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_STS Assign 2

1. How applicable are commentators’ ideas to you?

The commentators’ ideas were very applicable to me because it made me have an analysis that
Smartphone though it is an essential tools in our modern society when it is overuse, it is an
emerging social issue. And it also made me evaluate and reflect to myself that I should not make
myself too attach to my phone and limit myself from using it.

2. Do you agree with what they are saying?

I do agree with what they were saying. Why? Because as I evaluate and reflect to myself I found
out that the commentators’ were right. That I, as a user of Smartphone, It somehow changes
something positive and negative in me. And I do admit, that most of the time it is negative.
There were studies that have shown that people, who use their phones excessively and
compulsively, worsen symptoms of depression and anxiety. When people cannot check their
phones or do not have it with them their anxiety heightens, and some even experience
withdrawal like symptoms.
There are definite benefits to smartphones. However, for people who cannot seem to put their
phones down or have a constant need to check them, it can become a problem for their mental

3. Measure how many hours per day you use your cellphone, your tablet and your computer vs.
how many hours your spend interacting to other people face to face. Show in a table.

Every day (% per hour)

Cellphone 50%
Tablet 15%
Computer 25%
In person(face to face) 10%

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