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‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم و الصالة و السالم على سيد المرسلين‬

‫الليوم كان اختباري‬26/12/2012

‫كثير من االسئلة معادة و هلل الحمد لكن‬

‫المشكلة تكمن في انه هم " الهيئة " يبغون اجابات معينه اظن هم مو محدثين لالجابات حقتهم‬
‫بالتالي بعض االجابات و لو ان لها مرجع اال انهم حاسبينها غلط على العموم اتمنى التوفيق‬
‫و اشكركم على التفاعل اللي ع القروب اسال هللا لي و لكم التوفيق و السداد‬

Today was my exam 26/12/2012

Thankfully a lot of Qs was repeated but unfortunately our answers was
so updated so the Saudi commission still I think did not updates their
answer but anyhow god bless u in the exam and support ur future
thank u ppl. For compassion and really useful discussion

Here we go

U r a doctor in the hospital and want to control the infection in the

hospital, the most important think to take care s :

a) Water sanitation
b) air flow control
c) Food sanitation

1- Child with chronic otitis media for 1 year .On examination TM is

dull and fluid behind tympanic mem. and enlarged adenoid
.Beside adenoidectomy , what you do also :
a) Myriengotomy
b) Tube insertion
2- Patient with scoliosis. You will refer him to orthopedic specialist
when the degree is :
a) 5
b) 10
c) 15
d) 20

4- Multiple trauma man present in ER wid pic of sever hypov.shock and

no peripheral line that u can insert ur action s:
-try central line the itraossious
-try intraossious directly
‫نسيت الباقي‬

pt. with 4 days hx of sore throat .. then she developed painless

serosantial discharge.. most probably organism is :
e) -candida
f) -Trichomonus
g) –streptococcus

mother has children and she thought that microwave will affect them and
they will get cancer .. what will u told her ??
-microwave not affect children
-there is specific type of radiation that lead to cancer & the microwave
is not apart from it.
-no study prove that radiation cause cancer .
- Microwave is dangerous on adult

Heavy smoker came to you asking about other cancer, not Lung cancer,
that smoking increase its risk:

Pt complaining of epigastric pain and nausea in endoscopy they found

erosive gastritis ttt is:
-H2 blocker
-I forhot but no PPI in the choices
22y male pt k/c of ERSD & DM1 present wid pic. Of DKA ph:7.12
sever acidosis ur management s:
-bouls L of normal saline + insulin 10 units then dialysis
- 500ml saline then call medical oncall
-insulin 10 unit alone
-last one is not clear I forgot it

Upon investigation of female u found in urine culture showed presence

of epithelial cells
A. chlamydia urthitis
B. cervicitis
C. vulvar contamination

youngCouple after marriage came after 3 months complaining of failure

to conceive regular manses everything is ok , what u’ll do :
A. continue to try
B. prolactin
C. sperm count

Pt 36 gastation presented with sudden bright bleeding then stopped on

exam. No abdominal pain nd pt vitally stable
A.placenta previa
B.abraptio placenta
C.sinus bleeding then clotted

Computer programmer in the coumpany , a case of carpet tunnel

syndrome, positive tinnel test , how to splint:

-pt with hx of head truma he developed inability to direct fork to his

mouth where is the lesion
A. cerebellum
frontal area
occibital area
1) A pregnant female in her 1st trimester, not immune to rubella, she
caught the infection of rubella, what's your management:
 No treatment.
 Give MMR.
 Give immunoglobulin. Sure got 5/5
Terminate pregnancy

regarding breast malignancy .. come Bilateral ?

-infiltrating ductal carcinoma
-lobular carcinoma
-paget dis
-ductal ectasia

Pt . heavy somking for 30 yrs complaining of dysphagia

endoscope done show picture (protrusion lesion) :
Sequamus cell carcinoma
diffuse esoph. Spasm

Middle age a cyanotic male with CXR showing increase lung

marking & enlarged pulmonary artery shadow, what is the most
likely diagnosis?
a) VSD
b) Aorta coarctation
c) Pulmonary stenosis
d) ASD
e) Truncus arteriosus
Which of the following medications is considered as( ‫اسم مرررره طويل‬
‫ما قدرت اذكرو مظبوط بس فيه ارقام كمان‬HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor):
a) Simvastatin
b) Fibrate

doctor wants to do a study in their city , and he decide to take

every tenth family for his study . Wt type of sample is this :
A. Systematically random sample ( my answer ) 4/5
B. Non sample random
C. Simple random sample
D. Stratified random sample

What is the cause of death in Ludwig angina?

a) Dysrythmia
b) asphyxia
c) pneumonia
d) wall rupture

Which of the following side effect is not associated with phenytoin:

a) Hirsutism
b) e) Osteoporosis
b) Macrocytic anemia
c) Asteomalasia
d) Ataxia

old female pt present in ER with pic of pneumonia in ER while the

nurse observe her the pt slept and during sleep o2 saturation
decreased from 96 to 88 wat s ur diagnosis :
-acute asthma
-sleep apnea
- I forgot last one

The cause of insulin resistance in obese is:

a) insulin receptors kinase activity
b) number of insulin receptor
c) circulation of anti-insulin
d) insulin production from the pancreas
e) post-receptor action
regarding Boutonniere deformity which one is true
a) Flexion of PIP &hyperextension of DIP.
b) Flexion of PIP & flexion of DIP
c) Extension of PIP & flexion of DIP.
d) Extension of PIP & extension of DIP

Normal daily caloric intake is :

a) 0.3 kcal/kg
b) 1.3 kcal/kg
c) 2.0 kcal/kg
d) 3.5 kcal/kg
e) 35 kcal/kg

‫هذا اللي قدرت اذكره و صلى هللا على سيدنا محمد و على اله و صحبه اجمعين‬

For any question plz. Do not hesitate to contact me

in my facebook wid user: Sam Alamri

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