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Modal Present : can, may, shall, must, will.

Modal past : could, might, should, would.
Modal perfect : can have + V3, could have + V3, might have+ V3, must have + V3
Would have + V3, should have + V3.

Makna Modal dan penggunaannya:

1. Polite request: (dapatkah)
- Can I borrow your pen? (less polite)
- Could I borrow your pen? (polite)

2. Ability / inability: (dapat)

- I can run fast  present ability
- He could run fast when he was young  past ability

3. Impossibility (tidak mungkin)

- That can’t/couldn’t be true  present/ future

4. Suggestion (dapat)
“I need help in math”
“You could talk to your teacher”

5. Certainty (less than 50%) – (mungkin)

“Where’s John?”
“He could be at home”

1. Polite request and permission (bolehkah)
- May I borrow our pen?
- You may leave the room

(Might sangat jarang/bahkan hampir tidak pernah digunakan dalam ekspresi ini)

2. Certainty (less than 50%) – (mungkin)

“Where’s John?”
“He might/may be at home”


1. Suggestion (shall)
- Shall I open the window?) – (means: Is it OK with you if I open the window?)

2. Advisability (sebaiknya)
“I’m having trouble in math class.”
“You should / ought to talk your teacher.”

3. Certainty (90% sure)

You’ve been studied hard for the last weeks. You should/ ought to do well on the test.
1. Strong necessity (harus)
- You must call me ma’am.
- You have to call me ma’am

(ada perbedaan makna dalam penggunaan must dan have to dalam kalimat).

2. Certainty (95% sure) – (pasti)

“Mary isn’t in class.”
“Yesterday she was sick. She must be absent today.”

3. Prohibition
---- in negative---
Muslims mustn’t / must not eat pork.

4. Lack of necessity (tidak harus)

You don’t have to pick the package. They will have it sent.

1. Polite request (maukah anda)
Will / would you please pass the salt.

2. Willingness – (anda)
“The phone’s ringing.”
“I’ll get it”

3. 100% certainty.
He will be here at 6.00  future only.

4. Preference (lebih suka)

I would rather go to the park than stay here.

5. Repeated action in the past.


1. Menyatakan adanya kesempatan dimasa lampau tetapi kesempatan itu tidak digunakan.
- She could have bought it but she didn’t want to.
(means: She didn’t buy it)
2. Possibility in the past (Adanya kemungkinan dimasa lampau) - (mungkin)
Ex : “ where was ratna yesterday ?”
“ I don’t know. She could have gone early “
Means : it was possible that ratna went early yesterday

Kemungkinan di masa lampau
Ex : where was ratna yesterday
“ she might have gone early “
( means : it was possible that ratna went early yesterday)
Kesimpulan di masa lampau
Ex : she looked pale and and weak yesterday.
She must have been sick

Should have + V3
Sesuatu yang seharusnya dilakukan di masa lampau tetapi tidak dilakukan.
Ex : They should have submitted the paper yesterday
( means : they didn’t submitted the paper yesterday)

Would have +V3

Sering kali digunakan dalam conditional sentence
Ex : if he hadn’t joined the race, he wouldn’t have broken his leg
(means : he joined the race
He broke his leg )

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