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291 • To Christ, The Prince Of Peace

Tune: TRADITIONAL (66 86) Text: Summi Parentis Filio

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1. To Christ the Prince of Peace, And Son of God most high,
2. Deep in His heart, for us, The wound of love He bore;
3. O Je - sus, vic - tim blest, What else but love di - vine
4. O fount of end - less life, O spring of wa - ter clear,
5. Praise to the Fa - ther be, And sole - be - got - ten Son;

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 
The Fa - ther of the world to come, Sing
That love where - with He still in - flames The
Could Thee con - strain to o - pen thus That
O flame ce - les - tial, cleans - ing all Who
Praise, Ho - ly Par - a - clete, to thee While

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     
we with ho - ly joy.
hearts that Him a - dore.
Sa - cred Heart of thine?
un - to Thee draw near!

end - less ag - es run.

     
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The Vatican II Hymnal contains the complete Readings (Years A, B, & C), Sung Propers (with Latin incipit), Responsorial Psalms,
Gospel Acclamations, Mass Settings for the new translation of the Roman Missal, and much more. [ ccwatershed.org/vatican ]

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