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RISKA UMAMI (20150320043)

Deep Breathing Relaxation

Element of a speech Introduction

Greeting Good morning ladies and gentlemen
Grab the attention of the audience, and Many of us are busy with their work every
engage their interest day, so we sometimes experience stress that
makes us want to feel angry. Our anger can
even be revealed to innocent others. So that
when anger has subsided, we will regret and
realize that this action is wrong.
Reveal the topic In connection with what I want to convey this
morning, it is very important for us to
maintain our attitude even though we are
being hit by work-related problems. Actually
nothing prevents someone from being angry,
anger is the natural instinct of a human, but
we need to control our anger so as not to have
an impact on others. One of the ways when
we realize that wanting to be angry is by
using the technique of deep breathing
relaxation. This technique is one way that is
often used when a person experiences stress
at a mild level. And I have proven it myself.
State thesis statement This technique is very easy to do anywhere
and does not need to use any tools. So I think
when we need something to reduce anger, the
first step is only to remember this technique
and do it right away.
Outlining the speech How to do deep breathing relaxation
techniques is quite easy. When we want to
feel angry and remember this technique we
just need to sit quietly and set a comfortable
position. After that we can take a deep breath
from the nose then we hold it for 3 seconds
and finally we exhale through the mouth.
This way we can do it repeatedly until we
feel relieved and anger begins to decrease.
This technique is very important when there
are no other alternatives to reduce our anger.

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