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GE5 –Purposive Communication July 18, 2018

1. What are the effects of globalization to the Philippines? Cite one or two
The Philippines is one of the developing countries in Asia that has been greatly
influenced by globalization. Globalization is the interconnectedness and
interdependence established among countries around the world. This idea of
independence typically has positive and negative effects to the economy.
However, their lower dependence on exports influences the Philippines to
receive more positive than negative effects to their economy.
Globalization has had more positive effects than negative effects in the
Philippines. Their balance of imports and exports has strengthened their
economy. In addition, the surpassing value of imports compared to exports
shows that the Philippines receive more resources than they lose. Globalization
can be related to social development, cultural, or economic. In this case,
economic globalization has had the biggest impact.

2. What is a diaspora? How is this connected to globalization?

Diaspora means “to scatter” in Greek, but today we use the term to describe a
community of people who live outside their shared country of origin or ancestry
but maintain active connections with it. A diaspora includes both emigrants and
their descendants. While some people lose their attachment to their ancestral
homeland, others maintain a strong connection to a place which their ancestors
may have left generations ago.
Diasporas and Globalization are quite clearly related, but the greater one reflects
on the relationship, the more mysterious the relationship becomes. To start with,
no matter how “globalization” is temporally demarcated –whether something
that has recurred during the modem period or has only appeared over the last 30
to 40 years –it is clear that some diasporas predate globalization in anything like
its generally accepted sense.

3. What are the problems and concerns of the Filipino Diaspora?

Filipino Diaspora is not a new issue that is happening now. It was already there a
long time ago. Filipinos go to other countries, taking risks, to give their families a
comfortable or a better life. Though there were several problems and concerns
arising from the Filipino Diaspora. One of the problems is the emotions and
experiences of the family that is left behind in the country. The purpose of
leaving their family might be for their own good but the effect emotionally and
mentally to the family may be devastating. There are children who grew without
their parents by their side. They may be well supported financially and
materially by their parents, but the love, care and affection of a parent can’t be
measured by material things. Togetherness is more valuable than having all the
treasure in the world. Another problem is the discrimination of OFWs experience
while working. Women are prone to be abuse by their employers since they are
sometimes looked down by the other countries. This leads to Filipinos being
convicted of crimes that they are forced to do for self-defence. There were
Filipinos who are being mistreated by their employers abroad and it is one of the
big concerns of the country. There are already Filipinos who were killed by their
employer. Our government is trying to do something to prevent the same thing
to happen to other Filipinos. However, there were Filipinos don’t report all these
abuses to the authorities not until they can’t hold it anymore. They don’t report
their employers because they needed the job and the money for the sake of their
families back at home so they just don’t mind the abuses that were done to them.
This should be addressed seriously because OFWs doesn’t need to die just to
support their family. More importantly, we have to make the certain moves to
lessen the Filipino Diaspora by improving the current state of our country. If our
economy improves and there are good-paying jobs for everyone then Filipinos
won’t find the need to go abroad for having a better life.

 URL http://afranke1philippines.weebly.com/blog/globalization-
 Website Title Welcome to the Philippines
 Article Title Globalization: Good or bad?
 Date Accessed July 17, 2018

 URL http://www.diasporaalliance.org/what-is-a-diaspora/
 Website Title IdEA | Engaging diasporas in development and diplomacy
 Article Title What is a Diaspora?
 Date Accessed July 17, 2018

 URL https://link.springer.com/referenceworkentry/10.1007%2F978-0-387-
 Website Title SpringerLink
 Article Title Diasporas and Globalization
 Date Published January 01, 1970
 Date Accessed July 17, 2018

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