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Ravyn DeWitt

Education 302/303
Professional Literature Content Article

Family is extremely important in the classroom, and this article helps represent the
importance of family content within the educational setting. Tschida and Buchanan (2017) focus
on how, “As educators, we are challenged to consider how our students feel when their
classroom or school library perpetuate a single story about family. The dominant narrative does
not mirror the increasingly diverse student and family population in elementary schools, creating
a gap between what is portrayed and students’ reality” (pg. 3). The article focuses on how the
family dynamic in the United States is constantly changing, and how there is no single definition
of what a true “American family” should look like. I really appreciate the viewpoint in this
article that supports the dynamic of students and the diversity of their families. I think it’s
important to focus on this point more, because many times educators disregard the various
backgrounds their students come from. Tschida and Buchanan discuss the importance of
understanding one’s family tree, and accepting how not every child’s family history is the same
(2017, pg. 3). In today’s society, children come from families of divorce, adoption, same gender
parents, and it’s necessary to value the students regardless of their origin. I think this article
resonated with me because within my lesson plan I want my students to be able to share and
compare their lives and situations together. I believe this will create feelings of acceptance when
there are differences, but also emotions of compassion when students find similarities between
their situations. Tschida and Buchanan (2017) state, “There are ways to ensure the inclusion and
celebration of all families. Assess templates carefully for language that reflects the single story.
Broaden the ways your students can share who they are, the significant people in their lives, and
the things important to them” (pg. 5). The content of the lesson needs to follow a specific
direction, with guides where all students will be included. Participation and the willingness to
discuss various backgrounds is important, but teachers can’t go in with a blind eye. Every
situation must be assessed in advanced and the teacher must be prepared for the possible
outcomes. The article goes on to discuss how families are not always perfect, and not every
student may feel comfortable sharing their history (Tschida & Buchanan, 2017, pg. 5). I think
family lesson plans may be the most difficult to confront head on because of the diversity, but
these are specific instances where the teacher shouldn’t avoid heavy subjects simply for the fear
of discomfort. I appreciate how this article brings in multiple points of view in sharing how to
face the topic of family in the classroom and create achievable content.


Tschida, C. M., & Buchanan, L. B. (2017, November). What Makes a Family? Sharing Multiple
Perspectives through an Inclusive Text Set. Social Studies and the Young Learner, 2, 3-5.
Professional Literature Teaching Strategy Article

Teaching strategies can define the educational setting for the entire year, they have the
ability to make or break a classroom. My article highlights the best possible strategies for facing
lesson plans head on and engaging students on a daily basis. Awang, Ahmad, Wahab & Mamat
(2013) state, “Good set-induction is essential as it motivates pupils in lesson activities,
simultaneously making the teaching and learning process interesting and meaningful” (pg. 35). I
think that how a teacher introduces a unit has a large effect on the student response and
engagement level. It is the first-time students are presented with material on a new subject, and if
it is not approached in a meaningful way, students may not get as much out of the lesson as
preferred by the teacher and themselves. An important teaching strategy that I took away is the
communication approach. Awang et. al (2013) define it as, “learning that occurs through
communication and is facilitated when pupils responsibly participate in learning process. This
approach also emphasises the importance of teachers’ professionalism such as responding to
pupils’ query in productive ways and also listen sensitively to pupils’ voice” (pg. 35). I believe
this would be an efficient teaching strategy not only for myself, but for my students.
Communication is key in the classroom in order to create a firm foundation for discussion and
probing questions. Peer based discussion can push for student directed learning as well as
inquisition among groups. It’s necessary for students to respond themselves, and for there to be
equal participation between students and educator. If the educator is the only one instructing,
students may become distracted and their engagement will decrease, because there is no way for
them to take part (Awang et. al, 2013, pg. 37). In my lesson, the teacher must stand back to
allow the students to place the spotlight on their own families. Students need to feel valued, and
when a student has the ability to share a piece of his/her life to the entire class, it can change the
dynamic. It’s an important moment when an individual student has the whole focus of their peers
and teacher on him/her. Communication will create productivity in my classroom where I hope
students will feel comfortable enough to share a piece of themselves with the group. Awang et. al
(2013) focus on the educator’s role in the classroom when they state, “At a group level, teachers
with good teaching skills are essential. Effective teaching requires knowledge in subject-matters
and teaching skills” (pg. 36). At the end of the day, the teacher is the one who guides the
classroom, and teachers must be fully prepared to lead their students. Their knowledge of subject
matter and material is crucial. The teaching strategies discussed in this article give me more
confidence in how to instruct as well as the best ways to do so. My family unit will be filled with
a solid introduction to the material, student discussion and collaboration, and well preparation on
my part in order to achieve the most success from my students.


Awang, M. M., Ahmad, A. R., Wahab, J. L., & Mamat, N. (2013, January). Effective Teaching
Strategies to Encourage Learning Behaviour. Journal of Humanities and Social
Science, 8(2), 35-40.

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