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1.) Windows Hotkeys

· Ctrl + Escape or Win: Display start menu.

· Shift + F10 or AppsKey: Display context menu.

· Win + E: Open Windows Explorer.

· Win + R: Open Run dialog.

· Win + M: Minimize all windows.

· Win + Shift + M: Undo minimize all windows.

· Win + D: Toggle minimize all windows. or toggle desktop view, using

Show_Desktop.scf, while MinimizeAllWindows doesn't minimize dialog boxes
(including Properties windows).'.

· Windows Hotkeys: Activate system tray. Arrow keys select, Enter double-clicks, and
AppsKey or Shift + F10 right-clicks.

· Win + L (XP Only): Locks keyboard. Similar to Lock Workstation.

· Win + F or F3: Open Find dialog. (All Files) F3 may not work in some applications
which use F3 for their own find dialogs.

· Win + Control + F: Open Find dialog. (Computers)

· Win + U: Open Utility Manager.

· Win + F1: Open Windows help.

· Win + Pause: Open System Properties dialog.

· Win + Tab: Cycle through taskbar buttons. Enter clicks, AppsKey or Shift + F10 right-

· Win + Shift + Tab: Cycle through taskbar buttons in reverse.

· Alt + Tab: Display CoolSwitch. More commonly known as the AltTab dialog.

· Alt + Shift + Tab: Display CoolSwitch; go in reverse.

· Alt + Escape: Send active window to the bottom of the z-order.

· Alt + Shift + Escape: Activate the window at the bottom of the z-order.

· Alt + F4: Close active window; or, if all windows are closed, open shutdown dialog.
· Shift while a CD is loading: Bypass AutoPlay.

· Shift while login: Bypass startup folder. Only those applications will be ignored which
are in the startup folder, not those started from the registry

· Ctrl + Alt + Delete or Ctrl + Alt + NumpadDel (Both NumLock states): Invoke the
Task Manager or NT Security dialog.

· Ctrl + Shift + Escape (2000/XP ) or (Ctrl + Alt + NumpadDot) : Invoke the task
manager. On earlier OSes, acts like Ctrl + Escape.

· Printscreen: Copy screenshot of current screen to clipboard.

· Alt + Printscreen: Copy screenshot of current active window to clipboard.

· Ctrl + Alt + Down Arrow: Invert screen. Untested on OSes other than XP.

· Ctrl + Alt + Up Arrow: Undo inversion.

· Win + B : Move focus to systray icons.

2.) Generic
· Ctrl + C or Ctrl + Insert: Copy.

· Ctrl + X or Shift + Delete: Cut.

· Ctrl + V or Shift + Insert: Paste/Move.

· Ctrl + N: New... File, Tab, Entry, etc.

· Ctrl + S: Save.

· Ctrl + O: Open...

· Ctrl + P: Print.

· Ctrl + Z: Undo.

· Ctrl + A: Select all.

· Ctrl + F: Find...

· Ctrl+W : to close the current window

· Ctrl + F4: Close tab or child window.

· F1: Open help.

· F11: Toggle full screen mode.

· Alt or F10: Activate menu bar.

· Alt + Space: Display system menu. Same as clicking the icon on the titlebar.

· Escape: Remove focus from current control/menu, or close dialog box.

3.) Generic Navigation

· Tab: Forward one item.

· Shift + Tab: Backward one item.

· Ctrl + Tab: Cycle through tabs/child windows.

· Ctrl + Shift + Tab: Cycle backwards through tabs/child windows.

· Enter: If a button's selected, click it, otherwise, click default button.

· Space: Toggle items such as radio buttons or checkboxes.

· Alt + (Letter): Activate item corresponding to (Letter). (Letter) is the underlined letter on
the item's name.

· Ctrl + Left: Move cursor to the beginning of previous word.

· Ctrl + Right: Move cursor to the beginning of next word.

· Ctrl + Up: Move cursor to beginning of previous paragraph. This and all subsequent
Up/Down hotkeys in this section have only been known to work in RichEdit controls.

· Ctrl + Down: Move cursor to beginning of next paragraph.

· Shift + Left: Highlight one character to the left.

· Shift + Right: Highlight one character to the right.

· Shift + Up: Highlight from current cursor position, to one line up.

· Shift + Down: Highlight from current cursor position, to one line down.

· Ctrl + Shift + Left: Highlight to beginning of previous word.

· Ctrl + Shift + Right: Highlight to beginning of next word.

· Ctrl + Shift + Up: Highlight to beginning of previous paragraph.

· Ctrl + Shift + Down: Highlight to beginning of next paragraph.

· Home: Move cursor to top of a scrollable control.

· End: Move cursor to bottom of a scrollable control.

4.) Generic File Browser

· Arrow Keys: Navigate.

· Shift + Arrow Keys: Select multiple items.

· Ctrl + Arrow Keys: Change focus without changing selection. "Focus" is the object that
will run on Enter. Space toggles selection of the focused item.

· (Letter): Select first found item that begins with (Letter).

· BackSpace: Go up one level to the parent directory.

· Alt + Left: Go back one folder.

· Alt + Right: Go forward one folder.

· Enter: Activate (Double-click) selected item(s).

· Alt + Enter: View properties for selected item.

· F2: Rename selected item(s).

· Ctrl + NumpadPlus: In a Details view, resizes all columns to fit the longest item in each

· Delete: Delete selected item(s).

· Shift + Delete: Delete selected item(s); bypass Recycle Bin.

· Ctrl while dragging item(s): Copy.

· Ctrl + Shift while dragging item(s): Create shortcut(s).

In tree pane, if any:

· Left: Collapse the current selection if expanded, or select the parent folder.

· Right: Expand the current selection if collapsed, or select the first subfolder.

· NumpadAsterisk: Expand currently selected directory and all subdirectories. No undo.

· NumpadPlus: Expand currently selected directory.

· NumpadMinus: Collapse currently selected directory.

5.) Accessibility
· Right Shift for eight seconds: Toggle FilterKeys on and off. FilterKeys must be enabled.

· Left Alt + Left Shift + PrintScreen: Toggle High Contrast on and off. High Contrast
must be enabled.

· Left Alt + Left Shift + NumLock: Toggle MouseKeys on and off. MouseKeys must be

· NumLock for five seconds: Toggle ToggleKeys on and off. ToggleKeys must be

· Shift five times: Toggle StickyKeys on and off. StickyKeys must be enabled.

6.) Microsoft Natural Keyboard with IntelliType Software Installed

· Win + L: Log off Windows.

· Win + P: Open Print Manager.

· Win + C: Open control panel.

· Win + V: Open clipboard.

· Win + K: Open keyboard properties.

· Win + I: Open mouse properties.

· Win + A: Open Accessibility properties.

· Win + Space: Displays the list of Microsoft IntelliType shortcut keys.

· Win + S: Toggle CapsLock on and off.

7.) Remote Desktop Connection Navigation

· Ctrl + Alt + End: Open the NT Security dialog.

· Alt + PageUp: Switch between programs.

· Alt + PageDown: Switch between programs in reverse.

· Alt + Insert: Cycle through the programs in most recently used order.

· Alt + Home: Display start menu.

· Ctrl + Alt + Break: Switch the client computer between a window and a full screen.

· Alt + Delete: Display the Windows menu.

· Ctrl + Alt + NumpadMinus: Place a snapshot of the entire client window area on the
Terminal server clipboard and provide the same functionality as pressing Alt +
PrintScreen on a local computer.

· Ctrl + Alt + NumpadPlus: Place a snapshot of the active window in the client on the
Terminal server clipboard and provide the same functionality as pressing PrintScreen on a
local computer.

8.) Mozilla Firefox Shortcuts

· Ctrl + Tab or Ctrl + PageDown: Cycle through tabs.

· Ctrl + Shift + Tab or Ctrl + PageUp: Cycle through tabs in reverse.

· Ctrl + (1-9): Switch to tab corresponding to number.

· Ctrl + N: New window.

· Ctrl + T: New tab.

· Ctrl + L or Alt + D or F6: Switch focus to location bar.

· Ctrl + Enter: Open location in new tab.

· Shift + Enter: Open location in new window.

· Ctrl + K or Ctrl + E: Switch focus to search bar.

· Ctrl + O: Open a local file.

· Ctrl + W: Close tab, or window if there's only one tab open.

· Ctrl + Shift + W: Close window.

· Ctrl + S: Save page as a local file.

· Ctrl + P: Print page.

· Ctrl + F or F3: Open find toolbar.

· Ctrl + G or F3: Find next...

· Ctrl + Shift + G or Shift + F3: Find previous...

· Ctrl + B or Ctrl + I: Open Bookmarks sidebar.

· Ctrl + H: Open History sidebar.

· Escape: Stop loading page.

· Ctrl + R or F5: Reload current page.

· Ctrl + Shift + R or Ctrl + F5: Reload current page; bypass cache.

· Ctrl + U: View page source.

· Ctrl + D: Bookmark current page.

· Ctrl + NumpadPlus or Ctrl + Equals (+/=): Increase text size.

· Ctrl + NumpadMinus or Ctrl + Minus: Decrease text size.

· Ctrl + Numpad0 or Ctrl + 0: Set text size to default.

· Alt + Left or Backspace: Back.

· Alt + Right or Shift + Backspace: Forward.

· Alt + Home: Open home page.

· Ctrl + M: Open new message in integrated mail client.

· Ctrl + J: Open Downloads dialog.

· F6: Switch to next frame. You must have selected something on the page already, e.g. by
use of Tab.

· Shift + F6: Switch to previous frame.

· Apostrophe ('): Find link as you type.

· Slash (/): Find text as you type.

9.) GMail
Note: Must have "keyboard shortcuts" on in settings.

· C: Compose new message.

· Shift + C: Open new window to compose new message.

· Slash (/): Switch focus to search box.

· K: Switch focus to the next most recent email. Enter or "O" opens focused email.

· J: Switch focus to the next oldest email.

· N: Switch focus to the next message in the "conversation." Enter or "O"

expands/collapses messages.

· P: Switch focus to the previous message.

· U: Takes you back to the inbox and checks for new mail.
· Y: Various actions depending on current view:
Has no effect in "Sent" and "All Mail" views.

· Inbox: Archive email or message.

· Starred: Unstar email or message.

· Spam: Unmark as spam and move back to "Inbox."

· Trash: Move back to "Inbox."

· Any label: Remove the label.

· X: "Check" an email. Various actions can be performed against all checked emails.

· S: "Star" an email. Identical to the more familiar term, "flagging."

· R: Reply to the email.

· A: Reply to all recipients of the email.

· F: Forward an email.

· Shift + R: Reply to the email in a new window.

· Shift + A: Reply to all recipients of the email in a new window.

· Shift + F: Forward an email in a new window.

· Shift + 1 (!): Mark an email as spam and remove it from the inbox.

· G then I: Switch to "Inbox" view.

· G then S: Switch to "Starred" view.

· G then A: Switch to "All Mail" view.

· G then C: Switch to "Contacts" view.

· G then S: Switch to "Drafts" view.

10.) List of F1-F9 Key Commands for the Command Prompt

· F1 / right arrow: Repeats the letters of the last command line, one by one.

· F2: Displays a dialog asking user to "enter the char to copy up to" of the last command

· F3: Repeats the last command line

· F4: Displays a dialog asking user to "enter the char to delete up to" of the last command

· F5: Goes back one command line

· F6: Enters the traditional CTRL+Z (^z)

· F7: Displays a menu with the command line history

· F8: Cycles back through previous command lines (beginning with most recent)

· F9: Displays a dialog asking user to enter a command number, where 0 is for first
command line entered.

· Alt+Enter: toggle fullScreen mode.

· up/down: scroll thru/repeat previous entries

· Esc: delete line

Note: The buffer allows a maximum of 50 command lines. After this number is reached,
the first line will be replaced in sequence.

Important Note: Before you read on, you need to keep one thing in mind. Whenever you make
changes to the Windows Registry you need to Refresh it before the changes take place. Simply
press F5 to refresh the registry and enable the changes. If this does not work Restart your system
1) Disabling Display of Drives in My Computer :
This is yet another trick you can play on your geek friend. To disable the display of local or
networked drives when you click My Computer go to :
Now in the right pane create a new DWORD item and name it NoDrives. Now modify it's value
and set it to 3FFFFFF (Hexadecimal) Now press F5 to refresh. When you click on My Computer,
no drives will be shown. To enable display of drives in My Computer, simply delete this
DWORD item. It's .reg file is as follows:
2) Pop a banner each time Windows Boots :
To pop a banner which can contain any message you want to display just before a user is going
to log on, go to the key:
Now create a new string Value in the right pane named LegalNoticeCaption and enter the value
that you want to see in the Menu Bar. Now create yet another new string value and name it:
LegalNoticeText. Modify it and insert the message you want to display each time Windows
boots. This can be effectively used to display the company's private policy each time the user
logs on to his NT box. It's .reg file would be:
"LegalNoticeCaption"="Caption here."
3) Secure your Desktop Icons and Settings :
You can save your desktop settings and secure it from your nerdy friend by playing with the
registry. Simply launch the Registry Editor go to:
In the right pane create a new DWORD Value named NoSaveSettings and modify it's value to 1.
Refresh and restart for the settings to get saved.
4) Deleting System Options from the Start menu :
You can actually remove the Find and Run options from the start menu by performing a simple
registry hack. Again like always Launch the registry editor and scroll down to the below key:
Right-click on the right pane and select New, DWORD Value. Name it NoFind.(To remove the
RUN option name it NoRun). Double-click the newly create DWORD to edit it's value and enter
1 as its value. This will disable the FIND option of the Start Menu and will also disable the
default Shortcut key(F3 for Find.)
To restore the Run or find command modify the value of the DWORD to 0 or simply Delete the
DWORD value.
5) Cleaning Recent Docs Menu and the RUN MRU :
The Recent Docs menu can be easily disabled by editing the Registry. To do this go to the
following Key:
Now in the right pane, create a new DWORD value by the name: NoRecentDocsMenu and set
it's value to 1. Restart Explorer to save the changes.
You can also clear the RUN MRU history. All the listings are stored in the key:
You can delete individual listings or the entire listing. To delete History of Find listings go to:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Doc Find
Spec MRU and delete.
6) Other Similar Useful Tricks :
Launch Regedit and go to the following Registry Key:
Under this key, there will definitely be a key named explorer. Now under this explorer key we
can create new DWORD values and modify it's value to 1 in order to impose the restriction. If
you want to remove the Restriction, then you can simply delete the respective DWORD values or
instead change their values to 0. The following is a list of DWORD values that can be created
under the Explorer Key-:
NoDeletePrinter: Disables Deletion of already installed Printers
NoAddPrinter: Disables Addition of new Printers
NoRun : Disables or hides the Run Command
NoSetFolders: Removes Folders from the Settings option on Start Menu (Control Panel,
Printers, Taskbar)
NoSetTaskbar: Removes Taskbar system folder from the Settings option on Start Menu
NoFind: Removes the Find Tool (Start >Find)
NoDrives: Hides and does not display any Drives in My Computer
NoNetHood: Hides or removes the Network Neighborhood icon from the desktop
NoDesktop: Hides all items including, file, folders and system folders from the Desktop
NoClose: Disables Shutdown and prevents the user from normally shutting down Windows.
NoSaveSettings: Means to say, 'Don't save settings on exit'
DisableRegistryTools: Disable Registry Editing Tools (If you disable this option, the Windows
Registry Editor(regedit.exe) too will not work.)
NoRecentDocsHistory: Removes Recent Document system folder from the Start Menu (IE 4
and above)
ClearRecentDocsOnExit: Clears the Recent Documents system folder on Exit.
Nolnternetlcon: Removes the Internet (system folder) icon from the Desktop
Under the same key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/CurrentVersion/Policies
you can create new subkeys other than the already existing Explorer key. Now create a new key
and name it System. Under this new key, system we can create the following new DWORD
values(1 for enabling the particular option and 0 for disabling the particular option):

· NODispCPL: Hides Control Panel

· NoDispBackgroundPage: Hides Background page.

· NoDispScrsavPage: Hides Screen Saver Page

· NoDispAppearancePage: Hides Appearance Page

· NoDispSettingsPage: Hides Settings Page

· NoSecCPL: Disables Password Control Panel

· NoPwdPage: Hides Password Change Page

· NoAdminPaqe: Hides Remote Administration Page

· NoProfilePage: Hides User Profiles Page

· NoDevMgrPage: Hides Device Manager Page

· NoConfigPage: Hides Hardware Profiles Page

· NoFileSysPage: Hides File System Button

· NoVirtMemPage: Hides Virtual Memory Button

Similarly, if we create a new subkey named WinOldApp, we can add the following DWORD
values under it(1 for enabling the particular option and 0 for disabling the particular option):
Disabled: Disable MS-DOS Prompt
NoRealMode: Disable Single-Mode MS-DOS

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