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This conference invites researchers, academicians and practitioners to submit abstracts in

the topics:

1. Health education
2. Syndrome metabolic
3. Infectious disease
4. Drug development
5. Nano-pharmacy
6. Natural product
7. Mental health
8. Neuropharmacology
9. Genomic
10. Immunomodulation
11. Clinical Pharmacy
12. Social and Administrative Pharmacy
13. Other topics in pharmacy

The abstracts must be written in clear English and limited to 300 words.
An abstract consists of a title, author name ‘s and affiliation, the text of the submission and
The abstract body text should be structured chronologically into three sections: Tittle,
Author, Abstract body, and Keywords
• Title: Capitalize the first letter of each word, Abbreviation must not be used in the title
• Author Information: Department, Institution, City, Country (Degrees and titles are NOT
required). If authors are from different institutions, please use number typed in
superscript for each institution and author accordingly.
• Abstract body: Background, Methods, Results, Conclusions
• Keywords: No more than 6 keywords which the first word begins with a capital letter.
No tables or images are allowed
Font : Times New Roman, 12pt.
All submitted abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Program Committee according to
reviewing procedures.
Notification of acceptance will be sent by e-mail to corresponding, presenting and abstract
submitting authors

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