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Congress Update 16

25th SEPTEMBER 2018


They have no wine…

Today was centred on the theme of administration. The guidelines – for the morning -
challenged us to draw close to Mary in the context of the wedding of Cana. Raquel, the wife
of Vítor, a married couple from Brasil, gave us light about this gospel related to the spirituality
of administration. We have full certainty that our Mother accompanies us in our
administrative affairs, giving us a gaze that goes far beyond verified limits and opens us to
appeal to and trust in providence. We ask Her that we continue learning to create
communion through living our identity and mission, emphasizing that the most valuable asset
we have is people more than things.
In the plenary session that we had today some
important themes for administrative life in the Verbum
Dei Missionary Fraternity (FMVD) were addressed. We
realized that we have already come a long way, once
again filling us with the certainty that we are
accompanied by the Providence of God. At the time we
also have serious difficulties which need the dedication,
generosity and solidarity of us all.

The happiness, the spontaneity and the conversations are
mixed with accumulated tiredness of all these days of the
Congress, which are already many. Little by little we are
closing some themes, suggesting others for the future,
gathering the results of the voting proposals, drawing
conclusions and projecting this new six-year period.

We ask the you continue praying for us because it gives us a lot of
encouragement to count on the prayer of the entire Verbum Dei
Missionary Family (FaMVD) scattered across five continents. We
ask that among all of us we continue realizing the dream of God of
one heart and one soul.

Press team

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