in cold: Nat-s., sil.
cold, on abdomen: Caust. cham., coloc,
chagrin, after: Aloe, bry.,
currents of: Aeon., Caps., Nux-V. staph.

open, in: Agar., am-m., coff., cycl., grat. valer.

chamomile, after abuse of:

aniel.: Dios., iod., lye, nat-s., Puis, change of diet, least: All-s., nux-v.

alcoholic drinks, after: Ant-t., ars., lach., dulc, psor.

weather, from: Calc, calc-s.,
Nux-v., sulph.
chest, after pains in the: Sang.
aleamel. : Aloe, phos.
child-bed, in: Ant-c, asar., cham., dulc,
aloe, after abuse of: Mur-ac, sulph. secale, stram.,
hyos., phos., psor., rheum,
alone, when: Stram. sulph., tromb.

alternate days, on. (See "periodical.") children, in: Aeon., EXh.,, agar., agn., apis,
alternating with constipation. (See
' Consti- arg-n., ars., bar-c, benz-ac, bor., Calc,
pation.") calc-p., Cham., cina, crot-t., dulc, gamb.,
hell., Ip., iris, kreos., Merc, nux-m., olnd.,
headache: Podo.
phos., Podo., Psor., puis.. Rheum, sabad.,
anger, after: Aeon., aloe, ars., bar-c, bry., samb., Sep., Sil., stann., staph., Stram.,
calc-p., cham., Coloc, ip-, nux-v., staph. Sulph., sul-ac, valer., zinc.
anxiety, after: Ars., camph., sil., tabac.
phos., rhus-t verat.
chill, during: Ars., elat., ,

apyrexia, during: Iod.

after: Secale.
autumn, in; Ars., asc-t., bapt., colch., ip.,
calc, dulc,
chilly people, in: Asar., Ars.,
iris, merc-c, nux-m., verat.
psor., sulph.
bad news, from: Gels.
chocolate, after: Bor., lith.
bathing, after: Calc, rhus-t., sars.
cholera epidemic, during: Camph., cupr., Ip.,
cold, after: Ant-c. Phos., puis.
battle, on going into: Gels. after an attack of: Secale.

beer, after: Aloe, chin., gamb., ind., kali-bi., cider, after: Ant-c, calc-p., podo.
lyc., mur-ac, Sulph.
climaxis, during: Lach., sulph.
amel.: Phos.
coffee, after: Canth., caust., cist., coloc, corn.,
bilious: Agar., apis, bry., cham., colch., cycl., fl-ac, hyper., ign., nat-m., osm.,
eup-pur., fl-ac., ip., itis, mere., merc-c, ox-ac, phos., thuj.
mur-ac, nit-ac, phos-ac, Podo.
smell of, after: Sul-ac
boils begin to heal, as soon as: Rhus-v.
amel.: Brom., ro/oc, corn., phos.
breakfast, after:
.^th., agar aloe, alum., , cold applications amel.: Cycl., lyc, puis.
arg-n., bor., calc, cycl., iris, kalm., led.,
lyc, mag-p., nat-m., Nat-s., nuph., nux-v., becoming, after: Cocc, dulc.
ox-ac, phos., psor., rhodo., Thuj. drinks, after: Ant-c, bell., bry.,


DIARRH(EA, cold drinks, after.
calc-a., caps., carb-v., chin., cocc. dulc, dinner, after Alum., am-m., caps., chin.,
hep., lept., lye, mane, nat-c, nat-s., coloc, Grat., ///-/., Mag-C, uat-m., nit-ac,
nit-ac, uux-m., puis., rhus-t. Sep., nux-v., tronib., verat.
staph., sul-ac, tromb., verat.
domestic cares, from: Coff.
aniel.: JVios.
draft, after. (vSee"air.")
in summer: Carb-v., nat-s., Nux-m.,
drastic medicines, after. (See " cathartics."

drinking, after: Aloe, ant-c, ant-t.. Arg-n.

food. (See "food.")
Ars., asaf., bry., calc-a., caps., cina, coloc.
nights: Aeon., dulc. crol-t., cub., Ferr., fl-ac, kali-n., lach.
place amel. : Puis. laur, mane, nux-m., '^ya.--<},,podo., rhodo.
secale, staph., sulph., tromb., verat.
taking cold, after: Aeon., aloe,&x^., bar-c,
bell., bty., camph., canst., chain., chin., immediately after: Arg-n., cina, crot-t.
coff., con., cop.. Dulc, gamb.,
elat., podo.
graph., ip., nal-c, mere, Nux-m., nux-v., drugging, after: Nux-v.
op., puis., rhus-t, sang., sep., sulph.,
verat., zing. drunkards, in old: Ant-t., ars., chin., Lach.
nux-v., phos.
summer, in: Ant-t.,bry., dulc.
dry weather: Alum.
weather, from : Dulc. mere. nux-v.
rhodo., rhus-t. eating, while: Ars., chin., crot-t., Ferr.
kali-p. ,
podo. puis
, ,
colliquative: Alumn., ant-t., apis, arn., Ars.,
Bapt., benz-ac, bism., calc, calc-p., after: .il5sc., aeth., agar.. Aloe, alum., am-m.
Camph., Carb-v., Chin., coff., colch., con., ant-c, apis, arg-n., Ars., asar., aur-m.
corn., cupr., cycl., dulc, elat., ferr., hep., aur-m-n., bor., brom., bry., calc, caps.
iod. ip., iris, kali-chl., kali-p., kreos., lack., carb-v., caust., cedr., chant., Chin., cina
lept., lil-t., lye, mere, merc-c, mez., cist., Coloc, con., corn., Crot-t., cub.
mur-ac, nuph., nux-m., Phos., pic-ac, dulc, ferr., ferr-mag., ybrw., gamb., hep.
plant., psor., Secale, Sep., sul-ac, sulph., hyper., ign., iod., kali-n., kali-p., lach.
labac, tarax., tereb., Ihuj., Verat. laur., Lyc, mur-ac, nat-c, nat-s., nit-ac.
nux-m., nux-v., phos., phos-ac, Podo.
cucumbers, after: Verat.
Puis., raph., rheum, rhodo., sanic, sars.
damp weather: Agar., aloe, ars., calc, cist., secale, staph., sul-ac, sulph., tabac, thiij.
lach., nat-s., puis., rhodo., rhus-t., sulph.
Tromb., verat.

amel.: Asar. amel.: Arg-n., broni., chel.,^\os.,%rB.t.,hep.

iod., jab., nth., lye, nat-c, nice, nit-ac.
cold weather: Calc, Dulc, mere, nux-m.,
rhodo., rhus-t., zing. petr., plant., sang.

darkness agg. : Stram. effluvia, noxious, from: Crot-h., pyrog.

debauch, after a: Ant-c, Nux-V. eggs, after: Chin-a.

dentition, during: Aeon., csth., apis, arg-n., emaciated people, in: Calc, calc p., iod.,
ars., bell., benz-ac, bor., Calc, calc-p., nat-m., phos., sulph.
canth., carb-v., Cham., chin., cina, coff.,
emotions, depressing, from: CofT., coloc,
colch., coloc, corn., cupr., Dulc, Ferr.,
Gels., hyos., ign., ip., op., phos-ac
gels., graph., hell., hep., ign., ip., kreos.,
tnag-c, mere, nux-m., phos-ac.,/>£»rfci. ,
psor., eructations amel.: Arg-n., carb-v., grat., hep.,
Rheum, sep., Sil., sul-ac, sulph., zinc. lyc.

diet, after trivial errors in. (See "indiscre- eruptions, suppressed, after: Bry., dulc, hep.,
tion.") lye, mez., psor., Sulph., uri-u.


ant-t., ars., bor., bry.,
ars., chin., fruit, after: Aeon.,
exanthemata, during: Ant-t.,
carb-v., Chin., cist., coloc,
calc, calc-p.,
crot-t., ip., laeh., lith., lyc, mag-c, mur-ac,
after suppression of: Bry., hep., mere ,
rhenm, rhodo., tromo.,
nat-s., podo., puis.,
sulph. verat.

excitement, as before theatre: Arg-n., hyos., sour, after: Ip.

lyc. with milk, after: Podo.
exciting news, from: Gels, stewed, after: Bry.
exertion, bodily, after: Ars., calc, nat-s.,
Rheum, sul-ac.
unripe fruit, after:
puis. , rhus-t.
earb-v., erot-h.,
game, "high," after: Ars.,
becoming warmed up, by Puis,
fat, flabby people: Caps, Nux-v.
ginger, after:
fever, hectic, during: ^sc. glistening objects, looking at: Stram.
intermittent, during: Ars., Cina, cocc, con.,
gouty subjects: Benz-ac, iod.
gels., puis., rhus-t., thuj.
grief, after: Coloc, gels., ign., phos-ac
pernicious: Camph., cupr., pyrog.
ground, standing on damp, after: Dulc, elat.
puerperal: Carb-ac. ,
jfiyro^-. ,
hair cutting, after: Bell.
typhoid: Agar., apis, arg-n., ars., bapt.,
lyssin, mur-ac, hearing water run, from: Lyssin.
bry.,calc., Hyos., lack.,

nii-ac„ op., Phos., phos-ac, rhus-t., heat of sun or fire, after: Carb-v.
secale, stravt., tereb., verat.
dry, amel.: Sulph.
fish, after: Chin-a.
external, amel.: Ars., hep.
flatus, passing, amel.: Aloe, arn., calc-p.,
moist external, amel. : Nux-m.
com., eup-per., grat., hep ,
iris, kali-n.,

mez. hot weather: Aeon., ceth., aloe, ant-c, ars.,

food, acid, amel.: Arg-n.
bapt, bell., bry., calc, Camph., carb-v.,
chin., coff., colch., crot-h., Crot-t., gamb.,
artificial, after: Alum., calc, mag-c, sulph. iris, kali-bi., lach., mag-c, mere, mur-ac,
change of, after: All-s., nux-v. nai-m., nux-m., phos., podo., rhevLm, ve.ra.t.

cold agg. Ant-c, ars.. carb-v., cocc, coloc,

hydrocephalus acutus, during: Apis, bell.,

dulc, hep., lyc, nat-s., nit-ac, nux-m., calc, carb-ac, hell., zinc.

puis., rhus-t., Sep., sul-ac. Arg-n., Ars., bry. ,. calc-p.

icecream, after:

amel.: Phos. carb-v., dulc, puis.

farinaceous, after: Lyc, nat-c, Nat-m., amel.: Phos.

imagination, from exalted: Arg-n.
fat, after: Ant-c, carb-v., cycl., kali-chl.,
indignation, from: Coloc, ip., staph.
puis., thuj.
indiscretion in eating, after the slightest:
pastry, after: Phos.
jEsc, ant-c, arg-m., ars., brach., hiy.,
rancid, after: Ars., carb-v. ckifi., cimic, colch., fl-ac, kali-chl., naja,
nat-m., petr., phos., psor., ptel., puis., sulph.
rich, after: Arg-n., ip., kali-chl., nat-s..
Puis. injuriesj after: Arn.
solid, after: Bapt. ,
/•ofl'o. jaundice, during: Chion., dig., mere, nat-s.,

fright, after: Aeon., arg-n.. Gels.,

nux-v., Sep., sulph.
ign., op.,
verat. joy, sudden, from: Coff., Op.

DIARE,H(EA. DIAREHCEA, motion agg.
lemonade, after: Phyt.
hura, ip., merc-c, mur-ac, nal-m.,
light, bright, from: Bell., colch., stram. nux-v., ox-ac. phos., podo., puis.,
runix., tabac, Verat.
loss of fluids, after: Carb-v., chin.,
amel.: Coloc, cub., dios., nit-ac, plant,
lying agg,: Dios., ox-ac, raph.
amel.: Bry., mere, podo., sabad.
narrow-chested people: Phos.
abdomen, on the, amel.: Aloe, alum., calc,
coloc, phos., rhus-t. night-watching, from: Nux-v.

back, on the, agg. noise, from: Colch., nit-ac, nux-v.

: Podo.
amel.: Bry. sudden, from: Bell., bar.

side, on the, agg.

nursing, after: "^eX-c, crot-t.
: Bry.

amel.: Podo. women: Chin.

right, agg. onions, after: Lye, nux-v., puis., thuj.

: Phos-ac.

amel.: Phos. opium, after: Mur-ac, nat-m., nux-v., Puis.

left, agg.: Arn., phos.

overheated, after being: Aeon., aloe, ant-c,
elat., Puis.
magnesia, after: Bry., nux-v., puis., rheum.
oysters, after: Brom., lye, sul-ac.
measles, during: Squil.
painless: Anthr., apis, arg-n., a.rx\., ars., ars-i.,
after: Carb-v., chin., mere, puis., squil. arum-t., Bapt, bar-m., bell., Bism., Bor.,
meat, from: Ferr., lept., sep. bry., calc, camph., carb-an., cham., chel.,
chin., cinnb., clem., cocc, cochl., coff.,
fresh, from: Caust.
colch., coloc, cou., crot-t., dulc, Ferr.,
smoked, from: Calc. gamb., gels., graph., grat., hell.. Hep.,
melons, from: Zing. Hyos., ip., iris, jab., kali-bi., kali-c, 'ka.li-n.,
kali-p., laur., lye, mage, mere, Nat-m.,
menses, before: Aloe, aw-c.,apis, bov., cinnb., nat-s., nit-ac, nuph., nux-m., nux-v., op.,
cocc, hyper., Lach., nat-s., sil., verat. petr., Phos., ph-ae, plat., Podo., psor.,

during: Alum., am-c, am-m., ant-c, puis., ran-b., rhodo., rhus-t., rumx., secale,
bov., bry., Sep., sil., Squil., stann., stram., sul-ac,
calc-p., caust., cham., chel.,
cinnb., graph., kali-c, Sulph.., tabac, thuj., verat., zinc.
kali-i., kreos.,
mag-c, nat-c, nice, phos.,
nat-s., sars., night: Ars., bor., -bry., canth., cham., chin.,
sil., stront., sul-ac, tabac, Verat. dulc, mere, puis., rhus-t., sulph., verat.
after: Ars., graph., lach., nat-m. only after eating in daytime: Chin.
mental exertion, after: Nux-v., pic-ac. sabad.
, pastry, after: Arg-n., ip., kali-chl., nat-s.,

mercury, after abuse of: Asaf., hep., Puis.

nit-ac, sars., staph., sulph. periodical, on alternate days: Alum., Chin.,
dig., fi-ac, nit-ac.
milk, after: .^th., ars., hry., Calc, con.,
kali-c, lye, mag-m., Nat-C, nice, nit-ac, same hour, at: Apis, sabad., selen., thuj.
nux-m., podo., Sep., sil., sulph.
hour later each day : Fl-ac.
boiled, after: Nat-c, nice, nit-ac, Nux-V.,
every fourth day: Sabad.
summer: Kali-bi.
hot, amel.: Chel., crot-t.
perspiration suppressed: Aeon,
sour, after: Podo.
pork, after: Ant-c, cycl., nux-m., /w/j.
motion agg.: Aloe, apis, arn., ars., bell., Bry.,
cadm., calc, colch., coloc, croi-L, Ferr,, potatoes, after: Alum., coloc, sep., verat.


DIARRIKEA, smoking,
DIAERH(EA, potatoes.
amel.: Coloc.
sweet, after: Calc-a.
soup, from: Mag-c.
pregnancy, during: Alum., am-m., ant-c,
spices, from: Phos.
apis, cham., chel., chin., dulc, fern, hell.,
hyos., lye, nux-m., nux-v., petr., Phos., spirits. (See " alcoholic drinks.")
puis., Sep., sulph. Ante, nux-v.,
spoiling the stomach, after:
pressure agg. : Ant-t., bell., cic. •p&tr., podo., puis., sulph., zing.

aniel.: Arg-n., asaf., bell., cast., coloc, dios., Spring, in: Bry., iris, lach., sars.

gamb., podo. cocc, ign., hl-t.,

standing agg.: Aloe, ars.,

quinine, after abuse of: Ferr., hep., lach., rheum, Sulph.

nat-m., pall.. Puis, amel.: Merc,
rest agg. Cycl., rhodo., rhus-L, zinc.
strain, after a: Rhus-t.

amel.: Bry., ip., ox-ac.

sugar, Arg-n., calc,
after: crot-t., mere,
rhubarb, after: Cham., coloc, mere, nux-v., ox-ac, sulph., tromb.
Summer. (See " hot weather.


riding, from: Cocc, mx^si-va.., petr., psor.

sun, in the: Agar., camph.
in a train: Med. supper, after: Hyper., iris, tromb.
amel. Nit-ac.
sweet potatoes, after: Calc-a.
rising, after: Nat-c, sulph.
teething. (See " dentition.")
up agg.: Aeon ,
bry., cocc, op., tromb.
thunder-storm, before; Rhodo.
from bed amel.: Cub., dios., mez.
during: Nat-c, phos., rhodo.
rubbing amel. Dios. lyc.
tobacco, from: Brom., cham., ign., puis.

sauer kraut, after: Bry., petr.

turning in bed to left side causes desire for
schoolgirls, in: Calc-p., phos-ac. stool: Arn., phos.

scrofulous people, in: Asaf, bar-c, Calc, urinating agg.: Aloe, Alum., canth., hyos.,
Calc-p., caust., cist., mere, samb., Sil., squil.
Sulph. thuj.
vaccination, after: Ant-t., sil.,

sea-bathing, from: Sep.

veal, after: Kali-n.
seashore, while at: Ars., bry.
vegetables, after: Ars., bry., cist., cupr., hell.,
septic conditions, from: Ars., carb-v., crot-h., lept., lyc, nat-c, nat-s. petr., podo., verat.

lach., pyrog.
vexation, from: Calc-p., coloc, staph.
shell-fish, from: Carb-v.
with indignation: Ip., staph.
shining objects agg. : Strain.
vinegar, after: Ant-c.
sitting agg.: Dros.
walking agg.: Aloe, alum., calc, gels., mere.
amel.: Cocc.
warm application amel.: Alum., nux-m.,
erect agg. : Bry. podo., rhus-t.
sleep, during: Bry., sulph.
drinks: Fl-ac.
after: Bell., Lach., pic-ac, sulph., zing. food agg.: Phos.
amel.: Alum., crot-t., phos.
room agg.: Apis, iod.. Puis,
small-pox, during: Ant-t., ars.. Chin., thuj.
warmth agg.: Puis., secale.
smoking agg. : Bor., brom., cham. of bed amel.: Coloc nux-v., Sil,

washed, while being: Podo.
during: Mez., nil-ac, op.
washing the head, after: Podo tarent. after:
Hell., kali-bi., nat-m., rhus-t., ruta,
water, hearing running, agg. : Lyssin. zinc.

weaning, after: Arg-n., chin, amel. after: Kreos.

wet, after getting: Aeon., calc, rhus-l. DRAW in, de-sire to, anus: Agar.

after getting feet: Aeon., nux-ni., rhus-t. DRYNESS: jffisc, aeth., agar., alum., cale.
carl)-v., graph., nat-m., sulph., sumb.
wind, after exposure to cold: Aeon., dulc.
sensation of: Agar., calc, carb-v.
east: Psor.

wine, from: Lach., lye, zinc.

DYSENTERY: Aeon., ath., Aloe, alumn.,
ant-t., apis, arg-n., am., K.r6,, bapt., bar-m.,
amel.: Chel., dios. bell., Canth., Caps,, carb-v., caust., cham.,
chin., colch., Coloc, cop., crot-t, cub.,
sour: Ant-c.
cupr., dire, dulc, elat., gamb., hep., ign.,
winter: Asc-t.
iod., Ip,, ij-is, kali-bi., kali-chl., lach., lil-t.,
wrapping up warm ly amel.: Sil.
lyssin, Mag-c, mane, Mere, Merc-c.,
7iit-ac., nux-m., Nux-v., op., ox-ac, pelr.,
sensation as before a: Agar., apoc, carl.,
Phos,, phyt., psor., puis., raph., rhodo.,
colch., crot-t., dig., dros., Dulc, eupi.,
Rhus-t,, staph., sul-ac, Sulph., tereb.,
form., gels., glon., grat., ind., iris, kali-n.,
tromb., verat., zing.
lye, merc-i-f., mez., nat-m., nit ac, phos.,
pip-m., plant., plb., sulph. summer, in: Kali-bi.

smoking, while: Bor. (For circumstances, see " Diarrhoea.")

walking, while: Nat-m. ERUPTION about anus: Agar., am-c, am-m.,

ant-c, berb., calc, carb-v., caust., graph.,
DIFFICULT stool. (See " Constipation.") hep., ign., kali-c. ,
lyc, med.. mere, Nat-m.,
nat-s., Nit-ac, petr., sep., staph., sulph.,
DISTENSION: Agar., op.
DRAGGING, heaviness, weight: Aeon., ^sc, burning: Calc.
agar , Aloe, ang., ant-c, arn., bar-c, bell.,
berb ,
bry., cact., calc, cann-s., carb-v., herpetic: Berb., nat-m., petr.
caust, chel., coll., con., crot-t., cycl., itching: Cinnb., lye, petr.
euphr., graph., hep., hyos., inul., kali-bi.,
kali-c. kali-n., kreos., lach., lact., laur., pimples: Agar ,
brom., cinnb., kali-c, kali-i.,

led., lil-t., lob., lye, mag-m., mane, mere,
nit-ae, nux-m , nux-v., phos., plant., plb., pustules: Am-m.
puis., rhus-t., sac-alb., sep., staph., sulph.,
scurfy: Petr.
sumb., ther., thuj., verat., zinc.
ulcerous: Kali-c.
morning: Lye
vesicular: Brom., carb-v.
stool, after: Lyc.

afternoon: Cycl. EXCORIATION, chafed, raw: Agn., alum.,

am-e, apis, arg-m., ars., aur-m., asc-s.,
dinner, after: Cycl. bar-c, calc, calc-s. ,
carb-an., Carb-V.,
sleep, after: Cycl. caust., cham., coloc, gamb., grat., hep.,
hydr., ign., kali-c, Lyc, mere, merc-c.^
evening, during loose stftol: Op. nat-m., nit-ac, petr., plant., podo., sanic,
menses, before: Phos. Sep., Sulph., urt-u.

during: Aloe. acrid moisture, from: Merc-c.

stool, before: Hell., mere riding on horseback: Carb-au.

Am-c, benz-ac cast., cham., dig.,
afternoon: ,

in a wagon: Psor. nice, osm., plb.,

fl-ac, myric, nat-s.,
stools, from the: Aloe, Apis, ars., bapL,
coloc, mere, niur-ac, Nit-ac, nux-ni.,
evening: ^sc, carb-an., cast, chel., crot-t.,
nux-v., rheum, sulph.
fago., gamb., lyc, nat-m., nice,
nates, between: Calc, nat-ni., sep.
stront., Sulph., thuj.
walking, from: Arg-m., nat-m ,
stool, during: Gels,
perineum, of: Alum., carb-v., rhodo. hep., ign.,
night: All-c, arg-m., bry., coloc,
FISSUEE; Msz., agn., all-c, ant-c, arg-m., ox-ac, sol-t-se., Sulph., verat.
ars., arum-t berb., calc-p., carb-an., canst.,
menses, before: Mang.

Cham., cund., cur., fl-ac, Graph., grat.,

hydr., ign,, lack., med., merc-i-r., mez. stool, during: Psor.

nat-m., Nit-ac, mix-v., pcson petr., phos.

amel.: Aeon., all-c, aloe, ambr.,

anac, ant-t.,
phyt., plat., plb., rat., rhus-t., Sep., sil.
arg-n., arn., asaf., asar., aur., bism., bor.,
sulph., syph., Thuj.
bry., calc-p., cauth., caps., carb-v., cham.,
burning. (See "Pain, burning.") chel., chin., cic, cocc, cofF., colch., coloc,

con., crot-t., eup-per., graph., guaj., hep.,

FISTULA: Aloe, alum., ant-c,, aur., Aur-m.,
bry., cad.,
Calc-p. Calc, hyos., ign., kali-c, lach., laur., Lyc,
bell., Berb.,
meny., mez., nat-m., nit-ac, nux-m.,
Carb-v., Caust., fl-ac. graph., hep., hydr.
ign., Kali-C, kreos., lack., lye, mere. Nux-v., ph-ac, phos., plat., plb. Puis.,
'Sit-B,(i,, petr., phos ,
puis., sep., Sil., staph, rheum, rhodo., rhus, ruta, sabin., Sang.,
selen., sep., sil., spig., spong., squil.,
sulph., syph., thuj.
Staph., stram., Sulph., teucr., thuj.,
FLATUS, escape Agar., Aloe, am-m., ant-c.
verb., zinc.
ant-t., apoc., Arg-n., Am., ars., asaf., aur.
bar-c, bell., bism., bor., brom., bry., camph. without: Chin.
carb-an., Carb-v., case, canst., Cham, bed, in: Chel.
chel.. Chin., cic, chlor., Cocc, coc-c.
breakfast, after: Grat.
Coloc, con., croi-h., crot-t., cycl., Dios,
dulc, elat., i3.^o.,ferr., fl-ac, gels., Graph, chill, after: Hipp.
ham., hep., hyos., Ign., iod., kali-bi., /ta/z'-c.
cold: Con.
kali-i., kali-n., lach., led., lil-t., Lyc,
mag-c, mag-m. ,mang. ,Mere., mez., mur-ac. diarrhoea, during: Am-m., arg-n., asaf., bov.,
nat-c, nat-m., Nat-S., Nux-V., olnd., Qp.
Carb-v., chin., coloc, cub., cupr-m., dios.,
ox-ac, pall., Phos., Phos-ac, phys., pic-ac. kali-c, lach., lyc, mane, mur-ac, nat-s.,
plat., Plb., podo., psor., Puis., Raph. nice, nit-ac, nux-v., olnd., plant, plat.,
rhus-t., rhodo., sabad ,
sang., secale, sep. ptel., sabin., sang., sars., sep., sil., squil.,
Sil., spig.. Staph., slram., sul-ac, Sulph. tabac, zing.
tep., Teucr., thuj., Verat., zinc.
difi&cult: All-c, calc-p., cocc, cofF., hyos.,
daytime: Nat-m., ox-ac, plat , Sulph. lyssin, nat-s., op., ox-ac, phos plat., ,

morning: AU-c, bufo, hep., niag-s., nit-ac. sul-ac.

plb., puis.
dinner, after: Ant-c, arg-n., cycl., grat,
stool, during: Chel. nat-m., sulph.

waking, on: Carb-v. drinking, after: Nat-m.

forenoon: Calc-p., nat-m. eating, after: Aloe, ant-c, ign., op., plat.,
Sep., tabac.
stool, before: Fl-ac.
hot: Aeon., Aloe, ant-t., carb-v., cham cocc,
TO a. m : Fl-ac.

dios., phos., plb., puis., staph., sulph.,

noon: Ox-ac, .sulph. sumb., teucr., zinc.

FLATUS. FLATUS, stool, before.
inspiration, during: Caust.
asaf., calad., cocc, colch., dig., ferr., fl-ac.,
loud: Aloe, ani-ni., Arg-n., cansl., fl-ac,
gels., mag-c, mez., nat-m., plant., sabad.| '

kali-n., larh., vtez., tial-s., ox-ac, phos., sang.

plant., sqniL, teiicr., zinc.
during: Agar., aloe, arg-n., asaf., chin..
stool, durinir: ^/o^-, Nat-S., phos-ac, Coll., coloc, con., corn., cub., eug.,Ferr.,
sputtering: Aloe, eng., Nat-S. fl-ac, gamb., hipp., iris,
Nat-s., nit-ac],
osm., ph-ac, Podo., ruta, sang.,
after: Aloe, ox-ac.
staph., sul-ac, thuj., zing.
sugar, after: Arg-n.
after: Aloe, colch., ox-ac.

menses, during: Clem., mag-c. urging for stool, but only flatus is passed:
moist: AU-c, z.\\\.-c.,carb-v., zinc, Aloe, ant-c. cain., carb-an., carb-v.,

myrie, osm., Nat-s., rob.

motion, during: Pic ac.

FOREIGN body, sensation of: Lil-t., nat-m.,
Agar., arg-n., bell., carb-v., lye, rumx., Sep., sulph.
nice, plat., Sulph.
FORMICATION in anus: Agar., aloe, ambr.,
offensive: ^sc, agar., all-c. Aloe, alum., ant-c, ant t., arg-n., bar-c, benz-ae, berb.,
ammc, ant-c. Am., Ars., Asaf., atir., bov., calc, carb-v., chel chin., coc-c, ,

bar-c, bor., how., Bry., calc, calc-p., camph., colch., croc, elaps, fago., gran., grat, ign.,
carb-ac, carb-an., Carb-V., caust., cedr., kali-c, mez., mosch., fmir-ac, nat-e,
chin., cocc, coff., coloc, con., crot-t., dios., nux-v., ol-an., phos., plat., plb., rhodo.,
dire, dulc, form., glon., graph., hell., rhus-t., sabad., sep., sil., spig., sulph.,
hipp., igti., kali-u., lack., lact., lith., lye, tereb., teucr., verat-v., zinc.
mag-e, mere, mez., mur-ac, Uat-m., evening: Euphr., plat.
Nat-S., nice, nit ac, nux-m., nux-v., olnd.,
op., petr., phos., plb.,psor.. Puis., rhodo., in bed: Teucr.
ruta, sang., sep., sarr., Sil., squil., stann.,
night: Nux-v.
staph., stram., Sulph., tell., teucr., valer.,
zinc. stool, after: Aloe, mez.

daytime: Aloe. FULNESS: Aeon., .ffisc, agar., Aloe, alum.,

apis, ars., bell., berb., bry., carb-v., caust.,
morning: All-C, aloe, bov., cedr., fl-ac, cycl., ferr., Ham., kali-bi., lach., lil-t.,
lye, nat-s. mane, med., meli., Nit-ac, phos., plant.,
forenoon: Carb-an., nat-m. stram., Sulph., thuj.

afternoon: led., nat-e, phos. alternating with sensation of emptiness:

evening: Aloe, cliin-s., colch., lye, nat-s.,
stool, after: JEsc.
phos., sarr.

night: Cast., kali-e, lye walking, after: J3sc.

spoiled eggs: Aut-t., Am., chain cofF.,

hep., o\nA., psor., staph., sulph. GURGLING in rectum: Calc, carb-an., laur.,
strych., sulph.
stool, before: Dig., fl-ac, mez.
during: Aloe, asaf., fl-ac, iris.
H.ffiMORRHAGE from anus: Acet-ae, Acon.,
cesc, aloe, alum., alumn., ambr., am-c,
after: Aloe, colch. am-m., anac, ant-c, apis, ars., asar aur.,

bapt., bar-c, bar-m., bell., berb., bism.,

sulphuretted hydrogen, like: Cham fl-ac.

nat-m., Sulph. bor., bufo,Cact., Calc, calc-p., camph.,

canth., caps., carb-an., carb-s., carb-v., carl.,
walking: Carb-an., crot-t.
case, chant., chin., chin-s., cob., cocc, coll.,

- stool, before: -iS)sc., aloe, ani-m., apis, arg-n coloc, crot-h., cycl., dios., elaps, erig..


hydr., hyos., Paeon., petr., phos., ph-ac, phys., phyt.,
ferr., grap/i., Ham., hep.,
Lach., led., plant., plat., plb., /^?a'o.,/>Jor., PiQs., rat.,
ign., tp., kali-c, kali-i., kali-n.,
mane, med., mere, rhus-t., rhus-v., rumx., ruta, sang., secale,
lob., Lyc, lyssin,
merc-c, Nat-m., Nit-ac,
mill., tnur-ac, Sep., sil., staph., stront., sul-ac, Sulph.,
plat., podo., sumb., syph., tereb., ther., ihuj., verat.
Nux-V., phoS; ph-ac, pliyL,
psor., puis., rat., rhus-t., rhus-v., sabin., verat-v., zinc, zing.

stram., Sulph., thuj., valer.,

Sep., sil., morning agg.: Aloe, Dios., mur-ac, sabin.,
verat., zinc. sulph., sumb., thuj.

morning: Plant. amel. : Alum., coll.

stool, after: Puis, bed, in, agg.: Graph., rumx.

afternoon: Sulph. waking him: Aloe, kali-bi., petr., sulph.

evening, stool, during: Calc. waking, on: Aloe, sulph.

night: Nit-ac. night agg.: JSsc, aloe, am-c, ant-c, ars.,

black: Ant-c, merc-c. carb-an., carb-v., coll., euphr., ferr., graph.,

mere, phys., rhus-t., Sulph.
liquid: Elaps.
beer agg. : Aloe, bry., ferr., nux-v., rhus-t.,
flatus, with: Phos.
menses, before: Am-c.
bleeding. (See " Haemorrhage from anus.")
during: Am-m., graph., Lach., lyssin.
as soon as the rheumatism is better; Abrot.
scanty, during: Lach.
blind: ^sc, ant-c, ars., brom., caps., cham.,
suppressed: Graph., ham., zinc, coll., ferr., grat., ign., nit-ac, nux-v., podo.,
puis., rhus-t., sulph., verat.
rubbing, on: .^sc.

stimulants, after: Alum. bluish: ^sc, seth., ars., Carb-V., dios., ham.,
lack., mane, Mur-ac, phys., verat-v.
stool, during: Ambr., carb-an., carb-v., lyc,
Nat-m., nux-v., plant., puis., rheum. chronic: ^sc, aloe, am-c, calc, carb-v.,
canst., coll., dios., graph., lach., lyc,
after: Agar., aloe, alum., am-c, calc-p., merc-i-r., nit-ac, Nux-V., petr., phyt.,
carb-s., carb-v., chel., cycl., grat., kali-n.,
podo., Sulph.
lach., mere, mez., nat-m., phos., rhus-v.,
selen., sep., spong., sulph. congested: Aeon., agar., aloe, apoc, arg-n.,
ars., cham., hep., Kali-c, mere, mur-ac,
from hard: Nat-m., prun.
Nux-v., Paeon., podo., puis., sil., sulph.,
Abrot., acet-ac, aeon., verat-v., zing.
iEsc, seth., agar., agn.. Aloe, alum.,
alumn., ambr., am-c, am-m., anac, ang., external: Abrot., ^sc, all-c,
Aloe, alum.,
anl-c, ant-t., apis, apoc, arg-n., arn., Ars., am-c, anac, ang., ant-c, apoc, arn.,

arum-t., aur., bapt., bar-c, bell., berb., ars., aur., bar-c, berb., brom., bry., cact.,
bor., bov., brom., bry., cad., calc, calc-p., calc, calc-p., caps., carb-an., carb-v., caust.,
cann-s., canth., caps., Carb-an., Carb-v., coll., coloc, dios., /err., fl-ac, gran.,
card-m., carl., case, causL, cham., c/iel., graph., grat., ham., hep., kali-c, kali-n.,
chin., chr-ac, cic, cimic, cimx., clem., lach., lyc, med., mere, Mur-ac, nat-m.,

cocc, colch.. Coll,, coloc, con., croc, crot-t., nit-ac, x\w-s.-y.,pcson., ph-ac, phos., phj-s.,
cycl., dios., elaps, erig., euphr. , ,
fl-ac, plat., puis., T&t., rumx., rhus-t., sep., sil.,

gels.. Graph., grat., ham., hep., hydr., sul-ac, Sulph., thuj., verat., zinc.
hyos., ign., iod., kali-bi., Kali-c, kali-n.,
hard: Alum., ambr., Caust., phys., sep.
kreos., lach., lact., lil-t., lob., Lyc, mane,
med., mere, merc-i-r., mez., mill., mosh., inflamed. (See " congested.")

Mur-ac, nal-m., nat-s., nil-ac, Nux-v., internal: ^sc, alum., ant-c, arn., Ars.,

bor., Brom., calc, caps., caust., Cham., touch agg.: Abrol., Bell., berb., calc
ciniic, Coloc, hep., Ign., kali-c, lye,
carb-an.,_ Caust., graph., hep.,
lil-t., lyc
Nux-V., pli-ac.,/./(OJ., plant, Podo., Puis., mere, Mur-ac, nit-ae, nux-v., phos., rat.
r/ius-L, Sep., stront., Sulph., vcrat. Sep., sil., sul-ac, Sulph.. syph.,
itching. (See " Itching.") ulcerating: Cham., hep., kali-c, nit-ac,
large: JEsc, agar., Aloe, alum., ang., arn., paon., phos., Sil., staph., syph.
ars., bry cad.,
, calc, caps., Carb-an., urination, during, agg.: Aloe,
Bar-C, cantb.,
carb-v., Caust., clem., coloc, cycl., dios., kali-c, mere, mur-ac, nit-ac.
^a^\ir.,/err.,ga.\-&c., ffrapk., ham., Kali-c,
after, agg.: Merc.
kali-n., lack., lye, mane, mere, inur-ac,
nat-m., Nit-ac, Nux-V., podo., puis., sep., walking agg.: ^sc, agn., alum., ars., Brom.,
sul-ac, Sulph., thuj. calc, Carb-an., caust., cycl., kali-c,
Mur-ac, nit-ac, phos., phys., runix., sep.,
menses, before: Cocc, phos., puis.
sil., Sulph., sumb., ther., thuj.
during, agg.: Aloe, am-c, cocc, graph.,
amel.: Ign.
lach.. lyssin, phos., puis,
wiping after stool agg.: ^sc, Graph.,
after, agg.: Cocc.
Mur-ac, Paeon., puis., sulph.
suppressed, during: Phos., sulph.
HEAT : Esc, agar., Aloe, apis, ars., berb., bry.,
mental excitement agg. : Arg-n., gels., hyos., calc-p., clem., colch., con., cycl., eupper.,
nux-v., sumb.
glon., iod., lil-t., merc-c, naja, nat-m.,
mercury, after abuse of: Hep., sul-ac. nit-ac, phyt., rat., rumx., sep., sulph.

milk agg. : Sep. morning: Glon.

motion agg.: Apis, carb-an., euphr., mere, rising, on: Glon.

mur-ac, nat-m., puis. noon : Agar.

offensive (fetid): Carb-v., mane, med. afternoon : Cycl.
parturition agg. : Ign., Kali-C, Hl-t., mur-ac, micturition, after: Rhus-t.
podo., puis., sep.
stool, during: Aloe, ant-t., form., glon.,
pendulous: Nit-ac. Podc
preachers, in, from standing: Caust., sulph. after: Calc-s., caps., euphr., sol-t-ae., zinc.

pregnancy, during: ALsc, ant-e, caps., HEAVINESS. (See "Dragging.")

coll., lye, nat-m., nux-v., sep., sulph.
INACTIVITY of rectum: ^th., agn., Alum.,
purgations, after: Aloe, nux-v. am-c, am-m., anac, ant-e, ant-t., arg-n.,
rheumatism abates, after: Abrot. am., asaf, aur., bar-c, bell., bov., Bry.,
calc, calc-s., camph., canth., carb-an.,
standing agg. : Caust., sulph.
carb-v., caust., charn., chin., cocc, coff.,

stool, preventing: ^sc, caust., sul-ac, colch., crot-t., dulc, euphr., fl-ae. Graph.,
thuj. hel.. Hep., hyos., ign., iod., kali-br.,
Kali-c, kali-n., kreos., lac-d., lach., lyc,
protrude duriug: Bar-e, calc, kali-bi., phos.,
mag-c, mag-m., mang. mere, mez. mosch., , ,

plat., sit.
mur-ac, nat-c, Nat-m., uit-ac, Nux-m.,
strangulated: Aloe, ars., bell., ign., Lach., Nux-v., olnd., Op., ga.r.,petr., ph-ac, Phos.,
nux-v., 7X011.., sit., sulph. plat., "SVa,, podo., psor.,puls., rheum, rhodo.,
rhus-t., ruta, sabad., sanic, sars., selen.,
suppressed: Ars., calc, caps., carb-v., Nux-v.,
seneg., Sep., Sil., spig., squil., stann.,
phos., puis., Sulph.
staph., stram., stront., sul-ac, sulph.,
suppurating: Carb-v., hep., ign., mere, Sil.
Tarent., taras., thuj., til., valer., verat.,

- thinking of them agg.: Caust. verb., vib., zinc.

INEFFECTUAL urging. (See " Urging.") INVOLUNTARY.
motion, on: Apis, bry., phos.
INFLAMMATION: Aloe, alum., kali-i.,
zing. paralysis, from: Alum., bell., hj-os., laur.,

Aloe, phos. ntcx-v., op.


INVOLUNTARY stool: Aloe, am-c, ant-t., sleep, during: Am., ars., arum-t., bell., bry.,

ars., bapt., bar-c, Bell., cench., chin., colch., con., hyos., \a.ch., laur.,
apis, arg-n., Am.,
bry., calc, camph., carb-ac, carb-v., cedr., mere, mosch,, mur-ac, nat-m., nat-s.,
chel., clien., chin s., cina, colc/i., coloc, con ,
ph-ac, phos., Podo., psor., puis., rhus-t.,
sulph., thuj., verat., zinc.
cop., crol-h., crot-t., cub., cupr-ac, cycl.,
dig., dulc, ferr., gamb., gels., glon., grat ,
sneezing, on (See " coughing "): Sulph.
hell., hydr-ac, Hyos., ign ins, kali-bi., ,

standing, on: Aloe, ars.

kali-c, lack., law., lyssin, mane, med.,
mere, merc-c, mur-ac, Nat-m. nat-p., stooping, on: Ruta.
nux-v., oena., Op., ox-ac petr.,
Olnd., ,
vomiting, during: Arg-n., ars.
Ph-ac, Phos., plb., psor., puis., Rhus-t.,
rob., ruta, sanic, Secale, sep., staph., walking, on: Aloe.
stram., sul-ac, Sulph., tabac, tromb., ^sc,
ITCHING: Aeon., agar., agn., all-c.
Verat., zinc Aloe, alum., alumn., anibr., am-c, am-m.,
night: Am., bry., carb-ac, chin., con., hyos., anac, ant-c, apis, apoe, arg-n., ars., aur-s.,
mosch., puis., rhus-t. bar-c, bell., berb., bor., bov. brom., bry., ,

cact., calc, calc-a., calc-p., caps., carb-ac,

bed, in: Carb-ac, /"M., sulph.
carb-s., Carb-V., card-m., carl., Caust.,
stool hard: Aloe, Bell, cham., chel., chin., chin-s., cic, cina,
and after eating in daytime: Chin, cinnb., clem., cocc, coc-c, coloc,

con., croc, crot-t.^ dios. elaps, euphr.,

bending over, on : Ruta. , ,

ferr., ferr-mag., Fl-ac, Graph., gran.,

coughing or sneezing, on: Bell., mere, ph-ac, grat., ham., hydre, ign., iod. jac-c, jug-r.,

phos., spong., squil., sulph., verat. kali-bi., kali-c, kali-n., lach., lil-t., lith.,
eating, while: Ferr. Lye., mag-m., med., mere, merc-c, mez.,
after: Aloe, chin. morph., mur-ac, naja, nat-c, nat-m.,
nat-p., nat-s., Nit-ac., Nux-V., op., ox-ac,
flatus, on passing: Aeon., Aloe, bell., carb-v.,
pcson., pelr,, phel., -ph-Ac, phos., plat., plb.,
caust., ferr-mag., ign., jatr., kali-c, mur-ac,
prun., psor.. Puis., ran-sc, rat., rhus-t.,
nat-c, nat-m., nat-p., nat-s., nux-v., Olnd.,
rhus-v., rumx., sabad., sars., secale, sep.,
Ph-ac, Podo., sanic, staph., sulph., Verat
serp., sil., sin-a., spig.,
stann., squil.,
fright, after: Op., phos., verat. staph., sul-ac, Sulph., syph., tabac, teucr.,

labor, after: Hyos. thuj., urt-u., wyeth., zinc, zing.

laughing, on: Sulph. daytime: Sulph.

lumps of : Aloe, coloc. morning: Carb-v., lach., jac-e, sulph.

micturition, during: Ail., aloe,

bed, in: Carb-v.
bell., hyos.',
ind., mur-ac, nat-s., phos., squil., sulph., walking, while: Nat-m.
forenoon: Dios., peeon.
and stool: Aeon., apis, arg-n., am., ars.,
atro., aur., bar-ac, bell., bry., calc,
evening: Alumn., bor., calc-p., croc, iod.,
camph., carb-v., chin., cina, colch., con., kali-bi., lye, nux-v., phos., //a/., ran-sc.',
dig., hyos., laur., mosch., Mur-ac., sil. ,
sulph., thuj.. zinc
nat-m., ph-ac, phos., puis., rhus-t., bed, in: Calc-p., ign., lyc.
secale, stram., sulph., verat., zinc.
walking, while: Nux-v.
and stool when not straining; voluntary night: Agar., alum., ant-c, calc-f., carb-s.,
deffecation impossible: Arg-n. /err., ign., petr., phos., rhus-v., sulph.

ITCHING, night. MOISTURE, discharges, etc.: Aeon., cesc, agar.,
warm in bed, when: Teucr. aloe, alum., am-c, anac., ant-c, apis, ars.,'
aur., bapt., bar-c, bell., bor., bry., calc.,
midnight, before: Thuj.
calc-p., canlh., caps., carb-an.,
ascarides, from: Cak., calc-fl., ferr., ign., carl., Caust., chel., chin clem., coc-c'

sadad., sin-a., Ififcr. coff., colch., coloe, cor-r., dios., dulc, ferr.,

coition, after: Anac. Graph., hell.. Hep., ign., lach., led., lye,
med., mere, merc-c, mill., mur-ac, nal-m.,
cold bathing amel.: Caust. Nlt-ac, nux-v., paon petr., phos., phyt.,

dinner, after: Caust. podo., /«/5. ran-sc, rat., rhus-t., sep., Sil.,

spig., stann., sul-ae, Sulph,, syph., thuj.

discharge of moisture, after: Sulph.
evening: Carb-an., dios.
menses, during: Carb-v.
night: Carb-v., nat-m.
pain, ending in: Zinc.
acrid: Carb-v., merc-c, zinc.
riding, while: Bov.
bloody: Alum., carl., sabad., sil., thuj.
sitting, while: Jac-c, staph.
flatus, during: All-c, ant-c, carb-v., zinc.
sleep, on going to: Petr.
herring brine, smelling like: Calc, med.
after: Lack.
menses, during: Lach.
stool, before: Euph., spong.
sticky: Carb-an.
during: Kali-c, mere, mur-ac, nat-m.,
stool, before: Kali-c.
phos., pic-ac, sil., sulph., teucr.
after: Bor., graph., sep., stann., sumb.
after: Agar., aloe, alumn. ,
berb., bov.,
cain., calc, carb-s.-, carb-v., clem., euph., NUMBNESS of anus: Aeon., carb-ac.
eupi., kali-c, lye, mag-m. mere,
mnr-ac, nat-m., nice, nit-ac,

OPEN anus: Phos., secale, sol-t-se.

plat., ptel., secale, sil., staph., sulph., sensation of: Aloe, apis, apoe, coloe, phos.,
tell., tereb., teucr., thuj., zinc. sumb.
amel. : Clem, stool, after: Apoe, coloe, sumb.
stooping, on: Arg-m. OOZING from: Coloe, rat.

walking, while: ^sc, kali-bi., nat-m., nit-ac, walking, while: Coloe

nux-v., phos.
in open air, while: Nit-ac. PAIN :
Aeon., .ffiesc, agar., all-c, aloe, alum.,
Am-C, am-m., anac, ant-c, am., ars.,
after: ^sc, phos. .

ars-i.,bar-c, bell., berb., Brom., bry., cact.,

extending into urethra during stool: Thuj. calad., calc, calc-p., camph., canth., caps.,

bry., bufo-s., fl-ac, lye, carb-an., carb-v., carl., Caust., cham., chel.,
around anus: Agn.,
chin., chr-ae, cimic, cocc, colch., coll.,
mez., nat-s., nux-v., op., petr., serp., Sulph.,
coloe, con., cupr., cycl., dios., dulc, euphr.,
ferr., graph., grat., ham., hell., Ign., iod.,
LUMP, sensation of (see "Weight"): Aloe,
kali-chl., kali-u.,
iris, kali-bi., Kali-C,
anac, apoe, bry., crot-t., kali-bi., lach.,
lac-ae, lach., lil-t., Lyc, mag-c, med.,
lil-t., med., nat-m., rumx., sac-alb., sang., mere, mez., mill., mur-ac, nat-e, nat-m.,
sarr., Sep., sulph., ther. nit-ac, Paeon., phel., ph-ac, />//f^.,
menses, during: Sil. phys., phyt., ^Vo.,podo., Puis,, rat, rhus-t.,
rhus-v., rumx., sabad., sars., secale, seneg.,
sitting agg.: Kali-bi., lach., nat-m.
Sep., sil., stann., stront., sul-ae,
standing agg.: Lil-t. sumb., syph., . ther., Thuj., valer., zinc,
stool, not amel. by: Sep.
before: Lach. morning: Calc-p., dios., podo.

PAIN, morning. PAIN, stool.

Podo. after: iEsc.,* Aloe, altnmi., am-c, am-m.,

stool, during:
apoe, ars., asaf., bar-c. ,
bell,, berb., bov.,

J a., m.: Nat-m. brom., cact, calc, calc-p.. c&nth., carb-v.,

forenoon: Nat-m., thuj. carl., case, caust., cie, coce, colch.,
crot-t., dios., elaps, graph., grat., Ign.,
loa. m., sitting, while: Sep.
kali-bi., kali-e, lach., lil-t., lob., lyc,
evening: Carb-v., dios., lack., nux-v. mane, mere, merc-e, merc-i-r., mez.,
lying, while: Ign. Mur-ac, nat-c, nat-m., nit-ac, nux-v.,
olnd., Paeon., phos., podo., rat., rhus-t.,
night: Mosch., ox-ac. sul-ac,
rhus-v., sabad., staph., stront.,
midnight: Nux-v. Sulph., sumb., tarent., thuj., verat-v.

amel.: Aeon., tese, aloe, alum., ant-t.,

continuous: Am-c, am-m., calc, graph., ign.,
kali-c, lye, nit-ac, nux-v., sep., stront. arn., ars., asaf., bapt., bry., cain., calc-p.,

canth., cham., colch., coloc, com.,

convulsive: Lack., lye, psor., sang. nat-s., nuph.,
dule, ^a»»6., hell., lept.,
cough, from: Kali-c, lach. Nux-v., Rhus-t., sanic, tarent.
eating, after: Lye, nux-v. straining at, after: ^sc, lach., med.,
nux-v., plb., ruta, sil.
flatus, on passing: Camph.
urination, during: Rhus-t.
kneeling amel. : ^sc.
walking, while: Cycl., mez., samb.
lying agg. : ^sc.
on back amel. : Am-c. warm bathing agg. : Brom.
amel.: Ars., mur-ac.
menses, before: Petr.

during: Ars., berb. extending down thighs: Alumn.

mental exertion, after: Nux-v. to genitals: Sep.

motion agg. : Thuj. burning: Abies-e, JEsc., agar., Aloe, alum.,

ambr., am-c, am-m., ant-e, apis, apoc,
sitting, while: ^esc, aloe, am-m., ars., arg-n., axn.,ars., arum-t., aspar., aur.,aur-m.,
berb ,
calc, caust., cycl., Ign., Lyc, niang., bapt., bar-c, bell., Berb., bor., bov., bry.,
phos., sars., Sep., staph., sulph., ther., cain., calc, calc-p., canth.. Caps., carb-an.,
thuj. carb-s., Carb-V., card-m., carl., cast., chel.,

amel. : Ars., lach. chin., clem., coce, coc-e, cochl., coff., colch.,

coll., coloc, con., cop., crot-t., cub., cupr.,

standing agg. : Alsc.
cycl., der., dig., dor., dulc, orig., euph.,ferr.,
stool, before: Am-c, berb., iod., kali-c, lach., gamb., Graph,, hell., hep., hydre, hyos.,
lil-t., lyc, mere.,, nat-s., podo., ruta, sulph. ign., iod., ip., Iris, jug-r., kali-bi., kali-c,
kali-n., lach., lact., laur., lil-t., lyc. lyssin,
during: .^loe, alumn., ambr., am-c, am-m., mag-m., mag-s., mauc, mere, metc-c,
anac, ani-c, A.TS., aur. , bar-c. , bell ,
berb., merc-i-f., merc-sul., merl., mez., mur-ac,
brom . bry., Calc, calc-p., canlh., caps., naja, nat-c. nat-m., nice, Nit-ac, nuph.,

carb-an., carb-v., case, cham., cheL, chin., olnd., op., pceon., petr.,
Nux-v., ol-an.,
cimx., colch., coloc, con., crot-t., ciipr., petros., phos., plat., plb.,/r«M., psor., puis.,
dros., ferr., fl-ac. Graph., grat., hep., rat., rheum, rhus-v., sabad., sabin., sars.,
hyos., kali-bi., kali-c, kreos., lach., Sep., Sil., sin-a. ,
stann., staph., stront.,
lye, lyssin,mane med., mere, merc-i-r., ,
sul-ac Sulph,, tarent., tepl., tereb., thuj.,
mez., mur-ae, nat-m., nit-ac, nux-v., urt-u., verat., verat-v., zinc.
ox-ac, paon., ph-ac, phos., plant., plat.,
plb., Podo., puis., dajtime, walking, while: Nat-m.
rat., rhus t., sabin.,
.miiic, Sep., Sil., stann ,
sul-ac, sulph., morning: Carb-ae, colch., hv per., mag-m.,
sumb., tarent.', thuj.
Mur-ac, nice, Nit-ac, sulph., thuj.

41 605

PAIN, burning, morning. PAIN, bujning.
bed, in: Colch. flatus, after: Aloe, bapt.
sitting, while: Sitlph.
intermitting: Colch.
stool, during: Corn., mag-ni., nat-m.
menses, during: Berb., carb-v.
after: Calc, mag-ni., sulph.
after: Graph,
forenoon, sitting, while: Sulph.
moving," after: Crot-t., kali-n.
stool, during: Rhus-t.

after: Rhus-t. pregnancy, during: Caps.

noon: Dios. prolapsed, in the: Apis.

situng, while: Sulph. rubbing, after: Carb-v., phel.

afternoon: Coloc, euphr., sulph. scratching, after: Sabad.

sleeping, after: Chin.
silting awhile, after: Ip., Sulph.
stool, during: Sil.
standing, while: Lach., tereb.
after: Fagc, mag-c.
stool, before: Berb., dios., iod., jug-c,
walking, while: Nat-m. nat-vi., olnd., rat., sabad., sulph., verat.

2 p. m. : Dios. during: Agar., aloe, alum., am-c, am-m.,

evening: Bar-c, carb-an., iod., kali-c, Ars., bar-c, berb., bor., bry., calc.
calc-s. cann-s., canth., caps., carb-an.
ntur-ac, nit-ac sulph., zinc.,

carb-s.. carb-v., cast., caust., cham.

sitting, while: Sulph., thuj. chin., clem cocc. coloc, con., corn,
, ,

stool, during: Lach., sulph. crot-t., cycl., dios., ferr., gamb., graph.
grat., hep.. Iris, kali-bi., kali c , lach.
soft, after: Sulph. lyc, mag-m., mere, merc-c, merc-sul.
night: Am-c, ant-c, iod., nat-m., nit-ac, niur-ac, nat-c, nat-m., nat-s., nice
ox-ac, Sulph. Op., osm., phos., phys., pic-ac, plat,
plb., puis., rat., rheum, sabad., sep.
stool, during: Corn.
sil., sin-a ,
staph., stram., sul-ac.
midnight, before: Thuj. Sulph., tabac, tepl., tereb., verat.

stool, after: Op. vine zinc.


cold application amel.: Aloe, apis, kali-c, after:JEsc, agar.. Aloe, alumn., am-c.
am-m., ant-t., apis, Ars., arund asc-t. ,

aster ,
bar-c, berb., bov., brj'., calc.
constant: Nat-m. cann-s., canth., caps., carb-s., j:arb-v.
carl., cast., caust., cic, clem., cob.
diarrhoea, during: Aloe, alum., ars., aur.,
coc-c, coloc, corn., crot-t., dire, dulc.
bov., bry., canth.. Caps., carb-an., caust
chin., diilc, gamb., glon., graph., grat.,
euphr., ferr., Gamb., graph ,
grat.. hell,

ign., ind., iod., iris, jug-c, jug-r.

iris, jug-c, kali-c, 7nanc., Mere, nuph.,
kali-bi., kali-c, kali-n., kalm., lach.
op., Sulph.
laur., lil-t., lyc, mag-c, mag-m., 7nerc
after: Canth., dulc, grat., laur., nice, merc-c, mur-ac, nat-a., nat-c, nat-m.
op. nat-s., nice, Nit-ac, nuph., nux-v.

dysentery, in: Aloe, ars.. Caps., carb-v., olnd., osm., pseon., petr., phel., phos.

coloc, lach., urt-u. pic-ac, ptel., puis., rat., rheum, rhodo.

sars., secale, sep., Sil., sin-a., sol-t-se.
eating, before: Bry. stront., sulph., tareut., tereb.
exercise, after: Sulph. thuj., tromb., urt-u., zinc

fissure, in: Graph. amel.: Clem.

PAIN, burning, stool. PAIN.
after a hard: ^sc, agar., aloe, alunin., drawing: Ant-c, aur-s., calc, carb-v., chel.,
am-m., ars., coc-c, kali-c, lil-t lye, ,
chin., cycl., eupi., kreos lach lact., mang.,
, ,

mag-m., nat-c, nai-m., phos., sabad., mez., phos., rhodo., zinc.

secale, Sil., siilph., til., tereb.
coition, after: Caust.

tickling: Ran-sc. downwards: Phos.

urination agg. : Nit-ac. sitting, while: Cycl.

vexation agg.: Cham., nat-m. walking, while: Cycl.

walking, while: Carb-an., mez., sulph. extending into abdomen: Aloe, zinc.
washing with cold water amel. : Aloe, apis,
through genitals before stool: Carb-an.
euphr., tereb.
to umbilicus: Lach.
clawing, squeezing, as from a claw in anus:
upwards: Mez plb., thuj.
Lach., nat-c, phel.

gnawing: Carb-v., elaps, ferr,

stool, during: ^th., zinc.
calc-p., griping: Carb-v., kali-c, mur-ac, nat-m.,
cutting: -^sc, aloe, Alum., ars.,
graph., ign., nit-ac, ox-ac, thuj.
canth., caust., c/iel., con.,
indg., kali-c, laur., lye, mag-c, mang., evening: Mez.
mere, nat-c, Nux-V,, phos., plant., plat,
driving, while: Glon.
sars., secale, sep., Sil., staph., sulph., sumb.,
thuj., zinc. stool, when not at: Carb-v.

morning: Graph., mang. extending to abdomen : Mez.

bed, in: Graph. lancinating. (See "cutting.")

rising, after: Mang. piercing: Caust.

forenoon, walking, while: Sulph. pinching: "Eng. Nit-ac. ,

pressing (pressure): Aeon., JEsc, aloe, alum.,

afternoon: Sep., sulph.
ang., ant-c, apoc, arg-m., arn., ars., asaf.,
evening: Phos. bar-c, bell., berb., bry., cact., cain., calc,
carl., Caust., chel., chin., cob., coll., coloc,
night: Sep.
con., cop., crot-t., cycl., dulc,, eug., eup-pur.,

ID p. m. : Aloe, form., gran., graph., hell., hydr., Ign.,

iris, kali-bi., kali-c, kali-n., kreos., lach.,
diarrhoea, during: Ars. lact., laur., LU-t., lye, mag-c, mag-m.,
dysentery, in: Merc-c.
mere, merc-i-f., merl., mez ,
nat-m., nit-ac, Nux-v., op., ox-ac, petr.,
standing agg. : Lach. phel., phos., plat., ptel., puis., rhus-t.,
seneg., sil., spig., staph strych., Sulph.,
stool, before: Asar., sep., sulph., verat-v.
valer., verat., verb., zinc.

during: Agar., all-c, alum., am-c, ant-t., morning: Kali-bi.

ars., canth., carb-v., dios., mur-ac,
stool, after: Kali-bi.
nat-c, nat-m., nit-ac, phos., pic-ac,
plb.. puis., sars., sep., staun., Sulph., forenoon: Kali-bi.
sumb., vib.
noon: Agar., kali-bi.
after: ^/o^, calc, chel., Nit-ac, Nux-v., afternoon: Chel., cycl., sulph.
pic-ac, />7</5., sin-a., sumb.
sleep, during: Cycl.
walking, while: Mag-c, sulph.
stool, during: Sulph.
extending up rectum: Hell., sep., sulph. evening: Chin-s., ran-sc.

PAIN, pressing, evening, PAIN, shooting.

bed, in: lod. evening: Sulph.

sitting, while: Calc, chin-s.
itching: vSulph.
stool, during: Corn,
stool, hard, during: Bell., sulph.
night: Lyc.
extending to penis: Carl.
diarrhoea would come on, as if: Mag-c.

as in a: Calc, nat-ni.
upward: Rhus-t.
smarting (compare " burning "): ^sc, aeth.,
downward, outward, etc.: Agar berb.,
aloe, ambr., am-c, am-m., ant-c apis,
bry., calc-p., carb-v., cimic, cob., Crot-t., ,

bar-c, herb., canth., caps., carb-v., cham.,

dios., dros., ip., kali-n., lil-t., lyc, mag-c,
dulc, eup-per., gels., graph., grat., ham.,
nux-m., nux-v., ox-ac, pic-ac, Podo.,
hell.,'\'gn., kali-c, lil-t., m^6..,merc.,mur-ac.,
puis., Sulph., verat.
Nat-m., nat-s., Nux-v., paon., petr., ph-ac,
feces were lodged in rectum, as if: Canst. phos., ptel., Puis., rhus-t., sep., spang.,
flatus, during: Carb-v. sulph., sumb., verat., zinc.

lying, while: Crot-t. stool, during: Agar., chin., kali-c, mur-ac,

phos., pic-ac.
menses, before: Ign.
after: Agar., aloe, canth., gamb., graph.,
during: Aloe.
grat., hell., hep., ign., iod., lil-t.,

rest amel. : Nux-v. merc-c, nat-m., nit-ac, nuph., nux-m.,

phel., pic-ac, puis., sep., sil., staph.,
sitting, while: Ammc, cann-s., euphr.,
sulph., tarent.
soreness: jffisc, agn., aloe, alum., ambr., am-c,
standing, while: Arn.,/^rr.
am-m., ant-c, ant-s., apis, arn., ars., aspar.,
stool, before: Ant-c, cob., nat-m., nit-ac, bar-c, Bell., Berb., b7y., calc, calc-p., caps.,
nux-v., plat., sul-ac, til. carb-an., carb-v., Caust., coloc, crot-t.,

during: Alum., asaf., kali-bi., lil-t., Lyc, dios., elaps, gal-ac, Gamb., Graph., Ham.,
nat-m., ox-ac, podo., sin-a., Sulph., hep., Ign., Iris, kali-bi., Kali-c, Lach.,
lact., lil-t., Lyc, Merc, merc-c, merc-i-f.,
merc-sul., Mur-ac, nat-c, nat-m., Nit-ac,
after: Apoc, calc, caust., ign., kali-bi., nux-m., nux-v., Pseon., petr., ph-ac, phos.,
kalm., mere, ph-ac, phos., ^\z.\..,podo., phys., podo., psor.. rhus-t., sars.,
pids., seneg., sil., sul-ac, sulph. sol-t-ae., spong., sul-ac,
Sep., Sil., Sulph.,
not for: Dros., Lach., mez. syph., tabac, thuj., vib. ,
zinc, zing.

walking: Ran-sc, sulph. morning: Thuj.

rasping: Ant-c, grat., nat-m., verat. sitting, while: Mag-c.

rawness: ^sc, Aloe, Apis, bar-c. Graph., stool, after: Calc-s.

nux-v., sulph., sumb. evening: Bar-c, carb-an., kali-bi., sulph.,

diarrhoea, during: Aloe, Apis. zinc.

Sulph. stool, after: Nux-v.

stool, hard, during:
night: Phel., sars.
scraping: Ant-c, calc-p., crot-t., grat., nat-m.,
puis., verat. menses, during: Berb., carb-v.

moving, after: Crot-t., puis.

shooting: Aeon ,
arn., bell., calc-p., merc-c,
Nit-ac, phyt., plat., rhus-t., sep., sil., sitting, while: Am-m., berb., chel., snip

stann., stram., sulph., tarent

stool, during: Agar., ant-c, brach., cans
afternoon: Sulph. coloc, grat., nat-c, nat-m., sulph.


FAIN, soreness, stool. PAIN, stitching, morning,

hard, during: Nat-in., sulph. stool, after: Sep.

after: Alum., ant-c, apis, apoc. calc-s., waking, after: Mag-c

chain., chel., colch., crot-t., gamb.,
forenoon: Lach.
Graph., hep., Ign., iod., kali-bi.,
mere, mez., mur-ac, afternoon: Agar., chin-s lyc, nat-m.
kali-c, mag-m.,
nat-ni., Nit-ac, nux-m., phos., podo., evening: Benz-ac, bor., calc-p., carb-v.,
puis., stann., sulph. gran., merc-c, nat-m., nit-ac, Sulph.,

diarrhoeic, after: Nat-m., phel., sulph thuj.


tabac. bed, in: Nat-m.

touch; Graph. night: Sep., thuj.
walking, while: Arg-m., mez., nit-ac. midnight: Thuj.
sticking: .ffisc, aloe, ant-c, cact., calc, micturition, on: Carb-s.
carb-v., Caust., chel., coll.. Graph., grat..
alternating with burning in prepuce: Thuj,
Iris, jac-c, kali-c, lact., lye, nil-ac,
Nux-V., phos., puis., rumx., sil., Sulph., with itching in glans penis: Thuj,
sumb., teucr., thuj.
coition, during: Calc.
stool, after: Nux-V. coughing, on: Ign., lack., nit-ac.
stinging: jEsc, aeon., am m., apis, caps.,
dinner, after: Phos.
carb-an., coch., lyc, nat-m., "SvLX-V., p^os.,
puis., sil., slap A ,
sulph. discharge of mucus, during: Sep.

menses, during: Phos. drawing in, on: Grat., sep.

stool, during: Berb., caps., caust., coc-c, eating, before: Caust.

ip., lyc, mag-m., nat-c, nat-m., nice,
after: Nux-V.
nit-ac, sil., sulph.
erect, when body is: Petr.
after: Aloe, berb., canth., kali-n., Nit-ac,
flatus, on passing: Bry., phos.
puis., sulph.
amel. : Coloc, mag-c.
walking, while: Carb-an.
itching: Bry., coloc, stann.
stitching:Aeon., ^sc, agar., all-c, aloe,
lying, while: Nat-c, Sulph,
alum., ambr., am-m., ang., ant-t., apis
arg-n., Ars., arund., aur., bar-c, bell. menses, during: Aloe., ars.
benz-ac, berb., bor., bov., brom., bry.
mental exertion, after: Nux-v.
cact., calc, calc-p., cann-i., cann-s.
canth., caps., carb-an., carb-s., carb-v. pregnancy, during: Kali-c.
carl.. Canst., cham., chel., chin., coc-c. sitting, while: Ars., calc, gran., kali-c,
coloc, con., cop., croc, crot-t., cycl., euphr. nat-c, ruta, Sulph., thuj.
ferr-mag., gins., graph., grat., Ign., indg.
ip., jac-c, jatr., kali-bi., sneezing, when: Lach.
Kali-C, kali-n.
kreos., Lach., led., lyc, lyssin, mag-c. standing, while: Sulph., valer.
mag-m., med., mere, merc-i-f., mez.
mosch., stool, before: Asar., berb,, co7i., gamb.,
mur-ac, nat-c, nat-m., nice
kali-c, phos., spong., sul-ac.
nit-ac, uuph., nux-m., nux-v., ol-an., petr.
phel., phos., plat., plb., puis., ran-b. during: Am-c, berb., calc-s., carb-an.,
ran-se, rat., ruta, Sep., Sil., spong., sul-ac. carb-v., caust, chin., coc-c, ferr-i.,
Sulph., teucr., thuj., til., zinc. Graph., ign., ip., laur., mag-m., nat-c,
morning: I^yc, mag-c, zinc.
Nit-ac, nux-m., nux-v., pic-ac, sep.,
staph., sul-ac
micturition, during: Sulph.
hard, during: Bar-c, prun., sulph.

FAIN, stitching, stool. PAIN, tearing.

after: Aloe, am-ni., berb., calad., canth., twitching: Thuj.

chain., kali-n., laur., mag-ni., nat-ra.,
extending into abdomen: Mag-c.
nice, Nit-ac, pic-ac, stann., thuj.
during stool: Mag-c.
difficult stool, after: Alum.
upward: Lach., sep.
walking, while: Ars., coc-c, crot-t., petr.,
sil.y squil., sulph. tenesmus: Aeon., .ffisc, agar., Aloe, alum.,
ambr, am-c, anac, ant-c, Apis, apoc.,
after: Thuj.
arg-m., ar/i., ars., ars-i., arum-t., asaf.,

in open air amel. : Thuj. atro ,

aur-m., bar-c, bell., hetiz., berb.,bov.,
brom., hry., cact., calc, calc-s., cann-i.,
extending to abdomen : Aloe, mag-m Sep.
cann-s., canth.. Caps., carb-an., carb-v,
back: Carl, causL, cham., chin-s., cob., cocc, Colch.
coloc, con., corn., crot-t., cupr., cupr-ac.
bladder: Thuj.
cycl., der., dig., dios., dire, eup-per., eupi.
downwards and outwards: Carb-v., lith. gamb., fago., ferr., gels., graph., grat.,hep.
genitals, to, while walking: Sil. hyos., ign., iod., ip., iris, kali-bi., kali-c.
kali-i., kali-n., kreos., lach., lact., laur.
ilium and glans penis: Petr., thuj.
Lil-t., lye, mag-s., mane. Mere, Merc-c.
inguinal region, left: Croc, kreos. merc-cy., mez., mill., mur-ac, nat-c, nat-m.
nice, nit-ac, .n-an-m.., nux-v., oena., ol-an.
loins: Aloe,
op., ox-ac, petr., phel., ph-ac, phos., phys.
outward: Carb-v., lith.
phyt., pic-ac. plat., plb., podo., psor., ptel.

pudendum, during menses: Aloe. puis., rat., rheum, rhodo., rhus-t., rmnx.
ruta, sang,, selen., senee, sep., sil., sol-n.
after stool: Cast,
sol-t-se., spig., spong., squil., stann., staph,
root of penis: Zinc. stront., Sulph., sumb., tabae, tarent., thuj.
tromb., verat., verat-v., vip., zinc.
upward: ^sc, ^ra/>A., Ign., mag-c, tnez.,
Sep., thuj. morning: .^th., nice

stool, after: Mez., sulph. rising, after: .^th.

urethra: Cocc, thuj. evening: Plat.

tearing: Berb., calc, carb-v., colch., erig., night: Bov., mere, zinc.
eupi., ferr., ign., kali-c, kreos., lach., laur.,
bladder, and: Alum., caps.
led., lye, mez., nat-m., Nit-ac, Nux-V.,
ph-ac, phos., ruta, sars., sep., sul-ac, coffee, after: Nat-m.
sulph., thuj. constipation, during: Asaf. plb., nux-v..
morning: Ph-ac.
diarrhoea, before: Hydr.
evening: Ph-ac.
during: Alum., Ars., carb-s., carb-v.,
after hard stool: Lye
cimie, coloc, cop., corn., crot-t., form.,
bed, in: Chin. gamb., hydr., mag-m., mag-s., mere,
coughing, on: Lach. Merc-C, op., phys., phyt., plb., ptel.,
sarr., selen., sulph., tabae
dinner, after: Ant-t.
after: Dule, hydr., laur., lil-t.,mag-e,
micturitition: Ruta. tabae
phel., phos., rhus-t., stront.,
moving, on: Valer.
dinner, after: Alum., nat m.
stool, during: Agar., calc, colch., ferr.,
dysentery, during: Aeon., Apis, am., ars-i.,
lack., Nat-m., sars., selen., sep., sul-ac. mere,
Caps., colch., con., cop., dios., ip.,
Merc-C, rheum, sulph., tereb., xanth.
after: je,sc., kali-C; nat-m.

PAIN, tenesmus, stool, amel.
PAIN, tenesmus.
cain., ealc-p., canth., cham., colch.,
eating: Coloc, crot-t.
coloc, corn., dulc, Gamb., hell.,
flatus, on attempting to suppress: Aeon.
lept., nat-s., nuph., Nux-v., Ehus-t.,
hard stool, with: Con. sanic, tarent.

menses, before: Thuj. walking, while: Sulph.

during: Ant-c, nat-s. warmth amel.: Coloc, sulph.

micturition, during; Carb-v., prun. extending to bladder: Caps., nux-v.

after: Coloc. , mur-ac. perinseum: Mez.

milk, after: Nice. urethra: Mez.

sitting, while: Crot-t., sulph. twinging: Caust., kali-c. ,

lact., lye, mag-c,
nat-c. zinc
stool, before: Aeon., seth., agar., alum., arn.,
berb., cham,, coloc, crot-c., dire, fago., exercise, after: Coc-e.
mere, Merc-C, nux-v., phys., plat., plb.,
flatus amel. : Kali-bi.
Sep., Sulph., tarent., verat.
stool, during: Spong.
during: Aeon., aesc, ceth., Aloe, agar.,
after: Canth., grat.
alum., am-c, am-m., ang., ant-t., apis,
apoc, arg-n., am., ars., arum-t., PARALYSIS (compare "Inactivity"): Aeon.,
ascl-t., aster., bapt. ,
bell., calc, canth., agar., aloe, alum., arn., ars., ars-i., atro.,
caps., earb-ae., causL, cedr., cob., coff-t., bar-m., bell., bry., caust., chin., coll., coloc,
colch ,
coll., coloc, con., cop., corn., cupr., ferr., gels., graph., hyos., kali-c,
crot-t, cupr., dios., fago., ferr., ferr-m., laur., mane, Mur-ac, nat-m., ph-ac,
fl-ac., form., gamb., gran., graph., grat., Phos,, puis., rhus-t., Secale, selen., sulph.,
hell., hep., hipp., hydr., hyper., Ip., tabac, verat.
iris, kali-bi., kali chl., kali-i., kali-n.,
rectum: .i^th., alum., phos.
kalm., lach., laur., lil-t., lob-s., lye,
mang., Mere, Merc-C,
lyssin, ma^-z., sensation of: Aloe, kali-c, petr., ph-ac,
morph., myric, nat-a., nat-c, nat-tn., sabad.
nat-s nice, nit-ac, Nux-V., Op.,

petr.. phys., phyt.,

PERSPIRATION about the anus and perinseum:
Agar., alum., bell., earb-an., con., hep.,
plant., plat., plb., podo., ptel., rob.,
kali-c, psor., thuj.
rhus-t., senec, sep., spong., staph.,
stilph., tabac., then, thuj., tromb., PLUG was pressing out, sensation as if : . Crot-t.
verat., zinc.
POLYPI: Am-m ,
calc, ca/c-/., kali-br., nit-ac,

^th., nux-v., Phos., ruta, sang., teucr.

after: agar., ambr., am-m., ant-t.,
apis, apoc, ars., aster., bapt., bell., bov., PRICKLING: Agar., bry., cact., colch., grat,
calc-p., calc-s., ca7ith., caps., cob., cocc, lact., Nit-ac, tereb.
colch., corn., cupr-ac, dios., dros., dulc, stool, during: Cact.
erig., fago., fl-ac, gamb., gins., grat.,
after: Grat
hell., ign., ind., indg., ip., jug-c,
kali-bi., kali-c, kali-n., lach, laur., PROLAPSUS: ^sc, all-c. alumn., ant-c, Apis,

lil-t., lye, lyssin, tnag-c, mag-m

apoc, ars, asar., aur., bell., Calc,

mag-s., mane, canth., caust, cic, cocc. colch., coll. crot-t.,

Merc, Merc-c, ,

merc-i-r., mez., nat-m., dig., dios., dulc, elaps, ferr., fl-ac, gamb.,
nice, phel.,
ph-ac, phys., plat, plb., podo., ptel., gels., gran., graph., hep., Ign., iris, kali-bi.,
rheum, rhus-t., sars., Sulph., tabac, kali-n., lach., lye, mag-m., med., mere,
tromb., zinc. merc-c, mez., Mur-ac, nat-m., 7iit-ac.,
nux-m., nux-v., phos., phyt,, plb., Podo.,
amel.: Aeon., aesc, aloe, alum., ant-t, rhus-t., ruta, sep., sol-t-ae., sulph., sumb.,
arn., ars., asaf., bapt, bov., bry.. syph., tabac, ther., thuj., valer., zinc.
PROLAPSUS. REDNESS of anus: Aloe, nat-m., petr., sulph.,
niorning: Podo. valer., zing.

forenoon: Rluis-t. RELAXED anus: Aloe, Apis, apoc, carb-v.,

chin., kali-c, Phos,, rhodo., secale, zing,
night: JB^sc,
sensation of, after stool: Lept., podo.
children: Ferr., Podo.
RETRACTION: Bapt., bry., kali-bi., plb., tell.
convulsive: Ars.
stool, after: Kali-bi.
diarrhoea, during: Calc, Dulc, gamb., VEerc,
SENSITIVE: Aloe, bell., berb., calc, canst.,
graph., hep., lach., lil-t. lye, Mur-ac,
flatus, when passing: Valer. Nit-ac, nux-v., podo., rat., Sep., sil,,

menses, during: Aur., podo. sul-ac, syph thuj. ,

mental excitement, from: Podo. SHOCK, electric-like: Apis

painful: Ars. stool, before: Apis.

parturition, after: Podo., ruta. SLIP back, stools. (See "Constipation.")

smoking agg.: Sep. SLOW action of rectum. (See "Inactivity.")

sneezing, after: Podo. SPASMS in: Caust.

stool, before: Podo., ruta. with urging to urinate: Caust.

during: Ant-c, asar., bell., bry., cinnb.,

STANDING, the stool passes better: CauSt.
calc, colch., crot-t., dulc, ferr., fl-ac, STRAINING. (See "Tenesmus.")
gamb., Ign., kali-n., Lye, mez., mur-ac,
nux-v., plant., Podo., rhus-i., ruta, se^.,
STRICTURE: ^sc, agar., aloe, alum., ang
bell., bar., calc, calc-sil., camph., colch
sulph., tromb.
crot-t., elaps, fl-ac, hep., ign., kreos., lach
after: ^sc, ant-c, apoc, ars., asar., can th., lye, med., mez., nat-m., nit-ac, phos., plb
carb-v., cocc, crot-t., euph., ign., indg., secale, thuj.
iris, kali-bi., mere, mez., mur-ac,
nat-m., nit-ac, plat., podo sep., sol-t-ae.,
SWELLING of anus: yEsc, apis, aur., bell
crot-t., cur., graph., hep., ign., kali-i., lach
sulph., tromb.
med., mur-ac, nux-v.. pcBon., podo., phys
straining, without: Graph. sarr., sep., sulph., teucr.

urinating, when: Mur-ac, valer. menses, during: Sep.

sensation of: Chel., dios., iris. sensation of: j!Esc., cact., graph., hep
nat-m., nux-m., sulph.
PULSATION: Aloe, alum., alumn ,
am-m., apis,
benz. berb., calc-p., caps., TENESMUS. (See "Pain.")
, caust., crot-t.,
cycl., grat., ham., lach., mane, nat-m., TENSION: Calc, chin., euphr., graph., ign
rhodo., sulph. lye, nux-v., rhus-t., sep., Sil.

evening, Am-m. convulsive: Ign.

sitting, amel. in bed: Am-m. stool, after: Berb., sep.

menses, during: Lach., lyssin. TICKLING. (See "Itching.")

sitting, while: Aloe, am-m. TINGLING: Carb-v., plat., tereb.

evening: Plat,
small hammers, like: Lach.
stool, during: Carb-v.
stool, during: Nat-m.
TWITCHING: Ars., bry., calc, carb-ac, colch.
after: Aloe, alumn., apis, berb., caps., lach., iod., mere, nat-m., sil., staph.
mane, seneg., sulph. afternoon: Coloc.

RECEDES, stool. (See " Constipation.") bed, in: Chin.

ULCERATION: Alumn., calc, cham., cub., URGING.
hep., hydr., kali-c, pisoti., phos., phyt., constant: J&sc, ant-s., arn., ars., asaf.,
berb., bry., calc,
cob., cop., Crot-t.,
puis., Sil., staph., syph.
hyos., kali-a., mag-c, mag-m., Mere,
Aeon., aloe, ars., carl.,
nat-a., nat-c, nat-m., tiat-s.,
mur-ac, Merc-C,
colch., coloc, cur., ferr-mag., grat., ruta, sin-n.,
nux-v., phyt., pip-m., ptel.,
ph-ac, pld., staph., tabac, verat.
sulph., sumb., zinc-s.
hard stool: Aloe, coloc.
dinner, during: Dios.'
thin, watery, passes while urinating: Mur-ac.
after: Ant-c, cann-s., caust., colch., coloc,
(JIIGING, desire (compare "Tenesmus"): Abrot., ferr-mag., kali-bi., mag-m., nat-m., par.,
aeon., ffisc, seth., agar., all-c, aloe, alum., phel., ran-sc, sulph.
alumn., anac, apis, arg-m., arg-n., ant., cham.,
eating, after: Aloe, anac, apoc, bar-c,
ars., ars-h., ars-i., arum-t., asc-t., asar., 7-heum,
clem., coloc, ferr-mag., fl-ac, phos.,
atro., aur., aur-m., bar-c, bell., benz-ac,
rhus-t., sulph., zinc.
berb., bistn bov., dry., bufo, cadm.,

eflFort, great desire. passes away with: Anac.

calad., calc, calc-p., camph., caun-s.,
canth., caps., carb-an., carb-s., carb-v., eructation, on each: ^sc.
cast eq., cast-v., castor., cham.,
caust., exciting news, after: Gels.
chel., chin., cbin-s., cic, cimx., cimic, flatus, when passing: Aloe, spig., ruta.
cist., clem., cob., cocc. coc-c, coff colch.,
passing, amel.: Caps., colch., mag-c, mez,
com., con., corn., croc, crot-c, crot-t., cupr.,
nat-a., ruta.
cycl., dig., dios., dulc, elaps, eug., fago.,
frequent: Abrot., ambr., apis, arg-m., arn.,
ferr., ferr-i., ferr-mag., gamb., gent., glon.,
asaf., bar-c, bell., berb., bor., brom., calc-p.,
graph., gran., grat., ham., hep., hydr.,
carb-an., caust., coloc, con., corn., dios.,
hyos., hyper., Ign., indg., iod., iris, kali-bi.,
ham., hep., hura, hyos., kreos., lac-d.,
kali-c, kali-chl., kali-n., kalm., kreos., lach.,
Merc, Merc-c, nat-m., nat-s., nit-ac,
lact.,Lil-t., lye, mag-c, mag-m., mag-s.,
mauc, mere, merc-c, mere i-f., merc-i-r., Nux-v., ox-ac, petr., ph-ac, phos., plat.,

puls-n., rheum, ruta, sars., stann., stram.,

mez., naja, nat-c, nat-m., nat-s., nux-m.,
cena., op., osm., ox-ac, tabac.
Nux-V., pall., petr.,
phel.,/Ao5.,phys.,Pip-in., plant., Plb.i/o^fo., ineffectual: Ambr.,&T\\., asaf., har-c. ,

prun., ptel ,
puis., ran-sc, rat., rheum, berb., Caust, con., hura, kreos., lac-d.,
rhodo., rhus-t., ruta, sabad., sars. ,
secale, mere, merc-c, nat-m., nit-ac, Nux-V.,
senec, sep., serp., Sil., sol-t-se., spong., ox-ac, petr., ph-ac, phos., plat.. Puis.,
stann., staph., stront., sul-ac, sulph., sumb., sars., stann., tabac.
tabac, tarent., tell., then, thuj., tromb., anxiety and red face, with: Caust.
verat., verb., vib., vine, ust., zinc,
micturition, during; Nux-v.
evening in sleep: Phyt.
ineffectual: Aeon., esse, agar., all-c, aloe,
night: Aloe, carl., coloc, graph., lye, alum., ambr., anac, ant-c, ant-t., arg-m.,
merc-i-r., nat-m., phys., Sulph., thuj., zinc. benz-ac,
am., ars., asaf., aster., bar-c, bell.,
menses, before: Mang. berb., bism., bov., brach., bry., cacl., cain.,
waking, on: Aloe, ferr-i. calc, cann-i., cann-s., canth., caps., carb-ac,

II p. m.: Gels., mag-c, merc-i-r., pip-m. carb-an., carb-s., carb-v., carl., Caust.,
cedr., chel., chin., chin-s., cimx., clem.,
midnight: Dios., lach.
cocc, coc-c, colch., coll., coloc Con,, corn.,

anxious: Aeon., mere, nux-v., ol-an.

crot-t., cupr., cycl., dios., dire, dulc, elat.,
breakfast, during: Dios. eupi., eup pur., fago., ferr., ferr-i., fl-ac,
after: Grat. form., gran., graph., grat., ham., hell.,

clothing, on tightening: Bry. hura, hydr., hyper., ign., iod., kali-bi., kali-c,
kali-n.,kalm., kreos., Lach., lac-d., laur.,
coffee, after: Nat-m.
lil-t., Lyc, mag-c, mag-m., mag-s.,
coition, after: Nat-p.
Merc.,merc-c.,uiosch., myric, nat-c, nat-m.,
colic, during: Coloc, ind., Nux-v. nice, nit-ac, Nux-V., ol-an., olnd., op..

URGING, ineffectual.
URGING, sudden.
ox-ac, par., petr.,
ph-ac, phos.,
phel., ferr., gent., graph., ign., kali-bi., kali-n.,
phys., phyt., Plat., plb., podo., psor., ptel., lac-ac, lach., lil-t., mag-m., mane, naja,'
Puis., rat., rheum, rhodo., rhus-t., rob., plat., ptel., rhus-t., rob., sep., Sulph.|
sabad., sang., sank., sars., secale, sumb., tabac, verat., zinc.

Sep., Sil., sol-n., spig., stann., staph.,
strani., sul-ac,
morning: Mane, sulph.
Sulph., sumb., tabac,
tarent., Thuj., til., verat., viol-o., zinc. evening: Gent.

labor pain, with every: Nux-v., plat, night: Nux-v.

menses, before: Eupi. supper, after: Ox-ac, podo.

during: Ant-t., calc. thinking about it, on : Iris,

micturition, during: Aloe, canth. tormenting, but not to stool: Lach.

amel.: Nat-m.
vertigo, during: Spig.
motion, on: Ars-i., bry., rheum.
walking, while: Cob., coloc, laur., pall.,
rising, on: Aloe. rheum.
sitting, on: Crot-t.
WARTS. (See "Condylomata.")
smoking, while: Calad., thuj.
WEAKNESS, weak feeling: Aloe, alum., apoc,
standing, while: Aloe, lil-t. bry., calc, kali-c, pelr., phos., tabac.

stool, before: AU-s., aloe, berb calc-f., micturition, during: Inul.


euphr., ferr-i., fl-ac, grat., hell., kali-n., stool, after: Lept., podo.
lact., mez., osm., stront., Sulph.
WEIGHT, and a feeling as if a plug were wedged
during: Abrot., aesc, seth., am-m., anac, between the pubis and coccyx (see
ant-c., arg-m., ars-i., bov., bry., calad., "Lump," "Dragging"): Aloe, cact., ci-vst-y
calc, carl., coca, coll., con., cycl., dios., hep., thuj.
dire, dros., dulc, eupi., ferr., form.,
gamb., graph., grat., hep., inul., iris,
WORM, sensation of. (See " Crawling.")
lycps., merl., mez., nat-c, nat-p., nice, complaints: Aeon., all-c, ars., calc, carb-v.,
nit-ac, ox-ac, phys, phyt., pic-ac, cic, Cina, dol., ferr., filix, graph., ign.,
pip-m., plant., plat., ptel., ran-sc, rat., mere, nai-m., nux-m., nux-v., petr., ruta,
rhus-t., sars., sep., sil., stann., stram., sabad., secale, sil., sin-n., Spig., spong.,

sul-ac, Sulph., tabac, tarent., verb. squil., statin., Sulph., tereb., teucr., verat.

after: .^Jsc, alh., aloe, ars., bar-c, berb., ascarides: Abrot., acet-ac, aeon., agn., ant-t.,
bry., calc-p., camph ,
cic, cocc, colch., asar., bar-c, calc, calc-a., chin., cina,
crot-t., cycl., dig., dies., dros., ferr., crot-t., cupr., ferr., graph., grat, ign.,
form., grat., ign. iod., iris, kali-p., lach., mag-e, mag-s., mere, Nat-m., nux-v.,
lye, mag-m.. Mere, Merc-C, merc-i-r., phos., plat., Sabad., sil., sin-n., spig.,
naja, nat-c, nice, nit-ac, nux-v., petr., spong., squil., sulph., teucr., valer.
Rheum, ruta, samb., sol-t-se spig.,
lumbricoides: Aeon., all-s., anac, asar., bar-c.

stann., Sulph., tabac, til.

bell., calc, cic, cham., chel., {^vciA, ferr-s

rising from: Rheum, rumx. graph., hyos., kali-c, lye, mag-e, mere

after, amel.: Aeon., sesc, aloe, alum., ant-t nat-m., nux-v., rhus-t., ruta, sabad., secal

arn., ars., asaf., bapt., bry., cain., calc-p., sil., Spig., stann., Sulph., tereb.
canth., cham., colch., coloc, corn., dulc,
taeniae: Ail., Calc, carb-an., carb-v., chin.
Gamb., gels., hell., lept., nat-s., nuph.,
cn^T., filix, form., frag-vis., graph., gra"
Nux-v., Rhus-t., sauic, tarent. kali-c, mag-m., mere, nat-c, nux-v., petr.
sudden: ^sc, aloe, ant-s., bar-c, bry., phos., //rt/., puis., sabad., sep., sil., stann.

carb-v ,
cic, cocc, Crot-t., cycl., dig., dire. sulph., tereb.


A.CRID, corrosive, excoriating: Aeon ,

alum., BLACK.
am-c, ant-c, ar7i., Ars., bapt bar-c, bry., ,
stann., stram., sul-ac, j i-ph., tabac, tel.,

calc, canth., carb-an., carb-v., cham., chin., ust., Verat.

colch., coloc, colost., dulc, ferr., gamb.,
kali-c, fecal: Ant-t, Brom., camph., cub, hipp.,
graph., hep., hydr., ign., Iris,
iris, lept., sulph tabac.
merc-c, mur-ac,

kreos., lach., lept., Mere,

Nat-m., nit-ac, nux-v., phos., plant,, podo., BLOODY: Aeon., tesc, teuh., agar., ail., aloe.
Puis., rheum, sabin., sars., staph., sulph., Alum., alumn., am-m., anac, ant-t., apis,
syph Verat. , arg-n., am., ars., asar., arund., bapt.,

bar-m., benz-ac, bol.,

bell., calc, bry.,
ALBUMINOUS: Asc-t., bor., carb-an., dios.,
carb-an., carb-v.,
mere, merc-c, nat-m. Canth., Caps, carb-ac,
caust., cham., chel., chin., cina, cinnb.,
coagulated: Carb-an., merc-c.
Colch., eoll., Coloc, con., cop., crot-h.,
ASH-COLORED (see " Gray "): Ars., asar.,a?<r., cub., cupr., dros., dulc, elaps, elat., ferr.,
carb-v., cupr., dig., lycps., myric. ferr-p., graph., hep., hipp., ign., iod., ip.,

jalap., kali-bi., kali-br., kali-c,

BALLS, like: ^sc, alum., brach., calc, cob., iris,

kali-chl., kali-i., kali-n., kreos., lac-d.,

euphr., form., hipp., hydr., mag-nt., med.,
mez., nux-v., phos., Tib., psor., ptel., mag-c, mag-m.,
lach., led., lept., lyc, lyssin,
sulph., thuj., verat., vib. mane, Merc-C, merc-i-r., mill., mur-ac,
nat-c, nat-m., nat-s., nit-ac, nux-m.,
black: Alumn.,Op-, verat.
Nux-v., ox-ac, petr., Phos., phyt., pic-ac,
brown: Nux-v.
plb., podo., -^soT., puis., raph., rat., rhus-i.,
BILIOUS : Aeon., seth., agar., aloe, aut-t, apoc, sabad., sabin., sarr., sars., secale, senec,
ars., ars-h., bism., bry., Cact., calc-p., Sep., sil., staph., sul-ac, sulph., tarent.,
carb-ac, cham., chin., cina, colch., coll ,
tereb., thuj., tromb., valer., verat., zinc.
coloc, corn., Crot-h., crot-t., cub., dig.,
charred straw, like: Lach.
dios., dulc, elaps, Jl-ac, gels., ip., iris,

kali-i., lept., lil-t., med.. Mere, nierc-c, menses, during: Am-m.

mez., naja, Nat-S., op., osm., phos ,
phyt., streaks, in: Arn., bry., calc, cina, colch.,
Podo., psor.. Puis., secale, Sep., sulph., coloc, con., kali-bi., led., mag-m., Merc,
Verat., zinc. nat-s., Nit-ac, Nux-v., Podo., puis., squil.,
daytime and from warm drinks agg. : Fl-ac. sulph., thuj., tromb.

BLACK: Acet-ac, aeon., eesc, seth., agar., aloe, BLUISH: Bapt., colch., phos.
alum., ant-t., apis, arg-n., am., Ars., ars-i.,
clay-like: Ind.
asc-t., berb., bol., brom., bry., cact., calc,

calc-s., camph., canth.,

green on standing, changes to: Phos.
caps., carb-ac,
carb-v., caust., chin., chin-s., chion., cic, BROWN: Aeon., a;sc., anac, aloe, ant-t., apis,
cina., colch., coll., crot-h., cub., cupr., Arg-n., atfi., ars., asaf., asc-t., bapt., bor.,
dulc, elat ,
elaps, glou., graph., ham., hep., bry., calc, camph., canth., carb-v., chel.,
lod., ip., iris, jac-c, kali-bi., kali-s., lack., chin., coloc, dulc, ferr., fl-ac, gamb.,
Lept. mane, med., Mere, Merc-c, graph., grat., hydr., iod., iris, kali-bi.,
merc-i-f-, nat-m., nit-ac, nux-m., nux-v., kali-c, kreos., lach., lil-t., Lyc, mag-c,
Op., ph-ac, />Aoj., Plb., podo., psor., rhodc, Merc, merc-c, merc-sul., mez., mur-ac,
rhus-v., rob., rumx., secale, squil., sep.. nat-m., nit-ac, nux-v., op., ox-ac, petr..


BROWN. CREAM-COLORED Aloe, arg-m., arg-n., calc,

p/ios., phyt ,
p/ani., psor., rheum, rhodo., gels. ,
rum.v., sabad., Secale, sep., squil., sulph.,
tereb., thiij., tromb., variol..
CRUMBLING: Agar., aloe. Am-m., bapt., bry.,
Verat., zinc, calc, cann-s., carb-an., caust., chin-s.,
crot-t., cycl., guaj., lach., lye, mag-c,
fecal: je,sc., aloe, ant-t., asaf., bapt., bor., Mag-m., Merc, nat-c, Nat-m., o\w\.,op.,
bry., coloc, dulc, fl-ac, graph., kali-c, ph-ac, phos., />o«'o., ruta, j«//>/i., tel., zinc.
lil-t., lye, mez., ox-ac, petr., rheum, CURDLED: Ars., bell., bufo, calc, cham.,
rhodo., ruuix., tronib.
mag-c, med., mere, murx., nit-ac, nux-m.,
CHALKY. (See " White.") puis., rheum, sanic, stann., sul-ac, sulph.,
Valer., viol-t.
CHANGEABLE: Am-m., cham., colch., dtilc,
podo., Puis., sanic, sulph. milk, like, forcibly expelled: 2BXa.., gamb.

CHOPPED: Aeon., arg-n., ars

DARK: ^sc ,
agar., aloe, Alum., arg-n., am.,
bar-ni., ehain.,
ars., bapt., berb., bolet., bry., carb-v.,
rhus-t., sul-ac, viol-t.
chin-s., cimic, corn.. Graph., ham., hipp.,
beets: Apis. ill., kali-c, lyssin, mur-ac, nat-s., nux-v.,
eggs: Cham., op., plb., ptel., rhus-t., secale, tarent.,
Mere, nux-m., Puis., sulph,
spinach: Acon., arg-n., cham , mere.
fecal: Bapt., carb-v., chin., hipp., mur-ac,
CLAY-COLORED: Aur-m-n., bell., berb., nux-v., podo., ptel., tarent.
card-m. chel. dig. gels. hep., ipd. kali-bi.
, , , ,

lept., tnere., myric, nat-s., nit-ac., petr., DIFFICULT. (See "Constipation.")

ph-ae., podo., sep.
DOG'S, like a: Cimx., Phos., staph.
CLAY-LIKE: Calc, dig., lycps., med podo.,
sil. DRY : ^sc, alum., am-c, ant-c, arg-m., arg-71.,
ars., bapt., brach., Bry., cact., calc, cimx.,
COFFEE grounds, like: Ant-t., crot-h. ,
dig., cob ,
coc-c, con., corn., cupr., dios., dulc,
ferr-m., phos. eupi., ham., hep., iris, kali-bi., kali-br.,
kali-c, kali-chl., kreos.. Lac-d,, lact., Lyc,
COLD : Lyc.
lycps., mag-m., mang., Nat-m., Nit-ac,
COLORLESS : Bor., coloc. Nux-v., Op., osm., Phos., plat., plb., podo.,
prim., puis., sanic, seneg., Sil., stann.,
CONSTANT discharge: Apis, ox-ac, phos., sep.,
staph., sulph., tereb., tril ust., verat., vib.,
COPIOUS: Acet-ac, seth., aloe, am-m., ang., sand, like: Arg-m.
ant-c, ant-t., apis, arg-n., arn., ars., ars-h.,
asaf., aur., bapt., benz-ac., berb., bry.,
FALLING out: Aloe.

cact., cain., calc., camph., canth., cenchr., FATTY, greasy: Ars., caust., tod., phos., pic-ae,
chel., chin., cimic, cob., coc-c, colch., sulph., thuj.
coll., coloc, colost., cop., corn., Crot-t.,
oily-looking fecal: Bolet., iod., pic-ae, thuj.
cub., cupr., dios., elat, gamb,, glon., grat.,
guara.,iod., iris, jalap., /a^r., kali-bi., kali-c, FETID. (See "Odor.")
lept., lil-t.,mag-c, mere, merc-i-f.,
lyssin, FERMENTED: Am., bor., ip., mez., plant.,
merc-i-r., mosch., mur-ac, nat-m., nux-m., rheum, rhodo., sabad.
ox-ac, petr., Ph-ac, Phos., phyt., plb.,
Podo., r., raph., rhus-t., rumx., Secale,
FLAKY: Arg-n., calc-p., chel., colch., cupr.,
dulc, ferr., guara., ip., nit-ac, phos., secale,
tarax., tarent., tereb., thuj., Verat.,
sulph., Verat.
verat-v., vib., zinc.

night: Chel., chin., ox-ac, plb., sulph.,

FLAT: Merc, Puis., sulph., verat.
verat-v. FLOCCULI: Cop dulc, secale. ,

which does not exhaust: Ph-ac. FORCIBLE, sudden, gushing: Ail., aran., arg-n.,

) ,,

arn., bar-c, cench., cic. ,
cist., colch., psor.. Puis., rheum, rhus-t., rob., sanic,
Crot-t., cupr., cycl., dulc, ferr., gamb., Secale, sep., stann., sul-ac, sulph., tabac.
Grat, jalap., Jatr., /('a//-<^/.,lycps., tnag-m., tereb., valer., Verat., zinc.
naja, Nat-C, Nat-m., nat-s., nice, ox-ac,
ran-b., raph.,
blackish: Ars., op., mere, phos., .=ul-ac.,
petr., plat., Podo.,
rhus-t., Secale, sep., sidph., tabac, Ihuj.,

trom., Verat. brownish: Ars., calc, crot-t., dulc, mag-c.

mag-m., mere, sulph., verat.
FREftUENT : Acet-ac, aeon., agar., ail., aloe,
alumn., am-in., ant-i., apis, arg-n. arn., fecal: Ars., mag-m., podo., valer.
Ars., asar., bapt.,bell., bor., bov., bry., cact ,
mucus. (See " Mucus."
cadm., calc, calc-p., canth.. Caps., carb-ac, '

carb-v., canst. Cham., chel., chin., cic, olive green: Apis, ars., elat., Secale.

cina, cocc, coc-c, cofl., colch., coloc, coil.,

scum on a frog-pond, like: Hell., mag-c,
corn., Cupr., dros., dulc, Elat.,
crot-l., mere, sanic.
ferr., gamb., graph., grat., hell., hep ,

yellowish: Aloe, Grat., Sulph., tabac, verat.

hyos., ign., iod., ip., iris, kali-bi ,
kali-c, kreos., lach., lob., lye. Mere, GUSHING. (See " Forcible.")
Merc-C, mez., nat-c, nat-m., nat-s., nit-ac,
Nux-V., olnd., Phos., Podo., psor., puis., HARD: Abies-n., aese, agar., ag?i.. Alum.,
rhus-t., rob., samb., secale, sep., sil., sul-ac, Alumn., am-c, Am-m., anan., ang., Ant-C,
sulph., tereb., thuj., tromb., Verat., zinc. apis, arg-n., arn., ars., arund., asaf., aur.,
aur-m-n., bar-c, bar-m., bell., bov., brom.,
FROG spawn, like: Hell., mag-c, mere, sanic. bufo, cact., calc, calc-p., calc-s.,
FROTHY: Am., benz-ac, bolet., bor., calc, carb-an., carb-v., card-m., canst., chel.,
canth., caps., cedr., cench., chin., cimic, chin., chin-s., cimx., cina, cocc, coc-c.
colch., coloc, crot-t., elaps, elat., ferr., Coll., coloc, con., corn., crot-h., dros., dulc,
fl-ac, graph., grat., hell., ip., Kali-bi., eng., euphr., eupi., ferr. ferr-i., fi-ac, form.,

lack., Mag-C, mag-m., Mere, merc-i-f., gamb.. Graph., grat., guaj., ham., hep.,
nat-m., nat-s., op., plant., Podo., raph., hydr., ign., iod., kali-bi.,
ill., kali-br.,
rheum, rhus-t., ruta, sil., squil., still., kali-c, kali-i., /fea/w., kreos., Lac-d.,
sul-ac, Sulph., verat., zinc.
Lach., lact., laur., lil-t., lyc, lycps., mag-c,
GELATINOUS. (See "Mucus.") Mag-m., mag-s., mere, merc-e, merc-i-f.,
merc-sul., mur-ac, naja, nat-c,
GRAY: Aloe, asar., aur., calc, carb-v., cench.,
Nat-m., nice, Nit-ac, Nux-v., olnd..
chel., chim., cist., crot-t., cupr., dig., Op., ox-ac, petr., ph-ac, Phos., phyt.,
hydr., kali-c, kreos., lach., mag-m.. Mere, pic-ac, plat., Plb., podo, prun., puis.,
nat-m., nat-s., Op., Ph-ac, Phos., pic-ac, rhus-t.,
rat., rhus-v., rumx., ruta, sabin.,
plb., psor., rheum, secale, sep., sulph. sal-ae, sang., same,,, sarr., sars., selen.,
whitish, in part: Nat-m., Phos., plb. seneg., Sep., Sil,, sol-n., spig., spong.,
stann., staph., stront., sul-ac, Sulph., tabac,
GREASY. (See " Fatty.")
tarent., tereb., thuj., tril., Verat., Verb.,
GREEN": Aeon., tesc, ceth., agar., aloe, alum., vib.. Zinc.
am-7H., ant-t., apis, Arg-n., ars., asaf., alternating hard and soft: Ars., bor., iod.,
arund., aur., bar-m., bell., bor. ,hrom.,
lach., mag-s., nit-ac, phos.
bry., calc, calc-p., caiith., caps., carb-v.,
Cham., chel., chin., colch., burnt, as if: Bry,, plat, plb., Sulph.
Coloc, con., cop.,
corn., Crot-t., cupr., dulc, elat., Gamb., menses, during: Am-c, Apis, nat-m.
gels., glon., Grat., guara., hep., hydr.,
iris, kali-br., kreos., lanr., lept., lyc,
tough and greasy: Caust.
mag-m., mane, Mere, Merc-C, merc-i-f.,
HOT: Aloe, asc-t., calc-p., Cham., ci.st., dios.,
mur-ac, naja, Nat-m., nat-p., nat-s., nit-ac, med., mere, Merc-c, merc-sul., nux-v.,
nux-v., petr., ph-ac, Phos., Plb., Podo., phos., puis., staph., sulph.

) ,

INSirFFICIENT. (See " Constipation.") LIGHT-COLORED: ^sc, anac, apis, Ars.,
bar-c, Bor,, Calc, carb-v., chel., Chin.',
JELLY-LIKE. (See " Mucous stools. "
chion., coll.. Dig., gnaph., hydr., iris,

KNOTTY, nodular, lumpy: ^sc, agar., Alum., kali-bi., kali-c, Lyc, lycps., Merc, merc-c,
Alumn., am-c, anag., anan., ang., aiit-c, naja, nat-s., nit-ac, phos., pic-ac, plb.,
apis, arn., ars., aur., bapt., bar-c, berb., podo., rhus-v., sep., Sil., sulph., Tabac,
brach., calc, calc-p., calc-s., carb-an., ust., zinc.

card-m., causl., cbel., chin., chlol., coc-c,

LiaUID, (See "Thin.")
coll., con., cycl., euphr., glon., Graph.,
grat., hydr., tod., ip., kali-bi., kali-c, kalm., LONG, narrow (compare "Small"): Alum.,
lack., lept., lil-t., Lyc, Mag-m., mang., bor., canst., graph., hyos., mere, mur-ac,
mere, merc-c, rnez., nat-tn., nal-s., nux-v., nat-c, Phos,, puis., Sep., staph.
op., petr. /)A-rtt. phos., Plb., ptel., rhus-v.,
, ,

sang., senec, sep., Sil., spig., j/rt««. stront., ,

LUMPS like chalk (see "White"): Bell., calc,
dig., hep., lach., podo., sanic, spong.
sul-ac, sulph., thuj., ust., verat., verb.

green: Chin., stann.

LUMPY and liquid (.see "Knotty"): Ant-C,
apis, ars., calc, con., graph., ip., kali-bi.,
liquid, and. (See " Lumpy.") lyc, nux-v., sil., sul-ac, sulph., tromb.
mucus, covered with: Alum., caust., mag-m.,
MEAL-LIKE sediment, with: Bry., chin-a.,
nux-v., plb., Sep.
ph-ac, Podo.
united by threads of mucus: Graph,
MEMBRANOUS: Arg-n., brom., Canth.,
LAKGE: ^sc, alum., alumn., ant-c, apis, carb-ac, Colch,, Coloc, ferr., mere,
arg-7i., ars., ars-i., asaf., aur., berb., Bry., merc-c, nit-ac, petr.,. phos., phyt., sil.

Gale, calc-s., chel., cob., coloc, crot-t.,

MUCOUS, slimy: Aeon., sesc, csth., agar., aloe,
cupr., dulc, Elat., euphr., fl-ac. gamb., , am-m., ang., aut-t., apis, Arg-n., am.,
Graph., grat., hydr., ign., kali-bi., Kali-C, ars., asar., bapt., bell., bar., brom., bry.,
kalm., Lac-d., Lept., Mag-m,, mere, mez., cact., calc-p., canth.. Caps., carb-an.,
naja, nal-m., nux-m., Ifux-V., op., ox-ac, carb-v., caust., cham., chel., cic, cimic,
petr., phos., podo., puis., raph., rhus-t., cina, cocc, Colch., coll ,
coloc, corn., crot-t.,
rhus-v., ruta, sanic, sarr., selen., seneg., dig., dios., dros., dulc, elat., ferr., Gamb.,
Sep., Sil., stann., sul-ac, Sulph., sumb., Graph., Hell., hep., hyos., ign., iod., ip.,

thuj., Verat., vib., zinc. kali-bi., kali-i., lach., mag-c., Mere,

Merc-c, mur-ac, naja, nat-c, nat-s., nice,
LIENTERIC Abrot, acet-ac, sesc, ^z-M., aloe,
nit-ac, nux-m., Nux-V., ox-ac, petr. ///oj. ,

am-m., ant-c, arg-m., arg-n., arn., Ars., rheum,

phyt., plb., podo., psor.. Puis., raph.,
asar., bar-c, bor., Bry,, cain., {^iXa.., calc-p.,
rhus-t., sabad., secale, sep., sil, squil.,
calc-s., cham., chim-a., Chin,, cina, coloc,
stann., staph., stict., sul-ac, Sulph., tabac,
con., crot-t., dulc, elaps, Ferr., ferr-p.,
tereb., tromb., urt-u., variol., Verat.
gamb.. Graph,, hep., ind., ip., iris, jab.,

kali-p., kreos., lach., laur., lept., lyc, black: Ars., cocc, elat.
lyssin,mag-c, mere, merc-c, mez., nit-ac, bloody: Aeon., ceth., ail., aloe, apis, arg-n.,
nux-m., ol-j., Olnd,, ox-ac, petr., Ph-ac, arn., arj., asar., bapt., bar-c, ;--;«., bell.,

Phos,, phys., phyt, plat., Podo,, psor., bolet., canth., caps., carb-ac, carb-v., cham.,
raph., rheum, rhodo., rhus-t., rhus-v., sang., chim., colch., coll., coloc, cub., dros., elaps,
secale, sil., squil., stann., staph., stram., gamb., ham., hep., ign.,
elat., erig., ferr-p.,
sul-ac, sulph., thuj., verat. iod., iris, kali-chl., kali-i., lach., led., lept.,

morning: Chin., olnd. lil-t., lyssin, mag-m.. Mere, Merc-c,

Nat-c, nit-ac, Nux-v,, ox-ac, petr., phyt.,
night: ^th., am-m., bor., bry., chin., coloc, plb., Podo., psor., puis., rhus-t., sabad.,
ferr., verat. sars., sul-ac, sulph., tromb.

food of the previous day: Olnd. brown: Ars., bapt., carb-v., dulc, grat.,

nux-v., rheum, zing.

hard: Calc


agar., anac, ant-t., bapt., berb.,

bry., calc-p., carb-v., erig., hyos., iris, kalm.,

cheesy: Phos.
lac-ac. lept., myric, podo., rhus-t., sars,,
chopped eggs and spinach : Cham, seneg., sep., sit., spig., tereb.

colorless (see "transparent"): Hell, brown: J£,sc.

cream-colored: Aloe. yellow: Ant-t., bapt., berb., bry., carb-v.,

mur-ac, hyos., iris, \^-^\.., podo., rhus-t.

dark: Arg-n., ars., bolet., ip. lil-t.,

tarent. white: Calc-p., podo., rhus-t., sep., spig.

like frothy molasses: Ip. NARROW. (See "Long.")

fetid: Lach., merc-c, sul-ac, sulph.
ODOR, acid. (See "sour.")
granular: Bell., /"Ao^. brassy: Apis.

green: Aeon., aesc, ceth., agar., am-m., a7it-i , brown paper, burning, like: Coloc.
apis, arg-n., Ars., aur., bell., bor., bry.,
burnt meat: Carb-an.
calc-p., canth., caps., carb-v., cast., chain.,
chel., cina, cinnb., colch., coloc, corn., cadaveric: Ant-t., apis, Ars., bism., bor.,
dulc, elat., eup-per., ferr-p., gamb., guara., Carb-v., <:/««., kali-p., kreos.. Lack, /"(i?^.,
hep., ip., kreos ,
Mag-C, med.,
Laur,, lye, rhu.%-t., sil., stram.
Merc, Merc-c, mur-ac, naja, nit-ac,
carrion-like: Agar., apis, ars., bor., bry.,
nux-v., petr., ph-ac, phos., podo., psor..
carb-v., chin., coloc, ip., lach., nit-ac,
Puis., rheum, rhus-t., sanic, sep., stann.,
nux-m., par., Podo., Psor., rhus-t., sanic,
sul-ac, sulph.. tabac. , urt-u.
Sep., sil.,

jelly-like: Aloe, apis, asc-t ,

arn., bar-m., cheese, rotten, like: Bry., Hep., sanic.
cadm., calc, Colch., coloc, dios., dulc,
coppery: Iris.
hell., kali-bi., mur-ac, nat-p., podo., rhus-t.
sep. eggs, rotten, like: Arg-n., ars., asc-t., calc,
carb-ac, carl., Cham., hep., med., Psor.,
frog-spawn, like: Hell,
staph., sul-ac, sulph.
liquid: Laur., tereb.
fetid: Acet-ac, agar., arg-n., arn., ars., bapt.,
red: Arg-n., canth., cina, colch., graph., bry., calc, carb-ac, cham., cocc, coloc,
Lyc, mere, rhus-t., sil., sulph. dros., grat., iod., iris, kreos., lach., lept.,
lyc, mane, mere, merc-c, nit-ac, nuph.,
shaggy masses: Arg-n., asar., caps., lyc.
nux-v., phos., rob., rhus-t., sep., stann.,
shreddy: Colch. sul-ac, sulph., tabac, tereb.

tenacious: Asar., Canthi., caps., crot-t., Hell., musky: Sarr.

musty: Coloc.
transparent: Aloe, Colch., cub., hell., rhus-t.
offensive:Acet-ac, aeon., agar., ail., aloe,
watery: Arg-n., iod., lept., tereb. alumn., ant-c, ant-t., apis, apoc, arg-n.
arn., Ars., Asaf., asc-t., aur.,
white: Ars., bell., canth., cau.st ,
chani., Rapt.
cina cocc, colch:, dies., dulc, elat., graph., Benz-ac, bism., Bry., calc, calc-p.
carb-ac, carb-s., Carb-V., case, cham.
hell., iod., ip. ,ox-ac., ph-ac, phos., podo.,
chin chlol., cic, cimic, coca, cocc, coff.
puis., rheum, sulph. ,

colch., coloc, con., corn., Crot-h., crot-t.

masses: Cop. cupr., cupr-a., dig., dies., dros., dulc,
fago., fl-ac, gamb., gnaph.,
like little pieces of popped corn: Cina. Graph., grat.
guaj., hep., hura, ind., iod., ip., iris,
yellow: Agar., apis, asar., bell., bor., brom., Kali-p., kreos., Lach., lept., lii-t., lith.
cham., chin., cub., ign., mag-c, nice, podo., lob., lyc, lycps., mane, mere, Merc-C
puis., rhus-t., staph., sul-ac, sulph. merc-cy merc-i-f., mez., mur-ac,
ODOR, offensive. REDDISH (compare "Bloody"): Canth., cina,
colch., Merc, nat-s., rhus-t., sil.
nit-ac, Nux-m,, nux-v., Op., p.'ir., petr.,
ph-ac, phos., phys., plb., Podo., Psor., SCANTY: Aeon., teth., agar., aloe, alu7n.,
ptel., pulx., puis., ran-sc, rheum, rhodo., alumn., ambr., ammc, Am-m., apis, apoc,
rhiis-t., riunx., saiit., sarr., secale, sep., arg-m., arg-n., am., ars., ars-i., asar., asc-t.,
serp., Sil., sin-n., sol-t-tE., Squil., staph., bar-c, bell., benz-ac, berb., bor., bry.,
sul-ac, Sulph., sumb., tabac, tarent., cain., calad., calc, calc-p., calc-s., camph.,
tereb., teucr., thuj., til., tril., variol., verat., cann-s., canth., carb-ac, carb-an., carb-s.,
vip., zinc. carb-v., card-ni., carl., chel., chin., chin-s.,

putrid: Acet-ac, apis, ars.,

cimic, coc-c, colch., coloc, con., cop., corn.,
Bapt., Asaf.,
crot-t., cupr., dig., dire, Axos dulc, eug.,
benz-ac, bor', bry., calc, Carb-V., cham., ,

euphr., ferr., fl-ac, gamb., gels., glon.,

chin., cocc, coloc, elat., ip., inerc-c, nit-ac,
grat., hep., hura, hydr., hyos., hyper., ign.,
nux-m., /Oflfo., ptel., pulx., sep., sil., stram.
indg., iod., jug-r., kali-bi., kali-c, kali-n ,

sour: .i^Ith., arg-n., am., bell., Calc, campli., kahn., lach., lact., led., lye, lycps., mag-e,
carb-s., cham., colch., coloc, colosl., con., mag-m., mag-s., mang.. Mere, merc-i-f,
cop., dulc, graph., Hep., iris, jalap., lye, merc-sul mez., nat-c, nat-m., nat-s.,

mag-c, Merc, mez., nat-c, nit-ac, olnd., nit-ac, nux-v., olnd., op., ox-ae, par., petr.,
phos., podo.. Rheum, rob., sep., sil., Sulph., phos., pic-ac ,plat., Plb., puis., ran-b., rat.,
verat. rhodo., rhus-t., rumx., ruta, sang., sars.,
urine, like: Benz-ac. seneg., sep., Sil., squil., stann., staph.,
stront., sumb., tabac, tarent.,
ODORLESS: ^th., asar., cur., cycl., ferr.,
tereb., ther., thuj., til., tromb., verat. verb., ,

gamb., guara., hyos., jatr., kali-bi.,

mere, rhus-t., Verat., xanth.
SCRAPINGS of intestines, like: Asc-t., brom.,
PASTY, papescent: sesc, agar., aloe,
Canth., carb-ac, colch., CqYqc, ferr., mere,
ammc, anag., anthr., ant-c, ant-t., apis,
nux-v., petr., phos., phyt.
apoc, arg-m., arg-n., am., ars ars-i., asaf., ,

bapt., bar-c, berb bism.,bor., brom., Bry.,

of meat, like: Am-m.
cact., calc, calc-p., cann-s., canth carb-s.,

card-m., chin., chin-s.,


SHEEP dung, like (see "Balls " ) : Alum., Alumn.,
Chel., bapt, bor.,
am-m., anth., bar-c, berb.,
cist., clem., coc-c, colch., coll., Coloc.,
brom ,
carb-an., caust., chel., chin-s., cop.,
con., cop., cor-r., crot-h., Crot-t., cycl., dig.,
graph., hydr., ^a/i'-c, kali-n., /ac/t., Mag-m..
dios., dire, dros., eug., euphr., fago.,
Merc, nat-c, Nat-m., nat-s., Nit-ac,
fl-ac, form., gamb., gels., gent-c, graph.,
nux-v.. Op., Plb., ruta, Sep., Syig.,
grat., Lell., hep., by dr., hyos., ign., ind.,
stront., sul-ac, Sulph., tabac, verat., verb.
iod., ip., iris, kali-bi., kali-n., kalm., kreos,,
lach., lact., laur., led., lept., lob-i., lye, black: Alumn., Op., verat.

lycps., mag-m., mang., Mere, Merc-c, brown: Nux-v.

mez., myric, nat-c, nat-m., nit-ac, uux-m.,
nux-v., op., osm., ox-ac, paeon., par., petr.,
SHOOTING out: Aeon., aloe, aster., bell., cist.,

cob., crot-t., cycl., eng., grat, jab., jatr.,

ph-ac, phos., phyt., plat, Podo., psor.,
kali-bi., lept., mag-m., naja, nat-c, nat-p.,
ptel., Rheum, rhodo., rhus-t., rhus-v.,
nat-s., phys., psor., rhodo., sars., secale,
sabad., secale, selen., seneg., sep., sil.,
seneg., thuj.
squil.,stann., stram., sul-ac, Sulph.,
sumb., tabac, tarax., tereb., ther., thuj., all at once in a somewhat prolonged effort:

til., tromb., ust., valer., verat., verat-v., Gamb.

zinc. in a torrent: Nat-c.

PURULENT: Apis, Km., ars., calc, calc-s.,

Bapt ,
canth., carb-v., chin., cocc, dulc, hep.,
kali-c, kali-p., kali-s., lack., Ijc, SMALL (compare Long and narrow "): Aeon.,
iod., i-p.,

phos.. Puis., secale, sep., sil., sulph., aloe, Alum., am-e, ant-c, arg-m Rrg-n., ,

am., Ars., asaf, asar., bapt., Bell., calc-p.,

SMALL. THIN, liquid: Acet-ac, csth., agar., aloe, Alum,,
canth., Caps., carb-s., carb-v., cham., cocc, ammc, anan., ang., ant-c, ant-t., am., ars.,
colch., coloc, con., corn., crof-t., dig., dulc Asaf., asc-t., ast-r., aur., bapt., bar-m.,
1^ ,

erig., eug., ferr-p., fl-ac, form., hyos., ign., bell., Benz-ac, bor., bov., calc, camph.,
ind., kali-c, lyc, Mag-m., Mere, Merc-c, carb-ac, carb-c, carb-v., cast-eq., causi.,
nierc-i-f., mez., naja, nat-c, nat-m., nit-ac, cham., chel., chin., chin-a., cic, cist., cocc,
Nux-V., olnd., op., osm., phos., podo., coff., coloc, con., corn., crot-t., dios., dros.,
puis., rbus-t., sars,, secale, sil., stann., dulc, graph., hep., ign., ind., kali-bi.,
swlph., tabac, tromb., urt-u., vib., zinc. kali-n., lach., lept, Lyc.,
masr-c, med.,
meph., merc-i-f., mur-ac, nat-c, nat-s.,
SOFT: Aeon., sesc, teth., agar., agn., ail., all-c,
nice, nuph., nux-m., nux-v., olnd., op.,
all-s., Alum., ambr., am-m., ammc,
anac, ang., ant-t apis, apoc, arg-m., osm., Ph-ac, Phos., phyt., pic-ac, psor.,

arg-n., arn., ars., ars-i., arum-t., asar., asc-c, ptel., rat., rhodo., rhus-t., rhus-v., rumx.,
asc-t., aster., aur., hapt., bar-c, bell., benz., sabad ,
sang., secale, senec, sil., spig.,,
berb., bor., bov., brom., bry., bufo, cact., ' spong., squil., sulph., tromb., variol.,
cain., calad., calc, calc-p., canth., caps., Verat.
carb-an., carb-v., carl., cast-v., caul., black: Aeon., ars., asc-t., carb-ac, carb-v.,
canst., chel., chin., chin-s., chlol., cic, crot-h., lept., squil., stram.
cimx., cinnb.. cob., coca, cocc, coc-c,
brown: Arg-n., arn., asaf., aster., graph.,
coff., colch., coloc, con., cop., crot-t.,
cupr., cycl., dig., dios., dros., dnlc, erig.,
mag-c, nux-v., /w., raph., squil.
euphr., fago., ferr-i., ferr-mag. ,
ferr-p., dark: Ars., crot-h., op., squil.
fl-ac, form., gamb., gels., gent., gins.,
glon., gran., graph., grat., guaj., ham., hell.. fecal: Alum., ant-c, ant-t., arg-n., at-n., ars.,
hydr., hyos., bapt., bar-c, bor., bry., carb-v., ctdr., chel.,
Hep., hipp., hyper., ign.,
indg., iod., ip., iris, jatr., jug-c, kali-bi.,
cist., coloc, con., dios., dulc, gamb., hep.,
kali-br., kali-c, kali-chl., kali-i ign., iris, kali-n., lept., lyc, Nat-S.,
kalm., kreos., lac-ac, lach., lact., laur.,
nice, nux-v., olnd., osm., pic-ac, ptel.,
lept., lith., lob-i., lyc, lyssin, mag-c, rheum, rhodo., rhus-t., rumx., samb.,
mag-m., mag-s., mang., sang., Sulph., tromb., verat., zinc.
merl.. Mere,
merc-c, merc-i-f., merc-sul., mez., mil., green: ^th., ant-c, crot-h., crot-t., grat.,
morph., mosch., mur-ac, nat-a., nat-c, raph.
nat-m., nal-s., nice, nit-ac, nuph., nux-m.,
liver-colored: Mag-c.
nux-v., olnd., op., osm., paeon., pall., par.,
petr., phel., ph-ac, pho^., phys., phyt., lumpy and liquid: Aloe, ant-c, apis, calc,
pic-ac, poth., psor., ptel., puis., ran-sc, con ,
graph., ip., kali-bi., lyc, sil., sul-ac,
raph., rat., rheum, 7-hodo., rhus-v., ruta, tromb.'
sabin., sang., sars., selen., i^?/. sil., spong.,
pouring out: Apis, am., ars., calc-p., canth.,
stann., staph., stront., Sul-ac, Sulph., iod., lach lyc, mere, podo., puis., secale,
sumb., tabac, tarent., thuj., til., tronib.,

sil., sulph.
upa., ust., verb., verat., verat-v.. viol-t.,
wyetli., zinc, zing.
red: Kali-c, rhus-t.

SPUTTERING: Aloe, eug., Nat-s. yellow: ^th., bapt., cocc ,

coloc, crot-t.,
iris, lyc, mere, nat-c, nal-s., nit-ac,
STRINGY: Asar., carb-v., Grat., ox-ac, selen., nux-ni., raph., rhus-t.
Sul-ac, verat-v.
SUDDEN. (See "Urging.") TOUGH: Agar., am-m., arn., asar., bar-c, brom.,
canth., caps., merc-i-f., Sulph.
TARRY-LOOKING: Canth., chion., lept.,
TRANSPARENT. (See " Mucous.")

TENACIOUS: Ars., bor., carb-v., coloc, crot-t..

UNDIGESTED. (See " Uenteric")
Hell., ign., inul., kali-c, mag-s., mang., WATERY: Acet-ac, aeon., sesc, ceth agar.,
mere, merc-c, mez., nat-c, nat-m., op., ail., aloe, alum., am-m., anag.,

ox-ac, plat., plb., sars., spig., verat., zinc. ant-t., Apis, Apoc, arg-n., arn., ars\

42 62 I
arum-l., Asaf., asar., aur-iu., bapt., bar-c. gelatinous on standing: Podo.
bar-m., bell., benz-ac, berb., bism., bor.
green: Aeon., acth., am-ni., ars., bell., bry.,
cact., cain., calc, calc-p., caiiiph., caiith
carb-ac, carb-s., carb-v., cast-eq.,
Cham., colost., cupr., dulc, eup-per.,
caust., cenchr.,
ferr-p., gamb., Grat., hep., ip., iris, kali-br.[
Cham., cbitii-a., c/nn.
kali-i., kreos., laur., lept, mag-c, med.,
chins., c/ir-ac, cina, cist., coh., cocc, coff.
nat-m., nat-s., nil-ac, phos., podo., puis.,
Colch., coloc, Con., cop., cro/-/., cupr.
rob., sanic, secale, suI-ac, sulph., tereb.,
CUV., cycL, dt£:., dies., Dulc, elaps, Elat.
/err., fl-ac, Gamb., graph., Grat., hell,
hep., liipp., hyos., iod., ip., Iris, jalap. scum, with: Mag-C, mere.
Jatr., Kali-bi., kali-br., kali-c, kali-i.
prune juice, like: Tereb.
kali-ii., kali-p., kali-s., kreos., lach., lept.
rice water,
lyssin, Mag-C, mag-m ,
mag-s., mane. like: Ant-t., apis, ars., camph.
Merc, merc-i-r., merc-sul., inez., mosch.'
carb-ac. cham., chel., colch., cupr., ferr.

mur-ac, nat-a., nal-c, iris, kali-br., kali-i., kali-p., merc-sul.

Nat-m., Nat-S.
nil-ac, nux-m., Nux-V., olnd., nat-m., phos., ran-b., secale, verat.
Op., osm.
ox-ac, petr., ph-ac, Pho?., plant., plb. white: Aug., benz-ac, calc, camph., castor,
Podo., Psor., Puis., rau-b., ran-sc, raph. caust., chel., cina, dulc, kreos., mere,
rat., rlius-t., rhus-v., riDiix., sainb., sang, nat-m., ph ac, phos., ran-b., secale.
sars., Secale, selen., senec, seneg., sep., sil.

yellow: ^sc, am-ni., apis, ars., bapt., bor.
stront., sul-ac, Sulph., tabac.
calc, canth., cham., chel., chin., cocc.
tereb., Thuj., Verat., Verat-V., vib., zinc
colost., crot-h., crot-t., cycl., Dulc, elaps^
morning: Ant-c, ant-t., cact., caust., cop. ferr-p., ^a.mb.,grat., hyos., ip., jab., kali-c.

dies., fl-ac, glon., hep., iod., kali-bi., kali-c. kali-i., lach., merc-sul., nal-s., nuph.
kali-n., niag-c, mur-ac, uat-m., nat-s. ph-ac, phos., pic-ac, plb., podo., puis.
nux-m., nux-v., olnd., ox-ac, petr., phos. rhiis-t., sanic, secale, stront., Thuj.
podo., rurax., squil., sulph., tabac. tromb.

afternoon: Ferr. WHITE: Aeon., Eesc, am-m., ang., authr.

ant-c, apis, arg-n., ars., aur-m-n., bar-m.
night: Acet-ac, agar., ant-t., ars., cast., chel.,
bell., benz-ac, bufo, calc, calc-p., Canth.
chin., merc-c, nat-m., puis., senec, sulph.
castor., caul., caust., cedr., cham ,
black: Apis, am., Ars., asc-t., bapt., camph., chin., cina, cocc, colch., cop., crot-h., dig.
carb-ac, chin., chin-s., crot-h., cupr., dios., dros., dulc,e\a.t., form., g^ls., graph,
kali-bi., nat-s., /isor., rumx., secale, stann., hep., hell., iber., ign., iod., kali-chl., kreos.
stram., verat. lac-c, lach., lye, mane, mang., mere,
naja, nat-s., Uux-m., nux-v., op pall,
bloody: Aloe, am-m., apis, canth., ferr-p., ,

lach., petr., phos., Rhus-t., sabad.

petr., Ph-ac, phos., plb., podo., Puis.
rheum, rhus-t., rhus-v., rob., sanic, sep.
meat washings, like: Q.s.w'Ca.., phos., Rhus-t. spig., spong., sulph., thuj., urt-u., verat.

brown: Ant-t., apis, Ars., camph., canth., chalk, like: Ant-c, aur-m-n., bell., Calc.
carb-v., chel., chin., dnlc, ferr., ganib., cimx., dig., hep., lach., Podo., rhus-t.
gels., kali-bi., kreos., niag-c, petr., plant., Sanic, sil., spong.
rumx., sulph., verat. fecal: ^sc, aur-m-n., bar-m., Calc, calc-p.
clay-colored: Kali-p. chel., cop., dig., hep., kali-bi., lye, pall.
Podo., rhus-t., sanic, sil.
clear: Apis, benz-ac., coloc, mere, secale,
tabac. grains or particles: Ci7ia, cub., dulc, phos.

dirty: Podo. grey, streaked with blood: Calc.

flakes, with: Cupr., paul., verat. hard: Bar-m.

frothy: Elat., grat., kali-bi., mag-c, ran-b. jelly-like: Hell.


masses like tallow: Dulc, mag-c, plios. bright: Fl-ac.

milk-like, chyle-like, bileless: ^sc, arg-n., brownish: Apis, asar.

arn., bell., bufo, calc, carb-ac, carb-v.,
fecal: Agar., aloe, alumn., am-ra., ant-t.,
card-m., chel., chin., coloc, cop., Dig., apis, asaf., bapt, bolet., bor., bov., calc,
dulc, gels., hell., hep., kali-bi., lept, cocc, colch., coloc, cub dig.,
chel., cist., ,

mag-c, mere, myric, nux-v., petr., Podo., dios., fl-ac, gels., hep., iris, kali-c,
rheum, Sanic, stront., sulph., valer. lach., laur., lith., myric, nat-C, nat-s.,

olnd., ph-ac, pic-ac, plb., podo., rhus-t.,

YELLOW: ^sc, csth ,
agar., aloe, alumn.,
ambr., am-m., ang., ant-c, ant-t., apis, samb.
arg-n., arn., ars., arum-t., asaf., asar., painless immediately after eating: Calc.
asc-t., bapt., bar-c, bell., berb., bolet, bor.,
granular: Mang.
bov., brom., bry., bufo, cain., calc, canth.,
carb-v., cham., Chel., chin., cist., cocc, green on standing, turning: Arg-n., rheum.
colch., coll., coloc, colost., crot-h., crot-t.,
greenish: Apis, cadm., coloc, crot-t., grat.
cub., cycl., dig., dios., Dulc, elaps, fl-ac,
jug-c, kali-bi., lac-ac, med., mere, nat-s.,
Gamb., gels., Grat., helon., hep., hyos.,
puis., secale, tereb.
ign., iod., ip., iris, jabor., kali-bi., kali-c,
kali-i., lach., laur., lept., lith., Lyc, raag-c. orange: Apis, cocc, colch., coloc, mere,
mag-m., mang., Merc, Merc-C, merc-sul., nat-m., osm., sul-ac, syph.
nat-c, nat-m., nal-s., nice, nuph., nux-m., like pulp of: Nat-c.
nux-v., olnd., petr., Ph-ac, phos., phys., saffron, like: Coloc, croc, mere, Sul-ac.
pic-ac, plb., Podo., puis., raph., rheum,
salmon: L,ac-d.
Rhus-t., rob., samb., sang., sanic, Secale,
staph., stront., sul-ar., sulph., tabac, tereb., whitish: Aeon., aur., cocc, dig., ign., lye,
Thuj., urt-u. phos., puis., rhus-t., sul-ac.

AIR passes from: Sars. CONSTRICTION.
APPREHENSIOIT in region of: Merc-c. neck: Ant-c, cad., elaps, pseou., petr., plb.,
phos., ruta, sulph.
BALL in, sensation of: Crot-h., lack., naja.
urination, during: Colch., petr., polyg.
forced from behind neck of, sensation of:
Kali-br. CONTRACTION, sensation of: Aut-c, berb.,
hyos., kali-i., petr., ruta, verat.
CALCULI: Ant-c, arg-n., Benz-ac, Berb., cact.,
urination, during: Berb., bry., dig., petr.
Calc, Canth., card-m., chin., coc-c, colch.,
eup-pur., lack., Hih., Lye, mez., mill., neck, morning, in bed: Caps.
naja, nat-m., nat-s., nit-ac, nux-m., nux-v.,
urination, during: Colch., kali-i., petr.
pareira, petr., phos., puis., raph., ruta,
Sars., Sep., sil., tarent., thuj., zinc
CRAMP in: Carb-s., carb-v., coc-c, nux-v.,
after operation for: Am., calend., cham., prun., sars., sep., zinc.
chin., cupr., nux-v., Staph., verat. night: Prun.

CARTILAGIHOTTS induration: Pareira. causing him to bend double: Prun.

CATARRH, muco-pus (see "Urine, sediment urination, during: Carb-s.

purulent"): Apis, ant-c, aspar., Benz-ac, neck: Con., op., phos.
calc, cann-s., canth., carb-ac, carb-v., caust.,
chim., chin-s., coff., coll., ColoC, con., cop., CRAWLING, urination, after: Lyc.

cub., Dulc, erig., eup-pur., eucal., /err.,

DROPS came out of, sensation as if, agg. rest:
ham., hydr., indg., kali-c, kali-chl., Sep.
kali-p., lach., Lyc, med., mill., mit.,
Nux-v., petr., plb., pop., puis., rhodo., EMPTINESS, sensation of: Dig., stram.
rhus-a., sars., senec, seneg., sil., sulph., evening: Sumb.
tereb., ITva-u.
FALLS to side lain on, sensation as if: Puis.
chronic: Ant-c, calc, carb-v., cop., hydr.,
indg., Kali-chl., kali-p., Lyc, nat-m., FULNESS, sensation of: Abrot., all-c, apis,
nuK-v., ph-ac, phos., sars., senec, Sulph. arg-n., arn., bell., calad., chim., coc-c,
conv., eup-pur., Equis., guaj., hell., hep.,
gonorrhoea, from suppressed: Benz-ac cub.,
lyc, lycps., med., op., ox-ac, pall., phys.,
med., puis., sil., thuj.
puis., ruta, Sep., staph., stram., sulph.,
haemorrhoidal subjects, in: Coll. zinc.

old people, in: Alum., carb-v., sulph., tereb. urination, after: Calc, con., conv., dig.,
eup-pur., gnaph., lac-c, lyes., mere, ruta,
COLS sensation in: Lyssin.
sars., staph., sulph.
alternating with heat: Coc-c.
without desire to urinate: Ars., calad., Caust.,
CONSTRICTION: Alum., berb., cact., caps.,
hell., op., pall., phos., stann., stram.,
caust., cocc, hydr., verat.
petr., ph-ac, puts.,
urination, before: Chel.
GAS passes from: Sars.
during: Thuj.
HEAT in: All-c, puis., senec

HEAVINESS : Canlh., coc-c. kali-i., lye. PAIN.
nal-m., sep.
pareira, plb,, ph-ac, phos., pbyt., polyg.,
HEMORRHAGE (compare "Urine, bloody"): prun., ptel., />«/5., rhus-t, ruta, sang., sars.,
Crot-U., erig., ferr-p., ham., lye, phos., sul-ac, sul-i., sulph., tarent., thuj., verat.
morning: Alumn., morph., sin-n.
HEMORRHOIDS of: Aeon., ant-c, bor.,
evening: Ip., morph., pall.
canlh., carb-v., ham., nux-v., puis., sulph.
urination, after: Sep.
bleeding: Ars., Calc, ham., lye, mere,
nit-ac, nux-v. night: Carb-an. lyc.

INACTIVITY of: Plb. coition, after: All-c.

coughing, when: Caps.

INFLAMMATION: Aeon., all-c, am-c. ant-t..
Apis, am., ars., aspar., bar-m.. Bell., distension, as from: Anth-n.
berb., calad., cann-i., cann-s., Canth., caps., drinking agg. : Canth.
carb-a., caust., chim., chin-s., colch., coloc,
con., cop., aib., dig., diilc, Equis., ery-a., lithotomy, after: Staph.
eup-pur., gels., hell., hydr., hyos., kali-bi., moving, on: Berb.
kali-c, kali-chl., 'Lach,, Lyc, med., mere,
up and down at every step after urination:
merc-c, nit-ac, nux-v., pareira, pop., prun..
Puis., rhus-L, Sars., sabin., senec, seneg.,
Sep., squil., stram., sulph., tarent., Tereb., retarding urination: Phos.
soon attended to, if the desire be not: Lac-c,
pus-like discharge after lithotomy, with: prun., puis., ruta, sep., sul-ac.
turning over in bed, as if bladder would fall to
suppression of menses or hemorrhoidal flow, side lain on: Puis.
after: Nux-v. urging to urinate: Calc-p., eup-pur., hell.,
violent pain and almost clear blood, with: nux-v., puis., rhodo., rhus-t., ruta, sul-ac.
Nit-ac, urination, before: Lith., mane, phyt., prun.
neck: Apis,, aspar., caps., clem., dig., elat., when urine starts he is amel.: Prun.
hyos., merc-c, merc-i-r., nux-v., petros.,
sars., senec:
during: Ant-t., brach., calc, indg.. lil-t.,

mane, phyt., rhus-a.

after a few drops pass: Caust.
IRRITABLE. (See "Urging to urinate.")
after: Brack., lith., sep.
ITCHING in region of bladder with urging to
walking, on: Aeon., puis.
urinate, agg. night: Sep.
extending to spermatic cords: Anth., lith.
neck, evening: Nux-v.
urination, after: I,ith.
JAR, sensitive to: Bell.
uterus: Merl., tarent.
MOTION in: Bell., lach., ruta.
neck: Ant-ox., apis, arn., bell., berb., brach.,
cact., calc-p., cann-s., canth., cham., cop.,
OBSTRUCTION, sensation of, neck, urinating, con., dig., fen--p., guaj., hyos., lith., lyc,
while: Sulph. op ,
pic-ac ,
puis., ruta, spoug., tereb.,

'Aeon., aeth., agn., all-c, ambr., ant-t.,
apis, arn., ars., benz-ac, berb., brach., cact., attempting to urinate, on: Cop.
calad., calc, calc-f., calc-p., cann-i., Canth.,
beginning to urinate, on: Clem.
carb-an., carb-v., canst., chel., clem., co7i.,

cop., der., Equis., eup-pur., ferr., fl-ac, close of urination: Cann-s., con., med.,
kali-bi., kali-br., lith., lyc, mere, morph., puis., ruta, sars.

PAIN, neck. PAIN, burning.

urging to urinate, on: Bell., calc-p., caiith., evening: Lyssin.

ferr-p., spong. night: Bell.
urination, before: Canth., lith., 7iux-v. cutting, extending through urethra after uri-

after: Apis, cann-s., con., nux-v., petr., nation: Canth.

puis., ruta, sars.
dravring: Card-m.
when last drops are voided: Med., sars.
menses, during: Sep.
walking, while: Ign. m. All-c.
pressure in region of, at lo a. :

rectum at same time, and: Ambr. Eup-pur.

standing agg. :

region of: All-c, apis, bell., berb., brom.,

urination, before: Berb., bry., calc, caun-i.,
calad., calc-p., canth., cann-s., chel., coc-c,
canth., choi., c\e.m., fl-ac, nat-c, rheum,
colch., dire, Ec[uis., fl-ac, ham., lil-t.,
rhodo., seneg., zinc.
lith., lye, morph., nat-a., pall., phyi.,
pic-ac, plb., ptel., puis., rhodo., sars., during: Aloe, canth., cham., eup-pur.,
tereb., zinc. nux-v., phos., rheum, tereb.

evening: Pic-ac, uva-u. after: Alum., apis, berb., cantb., lye,

Sep., sil., thuj.
urination, before: Phyt.
walking in open air amel. : Tereb.
during: Phyt.
neck: Aeon., canth., cham., con., cop.,
walking, while: Puis.
nux-v., op., petr ,
ph-ac, plb., prun.,
extending to kidney: jEsc, apis, canth. puis., staph.

aching: Arn., calc-p., carb-v., chel., cop., morning: Nux-v.

crot-t., erig., eup-pur., fl-ac, lach., nux-v.,
voluptuous itching, with.: Nux-v.
pall., phos., -^o-^., puis.
evening: Nux-v., puis.
coition, after: All-c.
urination, during: Aloe, cham., Nux-V.,
lying, while, agg. : Nux-v.
petr., ph-ac, ran-b., thuj.
menses, during: Sep.
urinating, when not: Aeon., berb., canth.
urination, before: Fl-ac.
extending through urethra: Canth.
during: Carb-v., fl-ac.
region of: Coff. ,
after: Con v., fl-ac.
lying in bed, while: Fl-ac
neck: Calc-p., con.
pressure, lo a. m. : All-c.
II a. m. : Sulph.
clawing: L,ed., mez., valer.
3 p. m. : Sulph.
constricting: Berb., ph-ac, sars.
urination, after: Apoc, fl-ac, sep., stann.
contracted feeling, neck: Ant-c, carb-s., lye,
region of: Bell., berb., fl-ac, hell., lye, mez., petr.
pall., sulph.
beginning to urinate, on: Kali-i.
boring, region of: Thuj.
urination, after: Sulph.
burning: Aeon., all-c, ars., bell., Berb.,
cann-i., cutting: ^th., ani-c, berb., canth., caps.,
Canth., Caps., card-m., cham.,
chel., chim., clem., colch., coc-c, coloc, eup-pur.. kali-c, lach., lye,
coloc, eup-pur.,
fl-ac,hydrang., ind., lach., lyssin, nit-ac, mang., nux-v., Tereb., thuj.
nux-v., petr., /rww., puis., rheum, rhus-t., urination, before: Bry., calc-p., mag-p.,
satin., Sep., staph., tereb., thuj., uva-u. mane, ph-ac, phyt., sulph., thuj.
morning: Berb. during: Calc, canth., polyg., secale, thuj.

PAIN, cutting, urination.
after: Calc-p., nat-c, phos.
pressing, pressure in: Acon., all-c, alum.,
close of, at the: Nat-c. ani-c, am-m., ant-t., aphis.
Apis, arn., aur.,
walking agg.: Thuj. bell., berb., brach., calc-p., camph., canlh.,
open air, in, amel., caps, carb-an., carb-v., chel., chim.,
rest agg.: Tereb. china,
coc-c, coff., colch., coloc, con., cop., cub.,
neck: Berh.. Canth., caps.,
con., kali-c. cycl.,
lach., lye, nux-v.,
dig., dulc, equis., eup-pur., fl-ac,
op., petr., polvg.,
graph., hep., hyos., ign., kali-c, kreos..
puis. , tereb.
lach., lachn., lact, laur.,
Lil-t., Lyc, med.,
morning in bed: Caps. merc-i-r., mosch., nat-c, nat-m., nat-p.,
urination, before: Canth., Nux-v., ol-an., pall., petr., ph-ac, pop.,
beginning to puis., rhus-t, ruta, sans., Sep., spig., squil.,
urinate, on: Mane,
petr. staph., sulph., til, verat., zinc.

during: Canth., kali-c, polyg. morning: Puis sep.


close of, at the: Petr. evening: Puis., sep.

walking in open air, while: Mez., thuj. night: Bell., carb-an., fl-ac, kreos., lyc,
extending through urethra:
region coughing, when: Caps., colch., ip., kreos.
of: Coc-c, mang., thuj.
ineffectual desire for stool, with: Aphis.
standing and walking agg. : Mang.
lying, while: Lyc.
dragging: Canth., cheL, cop., dig.,
fi-ac, lact.,
lye, mosch., psor., sep. pain in the back, with : Eupi.
morning: Sep., sulph. retention, with: Aur., hyos., sars.

night, lying down, while: Lyc. sitting cross-legged (compelled) amel.:

Sep., zinc.
hold urine, on attempting to: Calc-p., lac-c.
stool, before: Carb.v., nat-m.
lying, especially at night, horse-back
amel.: Lyc. urination, before: Aug., arn., calcp., chin.,
con., kali-s., nux-v., petr., puis.
siesta, after: Cycl.
during: Asar., berb., calc-p., camph.,
suppression of urine, with: Hyos.
dulc, hep., hyos., lach., lachn., lact.,
urination, during: Arg-n., cycl., op., rheum, nat-c, nat-m., op., sil., verat.
after: Asar., berb., hrach., calc-p., camph.,
after: Arund., bry., ruta, sulph. canth., chin., dig., Equis., lac-c, lith.,

drawing: mere, nat-m., ruta, sep., sulph.

Serb., calad., chen., coc-c, dig.,
rhodo. deep in left side: Calc-p.

sitting, while: Card-m. walking, while: Bry., con., ign., phos.,

upward: dalc-^., phyt.
sitting amel.: Bry., con.
urination, during: Calc-p., dig., phyt.
rhus-a. neck: Alumn., brach., carl., coc-c, jatr.,

nux-v., sul-ac, thuj.

neck: Cop., jatr., mez., rhodo.
hold the urine, on attempting to: Lac-ac.
flashes of pain before urination: Litk.
stitches, with, walking agg., sitting amel.:
griping: Lyc.
Con., ign.
lancinating, before urination: Mane,
urination, before: Arn., calc-p., nux-v.,
pinching: Serb., lyc, sep. phyt., puis.

lying, while, with stitching: Am-m. during: Ign., rhus-a., stann., thuj.

PAIN, pressing, neck. PAIN, stitching.

alternating between bladder and rectum:

walking in open air, while: Nux-v., puis.
region of : Alunin., berb., cann-s., carb-an.,
coff., nat-c, raph. cough, during: Caps.

dinner, after: Nux-v.

shooting, neck: Aeon., bell., calc-p., op.,

strj'ch., thuj. lying, while: Am-c.

afternoon: Sulph. respiration, during: Aur.

region of: Berb., chel. stool, during: Gamb.

lying on face amel.: Chel. urging to urinate, when; Canth., rhus-t.

smarting: EJup-pur. ineffectual urging: Guaj.

standing agg. : Eup-pur. urination, before: Mane, sep.

walking, while: Phos. beginning to urinate, on: Mane.

extending to meatus: Chitn. during: Carb-s., nat-m., sep.

region of: Berb. walking, while: Nat-m.

sore, tender when touched: All-c, bell., extending from kidney to bladder: (See
benz-ac., ealad., calc-p., cann-s., Canth., KIDNEYS. 1

chim., Equis., eup-pur., lac-ac, lith., lycps.,

to urethra: Berb., carb-s., cycl., phos.,
mere., puis., sars., secale, squil., Tereb.,
neck: Ant-t, canth., caps., carb-s., cham.y
motion agg. : Canth.
guaj., jatr., lith., lye, puis.
urination, during, agg.: Nat-a.
morning: Sulph.
neck: Atro., brach., calc-p., earb-v., nux-v.,
evening: Phos.

anus, and: 1,5'C.

urination, after: Calc-p.

region of: Ais., calad., coughing, when: Caps.

coff.,dire, Equis.,
lith., mere, nat-a., puis., sars., sulph., ineffectual effort to urinate, after: Guaj.
urination, before: Canth., dig.
spasmodic: Alum., berb., canth., caul., cop.,
during: Sulph.
prun., tereb.
after: Con., dig., guaj.
morning: Cop.
urinating, when not: Cham.
night: Prun.
tearing: Kali-c.
extending to chest: Alum.
neck: Canth., kali-c, nux-v.
neck: Jatr., phos.
pressing during urination, when: Kali-c.
closure at: Cann-s., caust., con., dig.,
m&i., puis., ruta, sars. urination, during: Kali-c, nux-v.

extending to thighs after micturition: twisting, neck: Coc-c.

twinging: Tereb.
region of: Chel.
twitching: Agar.
stabbing, region of: Chel.
region of: Lith.
stitching, stinging: Aeon., ant-t., arum., PARALYSIS: Aeon., agar., alum., Ars., aur.,
berb., calad., canth., carb-s., chel., clem., bell., cact., camph., cann-s., canth., carb an.,
coc-c, coloc, con., kali-c, lye, nat-m., carb-v., Caust., cic, cupr., Dulc, form.,
pall., rhus-t., sabad., sulph., thuj.

Gels., hell., helon., hyos., lach., laiir., evening: Bor.
tnag-ni., men:, mur-ac, Nux-V., Op., plbl,
psor., puis., rhiis-L, secale, night: 3-6 a. m.: Pareir.
siL, slrani.,
J?*////., tabac, tluij., Zinc, air, from exposure to cold: Caust.
daytime: Thuj.
beer, after: Nux-v.
forcible retention seems to paralyze the children, in: Aco7i.,
bladder: Caust., ru/a. Apis, art-v., calc,
hysterical subjects, in: Zinc.
every time child catches cold:
old people, in:
Acon., dtclc.,
Ars., cann-s., con., gels., puis., sulph.
chill, in: Apis, arn., canth., hyos., lyc, op.,
over-distension, after: Canth., Caust., rhus-t.
puis., stram.
cholera, in: Verat.
parturition, after, no desire: Ars., Caust., chronic: Calc, iod.

clots in the bladder, from: Cact.

PARALYTIC weakness: Cod., mord/i., op
Sulph. in the vagina, from: Coc-c.

sphincter: Agar., apoc, dell., canth., jug-r.,

cold, from catching: Aeon., caust., cop., dulc,
p/ios., plant., puis. puis., sulph.

sensation of, evening, so that he fears he will standing on cold pavement: Calc.
wet the bed: Alum. colic: Arn., coloc, Plb., thuj.
neck: Agar., atro., bar-c, cadm., canth.,
cub., op., stram.
confinement, after: Am., Ars., bell., canth.,
Caust., hyos., ign., lyc ,
7iux-v., op., puis.,
POLYPI: Ant-c, Calc, con., graph., lye, mere, rhus-t., stann., staph., stram.
phos., puis., sil., teucr., thuj.
with dribbling: Am., caust., gels., Nux-V.,
PULSATION: Canth., rf?;^. sabin., staph.
urination, before: £)ig. dysentery: Am., mere.
region of: Berb., dig.
enlarged prostate, from: Apis, bell., benz-ac,
RETENTION of urine (see "Urination re- cact., canth., chim., con., Dig., ferr., hyos.,
tarded";: Aeon., sesc, agar., all-s., alum., kali-i., merc-d., pareir., puis., sep., Staph.,
ant-t.,Apis, ap-g., afioc, arg-m.. Am., stram.
Ars., aspar., atro., aur., dar-c Bell., bism., ,

bor., bufo, cacL, calc, calc-s., camph.,

exertion, after: Am., Caps., Rhus-t.
canti-i., cann-s., card-m.,
Canth., caps., forcibly retains the urine, if she (see " Paraly-
Caust., chel., chim., chin., cic, cimic, sis of Bladder"): Caust., rhus-t., i-uta,
cinnb., clem., coc-c, cochl., colch., coloc. sulph.
Con., cop., crot-h., ciipr dig., dios., dtdc,,

fright, after: Aeon., Op.

elaps, euph., gels., graph., hell., helon.,
hep., hyos., hyper., ign., iod., iris, kali-chl., hysteria, in: Zinc.
kali-i., kreos., laur., led., Lyc, mag-p., locomotor ataxia: Arg-7i.
mag-s., mere, Merc-c,
merc-cy mez., ,

morph., mur-ac, nit-ac, nux-m., Nux-V., menses, during: Ham., kali-bi.

Op., ox-ac, Pareir., petr., ph-ac, phos., new born infants, in: Acon., apis, benz-ac,
phyL, plb., polyg., prim., puis., ran-sc, camph., canth., erig., hyos., lyc, puis.
rhus-t., ruta, sabin, sars., secale, sep., sil.,
after passion of the nurse: Op.
stann., staph., stram., sul-ac, sulph.,
Tarent., Tereb., thuj., urt-u., verat., zinc. old men: Solidago.


setiec, sep siL, squil., tarent., Tereb., tax.,
painful: Aeon., am., ars., aur., bell., calc-p., ,

Thuj., ust., uva-u., verat.,
Canth., caps., Caust., crot-li., cupr., didc,
nit-ac, Nux-V., op., pareir., puis., sabin., morning: Par., senec.
sars., lereb.
4 a. m. : Am-m.
urging, with, while lying on the back: Puis.
forenoon: Agar., phos.
sensation as if urine retained by contraction
evening, walking in open air: Lith.
of sphincter: Sulph.
night: Ant-c, lith., mere.
strong desire but impossible to urinate because

gland: Apis, cad.,

lying down agg. Lye :

of swelled prostate
chim., con., Dig., pareir., puis., sep., icy cold feet, with : Elaps.
Staph. menses, during: Tarent.
urine passed by drops. (See "Urination,
sitting, while: Tereb.
stool, duriug: Alum., Caps., Hl-t., mere.,
RHEUMATIC affections: Clem., dulc, merl.
Nux-v., rhus-t., staph.

SPASM: Ant-t., asaf., bell., berb., calc, canth., after: Canth.

caps., caul., chim., chin., gels., guara, hell.,
urination, after: Ferr., squil.
hydr., ip., nux-v., op., ph-ac, prun., ptils.,

sars., Sep., tarent., tereb., uva-u., vib. tenesmus of rectum, with: Alum

urination, before: Mane, uva-u. vomiting, purging and micturition: Crot-h.

during: Asaf., carb-s., op. TENSION: Aeon., ant-t., coc-c, eup-per., nux-v.

after: Asaf., puis. THICKENING of walls of: Dulc.

neck: Am., colch., hyos., kali-br., mag-p. TUMORS: Cak.
prun., ruta.
TWISTING sensation: Agar., bell.
night: Prun.
TWITCHING, neck, during urination: Op.
sexual excesses, after: Nux-v.
ULCERATION: All-s., canth., eup-pur.,
spasmodic stricture: Mag-p., ruta. merc-i-r., ran-b.

SPASMODIC action of: Tarent. calculi, caused by: All-s.

SUPPURATION (see "Urine"): Canth., sars., symptoms of: Hydr.

URGING to urinate (morbid desire): Aeon.,
SWOLLEN: Apoc, atro., bell., chlor., dig., eesc, agar., aloe, alum., am-m., anac,
kali-bi., kali-i., merc-c, op., ox-ac, petr., ant-c, ant-t., Apis, arg-ni., Arg-n., am.,
plb., tarent. ars., aspar., bar-c. Bell., benz-ac , Berb.,
bor., bov., Bry., cact., calc, Camph.,
region of: Puis.
Cann-i., Cann-s., Canth., caps., carb-an.,
TENESMUS : Aeon., agar., alum., am-c, am-m., carb-s., card-m., castor., Caust.,
anac ,
ang., ant-c, apis, am., ars., aur-m., cham., chel., chim., chin., chin-s., cimic,
bell.,calc, camph., Canth., cantt-s., caps., cina, clem., coc-c, cochl., coflf., colch.,
carb-s., caust., chim., clan., colch., coloc,
coloc, con., cop., croc, crot-t., cub., cupr.,
coc-c, cop., crot-h., cub., cupr-a., Dig., cycl. dig., dros., dulc, equis., euph.,

elaps, eng., ferr., ferr-i., gels., hyos., lack., ery-a., eup-pur., graph., guaj., ham., hell,,
Lil-t., lith., mere, Merc-C, mez.,
lye, hep., hydr., hyos., ign., iod., ip., kali-bi.,
morph., mur-ac, nat-c, nit-ac, nux-m., kali-chl., kali-n.,
Kali-C, kali-i., kreos.,
Nux-v., ol-an., op., Pareira, phos., phys., mag-c, mag-m.,
lach., laur., led., lye, lyssin,
plant., Plb., podo., polyg., pop., Prun., mang., meny., meph., mere, Merc-C, mez.,
^soT.,puls., rheum, rhus-t., pabad., sars., mit., morph., mur-ac, nat-c, Nat-m.,

63 T

TTRGING to urinate.
URGING, night.
nat-s., nit-ac, Nux-V., oliul., par., petr., perspiration, with: Sil,
Ph-ac, phos., plant., plb., podo., prun.,
Puis., rhus-l., ruta, sabad., Sabin., samb., waking, on: Ant-t., caust., dig., euph., hep..
sarr., Sars., secale, selen., seiiec, seneg-., mag-m., murx., sil., staph,
Sep., sil., spig., spong., Squil, stanii., midnight: Ant-t., nat-c, sulph.
Staph., strain., stront., Sulph., tarax.,
12 and 3 a. m., between: Aeon,
Thuj., valer,, verat., verb., vesp., vib.,
viol-L, zinc. 2 a.m.: Anth-n., con., hyper., puis., uran
3:30 a. m.: Canth.
daytime: Ferr-p., kali-bi., led., mang.
3 a. m.: Dig., sarr.
morning: Alum., ambr., berb., cocc, cofT.,
4 a. m. : Merc,
graph., lil-t., ruta, senec, sep.
abdomen, on touching: Aeon.
rising, on: Berb., mez., plant.,
absent: Bell., calad., ferr., hell., lac-c., op.,
waking, on: Apoc, chin-s., hep., mere, o-x.-ac., phos., stann., verat.
mez., sars. distended bladder, with: Ars., calad.,
walking, while, with difficult, tardy and Caust., hell., op., pall., phos., plb., stann.,
feeble stream: Alum., sep. verat.

urine flows freely: Phos.

S a. m. : Puis.
anxious: Acon., ars., Carb-V., cham., cur..
8 to 9 a. ra. : Ferr.
Dig., graph., ph-ac, phyt, sep., til.
forenoon: Aloe, mez.
day and night: Carb-V.
lo a. m.: Am-m., equis.
urinate, on beginning to: Acon.
afternoon: bell., cic, equis., ferr., hyper.,
apyrexia: Ant-t., dros., hell., hyos., lye,
indg., lil-t., mere, nux-v., petr., sabad.,
ph-ac, phos., .thuj.
chill, during: Ant-t., bry., chin., dulc, lye,
colic, with: Chin-s.
meph., nux-v., ph-ac, phos., puis., sulph.
evening: Am-c, bell., coloc, kreos., lyc.,
nat-m., nux-m., puis., sabad., sep., sulph., constant: Acon., agar., all-s., am-c, am-m.,
thuj., zinc.
anac, ant-c, Apis, apoc, aran., arti., ars.,
asar., aur., aur-m., bar-c, bell., berb.,
lying, while: Lyc.
brach., brom., cact., cain., calc, cann-i.,

night: Agar., alum., Canth., caust., chel., chim., coc-c, catch.

am-c, anac, ant-t., apis
am., ars., bell.,
Con., cop..
Dig., dulc, Equis.,
bor., bry., calc., caust.|
cina, clem., croc, cupr., Dig., equis., ery-a., Ery-a., eup-pur., /^rr., graph., guaj.,ham.,
hell., ign., ind., iod., kali-bi., kali-c, lac-c,
euphr., graph., hep., hyper., iod., kali-bi.,
kali-c, kreos., lach., mag-c, mag-m.,
Lil-t., lyc, lyssin. Mere, Merc-C, merc-i-r.,
mill., morph., mur-ac, nat-c, nat-m.,
meph., mere, mur-ac, nat-c, nat-m., nice,
nat-p., nux-m., nux-v., Pareir., petr.,
nil-ac., nux-m., nux-v., petr., phos., puis.,
ph-ac, phos., prun., puis., rumx., ruta,
rhus-t., samb., secale, sep., Sil.
sabad., sang., secale, sep., sil., squil.,
spig., squil., stram sul-ac, Sulph., syph.,
sul-ac, Sulph., sumb,, tabac, tarent., thuj.,
tabac, thuj., zinc.
valer., verat.
day, and: Apis, arg-m., cact., carb-v., cast.,
evening, while lying: Lyc.
kali-c, kali-i., mag-c, mag-m., mere,
nat-c, nat-m., rhus-t., sars., sil., thuj.
night: Apis, Dig., ery-a., lil-t., mere,
coition, after: Nat-p.
erections, with: Rhus-t.
cutting in urethra, with: Lach.
bladder, distended, with passing only a few
erections, with: Sil. drops: All-s.

TIIIGING, constant.
URGING, frequent.

erections, with: Mosch., rhiis-t. flatus, with, upward and downward: Cycl.

pain in liver, chest and kidneys, with: headache, with: Cupr.

infant, in an, screams before the urine
running water, at sight of: Lyssin. passes: Bor., lach., lye, nux-v., sars.
sitting, while, must walk about:
loss of tone of sphincter, from: Apoc,
dragging down in pelvis, with: Sep.
menses, before: Alum., apis, asar., kali-c,
drinking, after: Podo. Kali-i., nux-v., phos., puis., sars., sulph.

fever, during: Kcon., ant-t., bell., bry.,

during: Calc, nux-m.
caust.,dulc, graph., hell., hyos., kali-c,
after: Cham., puis.
lye, nux-v., ph-ac, puis., rhus-t., sabin.,
sars., squill., staph., sulph. suppressed, with: Canlh., cham., dig.,
dros., gels., ign., nat-m., Puis., sulph.
frequent (see "Urination, frequent"): Aeon.,
act-sp., ^sc, £eth., agar., aloe, alum., motion, the slightest, agg.: Berb.
alumn., am-m., anac, ang., ant-c, mit-t.,
(See "painful urg-
stool, with desire for.
apis, Arg-m., Am., ars., aspar.,
aur-m., Bar-C, Bell., benz-ac, berb., bar.,
bov., bry., cact., calc, calc-p., camph., urinate immediately, if he does not, a feel-
cann-s., Canth., caps., carb-an., carb-s , ing as if urine passed involuntarily, which
carb-v., Caust., cedr., cham., chel., chim., is not so: Bry.
chin., chin-s., chlo., cic, cimic.,cina, clem ,
without passing any; then while sitting in-
cob., cocc, coc-c, coff., Coloc, con., conval.,
voluntary flow: Caust.
cop., corn., cub., ciipr., cur., cycl., daph..
dros., equis., erig., ery-a.. ineffectual: Aeon., alum., am-m.. Apis,
Dig., dios.,
fl-ac, guaj., guars., ham., Apoc, aran.. arg-n., Arn., Ars., atro., aur.,
euph., euphr.,
bell., bor., caet., calc, camph., cann-i.,
Hell., hep., hyos., ign., iud., kali-bi.,
Canth., caps., carb-ac, carb-an., Caust.,
Kali-n., kalm., Kreos., lac-c, lach., led.,
cedr., cham., chel., chim., chin., cimx.,
Lil-t., lye, mag-m., mang., meny., Merc.^
clem., coc-c, coiF., colch., coloc, con., cop.,
Merc-C, merc-i-r., mez., morph., viur-ac,
nat-c, nat-m., nit-ac, nux-m., Nux-V., cupr., cycl.. Dig., dol., dulc, Eup-pur.,
olnd., ox-ac, pall., par., pelr., petros., ferr-i., gels., graph., guaj., Hell., hep.,

ph-ac, phos., plb., podo., prun., psor.. Puis., Hyos., ip-, kali-c, kreos ,
lach., laut., lye,

raph., rat., rhodo., rhus-r., Rhus-t., rumx., mere, merc-c, morph., mur-ac, myric,
ruta, sabad.y sabin., samb., sars., selen., nat-m., Nit-ac, Nux-V., Op., parier., petr.,

Sep., sil., spig., spong., Squil., stann.. petros., phelL, Ph-ac., Phos., plb., podo.,
sul-ac, Sulph., syph., prun.. Puis., rhus-t., ruta, sabiu., samb.,
Staph., straJi.,
tabac, tarax., tereb., Thuj., trill., uva., Sars., secale, senec, sep., sil., squil.,

verat. ,
verb., viol-t., zing. staph., Stram., sulph., sumb., tarent., thuj.,
verat., zinc.
evening: Guare., kreos., lye, sabad., sep.,
sulph., thuj., zinc. night: Coc-c, nat-m., sep.

night and day: Apis, mag-ni., rhus-t., children: Lye.

senec. chill, during: Arn., ars., canth., nux-v.,
coffee, after: Cob. phos., puis., sulph.

cold, from taking: Dulc, lye, puis. cramps in rectum, with: Caust.

from umbilical diarrhoea, with: Cupr.

cutting pain to ovarian
region: Coloc. fever, during: Ars., canth., dig., hj^os.,
awx.-v., puis., rat., sars., sulph.
desire increases as the quantity of urine
diminishes: Equis. headache, with: Con.


URGING, ineffectual. URGING, painful, with pain in.
uienses, during, iigg. : Aur. chest, if desire be not soon enough at-
perspiration, during: Ars., caniph., canlli., tended to: Lil-t.

caust., dig., dulc, hyos., nux-v., puis., glans, violent: Pareii-.

groin: Bell., carb-an., nat-s., rhodo.
standing, while, then while sitting urine
head, pressing on vertex or temples, if
flows iavoluntarily : Caust. de-
sire be not soon enough attended
stool, with urging to: Alum., canlh., dig., Fl-ac.
nat-m., mix-v., sumb.
kidneys: Ferr., graph., merc-c , ruta.
irresistible. (See " sudden.")
if desire be not soon enough attended
lifting a load, when: Bry. to: Con., rhus-t.

lying on back: Puis. liver, chest and kidneys: Ferr.

bed, in: Ham. loins: Carb-an., kreos.

amel.: Dig. and back: Lach.

married women, newly (see 'Urination, pelvis, and bearing down: Sep.
dysuria"): Staph.
perinseum: Ant-t.
menses, before: Kali-i., puis.
sacrum: Nat-s.
during: Ant-t., chin., kali-i., nux-m.,
thighs: Carb-an., pareir.
nux-v., phos., rat., sars., sep.
down the: Pareir.
motion, from: Berb., bry.
urethra: Cocc, con.
old women: Cop.
tearing in urethra, with: Hyper.
only a few drops pass until the next stool,
when it flows freely: AU-s., am-m. thinking of it, when: Hell.

painful: Acon., agar., alumn., anth-n., ant-t., urging to stool, with: Aloe, alum., aphis,
apis, berb., bov., cann-s., Canth., carb-an., canth., cic, cub., cupr-a., cycl., dig.,
carb-s., con., dig., graph., hell., kali-i., kreos., nat-m., Nux-V., prun., rhus-t.,

lac-c, laur., lil-t., lye, Nux-V., Pareir., staph., sumb.

phyt., pr%m., puis ,
raph., rhus-a., rhus-r. perspiration, during: Ant-t., apis, arn., Bry.,
secale, sulph., thuj., uva., verat. canth., caust., dulc, graph., hell., h3'os.,

child cries: Bor., lach., Lyc, nux-v., lyc, Merc, mur-ac, nux-v., ph-ac, phos.,
puis., rhus-t., squil., staph., sulph., Thuj.

child jumps up and down with pain, if can- pregnancy, during: Kcon., puis., sulph.
not be gratified: Petros. pressure in rectum, with: Nat-m.
children reach with their hands to their shuddering, with: Hyper.
genitals and cry out: Acon., mere.
sitting, while: Caps., chim., phos.
disappears when menstrual flow starts:
amel. : Canth.
stool, after: Abrot., carb-an., cic.
pain in abdomen, with: I,ach., nit-ac,
puis. sudden: Agar., aloe, ambr., arg-n.^ bar-c,
bor., bov., bry., calc, carb-an., carb-s.,
bladder: Calc-p., eup-pur., hell., nux-v.,
caust., cliel., -coc-c, ferr., graph., ign.,
puis., rhodo., rhus-t., ruta, sul-ac.
KreoS., Hth., mere, uat-c, nat-m.,
neck: Antli-n., bell., calc-p., canth.,
nit-ac, pelr., petros., ph-ac, phos., prun.,
spong. puis., rhus-t., rumx., futa, spong., squil.,
and end of penis: Ferr-p. Sulph., thuj.

UEGING, sud.Ieii. .
URINATION, dribbling (by drops): Agar.,
all-c. all-s., am-m., anan., ang., ant-c,
morning: Phos. ,

ant-t., apis, arg-n., am., ars., atro., aur.,

waking, on: Hep., sulph.
bell., bov., brom., bry., cact., camph.,
night: Caust., sulph. cann-s., Canth., caps., canst., chel., chim.,
child wakes but cannot get out of bed cic, Clem., coff., colch., con., cop., dig.,
soon enough: Kreos. dros., dulc, equis., ery-a., euph., gamb.,
gels., gra^h., ham., hell., hyos.,\o(i ,
attended to, if the desire be not, feels as if
kali-chl., lac-d., lach., mag-m.,
Lil-t., lyc,
urine had escaped, which is not so: Bry.
niag-s., Merc, Merc-C, nat-m., nux-m.,
busily occupied, when, she has to run and Nux-v., ox-ac, pareir., petr., ph-ac, phos ,

pass a few drops of urine: Calc, kali-c. pic-ac, Plb,, polyg., prun., Puis., rhns-t.,
hasten to urinate, must, or urine will escape: sabin., sars., secale, sil., spig., staph..,

Agar., aloe, ant-c, arg-n., Am., ars., strain., Sulph., tabac, tarent , Tereb.,
bar-c, bell., bor., broni., bry., cainph., thuj., verb., vip., zinc.

Canth., cic, Clem., coc-c, dulc, hyos., morning: Coff.

kali-br., Kreos., mere, Nux-V., petros.,
afternoon, rising from seat, on: Spig.
phos., plant., plb.. Puis., Sep., squil.,
staph., strain., Sulph., thuj., verat., 4 p. m.: Lyc
evening: Lyc., zinc.
menses, during: Bor., nat-m.
lying, while: Lyc
running water, on seeing: Canth., kreos.,
night: Caust., lyc, ox-ac.
Lyssin, sulph.
drops flow from urethra, coloring shirt red:
sticking forward in urethra, with: Nat-c.
urine seems to pass into glans, and then re-
beginning to urinate, on: Kali-u., sulph.
turn and cause pain in urethra: Prtin.
then free with stool: All-s. , am-m.
thinking of it, while: Hell., ox-ac.
enlarged prostate, with: Aloe, arn., bar-c,
thirst, with: Ant-t., cast., caust., ph-ac,
dig., mur-ac. nux-v., pareir., petr., puis.,
sabal-ser., selen., sep., staph.
urination, after: Aug., bar-c, berb., bov.,
involuntarj': Agar., Arn., ars., bell., brom.,
bry., cact., calc, cann-i., carb-an., caust.,
bry., camph., Canth., Caust., Clem.,
chim., con., crot t., dig., eqiiis., graph.,
coc-c, dig., dulc, gels., hyos., iod., jug-r.,
guaj., lac-c, lach., laur., mere, nat-c,
mur-ac, nux-v., petr., -plat., puis., rhus-t.,
pareir., phos., ruta, sabad., sabin., seneg.,
sant, selen., spig., staph., stram., sulph.,
slann., staph ,
thuj., verat., viol-t., zinc
tabac, thuj., verb., zinc.
violent: Aeon., ant-c, arg-n., am., bar-m.,
day and night: Ars., gels., iod., nux-v.,
berb., bor., canth.. Dig., kreos., led., mere,
petr., ve7-b.
nat-m., petros., phos., phyt., sabin., sep.,
squil., sulph. boys, in: Rhus-t.

night: Bor., sulph. delayed, if: Plant.

menses, during: Ant-t., chin., kali-i., nux-v., labor, after: Am.

rat., sars., sep.
menses, during: Cact., canth.
urination, after: Berb.
not a drop flows on making the greatest
walking, while: Alum., bry., calc, canth., effort, but, bladder distended, no pain:
caust., phos. Gels.

water, hearing, running or putting hands in: labor, after: Arn.

Asini., canth., kreos., Lyssin, siilph. perpendicularly, urine drops out: Hep.
pouring out liquid : Ham. rising from a seat, when: Spig.

URINATION, dribbling. URINATION, dysuria.
sitting, while: Puis., sars. married women, newly: Cann-s., ery-a.
when standing urine passes freely: Sars. Staph.

stitches in glans penis, with: Pareir., thuj. menses, suppressed and drawing pains in

stool, after: Kali-br., laur., nat-m., selen.,

abdomen, with: Puis.
sumb. pain in the sphincter vesicte, with hyperes-
urination, after (compare "residuary"): thesia of the skin down the course of the
Agar., ant-c, apoc, arg-n., bar-c, brom., left sciatic nerve, pain in the left popli-
bry., calc, Cann-i., caust., Clem., con., teus and heel, with coldness creeping
graph., helon., kali-c, lack., lye, nat-c, over the whole course of the nerve, espe-
nat-m., petr., petros., phos., pic-ac., psor., cially in the heel: Agar.

ran-sc, rhodo., selen., sil., staph., stram.,

painful, child cries before urine starts: Bor.,
thuj., verb., zing.
lach., lyc, nux-v., Sars.
pressure in rectum, with: Nat-m.
close of urination: Sars.
and stool: Caust., petr., selen., stram.
coldness, numbness and twitching down
walking, while (see "involuntary"): Puis. left leg, with: Agar.

dysuria: Acon., sesc, aeth., agar., all-c, all s., dances around the room in agony, so that
aloe, ang., ant-c, ant-t., apoc., Arg'-n,, am., he: Caim-s., Canth., petros.
apis, Ars., atro., aur., aur-m., bar-c, bar-m.,
dinner and supper, after: Nux-m.
bell, berb., cact., calc, camph.,
Canth., caps., carb-s., caul., chel., chim., effort to urinate agg. : Plb.
cic, clem., coc-c, cofF., colch., coloc, con..
spasm of bladder, from: Colch.
Cop., corn., cub., cupr.. Dig., dory., dros.,
dulc.,&a;o.\s.,eup-pur., hell., hep., hydr., hyos., spasmodic closure of the sphincter while
finishing: Cann-s.
ind., jatr., kali-c, kali-chl., kali-n., kreos.,
laur., Lil-t., nth., Lyc, mag-m., meph., thinking of it agg. : Hell., nux-v.
mere, Merc-C, mit., morph., uat-c, nat-m.,
urination, after, agg. : Eq^uis.
nit-ac, nux-m., Nux-V., 0'^., pareir ., petr.,
Petros., ph-ac, phos., plat., Plb., podo., perspiration, during: Canth,, Cham., hep.,
polyg., psor.. Puis., ran-b., rheum, rhus-a., lyc, mei'c, nit-ac, puis., sulph., ihuj.
rhus-t., sabi?i., sang., sars., secale, senec,
sleep, after: Op.
Sep., spig., stanu., staph., stram., Sulph.,
sumb., tabac, tarent., Tereb., thuj., iiva., tenesmus of rectum, with, evening: Ferr.
verat., zinc. and spasm of urethra: Prun.
morning: Com., sep.
vesical (straining) from: Aeon., Agar.,
old men, in: Benz-ac, corn, Alum., am-m., ant-c, ang., apis, am.,
afternoon, walking amel. : Lith. Ars., aur-m., bell., calc, camph.,
cann-s., Canth., caps., carb-s., caust.,
night: Cic, mere.
chim., clem., coc-c, colch., Dig., gels.,
midnight, after, 3 to 5 a. m. : Pareir.
hyos., lach., Lil-t., lyc, Merc-c,
aching in back, with: Vesp. mur-ac, nat-c, nit-ac, Nux-V., op.,
pareir., phos., phys., />/6., polyg., prun.,
apyrexia, during: Caps., caust., dig., staph.
puis., rheum, rhus-t., sabad., sabin.,
chill, during: Canth., cham., lyc, mere,
sars., sil., Thuj., viol-t.
nux-v., ph-ac, puis., sulph., thuj.
prolapsus ani, with: Mur-ac, valer.
dysmenorrhcea, during: Senec.
canth., urging to stool, with: Aloe, alum., aphis,
fever, during: Ant-c, canu-s.,
colch., dulc, nit-ac, nux-v., canth., cycl., dig., kreos., nat-m., Nux-V.,
staph., sulph.
prun., rhus-t., staph., sumb.



feeble stream (slow): Agar., Alum., am-m., podo., plb., psor.. Puis., Rhus-r., rhus-t.,
apis, apoc, Arg-n., Am., atro., bell., derd., ruta, sabin., sang., sars., secale, selen.,
caviph., cann-i., carb-s., carb-v., caust., seneg., sep., sil., spig., spong., Squil.,
cham., chin., chin-s., Clem,, coc-c, dig., stann.. Staph., sul-ac, Sulph., tabac,
hell., Hep., kali-bi., kali-c, kreos., laur., tercb., thuj., uva., valer., verat., verb.,
lye, med., mere, Merc-C, mur-ac, nat-m., vest., vib., viol-t., zinc.
Op., Petr., ph-ac, plat., prun., raph
rhus-t., sars., secale, selen.,^^/., sil., stram.,
daytime: Ham., mag-m., nat-m., psor.,

Sulph., syph., thuj., zinc. Rhus-t., staph., uran.

morning, on waking: Alum., arn., hep., and night: Alum., apis, cain., calc,
sep. canth., caust., colch., lac-ac, mag-m.,
night: Kali-c, sulph.
Merc, nat-a., nat-m., nux-j., plan.,
rhus-t., sars.
difiSculty of breathing and heart symptoms,
with: Laur. attempting to retain it causes pain:
pain in the bladder, with violent: Calc-p.
morning: Am-m., bar-ac, bell., caust.,
restrained, after being: Calc-p.
coca., kreos., mez., phos., pic-ac, sil.
rising, after: Merc-ac, mez. s,2X-ac stilph.
rising, after: Ambr., phos.
sleep, after: Op.
forenoon: Ant-t., arg-n., kreos., lye,
slow after stool, only dribbling: Selen. nat-m., sulph.

forcible stream: Agn., ant-c, carb-an., chel., afternoon: Alumn., bov., chlol., coc-c, petr.
cic, coc-c, cycl. ,
nux-v., op., spig., staph., Sep., sulph.
evening: Alum., calc-p., cann-i., euphr.,
forked stream: Arg-n. ,
^:a««-^., canth., caust., ferr-i., grat., lye, ox-ac, sulph.
chim., clem., mere, Merc-C, petr., prun.,
night: Agn-c, alum., ahnnn., ambr., am-c,
rhus-t., Thuj.
am-m., anac, apis, ant-c, anth-n.,
frequent: Abies., aeon., seth., agar., all-c, arg-m., arg-n., arn., ars., atro., Bar-C.',
alum., aluntn., am-c, am-m., anac, ang.,
Bell., Bor., bufo, brj^, cact., calc, calc-f.',
ant-c, ant-t., Apis, Arg-m., Arg-n., arn., cann-i., canth., carb-ac, carb-an., carb-v.
arum-t., asc-t., aspar., aur., Bar-C, bar-m.,
caust., chin., chlol., cinnb., clem., cob.,
bell.,benz-ac, bism.,bor., how. hxom., bry., ,
coca, coff., coloc, con., cop., cupr., cycl.,
bufo, Calc, Calc-a., camph., cann-i., cann-s.,
daph., dig., dros., equis., fl-ae, glon.]
Canth., caps., carb-ac, carb-an., carb-v., graph., hell., hep., hyos., iod., kali-bi.'
case, Cast., Caust., cedr., chel., chim., kali-c, kreos., lach., lil-t., lith.,
chin., chlol., cic, cimic, cina, cinnb., Lyc.^
mag-e, mag-m., meph., Merc, murx.",'
clem., cob., cocc, coc-c, coff., colch., coloc, mur-ac, nat-a., nai-c, nat-m., nat-s.,
con., cop., crot-h., crot-t., cupr., cur., cycl.,
nice, nit-ac, nux-v., op., petr., ph-ac.,
daph., dig., dros., dulc, equis ery-a., ,
phos., plan., plb., podo., prun., psor.,
Euphr., eup-pur., ferr i&rr-^., fl-ac, gels., puis., ran-b., rhus-t.,
rumx., ruta, sang],
glon.. Graph., grat. guaj. ham., hell., sars., selen., senee, Sep., sil., spig.|
hydr., hyos., Jgn,, indg., iod., ip., iris, sqjiil., staun., stram., Sulph.,
jatr., kali-bi., kali-c,
kali-chl., kali-i.,
Tereb., thuj., zinc,
kalm., kreos., lac-c, lac-d., Lac-ac, Lach.,
lact., laur., led., lil-t ,
lith., Lye, lyssin, cries before urine passes: Bor.
mag-c, mag-m., mag-p., med., meli., pregnancy, during: Podo.
meph., Merc, Merc-c, inez., murx.,
mur-ac, nat-c, nat-m., nat-p., nat-s., nice, seldom during day: Bar., ther.
nit-ac.,' Nux-v., olnd., op., ox-ac, pall., busily occupied, when, must run and pass a
pareir., petr., ph-ac, phos., plant., plat.. little urine: Calc, kali-c.

43 637

URINATION, frequent. URINATION, interrupted.
chill, (luring: Ars., caiitli., hyper., niepli., which the urine flows out drop
.stream, after
HLbxc, pe(ros., ph-ac, phos., sulph. by drop: Mag-s., rheum,
cliinier, after: Cycl., iial-iii. urine flows better when standing: Co7i.

emission of water-colored urine in small so thick, with cheesy masses like curdled
quantity: Dig. milk: Ph-ac.

exertion, after: iljth. violent contractions, in region of bladder,

fever, dui-ing: Arg-m., bell krcos., lye,

by: Petr.

mere, ph-ac, rhus-t., staph., strani. involuntary: Acet-ac, acoii., Ail., alum.,
drinking, after: Cimx., eup-pur. alumn., am-c, anac, anan., ant-c, Apis,
Arg-n., am., Ars., atro., aur-m bar-ac, ,

headache, with: Bell., Gels,, lac-d., veraL, bar-c, bar-ni.. Bell., bry., bufo, cact, calc,
calc-p., cainph., cann-i., canth., carb-an.,
menses, before: Alum., apis, asar., kali-c, carb-s., carb-v., Caust., cedr., cham., chin.,
kali-i., nux-v., phos., sais., sulph. ch\o\., cic, cimx., cina, colch., con., crot-h.,
cupr., dig.,dros., dulc, equis., eup-pur.,
during: Alum., alumn ,
apis, canth.,
ftrr., gels., gra^h., guare., hell., hep., hydr.,
caust., nux-v., plat., sars., sulph., vib.
hydr-ac, hyos., ign., iod., kali-br., kali-p.,
old people: Bar-c.
kieos., lac-d., lach., laur., led., Lyc,
other day, every: Bar-c. mag-c, mag-m., mere, merc-c, mill.,
vtosch., mur-ac, nat-c, nat-m., nit-ac,
pain in face, with: Calc.
Nux-m., nux-v., olnd., ol-j., op., ox-ac,
perspiration, during: Ant-c, bar-c, Calc,
petr., ph-ac, Phos., pic-ac, plan., plb.,
caust., ign., kali-c, lach., Lyc ,
podo., psor.. Puis., rat., Rhus-t., rumx.,;-«/a,
mur-ac, nat-c, nat-m., ph-ac., phos.,
sang., secale, seneg., Sep., sil., spig., spong.,
Rhus-t., selen., squil., staph., Sulph.,
squil., Staph.., stram., sulph., tabac, tereb.
thuj., ust., verat ,
verb., vesp., vib., zinc.
hasty. (See " Urging, sudden.")
daytime: Bell., ferr ., ferr-p., Fl-ac, thuj.
incomplete ( compare '
' unsatisfactory " )
and night: Arg-n., Ars., bell., Caust.,
Am-m., berb., bry., calc, cann-i., carl.,
hyos., rhus-a., ruta.
caust., Clem., cub., gels., helon., Hep.,
sleep, during: Bell.
kali-c, kali-chl., lac-c, Lach., b'C, Mag-m.,
nat-c, uat-p., nux-v., petr., phos., Selen., walking, while: Ferr., thuj.
sil., staph., thuj. morning: Am c!, cina, phos.

bladder full, urging to urinate but scanty toward: Am-c, chlol.

urine: Abrot. forenoon: Phys.

obliged to urinate five or six times before night (incontinence in bed): Aeon., ath.,
the bladder is empty Thuj. : am-c, anac, Apis, apoc, arg-m., Arg-n.,
Am., ars., aur., aur-m., bar-c. Bell.,
interrupted (intermittent): Agar., aloe,
Benz-ac, bry., cact., Crt/f., canth., carb-s.,
ant-c, ant-t., bov ,
cann-i., caps carb-an., ,

carb-v., Caust., chain., chin., chlol., cimx.,

caust., chin-s., Clem., Con., dulc, gamb.,
cina, coca, con., cub., dulc, Equis.,
gels., graph., iod., kali-c, led., lyc, mag-s.,
eup-pur .ferr., fl-ac, graph., hep., hyos.,
med., meph., op., ph-ac, phos., puis.,
ign., kali-c, Kreos., lac-c, lac-d., lyc,
rhus-t., sars., sulph., thuj., vesp., zinc.
mag-c, niag-p., mag-s., mere, mur-ac,
evening: Caust. nat-c, nat-m., Nit-ac, nux-v., op., ox-ac,
petr., ph-ac, phos podo.. Puis.,
coition, after: Ph-ac.

Rhus-t., ruta, sars., seneg., Sep., Sil.,

painful erections, with: Ant-c. spig., squil., staph., strain., Sulph.,

spurts, in swelled prostate, with each spurt tabac, tereb, thuj., verat., verb., viol-t.,

cutting pain: Puis. zinc.


URINATION, involuntary, night. URINATION, involuntary.

cough, during: Apis, causl., colch. effort, during, no urine flows: Gels.

pregnancy, during: Podo. erections, during: Hydr.

sleep, during: Am-c, anan., apoc, arn., exertion, during: Bry.

ars., Bell.,benz-ac, cact calc, Caust,, when: Puis., sulph.
flatus, expelling,
cina, cupr., equis., graph., kali-p.,
kreos., lac-c, mage, nat-c, nat-m.,
labor, after: Am., Ars.
nat-p., iiit-ac, nux-v., phos., plan., mania, during: Cupr.
podo., psor., Puis., rhus-t., ruta, sars.,
menses, during: Calc, hyos.
seneg., Sep., Sil., Sulph., verb., viol-t.,
motion, during: Bry., calc, pb-ac. phos. ,

ruta, staph.
morning, toward: Am-c, cact., chlol.,
zinc. old people, in: AU-c, aloe, apis, aur-m.,
cann-s., cic, iod., phos., secale, thuj. *
midnight to morning: Plan.
men with enlarged prostate: All-s., aloe,
after, 5 a.m.: Cact.
cic, iod ,
kali-p., pareir., secale, thuj.
diSicult to waken the child: Bell.,
pregnancy, during: Nat-m., podo., sep.
rest, during: Rhus-t.
dreaming of urinating, while: Ambr.
kali-n., kreos., lac-c, lye, merc-i-r., retain, great pain on attempting to : Uran.
seneg., sep., sulph.
riding, while: Thuj.
first sleep: Benz-ac, caust., cina, kreos.,
rising from a seat, when: Mag-c.
ph-ac, Sep,
running, while: Am.
spasmodic enuresis: Arg-m., bell., canth.,
caps., caust., cina, coloc, hyos., ign., sitting, while: Canst., nat-m., puis., rhus-t.,

lach., lye, nux-v., op., puis., rhus-t., sars-, stram.

she must swing her foot constantly or the
tangible cause except habit, when there urine will escape: Zinc.
is no: Equis.
sneezing, when: Alet., Caust., lac-c,
typhoid fever, in: Arn., ars., Hyos., nat-m., nux-v., ph-ac, sep., zinc.
standing, while: Bell., caust., ferr., lye,
weakly children, in: Chin. nat-m., puis., rhus-t., sep.

blowing the nose, when: Caust., zinc. stool, straining at, while: Alum.
chill, before: Gels. after: Aeon., apis, arg-71., am., ars., atro.,
aur., bar-c, bell., bry., calc, camph.,
during: Caust., dulc, puis., rhus-t.,
carb-v., chin., cina, colch., con., dig.,
hyos., laur., mosch., Mur-ac, nat-m.,
convulsions, during: Art-v., Bufo, caicsL,
cocc cupr., Hyos., rmy.-m., plb., strych.,
ph-ac, phos., puis, rhus-t., secale,

selen., stram., sulph., verat., ^-mc.

dysenteric, each: Alum.
cough, during: Alum., ant-c, Apis, bell.,
bry., caps., carb-an., Caust., colch., fully conscious, while, supposing it to be
hyos., ign., kreos., lach., laur., mag-c, flatus: Ars.
murx., Nat-m., nit-ac, nux-v., ph-ac, straining, when not; voluntary defeca-
Phos., psor.. Puis., rhodo., rhus-t., tion impossible: Arg-n.
runtx., Sep., spong., squil., staph., sulph.,
typhoid, in: Arg-u., arn., ars., colch.,
tareijt., thuj., verat., vib., zinc.
hyos., Mur-ac, phos., psor., rhus-t,
delaye'd, if: Phos., plan. sulph.

URINATION, involuntary, stool. URINATION, retarded, listening to.

vomiting, with: Crot-h. water running, can pass urine only when:
Lyssin, tarent., zinc.
thirst and fear, with: Acon.
whistling, can pass urine only when:
typhoid fever: Arg-ti., arn., ars., colch.,
Cycl., tarent.
hell., Hyos., lach., lye, mosch., rnitr-ac,
op., phos., psor., rhus-t., strain., sulph., long while, and then only a little urine
verat., veral-v. passes: Caust.

urination, after: Agar., cann-i., Clem., especially if others are near him:
helon., selen., sil., staph. Nat-m.
vomiting, when: Ars., dig. pain, by, in the fundus of bladder: Phos.

walking, while: Alet., anan., arn.. bry., press, must, a long time before he can be-
calc, caust., 'Eexi., mag-c, mag-m., gin: Abies-n., agar.. Alum., apis, am.,

Nat-m., phos., puis., ruta, selen., sep., bell., cact., Caust., coc-c. Hep., kali-c,
stram., zinc. laur., Mag'-m., Mur-ac, nat-c, nat-p.,
yet on attempting when standing
to, still, nit-ac. Op., plb., prun., raph., rheum,
nothing passed: Mag-m. rhus-t., sars., secale, stram., tax., thuj.

washing, while: Kreos. morning: Alum., am.. Hep., Op.

water running from a hydrant, on seeing: continue to, must, if he stops to breathe
Lyssin, sulph. the urine ceases to flow until he strain
again: Nat-p., stram.
weakly children, in: Chin.
must, to pass the last part: Rheum.
paroxysmal: Chel., cycl., merc-i-f., nux-v.
frequent pressing to urinate, with, with
projecting stream, inability to pass in a:
small discharges: Thuj.
Agar., arg-7i., caust., gels., hell., Hep.
so hard, must, to start the urine that anus
residuary (compare " dribbling, urination, protrudes: Mur-ac.
after"): Agar., ant-c, apoc, arg-n.,
long pressing, after, urine passes gutta-
bry., calc, Cann-i., caun-s., caust.,
tim: Bell., plb.
chin-s., Clem., con., helon.. Hep.,
kali-c, lac-c, lack., lye, nat-c, petr., long time, must, which is painful: Laur.

pic-ac, psor., rhodo., selen., sep., sil.,

painful and frequent urination, with dis-
staph., stram., thuj. position to sit and strain a long time,
after which few drops pass: Abies-n.
retarded, mtist wait for urine to flow: Agar.,
alum., apis, aran.. Am., cann-i., caust., pressure, the more, the less it flows:
chel., coc-c, dig., eucal., Hep., hydr-ac, Kali-c
kali-c, laur., Lyc, mut-ac, nat-c,
ip., stand and press a long time, must, before
nat-p., nit-ac, nux-v., op., par.,
nat-m., urine will start: Nit-ac.
petr., raph., Rhus-t.. secale selen., sep.,
sitting, can only pass urine while: Zinc.
stram., sulph., tax.
bent backward, can only pass urine
alone, can only pass urine when: Nat-m.
while: Zinc.
great straining, after, a few drops of
which are followed by a full stream, spasm of sphincter, on account of: Op.
without pain; after this sometimes drib- standing, can only pass urine while:
bling urine: Clem. Hyper., Sars.

knees, on the, and pressing head

against with feet wade apart and body inclined
forward, can only pass urine while:
floor, can pass urine only when:
to music, can pass urine only
flows better, while: Con. •
when: Tarent.


URINATION, thin stream.
URINATION, retarded, standing.
graph., gymn., hell., mere, nit-ac, petr.,
flows involuntarily while sitting: Catist.
prun., puis., samb., sars., spong., staph.,
urine will not flow, while, but passes in- stram., sulph., tax., Umj., zinc.
voluntarily while walking: Mag-m.
unconscious, urethra, insensible: Apis, apoc,
cedr., chlol., cupr.,
stool, while pressing at, can pass urine Arg-n„ Caust.,
only: Aloe, aliuii, ain-m., laur., nat-p., kali-br., mag-m., uux-v., sars.

selen., stram. mania, in: Cupr,

urging to urinate, with, but can pass no unsatisfactory (see "incomplete" and "Ful-
urine until an enormous clot of black ness, urination, after"): Alum., am., Ars.,
blood has passed from the vagina: Coc-c. aspar., aur., bell., berb., brach., bry., cact.,
calc, camph., canth., Caust., cic, clem.,
urination, before, a cutting with ineffectual
cocc, colch., con., cub., gels., gins., Hep.,
straining, that stops the flow: Ph-ac.
hyos., kali-c. lach., laur., lyc, mag-m.,

seldom: Aeon., agar., aloe, alumn., arg-n., mere, uat-c, nux-v., op., petr., ph-ac,
phos., plb., puis., rhodo., rhus-t., secale,
am., ars aur., bar-c beli., bry., camph.,
, ,

coc-c, cupr., selen., sil., stann., staph., stram., sulph.,

Canth., carb-v., cast, chel.,
cyci., dig., grat., hep., hyos., iris, kali-c, thuj., verat.

lac-c, laur ,
lye, mag-m., merc-c, mez., bladder were not emptied, as if, with drib-
nat-s., nice, nit-ac, nux-v., op.,plb., prun., bling: Staph.
psor., puis., rula, sars. ,
secale, stann.,
feeling as if urine remained in urethra:
staph., stram., sul-ac, stront., syph., thuj.,
Agar., all-c, alum., arg-n,, aspar., cedr.,
clem., ery-a., kali-bi., petr., rhus-v.,
daytime: Lyc. selen., thuj.

slow. (See "feeble," "thin stream," "re- "WEAKNESS: All-c, alum., alumn., ars.,
tarded.") camph., canth., carl., cham., hep., hyos.,
mag-m., Mur-ac., nat-p., pall., ph-ac,
small stream. (See " thin.")
rheum, rhus-t., stann., tereb., zinc.
spurting stream: Calc-p., cic, helon., puis.,
spig. evening: Alum.

coughing, when: Kreos., staph. old people: Ars.

urination, after: Helon. parturition, after: Ars.

thin stream: Agar., apis, bell., camph., canth., sphincter: Apoc, jug-r.

chim., chin., Clem., cop., eup-pur., gins..

WORM in, sensation of: Bell., sep.


ABSCESS: Ais., hep., hippoz., mere, sil. INFLAMMATION.

ADDISON'S disease: Ant-c, arg-n., ars., bell.,
acute parenchymatous: Apis, canth., carb-ac,
Calc, carb-v., caust., chin., ferr., ferr-i.,
colch., con., kali-chl., Nat-8., i/raw., uran.
lod., kali-c, mang., nied., Nat-m,, nit-ac,
ol-j., Phos., pic-ac, secale, sep. ,
sil., spig., bloody, ink-like, albuminous urine, with:
sulph. Colch.

CALCULI. (See "Urine, sediment.") cardiac and hepatic affections, with: Aur.,
CATARRH: Canth., coll., petr., sil., sulph.
pericarditis, with: Coc-c.
COLD sensation: Spire.
suppurative, Ars., hep., hipp mere sil.
region of : Cham. , ,

toxsemic: Crot-h.
FLUTTERING sensation, region of: Chin.

LAMENESS, region of: Cimic, phys.

region of : Dir. waking, on: Ptel.

HEAT: Kali-i., lach., nux-v., zing. left, with cramp, extending into thighs: Agar.

extending to bladder: Aur. NUMBNESS, region of: Berb.

region of: Berb., cimic, helon., phyt., plb.,
PAIN: Aeon., (BSC, aeth., agn., all-c, aloe,
tereb. alum., ambr., arg-n., am., ars.,
sitting, while: Nat-m. arund., bell., bad., benz-ac, Berb., cann-s.,
cann-i., Canth., caps., cedr., chel., chim.,
HEAVINESS : Carl., equis.
cimic, cinnb., clem., coc-c, Colch., dulc,
morning: Sang. eup-pur., ferr., ferr-i., gamb., ham., hell.,
helon., hep., hydr., ip., ipom., iris, kali-bi.,
waking, on: JS,\h.
kali-br., kali-c, kali-chl., kali-i., kali-n.,
sitting agg. : Carl. lach., lept., nth., lobel., lye, lycps., lyssin,

region of: Cimic, dir., heloti., phos., tell.,

mane, mez., mill., nat-a., nat-m., nit-ac,
tereb. nux-m., nux-v., o-s.-&c.,pareir.,ph-ac, phos.,
phyt., plb., puis., rat., senec, sep., still.,
afternoon: Helon., sang,
tabac, tarent., tereb., zinc.
evening: Helon.
morning: Alumn., cain., tarent.
night: Tell.
waking, on: Ox-ac.
motion agg. : Cimic.
afternoon: Bad.
INFLAMMATION: Aco7t., all-c, alum., apis,
arg-n., Am., arund., asc-c. Bell., Benz-ac, evening: Sil.

berb., bry., calc-s., ca^m-s., canth., caps.,

night: Ars-h., tarent.
carb-ac, caust., chel., chim., coc-c, colch.,
alternating vnth vertigo: Alum.
coll., cop., dig., ery-a., eup-pur., gels.,
hell., helon., hep., indg., kali-c, Kali-chl., apyrexia, during: Bell., chin., hep., Ij'C,

kali-i., lye, mere, nat-s., nux-v., Oci., staph.

phos., phyt., pic-ac, plb., polyg., sabin.,
bending body, on: Chin,
samb. jarj. secale, senec, sul-ac, Sulph.,

tarent., Tereb., thuj., uran., Wies. blowing nose: Calc-p.

PAIN, region of.
breathing deeply, when: ^th., astac-fl., bands of clothing, from: Chel.
benz-ac, selen. blowing the nose, when: Calc-p.
dancing, while: Alum. digging, when: Calc-p.
laughing, when: Cann-i. lie only on the back, can: Colch.
lifting, when: Calc-p. lifting, when: Calc-p.

Ij'ing down, while: ^th. riding over rough road, after: Alumn.
menses, at beginning of: Berb., raph., verat stooping, after: Sulph.
motion agg.: Colch., ham. stretching, after: Calc.

amel.: Tereb. urination, during: Phos.

retained, if urine is: Con., rhus-t. walking, while: Carb-an., nit.ac.

sitting, while: Pall ,
tereb., valer. extending to bladder: Coc c ,

sneezing agg. : ^Ih. downwards: Sars.

stooping, when: Chin. from genitals, anus and thighs: Kreos.
after long: Sulph. groin: Kali-bi.
swelling of right knee, with: Benz-ac. anxious nausea, with: Cann-s.
urging to urinate, during: Ars-h ferr., thighs: Berb.
graph., merc-c, ruta.
ureters: Canth., chel., ocim., phyt.
urination, during: .i^sc, berb., puis., rheum,
ureters, right side: Apis, berb., cann-s., canth.,
dios., lye, nux-v., oci., sars., tabac.
after amel. : Graph., lye, med.
leftside: ^sc, agar., aloe, benz-ac, berb.,
walking, while: Clem. calad., canth., cann-s., epig., ipom.,
extending over abdomen: Hydr-ac. kali-c, lye, pareir.

bladder: Ars., canth., chel., oci., phyt., radiating from renal region: Berb., pareir.

tabac. extending to penis and testes: Canth., con.,

epigastrium: Hydr-ac. dios., nux-v.

hip: Ox-ac. right thigh: Nux-v.

right ilium: Sang. thighs and feet: Pareir.

thigh: Nux-v. urethra, into: Berb.

testes: Syph. and seminal cords: Clem., dios.

region of: Abrot., all-s., alum., ambr., ars-h., aching: Apoc, benz-ac, cami-i., canth., calc,
bov., bry., cadm., cain., calc-p., cann-i., chel., cinnb., coc-c, crot-h., equis., eup-pur.,

canth., cedr., chel., chim., cocc, cop., dulc, helon., kali-bi., lye, nat-a., scut., tarent.,

erig., ferr., fl-ac, hydr., kali-bi., kreos., tereb.. zing.

lob., mane, myric, mill., nat-a., ox-ac, evening: Canth., helen.

phos., phys., phyt., plb., rhus-t, sars.,
senec, tabac, tarent., night: Calc, cann-i.
tereb., zinc.

morning: riding, while: Calc.

Bell., cain., ham.
urination, during: .i^Bsc, agn., ant-c, berb.
evening: Ox-ac, tarent.
amel.: Lye, tarent.
night: Chel., cinnb.
region of: Aeon., agar., all-c, ambr., ant-c,
undressing, while: Helon. apoc, Berb., brach., calc, carl., canst.,


PAIN, aching, region of.
PAIN, cutting.
coc-c, elat., equis., ham., hydr.,
lye, region of: Plb., staph., zinc,
inerc-c, mit., nat-a., pall., phos.,
sabad., sep., still., tabac. heat amel., cold agg.: Staph.

afternoon: Chins., sang. lancinations, friction and pressure amel •

evening: Canth.
ureters: ^Csc, apis, aspar.,
lo p. ni.:
arg-n., am.,
Ir-fl. ars ,
Bell., benz-ac, Berb., cann-s.[
canth., Carb-an., coc-c, colch., con.,
urination, before: Tabac.
dios., equis., erig., eup-pur indg., kali-c,

waking, on: Still, lach , Lyc, med., nat-s., nux-m., nux-v.,

OCT., op., Pareir., phos.,
bruised: Cad., clem., psor., Sars.[
vaa.x\c., pareir. phys. senec, sep., sil., tabac, Verat., zinc
afternoon, sitting, while: Kali-c. alternating with pain in glans: Canth.
region of: Serb., phys., zinc. urination, after: Apis.

evening: Meny. digging: Cur., kali-i.

extending to thighs: Berb. region of pressure agg. :

burning: Ars-h., anind., bell., betiz-ac, berb.,
dragging, ureters, like labor pain with urging
bufo, cann-i., Canth., fielon., hep., kali-bi.,' to urinate: Cham.
kali-c, kali-i., kali-n., nat-m., nux-v.,
pin-s., drawing: Clem., coc-c, nux-m., Tereb.
rheum, Tereb., zinc.
right, 5am.: Coc-c.
left: Benz-ac, lachn., zing.
left: Benz-ac, kali-c.
oppressed breathing and faintness, with;
Bufo. stooping, when: Benz-ac

urination, before: tensive, riding, while: Agar,

Rheum, thuj.
extending right to hip: Tereb.
during: Rheum.
extending through left ilium to pubis, in region of: Aloe, alumn., berb., cann-s., carl.,
women: Arund. cinnb., iod., kali-n., lach., meny., ruta,
Tereb., zific
along ureters: Cedr., pin-s.
evening, sitting, while: Meny., ruta.
to bladder: bell., tereb.
extending into inguinal region: Cann-s.
region of: Berb., coloc, kali-n., lac-d.,
nat-m., phyt., tereb. right hip: Tereb.

constricting, extending to bladder: Nit-ac. ureter, right: Astac.

down ureters to penis, pressure on glans

left: Calad.
amel., at times pain goes upward: Canth. gnawing: Tarent.
contracting: Clem. region of : Bracb
down ureters to penis: Canth. lancinating. (See " Cutting.")

cramping: Kali-i., oci. piercing in both ureters, with urging to uri-

nate: Nat-s.
cutting: Aeon., arg-n., am., bad., berb.,
cann-i., Canth., clem., coloc, daph., pressing: Am-br., aphis, calc, canth., carl.,
eup-pur., graph., Kali-bi., kali-i., mere, cimic, clem., coc-c, hyper., kali-c, nit-ac,
nux-m., plb., staph. nux-v., ran-sc, tereb., thuj., zinc.

paroxysmal, and burning in both: Canth. morning: Kali-c.

urination, before: Graph. night: Calc.

PAIN, pressing. PAIN, stitching.

motion amel. : Tereb. evening: Zinc.

sitting, while: Pall., (ered. bed, in: Coc-c.

urination, before: Graph. eating, after: Con.

region of: Agar., ars-h., berb., cimic, ham., inspiration, on deep: Ars., astac-fl., crot-t.,

hydr., pall. cycl., laur.

pulsating: Berb. motion of arms, on: Ant-t.

shooting: Aeon., sesc, bapt., berb., ip., sitting, while: Dig., valer.
kali-bi., tarent.
standing, while: Zinc.
night: Tarent.
extending to bladder: Arg-n., bell., berb.,
motion agg : Kali-bi. eoc-c, cupr-ac, Kali-bi., lach.

extending to knee: Ip., kali-bi. urethra: Berb.

region of: Berb., cann-i., chel., kali-bi., down ureters: Apis, arg-n., bell., berb.,
nat-p. calad., chel., coc-c, cupr-ac, Kali-bi.,
lach., Lyc, pareir., tabac, tereb.
and bladder, lying on face amel. : Chel.

sore (pain on pressure): Aeon., agar., apis,

uterus: Nat m.
asaf., asar., benz-ac., brach., calc-a., eann-s., tearing: M^o. , Berb., canth., mez., raph.,
canth., chel., cinnb., eoc-e., ferr-i.. Graph.., rhus-t., zinc
hell., helon., hep., mane, rat., selen.,
stooping, on: Raph.
tabae., tarent., tell., vesp., zinc.
region of: Berb., kali-c, lyc, rhus-t., zinc.
right: Helon., nux-v., phyt.
morning, rising, after: Berb.
left: Benz-ae., zinc.
agonizing as from passing calculus, in
exerting the muscles, while: Apoc.
back and hips: Arn.
sensitive to jarring: ..^Eth., alum., bell.,
pulsating: Berb.
berb., cale-p., cann-i.
radiating: Berb.
region of: Abrot., benz-ac, berb., brach.,
cann-s., chel., coe-c, equis., hydr., merc-c ,
extending to thighs, with stiffness: Berb.
nat-a., nux-v., phos., phyt., tell., tereb.,
downwards: Arg-u., bell., sars.
ureters, extending downwards, touch,
spasmodic: Chel., coc-c.
motion and inspiration agg.: Arg-n., bell.
right: 4 p. m. to 9 p. m. : Chel.
ulcerative, region of: Cann-s.
left: 4 p. m. to 8 p. m. : Lye.
PULSATION: Act-s., berb., canth., chel., kali-i.
stabbing, region of: Arn., erig. extending into abdomen: Kali-i.
stitching, stinging, sticking: Aeon., asth., region of: Act-s., canth., pic-ac, sulph.
agar., anan., am., ars., astac, bapt, bell.,
* restless sensation: Puls-n.
Berb., bov., cann-i., canth., earb-an., chel.,
chin., coc-c., coloc, crot-t., cupr-a., eycl., SUPPRESSION of urine: Aeon., <zth., ail.,
dig-, erig ,
gamb., grat., hep., Kali-bi., am-caust., anthr., Apis, apoc, aran., Arn.,
kali-c, kali-i., kali-n., lach., lobel., lye., Ars., ars-h., arum-t., aur bell., bism., bufo,,

mang., tnez., nat-m., nat-p., nux-v., ph-ac, cad., calc, calend., camph., Canth.,
phos., plb., ran-sc, sep., staph., tarent., carb-ac, Carb-V., caust., cic, colch., con.,
upa., valer., zinc. crot-h., cupr., cupr-ac, cupr-s., dig., dulc,
elaps,<?/rt/;. erig. eup-pur. hell. hep. hydr. ,
morning: Chel., cinnb. , ,
, ,

hyos., iod., kali-bi., kali-chl., lac-c, lach.,

afternoon: Crot-t. Laur., lil-t., Lyc, mere, merc-c, merc-cy.,

morph., nit-ac, nux-v., op., osm petr., perspiration, with: Aeon.,
., apis, arn., ars.,
phos., phyt. pld., podo., puis., rod.,
, Secab, camph., cantli., dulc, hyos., /ycOp., puis.,
si/., Stram., sul-ac, sulpk., tabac, tarax.. stram., sulph.
tereb., Verat., vip.
stupor, with: Dig., plb.
cholera, in: Ars,, carb-v.
suppressed gonorrhoea, from: Camph.,
concussion of spinal column, from: Arn. Canth.
rhus-t., tarent.
violent: Cic, cupr., cycl., sulph.

convulsions, with: Cupr., dig., \\yo%., stram. SUPPURATION. (See " Inflammation.")

fever, with: Ant., ars.,

bell., cad., canth.,
colch., hyos., op.,plb., sccale, stram. TWITCHING, region of: Canth., mang.
WEARINESS, region of: Benz-ac, carb-an.,
menses, during: Kali-bi. cham., cimic, helon., mane, phyt., tarent.


EMISSION prostatic fluid: Agar., agn., alum., ENLARGEMENT: Aloe, alum., am-m., apis,
am-c, anac, apis, aur., bell., calc, cann-s., asar., aspar., aur-m., Bar-C, benz-ac,
canth., case, chim., con., daph., dig., Calc, cann-s., canth ,
chim., clem., Con.,
elaps, ery-a., euph., gels., hep., lye, cop.. Dig., ferr-m., hyos., iod., kali-i.,
mag-c, mang., nat-c, nat-rn., nit-ac,
lyssin, lith., lye, med., mere, nat-c, nat-s., nit-ac,
nux-m., petr.. Ph-ac, phos., pic-ac, plb., pareir., phos.. Puis., selen., senec, sil.,

psor., puis., sabal-ser., Selen., Sep., sil., spong., staph., sulph., thuj., uva-u.
Staph., sulph., tabac, thuj., zinc. co-&.. Dig., iod.
senile: Aloe, Bar-C, benz-ac,
dribbling: Phos., Selen. nux-v., sabal-ser., staph., sulph.
easily discharged, so, that even an emission of sensation of: Alum., berb., bry., chim., cycl.,
flatus causes: Mag-c. nux-v.
emotion, with every: Con., hep., puis., selen., FESTERING sensation: Cycl.
GURGLING sensation: Phyt.
erections, during: Nit-ac, Ph-ac, puis.
HARDNESS: Con., cop., iod.. med., plb., senec,
without: Aur., bell., cann-s., con., euph., sil., thuj.
lye, lyssin, nat-m., phos., Selen., thuj.
without enlargement: Cop.
flatus, while passing: Con., mag-c.
HEAT: 'Pte\.,puls.
fondling women, while: Agn.
perinseum: Alum., aur.
lascivious thoughts, during: Con., lye, nat-m.,
Nit-ac, /A-ac, pic-ac. HEAVINESS : Cact., caust., cop., graph., hydro.,
puis., sulph.
stool, with: Agar., agn., alum., am-c, anac,
ars., aur-m., calc, carb-v., carl., causL, Con., lascivious thoughts, during: Graph.

cor-r., elaps, hep., ign., kali-bi., nat-c, stone in perinseum, like: Co7i., puis.
nat-jn., nit-ac, Nux-V., Ph-ac, phos.,
Selen., Sep., sil., staph., sulph., zinc.
INDURATION: Con., cop., iod., plb., selen.,
senec, sil., sulph., Thuj.
difiicult, with: Anac, agn., alum., am-c,
arn., cann-i., carb-v., con., gels., hep.,
INFLAMMATION: Aeon., sesc, agn., alum..
Apis, arn., bell., bov., cact., cann-i., canth.,
nat-c, Nit-ac, Ph-ac, phos., sep., Sil.,
caust., chim., con., cop., cub ,
cycl., dig.,
staph., Sulph., zinc.
hep., hipp., kali-bi., lach., lith., lye, med.,
soft, with: Anac, selen. mere, merc-d., ntix-v., pareir ,
petr.. Puis.,
after: Am-c, calc, caust., iod., nit-ac, sabal-ser., secale, selen., senec, sep., sil.,
phos., sulph. staph., sul-ac, sulph., thuj., zinc.
talking to a young lady, while: Nat-m., suppressed gonorrhoea, from: Bell., cop.,
phos. cupr., dig., med., mere, Nit-ac, nux-v.,
urination, before: Psor. petr., puis., Sep., staph., sulph , Thuj.
during: Anac, hep., nat-c, nit-ac, sep.,
ONANISM, complaints after: Tarent.

after: Anac, calc, cur., daph., hep., hipp., PAIN: All-c, apis, calc-p., caps., cop, cub.,
kali-c, lye, lyssin, nat-c, nat-m., sep., cupr-a., graph., lye, pareir., podo., polyg.,
sil., Sulph. puis., rhus-t., staph., tarent, thuj.

walking, while: Agn., Selen., sil. cancer, in: Crot-h.

coition, after: All-c, caps., selen.
pressing: All-c, apis, brom., mere, ol-an.
gonorrhoea, during: Caps., cub. Puis.

stool, urging to: Cycl., rhus-t. urination, during: Lyc.

urination, during: Apis, cop., pareir. after: L,yc., puis.

urinate, urging to: Cycl. walking, while: All-c, brom.

perinaaum: Ant-c, bov., calc-p., canih., perinaeum: Alum., apis, asaf., cact., cycl.
cau.st., chel., laur., lyc, phos., puis., selen.
cupr-a., lye, plb., puis.,
coition, during: Alum.
erection, during: Bov. nose, on blowing: Alum.
rubbing, on: Alum. urination, after: Puis,
stool, after: Phos. pulsating: Caust., polyg.
urination, at close of: Coca. region of: Bov.
region of: Gnaph, shooting, perinaeum: Sulph.
aching: Thuj. soreness: Sul-ac.
bladder, and, deep in pelvis, morning and stitching: Bov., con., cycl., kali-bi., kali-c.
forenoon after coition; All-c. kali-n., lyc.

sitting and walking, v^hile: Cycl. afternoon: Aur., kali-bi.

perinaeum: Aur., berb., carl., cycl., nux-v. urination, during: Cact., caust., cop., cycl.

biting, perinaeum: Carb-an. kali-n., merc-d., pareir., selen.

burning: All-c, ambr., cop., lyssin, ph-ac. walking agg. : Kali-bi.

perinaeum: Ant-c, plb., perinseum: Aur., berb., bov., carb-v., chel.

sil., thuj.
mag-m., mere
coition, agg. after: Sil.
extending to anus: Nit-ac.
constrictive: Canth., caust., puis.
uterus: Berb.
perinseum: Sulph. region of, urination, during: Kali-n.

cutting perinaeum: Aur., bov., lye, nux-v., ftTTIVERIlfG, nervous, region of: Form.
thuj. SUPPURATION: Hep., Sil.
morning: L,yc. SWELLING: Cann-s., chel., chim., con., cop.
cub., dig., dulc, hipp., iod., med., merc-d.
dragging: Sil.
selen., senee, sep., staph., sul-ac, thuj.
perinaeum: Nat-a. hard as a stone: Con.
drawing, day: Clem. TENSION: Clem., lyc, thuj.
perinaeum: Kali-bi., mez. TWITCHING: Form.
sitting or walking, while : Cycl. UNEASINESS: Ptel.


AGGLUTINATION of meatus: Anag., bor., bo v., CRAMP: Chel., nit-ac, phos.

calc-p., camp/i., canii-s., canth., cupr.,

cupr-a., gamb., graph., med., nat-m., CRAWLING :

Agar., chin., junc, mere, petros.,
ph-ac, thuj., tus-p.
petros., tabac, ihuj.
fossa navii'ularis: Petros.
morning: Q.a.nth.., phos , Sep., thuj.
sticking: Mez.
AIR passes from the female urethra during urina-
tion: Sars. urinating, when not: Ph-ac.

CHORDEE: Arg-n., aur-m., bry.. camp ft., urination, during: Ign., petros ,
cann-i., Cann-s., Caps., Canth., chlol.,
after: Canth., lyc.
colch., con., cop., cub., cur., dig., ery-a.,

fl-ac, hep., kali-br., Kali-chl., kali-i., DISCHARGE, acrid: Arg-n., aur-m., caps., cop.,

mere, merc-c, mygale, nat-c, nit-ac, kreos., Merc-C, nat-m., petros , sars.

nux-v., pehos., phos., pip-n.. Puis., sabad., albuminous: Canth., nit-ac ,

Sep., Tereb., thuj., zing.
bloody: Arg-n., bell., calc-s., cann-s., Canth.,
burning in urethra, with: Calc-p. caps., cop., cub., cur., kali-i., lith., lyc,
extreme sensitiveness of urethra: Caps. mill., mere, merc-c, mur-ac, nit-ac, puis.,
thuj., zinc.
penis turned up: Berb., selen.
chronic gonorrhoea, in : Euph.
CLOGGED by pieces of coagulated mucus: Sep.,
uva-u. urethra painful to touch: Caps.

COLDNESS: Clem. clear: Brom., cann-i., canti-s., cub., elaps,

lyc, mez., nat-m., petros., ph-ac, phos.
painful shoots, during: Sulph.
colorless: Canth., petros.
CONSTRICTION: Cann-s., clem., lye.
copious. (See " profuse.")
convulsive: Berb.
cream-like: Caps.
smarting: Berb.
fetid: Benz-ac, carb-v., psor., puis., sil.,
urination, during: Apis, arg-n., bry., clem,
sulph., thuj.
after: Cub.
flocculent, urination, after: Kali-bi.
extending to bladder: Lyc., op., phos.
gleety: Agar., Agn., Alum., Alumn., aur-m.,
backward, while reflecting: Nux-v. bar-c, bar-m., Benz-ac, bov., bry., calad.,
CONTRACTION: Asar., ca7Uh., chin., clem., calc, cann-i cann-s., canth., caps., carb-v.,

cop., dig., petr., Puis., stram., zinc. cedr., chim., cinnb., clem., cob., cop., cub.,
cupr., dulc, erig., ery-a., ferr:, fi-ac,
morning: Carb-v.
gamb., graph., hep., hydr., iris, kali-bi.,
erection, during: Canth.
kali-chl., kali-i., kali-s., lyc, med., mere,
internally: Canth. merc-c, mez., mill., mur-ac, Nat-m., nat-s.,
stool and urination, before: Nat-m. nit-ac, petr., Petros., ph-ac, phos., phyt.,
suppressed gonorrhoea: Puis. plb., psor., sang., Selen., seuec, Sep.,

urination, during: Bry., dig., ind. Sulph., tell., Thuj., zinc.

after: Nux-v. morning: Aur-m., ph-ac, phos., Sep.

extending backward on urination: Camph. night: Fl-ac, Sep.


DISCHARGE, gleety DISCHARGE, greenifsh-yellow.
iinpoteiicy, with: Agn. painless: Arg-ni.
painless: Agar., arg-ni., canti-s., cop.,ferr., thick, with priapism: Anan}; nat-s
hydr., kali-i., med., mere, mez., Nat-m.,
nat-s., petr., psor., sang., Sep., sulph.,
jelly-like: Kali-bi.

milky: Cann-s., caps., cop., ferr., kali-c,

pro*^racted: Caps.
lach., mere, nat-m., nux-v., petros., sep.
gluey: Graph.
pasty: Canth.
gonorrhoeal: Agn., aloe, alum., alurnii.,
sticky: Nat-m., thuj.
am-in., anag., ant-c ,
apis, arg-n.,
ars., ars-s-f., aur-m-, bar-vi., bism., bor., urination, before: Mez.
cann-i., Cann-s., Canth., caps., caul., urination, after: Cop., kaU-c, lach., nat-m
cedr., chavi., chel., cbim., cinnb., clem., petros., sep.
Coch., cop., cub., cupr-a.. Dig., dory., eng.,
ery-a.,eucal., ferr-i., Ferr-p., fl-ac, gels.,
mucous: Agar., agn., ant-c, arg-n., bell.,
hydr., benz-ac, brom., bry., calc, cann-s., canth.,
Kali-chl., kali-i., kali-s., lac-c,
caps., cedr., chim., clem., cob., con., cop.,
lachn., led., Med., Mere, merc-c, mez.,
cub., dulc, Elaps., ferr., graph., hep.,
mill., nat-m., Nat-S., Nit-ac, pareir., petr.,
hydr., kali-i., lye, mag-p., 7nerc., merc-i-f.,
Petros., ph-ac, phos., phyt., plb., psor..
mez., nat-c, nat-m., nit-ac, nux-v., pareir.,
Puis., rhodo., sabad., sabin., sars., seiiec,
petr., petros., phos., rhodo., sabin., sars.,
Sep., sit., still., sulph., tarent., Tereb.,
Sep., sulph., thuj.
evening, chill, after a: Ferr.
night: Merc, merc-c, sep.
urination, after: Nat-m., nit-ac, nux-v.,
only: Sep.
chronic: Brom., Calc-p., chim., Chlor.,
bloody: Canth., Nit-ac, puis,
cinnb., Coch., cub., ferr., hydr., kali-s.,
mygal., myric, Uat-m., petr., petros., gelatinous, urination, after: Nat-m.
plb., Sep., sulph., Thuj. glutinous: Agar., thuj.
congestion of parts, with great: Merc-sul.
painless: Merc
increase after having decreased: Bry., lil-t.
relaxation of genitals, during: Phos.
sulph., thuj.
viscid, purulent, urination, after: Nux-v.
itching, causing: Nat-m.
profuse: Apis, arg-m., arg-n., ars-s-f., bufo,
syphilitics, in: Aur-m., cinnb., mere,
cann-i., chim., cop., cub., cnr., ferr., hydr.,
kali-bi., med., petros., sep., Thuj.
terrible pain and restlessness, with: Ars-s-f.
purulent: Agn., arg-n., am., bar-c, bov.,
urination, after: Ph-ac. calc-s., cann-s., canth., caps., chel., chim.,
clem., con., cop., cub., cupr-a., ip., kali-i.,
greenish: Bry., cob., cop. hydr., kali-h.,
kali-s., led., lye, med., mere, merc-c,
kali-s., Merc, merc-c, nat-m., nat-s.,
nat-m., Nit-ac, nux-v., ph-ac, phos.,
nit-ac, tereb., thuj. sit., sulph., thuj.
sabad., sabin., sars.,

night: Merc, merc-c. drop of pus before urinating: Tus-p.

chronic: Cinnb., cob., kali-i., Nat-S. fetid: Carb-v., psor., puis., 5/7., sulph.

thick: Kali-i., vierc, Nat-S. semen, like: Puis.

yellow: Anan., arg-m., cinnb., cob., cub., slimy: Cann-s., caps., cub., dulc,/^;-r., fl-ac,
cur., hydr., lith.. Mere, Nat-S., nux-v., hep., mere, nat-m., nit-ac, puis., sulph.,
phyt.. Puis., Sep., tereb., thuj. thuj.


night: Merc, zinc.

spotting linen: Nat-ni.
chronic: Alum., arg-m., calc-s., fl-ac, hep.,
striugy: Kali-bi.
lye, mere, Puis,
thick: Anan., arg-n., cann-s., caps., clem.,
spots on linen: Alum., nat-m., psor.
cub., ferr., hydr., kali-i., med., mere,
merc-c, nai-s., nux-v., puis., sil. yellowish-white: Cann-i., sulph.
nai-m., painless: Cann-i.
thin: Apis, caps., lye, med., uierc-c,
nux-v. DROPPING from, sensation of: Ambr., cedr.,
lact., Selen.
gleety, with formication over body: Cedr.
urination, after: Thuj.
transparent: Cann-s., mez., petros., phos.
burning drops run along, after: Arg-n.,
viscid: Agar., agn.. bov., dig., ham., nit-ac,
nux-v., ph-ac, phos.
DROP remains. (See "Sensation.")
watery: Apoc, cann-s., canth., fl-ac, hydr.,
lye, mere, merc-c, 7nez., mur-ac, nai-m., GNAWING, when not urinating: Bov.
ph-ac, phos., sumb., Th.uj. GONORRH(EA suppressed. (See " regions.")
meatus glued up in morning with a watery HARDNESS: Arg-n., clem., hyper.
drop: Phos.
urination, during: Calc-p., hyper,
moving about, on : Mez.
meatus, of: Cann-s.
nitrate of silver, after injections of: Nat-m.
HARD node: Bov.
painless: Cann-s.
HEAT: All-c, alum., aur-m., cact., canth.,
white: Ant-ox., arg-n., cann-i., cann-s.,
rhus-t., sulph.
canth., caps., chim., ciunb., cob., cop.,
mere, mez., emission of semen, during: Tarent.
cupr-a., ferr., gels., lach., med.,
nat-m., nit-ac, petros., ph-ac, sep., sulph., voluptuous: Canth.
thuj., zinc.
HEMORRHAGE: Aloe, ambr., am-e, ant-e,
morning, prostatic discharge evening: ant-t., arg-n., arn., ars., arum-m., bry.,
Ph-ac. cact., calc, camph., cann-s., canth., caps.,

mere, caust., chel chin., chin-s., con., crot-h.,

chronic: Caps., chim., cinnb ,
ferr., ,

nit-ac, euph., ferr-m., graph., hell., hep., ip.,

merc-c, mez., Nat-m., sep.,

sulph., thuj., zinc. kali-c, kali-i., lye, mere, mez., mill.,

murx., nit-ac, nux-v., phos., plb., puis.,
anaemic subjects, in: Calc-p.
sars., secale, seneg., sep., squil., sulph.,
impotence, with: Agn., calad., cob. tereb., thuj., zinc.

and fetid urine: Calad. burning, *wiih: Chen., chin., coch., graph.,
kali-c, puis., seneg.
nitrate of silver, after injections of:
Nai-m. coition, during: Caust.

urination, after: Cop., lach., petros., sep. constipation, with: Lyc.

yellow: Agar., ag7i., alum., anan., agr-m., cut, from a, hemorrhagic diathesis: Tereb.
ars-s-f., bar-c, bell., calc, calc-s., cann-s., dyspnoea, with: Con.
canth., caps., con., cop., cub., cur., fl-ac,
first part of urine, with: Con.
hep., hydr., kali-bi., kali-s., lye. Mere,
nat-m., Nit-ac, petros., psor., Puis,, sars., paitiful: Zinc.

Sep., Thuj., tus-p., zing. painless: Ars-h., lyc.

morning, drop: Fl-ac. pains in kidneys and bladder, with: Ip., puis,

evening: Lye stomach, and vomiting: Ip.

paralysis of legs, with: Lye.
voluptuous: Thuj.
pure blood: Bry., canth. anterior part: Arn., cann-s., cocc, ferr-i.,
clotted: Nux-v. ign., laur., lob., merc-c, thuj.
urinating, when not: Bry. urinating, when not: Arn., euph., sulph.

stool, during: Lyc. fossa navicularis: Cic, clem., cocc, colch

cub., Petros., thuj.
suppressed gonorrhoea, after: Puis.
shooting, and, evening: vSulph.
urination, after: Hep., mez., puis., sars.,
sulph., thiij., zinc. urination, after: Colch.

vicarious: Phos., zinc. voluptuous: Petros., thuj.

INDURATION, chronic: Arg-n. meatus: Agar., aluran., aruni-t., canth.,

Caust, chel., clem., coc-c, colch., coloc,
INFLAMMATION Aeon., Arg-n., ars., atir.
hydr, kali-c, kali-n., merc-c, nat-m.,
bov., Cann-s., Canth., caps., chhn., cop., plant., sulph., syph.
cub., gran., hep., kali-i., merc-c, nux-v.,
coition, after: Nat-p.
pa.reir. ,
pelr., petros., sadin., sulph., tah&z.,
Tereb., teucr., ihuj. urging to urinate, as if: Chel.

burning, shooting pain and increased gonor- urination, during: Anthrako., petr.
rhoea, with: Arg-n., cann-s.
after: Clem., mere, plant., verat.
meatus: Alum., bov., calc, calc-p., cann-i.,
JERKING: Cann-s., lyc, nat-c, petr., phos.,
cann-s., canth., cop., erig., eup-pur., A,?/.,
pic-ac, sars., thuj.
jac-c ,
nit-ac, ph-ac, sulph., tabac.
standing, while: Cann-s.
IRRITATION: Bell., cad., chim., cub., clem.,
urination, after: Lyc.
helon., hydrc, lil-t., pop., pyrus.. Staph.,
stram. voluptuous formication in fossa navicularis-
meatus: Kali-bi.
KNOTTY sensation: Arg-n.
ITCHING: Alum., ambr., anac, apis, arn., aur.,
berb., bov., cann-s., canth., caust., chim., MOISTURE, meatus: Nat-m.. phos.
chin., clem., coc-c, con., cop., ferr., gins., glutinous: Dig.
hydr., ign., indg., kali-chl., laur., led., lyc,
nux-v., yellow stain, causing a: Phos.
merc-c, mez., nat-m., ol-an.,
pareir., pelr., pelros., sep., sul-i., Sulph., MUCUS, clogged up with coagulated: Sep.
tabac, Ihuj., zinc.
NARROWNESS, sensation of (see " Swelling "):
desire to urinate, with: Coloc. Arg-n., bry., dig., graph., stram.

erections, during: Nux-v., selen. NODE, hard: Bov.

gleet, with: Nat-m., nit-ac, nux-v., Petr.
NUMBNESS (see "Sensation, absent"): Apoc,
gonorrhoea, with: Merc-C, nal-m., petr., Caust., cedr., kali-br., Mag-m., nux-v.,
Petros. sars.

preceding discharge of pus: Con. uneasy feeling: Cedr.

urination, before: Cop., ferr., nux-v., tabac. PAIN: Agn., arg-n., asc-t., bry., cann-i., cann-s.,
canth., caps., card-m., chel., ferr-i., lith.,
during: Agar., ambr., cop., graph., lyc,
Ij'C, phos., prun., puis., sabin., still.,
mez., nat-m., 7iux-v., olnd., pareir., petr.,
sulph., thuj.
rheum, sars., tabac, thuj.
daytime: Still.
after: Aruud., canth., clem., colch., cop.
lyc, lyssin, nux-v., petr., tabac, thuj. evening: Caust.

PAIN. PAIN, biting.

dull pain in vertex, with: Caust. urinating, when not: Cann-s., teucr., zinc

emissions, from: Cob., pip-m., sars. xirination, during: Act-s., canth., carb-v..
morning on waking: Carb-an. Cham ,
clem., equis., graph., ign., kali-n.,
lye, mag-c, mere, Merc-C, nat-m.,
erections, during: Nit-ac.
nit-ac, phos., rhus-t., sep., thuj.
after: Cann-s.
after: Bor., caps., chin-s., clem., con.,
standing, while: Cob. cop., equis., petros., rhus-t.

urging to urinate, on: Cocc. as if a drop were forcing its way out:
urinating, when not: Berb., bry., cedr., cocc
extending backward: Phos.
urination, during: Aran., berb., bov., cann-i.,
anterior part: Petros., rhus-t., zinc.
Canth., caust., chel., colch., con. dory.,
elaps, ferr-i., hep., lye, med., phos., rest agg., walking amel.: Rhus-t.
plat-m., sabad., senec, still., til., zinc,
fossa navicularis: Petros.
meatus, morning: Kali-c, petros.
urging to stool, with: Aloe, alum., aphis.,
canth., cycl., dig., Nux-V., prun., staph., waking, on: Alum.
evening: Coc-c. kali-c, petros.

after: Agn., bov., caust., nux-v., sulph.

urination, dunng: Bor., Cann-S., merc-c.
at close of: Canth., carb-v., lye, phys.,
after: Zinc.
pic-ac, sars.
sticking: Mur-ac
waking, on: Carb-an., sars.

wet, after getting: Calc.

posterior part : Camph . ,

burning: Aeon., aesc, agar., agn., all-c, all-s.,

anterior part when not urinating: Berb., bry.
aloe, alum., ambr., ammc, am-c,
urination, during: Nux-v., phos., rhus-t. ani-t., apis, arg-n., Ars., aspar.,
asar., aur.,
afterr Ran-sc, rhus-t. aur-m., bell., benz-ac, Berb., bor.,
bov., bry., cact, calad., calc,
fossa navicularis, urination, before: Bar-c. Camph.,
cann-i., Cann-S., Canth., caps., carb-an.,
meatus: Cann-s., Canth., clem., cop., puls-n., carb-v., carl., caust., cedr., cham., chel.'
rhodo., sars., zing. chim.. chin., chin-s., clem., cimic, cob.,
coc-c, colch., coloc, con., cop.,
aching: Bry., cain., canth., eup-pur., lobel. crot-t.,
cupr., der., eup-pur., ferr-i., graph., hep.'
nephritic colic, with: Coc-c. ign-. ip-, jab., kali-c, >6a/z-«.,
kali-n., laur.,
urination, after: Apoc, lil-t., nth., lye, lyssin, mag-m.,
puis. mane,'
Merc, Merc-C, meri., mosch., nat-e',
meatus, urinating, when not: Cocc, nux-v. nat-m., nit-ac, ox-ac, op., par., petr.,'*
urination, during: Canth. ph-ae, phos., Prun., ptel., puts., rhus-t
rhus-v., sabin., sep., sil., stann.,
after: Puis. staph.,'
Sulph., tarent., tereb., thuj., uran.
acute, urination, during: Hep.
morning, erections after: Nat-m.
agonizing, from clots of blood passing: Canth.
urination, during: Anag., con., fl-ac,
biting: Ars., clem., ip., prun., rhus-t., teucr,, ign., seneg., teucr., thuj.
thuj., zinc-ac.
waking, on, after an emission: Carb-an,
morning: Rhus-t. evening: Chin., nat-e, ox-ac., petr.,
phos. *
evening, burning: Chin.
as if a drop of acrid urine
would pass-
itching, and, before urination: Cop., tabac. Ox-ac.

44 653

PAIN, burning. PAIN, burning, urination, before.

night: Berb., canth., canst., mere. aching in bladder, with: Fl-ac.

coition, during: Agar., ant-c, calc, beginning to urinate, when: Ars., ^a««-5.,
canth., kreos., mere, sulph., tliuj. clem., Merc, nat-a., prun.

after: Canth., sep., sul-ac. during: Aeon., esse, agar., aloe, alum.,
urination, during: Caust. ambr.,, anag., anth., ant-c, ant-t., apis,
apoc, Arg-n., ars., aur-m., asc-c, bapl.,
emission, after an: Sep., sulph., thuj. bar-c. Bell., benz-ac, berb., bov., bry.,
at all times: Calad., canth. cact., calad., calc, calc-a., calc-p.,
Camph., Cann-i., Cann-s., Canth.,
discharged, when semen is: Agar., ant-c,
caps., carb-an., carb-v., carb-s., caust.,
berb., bor., calc., canth., clem., kreos.,
cham., chel., chim., chin., chin-s.,
nat-m., nit-ac, sars., sep., sul-ac, sulph.,
Clem., coc-c, con., colch.. Cop., crot-t.
Cub., cupr., cur., dig., dulc, equis.,
discharge of thin liquid after urination, ery-a., eug., eup-pur., ferr., fl-ac,
from: Nat-m. gels., glon., grat., hell., helon., hep..,
hydr-ac, ign., ip., kali-bi., kali-c,
discharge of semen in coitus, in stricture,
during: Clem.
mag-c, mere,
kali-n., lach., laur., lye,
Merc-c, mez., mur-ac, Nat-C, nal-m.,
emission, during: Ant-c, clem., sars., nat-p., nai-s.,Nit-ac, nux-m., Nux-V.,
Sulph.., thuj. op., ox-ac, par., pareir., petr., petros.,
after: Carb-an., carb-v., caust., cob., ph-ac. phos. pic-ac. plb. psor. puis. >
, , , , ,

mere, sulph., thuj. raph., rat., rhodo., rhus-t., sabad., sars.^

secale, seneg., sil., staph., sul-ac.
erections, during: Canth., carb-s., mag-m.,
Sulph., tabac, tarent., Tereb., Thuj.,
TJva-U., viol-t., zinc.
ceases during coition, before and during: after: Alum., ant-t., apis, apoc, arg-n.
Anag. arund. aspar., berb., bor., bov., brom.,

rising, after: Thuj. calc, calc-p., Cann-i., carm-s., Canth.,

caps., carb-an., card-m., chel., chin.,
shooting, and increased gonorrhoea: Arg-n.,
clem., coc-c, colch., coloc, con., cop.^
dig., 7?-ac., grat., iris, kali-bi. kali-c.
sitting, while: Par. led., lil-t., lye, lyssin, mag-c, mag-ni.^
mere, mez., Nat-c, Nat-m., nat-s.^
stool, during: Coloc.
nit-ac, nux-v., phell. ,
pic-ac, plb.,
after: Nat-c. puis., rhus-t., sars., seneg., staph.

urging to stool, with frequent: Alum., tarent., tabac, thuj., zinc.

nux-v., rhus-t. amel. : Berb., cocc.

touching the penis, on: Merc. close, at: Cann-s., kali-n., mez.
urging to urinate: Ant-c, Canth., con., and, extending to bladder:
nit-ac, ^hos., pnm., sabad., sulph. Lyc.
when effort is made to pass urine: Prun. last drops cause violent burning: Arg-n.,
carb-v., clem., colch., coloc, lyc.,.
urinating, when not: Asaf., berb. ,hov.,hry.,
cedr., graph., mere, merc-c, nat-c, mere, mez., nux-m., selen.
nit-ac, sabad., staph., thuj. anterior part: Canth., coff., nit-ac, puls.^
Sep., stann., tep., thuj.
urination, before: Alum., apis, aspar., berb.,
Bor., bry., calc, Cann-i., Canth., chel., emission, after an: Carb-v., sep.
coc-c, colch., cop., dig., ery-a., fl-ac,
mere, merc-c, nat-c, nit-ac, nux-v., urinating, when not: Asaf., cann-s.

seneg., zinc stann., sulph.

puis., rhodo. ,

PAIN, burning, anterior part. PAIN.
urination, during: Ars., calc, caps., convulsive, urination, during: Op., prun.
cann-s., carb-v., coch., ery-a., ign.,
morning: Op.
kali-bi., kali-n., mere, nat-c, nux-v.,
cutting: Anae, ant-e, arg-n., asc-t., aspar.,
phos., raph., rhus-t., seneg., sulph.,
berb.,calc-p., canth., caps., chel., colch., con.,
teucr., verat.
dig., equis., eup-pur., fago., guaj., hura, ip.,
Cann-s., kali-bi., lye, niez.,
after: kali-c, lach., lye mang., mere, mur-ac,
nit-ac, puis, nat-m., nit-ac, nux-m., op., ph-ac, psor.,
fossa navicularis: Aeon., c\xh.,petros. puis., sars., sep., sulph., zinc.

burning drops: Thuj. morning, urination, during: Alum., graph.,

urination, before: Senec.
forenoon: Caps.
during: Clem., kali-bi., nat-m., petros.,
thuj. evening, lying down, after: Fago., gran,

glandular portion, urination, during: Apis, midnight: Equis.

kali-bi., nux-v., rhus-t. biting, and, growing worse toward end of
and for longtime after: Apis, kali-bi. urination, even to last drop: Merc.

meatus: Ambr., am-c, berb., bry., calc, emission, during: Bor., nat-m.
cann-s., chel., chen., chin., clem., coch., ineffectual urging, with : Puis.
coff., cupr-a., graph., kali-c, lact.,

nice, nit-ac, par., intermitting: Kali-c.

mag-s., merc-c,
puis., seneg., sep., spig., Sulph., thuj., menses, before, when urinating: Canth.
motion, on: Chel.
night: Agar.
paroxysmal: Eup-pur.
coition, after: Calc, nat-p.
stool, before: Mur-ac, sulph.
most violent: Berb.
during: Mur-ac, sulph.
quiet, when: Canth., par.
urinating, when not: Berb., caps., kali-c,
shivering, with, when not urinating: mag-s., mang., nux-v.
urination, before: Bry., cale-p., Canth.,
sitting, while: Par. dig., ph-ac.

urination, before: Caps. begiuning to urinate, on: Iris, mere,

petr., secale.
during: Aeon., aphis, calc, cann-i.,
during: Alum., ant-c, arg-n., bor., bry.,
cann-s., canth., caps., chin., cupr-a.,
calc, cann-s., Canth., caps., carb-s.,
dulc, gamb., kali-n., mere, merl.,
earb-v., caust., chel., colch., Con., cub.,
nat-s., nux-v., ph-ac, puis., sulph.
cupr., graph., guaj., hell., hep., iris,

after: Cann-i., caps., case, chin., coloc, led., mere, mur-ac, nat-m., nat-s.,
cupr-a., graph., kali-c, lyssin, nat-s., nux-m., op., ph-ac, phos., psor., puis.,
puis. rhus-t., sars., sil., staph., sul-ac, sulph.,
thuj., trill.
walking, while: Nat-m.
pressure in rectum, vdth: Ph-ac.
posterior part: Cann-s., carb-an.
stool, and: Mur-ac.
emissions, after: Carb-an. after: Alum., berb., calc-p., Canth., chel.,
coc-c, con., cub., dig., lyc, Nat-m.,
urination, during: Caun-s.
petros., rhus-t., sulph.

contracting: Bry., canth., chin., clem., dig., close of urination, at: Merc-ac, nat-m.,
ind. sul-ac, sulph.


PAIN, cutting. PAIN.
walking, while: Tluij. pinching: Carb-v., cinnb., kali-c, lyc

extending backward: Arg-n., caps. urinating, when not: Verat.

to anus when passing last drops: Arg-n., urination, before: Nat-m.

pressing: Agn., aphis, bry., colch., dulc,
from within outward: Plant. lach., lyssiu, nux-v., petros., puis., teucr.,
anterior part: Lach., uux-v.
evening, urination, during: Seneg.
urination, during: Alum., cann-s., colch.,
nat-s., rhus-t. urination, after: 'Bra.ch., puis., stann. .

after: Alum., coc-c, mez. between the acts of: Nux-v.

and lancinating: Coc-c. voluptuous, extending to anus: Sulph.

fossa navicularis, urination, after: Petros., meatus, when not urinating: Nux-v.
thuj. pricking, urination, before: Nux-v.
meatus: Chel., iod., mez., zinc, zing,
pulsating, urinating, when not: Cop.
lancinating: Bad. rasping, urination, during: Carb-v., lyc,
urination, during: Con., cupr., nat-a. mag-c, nit-ac, phos., sep.

after: Arg-n., coc-c, mez., nat-s. scalding. (See " burning.")

at the close: Arn. shooting: Alum., jab., strych., sulph., thuj.

darting, sudden while sitting: Plant. intermitting: Sulph.

passing flatus, when: Mang. smarting, and, after urination : Mur-ac.

distressing: Nat-m. urinating, when not: Bell.

dragging: Eup-pur., lye, ph-ac, til. extending from behind forward: Arg-n., jab.

extending into bladder after urination: toward hypogastrium: Alum.

Lyc. above pubis, evening, urination, during:
as far as the tip, in evening, during urina- sulph.

tion: Sabad. meatus: ^sc, asc-t., bad., berb., pareir.,

arg-n., bry., cann-s., colch., sulph.

drawing: Alum.,
\yc., petros., ph-ac, pic-ac, puis., zinc. urination, after: Pareir.

morning, urinating, after: Carb-v. smarting: Apis,&VLr., bell., berb., bor., bov.,
calc-f., canu-s., cedr., cop., eup-pur., gins.,
waking, on: Alum., carb-v.
lac-c, nat-c, ph-ac, phos., polyg., senec,
evening, urination, after: Am-c. Sep., sil., still., tereb., teucr., thuj.

walking in open air, on: Mez. evening: Nat-c.

burning, and: Eup-pur., eryng.

extending to anus: Ph-ac.
Kali-bi. coition, after: Berb.
from perineeum into urethra:
emission, after: Dig.
anterior part: Kali-c, lyc, par., zinc.
menses, during: Nat-m.
evening, urination, after: Am-c.
stinging, and, as if scalded: Apis,
urinating, when not: Bry., puis., zinc,

touch agg. Berb. , bor.

fossa navicularis: Cic, petros.

See " tearing.

' urinating, when not, agg. : Berb.
lacerating. ( '

PAIN, smarting. PAIN, stitching.

urinatiou, during (see "burning Urine"): evening: Calad., canth., mez., thuj.
^sc, alum., atnbr., apis, apoc, arum-d.,
night, erections, during: Thuj.
aur-m., calc-f., Cann-i., Cann-s., Canth.,
caps carb-s., cedr., chain., cob., cub-i burning: Agar., merc-c, spig.

cupr-ar. ,
^-w^-Zwr., graph., helon., kali-bi., urination, during: Cop.
kali-n., Lil-t., lobel., lye, mag-c,
coarse, on walking: Ign.
merc-c, nat-c, nat-m., nit-ac, phos.,
plb., ptel., rhus-t., sabin., Sep., sil., meatus, evening and night: Canth.
Sulph., Thuj., verat. Nat-m.
coition, after:
evening: Lye.
cutting: Calc, coc-c, lach.
after: Apis, benz-ac, bor., caps., cob.,
ineffectual desire to urinate, with: Calc.
Lil-t., mur-ac, rhus-t.
twitching, when not urinating: Thuj.
anterior part, urination, during: Rhus-t.
drawing, when not urinating: Merc,
meatus: Arum-d., calc-f., cob., coff., phos.,
Sep., verat. dull: Cic, mere,

posterior part, urination, during: Camph. shooting, on quiet emission of flatus:

soreness: Arg-n., berb., canth., caps., clem.,
cop., cupr-ac. ,
ferr., hep., hyper., lach., urinating, when not: Viol-t.
mez., nat-m., nit-ac, phys., prun., ptel.,
erections: Cann-s., nit-ac, thuj.
Sep., teucr., til., zinc.
fine: Agar., bry., nat-m., par.
erection, during: Canth.
meatus: Aspar.
touch, to, agg. night from warmth of bed:
Clem., mez., prun. itching, with, when not urinating: Euph.

urinating, when not: Teucr., zinc, lightning-like, afternoon, when sitting:

urination, during: Apis, bov., brach., calc,
canth., carb-an., cinnm., cinnb., colch., sore, extending to bladder; Berb.
daph., ferr., ferr-i., hep., lye, mez., motion, on: Bell., chel.
nit-ac, nux-v., sil.
rigors,'4with: Sulph.
after: Arg-n., lil-t., nux-v.
shooting: Thuj.
meatus: Arg-n., bor., bry., clem., equis.,
short: Cycl.
nux-v., puis., stann.
sitting if he quietly emits flatus, when:
urination, after: Bor., case
sticking, urinating, when: Camph., cann-s.,
caps., chel., clem., iris, nat-c,
sphincter-like: Arg-n., coloc, nit-ac.
standing, on: Aur-m., cann-s.
stitching: Aeon., ant-t., apis, arg-m., arg-n.,
arn., asaf., asc-t., aspar., aur., bell., berb., steel, as from: Agar,
bor., bov., brom.,bry., calc, canth., cann-i.,
sticking, pressing at stool, when: Squil.
caps., chel., chin., chlf., cic, clem., cocc,
coc-c, colch., stinging, coition, during: Calc.
coloc, con., crot-t., cupr.,
cycl., equis., hep., ign., ind., jatr., lach., gonorrhoea, with: Merc-C, mez.
lye, mang., mere, merc-c, mygal., nat-m.,
sudden, sitting agg. : Plant,
nux-v., pall., par., petr., ph-ac, phos., Sep.,
squil., Sulph., thuj., til., viol-t., zinc. synchronous with pulse: Con.
tickling: Calc.
morning: Cimic, seneg.
twinging like lightning, from before back-
forenoon: Caps. ward: Berb., zinc.


PAIN, stitching. PAIN, stitching, meatus.
urinating, when not: Bell., bry., calc-p.,
evening: Canth., rhodo.
cann-s., caps., mere, nat-ni., ph-ac, thuj.,
til. copious urine, with: Agar.

urination, before: Aspar., cann-i., Cann-S., urinating, when not: Cann-s., caps.,
coc-c, nat-c, nux-v., thuj. mang., thuj.
urging, when: Thuj. urination, after: Mur-ac.

during: Cann-i., Cann-S., caps., chin., tearing: A.rs., aur., bry., cann-s., colch., coloe,
clem., coc-c, cupr., cycl., equis., ign., kali-c, kali-i., nat-c, Nux-v,, sars.,
graph., iris, mere, merc-c raygal., , Sep., sulph., zinc
nux-v., petr., puis., seneg., sulph.,
morning, after urination: Carb-v.
afternoon, when seated: Ign., thuj.
after: Apis, arn., berb., Cann-i., caps.,
con., kali-bi., mere, nat-c, nat-m., goes through the body, when urinating,
rhodo., seneg, that: Jac-c.

and after coition : Nat-m. shooting, and, ascending through hypogas-

trium, when walking in open air: Alum.
walking, while: Aeon., bell., chel., ign.
urinating, when not: Bry., helon., kali-c,
open air, in: Merc-c.
extending toward abdomen, evening: Merc.
urination, during: Carb-v., cur., nat-c,
anus: Arg-n., canth., nux-v. Nux-v., rata, sulph.

morning, urinating, after: Thuj. after: Ars ,

carb-v., tarent.

backward: Canth., Merc-C, nux-v., from root of penis to glans: Sars.

plant., psor., squil., sulph., zinc.
zig-zags: Cann-s., sars.
bladder: Berb.
toward hypogastrium, when walking in
forward: Arg-m., arg-n., aspar., bell., open air: Alum.
berb., nat-c, nat-m., plant., sars.,
extending forward: Zinc.
anterior part: Ant-t., coflf., kali-c ,
urinating, when not, urinating amel.
urinating, when not: Bry., zinc,
urination, after: Sars.
twinging: Clem.
glans: Equis., lye, pall,
meatus: Brom., con. extending from behind forward: Selen.

from root of penis after urination : Sars. meatus, during a bath : Bart.

Bry., cann-s., caps., coc-c, ulcerative ulceration, as from sub-cutaneous:

anterior part:
cycl., lack., lyc, mag-c, merc-c, par., Rhodo.
sil., Sulph,, thuj. urination, during: Arg-n.
between acts of: Arg-n., prun.
urinating, when not: Asaf., cann-s., caps.

urination, after: Coc-c.

POUTING meatus. (See "Swelling.")
PULSATION: Benz., brom., canth., cop., dulc,
fossa navicularis: Aeon., cic, coc-c, gins., mere, Merc-C,
mere, a.2.\.--ax.,petros., thuj. and beating: Thuj.
fossa navicularis, stitching
urination, on: Aeon.
REDNESS, meatus: Cact., cinnb., cupr-ar., ^<r&.,
meatus: Aeon., agar., Aspar., aur-m., berb., hep., led., nit-ac, petr., sulph., thuj.
brom., cann-i., cann-s., chel., clem.,
spots: Bry.
coc-c, con., iod., kali-n., led., mez.,
when urinating: Apis,
nat-m., nat-s., Nit-ac, ph-ac, zinc. SENSATION absent,

SENSATION absent, when urinating. TICKLING.
apoc, Arg-n., Caust., cedr., chlol., cupr., morning, urination, during: Arg-n.
kali-br., tnag-m., nux-v., sars. afternoon: Ferr.
cold drop of urine passing, as if: Agar,
evening: Hydr., sulph.
constricted, as if: Arg-n., dig.
urination, during: Ambr., arg-n., colch.,
drops passed, as if a few: Ambr.
graph., rheum.
narrow, as if too: Arg-n., bry., dig., graph,
after: Colch.
stone in, as of a: Coc-c.
voluptuous: Anag., lith., ox-ac, thuj.
urine were cold, as if: Nit-ac.

some: fossa navicularis: Colch.., petros.

remained in, after urinating, as if

Agar., all-c, alum., arg-n., aspar., meatus: Agar., brom., clem., coc-c, cop.,
carb-s. ,
cedr., clem., ery-a., kali-bi., kali-n., led., lyssin.
petr., rhus-t., selen., sep., tell., tkuj.
evening: Hydr.
fossa navicularis, in, after urination, as if:
urging, with constant: Brom.
All-c. ,
ferr-i., thuj.
voluptuous: Chlol., gins., led.
SPASM of, with fissure of rectum: Nit-ac.
STRICTURE: Aeon., agar., ant-t., apis, arg-n., TINGLING: Apoc, cle^n., cupr-ar., petros., sep.

bell., berb., calc, cann-s., canth., chim.,

urination, during: Petros.
chin., clem., con., dig., dulc, graph., ind.,
iod., kali-i., mere, nai-m., nit-ac, op., frsenum, culminating at: Clem.

Petr., petros., Puis., Sep., sil., sulph., meatus: Sep.

tarent., thuj.

spasmodic: Bell., camph., cic, dios., eucal..,

TUMOR: Lach.
gels., nit-ac, nux-v., op., plb., prun., TWITCHING: Alum., ambr., ant-s., cann-s.,

secale, stram. canth., kali-chl., nat-c, nux-v., />Aoj.

sensation of: Bry., dig., graph. ejaculation of semen, as in: Petr.

SWELLING: Alum., arg-n., canth., cop,, gran., anterior part: Coc-c.
led., mere, merc-c, Mit., nit-ac, ph-ac,
rhus-t., sulph., Thuj, ULCERATION: Canth., Nit-ac.

sensation of: Arg-n., card-m., til. chancres: Arg-n., Nit-ac.

anterior part: Merc meatus: Merc-c, Nit-ac.

orifice: Alum., cop., hep., nit-ac, ph-ac, sticking, with: Nit-aC.

phos., Sulph.
urine retained, with sensation as if: Canth.
region of neck of bladder: Puis.
VESICLES meatus: Stann.
TENSION : June, lyc
erections, during: Cann-S.,
VOLUPTUOUS sensation: Anag., lith., ox-ac,
Canth. thuj.
TICKLING: Anag,, ant-s., aur-m., bell., canth.,
urination, during: Ox-ac, thuj.
carb-s., clem,, coc-c, coff., con., ferr., lyc,
tabac. after: Thuj.


ACRID: Ail., alum., ant.t., Am., asaf.,

atro., aur-ni.,
Benz-ac. bor., brach., calc,
cann-s., caiitli., caps., card-m., canst., chel., menses, during: Helon.
clem., colch., coc-c, cupr., cycL, dig., pregnancy: Apis, apoc, ars.,
dulc, ars-i., aur-m.,
Jl-ac., graph., H.eT^., ign., iod., kali-bi.,kali-c., benz-ac, berb., bry., cact., calc-a., canth.,
kreos.,-L^x,x., nth., Merc, Merc-c, nat-m., chin., cinnb., colch., crot-h., dig., dulc,
nat-s., nit-ac, par., ^^\x.,phos. ptmi., ferr., gels., hell., helon.,
prun., ,
kali-br., kali-c,
puls.,rhus-t., sabin., sars. s^n&c. sejieg., sep., kali-chl., kalm.,
lach., led., lyc, merCy
staph., staan., Sulph., tell., thuj., uran', Merc-c, nat-m., ph-ac, phos., rhus-t.,
verat. senec, sep., sulph., tereb., uran.
menses, during: Alum., apis, nat-m. during, and after delivery: Merc-c, ph-ac,
ALBTJMIlirOUS : Aeon., all-c, all-s., alum.,
scarlet fever, after: Apis, ars., asc-t., bell.,
am-caust., atit-t., Apis, apoc,
bry., canth., coch., colch., con., dig., A^//.,
"^S-n., Ars., Aur-m., aur-m-n., bism., helon. hep., kali-c, lach., Lyc, merc-Cy
brach., calc, Calc-a., cafin-s., canth.,
phyt., rhus-t., secale, senec. tereb., uran.
carb-ac, carb-s., carb-v., caul., chel., chim.,
chm., cimib., chlol., coc-c, coch., colch., syphilitics, in: Kali-i., merc-c
cop., crot-h., cupr., cupr-s., dig., dulc, ALKALINE: Am-c, am-caust., Ba^t., benz-ac,
eup-pur., /^m,Glon., Hell., helon., hep., canth., Carb-ac, chin-s., chlor., cina, y^rr.,
iod., kali-bi., kali-c, kali-chl., kali-i., kali-n.,
Jl-ac, hyos., kali-bi., kali-c, kreos., morph.,
kalm., Lac-d., lach., lith., Lyc, med., nat-m., plb., stram., uran., xanth.
mere, Merc-c, merc-cy., merc-i-r., mez.,
morph., mur-ac, myric, Nat-C, nat-m., ALTERNATION of copious and scanty urine:
nal-s., nit-ac, ol-j., op., osm., petr., Ph-ac, Dig.

phos., phyt., pic-ac, Plb., polyg., puis., BILE, containing: Aeon., card-m., chel., Chion.,
B,hus-t., sabin., sars., secale, sul-ac, sulph., con., crot-h., cupr-s., kali-i., mag-m., mere,
tabac, tax., Tereb., uran., sal-ac, sars., myric, nat-s., nit-ac, osm., phos., sep.,
zinc. sulph., uran., valer.

alcohol, after abuse of: Ars., aur., bell., berb., BLOODY: Aeon., aloe, alumn., ambr., ant-c,
calc-a., Carb-V., chin., crot-h., cupr., ferr., ant-t.. Apis, Arg-n., Am., Ars,, aspar.,
lach., led., mere, nat-c, nux-v., sulph. aur., bell., benz-ac, berb., Cact., Calc,
camph., Cann-S., Canth., caps., carb-s.,
amaurosis: Apis, ars., cann-i., colch., gels.,
carb-v., caust., chim., chin., chin-s., cimic,
hep., kalm., merc-c, ph-ac, plb.
Coc-c, colch., coloc, coti., cop., Crot-h., cub.,
chronic : Atro. cedr. petr. plb.
, ,
cupr-ac, cupr-s., dulc, equis., erig., ferr.,
Ham., hell., hep., hyper., Ip., jatr.,
cold and dampness, from exposure to: Calc,
kali-chl., kali-i., kali-n., kalm., kreos. lach.,,
colch., dulc, kali-c, merc-c, nux-v., rhus-t.,
lyc, mere, Merc-C, mez.. Mill., murx.,
nat-m., nit-ac, nux-v., op., ox-ac, pall.,
diphtheria, after: Afs., apis, carb-ac, kali-chl., pareir., ^^tr. ph-ac, VhOB., plb., psor., Ptds.,
lach., lyc, merc-c, merc-cy., phyt. rhodo., rhus-a., rhus-t., sahsid., sabin., sars.,
heart disease, consecutive to: Ars., aur-m., Secale, senec, Sep., Squil., sul-ac, sulph.,
Calc-a., colch., crot-h., cupr., dig., kali-bi.,
tabac, tarent., Tereb., thuj., uva., vesp.,
kali-p.,kalm., lach., petr., tereb., uran. zinc
insanity, during: Phyt. night: Caust.

) 1

chronic: Eng. acid, as from: Ox-ac.

clots: Alumn., apis, ars., cad., cantb., chim.,

menses, before: Apis, canth., verat., zinc.
colch., ip., lye, ph-ac, plat.
menses, during: Nux-v., zinc.
putrid, decomposed blood, of: Colcb.
dysentery, in: Cop., ip., merc-c. CASTS, containing: Apis, kali-chl., natr-a.,
phos., plb., pul-n., sul-ac, uran.
excitement, after: Phos.
blood: Plb., tereb.
first part: Con.
epithelial: Apis, ant-t., brach., carb-ac,
hemorrhoidal flow or menses, after sudden
MeTC-C, phos., plb., sul-ac.
stopping of: Niix-v.
fat drops, with: Merc-c, Phos.
last part: Ant-t., canth., ferr-p., Hep., lye,
mez.,puls., sars., thuj., zinc. fibrous: Cann-s., cimic, kalm., ph-ac, phos.,
mixed with blood and pus: Sars.
granular: Canth., carb ac, merc-c, nat-hy.,
violent pain in the bladder, with: Ant-t, petr., phos., -pic-ac, plb., sul-ac.
hyaline: Carb-ac, brach., petr., phos., plb.
menses, suppressed, from: Laur., lye, mez.,
mill., nux-v. mucous: Brach., cann-s., cimic.

pale: Sul-ac.
urination, after, blood flows from urethra:
Hep., mez., puis., sars., sulph., thuj. tubes, of: Ant-c, Apis, bism., canth., cimic,
hep., merc-c, phos., pic-ac, plb., sulph.,
water-like: Pall.

BRICK-DUST. ( See " Sediment. '

' waxy: Brach., morph., phos.

BTIRNIlfG "Hot"): Aeon., ^sc,
(includes yellowish: Sul-ac.
agar., agn.,
Aloe, all-c, alum., alumn.i
ambr., am-c, am-m., ang., anl-c, ant-t.,
CLOUDY: Acet-ac, aeon., asc, agar., agn., aloe,
alum., alumn., ambr., anac, am-c, am-m.,
Apis, apoc, arg-m., arg-n., arn., Ars.,
ant-c, ant-t.. Apis, apoc, arg-m., am.,
Asaf., asc-c, aspar., aur., aur-m., bapt.,
ars., aspar., aur.,
aur-m., bell, benz-ac,
bar-c. Bell., benz-ac, berb., bov.,
Bor. Berb., brom., Bry., cact., calad.,
bry., cact., calad., calc calc-a., calc-p!,
calc, calc-f., camph., cann-s.,
Camph., Cann-i., Cann-s., Canth., Canth.,
carb-an., carb-s., Carb-V., card-m., caust.,
carb-an., carb-s., carb-v., canst., cham.,
chel., chim.,
Cham., Chel., Chin., chin-s., Cina, cinnb.,
chin., chin-s., cimic, clem.,
clem., coca, coc-c, colch., coloc, com..
cob., coc-c, colch., coloc, cofi., conv., cop.,
cor-r., crot-t.,
Con., cop., crot-h., crot-t., cupr., cur., cycl.,
Cub., cupr., cur., dig., dulc,
daph., dig., dulc, elaps, ferr., gels..
eup-pur., equis., ery-a., eug., ferr., fl-ac.,
glon., grat., Graph., grat., hep., hyos., hydr-ac, hyper.,
helon., Hep., hydr-ac, ign.,
ign., indg., iod., ip., kali-ac, kali-bi.,
indg., ip., kali-bi., kali-c, kali-i.,
kali-c, kali-chl., kali-i., kali-n., kreos.,
kalm., kreos., lach., lact., laur., lil-t.,
lac-ac, lach., laur., lith., lyc, lyssin, mag-c,
mag-c, Merc, Merc-c, ^jsstt~-mur-ac.,
mag-m.. Mere, merc-c, mez., Myric,
Nat-C, nat-m.,
Nat-S., nat-p.,
nat-c, nat-m., nit-ac, nux-v., olnd., op.,
nice, Nit-ac, nux-m.,
Nux-v., olnd op., ,
pall., par., petr.,
ox-ac, pareir.. par., petr., petros.,
Ph-ac, Phos., plat., plb.,
ph-ac, psor., puis.,
phos., raph., rat., rhodo., rhus-t..
pic-ac, plb., prun., psor., ptds., rumx., Sabad., sabin., sarr., sars., secale,
ran-sc, rhodo., rhus-r., rhus-t., sabad.,
seneg., Sep., sil., stram., sul-ac,
sabin., sang., sars., secale, Sulph.,
senec, seneg.,
thuj ,
uva, valer., verat., viol-t., zinc, zing.
sil., spig., squil.. staph., stram.,
sul-ac, Sulph., tabac/fawi/., morning: Berb., cann-s.,
tereb., Thuj., chel., meph., zinc.
Uva, verat., vesp., viol-t., zinc.
standing, on: Chel., dig.

night: Alum., kali-bi., phos., sulph. brown: Aeon., alum., alumn., amhr., ant-c,

chalk had been stirred into it, as if: Alum.,

apis, Am., Ars., asaf., bar-c, bell.,

Benz-ac, brom., Bry., bufo, calc, camph.,

ph-ac, sulph.
carb-ac, card m., Chel., cimx., coc-c,
fever, with: Ars., bell., berb., bry., lye, colch., coloc, con., cupr., dig., dros., graph.,
ph-ac, phos., puis., rhus-t., sabad., sars., hell., hep., ip., kali-bi., kali-i., kreos., lach.,
sep. lact., lil-t, lyc, mane, mere, Merc-C,
gray clouda: Lyc. myric, nat-m., nit-ac, olnd., op., petr.,

phos., plb., prun., puis., secale, sep., squil.,

passed, when: Anac, ars., aspar., Canth., stram., sul-ac, sulph., tarent., valer., zinc.
carb au., Chel., hep., hyos., mere, mur-ac,
sars., sep.,
beer, like: Aspar., benz-ac, bry., Chel.,
nat-a., rhus-t., sabin., sant.,
coloc, hyper., phos., puis., strich.,
sulph., Tereb., verat., zinc.
passing, soon after: Ang., aspar., bar-c,
chestnut: Kreos.,
Berb., Chel., coloc, lyc, nat-c, rhus-t.,
seneg., sil. cow-dung with water, like: Ars.

perspiration, with: Chin., cina, con., dulc, dark: Aeon., aesc, all-c, all-s., ambr.,
ign., Merc. Phos., puis., rhus-t., ant-t., am., ars., asaf., bar-c, calc,
sabad., sep. camph., carb-ac, caud., Chel., colch.^

dig., eup-pur., graph., jaur., lach., lept.,

reddish clouds; feali-n.
lyc, mere, nit-ac, op., osm., petr., phos.,
standing, on: Acet-ac, agar., aloe, alum., plb., podo., psor., puis., secale, Sep.,
alumn., ang., ant-t., apis, arg-n., arn., ars., sulph., tabac, valer., zing.
aur., bar-c, Bell., berb., bov., brom., Bry.,
prune juice, like, or prune colored:
calc, caust., Cham., Chel., Chin., chin-s.,
cimic, cina, coc-c, coloc, con., crot-t
ery-a., ferr., during: Aeon., arn., bell., bry.,
cupr., dig., dulc, equis, fever,

Oraph, grat., hep., kreos., lach., laur., carb-v., ip., lyc, nux-v., puis., rhus-t.,
lobel., Lyc, mag-m., mang., meph., mere, Sep., Verat.
mez., nit-ac, olnd., ol-an., par., petr.,
menses, during: Eupi., nat-m.
phos., rat., rhus-t., sabad.,
Ph-ac, plat.,
sul-ac, perspiration, during: Aeon., ant-t.,
sang., sars., seneg., sep., squil.,
bell., bry., calc, canth., carb-v.,
Tereb., thuj., valer., verat., zinc
hep., ip., mere, puis., selen., Sep.,
white clouds: Cina, mur-ac, nat-m., ph-ac, staph., sulph., thuj., verat.
plat., rhus-t., sars.
Ant-c, bell., Benz-ac, canth.,
turbid, which becomes more so as the emis nat-a., phos., plb.,
Chel., dig., iod., lyc,
sion continues so that the last drops look Sep., verat.
like flocks: Rhus-t., sars., sep.
yellowish: Ambr., dig., lyssin.
COLD: Agar., nit-ac.
anac, berb., cor-r., laur., nat-m.,
clay: Agar.,
Aug., ars-h., beuz-am., sabad., sars., Sep., sul-ac, zinc,
COLOR, black: ars.,

canth Carb-ac, chion., cina, Colch., dig.,

shaking on: Anac.
erig., hell., kali-c, kali-chl., Lach.,
merc-c, nat-m., pareir., phos., secale, standing, on: Cham., ferr-mag., laur.

Tereb., verat. coffee, like: Apis, lach.,


ink, like: Colch. from admixture with blood: Kali-n.

(^sc, agar., ang., agn.,
blackish: Kali-c. dark: Acon.,
all-s., aloe, alum., am-caust., anag.,
arg-n., am., ars., asaf.,
bluish: Nit-ac. Ant-t., Apis, apoc,
asc-t., bapt., BeU., Benz-ac, berb.,
containing indican: Pic-ac

COLOR, dark. COLOR, pale.

brach., brom., Bry., calc, calc-f., calc-p., eup-pur., euphr., ferr., ferr-p., fl-ac, gels.,
cann-i., canth., caps., carb-ac:, carb-v., glon., ham. hell., helon.,//^/., hydr., hyos.,

card-m., cedr., chel., chim., chin., chiii-s., ign., iod., kali-c, kali-i., Kali-n., kreos.,

cic, cimic, clem., cob., coc-c, Colch., con., lach., lac-ac, lac-d., laur., lil-t., lye,
conval., cop., Crot-h., crot-t., cupr., cur., mag-c, mag-ni., mag-s., mere, Merc-C.,
cycl., dig., elat, erig., Equis., ery-a., eug., mez., mosch., mur-ac, nat-a., nat-c,
eup-per., ferr., ferr-i., gels., glon., graph.. Nat-m., nat-p., nat-s., nit-ac, nux-m.,
Hell., hep., hydr., hyos., hyper., iod., ip., nux-v., ol-an., olnd., op., ox-ac, par.,
iris, jab., kali-bi., kali-c, kali-i kali-n., , Ph-ac, phos., phell., phyt., pic-ac, plat.,
Lach,, Lac-ac, lac-d., lil-t., lith., lye, plant., plb., puis., raph., rheum, rhodo.,
Merc, Merc-C, merc-i-f., merc-i-r., mez., rhus-t., Sars., secale, seneg., sep., squil.,
mill., mur-ac.,myric., nat-a., nai-c, nat-m., staph., stram., strojit., sul-ac, sulph., tabac,
nat-p., nat-s., nit-ac, nux-ni., nux-v., op., tarax., tereb., teucr,, thuj., verat., vine,
pall., par., petr., ph-ac, //^oj., pic-ac, Plb., zinc, zing.
podo., plel., puis., rhus-L, sabad., sabin.,
fever, during: Cedr., cham.
samb., sang., sars., secale, Selen., senec,
seneg., Sep., spig., staph., stann., stram., perspiration, during: Arn., bell., chin., corx.,
sul-ac, stront., sulph., tabac, tarax., tell., ign., Ph-ac., phos., puis., rhus-t., stram.,
Tereb., thuj., uran., valer., Verat., verat-v., thuj.
vip., xanth., zinc, zing.
red: Aeon., cesc, aeth., agar., agn., all-c,
morning: Chel., mez., sang., seneg. aloe, alum., alumn., am-m., ant-c, ant-t.,
apis, arg-n., am., ars., asc-t., aur., bad.,
evening: Ruta, sang., thuj.
bapt., bell.,benz-ac, berb., bov., Bry,, bufo,
menses, during: Nat-m ,
sars. cacL, calad., calc, camph., cann-i cann-s., ,

greenish: Apis, ars., aur., bapt., bell.,berb., Canth., caps., carb-ac, carb-a7i., carb-v.,
bov., calc, Camph., carb-ac, chel., chim., caust., cedr., chel., clem., cocc, coc-c, coflf.,

colch., con., cop., crot-h., crot-t., cupr., cycl.,

chitt., chin-s., cifia, colch., cop., crot-h.,
daph., dig., dulc, elaps, equis., ferr., grat.,
ind., iod., mag-c, mag-s., mang.,
nat-m., nit-ac, ol-an., phell., phos., rheum, hep., iod., ip., iris, kali-bi., kali-c, kali-i.,

rhodo., ruta, seneg., sul-ac, kali-n., kreos., lach., lachn., laur., led.,
sulph., verat.,
uran. lept., lil-t., lith., lob., lye, mere, merc-c,
merc-i-r., mez., mur-ac, nat-m., nat-p.,
black: Kali-chl.
nux-v., op., par., petr., phos., phyt., pic-ac,
dark: Anac, carb-ac, nat-m., sant. plat., plb., podo., puis., rheum, rhus-r.,
fhus-t., sabin., sang., sars., selen., senec,
light: Bapt., cina.
seneg., Sep., sil., squil., staph., Stram.,
mahogany: 2S,sc., eup-per., plb. sul-ac, sulph., sumb., tabac, tax., tereb.,
milky. (See " Milky.") thuj ,
tuberc, verat., zinc.

evening: Selen.
ochre. (See "yellow.")
blood-red: je,sc:, apis, bell., berb., calc,
olive-hue, milky: Pic-ac.
carb-v., cham., coff., crot-h., crot-t., ferr.,
pale: Acet-ac, aeon., ^th., agar., alum., hell., hep., kali-i., mere, petr., pic-ac,
ambr., am-c, anac, ang., anthr., ant-c, rhus-t., Sep.

apis., apoc. arg-m., arg-n., am., ars., bright red: Am-m., bov.
arum-t., asaf., atro., aur., bell., berb.,
brownish-red: Ant-c, ant-t., apis, apoc,
bry., bufo, calad., calc, calc-f.,
camph., chel., coc-c, hep., lac-ac, mere, plb.,
cann-i., canth., caps., carb-ac,
puis., rhodo., sulph.
carb-s., carb-v, caul., cedr., cham., chel.,
chin., chin-s., cimic.. cina. clem., clear and: Acon.,ch&\.
cocc, coc-c, coff., colch., coloc. dark-red: JEsc
Con., cop., aloe, ant-c, ant-t
, arg-n., ,
crot-t., cycl., dig., dulc, erig., equis.. bapt., benz-ac, carb-v., cedr., clem., cob..

COLOE, red, dark-red.
COLORLESS: Agar., alum., anae, apis, ang.,
cop., crot-h., cupr., /err., grat., hep., ip., apoc, bar-c, bell., berb., camph.,
lob., mere, merc-i-r., nat-s., op.,
lye, carb-ac, caust., cham., coc-c, coff., con.,
pareir., phos phyt., plb., crot-h., dig., ferr., Qels., hyos., kali-n.,
, polyg.,
puis., rheum, secale, Sep., squil., staph., kreos., laur., lil-t., lith., med., murx.,
sul-ac, tabac; tarent., nat-a., Nat-m., 7iux-v., phos., ph-ac,
tell., thuj., valer.
plant., puis., runix., sang., sarr., sars., sep.,
deep-red: Aiit-c, ant-t., carb-v., cupr., hep.,
sil., stram., squil., sulph., verat., ust., zing.
lobel., mere, phyt., rhus-r., sul-ac.

fever, with: Nux-v. menses, during: Cham., phos-ac, vib.

fiery red: Ars., bell, camph., chin., crot-t.,

CONSTITUENTS, where there is diminution of,
mere, plb., selen.
there is increase of stools: Colch.
perspiration, with: Cedr.
COPIOUS (increased): Acet-ac, aeon., aesc,
reddish-yellow: Aeon., daph. ceth., agar., agn., all-c, Aloe, alum.,

white feces, with: Aeon, alumn., ambr., am-e, am-m., anac, ang.,
anthr., ant-c, ant-t., apis, apoc, Arg-m.,
sherry: Apoc, squil., sulph.
Arg-n., am., ars., arum-t., aster., Aspar.,
smoke-color: Carb-ac, crot-h., atro., aur., aur-m., aur-m-n., bar-c ,ha.T-m.,
Tereb. bell., benz-ae, berb., bism., bov., brach.,
brom., bry., bufo, cact., calc, calc-f.,
violet: Apis, indg., mur-ac, nux-m. calc-p., camph., Cann-i,, cann-s., canth.,
white: Alls., alum., alumn., ambr., am-c, caps., carb-an., carb-ac, carb-v., card-m.,
ang., arn., bapt., bell., berb., bry., cann-s., caul., caust., cedr., cham., chel., chim.,
canth., causl., cham., chel., chin., cina, chin., cimic, cina,
chin-s., chlol., cic,
coloc, con., cycl dulc, lac-ac, lye, mere, cinnb., clem., cob., coce, coc-c,
nat-ra., phos., plan., rhus-t., secale, spang., colch., coloc, con., conval., cop., crot-h.,
sulph. crot-t., cub., cur., cycl., daph., dig., dros.,

morning: Lac-ac. dulc, elaps, elat., erig., equis., eryn-a.,

eup-per., eup-pur., euphr., eupi., fago.,
chalk, as if mixed with: Merc, ph-ac, ferr., ferr-i., ferr-p., fl-ac, form., gamb..
Gels., gins., glon., gnaph., graph., grat.,
jelly-like: Cina, coloc. guaj., ham., hep., helon., hell., hyos., ign.,
standing, on: Nit-ac. iod., iris, jatr., kali-a., kali-c, kali-chl.,

yellow, light: Aeon., agar., aloe,am-m., ang., kali-i., kali-n., kalm., Kreos., Lac-ac,
lach., lact., laur., led., lil-t., lith., lob.,
ani-c, apis, apoc, ars., Aur., bell., berb.,
bufo, cact., camph.,
lye, lyssin, mag-c, mag-s., mang., meli.,
cann-s., carb-an.,
carb-v., chain., chel., chin., colch., crot-t.,
Merc, merc-e, merc-i-f., merc-i-r., mez.,
daph., hydr-ac,
morph., Mosch., rmwx., Mur-ac, mygal.,
hyos., iod., jatr., kalm.,
kali-bi., kali-n., led.,
nat-a.,Nat-C, nat-m., nat-p., Nat-S., nice,
Lach., lact., laur.,
nit-ac, nux-m., nux-v., olnd., ol-an., op.,
mag-m., nat-c, nit-ac, plb., raph., samb.,
ox-ac, pall., par., petros., petr., Ph-ac,
Sep., verat., zinc.
phos., phyt., pic-ae, plant., plb., podo.,
thick and turbid like rotten eggs: Daph. prun., psor., Puis., raph., rat., rhodo.,
dark: .^sc, agar., arg-n., ars., berb., cedr., Rhus-r,, Rhus-t., rumx., ruta, sabad.,
chel., con., hep., kctli-c, nat-c, sang., sabin., samb., sang., sarr., sars., secale,
staph. selen., senec, seneg., sil., Spig., spong.,
Squil., stann., staph., stram., stront.,
lemon: Agar., ambr., bell-, chel., coc-c,
sul-ac, Sulph,, tabac, tarax., tarent., tax.,
eupi., ign., nat-c , op., sant. ,
tabac, zinc.
tereb., teucr., ther., thuj., trill., valer.,
orange: Am-m., ang., carb-an., cina, crot-t.,
vip., zinc,
verat., verat-v.. Verb., viol-t.,
cupr-ar., lye, phos., plan., plb., sant.,
seneg., zinc.
safifron: Aloe, cina, sant. daytime: Cina, ham., pic-ac, sulph.

) .

morning: Ambr., am-m. ,
bar-ac, cain., exhaustion, attended with: Benz-ae, calc-p.,
carb-an., equis., laur., lye, mag-s ,
mere, carb-ae, chin-s., cimic, ferr., lye, raed.
mez., nat-c, nat-p., op., sars., sul-ac.
and much thirst: Chin-s.
6 a. m. : Nat-a.
fever, during: Ant-c, arg-m., ars., aur-m-n.,
forenoon: Arg-n., lye, mez. cedr., chant., colch., dulc, eup-pur., lyc,

noon: Op. med., mur-ac, phos., squil., Stram.

afternoon: All-c, aloe, headache, with: Aeon., asc-t, bell., canth.,
alum., am-c, bor.,
bov., dig., laur., nat-m., nat-p., nice, op. chin-s., cinnb., eug., ferr-p., gels., glon.,
rumx., thuj. ign., iris, kalm., lac-c. ,
lac-d., mosch.,
ol-an., sang., selen., sep., sil., uran., verat.,
siesta, after: Cycl.
vib., vip.
evening: Am-e, coloc, fl-ac, helou., kali-chl. after: Asc-t., iris.
laur., Lyc, lyssin, op., ox-ae, pall., sang,
sulph., thuj., zinc. which amel.: Ferr-p., Qels., ign., kalm.,
meli., sang., sil.
7 p. m. : Cic, pic-ac.
followed by copious limpid urine and vomit-
8 p. m.: Cic.
ing: Iris.
10 p. m. Phos.
hunger and thirst, with. Verat.
night: Agar., aloe, am-c, am-m., ant-c, ant-t.
menses, before: Cinnb., hyos.
apis, arg-m., arg-n., ars., bapt., bar-e, bell.
bov., bry., cad., Calc-f., carb-ae, carb-an. during: Cham., hyos., kali-bi., Ph-ac,
caust., chin., chlol., coloc, cop., cupr. phyt., sulph , vib.
cycl., dig., euphr., gels., hyper., kali-chl. pain in back, which amel. :
Lyc, med.
kali-n., lac-c, led., liih., Lyc, mag-e
mere, mez., perspiration, with: Acon., ant-c, bell.,
nat-a., nat-c. nat-m., nat-s. ,
nice, op., petr., ph-ac, phyt., plan., prun., Dulc, ign., lach., lyc, mag-c, mur-ac],
rhus-r., nat-c, nat-m., ph-ac,
ruta, sang., sars., Spig^., stram., Phos.. Rhus-t.,
samb., seneg., spig., squil., stann.,
Sulph., then, thuj. stram
lying while: Bell.
vomiting, with: Aeon., lach., verat.
menses, before: Am-m., cann-s., hyos.
CUTICLE forming on the surface of the
during: Ph-ac. cludes "Fatty"): Agar., all-c, alum.,
alumn., arg-n., bell., calad., calc,
stool, during: Am-c, sulph. canth.|
chin., chin-s., cob., com., crot-t., dulc.
midnight: Coflf., op. graph., hep., iod.,

kali-a., kali-bi., lac-ac

laur., lyc, med,, merc-c, op.,
after: Carb-ac, ox-ae, plb., Sulph. Par., petr'
ph-ae, phos., psor., puis., rumx.,
4 a. m. : Plb. sars '

Sep., sin-a., sul-ac, sulph., sumb., thuj

5 a. m.: Carb-ae, ox-ac. verat, verat-v., zinc.

amenorrhcea, with: Alum., am-c, caul.,

iridescent: Agar., all-c, alumn.,
bapt., bell
gels., nat-m., sulph. canth., chin., coca., cycl.,
graph., hep., ioA.,
op. Par., petr. phos. sars.
apyrexia, during: Ars., cale, chin.,
, , sep. sin-a
, ,
graph., nux-v., samb., valer. bluish: Alumn.
coryza, with: All-c., calc., verat. whitish: Arg-n., kali-bi., merc-e,
delirium, after: Strain. morning: Arg-n.

eating, after; Puis, FLAKY, flocculent. (See '

' Sediment. '


epilepsy, after: Cupr.

FROTHY: Aeon., AU-c, apis, arn., ars.,
Chel., chin., chin-s., clem., con., cop"

crot-t., cub., glon., iris, jatr., kali-c, Lach., urination, at close of: Carb-v., coff., rhus-t.,
laur., lith , Lyc, niyric, nat-in., 7tai-s., op., sep.
pareir., phos., Selen., Seneg., Spong., last drops like flakes: Rhus-t.
MUCUS in. (See " Sediment.")
morning: Ars-h., crot-t., hyper,

afternoon: Chel.
MUDDY: Hyper., kali-c, lyc, nat-m., pall.,
rhus-t., sabad., uva-u., zinc.
night: Crot-t.
NEUTRAL Arn., bapt., canth., dig., eup-per.,

greenish-yellow: Phos. helon., kali-c, hyos., lept., phos., plb.

violet ring: Puis. ODORLESS: Bell., cedr., chlol., coc-c,

dros., kali-cy., senec, spong.
GELATINOUS, lumpy on standing: Cina, coloc,
ph-ac. ODOR oflFensive: Agar., aloe, ambr., ant-t., Apis,
arg-m., Am., ars., asaf., asar., aspar., aur.,
INDICAN, containing: Nit-ac, pic-ac.
aur-m., Bapt., bar-m., Benz-ac, bar., bufo,
calad., calc, camph., carb-ac, carb-an.,
JELLY-LIKE: Coloc, crot-h.
Carb-V., caust., chim., chin., clem., colch.,
Bell., carb-ac, chim., cina, coc-c, dig., coloc, cupr., daph., dig., dros., Dulc,
dulc, elat., eup-per.. Gels,, hydr., iris, fl-ac, graph., guaj., hell., hydr., hyper.,
kali-i., mere, plan., sarr., thuj. ind., iod., iris, kali-bi., kali-br., kali-c,
kali-i., kreos., lach., lyc, med., meph.,
MILKY: Agar., Apis, arn., aur., aur-m., berb.,
mere, murx., nat-c, nat-m., Nit-ac,
bov., calc, caj., cann-s., carb-v., card-m.,
nux-v. op. petr. ph-ac. phos. plb. puis.
caust., chin-s., cina, clem., coloc, con., cop., , , , , , ,

rhodc, sal-ac. secale, Sep., stann., Sulph.,

cycL, dulc, gels., hep., iod., kali-bi., lil-t., ,

tabac, tarent., tereb., tril., uran., variol.,

lyc, mere, merc-c, niur-ac, nat-m.,
verat-v., Viol-t.
nit-ac, Ph-ac, phos., plb., rhus-t., sep.,

stann., s'vl^S.., sulph. acrid, pungent: Am-c, asaf., Bor., calc,

calc-f., caniph., cann-s., caust., clem.,
morning: Lil-t., nat-m.
cob., fl-ac, graph., hep., lyc, mere,
afternoon: Agar. nit-ac, par., rhus-t., rhodo., stram., thuj.

cheesy milk had been stirred ip, as if: Alumn., fever, during: Arg-m., kreos., lyc, mere,
ph-ac ph-ac, rhus-t., squil., staph., sulph.

curdled-like: Ph-ac, phos. menses, during: Nit-ac, sep.

emotion, after every, as if stirred up with perspiration, during: Ars., carb-v., dulc,
chalk: Ph-ac. nit-ac, ph-ac, puis., sep., thuj., viol-t.

flour, as if mixed with Ph-ac : sweaty feet, like: Sulph.

hydrocephalus, in, very little but frequent dis- ammoniacal: Aloe, am-caust., am-m., Asaf.,
charges of milky urine with unconscious- aur., bell., bor., brom., bufo, cain., calc,
ness and delirium: Apis. carb-ac, carb-v., chel., chin-s., coc-c, dig.,
dulc, equis., ferr., graph., Iod., kreos.,
menses, before: Ph-ac.
lach., lyc, mere, Mosch., nit-ac, pareir.,
during: Berb., nat-m. petr., phos., puis., rhodo., sil., stront.,

after: Nat-m. tabac. viol-t.


passed, when: Mur-ac. infants: Iod.

perspiration, during: Phos. aromatic: Benz-ac, carb-ac, eup-pur.

standing, on: Cina, ph-ac. burnt horn: Am-m.

cat's urine: Aspar., caj., vib., viol-t.
turbid, and: Bry., calc, cann-s., chin., con.,
cycl., dulc, psor., rhus-t. changeable: Benz-ac

, ,

coffee: Berb. carb-an., carb-v., card-m., cast., canst.
cedr., cham., chel., chim., chin., chin-s.
eggs, spoiled, like: Daph.
cic, cimx., cimic, cina, clem., cob., cocc,
fishy: Astac, ol-an., urau. coc-c, coff., Colch., coloc. Con., cop., croc,
crot-h., cupr., cupr-ac, cupr-s., cur., cycl.y
fish-brine: Bufo.
Dig'., dros., dulc., elat., Equis., erig.,
horse's urine like: Abs., benz-ac, nai-c.,
ery-a., eng., enp-piir., euph.,
Nit-ac, phos. eupi., /cr7'., ferr-i., fl-ac, Graph., Grat.,
mouldy: Am-m. camph., phys., sulph.
guaj., ham., Hell., helon., hep., hydr.,
hyos., hyper., ign., indg., iod ip., iris,
musk: Acim-c. ,

jatr., kali-a., kali-bi., kali-br., kali-c,

mitmeg: Nux-m. kali-chl., kali-i., KaU-n., kreos., Lac-ac.»

onions: Cupr-ar., gamb., phos. lack., lac-c, lac-d., lact., laur., led., lept.,
Lil-t., lith., lob., lye, lycop., lyssin,
putrid: Aloe, ars., aur., aur-m., bar-m.,
mag-m., mag-s., meny.. Mere, Merc-C.»
benz-ac, calad., carb-an., carb-v., coc-c,
Merc-d., mez., morph.,
mur-ac, naja^
coloc, daph., hell., hydr., nat-c, ph-ac,
nat-c, nat-m., uat-p., Nat-S., nice, Nit-ac,
nux-m., Nux-V., olnd.. Op., osm., ox-ac,
fever, during: Ph-ac. pall., pareir., par., petr., ph-ac, phos.^
phyt., pic-ac, VVb^podo., prun., psor., puls.y
sourish: Anibt:, benz-ac, calc. chel., graph.,
rat., rhodo., rhus-r., rhus-t., Ruta, sabad.,
mere, nai-c, petr. , Sep.
sabin., sacch., sang., sarr., Sars., secale,
strong: ^EIsc, am-ni., arg-n. asaf. , ant t.
Selen., seneg., spong., sguiL^
Sep., sil.,
aspar., Benz-ac, bufo, calad., calc, calc-p., Staph., stann., stram., stront., sul-ac,
carb-ac. ,
carb-v., chel., chin-s., cob., conv., Sulph., syph., tabac, tarax., tell., Tereb.,
dig., dros., fl-ac, hydr., ind., iris, kali-bi., ther., thuj., verat., verat-v., verb., xanth.,.
kreos., lack., lil-t.,mere, merc-c,
lye, zinc
mez., nied., nat-m., Nit-ac, nux-m., phos.,
pic-ac, Sep., stram., sulph., thuj., valer.,
daytime: Msc, lyc.

zinc, zing. morning: Ars-h., coff., dig., fl-ac, mez., os-ac,

sang., sul-ac, zinc.
intensely urinous: Benz-ac.
afternoon: Hell., rumx., thuj.
menses, before: Merc.
evening: Arg-n., ferr-i., fl-ac, mag-c, nat-m.,
sweetish: jE)th., arg-m., ferr-i., hyper.,
kali-ac, nux-m., tereb.
night: Ant-c, cic, coc-c, lyc, carb-an.,
tobacco, like: Nit-ac.
violets, like: Clem., cop., cub., lact.,
alternating with copious flow: Dig.
nux-m., osm., phos., selen. tereb. ,

amenorrhoea, with: Aeon., apis, chin., cocc,

evening: Osm. ham., hell., laur., lil-t., nux-m., xanth.
POLYPOUS formations in: Calc. brain affections, with: Apis, bell., bry.,
PURULENT. (See "Sediment")
fever, during: Apis, cann-s., canth colch.,
SCANTY: P^'^'^ol., aeon., cbsc, agar., af/., all-s.,
nit-ac, nux-v., op., puis., staph.

aloe, Alum., alumn., ambr., am-c, am-m.,

anac, ang., anthr., ant-c, ant-t., Apis, headache, during, copious after: Asc-t.,
apoc., arg-n., am., Ars., Arum-t., asaf., menses, before: Apis.
asc-s., aspar., aur., aur-m., bapt., bell.,
during: Nat-m.
benz-ac, berb., bov., brom., bry., bufo,
cact., calad., calc, calc-a., calc-f., camph., perspiration, during: Ant-t., apis, arn.,
cann-i., cann-s., Canth., caps., carb-ac, bry., Calc, canth., carb-v., caust.,

SCANTY, perspiration, during.
AvXc, graph.. Hell., hep., hyos.,
chin., dig.,
clay-colored:Alum., alumn., am-c, am-m.,
mere, mt-&c., nux-v., Op., puis., rhus-t, anac, Berb., chin-s., cor-r., mang.,
staph., SulpL, verat. sars., Sep., sulph., thuj..
SEDIMENT: Aeon., tesc, agar., alum., atnbr., adhesive: Sep.
iuii-caust, am-in., ant-c, ant-t., apis, arn.,
menses, during, hard to wash off: Sep.
ars., benz-ac, herb., bry., calc, Canth.,
carb-v caust., cedr., chain., clots, yellow-red: Cob.
, chim., chin.,
chin-s., cimx., cina, Coloc,
con., cop., cloudy: Alum., alumn., ambr., am-m., anac,
cupr., dig., dulc, ferr., graph., ip., kali-c,
Berb., bry., carb-v., caust, cham., chin.,
kali-i., kali-n., laur., led., Lyc, mang., crot-t., claps, hydr-ac, kali-n., lach., laur.,
Merc, mez., naja, nat-a., nat-m., nit-ac, mag-m., mere, olnd., par., petr., ph-ac,
nux-m., op., par.,/>,?i;n, Ph-ac, /-Ao^., plb., phos., plat., rat., se7ieg., thuj., valer., zinc.
Puis., rhus-t., sal-ac. Bars., Sep., sU.,
coffee grounds, like: Ambr., Apis, Hell.,
spong., staph., s\.\\-&c., sulph. tarent., tereb.,

lach,, tereb.
thuj., Valer., Zinc.
copious: Agar., all-6., am-c, arn., ars., bell.,
adherent: Brom., chins., cimx., coca., coloc,
Berb., calc, carb-an., cham., chim., chin.,
cupr., daph., ferr., lac-c, nat-m., nit-ac,
coloc, con., cop., crot-t., cycl., kali-bi.,
petr., phos., phyt., plat., puis., Sep.,
kali-c, laur., lyc, phos., puis., sal-ac,
tarent., thuj.
albuminous: Apoc, merc-c, ocim. crusty: Canst., nat-c, phos., Sep., sars.
amorphous: lod., hydrang., ang.
crystals: Arg-u., coloc, crot-t., ferr-m., lyc
black: Tereb. dark: Crot-h., iod., phos., puis.
bloody: Aeon., ant-t., apis, calc, cann-s., dirty: Anac, chin.
Canth., carb-v., coloc, cham.. Chim., con.,
crot-h., dulc, hell., lyc, mez., Ph-ac., earthy: Ant-t., mang., sul-ac.

phos., Puis., Sep., sul-ac, sulph., tereb., fine deposit: Sep.

flocculent: Aeon., ambr., aspar., agar., alum.,
bluish: Pic-ac, prun. be)tz-ac, Berb., brom., calc, calc-p., cann-s.,

bran-like: Aloe, ambr., berb., cedr. Canth., cham., chel., cina, chin., cleni., cob.,
coca, coc-c, coloc, crot-t., cycl., eup-pur.,
bright: Nit-ac. ery-a., grat., hell., hep., iod., kali-c, kali-i.,

brown: Ambr., apis, am., chin-s., crot-t, kali-n., laur., lith., mere, merc-c, Mez.,
dig., lach., lob., thuj., valer. nit-ac, petr., ph-ac, phos., plb., rhus-t.,
rumx., Sars., seneg., squil., sumb., thuj.,
dark: ^sc, all-s., plb., spig.
uran., valer., zinc.
dirty: Aeon.
white: Phos.
light: Coloc, puis.
standing, on: Zinc.
pinkish: Myric.
gelatinous: Berb., calad., <:/«';«., coca, coc-c,
reddish: Lith. Coloc, crot-h.,dtUc, hy dr., /flr«>., ph-ac,
brown and white: Coloc.
granular: Aloe, berb., chiu-s.
burnt, as if: Sep.
gray: Ant-t., con., hyos,, kali-i., led., mang.,
chalky (like flour): Alum., ant-t., calc, chel.,
ph-ac, /"/toj., puis., spong.
eup-per., graph., led., mere, nat-m., ph-ac,
phos., phyt., ruta, sulph. brownish -gray: Chin.

cheesy: Alumn., ph-ac, phos., sars., secale. whitish-gray: Berb., hyos., merc-c, spong.
loose: Alum., carb-an., chin.
chocolate-colored: Chin-s.




mealy: ^gar., Berb., calc, cedr., chin., coc-c, coch., coloc, cop., cupr., daph., dulc,
chin-s., cor-r., kali-c, mere, sep., sulph., elaps, graph., hydr-ac, iod., ip., kali-c,
valer., zinc. kreos., lac-ac, lac-c, lach., laur., led., lil-t.,

lith., lobel., lyc, \yss.\n, mag-s., w^z. ,naja,

milky: Ant-t., ferr-i., ox-ac.
Nat-m., nat-s., nit-ac, nux-v., op., pall.,
mucous: ^sc, a/oe, alumri., ani-c, apoc, par., petr., ph-ac, phos., plat., psor., ptel.,
ars., asc-t., aur., bar-c, bell., Benz-ac, Puis., sang., secale, selen., seneg., Sep.,
Berb., brach., brom., bry., calc, camph., sil., squil., stann., sul-ac, sulph., tereb.,
cann-i., canth., carb-v., caust., chel., thuj., Valer., verat-v.
Chim,, chin-s., cimic, clem., coc-c, colch.,
hard to v?ash off: Aspar., brom.. cimx.,
coloc, con., cop., crot-t., dig., dulc, equis.,
cupr., daph., lac-c, phyt., Sep.
eup-pur., /err., glon., hydr., hyos., indg.,
kali-bi., kali-c, kali-chl., kali-n., lach.,lith., blood-color: Am-c, sep.
lye, mere, Merc-C, naja, nat-c, Nat-m., brick-color: Merc-c, nat-s., petr., phos.,
nat-s., nii-ac, nux-v., op., Pareir., petr.,
ph-ac, phos., Puis., Sars., seneg., Sep.,
sul-ac, sulph., tabac, thuj., til., iereb., bright: Berb., lyc, nit-ac ,
osm., phos.
uran., uva., valer., verat. brownish: Sul-ac
menses, before: Lach. circles, in: Lac-c.

standing, after: Crot-t. dark: Chin., dory., phyt.

tenacious: Caust., coloc, con., mix-v., puis. dirty: Berb., dory.

thick, ropy, bloody mucous, great quantity filaments, fibres: Ant-t.

of: Chim., dulc.
flocculent or powdery: Agar., cob.
offensive: Cupr., lyc.
grainy: Selen.
orange-colored: Chin-s.
mahogany-colored: Laur.
oxalate of lime: Brach., caust., coca, lyc,
white: Tereb.
nit-ac, ox-ac, plb., rhus-t., tereb., zinc.
renal calculi; Bell., berb., canth., coc-c,
pasty: Ars., Sep.
coloc, equis., hydrang., Lith., lyc, mill.,
phosphates: Brach., canth., chin-s., colch., ocim., Pareir., />Ao5., Sars.
ferr-m., kali-br., mag-p., med., Ph-ac,
ropy: Chim., hydr.
phos., pic-ac, ptel., raph., sarr., stann.,
tereb sand: All-c, ambr., am-c, ant-c, arn., ars,
aspar., arund., aur., aur-m., bell., calc,
pink: Berb., Bry., chin., lith.* lob., rheum,
canth., carb-v chel., chin., chin-s eup-pur.,
rhus-r., sep., sumb. ,

ferr-m., lach., Lyc, meny., mere, nat-m.,

purple: Ant-c, \>o\-., fl-ac, mang. ,
ptel. nat-s., nit-ac, nux-m., nux-v., "BYiOs., puis.,
raph., ruta, Sars., secale, Selen.,
purulent (see "Bladder, catanh and inflam- Sil.,
tarent., thuj., tuberc. Zinc.
mation"): Am., ars., aspar., benz-ac,
calc, cann-s., Canth., carb-ac, carb-v., adherent: Puis.
chani., chim., Clem., con, daph., dulc,
bright colored in concentric layers: Chin-s.
#Hp-pur., ham., hep., ip., kali-bi., kali-c,
lyc, mere, nat-s.,
gravel (small calculi) Arg-n., aspar., berb.,
nit-ac, nux-v., petr., :

ptils., sabad., sars., sabin., sal-ac, sep., sil.,

calc, carb coc, coloc, con.,
v., kali-i.,

staph., sulph., uran., nit-ac, nux-m., Sars., zinc.

gray: Phos.
red: Aeon., agar., alum., am-c, a7tt-c, apis,
ars-n.,am.. ars.,ars-h., aspar., astac, bell., pale: Sars.
berb.,brom., cact. camph., Canth., carb-v., red (brick -dust): Aeon., agar., all-c. alum.,
cham., chel., chin., chin-s., cimx., cob.. am-c, am-caust., ant-t., apis, arg-n.'

45 669
SEDIMENT, sand, red. SEDIMENT, white.
Am., Ars., Arund., aspar., aur-m., pearly: Kali-bi
bapt., bell., beiiis-ac, derb., bry., cad.,
snow-white: Rhus-t
carb-v., canst., cliel., chim.,
chin., chins., cimic, cob ,
coc-c, coloc, yellowish. (See " yellow.")
con., cop., dig., glon., grat., hyos., ip.,
yeast-like: Caust., mag-m., mosch., raph.
kali-c.y kali-n ,
lack., led., Lobel,, Lyc,
meph., Merc-C, tnez., nat-m., nat-s., yellow: ^sc, aloe, bar-c, bufo, cham.,
nit-ac, nux-ni., nux-v., ociin., op., ox-ac, chin., chin-s., cob., coca, cupr., daph.[
pall.,Pareir., pelr., Phos., pic-ac, Plan., kali-chl., kali-i., kali-n., lyc, nat-s., phos]^
psor., puis., runix., Selen., Senec, Sep., Sep., sil ,
spong., sul-ac, te-eb., zinc.
siL, Tarent., tereb., thuj., valer., zinc. adhesive: Ferr.
fever during: Lyc, phos. dirty: Chin., nux----., raph.

white: Atn-c, nat-a., phos. grayish: Chel.

precipitated by heat: Nat-a. pasty: Sep.

reddish: All-c, chel., chin., chin-s., cob.,
yellow: Chin-s., cimic, sant., Sil., thuj.
coca, crot-h., nat-s., sep.
yellowish-red crystals: Serb., chel.,
sand. (See "sand.")
chin-s., lyc.
white: Carb-an., chin-s coca, lyssin, nat-s.,
straw colored. Chin-s. ,

phos., raph., tereb.

sugar, like a conglomerate of candied: Chin-s.
SPECIFIC gravity increased: Apoc, Am.,
thick: JEsc, alum., apoc , bell.,
Berb,, benz-ac, canth., coc-c, colch coloc, dig., ,

camph., coloc, cop., dig., ferr-i., hydr-ac, elat, eup-pur., /ifrr., helon., 106. ,
lach., laur., lob., mere, ph-ac, phos., mete, morph., mur-ac, nat-a., onos.,
psor., sabad., secale, spong., sulph., tereb., ph-ac, phos., phyt., pic-ac, sarr.. senec,
valer. Sep., sul-ac, tabac, tell., uran., zinc

standing overnight, after: Bry., crot-t. decreased: Apoc, brach., chlf., cimic, cofiF.,

colch., dig., equis., helon., mere, morph.,

thready: Cann-s., coc-c, nit-ac.
n&i-m., phos., Plb., sulph., uran., verat-v.
translucent: Berb., coloc.
SUGAR: Acet-ac, alls., 3.\\xmn., am-c, amyl-n.,
violet colored: Ant-t., bov., fl-ac, mang., arg-m., ars., benz-ac, Bov., calc, calc-p.,
puis. camph., carb-ac, carb-v., chel., chin., coff.,
white: Aeon., aesc, aeth., agar., aloe, alum., colch., conv., cupr., cur., ferr-m., Helon.,
alumn., am-c, aspar., bar-m., bell., benz ac, hep., kali-chl., kali-n., kali-p., kreos., lac-d.,

Berb., brach., brom., bry., calc, camph., lach., Hic-ac, lith., Lyc., lycps., lyssin,

canth., caps., carb-v., chin., chin-s., colch., mag-s., mosch., morph., nat-s., nit-ac, op.,
coloc, conv., con., crot-t., dig., dulc, euph ,
petr., Ph-ac, Phos., pic-ac, Plb., podo.,
eup-per., eup-pur., ferr., ferr-i., fl-ac, rat., sal-ac. ,
secale, sil., sul-ac, Tarent.,
Graph,, hep., ign., kali-bi. Kreos., laur., Tereb., thuj., Uran., zinc.
lil-t., lyssin, mag-c, murx., nat-m., nat-s,, TASTE sweetish: Arg-m., cupr., nat-m.
nit ac, olnd., ox-ac, petr., ph-ac, Phos., THICK: Aeon., am-caust., ast., apis, apoc, arn.,
phyt., plan., Rhus-t., Sars., secale, seneg., ars., aur., aur-m., bell., benz-ac, berb.,
Sep, spig., spong., sul-ac, sulph., tereb., bufo, camph., canth., carb-v., caust., cina,
valer., zinc, chim., clem., coc-c, C07t., cop., crot-t., cur.,

adhesive: Brom., Sep. daph., dig., dulc, elaps, hep., iris, ip.,

iod., lac-d., laur., Hl-t., mere,

cloudy: A.spar., benz-ac, con., ph-ac, phos.,
merc-i-r., mosch., Nux-V., ph-ac, phos.,
plat., rhus-t.
plb., psor., raph., rheimi., rhus-t., sabad.,
fever, during: Phos., sep. seneg., Sep., s'ram., sul-ac, sulph., verat.,
filmy; very hard to wash off: Sep. vesp., zing.


THICK. WATERY, clear as water.

standing, on: Alum., chant., cina, Coloc, hyos., Ign., iod ,

kali-ac, kali-bi., kali-i.,

hep., mere, thuj., tereb. laur. ,

lact., lye, med. meph.,
mag-c, ,

mere, mez., murx., Mur-ac,

TURBID. ( See " Cloudy. '

nat-m.. Hats., nux-m., nux-v., o'p., ph-ac,
VISCID: Arg-n., aster., canth., Coloc, cop, phos., plat., plb. ,/«/^., rhus-t., sang., secal.,
cupr., cur., dulc, kreos., nat-s., ph-ac, spig., squil., stann., stram., staph., sul-ac,
Sep. sulph., tabac, tereb., teucr., thuj., zinc,

WATERY, clear as water: Acet-ac, aeon., seth., inodorous, with fetid mucous stool: Dros.

agar., alum., anac, anthr., ant-c, ant-t., in typhus: Mur-ac.

am., arum-m., ars., aur., aster., bapt., WHEY-LIKE: Agar., hyos., op., ph-ac, nat-s.
bar-ac, bell., berb., bism., bry., calc,
in mornings: Cann-s.
calc-p., cann-s., canth., caust., cedr., cham.,
menses, before: Ph-ac.
chin., chin-s., cimic, cinnb., cocc, coc-c,
colch., coloc, cycl., dig , dros euphr., after standing: Agar.

fl-ac, Gels., grat., hell., hipp., liydr-ac., YEAST-LIKE : Caust., raph.



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