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Genders and Sexualities in the Social Sciences Series Editors: Victoria Robinson, University of Sheffield, UK and Diane Richardson, University of Newcastle, UK Ecitorial Board: Raewyn Connell, University of Sydney, Australi; Kathy Davis, Utrecht University, The Netherlands; Stevi Jackson, Univesity of York, UK: Micheel Kimmel, State Univesity of New York, Stony Brook, USA; Kimiko Kimoto, Hicotsubashi Univer: sity, Japan: Jasbir Puar, Rutgers Universi, USA; Steven Seldman, State Univesity of New York, albany, USA; Carol Smart, Universigy of Manchester, UK; Liz Staley, Univer- sity of Edinburgh, UK; Gill Valentine, University of Leeds, UK; Jefrey Weeks, South Banke University, UK; Kath Woodward, The Open Universi, UK Tiles inelude ial Hanlon | MASCULINITIES, CARE AND EQUALITY Identity ang Nurture in Men's Lives Brian Heaphy, Carol Smart and Anna Einarsdotic edits) SAME SEX MARRIAGES New Generations, New Relationships Solly Hines and Yette Taylor (editors) SeXUALITIES Past Reflections, Future Directions Mecedith Nash MAKING ‘POSTMODERN’ MOTHERS Pregeant Embodiment, Baby Bumps snd Body Image Barbara Pini and Bob Peas (edits) MEN, MASCULINITIES AND METHODOLOGIES Victoria Robinson and Jenny Hockey -MASCULINITIES IN TRANSITION Yvette Taylor, Sally Hines and Math, Cetey (dior) ‘THEORIZING INTERSECTIONALITY AND SEXUALITY ‘Wette Taylor, Michelle Addison (tas) (QUEER PRESENCES AND ABSENCES Kath Woodward ‘SEX POWER AND THE GAMES Genders ana Sexualities in the Social Sciences Series Standing Order ISDN 970-0-290-27254-5 hardbuch 978-0-230-27955-2 paperback (outsie North America only), You can receive future titles in this series as they ate published by placing a standing oxdes. Please contact your bookseller or, in cave of difficulty, weite tows st the address below with, yout name and addres, the title ofthe series and the ISBN quoted above. Customer Services Department, Macmillan Distribution Ltd, Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG21 6XS, England Men, Masculinities and Methodologies Edited by Barbara Pini Grif Universe, Australia and Bob Pease Deakin University, Australia paigrave macmillan Selection and editorial matter © Barbara Pin and Bob Pease 2013, indvdoatcheptars © Respective euthors 2073 ‘Allrighs reserved. No reproduction, copy or transmission of this ‘publication may be made without written permision No portion ofthis publication may be reproduce, copied or vansmitted Meares writen permission arin accordance with the provisions ofthe ERS Deiign and Sotents Act 1986, or unger the cess of any lcence peraiting lite copying issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency, ation House, 6-10 Kiby Street, London EC1N BS ‘Any parson who dows any unauthried ac in tation to this publication tray be able to eminal prosecution and cv claims for amages. ‘Tha authors have asserted their ight tobe Idemiied es the suthers ofthis ior in aeoedance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1588, Fist published 2013 by PALGRAVE MACMILLAN Palgrave Mecrillan inthe UK can imprint of Macrlan Publishers Limited, Feglstered in England company number 785988, of Houndmils, Basingstoke, Harnpahire ROE OXS. Palgrave Macmillen inthe US ita isin of St Martin's Press LLC, 175 Fifth Avenue, New ark NY 10010, Palrave Macmillan i the global acedemic imprint of the above companies fna has companies and eeprsentaives thoughout the worl Falgrave® and Macmilan® are registred trademarks inthe United States, the United Kingdom, Europe ang other counties. ISBN 978=1-137-00572—4 ‘This book is pinted on paper stb for recyeng nd made from fully Inonaged end sustained forest sources, ogging pulping and manufacturing processes ere expected to conform tothe environmental regulations ofthe ountry of iin. ‘catalogue record for this bok is avalable fom th British brary. ‘catalog record for this book s aval ram the Library of Congress. Contents List of Ilustrations Acknowledgements Notes on Contributors 1 Gendering Methodologies In the Study of Men and Masculinities Barbara Pint and Bob Pease 2. Methods and Methodologies in Critical Studies on Men and Masculinities eff Hearn 3. Epistemology, Methodology and Accountability In Researching, ‘Men's Subjectivities and Practices Bob Pease 4 Issues of Intimacy, Masculinity and Ethnography Tristan Bridges 5. Negotiating Gender in Men’s Research among Men Michael Flood 6 Making Connections: Speed Dating, Masculinity ané Interviewing Méirtén Mac an Ghaill, Chris Haywood and Zoé Bright Gendered Selves, Gendered Subjects: Interview Performances and Situational Contexts in Critical Interview Studies of Men and Maseulinities Linn Egeberg Holmgren 8 Conversations about Otokorashisa (Masculinity/'Manliness): Insider/Outsider Dynamics in Masculintties Research in Japan Romit Dasgupta 9 Counting Men: Quantitative Approaches to the Study of Men and Masculinities Roger Patulny and Barbara Pint vill 26 39 33 64 90 103 us vi Contents 10 Ongoing Methodological Problematics: Masculinities and Male Rock Climbers Victoria Robinson 11 Disability: Cripping Men, Masculinities and Methodologies Dan Godley and Katherine Runswick-Cole 12. Peering Upwards: Researching Ruling-Class Men. “Mike Donaldson and Scott Poynting 13. Getting into the Lives of Ruling-Class Men: Conceptual Problems, Methodological Solutions Sebastién Madrid 14 Men Researching Violent Men: Epistemologies, Bthics and Emotions in Qualitative Research Malcolm Combura 15 Encountering Violent Men: Strange and Familiar Lucas Gottzén 16 Involving Older Gay Men in Research: The Lure of Group Experience Kip Jones and Lee-Anh Fenge 17. Interviewing Older Men Online Miranda Leontowitsch 18 Using Visual Methods to Hear Young Men's Volees: Discussion. and Analysis of Participant-Led Photographic Research in the Field Cliona Bares Index 129 142, 187 170 183 197 209 223 236 249 Illustrations Figures 9.1 HILDA ~ social exclusion (% 1 item+) by marital/parental status 9.2 HILDA social disconnection (10-70) by matital/parental status 9.3 ATUOG time with others by marital, parental status, 18.1 A practice shot taken at Forthill school 18.2. Patrick's community centre and community bus 18.3. Hair gel, deodorant and aftershave Tables 9.1. Regression models, social connection and exclusion: HILDA and ATU 120 121 123, 241 242, 246

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