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Name : Riza Yusuf K ( 23030-15-142)

Subject : Sematic &Pragmatic (Final Assigment)

Class : B (Tuesday 08.40 Am)
Lecturer : Nurwanto, S.Pd M.Hum.

In some Facebook group, ‘Build A PC’ a guy make a status:

The Writer use the classical theory to analyze conversation from the screen shoot.

1. Jayson Villa : Got a new Laptop.

a. According to the speech act theory: The underline utterance above is a literal direct
speech act, because that utterance is kind of Declarative and the purpose of the utterance
above is to stating that He ( Jayson got a new Laptop).
b. According to the Co-operative principle; Conversational Maxim: Jayson Utterance is
obeying the maxim of Quantity. Because the statement is quite informative, no less and
no more informative.
2. Michael Barton : Looks nice
a. According to the speech act theory : the underline utterance above is a literal direct
speech act, because that utterance is kind of Declarative and the purpose of the utterance
above is to stating that He (Michael praised Jayson)
b. According to the Co-Operative Principle; Conversational Maxim: Michael utterance is
obeying the maxim of Quality. Because the statement is truthful and the fact that Jayson
Laptop really nice.
3. Douglas Logue Jr. : I thought this group was called “Build” a PC?
a. According to the speech act theory: the underline utterance above is non literal indirect
speech act, because that utterance is kind of questioning/requesting and the purpose of the
utterance above is to questioning (satirize) in the response of Jayson Villa statement.
b. According to the Co-Operative principle; Conversational Maxim: Douglas utterance is
violating the maxim of relation. Because Douglas utterance is not relevance and seems
out of the topic from Jayson Statement. Aside from that, Douglas utterance also violating
the maxim of manner. Because Douglas utterance raising an implicature and using
indirect utterance to said sarcastically that the content of this group is should be
something related to the “PC” matter.
4. Michael Barton on replying Douglas comment :To be fair, someone somewhere in the
world did build that laptop.
a. According to the speech act theory: the underline utterance above is nonliteral direct
speech act, because Michael does not mean exactly words he say toward Douglas
question. Here, Michael want to say that Laptop stuff still related to the “PC” matter.
b. According to the Co-operative principle; Conversational Maxim: Michael utterance is
violating the maxim of manner. Because Michael statement in replying Douglas comment
is ambiguous and raising an Implicature. The purpose of Michael Statement is to said that
actually Laptop stuff is still related to the “PC”. Also Michael statement could be
violating the maxim of relation. Because Michael gave irrelevant comment and out of the
5. Douglas Logue Jr. on replying Michael Comment : A machine probably did
most of it.
a. According to the speech act theory: the underline utterance above is literal direct speech
act, because that utterance in kind of declarative and the purpose of the utterance above is
to stating something.
b. According to the Co-operative principle; Conversational Maxim: Douglas utterance is
obeying the maxim of Quantity. Because Douglas Statement give a proper information no
more and no less.

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