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The process occurring in the mantle that is thought to be the force behind plate tectonics is an example of
a. plate boundary b. divergent boundary c. normal fault d. convection current
2. What type of forces create mountains?
a. Tension force b. Compression force c. Horizontal force d. Convection force
3. Which scientist is credited with continental drift hypothesis?
a. J. Tuzo Wilson b. Alfred Wegener c. Harry Hess d. W. Jason Morgan
4. What type of plate boundary has plates sliding past each other?
a. Convergent b. Divergent c. Subduction d. Transform
5. What type of plate boundary is most likely to occur at point A in the diagram?
a. Convergent c. Subduction zone
b. Divergent d. Transform
6. Which of the following can be explained at point B in the diagram
a. Plates are not moving
b. Plates move past each other sideways
c. Plates move apart and volcanoes form
d. Plate move toward each other and volcanoes form
7. As a new seafloor is formed at the mid-ocean ridge, the old
seafloor farthest from the ridge is destroyed. Which of the stated
processes describes how the oceanic crust plunges into the earth
and destroyed at the mantle?
a. diversion c. construction
b. subduction d. convection
8. It is a piece of land that projects into a body of water and is connected with the mainland by an Isthmus is called
a. delta b. meander c. peninsula d. sea cliff
9. It is a bend in a sinuous watercourse of river and is formed when moving water in a stream erodes the out banks
when widens its valley is called
a. delta b. meander c. peninsula d. sea cliff
10. The Appalachian is the oldest mountain range in the United States. When did its original orogenesis take place?
a. Laramide orogeny b. Mesozoic-Tertiary c. Ordovician Period d. Paleozoic Era
11. The study of all astronomical objects which are not covered by galactic astronomy is called
a. extragalactic b. galactic c. planetary d. stellar
12. Only the sun’s outermost layers can be viewed directly because
a. it is dangerous to look too deeply into the sun
b. the center of the sun is solid, like the earth’s crust
c. only the outermost layers emit electromagnetic radiation
d. inside the photosphere the sun is opaque, like thick cloud
13. The solar wind
a. points in a channeled beam towards the earth
b. was discovered around the turn of the century
c. is the result of the sun’s motion through the milky way
d. is made of charged particles that are heated up so much that they scape the sun’s gravitational field
14. Which statement is TRUE about electromagnetic waves?
I. It can be polarized III. Considered periodic disturbances
II. Have low speed IV. Due to change in electric and magnetic fields
a. I and II b. II and III c. I and IV d. III and IV
15. Electromagnetic waves are classified using what measurement?
a. Amplitude b. Energy c. Frequency d. Power
16. What type of EM have the most energy?
a. Gamma rays b. Infrared Rays c. Radio Waves d. Ultraviolet
17. What EM wave is sometimes called heat rays?
a. Infrared b. Visible light c. Gamma rays d. Radio waves
18. A throbbing pulse of EM radiation is called
a. proton b. photon c. lightron d. dennitron
19. What type of lens is a magnifying glass?
a. convex b. concave c. parabolic d. plane
20. What type of lens is this?
a. concave
b. convex
c. parabolic
d. plane
21. If an object is placed at a distance of 0.5m in front of a plane mirror, the distance between the object and the image
formed by the mirror will be
a. 2m b. 1m c. 0.5m d. 0.25m
22. A concave mirror has a radius of curvature of 1.6m. The focal length is
a. 0.8m b. 0.9m c. 3.2m d. 32m
23. What happens to the magnetic field intensity if the current carrying wire has three times as many loops and the
same amount of current?
a. it is 1/3 as strong b. it is 9x stronger c. it is 3x stronger d. it doesn’t change
24. A 125cm long wire carrying a current of 30A is placed at an angle of 30° with uniform magnetic field induction of
4x10-4 Wb/m2. What force is exerted by the field on the current?
a. 75 x 103 N b. 7.5 x 103 N c. 75 x 10-3 N d. 7.5 x 10-3 N
25. The tube that receives sperm from the epididymis of each testicle is called
a. epididymis b. penis c. scrotum d. Vas deferens
26. During menstruation, the endometrium breaks down. This phase is called
a. follicular b. luteal c. ovulation d. none of them
27. Abnormal and infrequent menstrual period is called
a. Amenorrhea b. Dysmenorrhea c. Oligomenorrhea d. Vaginitis
28. It regulates the growth of the skeletal system and stimulates milk production in the mammary glands.
a. Adrenal b. Hypothalamus c. Pituitary d. Thyroid
29. Which of the following refers to the set of rules that specify the codons in DNA or RNA that corresponds to the
amino acids in proteins?
a. Amino acids b. anticodon c. chromosomal mutation d. genetic code
30. Which type of speciation occurs when there is an imbalance of gene flow between two populations due to physical
a. Allopatric b. Parapatric c. Sympatric d. None of these
31. It occurs when populations reproduce at different times.
a. Behavioral b. Geographical c. Reproduction d. Temporal
32. The chemical reaction: CaCO3 + 2HCl CaCl2 + H2O + CO2 is a
a. synthesis reaction b. combustion reaction c. double replacement d. single replacement
33. Which of the following chemical equations correctly represents the reaction between calcium hydroxide and
hydrochloric acid?
a. Ca (OH)2 (aq) + 2 HCl (aq)  CaCl2 (aq) + 2 H2O (I)
b. Ca (OH)2 (aq) + HCl (aq)  CaCl (aq) + H2O (I)
c. Ca (OH)2 (aq) + 2 HCl (aq)  CaCl2 (aq) + H2O (I)
d. Ca (OH)2 (aq) + 2 HCl (aq)  CaCl2 (aq) + 2 H2 (g) + O2 (g)
34. A substance that changes the rate of a chemical reaction by providing an alternate pathway, lowering the activation
energy is called
a. catalyst b. concentration c. surface area d. temperature
35. The base thymine is always paired with
a. adenine b. guanine c. cytosine d. phosphate
36. The sugar in RNA is _________________, the sugar in DNA is ________________________
a. ribose, uracil b. ribose, phosphate c. deoxyribose, ribose d. ribose, deoxyribose
37. If the formula for methanol is CH3OH, what would be the balanced chemical equation for this reaction?
a. C3 + 2H2 + O2  2CH3OH c. 2C + 2H2 + O2
b. 2C + 4H2 + O2  2CH3OH d. C + H + O  CH3OH
38. Lipids are insoluble in water because lipid molecules are
a. hydrophilic b. neutral c. hydrophobic d. zwitter ion
39. Which of the following groups are all classified as polysaccharide?
a. sucrose, glucose, and fructose c. glycogen, sucrose, and maltose
b. maltose, lactose, and fructose d. glycogen, cellulose, and starch
40. Which of the following elements is NOT present in carbohydrates?
a. Carbon b. Oxygen c. Nitrogen d. Hydrogen

1. This theory states that gravity and the plates themselves are the one responsible for the plate tectonics through
subduction process. _______________________
2. A fault in which the hanging wall moves up relative to the footwall as a result of compression. __________________
3. The nearest stellar neighbor of the sun is known as _______________________________, a red dwarf star that is 4.3
light years away.
4. Which of the following statement is true?
a. Gamma rays have longer wavelength than UV rays
b. X-rays have longer wavelengths than microwaves
c. Radio waves have shorter wavelengths than X-rays
d. Gamma rays have shorter wavelengths than microwaves
For 5 and 6, refer to the figure below

5. Points B and H on the wave are ____________________________

6. The points A, D, F, I on the wave are _________________________
7. A charged particle moves with velocity (v) in a magnetic field (B). The magnetic force on the particle is at maximum
when v is zero. (True, False)
For items 8-10. Match the following: (Using the right-hand rule)

8. x1 (B, v, F)
9. x2 (B, v, F)
10. x3 (B, v, F)

11. The resulting expenditure of energy in the core appears as heat and is kept to a minimum by using a magnetic
material which has a low __________________________
12. The term ploidy means ___________________________

1. D 11. A 21. B 31. B

2. B 12. D 22. A 32. B
3. B 13. D 23. C 33. A
4. D 14. C 24. D 34. A
5. B 15. C 25. D 35. A
6. D 16. A 26. A 36. D
7. B 17. A 27. C 37. B
8. C 18. B 28. C 38. C
9. B 19. A 29. D 39. D
10. D 20. A 30. A 40. C

1. Plate tectonics
2. Reverse Fault
3. Proxima Centauri
4. D
5. Crest
6. Rest Position or Periods
7. False
8. F
9. B
10. V
11. Hysteresis
12. Chromosomes

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