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 Without being asked, RESEARCH

TEACHER-LIBRARIANS provides information to

– The Educational Leaders principals and teachers According to a recent study
conducted by Colorado's
of the 21st Century  Creates a pro-reading Library Research Service (LRS),
environment students at schools with strong
media centers scored
 Develops a collection that significantly higher on
A guide to suits the school standardized tests than
curriculum students at schools with less-
understanding and well-equipped and staffed
evaluating your  Flexible schedule libraries.
teacher-librarian – accommodates all
faculties The results of the study, which
what we’re all about! examined the relationship
TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION: between the Colorado Student
Assessment Program (CSAP)
 proficient with the wide and certain characteristics of
WHAT WE PROMOTE range of information school media centers,
LEADERSHIP: available replicated those of earlier
studies conducted in Colorado,
 Participates in faculty  Works with teachers to Pennsylvania, and Alaska.
meetings instill and update
technological and Those results, detailed in the
 Serves on key committees information literacy skills report How School Librarians
– curriculum, standards and keep linking Help Kids Achieve Standards,
and management teams. computer information and revealed that statistically
literacies into teaching significant CSAP increases
 Meets with the principal
were related to five
and other administrators  Provides in-service characteristics of school media
professional development centers:
COLLABORATION: to classrooms and
teachers to make them • Program
 Plans and teaches better equipped
collaboratively with Development: Test
classroom colleagues scores increased in direct
proportion to the ratio of
students to library media
center staff and library • Leadership: Although no
media center resources. direct correlation was found
between test scores and the
• Information degree of leadership shown by
the library media specialist, Independent Learning:
Technology: Test scores
leadership involvement was
increased in schools in found to result in greater - pursuing information related to
which networked computers collaboration between teachers personal interests
linked library media centers and media specialists. Greater
to classrooms and other collaboration resulted in higher - appreciating literature and
instructional areas. The test scores. other creative expressions of
percentage of increase was information,
related to the number of INFORMATION LITERACY
computers and the extent to WHAT is it exactly? - striving for excellence in
which those computers information seeking and
provided access to library A set of abilities requiring knowledge generation.
resources, informational individuals to recognize when
databases, and the World information is needed and have
Wide Web. the ability to locate, evaluate, Social Responsibility:
• Collaboration: Test and use effectively the needed
score increases were information • recognizing the importance of
directly related to the information to a democratic
degree to which library HOW can a student become society,
media specialists and information literate?
teachers worked together • practicing ethical behavior in
and to the amount of time According to to the regard to information and
media specialists spent American Library information technology,
training teachers to use Association (ALA) – by:
information technology. • participatin effectively in
Information literacy: groups to pursue and generate
- learning to access info
efficiently and effectively WHAT WE’RE PROUD OF
• Flexible Scheduling:
Test scores increased when - evaulating info critically, The Association for Teacher-
students had greater competently librarianship in Canada listed
freedom to visit the library
the following as professional
media center on their own -using information accurately competencies for teacher-
and to use media center and creatively librarians:
resources at home.
1.1 places a priority on -supporting the teacher-librarian
staff relationships and and encouraging collaborations
leadership in the with students and teachers.
implementation of change.
- supporting the flexibility of the
teacher-librarian and the LMC.
1.2 provides leadership in
collaborative program planning - Investing interest in the
and teaching to ensure both collections and development of
physical and intellectual the library – asking for book,
access to information and website, and journal
commitment to voluntary recommendations.
- collaborating with the teacher-
librarian in developing an LMC
1.3 knows curriculum
that can achieve the utmost of
programs mandated by the student achievement
province, district and school.

1.5 has expert knowledge

in evaluating learning
resources in different formats
and media, both on-site and
remote, to support the
instructional program.

1.8 uses appropriate

information technology to
acquire, organize and
disseminate information.

(Association for Teacher-librarianship in

Canada et al., 1998, p. 23-24).

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