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Nacht und Traume

poem by Matthaus von Collin

D 827. Original key. Like the other Collin settings, chis was written in late 1822 or early 1823, and certainly prior
to June of 1823, when it was heard by Josef von Spaun at St. Florian. Schubert created his setting from a manuscript
copy of the poem, which wasn't published until 1827. The original publication, Opus 43, No. 2, from July of J825,
mistakenly named Schiller as the poet. A slightly different version, part of the Spaun family collection, is marked
Langsam, SemfJre legCtto !Slow, Always legato]. Spaun ( 1788--1865) was a distinguished government official and the
first to recognize Schubert's genius. It was through him that Schubert c,11ne to know Mayrhofcr, Vogl, Schober and
Witteczek, all of whom were impnrram to Schubert's growth as a composer and musician, and it was Spaun's idea
to have Schubert's songs published in a series of volumes arranged by poet. Spmm's Memoirs contains a number of
important biographical accounts nf Schubert. Sec "Der Zwerg" for notes on Collin.

Nacht und Triiumc Night owl Dwan.<

He,\"gc• Nacht. du ,mkc,1 nidcr' I fallowed nii:ltr, :,;@ .,ink down!

Nk·ck·r w:illen auch die Tr,iumc, IJ11ummrd Jh11 Lil.so rhe dream..<,
Wic dcin ~fondlichr durch die Rtiumc, Iii« yo11r moim!igh1, r!mmgh spac~.
Durd, ,lei Mcn>ehrn ,iillc TTrnst. 1lmmgh 1/tc .silent bo.rnm of JJeople.
Dk hcl.1md1cn sic mit Lust, They listen ro :ma wir/i pka.mre-
Rult·n, wcnn der l1ig crwacht: c-ry 0111, whm the ,fay bre,iks,
Kchrc wicdcr. hcil'g,· Nacht, Come back. /mllvwed night;
Hnldc Triiumi:,. kdirct wicdcr. l0tdy ,lre,m,s. come back.

Nacht.-- du sin-kest nie der!

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Trau me, wie dcin Mond-licht <lurch die Rau me,

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Cupyright •[) 2000 by H/\L LEONARD C.'ORPORATION

lntcrn,ni1,,mal c:.)p)1r1p:ht Sc-cured All Ri~h<~ Re,~erve-d
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