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STATE OF ALABAMA : CLEBURNE COUNTY . 0 RESOLUTION #18. “3 NBURNE . THIS RESOLUTION SHALL PROVIDE FOR THE REPAYMENT OF FUNDS THAT TOWN OF RANBURNE, WAYOR,IM SMITH SPENT WITOUT THE PRIOR KNOWLEDGE AND APPROVAL OF cITY COUNCIL WHEREAS, Cose of Alabama, 1975, Tite 21, Section 11-43-55, reac a follows; Except a otherwise provided Inthe {ide the cuncl shallhavethe management ard contol of rances anda the property, rea an personal, oelonng tothe city ortown, WHEREAS, being Isubordiate in bis continued disregard fer state aw, Mayor im Smith ha taken itupon himself to ‘ot discuss nor seek abproval rom the Counc of the Town of Ranburne for the folowing exseodltureeitalne $9,888.51; WHEREAS, the town Counell requests thatthe sforemantioned pay uts of the Town of Renburne, General Fund be ‘eps in fll and inmeciately by Mayor lim Smith, or resign his postion as Mayor ofthe Town of fanourne, [NOW BY & VOTE OF THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL TO MOVE FORWARD WITH THIS RESOLUTION #18. ee — sin coun couna. ecieteneie eunqueyjo unol —dgp'r0"e1 szdos ze o Resolution #18-_ 0.3 Continued Page 2 ~ NOWTHEREFORE RESOLUTION # 18~_<.2 IS HEREBY PASSED AND ADOPTED, Hgush 24 2018 ‘ Bees feunqueyjouNo1 —_ dos:vo'si sz dos e

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