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Center :

Periode : 2015

JumlahKasusProlaps Organ Panggul (dalamsatutahun)

Question. Filling blank based on their order of dominancy and percentage

1. Types of POP surgery for primary advance prolapse. (POPQ stage III & IV)
1 Vaginal approach using native tissue surgery %
2 Vaginal approach using TVM surgery %
3 Abdominal approach colposacropexy %
4 Abdominal approach L’scopycolposacropexy %
5 Abdominal approach Robotic colposacropexy %
6. Others…….(Please state when applicable) %
2. Type of vaginal approach using native tissue surgery for primary advance prolapse.
1 Sacrospinous ligament fixation for hysteropexy %
2 Sacrospinous ligament fixation with VH %
3 Uterosacral ligament plication without VH %
4 Uterosacral ligament plication with VH %
5 McCall culdoplasty %
6 LeFortcolpocleisis %
7 Others…….(Please state when applicable) %
3. Type of TVM surgery for primary advance prolapse.
1 TVM for anterior compartment %
2 TVM for apical compartment %
3 TVM for posterior compartment %
4 TVM for all compartment %
5 TVM for anterior + apical compartment %
6. TVM for posterior + apical compartment %
4. Types of POP surgery for recurrent advance prolapse.
1 Vaginal approach using native tissue surgery %
2 Vaginal approach using TVM surgery %
3 Abdominal approach colposacropexy %
4 Abdominal approach L’scopycolposacropexy %
5 Abdominal approach Robotic colposacropexy %
6. Others…….(Please state when applicable)s %
5. Conservative options before POP surgery for advance prolapse routinely.
1 No
2. Yes
6. Types of conservative options before POP surgery.
1 Kegel exercise %
2 Biofeedback %
3 Extracorporeal magnetic chair %
4 Vagina cone %
5 Pessary %
6 Others…….(Please state when applicable) %

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