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As part of the discussion about the convenience of same-sex couples adopting, I declare myself against.

I believe that the development of children can be seriously affected in all aspects, in the context of HIGH
discrimination and violence that exists in today's society towards the gay community. This violence has
increased critically around the world. With increased visibility comes increased vulnerability.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, people who identify LGBTQ experience
sexual violence at rates higher than heterosexuals: (USA, TODAY)

• 44% of lesbians and 61% of bisexual women experience rape, physical violence, and / or stalking by
an intimate partner, compared with 35% of heterosexual women.
• Half of bisexual women will experience sexual violence at some point in their lifetimes.
• 26% of gay men and 37% of bisexual men experience rape, physical violence, and / or stalking by an
intimate partner, compared with 29% of heterosexual men.
•Bisexual women are stalked twice as much as straight women.

These figures reveal the current state of security of the gay community. Without resolving, previously,
that there is a unsafe ground for same-sex couples, as well as for those groups with different sexual
preferences and identities than heterosexual, it is impossible to take a next step towards gay adoption,
because this would put at risk the childhood. It is not about experimenting with children, but about
providing them with a safe environment to live, that has everything necessary for their development to
be optimal.

The scenario of violence and hatred in which gay couples find themselves in the world, makes the good
growth of children impossible. According to researcher Nancy Guerra, social researcher at the University
of California at E.U: Children's exposure to violence in all its manifestations contributes to mental health
problems in the short, medium and long term. Psychiatric disorders that include depression, anxiety and
post-traumatic stress disorder are found most often among young people exposed to community

In addition, psychologically, violence and discrimination can be translated into a distorted view of the
world. It can lead to hyper vigilance in the face of threats, and even develop characteristic patterns of
thought and action related to aggressive and violent behavior. The constant exposure to a state of fear
and defense, generates a cluster of problematic results that include hypersensitivity to external stimuli,
behavior and learning problems, distrust, insecurity, fear, and a growing response of startle to problems
that affect regulation.

Given this panorama, it is necessary to double efforts to guarantee the safety of children, leaving aside
selfish behaviors that put children at risk, because this is not a matter of preferences, recognition or
visibility, but a matter of social and individual welfare for children. It is reprehensible to expose them to
prejudice, ridicule and even violence that exists in the hostile context of the gay community. Also,
enforcing legalization will make it more difficult for children to find the families they need.

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