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 S3: Doktor / PhD in Public Health and Medicine

 DrPH (Med) , Adelaide, Australia, 2012
 S2 (Master): Health International and Development:
Major/ Specialisation: in Health Professional Education and Ethic
Field: Healthcare Policy
 Medical professional degree/ MD (Doctor of
Medicine); equivalent to MBBS/ dokter: 2003
Dr. Hardisman Bachelor of Medicine (M.B)/ SKed: 2001.
[MD, MHID, DrPH] Padang, West Sumatera.

 dr. Hardisman, MHID, DrPH (Med)

 Contact: hardisman@gmail.com/

Definition of Leadership
Referensi yang dapat dipelajari
Many definitions of leadership based on many views /
 Blake, R.; Mouton, J. (1964). The Managerial Grid: The Key to Leadership perspectives:
Excellence. Houston: Gulf Publishing Co.
 Fiedler, F.E. (1967). A theory of leadership effectiveness. McGraw-Hill: Harper
As the focus of group processes (Bass -1990):
and Row Publishers Inc. 
 Northouse, G. (2007). Leadership theory and practice. (3rd ed.) Thousand Oaks, The leader is at the center of group change and
CA: Sage Publications activity and embodies the will of group
 Rowe, W. G. (2007). Cases in Leadership. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
 Northouse, PG. (2000) Leadership Theory and Practice. Response
Books Conceptualizes from a personally perspective:
 Daft, RL. (2005). Leadership Experience. McGraw Hills

The leadership is a combination of special traits or
Web Resources: characteristics that individuals possess and that
 http://www.nchl.org/ enable them to induce others to accomplish tasks
 https://www.leadershipacademy.nhs.uk/wp-

 As an act or behavior: As an instrument of goal achievement and meet

their needs:
The things leaders to do bring about change in group
Leadership that transforms followers through vision
setting, role modeling, and individualized attention
 In terms of the power relationship that exists
between leaders and followers:
 Leadership from a skills perspective:
Leaders have power and wield it to effect change in This viewpoint stresses the capabilities (knowledge
others and skills) that make effective leadership possible


Components As Central To
The Phenomenon Of Leadership
a) Defining leadership is a process means:
a) Leadership is a process
b) Leadership involves influence - It is not a trait or characteristic that resides in
leader, but it is a transactional event that occurs
c) Leadership occurs within a group context
between the leader and followers
d) Leadership involves goal attainment
- Process implies that a leader affects and is
affected by followers
- The leadership is not a linear, one way event,
but rather an interactive event
Leadership is a process whereby an individual
- Leadership becomes available to everyone
influences a group of individuals to achieve a
common goal

c) Leadership occurs in groups:

b) Leadership involves influence:
- Leadership involves influencing a group of
- It is concerned with how the leader affects individuals who have a common purpose
followers - It can be small task group, community group,
- Influence is the sine qua non of leadership or large group encompassing an entire
- Without influence, leadership does not exist organization
- Leadership training programs that teach people to
lead themselves are not considered is a part of
leadership within the definition

d) Leadership includes attention to goals:  Both leaders and followers are involved together
in the leadership process
- The leadership has to do with directing a group of
individuals toward accomplishing some task or  Leaders need followers and followers need leaders
end  Although leaders and followers are closely linked ,
- Leaders direct their energies toward
it is the leader who often:
individuals who are trying to achieve something - initiates the relationship,
together - creates the communication linkages, and
- Leadership occurs and has its effects in contexts - carries the burden for maintaining the
where individuals are moving toward a goal relationship


Kesimpulan --> Kepemimpinan  Teori Kepemimpinan Barat Klasik (Early Western Theory)
= Teori Kepemimpinan Trait (Trait Theory)
 Kemampuan, proses dan kegiatan dalam memberikan  Teori Pendekatan Faktor Pendukung (Attribute Pattern
pengaruh kepada orang lain secara sosial untuk dapat Approach)
mencapai suatu tujuan.  Teori Perilaku dan Taktik (Behavioral and Style Theories)
 Teori Kepemimpinan Situasional (Situational Theory)
 Tujuan dalam kepemimpinan umumnya adalah tujuan
 Teori Kepemimpinan Fungsional (Functional Theory)
bersama: tujuan organisasi.  Teori Intergrasi Psikologi (Integrated Psychological Theory)
 Teori Kepemimpinan Transaksional (Transactional Theory)
 Teori Kepemimpinan Transformatif (Transformational
 Teori Kepemimpinan Interaksi Dan Pertukaran Peran
(Leader–member Exchange Theory)
 Teori Kepemimpinan Baru (New Emerging Theory)

Mengapa Teori Kepemimpinan Penting? TraitTheory

Kepemimpinan :
 Kebutuhan
 Perbedaan individu ‘pemimpin’
dan yang dipimpin
 Perbedaan ‘kualitas personal
bawaan’  intelijensi, kecakapan
dan potensi.
 Pemimpin yang baik & efektif:
pengaruh penampilan dan
kepuasan pengikut
Sumber Gambar:
Matthew J. Grawitch, http://www.slu.edu/x13816.xml

Other Model


Teori Kepemimpinan Perilaku

 Kritik atas teori trait
 Teori perilaku kepemimpinan:
Kepemimpinan ditentukan oleh: kemampuan dan
kepercayaan diri dalam melakukan proses
kepemimpinan (confidence and self esteem)
 Teori perilaku  model manajerial

Northouse Model,
Sumber: Northouse, G. (2007). Leadership theory and practice. (3rd ed.)
Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications

Maturity Level
Teori Kepemimpinan Situasional  M1 (Not Mature), M2, M3,  M4 (Optimal Mature)

 Kepemiminan dilakukan ats dasar kondisi yang

dipimpinan dan organisinya Developing People (Follower Motivation):
 Pada kepemimpinan situasional 4 gaya  D1 - Low competence and high commitment
kepemimpinan: S1,S2,S3,S4  D2 - Low competence and low commitment
 S1: Telling/ Directing  D3 - High competence and low/variable commitment
 S2: Selling/ Coaching
 D4 - High competence and high commitment
 S3: Participating/ Supporting
 S4: Delegating
Contingency Model

Functional Theory
 Kepemimpinan bukan tergantung pada orangnya 
Prilaku/ fungsi dalam grup
 Fungsi tersebut:
 Tugas dan tanggungjawab
 Team atau kelompok
 Individu


Gaya Kepemimpinan
(Leadership Style)
 Otoriter (Autocratic or
authoritarian style)
 Partisipatif (Participative or
democratic style)
 Narcissistic leadership
 Free-rein style
 Toxic leadership

Gaya Kepemimpinan
(Leadership Style)
 Otoriter (Autocratic or
authoritarian style)
 Partisipatif (Participative or
democratic style)
 Narsistik (Narcissistic leadership)
 Transaksional (Transactional)
 Transformatif (Transformational)
 Bebas (Free-rein style)
 Toksik (Toxic leadership)
 etc

Mengapa ada style kepemimpinan Kekuasan Sosial:

 Pengaruh perilaku pengikut
 Gaya kepemimpinan:  Kewenangan (otoritas) secara sosial
bentuk aplikasi bagi  Diakui (legitimasi) secara sosial
pemimpin pendekatan teori
kepemimpinan, tu: teori  Pengaruh pada pengikut 
situasional. pelaksanaan tugas oleh pengikut
 Kepemimpinan  Aspek  Kepemimpinan  Pengaruh 
Pengaruh Sosial (Social Kekuasaan/ Kewenangan:
 Social influence   Dapat dilakukan dengan berbagai
Kekuasaan Sosial (social style.
power)  Potensi besar terhadap
perubahan baik
 Potensi penyalahgunaan (abusive)


Kepemimpinan Narsistik
Gaya Kepemimpinan Otoriter
 Pemimpin lebih
 Kekuasaan terpusat dan terkontrol memperhatikan kebutuhan
pada pimpinan. dirinya.
 Keputusan mutlak pada pimpinan  Arah organisasi ditentukan oleh
 Partisipasi dan aspirasi pengikut kepentingan pemimpin
(anggota) sangat rendah  tidak tersebut.
ada.  Penyalahgunaan wewenang dan
 Kapan diperlukan? otoritas  sifat-sifat negatif.
(Narsisi, angkuh, suka
merendahkan dll)

Gaya Kepepimpinan Partisipatif

Kepemimpinan Transaksional
 Kepemimpinan partisipatif =
kepemimpinan demokratik
 = Kepemimpinan manajerial.
 Pemimpin memberikan peluang
partisipasi pada anggota.  Kepemimpinan dalam
 Keputusan organisasi bukan menjalankan organisasi
terletak pada pemimpin saja  fokus pada performansi
partisipasi/ suara anggota.
 Keinginan/ suara anggota sangat
anggota/ bawahan.
diperhatikan; adanya kesetaraan  Pengaruh sosial atas
sosial. bawahan didasarkan adanya
 Fungsi pemimpin:
‘transaksi sosial’ implisit:
: Pemimpin menjadi pemandu
arah kebijakan yang telah reward and punishment.
disepakati bersama.


Kepemimpinan Transformatif
Kepemimpinan transaksional cocok pada: : Pengaruh sosial: peningkatan
 Organisasi dalam mengerjakan projek-projek motivasi, performansi dan
tertentu yang berbaytas waktu. kinerja anggota/ pengikut
 Organisasi-organisasi cepat tanggap/ darurat.
dengan berbagai kiat/ langkah:
 Peningkatan keterikatan
 Secara umum dalam meningkatkan ‘kinerja’
bawahan secara berkala. anggota dengan organisasai
meninngkatkan rasa
kepemilikan  kepedulian

Kekuatan kepemimpinan transformatif:

kecakapan , kepribadian dan visi
 Menjadi role model (keteladanan)  Kecakapan, kepribadian dan visi tersebut
 Menjadi contoh dan pemberi  menginspirasi pengikut/ anggota
semangat dalam bekerja  Kecakapan, keperibadian, dan visi 
 Mengerti kelebihan, kekurangan dan memberikan keteladanan (role model)
kesulitan anggota  Empati terhadap  Keteladanan kepercayaan (trust),
anggota/ pengikut. penghargaan (respect) dan kekaguman
(admiration) anggota/ pengikut.
 Kepedulian
 Dengan keteladanan  pengikut punta
motivasi untuk melakukan hal yang
sama/ terbaik untuk organisasi.

Perbadaan Kepemimpinan
:. Karakteristik Kepemimpinan
Transaksional dan Transformatif
Transaktional Transformatif
 Memahami individu setiap anggota:
 Kebutuhan Kepemipinan bersifat responsif Kepemimpinan proaktif
 Kesulitan  dorongan dan empati Ide-ide baru diterapkan untuk
Bekerja dalam karangka budaya
melakukan perubahan kearah lebih
 Memahmai kecakapan dan kemampuan organisasi yang sudah ada
anggota Anggota bekerja mencapai target Bekerja karena landasan moral dan
 Memberikan tugas sesuai kemampuan, karena adanya imbalan atau hukuman semangat motivasi internal
kompetensi/kecakapannya. Motivasi anggota adalah untuk Motivasi karena keinginan maju
 Menghargai setiap kontribusi yang telah kepentingannya masing-masing bersama
dilakukan anggota sesuai kemampuannya. Pemimpin memahami kesulitan,
Pemimpin (manajerial) berusa
kebutuhan dan setiap
 Menghargai dan menerima setiap usulan dan menciptakan tekanan agar anggota/
anggota.]Pemimpin juga mengerti
ide anggota unuk kemajuan organisasi bawahan bisa bekerja lebih giat (untuk
kunggulan dan keleibhan anggita
meningkatkan perfomansi dan
 Cakap dan menjadi teladan sehingga memotivasi untuk berkarya
lebih baik.


Teamwork Teamwork skills

 Teamwork is one of the most essential qualities for  Capacity to interact and collaborate with others
the success of any organization effectively, including in teams, in the workplace, and in
 In the absence of teamwork, teams fail to perform to culturally or linguistically diverse contexts
the best of their abilities
 Each individual is assigned a particular task which  Definition:
collectively helps an organization to achieve its Teamwork skills include the mix of interactive,
objective interpersonal, problem solving and communication
 Team members are responsible for ensuring that they skills needed by a group of people working on a
are performing as per the expectations of the common task, in complementary roles, towards a
company and are delivering on the important common goal whose outcome are greater than those
parameters possible by any one person working independently

 Why the students need teamwork skills?

Effective Teamwork
Effective Teamwork is about Good Leadership
- Working with people of different ages, gender, race,
religion, or political persuasion A good team leader should:
- Working as individual and as a member of a team 1. have the skills to create and maintain a working
culture that is positive → to motivate and inspire the
- Knowing how to define a role as a part of a team
team members to get involved in creating an
- Applying teamwork to a range of situations, e.g. environment where there is a positive approach to
futures planning, crisis problem solving work, along with high levels of commitment
- Identifying the strength of team members 2. not only focuses himself/ herself on the purpose and
- Coaching, mentoring and giving feedback direction of the team, but also makes sure that the
other members of the team share this focus

……A good team leader should: Effective Teamwork is about:

3. have to be able to promote a high level of morale  Effective Communication
amongst the team members so that they feel
supported and valued → particularly useful for  Defining Clear-cut Roles
preventing the bane of most office cultures – that of  Creating Procedures for Conflict Resolution
backbiting, rumor mongering, gossip mongering, and
cronyism – which can derail the efforts of any  Setting a Good Example


Principle of Effective Teamwork

1. While a team is formed, there should be a 2. The team members should be willing to learn
clarity as to what the team wants to achieve from each other
(objectives) - May be some members who may be excellent with
the process, while some may require some time
- The team as an entity should have clearly and guidance, so it is essential that there is a
articulated goals willingness to teach and learn new ideas.
- In the absence of an objective, the team - Team members should not be hesitant in seeking
members may not be able to understand their help from the senior members and the senior
responsibilities, which can cause ambiguity. members should in turn step forward to help the
new members.

3. Two-way communication among team 4. While some control over a team is necessary,
members about the roles that they are it is important that the team is given a certain
assigned → understanding and appreciation amount of flexibility in carrying out their
of the effort tasks

- This is very essential as it has seen that a lot - Too much of interference can affect the
of times when things do not work as planned, efficiency of a team and dampen the morale
members engage in a blame game of the members.

- If members are aware about the challenges

involved in carrying out a task, they are more
likely to appreciate each other for their efforts

5. Effective communication 6. There should be an initiative to reward and

- Means that information is shared among recognize team and team members who have
all the members of the team so that shown exemplary behavior and helped others
rumor-mongers are kept at bay
in times of need
- Effective communication helps in making the
team members feel a valuable part of the - This will encourage others to follow suit and
organization act as a boost to people who genuinely believe in
- Effective communication also calls for the values of teamwork and team-spirit
discussing matters of importance openly so
that everybody is on the same page


 One thing that one should remember is:

7. Healthy competition among team members to
outperform each other there are no hard and fast rules about qualifies
- In the absence of a competition, the job may and principles of a successful teamwork, but
cease to become interesting and monotony there is a general consensus among
can creep in, which again can be detrimental to researchers that there are certain attributes
a team, so it is important that the team members which are present in most successful teams in
are provided with enough opportunities to
grow in their professional lives organizations

Characteristics of Effective Teams  Effective communication and interaction:

 Membership: Face-to-face/ other modes of communication help to
work together toward a common goal - monitor group processes and dynamics,
 Common goal: - drive creativity,
have negotiated shared aims and goals
- and enable productive work practices
 Social organization:
develops or actively negotiates functional norms, roles, and  Mutual interest:
- focus on the interests of the group as a whole, and
 Interdependence between members:
succeed only if all succeed - avoid personalizing problems or differences of opinion
 Productive involvement:  Collective consciousness:
- All members are supported to contribute equally to the
workload; members perceive themselves as belonging to the group
- Resources & skills are identified early on and use effectively even when the group is not together
- Decisions are made by consensus

 Mutual trust: Essential Skills for Teamwork

- listen to each other,
- respect contributions,
- help each other to clarify ideas, and 1. Listening
- show interest in each other
 Cohesion: 2. Questioning
- group processes function smoothly without need for 3. Persuading
- members are able to contribute equally to produce 4. Respecting
something greater than the individual parts,
- individual contributions are brought together 5. Helping
seamlessly and within nominated deadlines, and
- members feel they have learnt something from the 6. Sharing
process and from the other group members
7. Participating


Process in Small Group Managing Group Dynamics

 Forming: Key factors that contribute to a cohesive and productive
get to know each other, establishing guidelines, goals and group dynamic:
processes, assessing and breaking down the task at hand
 Storming:  Roles:
individuals assert themselves and develop preferences, - The key to working well together is to be conscious of,
with arguments or disagreements potentially arising about and explicit about, the roles each member will take on.
how to proceed
- When placed in a group situation with a specific task,
 Norming:
work begins in a more organized and coordinated manner, individuals inevitably take on different roles. It is
rules and processes are established and progress is made important to be up front about this process.
 Performing: - Dividing up roles according to need and individual
the team as a whole focuses entirely on the task and its strengths and weaknesses can help to ensure that all
completion members of the group make a positive contribution.
 Mourning

 Contribution:
 Feedback:
- The management of who does what in a group can
- Good, constructive feedback is difficult to give; but it is
make or break the group dynamic. essential for smooth and productive (and confidence
- Resentment often develops when members of a building) teamwork
team aren’t seen to be pulling their weight. - The sandwich approach:
- This makes monitoring contributions, through > Start by focusing on the positives – what was well
meetings and other forms of communication, put, well argued, a good idea or a useful point
essential to the functioning and progress of a team > Then point out faults or flaws, but tactfully, and
towards its goals. without assuming that you have all the answers
- A key factor in this process is seeking and providing > End with something positive
constructive feedback.

Why Teams Fail Steps for Resolving Conflict

- Identify causes of conflict
There are many reasons why a team might fail to - State their effect on the team and the task
perform - Negotiate a solution that suits all
Some of the most common are: - State steps to resolve the conflict
- Document the process
 Disorganization, lack of direction or leadership
- Seek mediation as a last resort
 Unclear or conflicting goals and expectations  Above all, negotiate.
 Fragmentation of time and competing commitments  Separate interests from egos, and try to manage the best
 Lack of motivation or dedication result for all.
 Conflict  Remember to turn disagreement into a positive attribute
of teamwork.
 Make conflict constructive rather than a personal attack.


Tips in Resolving Conflict

 Be proactive.
- Don’t wait and see what happens.
- Find a way to meet face to face – either as a
whole group, or with the interests of the whole
group represented.
- Review communication and decision making
processes, and try a new approach if they are Terimakasih
not working.
- Reaffirm or revise group goals for the task.
 Remember, when a single group mark is allocated
the task is also assessing your ability to work
through differences and work cohesively as a team.


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