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Administrative node is lastlocation.admin, which just gives you all of the above.

2. Perworldplugins
pwp.admin - Gives access to reload and view the plugin's version.

3. smartAntispam

» sas.admin.reload
permission to reload the plugin /sas reload

» sas.admin.clearchat
allows player to clear chat /sas clearchat
----» sas.admin.clearchat.bypass
exempts player's chat from being totally wiped.

» sas.admin.lockchat
allows player to lock chat /sas lockchat
----» sas.admin.chatlock.bypass
allows player to talk if chat is locked.

» sas.antispam.bypass
allows player to bypass antispam, can spam as much as they want, can also use excessive

» sas.admin.spam.receive
allows player to receive spam notifications.

» sas.admin.notifytoggle
allows player to TOGGLE whether they receive notifications or not.

» sas.admin.unlock
allows player to unlock another player's chat if they are awaiting captcha pending.

4. Plugman

Permission Node Default Description

plugman.admin OP Allow use of all PlugMan commands.
plugman.update OP Allow user to see update messages.
plugman.help OP Allow use of the help command.
plugman.list OP Allow use of the list command.
plugman.info OP Allow use of the info command.
plugman.dump OP Allow use of the dump command.
plugman.usage OP Allow use of the usage command.
plugman.lookup OP Allow use of the lookup command.
plugman.enable OP Allow use of the enable command.
plugman.enable.all OP Allow use of the enable all command.
plugman.disable OP Allow use of the disable command.
plugman.disable.all OP Allow use of the disable all command.
plugman.restart OP Allow use of the restart command.
plugman.restart.all OP Allow use of the restart all command.
plugman.load OP Allow use of the load command.
plugman.reload OP Allow use of the reload command.
plugman.reload.all OP Allow use of the reload all command.
plugman.unload OP Allow use of the unload command.
plugman.check OP Allow use of the check command.
plugman.check.all OP Allow use of the check all comamnd.

5. Installer

A list of all permissions used by this plugin:

 installer.* Allows to use every feature of this plugin

o Includes: All permissions

 installer.help Allows to use the help command of this plugin

o Includes: -

 installer.install Allows to install and update plugins

o Includes: installer.help

 installer.urlinstall Allows to install plugins form download-urls (can be unsafe plugins)

o Includes: installer.install

 installer.enable Allows to enable plugins

o Includes: installer.pluginmanager

 installer.disable Allows to disable plugins

o Includes: installer.pluginmanager

 installer.deinstall Allows to uninstall plugins

o Includes: installer.pluginmanager

 installer.pluginmanager Allows to open the pluginmanager

o Includes: installer.help

6. Spectate

Parentheses are needed arguments, while brackets are optional.

Commands Permission Description

/spectate (player) spectate.on Puts you into spectate mode which allows you
to watch the target player.
/spectate off spectate.off Takes you out of spectate mode and returns
you back to your original state.
/spectate mode [default/scroll] spectate.mode Changes your spectate mode. The default
mode is normal spectating, and the scroll mode
allows you to switch between players by right
and left clicking.
/spectate angle spectate.angle Changes your spectate angle.
/spectate scan (interval) spectate.scan Puts you into scan mode, which changes the
player you're spectating every few seconds,
defined in the interval.
/spectate help spectate.help Shows the help.
/spectate reload OP Reloads the spectate config.
(Permission Only) spectate.cantspectate Having this permission stops anyone from
spectating you. You must enable this
permission in the config for it to work.

7. Lobbynecessities

8. Dropheads

Parece que no necesita permisos

9. Modifyworld

No tiene permisos

10. Laggremover

 lr.help - Gives access to the help command
 lr.master - Gives access to the master listing of all performance data from the server
 lr.lagg - Gives access to view the Ticks Per a Second(TPS) of the server
 lr.world - View data about a certain world
 lr.clear - Allows you to clear all items on the ground
 lr.unload - Allows players to unload all chunks in a world.
 lr.gc - Allows players to use decrease the amount of ram your server uses by unloading
irrelevant items.
 lr.nochatdelay - Makes a player immune to the chat delay.
 lr.modules - Allows you to list loaded modules.
 lr.update - Allows LaggRemover to notify a player when an update is downloaded.
 lr.ram - Allows players to list the ram available on the server.
 lr.protocol - Allows players to view/manipulate protocols.

11. Fastasyncworldedit

No tiene

12. Iskin


 iskin.* = Access to all permissions

 iskin.save = Force save changes
 iskin.help = Display the help menu
 iskin.reset = Reset a particular player
 iskin.setplayer = Change your own or another players settings
 iskin.setgroup = Change a groups settings

13. plotsquared

Permission Description

plots.use Allows user to use commands

plots.worldedit.bypass Bypass Worldedit restriction

plots.admin Admin Permission

plots.plot.4 Limit to 4 claimed plots

plots.permpack.basic Access to basic plot commands

plots.permpack.basicinbox Access to basic commenting and inbox commands

plots.permpack.basicflags Access to the basic flags

14. Permissionsex

Aquí se ponen los permisos

15. Customjoinitems

No necesita

16. Perworldtablist

== Commands and Permissions ==

Command Function Permission
/pwtl <reload> Reloads PerWorldTablist pwtl.reload
/pwtl <list/glist> Shows a list of all players that are in your world/on the server pwtl.list/pwtl.glist
Players with this permission will see all players pwtl.exempt

17. Pluginconstructorapi

No tiene

18. Coloredsigns

Permission Use
cs.color.<code> The ability to use color codes on signs. (&0-9, a-f)
cs.format.<code> The ability to use format codes on signs. (&l, &n, &m, &o)
cs.reset.<code> The ability to use color codes on signs. (&r)
cs.magic.<code> The ability to use color codes on signs. (&k)
19. Bloodparticles

Base Commands:
Command Description Permission

/bloodparticles Base Command for Blood Particles No Perms

/blood Shortcut for '/bloodparticles' No Perms

/bp Shortcut for '/bloodparticles' or '/blood' No Perms

Action Commands (e.g. "/bp <action>"):

Command Description Permission

/bp reload Reloads the Configuration file blood.reload

/bp info Gives the Current plugin information blood.info

/bp cmd Views a List of all the Commands blood.commands


 description: this permission is for all the blood permissions

 children:
1. blood.reload: true
2. blood.info: true
3. blood.commands: true
 default: op

20. Fastasyncvoxelsniper

No tiene

21. Voidworld

No tiene

22. Ngchat
Commands and permissions:

/chat mute -ngchat.chat.mute

Description: Mute the chat publicly so no one without permission can talk.

/chat unmute - ngchat.chat.unmute

Description: Unmute the chat publicly so everyone can once again chat.

/chat status - ngchat.chat.status

Description: Check what the status of the chat-mute currently is.

Other VERY IMPORTANT permissions:

- ngchat.bypass.chatmute

Description: The permission required to be able to talk while the chat is muted.
23. Mobtalk

No necesita

24. Lockette

=== **permissions:** ===
description: Permission for a super admin who can do anything.
lockette.user.create.*: true
lockette.admin.create.*: true
lockette.admin.break: true
lockette.admin.bypass: true
lockette.admin.snoop: true
lockette.admin.reload: true
lockette.towny.wilds: true
description: All the permissions a normal user normally needs.
lockette.user.create.*: true
lockette.towny.wilds: true
description: Allows the normal method of locking containers.
lockette.user.create.chest: true
lockette.user.create.furnace: true
lockette.user.create.dispenser: true
lockette.user.create.dropper: true
lockette.user.create.brewingstand: true
lockette.user.create.custom: true
lockette.user.create.trapdoor: true
lockette.user.create.door: true
description: All the permissions a normal admin normally needs.
lockette.user.create.*: true
lockette.admin.create.*: true
lockette.admin.break: true
lockette.admin.bypass: true
lockette.towny.wilds: true
description: Allows the admin method of locking containers.
lockette.admin.create.chest: true
lockette.admin.create.furnace: true
lockette.admin.create.dispenser: true
lockette.admin.create.dropper: true
lockette.admin.create.brewingstand: true
lockette.admin.create.custom: true
lockette.admin.create.trapdoor: true
lockette.admin.create.door: true
default: op
default: op
default: op
default: op
default: op
default: op
default: op
default: op
default: op
default: op
default: op
default: op
default: op
default: op
default: op
default: op
default: op
default: op
default: false
default: false
default: op

25. Mobhealth

Permission Nodes
Wildcard for all ModHealth permissions.
If usePermissions is true then only players with this node with see damage messages.
Give player all MobHealth commands (and all future commands). MobHealth.commands also
works for this to allow legacy compatibility.
Give player MobHealth toggle command.
Give player MobHealth reload command.
26. Voxelsniper

Parece que no tiene

27. Noteblockapi

No tiene al parecer

28. Supersaiyan
Permiso de partículas de jugador:

1. Haga clic en el enlace que he proporcionado que conduce a la página Partículas del jugador.

2. Vaya a su lista de permisos y use "playerparticles. <EffectName>" (Si lo desea, puede

colocar playerparticles.particles. * Para que no tenga que agregar cada efecto de partícula que
utiliza este complemento).

3. Agregue los permisos de Partículas del jugador donde ha agregado los permisos Super
Saiyan para que cada grupo tenga las partículas correctas para su transformación. (Le daré el
emparejamiento correcto a continuación, simplemente cópielo y péguelo en el grupo que

==== Información de permisos ====

NUEVO a partir de V12: ¡Los permisos ahora se cambian drásticamente!

A medida que se agregaron transformaciones personalizadas, SuperSaiyan tuvo que cambiar

su forma de administrar permisos. El permiso para cada transformación será "ssj. <Command
Name>" donde el nombre del comando es lo que se escribe después de "/ ssj" o "/ kaioken"
para lograr dicha transformación. Esto significa que los permisos de transformación de
Kaioken y SSJ son mixtos, ¡así que ten cuidado cuando hagas transformaciones
personalizadas! ¡Un error en tu configuración podría llevar a nuevos jugadores a lograr Super
Saiyan Blue!

29. Packetlistenerapi

No tiene

30. Clearlag

No carga la pagina

31. Openinventory

32. Pixelprinter

pixelprinter.* Gives all permissions

pixelprinter.stop Gives the player permission to stop gifs

pixelprinter.delete Gives the player permission to delete image files

pixelprinter.create Gives the player permission to create an image in-game

pixelprinter.download Gives the player permission to download an image from a URL

33. Hubthat

 hubthat.sethub: Allows to set the Hub

 hubthat.setspawn: Allows to set the Spawn
 hubthat.hub: Allows to teleport to the Hub
 hubthat.spawn: Allows to teleport to the Spawn of the current world
 hubthat.nospawndelay: Go to the Spawn without waiting
 hubthat.nohubdelay: Go to the Hub without waiting
 hubthat.gotoworld: Teleport to a specific world.
 hubthat.listworlds: List all the worlds.
 hubthat.updates: See if there is an update available.
 hubthat.reloadconfig: Allow a player to reload the config. * hubthat.bed: Allows to teleport to
your Bed (only to 1.9)
 hubthat.help: Allows to read information about the Plugin (only to 1.9)

34. Timedfly

- tfly.admin

35. Thegreatswordartonlinerpg

No tiene

36. Vault

 vault.admin
o allows access to vault info and conversion commands
o defaults to OP
 vault.update
o Anyone with this permission will be notified when Vault is out-dated
o defaults to OP
o setting to false in permissions.yml will disable version check messages for console
37. Chairstairs

No tiene

38. Chestcommands

No tiene al parecer

39. Viaversion

No tiene

40. Mycommand

Commands & Permissions

MyCommand Main List :
Commands Description Permission

/mycmd Show this command list in the game mycommand.mycmd

/mycmd list Show all created custom commands //

/mycmd check Show info(s) about custom commands //

/mycmd-reload Reload the config file(s) mycommand.reload

/mycmd-edit In-game Config manager mycommand.edit

/mycmd-blockset Launch a command by block mycommand.block.set

/mycmd-itemset Launch a command by item mycommand.item.set

/mycmd-runas Run commands as someone else or console mycommand.runas

/mycmd-scheduler Scheduler commands. mycommand.scheduler

/mycmd-variables Make Custom variables mycommand.variables

/mycmd-playerdata Manage playerdata.yml mycommand.playerdata

/mycmd-book Launch commands from book mycommand.book

/mycmd-signs Run(s) commands by signs. mycommand.sign.set

/mycmd tell Send a message to yourself (Testing purposes) //

/mycmd btell Send a broadcast message to all players. //

/mycommand Credits mycommand.mycommand

/emptycommand None mycommand.emptycommand

And Your Commands:

(Default on newer version) With

 'first_command':
command: /command_name
o mycommand.cmd.first_command
 'second_command':
command: /myhelp2
o mycommand.cmd.second_command
 'command_name':
command : /XX
o mycommand.cmd.COMMAND_NAME


on false

 'first_command':
command: /command_name
o mycommand.cmd.1
 'second_command':
command: /myhelp2
o mycommand.cmd.2
 'command_position':
command : /XX
o mycommand.cmd.POSITION

For allow user to use all commands add this :

(all commands)

You can use a custom permission for commands,by putting the permission-node line in the
interested command.Or if you want disable the permission check for an single command you
can use the "permission-required" command field
Also, if you don't have permissions plugin on your server put
DISABLE_PERMISSIONS : true(in the config.yml file) for bypass mycommand.cmd
permission. (works only for custom commands)

Block (/mycmd-blockset) :
Commands Description Permissions

/mycmd-blockset check Get info from target block mycommand.block.set

/mycmd-blockset create Create new on target block //

/mycmd-blockset delete Delete all on target block //

/mycmd-blockset add <data> Add command(s) on target block //

/mycmd-blockset remove <data> Remove command(s) on target block //

/mycmd-blockset switch Switch type from Player/Console //

/mycmd-blockset blocklist Show all usable block(s) //

Signs (/mycmd-signset) :
Commands Description Permissions

/mycmd-blockset create <listname> Create a new list mycommand.sign.set

/mycmd-blockset edit <listname> <create/add/remove> <value> Manage an created list //

/mycmd-blockset check <listname> Gets info from created list //

/mycmd-blockset list Gets all created list //

Scheduler (/mycmd-scheduler) :
Commands Description Permissions

/mycmd-scheduler run Run the Scheduler mycommand.scheduler

/mycmd-scheduler create <name> Create a new Scheduler //

/mycmd-scheduler add/remove <name> command/date Add or remove command(s) from existing //

<value> list

/mycmd-scheduler check <name> Gets info from created list //

/mycmd-scheduler delete <name> Delete list //

/mycmd-scheduler list Gets all created list //

Book (/mycmd-book) :
/mycmd-book Launch commands from book mycommand.book

/mycmd-book help Show Help //

/mycmd-book make <n> <text/runcmd> Make a book with customcommands data mycommand.book.make

Variables (/mycmd-variables) :
/mycmd-variables create <name> Create new variable mycommand.variables

/mycmd-variables set <name> <data> Edit a variable //

/mycmd-variables delete <name> Delete variable //

/mycmd-variables check <name> Show a variable content //

/mycmd-variables list <name> Show all variables created //

(/lmcmd) :
Commands Description Permissions

/lmcmd Show Help mycommand.lmcmd

/lmcmd run <name> Perform a list of commands //

/lmcmd list Show all command list //

/lmcmd check <name> Check a command list //

/lmcmd create <name> Create a new command list //

/lmcmd delete <name> Delete a command list //

/lmcmd add <name> Add a command to a list //

/lmcmd remove <name> Remove a command from a list //

NPCs :
Commands Description Permissions

/mycmd-npcs Show Help mycommand.npcs

PlayerData :
Commands Description Permissions

/mycmd-playerdata Show Help mycommand.playerdata

Sign Permissions :

 mycommand.sign.use
 mycommand.sign.create
 mycommand.sign.break

Item Permissions :

 mycommand.item.use

Block Permissions :


o mycommand.block.ITEMNAME.use Become -> mycommand.block.STONE_PLATE.use
o mycommand.block.LEVER.use
o ecc ecc...

Or just mycommand.block.all.use


o mycommand.block.button.use , mycommand.block.plate.use ,
mycommand.block.lever.use , mycommand.block.detectorrail.use
 Allow the player to break mycmd blocks :
o mycommand.block.break

NPCs Permissions :

 mycommand.interact.villager

Others :
mycommand.cost.bypass.commandname (Where commandname = your command name) Bypass the cost

mycommand.bypass.warmup bypass Warmup command type

mycommand.bypass.cooldown bypass Cooldown command type

mycommand.bypass.ignoredworld bypass ignoredworlds option

mycommand.see.permbroadcast see perm-broadcast-text type command

mycommand.bypass.timer bypass "addtimer" commands delay Deprecated

41. Marriagemaster


 marry.* - Allows all permissions

 marry.admin - Allow to setpriests and reload and also makes you a priest
 marry.bypass - Gives all bypassing permissions
 marry.user - Gives acces to all user functions
 marry.chat.* - Gives acces to all chat options
 marry.list - Allow to list all married players
 marry.pvpon - Allow to turn pvp with partner on
 marry.pvpoff - Allow to turn pvp with partner off
 marry.priest - Makes someone a priest
 marry.tp - Allow teleport to partner
 marry.home - Allow to use the home with the partner
 marry.chat - Allow to use the private chat with the partner
 marry.chat.color - Allows colors in private messages
 marry.chat.format - Allows formating private messages (except magic)
 marry.chat.magic - Allows magic format in private messages
 marry.kiss - Allows to kiss your partner
 marry.gift - Allows you to gift items to your partner
 marry.backpack - Allows to share the backpacks (requires Minepacks)
 marry.selfmarry - Allows a player to send other players marry requests without the need of a
 marry.changesurname - Allows to change the surname when self marry is on or if you are a
 marry.setpriest - Allow someone to make players to priests
 marry.offlinedivorce - Allows a priest to divorce a couple if only one of them is online
 marry.listenchat - Allows to see the private chat
 marry.skiptpdelay - Allows to skip the tp delay
 marry.bypassgiftgamemode - Allows to gift items from creative mode
 marry.bypassrangelimit - Allows to bypass the range limit
 marry.reload - Allows to reload the config file
42. Mapmanager

mapmanager.reload - Permission to reload the config

43. Protocollib

No tiene al parecer

44. Citizens

Creo que no es necesario

45. Perworldhomes

pwh.home - Gives access to /home & /homes [Name] command.

pwh.homes - Gives access to /homes command
pwh.sethome - Gives access to /sethome command
pwh.sethome.multiple - Gives access to /sethome [Name] command.
pwh.delhome - Gives access to /delhome [Name] command.
pwh.delhome.others - Gives access to /delohome [Player] [World] [Home] command.
pwh.homes.others - Gives access to /homes [Player] command

46. Drinkscmd

Commands & Permissions:

Command Info Permission

/beer Drink beer! drinks.beer / drinks.admin / drinks.client

/milk Remove all potion effects! drinks.milk / drinks.admin / drinks.client

/vodka Drink vodka! drinks.vodka / drinks.admin / drinks.client

/wine Drink wine! drinks.wine / drinks.admin / drinks.client

/cocacola Drink cocacola! drinks.cocacola / drinks.admin / drinks.client

/monsterdrink Drink monsterdrink! drinks.monsterdrink / drinks.admin / drinks.client

/tequila Drink tequila! drinks.tequila / drinks.admin / drinks.client

/brandy Drink brandy! drinks.brandy / drinks.admin / drinks.client

/coffee Drink coffee! drinks.coffee / drinks.admin / drinks.client

/champagne Drink champagne! drinks.champagne / drinks.admin / drinks.client

/rdrinks Reload configuration file! drinks.admin

/drinks List of available drinks! drinks.admin / drinks.client / drinks.createshop

Create sign shop! drinks.admin / drinks.createshop

47. Ucars

All Commands and Permissions

Command usage Permission Description

N/A ucars.cars Permission to drive cars
/ucars ucars.ucars Displays info such as boosts and fuel cost (If enabled)
/reloaducars ucars.reloaducars Reloads the config
/ufuel [Buy <Amount>], ucars.ucars If fuel is enabled = Buy-Buys <Amount> of fuel for the price mentioned in
[View] How much fuel you have left
/cars [Remove] ucars.carscmd Manages cars in the world, [Remove] removes all cars in the current wo
/ulicense [Stage] ucars.ucars Obtains a ulicense, if licensing is enabled
/pigucart ucars.pigucart Places you in a car, while also riding a pig

48. Worldchat

wc.registerworlds - To execute /registerworld [prefix]

49. Worldedit

Permissions list
For all permissions, use worldedit.*.
You can also type op yourname in the server console to give you all permissions (in most

Command Permission Aliases Flags

/biomeinfo worldedit.biome.info /biomeinfo pt Get the

biome of

//setbiome worldedit.biome.set //setbiome p Sets the

biome of
block or
/biomelist worldedit.biome.list /biomelist Gets all
/biomels biomes

/chunkinfo worldedit.chunkinfo /chunkinfo Get

about the
chunk that
you are

/listchunks worldedit.listchunks /listchunks List chunks

that your

/delchunks worldedit.delchunks /delchunks Delete

that your

//cut worldedit.clipboard.cut //cut e Cut the

to the

//paste worldedit.clipboard.paste //paste sao Paste the


//schematic //schematic Schematic-

//schem related

//schematic worldedit.schematic.formats //schematic List

formats formats available
//schematic schematic
listformats formats
//schematic f
//schematic worldedit.clipboard.load, //schematic f Load a
load worldedit.schematic.load load schematic
//schematic l into your

//schematic worldedit.schematic.list //schematic dn List

list list available
//schematic schematics
//schematic ls

//schematic worldedit.clipboard.save, //schematic Save a

save worldedit.schematic.save save schematic
//schematic s into your

/clearclipboar worldedit.clipboard.clear /clearclipboar Clear your

d d clipboard

//load worldedit.clipboard.load //load Load a

into your

//save worldedit.clipboard.save //save Save a

into your

//copy worldedit.clipboard.copy //copy e Copy the

to the

//flip worldedit.clipboard.flip //flip p Flip the

contents of
//rotate worldedit.clipboard.rotate //rotate Rotate the
contents of

/we /we WorldEdit

/worldedit commands

/we reload worldedit.reload /we reload Reload


/we cui /we cui Complete


/we tz /we tz Set your


/we version /we version Get

/we ver WorldEdit

/we help worldedit.help /we help Displays

help for the
or lists all

//fast worldedit.fast //fast Toggle fast


//gmask worldedit.global-mask //gmask Set the

/gmask global
//toggleplace //toggleplace Switch
/toggleplace between
and pos1

//searchitem //searchitem bi Search for

//l an item

//limit worldedit.limit //limit Modify


//hcyl worldedit.generation.cylinder //hcyl Generates

a hollow

//cyl worldedit.generation.cylinder //cyl Generates

a cylinder.

//hsphere worldedit.generation.sphere //hsphere Generates

a hollow

//sphere worldedit.generation.sphere //sphere Generates

a filled

/forestgen worldedit.generation.forest /forestgen Generate a


/pumpkins worldedit.generation.pumpkins /pumpkins Generate

//pyramid worldedit.generation.pyramid //pyramid Generate a

//hpyramid worldedit.generation.pyramid //hpyramid Generate a


//generate worldedit.generation.shape //generate hroc Generates

//gen a shape
//g according
to a

//generatebio worldedit.generation.shape, //generatebio hroc Sets biome

me worldedit.biome.set me according
//genbiome to a
//gb formula.

//undo worldedit.history.undo //undo Undoes

/undo the last

//redo worldedit.history.redo //redo Redoes

/redo the last

//clearhistory worldedit.history.clear //clearhistory Clear your

/clearhistory history

/unstuck worldedit.navigation.unstuck /unstuck Escape

/! from being
inside a
/ascend worldedit.navigation.ascend /ascend Go up a
/asc floor

/descend worldedit.navigation.descend /descend Go down a

/desc floor

/ceil worldedit.navigation.ceiling /ceil fg Go to the


/thru worldedit.navigation.thru.comm /thru Passthrou

and gh walls

/jumpto worldedit.navigation.jumpto.co /jumpto Teleport to

mmand /j a location

/up worldedit.navigation.up /up fg Go


//hollow worldedit.region.hollow //hollow Hollows

out the
in this

//line worldedit.region.line //line h Draws a


//curve worldedit.region.curve //curve h Draws a


//overlay worldedit.region.overlay //overlay Set a block

on top of
blocks in
the region

//center worldedit.region.center //center Set the

//middle center

//naturalize worldedit.region.naturalize //naturalize 3 layers of

dirt on top
then rock

//walls worldedit.region.walls //walls Build the

four sides
of the

//faces worldedit.region.faces //faces Build the

//outline walls,
and floor of
a selection

//smooth worldedit.region.smooth //smooth n Smooth

in the

//move worldedit.region.move //move s Move the

contents of

//regen worldedit.regen //regen Regenerat

es the
contents of

//deform worldedit.region.deform //deform ro Deforms a

region with

//forest worldedit.region.forest //forest Make a

within the

//replace worldedit.region.replace //replace f Replace all

//re blocks in
//rep the

//stack worldedit.region.stack //stack sa Repeat the

contents of

//set worldedit.region.set //set Set all the

inside the
to a block

/.s worldedit.scripting.execute /.s Execute


/cs worldedit.scripting.execute /cs Execute a

//pos2 worldedit.selection.pos //pos2 Set
position 2

//chunk worldedit.selection.chunk //chunk sc Set the

to your

//pos1 worldedit.selection.pos //pos1 Set

position 1

//hpos1 worldedit.selection.hpos //hpos1 Set

position 1
to targeted

//hpos2 worldedit.selection.hpos //hpos2 Set

position 2
to targeted

//wand worldedit.wand //wand Get the


/toggleeditwa worldedit.wand.toggle /toggleeditwa Toggle

nd nd functionalit
y of the
edit wand

//contract worldedit.selection.contract //contract Contract


//outset worldedit.selection.outset //outset hv Outset the

//inset worldedit.selection.inset //inset hv Inset the

//distr worldedit.analysis.distr //distr cd Get the

of blocks in

//sel //sel Choose a

/; region

//desel //desel Deselect

//deselect the current

//count worldedit.analysis.count //count d Counts the

number of
a certain
type of

//size worldedit.selection.size //size c Get

about the

//expand worldedit.selection.expand //expand Expand


//shift worldedit.selection.shift //shift Shift the

/snapshot /snapshot Snapshot
/snap commands

/snapshot worldedit.snapshots.restore /snapshot Choose a

use use snapshot
to use

/snapshot sel worldedit.snapshots.restore /snapshot sel Choose

based on
the list id

/snapshot list worldedit.snapshots.list /snapshot list List


/snapshot worldedit.snapshots.restore /snapshot Choose

after after the nearest
after a

/snapshot worldedit.snapshots.restore /snapshot Choose

before before the nearest
before a

/restore worldedit.snapshots.restore /restore Restore

//restore the
from a

// worldedit.superpickaxe // Toggle the

/, super
/superpickax /superpickax Select
e e super
/pickaxe pickaxe
/sp mode

/superpickax worldedit.superpickaxe /superpickax Enable the

e single e single single

/superpickax worldedit.superpickaxe.area /superpickax Enable the

e area e area area super

/superpickax worldedit.superpickaxe.recursiv /superpickax Enable the

e recur e e recur recursive
/superpickax super
e recursive pickaxe

/tool /tool Select a

tool to bind

/tool none /tool none Unbind a

bound tool
from your

/tool tree worldedit.tool.tree /tool tree Tree


/tool repl worldedit.tool.replacer /tool repl Block

/tool cycler worldedit.tool.data-cycler /tool cycler Block data
cycler tool

/tool floodfill worldedit.tool.flood-fill /tool floodfill Flood fill

/tool flood tool

/tool brush /tool brush Brush tool

/tool br

/tool brush worldedit.brush.sphere /tool brush h Choose

sphere sphere the sphere
/tool brush s brush

/tool brush worldedit.brush.cylinder /tool brush h Choose

cylinder cylinder the
/tool brush cylinder
cyl brush
/tool brush c

/tool brush worldedit.brush.clipboard /tool brush a Choose

clipboard clipboard the
/tool brush clipboard
copy brush

/tool brush worldedit.brush.smooth /tool brush n Choose

smooth smooth the terrain

/tool brush ex worldedit.brush.ex /tool brush ex Shortcut

/tool brush fire
extinguish extinguish
er brush

/tool brush worldedit.brush.gravity /tool brush h Gravity

gravity gravity brush
/tool brush
/tool brush worldedit.brush.butcher /tool brush Butcher
butcher butcher brush
/tool brush kill

/tool deltree worldedit.tool.deltree /tool deltree Floating


/tool farwand worldedit.tool.farwand /tool farwand Wand at a


/tool lrbuild worldedit.tool.lrbuild /tool lrbuild Long-

/tool /lrbuild range

/tool info worldedit.tool.info /tool info Block


/mat worldedit.brush.options.material /mat Set the

/material brush

/range worldedit.brush.options.range /range Set the


/size worldedit.brush.options.size /size Set the

brush size

/mask worldedit.brush.options.mask /mask Set the


/none /none Unbind a

bound tool
from your

/tree worldedit.tool.tree /tree Tree


/repl worldedit.tool.replacer /repl Block


/cycler worldedit.tool.data-cycler /cycler Block data

cycler tool

/floodfill worldedit.tool.flood-fill /floodfill Flood fill

/flood tool

/brush /brush Brush tool


/brush sphere worldedit.brush.sphere /brush sphere h Choose

/brush s the sphere

/brush worldedit.brush.cylinder /brush h Choose

cylinder cylinder the
/brush cyl cylinder
/brush c brush

/brush worldedit.brush.clipboard /brush a Choose

clipboard clipboard the
/brush copy clipboard

/brush worldedit.brush.smooth /brush n Choose

smooth smooth the terrain
/brush ex worldedit.brush.ex /brush ex Shortcut
/brush fire
extinguish extinguish
er brush

/brush gravity worldedit.brush.gravity /brush gravity h Gravity

/brush grav brush

/brush worldedit.brush.butcher /brush Butcher

butcher butcher brush
/brush kill

/deltree worldedit.tool.deltree /deltree Floating


/farwand worldedit.tool.farwand /farwand Wand at a


/lrbuild worldedit.tool.lrbuild /lrbuild Long-

//lrbuild range

/info worldedit.tool.info /info Block


//fillr worldedit.fill.recursive //fillr Fill a hole


//drain worldedit.drain //drain Drain a

//fixlava worldedit.fixlava //fixlava Fix lava to
/fixlava be

//fixwater worldedit.fixwater //fixwater Fix water

/fixwater to be

//removeabov worldedit.removeabove //removeabov Remove

e e blocks
/removeabov above your
e head.

//removebelo worldedit.removebelow //removebelo Remove

w w blocks
/removebelo below you.

//removenear worldedit.removenear //removenear Remove

/removenear blocks
near you.

//replacenear worldedit.replacenear //replacenear f Replace

/replacenear nearby

//snow worldedit.snow //snow Simulates

/snow snow

//thaw worldedit.thaw //thaw Thaws the

/thaw area

//green worldedit.green //green f Greens the

/green area

//ex worldedit.extinguish //ex Extinguish

//ext nearby fire

/butcher worldedit.butcher /butcher plang Kill all or

bf nearby

/remove worldedit.remove /remove Remove all

/rem entities of
/rement a type

//calc worldedit.calc //calc Evaluate a

//calculate mathemati
//eval cal
//evaluate expression

//fill worldedit.fill //fill Fill a hole

//help worldedit.help //help Displays

help for the
or lists all

Other Permissions

 The maximum limit for the //limit command can be overridden

with worldedit.limit.unrestricted permission.
 If use-inventory is enabled, users can bypass that setting with
the worldedit.inventory.unrestricted permission.
 The disallowed-blocks configuration option can be overridden with
the worldedit.anyblock permission.
 Usually the Super Pickaxe does not destroy bedrock. This can be overridden with
the worldedit.override.bedrock permission.
 To use the navigation wand, the necessary permissions
are worldedit.navigation.jumpto.tool and worldedit.navigation.thru.t
ool as opposed to the .command nodes.
50. Mariokart

Commands Permissions Description

/marioraceadmin create <Trackname> mariokart.raceadmin Create a race!
/marioraceadmin delete <Trackname> mariokart.raceadmin Remove a race!
/marioraceadmin list (page) mariokart.race List the races available!
/race shop mariokart.race Opens the race shop to buy kart upgrades!
/race join <Trackname> mariokart.race Join a specific race!
/race join <Trackname> auto mariokart.race Join a specific race, with a random racemode!
/race join auto mariokart.race Join a random race!
/race join auto auto mariokart.race Join a random race, with a random racemode!
/race leave mariokart.race Leave a current race!

51. Essentials

Selected Release:Release 2.13.1

Select a release:

Release 2.13.1 Dev 2.14.x

Command Perm
Cheat bigtree essentials.bigtree Allow access to the /bigtree command.
Cheat break essentials.break Allows access to the /break command.
Cheat break essentials.break.bedrock Allows the breaking of bedrock.
Cheat enchant essentials.enchant Allows access to the /enchant command.
Cheat enchant essentials.enchantments.[enchantmentname] Allows access to each enchantment type.
Cheat enchant essentials.enchantments.allowunsafe If enabled in the config, this permission all
Cheat exp essentials.exp Allow access to the /exp command.
Cheat exp essentials.exp.give Allows players to give themselves exp.
Cheat exp essentials.exp.give.others Allows players to give others exp (if they a
Cheat exp essentials.exp.others Allows players to see another players exp.
Cheat exp essentials.exp.set Allows players to set their own exp.
Cheat exp essentials.exp.set.others Allows players to change others exp (if the
Cheat feed essentials.feed Allows access to the /feed command.
Cheat feed essentials.feed.cooldown.bypass Bypass the feed cooldown
Cheat feed essentials.feed.others Allows a player to feed another player.
Cheat firework essentials.firework Allow access to the /firework command.
Cheat firework essentials.firework.fire Allows a user to 'spawn' a copy of the firew
Cheat fly essentials.fly Allow access to the /fly command.
Cheat fly essentials.fly.others Allows you to toggle fly for other players.
Cheat fly essentials.fly.safelogin Players with this command will automatica
Cheat gamemode essentials.gamemode Allow access to the /gamemode command.
Cheat gamemode essentials.gamemode.others Allows you to change the gamemode of oth
Cheat give essentials.itemspawn.meta-chapter-[chapter] Allows spawning of specific books only, fr
Cheat give essentials.enchantments.[enchantmentname] Allows access to each enchantment type.
Cheat give essentials.enchantments.allowunsafe If enabled in the config, this permission all
Cheat give essentials.give Allow access to the /give command.
Cheat give essentials.itemspawn.exempt Allows spawning of items on the spawn bla
Cheat give essentials.itemspawn.item-<itemname> If permission-based-item-spawn: Spawn <i
Cheat give essentials.itemspawn.item-[itemid] If permission-based-item-spawn: Spawn [it
Cheat give essentials.itemspawn.item-all If permission-based-item-spawn: Spawn all
Cheat give essentials.itemspawn.meta-author Allow 'author' meta to be used in item spaw
Cheat give essentials.itemspawn.meta-book Allows spawning of books with pre-filled c
Cheat give essentials.itemspawn.meta-firework Allow specific meta for fireworks.
Cheat give essentials.itemspawn.meta-head Allows spawning of mob heads.
Cheat give essentials.itemspawn.meta-lore Allow 'lore' meta to be used in item spawni
Cheat give essentials.itemspawn.meta-title Allow 'title' meta to be used in item spawni
Cheat give essentials.oversizedstacks Allows spawning of stacks above normal m
Cheat god essentials.god Allow access to the /god command.
Cheat god essentials.god.others Allows you to god other players
Cheat god essentials.god.pvp Allows you to attack other players while in
Cheat hat essentials.hat Allow access to the /hat command.
Cheat heal essentials.heal Allow access to the /heal command.
Cheat heal essentials.heal.cooldown.bypass Bypass the heal cooldown
Cheat heal essentials.heal.others Allows healing another player
Cheat item essentials.itemspawn.meta-chapter-[chapter] Allows spawning of specific books only, fr
Cheat item essentials.enchantments.[enchantmentname] Allows access to each enchantment type.
Cheat item essentials.enchantments.allowunsafe If enabled in the config, this permission all
Cheat item essentials.item Allow access to the /item command.
Cheat item essentials.itemspawn.exempt Allows spawning of items on the spawn bla
Cheat item essentials.itemspawn.item-[itemid] If permission-based-item-spawn: Spawn [it
Cheat item essentials.itemspawn.item-[itemname] If permission-based-item-spawn: Spawn [it
Cheat item essentials.itemspawn.item-all If permission-based-item-spawn: Spawn all
Cheat item essentials.itemspawn.meta-author Allow 'author' meta to be used in item spaw
Cheat item essentials.itemspawn.meta-book Allows spawning of books with pre-filled c
Cheat item essentials.itemspawn.meta-firework Allow specific meta for fireworks.
Cheat item essentials.itemspawn.meta-head Allows spawning of mob heads.
Cheat item essentials.itemspawn.meta-lore Allow 'lore' meta to be used in item spawni
Cheat item essentials.itemspawn.meta-title Allow 'title' meta to be used in item spawni
Cheat item essentials.oversizedstacks Allows spawning of stacks above normal m
Cheat kit essentials.kit Allow access to the /kit command.
Cheat kit essentials.kit.exemptdelay Exempts you from the kit delay feature, thi
Cheat kit essentials.kit.others Allows spawning of kits on other players.
Cheat kit essentials.kits.* Allows access to all created kits
Cheat kit essentials.kits.[kitname] Give access to a single kit, where [kitname
Cheat more essentials.more Allows access to the /more command.
Cheat more essentials.oversizedstacks Allows spawning of oversized stacks.
Cheat ptime essentials.ptime Allow access to the /ptime command.
Cheat ptime essentials.ptime.others Allows you to change the time of another o
Cheat repair essentials.repair Allow access to the /repair command.
Cheat repair essentials.repair.all Unlock the /repair all ability
Cheat repair essentials.repair.armor Repair all also repairs equipped armor.
Cheat repair essentials.repair.enchanted Repairing of enchanted items.
Cheat skull essentials.skull Allow access to the /skull command.
Cheat skull essentials.skull.modify Allow changing the owner of an existing pl
Cheat skull essentials.skull.others Allow creating skulls belonging to other pl
Cheat skull essentials.skull.spawn Allows the spawning of a skull, default if th
Cheat speed essentials.speed Allow access to the /speed command.
Cheat speed essentials.speed.bypass Allows you to bypass the speed limits set in
Cheat speed essentials.speed.fly This permission will allow a player to chan
Cheat speed essentials.speed.others Allows you to modify the speed of other pl
Cheat speed essentials.speed.walk This permission will allow a player to chan
Cheat time essentials.time Allow access to the /time command.
Cheat time essentials.time.set User is allowed to change the time of the w
Cheat tree essentials.tree Allow access to the /tree command.
Cheat unlimited essentials.unlimited Allow access to the /unlimited command.
Cheat unlimited essentials.unlimited.item-[itemid] Allows the player to recieve an unlimited s
Cheat unlimited essentials.unlimited.item-[itemname] Allows the player to recieve an unlimited s
Cheat unlimited essentials.unlimited.item-all Allows the player to recieve an unlimited s
Cheat unlimited essentials.unlimited.item-bucket Allows the player to recieve an unlimited u
Cheat unlimited essentials.unlimited.others Allows the player to gift/remove another pl
Cheat workbench essentials.workbench Allow access to the /workbench command.
Economy balance essentials.balance Allow access to the /balance command.
Economy balance essentials.balance.others Allows you to see the balance of other play
Economy balancetop essentials.balancetop Allow access to the /balancetop command.
Economy eco essentials.eco Allow access to the /eco command.
Economy eco essentials.eco.loan Allows the player to have a negative balanc
Economy pay essentials.pay Allow access to the /pay command.
Economy pay essentials.pay.multiple This allows you to pay multiple users in a s
Economy sell essentials.sell Allow access to the /sell command.
Economy setworth essentials.setworth Allow access to the /setworth command.
Economy worth essentials.worth Allow access to the /worth command.
General afk essentials.afk Allow access to the /afk command.
General afk essentials.afk.auto Players with this permission will be set to a
General afk essentials.afk.kickexempt Exempts the user from being auto kicked fo
General afk essentials.afk.others Allows you to AFK other players.
General book essentials.book Allow access to the /book command.
General book essentials.book.author Allows the user to change the author of a b
General book essentials.book.others Allow editing a book belonging to another
General book essentials.book.title Allows the user to change the title of a writ
General compass essentials.compass Allow access to the /compass command.
General customtext essentials.customtext Allow access to the /customtext command
General depth essentials.depth Allow access to the /depth command.
General getpos essentials.getpos Allow access to the /getpos command.
General getpos essentials.getpos.others Allow user to get the position of another pl
General help essentials.help Allow access to the /help command.
General help essentials.help.[pluginname] Manually adds the commands from a plugin
General help essentials.help.[pluginname].[command] Manually adds a command from a plugin to
General helpop essentials.helpop Allow access to the /helpop command.
General helpop essentials.helpop.receive Allows you to see Helpop messages
General ignore essentials.chat.ignoreexempt Someone with this permission will not be ig
General ignore essentials.ignore Allow access to the /ignore command.
General info essentials.info Allow access to the /info command.
General itemdb essentials.itemdb Allows access to the /itemdb command.
General list essentials.list Allow access to the /list command.
General list essentials.list.hidden Show hidden users
General mail essentials.mail Allow access to the /mail command.
General mail essentials.mail.send Send mail
General mail essentials.mail.sendall Allows sending mail to all players at the sa
General me essentials.me Allow access to the /me command.
General motd essentials.motd User sees MOTD on connect, and can use t
General msg essentials.msg Allow access to the /msg command.
General msg essentials.msg.color This allows you to color your private messa
General msg essentials.msg.format This allows you to format your private mes
General msg essentials.msg.magic This allows you to use the matrix/magic co
General msg essentials.msg.multiple This allows you to message multiple users
General msg essentials.msg.url This allows you to use urls in your private m
General near essentials.near Allow access to the /near command.
General near essentials.near.maxexempt Allows bypassing the radius limit.
General near essentials.near.others Allows using the near command on another
General nick essentials.nick Allow access to the /nick command.
General nick essentials.nick.color This allows you to color your nickname usi
General nick essentials.nick.format This allows you to format your nickname u
General nick essentials.nick.magic This allows you to use the matrix/magic co
General nick essentials.nick.others Gives you permission to give other players
General powertool essentials.powertool Allow access to the /powertool command.
General powertool essentials.powertool.append Allows adding multiple commands to a sin
General powertooltoggle essentials.powertooltoggle Allow access to the /powertooltoggle comm
General r essentials.msg Allow access to the /msg command.
General r essentials.msg.color This allows you to color your private messa
General r essentials.msg.format This allows you to format your private mes
General r essentials.msg.magic This allows you to use the matrix/magic co
General r essentials.msg.url This allows you to use urls in your private m
General realname essentials.realname Allow access to the /realname command.
General recipe essentials.recipe Allow access to the /recipe command.
General rules essentials.rules Allow access to the /rules command.
General seen essentials.seen Allow access to the /seen command.
General seen essentials.seen.banreason Allows the user to see why a user is banned
General seen essentials.seen.extra Allow the user to see the last IP address a u
General seen essentials.seen.ipsearch Allows the user to search IPs for username
General spawner essentials.spawner Allow access to the /spawner command.
General spawner essentials.spawner.* Allows the spawning of all mobs
General spawner essentials.spawner.[mob] Allows access to spawn a specific mob
General suicide essentials.suicide Allow access to the /suicide command.
General whois essentials.geoip.show Shows the GeoIP location of a player, if the
General whois essentials.whois Allow access to the /whois command.
Moderator antioch essentials.antioch Allow access to the /antioch command.
Moderator backup essentials.backup Allow access to the /backup command.
Moderator ban essentials.ban Allow access to the /ban command.
Moderator ban essentials.ban.exempt Prevents a specified group or player from b
Moderator ban essentials.ban.notify Players with this permission will receive a
Moderator ban essentials.ban.offline Allows banning of players who are offline.
Moderator banip essentials.ban.notify Players with this permission will receive a
Moderator banip essentials.banip Allow access to the /banip command.
Moderator broadcast essentials.broadcast Allow access to the /broadcast command.
Moderator burn essentials.burn Allow access to the /burn command.
Moderator clearinventory essentials.clearinventory Allow access to the /clearinventory comma
Moderator clearinventory essentials.clearinventory.all Allows a player to clear all players invento
Moderator clearinventory essentials.clearinventory.others Allows you to clear other player's inventory
Moderator deljail essentials.deljail Allow access to the /deljail command.
Moderator enderchest essentials.enderchest Allow access to the /enderchest command.
Moderator enderchest essentials.enderchest.modify Allows you to modify the contents of anoth
Moderator enderchest essentials.enderchest.others Allows you to see the contents of another p
Moderator essentials essentials.essentials Allow access to the /essentials command.
Moderator ext essentials.ext Allow access to the /ext command.
Moderator fireball essentials.fireball Allow access to the /fireball command.
Moderator gc essentials.gc Allow access to the /gc command.
Moderator invsee essentials.invsee Allow access to the /invsee command.
Moderator invsee essentials.invsee.modify Players can modify the other players invent
Moderator invsee essentials.invsee.preventmodify Prevents other players from modifying the
Moderator jails essentials.jails Allow access to the /jails command.
Moderator kick essentials.kick Allow access to the /kick command.
Moderator kick essentials.kick.exempt Prevents the player from being kicked.
Moderator kick essentials.kick.notify User sees a notification when a user is kick
Moderator kickall essentials.kickall Allow access to the /kickall command.
Moderator kill essentials.kill Allow access to the /kill command.
Moderator kill essentials.kill.exempt Prevents the player from being killed.
Moderator kill essentials.kill.force Force player death, even if event is cancelle
Moderator lightning essentials.lightning Allow access to the /lightning command.
Moderator lightning essentials.lightning.others Allows use of /lightning [playername]
Moderator mute essentials.mute Allow access to the /mute command.
Moderator mute essentials.mute.exempt Prevents a specified group or player from b
Moderator mute essentials.mute.notify Players with this permission will receive a
Moderator mute essentials.mute.offline Allows muting of players who are offline. T
Moderator nuke essentials.nuke Allow access to the /nuke command.
Moderator ping essentials.ping Allow access to the /ping command.
Moderator remove essentials.remove Allow access to the /remove command.
Moderator setjail essentials.setjail Allow access to the /setjail command.
Moderator socialspy essentials.socialspy Allow access to the /socialspy command.
Moderator socialspy essentials.socialspy.others Allows you to toggle the social spy status o
Moderator spawnmob essentials.spawnmob Allow access to the /spawnmob command.
Moderator spawnmob essentials.spawnmob.* Allow the spawning of all mobs
Moderator spawnmob essentials.spawnmob.[mob] Allow access to spawn a specific mob
Moderator spawnmob essentials.spawnmob.stack Allows the spawning of stacked mobs.
Moderator sudo essentials.sudo Allow access to the /sudo command.
Moderator sudo essentials.sudo.exempt Prevents the holder from being sudo'ed by a
Moderator tempban essentials.ban.notify Players with this permission will receive a
Moderator tempban essentials.tempban Allow access to the /tempban command.
Moderator tempban essentials.tempban.exempt Prevents a specified group or player from b
Moderator tempban essentials.tempban.offline Allows temp-banning of players who are of
Moderator tempban essentials.tempban.unlimited Allows bypassing config file max ban time
Moderator thunder essentials.thunder Allow access to the /thunder command.
Moderator togglejail essentials.jail.allow.<command> Allows essentials commands to be used wh
Moderator togglejail essentials.jail.exempt Prevents a specified group or player from b
Moderator togglejail essentials.togglejail Allow access to the /togglejail command.
Moderator togglejail essentials.togglejail.offline Allows jailing of players who are offline. T
Moderator unban essentials.ban.notify Players with this permission will receive a
Moderator unban essentials.unban Allow access to the /unban command.
Moderator unbanip essentials.ban.notify Players with this permission will receive a
Moderator unbanip essentials.unbanip Allow access to the /unbanip command.
Moderator vanish essentials.vanish Allow access to the /vanish command.
Moderator vanish essentials.vanish.effect People with this effect will get the potion e
Moderator vanish essentials.vanish.interact Allows the player to use commands which
Moderator vanish essentials.vanish.others Allows you to toggle vanish on others
Moderator vanish essentials.vanish.pvp Allows players who are vanished to attack
Moderator vanish essentials.vanish.see Allows you to see a vanished player.
Moderator weather essentials.weather Allow access to the /weather command.
Spawn setspawn essentials.setspawn Allow access to the /setspawn command.
Spawn spawn essentials.spawn Allow access to the /spawn command.
Spawn spawn essentials.spawn.others Allows you to teleport other people to spaw
Teleport back essentials.back Allow access to the /back command.
Teleport back essentials.back.ondeath Give this permission to allow players to use
Teleport back essentials.keepxp Allows the user to keep their exp on death,
Teleport back essentials.worlds.<worldname> Allows players access to a specific world.
Teleport delhome essentials.delhome Allow access to the /delhome command.
Teleport delhome essentials.delhome.others Allows you to delete the homes of other pla
Teleport delwarp essentials.delwarp Allow access to the /delwarp command.
Teleport home essentials.home Allow access to the /home command.
Teleport home essentials.home.bed Allow access to the vanilla bed home.
Teleport home essentials.home.others Allows you to teleport to homes of other pl
Teleport home essentials.worlds.<worldname> Allows players access to a specific world.
Teleport jump essentials.jump Allow access to the /jump command.
Teleport sethome essentials.sethome Allow access to the /sethome command.
Teleport sethome essentials.sethome.bed Allows the player to right click a bed durin
Teleport sethome essentials.sethome.multiple Allows player to have multiple homes, or c
Teleport sethome essentials.sethome.multiple.[set name] Raise the multiple home limit to a setting d
Teleport sethome essentials.sethome.multiple.unlimited Removes the cap on the number of homes p
Teleport sethome essentials.sethome.others Allows you to change another users home l
Teleport setwarp essentials.setwarp Allow access to the /setwarp command.
Teleport setwarp essentials.warp.overwrite.* Allows overwriting of all existing warps.
Teleport setwarp essentials.warp.overwrite.[warpname] Allows overwriting of existing warps.
Teleport top essentials.top Allow access to the /top command.
Teleport tp essentials.tp Allow access to the /tp command.
Teleport tp essentials.tp.others Allow players to teleport another player.
Teleport tp essentials.worlds.<worldname> Allows players access to a specific world.
Teleport tpa essentials.tpa Allow access to the /tpa command.
Teleport tpa essentials.worlds.<worldname> Allows players access to a specific world.
Teleport tpaall essentials.tpaall Allow access to the /tpaall command.
Teleport tpaall essentials.worlds.<worldname> Allows teleporting player to a specific worl
Teleport tpaccept essentials.tpaccept Allow access to the /tpaccept command.
Teleport tpahere essentials.tpahere Allow access to the /tpahere command.
Teleport tpahere essentials.worlds.<worldname> Allows teleporting players to a specific wor
Teleport tpall essentials.tpall Allow access to the /tpall command.
Teleport tpall essentials.worlds.<worldname> Allows teleporting players to a specific wor
Teleport tpdeny essentials.tpdeny Allow access to the /tpdeny command.
Teleport tphere essentials.tphere Allow access to the /tphere command.
Teleport tphere essentials.worlds.<worldname> Allows players access to a specific world.
Teleport tpo essentials.tpo Allow access to the /tpo command.
Teleport tpo essentials.worlds.<worldname> Allows players access to a specific world.
Teleport tpohere essentials.tpohere Allow access to the /tpohere command.
Teleport tpohere essentials.worlds.<worldname> Allows players access to a specific world.
Teleport tppos essentials.tppos Allow access to the /tppos command.
Teleport tptoggle essentials.teleport.cooldown.bypass Bypass the teleport cooldown
Teleport tptoggle essentials.teleport.timer.bypass Bypass the teleport delay
Teleport tptoggle essentials.teleport.timer.move Allows players to move while waiting for t
Teleport tptoggle essentials.tptoggle Allow access to the /tptoggle command.
Teleport tptoggle essentials.tptoggle.others Allows a player to toggle the teleport status
Teleport tptoggle essentials.vanish.interact Allows the user to teleport to players who a
Teleport warp essentials.warp Allow access to the /warp command.
Teleport warp essentials.warp.list Specifies whether you can view warp list w
Teleport warp essentials.warp.otherplayers Allows warping another player.
Teleport warp essentials.warps.* Allows access to all warps.
If you have per-warp-permission set to true
Teleport warp essentials.warps.[warpname]
This also controls what players would see w
Teleport world essentials.world Allow access to the /world command.
Teleport world essentials.worlds.<worldname> Allows players access to a specific world.
Various None essentials.silentjoin Suppress join messages for users with this p
Various None essentials.build Allows people to build when using permiss
Various None essentials.build.break.<id>[:datavalue] Allows breaking of a block.
Various None essentials.build.craft.<id>[:datavalue] Allows crafting of an item.
Various None essentials.build.drop.<id>[:datavalue] Allows dropping of an item.
Various None essentials.build.interact.<id>[:datavalue] Allows interacting with a blocks or item.
Various None essentials.build.pickup.<id>[:datavalue] Allows collecting of an item.
Various None essentials.build.place.<id>[:datavalue] Allows placing a block.
Various None essentials.chat.color This allows you to color your chat message
Various None essentials.chat.format This allows you to format your chat messag
Various None essentials.chat.magic This allows you to use the matrix/magic co
Various None essentials.chat.question This allows you to send global qeustions, u
Various None essentials.chat.shout This allows you to send global messages, u
Various None essentials.chat.spy A permission designed for admins, to interc
Various None essentials.chat.url This allows you to use urls in your chat me
Various None essentials.geoip.hide Allows you to hide your country and city fr
Various None essentials.geoip.show Allows you to see the country and city of p
Various None essentials.joinfullserver Player can join when the server is full.
Various None essentials.nocommandcost.[command] Removes the command cost of a given com
Various None essentials.nocommandcost.all Removes the command cost of all comman
Various None essentials.protect Allows the protection of rails and signs, oth
Various None essentials.protect.admin Allows the destruction of signs and rails.
Various None essentials.protect.alerts Allows a player to recieve protect alerts.
Various None essentials.protect.alerts.notrigger Users with this permission do not trigger pr
Various None essentials.protect.damage.contact Player will receive contact damage
Various None essentials.protect.damage.creeper Player will receive creeper damage
Various None essentials.protect.damage.disable Admin override to prevent admins from dy
Various None essentials.protect.damage.drowning Player will receive drowning damage
Various None essentials.protect.damage.fall Player will receive fall damage
Various None essentials.protect.damage.fire Player will receive fire damage
Various None essentials.protect.damage.fireball Player will receive fireball damage
Various None essentials.protect.damage.lava Player will receive lava damage
Various None essentials.protect.damage.lightning Player will receive lightning damage
Various None essentials.protect.damage.projectiles Player will receive projectile damage
Various None essentials.protect.damage.suffocation Player will receive suffocation damage
Various None essentials.protect.damage.tnt Player will receive tnt damage
Various None essentials.protect.entitytarget.bypass Allows a player to be targeted by mobs.
Various None essentials.protect.exemptbreak Allows a player to ignore the break blacklis
Various None essentials.protect.exemptplacement Allows a player to ignore the block placem
Various None essentials.protect.exemptusage Allows a player to ignore the usage blacklis
Various None essentials.protect.ownerinfo Allows a player to examine protected objec
When prevent PVP is set to true, this allow
Various None essentials.protect.pvp
Various None essentials.pvpdelay.exempt Exempts players from the 'pvp delay' option
Various None essentials.signs.break.balance Controls who can break balance signs.
Various None essentials.signs.break.buy Controls who can break buy signs.
Various None essentials.signs.break.disposal Controls who can break disposal signs.
Various None essentials.signs.break.enchant Controls who can break enchant signs.
Various None essentials.signs.break.free Controls who can break free signs.
Various None essentials.signs.break.gamemode Controls who can break gamemode signs.
Various None essentials.signs.break.heal Controls who can break heal signs.
Various None essentials.signs.break.info Controls who can break info signs.
Various None essentials.signs.break.kit Controls who can break kit signs.
Various None essentials.signs.break.mail Controls who can break a mail sign.
Various None essentials.signs.break.protection Controls who can break a protection sign. T
Various None essentials.signs.break.repair Controls who can break repair signs.
Various None essentials.signs.break.sell Controls who can break sell signs.
Various None essentials.signs.break.spawnmob Controls who can break spawnmob signs.
Various None essentials.signs.break.time Controls who can break time signs.
Various None essentials.signs.break.trade Controls who can break trade signs.
Various None essentials.signs.break.warp Controls who can break warp signs.
Various None essentials.signs.break.weather Controls who can break weather signs.
Various None essentials.signs.color This allows you to color your signs using c
Various None essentials.signs.create.balance Controls who can create balance signs.
Various None essentials.signs.create.buy Controls who can create buy signs.
Various None essentials.signs.create.disposal Controls who can create disposal signs.
Various None essentials.signs.create.enchant Controls who can create enchant signs.
Various None essentials.signs.create.free Controls who can create free signs.
Various None essentials.signs.create.gamemode Controls who can create gamemode signs.
Various None essentials.signs.create.heal Controls who can create heal signs.
Various None essentials.signs.create.info Controls who can create info signs.
Various None essentials.signs.create.kit Controls who can create kit signs.
Various None essentials.signs.create.mail Controls who can create a mail sign.
Various None essentials.signs.create.protection Controls who can create a protection sign.
Various None essentials.signs.create.repair Controls who can create repair signs.
Various None essentials.signs.create.sell Controls who can create sell signs.
Various None essentials.signs.create.spawnmob Controls who can create spawnmob signs.
Various None essentials.signs.create.time Controls who can create time signs.
Various None essentials.signs.create.trade Controls who can create trade signs.
Various None essentials.signs.create.warp Controls who can create warp signs.
Various None essentials.signs.create.weather Controls who can create weather signs.
Various None essentials.signs.enchant.allowunsafe Allows using [enchant] signs to perform un
Various None essentials.signs.format This allows you to format your signs using
Various None essentials.signs.magic This allows you to use the matrix/magic co
Various None essentials.signs.protection.override Used to override any protections. Typically
Various None essentials.signs.trade.override Used to override the creator only protection
Various None essentials.signs.use.balance Controls who can use balance signs.
Various None essentials.signs.use.buy Controls who can use buy signs.
Various None essentials.signs.use.disposal Controls who can use disposal signs.
Various None essentials.signs.use.enchant Controls who can use enchant signs.
Various None essentials.signs.use.free Controls who can use free signs.
Various None essentials.signs.use.gamemode Controls who can use gamemode signs.
Various None essentials.signs.use.heal Controls who can use heal signs.
Various None essentials.signs.use.info Controls who can use info signs.
Various None essentials.signs.use.kit Controls who can use kit signs.
Various None essentials.signs.use.mail Controls who can use a mail sign.
Various None essentials.signs.use.protection Controls who can use a protection sign. Typ
Various None essentials.signs.use.repair Controls who can use repair signs.
Various None essentials.signs.use.sell Controls who can use sell signs.
Various None essentials.signs.use.spawnmob Controls who can use spawnmob signs.
Various None essentials.signs.use.time Controls who can use time signs.
Various None essentials.signs.use.trade Controls who can use trade signs.
Various None essentials.signs.use.warp Controls who can use warp signs.
Various None essentials.signs.use.weather Controls who can use weather signs.
Various None essentials.silentquit Suppress leave/quit messages for users with
Various None essentials.sleepingignored User isn't required to be sleeping, for time t
XMPP setxmpp essentials.setxmpp Allow access to the /setxmpp command.
XMPP xmpp essentials.xmpp Allow access to the /xmpp command.
XMPP xmppspy essentials.xmppspy Allow access to the /xmppspy command.

52. Plotme

Parece que no tiene

53. Tntrun

No necesita al parecer

54. Libsdisguises

Permissions Ordering and Negation(top)

libsdisguises.disguise.pig = All options
libsdisguises.disguise.pig.* = All options
libsdisguises.disguise.pig.setinvisible = Can only access set invisible
libsdisguises.disguise.pig.-setinvisible = Can access all options but setinvisible
libsdisguises.disguise.pig.-setinvisible.-setbaby = Can access all options but setinvisible and

Hiding Commands From Groups(top)


This will stop the group from using the LibsDisguises command at all.

55. Nocheatplus


nocheatplus.shortcut.info Gives permissions to

nocheatplus.shortcut.monitor Gives permissions for
nocheatplus.shortcut.safeadmin Gives permissions to
nocheatplus.shortcut.bypass Gives permissions to bypass all checks.


nocheatplus.checks Exempts from all checks

nocheatplus.checks.<Check category here> Exempts from all checks of a given
check category
nocheatplus.checks.<Check category here>.<Check name here> Exempts group of
this check. Example: nocheatplus.checks.moving.creativefly will exempt from

nocheatplus.bypass.denylogin Exempts from login denial
nocheatplus.checks.blockplace.boatsanywhere Allows to place boats on the
ground (not just in water).
nocheatplus.checks.blockbreak.break.liquid Allows to break water/lava


nocheatplus.command.commands Can view all NC+ commands with /ncp commands

nocheatplus.command.exempt Can exempt players from checks with /ncp exempt
nocheatplus.command.exemptions Can list all check exemptions of a player
with /ncp exemptions
nocheatplus.command.info Can view check violations of a player with /ncp info
nocheatplus.command.inspect Can retrieve player status data with /ncp inspect
nocheatplus.command.lag Can view server lag spikes with /ncp lag
nocheatplus.command.log Can access internal debug data with /ncp
lognocheatplus.command.notify Can toggle on/off in-game cheat notifications
(includes permission nocheatplus.notify) for /ncp notify command)
nocheatplus.command.reload Can reload NC+ to re-read configurations and
permissions with /ncp reload
nocheatplus.command.removeplayer Can remove a players violation history
with /ncp removeplayer
nocheatplus.command.unexempt Can unexempt a player from checks with /ncp
nocheatplus.command.version Can view the version information with /ncp version

Auxiliary commands
nocheatplus.command.allowlogin Can remove temporary kicked players with /ncp
nocheatplus.command.ban Can ban players with /ncp ban
nocheatplus.command.delay Can delay command execution with /ncp delay
nocheatplus.command.denylogin Can temporary kick players with /ncp denylogin
nocheatplus.command.kick Can kick players with /ncp kick
nocheatplus.command.kicklist Can view all players that have been temp-kicked
with /ncp kicklist
nocheatplus.command.tell Can send private messages to players using /ncp tell
Client modifications

With those permissions you can decide which mods should not be disabled on

CJB Mods
nocheatplus.mods.cjb Allows all CJB mod features.
nocheatplus.mods.cjb.fly Allows to use the fly mod.
nocheatplus.mods.cjb.radar Allows to use the radar/minimap.
nocheatplus.mods.cjb.xray Allows to xray.

Rei's Minimap
nocheatplus.mods.rei.cave Enables cave rendering.
nocheatplus.mods.rei.radar Enables all radar features.
nocheatplus.mods.rei.radar.animal Enables the animal radar.
nocheatplus.mods.rei.radar.player Enables the player radar.
nocheatplus.mods.rei.radar.mob Enables the mob radar.
nocheatplus.mods.rei.radar.other Enables radar for "other" entities.
nocheatplus.mods.rei.radar.slime Enables the radar for slimes.
nocheatplus.mods.rei.radar.squid Enables the squid radar.

Smart Moving
nocheatplus.mods.smartmoving Enables all smart movement featuers.
nocheatplus.mods.smartmoving.climbing Enables climbing.
nocheatplus.mods.smartmoving.crawling Enables crawling.
nocheatplus.mods.smartmoving.flying Enables flying.
nocheatplus.mods.smartmoving.jumping Enables jumping.
nocheatplus.mods.smartmoving.sliding Enables sliding.
nocheatplus.mods.smartmoving.swimming Enables special swimming.

Zombe's modpack
nocheatplus.mods.zombe Enables all featuers of the zombe mod.
nocheatplus.mods.zombe.cheat Enables the cheating parts.
nocheatplus.mods.zombe.fly Enables flying.
nocheatplus.mods.zombe.noclip Enables nocliping.
nocheatplus.mods.journey Enables all Journey map featuers.
nocheatplus.mods.journey.radar Enables the radar.
nocheatplus.mods.journey.cave Enables the cave redering.
(I think one is missing here hmm...)

Miscellaneous and parent permissions

nocheatplus.admin Gives access to all NoCheatPlus commands including Auxiliary

nocheatplus.notify Will receive hack notifications over in-game chat

56. Coloredtags

Tag Permissions
 tags.black
 tags.darkblue
 tags.darkgreen
 tags.darkaqua
 tags.darkred
 tags.darkpurple
 tags.gold
 tags.gray
 tags.darkgray
 tags.blue
 tags.green
 tags.aqua
 tags.red
 tags.lightpurple
 tags.yellow
 tags.white
 tags.magic
 tags.bold
 tags.strikethrough
 tags.underline
 tags.italic

57. Animatedframes


 animatedframes.create - Permission to create images

 animatedframes.remove - Permission to remove images
 animatedframes.list - Permission to list images
58. Essentialsgeoip

Esta con los permisos de essentials mas arriba o eso creo

59. Serversigns

Player Permissions
Permission Description

serversigns.use.* Allows the use of all ServerSigns on the server

Allows the use of all ServerSigns which don't have a special

permission set

Allows the use of all ServerSigns which have permission set

to "promote"

Administrator Permissions
Permission Description

Allows access to all features of


serversigns.updatenotification Allows to see update notifications in chat

serversigns.command.add Allows access to /svs add

serversigns.command.set_cancel Allows access to /svs setcancel

serversigns.command.cancel_permission Allows access to /svs cancelpermission

serversigns.command.confirmation Allows access to /svs confirmation

serversigns.command.copy Allows access to /svs copy

serversigns.command.create Allows access to /svs create

serversigns.command.holding Allows access to /svs holding

serversigns.command.held_item_criteria Allows access to /svs hic

serversigns.command.insert Allows access to /svs insert

serversigns.command.grant Allows access to /svs grant

serversigns.command.price_item Allows access to /svs pi

serversigns.command.price_item_criteria Allows access to /svs pic

serversigns.command.reload Allows access to /svs reload

serversigns.command.reload_config Allows access to /svs reloadconfig

serversigns.command.reload_signs Allows access to /svs reloadsigns

serversigns.command.remove Allows access to /svs remove

serversigns.command.reset_cooldown Allows access to /svs resetcd

serversigns.command.resetcooldowns Allows access to /svs resetcooldowns

serversigns.command.set_cooldown Allows access to /svs setcooldown

serversigns.command.set_global_cooldown Allows access to /svs setglobalcooldown

serversigns.command.set_loops Allows access to /svs setloops

serversigns.command.set_permission Allows access to /svs setpermission

serversigns.command.set_price Allows access to /svs setprice

serversigns.command.set_price Allows access to /svs setprice

serversigns.command.set_uses Allows access to /svs setuses

serversigns.command.silent Allows access to /svs silent

serversigns.command.void Allows access to /svs void

serversigns.command.xp Allows access to /svs xp

60. Messagefilter


 messagefilter.config — only one permission to access commands.

 messagefilter.test — perform test of MessageFilter when player joins the server.

61. Playerheads
Node Default Description
playerheads.config.get op read-only access to configs
playerheads.config.set op can edit configs or reload from disk
playerheads.spawn op can spawn any playername head for self
playerheads.spawn.own op can spawn only your own head for self
playerheads.spawn.forother op can spawn any playername head into someone elses inventory
playerheads.rename op can rename head in hand
playerheads.canbehead true can lop of someone elses head
playerheads.canlosehead true can have his head lopped off
playerheads.canbeheadmob true can remove heads from mobs
playerheads.update op when update available, can view notice and manually update
playerheads.alwaysbehead false Ignore drop rate for player heads and drop 100% of the time
playerheads.alwaysbeheadmob false Ignore drop rate for mob heads and drop 100% of the time
playerheads.clickinfo false When a player head is clicked the player name will be displayed
62. Essentialschat

Arriba en essentials

63. Worldguard

Command Permission

 worldguard.region.wand
Allow usage of
the wand item

Miscellaneous commands

/locate  worldguard.locate

/stack  worldguard.stack
 worldguard.stack.illegitimate
 worldguard.stack.damaged

Emergency commands

/stopfire  worldguard.fire-toggle.*

/allowfire  worldguard.fire-toggle.*

/halt-activity  worldguard.halt-activity

/halt-activity -c  worldguard.halt-activity

Area protection commands

/region define  worldguard.region.define

/region redefine  worldguard.region.redefine.own (lets owners redefine their

own regions)
 worldguard.region.redefine.member (lets members redefine
their own regions)
 worldguard.region.redefine
In WorldGuard 5.8 and newer, these permissions have changed


/region claim  worldguard.region.claim

/region select  worldguard.region.select.own.* (lets owners select their own

 worldguard.region.select.own.<region> (lets owners select
their own regions for the given region ID)
 worldguard.region.select.member.* (lets members select their
own regions)
 worldguard.region.select.member.<region> (lets members
select their own regions for the given region ID)
 worldguard.region.select.*
 worldguard.region.select.<region> (for a given region)
These are also checked for /region info with the -s flag.

/region info  worldguard.region.info.own (lets owners query their own

 worldguard.region.info.member (lets members query their own
 worldguard.region.info.*
In WorldGuard 5.7.6 and newer, these permissions have changed

 worldguard.region.info.own.*
 worldguard.region.info.member.*
 worldguard.region.info.*

/region addowner  worldguard.region.addowner.own.*

 worldguard.region.addowner.member.*
 worldguard.region.addowner.*

Alias remowner
 worldguard.region.removeowner.own.*
 worldguard.region.removeowner.member.*
 worldguard.region.removeowner.*

/region  worldguard.region.addmember.own.*
addmember  worldguard.region.addmember.member.*
 worldguard.region.addmember.*

Alias remmember, removemem, remmem
 worldguard.region.removemember.own.*
 worldguard.region.removemember.member.*
 worldguard.region.removemember.*
/region list  worldguard.region.list.own (lets owners see list of their
 worldguard.region.list
Warning: Permissions are currently not checked for the other
world if another world is specified.

/region flag
There are TWO sets of permissions that you must give. The first is
the permission to use the command.

 worldguard.region.flag.regions.own.* (lets owners set the flags

for their own regions)
 worldguard.region.flag.regions.own.<region> (lets owners set
the flags for their own regions for the given region ID)
 worldguard.region.flag.regions.member.* (lets members set
the flags for their own regions)
 worldguard.region.flag.regions.member.<region> (lets
members set the flags for their own regions for the given
region ID)
 worldguard.region.flag.regions.*
 worldguard.region.flag.regions.<region> (for a given region)
Then you must give permission to use the flags.

 worldguard.region.flag.flags.<flag>.* for the given flag

 worldguard.region.flag.flags.* for all flags
Example: The permission for the chest-access flag
worldguard.region.flag.flags.chest-access.* would give a user only
the ability to set that flag.

For region flag names please see this page.

/region setpriority  worldguard.region.setpriority.own.* (lets owners set the priority

of their own regions)
 worldguard.region.setpriority.own.<region> (lets owners set
the priority of their own regions for the given region ID)
 worldguard.region.setpriority.member.* (lets members set the
priority of their own regions)
 worldguard.region.setpriority.member.<region> (lets members
set the priority of their own regions for the given region ID)
 worldguard.region.setpriority.*
 worldguard.region.setpriority.<region> (for a given region)

/region setparent  worldguard.region.setparent.own.* (lets owners set the parent

of their own regions)
 worldguard.region.setparent.own.<region> (lets owners set the
parent of their own regions for the given region ID)
 worldguard.region.setparent.member.* (lets members set the
parent of their own regions)
 worldguard.region.setparent.member.<region> (lets members
set the parent of their own regions for the given region ID)
 worldguard.region.setparent.*
 worldguard.region.setparent.<region> (for a given region)
These are also checked for the parent region.

/region teleport  worldguard.region.teleport.own.* (lets owners teleport to their

own regions)
 worldguard.region.teleport.own.<region> (lets owners teleport
to their own regions for the given region ID)
 worldguard.region.teleport.member.* (lets members teleport to
their own regions)
 worldguard.region.teleport.member.<region> (lets members
teleport to their own regions for the given region ID)
 worldguard.region.teleport.*
 worldguard.region.teleport.<region> (for a given region)

/region remove  worldguard.region.remove.own.* (lets owners remove their

own regions)
 worldguard.region.remove.own.<region> (lets owners remove
their own regions for the given region ID)
 worldguard.region.remove.member.* (lets members remove
their own regions)
 worldguard.region.remove.member.<region> (lets members
remove their own regions for the given region ID)
 worldguard.region.remove.*
 worldguard.region.remove.<region> (for a given region)

WorldGuard commands

(Not applicable)

/worldguard  worldguard.reload

/worldguard report  worldguard.report

 worldguard.report.pastebin (for automatically uploading and
linking the report)

 worldguard.region.bypass.<world> (gives users with this permission the ability to
bypass region protection)
 worldguard.notify (Receive blacklist events notifications)
 worldguard.chest-protection.override (override chest protection)
 worldguard.override.chest-protection (alias for worldguard.chest-protection.override)

64. Essentialsxmpp
65. Essentialsprotect
66. Essentialsantibuild
67. Skins

Command Description Permission

/skin [name] builds a skin skins.build

/skin undo undo last skin built by you

/skin smooth adds human skin colors with wood after you built a skin with /skin [name]

/skin [name] clay builds a skin in clay mode skins.build

/skin [name] glass builds a skin in glass mode skins.build

/skin [name] all builds a skin in all blocks mode (deprecated) skins.build

/colortest start determines how many colors are supported by the plugin colortest.colortest

/colortest status shows the results after a colortest colortest.colortest

/skinload [name] builds a skin from file (normal mode) skins.load

Building Mobs
Command Description Permission

/mobstatue [type] builds a mob statue mobs.build

/mobstatue undo undo a mob statue mobs.build

/mobbuild [type] builds a mob statue mobs.build

68. Essentialsspawn
69. Combatlog


 combatlog.bypass - Ability to bypass all of CombatLog's log prevention methods. (Default

 combatlog.reload - Ability to reload combatlog.yml. (Default OP)
 combatlog.update - Ability to see UpdateChecks upon logging in. (Default OP)

70. Jobs

jobs.join.[jobname] - Grants access to join particular job (will be added in most case,
but if not, then add them manually)
jobs.autojoin.[jobname] - Grants access to auto join job on logging in.
jobs.* - Grants access to all Jobs commands (only for admins!)
jobs.admin - Grants permissions as an admin (only for admins!)
jobs.use - Grants ability to use this plugin
jobs.command.* - Grants player access to all commands
jobs.command.browse - Grants access to the browse command
jobs.command.top - Grants access to the top command
jobs.command.stats - Grants access to the stats command
jobs.command.archive - Grants access to the archive command
jobs.command.admin.archive - Grants access to the archive command on other
jobs.command.admin.stats - Grants access to the stats command on other players
jobs.command.join - Grants access to the join command
jobs.command.leave - Grants access to the leave command
jobs.command.leaveall - Grants access to the leaveall command
jobs.command.info - Grants access to the info command
jobs.command.playerinfo - Grants access to the playerinfo command
jobs.command.editjobs - Grants access to the editjobs command
jobs.command.fire - Grants access to the fire command
jobs.command.fireall - Grants access to the fireall command
jobs.command.employ - Grants access to the employ command
jobs.command.promote - Grants access to the promote command
jobs.command.demote - Grants access to the demote command
jobs.command.grantxp - Grants access to the grantxp command
jobs.command.removexp - Grants access to the removexp command
jobs.command.transfer - Grants access to the transfer command
jobs.command.reload - Grants access to the reload command
jobs.command.give - Grants access to the give command
jobs.command.boost - Grants access to the boost command
jobs.command.help - Grants access to the help command
jobs.command.toggle - Grants access to the toggle command
jobs.command.signupdate - Grants access to the signupdate
jobs.command.limit - Grants access to the limit command
jobs.max.[numer] - Grants permission to have more than default max jobs
jobs.vipspawner - Grants access to get paid from spawners ignoring global
jobs.petpay - Grants access to get paid when pet kills monster
jobs.boost.[jobname].money.[amount] - Boosts money for specific job by defined
amount. Example: jobs.boost.miner.money.0.5
jobs.boost.[jobname].exp.[amount] - Boosts exp for specific job by defined amount.
Example: jobs.boost.miner.exp.-0.5
jobs.boost.[jobname].points.[amount] - Boosts exp for specific job by defined
amount. Example: jobs.boost.minet.points.1.5
jobs.boost.[jobname].all.[amount] - Boosts money/exp/points for specific job
jobs.boost.all.money.[amount] - Boosts money for all jobs by defined amount
jobs.boost.all.exp.[amount] - Boosts exp for all jobs by defined amount
jobs.boost.all.all.[amount] - Boosts money/exp/points for all jobs by defined amount
jobs.[jobname].vipmaxlevel - Give access to different max jobs level
jobs.[jobname].vipmaxlevel.[amount] - Give access to different max jobs levels.
Uses biggest one.
jobs.command.admin.points - Give access to check players points
jobs.area.select - allows to use selection tool
jobs.area.add - allows to add new restricted area
jobs.area.remove - allows to remove old restricted area
71. Multiverse-core

Multiverse World Permissions

Multiverse allows you to control who can enter worlds via permissions! When
you create a world or import a world into Multiverse-Core, it automatically
creates a permission: multiverse.access.WORLDNAME. If a
player has multiverse.access.WORLDNAME, then they can enter that world.
NOTE: Ensure you have enforceaccess enabled in your
Multiverse [[config.yml]]. If enforceaccess is set to false anyone can go
to any world and all world-access permissions are ignored.
If you give a user multiverse.access.* they can go to all worlds.

72. Shopkeepers
Permission Default Description

shopkeeper.* op Includes all other permissions.

shopkeeper.debug op Access to the debug command.

Allows bypassing certain restrictions. Modify and

shopkeeper.bypass op
transfer player shops of others.

shopkeeper.reload op Access to the reload command.

shopkeeper.list.own everyone List the own player shops via command.

shopkeeper.list.others op List the shops of other players via command.

shopkeeper.list.admin op List all admin shops via command.

shopkeeper.remove.own op Remove the own player shops via command.

shopkeeper.remove.others op Remove the shops of other players via command.

Remove all players shops of all players at once via

shopkeeper.remove.all op

shopkeeper.remove.admin op Remove all admin shops via command.

shopkeeper.remote op Remotely open admin shops via command.

shopkeeper.transfer op Transfer player shops to another player.

shopkeeper.settradeperm op Set the trade permissions for admin shopkeepers.

shopkeeper.setforhire op Set a shopkeeper to be up for hire.

shopkeeper.hire everyone Allows hiring of shopkeepers.

shopkeeper.help everyone Access to the help command.

shopkeeper.trade everyone Allows trading with shopkeepers.

shopkeeper.admin op Create and modify admin shops.

shopkeeper.player none Create any type of player shop.

shopkeeper.player.normal everyone Create normal player shops.

shopkeeper.player.book everyone Create book-selling player shops.

shopkeeper.player.buy everyone Create buying player shops.

shopkeeper.player.trade everyone Create item trading player shops.

type> none Create shopkeepers of the specified mob type.

shopkeeper.entity.* op Create shopkeepers of all mob types.

shopkeeper.entity.villager everyone Create villager shopkeepers.

shopkeeper.entity.witch everyone Create witch shopkeepers.

shopkeeper.entity.creeper everyone Create creeper shopkeepers.

shopkeeper.sign everyone Create sign shopkeepers.

shopkeeper.citizen op Create citizen (npc) shopkeepers.

Specifies the maximum number of player shops a

shopkeeper.maxshops.<count> none player can have. Only values configured in the
config can be used.

73. Multiverse-portals

•Multiverse Portals Permissions

Multiverse-Portals allows you to control who can use portals via permissions!
When you create a portal, it automatically creates a
permission: multiverse.portal.access.PORTALNAME. If a
player has multiverse.portal.access.PORTALNAME, then they can use that portal.

74. Protectionstones

The following permissions are available if you would like to use them.

"protectionstones.create" for placing ProtectionStones (default set to true). Also checks

WorldGuard for player permission to place blocks in this location.

"protectionstones.destroy" for breaking ProtectionStones (default set to true). Also checks

WorldGuard for player permission to break blocks in this location.

"protectionstones.view" for ProtectionStones View Command (default set to true).

"protectionstones.center" for ProtectionStones Center Command (default set to true).

"protectionstones.info" for ProtectionStones Info Command (default set to true), does not effect
the sub commands.

"protectionstones.hide" for ProtectionStones Hide Command (default set to op, changed from

"protectionstones.unhide" for ProtectionStones Unhide Command (default set to op, changed

from true).
"protectionstones.priority" for ProtectionStones Priority Command (default set to true).

"protectionstones.superowner" Overrides in region commands owner checks (default set to op).

"protectionstones.group1" for ProtectionStones Group Limiting Group #1 (default set to false).

"protectionstones.group2" for ProtectionStones Group Limiting Group #2 (default set to false).

"protectionstones.group3" for ProtectionStones Group Limiting Group #3 (default set to false).

"protectionstones.group4" for ProtectionStones Group Limiting Group #4 (default set to false).

"protectionstones.group5" for ProtectionStones Group Limiting Group #5 (default set to false).

"protectionstones.group6" for ProtectionStones Group Limiting Group #6 (default set to false).

"protectionstones.group7" for ProtectionStones Group Limiting Group #7 (default set to false).

"protectionstones.group8" for ProtectionStones Group Limiting Group #8 (default set to false).

"protectionstones.group9" for ProtectionStones Group Limiting Group #9 (default set to false).

Only place a player in one group, by setting only one to "true".

"protectionstones.owners" for ProtectionStones Owners Commands (default set to op). This

includes the following three commands:"/ps addowner [player], /ps removeowner [player], /ps
info owners

"protectionstones.members" for ProtectionStones Members Commands (default set to true).

This includes the following three commands:"/ps add [player], /ps remove [player], /ps info

"protectionstones.flags" for ProtectionStones Flags Commands (default set to true). This

includes the following three commands:"/ps info flags, /ps flag [flag name] [setting], /ps flag

See the Commands Page to see the available flags.

Commands associated to the permissions above must be used while standing in the
ProtectionStones Protected Area that you own.

"protectionstones.toggle" for ProtectionStones Toggle Command (default set to op).

"protectionstones.region" for ProtectionStones Region Commands for Admins (default set to

op). This includes the following five commands:"/ps region count [player], /ps region list [player],
/ps region remove [player], /ps region regen [player], /ps region disown [player]

As a note /ps info region must be performed while standing in a region.

"protectionstones.admin" for ProtectionStones Admin Commands for Admins (default set to op).
This includes the following ten commands:"/ps admin version, /ps admin settings, /ps admin
lastlogon [player], /ps admin lastlogons [days], /ps admin hide, /ps admin unhide, /ps admin
stats [player], /ps admin cleanup remove [days], /ps admin cleanup regen [days], /ps admin
cleanup disown [days]

Flag Setting Permissions

These permissions only effect the /ps flag command, not the default flags set to a new region.

"protectionstones.flag.passthrough" (default set to true)

"protectionstones.flag.build" (default set to false)

"protectionstones.flag.pvp" (default set to true)

"protectionstones.flag.chest-access" (default set to true)

"protectionstones.flag.pistons" (default set to true)

"protectionstones.flag.tnt" (default set to true)

"protectionstones.flag.lighter" (default set to true)

"protectionstones.flag.use" (default set to true)

"protectionstones.flag.vehicle-place" (default set to true)

"protectionstones.flag.vehicle-destroy" (default set to true)

"protectionstones.flag.sleep" (default set to true)

"protectionstones.flag.mob-damage" (default set to true)

"protectionstones.flag.mob-spawning" (default set to true)

"protectionstones.flag.deny-spawn" (default set to true)

"protectionstones.flag.invincible" (default set to true)

"protectionstones.flag.creeper-explosion" (default set to true)

"protectionstones.flag.ghast-fireball" (default set to true)

"protectionstones.flag.enderman-grief" (default set to true)

"protectionstones.flag.greeting" (default set to true)

"protectionstones.flag.farewell" (default set to true)

"protectionstones.flag.notify-enter" (default set to true)

"protectionstones.flag.notify-leave" (default set to true)

"protectionstones.flag.exit" (default set to true)

"protectionstones.flag.exit-group" (default set to true)

"protectionstones.flag.entry" (default set to true)

"protectionstones.flag.entry-group" (default set to true)

"protectionstones.flag.heal-amount" (default set to true)

"protectionstones.flag.heal-delay" (default set to true)

"protectionstones.flag.heal-min-health" (default set to true)

"protectionstones.flag.heal-max-health" (default set to true)

"protectionstones.flag.feed-delay" (default set to true)

"protectionstones.flag.feed-amount" (default set to true)

"protectionstones.flag.feed-min-hunger" (default set to true)

"protectionstones.flag.feed-max-hunger" (default set to true)

"protectionstones.flag.snow-fall" (default set to true)

"protectionstones.flag.snow-melt" (default set to true)

"protectionstones.flag.ice-form" (default set to true)

"protectionstones.flag.ice-melt" (default set to true)

"protectionstones.flag.mushroom-growth" (default set to true)

"protectionstones.flag.leaf-decay" (default set to true)

"protectionstones.flag.grass-growth" (default set to true)

"protectionstones.flag.fire-spread" (default set to true)

"protectionstones.flag.lava-fire" (default set to true)

"protectionstones.flag.lava-flow" (default set to true)

"protectionstones.flag.water-flow" (default set to true)

"protectionstones.flag.teleport" (default set to true)

"protectionstones.flag.teleport-group" (default set to true)

"protectionstones.flag.spawn" (default set to true)

"protectionstones.flag.spawn-group" (default set to true)

"protectionstones.flag.blocked-cmds" (default set to true)

"protectionstones.flag.allowed-cmds" (default set to true)

"protectionstones.flag.price" (default set to true)

"protectionstones.flag.buyable" (default set to true)

Visit WorldGuard for the complete list of WorldGuard Region Flags and more

WG Permission to Modify Other Regions

If you have this permission you can modify other players WorldGuard Regions.


Or: worldguard.region.bypass.* for all worlds.

Default Permissions
PS was created with the most common permission defaults preset. To make PS easy to
configure or to use it without a permissions plugin. All the PS Permissions are listed above on
this page with their defaults of either, true (allowed), false (denied), or op (operator allowed).

To change these defaults you would either need to allow a false or op permission in your
permissions plugin by adding that permission to the players group or the player directly for
unique situations.

But for permissions that are set as true (allowed) many people may find it easier or the only way
to deny a player would be to alter PS's defaults directly in the plugin.

To do this to any permission in PS do the following:

Open the protectionstones.jar with an archive program like 7zip, then edit the plugin.yml file
inside the jar.

Find the permission section you want to change like the one controlling all flags commands...
description: Allows Use of Flags Commands
default: true
And change the "default: true" to "default: false"

Don't forget to reload your plugins so it will take effect.

As an additional note, if you go this route you will need to do this each time you update PS to a
new version.

75. Gianttrees

 gianttrees.create (default OP) - Allows the creation of a giant tree using the tree-create
 gianttrees.grow (default true) - Allows a player to grow a giant tree by fertilizing a grid of

76. Chestshop

Permission Nodes:
ChestShop.* - All ChestShop Permissions
ChestShop.shop.* - shop creation and buying/selling
ChestShop.shop.create.* - create all types of shops
ChestShop.shop.buy - buy any item from shop
ChestShop.shop.sell - sell any item to shop
ChestShop.modopen - any shop chest, destroy stores
ChestShop.admin - open - any shop chest, destroy stores, create admin shops
77. Skinsrestorer

Player commands: (skinsrestorer.playercmds)

 /skin <skinname> - Sets your skin - skinsrestorer.playercmds

 /skins - skinsrestorer.playercmds.menu
Admin commands: (skinsrestorer.cmds)

 /sr set <playername> <skinname> - Sets player's skin.

 /sr reload - Reloads config and locale.
 /sr props <playername> - Returns properties of a player.
 /sr drop <skinname> - Removes skins data from database.

78. Multiverse-inventories

Parece que no tiene

79. Antixray


 antixray.use - Gives full access to the "/xlu" command.

80. Discofloor

Setup your permissions tan solo dice eso

81. Authme

AuthMe Permission Nodes

The following are the permission nodes that are currently supported by the
latest dev builds.

 authme.admin.* – Give access to all admin commands.

 authme.admin.accounts – Administrator command to see all accounts
associated with a user.
 authme.admin.antibotmessages – Permission to see Antibot messages.
 authme.admin.backup – Allows to use the backup command.
 authme.admin.changemail – Administrator command to set or change the
email address of a user.
 authme.admin.changepassword – Administrator command to change the
password of a user.
 authme.admin.converter – Administrator command to convert old or other
data to AuthMe data.
 authme.admin.firstspawn – Administrator command to teleport to the first
AuthMe spawn.
 authme.admin.forcelogin – Administrator command to force-login an existing
 authme.admin.getemail – Administrator command to get the email address of
a user, if set.
 authme.admin.getip – Administrator command to get the last known IP of a
 authme.admin.lastlogin – Administrator command to see the last login date
and time of a user.
 authme.admin.purge – Administrator command to purge old user data.
 authme.admin.purgebannedplayers – Administrator command to purge all
data associated with banned players.
 authme.admin.purgelastpos – Administrator command to purge the last
position of a user.
 authme.admin.purgeplayer – Administrator command to purge a given player.
 authme.admin.register – Administrator command to register a new user.
 authme.admin.reload – Administrator command to reload the plugin
 authme.admin.seeotheraccounts – Permission to see the other accounts of
the players that log in.
 authme.admin.setfirstspawn – Administrator command to set the first AuthMe
 authme.admin.setspawn – Administrator command to set the AuthMe spawn.
 authme.admin.spawn – Administrator command to teleport to the AuthMe
 authme.admin.switchantibot – Administrator command to toggle the AntiBot
protection status.
 authme.admin.unregister – Administrator command to unregister an existing
 authme.admin.updatemessages – Permission to use the update messages
 authme.allowmultipleaccounts – Permission to be able to register multiple
 authme.bypassantibot – Permission node to bypass AntiBot protection.
 authme.bypasscountrycheck – Permission to bypass the GeoIp country code
 authme.bypassforcesurvival – Permission for users to bypass force-survival
 authme.bypasspurge – Permission to bypass the purging process.
 authme.debug.command – General permission to use the /authme debug
 authme.debug.country – Permission to use the country lookup section.
 authme.debug.db – Permission to view data from the database.
 authme.debug.group – Permission to view permission groups.
 authme.debug.limbo – Permission to use the limbo data viewer.
 authme.debug.mail – Permission to use the test email sender.
 authme.debug.mysqldef – Permission to change nullable status of MySQL
 authme.debug.perm – Permission to use the permission checker.
 authme.debug.spawn – Permission to view spawn information.
 authme.debug.stats – Permission to use the stats section.
 authme.debug.valid – Permission to use sample validation.
 authme.player.* – Permission to use all player (non-admin) commands.
 authme.player.canbeforced – Permission for users a login can be forced to.
 authme.player.captcha – Command permission to use captcha.
 authme.player.changepassword – Command permission to change the
 authme.player.email – Grants all email permissions.
 authme.player.email.add – Command permission to add an email address.
 authme.player.email.change – Command permission to change the email
 authme.player.email.recover – Command permission to recover an account
using its email address.
 authme.player.email.see – Command permission to see the own email
 authme.player.login – Command permission to login.
 authme.player.logout – Command permission to logout.
 authme.player.register – Command permission to register.
 authme.player.security.verificationcode – Permission to use the email
verification codes feature.
 authme.player.seeownaccounts – Permission to use to see own other
 authme.player.unregister – Command permission to unregister.
 authme.vip – When the server is full and someone with this permission joins
the server, someone will be kicked.

82. Holographicdisplays

 The permission to use all the commands is holograms.* (if your permissions plugin supports
 Individual permissions for each commands are holograms.<subCommandName>
 The permission to receive update notifications on join is holograms.update

83. Multiworldmoney

description: Gives access to the balance command
default: true
description: Allows players to pay each other in-world
default: true
description: Enables checking of other player’s balances
default: op
description: Access to admin commands
default: op

84. Corpsereborn

corpses.spawn - Permission to use /spawncorpse
corpses.remove - Permission to use /removecorpse
corpses.reload - Permission to use /corpsereborn reload
85. Speechbubbles

Colors in message : Speechbubbles.color

User commands : Speechbubbles.user

Admin commands : Speechbubbles.admin

86. Portalgun

No tiene al parecer

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