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Introductory Word

Hello readers! I choose ‘Indonesia’ as my title because Indonesia is my

country and i’ve already learnt about Indonesia in my school. I got the source
from wikipedia.org, google.com and from my knowledge too. The difficulties that
i got in doing this book were grammar, vocabulary, and the title. Grammar is the
most difficult because sometimes i forgot the formula, then the vocabularies,
there were many words that i didn’t know and there wasn’t in dictionary. I was
very confused to choose the title and sometimes i didn’t find the good source

Many people helped me to finish this book, likes my teacher, friends, also
my family. I want to thank to God that always blesses me to finish this book and
many more, and to my family, teacher and friends who always support me and
help me. Now, i am going to explain Indonesia in globally. Indonesia is a country
in South East Asia. Indonesia is located in East part of world. The capital city
of Indonesia is Jakarta. Indonesia has many traditional languages, islands,
cultures, tribes, traditional foods, traditional music instruments, and many
more. If you want to know the detail of Indonesia, you can read my book.

Enjoy the book 

Republic of Indonesia is abbreviated RI or Indonesia, is a country in
South East Asia, that is passed by equator line and it is between Asia continent
and Australia continent and also between Pasific Ocean and Hindia Ocean.
Indonesia is the biggest islandcy country in the world that is consisted of
13.466 islands. The alternative name of Indonesia is Nusantara, with population
round about 260 million souls at 2013. Indonesia is the 4th biggest citizen and
the biggest Moeslim citizen country, although Indonesia isn’t Moeslim country.
The type of government in Indonesia is republic with DPR, DPRD, DPD, and
President that uses direct democracy. The capital city is Jakarta.

From Sabang until Merauke, Indonesia consisted from many tribes,

languages, and regions. Based on rustling, Indonesia to consist of native people,
like Melayu and Papua. The national slogan of Indonesia is “Bhinneka Tunggal
Ika”. It means “different but still one”, means so many customs that formed the
country. Except has congested population and wide area, Indonesia has nature
area that supported the biggest variety of plants of second grade in the world.

Indonesia is also the member of PBB and the only one member that has
exited from PBB, that is on January, 7th 1965, and joined again on September,
28th 1966 and Indonesia is still as the 60th member that was same since
Indonesia first joined on September, 28th 1950. Except PBB, Indonesia is also
the member of Association of South East Asia (ASEAN), APEC, OKI, G-20, and
will become the member of OECD.

“Indonesia” is word from Latin language, that is “indus” that means
“Hindia” and from Yunani language, that is “nensosyang” that means “islands”. So,
Indonesia word means Hindia islandcy area or islandcy is placed in Hindia, that
showed that this name was formed far away before Indonesia became welfare
country. At 1850, George Earl, an english etnology person, at first to propose
term “Indunesia” and “Malayunesia” for citizen “Hindia islandcy or Melayu
islandcy”. Earl’s student, James Richardson Logan, use Indonesian word as
synonym of India islandcy. But Holland academic writing in media of Hindia
Belanda didn’t use Indonesian word, but use term Melayu islandcy, East Hindia
Belanda or East Hindia and although insulinde (this term is introduced in novel
“Max Havelaar”, that is written by Multatulli, concerning criticism toward
Holland’s colonialism).

Since 1900, Indonesian named became more general at Holland’s academy

society, and Indonesia. Nationalism group used for politic expression Adolf
Bastian from University of Berlin socialized this name through book, named
Indonesian order die Inseln des Malayischen Archiples, 1894. The first
Indonesia’s student that used it was Suwardi Suryaningrat (Ki Hajar
Dewantara), when he established news office in Holland, named Indonessich
pers Bureau at 1913.

Beginning History
Heritage of fossils Homo Erectus that was called “Java Human”.
Austronesia to South East Asia from Taiwan. They arrived around 2000 BM, and
to cause Melanesia nation who already earlier in there was pressed to areas that
faraway in east islandcy. The condition of place that ideal for agriculture, and
authority of way to farm rice plant since 800 BM, to cause many villages, cities,
and small kingdoms grew well. Besides that, Indonesia was located at
international sea trade way and inter island, had become voyage way between
India and China for several centuries history of Indonesia under went so many
impacts from the trade activity under the impact of Hindhu and Buddha, many
kingdoms were made in Kalimantan Island, Sumatera Island, and Java Island,
since the 4th century at upstream at Mahakam River, East Kalimantan was
established Kutai Kingdom. In west area of Java island, at the 4th century until
the 7th century was established Tarumanegara kingdom. Tarumanegara’s
government was continued by Sunda Kingdom from 669 M until 1579 M. At the
7th century was to appear Melayu Kingdom that centered in Jambi, Sumatera.
After that, Sriwijaya defeated Melayu and appeared as the strongest Maritim
Kingdom in Nusantara. Its authority area consisted of Sumatera, Java, Melayu
Peninsula, all at once to control trade in Malaka strait. Sunda strait, and Cina
Selatan Sea. Under impact of Sriwijaya, between the 8th century and the 10th
century Syailendra dinasty and Sanjaya dinasty successed to develop kingdoms
in Java dinasty successed to develop kingdoms in Java with heritage of history
like Borobudur Temple and Prambanan Temple.

In the end of the 13th century, Majapahit was established in the east part
of Java Island. Under leadership of Gadjah Mada, the authority extended until
almost all of area of Indonesia, and frequent called “Zaman Keemasan” in history
of Indonesia.

Arrival of Arabia seller and Persian seller through Gujarat India, then
brought Islamic religion. Besides that, Tiongkok sailors that was laid by Cheng
Ho admiral that was Islam, also had stayed on this area at the beginning of the
15th century. The sellers also distrubuted Islam relligion to several areas in
Nusantara’s areas. Samudera Pasai was established at 1267, was the first Islam
Kingdom in Indonesia.

Indonesia is also country that was colonized by many countries in Europe and
also Asia, was caused Indonesia was rich country for nature result, so that
Europe’s nations wanted to colonize and dominate. Indonesia’s natural sources
for their countries’ income. Countries that ever colonized Indonesia were:

- Portuguese at 1509, only Maluku, then was driven at 1595

- Spain at 1521, only North Sulawesi, then was driven at 1962
- Holland at 1602, all of Indonesia’s area
- France dominated Java at 1806 until 1811
- England at 1811 until 1816, at Java Island
- Japan at 1942 until 1945

Independence of Indonesia
At March 1945, Japan made a commitee for Independence of Indonesia.
After Pacific War, Soekarno and Hatta proclaimed Indonesian Independence at
August, 17th 1945, that was a Ramadhan Month. After the Independence, the
three founders of Indonesia liked Soekarno, Mohammad Hatta, and Sutan
Syahrir, became a president, vice president, and prime minister. Because
Soekarno became weak, so Soeharto replaced Soekarno and Soeharto became
the 2nd president. The 3rd president was Bacharuddin Jusuf (BJ) Habibie. The
4th president was Abdurrahman Wahid. The 5th president was Megawati
Soekarnoputri, daughter of Soekarno. And the 6th president is Susilo Bambang
Administrative Division
Now, Indonesia is consisted from 34 provinces. The provinces are divided to
become 403 regencies and 98 cities. Each province has DPRD Provinsi and
governor, while regency has DPRD Kabupaten and regent, then city has DPRD
Kota and mayor, all of them are chosen by citizen through pemilu and pilkada.

 Provincies in Indonesia and Capital:

1. Sumatera :
- Aceh – Banda Aceh
- North Sumatera – Medan
- West Sumatera – Padang
- Riau – Pekanbaru
- Riau Islandcy – Tanjung Pinang
- Bengkulu – Bengkulu
- Lampung – Bandar Lampung
2. Java :
- DKI Jakarta - Jakarta
- Banten - Serang
- West Java - Bandung
- Middle Java - Semarang
- D.I.Yogyakarta - Yogyakarta
- East Java - Surabaya
3. Kalimantan :
- West Kalimantan - Pontianak
- Middle Kalimantan - Palangkaraya
- South Kalimantan - Banjarmasin
- East Kalimantan - Samarinda
- North Kalimantan – Tanjung Sekar
4. Sulawesi :
- West Sulawesi – Mamuju
- South Sulawesi - Makassar
- Gorontalo - Gorontalo
- North Kalimantan – Manado
- Middle Sulawesi – Palu
- South East Sulawesi – Kendari
5. Maluku Islandcy :
- Maluku - Ambon
- North Maluku – Sofifi
6. Nusa Tenggara Islandcy :
- Bali – Denpasar
- West Nusa Tenggara – Mataram
- East Nusa Tenggara – Kupang
7. Papua :
- West Papua – Manokwari
- Papua – Jayapura

Indonesia is islandcy country in South East Asia that has 13.466 islands.
There are around 6.000 islands, that there aren’t inhabitant. The climate of
Indonesia is tropical. Indonesia is located at coordinate 6’ LU – 11’08’ LS and
from 95’ BT – 141’45’ BT. The land area of Indonesia is 1.922.570 km2 and the
waterways area of Indonesia is 3.257.483 km2. The most crowded island is Java
island, where there is a half of Indonesia’s population. Indonesia are consisted
from 5 big islands, they are Java island with area 132.107 km2 , Sumatera with
area 473.606 km2, Kalimantan with area 539.460 km2, Sulawesi with area
189.216 km2, and Papua with area 421.981 km2. The border area of Indonesia is
measured from islandcy by using sea territorial : 12 miles from the sea and
Exclusive Economy Zone : 200 miles from the sea, same direction with wind :

North Malaysia, Singapore, Philliphine, and Cina Selatan Sea

South Australia, Timor Leste, and Hindia Ocean
West Hindia Ocean
East Papua Nugini and Pacific Ocean
In Indonesia at 2003, the government gave budget for education was
20% from APBN and APBD, but at 2007 the government allocated the budget
was around 17,2%. The budget for education in Indonesia is too lower that the
other countries, liked Malaysia, Thailand, and Philliphines
Indonesia has around 300 groups of tribe, each tribe has cultural
heritage that has developed for several centuries, was influenced by other
cultural liked India, Arab, China, Europe, and Melayu. The examples are Java and
Bali traditional dance has cultural aspect and Hindu mythology, like wayang kulit
that shows stories about experience of Hindu mythology Ramayana and
Baratayuda. And there are many dances that the contents are Islam’s morals.
Some of them can be found in area like Sumatera, like Rateb Meuseukat dance
and Seudati dances from Aceh.

Fashion or Clothes
In fashion aspect, the heritage from our country, Indonesia that is
famous until all of this wolrd, is Batik. Batik is produced in several areas likes
Jogjakarta, Surakarta, Cirebon, Pandeglang, Garut, Tasikmalaya, and also
Pekalongan. The other nature fashion from Sabang until Merauke are Baju
Karung with Songket from West Sumatera (Minangkabau), Ulos from North
Sumatera (Batak), Kebaya from Dayak tribe, Kalimantan, Baju Bodo from South
Sulawesi, Koteka from Papua, and e.t.c

Traditional Music Art and Modern Music Art from Sabang until Merauke
are so many. Each province in Indonesia has traditional music with its special
identity. Traditional music, included Keroncong that is from Portuguesse in area
Tugu, Jakarta, that is known by all of Indonesia’s citizen even until to foreign
countries. There is also music that is liked by the citizen in Indonesia, named
Dangdut. Dangdut is Modern Melayu music, that is influenced by Indian music so
Dangdut is very different than Melayu traditional music, likes Melayu Deli,
Melayu Riau, and e.tc.

Traditional music instruments that are also so many from kind of areas in
Indonesia, but there are also Indonesia’s traditional music instruments that are
stolen by other country. The examples of Indonesia’s traditional music
instruments are:

- Angklung

- Kolintang

- Bendo
- Calung
- Dermenan
- Gamelan
- Gandang Tabuk
- Gondang Batak
- Gong Kemada
- Gong Lambus
- Tanjidor
- Kecapi Suling
- Kecapi Batak

Indonesia only has one national languange, that is Bahasa Indonesia. National
language is held through “Badan Pegembangan dan Pembinaan Bahasa” under the
leadership of Education and Culture Ministry. Indonesia has more than 721
traditional languages, liked Java, Melayu, Sunda, Madura, Batak, Bali, and many
more. The international language, English, is also introduced to the citizen in
So, Indonesia is a good country. If we want to build Indonesia, Indonesia
will be a better country. According to my opinion, we must strike the rules, so
there will not be crimes again. After the history that I told, we must appreciate
our national heroes that have already fought for our country. In this modern
period, we can appreciate it by conserving the culture, using the natural
resources wll, and many more. We must love our country, Indonesia, proud to
becone Indonesian, and also use Indonesian product. I want to say sorry to all of
you if my book has mistakes and also not complete. I hope that this book is
useful for us! Thank you and God Bless You 


Catherine Stefannie
By: Catherine Stefannie

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