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Informe de servicio

Información de Cabecera de Informe

Código del
Orden de 5rabajo JU05290 R080 Fabrican5e Ca5erpillar Inc.
3491 ELAURA Fecha de servicio 18/07/2018 Modelo 962L
del empleado
Número de
Clien5e EGPINOZA GRL Número de serie MTN00291
equipo de clien5e
Unidad del
Localización del
medidor de 918 Horas JULIACA - PUNO
Fecha de
Fecha prome5ida Fecha de GALIDA
Ins5rucciones Evaluacion de mo5or por repor5e de excesivo hollin (soo5) en el acei5e de mo5or.

Información Sobre el Camión

Modelo de
Marca de camión
VIN Tipo de cabina
Fecha de en5rega
del vehículo

Información del Segmento

No. de
Descripción :
Código de
Código de
Fecha de Fecha de
26/07/2018 26/07/2018
comienzo 5érmino

SIMS I Pieza Causa de la Avería

CódigoDescrip. No. del grupo
No. de No. de Nombre Nombre ¿Produc5o Ar5ículo
Can5idad GMCG que con5iene la
segmen5o pieza de la pieza Primario Gecundario grupo inopera5ivo? CAT

Mano de Obra
No. de Gin Iden5ificación del Indicador de Códigos Iora de Iora de Ioras de
Fecha Cambiar
segmen5o operación empleado 5iempo ex5ra de M/O comienzo 5érmino 5rabajo

Varios - Costos
No. de segmen5o Gin operación Iden5ificación del empleado Fecha Códigos de cargo Can5idad Descripción Cos5o

No. de segmen5o Gin operación Iden5ificación del empleado Vehículo Fecha Códigos de cargo Dis5ancia

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No. de
_ Evaluar el mo5or por repor5e de excesivo soo5 (hollin) en el acei5e de mo5or.
Queja del clien5e
_ Realizar la evaluacion AT2 al mo5or.
_ Realizar pruebas de operacion del equipo.
_ Evaluar sis5ema de aire acondicionado por repor5e del clien5e de un mal funcionamien5o del sis5ema.
_ Equipo 5rabaja a mas de 3500 msnm, realizando 5rabajos de carguio y alimen5acion de ma5erial a
Causa de la
_ El 04/05/ 2018 Clien5e realiza el reclamo por elevado soo5 en el acei5e de mo5or.
_ El 20/05/2028 con 529 horas se realiza el flushing del mo5or y el ajus5e de luz de valvulas de mo5or.
_ El 06/06/2018 con 747 horas se realiza el man5enimien5o PM1.
_ Clien5e repor5a sonido anormal en el sis5ema del aire acondicionado. ( Con la chapa en ON el sis5ema ya se
* Evaluar el mo5or por repor5e de excesivo soo5 (hollin) en el acei5e de mo5or.
_ Ge realiza la inspeccion y evaluacion de los componen5es del sis5ema de admision de aire ( Inspeccion de los
fil5ros de aire primario y secundario , limpieza del pre fil5ro del sis5ema, inspeccion de los conduc5os de aire e
inspeccion del 5urbo compresor) No presen5a anomalias.
_ Ge realiza la inspeccion de luz de valvulas de admision y escape del mo5or. ( Numero de medio UGNR 3387 -
13), Luz de valvulas se encon5raron den5ro de lo especificadpo por el fabrican5e.
_ Ge inspecciona car5illa de man5enimien5os del equipo, Man5enimien5os por ri5mo 5. ( PM1: 264 horas. - PM2:
529 horas. - PM1: 747 Horas.)

* Realizar la evaluacion AT2 al mo5or.

_ Ge realiza la evaluacion de los parame5ros de funcionamien5o del mo5or.
_ Toma de presiones de los sis5ema de lubricacion del mo5or, sis5ema de combus5ible, sis5ema de admision de
aire y presiones del car5er.
_ La evaluación del flujo de gases del cár5er de mo5or de es5o concluimos que el mo5or es5á den5ro de las
especificaciones requeridas del flujo de gases de cár5er. Rango verde.
_ Toma de 5empera5uras del sis5ema de refrigeracion del mo5or, sis5ema de escape, acei5e mo5or y
_ Toma de las rpm del mo5or en bajas , al5as y en caldo.
Daño resul5an5e _ Ge realiza el cor5e de cilindros con ET. ( cor5e au5oma5ico y manual.) Cabe mencionar que exis5e una
diferencia variable en5re las rpm del mo5or en cada cor5e manual de cilindros. ( Cor5e realizado en bajas, al5as
y en calado)
No exis5e procedimien5o alguno en el manual de servicios del equipo la prueba de medicion de fugas para
inyec5ores individuales.
_ No presen5a codigos ni even5os de falla ac5ivos.
_ Ge realiza la descarga de da5os PGR e his5ogramas de los sis5emas del equipo con ET.
_ Ge realiza la 5oma de mues5ras de acei5e mo5or, refrigeran5e y de combus5ible para su analisis.
_ Ge adjun5a un cuadro excel con los parame5ros 5omados del mo5or.

* Realizar pruebas de operacion del equipo.

_ Las pruebas de operaciones para la evaluacion del equipo se realizaron en bajas y al5as rpm , en calado
simple y calado doble.
_ Parame5ros de funcionamien5o del mo5or de combus5ion se encuen5ran den5ro de lo especificado por el
_ Ge adjun5a cuadro de parame5ros encon5rados.

* Evaluar sis5ema de aire acondicionado por repor5e del clien5e de sonido anormal en su funcionamien5o.
_ Ge realiza las pruebas del funcionamien5o del sis5ema de aire acondicionado jun5o al clien5e , El sonido que se
percibe en el sis5ema de aire acondicionado es normal al energizar el equipo con la chapa en ON . Al
encenderlo se inicia el ciclado de limpieza del aire que ingresa a la cabina.
_ El hollín es un con5aminan5e y ocurre como resul5ado del quemado incomple5o de combus5ible den5ro de la
camara del cilindro. Gi bien es cier5o que la viscosidad del acei5e incremen5ará conforme aumen5e la
Comen5arios concen5ración de hollín y posiblemen5e dejara el mo5or con menor lubricacion duran5e el arranque en 5iempos
sobre el proceso frios y ademas el hollin acumulado es abrasivo y podria producir un desgas5e abrasivo de los componen5es del
de reparación mo5or afec5ando gradualmen5e en la eficiencia del mo5or y puede disminuir la en5rega de po5encia.
_ Es impor5an5e evi5ar la formacion de hollin en nues5ro mo5or para lo cual se requiere realizar el seguimien5o
con mues5ras GOG del acei5e de mo5or cada 50 horas has5a encon5rar a cuan5as horas se eleva el nivel de
hollin en el mo5or y acor5ar el periodo o in5ervalo de cambio de acei5e mo5or.
_ Los parame5ros de funcionamien5o del mo5or se encuen5ran den5ro de lo especificado por el fabrican5e.
_ El sonido que se percibe en el sis5ema de aire acondicionado es normal al energizar el equipo con la chapa
de con5ac5o , Al encenderlo se inicia el ciclado de limpieza del aire que ingresa a la cabina .

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Man5ener el nivel de presurizacion apropiado en el area de la cabina es impor5an5e para la salud del operador
porque los cambios en la presion de aire pueden provocar problemas de respiracion.

_ Realizar el seguimien5o del mo5or con mues5ras de acei5e cada 50 horas para verificar a cuan5as horas
aumen5a el hollin en el acei5e y acor5ar el in5ervalo de cambio de acei5e mo5or.
_ Realizar el seguimien5o de los resul5ados de las mues5ras de fluidos enviados al labora5orio para 5omar
acciones preven5ivas.
_ Prever el cambio de los inyec5ores del sis5ema de combus5ible.

Firma del clien5e Firma del 5écnico de servicio

Cierre de Orden de Trabajo

Gin respues5a ¿Ge ha comple5ado el 5rabajo?
Gin respues5a ¿Las piezas se es5án almacenando de nuevo?
Gin respues5a ¿Ge es5á devolviendo una pieza usada por una pieza Reman?
Gin respues5a ¿Ge es5á devolviendo alguna pieza en garan5ía?
Gin respues5a ¿Ge es5án devolviendo herramien5as?
Gin respues5a ¿Ge ha in5roducido la información en el GIMG?

Oportunidades Adicionales
Gin respues5a ¿Iay que realizar algún servicio adicional?
Gin respues5a ¿Ia pregun5ado el clien5e el precio de algún servicio adicional?
Gin respues5a ¿Ia pedido el clien5e que algún represen5an5e de ven5as se ponga en con5ac5o con él?


Datos de las Aplicaciones

Aplicación Informe Creado
Ca5 Elec5ronic Technician 2017B v1.0 Produc5 G5a5us Repor5 18/07/2018 10:41 AM
Ca5 Elec5ronic Technician 2017B v1.0 G5a5us 18/07/2018 10:55 AM
Ca5 Elec5ronic Technician 2017B v1.0 G5a5us 18/07/2018 10:57 AM
Ca5 Elec5ronic Technician 2017B v1.0 Cylinder Cu5ou5 18/07/2018 11:13 AM
Ca5 Elec5ronic Technician 2017B v1.0 G5a5us 18/07/2018 11:15 AM
Ca5 Elec5ronic Technician 2017B v1.0 G5a5us 18/07/2018 11:18 AM
Ca5 Elec5ronic Technician 2017B v1.0 Produc5 G5a5us Repor5 18/07/2018 11:54 AM
Ca5 Elec5ronic Technician 2017B v1.0 Informe del es5ado del produc5o 18/07/2018 12:14 PM
Ca5 Elec5ronic Technician 2017B v1.0 Cor5e de cilindros 18/07/2018 12:32 PM

Cat Electronic Technician S017B v1.0

Product Status Report

18/07/S018 10:41

Product Status Report

Parameter Value
Product ID MTN00291

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Equipment ID 962L
Comments Inspeccion de equipo.

Product Link Elite (MTN00S91)

Parameter Value
Product ID MTN00291
Machine Serial Number
Equipment ID 962L
ECM Part Number 4590786-02
ECM Serial Number 0657F510TR
Software Group Part Number 5269981-00
Software Group Release Date Jan2017
Software Group Description VIMS_TELEMATICS_2017_01_1S
Application Software Part Number 5267820-00
Cellular Device ECM Serial Number NA
Cellular Device ECM Hardware Part Number NA
Cellular Radio Module Software Part Number NA
Satellite Device ECM Serial Number 0907S102YC
Satellite Device ECM Hardware Part Number 4427199-10
Satellite Radio Module Software Part Number 526987S-00

Logged Diagnostic Codes [Total Operating Hours = 918.0 hours] - Product Link Elite
Code Description Occ. First Last
No Logged Diagnostic Codes

Logged Event Codes [Total Operating Hours = 918.0 hours] - Product Link Elite (MTN00S91)
Code Description Occ. First Last
No Logged Event Codes

Active Diagnostic Codes - Product Link Elite (MTN00S91)

Code Description
No Active Diagnostic Codes

Active Event Codes - Product Link Elite (MTN00S91)

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Code Description
No Active Event Codes

Current Totals - Product Link Elite (MTN00S91)

Description Value Unit
Total Operating Hours 918.0 hours
Total Distance S060.S1 Miles

Configuration - Product Link Elite (MTN00S91)

Description Value Unit
Product ID MTN00291
Equipment ID 962L
External Service Lamp Installation Configuration Installed
External Service Lamp Display Mode Setting No Snapshot Notice
Telemetry Port Selection Disabled
TMAC Protocol Port Selection Disabled
Tire Monitoring System Installation Status Unavailable
CAT Data Link Module Identifier Configuration Gateway #1
Machine Serial Number
Mining Aftermarket System Installation Status Unavailable
Maintenance Mode Off
Machine Payload Control System Installation Status Not Installed
Road Analysis System Installation Status Not Installed
Tire Analysis System Installation Status Not Installed
Tire Analysis System Temporary Installation Status Not Installed
Tire Analysis System Temporary Installation Time Remaining 15000 min
Security System Tamper Resistant Configuration Not Installed

Implement 9aSL (MTN00S91)

Parameter Value
Product ID MTN00291
Equipment ID 962L
ECM Part Number 4559580-00
ECM Serial Number 06976216WC
Software Group Part Number 5S28747-00
Software Group Release Date MAY2017

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Software Group Description 962 Implement

Logged Diagnostic Codes [Diagnostic Clock = 917.9707 hours] - Implement 9aSL (MTN00S91)
Code Description Occ. First Last
No Logged Diagnostic Codes

Logged Event Codes [Diagnostic Clock = 917.9707 hours] - Implement 9aSL (MTN00S91)
Code Description Occ. First Last
No Logged Event Codes

Active Diagnostic Codes - Implement 9aSL (MTN00S91)

Code Description
No Active Diagnostic Codes

Active Event Codes - Implement 9aSL (MTN00S91)

Code Description
No Active Event Codes

Current Totals - Implement 9aSL (MTN00S91)

Description Value Unit

Configuration - Implement 9aSL (MTN00S91)

Description Value Unit
Product ID MTN00291
Equipment ID 962L
Secondary Steering Pump Installation Status Not Installed
Implement Linkage Configuration Standard
Implement Tool Configuration Bucket
Rotary Position
Loader Lift Linkage Position Sensor Configuration
Rotary Position
Loader Tilt Linkage Position Sensor Configuration
Joystick Installation Status Installed
Tilt Function Enable Status Enabled
Srd Function Enable Status Disabled

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4th Function Enable Status Disabled

Raise Kickout Enable Status Enabled
Lower Kickout Enable Status Enabled
Rackback Kickout Enable Status Enabled
Dump Kickout Enable Status Enabled
Lift Linkage Float Enable Status Enabled
Lift Linkage Feather Catch Enable Status Enabled
Dump Stop Snubbing Enable Status Enabled
Autodig Installation Status Not Installed
Implement Fine Modulation Control Enable Status Enabled
Raise Snubbing Enable Status Enabled
Lower Snubbing Enable Status Enabled
Rackback Snubbing Enable Status Enabled
Dump Snubbing Enable Status Enabled
Raise Solenoid #1 Start Current 0.682 Amps
Raise Solenoid #1 Maximum Current 1.200 Amps
Lower Solenoid #1 Start Current 0.654 Amps
Lower Solenoid #1 Maximum Current 1.275 Amps
Rackback Solenoid #1 Start Current 0.680 Amps
Rackback Solenoid #1 Maximum Current 1.2S5 Amps
Dump Solenoid #1 Start Current 0.665 Amps
Dump Solenoid #1 Maximum Current 1.28S Amps
Raise Valve Modulation Scale Factor 100.0 %
Lower Valve Modulation Scale Factor 100.0 %
Rackback Valve Modulation Scale Factor 100.0 %
Dump Valve Modulation Scale Factor 100.0 %
Long Range Work Lights #1 Installation Status Installed
Beacon Installation Status Installed
Road Light Installation Installed
Heated Side Rear View Mirrors Installation Status Not Installed
Automatic Rear Wiper Enable Status Enabled
Operator Seat Belt Monitor Installation Status Not Installed
Ride Control System Installation Status Not Installed
Quick Coupler Installation Status Not Installed
Production Measurement Feature Installation Status Not Installed
Payload Data Source Configuration Caterpillar
Production Measurement Feature Enable Status Unavailable Parameter
Automatic Truck ID Feature Not Enabled

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Automatic Material ID Feature Not Enabled

Onboard Payload Printer Installation Status Installed
Payload Control System Number of Printer Tickets Configuration 0
Onboard Payload Printer Number of Blank Lines Preceding Output 1
Onboard Payload Printer Number of Blank Lines Following Output 1
Onboard Payload Printer Truck Ticket Number 178
Onboard Payload Printer Ticket Header Enable Status Disabled
Onboard Payload Printer Ticket Header Line #1 CATERPILLAR
Onboard Payload Printer Ticket Header Line #2 TRUCK TICKET
Onboard Payload Printer Ticket Header Line #S
Onboard Payload Printer Ticket Bucket Weights Enable Status Enabled
Onboard Payload Printer Ticket Truck Payload Weight Enable Status Enabled
Onboard Payload Printer Ticket Truck ID Enable Status Enabled
Onboard Payload Printer Ticket Material ID Enable Status Enabled
Onboard Payload Printer Ticket Operator ID Enable Status Enabled
Onboard Payload Printer Date Format Configuration MM-DD-YYYY
Onboard Payload Printer Date Format Separator Character -
Onboard Payload Printer Ticket Payload Data Store Time Enable
Onboard Payload Printer Material Report Reset Time Enable Status Enabled
Onboard Payload Printer Truck Report Reset Time Enable Status Enabled

Transmission 9aSL (WSY01730)

Parameter Value
Product ID MTN00291
Equipment ID 962L
Transmission Serial Number WSY017S0
ECM Part Number 4559584-00
ECM Serial Number 06076051WF
Software Group Part Number 5265857-00
Software Group Release Date APR2017
Software Group Description 962 Transmission
Active Diagnostic Codes Present No

Logged Diagnostic Codes [Diagnostic Clock = 917.9707 hours] - Transmission 9aSL (WSY01730)
Code Description Occ. First Last
668- S Transmission Shift Lever : Voltage Above Normal 2 917 917

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702- S Transmission Gear Lever Selector Sensor (Switch) : Voltage Above Normal 1 917 917

Logged Event Codes [Diagnostic Clock = 917.9707 hours] - Transmission 9aSL (WSY01730)
Code Description Occ. First Last
No Logged Event Codes

Active Diagnostic Codes - Transmission 9aSL (WSY01730)

Code Description
No Active Diagnostic Codes

Active Event Codes - Transmission 9aSL (WSY01730)

Code Description
E2174 (2) Parking Brake Switch Off At Inappropriate Time

Current Totals - Transmission 9aSL (WSY01730)

Description Value Unit
Total Forward Distance 2072.15 Miles
Total Neutral Gear Operating Hours 192 hours
Total Hours Coasting In Neutral 0 hours
Total Distance Coasting In Neutral 0.0 Miles
Total Number of Coasting in Neutral Occurrences 2
Total Number of Coasting in Neutral Protection Active Occurrences 2SS
Total Hours Coasting in Neutral Protection Active 0.195 hours
Total Distance Coasting in Neutral Protection Active 1S.8 Miles
Total Reverse Distance 988.17 Miles
Total Powertrain Oil Filter Bypass Hours 0.58 hours

Configuration - Transmission 9aSL (WSY01730)

Description Value Unit
Transmission Serial Number WSY017S0
Lockup Clutch Installation Status Installed
Transmission Maximum Forward Gear 5
Transmission Maximum Reverse Gear S
Forward to Reverse Desired Gear 2
Reverse to Forward Desired Gear 2

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Ground Speed Limiter Installation Status Not Installed

Operator Requested Forward Machine Speed Limit 18.6 mph
Operator Requested Reverse Machine Speed Limit 18.6 mph
Tire Rolling Radius 787 mm
Transmission Direction Switch #2 Type Type 1
Economy Mode Off
Integrated Braking System Manual Mode Enable Status Enabled
Level Operation Neutralization Offset Setpoint 2.0 %
Moderate Slope Operation Neutralization Offset Setpoint 6.0 %
Aggressive Slope Operation Neutralization Offset Setpoint 10.0 %
Differential Lock Installation Configuration Not Installed
Automatic Differential Lock Feature Installation Status Not Installed
Axle Oil Cooler Installation Status Not Installed
Cold Engine Parasitic Load Reduction Installation Not Installed
Auto Lube System Installation Status Not Installed
Lubrication Cycle Set Command Cycle Mode #2
Lubrication Operation Mode Set Command Automatic
Advanced Machine Security System Installation Status Not Installed
Operator Identification Enable Status Disabled
Operator Management Radio Frequency Identification Device Enabled Status Disabled
EngineerDataEnble Disabled

Lifetime:Time vs Torque Converter Outlet Temperature - Transmission 9aSL (WSY01730)

Torque Converter Outlet Temperature( Deg F ) hours %
<140.0 106.85 11.65
140.0-148.9 5S.95 5.88
149.0-157.9 74.S5 8.11
158.0-166.9 99.55 10.86
167.0-175.9 12S.75 1S.50
176.0-184.9 14S.65 15.67
185.0-19S.9 127.95 1S.96
194.0-202.9 105.20 11.47
20S.0-211.9 71.25 7.77
212.0-220.9 10.S5 1.1S
221.0-229.9 0.00 0.00
2S0.0-2S8.9 0.00 0.00
2S9.0-247.9 0.00 0.00

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248.0-256.9 0.00 0.00

257.0-265.9 0.00 0.00
266.0-274.9 0.00 0.00
275.0-28S.9 0.00 0.00
284.0-29S.0 0.00 0.00
>29S.0 0.00 0.00

Lifetime:Time vs Front Axle Oil Temperature - Transmission 9aSL (WSY01730)

Front Axle Oil Temperature( Deg F ) hours %
<S2.0 0.00 0.00
S2.0-40.9 1.65 0.18
41.0-49.9 7.75 0.84
50.0-58.9 14.00 1.52
59.0-67.9 11.40 1.24
68.0-76.9 18.40 2.00
77.0-85.9 20.45 2.2S
86.0-94.9 S4.10 S.71
95.0-10S.9 64.20 6.99
104.0-112.9 102.75 11.19
11S.0-121.9 160.75 17.51
122.0-1S0.9 128.45 1S.99
1S1.0-1S9.9 1S8.10 15.04
140.0-148.9 106.25 11.57
149.0-157.9 47.70 5.20
158.0-166.9 S2.00 S.49
167.0-175.9 15.75 1.72
176.0-184.9 7.75 0.84
185.0-19S.9 2.95 0.S2
194.0-202.9 S.60 0.S9
20S.0-211.9 0.05 0.01
212.0-220.9 0.00 0.00
221.0-229.9 0.00 0.00
2S0.0-2S8.9 0.00 0.00
2S9.0-247.9 0.00 0.00
248.0-256.9 0.00 0.00
257.0-265.9 0.00 0.00
266.0-275.0 0.00 0.00

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>275.0 0.00 0.00

Lifetime:Time vs Rear Axle Oil Temperature - Transmission 9aSL (WSY01730)

Rear Axle Oil Temperature( Deg F ) hours %
<S2.0 0.00 0.00
S2.0-40.9 1.05 0.11
41.0-49.9 6.20 0.68
50.0-58.9 1S.95 1.52
59.0-67.9 10.05 1.09
68.0-76.9 14.S0 1.56
77.0-85.9 1S.10 1.4S
86.0-94.9 20.40 2.22
95.0-10S.9 26.95 2.94
104.0-112.9 47.10 5.1S
11S.0-121.9 71.00 7.7S
122.0-1S0.9 122.15 1S.S0
1S1.0-1S9.9 1S4.50 14.65
140.0-148.9 116.90 12.7S
149.0-157.9 117.20 12.76
158.0-166.9 91.95 10.01
167.0-175.9 48.95 5.SS
176.0-184.9 27.20 2.96
185.0-19S.9 15.55 1.69
194.0-202.9 8.80 0.96
20S.0-211.9 2.S0 0.25
212.0-220.9 5.90 0.64
221.0-229.9 2.40 0.26
2S0.0-2S8.9 0.15 0.02
2S9.0-247.9 0.10 0.01
248.0-256.9 0.00 0.00
257.0-265.9 0.00 0.00
266.0-275.0 0.00 0.00
>275.0 0.00 0.00

Lifetime:Time vs Ground Speed - Transmission 9aSL (WSY01730)

Ground Speed( mph ) hours %

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<0.5 80.00 10.29

0.5-1.9 144.50 18.59
2.0-S.4 158.15 20.S5
S.5-4.9 158.20 20.S6
5.0-6.4 106.10 1S.65
6.5-7.9 62.40 8.0S
8.0-9.4 S6.40 4.68
9.5-10.9 15.00 1.9S
11.0-12.4 7.50 0.97
12.5-1S.9 S.10 0.40
14.0-15.4 1.40 0.18
15.5-16.9 1.25 0.16
17.0-18.4 1.55 0.20
18.5-19.9 1.60 0.21
20.0-21.4 0.00 0.00
21.5-22.9 0.00 0.00
2S.0-24.4 0.00 0.00
24.5-25.9 0.00 0.00
26.0-27.4 0.00 0.00
27.5-28.9 0.00 0.00
29.0-S0.4 0.00 0.00
S0.5-S1.9 0.00 0.00
S2.0-SS.4 0.00 0.00
SS.5-S5.0 0.00 0.00
>S5.0 0.00 0.00

Lifetime:Time vs Torque Converter Speed Ratio - Transmission 9aSL (WSY01730)

Torque Converter Speed Ratio( ) hours %
<0.000 0.00 0.00
0.000-0.099 SS.05 4.25
0.100-0.199 18.15 2.S4
0.200-0.299 27.50 S.54
0.S00-0.S99 S8.90 5.01
0.400-0.499 52.45 6.75
0.500-0.599 69.90 8.99
0.600-0.699 81.65 10.51
0.700-0.799 92.60 11.92

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0.800-0.899 119.70 15.40

0.900-0.999 154.45 19.88
1.000-1.099 65.80 8.47
1.100-1.199 9.00 1.16
1.200-1.299 5.15 0.66
1.S00-1.S99 S.65 0.47
1.400-1.499 2.50 0.S2
1.500-1.599 1.50 0.19
1.600-1.699 0.75 0.10
1.700-1.800 0.25 0.0S
>1.800 0.15 0.02

Ground Speed at Directional Shift Occurrences - Transmission 9aSL (WSY01730)

Ground Speed( mph ) %
<0.5 46976.00 S0.S7
0.5-1.4 SS115.00 21.41
1.5-2.4 185SS.00 11.98
2.5-S.4 19006.00 12.29
S.5-4.4 20701.00 1S.S8
4.5-5.4 12487.00 8.07
5.5-6.4 S0S6.00 1.96
6.5-7.4 648.00 0.42
7.5-8.4 1S6.00 0.09
8.5-9.4 24.00 0.02
9.5-10.4 4.00 0.00
10.5-11.4 1.00 0.00
11.5-12.4 0.00 0.00
12.5-1S.4 1.00 0.00
1S.5-14.4 0.00 0.00
14.5-15.4 0.00 0.00
15.5-16.4 0.00 0.00
16.5-17.4 0.00 0.00
17.5-18.4 0.00 0.00
18.5-19.4 0.00 0.00
19.5-20.4 0.00 0.00
20.5-21.5 0.00 0.00
>21.5 0.00 0.00

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Shift Count Matrix - Transmission 9aSL (WSY01730)

To N R1 RS R3 1 S 3 4 7
N --- 144 9197 5SS 1121 9798 75 46 0
R1 124 --- 85 25 125 2S7 S 0 0
R2 4854 14S --- S1114 67S 7S007 215 81 0
RS 869 S2 4699 --- 62 26791 1S9 18 0
1 2S78 218 50265 S28 --- 1829 105 1 0
2 9267 48 S74S8 416 S5S45 --- 51782 S2 11
S 2996 12 788S 178 15977 21185 --- 6781 52
4 SS9 0 494 15 1675 1409 2616 --- 822
5 81 2 26 1 146 89 129 411 ---

C7.1 9aS (47004334)

Parameter Value
Equipment ID 962L
Engine Serial Number 45004SS4
ECM Part Number S742640-05
ECM Serial Number 06877S41VH
Software Group Part Number 5188845-00
Software Group Release Date SEP16
Software Group Description MWL-962
Calibration Identification Number AU90S_02

Logged Diagnostic Codes [Diagnostic Clock = 917.9713 hours] - C7.1 9aS (47004334)
Code Description Occ. First Last
No Logged Diagnostic Codes

Logged Event Codes [Diagnostic Clock = 917.9713 hours] - C7.1 9aS (47004334)
Code Description Occ. First Last
E1217 (S) Delayed Engine Shutdown Override 1 915 915

Active Diagnostic Codes - C7.1 9aS (47004334)

Code Description

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No Active Diagnostic Codes

Active Event Codes - C7.1 9aS (47004334)

Code Description
No Active Event Codes

Current Totals - C7.1 9aS (47004334)

Description Value Unit
Total Idle Time 1S4:SS hours
Total Fuel S8S5 gal
Total Idle Fuel 116 gal
Total Max Fuel 11027 gal
Engine Lifetime Hours 924.1 hours
Average Load Factor S4 %
Engine Starts 1772
Lifetime Total Engine Revolutions 75S98440 rev
Total Operating Hours 918.0 hours
Total Engine Idle Shutdown Count 78
Total Engine Idle Shutdown Overrides Count 124
Total Delayed Engine Shutdown Count S07
Total Delayed Engine Shutdown Overrides Count 0
Starts/Hour 1.92
Average RPM 1S59.9S rpm
Percentage Idle Time 14.50 %
Average Fuel Rate 4.15 gal/h
Overall Load Factor S4 %

Configuration - C7.1 9aS (47004334)

Description Value Unit
Equipment ID 962L
Engine Serial Number 45004SS4
ECM Part Number S742640-05
ECM Serial Number 06877S41VH
Software Group Part Number 5188845-00
Software Group Release Date SEP16
Software Group Description MWL-962

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Rated Power 249 hp at 2200 rpm

Rated Peak Torque 774 lb-ft at 1400 rpm
Ether Solenoid Configuration Continuous Flow Solenoid
Fuel/Water Separator Switch Installation Status Installed
Low System Battery Voltage Elevated Idle Enabled
Engine Warm Up Elevated Idle Feature Enable Status Enabled
Transmission Engaged Engine Low Idle Speed Configuration 950 rpm
Machine Working Engine Low Idle Speed Configuration 800.0 rpm
Machine Hibernating Engine Low Idle Speed Configuration 700.0 rpm
Engine Idle Shutdown Enable Status Enabled
Engine Idle Shutdown Delay Time 5.0 min
Engine Idle Shutdown Ambient Temperature Override Enable Status Disabled
Delayed Engine Shutdown Enable Status Enabled
Delayed Engine Shutdown Maximum Time 5.0 min
Engine Fan Reversing Feature Disabled
Engine Fan Purge Cycle Interval 1200 sec
Engine Fan Purge Cycle Duration 25.0 sec
Cold Engine Parasitic Load Reduction Installation Installed
FTS -8
CAN Communication Protocol Write Security Seed and Key Access
CAN Communication Protocol Read Security Seed and Key Access
Total Tattletale 21

Lifetime:Accumulated Time vs Intake Manifold Pressure - C7.1 9aS (47004334)

Intake Manifold Pressure( psi ) hours %
<11.60S 0.55 1.05
11.60S-1S.052 1.45 2.76
1S.05S-14.50S S.S5 6.S8
14.504-15.95S 5.15 9.81
15.954-17.404 6.20 11.81
17.405-18.854 7.60 14.48
18.855-20.S04 11.05 21.05
20.S05-21.755 1S.25 25.24
21.756-2S.205 S.85 7.SS
2S.206-24.655 0.05 0.10
24.656-26.106 0.00 0.00

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26.107-27.556 0.00 0.00

27.557-29.007 0.00 0.00
29.008-S0.457 0.00 0.00
S0.458-S1.907 0.00 0.00
S1.908-SS.S58 0.00 0.00
SS.S59-S4.808 0.00 0.00
S4.809-S6.258 0.00 0.00
S6.259-S7.709 0.00 0.00
S7.710-S9.159 0.00 0.00
S9.160-40.610 0.00 0.00
40.611-42.060 0.00 0.00
42.061-4S.510 0.00 0.00
4S.511-44.961 0.00 0.00
44.962-46.411 0.00 0.00
46.412-47.861 0.00 0.00
47.862-49.S12 0.00 0.00
49.S1S-50.762 0.00 0.00
50.76S-52.21S 0.00 0.00
52.214-5S.66S 0.00 0.00
5S.664-55.11S 0.00 0.00
55.114-56.564 0.00 0.00
56.565-58.014 0.00 0.00
58.015-59.464 0.00 0.00
59.465-60.915 0.00 0.00
60.916-62.S65 0.00 0.00
62.S66-6S.816 0.00 0.00
6S.817-65.266 0.00 0.00
65.267-66.716 0.00 0.00
66.717-68.167 0.00 0.00
68.168-69.617 0.00 0.00
69.618-71.067 0.00 0.00
71.068-72.518 0.00 0.00
72.519-7S.968 0.00 0.00
7S.969-75.419 0.00 0.00
75.420-76.869 0.00 0.00
76.870-78.S19 0.00 0.00
78.S20-79.770 0.00 0.00
79.771-81.220 0.00 0.00

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81.221-82.670 0.00 0.00

82.671-84.121 0.00 0.00
84.122-85.571 0.00 0.00
85.572-87.02S 0.00 0.00
>87.02S 0.00 0.00

Lifetime:Accumulated Time vs Engine Coolant Temperature - C7.1 9aS (47004334)

Engine Coolant Temperature( Deg F ) hours %
<S2.00 0.00 0.00
S2.00-40.99 0.00 0.00
41.00-49.99 0.00 0.00
50.00-58.99 0.00 0.00
59.00-67.99 0.10 0.01
68.00-76.99 0.45 0.05
77.00-85.99 0.65 0.07
86.00-94.99 1.00 0.11
95.00-10S.99 1.40 0.15
104.00-112.99 1.80 0.19
11S.00-121.99 2.45 0.26
122.00-1S0.99 S.05 0.S2
1S1.00-1S9.99 S.75 0.40
140.00-148.99 S.95 0.42
149.00-157.99 4.80 0.51
158.00-166.99 5.10 0.54
167.00-175.99 255.75 27.05
176.00-184.99 457.S0 48.S7
185.00-19S.99 174.20 18.4S
194.00-202.99 29.60 S.1S
20S.00-211.99 0.05 0.01
212.00-220.99 0.00 0.00
221.00-229.99 0.00 0.00
2S0.00-2S8.99 0.00 0.00
2S9.00-247.99 0.00 0.00
248.00-256.99 0.00 0.00
257.00-265.99 0.00 0.00
266.00-274.99 0.00 0.00
275.00-28S.99 0.00 0.00

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284.00-292.99 0.00 0.00

29S.00-S02.00 0.00 0.00
>S02.00 0.00 0.00

Engine Overspeed Histogram: Accumulated Time (sec) vs Engine Speed - C7.1 9aS (47004334)
Engine Speed( rpm ) %
2500.0-2599.9 2.00 100.00
2600.0-2699.9 0.00 0.00
2700.0-2799.9 0.00 0.00
2800.0-2899.9 0.00 0.00
2900.0-2999.9 0.00 0.00
S000.0-S099.9 0.00 0.00
S100.0-S199.9 0.00 0.00
S200.0-S299.9 0.00 0.00
SS00.0-S400.0 0.00 0.00
>S400.0 0.00 0.00

Lifetime:Accumulated Time vs Engine Speed And Percent Engine Load at Current Engine Speed
- C7.1 9aS (47004334)
a00.0- a70.0- 700.0- 770.0- 800.0- 870.0- 900.0- 970.0-
rpm <a00.0
a49.9 a99.9 749.9 799.9 849.9 899.9 949.9 999.9
<0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.0-9.9 0.00 0.00 0.15 0.S0 1.00 0.85 0.85 6.45 9.00
0.00 0.00 12.85 14.45 29.90 S2.25 2.60 12.S0 10.70
0.00 0.00 0.15 0.S5 0.65 1.S5 S.05 14.55 15.70
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.25 0.75 2.00 S.90 4.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.40 1.00 1.85 1.95
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.25 0.60 1.00 1.15
0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.20 0.40 0.65 0.65
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.15 0.25 0.S0 0.25

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89.9 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05
>100.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total 0.05 0.00 1S.15 15.25 S2.20 S6.S5 10.90 41.15 4S.55

Lifetime:Accumulated Time vs Engine Speed And Percent Engine Load at Current Engine Speed
- C7.1 9aS (47004334)
1000.0- 1070.0- 1100.0- 1170.0- 1S00.0- 1S70.0- 1300.0- 1370.0- 1400.0-
1049.9 1099.9 1149.9 1199.9 1S49.9 1S99.9 1349.9 1399.9 1449.9
<0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.0-9.9 6.95 6.15 5.75 5.75 6.00 6.15 6.25 6.10 5.85
6.25 4.20 S.S5 S.20 S.S5 S.70 S.90 4.20 4.45
5.20 S.95 S.60 S.75 S.95 4.40 5.05 5.60 6.05
S.15 S.00 S.10 S.50 4.05 4.90 5.65 6.40 7.50
1.95 2.05 2.S5 2.90 S.95 5.40 7.20 9.10 10.S5
1.S0 1.65 2.20 S.00 4.10 5.S0 6.25 7.45 9.05
0.75 0.95 1.15 1.45 1.90 2.S5 2.85 S.65 4.50
0.S0 0.S0 0.40 0.50 0.80 1.15 1.55 2.15 2.65
0.10 0.15 0.20 0.S0 0.45 0.65 0.85 1.10 1.40
0.05 0.05 0.05 0.10 0.20 0.S0 0.S5 0.55 0.75
>100.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total 26.00 22.45 22.15 24.45 28.75 S4.S0 S9.90 46.S0 52.55

Lifetime:Accumulated Time vs Engine Speed And Percent Engine Load at Current Engine Speed
- C7.1 9aS (47004334)
1470.0- 1700.0- 1770.0- 1a00.0- 1a70.0- 1700.0- 1770.0- 1800.0- 1870.0-
1499.9 1749.9 1799.9 1a49.9 1a99.9 1749.9 1799.9 1849.9 1899.9
<0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

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0.0-9.9 5.20 4.70 4.00 S.25 2.70 2.10 1.55 1.15 0.80
4.00 S.45 2.95 2.40 1.90 1.45 1.05 0.80 0.60
5.85 5.S0 4.45 S.65 2.80 2.15 1.60 1.25 0.90
7.80 7.S5 6.50 5.S5 4.S5 S.45 2.40 1.75 1.15
10.40 9.45 8.65 7.90 6.90 5.S5 S.70 2.55 1.65
10.50 10.55 9.75 8.65 7.65 7.10 6.S0 5.10 S.10
5.70 6.70 7.55 7.95 7.65 6.75 6.05 5.95 5.75
S.S5 S.95 4.60 5.20 5.65 5.85 5.75 5.S0 4.85
1.80 2.05 2.40 2.70 2.95 S.20 S.S0 S.50 S.65
1.10 1.60 2.25 2.95 4.10 5.70 6.40 6.70 6.50
>100.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total 55.70 55.10 5S.10 50.00 46.65 4S.10 S8.10 S4.05 28.95

Lifetime:Accumulated Time vs Engine Speed And Percent Engine Load at Current Engine Speed
- C7.1 9aS (47004334)
1900.0- 1970.0- S000.0- S070.0- S100.0- S170.0- SS00.0- SS70.0- S300.0-
1949.9 1999.9 S049.9 S099.9 S149.9 S199.9 SS49.9 SS99.9 S349.9
<0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.0-9.9 0.50 0.S0 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.40 0.20 0.15 0.05 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05
0.55 0.S5 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.05 0.00 0.05 0.40
0.75 0.45 0.25 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.15
1.05 0.55 0.S0 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05
1.55 0.70 0.S5 0.20 0.10 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05
S.45 1.20 0.45 0.20 0.10 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05

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4.75 S.40 1.S0 0.S0 0.10 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05
S.55 S.S0 S.10 2.00 0.25 0.10 0.05 0.05 0.05
5.45 S.65 2.05 1.S0 0.45 0.S5 0.10 0.05 0.05
>100.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total 22.00 14.10 8.25 4.55 1.S5 0.80 0.40 0.40 0.90

Lifetime:Accumulated Time vs Engine Speed And Percent Engine Load at Current Engine Speed
- C7.1 9aS (47004334)
rpm S370.0-S400.0 >S400.0 Total
<0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.0-9.9 0.00 0.00 100.15
10.0-19.9 0.00 0.00 171.15
20.0-29.9 0.05 0.00 107.05
S0.0-S9.9 0.05 0.00 94.S5
40.0-49.9 0.05 0.00 109.55
50.0-59.9 0.05 0.00 115.S0
60.0-69.9 0.05 0.00 87.25
70.0-79.9 0.00 0.00 65.S5
80.0-89.9 0.00 0.00 4S.65
90.0-100.0 0.00 0.00 5S.40
>100.0 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total 0.25 0.00 947.20

Lifetime:Accumulated Time vs Intake Manifold Air Temperature - C7.1 9aS (47004334)

Intake Manifold Air Temperature( Deg F ) hours %
<S2.00 0.00 0.00
S2.00-40.99 0.60 0.06
41.00-49.99 5.20 0.55
50.00-58.99 S0.20 S.19
59.00-67.99 67.45 7.1S
68.00-76.99 1S2.25 1S.99
77.00-85.99 201.85 21.S5
86.00-94.99 208.15 22.01
95.00-10S.99 184.85 19.55

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104.00-112.99 101.20 10.70

11S.00-121.99 1S.S0 1.41
122.00-1S0.99 0.50 0.05
1S1.00-1S9.99 0.00 0.00
140.00-148.99 0.00 0.00
149.00-157.99 0.00 0.00
158.00-166.99 0.00 0.00
167.00-175.99 0.00 0.00
176.00-184.99 0.00 0.00
185.00-19S.99 0.00 0.00
194.00-202.99 0.00 0.00
20S.00-211.99 0.00 0.00
212.00-220.99 0.00 0.00
221.00-229.99 0.00 0.00
2S0.00-2S8.99 0.00 0.00
2S9.00-248.00 0.00 0.00
>248.00 0.00 0.00

Lifetime:Accumulated Time vs Engine Speed - C7.1 9aS (47004334)

Engine Speed( rpm ) hours %
<550.0 0.05 0.01
550.0-599.9 0.00 0.00
600.0-649.9 0.05 0.01
650.0-699.9 15.40 1.59
700.0-749.9 17.70 1.8S
750.0-799.9 S6.70 S.80
800.0-849.9 42.90 4.44
850.0-899.9 11.25 1.16
900.0-949.9 42.25 4.S7
950.0-999.9 45.10 4.66
1000.0-1049.9 26.25 2.71
1050.0-1099.9 22.60 2.S4
1100.0-1149.9 22.S5 2.S1
1150.0-1199.9 24.65 2.55
1200.0-1249.9 29.05 S.00
1250.0-1299.9 S4.45 S.56
1S00.0-1S49.9 40.15 4.15

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1S50.0-1S99.9 46.40 4.80

1400.0-1449.9 52.60 5.44
1450.0-1499.9 55.65 5.75
1500.0-1549.9 55.00 5.69
1550.0-1599.9 5S.10 5.49
1600.0-1649.9 49.95 5.17
1650.0-1699.9 46.55 4.81
1700.0-1749.9 4S.00 4.45
1750.0-1799.9 S8.10 S.94
1800.0-1849.9 SS.90 S.51
1850.0-1899.9 28.90 2.99
1900.0-1949.9 21.85 2.26
1950.0-1999.9 14.05 1.45
2000.0-2049.9 8.S0 0.86
2050.0-2099.9 4.60 0.48
2100.0-2149.9 1.S5 0.14
2150.0-2199.9 0.80 0.08
2200.0-2249.9 0.40 0.04
2250.0-2299.9 0.S5 0.04
2S00.0-2S49.9 0.95 0.10
2S50.0-2S99.9 0.25 0.0S
2400.0-2449.9 0.05 0.01
2450.0-2499.9 0.00 0.00
2500.0-2549.9 0.00 0.00
2550.0-2599.9 0.00 0.00
2600.0-2649.9 0.00 0.00
2650.0-2699.9 0.00 0.00
2700.0-2749.9 0.00 0.00
2750.0-2799.9 0.00 0.00
2800.0-2849.9 0.00 0.00
2850.0-2899.9 0.00 0.00
2900.0-2949.9 0.00 0.00
2950.0-2999.9 0.00 0.00
S000.0-S049.9 0.00 0.00
S050.0-S099.9 0.00 0.00
S100.0-S149.9 0.00 0.00
S150.0-S199.9 0.00 0.00
S200.0-S249.9 0.00 0.00

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S250.0-S299.9 0.00 0.00

SS00.0-SS49.9 0.00 0.00
SS50.0-S400.0 0.00 0.00
>S400.0 0.00 0.00

Monitoring System - C7.1 9aS (47004334)

Description State Trip Point Delay Time
Engine Overspeed
Least Severe (1) Always On S000 rpm 0 sec
High Air Inlet #1 Differential Pressure
Least Severe (1) Always On 0.9 psi 0 sec
Moderate Severity (2) Always On 0.9 psi 0 sec
High Engine Coolant Temperature
Least Severe (1) Always On 228 Deg F 10 sec
Moderate Severity (2) Always On 2S2 Deg F 10 sec
Most Severe (S) Always On 2S7 Deg F 10 sec
High Fuel/Water Separator Water Level
Least Severe (1) Always On None 5 sec
Moderate Severity (2) Always On None 1800 sec
High Intake Manifold Air Temperature
Least Severe (1) Always On 188.6 Deg F 8 sec
Moderate Severity (2) Always On 195.8 Deg F 8 sec
Low Engine Oil Pressure
Least Severe (1) Always On None 0 sec
Most Severe (S) Always On None 0 sec

Indication Display
Parameter Value
ECM Part Number 4204284-04
ECM Serial Number 08S7D041DT
Software Group Part Number 47989S6-00
Software Group Release Date OCT2015
Software Group Description Indication Display

Input/Output Module
Parameter Value

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ECM Part Number 2995744-06

ECM Serial Number 0967B199HZ
Software Group Part Number 4805894-00
Software Group Release Date SEP2015
Software Group Description Relay Driver Module

Graphical Display (MTN00S91)

Parameter Value
ECM Part Number 4592220-02
ECM Serial Number 0867G017ZU
Software Group Part Number 5S28795-00
Software Group Release Date APR2017
Software Group Description MWL_Information Display

Logged Diagnostic Codes - Graphical Display (MTN00S91)

Code Description Occ. First Last
No Logged Diagnostic Codes

Logged Event Codes - Graphical Display (MTN00S91)

Code Description Occ. First Last
No Logged Event Codes

Active Diagnostic Codes - Graphical Display (MTN00S91)

Code Description
No Active Diagnostic Codes

Active Event Codes - Graphical Display (MTN00S91)

Code Description
No Active Event Codes

Configuration - Graphical Display (MTN00S91)

Description Value Unit
Product ID MTN00291
Service Mode Enable Code 12S4

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Display Language Status Spanish

Information Units Status Metric
Display Weight Units Configuration Tonne (metric)
Display System Mode Normal
Camera System Installation Status Installed
Number of Cameras 1
Object Detection System Enable Status Disabled
Object Detection System Radar Type Configuration Code Disabled or Not Installed
Object Detection Alarm Mode Disabled or Not Installed

Fan Control
Parameter Value
ECM Part Number 4S8822S-01
ECM Serial Number S6S6F008EZ
Software Group Part Number 4782SS8-00
Software Group Release Date JAN2015
Software Group Description

Cat Electronic Technician S017B v1.0


18/07/S018 10:77

En bajas rpm

Implement 9aSL (MTN00S91)

Parameter Value
Product ID MTN00291
Equipment ID 962L
ECM Part Number 4559580-00
ECM Serial Number 06976216WC
Software Group Part Number 5S28747-00
Software Group Release Date MAY2017
Software Group Description 962 Implement

Transmission 9aSL (WSY01730)

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Parameter Value
Product ID MTN00291
Equipment ID 962L
Transmission Serial Number WSY017S0
ECM Part Number 4559584-00
ECM Serial Number 06076051WF
Software Group Part Number 5265857-00
Software Group Release Date APR2017
Software Group Description 962 Transmission
Active Diagnostic Codes Present No

Product Link Elite (MTN00S91)

Parameter Value
Product ID MTN00291
Machine Serial Number
Equipment ID 962L
ECM Part Number 4590786-02
ECM Serial Number 0657F510TR
Software Group Part Number 5269981-00
Software Group Release Date Jan2017
Software Group Description VIMS_TELEMATICS_2017_01_1S
Application Software Part Number 5267820-00
Cellular Device ECM Serial Number NA
Cellular Device ECM Hardware Part Number NA
Cellular Radio Module Software Part Number NA
Satellite Device ECM Serial Number 0907S102YC
Satellite Device ECM Hardware Part Number 4427199-10
Satellite Radio Module Software Part Number 526987S-00

C7.1 9aS (47004334)

Parameter Value
Equipment ID 962L
Engine Serial Number 45004SS4
ECM Part Number S742640-05
ECM Serial Number 06877S41VH
Software Group Part Number 5188845-00

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Software Group Release Date SEP16

Software Group Description MWL-962
Calibration Identification Number AU90S_02

Indication Display
Parameter Value
ECM Part Number 4204284-04
ECM Serial Number 08S7D041DT
Software Group Part Number 47989S6-00
Software Group Release Date OCT2015
Software Group Description Indication Display

Input/Output Module
Parameter Value
ECM Part Number 2995744-06
ECM Serial Number 0967B199HZ
Software Group Part Number 4805894-00
Software Group Release Date SEP2015
Software Group Description Relay Driver Module

Graphical Display (MTN00S91)

Parameter Value
ECM Part Number 4592220-02
ECM Serial Number 0867G017ZU
Software Group Part Number 5S28795-00
Software Group Release Date APR2017
Software Group Description MWL_Information Display

Fan Control
Parameter Value
ECM Part Number 4S8822S-01
ECM Serial Number S6S6F008EZ
Software Group Part Number 4782SS8-00
Software Group Release Date JAN2015
Software Group Description

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Description Value Unit Minimum Maximum ECM

Delivered Fuel Volume 22.750 mmS 0.000 127.250 C7.1 962 (45004SS4)
Desired Engine Speed 700 rpm 700 2S40 C7.1 962 (45004SS4)
Desired Fuel Rail Pressure 8152 psi 7655 17826 C7.1 962 (45004SS4)
Engine Coolant Temperature 167 Deg F 115 180 C7.1 962 (45004SS4)
Engine Load Factor 14 % 0 100 C7.1 962 (45004SS4)
Engine Oil Pressure 50 psi 50 79 C7.1 962 (45004SS4)
Engine Speed 700 rpm 682 240S C7.1 962 (45004SS4)
Engine Speed Primary Sensor 702 rpm 679 2409 C7.1 962 (45004SS4)
Engine Speed Secondary Sensor 700 rpm 680 2409 C7.1 962 (45004SS4)
Fuel Consumption Rate 0.8 gal/h 0.0 12.2 C7.1 962 (45004SS4)
Fuel Rail Pressure 8192 psi 7200 19S0S C7.1 962 (45004SS4)
Intake Manifold Air Temperature 85.1 Deg F 62.2 85.S C7.1 962 (45004SS4)
Smoke Limit Fuel Volume 78.250 mmS 61.250 149.000 C7.1 962 (45004SS4)
Torque Limit Fuel Volume 107.875 mmS 82.500 146.125 C7.1 962 (45004SS4)
Boost Pressure 0 psi 0 19 C7.1 962 (45004SS4)
Engine Power Derate 0 % 0 0 C7.1 962 (45004SS4)

Hold button has been pressed.

Cat Electronic Technician S017B v1.0


18/07/S018 10:77

En altas rpm

Implement 9aSL (MTN00S91)

Parameter Value
Product ID MTN00291
Equipment ID 962L
ECM Part Number 4559580-00
ECM Serial Number 06976216WC
Software Group Part Number 5S28747-00

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Software Group Release Date MAY2017

Software Group Description 962 Implement

Transmission 9aSL (WSY01730)

Parameter Value
Product ID MTN00291
Equipment ID 962L
Transmission Serial Number WSY017S0
ECM Part Number 4559584-00
ECM Serial Number 06076051WF
Software Group Part Number 5265857-00
Software Group Release Date APR2017
Software Group Description 962 Transmission
Active Diagnostic Codes Present No

Product Link Elite (MTN00S91)

Parameter Value
Product ID MTN00291
Machine Serial Number
Equipment ID 962L
ECM Part Number 4590786-02
ECM Serial Number 0657F510TR
Software Group Part Number 5269981-00
Software Group Release Date Jan2017
Software Group Description VIMS_TELEMATICS_2017_01_1S
Application Software Part Number 5267820-00
Cellular Device ECM Serial Number NA
Cellular Device ECM Hardware Part Number NA
Cellular Radio Module Software Part Number NA
Satellite Device ECM Serial Number 0907S102YC
Satellite Device ECM Hardware Part Number 4427199-10
Satellite Radio Module Software Part Number 526987S-00

C7.1 9aS (47004334)

Parameter Value
Equipment ID 962L

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Engine Serial Number 45004SS4

ECM Part Number S742640-05
ECM Serial Number 06877S41VH
Software Group Part Number 5188845-00
Software Group Release Date SEP16
Software Group Description MWL-962
Calibration Identification Number AU90S_02

Indication Display
Parameter Value
ECM Part Number 4204284-04
ECM Serial Number 08S7D041DT
Software Group Part Number 47989S6-00
Software Group Release Date OCT2015
Software Group Description Indication Display

Input/Output Module
Parameter Value
ECM Part Number 2995744-06
ECM Serial Number 0967B199HZ
Software Group Part Number 4805894-00
Software Group Release Date SEP2015
Software Group Description Relay Driver Module

Graphical Display (MTN00S91)

Parameter Value
ECM Part Number 4592220-02
ECM Serial Number 0867G017ZU
Software Group Part Number 5S28795-00
Software Group Release Date APR2017
Software Group Description MWL_Information Display

Fan Control
Parameter Value
ECM Part Number 4S8822S-01

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ECM Serial Number S6S6F008EZ

Software Group Part Number 4782SS8-00
Software Group Release Date JAN2015
Software Group Description

Description Value Unit Minimum Maximum ECM

Delivered Fuel Volume SS.625 mmS 0.000 127.250 C7.1 962 (45004SS4)
Desired Engine Speed 2S40 rpm 700 2S40 C7.1 962 (45004SS4)
Desired Fuel Rail Pressure 1S815 psi 7655 17826 C7.1 962 (45004SS4)
Engine Coolant Temperature 169 Deg F 115 180 C7.1 962 (45004SS4)
Engine Load Factor 26 % 0 100 C7.1 962 (45004SS4)
Engine Oil Pressure 76 psi 50 79 C7.1 962 (45004SS4)
Engine Speed 2S40 rpm 682 240S C7.1 962 (45004SS4)
Engine Speed Primary Sensor 2S46 rpm 679 2409 C7.1 962 (45004SS4)
Engine Speed Secondary Sensor 2S48 rpm 680 2409 C7.1 962 (45004SS4)
Fuel Consumption Rate S.7 gal/h 0.0 12.2 C7.1 962 (45004SS4)
Fuel Rail Pressure 1S987 psi 7200 19S0S C7.1 962 (45004SS4)
Intake Manifold Air Temperature 81.1 Deg F 62.2 85.S C7.1 962 (45004SS4)
Smoke Limit Fuel Volume 69.875 mmS 47.S75 149.000 C7.1 962 (45004SS4)
Torque Limit Fuel Volume 95.250 mmS 82.500 146.125 C7.1 962 (45004SS4)
Boost Pressure 5 psi 0 19 C7.1 962 (45004SS4)
Engine Power Derate 0 % 0 0 C7.1 962 (45004SS4)

Hold button has been pressed.

Cat Electronic Technician S017B v1.0

Cylinder Cutout

18/07/S018 11:13

Corte de cilindros.

C7.1 9aS (47004334)

Parameter Value

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Equipment ID 962L
Engine Serial Number 45004SS4
ECM Part Number S742640-05
ECM Serial Number 06877S41VH
Software Group Part Number 5188845-00
Software Group Release Date SEP16
Software Group Description MWL-962
Calibration Identification Number AU90S_02

Test Status
Cylinder Mode Delivered Fuel Volume ( mm3 )
Cylinder 1 Powered 27.67
Cylinder 2 Powered 27.80
Cylinder S Powered 27.9S
Cylinder 4 Powered 27.98
Cylinder 5 Powered 27.52
Cylinder 6 Powered 27.80

Status Parameters
Description Value
Engine Speed 701 rpm
Delivered Fuel Volume 2S.S75 mmS

Cat Electronic Technician S017B v1.0


18/07/S018 11:17

Calado simple (convertidor.)

Transmission 9aSL (WSY01730)

Parameter Value
Product ID MTN00291
Equipment ID 962L
Transmission Serial Number WSY017S0
ECM Part Number 4559584-00

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ECM Serial Number 06076051WF

Software Group Part Number 5265857-00
Software Group Release Date APR2017
Software Group Description 962 Transmission
Active Diagnostic Codes Present No

Implement 9aSL (MTN00S91)

Parameter Value
Product ID MTN00291
Equipment ID 962L
ECM Part Number 4559580-00
ECM Serial Number 06976216WC
Software Group Part Number 5S28747-00
Software Group Release Date MAY2017
Software Group Description 962 Implement

Product Link Elite (MTN00S91)

Parameter Value
Product ID MTN00291
Machine Serial Number
Equipment ID 962L
ECM Part Number 4590786-02
ECM Serial Number 0657F510TR
Software Group Part Number 5269981-00
Software Group Release Date Jan2017
Software Group Description VIMS_TELEMATICS_2017_01_1S
Application Software Part Number 5267820-00
Cellular Device ECM Serial Number NA
Cellular Device ECM Hardware Part Number NA
Cellular Radio Module Software Part Number NA
Satellite Device ECM Serial Number 0907S102YC
Satellite Device ECM Hardware Part Number 4427199-10
Satellite Radio Module Software Part Number 526987S-00

C7.1 9aS (47004334)

Parameter Value

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Equipment ID 962L
Engine Serial Number 45004SS4
ECM Part Number S742640-05
ECM Serial Number 06877S41VH
Software Group Part Number 5188845-00
Software Group Release Date SEP16
Software Group Description MWL-962
Calibration Identification Number AU90S_02

Indication Display
Parameter Value
ECM Part Number 4204284-04
ECM Serial Number 08S7D041DT
Software Group Part Number 47989S6-00
Software Group Release Date OCT2015
Software Group Description Indication Display

Input/Output Module
Parameter Value
ECM Part Number 2995744-06
ECM Serial Number 0967B199HZ
Software Group Part Number 4805894-00
Software Group Release Date SEP2015
Software Group Description Relay Driver Module

Graphical Display (MTN00S91)

Parameter Value
ECM Part Number 4592220-02
ECM Serial Number 0867G017ZU
Software Group Part Number 5S28795-00
Software Group Release Date APR2017
Software Group Description MWL_Information Display

Fan Control
Parameter Value

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ECM Part Number 4S8822S-01

ECM Serial Number S6S6F008EZ
Software Group Part Number 4782SS8-00
Software Group Release Date JAN2015
Software Group Description

Description Value Unit Minimum Maximum ECM

Delivered Fuel Volume 101.625 mmS 0.000 112.125 C7.1 962 (45004SS4)
Desired Engine Speed 2020 rpm 800 2S40 C7.1 962 (45004SS4)
Desired Fuel Rail Pressure 15440 psi 7667 17509 C7.1 962 (45004SS4)
Engine Coolant Temperature 178 Deg F 172 178 C7.1 962 (45004SS4)
Engine Load Factor 78 % 0 85 C7.1 962 (45004SS4)
Engine Oil Pressure 69 psi 50 7S C7.1 962 (45004SS4)
Engine Speed 20S0 rpm 872 2S85 C7.1 962 (45004SS4)
Engine Speed Primary Sensor 2028 rpm 860 2S78 C7.1 962 (45004SS4)
Engine Speed Secondary Sensor 20SS rpm 859 2S86 C7.1 962 (45004SS4)
Fuel Consumption Rate 9.8 gal/h 0.0 10.4 C7.1 962 (45004SS4)
Fuel Rail Pressure 15719 psi 6756 18420 C7.1 962 (45004SS4)
Intake Manifold Air Temperature 79.2 Deg F 79.2 89.1 C7.1 962 (45004SS4)
Smoke Limit Fuel Volume 142.625 mmS 50.250 14S.000 C7.1 962 (45004SS4)
Torque Limit Fuel Volume 127.125 mmS 86.250 146.125 C7.1 962 (45004SS4)
Boost Pressure 18 psi 0 18 C7.1 962 (45004SS4)
Engine Power Derate 0 % 0 0 C7.1 962 (45004SS4)

Hold button has been pressed.

Cat Electronic Technician S017B v1.0


18/07/S018 11:18

Caldo doble (convertidor e implementos)

Transmission 9aSL (WSY01730)

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Parameter Value
Product ID MTN00291
Equipment ID 962L
Transmission Serial Number WSY017S0
ECM Part Number 4559584-00
ECM Serial Number 06076051WF
Software Group Part Number 5265857-00
Software Group Release Date APR2017
Software Group Description 962 Transmission
Active Diagnostic Codes Present No

Implement 9aSL (MTN00S91)

Parameter Value
Product ID MTN00291
Equipment ID 962L
ECM Part Number 4559580-00
ECM Serial Number 06976216WC
Software Group Part Number 5S28747-00
Software Group Release Date MAY2017
Software Group Description 962 Implement

Product Link Elite (MTN00S91)

Parameter Value
Product ID MTN00291
Machine Serial Number
Equipment ID 962L
ECM Part Number 4590786-02
ECM Serial Number 0657F510TR
Software Group Part Number 5269981-00
Software Group Release Date Jan2017
Software Group Description VIMS_TELEMATICS_2017_01_1S
Application Software Part Number 5267820-00
Cellular Device ECM Serial Number NA
Cellular Device ECM Hardware Part Number NA
Cellular Radio Module Software Part Number NA
Satellite Device ECM Serial Number 0907S102YC

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Satellite Device ECM Hardware Part Number 4427199-10

Satellite Radio Module Software Part Number 526987S-00

C7.1 9aS (47004334)

Parameter Value
Equipment ID 962L
Engine Serial Number 45004SS4
ECM Part Number S742640-05
ECM Serial Number 06877S41VH
Software Group Part Number 5188845-00
Software Group Release Date SEP16
Software Group Description MWL-962
Calibration Identification Number AU90S_02

Indication Display
Parameter Value
ECM Part Number 4204284-04
ECM Serial Number 08S7D041DT
Software Group Part Number 47989S6-00
Software Group Release Date OCT2015
Software Group Description Indication Display

Input/Output Module
Parameter Value
ECM Part Number 2995744-06
ECM Serial Number 0967B199HZ
Software Group Part Number 4805894-00
Software Group Release Date SEP2015
Software Group Description Relay Driver Module

Graphical Display (MTN00S91)

Parameter Value
ECM Part Number 4592220-02
ECM Serial Number 0867G017ZU
Software Group Part Number 5S28795-00

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Software Group Release Date APR2017

Software Group Description MWL_Information Display

Fan Control
Parameter Value
ECM Part Number 4S8822S-01
ECM Serial Number S6S6F008EZ
Software Group Part Number 4782SS8-00
Software Group Release Date JAN2015
Software Group Description

Description Value Unit Minimum Maximum ECM

Delivered Fuel Volume 104.500 mmS 0.000 117.125 C7.1 962 (45004SS4)
Desired Engine Speed 2020 rpm 800 2S40 C7.1 962 (45004SS4)
Desired Fuel Rail Pressure 15574 psi 765S 17509 C7.1 962 (45004SS4)
Engine Coolant Temperature 172 Deg F 169 178 C7.1 962 (45004SS4)
Engine Load Factor 80 % 0 89 C7.1 962 (45004SS4)
Engine Oil Pressure 68 psi 46 7S C7.1 962 (45004SS4)
Engine Speed 2021 rpm 757 2S85 C7.1 962 (45004SS4)
Engine Speed Primary Sensor 2019 rpm 760 2S78 C7.1 962 (45004SS4)
Engine Speed Secondary Sensor 20S0 rpm 758 2S86 C7.1 962 (45004SS4)
Fuel Consumption Rate 9.9 gal/h 0.0 10.8 C7.1 962 (45004SS4)
Fuel Rail Pressure 16049 psi 6611 18420 C7.1 962 (45004SS4)
Intake Manifold Air Temperature 84.2 Deg F 79.2 89.1 C7.1 962 (45004SS4)
Smoke Limit Fuel Volume 144.875 mmS 45.625 144.875 C7.1 962 (45004SS4)
Torque Limit Fuel Volume 127.750 mmS 86.250 146.125 C7.1 962 (45004SS4)
Boost Pressure 19 psi 0 19 C7.1 962 (45004SS4)
Engine Power Derate 0 % 0 0 C7.1 962 (45004SS4)

Hold button has been pressed.

Cat Electronic Technician S017B v1.0

Product Status Report

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18/07/S018 11:74

Product Status Report

Parameter Value
Product ID MTN00291
Equipment ID 962L
Comments inspeccion de equipo.

Transmission 9aSL (WSY01730)

Parameter Value
Product ID MTN00291
Equipment ID 962L
Transmission Serial Number WSY017S0
ECM Part Number 4559584-00
ECM Serial Number 06076051WF
Software Group Part Number 5265857-00
Software Group Release Date APR2017
Software Group Description 962 Transmission
Active Diagnostic Codes Present No

Logged Diagnostic Codes [Diagnostic Clock = 918.a707 hours] - Transmission 9aSL (WSY01730)
Code Description Occ. First Last
No Logged Diagnostic Codes

Logged Event Codes [Diagnostic Clock = 918.a707 hours] - Transmission 9aSL (WSY01730)
Code Description Occ. First Last
No Logged Event Codes

Active Diagnostic Codes - Transmission 9aSL (WSY01730)

Code Description
No Active Diagnostic Codes

Active Event Codes - Transmission 9aSL (WSY01730)

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Code Description
No Active Event Codes

Current Totals - Transmission 9aSL (WSY01730)

Description Value Unit
Total Forward Distance 2072.15 Miles
Total Neutral Gear Operating Hours 19S hours
Total Hours Coasting In Neutral 0 hours
Total Distance Coasting In Neutral 0.0 Miles
Total Number of Coasting in Neutral Occurrences 2
Total Number of Coasting in Neutral Protection Active Occurrences 2SS
Total Hours Coasting in Neutral Protection Active 0.195 hours
Total Distance Coasting in Neutral Protection Active 1S.8 Miles
Total Reverse Distance 988.17 Miles
Total Powertrain Oil Filter Bypass Hours 0.58 hours

Configuration - Transmission 9aSL (WSY01730)

Description Value Unit
Transmission Serial Number WSY017S0
Lockup Clutch Installation Status Installed
Transmission Maximum Forward Gear 5
Transmission Maximum Reverse Gear S
Forward to Reverse Desired Gear 2
Reverse to Forward Desired Gear 2
Ground Speed Limiter Installation Status Not Installed
Operator Requested Forward Machine Speed Limit 18.6 mph
Operator Requested Reverse Machine Speed Limit 18.6 mph
Tire Rolling Radius 787 mm
Transmission Direction Switch #2 Type Type 1
Economy Mode Off
Integrated Braking System Manual Mode Enable Status Enabled
Level Operation Neutralization Offset Setpoint 2.0 %
Moderate Slope Operation Neutralization Offset Setpoint 6.0 %
Aggressive Slope Operation Neutralization Offset Setpoint 10.0 %
Differential Lock Installation Configuration Not Installed
Automatic Differential Lock Feature Installation Status Not Installed

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Axle Oil Cooler Installation Status Not Installed

Cold Engine Parasitic Load Reduction Installation Not Installed
Auto Lube System Installation Status Not Installed
Lubrication Cycle Set Command Cycle Mode #2
Lubrication Operation Mode Set Command Automatic
Advanced Machine Security System Installation Status Not Installed
Operator Identification Enable Status Disabled
Operator Management Radio Frequency Identification Device Enabled Status Disabled
EngineerDataEnble Disabled

Lifetime:Time vs Torque Converter Outlet Temperature - Transmission 9aSL (WSY01730)

Torque Converter Outlet Temperature( Deg F ) hours %
<140.0 107.S5 11.70
140.0-148.9 5S.95 5.88
149.0-157.9 74.40 8.11
158.0-166.9 99.60 10.86
167.0-175.9 12S.75 1S.49
176.0-184.9 14S.70 15.66
185.0-19S.9 127.95 1S.95
194.0-202.9 105.20 11.47
20S.0-211.9 71.25 7.77
212.0-220.9 10.S5 1.1S
221.0-229.9 0.00 0.00
2S0.0-2S8.9 0.00 0.00
2S9.0-247.9 0.00 0.00
248.0-256.9 0.00 0.00
257.0-265.9 0.00 0.00
266.0-274.9 0.00 0.00
275.0-28S.9 0.00 0.00
284.0-29S.0 0.00 0.00
>29S.0 0.00 0.00

Lifetime:Time vs Front Axle Oil Temperature - Transmission 9aSL (WSY01730)

Front Axle Oil Temperature( Deg F ) hours %
<S2.0 0.00 0.00
S2.0-40.9 1.65 0.18

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41.0-49.9 7.75 0.84

50.0-58.9 14.70 1.60
59.0-67.9 11.40 1.24
68.0-76.9 18.40 2.00
77.0-85.9 20.45 2.2S
86.0-94.9 S4.10 S.71
95.0-10S.9 64.20 6.99
104.0-112.9 102.75 11.18
11S.0-121.9 160.75 17.50
122.0-1S0.9 128.45 1S.98
1S1.0-1S9.9 1S8.10 15.0S
140.0-148.9 106.25 11.56
149.0-157.9 47.70 5.19
158.0-166.9 S2.00 S.48
167.0-175.9 15.75 1.71
176.0-184.9 7.75 0.84
185.0-19S.9 2.95 0.S2
194.0-202.9 S.60 0.S9
20S.0-211.9 0.05 0.01
212.0-220.9 0.00 0.00
221.0-229.9 0.00 0.00
2S0.0-2S8.9 0.00 0.00
2S9.0-247.9 0.00 0.00
248.0-256.9 0.00 0.00
257.0-265.9 0.00 0.00
266.0-275.0 0.00 0.00
>275.0 0.00 0.00

Lifetime:Time vs Rear Axle Oil Temperature - Transmission 9aSL (WSY01730)

Rear Axle Oil Temperature( Deg F ) hours %
<S2.0 0.00 0.00
S2.0-40.9 1.05 0.11
41.0-49.9 6.20 0.67
50.0-58.9 14.65 1.59
59.0-67.9 10.05 1.09
68.0-76.9 14.S0 1.56
77.0-85.9 1S.10 1.4S

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86.0-94.9 20.40 2.22

95.0-10S.9 26.95 2.9S
104.0-112.9 47.10 5.1S
11S.0-121.9 71.00 7.7S
122.0-1S0.9 122.15 1S.29
1S1.0-1S9.9 1S4.50 14.64
140.0-148.9 116.90 12.72
149.0-157.9 117.20 12.76
158.0-166.9 91.95 10.01
167.0-175.9 48.95 5.SS
176.0-184.9 27.20 2.96
185.0-19S.9 15.55 1.69
194.0-202.9 8.80 0.96
20S.0-211.9 2.S0 0.25
212.0-220.9 5.90 0.64
221.0-229.9 2.40 0.26
2S0.0-2S8.9 0.15 0.02
2S9.0-247.9 0.10 0.01
248.0-256.9 0.00 0.00
257.0-265.9 0.00 0.00
266.0-275.0 0.00 0.00
>275.0 0.00 0.00

Lifetime:Time vs Ground Speed - Transmission 9aSL (WSY01730)

Ground Speed( mph ) hours %
<0.5 80.05 10.S0
0.5-1.9 144.50 18.59
2.0-S.4 158.15 20.S5
S.5-4.9 158.20 20.S6
5.0-6.4 106.10 1S.65
6.5-7.9 62.40 8.0S
8.0-9.4 S6.40 4.68
9.5-10.9 15.00 1.9S
11.0-12.4 7.50 0.97
12.5-1S.9 S.10 0.40
14.0-15.4 1.40 0.18
15.5-16.9 1.25 0.16

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17.0-18.4 1.55 0.20

18.5-19.9 1.60 0.21
20.0-21.4 0.00 0.00
21.5-22.9 0.00 0.00
2S.0-24.4 0.00 0.00
24.5-25.9 0.00 0.00
26.0-27.4 0.00 0.00
27.5-28.9 0.00 0.00
29.0-S0.4 0.00 0.00
S0.5-S1.9 0.00 0.00
S2.0-SS.4 0.00 0.00
SS.5-S5.0 0.00 0.00
>S5.0 0.00 0.00

Lifetime:Time vs Torque Converter Speed Ratio - Transmission 9aSL (WSY01730)

Torque Converter Speed Ratio( ) hours %
<0.000 0.00 0.00
0.000-0.099 SS.10 4.26
0.100-0.199 18.15 2.S4
0.200-0.299 27.50 S.54
0.S00-0.S99 S8.90 5.01
0.400-0.499 52.45 6.75
0.500-0.599 69.90 8.99
0.600-0.699 81.65 10.51
0.700-0.799 92.60 11.92
0.800-0.899 119.70 15.40
0.900-0.999 154.45 19.87
1.000-1.099 65.80 8.47
1.100-1.199 9.00 1.16
1.200-1.299 5.15 0.66
1.S00-1.S99 S.65 0.47
1.400-1.499 2.50 0.S2
1.500-1.599 1.50 0.19
1.600-1.699 0.75 0.10
1.700-1.800 0.25 0.0S
>1.800 0.15 0.02

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Ground Speed at Directional Shift Occurrences - Transmission 9aSL (WSY01730)

Ground Speed( mph ) %
<0.5 46976.00 S0.S7
0.5-1.4 SS115.00 21.41
1.5-2.4 185SS.00 11.98
2.5-S.4 19006.00 12.29
S.5-4.4 20701.00 1S.S8
4.5-5.4 12487.00 8.07
5.5-6.4 S0S6.00 1.96
6.5-7.4 648.00 0.42
7.5-8.4 1S6.00 0.09
8.5-9.4 24.00 0.02
9.5-10.4 4.00 0.00
10.5-11.4 1.00 0.00
11.5-12.4 0.00 0.00
12.5-1S.4 1.00 0.00
1S.5-14.4 0.00 0.00
14.5-15.4 0.00 0.00
15.5-16.4 0.00 0.00
16.5-17.4 0.00 0.00
17.5-18.4 0.00 0.00
18.5-19.4 0.00 0.00
19.5-20.4 0.00 0.00
20.5-21.5 0.00 0.00
>21.5 0.00 0.00

Shift Count Matrix - Transmission 9aSL (WSY01730)

To N R1 RS R3 1 S 3 4 7
N --- 144 9197 5SS 1121 9798 75 67 0
R1 124 --- 85 25 125 2S7 S 0 0
R2 4854 14S --- S1114 67S 7S007 215 81 0
RS 869 S2 4699 --- 62 26791 1S9 18 0
1 2S78 218 50265 S28 --- 1829 105 1 0
2 9267 48 S74S8 416 S5S45 --- 51782 S2 11
S 2996 12 788S 178 15977 21185 --- 6781 52
4 S60 0 494 15 1675 1409 2616 --- 822

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5 81 2 26 1 146 89 129 411 ---

Indication Display
Parameter Value
ECM Part Number 4204284-04
ECM Serial Number 08S7D041DT
Software Group Part Number 47989S6-00
Software Group Release Date OCT2015
Software Group Description Indication Display

C7.1 9aS (47004334)

Parameter Value
Equipment ID 962L
Engine Serial Number 45004SS4
ECM Part Number S742640-05
ECM Serial Number 06877S41VH
Software Group Part Number 5188845-00
Software Group Release Date SEP16
Software Group Description MWL-962
Calibration Identification Number AU90S_02

Logged Diagnostic Codes [Diagnostic Clock = 918.a499 hours] - C7.1 9aS (47004334)
Code Description Occ. First Last
No Logged Diagnostic Codes

Logged Event Codes [Diagnostic Clock = 918.a499 hours] - C7.1 9aS (47004334)
Code Description Occ. First Last
No Logged Event Codes

Active Diagnostic Codes - C7.1 9aS (47004334)

Code Description
No Active Diagnostic Codes

Active Event Codes - C7.1 9aS (47004334)

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Code Description
No Active Event Codes

Current Totals - C7.1 9aS (47004334)

Description Value Unit
Total Idle Time 1S5:12 hours
Total Fuel S8S6 gal
Total Idle Fuel 117 gal
Total Max Fuel 110S5 gal
Engine Lifetime Hours 924.7 hours
Average Load Factor S4 %
Engine Starts 177S
Lifetime Total Engine Revolutions 7544S488 rev
Total Operating Hours 918.6 hours
Total Engine Idle Shutdown Count 78
Total Engine Idle Shutdown Overrides Count 126
Total Delayed Engine Shutdown Count S07
Total Delayed Engine Shutdown Overrides Count 0
Starts/Hour 1.92
Average RPM 1S59.71 rpm
Percentage Idle Time 14.60 %
Average Fuel Rate 4.15 gal/h
Overall Load Factor S4 %

Configuration - C7.1 9aS (47004334)

Description Value Unit
Equipment ID 962L
Engine Serial Number 45004SS4
ECM Part Number S742640-05
ECM Serial Number 06877S41VH
Software Group Part Number 5188845-00
Software Group Release Date SEP16
Software Group Description MWL-962
Rated Power 249 hp at 2200 rpm
Rated Peak Torque 774 lb-ft at 1400 rpm
Ether Solenoid Configuration Continuous Flow Solenoid

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Fuel/Water Separator Switch Installation Status Installed

Low System Battery Voltage Elevated Idle Enabled
Engine Warm Up Elevated Idle Feature Enable Status Enabled
Transmission Engaged Engine Low Idle Speed Configuration 950 rpm
Machine Working Engine Low Idle Speed Configuration 800.0 rpm
Machine Hibernating Engine Low Idle Speed Configuration 700.0 rpm
Engine Idle Shutdown Enable Status Enabled
Engine Idle Shutdown Delay Time 5.0 min
Engine Idle Shutdown Ambient Temperature Override Enable Status Disabled
Delayed Engine Shutdown Enable Status Enabled
Delayed Engine Shutdown Maximum Time 5.0 min
Engine Fan Reversing Feature Disabled
Engine Fan Purge Cycle Interval 1200 sec
Engine Fan Purge Cycle Duration 25.0 sec
Cold Engine Parasitic Load Reduction Installation Installed
FTS -8
CAN Communication Protocol Write Security Seed and Key Access
CAN Communication Protocol Read Security Seed and Key Access
Total Tattletale 21

Lifetime:Accumulated Time vs Intake Manifold Pressure - C7.1 9aS (47004334)

Intake Manifold Pressure( psi ) hours %
<11.60S 0.55 1.05
11.60S-1S.052 1.45 2.76
1S.05S-14.50S S.S5 6.S8
14.504-15.95S 5.15 9.81
15.954-17.404 6.20 11.81
17.405-18.854 7.60 14.48
18.855-20.S04 11.05 21.05
20.S05-21.755 1S.25 25.24
21.756-2S.205 S.85 7.SS
2S.206-24.655 0.05 0.10
24.656-26.106 0.00 0.00
26.107-27.556 0.00 0.00
27.557-29.007 0.00 0.00
29.008-S0.457 0.00 0.00

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S0.458-S1.907 0.00 0.00

S1.908-SS.S58 0.00 0.00
SS.S59-S4.808 0.00 0.00
S4.809-S6.258 0.00 0.00
S6.259-S7.709 0.00 0.00
S7.710-S9.159 0.00 0.00
S9.160-40.610 0.00 0.00
40.611-42.060 0.00 0.00
42.061-4S.510 0.00 0.00
4S.511-44.961 0.00 0.00
44.962-46.411 0.00 0.00
46.412-47.861 0.00 0.00
47.862-49.S12 0.00 0.00
49.S1S-50.762 0.00 0.00
50.76S-52.21S 0.00 0.00
52.214-5S.66S 0.00 0.00
5S.664-55.11S 0.00 0.00
55.114-56.564 0.00 0.00
56.565-58.014 0.00 0.00
58.015-59.464 0.00 0.00
59.465-60.915 0.00 0.00
60.916-62.S65 0.00 0.00
62.S66-6S.816 0.00 0.00
6S.817-65.266 0.00 0.00
65.267-66.716 0.00 0.00
66.717-68.167 0.00 0.00
68.168-69.617 0.00 0.00
69.618-71.067 0.00 0.00
71.068-72.518 0.00 0.00
72.519-7S.968 0.00 0.00
7S.969-75.419 0.00 0.00
75.420-76.869 0.00 0.00
76.870-78.S19 0.00 0.00
78.S20-79.770 0.00 0.00
79.771-81.220 0.00 0.00
81.221-82.670 0.00 0.00
82.671-84.121 0.00 0.00
84.122-85.571 0.00 0.00

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85.572-87.02S 0.00 0.00

>87.02S 0.00 0.00

Lifetime:Accumulated Time vs Engine Coolant Temperature - C7.1 9aS (47004334)

Engine Coolant Temperature( Deg F ) hours %
<S2.00 0.00 0.00
S2.00-40.99 0.00 0.00
41.00-49.99 0.00 0.00
50.00-58.99 0.00 0.00
59.00-67.99 0.10 0.01
68.00-76.99 0.45 0.05
77.00-85.99 0.70 0.07
86.00-94.99 1.05 0.11
95.00-10S.99 1.45 0.15
104.00-112.99 1.80 0.19
11S.00-121.99 2.45 0.26
122.00-1S0.99 S.10 0.SS
1S1.00-1S9.99 S.75 0.40
140.00-148.99 S.95 0.42
149.00-157.99 4.80 0.51
158.00-166.99 5.10 0.54
167.00-175.99 256.25 27.08
176.00-184.99 457.40 48.S4
185.00-19S.99 174.20 18.41
194.00-202.99 29.60 S.1S
20S.00-211.99 0.05 0.01
212.00-220.99 0.00 0.00
221.00-229.99 0.00 0.00
2S0.00-2S8.99 0.00 0.00
2S9.00-247.99 0.00 0.00
248.00-256.99 0.00 0.00
257.00-265.99 0.00 0.00
266.00-274.99 0.00 0.00
275.00-28S.99 0.00 0.00
284.00-292.99 0.00 0.00
29S.00-S02.00 0.00 0.00
>S02.00 0.00 0.00

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Engine Overspeed Histogram: Accumulated Time (sec) vs Engine Speed - C7.1 9aS (47004334)
Engine Speed( rpm ) %
2500.0-2599.9 2.00 100.00
2600.0-2699.9 0.00 0.00
2700.0-2799.9 0.00 0.00
2800.0-2899.9 0.00 0.00
2900.0-2999.9 0.00 0.00
S000.0-S099.9 0.00 0.00
S100.0-S199.9 0.00 0.00
S200.0-S299.9 0.00 0.00
SS00.0-S400.0 0.00 0.00
>S400.0 0.00 0.00

Lifetime:Accumulated Time vs Engine Speed And Percent Engine Load at Current Engine Speed
- C7.1 9aS (47004334)
a00.0- a70.0- 700.0- 770.0- 800.0- 870.0- 900.0- 970.0-
rpm <a00.0
a49.9 a99.9 749.9 799.9 849.9 899.9 949.9 999.9
<0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.0-9.9 0.00 0.00 0.15 0.S0 1.00 0.85 0.85 6.45 9.00
0.00 0.00 1S.00 14.60 29.90 S2.S0 2.60 12.S0 10.70
0.00 0.00 0.15 0.S5 0.65 1.S5 S.05 14.55 15.70
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.25 0.75 2.00 S.90 4.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.40 1.00 1.85 1.95
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.25 0.60 1.00 1.15
0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.20 0.40 0.65 0.65
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.15 0.25 0.S0 0.25
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05

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>100.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total 0.05 0.00 1S.S0 15.40 S2.20 S6.40 10.90 41.15 4S.55

Lifetime:Accumulated Time vs Engine Speed And Percent Engine Load at Current Engine Speed
- C7.1 9aS (47004334)
1000.0- 1070.0- 1100.0- 1170.0- 1S00.0- 1S70.0- 1300.0- 1370.0- 1400.0-
1049.9 1099.9 1149.9 1199.9 1S49.9 1S99.9 1349.9 1399.9 1449.9
<0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.0-9.9 6.95 6.15 5.75 5.75 6.00 6.15 6.25 6.10 5.85
6.25 4.20 S.S5 S.20 S.S5 S.70 S.90 4.25 4.45
5.20 S.95 S.60 S.75 4.00 4.40 5.05 5.60 6.05
S.15 S.00 S.10 S.50 4.05 4.90 5.65 6.40 7.50
1.95 2.05 2.S5 2.90 S.95 5.40 7.20 9.10 10.S5
1.S0 1.65 2.20 S.00 4.10 5.S0 6.25 7.45 9.05
0.75 0.95 1.15 1.45 1.90 2.S5 2.85 S.65 4.50
0.S0 0.S0 0.40 0.50 0.80 1.15 1.55 2.15 2.65
0.10 0.15 0.20 0.S0 0.45 0.65 0.85 1.10 1.40
0.05 0.05 0.05 0.10 0.20 0.S0 0.S5 0.55 0.75
>100.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total 26.00 22.45 22.15 24.45 28.80 S4.S0 S9.90 46.S5 52.55

Lifetime:Accumulated Time vs Engine Speed And Percent Engine Load at Current Engine Speed
- C7.1 9aS (47004334)
1470.0- 1700.0- 1770.0- 1a00.0- 1a70.0- 1700.0- 1770.0- 1800.0- 1870.0-
1499.9 1749.9 1799.9 1a49.9 1a99.9 1749.9 1799.9 1849.9 1899.9
<0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.0-9.9 5.20 4.70 4.00 S.25 2.70 2.10 1.60 1.15 0.80
4.00 S.45 S.00 2.40 1.90 1.45 1.05 0.80 0.60

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5.85 5.S0 4.45 S.65 2.80 2.15 1.60 1.25 0.90
7.80 7.S5 6.50 5.S5 4.S5 S.45 2.40 1.75 1.15
10.40 9.45 8.65 7.90 6.90 5.S5 S.70 2.55 1.65
10.50 10.55 9.75 8.65 7.65 7.10 6.S0 5.10 S.10
5.70 6.70 7.55 7.95 7.65 6.75 6.05 5.95 5.75
S.S5 S.95 4.60 5.20 5.65 5.85 5.75 5.S0 4.85
1.80 2.05 2.40 2.70 2.95 S.20 S.S0 S.50 S.65
1.10 1.60 2.25 2.95 4.10 5.70 6.40 6.70 6.50
>100.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total 55.70 55.10 5S.15 50.00 46.65 4S.10 S8.15 S4.05 28.95

Lifetime:Accumulated Time vs Engine Speed And Percent Engine Load at Current Engine Speed
- C7.1 9aS (47004334)
1900.0- 1970.0- S000.0- S070.0- S100.0- S170.0- SS00.0- SS70.0- S300.0-
1949.9 1999.9 S049.9 S099.9 S149.9 S199.9 SS49.9 SS99.9 S349.9
<0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.0-9.9 0.50 0.S0 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.40 0.20 0.15 0.05 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05
0.55 0.S5 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.05 0.00 0.05 0.40
0.75 0.45 0.25 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.15
1.05 0.55 0.S0 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05
1.55 0.70 0.S5 0.20 0.10 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05
S.45 1.20 0.45 0.20 0.10 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05
4.75 S.40 1.S5 0.S0 0.10 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05
S.55 S.S0 S.10 2.00 0.25 0.10 0.05 0.05 0.05

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5.45 S.65 2.05 1.S0 0.45 0.S5 0.10 0.05 0.05
>100.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total 22.00 14.10 8.S0 4.55 1.S5 0.80 0.40 0.40 0.90

Lifetime:Accumulated Time vs Engine Speed And Percent Engine Load at Current Engine Speed
- C7.1 9aS (47004334)
rpm S370.0-S400.0 >S400.0 Total
<0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.0-9.9 0.00 0.00 100.20
10.0-19.9 0.00 0.00 171.60
20.0-29.9 0.05 0.00 107.10
S0.0-S9.9 0.05 0.00 94.S5
40.0-49.9 0.05 0.00 109.55
50.0-59.9 0.05 0.00 115.S0
60.0-69.9 0.05 0.00 87.25
70.0-79.9 0.00 0.00 65.40
80.0-89.9 0.00 0.00 4S.65
90.0-100.0 0.00 0.00 5S.40
>100.0 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total 0.25 0.00 947.80

Lifetime:Accumulated Time vs Intake Manifold Air Temperature - C7.1 9aS (47004334)

Intake Manifold Air Temperature( Deg F ) hours %
<S2.00 0.00 0.00
S2.00-40.99 0.60 0.06
41.00-49.99 5.20 0.55
50.00-58.99 S0.20 S.19
59.00-67.99 67.60 7.14
68.00-76.99 1S2.25 1S.98
77.00-85.99 202.15 21.S6
86.00-94.99 208.S5 22.02
95.00-10S.99 184.90 19.54
104.00-112.99 101.20 10.69
11S.00-121.99 1S.S0 1.41
122.00-1S0.99 0.50 0.05

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1S1.00-1S9.99 0.00 0.00

140.00-148.99 0.00 0.00
149.00-157.99 0.00 0.00
158.00-166.99 0.00 0.00
167.00-175.99 0.00 0.00
176.00-184.99 0.00 0.00
185.00-19S.99 0.00 0.00
194.00-202.99 0.00 0.00
20S.00-211.99 0.00 0.00
212.00-220.99 0.00 0.00
221.00-229.99 0.00 0.00
2S0.00-2S8.99 0.00 0.00
2S9.00-248.00 0.00 0.00
>248.00 0.00 0.00

Lifetime:Accumulated Time vs Engine Speed - C7.1 9aS (47004334)

Engine Speed( rpm ) hours %
<550.0 0.05 0.01
550.0-599.9 0.00 0.00
600.0-649.9 0.05 0.01
650.0-699.9 15.55 1.61
700.0-749.9 17.85 1.84
750.0-799.9 S6.75 S.80
800.0-849.9 42.95 4.44
850.0-899.9 11.25 1.16
900.0-949.9 42.25 4.S7
950.0-999.9 45.15 4.67
1000.0-1049.9 26.S0 2.72
1050.0-1099.9 22.60 2.S4
1100.0-1149.9 22.S5 2.S1
1150.0-1199.9 24.70 2.55
1200.0-1249.9 29.05 S.00
1250.0-1299.9 S4.45 S.56
1S00.0-1S49.9 40.15 4.15
1S50.0-1S99.9 46.45 4.80
1400.0-1449.9 52.60 5.44
1450.0-1499.9 55.65 5.75

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1500.0-1549.9 55.00 5.68

1550.0-1599.9 5S.10 5.49
1600.0-1649.9 49.95 5.16
1650.0-1699.9 46.55 4.81
1700.0-1749.9 4S.00 4.44
1750.0-1799.9 S8.10 S.94
1800.0-1849.9 SS.90 S.50
1850.0-1899.9 28.90 2.99
1900.0-1949.9 21.85 2.26
1950.0-1999.9 14.05 1.45
2000.0-2049.9 8.S5 0.86
2050.0-2099.9 4.60 0.48
2100.0-2149.9 1.S5 0.14
2150.0-2199.9 0.80 0.08
2200.0-2249.9 0.40 0.04
2250.0-2299.9 0.S5 0.04
2S00.0-2S49.9 0.95 0.10
2S50.0-2S99.9 0.25 0.0S
2400.0-2449.9 0.05 0.01
2450.0-2499.9 0.00 0.00
2500.0-2549.9 0.00 0.00
2550.0-2599.9 0.00 0.00
2600.0-2649.9 0.00 0.00
2650.0-2699.9 0.00 0.00
2700.0-2749.9 0.00 0.00
2750.0-2799.9 0.00 0.00
2800.0-2849.9 0.00 0.00
2850.0-2899.9 0.00 0.00
2900.0-2949.9 0.00 0.00
2950.0-2999.9 0.00 0.00
S000.0-S049.9 0.00 0.00
S050.0-S099.9 0.00 0.00
S100.0-S149.9 0.00 0.00
S150.0-S199.9 0.00 0.00
S200.0-S249.9 0.00 0.00
S250.0-S299.9 0.00 0.00
SS00.0-SS49.9 0.00 0.00
SS50.0-S400.0 0.00 0.00

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>S400.0 0.00 0.00

Monitoring System - C7.1 9aS (47004334)

Description State Trip Point Delay Time
Engine Overspeed
Least Severe (1) Always On S000 rpm 0 sec
High Air Inlet #1 Differential Pressure
Least Severe (1) Always On 0.9 psi 0 sec
Moderate Severity (2) Always On 0.9 psi 0 sec
High Engine Coolant Temperature
Least Severe (1) Always On 228 Deg F 10 sec
Moderate Severity (2) Always On 2S2 Deg F 10 sec
Most Severe (S) Always On 2S7 Deg F 10 sec
High Fuel/Water Separator Water Level
Least Severe (1) Always On None 5 sec
Moderate Severity (2) Always On None 1800 sec
High Intake Manifold Air Temperature
Least Severe (1) Always On 188.6 Deg F 8 sec
Moderate Severity (2) Always On 195.8 Deg F 8 sec
Low Engine Oil Pressure
Least Severe (1) Always On None 0 sec
Most Severe (S) Always On None 0 sec

Implement 9aSL (MTN00S91)

Parameter Value
Product ID MTN00291
Equipment ID 962L
ECM Part Number 4559580-00
ECM Serial Number 06976216WC
Software Group Part Number 5S28747-00
Software Group Release Date MAY2017
Software Group Description 962 Implement

Logged Diagnostic Codes [Diagnostic Clock = 918.a707 hours] - Implement 9aSL (MTN00S91)
Code Description Occ. First Last
No Logged Diagnostic Codes

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Logged Event Codes [Diagnostic Clock = 918.a707 hours] - Implement 9aSL (MTN00S91)
Code Description Occ. First Last
No Logged Event Codes

Active Diagnostic Codes - Implement 9aSL (MTN00S91)

Code Description
No Active Diagnostic Codes

Active Event Codes - Implement 9aSL (MTN00S91)

Code Description
No Active Event Codes

Current Totals - Implement 9aSL (MTN00S91)

Description Value Unit

Configuration - Implement 9aSL (MTN00S91)

Description Value Unit
Product ID MTN00291
Equipment ID 962L
Secondary Steering Pump Installation Status Not Installed
Implement Linkage Configuration Standard
Implement Tool Configuration Bucket
Rotary Position
Loader Lift Linkage Position Sensor Configuration
Rotary Position
Loader Tilt Linkage Position Sensor Configuration
Joystick Installation Status Installed
Tilt Function Enable Status Enabled
Srd Function Enable Status Disabled
4th Function Enable Status Disabled
Raise Kickout Enable Status Enabled
Lower Kickout Enable Status Enabled
Rackback Kickout Enable Status Enabled
Dump Kickout Enable Status Enabled
Lift Linkage Float Enable Status Enabled

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Lift Linkage Feather Catch Enable Status Enabled

Dump Stop Snubbing Enable Status Enabled
Autodig Installation Status Not Installed
Implement Fine Modulation Control Enable Status Enabled
Raise Snubbing Enable Status Enabled
Lower Snubbing Enable Status Enabled
Rackback Snubbing Enable Status Enabled
Dump Snubbing Enable Status Enabled
Raise Solenoid #1 Start Current 0.682 Amps
Raise Solenoid #1 Maximum Current 1.200 Amps
Lower Solenoid #1 Start Current 0.654 Amps
Lower Solenoid #1 Maximum Current 1.275 Amps
Rackback Solenoid #1 Start Current 0.680 Amps
Rackback Solenoid #1 Maximum Current 1.2S5 Amps
Dump Solenoid #1 Start Current 0.665 Amps
Dump Solenoid #1 Maximum Current 1.28S Amps
Raise Valve Modulation Scale Factor 100.0 %
Lower Valve Modulation Scale Factor 100.0 %
Rackback Valve Modulation Scale Factor 100.0 %
Dump Valve Modulation Scale Factor 100.0 %
Long Range Work Lights #1 Installation Status Installed
Beacon Installation Status Installed
Road Light Installation Installed
Heated Side Rear View Mirrors Installation Status Not Installed
Automatic Rear Wiper Enable Status Enabled
Operator Seat Belt Monitor Installation Status Not Installed
Ride Control System Installation Status Not Installed
Quick Coupler Installation Status Not Installed
Production Measurement Feature Installation Status Not Installed
Payload Data Source Configuration Caterpillar
Production Measurement Feature Enable Status Unavailable Parameter
Automatic Truck ID Feature Not Enabled
Automatic Material ID Feature Not Enabled
Onboard Payload Printer Installation Status Installed
Payload Control System Number of Printer Tickets Configuration 0
Onboard Payload Printer Number of Blank Lines Preceding Output 1
Onboard Payload Printer Number of Blank Lines Following Output 1

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Onboard Payload Printer Truck Ticket Number 178

Onboard Payload Printer Ticket Header Enable Status Disabled
Onboard Payload Printer Ticket Header Line #1 CATERPILLAR
Onboard Payload Printer Ticket Header Line #2 TRUCK TICKET
Onboard Payload Printer Ticket Header Line #S
Onboard Payload Printer Ticket Bucket Weights Enable Status Enabled
Onboard Payload Printer Ticket Truck Payload Weight Enable Status Enabled
Onboard Payload Printer Ticket Truck ID Enable Status Enabled
Onboard Payload Printer Ticket Material ID Enable Status Enabled
Onboard Payload Printer Ticket Operator ID Enable Status Enabled
Onboard Payload Printer Date Format Configuration MM-DD-YYYY
Onboard Payload Printer Date Format Separator Character -
Onboard Payload Printer Ticket Payload Data Store Time Enable
Onboard Payload Printer Material Report Reset Time Enable Status Enabled
Onboard Payload Printer Truck Report Reset Time Enable Status Enabled

Product Link Elite (MTN00S91)

Parameter Value
Product ID MTN00291
Machine Serial Number
Equipment ID 962L
ECM Part Number 4590786-02
ECM Serial Number 0657F510TR
Software Group Part Number 5269981-00
Software Group Release Date Jan2017
Software Group Description VIMS_TELEMATICS_2017_01_1S
Application Software Part Number 5267820-00
Cellular Device ECM Serial Number NA
Cellular Device ECM Hardware Part Number NA
Cellular Radio Module Software Part Number NA
Satellite Device ECM Serial Number 0907S102YC
Satellite Device ECM Hardware Part Number 4427199-10
Satellite Radio Module Software Part Number 526987S-00

Logged Diagnostic Codes [Total Operating Hours = 918.7 hours] - Product Link Elite

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Code Description Occ. First Last

No Logged Diagnostic Codes

Logged Event Codes [Total Operating Hours = 918.7 hours] - Product Link Elite (MTN00S91)
Code Description Occ. First Last
No Logged Event Codes

Active Diagnostic Codes - Product Link Elite (MTN00S91)

Code Description
No Active Diagnostic Codes

Active Event Codes - Product Link Elite (MTN00S91)

Code Description
No Active Event Codes

Current Totals - Product Link Elite (MTN00S91)

Description Value Unit
Total Operating Hours 918.7 hours
Total Distance S060.S1 Miles

Configuration - Product Link Elite (MTN00S91)

Description Value Unit
Product ID MTN00291
Equipment ID 962L
External Service Lamp Installation Configuration Installed
External Service Lamp Display Mode Setting No Snapshot Notice
Telemetry Port Selection Disabled
TMAC Protocol Port Selection Disabled
Tire Monitoring System Installation Status Unavailable
CAT Data Link Module Identifier Configuration Gateway #1
Machine Serial Number
Mining Aftermarket System Installation Status Unavailable
Maintenance Mode Off
Machine Payload Control System Installation Status Not Installed
Road Analysis System Installation Status Not Installed

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Tire Analysis System Installation Status Not Installed

Tire Analysis System Temporary Installation Status Not Installed
Tire Analysis System Temporary Installation Time Remaining 15000 min
Security System Tamper Resistant Configuration Not Installed

Input/Output Module
Parameter Value
ECM Part Number 2995744-06
ECM Serial Number 0967B199HZ
Software Group Part Number 4805894-00
Software Group Release Date SEP2015
Software Group Description Relay Driver Module

Graphical Display (MTN00S91)

Parameter Value
ECM Part Number Unavailable
ECM Serial Number Unavailable
Software Group Part Number Unavailable
Software Group Release Date Unavailable
Software Group Description Unavailable

Logged Diagnostic Codes - Graphical Display (MTN00S91)

Code Description Occ. First Last
Error retrieving Logged Diagnostic Codes

Logged Event Codes - Graphical Display (MTN00S91)

Code Description Occ. First Last
Error retrieving Logged Event Codes

Active Diagnostic Codes - Graphical Display (MTN00S91)

Code Description
Error retrieving Active Diagnostic Codes

Active Event Codes - Graphical Display (MTN00S91)

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Code Description
Error retrieving Active Event Codes

Configuration - Graphical Display (MTN00S91)

Description Value Unit
Product ID Unavailable
Service Mode Enable Code Unavailable
Display Language Status Unavailable
Information Units Status Unavailable
Display Weight Units Configuration Unavailable
Display System Mode Unavailable
Camera System Installation Status Unavailable
Number of Cameras Unavailable
Object Detection System Enable Status Unavailable
Object Detection System Radar Type Configuration Code Unavailable
Object Detection Alarm Mode Unavailable

Fan Control
Parameter Value
ECM Part Number 4S8822S-01
ECM Serial Number S6S6F008EZ
Software Group Part Number 4782SS8-00
Software Group Release Date JAN2015
Software Group Description

Cat Electronic Technician S017B v1.0

Informe del estado del producto

18/07/S018 1S:14

Informe del estado del producto

Parámetro Valor
Identificación de producto MTN00291
Identificación del equipo 962L

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Transmisión 9aSL (WSY01730)

Parámetro Valor
Identificación de producto MTN00291
Identificación del equipo 962L
Número de serie de la transmisión WSY017S0
Número de pieza del ECM 4559584-00
Número de serie del ECM 06076051WF
Número de pieza del grupo del software 5265857-00
Fecha de publicación del grupo del software APR2017
Descripción del grupo del software 962 Transmission
Códigos de diagnóstico activos presentes No

Códigos de diagnóstico registrados [Reloj de diagnóstico = 918.7918 horas] - Transmisión 9aSL

Código Descripción Veces Primera Última
No hay códigos de diagnóstico registrados

Códigos de eventos registrados [Reloj de diagnóstico = 918.7918 horas] - Transmisión 9aSL

Código Descripción Veces Primera Última
No hay códigos de sucesos registrados

Códigos de diagnóstico activos - Transmisión 9aSL (WSY01730)

Código Descripción
No hay códigos de diagnóstico activos

Códigos de suceso activo - Transmisión 9aSL (WSY01730)

Código Descripción
No hay códigos de sucesos activos

Totales actuales - Transmisión 9aSL (WSY01730)

Descripción Valor Unidad
Distancia de avance total 2072.15 millas

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Total de horas de operación en engranaje neutral 19S horas

Total de horas de rueda libre en punto muerto 0 horas
Total de distancia de rueda libre en neutral 0.0 millas
Cantidad total de instancias de protección de rueda libre en neutral 2
Cantidad total de instancias de activación de protección de rueda libre en neutral 2SS
Total de horas de activación de protección de rueda libre en neutral 0.195 horas
Distancia total recorrida durante la activación de protección de rueda libre en
1S.8 millas
Distancia de retroceso total 988.17 millas
Total de horas de derivación de filtro de aceite de tren de fuerza 0.58 horas

Configuración - Transmisión 9aSL (WSY01730)

Descripción Valor Unidad
Número de serie de la transmisión WSY017S0
Estado de instalación de embrague de traba Instalado(a)
Marcha de avance máxima de la transmisión 5
Marcha de retroceso máximo de la trans S
Engranaje deseado de avance a retroceso 2
Engranaje deseado de avance a retroceso 2
Estado de instalación del limitador de velocidad de desplazamiento Sin instalar
Límite de velocidad de avance de la máquina solicitada por el operador 18.6 mph
Límite de velocidad de retroceso de la máquina solicitado por el
18.6 mph
Radio de rodaje de neumático 787 mm
Interruptor de la dirección de la transmisión N.º 2 Tipo N.º 1
Modalidad de economía Apagado(a)
Estado de activación de modalidad manual de sistema de freno
Punto de ajuste de compensación del neutralizador de <transmisión> de
2.0 %
operación a nivel
Punto de ajuste de compensación del neutralizador de <transmisión> de
6.0 %
operación en pendiente moderada
Punto de ajuste de compensación del neutralizador de <transmisión> de
10.0 %
operación en pendiente pronunciada
Configuración de instalación de traba de diferencial Sin instalar
Estado de instalación de la función de traba automática de diferencial Sin instalar
Estado de instalación del enfriador de aceite del eje Sin instalar
Instalación de reducción de cargas parásitas del motor en frío Sin instalar
Estado de instalación del sistema de lubricación automática Sin instalar

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Modalidad de ciclo
Orden de ajuste del ciclo de lubricación
No. 2
Orden de ajuste de modalidad de operación de lubricación Automático
Estado de instalación del sistema de seguridad avanzado de máquina Sin instalar
Estado de habilitación de la identificación del operador Desactivado
Estado habilitado del dispositivo de identificación de frecuencia de
radio de administración del operador
EngineerDataEnble Desactivado

Duración:Tiempo en función de Temperatura de salida del convertidor par - Transmisión 9aSL

Temperatura de salida del convertidor par( ºF ) horas %
<140.0 107.50 11.71
140.0-148.9 5S.95 5.88
149.0-157.9 74.40 8.11
158.0-166.9 99.60 10.85
167.0-175.9 12S.75 1S.49
176.0-184.9 14S.70 15.66
185.0-19S.9 127.95 1S.94
194.0-202.9 105.20 11.46
20S.0-211.9 71.25 7.76
212.0-220.9 10.S5 1.1S
221.0-229.9 0.00 0.00
2S0.0-2S8.9 0.00 0.00
2S9.0-247.9 0.00 0.00
248.0-256.9 0.00 0.00
257.0-265.9 0.00 0.00
266.0-274.9 0.00 0.00
275.0-28S.9 0.00 0.00
284.0-29S.0 0.00 0.00
>29S.0 0.00 0.00

Duración:Tiempo en función de Temperatura del aceite del eje delantero - Transmisión 9aSL
Temperatura del aceite del eje delantero( ºF ) horas %
<S2.0 0.00 0.00
S2.0-40.9 1.65 0.18

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41.0-49.9 7.75 0.84

50.0-58.9 14.80 1.61
59.0-67.9 11.40 1.24
68.0-76.9 18.40 2.00
77.0-85.9 20.45 2.2S
86.0-94.9 S4.10 S.71
95.0-10S.9 64.20 6.99
104.0-112.9 102.75 11.18
11S.0-121.9 160.75 17.49
122.0-1S0.9 128.45 1S.98
1S1.0-1S9.9 1S8.10 15.0S
140.0-148.9 106.25 11.56
149.0-157.9 47.70 5.19
158.0-166.9 S2.00 S.48
167.0-175.9 15.75 1.71
176.0-184.9 7.75 0.84
185.0-19S.9 2.95 0.S2
194.0-202.9 S.60 0.S9
20S.0-211.9 0.05 0.01
212.0-220.9 0.00 0.00
221.0-229.9 0.00 0.00
2S0.0-2S8.9 0.00 0.00
2S9.0-247.9 0.00 0.00
248.0-256.9 0.00 0.00
257.0-265.9 0.00 0.00
266.0-275.0 0.00 0.00
>275.0 0.00 0.00

Duración:Tiempo en función de Temperatura del aceite del eje trasero - Transmisión 9aSL
Temperatura del aceite del eje trasero( ºF ) horas %
<S2.0 0.00 0.00
S2.0-40.9 1.05 0.11
41.0-49.9 6.20 0.67
50.0-58.9 14.75 1.61
59.0-67.9 10.05 1.09
68.0-76.9 14.S0 1.56

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77.0-85.9 1S.10 1.4S

86.0-94.9 20.40 2.22
95.0-10S.9 26.95 2.9S
104.0-112.9 47.10 5.1S
11S.0-121.9 71.00 7.7S
122.0-1S0.9 122.15 1S.29
1S1.0-1S9.9 1S4.50 14.64
140.0-148.9 116.90 12.72
149.0-157.9 117.20 12.75
158.0-166.9 91.95 10.01
167.0-175.9 48.95 5.SS
176.0-184.9 27.20 2.96
185.0-19S.9 15.55 1.69
194.0-202.9 8.80 0.96
20S.0-211.9 2.S0 0.25
212.0-220.9 5.90 0.64
221.0-229.9 2.40 0.26
2S0.0-2S8.9 0.15 0.02
2S9.0-247.9 0.10 0.01
248.0-256.9 0.00 0.00
257.0-265.9 0.00 0.00
266.0-275.0 0.00 0.00
>275.0 0.00 0.00

Duración:Tiempo en función de Velocidad sobre el terreno - Transmisión 9aSL (WSY01730)

Velocidad sobre el terreno( mph ) horas %
<0.5 80.05 10.S0
0.5-1.9 144.50 18.59
2.0-S.4 158.15 20.S5
S.5-4.9 158.20 20.S6
5.0-6.4 106.10 1S.65
6.5-7.9 62.40 8.0S
8.0-9.4 S6.40 4.68
9.5-10.9 15.00 1.9S
11.0-12.4 7.50 0.97
12.5-1S.9 S.10 0.40
14.0-15.4 1.40 0.18

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15.5-16.9 1.25 0.16

17.0-18.4 1.55 0.20
18.5-19.9 1.60 0.21
20.0-21.4 0.00 0.00
21.5-22.9 0.00 0.00
2S.0-24.4 0.00 0.00
24.5-25.9 0.00 0.00
26.0-27.4 0.00 0.00
27.5-28.9 0.00 0.00
29.0-S0.4 0.00 0.00
S0.5-S1.9 0.00 0.00
S2.0-SS.4 0.00 0.00
SS.5-S5.0 0.00 0.00
>S5.0 0.00 0.00

Duración:Tiempo en función de Relación de velocidad del convertidor de par - Transmisión 9aSL

Relación de velocidad del convertidor de par( ) horas %
<0.000 0.00 0.00
0.000-0.099 SS.10 4.26
0.100-0.199 18.15 2.S4
0.200-0.299 27.50 S.54
0.S00-0.S99 S8.90 5.01
0.400-0.499 52.45 6.75
0.500-0.599 69.90 8.99
0.600-0.699 81.65 10.51
0.700-0.799 92.60 11.92
0.800-0.899 119.70 15.40
0.900-0.999 154.45 19.87
1.000-1.099 65.80 8.47
1.100-1.199 9.00 1.16
1.200-1.299 5.15 0.66
1.S00-1.S99 S.65 0.47
1.400-1.499 2.50 0.S2
1.500-1.599 1.50 0.19
1.600-1.699 0.75 0.10
1.700-1.800 0.25 0.0S

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>1.800 0.15 0.02

Velocidad sobre el terreno en los casos de cambio direccional - Transmisión 9aSL (WSY01730)
Velocidad sobre el terreno( mph ) %
<0.5 46976.00 S0.S7
0.5-1.4 SS115.00 21.41
1.5-2.4 185SS.00 11.98
2.5-S.4 19006.00 12.29
S.5-4.4 20701.00 1S.S8
4.5-5.4 12487.00 8.07
5.5-6.4 S0S6.00 1.96
6.5-7.4 648.00 0.42
7.5-8.4 1S6.00 0.09
8.5-9.4 24.00 0.02
9.5-10.4 4.00 0.00
10.5-11.4 1.00 0.00
11.5-12.4 0.00 0.00
12.5-1S.4 1.00 0.00
1S.5-14.4 0.00 0.00
14.5-15.4 0.00 0.00
15.5-16.4 0.00 0.00
16.5-17.4 0.00 0.00
17.5-18.4 0.00 0.00
18.5-19.4 0.00 0.00
19.5-20.4 0.00 0.00
20.5-21.5 0.00 0.00
>21.5 0.00 0.00

Matriz de recuento de cambios - Transmisión 9aSL (WSY01730)

A N R1 RS R3 1 S 3 4 7
N --- 144 9197 5SS 1121 9798 75 67 0
R1 124 --- 85 25 125 2S7 S 0 0
R2 4854 14S --- S1114 67S 7S007 215 81 0
RS 869 S2 4699 --- 62 26791 1S9 18 0
1 2S78 218 50265 S28 --- 1829 105 1 0

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2 9267 48 S74S8 416 S5S45 --- 51782 S2 11

S 2996 12 788S 178 15977 21185 --- 6781 52
4 S60 0 494 15 1675 1409 2616 --- 822
5 81 2 26 1 146 89 129 411 ---

Módulo de entrada/salida
Parámetro Valor
Número de pieza del ECM 2995744-06
Número de serie del ECM 0967B199HZ
Número de pieza del grupo del software 4805894-00
Fecha de publicación del grupo del software SEP2015
Descripción del grupo del software Relay Driver Module

Pantalla gráfica (MTN00S91)

Parámetro Valor
Número de pieza del ECM 4592220-02
Número de serie del ECM 0867G017ZU
Número de pieza del grupo del software 5S28795-00
Fecha de publicación del grupo del software APR2017
Descripción del grupo del software MWL_Information Display

Códigos de diagnóstico registrados - Pantalla gráfica (MTN00S91)

Código Descripción Veces Primera Última
No hay códigos de diagnóstico registrados

Códigos de eventos registrados - Pantalla gráfica (MTN00S91)

Código Descripción Veces Primera Última
No hay códigos de sucesos registrados

Códigos de diagnóstico activos - Pantalla gráfica (MTN00S91)

Código Descripción
No hay códigos de diagnóstico activos

Códigos de suceso activo - Pantalla gráfica (MTN00S91)

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Código Descripción
No hay códigos de sucesos activos

Configuración - Pantalla gráfica (MTN00S91)

Descripción Valor Unidad
Identificación de producto MTN00291
Código de activación de modal de servicio 12S4
Estado de idioma de pantalla Español
Estado de unidades de información Métricas
Configuración de las unidades de visualización de los pesos Tonelada (métrica)
Modalidad de sistema de pantalla Normal
Estado de la instalación del sistema de la cámara Instalado(a)
Número de cámaras 1
Estado de activación del sistema de detección de objetos Desactivado
Código de configuración del tipo de radar para el sistema de Desactivado o no
detección de objetos instalado
Desactivado o no
Modalidad de alarma de detección de objetos

C7.1 9aS (47004334)

Parámetro Valor
Identificación del equipo 962L
Número de serie del motor 45004SS4
Número de pieza del ECM S742640-05
Número de serie del ECM 06877S41VH
Número de pieza del grupo del software 5188845-00
Fecha de publicación del grupo del software SEP16
Descripción del grupo del software MWL-962
Número de identificación de calibración AU90S_02

Códigos de diagnóstico registrados [Reloj de diagnóstico = 918.7907 horas] - C7.1 9aS (47004334)
Código Descripción Veces Primera Última
No hay códigos de diagnóstico registrados

Códigos de eventos registrados [Reloj de diagnóstico = 918.7907 horas] - C7.1 9aS (47004334)
Código Descripción Veces Primera Última

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No hay códigos de sucesos registrados

Códigos de diagnóstico activos - C7.1 9aS (47004334)

Código Descripción
No hay códigos de diagnóstico activos

Códigos de suceso activo - C7.1 9aS (47004334)

Código Descripción
No hay códigos de sucesos activos

Totales actuales - C7.1 9aS (47004334)

Descripción Valor Unidad
Tiempo de marcha en vacío total 1S5:18 horas
Combustible total S8S6 gal
Combustible de marcha en vacío total 117 gal
Combustible máximo total 110S6 gal
Horas de duración total del motor 924.8 horas
Factor de carga promedio S4 %
El motor arranca 1774
Revoluciones totales en la vida útil del motor 75448844 rev
Total de horas de operación 918.7 horas
Recuento total de paradas del motor en vacío 78
Recuento total de anulaciones de parada en vacío del motor 126
Recuento total de paradas demoradas del motor S07
Recuento total de anulaciones de parada retardada del motor 0
Arranques/Hora 1.92
RPM promedio 1S59.68 rpm
Porcentaje de tiempo de velocidad en vacío 14.60 %
Promedio de consumo de combustible 4.15 gph
Factor de carga general S4 %

Configuración - C7.1 9aS (47004334)

Descripción Valor Unidad
Identificación del equipo 962L
Número de serie del motor 45004SS4

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Número de pieza del ECM S742640-05

Número de serie del ECM 06877S41VH
Número de pieza del grupo del software 5188845-00
Fecha de publicación del grupo del software SEP16
Descripción del grupo del software MWL-962
Potencia nominal 249 hp a 2200 rpm
Par nominal máximo 774 lb-ft a 1400 rpm
Solénoïde de débit
Configuración del solenoide de éter
Estado de instalación de interruptor de separador de
Voltaje bajo del sistema de la batería en velocidad en vacío
Estado de activación de la función de velocidad en vacío elevada
de calentamiento del motor
Configuración de la velocidad baja en vacío del motor de la
950 rpm
transmisión conectada
Configuración de velocidad en vacío baja de máquina en
800.0 rpm
Configuración de velocidad en vacío baja de máquina en
700.0 rpm
Estado de activación de la parada en vacío del motor Activado(a)
Tiempo de demora de la parada en vacío del motor 5.0 min
Estado de activación de la anulación de la temperatura ambiente
de la parada en vacío del motor
Estado de activación de parada del motor demorada Activado(a)
Tiempo de demora máximo de parada del motor demorada 5.0 min
Función de inversión del ventilador del motor Desactivado
Intervalo del ciclo de purga del ventilador del motor 1200 s
Duración del ciclo de purga del ventilador del motor 25.0 s
Instalación de reducción de cargas parásitas del motor en frío
FLS (Ajuste a plena carga) 2S
FTS (Ajuste al par máximo) -8
Acceso con contraseña y
Seguridad de escritura del protocolo de comunicación CAN
Acceso con contraseña y
Seguridad de lectura del protocolo de comunicación CAN
Anunciador total 21

Duración:Tiempo acumulado en función de Presión de múltiple de entrada - C7.1 9aS (47004334)

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Presión de múltiple de entrada( psi ) horas %

<11.60S 0.55 1.05
11.60S-1S.052 1.45 2.76
1S.05S-14.50S S.S5 6.S8
14.504-15.95S 5.15 9.81
15.954-17.404 6.20 11.81
17.405-18.854 7.60 14.48
18.855-20.S04 11.05 21.05
20.S05-21.755 1S.25 25.24
21.756-2S.205 S.85 7.SS
2S.206-24.655 0.05 0.10
24.656-26.106 0.00 0.00
26.107-27.556 0.00 0.00
27.557-29.007 0.00 0.00
29.008-S0.457 0.00 0.00
S0.458-S1.907 0.00 0.00
S1.908-SS.S58 0.00 0.00
SS.S59-S4.808 0.00 0.00
S4.809-S6.258 0.00 0.00
S6.259-S7.709 0.00 0.00
S7.710-S9.159 0.00 0.00
S9.160-40.610 0.00 0.00
40.611-42.060 0.00 0.00
42.061-4S.510 0.00 0.00
4S.511-44.961 0.00 0.00
44.962-46.411 0.00 0.00
46.412-47.861 0.00 0.00
47.862-49.S12 0.00 0.00
49.S1S-50.762 0.00 0.00
50.76S-52.21S 0.00 0.00
52.214-5S.66S 0.00 0.00
5S.664-55.11S 0.00 0.00
55.114-56.564 0.00 0.00
56.565-58.014 0.00 0.00
58.015-59.464 0.00 0.00
59.465-60.915 0.00 0.00
60.916-62.S65 0.00 0.00

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62.S66-6S.816 0.00 0.00

6S.817-65.266 0.00 0.00
65.267-66.716 0.00 0.00
66.717-68.167 0.00 0.00
68.168-69.617 0.00 0.00
69.618-71.067 0.00 0.00
71.068-72.518 0.00 0.00
72.519-7S.968 0.00 0.00
7S.969-75.419 0.00 0.00
75.420-76.869 0.00 0.00
76.870-78.S19 0.00 0.00
78.S20-79.770 0.00 0.00
79.771-81.220 0.00 0.00
81.221-82.670 0.00 0.00
82.671-84.121 0.00 0.00
84.122-85.571 0.00 0.00
85.572-87.02S 0.00 0.00
>87.02S 0.00 0.00

Duración:Tiempo acumulado en función de Temperatura del refrigerante del motor - C7.1 9aS
Temperatura del refrigerante del motor( ºF ) horas %
<S2.00 0.00 0.00
S2.00-40.99 0.00 0.00
41.00-49.99 0.00 0.00
50.00-58.99 0.00 0.00
59.00-67.99 0.10 0.01
68.00-76.99 0.45 0.05
77.00-85.99 0.70 0.07
86.00-94.99 1.05 0.11
95.00-10S.99 1.45 0.15
104.00-112.99 1.80 0.19
11S.00-121.99 2.45 0.26
122.00-1S0.99 S.10 0.SS
1S1.00-1S9.99 S.75 0.40
140.00-148.99 S.95 0.42
149.00-157.99 4.80 0.51

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158.00-166.99 5.10 0.54

167.00-175.99 256.S5 27.09
176.00-184.99 457.40 48.S4
185.00-19S.99 174.20 18.41
194.00-202.99 29.60 S.1S
20S.00-211.99 0.05 0.01
212.00-220.99 0.00 0.00
221.00-229.99 0.00 0.00
2S0.00-2S8.99 0.00 0.00
2S9.00-247.99 0.00 0.00
248.00-256.99 0.00 0.00
257.00-265.99 0.00 0.00
266.00-274.99 0.00 0.00
275.00-28S.99 0.00 0.00
284.00-292.99 0.00 0.00
29S.00-S02.00 0.00 0.00
>S02.00 0.00 0.00

Histograma de exceso de velocidad del motor: tiempo acumulado (s.) frente a velocidad del motor
- C7.1 9aS (47004334)
Velocidad del motor( rpm ) %
2500.0-2599.9 2.00 100.00
2600.0-2699.9 0.00 0.00
2700.0-2799.9 0.00 0.00
2800.0-2899.9 0.00 0.00
2900.0-2999.9 0.00 0.00
S000.0-S099.9 0.00 0.00
S100.0-S199.9 0.00 0.00
S200.0-S299.9 0.00 0.00
SS00.0-S400.0 0.00 0.00
>S400.0 0.00 0.00

Duración:Tiempo acumulado en función de Velocidad del motor y Porcentaje de carga de motor

a la velocidad actual del motor - C7.1 9aS (47004334)
a00.0- a70.0- 700.0- 770.0- 800.0- 870.0- 900.0- 970.0-
rpm <a00.0
a49.9 a99.9 749.9 799.9 849.9 899.9 949.9 999.9

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<0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.0-9.9 0.00 0.00 0.15 0.S0 1.00 0.85 0.85 6.45 9.00
0.00 0.00 1S.00 14.60 29.90 S2.S0 2.60 12.S0 10.70
0.00 0.00 0.15 0.S5 0.65 1.S5 S.05 14.55 15.70
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.25 0.75 2.00 S.90 4.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.40 1.00 1.85 1.95
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.25 0.60 1.00 1.15
0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.20 0.40 0.65 0.65
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.15 0.25 0.S0 0.25
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05
>100.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total 0.05 0.00 1S.S0 15.40 S2.20 S6.40 10.90 41.15 4S.55

Duración:Tiempo acumulado en función de Velocidad del motor y Porcentaje de carga de motor

a la velocidad actual del motor - C7.1 9aS (47004334)
1000.0- 1070.0- 1100.0- 1170.0- 1S00.0- 1S70.0- 1300.0- 1370.0- 1400.0-
1049.9 1099.9 1149.9 1199.9 1S49.9 1S99.9 1349.9 1399.9 1449.9
<0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.0-9.9 6.95 6.15 5.75 5.75 6.00 6.15 6.25 6.10 5.85
6.25 4.20 S.S5 S.20 S.S5 S.70 S.90 4.25 4.45
5.20 S.95 S.60 S.75 4.00 4.40 5.05 5.60 6.05
S.15 S.00 S.10 S.50 4.05 4.90 5.65 6.40 7.50
1.95 2.05 2.S5 2.90 S.95 5.40 7.20 9.10 10.S5
1.S0 1.65 2.20 S.00 4.10 5.S0 6.25 7.45 9.05

60.0- 0.75 0.95 1.15 1.45 1.90 2.S5 2.85 S.65 4.50

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0.S0 0.S0 0.40 0.50 0.80 1.15 1.55 2.15 2.65
0.10 0.15 0.20 0.S0 0.45 0.65 0.85 1.10 1.40
0.05 0.05 0.05 0.10 0.20 0.S0 0.S5 0.55 0.75
>100.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total 26.00 22.45 22.15 24.45 28.80 S4.S0 S9.90 46.S5 52.55

Duración:Tiempo acumulado en función de Velocidad del motor y Porcentaje de carga de motor

a la velocidad actual del motor - C7.1 9aS (47004334)
1470.0- 1700.0- 1770.0- 1a00.0- 1a70.0- 1700.0- 1770.0- 1800.0- 1870.0-
1499.9 1749.9 1799.9 1a49.9 1a99.9 1749.9 1799.9 1849.9 1899.9
<0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.0-9.9 5.20 4.70 4.00 S.25 2.70 2.10 1.60 1.15 0.80
4.00 S.45 S.00 2.40 1.90 1.45 1.05 0.80 0.60
5.85 5.S0 4.45 S.65 2.80 2.15 1.60 1.25 0.90
7.80 7.S5 6.50 5.S5 4.S5 S.45 2.40 1.75 1.15
10.40 9.45 8.65 7.90 6.90 5.S5 S.70 2.55 1.65
10.50 10.55 9.75 8.65 7.65 7.10 6.S0 5.10 S.10
5.70 6.70 7.55 7.95 7.65 6.75 6.05 5.95 5.75
S.S5 S.95 4.60 5.20 5.65 5.85 5.75 5.S0 4.85
1.80 2.05 2.40 2.70 2.95 S.20 S.S0 S.50 S.65
1.10 1.60 2.25 2.95 4.10 5.70 6.40 6.70 6.50
>100.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total 55.70 55.10 5S.15 50.00 46.65 4S.10 S8.15 S4.05 28.95

Duración:Tiempo acumulado en función de Velocidad del motor y Porcentaje de carga de motor

a la velocidad actual del motor - C7.1 9aS (47004334)

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1900.0- 1970.0- S000.0- S070.0- S100.0- S170.0- SS00.0- SS70.0- S300.0-

1949.9 1999.9 S049.9 S099.9 S149.9 S199.9 SS49.9 SS99.9 S349.9
<0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.0-9.9 0.50 0.S0 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.40 0.20 0.15 0.05 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05
0.55 0.S5 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.05 0.00 0.05 0.40
0.75 0.45 0.25 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.15
1.05 0.55 0.S0 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05
1.55 0.70 0.S5 0.20 0.10 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05
S.45 1.20 0.45 0.20 0.10 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05
4.75 S.40 1.S5 0.S0 0.10 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05
S.55 S.S0 S.10 2.00 0.25 0.10 0.05 0.05 0.05
5.45 S.65 2.05 1.S0 0.45 0.S5 0.10 0.05 0.05
>100.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total 22.00 14.10 8.S0 4.55 1.S5 0.80 0.40 0.40 0.90

Duración:Tiempo acumulado en función de Velocidad del motor y Porcentaje de carga de motor

a la velocidad actual del motor - C7.1 9aS (47004334)
rpm S370.0-S400.0 >S400.0 Total
<0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.0-9.9 0.00 0.00 100.20
10.0-19.9 0.00 0.00 171.60
20.0-29.9 0.05 0.00 107.10
S0.0-S9.9 0.05 0.00 94.S5
40.0-49.9 0.05 0.00 109.55
50.0-59.9 0.05 0.00 115.S0
60.0-69.9 0.05 0.00 87.25
70.0-79.9 0.00 0.00 65.40
80.0-89.9 0.00 0.00 4S.65

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90.0-100.0 0.00 0.00 5S.40

>100.0 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total 0.25 0.00 947.80

Duración:Tiempo acumulado en función de Temperatura del aire de múltiple de admisión - C7.1

9aS (47004334)
Temperatura del aire de múltiple de admisión( ºF ) horas %
<S2.00 0.00 0.00
S2.00-40.99 0.60 0.06
41.00-49.99 5.20 0.55
50.00-58.99 S0.20 S.19
59.00-67.99 67.60 7.14
68.00-76.99 1S2.25 1S.97
77.00-85.99 202.15 21.S6
86.00-94.99 208.45 22.0S
95.00-10S.99 184.90 19.54
104.00-112.99 101.20 10.69
11S.00-121.99 1S.S0 1.41
122.00-1S0.99 0.50 0.05
1S1.00-1S9.99 0.00 0.00
140.00-148.99 0.00 0.00
149.00-157.99 0.00 0.00
158.00-166.99 0.00 0.00
167.00-175.99 0.00 0.00
176.00-184.99 0.00 0.00
185.00-19S.99 0.00 0.00
194.00-202.99 0.00 0.00
20S.00-211.99 0.00 0.00
212.00-220.99 0.00 0.00
221.00-229.99 0.00 0.00
2S0.00-2S8.99 0.00 0.00
2S9.00-248.00 0.00 0.00
>248.00 0.00 0.00

Duración:Tiempo acumulado en función de Velocidad del motor - C7.1 9aS (47004334)

Velocidad del motor( rpm ) horas %
<550.0 0.05 0.01

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550.0-599.9 0.00 0.00

600.0-649.9 0.05 0.01
650.0-699.9 15.55 1.61
700.0-749.9 17.85 1.84
750.0-799.9 S6.75 S.80
800.0-849.9 42.95 4.44
850.0-899.9 11.25 1.16
900.0-949.9 42.25 4.S7
950.0-999.9 45.15 4.67
1000.0-1049.9 26.S0 2.72
1050.0-1099.9 22.60 2.S4
1100.0-1149.9 22.S5 2.S1
1150.0-1199.9 24.70 2.55
1200.0-1249.9 29.05 S.00
1250.0-1299.9 S4.45 S.56
1S00.0-1S49.9 40.15 4.15
1S50.0-1S99.9 46.45 4.80
1400.0-1449.9 52.60 5.44
1450.0-1499.9 55.65 5.75
1500.0-1549.9 55.00 5.68
1550.0-1599.9 5S.10 5.49
1600.0-1649.9 49.95 5.16
1650.0-1699.9 46.55 4.81
1700.0-1749.9 4S.00 4.44
1750.0-1799.9 S8.10 S.94
1800.0-1849.9 SS.90 S.50
1850.0-1899.9 28.90 2.99
1900.0-1949.9 21.85 2.26
1950.0-1999.9 14.05 1.45
2000.0-2049.9 8.S5 0.86
2050.0-2099.9 4.60 0.48
2100.0-2149.9 1.S5 0.14
2150.0-2199.9 0.80 0.08
2200.0-2249.9 0.40 0.04
2250.0-2299.9 0.S5 0.04
2S00.0-2S49.9 0.95 0.10
2S50.0-2S99.9 0.25 0.0S
2400.0-2449.9 0.05 0.01

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2450.0-2499.9 0.00 0.00

2500.0-2549.9 0.00 0.00
2550.0-2599.9 0.00 0.00
2600.0-2649.9 0.00 0.00
2650.0-2699.9 0.00 0.00
2700.0-2749.9 0.00 0.00
2750.0-2799.9 0.00 0.00
2800.0-2849.9 0.00 0.00
2850.0-2899.9 0.00 0.00
2900.0-2949.9 0.00 0.00
2950.0-2999.9 0.00 0.00
S000.0-S049.9 0.00 0.00
S050.0-S099.9 0.00 0.00
S100.0-S149.9 0.00 0.00
S150.0-S199.9 0.00 0.00
S200.0-S249.9 0.00 0.00
S250.0-S299.9 0.00 0.00
SS00.0-SS49.9 0.00 0.00
SS50.0-S400.0 0.00 0.00
>S400.0 0.00 0.00

Sistema monitor - C7.1 9aS (47004334)

Descripción Estado Punto de Tiempo de
viaje demora
Alta temperatura refrigerante del motor
Menos severo (1) 228 °F 10 s
Severidad moderada (2) 2S2 °F 10 s
Más severo(S) 2S7 °F 10 s
Baja presión del aceite del motor
Menos severo (1) Ninguno 0s
Más severo(S) Ninguno 0s
Exceso de velocidad del motor
Menos severo (1) S000 rpm 0s

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Nivel alto de agua del separador de

Menos severo (1) Ninguno 5s
Severidad moderada (2) Ninguno 1800 s
Presión diferencial alta de entrada de aire N.º 1
Menos severo (1) 0.9 psi 0s
Severidad moderada (2) 0.9 psi 0s
Temperatura alta del aire del múltiple de
Menos severo (1) 188.6 °F 8s
Severidad moderada (2) 195.8 °F 8s

Pantalla de indicaciones
Parámetro Valor
Número de pieza del ECM 4204284-04
Número de serie del ECM 08S7D041DT
Número de pieza del grupo del software 47989S6-00
Fecha de publicación del grupo del software OCT2015
Descripción del grupo del software Indication Display

Implemento 9aSL (MTN00S91)

Parámetro Valor
Identificación de producto MTN00291
Identificación del equipo 962L
Número de pieza del ECM 4559580-00
Número de serie del ECM 06976216WC
Número de pieza del grupo del software 5S28747-00
Fecha de publicación del grupo del software MAY2017
Descripción del grupo del software 962 Implement

Códigos de diagnóstico registrados [Reloj de diagnóstico = 918.79S1 horas] - Implemento 9aSL


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Código Descripción Veces Primera Última

No hay códigos de diagnóstico registrados

Códigos de eventos registrados [Reloj de diagnóstico = 918.79S1 horas] - Implemento 9aSL

Código Descripción Veces Primera Última
No hay códigos de sucesos registrados

Códigos de diagnóstico activos - Implemento 9aSL (MTN00S91)

Código Descripción
No hay códigos de diagnóstico activos

Códigos de suceso activo - Implemento 9aSL (MTN00S91)

Código Descripción
No hay códigos de sucesos activos

Totales actuales - Implemento 9aSL (MTN00S91)

Descripción Valor Unidad

Configuración - Implemento 9aSL (MTN00S91)

Descripción Valor Unidad
Identificación de producto MTN00291
Identificación del equipo 962L
Estado de instalación de la bomba de dirección secundaria Sin instalar
Configuración del varillaje de implemento Normal
Configuración de herramienta de implemento Cucharon
Configuración del sensor de posición del varillaje de levantamiento Sensor de posición
del cargador giratorio
Configuración del sensor de posición del varillaje de inclinación Sensor de posición
del cargador giratorio
Estado de instalación de las palancas universales Instalado(a)
Estado activo de función de inclinación Activado(a)
Estado activo de tercera función Desactivado
Estado de activación de cuarta función Desactivado
Estado activo de desconexión de subida Activado(a)
Estado activo de desconexión de bajada Activado(a)

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Estado activo de desconexión de inclinación hacia atrás Activado(a)

Estado activo de desconexión de descarga Activado(a)
Estado activo de posición libre del varillaje de levantamiento Activado(a)
Estado activo de control preciso del varillaje de levantamiento Activado(a)
Estado de activación de amortiguación de parada de descarga Activado(a)
Estado de instalación de autoexcavación Sin instalar
Estado activado del control de modulación fina del implemento Activado(a)
Estado de activación de amortiguación de la elevación Activado(a)
Estado de activación de amortiguación inferior Activado(a)
Estado de activación de amortiguación de la recogida del cucharón Activado(a)
Estado de activación de amortiguación de la descarga Activado(a)
La corriente de arranque del Solenoide N.º 1 de subida 0.682 Amps
La corriente máxima del Solenoide N.º 1 de subida 1.200 Amps
La corriente de arranque del Solenoide N.º 1 de bajada 0.654 Amps
La corriente máxima del Solenoide N.º 1 de bajada 1.275 Amps
Corriente de arranque del Solenoide N.º 1 de inclinación hacia atrás 0.680 Amps
Corriente máxima del Solenoide N.º 1 de inclinación hacia atrás 1.2S5 Amps
Corriente de arranque del Solenoide N.º 1 de descarga 0.665 Amps
Corriente máxima del Solenoide N.º 1 de descarga 1.28S Amps
Factor de escala de modulación de válvula levantada 100.0 %
Factor de escala de modulación de válvula inferior 100.0 %
Factor de escala de modulación de la válvula de reposo 100.0 %
Factor de escala de modulación de válvula de descarga 100.0 %
Estado de instalación de las luces de trabajo de largo alcance N.º 1 Instalado(a)
Estado de instalación de baliza Instalado(a)
Instalación de luz de carretera Instalado(a)
Estado de instalación de espejos retrovisores laterales calentados Sin instalar
Estado de activación automática del limpiaparabrisas trasero Activado(a)
Estado de instalación del monitor del cinturón de seguridad del
Sin instalar
Estado de instalación del sistema de control de amortiguación Sin instalar
Estado de instalación del acoplamiento rápido Sin instalar
Estado de la instalación de la función de medición de la producción
Sin instalar
Configuración de la fuente de datos de la carga útil Caterpillar
Parámetro que no está
Estado de habilitación de la función de medición de la producción
Función de ID automática de camión No activado
Función de ID automática de material No activado

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Estado de instalación de la impresora de carga útil incorporada Instalado(a)

Configuración de número de etiquetas de impresora del sistema de
control de carga útil
Número de líneas en blanco que preceden al informe para la
impresora de carga útil incorporada
Número de líneas en blanco que siguen al informe para la
impresora de carga útil incorporada
Número de ticket de camión para impresora de carga útil
Estado de activación de encabezado de ticket para impresora de
carga útil incorporada
Línea No. 1 de encabezado de ticket para impresora de carga útil
Línea No. 2 de encabezado de ticket para impresora de carga útil
Línea No. S de encabezado de ticket para impresora de carga útil
Estado de activación de ticket de pesos de cucharón para impresora
de carga útil incorporada
Estado de activación de ticket de peso de carga útil de camión para
impresora de carga útil incorporada
Estado de activación de ticket de ID de camión para impresora de
carga útil incorporada
Estado de activación de ticket de ID de material para impresora de
carga útil incorporada
Estado de activación de ticket de ID de operador para impresora de
carga útil incorporada
Configuración de formato de fecha de la impresora de carga útil
Separador de caracteres de formato de fecha de la impresora de
carga útil incorporada
Estado de activación de ticket de tiempo de almacenamiento de
datos de carga útil para impresora de carga útil incorporada
Estado de activación de hora de restablecimiento de informe de
material para impresora de carga útil incorporada
Estado de activación de hora de restablecimiento de informe de
camiones para impresora de carga útil incorporada

Product Link Elite (MTN00S91)

Parámetro Valor
Identificación de producto MTN00291

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Núm de serie de la máquina

Identificación del equipo 962L
Número de pieza del ECM 4590786-02
Número de serie del ECM 0657F510TR
Número de pieza del grupo del software 5269981-00
Fecha de publicación del grupo del software Jan2017
Descripción del grupo del software VIMS_TELEMATICS_2017_01_1S
Número de pieza de software de programa 5267820-00
Número de serie del hardware del ECM del dispositivo celular NA
Número de pieza del hardware del ECM del dispositivo celular NA
Número de pieza del software del módulo de la radio celular NA
Número de serie del hardware del ECM del dispositivo satelital 0907S102YC
Número de pieza del hardware del ECM del dispositivo satelital 4427199-10
Número de pieza del software del módulo de la radio satelital 526987S-00

Códigos de diagnóstico registrados [Total de horas de operación = 918.8 horas] - Product Link
Elite (MTN00S91)
Código Descripción Veces Primera Última
No hay códigos de diagnóstico registrados

Códigos de eventos registrados [Total de horas de operación = 918.8 horas] - Product Link Elite
Código Descripción Veces Primera Última
No hay códigos de sucesos registrados

Códigos de diagnóstico activos - Product Link Elite (MTN00S91)

Código Descripción
No hay códigos de diagnóstico activos

Códigos de suceso activo - Product Link Elite (MTN00S91)

Código Descripción
No hay códigos de sucesos activos

Totales actuales - Product Link Elite (MTN00S91)

Descripción Valor Unidad

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Total de horas de operación 918.8 horas

Distancia total S060.S1 millas

Configuración - Product Link Elite (MTN00S91)

Descripción Valor Unidad
Identificación de producto MTN00291
Identificación del equipo 962L
Configuración de instalación de la luz de servicio externa Instalado(a)
Configuración del modo de visualización de la lámpara de Sin aviso de imagen
servicio externa instantánea
Selección de puerto de telemetría Desactivado
Selección de puerto de protocolo TMAC Desactivado
Estado de instalación del sistema monitor de neumáticos No disponible
Configuración del identificador del módulo del enlace de datos
Portal N.º 1
Núm de serie de la máquina
Mining Aftermarket System Installation Status No disponible
Modalidad de mantenimiento Apagado(a)
Estado de instalación del sistema de control de carga útil de la
Sin instalar
Estado de instalación del sistema de análisis de carreteras Sin instalar
Estado de instalación del sistema de análisis de neumático Sin instalar
Estado de instalación temporal del sistema de análisis del
Sin instalar
Tiempo restante de instalación temporal del sistema de análisis
15000 min
del neumático
Configuración resistente del pisón del sistema de seguridad Sin instalar

Control ventilador
Parámetro Valor
Número de pieza del ECM 4S8822S-01
Número de serie del ECM S6S6F008EZ
Número de pieza del grupo del software 4782SS8-00
Fecha de publicación del grupo del software JAN2015
Descripción del grupo del software

Cat Electronic Technician S017B v1.0

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Corte de cilindros

18/07/S018 1S:3S

Corte de cilindros.

C7.1 9aS (47004334)

Parámetro Valor
Identificación del equipo 962L
Número de serie del motor 45004SS4
Número de pieza del ECM S742640-05
Número de serie del ECM 06877S41VH
Número de pieza del grupo del software 5188845-00
Fecha de publicación del grupo del software SEP16
Descripción del grupo del software MWL-962
Número de identificación de calibración AU90S_02

Estado de la prueba
Cilindro Modalidad Volumen de combustible suministrado ( mm3 )
Cilindro 1 Activado 20.29
Cilindro 2 Activado 20.5S
Cilindro S Activado 20.21
Cilindro 4 Activado 20.29
Cilindro 5 Activado 20.29
Cilindro 6 Activado 20.4S

Parámetros de estado
Descripción Valor
Velocidad del motor 801 rpm
Volumen de combustible suministrado 20.500 mmS

Archivos Adjuntos
Nombre Tamaño Modificado Tí5ulo Descripción
Fo5os de inspeccion y evaluacion del 24/07/2018 11:24
423685 Fo5os de inspeccion y evaluacion del equipo.
equipo.pdf PM
Inspeccion y ajus5e luz de valvulas mo5or 20/07/2018 05:37 Inspeccion y ajus5e de luz de valvulas del
C7.pdf PM mo5or.

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21/07/2018 11:49
Parame5ros de mo5or..xlsx 13714 Parame5ros de mo5or.
24/07/2018 11:35
Parame5ros 5omados del mo5or.pdf 27172 Parame5ros del mo5or.

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