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Original Paper

Folia Phoniatr Logop 2012;64:80–86 Published online: April 13, 2012

DOI: 10.1159/000337042

Discrimination of Three Basic Female Voice

Types in Female Singing Students by Voice Range
Profile-Derived Parameters
H. Lycke a W. Decoster a A. Ivanova b M.M. Van Hulle c F.I.C.R.S. de Jong a, d
Laboratory of Experimental ORL, Department of Neuroscience, b Leuven Statistics Research Centre, c Laboratory of
Neuro- and Psychophysiology, and d Department of ENT – Head and Neck Surgery, University Hospital KU Leuven,
Leuven, Belgium

Key Words Introduction

Voice classification ⴢ Voice categories ⴢ Cluster analysis ⴢ
Voice field ⴢ Voice range profile Traditionally, voices are classified into three principal
categories: for the female voice alto, mezzo-soprano, and
soprano, and for the male voice bass, baritone, and tenor.
Abstract Many subtypes have been described according to differ-
Aims: To assess whether individual parameters or combina- ent roles and based on various characteristics, such as
tions of voice range profile parameters (also called ‘features’) loudness, timbre, flexibility, vibrato, temperament, ex-
are able to yield a clear cluster separation with which three pression and personality.
basic female voice categories can be discriminated and can Classification of a voice determines the frequency and
provide a basis for settling the issue of voice classification. intensity range in which a singer can work without harm-
Methods: The voice range profiles of 206 female conserva- ing or fatiguing the voice and which repertoire should be
tory singing students were recorded, parameterized into assigned by the singing teacher [1–7]. Correct classifica-
more compact descriptions (‘features’), and subjected to a tion of a singer’s voice is indispensable in order to achieve
cluster analysis. Results: The three-cluster case provided the optimum performance [8]. Incorrect voice classification
most consistent solution across all feature combinations. can cause or increase functional and organic voice disor-
The feature that led to the best cluster separation was the ders [5, 6, 9–13]. Despite the importance of correct voice
ratio of the perimeter length of the chest voice part of the classification, there is neither a generally accepted proto-
voice range profile versus the total perimeter length. Con- col for voice classification, nor is there consensus about
clusions: Based on a statistical analysis of voice range profile what parameters should be used.
parameters, the ratio of the perimeter length of the chest Voice range profiling is considered to be a suitable
voice versus the total perimeter length was shown to yield a method of establishing vocal capacities [14, 15]. There-
clear separation into three basic female voice types, which in fore, it may be expected that frequency and intensity pa-
turn may give us a basis for settling the issue of voice classi- rameters derived from the voice range profile (VRP) can
fication. Copyright © 2012 S. Karger AG, Basel discriminate between the three basic female voice types:
alto, mezzo-soprano, and soprano.

© 2012 S. Karger AG, Basel Hugo Lycke

1021–7762/12/0642–0080$38.00/0 Laboratory of Experimental ORL
Fax +41 61 306 12 34 Department of Neuroscience, KU Leuven
E-Mail karger@karger.ch Accessible online at: BE–3000 Leuven
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120 Measure
Max int
110 Min int



Fig. 1. The VRP after the frequency axis
was converted into a linear scale. The two 70
outer vertical lines define the borders of
the transition zone (left and right lines) 60
and the middle vertical line the dip of the
register transition zone (at the dip in the 50
maximum intensity). In this case of a clas- 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1,000 1,100 1,200
sically trained subject, there is only a little Frequency
register dip and a smooth register transi-

The aim of this study was to assess if parameter com- Feature Construction
binations of the VRP are able to yield a clear cluster sepa- It was decided to represent, in a more compact manner, each
VRP by a number of parameters – called features in our con-
ration to discriminate between the three basic female text – in connection with:
voice types that can provide a basis for settling the issue – the geometry of the VRP such as the surface area enclosed be-
of voice classification. tween the maximum and minimum intensity curves (fig. 1),
their frequency ranges, and their perimeter lengths;
– the register transition zone such as the intensity of the dip in the
maximum/minimum intensity curves between the chest and
Materials and Methods
head voice parts of the VRP and the frequency at which it occurs;
– the geometry of the chest/head voice parts of the VRP such as
Participants and Data Acquisition
their surface areas and their perimeter lengths;
VRPs from 206 female subjects, between 18 and 25 years old,
– the linear characteristics of the minimum and maximum inten-
from two Musical Theatre Conservatories, were investigated.
sity curves such as the slopes of the regression lines through
The VRPs were performed according to the Union of European
the maximum and minimum intensity curves.
Phoniatricians’ recommendations [16], using the Ling Waves
Finally, a number of voice frequency and intensity ratios and
Voice Diagnostic Center, version 2.5, 2007, with a Center 322
differences were defined based on some of the above features such
Data Logger Sound Level Meter. Phonation was on the vowel /a:/
as the ratio of the surface area of the chest voice to the total surface
with a mouth-to-microphone distance of 30 cm. The minimum
area enclosed by the maximum and minimum intensity curves.
phonation time was 2 s. The data included maximum and mini-
Another example is the ratio of the perimeter length of the chest
mum intensity measurements (in dBA) of a subject’s voice taken
voice part of the VRP to the total perimeter length.
at fundamental frequencies that span the singer’s range. At each
In total, 49 features were defined. A detailed description is be-
fundamental frequency, subjects were encouraged to phonate as
yond the scope of this article but can be obtained from the first
softly and as loudly as possible, regardless of the produced vocal
author on request.
An individual subject’s VRP has, approximately, the shape of
an ellipse. In order not to favor any frequency range in the analy- Statistical Analysis and Methods
sis, the frequency axis was transformed from the nonlinear note Rather than looking at differences between the maximum and
scale into a linear frequency scale (Hz; fig. 1). minimum intensity curves, another strategy was chosen. Each of
The register zone (including the marked register dip) was mea- the above features characterizes in a much more compact manner
sured from the last ascending maximum intensity point to the an individual’s VRP. This opens the possibility to apply more
next maximum ascending intensity point. This avoids argumen- powerful analysis techniques. Indeed, as the voice of every singer
tation about the ‘exact’ register transition (point) and the possible can be represented as a point in the space formed by one or more
difference when singing up or down. The marked break points of the aforementioned features, one can apply statistical tech-
reflect the more or less auditorily perceived voice sound, accord- niques to assess whether there exist natural groups in the data
ing to the technique used. (called clusters) with which basic female voice categories can be
discriminated. In order to answer this question, the following
strategy was developed:

Discrimination of Female Voice Types by Folia Phoniatr Logop 2012;64:80–86 81

Voice Range Profile
Table 1. Representation of the three-cluster solution in the case of formed the basis for selecting either the three- or the four-cluster
the single feature R4 (ratio perimeter chest voice/perimeter total) solution. The analyses were performed using Statistical Analysis
SAS/STAT쏐 software (release 9.2).
High Intermediate Low
feature value feature value feature value

Cluster 1 – – R4 Results
Cluster 2 R4 – –
Cluster 3 – R4 – As indicated above, when applying Ward’s minimum
variance method, three or four clusters turned out to be
possible. We, therefore, restricted ourselves to the three-
or four-cluster cases: when assuming three clusters, the
– for every single feature and for every possible feature pair and single-, two- and three-feature cases were examined; the
so on, a clustering procedure is applied to the data;
– the single feature or feature combination that leads to clusters same was done when assuming four clusters. Of note is
with the best cluster separating power is determined (i.e., fea- that no prior knowledge of the number of voice types is
ture selection); used in Ward’s method or in the further evaluation of the
– the resulting clusters are related to the traditional voice fre- three- or four-cluster options.
quency and intensity parameters.
Finally, based on a detailed statistical analysis, the clusters are
related to the voice classification performed by a number of sing- Three-Cluster Solution
ing teachers. Single Feature
The best cluster separation, for three clusters, was
Clustering obtained for feature R4 (i.e. the ratio of the perimeter
Before starting the clustering analysis, the highly correlated length of the chest voice part vs. the total perimeter
(95% and higher) features were removed from the data set, in or-
der to eliminate features that were mutually redundant. Hence, length – the perimeter length of both the minimum and
the list was reduced to 34 features. The data set was standardized maximum intensity curves is taken, table 1).
(equal variance along each feature dimension) in order to elimi- The overall R-squared is equal to the partial R-squared,
nate the possible influence due to differences in scale (features and it is larger than 80%, which is an indication of a high
with a wide distribution tend to dominate features with narrow degree of cluster separation.
The following procedure was applied: To better understand the meaning of R4 in terms of the
– for all single features, Ward’s minimum variance method to three clusters, the distribution of the data points along R4
define the optimal number of clusters was applied; was examined. The result is that the members of cluster
– subsequently, K-means clustering was applied to each single 1 have a low value of feature R4; those from cluster 2 have
feature and the best single feature leading to the best cluster a high value of R4 and, finally, those from cluster 3 have
separation was retained;
– given the optimal cluster number, determined for each feature, an intermediate value.
K-means clustering was applied to all possible combinations
of three features to define the best combination of three fea- Combination of Two Features (Feature Pair)
tures, based on their cluster separation. The best separation for three clusters, for the combina-
To define the optimal number of clusters, Ward’s minimum tion of two features, was obtained for R4 and Perim_
variance method was used, and the two following metrics ob-
tained with this method were plotted as a function of the number Head (i.e. the perimeter lengths of the maximum and
of clusters: minimum intensity curves corresponding to the head
– R-squared, which defines the heterogeneity of each cluster, voice part, table 2).
and varies in the interval (0, 1); ‘0’ means that there is no dif- The overall R-squared is also larger than 80%, which
ference, ‘1’ means that there is a maximal difference between is an indication of a high degree of cluster separation. The
the clusters;
– semipartial R-squared, which defines the homogeneity of each partial R-squared indicates the same degree of separa-
cluster. tion.
Based on the visual analysis of plotted data, it could be seen The members of cluster 1 have a low value of feature
that the optimal number of clusters was three or four (plot not R4 and a high value of feature Perim_Head; those from
shown). cluster 2 have a high value of R4 and a low value of
Finally, for a given number of clusters (i.e. either three or four),
it was verified whether the data points of each cluster remained in Perim_Head; finally, those from cluster 3 have an inter-
the same cluster, for the case of the best single feature, as well as mediate value of R4 and Perim_Head.
the best feature pair, and so on. This cluster member consistency

82 Folia Phoniatr Logop 2012;64:80–86 Lycke /Decoster /Ivanova /Van Hulle /


de Jong  
Table 2. Representation of the three-cluster solution in the case of
two features: R4 (ratio perimeter chest voice/perimeter total) and
2 2 Perim_Head
1 2 High Intermediate Low

feature value feature value feature value
3 3
3 3
333 3
33 333 3

0 3 333
3 33
3 33
3 Cluster 1 Perim_Head – R4
3 3333
3 3
Cluster 2 R4 – Perim_Head
1 11 1
1 1 1
1 1
1 1
11 1 Cluster 3 – R4, Perim_Head –
–1 1 1
1 1
11 11
1 11 1
1 111
–2 –1 0 1 2 3
Perim_Head Table 3. Representation of the three-cluster solution in the case of
three features: R4 (ratio perimeter chest voice/perimeter total),
Perim_Head and R9 (ratio perimeter transition zone/perimeter
2 chest voice)
2 2
2 2
2 2
2 2
High Intermediate Low
1 2 feature value feature value feature value
3 33
3 3
3 33 3 3
33 333
Cluster 1 Perim_Head – R4, R9

0 3
3 3
3 3
Cluster 2 R4, R9 – Perim_Head
Cluster 3 – R4, Perim_Head, R9 –
–1 1
1 1
–1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Combination of Three Features (Feature Triplet)
The best separation for three clusters, for the combi-
3 nation of three features, was obtained for R4, Perim_
Head, and R9 (i.e. the ratio of the perimeter length of the
2 1
transition zone vs. the perimeter of the chest voice part,
table 3).
1 1
1 11
11 The overall R-squared is also larger than 80%, which

11 1
0 3
3 is an indication of a high degree of cluster separation. The
333 3
33 3 33 33
33 333 3
partial R-squared gives almost the same degree of separa-
–1 3 2 tion.
22 2
2 22
2 2 2 2
The members of cluster 1 have a low value of feature
R4 and R9 and a high value of feature Perim_Head; those
–1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
from cluster 2 have a high value of R4 and R9 and a low
value of Perim_Head; finally, those from cluster 3 have
an intermediate value of R4, Perim_Head, and R9. The
best single-, two- and three-feature combinations yielded
Fig. 2. Common cluster members for the three-cluster solution.
Ward’s method gives the optimal number of clusters, and K- a similar cluster separation.
means clustering tells us, given the optimal number of clusters, to
which cluster each sample (voice) belongs. Each sample can then Interpretation
be presented in feature space labeled by the index of the cluster to For 155 out of 206 subjects (approx. 75%) and for each
which it belongs. of the three retained feature combinations, the data was
classified into the same cluster (fig. 2). For the remaining
51 subjects, their data migrated from one cluster to an-
other but only once. There was not a single subject for
which the data was a member of three different clusters.

Discrimination of Female Voice Types by Folia Phoniatr Logop 2012;64:80–86 83

Voice Range Profile
Color version available online
Max_Freq Freq_Range
1.0 1,500 1.0

0.8 1,250 0.8

0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4 500

0.2 0.2 250
0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000
Perim_Head Perim_Head

Fig. 3. Distribution of maximum frequency and frequency range for the three-cluster solution.

Table 4. Representation of the cluster solution in the case of the R4, the best combination of two features is R4, Perim_
combination of the three best features and color code for the more Head, and the best combination of the three features is
traditional voice frequency and intensity parameters R4, Perim_Head and R9. Hence, essentially the same re-
High Intermediate Low
sult was obtained as in the three-cluster solution, also
feature value feature value feature value with a very high degree of cluster separation (R-squared
85% and higher).
Cluster 1 Perim_Head, – R4, R9 But when investigating the cluster members common
Max_Freq, to all feature combinations, we found that only 88 out of
206 subjects (approx. 43%) were classified into the same
Cluster 2 R4, R9 – Perim_Head, cluster, and that 163 subjects migrated from one cluster
Max_Freq, to another. From the latter, we conclude that the three-
cluster case leads to the most consistent solution across
Cluster 3 – R4, Perim_Head, – feature combinations.
R9, Max_Freq,
Relation between Three-Cluster Solution and Voice
Frequency and Intensity Parameters
Two of the selected parameters, maximum frequency
and frequency range, lead to a similar distribution over
In order to attach a meaning to the three-cluster solu- the three clusters (fig. 3). One can observe that the color
tion that was obtained, the data points were labeled with distribution nearly fits a curvilinear axis connecting the
a color code corresponding to the value they have for the clusters. This could explain why the authors were unable
more clinically relevant voice frequency and intensity pa- to observe any clusters in the space defined by the more
rameters: mean intensity, maximum intensity, minimum traditional voice frequency and intensity parameters di-
intensity, intensity range, mean frequency, and so on (ta- rectly since in such an analysis the parameters define
ble  4). We illustrate this only for the plot R4 versus straight coordinate axes (results not shown).
Perim_Head since the result is quite similar for the other Overall, the members of cluster 1 have a low value for
combinations of best separating features (fig. 3). feature R4 and R9 and a high value for feature Perim_
Head; those from cluster 2 have a high value for R4 and
Four-Cluster Solution R9 and a low value for Perim_Head; finally, those from
The same methods were used to investigate the four- cluster 3 have an intermediate value for R4, Perim_Head,
cluster solution. As a result, the best single feature is again R9, Max_Freq, and Freq_Range.

84 Folia Phoniatr Logop 2012;64:80–86 Lycke /Decoster /Ivanova /Van Hulle /


de Jong  
Relation between Three-Cluster Solution and Singing higher pitch). In previous publications automatic, com-
Teacher Classification puter-assisted VRP registration is considered to be help-
In addition to the VRPs, for 67 students, the voices ful to determine voice breaks and to indicate register
were classified by one or more singing teachers into alto contours, facilitating voice classification [21, 22]. In an-
(A), mezzo-soprano (M) and soprano (S). This raises an other study the register transition from modal to loft
intriguing question about the relation between these la- could be located with certainty neither from the VRP nor
bels and the three-cluster solution. As expected from by auditory perception [20]. According to Klingholz et
any subjective evaluation, considerable disagreement al. [17] and Airainer and Klingholz [23], however, mark-
between the singing teachers was observed. When relat- ers of the register ranges are the transitions which are
ing the voice classes assigned by the singing teachers to indicated ‘by minima in the forte contour and maxima
the clusters found, no statistical difference was detected in the piano contour, and minima of the dynamics, at
(␹2 test, Pr = 0.65). However, when performing a more specific pitches’.
detailed statistical analysis in which the assigned voice The features that lead to a clear cluster separation in
classes were weighted by their probabilities to belong to this study do not take timbre into consideration. This
one of the three clusters (a detailed description is be- parameter has always been considered decisive in voice
yond the scope of this article), the most likely voice class classification by many singing teachers. Perceptual eval-
of one cluster was S and for a second cluster it was M uation of voice quality, however, proved to be highly sub-
(there were only 2 labeled voices for the third cluster, jective [24] and remains controversial because of poor
which is not enough to be conclusive). The ␹2 test was correlation among raters [25–28]. The pertinent study
significant (Pr = 0.0015). These preliminary results in- demonstrates that there exist three different female
dicate that the voice classes assigned by the singing voice categories by nature. Such a result may not be ex-
teachers become more consistent when weighted based pected within biological variables. However, many years
on the outcome of the cluster analysis described in this ago, the French phoniatrician Garde [3] defined voice
article. category as ‘a biological constant, as important as the
determination of the blood group’. Whether these re-
sults also apply to male voices remains to be investigat-
Discussion ed. This remarkable clustering has to be linked to the
three traditional basic voice categories. One can only
The best cluster separation (larger than 80%) for three wonder if composers of vocal music had an innate feel-
clusters is obtained for feature R4: the ratio of the perim- ing about the existence of three natural basic human
eter length of the chest voice versus the total perimeter voice categories.
length. This parameter may not be easily understandable
from a clinical point of view. However, cluster separation
is based on data points corresponding to the value they Conclusions
have for the more traditional voice frequency and inten-
sity parameters mentioned above. This means that the This study demonstrates that parameter combinations
complexity of voice classification can be reduced to a of the VRP are able to yield a clear cluster separation to
more compact, yet adequate formula, easily obtainable discriminate between three basic female voice categories
from the VRP parameters. In fact the ‘perimeter total’ and may provide a basis for settling the issue of voice clas-
can be seen as an expression of the total frequency range, sification. However, more studies are necessary to link
whereas the ‘perimeter chest voice’ marks the boundary the results of the statistically obtained cluster separation,
with the head voice/falsetto. Klingholz et al. [17–19] elab- which discriminate between three basic voice categories,
orated a method of analyzing ellipse parameters and to the three basic female voice categories as commonly
concluded that the register transitions, visible in the interpreted by most composers of vocal music and sing-
VRP, at certain frequencies, illustrate the different mech- ing teachers.
anisms based on prephonatory larynx positions and spe-
cific muscle activities. Pabon [20] prefers to talk about a
region where modal and falsetto registers overlap. He ac-
knowledges that, in general, register differences are ac-
centuated by a greater effort (louder voice production,

Discrimination of Female Voice Types by Folia Phoniatr Logop 2012;64:80–86 85

Voice Range Profile
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86 Folia Phoniatr Logop 2012;64:80–86 Lycke /Decoster /Ivanova /Van Hulle /


de Jong  
Copyright: S. Karger AG, Basel 2012. Reproduced with the permission of S. Karger AG, Basel. Further
reproduction or distribution (electronic or otherwise) is prohibited without permission from the copyright

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