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Title 1: Big Data sharing with Individual Privacy Protection

We are witnessing a continuous expansion of information technology that never

ceases to impress us with its computational power, storage capacity, and agile mo-
bility. Such technology is becoming more pervasive by the day and has enhanced
various aspects of our daily lives. GPS-equipped devices, smart card automated fare
collection systems, and sensory technology are but a few examples of advanced, yet
affordable, data-generating technologies that are an integral part of modern society.
To enhance user experience or provide better services, service providers rely on col-
lecting person-specific information from users. Thus, the collected data is studied
and analyzed in order to extract useful information. It is a common practice for
the collected data to be shared with a third-party, e.g., a data mining firm, for data
analysis. However, the shared data must not leak sensitive information about the
individuals to whom the data belongs or reveal their identity. In other words, indi-
viduals’ privacy must be protected in the shared data. Privacy-protecting data
sharing is a research area that studies anonymizing person-specific data with- out
compromising its utility for future data analysis. The present research studies
and pro- poses anonymization solutions for three types of multi-dimensional data :
trajectory streams, static trajectories, and relational data. We demonstrate through
theoretical and experimental analysis that our proposed solutions, for the most part,
outperform state-of-the-art methods in terms of utility, efficiency, and scalability.

Recent years have witnessed a tremendous growth in data collection thanks to the
exponential development of information technology that not only facilitates our
daily life, but also generates extensive amounts of person-specific data. Data of
different types are generated on a daily basis, such as GPS data, RFID data
m o v i n g objects or trajectory data, health- care data, search queries, and customers’
p u r c h a s e s . There has been a compelling demand in various sectors for collecting
such data, whether by government agencies, transportation authorities, medical
centers, online service providers, or retail corporations. This demand stems from
the need to analyze the collected big data and extract useful information in order to
construct a knowledge base that helps in decision-making operations. Usually, the
collected data is transferred to a third party, e.g., a research center, in order to
conduct the desired analysis.

We call the entity that collects, holds, and publishes the data a data holder
or a data publisher, the individuals from whom the data is collected record owners
(each record in a tabular database belongs to a unique individual), the entity that
receives the published data a data recipient, and data recipients who attempt to
perform a privacy attack adversaries or attackers. Participants in a data collection
and sharing scenario. For example, a search engine company (data holder) may want
to publish queries submitted by users (data owners) to the public (data recipients)
in order to improve the company’s recommendation system. The terms data
sharing and data release refer to the same process and will be used interchangeably
in this research.
Sharing collected data can serve a variety of purposes and can be mutually
beneficial to both the data holder and data recipient. For example, experts mining
released road traffic data can extract interesting patterns, which in turn helps in
improving the city’s road network and, thus, reducing traffic jams. Another inter-
esting example is Netflix, the giant movie rental service, which released a dataset
containing movie ratings that belong to nearly 500,000 subscribers and offered an
enticing prize for anyone who could improve their recommendation service. In some
cases, publishing data is mandated by law. For example, there is a regulation in
California that requires licensed hospitals to publish records of discharged pa-
tients. Generally speaking, whether the published data is shared with a private entity
or is available for public access, it is significantly b e n e fic i a l for researchers and
practitioners to test a proposed solution on real-life data, as opposed to computer-
generated, synthetic data.

In most cases, the collected data belongs to real-life individuals, and sharing
their data may lay their privacy on the line. The shared data must not allow
individuals’ identities to be exposed, nor their private information to be linked to
them, whether accidentally or deliberately. A privacy attack is, thus, the ability to
perform such linkage. Therefore, before releasing the data, data holders tend to
anonymizing their collected data by removing explicit identifiers such as Name,
Date of Birth, and SSN. The objective is to prevent linking sensitive information
to an individual. Though seemingly benign, such data anonymization h a s been
proven inadequate in protecting individuals’ privacy.
Privacy-Protecting Big Data sharing
Privacy-Protecting Big Data sharing (PPBDS) is the study of applying adequate
anonymization me asu r es to the data to be published, taking into consideration two
factors : protecting individuals’ privacy in the published data and maintaining high data
utility for accurate analysis of the anonymous data. Privacy protection is achieved by
transforming the raw data to another anonymous version that adheres to some privacy
requirements dictated by the applied privacy model; i.e., this process is referred to as
anonymizing the data. Protecting data utility concerns the cost, in terms of data quality
degradation, ensued due to anonymizing the raw data.

The importance of PPBDS stems from the need to share real-life data with
researchers, data analysts, or the general public, while safeguarding individuals’ privacy
in the sharing data. Moreover, we do not want data holders to hesitate when publishing
their data because such real-life data is crucial for obtaining meaningful and accurate
data mining results, e.g., when performing classification analysis .Therefore, PPBDS
ensures that useful, yet privacy-preserving, data can be shared and benefited from in
various sectors.

In this research work, raw data refers to the original collected data that includes
person-specific and sensitive pieces of information about some individuals and is kept
in the data holder’s possession. We assume that the data holder wishes to first anonymize,
and then share the collected data. The shared data, which has been anonymized
before sharing, is described as being anonymous or sanitized. We use these two terms
interchangeably in this research work.

Due to the pervasiveness of information technology that constantly generates person-

specific data, and due to the compelling demand for sharing such data in various
sectors, we present a comprehensive study that spans different PPDBS scenarios.
Particularly, this research explores publishing three types of big data: trajectory
streams, static trajectory data, and relational data . The curse of high
dimensionality describes a certain type of data containing a sufficiently large
number of QID attributes. Such data is characterized by being sparse in the high-
dimensional space, and anonymizing sparse data without compromising its utility is a
challenging problem. This is due to the fact that higher dimensionality results in
more unique data points in the high-dimensional space. Consequently, such unique-
ness has to be masked by completely removing or altering original data points in
order to provide sufficient privacy protection, rendering the anonymous data poor
in utility. The following is a summary of the primary contributions of this research.

Trajectory Streams
Recent advancement in mobile computing and sensory technology has facilitated the
possibility of continuously updating, monitoring, and detecting the latest location
and status of moving individuals. Spatio-temporal data generated and collected on
the fly is described as trajectory streams. This work is motivated by the concern
that publishing individuals’ trajectories on the fly may jeopardize their privacy.

In this research, we illustrate and formalize two types of privacy attacks

against moving individuals. We make three observations about trajectory streams
and de- vise a novel algorithm, called Incremental Trajectory Stream Anonymizer
(ITSA), for incrementally anonymizing a sequence of sliding windows, which are
dynami- cally updated with joining and leaving individuals. The update process is
done by employing an efficient data structure to accommodate large-volume
streaming data.
We conduct extensive experiments on simulated and real-life datasets. When
Compared with closely-related anonymization methods, experimental results demon-
strate that our method significantly lowers runtime and efficiently scales when han-
dling massive trajectory datasets. Moreover, experiments on real-life web logs sug-
gest that our method can seamlessly extend to multi-dimensional transaction data.
To the best of our knowledge, this research presents the first work to anonymize
multi-Dimensional trajectory streams.

Static Trajectories

In recent years, the collection of spatio-temporal data that captures human move-
ments has increased tremendously due to advancements in hardware and software
systems capable of collecting user-specific data. The bulk of the data collected by
these systems has numerous applications, including general data analysis. Therefore,
publishing such data is greatly beneficial for data recipients. However, in its raw
form, the collected data contains sensitive information pertaining to the individuals
from whom it was collected and must be anonymized before final submission.

In this research, we study the problem of privacy-preserving trajectory pub-

lishing and propose a solution under the rigorous deferential privacy model
. Unlike sequential data, which describes sequentiality between data items, handling
spatio-temporal data is a challenging task due to the fact that introducing a tem-
poral dimension results in extreme sparseness. Our proposed solution introduces
an efficient algorithm, called Safe Path, that models trajectories as a noisy prefix
tree and publishes - deferentially-private trajectories while minimizing the impact
on data utility. Experimental evaluation on real-life transit data from the Société de
transport de Montréal ( STM) suggests that SafePath significantly i mpr oves ef-
ficiency and scalability with respect to large and sparse datasets, while achieving
comparable results to existing solutions in terms of the utility of the sanitized data.
Relational Data

Various organizations collect data about individuals for various reasons, such as ser-
vice improvement. In order to mine the collected data for useful information, it has
become a common practice to share the collected data with data analysts, research
institutes, or simply the general public. The quality of published data significantly
affects the accuracy of the data analysis, and thus affects decision making at the
corporate level.

In this research, we propose Diff Multi, a workload-aware algorithm that employs

multidimensional generalization under deferential privacy. We devise an efficient
implementation to the proposed algorithm and use a real-life dataset for experi-
mental analysis. We show that the computational cost of DiffMulti is bounded by
the number of records rather than by the number of attributes of an input dataset,
making our proposed method suitable for high-dimensional data. We evaluate the
performance of our method in terms of data utility, efficiency, and scalability. Ex-
perimental comparisons with related anonymization methods from the literature
suggest that DiffMulti is capable of improving data utility, in some cases, by orders
of magnitude, while performing comparably, at worst, in terms of efficiency and
Organization of the Research

We divide the presentation of the problems in this research according to the applied
privacy model. W e present the problem of anonymizing trajectory streams under a
syntactic privacy model. We then proceed to present the second problem,
anonymizing static trajectories, and the third problem, anonymizing relational data,
under a semantic privacy model. The rest of the research work is organized as

Task 1:

Demonstrates through examples some privacy attacks, introduce some popular

privacy models to counter such attacks, and examines widely-used anonymization

• Task 2: explores prominent works that have been proposed for protecting
individuals’ privacy in the domain of privacy-protecting data sharing. Particularly,
we present in-depth literature review of existing anonymization methods for four
types of data: data streams, trajectory data, transaction data and relational data.

• Task 3: studies the problem of publishing data streams, particularly, t r a j e c t o r y data

streams. We identify and formalize three properties in a trajectory stream, and we
integrate these properties in building an efficient algorithm that incrementally
anonymizing the transient data over a sequence of sliding windows. To the best of
our knowledge, this chapter presents the first work to anonymizing multi-dimensional
trajectory streams. The results of this chapter have been published

• Task 4: studies the problem of publishing multi-dimensional and sparse static

trajectory data. We model trajectories in a noisy prefix tree structure, which
provides concise representation of the underlying sparse data.

• Task 5: proposes a deferentially-private m e t h o d for anonymizing relational data. Our

method leverages the promising anonymization technique of multi- dimensional
generalization, which enhances the utility of the anonymous data without
compromising the computational cost.

 Task 6:: concludes this research


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