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l p norm, 26 Convolutional neural network, 169

Correlation, 40
Active constraint, 65 Cost function, see objective function
AIS, see annealed importance sampling Covariance, 40
Almost everywhere, 51 Covariance matrix, 40
Ancestral sampling, 145 curse of dimensionality, 91
Annealed importance sampling, 233, 264 Cyc, 2
Artificial intelligence, 2
Asymptotically unbiased, 79 D-separation, 143
Dataset augmentation, 277, 282
Bagging, 123 DBM, see deep Boltzmann machine
Bayes’ rule, 50 Deep belief network, 251, 261, 262, 269
Bayesian network, see directed graphical model Deep Blue, 2
Bayesian probability, 36 Deep Boltzmann machine, 251, 261, 263, 265,
Belief network, see directed graphical model 269
Bernoulli distribution, 43 Deep learning, 2, 5
Boltzmann distribution, 140 Denoising score matching, 248
Boltzmann machine, 140 Density estimation, 68
Derivative, 56
Calculus of variations, 257 Detector layer, 174
CD, see contrastive divergence Dirac delta function, 46
Centering trick (DBM), 266 Directed graphical model, 136
Central limit theorem, 44 Directional derivative, 58
Chain rule of probability, 39 domain adaptation, 165
Chess, 2 Dot product, 22
Classification, 68 Doubly block circulant matrix, 171
Clique potential, see factor (graphical model) Dream sleep, 239, 259
CNN, see convolutional neural network DropConnect, 128
Collider, see explaining away Dropout, 125, 265
Computer vision, 276 Dynamically structured networks, 271
Conditional computation, see dynamically struc-
tured nets, 271 E-step, 254
Conditional independence, 39 Early stopping, 105, 120, 129
Conditional probability, 38 EBM, see energy-based model
Constrained optimization, 64 Eigendecomposition, 28
Context-specific independence, 143 Eigenvalue, 28
Contrast, 277 Eigenvector, 28
Contrastive divergence, 239, 264, 265 ELBO, see evidence lower bound
Convolution, 169, 268 Element-wise product, see Hadamard product

EM, see expectation maximization Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions, 65
Empirical distribution, 46 Kernel (convolution), 170
Energy function, 140 KKT conditions, see Karush-Kuhn-Tucker con-
Energy-based model, 140, 263 ditions
Ensemble methods, 123 KL divergence, see Kllback-Leibler divergence41
Equality constraint, 64 Kullback-Leibler divergence, 41
Equivariance, 172
Error function, see objective function Lagrange function, see Lagrangian
Euclidean norm, 26 Lagrange multipliers, 64, 258
Euler-Lagrange equation, 257 Lagrangian, 64
Evidence lower bound, 251, 253–255, 263 Learner, 3
Expectation, 40 Line search, 58
Expectation maximization, 253 Linear combination, 25
Expected value, see expectation Linear dependence, 26
Explaining away, 144 Local conditional probability distribution, 136
Local minimum, 13
Factor (graphical model), 138 Logistic regression, 3
Factor graph, 143 Logistic sigmoid, 47
Factors of variation, 5 Loss function, see objective function
Frequentist probability, 36
Functional derivatives, 257 M-step, 254
Machine learning, 3
Gaussian distribution, see Normal distribu- Manifold hypothesis, 207
tion44 manifold hypothesis, 91
Gaussian mixture, 47 Manifold learning, 90, 207
GCN, see Global contrast normalization MAP inference, 255
Gibbs distribution, 139 Marginal probability, 38
Gibbs sampling, 147 Markov chain, 145
Global contrast normalization, 278 Markov network, see undirected model138
Global minimum, 13 Markov random field, see undirected model138
Gradient, 58 Matrix, 21
Gradient descent, 58 Matrix inverse, 24
Graphical model, see structured probabilistic Matrix product, 22
model Max pooling, 177
Mean field, 264, 265
Hadamard product, 22 Measure theory, 50
Harmonium, see Restricted Boltzmann ma- Measure zero, 50
chine148 Method of steepest descent, see gradient de-
Harmony theory, 141 scent
Helmholtz free energy, see evidence lower bound Missing inputs, 68
Hessian matrix, 60 Mixing (Markov chain), 150
Mixture distribution, 47
Identity matrix, 24
MNIST, 265
Independence, 39
Model averaging, 123
Inequality constraint, 64 MP-DBM, see multi-prediction DBM
Inference, 133, 251, 253–256, 258, 259 Multi-prediction DBM, 264, 266
Invariance, 177
Multinomial distribution, 43
Multinoulli distribution, 43
Jacobian matrix, 60
Joint probability, 37 Naive Bayes, 51

Nat, 41 Second derivative test, 60
Negative definite, 60 Self-information, 41
Negative phase, 238 Separable convolution, 186
Netflix Grand Prize, 125 Separation (probabilistic modeling), 141
Noise-contrastive estimation, 248 Shannon entropy, 41, 257
Norm, 26 Sigmoid, see logistic sigmoid
Normal distribution, 44, 46 SML, see stochastic maximum likelihood
Normalized probability distribution, 139 Softmax, 101
Softplus, 47
Object detection, 276 Spam detection, 3
Object recognition, 276 Sparse coding, 163, 251
Objective function, 13, 55 Sphering, see Whitening, 279
Orthogonality, 28 Square matrix, 26
Overfitting, 75 Standard deviation, 40
Statistic, 79
Parameter sharing, 172
Steepest descent, see gradient descent
Partial derivative, 58 Stochastic gradient descent, 265
Partition function, 94, 139, 231, 264 Stochastic maximum likelihood, 243, 264, 265
PCA, see principal components analysis
Stochastic pooling, 128
PCD, see stochastic maximum likelihood Structure learning, 147
Persistent contrastive divergence, see stochas- Structured output, 68
tic maximum likelihood Structured probabilistic model, 132
Pooling, 169, 268
Sum rule of probability, 38
Positive definite, 60 Surrogate loss function, 129
Positive phase, 238 Symmetric matrix, 28
Precision (of a normal distribution), 44, 46
Predictive sparse decomposition, 155, 220 Tangent plane, 210
Preprocessing, 277 Tensor, 21
Principal components analysis, 31, 251, 279 Test example, 13
Probabilistic max pooling, 268 Tiled convolution, 182
Probability density function, 37 Toeplitz matrix, 171
Probability distribution, 36 Trace operator, 30
Probability mass function, 36 Training criterion, 13
Product rule of probability, see chain rule of Transcription, 68
probability Transfer learning, 165
PSD, see predictive sparse decomposition Transpose, 21
Pseudolikelihood, 244
Unbiased, 79
Random variable, 36 Underfitting, 75
Ratio matching, 247 Undirected model, 138
RBM, see restricted Boltzmann machine Uniform distribution, 37
Receptive field, 173 Unit norm, 28
Regression, 68 Unnormalized probability distribution, 138
Representation learning, 3
Restricted Boltzmann machine, 148, 164, 251, V-structure, see explaining away
260, 261, 265, 266, 268 Variance, 40
Variational derivatives, see functional deriva-
Scalar, 20 tives
Score matching, 246 Variational free energy, see evidence lower bound
Second derivative, 60 Vector, 20

Whitening, 279

ZCA, see zero-phase components analysis

Zero-phase components analysis, 279


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