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Instructor’s Notes 1A: Fix it kit

Interaction eight objects. Go around and help with

Pair work and groups of four students vocabulary as necessary.
6. Make groups of four by joining the pairs.
Time Explain that each group must now reach
25–30 minutes an agreement on which eight objects to
put in their emergency kit.
Objective 7. Finish by asking each group to explain
Practice using past participles their choices to the whole class.

Activity Language Follow Up

Use this if a vase is broken, a door is Have students in pairs test each other on
jammed, a sink is clogged, a bathroom is the 12 objects. Student A describes what
flooded etc. the object is used for. Student B tries to
remember the name in English without
Preparation looking at the labels.
Make one copy of Worksheet 1A: Fix it kit
for each pair of students.

1. Put students in pairs. Give each student
a copy of Worksheet 1A.
2. Students read the name of the object.

Copyright © National Geographic Learning, a part of Cengage Learning 2016

Ask students to call out the names,
allowing you to focus on pronunciation
if necessary.
3. Ask the class to describe what the first
object is used for. For example: We use
pliers if a key is bent. Ask students what
else it could be used for (if a pipe is
broken, if a piece of jewelry is bent etc).
Encourage students to be creative.
4. Remind students to use the past
participles they studied in the unit:
cracked, bent, flooded, jammed, burned,
frozen, broken. Tell them to reference
the Grammar Notes on page 193 if they
need help.
5. Explain the task in B. You may want to
quickly elicit some examples of what is
typically found in an emergency kit. Give
pairs five to ten minutes to choose their

World Link Book 3 Unit 1 Lesson A

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Worksheet 1A: Fix it kit

A. What are the objects below used to fix?

pliers glue bucket

screwdriver ice pack lighter

Copyright © National Geographic Learning, a part of Cengage Learning 2016

tape string plunger

hair dryer hammer crowbar

B. Imagine that you are preparing an emergency kit for your home. In addition to the usual
things like a first-aid kit, you should choose eight objects above. Think about what each
thing could be used for or could be used to do.

World Link Book 3 Unit 1 Lesson A

wl3e_level03_u01a_communication_activity.indd 3 11/02/16 10:31 AM

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